#50 Strategies for Student Success, Intermediate ©Continuing Education, San Diego Community College District, EL Civics Program 1 10/25/2019 12:48 PM Syllabus 1. The *syllabus tells you the topics and books that will be studied in your course. *syllabus = si luh bus 2. Highlight or circle the information on the syllabus. a. The teacher’s name b. The class website c. The required book 3. Highlight or circle the answers. A. What week is the CASAS reading test? a) Week 2 b) Week 3 c) Week 4 B) What is the grammar focus for week 3? a) Information Questions b) Parts of Speech c) Modals C) What is the week 4 writing a)task?Create a study calendar b) Respond to an instructor’s text c) Write a work related email 4. Write the program student learning outcome for writing
#50 Strategies for Student Success, Intermediate ©Continuing Education, San Diego Community College District, EL Civics Program 2 10/25/2019 12:48 PM 4. Look at your class syllabus. Write responses. A. Identify the course title and the name of the instructor. ___________________________ B. Identify a grammar focus. C. Identify a writing focus. D. Identify a topic. ____________________________________________________________ E. Identify the week of the first reading assessment. ___________________ F. Identify a program student learning outcome. 5. Ask your classmate to read your answers and check the information. 6. Re-write your answers. 1TaskAssessment _____Score12points 1. Identify the course title, instructor name, and contact information. ______ 2. Identify a grammar focus. ______________________________________________ 3. Identify a writing focus.________________________________________________ 4. Identify a topic. 5. Identify the week of the first reading assessment. _________________________ 6. Identify a program student learning outcome. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
/ Work / Life
TG 6 7pm Work 2 10pm TakeDad & King to DogBeach8 Brunch10amw/ Mom, Dad & Hoa 10:30 Clean12apt & listen to Dyn Eng AMBikeRide7errandsshopping/Grocery9am10
Take12Vocab1:30pmDadto Dr, 2-?? List to Dyn Eng Help Dad clean
#50 Strategies for Student Success, Intermediate©Continuing
Education, San Diego Community College District, EL Civics Program 3 10/25/2019 12:48 Study Calendar
2:30shopGroc1:30pm/errands –4:30pm Read TheGiver 6 7pm Study Welcome Unit Eng Vocab Work12-1pm2 10pm DMV appt 1pm ?? (Listento Dynamic English DinnerPodcast)@ Mom & Dad’s 6-??? BikeRide 12
1. Read Duc’s calendar. Highlight the study events. Circle the work, school, life, and family commitments. Underline the social and exercise events.
12am Work 2 10pm Study Syll & Partsof Sp
@ Mom & Dad’s 10:30 12pm Groc Shop& Errands, 12:30 Read2pm TG 4-6pm Work 2-10pm Study EngVocab, Bal Your Life, 12:30 2:00 Drive Hoa toLA 3-7pm (listento Dyn Eng) Work 2-10pm
Brunchamw/ Hoa Work11-1pm2 10pm BikeRide 12
TG, 6 7:30 Work 2 10pm Study Grammar:EngP ofSp 12:30 2pm BikeRide3 5pm Work 2 10pm AMBikeRide7Clean9amapt & listen to Dyn Eng FREETIME TakeDad & King to DogBeach8 Brunch10am
BikeRide12 2pm
Study FREE3Grammar:EngModals4:30pmTIME
Read TG, 12 2pm Pick up Hoa in LA 2 6pm AMBikeRide7 Work9am 2 10pm English Class8 11:30 am English Class8 11:30am English Class8 11:30am
#50 Strategies for Student Success, Intermediate©Continuing Education, San Diego Community College District, EL Civics Program 4 10/25/2019 12:48 PM 2. List your work, school, life, and family commitments, and list your social and exercise events for the next 3 weeks. School Life and Family Social Exercise 3. Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. A) What weekly work, school, life, and family commitments do you have? B) What social and exercise events do you participate in weekly? C) What other events or commitments do you have? D) What days can you study English grammar? What days can you study English vocabulary? E) Do you read English books or magazines? What do you read? F) Do you listen to English? What do you listen to? 4. Write a 3-week schedule on the *handout your instructor provides. Include work, family, and school commitments and exercise and social events. Schedule time to study English vocabulary, grammar, reading, and listening. Include topics from your syllabus and be specific about what you will listen to and read. Use Duc’s calendar as a model.
#50 Strategies for Student Success, Intermediate ©Continuing Education, San Diego Community College District, EL Civics Program 5 10/25/2019 12:48 PM Studying Vocabulary Vocabulary is an important part of learning a new language. How many words do you need to succeed in each level of English? Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning Flashcards can help you learn vocabulary. They encourage active recall, create strong connections in the brain, and improve memory. 101 why flash cards work/ 1. Making Flashcards: Use the index cards your teacher gives you to make a set of flashcards. Open your ESL Student Guide to the Useful English Expressions and Phrasal Verbs pages. As a class, select 15 word phrases or phrasal verbs you want to remember. Write the phrases on one side of the card. Write the definition (phrasal verbs) or a phrase that means the same thing (phrases) on the other side. Use your phone to study the vocabulary on Quizlet. 2. Study the vocabulary. Use your flashcards to practice the vocabulary with a partner. 3. Test yourself. Ask your partner to read the definitions or similar phrases. Write the corresponding words and phrases. Do not look at your flashcards. 98.. 15.113121110_________________________________...._________________________________4._____________________________________________________________ 250-1,000Beginner 2,000Intermediate4,000 8,000-16,000Advanced
#50 Strategies for Student Success, Intermediate ©Continuing Education, San Diego Community College District, EL Civics Program 6 10/25/2019 12:48 PM 4. Correct your work: Ask your partner to correct your work. • How many words or phrases did you spell correctly? • How many did you get wrong? ___ 5. Make a study plan. Your teacher will give you the posttest in a few days. Use your flashcards and/or Quizlet to study the words today, tomorrow, or the next day. Complete the sentence to make a study plan. Write your plan on your calendar, too. a. I will study the phrases and phrasal verbs for ___ __ minutes on ___ _. # day 6. Discuss with a partner. What are some other ways to study vocabulary? Do you know of any apps or websites to help you study? 7. Take the posttest. Fold back the previous page so you cannot see it. Your teacher will read a definition or a phrase with a similar meaning. Write the corresponding phrasal verb or phrase. Posttest 2.1. ______________________________ 3. ____________ 4. ______________________________ 5. _________ 6. ________________________ 7. __ 8. __ 9. 9. Reflect on Learning: Answer the questions. SystemVocabulary3Task Chart5points_____ A) Did your score improve? yes no B) Did you use your flashcards, Quizlet, or something else to study? _____ C) How much time did you study? D) What do you like best, flashcards, Quizlet, or something else? E) Why? __________________________________
Goal Setting
1. Set educational goals. Open your ESL Student Guide to the short and long term goals pages. Select a goal you want to achieve this semester, next semester, next year, and five years from now. Write the goals and steps you will take to achieve them in your Student Guide.
3. Brainstorm. a) As a class, think of examples of good topic sentences for a paragraph about goals. Write one of the sentences here: b) Supporting sentences provide examples. Identify sentences from your ESL Student Guide you can use as supporting sentences in your paragraph c) Your concluding sentence should summarize or repeat words or phrases (synonyms) from your topic sentence. Write a concluding sentence that restates your topic sentence.
2. Read about paragraphs A paragraph develops one main idea. The topic sentence, usually the first sentence of the paragraph, clearly states the main idea. Supporting sentences explain the main idea or provide evidence and examples The concluding sentence makes a link back to the main idea expressed in the topic sentence.
Study the ESL Destinations chart in your ESL Student Guide. Is there a destination that interests you? Is there a destination not included in the Student Guide that you would like to pursue? Students who set goals achieve better results in education than those who do not.
There is a topic sentence. yes ☺ no There are supporting sentences. yes ☺ no There is a concluding sentence. yes ☺ no The sentences begin with capital letters and end with periods. yes ☺ no Student Name: _______________________
4. Put it all together. Write a paragraph about your goals. Include a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. Indent your 1st sentence.
#50 Strategies for Student Success, Intermediate ©Continuing Education, San Diego Community College District, EL Civics Program 7 10/25/2019 12:48 PM
5. Check your work: Ask your classmate to read your sentences and circle yes ☺ or no
#50 Strategies for Student Success, Intermediate ©Continuing Education, San Diego Community College District, EL Civics Program 8 10/25/2019 12:48 PM Teacher Name: _______________________ Class CRN# _________ Study goals 4TaskAssessment _____ScorePoints5 Write a paragraph about your study goals. Assessment Checklist: Monitor your progress on the assessment tasks checklist. Check each assessment task as you complete it. 5TaskAssessment _____Scorepoints2 Assessment tasks Points Earned Instructor Initials 1. Answer questions about a syllabus. /10 2. Make a life/work/study calendar. ______/5 3. Vocabulary System Checklist ______/5 4. Write about work or education goals ______/12 5.Complete this checklist. ______/2 Total points for all assessments ______/34 Which task was the most helpful to you? Why?_______________________________ Instructor’s Report Total Points Needed to Pass: Int High, 42; Int Low, 34 Pass No Pass Instructor Signature: Date: Note to Instructor: Please tear this page off and send to the EL Civics office at Mid City. Please include a copy of your class roster with EL Civics results (P/NP next to students’ names.)