Connections Winter 2018

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conn ctions WINTER 2018

Perpetual Motion After the record-setting finish for Transforming the Future, our Medical Center looks ahead.

The Sit Tribute Down towith Donors Mark• Shapiro, The Sit Down MD • with A Legacy Ronald ofGold Kindness • Faces • Faces of Philanthropy of Philanthropy


Tribute to Transforming the Future Donors F E AT U R E S

2. The Community is Talking...

About outstanding care made possible by Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center.

4. Our Future Looks Bright

The Medical Center unveils its next 10-year Strategic Plan.

6. Because Every Minute Counts

As our region ages, so does the prevalence of cardiovascular disease. The Heart and Vascular Institute, a central component of EHMC’s Strategic Plan, is tackling the issue head on.

10. The Sit Down

A conversation with EHMC Trustee and Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee Ronald Gold about charting the Medical Center’s future course.


12. Faces of Philanthropy

Following the most successful Capital Campaign in its history, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center plans for the future.

Meet the generous donors who have made giving to the EHMC Foundation a significant part of their lives.

14. Happenings

See who turned out for a roster of fun and worthwhile EHMC Foundation events held this past spring, summer and fall.

16. Ask the Foundation

Inspiration and passion are powerful ingredients behind the many community-driven fundraising events that benefit our Medical Center.

CONNECTIONS – WINTER 2018 EDITORIAL STAFF Debra Albanese Executive Vice President 201.894.3497

Todd Brooks Executive Director 201.894.3004

Sandra Sgambati Manager, Donor Relations and Communications 201.894.3386


Englewood Hospital and Medical Center has delivered the highest quality healthcare to the community for more than 125 years. Established in 1995 as a separate 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization, the Foundation raises private funds to further the Medical Center’s vision to become the regional leader in providing state-of-theart compassionate care in a humanistic environment to the community it serves.

Transforming the Future Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center

Honor Roll of Donors

Remembering Ronald Lefcourt January 29, 1935 – January 2, 2018 The Englewood Hospital and Medical Center community mourns the passing of Ronald Lefcourt, the prominent businessman and philanthropist whose extraordinary generosity turned the vision of Transforming the Future into reality. Born in Astoria, Queens, Mr. Lefcourt rose from humble beginnings to become President and Founder of Alliance Shippers, Inc., one of the foremost logistic and transportation companies in North America. His belief in giving back had an enormous impact at EHMC. Gifts from Mr. Lefcourt established the Medical Center’s first Hybrid Operating Room, named a treatment room of the Emergency Care Center in honor of his late wife, Helen Lefcourt, and made The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center possible. We are forever grateful to Mr. Lefcourt for his friendship, support and commitment to advancing healthcare for our shared communities.

1st Constitution Bank Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan L. Abad Gloria and Wilson Aboudi Dr. David and Karen Abramson Debra Albanese Mr. and Mrs.* Pablito Almira The Andiamo Motorcycle Charity Lori and Eric Aroesty Donald and Deborah Aronson Atlantic, Tomorrows Office Drs. Lewis and Neli Attas Lovey Beer and Family Dr. Thomas Bernik and Dr. Stephanie Bernik Dr. and Mrs. Mahesh Bikkina Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blatt Yale and Myrna Block The Bluestein Family Braverman and Lester Attorney at Law Steven B. Braverman Jack and Lucinda Brennan Donald*, Ginette, Michael, Jerome & Robert Brenner Mark J. Brescia, MD FACOG Dr. and Mrs. Steven Brower Nancy and Howard Brown Donna and Stephen Brunnquell, MD Marc and Robin Byron Caduceus, Inc. Jacqueline Cahn* Dr. Troy E. Callahan J. Campoli & Sons, Inc. Capstone Realty Group Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Capuano Mr. and Mrs. James M. Casty Central Consulting & Contracting, Inc. Estate of Violet Padayachi Cherry Helen and Michael Chiang Natasha R. Chinn, MD FACOG Youngsoo and In Jin Choi Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clarke Alan and Myrna Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. Cohen James and Lisa Cohen Estate of Marion Constable Mr. and Mrs. George T. Conway, III

Bob and Judy Cook The CRH Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Dardik Mr. and Mrs. Srinivas Dhulipala Eugene and Julie Diaz and Family Don, Linda, Alan and Jill Dickstein Dr. Mary Ann Donohue-Ryan and Mr. Matthew Ryan Dr. and Mrs. David M. Dubin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Durkin The Economos Family Marty and Dale Ehrenreich Dr. Lee and Nancy Eisenberg Maria and Steve Elias, MD Emergency Physicians of Englewood, PC Englewood Pathologists, PA Englewood Radiologic Group Dr. and Mrs. Jay Erlebacher The Fader Family Estate of Doris H. Farr Estate of Ralph Feigelson Mr. Jack Feiler Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Ferrante Feuerstein Family Merle and Fred Fish Helen L. Fitzpatrick Dr. and Mrs. Francis A. Forte FreemanWhite Inc. Eva Lynn and Leo Gans Herman and Yetta Geller Foundation Warren and Kristin Geller Donald Gershuny Mel and Gayle Gerstein Elizabeth Givner Ms. Ellen Glantz-Tucker and Mr. Stephen Tucker Mr. Ron Gold and Family Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Richard Goldweit Charles and Alexandra Gottdiener David and Jennifer Graf Dennis Gralla, Cresa New Jersey Estate of Anne C. Greenblatt The Gregory Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Grossmann Emily and Michael Gutter

The Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Foundation is deeply grateful to donors whose generosity and commitment to advancing care for our region propelled Transforming the Future to surpass our $50 million goal. Thank you!

This listing reflects gifts of $10,000 or higher received as of December 31, 2017.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Han Debbie and Mickey Harris Irwin* and Marjorie Hirshberg Eva Holzer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holzer Richard H. Holzer Memorial Foundation Hownan Investment Co. Drs. Richard and Wendy Hurst Levine Frank and Valerie Huttle Dr. John Hwang Thomas and Beverly Jackson Jazz Foundation of America Leslie and Stephen Jerome Mr. and Mrs. Eun Rae Jo Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Jones III Peggy Kabakow Mr. and Mrs. David Kaminsky Steven and Tiffany Kaplan The Kaplen Foundation Mrs. Margaret Kaplen Mimi Kassel Drs. Dennis and Stephani Katechis Dr. Brian and Sung-Hee Kim Sun and Young Kim Charles and Lynne Klatskin Dr. and Mrs. James Klein Walter Klein, MD Estate of Edith B. Kleineke Kenneth and Florence Kovaly Mr. and Mrs. John S. Kroese Bill* and Joan Kuhns Richard J. Kurtz and Family Estate of Harry and Carol Kutik Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Laginestra Dr. and Mrs.* George Leber/ Cardiology Consultants Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee Ronald Lefcourt* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Leibowitz Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lerner Ken and Janae Lester Dr. Daniel Maman and Mrs. Stacey Harris Maman Mr. Robert F. Mangano Sam and Emily Mann Harold* and Reba Martin

Jill and Erik Maschler Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Matican Med Assets, Inc. Beth and Mark Metzger Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Migliaccio Jeremy Moon, MD FACOG Mr. Eric Morrison and Dr. Jill Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Nadel Dr. Nimesh Nagarsheth and Ms. Benita Singh The Nasif Family North Jersey Electrophysiology Associates, PC Northern Center for Plastic Surgery Northern Valley Anesthesiology/ Team Health Anthony T. Orlando The Alfiero & Lucia Palestroni Foundation, Inc. Alicia and Bernie Park Erica Park and David Hong Dr. and Mrs. Jeff R. Pavell Jodi and Neil Piekny Michael and Donna Pietrowicz Leon and Shiri Redensky Estate of Ruth Rempe Ms. Dot Romaine David and Penny Rosen Estate of Naomi Rothschild The Rubach Family Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rudnitsky Estate of Peter Sacco Mark Sapienza, MD and Christine Sapienza Estate of Renate Schaefer Dr. Tracy Scheller and Mr. David Oaten Dr. Michael Schleider and Mrs. Ruth Miron Schleider Norman and Barbara* Seiden and Family Linda and Thomas Senter Shapiro Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shirvan Sylvia and Stanley Shirvan Foundation Estate of Louis Siegel

The Siesser Family Susan and Chuck Silberman Sunisa and Grant Simons, MD Mr. Arthur Sinensky and Ms. Debra Oremland Sinensky Dr. Karen Singer and Mr. Gary Singer Ellen and Lloyd Sokoloff Estate of William R. Soons Lisa and Mark Spivack Dr. and Mrs. John R. Stabile Drs. Steinberger, Moore, Arginteanu, Yao and Gologorsky Andrea and Neil Strahl Ellen Strahl and Family Zahava and Moshael Straus Dr. Samuel and Mrs. Gayl Suede Dr. and Mrs. Barry Sussman Peter Symington, MD and Cynthia Symington, MD The Targovnik and Van Clief Family Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation Ira and Shelley Taub Judy Taub Gold Steven and Benay Taub Mr. and Mrs. Scott Tesser Steven and Liza Tish Estate of Jesse A. Turner Vizient Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Volpe WALTERS Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Weber Steven and Anne Weisholtz Dr. Andrew Weissman and Dr. Debra Weissman Estate of Dolph Wettreich Craig and Mara Wilkenfeld Dr. Joseph Willner and Dr. Judy Willner Patricia and Thomas Wilson Wm. Blanchard Co. Ms. Helene Wolk Alice* and Bruce Youngman and Family Mr. and Mrs. Martin Zaikov Dr. and Mrs. Barry Zingler and Family Mr.* and Mrs. Robert Zoellner * Deceased

Campaign Steering Council CHAIR Jay C. Nadel Chairman of the Board Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Foundation EHMC Trustee VICE CHAIRS David L. Abramson MD EHMC Trustee Chief, Department of Plastic Surgery Nancy G. Brown EHMC Foundation Trustee Elizabeth B. Carlin, MD Chief, Pediatrics and Newborn Medicine In Jin Choi EHMC Trustee Warren Geller President and CEO Ronald Gold EHMC Trustee David Graf EHMC Trustee Gregg P. Lobel, MD EHMC Trustee Chief, Anesthesiology Jill S. Morrison, MD Medical Director, Wilson Kaplen Infusion Center Joseph Rubach EHMC Foundation Trustee Miguel A. Sanchez, MD Chief, Department of Pathology Medical Director, The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center Thomas C. Senter, Esq. Chairman of the Board Englewood Healthcare System and EHMC Mark L. Shapiro, MD EHMC Trustee Chief, Department of Radiology Stanley Shirvan EHMC Foundation Trustee Steven E. Siesser, Esq. EHMC Trustee


from the Chairman Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center, championed by our loyal friend, the late Ronald Lefcourt, is delivering seamless treatment and humanistic cancer care, close to home.


his is an amazing moment for the growing number of communities that we serve. Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center has surpassed our goal of $50 million and this has been done over one year ahead of schedule. This was the most ambitious fundraising campaign in the history of EHMC. It was successfully accomplished thanks to the benefactors who believe in our vision to revolutionize healthcare. Stronger together, we have made a lasting contribution that will impact our region for decades to come. From the outset, Transforming the Future was about responding to existing and emerging needs by pushing the boundaries of medicine and humanistic care. In the process, we fully realized our role as a premier Medical Center in the region. Today, more infants are born at the Medical Center thanks to the renovation and expansion of the Family Birth Place. Access to outstanding physicians and specialists has been enhanced as a result of investments in technology, research and cutting-edge programs. The Lefcourt

With this Campaign, we have also ushered in a new era of philanthropy. Support from our community was tremendous, with all stakeholders at EHMC participating including Trustees, physicians, employees and volunteers. This is clearly a testament to the trust and confidence that is placed in the Medical Center. The legacy we created allows EHMC to imagine, and then deliver, care that makes a tangible difference in the lives of patients and families, as well as businesses and organizations throughout our area. Your commitment and the phenomenal results of Transforming the Future demonstrate that when we elevate our Medical Center, we lift our community. We now have a unique opportunity to build upon our success. In this issue of Connections, you will learn about EHMC’s new Strategic Plan and the blueprint that will lead this great institution into the next generation of healthcare. I am proud to be part of a Medical Center that embraces challenges and seizes opportunities to break new ground. I hope that you are, too. With all best wishes,

Jay C. Nadel Chairman, Board of Trustees Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Foundation Chairman, Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center




the future

The Community is Soniaruffini ...and they found two small lumps in one of my breasts. The good news is that they are benign cysts. Thank you, God. And thank you Englewood Hospital for the amazing staff you have at the Breast Center. When was your last mammogram?

Englewood Hospital and Medical Center’s New Family Birth Place CE NT ER


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The Be ve Deser

Soniaruffini It’s been a few years since my last mammogram ...


Jason Pinter @jasonpinter • June 30 Leaving @englewoodhosp a family of three, hearts full. Thank you to the wonderful doctors, nurses and staff. Best week of our lives.

Advancing Excellence in Breast Health

Rave Reviews for Family Birth Place

Women and the family members and friends who love them have come to rely on outstanding care and service from The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center. Funds raised from Transforming the Future doubled the size and enhanced the overall design of the Center.

New moms and dads are delighted with the Family Birth Place, which was renovated and expanded with the support of the Capital Campaign. Since the Family Birth Place opened in 2015, the number of deliveries at the Medical Center has increased by 25%.


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“Cluster Four” Unveiled More people are turning to EHMC for full-joint replacements, as well as spine and brain surgeries, to lead healthy, active lives. The opening of the state-ofthe-art suite of operating rooms, “Cluster Four,” provides top surgeons the space, technology and equipment to meet this growing demand.

Everywhere you look, people are talking about the services and outstanding care made possible by Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center.

Talking... Taking the


Congratulations #EnglewoodHospital and Medical Center!

The EHMC Foundation thanks Mr. Lefcourt for his exemplary philanthropic leadership, unwavering support and for making a difference in our community by naming The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center at Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. Mr. Lefcourt’s generosity propels Transforming the Future: Our Campaign for Englewood Hospital and Medical Center within reach of its $50,000,000 goal to underwrite the most significant modernization program in the Medical Center’s history. We salute Mr. Lefcourt and the many others who are taking the lead.

Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Recognized. In its 27th annual “Best Hospitals” rankings, U.S. News & World Report named Englewood Hospital and Medical Center a Best Regional Hospital.


Englewood Hospital and Medical Center is a leading provider of high-quality, comprehensive and humanistic care serving northern New Jersey and beyond. (Special to Local news media highlights change and progress at EHMC.

For more information, visit, call the Foundation at 201.894.3725 or email us at

The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center

The Accolades Keep Coming

Readers of The New York Times woke up to big news in November 2016. The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center was named, thanks to a lead gift from philanthropist Ronald Lefcourt. Designed for the comprehensive prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, the Center is on track to record an estimated 100,000 patient encounters in one year.

Transforming the Future raised EHMC’s brand of care even higher. In 2017, the Medical Center was once again nationally recognized for exceptional and safe patient care by Healthgrades, The Leapfrog Group and CareChex®.

Investing in Our Community EHMC is able to deliver superior healthcare thanks to a robust culture of philanthropy that involves donors, volunteers, patients, physicians, Trustees and others all working toward the same goal: advancing our Medical Center.




Expand and Integrate Core Services 3. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH

One in four adults lives with mental illness at some point. The Strategic Plan will improve access to care, build stronger partnerships with behavioral health allies and modernize on-campus and off-campus facilities.


Cardiovascular disease is responsible for nearly one-third of all deaths in the US each year. The newly structured Heart and Vascular Institute will drive the expansion of cardiovascular services and programs to help people live longer, healthier lives. Feature story on the future of cardiac and vascular care begins on page 6.


“Your hospital for life” is more than a tagline. It is an expression of excellent, humanistic care that thousands of people trust and rely upon. The Strategic Plan will take our brand to the next level with superior patient experiences and more opportunities for people to share their EHMC story. 4


Thanks to a generous community, more than $100 million of philanthropic support in the last decade has transformed care at EHMC. The EHMC Foundation will support the Medical Center’s most vital goals in the next decade through ambitious fundraising, the promotion of volunteer leadership and engaging more physicians and clinical allies in worthy endeavors that will enhance our existing culture of philanthropy.



Nearly 3.5 million people reside in northern New Jersey and EHMC is well positioned to enhance access in order to improve the health outcomes of large populations. Our community will be stronger and healthier as a result of strategic initiatives that deliver seamless, outstanding care, enhance the patient experience and lower costs.


As Baby Boomers live longer, more active lives, they increasingly turn to EHMC for life-changing orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery. The Strategic Plan will guide the growth of these centers of excellence and integrate preventative, chronic and complementary rehab and imaging services.

Our 10-Year Strategic Plan

Englewood Hospital and Medical Center’s impact keeps growing. Beyond Engle Street, EHMC’s excellent brand of care has expanded to 70 clinical locations and physician practices. Our widespread presence combined with the new 10-year Strategic Plan, better positions the Medical Cnter to anticipate and respond to the health needs of residents and set new standards for treatments, services and outcomes. EHMC will harness its resources, talent and ingenuity to advance eight imperatives:


EHMC’s robust physician network encompasses 1,100 credentialed physicians on the medical staff and nearly 350 physicians in 70 locations through MDPartners. The need for convenient access to high quality care will continue to grow. The Medical Center will meet this demand by continuing to attract and retain talented physicians and investing in programs, technology and infrastructure to ensure the success of these partnerships.


The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center has raised the bar for cancer care. EHMC will continue to lead the way by introducing innovative treatments, enhancing access to care and addressing the emerging needs of cancer survivors.

The EHMC Strategic Plan is the result of a thoughtful, deliberate process. Its development is rooted in the 2016 Community Health Needs Assessment, a comprehensive, data-driven report that identifies the health status, behavior and needs of residents in the communities served by the Medical Center. The EHMC mission and vision, “To be the regional leader in providing state-of-the-art, compassionate care in a humanistic environment,” guided the priorities and goals outlined in the plan. Input came from stakeholders representing every facet of the EHMC community. Widespread participation and the time and expertise invested by Trustees, members of the Executive Committee, EHMC Foundation Board of Trustees, Medical Staff Leadership, Healthcare Partners, Medical Executive Committee, Medical Staff Chiefs and Section Chiefs, Senior Leadership, volunteers, patients and public officials further ensure the success of the Strategic Plan. WINTER 2018



Because Every Minute Counts 6


When a person has a heart attack or aortic aneurysm, time is of the essence. That is why the Heart and Vascular Institute is an essential component of the Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Strategic Plan. EHMC is ready to address critical needs with cutting-edge care that quickly and positively impacts cardiac and vascular patients, their families and the greater well-being of our community.

Aging in Place Population data projects the number of adults age 65+ will increase

35% by 2027.

Top Condition for patient admissions to EHMC is due to cardiovascular disease.


Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the US, according to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

David Toma knew something was terribly wrong. The legendary police detective, who inspired the hit television show Baretta, was climbing a flight of stairs and could not catch his breath. “It was so bad, I was holding my chest,” Mr. Toma recalls. “I thought I was going to die.” The issue was cardiovascular disease, specifically, a failing aortic valve. Fortunately for Mr. Toma, and the thousands of people he helps as a motivational speaker, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center was ready with an innovative solution.

The rise of boomer-age patients and the accompanying healthcare issues they will encounter are driving factors in the development of the new Strategic Plan that charts the course of EHMC for the next 10 years. The Heart and Vascular Institute, a world-class center ranked among the top 10% in the nation for medical excellence in patient safety and number one in New Jersey for patient safety by CareChex®, is one of four clinical priorities identified for expansion and greater integration of services to meet the emerging health needs of the broader community.

Following a minimally invasive procedure called TAVR (transcatheter aortic More Patients. valve replacement) in 2017, Mr. Toma More Challenges. is back to his daily routines. “Now that I Heart and Vascular Institute physihad the procedure, I can walk cians are already experiencfour, five or six miles,” he ing the impact of the By 2030, says. The shortness shifting population. of breath is gone share of the U.S. “Cardiovascular and at age 84, disease is one of population expected Mr. Toma is the top causes to have some form able to focus for admission on what he of cardiovascular to the Meddoes best, ical Center,” disease will be serving those explains Samimpacted uel Suede, MD, by substance Chief, Cardiology abuse, because of and Medical Directhe physicians and tor, Cardiac Rehabillevel of care received at itation. “Its prevalence is EHMC. He is hardly alone. growing as our population ages.” Every day, an estimated 10,000 Baby Thomas Bernik, MD, Chief, VascuBoomers turn 65 in the US. In Bergen lar Surgery, has seen an upswing in County and the surrounding region, vascular conditions that he attributes adults age 65 and older are expected to a combination of aging and major to surge by as much as 35% in the risk factors including diabetes, obesity coming decade. As the number of and high blood pressure. “We are in the seniors in our community increases, midst of it right now,” he says. “Greater so does their likelihood of developing numbers of patients are progressing cardiac and vascular disease. By 2030, to more difficult pathologies, which are the share of Americans expected to more challenging to treat.” have some form of cardiovascular EHMC’s cardiology and vascular illness will be 44%. experts are tackling the emerging





PROS Leading the Way Cardiologist. Physician Partner. Leader. The many roles Samuel Suede, MD, plays at EHMC are substantial. Now the Chief of Cardiology and Medical Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Dr. Suede led the Strategic Plan effort to develop four centers of excellence within the Heart and Vascular Institute. The accomplishment sets the stage for growth and the enhancement of cardiovascular services in the coming decade. Dr. Suede, affiliated with the Medical Center for more than 25 years, is quick to share the credit. “It is a team effort,” he says. “We have a wealth of talented physicians who really care about delivering the best cardiovascular medicine possible. So many are volunteering, participating and contributing ideas, which leads to a better product in the end.”

epidemic head on. “To care for a population that is increasingly elderly and more frail, you have to use the talent and resources to treat patients safely with lower-risk procedures,” Dr. Bernik adds. In recent years, the Heart and Vascular Institute introduced a number of cuttingedge techniques and continues to adopt new technologies, advance treatment and raise quality outcomes even higher through the practice of evidence-based medicine.

hospital stays and faster recoveries. The number of TAVR cases at EHMC is growing exponentially, from 40 in 2015 to more than 120 in 2017. “It really is a remarkable procedure that has helped a lot of patients, who otherwise would not have had any relief,” says Dr. Suede. In fact, the surgery is so successful that the FDA recently approved TAVR for intermediate-risk patients.

Catheter-based procedures also make a significant difference in the lives of Innovation Meets EHMC’s vascular patients. At the Heart Critical Health Needs and Vascular Institute, surgeons repair weakened blood vessels using the EHMC was one of the first endovascular stent and a small hospitals in the country to incision. For older, more offer TAVR in 2012. vulnerable populations, The catheter-based the minimally invasive procedure, repair allows for approved by the effective treatment Food and Drug that significantly Administration reduces risk and (FDA) in 2011, Cardiothoracic recovery time. is a game surgeries have changer for The need for these more than doubled cardiothoracic innovations is evisince 2010. surgery. denced by demand. Cardiothoracic surgeries People deemed too at the Heart and Vascular old or frail for openInstitute more than doubled heart surgery have a lesssince 2010, rising from 230 to 470 in invasive option that reduces the 2017. “Increasingly, area residents want risk of complications and results in shorter

Innovation Fuels Demand



Cardiothoracic Surgeries in


470 TAVR (transcatheter aortic valve replacement) procedures at EHMC


2015 to 2017

Innovation Matters Thomas Bernik, MD, FACS, is making his mark on cardiovascular medicine by specializing in complex open surgery and advancing minimally invasive procedures. The vascular and endovascular surgeon joined the Medical Center two years ago as Chief of Vascular Surgery and is the physician behind the developing limb salvage program. “EHMC is innovative,” he says. “It has always made the changes necessary to remain at the forefront of groundbreaking care. That is what makes it so attractive to physicians.”

to receive medical attention at the places that are writing the next chapter on innovative care,” says Warren Geller, President and CEO of EHMC. “Our Medical Center is quickly becoming a destination hospital, with physicians who are at the forefront of revolutionary treatments.” Other state-of-the-art advances are underway. Last spring, EHMC performed its first MitraClip surgery, a minimally invasive heart valve repair recently approved by the FDA. It offers a life-saving procedure to patients deemed too high-risk for traditional open mitral valve surgery.

care for individuals experiencing severe obstruction of arteries that put extremities at risk. This multidisciplinary approach is a guiding principle of the Strategic Plan and EHMC’s hidden advantage in meeting the critical health needs of the region.

Staying Ahead of Cardiovascular Disease

This drive toward higher quality led to four centers of excellence within the Heart and Vascular Institute: Structural Heart Disease, Coronary Heart Disease, Arrhythmia Management and Aortic Disease, as well as committees that include the area’s leading cardiovascular The Heart and physicians. Their Vascular Institute goal, according to Dr. Suede, is to focus on of Excellence ways to enhance •Structural Heart performance, •Coronary Artery Disease outcomes •Aortic Disease and efficiency •Arrhythmia Management to stay ahead of cardiovascular disease.

A groundbreaking amputation prevention program is also in active development. The Institute is leveraging the expertise of a spectrum of EHMC specialists — vascular surgeons, orthopedists, podiatrists, wound care physicians and nurses — to provide comprehensive

4 Centers

“We are looking at everything on a macro level,” he says. “We have always been very focused on the pa-

tient experience, but now we are also analyzing data and quality measures, determining opportunities and identifying services that add value to the community.” The introduction of the MitraClip procedure, for instance, is a direct outgrowth of the Structural Heart Committee. Members investigated the new technology and determined there was enough demand for the procedure for the EHMC heart and vascular team to perfect it. For the growing numbers of people who will develop cardiovascular issues, the clinical advancements of the Heart and Vascular Institute, as well as enhancements to facilities and investments in new technology, ensures that the best care is available, close to home. “With cardiovascular disease, the first manifestation is often a dramatic one,” Dr. Suede says. “If you are in the midst of a massive heart attack or pulmonary edema, you need to be treated at your local hospital because time is of the essence.” Timing is something Mr. Toma understands very well. To his EHMC physicians, he says, “You saved my life, now I am saving other people’s lives as I have been doing. Thank you.” WINTER 2018


THE SIT Fast Facts: 1. Home Base: Saddle River, N.J. 2. Father of: Three adult children, age 22 to 29. 3. Best piece of business advice received: “Be a good listener and bring in talented people.” 4. Roots for: New York Islanders while growing up on Long Island. Became a New Jersey Devils fan after moving to the Garden State.

with Ronald Gold Englewood Hospital and Medical Center and Ronald Gold are a natural fit. A pharmaceutical executive and Trustee of Englewood Healthcare System and Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Mr. Gold serves as Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee and is expertly guiding the development of EHMC’s Strategic Plan. He sat down for a conversation about charting the Medical Center’s future course.

C: How would you describe your role in the Strategic Plan process? R: I would describe my role as a director or pilot. EHMC management did a great job with the Strategic Plan and I am proud of the great leadership we have at the Medical Center. I was mainly there to guide, mentor and come up with ideas to help management look at all of the priorities from many angles so that they could develop a great plan.

C: It sounds like you were vetting the Strategic Plan as it was being developed. R: Exactly. As a Trustee involved in this process, it is difficult for me to say, “Should we do more open heart surgeries?” or “Should we buy catheter machines?” because I am not the one in the trenches. I look to question, advise, poke holes in an idea and really inspire. The key is to get everyone involved in a strategic plan excited about doing more and making sure they look at every perspective.

C: Why is it necessary for EHMC to evolve and do more? R: The last decade has been amazing. The EHMC Foundation, for instance, raised over $100 million, which helped build out some fantastic services. This definitely needs to continue. EHMC is well positioned for the future, but it is a tough business. 10 ENGLEWOOD HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL CENTER FOUNDATION

The Strategic Plan is the blueprint. With everyone working together — the Strategic Planning Committee, the Foundation, EHMC Trustees and physicians — we will develop new initiatives that keep people healthy, the Medical Center will thrive and the community will get fabulous healthcare right at their back door.

C: What do you think this Strategic Plan will ultimately mean for EHMC and the community? R: Overall, what it will do is bring better care to the community. The plan, in its current state, determines the right path for EHMC to pursue. We are not trying to be everything to everybody, which is why there are eight imperatives that build on strengths and opportunities. The idea is to be the best in the areas where we focus our efforts. And it is not a plan set in stone. It is absolutely an ongoing process. If times change, laws change or reimbursements change, we are going to have to change with it.

C: Any aspect of the Strategic Plan you are particularly proud of? R: The focus on population health is interesting. Taking care of people before they get sick and finding ways to manage healthy outcomes is really important. This is the way the world is moving and we seem to have our finger on the pulse of what is going on in the healthcare industry and in the country. EHMC is doing the right things for the future.

C: There is no shortage of worthy institutions in our area that volunteer leaders can support. Why did you choose to become involved with healthcare and EHMC? R: Obviously, I live in the community, but healthcare is also in my blood. I have been in the pharmaceutical business for 25 years and have a taste for the industry and reimbursement. For me, getting involved with the Medical Center is an extension of my profession and I like trying to help bring quality care at an affordable price to the community.

C: How instrumental is volunteer leadership to fulfilling the vision for the Medical Center? R: It has been a big influence in helping take EHMC to the next level. Some really terrific people stepped up and brought their expertise to the Board. Chairman [Thomas C. Senter, Esq.] and the Trustee officers are always looking for talented individuals. Everyone has a different experience, profession or quality to contribute, which can encompass advertising, branding, law, business or the desire to give charitably. Trustees have a basic, fiduciary responsibility to oversee operations of the Medical Center, but also help management find their way through issues, question and assist with every opportunity. It is fantastic to see how volunteers can help set the course for EHMC. Ronald Gold has served as Trustee of Englewood Hospital Board since 2007. He founded Rising Pharmaceuticals in 1992, grew the company into an industry leader and later, started the generic pharmaceutical company, Leading Pharma, LLC, where he currently serves as CEO.


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PUTTING HIS PASSION TO WORK FOR EHMC Don Dickstein Translate the phrase “Let’s Go!” to Italian and you have the name of a highly rated restaurant, Andiamo, along with its bighearted owner’s outlook on life. “Whoever walks in here is treated like friends and family,” says Don Dickstein, an EHMC Foundation Trustee who has operated the Haworth establishment for more than 25 years. The same could be said for the Andiamo Benefit Motorcycle Run, which was founded by Mr. Dickstein and celebrated its 18th year in September. “It is a very uplifting event,” he says. With nearly 1,000 motorcycle riders participating and an after party attended by more than 2,000, he adds, “There is a great spirit around the Andiamo Run. Everyone looks forward to it.” Over the years, the restaurateur’s passion for motorcycles (he became an avid rider 35 years ago) has raised more than $1 million to benefit EHMC and other nonprofit organizations. The Medical Center has always held a special place in Mr. Dickstein’s heart, and the connection grew stronger when his wife, Linda, was diagnosed with breast cancer a number of years ago. “The care she received was phenomenal and the relationships we established with the doctors continues to this day,” he notes. The experience inspired a greater commitment as a donor, Foundation Trustee and ambassador to the wider community. “I have watched our local hospital grow into a major Medical Center,” Mr. Dickstein says with a measure of pride. Yet, he clearly appreciates EHMC’s patient-centered focus. “I want my patrons to feel truly welcomed when they come through my doors. That is the same feeling I have every time I walk into EHMC.” Don Dickstein at the bar of the family-run Andiamo Restaurant, which he operates with his wife, Chef Linda, and son, Alan.



RECOGNIZING THE VALUE OF CARE Elizabeth and Michael Laginestra When they talk about the things they value most in life, Elizabeth and Michael Laginestra finish each other’s sentences. Family (the couple have five children and are the grandparents of six), good health and stepping up for the community are the priorities that define and guide the Laginestras' relationship and lives. “I am an easy person to convince when I see a purpose,” says Mr. Laginestra, a leading commercial real estate dealmaker and Vice Chairman of CBRE’s New York City office. Once the couple was introduced to the work and mission of the EHMC Foundation, they did not hesitate to make a leadership commitment to Transforming the Future. The gift was a highly personal one. Mr. Laginestra lost his mother and father to cancer as a young adult. “I watched that experience,” he says. “It is inhuman even in the best of circumstances.” It was important to Mr. and Mrs. Laginestra to enhance critical care and create an environment that affords cancer patients privacy and dignity. “It makes us proud that we can give in this particular fashion,” Mr. Laginestra adds. “We are very happy with all the progress we have seen.” Mrs. Laginestra developed a deep appreciation for the Medical Center when her elderly father, Lloyd Frankini, received a heartbreaking diagnosis. They turned to EHMC’s cardiac team who provided a year of intensive treatment. Today, the Laginestras call Mr. Frankini's recovery a true blessing. “You get attention and such good care at EHMC,” Mrs. Langinestra says. The couple encourage more people to give to the Medical Center, whether it is time or a financial commitment. “Advances in healthcare are moving fast,” says Mr. Laginestra. “It is enormously important for the community to embrace the Medical Center that supports them.”

PROMOTING THE MISSION Alexandra Gottdiener, MD Show up at the next Breakfast Club and you are sure to spot Alexandra Gottdiener, MD, and her team. The Chief of Internal Medicine and Co-Director of the Braverman Executive Wellness Program regularly sponsors a table for the EHMC Foundation event so her entire staff can enjoy lunch and stimulating conversation. Highly respected by colleagues and patients, Dr. Gottdiener rarely passes up an opportunity to demonstrate her support for the Medical Center as a Physician Partner and generous donor to Transforming the Future. “When EHMC says it cares for the community, we absolutely care for the community,” she says, pointing to the Medical Center’s commitment ($61 million in charity care in 2016 alone) to providing high quality healthcare across the socioeconomic spectrum. “That is a big part of our mission and why I feel proud to be a part of Englewood.” The internist does not hesitate to articulate the case for EHMC to members of the community and medical staff. “We need to have state-of-the-art equipment, high levels of expertise in our physicians and be financially sound, so we can provide care to patients who cannot afford the care themselves,” Dr. Gottdiener says. “Consider EHMC and make it a favorite charity because philanthropy makes the work of the hospital possible.”






The Breakfast Club Committee with guest speaker, Lauren Hersh (center, back row).


Warren Geller, President and CEO, EHMC, with guest speaker Dorothea Benton Frank, and Jay Nadel, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, EHMC Foundation.

Breakfast Club

Lauren Hersh (photo on left) and Dorothea Benton Frank (photo on right) headlined EHMC Foundation’s biannual Breakfast Club gatherings on April 6 and December 1, respectively. In addition to raising funds, the Breakfast Club provides a forum for friends, both old and new, to learn more about the Medical Center and how it is helping to shape healthcare in our region.


Heel the Soul

More than 180 supporters helped make Heel the Soul's third annual benefit event on April 24 a rousing success! Over $80,000 was raised for this special resource program, which provides comfort and assistance to women battling serious illness at the Medical Center. Founder and Chair of Heel the Soul, Joanne Ehrlich (center), pictured with her children, Jennifer and Jason Stone.


Physician Partners

Dr. and Mrs. Gregg Lobel graciously welcomed guests to their home on June 13 for this year’s Physician Partners Reception. The event is hosted annually by the Foundation in recognition of physician leadership support of EHMC.

Members of the Physician Partners Program Dr. Peter Symington, Dr. Gregg Lobel and Dr. Mark Sapienza.




Golf Outing

EHMC Foundation’s 2017 Golf Classic raised a record-breaking $300,000. Sunny skies on October 2 provided the perfect backdrop for a day of golf followed by a cocktail reception.

EHMC Foundation Board Trustees, Mark Spivack, Dr. Marc Arginteanu and Dr. David Abramson.


President’s Reception

The EHMC Foundation welcomed donors to its annual President’s Reception on October 24. Donors who make an annual leadership commitment to advance the goals and mission of the Medical Center were recognized for their exemplary support. Jonathan and Robyn Lefcourt with Warren Geller, President and CEO, EHMC.


Walk for Awareness

A dark and gloomy forecast led to the first-ever cancellation of EHMC Foundation’s annual Walk for Awareness on October 29. But rain clouds could not dampen the commitment of Walk for Awareness supporters with an astounding $190,000+ raised, making the 2017 Walk a record-breaking success! The L&D Divas, a fundraising team comprised of labor and delivery nurses, staff and physicians.


Graf Center for Integrative Medicine

The EHMC Foundation welcomed over 320 supporters to “be Mindful,” a special benefit for the Graf Center for Integrative Medicine, on November 14. Donors helped raise more than $275,000.

Graf Center for Integrative Medicine Co-Chairs, David and Jennifer Graf, with guest of honor Marc Byron and his daughters, Kara, Lexi and Jenna Byron.





Community Driven Support for EHMC

Andiamo Benefit Motorcycle Run after 18 years shows no sign of slowing down. Handmade blankets and cards made by 4th and 5th grade students from the Helping Hands after school program at Dorchester Elementary School brought smiles and comfort to patients at EHMC.

Young people celebrate important life events like a Bat or Bar Mitzvah with a gift to the EHMC Foundation.

The annual Spring Bling Think Pink fundraiser lent its support to The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center.

Do you have a great idea for giving back to our Medical Center? You are in excellent company. Each year, our Foundation connects with dozens of individuals, companies and organizations that want to support EHMC by organizing or sponsoring a fundraising event. The passion, energy and community spirit that go into creating these fundraisers is truly inspiring. Local retailers host shopping nights for customers and donate a percentage of the sales to EHMC. Health clubs find inventive ways to promote fitness to clients, while dedicating a portion of the proceeds to wellness programs at the Graf Center for Integrative Medicine. Neighbors organize teams for the annual Walk for Awareness to make more lifesaving mammograms available to women and civic groups raise funds that are used to purchase blankets and other comfort items for patients undergoing cancer treatment. Support for EHMC comes from every corner of our region and everyone has the opportunity to make an impact. If you would like to make the Medical Center the 16


Town Subaru of Englewood, with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, delivered blankets, care cards and craft kits to EHMC’s Infusion Center.

recipient of your philanthropy, take the first step and review the Community Fundraising Guide Form on our website, The form also provides information and guidance to help plan a successful event. Quality healthcare impacts everyone and our culture of philanthropy grows stronger each day, thanks to all who rally on behalf of EHMC. We invite you to explore ways you can use your time and talent to bring life enhancing care to our community. Debra Albanese has served as Executive Vice President of the Englewood Hospital and Medical Center Foundation since 2011. To speak with the Foundation about a fundraising idea or gift, please e-mail or call 201.894.3497. You can also visit our website, for more information.



Our Finest Hour GALA 2017

More than 800 friends raised $1.5 million at “Our Finest Hour,” the 2017 Gala, held on June 17, 2017 at NJPAC. The signature event honored James Klein, MD, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, and Thomas C. Senter, Esq., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Englewood Healthcare System and EHMC. The spectacular evening featured a live performance by Gavin DeGraw.

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Sunday, October 7, 2018

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