Estates. Property Portfolio March / April 2021
Real Estate
Elders Estates.
Be empowered through our unique “One Elders” network Our “One Elders” approach will deliver you unsurpassed exposure and service when taking your asset to market. With over 440 points of presence, Elders is the largest company owned real estate network in Australia. This unique structure enables us to seamlessly market your assets through a cohesive and genuinely aligned national team located in capital cities and all key agricultural regions throughout Australia.
N AT I O N A L Tom Russo
+61 409 873 837
NATIONAL VICTORIA Tom Russo Nick Myer +61 427 610+61 278 409 873 837 MarkSBarber +61 427 603 433 OUTH AUSTRALIA VIC TORIA AND TASMANIA Phil Keen +61 438 308 650 +61 427 610 278 Nick Myer NEW SOUTH WALES Richard Gemmell +61 428 164 672 SOUTH AUSTRALIA QUE E NSLAN D AN D NORTH E R N TE RRITORY +61 438 308 650 Phil Keen +61 427 603 433 Mark Barber NEW SOUTH WALES WESTERN AUSTRALIA Richard Gemmell +61 428 164 672 +61 417 706 996 Jim Sangalli QUEENSLAND AND NORTHERN TERRITORY +61 429 455 069 Mark SMcNamee HANGHAI WESTERN AUSTRALIA +86 189 1837 7878 Joey Zhou Simon Cheetham +61 428 147 359
Elders Estates.
WHY IS BILL GATES BUYING FARMS? Earlier this year media in the US broke the news that Bill and Melinda Gates had become America’s largest private investors in farmland. So, why is the world’s fourth richest person investing heavily in farmland and how do we reconcile this against his strong advocacy for change in the agriculture industry as part of his wider push to “prevent a climate disaster”? Dig a little deeper and it becomes quite obvious that Mr Gates recognises that
farmland will remain a critical component in delivering food security to our growing global population in a sustainable way. Aside from synthetic beef production, Mr and Mrs Gates are investing heavily (ie billions) into numerous other sustainable farming initiatives, essentially seeking to revolutionise the way we use farmland to produce food. This includes innovative solutions to reduce fertiliser use, increase carbon sequestration in soils and reduce emissions from livestock. Their foundation has established “Gates Ag One”, a not-for-profit organisation seeking to promote high-yield sustainable agriculture among small farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The foundation is also investing in research into “super crops” resistant to climate change. At Elders, we also embrace sustainability in the running of our business and that of our clients. One of the key strategic priorities in our third Eight Point Plan (1 October 2020 to 30 September 2023) is developing and delivering an authentic and industry leading sustainability program for the benefit of the whole industry. We have invested in an in-house team solely dedicated to implementing sustainability initiatives across the Elders network and, through the Thomas Elder Institute (our R&D arm), have a team of subject matter experts who can assist our producer clients in achieving their sustainable farming goals.
4 Hancock Agriculture Portfolio 6
Northern Territory
Western Australia
New South Wales
24 Victoria 28 Queensland 35
South Australia
Recently Sold
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Aside from their values based approach to investing and desire to accelerate the adoption of sustainable farming practices globally, I am sure that Mr and Mrs Gates are also taking advice from very clever investment managers who have identified that the long term investment outlook for farmland remains extremely attractive. The Australian market certainly reflects ongoing strong demand and we present a number of excellent opportunities in this edition of Estates, including the Hancock Agriculture northern Australia beef production portfolio.
Tom Russo General Manager Real Estate 0409 873 837 Front cover image by Emma Moss
Real Estate
Elders Estates
Phoenix Park, Aroona, Willeroo, Riveren, Inverway, Sturt Creek, Ruby Plains and Nerrima
Major town Live export port Possible cotton gin site Cotton region production forecast Qld meatworks
Tiwi Cobourg
Pine Creek Daly Basin
Northern Wyndham Kimberley
Qld feedlots
Darwin Coastal Arnhem Plateau
Ruby Plains
Einasleigh Uplands
Tennant Creek Davenport Murchison Ranges
Burt Plain
MacDonnell Ranges
Little Sandy Desert
Central Ranges
Murchison Kilometres 200
Great Victoria Desert
An immense opportunity for shrewd investors to acquire significant exposure to the burgeoning Australian soft commodity boom has materialised as Hancock Agriculture and its S. Kidman and Co joint venture partner offer a significant portfolio of Northern Australian beef production assets to the market. The portfolio comprises seven individual stations occupying some 1,876,000 hectares across Western Australia and the Northern Territory and carrying a beef cattle herd of approximately 108,500 head. It also includes a strategically located feeding, export depot and farming operation located near Katherine in the Northern Territory.
Desert Uplands Mitchell Grass Downs
Alice Springs
Simpson Strzelecki Dunefields
Channel Country
Brigalow Belt North
Brigalow Belt South
Mulga Lands
Stony Plains
Aroona Station
14,423 three year average
Willeroo Station
18,752 three year average
Riveren and Inverway Stations
42,624 three year average
Nerrima Station
15,445 three year average (Pastoral Land Board rating 9,776CU)
Ruby Plains and Sturt Creek Stations
25,636 three year average (Pastoral Land Board rating 24,458)
28,785 head export depot, dryland and irrigation cropping and grazing country
Phoenix Farm Farming Operation
Mt Isa
Gibson Desert
Mount Isa Inlier
Wet Tropics
Normanton Gulf Plains
Great Sandy Desert
Gulf Fall and Uplands
Secondary road
Cape York Peninsula
Gulf Coastal
Ord Victoria Plain
Phoenix Park
Victoria Bonaparte
IBRA7 region boundary
Central Arnhem
Sturt Plateau
Central Kimberley
Arnhem Coast
Capable of turning off up to 45,000 head annually, the portfolio has had a long and successful history of consistent supply of cattle into the live export market supply chains. More recently, a portion of turn off has entered southern markets as backgrounding or feeder cattle utilising southern and eastern feedlots, together with opportunities in the Channel Country of south east Queensland. The individual stations are all highly regarded beef production properties with rich histories in the Australian beef industry. Since acquiring each of the assets, Hancock Agriculture has undertaken an extensive capital works program to further improve them. This has focused on water storage and distribution infrastructure, deploying innovative technology (including digital communication networks and improved connectivity), improving cattle herd quality (particularly through the significant reduction in the age profile of the breeder herd), employee safety and animal welfare. “The demand for Australian protein is real and poised for exponential growth as world populations continue to grow and prosper. Investing now to participate in the Australian supply response is an enormous opportunity”, said Elders’ General Manager Real Estate, Tom Russo. “With higher GDP and income per capita, the type of food demanded by rapidly growing populations on Australia’s doorstep is expected to shift from staples to higher priced foods including quality animal proteins. In addition to Australia’s proximity to key grow markets, its beef producers enjoy competitive advantages from favorable international trade agreements and its strong reputation as a producer of safe and high quality food.” “This project therefore represents a rare and compelling opportunity to acquire a strategically constructed portfolio of assets at scale during a period of unprecedented growth in demand for quality Australian protein. There is no other comparable opportunity to acquire a going concern beef production enterprise of this scale and quality. It would take many years to establish one, particularly given current and forecast supply constraints for breeder cattle in northern Australia.”
The geographic locations of the individual stations, coupled with the completion of the extensive and high-quality capital improvements program and refinement of the breeder herd, allows for the operation of an efficient beef production enterprise which enjoys economies of scale and operational flexibility. This ultimately results in higher productivity and returns. The addition of the Phoenix Farm export depot is highly strategic, assisting with the wet season growing program, providing flexible market timing options and allowing for sale weights to be maximised. The portfolio is also being offered to the market during very favorable seasonal conditions for northern cattle producers. “The return of a normalised wet season in the Northern NT has been a significant confidence boost for the industry”, said Elders NT and Northern Queensland Area Manager, Paul McCormick. “This, coupled with better than average rain fall in Northern Queensland, continues to drive unprecedent livestock demand and an increasingly favorable outlook for producers”. A flexible marketing process kicking off in March will ensure that all interested parties are able to participate, regardless of whether they have ambitions of acquiring a single station or the entire portfolio. “Given the strategic advantages and operational efficiencies that can be achieved by operating the portfolio as an integrated beef production enterprise, we anticipate receiving offers for a whole of portfolio sale from both domestic and international investors”, said Elders’ Head of Agribusiness Investment Services, Mark Barber. “Having said that, there will undoubtedly be strong interest from parties looking to acquire individual assets or larger components of the portfolio, particularly from existing operators seeking to expand their holdings or achieve geographic diversification. More information on each property included in the portfolio can be found in the Western Australia and Northern Territory sections of this edition of Estates or by visiting
The cattle herd on offer is primarily Brahman and Brangus with excellent genetics. The herd has been managed intensively to produce excellent improvements in recent years. This has included a reduction in the age profile of the breeders, resulting in 44% being four years or younger. This younger age profile is a critical factor in improving reproductive rates and herd resilience.
Enquiries can be directed to the Elders transaction team:
Tom Russo General Manager Real Estate
0409 873 837
Mark Barber Head of Agribusiness Investment Services
0427 603 433
Greg Smith Corporate and Pastoral Property (WA)
0428 486 806
Kelvin Hancey Livestock Manager (Kimberley)
0429 914 400
Alison Ross Rural Real Estate Specialist (Northern Territory)
0417 847 950
Paul McCormick Sales Manager (Northern Territory)
0419 031 777
Real Estate
Elders Estates. NT
‘AROONA STATION’ VIA KATHERINE, NT 147,510 Hectares / 13,718 Head (plus progeny) Located only 85kms from Katherine in a high and reliable rainfall area, ‘Aroona’ is excellent breeding country that can operate year round through its strategic frontage to the Victoria Highway. The Aroona channels flow through the property’s predominantly black soils, delivering high levels of water security and productivity.
• Industry leading I.T infrastructure and systems innovation • Outstanding improvements with substantial • Year round access via the Victoria recent capital works program completed Highway with an emphasis on safe, low stress cattle handling facilities (main yards includes • Experienced management currently in feeding pens and tick clearing dip) place
• Low breeder herd age profile
Property Features
• Natural watercourses including Flora River For sale on a standalone basis or as part of and frontage to Dolly Dolly Creek, Mathison the Hancock Agriculture portfolio Creek, Shipton Creek, and Aroona Creek. Expression of Interest • Natural water security coupled with Closing Friday 23 April extensive water storage and distribution infrastructure Tom Russo 0409 873 837
• 14,423 head three year average carrying capacity
• Four sets of livestock yards with excellent cattle handling infrastructure
• Brahman cattle herd meticulously selected for temperament and fertility
• Portfolio of modern plant and equipment
Fully stocked and offered on a walk in walk out basis.
• Ample, comfortable and well maintained accommodation
Alison Ross 0417 847 950 Elders Real Estate
Elders Estates. NT
‘PHOENIX FARM’ KATHERINE, NT 3,443 Hectares Currently utilised as a live export quarantine and feeding facility supported by irrigated cropping, dryland cropping and grazing country, ‘Phoenix Farm’ is strategically located in Katherine, a critical logistics and resources centre supporting the cattle and horticulture industries. Given its abundant water supplies and quality soils, there are numerous options for the use of ‘Phoenix Farm’, including the potential for the development of a high value cropping enterprise (subject to any necessary approvals). Property Features • Significant recent capital works program completed focussed on cattle handling and water infrastructure
upgrades, pasture development, road upgrades, and building improvements • 28,785 head capacity feedlot • Undercover processing yards with modern cattle handling equipment • Licensed weighbridge • Water security through both regulated and unregulated water sources (high security water extraction licenses in both the Tindal and Jinduckin aquifers) • Approximately c960mm mean annual rainfall • 165ha under 4 centre pivot irrigators • 814ha dryland cropping • Tippera clay loam soils (some of the
highest productivity soils in the NT) • Modern plant and equipment • Excellent boundary and internal fencing and laneways • Exposure to ongoing northern Australia development and emerging high value agricultural opportunities For sale on a standalone basis or as part of the Hancock Agriculture portfolio Expression of Interest Closing Friday 23 April Tom Russo 0409 873 837 Alison Ross 0417 847 950 Elders Real Estate Experience.
Real Estate
Elders Estates. NT
‘RIVEREN STATION’ & ‘INVERWAY STATION’ SOUTHERN VICTORIA RIVER DISTRICT, NT 555,400 Hectares / 38,186 Head (plus progeny) Outstanding adjoining pastoral holdings located in the southern Victoria River district of the Northern Territory. The balance of land, coupled with the abundant natural water supply, has resulted in them being considered coveted assets and the significant recent capital works program cements them as iconic northern Australian cattle stations. Fully stocked and offered on a walk in walk out basis. Property Features • 42,624 head three year average carrying capacity • Brahman cattle herd with excellent genetics 8
• Low breeder herd age profile • Outstanding improvements with substantial recent capital works program completed. Brand new industry leading main cattle yards at Inverway built with safety and loss stress emphasis and extensive shade • Approximately 90% within 5kms of permanent water sources • Natural water security (including frontage to the Victoria River and Lake Nongra) coupled with extensive water storage and distribution infrastructure • Twelve sets of livestock yards with excellent cattle handling infrastructure • Portfolio of modern plant and equipment
• Industry leading I.T infrastructure and systems innovation • Experienced management currently in place For sale on a standalone basis or as part of the Hancock Agriculture portfolio Expression of Interest Closing Friday 23 April Tom Russo 0409 873 837 Mark Barber 0427 603 433 Alison Ross 0417 847 950 Paul McCormick 0419 031 777 Elders Real Estate
Elders Estates. NT
‘WILLEROO STATION’ VIA KATHERINE, NT 171,000 Hectares / 16,976 Head (plus progeny) Outstanding cattle breeding and fattening station located only 120kms from Katherine in a high and reliable rainfall area.
• Low breeder herd age profile
• Outstanding improvements with substantial recent capital works program completed featuring new cattle yards ‘Willeroo’ is bisected by the Victoria Highway with substantial feeding pens on the and also enjoys frontage to Buntine Highway, intersection of the Buntine and Victoria providing very valuable year round access. Highways Renowned for its mix of black soils and quality breeding country with natural permanent • Approximately 90% within 5kms of water points. permanent water sources Fully stocked and offered on a walk in walk out • Natural water security coupled with basis. extensive water storage and distribution infrastructure Property features • 18,752 head three year average carrying capacity
• Portfolio of modern plant and equipment
• Brahman cattle herd with excellent genetics
• Industry leading I.T infrastructure and
• Ample accommodation
systems innovation, including a state of the art training room with modern data / communications system • Experienced management currently in place For sale on a standalone basis or as part of the Hancock Agriculture portfolio Expression of Interest Closing Friday 23 April Tom Russo 0409 873 837 Mark Barber 0427 603 433 Alison Ross 0417 847 950 Paul McCormick 0419 031 777 Elders Real Estate Experience.
Real Estate
Elders Estates. WA
‘NERRIMA STATION’ WEST KIMBERLEY, WA 203, 142 Hectares / 15,837 Head (plus progeny) Featuring frontage to the Fitzroy River and located only 130kms south east of Derby, Nerrima is a high quality beef breeding and fattening station being offered on a walk in walk out basis fully stocked. Property Features • Three year average carrying capacity 15,445 head (PLB rating of 9,776 CU)
• Natural water security coupled with extensive water storage and distribution infrastructure
For Sale on a standalone basis or as part of the Hancock Agriculture portfolio
• Over 70% of the grazing land within a 5km grazing radius to permanent water
Closing Friday 23 April
• Four sets of livestock yards with excellent cattle handling infrastructure
Mark Barber 0427 603 433
Expression of Interest Tom Russo 0409 873 837
• Portfolio of modern plant and equipment
Greg Smith 0428 486 806
• Brahman/Red Angus composite breed herd
• Ample accommodation, including a recently renovated homestead
Kevin Hancey 0429 914 400
• Quality genetics and low breeder herd age profile
• Industry leading I.T infrastructure and systems innovation
• Outstanding improvements with substantial recent capital works program completed
• Highway 1 (Grt Northern Hwy) access
• Experienced management currently in place
Elders Real Estate
Elders Estates. WA
‘RUBY PLAINS STATION’ & ‘STURT CREEK STATION’ VIA HALLS CREEK, WA 796,134 Hectares / 23,368 Head (plus progeny) for temperament and fertility Having never experienced a dry period that required them to be destocked, Ruby Plains • Low breeder herd age profile Station and the adjoining Sturt Creek outstation • EU accredited are excellent breeding stations with a strong reputation for reliable rainfall and consistent • Outstanding improvements with substantial production of quality cattle. recent capital works program completed Boasting high quality flood plains, flats and • Traversed by Sturt Creek and boasting range country, major river and creek systems natural water security coupled with pass through the properties and flood out extensive water storage and distribution across expansive fertile flats. infrastructure Fully stocked and offered on a walk in walk out • Nine sets of livestock yards with excellent basis. cattle handling infrastructure Property Features • Portfolio of modern plant and equipment • Three year average carrying capacity 25,636 head (PLB rating 24,458CU) • Charbray cattle herd meticulously selected
• Good access via Tanami Road and the Great Northern Highway. • Experienced management currently in place For sale on a standalone basis or as part of the Hancock Agriculture portfolio Expression of Interest Closing Friday 23 April Tom Russo 0409 873 837 Mark Barber 0427 603 433 Greg Smith 0428 486 806 Kevin Hancey 0429 914 400
• Ample accommodation
Elders Real Estate
• Industry leading I.T infrastructure and systems innovation
Real Estate
Elders Estates. WA
‘CYTORNA’ & ‘WILAKINE’ PINGARING, WA 3,378.1 Hectares* / 8,343 Acres* Located at Pingaring in Western Australia’s eastern wheatbelt we present this opportunity to secure commercial scale wide-open cropping country, conservatively and successfully managed using sustainable farming practises. The aggregation consists of two adjoining blocks, on either side of a road with the third parcel located a few kilometres to the west. ‘Cytorna’ comprises 2,825 hectares (6,977 acres) with appropriate farming infrastructure including large enclosed machinery shed, working shearing shed and homestead all centrally located on the property. ‘Wilakine’ is located 20 km to the west and comprises 552 hectares (1,363 acres). Infrastructure includes an older shearing
shed and several smaller sheds, with mains electricity available.
For Sale
Both properties are well set up for broadacre cropping with long run lines and weed burdens well managed. Soil types are mainly medium easy working loams with some sand plain and gravelly duplex. Access between properties for machinery is practical and uses secondary roads. Fencing and water supplies are adequate and both farms are currently running sheep. The properties are offered for sale as one aggregation and buyers can expect to farm the property in the 2021 cropping season if they act quickly to secure what is surely one of the last properties to hit the market prior to seeding 2021.
Inspection by appointment
Price $5,070,000 Jeff Douglas 0427 425 689 Elders Narrogin *denotes approximately
Elders Estates. WA
‘QUONDONG’ SOUTH DOODLAKINE, WA 904.95 Hectares / 2,236 Acres ‘Quondong’ is a generational rural farmland holding of which part has been in the Nicholls family for 113 years and rest for 44 years. Total land area of 904.95 Ha (2236 Ac) and includes 10 freehold land titles. Road frontages to Badgetopping South Road, StoneGiles Road and Innes Road. Located only 15km from Kellerberrin, 212km to CBH Metro Grain Perth, 204km to Muchea WA Livestock Centre, 120km to Northam and 53km to Merredin. Mains scheme water is connected via 3 water meters and 4 dams. Excellent mix of quality soils from sand over gravel loams to medium granite and some heavy clays. 680Ha (1680 Ac) indicated as arable by the sellers. For Sale by offers to purchase Inspection by appointment Will Morris 0448 415 537 Elders Merredin
‘GILES’ & ‘WOODWARDS’ MERREDIN, WA 2,256.80 Hectares / 5,576.74 Acres Rare opportunity to purchase a farmland parcel that includes the homestead and full farming infrastructure. “Giles” is in the Goomarin locality of the Merredin Shire. 34km North of Merredin town with frontages to Talgomine Reserve Road, Goomarin Road and Woodward Road. 285km to CBH Metro Grain Perth. Freehold land with 4 locations on 2 multi lot certificate of titles. Total land area of 809.7528 Ha (2001 Ac) of which 777 Ha (1920 Ac) is indicated as arable. Water via mains scheme water connection piped through middle of farm. Mix of healthy and strong medium to heavy soils that are fenced into 8 paddocks. 3 x 1 plus office homestead with below ground swimming pool, machinery sheds, GP & fert Shed, 4 stand shearing shed & yards, 3 flexi N tanks, poly water tanks and transportable 3 bed all with ensuites workers accommodation. “Woodwards” is the adjacent parcel of freehold land with 8 locations on single multi lot certificate of title. Total land area of 1447.0517 Ha (3,575.74 Ac) of which 1365 Ha (3,373 Ac) is indicated as arable. Fertile soils with mix of strong red loams to medium/light sands suitable for both cropping of all small grains and running livestock. Fenced into 5 paddocks with water via one scheme mains connection piped to 23,000L poly tank plus two dams. For Sale Price $980,000 and $1,520,000 Will Morris 0448 415 537 Elders Merredin Experience.
Real Estate
Elders Estates. WA
‘WATHINGARRA’ BADGINGARRA, WA 1,859.76 Hectares / 4,593.6 Acres* Attention to detail & excellence prevails over this productive mixed farming property perfectly located to Badgingarra, Dandaragan & Moora. Boasting two titles with excellent access with 3 road frontages, this enterprise lends itself to the epitome in agriculture. Property Features • 1859.76ha (4593.6 acres) in total with approx. 1599ha (3950 acres) developed for cropping • Good grazing with improved sub clover base pastures • Currently the owner is carrying approximately 900 ewes & lambs 14
• Good fertiliser history over mixed soil types of medium loam thru to good sandplain • Abundance of an excellent water supply of 7 soaks & rainwater tanks • All parts of the property have good water points & easy access • Estimated average annual rainfall of approximately 500 mls. Infrastructure Includes • Spacious 4 x 2 brick family home with kitchen/dining/family, lounge & office • Second 3 x 1 house is comfortable as a manager’s residence
• 120m x 50m machinery shed, 80m x 30m general purpose workshop, 5 stand shearing shed, excellent sheep yards & bulk storage/grain shed with 500 ton capacity enhance the infrastructure Expression of Interest Kris Teakle 0409 686 626 Elders WA Rural & Metro
Elders Estates. NSW
‘COCHRANE CREEK’ BURRABOI, NSW 382.58 Hectares / 945.35 Acres*
Some of Burraboi & districts finest breeding & fattening country •
Mixed shedding including a 75 x 20 ft shed/workshop with part concrete and service pit, lockable storage shed
382.58 ha situated 21 km north of Wakool, 51 km north east of Barham, 60 km west of Deniliquin
2x freehold titles in addition to an adjoining Crown Lease of approx. 24.68 ha/61 ac
Warm breeding and fattening country with excellent shelter, frontage to the Cochrane and Jimaringle creeks
Double brick homestead featuring four bedrooms, dining room, quality heating and cooling
Arable area of 700 ac plus with a healthy mix of soil types suitable for a range of farming activities
Held by the Ellis family for 100 years and now offered for genuine sale due to retiring vendors
Secure water supply via MIL with 10 W/ Entitlements, 826 D/Entitlements, 90 ac lasered border check irrigation 2 main paddocks with fencing in good order, the southern and eastern boundaries having been recently renewed
Auction via AuctionsPlus Date Thursday 25th March, 11am Inspection by appointment Matt Horne 0409 355 733 Elders Deniliquin *denotes approximately
Real Estate
Elders Estates. NSW
‘PAPERBARK’ KNOCKROW, NSW 16.2 Hectares / 40 Acres •
Spring fed dam and fenced paddocks ideal for horses or livestock
Luxury acreage retreat offering a private resort oasis
A stunning 8-bedroom family home plus separate 3-bed+ residence
A scenic 40 acres of beautiful natural surrounds provides a six-star resort lifestyle in a prestigious once-in-a-lifetime country estate. Undeniably one of Australia’s most spectacular properties, this unique offering is more a way of life than simply a place to live and has been custom designed and finished with every imaginable luxury to offer a breathtaking residence of absolute privacy and tranquillity. No expense has been spared to create this family oasis that captures relaxing rural views in all directions; it is intimately secluded yet very convenient to shopping, schools, and less than 10 minutes to Lennox Head beaches.
Perfectly orientated to enjoy north-east views over a picturesque lagoon
On-site helipad, helicopter or light plane hangars and a 700m airstrip
Nick Bordin 0423 238 062
Resort-style swimming pool, 10-person spa and a poolside pavilion
Jake King 02 6687 6155
Flowing interior spaces feature over 1100sqm of floor space with many layout options
Gold-class home cinema, billiards room, wine cellar and gym with steam room
A picturesque tree-lined driveway that leads to parking for 20 or more cars
Expression of Interest Elders Lennox Head
Elders Estates. NSW
‘GLENDALOUGH’ EMERALD HILL, NSW 583.2 Hectares / 1,441 Acres Productive cultivation and livestock with outstanding northerly views ‘Glendalough’ is ideally suited to livestock and winter cereals with soils running from self-mulching black/chocolate basalt to quick responding red loams. Located 29 km north west of Gunnedah the property comprises approx. 267 ha of cultivation, 244 ha of open grazing with some cultivation potential, 30 ha of open timber hill grazing and 42 ha of timber. The property harvests water via 9 contoured paddocks, this water travels down waterways in 9 decent size storage dams located throughout the property. Fencing is mainly netting with a top barb
wire and a mix of cocky and steel swinging gates. Improvements include single phase power, two bay steel machinery/hay shed, 3 x elevated 35 tonne silos and an older shearing shed with steel sheep yards. The motivated vendors have provided a price that represents value given the properties ability to diversify its cash flow and potential of capital gain once improvements are carried out.
Outstanding northerly views
Contoured water harvesting, 9 dams
Steel 2 bay shed, power, 3 silos, older shearing shed
For Sale Price $1,690,000 Inspection by appointment
29 km north west of Gunnedah
Ian McArthur 0429 431 519
8 km from Emerald Hill grain receival
Quick responding soil types
Elders Gunnedah
Ideally suited to livestock and winter cereals
Real Estate
Elders Estates. NSW
‘YARRABEE’ MIDDLE ARM, NSW 82.6 Hectares / 204 Acres • One stand wool shed, stock yards, workshop in 4 car garage with power
For Sale
• 4 bed 2 bath brick home, formal lounge, dining and family
Inspection by appointment
Be productive or just enjoy the sanctuary of country living, the choice is yours.
• As new reverse cycle air conditioning plus gas and wood heating
• Upper Lachlan Shire, zoned rural landscape, Goulburn 15 min
• Home office set up externally from the house, heating, power, TV
• Suits cattle or sheep grazing with timbered lands for recreation
• Active8 satellite service, vast TV, Foxtel dish
• Extensive permanent Tarlo Creek frontage, cultivation flats plus grazing
• Pizza oven with entertaining area, double car port
Country lifestyle, relaxation and productivity Privacy, space and absolute quiet all combine with this outstanding rural farm close to Goulburn.
• Ample fresh water storage, plus creek water store, bore (unequipped)
Price $1,290,000 Lauren Kennedy 0482 645 611 Elders Goulburn
Elders Estates. NSW
‘TOURABLE’ LIVERPOOL PLAINS, NSW 668 Hectares / 1,650 Acres ‘Tourable’ is located in the heart of the renowned Mullaley district boasting deep self-mulching high yielding soils ideally suited to summer/winter crops or fodder production. The property totals 668 ha (1,650 ac) of which approx. 620 ha is cultivated, remaining country is either service or waterway grazing areas. ‘Tourable’ is a level, fertile, irrigation and dryland property producing high yielding summer/winter crops and if required, livestock backgrounding and fattening. Positioned in a reliable rainfall belt of 600mm-650mm per annum (BOM),
combines with its rich basalt soils to produce a variety of high yielding crops including cereals, oilseeds, sorghum and cotton. • Located on the renowned Liverpool Plains • Flat fertile self-mulching high yielding soils • Near new Valley Centre Pivots total 124 ha
Price Upon Application Inspection by appointment Ian McArthur 0429 431 519 Elders Gunnedah
• 54 ha of laser levelled flood irrigation • Substantial quality improvements • 246 megalitres of aquifer water • 405 megalitres of Cox’s Creek water
Real Estate
Elders Estates. NSW
‘SAVANNAH’ DUBBO, NSW 16.9 Hectares / 40 Acres A highly productive lifestyle farm with Macquarie River frontage ‘Savannah’ is a highly productive lifestyle farm with the wonderful diversity of many potential income streams whilst also offering a long list of very well presented improvements and Macquarie River frontage. Located only minutes from Dubbo - 9km*, with all its services including the major regional airport - 7km*, Mitchell Highway frontage, school bus pick up and recreational grounds nearby.
Features include 8 Meg’s of General Security river license plus stock & domestic, irrigation infrastructure, a fully enclosed workshop, machinery and vehicle sheds, hay shed, cattle yards, loading ramp, and a very comfortable spacious 4 bedroom homestead set in beautifully established lawns and gardens. Representing a unique opportunity to secure a renowned rural river lifestyle having been operated as a successful turf farm. There is the potential for lucerne hay production, livestock grazing, pasture seed, horticulture, or even develop into you own Polo fields by thinking outside the box.
For Sale Price $1,590,000 Inspection by appointment Richard Gemmell 0428 164 672 Elders Central Western NSW
Elders Estates. NSW
‘FOREST VALE’ WIARBOROUGH, NSW 231.1 Hectares / 571 Acres Held by the same owners for the last 40 years, ‘Forest Vale’ offers 231 hectares of grazing country nestled in the hills of the Wiarborough Valley Area. Home to 13 paddocks, 11 dams, and just under 2 km of Hogan’s Creek frontage. A set of steel cattle yards is set close to the main road for access. A period 1950’s three bedroom cottage is the main housing with fenced off yard and surrounding garden. A second bedroom dwelling circa 1944 is close by. The property has historically run 600 sheep and 60 head of cattle with absentee owners. Boundary fencing in good order. The property has been de-stocked for several years and is rested and ready to take on the next enterprise.
• A huge body of feed with a good clover covering
small workshop, chook house, garden shed and dry firewood storage
• Great water catchment over the farm
• 3 bedroom cottage - either renovate/ restore or knock down and re build, power connected
• Some new/near new fencing • Sheltered belts in most paddocks for livestock • Large 4 bay machinery shed
For Sale
• 2 bay hay shed
Price $2,100,000
• Steel cattle yards
Inspection by appointment
• Shearing shed in repairable/replaceable order Lauren Kennedy 0482 645 611 • 2 bedroom home - quaint cottage in original condition, ready for a makeover. Has Elders Goulburn an enclosed verandah which would make a great sunroom or possibly third bedroom,
Real Estate
Elders Estates. NSW
‘NEWHAVEN’ & ‘GLENROY’ NYNGAN, NSW 8,228 Hectares / 20,330 Acres
Newhaven: 3,578 ha | 8,840 ac*
upon exchange to the successful purchaser.
Glenroy: 4,650 ha | 11,490 ac*
‘Newhaven’ and ‘Glenroy’ represent low cost broadacre cropping country 65km south west of Nyngan. Combined cultivation area of approximately 60% with potential for further development and complimented by livestock grazing, currently destocked.
Cultivation 5,010 ha | 12,380 ac approx.
Closing Wednesday 31 March, 4pm
Extensive cropping with grazing potential
Inspection by appointment
Properties non-contiguous, 1.5 km apart*
Andrew Kierath 0418 346 337
Mainly deep red loams with some quartz
Bimble box, Wilga, Belah, Kurrajong, Cypress
Richard Gemmell 0428 164 672
Livestock water supplied by dams
Elders Central Western NSW
Nyngan average rainfall 445mm*
Both farms have successfully produced cereals • and oilseeds in rotation and are being offered • in readiness for this year’s season. May be purchased as a whole or two noncontingent holdings with access considered
Expression of Interest
4,000t grain storage shed, 5 cone base silos 2 shearing sheds, 2 houses, machinery shed
Elders Estates
To enter your state draw, purchase any selected Pastoral Ag or Hunter River Company animal health product from an Elders branch between 1st February and 31st May 2021. Receive an automatic* draw ticket per $100 spent. Terms and conditions apply. Visit for more information and to view the terms and conditions. * Automatic entry is for Elders Account Holders only. Non-Elders Account Holders can enter via the online entry form on
Talk to your local Elders team to find out more.
1 x Polaris Ranger 570 prize for each of the following jurisdictions: SA [T21/31], NSW [TP/00659] & ACT [TP 21/00033], QLD & NT [TLP1102], WA, VIC & TAS.
Real Estate
Elders Estates. VIC
‘BRACKEN HILL’ POINT LONSDALE, VIC 92.4 Hectares / 228.32 Acres
Spectacular equine/lifestyle estate on the Bellarine Peninsula • Exceptional 6 bedroom homestead, positioned in an elevated setting capturing panoramic ocean views of the stunning Bellarine Peninsula, architecturally designed and built in 2004
• 2 round yards (28m* and 13m* diameter), 20m* x 60m* grass arena and an equitation paddock
• Abundance of natural water supplied via rainwater storage tanks totalling in excess of 700,000 litres*, coupled with five catchment dams and access to town water connectivity • State of the art 20m* x 60m* Olympic size indoor dressage arena comprising indoor • Secure 610mm or 24 inch average annual rainfall yard, large tack room, saddling/viewing area and four stables • Strategically sub-divided into 24 main stock • Further improvements include machinery shed with 2 horse yards and undercover crush for vet work, 5 bay machinery shed with 3 horse yards, 2 stables and feed room, 17 single and double horse shelters, large hayshed of 900* bale capacity, plus 3 additional horse yards 24
paddocks, incorporating electric fencing, horse shelters and water troughs, plus 2 large cropping paddocks • Uninterrupted panoramic ocean vistas and beautiful outlooks of Port Phillip Heads • One certificate of title, with Vendors in the
final stages of application to create a separate 80 acre* title (STCA) • Highly diverse asset, ideally suited to a range of agricultural, eco-tourism and lifestyle pursuits Expression of Interest Anthony Stevens 0417 822 356 Elders Geelong *Denotes approximately
Elders Estates VIC
‘BUMANTO’ YEA, VIC 210 Hectares / 518 Acres
Located within two minutes from Yea and 25 minutes Seymour with connection to Melbourne via the Hume Freeway or high speed rail link to the CBD. Extensive sealed road frontage to the Goulburn Valley Highway and Ghin Ghin Road. The land comprises gently undulating hills to river flats with extensive frontage to the Yea River. There are many outstanding building sites on the property (STCA).
‘Bumanto’ is fenced into eight paddocks and is watered by six dams and the Yea River. Timber cattle yards with a cattle crush are the only infrastructure on the property.
Expression of Interest
‘Bumanto’ has been in the one family ownership in excess of 120 years and gives intending purchasers a rare opportunity to secure prime real estate in the popular Yea district.
Closing Monday 19th April, 5pm Inspection by appointment Bruce Elliott 0409 699 937 Elders Yea
Real Estate
Elders Estates.VIC
‘Moyhu Wagyu’ is in the premium and reliable King Valley district on a substantial land holding it is currently available for purchase on A Walk In Walk Out basis for circa $12 million. A fullblood herd in the best Japanese Wagyu genetics and high value marketing route that has demonstrated its strength over recent years. ‘Moyhu Wagyu’ will appeal to a corporate, or high net worth purchaser as four land holdings all within convenient proximity to each other. The holding of approximately 847 hectares or 2,100 acres includes the six bedroom
farm homestead designed by renowned architect Guilford Bell, with inground salt water swimming pool, extensive gardens and orchards with fresh water and bore supplies.
The existing farm manager of twenty five years together with two farm hands will continue to provide experienced and effective farm operations.
Established here are extensive feed pad areas, hay and machinery shedding, plus the farm office, well designed cattle yard infrastructure, the three bedroom resident managers home, plus other complementary water, and farming infrastructure.
Inspection by appointment
The major dam storage with solar pumping and dams supports the whole of the holding. District average rainfall of about 950mm, or 38 inches.
Michael Everard 0408 653 161 Dave Colvin 0407 500 239 Elders Wangaratta
Elders Estates. VIC
‘GRANITE HILL’ BRUARONG, VIC 50.5 Hectares / 124.7 Acres
Lifestyle property in prized location • Quality totally modernised 4 bedroom plus 2 office home midway between Yackandandah and Myrtleford • Home offers open plan with quality appliances, full verandah, original cellar and solar panels • Excellent water from 5 spring fed dams, 3 wells plus rainwater storage • Improved pastures, subdivided into 14 paddocks with 2 central laneways • Currently operating as an equine facility with excellent full sized cutting yard plus round yard, both with rubber split belting • Cattle facilities include set of fully operational yards including crush and loading race
• Other quality improvements include 3 vehicle garage, lockup workshop, hay/ machinery shed with 3 bay skillion • The location offers prime opportunities being close to Albury/ Wodonga (41kms), handy to Yackandandah (15kms) and Myrtleford (21kms) • Views are sensational with Mt Buffalo to the South and Yackandandah Valley both North and South
Inspection by appointment Reg Coulston 0418 118 207 David Gittoes 0409 362 722 Henry Mackinnon 0408 408 299 Elders Albury
• Everything about ‘Granite Hill’ is quality with a large granite rock timbered hill centre of this unique lifestyle property • An inspection will impress. Video available
Real Estate
Elders Estates. QLD
Western Darling Downs Market Report MICK CUSKELLY RURAL REAL ESTATE SALES REP The Western Downs region covers an area of 38,000 square kilometres in South West Queensland and is home to some of the state’s best farming country, with half the region’s agricultural land declared as strategic cropping land. The region also accounts for some two thirds of Australia’s overall feedlot capacity. This provides a competitive advantage and strong level of price security for feed producers in the region. The Western Downs is also strategically positioned very closely to the Toowoomba Wellcamp Airport (an agricultural commodity export hub), which effectively connects the Western Downs with the rest of the world and provide direct access to growing South East Asian supply chains. This, coupled with the long term demand outlook for Australian soft commodities, has seen ongoing strong demand for properties and price appreciation notwithstanding drought conditions over the last five years. As we move towards more normalised seasonal conditions, confidence in the region is very high. The cattle restocker market is at an all-time high and the demand for quality properties continues to strengthen and outweigh supply. This is particularly so for the coveted heavy soils found in some parts of the region,
including the Jimbour Plains. The supply demand imbalance will continue to fuel competition for quality properties that are presented to market and it very much remains a sellers market presently. Well structured sales processes which maximise competitive tension are achieving excellent results. Elders is offering two outstanding properties for auction on the 30th of March. The first, ‘Glenmore’ is 301.5 hectares of first-class cultivation, and the second, ‘Warrina’ is a 113.2 hectare grazing property boasting an excellent stand of improved pastures. Although based in Dalby, Mick Cuskelly works closely with the Elders branches in Tara, Jandowae, Miles and Meandarra and represents rural property clients from Durong in the North to Cecil Plains in the South, and Jondaryan in the East to Meandarra and Dulacca in the west, encompassing most of the Western Downs Regional Council Area. Mick Cuskelly 0427 583 318
Elders Estates. QLD
‘GLENMORE’ MACALISTER, QLD 301.6 Hectares / 745.2 Acres Highly regarded grain growing country ‘Glenmore’ gives prospective buyers a rare opportunity to invest in the top-class farming country on the Jimbour Plain. ‘Glenmore’ has been held in the family for 65 years. The current farming lease to be given access to harvest Sorghum and Mung Bean crops if not already completed by settlement date. Settlement 30 days from contract date.
• Positioned 1 km Macalister, 16 km Jimbour, 26 km Dalby, 110 km Toowoomba and 3 hours Brisbane
Auction Date Tuesday 30th March, 11am
• 297.7 ha | 735 ac of cultivation
Venue BMO Business Centre, Hogan Street, Dalby
• Machinery shed, chemical shed
Inspection by appointment
• Approximately 360 tonnes grain storage
Mick Cuskelly 0427 583 318
• Bore equipped with electrical submersible
• 4 bedroom timber home
Elders Dalby
Real Estate
Elders Estates. QLD
‘SEA PEARL’ BOWEN, QLD 197.8 Hectares / 488 Acres
Beautiful Bowen acreage property ‘Sea Pearl’ is located on Roma Peak Road 7km south of Bowen. Road is a good gravel road, traversable in all weather conditions (some minor flooding in big events but not for long periods). The home is new and with building only completed in October last year. It features 300m2 under roof, with polished American Oak timber floors throughout, 10ft ceilings, 4 extra-large bedrooms with robes, the main bedroom offering a large walk in robe and bathroom. The kitchen is a wonderful feature of this home flowing into the dining and living area, offering very open plan living. The office/ study provides benches with enough space for three people to work in. 30
• Brand new home with 300m2 under roof, finished construction in October 2020
• Features 3 large bedrooms, 2 large bathrooms, study and second tv/gym
Inspection by appointment
• Large living room/dining, well-appointed fittings and fixtures throughout
• Polished American Oak timber floors and beautiful spacious kitchen • Excellent water supply from bore with solar pump, fully fenced yard • Large 15 m x 15 m shed This property, with the beautiful home, is well worth an inspection if you’re looking to purchase a lifestyle or retirement block.
Date Friday 26th March, 11am Robert Murolo 0418 799 934 Elders Bowen
Elders Estates. QLD
‘RIVER BEND’ SOUTH BINGERA, QLD 94.5 Hectares / 233 Acres This quality farm occupies a total portfolio area of 94.49 ha, 233 ac, on a single freehold title.
• Total landholding of 94.49 hectares | 233 acres
For Sale
• Unlimited irrigation bore water supply
This is an opportunity to acquire a Prime Burnett River Farm comprising Macadamias and river grazing with excellent improvements in a tightly held region.
Inspection by appointment
• Prime Burnett River Frontage with access to the river
Baden Lowrie 0427 172 158
Rarely do Macadamia Farms become available in the Bundaberg region and this property is ideally suited as a family operation.
Price $4,850,000 • Approx. 11,000 trees with additional land Elders Bundaberg area for further plantings • Prime river grazing • Charming country homestead with inground pool • Private and serene location • River access • Plant and machinery can be purchased if required Experience.
Real Estate
Elders Estates. QLD
‘THE PALMS’ UPPER YARRAMAN / COOYAR DISTRICT, QLD 373.1 Hectares / 922 Acres Blue Chip fattening and breeding country Positioned 100 km Toowoomba, 61 km Kingaroy, 180 km Brisbane. A quality parcel of highly regarded country which runs from spring fed fertile flats rising to elevated developed cropping and grazing country of which 250 acres has been pasture improved to Gatton panic and vetch. The property has been lightly stocked and is carrying a large body of feed which is predominantly Kikuyu and Gatton panic. 180 ac is used for cultivation which is currently growing a crop of grain Sorghum. Water is a real feature as the property has a 15 Tropical Palm Rainforest which has an excellent spring along with 2 separate springs 32
and 4 dams. The owners have installed a new watering system through the property. Current owners have developed the property which included 95% of the property being refenced, 2 sets of cattle yards. The renovated the main home features 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, large open plan living and dining area. Set in an easy-care garden setting. Workers/managers home, 3 bed 1 bath recently repainted. Numerous machinery sheds and silos. The property is being sold with a quality list of machinery. Wherever your cattle interest lies ‘The Palms’ is a renowned performer and a quality property to have in your ownership.
Expression of Interest Closing Wednesday 10th March, 11am Trevor Leishman 0427 598 106 Elders Toowoomba
Elders Estates. QLD
‘WARRINA’ DALBY, QLD 113.21 Hectares / 279.75 Acres A unique hidden haven, ‘Warrina’ has 180 ac of well-established improved pastures.
• Located 17 km from Dalby and 25 km from Bell
‘Warrina’ is considered to be a top quality cattle fattening property.
• Approximately 73 ha (180 ac) excultivation
Venue BMO Business Centre, Hogan Street, Dalby
The property has established pastures on soft scrub country along with a brick home and a large shed.
• Established to improved pasture
Inspection by appointment
• 3 bedroom brick home with attached double garage
Mick Cuskelly 0427 583 318
This complete package is located within 15 minutes drive from Dalby.
• Machinery shed, hay shed, grain silo, cattle yards
Elders Dalby
• Fenced into 8 paddocks plus laneways
Date Tuesday 30th March, 2pm
• Bore equipped with windmill, dam, 36,000 gallons rainwater storage
Real Estate
Elders Estates. QLD
‘ZISCHKES ROAD COOMINYA, QLD 24.22 Hectares / 59.84 Acres
Multipurpose facility Coominya - poultry, horticulture or storage Positioned on the outskirts of Coominya, 88 km Brisbane, 50 km Ipswich. Infrastructure consists of 4 buildings 113 m x 13 m and 1 x 109 m x 12 m, concrete floors, power and water connected to all, computerised roll up sides. Buildings have been used for poultry and have the appropriate feeding and watering facilities in place if required. 3 equipped bores in place which delivers water to a 250,000 L storage tank along with 2 x 5,000-gallon head tanks.
Admin/office building fitted with kitchen and workers amenities. 11 x 9 m workshop. Wired in commercial backup generator. Facility is in a fenced private setting on the property.
Auction Date Tuesday 16th March, 11am Venue Picnic Point Toowoomba Inspection by appointment
Managers home, 3 bedroom 1 bathroom home.
Trevor Leishman 0427 598 106
The property is now surplus to the owners needs and requirements. Our instructions are very clear, sell the property on or before auction day.
Andrew Williams 0429 004 299 Elders Toowoomba
Elders Estates. SA
‘COVEVIEW’ PORT NEILL, SA 427.81 Hectares / 1,057.11 Acres
Land only that has been farmed conservatively for a couple of generations. This unique coastal land is in a stunning location overlooking the Spencer Gulf on the Lower Eyre Peninsula. It boasts magnificent uninterrupted coastal views all year round over the 4.2km stretch of cliffs and magnificent white beach frontage. There are 4 freehold titles plus a Road Reserve that runs through the property. • Total land area 427.81 Ha / 1,057.11 acres
• Well fenced with central raceway
Price Upon Application
• Highway frontage
Inspection by appointment
• 1 SA Water meter
Darryn Johnston 0428 837 262
• 4 Freehold Titles
• Average annual rainfall 300mm (12”)
Luke Duncan 0458 141 321
Located in a magnificent rural farming community with potential major new port development in the region. Inspection by appointment only. Information Memorandum available upon request. Elders Port Lincoln RLA 62833
• Arable area 393.0 Ha / 971.1 acres (approx) • 7 main paddocks Experience.
Real Estate
Elders Estates. SA
‘ELMORE’ WANBI, SA 2,057.29 Hectares / 5,083 Acres ‘Elmore’ is a quality holding of significant scale occupying a total land portfolio area of 2057.2.9ha (approx 5083 acres). The holding includes a 60 acre pivot with 37meg irrigation licence, comfortable 3 bedroom home and a large machinery shed. The property has been constantly cropped in the past 10 years with a portion of the land spelled each year. A combination of Wheat, Barley and Rye are grown. ‘Elmore’ has a Mallee Well Irrigation licence and the sale includes 37 megalitres of irrigation water. Additional water can be leased or purchased from other licence holders within the “Green Zone”. The irrigation bore, submersible pump, Deutze
Diesel powered generator and 60 acre Zimmatic irrigator are all less than 10 years old. The functional 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom stone home includes an evaporative air-conditioner, slow combustion wood heater in the lounge, store room, laundry, and kitchen. A domestic bore at the home with submersible pump supply water to the home plus 3 tanks. A large machinery shed and a roller roof 50T super shed are located near the home. The property is currently under lease till the end of the 2021 cropping season.
Inspection by appointment David Kanizay 0408 834 586 Elders Loxton RLA 62833
Elders Estates. SA
‘KARTANYA’ TOOLIGIE, SA 1,210 Hectares / 2,989.91 Acres ‘Kartanya’ is a good size property just a few kilometres east of Tooligie Hill and is perfect for mixed farming. The total land area is 1,210 ha (2,989.91 ac) with approximately 1,150 ha (2,840 ac) cleared and arable for cropping. The average annual rainfall in this area is 385mm with approximately 70-80% falling between April to October. Given this farm has been continuously cropped recently, the fencing is in average condition with minimal internal fences. Infrastructure includes Mains water, 80’ x 30’ 2 stand raised board shearing shed with attached sheep yards, hay/machinery shed and a super shed. There is also an old 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom timber home on the
property however has not been lived in for some time and is in need of some upkeep.
Price Upon Application
Undulating plains and rises with mainly shallow calcareous solid.
Darryn Johnston 0428 837 262
Most common soils; Calcareous loam, calcareous loam over clay and shallow calcareous loam on calcareous sub soils with some red flats. Surface texture; sandy loam with some sandy swale rises. This property is currently leased for the cropping seasons 2021-2022.
Inspection by appointment Luke Duncan 0458 141 321 Elders Port Lincoln RLA 62833
Information Memorandum available upon request.
Real Estate
Elders Estates. Recently Sold
BAROOGA, NSW 1,360.4 Hectares / 3,361.6 Acres
4,429.9 Hectares / 10,622 Acres
• Well located 14km’s from Barooga, 18km’s from Yarrawonga & 84km’s west of Albury/Wodonga • Regarded as one of the best irrigation properties in the district • Situated in a 19”-20” (480mm-499mm) rainfall district
The properties offer economy of scale and versatility with good underground water for livestock. The properties offers attractive flat to undulating well drained country. This supports strong perennial pastures, grasses, medics and legumes which has allowed the vendors to consistently produce quality yearling cattle, lambs and wool. Soil types range from grey
• Fully developed irrigation systems supplied by MIL plus surface catchment capacity of 561 megalitre storage dams
SOLD David Gittoes 0409 362 722 Elders Albury
and reddish sandy loams to heavier brown and dark brown loams and some heavy saline loam over clay and limestone.
SOLD Mike Lind 0408 892 362 Elders Keith
530 Hectares / 1,311 Acres* (including 87 acres* lease)
1,100 Hectares / 2,718 Acres
• Held in the same family since 1890 • High rainfall of 40” (1025mm) average annually • Historically carried 240+ breeders plus followers • Newly installed machinery sheds, cattle yards, other shedding with 3.57kw solar back to grid
Excellent farming property located approximately 5km west of Darke Peak on the Eyre Peninsula.
• Workshop Shed / Crutching Shed - 60’ x 30’ with service pit
• Steel sheep yards, drafting gates and loading ramp
• Subdivided into 18 main paddocks; excellent water featuring two permanent creeks
SOLD David Gittoes 0409 362 722 Reg Coulston 0418 118 207 Henry Mackinnon 0408 408 299 Elders Albury
• Machinery Shed - 60’ x 30’ • Super Shed - 60 tonne with roll top • Silo - 60 tonne, flat bottom
Darryn Johnston 0428 837 262 Luke Duncan 0458 141 321 Elders Port Lincoln RLA 62833
Elders Estates. Recently Sold
516 Hectares / 1,275 Acres*
123.33 Hectares / 327 Acres
Outstanding Upper Murray rural holding • Situated in a secure 40” (1000mm) high rainfall district • Tremendous pasture improvement, high livestock carrying capacity • Cattle yards with crush and loading ramp, new hayshed, new machinery shed,
new workshop plus silos. 18 paddocks with excellent fencing • Two permanent creeks plus 18 surface dams *denotes approximately
SOLD David Gittoes 0409 362 722 Henry Mackinnon 0408 408 299 Elders Albury
• Positioned 35 minutes Toowoomba and Warwick • An extremely versatile and Trevor Leishman 0427 598 106 productive parcel of country. 58 years of family ownership. • Currently used for cropping and Elders Toowoomba grazing • 3 bedroom timber home built in 1927 set in a commanding position overlooking the valley. Numerous buildings, silos and cattle yards
6,425 Hectares / 15,877 Acres
321.1 Hectares / 793.4 Acres* (including lease)
The property is currently utilised as a dedicated grazing enterprise, supporting a herd of Santa Gertrudis breeding cows and running the progeny through to mostly feedlot weights. Approximately 2,600 ha* has been previously farmed and a further 3,005 ha* is considered to be partly arable grazing country. Livestock carrying capacity is considered as 1 DSE/ac*.
SOLD Richard Gemmell 0428 164 672 Elders Central Western NSW
• 18 paddocks with excellent Outstanding Upper Murray water property • Selling for the Estate of Bruce Land, held in the family for 4 *Denotes approximately generations • Excellent balance of country in a 31”-32” (775mm800mm) rainfall district David Gittoes 0409 362 722 • Historically run as a dairy, Reg Coulston 0418 118 207 more recently it has been running 250+ beef bred cows Henry Mackinnon 0408 408 299 plus followers Elders Albury
Real Estate
Elders Estates. Recently Sold
13,081 Hectares / 32,323.15 Acres
2,055.56 Hectares / 5,079.28 Acres
‘Mullaquana Station’ is a large land holding on the upper Eastern Eyre Peninsula, approximately 28kms south of Whyalla as the crow fly’s. The Station boasts 14kms of coastline on the Spencer Gulf. Conservatively run with mainly Merino sheep, this is a great enterprise for serious meat and wool producers.
SOLD Darryn Johnston 0428 837 262 Luke Duncan 0458 141 321 Elders Port Lincoln RLA 62833
Located close to the foothills of the Cleve to Cowell ranges on the Eyre Peninsula, this property makes a fantastic mixed farming enterprise. Improvements over the three properties include a number of machinery, implement and fertilizer sheds. The average annual rainfall in this area is approximately 325mm375mm.
898 Hectares / 2,219 Acres
129 Hectares / 319 Acres
Darryn Johnston 0428 837 262 Luke Duncan 0458 141 321 Elders Port Lincoln RLA 62833
• Sold via Offers To Purchase campaign • Frontages to Healey Rd & Will Morris 0448 415 537 Narembeen Boundary Rd • 350mm rainfall zone Elders Merredin • Rolling Hills of mostly high in landscape • Strong heavy to medium soils – Salmon Gum, Gimlet & Morrell
‘Sandy Creek’ was presented to market for the first time in 70 years. The property offered exceptional lifestyle and rural investment opportunity, located 2.4 km from historical Jugiong township boasting charming local tourism businesses. • Undulating with granite loams and scattered timber • Native and clover pastures, fertiliser program
Currently running 300 ewes and lambs plus 20 cows and calves
SOLD Peter McPhail 0456 955 511 Elders Cootamundra
Elders Estates. Recently Sold
1,889.80 Hectares / 4,670 Acres
404.3 Hectares / 999 Acres
• Frontages to Wogarl East Rd & Mount Walker Rd North
• 325mm rainfall zone
Will Morris 0448 415 537 Elders Merredin
• Fenced into 15 Paddocks with 3 dams and 2 bores • Mix of mostly heavy to medium soil types
• Gently undulating country, brown grey sandy loams over clay and loose limestone, pastured to lucerne, clovers, serradella, veldt grass and natural grasses,100 acres sown to Canola. • Well fenced into 12 paddocks for rotational grazing with steel swing gates, poly from mains to concrete troughs, underground water available
99.4 Hectares / 245.6 Acres
171.3 Hectares / 423.3 Acres
5 generations of family ownership. Timeless quality Homestead designed for family living and Trevor Leishman 0427 598 106 entertaining. 3 large living areas along with 5 bedrooms and 3 ensuites and a Elders Toowoomba single bathroom. Set on an elevated knoll which provides delightful sweeping views of the country side.
• Set of steel cattle yards with, crush and loading ramp
SOLD Mike Lind 0408 892 362 Elders Keith
An excellent parcel of soft Irrigation country currently used for small crops and dryland farming. Trevor Leishman 0427 598 106 138 meg Irrigation Lic. 3 electrically equipped bores, underground main and hydrants. Elders Toowoomba Improvements consist of a 4 bedroom timber home, numerous buildings and cold room and storage room. ‘Winnipeg’ ticks all the boxes. Experience.
Real Estate
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WHY STOCKCO IS 100% BEHIND GRAZIERS StockCo has provided innovative, 100% livestock funding for breeding, backgrounding and finishing to producers all around Australia. With dedicated finance managers stationed throughout the country, graziers come to StockCo for reasons as diverse as the conditions experienced across the nation. “Often clients come to us because they want to expand their operation, but for whatever reason, the cashflow just isn’t there,’ explains NSW StockCo Business Development Manager Toby Hammond. “We can arrange finance to fund livestock purchases, freeing up capital to be used for other purposes. This is as straightforward as StockCo settling the stock purchase invoice on behalf of the customer, holding only the livestock as security, and letting the customer take care of everything else – including the marketing – as they see fit. Or it might be a case of us releasing the equity in existing livestock, based on its current market value, so the client can make financial decisions based on what’s best in the long term, rather than as a reaction to current cashflow. Whatever our client needs, we can help – and I think that’s why livestock producers respond to us so well.” With a simple, straightforward application process, StockCo prioritises making it easy for producers to access funds as and when they need them – quickly freeing them to do what they do best. For producers looking to respond quickly to conditions, that’s a plus that’s seen hundreds of happy clients drawn to StockCo.
If you’d like to find out how StockCo can help you, call us free on 1800 283 447 or visit
Real Estate
Experience Australia’s leading rural real estate network. We form successful and lasting partnerships with our clients. With over 400 points of presence throughout Australia, the Elders network includes a team of subject matter experts in all areas of Australian agribusiness who have unsurpassed connections and insights into Australian agriculture coupled with international connections. Our team of specialist agricultural real estate professionals assist our clients with all aspects of their strategic real estate needs. This team is also able to draw upon the vast resources within the broader Elders network, which provides Australian primary producers with access to all the advice, inputs, financial services, marketing options and trading platforms required to maximise the returns from their enterprises.