Seasons magazine - spring 2023

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Growers armed to tackle cereal, canola diseases


Efficon® gets the thumbs up from Gatton


South west WA orchards beat rising weevil damage


Elders, for leading research and development


Getting ahead of seed set is CRUCIAL


The highest hybrid canola yields are now only part of the story


Gatton field day demonstrates outstanding performance of active


Unique herbicide delivers effective control of woody weeds


A new level of pest control and achieve great results by protecting your canola crops with Exirel® Insecticide


Focussing on the future at DKSH Agrisolutions


Biostimulants drive wine grape productivity


Better agronomic, business and environmental outcomes


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Contents SPRING 2023

Strike cattle tick, early and hard


Wool handling operations commence in Rockingham


Multimin Evolution – a local success story


Spring is a critical time to address mineral deficiences


Elders joins Beef Australia as long-term Principal Partner


New Regional Australia Institute and Elders partnership advances critical work to 'rebalance the nation'


Mandatory eID is coming – get ahead of the curve


Don’t let Pestivirus rob you blind


Renowned quality for sheep management


Enhancing farm biosecurity


Pallaton’s outstanding water use efficiency


S&W spring sowing options to feed your livestock


Capitalising on sheep management and feed with mineral support


Know the efficacy of your drenches


The ultimate choice for equine safety and durability


There has been much chatter in the passing weeks and months about agriculture’s prospects with an El Nino outlook on the horizon, causing dryer and hotter conditions than experienced, largely, across many parts of Australia over previous years. Agriculture has always been subject to the whims of the weather, and its critics will say this makes it vulnerable to volatility. While the seasons are undoubtedly unpredictable, my view remains optimistic. The farming sector is ripe with opportunities and continues to grow in its capacity to withstand changing weather, due to better capabilities, better technology, and improved grower access to information.

The federal government’s announcement of a further $38 million investment in agricultural research and development for weather and drought resilience research projects is welcome. Ensuring this research reaches growers and becomes applied on-farm is a critical step. It’s a role that Elders help to fill through our technical services network, our own RD&E division, and through mediums like Seasons Magazine, to provide useful information to maximise the seasons, no matter the weather.

CEO Foreword

Wishing you a productive Spring.

Mark Allison


Crop Protection

ADAMA Australia Portfolio Manager – Fungicides, Matt Sherriff monitoring the performance of Proviso at the ADAMA Australia SA Solution site.

GROWERS ARMED TO TACKLE CEREAL, CANOLA DISEASES Southern region cereal and canola crops are expected to again come under high disease pressure this season. Fortunately though, growers of these crops can now rely on some extra fungicide options in their arsenal against disease and, importantly, these come with added flexibility and improved crop safety. One of the newer options is Proviso® fungicide from ADAMA Australia, which can be used in canola, wheat, barley and oat crops and also offers disease resistance management benefits. Proviso is a novel prothioconazole fungicide featuring the company’s


unique Asorbital™ technology, which enables enhanced uptake and systemic activity for improved efficacy, compatibility and crop safety. Prothioconazole has shown to be the most effective demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicide for controlling various diseases, including net blotch populations with low and developing levels of resistance. However, rather than simply introducing another prothioconazole fungicide, ADAMA strived to develop an all-new formulation of the proven active ingredient to ensure real and tangible benefits to growers. Proviso can be used in tank mixes with a range of other crop protection

and nutrition products, controlling a broader range of diseases in canola and cereals, including fusarium head blight in wheat, and to assist disease management. It can be ideally applied as the first foliar application following the use of Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor (SDHI) or strobilurin-based fungicides on seed or in-furrow. ADAMA Australia Portfolio Manager – Fungicides, Matt Sherriff, said Proviso was a more cost-effective and adaptable fungicide, and, to enhance its effectiveness, could be applied with a host of tank mix partners, many of which are conveniently listed on the product label.

Crop Protection

Matt said growers could also have confidence in the knowledge that even where resistance may be developing to any triazoles, prothioconazole was the most effective of these fungicides and by using Proviso, they could avoid paying for additional active ingredients that may now be less effective. Ashley Pilkington, Market Development Manager with ADAMA Australia in SA, said Proviso was enabling growers to create specialist spray applications in their programs according to the target disease.

Proviso is expected to have a good fit in oat crops as well, especially with its 14-day withholding period compared with three-week periods for some other products. “It’s a great option if, after applications near grain-fill, crops get frosted and then may need to be cut for hay and sold,’’ Ashley said. This article was written by Elders supplier ADAMA for Seasons magazine.

“By containing just the one active ingredient in prothioconazole, growers can mix and match it with other active ingredients and custom-design their own brew,’’ Ashley said. “Its excellent crop safety allows for good tank mix combinations and, as a result, improved disease control.’’ He said Proviso also was strongly used in canola in SA last year for blackleg protection, where it performed well with early grass sprays applied at the four to six-leaf stage.


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Insecticide − Powered by Axalion® Active

Power on with Efficon Next generation sucking pest control has arrived ■ Consistent, long-lasting, reliable control of target pests ■ Controls pests with reduced sensitivity to other insecticides ■ Complements and protects the efficacy of other modes of action ■ Compatibility with beneficial releases strengthens IPM

Scan to find out more or call 1800 558 399 ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. © Copyright BASF 2023 ® Registered trademark of BASF. 213420 0723


Crop Protection

EFFICON® GETS THE THUMBS UP FROM GATTON Earlier this year, Australia was the first country in the world to approve registration for Efficon®, an innovative insecticide from BASF.

“It is effective at multiple stages of the target pests’ life cycles, so it can quickly shut down heavy whitefly infestations more effectively than the previous industry standards.

Efficon is powered by an active ingredient which BASF has branded Axalion® and which introduces a new mode of action group – Group 36 – to pest control.

“In other vegetable crops, it’s a great product to alternate with Versys®, which is our other aphid specialist. Growers can use Versys earlier in the season to establish the best possible control, then use the systemic activity of Efficon to protect the bigger plants when getting thorough spray coverage is more difficult.”

BASF trial work has identified Efficon as exceptionally effective in controlling whiteflies, but for Greg Teske and the rest of the team at Elders Gatton, the new product’s rapid control of aphids promises even greater benefits. “We had some aphid pressure show up from March right through until May. Particularly in the crops that aren’t treated with Imidacloprid and Durivo,” Greg said. “We have found Efficon to be a brilliant product. It has very fast knockdown, good residual and most times we’ve only had to apply back-to-back applications to achieve a very good result.” Another key advantage of Efficon is its excellent fit with IPM programs and very low impact on beneficial insects and pollinators. “Efficon is a really valuable addition to the crop protection rotation for cotton and vegetable growers,” said BASF Horticulture Portfolio Manager Serge Usatov.

Efficon’s world-leading first Australian registrations are to control both silverleaf whiteflies and greenhouse whiteflies in cotton, cucurbit and fruiting vegetable crops; green peach aphids and cabbage aphids in brassica and leafy vegetable crops; and cotton (or melon) aphids in cotton and cucurbit crops. For Greg Teske, this new chemistry has been a welcome addition to BASF’s product offering for the control of aphids. “Overall, we are very happy with Efficon and its mode of action, plus the fact it’s soft on beneficials. It gets the thumbs up from us,” he said. This article was written by Elders supplier BASF for Seasons magazine.


Crop Protection


Typically, there have been limited chemical control options and high reliance on the Group 22a insecticide, indoxacarb, for control of weevils in pome and stone fruit orchards throughout south west WA. This always meant a new option would be warmly welcomed. A number of weevil species are pests across most Australian apple production areas, but have a higher impact in WA, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia, causing damage to fruit and leaves, affecting marketable fruit and tree vigour. One of the horticulture industry’s most familiar faces, Dave Stewart, Rural Products Specialist with Elders, said the reliance on a single active ingredient for control of such an important pest was a risk to the industry. As a result, he said the industry needed another control option desperately, and when Bayer released Vayego®, containing the fast acting


and long-lasting Group 28 insecticide, tetraniliprole, its uptake became a “nobrainer’’. “We really value an alternative like Vayego to support our current control options and to bring a new dimension to weevil control,’’ Dave said. Vayego provides breakthrough selective control of various weevil, moth, beetle and fly pest species in pome and stone fruit, as well as almonds and macadamias. Its systemic action and residual efficacy targets multiple life stages, causing rapid feeding cessation to minimise damage. Importantly, when used as directed, it is soft on many beneficial species and offers a short withholding period. In the Glenoran region, west of Manjimup, Dave has been working closely with Bec Whittaker, Farm Manager at the Casotti Group’s Ladycroft Orchard property, which is experiencing a stark turnaround in weevil control in apples with Vayego.

Crop Protection

Dave Stewart, Elders WA Horticulture Specialist, Ian Cook, Horticulture WA Territory Business Manager with Bayer, and Bec Whittaker, Farm Manager at Ladycroft Orchard, near Manjimup, take a closer look at the Pink Lady apple tree crop at the property.

“We were using indoxacarb previously and we were having to deal with 60 per cent of fruit having some weevil damage – from minor stalk damage to chewings on the fruit,’’ Bec said.

pressure in the orchard and it was fortunate that Vayego, in addition to controlling weevils, also targeted the moths, whilst woolly aphids and mealy bugs also can create issues.

“Now we are probably only getting 5 per cent damage, so it’s a massive improvement and our pack-outs have probably improved 30 per cent.’’

“As well as damaging the fruit crop, the weevils chew on the trees and damage next year’s buds,’’ she said.

Ladycroft Orchard comprises a range of Pink Lady®, Gala®, Bravo® and Granny Smith apple varieties grown over about 50 hectares, and at the end of this year will become one of the few apple orchards in Australia to plant the new US variety, Cosmic Crisp®, a member of the honey crisp family, over 17 ha. While the age of its trees range from 28 years down to one year old, the bulk of the orchard comprises older trees and it has commenced replanting of 4 ha annually. Bec said garden weevil and light brown apple moth provided the greatest pest

“If there is some damage on small fruit, we have to spend money on re-thinning and then picking is slower as well, to ensure you are not putting damaged fruit in the bin.’’ After becoming aware of Vayego via Dave, Ladycroft Orchard was one of the first enterprises to use the insecticide when registered and immediately applied it across the orchard due to the weevil pressure. “After the first spray, we saw a lot of dead weevils and we went back in three weeks later and the population was almost wiped-out,’’ Bec said.


Crop Protection

Above Dave Stewart, Elders WA Horticulture Specialist, Bec Whittaker, Farm Manager at Ladycroft Orchard, near Manjimup, and Ian Cook, Horticulture WA Territory Business Manager with Bayer take a closer look at the apple tree crop at the property. Left: The apple harvest in full swing at Ladycroft Orchard, near Manjimup in WA.

“It’s a slow knockdown. You may not see dead weevils for a while, but it stops the chewing and the damage straight away.’’

15 in a block, we know we will have a problem. If the numbers are high in a block, we will also treat the block next door.’’

This year, they applied a cover spray and then only two blocks required a second application of Vayego.

She said compared with applying indoxacarb, Vayego also was more friendly to use with various beneficial insects including ladybird beetles, lacewings and Trichogramma sp., which helped to control the woolly aphids. Ladycroft also uses beneficial insects from Bugs for Bugs to predate on pests such as two-spotted mites.

“Two blocks were showing weevil pressure, so we sprayed them and we haven’t seen any more pressure,’’ Bec said. To help preserve the latest insecticide, Dave urged growers to undertake insect scouting before applications and Bec agreed that the days of full cover orchard spraying were over due to the potential risk of resistance it caused. “We address every block according to insect thresholds. We have bands in the trees that we open, count the weevils and when the numbers are up to 10 to


Vayego was applied at the orchard using air-blast sprayers, generally with water rates of 1000 litres per hectare to ensure excellent coverage. Bec also said that while she finds indoxacarb to be a little sticky, Vayego was easy to mix.

This article was written by Bayer Crop Science for Seasons magazine. Vayego® is a Registered Trademark of the Bayer Group.

Control key pests in pome fruit, stone fruit, almonds and macadamias with Vayego® insecticide. • Strong against listed moths, weevils and beetles • Proven activity on all life stages • Stops feeding damage quickly with systemic action and long residual efficacy • Soft on key beneficial insects, including beneficial mites* • Short withholding period

For full information on pest spectrum and IPM profile, visit or speak to your advisor. *When used as directed. Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd, ABN 87 000 226 022, Level 1, 8 Redfern Road, Hawthorn East, Victoria 3123. Technical Enquiries 1800 804 479. Vayego ® is a Registered Trademark of the Bayer Group. BHO2023B


Section Title

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ELDERS, FOR LEADING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Elders is at the forefront of agronomic research and development, conducting a range of trial sites across Australia. Working in collaboration with crop protection partners, trial sites are where new products are extensively and safely trialled and tested before their commercial release. Their establishment would not be possible without the support of these key partnerships. Elders operates a variety of trial sites across Australia, from Gatton, Queensland to Esperance, Western Australia and everywhere in between. Head of Agronomy and Technical Services at Elders, Graham Page explained that trial sites play a crucial role in developing new products and technologies. “Trial sites enable Elders to extend vital information to agronomists, consultants and producers when it comes to new solutions including crop protection, genetics and crop nutrition,” he said. “We are proud to support global and national companies with the latest innovations, driving more financially and environmentally sustainable farming practices.” A trial site has recently been sewn in Narromine, New South Wales. Agronomists are currently testing preemergent and post-emergent products

“Trial sites enable action learning with multiple opportunities to attend programmed field day events, and educational training from classrooms to infield environments.” from key suppliers on a number of crop types, including wheat, oats, canola, barley, lucerne and lupins. Further north, the Tosari trial site is a premium research and development farm located on the Darling Downs, and spread over 748 hectares. Its scope is varied, with Elders partnering with key crop protection suppliers including Adama, BASF, Bayer, Corteva, Nufarm, Sumitomo and Syngenta. In the west, Elders has trial sites dedicated to investigating all manner of issues in broadacre crops and pasture, such as radish control in wheat, and managing powdery mildew. Some of Elders’ other trial sites are located across South Australia, in Naracoorte, Murray Bridge, Lock and Kadina. The Lock site, on the Eyre Peninsula, has a focus on showcasing ag tech, with plans to install a weather station, bring in drones and other imaging to give clients more insight into operations.

The importance of conducting trial sites extends well beyond testing and demonstrating new products, as they also play a role in education. Trial sites are used for the ongoing technical training of both agronomists and rural products specialists. Trial sites are also often used to host grower days and paddock walks, so growers are able to see products in use first-hand. “People in agriculture tend to learn best by seeing practices in action in the field,” Mr Page said. We have a series of videos on our trial site programs with crop protection partners – view them now.


Crop Protection

GETTING AHEAD OF SEED SET IS CRUCIAL Nufarm’s CRUCIAL gives growers the best of both worlds, delivering fast, flexible control of tough weeds throughout the year. With a triple-salt formulation, CRUCIAL delivers effective control with high compatibility and no need for additional surfactants or complex tank mixes. The results speak for themselves, according to Jimmy Bidstrup, Agronomist at Elders in Esperance. “I’ve used CRUCIAL to help control some of the more difficult broadleaf weeds in this region, including small-leaf mallow, calthrop, double-gees and large radish, and I’ve been really impressed with the control it’s given,” said Jimmy. “The compatibility with CRUCIAL has been excellent, especially when you consider it’s such a high-load glyphosate. It’s fantastic.” REDUCE SEED SET WITH THE MOST WIDELY REGISTERED GLYPHOSATE ON THE MARKET CRUCIAL has quickly established itself as a market leader in the preemergent space, but its impressive knockdown performance is only half the picture. As the most widely registered glyphosate on the market, it can be


used year-round, from summer to overthe-top canola and pre-harvest. That makes it the ideal choice for reducing weed seed set, helping to minimise the replenishment of seedbanks and preventing the establishment of annual weeds.

longer need to switch between different formulations or use other glyphosates at different times of year. That means fewer drums in the shed for growers, and less carryover wastage from other products and mix partners.

This versatility is a big part CRUCIAL’s appeal for growers, according to Jimmy.

CRUCIAL’s broad registration also offers something every grower wants: peace of mind.

“With CRUCIAL, one of the biggest benefits is that it’s got so many registration patterns,” he said.

“Having CRUCIAL registered for all these use patterns is incredibly important,” said Jimmy.

“I’ve used CRUCIAL as a knockdown product, including the summer spray timing, over-the-top in Roundup Ready and TruFlex canola, and then for desiccation sprays for crops such as fava beans and Triazine Tolerant canola. When compared to other high-load glyphosates, I’ve been really happy. It’s really an excellent product and going forward I’ll definitely be using CRUCIAL with my clients.”

“It gives growers the confidence and agronomists the confidence to recommend the product and know that it’s going to be registered and on-label. That then passes down the supply chain and it means that we are using these tools properly for our end markets, and that’s incredibly important to keep these markets open to us.”

ONE DRUM, READY TO GO, ANY TIME OF YEAR CRUCIAL is a big step forward for growers looking to simplify their programs. Its high compatibility and multiple use patterns mean growers no


Crop Stages


-T O








Crop Section Protection Title




Nufarm CRUCIAL – efficacy meets versatility. From reducing harvest weed seed set, through to your solution for hard-to-kill Summer weeds, Australia’s most widely registered herbicide is here to help. Nufarm CRUCIAL is Australia’s most widely registered and efficient gram for gram formulation. Tailor-made for our unique local conditions, Nufarm CRUCIAL, with triple salt, robust surfactant package and 600 load is the solution you cannot do without. Make Nufarm CRUCIAL your No.1 this harvest. For more information, contact your local Nufarm Business Development Manager 15


THE HIGHEST HYBRID CANOLA YIELDS ARE NOW ONLY PART OF THE STORY There’s more to hybrid canola varieties than just high yields – although of course NVT performance is probably at the top of everyone’s checklist as they select their seed.

BASF Canola Breeder David Pike confirms that InVigor LR 4540P has all bases covered for growers wanting very high yield potential and some extra layers of yield protection.

Over the last few years, BASF’s InVigor® breeding program has led the way in introducing innovative traits while increasing yield potential. InVigor LR 4540P will give growers their first opportunity to sow a ‘triple trait’ TruFlex® variety. As it happens, they could select it for its outstanding yield potential alone, but that unique combination of three traits – not to mention conveniently short plant height – gives them more flexibility in responding to emerging threats as well.

“Last year’s NVT results put InVigor LR 4540P right up at the top of TruFlex varieties” he says.

InVigor LR 4540P joins InVigor LT 4530P as the only varieties bred with three different trait technologies. Both varieties have the LibertyLink® and PodGuard® traits, which are exclusive to InVigor hybrids. InVigor LT 4530P is also a TT variety while new InVigor LR 4540P is TruFlex. The ‘45’ component in both their names indicates that they have early-mid season (4.5) flowering maturity.


“Results vary from site to site, of course, but overall it probably emerged as the strongest performer in the medium yield range that most growers can expect: between one and two tonnes a hectare. That confirms what we saw in the two previous years of internal trials across a range of conditions.” BASF already has a great track record of releasing high-yielding TruFlex varieties. InVigor R 4022P, now discontinued, had an excellent fit in WA’s northern Agzones. David says InVigor LR 4540P will be an ideal replacement in those areas, offering increased yield potential as well as the extra herbicide tolerance to deliver outstanding results. InVigor LR 4540P also includes the unique PodGuard trait, which David confirms provides a much higher level of shatter-tolerance than traditional

breeding programs can achieve: “There’s a pretty clear gap between PodGuard lines and the vast majority of other varieties.” The superior PodGuard protection allows growers to delay harvesting until the crop is fully mature and handle harvest timing pressure more easily. It also reduces yield loss during the harvesting process itself. InVigor LR 4540P’s short stature compared to other TruFlex varieties adds to that excellent harvestability profile. The final advantage InVigor LR 4540P offers is the option of applying Liberty® herbicide in-crop as well as glyphosate. “There’s no need to use Liberty on InVigor LR 4540P if growers are happy with the standard TruFlex spray program,” David says. “But it gives them a valuable option to introduce a new mode of action, plus potentially improve control of particular weeds and help slow the spread of glyphosate resistance.” This article was written by Elders supplier BASF for Seasons magazine.

Section Title

True flexibility has arrived

Introduce your customers to the best InVigor hybrid canola variety yet. InVigor LR 4540P offers top-end TruFlex* performance plus triple trait flexibility for extra yield potential, extra crop protection and extra harvest flexibility.

Scan here to learn more or contact your local reseller ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. © Copyright BASF 2023. ® Registered trademark of BASF. *Roundup Ready® and TruFlex® are registered trademarks of the Bayer Group. 214016 0723


Crop Protection

Corteva’s Adam Harber (left) and Nick Koch (centre) with Elders agronomist Greg Teske discussing Verpixo trial results.

GATTON FIELD DAY DEMONSTRATES OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE OF ACTIVE Growers in the Lockyer Valley have joined agronomists from across Queensland and New South Wales at Elders’ Gatton Field Day. At the event, attendees were treated to a powerful demonstration of Verpixo® Adavelt® active in the control of challenging ascomycete pathogens. Verpixo Adavelt active is a highly effective new mode of action which will help farmers achieve healthy and abundant yields while strengthening resistance management strategies. Corteva Agriscience Horticulture Marketing Manager, Nick Koch, said the Gatton Field Day was a valuable opportunity to show Verpixo Adavelt active’s efficacy and versatility ahead of it becoming commercially available in October. “This is many years of research and development and a commitment to horticulture coming to fruition with the great assistance of the Elders team including Greg Teske and Maree Crawford,” Mr Koch said. “At the Gatton site they demonstrated Verpixo in leafy veg, cucurbits and fruiting veg and showed its efficacy on sclerotinia, powdery mildew, Alternaria and botrytis. “Greg and Maree did a fantastic job and it’s great to see the technical capability of Elders supporting local farmers and their commitment to helping them have access to new technology.” Verpixo Adavelt active has now been registered by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) for use in strawberries, fruiting vegetables, leafy vegetables and cucurbits with registration for vines and bananas expected in 2024. Diseases controlled include grey mould (botrytis), powdery mildew, target spot, Yellow Sigatoka, gummy stem blight, anthracnose, septoria, and sclerotinia rot. Corteva Territory Sales Manager, Adam Harber, said the trial site showed how Verpixo would suit many horticultural programs.


“It delivers a broad-spectrum solution with no cross-resistance with other fungicides used for ascomycete pathogens so this will allow growers to think strategically about resistance management,” Mr Harber said. “In many cases existing chemistries are under threat of resistance so this will redefine custom fungicide programs to sustain healthier crops, better yields and greater value.” Verpixo is the first-ever picolinamide fungicide that offers a novel solution for managing key diseases over a wide range of crops. The unique structure of Verpixo, based on a naturally occurring compound found in soil bacetria, enables picolinamide activity across a broad spectrum of diseases. It builds upon a family of chemistry first established by Corteva with the discovery of Inatreq™ active for use in cereal crops and banana. Where pathogen resistance to SDHIs, strobilurins and triazoles is a concern, Verpixo offers a powerful solution. The new mode of action, along with a short harvest withholding periods and low toxicity, gives growers the flexibility to successfully manage diseases in crop strategically throughout the year. “Growers inspire us to innovate with purpose,” Mr Koch said. “We share this journey and want to help them navigate the complexity of plant disease by focussing on solutions. In this case, it’s tough ascomycetes pathogens. “To succeed we need to develop more flexible tools that support land stewardship and simplify crop management. “This breakthrough solution is designed to meet those needs and give growers the freedom to grow.” This article was written by Elders supplier Corteva Agriscience for Seasons magazine.

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Crop Protection

UNIQUE HERBICIDE DELIVERS EFFECTIVE CONTROL OF WOODY WEEDS A unique herbicide delivering highly effective control of woody weeds has launched in Australia. Landholders are now able to better control invasive woody weeds in pastoral and grazing land with the help of Method® 240 SL herbicide, featuring a new active ingredient to Australia. New to the Australian market, Method is a Group 4 herbicide containing the active ingredient aminocyclopyrachlor (ACP) and is used to control broadleaf, woody and brush weeds, such as mesquite, prickly acacia and broom. Segment business manager at Envu, Paul Crack, says Method has relatively low use rates and is highly active on these invasive weeds, but also has a unique point of difference in terms of application options. “Method is unique in the sense that it has a substantial root uptake, while a number of other actives are foliar uptake only and have limited root uptake,” Mr Crack explains. “It can be applied in a number of fashions, including foliar spraying with a backpack, in a cut stump situation on eucalypts, where you cut the tree or


bush down and then paint it onto the exposed surface, and also drill and fill, where you drill small holes in the tree at a convenient height and inject product into that hole.”

“At one site, we are trialling foliar application of Method on mesquite and have been looking at the trees 15 months after they have been treated,” Mr Navie explains.

Mr Crack says the various application methods will allow farmers to control multiple species of weeds with just one herbicide.

“All of the trees that have been treated with Method at the label rate have died, whereas some of the trees we have treated with other products that are currently being used have started to recover and shoot again.”

“ACP has got quite a broad use pattern and really suits a lot of those situations where there are some dense infestations of woody weeds, like gorse,” he says. “Where it is often hard to get 100 per cent coverage, Method is going to allow for effective control on those sorts of tough species.” Envu has been doing trials now for a number of years with Desert Channels Queensland in Central Queensland to evaluate the efficacy of Method on these Weeds of National Significance. Some of these trials took place over two sites near the outback town of Corfield, and the IVM Group’s Principal Scientist Sheldon Navie says the results show Method will be extremely useful for landholders in Australia in terms of both cost effectiveness and efficacy.

As a soluble liquid (SL) formulation and water-based herbicide, Method is practically odourless and does not contain any strong solvents, which is a welcome contrast to other EC formulations currently on the market. The herbicide also works on slightly different target sites to some existing chemistry, so can help combat resistance that may build up in some species. Commercial quantities of Method are now available through your local Elders store. This article was written by Elders supplier Envu for Seasons magazine.

Crop Section Protection Title

The power to reclaim grazing land is in your hands Method 240SL® Herbicide delivers a reliable alternative to manage undesirable brush and woody weeds giving land owners and conservation groups the opportunity to restore grazing land.

Learn More →

+ New active ingredient to the Australian market + Non-scheduled herbicide + A control solution that is both powerful & flexible Technical Enquiries: 1800 024 209 Envu and the Envu logo are trademarks owned by Environmental Science U.S. LLC or one of its affiliates. ©2023 Environmental Science U.S. LLC.


Crop Protection

A NEW LEVEL OF PEST CONTROL AND ACHIEVE GREAT RESULTS BY PROTECTING YOUR CANOLA CROPS WITH EXIREL® INSECTICIDE With Exirel® Insecticide, canola growers now have access to a proven and effective product to enhance their pest control strategies for Diamondback moth and Native budworm. Exirel® Insecticide has been proven to effectively control key chewing and sucking pests on cotton, forage brassicas, and citrus. With this new registration, canola growers can now benefit from this major advancement in pest management. FMC Insecticide Product Development Manager, Geoff Cornwell, said the company has identified in Exirel® Insecticide a product with the capability to specifically target and address challenging pest issues in canola. “This innovative solution offers a new mode


of action for canola, which has activity on both chewing and sucking pests. Exirel® insecticide targets multiple species, can access pests in hardto-reach places, controls pests for a long time, and can be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program”. He said Exirel® Insecticide has excellent activity on Diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) and suppresses Grey cabbage aphid (Brevicoryne brassicae) and Turnip aphid (Lipaphis erysimi).” Mr. Cornwell advises applying Exirel® Insecticide at an early stage when the target pest population reaches the economic threshold levels. Exirel®

Crop Protection

Insecticide is considered to have a low to moderate impact on beneficial insects. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems play a crucial role in safeguarding the valuable contributions of beneficial insects in pest control. Although it’s effective against largersized caterpillar pests, an earlier application of Exirel® Insecticide is recommended to minimise crop damage caused by their feeding. Growers can anticipate a substantial duration of control in the days following application, with the added benefit of assistance from beneficial insects throughout this period. Mr. Cornwell highlights the timeliness of Exirel® Insecticide's registration, particularly in relation to Diamondback moth, which has shown an ability to rapidly develop insecticide resistance. Older chemistries have proven ineffective against Diamondback moth, making the registration of

helping prevent resistant insects from inflicting significant damage to canola crops. With its excellent margin of safety when used as directed, Exirel® Insecticide is an optimal choice for applicators, ensuring their well-being during field operations. Workers can safely enter the treated area once the spray has dried.

Exirel® Insecticide an important and valuable addition to pest management strategies. A highly suitable partner for tank mixing with Exirel® Insecticide is FMC’s Parachute® Insecticidal Paraffinic Oil, which offers its own independent insecticide claims for suppression of Helicoverpa and control of Diamondback moth when mixed with a Bt insecticide. Through its physical mode of action, Parachute® Insecticidal Paraffinic Oil provides inherent defence of Exirel® Insecticide from resistance development too. Additionally, Parachute® Insecticidal Paraffinic Oil provides exceptional leaf coverage, enhancing its action, alongside the performance of Exirel® Insecticide.

This season, Exirel® Insecticide is a new, proven tool available to assist growers in maximising their canola yields and overall profitability. It can be applied using ground rigs or through aerial application methods, providing flexibility to suit different operational requirements.

Mr. Cornwell emphasises that the alternative mode of action provided by Exirel® Insecticide enables growers to rotate their chemical treatments, thus

THE GOLDEN RULE Use Exirel® insecticide on Canola crops This innovative solution offers a new approach to controlling major chewing and sucking pests including Diamondback moth and suppression of aphids.

Fast effective control

Effective throughout the canola crop, Exirel® provides control of pests at multiple stages of their development cycle.

Rapid feeding cessation Cross spectrum

Which is why, when it comes to protecting your Canola crop, the golden rule is to use Exirel®.

IPM friendly

A maximum of one (1) application is to be applied to any one crop per season. Further treatments should be made with alternative modes of action insecticides.




Crop Section Protection Title 24


FOCUSSING ON THE FUTURE AT DKSH AGRISOLUTIONS Following a period of integration after the acquisition of SST and SACOA, a forward-looking DKSH Agrisolutions is now gearing up for growth by providing greater sales coverage, better customer service and support for new and existing products. Damon Fleay, formerly the regional manager for SACOA in Western Australia, assumed the role of National Product manager for SE14 to support the increased adoption of soil moisture retainers in key broadacre regions. In addition to his western responsibilities, Damon will provide support for SE14 expansion in southern Australia. Adam Brinkmann has been appointed State Manager for South Australia. He has more than 20 years’ experience, including precision agriculture and crop nutrition in the SA and Victorian markets. One of Adam’s main responsibilities will be to lead the introduction of SE14 in South Australia and the Mallee. In addition to its conventional use in nonwetting soils in WA, a series of commercial SE14 demonstrations in South Australia in 2023 is highlighting additional agronomic situations where SE14 has a technical fit. This includes establishment benefits for canola grown in acidic buckshot gravel soil, as pictured below.

Canola on acidic buckshot gravel soil treated with SE14. Cummins, SA 2023]

In another example, this lupin crop grown in a sandy, non-wetting paddock on the upper Eyre Peninsula demonstrated the benefits of SE14, even under moist conditions after a wet start to the growing season. Chris van der Hoven has joined DKSH Agrisolutions as Innovation and Market Development Manager, tasked with leading the innovation program and technical support functions. Chris has held development, innovation and commercial roles with several mainstream crop protection companies. High on his agenda is the establishment of critical research infrastructure to support the use of DKSH adjuvants in mixtures with preferred products, as well as new research technology for the development of soil moisture retaining products. This article was written by DKSH Agrisolutions for Seasons magazine.

Adam Brinkmann viewing the establishment benefits of SE14 in a Lupin crop. Cleve, SA]



Elders agronomist Fil Farina harvesting the Omnia biostimulant trial in Shiraz at Wrattonbully, SA, 2023.

BIOSTIMULANTS DRIVE WINE GRAPE PRODUCTIVITY Cool climate wine regions present unique challenges and opportunities for grape growers. Omnia Specialities Australia offers a comprehensive solution with their cutting-edge products: Mega-Kel-P®, Bacstim® 100, and Rhizovator™. Let's explore the benefits these products bring to cool climate winegrapes. MEGA-KEL-P® Mega-Kel-P® is a premium foliar fertilizer enriched with kelp and essential nutrients. It enhances fruit set, increases stress tolerance, and improves yield. 2BACSTIM® 100 AND RHIZOVATOR™ Bacstim® 100 and Rhizovator™, when used together, can provide valuable benefits for winegrapes: > Enhanced nutrient availability: Bacstim® 100 supplies high performance beneficial soil microorganisms, while Rhizovator™ stimulates their growth, improving nutrient uptake for the vines. > Robust root systems: the Bacillus species in Bacstim® 100 produce auxins, leading to robust root growth and improved access to water and nutrients. Rhizovator™ also stimulates root growth due to its content of humic acids and kelp. > Stress resistance: the combined effects of Bacstim® 100 and Rhizovator™ enhance the vines' ability to cope with climate stressors, such as temperature fluctuations and water stress. Recent studies conducted in the cool climate wine regions of South Australia have demonstrated that the synergistic use of Mega-Kel-P®, Bacstim® 100, and Rhizovator™ can lead to a significant increase in grape yields, ranging from 22 per cent (pc) to an impressive 52 pc. What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that despite the yield boost, the quality of the grapes remains uncompromised. 26

BENEFITS OF THE TRIO Combining Mega-Kel-P®, Bacstim® 100, and Rhizovator™ not only offers a range of individual benefits for winegrapes, but also has the potential to substantially elevate yields without sacrificing fruit quality. This powerful trio of products can empower winegrowers to unlock the full potential of their vineyards & achieve excellent harvests. With enhanced fruit quantity, improved stress resistance, and sustainable vineyard management, these innovative products from Omnia Specialities Australia provide a winning formula for success in viticulture. As growers embrace these cutting-edge solutions, the future looks bright for the world of cool climate wines. This article was written by Elders supplier Omnia Specialties Australia for Seasons magazine.











Section TitleM

Biostimulants Drive Wine Grape Productivity • Enhances nutrient availability • Promotes robust root system growth • Increases stress resistance

Bacstim® 100 • 5 strain bacillus product supplying high-performance soil microorganisms • Improves access to water and nutrients

Rhizovator™ • Stimulates growth, • Improves nutrient uptake for vines

Mega-Kel-P® • Enriched with kelp and essential nutrients • Increases stress tolerance in vines • Enhances fruit set © Copyright 2023 Omnia Specialities (Australia) Pty Ltd. ™ Rhizovator is a trademark of Omnia Specialities (Australia) Pty Ltd. ® Bacstim and Mega-Kel-P are registered trademarks of Omnia Specialities (Australia) Pty Ltd.

03 5133 9118 27


BETTER AGRONOMIC, BUSINESS AND ENVIRONMENTAL OUTCOMES The use of a fully water-soluble, low carbon footprint calcium nitrate fertiliser is a three-way winning proposition for horticulturalists, delivering better agronomic, business and environmental outcome. YaraTera CALCINIT is a premium grade, 100 per cent water-soluble fertiliser specifically formulated for application through fertigation systems, including drip systems, sprinklers and centre pivots. Yara Australia Commercial Manager, Paul Eitzen, says YaraTera CALCINIT is widely used in high-value crops to ensure stress-free growth and high yielding, high quality produce. “It delivers a rich source of fast-acting, plant-available nitrogen and strengthbuilding calcium for fresher, tastier and long-lasting fruit,” he said. “This balance of calcium and nitrate nitrogen, combined with an efficient


irrigation system, means nutrients and water can be managed to optimise growth, yield and quality.” YaraTera CALCINIT dissolves quickly in water without any residues. It can be mixed with a wide range of other water-soluble fertilisers, except concentrated stock solutions containing phosphate or sulphate. “Yara has more than 100 years’ experience in producing calcium nitrate and more than 50 years’ experience in producing water-soluble forms,” Paul said. “YaraTera CALCINIT is almost 100 times purer than the first calcium nitrate produced by Yara 100 years ago. “Likewise, we’ve managed to reduce the level of insolubles from an average of 2000 to 50 ppm over the past 20 years.” Yara continuously monitors the quality of calcium nitrates available throughout

the world. A recent analysis of 25 ‘greenhouse grade’ calcium nitrate products sold in Europe, Latin America and Asia found significant deviations in nutritional specification, impurities and product quality. 40 pc of the tested samples had calcium and/or nitrogen concentrations less than 97% of label specification; 24pc contained lead, mercury or cadmium above minimum detection levels; and 56pc showed inferior product quality, such as dust, caking or black particles. “These inconsistencies can directly affect the product’s quality, storage, handling and solubility characteristics – and most importantly, its performance,” Paul said. “Inconsistent or sub-optimal nutrient delivery has a direct impact on crop yield and quality, poor product quality can block fertigation systems, while

Fer tilizer

impurities can shut down market access. “YaraTera CALCINIT has guaranteed specification, so you can be completely confident that what it says on the label is what you’re actually receiving. “Furthermore, you know exactly where it comes from. “Many calcium nitrate fertilisers are manufactured and sold as commodities, making it very difficult to trace the true origin of the manufacturer.” YaraTera CALCINIT is produced in Europe using the highest quality ingredients and some of the world’s most energyefficient processes. “YaraTera CALCINIT is produced using patented catalyst technology that reduces CO2 emissions by up to 80 pc compared to other calcium nitrates,” Paul said. “The use of coal-free nitrophosphate production processes further improves air quality and soil health.

“Yara has reduced its CO2 emissions by 45 pc since 2005 and it is on track to reduce this by another 30 pc by 2030 and become carbon neutral by 2050. “It’s all part of our ambition of Growing a Nature-Positive Food Future.” Unlike some calcium nitrates, YaraTera CALCINIT is not classified as an oxidising agent and is therefore not subject to restrictions in storage, handling and transportation.

“Our goal is to deliver integrated crop nutrition solutions that genuinely increase the productivity and profitability of our customers,” Paul said. This article was written by Elders supplier Yara for Seasons magazine.

Yara is one of the world’s leading fertiliser manufacturers. It markets a comprehensive range of fertilisers, including YaraMila (NPK), YaraRega (soluble NPK), YaraTera (fully water-soluble fertilisers), YaraLiva (calcium nitrates) and YaraVita (foliar micronutrients). These products are supported by Yara’s team of sales agronomists, customer service representatives and technical support staff throughout Australia.



Because quality counts YaraTera CALCINIT (15.5% N + 19% Ca) delivers a rich source of fast-acting, plant-available nitrogen and strengthbuilding calcium for fresher, tastier and long lasting fruit. This high quality, 100% watersoluble fertiliser is specially formulated for application through fertigation systems, drip systems, low throw sprinklers, centre pivots and spray units. Contact Yara and find out how our integrated crop nutrition programs can grow your business.

© 2023 Yara YAR22034

1800 684 266 30


Animal Health

STRIKE CATTLE TICK, EARLY AND HARD Cattle tick (Rhipicephalus microplus) is one of the most economically significant parasites in the Australian beef industry.1 Infestations can cause significant economic losses arising from tick worry, tick fever, anaemia, weakness, reduced appetite, weight loss, reduced fertility, and death.

“This includes having a good understanding of the cattle tick life cycle, breeding tick-resistant cattle, vaccination to increase immunity against tick fever, and strategic pasture management,” he says. The life cycle of the cattle tick is comprised of two stages.

can vary from two to nine months, depending on the time of the year, geographic location, and seasonal conditions. “Regardless of the level of Bos indicus content in your cattle, the strategic application of effective chemical treatments remains an important method of controlling ticks,” Craig says.

Research has shown just one tick can reduce weight gain by 1 g per head per day or milk production by 8.9 mL per head per day.2

During the parasitic stage, the cattle tick lives on the host animal for 18 to 35 days and undergoes two moults to develop from a seed (larval) tick to a nymph and then to an adult tick.

Assuming an ‘average’ burden of 50 ticks per head, that equates to 1.5 kg of lost live weight gain worth $4.88 per head or 13.4 litres of lost milk production every 30 days.3

During the non-parasitic stage on pasture, the engorged female adult ticks drop off the animal back to the ground and lay up to 3,000 eggs each, and then die.

“In northern NSW, southern Queensland and central Queensland, apply the first treatment in spring once the first ticks are identified coinciding with the ‘spring rise’.

Elanco Technical Consultant, Craig Stevenson, says an integrated approach is required to achieve effective control of cattle ticks and prevention of tick fever.

Under favourable conditions (15 to 40°C), eggs hatch to become larvae that climb up the pasture sward, where they wait to be picked up by a host animal.

“In northern Queensland, Northern Territory, and northern Western Australia, apply the first treatment in late summer / early autumn before the ‘autumn rise’ at the end of the wet season.”

Survival during the non-parasitic stage

“Chemical treatment should commence once tick infestations reach the economic threshold, which is generally accepted to be 30 ticks per side.


Animal Health

Acatak™ Duostar™ is ideal for early season tick control, providing knockdown and long-lasting residual control of susceptible ticks and other parasites in a single, ready-to-use treatment. Applied early in the season as part of a strategic control program, Acatak Duostar helps to minimise the build-up of the tick population on both cattle and pastures. Acatak Duostar contains two modes of action (15 g/L fluazuron and 5 g/L ivermectin) that work in combination to break the life cycle of cattle ticks. “The ivermectin component provides rapid knockdown control and shortterm residual activity against all stages of cattle tick present on cattle,” Craig says. “Ivermectin is a member of the macrocyclic lactone class of compounds and causes paralysis and death of sensitive cattle ticks, in addition to roundworms, lungworm, sucking and biting lice, mites and buffalo flies.

“Fluazuron is a powerful insect growth regulator that provides long-term protection from ticks picked up from infested pastures.

Acatak Duostar has a minimum retreatment interval of 42 days and can be applied a maximum of three times per tick season.

“It breaks the lifecycle of cattle ticks by interrupting the moulting process of tick larvae and nymphs and inhibits egglaying and hatching.

“Ideally, the use of Acatak Duostar should be alternated with an effective product that has a different mode of action,” Craig says.

“Having two modes of action also helps to mitigate the risk of resistance developing and prolongs the life of all available chemistry.”

“Unfortunately, multi-resistant ticks are present in many geographic regions where cattle ticks are present.

The length of protection from Acatak Duostar varies according to the livestock class treated. Australian research has shown that treating dry cattle with Acatak Duostar can prevent re-infestations of seed ticks for up to nine weeks and the presence of fully-engorged female ticks for up to 12 weeks.4 However, a reduced period of protection can occur in lactating cows or rapidly growing young cattle. Calves that suckle Acatak Duostar treated cows do not need to be treated.

“For this reason, producers are encouraged to conduct a tick resistance test to help determine which products will be effective on their property and to alternate between effective chemistries.” This article was written by Elders supplier Elanco for Seasons magazine. To purchase from Elanco’s range of products, including Acatak Duostar, visit your local Elders branch. Find your local branch >

References: 1. Shephard, R. et al. (2022). Priority list of endemic diseases for the red meat industry – 2022 Update. Meat & Livestock Australia. Report B.AHE.0327. 2. Jonsson, N.N. et al. (1998). Production effects of cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) infestation of high yielding dairy cows. Vet. Parasitol. 78: 65–77. 3. Assumes 1 g/day weight loss x 50 ticks x 30 days x $3.25/kg liveweight or 8.9 mL lost milk production x 50 ticks x 30 days. 4. Hosking, B. (2006). Acatak Technical Training Manual, Version 3. Novartis Animal Health.


Crop Section Protection Title

Acatak Duostar combines two powerful modes of action for knockdown and residual control of cattle ticks and ivermectin-sensitive parasites in a single treatment. Applied early in the season as part of a strategic control program, Acatak Duostar not only reduces the build-up of the tick population on cattle and pastures, but helps to mitigate resistance development. Contact your rural supplier or Elanco and find out why Acatak Duostar is the first choice for early season tick control.

1800 905 709 Always read and follow the label directions. *Available at participating rural resellers while stocks last. See in-store for details. Acatak, Duostar, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2023 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-AU-23-0462.


! W NE

Crop Section Protection Title


For more information, please visit





WOOL HANDLING OPERATIONS COMMENCE IN ROCKINGHAM Operations have officially kicked off at the new Elders wool handling centre in Western Australia. Ideally located on the doorstep of the port of Fremantle, the Rockingham centre combines wool sales activities with storage and handling operations, allowing for an integrated approach to increase speed to market and lower costs over time for clients. The centre delivers state of the art systems and equipment, designed to offer industry-leading innovations and improve traceability and sustainability outcomes within the supply chain. It will bring our wool clients a full end-to-end service, providing a quick and easy delivery experience from the farm gate.

“We are demonstrating this commitment by continual investment in supply chain optimisation, including the logistics, sampling, sales and storage of wool through automated warehouse operations.” The Rockingham site will be one of two centralised centres in the Elders wool handling network, with another in Ravenhall, Victoria set to commence operations in 2024. The new business will complement the existing wool offering from Elders, with selling centres in Yennora, Brooklyn and Spearwood remaining in operation. Clients will also continue to have access to a wide range of wool selling tools through Elders, including auction, auction forward, and Wooltrade.

Elders’ wool handling business is a $25 million investment which signifies Elders’ commitment to continually innovate in a changing wool industry, with a key focus on clients and customers. Elders Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Mark Allison said that the new business will revolutionise wool handling. “Elders is committed to providing exceptional customer service and contributing to the future success of our growers and the wool industry,” Mr Allison said.


Animal Health


Animal Health

MULTIMIN EVOLUTION – A LOCAL SUCCESS STORY With dozens of peer-reviewed scientific publications from some of the world’s most recognised universities, and over 90 million doses used on farms, Multimin Evolution Injection for Cattle is the single most proven multi-trace mineral injection in the world. Multimin Evolution contains the highest trace mineral content (90 mg/mL)1 of any other injectable trace mineral product on the market. It contains copper, selenium, zinc and manganese in a low volume formulation that is rapidly absorbed and

readily utilised. Multimin Evolution supports high demand periods including dry off, calving, artificial insemination, natural mating and weaning; improving cattle productivity when it matters most. Australian farmers are reaping the benefits of Multimin Evolution. But instead of us telling you about the benefits of Multimin, we thought we would let the rest of the country weigh in.



Section Title




Multimin Evolution has been shown to improve the first cycle conception rate by UP TO 19.4%.1-3 Conception in the first cycle can lead to an additional 20 to 40 days for calves to grow.




Pregnancy rates in breeding females treated with Multimin Evolution are up to 12% HIGHER than untreated females, depending on the length of the breeding season and breeding method.1,2,4-6

IMPROVED SPERM QUALITY Bulls treated with Multimin Evolution 90 days before joining had 22% HIGHER sperm concentration and significantly more motile sperm than control animals.7-10

References 1. Mundell, L. et al. (2012). Effects of prepartum and postpartum bolus injections of trace minerals on performance of beef cows and calves grazing native range, Prof. Anim. Sci., 28:82- 88. 2. Virbac (2015) Trial protocol 578/15*. 3. Virbac (2018) Trial protocol 594/18* 4. Sales, J. et al. (2011). Effect of injectable copper, selenium, zinc and manganese on the pregnancy rate of crossbred heifers (Bos indicus x Bos taurus) synchronised for timed embryo transfer. Livest. Sci., 142:59-62. 5. Hawkins D. (2007). The effect of injectable trace elements (Multimin®) on health and reproduction parameters in NZ dairy herds, NZ Dairy Cattle Veterinarians Newsletter, 24(3):12-16*. 6. Mitchell. K. et al. (2008). Injectable trace elements increase reproduction efficiency in dairy cows, in Trace Elements in Animal Production Systems, 296-299. 7. Durel et al. (2016), proceedings of the 29th World Buiatrics Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 3-8 July 2016*. 8. Hill S.L et al (2015). Breeding soundness of weaned bull calves treated with bolus injections of trace minerals. Proceedings of the Society for Theriogenology Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA - Aug. 5 - 9, 2015. 9. Preedy, G. W. et al. (2018). Injectable trace-mineral supplementation improves sperm motility and morphology of young beef bulls. Prof. Anim. Sci., 34(1), 1-9. 10. Sullivan, L.T. et al. (2018) Evaluation of essential oil and injectable trace mineral on bull growth performance and fertility, Transl. Anim. Sci., Volume 2, Issue suppl_1, S189–S192. The benefits outlined in the above scientific studies may not necessarily be registered label claims. *The Multimin® formulation in this study contained lower levels of minerals compared to Multimin® Evolution. Multimin® is a registered trademark of Virbac.


Animal Health



“We treated our heifers from our two properties,‘Morrisvale’ and ‘Quicksilver’ with a Multimin and a drench four weeks before AI. The heifers responded great in this tough season and we had our best response in our program to date: 72% conceived in the first round of AI. We are long term users of Multimin and love the results.”

“We looked at how Multimin affected our reproductive performance this year, compared to last year when we did not use Multimin. Overall, there has been a 6 per cent (pc) increase in our conceptions to ET (Embryo Transfer), a 10 pc increase in the AI (Artificial Insemination) conceptions, and a 15 pc decrease in the empties after our AI program. For us, this means more cattle conceived overall, within the period, therefore more calves on the ground, which equates to more money! Notably, Multimin has been the only change we made to the program and so, on face value and all things considered, it seems like Multimin has really paid off for us.”

KYMBERLY TEELOW, MILLAA MILLAA QLD “Healthy happy cows are our number one consideration in our breeding operation. You have better pregnancy rates, higher calving and weaning rates, and higher weaning weights for calves. “We relocated our herd from the Atherton Tablelands to the coast. Our cattle were facing a 1000 foot difference in altitude, a new climate and different pastures. We decided to use Multimin to help them transition. Our heifers really held condition despite the stress caused by transport.”

ROSIE DAVENPORT, DERBY TAS “We decided to use Multimin across multiple animal classes at our dairy operation in Tasmania. Since completing the Multimin treatment, we found the improvement in the overall health and immune response of the animals treated has resulted in less drop back at weaning, fewer cases of pink eye, mastitis and retained placenta. After getting these results from Multimin, we plan to repeat these treatments and use the product in our future programs.”

JACQUI AND JASON IMPEY, TAMWORTH NSW “The cows are calving unassisted with no retained afterbirth and the calves are healthy with plenty of energy. We are observing our cows during calving. The cows have come into the calving phase performance ready and unstressed. Compared to last year where we had some health issues early on, we have found that the Multimin pre-calving treatment has had a really positive impact on our animals' health.”

CYNTHIA AND RICHARD STARK, GAYNDAH QLD “Our weaners have continued to do well in these tough conditions thanks to Multimin - It’s given them the boost they need. We gave our stud Brahmans and Brahkles (Speckle Park cross Brahman) weaners Multimin at the time of weaning. The conditions are quite tough at the moment up here at Mundaberra QLD. However they have held up pretty well, the Multimin has given them a good boost they needed to survive and continue to grow out well.” This article was written by Virbac for Seasons magazine.


Animal Health

SPRING IS A CRITICAL TIME TO ADDRESS MINERAL DEFICIENCES Elanco Brand Manager, Kim Krilich, says trace mineral deficiencies can occur in all classes of sheep and cattle. “Livestock often experience nutritional stress when they are under prolonged periods of stress due to adverse weather, poor feed quality, or low feed intake,” she says. “Ewes and cows face the added physiological demands of pregnancy, lambing or calving. “Likewise, young livestock have a high demand for essential minerals to support their high growth rates and higher risk of challenge from parasites, disease or stress associated with handling, husbandry practices, transportation or feedlot induction. “This means spring is a peak period for nutritional stress, particularly as the availability of trace minerals is reduced in rapidly-growing pastures.” Sheep and cattle require a range of essential trace minerals, including selenium, cobalt and copper, to support a number of metabolic functions for optimal health, fertility and performance.


Selenium is vital for metabolism, growth, immunity and fertility.

Selenium deficiency can be determined using a simple diagnostic blood test.

Cobalt is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin B12, which is required for various metabolic functions, including fat and carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis and glucose production.

“Elanco provides a free diagnosis service for livestock producers who wish to determine the selenium status of their sheep and cattle,” Kim says.

Copper has an important role in enzyme function, metabolism, blood cell development and maintaining the integrity of the nervous and immune system. Trace mineral deficiency can occur if livestock do not consume sufficient quantities of these micronutrients from either pasture or supplementary rations. “Many soil types found throughout Australia, such as sandy coastal, acidic or granite soils, do not contain sufficient levels of essential minerals,” Kim explains.1 “Trace mineral levels can also be adversely impacted by leaching due to high rainfall, intensive cropping, high application rates of nitrogen, phosphate or lime fertilisers, or the presence of other minerals.”

“Last year, our team of territory managers and technical consultants conducted more than 100 tests, which showed that selenium deficiency can and does occur in regions that are otherwise not recognised as being ‘selenium deficient’.” Vitamin B12 or copper levels are best determined by liver analysis, with samples collected by biopsy, at abattoir or autopsy. If livestock are deficient, supplementation can help to improve feed utilisation, body condition, reproductive performance, foetal development, milk production, growth rates and immune function. Livestock in regions that are known to be deficient in selenium, cobalt and/ or copper should be treated with longacting supplements to ensure a steady

Animal Health

and consistent supply of these trace minerals throughout the year. Alternatively, shorter-acting supplements can be administered at strategic times of the production cycle when livestock may experience short-term nutritional stress, such as before joining, lambing/calving, marking/weaning or at feedlot induction. “Do not provide mineral supplements to livestock whose mineral status is unknown or to livestock that are receiving other sources of minerals via supplementary rations, vaccines, drenches or pasture dressings, as toxicity may result,” Kim says. “However, animals suspected of vitamin B12 deficiency can be safely treated with a suitable supplement and their response observed, as there is no harm in dosing animals that are not deficient.” Elanco markets a range of trace mineral solutions that address selenium, cobalt and copper deficiency, including Selovin LA, Cobalife VB12, Cobalife VB12 Plus Selenium and Copperplan 20. A single subcutaneous injection of Selovin LA will elevate blood selenium levels for up to 18 months in sheep and 12 months in cattle.

cattle for two to six months, depending on the severity of deficiency, while Cobalife VB12 Plus Selenium also addresses selenium deficiency. Both injectable products contain hydroxocobalamin, a longer-acting form of vitamin B12 compared to the common alternative, cyanocobalamin.2,3 Copperplan 20 is an oral capsule that prevents copper deficiency in adult cattle (> 200kg) for up to 12 months. Administered using a Copperplan applicator, the gelatine capsule dissolves in the rumen and releases copper oxide particles into the digestive tract. It’s recommended to always read and follow the label directions. For further information on our trace mineral solutions and diagnostic support, contact your local Elanco representative. This article was written by Elders supplier Elanco for Seasons magazine. Purchase your supply of Copperplan 20 at your local Elders branch.

Cobalife VB12 treats and prevents vitamin B12 deficiency in sheep and References: 1. Meat & Livestock Australia. Mineral deficiencies. Accessed 28 June 2023. 2. Judson, G. et al. (2002). Recent developments in the detection and treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency in sheep and cattle at pasture. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production, 62:307-310. 3. Gonzalez- Rivas, P. et al. (2021). A pilot study comparing the pharmacokinetics of injectable cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin associated with a trace mineral injection in cattle. J Vet Pharmacol Therap. 44:406-410.


Grow their potential Don’t let trace element deficiencies limit what they can become. Use COBALIFE™ VB12, SELOVIN™ LA or COPPERPLAN™ 20 in cattle at critical times to address these deficiencies and unlock their potential.

Good nutrition is good business.

1800 995 709 Always read and follow the label directions. Cobalife, Copperplan, Selovin, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. © 2023 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-AU-23-0443


Thomas Elder Consulting Your made-to-measure, farm management experts Built by Elders - Australia’s leading agribusiness - Thomas Elder Consulting (TEC) is an independent, specialist agricultural consulting business offering customised, whole farm management advice. Strategically located across Australia, our team of highly specialised TEC consultants provide a premium, all-encompassing consultancy model comprising expertise across all sectors of agriculture including: • Agronomic solutions • Farm business management • Production and farm planning • Livestock production

• Benchmarking • Precision agriculture • Water scheduling • Decision agriculture • Genomics

Our TEC consultants enhance our clients’ returns and sustainable productivity through the provision of cutting-edge, data-driven advice tailored to drive the desired results for our farming clients. 43


ELDERS JOINS BEEF AUSTRALIA AS LONGTERM PRINCIPAL PARTNER Elders are pleased to announce their commitment as Principal Partner of Beef Australia, returning as sponsors for both Beef2024 and Beef2027. As the nation's premier beef industry event, Beef2024 is gearing up to attract thousands of attendees, including producers, industry stakeholders, and international visitors to Rockhampton, Queensland between the 5th and 11th May 2024. Beef Australia CEO Simon Irwin said the organisation is pleased to welcome aboard Elders as a Principal Partner for both Beef2024 and Beef2027. “As a trusted advisor and supplier to the agricultural sector, this partnership solidifies Elders’ efforts in championing Australian agriculture and showcasing its excellence on a global scale”, Mr Irwin said. “Beef2024 will be an important year for Elders as they celebrate 185 years in the Australian beef industry. “We look forward to working with Elders in enhancing the event's profile and delivering valuable experiences for all participants”. Elders CEO and Managing Director Mark Allison said Elders is honoured to continue their support of the prestigious event that celebrates the Australian beef community.

“Elders is one of the most recognised names in the livestock sector and we are proud to be continuing our support for the industry through our partnership with Beef Australia”, Mr Allison said.

“In my view, there are more opportunities for the beef industry than ever before. “Demand for Australian beef remains strong, and the industry is poised for greater productivity as information, services, and products to ensure sustainable growth are top of mind and accessible for producers.


“Through our partnership with Beef Australia in 2024, Elders hopes to bring outstanding value to the event through its extensive national network of industry experts and long ties to the sector, extending back 185 years by the time of the event in May 2024”. Elders National Livestock Manager, Peter Homann, says his team are anticipating a fantastic event. “Elders are long-term supporters of the Australian beef industry. The Elders Pavilion at Beef Australia is a must see, and we are excited to be back as the Principal Partner to highlight the latest technology and services that we as a business can offer," he said. “Elders is very much committed to supporting the sustainability of our industry and our clients for future generations. “We offer whole of business solutions backed by local agents and an extensive network across the country. We are leaders in digital marketing, offering speciality trained livestock production advisors, support staff, access to market intelligence and insights to help you make informed decisions. An event like Beef is the pinnacle event to highlight this in-person and connect with our clients.”


NEW REGIONAL AUSTRALIA INSTITUTE AND ELDERS PARTNERSHIP ADVANCES CRITICAL WORK TO 'REBALANCE THE NATION' The Regional Australia Institute (RAI) has welcomed a new partnership with Elders Limited to advance the RAI’s goal to ‘rebalance the nation’ and create a more equitable future for the 9.5 million Australians who live outside city bounds. “The RAI is delighted to work more closely with Elders, a business with a long proven proud track record of supporting and growing regional communities and industries,” RAI CEO Liz Ritchie said. “Elders’ nationwide network holds such a special place in our nation’s psyche, not only in developing agriculture but underpinning regional and rural Australia as a whole. “Through the leadership of CEO, Mark Allison, Elders has been member of our Regional Australia Council since 2020. With the RAI, Council members codesigned the Regionalisation Ambition 2032 – a 10 year plan to ‘rebalance the nation’. “In support of the Ambition, Elders has committed to support innovation and productivity; career pathways for regional young people and to innovate waste management.” “This new partnership further embeds Elders’ commitment to the RAI and our

collaborative efforts to foster a more balanced future for regional Australia.”

Speakers at RAI’s 2023 National Summit include:

Elders joins nbn co as the second Regions Rising National Series Partner in supporting the delivery of the RAI’s flagship Regions Rising stated-based events and National Summit.

> The Hon. Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government

“Our National Series Partners are instrumental in enabling the sharing of Institute’s bespoke research on some of the most fundamental parts of regional living: including population; jobs and skills; housing and transitioning economies,” Ms Ritchie said. To mark the beginning of the partnership Elders CEO Mark Allison will deliver a keynote address at the Regions Rising National Summit in Canberra on 13 to 14 September. The theme of this year’s Summit is ‘Shifting Our Gaze’ and is a call to action to all levels of Government and industry to adopt a more sophisticated, focussed and fit-for-purpose approach to planning and investing in region Australia’s future. Elders CEO Mark Allison said Elders, already a long term member of the RAI, was looking forward to continuing the critical work of progressing the interests of rural and regional Australian communities.

> The Hon. Kristy McBain MP, Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories. > Adam Davids, Founder, Nations Equity Partners


> Alison Lloydd-Wright, Deputy Chief Executive, Department of Premier and Cabinet SA > Edwina Bartholomew, Presenter


> Joseph Mitchell, Assistant Secretary, Australian Council of Trade Unions > Luke Achterstraat, CEO, Council of Small Business Organisations Australia > Megan Davis, Director, Indigenous Law Centre UNSW Law > Prof. Steve Robson, President, Australian Medical Association > Rebecca Fox, Secretary, Department of Regional NSW

“Elders is intrinsically linked to agricultural communities across the country, so we feel incredibly invested in supporting discussion and decision-making about the issues that affect them now and into the future,” he said.



MANDATORY EID IS COMING – GET AHEAD OF THE CURVE Celebrating their 85th anniversary this year, Gallagher has established itself as a leader in the agriculture industry, providing cutting-edge solutions that enable farmers to operate more profitably and effectively. With the upcoming changes in NLIS electronic identification (eID) requirements, Gallagher offers a comprehensive suite of animal management solutions that enable farmers to meet compliance requirements, while maximising their time and profits. The introduction of mandatory eID tagging of sheep and farmed goats in Australia brings with it a golden opportunity for farmers to level up their operations. Electronic animal tagging provides the capability to enhance animal performance and traceability through data collection and analysis, leading to increased profit and seamless compliance with NLIS obligations. Being able to access accurate and upto-date data can completely transform on-farm operations. Beyond just 46

weighing and tracing animals, it also means being able to optimise feeding habits, tracking animal pedigree, making smarter selling decisions, and ensuring animal health and welfare to minimise loss – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

When it comes to sheep, Gallagher also have a solution for automatic drafting. The Sheep Auto Drafter is the answer for farmers wanting to make the most of eID tagging with high-speed automatic sorting of animals, saving the time and effort usually associated with drafting.

Gallagher offers a range of easy-to-use products that simplify the transition to NLIS tagging for Australian farmers and help them use eID to maximise animal performance and overall profit.

Tying this all together, Gallagher Animal Performance Plus is a cloud-connected app for both web and mobile that allows producers to access their animal data from the yard, the farm, or the office from a range of devices. This allows farmers to maximise the potential of eID with ongoing and simple data collection, with the ability to make informed, datadriven decisions.

Gallagher’s range of handheld eID tag readers makes on-farm portable scanning easy, with large LCD screens and an ergonomic design. Tag readers sync with Wireless Load Bars, as well as the user’s smartphone, making weighttracking and recording traits as easy as the click of a button. Gallagher also offers a range of Weigh Scales that collect weight and other data, by using eID tags. The best-selling TWR-5 Weigh Scale has an inbuilt tag reader and combines weighing and tag reading into one task to simplify the drafting process.

This article was written by Elders supplier Gallagher for Seasons magazine. To earn more about Gallagher’s range of Animal Performance and Traceability solutions, contact your local Elders branch.

Section NewsTitle

Mandatory EID is coming get ahead of the curve and get ready now

Simple and easy-to-use tool Gallagher offers a complete range of animal performance and traceability solutions designed to help livestock owners monitor and manage their animals effectively. Built-in NLIS integration in Gallagher’s Animal Performance app makes it quick and easy to take control of your animal performance data and stay NLIS compliant. Get in contact with your local Territory Manager for more information.

Discover more at 1800 425 524 47

Animal Health

DON’T LET PESTIVIRUS ROB YOU BLIND Pestivirus is an insidious disease that is endemic in both the beef and dairy herds of Australia. It’s estimated that up to 90% of herds have been infected.1 While the disease is relatively easy to diagnose due to highly accurate testing, evaluating its impact and potential risk to a herd can be difficult. WHAT DO WE KNOW? The most well-known aspect of the disease is its reduction in reproductive efficiency. The virus is frequently involved in poor pregnancy testing results, increased abortion rates and the birth of persistently infected calves. The disease is difficult to detect. It creeps up on you making it difficult to evaluate the direct losses or potential risks to the herd. WHAT’S UNDERESTIMATED ABOUT THE DISEASE? The aspect which is often overlooked by many producers is the ability of pestivirus to cause profound immune suppression in cattle. This immune suppression results in exacerbated levels of disease and mortality in various parts of the supply chain. IMPACT: > There can be ongoing annual losses of 5 to 10 per cent (pc) in herds where pestivirus exists 1,2,3

> A recent study of factors affecting the reproductive performance of beef breeding herds found that where there was evidence of a widespread and / or recent perstivirus infection, the percentage of lactating cows that became pregnant within four months of calving reduced by 23 pc, and calf wastage increased by 9 pc.2 > In the National Bovine Respiratory Disease Initiative which evaluated risk factors for BRD in Australian feedlot cattle from 2009 to 2011, cattle exposed to Pestivirus had their risk of BRD increased 1.7 times. 4 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR BEEF PRODUCERS? As Pestivirus cycles in the herd its impact can present in different ways. The most impactful events include: > Lower pregnancy rates

> Post weaning losses due to ill thrift and mortality > Lower than expected growth rates in some cattle – an obvious tail in the mob PROTECTION IS SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE Vaccinating cattle with Pestigard is the easiest and most effective way to protect your herds against the impacts of pestivirus. A vaccination program for a herd starts with a 2-dose heifer treatment up to 6 months apart simply followed with annual boosters on bulls, cows and any other animal retained on farm for over 12 months post previous vaccination. Initial vaccination of breeding animals must be completed prior to joining to achieve the optimal outcomes from vaccination. This article was written by Elders supplier Zoetis for Seasons magazine.

> Disrupted and delayed calving, increasing calving spread > Higher calf losses from joining to weaning, especially in heifers or first calvers > Higher levels of disease in calves including calf scours, pinkeye and pneumonia / pleurisy

References: 1. Morton, J.M., et al., Bovine viral diarrhoea virus in beef heifers in commercial herds in Australia: mob-level seroprevalences and incidences of seroconversion, and vaccine efficacy. Aust Vet J, 2013. 91(12): p. 517-524. 2. McGowan, M., et al., Epidemiology and Management of BVDV in Rangeland Beef Breeding Herds in Northern Australia. Viruses, 2020. 12(10). 3. Taylor, L.F. and B.J. Rodwell, Outbreak of foetal infection with bovine pestivirus in a central Queensland beef herd. Aust Vet J, 2001. 79: p. 682-685. 4. Hay, K.E., et al., Associations between exposure to viruses and bovine respiratory disease in Australian feedlot cattle. Prev Vet Med, 2016. 127: p. 121-33.


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Section Title

Renowned Quality for Sheep Management Established in 1966, Prattley Industries has built a globally trusted reputation with livestock producers. Sold in Australia since 2005, renowned for quality and with a well-deserved reputation for its world leading mobile sheep yards, conveyors and sheep drafting units, Prattley is the newest addition to the Datamars Livestock portfolio of brands, which also includes Z Tags and Tru-Test. VISIT TRU-TEST.COM - CALL 1800 641 324 50

General Merchandise

RENOWNED QUALITY FOR SHEEP MANAGEMENT Established in 1966, Prattley Industries has built a globally trusted reputation with livestock producers. With a welldeserved reputation for its world leading mobile sheep yards, conveyors and sheep drafting units, Prattley is the newest addition to the Datamars Livestock portfolio of brands, which also includes Z Tags and Tru-Test. Renowned for their quality, the Prattley range of animal handling equipment includes mobile yards, drafting units and conveyor belts, providing safe and versatile systems to help farmers physically manage stock efficiently, without compromising stock safety and welfare. Through an integrated, complete approach, sheep producers are better equipped to track, weigh, treat and manage stock movements in line with precision decisions around feed management, health treatment, sale and culling. Biosecurity and animal health continue to be a pressing concern for many economies, with governments and agricultural industries around the world focussing on national and regional efforts to bolster traceability schemes for livestock. In Australia, farmers are looking to adapt quickly to predicted mandatory traceability schemes for sheep and goats. Datamars Livestock’s complete solution means producers can prepare and meet traceability requirements with greater ease while realising added value from their own farm data. Ultimately, farmers can make better, more informed decisions, taking actions where necessary to improve the health and performance of their stock, and the profitability of their operation. The Prattley range adds an

important component to livestock management, particularly sheep farmers as they manage these growing demands for traceability. Prattley’s auto draft sheep crates are lightweight, automated animal management systems using innovative technology. Manufactured in New Zealand from high tensile alloy, the equipment is strong yet flexible with an easy set up that can be operated by one user. All auto draft sheep crates are eID compatible designed to allow sheep to flow efficiently, weighing and drafting on average 700 sheep per hour, and have a quiet, pneumatic and electric operation. Prattley mobile sheep yards offer maximum versatility, can be taken anywhere on farm for on-the-spot drenching, crutching, mouthing, tagging, docking and any general animal treatment. Harnessing the direction of sunlight and wind, a portable yard enables natural stock flow through the yard, achieving faster animal flow. Along with time and travel savings, reduced fuel and labour costs, lower risk of infection from dusty tracks and less stress on the animal, these mobile yards are maximising farm management. This article was written by Datamars Livestock for Seasons magazine. Visit your local branch to purchase To purchase from Prattley’s great range, head to your local Elders branch.



ENHANCING FARM BIOSECURITY Feral animals pose significant threats to biosecurity, animal health, and grazing pressures for farmers. To combat these issues effectively and safeguard your properties, a robust fencing system proves to be one of the most practical solutions. Australia faces potential threats from diseases like Foot and Mouth and Lumpy Skin Disease, highlighting the importance of maintaining proper biosecurity measures on farms. Failure to monitor and implement a sound biosecurity plan can lead to devastating outbreaks that can endanger your livelihood. Ken O’Brien, a cattle producer in Victoria, found a solution to his feral pest problems through Waratah's premium Australian-made exclusion fencing. Before implementing the fencing system near Barham, his 32 hectares of irrigated clover and rye


grass were being ravaged by hundreds of kangaroos nightly. The kangaroos not only destroyed valuable pasture but also left behind faeces and urine, posing potential biosecurity risks.

is an initial investment cost, but this often reduced when you consider the ease of installation, which significantly reduces labour costs and maintenance efforts.

With the Waratah exclusion fence in place, the transformation on Ken’s property, was remarkable. The number of kangaroos significantly dwindled, and those that were found on the property only gained access via the cattle grid. The results were evident, as the farm's stocking rate increased by one-third, and grazing pressure from feral animals was substantially reduced. In addition to enhancing productivity through improved weaning rates and increased production, the fencing system brought peace of mind by reducing disease risks in the livestock population.

Waratah offers an extensive range of exclusion fencing solutions to address any feral animal challenges you might face. Farmers can benefit from increased productivity, reduced grazing pressures, and enhanced biosecurity by choosing the right fencing solution for their farming enterprises.

One of the significant advantages of the Waratah exclusion fencing system is its cost-effectiveness in the long run. There

Protect your farm's biosecurity, enhance productivity, and gain peace of mind with Waratah exclusion fencing. This article was written by Elders supplier Waratah for Seasons magazine.

Section Title

Sustainable Fencing Solutions


A GREAT RANGE OF HIG H PERFORMING CANOLA VARIETIES - YOU MAY NOT HAVE HEARD OF RAGT Australia has the canola varieties that deliver on your needs. Whether it’s our TT hybrid spring canola range, RGT Baseline TT, RGT Capacity TT and Spark TT or our Clearfield winter canolas, RGT Nizza and RGT Clavier, RAGT has the canola seed to suit your conditions. RAGT worldwide is committed to extensive and innovative R&D program to bring you the very best in high performance seeds. Find out more about our canola range. Talk to one of our expert team or visit our website.


FOR EXPERT AGRONOMY ADVICE Whether you are looking for innovation, aim to develop and extend your business, need to understand the latest market forecasts, or want to improve your productivity, the Elders Smart Farmer program can help increase the potential of your farming operation.

To learn more visit or contact your local branch.

smart farmer 55

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Pallaton offers farmers a 38.2% increase in water use efficiency (WUE) relative to Goliath® forage rape.

5+ GRAZINGS WITH PALLATON The performance crop for next level lamb finishing Pallaton Raphno®: Experienced brassica growers can achieve up to 5+ grazings, high return on investment (ROI) and increased live weight production per hectare under ideal conditions. • Good ROI and high live weight gains after 3 grazings • Outstanding ROI and high live weight gains after 5+ grazings • 32% increase in Aphid tolerance relative to forage rape • Grazing persistence under high stocking rates • High yielding and palatable • Graze as early as 56 days after sowing (DAS)


e l d e r s r u r

Available through accredited Elders reps/agronomists under agency agreement. Sown at 8kg/ha.


PALLATON’S OUTSTANDING WATER USE EFFICIENCY Over the 2013-14 summer period, the New Zealand Institute for Forage Innovations Limited (FIL) found that Pallaton thrives in dry conditions in comparison to forage rape^. Considering Australian conditions and the potential for a dry spring/summer, these findings may helpfarmers increase their seed return on investment with lower water use and more grazing potential. It was found that Pallaton offers farmers a 38.2 per cent (pc) increase in water use efficiency (WUE) relative to forage rape^. But what does this mean for the Australian market during a dry spring/summer? Once established and under drought/heat pressure, Pallaton offers similar nutrition compared to a forage rape^, but has the potential to offer higher dry matter yields per hectare per unit of water. Of these results, the team at DLF Seeds states that “throughout the trial, Pallaton achieved 12.3 kg DM/ha/ mm compared to 8.9 kg DM/ha/mm of forage rape^. This means, more dry matter per hectare, per unit of water. Ultimately, Pallatons’ WUE in comparison to forage rape, in conjunction with its potential of *5+ grazings, gives farmers the ability to manage risk under dry conditions. DLF Seeds suggests “sowing a forage rape if your goal this spring/summer is early feed. To achieve 1 to 3 grazings and experience all the benefits a traditional forage rape offers, consider sowing a high-quality forage rape such as Mainstar. “However, if you are an experienced brassica grower, and your goal is to extend your feeding period, achieve up to 5+ grazings, manage risk, and increase WUE, consider sowing a high-performance crop such as Pallaton Raphno®”. This article was written by DLF Seeds for Seasons magazine. Visit your Elders branch to purchase To purchase DLF Seeds, visit your local Elders branch. Find your local branch >

^FIL Goliath rape vs Pallaton raphnobrassica, shallow soils at Lincoln University’s Ashley Dene Research and Development Station in New Zealand. *Achieve 5+ grazings of Pallaton Raphno® by following recommended management and under ideal conditions.



S&W SPRING SOWING OPTIONS TO FEED YOUR LIVESTOCK Spring is a crucial time for farmers to plan their sowing strategies and ensure high-quality feed for their livestock. S&W Seed offers exceptional spring sowing options designed to bring outstanding results. Our portfolio includes the popular Subzero Hybrid Forage Brassica and the S&W SOWsmart® Summer Feed Blend. The Subzero Hybrid Forage Brassica retains its quality even at maturity, providing optimal nutrition for livestock. Farmers like across Australia have witnessed its resilience, with the subzero thriving through variable conditions. The S&W SOWsmart® Summer Feed Blend is a comprehensive solution for summer feed needs. The blend consists of Rebound Forage Millet, Subzero Forage Brassica, and Renegade Red Clover, ensuring your livestock has plenty of quality feed throughout the summer months. Farmers like Mark Droney from Queensland have experienced its impressive growth and quick feed availability, even during challenging dry spells. Real testimonials from farmers further validate the effectiveness of our spring sowing options. From increased lambing percentages to successful finishing of cattle and lambs, the S&W spring sowing options prove to be a valuable tool for livestock farmers. This article was written by Elders supplier S&W Seed for Seasons magazine.


Forage Brassica

Section Title

 Quick to establish  Excellent regrowth after grazing  Cold tolerance

Your partner in the paddock. 59


 Spring or autumn sowing option

Win win

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Only Marks-Min® combines B12 + Trace Minerals in a single dose to save you time and money. Optimise flock health, production and fertility. Save substantial time and money. Marks-Min® for Sheep is the win-win sheep producers have been looking for. At critical times like lambing, joining and at times of oxidative stress, it can provide a vital health and production boost in half the time with the benefits of both B12 and trace minerals in a single injection. To find out more visit *See product label for full claim details and directions for use. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia. ABN 53 071 187 285. MARKS-MIN ® is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. ©2023 All rights reserved. AU-OVI-0013-2023.


Animal Health

CAPITALISING ON SHEEP MANAGEMENT AND FEED WITH MINERAL SUPPORT Australian sheep producers maximising growth rates and fertility can now optimise their flocks’ performance with trace minerals. Supplementing the diet of lambs, ewes and rams to capture the most benefit from genetics and management has never been easier, thanks to the new Marks-Min for Sheep injectable range. Developed by Boehringer Ingelheim, Marks-Min for Sheep contain trace minerals selenium, manganese, zinc, and B12 and is available with, or without, copper. Boehringer Ingelheim Livestock Technical Services Manager Dr Gareth Kelly said the creation of this product was underpinned by the huge investments farmers have been making into uplevelling their sheep production systems. “We are seeing more and more sheep producers pushing their systems - improving pastures, accelerating growth rates to market and increasing reproduction outcomes,” Dr Kelly said. “Marks-Min for Sheep supports this level of management and production. The B12 in the Marks-Min is vital for this, as it can improve vitamin B12 status to support the animal’s ability to maximise the utilisation of the trace minerals and assists them to maintain a positive energy balance in times of high energy demand, such as joining, lactation and high growth.” The demand for trace minerals has increased in recent years as producers push pasture production - focusing on high fertiliser rates, annual varieties, monocultures, and high pasture growth rates. This can lead to trace mineral deficiencies. It’s similar with demands on Australia’s “modern ewe”. She must be highly fertile and remain in a positive energy balance. Vitamin B12 supplementation can assist with this.

“To see how far the sheep industry has come, with its concentration on productivity, all we need to do is look back at the average marking rate 20 years ago, it was 80 per cent,” Dr Kelly said. “Improvements in management and genetics have lifted this rate by 1 to 2 per cent a year; however, the nutritional requirements of these high performing animals are different to those that we farmed decades ago.” Australian dairy and beef cattle producers have been using Marks-Min products as a nutrient supplement for years. It has provided a much-needed top up to improve trace mineral and B12 status in livestock at times of high trace mineral and energy demand, to optimise growth, reproduction, and immunity.

Min for Sheep Low Copper provides an appropriate dose designed specifically for sheep.” To get the most from Marks-Min for Sheep, lambs can be treated once they reach 15 kilograms liveweight, while the best time to inject ewes is four weeks pre-joining and four weeks pre-lambing. The optimum time to treat rams is 12-weeks pre-joining. Dr Kelly said treatments can be timed with essential jobs such as pre-lambing crutching or pre-joining ram inspections for time efficiency. Marks-Min for Sheep products have a Nil Export Slaughter Interval (ESI), meat and milk withhold. This article was written by Elders supplier Boehringer for Seasons magazine.

Dr Kelly said supplementing cattle with trace minerals and B12 at critical times can deliver productivity and profitability benefits - specifically heavier weaning weights, more fertile animals - leading to tighter calving and less disease. But unlike cattle, sheep are more susceptible to copper toxicity. Many don’t require copper supplementation and for those that do – they don’t need as much as cattle. That’s why MarksMin for Sheep includes a “Copper Free” and “Low Copper” option. Dr Kelly said copper is an essential trace mineral - and more of it is required by sheep at times of high growth, lambing and lactation - but too much can be toxic. “We suggest the best way to know which Marks-Min for Sheep product your business requires is to consult your animal health advisor and to begin with pasture testing,” he said. “This will tell you your copper concentration and whether it’s available or locked up by other minerals present in the pasture. If sheep are responsive to supplementation, Marks-


Animal Health

KNOW THE EFFICACY OF YOUR DRENCHES Animal health advisors have been urged to assist their sheep producers to conduct a DrenchCheck this summer to determine the efficacy of their proposed sheep drench. Elanco Senior Brand Manager – Sheep, Dr Kathryn Humphries, says previous studies have established there is widespread single, double and triple resistance to all older active ingredients, including moxidectin.1 Resistance is recognised as occurring when a drench is unable to reduce the worm burden by more than 95 per cent (pc), with appropriate statistical considerations.2 “Despite this, many livestock producers do not know the efficacy of their drench or incorrectly believe it is still fully effective,” Dr Humphries said. “Unfortunately, resistance isn’t ‘black’ or ‘white’. Some drenches might have 90 pc efficacy; some might have 80 pc efficacy, and some might have 50 pc.They may be working to some degree – but any reduction in drench efficacy has a direct impact on the health and productivity of sheep.” Even mild or moderate levels of drench resistance can result in a significant economic loss to the producer.3 Dr Humphries says Elanco assisted 70 sheep and wool producers to complete DrenchChecks during 2022, when the producers took the Zolvix Plus Challenge.“In 33 of these tests, the drench was not fully effective against the worms present in the sheep at the time of testing,” Dr Humphries said. “Some of the results showed the drench was not working as well as it should. In others, it showed the drench didn’t work at all or gave an indication that

a specific worm species was highly resistant to that mode of action. “These results show that anecdotally, every second customer could be walking out of a store with a drench that’s going to a deliver a sub-optimal outcome. “The advice is simple. If a sheep producer doesn’t know the drench resistance status of the worm population on their property, then they should test.” Dr Humphries says the 2022 Zolvix Plus Challenge also revealed sub-optimal efficacy in two tests conducted using combination drenches containing the newer active ingredients, monepantel and derquantel. “No mode of action is immune from resistance, which is why sheep and wool producers should adopt best practice guidelines to protect the efficacy of all available chemistry,” she says. As WormBoss reminds us, “test and monitor drench efficacy regularly; only use ‘fully effective’ drenches and ideally, combination drenches wherever possible; and only use longacting products during high worm-risk conditions.” 4 Elanco is continuing the Zolvix Plus Challenge in 2023. “We are committed to helping our customers and their advisors to get the best outcome from their investment in animal health products,” Dr Humphries said. “To participate, sheep producers are encouraged to register online at before their next planned drench.”5

A DrenchCheck involves conducting two Worm Egg Count tests to determine the reduction in the worm egg count after drenching. The first test is conducted before drenching, while the second is conducted 10 to 14 days after drenching. The presence of any worm eggs – even very low counts – 14 days after drenching may indicate a problem. The larval culture results from the second test will indicate which worm species survived treatment and may be resistant to that drench. A DrenchCheck will provide a simple, fast and low-cost indication of possible drench resistance6, providing a useful indication of the effectiveness of your existing drench against the worm burden in your sheep at the time of testing. However, it is a ‘first step’ and does not accurately determine resistance status. Conducting a full DrenchTest (Worm Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test) every two or three years is regarded as best practice to accurately determine the resistance status and efficacy of each drench class against each worm species.7 This article was written by Elanco for Seasons magazine. Contact your local Elders branch For more information, or to purchase Elanco products, contact your local Elders branch. Find your closest branch >

References: 1: Playford, M.C. et al. (2014). Prevalence and severity of anthelmintic resistance in ovine gastrointestinal nematodes in Australia (2009-2012). Aust Vet J 92(12):464–471. 2. Coles, G. et al. (2006). The detection of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of veterinary importance. Veterinary Parasitology. 136:167-185. 3. Besier, R.B., et al. (1996). Drench resistance – a large economic cost. J Agric West Aust 37:60–63. 4. 5.Terms and condition apply. Visit www. for terms and conditions. 6. 7. Zolvix Plus contains 25 g/L monepantel and 2 g/L abamectin. Zolvix™, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2023 Elanco or its affiliates. EAH23296. PM-AU-23-0349.


Animal Section Health Title



REWARD YOURSELF THIS SPRING Purchase 2 x 20 L Extinosad™ Pour-On or 4 x 20 L Viper™ Pour-On before 30 September 2023 and you’ll not only get highly effective control of sheep lice that’s backed by a six-month lice-free guarantee1,2, but your choice of a $100 Prezzee card or 128 Elanco Reward points!3 Elanco Rewards points can be redeemed against your choice of more than 100 quality items for the farm, workshop, office or home. Visit and find out how you can reward yourself this spring.

Scan here for full details! Always read and follow the label directions. Good agricultural practice is essential for optimal lice control. References: 1. Visit for terms and conditions. 2. Visit for terms and conditions. 3. Visit for terms and conditions. Purchase between 01/08/23 and COB 30/09/23. Claims commence 01/08/23 and close at 11:59pm AEST 31/10/23. Promoter: Elanco Australasia Pty Ltd (ABN 64 076 745 198), Level 3, 7 Eden Park Drive, Macquarie Park, NSW, 2113. Extinosad Pour-On contains 20 g/L spinosad. Viper contains 10 g/L thiacloprid. Extinosad™, Viper™, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2023 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-AU-23-0369. EAH23325.


General Section Merchandise Title




THE ULTIMATE CHOICE FOR EQUINE SAFETY AND DURABILITY When it comes to equine handling, the safety and well-being of your horses should always be a top priority. That's where Cyclone's Horse Gate steps in, offering a value-for-money gate solution that horse owners can rely on. The heart of the Cyclone horse gate lies in its design. The gate boasts a 100 mm by 50 mm aperture mesh attached to the interior of the gate frame, specifically aimed at reducing the risk of injuries. The structural rigidity is another positive aspect of Cyclone's Horse Gate. This rigidity means that horses leaning on the gate are less likely to bend it. Not only does it enhance safety, but its aesthetically pleasing design also complements horse rail fences, adding to the overall appearance of your equestrian training yard. Standing tall at 1310 mm high, the horse gate's height has been considered to offer several advantages. Firstly, it enhances visibility, allowing horses to easily see and react to the gate should they be galloping in the yard. Secondly, the gate's height serves as a deterrent to prevent horses from attempting to jump or lean over it, reducing the likelihood of accidents and escapes. Cyclone's belief that on using the right materials for the right situation is no exception when it comes to the horse gate. Produced from 25NB pipe with a nominal wall thickness of 2 mm, the gate is not only strong but features hot-dipped galvanisation both inside and out. This extra layer of protection significantly improves the gate's corrosion resistance, ensuring its longevity and durability.

The tight aperture mesh adds yet another layer of safety to Cyclone's Horse Gate. By reducing the risk of horse hooves getting caught.

Furthermore, the full notch weld construction of the gate gives it even more strength. By minimizing flexibility and increasing overall sturdiness, this feature guarantees that the gate will withstand the daily demands of equine life.

In conclusion, Cyclone's Horse Gate stands as an example of a gate solution that meets the expectations of horse owners. With its focus on safety, structural integrity, and aesthetic appeal, this horse gate is another example of Cyclone's dedication to

value for money products for any situation. Available in 10’, 12’, and 14’ there is a size to suit any need. This article was written by Elders supplier Cyclone for Seasons magazine.



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®Metarex Inov and Colzactive are registered trademarks of De Sangosse SA. 220428


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