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No.65 25 FEB - 24 MAR 2012 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006
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The Resident -
EDITORIAL Tal y como continuamos disfrutando de este tiempo caluroso y seco, tenemos la necesidad de recordar el peligro siempre presente de los fuegos, cuya brisa notamos procedente del valle del Genal desde comienzos de Febrero. Tendríamos que tener en cuenta, mientras disfrutamos del campo, que las condiciones de sequía son las mismas ahora que en el verano. Y debemos ser conscientes y prudentes en todo momento. En la última edición del periódico the Resident, mencioné el proyecto que nuestra empresa Manilva Media Workshop SLL tiene entre manos, me gustaría informaros más sobre ello pero estamos trabajando aún en ello y por tanto tenemos que esperar hasta la edición de Marzo. En estos momentos, muchas ciudades y pueblos Españoles están celebrando Carnaval, un evento
anual celebrado normalmente unas semanas antes de la Cuaresma, aunque hoy en día las fechas son más flexibles. Disfraces, alegría, y las tradicionales chirigotas con su humor tan particular. Mientras Cádiz y Tenerife celebran sus particulares y famosos Carnavales, no tienes que ir tan lejos para encontrar diversión carnavalesca. Casares está en carnaval el día 3 de Marzo, ¿por qué no te disfrazas y participas de la diversión? Eso es todo por este mes, esperamos que disfruten de esta edición, y no os olvidéis que siempre estamos interesados en sus opiniones. Envíanos sus comentarios a editor@, Hasta pronto Editor
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have become a little more flexible as its religious origins become overlooked. During Carnival people dress up in fancy dress, and enjoy the chirigotas and comparsas, satirical music groups who can only be described as a combination of barbershop and Monty Python! Whilst the cities of Cadiz and Tenerife hold celebrations which are famous around the world you don’t have to travel far to find the opportunity to join in the fun, in fact Casares will be holding their Carnival this weekend, March 3. So why not go and let your hair down, and although it’s not compulsory, why not enter into the spirit and go in fancy dress. That’s it for this month, we hope you enjoy this issue, and don’t forget we are always interested in your opinions so send us your feedback to editor@ Bye for now, Editor
As we continue to enjoy the unseasonably long spell of warm and dry weather we need to remember that this has a sting in its tail as the risk of fire is ever present, which the huge blaze in Genal Valley at the beginning of February was evidence of. It would be well worth bearing in mind, whilst out enjoying the countryside, that the dry conditions are the same as summer and all care should be taken to guard against accidental fires. In last month’s editorial I mentioned a project our parent company Manilva Media Workshop SLL is currently working on, and had hoped to bring you more news in this month’s issue. With the final pieces falling into place in the first week of March, we will be able to fill you in on the scheme in next March’s issue. At the time of going to press many Spanish towns and cities are celebrating Carnival, which is held annually in the couple of weeks preceeding the onset of Lent, although nowadays the dates
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San Roque
The Resident -
San Roque exige a Odyssey que entregue a El grupo Excéntrico Milú actuará el viernes España todas las piezas de “Nuestra Señora en el Teatro Juan Luis Galiardo de las Mercedes” El grupo de pop rock Excéntrico Milú, liderado por el algecireño Pedro Terol, actuará el próximo viernes, día 2, en el Teatro Juan Luis Galiardo. El concierto, que comenzará a las 21.00 horas, servirá para presentar el segundo disco de la banda, “Clase magistral”. El concierto está organizado por EXM Producciones y las entradas pueden adquirirse de manera anticipada al precio de 5 euros en el pub sanroqueño El Gato Andaluz (Mirador de los Cañones) y en la tienda algecireña Gameshop (calle Alfonso XI). Además, se pondrán a la venta en la taquilla del teatro el mismo día del concierto. Excéntrico Milú es un proyecto formado por Pedro Terol (voz y compositor)
Los 21 ediles de la Corporación aprobaron en Pleno Ordinario la moción presentada por el PA en la que se insta al Gobierno de la Nación a que inicie las acciones oportunas para que Odyssey Marine Exploration entregue a España todas las piezas de la fragata “Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes”, incluso las 59 que supuestamente nunca se enviaron a Estados Unidos. Además, la moción solicita que en San Roque se expongan varios objetos recuperados del pecio, ya que ha sido el municipio que más se ha distinguido en la lucha para evitar este expolio. El segundo teniente de alcalde y portavoz andalucista, Manuel Melero, ha apuntado que “San Roque se merece albergar algunas de las piezas, ya que
hemos sido los más combativos en esta cuestión, tanto desde nuestros colectivos ecologistas como en el tesón puesto por algunos particulares. Y, también, desde el punto de vista político”. Melero denunció en 2006 las actividades de Odyssey ante la Guardia Civil, y el Ayuntamiento se personó en las diligencias del caso en 2008 tras ser aprobada la medida en Pleno por unanimidad. Asimismo, el edil agradeció “el apoyo recibido también en esta ocasión por el resto de los grupos políticos de la Corporación. La unanimidad de todos los representantes de la soberanía popular en el municipio vuelve a reiterar la implicación que tiene en el tema todo el pueblo de San Roque”.
San Roque calls on Spanish government to recover items removed by the US salvage company Odyssey Marine The 21 councillors of San Roque’s municipal council voted unanimously to approve a motion tabled by the Partido Andalucista at a recent sitting of the council calling on the Spanish Government to initiate the appropriate action to recover from Odyssey Marine Exploration all items taken from the Spanish frigate “Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes”, including the 59 items that were supposedly never sent to the United States. The motion also requests that several of the pieces should be presented to San Roque as it was this municipality that fought to prevent this ‘theft’.
Councillor Manuel Melero, spokesman for the PA, stated that “San Roque deserves some of these items, as we have been most combatitive in this issue on environmental and heritage issues as well as from a political standpoint”. In 2006 Melero brought the case of the US salvage company’s activities to the notice of the Guardia Civil. The Mayor of San Roque thanked all those present for their unanimous support of all the political parties which proved that they could all work as one on behalf of the people of San Roque.
Vitiko Díaz (productor musical) y Jpetterson (guitarra solista). Realizan un pop rock descarado con un sonido americano pero sin desmarcarse de sus raices españolas. Su anterior disco fue “Sin fecha de caducidad”, del que más tarde se realizó una versión especial. De ese álbum se extrajeron tres singles; “Tardes de diciembre”, “Sólo pienso en tí” y “Yopi”. Pedro Terol comenzó en el mundo de la música en los años 90 con el grupo Factor X. Define el estilo que realiza Excéntrico Milú como pop punky con influencias americanas. De la canción “Sólo pienso en tí” se realizó un dueto con la cantante Esther Aranda.
Pop rock group Excéntrico Milú in concert this Friday at San Roques Juna Luis Galiardo theatre Pop rock group “Excéntrico Milú” fronted by Algeciras lad Pedro Terol, will be performing at San Roque’s Teatro Juan Luis Galiardo on Friday March 2 from 9 pm. The group will be presenting their latest album “Clase magistral” along with a selection of their most popular songs. “Excéntrico Milú” comprises Pedro Terol on vocals, who teamed with music producer Vitiko Diaz and Jpetterson on lead guitar perform a pop rock with an American sound without straying totally from their Spanish roots. Their previous album “Sin fecha de
caducidad”, spawned three singles: “Tardes de diciembre”, “Sólo pienso en tí” a duet with Esther Aranda, and “Yopi”. Pedro Teral began his musical career in the 90s with the group “Factor X” which was to define the pop punk style of Excéntrico Milú. The concert is organized by EXM Productions and tickets can be purchased in advance priced 5 euros in the El Gato Andaluz (Mirador de los Cañones) and the Gameshop (calle Alfonso XI, Algeciras). Tickets will also be on sale at the theatre box office the day of the concert.
The Resident -
El Ayuntamiento solicita una subvención para crear cortafuegos en las fincas municipales La Concejalía de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de Casares ha solicitado a la Junta de Andalucía una subvención para la creación de cortafuegos en las fincas forestales de titularidad forestal: Herriza de Matagallar, El Álamo, Loma Matute y Moncayo. Se trata de acometer las actuaciones previstas en el Plan de Prevención de Incendios Forestales, como la creación de fajas auxiliares, cortafuegos, de entre
5 y 12 metros de anchura a todo el perímetro de estas fincas. La cuantía solicitada por el Ayuntamiento para estas actuaciones es de 12.459 euros de los que el Ayuntamiento de Casares deberá aportar 4.538 € y la JJAA aportaría 7.721 €. De concederse esta subvención, la intención municipal es de adjudicarlas a empresas locales con el objeto de fomentar el empleo local.
Casares Town Hall seeks subsidy for fire control measures The Casares Council’s environment department is seeking a subsidy from the regional government towards the cost of creating firebreaks in the municipality’s woodland properties including: Herriza de Matagallar, El Álamo, Loma Matute and Moncayo. The project is part of the Forest Fire Prevention Plan and would see the establishing of firebreaks from 5m to
12m wide around the perimeter of these municipal ‘fincas’. The total cost is just under 12.5 thousand euros of which casares would provide 4.5 thousand and the Junta de Andalucia the balance. The works would be placed with local contractors, creating much needed employment in the area.
Casares Bridge Club The club meets every Tuesday at 6.15pm for 6.30pm start. We play Duplicate Bridge at the Community hall located on the Casares road MA8300, 1km. from the A7, and can be found to the right of the first roundabout. We operate a Host system ... players without partners (including visitors) can be accommodated and are most welcome.
Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares El programa de la asociación para la mitad del año social fue presentado en la Reunión general celebrado el 28 de Enero en el Restaurante de Fina y Antonio en Marina de Casares a la que hubo una gran asistencia. Comenzó el Año Nuevo con una demonstración de Masaje, a la que seguió una demonstración de limpieza de cutis y maquillaje para damas. Se ha programado un mercadillo para el 7 de Abril y el concurso floral “Chelsea/ Casares” para Mayo con una merienda por la tarde. Los miembros también esperan, en algún momento antes de Junio, traer a un profesional
que aleccione en primeros auxilios y salvamento en el lugar. Se espera conseguir suficientes miembros e invitados para poder hacer, a muy buen precio, un viaje a los Pirineos, Lourdes y Andorra durante Junio por 5 noches y 6 días. Todas las actividades habituales de clases de Español e inglés, talleres de pintura y confección, Tenis de mesa, dardos y Scrabble que se realizan por la mañanas y tardes, y el “Día del Golf ” continuarán a lo largo del año. Para más información contacta a mariaphammond@hotmail. o llama a 952 89 20 30.
Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares The association’s half yearly social programme was presented at their well attended AGM. on the 28th of January at Fina’s and Antonio’s Restaurant in Marina de Casares. The New Year started with a Massage Demonstration, which was followed by a Cleansing and Make up demonstration for the ladies. A Table Top sale has been programmed for the 7th April and this will be followed by a Chelsea/Casares flowers competition in May, with a “Cream Tea” in the afternoon. Members are also looking forward to having a professional at some point before June to give a lecture on basic
“First Aid and Life Support in the home”. The association is hoping to get enough members and guests interested in a very reasonably priced excursion to the Pyrenees, Lourdes and Andorra for 5 nights and 6 days in mid June. All the regular events of Spanish and English lessons, Painting and Dressmaking workshops, Table tennis, Pool, Darts and Scrabble that take place during the mornings and evenings, and the “Golf Days” will continue thoughout the year. For information regarding the club please contact or telephone 952 892 030.
The Resident -
Parque Móvil ahorra 6.000 Euros mensuales Nuevo paso para la finalización de las obras en el servicio de transporte del Pabellón Polideportivo de Sabinillas 68.000 €, esa es la cantidad en concepto de certificaciones que resta por abonar a la empresa constructora del pabellón de los deportes de Sabinillas. Según informó Antonia Muñoz, el Ayuntamiento está prácticamente al día en cuanto al pago de certificaciones a fecha de hoy, por lo que la empresa Vera y Gea, encargada de la construcción del complejo, debería seguir avanzando en la obra a partir de ahora. Muñoz mantendrá una reunión con representantes de esta entidad, con el fin de conocer si van a continuar los
Continúan las medidas de ahorro en la gestión municipal. En esta ocasión ha sido la delegación de Parque Móvil la que ha adoptado una medida que permite, desde el pasado mes de noviembre de 2011, un ahorro mensual de 6.063,14 €. El Ayuntamiento de Manilva adjudicó en el año 2005 a la empresa Transandalucía S.L. el servicio municipal de transporte urbano por el que en las últimas fechas se abonaba un importe fijo mensual de 8.748 €, cifra que ya contemplaba el descuento de los ingresos de los usuarios. Desde el pasado mes de Noviembre este servicio lo realizan dos conductores municipales que cubren dos turnos de 7 horas cada uno de ellos, cubriendo el servicio mañana y tarde.
Esta medida, que supone una hora más de servicio que con la anterior empresa, no ha supuesto gasto extraordinario alguno para las arcas municipales ya que se trata de una optimización del personal de otras delegaciones a quienes se les ha modificado la jornada laboral. Ambos trabajadores suponen un coste bruto mensual de 3.686,32 €. Por otra parte, el pasado mes de Noviembre los ingresos de los usuarios por este servicio han sido de 1.701,46 €. De esta manera, el coste mensual del servicio, descontando los tickets de los usuarios, es de 2.684,86, cifra que frente a los 8.748 € pagados mensualmente a la anterior empresa, supone un ahorro mensual de 6.063,14 €.
Manilva’s local bus service cuts costs by 6.000 euros per month Cost cutting measures continue in municipal management. This time it is the transport department which has adopted measures that allow, since last November 2011, monthly savings of € 6,063.14. Manilva’s Town Council awarded the responsability for municipal public transport to Transandalucia SL in 2005 and was paying them a monthly fixed amount of € 8,748, which included the income generated by users ticket fees. Since last November the service is being performed by two local drivers covering two shifts of seven hours each, one on morning service and the other on evening service.
This measure has allowed the local bus service to be provided for an hour longer than the previously at no extra cost to the municipal coffers as it is due to better use of staff from other departments who have changed their working day. Both workers cost € 3,686.32 each month. Also, last November’s income for the service from users was € 1,701.46. Meaning the monthly cost of the service, discounting tickets bought by users, is 2684.86, a figure that compares well to the € 8,748 paid every month to the former company, the monthly savings are € 6,063.14.
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trabajos o si por el contrario la empresa constructora desea resolver el contrato, con lo que el Ayuntamiento tendría que realizar una nueva adjudicación para la terminación de las obras. Hasta el momento, el consistorio ha pagado casi 5.300.000 € para la construcción del edificio y aún restan casi tres millones de euros para la finalización del proyecto, principalmente para la terminación de la obra, luz, aluminio, pistas de padel, etc. La intención de la alcaldesa es tener resuelto el asunto para finales de año.
Latest news on the Sabinillas Sports Centre According to Antonia Muñoz, the Town Hall is practically up to date with payments with just €68,000 owed as of today, so Vera and Gaia, the company responsible for the construction of the complex should continue with the work from now. Muñoz will hold a meeting with company representatives, in order to determine whether to continue the work or if the construction company wishes to terminate the contract the Town Hall will have to
appoint another company to complete the centre. Up to now the council has paid almost € 5,300,000 for the construction of the building with nearly three million left to pay for the completion of the project, mainly for construction, electricity, aluminium, paddle courts, etc.. The intention of the mayor is to have this matter resolved by the end of the year.
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Manilva Solicitors
Decreto Junta Andalucía sobre regularización de viviendas
En los últimos meses ha habido muchas noticias en prensa sobre la pronta publicación del Decreto de la Junta de Andalucía sobre la regularización urbanística de viviendas construidas en suelo rustico. Es cierto que el día 10 de enero la Consejería de Obras Publicas y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía adelantó un borrador de dicho decreto, pero a día de hoy, a pesar de las numerosas noticias en presa sobre dicho decreto que pretende legalizar muchas viviendas construidas ilegalmente en suelo rustico, todavía no ha sido publicado oficialmente en el BOJA (Boletín Oficial de la Junta de Andalucía). Por tanto, no se conocen los términos exactos de dicha nueva regulación, fecha de entrada en vigor y el alcance real que la misma va a tener por lo que recomendamos que no se preste mucha atención a dichas notas de prensa. Por tanto, recomendamos esperar a la publicación oficial de dicho decreto en el BOJA para saber su contenido final
y confirmar la utilidad legal del mismo para regularización la situación de las miles de viviendas construidas en suelo no urbanizable en los últimos años y que necesariamente se tienen que regularizar para dar seguridad jurídica y certeza a los ciudadanos. Estaremos alerta y tan pronto se publique dicho decreto, el mismo será analizado por nuestro despacho y publicaremos unos comentarios del mismo. Para concertar una cita en su oficina más cercana, contacte con el Grupo Marbella Solicitors en el telñéfono 952 901 225, por e-mail mail@marbellasolicitors. com o visite su página web www. Jose M López Avalos Senior Partner Manilva Solicitors Tel. 952 901 225 Fax 951 901 226 Email:
Primera Semana de la Mujer El programa que viene a continuación recoge los eventos y actividades que se llevarán a cabo para festejar la primera semana de la mujer en Manilva, con un amplio abanico de temas que engloba tanto actividades lúdicas como deportivas. Lunes 5 de Marzo 18:00 h. Presentación del cartel del ‘Día de la Mujer’ en Villa Matilde. 18:30 h. Concierto ‘Coro Asabam’ y a continuación un aperitivo. Martes 6 de Marzo 10:30 h. Gincana de ‘Mujeres de la Escuela Deportiva’ en el campo de fútbol. 16:00 - 20:00 h. Exposición de cuadros dedicado a la mujer realizados por pintores locales, en el centro de Las Viñas. 20:00 h. Entrega de premios. Concurso infantil. Miércoles 7 de Marzo 16:00 - 17:00 h. Clase de ‘Risoterapia’. 17:00 - 18:00 h. Clase de ‘Yoga’. 18;30 h. Concurso de ‘Repostería’. Estas actividades se realizarán en Villa Matilde.
20:00 h. Degustación de postres. Jueves 8 de Marzo 10:00 h. Marcha para recaudar dinero contra el Cáncer de mama. 12:00 h. Lectura en el Ayuntamiento de poemas referentes a la ‘Mujer’. 16:00 - 20:00 h. En el Pabellón de Manilva, Taller de Estética, donde se podrá disfrutar de consejos y trucos de maquillaje, peluquería y masaje. Además habrá una exposición de bolillo, costura, pintura y fieltro, con la participación de la asociación ‘Luisana’. Viernes 9 de Marzo 18:00 h. Torneo de Padel, primera fase en las pistas del campo de fútbol de Manilva. Sábado 10 de Marzo 10:00 h. Final del Torneo de Padel y entrega de premios, en las pistas del campo de fútbol de Manilva. 20:00 h. Cena en el hotel ‘La Duquesa’. Todos los nscripciones: Edif. de Usos Múltiples de Sabinillas, Tlfn.: 952893838 Bienestar Social (Ayto. de Manilva), Tlfn.: 952897060.
Week of the Woman in Manilva Monday 5th March 18:00 h. Presentation of the ‘Women’s Day’ poster in Villa Matilde. 18:30 h. ‘Coro Asabam’ Concert and snacks. Tuesday 6th March 10:30 h. Gymnastics from ‘Women from the Sports School’ on the football pitch. 16:00 - 20:00 h. Painting exhibition with paintings dedicated to women, made by local paintors at the Las Viñas centre. 20:00 h. Prize Giving. Wednesday 7th March 16:00 - 17:00 h. ‘Laughter Therapy’ classes. 17:00 - 18:00 h. Yoga classes. 18;30 h. Pastry competition.
These activities will take place in Villa Matilde. Registration: Edif. de Usos Múltiples de Sabinillas, Tlfn.: 952893838 Bienestar Social (Ayto. de Manilva), Tlfn.: 952897060. 20:00 h. Dessert tasting. Thursday 8th March 10:00 h. Walk to raise funds for breast cancer. Registration: Edif. de Usos Múltiples de Sabinillas, Tlfn.: 952893838 Bienestar Social (Ayto. de Manilva), Tlfn.: 952897060. 12:00 h. Reading of peoms dedicated to women. 16:00 - 20:00 h. Aesthetics Workshop at the
Manilva Solicitors SLP
The Decree from the Andalucía Junta Regarding the Regularization of Housing
Over the last few months there has been a lot of speculation in the press regarding, the soon to be published, Decree on the Regularization of Housing in rural areas from the Andalucía Junta. It’s true that on 10th January the Department of Public Works and housing of the Andalucía Junta advanced a draft of this decree, but to date, in spite of numerous press releases about this decree, which is intended to legalize much of the housing illegally constructed on rural plots, it has still not been officially published in the BOJA (Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía). Therefore, we don’t know the exact terms of this new directive, nor the date when it comes into effect, or even the real scope of the decree. So we would recommend that you don’t rely on what’s written in the papers. We would suggest that you wait until the decree is officially published in the BOJA so that you know exactly what the final content of the decree is and are sure that the legal implications for the regularization
of the situation are clear. The thousands of properties that were built illegally on undevelopable land over the last few years have to be regularized to make people aware of their legal obligations and so that the law can be enforced and upheld. We will be following this closely, and as soon as the decree is officially published we will study and analyze it, then we will publish our comments and guidelines for you.
Pabellón de Manilva, make-up, hair styling and massage advice and tricks. There will also be a crochet exhibition in which the ‘Luisana’ association will participate. Friday 9th March 18:00 h. Paddle Tournament, the first stage held on the courts at the football pitch in Manilva.
Saturday 10th March 10:00 h. Paddle Tournament Final and prize giving, at the football pitch in Manilva. 20:00 h. Dinner at the ‘La Duquesa’ hotel. Registration: Edif. de Usos Múltiples de Sabinillas, Tlfn.: 952893838 Bienestar Social (Ayto. de Manilva), Tlfn.: 952897060.
To arrange an appointment at the office nearest you, contact Marbella Solicitors Group on 952 901 225, via e-mail on or visit their website, Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Senior Partner Manilva Solicitors Tel. 952 901 225 Fax 951 901 226 E-mail:
El Ayuntamiento solicita un nuevo acceso en el polígono Se ha presentado por registro de entrada en la Diputación Provincial de Málaga la solicitud de ayuda económica puntual y urgente para la creación de un nuevo vial de acceso al Polígono industrial La Dehesilla de la localidad. En la actualidad el polígono de La Dehesilla posee un viario de acceso que está en una situación muy precaria con un firme muy deteriorado así como una traza totalmente inapropiada para el desarrollo de la actividad industrial instalada en esa zona. Según recoge el documento presentado en Diputación, se prevé la creación de dos zonas de acceso claramente diferenciadas y que confluyen en
una rotonda que dará la fluidez de movimiento necesaria. Uno de los accesos tendría cinco metros de sección que se solapa con parte del trazado del actual vial de acceso y que unirá con una vía que desemboca en la A7. Por otro lado se realiza un nuevo ramal de siete metros de sección y que al situarse en una zona más adecuada topográficamente se reduciría el impacto ambiental al reducir los movimiento de tierras a realizar y daría un radio de acceso más idóneo a cierto tipo de vehículos y que sería el principal acceso del tráfico procedente de la AP7. El presupuesto de esta actuación alcanza los 161.693,63 €.
The Town Hall seeks better access roads to the industrial estate The necessary paperwork has been presented to the provincial authorities in Málaga in order to apply for urgent funding to create a new access road to the municipality’s industrial estate, La Dehesilla. At the moment La Dehesilla has an access road in a precarious position, badly damaged and completely inappropriate for the development of industrial activity in the area. The paperwork seeks the creation of two different access points which join at a roundabout giving vehicles the necessary
space for smooth traffic flow. One access would be a five metre stretch following the current access road leading to the A7. The other will be a new seven metre wide section placed in a more geographically appropriate area aiming to reduce the environmental impact by preventing the movement of too much earth while also providing a range of suitable access points for all types of vehicle as well as being the main traffic access from the AP7 toll road. The budget for this work amounts to €161,693.
The Resident -
Presentado el proyecto de investigación con células madre realizado por el hospital la equina
El consejero de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, Antonio Ávila, ha visitado en Manilva las instalaciones del Hospital La Equina, junto a la delegada del Gobierno Andaluz en Málaga, Remedios Martel, la delegada de Innovación y Ciencia, Marta Rueda y la alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, entre otros responsables municipales, donde ha tenido la oportunidad de conocer los resultados de la investigación que la empresa ha desarrollado sobre células madre de los caballos y su aplicación a la medicina humana. Esta investigación es el resultado del Estudio sobre Viabilidad y Migración de Células Madre Equinas que puso en marcha en 2007 con el apoyo de la Consejería a través de un incentivo de 481.000 euros. Ha sido una iniciativa pionera en España y se ha situado en primera línea de investigación científica a nivel mundial. Los resultados han representado un banco de pruebas en el avance del conocimiento sobre posibles tratamientos regenerativos en medicina humana y ha permitido dar los pasos para la creación de un banco de células madres. La repercusión internacional ha sido tal que las conclusiones se han expuesto en congresos de Leipzig, Kentucky, Chicago y Birmingham. El consejero de Innovación ha destacado la importancia de que desde la Administración se invierta en investigación relacionada con los aspectos más cotidianos y cercanos al ciudadano, como es el mundo de los caballos, y en este caso además, manifestaba, con el resultado de que la investigación con los equinos puede trasladarse a la medicina humana. Ávila ha añadido que desde la Junta de Andalucía se ha apoyado esta investigación así como ha anunciado que seguirán apoyándola.
Por su parte la alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, ha hecho hincapié en el beneficio que para la localidad supone que sea una empresa de la localidad, como es el Hospital La Equina de Manilva dirigido por el vecino Miguel Valdés, la que haya situado a la población al más alto nivel mundial en los estudios de investigación sobre la aplicación de las células madres como medicina regenerativa. Muñoz ha mostrado el total apoyo del Ayuntamiento de Manilva en las solicitudes que desde La Equina le realicen. Por su parte, el director de La Equina, Miguel Valdés, ha resaltado que el proyecto ESTEM sienta las bases para la aplicación de los resultados obtenidos en medicina humana, lo cual permitiría avanzar mucho en la investigación con células madres con mucho menos recursos de los que se utilizan hasta ahora en este tipo de ciencia. Valdés ha señalado que esta técnica además está permitiendo que un 80 % de recuperación a los caballos que no podían usarse para competiciones deportivas tras una lesión. La empresa lleva a cabo otro proyecto centrado en la investigación sobre enfermedades más frecuentes del caballo Pura Raza Española y como mejorar su selección. El desarrollo de este trabajo se ha realizado por un consorcio investigador entre la empresa, la Universidad de Córdoba (UCO) y la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Se trata de un proyecto de investigación de excelencia apoyado con 168.000 euros en la convocatoria 2010. Hospital La Equina, con una plantilla de 10 trabajadores, comenzó su actividad en 2003 y encabeza los hospitales equinos de España, tanto por casos recibidos como cirugías realizadas. Recibe 800 caballos cada año y opera unos 200.
Manilva at the cutting edge of equine stem cell research Various regional and local government representatives recently visited the La Equina Equine Hospital, where they had the opportunity to see the results of an investigation into the development of horse stem cells and their possible applications in human medicine. This research is the result of the Estudio sobre Viabilidad y Migración de Células
Madre Equinas (Study of the feasibility and migration of equine stem cells) which was launched in 2007 with support from the Ministry through a 481.000 euro incentive. It was a pioneering initiative in Spain and has been at the forefront of scientific research worldwide. The results represent an advancement in the knowledge of potential regenerative
therapies in human medicine and have led to the first steps towards creating a stem cell bank. The international impact has been such that the conclusions have been discussed in seminars in Leipzig, Kentucky, Chicago and Birmingham. The fact that the investigation was carried out by a local company is of great benefit to the municipality, placing tManilva at the centre of worldwide research studies into the application of stem cells as a regenerative medicine. The ESTEM project is the basis for the application of the results obtained in human medicine, which can go a long way in stem-cell research with far less resources than are usually required for this kind of research. This technique is also allowing injured horses an 80% chance of
recovery. The company is conducting another project focused on research into common diseases of the purebred Spanish horse and how to improve the breeding process. The development of this project is being carried out between the company, the University of Córdoba (UCO) and the University of Barcelona (UAB). This is an excellent research project supported with some 168,000 euros of funding in 2010. The Equine Hospital, with a staff of 10, began operations in 2003 and is one of the leading equine hospitals in Spain, both due to the number of cases received and surgeries performed. 800 horses per year are brought to the hospital, 200 of which are operated on.
The Resident -
Beach Bar & Restuarant Between Sabinillas and Duquesa
18th March
Singer/Acoustic Guitarist 25th March
Dave Lee as Dean Martin (From the Rat Pack Live) 15th April
Singer/Acoustic Guitarist 22nd April
Martin Joseph as Frank Sinatra
Muñoz propone reactivar el mercado de viviendas vacías o sin terminar
(From the Rat Pack Live) 29th April
Southern Impact
Explosing Due - Rock, Pop, Funk, Soul and Disco Music starts around 2.30/3.00 pm Gig Dates for youR diary 6th May - Arran Harding (Tres Divos) 13th May - Zoe Louise Hughes (Pop, Soul, Motown) 20th May - Sammy Davis (Rat Pack Live + Motown) 27the May - Sam Oliver (Versatile singer Sinatra to Bocelli) 6th June - Mel Williams - Still Rockin' 10th June - Harmony Street (Acoustic Duo - wide range of music) 17th June - The Rat Pack Live 24th June - Daniela and Marcus
Microsoft visita Manilva
Microsoft visita Manilva para realizar un video promocional de sus productos en la Nube. Ammex Administraciones ha sido la empresa elegida por la compañía americana propiedad de Bill Gates por llevar algún tiempo utilizando los beneficios que la tecnología ofrece en el día a día de una empresa. El video será una referencia para explicar a otros posibles usuarios
como la tecnología de Microsoft puede incrementar la agilidad de las empresas, reducir sus costes y mejorar la competitividad en el mercado. El corto fue grabado en las instalaciones de Ammex Administraciones y será publicado en breve desde las páginas promocionales que Microsoft posee para algunos de sus productos.
Microsoft visits Manilva Microsoft visited Manilva to make a promotional video for their Cloudbased products. Local company Ammex Administrations was chosen by the American software giant, as for some time they have been using this new technology in the daily running of their company. The video will demonstrate to other potential
users how Microsoft’s technology can help to make companies more efficient, reduce costs and make them more competitive in the market. The video was filmed in the Ammex Administrations facilities and will be published shortly on the promotional web pages Microsoft have for their products.
La alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, junto al edil responsable de Urbanismo, Diego Urieta, ha mantenido varias reuniones con entidades bancarias y empresas promotoras, con el fin de reactivar el mercado de las viviendas, que o no están acabadas o estando terminadas, aún no se han vendido y que por ende están sin habitar. Su intención es que en Manilva no haya viviendas vacías, ni abandonadas, como es el caso de la fase 2 de la Urbanización Doña Pilar en Manilva. Con el fin de poner en valor este patrimonio para sacarlo a la venta, los representantes municipales han mantenido un encuentro con responsables del Banco Pastor, propietario de los inmuebles. Se esta haciendo un gran esfuerzo por parte de esta entidad financiera.
Además Muñoz y Urieta, también se reunieron con responsables de las empresas Prienesur y Cajasur, que gestionan el departamento de inmuebles de la zona de Maicandil donde están ubicadas las nuevas viviendas sociales del núcleo de Sabinillas. Se está a la espera de obtener la calificación definitiva como viviendas sociales, para reactivar la venta de esta promoción con precios asequibles. Se recuerda a las personas interesadas en adquirir una vivienda de estas características, que deben estar inscritos en el Registro de Demandantes de Vivienda de Protección Oficial, tramite que pueden realizar en el Ayuntamiento de Manilva.
Muñoz seeks to reactivate the market for unsold or unfinished properties The Mayor of Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, along with the councillor for Planning, Diego Urieta, has had several meetings with banks and local developers, in the search for ways to revive the market for houses which are either unfinished or properties that remain unsold and empty. The aim is to achieve a situation where there are no empty properties or abandoned developments, such as phase 2 of the Doña Pilar urbanisation in Manilva. In order to make these properties available for sale, council representatives held a meeting with officials of Banco Pastor, owners of the the Doña Pilar development
who stated that they are making every effort to resolve the situation. Munoz and Urieta also met with officials from the companies Prienesur and Cajasur, which manage the Maicandil development of new housing located in the heart of Sabinillas. They are waiting for the property to finally be declared social housing, to boost the sale of this property at affordable prices. People interested in the opportunity of purchasing one of these social housing units must be registered on the list of applicants for subsidized housing, which can be done an the Manilva Town Hall.
The Resident -
Parte de la acera y carretera se derrumba en El Hacho
A principios de enero, parte de la acera de El Hacho se derrumbó causando preocupación entre los vecinos en una de las urbanizaciones más afectadas. Según un portavoz del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, un informe técnico ha sido elaborado por los técnicos oficiales y presentado por el concejal de obras, Mario Jiménez. Una reunión del consejo
se llevará a cabo a principios de marzo para decidir qué acciones se tomarán. Mientras tanto, los vecinos están cada vez más preocupados por la gravedad de la situación y temen que es sólo cuestión de tiempo antes de que la carretera se vea más afectada o se produzca un grave accidente.
Dangerous hole appears in el Hacho In early January, part of the footpath and road on el Hacho collapsed causing concern amongst neighbours on one of the urbanizations most affected. According to a spokesperson at the Manilva town hall, a technical report has been compiled by official technicians and presented to the Councillor for works Mario Jiménez. A
council meeting will be held in early March to decide what actions will be taken. Meanwhile, neighbours are becoming increasingly concerned about the seriousness of the situation and fear it is only time before the road is affected or an accident occurs.
Nuevas máquinas para la sala cardiovascular del Gimnasio de Manilva
La Comisión de Gobierno celebrada en pasados días volvió a tratar asuntos relevantes para los intereses municipales. Uno de los temas principales es el aumento de las posibilidades en la condición física con la adquisición de tres nuevas máquinas para la sala
cardiovascular para el gimnasio de Manilva. Estas tres máquinas son una bicicleta estática, otra elíptica de brazos y piernas y una cinta de correr que harán que los vecinos puedan utilizarlas en breve.
New equipment for Manilva’s Gym The government comission which took place a few days ago touched again on issues of municipal interest. One of the main topics discussed was the aquisition of three new machines to be installed in
the cardiovascular room at the Manilva gym. These three machines are a static bike, another elliptical bike, and a treadmill to be made available for use shortly.
The Resident -
Visita al Museo del Vino de Málaga
Language Books & Dictionaries Children’s Books • Local Maps & Guides El Pasado día 13 de Febrero los alumnos del Ciclo Superior de Vitivinicultura del I.E.S Las Viñas, acompañados por sus profesores, realizaron una visita al Museo del Vino de Málaga, englobado en la Asociación de Museos del Vino de España. Una visita a dicho lugar bien merece la atención y el interés de todos aquellos que, en mayor o menor medida, tengan algún interés tanto por la historia vinícola de nuestra provincia como por la actualidad de sus vinos. La visita fue informativa y agradable, gracias a Georgina, la preceptora del centro. Impecable y muy profesionalmente dirigió la cata de vinos malagueños con la que fuimos obsequiados antes de que, con gran agrado y satisfacción por el trato y las atenciones recibidas, diésemos por concluida la visita. El museo de 800 m2 contiene la mayoría de las exhibiciones incluyendo etiquetas de botellas, carteles publicitarias para vinos y pasas, etiquetas de barriles, dibujos hechos a mano, etc.
También es un centro de educación que destaca la historia, la geografía de los vinos y las viñas através de detalles como las zonas protegidas en Málaga donde se producen vinos y la manufactura, clasificación y el envejecimiento de los vinos naturalmente dulces con la etiqueta de Origen en Málaga y los vinos blancos, rojos y rose de A.O. Sierras de Málaga. Cabe destacar que el museo cuenta con una tienda abierta al público en la que se pueden adquirir vinos de todas las bodegas acogidas a la Denominación de Origen Vinos de Málaga, así como otra muy variada gama de productos directamente relacionados con el vino. El museo se encuentra en La Plaza de Los Viñeros 1, Málaga. Ofrece visitas tanto guiadas como no y catas. Sus horas de apertura son de lunes a viernes de 12:00h - 14:30 y de 16:30 - 19:30. Para más información y el precio de las entradas visita su página web: www.
Mothering Sunday
Sunday 18th March Helium Filled Balloons Selection of Mothers Day Cards and Gifts Passport Renewal Service Agents for Offex, a Reliable, First Class Postal Service for Sending and Receiving Your mail to or from the UK and rest of the world
New Winter Opening Hours Mon – Fri -10:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 18:30 Sat 10:00 to 14:00
Wine School visit to Málaga Wine Museum On February 13, students taking part in the Ciclo Superior de Vitivinicultura from IES Las Viñas were accompanied by their teachers on a visit to the Wine Museum in Málaga, part of the Spanish Wine Museums Association, located in the Plaza de Los Viñeros. It is well worth a visit from all those who are interested in either the history of wine in our province or the current ongoing industry, even those with only a slight interest. The visit was both informative and enjoyable, thanks to Georgina, the museum’s guide, who answered all the party’s questions with well informed and interesting information and directed the tasting of locally produced wines. The Museum of Málaga Wine Malaga was established and is operated by the Regulatory Board of the Appellations of Origin Malaga, Sierras de Malaga and Pasas de Malaga, the body that protects the quality and integrity of products bearing those titles. The 800 m2 museum houses the main collection of exhibits including bottle labels, advertising posters for both wine and raisins, barrel labels, hand painted sketches, etc., a collection that takes the
visitor back through the local wine and raisin production traditions during the 19th and 20th century. The Museum is also an educational institution that highlights the history, the geography of the wine and the vines by providing details of the protected areas of wine production in Málaga and the manufacturing, classification and ageing of the naturally sweet wines with the Appellation of Origin Malaga and the white, rose and red wines with A.O. Sierras de Malaga. It is also worth mentioning the museum’s shop, which is also open to the public, where wines from all the cellars belonging to the Denominación de Origen Vinos de Málaga are sold as well as a wide variety of products directly related to wine. The Museo del Vino-Málaga can be found in Plaza de los Viñeros 1, Málaga. The museum offers both guided and unguided visits, with the opportunity for wine tastings and is open Monday to Friday: 12 noon to 2.30 pm and 4.30 to 7.30 pm. For full details of these and entry charges visit their website at www.
Manilva Life Manilva Life informing and entertaining residents and visitors to Manilva, Sabinillas, Duquesa Port and Castillo since 2004. News, information, advice, business directory, forums, etc. Also at For effective and economical advertising visit:
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The Resident -
García Urbano pone en marcha la iniciativa ‘alcalde por un día’ para “hacer más cercano” el Consistorio a los ciudadanos El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha compartido esta mañana las labores de Alcaldía con dos ciudadanos que han participado en la iniciativa municipal ‘alcalde por un día’. El regidor ha explicado que esta es otra de las iniciativas puestas en marcha por el Ejecutivo local para favorecer la participación ciudadana en los asuntos municipales y dotar de transparencia la gestión municipal. Esta iniciativa está abierta para todos los ciudadanos que quieran participar en la misma. La actividad ha comenzado a las nueve de la mañana cuando ha recibido a los dos ciudadanos. Tras este primer encuentro,
en el que el alcalde les ha explicado la organización del Ayuntamiento, los dos vecinos han formado parte de una reunión de coordinación de tenientes de alcalde, donde han sido partícipes de las decisiones que se han adoptado. Posteriormente, han visitado las obras de soterramiento del cableado eléctrico que se acomete en el municipio y han participado en el encuentro mantenido con la asociación de extranjeros Age Concern. Asimismo, han asistido a varias de las reuniones que el primer edil tenía concertadas con colectivos sociales y empresarios; así como a la firma de documentos municipales.
Día del Residente Extranjero en Estepona
El Departamento de Extranjeros de Estepona ha anunciado el día del Residente Extranjero, el cual tendrá lugar en el Palacio de Congresos, el domingo
15 de abril desde mediodía. Así pues haga espacio en su agenda y les daremos más información aproximándonos a la fecha.
Estepona Foreign Residents’ Day Estepona’s foreigners department have announced the date for this year’s Foreign Residents Day which will be held at the Palacio de Congresos on Sunday 15th
Areme mercadillo de mesas
Garcia Urbano launches the ‘Mayor for a Day’ initiative The Mayor of Estepona, José María García Urban has shared the job of Mayor recently with two people who have participated in the council’s ‘Mayor for a Day’ programme. The Mayor explained that this is another initiative launched by the local executive to encourage public participation in municipal affairs and provide transparency of municipal management. This initiative is open to all citizens who wish to take part. The day started at nine o’clock when he welcomed the two local residents. After this
first meeting, in which the mayor explained the organization of the Town Hall, the two ‘Mayors for the Day’ took part in a coordination meeting of councillors, where they were involved in the disscussions. Later, they visited a number of local projects and participated in a meeting with the Age Concern association. They have also attended several meetings that the mayor had arranged with social groups and entrepreneurs, as well as the signing of municipal documents.
Concierto de Big Band El sábado 24 de marzo, el grupo The King’s Bruton Big Band dará un concierto en beneficio de ADANA en el Instituto Monteroso de Estepona. El grupo nos visitó hace 4 años y su concierto fue un éxito de asistencia. Necesitamos voluntarios que nos ayuden a llevar el bar y a organizar la sala. Si tienes un rato
libre al final de la mañana para preparar las cosas o para ayudar en el bar por la noche, ponte en contacto con David en el 952 891 193 o en la dirección de correo Las entradas para el concierto se pondrán a la venta a primeros de marzo al precio de 15 euros.
Big Band Concert The travelling exhibition ‘200 years of atomic theory’ will be visiting IES El Carmen from January 23 to 27; and IES Mediterráneo from January 30 to February 3. The exhibition is designed to commemorate the 1808 publication of John Dalton’s ‘Atomic Theory’ in his book ‘A New System of Chemical Philosophy’, and comprises of some 23 large panels which details the
development of the concept of the atom through history. The exhibition also details previous theories and explanations and mentions of the word ‘atom’ and the subsequent evolution of different atomic model up until its modern day form. The exhibition helps students to learn of the progress made since the discovery of the atom.
El 17 de marzo, también el día de San Patricio, AREME estará llevando a cabo una cita por la mañana para tomar café y un mercadillo de mesas en el vestíbulo del Palacio de Congresos en Estepona. Si deseas alquilar una mesa para el evento, por favor llama a Heather al número 952 793 969. El evento tendrá lugar desde las 11 de la mañana hasta las 2 de la tarde aunque las personas que hayan alquilado una mesa podrán montarla desde las 10 de la mañana. El alquiler solo cuesta 5 euros pero tienes que traer tu propia mesa. Si no quieres alquilar una mesa, por favor haz un esfuerzo y ven a tomar un café y aconocer a miembros de AREME y otros miembros del comité que también estarán presentes. Es muy importante continuar con el éxito del primer Forum que tuvo lugar el 6 de febrero y al que acudieron muchos miembros - ¡algunos antiguos y algunos nuevos!
Areme Table Sale On March 17th, St Patrick’s Day, AREME will be holding a Coffee Morning and Table Sale in the Foyer of the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona. If you would like to rent a table for the event, please contact Heather on 952 793 969. The event will run from 11 am to 2 pm but table holders can set up from 10 am. Rental only costs €5 but you have to bring your own table. If you do not wish to have a table yourself, please make an effort to come for coffee and to meet fellow AREME members and Committee members who will be there. It is very important to continue the momentum of the successful first Forum held on February 6th at which there were many members – some old and some new!
April from midday. So make a note in your diary and we’ll bring you more information closer to the date.
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The Resident -
El Ayuntamiento ofrece un servicio gratuito Programa de detección precoz del cáncer de consulta medioambiental a empresas y de mama particulares Las mujeres de 50 a 75 años de edad y Estepona, tengan un mayor acceso a podrán hacerse a partir de ahora sus revisiones periódicas del programa de detección precoz del cáncer de mama en el centro de salud, La Lobilla, de Estepona, ya que estas instalaciones sanitarias disponen de un mamógrafo digital, que ha instalado el distrito sanitario costa del sol. Se trata de una buena noticia para las usuarias y también para los profesionales de la salud. Entre las ventajas de contar con este mamógrafo, se encuentra, que las mujeres de Manilva, Sabinillas, Casares
este servicio. Las mujeres de entre 50 y 75 años de la localidad manilveña que necesiten realizarse su mamografía dentro del programa de detección precoz del cáncer de mama han de acudir a su médico de cabecera, ya que este facultativo es el que efectúa la correspondiente derivación. Además, es importante saber que cualquier mujer de menos de 50 años que detecte alguna anomalía en sus mamas debe acudir inmediatamente al médico para posteriormente realizar las pruebas pertinentes.
Programme for early detection of breast cancer
El Ayuntamiento de Estepona pone a partir de hoy a disposición de los ciudadanos y empresas del municipio la Línea Verde, un servicio gratuito de consultas medioambientales en el que un grupo de expertos resolverá las dudas planteadas en esta materia en un plazo máximo de 24 horas, según ha explicado la concejala de Medio Ambiente, Susana Arahuetes. El Consistorio es consciente de la cantidad de interrogantes que tiene la ciudadanía y el tejido empresarial a la hora de reciclar, cómo reducir el consumo eléctrico o qué subvenciones solicitar para mejorar la eficiencia energética de un negocio, entre otras cuestiones. La empresa Ambientum se hará cargo de facilitar toda la información que requieran los usuarios. Este servicio también servirá para apoyar a los técnicos municipales en
aquellas materias en las que tienen dudas o precisan asesoramiento. Para poder hacer uso de este servicio, los ciudadanos y empresas tan sólo deberán registrarse en la web www.lineaverdeestepona. com, plantear su pregunta e indicar si quieren que ésta sea resuelta vía email o teléfono. Además, la citada página incluye información detallada sobre legislación medioambiental, noticias, eventos, preguntas frecuentes, ayudas y trámites administrativos, para las personas que se encuentren registradas. Por otra parte, el Ayuntamiento irá actualizando en la página www. toda la información municipal relativa a cuestiones medioambientales e incluso se ha habilitado un apartado donde aparecen colgadas todas las ordenanzas que pueden interesar a los usuarios.
The Council offers free environmental consultations to businesses and individuals The Estepona Town Hall is offering free consultations on environmental matters for both individuals and businesses through the newly established La Línea Verde, in which a group of experts will answer any questions within 24 hours on this subject. The Town Hall is aware of the many questions that the public and businesses have when it comes to recycling, how to reduce electricity consumption or which grants to seek to improve the energy efficiency of a business, among other issues. The company Ambientum will provide all the information required. This service will also serve to support municipal technicians in areas in which
they have questions or need advice. To use this service, citizens and companies must register with the website www., ask your question and indicate whether you would like it to be resolved via email or phone. Moreover, the aforementioned webpage includes detailed information on environmental legislation, news, events, FAQs, and administrative support for people who are registered. Furthermore, the Town Hall will update the page with all the information on municipal environmental issues and has even enabled a section with all the regulations that may be of interest to users.
Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English each Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what's on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.
Women between 50 and 75 years of age can now have their periodic reviews, as part of the programme of early detection of breast cancer, at the La Lobilla health centre in Estepona, which now has a digital mammography machine. This is good news for both local women and health professionals. Among the advantages of having this mammography machine locally is that women in Manilva, Sabinillas, Casares and Estepona all have
greater access to this service. Women between the ages of 50 and 75 years living in Manilva who need to take part in this programme must go to their doctor for an appointment. It is also important to know that any woman under 50 who detects an abnormality in her breasts should seek medical advice immediately so the relevant tests can be carried out.
La Escuela Municipal de Ajedrez participa con éxito en los Campeonatos Provinciales de Ajedrez Málaga 2012 El Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha informado de que alumnos de la Escuela Municipal de Ajedrez han participado este fin de semana en los Campeonatos Provinciales de Ajedrez Málaga 2012, en las categorías sub 8, sub 14 y sub 16, desarrollados en Benalmádena durante los días 18 y 19 de febrero. La concejala del área Sociocultural, María Dolores Espinosa, ha valorado los buenos resultados obtenidos por los representantes esteponeros y ha destacado el esfuerzo que por parte del Consistorio se está realizando para promover e inculcar esta disciplina en los más pequeños. Así, se ha referido a las múltiples actividades vinculadas al ajedrez que se llevan a cabo en los centros educativos de la localidad. Los resultados de los campeonatos han sido los siguientes:
- Raúl de Mendizábal Gijón: Campeón sub.-8 - Magdalena Botto Fernández:Campeona sub.-8 - Juan Carlos Donda Martín: Tercer clasificado sub.-16 - Noelia Fernández Floro: Subcampeona sub.-16 - Elisa Lenker Andrade: Tercer clasificada sub.-16 - Julia Aguilar Mansó: Tercer clasificada sub.-14 Todos los participentes recibieron trofeos de la delegación provincial de Ajedrez y están clasificados para los campeonatos de Andalucía que se celebraran del 12 al 15 de abril en Isla Antilla (Huelva). Los próximos campeonatos provinciales en categorías sub.-10-12 serán en Casabermeja los días 17 y 18 de Marzo.
Estepona’s Chess School finds success at the Malaga Provincial Chess Championships he Estepona Town Hall has reported that students from the Municipal Chess School took part in the Provincial Chess Championships Málaga 2012, in the categories Under 8’s, Under 14’s and Under 16’s, which took place in Benalmadena on the 18 and 19 February. Culture Councillor, Maria Dolores Espinosa, praised the good results obtained by Estepona’s representatives and highlighted the effort being made by the Town Hall to promote and instill discipline in children. He referred to the many chess related activities conducted in schools in the municipality. The results of the championships are as follows: - Raul de Mendizabal Gijón: Under 8’s
Champion - Magdalena Fernandez Botto: Under 8’s Champion - Juan Carlos Donda Martin: Third in under 16’s - Noelia Fernandez Floro: Under 16’s runners-up - Elisa Andrade Lenker: Third in under 16’s - Julia Aguilar Manso: Third in under 14’s All the participants received trophies from the provincial delegation of chess and have qualified for the championships due to be held in Andalucia from 12 to 15 April in Isla Antilla (Huelva). The provincial championships next sub-categories 10 to 12’s are in Casabermeja on 17 and 18 March.
The Resident -
Concurso de grafitis para decorar el colegio Víctor de la Serna
Las delegaciones municipales de Educación y Juventud del Ayuntamiento de Estepona han presentado hoy un concurso de grafitis para jóvenes con el que tendrán la oportunidad de pintar las fachadas exteriores del colegio de educación infantil y primaria Víctor de la Serna. La idea es que los equipos de concursantes presenten bocetos para los seis murales en los que se han dividido las paredes del centro educativo. Los grupos de participantes deberán estar compuestos por cuatro miembros de edades comprendidas de 18 a 30 años, aunque también se permite la presencia de un máximo de dos menores de edad en cada grupo. En cuanto a la temática de las obras, uno de los murales deberá estar dedicado a la naturaleza y el medioambiente, dos tendrán como motivo a Estepona, dos tratarán sobre deportes y aficiones y el sexto será tema libre. Las bases del concurso podrán ser recogidas por los interesados en las dependencias de la delegación municipal de Juventud. Los participantes podrán presentar sus bocetos para cualquiera de los seis murales desde hoy hasta el próximo 23 de marzo. A partir de ese día, el jurado, compuesto por el director y dos profesores del colegio Víctor de
la Serna, los responsables municipales y técnicos de Juventud y Educación, un artista local y dos corresponsales juveniles, se reunirá para seleccionar a los seis equipos que se encargarán de ilustrar los murales. Los grafitis se llevarán a cabo el 14 de abril desde las 10.00 horas de la mañana hasta las 16.00 horas de la tarde durante una fiesta que contará con una serie de actividades como actuaciones de baile flamenco y moderno, de chirigotas, juegos, talleres de maquillaje y de globoflexia. Además, se instalarán barras que servirán desayunos y almuerzos con los que se recaudarán fondos para la Asociación de Madres y Padres del colegio Víctor de la Serna. Una vez finalizados los seis murales, el jurado decidirá cual es el más original o creativo. Los ganadores del grafiti elegido podrán disfrutar de un fin de semana en Granada que incluye la estancia en un hotel con desayuno incluido y las entradas para visitar La Alhambra y el Parque de las Ciencias. El Ayuntamiento se hará cargo de facilitar a los seis equipos seleccionados las pinturas y los materiales que necesiten para desarrollar los bocetos que previamente presentaron en las dependencias de la delegación de Juventud.
Graffiti Competition to decorate the Victor de la Serna School Estepona’s Department of Education and Youth have launched a graffiti contest for young people who will have the opportunity to paint the exterior walls of the Victor de la Serna Primary School. The idea is that teams of contestants will submit sketches for the six murals which will be painted on six sections of the school’s wall. Groups must consist of four members aged 18 to 30 years, but also allows the presence of a maximum of two under 18’s in each group. As for the theme of the murals, one must be dedicated to nature and the environment, two will be related to the town of Estepona, two will deal with sports and hobbies and the sixth theme is upto the artists. Those interested in participating can go to the youth department’s offices for further information. Participants may submit their designs for any of the six murals from today until March 23. From that
day, the jury fomed by the director and two teachers from the school, municipal officials and Youth and Education councillors, a local artist and two youth correspondents will meet to select the six teams that will be responsible for illustrating the murals. The graffiti will be painted on 14 April from 10 am to 4 pm during a party that will feature a series of activities such as performances of flamenco and modern dance, comedy, games, makeup workshops and globoflexia. Furthermore, a bar will be installed serving breakfast and lunch to raise funds for the Parents Association of the Victor de la Serna School. After completing the six murals, the jury will decide which is the most original and creative. The winners will enjoy a weekend in Granada including a stay in a hotel including breakfast and tickets to visit the Alhambra and the Science Park.
Estepona será sede de una exposición internacional de sellos de la Sociedad Filatélica Europea La ciudad acogerá del 20 al 25 de septiembre una exposición internacional de sellos organizada por la Sociedad Filatélica Europea (Eurosofi) y que contará con la colaboración del Ayuntamiento de Estepona. Durante esos días, el municipio se convertirá en “un importante punto de encuentro” para los interesados en la filatelia, ya que reunirá a coleccionistas de varios países que mostrarán timbres de diversas épocas en las instalaciones del centro cultural Padre Manuel. En la exposición se podrán contemplar sellos cedidos por la Sociedad Filatélica Europea de España, la Federación Filatélica del Norte de Portugal y la Sociedad Filatélica de Gibraltar, además de las que presten coleccionistas particulares; por lo que ha hecho un llamamiento a la participación de los interesados en este evento.
Durante los días que se celebre la muestra se realizarán visitas guiadas para los centros escolares, conferencias y otras actividades paralelas como una exhibición de sellos de temática ‘fantástica’ coincidiendo con la celebración de la XIII Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico de Estepona. Por otra parte, el secretario general de la Sociedad Filatélica Europea, José María Duchel de Mumbert, ha destacado el carácter cultural de la muestra, ya que a que los sellos expuestos “ayudarán a conocer mejor la historia”. Asimismo, el presidente de Eurosofi, Roberto Martín Prieto, ha indicado que realizará varios actos de difusión para que los interesados en mostrar sus colecciones puedan reservar su estancia en Estepona para finales de septiembre.
Estepona will host an international stamp exhibition from the European Philatelic Society From 20 to 25 September, Estepona will host an international stamp exhibition organized by the European Philatelic Society (Eurosofi) with the assistance of the Town Hall of Estepona. During these days, the city will become “an important meeting point” for those interested in philately, bringing together collectors from various countries who will display stamps from different periods in the Padre Manuel cultural centre.. The exhibition will exhibit stamps on loan from the European Philatelic Society of Spain, the Philatelic Federation of Northern Portugal and Gibraltar Philatelic Society, in addition to those provided by private collectors, for which he has called for the participation of those interested in this event.
During the time of the exhibition there will be guided tours for schools, conferences and other activities such as a thematic show of ‘fantastic’ stamps coinciding with the celebration of the XIII International Horror and Fantasy Film Week in Estepona. Moreover, the secretary general of the European Philatelic Society, José María Duchel of Mumbert, stressed the cultural character of the display, since the stamps exhibited may “help better understand history.” Also, the President of Eurosofi, Roberto Martín Prieto, has indicated that various acts of dissemination will be performed for stamp collectors to show their collections so book your stay in Estepona for the end of September.
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Entregados los premios de la XXIV Edición de la Gala del Deporte de la Fundación 24 Horas Deportivas
El sábado 11 de febrero tuvo lugar la XXIV Gala del Deporte organizada por la Fundación 24 Horas Deportivas. El evento, celebrado en las instalaciones del Club de Golf de Valle Romano, contó con la asistencia de unas doscientas personas, entre las que destacaban los nominados a cada una de las 4 categorías que allí se ponían en liza. Para amenizar la velada el acto contó con las actuaciones musicales de dos jóvenes promesas esteponeras, representadas en las figuras de Rafael Gómez y el grupo Torre Almenara. El cuadro de honor de la Gala del Deporte respecto a lo más destacado del ámbito deportivo y cultural del año 2011, quedó de la siguiente manera: Categoría: Individual Cultural Vencedor: Daniel Casares (Guitarrista) Entrega: D. Ildefonso Esquivel (Dtor. de Golf Valle Romano)
Categoría: Entidad Cultural Vencedor: Coral Magnum Misterium Entrega: Dña. María Luisa Espinosa Martín (Concejala del Área Socio Cultural del Ayto. de Estepona) Categoría: Individual Deporte Vencedor: Rubén Márquez (Natación) Entrega: D. Alfonso Caravaca Mena (Concejal de Deportes del Ayto. de Estepona) Categoría: Deporte Entidad Vencedor: Real Club Náutico Estepona Entrega: D. José María García Urbano (Alcalde del Ayto. de Estepona) Tras la entrega de galardones el Presidente de la Fundación, D. Francisco Navarro de Hoyos dirigió unas palabras de despedida y agradecimiento a los asistentes, invitándoles a departir con los premiados en el coctel ofrecido por la Fundación 24 Horas Deportivas.
Prizes awarded for the XXIV edition of the 24h sports foundation’s sports gala On Saturday February 11 the XXIV Sports Gala organized by the 24h Sports Foundation took place. The event, held at the Valle Romano Golf Club, was attended by some two hundred people, including, most importantly, the nominees for each of the 4 categories up for grabs.. The event featured musical performances by two promising young natives of Estepona, Rafael Gomez and the Torre Almenara group. Here is the list of prizewinners from the event: Category: Cultural Individual Winner: Daniel Casares (Guitarist) Presentation: D. Ildefonso Esquivel (Valle Romano Golf Dtor.) Category: Cultural Institution Winner: Coral Magnum Misterium
Presentation: Ms. Maria Luisa Espinosa Martin (Member of the Socio-Cultural Area of the Town Hall of Estepona) Category: Individual Sports Winner: Ruben Marquez (Swimming) Presentation: D. Caravaca Alfonso Mena (Sports councillor of the Estepona Town Hall) Category: Sports Authority Winner: Estepona Royal Yacht Club Presentation: D. Jose Maria Garcia Urbano (Mayor of the Estepona Town Hall) After the awards ceremony the President of the Foundation, D. Francisco de Hoyos Navarro said a few words of farewell and thanks to the audience, inviting them to socialize with the winners in the cocktails offered by the 24h Sports Foundation.
El alcalde insta a la Junta a que dé la autorización para iniciar la construcción del centro hospitalario El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha remitido una carta a la nueva delegada provincial del Gobierno andaluz, Susana Radío, para reiterarle que el Ayuntamiento de Estepona está a la espera de que la Junta de Andalucía se pronuncie sobre los trabajos arqueológicos llevados a cabo en la parcela situada en el sector oeste SUP-T04 denominado ‘Santa María’, donde se prevé la ejecución del futuro Centro Hospitalario de Alta Resolución Especializada. El regidor recuerda en su misiva que desde el Ayuntamiento se remitió a la delegación provincial de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía, en fecha 2 de noviembre de 2011, la última documentación anexa al informe sobre la finalización de las excavaciones, sin que hasta la fecha se haya recibido comunicación formal al respecto; pese a que ya se ha sobrepasado el plazo legal establecido de un mes para que la delegación provincial de Cultura de la Junta emita informe sobre este asunto. Tampoco se ha requerido más documentación sobre este expediente por parte de la Administración andaluza. Con esto, el primer edil ha reprochado que la Junta no responda sobre este asunto y ha destacado que el Ayuntamiento ha cumplido con todo este procedimiento, por lo que no se entiende que exista más
demora para culminar el procedimiento administrativo que permita iniciar la obra de este centro hospitalario. Así, el regidor ha aprovechado esta carta para solicitarle una cita a Radío para abordar este y otros asuntos de interés para el municipio. García Urbano ha reiterado que para el equipo de gobierno es una prioridad la construcción de este centro hospitalario y ha destacado la “celeridad y la diligencia” con la que ha actuado el Ejecutivo local durante estos meses. Así, ha recordado que la Administración andaluza lleva prometiendo desde 2007 la construcción de este equipamiento, “pero ahora que está todo listo para empezar los trabajos, demuestra que no tiene interés en iniciarlos”. Así, ha recordado que en enero de 2010 la delegada provincial de Salud, María Antigua Escalera, aseguró que la Junta estaba en disposición de iniciar los trabajos en el momento en el que el Ayuntamiento ultimase los trámites urbanísticos. El Servicio Andaluz de Salud solicitó el en diciembre de 2008 la licencia municipal de obras de construcción de este centro hospitalario, sin que el anterior gobierno realizara su tramitación. El Consistorio la concedió el 26 de septiembre de 2011, después de que fuera informada favorablemente por los técnicos municipales.
Estepona Mayor urges regional government to give authorisation for construction to begin on the hospital The Mayor of Estepona, Jose Maria Garcia Urbano, has written to Susana Radío, the new provincial delegate for the Andalucian regional government, reminding her that the municipality are still waiting for them to sign off on the archaeological work carried out in the ‘Santa Maria’ zone, which will be the site for the new hospital. The Mayor referred to his previous letter dated 2 November, 2011, in which he detailed all the works and attached all the documentation on the completion of the said excavations, but to date has received no response despite the statutory time limit having been exceeded by one month. Nor has the Estepona Town Hall received any request for additional information or documentation.
The Mayor has complained that the Junta’s Culture Department has failed to respond despite his compliance with all the procedures so as to ensure a speedy start to the hospital construction. Mayor Jose Maria Garcia Urbano has stressed his government’s commitment to prioritise the construction of the hospital which, he pointed out, the regional government promised to begin building back in 2007 “although now that we’re ready to build it they’re no longer interested”. He also recalled that in January 2010 the Provincial Delegate for Health, María Antigua Escalera, said that the Junta would be ready to begin works as soon as the Town Council had completed the planning formalities.
Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English each Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what's on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.
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Comienza la obra de la guardería municipal en Parque Central
Murray Harper Removals & Storage Mudanzas y almacenaje Local & International Local e internacional Transportation of Personal Effects - National and International Service Storage & Packing - Full Removal Service Transportación de efectos personales - Servicio nacional e internacional Almacenaje y empaquetado - Servicio completo de mudanza - El Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha informado de que han comenzado los trabajos de construcción de la guardería municipal que se construye en la zona de Parque Central. El Ayuntamiento adjudicó a finales del pasado diciembre a la empresa Horus Obras y Proyectos, SL la edificación de esta escuela infantil por un importe total de 680.000 euros. El plazo de ejecución será de siete meses, por lo que el centro estará operativo durante el curso escolar 2012-2013. Se ha elaborado un proyecto “funcional” para esta escuela infantil, diseñado en una única planta que tendrá capacidad para 115 alumnos, se proyecta sobre
una parcela de 1.200 metros cuadrados y tendrá un total de ocho aulas, dos patios y comedor, entre otras instalaciones. La construcción de este equipamiento educativo está justificada en la demanda de plazas que se generan todos los años por el incremento de la población infantil así como por la necesidad de aumentar las aulas para bebés y la oferta de comedor para el primer ciclo de Infantil. La Administración regional concedió en julio de 2010 una subvención de 700.000 euros para este equipamiento y fijó para diciembre de 2011 la fecha de finalización del mismo.
Work begins on the new municipal nursery in the Parque Central The Estepona Town Hall has reported that the construction of the municipal nursery to be built in the Parque Central area has begun. The Council awarded the contract to Horus Obras y Proyectos, SL at the end of last December for a total of 680,000 euros. The building will take seven months to complete, so the center will be operational during the school year 2012-2013. The buildings design is focused on functionality, a single storey structure with capacity for 115 students, built on a plot of
1,200 square metres with a total of eight classrooms, two playgrounds, dining and other facilities . The construction of this educational facility is justified due to the demand for places generated each year by the increase in the child population as well as the need for additional classrooms for babies and more dining space for the older children. The regional government awarded a grant of 700,000 euros in July 2010 for this building and set the date of completion for December 2011.
El Ayuntamiento desbloquea los trámites para desguazar un barco abandonado en el Puerto Deportivo El Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha anunciado hoy que en los próximos días se procederá a la retirada definitiva de una embarcación que se encontraba abandonada desde hacía tres años en las instalaciones del Puerto Deportivo. El alcalde, José María García Urbano, ha indicado que desde el Consistorio se
ha mediado entre la Empresa Pública de Puertos de Andalucía (EPPA) y los juzgados que tenían embargado el barco para “desbloquear” la situación y lograr el desguace del mismo. La permanencia de la nave en el recinto se ha prolongado en el tiempo porque las dos partes implicadas no se ponían
The Complete Storage & Removal Service Self-storage - Storage containers ENGLAND, FRANCE, HOLLAND, BELGIUM Strictly no subcontracting Establish 12 years - Family Business All work undertaken with care El servicio completo de almacenaje y mudanzas Auto-almacenaje - Almacenaje en contenedores Inglaterra, Francia, Holanda, Bélgica Estrictamente sin subcontratación Establecido desde hace 12 años - Negocio familiar Todo trabajo emprendido con cuidado 24 hour secure premises - Longest established removal firm on the Coast
Tel: +34 952 793 422 - 952 807 692 de acuerdo sobre quién debía asumir los costes del traslado a un depósito, ya que éste tenía un coste muy superior al valor real de la embarcación embargada judicialmente. Finalmente, tras la petición del Consistorio, la EPPA ha decidido asumir el coste de los gastos generados por la empresa que se contrate para el
desguace, descontaminación y retirada al vertedero de la embarcación que se encuentra varada y depositada en el muelle de poniente del Puerto Deportivo. El regidor se ha mostrado satisfecho con el acuerdo porque acaba con un problema de salubridad que, además, ofrecía un “una mala imagen” del recinto portuario.
The Town Hall solves the issue of disposing of a ship abandoned for years in the Marina The Estepona Town Hall has announced that in the coming days it will proceed to the final stage of the disposal of a fishing boat that was abandoned for three years on-site in the marina. The mayor, Jose Maria Garcia Urbano, has indicated that the council has mediated between the Public Ports of Andalucía (PPA) and the courts that had seized the boat to speed along the situation and enable the scrapping of the vessel. The ship continued had remained
abandoned on the quayside because the two parties could not agree who should bear the costs of moving the vessel, as this will cost more than the actual value of the boat. Finally, at the request of the Town Hall, the PPA has decided to bear the cost of expenses incurred by the company that is hired for the dismantling, decontamination and removal of the boat, currently beached on the west pier of the Marina.
Manilva - Extranjeros Residents
The Resident -
Programa de actividades/ Programme of activities 2012 Día de San Patricio
Flamenco dinner
Clausura del programa
Se celebrará en el Puerto de la Duquesa, en la calle peatonal y plaza Mediterráneo.
Cena flamenca.
Programme closing ceremony
17 de marzo
Saint Patrick’s Day March 17 – Puerto de la Duquesa Celebrate Ireland’s patron saint’s day.
May 4 – Jolly Sailor, Puerto de la Duquesa
4 de mayo - Restaurante: Jolly Sailor, Puerto de la Duquesa
Día Internacional de las familias
30 de junio - Monumento El Castillo June 30 – Castle, Castillo de la Duquesa
Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes
19 de mayo - Parque El Huerto, El Castillo de la Duquesa
Visita a los Viñedos 23 de marzo - Manilva
Ruta por las instalaciones y visita a las Viñas
Visit to the vineyards March 23
Take a tour of Manilva’s wine producing area, visit a local vineyard and the wine centre.
International Family Day May 19
Mercadillo de artistas “Acercarte “
7 de abril - El Castillo de la Duquesa
Join in this day of fun, entertainment and activities for the whole family. The programme will have a truly international flavour.
Fiesta benéfica “Animal in Need”
2 de junio - Punta Almina, Sabinillas
“Acercarte” Artists’ market
April 7 – Castle, Castillo de la Duquesa Numerous local artists present their works to the public, who have the opportunity to buy any of the pieces on display.
Charity party in aid of “Animal in Need”
June 2 – Punta Almina, Sabinillas
Viaje a la ópera
Madama Butterfly - Teatro de la Maestranza, Sevilla - 9 de junio
Charla informativa
A cargo de Manilva Solicitors 19 de abril - Villa Matilde Tema: El impuesto sobre la Renta en España. Ponente: Sr. Pérez Mazuecos (abogado).
‘Income Tax in Spain’ A talk by Manilva Solicitors April 19 – Villa Matilde
Presented by Sr. Pérez Mazuecos (solicitor).
La Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes está ubicada en el Castillo de la Duquesa y está abierta de las 08:00h hasta las 15.00h, de lunes a viernes, con horario de atención al público, entre 10:00h y 15:00h. Ayudan y aconsejan con respeto a los problemas de los extranjeros residentes registrados en el municipio de Manilva. Pueden contactar por teléfono al 952 893 548 o por e mail También podéis contactar con Chris Olsen en la Oficina de Turismo en el Edificio Mikonos, del Puerto de la Duquesa desde las 3 hasta las 7 pm, de lunes a Viernes, y de 10 a 2 pm los Sábados. Todas las noticias de Manilva se presentan en Inglés en la Cadena 43 por Valentina Radu y Chris Olsen, los Lunes a las 18.30 y Martes a las 10 am. Visita o para más información.
Manilva Foreign Residents office The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open to the public from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.00 to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. Dean Shelton is available for all community and urbanisation matters - Tues & Wed 11 am to 2 pm; Thurs 4 - 7 pm in the Tourist Office in the Port. All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Valentina Radu and Chris Olsen on Monday at 18.30 and Tuesday at 10.00 in Canal 43. Visit or for more information.
145€ (por persona) Habitación doble. 195€ Habitación individual. Incluido: autobús, alojamiento con desayuno y entrada a la Ópera. IMPORTANTE: La entrada para la Ópera debe abonarse antes de mediados de marzo. Para reservar llamar al 952 89 35 48.
Trip to the opera
Madam Butterfly - Teatro de la Maestranza, Sevilla - June 9 145€ (per person) Double room & 195€ Single room. Includes: bus, accommodation with breakfast & ticket to the Opera. IMPORTANT NOTICE: tickets for the Opera must be paid by the middle of March. To book call at 952 89 35 48.
The Team: L-R Paqui, Dean, Valentina, Diego, Beli, and Chris
The Resident -
The Resident Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast Casares Costa
€107,500 Casares Costa
We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.
Call +34 630 318 730
Casares Costa
ty th er on op M Pr he t
2 bed, 2 bath penthouse in Casares del Sol close to Finca Cortesin and 5 minutes from beach. Spacious and modern, aircon, SatTV, fully fitted kitchen. 80m2 roof terrace, underground parking, store room. Comm. gardens and pools. 1
2 bed 2 bath ground floor apartment in Estrella de la Bahia. The property has 2 double bedrooms, master with en-suite. Spacious living area and the kitchen is modern and fully fitted. Private parking space and large private terrace. 2
Casares Costa
Casares Costa
3 bed, 2 bath townhouse in Los Cortijos de la Bahia on the Casares Costa and close to Duquesa Marina. This 3 storey townhouse is south east facing with private garden and stunning roof terrace. Internally the living area is spacious.
2 bed, 2 bath ground apartment in Terrazas de la Bahia. Stunning gardens, 2 pools and superb sea views. Private courtyard area and sunny south east facing terrace with sea views. There is a large open plan lounge that leads to the private terrace. 4
2 bed, 2 bath, ground floor apartment located on the popular Casares del Sol development next to the Finca Cortesin and Casares Golf club and just 5 minutes from the beach. These modern apartments are set within immaculate tropical gardens and pool areas. Fully fitted kitchen, utility room and granite breakfast bar. Sunny terrace is south facing with partial sea views. Spacious living area, 2 double bedrooms, an ensuite to the master bedroom and a family bathroom. The apartment is being sold with a large, private parking space in the underground garage and a large store room.
Duquesa Village €102,500
2 bed, 2 bath penthouse with golf and sea views in Duquesa Village. Modern fully fitted kitchen, air con, telephone entry system, underground parking and a store room. Large open plan living lounge with direct access to the large terrace.
2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Aldea Hills set amongst manicured gardens, with fantastic views of the pool, gardens and Mediterranean. Internally the apartment is light and spacious, private parking space in the underground garage.
Large 4 bed, 2 bath townhouse situated 5 mins walk from Manilva, overlooking Sabinillas and Manilva coast. Built 2004 173+ square metres, benefits form large 50 square metre integral garage. Property is ready to be moved in and is sold with or without furniture. The property enjoys a very private situation and shares pool and garden with just 17 other properties. MUST BE SEEN!
These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at or +34 630 318 730
Ocio What’s On
The Resident -
Exposición De Pinturas - Amar Jodda El artista Amar Jodda nos presenta una colección representativa de sus mejores trabajos compuesta por coloridas pinturas abstractas sobre óleos y acrílicos en una exposición, que permanecerá abierta en el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel del 1 al 16 de marzo de 2012. AMAR JODDA (Iraq-1972) Posee los estudios de Filosofía en MTO Shahmaghsoudi (Escuela Islámica de Sufismo) y la carrera Técnica de Electricidad. Le alcanzó la inspiración para pintar como una forma de expresar su filosofía de la vida, plasmando sus vivencias en los cuadros. Así pues, sus comienzos en la pintura son muy recientes, sobre mediados del año pasado. Su técnica está basada en la utilización de pintura acrílica y también algunos coqueteos al óleo. El estilo principal de sus cuadros están compuestos por motivos abstractos y están inspirados en la propia vida del pintor, la cual paso por sufrir la guerra 1980-1988 de Irán-Iraq y posteriormente la guerra de invasión de USA, en 1990.
Llego a España en le año 2000 para recorrer al año siguiente Alemania, Dinamarca y Noruega. Regresó definitivamente para establecerse en Estepona en el 2007. En los últimos tiempos perfecciona su afición por la pintura, esperando tener continuidad a lo largo de los años.
The artist Amar Jodda presents a representative collection of his best work consisting of colourful abstract paintings in oils and acrylics in an exhibition which will open at the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre from March 1 to 16, 2012. AMAR JODDA (Iraq-1972) studied philosophy at MTO Shahmaghsoudi (School of Islamic Sufism) and is an electrician by trade. The inspiration came to him to paint as a way of expressing his philosophy of life, reflecting his experiences in the paint. He began painting very recently, from roughly
La Débil en concierto
Friday 2 de marzo a las 22.00 h Louie Louie R’n’R Bar, Calle Real, Estepona La Débil nace en Semana Santa de 2006 en Torrijos (Toledo), en el interior de una piscina vacía. Varios de sus componentes (procedentes de Madrid, Burgos y Toledo) cogen un instrumento por primera vez y comienzan a componer una música que varía constantemente hasta hoy. Crean su primera maqueta en el verano de 2007 bajo el título Suicidio español, grabada y producida en la Zona Temporalmente Autónoma por Carlos Toronado. Tocan por salas de Madrid, Toledo y Barcelona durante dos años, ganando adeptos temporales y detractores permanentes. Graban de nuevo en Semana Santa de 2009 lo que será su segunda maqueta, Lucha perro, interpretada en directo y de nuevo producida, grabada y mezclada por Carlos Toronado en la
Zona Temporalmente Autónoma. El 31 de mayo de 2010 Everlasting Records edita Lucha Perro como el primer álbum publicado de La Débil, en vinilo y CD, tras cuatro meses en los que Sonic Boom (Spacemen 3, E.A.R., Spectrum) lo mantuvo secuestrado hasta conseguir el sonido de masterización ideal. Sus planes inmediatos son tocar, tocar y tocar. Entradas anticipadas 8 € Taquilla : 10 €
Friday 2 March at 10 pm Louie Louie’s, Estepona
Gatos Locos - 16 Mar.
La Débil
Painting Exhibition - Amar Jodda mid last year. His technique is based on the use of acrylic paint while also allowing brief flirtations with oils. His paintings are composed mainly of abstract motifs inspired by the painter’s life, which includes suffering through the 1980-1988 war between Iran and Iraq and later on the US invasion in 1990. He came to Spain in 2000 continuing his travels through Germany, Denmark and Norway during the following year. He returned to settle in Estepona in 2007. In recent years he has perfected his interest in painting, hoping to achieve continuity over the years.
La Débil are an electro/punk/rock 5-piece band from Toledo began life in an abandoned swimming pool back in 2006. Many of the band members had never played an instrument, but their latest offerings prove that they were quick learners. They produced their first demo in the summer of 2007 entitled ‘Spanish Suicide’. Their music gives more than a passing nod to the hypnotic beats of electonic Kraut rock, with a good helping of punk and rock, with a light sprinkling of psychedelia. Definately worth checking these guys out. Tickets 8€ in advance; 10€ on the door.
Louie Louie Rock’n’Roll Bar
Classic rock and roll band from the 80´s present their new album
Fibonacci Vs God - 24 Mar. Presenting new album
Freddy and The Filos - 30 Mar.
Corominas con Música: “Sine Die”
Sábado, 10 de marzo, 20:00 h. Centro de Interpretación Dolménica de Corominas, Estepona La Delegación de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Estepona, junto a la Asociación Cultural “ACUDE Estepona”, han programado una nueva actividad cultural dentro del Ciclo “Corominas con Música”, que tendrá lugar el próximo sábado, 10 de marzo, a partir de las 20:00 horas, consistente en una visita guiada por las instalaciones del Centro de Interpretación y posterior actuación del dúo “Sine Die”, quienes interpretarán un concierto de cuerda.
SINE DIE (Francisco Fernández y Juan Fernández)
SINE DIE está inspirado en los dúos guitarrísticos de John Renbourn / Bert Janch; Robin Bullock/ Peter Baughman
; J. Renbourn/ Stefan Grossman, etc. Su estilo, no obstante, presenta rasgos con personalidad propia derivados de la larga y variada experiencia musical de sus componentes. En SINE DÍE se funden músicas antiguas, medievales y célticas, con sonidos contemporáneos procedentes del Blues o el Jazz. Así mismo en el repertorio hay una importante presencia de temas de composición propia. La entrada del concierto, de 10 €, se puede adquirir en la entrada del recinto. Para recibir más información, concertar más visitas guiadas o adquirir entradas, los interesados pueden ponerse en contacto con la Asociación ACUDE, teléfono 654 71 17 15.
Corominas with Music: “Sine Die”
Saturday 10 March, 8 pm. Centro de Interpretación Dolménica de Corominas, Estepona Guitar due ‘Sine Die’ present the next in Estepona’s cycle of music and guided visits at the Corominas Neolithic Dolmen Centre. SINE DIE fuse early, medieval and Celtic
music, with more contemporary sounds from of blues or jazz. Tickets are 10 euros with limited numbers so to book your place call the Acude Association on 654 71 17 15.
Más información / More Information:
Broadcasting in English to the Campo de Gibraltar and beyond
a breath of fresh air for more information visit
Ocio What’s On
Manuel Carrasco en La Línea
Viernes, 16 Marzo, 2012 - 21:00 Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones La Línea
Muy poquito es lo que falta para que este artista onubense, Manuel Carrasco, llegue a nuestra capital para ofrecernos un estupendo concierto en el que nos presentará su quinto y último álbum titulado “Habla“. Aún así, como es lo normal, también repasará su trayectoria y nos sorprenderá con algunas de sus
mejores canciones, por lo que si te gusta su música ya puedes ir apuntando en tu agenda que el próximo día viernes 16 de marzo tienes una cita. Dicho concierto se llevará a cabo en el Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones de la Línea de la Concepción y dará comienzo aprox. a las 21:00 h.
Manuel Carrasco in concert in La Linea Friday, 16 March, from 9 pm - Palacio de Congresos Spanish pop idol Manuel Carrasco, star of TV’s “Operación Triunfo” will be live in concert at La Linea’s exhibition hall on Friday, 16 March, to present his fifth and latest al-
bum “Habla”. Tickets range from 20 to 30 euros and can be purchased through www.telentrada. com
The Resident -
The Film Symphony Orchestra interpretará en Estepona las mejores bandas sonoras de John Williams La concejala del área Sociocultural del Ayuntamiento de Estepona, María Dolores Espinosa, ha anunciado que el próximo 2 de marzo The Film Symphony Orchestra actuará en el Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos del municipio donde interpretará el espectáculo que rinde homenaje a las bandas sonoras de John Williams, el genial compositor estadounidense que ha puesto música a más de cien películas y a la mayoría de obras de Steven Spielberg. Espinosa ha explicado que se trata de “una oportunidad única” para disfrutar de un concierto sinfónico donde la orquesta hará un repaso por las piezas que el músico neoyorkino, ganador de cinco Oscar y nominado en 45 ocasiones, compuso para películas como ‘Star Wars’, ‘Indiana Jones’, ‘Superman’, ‘ET’, ‘La lista de Schindler’ o ‘Tiburón’, entre otras. La edil ha indicado que The Film Symphony Orchestra es uno de los proyectos “más interesantes del panorama musical en España” porque su director y maestro especialista en bandas sonoras, Constantino Martínez de Orts, profundiza en la obra de Williams al que considera “un músico a la altura de Mozart, Tchaikovsky o Puccini”. La orquesta, que fue gestada durante
la pasada Mostra de Valencia, apuesta por acercar las bandas sonoras de John Williams al público porque considera que la instrumentación de sus composiciones están concebidas para conjuntos sinfónicos de gran formato que incluyan cuerda, percusión, arpa, piano y metal, según ha añadido la edil de Cultura, que ha apuntado que las entradas para este espectáculo tendrán un precio de 15 euros.
The Film Symphony Orchestra brings the soundtracks of Johm Williams to Estepona The Film Symphony Orchestra will be at Estepona’s Palacio de Congresos on Friday March 2 to perform a tribute to the work of John Williams, the great American composer who has composed music and soundtracks for over one hundred films. This is a unique opportunity to enjoy a selection of some of the most well known music of the modern cinema from this 5 times Oscar winner, including ‘Star Wars’ ‘Indiana Jones’, ‘Superman’, ‘ET’, ‘Schindler’s List’ and ‘Jaws’, among
others. The 70 strong orchestra is directed by Constantino Martínez-Orts who specialises in soundtracks and considers the work of Williams as equal to that of Mozart, Tchaikovsky or Puccini. Martínez-Orts believes that the only way to enjoy the music properly is through the medium of a full symphony orchestra. Tickets for the show are priced at 15 euros per person
Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry en concierto Sala Paris 15, Malaga - Viernes 2 Marzo 22 h Wadada Promotions junto a Roots and Vibes, Sala París 15 y Radiation os anuncia la visita a Málaga del genio jamaicano LEE “Scratch” PERRY junto a otro genio de la música Dub, THE MAD PROFESSOR ingeniero, productor y maestro de la mesa de mezclas propietario del sello y famoso estudio londinense ARIWA y
acompañados por la veterana banda del sello, THE ROBOTIKS. Tickets, 902 15 00 25, Fnac.
Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry
Friday 2 March from 10 pm Sala Paris 15, Malaga Jamaican reggae legend Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry will be playing live at Malaga’s Sala Paris 15 on Friday March 2nd from 10 pm. Perry who began his career in Jamaica in the 50s is well known as both a musician and producer and was one of the pioneers of reggae and dub. Supporting Perry will be another giant of dub, The Mad Professor accompanied by the veteran band from his Ariwa label The Robitiks.
Tickets, 902 15 00 25, Fnac.
The Resident -
Casares Bridge Club Lunch By Lissy
Información Information Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva The Drop-in-Centre
t Age Concern is pleased to announce the following programme of events which take place at the Drop-In-Centre in Calle Zaragoza, 25, Estepona.
Mondays Spanish lessons - beginners at 10.30
and intermediate at 11.30. Lessons start on 23rd January.
Wednesdays A Social Club with mixed activities from 10.30 to 13.00.
Wednesdays A Bridge Club meets from 16.30 to
First Thursday in the Month Talks on health related subjects from 11.00 to 12.00.
Third Thursday in the Month Yoga for the older person from 11.00 to
12.00 Winners N/S Marcella and John Clancy presentation by Gabriela President CBC This was the club’s first Sunday bridge lunch of 2012. The bridge was played at the clubhouse followed by a lunch at the Brasserie at Casares Costa Golf. We had an 8 table Mitchell movement attended by regular Tuesday evening players and various guests. 3 hours of challenging bridge was played with the winners north/south Marcella and John Clancy 68.15% and east/west Asta and Leif Thomsen 59.52%. We look forward to our next Sunday Bridge lunch in March. (see website for details). Guests very welcome. If you are interested in playing bridge go to
Bridge every Tuesday 6.15 for a 6.30 start Or contact Gabriela on 677 699 074 or Lissy on 655 459 576. Look forward to seeing you there.
Fridays A Craft Club from 10.30 to 13.00
covering all types of crafts – starts 3rd February. Apart from the yoga these activities are open to all age groups. It would be helpful
if you called to let us know that you are coming – the number is 951 318 234.
Venta Lunch at Alfonsos
Age Concern has arranged another of its famous venta lunches at Alfonsos (near the BP garage on the way to the poligno in Estepona) on Saturday 10th March, 13.30 for 14.00. A great time is guaranteed – there are a limited number of places so why not book now. To do so ring 608587538 between 10.00 and 13.30 Monday to Saturday, or contact Richard on 952913174
For older people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at
International Club of Estepona
Winners E/W Asta and Leif Thomsen
Estepona Floral Art Club Estepona Floral Art Club will be holding its next flower arranging demonstration on Tuesday, 20th March from 2.45pm until 5.00pm, when the demonstrator will be Ann Colby, who is a NAFAS East of England Area Demonstrator from Norwich. Due to the unexpected closure of our regular venue, please see below to obtain details of where this event will be held. After a long successful career in Media, Ann Colby followed in the artistic footsteps of her family, but differs from them by expressing her creativity with flowers. A very keen gardener, she grows lots of flowers and foliage, including plants such as Amaranthus, both red and green, that grow to nearly 4ft tall! After completing a floristry and floral art City and Guilds Course, she went on to do a 3 year NAFAS Diploma course in flower arranging. “This was like a shining light in a dark tunnel and I absolutely loved every minute of it” says Ann. In 2006 she joined the East of England Area Education Association and has been Vice Chair for the past 3 years and will take over as Chair in September this year. She competed at Chelsea Flower Show in 2010 and has been involved in some high profile corporate events and weddings, including one of a Singapore couple from a high ranking family (the bride wore an exquisite Oscar de la Renta dress) when the family brought over a large suitcase of orchids (which travelled First Class) to be incorporated into the “Midsummer
Night’s Dream” theme. She has also been involved in arranging flowers at Westminster Abbey through which she has met Princess Diana, Prince Charles, and both the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - Katherine and William. Ann has a holiday home in Calahonda and says, “The sea and sky and of course the beautiful Spanish sunsets can also be a true inspiration for a flower arranger.” Established over 10 years ago, Estepona Floral Art Club is a very friendly club on the Costa del Sol, Spain, with members and visitors from Nerja to Gibraltar. Once a month there is a flower arranging demonstration, where spectacular displays are created live on stage. There are workshops for those who want to learn practical skills, coffee mornings and special events. Members and visitors are most welcome to attend and do not need any prior knowledge of flowers or flower arranging to enjoy the Club’s events. Members are of various nationalities but all meetings are in English. The details of where the meeting will be held will be posted on the Club’s the Facebook page at esteponafloralartclub. If you are already a Facebook user, please click ‘Like’ to receive regular updates on the Club’s activities and events. Alternatively, please call Barbara on 951 17 05 73 or send an email to to join our mailing list and you will be informed of the venue once it is determined.
The ICE Club is a social club for all Englishspeaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, Dancing and Themed Supper Evenings, Film Nights, Social Evenings, Day and Holiday Coach Trips, Golf, Rambling, Drama, Cards, Chess, Needle Crafts, Gardening, Art, Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Computer Instruction, Free WiFi Large Screen TV for major events, Monthly 40 page Magazine. Free Book, DVD and Jigsaw Libraries, and much more. Every Sunday from 12.30 to 2.30pm and every Tuesday from 12.00am to 2pm the bar is open for drinks and tapas. Every
Thursday from 10.30am to 2.30pm the bar is open for drinks, weekly meeting 11.30am, 1.00pm lunch. Special Events MARCH Friday 9th March - Fish ’n’ Chips Supper Saturday March 10th - Joan Thompson’s 75th Birthday Celebrations Saturday 17th March - St Patricks Celebrations March 19th 4 Day 3 Night Trip to Doñana National Park Tuesday 27th March - Ladies & Gents Lunches Out Saturday 31st March - Theatre Trip to Salon Varietes Fuengirola - “The Sound of Music”
ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -
Club Charity and Pleasure Club Charity and Pleasure is a social club, mostly appealing to British ex-pats although open to all - who live in or near the El Paraiso area of Estepona. Its 300+ members enjoy many activities: on a weekly basis, including Wednesday coffee mornings held at El Caserio, next to Vivero Agro Jardin (when many weeks there is a speaker), there is whist and Chicago bridge, bowls, and a newly-formed singing group. On the last Friday of the month members can enjoy supper followed by a pub quiz. A coach to Gibraltar is provided on a monthly basis, trips such as visits to the theatre, exhibitions and places of local interest are organized; lunches and dinners are arranged at different venues along the coast, and their Summer and Winter Balls provide an excuse to dress up and party. But what makes this club different is that they raise money for local charities. This year so far they have been able to make donations to Aspandem, Cudeca, the Elliot George Foundation (Aprona), Age Concern, and the poor of Estepona
through food hampers, amounting to more than 4500 euros. The club produces a quarterly 64-page magazine for its members, but also reaches others through distribution to local golf clubs and other venues. Production is made possible by advertising, and the valuable support of several loyal businesses. More advertisers are always needed, however, and any business or individual wishing to bring their services to the attention of club members is invited to visit their website and contact the magazine editor. Links to your business will be provided on the site. Rates are very low. The website mainly keeps members updated with events, as well as providing information such as the club rules, current committee members, etc. For further information you are invited to contact the club President, Denise Ghazi, on 952 810989, or through the contact details on the website.
Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz
Fácil Easy
El quiz de este mes toma un vistazo a algunas de las películas que están apareciendo en las noticias en las entregas de premios de este año. Simplemente nombra las pelis. Respuestas en la página 27. This month's picture quiz takes a look at some of the films making the news in this year’s award ceremonies. Simply name the films. Answers on page 27.
Soluciones página 27 All solutions on page 27
Nivel Medio Medium
Difícil Hard
The Resident -
TAPAS VARIADAS RACIONES - DESAYUNOS chocolate & churros Heated Smoking Terrace
Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Sabinillas - Manilva
Tel: 951 273 647 Email:
Marlows Fish & Chip Restaurant
Advertise in The Resident Get off to a flying start in the New Year with an advert inThe Resident. Unbeatable rates and packages tailored to your specific needs. Don’t forget advertising is an investment, not an expense. So invest in your business today.
952 936 198 or B/W Eighth Page 122mm x 80mm Quarter Page 122mm x 165mm Half Page 250mm x 165mm Full Page 250mm x 370mm Page Footer 250mm x 60mm Front page modules (various sizes) Front Page Footer 250mm x 60mm
Col 35€
Business Special 80mm x 46mm
50€ 150€ 30€
We can also tailor make packages to suit your individual needs. Call now for a consultation.
Marlows is a modern, and spacious comfortable restaurant with an outside terrace to accommodate smokers. At Marlows you will find expertly fried fish & chips, north sea haddock, cod, plaice, together with starters. Ribs, chicken, pies, sausages, salads, desserts and a kids menu at only €4. Marlows have 50 years plus in the fish & chip trade and in fact opened the very first fish & chip shop in Gibraltar, way back in 1966 (Irish Town Fisheries, for those of you old enough to remember it). Quality, Value and Service excel at Marlows. So why not try for yourself! Marlows can also cater for any party, Big or Small up to 100 people.
During the winter months there is a fantastic Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch on Sunday served from 1pm - 4.30pm. Tel. 951 276 728
EARLY BIRD NOW €7.50 1 Fish & Chips (Cod or Haddock) 1 Bread & Butter or 1 Peas 1 Drink
Tea, coffee, beer, water or soft drink
6pm - 7.30pm Monday to Thursday Served in the Restaurant
The Resident -
La procesionaria del pino
El Veterinario - Algunas noticias recientes
La procesionaria del pino (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) es una especie de mariposa, abunda en los bosques de pinos de España, donde es una plaga muy extendida. Además de los pinos, habita también en cedros y abetos. Las mariposas se aparean en verano. La hembra pone sus huevos sobre las copas de los árboles, y 30 ó 40 días después nacen las orugas (generalmente en los meses de septiembre-octubre). Las orugas construyen sobre los árboles sus nidos, en los que pasan el invierno. Entre febrero y abril las orugas descienden al suelo desde sus nidos, en características filas indias (de ahí su nombre común de “procesionarias”). Finalmente se entierran en el suelo, donde pasan a la fase de crisálida. En verano las crisálidas hacen eclosión, y surgen las mariposas, que se aparean, comenzando de nuevo el ciclo. Durante el invierno, las orugas se alimentan de las acículas de los árboles (pinos principalmente) en los que instalan sus nidos, produciendo su defoliación. Las orugas están cubiertas de pelos urticantes que se desprenden y flotan en el aire, por lo que pueden provocar irritación en oídos, nariz y garganta en los seres humanos, así como intensas reacciones alérgicas. Esta marcha de las líneas es una estrategia de protección que da la impresión de una serpiente para disuadir a los posibles
Los dueños de mascotas podrían tener un corazón más sano que el resto de nosotros
depredadores, las aves, por ejemplo. Si alguna parte del tren de la oruga se ve perturbado se envía un mensaje a todo el mundo a bordo y un irritante se libera de los pelos finos que cubren los cuerpos orugas hacia el intruso. Esta irritante no es disimilar a la quemadura de ortigas, aunque algunas personas tienen una reacción alérgica de alto y pueden necesitar tratamiento médico, un sarpullido en el cuello es el síntoma más evidente. En el caso de los bebés y los perros este irritante puede ser fatal. Los nidos se están llenas de este irritante, las personas que trabajan o pasan por debajo de los árboles con nidos pueden notar una ligera irritación de polvo flotando en el aire.
Las personas que sufren enfermedades crónicas y viven con su mascota parecen tener corazones más sanos que aquellas que no tienen un animal en casa. Así lo demuestra un estudio realizado por investigadores de la Kitasato University, en Kanagawa (Japón), cerca de Tokio, publicado en ‘American Journal of Cardiology’. El estudio incluyó unas 200 personas y vieron que las que tenían mascota
presentaban una mayor variabilidad del ritmo cardíaco que las que no tenían. Esto significa que el corazón de los dueños de mascotas respondían mejor a las necesidades impuestas por los cambios corporales, como la de latir más rápido durante una situación de estrés. Una reducida variabilidad en el ritmo cardíaco está relacionada con un mayor riesgo de morir de una enfermedad del corazón.
Adoptar a un perro guía retirado
Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387
Pine Processionary Caterpillar Los perros guía desempeñan un papel crucial para las cerca de 1.000 personas invidentes o con grave discapacidad visual que los utilizan cada día en España. Pero el trabajo de un perro guía no dura para siempre: La jubilación de las mascotas llega cuando el animal cumple entre ocho y diez años. Entonces, muchos de estos excepcionales perros guía necesitan una familia de acogida que les quiera y cuidará de ellos. No es extraño que el perro guía jubilado se quede con la persona invidente a The recent warm weather has triggered the activity the pine processionary caterpillar. This furry little critter has spent the winter in its ‘candyfloss’ nests in the local pine trees and is now on the march looking for a nice bit of ground in which to pupate over the summer. The pine processionary caterpillar is the offspring of the moth Thaumetopoea pityocampa and besides being a serious pest to pine trees, stripping the young needles from their branches, it is also a danger to humans and animals alike. The caterpillars have an unusual characteristic in that they climb down the trees and march along the ground nose to tail in a long ribbon, a habit which gives them their common name, the caterpillars have a potent defence system in the form of thousands of fine hairs which they discharge when threatened, and these hairs contain irritants which when touching the skin or eyes can cause serious problems. Worse still is if these hairs are ingested as it can lead to breathing difficulties, necrosis of the tongue and, in some cases, death of pets or humans. Unfortunately the marching columns of caterpillars are fascinating to both dogs and
children and it as a result of this that injuries occur. If you, your child, or your pet is injured after contact with these creatures, seek medical assistance immediately. There are a number of ways of dealing with this pest, nests can be destroyed when they appear at the end of summer by cutting them from the tree and burning them (make sure you take care not to have any physical contact with nest). Their are also insecticides available, but these are best left to pest control experts. A new treatment, which was pioneered in Italy is now also being used. The new method, known as endotherapy, involves injecting a treatment into the tree trunk, rather than fumigating, the caterpillar then ingests the poison when it eats the needles of the tree. This system avoids the spread of potentially dangerous pesticides in the air, and is also more effective. Each treatment is supposed to be effective for two years.
Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387
quien ha acompañado durante años. Pero otras veces, el perro debe volver a la Fundación, donde le cuidarán hasta que encuentre un hogar que le acoja y le quiera como merece. Si usted está interesado, y no han adoptado uno de los muchos perros de su refugio local, puede ponerse en contacto con la ONCE a través de su página web: www. . Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas - Tel: 952 891 387
Vet’s Corner - A few recent news stories Pet owners may have healthier hearts People with a chronic disease that share their life with a pet seem to have healthier hearts than those who do not have a pet at home. This is demonstrated by a study by researchers at Kitasato University in Kanagawa (Japan), near Tokyo, published in the American Journal of Cardiology. The study included about 200 people and found that those with pets had higher heart
rate variation than those people without pets. This means that the hearts of pet owners respond to the needs imposed by bodily changes, such as the ability to beat faster during a stressful situation. A reduced ability for the heart to vary its’ rate is associated with an increased risk of dying from heart disease.
Adopt a retired guide dog Guide dogs play a crucial role in the lives of nearly 1,000 people who are blind or with severe visual impairment that depend on them every day in Spain. But the work of a guide dog does not last forever. The retirement of these dedicated workers comes when the animal is about eight to ten years of age. Many of these exceptional dogs need foster families to love and care for them. Many of the retired guide dogs stay with the blind person who they have been with for years. But there are other
cases when the dog must return to the Foundation, where the dog will be cared for until a home that welcomes and wants him as he deserves can be found. If you are interested, and have not adopted one of the many dogs from your local shelter, you can contact O.N.C.E. through their web site: .
Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas - Tel: 952 891 387
The Resident -
The financial nomad - Does this sound familiar? Do you try and keep under the radar of the local tax authorities pretending to still be a UK resident? If you spend more than 183 days in Spain you are deemed to be a resident and need to register with the authorities and are liable to tax on your worldwide income (double taxation agreements exist with the UK). In the past local tax authorities may have been slow in chasing expatriates but they are now desperate to replenish their coffers and raise as much revenue as they can so if you haven’t received a tax demand yet the likelihood is that you will do at some point! Tax authorities throughout the world are exchanging information with each other in an attempt to catch those who are avoiding paying tax in the correct jurisdiction. Are you drawing down income on your UK pension at your highest marginal rate which could be as much as 40% possibly 50%? You probably haven’t been told that if you draw this income in Spain as a short term temporary annuity you can
benefit from particularly generous rules which You know you should do something about will reduce the income tax you pay to possibly your Inheritance Tax position but of course you haven’t declared your real residential status and less than 3%. therefore you cannot benefit from tax planning Would you like your beneficiaries to lose over opportunities available to Spanish residents. You half of the remaining pension fund? If you have know that your UK estate will suffer IHT and your already moved away from the UK you need to beneficiaries will have to pay local taxes on your make sure your beneficiaries don’t suffer a 55% death but you can’t do anything about it. tax charge on the lump sum available from your UK pension fund. This tax charge applies So isn’t it about time you stopped burying your if you were to die having already drawn down head in the sand and took some sound financial your tax free lump sum from your UK pension advice? With proper financial planning you can maximise disposable income as well as create, arrangement. protect and arrange the eventual transfer of your Are you interested in transferring wealth to wealth to loved ones. your heirs without any IHT liability? With proper financial planning your beneficiaries would Can you afford to carry on like this or are you avoid UK Inheritance tax after 5 complete and going to give up being a nomad and finally be able to sleep peacefully at night knowing your consecutive tax years of non-UK residency. financial affairs are all in order? Do you have investments that will increase the value of your estate in the UK and will be subject Find out how we can help you. Give us a to a 40% tax charge on your death? Did you call us on Tel: +956 796 911 or know that by formally exiting the UK you could email potentially remove this liability?
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Helping secure your financial future
Are you a financial nomad with massive tax exposure and no benefits? Fiduciary Wealth is the private wealth arm of Fiduciary Group founded in 1982 and affiliated to Gibraltar’s oldest legal practice Isolas 1892 named a leading law firm by The ILFR1000. We are a boutique financial advisory and consulting practice offering bespoke tax led wealth management solutions, asset management and financial planning services to private clients and businesses throughout the Iberian Peninsula and the UK. Specialists in cross border issues our business is to help clients build, protect and eventually pass on wealth. To arrange a free private consultation with one of our financial advisers please call us on Tel: 956 796 911 or email Alternatively if you would like to meet us at our Open Day which is being held in association with De Cotta Law in Estepona on Wednesday 28th March please register on-line by clicking the “Events” tab at For further information on services visit our website Gibraltar Office
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For further information on services visit our website
Costa Advice Bureau British and non Spanish registered vehicles considered as abandoned, are being towed away You will no longer be able to leave your British registered vehicle parked in a public place when you leave the country. Nonresident property owners are under the illusion that they can drive their British registered cars on visits to Spain. Unless you have a garage or private parking in a gated community, you are at risk of losing your vehicle. Contrary to the belief of property owners, numerous urbanizations do not necessarily have private parking. The police do not contact owners of foreign plated cars before they are confiscated. A vehicle will be considered as abandoned, after it has been stationed in the same place for longer than one month. If the vehicle is not been reclaimed within thirty days, it is likely to be crushed Costa Advice Bureau would also like to bring to your attention the law relating to nonresident vehicles. The law states that resident and nonresident alike will no longer be permitted to drive a foreign plated car in spain; But genuine holidaymakers ARE entitled to drive a non-Spanish vehicle. The police will be stopping vehicles to assure that the law is being adhered to. Property owners driving a foreign plated vehicle, could be fined and possibly have their car impounded.
Rules regarding dog ownership The following should be noted and taken into consideration. The owner of a domestic animal is bound to maintain the animal in a good and sanitary condition. 1. The owner is responsible, in the event of any harm, damage, or inconvenience caused by their pet to persons, objects,
roads, and public places. 2. The law prohibits the abandonment of animals in the streets or any other areas. 3. All pets must be registered in the municipal register for pets. Contact your town hall or local police station. The registration document and the certificate to prove that the animal has been inoculated against rabies, must be available to present to the relevant authority 4. In public, dogs must be fitted with both a collar and a leash at all times. Pets that weigh more than 20 kilograms, and dogs listed as dangerous should also be fitted with a muzzle. 5. Dogs are prohibited from fouling the streets, sidewalks and all other areas intended for public use. Should the latter occur, the owners are responsible and must collect the droppings. 6. It is strictly forbidden to feed any animal in the street; it is also against the law to deposit food in containers, with the intention of feeding stray animals in public places. Fines for non-compliance of the law (Protection of animals) vary from seventy five euros up to a staggering thirty thousand euros. Defiance of the (dangerous dogs act) can incur fines from one hundred and fifty euros up to fifteen thousand euros. In event of violation of these rules, the relevant authority will initiate disciplinary proceedings as stated in the rules for ‘the protection of animals in Andalucía’ (Law 11/2003 of 24 November).
For information on any of the above, please contact: Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821
The Resident -
€299,995 British Consulate Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team IMPORTANCE OF MAKING A WILL All expatriates are advised to make a will, as intestacy can cause great difficulty or inconvenience to heirs and dependants, particularly where there are children who could be left in a foreign country with no parents or guardian designated. We at the Consulate understand it is acceptable to make a British will for any property or assets in the UK, and a Spanish will for property or assets held in Spain. A will according to Spanish law is normally signed in front of a Spanish Notary Public. However, Spanish law is complex, and differs considerably from English law, so
professional legal advice should be sought on all aspects. The British Consulates across Spain can provide you with a list of English-speaking lawyers upon request who may be able to assist with writing a will. Contact your nearest consulate to request this. Further information about the Spanish Central Wills Register is available on the Spanish Ministry of Justice website ( under “Trámites y gestiones personales” and “Certificado de Actos de Última Voluntad”.
BOUTIQUE DEL MÁRMOL The established office on the coast for all your needs ADVICE AND ASSITANCE WITH ALL THE ASPECTS OF LIVING IN SPAIN TAXES: Includes advice and presenting tax declarations for resident and nonresidents alike. LEGAL ISSUES: Let us assist you to find economical solutions to all your legal problems CONTRACTS: Advice and assistance on any issue relating to contracts includes the legalities of rental and all other contracts. Drafting of legal contracts LAWYERS AND ACCOUNTANTS: Professional, inexpensive legal assistance if necessary CONVEYANCING: Purchasing or selling a property. Includes advice and information on how to keep costs to a minimum LEGALISATION OF PROPERTIES: Registration of title deeds and locating lost deeds. IMPORTATION OF VEHICLES: Converting to Spanish plates and disposing of old vehicles DRIVING LICENSE: Advice on and changing for a Spanish version INTERPRETATIONS AND TRANSLATIONS: Legal translations and documents drawn up PENSIONERS AND ADVANTAGES FOR: Application for reductions with the retirement cards PENSION APPLICATIONS: Assistance with registering with the health service COMMUNITY PROBLEMS: Advice and assistance with the legal issues and your rights INHERITANCE TAX: The truth about and how to benefit by making savings UTILITIES: Assistance with all aspects relating to the various companies BANKS /MORTGAGES: Need a mortgage or facing problems with making payments LAWYERS AND ACCOUNTANTS: Provision of good and inexpensive legal assistance
Costa advice bureau helps you to subtantially reduce the cost of all your transactions Telephone 0034 952 79 78 21
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The Resident -
Francisco Rodríguez Herrera
A una desconocida, la mujer que dona sus libros Ah, verdad es que la victoria pasa por que nos hagamos humildes. Esta mano temblando, y esta otra en el fuego, y la otra en la obra, y la otra en el trébol, mano humilde de obrero en el silencio. Estos libros son míos, ah, verdad es que las hojas se quedaron entre mis dedos, que la lectura pasa porque nos enfrentemos a la aventura de la vida desde palabras, nombres, espacios y sueños, para ser realidad de nuestro propia historia; pero estos libros, ahora, dónde irán, los donaré al pueblo, a la biblioteca pública; ah, verdad que el hombre pasa por la vida y es más que un libro; cómo no voy a estar un poco triste, si no me dejan llevarme casi nada al asilo, ya lo dijo Jesús: no llevéis para el camino mas que un bastón. 3 de febrero de 2011 Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Con las manos ocupadas”
Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas - Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información
606 602 558
(Coopere con nosotros)
En la Residencia de las Palabras
Continuidad de los empleados
Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions
Siguen ahí, ellos, los empleados, luna invencible los espera hasta el anochecer, trovadora una lágrima en el espejo se convierte en lluvia y sonríe, agua en el pecho de cristal; el río que no muere, busca, y se seca ese llanto con la luz temprana, cuando la noche acaba (sin versos pusilánimes del corazón de la noche); ellos siguen esperando, alimenta la piedra su razón en el agua.
Fácil Easy
Hombres, luna, corazón, mar y esperanza. Hombres que trabajan y compiten y en los muslos del sol se dispersa el color en la mañana; la vida es este transcurrir ligero, despacio, el cuerpo y el alma, tiempo de comenzar a trabajar, tiempo de ganarse el pan de cada día, para el cuerpo y para el alma que adivina sus potencias en el sustento compartido.
Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Con las manos ocupadas”
Compartamos sueños y el descanso
Nivel Medio Medium
No titubees ante la piedra de la noche, qué pesado el desvelo (cuánto aturde una leña que arde y no calienta). Ya sé que estás cansada. Deseas estar sola. El descanso y la paz... No vaciles y rompe la oscuridad con un beso. Soy puerto y no tengo barca, la buscaré en tus sueños. Déjame explicarte lo que soy, lo que deseo ser en aprender de fórmulas las sencillas estrellas, destilando luz para los cuerpos cansados, llenos de marcha obrera: el día ha sido duro y blanco, ocupado en oficio que se pretende humano. Y me cuentas tus cosas. No flaquees y rompamos la oscuridad con caricias y abrazos. Pero cuánto cansancio dejó el día de hoy al obrero que canta, y cuánta luz ahora entre los dos, porque la leña se hizo luna iluminada.
Difícil Hard
Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Con las manos ocupadas”
Siembra y versa Mano que siembra y versa, mano que acaricia, ola de cuerpo en su mar humano, toma mi ilusión, toma mi alma, mi cabello, mano sin mano, tronco de árbol en su rama creciendo, palpa, oh mano de amor, mi cabello y mi alma, mano de luz sosteniendo la música que no veo, la que toco y siento y acaudala el silbido de la luna, una mano de agua y de memoria, de baño en las fuentes del silencio, donde la mano ora, templada, virgen, obrera y conmovida también, joven y anciana, mano tocando el vello vago de la adolescencia, bozo del baile del muchacho que canta.
26 de enero de 2010 Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Con las manos ocupadas”
Padre Patera Un Corazón sin Fronteras Necesita - Pañales, Toallitas Húmedas y Leche Entera Acoge a todos los niños inmigrantes y mujeres embarazadas. Entrega de donativos: Contacten con 626 702 721 Araceli
Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 - Picture Quiz answers from page 22 1 The Adventures of Tintin, Las aventuras de Tintín 2 Rise of the Planet of the Apes, El origen del Planeta de los Simios 3 The Artist, 4 Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Millennium: Los Hombres que no Amaban a las Mujeres 5 War Horse, Caballo de batalla 6 Hugo, La invención de Hugo 7 The Iron Lady, La Dama de Hierro 8 Moneyball, Moneyball: rompiendo las reglas 9 The Guard 10 Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy El Topo
A Healthier Life
The Resident -
5-What do your workouts involve? A- Mainly free weights, maybe some sprint work, skipping,circuit class, interval workouts- quite varied but always hot and sweaty -always pushing myself C- Mainly C.V, running machine, cross trainer, spin class or aerobics, no weights, running more than 5k B-Golf, running around after kids,maybe a dance class, walking, swimming for pleasure. B- Walking to and from the car or the fridge 6-I struggle to get up in the morning (don’t feel properly awake until 10am). I often have an afternoon low between 3-5pm, and then get a second wind after dinner A-No not at all like me C-This is me! C-Mornings???
JoJo France and Claudia Norris Welcome to the Health, Nutrition and Fitness Column! A combination of good healthy eating and sweaty exercise can help the body address many health concerns. Personal Trainer JoJo France and Nutritional Therapist Claudia Norris have teamed up to discuss anti-ageing and youthful looks this month. This month we are going to ask you to fill in a questionnaire. Keep your answers and next month we will discuss what we will call ‘good workouts V bad workouts, good food and better food.’ We will also discuss ways of keeping your adrenal glands healthy (this is where cortisol is made) and how to keep up with the demand for testosterone. We see this everyday in clinical situations. The inactive office, chair bound worker suffers from the ‘too little’ syndrome. Athletes if they do not govern their training loads appropriately also break down as they suffer the ‘too much’ syndrome. So answer the questions below to see whether you do enough or too much. Are you doing too much or not enough? (JoJo) I saw a client today that reminded me of the fine line between doing too much or too little in terms of exercise and in particular gym based strength work. The question I get asked most is- How long should a workout last and how often should we do it? So this brings us to the concept of tissue adaptation. All tissues in our body take time to adapt to a progressive load. Tendons, muscle, connective tissues, joint structures such as cartilage and bone. If we do too little, then we do not provide the stimulus to the tissues to adapt so we degenerate. Therefore they are more prone to injury. If we do too much and too often, then recovery does not occur fully to the stress applied to the tissue. Injury can also occur. (Claudia) When I see clients who are under stress whether from over-exercising, eating the wrong foods or stressful lifestyle, I focus on their adrenals. Your adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and secrete cortisol and adrenaline – our stress hormones which help us manage stress. When athletes burn out, it is because their adrenal glands have become exhausted. 1-Do you get hot and sweaty and a little out of breathe for at least 20 mins? A- Everyday B- Never C-2-3 Times weekly B- Only on special occasions-I’m married 2-Do you have muscle soreness after exercise? C-Yes always- sometimes i can hardly move B-No never A-Occasionally after a strenuousness workout or something new B- What’s a muscle? how do I make it sore? 3-Do you struggle to gain muscle or loose fat? B- Yes A- No B- Never tried 4- Is your body soft and fat? A- No, I’m perfect B- Yes- but mainly the middle is soft- legs and arms are OK- they never seem to change now what training I do B- Yes all over and it’s getting worse
7-When I start to slow down I grab the chocolate, coffee, colas, cookie jar etc to keep me going A-Hardly ever, these foods are rare treats C-Yes, I rely on these foods for energy boosts throughout the day C-With a good dosing of whipped cream on top 8-When I’m stressed I become hungry, confused, irritable or shaky A-No C-Yes C-What do mean, grrrrrrr 9-I often crave salt or foods high in salt A-No C-Yes 10-I always feel tired, no matter how much sleep I get A-No C-Yes C-Yawn! Mainly A- Just right Well done- Obviously you train hard and vary your workout, aiming for full body workouts is a much healthier approach than isolating one muscle group. Just make sure you don’t over train and put your adrenals under to much stress- It is recommended that you have at least one full rest day a week. Well done! Your adrenals appear to be performing well and you’re not putting undue stress on your body. Mainly B Too Little Ooops- Time to make some changes- you need to move your body more to burn off some of the excess caloriescombining CV and weights will help increase the lean muscle at the same time as burning off fat.Too much cardio work alone doesn’t grow the lean muscle. Lean muscle increases the bodies metabolic rate (the rate of which you burn off food) this helps take off some of the pressure from the adrenals Mainly c - Too much Its great that you love to train your body- but too much exercise can put the body under a lot of stress- you then get burn out and inflammation this can lead to injuries and slow recovery. A great workout is aimed at intensity and not duration (max 40 mins)- combine aerobic work with compound (more than one muscle group) exercises- long distance running or too much cardio can ‘eat’away at the very muscle you working hard to create- so aim to do something everyday, even for 20 minutes rather than doing long sessions every other day. Muscle soreness is a sign of muscle stimulation and eventually gained strength- muscle pain is a sign of too much. You are showing some signs that your adrenal glands are under pressure. We will look into this in more detail next month. However, in the meantime, try to get some early nights, eat plenty of dark green leafy veg (rich in magnesium), and balance your blood sugar levels by cutting down on sugar and stimulants, and favouring wholegrain ‘integral’ versions of bread, rice and pasta.
For more information about getting fit - call JoJo on 687 030 047, remember consult with your GP before starting any new exercise regime. For more information about nutrition call Claudia NUTRITIONAL THERAPIST MA(Hons) Dip(BCNH) Nutritional Therapy Council Registered Practitioner (NTCC) +34 671 142
Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken
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Learn Spanish with Nuria Experienced teacher from Madrid Based Duquesa-Manilva-SabinillasEstepona. 1 to 1 dedicated tuition at your place. Group lessons also available. Friendly, gain confidence, learn properly. Tel. 620753865 email:
Business Directory Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.
Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Ronald Rosenfeld Frances Beaumont Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Iniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L. Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.
Building & Maintenance • Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@ • Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energysystems-bothelectricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515
ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Project Management Tel. 678 962 588
Holiday Accommodation • Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www.
• English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066 • Simple Leasing. Car rentals and leasing. Document transfers. 0034 697 820 253 or visit
Professional • Manilva Solicitors provide a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies. Tel 952 901 225 or e-mail: mail@ • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators&Interpreters,legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.
Have a day out with The Resident Property management
• Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207
The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a
The Marmalade Run (Spanish Lakes & Orchards)
Sun Breaks Spain Short Term Holiday Lets Long Term Rentals Apartments, villas or townhouses
Entertainment • Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765
Mortgage & Financial Services • Fiduciary Wealth Management - Financial advisory and consulting practice offering tax led wealth management. 956 796 911 • Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347
Every Friday (Lunch optional €12) - Our trip takes us inland, to an old Olive Mill, for a fully guided tour and, when in season, where we see the full olive oil production process. (Light refreshments included.) We then visit an authentic citrus fruit farm of around 17,000 trees where, if in season, we can sample fresh fruit straight from the tree. A tour of the scenic Spanish Lake District follows, via the dramatic El Chorro Gorge, stopping for lunch, before then returning to the coast. Adults: Normal price 46€ The Resident price 44€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 31€
Ronda by Train
(return by coach)
Every Thursday - By coach toAlgeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 43€ The Resident price 41€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€.
Hair and Beauty Monte Duquesa Hair Ladies’ Stylist Men’s Barber The Courtyard Monte Duquesa 617 595 605 See
Inmobiliaria Estate Agents • Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas.Small,independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 • Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.
Bares y Restaurantes La Bodega del Genals
International tapas Paseo Maritimo, Sabinillas Call 672 398 895
For reservations See
• Armstrongs Restaurant Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629
Marlows Fish & Chips
Takeaway or eat in Extensive menu Call 951 276 728
For reservations See
Educación Education • Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 21 63
This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198
Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.
Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.)After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 79€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 75€ Children: Normal price 61€ The Resident price 58€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING
Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital ofAndalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. -Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€
featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!
Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 74€ The Resident price 70€ Children: Normal price 55€ The Resident price 53€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)
Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast.After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€
Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays
Gibraltar - Shopping only:
Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Adults: Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: Normal price 15€ The Resident price 13€
Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping
Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€
Dolphin boat trip and shopping
Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€
Gibraltar - Rock the boat
Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 52€ The Resident price 50€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!
Fuengirola Market & Mijas
Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€
Fuengirola Zoo
Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.
Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email
Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.
The Resident -
Nuevo Evento de estilo de vida viene a la Costa este abril Un nuevo evento de estilo de vida familiar está llegando a la costa este mes de mayo. Llamado ‘Living on the Coast’ (viviendo en la costa), está siendo estrenada por los organizadores del gran éxito ‘The over 50’s show’ (El show de los mayores de 50) y se llevará a cabo en el Palacio de Exposiones y Congresos, Marbella (Marbella Centro de Exposiciones). El evento, según los organizadores, cuenta con una atractiva mezcla de exposiciones, presentaciones y demostraciones todos encaminados a conseguir la mayor audiencia posible, e incluirá demostraciones de cocina de los chefs, desfiles de moda, equipo de jardinería, clínicas y consejos, juegos de sala, la cata de vinos, un “kidszone” (zona infantil) que ofrece juegos y atracciones, coches y barcos “asequibles”, una amplia exposición de arte, asesoramiento financiero, equipos de entretenimiento en casa, demostraciones de fitness y yoga y mucho, mucho, más. Otra característica principal del evento será la importancia de apostar por productos y sistemas para
el hogar eficientes en el gasto de energía y respetuosos con el medio ambiente. Los organizadores comentan: “Aunque hemos estado produciendo ‘The Over 50’s Show’ durante los últimos cuatro años, que está dirigido a un público específico, no ha habido un show de vida general en la costa desde hace varios años y con nuestro historial comprobado sentimos que era tiempo de rectificar la situación y ofrecer a los residentes a lo largo de la costa y el interior un evento con la más amplia gama de intereses posible. “Nos hemos propuesto abarcar una multitud de temas e intereses, pero estaremos encantados de escuchar a las personas y grupos que deseen ver ciertos elementos destacados en el evento’’. ‘Living on the Coast’ tendrá lugar el viernes 27, sábado 28 y domingo 29 de abril. Para más información póngase en contacto con los organizadores en: 902 003 896. Correo electrónico:
New lifestyle event coming to the Coast in April A new family lifestyle event is coming to the Coast this May. Called Living On the Coast, it is being launched by the organisers of the highly successful Over 50s Show and will take place at the Palacio de Exposiones y Congressos, Marbella (Marbella Exhibition Centre). The event will, according to the organisers, feature an attractive mix of displays, presentations and demonstrations all aimed at the widest possible audience, and will include cooking demonstrations from top chefs, fashions shows, garden equipment, clinics and advice, room sets, wine tasting and appreciation, a ‘kidszone’ featuring games and attractions, ‘affordable’ cars and boats, an extensive art exhibition, finance advice, home entertainment equipment, fitness and yoga demonstrations ‘and much, much, more’. Another feature of the event will major on energy efficient and environmentally friendly products and systems for the home. The organisers comment: ‘While we have run the hugely successful Over 50s Show for the past four years, which is aimed at a specific audience, there has not been a general lifestyle event on the Coast for a number of years and with our proven record we felt it was time to rectify that and offer residents along
the Coast and inland an event with the widest possible appeal. ‘We have set out to embrace a multitude of subjects and interests, but we would be delighted to hear from individuals and groups wishing to see certain elements featured in the event’. Living On the Coast will take place on Friday 27th, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th April. For further information contact the organisers at: 902 003 896. Email:
Why you should register on the padrón? We remind you that as a resident of Manilva you have to be registered on the padrón (similar to the electoral roll) in the town where you live, and also inform the local authorities of any change of address you make. So, in order to register on the padrón in Manilva or Sabinillas you have to go to either of the following offices: Tenencia de Alcaldía, Sabinillas in Pío Baroja street Nº5 local 2 (opposite the petrol station and near the Supersol store and bus stop in Sabinillas). Manilva. The Manilva Town Hall in Mar Street. Documents required for registering: Passport NIE certificate Escritura (title deed)/Rental contract on the property Electricity/water bill for the property If you are registered on the padrón you can, among other things, register your kids in school, have access to council homes, process your National Identification Document or Passport, request scholarships, vote in the elections and even get married. It is important for you to be aware that depending on the number of individuals registered at the Town Hall, the local authority receives economic support from the Junta de Andalucia and the Government.
Register on the padrón and get the following benefits: •Right to vote in the elections •Registration of documents for unemployment •Registration in the Social Security system after paying your contributions •Registration of your pension (non contribution pensions, social salary, assistance fund, etc...) and have the right to the Ley de Dependencia and economic support plus social assistance. •Celebrating civil marriages •Registration in schools and also applying for grants and scholarships •Access to council housing •National Identification Document or Passport •Access to classes/ training offered by the Town Hall •Have access to self-employed grants and benefits Register now and make a difference in your town!
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The Resident -
Campeonato de Andalucía de Karate Infantil y Juvenil en Estepona La Federación Andaluza de Karate tiene previsto organizar el próximo día 17 de marzo, en jornada de mañana y tarde, el Campeonato de Andalucía Infantil y Juvenil 2012, en categoría Masculino y Femenino y en las modalidades de Katas y Kumite, participan todas las Delegaciones Provinciales de Andalucía,
Deportes Sport
La U. Manilva C.F. organiza el I Torneo de Fútbol 7 Día de Andalucía
las competiciones se desarrollarán en 5 tatamis, que se instalarán en el Pabellón de La Lobilla que será el escenario elegido para este Campeonato. Durante ese día se desplazarán hasta nuestra localidad 350 deportistas más 30 jueces que componen el equipo arbitral.
Estepona hosts the Andalucia Youth Karate Championships The Andalucian Federation of Karate is organizing the 2012 Andalucian Children’s Championship which will be held in Estepona on March 17, categories are divided into boys and girls and into either Katas or Kumite disciplines, involving all the Andalucian provincial delegations,
the competitions will be carried out on five mats, to be installed in the La Lobilla Pavillion which will be the setting for this championship. It is anticipated that some 350 competitors and 30 officials will take part in the competition.
Jiménez apuesta por el futuro del Open de Andalucía
Durante los próximos días 25 y 26 de febrero, se celebrará en el campo municipal “Las Viñas” de Manilva, el 1º Torneo “Día de Andalucía” de Fútbol 7, en las categorías prebenjamín, benjamín y alevín. El evento dará comienzo el sábado 25, a partir de las 9.30h., con la presentación de los equipos participantes y será clausurado el domingo 26 a las 19.15h. U. Manilva C.F., A.D. Taraguilla, A.D.
Vázquez Cultural, Atlético Zabal, C.D. Atletic San Pedro, C.D. Calderón, C.D.D. El Palo, Peña Madridista Linense, U.D. Tesorillo U. Estepona C.F., U.D. Maracena. Tanto el cuadrante del torneo como las normativas y planificación de los días lo podrán encontrar en el apartado “documentos”, al comienzo de la página web municipal:
Manilva celebrates I Andalucia Day 7-a-side Tournament
Lawrie y Jiménez ©
El Open de Andalucía Costa del Sol volverá a Aloha Golf, Marbella, el próximo mes, organizada por Miguel Ángel Jiménez. La 11 ª edición de este torneo del Circuito Europeo se celebrará bajo el patrocinio de la Dirección de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía, la junta de turismo de la Costa del Sol, la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, el Ayuntamiento de la Ciudad de Benahavís y la Comunidad Municipio de la Costa del Sol occidental. Para la sexta edición consecutiva, 18 veces ganador de la gira europeoa Jiménez será el anfitrión y organizador
del Open de Andalucía Costa del Sol a través de su Grupo MAJ, además de ser uno de los principales atractivos para los aficionados del golf. Por tercera vez el evento tendrá lugar en el Aloha Golf, un clásico del diseño de Javier Arana, que abrió sus puertas en 1975. El torneo inaugural lo ganó el inglés Lee Westwood en 2007, y al año siguiente Thomas Levet venció a Oliver Fisher. El escocés Paul Lawrie, ganador de la edición del año pasado en el Parador Málaga Golf, defenderá su título en el Aloha.
Manilva CF are organising a 7-a-side football tournament to celebrate Andalucia Day at the end of February. Held over the weekend of 25 and 26th February the competition will feature 11 squads fielding teams in the prebenjamín (U8), benjamín (U10) and alevín (U12) categories. The event kicks off at 9.30 am on Saturday
25, finishing around 7.15 pm on Sunday 26. The teams taking part are from: U. Manilva C.F., A.D. Taraguilla, A.D. Vázquez Cultural, Atlético Zabal, C.D. Atletic San Pedro, C.D. Calderón, C.D.D. El Palo, Peña Madridista Linense, U.D. Tesorillo U. Estepona C.F., U.D. Maracena. .
Manilva Netball Club
Jiménez committed to the future of the Andalucia Open The Open de Andalucía Costa del Sol will return to Aloha Golf, Marbella, next month, hosted by Miguel Ángel Jiménez. The 11th edition of this European Tour event will be held under the sponsorship of the Tourist, Commerce and Sports Board of Andalucía, The Costa del Sol Tourist Board, the Provincial Council of Málaga, the Benahavis City Council and the Municipality Commonwealth of the Western Costa del Sol. For the sixth consecutive edition, 18-time European Tour winner Jiménez will be
the host and organiser of the Open de Andalucía Costa del Sol through his MAJ Group, as well as being one of the main attractions for golf fans. This will be the third staging of the event at Aloha Golf, a classic Javier Arana design that opened in 1975. The inaugural tournament was won by Lee Westwood in 2007, and the following year Thomas Levet beat Oliver Fisher in a sudden death play-off. Scotsman Paul Lawrie, winner of last year’s edition at Parador Málaga Golf, will defend his title at Aloha.
Training is held every Tuesday night from 6.30pm-8pm, on the outdoor court behind the Manilva Sports Pavilion, Manilva. It's all about having fun, and meeting new people. For more information see Manilva Netball Club on Facebook