El Tecolote Vol. 51 Isssue 16

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Vol. 51 No. 16

August 12-25, 2021




El Tecolote

omunidad, We’ve been witness to various reckonings in recent years. From the height of the #MeToo movement in 2017 that brought powerful well known abusers to supposed if not temporary justice, to last year’s mainstream acknowledgement of how racism is woven into the fabric of our historical institutions. And now we have a reckoning of our own. On Aug. 6, 2021, Sasha Perigo, a member of our San Francisco community and a tenant’s rights organizer, courageously came forward and publicly named the man who raped her last April, detailing the incident on Twitter by sharing a seven-page document that included her account of the events, discharge paperwork from SFGH and a letter from SFPD confirming that her rape kit had been processed. That man—well known in Mission politics and someone who El Tecolote has featured prominently in the past—is Jon Jacobo. The news that a woman of our community had been violated by someone she trusted, a man of our community who had orchestrated an image as a community servant, was devastating. But given the history of abuses committed by men of influence, it wasn’t a surprise. If anything, Sasha coming forward about her attack was a grim yet necessary reminder that abusers exist in all forms, including charismatic community leaders. “Coming forward publicly about your rape isn’t fun,” Sasha told El Tecolote over email. “I’ve been subjected to a barrage of comments picking apart every aspect of my life. Commenters have told me that I’m an unfaithful girlfriend, a whore, a liar, and even that I deserve to be raped repeatedly in order to “teach me a lesson.”” This incident is a microcosm of a greater issue that has long plagued our community and machismo culture at large, and one that has largely been ignored. Chances are that if you’re reading this, you are a survivor yourself, the child of a survivor, or at the very least have witnessed or experienced the frequent harassment of a catcall along 24th Street. Many of us have felt this toxicity fester for generations in our communities and yes, even in our homes. “But I am also very aware that the opportunity to come forward this publicly, and to receive the community support that I have, is not afforded to all survivors,” Sasha said. “For example, the media has heavily reported the fact that I am a Stanford alumna this week. While I am Latina, I am also a white girl, and I already had a large platform as a writer prior

“I stand with you. I believe you. You did not deserve this.” —Sasha Perigo, a message to survivors

Sasha Perigo, una defensora de los derechos de la vivienda, quien recientemente hizo público haber sido víctima de violación por parte de Jon Jacobo, un destacado líder de la comunidad. Sasha Perigo, a housing rights advocate who recently came forward about being sexually assaulted by prominent community leader Jon Jacobo, poses for a portrait in the Sunset, Tuesday August 10, 2021. Photo: Mabel Jiménez to this week. And, of course, the man who assaulted me is a dark skinned Latino man, which plays into people’s preconceived biases.” “Survivors who didn’t go to a fancy school, who aren’t white, or who don’t have an existing platform don’t always receive the same support that I do. That’s bullshit. My heart goes out to every survivor who is hurting because of this news story right now, especially the people who were not lucky enough to receive the support that I have,” Sasha said. How and when it became the preferred practice to protect abusers who perpetuate generational trauma, rather than protect and believe survivors, I don’t know. How and when we just collectively accepted that “abusers will always exist” in our homes and communities, I don’t know. But it’s time that we change that. And we have the collective power and responsibility to change this culture that has caused us, particularly women, so much harm. But change won’t come without cost. Even now, amid the bravery exhibited by Sasha (which she said has now prompted five more women to come forward), the trolls are hard at work in the putrid space that is social media, capitalizing on her pain in the vile attempts to push their own ridiculous recall campaigns. And sadly, the voices of some longtime community members, despite the evidence and testimony put forth by Sasha, have chosen the path of shaming and blaming her for being the victim of rape. See SURVIVOR, page 9

Community Resources

Instituto Familiar de la Raza La Clínica, bilingual and culturally competent counseling and therapy Asesoramiento y terapia bilingües y culturalmente competentes (415) 229-0500 laclinica@ifrsf.org SF Women Against Rape Advocacy, accompanying to legal or medical appointments, counseling, support groups and technical assistance to professionals and providers Abogacía, acompañamiento a citas legales o médicas, consejería, grupos de apoyo y asistencia técnica a profesionales y proveedores. 24 hour crisis hotline 415-647-RAPE (24hr crisis hotline) General Inquiries: info@sfwar.org 415-861-2024 Bay Area Women Against Rape Crisis line, counseling and support and referral services Línea de crisis, asesoramiento y servicios de referencia y apoyo (510) 845-RAPE (24 hour crisis line) La Casa de las Madres Shelter for victims of domestic violence, drop-in counseling, phone and text counseling Refugio para víctimas de violencia doméstica, consejería sin cita previa, consejería por teléfono y mensaje de texto 24-Hour hotline: 877-503-1850 Text Support Line: 415-200-3575 RAINN National anti-sexual violence organization, advocacy and direct support Organización nacional contra la violencia sexual, abogacía y apoyo directo 24/7 hotline: 800-656-HOPE (4673) The Women’s Building Sexual Assault Harassment Prevention Project Proyecto de Prevención del Acoso y Agresión Sexual (415) 431-1180 ext. 20


El Tecolote

omunidad, Hemos sido testigos de varios llamados a rendir cuentas en los últimos años. Desde el auge del movimiento #MeToo en 2017, que llevó a poderosos y conocidos abusadores a una supuesta — cuando no temporal— justicia, hasta el reconocimiento generalizado del año pasado de cómo el racismo se encuentra hilado en el tejido de nuestras instituciones históricas. Ahora tenemos nuestro propio llamado a la rendición de cuentas. Este 6 de agosto, Sasha Perigo, miembro de nuestra comunidad y organizadora a favor de los derechos de los inquilinos, valientemente hizo público el nombre de quien la violó en abril pasado, detallando el incidente en Twitter al compartir un documento de siete páginas que incluye su relatoría de hechos, el papeleo del SFGH y una carta del SFPD confirmando que su kit de violación había sido procesado. Ese hombre, muy conocido en el ámbito político de la Misión y alguien sobre quien El Tecolote ha publicado en el pasado, es Jon Jacobo. La noticia de que una mujer de nuestra comunidad fue violada por alguien en quien confiaba, un hombre de nuestra comunidad que había construido su imagen como servidor comunitario, fue devastadora. Pero dada la historia de abusos cometidos por hombres influyentes, no fue una sorpresa. En todo caso, el hecho de que Sasha haya difundido su ataque es un recordatorio sombrío pero necesario de que los agresores existen en todas sus formas, incluidos los líderes carismáticos de la comunidad. “Hablar públicamente de tu violación no es divertido”, dijo Sasha a El Tecolote vía correo electrónico. “He sido objeto de un aluvión de comentarios que hurgan en todos los aspectos de mi vida. Los comentaristas me han dicho que soy una novia infiel, una puta, una mentirosa, incluso que merezco ser violada repetidamente para ‘darme una lección’”. Este incidente es microcosmos de un problema mayor que durante mucho tiempo ha plagado a nuestra comunidad y a la cultura del machismo en general, y que ha sido ampliamente ignorado. Lo más probable es que si está leyendo esto, usted mismo sea un sobreviviente, el hijo de un sobreviviente, o haya presenciado o experimentado el acoso frecuente como lo es el silbido que a veces se escucha a lo largo de la Calle 24. Muchos de nosotros hemos sentido esta toxicidad pudrise durante generaciones en nuestras comunidades y sí, incluso en nuestros hogares. “Pero también soy muy conscienVea SASHA, página 9


2 El Tecolote


Editor’s note: the following story is not a direct translation to the Spanish version, but rather its own independent report covering the same virtual event. Sunita Sohrabji


EMS Contributing Editor

panel of public health experts July 30 debated the efficacy of Covid vaccines against the dominant Delta variant, concluding that — though the vaccines are 80 to 90 percent effective against hospitalizations and deaths — they are less effectual in containing the spread of the potent mutant strain. Speakers at the news briefing, organized by Ethnic Media Services, included Drs. Monica Gandhi, Professor of Medicine at UC San Francisco’s School of Medicine; Tiffani Jenae Johnson, of the UC Davis Health Children’s Hospital; Ben Neuman, chief virologist at the Global Health Research Complex at Texas A&M University; and Dali Fan of UC Davis Health. The experts spoke amid a rise of new infections from the Delta variant, and a new report from the Centers for Disease Control which showed a rise in breakthrough infections - people who were fully vaccinated, but still had a symptomatic infection. Breakthrough infections in fully-vaccinated people are on the rise. A CDC internal memo that was first obtained by The Washington Post last week, reported that an estimated 32,000 fully vaccinated people are getting symptomatic breakthrough infections each week among the 162 million vaccinated Americans. The report did not include the numbers of asymptomatic people who were also infected. The report indicated that the delta variant spreads as fast as chicken pox and faster than smallpox, Ebola, the 1918 flu, MERS and SARS and the common cold. Mask mandates have once again been re-implemented in several communities across the country as several studies concluded that fully vaccinated people are still capable of transmitting the Delta variant. “This is an amazingly effective vaccine at preventing severe disease hospitalizations and

A medida que la variante Delta del COVID-19 continúa propagándose por el país, la Latino Task Force (LTF, por sus siglas en inglés), en colaboración con el UCSF, continúa vacunando a los residentes que faltan de recibir la vacuna, el 4 de agosto de 2021. As the COVID-19 Delta variant continues to spread throughout the United States, the Latino Task Force (LTF) in partnership with UCSF continues vaccinating remaining unvaccinated San Francisco residents, August 4, 2021. Photo: Benjamin Fanjoy deaths. That was actually the promise of the vaccines. I think it’s important to still say that the vaccines work,” said Gandhi. The Delta variant is very transmissible in that it has high viral loads, which even in fully vaccinated people can stop the body from using its B cells to produce the antibodies that get into their nose and cause transmissions to others, explained Gandhi. She agreed with the CDC’s recommendation of wearing masks indoors in areas with high viral load circulations, and noted that this could prevent the vaccinated from getting breakthrough infections. Neuman, the Texas A&M virologist, summated six studies that determined various levels of efficacy of vaccines against the Delta variant. The single dose Johnson and Johnson

vaccine, and other adenovirus vaccines, had a slightly lower rate of efficacy — 7 percent — than the two-dose Moderna or Pfizer, which employs mRNA. He said the difference was negligible, however, and would not be concerned about giving either of the vaccines to his family. Studies conducted in Israel and the United Kingdom showed that 80 to 90 percent of people who were fully vaccinated would not get infected with Covid, and moreover, would not transmit the virus. “At a population level, an 80 to 90 percent effective vaccine is an absolute godsend, which would be extremely effective attending a disease like covid-19,” said Neuman. The researcher also noted a study conducted in Hyderabad, India studied hospitalized

August 12-25, 2021

people and noted that those who were fully vaccinated were 50 percent less likely to have severe outcomes from Covid, such as ventilator use and death. Neuman remarked that the number of breakthrough infections was not a reason to stop vaccinating. “We’re trying to switch off a fire hose here, which is the number of new cases that are coming out, and vaccinating the unvaccinated is the way to do that.” “When we talking about breakthroughs, we’re cleaning up drips off the floor. Those are very important on an individual level but they’re not a reason not to vaccinate. Vaccination still looks like our only real way out of this,” he said. The vaccines decrease in efficacy by 6 percent every month, and may be effective in the long-term for a maximum of 18 months, said Neuman. Dr. Fan of UC Davis Health, said boosters were likely unnecessary at this point, except for residents of long-term care facilities, adults over 65 years of age, health care professionals, and immunocompromised people. “The biggest problem for the immunocompromised population is that they do not produce enough antibodies, no matter how many doses of vaccines you give them,” he said. Studies out of Europe show remarkable efficacy in “mix and match” boosters — people who got the AstraZeneca vaccine to start and then followed up with a Pfizer booster, noted Fan. Pfizer is preparing to submit its data to the FDA, recommending that boosters be given 6 to 12 months after the initial series. Dr. Johnson of UC Davis Children’s Health Center, spoke about the barriers that prevent low-income minorities from getting vaccinated, such as health care deserts, lack of transportation, the inability to take time off to get vaccinated and also to deal with known side effects. “We’ve had some politicians explicitly say it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks as this pandemic worsens. But It’s really a lot more nuanced than just pointing the fingers at the unvaccinated as we continue to see spikes in Covid,” she said.

MÉDICOS: “HAY QUE DEJAR DE CULPAR A LOS NO VACUNADOS POR LA PANDEMIA” Nota del editor: La colaboración que a continuación se publica no es traducción directa de la versión contigua al inglés, sino una cobertura independiente hecha sobre el mismo evento. Jenny Manrique Ethnic Media Services


istóricas barreras para acceder a la salud y desconfianza entre las minorías contribuyen a las tasas bajas de vacunación. Mientras aumentan los casos de contagios por COVID-19 en el país con la rápida propagación de la variante Delta, las minorías no vacunadas siguen siendo juzgadas como las culpables de que la pandemia se extienda, sin tener en cuenta sus obstáculos de acceso a la salud y a la información. Así lo observó Tiffani Jenae Johnson, doctora del Hospital de Niños de la Universidad de California en Davis durante una conversación con periodistas organizada por Ethnic Media Services: “En el marco de esta fatiga por pérdidas sociales y físicas a raíz de la COVID, hay muchos señalamientos. Incluso tenemos algunos políticos que dicen explícitamente que es hora de comenzar a culpar a las personas no vacunadas a medida que esta pandemia empeora”. Johnson advirtió sobre los riesgos de satanizar a los no vacunados, “un grupo que no es un monolito”, ignorando las barreras para acceder a las vacunas, la falta de información confiable, incluso la escasez de transporte para ir a una clínica en zonas de una “américa históricamente segregada”. “Muchas de nuestras comunidades vulnerables son trabajadores asalariados por hora, si no se presentan

a trabajar, no se les paga”, dijo Johnson. “Así que incluso tomarse una o dos horas libres del trabajo para poder recibir una vacuna, es imposible. ¿Cómo podemos asegurarnos de que estamos compensando a las personas para que no pierdan ingresos?” La doctora recordó que la atención médica en los EEUU “se construyó sobre una base de racismo” experimentando con cuerpos negros y morenos como en Tuskegee, hechos que no solo han causado desconfianza entre las minorias, sino provocado que “algunos de nuestros pacientes se sientan invisibles e ignorados cuando acceden al sistema de salud”. “Debemos reconocer las formas en las que hemos estado engañando a estas comunidades durante años y abusado de ellas y trabajar activamente para recuperar esa confianza, algo que no va a suceder de la noche a la mañana”, señaló. Frente al temor por los efectos secundarios de la vacuna como fiebre, escalofríos y dolores corporales, Johnson dijo que les habla a sus pacientes con honestidad: “Los datos aún no muestran los efectos secundarios de la vacuna a largo plazo pero lo que sabemos es que hay una mayor mortalidad asociada con COVID-19, incluso entre personas jóvenes y sanas”. Como pediatra recordó que entre esa población no vacunada hay niños menores de 12 años que ni siquiera son elegibles para la vacuna y que ya suman 4 millones de casos positivos. Y dijo que menos del 50% de las enfermeras han sido vacunadas por lo que todavía “debemos abordar algunas de las brechas para vacunar a nuestros propios trabajadores de la salud”. Johnson también rechazó el término “vacilación ante las vacunas”

Miembros de la comunidad asisten a los puntos de vacunación gratuita coordinados por la LTF y la UCSF, en respuesta a la COVID-19. As the COVID-19 Delta variant continues to spread throughout the United States, the Latino Task Force (LTF) in partnership with UCSF continues vaccinating remaining unvaccinated San Francisco residents, August 4, 2021. Photo: Benjamin Fanjoy des (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés) sostuvo que cada semana se detectan 35 mil infecciones entre la gente vacunada. Al respecto Monica Gandhi, profesora de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de California en San Francisco, recordó que las vacunas son “increíblemente eficaces en la prevención de enfermedades graves, hospitalizaciones y muertes” y que Brotes entre vacunados Un memo interno de los Centros de de los 800 casos de COVID identiControl y Prevención de Enfermeda- ficados en un brote en Provincetown, porque no se trata de que la gente esté indecisa sino que “quiere tomar decisiones informadas sobre su salud y su bienestar”. Ante la gran cantidad de información errónea en internet, necesitamos crear “espacios seguros para el diálogo” por lo que “la vergüenza y la culpa realmente deben detenerse”.


Massachusetts, entre población vacunada, solo tres fueron hospitalizados y dados de alta. “No podemos concluir que las personas vacunadas tienen la misma probabilidad de transmitir que las personas no vacunadas”, dijo Gandhi. “La recomendación de los CDC en áreas de alta circulación de virus de usar cubrebocas en espacios cerrados es muy razonable, porque esto Vea DELTA, página 9

El Tecolote 3

Agosto 12-25, 2021

A QUICK AND EASY GUIDE TO THE RIGHTS OF SF TENANTS DURING THE COVID-19 CRISIS Tenant protections for those affected by COVID-19 now exist on three levels — the local, state and federal. Here’s a quick guide to what your rights are as a tenant affected by COVID-19. NOTE: this guide only applies to San Francisco tenants. If you live outside SF, contact Tenants Together. PLEASE NOTE : For the latest updates, watch this site or call one of our counseling lines (415-703-8644 or 415-947-9085). WHAT IF I CAN’T PAY RENT SEPTEMBER 2020- SEPT. 2021? If you can’t pay rent for the months from September 2020 to September 2021 due to a COVID-19 hardship, you must sign a declaration of COVID-19 -related financial distress and pay 25% of the rent when rent is due each month or 25% of all the past rent due from September 2020 to September 2021 by September 30. The declaration is signed each month under penalty of perjury. The remaining 75% rent is due by October 1, 2021. If you don’t pay it, your landlord has to go to court to collect it, starting November 1. You cannot be evicted for not paying it. If your landlord gives you a 15-day notice to pay rent or quit during this time, you should respond with the signed declaration. If you don’t respond by returning the signed declaration or paying 25% of the rent, your landlord may be able to evict. To apply for rental assistance under the SF and the California rent relief programs, see below under “Rental Assistance.” WHAT IF I COULDN’T PAY APRIL-AUGUST 2020 RENT? You have until September 30, 2021 to pay that rent, provided you sent letters informing your landlord of your COVID-19-related hardship, as specified above. Landlord cannot evict you, if you don’t pay by that date. They will have to take you to court for the money. Again, as with other months, if you receive a 15-day notice from the landlord, send back the declaration of hardship.

For 1 person, $102,450/ For 2 people, $117,100/ For 3 people, $131,750/For 4 people, $146,350/ For 5 people, $158,100/ For 6 people, $169,800/For 7 people, $181,500/ For 8 people, $193,200

What if I borrowed money and don’t owe any rent? City: You are still eligible to apply because the City program doesn’t only provide back rent owed but also future rent. However, your application may not be prioritized.


State: You are only eligible if you owe rent for the period from April 1, 2020 through March 30, 2021.

How will these programs be prioritized? City: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and are not first-come, first-served. Only priority applicants are scheduled for financial assistance. An application will be screened to determine the resident’s economic and social vulnerability. Priority applicants must meet the program’s vulnerability threshold. A range of vulnerability factors are considered when determining priority applications, including past homelessness, extremely low income, family composition, and other factors. State: Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are not first-come, first-serve. The program first prioritizes applicants whose household income is at or below 50% Area Median Income (AMI) or between 50-80% AMI with nine or more months of unpaid rent. The Program then prioritizes applicants in communities disproportionately impacted by COVID-19, before finally processing all major other eligible applications based on available funding. Does immigration status matter? Both state and city programs: No. You will not be asked about immigration status. Help from the program also does not qualify as a “public charge” that can affect those applying for a green card.

The unit I rent might not have been built with permits. Will the City send inspectors if I apply for assistance? Both state and City programs: You can apply and be eligible for rental assistance regardless of whether your housing was built with permits. The information you provide will not be used for FEDERAL COVID-19 PROTECTIONS The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) national eviction mo- other purposes. ratorium for all tenants (in all types of housing) impacted by COVID-19 expired July 31, 2021. But the CDC issued a new, Can I apply for both programs? narrower ban on August 3. Here’s a link to a story about the Both city and state programs: Yes. Since the programs focus on latest version of the ban. Note that San Francisco tenants are different time periods and have different priorities, it may be protected by a local ban on no-fault evictions and a state ban wise to do so. If you do apply for both programs, you cannot on COVID-19 nonpayment of rent. See below for info on these receive assistance from both for the same months. You must authorize the programs to share data to verify your application bans. information and to ensure that rate was not paid for the same months. You must also disclose any rental assistance that you STATE/CITY EVICTION MORATORIA Under a law passed by the SF Board of Supervisors, all no-fault have received either by these programs or other programs. (This evictions (including Owner Move-in, capital improvements and should not be a problem with the San Francisco and State prodemolition evictions) are not permitted until after September grams since they do not cover overlapping months.) 30, 2021. Since a landlord can’t evict for nonpayment of rent (if it’s due to COVID-19 and the tenant has sent the declaration What if I don’t have pay stubs or other documents showing (see above under “What if I can’t pay the rent September 2020 decreased income or increased expenses? to September 2021?”), the only evictions allowed are nuisance Both City and State programs: Other methods can be used to document income and expenses, including self-attestation. Howeand maybe Ellis. ver, do your best to gather these documents ahead of time to IF YOU RECEIVE AN EVICTION NOTICE OR COURT PA- move through the program more quickly. PERS (UNLAWFUL DETAINER), contact the Eviction DefenIf my application is approved, what happens next? se Collaborative at 415-659-9184. City: City program will pay up to three months back rent owed and three months forward rent. For example, if your application CITY & STATE RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS is approved in June 2021, then the City program will provide rental assistance for April through June (back rent) and July CITY RENT RELIEF Pays rent for the month of April 2021 and onward. There is no through September (forward rent). maximum amount that can be given, only a maximum time of six months. If you qualify, the city program will pay up to three State: State program will contact the landlord and ask that they months back-owed and three months forward rent. For more agree to waive 20% of the unpaid rent. If they agree, State program will pay the landlord the remaining 80% of unpaid rent. If info on the program: https://sf.gov/renthelp the landlord doesn’t agree, State program will pay tenant 25% If you need help on filling out the actual application, below are of the unpaid rent. four groups that can help: What if my landlord will not cooperate with the program? Bill Sorro Housing Program (BiSHoP): 415-513-5177, counse- City: In terms of the city program, if a landlord does not respond ling@bishopsf.org. Languages: English, Spanish, Arabic. Can or cooperate, the city can write the check directly to the tenant, subject to federal regulations. The financial assistance may be help with filling out applications. less than if the landlord were to cooperate with the program. Chinatown Community Development Center: 415-984-2749. Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin. Can help with filling out State: A tenant can file and receive up to 100% of the amount owed for an eligible household. applications. La Voz Latina/ Catholic Charities: in-person help at 456 Ellis, call 415-983-3970 or email emergencyprogram@catholiccharitiessf.org to schedule an appointment. Languages: English, Spanish. Can help with filling out applications.

I still don’t have a job and I am unable to pay rent. Am I eligible to apply? City: Yes. You do not need to be able to pay the rent moving forward to be eligible for rental assistance from the City since it will pay forward rent.

SOMCAN: 415-552-5637, tenantcounselor@somcan.org. Languages: English, Filipino. Can offer help with filling out appli- State: The state only pays rent for the period up to April 1, 2021, so it can’t help with future rent. However, it can help for past cations. rent that you incurred before March 30, 2021 whether you have a job now or not. STATE RENT RELIEF Runs from April 2020 through March 2021. It pays no rent after March 2021. After you submit an application, the state program Are subtenants who owe rent to a master tenant eligible to can pay your landlord up to 100% of unpaid rent and you will apply? owe nothing after that, if your application is approved. For more City: Subtenants are eligible for assistance with or without the info on the state rent relief program: https://housing.ca.gov/co- involvement of the master tenant. vid_rr/. There are designated groups in SF who can help with the state application process. The list can be accessed by clic- State: Subtenants are eligible for assistance if the master tenant king here. Scroll down to find the contact numbers for those also applies for assistance in the same application. groups in San Francisco. What if several different families rent a house or apartment together, can they apply separately? ELIGIBILITY City program and state programs are the same. You must meet City: City program considers them to be several households. all these qualifications: be a tenant residing in San Francisco Each household must apply separately. with unpaid rent or utilities. Have experienced financial hardship related to COVID. And have a household income that is at State: State program considers them to be a single household. or below 80% of the area median income (AMI). Here’s a list All persons living in the house or apartment must apply together in a single application. of that AMI:


What if I had to move because I couldn’t pay rent but still owe past rent? City and State programs: Both local and state programs are considering serving these households. However, at this time, these households are not eligible to apply. Can I apply for help if I live in City or federally subsidized housing? Yes. This is allowed under both the City and State programs. My landlord says that they will apply for me. Is that allowed? What if I want to apply on my own? City: Only tenants may apply. Landlords must provide certain information, such as the amount of unpaid rent and fill out a W9 form. State: Either the landlord or the tenant may apply. Landlords may submit applications on behalf of tenants, but tenants must agree to participate in the program before rental assistance is provided. Tenants do not have to provide their personal information/documents to the landlord because they can give it directly to the program if they prefer. How will I know if I am awarded assistance? City: One of the City’s community partners will contact you via email or telephone with next steps in the application process. State: Program will contact you and your landlord via email with next steps in the application process. Can I appeal if I am not awarded assistance? City: No. However, if you discover that information in your application is inaccurate, you may reach out to a community partner to correct your application and have it re-screened. State: No information provided. RENT GOUGING Large rent increases are not allowed during a state of emergency. A landlord cannot charge or even advertise rents that are 10% above what they were charging before February 10. Also, a landlord cannot evict tenants and then charge more for rent. If you receive more than a 10% increase after February 10, you can check out the sample letter at the Tenants Together website. SHOWING AN APT. OR HOUSE Here’s what the Department of Public Health’s website has to say about a landlord or realtor showing an apartment or house during the COVID-19 pandemic: Can real estate agents show residences or commercial properties in person? “Service providers that enable real estate transactions (including rentals, leases, and home sales), including, but not limited to, real estate agents, escrow agents, notaries, and title companies, provided that appointments and other residential real estate viewings must only occur virtually or, if a virtual viewing is not feasible, by appointment with no more than two visitors at a time residing within the same Household and one individual showing the unit (except that in person visits are not allowed when the occupant is present in the Residence).” (Amended January 27, 2021.) THE COURTS Note: we do not give legal advise. If you receive a UD or eviction notice for nuisance involving violence, threats of violence, or health and safety issues, you should contact the Eviction Defense Collaborative (415-659-9184 or email legal@evictiondefense.org) or talk to a lawyer. The California Judicial Council has decided to let the courts throughout the state go forward with evictions, starting September 21. But San Francisco has a moratorium on evictions, see information under “SF Eviction Moratorium.” THE SHERIFF The sheriff is not doing evictions right now, except for nuisance and Ellis. If you have a 5-day notice to vacate from the sheriff, you should get in touch with the Eviction Defense Collaborative, (415)-659-9184 or email legal@evictiondefense.org. DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTION As of May 4, 2020, all construction work is allowed to resume, provided contractors are complying with the safety protocols (see Appendix B-1 and B-2 of the linked health order) the department has established. Inspections are continuing (including building, plumbing, electrical and housing). Inspections can be requested through the department’s online scheduling portal. Link is here. DBI inspectors are practicing social distancing measures when doing inspections. DBI’s office is partially closed due to COVID. To schedule an inspection, you can call (628) 652-3401 or go online. If you need to contact a specific DBI division or Program contact, review the Department’s Program Directory here. For more information, visit hrcsf.org.


4 El Tecolote

August 12-25, 2021


2958 24th Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Tel: (415) 648-1045 www.eltecolote.org Member SF Neighborhood Newspaper Association Editor-in-Chief Alexis Terrazas English Copy Editor Atticus Morris Spanish Copy Editor Katie Beas Writers Kevin Colindres Translators Katie Beas; Mabel Jiménez; Didiana Sedano; Antonio Valencia Photographers Benjamin Fanjoy; Mabel Jiménez; Alexis Terrazas Distribution Johnny García Photo Archivist Linda Wilson Advertising Manager Chiara Di Martino Chiara@accionlatina.org *Ads published in El Tecolote do not necessarily reflect the views of the newspaper’s staff, volunteers, or its publisher Acción Latina.

Acción Latina Executive Director Fátima Ramírez El Tecolote Founder Juan Gonzales

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hen the pandemic hit last spring, my family saw images of America’s deserted streets, overrun hospitals, and dead bodies stored in refrigerated trucks on the internet. From Vietnam, my mother begged me to go “home” because it was “safe” there. She feared for my life, but now, more than a year after her begging, I fear for hers. While California has fully reopened and over 52 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated, the battle to end this pandemic is far from over. As the state works to provide vaccines to all of its people by any means available, I cannot help but think of my family in Vietnam who are desperately waiting for their turn to receive these life-saving vaccines. As I have discovered many times since I came to America, this is truly the land of opportunity, and access to the COVID-19 vaccines has made that clear now more than ever. As we work to reach those who have yet to be vaccinated, I picture those living outside of the United States, in countries where they do not have the same luxury to protect themselves at the speed and convenience that we do. Beating the pandemic is within reach thanks to these vaccines, yet millions of Californians remain unvaccinated. Most of them are Black and Brown people, working in low paying jobs where they cannot afford to get sick. In the census headcount, we call these individuals the hard-tocount—before I started working for the U.S. Census Bureau, I was one of them. When I first came to America, I lived in cramped apartments with other Vietnamese refugees. We had escaped from Vietnam, and tended

Sonny Lê (a la derecha) y su familia. Sonny Lê (right) and his family. Courtesy: Sonny Lê to be wary of government officials. Had someone come to us, explaining in Vietnamese the benefit of being counted, we would have participated. Like the Census, in this Vaccinate ALL 58 campaign we have learned that the last ones to be vaccinated are the hardest to reach. That is why it will take all of us to reach them now—people in our communities who may be hesitant to come in contact with the government, who may not have easy access to trustworthy information, and who simply may not have the privilege of time and travel to receive a vaccine. Our community and faith leaders, neighbors, family, and friends are the best resources we have to motivate

the Californians who have not yet taken the opportunity to receive this life-saving vaccine. To outrun the new variants, which have forced many countries around the globe back into lockdowns, we need to get more Californians vaccinated. This is the only way out of this pandemic, and we are so lucky to have the chance to protect ourselves readily available. Because of my mother’s failing memory, I have tried to visit Vietnam at least once a year. I could not go last year because of the pandemic. I am now fully vaccinated, but Vietnam is in lockdown, and appears to be far from reaching a place to put COVID-19 behind them. My biggest

fear is that the next time I see my mother, she may not remember who I am. Sonny Lê is the Bay Area Regional Program Manager of Vaccinate ALL 58, California’s COVID-19 vaccination initiative. He directed the Census Bureau’s 2000, 2010 and 2020 Census regional outreach effort. Sonny’s first home in America was in San Francisco Tenderloin District, sharing an apartment with 10 other Vietnamese refugees. He has been a community organizer, freelance journalist, and a medical interpreter for over 20 years.



uando la pandemia llegó la primavera pasada, mi familia vio en Internet imágenes de las calles desiertas en los EEUU, los hospitales invadidos y los cadáveres almacenados en camiones. Desde Vietnam, mi madre me rogó volver a ‘casa’ porque allá era ‘seguro’. Temía por mi vida, pero ahora, a un año después de su súplica, temo por la suya. Aunque California ha reabierto completamente y más del 52% de la población ha sido vacunada, la batalla para acabar con esta pandemia está lejos de terminar. Mientras el estado trabaja para proporcionar vacunas a toda su población, no puedo evitar pensar en mi familia que en Vietnam espera desesperadamente su turno para recibirla. Como he descubierto muchas veces desde que llegué, este país es realmente el de las oportunidades, y el acceso a las vacunas COVID-19 lo ha dejado más claro que nunca. Mientras trabajamos para llegar a los que aún no se han vacunado, me imagino a los que viven en países donde no tienen el mismo privilegio de protegerse a la velocidad y la comodidad que nosotros. Vencer la pandemia está al alcance de la mano gracias a estas vacunas, pero millones de californianos siguen sin vacunarse. La mayoría de ellos son negros y morenos, que trabajan en empleos mal pagados en los que no pueden permitirse enfermar. En el recuento del censo, llamamos a estos individuos los difíciles de contar —antes de empezar a trabajar para la Oficina del Censo, yo era uno de ellos. Cuando llegué a los EEUU, vivía en apartamentos estrechos junto a otros refugiados vietnamitas. Habíamos escapado de nuestro país y solíamos desconfiar de los funcionarios del gobierno. Si alguien se hubiera acercado a nosotros y explicado en vietnamita las ventajas de ser censados, habríamos participado. Al igual que con el censo, en esta campaña de Vacunar a TODOS los 58, sabemos que los últimos en ser vacunados son los más difíciles de alcanzar. Por eso, será necesario llegar a ellos ahora: personas de nuestras comunidades que dudan de entrar en contacto con el gobierno, que pueden

no tener un acceso fácil a información confiable o que simplemente no pueden tener el privilegio de disponer de tiempo o la posibilidad de trasladarse para recibir una vacuna. Nuestros líderes comunitarios y religiosos, vecinos, familiares y amigos son los mejores recursos que tenemos para motivar a quienes aún no han aprovechado la oportunidad de recibir esta vacuna que salva vidas. Para superar las nuevas variantes, que han obligado a muchos países a cerrar sus puertas, necesitamos que más californianos se vacunen. Esta es la única manera de salir de esta pandemia, y tenemos mucha suerte de tener la posibilidad de protegernos fácilmente. Debido a la mala memoria de mi madre, he intentado visitar Vietnam al menos una vez al año. El año pasado me lo impidió la pandemia. Ahora

estoy totalmente vacunado, pero Vietnam está en estado de confinamiento, y parece estar lejos de llegar a un punto en el que pueda dejar atrás la COVID-19. Mi mayor temor es que la próxima vez que vea a mi madre, no recuerde quién soy. Sonny Lê es Director del Programa Vaccinate ALL 58 en el Área de la Bahía, una iniciativa estatal de vacunación contra el COVID-19. Dirigió el esfuerzo de divulgación regional de la Oficina del Censo en 2000, 2010 y 2020. Su primer hogar al llegar a los EEUU fue en el distrito Tenderloin de San Francisco, donde tuvo que compartir un apartamento con otros 10 refugiados vietnamitas. Ha sido organizador comunitario, periodista independiente e intérprete médico durante más de 20 años.

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Agosto 12-25, 2021

El Tecolote 5


Jenny Manrique


Key Dates

Ethnic Media Services

alifornia will hold a recall election against Governor Gavin Newsom on September 14, and if a majority votes to remove him from power, a new governor will be elected that same day from a certified list of 46 candidates. 24 Republicans, nine Democrats, two members of the Green Party, one libertarian and 10 without party preference, compete to replace Newsom who will face a referendum on his administration at the polls amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the wildfires and a record-breaking drought. “It is probably the most important election that we will see in a long time, not only because of the implications of who becomes governor, but also because of the message it sends across the nation about California politics,” said Secretary of State Shirley Nash Weber in a conversation with journalists hosted by Ethnic Media Services. The best-known names on the list of certified candidates that include housewives, college students and former public officials are Republicans Caitlyn Jenner, an Olympic gold medalist, and Larry Elder, a conservative radio host. Democratic candidate Kevin Paffrath, a personal finance influencer with more than 1.6 million YouTube followers, is another popular name. Weber, who is California’s first African-American secretary and took office on January 29, 2021 after replacing now-Senator Alex Padilla, said the elections can cost about $400 million, an “extremely expensive” price for an election that only needed to collect signatures from 12% of the electorate to be convened. Other states authorize recalls based on at least 30% of voters and there are several in which this option does not exist. Since 1913 there have been 55 attempts in California to remove the governor, the only successful one being in 2003, when 55,4% of voters backed the removal of Gray Davis who was then replaced by Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.

El gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, enfrenta una elección para decidir su remoción del cargo, el próximo 14 de septiembre de 2021. California’s Governor Gavin Newsom faces an election recall on Sept. 14, 2021. Courtesy: Wikimedia commons “After the elections I do plan to pull together a group of bipartisan individuals to look at our recall process, and see whether or not we need to continue down this path,” Weber added. “The bar (for the electorate to request a recall) is too low.” On the idea that the Republican Party promotes recalls in a blue state where it cannot win elections, the secretary said that “may be true and that may be why we are seeing recalls in California while in other states you’re seeing voter suppression legislation.” Weber said she has asked her staff for a list of recalls that have been occurring at more local levels such as county supervisor, city councils and school boards. A daughter of sharecroppers in Hope, Arkansas, during the Jim Crow segregation era, whose family moved to California when she was three years old, Weber shared that her

parents never had the opportunity to register to vote and that her grandparents passed away before the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Voting is extremely important to me and extremely important to the communities I serve,” Weber said. “We are in a critical period where people are voting in great numbers and as a result of that, there is also an effort to suppress those numbers.” “A recall election is very important because you can potentially eliminate a person from office, not just pick a person to come into office,” added Weber. She urged Californians to verify if they are registered to vote on voterstatus. SOS.ca.gov, and if they are not, to do so virtually before August 30 to receive their ballot in the mail. She also said that her office has a $17 million budget publicity campaign to get electoral

• August 16: Counties will begin to send ballots to the homes of registered voters. • August 24: the secretary of state will publish the information guide with all the details of the election and competing candidates. • August 30: Last day for voters to register online and receive a ballot in the mail. • August 31 - September 14: In-person registration at polling stations and center boxes provided by local voter registries. • September 7: Last day for counties to send vote-by-mail ballots • September 14: Election Day. Polling places are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. • September 16 to October 14: ballot counting. • October 22: official date on which the election results are known. information out. There will be two questions on the ballot: Do you want to recall Governor Gavin Newsom? And who do you want to replace the governor? Weber explained that if 50% plus one say yes to recall the Governor, then the answer to the second question “becomes relevant.” Of the 46 candidates to replace Newsom, whoever obtains a simple majority will win, even if the highest number of votes represents only 20% of the voters. If people say they don’t want to get rid of the government, it doesn’t matter who gets the most votes to replace Newsom. “You should pick a person in the second question, because even if you don’t want to recall (Newsom) you would still want to have input in who becomes the governor,” Weber said. Voters can track their vote by mail through the portal: california.ballottrax.net/voter/


Fechas clave


alifornia celebrará una elección revocatoria contra el gobernador Gavin Newsom el proximo 14 de septiembre y si las mayorías votan retirarlo de sus funciones, ese mismo día se elegirá un nuevo gobernador de una lista certificada de 46 candidatos. Veinticuatro republicanos, nueve demócratas, dos miembros del Partido Verde, un libertario y diez sin preferencia de partido, compiten por reemplazar a Newsom quien enfrentará en las urnas un referéndum de su gestión en medio de la COVID-19, los incendios forestales y una sequía de récords históricos. “Es probablemente la elección más importante que veremos en mucho tiempo, no solo por las implicaciones de quién se convierte en gobernador, sino también por el mensaje que envía a todo el país sobre la política de California”, dijo la secretaria Nash Weber en una conversación con periodistas organizada por Ethnic Media Services. Los nombres más conocidos de la lista de candidatos certificados que incluyen amas de casa, estudiantes universitarios y exfuncionarios públicos, son Caitlyn Jenner, medallista de oro olímpica y Larry Elder, locutor de radio conservador. El candidato demócrata Kevin Paffrath, un influencer de finanzas personales con más de 1.6 millones de seguidores en YouTube, es otro de los nombres populares. Weber, quien es la primera secretaria afroamericana de California y asumió el cargo el 29 de enero de 2021 tras reemplazar al ahora senador Alex Padilla, dijo que las elecciones pueden costar cerca de $400 millones, un precio “extremadamen-

• 16 de agosto: los condados comenzarán a enviar las boletas electorales a las casas de aquellos votantes registrados. • 24 de agosto: la secretaría de estado publicará la guía de información con todos los detalles de la elección y candidatos que compiten. • 30 de agosto: último día para que los votantes se registren fácilmente en línea y reciban una boleta por correo. • 31 de agosto al 14 de septiembre: Inscripción en persona en los centros de votación y buzones dispuestos por los registros locales de votantes. • 7 de septiembre: último día para que los condados envíen boletas de voto por correo. • 14 de septiembre: día electoral. Los lugares de votación abren desde las 7 de la mañana hasta las 8 de la noche. • 16 de septiembre al 14 de octubre: conteo de papeletas. • 22 de octubre: fecha oficial en la que se conocen los resultados electorales. La secretaria del estado Shirley Nash Weber. Secretary of State Shirley Nash Weber. te caro” para una elección que solo necesita recoger el número de firmas equivalentes al 12% del electorado para ser convocada. Otros estados autorizan destituciones con base en al menos un 30% de esos votantes y hay varios en donde esta opción no existe, pero desde 1913 en California ya ha habido 55 intentos por destituir al gobernador, siendo el único exitoso en 2003, cuando un 55.4% de los votos fue a favor de la destitución de Gray Davis, reemplazado por el republicano Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Después de las elecciones planeo reunir a un grupo de personas bipartidistas para analizar nuestro proceso de destitución y ver si necesitamos o no continuar por este camino”, añadió Weber. “El margen (del electorado para pedir la revocatoria) es demasiado bajo”. Sobre la idea de que el Partido Republicano promueve las destitu-

ciones en un estado azul en el que no puede ganar elecciones a nivel estatal, y estas puede ser un camino más expedito para llegar al poder en vez de hacer dos años de campaña, la secretaria dijo que “puede ser cierto y puede ser que sea por eso que estamos viendo varias en el estado mientras en otros estados avanza la supresión de votantes en la legislación”. Weber sostuvo que le ha pedido a su personal una lista de remociones que han ido avanzando a niveles más locales como supervisor de condado, consejos de la ciudad y juntas escolares. Hija de de padres aparceros en Hope, Arkansas, durante la era segregacionista de Jim Crow, cuya familia se trasladó a California cuando ella tenía tres años, Weber compartió que sus padres nunca tuvieron la oportunidad de registrarse para votar mientras vivían en Arkansas, y que sus abuelos fallecieron antes de la apro-


bación de la Ley de Derechos Electorales de 1965. “Votar es extremadamente importante para mí y extremadamente importante para las comunidades a las que sirvo”, dijo Weber. “Estamos en un período crítico en el que la gente está votando en grandes cantidades y, como resultado, también hay un esfuerzo para reprimir esos números”. “Una elección para destituir es muy importante porque potencialmente puedes eliminar a una persona desdeñosa de la oficina, no solo elegir a una persona que asuma el cargo”, agregó Weber quien invitó a los californianos a verificar si están registrados para votar en voterstatus. SOS.ca.gov, o si son elegibles para hacerlo que lo hagan de forma virtual antes del 30 de agosto para recibir su boleta por correo. También indicó que su oficina ha dedicado un presupuesto de $17 millones para difundir información electoral sobre estos comicios.

En la boleta electoral habrá dos preguntas: ¿quiere revocar el mandato del gobernador Gavin Newsom? Y ¿por quién debería ser reemplazado? Weber explicó que si el 50% más uno dice que sí, entonces la respuesta a la segunda pregunta “se vuelve relevante”. De los 46 candidatos a reemplazar Newsom, ganará quien obtenga una simple mayoría es decir el mayor número de votos así sea solo el 20%. Si la gente dice que no quiere deshacerse del gobierno, no importa quién obtenga más votos para reemplazarlo. “Aun así todos los votantes deben responder la segunda pregunta, porque así usted no quiera revocar (a Newsom) todavía querrá tener su opinión sobre quién se convertirá en gobernador”. Los electores pueden hacer seguimiento a su voto por correo a través del portal: california.ballottrax. net/voter/


6 El Tecolote

August 12-25, 2021



El Tecolote

ctivist, hard worker, and dedicated are three words that describe Mexico native Miguel Araujo, a longtime community activist residing in San Bruno. He has organized, led, and advocated for immigrants’ rights since moving to the Bay Area in 1965. The 72-year old has been a voice for his community for over 40 years but faces deportation after his petition for review of the denial of his applications for withholding of removal and protection under the Convention Against Torture (CAT) was denied. The court ruled that Araujo was not a credible witness nor eligible for withholding or CAT relief. “I feel for some reason that every time I go to an immigration judge, they don’t try to get the truth and justice,” Araujo said. “No matter what I do the court always decides to refuse and that’s why the case goes all the way to the ninth circuit. They make one good decision for me and then later they change it into something bad.” Araujo’s son Miguel Araujo Jr. has been collecting signatures and urging folks to write letters and contact United States Representative of California Jackie Speier and United States Senator Alex Padilla. Hundreds of letters have been sent to Araujo and his family since the call to action was announced. All the letters are being put together as documentation that will be sent to Padilla and Speier. “Senator Padilla’s office has been very helpful,” Araujo Jr said. “We’re in the stage of getting everything together and we’re very thankful for what Padilla has done.” Padilla’s office has been in contact with Araujo giving him information on how to quickly move forward in the process and what is required to do so. Speier’s office has not shown the same level of urgency toward Araujo’s case “I just feel that I have a lot of trust in Senator Padilla’s office,” Araujo Jr

Miguel Araujo, activista comunitario de larga trayectoria y dueño del Araujo’s Restaurant en San Bruno. Arauja está bajo amenaza de ser deportado.​​Miguel Araujo, a longtime community activist and owner of Araujo’s Restaurant in San Bruno, poses for a portrait from his restaurant. Araujo is being threatened with deportation. Photo: Alexis Terrazas said. “I’m still holding out hope that we will be able to move forward with Jackie Speier’s office.” Araujo has a deep history in his community of San Bruno. He first entered the United States in 1965 at 12-years old and settled in the Bay Area. Araujo got involved with Centro Azteca, an activist organization that fights for the rights of immigrants, uplifting and fighting for undocumented folks. While Araujo continued to organize, he was able to open up his restaurant in 1980 and became the head cook working with his family. “The majority of people in this community know who I am,” Araujo said. “In business,I have never gone “under the table” and I have organized with legislatures, council members, and senators.” In 1980 he also became the host

of “Hablemos Claro,” a weekly radio show that gives voices to the Latinx community in Northern California. Araujo has been hosting it consistently for the past 41 years. “He helps voice the concerns of the communities that he knows,” Juan Castro said. “Other people aren’t able to do it for many different reasons, but he is brave for doing it.” Araujo was first deported from the United States in 1994 after being arrested in San Rosa under false pretenses. Araujo reentered the same day. A year later, he helped organize movements to give driver’s licenses to undocumented folks in Sacramento working closely with current Los Angeles city council member Gil Cedillo. While AB 60, which allowed undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, did not pass until 2013, he continued to fight for

legislation to pass by participating in rallies and marches. “He has been involved for a long time in the struggle to get legislation done for undocumented immigrants,” Castro said. “We’ve been writing immigration proposals, writing to the president and legislators proposing ideas on how to solve immigration problems.” Araujo has two sons, and one daughter who have all been involved in the community throughout the years. In the 2000’s Araujo became the secretary-general of the California chapter of Mexico’s left-of-center Democratic Revolution Party. On May 1, 2006 he helped coordinate the Immigrant Rights march that took place in San Francisco, and a year later Araujo Jr. ran for Mayor of San Bruno but lost to Jim Ruane. His son also ran for the city council

of San Bruno. “We are well-known in this community, we’ve been around for a long time,” Araujo said. “Whether it’s people who have eaten at our restaurant or know what we do in the community, we have made an impact in the community.” On December 9, 2017, Araujo was detained by agents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) after the Mexican government reached out to Interpol to find him. He was arrested for allegedly conspiring a crime and was sent to ICE’s Cosumnes River facility in Sacramento before being moved to Yuba County jail. Araujo was released after posting a $5,000 bail with the help of Francisco Ugarte and Matt González, lawyers from the San Francisco Public Defender’s office. The case was dismissed because of a lack of evidence, but because he was detained, his immigration case was reopened after being closed in 2016. Now, Araujo faces deportation for the second time. “I believe that this is more to keep my mouth closed because I speak about what I believe the Mexican government is doing to immigrants and the poor,” Araujo said. “They have a problem with me because I’ve been doing radio criticizing them for a long time.” Araujo suspects that the Mexican government has made an effort to go after him and his family for a long time. “The government is very corrupt and they killed my brother in Mexico,” Araujo said. “They sent a red note asking the United States to deport me.” Araujo is hopeful that things will turn out well for him and that he will continue to be as vocal as ever. He will continue to serve his community despite the minor setbacks. “I have been here for a long time and I will always serve the community,” Araujo said. “I am a big part of this community, almost every publication in this area has written about me and what I have done for it.”



El Tecolote

ctivista, trabajador y dedicado son adjetivos que describen al mexicano Miguel Araujo, un activista comunitario que lleva mucho tiempo residiendo en San Bruno. Ha organizado, liderado y defendido los derechos de los inmigrantes desde que se mudó al Área de la Bahía en 1965. Este hombre de 72 años ha sido la voz de su comunidad durante más de 40 años, sin embargo, enfrenta la deportación después de negarsele la revisión de denegación a sus solicitudes de retención de expulsión y de protección en virtud de la Convención contra la Tortura (CAT, por sus siglas en inglés). El tribunal dictaminó que Araujo no era un testigo creíble ni podía acogerse a la CAT. “Por alguna razón siento que cada vez que voy a un juez de inmigración, no tratan de conseguir la verdad ni la justicia”, dijo Araujo. “No importa lo que haga, el tribunal siempre decide negarse y por eso el caso llega hasta el noveno circuito. Toman una decisión buena para mí y luego la cambian por algo malo”. El hijo de Araujo, Miguel Araujo Jr., ha estado recabando

firmas e instando a la gente a escribir cartas y a ponerse en contacto con la representante Jackie Speier y el senador Alex Padilla. Se han enviado cientos de cartas a Araujo y a su familia desde que se anunció el llamado a la acción. Todas las cartas se están reuniendo como documentación que se enviará a Padilla y Speier. “La oficina del senador Padilla ha sido de gran ayuda”, dijo Araujo Jr. “Estamos en la etapa de reunir todo y estamos muy agradecidos por lo que ha hecho”. La oficina del senador ha estado en contacto con Araujo dándole información sobre cómo avanzar rápidamente en el proceso y lo que se requiere para hacerlo. Mientras tanto, la oficina de Speier no ha mostrado el mismo nivel de urgencia hacia su caso. “Siento que tengo mucha confianza en la oficina del senador Padilla”, dijo Araujo Jr. “Todavía tengo la esperanza de que podamos avanzar con la oficina de Jackie Speier”. Araujo tiene una profunda historia en su comunidad de San Bruno. Entró por primera vez en los EEUU en 1965, a los 12 años, y se instaló en el Área de la Bahía. Araujo se involucró en el Centro Azteca, una organización activista que

lucha por los derechos de los inmigrantes y luchando por los indocumentados. Mientras seguía como organizador, pudo abrir su restaurante en 1980 y se convirtió en el cocinero que trabajaba con su familia. “La mayoría de la gente de esta comunidad sabe quién soy”, dijo Araujo. “En los negocios, nunca he pasado por debajo de la mesa y me he organizado con legisladores, concejales y senadores”. En 1980 también se convirtió en el presentador de ‘Hablemos claro’, un programa de radio semanal que da voz a la comunidad latina del norte de California. Araujo lo ha conducido de forma constante durante los últimos 41 años. “Ayuda a expresar las preocupaciones de las comunidades que conoce”, dijo Juan Castro. “Otras personas no son capaces de hacerlo por muchas razones diferentes, pero él es valiente al hacerlo”. Araujo fue deportado por primera vez en 1994, tras ser detenido en San Rosa con engaños. Araujo volvió a entrar el mismo día. Un año después, ayudó a organizar movimientos para dar permisos de conducir a los indocumentados en Sacramento, trabajando estrechamente con el actual concejal de Los Ángeles, Gil Cedillo.

Aunque la ley AB 60, que permitía a los inmigrantes indocumentados obtener permisos de conducir, no se aprobó hasta 2013, siguió luchando para que se aprobara la legislación participando en mítines y marchas. “Ha estado involucrado durante mucho tiempo en la lucha por conseguir una legislación para los inmigrantes indocumentados”, dijo Castro. “Hemos estado escribiendo propuestas de inmigración, escribiendo al presidente y a los legisladores proponiendo ideas sobre cómo resolver los problemas de inmigración”. Araujo tiene dos hijos y una hija que han participado en la comunidad a lo largo de los años. En la década de 2000, Araujo se convirtió en secretario general de la sección californiana del Partido de la Revolución Democrática, de centro-izquierda, de México. El 1 de mayo de 2006 ayudó a coordinar la marcha por los derechos de los inmigrantes que tuvo lugar en San Francisco, y un año después Araujo Jr. contendió como candidato a la alcaldía de San Bruno, pero perdió ante Jim Ruane. Su hijo también contendió para la ciudad de San Bruno. “Somos muy conocidos en esta comunidad, llevamos mucho tiempo”, dijo Araujo.


“Ya sea la gente que ha comido en nuestro restaurante o que conoce lo que hacemos en la comunidad, hemos tenido un impacto en la comunidad”. El 9 de diciembre de 2017, Araujo fue detenido por agentes del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) después de que el gobierno mexicano se pusiera en contacto con la Interpol para encon-

trarlo. Fue detenido por presunta conspiración de un delito y fue enviado a las instalaciones del ICE en Cosumnes River, en Sacramento, antes de ser trasladado a la cárcel del condado de Yuba. Araujo quedó en libertad tras pagar una fianza de 5 mil dólares con la ayuda de Francisco Ugarte y Matt González, Vea ARAUJO, página 9

Agosto 12-25, 2021


El Tecolote 7


Editor’s Note: This is the current situation as of press time. However, it is rapidly evolving. For real-time updates, follow @CISPES on twitter, @cispes_solidarity on instagram, or go to our website www.cispes.org. Bay Area CISPES


n July 22, the National Civilian Police (PNC) in El Salvador illegally detained a number of former government officials from the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) political party. Social movement and civil society organizations in El Salvador are denouncing the detentions, which were carried out without a judicial order, as politically motivated and are calling for the immediate release of those detained. Those arrested were Dr. Violeta Menjívar, former Minister of Health and former mayor of the capital city of San Salvador, and Erlinda Handal, former Vice-Minister of Science and Technology, and daughter of FMLN founder Schafik Handal. Also detained were Calixto Mejía, former Vice-Minister of Labor and former FMLN legislator, Hugo Flores, former Vice-Minister of Agriculture, and Carlos Cáceres, former Treasury Minister. They are currently being held in prison while they wait for the court to issue further instructions on how they can appeal their case. After carrying out the detentions, police representatives and Attorney General Rodolfo Delgado announced that the FMLN functionaries were being accused of embezzlement and money laundering, though none of those detained were aware that they were being investigated, let alone facing charges. Delgado announced arrest warrants for other former officials as well, including former Salvadoran president Salvador Sánchez Cerén

(2014-2019). Delgado added that he would seek international assistance in his crusade, as the former president has been living outside the country for some time. Immediately following the detentions, the government’s powerful communications apparatus activated a campaign to defame those detained by publicizing unsubstantiated evidence in an effort to try them in the court of public opinion. Critics in El Salvador say the arrests and the accompanying media show are President Nayib Bukele’s response to recent blows to his image, including widespread discontent over his imposition of a new law obligating the use of Bitcoin as a national currency, the appearance of high-level cabinet members and leaders of his New Ideas party on the U.S. State Department’s recently published list of individuals accused of corruption, and revelations from former President Antonio Saca of secret payments made during his administration to the father of a New Ideas legislator as well as to other legislators currently allied with the governing party. Human rights and opposition groups in El Salvador issued a public statement declaring, “What is clear is the enormous corruption of the current government, which hides information about how public funds are spent and is currently impeding the Accounting Court from auditing $1 billion dollars from the 2020 budget. Evidence of public corruption in this government is constantly springing forth. These illegal actions demonstrate the weakness of a regime that resorts to violence and defamation in order to prop up its public image, which has been deteriorating due to the aggravation of problems for the population. In the last two years, unemployment and poverty have risen, health care is worsening, and violence against

Miembros de la comunidad se manifiestan afuera del consulado salvadoreño en Los Ángeles, en respuesta a la administración de Nayib Bukele. Community members demonstrate in front of the Salvadoran consulate in Los Angeles in response to Nayib Bukele’s technical coup on May 23, 2021. Courtesy: CISPES women is increasing, among many other social ills.” They also note that “no action by the self-proclaimed Attorney General of the Republic has legal validity as his appointment was the result of illegal actions by legislators from the governing party, who installed him without following constitutional procedures.” Similarly, in a public statement by the American Association of Jurists - El Salvador Branch (AAJ-ES) condemning the arrests, they wrote “Every day the violation of the Constitutional State of Law of El Salvador is more evident - it is publically and internationally known; all facilitated through the absolute control that the President of the Republic has of all

organs of the State, including the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic.” Given the growing criticism of the Bukele administration for corruption and misuse of COVID-19 pandemic emergency funds, it is no surprise that he would utilize his control over the police and the Attorney General to cast blame elsewhere and rile up the population on unsubstantiated claims of corruption by his predecessors. Nor is it a surprise that Bukele would target the FMLN, the only political party in El Salvador that has challenged his plans to further private investments in the country. The fact that the police arrested people without a judicial order and without giving See EL SALVADOR, page 9

¡LIBERTAD A PRESOS POLÍTICOS EN EL SALVADOR! DETENCIONES ILEGALES CAUSAN REPUDIO NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL Nota del editor: Esta es la situación actual al cierre de esta edición. Sin embargo, está evolucionando rápidamente. Para obtener actualizaciones en tiempo real, siga a @CISPES en Twitter, a @cispes_solidarity en Instagram, o vaya a nuestro sitio web www.cispes.org. Bay Area CISPES


l 22 de julio la Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) de El Salvador detuvo ilegalmente a varios ex funcionarios del partido político Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN). Movimientos Sociales y organizaciones de la sociedad civil de El Salvador denuncian que las detenciones, llevadas a cabo sin orden judicial, tienen una motivación política y piden la liberación inmediata de los detenidos. Los detenidos son la doctora Violeta Menjívar, ex ministra de Salud y ex alcaldesa de la capital, San Salvador, y Erlinda Handal, ex viceministra de Ciencia y Tecnología, e hija del fundador del FMLN, Schafik Handal. También fueron detenidos Calixto Mejía, ex viceministro de Trabajo y ex legislador del FMLN; Hugo Flores, ex viceministro de Agricultura, y Carlos Cáceres, ex ministro de Hacienda. Actualmente se encuentran en prisión a la espera de que el tribunal emita nuevas instrucciones sobre cómo pueden apelar su caso. Después de llevar a cabo las detenciones, los representantes de la policía y el Fiscal General, Rodolfo Delgado, anunciaron que los funcionarios del FMLN estaban siendo acusados de malversación y lavado de dinero, aunque ninguno de los detenidos sabía que estaban siendo investigados, mucho menos que enfrentaban tales acusaciones. Delgado anunció órdenes de arresto para otros ex funcionarios también, incluido el ex presidente salvadoreño Salvador Sánchez Cerén (2014-2019). Además, añadió que buscaría ayuda internacional en su cruzada, ya que el ex presidente lleva tiempo viviendo fuera del país. Inmediatamente después de las detenciones, el poderoso sistema de comunicación del gobierno activó una campa-

ña de difamación de los detenidos mediante la publicación de pruebas sin fundamento, en un intento por juzgarlos en el tribunal de la opinión pública. Los opositores en El Salvador dicen que los arrestos y el espectáculo mediático que los acompaña son la respuesta del presidente Nayib Bukele a los recientes golpes a su imagen, incluyendo el descontento por la imposición de una nueva ley que obliga al uso de Bitcoin como moneda nacional, la aparición de miembros del gabinete de alto nivel y líderes de su partido Nuevas Ideas en la lista de individuos acusados de corrupción publicada recientemente por el Departamento de Estado de los EEUU, y las revelaciones del ex presidente Antonio Saca sobre pagos secretos realizados durante su administración al padre de un legislador de Nuevas Ideas, así como a otros legisladores actualmente aliados con el partido gobernante. Los grupos de derechos humanos y de la oposición en El Salvador emitieron una declaración pública en la que afirmaban: “Lo que está claro es la enorme corrupción del actual gobierno, que oculta información sobre cómo se gastan los fondos públicos y que actualmente está impidiendo que el Tribunal de Cuentas audite mil millones de dólares del presupuesto de 2020. Las pruebas de la corrupción pública de este gobierno no dejan de surgir. Estas acciones ilegales demuestran la debilidad de un régimen que recurre a la violencia y la difamación para apuntalar su imagen pública, que se ha ido deteriorando debido al agravamiento de los problemas de la población. En los últimos dos años, el desempleo y la pobreza han aumentado, la atención sanitaria está empeorando y la violencia contra las mujeres está aumentando, entre otros muchos males sociales”. También señalan que “ninguna acción del autoproclamado Fiscal General de la República tiene validez legal ya que su nombramiento fue el resultado de acciones ilegítimas por parte de legisladores del partido gobernante, quienes lo nombraron sin cumplir con los procedimientos constitucionales”.

Asimismo, en una declaración pública de la Asociación Americana de Juristas, Sucursal de El Salvador (AAJ-ES) condenando las detenciones, escribieron “Cada día es más evidente la violación del Estado Constitucional de Derecho de El Salvador, es de conocimiento público e internacional; todo facilitado a través del control absoluto que el presidente de la República tiene de todos los órganos del Estado, incluyendo la Fiscalía General de la República.” Teniendo en cuenta las crecientes críticas a la administración Bukele por la corrupción y malversación de fondos de emergencia para la COVID-19, no es de extrañar que utilice su control sobre la policía y el Fiscal General para culpar a otros y alborotar a la población con denuncias infundadas de corrupción de sus predecesores. Tampoco sorprende que Bukele apunte al FMLN, el único partido político de El Salvador que ha desafiado sus planes de aumentar las inversiones privadas en el país. El hecho de que la policía detuviera a ciudadanos sin una orden judicial y sin informarles sobre el motivo de su detención o el lugar al que se les llevaba, es una bandera roja que indica el debilitamiento de los procesos democráticos. Se inscribe perfectamente en la tendencia de la administración a gobernar haciendo caso omiso de las leyes e instituciones existentes. Una práctica que recuerda demasiado a otras épocas de represión estatal. Actualmente se está produciendo un giro hacia la intimidación y el acoso político en El Salvador. Pocos días antes de las detenciones ilegales, la sede de COMADRES, una organización fundada por las madres y hermanos de personas desaparecidas forzosamente durante el conflicto armado de los años ochenta, fue allanada y se robaron archivos. Hay poca confianza en que el actual Fiscal General persiga estos y otros ataques a las organizaciones de derechos humanos. El Departamento de Estado y la Embajada de los EEUU en El Salvador deben pedir inmediatamente la liberación de los presos políticos y el fin de los allanamientos ilegales, las confiscaciones y la intimidación política de los adversarios políticos del presidente.


Esta es una ocasión importante para que la encargada de negocios de la Embajada de los EEUU, Jean Manes, corrija los errores del pasado, dado su apoyo incondicional durante su mandato anterior como embajadora a las acciones de motivación similar del ex Fiscal General, Douglas Meléndez, quien decidió no actuar ante las pruebas que indicaban una malversación de fondos públicos de más de 4 mil millones de dólares durante los veinte años de ARENA en el cargo. Ante estas acciones ilegales, el Senado de los EEUU debería retirar inmediatamente la financiación y el apoyo a la Policía Nacional Civil en el próximo proyecto de ley de asignaciones, algo que la Cámara no hizo en su reciente votación. El apoyo de este país a la policía y al ejército está alimentando este tipo de represión política en toda Centroamérica. Aquí en los EEUU, CISPES y otras organizaciones aliadas están trabajando para ampliar las demandas y los llamados a la acción que gritan los movimientos sociales y las organizaciones de base desde el terreno en El Salvador. Esto incluye presionar al Congreso para que denuncie las acciones tomadas por el líder de Nuevas Ideas, el presidente Nayib Bukele, así como la ayuda militar que está siendo utilizada para silenciar cualquier oposición a las acciones tomadas por el presidente. CISPES hace un llamado a los lectores de El Tecolote para que actúen en esta situación de urgencia. Puede ayudar enviando un correo electrónico a la Embajada de los EEUU para romper su silencio y poner fin a su complicidad en la persecución política en bit.ly/freepoliticalprisoners. También puede tuitear a la Corte Suprema de Justicia salvadoreña y al presidente para instarlos a respetar el debido proceso y los procesos democráticos en el país. Puedes encontrar ejemplos de tuits en bit. ly/sampletweetsSV. Si desea participar a nivel local, envíe un correo electrónico a bayareacispes@gmail.com.

8 El Tecolote

August 12-25, 2021



No solo trabajamos en Recology. Somos sus dueños. Recology es 100% propiedad de sus empleados y es tan diversa como San Francisco: el 70% de todos los empleados de San Francisco son personas de color. Estamos orgullosos de haber construido nuestro programa de reciclaje desde cero, ayudando a hacer de San Francisco la ciudad más grande y más ecológica de Estados Unidos*.

“Sigamos marcando la diferencia. Juntos.” *Siemens U.S. and Canada Green City Index



Agosto 12-25, 2021 SURVIVOR, from page 1

But for Sasha, a path forward is possible. “I definitely think restorative justice is possible here,” she said. “I firmly believe that no one is disposable and that everyone is capable of rehabilitation. A lot of people have criticized me for coming forward publicly about my experience with Jon, but I actually think involving the community is a critical step towards restorative justice. When Jon and I talked in April, he told me that his behavior would change, but there was no way for me to hold him accountable.” Sasha continues; “Survivors of sexual assault cannot be responsible for overseeing our perpetrators’ rehabilitation. When I found out six weeks later that Jon had hurt another woman, I knew that I needed help to stop this pattern of behavior. Women in our community deserve to know if Jon poses a risk to their safety. They deserve to be at the table when deciding if and when Jon can reenter certain community spaces.” “I am definitely not an expert on restorative justice, so I don’t know what comes next. But I’m inspired by the women in the Mission who have been fighting against sexual violence for generations. They are not responsible for Jon’s healing either, but the vast level of expertise in the Mission and throughout San Francisco’s activist communities gives me hope for the future.” “I do know that justice will not come through involving the police. Supervisor Myrna Melgar and Ani Rivera said it well in their

DELTA de página 2

evitará que los vacunados contraigan infecciones leves”. Gandhi destacó que en áreas como Vermont, Virginia y el área de la bahía en California que tienen tasas más altas de vacunación, la hospitalización permanece controlada. Mientras en lugares como Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana y Nevada, donde las tasas de inoculación son bajas, los hospitalizados por COVID aumentan. La médica compartió seis estrategias implementadas por la administración de Joe Biden para incrementar la vacunación que apenas alcanza el 50% del país: mensajes enfocados en la comunidad —exitosa en campañas de vacunación entre poblaciones latinas en San Francisco— llevar las vacunas a las personas en sus farmacias, consultorios médicos, y lugares de trabajo y otorgar tiempo libre con paga a los trabajadores no solo para vacunarse sino para recuperarse, incluyendo transporte y cuidado de ninos gratuitos. Una tercera estrategia incluye exigir pasaportes de vacunas en comercios cerrados; y una cuarta es el mandato de vacuna obligatoria para los trabajadores de salud que ya se está imponiendo para los empleados estatales en California, San Francisco y la ciudad de Nueva York así como a nivel federal. Las dos últimas estrategias son combatir la desinformación en las redes sociales y conseguir la completa aprobación de la vacuna por parte de la Administración de Drogas y Alimentos (FDA, por sus siglas en inglés) más allá del uso de emergencia. “Se han impuesto mandatos de vacunación en este país porque si bien algunos argumentan que va en contra del derecho de las personas a controlar su propia salud, este es un problema de salud pública” dijo Gandhi. Tras la epidemia de viruela en los EEUU en 1905, un fallo de la Corte Suprema dijo que las vacunas pueden

#YoTambien statement this week — the criminal justice system has never been fair to “either men of color nor to female victims of sexual assault. Prisons do not rehabilitate offenders, and they tear apart our communities rather than helping us heal. In outing him publicly, Jon has already been forced to retreat from public life for the time being. There is no need for anyone to go to jail.” This cycle of abuse has been in motion for centuries. For the Latinx community, if you can trace your ancestry to anywhere in the Americas, the generational trauma of sexual assault as a tool and consequence of colonial conquest has likely been passed down to you. It’s a cycle that has convinced so many of us to relentlessly chase and flaunt power and status, even at the expense of our own children, women and the most vulnerable people in our communities. This cycle must break, and to do that, we need to change our culture. Particularly our men. The only way to achieve that is to first have that very hard and uncomfortable and real conversation with oneself, before having them with our family. We then need to teach our brothers, our sons, and ourselves, to unlearn what we’ve been taught—or not taught—about informed, freely given and knowledgeable consent. That no matter who we think we are, we aren’t entitled to anyone’s body. While we all play a role in upholding the legacy of patriarchy, this event is a reminder of the daily work that men especially need to do to unearth the layers of pain and tear at the roots of colonization that keep us tangled in place. Those roots are strong. But together so are we. ser obligatorias porque entonces el 30% de los elegibles para tomarla, no lo hicieron. “Cualquier mandato vendrá con tres excepciones: inmunidad natural, razones religiosas y razones médicas. Si alguien está más preocupado por los efectos secundarios, siempre habrá excepciones a los mandatos. Pero no tener altas tasas de vacunación está provocando la prolongación de la pandemia”, añadió Gandhi. Ben Neuman, virólogo jefe del Complejo de Investigación de Salud Global de la Universidad Texas A&M discutió varios estudios a nivel mundial (Israel, Canadá, Reino Unido e India) que muestran que recibir las dos dosis de la vacuna será más efectivo contra la variante Delta, aunque las vacunas actuales aprobadas han mostrado ser 7% menos efectivas frente a esa cepa en comparación con anteriores mutaciones del COVID-19. “El estudio israelí llegó a la conclusión de que la gente vacunada tiene entre un 80% y un 90% menos de probabilidades de transmitir el virus y entre un 80% y un 90% menos de probabilidades de infectarse. El de India, que analizó a los pacientes que recibieron la vacuna, encontró que hubo alrededor del 50% menos probabilidades de contraer la enfermedad grave, usar el ventilador o morir”. Finalmente Dali Fan, doctor del centro de salud de la Universidad de California en Davis, aclaró que hasta el momento no se requiere dosis de refuerzo para ningún grupo etario en el país y que esta tampoco es la “solución primera para la variante Delta [...]. Una dosis de refuerzo solo se necesitaría después de que haya evidencia de una disminución de la protección contra una enfermedad real, no solo para obtener respuestas de anticuerpos”, dijo Fan. “Vacunar a todo el mundo es la respuesta correcta”, subrayó. A finales de julio, Israel reportó que 2 mil ciudadanos habían recibido una tercera dosis de la vacuna de manera segura.

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SASHA de página 1

te de que la oportunidad de presentar esto públicamente y de recibir el apoyo que tengo de la comunidad, no se le brinda a todos los sobrevivientes”, dijo Sasha. “Por ejemplo, los medios de comunicación han informado esta semana ampliamente el hecho de que soy exalumna de Stanford. Si bien soy latina, también soy una chica blanca, y ya tenía una gran plataforma como escritora antes de esta semana. Y, por supuesto, el hombre que me agredió es un hombre latino, moreno, lo que pone en juego los prejuicios preconcebidos de la gente”. “Los sobrevivientes que no asistieron a una escuela elegante, que no son blancos o que no tienen una plataforma, no siempre reciben el mismo apoyo que yo. Eso es una mierda. El corazón se me aflige por todos los sobrevivientes que están sufriendo debido a esta noticia en este momento, especialmente quienes no tuvieron la suerte de recibir el apoyo que yo tengo”, dijo Sasha. Cómo y cuándo se convirtió en una práctica preferida proteger a los abusadores que perpetúan el trauma generacional, en lugar de proteger y creerle a los sobrevivientes, no lo sé. Cómo y cuándo aceptamos colectivamente que “los abusadores siempre existirán” en nuestros hogares y comunidades, no lo sé. Pero es hora de que cambiemos eso. Y tenemos el poder colectivo y la responsabilidad de cambiar esta cultura que nos ha causado tanto daño, especialmente a las mujeres. Pero el cambio no vendrá sin costo. Incluso ahora, en medio de la valentía exhibida por Sasha (que dijo ha animado a cinco mujeres más a compartir su historia con ella), los trolls están trabajando arduamente en el pútrido espacio de las redes sociales, capitalizando el dolor con viles intentos de impulsar sus propias campañas de remoción ridículas. Y lamentablemente, las voces de algunos miembros de la comunidad, a pesar de la evidencia y el testimonio presentado por Sasha, han elegido el camino de avergonzarla y culparla por ser víctima de violación. Pero para Sasha, existe un camino a seguir. “Definitivamente creo en la posibilidad de la justicia restaurativa”, dijo. “Creo firmemente que nadie es desechable y que todo el mundo es capaz de rehabilitarse. Mucha gente me ha criticado por hablar públicamente sobre mi experiencia con Jon, pero en realidad creo que involucrar a la comunidad es un paso fundamental hacia la justicia restaurativa. Cuando Jon y yo hablamos en abril, me dijo que su comportamiento cambiaría, pero no había forma de hacerlo responsable de sus actos”. Sasha continúa; “Las sobrevivientes de agresión sexual no pueden ser responsables de supervisar la rehabilitación de los perpetradoEL SALVADOR, from page 5

them any information about why they were being detained or where they were being taken is a red flag that signals the weakening of democratic processes. It falls neatly into the administration’s pattern of governing with a disregard for existing laws and institutions. A pattern all too reminiscent of previous eras of state repression. There is currently a turn towards political intimidation and harassment in El Salvador. A few days before the illegal arrests, the headquarters of COMADRES, an organization founded by the mothers and siblings of people who were forcibly disappeared during the armed conflict in the 1980s, were raided and archives were stolen. There is little confidence that the current Attorney General will pursue these and other attacks on human rights organizations. The U.S. State Department and the U.S. Embassy in El Salvador should immediately call for the release of the political prisoners and for an end to illegal raids, seizures, and political intimidation of the president’s political adversaries. This is an important opportunity for chargé d’affaires for the U.S. Embassy, Jean Manes, to right the wrongs of the past, given her unabashed support during her previous tenure as U.S. Ambassador for similarly motivated actions by former Attorney General, Douglas Meléndez, who chose not to act on evidence ARAUJO de página 6

abogados de la oficina del Defensor Público de San Francisco. El caso fue desestimado por falta de pruebas, pero al estar detenido, su caso de inmigración fue reabierto tras ser cerrado en 2016. Ahora, Araujo se enfrenta a la deportación por segunda vez. “Creo que esto es más bien para cerrarme la boca porque hablo de lo que creo que el gobierno mexicano está haciendo a los inmigrantes y a los pobres”, dijo Araujo. “Tienen un problema conmigo porque he estado haciendo radio criticándolos durante mucho tiempo”.


El Tecolote 9 res. Cuando supe, seis semanas después, que Jon había agredido a otra mujer, supe que necesitaba ayuda para detener este patrón de comportamiento. Las mujeres de nuestra comunidad merecen saber si Jon representa un riesgo para su seguridad. Merecen estar en la mesa para decidir si Jon puede volver a ingresar a ciertos espacios comunitarios”. “Definitivamente no soy experta en justicia restaurativa, así que no sé qué sigue. Pero me inspiran las mujeres de la Misión que han luchado contra la violencia sexual durante generaciones. Ellas tampoco son responsables de la curación de Jon, pero el vasto nivel de experiencia en la Misión y en todas las comunidades de activistas de San Francisco me da esperanza para el futuro”. “Sé que la justicia no llegará a través de la participación de la policía. La supervisora Myrna Melgar y Ani Rivera lo dijeron bien en su declaración #YoTambien de esta semana: el sistema de justicia penal nunca ha sido justo “ni con los hombres de color ni con las mujeres víctimas de agresión sexual”. Las prisiones no rehabilitan a los delincuentes y destruyen nuestras comunidades en lugar de ayudarnos a sanar. Al revelarlo públicamente, Jon ya se vio obligado a retirarse de la vida pública por el momento. No es necesario que nadie vaya a la cárcel”, concluyó. Este ciclo de abuso ha estado activo durante siglos. Para la comunidad Latinx, quien pueda rastrear su ascendencia hasta cualquier lugar de las Américas, es probable que el trauma generacional por agresión sexual como herramienta y consecuencia de la conquista colonial se le haya transmitido. Es un ciclo que nos ha convencido a muchos de nosotros de perseguir sin descanso y hacer alarde de poder y estatus, incluso a expensas de nuestros propios hijos, mujeres y las personas más vulnerables de nuestras comunidades. Este ciclo debe romperse y, para lograrlo, debemos cambiar nuestra cultura. Particularmente nuestros hombres. La única forma de lograrlo es tener primero esa conversación dura, incómoda y real con uno mismo, antes de tenerla con nuestra familia. Luego, debemos enseñar a nuestros hermanos, a nuestros hijos y a nosotros mismos a desaprender lo que se nos ha enseñado, o no se nos ha enseñado, sobre el consentimiento informado, dado libremente y con conocimiento. Que no importa quiénes pensamos que somos, no tenemos derecho al cuerpo de nadie. Si bien todos jugamos un papel en perpetuar el patriarcado como legado, este evento es un recordatorio del trabajo diario que los hombres deben hacer, especialmente, para desenterrar las capas de dolor y desgarro en las raíces de la colonización que nos mantienen atados. Esas raíces son fuertes. Pero juntos, nosotros también lo somos. indicating upwards of $4 billion in embezzlement of public funds during ARENA’s twenty years in office. Given these illegal actions, the U.S. Senate should immediately withdraw funding and support for the National Civilian Police in the upcoming appropriations bill, which the House failed to do in its recent vote. U.S. support for the police and military is fueling this type of political repression throughout Central America. Here in the United States, CISPES and other allied organizations are working to amplify the demands and calls to action being shouted by social movements and grassroots organizations from the ground in El Salvador. This includes pressuring Congress to denounce the actions taken by New Ideas leader, President Nayib Bukele, as well as military aid that is being used to silence any opposition to the actions taken by the President. CISPES is calling on the El Tecolote readers to take action in this urgent situation! You can help by sending a pre-written email to the U.S. Embassy to break its silence and end its complicity in political persecution at bit.ly/freepoliticalprisoners. You can also tweet at the Salvadoran Supreme Court and the President to urge them to respect due process and democratic processes in the country. You can find sample tweets at bit.ly/ sampletweetsSV. Please email bayareacispes@ gmail.com if you want to get involved locally.

Araujo sospecha que el gobierno mexicano se ha esforzado por perseguirlo a él y a su familia desde hace mucho tiempo: “El gobierno es muy corrupto, mataron a mi hermano en México”, dijo Araujo. “Enviaron una nota roja pidiendo a los EEUU mi deportación”. Araujo tiene la esperanza de que las cosas salgan bien para él y que siga siendo tan expresivo como siempre. Seguirá sirviendo a su comunidad a pesar de los pequeños contratiempos: “Llevo mucho tiempo aquí y siempre serviré a la comunidad”, dijo Araujo. “Soy una gran parte de esta comunidad, casi todas las publicaciones de esta zona han escrito sobre mí y lo que he hecho por ella”.


10 El Tecolote

Saturday 1pm to 5:30pm – Free admission to the exhibition. All ages Main Gallery and Inti Raymi Gallery (Second Floor)

August 12-25, 2021 Artists: Alexa Trevino; Ivan Camilo Lopez; Italo Valle; Vanessa Angeldones-Soto; Arael Dominguez; Karina Garcia; Lucía Leal; Juan De Dios Soto; Dedication In Memory of the Santa Cruz Family • Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, 2868 Mission Street, San Francisco

Sale of drinks 21+

Please send calendar submissions to calendario@eltecolote.org Favor de enviar información a calendario@eltecolote.org HELP WANTED: Looking for someone to assist a professional young woman with a disability in her home. There are different shifts available, pay is negotiated depending on experience. We need to hire someone asap, if interested please call 650-477-8661. SE SOLICITA AYUDANTE: Buscando alguien que pueda asistir a una mujer joven profesional con discapacidad. Hay diferentes horarios y el pago es negociado dependiendo en su experiencia. Necesitamos contratar a alguien lo más pronto posible si le interesa Por favor llame al 650 477 8661. Friday, August 13 • 7 pm • #DefundLine 3 - SF Bay Area - Guerrilla Movies and Creative Action As part of the #DefundLine3 Global Day of Action - join us in downtown San Francisco for Guerrilla Movies and Art Action on Friday, August 13th from 7pm - 10:30pm. Bring chairs, blankets, and people power as we host a guerrilla movie screening and art action at Wells Fargo’s headquarters to help stop the Line 3 pipeline. 7:00pm — Non-Violent Direct Action training (around the corner at 555 California Street.) 8:30pm — Guerrilla Movie screening on the Line 3 resistance movement Intermission — Creative art action (details will be shared on the ground) Given the ongoing public health risks of COVID while this event is outdoors, we still encourage attendees to be mindful of social distancing and wearing of masks. If you feel sick - please stay home. Event sponsors include: Oil and Gas Action Network, Extinction Rebellion SF Bay Area, Silicon Valley Climate Action Now, 1000 Grandmothers For Future Generations SF, Diablo Rising Tide, Climate Health Now, 350 Bay Area, CodePink Golden Gate Chapter, and more. The situation in Anishinaabe territory is dire right now. Enbridge is spilling drilling fluid into the wetlands of the Mississippi headwaters as it rushes to complete the Line 3 pipeline. Hundreds of Water Protectors are chaining themselves to drilling equipment to prevent Enbridge from violating Anishinaabe treaty rights. Enbridge is currently violating 21 river crossings and hundreds of waterways across Minnesota. If completed, the expanded tars sands pipeline would unleash the emissions equivalent of fifty new coal plants. On July 23rd, major banks (such as JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citibank)​ had loans worth nearly $6 billion to Enbridge, the company behind Line 3, that were due for renewal. We made it clear that the banks must walk away from those loans if they cared at all about curtailing the climate crisis & respecting Indigenous rights. In the past twelve months, nearly every major bank has pledged to achieve “net-zero” climate emissions by 2050. Y​et, the banks chose to renew the loans and to keep funding Line 3.​​This is greenwashing at its worst — so on Friday, August 13th, activists from around the country will demand banks stop funding the Line 3 pipeline, and all other fossil fuel projects.​ Corporate greenwashing is the new climate denial ― and it must be called out. You can also

share / RSVP here on ActionNetwork if you’d like: https://actionnetwork.org/events/defundline-3sf-bay-area/ Contact: info@OilGasAction.org Sunday, August 15 • 11 am-3:30 pm • Back 2 School Boogie Are you ready to boogie before class starts? First 100 families to sign up via QR will get a special prize. Food, music, school supplies, haircuts, and more! • El Centro Bayview, 1329 Evans Ave, San Francisco Thursday, August 19 • 4 pm–7 pm • Art Mural Action #SealtheDeal for Climate, Care, Jobs, and Justice Join us on this national day of action as thousands of people call on our Member of Congress to seal the deal and pass the biggest and boldest climate and care infrastructure bill in history. We can fund climate solutions, grow the care economy, fight inequality, and create green jobs. We will be painting a large mural at Dolores Park, sending a message to Speaker Pelosi that we demand bold action now! Come meet Sunrise Movement Bay Area and California GND Coalition members at the park and take action with us. RSVP here: https://smvmt.us/sba-sealthedeal Covid-19 Protocol: This event will be outdoors. However, with the Delta Variant cases on the rise, we are asking participants to wear masks and practice social distancing. Please stay home if you are feeling ill. Thursday, August 19 • 6:30 pm–8 pm • $5 • Honoring Shellmounds: Artistic Collaboration with the Ohlone Com How can public art honor local indigenous communities and teach us about Native history, culture, and practices? In this virtual event, Berkeley-based sculptor Masayuki Nagase shares the process behind the creation of his environmental artwork Water Is Life—We Are Still Here for the site of an Ohlone Shellmound in Richmond, California. After being selected for the project, Nagase contacted Corrina Gould, tribal chair of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan and co-founder and co-director of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust, and worked closely with her and the local Ohlone community on the design. Nagase and Gould will talk about their collaboration as well as efforts underway to protect other Shellmounds, sacred Ohlone burial sites that are found all over the Bay Area. Reserve tickets: https://asianart.org/ Thursday, August 19 • 6:30 pm • $12 via eventbrite • De Cajón- Tocando La Historia. Live performance + Exhibit The event, De Cajón – “Tocando la historia” will be at the MCCLA gallery, and the community is invited to come and learn about the Cajon drum, originating from the Afro-Peruvian community. This exposition will host more than 10 artists including installations, photography, audiovisual, painting and sculpture. The event will open with a reception and musical presentation with the Cajon drum by “Jaranon y Bochinche.” Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 19, 20, and 21, 2021. 6:30 to 9:30pm – Exhibition, Live Music and Traditional Peruvian dance – $12 Admission

Below Market Rate (BMR) Rental Units Available

1177 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 13 one bedroom units at rent $1,379 a month 61 two bedroom units at rent $1,533 a month

Applicants must not own a housing unit, meet the "Resident Selection Criteria" and be income eligible. Households must earn no more than the maximum income levels outlined below at 55% area median income (AMI): HOUSEHOLD SIZE Max. Annual Income At 55% AMI

1 Person

2 Persons

3 Persons

4 Persons

5 Persons






Applications available from Tuesday July 27th, 2021 and due by 5PM Tuesday August 24th, 2021 Applications must be submitted online at housing.sfgov.org For more information contact Brian Minall (415) 647 7191 ext. 127. brian.minall@caritasmanagement.com Units available through the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development and are subject to monitoring and other restrictions. Visit housing.sfgov.org for an application and further program information.

VISIT ELTECOLOTE.ORG OR LISTEN TO IT WHEREVER YOU GET YOUR PODCASTS! JOB LISTING /// EMPLEOS MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR Love marketing? Love the arts? Southern Exposure, an arts nonprofit, gallery, and event space in the Mission, is looking for a strategic and collaborative communications professional to join our small but mighty team as our new Marketing & Communications Coordinator. This part-time position will work with all members of staff to celebrate and elevate the work of our artists, organization, and wider community. View the full position description and application instructions at soex.org/ jobs. Apply by Sunday, August 22 for full consideration. COORDINADOR(A) DE MARKETING Y COMUNICACIONES ¿Te encanta el marketing? ¿Amas el arte? Southern Exposure, una organización artística sin fines de lucro, galería y espacio para eventos en la Misión, está buscando un(a) profesional de comunicaciones estratégicas y colaborativas para unirse a nuestro pequeño pero poderoso equipo como nuestro(a) nuevo Coordinador(a) de Marketing y Comunicaciones. Este puesto de medio tiempo trabajará con todos los miembros del personal para celebrar y elevar el trabajo de nuestros artistas, organización y comunidad en general. Mira la descripción completa del puesto y las instrucciones de solicitud en soex.

org/jobs. Aplica antes del domingo 22 de agosto para una consideración completa. TEACHING ARTIST Enjoy working with youth? Collaborate with Southern Exposure and Mission Girls to empower youth this October through December by creating community-based art projects, culminating in an exhibition in Southern Exposure’s gallery. View the full position description and application instructions at soex.org/jobs. Apply by Sunday, August 22 for full consideration. ARTISTA DOCENTE ¿Disfrutas trabajar con jóvenes? Colabora con Southern Exposure y Mission Girls para empoderar a las jóvenes de octubre a diciembre mediante la creación de proyectos de arte basados en la comunidad, que culminen con una exposición en la galería de Southern Exposure. Mira la descripción completa del puesto y las instrucciones de solicitud en soex.org/jobs. Aplica antes del domingo 22 de agosto para una consideración completa. CLEANING IN SAN LEANDRO Looking for a female to perform cleaning and laundry duties at our spa in San Leandro. Pay starts at $15.00 per hour. Work starts at 6pm and ends at 11pm. Please give us a call at 510.381.3472. Thank you.

Alquiler por debajo de la tarifa de mercado (BMR) Lofts para artistas vivienda / trabajo disponibles 1415 Indiana Street, San Francisco CA 94107 2 lofts grandes de una habitación alquilados a $3,110 al mes; una plaza de estacionamiento incluida. Tamaño máximo del hogar es de 3; los niños menores de seis (6) años no cuentan para el tamaño del hogar. El alquiler se ofrecerá a los hogares en orden de clasificación de lotería. Debe ser elegible por ingresos y no debe ser propietario de una casa. Los hogares no deben ganar más que los niveles máximos de ingresos a continuación: 120% del ingreso medio del área Una persona: $111,900 dólares; 2 personas: $127,850 dólares; 3 personas $143,900 Las solicitudes deben recibirse antes de las 5:00 p.m. del viernes 3 de septiembre de 2021. Solicite en línea a través de DAHLIA, el SF Housing Portal - DAHLIA en housing.sfgov.org. Debido a COVID-19, los solicitantes presentarán la solicitud en línea ya que no aceptamos solicitudes en papel. Comuníquese con Felicia Zurich para obtener información sobre el edificio al (415) 202-4195 o 1415Indianasf@gmail.com. Unidades disponibles a través de la Oficina de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario de la Alcaldía de San Francisco están sujetas a monitoreo y otras restricciones. Visite www.sfmohcd.org para obtener información sobre el programa.



Agosto 12-25, 2021

El Tecolote 11

Community-Based Resources Bayview Hunters Point Rafiki Coalition for Health and Wellness

Tenderloin San Francisco Community Health Center

Mission Mission Neighborhood Health Center

Lakeview/OMI I.T. Bookman Community Center / Southwest Community Corporation

rafikicoalition.org (415) 615-9945

sfcommunityhealth.org (415) 292-3400

www.mnhc.org (415) 552-1013

itbookmancenter.org (415) 712-0313

Visitacion Valley Family and Child Empowerment Services SF (FACES SF)

Chinatown Chinese Hospital

Mission Latino Task Force

Potrero Hill YMCA Urban Services

facessf.org (415) 239-8705

www.ltfrespuestalatina.com Resources & Services: (415) 432-7275 Testing & Vaccines: (844) 965-0987


www.chinesehospital-sf.org (628) 228-2828

www.ymcasf.org/locations/urbanservices-ymca (415) 561-0631

Western Addition/Fillmore Booker T. Washington Community Service Center btwcsc.org (415) 928-6596

Calling all women looking for new career opportunities!


Mission Rock is the new mixed-use neighborhood under construction along the waterfront, just south of Oracle Park. We welcome all women who are interested in construction to come to an informative orientation about an upcoming Mission Rock Construction Training Academy being offered in August 2021.

Attend 1 of 3 Informational Orientations: •

Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 1 P.M. at 3125 Mission Street

Thursday, August 12, 2021 at 1 P.M. at 200 Broad Street

Thursday, August 26, 2021 at 1 P.M. at 3125 Mission Street

For more information contact Michiko Wagner: mwagner@missionhiringhall.org, (628) 333-5043 MISSION



12 El Tecolote

August 12-25, 2021


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