Connections Winter 2017

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conn ctions WINTER 2017

Ronald Lefcourt’s Ronald Lefcourt

Game Changing Gift

Moves Transforming the Future into the Red Zone

SPECIAL ISSUE: Game Changers elevating healthcare for our community



2. The Lineup

Meet EHMC Foundation Game Changers, whose contributions have transformed the Medical Center and healthcare for the greater community.

3. MVP for EHMC

Game changer Ronald Lefcourt’s gift catapulted Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center into the Red Zone.

ON THE COVER Reaching the Red Zone of Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center is a major win for the region. Ronald Lefcourt (cover inset) made a lead gift, placing the largest modernization program in EHMC history into the homestretch of its ultimate goal.

8. The Game Plan

Nine years ago, strong leadership shaped a Strategic Plan to propel EHMC to the forefront of groundbreaking care. Today, deft management and generous donors have turned that plan into reality.

16. Happenings

There are so many ways to connect with the EHMC Foundation. Read about the latest gifts and events to learn how.

CONNECTIONS – WINTER 2017 EDITORIAL STAFF Debra Albanese Executive Vice President 201.894.3497

Todd Brooks Executive Director 201.894.3004

Sandra Sgambati Manager, Donor Relations and Communications 201.894.3386


Englewood Hospital and Medical Center has delivered the highest quality healthcare to the community for 125 years. Established in 1995 as a separate 501 (c) (3) taxexempt organization, the Foundation raises private funds to further the Medical Center’s vision to become the regional leader in providing state-of-the-art compassionate care in a humanistic environment to the community it serves.


from the Chairman a new era has been ushered in, positioning EHMC at the forefront of cancer care, integrative medicine, neurosurgery, orthopedics and so much more.


very game, every plan and especially, every win, starts with a vision for success. True leaders have the innate ability to look at a rookie and see a future Super Bowl MVP. It is all about identifying potential. With foresight, skill and perseverance, they inspire others to aim higher and reach further. They are Game Changers. Almost a decade ago, a remarkable team of visionaries at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center imagined a future where patients could access the finest healthcare right in their backyard. After shaping an ambitious Strategic Plan, the goal was to elevate our Medical Center to a world-class facility offering outstanding, humanistic care from top-tier physicians. Today, this jewel of a Medical Center stands as testament to the incredible efforts of thought-leaders and the many benefactors who have contributed their resources and talents to our bold initiatives. Driven by a desire to make a meaningful difference in the community,

In this issue of Connections, you will meet the leaders, visionaries, dreamers and investors who have spearheaded the remarkable modernization underway at EHMC. A spirit of pride and commitment infuses all that we do, and it is contagious. Patients have responded to the change with greater trust in the care we provide. The fact that more people are turning to the Medical Center for emergency, inpatient and outpatient services speaks to the dedication of the steadfast individuals who have contributed to our ambitious undertaking. Today, Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center is in the Red Zone, with more than $42 million of the $50 million goal raised. If we stay on top of our game, there is no limit to what EHMC can achieve. I invite you to join us on this exciting journey. With all best wishes,

Jay C. Nadel Chairman, Board of Trustees Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Foundation Chairman, Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center




The Lineup

Ronald Lefcourt

Richard J. Kurtz

Arlene Zweifler

Maggie Kaplen

Mickey Taub

Jay C. Nadel

Richard Goldweit, MD

Thomas C. Senter, Esq.

The Breakfast Club

Warren Geller

Game Changers see opportunity where others do not. They embrace ambitious goals and pursue them tenaciously. The EHMC Foundation recognizes individuals whose expertise, generosity and leadership elevated the Medical Center and changed the future of healthcare for the community. David Graf



Lori Stokes

MVP for EHMC Ronald Lefcourt, Philanthropist and Businessman As a young man starting out in business in the 1960s, Ronald Lefcourt’s work ethic and commitment to service propelled him to the pinnacle of the logistics and transportation industry. Discovering these same traits in the people of Englewood Hospital and Medical Center presented something of an “aha moment” for Mr. Lefcourt, whose game changing gift named The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center and thrust Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center into the Red Zone of its ultimate $50 million goal. “Life is about circumstances and relationships, and also about making the best of the opportunities that are presented to us throughout our lives,” says Mr. Lefcourt. “I believe in hard work, honesty, respect and collaboration, and the people at EHMC share these same values.” EHMC’s latest center of excellence brings top specialists, state-of-the-art technology and services together in a 185,000-square-foot facility, providing outstanding, humanistic care in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of cancer. With demand for cancer care expected to increase at EHMC by 100,000 potential patient encounters, thousands of community members will benefit because Mr. Lefcourt recognized a critical healthcare issue and stepped forward. Mr. Lefcourt is glad that he has the capacity to help. “It is an honor and privilege to participate and collaborate with the people at the Medical Center. It is such an outstanding organization, with so many great people. You do good work!”

OCCUPATION: President and Founder of Alliance Shippers, Inc., one of North America’s premier, privately owned, global logistics and transportation companies. GUIDING PRINCIPLE: “Relationships matter.” A good friend and patient of Herbert Dardik, MD, Ronald Lefcourt was impressed and grateful for the care he received at EHMC. He made a substantial gift that named the Ronald and Helen Lefcourt Hybrid OR in 2013. MOTTO TO LIVE BY: “Nice gets nice.” WINTER 2017



changers Creating the Home Field Advantage Richard J. Kurtz, Trustee, EHMC and EHMC Foundation, 1994 – Present The world was changing in the early ’90s, and real estate developer Richard J. Kurtz, who joined the Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Board of Trustees in 1994, recognized that EHMC needed to change, too. “We have an obligation to do the right thing for people and for the community,” says Mr. Kurtz, CEO of The Kamson Corporation, describing his forthright approach to business and philanthropy. A volunteer leader and generous donor for the past 23 years, Mr. Kurtz built a home field advantage for EHMC in 2008 when he oversaw an unprecedented wave of infrastructure improvements. As Chairman of the Facilities Committee, his real estate expertise was instrumental to the expansion of The Russell and Angelica Berrie Center for Humanistic Care, and, as Chairman of the EHMC Foundation (2001 – 2013), he led Lifeline to Tomorrow: Our Campaign to Build an Emergency Care Center, an initiative 100% funded by the local community.

OCCUPATION: CEO, The Kamson Corporation, the Northeast’s premier apartment management organization. GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT: “My three children and my six grandchildren.” MOTTO TO LIVE BY: “Be respectful. Be decent. Give back. Work hard.”



Mr. Kurtz, who has never forgotten his modest upbringing and Brooklyn roots, is quick to deflect compliments, noting that the EHMC success story belongs to others. “It has been a vast transformation that has brought the Medical Center to where it is now,” he says. “But it was a great group of men and women in management and on the various Boards, and extraordinary people who work and operate here that made this happen, not just me.” With momentum for Transforming the Future building to within reach of its ultimate $50 million goal, Mr. Kurtz, who has made a leadership gift toward its success, says it has been a privilege to serve EHMC. “I feel very fortunate to be part of this, and to be one of many people who have helped bring us to where we are today.”

A Sustained Commitment Arlene Zweifler is living proof that the generosity of one individual can make a lasting impact. Over the last decade, this retired school teacher’s sustained commitment to the EHMC Foundation has helped to grow and strengthen the culture of philanthropy at the Medical Center. Why I decided to get involved with EHMC: “I taught in the Bronx for my entire career, so I appreciate the role of the Medical Center in the community where I live. Making a financial commitment was a way for me to give back.” How stewardship became a priority: “I appreciate identifying the areas of support that are important to me.” Ms. Zweifler also welcomes the opportunity to partner with the Foundation. “I direct a portion of my yearly contribution to be used wherever it would be the most beneficial. I am happy to help any way that I can.” Smart Planner: When drawing up her estate plan, Ms. Zweifler made sure to include EHMC, because it was, “a good way to accomplish personal and philanthropic goals, now and in the future.” An active volunteer at the Medical Center, she also directs a portion of her annual giving toward college scholarships for Junior Volunteers in recognition of their service. How giving inspired volunteering: “It felt good to make a financial investment in the Medical Center. When I also had the opportunity to give my time, it seemed like a natural progression.” From 2008-2016, the Medical Center benefited from 53 bequests totaling

$5.7 million.

Stepping Up to Make a Lasting Impact The Annual Fund provides a gateway for friends of EHMC to establish an ongoing relationship with the Medical Center and build a firm philanthropic footing that sustains vital programs and services. Members of the Leadership Society are key investors in the health and well-being of our community. By making an annual commitment of $1,000 or more to the Medical Center, their gifts support direct patient care, clinical programs, facilities and technology, while inspiring others to step up and champion excellent care. Through their generosity, Leadership Society donors enjoy a closer connection to EHMC while witnessing the results and impact of their giving. Benefactors may also choose to make a planned gift to the Legacy Society. Planned giving donors make a significant contribution to the future of EHMC and their long-term dedication ensures that our community has access to outstanding healthcare for generations to come.

From 2008 to the present, Annual Fund gifts totaled

$34.3 million, a critical pool of support that strengthened care and services for the community.





The Power Boosters Successful teams need strong backing to make it to the big game. Investors like Maggie Kaplen and Marilyn “Mickey” Taub consistently inspire others to rally around the Medical Center, providing leadership support that compels others to join the team. Maggie Kaplen, President, The Kaplen Foundation and EHMC Trustee Rallying others to support EHMC comes naturally for Maggie Kaplen. Her enthusiasm stems from her conviction that access to top healthcare forms the heart of any community. “I am an advocate for EHMC all the time. That is why I am still engaged on the Board and am actively involved.” Throughout the years, Mrs. Kaplen and her late husband, Bill, who was also an EHMC Trustee, supported the modernization of the Medical Center. In fact, the Kaplen family’s lead gift officially launched the successful

$30 million Capital Campaign to build The Kaplen Pavilion, which houses the Emergency Care Center at EHMC. The generosity of the Kaplens has served as an example in the community, igniting a passion for giving back in others who have recognized the value in supporting the Medical Center. Inspired by the Kaplen family, close friends have chosen to make financial commitments to the Medical Center and serve on EHMC committees that work to fulfill the vision of Transforming the Future. Mrs. Kaplen’s involvement with EHMC began six decades ago, when she was a student at Dwight School for Girls

ON GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY: “My philanthropy is personal. I support what interests me and invest myself in those organizations. I have been very fortunate in my life, and it is a privilege to enhance life for others less fortunate. We are our brother’s keeper.”



(now Dwight-Englewood School). “We were encouraged to do volunteer work, and I chose to work here. Volunteering at EHMC, in the original building, was exciting. We made it fun.” Today, The Kaplen Foundation’s generosity spans many different causes and organizations around the world, and Mrs. Kaplen always makes sure to include EHMC. She is also happy to devote her expertise to the Medical Center’s Board. “Working hard to keep our Medical Center the best requires dedication, involvement, time, energy and engagement,” the Tenafly resident says. “I am willing to do that because I totally believe in this institution.”

Marilyn “Mickey” Taub, Co-founder and Director, The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation Stewardship has been a hallmark of the Taub family for generations. Born into modest means, Mickey Taub and her late husband, Henry, were taught by their parents to share their gifts with the less fortunate. That legacy lives on today in Mickey and younger generations of the family. “These are the values that were ingrained in us by our parents,” says Mickey. “We have passed this on to our children, and they have passed it on to their children.” A volunteer at EHMC as a young mother, Mickey and her husband established The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation in 1967. Through the years, their organization has

made an incredible impact in New Jersey and beyond. Mickey gives gratefully to improve the community that has embraced her family. “We have an obligation to support those organizations that provide services to the communities where we live, and we know that there are many people in need in Bergen County,” she explains. “This has been a wonderful place to raise our children. I have personally benefited from so many organizations, including EHMC.” The Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation is proudly celebrating its 50th anniversary. Through the years, the Foundation’s determined commitment to growth, advancement and innovation by way of philanthropic gifts that support a vast range of programs,

services and capital improvements has enabled the Medical Center to transform from a small community hospital to a world-class medical center. Today, the Taub family continues to carry out that most basic lesson learned so long ago, share with those most in need, and is actively involved through The Taub Foundation to ensure that its legacy of giving continues to make an impact for the Medical Center and other noteworthy organizations. “I continue to be impressed by the commitment and dedication to quality healthcare at EHMC. We hope others will recognize how fortunate they are to have a wonderful Medical Center to meet their needs and will be supportive of its plans for expansion.”

ON GIVING BACK TO THE COMMUNITY: “My husband and I came from humble beginnings, and we were both taught to be grateful and do what we could to help others. Our family believes that we have an obligation to support those organizations that help those in most need.”









EHMC anticipates and addresses changing healthcare needs in the region with a bold and innovative Strategic Plan to deliver cuttingedge, compassionate care to Bergen County and beyond.

Lifeline to Tomorrow: Our Campaign to Build an Emergency Care Center surpasses its goal. Completed on time and on budget, the $30 million Capital Campaign was funded 100% by community-minded donors and organizations.

EHMC introduces the Physician Partners Giving Program to acknowledge dedicated physicians who annually contribute $1,000 or more to the EHMC Foundation.


Over the past eight years, the collective generosity of Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Foundation donors has turned the vision of world-class care into reality.



The public phase of Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center is launched. The $50 million modernization program revolutionizes the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, enhances maternity services and positions EHMC at the forefront of patient care.

EHMC unveils The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center. Made possible by a lead gift to Transforming the Future, this center of excellence sets a new standard of cancer care with top specialists, advanced technology and comprehensive services.

In the RED ZONE With $42 million raised, and the strongest donor engagement in EHMC history, the Medical Center is ready to tackle the next 126 years of care for the community.





Winningest Head Coach Jay C. Nadel, Chairman of the Board, EHMC Foundation, 2013 – Present and Chairman, Transforming the Future, 2013 – Present Jay C. Nadel uses smart strategy and sound judgment to guarantee progress. He has achieved outstanding results at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, helping to establish the original game plan for change, as Chairman of the Board, EHMC, from 2006 – 2012. In 2013, he became Chairman of the EHMC Foundation, where he is leading another major win: the current $50 million Capital Campaign, which is helping to foster the Medical Center’s non-stop modernization and stunning success. While Mr. Nadel has emerged as the organization’s planning pro, he is quick to credit those he considers the Medical Center’s dream team. “In a collaborative way, we, and I mean everyone, including the physicians and nurses, the management group, the executive boards and all the employees...We all put together the game plan and, together, we made it happen.” A self-described “former Wall Street guy,” Mr. Nadel brought a unique skillset and his love of challenges to the task of transforming EHMC. Ten years ago, he instantly recognized the need “to get everybody on the same page.” His first six months were a listening tour to learn what needed to be done. “I always said, ‘Once we all agree on an approach for moving forward, we are doing it,’ and that is exactly what happened. It was everyone’s plan.” As Chairman of the EHMC Foundation, an important part of his strategy is engaging stakeholders and showing them the tangible results of their support. “Donors have been educated in what we are doing and see the outcomes of their generosity,” he says. The winning record speaks for itself. “Compare where the Medical Center was a decade ago to where it is now,” says Mr. Nadel. “We are receiving awards. We are now serving a continuously growing number of communities. We are profitable and building a culture of philanthropy. Working together, there really is nothing that the Medical Center cannot do.” Mr. Nadel is positive that the triumphs will continue. He asserts, “Dream teams like ours get themselves into a ‘zone of victory’ and win continuously. It becomes easier and easier to increase the momentum it takes to consistently reach your goals. That is where we are today and that is where we intend to stay.” 10


BIGGEST FAN: “My wife, Beth.” (The couple met commuting from New Jersey to New York City.) LEADERSHIP STYLE: “Progressive. Forward thinking. Optimistic.” DEFINITION OF GOOD STEWARDSHIP: “Making sure that every day we earn the trust of the growing number of communities that we will be serving by always doing the right thing, both short and long term.”

Partners in Progress A renowned cardiologist, Richard Goldweit, MD, wants the very best for his patients. That is why he led a philanthropic physicians’ initiative that is ushering in a new wave of progress for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center and the region. Philanthropic Program of Choice: The Physician Partners Program. Since its inception in 2013, Dr. Goldweit has advocated for the annual giving recognition program and inspired a culture of philanthropy among EHMC physicians. How Partnering Became a Priority: “I started my career and training as an engineer, so I tend to look at everything in a process-oriented way. I think it is a very natural process to want to support EHMC and the local community. Most people are passionate about the place in which they work, and they care about the people that they surround themselves with. To me, it is a very balanced equation. You want to promote the very best that the environment can provide.” Value of Giving Back: “It is a beautiful thing to give back to the community and the infrastructure where you spend your day. For me, it is an honor to touch people’s lives. I think most of the doctors here take a lot of pleasure and pride in their ability to give. Not just in providing excellent care, but in helping EHMC to evolve and achieve better things.”

Physician Generosity Inspires the Community Every day, EHMC physicians see how investments in technology, medical facilities and treatment impacts the lives and well-being of their patients. Their robust support of the Physician Partners Program demonstrates that they are as committed to the Medical Center as they are to providing outstanding humanistic care.

Since its inception in 2013, program participation has grown significantly with

120 physicians now actively engaged in giving.

Physician Partners commit to annual

gifts of $1,000 or more.

Total physician giving in 2016:

$2.3 million Total physician support for Transforming the Future:

$5.6 million




changers Taking the Playbook to the Next Level Thomas C. Senter, Esq., Chairman, Englewood Healthcare System and EHMC, 2012 – present

OCCUPATION: Attorney and Partner, Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis, LLP PERSPECTIVE ON VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP: “Our shareholders are the people in the communities we serve. As Trustees, we are fiduciaries and are responsible for the safety of the institution and the quality of care that we provide. We take our responsibilities very seriously and, although we are volunteers, are held to the same high standard as are Trustees who are paid for their service.” AT THE END OF THE DAY: “I am happy to be able to serve in the community where I live and my children grew up. Also, I am so fortunate to have my wife of 38 years, a fantastic son and daughter and son-in-law, and a great group of caring friends. They make everything I do possible.”



Northern New Jersey is stronger and healthier in 2017 thanks to a clinical and academic alliance forged by Englewood Hospital and Medical Center and Hackensack University Health Network (now, Hackensack Meridian Health) nearly two years ago. A leader behind the innovative alliance is Thomas C. Senter, Esq., who joined the EHMC Board of Trustees in 2005. Now Chairman of the Board of Trustees of both EHMC and its parent organization, Englewood Healthcare System, Mr. Senter provided the foresight and counsel that brought two major medical centers together to work for the common good of improved healthcare and access to healthcare throughout the region. For Mr. Senter, it all comes down to making decisions that are in the best interests of the community. “Healthcare is a basic need that affects everyone. We need to do the right thing”, he says. “When we looked at the affiliation with Hackensack, it was about finding the best model to provide great care.” More than one year later, the partnership has proven to be extremely beneficial to the communities served by both systems. Access to patient services has been enhanced and information technology initiatives to share electronic medical records in the most seamless and efficient manner are well underway. Medical education is also advancing. Mr. Senter indicates that as EHMC will be an important training site for students at the new medical school being formed by Hackensack-Meridian and Seton Hall University, it will have a major role in training the next generation of great physicians who will practice in our communities. Having also presided over the largest modernization program in EHMC history and taking an active role in EHMC’s current Strategic Plan, Mr. Senter believes the Medical Center is very well positioned for the future. “Everything we do and every decision we make is in furtherance of our mission to provide compassionate healthcare at the highest level; both today and for generations to come. This is why we serve as Trustees.”

The Serious Business of ‘Friend-Raising’ Twice each year, The Breakfast Club meets at Alpine Country Club to listen to notable speakers, connect with friends and raise funds for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. Susan Silberman, a former EHMC Foundation Trustee, conceived the idea of using social outreach to engage and educate more community members about Medical Center programs and services. Suellen Freeman, Beth Nadel and Carol Rubin, accomplished women who are all part of the EHMC family, grew the initiative into a signature occasion that enriches the lives of attendees, while raising hundreds of new friends for the Medical Center. Where did the idea for The Breakfast Club originate? Susan Silberman: “I initially conceived the idea and recruited a great team of women to get involved. I am so proud of the way the event has grown and connected with the community.” Why did so many respond? Suellen Freeman: “It is an opportunity to meet the people at the Medical Center in a relaxed setting, not just when you are ill. The Breakfast Club is a way to complement EHMC and the community at the same time.”

How is “Friend-Raising” different from fundraising? Carol Rubin: “You are socializing and networking, mingling and having breakfast with your friends in the neighborhood. You are catching up with old friends you might not have seen in a while, and you are meeting new ones. The Breakfast Club is the perfect vehicle to be a friend-raiser. It is informative in an enjoyable way.”

Why is The Breakfast Club so successful? Beth Nadel: “It is a wonderful introduction to the Medical Center. Each event is unique and it is always changing, just like EHMC is always changing. We have different speakers who cover a variety of topics, and we are always providing information about what is happening at the Medical Center. It is not the same messages over and over again each time. It is always something new.”

The first Breakfast Club included 75 attendees. Today, the bi-annual event attracts more than

200 community members.

Carol Rubin, Beth Nadel and Suellen Freeman. WINTER 2017 13



All-Star Quarterback Warren Geller, President and CEO, EHMC, 2013 – present Englewood Hospital and Medical Center was five years into its Strategic Plan and breaking new ground when Warren Geller became President and CEO in January 2013. A dynamic leader, known by patients and medical staff alike, Mr. Geller deftly carried out plays that led EHMC toward the goal line. Chief among his priorities is securing opportunities and resources that have attracted top physicians and specialists to the Medical Center, which Mr. Geller likens to recruiting top players in an NFL draft. He has been a highly visible and hands-on President and CEO and a champion for humanistic care. “We have been very successful at looking past the day-to-day tasks and challenges and keeping the patient at the forefront of everything we do.” Teamwork is tantamount to Mr. Geller, who joined EHMC in 2009 as Chief Operating Officer. “I think any good leader knows that you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with, and the talent surrounding us is tremendous,” he explains. The combined efforts of physicians, staff, Board members, philanthropic partners and leaders have shaped the future of healthcare, according to Mr. Geller. “We have not waited for others to tell us what the model of care should be,” he says. “Our EHMC team has forged the path so that we are growing along with the healthcare needs of the community.” Carrying the Medical Center’s most ambitious Capital Campaign, Transforming the Future, into the Red Zone has special meaning for the indefatigable quarterback of EHMC’s strategy. “Everything goes back to the patient and to the needs of the community,” he says. “This is not about any of us as individuals. We have a 126-year history that started way before all of us, and we need to make the decisions today that people are going to benefit from for decades to come. You and I, as individuals, might not see all the fruits of our labor, but others will thank us years down the road.”



WAKE UP CALL: “4:30 a.m. I never miss my morning workout.” GAME WINNING STRATEGY: “Every encounter is an opportunity to learn. You study those around you, see how people do things differently and incorporate what works into your leadership style.” GREATEST HOPE: “That my kids grow up to do wonderful things and appreciate all the opportunities that they have earned, and to give back at a multiple of what they have been exposed to.”

Raising Funds and Fan Participation Anticipation runs high each year for the Gala, Golf Classic and Walk for Awareness, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Foundation special events that have grown exponentially over the past eight years. The expertise and generosity of David Graf, CEO of Tranzact and Chair, Special Events Committee, 2012 – 2015, and Lori Stokes, Co-Anchor, Eyewitness News This Morning and Honorary Chair, Walk for Awareness, 2011 to present, shined the spotlight on EHMC and raised significant funds that shaped the future of healthcare for the community. How the Foundation Gala went from good to spectacular: “The goal was to put EHMC on a bigger stage and generate a lot of buzz around our events.” Highprofile talent and honorees, premier venues and sold out attendance raised more than $8 million in six years, helping to fund important priorities for the Medical Center’s Strategic Plan. The Gala broke the $1 million mark in 2011: Under his leadership, the Gala raised more than $1 million annually, for the past five years. Why do you consider EHMC such a worthwhile investment? “People who get involved in the Medical Center become very invested in the place. Dedicating time and financial support is gratifying because you can see the difference it makes in the community.”

What prompted your involvement in the Walk for Awareness and the fight against breast cancer? “I am passionate about anything that supports women’s health. It is also a great family event.” Record-Breaking Development: More than 1,300 people joined the 2016 Walk for Awareness, setting a new benchmark for community participation. Since its inception in 1999, the Walk has raised nearly $2 million, providing uninsured women access to lifesaving services at The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center. Why do you encourage friends and neighbors to participate in the Walk? “You have to support the places and people in your community. That is a bond that is never broken. I hope even more community members come out for the 2017 Walk for Awareness because it is a common thread that ties us all together. It is truly wonderful.”

When David Graf and

A record number of

his wife, Jennifer

community members

Graf, throw a party,

joined the fight

everyone wants

to battle cancer.

to participate!

Participation for

Attendance for the

the 2016 Walk for

annual benefit for

Awareness increased

The Graf Center for

by 40%.

Integrative Medicine

has increased 75% in five years.






An Evening to Be Grateful

More than 220 guests joined the EHMC Foundation on November 17, 2016, at Alpine Country Club for Be Grateful, a benefit for the Graf Center for Integrative Medicine. Supporters helped raise over $165,000 for the Graf Center, which provides a variety of holistic therapies, including medically supervised yoga, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, stress management and massage. Jennifer (first row, second from left) and David Graf with the Graf CIM Benefit Committee.


Walking for Good

Bright skies and unseasonably warm temperatures made for a picture-perfect day at EHMC’s annual Walk for Awareness on October 30, 2016. Close to 1,300 supporters were in attendance, and 100-plus community volunteers helped the Foundation execute our largest community event! Together, we raised more than $150,000 to benefit The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center, enabling the Medical Center to provide uninsured women with free mammograms and access to lifesaving care. The Walk was sponsored by Town Motors. The number one community fundraising team, Bosom Buddies, led by EHMC Foundation Board Member Ellen Glantz-Tucker, at the 2016 Walk for Awareness.


Got Spirit?

The staff and student body at The Hanal School in Leonia rallied together in support of EHMC earlier this season. Together, they raised funds to benefit the Medical Center, proving that you are never too young to make a difference. Their efforts will help create a lasting impact for countless patients and families at EHMC.

Students and staff of The Hanal School presenting their donation to the EHMC Foundation. 16



Rebels with a Cause

The thunderous roar of hundreds of motorcycles helped drive the 17th annual Andiamo Benefit Motorcycle Run to victory. Friends and supporters arrived at Andiamo Restaurant in Haworth on September 18, 2016, for this special community fundraising event, enjoying a day of fun, food, music and, of course, hitting the open road for a ride unlike any other.

Siggy Flicker, pictured far right, with members of the Breakfast Club Committee.


A Gathering of Friends

Author, matchmaker and Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member Siggy Flicker headlined The Breakfast Club’s fall gathering at Alpine Country Club on December 8, 2016. Nearly 150 guests joined the EHMC Foundation for a morning conversation where friends, old and new, had the opportunity to learn about the Medical Center and one another.

Doing good is a family affair for the Dicksteins! Pictured left to right are Linda, Jill, Don, Alan and his wife, Gina.



Fore! EHMC

The follow-through of our friends and sponsors helped make a difference for patients and families at EHMC. Thanks to their generosity, the 2016 Golf Classic held at Knickerbocker Country Club on September 27, 2016, raised more than $257,000. We extend a special note of thanks to our Presenting Sponsor, Benzel Busch, for its continued friendship and support. From left to right, Lance Hutchins, Drs. May and Erik Chu and Steven Mayer enjoying a day on the course at Knickerbocker Country Club. WINTER 2017


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Save the Date

201 7 Gala Saturday, June 17, 2017 Honoring

James Klein, M.D. Associate Medical Director, Institute for Patient Blood Management & Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Chief, Cardiac Surgery, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center

Thomas C. Senter, Esq. Chairman of the Board, Englewood Healthcare System and EHMC

Entertainment by Gavin DeGraw New Jersey Performing Arts Center Newark, NJ

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