Conclusion To conclude the oversized trend has reached out to the mass market, percolating all types of demographics, genders and social classes. Even when considering social hierarchy, the trend managed to trickle up from the streets to the luxury market. The cultural bias within the 90’s led to one of the biggest trends, forming continuous update revival. Living in a highly saturated culture, brands need to stay relevant to their consumers, especially the younger audience, this being 16-24. “Generations Y and Z are already the main growth engine of the luxury goods market, driving 85 percent of luxury expansion last year. By 2025, they are expected to account for 45 percent of total luxury goods spending.” (Business of Fashion., 2018). Which will ultimately add to the longevity of the trend. The liberation of style choice and the crucial role the trend played in 90s fashion, led to its comeback and the continuation of the trend. Luxury fashion is continuously showcasing these trends on the runway and undoubtedly will be forthcoming. But it leaves the question will it ever get too big?