The Resident April 2011

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No.56 18 ABR - 12 MAY 2011 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006





Semana Santa Welcome to


Easter celebrations

... p 6





Re Opening Come & Join Us during the Easter Holidays!




The Resident -

EDITORIAL Abril, es uno de mis meses favoritos, ya que el sol brilla regularmente y las tardes son más largas gracias al cambio de hora. Hay bastantes cosas que hacer este mes, lo más importante de todas ellas es la celebración de la Semana Santa. He incluido información en esta edición del periódico The Resident incluyendo horarios y rutas para algunas de las más importantes procesiones en la zona. Durante los últimos meses hemos incluido noticias e información sobre las próximas elecciones locales, pero hemos tenido que hacer un alto en el camino desde que el Gobierno Nacional introdujo una nueva ley el mes pasado, prohibiendo cualquier forma de campaña publicitaria, mediante ningún medio, ya fuera radio, televisión, páginas webs o periódicos hasta el 5 de Mayo. Supongo que os habréis dado cuenta que las imágines juveniles en la calle de los varios candidatos ya no nos están vigilándonos desde arriba mientras que realizamos nuestros negocios diarios, bien, ahora sabéis porqué. Así pues os sugiero que disfrutéis de este tiempo libre sin campañas publicitarias, ya que a partir del 6 de Mayo nos bombardearán

con ella. En la edición de Mayo del periódico The Resident habrá un “especial elección” y saldrá a la calle un poco más pronto de lo normal, probablemente sobre el 10 de Mayo, así pues no olvidéis recoger vuestro ejemplar. Ya que continuamos con nuestro suplemento The Resident Plus, estamos muy contentos de la respuesta obtenida, pues la última edición ha alcanzado un total de 29.000 visitas. Hemos estado trabajando con el formato y el diseño, para que sea más fácil de utilizar en pantallas pequeñas, también hemos introducido un pdf para aquellas personas que no dispongan de Flash. Las conexiones se pueden encontrar en nuestra página web y no os olvidéis de registraros en nuestra lista para que podáis recibir vuestro ejemplar de The Resident Plus tan pronto como sea publicado. Bien, espero que paséis bien vuestra Semana Santa y ya estoy deseando comunicarme con vosotros el próximo mes. Así pues, hasta entonces, adiós. Editor.

April is one of my favourite months, the sun is now a fairly regular fixture and the evenings are longer thanks to the shift in the clocks. There’s a lot going on this month, the major event being Semana Santa celebrations during Easter week. I’ve included some information in this issue of The Resident giving timings and routes for some of the major processions in our area. Over recent months we have been including news and information regarding next month’s local elections, but this has had to come to a halt since the national government in its wisdom introduced new legislation last month prohibiting any form of campaigning on any commercial media, whether billboards, radio, television, websites or newspapers until the 5th May. You may have noticed that the youthful images of the various candidates are no longer staring benevolently down at you as you go about your daily business, well now you know why. So I suggest you enjoy this brief politics-free window, as from the 6th

of May it’s going to be full on. The May issue of The Resident will be an election special and will be out a little earlier in the month than usual, probably around May 10th so don’t forget to pick up your copy then. As we continue to develop our online supplement The Resident Plus, we have been really pleased with the response, the latest issue having already received 29,000 viewers. We have been tinkering with the format and style, to make it easier to use on smaller screens, we have also introduced a pdf download for those of you whose devices don’t support Flash. Links to these can all be found on our website at and don’t forget to register on our subscriber list and make sure you get your copy of The Resident Plus as soon as it is published. Well I hope you enjoy your Easter break and I look forward to talking to you next month. So until then, goodbye. Editor

ALUMINIOS CUESTA C/. María Zambrano, Local 2, (Enfrente del Colegio) Sabinillas, Manilva (IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL IN SABINILLAS)




El Colegio de Sabinillas Sabinillas School


951 27 37 12 9

645 58 05 46 - info@a com

San Roque

The Resident -

Recorridos procesionales de la Semana Santa 2011 El Domingo de Ramos (17 de abril 11:00h) comenzará con la Bendición de Palmas y Olivos en la Capilla de Nuestra Señora de la Visitación, y a continuación tendrá lugar una Solemne Procesión por las calles del casco. El Lunes Santo, 20:00h desde la Ermita de San Roque partirá la Venerable Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús en la Oración del Huerto y María Santísima del Mayor Dolor. El Martes Santo, 22:00h comenzará en la Parroquia la procesión de la Venerable Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Humildad y Paciencia y Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza. El Miércoles Santo se celebrarán dos procesiones. 19:00h La primera, la de la Venerable Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo y Rescatado “Medinaceli” y Nuestra Señora de la Merced, partirá de la Capilla de la Santísima Trinidad, para llegar a la Parroquia. 20:30h La segunda procesión partirá de la Capilla de la Visitación a hombros de la Venerable Hermandad y Cofradía de Penitencia de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias (Cofradía de la Juventud).

El Jueves Santo es el día del Santo Encuentro. 20:45h Así, partirá de la Capilla de la Visitación la imagen de María Santísima de los Dolores, para detenerse en la Plaza de Andalucía. Poco después 21:15h saldrá de la misma Capilla la imagen de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno. Una hora más tarde está previsto el Santo Encuentro en la Plaza de Andalucía. Terminado éste, la Venerable Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno y María Santísima de los Dolores continuará procesionando rumbo a la Parroquia. Pasada la medianoche, desde la Parroquia partirá la imagen de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad, que discurrirá por las calles del casco para volver a continuación al templo. La Procesión Magna del Santo Entierro se iniciará el Viernes Santo sobre las 17.00 horas. Ese día, de la Plaza de la Iglesia partirán el Escuadrón de Romanos, la Cofradía de la Oración del Huerto, la de Jesús Cautivo, la del Cristo de la Humildad, la de Jesús Nazareno, la del “Cristo de las Aguas” (de la Vera Cruz), la del Cristo de la Buena Muerte, la Cofradía de la Juventud y la del Santo Entierro.

Manilva Life Business Directory Manilva Life has been serving residents and visitors to the western Costa del Sol for over five and a half years and is the essential reference source for news, information and services, as well as being a popular meeting place for people to make friends, ask questions and share their experiences through its busy message boards. The website receives around a thousand visitors every day, many of whom are regulars. Manilva Life is also recognised by Manilva’s local authorities as the official English language website for the area, and enjoys first page position for many search terms on the major search engines, including number one spot for ‘Manilva’ on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Manilva Life has a range of very attractive advertising options for local businesses. Visit Manilva Life now at and stay in touch with your community!

Holiday Rental - La Duquesa Modern two bed, two bathroom apartment just 400 metres from Aldea Beach and within a five minute drive of Puerto de la Duquesa Fully equipped with hot/cold aircon, DVD and Sky TV.

Available from €200 per week inclusive Call Stuart or Jackie on 952 794 143 or 659 293 243 Email:


Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro

Easter Egg Charity Motor Bike Run in aid of the Children's Home 'Casa Abril' based in San Roque Saturday 30th April commencing 11 am Ride Out starts at 11.30 from Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro (A7 km 132) After the presentations there will be a barbecue at the Ace Cafe, opposite Hacienda Guadalupe, Duquesa, Manilva from 4 pm til late For more information contact 956 794 657, 646 324 058, 620 532 762


and For your Business & Service needs

Tel: 656 476 887

DFAS de la Frontera

DFAS de la Frontera is a society of likeminded individuals who get together for lectures, special interest days, trips, and social events. Regular monthly lectures are held at the San Roque Golf & Country Club on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 11am, and usually last between an hour and an hour and a half. Vistors are welcome to come along to lectures; entrance for visitors is €12 and €10 for members of other NADFAS societies. Entry is free for members of DFAS de la Frontera. The lecturers are experts in their fields and are selected from the NADFAS accredited directory and the programme is designed to be wide ranging and interesting. In addition to the lectures the programme may also include one or two ‘Special Interest Days’, where the lecturer gives an additional in depth lecture on a specially selected subject. In addition a number of special events are organized each season. 20th April 2011 FROM COOK TO GAUGUIN - THE CULT OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC Leslie Primo: Lecturer and tour guide at the National Gallery and the National Portrait Gallery. Exotic plants and animals came back on

early voyages of discovery along with stories of strange cultures. The lecture will focus on how the South Pacific has been portrayed in the art of Western Europe from the time of James Cook’s first encounters and how Paul Gauguin’s rich, languid paintings in Tahiti reflect the allure of the simple, natural life they portray. For more information call 956 794 582 or visit

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

SAN ROQUE FOREIGN RESIDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Broadcasting in English to the Campo de Gibraltar and beyond

BayFM a breath of fresh air for more information visit

ENGLISH & ITALIAN (GUADIARO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Tenencia de Alcaldía – Distrito Guadiaro / Guadiaro District Deputy Mayor's Office Avenida Tierno Galván, s/n. 11311 Guadiaro – San Roque Tel: 956 614 129 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:

ENGLISH & ITALIAN (SAN ROQUE CENTRO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Oficina Municipal de Turismo / The Borough Tourist Office Antigua Casa Consistorial/ Old Town Hall Plaza de Armas, s/n. 11360 San Roque Centro Tel: 956 694 005 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:

GERMAN (TORREGUADIARO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Alcaldía de Barrio / Village Council Office Avenida Mar del Sur, s/n. Edificio Mamía 11312 Torreguadiaro – San Roque Tel: 956 616 866 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:



The Resident -

Manilva está incluido en el plan de ampliación del parque eólico de la Provincia de Málaga

Impuesto de Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica El Patronato de Recaudación de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, le informa que el plazo de pago voluntario del Impuesto de Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica, (I.V.T.M.) finaliza el 20 de Mayo de 2011. Devengándose a partir de esta fecha los recargos e intereses correspondiente a la vía ejecutiva. Se han enviado a su domicilio los avisos de pago, con los que podrá abonar el impuesto en cualquier Banco o Caja de Ahorros que figuran como Entidades

Colaboradoras. De no haber recibido los avisos, podrá retirarlos en las oficinas del Patronato de Recaudación Provincial de Málaga, sito en Cl/ Doctor Alvarez Leiva, nº 6, de la localidad de Manilva, o Edif Puertosol, Puerto de Estepona. También puede obtener la carta de pago a través de Internet, consultando nuestra página web: o llamando a Atención al Contribuyente: 952 891 621.

Vehicle road tax

Manilva ha sido uno de los municipios elegidos para la ampliación del parque eólico de la provincia de Málaga, según informó la delegación municipal de Medio Ambiente. Gracias a esto, la localidad se une a las energías renovables y apuesta firmemente por la conservación de nuestro medio. El fuerte crecimiento del consumo energético que se lleva experimentando en los últimos años, así como la preocupación por el medio ambiente han potenciado la apuesta por esta fuente de energía. De esta manera, Manilva es uno de los municipios elegidos para la ampliación del parque eólico de la provincia de Málaga. La localidad contará en el plazo de un año y medio, aproximadamente con dos aerogeneradores, no conectados entre sí. Cada uno de ellos tendrá una potencia

máxima de 4.500 kilowatios, por lo que a pleno rendimiento podría abastecer a unas 800 viviendas. Los molinos, estarán ubicados en la zona del Secadero, evacuarán la energía a la subestación de Casares y destacarán por sus grandes dimensiones. Junto a Manilva, Estepona, Casares, Benahavís, Mijas, Gaucín y Benarrabá han sido elegidos por la empresa promotora del proyecto “Gamesa Energía” para la colocación de estos aerogeneradores. En total serán 16 los molinos que se instalen con la intención de evacuar a la red un total de 72 megavatios con el propósito de reducir el consumo de otras fuentes de energía, conservar el medioambiente y fomentar la incorporación de tecnologías energéticas más avanzadas.

Manilva included in plans to expand Malaga wind power network Manilva is one of the municipalities to be included in expansion plans for Malaga Province’s network of wind farms. Growth in demand, coupled with environmental concerns, has reinforced the commitment to this energy source. Within the next eighteen months it is planned to construct two wind turbines, each with a maximum output of 4,500 kilowatts, enought to power 800 homes.

These turbines will be situated in the Secadero area, and feed into the Casares substation. Along with Manilva, Estepona, Casares, Benahavís, Mijas, Gaucín and Benarrabá have been selected by the project’s managers ‘Gamesa Energía’ as ideal sites for these installations. In total 16 wind turbines will be built with a total generating capacity of 72 megawatts.

El plazo de la guardería finaliza este mes El concejal de Educación Diego José Jiménez Quirós informa a todas las familias residentes en el municipio que durante este mes de Abril está abierto el plazo para solicitar plaza en las Escuelas Infantiles de Manilva, Sabinillas y El Castillo de todos los niños nacidos en 2011, 2010 y 2009.

El plazo de solicitudes queda abierto del 1 al 30 de abril, tras este plazo no podrán recogerse solicitudes hasta finalizar todo el proceso de adjudicación y matriculación de las plazas solicitadas, periodo que abarca los meses de mayo y junio.

Nursery school places Manilva’s Councillor for Education, Diego José Jiménez Quirós, has announced that the applications are being invited from local residents for places in the nursery schools

in Manilva, Sabinillas and Castillo. Children born in 2009, 2010, and 2011 have until the 30th April to be enrolled for a place in one of the nursery schools (guarderías).

The Provincial Revenue Collection Agency, Patronato de Recaudación de la Diputación Provincial, wish to remind vehicle owners that they have until May 20 to pay their Impuesto de Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica, (IVTM) vehicle tax. After this date you will incur fines and interest for late payment. You should have received a payment notification slip which you can present at one of the banks listed to pay. If you haven’t received such a slip then go to your nearest Patronato de Recaudación de la Diputación office in Calle Doctor Alvarez Leiva, nº 6,

(next to the Police Station) in Manilva, or the Puertosol building in Estepona Port, who will issue you with a payment slip to take to the bank. You can also obtain your payment card online at


Manilva Ladies (Social Networking) Group

From Gershwin to Gaga! Solrok Choir welcomes singers of all ages and ability. The choir meets every Wednesday evening at 8.00 pm at Martina Merkel’s Dance studio, Calle Nueva, Manilva Town Call 656 358 137 e-mail: bailedesalon.merkel@

A group for Ladies of all ages to get together, make friends, socialise and network. Creating a social group through which they can organise trips and social outings. All ladies are welcome to go along to the meetings which are held at Armstrongs For more info visit their Facebook page Manilva Ladies (Social Networking) Group

Amigos y Vecinos de Marina de Casares Este año, la asociación comienza su programa de excursiones con una salida de 3 días y dos noches a Granada el día 3 de mayo. El viaje cuesta 217 € por persona incluyendo alojamiento y desayuno, viaje en autocar y visitas guiadas por Granada. Más adelante habrá un viaje a Sevilla a partir del 13 de septiembre. (Siempre hay descuentos a disposición de los socios de la asociación). Los socios estamos deseando mudarnos a nuestra nueva oficina en las próximas semanas. Los salones están quedando muy elegantes y han sido bellamente reformados por los trabajadores del

Ayuntamiento. Las obras comenzaron en septiembre del año pasado y la asociación hizo una porra con la fecha de terminación de las obras, desde últimos de Diciembre de 2010 hasta principios de Junio de 2011, con una botella de cava para el ganador o la persona que se aproximara más a la fecha. El ganador será anunciado en breve. Para obtener más información sobre el club y sus actividades, pueden contactar con maria.hammond @ o llamen al 952 892 030.

Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares This year the association are starting their programme of excursions with a 3 day, 2 night trip to Granada, leaving May 3. The trip costs 217 euros per person including Bed and Breakfast accommodation, return coach travel and guided tours of Granada. Later in the year there will be a trip to Seville commencing September 13. (Discounts are always available to association members). The members are looking forward to moving into their new accommodation in a matter of weeks. The clubrooms are looking very

smart and have been beautifully refurbished by Town Hall workers. The works began last September and the association held a lottery for the ‘Completion Date’ with dates ranging from late December 2010 to early June 2011, and a bottle of bubbly goes to the person who came up with the nearest date. The winner will be announced shortly. For more information about the club and its activities contact maria.hammond@hotmail. or call 952 892 030.


The Resident -

Cultura organiza una excursión al Museo Carmen Thyssen en Málaga La Delegación de Cultura, que dirige Diego José Jiménez, organiza para el próximo viernes 29 de Abril una excursión al Museo Carmen Thyssen en Málaga. Podremos disfrutar de una visita a este museo de reciente apertura además de unas horas libres para recorrer el centro de Málaga. La salida se hará a las 4 de la tarde desde la rotonda de Manilva y a las 4:15 en la parada de autobús junto al Supersol en Sabinillas. La vuelta se realizará sobre las 10 de la noche.

El precio de la excursión será de 5 € como pago de la entrada ya que esta Delegación pone el transporte gratuito. Podrá inscribirse en la Delegación de Cultura en C/Mar, en el Edif. de Usos Múltiples en Sabinillas o en la Delegación de Turismo en el Puerto de la Duquesa. Para cualquier duda pueden llamar al 952 893 092. Recordar que las plazas son limitadas y habrá que abonar el pago para la reserva de las plazas.

Trip to Malaga’s Carmen Thyssen Museum Manilva’s Cultural Depatment, directed by Diego José Jiménez, has organised a trip to the newly opened Carmen Thyssen Museum in Malaga. Along with a visit to this great art collection, there will also be free time to have a look round this historic city. The trip is on Friday, 29 April, and the coach leaves Manilva at 4 pm; and Sabinillas at

4.15 pm, returning at around 10 pm. The trip costs 5 euros per person, to cover entry to the museum. For more information or to book your place visit the Delegación de Cultura in C/Mar, Manilva, the Edif. de Usos Múltiples in Sabinillas or the Delegación de Turismo in Puerto de la Duquesa, or call 952 893 092.

Medio Ambiente habilita contenedores para la recogida del aceite vegetal La delegación de Medio Ambiente informa de la instalación de tres nuevos contenedores para la recogida del aceite vegetal en los distintos núcleos poblacionales del término. Según establece la ley, el reciclaje del aceite vegetal es obligatorio debido su alto índice contaminante, por lo tanto, esta delegación, estando siempre al servicio del medio ambiente y facilitando al usuario el reciclaje, ha ubicado un total de cinco de estos contenedores en las direcciones que a continuación se detallan. Ubicación de los 5 contenedores de aceite vegetal en distintos puntos del término municipal. En Manilva - c/ Álvarez Leiva; c/ Nueva (junto al pabellón cubierto) En Sabinillas - c/ Benalmádena (junto a la plaza Espinel); Colonia (zona de aparcamientos junto al paseo marítimo); Colegio Maicandil. Medio ambiente recomienda para correcta utilización unas pautas para la recogida de aceite vegetal: 1. Sólo se utilizarán estos contenedores para el depósito de aceite vegetal procedente de frituras y aliños. 2. Nunca se verterá aceite de motor.

3. El aceite se depositará en envases cerrados de litro o litro y medio de capacidad o bien directamente según el contenedor. 4. NO se utilizarán envases de cristal. Además de los contenedores ya instalados, se ha gestionado la adquisición de uno más para El Castillo. Así mismo, y a corto plazo, se prevé la puesta en marcha de un sistema de recogida de aceite puerta a puerta. Para cualquier consulta, pueden dirigirse a la Delegación de Medio Ambiente o llamando a su teléfono 952 893 878.

Environment Department provides vegetable oil recycling containers Manilva’s Environment Department has overseen the installation of three new waste vegetable oil collection points in the borough of Manilva. In line with legislation which requires that such collection points be provided given the high potential for pollution and environmental damage caused by waste cooking oils, there are now five collection points - two in Manilva and three in Sabinillas: In Manilva -Calle Álvarez Leiva; Calle Nueva (next to the sports centre) In Sabinillas - Calle Benalmádena (next to Plaza Vicente Espinel); Colonia (in the parking area next to the promenade); Colegio Maicandil. Guidelines for the correct use of these

containers includes: 1. The containers should only be used for waste vegetable oil from cooking and food preparation. 2. Depending on the container, the oil should be deposited in sealed plastic containers, or poured directly into the collection point and the empty container disposed of in the plastics recycling bin. 3. No glass containers should be used. 4. Absolutely no motor oils or other minerals oils should be deposited in these containers. There are plans to install more collection points as well as introduce a door-to-door collection service in the near future. For more information contact the Department of the Environment on 952 893 878.


Manilva Solicitors

Compra de bienes inmuebles a personas físicas o empresas no residentes Es muy importante que los compradores de bienes inmuebles sepan que cuando un No Residente (ya sea persona física o empresa) vende un inmueble en España, el comprador debe retener el 3% del precio de compra y pagar esta cantidad a la Agencia Tributaria para cubrir la responsabilidad del vendedor sobre el Impuesto de Incremento de Patrimonio. Luego, la persona que adquiere el inmueble es responsable de retener el 3% del precio de compra y depositarlo en la Agencia Tributaria, no importa si él/ella es Residente Fiscal en España o no. Esta retención es un pago a cuenta del impuesto sobre el incremento de patrimonio del vendedor por la venta. De acuerdo con esto, el comprador debe facilitar al vendedor una copia del modelo 211, con el cual se ha hecho el pago de la retención, así el vendedor puede deducir la retención practicada del impuesto a pagar cuando presente su declaración con la ganancia. Si la cantidad retenida excede de la cantidad final a pagar por el impuesto, el exceso puede ser devuelto. Si no se paga la retención, la responsabilidad va unida al inmueble, así que los compradores deben prestar atención y hacer la retención del 3% del precio de compra a No Residentes. En caso de no hacerlo, la Agencia Tributaria podría requerirles esa cantidad en el futuro como propietarios del inmueble. Aunque los Notarios suelen informar a los compradores de todas las cargas del inmueble cuando una transmisión tiene lugar, es esencial que los compradores presten atención a este asunto. En algunas ocasiones, la retención del 3% no ha sido

pagada en anteriores transmisiones y el nuevo propietario podría ser responsable de esa retención si la Agencia Tributaria la reclamara. Por tanto, los compradores deben leer cuidadosamente la información del Registro de la Propiedad sobre el histórico del inmueble que se va a comprar y confirmar que en anteriores transmisiones se pagaron todos los impuestos correctamente. Los vendedores No Residentes también tienen que conocer que esta retención del 3% les será aplicada cuando se complete la venta de su inmueble. Es recomendable tener la asistencia de un abogado para completar la venta del inmueble correctamente, para hacer los cálculos del impuesto de incremento de patrimonio, asegurarse de que la retención del 3% es pagada por el comprador y, si es posible, solicitar la devolución a la Agencia Tributaria en caso de que no haya ganancia por la venta. Como se ha informado en editoriales previos, ambos comprador y vendedor deberían tener la asistencia de un abogado que se asegure de que todos los trámites legales y tributarios se cumplen. Jose M. López-Avalos Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226 E-mail:

Manilva Solicitors

Purchase of real estate properties from nonresidents individuals or companies It is very important for buyers of real estate properties to know that when a non-resident (either an individual or a company) sells a real estate property situated in Spain, the purchaser of the property must withhold 3% of the purchase price and pay this amount to the Inland Revenue to cover vendor’s liability for capital gains tax. Thus, the person acquiring the property is required to withhold 3% of the purchase price and pay it in to the Inland Revenue, regardless of whether or not he/she is a resident for fiscal purposes in Spain. This retention is a payment, on account, of the tax applicable on any profit obtained on the transfer of the property by the seller. Accordingly, the buyer must provide the nonresident seller with a copy of the form 211, the form used when paying the retention, for any possible tax owed by the vendor. The vendor may deduct the retention from any tax payable in the tax return when declaring his/her capital gains. If the amount withheld exceeds the tax finally payable, the excess is refundable. If the withheld tax is not paid in, the liability for this 3% retention tax is attached to the property, so purchasers must be sure to withhold 3% of the purchase price from non-resident sellers. If this is not done the Inland Revenue could request this amount in the future from them as the owners of the property. Although public notaries should inform

the buyers on all charges of a real estate property when a purchase-sale transaction takes place, it is essential that buyers are aware of this tax as it is their responsibility to ensure that it is paid. On some occasions the 3 % withholding tax has not been paid in a previous transaction and the new buyer may be held responsible for these taxes, if the taxman claims them. Therefore, buyers must make sure that they read carefully the historical land registry information on the property to be purchased in order to confirm that in previous transactions all taxes were paid correctly. Non-resident sellers must also be aware that this 3% withholding tax will be applied to them at the completion of the sale of their property. It is recommendable to have the assistance of a solicitor for completing the sale of the property properly, to make capital gains tax calculations, ensure that the 3 % withholding tax is paid by the buyer and, if possible, claim from the tax man this 3 % if there was no profit made from the sale. As informed in previous editorials, both buyers and sellers should have the assistance of a solicitor to ensure that all legal and tax paperwork involved in a real estate transaction are complied with. Jose M. López-Avalos Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226 E-mail:


Semana Santa

The Resident -

SEMANA SANTA - EASTER PROCESSIONS San Roque San Roque’s Easter processions are some of the most important in the area and have been declared an ‘Event of Tourist Interest’ by the Junta de Andalucia. Many of the statues paraded around the streets of San Roque during Easter Week date back to the 16th century and the residents of San Roque brought them with them when they left Gibraltar and established their new town around the Shrine of San Roque after their hometown was occupied by the Anglo-Dutch forces during the War of the Spanish Succession. 5,000 Spanish Gibraltarians rejected the British offer to remain in the city, and left to found the new town overlooking their former home. There are several processions, but the highlight is the Good Friday procession which features floats with fourteen different images representing the Stations of the Cross, and is the only ‘Magna’ procession held annually in the whole of Andalucia. The Magna Procession of The Holy Burial Good Friday, 22nd April

Squadron of Roman Soldiers on horseback. The Venerable Guild of Our Father Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and The Most Blessed Mary of Extreme Sorrow.

Estepona Domingo, 17 Abril - Domingo de Ramos Sunday, 17 April - Palm Sunday

17:00h - Procesión de la Triunfal Entrada en Jerusalén (Borriquita) Iglesia del Carmen y Plaza Virgen del Mar, Calle Padre Fernando, Calle Navarro Mollor, Calle Carlos Cano, Avenida Padre Cura, Calle Africa, Avenida San Lorenzo, Calle Real (19:45h) Calle Terraza, Tribuna Oficial (approx 20.15h), Pasaje Cristo del Amor y Casa Hermandad (21:15h). Miércoles Santo, 20 Abril Wednesday, 20th April

The Venerable Brotherhood of Our Captive and Released Father Jesus (Medinaceli) and Our Lady of Ransom (Merced). The Venerable Brotherhood of The Most Holy Christ of Humility and Patience and Our Lady of Hope. The Venerable Guild of Our Father Jesus The Nazarene and The Most Blessed Mary of Sorrows. The Venerable and Ancient Brotherhood of The Most Holy Christ of the True Cross at Calvary (Christ of the Rains). The Venerable Brotherhood of The Most Holy Christ of a Happy Death and Our Lady of Distress. The Venerable Brotherhood and Guild of Penance, Our Lady of Anguish (Youth Guild). The Illustrious Brotherhood of The Sacred Burial and Our Lady of Solitude.

21:00h - Procesión de ‘Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo y María Santísima de la Salud’ Casa Hermandad, Calle Jesús Cautivo, Calle Terraza, Calle Granada, Calle Ebro (21:45h) Calle Tajo, Calle San Juan, Calle Pozo Pila, Calle Africa, Avda San Lorenzo, Calle Real, Paseillo (00.30h) Calle Terraza, Tribuna Oficial (01:00h) Calle Terraza, Encuentro (02:00h), Calle Jesús Cautivo (02:30h).

The procession will leave Saint Mary the Crowned Parish Church at 5.30 p.m. The procession will proceed along the following streets: Plaza de la Iglesia, San Felipe, Plaza de Andalucía, Terrero Monesterio, General Lacy, Colón, San José, San Nicolas, Rubin de Celis, Plaza de la Iglesia, back to the church, and returning to the Parish Church.

Manilva Jueves Santo, 21 de Abril Thursday, 21st April

Domingo de Ramos 17 de Abril Palm Sunday

11:00h Bendición de las Palmas y Santa Misa en la Plaza de la Iglesia Blessing of the palms followed by Mass in the Plaza de la Iglesia 12:00h Procesión “La Borriquita”

20:30h - Procesión de ‘Santisimo Cristo del Amor y Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza’. Iglesia del Carmen, Calle Padre Fernando, Calle Navarro Mollor, Calle Carlos Cano, Avenida Padre Cura, Calle Africa, Avenida San Lorenzo, Calle Real (00:15h) Calle Terraza, Tribuna Oficial (01:15h), Pasaje Cristo del Amor y Casa Hermandad (02:15h).

Miércoles Santo 20 de Abril Holy Wednesday

23:00h Procesión Vía Crucis (desde la iglesia hacia Calle Cuartel y Camino del Calvario) From the Church until Calle Cuartel and Camino del Calvario

Viernes Santo, 22 de Abril Friday, 22nd April - Good Friday

Jueves Santo 21 de Abril Holy Thursday

23:30h Procesión Jesús de Nazareno Viernes Santo 22 de Abril Good Friday

18:30h Procesión del Santo Entierro y Señora de los Dolores 00:00h Procesión de la Soledad Domingo de Pascua 24 de Abril Easter Sunday

Jueves Santo 21 de Abril Holy Thursday

12:00h Procesión del Cristo Resucitado y Virgen del Rosario

22:00h Procesión Vía Crucis (desde plaza de la iglesia hacia calle Marqués de Larios, Picasso, Duquesa de Arcos, La Colonia) From the church until calle Marqués de Larios, Picasso, Duquesa de Arcos, La Colonia

Sabinillas Domingo de Ramos 17 de Abril Palm Sunday

12:00h Bendición de las Palmas en la plaza Costa del Sol y Santa Misa en la Plaza de la Iglesia y Misa. Blessing of the palms in Plaza Costa del Sol followed by Mass in the Plaza de la Iglesia

Viernes Santo 22 de Abril Good Friday

23:00h Procesión Cristo del Amor y Señora de los Dolores

21:30h - Procesión de ‘Cristo de la Vera y Cruz’, ‘Nuestra Sra de los Dolores’, Santo Sudario’, ‘SantoEntierro de Jesús’, ‘Soledad de María y San Juan Evagelista’. Santa María de los Remedios, Plaza San Francisco, Blas Ortega, Calle Sevilla, Pozo Pila, Calle Africa, Avda San Lorenzo, Calle Real, Paseillo (approx 24:00h), Calle Terraza, Tribuna Oficial (00:30h), Papuecas, Jesús y María, Blas Ortega y Santa María de los Remedios (01:30h). Domingo de Resurrección, 24 de Abril Sunday, 24th April - Easter Sunday

11:00h Procesión de ‘Cristo Resucitado y Nuestra Sra de la Aurora’. Iglesia del Carmen, Calle Padre Fernando, Calle Navarro Mollor, Avenida Padre Cura, Calle Africa, Avenida San Lorenzo, Calle Real, Calle Terraza, Pasaje Cristo del Amor and the Casa Hermandad.


The Resident -

AGENDA - DIARY 21.04.11 Jueves Santo Holy Thursday - National Holiday 22.04.11 Viernes Santo Good Friday - National Holiday 29.04.11 Boda Real fiesta en la calle Puerto de la Duquesa Royal wedding street party

01.05.11 Día del trabajador May Day - (02.05.11 Holiday) 07.05.11 Día Internacional de las Familias - Manilva 08.05.11 Show Canina de Adana Adana Dog Show - Estepona


White filling

45 €


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Teeth whitening

Before Treatment

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189 €

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Puerto de la Duquesa

ROYAL WEDDING Friday 29th April

Street Party

ised ion n a Org junct ign re on in c the Fo ts n h wit Reside ent artm p e D

• Starts at 11am • LIVE Music with at 8pm • Bouncy Castle • Face Painting • Raffle & Prizes • Barbecue

Celebrate St George’s Day on Saturday 23rd April with

PIE, MASH & FOOTBALL Supplied by The English Butcher r nso Spo le for o a h euros 5 2


Premiership Games


ROYAL WEDDING Texas Scramble Friday 29th April

Golf Society

Texas Scramble

Doña Julia

Good Friday 22nd April

50 euros

Valle Romano 60 euros WIN Easter Eggs

inc. buggy

• 2 players per team • 1/2 joint handicaps • 1st, 2nd & 3rd prizes • Nearest the pin prizes & Prize Presentation • Food at the Leisure Lounge


Casares Costa Golf Result of our 1st event 1st - Evelyn 2nd - Pat 3rd - Diane Nearest Pin - Jackie

• 2 players per team • 1/2 joint handicaps • Red, White and Blue Tees 2nd & 3rd and Nearest • 1st, the pin prizes

r nso or o p S le f o a h euros 5 2

• Street party after the golf

Our next two events will be held on 17th April & 8th May Sponsored by Morgans Hair Design and Shapes Beauty Salon.

Come celebrate!

Sponsored by: Andalucia Property Services, SGB, Sotogrande Spas, Gaston Golf, JPS Property Services, Leisure Lounge, Morgans Hair Design, Cool Waves, Costa del Sol Golf Guide, Pest Prevention Services, Electrical Wholesale Suppliers Ltd, Flower Girl, Hewitt & Hewitt Graphic Design, The English Butcher, Dawson & Associates Chartered Surveyors.


The Resident -


CLÍNICA DENTAL The Dental Surgery

PROMOCIÓN Dentadura Completa - €599 Blanqueamiento - €99 OFERTA hasta Corona - €299 15 de Mayo

Abierto / Open Desde / From


PROMOTION: OFFER until the Crown - €299 15th May Teeth Whitening - €99 Dentures - Full Set - €599

Hablamos We Speak


La Boutique, The Courtyard, Monte Duquesa Karen and Alex opened ‘La Boutique’ in Monte Duquesa on the 1st of December 2010 selling ladies’ clothing, boots, shoes and accessories. The response from their local customers has been fantastic. ‘The area badly needed a clothes shop as there was nowhere locally where we could get everything we needed’ said many of the local residents, but La Boutique knew that there was more than just being in the right place at the right time if they wanted to be successful. They also had to have the right fashions, at the right prices and cater for a variety of ages and sizes too. I think they got that spot on. They have built up a substantial customer base in a very short space of time and take note of what their customers like to wear in order to bring in more items in their favourite styles. They’ll

also sometimes encourage customers to try something that might be slightly outside of their normal comfort zone, if they feel the item will suit the customer’s body shape. Our biggest kick is to see ladies coming out of that changing room looking totally transformed say Alex and Karen. Looking good and feeling good. It’s all about the personal service that you only really get from a small shop. A shop that wants you to come back again and again and is not frightened to say ‘That doesn’t suit you madam - but this one will’. It’s well worth checking out La Boutique… If you know your style, that’s great, you’ll find just what you’re looking for. If you’re not quite sure what suits you best, pop in and let Karen and Alex bring out the best in you. Either way check out ‘La Boutique’, summer is coming…

952 897 281

Edificio Bali, Planta 1, No. 8, Sabinillas

Ajedrez Victor Korchnoy estuvo dos veces a punto de ser campeon mundial de ajedrez, pero Karpov le vencio siempre. Su estilo de juego y su forma de luchar en el tablero son un ejemplo para los niños. Korchnoy es hoy un anciano que aun conserva la grandeza que le hizo acariciar la gloria humana. En las fotos adjuntas, el Maestro Francisco Sendra junto a Victor Korchnoy y alumnos estudiando el estilo de este Gran Maestro.

Chess Victor Korchnoy was twice close to being crowned world chess champion, only to be defeated both times by Karpov. His playing style and fighting spirit are an example to young players. Korchnoy is now an old man but he still

retains the grandeur that made him a star. Korchnoy is pictured with chess master Francisco Sendra; also young students studying the style of the Grand Master, Korchnoy.



Pop in for a chat about moving your money back to the UK. Transfe er yourr fun nds with Moneyc corp an nd rela ax. Ourr new w partners rsship with a major Spa anissh ban nk mean ns yo ou’’ll bene efit from: ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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We might even throw in a biscuit.


Información Information

The Resident -


In Memoriam “Special low season OFFERS”

Graham Vaughan of The Plaza, Sabinillas

Died suddenly and tragically Will be sadly missed by his wife Belinda, his family and friends. Belinda would like to thank all those who gave their support and sympathy during this difficult time.

30 minute thrill trips - Special pre-season offer of just 125 euros for parties of up to ten persons. (5 in your group, then it works out at 25 euros per head - 10 of you, and then it’s just 12.50 euros each!).

Jet Boat

the gallery Now with FREE WI-FI

Tea Time Quiz

with McCartney Plus great prizes Starting on May 4th then every Wednesday From 6.30 pm until 8 pm

Mini-cruises - A short hop to Sotogrande where you will have an hour’s free time to sightsee, take on food and refreshments, etc., after which it’s back to the boat to explore the ‘canals’ and then return to Duquesa with some ‘fun and games’ on the way back. just 275 euros per party (groups of up to ten persons).

Children’s Disco

Starting May 6th then every other Friday Entry just €2.50 includes free soft drink and snacks. From 6 pm until 8 pm, then followed by karaoke from 8.30 pm until late. Look out for future events!

Mick and Shellie Welcome you to The Gallery Coffee Lounge and Bar Open 9 am until late

Visit us at

Light Snacks and Traditional English Cakes

For more information and bookings call Clive

The Gallery Las Galerias, Puerto de la Duquesa

629 116 777


The Resident -


El Ayuntamiento prepara la estabilización del Campo de Fútbol

Con el objeto de estabilizar el terreno del Campo Municipal de Fútbol “1º de Mayo” y la pista de pádel el equipo de gobierno aprobó un nuevo proyecto en la Junta de Gobierno celebrada la pasada semana, que va a poner en marcha en breve. Se trata, según explicó el concejal de Deportes, Pedro González, de colocar micropilotes de hormigón a lo largo del lateral donde se encuentra la pista de pádel con el objeto de contener todo el

terreno. Dichos micropilotes tendrán una profundidad de entre 18 y 12 metros de profundidad y sobre el que posteriormente se construirá un muro de contención. El proyecto cuya primera fase el Ayuntamiento pretende adjudicar en breve, tiene un presupuesto de 120.000 euros, y se prevé una segunda fase presupuestada en 52.000 euros.

Stabilisation works to be carried out on Casares football ground Works are soon to begin to stabilise Casares’ ‘May 1st’ Football Ground and the adjoining padel courts. The project will involve the installation of concrete pilings to a depth of 12 to 18 metres and the construction of a retaining wall to

stabilise the terrain. The project is in two stages, the first of which will cost some 120,000 euros; followed by a second with a budgeted cost of 52,000 euros.

Casares Fitness En cuanto al Gimnasio, Casares Fitness, ofrece a nuestros clientes la más moderna y completa equipación en máquinas de Fitness (Technogym, Bodytone y Salter). Nuestro equipo de entrenadores se pone a su disposición para que alcancen fácilmente los objetivos físicos deseados, y en nuestra exclusiva zona de wellness, podrán vivir una experiencia incomparable de relajación y bienestar. En Mayo comenzarán las clases colectivas de: Spinning (trabajo de resistencia cardiovascular), Pilates (mejora el tono muscular y favorece hábitos posturales

correctos), G.A.P. (ejercicios centrados en los glúteos, el abdomen y las piernas) Yoga (flexibilidad, movilidad, bienestar físico y mental) y Aikido (moderna disciplina oriental que armoniza la fuerza física y mental). Y además, clases específicas para la espalda y entrenamientos personales para golfistas. Con estos entrenamientos el golfista consigue: prevenir posibles problemas, mejorar la postura, la flexibilidad, el tono muscular y la fuerza de modo que mejore su rendimiento deportivo.

Casares Fitness The Casares Fitness gym offers its customers the most modern and comprehensive equipment such as Technogym, Bodytone and Salter fintess machines. Their coaching staff are always on hand to help you easily achieve your desired fitness goals and the exclusive wellness area provides a unique experience of relaxation and wellbeing. In May the group classes will begin. on offer are Spinning - boost your carciovascular

endurance; Pilates - improves muscle tone and promotes good posture habits; GAP - focuses on the buttocks, abdomen and legs; Yoga - for flexibility, mobility, both physically and mentally; and Aikido - Eastern discipline blending both physical and mental exercises. There are also classes aimed specifically at golfers and those with back problems.

Casares Fitness, Casares Costa Golf Resort 952 937 895

Casares Bridge Club Are you interested in playing Bridge? The Casares Bridge Club welcomes players from novice to expert to join them at the Albayt Resort every Tuesday from 6 pm to 9 pm. You do not need to take a partner as all players will be accommodated. Friendly duplicate bridge is their aim. The Albayt Resort can be found at Km 149.2. Exit the A7 at the Clive Christian roundabout, up the hill to the Albayt resort. For more details contact Paul on 622 573 992

Programa 19 de Abril: Misa y confesiones. 20.00 Procesión del Cristo de Medinaceli Recorrido: Salida de la Iglesia de Ntra Sra de la Encarnación, Calle Fuente, Plaza de España, Paseo de la Carrera y recogida en la Capilla de San Sebastián.

21.00 Procesión de la Virgen de los Dolores y el Santo Sepulcro acompañado de Banda de Música Recorrido: Salida de la Iglesia de Ntra Sra de la Encarnación, Calle Fuente, Plaza de España, Paseo de la Carrera y recogida.

20 de Abril: Miércoles Santo 21.00 Santa Misa en la Capilla de San Sebastián 21.30 Procesión del Vía Crucis con el Cristo de la Buena Muerte Salida de la Capilla de San Sebastián

23 de Abril: Sábado Santo 21.30 Vigilia Pascual en la Iglesia de Ntra Sra de la Encarnación

21 de Abril: Jueves Santo 19.00 Santa Misa de la Última Cena 22 de Abril: Viernes Santo 16.00 Santos Oficios: Celebración de la Pasión del Señor

24 de Abril: Domingo de Resurrección 10.45 Santa Misa en la Iglesia de Ntra Sra de la Encarnación 11.30 Procesión de Jesús Resucitado y la Virgen de los Dolores. Recorrido: Salida desde la Capilla y la Iglesia del Llano respectivamente, encuentro en la Plaza de España, Paseo de la Carrera y recogida

Easter Programme 19 April: Mass and confessions. 8 pm Procession - Cristo de Medinaceli Leaves from the Iglesia de Ntra Sra de la Encarnación church, then Calle Fuente, Plaza de España, Paseo de la Carrera and returning to Capilla de San Sebastián chapel. 20 April: Holy Wednesday 9 pm Holy Mass in the Capilla de San Sebastián chapel 9.30 pm Procession - Vía Crucis with el Cristo de la Buena Muerte, leaving from the Capilla de San Sebastián chapel. 21 April: Holy Thursday 7 pm Holy Mass of the Last Supper. 22 April: Good Friday 4 pm Santos Oficios: Celebración de la

Pasión del Señor 9 pm Procession of the Virgen de los Dolores and el Santo Sepulcro accompanied by the marching band. Leaves from the Iglesia de Ntra Sra de la Encarnación church, then Calle Fuente, Plaza de España, Paseo de la Carrera and then back to the church. 23 April: Holy Saturday 21.30 Easter vigil in the Iglesia de Ntra Sra de la Encarnación church. 24 April: Resurrection Sunday 10.45 Holy Mass in the Iglesia de Ntra Sra de la Encarnación church 11.30 Procession of Jesús Resucitado and la Virgen de los Dolores. Leaves from the Capilla and Iglesia del Llano respectively, meeting in the Plaza de España, Paseo de la Carrera and returning.



The Resident -

La asociación Age Concern inaugura su Oficina de Información en Estepona

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación municipal de Bienestar Social, informa que el alcalde, David Valadez, acompañado de otros miembros del equipo de gobierno y del cónsul británico en Málaga, Steve Jones, han asistido a la inauguración de la Oficina de Información de la Asociación Age Concern Estepona y Manilva “Amigos de la Gente Mayor”, situada en C/Zaragoza, nº 25. Esta oficina servirá, además, como

centro de día para los mayores. Age Concern es una asociación de ayuda para las personas mayores sin recursos, que realizan actividades como acompañamientos al médico de las personas más necesitadas para evitar su soledad. Poseen una tienda de elementos de segunda mano contigua a la Oficina de Información que hoy se ha inaugurado para recaudar fondos para la asociación, que cuenta con más de 100 socios.

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona repartirá 66.581 invitaciones para visitar el Parque de la Naturaleza Selwo Aventura El Ayuntamiento de Estepona va a iniciar la entrega de 66.581 entradas para visitar de de forma gratuita el Parque de la Naturaleza Selwo Aventura, tantas como habitantes hay inscritos en el Padrón de la localidad, a fecha de 1 de enero de este año. Las invitaciones podrán ser recogidas por las unidades familiares en el departamento de Protocolo del Ayuntamiento, sito en la Plaza Blas Infante, 1 El alcalde, David Valadez, y la directora del Parque, María José Marañón, han renovado el convenio anual de colaboración con Parques Reunidos, por el que todos los ciudadanos empadronados en la localidad tienen nuevamente la posibilidad de realizar una visita gratuita a Selwo. Asimismo, la directora del Parque ha hecho entrega al alcalde de las entradas, en concepto del Canon anual de Derecho de Superficie, otorgado para la creación, instalación y explotación del recinto en su ámbito territorial originario. Por su parte, la directora del Parque ha agradecido la colaboración prestada por el Ayuntamiento y ha recordado que en el curso anterior un total de 91.000 esteponeros han visitado las instalaciones. En cuanto a las novedades incorporadas en el recinto, María José

Marañón ha destacado la creación de nuevas instalaciones que posibilitan un mayor acercamiento de los visitantes a los animales, como son la cascada de nutrias, cuya inauguración está prevista para la próxima Semana Santa, junto a un nuevo graderío para las exhibiciones de aves rapaces. Además, se ha creado la “ruta Obama”, en conmemoración de la hija del presidente de EE UU, Sasha, que visitó el parque el pasado verano, y que consistirá en la interacción directa con animales en las diversas áreas para visitas privadas concertadas. Del mismo modo, Marañón ha indicado que se continúa desarrollando un programa especial para los niños de Estepona, como es el Campamento para la Semana Santa, que está teniendo buena acogida. Selwo Aventura ocupa cerca de millón de metros cuadrados de extensión donde viven en semilibertad y en condiciones similares a su hábitat natural más de 2000 animales de todo el Planeta. Fue inaugurado en 1999 y desde su apertura hasta hoy ha destacado por ser un parque siempre vivo, con numerosas incorporaciones, tanto en la llegada de nuevas especies como de instalaciones.

Age Concern celebrates the official opening of their new Drop-In Centre On Thursday 14th April Age Concern formally opened the charity’s Drop-InCentre in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona. Invited guests, including many of the volunteers who work in the community with older people, enjoyed a drink and tapas as Steve Jones, the British Consul based in Malaga, cut the ribbon allowing entry to the Centre. He was watched by Eileen Dry, President of Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva, David Valadez, the Mayor of Estepona, and Sylvia Cabrera, Estepona’s Councillor for Culture and Foreign Residents. In cutting the ribbon Steve said that it was a

tremendous achievement by the volunteers working for the charity that a Centre was now being opened, especially at a time when the need for such a facility was growing. He understood the need for more volunteers to come forward and help staff the Centre and also the need for the local Council to provide as much assistance to the charity as possible. The Centre is currently open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 10.00 to 13.00 offering information, advice and social contact.

La Guardia Civil interviene 30 kilos de anémonas capturadas ilegalmente en Estepona La Guardia Civil ha intervenido un total de 30 kilogramos de anémonas ‘ortiguillas’ capturadas ilegalmente en la urbanización Bahía Dorada, del municipio de Estepona. Agentes del instituto armado pertenecientes a la Patrulla del Servicio de Protección de la Naturaleza de la Guardia Civil (Seprona) de Marbella (Málaga), tuvo conocimiento de que varias personas practicaban la pesca profesional de anémonas, en la citada zona, sin contar con las autorizaciones correspondientes y comercializando, posteriormente, las

capturas realizadas ilegalmente en la provincia de Cádiz. Por ello, los agentes establecieron un dispositivo de vigilancia al objeto de identificar a los infractores y observaron a cuatro personas con trajes de neopreno practicando la pesca a pulmón, los cuales sacaban en pequeñas redes las anémonas capturadas y una quinta persona las trasladaba hasta un vehículo marca Ford Transit, vigilado por una sexta persona, según ha informado la Guardia Civil a través de un comunicado.

Guardia Civil officers confiscate 30 kilos of illegally caught sea anenomes in Estepona Officers from the Guardia Civil’s nature protection enforcement arm (Seprona) confiscated a total of 30 kilos of sea anemones, illegally fished from Bahia Dorada in Estepona. They had been tipped off that a group of people were commercially fishing the anenomes without the necessary permits

and selling them in Cadiz province. The officers set up a surveillance system on the beach identify the offenders and discovered four people with scuba gear, a fifth person who transferred the catch to a waiting transit van which was guarded by a sixth person.

Estepona residents receive an invitation to visit Selwo Park for free Estepona Town Hall has begun issuing some 66,581 free tickets for entry to Selwo Adventure Park to residents who were registered on the Padron as of January 1st this year. The Mayor, David Valadez, and the Director of the Park, María José Marañón, recently presented this annual agreement whereby all citizens registered in the municipality have the right to a free a visit each year, which were a provision of the original planning permission for the park. Parque de la Naturaleza Selwo Aventura occupies almost one million square metres

(almost 250 acres) and is home to over 2,000 animals from around the globe who live in an environment designed to replicate their natural habitat. It was opened in 1999 and since opening has continued to develop its facilities and environment. The park has an active programme for the preservation and breeding of endangered species, and has some notable successes over the last ten years with the birth of Bengal tigers, Angolan giraffes, red pandas, European bison, and last year Kanvar the first Asian elephant to be born in Spain.

Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English each Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what's on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.


The Resident -

La Policía Local de Estepona exhibe en los centros educativos el trabajo que presta la Unidad Canina La Unidad Canina de la Policía Local de Estepona realiza una campaña informativa en los centros educativos con el fin de acercar a los jóvenes el trabajo que realiza. La campaña ha dado inicio en el CEIP Santo Tomás de Aquino, donde dos guías

caninos y dos perros de la Unidad han realizado una exhibición con los canes en la que se han llevado a cabo ejercicios de obediencia, defensa y ataque y localización de drogas.

Dog handlers visit schools as part of awareness campaign Estepona Police’s Dog Unit have begun an information campaign in the borough’s education centres to raise awareness of the unit’s work. The campaign began at Estepona’s CEIP Santo Tomás de Aquino

primary school where two handlers and their dogs presented a display including exercises in obedience, defense, attack and drug location.

Show Canino de ADANA - 8 mayo 2011 El XXI Show - el domingo 8 de Mayo de 2011 en el Palacio de Congresos de Estepona. Este año tenemos una nueva fecha y algunas clases o modalidades nuevas. Las modalidades o clases de agilidad y obediencia se han adaptado para que puedan participar más principiantes o completamente nuevos. Las nuevas modalidades ponen el énfasis sobre la relación entre dueño y perro, además de

sobre los cuidados responsables de su mascota cuando están juntos en público. Este año también hacen su debut algunas modalidades divertidas. La entrada al espectáculo es de 5 € para adultos; los niños pueden entrar gratis. La inscripción en las diversas modalidades cuesta 4 € pero la modalidad para Cuidadores júnior es gratis, siempre que se inscriban en otra.

ADANA Dog Show comes early this year Now that the Dog Show can be held in the Palacio de Congresos in Estepona, ADANA has decided to move the date forward to May 8th instead of the usual September. “We hope that the new date will be more convenient for exhibitors and spectators alike, said David McNally, the show organiser. “This year we have many new classes and we are featuring young people and their

dogs. An anonymous sponsor has covered the entry fees for the first 25 young people to register for the Junior Handler Class. The old favourites are all there but we have a version of the English Kennel Club Good Citizen Classes and some fun agility courses for beginners as well as old hands (or paws)” Full details including a registration form are on the web site


RASTRO - Sábado, 7 Mayo, 10:00h Bar EDEN. El Padrón, ESTEPONA

Precio de la entrada 10 Euros por parcela de antelación a la entrada. El titular del puesto es responsable de limpiar su terreno de juego a la terminación. Los Operadores Comerciales No Permitido

Contacto: 656 310 304


Saturday, 7th May, 10 am - 2 pm (Following Saturday if weather bad) Bar Eden, beside EL EDEN Garden Centre Forest Hills Rd, (nr Riding School) Estepona Regrettably no commercial traders permitted Stalls @ €10 booking fast for April. Enjoy tapas or lunch at Bar Eden, children’s safe play area. Easy parking. Bric a brac, gifts, cakes, flowers, jewellery, Artesanía and treasure!

Contact: 656 310 304


CLINICA QUIROPRÁCTICA EN ESTEPONA ¿Qué es una hernia de disco? La columna vertebral está compuesta de 24 vértebras movibles, estas vértebras protegen la delicada, pero vital médula espinal. La médula espinal une el cerebro con todos los órganos del cuerpo. El cerebro envía impulsos eléctricos por la médula, y van a sus destinos a través de los nervios periféricos. Entre las vértebras tenemos el disco intervertebral, ellos dan la movilidad a la columna y ayuda a absorber y distribuir cualquier impacto a la columna. El disco está hecho de dos estructuras: a) El núcleo pulposo, en el centro del disco. 90% del núcleo es agua. Durante la noche el núcleo pulposo reabsorbe el agua que se pierde durante el día, por esto

es importante las horas de descanso. b) Los anillos fibrosos, son unos anillos de cartílagos, envuelve el núcleo, manteniéndolo en el centro. En una hernia discal los anillos de cartílagos que mantienen el disco en su sitio tienen varias pequeñas fisuras y el núcleo se desplaza entre ellos causando un bulto, a esto se le llama hernia discal. ¿Cual es la causa? 1) El más común es debido a un esfuerzo repentino. Por ejemplo, levantar algo pesado causando la hernia discal. 2) Pequeños micro traumas repetitivos. esto significa pequeños sobreesfuerzos que se van acumulando a lo largo de nuestra vida. Los ajustes vertebrales quiroprácticos han demostrado que es un método seguro y efectivo contra muchos problemas de la columna vertebral incluyendo la hernia discal. El ajuste vertebral aplica un movimiento rápido y eficaz intentando quitar la presión al nervio que la hernia discal está haciendo en la misma. A su vez el ajuste quiropráctico ejerce una movilidad en la articulación vertebral que ayuda al disco a mantener una mejor nutrición y por lo tanto evita una degeneración del disco y más duración. CENTRO QUIROPRACTICO THOMSEN Dr. José Mª Puig de Sobrino Los Arcos de Peña Blanca, Local A Avda. Los Reales, Estepona Tel. 95 2791996

CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC IN ESTEPONA What is Disc Herniation? The spine is composed of 24 movable vertebrae, these vertebrae protect the delicate but vital spinal cord. The spinal cord connects the brain to all organs of the body. The brain sends electrical impulses to the spinal cord, and these travel on to their destinations via the peripheral nerves. Between the vertebrae we have intervertebral discs, they give mobility to the spine and help to absorb and distribute any impact to the column. The intervertebral disc is made of two structures: a) The Nucleus pulposus in the center of the disc. 90% of the core is water. At night, the Nucleus pulposus absorbs water lost during the day, so these are important hours of rest. b) The fibrous rings are rings of cartilage and surround the nucleus, keeping it in the centre. In a herniated disc, the cartilage rings that hold the disc in place have several small cracks and the nucleus moves between them causing a bulge, this is called a herniated disc. What is the cause? 1) The most common is due to a sudden heavy strain. For example, heavy lifting causes a herniated disc. 2) Small repetitive micro trauma. This means

overexertion that accumulate throughout our lives. Chiropractic spinal adjustments have proven to be safe and effective against many spinal problems including disc herniation. The spinal adjustment applies a fast and efficient movement trying easing pressure off the nerve that the disc herniation is doing at the same time. In turn, a chiropractic exerts adjustment in spinal joint mobility that helps the disc to maintain better nutrition and therefore avoid degeneration of the disc helping it to last longer. CENTRO QUIROPRACTICO THOMSEN Dr. José Mª Puig de Sobrino Los Arcos de Peña Blanca, Local A Avda. Los Reales, Estepona Tel. 95 2791996

Alcoholics Anonymous PROBLEM WITH YOUR DRINKING? There is a cost free solution Call the Helpline 600 379 110


Información Information

The Resident -

Mancomunidad aboga por un corredor que Plans in place for 90 kms of cycle and conecte los 90 kilómetros de costa footpaths on the Coast La Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental ha presentado los primeros proyectos que se están planteando en el Plan de Movilidad, que se está elaborando desde hace meses, y entre los que se incluye un corredor que conecte los 90 kilómetros de costa para peatones y ciclistas. El presidente del ente mancomunado, Juan Sánchez, ha mostrado este proyecto a los miembros del Consejo Económico y Social, donde se encuentran representados los principales agentes empresariales, turísticos, vecinales y culturales de la costa. Este corredor litoral es, entre los proyectos, “el más sencillo de promover y ejecutar”, y supone conectar los paseos marítimos de los municipios malagueños de Manilva, Casares, Estepona, Marbella, Mijas, Fuengirola, Benalmádena y Torremolinos, para que peatones y ciclistas puedan disfrutar de una vía verde y que, además, se convierta en un reclamo “muy interesante” desde el punto de vista turístico. Además, la conexión de los distintos paseos puede ofrecer, además de una vía natural para hacer deporte o realizar desplazamientos cortos, oportunidades de negocio para pequeños y medianos empresarios de la zona, ha precisado. Otra de las apuestas del organismo mancomunado que contribuirían a mejorar la movilidad de la Costa del Sol es la implantación en la autovía de un ‘Bus Rapid Transit’ (BRT), es decir, reservar carriles para uso exclusivo del transporte público. En este modelo de autobús, las paradas son plataformas, similares a estaciones cerradas y seguras, a las que el usuario sólo puede acceder si previamente ha adquirido su billete en el exterior, tal y como sucede en los metros. De esta manera, el bus que circula por su carril específico, se detendrá sólo durante unos segundos para la subida y bajada

de viajeros, evitando así la demora por la compra del billete al conductor, según ha indicado el presidente. Ampliar la peatonalización La tercera de las propuestas que recoge el Plan de Movilidad es ampliar la peatonalización de los centros urbanos con idea de “recuperar espacios públicos que los ciudadanos han perdido por la presencia masiva del vehículo”. Sánchez ha asegurado que es “la alternativa para que los cascos históricos recuperen su potencial económico y cultural, ya que los peatones regresarán a estas zonas para hacer sus compras o disfrutar de actividades culturales que se celebren al aire libre”. Otra de las ideas es la del Transporte a Demanda (TAD), un servicio de transporte público, que lleva años funcionando en comunidades como Castilla y León, que se ocupa de las personas que viven en núcleos residenciales aislados o que están sometidos a un horario de autobús demasiado rígido. Para ello, utilizan monovolúmenes o microbuses que pueden tener de 7 a 30 plazas y que son avisados por teléfono o correo electrónico cuando el usuario lo necesita para cubrir trayectos más minoritarios. Aunque el traslado es más caro que en autobús, ha puntualizado, algunas administraciones han optado por subvencionar la mayor parte del viaje para que los ciudadanos usen con frecuencia esta alternativa de transporte que ofrece más rutas. El presidente de la Mancomunidad Occidental no se ha olvidado del corredor ferroviario de la Costa del Sol también, una de las soluciones incluidas en el Plan de Movilidad: “es la infraestructura que hará posible la conexión de Málaga con Algeciras (Cádiz) y los municipios de nuestra comarca”.

The Association of Western Costa del Sol Municipalities ( Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental) has presented the first projects in its Mobility Plan, designed to create a sustainable and more efficient transport infrastructure on the Costa del Sol from Torremolinos to Manilva. The Plan, which has been many months in preparation, was presented to the Government’s Social and Economic Council along with other interest groups. One of the main projects, and probably one of the easiest to implement, is a 90 km ‘corridor’ linking the paseos and promenades of the municipalities of Malaga Manilva, Casares, Estepona, Marbella, Mijas, Fuengirola, Benalmádena and Torremolinos, so that predestrians and cyclists can enjoy easy access away from busy roads, and an alternative to driving. The project will also be a great asset from a tourism perspective, as well as create sporting and business opportunities. Another projects is the implementation of a Rapid Transit Bus network reserving lanes for the exclusive use of public transport. The

bus stops would take the form of enclosed platforms, which can only be accessed by tickets purchased from ticket machines. This means that the bus only stops for the time needed for passengers to enter and exit, without the delay of purchasing tickets from the driver. The third proposal contained in the Plan is to improve pedestrian mobility in urban centres, reclaiming public spaces which have been ‘lost’ to the pervasive presence of the motor car, and creating more pedestrianised areas. Another proposal is the introduction of a Transport on Demand service for people who live in isolated communities and uses 7 to 30 seater minibuses which can be summoned by users by telephone for short trips on minor routes not covered by public transport. Finally, the President of the Mancomunidad, Juan Sánchez, pointed out that one of the major solutions to the Costa del Sol’s transport issues is the planned rail connection joining Algeciras and Malaga, and all the municipalities of the region.

documented cases have been associated with sleeping or being licked by a household pet. Nonetheless, the authors write: “Our review suggests that persons, especially young children or immunocompromised persons, should be discouraged from sharing their bed with their pets or regularly kissing their pets.” Especially if the pet is not predominently an indoors kind of creature. Recommendations Zoonotic infections acquired by sleeping with a pet are uncommon. According to the study that was carried out the researchers made some recommendations, emphasizing that although transmission between us and our pets does occur it is rare. The main emphasis is that these are things that we need to be aware of so as to limit the passage of diseases between species is limited if not controlled. These are then some of those suggestions. Persons, especially young children or immunocompromised persons, should be discouraged from sharing their bed with their pets or regularly kissing their pets. Any area licked by a pet, especially for children or immunocompromised persons or an open wound, should be immediately washed with soap and water. Pets should be kept free of ectoparasites (especially fleas), routinely dewormed, and regularly examined

by a veterinarian. Preventive measures such as anthelmintic drug intervention for puppies within the first few weeks after birth or, even better, for bitches during the last few weeks of pregnancy, could help prevent most cases of human toxocariasis. Similarly, evaluation of patients with recurrent MRSA colonization or infection or Pasteurella spp. infection with no obvious source should prompt queries about any regular contact with pet dogs, particularly in household settings. Conclusion Here again, so as not to be alarmist, it needs to be emphasized that, although uncommon with healthy pets, the risk for transmission of zoonotic agents by close contact between pets and their owners through bed sharing, kissing or licking is real and has even been documented for life-threatening infections such as plague. The presence of ectoparasites or internal parasites is certainly of major concern when it comes to this type of behavior. To reduce such risks, pet owners should seek regular veterinary care for their pets to help keep them and the entire family healthy and happy!

Vet’s Corner

Be prepared by being aware It has always been my contention that having a properly cared for healthy pet at home is safer than some guests or visitors may be! This being the case there are still some things to be aware of. In most industrialized countries, pets are becoming an integral part of households, sharing human lifestyles, bedrooms, and beds. The estimated percentage of pet owners who allow dogs and cats on their beds is 14%–62%. However, public health risks, including increased emergence of zoonoses (diseases which may be transmitted between people and animals), may be associated with such practices. Surveys show that pet ownership appears to have been on the rise in the U.S. and certainly in Spain, over the last few decades. Of an estimated 60 million pet dogs in the U.S., according to this study, an estimated 21% to 33% sleep on or in their owners’ beds – and of 75 million cats, 60% curl up with their owners. In the United Kingdom, an estimated 6.5 million dogs live in 25% of households. In a survey of 260 dog-owning households in a community in Cheshire, 19% of the dogs were sleeping on the bedroom floor and 14% on their owner’s bed. A survey conducted in 1995 with regard to cats >12 years of age throughout the United Kingdom found that among 1,236 of these older cats,

45% were sleeping regularly on the owner’s bed. You should think twice before cuddling up with your furry friends in bed; otherwise, you might possibly be exposing yourself to a nasty disease. According to a paper being published in the journal Emerging Infectious Diseases. Are people increasingly being exposed to animal-borne diseases? Bruno Chomel D.V.M a professor at the University of California Davis Veterinary School and Ben Sun of the California Department of Public Health decided to find out. They surveyed the scientific literature and found examples of owners who contracted rare, unpleasant illnesses after kissing, sleeping in the same bed with, or being licked by their pets. Some of the more common diseases that may be shared are: chagas disease, staphylococcus infections, parasites, meningitis, cat scratch fever, and even bubonic plague. That said, a good number of the cases they survey are from several decades ago; the seven-victim plague outbreak in New Mexico happened in 1974. An example of a meningitis infection they cite comes from 1985. Cat-scratch disease is mainly transmitted to humans when they are scratched by a cat that harbors Bartonella henselae–infected fleas and flea faeces. However, a few, very few,

Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas Tel.: 952 891 387


The Resident -

La Alcaldesa de Manilva informa sobre el acuerdo con Hacienda Guadalupe y la reunión con los representantes de la macrocomunidad de Los Hidalgos La Alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, ha informado sobre el Acuerdo firmado en las instalaciones de Aquagest, por el que se le colocará a los más de 300 vecinos de la urbanización Hacienda Guadalupe sus contadores individualizados y se mejorarán las infraestructuras comunitarias. El documento recoge la participación económica tanto de los vecinos como del promotor y por supuesto del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, que colaborará económicamente con una aportación desinteresada para que los vecinos puedan al fin disponer de sus contadores individuales y de una mejora generalizada en sus instalaciones. Al acto han asistido la Alcaldesa de Manilva, el director regional de Aquagest en Andalucía, Rogerio Koehn, el presidente de la citada Comunidad, David Lawrence y algunos vecinos de la zona, que mostraron su enorme satisfacción .porque al fin se haya podido lograr un acuerdo, tras muchos años de intentos en vano. Los trabajos, con un plazo de ejecución de tres meses, comenzarán durante el presente mes de Abril y supondrán un coste de aproximadamente 400.000 euros. Una vez finalizada la obra, los vecinos dispondrán de contadores individualizados y la red de aguas comunitaria será asumida por parte de Aquagest, quien será la empresa adjudicataria de las obras. En palabras de la Señora Alcaldesa “la obra supone una gran mejora para los ciudadanos, tanto económica como en su calidad de vida. En otro tiempo el

Ayuntamiento obró de forma diligente permitiendo que algunos promotores entregaran sus infraestructuras en mal estado, por eso nuestro objetivo es lograr avanzar en el camino que iniciamos hace cuatro años con Punta Chullera, es decir, mejorar las infraestructuras de todos los vecinos y vecinas de Manilva”. Por lo que respecta a la reunión mantenida con los Representantes de Los Hidalgos María Stone y Chris Warren, la Alcaldesa ha querido destacar la cordialidad mostrada y el compromiso de iniciar los trabajos de forma inmediata en lo que se refiere a la instalación de hidrantes en toda la unidad urbanística, al requerimiento a los propietarios para que limpien y vallen las zonas verdes en mal estado, así como al compromiso urbanístico de no incrementar la edificabilidad de las parcelas pendientes de construcción y obligar a los propietarios a que se mantenga su condición de viviendas unifamiliares.

Information from the Mayoress regarding agreement with Hacienda Guadalupe and meeting with representatives of Los Hidalgos Macrocommunity

The Mayoress of Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, has reported on the agreement signed with water utility company Aquagest recently, which will provide 300 residents of the urbanisation Hacienda Guadalupe with individual water meters and improve the community’s infrastructure. The agreement provides for division of the cost of the works between the residents, the promoter and the Town Hall of Manilva which is eager to seen these residents finally have their own individual meters and an improvement in facilities. The event was attended by the Mayoress,

del puerto, que embellecerá aún más si cabe este punto del término municipal. A esto debemos unir la peatonalización de la calle Los Arcos, la obra de reparación en La Almadraba, los trabajos de acondicionamiento que se viene realizando en El Hacho y otras pequeñas obras que se van a a acometer de forma inminente. Según Antonia Muñoz “nuestro objetivo es seguir invirtiendo hasta que logremos que El Hacho y en especial El Puerto de la Duquesa logre ser un referente turístico en la Costa del Sol”.

Information from the Mayoress of Manilva and the Councillor for Infrastructure regarding latest works Last weekend the Mayoress, Antonia Muñoz and Councillor Mario Jiménez reported on the progress of various projects in the municipality. These include a number of improvements in the Port of Duquesa including the creation of additional parking spaces and the new fountain located in the upper area of the port.

All this on top of the pedestrianisation of the Calle Los Arcos, the repair works at La Almadraba and other small works which all go to improve the area. According to the Mayoress “our goal is continue investing money and effort until El Hacho, and especially the Puerto de la Duquesa, become a landmark resort on the Costa del Sol”.

the Andalucian regional director of Aquagest, Roger Koehn, the community president, David Lawrence and a number of residents, all of whom were pleased with the result after many years of delays. The works are expected to begin this month, with an estimated duration of three months, and a budget of 400,000 euros. On completion, residents will have individual accounts with the community’s infrastructure managed by Aquagest. In the words of the Mayoress “this work is a great improvement for the residents, both economically and in quality of life. We will not allow developers to permit their infrastructure to fall into disrepair and will continue to seek solutions to these problems, in the same way as we started four years ago in Punta Chullera”. A meeting was also held with representatives of Los Hidalgos, María Stone and Chris Warren, which had positive results including a commitment to start work immediately on the installation of fire hydrants throughout the urbanisation. Discussions were also held on the need for owners to keep the green areas clear as well as respecting the boundaries of the plots and keep the individual properties in good repair.

The EUC El Hacho President reviews the current situation of the urban entity

La Alcaldesa de Manilva y el Concejal de Infraestructuras informan sobre las obras que se van a acometer El pasado fin de semana la Alcaldesa Antonia Muñoz y el Concejal Mario Jiménez informaron sobre el estado de las obras en el municipio en los próximos días. En este sentido avanzaron que el puerto de la Duquesa va a presentar una mejora considerable, gracias a las actuaciones que está llevando a cabo el Ayuntamiento de Manilva. La alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, destacaba la creación de plazas de aparcamiento en este enclave, y además resaltaba la fuente situada en la zona alta


The Urban Entity of El Hacho was established in the 2006 legislation under the presidency of Salvador Zotano, and approved with the consent of the parties in power at that time. They were PSOE, and PDEM (one of it´s most important members is leading the PP at the moment). In the constitution document they also approved the refund of the bank guarantees to the developers. After a lot of trouble and due to the desperate situation of the Entity, with multi millions in debts and with workers on strike for non payment of their salaries for more than six months; the Town Hall requested a meeting that was held on the 9th of April 2008. At which, to my surprise, I was elected as President in a consensus candidacy with one objective, to dissolve the Entity, with the first step being to balance the accounts. From the new committee, I need to point out the work done by Carmen Quintano, Pino Robilotta and most of all, Nikki Conway-Hann. Without whom it would not

have been possible to be where we are now. I need to make it very clear that none of the individuals present on this committee have received one cent for their work. The Spokespersons, the Secretary and myself as President, have worked without interruption with the only objective being the future dissolution of the Entity. And, I want to state that I will take to court, anyone who says anything to the contrary, because for us, the El Hacho EUC, until now, has only been struggle and sacrifice, and we will consider ourselves rewarded the moment the Entity disappears. My promise is clear, and I have already tried to effect the dissolution in the Town Hall in a Council Meeting, and at that time, I was blocked by the rest of the parties in the Council. Regardless, we are still advancing with hope and our estimations are that during 2012 we will finish the work to finally dissolve the Entity and will be able to officially announce it. I recommend you stay away from those who make false promises with regards to El Hacho. Taking into account that during four years, no one has ever helped, no one was interested in the Entity, but now, with the elections coming up, miracle solutions seem to be appearing at the last moment from unscrupulous politicians…offering express solutions and initiatives that are mysteriously compatible with the urbanism department currently in place. We, for our part, will continue with our stated route and our promise to our neighbours, the residents of El Hacho, is growing stronger and stronger…. We will not issue any more charges from the Urban Entity and will make sure we will dissolve it the moment it is legally possible.



The Resident -

ACTIVIDADES PARA FINALES DE ABRIL Y MAYO Mercado de Artistas Internacionales

Para esta Semana Santa, hemos preparado una edición especial para que los residentes y visitantes a nuestro pueblo. El Mercado de Artistas Internacional estará los días 22,23 y 24 de Abril. Durante estos tres días, alrededor de 30 artistas nos deleitarán con sus obras y artesanía, las cuáles se podrán ver y adquirir. Entre otros podremos disfrutar de pinturas al óleo, acuarelas, collage, fotografía, arreglos florales, ganchillo, tejas, telas pintadas, y mucho más. Se ofrecerá al visitante una degustación de vino y pasas de nuestra tierra, música, malabares, etc. El horario será desde las 12.00am hasta las 19.00pm y la entrada es totalmente gratuita. A partir de Mayo, este Mercado abrirá sus puertas todos los primeros Sábados de cada mes, en el mismo Castillo de la Duquesa y en el mismo horario.

Día Internacional de las Familias El 7 de Mayo celebraremos todos juntos este día tan importante para nuestra comunidad, dónde conviven alrededor de 70 nacionalidades diferentes. Por este motivo la Delegación de Extranjeros de la Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol, ha decidido festejar este gran día en Manilva junto con la colaboración de la misma Delegación del Ayuntamiento de Manilva. Se informa a todos aquellos que deseen participar en este evento y quiera representar algún país, se ponga en contacto con la oficina situada el Castillo de la Duquesa en el teléfono 952 893548 o enviando un e-mail a: o Comenzaremos alrededor de las 10.30am con una degustación de tortitas fritas con miel y chocolate, al medio día se ofrecerá al visitante una gran paella. Diferentes países nos ofrecerán sus comidas típicas, sus trajes tradicionales y música o folklore Esta fiesta pensada para toda la familia, los pequeños podrán montar en un trenecito, participar en los juegos populares, degustar un algodón de azúcar o disfrutar con los castillos hinchables, y mucho más. Durante todo el día y hasta las 22.00 horas aproximadamente podremos pasar un día en “Familia” con buena música, pase de modelos de trajes de otros

Boda Real El día 29 de Abril tendremos el placer de compartir con nuestros vecinos ingleses la boda del Príncipe Guillermo y Kate Middlelton. En el Puerto de la Duquesa y en el bar The Lounge, en la plaza Mediterráneo dando comienzo a partir de las 10.30am. y terminará sobre las 23.00pm. La boda será retransmitida en directo en una pantalla gigante. Será una fiesta en la calle, su tradicional “Street Party”, con una barbacoa, castillos hinchables, pintacaras, un mercadillo por la tarde y un concierto del grupo “Costa Rock”. Ven y diviértete!!

Mercadillo en el Puerto Los días 21 y 22 de Abril, dará comienzo el mercadillo en el Puerto de la Duquesa en la calle peatonal, para seguir todos los Jueves de cada semana y durante el verano 2011. Se podrá encontrar artículos de regalo, cerámica, moda, arte, etc.. Permanecerá abierto entra las 18.00pm y las 22.00pm.

“Conoce tu pueblo”

Esta iniciativa surge después de conocer a muchas personas que aún viviendo en Manilva e incluso siendo natural de Manilva, no ha visitado o no tiene información de todo los servicios públicos que nuestro municipio tiene para ofrecer al residente o visitante. El 14 de Abril ha sido nuestra última visita, en la cuál han participado una treintena de personas, el recorrido ha sido desde el Castillo de la Duquesa hacia Manilva, pasando por el Pabellón de deportes así como visita a todas las instalaciones deportivas, el Parque Las Viñas en Manilva, Parque de Villa Matilde y Parque de El Duque en Sabinillas, Parque de El Goleto en Los Hidalgos, vuelta hacia El Castillo donde se ha podido visitar el Museo Arqueológico, el Museo de Esgrima, biblioteca y sala de exposiciones. Posteriormente hemos degustado unas estupendas tapas y un refresco en el bar Segredo en el paseo Marítimo de Sabinillas, lugar inigualable de nuestro gran municipio. Charla informativa sobre el alcoholismo Una quincena de personas acudieron a la charla informativa que se ofreció sobre el alcoholismo, de los problemas que supone esta enfermedad y de la ayuda que ofrece la asociación de Alcohólicos Anónimos. Algunas de las personas presentes que acudieron a la charla pudieron exponer sus inquietudes y preguntar cualquier duda que surgió durante la charla. Se ha de saber que este tipo de charla-coloquio, no es solo para aquellas personas que sufren esta enfermedad sino que también ofrecen ayuda para los familiares que así lo requieran. Si alguien desea conocer más sobre este tema puede recoger información en la oficina de el Castillo o a través de su página web ó en los teléfonos 600 379 110 en inglés o en español al 952 218 211.

países, etc., en un ambiente y en un entorno como es el Parque del Huerto en el Castillo de la Duquesa. La celebración del Día Internacional de las Familias es una oportunidad en todo el mundo, para que las familias demuestren su solidaridad y reflexionen sobre cómo mejorar la relación entre todos sus miembros. Os esperamos....Integración, igualdad y solidaridad es nuestra mayor inquietud!!

Excursión a Benaoján Cincuenta personas disfrutaron el pasado día 8 de Abril de la excursión que se organizó a Benaoján desde esta delegación. La salida se realizó según lo previsto así como el regreso, visitamos la Cueva de la Pileta, una de las cuevas más importantes por sus pinturas prehistóricas y declarada monumento nacional de arte rupestre. El almuerzo, en el restaurante El Muelle en La Estación de Benaoján, fue estupendo tanto en el servicio obtenido como en la cantidad y calidad de su comida. Pasamos un día estupendo en compañía de amigos y amigas de este municipio y queremos agradecer a todos los participantes su colaboración en este tipo de eventos.

San Patrick´s Day El día 17 de Marzo desde las 16.00pm hasta las 22.00pm, en este día tan señalado para nuestros vecinos Irlandeses, más de un centenar de personas acudieron a la plaza Jorge Guillén ó Los Naranjos, para disfrutar de la buena música, cerveza y comida típica de este gran país, en un ambiente muy agradable. Los más pequeños también lo pasaron en grande con los castillos hinchables y pinta caras. Queremos agradecer la colaboración de los bares y pubs de esta barriada, también a la Asociación Amigos de la Música Asabam por su participación. y a todos los vecinos y vecinas de la zona.

Oficina Delegación de Extranjeros Lugar: Monumento del Castillo,Castillo de la Duquesa. Horario:de 8:00 a 15:00 de Lunes a viernes Tlf. 952893548. Móvil: 663.96.96.36 e-mail: Puerto de la Duquesa - Oficina de Turismo: Horario: de 15:00 a 20:30 de Lunes a Viernes. 10:00 a 14:00 los Sábados

Te esperamos para resolver cualquier duda.Trasládanos tus sugerencias. Toda la actualidad de Manilva en inglés: noticias, eventos, actividades,etc. En televisión Manilva Sábados 19:00h. Domingos 12:00h y 19:00h Web de interés:,


The Resident -

Saint Patrick’s Day On March 17 Plaza Jorge Guillén in Sabinillas was the venue for a party to celebrate Ireland’s patron saint, St Patrick. More than a hundred local residents, not just Irish, but a host of nationalities enjoyed and evening of great music, along with food and drink typical of this great nation. For the youngsters there was a bouncy castle, face painting, etc., and their was music provided by the Asabam Music Association, and the groups Urban Ground and Etnobabú. Thanks go to all that collaborated in making this a success including the musicians and the participating bars.


PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIES APRIL, MAY 2011 International Artists Market

This Easter there will be a special edition of the International Artists Market which will be held in the Castle on the 22,23 and 24 April. During these three days around thirty artists will present the works for visitors to enjoy and maybe purchase. Among these works will be oils, watercolours, photographs, flower arrangements, painted tiles, macrame, fabrics and much more. There will be local wines and raisins on offer as well as musical entertainment. The market will be open daily from 12 noon to 7 pm and is free to enter. From May the Artists Market will be open on the first Saturday of the month throughout the summer at the Castle from 12 to 7 pm.

International Family Day On May 7 Manilva invites you all to the International Family Day celebrating the local community and its 70 different nationallities. In collaboration with the Foreign Delegation of the Association of Western Costa del Sol Municipalities (Mancomunidad) and Manilva Town Hall, the event will begin at 10.30 am with an opportunity to sample traditional local pastries served with honey and chocolate with a giant paella being served at lunchtime. Different countries will offer traditional food, music and dance throughout the day which will finish at around 10 pm As a family day there will be plenty for the kids with games, miniature train, bouncy castle, etc. The event will be held in the park next to the Castle in Castillo. Anyone wishing to take part and represent their country should contact the Foreign Residents Department in the Castle, call 952 893 548 or email extranjeros@ or

Royal Wedding street party Excursion to Benaoján 50 locals enjoyed a trip to Benaoján earlier this month organised by the foreigners department. The organisation ran smoothly with participants enjoying a visit to the Cueva de la Pileta caves, some of the most important for their cave paintings and declared a national monument. The Restaurante El Muelle in Estación de Benaoján was the venue for lunch where everyone enjoyed great food and service. The department would like to thank all those that went on this trip and made it such a pleasant and successful day, and hope to enjoy further collaboration on such events.

Informative talk on alcoholism A number of local residents attended a talk recently presented by Alcoholics Anonymous which shed light on some of the problems and illnesses resulting from living with alcoholism. Listeners were able to express their concerns and ask questions on many aspects of the problem, and were assured that there was extensive support not just for those struggling with alcoholism, but also for their friends and families. If you need information on this support then contact the Foreigners Department in Castillo or visit the website or call 600 379 110 (English service) or 952 218 211 for Spanish.

To celebrate the Royal Wedding on 29 April there will be a street party in Puerto de la Duquesa, organised by the Leisure Lounge, in collaboration with Manilva’s Foreigners Department. Starting at 10.30 am you can follow the broadcast on a giant screen. There will be plenty of activities for all ages including bouncy castles, barbecue, face painting, market and live music from ‘Costa Rock’ in the evening. Don’t miss it. (See advert on page 8).

Know your town

Puerto de la Duquesa Market On the 21 and 22 April the Duquesa Market will commence in the newly pedestrianised Calle Los Arcos. The Market, which will be held every Thursday throughout the summer, is open from 6 pm to 10 pm and offers a wide selection of gifts, ceramics, fashion and art. (For more information see advert on page 2).

Foreign Residents office

The ‘Know your Town’ project has proven a great success in showing residents local leisure and sports infrastructure they were maybe unaware of. Recent trips have taken some 30 locals to visit the Sports Cente in Manilva, Las Viñas Park, Villa Matilde Park, El Duque Park, El Goleto Park in Los Hidalgos, The Castle where they visited the Archaeological Museum and the Fencing Museum, Library, and Exhibition Room. Afterwards they were treated to tapas and a drink at Bar Segredo on the promenade in Sabinillas.

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or Chris Olsen 663 969 636 email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.30 to 8.30 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Sally Russell and Chris Olsen on Saturdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 12 noon and 7 pm. Visit or for more information.



The Resident -

Excursión a Los Patios de Córdoba

El Festival de los patios Cordobeses, una fiesta típica que llena de color y olor a jazmín y azahar todos los rincones y calles de esta ciudad. Se celebra desde el año 1.964, siendo una tradición única en el mundo, esta visita será libre ya que cada uno puede tomar el tiempo que desee, tanto por la mañana como después del almuerzo. Así mismo visitaremos Los Jardines de Los reales Alcázares, La Mezquita y La Judería

entre otros lugares. 11 de Mayo Salida desde El Castillo 7:30 a.m. Salida desde Sabinillas 7:45 a.m. Parada para desayunar Parada para ver Los Patios Cordobeses. Y después, tiempo libre para ver La Mezquita y El Barrio Judío Almuerzo incluido. Precio: 45 €/ Persona

El Centro de Raquetas se convertirá en una realidad Antonia Muñoz Vázquez, alcaldesa de Manilva, junto a los ediles de Deportes es Infraestructuras, Diego Urieta y Mario Jiménez respectivamente han visitado hoy el terreno donde se ubicará el futuro Centro de Raquetas de la localidad. El lugar elegido es Maicandil, situado en Sabinillas y que contará con 7.826 metros cuadrados de terreno para instalar 6 pistas de padel, una de squasch, otra de badminton y dos pistas de tenis. Además, dichas instalaciones dispondrá del Centro donde se ubicarán los vestuarios, la cafetería, una terraza mirador, sala de musculación, almacen, zona de control. También se habilitarán aparcamientos y se creará un pequeño parque. Según ha informado la primera edil manilveña, este gran proyecto, que será

una realidad gracias al esfuerzo de la Consejería de Turismo, Comercio y Deportes de la Junta de Andalucía, de la empresa adjudicataria y del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, está en proceso para en dos semanas pronunciarse el consistorio sobre el anteproyecto. El coste de las obras, que se estima comiencen a finales de este año 2011 será de 1.120.000 euros. 500.000 euros aportados por la Junta de Andalucía y el resto, unos 700.000 euros, por el Ayuntamiento. Muñoz dio la enhorabuena sobre todo: “al municipio de Manilva y a sus vecinos, ya que incrementaremos las instalaciones deportivas y se podrá disfrutar de este centro de raquetas tan deseado y que está ubicado en un marco inigualable y en una zona con una proyección notable”, afirmó.

Racquets centre soon to be a reality

Visit to The Patios of Cordoba Manilva’s Foreign Residents Department is organising a trip to the famous and spectacular Patios Festival in Cordoba on Wednedsay, 11 May. Cordoba’s Patios Festival, is celebrated every year since 1964 and has become famous around the world. Locals throw open their gardens and terraces to visitors who can enjoy the riot of colours and scents created by the green-fingered residents of the city. There is no itinerary so visitors can

go where they wish. Why not visit the Los Jardines de Los reales Alcázares gardens, La Mezquita and the old Jewish Quarter. Coach leaves Castillo at 7.30 am and from Sabinillas at 7.45 am. There will be a stop on the way to enjoy breakfast before arriving in Cordoba where there will be a tour of the Patios. Afterwards there will be free time to explore the Mezquita and the Jewish Quarter, including lunch. Price is 45 euros per person.

The Mayoress of Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, along with the Councillor for Sports, and Councillor for Infrastructure, Diego Urieta and Mario Jiménez respectively, recently visited the parcel of land destined to become Manilva’s future Racquets Centre. The site is located in the Maicandil area of Sabinillas and will occupy some 7,826 square metres, and will feature 6 padel courts, 2 tennis courts, and one each for squash and badminton.

The centre will also include changing facilities, a fitness room, spectator area and cafeteria. The project will at last become a reality thanks to a promise of funding from the Junta de Andalucia’s Ministry for Tourism, Commerce and Sports who will pay almost half the 1,120,000 euros that the project is expected to cost. Works are expected to commence later this year, with completion sometime in 2012.

Aún quedan plazas para ver el nuevo espectáculo de Los Morancos La Delegación de Fiestas del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, organiza un viaje al Teatro Alameda en Málaga para presenciar en directo el nuevo espectáculo de Los Morancos el próximo 13 de mayo. Paqui López, edil responsable, ha informado a los ciudadanos que los interesados en participar en la citada iniciativa han de formalizar su

inscripción a lo largo del día de hoy. Podrán hacerlo en el edificio de usos múltiples de Sabinillas o en el Ayuntamiento de Manilva. En estas dependencias municipales también recibirán toda la información necesaria acerca de esta actividad. El precio del viaje es de 30 euros e incluye la entrada al espectáculo y el servicio de transporte.

Places still available on trip to Los Morancos show Manilva’s Fiestas Department has organised a trip to the Alameda Theatre in Malaga to see Los Morancos latest show on Friday May 13. Those wishing to join this trip should book their places as soon as possible at the

Usos Multiples building in Sabinillas or at the Town Hall in Manilva where they will be given all the necessary information regarding departure times, etc. The cost is 30 euros per person including transport and entry to the show.

The Resident -

Why the pound in your pocket is disappearing The last 3 weeks or so has seen the pound trade against the euro from lows of 1.129 to a high of 1.1650 which has quite an impact on any money you transfer. Pretty good news though if you are sending your money back to the UK . The recent change in rates means that if you are transferring a £1000 instead of getting around 1150 euros you will probably receive today around 1120 euros, it doesnt sound a great deal but multiply by 12 and all of a sudden you have lost at least 360 euros per year. Now why is this happening? You have no doubt read quite a bit about all the problems in the Eurozone, not least recently with Portugal having to go cap in hand to the ECB and IMF for a bailout and the rumour mill still persists that Spain will follow. Nobody is too sure if this will happen, what we do know is that Spain certainly is trying to manage its economy in a far stronger way than Portugal had been. It has introduced a string of measures to tackle the problem by increasing taxes etc and it hopes to avoid non repayment of its debt. - The interesting time will come at the end of ths month when its due to pay back interest on funds raised earlier. Whilst much has been said about the eurozone the UK has unfortunately been creaking a little and ocassionally this goes unnoticed by the general public although a quick look at the rates of exchange will confirm all is not right in the UK. Consumer confidence is low, retailers have been issuing various profit warnings and just recently have announced the lowest March retail figures for a considerable time. Manufacturing sector is also showing concerns due to the increase in raw material costs. Add this to the poor housing sector

with an insufficient number of new mortgage applications and you start to answer, why the pound is performing so poorly. Generally people in the UK are attempting to pay off their debt as they are concerned about the possibilty of interest rate hikes and the impact on their pockets, they are paying off debt rather than incurring it . Of late eyes have also been focussed on the UK banking sector as the Independent Commission will soon publish its report on the Banking sector. The aim will be to ensure the British taxpayer will not have to bail out the banks in the event of another crisis. One of the views is that It appears the banks will have to ring fence customer savings and deposits from any high risk future investments. Further far reaching proposals will be included so keep your eyes open for the publication of this report. With the recent interest rate hike in the Eurozone and the concerns in America it is clear that investors have an appetite for the euro hence the additional reason for its strength as it at the moment the favoured currency. Against the dollar it has recorded recent highs of 1.4490 and the probabilty of going beyond this figure is not that far away. As with all things the market can change quickly so if you don’t need to change your money now then it may just be worth the wait. Are you a gambler? So if you are looking to gain the most for your money why not contact Moneycorp the foreign exchange specialist who can take care of all your money transfers to and from Spain; however small or large. Their experts make the process quick, easy and highly cost-effective. For more information on how Moneycorp can help get you more currency than from your bank contact Michael Campbell in the Costa del Sol office on +34 951 319 700 or email michael.campbell@moneycorp. com Always quote The Resident.

Información Information


AREME AGM (Estepona Foreign Residents’ Association) The AGM of AREME will take place on Monday May 9th at the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre, Estepona at 11.00 am. All members please make every effort to attend this meeting. Two volunteers are required, to join the present committee - a Secretary and a Membership Secretary. From May there will be two AREME events per month, (excluding August and December). On the second Wednesday of the month there will be various events at The Boys’ Bar

near Supersol at 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm. A Coffee Morning and Table Sale will also be held on the third Saturday of the month at the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre, Estepona from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm (Contact Heather Butler-Rawlinson on 658 128 496). Why not join AREME - it only costs one euro per year to be a member. AREME is a Non-Political association working for the benefit of all the Foreign Residents in Estepona; whilst also meeting socially and helping to raise money for local charities at the same time.

CAP springs into summer! Club Charity and Pleasure is a friendly, social organisation based in El Paraiso, Estepona. They meet at 11 am each Wednesday morning at El Paraiso Country Club for coffee, and often they have a speaker. Weekly activities include bridge, whist and bowls, and members have recently started a choir. Other events include visits to the theatre and exhibitions, lunches and dinners at different venues along the coast, mystery trips, etc. A full programme of events is published in CAP’s free quarterly magazine, and regularly updated online. The club also raise money for local charities, mainly Alzheimers, Aprona,

Aspandem and Cudeca. New members are welcome; the annual membership fee is only €15. Why not go along for coffee? You will be assured of a warm welcome. For more information contact Denise Ghazi, President, on 952 810989, or visit their website Wednesday 20 April - Coffee morning with hot cross buns and easter bonnet competition During May the club is planning a Car Treasure Hunt, Trip to Antequera by coach, and a Murder, Mystery Evening and Dinner. The Summer Ball will be held at El Paraiso Country Club on Saturday 18 June.

Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva

Costa Advice Bureau Have you had funds in your bank account frozen? One of our clients found a large amount of money in his bank account had been frozen by the tax authorities with no prior warning or any letter of intent received. There was an order to pay this amount within two weeks. The only detail the bank was able to provide was a file number. Within two days the office was able to investigate the origin of the debt, allowing us to assist our client to find a resolution. Successful mortgage applications It is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain a mortgage for the purchase of your home in Spain. With many banks now owning an abundance of embargoed properties, their funds are more likely to be used to provide mortgages for their own portfolios. Costa Advice Bureau is not only able to obtain mortgages but have also negotiated with banks to increase the loan on offer by up to ten or twenty percent of what was initially put forward to our customers. Due to our increasing collaboration with the banking conglomerates which has also included acting as mediators for home loan debtors, has permitted us an advantageous insight into the workings of these entities. Purchasing a property? Look before you leap Why you need correct and honest advice and assistance when buying a property at a reduced price. be warned that you may not be advised that though a particular property

may have been bought and declared at a very competitive purchase price, you will almost certainly be presented in the near future with an unexpected tax bill for the difference in the price you paid and the town hall value. We are presently reclaiming the sum of 30,000. This is precisely the difference between the true purchase cost and the considered value. Possible defects in legal contracts During the course of a week we peruse many contracts. These documents include, purchase contracts, rental contracts and private agreements. We have found serious errors in some of these covenants of which several have been drawn up by so called professionals. We recently had a case where a contract drawn up by a lawyer, with copies in English and Spanish found that the Spanish version showed conflicting clauses. It is important that the English translation corresponds to the Spanish adaptation. Seek advice before entering into an arrangement and certainly before signing on the dotted line. The above matters are some of the numerous issues that we deal with on a daily basis in our office or by Myra Azzopardi contracted as a private consultant. For information on the above or an any other matters, please contact: Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

Eileen Dry with other Age Concern Presidents much now as at any time in its history. By COUNTRYWIDE DEVELOPMENTS The 24 hour Knit-A-Thon held by Age Age Concern Acción Social Asistencia (ACASA) has developed from the British Consulate/ Age Concern Partnership Project (BC/ ACPP) with its core members of the FCO, Age UK and Age Concern España. At the end of 2010, the BC/ACPP was receiving 4 new cases per week and had distributed over €130,000 to beneficiaries throughout Spain with over 70 dedicated, trained volunteers. With the instability of the economy, the rising cost of living and the decreasing value of pensions, the plight of pensioners is more real than ever. This is why the development of the project into an independent umbrella charity organisation called ACASA underpins the continuing importance of the work that the charity is doing in Spain. ACASA will continue to help thousands of older British nationals to overcome poverty, combat isolation and assist with integration into Spanish life. The most recent development is that the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association (SSAFA) Forces Help has joined ACASA in Partnership. Age Concern España has always had a close relationship with SSAFA Forces Help. Now, ACASA can help more people to access the financial and practical assistance that they need here in Spain. In 2010, SSAFA Forces Help celebrated their 125th anniversary and with recent overseas conflicts from the Gulf to Afghanistan their services are needed as

working together we will ensure that the information and advice that we provide our beneficiaries is relevant to life in Spain and that we can help those who return to the UK by linking them to their local UK SSAFA branch. The launch of ACASA took place on March 30th 2011 at the British Ambassador’s Residence in Madrid. Eileen Dry President of Age Concern España and Estepona y Manilva attended the launch along with Presidents’ from all the Age Concern Organisations in Spain. They were also two representatives from Age UK. Their Royal Highnesses The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwell took time out from their visit to Spain to meet the volunteers representing the various charities from all over Spain.

LIFELINE For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is: acesteponaymanilva@ageconcern-espana. org and why not tune into our web site at


Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

Animal in Need

Cordially invite you to attend a 3-course charity dinner to celebrate

The Royal Wedding 8 pm on Friday 29th April 2011 at The Green Olive Restaurant Tickets 25 euros per person Cava & canapés on arrival - Ladies please wear a hat RSVP

697 984 021

Saint George’s Day Easter Bunny Hop Saturday 23rd April from 8.30 pm

Live Music with Marcus Charity Raffle - Free Nibbles Fathoms Bar Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas, Manilva

Albert Hammond en concierto

Palacio de Congresos, La Línea de la Concepción Vie, 06/05/2011 21.00 h

Restaurante The Brasserie Club de Golf Casares Eventos: Abril/Mayo

Viernes 15 de Abril Música en vivo desde las 20.00h hasta tarde con Vidal. Menú a-la-carte en el restaurante o una copa en el bar. Viernes 13 de Mayo Una noche con “Michael Buble” desde las 20.00h. Únase con nosotros y disfrute de una noche con cena y música. El excepcional cantante Peet Rothwell presentará todos los éxitos de Michael Buble, con el mismo estilo vocal y carisma de Michael. El precio de las entradas son 35€, copa de cava de bienvenida y cena. Entradas son limitadas. Todos los Domingos Almuerzo típico inglés, desde las 14.0017.00h con música de nuestro pianista Davide. Reservas: 678 293 596.

The Brasserie Restaurant Casares Golf Club April/May Events

Friday 15th April Live music from 8 pm til late with Vidal. A la carte menu in the restaurant or just come along for a drink in the bar. Friday 13th May An Evening with ‘Michael Buble’ from 8pm. Join us for a fantastic evening with dinner and entertainment. Singing sensation Peet Rothwell will be performing all the Michael Buble hits, with the vocal style and charisma of the man himself! Tickets are 35€ for a three course dinner and welcome cava on arrival. Limited tickets available so book tickets now to avoid disappointment!

Every Sunday Join us for Sunday lunch 16.50€ served from 2 til 5 pm every week with music from our resident pianist Davide. For reservations tel: 678293596 email:

Andy y Lucas

Palacio de Congresos, La Línea de la Concepción Sáb, 07/05/2011 21.00 h.

Albert Hammond es una leyenda. Su último disco se titula, precisamente, Legend y es el reconocimiento a una trayectoria y a unas canciones que, por primera vez, se han reunido en un álbum excepcional en el que Albert Hammond ha grabado a dúo con grandes artistas en castellano, inglés, francés e italiano sus temas más emblemáticos. En Legend, Albert Hammond canta con artistas españoles como Dani Martín, Rosario, David Summers, Julio Iglesias, Raphael, Ana Belén o Miguel Bosé y figuras internacionales como Al Stewart, Cliff Richard, Bonnie Tyler, Claudio Baglioni, su hijo Albert Hammond Jr.

El 7 de mayo actuarán en La Línea trabajo “Pido la palabra”, a dúo con de la Concepción “Andy y Lucas”, Diana Navarro. actualmente también de gira por toda Entradas 15 a 25 euros www.telentrada. (The Strokes), Courtney Taylor (The España con la presentación de su nuevo com Dandy Warhols), Ron Sexsmith y Jeane Manson. Junto a ellos y en solitario, Albert Palacio de Congresos, La Linea de la Concepcion Hammond recrea canciones emblemáticas, algunas que interpretaron Saturday 7 May, 9 pm en su día artistas como The Hollies, Popular Spanish pop duo, Andy y Lucas Diana Navarro. Whitney Houston, Tina Turner, Leo perform at La linea’s Palacio de Congresos Tickets 15 a 25 euros available online from Sayer, Julio Iglesias y Willie Nelson, as part of the nationwide tour, presenting Starship, Chicago, Roy Orbison, Johnny their latest work ‘Pido la Palabra’, a duet with Cash, Aretha Franklin y Elton John, Celine Dion, Diana Ross, Joe Cocker, K.D. Lang, Josh Groban, Joe Dolan o Duffy (su más reciente producción), entre muchos otros. Entradas 25 a 35 Mick Elliot’s photography offers a new and before commercial influences changed the dramatic view of Andalucia. “We live in this landscape.” euros

Andy & Lucas

Art Exhibition at Estepona Port Business and Internet Centre

Albert Hammond in Concert

Palacio de Congresos, La Linea de la Concepcion Friday, May 6, 9 pm Pop legend and one of Gibraltar’s most famous sons, Albert Hammond will be performing live in concert at La Linea’s Palacio de Congresons on Friday 6 May, at 9 pm. As part of his ‘Legend’ tour. Albert’s latest album features duets with a number of Spanish stars including Dani Martín, Rosario, David Summers, Julio

Iglesias, Raphael, Ana Belén and Miguel Bosé as well as international artists like Al Stewart, Cliff Richard, Bonnie Tyler, Claudio Baglioni, his son Albert Hammond Jr. (The Strokes), Courtney Taylor (The Dandy Warhols), Ron Sexsmith and Jeane Manson. Tickets 25 and 35 euros online from www.

beautiful part of Spain and seldom look at our surroundings” says artist Mick Elliot, “My preference for black and white photography gives more drama and neutralises man made distractions like billboards, cars etc. this allows me to represent Spain as it was

Mick will be displaying his work at Estepona Port Business and Internet Centre from the 15th April until the 14th May. For more information about the exhibition Contact 952 793 476

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

The Resident -

Ocio What’s On


Rio Manilva Road, Sabinillas-Manilva or call 952 892 690 664 442 629 23.04.2011 23.00h Baraka Flamenquito en vivo/live flamenco 6 euros 29.04.2011 23.00h Jose Antonio Delgado & Carmen Boza en concierto 7 euros

Entertainment for April/May at Armstrongs

30.04.2011 17.30h & 19.00h Magia infantil/children’s magic show J L Rubiales 5 euros

Saturday April 23rd “Its my Party 60s Show” The trio are back to sing the icons of the 60s €38 including 4 course meal

30.04.2011 23.00h Cartomagia/magician Juan Luis Rubiales 6 euros

Saturday April 30th The Rat Pack. The Best Show on the coast €38 including 4 course meal

Res: 697 596 708 proximos conciertos en

el Louie Louie, Calle Real, Estepona Costa Rock (Pub-Rock) viernes22 abril 22.00 horas

Saturday 7th May Frankie B The Soul & Motown king is back to sing all your favorites

Saturday 14th May The Frank & Dean Show Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin show with guests Michael Buble and Tom Jones Saturday 21st May James Bond Casino Royal A spectacular James Bond Show with the Casino Royale Theme including Roulette, Black Jack & Craps in our Casino Marquee! Saturday 28th May Beatles Tribute

Estepona Golf Club

4 NON BLUES (Blues-Rock band desde Granada) sabado 30 abril

If your invitation to the royal wedding didn’t arrive ... don’t worry ...

Lilith + El Bueno, el feo y el Malo Jueves 5 Mayo 21.00

Come along to celebrate at Estepona Golf Club with a special menu fit for a King and Queen and dancing to the music of Peter Charles

Mr Jerkyll viernes 13 de mayo Fibonacci Vs God jueves 19 de mayo

Saturday, 30th April from 8pm Reservations call: 952 937 604 / 678 097 572



The Resident -

Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

Fácil Easy

This month’s picture quiz commemorates the forthcoming Royal Wedding with some other famous wedded couples. Answers on page 27.

Este mes se lo dedicamos a la próxima boda Real Británica junto con otras bodas de personajes famosos. Respuestas en la página 27.


2 Soluciones página 27 All solutions on page 27

Nivel Medio Medium





Difícil Hard





Información Information

The Resident -


Marlows Fish & Chip Restaurant Residencial Duquesa

Embargos de banco 100% Hipoteca

Duquesa Village

Bank repossessions up to 100% mortgage

Tel: 0034 952 890 444 Mob: 0034 667 633 830


TEL 673374876 OR 673374875 - EMAIL

Marlows is a modern, and spacious comfortable restaurant with an outside terrace to accommodate smokers. At Marlows you will find expertly fried fish & chips, north sea haddock, cod, plaice, together with starters. Ribs, chicken, pies, sausages, salads, desserts and a kids menu at only €4. Marlows have 50 years plus in the fish & chip trade and in fact opened the very first fish & chip shop in Gibraltar, way back in 1966 (Irish Town Fisheries, for those of you old enough to remember it). Quality, Value and Service excel at Marlows. So why not try for yourself! Marlows can also cater for any party, Big or Small up to 100 people.

During the winter months there is a fantastic Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch on Sunday served from 1pm - 4.30pm. Tel. 951 276 728


1 Fish & Chips (Cod or Haddock) 1 Bread & Butter or 1 Peas 1 Drink Tea, coffee, beer, water or soft drink

6pm - 7.30pm Monday to Thursday Served in the Restaurant

PAU L D E N N I S Your Local English Butcher

Celebrate Easter with Fresh Spring Lamb Homemade Sausages Fresh Daily, English cuts of Fresh Lamb, Beef, Pork and Poultry N340 km 141 / 142 Turn right at San Raphael Restaurant, head towards beach

Main Square, Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro Tel 956 785 118


Información Information

The Resident -

Estepona Floral Art Club The Club’s next demonstration will take place on Tuesday 17th May 2011, at El Campanario Golf & Country Club, (behind the Hotel Diana). The Club will be welcoming Elizabeth Graham, NAFAS National Demonstrator, from Newport, Wales. This will be an opportunity to see the art of ‘Flower Arranging’ at its best. Don’t miss out on this afternoon. In June the Club will be holding its AGM therefore, there will be no demonstration that month. During July and August the Club takes a break for the summer and will resume

on Tuesday 20th September 2011. If you wish to join the day trip, or visit for an afternoon’s demonstration of ‘Flower Arranging’ at its highest standard by UK NAFAS National and Area Demonstrators, then please pop along where you will be most welcome. For further information on the above event or the Club’s Demonstrations, please contact the Chairman, Marilyn Pemberton, Tel: 952 928 197.


OPTI-MYST Amazing new flame and smoke effect with 3D realism

International Club of Estepona The ICE Club is a social club for all Englishspeaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, dancing and themed supper evenings. Day and holiday coach trips. Golf, bowls, rambling, drama, cards and quiz. Monthly magazine and much more. Sundays - Bar open 12.30 to 2.30pm for drinks and tapas. Tuesdays - Bar open 11.00am to 2.00pm for drinks and tapas. Thursdays - Bar open 10.30am to 2.30pm for drinks and lunch. Special events for April/May Friday 22nd April - Trip to San Roque Semana


Santa Tuesday 3rd May - Golf Spring Cup & Lunch - Casares Costa Golf Course 6th, 7th, 8th May - ICE Drama Group Production – ‘Mary Popout’ Friday 6th May - Fish ‘n’ Chip Supper Monday 9th May - Film Night Wednesday 11th May - Ladies & Gents Lunch Out 13th, 14th, 15th May - Trip to Cordoba decorated patios and courtyards ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -

Well known reputable brands. MASSIVE Awards won for energy efficiency and design. DISCOUNTS on selected Ideal for Spanish living, flame effect can be run models. independently from heat with full remote control. Don’t delay, Wide range of models to suit all tastes & budgets. call today! Clean, instant heat with no mess or smell. Provides a fantastic focal point to a room, adding value to property.

Unique Fires are also suppliers of:

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE CONSUMER!! The average hourly running costs for all Dimplex Fires are as little as follows: Flame effect only.....€0.01 cents 1Kw heat setting......€0.12 cents 2Kw heat setting......€0.24 cents


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living with a Spanish family.

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TEL: (+34) 952 797 939 / (+34) 615 600 435, SPAIN: Estepona MAIL:, WEB:

Tel. 952 89 30 96 952 89 72 33 Fax. 951 27 35 82


MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 Móvil: 657 96 03 47 Avenida Velazquez 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)

Transporte Urgente . Mensajería Urgent Deliveries Messengers - Courier Service


Marble - Granite

Also a wide range of Fireplaces

Kitchen Work Tops - Bathrooms - All Types of Floors We stock a large range of household names

Polígono Industrial La Dehesilla Parc. 19 - D 29691 Manilva Málaga

Tel: 951 97 20 08 Móvil: 609 713 619 - 628 852 081 - www.

Wine & Dine

The Resident -



TAPAS VARIADAS RACIONES - DESAYUNOS Heated Smoking Terrace Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Sabinillas - Manilva

Tel: 951 273 647 Email:

Subscribe to our new online supplement The Resident Plus Subscribe to The Resident Plus, the new supplement published online at the beginning of each month. For a couple of years now we have used online software which allows us to make The Resident available on the web in a form that reproduces as close as possible the experience of reading a newspaper, a service that has proven increasingly popular. The Resident Plus takes advantage of this facility to bring you news, features, etc., as a supplement to our monthly printed publication. To make sure that you don’t miss future issues register on our list of subscibers at our website and we’ll notify you as soon as each issue is

published. As with all our products, such as The Resident newspaper and the Manilva Life website, they are a free service supported by our advertisers. The Resident Plus is no different, but unlike its printed sibling benefits from substantially lower production costs, a fact which is reflected in its advertising rates: Eighth page - €30 for three months; quarter page - €50 for three months. Half page advertising is available for - €40 per month or €90 for three months. And finally a full page in The Resident Plus is €70 per month or €150 for three months. For more information visit www.

CJ’s Family Bar Something for all the family.

Real Ale Has Arrived Yes that’s right—its here. We are now serving a Real Ale from the Ke al Micro Brewery. Our ini al Ale is La Fanega but you’ll need to be quick as its nearly gone and we are planning to try a lighter Summer Beer next (El Trillo) as well as ge ng a second beer [Almiar] which is an IPA style beer.

Special Offers

Restaurant & Lounge Opening Hours: Mondays & Tuesdays: CLOSED Wednesdays,Thursdays & Fridays

Free tapas on Friday, Saturday and Sunday with 1st drink during Happy Hour.

Menu del Día 1 pm - 3.30 pm 3 courses only €11.50

Special “Cocktails” for children—€1.50 (€1 in Happy Hour) and half size Cocktails—€3 for those who don’t want too much .

Saturdays: Live Entertainment incl 3-course meal Bookings taken from 7 pm (See Page 21 for entertainment programme)

Events If you feel like a break from the Royal Wedding then why not come and see us on 29th April when we will be playing music from the Rat Pack together with other Swing ar sts to create a relaxing atmosphere for the whole family.

Sundays - Bar open from 11 am for Tea, Coffee and Sunday Newspapers

Quiz Night is back a er Easter on Wednesdays star ng at 9pm. Each team will receive a voucher worth €5 off drinks on the following evening.

from 1 pm - 3 courses for €16.95 Bookings advisable!

CLOSED ON THURSDAY 21 APRIL 2011 Open from 18.00 to late - Plaza de la Fuente, Puerto de la Duquesa Join us on Facebook (CJ’s-Cocktail Bar) and follow us on Twi er for more informa on or visit our web site –

Traditional Sunday Lunch is now being served

FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL 952 892 690 or 664 442 629 or email us at or visit the website Located on the Rio Manilva Road, 4km from the Lidl roundabout, Sabinillas. 2 km past the Fairground/Market



Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast Duquesa

From €120,000



We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.


95,000€ - 190,000€



% 49

2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Duquesa Port, walking distance to golf, marina and amenities. Open plan living area leading to terrace. Property includes air con, satellite TV, private parking space.


1 bed apartment in Sabinillas town, short walk to Duquesa Port. Private parking, communal pool. South facing with good sized open plan lounge and dining area, modern fitted kitchen. Private south facing terrace. 2

Duquesa 141,000€ - 550,000€


2 and 3 bed apartments in a popular secure development. Large communal pools and gardens, storage rooms and private underground parking. Most of the properties have sea, countryside and golf views. Short drive to Duquesa port and beach. Finished to high 3 standard.

2 bed, 2 bath apartment on gated development set in spacious tropical gardens. 2 double bedrooms, living dining area leads to fully fitted kitchen and large sunny terrace. Sold fully furnished with underground parking space. 4

Casares Costa

€130,000 Casares Costa



1 and 2 bedroom apartment in this urbanisation next to the beautiful Puerto de la Duquesa and is situated just metres from the beach and just a short walk to the village of Castillo. The development offers quiet seclusion and privacy, 2 swimming pools, communal gardens, lift access to each floor and direct access to Duquesa promenade. Barrington Homes have two apartments available direct from the developer and at heavily discounted prices, both face west towards La Duquesa Golf and boast the superb build standard expected of Marina Real. We have a 2 bedroom apartment available with a 49% reduction in price and a studio available with 38% discount.


2 bed, 2 bath apartment close to Finca Cortesin Golf Course, and 10 min walk from beach. Apartment enjoys garden views and is close to swimming pools. Spacious accommodation and courtyard style dining terrace. 6

Casares Costa


2 bed, 2 bath apartment close to Finca Cortesin and Casares Golf. 2 double bedrooms fitted wardrobes. Communal gardens and swimming pools. Terrace, store room and underground parking. Sold unfurnished.


REDUCED FROM €245,000. 2 bed, 2 bath apartment, communal pools, gardens, underground parking and a store room. Next to the Finca Cortesin and Casares Golf clubs just 5 mins from the beach. The property is being sold with 100% FINANCE. 7

Duquesa Golf


Brand new two bed, 2 bath apartment finished to a very high standard. Fully equipped modern kitchen air con, jacuzzi in the ensuite bathroom The terrace has nice views to one of the community pools. 100% bank finance available. 9

Princesa Kristina €115,000

Duquesa Golf


JUST REDUCED. Excellent 2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Manilva Gardens near to the La Duquesa Golf and the La Duquesa Marina. Ample living-dining room leads to private terrace, spacious fully-fitted kitchen. Communal swimming pool, gardens and ample parking. Only 500m walk from the beach, and a short drive to all amenities. 10

EXCELLENT VALUE. 2 bed 2 bath ground floor apartment in the Duquesa Golf area. Situated only 3 minutes drive to Duquesa Port and the blue flag beaches of Manilva. 2 communal pools and excellent communal gardens and walkways. Ideal for anyone looking for a holiday home with excellent rental potential. 11

These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. You can find many more on our website at For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at or call 952 936 198

The Resident -

En la Residencia de las Palabras

Cuando se contempla la vida con amor se oyen las luces Un buen hombre, contrajo matrimonio con la mujer más afamada que había en el pueblo por su hermosura. Ambos se prometieron fidelidad, para lograr gozos y prosperidad en la vida, cumpliendo así las promesas hechas ante Dios el día de su boda. Pero una mañana, el sol quiso llenar de silencio y pesadumbre su hogar, y la luz, en lugar de ser la humilde acompañante que diera calor y vida a su casa, se disfrazó con matices elegantes, pero llevando en su interior la malevolencia, dando al ambiente y a las formas colores falsos, apariencias embaucadoras. Ninguno de los enamorados oía nada ese día, era como si se hubieran quedado sordos, ni siquiera el pregón de Ernesto, el vendedor de pescado, que como casi todos los días pregonaba su mercancía por las calles, y frente a las ventanas, miraba para ver si alguien descorría los visillos y se animaba a comprar. Los dos se asustaron porque no entendían el porqué de esa sordera. “Ahora, sólo nos queda esperar, y si seguimos sin oír nada, iremos al médico hoy mismo”, dijo él haciendo señas a su amada, que no lo entendió bien, y así, hubo de escribir en un papel su comentario para que ella supiera su propósito. “Está bien, no esperemos más, vayamos al médico especialista”, escribió ella. El otorrinolaringólogo, no descubrió nada, científicamente hablando, ninguna anomalía en el oído interno y medio. Sorprendido de cómo ellos no oían absolutamente nada, les aconsejó ir a un catedrático, pero tampoco éste descubrió ninguna enfermedad auditiva que diera una razón a esa sordera. Cansados de ir de un médico a otro, los dos fueron a visitar a un amigo del padre de la esposa sugerido por este. El señor que debía verles, era un sacerdote que había estado varios años en las misiones junto a la Madre Teresa de Calcuta, y ahora, lo destinaron a una parroquia cercana al pueblo donde vivía la pareja. –¿Desde cuándo estáis sordos? –les preguntó el sacerdote, por señas. –Mire usted –explicaba la mujer–, así llevamos varios días. Es terrible. Mi marido no puede trabajar, y yo estoy desesperada porque creo que esto es un castigo del cielo. Todo comenzó un día de hermosa luz. Recuerdo que el sol silenció nuestros corazones y nuestros oídos; a medida que la luz cubría el pueblo y nuestra casa e iban entrando los rayos de sol por la ventana, nos íbamos quedando cada vez más sordos, de manera que desde entonces no oímos nada. “No digas nunca que lo que os ha ocurrido es un castigo del cielo – escribió el sacerdote en una nota para que la leyeran –. Tampoco la luz es culpable de nada, porque la luz es vida, testimonio de esperanza y solución a los quebrantos. Pero a la luz hay que oírla, porque llega para dar claridad a los sueños, buenos o malos (por eso la oscuridad es necesaria), que durante la noche se han tenido, para así poder distinguirlos

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La Mar

y considerarlos e instruirse de ellos”. El sacerdote, les dio un tarro con aceite que llevaban dentro unas perlas diminutas y pequeños trozos de hojas de higuera. También escribió en la nota unas instrucciones, y explicó que las perlas pertenecieron a un - sacerdote de la región de Dacca, en la India, y que las hojas eran de una higuera que se encontraba en el patio de un convento de Córdoba, en España. Y les puso textualmente: “Algún día, cuando sanéis de los oídos, vosotros entregaréis este ungüento al que lo necesite”. Por fin, antes de que se marcharan, el sacerdote untó con el dedo pulgar, un poco de aceite en cada uno de los oídos de ellos. En la nota decía: “Deben echarse tres gotas de aceite de oliva cada siete horas, con un cuentagotas, y taponar con un algodón, pero sólo unos minutos. Después, ambos se untarán en el exterior con el dedo índice, el aceite mezclado con las hojas de higuera y las perlas, en la frente y los oídos, y dirán estas palabras: “La luz no puede disfrazarse de sombra. Celebro el amor que se ve, se toca y se oye, y agradezco tenerlo por el día y la noche, en la gracia ofrecida en esta ceremonia”. Al pasar tres días desde la visita al sacerdote, en una mañana de luz intensa, comenzaron a oír nuevamente; todo lo que oían ahora, les parecía distinto, sonaba tan agradable a sus oídos. Aquella mañana, llamaron a Ernesto desde la ventana, que estaba vendiendo su pescado, gritando este una y otra vez que era el pescado más fresco y sabroso de todos, porque era del mar de las Orlas Mágicas, aquello le daba buena clientela, aunque ninguno sabía bien a que mar se refería. Ernesto subió hasta la casa de sus amigos a celebrar que por fin oían de nuevo y les dijo: “Es terrible no oír. Ahora, me escucharéis sin problemas cuando paso por la calle y vocifero vendiendo el pescado; y también podréis acudir a la llamada de vuestros hijos cuando lo tengáis; y también oiréis el mar y el viento; y la lluvia dando golpes en los cristales y tejados de - casas y palacios... Ernesto, después de recitarles una larga lista de cosas hermosas que podían de nuevo oír, les preguntó: ¿Sabéis la leyenda de las perlas del oriente que se enamoraron de una higuera frondosa en un verano cálido cuando el fruto maduró y pidieron penetrar en los higos hasta transformarse en pequeñísimas pepitas de miel? Dicen que desde entonces, por la gracia de Dios, esas perlas curan cualquier enfermedad de la mente y del cuerpo para fortalecer el espíritu. Hubo quien le prometió a la higuera amor eterno para cuidar mientras viviera de sus parábolas, si era curado, y desde entonces hay corazones que esperan junto a ella, y son los guardianes de los frutos milagrosos, y cuando mueren, siguen como ángeles protectores en esta hermosa tarea. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “El quinqué, al crepúsculo”


Como cada mañana Desde mi ventana, Estoy contemplando la mar, Hoy me asustas porque estás embravecida No me gusta el color de tu cara, Es tétrico, oscuro, maligno.

Fácil Easy

Tus olas se miden por metros Arrasan todo lo que encuentran, Altas, bravas y con furia Rompen sobre la arena. Tienes motivos para tu enfado Los peores depredadores, los humanos, Cada día te hacemos más daño Hemos robado tu encanto, Hemos casi exterminado tu vida, Y aunque tu te renuevas Seguimos sin enmendarnos. Qué relajante es verte quieta. Serena, recreándote en ti misma, Con ese color celeste, tornasoleado Y en días de primavera ver, El encage blanco de filigranas Que con primor bordas sobre la arena Como mujer que eres… coqueta.

Nivel Medio Medium

Difícil Hard

Y las noches de luna llena Como riela sobre tus aguas serenas Formando un sendero suave, Luminoso que conduce Con imaginación en busca de una ilusión Más alla de cualquier constelación ARACELI

Padre Patera Un Corazón sin Fronteras Necesita - Pañales, Toallitas Húmedas y Leche Entera Acoge a todos los niños inmigrantes y mujeres embarazadas.

Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers 1.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin


Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes


Principe Felipe and Princesa Letizia

Entrega de donativos: Regalos Pilar, C/ Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas, Manilva

Alcoholics Anonymous ¿Tienes Problemas con el Alcohol? ¿Necesitas Ayuda? Le Podemos Ayudar Llame a este Número

952 218 211


Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy


Aristotle and Jackie Onassis


Marge and Homer Simpson


Steffi Graf and Andre Agassi


Javier Bardem and Penélope Cruz


Wallis Simpson and Edward Windsor

10. Mark Anthony and Jennifer López



A Healthier Life

JoJo France and Claudia Norris Welcome to The Resident Fitness & Food Colum written by personal trainer JoJo France and Nutritional Therapist Claudia Norris. This month we are talking about ‘body shapes’. It’s very useful to know what shape you are and where your body your body issues may lie. Once you know your shape it’s much easier to know what exercise you may find easier and what your approach to nutrition should be. Next month we will be looking at exercise and nutrition for body shape specifics in more detail, giving you tips on what your body shape may benefit from and what to avoid.

There are three extremes of body types: ENDOMORPH A pear shaped body A rounded head Wide hips and shoulders Wider front to back rather than side to side. A lot of fat on the body, upper arms and thighs

A predominantly endomorphic individual typically has short arms and legs and a large amount of mass on their frame. They gain muscle mass quickly but can lose body condition just as quickly. They often have large lung capacity but struggle with weight bearing exercise such as running or sports that require agility or speed but are great at strength exercises such as. Rugby, rowing and weight training. Endomorphs store fat easily and often have a slow metabolism so a disciplined approach to eating is more important for this body type than any other. Endomorphs often benefit by reducing carbohydrates and increasing protein ratios. More on this next month. MESOMORPH A wedge shaped body A cubical head Wide broad shoulders Muscled arms and legs Narrow hips Narrow from front to back rather than side to side. A minimum amount of fat A predominantly mesomorphic individual excels in strength, agility, and speed. They respond well to all forms of exercise and can maintain low levels of body fat sport. They respond well to cardiovascular and resistance training due to their adaptability and responsive physiology. Mesomorphs find it easy to lose and gain weight. They often benefit from eating little and often – for example five or six small meals a day to keep their energy levels on an even keel. ECTOMORPH A high forehead Receding chin Narrow shoulders and hips A narrow chest and abdomen Thin arms and legs Little muscle and fat A predominantly ectomorphic individual is long and slender; they find gaining muscle mass quite difficult. They can maintain low body fat levels and are good at managing body temperatures, they can get lean hard muscles easily but not muscle mass

The Resident -

and would be typically found doing sports where their small body surface is a benefit such as endurance, gymnastics. Ectomorphs tend not to eat a lot of food and can find it very difficult to gain weight. The nutrition strategy for ectomorphs is based on eating sufficient protein so the body can build muscle, and eating little and often. SOMATOTYPE All athletes are made up of the three extreme body types so we are all part endomorph, part mesomorph and part ectomorph. Using a score of one to seven, we can grade our bodies on each of the extreme body types. e.g. two, six, three means: two (low endomorphy); six (high mesomorphy); three (low ectomorphy). In this way, we can compare our body type with that of other athletes. This method of body typing is known as somatotyping - height is not taken into consideration. Claudia Norris Nutritional Therapist MA(Hons) Dip(BCNH) Nutritional Therapy Council Registered Practitioner (NTCC) Email: Mobile: 671 142 960 Web: JoJo France Personal Trainer. Mobile: 687 030 047 Email: Web:

This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198

Marbella & Estepona Hypnotherapy & Reiki Want to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Improve your Golf, Get over Phobias or just need to Relax.

Tel +34 646 381 872 English Trained Therapist From 25 euros per session

Ballet and Flamenco Classes

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No more worries about trying to buy supplements in Spanish. Our supplements, labels, support team and nutritional advisors are all English.

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So email us at with your next supplement order and we will quote you the best value Visit us at Remember to consult your practitioner, or if you prefer we can put you in contact with one.

Shape up the healthy way! Are you unhappy with your weight? Nutritional therapist Claudia Norris and personal trainer JoJo France have teamed up to bring you a unique rolling 5 week weight loss programme.

Professional and Reliable Reasonable Rates - 25 Years Experience Free Estimates and Advice References Available 951 276 134, 610 337 938 or 667 363 524

Learn Spanish with Nuria Experienced teacher from Madrid Based Duquesa-Manilva-SabinillasEstepona.

Inch loss guaranteed! 100% of participants have dropped a dress size in 5 weeks.

1 to 1 dedicated tuition at your place. Group lessons also available. Friendly, gain confidence, learn properly.

For more information contact Claudia on 671 142 960 or email

Tel. 620753865 email:

Business Directory Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L. Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Rafael Galán Ronald Rosenfeld Frances Beaumont Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Iniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L.

Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.

Auto • Brunos Car rental and sales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 www. • English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066 • Simple Leasing. Car rentals and leasing. Document transfers. 0034 697 820 253 or visit

Professional • Manilva Solicitors provide a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies. Tel 952 901 225 or e-mail: mail@ • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • Do you need a trusted and efficient lawyer? Call us for a free quotation. 951.31.66.39; • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.

Building & Maintenance

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents

• Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@hotmail. com

• Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 • Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.

• Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems - both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515

Holiday Accommodation • Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www. • Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561

Have a day out with The Resident Property management • Castillo Services - Key Holding, Holiday Let Cleaning, Meet and Greets. Tel: 0034 952 892 471, Mob: 0034 608 491 525 Email: castilloserv@gmail. com • Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207

Educación Education • Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 21 63

Entertainment • Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see www. for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765

Mortgage & Financial Services • Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347

ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Management Tel. 678 962 588

Bares y Restaurantes • Restaurante Ramos - Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas. • Armstrongs Restaurant - Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629

Informática Computers • CSS - Home and office support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi, data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.csscosta. com

This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a



Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 74€ The Resident price 70€ Children: Normal price 58€ The Resident price 54€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)

Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - During May Cordoba celebrates its world famous Patios Festival. Our trips on the 5th and 12th of May fall within the festival, so book early to avoid disappointment. This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.

Ronda by Train

featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!

(return by coach)

Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 43€ The Resident price 41€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€.


Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€


Every Tuesday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 79€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 75€ Children: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 60€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING

The Marmalade Run (Spanish Lakes & Orchards) Every Friday (Lunch optional €12) - Our trip takes us inland, to an old Olive Mill, for a fully guided tour and, when in season, where we see the full olive oil production process. (Light refreshments included.) We then visit an authentic citrus fruit farm of around 17,000 trees where, if in season, we can sample fresh fruit straight from the tree. A tour of the scenic Spanish Lake District follows, via the dramatic El Chorro Gorge, stopping for lunch, before then returning to the coast. .Adults: Normal price 46€ The Resident price 44€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€.


Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

Gibraltar - Shopping only:

Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping

Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Dolphin boat trip and shopping

Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Gibraltar - Rock the boat

Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 53€ The Resident price 50€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & Mijas

Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola Zoo

Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€.

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.


Deportes Sport

Tres nuevas medallas en los últimos Campeonatos de Esgrima en Granada para el Club Internacional de Esgrima “AndaluZía” El pasado mes se celebraron en Granada los Campeonatos de Andalucía de menores de 15 años, así como la Copa de Andalucía en categoría absoluta y menores de 20 años de espada. De nuevo los tiradores del club esteponero que cada vez cuenta con más componentes cosecharon importantes éxitos a nivel andaluz. Olatz Bilbao obtuvo medalla de bronce en el Campeonato de Andalucía M-15, Ana Romero y Daniel Montero obtuvieron el séptimo puesto y Gonzalo Toledo el nº 8. El equipo esteponero femenino compuesto por Olatz Bilbao, Reina Pino, Ana Romero y Laurent Kettner se alzaron con el bronce en un disputado encuentro contra el equipo de Motril. Cristina Gavira, Luisa Hoffman y Claudia Kamstra, componentes también del equipo del Club, obtuvieron la quinta plaza en su primera competición del circuito andaluz. En categoría de menores de 20 años

y absolutos Alberto Zerrada con otro bronce contribuyó al palmarés esteponero. La mejor clasificada femenina fue Rosibel Vindel que quedó a dos tocados de la medalla de bronce, Cristina Ocaña, sexta y María Maldonado, octava realizaron una gran competición. Sergio Urbano y Auque Kamstra, también en su primera competición oficial, superaron con creces sus expectativas ganando complicados asaltos, supliendo la falta de experiencia en estas lides con un gran coraje y pundonor que les valieron las felicitaciones y reconocimiento del circuito. Gracias a estos magníficos resultados de nuevo la esgrima es uno de los deportes que más alegrías deportivas está proporcionando al Municipio. Todos aquellos que deseen comprobar la belleza de este deporte no tienen más que entrar en la web: para más detalles.

The Resident -

Enjoy a great Day at the Races Hipódromo Costa del Sol, Mijas Good Friday, 22nd April

Enjoy a fun day at the races, a flutter on the tote, a few drinks, music and dancing. Total cost 25 euros includes return coach travel, and entrance to the racecouse. Coach leaves Puerto de la Duquesa at 9 am with additional pick-ups in Sabinillas and Estepona Port. To book your place call Jeff on 666 271 618

Jugador cadete de Marbella convocado para el Europeo Sub18

Three new medals for Estepona’s fencing club Last month Granada played host to fencing’s U15 Andalucia Championships and the Andalucia Cup for under 20s and ‘Absolute’ categories. Once again Estepona’s fencers were on top form with Olatz Bilbao taking the Bronze in the U15 Andalucia Championships, Ana Romero and Daniel Montero taking 7th place and Gonzalo Toledo 8th. Estepona’s women’s squad comprised of Olatz Bilbao, Reina Pino, Ana Romero and Laurent Kettner took Bronze in the team event, whilst Cristina Gavira, Luisa Hoffman and Claudia Kamstra also from Estepona took fifth place in their first competition on the Andalucian Circuit.

Jacobo Martín Beamonte, jugador Cadete/Sub18 de Marbella Rugby Club ha sido convocado para formar parte de la Selección Española Sub18, en el próximoCampeonato de Europa Sub18 que se disputará en St. Laury (Francia) los próximos16 al 23 de Abril. De esta forma Marbella continúa su aportación de jugadores internacionales a España, como resultado del gran trabajo de cantera que se viene haciendo desde hace muchos años. El primer enfrentamiento será contra

Ucrania el sábado 16 de abril a las 14:30Hs en Magnoac, el resto dependerá de los resultados de cada eliminatoria. Según el cuerpo técnico nos encontramos ante una selección de un gran nivel que puede marcar una época en nuestro deporte. Desde España estaremos animándoles para que el esfuerzo que vienen haciendo, tanto a nivel colectivo como individual, dé sus frutos en este campeonato.

In the U20 and Absolute category Alberto Zerrad once again took bronze for Estepona. In the women’s competition Rosibel Vindel missed bronze by just two touches. With Cristina Ocaña in sixth and María Maldonado in eighth it was a good result for the club. Sergio Urbano and Auque Kamstra, also in their first competition far exceeded expectations and made up for their lack of experience with great courage and a sense of fairplay which earned the praise from their peers. Anyone interested in taking up the sport of fencing should visit www.esgrimandaluzia. com for more information.

Casares Costa Golf Oferta Especial Abril - Agosto Juega todo lo que quieras por tan solo 18 €.


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Special Offer April to August Play as many holes as you want for only 18 €.


INCLUDES FREE GLASS OF BEER. (From 2pm onwards) Carretera Casares km. 0,7 Casares, Málaga. Telf: 952 937 895

Young player from Marbella called up for the U18 European Championship Jacobo Martín Beamonte, a Cadete/ U18 player for Marbella Rugby Club has been selected as part of the U18 Spanish squad who will be taking part in the U18 Championship of Europe which will take place in St. Laury (France) from the16th to the 23rd of April. Marbella continues to reap the benefits of all the years of hard work that it has put into the academy & all the junior age groups by bringing players through to International status, representing Spain. The first match for Spain will be against

Ukraine on Saturday 16th April at 2.30 pm in Magnoac, the remaining matches will be decided on the outcome of the first match. According to the coaches for the National side, this is a squad with great potential which could represent a new era in Spanish rugby. From all of us here in Marbella and Spain we will be urging them on and hoping that all the hard work that has been done both as a team and individually can bear fruit in this competition.

The Resident -

La escuela del Arsenal celebra la cuarta edición del Trofeo Ibérico por la Paz

Como cada Semana Santa desde hace 4 años, la escuela del Arsenal en España organiza el llamado Trofeo Ibérico por la Paz, competición de fútbol dirigida a equipos infantiles internacionales. El torneo, cuyo fin es promover la interacción entre jugadores de diferentes culturas, contará en 2011 con 6 equipos, entre ellos un equipo inglés y un equipo marroquí que debutarán por primera vez en este torneo. Tras el gran éxito en la pasada edición, el torneo se vuelve a celebrar en las instalaciones deportivas de Castellar de la Frontera gracias al apoyo recibido por el alcalde y el recibimiento de los ciudadanos. Los 6 equipos que participarán este año son UD Castellar, Arsenal Soccer Schools España, Lincoln Nature, Misgav FC, Arsenal Soccer Schools Marruecos y Ashford Town. Con la participación de Inglaterra y Marruecos esta edición se elevan ya a 8 las nacionalidades que han participado en el torneo en los cuatro años que se lleva


III Maratón BTT Villa de Estepona El próximo 1 de mayo se va a celebrar en nuestra localidad el III Maratón BTT “Villa de Estepona” 2011, perteneciente al XIII Circuito Provincial de Bicicleta de Montaña de Málaga. La prueba esteponera será la tercera de un total de ocho maratones programados en este circuito. El resto están previstos en Alhaurín El Grande, Álora, Casares, Coín, El Burgo, Ojén y Villanueva del Trabuco. Después de participar durante varios años en este circuito provincial en la modalidad de Rally hace ya dos años que se decidió optar por la modalidad maratón debido a la gran aceptación que están teniendo este tipo de pruebas en el mundo del ciclismo, y efectivamente los buenos resultados obtenidos han propiciado que se celebre nuevamente en este año. El Maratón BTT “Villa de Estepona” 2011 está organizado por la Diputación Provincial de Málaga,

la Federación Andaluza de Ciclismo, el Ayuntamiento de Estepona y el Club Radikal Bike. El maratón tiene una distancia total de 65 kilómetros aproximadamente, siendo 47 la distancia cronometrada, ya que desde el Polideportivo El Carmen, lugar donde se entregarán las placas y se realizará la entrega de trofeos, se irá de forma neutralizada unos 9 kilómetros hasta la salida del tramo competitivo en la zona denominada “Cortijo de Nicola”. El recorrido trascurre por unos parajes de gran belleza natural de Sierra Bermeja desde los que se pueden contemplar unas fantásticas vistas de la Costa del Sol y el Campo de Gibraltar. Este maratón viene a dinamizar nuevamente la sierra de Estepona, la cual es de gran interés tanto para los deportistas como para los amantes de la naturaleza.

celebrando: España, Portugal, Francia, Gibraltar, Israel, Inglaterra, Marruecos y Dinamarca. El torneo se celebra del Viernes 22 al domingo 24 de abril, teniendo lugar la ceremonia de inauguración el viernes a las 10 de la mañana donde los equipos serán presentados en un desfile de naciones. Los partidos se jugarán de 10 de la mañana a 4 de la tarde y el torneo se cerrará con la ceremonia de clausura el domingo a las 5 de la tarde donde el equipo ganador se alzará con el trofeo y cada jugador se llevará un obsequio. La escuela del Arsenal España intentará defender el título ganado el año pasado. El acceso al evento es gratuito, con zona de restauración, por lo que animamos a todo el mundo a que asistan a este evento que durante 4 años ha apoyado la relación intercultural de jóvenes jugadores a través de un deporte que traspasa fronteras y que ayuda a dejar de lado problemas sociales.

Arsenal Soccer Schools hosts the fourth edition of the Iberian Trophy for Peace

As with every Easter holiday for the last 4 years, the Arsenal soccer school in Spain hosts their Iberian Trophy for Peace, an international U14s football competition. The tournament, whose aim is to promote multicultural relations among players, will have 6 teams this year, including an English team and a Moroccan team which will participate in this event for the first time. Due to the great success achieved last year, the tournament is again being held at the sports facilities of Castellar de la Frontera thanks to the support received from both the mayor and locals. The 6 teams taking part this year are UD Castellar, Arsenal Soccer Schools España, Lincoln Nature, Misgav FC, Arsenal Soccer Schools Marruecos and Ashford Town. The participation of England and Morocco in this edition, brings to 8 the number of nationalities that have taken part in the tournament since its beginning four years ago: Spain, Portugal,

Deportes Sport

France, Gibraltar, Israel, England, Morocco and Denmark. The tournament takes place from Friday the 22nd to Sunday the 24th April, with the opening ceremony held on Friday at 10 am where the teams will be presented at the parade of nations. Matches will be played from 10 am to 4pm and the event will finish with the closing ceremony at 5 pm on Sunday when the winning team will be awarded and each player will receive a gift for their participation. Arsenal Soccer School Spain will try to retain the trophy they won last year. The tournament has free entry with catering area, and we encourage everyone to attend this event that for four years has supported the intercultural relation among young players through a sport that goes beyond frontiers and that helps to put aside social problems.

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III Estepona Mountain Bike Marathon On May 1 Estepona celebrates the III Estepona Mountain Bike Marathon, part of the XIII Malaga Provincial Mountain Bike Circuit, organised by the Malaga Provincial Sports Department, Andalucia Cycling Federation, Estepona Sports Department, and Radikal Bike Club. The Estepona leg is the third of eight marathons scheduled for this circuit, with the rest being held in Alhaurín El Grande, Álora, Casares, Coín, El Burgo, Ojén and Villanueva del Trabuco.

Estepona has been part of the Malaga Provincial Circuit for several years in rally form, but it has been in the last couple of years that this was changed to marathon mode with great success. The marathon is run over a total distance of 65 km with 47 of those being timed, the remaining 18 being the transit from the start and finish at the El Carmen sports centre and the marathon course starting at Cortijo de Nicola in Estepona’s Sierra Bermeja.

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