Jade Insider June 2014 V4 I2

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The JadeInsider Jade Divisional Newsletter

June 2014 Volume 4 // Issue 2


In this Bonjour from Elaine………………………..5 District Board Introduction……………….6 Jade Question of the Month…………….7 Jade Officer Training Conference And June DCM Recap…………………….8 District Project………………………………9 Major Emphasis……………………………10

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issue... Minor Emphasis……………………………11 Youth Opportunities Fund………………12 Articles…………………………………13 &14 Hours, Reminders, Service……………..15 Contacts…………………………………….16

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e in a l E m o r f r u o j Bon Hey Jaguars! This past month has went so well! I am so proud of all the successes you have made already. From the on time monthly report forms from all of the Jade secretaries to the on time article report forms from the historians and bulletin editors, you guys have allowed Jade as a whole start out smoothly! Keep up the good work. Thank you for joining me at the Jade Banquet to celebrate all the amazing work you all have done throughout the past year. Without you guys as officers, I would not have been your Lieutenant Governor. Thank you to those who have joined me in my 2014 Jade Officer Training Conference and June Divisional Council Meeting, you guys have made me extremely happy, and so ecstatic to work with you all. Remember to continue to do service! I’m looking forward in all the service stories to the funny and awkward moments! Fun fact about me: My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough! If you are reading this, go message me a fun fact about yourself! With love, Elaine Cheng

Elaine Cheng Jade Division Newsletter

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District Board Introductions:

Meet Sarina Vang! Sapphire LTG

HI GUYS AND GIRLS!!!! To all of you lovely Jaguars who have no idea who that girl in the picture is, that's me! Sarina Vang, the 2014-2015 Sapphire LTG. I'll be a Junior in this upcoming school year and will be suffering able to experience AP classes for the first time! Yay! Anyways, I live in Merced and I go to school at *gasp* Merced High School. I LOVE sweets and I have a HUGE sweet tooth. (Actually, I think all my teeth are sweet tooths.) An interesting fact about me is that I was named after Sailor Moon! My sisters were so in love with Sailor Moon that the got my parents to name me after her (even though they didn't know how to spell Serena). Other than KIWIN'S, I like to.... eat and sleep? I'm not really a super big fan of anything nor do I have any hobbies so yay? But that's okay because that makes my Ohana even more precious That's all I have to say since I don't want Elaine to have 500 pages about me so bye Jaguars! I hope to see you at Fall Rally, DCON, and maybe even sooner! Keep on serving! Byes for now, Sarina Vang

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Question of the Month What are your goals for the upcoming year?



Greetings to whoever may be reading this! I am Wilbert from Hercules High School KIWIN’S. My hobbies are either doing sports or procrastinating on my homework. My favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. This will soon be my second year of KIWIN’S and I love Elaine very much! My goals as treasurer this year is to fundraise as much as possible for everyone to attend DCON and to have great communication with the other officers in my club.

Hello, I am Oakland High KIWIN'S treasurer, Nancy Vuong and I am an upcoming junior. I first joined KIWIN'S last year and already could feel the love and positivity of this club. Joining KIWIN's have definitely changed my views on society and have improved my confidence. So because of that, my goal this year is to help make our members get the most out of this club. To do this, we will fundraise to lower prices for events like DCON to give our members opportunities to go to them. I would also like this club to gain more members. I look forward to this year and I will do my best as a proud member of KIWIN'S.

Hey everyone! My name is Shawndy Saephan! I'm an upcoming senior, ASB treasurer, and KIWIN'S treasurer at Richmond High School. I'm sixteen and my birthday is October 12, 1997! I enjoy playing volleyball for my school team, I absolutely love music, and I'm always on YouTube during my free time! My favorite ice cream is definitely Mochi green tea. I have been apart of KIWIN'S since my freshmen year which makes this my fourth and last year apart of KIWIN'S. I have a whole bunch of goals I yearn this year as Richmond High School's KIWIN'S 2014-2015 treasurer, but I'll just list a few major ones. One goal I really want to accomplish is to have at least fifteen paid members by November 1st in order to receive the Early Birds patch. Another goal I have is to host major fundraisers every other month throughout the year. My major goal is to bring at least fifteen members to both DCON and Fall Rally South this year. I am highly aware that I will need a great amount of hard work and effort in order to reach my surpassing goals this year! P.S. I hope y'all know that Jade has an massive amount of LOVE ♥ for our LTG Elaine Cheng!

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Readers, A big thank you to: The Jade Officer Training Conference  My regional advisers: Without you both, Jade 2014 went super well. With the help of would not have had such a successful officer everybody our division was able to have training conference! a successful conference!  Oakland Kiwanis Adviser: Victor Chan for What did we discuss? District Information Division Information Officer Duties Circle K Workshop Public Speaking Workshop YOF Funds And more! Thank you to those who attended the event and the June DCM right after, I hope you learned something new and will use it for your upcoming year!

Jade Division Newsletter

supporting and giving me the guidance needed Hercules Kiwanis Adviser: Ms.Brenda, thank you for always supporting Hercules KIWIN’S! Without you, it would not have made it this far. Circle K Members: A big shout out to Golden Gate Division for coming out to support the conference and for educating members on Circle K. Thank you Golden Gate LTG Angela Apinyavat for setting it up! Sapphire Lieutenant Governor: Thank you for making your way to Richmond to support my OTC! You rock!

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With The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Neonatal tetanus kills one baby every nine minutes—nearly 60,000 newborn children every year. A significant number of women also die due to maternal tetanus. The effects of the disease are excruciating—tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. To eliminate MNT from the Earth, 129 million mothers and their future babies must be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storage, transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more. It will take $110 million—and the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of the Kiwanis family. Kiwanis and UNICEF joined forces to tackle iodine deficiency disorders, achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20th century. Now, together, they are eliminating MNT from the face of the Earth. In doing so, the project will reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with additional lifesaving health care. The end of this one disease means the beginning of better health for so many families.

YOU can save a baby’s life. YOU can save a mother’s life. YOU can ELIMINATE maternal and neonatal tetanus. For more information about the ELIMINATE Project, please visit www.TheEliminateProject.org

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CHILDREN: THEIR FUTURE, OUR SERVICE Realizing the need and interest in supporting the MEP through hands on service, a new service initiative will be created on a two-year basis. All of the hands on service provided to children by Key Club International members can be directed to a single area of need to make a substantial impact. This service Initiative directs and focuses the attention of KIWIN'S members to serve children in a specific hands-on approach.

WHAT IS LIVE2LEARN? KIWIN'S members currently will focus their time and talents on Live2Learn, specifically focused on 5-9 year old youth, with the main goals of promoting education and building literary skills. This program not only creates endless possibilities to strengthen the common goal of service, but also allows each KIWIN'S member to develop into a well-rounded individual community leader and lifelong advocate for children’s education.

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WHAT IS PEDIATRIC TRAUMA? Pediatric Trauma affects children from infancy to age nineteen. It is a result of motor vehicle accidents, physical abuse, drowning accidents, falls, and animal bites, making it the leading cause of death of children in the United States. Every year it results in 16 million emergency visits and twenty thousand deaths. To prevent these accidents and injuries from happening, KIWIN'S has focused on fighting Pediatric Trauma through raising funds and by increasing general awareness through education. Established in 1992, Pediatric Trauma Prevention is a main focus of KIWIN'S in conjunction with California-Nevada-Hawaii Kiwanis.


Unintentional injury kills more children every year than any other cause – including disease, homicide and suicide! Unintentional injury is the #1 killer of children age 14 and under in the U.S. 90% of these unintentional injuries can be prevented.

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for ’t have the money dn di t bu t er nc co to have a benefit

ted Have you ever wan the materials? Have you ever wanted to have a reading day with kids but did not have the money to buy book cassettes?

your project to serve n w o ur yo rt a st anted to do so? Have you ever w the money to d ha r ve ne ut b community

Apply for the YOF!!!!

Youth Opportunities Fund What is the Youth Opportunities Fund? The Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF) is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities. The fund also provides academic scholarships for higher education. The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through a portion of your Key Club International dues and through the purchase of G. Harold Martin Fellowships. How do I apply for the Youth Opportunities Fund? The form can be found at http://keyclub.org/service/fund/yof/yofgrant.aspx YOF grants are given only to Key Clubs and/or club members. There is only one funding cycle for the Youth Opportunities Fund. The application must be received by October 15 each year. Clubs may request funding assistance from $100 to $2,000. The committee typically funds those clubs who are asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs who are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project. Notification of the Key Club International Board’s decision will be mailed no later than January 15. Applications must be submitted to: Kiwanis International 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN USA, 46268

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Soup Kitchen By: Elizabeth Sanchez


KIWIN’S members volunteered at their local soup kitchen on the day of June 16, 2014. The members served spaghetti, salad, bread and even cake for the needy. Members from Richmond KIWIN’S and Hercules KIWIN’S worked together to make a difference in the community. The people receiving the food were satisfied in knowing that the young people in the community were volunteering to help them. It turned out a success because there were no complaints from the members and no complaints from the people receiving the food. Overall it was another successful event for the KIWIN’S members from Richmond and Hercules.

Kiwanis Public Safety Awards By: Jaysen Yalung On June 27th, members from Hercules, Richmond, and Oakland gathered for the Officer Training Conference and Divisional Council Meeting. At Officer Training Conference, incoming officers for 2014-2015 learned more about their position and how it works. At the Divisional Council Meeting, clubs discussed different goals for this school year and what their expectations are in Jade Division as a whole. On the same night as OTC and DCM was the Kiwanis Public Safety Awards. Club members volunteered to help serve food and desserts to the people of Kiwanis, police officers, the mayor of Richmond, and many others. Hercules had also had an interclub service with Richmond high by working together at the service that night. About $170 was raised in total and split into two for both clubs to put into their club funds!

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OTC/DCM 2014 By: Katie Hin On June 27, 2014, Oakland High KIWINS attended the officer training conference (OTC) and district council meeting (DMC). At the OTC and DCM, the Jade division was brought together as one. Schools such as Oakland High, Hercules, and Richmond spent the day interacting and knowing one another. Lieutenant governor, Elaine Cheng led this amazing event by having Circle K members speaking to us about opportunities and options for the future. Elaine also gave us an overview on what each officer’s role and job is about. It will help KIWINS because officers need to know what their job is in order to keep KIWINS as a club! Lastly, Elaine went into DCM. Each school got to share their goals and wishes for KIWINS throughout 20142015. It was such a pleasure to hear other schools discussing their goals for KIWINS! A major factor of the OTC/DCM topic was fundraising. Fundraising is Important because it costs a lot to attend North/ South Rallies, DCON, etc. It’s super important to start fundraising NOW. Oakland High KIWINS started fundraising by selling Thai tea for $2 during the OTC/DCM. Oakland High raised $39! It was truly a success for Oakland High KIWIN’S! What an amazing OTC/DCM it had been!

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Hours April May Hercules















MRFs and ARFs are due to my email by the end of every month! TRAs are due every other month on the 28th (June 28, August 28, etc)

Local Service Relay for Life July 19, 2014 Oakland, CA– Oakland Technical High School *Sign up on: http://www.relayforlife.org/ National Poetry Slam August 5-9th, 2014 Oakland, CA *Must complete the volunteer form: http://nps2014.poetryslam.com/volunteering-atnps-2014/ Relay for Life August 16, 2014 Berkeley, CA—Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School *Sign up on: http://www.relayforlife.org/

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Contacts Jade Lieutenant Governor Elaine Cheng jadeltg1415@gmail.com (510)282-9918

Jade Regional Advisors Regional Advisor Mr. Larry Lewis llewis@rpal.org

Regional Advisor Assistant Ms. Pandora Turner pturner@rpal.org

HERCULES HIGH Nicolette Cruz (President) nrv.cruz@gmail.com Jing-Yi Chung (Vice President) happyjing86@gmail.com

OAKLAND HIGH Tierra Lu (President) Tierralu123@gmail.com Crystal Huang (Co-Vice President) huangg.crystal@gmail.com Christy To (Co-Vice President) imchristyto@gmail.com

RICHMOND HIGH Jackie Bermudez (Co-President) Jacqueline_bermudez15@yahoo.com Brandon Martinez (Co-President) brandonlopez.martinez@gmail.com Antonio Gonzalez (Vice President) antonioromero510@gmail.com

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