New Fort Park: Urban Design

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Existing River Course

Annual River Flooding

Anna Egerton-King 170182979 Newark, believed to have been founded by the Romans, lies at the intersection of two significant Roman roads, the Great North Road and Fosse Way. Newark’s name dates from this era, meaning literally ‘new fortification’. Fuelled by transport and trade and the confluence of intercultural exchange, the town grew first around a wooden and then stone fort, a large market was established, the community grew as travellers stayed and for centuries the town prospered. New Fort Park challenges, educates and empowers communities, providing compelling space for cultures that overlap and interact whilst hosting the European Biennial Manifesta 2024. The park reflects elements of Newark castle and history, creating a strong identity and embracing diversity, overcoming perceived barriers. Bands of defence, areas of sacrificial land and intervention have been designed to showcase the relationship between static permanence and resilient dynamism. It brings the impact of climate change to front of mind and encourages pro-environmental behaviours. Its focus is on what brings us together; what draws people in and how that can be protected, how space is temporal and why it will endure.

Street trees along the Great North Road create a shaded streetscape as well as catch surface water runoff.

Main threshold into park. Access from town centre, Newark Castle, train station and wider pedestrian footpaths.

Fastigiate Species

The mound provides an advantage point with extensive views. A1

Boardwalk platform provides an observation point.

Park designed to accommodate flooding which will become more frequent with climate change. Sacrificial land divided by 1m bands create depth and change of space.

A large open greenspace to keep existing function of the park and allow festivals such as the Manifesta to take place.

Temporary Bridge, implemented during the Biennial Manifesta, connecting Newark’s cultures and encourage river passengers to disembark.

Regimented, formal area of vegetation obstruct and create views.


Woodland trail provides an alternative route through the park for visitors to explore whilst screening the railway. The woodland creates a green corridor and glades which benefit biodiversity.

Storytelling Building – visitors learn about the impacts of climate change and the environment.

Workshop Building – to be used for visitors to develop or learn new skills. The building also has a café area and to host Manifesta activities.

Wetland Area – observe and learn about the natural environment and how it changes.

Local Offices – the interface between building and landscape creates a relief from working environment.

Drawbridge – connecting the three permanent buildings and extending geometry to the Corn Exchange across the river.

All buildings sit on a raised elevation to replicate the motte and bailey defence formation that Newark Castle once deployed.

Interaction with water – areas of boardwalk extend into the river to enhance visitor experience. Sound and sight of rushing water draw people towards the river edge. Temporary Building and outdoor space –to be used as an extension of the Workshop Building to host activities in an outdoor environment.

Resilient and adaptable vegetation species used to withstand future climate impacts.

1 in 1000 Year Flood


European Biennial Manifesta 2024

Alignment and Views

The Manifesta promotes cultural awareness, understanding and interaction in order to encourage people to see the world in a different way. Inspired by the history and transient peoples of the castle and town, the park offers multiple spatial experiences and differing journeys, welcoming and varied encounters, protection from its surroundings and a diverse, adaptable and dynamic landscape.

Primary and secondary paths lead visitors directly to points of interest from all access points, drawing them through the park towards the buildings and across to the river. Raised areas of topography throughout the park allow for varied views.

‘Drawbridge’ Timber Boardwalk

The space is fluid, surprising, and changes over time with the four temporary exhibition buildings each in its own typology. This drawbridge connects the Storytelling Building, surrounded by wetlands, to the other two, and forces visitors to engage with space, confront the temporal nature of landscape and protection of culture, challenging them to think of their own environment, and how that might change in the future.

Storytelling Building Perennial Meadow

Recreational Greenspace

Vegetation Strategy Woodland provides tranquillity and screening. More formal planting creates structure around paths or boundaries to separate spacial functions. Wetland emphasises movement and fragility. Nearly all existing vegetation will be maintained, such as the mature willow trees on site, to retain the sites character and reduce costs.

SECTION: 1:200 Views to and from the castle

Stepped landscape - change in topography to accomodate river flooding

Viewing Platform

Large open greenspace to allow festivals such as the Manifesta to take place

Poplar trees mark the transect of paths

Tree lined avenue to workshop building and offices

Alnus glutinosa


Fastigiate Trees & Shady Perennial Mix

Statement Trees & Path

Resilient Woodland

Thresholds are a focal place in any landscape. The main gateway into New Fort Park provides a transition from one experience to another. The inspiration stemmed from replicating Newark Castle’s main point of entry/exit where visitors from an unprotected, exposed space from every direction gathered before entering, funnelled into the linear drawbridge, past the castle walls and out into the courtyard.



Amelanchier canadensis

Resilient Woodland


SUPPORTING ILLUSTRATIONS: Visitors are faced with a decision as the path divides.

Statement trees mark the entrance point of the park



Prunus serrulata

Sketch: shows the woodland 50 years after establishment. Trees are at full maturity transforming the space.

Concrete Exposed Aggregate

Large Open Greenspace

Populus nigra

Mown Grass

Perennial Mix




Alnus glutinosa

Deschampsia cespitosa

River Trent

Boardwalk Platform

River Trent

Sandstone Castle Wall

Newark Castle

Temporary Building & Sunny Perennial Meadow

Gabion Basket Retaining Wall

Woodland area provides screening from railway

Resilient Woodland: Nature is reclaiming the landscape providing benefits for both people and wildlife. It gives a sense of enclosure, exploration and more mindful.

Seating space for people to wait and meet others.

Paving change to signify entrance threshold




Small scale, intimate seating spaces allow visitors to relax amongst planting.

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A riverside path creates extensive views across River Trent towards the castle.

Gabion basket seats provide an opportunity to rest




The swale absorbs water surface runoff and removes pollutants

SECTION: 1:200




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