Jade Insider V4 I4

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The JadeInsider Jade Divisional Newsletter

October 2014 Volume 4 // Issue 4


In this Bonjour from Elaine……………….…………..4-5 District Board Introduction…………………….6 District Treasurer Update………..……….…….7 Divisional Board Intros………...…………….8-9 October DCM Recap………………….…..10-11 First Timers…………………………………...12-13 Divisional T-Shirts…………………………..14-15

Jade Division Newsletter

October Issue

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issue... Fall Rally North……….……………………..16-17 Club Rushes..…………….………………....18-19 Jade Updates……………….……..………..20-21 KIWIN’S Week………………….…………….22-23 UNICEF……………………………………………..24 Social Media…………………………………….25 Contacts…………………………………………..26

Jade Division Newsletter

October Issue

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e n i a l E m o r f r u o j n o B Hey Jade! I hope you guys have been doing swell in both academics and in your extra-curricular activities.

The October DCM was an extreme success. We had 30-40 members show up from the th

I am so pumped to be attending Fall Rally North with such a wonderful division. You guys fun I have with Jade! I’m ready to make the quiet kids get out of their comfort zones! FALL RALLY NORTH IS COMING UP! I hope you’ are excited for that, because I know I am! Get your spirit pumped up, and your hearts racing with all the fun with KIWIN’S!

SENIORS, Don’t forget to start cracking on those college applications. UC and CSU applic Don’t forget that I am always here if you need anything. Love,

Elaine Cheng Jade Division Newsletter

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hree schools with an additional service project beforehand.

s have made me so proud over the past few months. Words cannot describe how much

cations are due November 30! Please start working on them!

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o r t n I d r a o B t c i r t s i D FEATURING District Secretary Sylvia Kwon

Hi Jaguars! This is your District Secretary Sylvia Kwon for the 2014-2015 KIWIN'S year! I'm a senior at Glen A. Wilson High School and I've been a KIWIN'S member since freshman year. A little bit about myself is that I play volleyball, I love watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, I absolutely love avocadoes and frozen yogurt, and I love studying at Starbucks. Up to this point, I can say that KIWIN'S has made drastic differences in my life that has shaped me to grow out of my weaknesses. The origin to how all this even started dates back to when I spent the best time of my KIWIN'S life at Fall Rally South my sophomore year. It was the time when I discovered all the things I wasn't aware of about KIWIN'S, and it sparked my interest for this organization. I actually had that moment of chills down my spine when I witnessed the passion and spirit that the members expressed; I legitimately wanted to experience that same drive. Your very own LTG actually asked me to write about "how much I love Elaine." So I'll tell you how much I love Elaine: My love for Elaine burns with the intensity of a thousand splendid suns HAHA. Anyways, I'm really hoping I get the chance to meet some of you Jade-ers this year, and also if you ever need me, don't be afraid to contact me at any time!

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Message from the District Treasurer Hey Jade Division officers and members! I hope you all have been doing well now that the academic season is back in full swing! It has come to my understanding that many KIWIN’S officers have been facing issues with turning in their dues. Do not fret, you are not the only ones. As of know, Key Club International has confirmed that all clubs in the KIWIN’S district are unable to process membership dues because of technical issues. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused many of you and I will be working along with our international trustee to resolve these issues as soon as possible. Your efforts will not go unnoticed as there will also be an extension to deadlines previously set by Key Club International. As soon as I receive any information, I will let everybody know! Updates will be sent directly to your lieutenant governor, as well as your presidents and treasurers. Thank you for your hard work and patience; KIWIN’S would not be this great if it were not for your dedication and passion!

Yours in service, Allen Pham

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Meet the Jade D

2014-2015 J

Executive Assistant Kay-Kay Kho Hey Jade! My name is Kirsten Rose Kho, but i preferred to be called Kay-Kay. I was chosen by Elaine Cheng to be this year's Executive Assistant on the divisional board. I'm VERY excited to have this position. I am only a freshman, yet I have found love for KIWIN'S in the first few weeks. I've never felt so close to such a common group if people ever in my life. I applied this job for many reasons. One, is because i was encouraged by Hercules KIWIN'S President, Nicolette Cruz. She believed in my ability to have full potential in this job, and it persuaded me. Then, there was my love and joy for the program. I'm always trying my best to go to all events and participate in all ways. To have a position would help me get even MORE involved and get complete satisfactory for knowing that I am helping more in a certain way. The last reason is that, I have a true passion for working hard, especially with things I enjoy. I may be only in 9th grade, but I consider myself advanced, organized, neat, productive, and SOCIAL. Being Executive Assistant under Elaine is a true honor. To work with people who are so skilled and knowledgeable in KIWIN'S helps me feel comfortable with my roll. I, Kay-Kay, am proud to be with you all and getting to know everyone. Going from a rough middle school to a happy, successful freshman year is amazing. Thank you for this opportunity to better myself, help others, and be the best I can be.

Jade Division Newsletter

October Issue

Co-Spirit C Thao Le Ho

Holla holla, HOLLA!!!!! Sup Jade Thao Le Hoang and I am your year. I'm a junior at Hercules H to be a part of the divisional b low friends. It's an honor to be ryone with this one common g I was quite doubtful to apply a Nicolette Cruz, president of He convinced me. I know that I w for this position, because I am siastic, and social. I believe tha ecstatic year because I am no working alone. With my fellow Adrian Navarro, we will be hyp Division. It's pretty awesome to the board division this year, an volved with KIWIN'S. It's been a be more involved in clubs that is a huge leap for me. As Spirit what I do best, which is to be m believe in One Family, One Mis Word: KIWIN'S.

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Divisional Board

Jade Squad

Chair oang

e, my name is Spirit Chair for this HS, and I'm juiced board with my felworking with evegoal, service. Now, as Spirit Chair but ercules HS KIWIN'S, will be do my best energetic, enthuat this will be an ot going to be partner in crime, ping up our Jade o be working in nd to be more ina dream for me to t I am in, and this Chair, I will do me because we ssion, and One

Technology Chair Andy Tran

Co-Spirit Chair Adrian Navarro My name is Adrian Navarro, Senior at Richmond High School, I actually joined KIWIN’S because I seen my friends have fun and talk about it. I got engaged and also participated and had so much fun. I am.excited to really get even more into kiwins especially for Fall rally north/south and DCON!!!. Fun fact? Well not sure haha just like having fun!! Wahoo #KIWINSIsLife

My Name is Andy Tran and my position is Technology Chair. I joined KIWIN's because i want to meet new people. Fun fact about my self is I like to listen to Kpop. Feel free to tell me who your bias are. I'm excited to meet everyone.

, s n o i t a l u t a Congr ! e m o c l e w and Jade Division Newsletter

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Ice Bre

Before DCM: Jade Division had a service project at RPAL to help clean up after the Halloween Party from the previous night. This allowed the members to bond and help the our regional advisers before the meeting and fun started.

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October Issue

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r DCM!




October 26, 2014 Richmond Police and Activities League (RPAL)

Jade Division + Advisers

at: Jade Update Presentation with old and new events

eakers and Spirit Practices

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October Issue

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1st Ti

To attend a Divisional C Malie Chow Richmond HS

Hi my name is Malie Chow. I am a 10th grader attending Richmond High School. Some facts about me, I love to sing, I'm mien and laotion, I'm pretty loud and cheerful when you get to know me and I play volleyball. So, this past Sunday I went to DCM. Its was pretty fun and loved the idea of meeting new people around the bay area and getting to know them and whatnot. Totally fun and worth the time. The reason why I joined KIWINS is because, well my cousins and friends were in it and it sounded really fun and why not have fun and meet new people while doing community service/helping others. I've always heard about KIWINS, but this year I finally joined and loving so far! Totally recommend it!

Delina Truong Oakland HS

I'm Delina and I'm a freshman at Oakland High. At DCM I liked how I got to meet new people, and our very interesting icebreaker game thingy because it was really funny. I joined KIWIN’S because my friends told me about kiwins and how we help the community and meet people/ make new friends also that it's a lot of fun.

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Council Meeting (DCM) Juan Palabrica Hercules HS

I'm Juan Pablo Palabrica. I'm a junior in Hercules high school. In DCM, I really liked the connectivity of all the schools within the division, the amount of future events mentioned and of course not to mention the fun activities. I joined KIWIN'S because for a while I've been told by everyone who's in it how they do community service and help others yet they have fun doing it so I wanted to see for myself and they're right. About me? Well I have two passions, swimming and photography. I was actually born and raised in the Philippines so I've seen first hand the hardships there and seeing how KIWIN’S helps others here is something that I enjoy.

Deanne Presas Hercules HS

My name is Deanne Presas and I'm a sophomore at Hercules High school. Since this was my first DCM, I thought it was pretty interesting on how we got to hear about what the other schools in our division had done, as opposed to what we do individually at our own school. What I liked the most was that we didn't feel totally awkward and it was really nice how we were so open with one another. The reason why I joined KIWIN’S was to help my community, meet new people, and to help get rid of my shyness. A fun fact about myself is that, I have matching moles with my mother! ( PS: Thanks Elaine for having me featured on the Jade Divisional Newsletter! )

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Thank you Angela Moy from Oak

Pre-orders have

If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt, there w interested. The pricing will increase b

T-Shirts will be arou Tanks will be arou

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October Issue

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l T-Shirts!

kland HS for designing the T-Shirts

officially ended

will be another batch ordered if more people are by $1-2 dollars due to shipping costs.

und $10.00-$11.00 und $11.00-$12.00

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-FALL RALL What ’s going to be happening? Penny Wars Raffling off District Board Members Ice Breakers Spirit Battles PTP Awareness Bonding Having FUN FUN FUN

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LY NORTH!!Costs! $10.00 for Rally $15.00 for Bus TOTAL: $25.00 OPTIONAL: Bring extra for raffles and t-shirts! EVERYONE: BRING ALL THE PENNIES YOU CAN FIND!

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Hercules OAKL

“Club fair will forever be a bittersweet thing to me. LOL. It was so chaotic in the beginning with the amount of people wanting Thai tea and cookies, but at the end it felt really good to be sold out because we spent days baking & brewing”- Nicolette Cruz

Jade Division Newsletter

October Issue

“At Oakland High, we alw club faire. We always pr men and lost students to duce them also with the cheers we did. Not only d club faire, but the turn ou ing out was an absolute p show these students new riences of why they shoul KIWIN'S.”—

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ways take advantage of rey on wondering freshjoin KIWIN'S and will seposters we had and the did officers help out with ut of past members helpplus, because it's nice to faces and real life expeld join the amazing club, —Tierra Lu

“Recruiting new members was very nice because it is always better to have more members! We recruited members by having friends tell other friends, by cheering loudly in order to get students attention, and by having members go around and telling students about KIWIN’S and why they should join” - Shawndy Saephan

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Reminders MRFs and ARFs are due to my email by the 30th of every month! Please continuing collecting dues from your members Please collect Fall Rally dues by Friday! Divisional T-Shirts will arrive to Fall Rally North. Please collect it there, or from your officers

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Coming Soon! KIWIN’S Week—November 3-7 **Please check in with your officers to see what’s planned! November DCM date To be announced! Email Updates I will do them at least once a month for those who signed up at DCM!

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pate in ... Who? Your club officers will be planning this EVERYONE and ANYONE can participate!

---------------------------What? A week for KIWIN’S to promote A week of bonding and thanking those who supported us A week of FUN

---------------------------When? November 3-7

---------------------------Why? To promote your club To thank those around you!

---------------------------How? Go to your club meeting and see what your officers have planned for you! Jade Division Newsletter

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Facebook .com/CNHKIWINS Twitter: CNHKIWINS Instagram: CNHKIWINS

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Contacts Jade Lieutenant Governor Elaine Cheng jadeltg1415@gmail.com (510)282-9918

Jade Regional Advisors Regional Advisor Mr. Larry Lewis llewis@rpal.org

Regional Advisor Assistant Ms. Pandora Turner pturner@rpal.org

HERCULES HIGH Nicolette Cruz (President) nrv.cruz@gmail.com Jing-Yi Chung (Vice President) happyjing86@gmail.com

OAKLAND HIGH Tierra Lu (President) Tierralu123@gmail.com Crystal Huang (Co-Vice President) huangg.crystal@gmail.com Christy To (Co-Vice President) imchristyto@gmail.com

RICHMOND HIGH Jackie Bermudez (Co-President) Jacqueline_bermudez15@yahoo.com Brandon Martinez (Co-President) brandonlopez.martinez@gmail.com Antonio Gonzalez (Vice President) antonioromero510@gmail.com

MAKING WAVES ACADEMY Rusbel Angulo (President) angulorusbel@gmail.com Christian Quintero (Vice President) christian.d.quintero@gmail.com

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