Indictmen Salvador Cienfuegos

Page 1

AO ,142 (Rev.


Arrest warrant

UNrrpo Sreres Dtsrrucr Counr for the Eastem District of New York

cR 1g - 366

United States of America

SALVADOR CIENFUEGOS ZEPEDA, also known as "El Padrino" and "Zepeda,"

) ) ) )

Case No.





) Defendonr


Any authorized law enforcement officer

YOU ARE COMMANDED to arrest and bring before a United States magistrate judge without urmecessary delay (tame of person to be arrested) SALVADOR CIENFUEGOS ZEPEDA, also known as "El Padrino" and "Zepeda" who is accused ofan offense or violation based on the following docurnent filed with the court:

d Indi"trn"nt D Superseding Indictment n Information 0 Superseding Information D Complaint O Probation Violation Petition O Supervised Release Violation Petition 0 Violation Notice E Order ofthe Court This offense is briefly described as follows: lnternational Heroin, Cocaine, Methamphetamine and Marijuana Manufacture and Distribution Conspiracy; Heroin, Cocaine, Methamphetamine and Marijuana lmportation Conspiracy; Heroin, Cocaine, Methamphetamine and Marijuana Distribution Conspiracy; Conspiracy to Launder Narcotics Proceeds, all in violation of T. 21, U.S.C., SS 841(bxlXAXi), 841 (bX1 XAXii), s41(bX1 XAXvii), 841(bXl XA)(viii), 846, 8s3(a), 853(p), 959(d), 960(bX1XA), e60(bXl XBXii), eoc(bxl XG), 960(bX1XH), 963,970; T. 18 SS 982(a)(1), 982(bX1), 19s6(h), 3238 and 35s1 et seq.



\ Ogl14l2o19 I ssu i ng

City and state




Hon. Vera M. Scadon

Brooklyn, New York


na e drd title

Return This warrant was received on


, and the person was arresled on (dote)

at (city and state)

Date: Arres ting ofrce r's s ignature

Printed name and title


AO 442 (Rev.


l/l l)

Anâ‚Źst Warranl (Page 2)

This second page contains personal identiliers provided for law-enforcement use only and therefore should not be filed in court with the executed warrant unless under seal. (Not

for Public Disclosure)

Name of defendant/offender:

Known aliases: Last known residence:

Prior addresses to which defendant/offender may still have ties:

Last known employment: Last known telephone numbers: Place of birth:

Date of birth: Social Securitv number:







Scars, tattoos, other distinguishing marks:

History of violence, weapons, drug use: Known family, friends, and other associates

(nane. relation. address, phoie number):

FBI nunber: Complete description of auto:

lnvestigative agencl and address:

Name and telephone numbers (office and cell) ofpretrial sewices or probation officet (dapplicable):

Date of last contact with pretrial services or probation officer (ifapplicable)

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