Index $GPGLL 139 4×4 keypad 172
A accurate timing 148 AC parameters 80 Active buzzers 218 active-LOW 125 active low-pass filters 84 AD8318 196 AD9850 signal generator 164 ADC 187 air core coil 74 Amateur Radio exams 217 Ammeter 187 ampère meter 190 analog input 188 Arbitrary periodic waveform 156 Astable circuit 90 atitude and longitude 137 attack rate 208 audio amplifier 256 Auto boot 250 Automatic Gain Control 237 Average 38
B bandwidth 72 Battery operation 250 Binary 49 Binary counting 109 binary divider 186 Bipolar junction transistor 77 bistable 90 BJT 77 Bluetooth 260 Bluetooth Controller 263 BOOTSEL 12, 27, 34 brightness control 115 bus expander chip 121 Butterworth filter 92
Capacitance meter 187 capacitive humidity sensor 135 carrier signal 207 cathode terminal 67 Cauer topology 93 C/C++ 27 channel separation 237 Character spacing 217 common-emitter transistor amplifier 80 conversion time 187 cosine 43 current date and time 129 current-sinking mode 103 current-sourcing mode 102 cut-off frequency 85
D DAC 144 Dah 217 damping factor 88 dB 204 dBm 204 DGPS 137 DHT11 134 135 Dice 46 digital audio limiter 208 Digital-to-Analog Converter 144 direct-sampling mode 297 Dit 217 DSP 207 duty cycle 91, 171, 257, 259 dynamic range 208
E Enable 114 end = ' ' 39 ESP-01 278 European RDS 208 external LED 101 external timer 182
Calculator 45
File processing
● 307