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No.38 18 SEP-17 OCT 2009 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006
100,000 clients can’t be wrong
952 79 39 09
Revuelta en escuela del Secadero
Málaga · Marbella · Estepona
TLF:/FAX: 952 89 12 95 Email:
Casares Restauración de Iglesia
Church Restoration Completed Pag 3
School meals revolt in Secadero Los padres y madres de los escolares solicitantes del servicio de comedor del Colegio Los Almendros del Secadero decidieron en una reunión mantenida ayer que sus hijos no van a entrar el próximo lunes al comedor.
Parents of pupils at the Colegio Los Almendros del Secadero, Casares decided at a meeting last week to boycott the school canteen. Página/Page 4
Manilva PSOE - IU Pacto
PSOE-IU Coalition explained Pag 6
Estepona Nuevo Estación Bus
New Bus Station Proposed Pag 11
Opinión Señor de los Ladrillos Lord of the Bricks Pag 15
The Resident -
Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.
Dep Leg: MA -158-2006
Damos la bienvenida a todos los lectores de la edición de este mes del periódico The Resident, ¡ Es nuestro tercer cumpleaños!. Como habrán podido ver durante estos años, nunca hemos dicho que nuestro periódico era uno de los mejores de la zona, ni hemos exagerado a cerca de su importancia sino que hemos preferido trabajar duramente para el periódico y dejar que él mismo hable por sí solo. Pero solamente esta vez vamos a darnos un golpecito en la espalda y diremos: ¡ bien hecho! Bueno, hemos sobrevivido otro verano más. Sé que no debería sentirme feliz de que la mayoría de los turistas hayan regresado a casa, después de todo, la mayoría de nosotros dependemos directa o indirectamente de éstos por su aportación económica. Pero llegando finales de agosto, principios de septiembre hay una sensación de alivio cuando las cosas han vuelto a su normalidad una vez más y no tienes que esperar una mesa en tu restaurante o bar favorito, o plazas de aparcamiento.. Los padres también sienten alivio ahora que los niños han vuelto al cole. Este año, los alumnos de infantil y primaria empezaron una semana antes, después de todo no tiene sentido en estos tiempos que corren que tengan trece semanas de vacaciones de verano, esperemos que las vacaciones de verano se conviertan en sólo dos meses, sería una propuesta más razonable. De momento, estamos en un período de transición entre la temporada de verano y el resto del año. Mientras que los visitantes de verano nos dejan, el invierno entra y muchas de las actividades de otoño e invierno están a punto de comenzar. Asegúrese de consultar la web del periódico The Resident en www.theresident. es para eventos y actividades . Hablando de páginas web, ya que muchos de nuestros lectores saben, The Resident tiene una web donde no sólo podrán ver el periódico en su totalidad, sino también leer artículos y noticias que se producen entre las publicaciones mensuales. Lo último es la página de The Resident en Facebook. Facebook es un sitio de redes sociales que permite a los usuarios comunicarse con sus amigos, familiares, colegas, clientes, etc, lo bueno de Facebook es que la información se puede añadir de forma rápida y sencilla, especialmente las imágenes. ¿Por qué no convertirse en parte de The Resident y registrarse como fan de nuestra página del periódico The Resident en hĴp://www. Tan solo queda dar las gracias a todos nuestros fieles lectores, muchos de los cuales han estado con nosotros desde el principio, y desear seguir con todos vosotros otros tres años y muchos más.
Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Judith Beaumont Contributors Rafael Galán (Photos) Ronald Rosenfeld Brian Berney Pedro Cerezo Avilés Rona Bourke Practical Satellite Solutions Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 Province of Cadiz AV Impresores Tel. 956 174 481 General Enquiries Printed by Distasa
Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.
Welcome readers to this month’s issue of The Resident, which is our third birthday issue. As you will have gathered over the years we are not one to blow our own trumpet, and make exaggerated claims about the paper, preferring to “quietly get on with the job” and let the product speak for itself. But just this once we will give ourselves a hearty slap on the back for a job well done! Well we’ve survived another summer. I know I shouldn’t feel so happy that the majority of the tourist hordes have returned home, after all most of us rely either directly or indirectly on these visitors for their economic input, but come the end of August, beginning of September there is a sense of relief when things have returned to normal once again and you don’t have to fight for a table at your favourite bar or restaurant, and parking spaces become available once more. Parents too will be heaving a sigh of relief now that the children are back to school. This year the primary and infant school pupils went back a week earlier, after all there is no sense in this day and age of a thirteen week summer break, hopefully this will be a continuing trend with a two month summer holiday a more reasonable proposition. At the moment, we are in something of a transition period between the summer season and the rest of the year. Whilst the summer visitors have left us the winter shift are just beginning to return and many of the autumn and winter activities are yet to start. Make sure you check out The Resident website at for events and activities as they are announced. Talking of websites, as many of our readers know, The Resident has a website where you can not only view the paper in its entirety, but also read articles and news items that occur in between issues. The latest addition to our online presence is The Resident Facebook page. Facebook is a social networking site that enables users to communicate with their friends, family, colleagues, customers, etc., the beauty of Facebook is that information can be added quickly and easily, particularly images. Why not become part of The Resident community and sign up as a fan of our page The Resident at It just leaves to thank our faithful readers, many of whom have been with us from the beginning, and to look forward to the next three years. Best regards Ed.
anúnciese con the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -
04.10.09 Concierto de Rock en el Castillo de la Duquesa Rock Concert in the Castle at Castillo 09.10.09 Concierto Benéfica en el Hotel Kempinski Charity Concert at the Hotel Kempinski 14-19.10.09 Feria de San Pedro San Pedro Fair 12.10.09 Día de la Hispanidad - Fiesta Nacional National Holiday
In Loving Memory SUSANNAH ROBSON OLSEN Who passed away peacefully on Saturday, 5th September after a long and fruitful life, and was laid to rest at the new Manilva Cemetery after a Requiem Mass on Sunday, 6th September. Susannah will be sadly missed by her son, Chris, and everyone who knew her.
de nuestra querida SUSANNAH ROBSON OLSEN Quien falleció pacíficamente el Sábado, 5 de septiembre después de una larga y fructífera vida, y fue sepultada en el Cementerio nuevo de Manilva después de una misa de réquiem el domingo, 6 de septiembre. Hijo, familiares y amigos les echaran mucho de menos.
The Resident -
La alcaldesa de Casares y la consejera de Cultura inauguran la rehabilitación de la Iglesia Mayor
Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares
La Alcaldesa de Casares, Antonia Morera y la Consejera de Cultura, Rosa Torres, han inaugurado recientemente las obras de rehabilitación de la antigua Iglesia Mayor de Casares. Un acto al que también han asistido los concejales de la corporación local, representantes de Autopista del Sol y de la Asociación ‘World Monuments Fund’, y el delegado provincial de Cultura en Málaga Manuel J. García. Tras realizar un recorrido por el edificio rehabilitado la alcaldesa de Casares, Antonia Morera, manifestó a los medios su alegría al ver por fin este edificio finalizado. Un proyecto por el que lleva luchando el Ayuntamiento de Casares, con el ex alcalde Juan Sánchez a la cabeza, desde el año 1988. La alcaldesa de Casares hizo referencia a la continuación que debía tener este proyecto, pues aunque ya se habían terminado las obras de rehabilitación, todavía quedaba el equipamiento escénico para que este edificio pueda ser el Centro Cultural que Casares necesita. Para ello, el Ayuntamiento de Casares ha elaborado un proyecto que tiene un coste que supera el millón de euros y para el que el Ayuntamiento había solicitado un crédito ICO. Por su parte, la Consejera de Cultura, Rosa Torres, manifestó su compromiso de apoyar económicamente el equipamiento de este edificio y ofreció al Ayuntamiento
The Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares had a very interesting summer of events, the most recent being an “antique valuation” which provided a number of pleasant surprises for some of their members. The members also had the pleasure of assisting the Casares Town Hall with the “library on the beach” which provided books, magazines and newspapers for Spanish and foreign readers using the beach, along with children’s books. The summer events draw to an end with a trip to the Picasso Museum and to the Alcazaba Palace in Malaga on the 25th September, and a 9 hole
solicitar la inclusión de Casares en los Circuitos Escénicos de Andalucía. Las obras de rehabilitación de la Iglesia Mayor de Casares comenzaron en 2005, financiadas a través de un convenio entre el Ayto. de Casares, la Consejería de Cultura, Autopista del sol y la Asociación ‘World Monuments Fund’ La entidad Autopista del Sol invirtió en los trabajos 1.650.000€, el 1% del presupuesto de construcción de la autopista de peaje de la Costa de la Sol. La asociación Fondo Español para la Conservación y Restauración de Monumentos ‘World Monuments Fund’ fue la encargada de contratar las obras. Por su parte, la Junta aportó algo mas de 6.000 € para el estudio y el proyecto técnico previo, mientras que el Ayuntamiento de Casares ha
financiado las obras con una cantidad que rebasa el millón de euros. La Iglesia está levantada sobre una antigua mezquita, de la que se conserva el alminar, y está situada dentro del recinto del Castillo de Casares, declarado Bien de Interés Cultural. La Iglesia ha sido objeto de una rehabilitación integral, ya que se encontraba en un deficiente estado de conservación desde el año 1936 Una vez concluidas las obras, el edificio, destinado a centro cultural, dispone de una nave central con sala de teatro, conferencias y exposiciones. En la nave norte se situará la cafetería y una sala de vídeo, y en la sur las dependencias de conserjería e información. En las capillas laterales se albergan una sala de audio y despachos para la administración y dirección del centro.
golf tournament on the 28th September. Non members are welcome to play, and to aĴend with their partners to dine at the Pergola Restaurant in Duquesa for the prizegiving. On the 8th of October there is a visit to Genalguacil including lunch at a local restaurant. Non members are also invited to join these outings. Spanish and English classes commence on the 14th September (Mondays and Fridays). For any enquiries regarding club and events please contact Maria Hammond at 952 892 030 email matia.hammond@
Vecinos y Amigos de Marina Casares
Restoration completed on the Iglesia Mayor in Casares The Mayor of Casares, Antonia Morera and the Minister of Culture, Rosa Torres, recently inaugurated the rehabilitation works of the former main church in Casares. The ceremony was attended by members of the local council, representatives from Autopista del Sol and the “World Monuments Fund” association, along with Malaga Provincial Culture delegate, Manuel J. Garcia. After a tour of the restored building, the Mayoress of Casares, Antonia Morera, told assembled press of her joy at finally seeing restoration completed after a 20year campaign headed by former Mayor, Juan Sánchez. The Mayor reminded those in attendance that, whilst the restoration work was completed there was still much work to be done to fit it out with the equipment necessary for its projected use as a cultural centre. To this end, the municipality of Casares has put
together a project with a budget of over 1 million euros, and for which the town is seeking funding. Minister of Culture, Rosa Torres, confirmed her ministry’s commitment to financially supporting the project and offered to solicit the centre for inclusion on the Andalucian Stage Circuit to host regular cultural events such as theatre, music and cinema. The restoration work began in 2005 through a financial agreement between the Casares Town Council, the Ministry of Culture, Autopista del Sol and “World Monuments Fund” association. Autopista del Sol, which holds the concession for the AP-7 toll road, invested €1,650,000, which represents 1% of the construction budget for the section of motorway through the municipality. The Spanish Fund for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments “World Monuments Fund” was responsible for the
project management. The Junta de Andalucia provided 6,000 euros for the study and preliminary engineering project, whilst the Ayntamiento de Casares contributed in excess of 1 million euros to the project. The Church is built on the site of the town’s original mosque, retaining the minaret, and is situated within the grounds of the Casares Castle, and has been declared of Special Cultural Interest. The complete restoration was required as the building was in a poor state of repair and had been in disuse since 1936. Once completed the cultural centre will house a theatre, lecture and exhibition room in the nave of the building, with a cafeteria and video room in the north aisle and reception and information are in the south aisle. The side chapels will house an audio room and the centres administration offices.
Los Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares han llevado a cabo una serie de diferentes actividades, tales como competición de dardos, bingo, los sábados por la tarde desde las 7 pm, un viaje al museo de Málaga para ver la exposición de Rodin, con almuerzo dado por la Diputación de Málaga. También han tenido una fiesta con canciones en Español e Inglés, un torneo de petanca, cuyo equipo ganador fue capitaneado por el presidente Pepe Guisado, recibiendo un bonito trofeo de plata y una botella de Cava. Esto
fue presentado en la cena y baile, celebrada el 8 de Agosto en el restaurante El Rincón del Goleto situado en la Urbanización Los Hidalgos, con música por parte de un artista internacional en Español y en Inglés. Los Vecinos y Amigos esperan poder usar su propio local gracias al Ayuntamiento de Casares, y así podrán organizar más eventos en la zona de Casares. Para más información por favor contacten con María Hammond en el teléfono 952 892 030 ó manden correo electrónico a
advertise with the resident Call 952 936 198
San Roque - La Línea
The Resident -
Gavira - Herrera, campeones del Tour Europeo de Blackpool de Voley Playa El sanroqueño Adrián Gavira y el castellonense Pablo Herrera continúan su paseo triunfal por la escena internacional de voley playa. La dupla española ha sumado un éxito más a su exitosa temporada, al proclamarse campeones del torneo del Tour Europeo de voley playa que se ha celebrado en la localidad inglesa de Blackpool. Gavira y Herrera se confirman una vez más como la pareja más en forma del mundo, en una temporada en la que están batiendo todos los records. Sensacional está siendo la temporada de Pablo Herrera y Adrián Gavira. Los nacionales suman un nuevo éxito, al proclamarse campeones de la prueba del Tour Europeo de Inglaterra. La pareja española se impuso en la final a los suizos Heuscher-Heyer por 0-2 con parciales de (16-21 y 14-21), en un partido de poco más de una hora en el que Gavira y Herrera vencieron con una casi insultante superioridad. El conjunto suizo jamás puso oposición ante la gran calidad de los españoles, que están alcanzando cotas sin precedentes en la historia del voley playa de España. El predominio de Gavira y Herrera en el torneo del Circuito continental fue tan aplastante, que los españoles sólo cedieron un set en todo el torneo. Fue en primera ronda, cuando los nacionales vencieron 2-1 a los holandeses Boersma - Paulides. A partir de ese momento,
Madres y padres del Secadero se niegan a que sus hijos no entren el lunes al comedor escolar
la pareja española batió a todos sus rivales por 2-0, hasta clasificarse para la gran final en la que se deshicieron del dúo suizo. El triunfo en Blackpool supone el segundo título del Tour Europeo que logran esta temporada, tras la victoria en el torneo de Austria. Así, Pablo Herrera y Adrían Gavira se colocan como principales favoritos para vencer en la final del Campeonato de Europa que se celebra entre el 16 y el 19 de septiembre en la localidad rusa de Sochi.
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de la Consejería de Educación, y van a solicitar una cita con el delegado provincial. Además, la Asociación de Madres y Padres de Alumnos de los Almendros están contactando con las AMPAS de otros colegios de la provincia que se encuentran en la misma situación, y no descartan realizar movilizaciones en señal de protesta. Según han apuntado algunos de los padres ayer presentes en la reunión no dudan de que el servicio cumpla con los controles de sanidad pero no están de acuerdo en que sus hijos se alimenten de una comida que ha sido cocinada hace varias semanas. Según explicaron los responsables de la empresa de catering los alimentos tienen una vida de 21 a 26 día. Son enviados a los colegios una vez por semana ya cocinados, envasados y refrigerados, y en el mismo colegio se calientan al baño maría para ser servidos a los escolares.
Secadero pupils boycott school dinners
Gavira-Herrera triumph at the European Beach Volleyball Tour in Blackpool Spanish duo Adrian Gavira from San Roque and his team mate Pablo Herrera from Castellon continue their triumphant international beach volleyball campaign by taking the top honours at the English leg of the European Beach Volleyball Tour staged in the English seaside resort of Blackpool. The Spaniards beat the Swiss pair, Heuscher-Heyer, by a convincing 0-2 sets (16-21 and 14-21) in the final, a match lasting just over an hour, and in which the Swiss had no answer to the superior quality of Gavira-Herrera. In fact the Spanish duo were superior throughout the tournament yielding just one set when they beat the Netherlands pair of Boersma-Paulides 2 sets to 1, after which they swept all aside 2-0 on their way to the final. The triumph in Blackpool is their second on this year’s European Tour having taken top honours in Austria earlier this year. The pair are favourites to win the finals of the European Championships to be held in the Russian town of Sochi between the 16th and 19th September.
Los padres y madres de los escolares solicitantes del servicio de comedor del Colegio Los Almendros del Secadero decidieron en una reunión mantenida ayer que sus hijos no van a entrar el próximo lunes al comedor. A la reunión celebrada ayer acudieron representantes del nuevo servicio de catering Serunion y más de 40 padres de los 60 alumnos del centro inscritos al servicio. Los padres, que tuvieron la oportunidad de degustar los alimentos que se servirán a sus hijos, se mostraron en desacuerdo con el procedimiento de elaboración de los mismos por lo que decidieron realizar una serie de acciones en protesta por cambio del servicio. Además de la negativa de que sus hijos entren el próximo lunes al comedor escolar, están recogiendo firmas contra el servicio, van a enviar un escrito de protesta a la delegación provincial
Parents of pupils at the Colegio Los Almendros del Secadero, Casares decided at a meeting last week to boycott the school canteen. At a meeting between the new catering contractors, Serunion, and parents of the 60 students signed up for school lunches. The contractor has introduced a system whereby the meals are prepared off site and frozen, and delivered to the school on a weekly basis and stored in refrigerators, to be heated up in bain-maries before serving. The parents were given the opportunity to taste the food which will be served to the students, and were not happy with this
method of preparation, and elected to take action to change the service. The first action will be to boycott the canteen, as well as gathering signatures for a petition to be sent to the ministry of education. In addition the Parents’ Association (AMPA) will be contacting other schools in the province in a similar situation for possible demonstrations. The parents pointed out that they were in no doubt that the service complies with health regulations, merely that they found it unacceptable that their children were being fed meals prepared weeks earlier. According to Serunion the food is consumed within 21 to 26 days.
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The Resident -
Gibraltar Fun Day for charity
The ‘DAY’ was a huge success and a good sum was raised for ‘Help for Heroes’ and other local Rotary charities in Gibraltar. ‘Challenge for Ben’ really took off with the arrival of Nick Poole who had sailed in a Drascombe Lugger (a small open sailing boat) from Jersey to Gibraltar to raise funds for Help for Heroes, in memory of his son Ben (a Royal Marine) , who died tragically on a training exercise in Wales. Nick was accompanied by a flotilla of boats which had gone out to escort him and his boat into the harbour. He was welcomed at the end of his marathon sail by The Governor, Sir Robert Fulton, who is, himself, a Royal Marine. A major attraction on the day was the raffle for the Tata car which was a huge success. Tickets sold like hot cakes at £5 per ticket. The lucky winner was the owner of raffle ticket number 2842 There were over 40 stalls of various kinds - jewellery, toys, tombola, a coconut shy, face painting, a giant chess exhibition by Stephen Whatley, second hand bookstall, cards for all occasions - too many to name all of them. There were dancers, magicians, jugglers, a fashion show, singing by The National Choir dressed as pirates, classical guitar music and singing by Philip Valverde, performances by various dance groups, a gymnastics display, line dancing, a fancy dress competition. The Gibraltar Regiment had a large display and the air cadets were in attendance. HM Customs provided two fast rib boats and people were able to have trips aboard. One of the Customs dogs showed his ability to ‘sniff out’ and retrieve drugs from underneath and inside a car. Overall, well over £7,000 was raised for the charities. Congratulations must go to The Rotary Club of Gibraltar who did most of the organisation, provided the car for the raffle and worked really hard selling the tickets before and on the day. Thanks must also go to all those Rotarians and friends who helped on the day to make everything run smoothly and made the event such a huge success.
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El Ferry de Gibraltar a Algeciras reanuda sus operaciones después de 40 años Aproximadamente 40 años después de las sanciones impuestas por Franco que interrumpieron el servicio marítimo de pasajeros entre el territorio continental español y Gibraltar, el ferry de Algeciras a Gibraltar se establece para reanudar las operaciones el próximo mes. La compañía naviera Transcome pondrá a
disposición un catamarán de 150 asientos, tres o cuatro veces al día con los precios de los billetes que se prevén alrededor de 6 a 8 euros. La medida forma parte de una serie de acontecimientos que han venido del acuerdo trilateral entre Reino Unido, España y Gibraltar.
Gibraltar-Algeciras ferry resumes operations after 40 years Some 40 years after Franco’s sanctions led to the halting of the maritime passenger service between the Spanish mainland and Gibraltar, the Algeciras to Gibraltar ferry is set to resume operations next month. The shipping company Transcome will run a 150 seat catamaran, three/four times a day with ticket prices anticipated to be around the 6 to 8 euro mark. The move is one of a number of developments to have come from the trilateral (UK, Spain, Gib) Cordoba Agreement and will provide an additional entry/exit point between Spain and Gibraltar.
PRIVATE Card Readings 35 euros per private reading with Psychic Medium at The Book Angel, Paniagua, Sotogrande To Book TEL: 663 192 399 or Email: CARD READING PARTIES Relax, enjoy a drink with friends and have readings Available evenings and weekends Min 4 people, Max 8 people To book TEL: 663 192 399
The Resident -
Postura del PSOE Manilva del pacto de “Estabilidad” con IU En los últimos años , Manilva ha vivido muchas incertidumbres políticas, pactos sorprendentes, mociones de censura, dimisiones etc. Así, el pacto de “Estabilidad” entre IU y PSOE no ha venido de gran sorpresa en el sentido de que cualquier cosa puede pasar en nuestro término municipal. El día 14 de Agosto el PSOE de Manilva firmó un pacto de “Estabilidad” con IU, en su momento había especulaciones de pactos de todos los colores, también mítines en Málaga y todo esto con Mancomunidad por medio. Hemos hablado con Diego José Jiménez, Secretario General del PSOE Manilva sobre el acuerdo firmado entre los dos partidos y esto es lo que nos comenta: -Un pacto que debería dar estabilidad al Ayuntamiento, donde había una crisis política después de dimitir dos concejales de la ASM. Esta crisis, junto con la crisis económica que estamos viviendo hoy en día, donde el actual equipo de gobierno no ha tenido ninguna iniciativa válida durante los últimos dos años para sacar el pueblo de la crisis. Tenemos que ser un partido de la oposición responsable, no vale “cuanto peor mejor” es nuestra responsabilidad seguir criticando y denunciando, pero al mismo tiempo buscar soluciones válidas. Lo que hemos firmado con IU es un pacto donde no formamos parte del gobierno pero vamos a utilizar nuestros votos por el bien del pueblo para buscar una solución a la crisis económica, crear empleo, en definitiva todo lo que es bueno para nuestro pueblo. Vamos a apoyar, lo que no, no. Entonces, más que medir,
si estamos o no en el gobierno, que eso es una posibilidad, lo que queríamos es darle estabilidad y dar un paso con responsabilidad.Diego José Jiménez. -¿Había contactos con otros partidos políticos antes de firmar el pacto con IU? -Si, lo dijimos públicamente desde el principio, ante esa situación de crisis tocaba tener contacto y capacidad de dialogar con todos los partidos políticos. Otra carencia que ha tenido este equipo de gobierno es que no ha sido capaz de llegar a acuerdos con los demás grupos políticos y no ha tenido capacidad ni voluntad de llegar a consensos, y nosotros entendíamos que por supuesto había que tratar con todos los partidos políticos olvidándonos de las diferencias y teniendo como objetivo darle la estabilidad y esa responsabilidad que necesitaba el ayuntamiento en esos momentos. Así que con todo lo que hemos hablado, hay y ha habido muchas posibilidades, unas han fraguado, otras se han quedado en el camino, bueno porque quizás no todos tenemos las mismas expectativas, los mismos intereses o prioridades y en definitiva el Partido Socialista se ha decantado por responsabilidad, por arrimar el hombro y no por sacar tajadas partidistas de ningún sitio, sino trabajar por nuestros vecinos y tener siempre en punto de mira, eso, un pueblo que está en una situación complicada económicamente y eso no se arregla con una mala situación política, sino que tenemos que hacer los políticos lo posible porque la situación política sea buena, es la única manera de que
la situación económica se mejore. No han primado en nosotros, las tajadas partidistas o hacer acuerdos, ha primado el sentido de pueblo que deberíamos tener, todos los concejales, todos los partidos políticos. - El pacto que han firmado con IU, ¿tiene caducidad? - Temporalmente, no. El pacto, básicamente lo que obliga a las dos fuerzas políticas es a trabajar buscando consenso, para asuntos de plenos, para las sesiones, urbanismo, entra en el pacto la urgencia de seguir con la tramitación del Plan General de Ordenación Urbana, porque entendemos que en un municipio de la Costa del Sol no podemos prescindir de una herramienta que le da legalidad, que le da orden al urbanismo, cuando todos sabemos que este ha sido y es el motor económico y un motor económico no puede estar desordenado y desengrasado, sino que el motor económico tiene que estar perfectamente engrasado. - También entra en el acuerdo que las pequeñas decisiones del día a día también sean consensuadas, si es cierto que está costando trabajo en materia laboral se están tomando decisiones unilaterales por parte de IU que nosotros no estamos compartiendo pero bueno, también entendemos que tampoco va a funcionar al 100% bien desde el primer día. Nosotros tenemos voluntad de seguir manteniendo este pacto, para nosotros está vigente al 100% aunque somos conscientes de que hay cuestiones que hay que ir mejorando y limando, pero caducidad no tiene, caducidad no tiene, siempre y cuando las dos
partes cumplamos. Por mí, está y seguirá estando vigente mientras las dos partes cumplan. - Digamos, que el pacto va a durar hasta las elecciones del 2011. - Lo mismo que antes, va a durar hasta que los dos partidos quieran, mientras que las decisiones se vayan tomando bien, pues puede, ¿por qué, no? Llevamos algo menos de un mes y la verdad es que ya hay algunas complicaciones que tenemos que ir resolviendo porque, yo, insisto que es lo que toca, hay que darle ese toque de seriedad que necesita la política en Manilva y después cumplir lo que se pacta. El Partido Socialista está convencido de que ese pacto es bueno y que le puede dar estabilidad al pueblo y por nuestra parte no tenemos ninguna intención de incumplirlo. Lo vamos a cumplir
a rajatabla y vamos a intentar que sea en beneficio de todos. ¿ Se hace alguna mención especial para excluir algún partido dentro del pacto? - No una mención expresa, sino que nos convertimos desde la firma de ese pacto en socio prioritario, entonces en ese pacto dice que ahora mismo las relaciones para buscar mayoría en el pleno se basan prioritariamente entre IU y el Partido Socialista eso no excluye a nadie porque nos hemos encargado que el pacto también recoja, siempre y cuando sea de mutuo acuerdo las dos fuerzas políticas..,.un consenso y esos acuerdos con el resto de los partidos políticos, no excluye a nadie pero si nos pone en una situación preferente a IU y a PSOE, pero sin exclusión.
Manilva PSOE Party’s position on their “pact for stability” with IU In recent years, Manilva has experienced many political uncertainties, strange alliances, censure motions, resignations, etc., so the “pact for stability” recently signed between the IU and PSOE should not come as any surprise in as much as anything can happen in our municipality. On 14th August, Manilva’s PSOE party signed this “pact for stability” with the Izquierda Unida, among a climate of speculation regarding a host of possible coalitions and alliances amongst the various factions, including meetings in Malaga, and manoeuvres in the Mancomunidad, the association of western Costa del Sol municipalities. In a recent interview, we spoke with Diego José Jiménez, General Secretary of PSOE Manilva about the agreement between the two parties: The Resident: How would you describe this “pact for stability” Diego: It is a pact designed to bring stability to the Town Hall thrown into disarray after two members of their coalition
partners, the ASM, resigned. This crisis, combined with the desperate economic situation we are currently experiencing, for which the current government has had no effective response to for the past two years, has left the municipality and its people in dire straits. We are a responsible opposition, and as such do not seek to gain political advantage at the expense of the people of Manilva, and whilst it is still our role to criticise and question the actions of the government, we should also help them to seek solutions to the crisis. The pact we have signed commits us to use our votes for the good of the people, whilst not playing a role in the governing body although this may be a possibility in the future, we will use our influence for the good of the people, to create jobs, and solve the financial problems facing Manilva. The Resident: Were there any contacts between you and other political parties before signing the pact with the IU? Diego: Yes, we stated publicly from the outset, before this current
crisis, that we were prepared to speak with other political parties. Another failing of this current government has been its inability or unwillingness to reach agreements with other political groups, whilst we understand it is necessary to reach such agreements and forget past differences with an aim to provide the stability and accountability that is needed at this time. So with all that said, there are and have been many possibilities some of which have come to nothing, some have fallen by the wayside, possibly because not everyone has the same expectations, interests or priorities, and ultimately the Socialist have chosen to take the responsible, putting aside political manoeuvering, to work for the benefit of the people, many of whom have suffered financially as a result of the complicated economic situation which requires a stable political climate in which to be resolved. The Resident: This pact with the IU, does it have a time limit? Diego: For now, no. The pact
essentially obliges the two political forces to work for consensus, in matters of council meetings, planning matters, processing of the General Town Plan without which a municipality on the Costa del Sol cannot give order and legality to planning decisions which we all know are the engine which drives the local economy, and an economic engine that has to be perfectly oiled. The agreement also covers the small day-to-day decision and it is true that there have been some problems with unilateral decisions being taken by the IU without our input, but we understand that it will not run 100% right from the first day and we have the will to continue to maintain this agreement and are aware of the issues which can be improved. As to an expiry, no there is no expiry date, and as long as the two parties can cooperate then it will remain in place. The Resident: So the pact will last until the 2011 elections then? Diego: As I said before, it will last as long as both parties wish it to last, and as long as the decision
making process is going well, then why not? It has been in place for just under a month and the truth is that there are some complications that need to be resolved, and which I insist must be addressed in an efficient manner before we can make serious progress within the framework of the pact. The Socialist Party believes that the agreement is good and can provide a stable government for the people, and for are part we have no intention of breaking it and will comply with it to the letter for the benefit of all. The Resident: Is there any special clause to exclude any particular party from the pact? Diego: There is no special mention, but since the signing of the pact we have become a priority partner, and that the majority position of the government relies principally on the IU and Socialist Party, but this excludes no one, and provided it is mutually agreed between the two parties, consensus and agreements can be reached with other parties bar none.
The Resident -
Dimiten dos ediles del PP de Manilva por discrepancias Las dos concejalas, María del Carmen Ferriz y Francisca María Tomé del PP de Manilva ha presentado recientemente su dimisión como representantes del partido y se han ido con el grupo de no adscritos. Dando como razón la “imposibilidad de seguir adelante con su trabajo y las discrepancias con los objetivos del partido”. Esto deja al PP con sólo dos representantes, Francisco Miguel Álvarez, el nuevo presidente del PP de Manilva y Lorenzo Guerrero, portavoz. Según la declaración presentada en Secretaría del Ayuntamiento, las concejalas habían llegado a su decisión con el deseo de “ser capaz
de luchar por los mejores intereses del pueblo y de respetar los deseos de la gente y para mejorar el lugar donde vivimos”. Además, han indicado que la medida siguió “un entendimiento claro con nuestros votantes y la línea de engaño creado por el PP en Manilva”. Ambas creen que es posible formar una sociedad que es “más justa, más libre y unida”, y esto provocó su decisión de abandonar el partido. El Ayuntamiento de Manilva se compone de 17 representantes, de los cuales 12 están actualmente en la oposición y 5 en el gobierno.
Constituido y aprobado el nuevo consejo de administración de la Sociedad De Comunicación Social Se ha constituido en Junta General el Consejo de Administración de la Sociedad de Comunicación Social. Posteriormente, se ha llevado a pleno y se ha aprobado los nuevos componentes que dirigieran los medios de comunicación local. Como mandan los estatutos, la presidenta será la alcaldesa, Antonia Muñoz Vázquez, acompañada de los ediles, Diego Díaz, concejal de Personal y Paqui López, concejala de los medios de
comunicación. A los citados responsables municipales se unirán Carmen Durán, como directora de RTV municipal y Ana Ruíz, como subdirectora. La primera edil manilveña ha manifestado públicamente que cualquier miembro de la oposición que lo desee, podrá estar de oyente en los consejos, y podrán comprobar in situ que las decisiones que se tomen para los medios de comunicación locales no solo están consensuadas sino que tienen un único objetivo,
trasladar a los vecinos la información veraz, objetiva y plural de lo que acontece en el propio Consistorio y en el término en general. Otro de los objetivos previstos, además de adaptarse a la nueva normativa donde la televisión digital terreste (TDT) tomará una nueva importancia, será contar con los máximos programas posibles de cosecha propia, donde el municipio de Manilva y sus gentes se vean reflejados en los medios.
New management in local broadcasting At a recent meeting of the governing body of the Society for Social Communication (Sociedad De Comunicación Social), which is responsible for local broadcasting in Manilva, the composition of the new directorate was approved. The meeting confirmed Mayor Antonia Muñoz Vázquez, as President, accompanied by Diego Díaz, councillor for Personnel and Paqui López, councillor for
communication media. These councillors were joined by Carmen Duran, director of RTV Manilva and Ana Ruiz, deputy director. The Mayoress has extended an invitation to any member of the opposition to sit on the board as an observer to verify that all decisions taken are in the interests of providing accurate, objective and impartial information
regarding the workings of local government and local news in general. Another objective is to facilitate the switchover to TDT (digital terrestrial television) and to ensure the inclusion of the maximum amount of local Manilva programming in the TV schedules.
Spanish Lessons The local authorities have just announced details of this year’s winter Spanish course available to Manilva residents. Lessons begin on the 5th October and are available at 4 levels: Beginners I and II; Intermediate; and Advanced. The lessons offer practical exercise and conversation for groups of around 10 - 12 students. The classes are held at the Edificio Uso Multiples in Calle Miguel Delibes in Sabinillas, with class times as follows: Beginners I: Monday and Wednesday 9.00 to 10.00 am; Monday and Wednesday 10.15 to11.15 am; Tuesday and Thursday 9.00 to 10.00 am (This group starts on lesson 5 - Español 2000); Tuesday and Thursday 1.00 to 2.00 pm. Beginners II: Monday and Wednesday 11.45 to 12.45 pm; Monday and Wednesday 1.00 to 2.00 pm. Intermediate I: Tuesday and Thursday 10.15 to 11.15 am.
Two PP Councillors resign Councillors Maria del Carmen Ferriz and Francisca Maria Tome of the PP party of Manilva recently presented their resignations as representatives of the party and have moved over to the group of independents. They have given as a reason for this action the “impossibility to move forward with their work and the discrepencies with the party’s objectives. This leaves the PP with just two representatives, Francisco Miguel Alvarez, the new President of the PP in Manilva and Lorenzo Guerrero, spokesman. According to the statement presented at the Town Hall Registry, the councillors had reached their decision in the “desire to be able to fight for the best interests of the town and to respect the wishes of the people and to improve where we live”. Also, the councillors have indicated that the move followed “a clear understanding with our
voters and the line of deception created by the PP party in Manilva”. Both believe that it is possible to form a society that is “fairer, more liberal and united”, and this prompted their decision to leave the party. The Manilva Town Hall is composed of 17 representatives, of which currently 12 are in opposition and 5 in government. The Mayoress, Antonia Muñoz, expelled the two remaining ASM councillors from the government after reaching an agreement with the PSOE for support from its four councillors. This leaves the Izquierda Unida party’s 5 councillors in government supported by the PSOE, who will nevertheless not form part of the governing body. This situation began in June when Augusto Gil and Yolanda Holgado, two councillors from the ASM who were in government with the IU, resigned.
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The Resident -
Otro atraco a punta de pistola Durante la primera semana de septiembre, se producía en Sabinillas otro robo a mano armada, en la Avda. Manilva de este núcleo de población. Dos individuos, uno de ellos con la cara tapada, robaron el bolso a una mujer a punto de pistola. Se da la circunstancia de que esta persona acababa de salir de un banco tras realizar una retirada de dinero, aunque la cantidad no ha trascendido. Durante el atraco un vecino intentó socorrer a la señora, pero uno de los atracadores le amenazó con un arma de fuego.
Los delincuentes se dieron a la fuga en una motocicleta, sin que las fuerzas de seguridad le pudiesen localizar en su huida. Esta es la tercera incidencia de robo con pistola en la zona. Hace varios meses un hombre fue atracado en el Puerto de la Duquesa, donde un individuo con pistola lo obligó a salir de su coche y entregarle las llaves del mismo, robándole el vehículo. También hubo una incidencia en el centro comercial de Los Hidalgos donde una mujer fue atracada también a punto de pistola.
El Puerto de la Duquesa acoge durante todo este mes un mercado de artesania Durante este mes de septiembre, según ha informado el área de extranjeros del Ayuntamiento de Manilva se celebrará todos los martes y jueves de ocho de la tarde a once y media de la noche, un mercadillo de artesanía en el puerto de la Duquesa, concretamente junto al Banco de Andalucía.
Esta iniciativa puesta en marcha por los comerciantes de esta zona turística del puerto, en colaboración con la citada delegación, pretende dinamizar la actividad comercial en este recinto, al tiempo que sirve para cubrir las horas de ocio de vecinos y visitantes.
Craft market for Duquesa During September, Manilva Town Hall’s Foreigners Department has organised a craft market which is held in Duquesa port on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 pm to 11 pm. The market is designed to be a boost to
the area’s commercial activity as well as providing a further attraction to visitors and residents. The market is held in Calle Los Arcos (by the Banco de Andalucia).
Asabam Another robbery at gunpoint During the first week of September a woman was robbed at gunpoint in Avenida Manilva in Sabinillas. Two men, one of them masked, stole the woman’s bag as she left a bank, threatening her with a pistol. A witness attempted to come to the woman’s assistance, but was also threatened with the gun. The two criminals then made their getaway on a motorcycle before police could give pursuit.
This is the third such incident The Resident is aware of, where victims have been robbed at gunpoint. Several months ago in Puerto de la Duquesa a man was forced at gunpoint to get out of his car and hand over the keys before the villain drove off in it, whilst just a few months later a woman was also carjacked at gunpoint at the Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre.
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Comenzamos los talleres el martes día 8 de septiembre. Las clases son tanto para socios como para no socios, con la única variación en el precio. Hacerse socio cuesta 5 euros al mes. Talleres para socios 15 euros/no socios 30 euros. Guitarra, Bandurria, Laúd, Violoncello,
The Asabam cultural association offer a number of music workshops beginning 8th September. Classes are available for members and non-members. Membership is 5 euros per month. The cost of each course is 15 euros for members, 30 euros for non members. Courses available are Guitar, Mandolin, Lute, Violoncello, Organ, Singing. You can also join the choir for 5 euros. Classes for instruments are individual or in small groups. There is no registration and you can take them up any day of the year.
Órgano, Canto - 15 euros, Coro - 5 euros Las clases de instrumentos son individualizadas y en grupos pequeños. Sin matrícula y pueden integrarse cualquier día del año.
Transporte Urgente Mensajería Urgent Deliveries Messengers Courier Service Tel. 952 89 30 96 - 952 89 72 33 Fax. 951 27 35 82
C/. Mijas, Edf. Sabinillas Playa, 6, 29692 Sabinillas, Manilva, Málaga Tel: 952 936 198 - -
MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 Móvil: 657 96 03 47 C/. Miguel Delibes - Edif. Sabina Playa 3 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)
The Resident -
Nuevo robo en la Iglesia de Santa Ana La iglesia de Santa Ana en Manilva ha sufrido un segundo robo en solo dos meses. Los ladrones que han entrado en el templo por la puerta del patio posterior del edificio, han forzado una puerta corredera y se han levado todo el dinero recaudado en los cepillos de las velas. Además, han tocado todas las
imágenes haciendo especial hincapié en la imagen de nuestra señora de los Dolores, que fue procesionada el pasado sábado. Esta imagen tiene la particularidad de portar varios elementos en oro, donados por los feligreses, aunque al parecer ninguno de estos ha desaparecido.
El Partido Andalucista Manilva El Partido Andalucista Manilva invita a todos los ciudadanos que quieran ayudar a su pueblo, moral, social y materialmente, a que asista a nuestras asambleas, las cuales, se irán comunicando con sus correspondientes fechas de convocatorias, a través de notas de prensa, y, así nuestro pueblo, puede comprobar, nuestros métodos de trabajo y nuestra forma de ayudar en todo lo que podemos, en favor de nuestro pueblo. Un claro ejemplo, son las visitas a los ciudadanos en sus casas cuando tienen algún problema, necesitan ser escuchados, y a veces, no lo son por sus correspondientes fuerzas políticas, posteriormente solicitamos al Ayuntamiento o a los órganos pertinentes ésas ayudas que necesitan. Personas que con la crisis se ven mucho más agravadas,
intentan llevar una vida lo más digna posible, dentro del caos que nos vemos sometidos. Todavía somos pocos para la gran meta que nos hemos marcado, pero esperamos que en el futuro, se nos unan más personas, que sin ánimos de lucro y con muchas ganas de ayudar a los demás, formemos el gran equipo que todos deseamos, la unión hace la fuerza, y la fuerza concentrada en Hacer el Bien, dará su resultado: El nuevo renacer de Manilva. El P.A Manilva os Saluda, y si queréis formar parte de Nuestro Equipo, y con ello, continuar con nosotros esta andadura, adelante ponte en contacto con nosotros, y seguro, que lograremos un futuro mejor, más rico y llevadero para todos.
Partido Andalucista of Manilva
Thieves target Iglesia de Santa Ana The Iglesia de Santa Ana, Manilva’s church, has suffered two robberies in as many months. In the latest break-in thieves forced the door and stole money from the votive candle box.
Fortunately they ignored the Image of nuestra señora de los Dolores, which features a number of items of gold donated by worshippers over the years.
Manilva’s Partido Andalucista invites all members of the public, who are interested in improving the moral, social and material welfare of the people of Manilva, to attend their regular meetings, dates of which will be announced through the local press.The public will be able to observe how they work and how they are able to assist them. An example of this is visiting people in their own homes, to listen to their concerns and problems, something which other political entities neglect, and then take up these concerns with the local council or the relevant bodies to resolve them.
The PA are still relatively few in number compared to the target they have set themselves, but they hope that in the future more people will join them in their ambition to create a force for good in the Municipality whose aim is for a new revival for Manilva. If you wish to be part of this team and thereby join them on this journey then contact them and help create a better, richer and more bearable Manilva for all. P.A. MANILVA 8th September, 2009
The Resident -
ADANA: Gran éxito de participación en el Concurso de Perros Más de 300 personas y de un centenar de perros se dieron cita el pasado domingo 13 de septiembre en el Parque de los Pedregales para participar en el XIX Concurso de Perros organizado por ADANA, la asociación benéfica que defiende los derechos de los animales abandonados. Perros de todas las razas, tamaños y edades tomaron parte en las competiciones: desde obediencia a salto de altura, pasando por otras de carácter más informal, como el premio al perro más parecido a su dueño o al que más movía la cola. “Se trataba de que los asistentes lo pasaran bien y ese objetivo, sin duda, lo logramos con creces”, explica David McNally, vicepresidente de ADANA. “Pero además podemos estar muy satisfechos de los resultados obtenidos en lo económico: la razón fundamental por la que organizamos este evento es la necesidad de captar fondos y, una vez más, los amantes de los animales de Estepona nos han demostrado su generosidad”.
En esta ocasión, ADANA logró cubrir los gastos de organización gracias a empresas locales que patrocinaron cada uno de los trofeos. Así, toda la recaudación del domingo irá a parar directamente a costear el cuidado de sus animales. La asociación empieza así con buen pie el nuevo curso: con las pilas cargadas para continuar con su labor y organizar otros eventos que anunciará en breve. “Aún así, no podemos bajar la guardia. La realidad es
que deberíamos recaudar la misma cantidad que con el concurso todos los meses para estar tranquilos, pero esto es muy complicado para una asociación gestionada por voluntarios. De ahí que sea tan importante que la gente no nos olvide”, explica David. Para estar aún más cerca de sus seguidores, ADANA ha creado un grupo en la red social Facebook e invita a todos los internautas a participar. Basta con buscar “ADANA” entre los grupos de Facebook y unirse.
Torrance and Rocca estarán en el Benahavis Senior Masters. Sam Torrance y Costantino Rocca son los últimos profesionales del European Senior Tour que han confirmado su asistencia en el Benahavís Senior Masters que tendrá lugar en La Quinta Golf y Country Club del 16 al 18 de octubre de 2009. Torrance y Rocca se unirán a una de las leyendas de la Ryder Cup, Manuel Piñero, quien también es el diseñador del campo de La Quinta. Piñero es el embajador del torneo y enarbolará la bandera de su España natal cuando compita contra el conjunto jugadores con el que se enfrentará en este evento inaugural. José Antonio Mena Castilla, Alcalde de Benahavís, dijo sobre el torneo que “Benahavís está esperando dar la bienvenida al Tour Europeo en 2009. El golf es una parte importante de Benahavís y estoy seguro de
que los profesionales del Tour Europeo y sus espectadores podrán disfrutar del hermoso paisaje y del agradable ambiente que tenemos aquí”. “Manuel Piñero es un miembro activo del Senior Tour Europeo, así como de la comisión de jugadores, y nos gustaría reconocer su papel para llevar a buen término este evento. El Benahavís Senior Masters es el tercero de los eventos que se anunciarán en el calendario del European Senior Tour 2009 después de la apertura de la temporada con el Aberdeen Brunei Senior Master presentado por el Stapleford Forum, que también es un evento WSM, y el Son Gual Mallorca Senior Open.” Para más información sobre el Benahavís Senior Masters por favor visite: www.
ADANA: Great turn up at the 19th Dog Show Over 300 people and more than 100 dogs took part in the 19th ADANA Dog Show, celebrated last Sunday, 13th September at Los Pedregales Park in Estepona. Dogs of all breeds, mixes, sizes and ages participated in the 17 different classes: from Agility or High Jump to more informal competitions such as the price for the waggiest tail or the dog who most resembled its owner. “It was important that people enjoyed the day and we definitely achieved that”, Vice President of ADANA David McNally explains. “But we are also very happy about the participation figures: this was mainly a fundraising event and we are happy to see how the people of Estepona continue to show us their support and their generosity”. This year, ADANA managed to find enough sponsors for the event so all organisational costs were covered. This means that all money collected on the day goes straight to help the dogs. This is definitely a good start for ADANA’s “school year”. Success is always a good motivation to keep doing the job they do and organise other events that will be announced shortly. “It’s good to see the effort is worthwhile. But the reality is that we would need to maintain the same fundraising level every month, which is really complicated. We will definitely try our best, but as a volunteer organisation we
have our limitations. That’s why we really need people not to forget about us”, David says. To be a bit closer to their supporters and friends, ADANA has created a group in the
popular social network Facebook. All Facebook users are welcome to join and all they need to do is search for the group and join: ADANA (Association for The Rights of Abandoned Animals).
Torrance and Rocca confirmed for Benahavis Senior Masters Sam Torrance and Costantino Rocca are the latest European Senior Tour professionals to confirm their attendance at the Benahavis Senior Masters which is taking place at La Quinta Golf and Country Club from October 16th – 18th 2009. Torrance and Rocca will join former Spanish Ryder Cup legend Manuel Piñero, who is also the course designer at La Quinta. Piñero is the tournament ambassador and will be flying the flag for his native Spain when he competes in what is proving to be a very strong field for this inaugural event. Jose Antonio Mena Castilla, Mayor of Benahavis said of the new tournament “Benahavis looks forward to welcoming the tour in 2009. Golf is an important part of Benahavis and I am sure the
European Senior Professionals and spectators alike will enjoy the beautiful scenery and pleasant environment that exists here” Manuel Piñero is an active member of the European Senior Tour, as well as the players’ committee, and we would like to acknowledge his part in bringing this event to fruition. The Benahavis Senior Masters is the third new event to be announced on the 2009 European Senior Tour schedule following the season opening Aberdeen Brunei Senior Masters presented by The Stapleford Forum, which is also a WSM event, and the Son Gual Mallorca Senior Open.” For further information on The Benahavis Senior Masters please visit: www.
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The Resident -
El equipo de gobierno solicita la construcción de nueva estación de autobuses en Estepona El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de una propuesta realizada por el equipo de gobierno ha trasladado a la delegada provincial de obras publicas una propuesta de terrenos para que este organismo decida donde podrían ubicar las instalaciones una nueva estación de autobuses y transportes públicos acorde a las necesidades de nuestra población. Los responsables municipales, ante el conocimiento que han tenido de distintos planes que actualmente desarrolla la Consejería de Obras Públicas y Transportes para el incentivao y potenciación del úso del transporte público colectivo en Andalucía y dadas las pésimas condiciones que reúne la actual terminal de autobuses de Estepona, tanto por su limitada capacidad como por su deficiente estado de conservación, desde este Ayuntamiento estamos muy interesados en mejorar las infraestructuras del transporte público en nuestro término municipal y por ello requerimos la colaboración de esa Consejería para la construcción de una Nueva Estación de Autobuses en la localidad, acorde con las necesidades actuales y futuras del transporte público de viajeros por carretera, mediante el estudio del proyecto correspondiente, su tramitación y la posterior financiación y ejecución de las obras de dicha infraestructura de transporte. En nuestro propósito de prestar toda la colaboración necesaria para la consecución
de este objetivo pretendemos poner a disposición de esa Consejería el suelo necesario para la ubicación de la futura Estación. Para ello se han estudiado por los servicios técnicos de urbanismo tres opciones de localización distintas que se reflejan en el plano adjunto Y cuyas características técnicas de la parcela y grado de desarrollo del planeamiento se describen a continuación. Opcion 1 Situación: A 300 m. del denominado “enlace de caniquiqui”, al norte de la ciudad, por el que se accede desde la circunvalación de Estepona (AP-7 yA-7) a laAvda. Juan Carlos (centro urbano). Frente a estadio municipal de futbol “Francisco Muñoz Pérez”, Ciudad Deportiva de Estepona, mercadillo Y recinto ferial próxima al futuro apeadero fin de línea del Corredor Ferroviario de la Costa del Sol. Superficie: 6200 m2 Forma: Alargada con posibilidad de acceso a distinto nivel desde las dos calles que rodean la manzana, al norte y a nivel superior por vial existente de penetración en el núcleo urbano, al sur Y al nivel inferior desde calle principal prevista en el planeamiento de desarrollo del Sector.
7) a la Avda. Juan Carlos (centro urbano). Detrás de la gasolinera “BP” frente a glorieta de distribución de tráficos a la entrada del núcleo urbano de Estepona. Igualmente próxima al futuro apeadero fin de línea del Corredor Ferroviario de la Costa del Sol. Superficie: 6300 m2 Forma: Forma irregular con posibilidad de acceso desde dos calles distintas a las que da frente: Avenida Martín Mendez y Avda. Puerta del Mar. Opcion 3 Situación: Junto al Palacio de Congresos de Estepona, al Oeste del mismo, accesible desde la Avenida Litoral, la cual constituye el acceso principal al centro urbano desde la Autovía por el Este partiendo del conocido como “enlace de reinoso”. Detrás del concesionario Renault Y frente al C.C. Carrefour.
Anexo en este caso a la futuro Estación de Estepona del Corredor Ferroviario de la Costa del Sol. Superficie: 8000 m2 Forma: Forma cuasi rectangular con posibilidad de acceso directo desde el primer tramo ejecutado del Boulevard que parte de la A vda. Litoral hacia el norte hasta el acceso al Palacio de Congresos. Las opciones propuestas aquí se someterán a la consideración de esa Consejería para que una vez elegida la parcela idónea desde el punto de vista de la accesibilidad, podamos desde el Ayuntamiento impulsar inmediatamente los trámites urbanísticos precisos para transformar el suelo elegido en parcela de equipamiento público (infraestructura de transporte) para su posterior cesión a esa Consejería con destino a la futura Estación de Autobuses de Estepona.
Opcion 2 Situación: A 700 m. del denominado “enlace de caniquiqui”, al norte de la ciudad, por el que se accede desde la circunvalación de Estepona (AP-7 y A-
from the Ministry in construction of a new terminal in the town to handle the current and future needs of users. The local council have proposed, for their part, to make available a suitable plot of land of which three possibilities have been identitified: Option 1 Location: 300 m on the so-called “Caniquiqui Link” which connects Avenida Juan Carlos in the town centre with the A-7 Estepona by-pass to the north of the town. The plot faces the Francisco Muñoz Perez Stadium, market and fairground and is close to the proposed station on the future
Juventud abre el plazo de inscripción a los cursos y talleres para el curso 2009-2010 El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación de Juventud, informa que se abren las inscripciones para participar de los cursos formativos que realiza cada temporada formativa. Los interesados en asistir a las clases deben hacerlo previa inscripción en la Delegación de Juventud. Los cursos se reanudan con las clases de los cursos y talleres que se imparten desde la Delegación de Juventud. Entre los cursos y talleres contamos con: Taller de Percusión; Curso de Guitarra Eléctrica; Taller de Ritmos Latinos; Teatro; Maquillaje. Para más información pueden dirigirse a nuestras dependencias en la Plaza de las Flores o al teléfono 952801840.
Youth courses and workshops for 2009-2010
Local authority seeks construction of a new bus station in Estepona Estepona Town Council have put forward a proposal to the provincial department of public works to provide a new bus station and improve public transport in accordance with the requirements of the local population. Local officials are aware that the Ministry of Public Works and Transport have a number of plans to provide incentives promoting the use of public transport in Andalucia and feel that given the dire state of the current bus terminal in Estepona both in its limited capacity and its delapidated condition, and given their desire to improve the public transport network in Estepona, that they require cooperation
Costa del Sol railway. The plot has an area of 6,200 m2. Option 2 Location: 700 m on the so-called “Caniquiqui Link” which connects Avenida Juan Carlos in the town centre with the A-7 Estepona by-pass to the north of the town. The plot is behind the BP petrol station opposite the roundabout and is also close to the proposed railway station. The plot has an area of 6,300 m2. Option 3 Location: Next to the Estepona Palacio de Congresos, with access from the Avenida Litoral which forms the main entry to
Estepona town from the motorway coming from the Málaga direction. The site is opposite Carrefour and will also be next to a future Estepona Station on the Costa del Sol railway. This plot has a surface area of 8,000 m2. All these options have been presented to the Ministry for consideration as to the most appropriate from the point of view of accessibility, etc. The Town Hall is ready to put in place the necessary legislation to transfer the use of the land to public facilities (transport infrastructure) and to cede it for use as the future Estepona Bus Station.
Estepona’s Department of Youth has begun enrolment for those wishing to participate in a number of courses on offer for the coming terms, including: Percussion Workshop; Electric Guitar Course; Latin Rhythms Workshop; Theatre; and MakeUp. Those interested in enrolling for any of these courses should visit the Delegación de Juventud in Plaza de las Flores or telephone 952 801 840.
Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English, each Saturday 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what’s on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a ‘round table’ discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.
Guía de Empresas
The Resident -
La cinta escocesa ‘The Dead Outside’ encabeza el palmarés de la X Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Estepona El año de consolidación de la Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico y de Terror de Estepona, con destacada presencia en su Sección Oficial a concurso de cintas de alto presupuesto, el Unicornio de Oro a la mejor película ha ido a parar a manos de la modesta producción escocesa “The Dead Outside”, de la debutante Kerry Anne Mullaney, quien se ha llevado a casa además el Unicornio de Plata a la mejor dirección. La actriz Ava Gaudet, verdadero descubrimiento interpretativo del festival ha obtenido el premio de
Mejor Interpretación por su papel en la película de Richard Dutcher “Evil Angel”. El filme de animación “Igor”, filme que será distribuido por Aurum próximamente cosechó merecidamente el premio al Mejor Guión. Las categorías técnicas, que corresponden a Mejor Fotografía, Mejor Banda Sonora y Mejores Efectos Especiales fueron a parar, respectivamente, a “Evil Angel”, “The Pagan Queen” y “Laid to Rest”. El inaugurado Premio a la Mejor Web de Cine Fantástico recayó en la página
mientras que la categoría de cortos se saldó con el premio de Mejor Cortometraje para “Together” de la cineasta Gigi Romero, mientras que “Carlosaurio”, de José Ramón Lorenzo, acaparó los premios de Mejor Guión de Cortometraje y el Premio FNAC. El Unicornio de Plata al Mejor Dibujante de Comics fue a manos de Carlos Ezquerra. Por su parte, el cineasta Jorge Grau recibió el Premio Especial del Jurado, mientras que al actor Dolph Lungren le fue entregado el Unicornio de Honor X Aniversario.
The Scottish film “The Dead Outside” tops the awards at the Estepona Horror Film Festival This year’s Estepona International Horror and Fantasy Film Festival saw a quality field of entries in the Feature Section, with “The Dead Outside” the debut film from director Kerry Anne Mullaney and producer Kris R. Bird taking the Golden Unicorn for Best Film and the Silver Unicorn for Best Director. Actress Ava Gaudet, whose role in Richard Dutcher’s “Evil Angel” was one of the Festival’s highlights took the Award for Best Performance. The animated feature “Igor”, shortly to be distributed in Spain, deservedly took the award for Best Screenplay. In the technical categories, Best Cinematography went to “Evil Angel”; Best Score went to “The Pagan Queen”; and Best Special Effects went to “Laid to Rest”. This year’s new category, Best Fantasy Film Website went to, and Best TV Series went to “Supernatural”. In the short film section Best Short went to “Together” by
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Gigi Romero, with José Ramón Lorenzo’s “Carlosaurio” taking the FNAC Prize and the Best Short Screenplay Award. The Silver Unicorn for Best Comic Illustrator went to Carlos Ezquerra (creator of Judge Dredd), Catalan filmmaker Jorge Grau took the Special Jury Prize, and Italian Director, Lamberto Bava was awarded this year’s Waldemar Daninsky Prize. Finally, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Festival, a special award went to Dolph Lundgren, in homage to his film career.
The Resident -
Mejor Cortometraje Andaluz/Best Andalucian Short: Claustro fobia, de Jesus Palop. Premio FNAC para cortometraje/FNAC Prize for Short Film: Carlosaurio, de José Ramón Lorenzo. Mejor guión de cortometraje_Best Screenplay for Short Film: Carlosaurio, de José Ramón Lorenzo. Mejor Cortometraje/Best Short Film: Together, de Gigi Romero. Mejores efectos especiales/Best Special Effects: Almost Human por “Laid to Rest” Mejor Música/Best Score: Benedikt Brydern por “The Pagan Queen” Mejor Fotografía/Best Photography: Bill Butler por “Evil Angel” Mejor Guión/Best Screenplay: Chris McKenna por “Igor” Mejor Interpretación/Best Performance: Ava Gaudet por “Evil Angel” Mejor Dirección/Best Director: Kerry Anne Mullaney por “The Dead Outside” Mejor Película/Best Film: “The Dead Outside”
Home Ironing Service Collected & delivered to home or work 1 Standard Black Bin Bag, can contain bedding or clothing €10.00 Estepona, Duquesa, Sabinillas, Manilva & surrounding areas Call Hilary for more info or to arrange a collection 952 800027 or 680837169
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The Resident -
VIII Concurso De Pesca Deportiva Mar – Costa Villa de Estepona
Programa de Senderismo Deportivo - “Los caminos de Estepona” Otoño’09
La Asociación de Pesca Deportiva Estepona el Sargo va a organizar con la colaboración de la Delegación de Deportes del Ilmo. Ayuntamiento de Estepona y diversas casas comerciales el “VIII Concurso De Pesca Deportiva Mar – Costa Villa de Estepona”, que se disputará el próximo domingo día 27 de septiembre. Podrán participar en este concurso todos aquellos aficionados que se encuentren en posesión de la Licencia de Pesca Marítima de Recreo expedida por la Delegación de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía, siendo válidas para el pesaje final aquellas capturas que superen las medidas mínimas legales por especie establecidas por la
El programa completo, siendo provinciales de este periodo, es el siguiente: 27 de Septiembre: Yunquera (Sierra Parda), 15.500 m, 4-5 horas, nivel - Media/Baja 11 de Octubre: Antequera (El Torcal), 12.000 m, 4-5 horas, nivel - Media El plazo de inscripción para participar en cada una de las rutas estará abierto hasta las 20:00 horas del jueves anterior a la salida, y podrá realizarse en las oficinas de las delegaciones municipales de Deportes o Juventud, previo importe de 6,00 €.
Federación Andaluza de Pesca Deportiva. Las inscripciones podrán realizarse en los establecimientos Artículos de Pesca Juan José Borrego y Efectos Navales y Droguería Ramírez en Estepona y Artículos de Pesca Miguelito, abonando el importe de 20 Euros. El concurso se desarrollará en la Playa de la Rada de nuestra Villa entre las 09:00 y las 14:00 horas del mencionado día 27, concentrándose los participantes a las 07:00 horas en el Paseo Marítimo frente a la estación de autobuses, para realizar el sorteo a las 07:30 horas. El pesaje y la entrega de trofeos tendrán lugar tras acabar el Concurso en el lugar de concentración inicial.
En este Programa pueden participar las siguientes personas: Edad: A partir de 14 años; los menores de edad deben adjuntar una autorización de sus tutores e ir acompañados por un adulto. Condicion fisica: Ésta debe ser la adecuada a la dificultad y distancia del itinerario a realizar. Material: Utilizar calzado deportivo cómodo, gorra, gafas de sol, cremas protectoras con buen tiempo y chubasquero y prendas de abrigo en los meses de invierno. Llevar cámara de
fotos y prismáticos. Precio: Se abonará la cantidad de 6,00 € por recorrido en concepto de gastos. Incluye la licencia federativa de un día, es decir, seguro de accidentes durante el desarrollo de la actividad. Salidas: A las 8:00 horas desde el Campo de Fútbol San Fernando. La duración de las rutas estará en función de la longitud y dificultad del recorrido. Comida: Llevar algún alimento (frutos secos, galletas, etc.), así como agua.
Estepona Autumn programme of hikes Estepona’s Sports and Youth Department has published its programme of guided walks for this autumn, designated “Caminos de Estepona”. The forthcoming programme of routes is as follows: Sunday, 27th September Yunquera (Sierra Parda). Distance : 15,500 mtrs (4-5 hrs), classification - moderate-easy. Sunday, 11th October Antequera (El Torcal). Distance: 12,000 mtrs (4-5 hrs), classification - moderate.
Registration on the for each hike is open up to 8.00 pm on the Thursday before each trip and can be made at the Deportes or Juventud offices, and cost 6 euros per person. Children under 14 must be authorised by their parents and be accompanied by an adult. Participants should be sufficiently physically fit for the distance or level of difficulty of the particular hike. Hikers should be dressed in appropriate clothing for the
terrain and weather conditions, and be equipped with headwear, sunglasses, suncream in the summer and wet weather gear if necessary. Don’t forget your camera and binoculars. The charge of 6 euros covers accident insurance, etc. All hikes leave from the Campo de Fútbol San Fernando (San Fernando football ground) at 8.00 am. Food - We recommend you bring dried fruit, biscuits, etc. as well as bottled water.
La edil de Estepona Silvia Cabrera deja el PP harta de ‘luchar contracorriente’
VIII Estepona Seafishing Contest Estepona’s sports fishing association “Sargo” has organised, in collaboration with Estepona’s sports department and various local businesses, the VIII Estepona Seafishing Contest which will take place on Sunday, 27th September. All anglers are welcome to participate providing they hold a current fishing licence (Licencia de Pesca Marítima de Recreo) issued by the Delegación de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía. To enter the competition you can sign on at various shops: Artículos
de Pesca Juan José Borrego, Efectos Navales and Droguería Ramírez en Estepona as well as Artículos de Pesca Miguelito. Entrance is 20 euros. The contest takes place on Estepona’s Playa de la Rada beach between 9 am and 2 pm on the 27th. Contestants will meet at 7 am on the Paseo Maritimo opposite the bus station, with the draw for pegs taking place at 7.30 am. The final weigh-in and prizegiving will take place at the same location as the draw.
Silvia Cabrera, la número dos de las listas del PP de Estepona (Málaga) en las pasadas elecciones municipales, anunció ayer su salida del partido por “discrepancias personales y políticas con la dirección local” y su decisión de conservar el acta como edil no adscrita. “No se puede decir que no a todo lo que diga el gobierno para bloquear la ciudad, hay que ser más tolerantes”, dijo. El anuncio hace oficiales las desavenencias de Cabrera con el presidente del PP en Estepona, Ignacio Mena, que la dejó el pasado julio fuera de la ejecutiva local, y ha agitado un poco más la convulsa vida política del municipio, sacudida hace más de un año por el caso Astapa contra la
corrupción. El alcalde David Valadez (PSOE) gobierna con dificultades apoyado en un crisol político formado por 11 ediles del PSOE, IU, PA, Estepona 2007 y no adscritos,
y ha sufrido más de un boicoteo de en los últimos meses, protagonizado por los ocho concejales imputados que siguen en la oposición y los cinco ediles del PP.
Estepona councillor, Silvia Cabrera, resigns from the PP Silvia Cabrera, number two on the PP’s list in Estepona’s most recent local elections, has announced her resignation from the party, citing “personal and political disagreements with the local executive”, and will continue to sit as an independent councillor. This announcement has brought into the open, Councillor
Cabrera’s disagreements with the president of PP Estepona, Ignacio Mena, who left her off the local executive, and who has aggravated the town’s turbulent political landscape, which has been badly hit by the ‘Astapa’ corruption case which broke over the town a year ago. Mayor, David Valadez (PSOE),
currently governs with difficulty, supported by a political melting pot composed of 11 councillors from the PSOE, IU, PA, Estepona 2007 and Independents, and has suffered from obstruction from the opposition comprised of eight councillors currently defending legal action regarding Astapa and the 5 councillors from the PP.
Información Information
The Resident -
Manipuladores Cotidianos “Señor De Los Ladrillos” Los manipuladores cotidianos son esas personas que pasan por nuestra vida imponiéndonos su visión del mundo y su forma de hacer y sentir. Esos individuos que se aprovechan de una relación estrecha y afectuosa para satisfacer sus necesidades, y objetivos, sin importarle en absoluto la otra persona. Si ahora mismo echas una vistazo a tu alrededor, seguro que te encuentras alguno. Todos somos manipuladores. En mayor o menor medida, todos hemos empleado en más de una ocasión ciertas estrategias para conseguir lo que queríamos, especialmente en la infancia. Pero cuando estas técnicas se convierten en el modo predominante de relacionarse con las otras personas, cuando uno acaba preguntándose si aquello es una relación de pareja o de amistad, o simplemente un intercambio comercial, seguramente sea más que una estrategia pasajera. Existen verdaderos especialistas, que viven a base de ellas, son tan usuales en su día a día, que forman ya parte ellos. Aquí, en Manilva, podemos encontrar un claro ejemplo de este tipo de persona. La llamaremos el “Señor De Los Ladrillos”, un personaje, oscuro, maquiavélico, y con unos objetivos claros e inamovibles, ser el único de su especie y gobernándolos a todos. Por momentos tiene una buena
reputación de cara a la opinión pública, y una amplia experiencia en el sector inmobiliario, digamos unos 30 años, habiendo pasado por varias crisis como la de los 90. Sorteada gracias a su habilidad manipuladora y a que sus activos no tenían carga hipotecaria, desacelerando su “producción” y conteniendo sus gastos fijos. Particularmente este “Señor De Los Ladrillos” cree sobre todo que se distingue ”por su Autosuficiencia en todo el proceso”, pues afortunadamente para él, controla todas las parcelas del mismo, desde la construcción hasta el control de calidad, pasando por la venta. Aunque, “Señor De Los Ladrillos”, socialmente parece encantador, o por lo menos educado, a ojos de todos los vecinos de Manilva, si lo sacas de los tópicos no sabe hablar de sentimientos positivos, siempre ve enemigos por todas partes. Siempre trata de venderte una realidad, donde siempre es atacado, donde eres el único en el que confía, el resto está solo para chantajearle, aprovecharse y robarle. Analizando esta parte, comprobamos que quiere hacerte participe de su postura, que lo ayudes, que te conviertas en parte de su “casa”. Pero ¿a quién beneficia realmente? Si estuviese dispuesto a gastarse dinero por tus servicios, o ha ayudarte no necesitaría aprovecharse de la situación. Por otra parte siempre muestra su intolerancia, dogmatismo, crítica
destructiva e incluso agresividad verbal cuando su posición parece verse amenazada. Pero el mayor problema del “Señor De Los Ladrillos” es el deseo casi compulsivo de enterarse de todo para que la situación no se le escape de su control. Para ello puede recurrir a TODO, basa su forma de vida en la filosofía de Maquivelo, “el fin justifica los medios”. “Señor De Los Ladrillos”, crea extrañas alianzas con todo aquel sirva a su fin bajo el lema “los enemigos de mis enemigos, son mis amigos”. Simula recompensar por los servicios prestados, pero sobre todo no duda en usar y engañar para sus propósitos, ya que la inseguridad que le proporciona no estar en control de la situación y saberlo todo le hace ser muy temeroso. Desgraciadamente, para el “Señor De Los Ladrillos”, y por su personalidad manipuladora, llega un momento en el cual las buenas personas del pueblo de Manilva, que tiene a su alrededor se sublevan, plantan cara y exigen judicialmente lo que por derecho le corresponde. Las alianzas se rompen, uno se cansa de ser usado y engañado. Sólo las personas con baja autoestima y apegadas a las migajas que puedan encontrar son los únicos que quedan. Pelotas y lameculos, que no tienen suficiente arrestos para dejar este tipo de relación de dependencia, parecen estar afectados por el síndrome de Estocolmo. No obstante una vez
que lo conocemos, es sencillo hacerle frente. Para ello tenemos que tomar la decisión de modificar la relación, a sabiendas de que va a suponer un esfuerzo considerable. Recurrir a todas las posibilidades que permita el sistema legal para enfrentarse. No empeñarse en intentar cambiarles. Son así, y tendrán que convivir con su inseguridad. Tener siempre presente la posibilidad de romper la relación, y ejercer ese derecho en
el caso en que sea necesario. Así que mucho ojo, siempre hay un manipulador cotidiano cerca de ti. En próximos artículos seguiremos analizando, descubriendo y ampliando información sobre este y otros personajes de nuestro entorno más cercano. Juan B. Balls.
Detenida una mujer en estepona por provocar el incendio Una mujer de mediana edad vecina de la zona Los Pedregales (Estepona), donde se produjo el incendio hace una semana, ha sido detenida acusada de provocar el fuego que arrasó 500 hectáreas de monte llegando hasta el término de Casares. El fuego tuvo en alerta al Infoca durante 48 horas debido a que el fuerte viento de Levante que sopló esos días avivó las llamas y la escarpada orografía dificultó las tareas de extinción. El resultado fue el incendio más grave del año y el tercero
de la última década en la provincia. En casi una semana desde que se extinguieran las llamas, los agentes de la Policía Autonómica han identificado y detenido a la presunta autora de este incendio, que fue puesta en libertad con cargos tras prestar declaración a la espera de ser citada por el juzgado que instruye las diligencias del caso. El incendio azotó la zona de Los Pedregales entre el mediodía del miércoles y el viernes de la semana pasada.
Compulsive manipulators “The Lord of the Bricks” Compulsive manipulators are those people who pass through our lives imposing their point of view upon us, taking advantage of our good nature for their own ends. If you care to look around you, you will surely recognise what I am referring to. After all we’re all manipulators to one degree or another. We have all on more than one occasion employed strategies to get what we want, especially during childhood, but when these strategies become the predominant method of relating to others, it leaves one questioning whether this is a genuine friendship, or merely a commercial relationship and, just a temporary strategy. Among these manipulators are some true specialists, who live by this strategy on a day-to-day basis. Here in Manilva we find one such example of this type. We’ll call him the “Lord of the Bricks”, a character so dark and Machiavellian, with a clear and immovable agenda to be the only one of his kind and to rule over everyone. Over the years, around thirty in all, he has cultivated a good reputation in the public eye and has gained extensive experience in the property sector, and has weathered a number of crises, such as that of the ‘90s.
Using his manipulative skills he has dodged any financial liabilities, by delaying completion and containing his fixed expenses. Notably this “Lord of the Bricks” believes he is only responsible to himself, because fortunately for him he controls every stage of the process from construction to quality control and sales. Although socially “Lord of the Bricks” appears charming and educated, in the eyes of the people of Manilva, if you delve deeper you will find someone who is without a positive view, who sees enemies everywhere. You will find someone who will try to convince you he is always under attack, and that you’re the only one he trusts, whilst everyone else is trying to blackmail, take advantage and steal from him. If you analyse his actions you will see that he just wants you to empathise with him, and he makes out he wishes to help you and welcome you into his “household”. But who really benefits? Sure, he will pretend to compensate you for your services, but then will show no hesitation in deceiving you for his own gain. But the biggest problem for the “Lord of the Bricks” is the almost pathological desire to know everything, so as to maintain control over the situation. It is this that
governs his way of life, based on the philosophy of Machiavelli, that “the end justifies the means”. The “Lord of the Bricks” creates strange alliances with whoever serves his ends, under the philosophy that “the enemies of my enemies are my friends”. Unfortunately for the “Lord of the Bricks” and his manipulative personality, there comes a time when the good people of Manilva rebel, demanding justice. Alliances are broken when people become tired of being used and deceived. Only those with low self esteem are left gathering the crumbs, the toadies and turncoats, who are not brave enough to put aside this relationship, or maybe those exhibiting signs of the Stockholm Syndrome. But once you know how easy it is, and that to do this we must take the decision to change the relationship, knowing that it will take considerable effort. There is no point in trying to change him, he will have to live with his insecurities. Remember always be prepared to break the relationship when necessary. So keep your eyes peeled, there could be a manipulator near you. Watch out for future articles on this and other characters wandering amongst us. Juan B. Balls.
Woman arrested for Los Pedregales bush fire A woman has been arrested for the Level 2 wildfire in Estepona last week which destroyed more than 500 hectares of land, spreading over the border into Casares. The flames blazed for almost 48 hours in the strong easterly windbefore they were finally brought under control. The investigation ruled out an accident or negligence as the cause of the fire, and a municipal employee had reported seeing
someone fleeing the scene just after the fire started in the area of Los Pedregales just after 2 pm on Wednesday, 9th September . The woman arrested on suspicion of having set the blaze is a middleaged woman from Estepona itself, and it’s understood she was taken into custody last Wednesday morning. She has been charged and released pending an appearance before the judge for questioning.
The Resident -
Wining and dining ¿Buscando un sitio para cenar? ¡Entonces no busques más! En esta página hay algunos de los mejores bares y restaurantes que hay en el Costa del Sol Si estás buscando la cocina tradicional española o algo con un sabor más internacional o quizás tan sólo comida rápida para llevar, estos establecimientos pueden atender a la mayoría de los gustos.
Wondering where to go for that evening out? Then look no further! Featured on this page are some of the best bars and restaurants that the Costa del sol has to offer. Whether you are looking for traditional Spanish cuisine or something of a more international flavour or maybe just a quick takeaway to give the ‘cook’ a night off, then these establishments can cater for most tastes.
Mumbai Palace
Todos los días de Viernes a Domingo 13.00 a 15.30 y 19.00 - Medianoche Lunes a Jueves 19.00 a Medianoche
Everyday from Friday to Sunday 13.00 - 15.30 & 19.00 - Late Monday to Thursday 19.00 - Late
TAKEAWAY AVAILABLE Tel. 952 893 767 626 622 036 - 606 705 728 Paseo Maritimo Just by the beach (Next to Hotel Don Agustin) Sabinillas - Manilva - Málaga
The Resident -
Anglo Wines
Mechanical or human wine harvesting? We are in the middle of the wine harvest season (Vintage), which is one of the most crucial steps in the process of winemaking.
Open since the beginning of this summer The Courtyard Restaurant in Monte Duquesa aims to provide Mediterranean cuisine in a unique relaxing atmosphere just minutes from Puerto de la Duquesa. Under the new management of Chris and Darren, both of whom have worked in top class establishments in the UK and Spain, the emphasis is on fresh, locally sourced produce, with fish straight off the boat in Sabinillas. Besides the mouth watering selection of dishes off the à la carte menu, The Courtyard have also introduced new initiatives for the summer, such as free children’s menu, takeaway homemade pizzas and burgers, and an early evening cocktail hour. Darren, a keen wine aficionado, has put together an imaginative wine list and is constantly seeking out new additions for diners to enjoy. For more information and reservations call 952 891 575.
Bar - Cafetería Se celebran cumpleaños para niños
Children‛s birthday parties
TAPAS VARIADAS RACIONES - DESAYUNOS English Spoken Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Tel: 951 273 647 Sabinillas - Manilva Email:
Solicitar Presupuesto - Contact us for a quote
The time of harvest is determined primarily by the ripeness of the grape as measured by sugar, acid and tannin levels with winemakers basing their decision to pick based on the style of wine they wish to produce. The weather can also shape the timetable of harvesting with the threat of heat, rain, hail, and frost which can damage the grapes and bring about various vine diseases. In addition to determining the time of the harvest, winemakers and vineyard owners must also determine whether to use hand pickers or mechanical harvesters. The question of using mechanical harvesting is a source of contention in the wine industry. Mechanical harvesting of grapes has been one of the major changes in many vineyards in the last thirty years or so. A mechanical vine harvester works by beating the vine with rubber sticks to get the vine to drop its fruit onto a conveyor belt that brings the fruit to a holding bin, however, many such harvesters still have difficulties in distinguishing between ripe, healthy grapes and unripe or rotted bunches which must then be sorted out at the winemaking facility. One of the benefits of mechanical harvesting is the relatively low cost of running a harvester that is able to run 24 hours a day and pick 80-200 tons of grapes in contrast to the 1-2 tons that an experienced human picker could do.
Almijara a traditional Spanish Chiringuito with music to help you relax On the beach between Sabinillas and Duquesa with lots of parking
Our specialities Arroz Caldoso, Fresh Fish,Paella & Fresh Meat ALL COOKED TO ORDER Open 11am daily Kitchen Monday to Saturday 12.30 to 11.30 p.m. Sunday Lunch only 1pm to 6 pm
Despite the costs, some wineries prefer the use of human workers to hand-pick grapes. The main advantage is the knowledge and discernment of the worker to pick only healthy bunches and the gentler handling of the grapes. The production of some dessert wine like Sauternes require that individual berries are picked from bunches which can only be done by hand and in areas of steep terrain it would be virtually impossible to run a mechanical harvester through the vineyard. Whichever method is used, modern or traditional, there are some great wines that are bound to be produced from this year’s harvests. Richard Bell-Young ANGLO WINES
Ask Sandy for his recommended dishes Enjoy the beautiful ambiance and friendly atmosphere
A DIRECT PASSAGE TO AUTHENTIC INDIAN CUISINE Local Nº. 29, Puerto de la Duquesa (Water Front)
Ocio What’s On
Bienvenido a la sección “Ocio” de The Resident. Aquí prentendemos elaborar una guía de todo el entretenimiento accesible para nuestros lectores. Dependiendo de lo que el espacío permite proporcionaremos una guía gratuita de música en directo, teatro, danza, karaoke, concursos, conciertos, etc. Envia un email a, con detalles del evento, que nos llegue para el día 10 del mes. Alternativamente prodrás asegurar tu lugar en la guía comprando una sección de anuncios en el periódico.
Welcome to The Resident’s ‘What’s On’ section. Here we aim to put together a comprehensive listing of entertainment available to our readers. Space permitting we will provide a free listing service for any live music, theatre, dance, karaoke, pub quizzes, concerts, etc. Just send an email to editor@theresident. eu, with details of the event, to reach us by the 10th of the month. Alternatively you can ensure your listing by taking out an advert in this section
Raphael presenta su gira “50 años después” el próximo 24 de septiembre en el Palacio de Deportes “José Mª Martín Carpena”, Málaga. Una gira excepcional que comenzó el pasado 12 de junio y que continúa hasta finales de octubre para regalar a sus seguidores espléndidos momentos sobre el escenario llenos de energía y emoción, en los que Raphael despliega su consagrado repertorio, junto con versiones legendarias de la música española. Su público más incondicional podrá disfrutar de canciones como Yo soy aquel, Escándalo, Digan lo que digan, A mi manera, Gracias a la vida o Que nadie sepa mi sufrir, entre otras muchas. La cita musical, organizada producida por Grupo Mundo, será a partir de las 22,00 horas.
Singer Raphael presents his "50 years on" tour at the Palacio de Deportes Jose Maria Martin Carpena, Malaga, on 24th September. This exceptional tour, which began on 12th June and continues to the end of October will provide fans with a stage show full of energy and emotion, which showcases Raphael's extensive repertoire, along with some classics of Spanish music. Devoted fans can enjoy such hits as "Yo soy aquel", "Escándalo", "Digan lo que digan", "A mi manera", "Gracias a la vida" and "Que nadie sepa mi sufrir", among others.
Palacio de Deportes “José Mª Palacio de Deportes “José Mª Martín Carpena”, Málaga Martín Carpena”, Málaga 24 de septiembre 24th September
The concert begins at 10 pm.
A sultry and powerful vocalist, accompanying herself with feisty acoustic rhythm guitar, Sarah Howard plays her own songs and music, as well as modern and classic covers from all genres. Check her out on or catch her live performances at: San Roque Club Michael Jackson Tribute Night 20th September - 8.00 pm The Lord Nelson, Casemates Square, Gibraltar 24th Sept, 1st, 8th, 15th Oct - 9.30 pm Dragonfly Restaurant, Alcaidesa 25th September - 8.30 pm
Exposiciones Exhibitions GALERÍA DE ARTE STOA “Retazos Andalusíes” De C. Álvarez
Desde el 10 de agosto hasta finales de septiembre. Stoa presenta la primera exhibición individual de esta pintora. Todas las obras captan instantes vividos en la Alcazaba de Málaga. Galería de Arte Stoa, Edificio Puertosol, Estepona Lunes a Sábado de 11:00h-14:30h y 17:00h21.00h Domingos (sólo cita previa) 11:00h-14:30h
From 10th August until the end of September The Stoa Gallery will present an exhibition of this artist’s works, being a selection of acrylics on panel capturing scenes form Malaga’s Alcazaba. Galería de Arte Stoa, Edificio Puertosol, Estepona Monday to Saturday from 11:00h-14:30h and 17:00h-21.00h Sundays (by appointment only) 11:00h-14:30h
Exposición la Expresión En el Cuerpo y el Retrato
Statement of Expression in the Body and the Portrait
Del 21 de septiembre al 17 de octubre Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona
21st Septmeber to 17th October Padre Manuel Cultural Centre, Estepona
Las artistas Elena Aguilera, Carmen Rodríguez y Virginia Pérez, estudiantes de Bellas Artes, nos presentan una muestra que estará abierta en el Centro Cultural del 21 de septiembre al 17 de octubre, titulada “La Expresión en el Cuerpo y elRetrato”. En ella podremos contemplar a serie de obras artísticas multidisciplinar compuesta por pinturas, esculturas e instalaciones, con intención de transmitir las expresiones del ser humano a través del cuerpo y el retrato.
The artists Elena Aguilera, Carmen Rodriguez and Virginia Pérez, students of the Fine Arts, present a sample of their work at the Cultural Centre from September 21st to October 17th, entitled “Expression in the Body and the Portrait, a series of multidisciplinary artworks comprising paintings, sculptures and installations, intended to convey the expressions of the human being through the body and portraiture.
"Andalucian Pieces” by C. Álvarez
Concert in The Castle
Pop and Rock Night Castillo de la Duquesa Sunday, 4th October Doors open 5.30 pm
Enjoy some of the best local acts in the fabulous surroundings of the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa.
Lydia Barrett continues to perform on Saturday nights & Sunday lunchtimes at stylish restaurant Tikitano. Lydia, whose West End credits include Cats, Aspects of Love, Sunset Boulevard, sings an eclectic mix of classis from Patsy Cline, Crystal Gayle to more recent covers of Duffy and Corrine Bailey Rae. The song choices are wonderful and, along with fine cuisine and a fabulous beachfront setting, make for a perfect weekend experience. Reservations: 952 792 820. www.tikitano. net
The Resident -
Performing will be "The Man of Many Faces"
Rob Stevens
who is currently enjoying huge success up the coast. Rob Stevens IS Meatloaf, Elton John, Neil Diamond, Rod Stewart, Elvis Presley, Pavaroti and many more. Also on the bill are Sensational nine-piece rock band
BRUBECKS Urb. El Pilar, Benavista GARY YOUNG 25th September THE YANKEE BLUES BROS TRIBUTE 16th October
"Biagra and the Maneaters" who bring their unique stage show and tribute to such classic rock as The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Deep Purple, etc. Prepare to be entertained. Completing the line-up is local favourite Singer/guitarist
Marcus Myers who will open the show.
Musicians, groups or singers Send us details of your forthcoming gigs, and if we have room we’ll publish them here. Músicos, grupos o cantantes mándanos los datos de sus eventos y si tenemos sito dentro de estas páginas los publicaremos.
Tickets are 25 euros per person and are available from Fathoms Bar, Sabinillas; Penguin Bar, Puerto de la Duquesa; El Refugio, Castillo de la Duquesa; and the English Butchers in Benavista, Sabinillas, Puerto de la Duquesa, and Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro. Full bar and a hog roast are also available.
For more info call 666 271 618
The Resident -
Ocio What’s On
TEATRO CERVANTES Ramos Marín, s/n, Málaga Venta/Sales tel 902 36 02 95 Info 952 22 41 00
MAYUMANA MOMENTUM ¿y si pudieras parar el tiempo…? 23-27 Sept. 2009
Mayumana (del hebreo Mayumanut, que significa habilidad, destreza) nace en TelAviv, Israel, en 1996, por iniciativa de los creativos Eylon Nuphar y Boaz Berman y el productor Roy Oferen. Actualmente es un grupo multicultural que ha desarrollado un lenguaje único, internacional, basado en la fusión de distintas artes escénicas, en el ritmo, en la imagen, en la creatividad y en el talento personal de cada uno de sus integrantes.
Mayumana is a multicultural troupe, established in 1996 in Tel Aviv, which developed a unique language based on skills, rhythm, visual effects and, above all - creativity and humour. Throughout their years of creativity the members of Mayumana haver performed before more than 5 million spectators in over 70 major cities around the worl, with different shows being staged in different countries on the same evening. Today, the “Mayumana” brand is known in many countries as a promise for shows of sweeping energy, creativity and virtuoso talent.
MAMMA MÍA! 29 Oct-08 Nov. 2009
Una madre, una hija, 3 posibles padres y una boda que jamás olvidarás.!
A mother. A daughter. 3 possible dads. And a wedding you’ll never forget!
Todo el mundo se ha rendido a los encantos de la música, la trama y los personajes de MAMMA MIA!, el último espectáculo de corte esperanzador. Ahora es tu turno de sucumbir ante este exitazo musical, que combina la magia narrativa de ABBA con una fascinante historia de amor, humor y amistad. MAMMA MIA! Una mujer deberá enfrentarse al pasado con la llegada de tres hombres a la isla de Grecia, tras 21 años desde su última visita ... Justo cuando su hija de 20 está a punto de casarse.
Over 40 million people all around the world have fallen in love with the characters, the story and the music that make MAMMA MIA! the ultimate feel-good show! Writer Catherine Johnson’s sunny, funny tale unfolds on a Greek island paradise. On the eve of her wedding, a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father brings 3 men from her mother’s past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago. The story-telling magic of ABBA’s timeless songs propels this enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship, and every night everyone’s having the time of their lives!
Entradas/ Tickets
TLF: 952 936 198
Ocio What’s On
The Resident -
Autumn Concert in Aid of Cudeca The Famous London Welsh Rugby Club Male Voice Choir with special guest soloist Stephen Lloyd-Morgan
On Friday 9th October at 9.30pm the luxurious Kempinski Hotel Bahia Estepona plays host to The Autumn Concert in Aid of Cudeca, the two hour Charity Finale and highlight of the famous London Welsh Rugby Club Male Voice Choirs´ Andalucía Concert Tour. The special guest soloist will be acclaimed Welsh Tenor Stephen Lloyd-Morgan, who has recently headlined his own sell-out Shows on The Costa. The event will be hosted by the renowned champion of Cudeca fundraising, Maurice Boland of Talk Radio Europe. The Choirs varied and extensive repertoire comprises songs of love & passion, songs from The Shows and Opera, as well as the more traditional.
John Dawes, President of the Choir, captained Wales 6 times, including the Grand Slam win in 1971 and in the same year captained the first and only Lions team to win the series in New Zealand, also captain of the Barbarians side that beat New Zealand in Cardiff. He was coach for Wales for 5 years, the most successful period of Welsh rugby which included 2 Grand Slam wins. The Autumn Concert in Aid of Cudeca is staged in collaboration with Welsh Choirs International. The London Welsh Rugby Club Male Voice is amongst the top awardwinning Choirs in the UK and is the 17th to tour Andalucía in as many years and which continue to attract full-house audiences wherever they perform throughout the region. Tickets for this special charity event are just €20.00 and will be on sale from 14th September from various outlets including Beccy´s, Monte Duquesa; Christina´s Cards, Sabinillas; Glitterati Books, Benavista, The Cudeca Shop Marbella and The Hotel Kempinski. Doors Open 8.30pm. Bar & Snacks will be available during the interval. Ticket Reservations: 697 783 942 Information including map: www.slmlive. com/londonwelsh The Choir will also be raising funds for Cudeca at their performance on Wednesday 7th October at 9.00pm at The Centro Cultural Villa de Nerja. Information: 625 178 363
Concierto de Voces Celestiales Benefit Concert for the animal charity Prodean starring Stephen Lloyd Morgan - A repeat performance of The Summer Event Following the sell-out and subsequently overwhelming and acclaimed success of The Summer Event inside the Castillo de la Duquesa in August, the equally magnificent Hotel Monasterio de San Martin near Sotogrande is to host a repeat of the show, now Concierto de Voces Celestiales on Friday 16th October at 9.30pm. Star Tenor Stephen Lloyd-Morgan will headline the two hour show and will once again be joined by Tres Divos, DonnaMarie Hughes & Stephen Greenwood. One review of The Summer Event read “Welsh Tenor Stephen Lloyd-Morgan was most certainly the star of the 280 seat sellout show, but was wholly complemented by the fantastically talented Tres Divos, soprano Donna-Marie Hughes and classical guitarist Stephen Greenwood. All were simply brilliant. Rapturous applause echoed around the magnificent and appropriate setting of the Castillo all evening! The breathtaking final encore, Con Te Partiro (Time To Say Goodbye) performed by all five singers was just one of the many highlights of the packed and diverse programme of Musical Theatre and Opera lasting over 2 hours.” Concierto de Voces Celestiales, a benefit concert for the animal charity Prodean, is staged in collaboration with Anglo Wines Sotogrande (who have generously donated all the drinks) and Sotogrande Women. Tickets €35.00 to include Cocktail reception and interval drinks, will be on
sale from 14th September from various outlets including Beccy´s, Monte Duquesa; Christina´s Cards, Sabinillas; Glitterati Books, Benavista, and Anglo Wines & Videola, Sotogrande. Ticket Reservations: 697 783 942 Information: & (includes reviews, photos and YouTube clips) “Rarely, if ever at all, do we literally get World Class entertainment delivered direct to our door step...”; but we certainly will once again at the Concierto de Voces Celestiales. Undoubtedly another Event not to be missed!
Musicians, groups or singers - Send us details of your forthcoming gigs, and if we have room we’ll publish them here. Músicos, g rupos o cantantes – mándanos los datos de sus eventos y si tenemos sito dentro de estas páginas los publicaremos.
The Resident -
Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast Duquesa Port
3 bed, 3 bath beach apartment, one of the most desirable locations in Duquesa Port but also boasts incredible sea and marina views from the corner terracing Recently Reduced from 500,000€ 1
2 bed, 1 bath apartment front line beach urbanization in the area of Punta Chullera, Manilva. American style kitchen, south facing terrace and underground parking. Sold fully furnished. 2
Bahia de las Rocas €249,000
We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.
Punta Chullera €635,000
2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Los Hidalgos. 11m2 covered terrace with partial sea views. Fully fitted kitchen with all white goods. Master bed has ensuite bath. 2 communal pools. Private parking. 5
Manilva Pueblo
Casares Costa
Swedish Log Home - stunning views, four en-suite bedrooms, two open plan lounges with f/fitted kitchen with doors onto large terrace with infinity pool, two garages and a large storage area. Equipped with host of extras for easy living, ideal as large family home or two families to share, both keeping their independence. Bank Valuation dated 15 Dec ‘08 in excess of €680,000. 3
Bahia de Casares
Luxury 3 bed, 2 bath apartment with stunning sea, Africa & Gibraltar views. Heavily Reduced in Price for Quick Sale 4
Rustic town house/ small villa has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and is located in the quiet urbanization of Bahia de Casares on the coast of Casares. This house has a large private garden with hot tub jacuzzi, 3 terraces, fully fitted kitchen, living room with fire place, and is built on 2 levels. This rustic villa ejoys high ceilings with large windows providing a bright and airy feel. Large communal swimming pool and mature gardens.
4 bed, 2 bath townhouse on three floors, 2 minutes walk town centre. Private garage/storage room. Private solarium/ terrace with country and sea views. Large communal swimming pool. 7
Spacious 2 bed, 3 bath townhouse with private garden, breathtaking and uninterupted views to the Mediterranean Sea and Casares beach. 8
Alcaidesa Alta
€450,000 REDUCED FROM €262000. Wonderful 2 bed apartment in new frontline beach development of La Noria. Finished to a very high standard and includes fully fitted kitchen, bathroom, large living room, and terrace with fantastic views of the gardens and sea. Beautiful gardens, community pool, paddle tennis courts and childrens play area. Few minutes walk from town centre, ideal holiday home with good rental potential. 11
4 bed, 4 bath beachfront townhouse, Private Garden & communal pool. Direct Access to Beach.
3 bed, 3 bath villa on three levels, stunning Mediterranean views, large basement could be converted to a guest apartment. 5 mins local park, 10 mins beach and golf course. Ideal family home. 10
These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. You can find many more on our website at For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at call 952 936 198 or 600 336 374.
The Resident -
Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz
Fácil Easy
As a tribute to the recent Estepona Horror and Fantasy Film Festival this month’s picture quiz features characters from the world of horror and fantasy cinema. Simply name the characters. Answers on page 26 Como homenaje al reciente Festival de cine Fantástico y de horror, este mes lo dedicaremos a personajes del mundo del cine de horror y fantasía. Simplemente nombre los personajes. Respuestas pueden ser encontradas en la página 26
Soluciones página 26 All solutions on page 26
Nivel Medio Medium
Difícil Hard
The Resident -
Información Information
Estepona Floral Art Club
Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva
Estepona Floral Art Club is delighted to be welcoming Anna Steven, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Kiln House, Hortoncum-Studley on Tuesday, October 20th 2009. The demonstration will take place at ‘The Benavista Country Club’ Benavista, N340; (behind the shops near the tennis courts) the programme commences 3.00 p.m. – 5.00 p.m. Friday October 2nd, we are holding a ‘Coffee Morning’ in Sotogrande, from 11.00 a.m. Details of this event can be obtained by ringing our Chairman Anne Atkinson. This will be a great morning with a large selection of Christmas items to purchase. A Ploughman’s’ lunch will also be available. Please put this date in your diaries and make a start to your Christmas shopping! Estepona Floral Art Club is a great place to make new acquaintances and be entertained for a couple of hours with colour and style for your homes in the art of Flower Arranging. We also hold ‘Informal Teaching Classes’ from time to time which is a chance to have ‘hands on approach’ to Flower Arranging and learn the basic skills.
Golf Competition Estepona Golf kindly hosted a charity golf competition in aid of Age Concern on Tuesday 8th September. 64 golfers took part in a two ball, better ball, Stableford competition that saw play start at 9.30 on a fine but blustery morning. The last players finished at 2.30 pm by which time a running buffet meal had started satisfying the hunger of some 90 people. A grand raffle was held along with an auction of a special prize donated by Totus Financial and golf shirt from Lee Westwood. The players waited in suspense as the results were announced after all cards had been checked and marked by James. The overall competition winners were John and Jill Owens with Steve and Doug White from Ryders Bar, Duquesa, in second place. Prizes went down to sixth place in a keenly contested set of results. The winners of nearest the pin on the 5th hole (sponsored by Prosegur) were Mick Dunlop for the men and Andrea Pegrum for the Ladies. The winner of nearest the pin on the 14th (sponsored by Age Concern) was Frank Willis. Richard Bell-Young of Anglo Wines won the longest drive on the 17th hole. Finally the best dressed team were judged to be Ron and Andrea Pegrum with their Tam O’Shanter head dresses. Age Concern can only help older people in the community with the help of donations and sponsorship. We are therefore grateful to the following sponsors, Estepona Golf, Manilva Autos S.L., Prosegur, Anglo Wines, 41 Club, Totus (Financial Services), Optica Machin and Abbeygate Insurance. Raffle prize donations were gratefully received from MillionHairs Estepona, English Bookshop, Glitterati, Red Line Cars, The English Butcher, Beccys, R. Wood, Retro Estepona, Gastons Golf Duquesa, Swings Restaurant, Sunshine Golf Mijas Costa, Nigel Hildick, Ray and Helen Oldfield and Fiona Dry. 1,500 Euros were raised on the day and thanks are due to Richard and Julie Wood for the organisation, Amanda and team at Estepona Golf, and Peter and team for the catering. Everyone who took part said what a great day it had been even if the
Estepona Floral Art Club meets on the Third Tuesday of the month except for June, July and August. We are now into our Autumn Programme and look forward to meeting all our members and visitors on the 2nd October. For information on the above events and future events please contact our Chairman Anne Atkinson on Tel: - 952 890 352
Estepona Jewish Community The Estepona Jewish Community held a Garden Party in El Paraiso where good food and music were provided in a beautiful setting. Further social events planned over the coming months include a Quiz Evening, A Night of Music from the Shows and finally, a Name That Tune fun evening. Light
refreshments will be served at all of these events. They will also be holding their monthly Friday Evening Services. To sign up for the social events or for further information contact by email gerrycee@ or esteponajcom@btinternet. com
Jazz Appreciation Society The next meeting of the Jazz Appreciation Society will be held on Tuesday 15th September at the Benavista Country Club. It will start at 8.00 pm with films of classic jazz performances until around 10.00 pm when they will have a live jazz session. Contact : Brian Parker on 669 504 942,
669 504 942 for further details. The Jazz Society is also continuing the live cool jazz evenings every Thursday at the club as well. A special jazz menu will be arranged. Tel: The Benavista Country Club: 952 888 106 to make dinner reservations.
Fiesta de la Cerveza Munich 2009 18, 19, 20 de septiembre desde las 12:00h hasta las 23:00h Bienvenidos. Como en los últimos años, organizamos la Fiesta de la Cerveza Munich tradicionalmente en las montañas del Refugio de Juanar, Ojén. Música en vivo Star-Sound-
Express Nos complace dar la bienvenida a todos y nos alegra presentarles una fiesta divertida al estilo bávaro. Entrada gratuita Reservas de mesa: 619 680 852 e-mail:
Oktoberfest 2009 September 18th, 19th, 20th from noon to 11.00 pm. Once again you can enjoy an original Bavarian Beer Party under the chestnut trees in the mountains of Refugio de Juanar, Ojén. Live Music from
Star-Sound-Express We are looking forward to seeing you there to enjoy the OKTOBERFEST with us and our friends. Free entrance. Table reservation: 619680852 email:
rules of the competition did vary from time to time!! Lifeline For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at Talking Books For a small deposit people who have sight problems, or who prefer to be read to, can borrow from a wide selection of talking books available at the Age Concern charity shop which is situated in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona. The shop is open from 10.00 to 13.30, Monday to Saturday inclusive. The Duty Manager will be delighted to help you find the selection that best suits your literary tastes – from classics to murder mystery. Fund Raising Recently Richard Wood, who used to run The Vines Restaurant in Estepona, was appointed as the chief fund raiser for Age Concern. Richard sits on the Age Concern Executive Committee and discusses with them everything to do with raising the much needed funds to both support the volunteers who work with older people in the community, and to help towards opening a Drop-In-Centre. Richard is already doing a magnificent job but needs more help if all of his plans are to come to fruition. Age Concern is therefore appealing for people to come forward and give Richard a hand – he already has some support but a lot more is needed. If you have a few hours to spare each week and are prepared to help organise, and run, events then please contact Eileen Dry on 608458555 for more information.
CAP presents its forthcoming events Club Charity and Pleasure is a social, nonprofit organisation based in El Paraiso, Estepona. They meet at 11 am each Wednesday morning at El Paraiso Country Club for coffee; their weekly activities include bridge, whist, bowls, art classes and Spanish lessons for beginners. Other events and excursions include visits to the theatre and exhibitions, lunches and dinners at different venues along the coast, mystery trips, etc. Their full programme of events is published in their free quarterly magazine and regularly updated online. Apart from enjoying themselves CAP raises money for local charities: mainly Aprona, Aspandem, Cudeca and Los Claveles. New members are welcome; the annual membership fee is only €12. Why not go along for coffee? You will be assured of a warm welcome.
For more information contact Adrienne Heyward, President on 696 241 678, or visit their website www.capsonlinemag. net. Forthcoming Events (Prices quoted are for members, nonmembers may be charged extra): Tuesday, 22nd September: Coach trip to the Lakes (lunch not included). €10 approx Tuesday, 6th October: Coach to Gibraltar. €9 Friday, 9th October: Ladies’ Lunch. Price tba Tuesday, 13th October: ‘Cabaret’ at Salon Varietes, Fuengirola. €25 approx Wednesday, 21st October: Stargazing Party with Ken Campbell, and Buffet at El Paraiso Country Club. €21
Información Information
The Resident -
SECUIDA – SERVICIO DE AYUDA A DOMICILIO – ATENCIÓN INTEGRAL A LA DEPENDENCIA SERVICIO MULTILINGÜE – SERVICIO 24 HORAS SECUIDA es una empresa especializada en servicios a domicilio, para personas mayores y otros colectivos en situación de dependencia. Disponemos de una amplia cobertura en toda la Costa del Sol, garantizando un servicio de calidad de vida para el usuario y los suyos. Nuestro objetivo en SECUIDA es adaptarnos y apoyar los recursos propios de cada persona, con un programa individualizado, consistente en la atención personal, doméstica, apoyo spsicosocial y familiar prestado en el domicilio de aquellas personas cuya independencia funcional se encuentra limitada o que atraviesa una situación que causa su dependencia en algún grado. SERVICIOS PERSONALES: Higiene Personal, Cambios posturales, Ayuda en el vestir y comer... SERVICIOS DE ACOMPAÑAMIENTO: Día y Noche en el domicilio personal u hospitales y destinos de vaciones, servicios religiosos, visitas médicas, administrativas, de ocio...
ASISTENCIA DOSMESTICA: Limpieza del hogar, por hora (externa, interna), mantenimiento general de la vivienda, limpieza de choque y pequeñas reparaciones. SERVICIOS DE CANGURO: en el hogar o destinos de vacaciones FISIOTERAPIA Y REHABILITACIÓN A DOMICILIO SERVICIO DE ATS (control de glucemia, tensión arterial, levantamiento de curas) SERVICIOS SOCIALES Y EDUCATIVOS REPATRIACION DE PACIENTES LEY DE DEPENDENCIA (informamos, gestionamos y ofrecemos un abanico de posibilidades para hacer uso de dicho derecho)
Secuida is a company specializing in home services for the elderly and others in a situation of dependency. We have an extensive coverage across the Costa del Sol and guarantee quality of life for you and yours. Our goal at Secuida is to support and adapt to the circumstances of each person with an individualized programme consisting of personal care, domestic help, psychosocial support, social interaction, all performed in the homes of those with limited independence or are in a situation that affects their independance to some degree. PERSONAL ASSISTANCE Personal Hygiene, Reposition bed-bound patients, Assist in dressing and eating... COMPANIONSHIP SERVICES Day and night at your home or hospital, holidays, religious services, visits to the doctor, domestic administration, quality time...
DOMESTIC SERVICES Cleaning by the hour (internal & external), general home maintenance & repairs... PHYSIOTHERAPY & REHABILITATION AT HOME NURSING SERVICES (sugar levels, blood pressure) SOCIAL SERVICES AND ADVICE REPATRIATION OF PATIENTS DEPENDENCY LAW (GRANTS) Information, application of grants. A wide range of possibilities available) For more information call 655612229 Caring for those you love the most
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The Spectrum IFA Group
Independant Financial Advisors Brian Berney FPC, CeMap
Full Financial Planning private & confidential
Avenida de Manilva s/n, San Luis de Sabinillas 29692 Manilva, (Málaga) Tel: 0034 952 892 517 Fax: 0034 952 936 230 Mob: 0034 692 690 953 THE SPECTRUM IFA GROUP Baskerville Advisers SL CIF B-63/137.020 - Correduria de Seguros; Nº de registro RDGS J2306; Seguro responsibilidad civil AIG Europe Nº 0131900503.1330 Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 35489, Folio 170, Sección 8, Hoja B-269534
Vets Corner This month we’ve brought you some recent curiosities found in print from around Spain and the world. Cats cry as a call to action Anyone who has ever had a cat knows how difficult they are to ignore when they want to get our attention. According to a recent issue of Current Biology the sound a hungry cat makes when it wants to be fed, a purring sound mixed with a type of a high frequency cry, provokes an unpleasant sense of need in humans! The researchers recorded the sounds emitted by 10 cats and reproduced these sounds for 50 volunteers who participated in the study. The found that the sounds the cats made when the cats were hungry were less pleasing and transmitted a greater sense of urgency to the listeners. Those volunteers who had a cat as a pet were more sensitive to the different sounds emitted by the cats, which demonstrates a type of training to the sound emitted by the person who is the object of the cats vocalization. The researchers also concluded that cats that were not fed regularly by the same person did not make this sound! Fish Hotel
This summer has not posed a dilemma for Dutch vacationers as to what to do with their pet fish, when it was not possible to have someone else to feed or look after them while away on vacation. On the main floor of the Schipol Airport, Amsterdam has opened a specially conditioned fish hotel. Each fish has its own independant tank to avoid any cross contamination or conflict between guests. The guests tanks are accommodated to house either fresh or salt water guests. The only requirement to take advantage of this service is to book your vacation through the travel agent responsible for the running of this special hotel. According to a spokesperson for the agency running the special Inn, many people thought this was a joke but the demand for the service reflects differently. The first guest was Joe, a goldfish. There is a Dutch political party with parliamentary representation which defends animal rights and one of their representatives in the parliament attempted to have the hotel closed. Their postulate is that the movement
of these fish from their usual environment to this Inn at a busy airport may be too stressful for the animals and may prove to be fatal. The agent running the hotel has the owner sign a contract which frees the agency of financial responsibility in case of the pet’s death. Planes For Pets A Florida couple have created an airline excusively for pets because they suffer when travelling by air and are treated as just another suitcase. No bipeds allowed aboard, except of course for the pilot and the other members of the flight crew. The new airline known as Pet Airways, with their own website. The passengers are transported aboard in their own individual cage, the small aircraft that once had a capacity for 19 people has been modified to comfortably contain up to 50 cages accomodated for dogs or cats. Flights are once a week with one way tickets available for a modest fare of $149.00 and have stops in New York, Washington, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles. According to the American Veterinary Medical
Association 70 million dogs and cats travel every year with their families, most of them by car. The San Francisco Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates that of the 2 million pets that travel annually in cargo holds of airplanes about 5,000 are injured in one way or another. This would not happen on Pet Airways as one of their associates is a large on line chemist, according to the management staff. The passengers have to check in 2 hours before take off but they may check in as much as 72 hours ahead of flight time. They proceed to the passenger lounge where they are made comfortable and are checked by the airline staff every 15 minutes. Upon arrival at their destination they are taken to the lounge to relax and recover from their journey, it is also made clear that they are provided with ample opportunities for rest stops. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387
The Resident -
Concierto benéfico a favor de la Asociación de Familiares con Enfermos de Alzheimer Un concierto benéfico a favor de la Asociación de Familiares con Enfermos de Alzheimer de Estepona se celebró en el Jolly Sailor, en el Puerto de la Duquesa el Domingo, 13 de septiembre 2009, organizado por Billy Robbins. Una gran multitud disfrutaron con el estilo de Billy ‘Frank Sinatra’ cantando en el patio del Jolly Sailor, muchos de ellos almorzando y disfrutando de la música al mismo tiempo. El total recaudado, de las ganancias del bar, donaciones, rifas, venta de CDs de Billy y de su madre, además de una colección, fueron 771€. Los organizadores desean expresar su agradecimiento a Leslie del Jolly Sailor, por su generosidad y a todo su personal, por todo su tiempo y esfuerzos! También - las gracias a Sylvia Robinson, Tricia Robinson, Jamie Toulson y muchos otros por su ayuda en hacer de este evento un éxito. La asociación de Familiares de Enfermos de Alzheimer (A.F.A.), surgió de la necesidad que los familiares teníamos de apoyarnos mutuamente. Pronto se vio que la asociación era una excelente plataforma para difundir
en la sociedad la existencia de la enfermedad, fomentar la investigación sobre este tipo de demencia, y conseguir una mayor calidad de vida para los enfermos y sus cuidadores. En la Asociación existen dos tipos de miembros: los socios familiares de enfermos de Alzheimer. Los socios colaboradores: personas que desean ayudar con su tiempo, esfuerzo o colaboración económica aunque no tengan un familiar afectado por esta enfermedad. La asociación se propone: Aprender a vivir lo mejor posible con un enfermo de Alzheimer. Conseguir una atención integral del enfermo. Informar y asesorar a los familiares. Apoyar y ayudar a las familias para afrontar el impacto de la enfermedad. Difundir la necesidad de un diagnóstico precoz. Promocionar la asistencia integral al enfermo. Estimular la investigación. Sensibilizar a la opinión pública y a las instituciones sobre la carga familiar que supone atender al afectado. Representar y defender los intereses de los enfermos y sus familias. Para más información tlf: 952 805 835.
Stop & Buy English Supermarket
Recently opened at the Centro Comercial La Galera Park, Stop & Buy English Supermarket stocks a large selection of English products and frozen foods at very competitive prices. On their shelves you can find a wide range of English and Australian beers including Fosters, Marston’s Pedigree and Bishops Finger. English bacon and pork pies are
also available as are a comprehensive stock of Indian spices and condiments. In the freezer cabinets you will find all those Birds Eye favourites, and for those of you with a sweet tooth a good selection of Sara Lee frozen cakes and puds along with some good old Devon clotted cream. Stop & Buy are open every day from 10 am till late.
Información Information
Charity gig in aid of Alzheimer’s Society A Charity gig in aid of The Association of Families with Alzheimer’s Sufferers of Estepona was held at the Jolly Sailor, Duquesa Port on Sunday, 13th September 2009 organised by Billy Robbins A large crowd enjoyed Billy’s ‘Sinatra style’ singing in the sunshine on Jolly Sailor’s large patio, many having their Sunday lunch as well. The total collected from bar proceeds, donations, raffle, sale of Billy’s and his late mother’s CDs, plus collection of loose change was €771 The organisers would like to express their grateful thanks to Leslie of Jolly Sailor, for her generosity, and to her Staff for all their time and efforts! Also – thanks go to Sylvia Robinson, Tricia Robinson, Jamie Toulson and many others for their help in making this event so successful. The Association of Families with Alzheimer’s Sufferers of Estepona arose
from the need for the families of sufferers to provide each other with mutual support. It soon became evident that the Association was an excellent vehicle for raising public awareness about this form of dementia, to encourage research and to improve the quality of life of those who suffer from the disease along with their carers. The Association has two categories of members: Family members of Alzheimer’s sufferers; and members who wish to help by giving their time, effort and economic support even though they do not have a sufferer in the family. The association aims to: Learn to live as well as possible with the Alzheimer’s sufferer. Assure the maximum assistance to the sufferer. Inform and advise the relatives. Support the families in adjusting to the impact of the disease. Advise the public about the importance of early diagnosis. Encourage the total care of the patient. Promote research. Raise awareness of the heavy burden involved in looking after an Alzheimer’s patient. Represent and defend the interests of the sufferers and their families. For more information contact 952 805 835.
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The Resident -
Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions
Costa Advice Bureau ¿Hay bancos Británicos en España? Los residentes Británicos se apresuran a ir a bancos tales como Barclays pensando que tratan con un banco Británico en España. Esto no es así. Todas las entidades bancarias en España están bajo la jurisdicción y supervisión de las leyes españolas. Son totalmente independientes de sus homólogos Británicos. Barclays está registrado en el Banco de España. En el Reino Unido Barclays está regulado por la FSA. Algunas entidades bancarias tienen una mejor relación con sus socios Británicos y les podrían dar un mejor servicio. En España los directores de sucursales tienen algo mas de autonomía que sus colegas Británicos, así pues a veces es mejor elegir una sucursal que el propio grupo bancario. Los bancos y las domiciliaciones Los pagos de las domiciliaciones solamente se realizan si en la cuenta corriente o de ahorros usted tiene suficiente saldo para afrontar los pagos. Si alguna vez no está de acuerdo con aquello que se le haya cargado en cuenta, dispone de 15 días para devolver el cargo efectuado. Así
mismo también son 15 días de los que dispone para que en caso de que el recibo se haya devuelto por falta de liquidez en su cuenta y quiera recuperarlo, efectuando por supuesto un ingreso en su entidad bancaria. Es usted un no residente y no le han informado correctamente para empadronarse Durante las elecciones municipales de 1999 era conveniente para los partidos locales que los ciudadanos de la comunidad europea fuesen registrados en el censo del padrón ya que ésto les daba el derecho de votar. Hoy día estas acciones están resultando problemáticas tanto a los no residentes como a los ayuntamientos. Los miembros de la Unión Europea están obligados a registrarse. Si usted reside en dos países distintos por el mismo periodo de tiempo, es la elección de cada persona de registrarse y pagar los impuestos. Tenga en cuenta que el departamento de empadronamiento está vinculado con todas las instituciones administrativas españolas y por supuesto con la policía. Una vez censado no se sorprenda si recibe notificación para
asistir a las mesas electorales cuando haya elecciones. Sorpresa de algunos conductores que aún no conocen la nueva ley sobre el seguro de automóviles Ésta nueva ley estipula que todo conductor de un vehículo debe tener en su posesión el justificante del seguro pero no necesariamente debe estar en el vehículo. Éste nuevo reglamento ha sido ya publicado en el BOE y por ello ha entrado en vigor. Nosotros les recomendaríamos que lo llevasen siempre en el coche toda la documentación que corresponda a su vehículo. Si la Guardia Civil les para, tienen los medios suficientes para averiguar si efectivamente el vehículo está asegurado. Si por el contrario es la policía local la que les para, aún no tienen acceso a esa información y por tanto les pueden multar e incluso inmovilizar el vehículo, lo que conlleva al largo proceso de tener que probar que efectivamente usted tiene seguro.
Banks and Direct Debits Transfers from your account will only be made to third parties if there are sufficient funds in your account to meet these charges. If you disagree with an amount withdrawn from your account you have fifteen days to reclaim the money. By the
Nivel Medio Medium
Traducido: Por Antonio Rodríguez
Costa Advice Bureau Are there British banks in Spain? Expats flocked to banks such as Barclays with the view that they would be banking with a British bank in Spain. This is a misconception. All banking bodies in Spain fall under Spanish jurisdiction and supervised by Spanish legislation. They are totally independent to their comparable British bank. Barclays is registered by the Bank of Spain, Barclays UK is authorised and regulated by the FSA. Some entities do have a better relationship with British counterpart and can give you a special service. Bank managers in Spain have more autonomy than their British counterparts, so it is often more important to choose your branch wisely rather than a banking group.
Fácil Easy
Difícil Hard same token you also have fifteen days to ask your bank to pay a rejected bill when the monies are available. Are you a non-resident and misguidedly registered on the Padrón During the municipal elections of 1999 it was convenient for the local political parties that EU nationals could register on the census, as this would give them the right to vote. The implications of these actions are now causing problems for the non-resident and Town Halls alike. Members of the European Union are obliged by law to register. If you reside in two countries for the same length of time it is up to the individual to decide in which country to register and pay taxes. Rake note that the department of the Padrón is linked to all the Spanish administrative offices including the tax authorities and the police department. Once registered, do not be surprised if you receive a request to present yourself at the voting booths for the forthcoming local elections.
The consequences on the unsuspecting motorist as the new Law on Insurance documents comes into force This law states that a motorist should be in possession of vehicle insurance documents, but need not carry these in their vehicle. This law has been published in the BOE (State Bulletin) and therefore has now come into effect. We wish to instruct to the contrary and advise motorists to continue to carry their documents. If stopped by the Guardia Civil they can carry out checks and confirm that you are legally insured. Local Police, however, cannot access the relevant department to check your status which could lead to a fine or the vehicle being impounded. You would then have to go to the lengthy and possibly costly procedure to prove your insurance status. Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821
Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers 1 Freddy Kreuger. 2 ET. 3 Cousin Itt, Primo Eso. 4 Chucky. 5 Hannibal Lector. 6 Davros. 7 Herman Munster. 8 Judge Dredd, Juez Dredd. 9 Jabba the Hut. 10 Legolas. 11 Beetlejuice. 12 Audrey II. 13 Michael Myers. 14 Phantom of the Opera, El Fantasma de la Ópera. 15 He-Man.
The Resident -
Furnished Holiday Lettings Changes To Tax Rules least 140 days a year 4) commercially let as holiday accommodation for at least 70 days a year (the rent must be charged at market rate not at cheap rates to friends and family) The holiday lets must be (both): 1) short term lets of not more than 31 days 2) the only lets for at least 210 days (211 days in a leap year)
Changes were recently made that could reduce thousands of property owners who rent their properties out in Spain. These changes will potentially affect owners who let their UK holiday home out on a short term basis and who are liable to pay UK tax. Owners liable to pay UK tax who rent out furnished holiday accommodation in the European Economic Area (EEA) will also be affected by the new rules. Now you maybe thinking what does this have to do with Spain apart from the location of the property. Probably 80% of Coast to Coast Properties landlords are from the UK and I would say half of them live in Spain but pay tax in the UK still. What are the changes? On April 6 2010 the rules for furnished holiday letting accommodation in the UK will be repealed. The current advantageous tax treatments available to owners of such properties will no longer be available. These include certain capital gains tax (CGT) reliefs, capital allowances and offsetting any losses. Until the current rules are repealed, they are being extended to owners of furnished holiday accommodation in the EEA who are also liable to pay UK tax. Such properties will need to meet the same criteria as furnished holiday letting accommodation in the UK to qualify. Will Furnished Holiday Lettings rules automatically apply to a property in the EEA? No. However, if you do want to benefit from the changes for the tax year ending in April 2009 and your home is in the EEA you will have to submit an amended Self Assessment tax return for the 2008/09 tax year, or make a claim directly in writing with HM Revenue & Customs. If you want your property to count as a furnished holiday letting, all of the following rules will apply. Rules for Furnished Holiday Lettings To make sure your property counts as a holiday letting, it must be: 1) in the EEA 2) furnished 3) available for commercial letting to the public, as holiday accommodation, for at
Other restrictions You can’t let the property as a holiday let to the same person for more than 31 days in the year. However, if you meet all the qualifying tests for 210 (or 211) days there are no restrictions on longer lets in the remaining 155 days But these longer lets do not count as holiday lets. How do I apply for my EEA property to benefit from Furnished Holiday Lettings treatments? To claim for the present tax year (2009/10) you will need to submit a Self Assessment tax return next year and claim for the relevant treatments or reliefs as if your property were in the UK. If you want to amend an existing tax return/claim for previous years, then you will need to submit an amended tax return by January 31 2010 for the 2008/09 tax year and January 31 2009 for the 2009-10 tax year. If you are within the normal time limit for amending your Self Assessment tax return, you should send an amended form to HM Revenue & Customs. You must include any rental income and expenses from the qualifying property in the Furnished Holiday Lettings section (in the Property Pages) of your tax return. If you are unable to amend your tax return but are still within the normal time limit, you should make the claim by writing to your local HM Revenue & Customs office. If you do not use Self Assessment tax returns or are unsure about how these changes will affect you, we recommend you phone your local tax office or consult a professional in the field. My kind thanks go to Campbell Woolley www. for providing the research material and permission in preparing this article. For a free, private, personal consultation on the above or any other financial issues, call Brian Berney on 952 892 517 or call into my office at Coast to Coast Properties in Sabinillas opposite the church. THE SPECTRUM IFA GROUP Baskerville Advisers S L CIF B-63/137.020 Correduria de Seguros; Nº de rigistro RDGS J2306;Seguro responsabilidad civil AIG Europe Nº 0131900503.1330, Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 35489, Folio 170, Seccion 8, Hoja B-269534.
Información Information
Plan ambicioso para este año para los mayores de 50 años Siguiendo con el gran éxito en los años 2007 y 2008, este año se presenta con casi 50 espectáculos, los eventos del estilo de vida de la Costa, será el mejor y más grande de todos ellos. El evento tendrá lugar en el Palacio de Congresos de Estepona el Sábado 28 y Domingo 29 de Noviembre y será el evento más importante, para las personas mayores de la zona, con todos sus atractivos, populares y nuevos elementos. Uno de los programas será la “zona activa para invertir”, donde los visitantes podrán obtener consejos objetivos por parte de expertos sobre
oportunidades de inversión. Siguiendo las peticiones de numerosos visitantes el año pasado, habrá también una sección dedicada a casas y a jardines, desfile de modas, programa de cocina por uno de los mejores chefs de la Costa, y fuera se instalará un mercado. El año pasado se presentaron sobre 80 exhibiciones, este año, según sus organizadores está previsto sobre 100. Si usted está interesado en hacer su presentación en este Show, puede obtener detalles a través de los organizadores en el teléfono 902 003 896 o por
Ambitious plans for this year’s Over 50’s Show Following the huge successes of the 2007 and 2008 events, this year’s Over 50s Show, the lifestyle event for the Coast’s seniors, will be the ‘biggest, best and most feature-packed yet’. The event will again by held at the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona on Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th, November and will be the ‘ultimate showcase’ for the region’s older people, with all the popular attractions as well as many new elements. One of the new attractions will be the ‘active investment zone’ where visitors will be able to get impartial advice from experts on a plethora of investment opportunities.
Following requests from numerous visitors last year, there will also be a dedicated homes and gardens section, a fashion show, a programme of cookery demonstrations by some of the Coast’s top chefs, and outside an area will be laid out for a farmers market. The inaugural Over 50s Show attracted over 70 exhibitors, last year it had over 80 exhibitors, and the organisers say they are on target for 100 exhibitors this year. If you are interested in exhibiting at The Over 50s Show, you can get details by contacting the organisers at 902 003 896. Or email:
Achievers Toastmasters Club of Marbella Marbella Achievers Toastmaster Club celebrated their Summer recess with a ‘ Schools out ‘ Graduation theme night recently. ‘Headmaster’ John Sandner (V.P/PR) kicked off the proceedings in a humorous vein, donning mortar board and old school tie he reminded members of those sometimes traumatic early School days and the cane-wielding terror who was ‘The Head’! He introduced some memorystimulating ‘Schooldays’ Table Topics’ (‘exercises in impromptu speaking) which produced a series of hilarious replies from the various participants, some of whom clearly remembered their Schooldays with alarming clarity. In a slightly more sober mood, Treasurer and ‘Web-supremo’ Melanie Keiner, presented members who achieved their fifth speech in this year, with their club pin and members who achieved their CCs. & CLs, ACB & ACS (various levels of accomplishment), were presented with their Club Badges. A very special mention was made of local Photographer Rosalind Scott-Gibb (www. who has been a very enthusiastic member of Toast Masters Marbella, Achievers Branch for three years. To substantiate this she was been presented
with her ‘Competent Communicator – Silver’ Award, This means that she has successfully presented an incredible 32 speeches! “Toast Masters is a wonderful organization and we are so fortunate to have such an active branch here on the Costa del Sol. We are provided with so many tools and so much support to enable us to gain confidence and speak more effectively in public, the plus is that it is in such a fun and stimulating environment.” She said on receiving her award. A buffet table groaning with beautiful individual dishes from all the members as well as wine, brought the evening to an end with some thirty members and guests enjoyed the evenings celebrations. In closing Club President, Breda Lee, Congratulatied the award winners on their awards & achievements and thanked all the team for making the night such a great success. Toastmasters International (TI) is a nonprofit educational organization that operates clubs worldwide for the purpose of helping members improve their communication, public speaking and leadership skills. To find out more about the Achievers Toastmasters Club of Marbella go to www.
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Deportes Sport
Dr.A gana el X Campeonato de Andalucía de Polo Tras vencer por 6 a 4 a Grifos Woodchester en una final que inició perdiendo, el equipo de Dr.A se convirtió en el ganador del X Campeonato de Andalucía que se ha venido celebrando durante el fin de semana en Santa María Polo Club. El equipo ganador estuvo formado por Abderraman Abbar, Isabel de Borbón, Lawrence Isola y Maxi Malacalza, que fue también el más destacado del encuentro. En el bando contrario, Richard Fagan, Luciano Irazábal, Craig McKinney y Santiago Torreguitar, que comenzaron pisando el acelerador para ponerse con dos goles a cero por delante. Pero a partir de
ahí se gestó la remontada de Dr.A, comenzando el segundo ‘chukker’ con 2 a 1. Malacalza y los suyos no dejaron opción a la duda en este periodo y en los siguientes, logrando situarse con 5 goles a 1. Desde entonces, Grifos Woodchester trató de volver a nivelar el resultado, pero la falta de acierto sólo les permitió ir acortando distancia pero sin inquietar en demasÌa a Dr.A, que con este triunfo toma el relevo de Aire Sur como campeón del Campeonato de AndalucÌa. La tercera posición del torneo correspondió a El Rosario, que no tuvo problemas para derrotar por 9 goles a 3 a Bisontes de Santander.
Dr.A win the X Andalucian Polo Championship Dr.A came back from a poor start to beat Grifos Woodchester 6-4 and take the top spot at the X Andalucian Polo Championship last weekend. The winning team, comprising Abderraman Abbar, Isabel de Borbón, Lawrence Isola and Maxi Malacalza contested a memorable match against team Grifos Woodchester made up of Richard Fagan, Luciano Irazábal, Craig McKinney y
Santiago Torreguitar. At one point Dr.A held a commanding 5-1 lead but Grifos Woodchester fought back to come within two goals but were unable to improve on this and Dr.A took the final honours with a 6-4 win and with victory took over the mantle of Andalucian Champions from Aire Sur. Third place went to El Rosario who had a convincing 9-3 victory over Bisontes de Santander.
anúnciese con the resident tlf.952 936 198
The Resident -
Manilva - Liga de Fútbol 7 La concejalía de deportes ha abierto el plazo de inscripción para la liga de fútbol siete que se celebra en nuestra localidad. De esta manera, se establecen dos plazos distintos. El primero de ellos hasta el 25 de septiembre para los equipos que hayan participado en la quinta edición de esta liga y desde el 28 de septiembre hasta el 9 de octubre, para el resto de equipos interesados. El campeonato lo conformarán un máximo de 16 equipos, respetándose rigurosamente el orden de inscripción. Los interesados podrán formalizarla en la delegación municipal de deportes en plaza Martín Carpena en Manilva, de ocho de la mañana a dos y media de la tarde de lunes a viernes. También
pueden comunicarse con esta concejalía en el teléfono - 952 891 532 a través del fax - 952 893 659 ó a través de la pagina web El precio de inscripción es de 200 € y la fianza de 150 €. El pago se deberá realizar a través de ingreso bancario en el número de cuenta que aparece impreso en pantalla y que pertenece a la entidad de UNICAJA. Los equipos deberán aportar la siguiente documentación: Hoja de solicitud debidamente cumplimentada que se puede descargar desde la pagina web del Ayuntamiento en el apartado que aparece en portada como “Documentos de Interés”; Fotografía tamaño carné en color; Fotocopia del DNI; Recibo del ingreso bancario tanto
de la inscripción, como de la fianza; Las plantillas de los equipos participantes, que deberán estar compuestos por un mínimo de 12 jugadores y un máximo de 15, de los cuales todos deberán ser mayores de 18 años, 6 deberán ser mayores de 30 años (se considerará mayores de 30 años a los nacidos antes del 30 de mayo de 1980). Solo se permitirán tres jugadores no empadronados por equipo (se considerará jugador empadronado, aquel que lo este, con tres de anterioridad a la fecha de alta en el campeonato). Para poder inscribirse, un equipo, debe presentar un mínimo de 12 licencias, de los cuales 6 deben pertenecer a jugadores mayores de 30 años.
Manilva 7-a-side football league Manilva’s sports department has announced that enrolment for this season’s seven-aside football league will begin this month. From the 25th September teams that played in the previous season’s competition can sign up followed by any new teams interested can enrol from the 28th September. The league consists of a maximum of 16 teams who will be selected in strict order of enrolment. Those interested should contact the delegación municipal de deportes situated in plaza Martín Carpena next to the football ground in Manilva between 8 am and 2.30 pm, Monday to Friday, telephone 952 891 532, fax 952 893 659
or visit The cost per team in 200€ plus a 150€ deposit. Teams must have a minimum of 12 players and a maximum
of 15 all of whom must be over 18 and at least 6 should be over 30. Only three players in a team can be on the Manilva padron.
Deportes Sport
The Resident -
XVI Edición del Torneo de Verano de Tenis de Mesa
El Trofeo Rolex de Golf disputará su XXII etapa en San Roque
Organizado por la Delegación Municipal de Deportes en colaboración con Club de Tenis de Mesa de nuestra localidad se celebrará en Estepona la XVI Edición del Torneo de Verano de Tenis de Mesa, que tendrá lugar en el Polideportivo “El Carmen” el Sábado 19 de Septiembre a partir de las 10:00 horas. Participarán dos categorías, deportistas de hasta 15 años y mayores de esta edad. El torneo se disputará en trece mesas y el sistema de juego
El Circuito Rolex de golf, uno de los torneos que más expectación provoca dentro del calendario nacional, reanuda su vigésimo segunda etapa de clasificación eñ próximo sábado 26 de septiembre en Club de Golf San Roque. El Trofeo Rolex de Golf 2009, compuesto por un total de 23 torneos, recorre desde el pasado mes de marzo el territorio nacional congregando a los amantes de esta disciplina deportiva. De la mano de prestigiosa relojería The Red House cuyo exclusivo establecimiento se encuentra en Gibraltar, este conocido torneo promete ser un éxito de participación. En cada una de las rondas clasificatorias del Trofeo Rolex premia al mejor hándicap con un Rolex Oyster Perpetual Cronómetro en acero, un clásico contemporáneo de la Casa Suiza símbolo de precisíon y fiabilidad. Por su parte el mejor Scratch obtiene un reloj Tudor, marca perteneciente al grupo Rolex, y los siguientes clasificados reciben un obsequio como recompensa a su buen juego.
será de todos contra todos en cada grupo, pasando a los cruces eliminatorios ya en jornada de tarde. Se entregarán trofeos para los tres primeros de cada categoría, así como a los mejores locales de cada una de las categorías. Para más información llamando a los teléfono 952802444 y 661711246 y a través de los correos y
La relación privilegiada entre Rolex y el golf se remonta al año 1967, cuando Arnold Palmer se convirtió en Embajador de la marca. Desde entonces la relación entre Rolex y el golf, basada en valores comunes, ha crecido y prosperado convirtiéndose en una unión sólida y vanguardista que demuestra una vez más el apoyo incondicional de Rolex al deporte en general y al golf en particular a través de los patrocinos que comenzaron a finales de los años 60. Hoy en día, Rolex se asocia a las entidades más importantes y prestigionsas del mundo del golf.
Entre los torneos masculinos que cuentan con el patrocino de Rolex destacan el British Open Championship, la US Open Championship, UD PGA Championship, la Ryder Cup, el European Tour, el PGA, el World Golf Championships, el Masters de Augusta y la Presidents Cup. Por su parte los torneos femeninos que cuentan con el apoyo de Rolex son la Solheim Cup, la Lexus Cup, los cuatro Grand Slams: el KraĞ Nabisco Championship, el Campeonato LPGA, el US Open femenino, y el Open femenino Británico; y el Evian Masters, entre otros.
The Rolex Trophy comes to San Roque
XVI Summer Tabel Tennis Tournament Organised by Estepona’s Sports Department in collaboration with the Estepona Table Tennis Club, the 16th edition of the Summer Table Tennis Tournament will take place at the El Carmen Sports Centre on Saturday, 19th September from 10 am. Participants are divided in to two categories: Up to 15 years of age and over 15s. The tournament is
disputed on thirteen tables on a round robin basis in each group passing to the elimination rounds in the afternoon. Trophies will be awarded to the top three in both categories. For more information call 952 802 444 y 661 711 246 or email or
The 22nd series of the Rolex Golf Circuit 2009 will be held in San Roque. This most eagerly awaited annual event, among the most popular of Spain’s Golfing competitions, will be with us at the San Roque Club’s Old Course on Saturday the 26th of September. This Rolex-sponsored Golf Circuit, which comprises 23 consecutive tournaments across the country, has been on tour since March, bringing together lovers of the game all over the Spain. The Circuit culminates in a final game. Rolex distributor The Red House states it looks forward to a good attendance at the San Roque event and is pleased to be participating. In each of the 23 qualifying rounds around the country the
Winner will receive a Rolex Oyster Perpetual Chronometer in steel a modern classic from its Swiss makers, a symbol of precision and reliability with the benefit of a long-established world-wide after-sales service network. An innovation in this respect is the mutual guarantee of the repair service from one dealer to another, designed to ensure the longevity of your investment, or perhaps of your Prize! The best Scratch player will receive a watch by Tudor, a brand which is part of the Rolex group. Other, non-Rolex, prizes for specific shots or results will also be announced, including a stay for two at the San Roque Club’s Hotel. All players will receive a small gift from Rolex in appreciation of their
taking part. The partnership between Rolex and Golf began when Arnold Palmer an ambassador for the brand in 1967. This partnership, based on common values, has been consolidated, leading on to support by Rolex for sport in general. Rolex is now associated with many of the most important events in the golfing world: The British Open, The U.S. Open, the UD PGA, the Ryder Cup, the European Tour, the PGA, the World Golf Championships, the Augusta Masters, the President’s Cup, the Solheim Cup, the Lexus Cup, the four Grand Slams, the Kraft Nabisco Championship, the LPGA, the Women’s U.S. Open, the Women’s British Open, the Evian Masters, and more.
Classified lineage advertising rates are 35 cents per word inclusive of IVA @16% (minimum of 10 words). Boxed classifieds are charged a 5 euros per column centimetre inclusive of IVA @16€ (minimum 3 column centimetres). To place your advert drop into The Resident office in Edif Sabinillas Playa 6, Calle Mijas, Sabinillas, Manilva, 29692, Malaga. Or into one of our agents’ offices (call 952 936 198 for your nearest office). For more information on advertising see our website at www. Deadline: Classified adverting can be placed up to 12 noon on Wednesday 11th June for insertion in the next issue out on Friday, 13th June. The Resident accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the content of advertisements, nor any claims made by advertisers. Thorough checks should be carried out before any transactions take place. The Resident reserves the right to make any changes in spelling or grammar where necessary. The Resident takes every care to ensure the correct publication of advertisements, regrettably mistakes do sometimes occur. If there is an error in your advertisement, notify your agency or agent at once as The Resident will only accept responsibility for one insertion published incorrectly.
Administrators • AMMEX, Sabinillas. Special-ists in community administration 952 890 704
Building & Maintenance • Pipe Tek SL Water Leak Detection, CCTV Surveying, High Pressure Water Jetting & Drain Relining - 952 891 248 • Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@hotmail. com Apex Chimney Services S.C. - Professional Chimney Sweeping, Fault Detection, Nest Removal and Smoke Testing. Qualified, reliable and fully insured. Certificate issued. All areas covered. Tel 696 320 202
Property management • LMK Management Luxury apartment rentals and property management 952 890 513
The Resident -
• Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207
Inmobiliaria Estate Agents • Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 • Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.
Holiday Accommodation • Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561
Casares forthcoming San Roque results football fixtures and mixtures Primera Provincial Málaga Gr4 Jornada/week 1 - 20/9/2009 Casares - Bonela Jornada/week 2 - 27/9/2009 Yunquera - Casares Jornada/week 3 - 4/10/2009 Casares - Balazo Alozaina Jornada/week 4 - 11/10/2009 Ojén - Casares Jornada/week 5 - 18/10/2009 Casares - Athletic Coín
Jornada/week 1 - 6/9/2009 San Roque 3 - 3 Pastores Jornada/week 2 - 13/9/2009 Zabal D 0 - 1 San Roque Jornada/week 3 - 20/9/2009 La Palma - San Roque Jornada/week 4 - 27/9/2009 San Roque - Rota Jornada/week 5 - 4/10/2009 Cortegana - San Roque
U Estepona CF Results and fixtures
Primera Provincial Málaga Gr4
Segunda B Gr4
Jornada/week 2 - 27/9/2009 Yunquera - Casares
• CSS - Home and office support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi, data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.csscosta. com
Educación Education • Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 00 12
Entertainment • Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see www. for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765
Mortgage & Financial Services • Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347 • Spectrum IFA Group, Sabinillas - Call Brian Berney for full financial planning and advice 952 800 765
Interior Design & Furnishing
Ocio y Deportes Sport & Leisure
• Homeimprovers Makeovers and furniture packages. Full interior design service 952 893 623
• Sun Coast Marine Yacht School - RYA Motor cruiser and powerboat instruction 952 804 597 www.suncoastmarine.
• Casuso Interior design. See our wide range of furniture and accessories at our showroom behind Mercadona in Sabinillas or call 952 897 006.
Bares y Restaurantes • Restaurante Ramos - Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas.
anúnciese con Náutica Marine the resident • Atlas Marine, Puerto Duquesa - Boat sales, Tlf. mortgages, insurance, maintenance 952 890 553 www. 952 936 198
Legal • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www.
Imprenta Printing • Manilva Media Workshop SLL, Calle Mijas, Sabinillas for all your printing, advertising and marketing needs 952 936 198 www.manilvamediaworkshop. com
• Brunos Car rental and sales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 • English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066 • First Car Group - Car rentals, sales finance and leasing, airport parking 952 793 909
Casey, Goosen, Villegas and Allenby confirmed for Volvo World Match Play Championship
Primera Andaluza Gp 1
La Linea (Linense) Fixtures and Results
Jornada/week 1 - 20/9/2009 Casares - Bonela
Informática Computers & Internet
Jornada/week 1 - 30/8/2009 Granada CF 3 - 2 Estepona Jornada/week 2 - 6/9/2009 Estepona 0 - 0 Ejido
Jornada/week 3 - 4/10/2009 Casares - Balazo Alozaina
Jornada/week 3 - 13/9/2009 Roquetas 2 - 0 Estepona
Jornada/week 4 - 11/10/2009 Ojén - Casares
Jornada/week 4 - 19/9/2009 Estepona - Murcia Imperial
Jornada/week 5 - 18/10/2009 Casares - Athletic Coín
Jornada/week 5 - 23/9/2009 Moratalla C.F - Estepona
Paul Casey, Retief Goosen, Camilo Villegas and Robert Allenby have confirmed that they will play in the Volvo World Match Play Championship finishing as the highest ranked available players from their regions; Europe, Africa & Middle East, South America and Australasia respectively. The players have qualified via the all new qualifying criteria, part of Volvo’s innovative ‘new look’ match play. Paul Casey, World Number 3 and winner of the 2006 World Match Play Championship, is delighted to have secured his place, explaining “I thoroughly enjoy match play and winning in 2006 was definitely one of my career highlights so I am delighted to qualify for this year’s Volvo World Match Play Championship. One thing I noticed when I won the World Match Play was the number of great players who made it their business to win the title at least twice. Seve Ballesteros, Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Greg
Norman and Nick Faldo have all got their name on the Champions roster at least a couple of times so I will definitely be hoping to emulate them by winning again this year.” Two time US Open Champion Retief Goosen from South Africa, the leading player on the Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR) at the cut-off point following the USPGA Championship from Africa & Middle East, explained, “I have been following my position on the qualification table over the past few months and have been very aware of what I needed to do to hang on to my place. I am delighted to have made it into this prestigious tournament and am really looking forward to playing in the Volvo World Match Play Championship. Colombian superstar Camilo Villegas, who qualified as the leading South American player on the OWGR will be playing in his first World Match Play Championship, is similarly enthusiastic; “I really
enjoy the cut and thrust of match play, “ explained Camilo, “It is very important to have secured a place in the Volvo World Match Play Championship as it is a limited field and very close the conclusion of the Race to Dubai so I think the winner there will have a great advantage going into the Dubai World Championship. It would be great if I get to play against my good friend Sergio Garcia – I think we would have a very exciting match though I’m not sure I will have too many supporters in the gallery!” World Number 30, Australian Robert Allenby added, ““I am thrilled to have qualified for the Volvo World Match Play Championship. It’s a world class event with a terrific heritage and one I’d love to win. I am a big fan of match play so with this and the upcoming Presidents Cup, I’m really looking forward to the next couple of months.”
Vaya de excursión con / Have a day out with The Resident, en colaboración con Viajes Transandalucía, quiere invitar a nuestros lectores a aprovechar nuestro especial (Reader’s Offers) en una seleción de viajes y excursiones durante los próximos meses. Junto con descuentos mensuales con viajes Viajes Transandalucía también seleccionaromos excursiónes a un precio especial sólo para los lectores de The Resident. Este mes ofreceremos un viaje a Granada. Reserve directamente al 952 893 227 o 619 814 233 o envíecorreo electrónico ¡No olvide mencionar ‘The Resident’ o no recibirá el descuento!
Todos los martes y sábados. Recuerde: ¡Se require pasaporte! Autobús hasta Tarifa, donde cogeremos el ferry rápido que nos llevará al norte deÁfrica en 35/40 minutos. Incluye una visita a las cuevas de Hércules, seguido de un almuerzo típico de Marruecos (que incluye música , baile, etc.). Después del almuerzo, le llevaremos a la Medina (parte vieja de la ciudad), souk (tiendas y mercado) y kasbah (fortaleza), con tiempo para hacer compras. Nuestro guía os acompañará todo el recorrido y si tenemos tiempo, visitaremos un herbolario y haremos una parada corta para tomarnos un refresco antes de subir al ferry de vuelta a España. Adultos: Precio: 83 € Niños: 60 € Para reserva son necesarios datos de pasaporte. Every Tuesday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 83€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 79€ Children: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip. PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING
Todos los jueves (almuerzo opcional +12.00€) - la elegante ciudad fue una vez la capital de la españa islámica. Como resultado de esto presume de la Mezquita de europa y es ahora la catedral de Córdoba. Tambien es posible atravesar el Barrio Judío o simplememte admirar la bellza de las jardines, fuentes y parques de la ciudad. Adultos: 56€. Niños: 42€ Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€
Todos las miércoles (almuerzo opcional +12,00€) Ciudad encantadora y misteriosa, último baluarte de los árabes, hasta que fue conquistada por los Cristianos en 1492. La Alhambra es mundialmente conocida como uno de los ejemplos de arquitectura Islámica mejores conservados de España. Durante la visita a pie de 2.horas y media, el guía le revelará la historia de la Alhambra, después de la cual podrá explorar la ciudad libremente. Adultos: 66€. Niños: 50€ Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 54€ The Resident price 50€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)
Todos los viernes (almuerzo opcional +12,00€) Capital de Andalucía con el monumento de La Giralda, construida en el siglo XII. Visitaremos La Plaza de España, La Giralda y la Catedral (la entrada está incluida en el precio), tiempo libre para visitar la ciudad (almuerzo opcional), también disponibilidad de dar un paseo por el río Guadalquivir o dar un paseo en coche de caballo. Adultos: 56€. Niños: 42€ Every Friday (except May 1) - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with
The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. This month we will be offering a trip to Granada. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!
The Resident Ronda en tren Ronda by Train
optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€
Parque Acuatico Mijas
Todos los martes (solo de mayo a octubre) Disfruta de un día de sol y aventuras acuáticas. Familias y amigos, preparaos para mojaros! Seguro que disfrutareis. Hay un bar y cafe de autoservicio, lavabos, vestuarios, duchas y cajas de seguridad. Tambien puedes alquilar flotadores, camas de sol y colchones de aire. Todo lo necesario para pasarlo bien. ¡No olvideis la crema solar! Puedes llevar comida para el almuerzo pero utensillos de cristal no estan permitidos. Adultos: 34€. Niños: 24€
Mijas Water Park
Every Tuesday - (May to October only) Enjoy a full day of sun and exciting water adventures. Families and friends, get set to get wet! You are sure to have fun. Self-service cafe and bar, cloakrooms, changing rooms, showers and safety deposit boxes are available. You may also hire floats, sunbeds and air mattresses. All you need to enjoy a really fun day out. You may take a picnic lunch if you wish, but glass utensils are not permitted. Adults: Normal price 37€ The Resident price 34€. Children: Normal price 28€ The Resident price 24€.
Todos los martes (incluye desayuno)Visita de la parte Este de la Costa del Sol incluyendo una visita a su ciudad más famosa, Nerja. La excursión nos lleva primero a la pequeña ciudad de El Palo, donde disfrutaremos de un desayuno típico andaluz. Después visitaremos la famosa cueva de Nerja y posteriormente iremos a la ciudad de Nerja, con tiempo libre para explorar lugares como el Balcón de Europa o simplemente pasear po las tiendas y bares de esta interesante ciudad. Adultos: 42€. Niños: 31€ Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 44€ The Resident price 42€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€
una selección de viajes / a choice of trips: Los miércoles, viernes y algunar sábados Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays
Gibraltar solo compras / Shopping only:
Aprovecha la oportunidad de 5 horas de compras libre de impuestos en Gibraltar. Adultos: 20€. Niños: 13€ Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€
Guía por el Peñón de Gibraltar y compras.
Su minibús le llevará de excursión por el Peñon. Entradas a las Cuevas de ‘St Michael’ y la cima del Peñon y los monos son incluidos. La guía termina en Main Street, dejándole tiempo para realizar sus compras libres de impuestos. Adultos: 37€. Niños: 28€
Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping
Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 39€ The Resident price 37€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€
Viaje en barco delfín y compras
Únase a nosotros a bordo del “Brixham Belle” para disfrutar de los delfines salvajes en la bahía de Algeciras. Tendrá la oportunidad de ver tres especies diferentes de delfín, y posiblemente una o dos ballenas. El excelente comentario a bordo hará de ésto una
Todos las jueves Autobús a Algeciras, después en tren para observar el paisaje hasta Ronda, en una vía férrea construida hace más de 100 años. Este paisaje espectacular de la montaña solo puede verse desde el tren, con muchos pueblos y estaciones Victorianas encantadoras por el camino. En Ronda pueden explorar “la Ciudad”(árabe), incluyendo el famoso puente El Tajo del siglo XVIII. La vuelta es en autocar. Adultos: 38€. Niños: 28€ (tren incluido) Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-track line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful Victorian stations on route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€ (train ticket included).
aventura especial para todos. También incluye tiempo suficiente para ir de compras, etc Adultos: 35€. Niños: 27€
Dolphin boat trip and shopping
Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 35€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 27€
Gibraltar - Rock the boat
Combine excursión al Peñon de Gibraltar junto con el mundo del delfín. Sujeto a horas de navegación para tiempo de compras. Adultos: 56€. Niños: 42€ Se necesita pasaporte o D.N.I. en caso de Españoles Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!
Mercado de Fuengirola y Mijas
Todos los martes - Una visita por la mañana a Fuengirola para disfrutar del famoso mercado del martes, uno de los más grandes de la Costa, y luego visitaremos el encantador pueblo de Mijas. Probablemente uno de los pueblos blancos más famosos de Andalucía, con sus calles estrechas y maravillosas vistas. Adultos: 23€. Niños: 18€
Fuengirola Market & Mijas
Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€
Fuengirola Zoo
Todos los martes - Uno de los mejores del mundo, con las últimas facilidades y una participación activa en la conservación de especies ¡y está en el centro del pueblo! Adultos: 35€. Niños: 26€ Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 37€ The Resident price 35€ Children: Normal price 28€ The Resident price 26€
Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email Tendrá que reservar su viaje directamente para aprovecharse de esta oferta. ¡No olvide mencionar ‘The Resident’ o no recibirá el descuento! Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.