The Resident - October 2012

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resident the

No.72 19 OCT - 23 NOV 2012 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006




Los Museos Municipales de Estepona amplían sus horarios

Estepona Museum extends its hours 956 794 657 Why Pay More? P.N. de GUADIARO - A7 KM 132

Los museos municipales ubicados en la plaza de toros de Estepona han ampliado sus horarios de visitas de lunes a domingo de 9.00 a 15.00 horas y de 16.00 a 18.30 horas. Estepona museum, located in the Bullring has extended its opening hours. You can now visit seven days a week from 9 am to 3 pm and from 4 pm to 6.30 pm.



for more details call Simon Smith on 00 34 610 875 680

WITH ‘EASY IN’ TENANCIES AND NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED Fantastic Business location in Duquesa Port


The Resident -

EDITORIAL ¡Hola lectores! Bien, ya hemos sobrevivido otro verano, y ¡qué otro verano! ¿soy yo o es que pareció que hemos tenido una clase de asalto bíblico con un gran toque de las Plagas de Egipto? Primero fue la plaga de medusas, luego los incendios y posteriormente las inundaciones. Ahora parece que se ha apaciguado un poco y que el otoño ha entrado con un tiempo normal. Durante el pasado año he estado involucrado con una organización llamada El Intes, la cual se encuentra en el Sur de España, podéis leer sobre El Intercambio en página 23 o visitando su página web en Algunos de vosotros podéis recordar que en 2010 se puso en marcha Thercambio, el cual se dedicaba a promover música y músicos locales, siendo parte de El Intercambio he descubierto el

Hello readers, well we’ve survived yet another summer, and what a summer it was. Is it me or did it feel like some kind of biblical assault with a heavy touch of the Plagues of Egypt - First was a plague of jellyfish, then came trial by fire, closely followed by that of water. Still, it all seems to have settled down now to a nice calm autumn with ‘normal’ weather. Over the past year I have been involved with an organisation called El Intercambio which seeks to promote local music and musicians. It’s only since being part of El Intercambio that I’ve discovered what a huge number of bands and artists writing and performing original music of all genres can be found in the South of Spain you can read more about El Intercambio on page 23 or visit their

gran número de bandas y artistas que escriben e interpretan música, música original de todos los géneros en Resident Plus, ésto se llevó a cabo durante un par de meses y debido a problemas en el software, tuvimos que suspenderlo hasta obtener una mejor aplicación para el iPad. Bien, ya solucionado el problema otra vez lo hemos puesto en funcionamiento. The Plus, el próximo mes, tendrá noticias, personajes, entrevistas, etc, así pues asegúrese de entrar en nuestra página web o mejor envíenos un correo a editor@ y le añadiremos a la lista de subscriptores, los cuales tan pronto como The Resident Plus sea publicado lo recibirán. Creo que eso es todo por este mes, así que hasta el mes que viene. Editor

website at Some of you may remember back in 2010 when we launched The Resident Plus which ran for a couple of months before, due to software issues, we suspended until a better iPad application was available. Well you’ll pleased to know that we will be relaunching The Plus next month with an issue packed with news, features, interviews, etc., so make sure you check out the website at www., or better still email us at and we’ll add you to the list of subscribers who will recieve notice as soon as The Resident Plus in published. I think that’s enough excitement for one month, so here’s till next time. Editor

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The Resident -

The Four Wizards at Deathly Side (Los cuatro magos del lado de la Muerte) - Primera Película en Sotogrande International School

Un glamuroso evento de alfombra roja tuvo lugar en la Escuela Internacional de Sotogrande (SIS) la semana pasada, para la primera proyección pública de ‘Los cuatro magos del lado de la Muerte’. El corto fue escrito por alumnos de P6 Juliana Pouroulis y Jade Burgess, ambos de diez años, y protagonizado por muchos de sus compañeros de SIS Primaria. La película fue dirigida y filmada por el alumno de SIS Sam Reynard. La película cuenta la historia de cuatro estudiantes de magia que intentan superar a un malvado villano. Sam, quien tiene una licenciatura en producción de cine y video, y su director de proyecto Hayley Reed, trabajaron en estrecha colaboración con las chicas para crear la película. Más de 20 estudiantes de primaria y sus ayudantes pasaron

varios días de calor en junio rodando la película, y Sam ha pasado el último par de meses editándola e introduciendo efectos especiales. Sam dijo: “Yo estaba dispuesto a participar en el proyecto, no era la primera vez que he trabajado con niños, y siempre resulta divertido, pero desafiante. Yo tengo mucho respeto por mis viejos maestros en el SIS y el apoyo que dan a los estudiantes a perseguir sus ambiciones “. Y agregó: “La historia está escrita por dos jóvenes muy entusiastas, y con su energía, la película siempre iba a ser una aventura a crear. Estoy orgulloso de ser parte de la película. Los cuatro magos del lado de la Muerte es una película de suspenso y aventura mágica, y estoy seguro que a cualquier audiencia le encantará “.


Orange Peel fueron coronados vencedores en la I Batalla de las Bandas de Sotogrande El grupo de Gibraltar Orange Peel fueron coronados vencedores en la I Batalla de las Bandas de Sotogrande este mes, celebrada en el Patio Bar y Restaurante Mar y Sol, Sotogrande. En una competición muy estrecha lucharon con muy poca separación entre las ocho bandas, los rockeros de Gibraltar se llevaron los honores, justo por delante de sus compañeros gibraltareños 3 Days II Rise quienes quedaron en segundo lugar y el dúo Soul Circus en un cercano tercer lugar. El concurso fue organizado por El Intercambio y Deborah Boden, en colaboración con Discotecas Martini, Rock on the Rock, Música MAPH, Trevor Brooks Photography, The Courtyard Bar and Restaurant, Manilva Media Workshop y The Resident con agradecimiento también a Studio 67 Records.

El evento fue un éxito enorme, con una gran audiencia reunida para ver algunas de las mejores bandas de la zona en la batalla, estas bandas son: Orange Peel; The Bank; Minimal Soul Circus; 3 Days II Rise; Moonshine; Sista Dee and the Wise Up Youth; HeadWires; y Catastrophe Owls. Cada grupo tuvo que realizar una canción original y una de otra banda ante un jurado de cuatro jueces relacionados con la industria de la música local. Los organizadores también quieren agradecer a Corinthian Trust Company Limited of Gibraltar por su patrocinio. Si quieres leer una revisión completa y detallada de las bandas y sus actuaciones a continuación, visite www. donde encontrarás esto y mucho más información sobre la escena musical local.

Orange Peel

The Four Wizards at Deathly Side - Film Orange Peel win I Sotogrande Battle premier at Sotogrande International School of the Bands

The writers - Juliana and Jade A glamorous, red carpet movie premier was held at Sotogrande International School (SIS) last week, for the first public screening of ‘The Four Wizards at Deathly Side’. The short film was written by P6 students Juliana Pouroulis and Jade Burgess, both ten years old, and starred many of their peers from SIS Primary. The film was directed and filmed by SIS alumni Sam Reynard. The film tells the story of four student wizards overcoming an evil, scheming villain. Sam, who has a Bachelor of Arts degree in film and video production, and his project manager Hayley Reed, worked closely with the girls to create the short adventure film. More than 20 primary students and their

helpers spend several hot days in June filming the film, and Sam has spent the last couple of months editing and putting in special effects. Sam said: “I was keen to get involved in the project, it wasn’t the first time I have worked with children on set, and it always proves to be fun, yet challenging. I have much respect for my old teachers at SIS and with the support they give the students to pursue their ambitions.” He added: “The story is written by two very enthusiastic young girls, and with their energy on set, the film was always going to be an adventure to create. I am proud to be a part of the film. The Four Wizards at Deathly Side is an magical adventure, thriller and is sure to be a crowd pleaser no matter who the audience.”

Gibraltar band Orange Peel were crowned victors at this month’s I Sotogrande Battle of the Bands held at the Courtyard Bar and Restaurant, Mar y Sol, Sotogrande. In a close fought contest with very little separating the eight bands, the rock three piece took the honours just ahead of fellow Gibraltarians 3DaystoRise in second place with the duo Minimal Soul Circus a close third. The contest was organised by El Intercambio and Deborah Boden, in collaboration with Martini Discotheques, Rock on the Rock, Maph Music, Trevor Brooks Photography, The Courtyard Bar and Restaurant, Manilva Media Workshop and The Resident with thanks also going to Studio 67 Records. The event was a huge success with a large

audience gathered to see some of the best bands in the area do battle, these bands being: Orange Peel; The Bank; Minimal Soul Circus; 3 Days II Rise; Moonshine; Sista Dee and the Wise Up Youth; HeadWires; and Catastrophe Owls. Each band had to perform an original song and a cover of another band’s track before a jury of four judges from within the local music industry. The organisers would also like to give Corinthian Trust Company Limited of Gibraltar a big thank you for their sponsorship. If you would like to read a full and detailed review of the bands and their performances then visit where you will find this and much more information about the local music scene.

Catastrophe Owls



The Resident -

Premios andaluces “Educaciudad” El Ayuntamiento de Casares se ha presentado a la convocatoria de los premios anuales andaluces “Educaciudad”, que tiene como objeto reconocer el trabajo que se viene realizando durante muchos años por la educación. El Ayuntamiento de Casares ha sido pionero durante muchos años ofreciendo libros de forma gratuita a todos los

alumnos de los colegios del municipio, poniendo en marcha dos guarderías, y subvencionando a todas las familias con el 50% de las cuotas mensuales, además de becas de transporte y becas de trabajo para alumnos de estudios superiores y universitarios. El Ayuntamiento de Casares gastó en Educación durante el pasado año, 2011, un total de 854.864 euros.

Andalucian “Educaciudad” Awards The Casares Town Hall has entered the annual Andalucian “Educaciudad” Awards, which aims to recognize the work that has been done for many years in funding local education. Casares has pioneered for many years offering free books to all students of the schools in the municipality, launching two

nurseries, and subsidizing all families with 50% of the monthly fees in addition to scholarships for transport and working scholarships for students in higher education. The Casares Town Hall spent a total of 854,864 euros on education during 2011.


Clases de Salsa Los interesados deben inscribirse antes del 15 de octubre. Las clases se impartirán en la sala multiusos de la Tenencia de Alcaldía, en Marina de Casares, a partir del 16 de octubre. El precio de las mismas es de 15 euros al mes.

Salsa dance classes in Casares Costa Casares have organised a programme of salsa classes to be held at the Tenencia de Alcaldia in Marina Casares from October 16. Lessons are 15 euros per month. Enrolment is at the Tenencia de Alcaldia in Marina de Casares, Casares Costa.

La concesión de licencias de Obras Menores se agiliza

There is a cost free solution Call the Helpline 600 379 110

Casares Bridge Club hosts a successful bridge lunch

Casares Bridge Club has successfully hosted its first autumn Sunday bridge event on the 30th of September 2012, followed by a lunch in The Brasserie. 8 tables were playing a Mitchell movement tournament, where players as far as from Algeciras took part. Winners in NorthSouth were the local top players Ann Owen and Pamela Pizzey, runners up came from Sotogrande, Hilli Williams and Barry Sterling and third place also from Sotogrande Bridge Club were Jorgina and Richard Baker. East-West winners were all from Casares Bridge Club: 1st Siri Premong

and Helge Torstenson, 2nd Lissy Hoyle (CBC Secretary) and John Vaughton, 3rd Robin Paton and John Wells. The tournament was directed by Gabriela Johne and scored by Paul Agius. The presentation was made by Lars Hoft. The photo shows all winners and the president of Casares Bridge Club, Gabriela Johne. Keep an eye on the website www. bridgewebs/ for forthcoming activities. The club is open to all nonmembers on Tuesdays at 6pm. We try to find partners for single players.

Casares Bridge Club The club meets every Tuesday at 6.15pm for 6.30pm start. We play Duplicate Bridge at the Community hall located on the Casares road MA8300, 1km. from the A7, and can be found to the right of the first roundabout. We operate a Host system ... players without partners (including visitors) can be accommodated and are most welcome.

Ya ha entrado en vigor la nueva Ordenanza Municipal de Obras Menores, una normativa con la que el Ayuntamiento de Casares pretende agilizar y simplificar los trámites administrativos para la consecución de una licencia de obras menores. Dichas licencias se refieren a obras como una simple reparación, decoración, ornato o cerramiento, que no precisan de proyecto técnico, y cuyo presupuesto no supere los 10.000 €. El procedimiento especial que establece esta normativa servirá para que las personas físicas o jurídicas que van a realizar alguna actuación en su vivienda o local sólo tengan que comunicarlo a los técnicos municipales de urbanismo en el impreso normalizado convenientemente cumplimentado. La documentación presentada será analizada de inmediato por el personal

municipal y en caso de estar correcta lo firmará y completará la comunicación con una diligencia de «Expediente Completo». Estas comunicaciones, junto con el justificante de pago de la autoliquidación de tributos, serán registradas en el Registro del Área de Urbanismo estimándose concluso el procedimiento y archivándose sin más trámites la comunicación. A partir de la fecha de concesión el solicitante tendrá un plazo de 2 meses para iniciar las obras. La ordenanza establece mecanismos de control, durante la ejecución de la obra técnicos municipales realizarán un visita de inspección a la misma para comprobar que esta se ajusta a lo solicitado, en caso contrarío, el Ayuntamiento aplicaría sanciones.

Licensing process for minor works streamlined The new Minor Works Municipal Ordinance has been introduced, a law with which the Town Hall of Casares intends to streamline and simplify the administrative procedures for the obtention of a minor works license. This licence covers simple repairs, decoration, adornment or fencing, which do not require a technical project, with a budget of under € 10,000. The special procedure established by this legislation will serve to allow those who are going to perform some work in their home or business to have only to notify the Técnicos Municipales de Urbanismo through the standard properly completed paperwork.

Once the documents are submitted they will be reviewed immediately by the Town Hall staff and if it is correct and everything is in order they will sign the paperwork off as complete. This paperwork, together with proof that the self-asessed taxes have been paid, will be registered at the Planning Office after which it will be concluded and archived. The applicant will have a period of two months to begin the work after the license has been granted. Municipal technicians will conduct a visit to verify that the work is in line with the request, otherwise, the Town Hall will apply sanctions.


The Resident -


Prohibido la venta ambulante de comida Extranjeros ultima la presentación del elaborada en el mercadillo programa de la temporada El concejal delegado de Extranjeros Residentes, Diego Urieta, ha anunciado que ya se está ultimando la presentación del programa de actividades para este importante colectivo de la localidad que será presentado el próximo jueves 25 de octubre a partir de las 2 de la tarde en el Bar Genal en Sabinillas. Esta actividad se hará coincidir con la primera jornada del Día de la Tapa, una actividad muy seguida por todo el colectivo de extranjeros residentes en el término municipal. Urieta ha querido agradecer la

El Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha establecido nuevas medidas en el mercadillo de Sabinillas encaminadas a beneficiar a los negocios de hostelería de los alrededores de La Noria, tomando la decisión de no otorgar ninguna otra

colaboración de todo el personal del departamento que el dirige sin cuya colaboración y predisposición sería imposible elaborar un programa que contempla la celebración de más de una veintena de actividades, entre las que destacan, por la proximidad, tanto la fiesta de Halloween para el 31 de octubre en la que se contará con la colaboración de la Asociación de Fibromialgia de Manilva, AFIMA, así como un viaje a Sanlúcar que tendrá lugar el día 17 de noviembre.

licencia para la venta ambulante de comida elaborada. Esto se suma a varios otros esfuerzos desde el ayuntamiento para conseguir aumentar el consumo en los locales del municipio.

No more food vendors on Friday market The Manilva Town Hall has established new measures aimed to benefit the hospitality business around La Noria in Sabinillas, taking the decision not to grant any further licenses for street vending of

prepared food on the Friday market. This is in addition to several other efforts from the council to increase consumption in businesses in the municipality.

Taller de Pintura Corporal y Estética Se ha organizado para el próximo sábado 27 de octubre a partir de las 8 de la tarde en el pabellón de Usos Múltiples un Taller de Pintura Corporal y Estética relacionado con la fiesta de Halloween. La pintura corporal irá acompañado de talleres de peluquería y maquillaje, para que al final las modelos realicen un desfile mostrando sus pinturas e indumentarias. Para completar el desfile, también habrá talleres de peluquería y stand de ventas de todo lo relacionado con la moda, abalorios y maquillaje. Algunas tiendas del municipio, como son

zapaterías, peluquerías, tiendas de moda y gremios relacionados participarán en el evento exponiendo sus productos y realizando peinados novedosos. Cualquier empresario que quiera participar en la fiesta y quiera exponer sus productos o colaborar y cualquier chica que quiera desfilar como modelo de body painting, ropa o peinados deben ponerse en contacto con las directoras del área de Juventud en el mail: Al teléfono 607550326 ó a las direcciones de Facebook y Twitter de la delegación de Juventud.

Foreigners Department presents it programme for the coming months Manilva’s Foreign Residents Department is holding a presentation of its programme of events for the coming months at La Bodega del Genal, on the promenade in Sabinillas on Thursday October 25 from 2 in the afternoon. There will also be an opportunity to sample the local tapas available at La Bodega del

Genal with the first tapa and drink free on production of the tickets provided courtesy of the Foreign Residents Department. To collect your tickets visit the Foreign Residents Department office in the Castle, Castillo de la Duquesa, between 9 am and 2.30 pm.

Body Painting and Beauty Workshop There will be a Body Painting and Beauty Workshop on Saturday October 27 from 8 pm in the Pabellón de Usos Múltiples in Manilva as part of the Halloween festivities this year. The body painting will run alongside hair and makeup workshops for the models, who will ultimately take part in a catwalk displaying their body art and costumes. To top it all off there will also be makeup, jewelry and fashion stands. Some shops in the town, such as shoe

stores, salons, fashion shops and others with some relation to the event will exhibit their products and innovative hairstyles. Any business wanting to participate in the event to exhibit their products or work and any girl who wants to model body painting, clothing or hairstyles should contact the Youth Department at: Or by phoning 607550326 or contacting the Youth Department through their Facebook and Twitter addresses.

Padre Patera Un Corazón sin Fronteras

Necesita - Pañales, Toallitas Húmedas y Leche Entera Acoge a todos los niños inmigrantes y mujeres embarazadas. Entrega de donativos: Contacten con 626 702 721 Araceli

Nuevo Servicio de Vigilancia Las autoridades locales de Manilva han encargado a la Policía Local la creación de un Servicio Especial de Vigilancia cuyo objetivo será vigilar el cumplimiento de las ordenanzas municipales en lo referido a limpieza, retirada de enseres, restos de jardines y podas y tenencia de

Poop patrol!

Manilva’s local authorities have tasked the Local Police force with creating a special force with the exclusive objective of enforcing local by-laws concerning cleaning, disposal of household rubbish, garden waste, and the control of dogs and their mess!

animales en cuanto a los excrementos. También fue recordado a los ciudadanos que para depositar muebles, enseres o residuos de gran tamaño existe un servicio municipal de recogida que deben solicitar en la delegación de Limpieza o en la propia Policía Local.

It was also pointed out that the correct method of disposal for large objects such as furniture or household appliances was to contact the collection team to arrange for them to collect it, not merely leave items by the bins.



The Resident -

Manilva Solicitors


En los últimos meses, hemos recibido 3 ó 4 consultas sobre temas de arrendamiento cada semana, probablemente debido a la crisis y a los problemas financieros que mucha gente está sufriendo en la actualidad. Hay demasiados inquilinos que no pagan sus rentas mensuales y demasiados arrendadores desesperados por estas situaciones. Por desgracia, frecuentemente la gente acude a nosotros sin contratos de alquiler firmados o con contratos no redactados correctamente. Esta es una de las partes más delicadas del derecho español y, por tanto, antes de firmar un contrato de arrendamiento o alquiler es esencial tener adecuado asesoramiento y consejo. Independientemente de si eres un arrendador o arrendatario, no solicitar asesoramiento legal profesional cuando un contrato de alquiler se va a firmar por escrito, bien sobre viviendas o locales comerciales, puede causar serios problemas en el futuro. Como ejemplo, un inquilino puede legalmente estar en una propiedad alquilada durante 5 años. Los contratos verbales son legalmente válidos en España pero nosotros recomendamos tener un contrato por escrito que incluya las cláusulas apropiadas para proteger tus derechos. Aunque las leyes españolas establecen los derechos y obligaciones de propietarios e inquilinos, la ley permite a los mismos establecer cláusulas y términos especiales en los contratos de alquiler, por lo que es recomendable buscar asesoramiento profesional y redactar el contrato de forma que refleje perfectamente nuestros requisitos personales. Hay muchos aspectos que deben ser claramente detallados. Además de mencionar el nombre del propietario e inquilino, la situación de la propiedad, la duración del contrato y la fecha y cuantía de las rentas, el acuerdo también puede incluir otros acuerdos de las partes, tales como:

• Garantía

de habitabilidad. El propietario debe ofrecer un lugar seguro e higiénico a los inquilinos. El propietario puede ser requerido a proporcionar extintores u otros enseres como horno, frigorífico, friegaplatos, etc. • Cómo deben hacerse las comunicaciones de acuerdos o problemas entre propietarios e inquilinos, y como se resolverán.

• Que ocurre cuando una reparación

debe ser realizada por el propietario o por el inquilino. • Cuando y cuanto el propietario puede incrementar la renta. • Quien es el responsable del mantenimiento. • Protocolo para la reparación de la vivienda. • Es posible subarrendar la vivienda. • Sanciones por incumplimiento del contrato por propietario o inquilino. • Posibilidad de que propietario o inquilino pasen sus derechos y obligaciones a un tercero. • Quien paga las cuotas de comunidad, IBI o seguro de hogar. Siempre es mejor prevenir desencuentros antes de firmar, deje que su abogado lea cuidadosamente el contrato y le sugiera quitar o cambiar cláusulas que, en su opinión profesional, pudieran limitar sus derechos, o perjudicarle de alguna forma en el futuro. Los abogados conocen la ley española y también pueden redactar un contrato nuevo que se adapte a sus necesidades. El abogado también solicitará y organizará que la otra parte firme el contrato. Deje que su abogado utilice sus conocimientos para proteger sus intereses. A título orientativo, los honorarios normales por preparar, revisar y negociar un contrato de arrendamiento normal de vivienda son unos 300 euros por lo que merece la pena buscar asesoramiento legal y obtener un buen contrato de alquiler que proteja tus derechos legales y prevenga posibles gastos en el futuro. Si tiene algún problema de alquiler porque su inquilino no le paga la renta, o por su arrendador quiere que abandone la vivienda, es recomendable buscar asesoramiento legal lo antes posible. Desde nuestra experiencia podemos decir que cuando antes se actué mejor porque cuanto más tiempo se deje el problema más complicada y costosa será la solución. Para obtener más información sobre nuestro servicios de arrendamientos, no dude en contactarnos en el tel 952 901 225 o llamar a Denise al 669 428 998, o e-mail: mail@manilvasolicitors. com ; o visite nuestra web: www. Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226

Manilva Solicitors


Over the past few months, we have received 3 or 4 enquiries on tenancy and rental contracts every week, probably due to the crisis and financial problems people are currently suffering. There are too many tenants not paying their monthly rents and too many landlords desperate with these situations. Unfortunately, more often than not people come to us with no signed rental contract or with tenancy contracts not properly drafted. This is one of the most delicate parts of the Spanish Law, and, therefore, before signing a rental or tenancy document the right guidance and advice is vital. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, not requesting professional legal advice when you are going to sign a written Rental Contract, or an agreement concerning residential or commercial property, can cause serious problems in the future. For example, a tenant could legally stay in a rental property for up to 5 years. Oral agreements are legally valid in Spain but we strongly recommend you have a written lease that includes appropriate clauses to protect your interests. Although the Spanish Law governs the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords, the Law allows them to establish special clauses and terms in these Rental Contracts, so it is advisable to seek professional guidance and draft the contract in such a way that it reflects perfectly your personal requirements. There are also many points that must be clearly detailed. A part of the contract specifies the name of the landlord and the tenant, the location of the property, the duration of the lease and the due date and amount of rental payment. The agreement can also include any other legal provisions to which both parties agree, such as: •

Warranty of habitability. A Landlord must provide a safe and sanitary place for tenants. A Landlord can be required to provide fire extinguishers and other such fixtures as ovens, refrigerators, sinks, etc. How communications and notifications of agreements, problems or understandings between landlord and tenant will be resolved. What happens when repairs legally

• • • • • • •

required are not made by landlord or tenant? When, and how much can the landlord increase the rent? Who has the responsibility for the maintenance? Guidelines for any repairs to the house. Is it possible to sub-let the property? Penalties for breaking the lease by the tenant or the landlord. The possibility that landlords or tenants have of passing their rights and obligations on to another person. Who pays; community fees, IBI local property taxes, and home insurance?

It is always better to prevent misunderstandings before signing, please let your solicitor read the lease carefully and suggest deleting or changing any clauses that, in his professional opinion could severely limit your rights, or could prejudice you in some way in the future. Solicitors know the Spanish Law and can also draw up a new lease proposal that suits your needs. The solicitor will also request and organise that the other party signs the contract. Let your solicitor use his knowledge to protect your interests. As an indication, normal legal fees for preparing, revising and negotiating normal residential Rental Contracts are around 300 Euros so it is well worth seeking legal advice to get a first-rate rental contract which will protect your legal rights and prevent possible unnecessary expense in the future. Should you already have a rental problem because your tenant does not pay the rent, or because your landlord wants you leave the property, it is also sensible to take legal advice as soon as possible. From our experience the sooner you take legal action the better, as the longer a problem is left; the more difficult it is to sort out. For further information on our Rental Service, please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel 952 901 225 or call Denise on 669 428 998; or e-mail at: ; or visit our website: www.manilvasolicitors. com Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226

Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes La Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes está ubicada en el Castillo de la Duquesa y está abierta de las 08:00h hasta las 15.00h, de lunes a viernes, con horario de atención al público, entre 10:00h y 15:00h. Ayudan y aconsejan con respecto a los problemas de los extranjeros residentes registrados en el municipio de Manilva. Pueden contactar

por teléfono al 952 893 548 o por e mail También podéis contactar con Chris Olsen en la Oficina de Turismo en el Edificio Mikonos, del Puerto de la Duquesa desde las 3 hasta las 7 pm, de lunes a Viernes, y de 10 a 2 pm los Sábados.

Manilva Foreign Residents office

For more information contact Manilva Media Workshop SLL C/. Mijas 6, 29692, Sabinillas, Manilva, Malaga

Telephone: 952 936 198 Mob: 607 043 943 - imprenta - rotulación - publicidad | printing - signwriting - publicity

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open to the public from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist

Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.00 to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. Dean Shelton is available for all community and urbanisation matters - Tues & Wed 11 am to 2 pm; Thurs 4 - 7 pm in the Tourist Office in the Port. Visit or www.manilvalife. com for more information.

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198

The Resident -

Turismo retoma contactos con la ciudad Rumana de Piatra Neamt

El concejal delegado de Turismo ha mostrado interés en retomar los acuerdos alcanzados en su día con la ciudad rumana de Piatra Neamt con la que se realizó un hermanamiento en el año 2002. Los primeros contactos se han establecido hace unas semanas con motivo de la terminación de una gran actuación de construcciones y remodelaciones del centro histórico de esta ciudad que ha supuesto la construcción de un nuevo Ayuntamiento. Por ello, el alcalde de Piatra Neamt, Gheorghe Stefan, se puso en contacto con el Consistorio manilveño para solicitar una bandera de

Manilva, que ya ha sido recibida por la ciudad hermana, y que será ubicada en la fachada del nuevo edificio consistorial de Piatra Neamt, junto a las banderas de otras ciudades hermanadas con esa bella ciudad rumana. Desde Piatra Neamt han agradecido la pronta respuesta del Consistorio manilveño. Piatra Neamt es una ciudad de Rumania con 115.178 habitantes y capital del distrito de Neamt debido a su ubicación privilegiada en la montañas de los Cárpatos orientales, se considera una de las ciudades más pintorescas de Rumania

Manilva resumes contact with the Romanian city of Piatra Neamt

The Councillor for Tourism has shown interest in resuming agreements reached in 2002 with the Romanian city of Piatra Neamt when it was twinned with Manilva. Initial contact was established a few weeks ago due to the completion of a great construction and renovation project

of the historic centre of the city, including the construction of a new Town Hall. The mayor of Piatra Neamt, Gheorghe Stefan, contacted the Manilva Town Hall to request a flag, which has been received by the city, and will be placed on the front of the new Town Hall of Piatra Neamt, together with the flags of all the other cities twinned with the beautiful Romanian town. Piatra Neamt appreciated the quick response from the Manilva Town Hall. Piatra Neamt is a city of 115,178 inhabitants in Romania and is the Neamt district capital because of its privileged location in the Eastern Carpathian mountains, it is also considered one of the most picturesque cities in Romania





The Resident -

Manilva Campaña de la uva 2012

Cafe Bar For Breakfast Snacks & Drinks Open Tues-Sun 10 am - 6 pm Closed Monday

Las lluvias tardías registradas el pasado mes de mayo y las neblinas de este verano han perjudicado la producción de la uva de esta temporada con respecto a la de la anterior en el municipio de Manilva. La cosecha puede verse mermada en torno a un 15 o un 20% con respecto a la temporada pasada. Muchos agricultores están destinando entre 500 y 1.000 kilogramos de la producción a la elaboración de vino, así como a la producción de pasas como otras salidas al fruto. Ambas opciones están registrando este año un notable incremento. La Junta de Andalucía se ha comprometido en una reunión mantenida hace unos días a fomentar el turismo enológico en Málaga, además de hacer que Manilva tenga un lugar en la ruta enológica de la provincia.

También se habló del MOMA, un vino moscatel que fue lanzado el pasado mes de julio y que está teniendo éxito. Está elaborado en la bodega Pagos del Peñoncillo y forma parte de un proyecto impulsado por el Gobierno local y la Fundación de Manilva para el Desarrollo (FUNMADES) con el objetivo de fomentar el turismo enológico en la zona y ofrecer una alternativa de empleo para todos aquellos viticultores que quieran rentabilizar sus explotaciones. Actualmente hay muchísima gente que compra este caldo en la Fundación de Manilva para el Desarrollo, y en la Escuela-Taller de Las Viñas. En la localidad también se han puesto en marcha otras iniciativas relacionadas con el sector como un ciclo formativo de grado superior en Viniviticultura o la venta de uvas frescas ‘online’.

Manilva 2012 Grape Harvest report Late rains during last May and this summer’s mists have damaged grape production this season in the municipality of Manilva compared to last season’s harvest. It may have been reduced by around 15 to 20% from last season. Many farmers are dedicating between 500 and 1,000 kilograms of their product to wine, as well as the production of dried fruit and other products. Both activities are experiencing a significant increase this year. The Junta de Andalucía agreed in a meeting recently to promote wine tourism in Malaga, besides giving Manilva a place on the province’s wine route. MOMA was also spoken about, a muscat wine launched last July which is now

proving popular. It is produced in the Pagos del Peñoncillo Winery and is part of a project initiated by the local government and the Foundation for the Development of Manilva (FUNMADES) aiming to promote wine tourism in the area and provide alternative employment for those vineyard owners who want to make a profit from their land. There are currently many people who buy this wine from the Manilva Foundation for Development, and the Las Viñas School-Workshop. The municipality has also launched other initiatives related to the sector, such as a higher Degree in Winemaking and the sale of fresh grapes online.

Excursión a Rute La delegación municipal de Turismo ha organizado una excursión a la población cordobesa de Rute para el próximo 24 de noviembre, sábado. La visita consistirá en salida en autobús desde Manilva, recorrido turístico por la ciudad con guía para visitar el típico Belén de Chocolate, un espectáculo y almuerzo, entre otras

Rute excursion

Manilva’s department of tourism has organized a trip to the town of Rute in Cordoba on Saturday November 24. The visit will include transport by bus from Manilva, a tour of the city with a guided visit to the characteristic chocolate nativity scene, a show and lunch, among other

actividades, al precio de 38 euros por persona. Las plazas para esta excursión son limitadas, por lo que los interesados en recibir más información o en formalizar inscripciones pueden dirigirse en el teléfono 952 897 434.

activities, for the price of 38 euros per person. Spaces on the tour are limited, so anyone wanting more information or who are interested in registering should phone 952 897 434.

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Ajedrez El maestro internacional de ajedrez Francisco Rodríguez Sendra, intenta descubrir el talento en los jóvenes y en los niños de los Colegios de Manilva. Bobbi Fischer fue un niño más hasta que

el ajedrez llegó a su vida. Él derrotó uno a uno a todos los maestro soviéticos y en mitad de la guerra fría demostró que el hombre supera al sistema.

Chess International chess master Francisco Rodriguez Sendra, is looking to discover talent in young people and children of the Schools of Manilva. Bobbi Fischer was

just another child until chess entered his life. One by one he defeated all the Soviet masters and proved that man can beat the system half way through the Cold War.

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident

Tlf.952 936 198 -


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Not valid in conjunction with any other offers. Excludes daily specials menu, function menues and breakfast. One voucher per person.



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CONSUMIENDO 3 TAPASINVITACIÓN DE 1 CAÑA CRUZCAMPO O 1 COPA DE VINO DE LA CASA No acumuable con otras ofertas. Excluido menú del día, menú de eventos y desayunos. Un ticket por persona.



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En estos tiempos económicos difíciles, siempre es bueno ver a las empresas locales en expansión, como es el caso de la Librería Inglesa en Sabinillas. En las últimas semanas la tienda ha sido ampliada creando más del doble de espacio. Esto le ha permitido a Steve, el propietario, ampliar la gama de productos disponibles que ahora incluyen: papelería, tarjetas de regalo, llaveros, agendas, calendarios, etc. La gama de tarjetas de felicitación ha triplicado, al igual que la selección de libros con libros infantiles, libros de autores locales, una selección completa de ficción y otra de no ficción. La tienda ahora también cuenta con una

sección dedicada a artículos de fiesta, incluyendo globos de helio. La Librería Inglesa es también un agente oficial de Impactos Móvil, y por lo tanto ofrece teléfonos móviles, tarjetas SIM, recargas y pronto también dispondrán de ‘smartphones’ para la venta. Todo ello bajo la atenta supervisión de Eva el loro que se ha establecido de nuevo en la rutina después de su reciente intento por conseguir la libertad! Para más información contacte con Steve en el 952 891 545 o por correo electrónico steve@

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English Bookshop - a growing business In these difficult economic times it’s always good to see local businesses expanding, as is the case with the English Bookshop in Sabinillas. Over recent weeks the shop has been enlarged, more than doubling the shop area. This has allowed owner Steve to extend the range of products now available which include: Stationery, gift mugs, keyrings, diaries, calendars, etc. The range of greetings cards has been tripled, as has the selection of books with children’s books, books by local authors, full selection of fiction and non-fiction. The shop also now features a dedicated party section including helium balloons. The English Bookshop is also an official agent for Hits Mobile, and you can buy

mobile phones, sim cards, credit, and they will also soon be stocking smart phones. If you are one of those who is reluctant to trust your mail to Correos then you can take advantage of the reliable, first class postal service for sending and receiving your mail to or from the UK and rest of the world offered by Offex for whom the English Bookshop is an agent. All this under the watchful supervision of Eva the parrot who has settled back into the routine after her recent bid for freedom! For more information contact Steve on 952 891 545 or email steve@

Language Books & Dictionaries - Children’s Books Local Maps & Guides Large Variety of Greeting Cards Helium Balloons for all Occasions Passport Renewal Service Agents for Offex, a Reliable, First Class Postal Service for Sending and Receiving Your mail to or from the UK and Rest of the World Sim cards for Hits Mobile at 5€ and Mobile Phone Top Ups for all companies

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The Resident -

Servicio de Autobús Urbano Ha sido anunciado hoy que la mesa de contratación ha propuesto a la empresa Autocares Ricardo, SL como adjudicataria de la concesión para la gestión del servicio público de transporte urbano en el municipio. La firma del contrato y la puesta en marcha se producirá una vez que el Consejo Consultivo de la Junta de Andalucía se pronuncie sobre la resolución de la concesión que existe con la empresa CTSA Portillo, que dejó de prestar el servicio en enero de 2011. La concesionaria ha propuesto una ampliación de la cobertura del transporte urbano, con la implantación de dos líneas -este y oeste- con origen en el Centro de Estepona. La empresa llevará a cabo el recorrido dentro del casco urbano, con una veintena de paradas dentro del mismo; y en horario ininterrumpido de

8.00 a 20.00 horas, de lunes a domingo, con una frecuencia máxima de paso por parada de 30 minutos. Se incluye además la unión del casco urbano con la urbanización Las Joyas. Se ha exigido que existan tarifas reducidas, con el objetivo de favorecer a los empadronados que tengan más de 65 años o menos de 25 años; así como tarjetas multiviaje para éstos y el resto de usuarios. Se ha establecido bonos para pensionistas y jóvenes que contarán con una reducción de más del 50% en el precio de los billetes. Los autobuses también serán adaptados a las personas con movilidad reducida y poseerán plazas sentadas y de pie. El plazo de la concesión será de diez años, tal y como determina la legislación vigente que regula el transporte público.


Nuevas esculturas en Estepona El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha inaugurado hoy dos obras del afamado escultor Santiago de Santiago, quien atendió el evento. Se trata de “El amor salva” y “Milagros”, ambas realizadas en bronce y de más de un metro de altura, situadas en las Plazas Blas Infante y Cañada, respectivamente. Se están estudiando nuevas ubicaciones para otras piezas del escultor siguiendo así el plan cultural de embellecimiento para la zona y uniéndose a las otras esculturas del mismo escultor

previamente colocadas además de piezas de autores Toby Govan, Francisco Alarcón y Joaquín Aguilera. Santiago de Santiago es uno de los escultores españoles más importantes de finales del siglo XX. Ha realizado bustos de varios miembros de la Casa Real española y de personalidades ilustres. Algunas de sus creaciones se encuentran expuestas en parques públicos de Japón, Rusia, México y Dinamarca, entre otros países.

Urban Bus Service It has been announced that the company Autocares Ricardo, SL has been awarded the concession for the management of the urban public transport service in Estepona. The signing of the contract and the launch of the new service will occur once the Advisory Council of Andalucia resolve the concession which exists with the CTSA Portillo company, who ceased to provide their services in January 2011. The new company has proposed an extension of the coverage of urban transport, with the implementation of an east and a west line, originating at the centre of Estepona. The service will provide travel within the town, with twenty stops, operating continuously from 8 am till

8 pm, Monday to Sunday, with a maximum frequency of 30 minute intervals. It also includes the connection between the town centre and the Las Joyas urbanization. A requirement of the concession was that there be reduced rates, with the aim of favouring registered voters older than 65 or younger than 25 years and bus passes for everyone. Pensioners and young people will benefit from a reduction of over 50% in the price of tickets. Buses will also be suitable for people with reduced mobility and will have standing space as well as seats. The concession period is ten years, determined by the legislation regulating public transport.

Donación desde el Rotary Club Estepona La concejala del área Sociocultural, María Dolores Espinosa, ha agradecido hoy al Rotary Club Estepona la entrega de material escolar para familias con dificultades económicas del municipio. La entidad benéfica ha destinado 1.500 euros para la adquisición de libros y materiales que serán repartidos en los distintos centros educativos del municipio. El representante del Rotary Club Estepona, Manuel Raigón, ha señalado que estudiantes de 50 familias se verán beneficiados de esta donación, que han sido seleccionados a través de la delegación de Bienestar Social y de las asociaciones de madres y padres de los distintos centros educativos. Esta entidad, que pertenece a una red mundial y que está formada por empresarios y profesionales de distintos

sectores, fue creada en la localidad el 25 de marzo de 1995, y desde entonces viene proporcionando ayuda humanitaria e impulsando la realización de proyectos a nivel local que abordan múltiples problemas críticos de la actualidad.

Donation from the Rotary Club Estepona Councillor María Dolores Espinosa has thanked the Rotary Club Estepona for delivering school supplies to economically disadvantaged families in the municipality. The charity has allocated 1,500 euros for the purchase of books and materials to be distributed through different schools in the municipality. The representative of the Rotary Club Estepona, Manuel Raigón, said that students from 50 families will benefit from

this donation, which were selected by the delegation of Social Welfare and parents associations of different schools. This club, which belongs to a worldwide network comprised of entrepreneurs and professionals from different sectors, was established in the town on March 25, 1995, and since then has been providing humanitarian assistance and promoting the implementation of projects at a local level that address today’s critical issues.

New Estepona Sculptures The Mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, has inaugurated another two pieces of art by renowned sculptor Santiago de Santiago, who attended the event. “Love saves” and “Miracles”, both in bronze and over a metre in height, located in the Blas Infante and Cañada squares, respectively. New locations are being considered for other pieces by the sculptor following cultural and beautification plans for the area, joining the collection other sculptures

throughout the area by the same sculptor as well as pieces by Toby Govan, Francisco Alarcón and Joaquin Aguilera. Santiago Santiago is one of the most important Spanish sculptors of the late twentieth century. He has made busts of several members of the Spanish royal family and other important figures. Some of his creations are exhibited in public parks in Japan, Russia, Mexico and Denmark, among other countries.

Nuevo Museo Arqueológico de Estepona El nuevo Museo Arqueológico Municipal, que estará ubicado en la antigua Casa Consistorial, abrirá sus puertas antes de final de año. La obra civil ya está terminada, las excavaciones interiores también, y ahora está en la fase de preparación del material que se va a exponer, selección del personal, limpieza y preparación de los textos que llevan las vitrinas. En el nuevo recinto se expondrán algunas piezas arqueológicas que antes estaban en el Museo Municipal de la Plaza de Toros, pero la colección será mucho más amplia, ya que había fondos que estaban guardados y que se están rescatando. Además todo el entorno del

antiguo Ayuntamiento se está poniendo a punto para poner en valor el Museo. El Museo contendrá cuatro salas expositivas que estarán dedicadas a periodos históricos distintos. La primera de ellas se centrará en restos y piezas de la prehistoria y la época fenicia, la segunda mostrará objetos de época romana, la tercera estará dedicada a los restos correspondientes al periodo del Alto Medieval, mientras que la cuarta sala se dedicará a piezas de la época del esplendor musulmán. En el centro de la antigua Casa Consistorial se acondicionará un antiguo aljibe para exponerlo en el Museo.

New Archaeological Museum in Estepona The new Municipal Archaeological Museum, located in the former Town Hall, will open before the end of the year. The building work is finished, as are the interior excavations, with only the preparation of the material that will be on exhibition, staff selection, cleaning and preparation of information about each exhibition left to finish. Some archaeological pieces that were formerly in the Municipal Museum of the Plaza de Toros will be on show, but the collection is much larger, as there were pieces that were saved and are now being rescued and restored. Also, everything

around the old Town Hall is being improved aesthetically to better showcase the museum. The museum contains four exhibition rooms which will be dedicated to different historical periods. The first one will focus on remains and pieces of prehistory and the Phoenician era, the second will display objects from Roman times, the third will be showing remains from the High Medieval period, while the fourth room is devoted to pieces of splendor from the Muslim era. In the center of the old town hall there will be an old well restored for visitors to see.



The Resident -

Estepona adjudica la explotación turística del parque Los Pedregales El Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha anunciado que el grupo Egisse S.L será el responsable de la explotación del parque de Los Pedregales, que se convertirá en uno de los principales espacios de ocio del municipio. Esta empresa propone la creación de una granja escuela, la celebración de campamentos de verano y la organización de un aula de la naturaleza; también se compromete a crear nuevas infraestructuras para la práctica de actividades deportivas como un circuito multiaventuras, otro para bicicletas aprovechando el potencial de los paisajes, senderos para la práctica del senderismo y pistas donde practicar paintball o tiro con arco; además, la empresa ofrecerá a los usuarios la posibilidad de realizar rutas a caballo y piragüismo. Egisse abonará un canon de 10.000 euros anuales al Ayuntamiento por la explotación de Los Pedregales e invertirá

20.000 euros cada año en la promoción del complejo, junto con una serie de obras que permitirán poner a punto las instalaciones. Entre ellas cinco casas de madera, un bar restaurante, una zona de acampada y un merendero. También se instalará iluminación en los lugares que lo necesitan, se instalará megafonía y cámaras de seguridad y se procederá a la señalización del parque. Las actividades del parque se verán complementadas con el desarrollo de talleres temáticos, la organización de rutas temáticas con guías y una extensión del museo de patrimonio local a través de la exposición de una colección propia de la adjudicataria. La reactivación de Los Pedregales supondrá la generación de puestos de trabajo en el municipio porque será necesaria la contratación de personas para las instalaciones de ocio, el restaurante, la piscina y la tienda.

Estepona awards tourism concession for the Pedregales park The Estepona Town Hall announced that the group Egisse SL has been awarded the concession to operate the Pedregales park, soon to become one of the major leisure areas in the municipality. The company has made several proposals including organizing a farm school, summer camps and a nature classroom and is committed to the creation of new infrastructures for sports practice such as a multiadventure circuit, a bike circuit taking full advantage of the beauty of the surrounding landscape, hiking trails and courts for paintball and archery; in addition, the company will offer horse riding and canoeing. Egisse will pay an annual fee of 10,000 euros to the Town Hall for the rights

to the Pedregales park and will invest 20,000 euros each year in promoting the area, along with various building works to improve the facilities. This will include five wooden cabins, a bar and restaurant, a campsite and a picnic area. Lighting will also be installed in places that lack it, together with security cameras and they will begin to adequately signpost the area. Park activities will run alongside themed workshops, themed guided routes and an extension of the museum of local heritage through an exhibition of the contractor’s own collection. The renovation of the Pedregales park will generate jobs in the leisure facilities, restaurant, pool and shop.

Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English each Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what's on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.

El Teatro de la Costa del Sol

El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, y el presidente de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, Elías Bendodo, han presentado hoy el proyecto del Teatro de la Costa del Sol, cuyas obras de construcción generarán alrededor de 200 puestos de trabajo directos e indirectos. Este equipamiento cultural cuenta con un presupuesto total de 6,3 millones de euros y está financiado por la Diputación y el Ayuntamiento de Estepona. El proyecto se encuentra en fase de licitación para que las empresas interesadas presenten ofertas para la ejecución del edificio municipal. El Teatro de la Costa del Sol tendrá una capacidad de 600 espectadores en la sala central además de una estancia auxiliar y un vestíbulo semicubierto y se levantará en el ensanche de Estepona, en una parcela situada junto al estadio de fútbol y al recinto ferial. El proyecto de construcción está firmado por el arquitecto Luis Machuca y prevé una instalación asentada en un

The Costa del Sol Theatre The Mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, and the president of the Provincial Council of Malaga, Elias Bendodo, have presented the Costa del Sol Theatre project, the construction of which will generate about 200 direct and indirect jobs. This cultural facility has a total budget of 6.3 million and is funded by the provincial government and the Town Hall of Estepona. The project is out to tender at the moment for any companies interested in taking on the project. The Costa del Sol Theatre will have a capacity of 600 spectators in the central area plus a side room and semi covered changing rooms, on a plot next to the football stadium and feria ground. The construction project is signed by architect Luis Machuca and will use the natural slope to it’s best advantage. It is expected that the theatre will benefit a population of 500,000 people, as it will also serve neighbouring municipalities such as Manilva, Casares, Mijas, Istan, Ojén and Marbella. It comes complete with a cafe and a shop that will help to finance the facility.

plano escalonado, que aprovechará la pendiente natural del terreno. Se trata de una zona muy indicada porque es amplia, lo que permitirá que el Teatro de la Costa del Sol sea además una edificación emblemática para Estepona. Está previsto que el teatro pueda beneficiar a una población de 500.000 personas, ya que dará también servicio a municipios aledaños como Manilva, Benahavís, Istán, Ojén y Marbella. Se completa con una cafetería y una tienda que ayudarán al mantenimiento de la instalación.

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The Resident -

Charla informativa sobre herencias, testamentos, empadronamiento


Cuidando al cuidador Las personas participantes del programa municipal ‘Cuidando al cuidador’ se podrán beneficiar desde esta semana y hasta el próximo mes de marzo de masajes relajantes. Las sesiones de masaje, que correrán a cargo de un fisioterapeuta, se llevarán a cabo los lunes, miércoles y viernes en el Gabinete Geriátrico Municipal. El programa municipal ‘Cuidando al cuidador’ tiene como objetivo minimizar las consecuencias de los efectos que padece el cuidador en su labor diaria

de atención a un familiar dependiente físico, psíquico o mental; además de enseñarles a manejar la presión que produce el cuidado de esa persona y lo que dicha situación conlleva. El programa está dirigido a cualquier persona residente en Estepona que tenga a su cargo a un familiar mayor dependiente y para poder participar en las próximas actividades han de contactar con el Gabinete Geriátrico Municipal llamando a los teléfonos 952 79 26 02 o 952 79 40 51.

Caring for the carers

El próximo día 22 de Octubre 2012 a las 11.00 horas en el Palacio de Congresos de Estepona el departamento de Residentes Extranjeros de la Delegación de Turismo y en colaboración ,la Asociación AREME organiza un Foro a

cargo de Doña Raquel Perez del grupo Perez Abogado en el cual impartira una charla informativa sobre herencias, testamentos, empadronamiento etc. La entrada es gratuita.

Talk on inheritances, wills, census On October 22, at 11 am at the Palacio de Congresos in Estepona, the Foreign Residents Department,in collaboration with the Association AREME, has organised

Participants in the ‘Caring for Carers’ municipal program will be provided with relaxing massages from this week until next March. The massage sessions, given by a physiotherapist, will be available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Gabinete Geriátrico Municipal. The ‘Caring for the Carers’ program aims to minimize the consequences suffered by carers who provide daily care to a physically, psychologically or mentally

dependant older member of the family besides teaching them to handle the pressure caused by the responsibility of caring for that person as well as what this situation entails. The program is aimed at any person resident in Estepona who cares for an older relative and dependent, anyone who wishes to participate in upcoming activities should contact the Gabinete Geriátrico Municipal by calling 952 79 26 02 or 952 79 40 51.

Inauguración de la calle San Cayetano

a forum presented by Mrs Raquel Perez from Perez Group lawyers who will give a talk on inheritances, wills, census etc. Admission is free.

Nuevo parque infantil en la avenida Andalucía El Ayuntamiento de Estepona inaugurará esta tarde un nuevo parque infantil en la avenida Andalucía, junto a la nueva guardería municipal. El Consistorio ha recuperado una parcela que estaba siendo utilizada como aparcamiento y la ha convertido en un equipamiento para el ocio infantil. El parque consta de cuatro equipamientos infantiles y durante las obras también se han llevado a cabo trabajos de alumbrado público, pavimentación y jardinería.

Además se ha instalado mobiliario urbano para que la zona se convierta en un punto de encuentro para los vecinos de la barriada, sobre todo, teniendo en cuenta que el parque se ubica junto a la nueva guardería que se construye en esta misma zona. Los trabajos han sido ejecutados por la empresa SGIR Construcciones, SL y han tenido un coste de 60.200 euros, con una duración de 3 semanas.

New playground on Avenida Andalucia The Estepona Town Hall has inaugurated a new playground on Avenida Andalucia, next to the new municipal kinder garden. They have recovered a plot of land that was being used as a car park and have turned it into a leisure area for children. The park has been fitted with four structures for the children and during construction they also conducted work on new and improved lighting, paving and landscaping.

Benches and other ornaments have also been installed so the area can better provide a meeting point for the residents of the neighborhood, especially considering that the park is located next to the new kinder garden to be built in the area. The work has been executed by the company IRMS Construcciones, SL and cost a total of 60,200 euros, spread out over three weeks.

Se han finalizado las obras en la calle San Cayetano, consistiendo en un cambio de pavimentación de la calzada y el embellecimiento de la vía a través de la colocación de macetas. A partir de ahora la calle será peatonal,

permitiendo sólo el tráfico rodado a los residentes de esta vía. Las obras han contado con un presupuesto superior a los 30.000 euros, ejecutadas por parte de una constructora ubicada en el municipio.

Inauguration of Calle San Cayetano Works have been completed on San Cayetano street, with a change in the road paving and the placement of pots to make it more aesthetically pleasing. From now on the street will be for pedestrian

traffic only, with the exception of residents along the street. The works had a budget of over € 30,000, executed by a local construction company located in the town.



The Resident -


La quiropráctica busca el óptimo funcionamiento del sistema nervioso La quiropráctica es la profesión sanitaria que se dedica al diagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitación de los problemas mecánicos de la columna vertebral y de las influencias que esos problemas tienen en el sistema nervioso y en la salud en general. El sistema nervioso es el órgano maestro del ser humano, a través del cual se controla todo el cuerpo. Este control se ejerce desde el cerebro, pasa por la médula espinal y los nervios periféricos, que salen desde las vértebras hacia todos los órganos. Todas las órdenes que manda el cerebro viajan por la médula espinal y los nervios periféricos hacia todo el cuerpo y hacen que los distintos órganos, glándulas y tejidos funcionen correctamente. Al revés, todos los mensajes que nos vienen del exterior penetran por los sentidos y llegan, a través de la medula espinal, al cerebro.

Esa constante ida y vuelta se reproduce millones y millones de veces por minuto. Si una vértebra está en una mala posición, puede irritar uno de los nervios, hacer que el sistema de comunicación falle y que los mensajes del resto del cuerpo al cerebro o viceversa no lleguen como es debido. La quiropráctica busca la localización de posibles subluxaciones vertebrales, es decir, de vértebras que no están en una buena posición, y las coloca para que cese esa disfunción del sistema nervioso. Es un tipo de tratamiento que pretende ir más allá de los síntomas, llegar a las verdaderas causas de los problemas. Realmente es así. Por ejemplo, el paciente puede tener una contractura muscular que le ocasione dolor y , que esté causada por un nervio que está irritado por una vértebra descolocada. Mientras no se suprima esa causa, el paciente va a volver

CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC IN ESTEPONA Chiropractic treatment searches the nervous system for optimal performance Chiropractic is the health profession that is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of the mechanical problems of the spine and the influences that these problems have on the nervous system and general health. The nervous system is the orquestrator of the human body, through which it controls the body. This control is exercised from the brain, passes through the spinal cord and peripheral nerves, radiating from the spine to all organs. All orders from the brain travel through the spinal cord and peripheral nerves throughout the body and assure that the various organs, glands and tissues function properly. Conversely, all messages that come from outside penetrate the senses and reach the brain via the spinal cord. This constant coming and going is reproduced millions of times per minute. If a vertebra is in a bad position, it can irritate a nerve, making the communication system fail and the messages from the body to the brain or vice versa do not arrive as expected. The Chiropractic seeks to identify potential vertebral subluxations, ie vertebrae that are not in the correct position, and puts an end to the dysfunction of the nervous system. It is a treatment that aims to go beyond the symptoms, get to the root causes of problems. It really does. For example, the patient may have a muscle spasm that causes pain and is caused by a nerve that is irritated by a dislocated vertebra. If the cause is not treated,

the patient will be in pain and will probably be taking painkillers. We will provide treatment without surgery or drugs. You seek to harness the body, adjusting it to achieve better health without the intervention of external agents. Exactly. The body has an inherent ability to heal, if the nervous system is free and receives and sends information properly, it works, and helps the individual to maintain a high index of health ... .. There are many things that can improve with chiropractic adjustments but mainly, patients who come to our clinic have mechanical problems of the spine, sciatica, spinal pain, low back or neck, headaches, dizziness, numbness of hands, grips, herniated discs, dizziness ... etc. Do your patients come from a specific group of people? The truth is no. There are patients of all ages, both sexes, professions and walks of life. You say there are over a hundred chiropractic techniques. What are the main ones? The main ones are those relating to adjustments of the different vertebrae. Techniques used to adjust the vertebra in the right direction and movement required. QUIROPRACTICO Dr. José Mª Puig Dr. José Mª Puig de Sobrino Los Arcos de Peña Blanca, Local A Avda. Los Reales, Estepona Tel. 95 2791996

a tener dolores aunque tome calmantes. Nosotros les proporcionamos un tratamiento sin cirugía ni fármacos. Tratáis de aprovechar el propio cuerpo, ajustándolo, para conseguir una mejor salud, sin intervención de agentes externos. Exactamente. El cuerpo tiene una capacidad inherente de curar que, si el sistema nervioso está libre y recibe y manda información como es debido, funciona, y hace que el individuo mantenga un alto índice de salud…..Hay muchas cosas que pueden mejorar con ajustes quiroprácticos, aunque fundamentalmente, los pacientes que llegan a nuestra clínica presentan los problemas mecánicos de la columna vertebral: ciáticas, dolores de columna, lumbares o cervicales, dolores de cabeza, mareos, adormecimiento de manos, pinzamientos, hernias discales, vértigos…

etc. ¿Vuestros pacientes responden a un perfil muy determinado? La verdad es que no. Hay pacientes de todas las edades, de ambos sexos y de todas las profesiones y condiciones socioeconómicas. Hablaba de más de cien técnicas quiroprácticas. ¿Cuáles son las principales? Las principales son las que se refieren a los ajustes de las distintas vértebras. Son técnicas para ajustar la vértebra que se quiere justo en la dirección y con el movimiento que se quiere. QUIROPRACTICO Dr. José Mª Puig Dr. José Mª Puig de Sobrino Los Arcos de Peña Blanca, Local A Avda. Los Reales, Estepona Tel. 95 2791996

anúnciese con the resident - advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198

Costa Advice Bureau SPAIN, IS EVERYDAY LIVING BECOMING MORE EXPENSIVE? WHY PROBATE NEED NOT BE AN EXPENSIVE LENGTHY PROCESS Lack of understanding, of the word ‘probate’ has meant (in certain cases) that heirs, confronted with a British will, have accepted that the implementing of this procedure, will be an expensive and long drawn out process, enabling them to inherit a property or assets in Spain. The usual practice is to pay for the services of a legal representative here, who would also pay the fees of a lawyer in their country of origin. Probate simply means. ‘The validation of a will’ Looking at it in this simple way, you can start wondering why, taking a will to probate (as it is often described) is such an expensive process. The expatriate way of thinking is conditioned in believing that Spain has such complex laws, that one must employ a legal representative for the simplest of duties. Obtaining an electricity supply and telephone service. The completion and submission of your annual tax declarations or drawing up a will. These are only a few, of the services expatriates are willing to pay in excess for. Unless residents and non residents alike can afford to take these measures, we should begin to gain knowledge of the specifics. This will enable us to carry out numerous duties, for a substantially reduced fee. SPAIN’S DEFICIT INFLUENCES THE GOVERNMENT’S DECISION TO INCREASE TAXES FOR RESIDENTS Decree-Law 20/2011, dated 30 December 2011 We are being advised, that these new emergency measures, will only pertain to 2012 and 2013. Taxes are rarely lowered. Therefore we can only presume that, the new rate will not be abolished in the coming years. The law is to include taxes on all income. Many residents will see an increase in payments in their annual tax declaration. There are to be proportionate tax increases on wages. The percentage applied will be on top of the figures in use to date to calculate your taxes. The new taxes will also apply to savings.

The more you have the higher the taxes. The increase will be applied according to the figures below: 1. 2% increase on the benefits on savings of up to 6.000 euro 2. 4% increase on the benefits on savings of up to 24.000 euro’s 3. 6% increase on the benefits on savings of over 24.000 euro’s Is the Spanish government not aware that many expatriates may well choose to take their savings elsewhere? WHY YOU SHOULD BANK WITH MORE THAN ONE ENTITY IN SPAIN We are all aware of the unusual practices used by many of the banks. Several account holders, were surprised to find that they were paying direct debits for services that they had not authorised. Then there are the occasions when you make the alarming discovery that the tax authorities have taken, what can be large sums of money out of your account. When you make enquires at your branch you will probably be told that you owe annual or business taxes, car tax, rates, or other. They are often unable to give you any details. This action is usually taken without the tax authorities or bank contacting you beforehand. If you have a mortgage and credit cards in the same bank, I suggest you consider changing this. A bank will, and does take preference in paying a card debt before paying your monthly home loan. This has often left affected persons in arrears with the mortgage repayments. Take into account that the bank, knows it has your property as collateral for the mortgage debt. Should you need assistance or advice on any of the above, please contact us on 952797821. Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Urb Manilva Beach. Sabinillas 29692. Malaga. Visit our website at:

Puerto de la Duquesa

The Resident -


Huge front line terrace Don’t forget our famous Sunday roast, we only use Argentinean Rib Eye.

The Meeting Place Live Music Every Friday Oct 19 - Tom Rust

A Look Ahead to Christmas and New Year at Bar Duquesa

oct 26 - Frankie ‘B’

Christmas Eve - Tom Rust

Nov 02 - Tom Rust

Christmas Day - Open lunchtime from 1 pm with raffle from 4 pm

Nov 09 - Frankie ‘B’ Nov 16 - Tom Rust Nov 23 - Frankie ‘B’

Boxing Day Howard ‘G’ Karaoke Competition

Every Monday Howard ‘G’ presents karaoke

New Year’s Eve Disco Party

Live Sports Events and parties catered for Now in out 9th year

Tel 952 891 179

Every Day from 5.30 pm Front Line First Level, Duquesa Port

El secreto mejor guardado de Costa

A menudo se refiere al Puerto de la Duquesa como “El secreto mejor guardado de la Costa”. Bueno, en los próximos meses esperamos rectificar esto. En colaboración con las empresas locales y el Ayuntamiento de Manilva, The Resident pondrá la atención sobre esta joya de la corona del turismo de Manilva, que muestra la hospitalidad

gastronómica, y la infraestructura comercial que hacen de este el lugar ideal para visitar ya sea por una hora, un día, semanas, meses, o como hogar permanente. Durante todo el verano te traemos noticias e información de entretenimiento, eventos y actividades que tienen lugar en este hermoso lugar.

The Costa’s best kept secret Puerto de la Duquesa is often referred to as the Coast’s ‘Best kept secret’. Well over the coming months we hope to put that right. In collaboration with Manilva’s Town Hall, and local businesses, The Resident puts the spotlight on this jewel in Manilva’s tourism crown, showcasing the gastronomic, entertainment and

commercial infrastructure that make this the ideal place to visit either for an hour, a day, week, month, or like many people to make it your permanent home. Throughout the year we’ll bring you news and information of entertainment, events and activities taking place in this beautiful location.

CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST Extensions/Reforms/New Build Insurance covered and fully legal Your project completed on time and on budget Architects' drawings with permissions and licences From groundworks to roofs Designer kitchens and bathrooms Damp problems solved and up to 30 yr guarantee 678 962 588 - 617 992 644 - -


Información Information

The Resident -

Complemento Online The Resident Plus Durante los seis años desde el lanzamiento de The Resident nos hemos esforzado para ofrecer una publicación que esté al servicio de la comunidad local y responde a sus necesidades, así como mantenernos al tanto de los acontecimientos en el mundo editorial y de comunicación. En 2008 debido a la gran demanda de los residentes locales The Resident se convirtió en una publicación bilingüe con artículos en Inglés y Español, y en 2009 The Resident lanzó su página de Facebook, que ha demostrado ser una útil adición y ha permitido una mayor interacción con nuestros lectores. Durante más de tres años hemos utilizado software en línea que nos permite ofrecer The Resident en la web en una forma que reproduce lo más cercanamente posible la experiencia de leer un periódico, un servicio que ha demostrado ser cada día más popular. Con el auge del ‘smartphone’ y ‘tablets’ como el iPad, se ha hecho más práctico para nosotros producir un complemento que llene el vacío entre publicaciones, y que no está limitada por la logística de impresión y distribución. Lanzamos The Resident Plus en 2011 y quedamos muy satisfechos con la respuesta y los comentarios de

nuestros lectores, pero la plataforma que utilizamos para organizar los artículos en línea no actuaba en el iPad de Apple como nos hubiera gustado, y como la tableta iPad es la más popular, nos pareció que lo mejor sería dejar el Resident Plus hasta el momento en que este problema fuese resuelto. Así que nos hace muy feliz poder anunciar que ha llegado el momento, por lo que desde principios de noviembre podrás acceder a The Resident Plus através de nuestro sitio web Asegúrate de no perderte las próximas ediciones registrándote en nuestra lista de suscriptores enviándonos un correo electrónico a y te notificaremos tan pronto como esté publicada la edición. Como todos nuestros productos, como por ejemplo el periódico The Resident y la página web Manilva Life, es un servicio gratuito apoyado por la publicidad. The Resident Plus no es una excepción, pero a diferencia de su hermano imprimido beneficia de costes de producción sustancialmente más bajos, algo que queda reflejado en los precios de sus espacios publicitarios. Para obtener más información sobre publicidad contáctanos através de

Online supplement The Resident Plus In the six years since launching The Resident we have endeavoured to provide a publication that serves the local community and responds to its needs as well as staying abreast of developments in

the publishing and communications world. In 2008 due to a strong demand from local residents The Resident became a bilingual publication with items in both English and Spanish, and in 2009 The Resident

launched its Facebook page which has proven a useful addition and enabled more interaction with ourreaders. For over three years now we have used online software which allows us to make The Resident available on the web in a form that reproduces as close as possible the experience of reading a newspaper, a service that has proven increasingly popular. With the rise of the smartphone, and ‘tablets’ such as the iPad, it now makes it practical for us to produce a supplement that fills the gap between publications, and which isn’t limited by the logistics of printing and distribution. We launched The Resident Plus back in 2011 and were very pleased with the response and feedback from our readers, but the platform we use to host the online issues was not performing on the Apple iPad as we would have liked it to, and as

the iPad is the most popular tablet, we felt it best to discontinue the Resident Plus until such a time as this problem was resolved. Well we’re glad to announce that time has arrived, so from early November you will be able to access the Resident Plus from our website To make sure that you don’t miss future issues register on our list of subscribers by emailing us at and we’ll notify you as soon as each issue is published. As with all our products, such as The Resident newspaper and the Manilva Life website, they are a free service supported by our advertisers. The Resident Plus is no different, but unlike its printed sibling benefits from substantially lower production costs, a fact which is reflected in its advertising rates. For more information regarding advertising contact editor@

The Resident Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast Manilva

Call +34 630 318 730 179,950€

ty th er on op M Pr he t

of -

Large 4 bed, 2 bath townhouse situated 5 mins walk from Manilva, overlooking Sabinillas and Manilva coast. Built 2004 173+ square metres, benefits form large 50 square metre integral garage. Property is ready to be moved in and is sold with or without furniture. The property enjoys a very private situation and shares pool and garden with just 17 other properties. MUST BE SEEN!

The Resident -

Información Information


Fundación Nyland Knight - ayudando a los niños de Gambia Unas vacaciones en Gambia hace alrededor de 20 años fueron el catalizador para la creación de la Fundación Nyland Knight por residente local David Harmston y su esposa Terri. Lo que comenzó con el patrocinio de un solo niño ha crecido tanto que la fundación ofrece ahora financiación para 80 niños de edad escolar, y se ha ampliado para pagar y gestionar toda una serie de proyectos en el pueblo de Kunkujang Keita en esta pequeña parte de una África olvidada. Gambia es un país pobre, y aunque los niños del pueblo no mueren de hambre, son tan pobres que no tienen zapatos y tienen muy poca ropa, y el sistema escolar no es libre lo que significa que muchos de los niños nunca tendrán la oportunidad de obtener una educación que les pueda liberar de las cadenas de la pobreza. Fue este hecho el que llevó a David y Terri a participar en el coste de enviar a un niño a la escuela por tan sólo 50 euros al año, una suma que, aunque menor que el coste promedio de una ronda de golf en España, es mucho más allá de los medios de la mayoría de los aldeanos. Durante los primeros años David y Terri patrocinaron solo a un niño, pero una conversación casual en una peluquería de Gibraltar llevó a una donación que

pudo proporcionar el patrocinio a otros nueve, y la Fundación Nyland Knight comenzó a tomar forma. Desde aquellos primeros días una serie de personas han venido a bordo, incluyendo a Deborah Ives, muy activa y la fuerza impulsora detrás del establecimiento de una serie de eventos de recaudación de fondos, y que visita con regularidad a la aldea para entregar los artículos donados y ayudar a supervisar las compras pagadas por la caridad. De hecho, una de las facetas importantes de la Fundación Knight Nyland es que todo el dinero que se obtiene se gasta en las necesidades de los aldeanos, con todos los gastos incurridos pagados por los propios voluntarios y organizadores. Como se mencionó anteriormente, la Fundación ha ampliado y ahora tiene un número de proyectos en funcionamiento, incluyendo una clínica que trata cortes y contusiones o pequeñas heridas al que acuden alrededor de 600 niños al año, un programa de higiene dental, programa de prevención de malaria; ofrece pollos y cabras para promover la autosuficiencia; dirige el equipo de fútbol del pueblo, y así sucesivamente. Aparte de los individuos, varias empresas y organizaciones de apoyo, incluyendo la Academia Mayfair que el año pasado recaudó más de 1.700 euros. El bar The Pig and Whistle en Gibraltar, junto con también son importantes contribuyentes. La Fundación Nyland Knight tiene toda una lista de proyectos para el futuro que se pueden encontrar en su página web y en su página de facebook www.facebook. com/groups/123783964396496 por lo que si le gustaría ayudar por qué no ponerse en contacto con ellos a través de estas páginas y averiguar cómo puedes ayudar y realmente influir en la vida de esta gente desafortunada. No olvides que cada céntimo va a ayudar a los aldeanos.

Nyland Knight Foundation - Helping the children of Gambia A holiday in The Gambia some 20 years ago was the catalyst for the establishment of the Nyland Knight Foundation by local resident David Harmston and his wife Terri. What began with the sponsorship of a single child has grown to the extent that the foundation now provides funding for 80 schoolchildren, and has expanded to pay for and manage a whole host of projects in the village of Kunkujang Keita in this small part of a forgotten Africa. The Gambia is a poor country, and whilst the children in the village are not starving they are so poor they have no shoes and very few clothes, and the school system is not free which means many of the children will never get the opportunity for an education that can free them from the chains of poverty. It was this fact that prompted David and Terri to become involved as the cost of putting a child through school is just 50 euros a year, a sum which, whilst less than the average round of golf here in Spain, is way beyond the means of most of the

villagers. For the first few years David and Terri sponsored one child, but a chance conversation in a hairdressers in Gibraltar led to a donation providing sponsorship for a further nine, and the Nyland Knight Foundation began to take shape. Since those early days a number of people have come on board, including Deborah Ives who is extremely active and who was the driving force behind the establishing of a number of regular fundraising events, and who regularly visits the village to deliver donated items and to help oversee the purchases paid for by charity. In fact one of the important tenets of the Nyland Knight Foundation is that all the money is spent on good works, with all expenses incurred paid for by the volunteers and organisers themselves. As mentioned earlier the Foundation has expanded and now runs a number of projects including a cuts and bruises/ small ailments clinic which treats around 600 children a year; a dental hygiene programme; malaria prevention

programme; provides chickens and goats to promote self-sufficiency; runs the village football team; and so on. Apart from individuals, a number of businesses and organisations provide support, including The Mayfair Academy which last year raised over 1,700 euros. The Pig and Whistle Pub in Gibraltar along with are also major contributors. Nyland Knight Foundation has a whole list

of projects for the future which you can find on their website and on their facebook page www.facebook. com/groups/123783964396496 so if you would like to assist why not contact them via these sites and find out how you can help and make a real difference. Don’t forget every single penny goes to help the villagers.


Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

Concierto - Tracey Reid and The Sweet Rhythm Kings

El viernes día 26 de Octubre en el Teatro Ciudad de Marbella situado en la Plaza Ramón Martínez, y como inauguración del Ciclo “Otoño es Música” organizado por la Concejalía de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Marbella, concierto a

las 21’00 horas a cargo del septeto de jazz “Tracey Reid and The Sweet Rhythm Kings”. Precio único de entrada: 12 €, venta anticipada en El Corte Inglés y en taquilla del Teatro una hora antes del concierto.

Tracey Reid and The Sweet Rhythm Kings in concert The superb jazz septet Tracey Reid and the Sweet Rhythm Kings will be opening Marbella’s Autumn music season ‘Otoño es Musica’ organized by the city’s cultural department on 26th October in the fabulous Marbella theatre located in Plaza Ramón

Martínez. The concert begins at 9pm and tickets are now available for €12 from El Corte Ingles or from the box office one hour prior to the start of the show.


Domingo 4 de noviembre. 19.00h Palacio de Congresos, La Linea Venta de entradas: Precios: desde 35 €

Espectáculo de Jazz - Hot Club De Norvege

Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona 25 de Octubre a las 20:00h

Sunday November 4, at 7 pm Palacio de Congresos, La Linea Tickets from 35 euros available from:

Hot Club De Norvège fue establecido cuando el avivamiento gitano acústico se extendió por Europa durante los años 70. Su punto de partida fue la grabación de Django Reinhardt y el Quintette du Hot Club de France, mezclado con el folklore gitano, valses y más jazz moderno. Hoy han desarrollado su propio sonido, y continúan en busca de una expresión contemporánea del jazz gitano.

Jazz concert by Hot Club De Norvege

Padre Manuel Cultural Centre, Estepona 25th October at 8pm

Box Office Tel: 952 474 542 Open weekdays 10.30 am - 1.30 pm nd 7 pm - 8 pm Calle Emancipación, Fuengirola (off Church Square)

Hot Club De Norvège was established when the acoustic gypsy swing revival swept over Europe in the 70-ies. Their starting point was the recordings of Django Reinhardt and the Quintette du Hot Club de France, mingled with gypsy folklore, waltzes and more modern jazz. Today they have developed their own sound, and continue the search for a contemporary expression of the gypsy jazz.

Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

Calle Ramos Marín S/N, 29012 Málaga. Venta telefónica 902 36 02 95 Información 952 22 41 09

Eleftheria Arvanitaki

Lunes, 22 octubre, 21.00 h


Concierto Escuela de las Artes Anna Ajmatova

26 Festival Internacional de Jazz Cantante de Grecia Eleftheria Arvanitaki interpreta una selección de canciones griegas tanto tradicionales como modernas. Entradas de £11

Eleftheria Arvanitaki

Monday, 22 October, 21.00 h Greek singer Eleftheria Arvanitaki performs a selection of both traditional and modern Greek songs. Tickets from 11€

El saxofonista estadounidense Kenny Garrett inaugurará el 26 º Festival Internacional de Jazz en el Teatro Cervantes de Málaga el próximo mes. Durando desde noviembre 6 hasta noviembre 10 el cartel incluye actos de España, Italia, Cuba, Francia y EE.UU.. Los precios de las entradas varían de acto en acto, costando a partir de 9 euros y hay más información sobre la venta de entradas en Programación / Programme 06 nov - Kenny Garrett (EE.UU.) 07 nov - Omar Sosa y Paolo Fresu (Cuba - Italia) 07 nov - Jazztease 5 (España) 08 nov - Bill Evans ‘Soulgrass Band’ (EE.UU.) 08 nov - Susan Valery Quintet (España) 09 nov - China Moses y Raphaël Lemonnier Trío (EE.UU. - Francia) 09 nov - La Insostenible Big Band (España) 10 nov - Gino Paoli y Danilo Rea (Italia) 10 nov - Javier Denis´ Andalusí Trío (España)

26 International Jazz Festival US saxophone player Kenny Garrett opens the 26th International Jazz Festival at Malaga’s Teatro Cervantes next month. Running from November 6 to November 10 the lineup includes acts from Spain, Italy, Cuba, France and the US. Ticket prices vary from act to act starting at 9 euros and ticketing information is available from www.teatrocervantes. com

Zenet En Concierto

Jueves, 01 noviembre, 21.00 h Actor, bailarín, showman, el malagueño Zenet se ha convertido en una de las voces más singulares de la escena nacional. Hasta la fecha ha publicado dos discos Los mares de China y Todas las calles, con los que ha logrado los Premios de la música al Mejor artista revelación 2010 y al Mejor álbum de fusión 2011. Entradas £20

La Cambayá Blues Reunion Martes, 30 octubre, 21.00 h

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la Delegación Municipal de Cultura, informa de que el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel acogerá el próximo sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012, a las 19:30 horas, un concierto a cargo de los alumnos de piano, flauta, violín y violonchelo de la Escuela de las Artes “Anna Ajmátova” de Tsárskoye Seló de Pushkin, San Petersburgo. Un total de 10 músicos interpretarán en solitario y en grupo temas de autores como Polónskii, Schuman, Verdi, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Bach, y Shubert, entre otros.

Concert by Russian music students Integrada por músicos de distintas formaciones del panorama del blues nacional, La Cambayá Blues Reunión nace al amparo de la filosofía del sello discográfico andaluz Cambayá Records que, desde 1985, se propuso grabar y editar a las bandas que en España se dedican a este género. Entradas £15

This Saturday October 20 there will be a classical concert by the students of the Anna Ajmátova School of Arts from Saint Petersburg at the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre in Estepona from 7.30 pm. Ten students of piano, flute, violin and cello will perform works by Polonskii, Schuman, Verdi, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Bach and Schubert, amongst others.

La Cambayá Blues Reunion

Queen Symphonic Rhapsody

Tuesday, 30 October, 21.00 h

Domingo, 18 noviembre, 19.00 h

Formed by musicians from different backgrounds in the national blues panorama, La Cambayá Blues Reunion was born under the philosophy of the Andalucian Cambayá Records label which has, since 1985, proposed to record and edit the bands in Spain dedicated to this genre. Tickets 15€

Mayumana - Racconto 14-17 noviembre, 21.00 h

Racconto es un montaje irrepetible, una narración llena de ritmo, movimiento, poesía, tecnología y humor que combina lo mejor de Mayumana, Bejuntos, Adraba, Momentum… con un montón de increíbles sorpresas entre las que se encuentran las colaboraciones de invitados muy especiales. Entradas de £12

El más ambicioso show internacional sobre el mítico grupo comandado por el cantante Freddie Mercury y el guitarrista Brian May reúne con el nombre de Queen Symphonic Rhapsody a más de cincuenta músicos en escena y está apoyado por un impresionante despliegue de luces, sonido y proyecciones. Entradas de £16

Thursday 1 November, 21.00 h

Mayumana - Racconto

Queen Symphonic Rhapsody

Actor, dancer, showman, the Málaga born Zenet has become one of the most unique voices on the national scene. To date he has released two albums The seas of China and all the streets, with which he has achieved the Awards for Best New Artist of 2012 and Best Fusion Album of 2011. Tickets 20€

Racconto is a unique montage, a story full of rhythm, movement, poetry, humor and technology that combines the best of Mayumana, Bejuntos, Adraba, Momentum ... with lots of amazing surprises including collaborations with special guests. Tickets from 12€

The most ambitious international show about the legendary group led by singer Freddie Mercury and guitarist Brian May gathers over fifty musicians on stage with the Queen Symphonic Rhapsody supported by an impressive display of lights, sound and projections. Tickets from 16€

Zenet in concert

14-17 November, 21.00 h

Entradas / Tickets

Sunday, 18 November, 19.00 h


Ocio What’s On

Kentucky Bridgeburners

Jueves 1 de Noviembre a las 22.00 h Louie Louie R’n’R Bar, Calle Real, Estepona

The Resident -

Louie Louie Rock’n’Roll Bar

Programa de Oct/Nov

Maph Music presents

2Nights the Night


At Vibes Bar, La Cala de Mijas Saturday November 3

Jueves 25 de Octubre French Punk’n’Roll

A great line up of fresh young artists along with more established acts will entertain you during this great night of music starting at 9 pm.

Kentucky Bridgeburners Jueves 1 de Noviembre Rock’n’Roll Gospel! De las cenizas de Nine Pound Hammer ascienden los Kentucky Bridgeburners. Blaine Cartwright de Nashville Pussy encabeza el grupo, que también incluye Bryan Malone (The Forty-Fives), Earl Crim y Rob Hulsman.

Si coges R’n’B, Gospel y los Sex Pistols, y los mezclas, con qué acabarás? Con The Kentucky Bridgeburners! Anímate a verlos en Louie Louie, Estepona el jueves 1 de noviembre. Entrada solo 10 euros.

Kentucky Bridgeburners

Thursday November 1 at 10 pm Louie Louie R’n’R Bar, Calle Real, Estepona From the ashes of Nine Pound Hammer rises the Kentucky Bridgeburners. Blaine Cartwright of Nashville Pussy fronts the band, which also includes Bryan Malone (The Forty-Fives), Earl Crim and Rob Hulsman.

21-10 Flamenco Guason

10.11 D’Callaos

26.10 Los Porretas

10.11 Los Aislandticos

+ Los Chabos

Death By Unga Bunga Lunes 5 de Noviembre Norwegian Rock

The Tin Cans

Domingo 18 de Noviembre German Rockabilly

+ Much more ...

If you take R’n’B, Gospel and the Sex Pistols, mix it up and what do you get? The Kentucky Bridgeburners that’s what! See them at Louie Louie, Estepona on Thursday 1 November. Entry just 10 euros.

Calendario de Actuaciones - GIG GUIDE Duende Copas, Estepona

Artists include: Orange Peel (Rock); Catastrophe Owls (Rap/rock); 'mar (Rnb/Pop/ acoustic), Simone Lisa (Soul/Rnb/ Pop), Zoe Hughes (Pop/dance/ Commercial), Mr Maph (Soul/ Motown), Lady Lauren (Garage), Sam Mason (Garage/Rnb), Sam Storm (House/Electro House), Mono Loco (Rap), Jade (Soul House/Pop), Maxii Kallda (Rnb/Pop/Reggae/dance), Tamia Soul (Acoustic/Soul/Rnb), Gareth (Rap/Garage), Paul Mason (Beatbox/Rap/Garage), Zoe Jade Burgess (Pop/&more), Entry is free.

Coín Festival de Rock 2012

Nave Sacab, Polígono Industrial Cantarranas, Coín, Málaga Sábado 24 de Noviembre

Sala Eventual, Malaga

Sala Paris 15, Malaga

Sala Eventual, Malaga

11.11 Art Club Band

26.10 Trick or Treat

Duende Copas, Estepona

La Gramola, Algeciras

26.10 Pavel Urkiza

11.11 The Satelliters

El Escenario, Estepona

La Gramola, Algeciras

28.10 La Banda del Gazpacho

12.11 Gatos Locos

Duende Copas, Estepona

La Gramola, Algeciras

31.10 Sótano Sur

22.11 Electric Mary

Duende Copas, Estepona

Louie Louie, Estepona

02.11 Return of the Punk


24.11 Swan Fyahbwoy

04.11 Café con Leche:

24.11 Brutal Thin

Rock on the Rock, Gibraltar

versiones de flamenquito Duende Copas, Estepona

Sala Eventual, Malaga

Louie Louie, Estepona Send your band reviews,gig reports, album critiques or any information on thelocal music scene in the South of Spain to info@elintercambio.orgYour local music resource

10 Bandas que serán las que completan este cartel desde el Rock hasta el Metal más pesado. Jose Rubio’s Nova Era, Trilogy, Perseidan, Snagora, Kevlar Skin, Tsar Bomb, Apontokation, Kathew, Sniper Alley, Burning Hills Anticipada: 6 € Taquillla: 10 € Incluido: • Concierto de 10 grupos de Rock & Metal.

• • •

Barra de Bebidas & Comida con precios de lo más económicos. Stand’s (Ropa, Piercings, Tattoos, Merchandising...) Todos los asistentes entrarán en un sorteo con su número de entrada que se celebrará en cada cambio de banda. Fiesta Rock & Metal con DJ Drunkman & DJ Bastardnation!

Coin Rock Festival 2012

Nave Sacab, Polígono Industrial Cantarranas, Coín, Málaga Saturday 24 November 10 bands that will complete this years poster going from from Rock to Heaviest Metal. Jose Rubio’s Nova Era, Trilogy, Perseidan, Snagora, Kevlar Skin, Tsar Bomb, Apontokation, Kathew, Sniper Alley, Burning Hills Advance: 6 € On the door: 10 € Includes • Concert of 10 groups of Rock &

• • • •

Metal. Beverages & Food Bar with cheap prices. Stands (Clothing, Piercings, Tattoos, Merchandising) Everyone having the ticket number is entered in the raffle contest. Rock & Metal Party with DJs Drunkman & Bastardnation!

Información Information

The Resident -

Feria de Navidad de ADANA Age Concern, Estepona La Feria de Navidad de ADANA se celebrará e domingo and Manilva 25 de noviembre 2012 en el Palacio de Congresos de Estepona, a partir de las 11 de la mañana. Hay muchos regalos de navidad económicos, de manualidades, joyería, trabajos con cuero y comida casera. Las empresas y comercios locales también tendrán su lugar, vendiendo de todo, desde libros, ropa, plantas, galletas para perro, hasta casas de ocasión en la costa. Habrá bar, cafetería, pasteles y snacks, así como entretenimiento, incluyendo juegos, villancicos y un Papá Noel. Asimismo, se han donado muchos premios para la rifa, como comidas para dos en restaurantes elegantes, vinos, jamones y productos navideños. El precio de la entrada es sólo de 1 euro por adulto, los niños entran gratis. Si quieres poner un stand (por sólo 20 euros) envía un email a:

Donation from the International Theatre Studio

Dog for sale due to a change in circumstances, we have to sell our family pet. He is a small 9 month old Pomeranian, fully inoculated and micro chipped with full passport. He is a great family pet and fantastic with children, very affectionate and loving. For more details please call on 697648591 or 618852256.


Tel: 655 825 931

ADANA Christmas Fair The ADANA Christmas Fair will be held on SUNDAY 25TH November 2012 in The Palacio de Congresos, Estepona, from 11.00 am onwards. There are lots of inexpensive, novel christmas gifts in arts and crafts, jewellery, leather ware, and homemade goodies to be found. Stalls from local shops and businesses will be there, selling everything from books, clothes, plants, dog biscuits, to bargain villas on the costa. There will be a bar, cafe, cakes and snacks. Entertainment, including games, Christmas Carol Singers, and a Father Christmas. A great selection of prizes have been donated for the raffle such as: free meals for two in classy restaurants, wines, hams, and other christmas fare. Entrance fee is only €1 per adult, children enter for free. If you would like to take a stand (for only €20) send an email to:

Talk by celebrated author to raise funds for animal charity



29 years Experience Industrial - Commercial - Domestic No Job Too Small Very Reliable In mid-September the International Theatre Studio held a ‘Play in the Park’ event in Parque Leonera, Benahavís. The proceeds of the evening, which consisted of entertainment followed by a one act play called ‘What’s for Pudding’, were donated to Age Concern who also ran a raffle at the event. Over 200 people enjoyed a fabulous evening in glorious weather. Picnics were eaten, entertainment enjoyed and several lucky people won on the raffle. ITS have made a very generous donation of 1,985€ to Age Concern, and the raffle raised a further 515€ making a total of 2500€ to help the work of the charity with older people in the community. Many thanks go to all of the people who bought tickets both for the event and the raffle, to the entertainers who gave of their time and energy, to the actors and actresses who delivered a professional, and very funny play, and to the ITS Committee who laid on the evening and who were so generous. A cheque was presented to Eileen Dry, President of Age Concern, by Fred Wallis, Production Manager of ITS, and Kate Jackson, actress and ITS Committee member at the charity’s Drop-In-Centre in Estepona. With this support Age Concern can continue expanding the work it carries out in helping older people who have problems and require help and information.

Call: 634 671 916

Email: This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198 Website


For older people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650 163 928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is .

Well-known author and expert on local history Michael Barry will be giving an illustrated lecture on the history of Andalucia in aid of Estepona-based animal rescue charity ADANA. The talk will take place at the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona, at 8.00p.m. on Monday, 22nd October. Admission is 8 euros which includes a glass of wine and a chance to ask questions of Michael after the talk. Tickets may be purchased from Longmans Bookshop, Plaza Manilva Estepona, or the ADANA shop in Calle Padre Cure, Estepona.

Estepona & District Jewish Social Group Activities since the start of Spring/Summer have included, Afternoon Teas and an evening Poolside Party with top line entertainment. The next event will be a Dinner accompanied with Live Music and will be held early September at a local venue. October will feature our very popular Penthouse Tea Party and after this we will announce our Winter programme. We also hold monthly Friday Night get togethers. For further information please contact gerrycee@yahoo.

Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva, now have a new web site linked to the Age Concern Espana main web site. Press and Publicity Officer, Tony Aldous, says that being linked to the main site gives consistency across all of the Age Concern Organisations in Spain in how information is presented. He says that thanks to the efforts of Kim Stollard who has updated the main web site and who maintains the site, the new approach is already winning approval from people across the area. To reach the main site use and follow the link to Local Organisations.

Alcoholics Anonymous PROBLEM WITH YOUR DRINKING? There is a cost free solution Call the Helpline 600 379 110



Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

Fácil Easy

This month’s picture quiz celebrates the 50th anniversary of the very first James Bond movie. Name these classic bond films. Answers on page 27. El Quiz de este mes celebra el 50 aniversario de la primera película de James Bond. Nombra estas películas clásicas de Bond. Respuestas en la página 27.



Soluciones página 27 All solutions on page 27

Nivel Medio Medium





Difícil Hard






The Resident -


El Intercambio - Exhibiendo música local El último año ha visto el crecimiento de El Intercambio, una organización sin ánimo de lucro que se dispone a promocionar la música y los músicos locales a un público más amplio. Se consigue esto a través de diversos canales, incluyendo un sitio web en el que podrás encontrar noticias locales de eventos musicales, conciertos y álbumes, así como información acerca de grupos y artistas. El Intercambio participó recientemente en la organización de la exitosa I Batalla de las Bandas de Sotogrande, y ya hay planes para repetirlo el año que viene, aunque a una escala mucho mayor. El Intercambio también produce programas de radio en línea, presentando música y músicos locales, y el próximo mes verá el lanzamiento de su estación de radio, Radio El Intercambio, todo esto sin quedarse un solo centavo de ninguno de los músicos y locales que pretende promocionar. Así que si estás interesado en descubrir las maravillas de la escena musical local o quieres contribuir con un artículo o crítica visita la página web www.

Sobre el Intercambio

El Intercambio es una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuyo propósito es proporcionar apoyo promocional, artístico y de marketing a toda la

diversidad de artistas a lo largo de la Costa del Sol. Les suministramos este apoyo con el fin de asistir a estos artistas en la persecución de su música y arte ayudándoles a llegar a un mayor público local e internacional, perfeccionando su oficio y a ganar dinero sin ser explotados. Este apoyo a artistas locales tomará la forma de críticas, promociones, reservaciones, clases, introducciones, marketing usando métodos tradicionales y nuevos y cualquier otra medida para asistir a las artistas para que puedan crecer, mejorar y continuar su música y arte así como hacer que llegue a un mayor público. El Intercambio es una organización sin ánimo de lucro. Ninguno de sus miembros o contribuidores deberán aceptar cualquier forma de remuneración de la promoción de los artistas. Cualquier capital generado será reinvertido en la organización para facilitar la continuación de su trabajo. Los artistas y músicos que beneficien del trabajo de El Intercambio no tendrán que pagar a la organización, a los contribuidores individuales o patrones. Si los artistas aprecian el trabajo y la asistencia suministrada por la organización y quieren reciprocar pueden hacerlo mediante ‘Pay it Forward’.

El Intercambio - Showcasing local music The past year has seen the growth of El Intercambio, a not for profit organisation which sets out to promote local music and musicians to a wider audience.

This is done through various channels including a website on which news of local musical events, gig and album reviews, and information about band and artists.


MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 - Móvil: 657 96 03 47 - Mobile: 662 276 767 (in English)

Avenida Velazquez 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)

Recently El Intercambio were involved in organising the highly successful I Sotogrande Battle of the Bands, and there are already plans to repeat this next year, albeit on a bigger scale. El Intercambio also produce online radio programmes, showcasing local music and musicians, and next month will see the launch of their streaming radio station, Radio El Intercambio, all this without taking a single cent from any of the musicians and venues it seeks to promote. So if you’re interested in discovering the wonders of the local music scene or would like to contribute an article or review then visit

About El Intercambio

EL Intercambio is a non-profit organisation which aims to provide promotional, marketing and artistic support to the full diversity of musical artists in the South of Spain, providing this support with the aim of assisting these artists in the pursuit of their music and art exposing it to a wider audience locally and internationally,

perfecting their craft and helping them to make money from it free from exploitation. This support of local Artists takes the form of reviews, promotions, bookings, lessons, introductions, marketing using traditional and new technology and any other means of assisting the artists to grow, improve and continue to pursue their music and art and get it out to a wider audience. El Intercambio is a not for profit organisation. No members or contributors should ever take any form of financial reward from the promotion of the artists. Any finances generated by this non-profit organisation will be fed directly back into the organisation to enable it to continue with its work. Artists and Musicians who benefit from the work of EL Intercambio are not asked to pay or reciprocate to the organisation, individual contributors or patrons in any way. If such Artists appreciate the work and assistance provided by the organisation and wish to reciprocate they can do this via Pay It Forward.

Marlows Fish & Chip Restaurant

Advertise in The Resident

Book your advert in The Resident NOW. Unbeatable rates and packages. Don’t forget advertising is an investment, not an expense. So invest in your business today.

952 936 198 or

Marlows is a modern, and spacious comfortable restaurant with an outside terrace to accommodate smokers. At Marlows you will find expertly fried fish & chips, north sea haddock, cod, plaice, together with starters. Ribs, chicken, pies, sausages, salads, desserts and a kids menu at only €4. Marlows have 50 years plus in the fish & chip trade and in fact opened the very first fish & chip shop in Gibraltar, way back in 1966 (Irish Town Fisheries, for those of you old enough to remember it). Quality, Value and Service excel at Marlows. So why not try for yourself! Marlows can also cater for any party, Big or Small up to 100 people.

During the winter months there is a fantastic Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch on Sunday served from 1pm - 4.30pm. Tel. 951 276 728

EARLY BIRD NOW €7.50 1 Fish & Chips (Cod or Haddock) 1 Bread & Butter or 1 Peas 1 Drink

Tea, coffee, beer, water or soft drink

6pm - 7.30pm Monday to Thursday Served in the Restaurant


Información Information

The Resident -

BRITISH CONSULAR NETWORK IN SPAIN - Useful information Healthcare Reform: Changing with the Times A new healthcare law has been introduced changing the Spanish healthcare system away from being strictly contributionsbased. What does this mean exactly, and how will it affect you? People who were registered as Spanish residents prior to 24th April 2012 and do not have entitlement to state healthcare paid for by the UK, (e.g. as a UK state pensioner) may now find they can register for the national health service in Spain as residents. If you think this may apply to you, then speak with your local INSS office to check your entitlement. Your local office can be found at If you have not yet applied for your residencia in Spain, you may find that more rigorous conditions are now applied at the time of

ACASA - The National Casework Service of Age Concern España

making your application, such as providing proof of entitlement to healthcare in Spain. If you are in receipt of a UK state pension your S1 form issued from the International Pension Centre should be sufficient to fulfil this requirement. UK state pensioners should contact the International Pension Centre on 0044-191218-7777 to request an S1. Those who do not have access to Spanish state-run healthcare by any other means should shortly be able to pay into a nation-wide Convenio Especial (Special Agreement). Contact your local health authority for further information, including how to register. Further information on access to healthcare in Spain can be found at

Returning to the sun? Let the UK authorities know With two heat waves hitting Spain this summer it’s no wonder that many expat residents choose to return to the UK during July & August to escape the high temperatures. However, as the summer now draws to a close, many are beginning to return to Spain to enjoy the milder temperatures and whilst some may be intending to spend the entire winter here and others just a few weeks or months, it is important that if you receive a UK benefit and are going abroad, even for just a short time, you notify the office who pays your benefit before you go. In fact, any change in your circumstances, such as moving in with a partner or starting work, should be reported immediately to the relevant authority. Spending time out of the UK, whether it be for a holiday or

to live, doesn’t necessarily mean your benefits will be affected but not notifying your local benefit office of time spent abroad is considered to be an offence and could lead to prosecution, imprisonment and even the confiscation of your home and possessions. More information on UK benefits in general and on which ones can and cannot be received whilst living in Spain can be found on uk. If you know of someone committing UK benefit fraud whilst living in Spain, you can call the free and confidential Benefit Fraud Hotline in Spain on 900 554 440 or fill in the online form available at www. and help UK investigators close the net on benefit thieves.

Why do you ask so many questions? ‘Why do you ask so many questions?’ is often asked of our volunteer Caseworkers when they visit clients who are seeking financial assistance from a UK charity to help them over a rough patch in their lives. The answer might seem simple but unless the Caseworker can ‘paint’ a complete picture of a person’s life for the ACASA Almonisation Officer, the chances are that the client will not receive the maximum benefit from resources, which are available to him or her both from the UK and Spain. There are more than 180,000 charities registered in the UK. This might be a large number for readers to absorb and

admittedly the aims of many charities do not fit the bill, but the Almonisation Officer works with the information provided to fit a client to a charity or charities. There are, for example, charities for those born in a specific town, those of a particular faith, those with a military background, etc. In addition, most professions or trades have their own charity or guild, some large companies have a charitable fund for ex-employees, as do schools or seats of learning. The possibilities are many so please be tolerant when we ask so many questions and be appreciative of the Almonisation Officer who has spent many years developing her skills in this area. In addition to the Almonisation Officer’s skills, the President of ACASA meets on an annual basis with a number of the charities, which make regular grants to British expatriates living in Spain. These meetings which started in 1995, are aimed at an exchange of ideas and give the President an opportunity to explain in detail the difficulties faced by the expatriate community in Spain particularly in these difficult economic times. By the time this newsletter is circulated, the meeting for 2012 will have taken place and significant matters, which affect every one of us in the British expatriate community, will be reported in the next newsletter.

The Resident -

Información Information


El Veterinario - El aumento de los parásitos alimentarios Los malos hábitos de higiene y alimentación son el principal factor del incremento de infestaciones provocadas por parásitos Los parásitos son microorganismos presentes en los alimentos y en el agua de consumo, con capacidad para provocar enfermedades en los humanos. Su tamaño es variable, desde organismos no visibles para el ojo humano hasta gusanos visibles a simple vista. Los parásitos se alimentan de los nutrientes presentes en los alimentos y en el agua y la mayoría proceden de las heces de los animales que, a través de las manos, utensilios, insectos y agua contaminada, llegan a los alimentos. La clave para evitarlos es, por tanto, una buena prevención con una correcta higiene. Sin embargo, los especialistas del Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) advierten de que las enfermedades parasitarias transmitidas por alimentos podrían incrementarse debido a una falta de medidas preventivas. Los principales motivos de la transmisión de parásitos son la falta de higiene, el consumo de frutas y verduras lavadas de forma inadecuada, una escasa cocción de la carne o el pescado y el consumo de agua contaminada. Aunque parece una infestación poco frecuente, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) estima que las patologías parasitarias afectan a las de un 10% de la población mundial. Las más comunes son las infestaciones por Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Toxoplasma gondii, Trichinella spiralis, Taenia saginata (gusano de la carne de res) y Taenia solium (gusano de la carne de cerdo). Los malos hábitos de higiene y alimentación son el principal factor del incremento de este tipo de infestaciones, según María Beltrán, coordinadora del Laboratorio de Enteroparásitos del INS. Una parasitosis comporta pérdida de

nutrientes de gran importancia, como el hierro, ya que el parásito se alimenta de la sangre y se queda con los principales nutrientes del organismo. Los síntomas de una infestación parasitaria suelen ser: diarreas, cansancio, anemia, pérdida de peso y malestar general. Parásitos Más Comunes: Según los expertos, cada vez son más frecuentes los parásitos emergentes, es decir, nuevas enfermedades causadas por parásitos que no se localizan solo en países en desarrollo, sino también en países desarrollados, debido a la migración de personas, alimentos y animales. El riesgo de contaminación parasitaria es, por lo tanto, frecuente. Además, según los últimos informes científicos, las parasitosis más habituales se vuelven más frecuentes. Destacan: Giarda duodenalis, causante de giardiasis, es un organismo unicelular que vive en los intestinos de las personas y los animales. Está omnipresente en todo el mundo y es uno de los principales causantes de infección parasitaria. Está asociado al consumo de agua contaminada y al de carne cruda infectada con el parásito, así como al contacto de superficies contaminadas con heces de animales o personas y que, a través de las manos, llegan a la boca. Cryptosporidium parvum, causante de cryptoporidiosis, es un parásito unicelular y una de las mayores causas de enfermedades transmitidas por agua en todo el mundo. Se halla en los intestinos de una gran variedad de animales, como vacas, ovejas o cabras. Esta infestación puede ser intestinal, pero también puede afectar a la tráquea y al pulmón. Este parásito se encuentra en los suelos, en

alimentos, en el agua y en superficies contaminadas con heces infestadas. Toxoplasma gondii, causante de toxoplasmosis, es un parásito unicelular presente también en cualquier rincón del mundo y que supone la tercera causa de muerte por parasitosis a través de alimentos. Su contaminación se debe, sobre todo, al consumo de carne de res, cerdo, ternera o cordero poco cocinada. También está presente en las aves, con lo que es imprescindible su correcta cocción, y los gatos pueden ser también portadores frecuentes, de manera que se ha de extremar la higiene después de manipularlos. Trichinella spiralis, causante de triquinosis, es un gusano intestinal de forma redonda. El principal causante es el consumo de carne cruda de cerdo, jabalí salvaje, osos, pumas, lobos, caballos o zorros. Estos parásitos no se transmiten de persona a persona. Taenia saginata y Taenia solium: la primera es la conocida como gusano plano de la carne de res y la segunda, como gusano plano de la carne de cerdo. Esta infección es más habitual en países subdesarrollados, donde las prácticas

higiénicas son escasas. Sin embargo, es posible en cualquier parte del mundo, debido al consumo de carne contaminada cruda o poco cocinada.


La prevención de las parasitosis pasa por: Lavado de manos adecuado, con agua caliente y jabón. Siempre antes y después de manipular alimentos, ir al baño, cambiar pañales o tocar mascotas. Consumir aguas tratadas. Evitar tragar agua si se nada en ríos o pantanos. Cocinar los alimentos hasta alcanzar una temperatura interna en el centro de la pieza de unos 70ºC. Lavar las frutas y hortalizas antes de su consumo. Mantener limpias las superficies de manipulación de alimentos. Regularmente desparasitar a sus perros, gatos, caballos u otros animales que pueda tener. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M Sabinillas - Tel: 952 891 387

Vet’s Corner - Parasites found in our food are on the rise Bad habits and food hygiene; the main factors causing the increase of these infestations

Parasites are organisms which may be found in food and drinking water, with ability to cause disease in animals including us. Their sizes vary, from microscopic organisms to worms visible to the naked eye. The parasites feed on the nutrients in food and water, and most come from the feces of animals through contact with our hands and utensils, they are also passed on by insects and contaminated water, thus getting into our food. The object is to minimize and/or avoid direct contact, therefore the key to prevention is proper hygiene. However, the specialists of the National Institute of Health (NIH) warn that food borne parasitic diseases could increase due to a lack of preventive measures. The main reasons for the transmission of parasites are poor hygiene, consumption of fruits and vegetables improperly washed, inadequate cooking of meat or fish and the

consumption of contaminated water, even if parasitic diseases are a relatively rare occurrence, the numbers are cause for alarm as they are on the rise. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that parasitic diseases affect 10% of the world’s population. The most common infestations are caused by Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium parvum, Cyclospora cayetanensis, Toxoplasma gondii, Trichinella spiralis, Taenia saginata (beef worm) and Taenia solium (pork worm). Poor hygienic measures and eating habits are the main factors in the increase of such infestations, according to Maria Beltran, coordinator of the Laboratory of Intestinal Parasites INS. A parasitic infestation decreases the presence of very important nutrients, such as iron, because the parasite feeds on the blood and competes with the body for key nutrients. The most frequent

symptoms of a parasitic infestation are: usually diarrhea, fatigue, anemia, weight loss and general malaise. Most Common Parasites According to experts more and more parasitic conditions are emerging, i.e. new diseases caused by parasites, that are not only found in the developing countries but they are also being reported in developed countries, due to the migration of people, food and animals. The parasitic contamination risk is therefore becoming an all too common occurrence. Moreover, according to recent scientific reports, the most commonly known parasites are likewise becoming more frequent. The most common culprits include: Giardia duodenalis, which causes giardiasis, it is a single-celled organism that lives in the intestines of people and animals. It is pervasive throughout the world and is a leading cause of parasitic infestation. It is associated with the consumption of contaminated water and raw meat containing the parasite, and by the contact with surfaces contaminated by animal (people included) faeces and via the hands, reach the mouth. Cryptosporidium parvum, which causes cryptoporidiosis, is a single-celled parasite and a major cause of water-borne diseases worldwide. It is found in the intestines of a variety of animals, such as cows, sheep or goats. This can be intestinal infestation, but can also affect the trachea and lungs. This parasite is found in soil, food, water and surfaces contaminated with infested faeces. Toxoplasma gondii, which causes toxoplasmosis, is a unicellular parasite is also present in every corner of the world and is the

third leading cause of death from parasitic diseases through food. Their contamination is due mainly to the consumption of undercooked poultry/fowl, beef, pork, veal or lamb. Cats are also common carriers, so to be extreme careful after handling strange or untreated cats. Trichinella spiralis, which causes trichinosis, is an intestinal round worm. The main cause is the consumption of raw pork, wild boar, bears, cougars, wolves, horses and foxes. Taenia saginata and Taenia solium: the first is known as the beef tapeworm and the second as the pork tapeworm. These infestations are more common in underdeveloped countries where sanitation practices are poor, however, they are possible anywhere in the world, due to the consumption of contaminated raw or undercooked meat.

How To Prevent Parasitosis

Prevention Involves: Proper hand washing with soap and hot water, always before and after handling food, using the bathroom, changing nappies, or handling pets. Using treated water. Avoid swallowing water when swimming in rivers or ponds. Cooking food until an internal temperature in the center of the piece of about 70 °C. Wash fruits and vegetables before consumption. Keep surfaces clean food handling Regularly deworm your dogs, cats, horses or other animals you may have.

Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M Sabinillas - Tel: 952 891 387

En la Residencia de las Palabras

The Resident -

Oigo tu voz, arcana, siembra cielos. Eres la hurí, y yo esparzo mi corazón por los pasillos de tu templo. Siento tus manos, tus labios que prenden del sol cálidos besos, estanque florido de agua o espejo quedo.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera

Por el amor que siento poseo la fuerza para detener al viento. Qué chorro de albor desde tus ojos para ese baile en la sangre del crepúsculo,

auguro sobre ellos nacimientos de amor nuevo. Siento tus brazos cual movimiento de las ramas acarician y dan sombra. ¡Oh, cómo te amo! Oigo tu voz, tu voz, dulce secreto del viento feliz acariciando mi cuerpo, la estabilidad en otro verbo aislado: en la ladera musitada del silencio. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Poemas a Rosa (1980-1982)

Me encierro en ti

Es por ti Siento que mis manos desaparecen como tales, es decir, que no existen al tocarte, se vuelven alas entre las fibras de tu cuerpo, y ¿sabes?, es por ti que me destierro al bosque, a los inseguros leños de la noche de quejigos y manzanos salvajes. Encuentro el amor, y me doy cuenta, después de tanto buscar, que sólo en él se encuentra lo incomparable. Mi cuerpo rebosa cuando te pienso, y corro como un niño: la vida cayéndome en precipicios a una velocidad de sangre, más no quiero incidir en honduras, y ¿sabes?, el otoño, coyunda de esferas entre nubes y agua, invita a los astros redondos del cielo. Es por ti por lo que vivo, por lo que consigo detener la rabia de las huellas, y mis llagas se restablecen, y ¿sabes?, es por ti por lo que desaparezco y vuelvo de la nada, de ese contoneo de la ola delgada que nuestra noche hace marcar en la arena, así sé que mi materia puede corresponder con otra alma, y en el roce de tu piel cabriola, no quiero entender que el amor es fuga cuando es por ti que un eclipse se detiene en mi mirada.


El mundo brilla en tus ojos, y en este mundo, no quiero el celo opaco, llaga que difumine mi alma. Juego en los brazos de la orilla. Al caer las olas mi corazón se baña con tus aguas. Te amo también en el alba de los bosques, criaturas enredadas en telarañas de brisa espían mi sombra por las ramas hasta encontrar tus árboles. Un lejano amarillo de flores en crepúsculo se convierte. La inteligencia quiere sembrarse en la pureza de los tulipanes silvestres. Por el bosque pasea el mar de nuestros sueños.

Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions Fácil Easy

Nivel Medio Medium

Me encierro en ti, el agua hervida a punto del nimbo y la luz. Imágenes sin sombras: lechuzas migratorias, rapaces entre zarzas. Iré hasta el más grande de los volcanes, hasta el lago de sapos blancos, respiraré en el fuego y la pureza, oh resquicio por donde entra mi pasión. Me encierro en ti porque has abierto la senda donde las palabras y las piedras marcan el camino hasta tu casa. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Poemas a Rosa (1980-1982)

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Poemas a Rosa (1980-1982)

Difícil Hard

Porque soy libre te amo El amor lleva su cuerda nirvana a tu ventana. ...Porque soy libre te amo, como eres, a donde llegas para saber de mí y de mi viento, tus remolinos en la casa de mis sueños; y con todo el amor, reguero de primavera, la mañana se nos va en enamorarnos. Porque soy libre te canto libre en un nacimiento de fuentes y frutos que encienden la piel y no detienen el agua del río de mis sentimientos. Alba es, alba libre en el seno, la cuna del amor que esboza vida en ti, cada día amor más nuevo. Porque soy libre te amo al antojo del beso y al labio conmovido por la sangre.

Porque soy libre y te elijo y me eliges, y voy y vienes; te doy, me das, y te refiero al aire blanco. Porque soy libre, arranco el árbol, converso con mi yugo y mi destino, con mi flor de llanura al borde del camino: con mi vocación converso y con tu pelo. Pero no nos desatendemos, y buscamos y pasamos las fronteras para encontrarnos en el lugar que queremos, allí, en zonas de tu viento, desde la vereda, desde el balcón, desde los montes, tenemos libertad para querernos. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Poemas a Rosa (1980-1982)

Respuestas la página 22 Picture Quiz answers page 22 1 From Russia With Love. 2 The Spy Who Loved Me. 3 The Man with the Golden Gun. 4 GoldenEye. 5 A View to a Kill. 6 Dr. No. 7 You Only Live Twice. 8 Quantum of Solace. 9 The Living Daylights. 10 On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. 1 Desde Rusia con amor. 2 La espía que me amó. 3 El hombre de la pistola de oro. 4 GoldenEye. 5 Panorama para matar. 6 Dr. No. 7 Sólo se vive dos veces. 8 Quantum. 9 Alta tensión. 10 Al servicio secreto de Su Majestad.



The Resident -

A Healthier Life with JoJo France and Claudia Norris The Burpee Challenge Friday 14 September was a BIG day for a group of 20 people from Sotogrande. We had set ourselves a massive challenge by attempting to enter The Guinness Book of Records by performing 600 burpees EACH within one hour.We wanted to do this to prove to ourselves that anyone from any walk of life, at any fitness level can do something that looks impossible. We also wanted to raise money for the Patricia D’Arch Leukaemia Foundation, We thought our onr hour of suffering would be nothing compared to the pain and suffering of a child who is sick with cancer. The group were aged 8-66, all at very different levels of fitness, some of the volunteers had turned up for training religiously for the three months prior to the event, others like a group of Americans here for a visit just decided to do it on the day. It didn’t seem to matter, once we had done the first 100 as a warm up, everyone started to feel the pain and I know many of the spectators were beginning to question whether it was possible.

Our bodies went through many emotions during the challenge: before the challenge was anxiety and nerves, many people suffered diarhoea and sleepless nights, we had already given ourselves blisters during the training sessions, so our hands were tender, some people’s backs were very tight and others lacked conviction that they could do it. During the event something amazing happened, it was as if our group of people suddenly found strength from each other and when one of us was struggling the others seemed to feel it, we pulled together and pushed through the pain, the tiredness and all the other feelings we were experiencing seemed to lesson, and when we counted down that we only had 16 minutes to go everyone found a new lease of energy. Watching the footage afterwards you can see everyone’s attitude change, the audience really helped pull us through too, the last 100 burpees seemed easier than the first 100. BUT WE DID IT - our goal was to achieve 10,800 burpees within the hour but we managed 13,075, everyone did the minimum of 615 (including an eight year old boy) and one guy achieved 686! That was truly amazing. The endorphin high after the event was indescribable. We had tons of energy, some went on to party afterwards, some needed a strong drink, others just quietly observed what they had achieved, but it felt amazing and lasted for 2-3 days afterwards. Unfortunately when the initial high wore off most of us had an emotional crash which is very common after such highs, we experienced extreme tiredness, feelings of lethargy, severe aches and pains, some even felt depressed...but again it only lasted a few days and then our lives did return to normal, most of us missed the training and were looking for the next adventure. As a group, we had an amazing experience, one that will stay with us for a long time, we also managed to raise 9,576 euros for the Patricia D’Arch Foundation. We will do another sporting challenge next year, so if you are thinking of getting fit, or would like some advice on training or challenging yourself please get in touch: 687 030 047 or email: Friday 14 September was a BIG day for a group of 20 people from Sotogrande. We had set ourselves a massive challenge by attempting to enter The Guinness Book of Records by performing 600 burpees EACH within one hour.We wanted to do this to prove to ourselves that anyone from any walk of life, at any fitness level can do

something that looks impossible. We also wanted to raise money for the Patricia D’Arch Leukaemia Foundation, We thought our onr hour of suffering would be nothing compared to the pain and suffering of a child who is sick with cancer. The group were aged 8-66, all at very different levels of fitness, some of the volunteers had turned up for training religiously for the three months prior to the event, others like a group of Americans here for a visit just decided to do it on the day. It didn’t seem to matter, once we had done the first 100 as a warm up, everyone started to feel the pain and I know many of the spectators were beginning to question whether it was possible. Our bodies went through many emotions during the challenge: before the challenge was anxiety and nerves, many people suffered diarhoea and sleepless nights, we had already given ourselves blisters during the training sessions, so our hands were tender, some people’s backs were very tight and others lacked conviction that they could do it. During the event something amazing happened, it was as if our group of people suddenly found strength from each other and when one of us was struggling the others seemed to feel it, we pulled together and pushed through the pain, the tiredness and all the other feelings we were experiencing seemed to lesson, and when we counted down that we only had 16 minutes to go everyone found a new lease of energy. Watching the footage afterwards you can see everyone’s attitude change, the audience really helped pull us through too, the last 100 burpees seemed easier than the first 100. BUT WE DID IT - our goal was to achieve 10,800 burpees within the hour but we managed 13,075, everyone did the minimum of 615 (including an eight year old boy) and one guy achieved 686! That was truly amazing. The endorphin high after the event was indescribable. We had tons of energy, some went on to party afterwards, some needed a strong drink, others just quietly observed what they had achieved, but it felt amazing and lasted for 2-3 days afterwards. Unfortunately when the initial high wore off most of us had an emotional crash which is very common after such highs, we experienced extreme tiredness, feelings of lethargy, severe aches and pains, some even felt depressed...but again it only lasted a few days and then our lives did return to normal, most of us missed the training and were looking for the next adventure.

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and rice. On the day: All day: Think hydration. Make sure you are properly hydrated before you start the event. Aim to have drunk at least 8 glasses of water during the day before the event. 4hrs before: Eat a proper meal eg. chicken with veggies and rice, fish with salad and rice. The carbs are important to fill up the glycogen stores in the muscles.

As a group, we had an amazing experience, one that will stay with us for a long time, we also managed to raise 9,576 euros for the Patricia D’Arch Foundation. We will do another sporting challenge next year, so if you are thinking of getting fit, or would like some advice on training or challenging yourself please get in touch: 687 030 047 or email: jojofrance_69@

The Nutrition Plan Here’s the nutrition plan I gave the burpee challengers. It’s a useful protocol to follow before any tournament or competition to make sure you are at your peak performance and shorten recovery time. If your event starts in the morning, you don’t need to get up 4 hours earlier! Instead, make sure you have good levels of carbs the evening before such as spaghetti bolognese or chicken

1 hr before: Eat some watermelon or sweet juicy fruit. This will provide fructose for energy as well as being very hydrating. Make sure you are hydrated. During: Our burpee challengers drank Kangen Water. It’s the only drink that RiverDance dancers drink when rehearsing or performing because it doesn’t bloat you or make you nauseous and as it is highly oxygenated it aids performance. If you don’t have Kangen Water add a pinch of sugar and salt to your water to sip through the event to keep hydrated and electrolyte levels balanced. After: Eat good quality protein (meat, fish, lentils) to speed up recovery of muscles. Drink water to rehydrate. Claudia Norris MA(Hons) Dip(BCNH), Nutritional Therapist, Registered Practitioner with the Nutritional Therapy Council or 671 142 960

Business Directory Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.

Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Ronald Rosenfeld Frances Beaumont Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Iniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L. Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.

Building & Maintenance •  Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@ •  Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515

ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Project Management Tel. 678 962 588

Holiday Accommodation •  Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www.


•  English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066 •  Simple Leasing. Car rentals and leasing. Document transfers. 0034 697 820 253 or visit www.

Professional •  Manilva Solicitors provide a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies. Tel 952 901 225 or e-mail: •  Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com •  Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.

Hair and Beauty Monte Duquesa Hair Ladies’ Stylist Men’s Barber The Courtyard Monte Duquesa 617 595 605 See

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents •  Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. •  Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 www. •  Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444

Have a day out with The Resident Property management

•  Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207 www.

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month

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International tapas Paseo Maritimo, Sabinillas Call 672 398 895

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built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal 45€ Resident price 42€


•  Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765

we will also select a featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email viajes@transandalucia. com. Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!

Every Friday. Visit the historic town of Tarifa with its winding narrow streets and its glorious Atlantic beaches. There are three options including whale watching! 1 Walk through town then free time for the beach. Adults: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€ Children: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€. 2 As ‘1’ but with 2 hour whale and dolphin trip (see sperm whales, dolphins, etc). Adults: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 63€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€. 3 As ‘1’ but with visit to Baelo Claudia Roman ruins. Adults: Normal price 50€ The Resident price 48€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€.

Ronda by Train

Mijas Water Park

Every Tuesday (May to October only) Enjoy a full day of sun and exciting water adventures. Families and friends, get set to get wet! Adults: Normal price 40€ Resident price 37€. Children: Normal price 32€ Resident price 28€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

(return by coach)

Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 43€ The Resident price 41€ Children: Normal price 33€ Resident price 31€.


Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.


Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 79€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 75€ Children: Normal price 61€ The Resident price 58€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING


Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 74€ The Resident price 70€ Children: Normal price 55€ The Resident price 53€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)

Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”,

Gibraltar - Shopping only:

Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Adults: Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: Normal price 15€ The Resident price 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping

Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Dolphin boat trip & shopping

Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Gibraltar - Rock the boat

Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 52€ The Resident price 50€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & Mijas

Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola Zoo

Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.


Informacón Information

How to obtain your medical card in Andalucia By Limit Consulting

The medical card (tarjeta sanitaria individual) is the document that identifies the individual before the Public Health Authorities of Andalucia. Each person should posses one, including expats that work in Andalucia and are registered in the Social Security and their families. It is important that even children have one from birth. If you don’t have your card yet this is what you need to do to obtain one for you and your family. The first step is including other members of your family under your benefits as user of Social Security. This is done in the offices of Social Security, in the information desk (Centro de Atención e Información de la Seguridad Social CAISS). How to obtain your medical card in Andalucia The necessary documentation is: passport and Residencia of every member of the family and proof of family relationship, such as birth certificate, “libro de familia”, marriage certificate. No translation is needed, though you have to show the originals. On the moment, if everything is correct, you will be given a accreditation document that you will need for the following step at your local health center. ( Essentially this document is enough to receive medical care in all Spain. But having a personal card for each member allows you, for instance,to choose a doctor different from that of other member)

In order to obtain your medical card you have to fill in the application form (one per card) and submit it in your local health center. Along with the form you need to present originals and copies of: Passport and Residencia Certificate of Social Security Contributor. Certificate of Benefitiaries Passport and Residencia of Beneficiaries.The “libro de familia” will do for beneficiaries under 14. Make sure you provide a valid address. The card can take up to a year to arrive. In the mean time you can use the slip they give you.

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Deportes Sport


II Gran Slam Costa del Sol Estepona El 27 de Octubre en el Palacio de Congresos de Estepona tendrá lugar el Gran Slam K9 Costa del Sol, un evento que funde el mundo de la lucha con el mundo de las dos ruedas con una espectacular concentración motera a las puertas del Palacio de Congresos, donde habrá actuación de un grupo de rock en directo, gogós, djs, zona VIP y el sorteo de una mesa VIP para cuatro personas. El presentador de televisión Antonio Caparrós participará en calidad de speaker. La velada comenzará a las 20:00 h. A continuación está la programación: Carlos Villalba K-9 Team vs Khaleaud Guerrero Team Abdo Moussid Gym vs Diego Goncet Draco Team Daza Casado Team vs Chopo (por confirmar) Juan José Contreras K-9 Team vs Juan Gomez Casado Team Salva Guerrero Guerrero Team vs Florin Pandez Zapata Team

Adrián Blanco “Látigo” vs Souffiane Luis Lloret Team Miguel Repiso RR Team vs Javier Gil Mario Vega Team Mostazo Ramón González Team vs Tomi Shodan Team Y la super pelea de la noche: Cristopher “La Mamba Negra” K-9 Team vs David Calvo “Currito” en la disputa por el prestigioso Trofeo Gran Slam K9 Costa del Sol, una escultura cedida por Juan Miguel Quiñones y que ha sido diseñada especialmente para esta edición por este escultor. El pesaje se realizará el día 26 de octubre a las 20.00 horas en Boulevar Copas, C/ Camino Padre Cura, frente a Farrus Motos, Estepona, teniendo precios especiales tanto ese día como el de la velada para todos los que acudan. Para más Información llama a Eloy al Telf. 615 324147. El precio de la entrada anticipada es de sólo 10 euros y en taquilla de 12 Euros

II Grand Slam Costa del Sol Estepona On 27 October the Palacio de Congresos in Estepona will be hosting the Grand Slam K9 Costa del Sol, an event that brings together the worlds of kickboxing and motorbiking with a spectacular biker concentration at the gates of the Palacio de Congresos, where a live rock band will be performing, with go-go dancers, DJs, a VIP area and the opportunity to win a VIP table for four. TV presenter Antonio Caparrós will be presenting the event. The evening will begin at 8 pm. Here is the schedule: Carlos Villalba K-9 Team vs Khaleaud Guerrero Team

Abdo Moussid Gym vs Diego Goncet Draco Team Daza Casado Team vs Chopo (to be confirmed) Juan José Contreras K-9 Team vs Juan Gomez Casado Team Salva Guerrero Guerrero Team vs Florin Pandez Zapata Team Adrián Blanco “Látigo” vs Souffiane Luis Lloret Team Miguel Repiso RR Team vs Javier Gil Mario Vega Team Mostazo Ramón González Team vs Tomi Shodan Team And the super fight of the night:

Christopher “The Black Mamba” K-9 Team vs David Calvo “Currito” in the race for the prestigious Grand Slam Trophy K9 Costa del Sol, a sculpture donated by Juan Miguel Quinones which has been designed especially for this event by the sculptor. The weigh-in will take place on October 26 at 8 pm in Boulevar Copas, C/ Camino

Padre Cura, opposite Farrus Motos, Estepona, offering special prices on the day as well as in the evening for all those who attend. For more information call Eloy on Tel. 615 324 147. The advance ticket price is 10 euros and will be 12 euros on the night.

Waterpolo: El Club de San Roque arranca el nuevo curso BOUTIQUE DEL MÁRMOL

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El 27 de Octubre en el Palacio de El Club de Waterpolo de San Roque vuelve a zambullirse en la piscina municipal de la ciudad con nuevos proyectos y ganas de crecer. Para esta temporada, la

entidad tiene a más de una treintena de alumnos inscritos. El objetivo para esta nueva campaña es hacer un buen papel en la Liga alevín provincial y andaluza.

Waterpolo: The San Roque Club begins the new year The Waterpolo Club of San Roque is once again taking the plunge into the town’s swimming pool with new projects and a desire to grow. For this season, the club

has over thirty students enrolled. The goal for this year is to succeed in the provincial and Andalucian leagues.

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