Awards Manual Training Guide

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Awards Training Manual Cal-Nev-Ha KIWIN’S District of Key Club International


MANUAL Emerald Ruby

38th Annual District Convention April 4-6, 2014 Marriott Hotel 2600 Bishop Dr, San Ramon, CA 94583

“You’ve got a friend in KIWIN’ service and beyond.”

Section 1 Awards These awards are due at the District Office by 4:00 PM on February 21, 2014.

These awards are judged before DCON at Pre-judging by Circle K and Kiwanians

Section 1 Awards

All Star Award • New Award created • Exemplifies KIWIN’S ideals. • Have been in KIWIN’S freshman year through senior year • A member who receives this award stands out for a very dedicated commitment to upholding KIWIN’S standards and values KEEP IN MIND: • 2 Recommendation Letters (One adult advisor + one club president), + 1 Statement of Nomination

Club Web Page: • KIWIN’S all around • Up to date and easily accessible • It is best to keep the website neat and to give a variety of information such as events, pictures, etc.

Distinguished Club • Utilize the Annual Achievement Report Form (International form) • Make sure to have read the International guidelines while completing KEEP IN MIND: • Must be submitted in a three ring binder • Typed or printed in blue or black ink

Section 1 Awards

Distinguished Club President & Distinguished Club Vice President (Cooperation with Club President) • • • • • •

Ideal Initiative and assumes great leadership Creative in club activities Organized in delegating and administrating Ideal in upholding KIWIN’S and Key Club core values Professional with good relationships and communication • Motivated to better the growth and achievement of the club KEEP IN MIND: • If submission is more than 20 pages long, you may submit it in a binder. If not, please submit it in a plastic report cover • 2 Recommendation Letters + 1 Statement of Nomination • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Section 1 Awards

Distinguished Club Secretary/Team • Ideal • Organized and timely with club documents • Clear and concise with minutes and notes • Resourceful with documents to aid the club • Keeper of master files and club information • Cooperative with respective co-secretary (if applicable) • Proof of minutes pertaining to club • Proof of newsletters and announcements KEEP IN MIND: • If submission is more than 20 pages long, you may submit it in a binder. If not, please submit it in a plastic report cover • 2 Recommendation Letters for each Secretary + 1 Statement of Nomination for each Secretary • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Distinguished Treasurer • Ideal • Timely in turning in club dues • Creative and initiative with fundraising • Motivated in increasing membership • Organized in financial planning for the club KEEP IN MIND: • If submission is more than 20 pages long, you may submit it in a binder. If not, please submit it in a plastic report cover • 2 Recommendation Letters (ONE MUST BE WRITTEN BY CLUB PRESIDENT OR SECRETARY) + 1 Statement of Nomination • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Section 1 Awards

District Project - Eliminate • Clubs that organize more projects dedicated to Project Eliminate specifically will be most likely to get recognized more • The data on the chart of projects should be realistic and accurate • Clubs should have a variety of projects ranging from different activities and different levels of work put in will KEEP IN MIND: • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Faculty Advisor Hall of Fame & Kiwanis Advisor Hall of Fame • Recognize that Faculty Advisor and Kiwanis Advisor are different • The more information about the individual and their accomplishments the better (brag sheet) KEEP IN MIND: • Report consisting of no more than 500 words on why this person should receive the award and summary of achievements

Section 1 Awards

KIWIN’S Member of the Year • Member in which stands out from the club in a way that signifies a true KIWIN’S member who upholds the objectives of KIWIN’S and Key Club International KEEP IN MIND: • Must be submitted in a plastic report cover • Minimum of 2 Recommendation letters (One adult advisor + Club president) + 1 Statement of Nomination (no more than 500 words) • Up to 4 sheets of supplements • Must not be an applicant of the Sandy Nininger Medal Award nor the All Star Award

KIWIN’S Week Award • Focused on pushing members to participate in a Key Club International event with a KIWIN’S twist • Even if a club did not participate in all 5 days of the event, encourage them to provide information on what they have done • Important to highlight the involvement of club members KEEP IN MIND: • Attach photos and supplements (no limit)

Section 1 Awards

Major Emphasis • Live2Learn • The project designed should have some way of connecting to children. • All steps (The Need, The plan, Implementation, Results and Partnership with Kiwanis) should be in full detail • For calculations, refer to Key Club Guidebook on Key Club Website KEEP IN MIND: • To utilize Major Emphasis 2014 International form

Minor Emphasis • PTP • It is important to list 5 projects that the club has designed to give funds towards PTP. • Explanation on how to reach out to the community and how KIWIN’S made a difference • Participation in Pediatric Trauma month KEEP IN MIND: • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Section 1 Awards

Most Improved Club •

All clubs have an opportunity to apply knowing that all clubs can improve • Remind clubs to keep copies/proof of their improvements starting now • Strategies, rewards, ideas on improvement KEEP IN MIND: • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Most Interclubs • •

Push members to be qualified for this award! When 4 or more members of a club meets with 4 or more members of another club within the Kiwanis Family • Meeting planned in advance with a goal or plan in mind • Keep all records of meet • Keep all information accurate KEEP IN MIND: • Supplements can be attached

Partners in Service • •

No longer an international award Select 3 out of the 4 projects (Unicef, Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes, and PTP) • Keep all records of meet KEEP IN MIND: • Up to 4 supplements

Section 1 Awards

Sandy Nininger Award • •

Ideal: “Above & beyond the call of duty” This award should be rewarded to a student who has shown dedication and passion towards the idea of community service and who has stood out from the best of the bests. KEEP IN MIND: • 2 Recommendation Letters + 1 Statement of Nomination • Up to 5 sheets of supplements

• Service •

List of 10 top service projects planned by club (quality over quantity) • More involvement of members the better • Purely served for the better of the community KEEP IN MIND: • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Sid Smith Award • • •

Money reward ($500) Innovative and successful service project How did the club affect the community in a new and creative way? KEEP IN MIND: • Essay describing the project limited to 1,000 words • Up to 2 supplement materials • Specific layout of essay

Section 1 Awards

Single Fundraiser •

One fundraiser planned and executed by a club for the purpose of KIWIN’S expenses • Donations and rewards from contests should not be included in profit • Details on Need, Plan, Public Awareness, and Results KEEP IN MIND: • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Single School Service •

One service project served to improve the school environment and campus • Should be detailed when it comes to explaining the Need, Usefulness, Plan, Public Awareness, and Results • The more positive impact it has on the school the better KEEP IN MIND: • Up to 4 sheets of supplements

Single Service • Overall BEST service project done by a club • Displays the strengths of the club and symbolizing unity KEEP IN MIND: • Must be submitted in a binder • To utilize Single Service Award 2014 International form • International Form was not released when releasing the Awards Manual, so I had sent the form to the club presidents and vice presidents!

Section 2 Awards These awards are due at DCON. April 4, 2014 by 9:00PM These awards are judged at DCON by Circle K and Kiwanians

Section 2Awards

Club Poster Contest • Designed to recruit members for a KIWIN’S club, not a specific school club • Promote Key Club International as a whole KEEP IN MIND: • First and second place winners will eligible for the Key Club International Contest • Will not be returned • Certain measurements • To utilize the Non-Digital Poster Contest entry form 2014

Club Video Contest • Represents Key Club International and KIWIN’S • Pay attention to small details • Copyrighted Music is prohibited • Simple and gets to the point KEEP IN MIND: • $200 cost • 30 seconds to a minute length • To utilize Video Contest entry form 2014

Convention Attendance • Purely based on how many members each club brings to DCON • Comparison between last year and this year

Section 2Awards

Impromptu Essay • •

One member per club Topic of the essay is unknown until the contestant has arrived in the room • Contestant should be well rounded in the sense of composing a well put together essay • Judged based on originality and clarity, organization, development of topic, and grammar KEEP IN MIND: • 500 words • 1 hour

KIKS Spirit Award • Judged not only on spirit but supportiveness • NO noisemakers • Get creative and create several KIKS KEEP IN MIND: • one of each KIKS must be turned into judging • 2 members of each club will be permitted to place KIKS on the dining tables 45 minutes prior to each general session

KIWIN’S T-Shirt Contest •

Original T-shirt design to promote KIWIN’S throughout the year • Be original and creative to stand out KEEP IN MIND: • Award Form must be attached to the shirt and placed in a clear zip-lock bag

Section 2Awards

Membership and Motivation • Every club should apply for this award • Every club that gains a 30% increase from last year’s paid dues will receive a certificate • Clubs with highest increase in each category will receive an award KEEP IN MIND: • In order to apply, the information of number of dues paid members from last year and this year will be needed Oratorical Contest • Topic: “What does a Key Club need to be strong?” • Up to 2 participants from each club KEEP IN MIND: • 3-5 minutes • 3x5 notecard

Talent Contest • Form must be received by February 21, 2014 • Keep it appropriate and be specific on what props will be needed • Entertainment is key KEEP IN MIND • 6 minutes max • Preliminary auditions at DCON

Section 2Awards

Year In Review Traditional & Nontraditional • AKA Scrapbook • Source used to display pictures, souvenirs, examples, clippings and any other supplements of the works of the club • Subdivided into categories: Service to School, Service to Community, Fundraising Projects, Assistance to Kiwanis Projects, Involvement with the Major Emphasis Program, and Misc. • Table of Contents KEEP IN MIND: • First and second place winners are eligible for the International Contest • $150 cost • No audio • To utilize Year In Review Cost Sheet • Caption at least 90% of all pictures

A Message from the District Awards Chair Hello all, Good luck everyone on applying for awards. Recognition is important for your hard work in KIWIN’S through your strive for service. Please remember to look over your awards before submitting, to avoid disqualifications. I have faith in each and every club. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please remember to contact me through email, facebook, or phone. Remember to keep in mind: Hard work pays off! Email: Awards and Recognition Committee: Committee Head: Elaine Cheng Committee Members: Leann Pham Andy Chan

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