Willock Park English Longhorns

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A once in a lifetime beef cattle opportunity exists for a cattle breeding enthusiast who understands unique genetics and sees the paddock to plate opportunity of the English Longhorn. This is the first and only commercial herd of this outstanding beef breed in Australia.

With world class chefs like Heston Blumenthal and Jock Zonfrilllo regarding English Longhorn cattle as producing the best beef in the world, this heritage breed really has no equal. The beef from this herd is already being supplied to the likes of Neil Perry’s Rockpool Bar & Grill Restaurant, Sydney. With Neil requesting all the English Longhorn Beef that can be supplied to him. This magnificent opportunity rests with a passionate visionary prepared to give this herd time. With the major work and investment in seed stock and herd creation already done, the beef and brand – Willock Park English Longhorn - already having traction in the marketplace and customers like Neil Perry wanting regular supply.

Just announced as the Delicious Produce Awards SA Champion product, and off to compete in the national awards in a couple of months, the very hard yards of introducing this breed and brand are done. With Angus on every menu and the Wagyu peak seeming to be behind us here in Australia, the opportunity to take this English Longhorn herd and its market presence to the pinnacle of the beef market is a genuine one. What makes English Longhorn beef so special is its tendency to marble off grass and produce a superbly flavoured product ideally suited to dry-aging.

The English Longhorn dates back to Robert Bakewell, the Englishman who pioneered livestock breeding in the 18th Century. A dualpurpose breed, the English Longhorn was known for its outstanding beef and produced the high quality milk destined for Stilton cheese. The breed is now sought after by chefs throughout Europe seeking consistently flavoursome beef.

Why are the Gunners selling the herd if the opportunity is so good?

Richard Gunner is a highly respected member of the meat industry, having established Richard Gunner’s Fine Meats in 2001, initially as a ‘paddock to plate’ beef producer with product from his father’s property. Richard and his wife Elizabeth have a business to run that now employs more than 70 people, includes seven butcher shops in South Australia and supplies more than 300 restaurants Australia-wide. The English Longhorn herd is currently farmed on agisted country and Richard recognizes he just doesn’t have the time and the acres necessary to devote to developing the herd further and see it realise its true potential. What the Gunners do have, along with the vision to import the breed from the UK, is a successful meat business potentially providing the new owner of the herd an established pathway to market, national product distribution and the significant advantage offered from 16 years forming relationships with the most discerning chefs and restaurateurs in the country.

Richard Gunner has been awarded Provedore of the Year in the Delicious Awards, writes for Gourmet Traveller and is an SA Food Ambassador for the South Australian Government. His experience is unsurpassed and his passion for this breed’s potential is justified. The introduction and development of the herd and the brand has been showcased in a Landline story on ABC TV and in The Australian, Outback Magazine, Gourmet Traveller and many other publications. (Articles available as PDFs) This unique herd is now ready for a new home with dedicated cattle enthusiasts whose desire is to develop this Heritage breed to its full potential and reap the rewards. The Gunners are happy to consider working with the right investor or selling the herd outright. The herd consists of 75 purebred animals including cows and calves, joined heifers, yearlings, sires and yearling bulls, all Australia bred from imported UK genetics acquired from the famous mother herd, Blackbrook English Longhorns, owned by the Stanley family. Along with the pedigree herd there are 500 semen straws and 85 embryos. A herd of over 500 head of crossbred cattle complete the program for supplying the branded product.

Pictures taken by Calum Robertson, The Advertiser

Details regarding the English Longhorn Herd of Richard and Elizabeth Gunner 76 Pure Bred Cattle Comprising of 30 24 7 15

Females Stud and Herd Sires Yearling Bulls Yearling Heifers

524 Commercial Cattle Comprising of English Longhorn Cross Females ( 50-75% English Longhorn Blood ), Calved or In Calf to English Longhorn Sires. 6 British Bred Females, English Longhorn Sired Calves at Side. 73 English Longhorn Cross Yearling Heifers ( 50-75% English Longhorn Blood ), unjoined. 81 English Longhorn Cross Yearling Steers ( 50-75% English Longhorn Blood ) 147 English Longhorn Cross Weaner Calves ( 50-75% English Longhorn Blood ), mixed sex 117


For more information on Richard and Elizabeth Gunner and their meat business, please visit the business’ website here. Links to articles: Please see link to ABC TV’s Landline story on Richard’s introduction of the English Longhorn to Australia here.

Numbers as of the 1st May 2017 Gourmet Traveller: https://www.gourmettraveller.com.au/ news/food-news/willock-park-englishlonghorns-2664

For more information please contact: Laryn Gogel Livestock Sales Manager – Southern P. 0436 020 245 E. laryn.gogel@elders.com.au Tony Wetherall Stud Stock Sales Specialist P. 0427 390 001 E. Tony.Wetherall@elders.com.au

The Stock Journal: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/ food/grazier-richard-gunner-brings-firstpure-english-longhorn-cattle-to-australiafor-quality-of-its-beef/news-story/ ae80053b1f8e8192f523bb5b377a8786 The Weekly Times: https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/ agribusiness/on-farm/richard-gunners-finemeats-quality-from-paddock-to-plate/newsstory/d7cfd313557e7bcf49538ac609b63e6a

Farm Weekly: http://www.farmweekly.com.au/news/ agriculture/cattle/general-news/wrestlingwith-a-rare-breed/2751459.aspx The Advertiser: http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/lifestyle/ food/grazier-richard-gunner-brings-firstpure-english-longhorn-cattle-to-australiafor-quality-of-its-beef/news-story/ ae80053b1f8e8192f523bb5b377a8786 The Australian Newspaper. For subscribers follow link here: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/foodwine/coorong-farmer-brings-more-flavourto-steaks-of-english-longhorns/news-story/ c2eb29fbc4009d04db90ac851c1c945a For non-subscribers, please type into your search engine ‘English Longhorn The Australian’. Outback Magazine: (find link)

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