The Resident August 2011

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No.60 19 AGO - 17 SEP 2011 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006





Vendimia Harvest Festival en Manilva



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Ocio / What’s On ... pag 19-21


The Resident -




escuela de español / spanish school

we’re not out to be the next Pullitzer Prizewinners, just keep our readers up-to-date and in the know regarding what’s going on your area. This is something we intend to continue and build on over the next 5 years. Back to this issue, following a busy couple of months there are still a number of events to look forward, one of the biggest of which is Manilva’s Vendimia - grape harvest festival which takes place on the first weekend in September. People come from miles around to join the Manilveños in celebrating the municipality’s grape and wine production, which is still an integral part of the local economy. Well I’ll keep it short this month as I’m sure you’re eager to get on and read this month’s content. So until next month, goodbye.

ª DELE COURSES, SUHSDUH IRU RIÀFLDO FHUWLÀFDWLRQ ª ACCOMMODATION PACKAGES a great way to learn the language whilst living with a Spanish family.


Welcome to the August, 2011 issue of The Resident. This issue is quite a milestone for us as it is the 60th edition and marks 5 years since the launch of the The Resident newspaper. A lot has happened in those sixty months, one of the most momentous being the decision to become a bilingual publication, which despite all the difficulties that entailed has been one of the best decisions we’ve made. Despite the difficult financial environment in which we have to operate, The Resident has still stuck to its original mandate, which is to provide information, and factual articles, to the entire community both English and Spanish speaking, and to leave the muckraking, sensationalist journalism, and fiction to other publications. At the end of the day





Spanish for students in Spain ME LCO O WE NVENID BIE

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recibir los premios Pullitzer, tan solo pretendemos mantener informados a nuestros lectores e informarles de lo que pasa en nuestra zona. Esto es algo que intentamos continuar y mantener al menos los próximos cinco años siguientes. Volviendo a esta edición, y habiendo tenido un par de meses muy ocupados y de bastante ocio, todavía tenemos más eventos, uno de ellos es la esperada Vendimia de Manilva, festival de la uva, el cual tendrá lugar el primer fin de semana de Septiembre. Muchas personas vienen de lejos para unirse a los Manilveños en su gran celebración por su producción de uva y vino en todo el municipio, parte importante de la economía local. Este mes escribo poco ya que estoy seguro de que estáis deseando empezar a leer el contenido del periódico. Así pues, hasta el mes que viene.


Bienvenidos a la edición de Agosto de 2011 de nuestro periódico The Resident. Esta edición significa mucho para nosotros ya que es la 60ª edición y eso quiere decir que llevamos cinco años desde que lanzamos nuestro periódico The Resident. Ha ocurrido bastante en esos sesenta meses, uno de esos momentos importantes es cuando decidimos publicar en inglés y en español, que a pesar de las dificultades que ello conlleva, ha sido una de las mejores decisiones que hemos hecho. A pesar de las dificultades financieras en que tenemos que llevar a cabo el periódico, el periódico The Resident tiene todavía su original objetivo, que es dar información, publicar artículos, etc... a la comunidad de habla inglesa y española, y dejar el periodismo sensacionalista para otros. A pesar de todo no creo que estemos en la lista para

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The Resident -

Campo de Gibraltar


Visita a la obra en los antiguos juzgados, Detenido un hombre en La Línea que donde irá la primera casa de la juventud de preparaba atentados para Al Qaeda una red en todo el municipio La Guardia Civil ha detenido en La Chiba había hecho el juramento Línea de la Concepción a un ciudadano marroquí de 37 años, acusado de pertenecer a Al Qaeda en el Magreb Islámico (AQMI) y que preparaba atentados para esta organización. Abdellatif Aoulad Chiba gestionaba un foro yihadista de contenido radical en el que había recabado información para producir armas químicas. Los agentes también le han encontrado varios manuales sobre este tipo de material, que había descargado de internet.

de fidelidad a AQMI y estaba solicitando a varios jefes de la organización permiso para realizar atentados en nombre de la organización. Según fuentes de Interior, la paradoja es que el detenido era lo que los agentes de la lucha antiterrorista denominan “un lobo solitario”, es decir, un individuo que llevaba una vida aparentemente occidentalizada y se relacionaba poco con otros musulmanes.

Spanish police arrest terror suspect in La Línea

El alcalde, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, y el teniente de alcalde delegado de Fiestas, José Antonio Rojas, han visitado hoy, miércoles, las instalaciones de los antiguos juzgados de San Roque, donde se pretende abrir en la primavera de 2012 el primero de los centros de ocio juvenil que van a ponerse en marcha a lo largo de estos cuatro años en cada uno de los distritos del municipio. El primer edil señaló que “además de albergar a los departamentos de Fiestas y Juventud, estas instalaciones serán la primera de una red de casas de la juventud que queremos promover en todo el municipio. Ya tenemos una propuesta

de la Coordinadora Alternativas para poner en marcha un centro de ocio juvenil en la Estación de San Roque, y nos comprometemos a que en la Bahía y en el Valle del Guadiaro sigamos sumando más centros a esta red”. En cuanto a los antiguos juzgados, Ruiz Boix dijo que “se trata de unas instalaciones magníficas en pleno centro de la ciudad para que este local funcione, en horario de mañana y tarde, como lugar de encuentro y ocio. No sólo como una sala de exposiciones, sino que aquí se promuevan las actividades que demanden los mismos jóvenes”.

Mayor visits the old courthouse building, where the first youth club in a network throughout the municipality will be situated The mayor, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, and the deputy mayor delegate of Festivals, José Antonio Rojas, have visited the facilities of the old courts of San Roque, where they intend to open the first of the youth centres in the spring of 2012 that will start up in the next four years in each of the districts of the municipality. The town councilor pointed out that “as well as containing the departments of Festivals and Youth, these facilities will be the first of a network of youth centres we want to promote in the municipality. We already

have a proposal from the Alternatives Coordinator to open a youth centre in the San Roque station, and we are committed to opening more youth centres in the Bahía and in the Valle del Guadiaro”. As for the old courts, Ruiz Boix said “they are magnificent facilities in the middle of the city so that these premises serve as a meeting place and leisure centre in the morning and afternoon. Not only as an exhibition room, but also for the promotion of activities in demand amongst young people.

Police in Spain have arrested a suspected member of al-Qaida’s North African offshoot, al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb. The 37-year-old Moroccan man, Abdellatif Aoulad Chiba, was arrested Wednesday in the southern Spanish coastal town of La Linea de la Concepcion. He is suspected of running an Internet site that sought to recruit members to carry out attacks and provide training materials and propaganda. The website, which is based in Spain but was not named, was described as a jihadist forum with radical content and manuals

aimed at encouraging terrorist acts. Police became suspicious and started an investigation after an increase in traffic on the website. Officials say Chiba had previously been expelled from Jordan for suspected terror-related activities, but gave no other details. Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb is an offshoot of al-Qaida that sprang from an Algerian insurgency movement and is suspected in a number of suicide bomb attacks and ambushes in Algeria.

El alcalde de San Roque recibe a representantes de la EU Parques de Sotogrande El alcalde, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, ha recibido en la mañana de hoy, jueves, a representantes de la Entidad Urbanística de Conservación Parques de Sotogrande. En el encuentro, el primer edil ha escuchado sus sugerencias sobre la colaboración municipal en cuestiones como playas, seguridad y mantenimiento urbano de la zona citada.

Esta entidad agrupa a más de 3.000 propietarios de inmuebles en la urbanización sanroqueña (prácticamente la totalidad de la superficie de Sotogrande excepto la zona del puerto) y tiene competencias en el mantenimiento general de la urbanización (alumbrado público, jardinería, adecentamiento, vigilancia...).

San Roque Mayor meets with representatives from EU Parques de Sotogrande The Mayor of San Roque, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, met this week with representatives of EU Parques de Sotogrande. The ‘Entidad’ which represents some 3,000 property owners in Sotogrande (virtually all of Sotogrande apart from the Port) met with the mayor to discuss collaboration between

it and the municipal authorities as well as to discuss matters regarding the beaches, security and urban maintenance. The Entidad is responsible for general maintenance on the Sotogrande urbanisation, such as street lighting, gardens, security, etc.

SAN ROQUE FOREIGN RESIDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Broadcasting in English to the Campo de Gibraltar and beyond

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ENGLISH & ITALIAN (GUADIARO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Tenencia de Alcaldía – Distrito Guadiaro / Guadiaro District Deputy Mayor's Office Avenida Tierno Galván, s/n. 11311 Guadiaro – San Roque Tel: 956 614 129 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:

ENGLISH & ITALIAN (SAN ROQUE CENTRO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Oficina Municipal de Turismo / The Borough Tourist Office Antigua Casa Consistorial/ Old Town Hall Plaza de Armas, s/n. 11360 San Roque Centro Tel: 956 694 005 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:

GERMAN (TORREGUADIARO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Alcaldía de Barrio / Village Council Office Avenida Mar del Sur, s/n. Edificio Mamía 11312 Torreguadiaro – San Roque Tel: 956 616 866 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:



The Resident -

Los Chiringuitos de Casares se llenan de turistas y residentes en agosto La gran mayoría de las terrazas de los chiringuitos, ubicadas en Playa Ancha, junto a la Torre de la Sal o en La Perla de la Bahía están llenas de veraneantes. Según los restauradores consultados, hay quienes son más optimistas y afirman que están teniendo “una buena temporada”, en cambio otros más escépticos manifiestan su preocupación respeto a septiembre y aseguran que otros veranos fueron mejores. Los dueños comentan que el 50% de sus clientes son turistas ingleses, alemanes y noruegos y el resto son españoles. Los fines de semana es difícil conseguir mesa sin reserva en los chiringuitos, ya que están al 100%, manteniendo también una ocupación muy alta entre semana. En cuanto al consumo, los chiringuitos

de playa consideran que los clientes gastan menos que otros años. No ocurre igual en el nuevo club de playa perteneciente al Hotel Gran Lujo Finca Cortesín, donde el gasto es muy alto, los clientes gastan más que otros años en el hotel. Para Cortesín esta temporada está siendo mejor que la pasada, en la primera quincena de agosto han pasado por el nuevo club de playa 1250 personas, ocupando también las mesas del restaurante. Las previsiones para septiembre varían en función del tipo de establecimiento, mientras Finca Cortesín hace una previsión muy buena por el alto número de reservas que ya tiene, los chiringuitos prevén que bajará el número de clientes, aunque creen que consumirán más.

Amigos y Vecinos de Marina de Casares El 29 de Julio tuvo lugar una merienda para 68 hombres y mujeres y niños a fin de celebrar la inauguración de aula de la Asociación que tan amablemente nos ha cedido el Ayuntamiento de Casares. Asistió la Sra. Alcaldesa Antonia Morera Rojas y Juan Jesús Rodríguez Manzano Concejal de Costas. Doña Antonia disfrutó mucho de la velada y dijo estar muy contenta de relacionarse con nuestro Club que es tan exitoso y bien integrado, y desearía poder atender más eventos si su agenda se lo permite. Durante la tarde actuó la artista local María Solar Gonzales, con un espectáculo de Sevillanas que fue entusiastamente aplaudido. Seguimos encargándonos de la biblioteca de la playa, que cerrará el 31 de Agosto. La playa parece estar menos ocupada este año y nuestros bibliotecarios han

estado trabajando por turnos de martes a domingos, entregando información turística de Casares y el Secadero, el periódico local The Resident y libros, en distintos idiomas, lo que les ha permitido mejorar su inglés/español según la ocasión. Torneo de Billar, Tennis de Mesa y dardos, “clases de conversación en inglés y español, la organización de una mesa de bebida y comida durante el festival playero” que organizará el Ayuntamiento, todo será durante el mes de Agosto, incluido un especial sobre Marruecos el 20 de Agosto y también una cena de “Fish and Chips” más adelante. Para más información, o si desea pertenecer a la asociación, contacte con:

The chiringuitos in Casares are doing a brisk trade this month The majority of the beach bars on the beaches of Casares, such as Playa Ancha, Torre de la Sal or in La Perla have been full of summer visitors. Some owners were more optimistic reporting a good season whilst others, more sceptical, were expressing concerns for September and mentioned that past summers have been better. According to feedback from these owners some 50% of the clients are British, German, or Scandinavian tourists, with the remaining 50% being Spanish nationals. All agree that at weekends it is difficult to

get a table without a reservation due to the numbers, with weekdays also busy. All agree though that the average customer is spending less than in previous years, but the new beach club, run by Hotel Finca Cortesin has reported good business in the first half of the month with some 1,250 clients making use of the facilities. Looking ahead to September Finca Cortesin have reported a good level of bookings, many of whom will use the Beach Club, whilst other establishments are not so confident.

Nuevo mirador en el Puerto de la Cruz Los alumnos del módulo de jardinería de la Escuela Taller de Casares construyen con el apoyo del Ayuntamiento un nuevo mirador en el Puerto de la Cruz, frente al Colegio Blas Infante. El concejal de Medio Ambiente, Pepe Carrasco, que visitó la zona para supervisar junto al profesorado los trabajos que se estaban realizando, ha explicado que se trata de labores de adecentamiento para resaltar el mirador natural ya existente junto a la antigua cruz. De hecho los alumnos de la Escuela Taller se encuentran actualmente

realizando labores selectivas de desbroce con la intención quitar parte del matorral aunque respetando la vegetación autóctona en la que se encuentran representadas la mayoría de las especies de la zona: cornicabra, coscoja, lentisco, acebuches y algarrobos. Además se van a respetar los senderos existentes en el lugar, suavizando algunas zonas rocosas para hacer más fácil el paseo pero respetando el terreno, ya que la intención es conservar las rocas calizas de erosión kársticas que da un aspecto tan singular al paisaje.

New viewpoint in Puerto de la Cruz Students on the gardening course at the Casares Worshop School have built, with the assistance of the town hall, a new viewpoint in the Puerto de la Cruz area in front of the Colegio Blas Infante school. The Councillor for the Environment, Pepe Carrasco, visited the works to see how the project was progressing. The students are working clearing the scrub whilst preserving the best of the native vegetation susch as the wild olive, mastic bushes, carob trees, etc. They have also improved the existing

Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares On the 29th of July our association put on a “cream tea” to inaugurate the new club room kindly provided to us by the Ayuntamiento of Casares. Two of the many guests were the Mayor Antonia Morera Rojas and Juan Jesus Rodriguez. The Mayor said she enjoyed the evening and was happy to be associated with such a successful and integrated association. She also said she looked forward to attending more of our events, time permitting. During the event we were entertained by one of our local girls Maria Solar Gonzales with “Sevillana dancing”, who received enthusiastic applause. We are still very involved with the beach library that ends on the 31st of August. The beach seems to have been a little quieter this year and our librarians have been working shifts from Tuesdays

to Sundays handing out tourist information about Casares and Secadero, The Resident newspaper, and books in several languages, they have also been brushing up on their English and Spanish when the occasion arises. There is a lot going on in August at the club including Billiards, Table Tennis, and Darts Competition, and some Spanish and English conversation on the beach. There is also a fish and chip supper and a special Moroccan evening planned for later during August. A few of the men and ladies meet Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings for golf at Doña Julia golf club, if you are interested in golf please get in touch. For more information, or if you wish to join the association, contact: maria.

Casares Bridge Club

pathways, whilst all the time being careful to preserve the local limestone karst formations, which create this unique landscape.

Are you interested in playing Bridge? The Casares Bridge Club welcomes players from novice to expert to join them at the Albayt Resort every Tuesday from 6 pm to 9 pm. You do not need to take a partner as all players will be accommodated. Friendly duplicate bridge is their aim. The Albayt Resort can be found at Km 149.2. Exit the A7 at the Clive Christian roundabout, up the hill to the Albayt resort. For more details contact Paul on 622 573 992


The Resident -

La Policía Local alerta de un fraude en cajeros automáticos

La Policia Local de Manilva ha alertado sobre un nuevo fraude que está ocurriendo en los cajeros automáticos de la localidad. En esta ocasión, los ladrones han desarrollado una especie de placa metálica que adosada a la ranura de salida del dinero, impide que los usuarios de los cajeros puedan retirarlo, creyendo estos que el cajero esta averiado. Una vez que el usuario desaparece, los ladrones aprovechan para extraer la placa metálica y llevarse el dinero. Hasta el momento se han registrado dos casos en Sabinillas, concretamente en la sucursal de Banesto, por lo que la Policía Local ha dado traslado de lo ocurrido al

director de esta oficina. No es la primera vez que este tipo de ladrones actuá en la localidad, según informaba el sub-inspector jefe de la Policia Local en Manilva, Francisco Luque. En otras ocasiones han utilizado elementos más sofisticados como el Lazo Libanés. Ante esta situación la Policia Local recomienda que antes de sacar dinero de un cajero, nos fijemos bien en que la ranura por donde sale, no esté tapada, y en caso de darse una situación similar, lo comuniquen inmediatamente al cuerpo de seguridad local, para actuar lo más rápidamente posible, sobre estos enemigos de la ley.

The local police warn about fraud in bank cash machines The local police of Manilva have issued a warning about a new type of fraud ocurring in ATM machines in the area. In this instance, the thieves have developed a kind of metal plate that prevents the exit of cash from the machine when fitted over the opening, leading users to believe the machine is broken. Once the user has left the machine they proceed to remove the metal plate and take the money. For the moment two cases have been reported in Sabinillas, specifically in the Banesto branch, whose manager has been informed of the problem by the local police.

It’s not the first time these kind of thieves have been operating in the area, according to the chief subinspector of the local police in Manilva, Francisco Luque. On other occasions more sophisticated elements have been used such as the Lebanese Loop. In this situation the local police recommend that before using an ATM machine, you should check the opening where the money comes out, making sure the opening isn’t obstructed, and if so, report it immediately to the local law enforcement body so they can take action as soon as possible to detain these criminals.

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El ayuntamiento solicita colaboración vecinal para conseguir el servicio de urgencias 24 horas Se ha elaborado un documento para la recogida de firmas de vecinos y visitantes que se está distribuyendo por dependencias municipales, comercios y sedes de asociaciones. Un paso más en una gestión aún no acabada. El Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha solicitado reiteradamente a la Junta de Andalucía, sobre todo en los últimos años, que el Servicio Andaluz de Salud asuma el coste de todo aquello que le compete y que viene sufragando el Ayuntamiento, como es el servicio de urgencias sanitarias las 24 horas en el Centro de Salud de Sabinillas. Hace unas semanas un trágico suceso con desenlace fatal ocurrido en las playas de Sabinillas, en el que fallecía una menor de 10 años de edad, volvía a sacar a la palestra esta deficiencia de emergencias provocando incluso una manifestación vecinal solicitando el servicio de urgencias 24 horas.

Ahora, la alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, en nombre y representación del Ayuntamiento, ha iniciado una campaña de recogida de firmas para solicitar al SAS este servicio. Según recoge el texto del escrito que se está repartiendo por todas las dependencias municipales, sedes de asociaciones y grupos políticos que lo deseen, comercios y Policía Local, se solicita la adhesión vecinal para poder transmitir a los responsables en Málaga y Sevilla de la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía lo que en el término municipal de Manilva es ya un clamor popular. El Ayuntamiento de Manilva, continúa el escrito repartido por el municipio, quiere personarse como hilo conductor de esta petición al SAS en nombre de todos y cada uno de los vecinos y visitantes para poder obtener el servicio 24 horas.

Town Hall seeks public cooperation with petition for 24 emergency medical cover The Manilva Town Council has prepared a document for the collection of signatures of residents and visitors, which is being distributed to municipal offices, shops and various associations in order to create a petition to present to the Junta de Andalucia to demand a 24 hour medical service in our municipality. This is another step towards the solution of an ongoing problem as the town council has repeatedly requested that the Junta de Andalucia, especially in the last few years, assumes the cost through the Andalucian Health service, for a 24 hour emergency health service at Sabinillas Health Centre, which at the moment, the town council is paying the cost, for which it is not responsible. A few

weeks ago, a tragic event occurred, when a 10 year old child died on the beach at La Colonia, bringing to the fore the deficiency of the emergency health service. This tragic event led to many public demonstrations. Now, the Mayor, Antonia Muñoz, representing Manilva, has begun this campaign to collect signatures to request, once more, this emergency service which is an initiative which has been welcomed by everyone. The text of the petition to be signed by as many as possible, will be presented to those people responsible for the Andalucian Health Service, both in Malaga and Seville, to make them aware of the outcry in our municipality.



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The Resident -

Manilva Solicitors Impuestos a pagar por los vendedores cuando venden su propiedad Es muy importante que los vendedores de inmuebles sean conscientes por adelantado de los impuestos que tendrán que pagar cuando vendan sus propiedades. Cuando tiene lugar una operación de compraventa inmobiliaria, la mayoría de los impuestos y gastos (tales como / % de Transmisiones Patrimoniales, honorarios notariales y registrales) son pagados por los compradores; pero los vendedores deben saber que ellos también tendrán que pagar impuestos, Estos son:

Impuesto local de plusvalia.

Este es un impuesto sobre el incremento de valor del suelo desde el momento en que tuvo lugar la ultima transmisión de dominio. Este impuesto es calculado por el Ayuntamiento donde la propiedad está situada, y la cantidad de impuestos a pagar dependerá de muchos factores, tales como: el número de habitantes del municipio, metros cuadrados de suelo; tiempo transcurrido desde la última transmisión de dominio, etc. Cuando se vende una propiedad inmobiliaria es siempre recomendable ir por adelantado al Ayuntamiento para obtener una estimación del Impuesto de Plusvalia, para evitar una desagradable sorpresa en el momento de completar la venta de la propiedad.

Impuesto incremento patrimonio Este es un impuesto sobre el beneficio

o ganancia, si hay alguno, que los vendedores obtienen cuando venden su propiedad. Este impuesto se paga a la Agencia Tributaria española y es calculado teniendo en cuenta la diferencia entre el precio de compra pagado (+ los impuestos y gastos de la compra) y el precio de venta (+ los impuestos y gastos de la venta). El precio de compra es actualizado teniendo en cuenta la fecha de adquisición con un coeficiente de actualización que el Gobierno español aprueba cada año. El impuesto sobre la ganancia patrimonial es calculado teniendo en cuenta la diferencia entre el precio de compra + los impuestos de gastos de la compra (debidamente actualizado); y el precio de venta + los impuestos y gastos de la venta. El tipo del impuesto es el 19 % de los primero 6,000 euros de ganancia y el 21 % por el resto de ganancia sobre lo anterior. Como con la plusvalía municipal, cuando se vende un bien inmueble es recomendable averiguar por adelantado una estimación de los impuestos a pagar por la ganancia patrimonial para evitar gastos inesperados. Dependiendo de la situación fiscal en España, la ganancia patrimonial a pagar se hace de diferentes formas: Si los vendedores son NO RESIDENTES en España, el comprador de la propiedad

está obligado por ley a retener el 3 % del precio de venta y pagarlo a la Agencia Tributaria española en nombre de los vendedores. Esto garantiza el pago del impuesto sobre la ganancia patrimonial a la Agencia tributaria. Después de completar la venta de la propiedad y una vez que el 3 % de retención ha sido pagado por los compradores en nombre de los vendedores, los vendedores deben calcular su ganancia patrimonial para asegurarse si el 3 % ya pagado cubre todo el impuesto, o si una cantidad extra de impuestos debe ser pagada. Ellos también pueden tener el derecho de reclamar una devolución de impuestos si hay una perdida en la venta, o si la cantidad pagada es mayor del impuesto a pagar. Si los vendedores son RESIDENTES FISCALES en España, el comprador no retiene el 3 % del precio de venta. El vendedor tiene que declarar y pagar el impuesto por la ganancia patrimonial, i hay alguna, al año siguiente de completar la venta de la propiedad. Por tanto, si la propiedad se vende en el año 2011, el impuesto por la ganancia patrimonial se tendrá que pagar en el año 2012, cuando los vendedores presenten su declaración de la renta. Nosotros recomendamos que cualquier que esté pensando en vender su propiedad planifique esto por adelantado y averigüe

las cantidades a pagar por los posibles impuestos. Somos de la opinión que los vendedores siempre necesitan asistencia profesional de un abogado para vender sus propiedades, para que todos los impuestos a pagar por los vendedores sean pagados correctamente. También, en los casos en los que los vendedores no obtienen un beneficio por la venta (cosa bastante común hoy día porque los precio de los inmuebles han bajado dramáticamente), se les puede asistir para reclamar la devolución a la que puedan tener derecho de la Agencia Tributaria. Si estás pensando en vender tu propiedad, o estas ahora mismo envuelto la la venta de la misma, y quieres conocer con antelación la cantidad de impuestos que tendrás que pagar, por favor no dudes en contactarnos. Estaremos encantados de reunirnos contigo sin pago alguno para estudiar tu caso particular en detalle y darte una estimación precisa de los impuestos a pagar. Para concertar una cita en nuestra oficina de Sabinillas, también puede contactar con Dense Molony en el móvil 669 428 998. Manilva Solicitors Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226 Email:

Manilva Solicitors Taxes to be paid by sellers when selling their real estate properties land; the time that has passed since last transmission of ownership, etc, etc. When selling a real estate property it is always advisable to go in advance to your local Town Hall to get an estimate of this “Plusvalia Tax”, to avoid an unpleasant surprise at the time of completing the sale of your property.

Capital gains tax

It is very important that the Sellers of real estate properties are aware in advance of the taxes they will have to pay at the time of completing the sale of their properties. When a real estate property transaction takes place, most of taxes and expenses (such us 7 % Transfer tax, notary fees and land registry fees) are paid by the Buyers; but the Sellers should know that they will also have to pay some taxes. These are:

Local plusvalia tax This is a tax on the increase of value of the land from when the last transmission of ownership took place. This is calculated by the local Town Hall where the property is situated, and the amount of taxes to be paid would depend upon many factors, such as; the number of citizens in the municipality; the size in square meters of

This is a tax on the profit, if any, that the sellers make when selling a property. This tax has to be paid to the Spanish Inland Revenue (Agencia Tributaria) and is calculated taking into account the difference between the purchase price paid (+ taxes and expenses of the purchase) and selling price (+ taxes and expenses of the sale). The purchase price is updated, from the date of acquisition of the property, with a rate, (coeficiente de actualizacion del valor de adqusición), approved by the Spanish Government every year. The Capital Gains Tax to be paid is calculated by taking into account the difference between the purchase price + taxes and expenses of the purchase, (duly updated), and the selling price + taxes and expenses of the sale. The Capital Gains Tax rate is calculated at a rate of 19% for the first 6,000 euros profit and at a rate of 21 % for any amount above this. As with the local Plusvalia Tax, when selling

a real estate property it is also advisable to find out in advance an estimate of the Capital Gains Tax to be paid to avoid unexpected expenses. Depending upon the seller’s tax status in Spain, the Capital Gains Tax has to be paid in different ways: If the Sellers are NON TAX RESIDENTS in Spain, the Buyer of the property is obliged by law to withhold 3 % of the selling price and pay it to the Spanish Inland Revenue on behalf of the Sellers. This guarantees the payment of the Capital Gains Tax to the Spanish Inland Revenue. After completing the sale of the property and when the 3 % withholding tax has been paid by the Buyers on behalf of the Sellers, the Sellers should calculate their Capital Gains Tax to ensure that the 3 % tax already paid covers the Capital Gains Tax, or if an extra amount needs to be paid. They may even have the right to claim back a tax refund if a loss rather than a profit was made on the sale, or if the amount paid is higher than the actual Capital Gains Tax due. If the sellers are TAX RESIDENTS in Spain, the Buyer does not withhold 3 % of the selling price. The Sellers have to declare and pay the Capital Gains Tax, if any, the year after completing the sale of their property. Therefore, if the property is sold in 2011, the Capital Gains Tax would have to be paid in 2012, when the Sellers file their annual Income Tax Returns.

We recommend that anyone who is thinking of selling a property should plan it in advance and find out the amounts of possible taxes to be paid. We are of the opinion that Sellers always need the professional assistance of a solicitor for completing the sale of their properties, so that the taxes to be paid by the Sellers are settled and paid correctly. Also, in cases when the Sellers do not make a profit from the sale, (quite common at this moment when the prices of real estate property have gone down dramatically), we can assist them to claim any tax refund to which they have the right to receive from the Spanish Inland Revenue Should you be thinking of selling your real estate property or are involved in the sale of it, and wish to know in advance the amount of taxes that you will have to pay, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be pleased to meet you free of charge to study your particular case in detail and provide you with a precise estimation on taxes to be paid. To arrange an appointment at the Sabinillas offices, you can also contact Denise Molony on Mob. 669 428 998. Manilva Solicitors Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226 E-mail:

The Resident -



Verbena de San Luís Un año más Sabinillas se engalana para celebrar el tradicional día de su patrón; en la verbena que se celebrará jueves 25 de Agosto se van a realizar las siguientes actividades: 08:00h. Alegres Dianas y Pasacalles con lanzamiento de cohetes por las calles de Sabinillas, a cargo de la charanga Chi Chi Pom. 11:30h. Concursos y juegos infantiles en la Plaza Vicente Espinel a cargo de un grupo de animación con regalos para los participantes.

Por la tarde sobre las 19:30h se oficiará la Santa Misa Rociera en honor a nuestro Patrón cantada por el Coro Parroquial “ San Luís”. A continuación saldrá en procesión por las calles de Sabinillas acompañado por la Banda Municipal de Música. Organizado por la Delegación de Cultura y con Colaboración de la Hermandad Cristo del Amor y Ntra. Sra. De los Dolores de Sabinillas 22.00h Velada con música y baile a cargo de la orquesta “Latidos” en la Plaza Vicente Espinel.

Verbena de San Luis de Sabinillas This fiesta on Thursday, 25th August, 2011 celebrates San Luis the Patron Saint of Sabinillas. The day kicks off in traditional fashion at 8.00 am with rockets and a parade by the Town Band through the streets of Sabinillas. At 11.30 am the children’s activities begin in Plaza Vicente Espinel organised by the children’s entertainers group.

In the afternoon at around 7.30 pm there is a Mass in honour of the patron accompanied by the Church Choir. After which the Saint’s statue is taken in procession through the streets of the village accompanied by the town band. Music and dancing in the Plaza Vicente Espinel from 10.00 pm until the early hours of the morning.

WiFi Available



The Resident -

El Mercado Medieval visita Manilva los días 18,19,20 y 21 Language Books & Dictionaries Children’s Books • Local Maps & Guides New Variety of Greeting cards Agents for Viva Andalucía offering great days out Espacar Car Rental Agents • Passport Renewal Service Back to school. Reserve your textbooks NOW Vuelve a cole Reserva tus libros de textos YA

Agents for Offex, a Reliable, First Class Postal Service for Sending and Receiving Your mail to or from the UK and rest of the world Los días 18, 19, 20 y 21 de Agosto se celebrará en las inmediaciones del Castillo de la Duquesa, un Mercado Medieval; un Mercado de artesanía, gastronomía y actividades lúdicoeducativas para los más pequeños. El Mercado se inaugurará el jueves 18 a las 20:30 h. El resto de los días estará abierto en horario de tarde, de 19:00 h a cierre. En este mercado se pueden encontrar artículos de tela, cristal, madera, cerámica y otros tejidos, hechos a mano. También

se pueden visitar distintos puntos de gastronomía, como taberna argentina, gastronomía vasca, cócteles y pinchos. Además, este mercado se complementa con actividades lúdicas y educativas para los más pequeños. Se instalará un carrusel infantil antiguo, quince mesas de talleres, cuentacuentos, zancudos, etc. El Mercado Medieval está organizado por las Delegaciones de Turismo y Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Manilva.

Medieval Market visits the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa From the 18th to 21st August the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa will be transported back in time to the Middle Ages when it beomes the venue for this year’s Medieval Market. Situated in and around the Castle the Medieval Market is comprised of numerous stalls offering handicrafts, food, refreshments including an Argentinean

tavern and Basque cuisine, clothing, cheese, etc., whilst at the same time there will be activities and entertainment which will transport visitors back to a bygone era. The market is organised by the Departments of Tourism and Culture and opens at 8.30 pm on Thursday 18 August, and at 7 pm on the rest of the days.

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

New Opening Hours Mon – Fri -10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:30 Sat 10:00 to 14:00

The Resident -

Galerias de Duquesa


Las Galerias - an oasis of calm

It’s surprising what a little exploration can unearth. Up on the second level in Puerto de la Duquesa, and just through the archway off of Plaza de la Fuente, you will find that oasis of calm that is the Galerias. Don’t be fooled by the tranquil atmosphere that emanates from the cool interior, inside you will find a hive of activity, with several shops and businesses providing a wide range of goods and services. Businesses such as Chirine Ayoubi Jewellery, whose bespoke design and production ranges from wedding and engagement rings, repairs, remodelling and stone replacement among others.

Also recently opened is the Beautyspot, providing manicures, pedicures, waxing, acrylic and gel nail extensions as well as the much talked about Fish Foot Spa!. If you feel a bit peckish then pop into The Gallery Coffee Lounge and Bar and sample one of their homemade cakes and scones, or just relax with a drink. And for the golfer there is the newly opened CD Golf, where you can pick some of the latest golfing fashion items at some of the keenest prices on the Coast. So next time you’re walking past the entrance to Las Galerias, why not pop in, it will be well worth your time.

the gallery FREE WI-FI - Fully Air Conditioned Pool Table

Children’s Disco

every Thursday Entry just €2.50 includes free soft drink and snacks. From 6 pm until 8 pm, then followed by karaoke from 8.30 pm until late. Look out for future events!

Halloween Party Saturday 29th October

Kids Halloween Disco & Fancy Dress Monday 31st October Big Screen TV

Mick and Shellie Welcome you to The Gallery Coffee Lounge and Bar Open every day until late except Mondays Choice of homemade Cakes and Scones The Gallery Las Galerias, Puerto de la Duquesa

Colin Daley opened CD Golf after being amazed at the prices charged for golf wear. Located in Las Galerias in Puerto de la Duquesa, CD Golf Shop is the official stockist for PING, Nike and Daily sports. CD Golf Shop aims to offer quality, branded, fashionable golf wear for both men and women at affordable prices. Las Galerias, Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva Tel: 663 157 861



The Resident -


The Resident -

Vendimia de Manilva

St. George Society Summer Ball

La fiesta de la vendimia destaca por su singularidad en la Costa del Sol. El primer fin de semana de septiembre se celebra esta fiesta en el núcleo urbano de Manilva, coincidiendo con el final de la recogida de la uva. Es de destacar la Feria de Día que desde 1983 se incorporó a la Fiesta de la Vendimia. Lo característico de esta fiesta es la pisa de la uva para extraer el primer vino mosto del año, que seguidamente es ofrecido a visitantes y amigos para su degustación.

The Duquesa Society of St. George will be holding this year’s annual Summer Ball at the Roman Oasis Restaurant in Manilva on Sunday 25th September. The event will commence at 1 pm with a cava reception. Lunch will follow starting with a comprehensive selection from the Restaurant’s well known salad bar, also catering for those attending who are vegetarian, followed up by a traditional hog roast. This year’s entertainment will be provided by Moonshine. Moonshine is a local rock and roll group, line up as follows; Salvador Mata on Drums, Miguel San Martin on guitar, Lirio on bass, Shawn Charles on lead guitar and Mandy Cooke on lead vocals. The Band covers a wide selection of rock and roll, blues and country music from the the 1950s to present day. We also hope to have a well known guest reggae DJ performing his stuff post lunch. Tickets are 50 euros per person, which will include a glass of Cava on arrival and unlimited wine, beer and water throughout the meal and entertainment. Those of you that have attended these events in the past will know that it has been the Society’s policy to use these events to raise monies for charity, and this year is no exception as the ticket price will include a donation to Age Concern Estepona y Manilva, an official charity registered with

Sábado 3 de Septiembre: Por la tarde: Santa Misa en honor a Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, cantada por el Coro Parroquia “Santa Ana”. Al finalizar la misa, la Virgen acompañada por la Banda de Música saldrá en procesión desde la Iglesia hasta el escenario de la calle Mar donde tendrá lugar la ofrenda de la uva.

Tras finalizar la ofrenda, como cada año, los racimos más grandes participarán en el concurso promovido por el Ayuntamiento con premios a los de más peso. Música y baile en la Plaza a cargo de dos orquestas.

Domingo 4 de Septiembre 12:00h Inauguración de la Feria de Día en la Calle Mar con la actuación de dos orquestas. Degustación de racimos de uvas, vino de Manilva y obsequios típicos del Domingo Rociero. 17:00h Tradicional Desfile de Caballos ofrecido por la Peña Caballista de Manilva. 19:00h Pisa de la uva en el lagar construido en la calle Mar con la posterior degustación del primer caldo de la temporada.


the Andalucian authorities. Age Concern España are affiliated to the worldwide and respected mother organization, Age Concern England. Dress code: Casual or formal dress is welcome but it must be either red or white in colour or a combination of the two. In collaboration with The Manilva Foreign Residents Department, a courtesy bus will be available with two pick up points, the first being outside the tourist office at Duquesa Port at 12.30 pm and secondly at 12.45 pm at the Sabinillas bus stop. The bus will return to the restaurant at 6.30 pm. The bus seats 52 people and will operate on a first come, first served basis. It is proposed to have a raffle during the course of the afternoon which hopefully will increase the funds raised for Age Concern, and anyone wishing to sponsor this event by providing a raffle prize can contact the organiser, Dean Shelton, on the below mentioned number or email address. Tickets will be available from The Jolly Sailor, The Leasure Lounge, Duquesa Bar, CJ’s Bar, The Roman Oasis, Fathoms Bar, Hemingways, Armstrongs Restaurant, The Manilva Foreign Residents Department in the Castle at Castillo, Ed’s Bar, or from Dean Shelton on 656 523 260 or info@

II Bobby Moore Charity Golf Tournament

Manilva Grape Festival Manilva celebrates its annual Vendimia - harvest festival on the first weekend in September. Along with the Axarquia and the Montes de Malaga areas, Manilva is an important centre for the production of the Moscatel grape which, when dried on the local hillsides, provides the world famous ‘Pasas de Malaga’, the Malaga raisin, as well as a range of wines from dry to the sweet ‘Malaga’ wine. There have been vineyards in Manilva since the 16th Century but the industry enjoyed its heyday during the 17th and 18th centuries when Manilva was a major producer of wines and brandies. Unfortunately the local vineyards saw a decline during the 19th century which culminated in the destruction of the vines by the Phylloxera epidemic which

decimated vineyards throughout Europe in the 1860s. It wasn’t until after the Spanish Civil War that Manilva took up grape growing as an important economic activity centred on the sweet Moscatel grape which is ideally suited to Manilva’s climate, situation and soil type. Every year, on the first weekend in September, Manilva celebrates its annual grape harvest. This festival was founded in the early ‘60s and has become an important part of the local calendar, drawing in visitors from all across the region. This year the festival falls on the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of September.

Vendimia Programme Saturday, 3rd September 8.00 am Everybody up with the larks, with rockets being let off and the Municipal Band performing through the streets of Manilva. In the afternoon there will be a Mass in honour of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores and a performance by the church choir in the Iglesia Santa Ana. Afterwards the Virgen will be borne from the church to the stage in Calle Mar where she will be presented with an offering of grapes, after which the competition for the best bunch of grapes takes place.

10.00 pm Music and dancing into the early hours in Manilva’s Calle Mar. Street festival Sunday, 4th September Midday sees the inauguration of the Day Feria with music, dancing and plenty of food and drink throughout the afternoon and evening. Later in the afternoon at a around 5 pm there is a procession of riders through the streets, followed by at around 7pm the ceremonial first treading of the grapes and a chance to sample the first ‘mosto’ grape juice of the season.

The second annual Bobby Moore Charity Golf Tournament organised by David Hewitt of Hewitt & Hewitt Graphic Design and Stewart Heath of the Leisure Lounge Bar in Duquesa Port was held at Duquesa Golf on Sunday 31st July, and successfully raised 3,000 euros for the Bobby Moore Fund, a charity for research into bowel cancer which was established by Stephanie Moore MBE in 1993 in memory of her late husband, the legendary footballer Bobby Moore, who sadly died from bowel cancer aged just 51 years. The prize giving, which took place in the evening at the Duquesa Hotel was attended by in excess of 170 people

with entertainment being provided by the popular rock band, Costa Rock. “Nearest the pin” prizes were awarded to Team Everard (Hole 1), D.Bowes (Hole 3) A.Cappri (Hole 5) Team Challis (Hole 6) Team Everard (Hole 8) Team Statham (Hole 9) Team Wilkins (Hole 10) B.Griffiths (Hole 11) Team Everard (Hole 12) G.Fellows (Hole 15) D.Thatcher (Hole 17) and Team Wilkins (Hole 18). Third prize in the competition went to P.Everard, D.Cootes, B.Gaston and I.Rance. Second place was P.Nash, D.Wilkins, G.Lynx and M.Jones. and the coveted First prize was won by D.Statham, A.Stanley, G.Fellows and D.Bowes.

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The Resident -

El Ayuntamiento toma posesión de las nuevas instalaciones del Parque de Bomberos, cerradas desde 2007

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha tomado posesión de las instalaciones del nuevo Parque de Bomberos, cuya obra se inauguró en 2007, aunque no se ha puesto en funcionamiento durante este tiempo. “En apenas mes y medio hemos conseguido desbloquear un asunto que ha estado paralizado durante más de cuatro años y hemos logrado que estas instalaciones sean ya del pueblo de Estepona”, ha manifestado el alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, que ha recordado que con esto se da cumplimiento al compromiso adquirido de iniciar desde el primer día de gobierno las gestiones necesarias para conseguir este objetivo.

El regidor ha visitado esta mañana -junto a otros responsables municipalesel nuevo Parque de Bomberos y ha anunciado que la toma de posesión de las instalaciones ha sido posible gracias al acuerdo “fruto del consenso entre las partes implicadas” para, por un lado, resolver el contrato con la mercantil Trigemer, SA -que ejecutó la obra de construcción de este recinto- y, por otro, reconocer las deudas pendientes. Tras conseguir culminar este procedimiento administrativo, el Ayuntamiento ya trabaja en empezar a acometer las obras que son necesarias para que las instalaciones sean finalizadas en su totalidad y entren a funcionar.

Estas actuaciones serán realizadas en todo lo que sea posible, por las brigadas de operarios municipales para abrir “cuanto antes” el Parque de Bomberos. “Se necesitan algunas reparaciones debido a que el recinto ha estado cerrado y abandonado durante cuatro años”, ha apuntado el regidor. “El objetivo es evitar que se siga incrementando el grado de deterioro en el que están estas instalaciones por la dejadez de los anteriores responsables municipales”, ha señalado el primer edil, que ha asegurado que se le va a dar prioridad a la ejecución de las actuaciones pendientes para abrir este equipamiento. Al respecto, el alcalde se ha preguntado por qué desde 2007 nadie ha sido capaz de realizar estas gestiones, que ha calificado de “sencillas”, para poder disponer de este equipamiento que “mejorará el servicio que se presta y las condiciones en las que trabajan los bomberos”. Así, García Urbano ha incidido además en “la falta de sensibilidad” que los anteriores responsables municipales han tenido con el colectivo, que “ha permanecido en un edificio que no reúne las condiciones mínimas para desempeñar la labor de seguridad que llevan a cabo”. En esta línea, la concejala adscrita al área de Recursos Humanos, Susana Aragón, ha anunciado que los esfuerzos del equipo de gobierno irán ahora dirigidos a cumplir con las peticiones planteadas por los bomberos, encaminadas a mejorar la dotación de recursos materiales con los que trabajan. Por su parte, el jefe de Bomberos y

The Council takes possession of the new firestation facilities, four years after they were completed The Estepona council has taken over the facilities of the new firestation, the building which was inaugurated in 2007, but since then has stood idle. “In barely a month and a half we have been able to sort out and issue that has been paralyzed for over four years and we have made the instalations the property of the town of Estepona”, said the mayor of Estepona, Jose Maria Garcia Urbano, who also stated that with this the electoral commitment made to begin this

process from the beginning of the current government has been fulfilled. The Mayor, together with other municipal officials, has visited the new firestation recently and has announced that the takeover of the facilities has been made possible by agreement “the outcome of the consensus of the parties responsible” for, on one hand, the resolution of the contract with the Trigemer, SA the company responsible for the execution of the

building works as well as the recognition of the pending debts. After achieving the conclusion of this administrative procedure, the Council is already working to start the building works necessary to complete the facility and put it to use. These works will be carried out, where possible solely by the council’s own workforce and the aim is to open the firestation as soon as possible. “Some repairs are necessary due to the fact the precinct has been closed and abandoned for four years” added the Mayor. “The aim is to avoid the continued deterioration of the instalations due to the adandonment by the former municipal officials”, the deputy has pointed out, who has assured that the execution of the works necessary to open the facility will be prioritized. In relation to this, the mayor has asked why no one has been able to undertake these “simple” steps in four years to make this facility available to “Improve the services offered and the working conditions of the firemen”. Garcia Urbano has also commented on the “lack of empathy” that the former municipal officials have had with the group who “have remained in a building that doesn’t meet the conditions needed for them to carry out the important service they provide”.

Protección Civil, José Manuel Borrego, ha destacado el salto de calidad que se va a producir en el desempeño de la labor de este colectivo, una vez que se trasladen a este recinto. “Supone pasar a unas instalaciones modernas y de futuro, que nada tienen que ver con las actuales, donde las condiciones de seguridad no son las adecuadas”, ha manifestado Borrego.

Ajedrez Verano 2011

De lunes a jueves y en un horario de 19:00 a 22:00 h., la Escuela de Ajedrez perteneciente a la Delegación de Cultura organiza partidas de Ajedrez en el Paseo Marítimo, junto al Monumento homenaje a la Peseta, con el objetivo de popularizar el tradicional juego del ajedrez que consigue potenciar las habilidades de estrategia y táctica.

Summer of Chess 2011 Chess enthusiasts should get down to the Paseo Maritimo in Estepona from 7 pm to 10 pm, Mondays to Thursdays where the town’s chess school are inviting participants to come and enjoy a game. Situated by the Peseta Monument, the event will run from August 1 to 31, and aims to encourage greater participation in this ancient game of strategy.

Dar un perro un buen hogar La sobrepoblación en las perreras está volviéndose muy seria a una velocidad alarmante. Ya tenemos más de doscientos perros, muchos más de los que podemos cuidar y atender como ellos se merecen. La Junta decidió hace unos pocos meses ofrecer a buenos hogares algunos de nuestros perros más antiguos de manera gratuita. Estos perros son tranquilos y cariñosos y serían excelentes mascotas para gente mayor o familias con niños pequeños. Si usted no puede adoptar alguno, por favor dígale a sus amigos y a sus vecinos acerca de estos encantadores seres que se merecen un buen hogar y cuya adopción proporcionaría más espacio en nuestras perreras para nuestros perros más jóvenes. Para ver una lista de los perros que se ofrecen de manera gratuita, visiten www. rosgratuitos.html.


The Resident -


XII Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico III Rock ‘n’ Burras 53 de Estepona Sin inscripción, ni entrada ni nada parecido acceso gratis Acampada (tienda+moto) y zona parking vigilida – gratis Sábado - Conciertos: Stray Cats Tribute + Little Big Rebel & His Three Alley Cats + Carlos Segarra - gratis DJ,s R`N`Burras Juegos, sorteos, mercadillo biker, exposición custom, regalos, y muchas sorpresas más. Domingo - Conciertos: Fibonacci vs God + Los Bersekers + Badrriles - gratis DJ,s R`N`Burras Juegos, sorteos, mercadillo biker, exposición custom, regalos, y muchas sorpresas más. Próximo 3 y 4 de septiembre en el Recinto Ferial de Estepona a partir de la 11 de la mañana.

III Rock ‘n’ Burras 53

Este año se celebra en Estepona la 12ª edición del popular Festival de Terror y Cine Fantástico durante los días 19 a 24 de Septiembre 2011. Con una amplia gama de actividades dividido entre el Palacio de Congresos y el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, una semana para los aficionados al cine de terror y fantasía incluyendo largometrajes y cortometrajes, documentales, seminarios, exposiciones, presentaciones de libros, así como la entrega de premios para honrar a algunos de los grandes del cine de terror. Entre los asistentes habrá un número de

estrellas de ambos lados de la cámara, uno de ellos es Kevin Sorbo, probablemente el más conocido en el papel de Hércules en la popular serie de televisión y películas. Kevin estará en Estepona para recibir el codiciado premio Unicornio de Honor durante la noche del día 19. Antiguos ganadores de este prestigioso premio son Christopher Lee, Dolph Lundgren, Dario Argento, Ray Harryhausen, Michael Paré y Roger Corman. Puedes encontrar más información y el programa completo en la próxima edición de The Resident, o visite www.

This annual biker’s festival celebrates its third year at the Estepona Fairground on the weekend of 3 and 4 September 2011. There is free entrance, camping (tent and motorbike) and secure parking. Programme: Saturday 3 September Free Concerts: Stray Cats Tribute + Little Big Rebel & His Three Alley Cats + Carlos Segarra.

Plus DJs, games, competitions, biker market, custom bike exhibition, gifts and many surprises. Sunday 4 September Free Concerts: Fibonacci vs God + Los Bersekers + Badrriles. Plus DJs, games, competitions, biker market, custom bike exhibition, gifts and many surprises. The fun kicks off from 11 am.

Intercultural Exchange in a relaxed atmosphere

XII Estepona Horror and Fantasy Film Festival This year Estepona celebrates the 12th edition of the popular Estepona Horror and Fantasy Film Festival from the 19 to 24 September, 2011. With a wide range of activities split between the Palacio de Congresos and the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre the week offers a feast for horror and fantasy film afficionados including screening of feature and short films, documentaries, seminars, exhibitions, book presentations, as well as award ceremonies honouring some of the giants of horror cinema. In attendance will be a number of stars from both sides of the camera, one of whom is

Kevin Sorbo, probably best known in the role of Hercules in the popular TV series and films. Kevin will be in Estepona to receive the coveted Unicornio de Honor on the opening night. Former recipients of this prestigious award are Christopher Lee, Dolph Lundgren, Dario Argento, Ray Harryhausen, Michael Paré and Roger Corman. For more details and the full programme make sure you pick up next month’s copy of The Resident out on the 17th September, or visit for the latest news.

Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English each Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what's on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

Estepona based language school Unicentro and translation company TTT Estepona have been running an intercultural Exchange programme at the Ophira Restaurant in Estepona since March 2010. The initiative has been so successful that a second venue was recently introduced at Jazz pub in the port. These informal meetings last for an hour, 30 minutes in English and thirty in Spanish and give students a chance to practice their conversational skills. They play an important part in helping the two communities learn about each others cultures, the Spanish participants (natives in the area) and have become quite experts in informing their English speaking counterparts on local places and topics of interest. Groups are generally made up of four people, two Spanish and two English, Mila Posado Ruiz owner of Unicentro told the Resident “ We recomend an intermediate

or higher level of English or Spanish for these meetings to work, we have guides on hand to suggest topics such as current issues, culture, traditions and customs”. This is a very relaxed and enjoyable way of practicing language skills obtained in the class room and participants are encouraged to use the past tense, present and future but most don’t need encouraging and spend the whole hour talking and making new friends. “These meetings are becoming very popular but we can accommodate many more at either event”. Intercambio sessions are held at Ophira restaurant on Mondays at 6.30pm (we take a break during the month of August and restart again the first Monday in September), you can still go to Jazz Pub in the Port from 8pm to 9pm on Wednesdays (from September, 7pm to 8pm). For more information call Unicentro on 952 797 939 or Mila on 615 600 435


Información Information

The Resident -

El veterinario

Vet’s Corner

Veterinarios y médicos unidos contra la leishmaniosis

Veterinarians and Physicians Unite Against Leishmaniasis

Veterinarios y médicos expertos en leishmaniosis han compartido conocimientos y experiencias con el objetivo de ofrecer una visión integrada de la leishmaniosis, una enfermedad parasitaria poco conocida por la población aunque afecta a dos millones de personas y más perros en todo el mundo. El I Simposio Internacional sobre Leishmaniosis, organizado por Intervet Schering Plough, se ha celebrado los días 18 y 19 de junio en Madrid. Ha reunido a 300 expertos en medicina humana y veterinaria en un frente común en la lucha contra esta enfermedad. En la rueda de prensa previa al simposio participaron, además de Fariñas, Rogelio López-Vélez, doctor en Medicina y especialista en Medicina Interna, y la doctora Guadalupe Miró, catedrática de Parasitología y actual presidenta del grupo europeo de expertos en leishmaniosis canina. Los tres coincidieron en aportar estrategias comunes y ofrecer un fluido intercambio entre especialistas de los dos ámbitos, “porque en realidad es una medicina única”, indicó Miró. López-Vélez explicó que la leishmaniosis afecta a dos millones de personas en todo el mundo, de las que 1,5 millones se infectan por vía cutánea y el resto por vía visceral. El número de fallecimientos producidos por la infección ronda los 50.000 anuales. En España “es difícil precisar las cifras exactas, porque desde 1996 ya no es una enfermedad de declaración obligatoria y el control corresponde a las autonomías”, subrayó. No obstante, se calcula que la tasa de mortalidad humana por la leishmaniosis es del 3%, lo que significa 37 muertes al año. Se cree que se trata de una antigua enfermedad, más de 2,000 años de antigüedad, es descrito en la Biblia como botón de Alepo, ahora se encuentra en toda la zona mediterránea, así como en otras partes del mundo. Es endémica en perros, como son el huésped natural al parásito y el hecho de que no desarrollan inmunidad, mientras que las personas lo hacen, puede, en parte, sirve como una explicación a por qué la gente puede ser curada mientras los regímenes de tratamiento para perros se consideran sólo paliativos.

Veterinarians and physicians, experts in Leishmaniasis, have shared their knowledge and experiences in the aim of providing an integrated vision of this parasitic disease that is not understood by the general population, although it affects nearly two million people as well as innumerable dogs worldwide. The 1st International Symposium on Leishmaniasis, sponsored and organized by Intervet Schering Plough, was held on 18th and 19th of June in Madrid. It brought together some 300 experts in human and veterinary medicine in the goal of forming a common front in the fight against this disease. Prior to the symposium in a joint press conference offered by: Dr. Fariñas, Dr. Rogelio López-Vélez, a medical doctor and specialist in internal medicine, as well as Dr. Guadalupe Miro, Professor of Parasitology and current President of the European Group of experts in canine leishmaniasis. The three agreed to common strategies and provide a fluent exchange among specialists in both areas, “because the fight against this disease calls for a unique form of medicine”, noted Miró. López-Vélez explained that leishmaniasis affects two million people worldwide, of which 1.5 million are infected by the skin form of lesions and the rest by visceral (internal organs) lesions route. The number of human deaths caused by the infection is around 50,000 per year. In Spain, “it is difficult to determine the exact figures because since 1996 it is not a notifiable disease and its control depends upon the autonomous regions,” he stressed. However, it is estimated that the human leishmaniasis mortality rate is 3%, which translates into about 37 deaths per year. It is believed that this is an ancient disease, over 2,000 years old, it is described in the Bible as Aleppo’s´ Button, now found throughout the entire Mediterranean Area as well as in other parts of the world. It is endemic in dogs as they are the natural host to the parasite and the fact that they do not develop immunity while people do, may, in part, serve as an explanation as to why people may be cured while the treatment regimens for dogs are considered only to be palliative .

Guadalupe Miró destacó que se desconoce mucho sobre esta enfermedad zoonótica, que puede afectar de forma leve a muy grave a los perros “sin que conozcamos aún bien las razones”. En España, el sur del país es el más proclive a la leishmaniosis (de 8 a 30%), mientras que “la tasa es mucho más baja en la cornisa cantábrica”. Fernando Fariñas consideró que la gran esperanza para combatir esta enfermedad “es el advenimiento de una o más vacunas, aunque éstas no lo van a poder hacer todo: hace falta control integrado y el uso de medios ya existentes. Hay que recordar que existen vacunas contra otras enfermedades, como la malaria, con una tasa de éxito del 50%”. Los perros de la zona Sur de España, como Andalucía y Extremadura, de la zona centro como Madrid, y los que habitan en islas Baleares, padecen más leishmaniosis, y por tanto, el peligro para los humanos es mayor. En Baleares, por ejemplo, la prevalencia es del 30%, frente a una tasa de afectación del 4% en la cornisa cantábrica. Los expertos recomiendan tomar máximas medidas preventivas para tratar y evitar el contagio. “La leishmaniosis está en clara expansión”, según la doctora Montserrat Gallego una de las ponentes del congreso. El Simposio Internacional sobre Leishmaniosis ha concluido con una importante advertencia para los propietarios de animales de compañía: “Si viaja con su perro este verano, no olvide que la leishmaniosis es una realidad que afecta tanto a personas como animales, y que existen zonas geográficas en las que la incidencia de esta enfermedad es mayor.” Si desea más información sobre esta enfermedad su veterinario podrá informarle. Muy pronto habrá un nuevo medio de protección para sus mascotas en forma de un protocolo de vacunación. Esto aún no está disponible en España, pero debería ser en los próximos meses ya que desde el pasado abril fue aprobado por la Comisión Europea para uso aquí tras su uso en América del Sur. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas Tlf.: 952 891 387

International Club of Estepona The ICE Club is a social club for all Englishspeaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, dancing and themed supper evenings. Day and holiday coach trips. Golf, bowls, rambling, drama, cards and quiz. Monthly magazine and much more. Sundays - Bar open 12.30 to 2.30pm for drinks and tapas. Tuesdays - Bar open 11.00am to 2.00pm for drinks and tapas. Thursdays - Bar open 10.30am to 2.30pm for drinks and lunch.

Special events for August/September. Saturday 20th August - Live Music & Family BBQ at the Club Friday 26th August - A Night at Mijas Races Friday 2nd September - Quiz Night Saturday 10th September - Last Night at The Proms Monday 12th September - Film Night Saturday 17th September - Welcome Back Party

ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

Guadalupe Miró stressed that a lot is unknown about this zoonotic disease, which can affect dogs with a mild form to very serious one and “that we do not even understand the reasons why very well”. In Spain, the south of the country is the region most prone to leishmaniasis (from 8 to 30%or even much higher), while “the rate is much lower in the Cantabrian region”. Fernando Fariñas considered the great hope to combat this disease “is the advent of one or more vaccines, although they are not going to do everything: we need integrated control and the use of existing media.” We must remember that there are vaccines against other diseases such as malaria, with a success rate of 50% “. The dogs in the areas of Southern Spain, such as Andalusia and Extremadura, in the area such as Madrid, and living in the Balearic Islands, suffer more leishmaniasis, and the danger to humans is therefore greater. In the Balearic Islands, for example, the prevalence is 30%, compared to a rate of 4 per cent in the Cantabrian area. .Experts recommend taking maximum preventive measures to treat and prevent infection. “Leishmaniasis is a disease which is clearly on the increase”, according to Doctor Montserrat Gallego, one of the speakers at the Symposium. The International Symposium on leishmaniasis has concluded with an important warning for owners of pets: “If you travel with your dog, don’t forget that the leishmaniasis is a reality that affects both people and animals, and that there are geographical areas in which the incidence of this disease is greater”. If you wish more information regarding this disease your veterinarian should be able to inform you. Very soon there will be a new means of protection for your pets in the form of a vaccination protocol. This is not yet available in Spain but should be in the coming months as it has only recently, as of last April, been approved by the European Commission for use here following its use in South America. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas Tel.: 952 891 387

Estepona Floral Art Club Estepona Floral Art Club are delighted to announce that their Chairman for this coming year is Barbara Salisbury who has been a popular resident on the Coast for many years. The new Club year will commence on Tuesday 20th September 2011, with a flower arranging demonstration by Charles Barnard, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from London. This will take place from 3 pm to 5 pm at The Oak Restaurant, Urb. Benamara, N340 km 168, Estepona. This is the first in an exciting programme of events planned for the coming year when every month the club will be welcoming a NAFAS National or Area Demonstrator to show how to achieve splendid displays of colour and texture.

Estepona Floral Art Club is a very friendly club and welcomes visitors old and new and of course all its members. Refreshments are available before and after the demonstrations, which are held between 3 pm and 5 pm on the third Tuesday of every month, except in December when they meet earlier in the month. They also have a well-stocked Sales Table where you can purchase flower arranging items at very reasonable prices. Go along and join them for some entertaining flower arranging demonstrations! For more information on the above event and future events, please contact the Chairman Barbara Salisbury on 951 17 05 73.


The Resident -

Manilva crea la I ruta Vitivinícola enmarcada dentro de la I Semana Etnográfica de la Vendimia

Hasta el próximo viernes 26 de agosto permanece abierto el plazo de inscripción para participar en cualquiera de las salidas previstas en la I Ruta Vitivinícola de Manilva, enmarcada dentro de los actos previstos en el programa de la I Semana Etnográfica de la Vendimia, organizada por el Ayuntamiento de Manilva y la Fundación de Manilva para el Desarrollo (FUNMADES), junto a la Escuela Taller Viñas de Manilva y el Centro de Interpretación. En esta actividad, los alumnos de la Escuela Taller que se desarrolla en la localidad, acompañarán a grupos de adultos a la viña experimental ‘El Peñoncillo’ donde se realizará la recepción de visitantes y se practicará una visita guiada a la exposición “Viñas en el recuerdo”. La salida será desde la propia sede del Centro de Interpretación Viñas de Manilva, ubicado en la calle Doctor Álvarez Leyva.

El recorrido estará definido en las siguientes etapas: Mirador Introducción Histórica de Manilva. Cultura del Viñedo. Evolución, datos demográficos y territoriales. Mesa Explicativa Y Trazado De Ruta. En Esta Etapa Se Explicará A Los Visitantes la distancia que se va a recorrer con las distintas tipologías de cultivo que se podrá observar y la dificultad del recorrido. Pausa Para Explicar las iniciativas de futuro en el sector del vino. Pausa En Una Viña de las del

recorrido. Se explicará la tipología de pie de planta más usado, variedad y forma de plantación. Llegada Al Peñoncillo. Aquí se realizará una explicación de la conversión de la finca a Cultivo Ecológico. Pasero ecológico y área interactiva turística. A partir de este momento los visitantes disfrutarán de un rato libre para contemplar las vistas panorámicas desde la viña y degustación de productos, como la uva en fresco, pasas y vino artesanal, en el propio mirador de madera ubicado en ese lugar. Todos los asistentes serán obsequiados con una bolsa de papel con folleto y mapa del municipio, información turística, calendario de fiestas y eventos, un díptico del trazado de la ruta y otros detalles típicos de la localidad relacionados con la uva. La fecha de inscripción para los grupos guiados estará abierta hasta el viernes 26 de agosto en horario de nueve de la mañana a dos de la tarde en el edificio del Centro de Interpretación Viñas de Manilva, ubicado en la calle Doctor Álvarez Leyva. Las visitas están previstas para los días lunes 29 de agosto, miércoles 31 de agosto y viernes 2 de septiembre a las diez de la mañana y a las seis de la tarde. La duración del recorrido se calcula en torno a 90 minutos. Para más información o inscripciones, los interesados pueden dirigirse al Centro de Interpretación o al teléfono 607550376.


Manilva creates the I Vitivinicultural Route as part of the I Ethnographic Week of the Vendimia

You have until Friday 26th August to enrol in any of the trips arranged on the I Vitivinicultural Route in Manilva which forms part of the events organised in the programme of the I Ethnographic Week of the Vendimia, organized by the Town Hall of Manilva and Manilva’s Development Foundation (FUNMADES), together with the Viñas de Manilva Workshop and the Interpretation Centre. In this activity, the pupils of the Workshop, will accompany groups of adults to the “El Peñoncillo” experimental vineyard where visitors will be welcomed and will take part in a guided tour to the exhibition “Vineyards in memory”. The start will be at the headquarters of the Viñas de Manilva Interpretation Centre, located on Doctor Álvarez Leyva street.

The route will be set in various stages: Viewpoint. Historical introduction to Manilva. Vineyard culture. Evolution, demographic and territorial data. Explanatory table and outlining of the route. In this stage the terrain to be covered will be explained to the visitors including the different types of crops they will encounter and the difficulty of the route. Pause to explain the initiatives for the future of the wine sector. Pause in one of the vineyards on the route. The most commonly used plant foot typology will be explained as well as the variety and planting method. Arrival at la peñoncillo. Here there will be an explanation of the conversion of the vineyard to Ecological Cultivation. Ecological and interactive touristic areas. From this moment on the visitors will enjoy a break to take in the panoramic views from the vineyard and to sample the products, such as fresh grapes, raisins and homemade wine, in the wooden pergola

located in that area. All the participants will receive a gift bag with an explanatory leaflet and map of the municipality, tourist information, festival and events calendar, a map of the route and other details related to the cultivation of grapes in the area. Enrolment in the guided groups will remain available until Friday 26th of August between 9 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon at the Viñas de Manilva Interpretation Centre, located on Doctor Álvarez Leyva street. The trips will take place on Monday 29th of August, Wednesday 31st of August and Friday 2nd of September at 10 in the morning and 6 in the afternoon. The duration of the trip is estimated to be roughly 90 minutes. For further information or enrolment, go to the Interpretation Centre or call the following number 607 550 376.



The Resident -

Un repaso de las actividades de verano A look back on the summer events Entre las actividades organizadas por el Departamento de Extranjeros Residentes de Manilva durante el verano, queremos destacar el X International Festival, un evento con gran éxito entre los residentes y turistas. Miles de personas disfrutaron de la comida tradicional y de las actuaciones de unos 20 países en el Paseo Marítimo en Sabinillas. Queremos dar un especial agradecimiento a los participantes, colaboradores y patrocinadores, entre ellos: Eye on Spain, CD Golf, Leisure Lounge in Duquesa y Manilva Solicitors. También, el primer sábado de Julio y Agosto vio el Castillo de la Duquesa prender vida en un despliegue maravilloso de pinturas, arte, entretenimiento y gastronomía. El Festival Acercarte se ha convertido en un evento que no se puede perder en la agenda cultural. El último evento de este año, el 6 de Agosto vio a una multitud de personas disfrutando de artistas locales de Manilva. Vamos a volver en primavera con más sorpresas para los amantes del arte en nuevas ediciones de Acercarte. El verano fue también dedicado a las

Clases Intensivas de Español. Más de 40 extranjeros se han registrado para las clases ofrecidas por nuestro departamento. Queremos darte las gracias por acompañarnos en estos eventos y esperamos que el programa de otoño sea de su interés.

Among the activities organized by the Manilva Foreign Residents Department over the summer, we want to highlight the X International Festival, an event with great success among the residents and tourists. Thousands of people enjoyed the traditional food and entertainment of some 20 countries on the Paseo

Programa de Actividades Otoño Miercoles, 14 de Septiembre 2011Presentación Programa de Actividades Otoño

Martitimo in Sabinillas. We would like to say a special thank you to the participants, collaborators and Sponsors, among them: Eye on Spain, CD Golf, Leisure Lounge in Duquesa and Manilva Solicitors. Also, the first Saturday of July and August saw the Duquesa Castle come to life in a wonderful display of paintings, arts and crafts, entertainment and gastronomy. The Acercarte Festival has become a must in the cultural agenda. The last event of this year, on the 6th of August saw hundreds if people enjoying the local artists of Manilva. We will return in spring with more surprises for the art lovers in new editions of the Acercarte. Summer was also the time dedicated to the Intensive Spanish Classes. Some 40 foreigners registered for the classes offered in the summer period by our Department. We want to thank you for joining us in our events and hope you will find our autumn programme of interest.

Diciembre - Málaga Cultural. Un día dedicado a conocer la capital de nuestra provincia, a disfrutar de su cultura y tradición. La ruta y el precio están pendientes de confirmar.

Diciembre, Fiesta Benéfica, Animal in Need, en la zona de Punta Almina

Día de la Tapa, en The Last Resort (La Última Posada), bar- restaurante ubicado en el Paseo Marítimo en la zona de Acapulco a las 13.30. La Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes les invita a compartir con nosotros la presentación de nuestro programa de actividades de otoño. La primera tapa y una bebida se ofrecerán gratis por parte de la Delegación. Los tickets se pueden recoger en el Castillo de la Duquesa empezando con el 29 de agosto. Entre nuestras actividades preparadas para el otoño destacan las siguientes:

Desde nuestra Delegación queremos ofrecer nuestro apoyo a esta organización benéfica tan conocida en nuestra localidad. La fecha, hora y actividades a realizarse están pendientes de confirmar.

Curso Iniciación a la Fotografía Una vez más los interesados en descubrir el arte de la fotografía tienen la oportunidad de registrarse para las clases de fotografía que se organizan desde la Delegación de Extranjeros. El curso que tuvo un gran éxito en nuestro programa anterior abrirá su período de registro en el mes de septiembre. Precio y horario por confirmar.

Final de Noviembre 2011 - Marruecos Viaje a Chefchaouen. Desde la Delegación de Extranjeros les queremos invitar a que disfruten de un fin de semana en este magnífico pueblo de Marruecos famoso por sus colores azules y belleza. El precio del viaje y los datos están pendientes de confirmar.

27 de Octubre 2011- Charla Informativa Charla Informativa sobre la Vida de Residente Extranjero a las 18:00 hs en el Edificio Usos Múltiples. Tendremos como invitada a Susan Pedalino, residente de Manilva que va a compartir con nosotros su experiencia y también presentar sus e-books con información útil para un residente extranjero.

31 de Octubre 2011- Fiesta Halloween El lugar está pendiente de confirmar. A las 17:00 hs tendremos una fiesta para los niños con regalos. A las 23:00 hs Fiesta adultos entregando una copa para los que vengan disfrazados. Una noche dedicada a los disfraces celebrada en la fiesta mágica de Halloween.

16 de Diciembre 2011 Cena Navidad 20:00 hs. Lugar - pendiente de confirmar. La delegación de Extranjeros Residentes concluye su programa de actividades de otoño y se prepara para los eventos de invierno con la Cena de Navidad, que se ha convertido ya en una tradición para nuestro departamento. Esperamos contar con tu presencia y de poder disfrutar de esta fiesta tan importante para todos nosotros. Para más información con respecto a nuestras actividades, horarios, etc. por favor póngase en contacto con la Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes del Castillo de la Duquesa por e mail: extranjeros@ o teléfono 952 89 35 48.

Clases de Español para extranjeros e Inglés A partir de Septiembre y hasta el 30 del mismo mes se inicia el período de matrícula para las clases de español para extranjeros así como las de Inglés. Todos aquellos interesados podrán recoger su impreso de inscripción en la oficina de la delegación de extranjeros. Queremos informar que durante el mes de Agosto no se harán citas los Miércoles con el Concejal, se reanudará a partir de Septiembre.


The Resident -

Autumn Programme of Activities December, Charity Party Wednesday, 14th September 2011Presentation of the Autumn Programme of Activities Tapa Day, in The Last Resort (La Última Posada), barrestaurant located on the Paseo Marítimo of Sabinillas in the Acapulco area, at 13.30. The Foreign Residents´ Department invites you to join us for the presentation of the autumn activities program. The first tapa and drink is offered for free from our Delegation. The tickets can be requested at the Duquesa Castle starting with the 29th of August. Here are a few of our activities planned for this autumn:

In aid of Animal in Need, in the Punta Almina area. The Foreigners Department wishes to offer its support to this charity organization, so well known in our locality. The date, hour and activities are to be confirmed.


Mercadillo en el Puerto de la Duquesa

16th December 2011 Christmas Dinner 20:00 hs. Location to be confirmed. The Foreigner´s Department is concluding its autumn activities programme and is preparing for the winter ones with the Christmas Dinner event that has become a tradition in our department, We hope you will join us and celebrate with us this very important holiday. For more information with regards to our activities, times, etc. please contact us at the Foreigners’ Residents Department in the Duquesa Castle by e mail: , extranjeros@ or phone 952 89 35 48.

Durante todo el verano continuará el Mercadillo en el Puerto de la Duquesa, en la calle Los Arcoa, todos los jueves a partir de la 7 de la tarde hasta las 10 de la noche aproximadamente. El visitante puede encontrar una gran selección de artículos de regalos, cerámica, moda, arte, bisutería y mucho más.

Puerto de la Duquesa Market The Duquesa Market continues to be held in the newly pedestrianised Calle Los Arcos. The Market, is open every Thursday throughout the summer from 6 pm to 10 pm and offers a wide selection of gifts, ceramics, fashion and art.

27th October 2011 - Lecture Informative talk about the Life of the Foreign Resident at 18:00 hs in the Edificio Usos Múltiples. We will have as quest, Susan Pedalino, resident of Manilva, who will share with us her experience and present her e books with useful information for the Foreign Resident. 31st October 2011- Halloween Party – The location is pending to be confirmed. At 17:00 hs will have a kids party and later at 23:00 hs a party for Adults giving 1 free drink for those who come in a costume. A magical night dedicated to Halloween.

Cientos de personas disfrutan de la Feria Grande de Manilva

Hundreds enjoy Manilva’s August Fair

La feria de agosto comenzó el pasado jueves. Como bien saben, se desarrolló hasta el domingo 14 de agosto. Para ello, la delegación de Fiestas realizó una programación extensa, divertida y atractiva para todos los públicos. Para Paqui López, concejala de Fiestas: “es una alegría saber que este tipo de actos festivos sirvan para que tanto vecinos como visitantes puedan disfrutar de unos actos organizados para la feria donde han tenido cabida tanto niños como adultos”, comentó. Por su parte, la alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz

Both visitors and residents alike, enjoyed the Manilva August Fair from Thursday 11th to Sunday 14th August. This year, the town council spent 75 percent less than in previous years but even with a lower budget, managed to provide many diverse activities for all ages. Last Sunday, the councillor in charge of Fiestas, said that this year’s fair had been excellent and highlighted the performances of the dance academies of Christina Seguen and Inmaculada Chacon respectively. In addition to these performances, there were aso parades of floats accompanied by the municipal band, in the streets of the urban areas of Manilva. Friday was the turn of Manilva, Saturday El Castillo and Sabinillas. Every evening at the Fairground, there was a party with the repertoire offered by various bands from the official marquee and also music and good vibes from the other marquees set up for the occasion. On Sunday morning, there was a free paella for all those present.

Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes

Manilva Foreign Residents office

La Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes está ubicada en el Castillo de la Duquesa y está abierta de las 08:00h hasta las 14.30h, de lunes a viernes, con horario de atención al público, entre 10:00h y 13:30h. Ayudan y aconsejan con respeto a los problemas de los extranjeros residentes registrados en el municipio de Manilva. Pueden contactar por teléfono al 952 893 548 o por e mail También podéis contactar con Chris Olsen en la Oficina de Turismo en el Edificio Mikonos, del Puerto de la Duquesa desde las 3 hasta las 7 pm, de lunes de Viernes, y de 10 a 2 pm los Sábados. Todas las noticias de Manilva se presentan en Inglés en la Cadena 43 por Valentina Radu y Chris Olsen, los Lunes a las 18.30 y Martes a las 10 am. Visita o para más información.

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open to the public from 8 am to 1.30 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.00 to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Valentina Radu and Chris Olsen on Monday at 18.30 and Tuesday at 10.00 in Canal 43.

Photography Classes for Beginners Once more those interested in discovering the art of photography have the opportunity of registering for the photography classes that are organized by the Foreigner´s Department. The classes, which were a big success in our previous programme, will start registration in the month of September. Price and hour are to be confirmed.

End of November 2011 - Morocco Trip to Chefchaouen. From the Foreigner´s Department we want to invite you to enjoy a weekend in this magnificent village in Morocco, famous for it´ s blue colours and beauty. The price for the trip and details are to be confirmed.

December - Cultural Malaga A day dedicated to knowing the capital of our province and enjoy it´s culture and tradition. The route and price are to be confirmed.

Vázquez se manejó en los mismos términos aunque también hizo hincapié en la buena armonía reinante y no destacar hechos lamentables que perturbaran la normalidad de unos días tan festivos para la localidad como los recién vividos.

Visit or for more information.



The Resident -

Endesa obliga al ayuntamiento a abonar una deuda histórica

El ayuntamiento gestiona la obtención de 480.000 € para proveedores El equipo de gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Manilva está gestionando la obtención de alrededor de 480.000 € para el pago a proveedores a través de una línea de créditos ICO. Así, los miembros del equipo de gobierno han aprobado en la Junta de Gobierno celebrada ayer jueves el reglamento municipal por el que se regulan las facturas de proveedores que podrán acogerse a la línea de crédito de los fondos ICO. La alcaldesa, Antonia Muñoz, ha explicado que podrán acogerse a esta iniciativa las facturas de cantidades comprendidas entre los 900 € como mínimo y 20.000 € como máximo, ya que lo que se pretende es que se beneficie el mayor número de empresas posibles.

El Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha abonado a Endesa el pasado 5 de agosto la cantidad de 52.117,02 €. Este pago correspondía a unos 30.000 € de consumo correspondiente a abril de 2011, más 22.000 € en concepto de las mensualidades de abril, mayo y junio de 2011 correspondientes al pago de una deuda histórica de 133.000 €. El Ayuntamiento de Manilva debe pagar esa deuda histórica en un plazo de un año a razón de más de 11.000 € mensuales. Las mensualidades que se tienen que abonar superan los 11.000 € Esta deuda histórica, según explica el concejal de Hacienda, Marcos Ruíz, está generada por una veintena de contadores de diversos equipamientos municipales que, en su día, no fueron tramitados correctamente. O bien continuaban como contadores de obra, o fueron enganchados directamente a la red general. Una inspección de Endesa detectó el problema y a partir de ahí, comenzaron las negociaciones que acabaron con un

contrato entre la alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz y responsables de Endesa, por el que se obliga al Ayuntamiento a abonar la deuda en 12 mensualidades de más de 11.000 € cada una de ellas. El primer pago debió realizarse en abril de 2011, pero la precaria situación de las arcas municipales imposibilitó el pago. Igualmente ocurrió en mayo y en junio. Ahora llegaba la feria y el Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha tenido que regularizar los pagos para poder acceder al enganche de luz para el recinto ferial. La alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, coincide con el concejal de Hacienda en admitir que el Ayuntamiento es una única entidad que debe acarrear con las consecuencias de lo gestionado con anterioridad y con las deudas contraídas, pero pide un plazo de respiro ya que son muchos los pagos que se están afrontando mensualmente tanto a proveedores como de entidades bancarias y otras, la mayoría de ellos provenientes de legislaturas anteriores a 2007.

Endesa requires Town Hall to pay outstanding debts On the 5th August, the Manilva Town Council paid more than 52 thousand euros to the Endesa Electric Company. Thirty thousand euros corresponded to the normal electricity use for April 2011 and more than 22 thousand euros in respect of the bills for April, May and June 2011 towards the repayment of a longstanding debt of 133 thousand euros. The town council must repay this longstanding debt, within one year, with payments of 11 thousand euros per month. This debt, according to the councilor for finance, Marcos Ruiz, has come about because more than 20 electric meters in various municipal buildings in their day, were not processed correctly and continued as working meters and were connected directly to the National Grid. An inspection, carried out by Endesa, detected the problem and from then on began negotiations, which ended with a contract between the Mayoress, Antonia

Muñoz and representatives of the Endesa Company, to allow the council to repay the debt in 12 monthly payments of 11 thousand euros. The first payment was due to be paid in April 2011, but the precarious situation of the municipal funding made this impossible to pay, as equally in May and June. However, the August Fair arrived and the Town Hall had to make these payments so that the lighting could be connected to the Fair Ground. The Mayoress, Antonia Muñoz, along with the councillor for the economy, admitted that the council is the only entity that pay off this debt, which was incurred by a previous administration, but at the same time, requested time in which to make the repayments, as the council has to deal with many monthly payments to providers and banks, the majority of which were incurred before the present administration initially took office in 2007.

Muñoz ha explicado que, junto al concejal de Hacienda, Marcos Ruíz, se han mantenido las reuniones pertinentes con responsables provinciales de la entidad bancaria BBVA a través de la que se tramitarán estos fondos. En la Junta de Gobierno celebrada también se han aprobado diversos gastos y facturas, así como la preparación del expediente preparado por la delegación de Juventud para la recuperación del proyecto Guadalinfo. Este proyecto, que se tramita con la colaboración de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, permitirá el acceso informático y a Internet a la población en general y a la juvenil en particular.

Town Hall seeks 480 thousand euros to pay suppliers The Manilva town council is negotiating a loan of around 480 thousand euros to pay Council providers through a line of credit from ICO funds, which is the Institute of Official Credit from the Spanish taxation office. At this meeting on 11th August, municipal regulations, regulating vendor invoices eligible for the above funding were approved. The Mayoress, Antonia Muñoz, explained that to be able to benefit from this initiative, the amounts involved must fall between 900 euros minimum and 20 thousand euros maximum, so that as many companies as possible may benefit from this scheme. The Mayoress added that both she and the Councillor for Finance, Marcos Ruiz have held meetings with the relevant provincial officials of the Bank BBVA, through which this funding will be provided. The committee also approved various expenses and

invoices as well as the dossier prepared by the Youth Department for the re-initiation of the “GUADALINFO” project, which is handled with the collaboration of the provincial deputation of Malaga to provide computer and internet access to the wider poulation. Regarding this matter, the 26th of this month is the deadline for presenting applications for the job as promoter in the Guadalinfo centre. According to the councillor for Employment Development, Marcos Ruiz, along with the application form, interested parties must provide a certified copy of their training qualifications and other documentation that is required as part of the application process. The minimum requirement is that the applicants have passed their studies in FP Dos. More information can be obtained from the town council work page

Limpieza solicita no aparcar junto a los contenedores de basura La delegación de Limpieza del Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha hecho un llamamiento a la población en general, a fin de que los vecinos y turistas que pasan sus vacaciones en la localidad, no dejen aparcados sus vehículos en las inmediaciones de los contenedores, ya que esto impide que los camiones de recogida puedan realizar su trabajo. Los operarios de limpieza han visto como a lo largo de las últimas semanas, se ve dificultada su labor a causa de los vehículos que aparcan justo al lado de los contenedores, especialmente de

los soterrados, ya que estos tienen un mecanismo de elevación para realizar la recogida y que muchas veces no pueden accionar debido a los coches mal aparcados, con lo que no pueden proceder a la recogida, amontonándose la basura para otro día. Esto ha propiciado que haya vecinos que se han quejado por la acumulación de residuos. Es por ello, que el edil Antonio de Haro, responsable de limpieza hace este llamamiento, pidiendo la colaboración de todos los ciudadanos.

Manilva’s cleaning department requests that drivers do not park next to rubbish containers The work of the cleansing department has been hampered in the last few weeks, because of vehicles badly parked around the rubbish container areas especially the underground ones, which have a special mechanism so that they can be raised and the rubbish emptied. On various occasions, this has been impossible because of badly

parked cars, which impede the functioning of these containers, so that the rubbish just accumulates for another day, about which many residents complain. For this reason, the councillor responsible for cleaning, Antonio de Haro, has appealed to everyone not to park their vehicles around these rubbish collection sites.

The Resident -

Se retoman los conciertos de la banda municipal

Ocio What’s On Inaugurada la exposición del pintor Manilveño Miguel Salas Durante estos días se puede visitar una interesante exposición de pintura del artista manilveño, Miguel López, en el monumento del Castillo de la Duquesa. Días atrás tenía lugar el acto de inauguración de esta muestra organizada por la delegación de Cultura, que contó con la presencia de la edil, Eva Galindo, así como de vecinos y turistas que quisieron disfrutar de esta cita con el arte. Paisajes urbanos y naturales, rincones singulares tomados de lugares con encanto, retratos, bodegones, y bellas flores...Todas estas instantáneas recogidas con pincel, se pueden disfrutar en la exposición de pintura, que el artista manilveño, Miguel López, ofrece en el

Todos los domingos hasta el 28 de agosto en el Plaza de Reloj, Estepona. El acceso será libre y gratuito. Las actuaciones comenzarán a las 21.00 horas. “Se ha estudiado una programación donde estarán presentes los compositores con más renombre en el panorama actual de

la música sinfónica original para banda, además de los clásicos, los grandes temas de películas, las zarzuelas y algo tan español como los pasodobles”, ha explicado el director de la banda municipal de música, José Antonio López Camacho.

Domingo/Sunday, 21 de agosto Ferrer Ferran Al Centenario J. R. Pascual-Vilaplana Cavall de Foc M. Fernández Caballero Gigantes y cabezudos Hugo M. Chiniesta Alma de Toro Salvador Luján Aníbal P. I. Tchaikovsky Marcha Eslava, en Sib m. op. 31


monumento del Castillo de la Duquesa hasta el 31 de agosto. López, visiblemente emocionado por el éxito de la muestra durante el acto inaugural, hacía referencia a la temática de su colección, calificándola como de reflejo de paisajes de la zona y de la arquitectura popular. Por su parte, la edil de Cultura, animaba a vecinos y turistas a visitar estos días la exposición compuesta por una veintena de cuadros en los que se puede observar una importante variedad de estilos. En esta colección, el artista manilveño, no se conforma con presentar un estilo único, sino que juega con varios lenguajes pictóricos a fin de brindar diferentes propuestas creativas al visitante.

Exhibition by Manilva artist Miguel Salas The Castle in El Castillo is currently hosting and exhibition by local artist Migule López Salas. The inauguration, which took place a couple of days ago was well attended by both visitors and locals as well as members of the local council. The collection includes landscapes, still lifes, portraits of a wide range of subjects all beautifully represented by the artist’s

brush. The artist, referring to the theme of the collection during the inauguration described it as a reflection of the local area through its landscape and architecture. The exhibition, which runs until the end of August, is organised in collaboration with the Culture Department headed by Councillor Eva Galindo.

Domingo/Sunday, 28 de agosto Fernando Bonete III Centenario Sebastián Valero Sones de mi Tierra José Pablo Moncayo Huapango Joaquín Larregla ¡Viva Navarra! C. Oudrid El sitio de Zaragoza P. I. Tchaikovsky 1812 Obertura Solemne, Op.49

RESTAURANT & LOUNGE In Collaboration with Manilva Town Hall Foreign Residents Dept

Enjoy Estepona Town Band’s Sunday concert cycle Every Sunday evening until August 28 you can enjoy the free concerts given by the Estepona Town Band. “We have put together a varied programme including classics from the great composers, popular film themes, typical Spanish operettas

and pasodobles, there is something for everybody”, said the band’s director, José Antonio López Camacho. The concerts begin at 9 pm in the Plaza de Reloj, Estepona. Entrance is free.

Manilva Life Business Directory Manilva Life has been serving residents and visitors to the western Costa del Sol for over five and a half years and is the essential reference source for news, information and services, as well as being a popular meeting place for people to make friends, ask questions and share their experiences through its busy message boards. The website receives around a thousand visitors every day, many of whom are regulars. Manilva Life is also recognised by Manilva’s local authorities as the official English language website for the area, and enjoys first page position for many search terms on the major search engines, including number one spot for ‘Manilva’ on Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Proudly Presents

Last Night of the Proms with the Calpe Rooke Orchestra and the Kings Chapel Singers Friday 16th September 2011 At 8.30pm Tickets just €18.00 per head to include a selection of tapas Tickets available from 1st September from Armstrongs Puerto Duquesa or The Foreign Residents Depts. The Castle at Castillo de la Duquesa Armstrongs en Colaboración con El Departamento de Residentes Extranjeros del Ayuntamiento de Manilva Tienen el Placer de Presentar

La Última Noche de los Bailes

Manilva Life has a range of very attractive advertising options for local businesses.

Junto con Calpe Rooke Orchestra y Kings Chapel Singers

Visit Manilva Life now at and stay in touch with your community!

Viernes 16 de Septiembre 2011 A las 8.30pm

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

Los Tickets son solo €18.00 por persona e incluyen una selección de tapas Los tickets serán disponibles desde el 1 de Septiembre en Armstrongs Puerto Duquesao el Departamento de Extranjeros Residentes @ Castillo


Ocio What’s On

Concierto de Cashaça Ron en los Jardines del Rosario La música en directo en los Jardines del Rosario en Casares Costa continuará el miércoles 24 de agosto con Cashaça Ron Cashaça Ron es un dúo musical integrado por Jesús Medina y Tirso Roche. Interpretarán un programa con música cubana y brasileña y tocarán suaves piezas de bossanova, bolero,

The Resident -

Rondalla Municipal de Estepona

guajira, chachachá, samba, etc. Cashaça Ron a partir de las 22:00 horas, en otro concierto gratuito.

Cashaça Ron in concert - Casares Costa The cycle of free concerts a the Jardines del Rosario on Casares Costa continues on Wednesday, 24 August with a performance by Cashaça Ron. This due comprising Jesús Medina and

Tirso Roch will present a programme of Cuban and Brazilian music including bossanova, bolero, guajira, chachachá, samba, etc. This free concert starts at around 10 pm.

Corominas con Música - Tragic Company Parque Los Pedregales, Estepona 20 agosto, 21:00 h. En una experiencia totalmente novedosa y que está resultando un gran éxito, presentamos una nueva cita con Corominas con Música, una cita que mezcla una visita guiada al Centro de Interpretación Dolménica de Corominas,

situada en el Parque San Isidro de los Pedregales, con un concierto a beneficio de la Asociación ACUDE de Estepona a cargo del grupo de rock “The Tragic Company”. Entrada 10 €. Más información: 654 71 17 15.

Actuación de esta magnifica rondalla dirigida por Juan Gamero en la cual podremos escuchar temas de siempre, con estilos tan variados como Valses y

Estepona Rondalla Concert by Estepona’s municipal ‘Rondalla’, directed by Juan Gamero, who will perform a selection of traditional

Concierto de Niña Pastori

Plaza de Toros. 20 agosto, sábado 22:00 h. association in collaboration with Estepona Town Hall. Tickets are 10 euros each and can be booked by calling 654 711 715.

Festival Rumbitas

Advertise in The Resident

952 936 198 or

Parque Los Pedregales, Estepona 20 agosto, 21:00 h.

Actuación de tres grandes grupos del panorama musical español: como telonero “La Yerba del Parque”, y como grandes figuras, actuación en directo de “Andy y Lucas” y “El Arrebato”. Un gran día para los amantes de la música fusión entre el Flamenco y el Pop, en la Plaza de Toros de Estepona, organizado por la empresa BR Music en colaboración con la Delegación de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Estepona. Entradas:

El próximo 26 de agosto Niña Pastori estará en directo en la playa del Pinillo de Marbella. Será a partir de las 21’30 horas y las entradas costarán 20€ anticipada y 25€ en taquilla.

Niña Pastori in Concert Popular Spanish flamenco singer Niña Pastori will be performing live at Marbella’s Playa Pinillo concert venue on Friday 26 August from 9.30 pm. Tickets are 20 euros in advance, available from and usual outlets, or 25 euros from the box office on the night..

Festival Rumbitas On Saturday August 20 the Plaza de Toros in Estepona will be the stage for the Festival Rumbitas, featuring some of Spain’s most popular exponents of pop/flamenco fusion including Andy y Lucas, El Arrebato, and La Yerba del Parque. Organised by promoters BR Music in collaboration with Estepona’s Cultural

waltzes and pasodobles. El Calvarion Park, Estepona on Friday August 26 from 10 pm

Get off to a flying start in the New Year with an advert in The Resident. Unbeatable rates and packages tailored to your specific needs. Don’t forget advertising is an investment, not an expense. So invest in your business today.

Corominas and Music - Tragic Company Tragic Company will perform at the Centro de Interpretación Dolménica de Corominas, in Estepona’s Los Pedregales Park as part of the season of guided tours/ concerts organised by the ACUDE cultural

Pasodobles. Parque el Calvario, Estepona 26 agosto, 22:00 h.

Department tickets are available online from and other usual outlets priced 30 euros plus charges.



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Ocio What’s On

The Resident -


Rowetta X Factor Finalist described by Simon Cowell as "Fantastic" and "Amazing"

Friday 2nd September at Cortijo La Vizcaronda, Manilva 8 pm until late Price €50 includes: Welcome Cava, Entertainment throughout the Evening, 3-Course Dinner and a Half Bottle of Wine. A truly magical evening under the stars, raising much needed funds for Animal in Need, la Linea For tickets and further information please telephone Ian and Deb on 951 276 115 or 664 362 068

Rowetta Rowetta Idah, better known in the world of music as just Rowetta is an accomplished R&B/Soul singer who, despite being known by many people as a contestant on the first series of X-Factor, has enjoyed a musical career since the early 80s. In fact Rowetta entered and won her first talent competition at the age of twelve and became a professional singer after leaving school. In 1987 In 1987, Rowetta released two singles with the Vanilla Sound Corp. She also lent her voice to Inner City songs. During this time, she released two songs: “Back Where We Belong” and “Passion”. In 1988 she collaborated with Dynasty of 2 on the single “Stop This Thing”. She worked as a backing singer on numerous albums including Simply Red’s 1991 album ‘Stars’.

Rowetta is the voice on the renowned 1989 track “Reach Out” with Sweet Mercy. The track has been sampled by many, including Laidback Luke, Slam, Steve Angello and Todd Terry, and was remixed and rereleased in 2008, leading to a sample of her voice featuring throughout The Black Eyed Peas hit “Boom Boom Pow”. In 1990 Rowetta joined the Happy Mondays. She featured on their single “Step On” which charted at number 5. This was followed by two albums, Pills ‘n’ Thrills and Bellyaches and Yes Please!, and three world tours. The group split and reformed a few times, but finally called it a day in 2000. After the breakup of The Happy Mondays, she did not return to the music business immediately, although she did play herself

in the Michael Winterbottom film 24 Hour Party People, which focused on the band’s years of pop glory. Her soulful, powerful voice proved to be a hit with audiences, and her performances on the show earned her rave review. Rowetta made the final four, being the last woman in the competition, and never had to compete in a sing-off. In 2005, Rowetta released an album on Gut Records. In November 2005 and 2006, She appeared on the BBC’s Children in Need appeal, singing live with the BBC Orchestra in 2005, and on Celebrity Scissorhands in 2006. In 2006, Rowetta had a cameo as herself in Footballer’s Wives:Extra Time. A year later, she made her musical theatre debut at The Palace Theatre, Manchester in The Best Of Broadway, alongside Suranne Jones, and appeared at the IndigO2 with Marti Webb, Stephen Gately and Maria Freidman in Christmas on Broadway. Rowetta also spent August 2007 presenting the show The Terry & Ro Show on Gaydio with Terry Longden, and also became the voice behind the jingles on community station Salford City Radio. In addition, she toured Japan, where she has a huge fanbase. She also appeared on a Reality TV Special of The Weakest Link where she was voted off by the audience in the seventh round. According to a 2008 BBC 6 Music interview with Peter Hook, Rowetta recorded vocals for a track on the debut album by his new band Freebass. A new version of “Reach Out” featuring Rowetta and mixed by Mobin Master spent Christmas 2008 and the first part of 2009 at number 1 in the Beatport Charts.


Rowetta also presents her own radio show on Saturdays at 4 pm on Gaydio 88.4FM. She starred in a nationwide tour of The Songs Of Sister Act with Sheila Ferguson. A new version of “Reach Out” featuring Rowetta and mixed by Mobin Master spent Christmas 2008 and the first part of 2009 at number 1 in the Beatport Charts. Rowetta toured the UK with the London Community Gospel Choir in a new version of The Songs Of Sister Act. In 2009, The Black Eyed Peas sampled Rowetta on their global hit, Boom Boom Pow 2010 Rowetta is appearing with Joy Division/ New Order bassist, Peter Hook & his band, The Light on many dates of his Unknown Pleasures tour and has collaborated with Tom Stephan (Superchumbo) and J Nitti on new dance tracks. In 2010, Rowetta appeared in the Pop Goes the 80’s UK theatre tour. Rowetta is currently recording with Peter Hook and The Light and Mirror People.


Due to popular demand Rowetta has added an extra date to her Animal in Need benefit performances and will be appearing at The Brasserie Restaurant at Casares Costa Golf on Saturday 3rd September. For more details please telephone: Ian and Deb on 951 276 115 or 664 362 068



Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

Fácil Easy

There’s nothing like a cold beer to satisfy your thirst during this hot August, but do you know where your favourite beers come from. For this month’s quiz simple name the countries from which these famous beers originate - All the beers come from different countries, but there’s one or two which might surprise you! Answers page 27.

No hay nada como una cerveza bien fría para calmar la sed durante este mes de agosto, pero, ¿sabes de dónde vienen tus cervezas favoritas? Este mes tenéis que nombrar los países de donde proceden estas cervezas tan famosas - Todas las cervezas provenientes de diferentes países, pero hay uno o dos que pueden sorprender! Respuestas en página 27.



3 Soluciones página 27 All solutions on page 27

Nivel Medio Medium







Difícil Hard







Wine & Dine

The Resident -


CJ’s Family Bar The great place for all the family. Open daily 6pm to late

Traditional Fish & Chips Top Level, Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva Tel: 645 099 599

Open Every Evening! Fed up with loud music so you can’t hear yourself think. Want to enjoy a drink in nice surroundings. Then why not come along to CJ’s in Plaza de la Fuente, Puerto de la Duquesa, where there is something for all the family


El Alambique Real Ale from the KeƩal Brewery is back as our guest ale —come and enjoy a pint of red Irish style ale at CJs CJs will be holding a Curry Night on Sunday 4th September. There will be one Thai Curry plus another (TBA). Watch Facebook for more details. Opening at 7pm unƟl end of August then from Monday 5th of September its back to 6pm. For other Specials, keep an eye on our Facebook page. Join us on Facebook (CJ’s-Cocktail Bar) and follow us on TwiƩer for more informaƟon or visit our web site –

DUQUESA Whether you have been a naughty devil or an angelic angel we will welcome you with open wings. Kick back, relax and get ready because you’re going straight to Heaven. Home of the biggest and best cocktails in the port, open daily, facebook – heaven Duquesa, food available all day. PLAZA ALTA | PUERTO DE LA DUQUESA | WWW.HEAVENDUQUESA.COM

Marlows Fish & Chip Restaurant Residencial Duquesa

Embargos de banco 100% Hipoteca

Duquesa Village

Bank repossessions up to 100% mortgage

Tel: 0034 952 890 444 Mob: 0034 667 633 830


Marlows is a modern, and spacious comfortable restaurant with an outside terrace to accommodate smokers. At Marlows you will find expertly fried fish & chips, north sea haddock, cod, plaice, together with starters. Ribs, chicken, pies, sausages, salads, desserts and a kids menu at only €4. Marlows have 50 years plus in the fish & chip trade and in fact opened the very first fish & chip shop in Gibraltar, way back in 1966 (Irish Town Fisheries, for those of you old enough to remember it). Quality, Value and Service excel at Marlows. So why not try for yourself! Marlows can also cater for any party, Big or Small up to 100 people.

During the winter months there is a fantastic Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch on Sunday served from 1pm - 4.30pm. Tel. 951 276 728

EARLY BIRD ONLY €6.95 1 Fish & Chips (Cod or Haddock) 1 Bread & Butter or 1 Peas 1 Drink Tea, coffee, beer, water or soft drink

6pm - 7.30pm Monday to Thursday Served in the Restaurant



The Resident -

Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast Sabinillas



Call +34 630 318 730


We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.


From 189,000€

ty th er on op M Pr he t


1 bed, 1 bath apartment in beachfront development with stunning sea views. Large tropical gardens, pool, paddle courts. Spacious open plan accommodation with southeast facing terrace. Private parking space. 1

2 bed, 3 bath apartment in modern gated development with tennis and paddle courts, large pool. Open plan living space, modern kitchen, large terraces. Includes aircon, satellite tv, private parking and storeroom. 2




2 bed, 2 bath penthouse in popular development just a short drive to Duquesa Port and beach. Overlooking sea, golf and open countryside. Sold fully furnish with aircon, satellite TV, 2 parking spaces and 2 storerooms.




3 bed, 3 bath townhouse on frontline golf development. Property has been renovated to a high standard, and has been considerably extended to provide ample space. Property boasts stunning roof terrace and large private garden. 4


These 2 and 3 bedroom luxury apartments in Marina del Castillo enjoy a superb beachfront location that is within minutes walk of the beautiful Duquesa Marina. Only just being completed, this is one of the most prestigious developments in the Duquesa area. Marina del Castillo has been constructed to the highest standard and includes stunning luxurious features including marble walls and floors, natural wood terraces, light sensitive glass, domotics home control systems and high specification kitchen and bathrooms. Marina del Castillo boasts a beautiful communal pool and sun terraces, underground parking and 24hr security.


Casares Costa


3 bed, 2 bath, townhouse in established front line beach development. Large lounge/diner with fireplace, fully equipped kitchen, 3 spacious bedrooms, roof top solarium with store room, private garden. Communal pools, tennis courts.


Large 4 bed, 2 bath townhouse situated 5 mins walk from Manilva, overlooking Sabinillas and Manilva coast. Built 2004 173+ square metres, benefits form large 50 square metre integral garage. Property is ready to be moved in and is sold with or without furniture. The property enjoys a very private situation and shares pool and garden with just 17 other properties. MUST BE SEEN!




2 bed, 2 bath apartment benefits from stunning views, private parking and is close to shops and amenities, short walk to Duquesa Port. Well laid out, 2 good size bedrooms, master with ensuite. 24hr security and satellite TV.


These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at or +34 630 318 730


The Resident -


Tel. 952 89 30 96 952 89 72 33 Fax. 951 27 35 82

Transporte Urgente Mensajería Urgent Deliveries Messengers Courier Service


Bar - Cafetería



Detached Villa in Torreguadiaro with mature garden PRICE SLASHED to

€370,000 offers invited

TAPAS VARIADAS RACIONES - DESAYUNOS CHOCOLATE & CHURROS Heated Smoking Terrace Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Sabinillas - Manilva

4 double en-suite bedrooms 200 sqm built on 500 sqm plot Magnificent Views Small Pool & Jacuzzi See website


MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 Móvil: 657 96 03 47 Avenida Velazquez 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)

Tel: 951 273 647 Email:



The Over 50s Show is looking for new ideas for the Coast seniors, which is entertaining, informative and educational’. Once again, admission and car-parking is free, as well as all presentations and tests. They also add that the event offers the over-50s ‘a one-stop shop’ to get information on their physical and financial health as well as enjoy many of their interests and hobbies, not to mention an excellent opportunity to meet-up with their peers from all over the Coast and beyond. If you want to offer the organisers ideas,

or event promote a product or service at this hugely successful event and engage with thousands of the Coast’s seniors bring 902003896. Or email The Over 50s Show takes place at the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos, Estepona, Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th November, 11am until 6pm daily. For more information on The Over 50s Show, you can get details by contacting the organisers at 902 003896. Or email:

The ever popular event always attracts a huge amount of visitors The unmissable Over 50s Show the lifestyle event for the Coast’s seniors is back this November for an incredible fifth year – and the organisers are looking for your help. Said director John Low: ‘Every year we try to add something different to the mix so that the event does not becoming predicable and stale, but when we start talking to visitors we are asked ‘why was this or this not in? ‘So in a sense we are throwing it back in the visitors court and asking them to contact us with ideas and features they would like to see at the show. And just as import, things they would prefer not to be at the event!’ Whatever new features are taken onboard,

all the usual attractions – so far! -- will be there: health advice and presentations, gardening clinics, finance advice, art, golf lessons, musical entertainment, computer tuition, home security, fashions, aerobics, and much, much more. Added John Low: ‘The fact that the show has survived, when many events have folded, is testament to the great support we have had from both the business community and the very loyal visitors. Even a massive rainstorm last year did not stop people making the effort, and that’s why we want to hear their views which will be essential to the development and future of the event’. The Over 50s Show is described by the organisers as ‘the ultimate lifestyle event

There will be a series of food presentations


Marble - Granite Also a wide range of Fireplaces Kitchen Work Tops - Bathrooms - All Types of Floors We stock a large range of household names

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The Resident -

En la Residencia de las Palabras Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions

Salarios del Parado


Francisco Rodríguez Herrera

El sol fundamental El viento baja hasta el río, en tórtola vuela a las aguas. Mira cómo se mece entre ondas esa balsa. Río que atravesaremos juntos, iremos a nuestra casa: de adobe es nuestra morada con raíces del amor que siempre todo lo aguantan. El viento baja hasta el río, en tórtola vuela a las aguas. ¿Quién tiene miedo? Mira cómo nos espera meciéndose entre ondas esa balsa. El amor que no navega no encuentra nunca su alma. 11 de Mayo de 2007 Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “La campiña templada” (2007-2008)

Trigo y Silbido Trigo y silbido, ojo en la espiga. ¿Cómo es el mundo? Árbol, brazos del beso, vuelan las hojas, caen a tu cuerpo, cubren tu vida. Trigo y silbido, pasa una madre, pasa una niña; ay, que la noche sale del aire, vuela que vuela, baja al trigal, luna perdida que la recogen dos golondrinas. Trigo y silbido, suenan que suenan, grillos audaces velan la tierra. Trigo y silbido, pasa una madre, pasa una niña. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “La campiña templada” (2007-2008)

na fuente donde aterriza la primavera. El corazón, sediento de umbrales. El hombre desempleado quiere rociarse en el pueblo, quiere ser parte de él y su progreso. El hombre en paro busca un lugar donde trabajar... Y las frases ante sus hijos: “El trabajo está muy mal”. “Como la cosa siga así”. “En edad de trabajar y con responsabilidad familiar un hombre no puede...; pero todo eso no justifica nada”. “No más dinero por desempleo” (¡vivir del paro!, ¡de caridad!). Pero es un derecho adquirido –dicen–, un dinero recaudado por el INEM. (Inversión. Producción, consumo, la teoría elemental en la economía de desarrollo.) Hombre del paro. Hombre en el paro, que quiere regresar hoy a casa sin el oscuro lamento, sin la presión psicológica de los últimos meses. “Pero..., ¡a ver si de esta última entrevista sale algo positivo, a ver..., a ver si hay suerte, ...yo creo que sí!” El sí que se enardece, el sí del pueblo, un sí de lírica social, un sí de esperanza, que es ya real... Y un amigo: “...Da gracias a Dios. El mundo, el mundo, mira cómo está, que si el hambre, que si las guerras..., es una pena que el hombre no haya aprendido a organizarse.” (“A organizarse o a quererse”, piensa el hombre parado.) Y otro amigo: “…Pero eso no es excusa, el hambre provocada por la sinrazón, el desequilibrio, el egoísmo…. Todo el mundo tiene derecho a un trabajo digno, a un salario justo, a... Ten en cuenta que el trabajo, como casi todo en esta vida, está mal repartido. Además, hoy, como antes, en muchos aspectos seguimos igual: El empresario, busca dinero para su casa; el comerciante, busca dinero para su casa; el político, pues igual; el obrero, tira de donde puede, ¿crees que con lo que le dan hoy a un padre de familia en el paro, no va a realizar pequeños trabajos: que es perjudicial, ya..., y cómo comer con esa miseria, lo que llaman chapuzas, sí, no deberían hacerlas, pero peores cosas se ven”. Y otro: “Hay que saber mucho porque con la oferta y la demanda hemos topado. ...Este mundo del trabajo no está

Tres Luceritos Abueli tiene tres luceritos, tres luceritos que brillan junto a la luna llena; uno, se llama Irene, otro se llama Natalie yuno que vino de Oriente y que se llama Andrea. Este es mi mejor tesoro, ¿Que más le puedo pedir a Dios? Ara 25 julio 2011


ahora para bromas. Se opina que..., se cree que..., se determina que por fin las estadísticas se han bloqueado en la cota más baja de paro, pero sigue creciendo. Nos queda la confianza, supongo. Hay tanto que aprender”. Otro amigo: “Una vez tuve que decirle a uno: “¡Si aquí muchos estamos pasando miserias, casi como en el tercer mundo (idiotez de enumerar a la raza humana), si no fuera porque a muchas familias les ayudan amigos y familiares, con la limosna recibida, limosna ¡cómo se iba a comer!, y no sólo comer, pagar la luz, el gas, vestir, etc!”. Hoy, el hombre contratado por fin, ha tenido suerte, siente el beso de las huellas obreras, al pasar camino de la empresa, siente las huellas del padre onírico solidario con los que buscan y se rocían en los umbrales del pueblo, una manera de ganarse el pan; pero hay una vida socialmente programada sujeta en las aguas, y en sus fuentes, la primavera aterriza, porque lo que hoy a algunos les ha tocado vivir con el peso del requiebro, mañana otros lo experimentarán (a todos nos toca alguna vez las experiencias del hambre, o del pan o del amor). Y se intentan normas más estables, donde el turbio chorro de humo impregna las ideas, las palabras, ¿o es a un ser?, ¿o es a un pueblo?, donde nadie es más que nadie pero todos quieren ser más. Y un hombre sencillo, ¡un hombre ayer parado!, ahora ya por fin tiene un nuevo empleo, recobra las fuerzas, la alegría, los proyectos de futuro para su bienestar y el de su familia. Y coincide con un amigo al que nunca le faltó el trabajo, y cae en la cuenta de que aquellas palabras de León Felipe: “No hay oficio ni empleo que aquel que enseña al hombre a ser un hombre”, defienden una profesión de hombre que comienza y no acaba, nunca desempleado de lo humano, de hombre no programado, no controlado, no visado, de hombres labradores de las virtudes, que no se despojan unos a otros en quehaceres siniestros.

Fácil Easy

Nivel Medio Medium

Difícil Hard

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Cuando la luna es celeste” (1990-2000)

Padre Patera Un Corazón sin Fronteras Necesita - Pañales, Toallitas Húmedas y Leche Entera Acoge a todos los niños inmigrantes y mujeres embarazadas. Entrega de donativos: Regalos Pilar, C/ Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas, Manilva

Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas - Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información


606 602 558

(Coopere con nosotros)

Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers 1 Canada. 2 Netherlands, Países Bajos. 3 England, Inglaterra. 4 Jamaica. 5 Ireland, Irlanda. 6 Czech Republic, República Checa. 7 Spain, España. 8 Italy, Italia. 9 India. 10 Australia. 11 Germany, Alemania. 12 Denmark, Dinamarca. 13 France, Francia. 14 Mexico. 15 Singapore, Singapur.



A Healthier Life

The Resident -

Hydration During Exercise • Drink 8-10 fl oz every 10-15 min during exercise • If exercising longer than 90 minutes, drink 8-10 fl oz of a sports drink (with no more than 8 percent carbohydrate) every 15 - 30 minutes. Hydration After Exercise Weigh yourself before and after exercise and replace fluid losses. Drink 20-40 fl oz of water for every 1lb lost Remember train wiser not longer-Claudia would also recommend eating more water melon and cucumber to keep your body well hydrated. Check with your GP before starting any new exercise regime. Good luck

JoJo France and Claudia Norris Welcome to The Resident’s Fitness & Food column written by Personal Trainer JoJo France, and Nutritional Therapist Claudia Norris. For most of us summer is about beaches, BBQ’s and chillouts so with this in mind JoJo has devised an aqua work out and Claudia has shared some picnic ideas.

JoJo France Personal Trainer. Mobile: 687 030 047 Email: Web:

Mind over milkshakes

Exercise and Hydration

Learn Spanish with Nuria

Common Causes of Dehydration In sports people • Inadequate fluid intake • Excessive sweating • Failure to replace fluid losses during and after exercise • Exercising in dry, hot weather • Drinking only when thirsty How Athletes Lose fluid • Temperature. Exercising in the heat increases you fluid losses through sweating and exercise in the cold can impair you ability to recognize fluid losses and increase fluid lost through respiration. In both cases it is important to hydrate. • Sweating. Some athletes sweat more than others. If you sweat a lot you are at greater risk for dehydration. Again, weigh yourself before and after exercise to judge sweat loss. Exercise Duration and Intensity Exercising for hours (endurance sports) means you need to drink more and more frequently to avoid dehydration The routine measurement of pre- and post-exercise body weights is useful for determining sweat rates and customized fluid replacement programs. What about Sports Drinks? Sports drinks can be helpful to athletes who are exercising at a high intensity for 60 minutes or more. If, however, you find yourself exercising in extreme conditions over 3 or 5 hours (a marathon, Ironman or ultramarathon, for example) you may likely want to add a complex sports drink with electrolytes. It is strongly recomended that you avoid the heat of the day for exercise outside, working with fresh air is much healthier than air-conditioniong; a body working in the hot humid tempretures here in spain can be expending up to 30% more energy than those working out in cooler climates.

Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken

Experienced teacher from Madrid Based Duquesa-Manilva-SabinillasEstepona. 1 to 1 dedicated tuition at your place. Group lessons also available. Friendly, gain confidence, learn properly.

A new study is rocking the nutrition world and begging the question: is healthy eating all in the mind? Study participants were either given a 620 calorie ‘indulgent’ milkshake or a 140 calorie ‘sensible’ shake. Before drinking the shakes they had to read a detailed description of each so they would know exactly what they were about to drink. The scientists measured levels of ghrelin – a hormone released when we are hungry. As expected, those who drank the ‘indulgent’ shake had lower ghrelin levels after drinking than the ‘sensible’ shake. Here’s the catch: both groups were actually drinking the same drink of 380 calories. It turns out that people’s hunger was satisfied psychologically not by what they were drinking, but by what they thought they were drinking. When I read this study it made me think of The Volumetrics Eating Plan by Dr Barbara Rolls in the States. Her approach is based on the premise that we ‘eyeball’ our food and decide in advance if it will fill us up or not. Rolls has found that if you make a quarter-pound hamburger look the same size as a half-pound burger by adding lots of garnishes and not squishing it down, the average person who normally eats a half-pounder will feel full at the end of meal. The food industry cottoned onto this a long time ago and many of our foods are pumped with air and water. If we can begin to approach even the healthiest foods with a mindset of indulgence while creating more ‘volume’ with extra vegetables and garnishes we can enjoy feeling full without piling on the calories. Crum AJ et al (2011) Mind over milkshakes: Mindsets, not just nutrients, determine ghrelin response Health Psychology Jul 30(4) 424-9 Claudia Norris Nutritional Therapist MA(Hons) Dip(BCNH) Nutritional Therapy Council Registered Practitioner (NTCC) Email: Mobile: 671 142 960 Web:

Tel. 620753865 email:

Marbella & Estepona Hypnotherapy & Reiki Want to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Improve your Golf, Get over Phobias or just need to Relax.

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in your home, office or a group Support lessons in most subjects for children attending Spanish/International schools. Also French, German and English Spelling, language and literature Tel: 952 892 163 Mob: 607 963 254 Spain's own 'Handy Andy'

ANDY FITCH General all round handyman Painting, Tiling, Electrical, Plumbing and Carpentry

Hydration Before Exercise • Drink about 15-20 fl oz, 2-3 hours before exercise • Drink 8-10 fl oz 10-15 min before exercise

Professional and Reliable Reasonable Rates - 25 Years Experience Free Estimates and Advice References Available 951 276 134, 610 337 938 or 667 363 524

Business Directory Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L. Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Rafael Galán Ronald Rosenfeld Frances Beaumont Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris

Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Iniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L.

Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.

Building & Maintenance • Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment,DesignService Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@hotmail. com • Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energysystems-bothelectricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515

Holiday Accommodation • Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www. • Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561

Auto • BrunosCarrentalandsales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 www. • English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066 • Simple Leasing. Car rentals and leasing. Document transfers. 0034 697 820 253 or visit

Professional • Manilva Solicitors provide a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies. Tel 952 901 225 or e-mail: mail@ • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • Do you need a trusted and efficient lawyer? Call us for a free quotation. 951.31.66.39; • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators&Interpreters,legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.

Have a day out with The Resident Property management • Castillo Services - Key Holding, Holiday Let Cleaning, Meet and Greets. Tel: 0034 952 892 471, Mob: 0034 608 491 525 Email: castilloserv@ • Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207

• Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 • Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.

Mijas Water Park

Sun Breaks Spain Short Term Holiday Lets Long Term Rentals Apartments, villas or townhouses

Educación Education • Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 21 63

Entertainment • Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765

Mortgage & Financial Services • Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347

ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Project Management

Bares y Restaurantes • Restaurante Ramos Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas. • Armstrongs Restaurant Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629

Informática Computers • CSS - Home and office support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi, data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.

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featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!


Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 74€ The Resident price 70€ Children: Normal price 58€ The Resident price 54€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)


Tel. 678 962 588

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a

Every Tuesday (May to October only) Enjoy a full day of sun and exciting water adventures. Families and friends, get set to get wet! Adults: Normal price 40€ Resident price 37€. Children: Normal price 32€ Resident price 28€

Ronda by Train

(return by coach)

Every Thursday - By coach toAlgeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 43€ The Resident price 41€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€.


Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.


Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.)After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 79€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 75€ Children: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 60€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING


Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital ofAndalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. -Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€

Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast.After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

Gibraltar - Shopping only:

Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping

Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shoppingAdults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Dolphin boat trip and shopping

Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Gibraltar - Rock the boat

Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 53€ The Resident price 50€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & Mijas

Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola Zoo

Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€.

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.



The Resident -

Costa Advice Bureau Do you question your banks actions? A Spanish bank has recently drawn up a rental contract for my client. She has only recently arrived in Spain and the contract is in Spanish with no translation. The rental contract does not comply with the law and the bank appears to be totally unaware of the rights that this agreement allows the occupant. Except for a couple of clauses this contract is beneficial for the tenant and surprisingly, is in fact prejudicial against the bank. The rental property in question was already inhabited and embargoed by the bank with the intention to sell or auction the same. Are they aware that by drawing up the contract for a year, they have in fact by law allowed the tenant the right of habitation for a total or five years? One of the unacceptable clauses now corrected at my insistence, was that the tenant would pay a month’s rent as a deposit to be returned on vacating the property. Totally acceptable if the guarantee had not already been paid. This article has now been corrected to cover this important point. It is imperative that even if you have sufficient knowledge of the language, you should always have contracts either translated and the interpreted version signed and attached or seeks expert advice. Bank statements Always study your bank statements with caution. This is imperative where you have various loans which may include a mortgage and credit or debit cards. The banks here may organise your funds without prior notice. You may have given instructions that the mortgage has preference but they will often give preference to clearing the debts on your cards. The reasoning here is very simple. The mortgage has the property as a guarantee against any default on the monthly payments. Whatever your instructions to your branch forward these in writing and ask for a written response of confirmation of your wishes. Bank to consider honeymoon period for mortgage holders One of the top banks has announced a honeymoon period for their borrowers who are having problems meeting their mortgage payments. If you are interested, make sure you have all the details. Make yourself aware of the implications and do not wait to complain about the agreements you may sign today in the future. The significance of the offer may be more beneficial to the bank than to you three years from now.

One of the most important consumer societies in Spain has declared that it suspects that this may a form of advertising as the announcement will attract a lot of attention from the consumer. Obtaining your unemployment benefit in Spain without difficulty It was with foresight from past experiences that I gave my client instructions for claiming his unemployment in Spain after being made redundant in Gibraltar. So as advised and armed with his mobile and my contact details arrived at his first port of call, a well known government department. Shortly after his arrival I received his first phone call. He passed his phone to the civil servant who had told him he was in the wrong offices. After explaining the procedure via his mobile, she agreed with me and sent him upstairs. He called again. The civil servant behind the desk also did quite understand what he wanted. I spoke with her and it appeared all was going well. Third call was to advise me that he had left with the relevant documentation and not empty handed to have to return. Are you driving legally on Spanish Roads? This topic has been an issue for numerous people who have either visited my office or have contacted me via this newspaper, email, facebook and all other forms of other social media. Only recently I was contacted by a non resident who was fined five hundred euro for not being in possession of a Spanish driving licence. The law in Spain allows you to drive on your European licence. This rule relates to resident and nonresident alike. One would expect that the forces, whose responsibility it is to enforce the laws on our roads would be aware of the law. This appears to not be the case. If you are stopped, remember, as a resident you cannot be fined on the spot. Any person fined for this reason should either contact us with the penalty document or a receipt if they have already made the payment. Look before you leap’ ‘things are not always at they appear’ ‘Always take advice’ For information on any of the above, please contact:

Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821

Give a dog a good home ADANA, the Estepona based dog rehoming charity is, like other rehoming centres along the coast, experiencing a huge increase in the number of abandoned dogs arriving at its kennels in Parque de Pedregales, so much so that overcrowding at the kennels is fast becoming very serious. There are now over two hundred dogs in the shelter, far more than can easily be given the full care and attention they deserve. The ADANA Board decided a few months ago to offer to good homes free of charge a

Market review

number of our older dogs. These dogs are calm and gentle and would make excellent pets for older people or families with young children. These lovely old boys and girls deserve a good home and their adoption would free up space in the kennels for our many other dogs and puppies. Anyone interested in offering a dog a home or in helping ADANA in any way should contact the kennel Manager Eddie Taylor on 952113467 from 10.30 to 13.30.

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

In recent weeks we have heard a lot of talk about the state of the global economy a lot of attention was focused on the date 2nd August 2011. Why I hear you ask, our American colleagues had to come up with a plan to avoid a federal debt default. Fortunately the US House of Representatives passed a vote of 269 to 161 which some critics may say was a lastgasp deal to avoid this default. It raised the debt limit by up to $2.4tn (£1.5tn) from $14.3tn, and makes savings of at least $2.1tn in 10 years. But of late the decision has been questioned as to the whether the limit should have been raised by $4tn thus allowing longer term stability for our American colleagues and possibly avoiding the recent downgrading of their credit rating from their much valued AAA status. This downgrade could have a longer lasting effect on Bond Yields for the US. Good news though coming from the UK as the construction industry grew a faster-thanexpected by 2.3% in the second quarter of the year compared with the previous three months. This new data which came from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) marks a rebound from a slump seen by the industry over the previous six months. However all is not well as we hear with recent comments from George Osborne warning that excessive global debt meant “the recovery will take longer and be harder than hoped” Could this be why people are holding onto their hard earned cash and saving it for a rainy day. Mr Osborne seems to be defending the government’s austerity plan in the Commons, saying it had made the UK a “safe haven” in the volatile financial markets.

In Switzerland, according to the TagesAnzeiger daily, the authorities are flirting with the idea of pegging their currency to the euro. The franc had strengthened by nearly a third since the beginning of the year and this having a negative impact on exports. During this time investors used the story as an excuse to take some profits on their long-franc positions, which took the currency three cents lower against the US dollar, four cents down against the euro and knocking five cents off its sterling value. The euro zone has also seen its fair share of problems and possible threats. Could there be another rescue package on the cards for Greece we will have to wait and see. Add this to the problems in Portugal, Italy and possibly Spain alongside the threat of a downgrade for France, you start to get the picture that all is not well within the global economy. In the last couple of weeks we have seen the Pound to Euro exchange rate fluctuating between 1.13 to 1.1450. The last low of 1.11 was at the beginning of July 2011 when the euro was at its strongest. So knowing how volatile exchange rates can be it is always worth getting the right guidance on the currency market. If you want to learn more about how you can save money on your currency transfer: contact our preferred currency exchange partner Moneycorp as their local experts are always happy to speak to you.

Contact Michael Campbell on +34 951 319 700 / 628 869 981 or email: michael.campbell@ do not forget to mention The Resident

Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva Donation It was congratulations all round when Harry Ramsden recently celebrated his 65th birthday, and his nephew, Steve Davies, celebrated taking over The English Bookshop in Sabanillas. They decided to have a combined celebration with their families and friends. This was held at Rilex on the Beach (which is situated on the paseo in Sabanillas) where Alex and Iris catered for everyone’s needs and tastes and all had a great time. Guests were asked to make a donation to Age Concern in lieu of gifts – this raised 220€, a magnificent sum. Age Concern are grateful to Harry and Steve and all of their friends for raising so much – all of which will go towards supporting our volunteers who work in the community with older people. Thank you!!

Holidays As previously advised the shop and Drop-

In-Centre are closed until 5th September to allow staff to have a well earned break. Calls to the Drop-In-Centre telephone (951318234) will be picked up. We look forward to seeing all of our customers again on the 5th September – the shop is situated in Calle Zaragoza, and will open at 10.00.

Lifeline For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at

The Resident -

Triatlón Villa de Estepona La Delegación Municipal de Deportes informa que el próximo 21 de agosto se celebrará en la localidad el XIV Triatlón “Villa de Estepona” 2011, que organiza el Club Triatlón Tiburones de Estepona, la Federación Andaluza de Triatlón y la Diputación provincial de Málaga, con la colaboración de BigSur Events y el Ayuntamiento de Estepona. El pasado año se volvió a retomar esta prueba, tras varias ediciones sin poder realizarse, retornando este año nuevamente en la modalidad de sprint y siendo la única competición de estas características que se celebra durante el mes de agosto en Andalucía. Según la

organización en la prueba participarán aproximadamente 300 triatletas, comenzará a partir de las 09:00 horas y se desarrollará en la playa de “La Rada” (750 metros de natación), luego realizarán un circuito urbano de 20 kms en bicicleta con salida desde la Avda. San Lorenzo y recorrido la Avda. Juan Carlos I y Avda. Martín Méndez (subida al polígono industrial), finalizando con 5 kms de carrera a pie por el paseo marítimo Pedro Manrique. Esta prueba está incluida dentro del Circuito Provincial de Triatlón que organiza la Diputación Provincial de Málaga.

Deportes Sport


Carrera popular nocturna “Corruco Race” de Manilva

El club de atletismo Manilva Running junto con la Delegación de Deportes han puesto en marcha La 1ª Corruco Race. Esta carrera popular nocturna se celebrará el próximo día 20 de agosto en el litoral manilveño. Según la organización, habrá dos recorridos diferentes: uno para adultos, de 6 kilómetros de distancia, y otro adaptado para los más pequeños. La prueba infantil dará comienzo a

partir de las siete y media de la tarde en la zona de la Noria. Una hora más tarde arrancará la carrera para la categoría senior cuyo recorrido atravesará la Colonia Infantil, el puerto deportivo de La Duquesa, la fortaleza del Castillo y la calle Duquesa de Arcos, donde se situará la línea de meta. Las inscripciones para los atletas más pequeños será gratuita, mientras que los adultos sólo tendrán que abonar 3 euros. Todos los participantes recibirán un regalo. Decir también, que sólo hay 300 plazas disponibles por lo que desde la propia organización animan a todos los interesados a inscribirse lo antes posible. Para más información pueden ponerse en contacto con el club de atletismo manilveño a través del teléfono 615 60 60 93. El concejal de Deportes, Mario Jiménez, anima a todas aquellas personas que lo deseen a participar de esta innovadora experiencia en el mundo del atletismo.

Runners sign up for Manilva’s “Corruco Race” Estepona triathlon Estepona’s sports department has announced that on Sunday 21 August the XIV Estepona Triathlon will be held with the collaboration of Club Triatlón Tiburones de Estepona, The Andalucian Triathlon Federation, Malaga Sports Council, and BigSur events. This year’s event takes the form of a Sprint Trial with 300 athletes setting off at

9 am for a 750m swim off La Rada beach, followed by a 20km cycle race through the town, finishing off with a 5 km run along the Paseo Maritimo. This event, which is the only one of its kind during August, will form part of the Provincial Triathlon Circuit organised by the Malaga Sports Council.

El Estepona hace un llamamiento a la afición en la campaña de abonados

The Manilva Running athletics club in conjunction with Manilva’s Sports Department has organised the 1st Corruco Race, An evening race to be held on Saturday, 20 August on the Manilva coast. There will be two races. The first a 6km run for adults with a second, shorter course for youngsters. The childrens race will begin at 7.30 at La Noria in Sabinillas. One hour later sees the adults set off tracing a route through the Colonia Infantil, Puerto Duquesa, Castillo and back to the finishing line on Duquesa

de Arcos, Sabinillas. Entry is free for children and 3 euros for adults. All participants will receive a gift. There are 300 places available so those interested should sign up as soon as possible. For more information contact 615 606 093. The Councillor for Sports, Mario Jiménez, would like to encourage people to take part in this new experience in the world of athletics.

la tienda oficial del club, en el estadio Francisco Muñoz Pérez, además Papelería Ortiz, en la calle Real, y Todo Uniforme, antiguo Modas Ramos, en la calle Terraza.

Semana del Tenis de Estepona

U Estepona CF launches season ticket campaign

El presidente de la Unión Estepona Club de Fútbol, Sergio González, presentó la Campaña de Abonados para la temporada 2011/2012. El acto tuvo lugar en la céntrica calle Real, a la altura del Paseíllo, y estuvo acompañado por el coordinador de los equipos de fútbol base, Antonio Monreal, y algunos de los jugadores de la primera plantilla que el próximo fin de semana comenzará la temporada en el Grupo IX de la Tercera División. Desde el club esteponero se

ha lanzado un mensaje a la afición local para que respalden con su apoyo este nuevo proyecto deportivo que tiene como objetivo regresar a la Segunda División B, además de fomentar el trabajo de cantera. Los carnés tienen un precio de 100 euros en tribuna, 80 para especial, preferencia, mujeres y jubilados. 60 euros en preferencia especial y 150 euros para empresas y carné de oro. Los aficionados pueden adquirirlo en

The president of Unión Estepona Club de Fútbol, Sergio González, has kicked off this year’s season ticket campaign at an official launch in Estepona’s Calle Real. Joining him were Antonio Monreal, youth teams coordinator and a number of first team players who will be starting their campaign in the Third Division’s Group IX. The Club has sent out a message to all local fans to get behind them in this year’s campaign to get back to the Segunda División B. Season tickets cost 100 euros (Tribuna), 80 euro (Special, Preferencia, Women and Pensioners), 60 euros (Preferencia especial) and 150 euros for company ticket or Gold Card. Fans can obtain their season tickets at the Francisco Muñoz Pérez stadium, and at Papelería Ortiz in Calle Real and Todo Uniforme in Calle Terraza.

La Delegación de Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Estepona informa de la celebración de una nueva edición de la Semana del Tenis 2011, que como viene siendo tradicional tendrá lugar en los últimos días del mes de agosto, concretamente se desarrollará del 24 al 31 de agosto. El Torneo se disputará en los polideportivos municipales de Sto. Tomás y La Viña, en las categorías que comprenden desde benjamín a senior y en las modalidades de individuales y dobles. Al finalizar la competición se entregarán trofeos a los primeros clasificados.

Estepona Tennis Week Estepona’s Sports Department has announced this year’s Estepona Tennis Week which will be contested by players from U8s to Adults in both individual and doubles events. The tournament will take place at the Sto. Tomás and La Viña sports centres from 24th to 31st August.

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