The Resident May 2012

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No.68 28 MAY - 23 JUN 2012 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006




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The Resident -

EDITORIAL Una vez más el espectro de la corrupción se presenta en la zona, con el arresto este mes del ex alcalde de Casares, Juan Sánchez. Justo lo que piensas, está saliendo todo lo que se intenta mantener oculto. Bueno, todavía hay algo bueno, la cosecha de políticos ve que la ley a la larga les pasa factura si son tentados a abusar de sus posiciones. Permaneciendo en un tema más serio, todavía estamos en el mes de mayo pero ya hemos sido testigos de un fuego de bastante importancia, éste se ha producido en El Hacho, arriba del Puerto de la Duquesa. Afortunadamente esta vez no se han producido daños o escasos daños en las viviendas debido al eficiente trabajo realizado por los bomberos, así pues es importante recordarles que tomen precaución con el fuego debido al calor y a la sequía que tenemos. Cambiando a otro lado más optimista, la Costa está empezando a cambiar de marcha para la temporada veraniega, las playas están siendo acicaladas, al igual de que los chiringuitos, y los programas

de entrenamiento veraniegos están también empezando a tomar forma. Destacando dentro de esta programación el Starlite Festival que tendrá lugar en Marbella, y donde artistas de la talla de George Benson, Hugh Laurie, Christopher Cross y Julio Iglesias entre otros, participarán en este gran festival de música que se celebrará desde el 13 de Julio al 14 de Agosto. Otra fecha a tener en cuenta en nuestra agenda es la celebración de la noche de San Juan, que se celebra a lo largo de toda la Costa. Una de las celebraciones más grandes y más exitosas es la que tiene lugar en Sabinillas, Manilva, donde vienen miles de personas para ver tan solo las magníficas hogueras realizadas en la playa y todo el espectáculo que conlleva. Para más información sobre ésto y otros acontecimientos, asegúrese que visita nuestra página web www. Así pues, hasta el próximo mes, adiós por ahora.

Once again the spectre of corruption has arisen in the area, with the arrest this month of the former Mayor of Casares, Juan Sanchez. Just as you think that maybe all of the skeletons are out of the cupboard along comes another to rock the boat. Still, it is a good thing that the present crop of politicians see that the law will ultimately catch up with them if they become tempted to abuse their positions. Staying on a serious note, it is still only May but we have already witnessed a major fire, this one on the El Hacho hill behind Duquesa Port. Fortunately this time there was little or no damage to property, but this was due to the great job done by the firefighters, so it is probably a good time to remind people to take extra care due to the hot and dry conditions we are already experiencing. On the bright side though, the Coast is beginning to gear up for the summer season, the beaches are being spruced up, as are the chiringuitos,

and the summer’s entertainments programme is also beginning to take shape. One of the highlights of this programme is the Starlite Festival which will be staged in Marbella, and features such acts as George Benson, Hugh Laurie, Christopher Cross, and Julio Iglesias to mention just a few of the artists taking part in the month long festival of music. Another date for the diary is the San Juan midsummer celebrations which take place up and down the Coast. One of the biggest of these is held in Sabinillas, Manilva, which is attended by thousands of revellers who come to see the spectacular scenario which is built on the beach and which is set alight at midnight! For more information about this and other events as they are announced make sure to visit our website at www.


So until next month, bye for now. Editor

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The Resident -


Más de 1.500 deportistas participarán en la El rastro de Sotogrande recibe el verano El próximo 3 de junio el nuevo objetos en venta, nuevos artículos. XV edición de los Juegos del Estrecho

Los XV Juegos Deportivos del Estrecho, que se celebrarán en Algeciras los días 1 y 2 del próximo mes de junio, contarán con 33 disciplinas y una cifra de participantes que oscilará entre las 1.520 y 1.550 personas, según informó el delegado de Deportes, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Ros. En lo que se refiere a las modalidades en las que se centrará esta decimoquinta edición, son las de actividades motrices masculino y femenino; ajedrez; atletismo masculino y femenino; atletismo adaptado masculino y femenino; baloncesto masculino y femenino; balonmano masculino y femenino; ciclismo, fútbol 7 masculino y femenino; fútbol adaptado; fútbol sala; gimnasia rítmica; gimnasia rítmica

adaptada; juegos populares; natación; natación sincronizada; pádel masculino y femenino; pesca, petanca; piragüismo; rugby; taekwondo; tenis; tenis de mesa; vela; voleibol y waterpolo. Por localidades, Algeciras será la que más deportistas aporte con un total de 269 participantes, seguida del municipio de La Línea de la Concepción (194), Ceuta (167), Gibraltar (167), San Roque (160), Tarifa (139), Los Barrios (91), Jimena (71), Tánger (48) y Castellar de la Frontera (39). Asimismo, Algeciras será la única ciudad de las diez participantes que estará presente en todas las disciplinas deportivas, siendo a nivel global el fútbol 7 masculino el que reunirá a más deportistas, con 130 participantes en total.

More than 1,500 athletes will participate in the XV edition of the Straits Games The XV Strait2 Sports Games to be held in Algeciras on 1 and 2 of June, will feature 33 sports and a number of participants ranging between 1,520 and 1,550 people, according to the Algeciras councillor for sports , Francisco Javier Rodriguez Ros. This fifteenth edition will focus on male and female activities, chess, athletics, disabled athletics, basketball, handball, cycling , football 7, disabled football, football, gymnastics, disabled gymnastics, popular games, swimming, synchronized swimming, paddle tennis, fishing, bowling,

canoeing, rugby, taekwondo, tennis, table tennis, sailing ,volleyball and water polo. Participants by municipality: Algeciras’ athletes will total of 269 participants, followed by La Linea de la Concepcion (194), Ceuta(167), Gibraltar (167), San Roque (160), Tarifa (139) , Los Barrios (91), Jimena(71), Tangier (48) and Castellar de la Frontera (39). Also, Algeciras is the only city among the ten participants who will be present in all sports, with football 7 the most popular sport drawing 130 athletes to the event.

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mercadillo de Sotogrande se presentará a los visitantes con una imagen totalmente renovada, beneficiosa tanto para los comerciantes como para los usuarios del mismo. El tradicional Rastro de Sotogrande ubicado en la Ribera del Marlín mostrará a los visitantes una nueva cara gracias a la nueva estética que se ha empezado a implantar en todos los puestos. Todos los puestos tendrán unas carpas unificadas, en las que la estructura será la misma, sólo diferenciándose en cuanto al color y su ubicación, habiéndose creado un pasillo central, lo cual permite que los puestos estén enfrentados, con la intención de hacerlo más acogedor al visitante y más agradable al paseo. Junto a la reforma de los puestos, se han asignado diez nuevas licencias para introducir, en la ya completa variedad de

Por otro lado, y con motivo de la llegada del verano, el rastro de Sotogrande permanecerá abierto no sólo durante los domingos y festivos, sino que los miércoles y jueves de cada semana. Además desde el 4 de julio hasta el 30 de agosto, los visitantes podrán disfrutar de sus puestos en horario de tarde-noche. Así, el horario del mercadillo nocturno de los miércoles y jueves será de 8 a 12 de la noche, y con él se pretende que la Ribera del Marlín sea un espacio donde las familias acudan a realizar sus compras y a divertirse. El rastro contará con entretenimiento para niños y mayores; malabarismos con maza pelota, zancos, monociclos, espectáculo en fuego, payasos, mimos, teatros de guiñol, grupo de “mehendis”, indias que tatúan las manos y pies de henna, etc.

Sotogrande market welcomes the summer On June 3 the new Sotogrande market will be opened to visitors with a completely revamped look, which will benefit both those selling items and those buying them. The traditional Sotogrande market located in the Ribera del Marlin will present visitors with a new look thanks to the newly devised appearance and layout. All pitches will feature identical tents, differing only in colour and location, with the creation of a central corridor, which allows the stalls to face each other, with the intention of making it more welcoming to visitors and more pleasant to walk through. Along with these aesthetic reforms, ten new

licenses have been issued expanding the already comprehensive range of stalls. With the arrival of summer, the market will remain open not only on Sundays and holidays, but on Wednesdays and Thursdays as well. Also, from 4 July to 30 August, visitors will be able to visit the market in the evening from 8 pm till midnight on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Ribera del Marlin provides a place where families can come to do all their shopping and have fun at the same time. The market will feature entertainment for children and adults; juggling, stilts, unicycles, fire shows, clowns, mimes, puppet theaters, a group of “mehendis” , Indian henna tattooists, etc.

Inauguración de un centro de formación en San Roque Dos empresarios sanroqueños han puesto en marcha un nuevo Centro de formación en pleno casco urbano de San Roque, en la C/ Terrero Monesterio Nª 7. Se trata de un centro con 5 aulas, para primaria, secundaria, bachiller e idiomas. Las instalaciones disponen de varias salas de formación, dotadas con equipos informáticos y material formativo, como apoyo audiovisual y otros avances tecnológicos de última generación. Su responsable, Rosa Santillana ha afirmado que afrontan este nuevo reto con ilusión y esperanza, y se ha mostrado esperanzada en que esta nueva iniciativa tenga la acogida que esperan. El nuevo centro ofrecerá servicio de

apoyo a los estudiantes de secundaria y se impartirán clases de inglés y francés, además de ofrecer la posibilidad de obtener el carnet de conducir, ya que también funcionará como autoescuela. Su responsable no descarta ampliar la oferta formativa en un futuro, en caso de que la demanda lo exija. Tanto el teniente de alcalde Jose Antonio Rojas como la concejal Mercedes Sánchez han coincidido en señalar la valentía de estos empresarios sanroqueños, que incluso en la difícil situación económica que atravesamos se han atrevido a apostar por un proyecto emprendedor, que va a generar riqueza en el municipio, y lo más importante: puestos de trabajo.

Training centre opening in San Roque Two entrepreneurs have launched a new training center in the town center of San Roque, in the C / Terrero Monesterio 7. The center has 5 classrooms for primary, secondary and high school and languages. Facilities include several training rooms, equipped with computers and training materials such as visual aids and other technological advancements. Manager Rosa Santillana said she is facing this new challenge with enthusiasm, and she hopes the center will be welcomed. The new center will provide support to high school

students and offer classes in English and French, besides offering the possibility of obtaining a driver’s license, as it will also function as a driving school. Rosa has not ruled out expanding the classes offered at the center if needs be. Both the deputy mayor Jose Antonio Rojas and Councillor Mercedes Sanchez have highlighted the courage of these entrepreneurs in San Roque, who despite the difficult economic situation we are facing have dared to go for an entrepreneurial project that will generate wealth in the municipality, and more importantly, jobs.



The Resident -

Ex alcalde de Casares asociado al blanqueo de dinero de la mafia rusa En la última de una serie de escándalos de corrupción que han asolado la reputación de las autoridades locales durante los últimos años, el ex alcalde de Casares, Juan Sánchez, fue detenido a principios de este mes sobre el presunto blanqueo de dinero y tráfico de influencias, en relación con el desarrollo de Majestic en Casares Costa. El señor Sánchez es uno de los once detenidos hasta el momento, incluyendo su esposa, y fue liberado sólo después de pagar 200.000 euros de fianza. La policía, que hizo una incursión en el ayuntamiento de Casares, cuestionó el personal y se llevó ordenadores y documentos. La alcaldesa, Antonia Morera, ha asegurado a la población local que nadie más en el ayuntamiento está bajo sospecha y seguirán con su trabajo como de costumbre. Juan Sánchez, quien era el concejal de planificación, ha presentado su dimisión del equipo de gobierno. Los arrestos son la culminación de la operación “Majestic”, una investigación de dos años que ha examinado los

vínculos entre Juan Sánchez, el crimen organizado y la mafia rusa, quienes se sospecha que usaron el desarrollo Majestic para blanquear las ganancias de sus actividades ilegales .

In the latest of a string of corruption scandals which have blighted the reputations of local authorities in recent years, the former Mayor of Casares, Juan Sanchez, was arrested earlier this month over alleged money laundering, and peddling of influence, in relation to the Majestic development on Casares Costa. Señor Sanchez was one of eleven arrested so far, including his wife, and was released from remand only after paying 200,000 euros in bail. Police, who raided the town hall premises in Casares, questioned staff and removed computers and paperwork.

The Mayoress, Antonia Morera, has assured the local population that no one else at the town hall is under suspicion and it is business as usual. Juan Sanchez, who was councillor for planning, has tendered his resignation from the government team. The arrests are the culmination of a two year investigation, codename ‘Operation Majestic’ which has examined links between Juan Sanchez and his associates with organised crime and the Russian mafia, which it is believed used the Majestic development to launder the proceeds of its illegal activities.

Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares La exposición floral Casares/Chelsea del club que se celebró en el salón de reuniones en Marina de Casares el sábado 25 de mayo atrajo a muchos visitantes que después de haber visto las piezas quedaron para tomar un tradicional té inglés, con sandwiches de pepino a los que incluso los miembros españoles se han acostumbrado. El arreglo floral elegido para la Medalla de Oro, así como una botella de cava y una caja de bombones fue creada por Ellery Lesley quien usó el tema “Casares del Mar”. Este evento en particular resultó ser un gran comienzo para el programa

de verano del club. El programa de junio tiene algunos eventos adicionales, incluyendo demostraciones de masajes y reflexología, torneos de golf y petanca, la cena anual al fresco para celebrar San Juan, y además, se espera, un show proporcionado por el Ayuntamiento. El periodo social del Club comienza el 01 de julio 2012, con nuevos miembros bienvenidos por sólo 25 euros al año. Para obtener más información sobre la Asociación, por favor contacte con o 952 892 030

Former Mayor of Casares linked to Russian mafia money laundering Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares The club’s Casares/Chelsea flower arrangement show that was held at the clubroom in Marina de Casares on Saturday 25th May attracted many visitors who after having viewed the arrangements stayed for a typical English Cream Tea, complete with cucumber sandwiches that even the Spanish Members have become quite used to. The flower arrangement chosen for the Gold Medal as well as a Bottle of Cava and a box of chocolates was by Lesley Ellery who created a theme of “Casares by the Sea”. This particular event proved to be a great start to the club’s summer programme.

The June programme has some additional events including Massage and Reflexology Demonstrations, Golf and Petanca tournaments, the annual Garden Dinner party to celebrate San Juan, including it is hoped a live Show provided by the Ayuntamiento. The Club’s social year commences 1st July 2012; with new members being most welcome with the fee of only 25 euros per year. For information regarding the Association please contact mariaphammond@hotmail. or 952 892 030

Casares Bridge Club The club meets every Tuesday at 6.15pm for 6.30pm start. We play Duplicate Bridge at the Community hall located on the Casares road MA8300, 1km. from the A7, and can be found to the right of the first roundabout. We operate a Host system ... players without partners (including visitors) can be accommodated and are most welcome.

For more information contact Manilva Media Workshop SLL C/. Mijas 6, 29692, Sabinillas, Manilva, Malaga

Telephone: 952 936 198 Mob: 607 043 943

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The Resident -

La población de Manilva se duplica en el plazo de 10 años

Fomento gestiona las ofertas y demandas de empleo para socorristas La delegación de Fomento de Empleo ha informado que tanto las empresas que necesiten contratar a un socorrista titulado para piscinas particulares de cara a la temporada estival, así como aquellos socorristas titulados que estén buscando un empleo, pueden dirigirse a la delegación citada ubicada en el Ayuntamiento de Manilva desde donde se están gestionando estas demandas y ofertas de socorristas. En esta época se generan algunas ofertas de empleo de socorristas, por lo que se ofrece el servicio de la delegación para gestionarlas.

La población empadronada en el municipio de Manilva ha sufrido un notable incremento en los últimos diez años, llegando prácticamente a duplicar entre el año 2002 y el actual 2012. Así, la cifra ha pasado de los 7.518 habitantes empadronados a fecha 31 de diciembre de 2002 a 14.839 habitantes a fecha 26 de abril de 2012. Además, la población manilveña registra la peculiaridad de que del total de habitantes empadronados, 6.713 son de nacionalidad extranjera, cifra que supone un 45,24 por ciento del total poblacional. Entre ellos, los vecinos de nacionalidad del Reino Unido destacan con diferencia sobre los demás, ya que en total hay empadronados 2.957 británicos. Le siguen los originarios de Marruecos de lejos, ya que hay 639 empadronados de esta nacionalidad, así como los rumanos, 520 empadronados. Italia y Argentina son las siguientes

Manilva’s population doubles in the space of 10 years The registered population in the municipality of Manilva has seen a notable increase in the last ten years, virtually doubling between 2002 and 2012. Meaning the figure has risen from 7,518 people registered on December 31 2002 to a whopping 14,839 inhabitants to date as of April 26, 2012. One of the peculiarities about the population of Manilva is that of the total number of people registered, 6,713 are of foreign nationality, representing 45.24 percent of the total population. Among them, residents from the UK stand out above the others, with a total of 2,957 registered British residents. The Brits are followed by Morocco, with 639 registered individuals, and then Romania, with 520 registered voters.

nacionalidades en cuanto a número de empadronados, 246 y 179 respectivamente, mientras que con nacionalidad de Alemania hay en Mailva 166 empadronados y de Bulgaria, 152. El número de habitantes de Manilva registra desde el año 2002 un aumento anual, exceptuando el año 2010, cuando se pasa de los 14.178 habitantes empadronados al 31 de diciembre de 2009, a 13.832 habitantes en esa misma fecha del año siguiente. No obstante, la mayoría de los ciudadanos que se empadronan en Manilva permanecen como residentes, llamando la atención que cada año se ha registrado en torno a un millar de inscripciones. Población / Population

2003 - 8386 2004 - 9597 2005 - 11150 2006 - 12272 2007 - 13266 2008 - 13815 2009 - 14178 2010 - 13832 2011 - 14493 2012 - 14839 Italy and Argentina come after, with 246 and 179 respectively, while there are 166 people of German nationality and 152 Bulgarians. The population of Manilva has recorded an annual increase since 2002, except in 2010, when the figure of 14,178 people registered on December 31, 2009, dropped to 13,832 people on the same date the following year. However, most registered citizens choose to remain in Manilva, calling attention to the thousand or so new residents who come here each year.

Precisamente el pasado sábado se clausuró un curso de Socorrista en el que han participado unas 25 personas, quienes recibieron el sábado los diplomas acreditativos. La realización de este curso permitirá a estos alumnos trabajar como socorristas. De hecho, la Escuela Andaluza de Salvamento contratará a la mitad del alumnado y la otra mitad entrará en una bolsa de trabajo creada por el Ayuntamiento que se ofrecerá a las comunidades de vecinos del término que dispongan de piscinas.

Town Hall handles lifeguard employment offers The department of development has stated that businesses who need to hire lifeguards for private pools ahead of the summer, as well as lifeguards who are looking for a job can contact the department located in the Manilva town hall from where they are managing these offers. The holiday season always generates jobs for lifeguards, which is why this management service is being offered by

the department. Earlier this month the Lifeguard course was successfully completed by some 25 people. The completion of this course will enable these students to work as lifeguards. In fact, the Andalucian School of Lifeguarding will hire half of the students and the other half will be offered jobs on communities in the area with private pools.

Fathoms’ Diamond Jubilee Street Party

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198

Fathoms Bar in Sabinillas will be celebrating the Diamond Jubilee with a Street Party this Sunday June 3 from 2 pm. Live music will be provided by Danny Vaughan and everyone is welcome to contribute some food to add to the feast!

Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes

Manilva Foreign Residents office

La Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes está ubicada en el Castillo de la Duquesa y está abierta de las 08:00h hasta las 15.00h, de lunes a viernes, con horario de atención al público, entre 10:00h y 15:00h. Ayudan y aconsejan con respeto a los problemas de los extranjeros residentes registrados en el municipio de Manilva. Pueden contactar por

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open to the public from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist

teléfono al 952 893 548 o por e mail También podéis contactar con Chris Olsen en la Oficina de Turismo en el Edificio Mikonos, del Puerto de la Duquesa desde las 3 hasta las 7 pm, de lunes a Viernes, y de 10 a 2 pm los Sábados.


Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.00 to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. Dean Shelton is available for all community and urbanisation matters - Tues & Wed 11 am to 2 pm; Thurs 4 - 7 pm in the Tourist Office in the Port. Visit or www.manilvalife. com for more information.



The Resident -

Manilva Solicitors

MEJOR HABLAR CON EL BANCO De acuerdo con la ley española, todas las personas que viven en España más de 183 días al año son residentes fiscales en España y deben pagar impuestos en España por sus ingresos mundiales. Muchos extranjeros viven permanentemente en España (más de 183 días al año), no pagan ningún impuesto en España, o no presentan declaraciones anuales de la renta. Algunos no presentan la declaración de la renta por ignorancia, y otros porque están asustados de pagar altos impuestos. Todo el mundo debe saber que la ignorancia de la ley no es una excusa, la declaración de la renta debe presentarse anualmente, y los impuestos de ben ser pagados cuando sea aplicable a todos los residentes fiscales en España. Hasta el día de hoy, la Agencia Tributaria no ha estado controlando la situación de aquellos extranjeros que viven de forma permanente en España, a pesar del hecho de que las autoridades son conscientes de este importante grupo de personas. Ahora la situación ha cambiado, debido a la crisis financiera el gobierno español intenta controlar a todos los extranjeros que viven en España para asegurarse que pagan sus impuestos cuando tiene obligación de hacerlo; y así evitar que miles de personas reciban asistencia sanitaria gratis sin pagar impuestos y sin tener derecho legal a recibirla. El gobiernos español se ha decidido a ser más estricto con los requisitos necesarios que permiten a las personas obtener la tarjeta sanitaria española. Al contrario de lo que ocurría en el pasado, ya no será suficiente con registrarse en el ayuntamiento (empadronarse) para obtener tratamiento medico. Por tanto, AHORA es el momento de ser residente fiscal en España formalmente mediante la presentación de la declaración de la renta del año 2011, durante los meses de mayo y junio. Hay muchas buenas razones para hacer ello. Esto permitirá a los extranjeros residentes: 1. Confirmar a la Agencia tributaria sin ninguna duda, que ellos son residentes fiscales en España, que viven permanentemente aquí y pagan sus impuestos cuando tiene la obligación de hacerlo. 2. Tener derecho legal a recibir tarjeta sanitaria que permite el acceso al

sistema público de salud español. 3. Evitar el 3 % de retención aplicable a non-residentes cuando venden un inmueble y no pueden probar que son residentes fiscales en España. 4. Beneficiarse de las ventajas y deducciones que el impuesto de sucesiones y donaciones aplica a los residentes fiscales (por ejemplo, no impuesto de sucesiones entre esposos, sobre la vivienda habitual). 5. Ser considerado residente fiscal en España, y así evitar el impuesto de renta presenta aplicable a los no residentes que son propietarios de bienes inmuebles en España (modelo 210). Es importante mencionar que la mayoría de los extranjeros que viven en España son pensionistas con bajas pensiones mensuales, por lo que deben ser conscientes de que probablemente no tendrán que pagar ningún impuesto de la renta en España porque el resultado de su declaración de la renta será probablemente cero. Sin embargo, es recomendable presentar la declaración (incluso cuando el resultado es cero y no hay impuestos que pagar), para que se puedan aprovechar de los puntos anteriormente mencionados. CONCLUSION: Si tú eres extranjero y vives permanente en España te recomendamos presentar tu declaración de la renta del año 2011 durante los meses de mayo y junio. Haciendo esto, confirmarás a la Agencia tributaria que eres, sin lugar a dudas, residente fiscal en España, evitarás problemas potenciales y multas, y tendrás todos los derechos que las leyes españolas reconocen a todos los individuos que residen legalmente en España y pagan sus impuestos aquí. Para un consejo más detallado sobre este tema o para organizar una reunión sin coste alguno para discutir sus circunstancias personales más en detalle, por favor contacte con Denise Molony en el tel. móvil 669 428 998, o contacte con nosotros por e-mail: o por tel. 952 901 225.

Manilva Solicitors TIME TO FORMALLY BECOME A TAX RESIDENT IN SPAIN According to the Spanish Law all individuals who are living in Spain for more than 183 days a year are tax residents in Spain and have to pay taxes in Spain for their worldwide income. Many foreigners living in Spain permanently, (for more than 183 days a year), do not pay any taxes in Spain, or submit annual income tax returns. Some do not submit annual tax returns out of ignorance of the law, and others because they are afraid of paying high taxes. Everyone should be aware that ignorance of the law is no excuse, A Tax return should be submitted annually, and taxes should be paid when applicable by all tax residents in Spain. Up to date, the Spanish Inland Revenue has not been controlling the situation of those foreigners living permanently in Spain, despite the fact that authorities are aware of this important group of people. Now the situation has changed, due to the financial crisis, the Spanish Government intends to tighten up its control of all foreigners living in Spain to ensure that they pay taxes in Spain where due, and thus avoid thousands of people receiving free health services without paying taxes and without having the legal right to get them. The Spanish Government has decided to be stricter with the legal requirements that allow people to get Spanish health cards. Unlike in the past, now it will not be enough to just register with the local Town Hall (called “Empadronamiento”) in order to get treatment. Therefore, NOW is the time to formally become a tax resident in Spain by submitting your annual income tax return for the tax year 2011, This should be done during the months of May and June. There are many good reasons for doing this. It will enable foreign residents to: 1. Confirm to the Spanish tax authorities without doubt, that they, the tax resident, is living in Spain, and paying taxes when applicable. 2. Have the legal right to receive a health card which allows access to the Spanish Public health system.

3. Avoid the 3 % withholding tax when a real estate property is sold. This tax is applicable to foreigners who sell a property and cannot prove that they are a tax resident in Spain. 4. Benefit from the inheritance tax advantages and allowances applicable to tax residents in Spain (i.e. no inheritance taxes between spouses on the main home). 5. Be considered a tax resident in Spain, thus avoiding the income tax applicable to non-resident foreigners who are owners of a real estate property in Spain (tax form 210). It is important to mention that most foreigners living in Spain are pensioners with low monthly pensions, so they should be aware that they probably will not have to pay any income tax in Spain as the result of their tax return would most likely be zero. However, it is still recommendable to submit an annual tax return, (even if the result is zero and no tax has to be paid), to enable them to be able to take advantage of the above points. CONCLUSION: If you are foreigner living permanently in Spain I would recommend that you submit an annual income tax return during the months of May and June for the tax year 2011. By doing this, you will confirm to the Spanish Tax Authorities that you are, without doubt, a tax resident in Spain, you will avoid any potential problems or fines, and will have all the legal rights that the Spanish Laws recognizes are due to all individuals residing legally in Spain and duly paying their taxes here. For further advice on this matter or to arrange a no obligation meeting to discuss your particular circumstances in detail, please contact Denise Molony on mob. 669 428 998, or contact us by e-mail on or by tel. 952 901 225. Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226

ParaSol Singers perform at Manilva International Family Day

Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226

Holiday Rental - La Duquesa Modern two bed, two bathroom apartment just 400 metres from Aldea Beach and within a five minute drive of Puerto de la Duquesa Fully equipped with hot/cold aircon, DVD and Sky TV.

Available from €200 per week inclusive Call Stuart or Jackie on 952 794 143 or 659 293 243 Email:

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The ParaSol Singers, led by their Music Director, Marion Allen, were among the entertainers at the Manilva International Family Day on 19 May at the Parque de Huerto in Castillo de la Duquesa. Overcoming the difficulties of the windy weather this popular amateur singing group gave the audience their versions of some pop classics, which had the audience singing along with them. The Singers welcome new members, especially altos, tenors and basses, and can be contacted

on 692558041 or at parasol.singers@

Padre Patera

Un Corazón sin Fronteras Necesita - Pañales, Toallitas Húmedas y Leche Entera Acoge a todos los niños inmigrantes y mujeres embarazadas. Entrega de donativos: Contacten con 626 702 721 Araceli


The Resident -

Elegidas las Reinas y Damas de la Feria de Agosto

La delegación municipal de Fiestas celebraba el pasado viernes 18 de mayo en el Parque El Duque de la localidad el acto de elección de las reinas y damas infantil y juvenil que representarán al municipio en la Feria de Agosto 2012, que este año se celebra entre los días 9 y 12. La edil de Fiestas, Paqui López, informaba en días pasados que como suele ser tradicional, entre las 30 aspirantes infantiles que formalizaron su inscripción se eligió a la reina por sorteo. Por otra parte, la reina juvenil fue elegida entre las 10 aspirantes presentadas por un jurado formado por autoridades y otras personas relacionadas con el mundo de la comunicación y la moda. Los nombres propios de este Jurado fueron: Marina Segovia: Delegada de Economía-Hacienda y Urbanismo de Mancomunidad de la Costa del Sol Occidental y concejal de Turismo del Ayto.Estepona. Raquel Jimenez: Consultora de Belleza de Oriflame Cosméticos

Alonso Caparrós: Presentador de televisión y radio. Juan Carlos Morejón: Mister Málaga 2008 y 1º Finalista en Mister España 2009 Gary Walters: Representante del periódico The Resident y Antonia Troyano: Modista de diseños personalizados a medidas. Pret-A-Porter y Alta Costura. Las niñas infantiles que salieron por sorteo reina y damas de la feria 2012 fueron: Carmen Dorado Guirado Dama Azucena Amoedo Carrión Dama Irene Rico García Dama Scarleitt Patricia Martín Maldonado Dama Angy Chaves Ushakiva Reina Las niñas juveniles elegidas por el citado jurado fueron: Nidia Hernández Carbonell Dama Victoria Ríos del Río Dama Anabel Gómez Guillén Dama Marina López Rodríguez Dama María López Romero Reina

Manilva elects its Feria Queens and their attendants for this year’s August Fair Manilva’s Fiestas department recently elected the Feria Queen’s and their attendants at a ceremony which was held at the Parque del Duque in Sabinillas on Friday, May 18. Hundreds of spectators saw the election in two categories: Infantil and Juvenil. In the younger, Infantil, category the winners were selected by lottery from a field of some 30 candidates, whilst in the older, Juvenil, category the winners were selected by a panel of jurors comprising: Marina Segovia, Estepona’s Tourism councillor; Raquel Jimenez, Oriflame Cosmetics; Alonso Caparros, television

and radio presenter; Juan Carlos Morejón, former Mister Malaga and finalist in Mister España 2009; Gary Walters, Director of The Resident newspaper; and Antonia Troyano; fashion designer. The winners are: Infantil Feria Queen, Angy Chaves Ushakiva. Attendants, Carmen Dorado Guirado, Azucena Amoedo Carrión, Irene Rico Garcia, Scarleitt Patricia Martin Maldonado. Juvenil Feria Queen, Maria Lopez Romero. Attendants, Nidia Hernandez Carbonell, Victoria Rios del Rio, Anabel Gomez GUillen, Marina Lopez Rodriguez.

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CW LED Resident Ad



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Now thats a bright idea! What is a LED bulb? LED lighting is a lamp or other light that uses LEDs (light emitting diode) as a source of illumination. There are many consumer advantages to LEDs over incandescent light bulbs. • Improved Durability. • Safety. • Significant savings in electricity bills and bulb replacement costs. • Up to 90% more energy efficent than incandescent and halogen bulbs. LED lights consume much less energy. • They have a very long life, up to 50,000 hours of use. This works out to eight hours a day for 17 years. For more information or to book a visit from one of our technicians tel: 951 276 770 mob: 663 402 836 or 697 993 420 email:




The Resident -

Gran incendio en Manilva

Más fotos/more photos:

Un incendio forestal en la región de El Hacho de Manilva, en la colina detrás del Puerto de la Duquesa, llevó a la evacuación de unas 40 propiedades, mientras que los servicios de emergencia lucharon contra el fuego. El fuego comenzó alrededor de las 11 de la mañana del sábado 25 de mayo y se extendió rápidamente por el fuerte viento proveniente del oeste y llevó los esfuerzos de dos helicópteros, cinco vehículos de bomberos y varios

bomberos en sí junto con equipos de especialistas de incendios de matorrales para por fín detenerlo a las 3 de la tarde. Los residentes locales pudieron regresar a sus propiedades en torno a las 4 de la tarde, y los informes iniciales sugirieron que las propiedades sufrieron poco o ningún daño, aunque alrededor de 5 hectáreas de monte bajo fueron quemado por el fuego.

A bush fire in the El Hacho region of Manilva, on the hill behind Puerto de la Duquesa, led to the evacuation of some 40 properties whilst the emergency services fought the blaze. The fire began at around 11 am on Saturday May 25 and soon spread in the strong westerly wind and took the efforts of two helicopters, five fire appliances

and various regular firemen along with specialist bush fire teams to bring it under control at about 3 pm. Local residents were permitted to return to their properties at around 4 pm, and initial reports suggested that there was little or no damage to property, although some 5 hectares (12.5 acres) of scrubland was burnt by the fire.

Major blaze in Manilva


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Modern apartment, fully furnished in gated community, 2 bed, 2 bath (one en suite), hot/cold AC, SKY TV and balcony overlooking garden and pools. Private underground parking and storage. 300 meters from beach. Private sale

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The Resident -


€12,50 - 3 courses Mon - Sunday inclusive from 1-4pm Open every Day & Evening from 8.30am Kitchen Open All Day

Full Breakfast Buffet €7,50 every Day

16th June - ABBA 30th June - Vidal 14th July - ABBA 28th July - Vidal

Extranjeros y Animal In Need organizan una fiesta benéfica

Animal in need, en colaboración con el Departamento de Extranjeros de Manilva, está organizando una fiesta callejera en la calle Rafael Alberti en Sabinillas, el sábado 02 de junio a partir de las 12 del mediodía. Las atracciones incluyen castillos hinchables, pintura facial, pasteles y tartas, libros y mucho, mucho más. Desde las 2 de la tarde habrá un show de perros con competiciones para nuestros amigos de cuatro patas, como “perro con la cola que más se mueve”. También habrá un concurso de disfraces para niños desde las 4 de la tarde, en honor al 60 aniversario de la Reina de Gran Bretaña.

Los puestos están disponibles por una donación de € 10 a la caridad. Para reservar un puesto o para obtener más información póngase en contacto con 697 984 021.

Charity Jubilee Street Party Animal in Need, in collaboration with Manilva Foreign Residents Department, is putting on a street party in Calle Rafael Alberti (Albert Square) in Sabinillas on Saturday June 2 from 12 noon. Attractions include bouncy castles, face painting, cakes, books and much, much more. From 2 pm their will be a dog show with

competitions for our four-legged friends, including “dog with the waggiest tail”. There will all be a ‘Jubilee’ themed fancy dress competition for children from 4 pm. Stalls are available for a 10€ donation to the charity. To book a stall or for more information contact 697 984 021.


Marble - Granite

Also a wide range of Fireplaces

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Language Books & Dictionaries Large selection of New & Used Children’s Books Perfect for helping improve Grammar and Vocabulary Local Maps & Guides Large Variety of Greeting Cards Helium Balloons for all Occasions Agents for Viva Andalucia Passport Renewal Service Dont Forget Fathers’ Day 17th June Agents for Offex, a Reliable, First Class Postal Service for Sending and Receiving Your mail to or from the UK and Rest of the World HITS SIM Cards - 5 euros NEW MOBILE PHONE TOP UP SERVICE

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Tel: 951 97 20 08 Móvil: 609 713 619 - 628 852 081 - www.

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• Exciting new restaurant La Bella Vista open to the public 9.00am - Midnight • Breakfast, lunch, daily menu, tapas and dinner • Homemade international fusion menu • Large terrace with sea views • Catering for functions and parties for up to 250 flexible space, personal menu design, wi-fi • Fascinante nuevo Restaurante La Bella Vista abierto al público de 9.00am - hasta media noche • Desayunos, almuerzos, menú del da, tapas y cenas • Menú fusión casero internacional • Enorme terraza con vistas al mar • Catering para eventos y fiestas capacidad para 250 personas, menú diseño, wi-fi

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OPENING TASTER OFFER   





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The Resident -

De transistores, manteles y muebles a tres tiendas, donde encontrará todo lo que necesite para su hogar

Fundado por Manuel Gavira Muñoz, Muebles Gavira comenzó su actividad como empresa dedicada a la venta de muebles y electrodomésticos en el año 1955. A finales de los años cincuenta la tienda de Sotogrande era prácticamente la única de la zona que se dedicaba a vender muebles, no había mucho para elegir en aquel entonces y la gente pagaba en plazos cómodos, un duro a la semana, Manuel nos cuenta que cada semana iba con su moto Guzzi a cobrar a sus clientes y empezó con la venta de transistores, manteles y otros pequeños artículos. Alrededor del año 1998, Manuel dejó el negocio en manos de sus hijos. Ellos empezaron a hacer reformas y mejoras a las dos tiendas que había, las de Sotogrande y Sabinillas. A principios del nuevo milenio, comenzaron con el proyecto de Casares Costa con sus 6000 m2 de superficie abriendo sus puertas el


The Roman Oasis celebrate’s its 30th anniversary If you haven’t been to The Roman Oasis Restaurant near Manilva then you’ve missed a great night out dining under the stars, excuse the cliché but that’s what you do, and it’s memorable to say the least. This year marks a milestone for The Roman Oasis because it’s been going for thirty years on a coast where restaurants sometimes only last months and many others just end in broken dreams. But one dream came true for owner Paul Hickling who bought and levelled a barren hillside without electricity or water all those years ago and has turned his dream into reality and he’s still as enthusiastic about it as he was then. To add to his enthusiasm he’s just married Kaat Buelens who has owned ‘Restaurant Miel’ in Sabinillas for ten years. She is a great chef and now not only Paul’s partner in life but also in The Roman Oasis as she is in control of the kitchens and with her very professional chef’s broom is sweeping new ideas onto an already successful platform. So what’s new on the menu this year? Lots of different options are on offer in addition to the existing but improved Buffet which is now lower in price. Kaat has created an interesting A la Carte Menu of eight starters and seven main courses which are served to your table. On the barbecue, entrêcote and fillet steaks will sizzle alongside the great selection of other meat, and our famous whole leg of lamb will be available

día 4 de julio de 2006. Hoy en día, Muebles Gavira cuenta con tiendas en Sotogrande, San Luís de Sabinillas y Casares Costa, están muy orgullosos de sus tiendas y sin duda son las más grandes de la zona en muebles del hogar. Su objetivo fundamental es lograr la total satisfacción de sus clientes con una gama de productos para todos los bolsillos, un servicio de primera y una dedicación a sus clientes que no van a encontrar en cualquier otra tienda, “un cliente satisfecho es un cliente para toda la vida”. También es importante mencionar que la entrega, montaje y la retirada del artículo usado es gratuito. Todas sus tiendas tienen el mismo horario menos la de Casares Costa que abre los Sábados durante todo el día menos los meses de Julio y Agosto que cierran por la tarde para disfrutar un poquito de la playa. Si no has estado en The Roman Oasis Restaurant cerca de Manilva, te has perdido una gran noche cenando bajo las estrellas, disculpen el cliché, pero eso es lo que haces, y es memorable por decir lo menos. Este año marca una importante etapa para el Roman Oasis, ya que ha permanecido desde hace treinta años of old used items is free. All stores have the same opening times en una costa donde los restaurantes a except Casares Costa witch opens all day veces sólo duran meses y muchos otros Saturdays except in July and August when simplemente terminan en sueños rotos. they close in the afternoons to go and Sin embargo, un sueño se hizo realidad para el propietario, Hickling, que enjoy a bit of sunbathing on the beach. compró y niveló una colina desierta sin electricidad ni agua hace años atrás ha convertido su sueño en realidad y sigue estando tan entusiasmado con él como lo estaba entonces. Para agregar a su entusiasmo, acaba de casarse con Kaat Buelens que ha sido propietaria del ‘Restaurant Miel’ en Sabinillas durante los pasados diez años. Ella es una gran chef y ahora no sólo es la pareja de Paul en la vida, sino también en el Roman Oasis, al ser la nueva jefa de la cocina sus ideas y habilidades se unirán a este ya exitoso restaurante. Entonces, ¿qué hay de nuevo en el menú de este año? Se ofrecerán un montón de opciones diferentes, además del buffet existente, que ha sido mejorado en sí bajando el precio. Kaat ha creado un interesante menú a la carta de ocho entradas y siete platos que se servirán a la mesa. En la parrilla, filetes de entrecot y solomillo se cocinarán al lado de la gran selección de otras carnes, y la famosa pierna de cordero entera volverá a estar disponible para el pedido y corte

From transistor radios, tablecloths and furniture to three stores with everything you need for the home Founded by Manuel Muñoz Gaviria, Muebles Gavira began trading as a company dedicated to selling furniture and home appliances in 1955. In the late fifties, the Sotogrande store was practically the only store in the area that sold furniture, there wasn’t a great selections to choose from back then and people paid in comfortable installments, about five cents a week, Manuel tells us “every week I went with my Guzzi motorbike to collect money from my clients.” Around 1998, Manuel finally left the business to his three children. They started to make reforms and improvements to the two existing stores, Sabinillas and Sotogrande. At the beginning of the new millennium they began to work on a project in Casares Costa, a store with 6000m2 which opened its doors on July 4, 2006. Today, Muebles Gavira has furniture stores in Sotogrande, Sabinillas and Casares Costa, they are very proud of these stores and are unquestionably the largest home furnishing company in the area. Their main objective is to achieve total customer satisfaction with a range to suit all pockets, a first class service and a dedication to their customers that is not found in any other store, “a satisfied customer is a customer for life “. It is also important to note that delivery, installation and removal

Information Información

again to order and carved at your table. With so many options available you can choose as much or as little as you wish to suit either your appetite or pocket. There are starters and main courses from the A La Carte Menu served to your table, or for a different starter you can serve yourself from Brutus’ Starter Buffet and then choose the main course served to your table from the A La Carte. For big appetites The Gladiatehere serve yourself buffet is for complete freedom of choice and all you can eat of soups, lots of starter dishes and the choice of meats from the barbecue. The house wine is just 9.90 Euros a bottle. A vegetarian option is also available and there is a new Chlildrens’ Menu with all their favourites. Of course being Belgian, Kaat is famous for her pancakes and home made desserts but don’t forget the original house speciality of Barbecue Bananas served with an indecently alcoholic cream sauce! To follow are Irish Coffees and an amazing choice of 100 ports dating back to 1910 with Stilton cheese to match. What else makes The Roman Oasis special? Well, apart from the atmosphere which is amazing, the service and attention to detail is faultless, the chairs are comfortable and the tables don’t wobble. So, if you want to try something completely different head for The Roman Oasis and the chances are you’ll end up one of Paul’s quarter-of-a-million satisfied customers.

El restaurante Roman Oasis celebra su 30 aniversario en la mesa. Con tantas opciones disponibles para elegir tanto o tan poco como desees para adaptarse a cualquier apetito y bolsillo. Hay entradas y platos principales del menú a la carta servido a su mesa, o para un comienzo diferente, puede servirse del buffet de entrada de Bruto y luego elegir el plato principal servido a su mesa del menú a la carta. Para grandes apetitos, con el buffet Gladiatehere tienes total libertad de elección y todo lo que puedas comer entre sopas, un montón de entradas y la elección de las carnes de la parrilla. El vino de la casa cuesta sólo 9,90 euros la botella. También hay una opción vegetariana y un menú infantil nuevo con todos sus platos favoritos. Por supuesto, siendo belga, Kaat es famosa por sus tortas y postres caseros pero no te olvides de la original especialidad de la casa, ¡Plátanos a la barbacoa servidos con una salsa de crema alcohólica indecente! Para seguir hay cafés irlandeses y una increíble selección de 100 oportos que datan desde 1910 con queso Stilton. ¿Qué más tiene de especial el Roman Oasis? Bueno, aparte de la atmósfera, que es increíble, el servicio y atención al detalle son impecables, las sillas son cómodas y las mesas no se tambalean. Por lo tanto, si quieres probar algo completamente diferente ven al Roman Oasis y hay una buena posibilidad de que termines siendo uno más en la lista de Paul de un cuarto de millón de clientes satisfechos.



The Resident -

El alcalde se reúne con representantes de El Ayuntamiento proyecta una pista de karting en la zona de Monterroso colectivos extranjeros

El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha mantenido hoy una reunión con representantes de las asociaciones extranjeras del municipio para conocer de primera mano las necesidades e inquietudes de este colectivo. Durante el encuentro, en el que han participado más de 60 representantes de una veintena de colectivos extranjeros, el regidor ha dado respuesta a las dudas planteadas por el colectivo sobre el funcionamiento del Ayuntamiento y ha recogido las peticiones y propuestas que se han realizado sobre cuestiones de ámbito municipal. El regidor ha señalado la importancia que tiene para Estepona este colectivo, ya que son más de 18.000 las personas procedentes de otros países que residen en el municipio. De hecho, suponen casi el 90 por ciento de la población que vive en el extrarradio. A eso hay que

El Ayuntamiento ha sacado a exposición pública el pliego de condiciones para adjudicar, por procedimiento abierto, la construcción y posterior explotación de una pista de karting -disciplina deportiva del automovilismo que se practica con karts- e instalaciones complementarias a las mismas, en la zona Monterroso. Una vez que finalice esta fase de exposición pública, se abrirá un plazo de licitación para que las empresas interesadas puedan presentar sus proyectos. La empresa que resulte adjudicada se encargará de financiar la obra, sin que el Ayuntamiento contribuya al pago de las mismas. Los trabajos tendrán que estar terminados en el plazo máximo de ocho meses, contados a partir de la concesión de la licencia municipal de añadir que casi el 30 por ciento de los obras. La concesión de la explotación de turistas que visitan Estepona durante la las instalaciones -según se recoge en el pliego de condiciones- se realizará por un temporada estival son extranjeros. Asuntos como la limpieza de las playas, la recuperación del entorno de El Faro o los problemas con el transporte público han centrado buena parte de las intervenciones de los asistentes. Asimismo, el alcalde ha explicado al colectivo el modelo de gestión que está llevando a cabo el equipo de gobierno y ha ofrecido datos sobre el plan de austeridad que aprobó para sanear las arcas municipales. También les ha comentado su apuesta por la externalización de los servicios de playas, jardines, cementerios y limpieza de edificios públicos y las ventajas que ha traído consigo para la ciudadanía, así como las medidas para reducir la deuda heredada de más de 300 millones de euros.

Estepona invites tenders for a karting track in the Monterroso area

Mayor meets with representatives from the foreign residents’ associations The Mayor of Estepona, José María García Urban, held a meeting with representatives of the foreign associations in the municipality to listen to their needs and concerns. During the meeting, which involved over 60 representatives from a dozen foreign associations, the mayor responded to concerns raised by the group on the way the town hall is managed as well as collecting petitions and proposals on municipal issues. The councilman noted the importance of this group to the town of Estepona, since they amount to more than 18,000 people from other countries residing in the municipality. In fact, they account for almost 90 percent of the population living in the suburbs. Add to this the fact that nearly 30

plazo máximo de 25 años. Transcurrido este tiempo, el circuito, con los equipamientos construidos, revertirán y se entregarán al Ayuntamiento. Para la adjudicación de la construcción y explotación de este circuito de kart, la mesa de contratación tendrá en cuenta la experiencia en proyectos y construcción de pista de karting y actividades complementarias a las mismas. Además, el canon fijado -de un mínimo de 12.000 euros- podrá ser mejorado en las ofertas que se hagan por los distintos licitadores y se puntuará más cuanto mayor sea el porcentaje de subida ofertada respecto al canon mínimo. También se valorarán las instalaciones a ejecutar, el plazo de comienzo y finalización de las obras; así como los aspectos de funcionalidad, seguridad y servicios ofrecidos y dotaciones del circuito.

percent of tourists visiting Estepona during the summer are foreigners. The meeting focused on issues such as the cleanliness of the beaches, restoring the landscape around El Faro and problems with public transport. Also, the Mayor explained the management model the government team is adhering to and provided data on the austerity plan adopted to restore the municipal coffers. He also commented on the town hall’s commitment to outsourcing services provided for the beaches, gardens, cemeteries and cleaning of public buildings and the benefits it has brought to the town, as well as measures to reduce the inherited debt of more than 300 million euros .

look at how the facility will be run, the time of commencement and completion of the works, as well as aspects such as security and services and equipment for the circuit.

Advertise in The Resident Get off to a flying start in the New Year with an advert in The Resident. Unbeatable rates and packages tailored to your specific needs. Don’t forget advertising is an investment, not an expense. So invest in your business today.

952 936 198 or The Town Hall has published the specifications for the award of the project, to decide who will be responsible for the construction and subsequent operation of a karting track and complementary facilities in Monterroso. Once this stage of public exhibition is over a tender deadline for interested companies to submit their projects will be set. The successful company will finance the work, without any contributions from the Town Hall. The work will be completed within a maximum period of eight months, from the award of the building license. The operation of the facilities by the company, as listed in the specifications, will last for a maximum of 25 years. After this time, the circuit and facilities will be handed over to the Town Hall. For the award of the construction and operation of the kart circuit, the authorities will consider previous experience in other projects or track construction. Also, if the fixed-fee of a minimum of 12,000 euros to be paid to the Town Hall every year is raised by a company competing for the contract that will also add to their chances of receiving the license. They will also



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The Resident -


El alcalde recibe 67.500 entradas del El Ayuntamiento abre expediente de despido disciplinario a un delegado parque Selwo Aventura que serán distribuidas entre los empadronados sindical por haberse apropiado supuestamente de dinero de multas de tráfico

El Alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha recibido de manos de la directora del parque Selwo Aventura, María José Marañón, un total de 67.500 entradas que serán distribuidas entre los ciudadanos empadronados en la localidad. Este acto se enmarca en el convenio de colaboración que existe entre el Ayuntamiento de Estepona y Parques Reunidos. Podrán visitar de forma gratuita un enclave envidiable, de referencia en el ámbito turístico en el conjunto de la comunidad autónoma, y que, por sus características, constituye un elemento diferenciador que contribuye a romper

la estacionalidad y a la creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo. El parque Selwo Aventura inauguró su nueva temporada el pasado mes de febrero y la concluirá el 9 de diciembre. Selwo Aventura ocupa cerca de millón de metros cuadrados de extensión donde viven en semilibertad y en condiciones similares a su hábitat natural más de 2000 animales de todo el Planeta. Fue inaugurado en 1999 y desde su apertura hasta hoy ha destacado por ser un parque siempre vivo, con numerosas incorporaciones, tanto en la llegada de nuevas especies como de instalaciones.

Estepona receives 67,500 entry tickets to the Selwo Adventure for distribution to residents Mayor of Estepona, Jose Maria Garcia Urbano, has received 67,500 tickets from the director of the Selwo Adventure park, Maria José Marañón, which will be distributed among registered voters in the town. This event is part of the collaboration agreement between the Estepona Town Hall and the park. Selwo Adventure Park opened for the

season in February and concludes on December 9. Selwo occupies about a million square metres where over 2,000 animals from around the globe live in semifreedom and in conditions similar to their natural habitat. It was first opened in 1999 and it remains an ever changing, dynamic park with numerous additions, in the form of new species and facilities.

El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha anunciado hoy que el Ayuntamiento ha iniciado el expediente para el despido disciplinario de un delegado sindical por transgredir la buena fe contractual y abuso de confianza en el desempeño de sus funciones por haberse apropiado supuestamente de dinero de multas de tráfico. Este empleado municipal ejercía sus funciones en la oficina del Patronato de Recaudación de la localidad. Esta decisión se ha adoptado después de que el Consistorio haya tenido conocimiento de la existencia de multas impuestas por la Policía Local de Estepona e ingresadas en efectivo que no constan grabadas en la aplicación informática habilitada para tal efecto

por el Patronato de Recaudación, que tiene delegada la gestión de las multas de tráfico y su recaudación. La cantidad objeto de estos hechos, que tuvieron lugar entre 2009 y 2010 y que ahora han sido puestos en conocimiento de la Policía Nacional, asciende a 4.650 euros. El afectado ha reconocido que ingresó el dinero en su cuenta bancaria. El regidor ha explicado que el Ayuntamiento será diligente en estos asuntos y no tolerará que se produzcan irregularidades que afecten a los intereses municipales. Así, ha subrayado que el compromiso del equipo de gobierno es velar por el erario público y detectar todas aquellas prácticas que no se ajusten a la legalidad.

The Town Hall dismisses employee for allegedly embezzling money from traffic fines The Mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, announced that the town hall has initiated the dismissal of an employee for violating contractual good faith and breaching trust in the performance of his duties by allegedly having embezzled money from traffic fines from the revenue office where the employee worked. This decision was made after the town hall became aware of the existence of fines imposed by the local police in Estepona which were deposited in cash but were not recorded in the computer application used for that purpose by the Revenue office in charge of the management and collection of traffic fines. The amount unaccounted for, between 2009 and 2010, is 4,650 euros and has now been brought to the attention of the National Police. The victim has admitted to depositing the money in his bank account. The councillor explained that the town hall will be diligent in these matters and will not tolerate irregularities affecting the municipality. He also stressed that the

government team is committed to ensuring the safety of public funds and detecting any transactions that do not comply with the law.

La Biblioteca Municipal aumenta su capacidad de conexión a Internet

The Municipal Library increases the quality of its Internet connection

Según el Ayuntamiento de Estepona el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel ha aumentado su capacidad de conexión a Internet mediante la instalación de un nuevo router Wifi que optimiza la conexión a la red de dispositivos electrónicos de forma inalámbrica. De esta manera los usuarios del Centro Cultural, especialmente los de la Biblioteca Municipal, ven cumplida una reclamación que pone fin a los problemas existentes de conexión inalámbrica, ya que el nuevo sistema facilita la conexión gratuita a la red de dispositivos habilitados con Wifi. Se une a otras prestaciones de la biblioteca, que dispone de 19 ordenadores con

The Padre Manuel Cultural Centre has increased its Internet connectivity by installing a new wireless router that optimizes the network, allowing wireless electronic devices, such as laptops and mobile phones, to function better when connected. This also means users of the Cultural Centre, especially the Municipal Library, will see their petition to put an end to wireless problems satisfied, since the new system facilitates network access via all free Wi-Fi enabled devices. This adds to the list of other services provided by the library, 19 computers with fixed Internet connection, some 40,000 documents, including literary

conexión fija a Internet, cerca de 40.000 documentos, entre libros de lectura, consulta y revistas especializadas, y una Videoteca con 2.979 títulos entre discos, vídeos y DVD’s. Entre junio de 2011 y marzo de 2012, un total de 5.030 usuarios han hecho uso de los puntos de conexión fijos a la red, mientras que 1.195 usuarios han usado este espacio público para realizar conexiones inalámbricas con sus ordenadores personales. Además, 2.417 usuarios han solicitado préstamos de CVD, principalmente películas, cuyo número se ha duplicado de 600 a 1.200 unidades, en este mismo periodo.

and consulting books and specialized magazines, and a video library with 2,979 titles on disc, videos and DVD’s. Between June 2011 and March 2012, a total of 5,030 people have made ​​use of the fixed connection points to the network, while 1,195 users have used the public space for wireless connections to their personal computers. Also, 2,417 users have requested loans of DVD, especially films, whose number has doubled from 600 to 1,200 items in the same time period.



The Resident -

Air Europa Promociona Estepona La edil del área de Turismo, Marina Segovia, ha firmado un acuerdo de colaboración con la empresa de aerolíneas Air Europa para promocionar el municipio de Estepona en los 38 aviones que se emplean en todos los vuelos nacionales e internacionales que realiza la compañía. Más de 10 millones de pasajeros que al año viajan con esta aerolínea recibirán este impacto publicitario. El video, que se comenzará a proyectar a partir de junio, fomentará el conocimiento de los atractivos turísticos, culturales e históricos de la localidad; así como la planta hotelera de la ciudad.

La proyección del spot se iniciará durante los meses en los que se produce una mayor concentración de viajes vacacionales. El convenio de colaboración incluye también la inserción de una página de publicidad en la revista que la compañía edita y distribuye gratuitamente al pasaje de sus vuelos. Este convenio es el resultado del trabajo y el acuerdo cerrado este año en Fitur con la aerolínea. Desde entonces se ha trabajado con los hoteleros de la localidad para que se sientan representados en la promoción que se ha realizado de Estepona.

Air Europa promotes Estepona Estepona’s councillor for Culture, Marina Segovia, has signed an agreement with the airline company Air Europa to promote the municipality of Estepona on the 38 aircraft used on all domestic and international flights carried out by the company. More than 10 million passengers a year who travel with this airline will view this advertising. The video, which will begin its projection in June, will raise awareness of the cultural and historical heritage of Estepona along with its tourism infrastructure and amenities. The video is scheduled to be screened

during the months in which there is a maximum concentration of travellers. The partnership also includes the insertion of a full page advert in the inflight magazine that the company publishes and distributes free of charge to all passengers on its flights. This agreement, which was finalised with the airline at the Fitur travel trade fair in Madrid earlier this year, was the result of much hard work by all those involved. The Town Hall has since worked with local hoteliers to make them feel more represented in the advertising plan for Estepona.

El Ayuntamiento firma los préstamos para pagar a proveedores 60,7 millones de euros El concejal del área Económica del Ayuntamiento de Estepona, Manuel Aguilar, ha anunciado que el Consistorio ha firmado el último préstamo que permitirá el pago de 60,7 millones de euros a proveedores, que comenzarán a cobrar su deuda a partir de la próxima semana. “Este pago supondrá un balón de oxigeno para el Consistorio, que logra abonar el 20% del total de la

deuda municipal, y para los proveedores; además de suponer una inyección económica al tejido productivo de la ciudad”, ha añadido el concejal, que se ha referido además al “alivio que se producirá en la gestión del departamento municipal de Hacienda por la reducción entre 5.000 y 6.000 facturas, se genera una menor carga en el departamento de Hacienda”

Town Hall to pay suppliers 60.7 million euros Estepona’s Councillor for Economic Affairs, Manuel Aguilar has signed the final agreement which will secure the loan that will be used to settle 60.7 million euros of debt owed to local suppliers, who will begin to be paid off from this coming week.

“This payment will be a great relief to the town hall, paying off some 20% of the town’s total debt, as well as breathing life into the local economy as it will settle between 5,000 and 6,000 outstanding invoices.

El Ayuntamiento regula por primera vez la actividad de los artistas callejeros

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona regulará, por primera vez, la actividad de los artistas callejeros a través de un Plan de Aprovechamiento Especial de la Vía Pública. El objetivo de este documento es que las personas interesadas en desarrollar un trabajo artístico durante los meses de verano dispongan de un marco normativo que concrete y delimite aspectos que hasta ahora no se habían tenido en cuenta. Entre ellos, se encuentra el establecimiento de un total de 16 ubicaciones donde los artistas podrán realizar su actividad como puede ser la plaza Antonia Guerrero, la avenida España o la plazoleta Ortiz, entre otros enclaves de interés turístico. Los espacios reservados estarán destinados a seis tipos de actividades autorizadas: retratistas y caricaturistas, mimos y estatuas, artistas gráficos, espectáculos de marionetas y teatros, cuentacuentos y magos. En la actualidad ya hay seis peticiones y se podrán presentar más hasta completar el cupo establecido en

la norma. Con esta nueva normativa las personas interesadas podrán tener un espacio seguro donde desarrollar su trabajo. Además, se prohíbe obstaculizar con esta actividad artística el acceso a cualquier comercio o vivienda, con lo que se logra una integración de esta actividad en la vida comercial dentro del casco histórico. Para elegir a las personas que finalmente podrán desempeñar su actividad se ha tenido también en cuenta una serie de criterios como el currículum del artista, poder acreditar que han realizado actividades de las mismas características en otros municipios o estar dados de alta en la Seguridad Social. Este reparto de espacios estará establecido durante el verano (de junio a septiembre); si bien, se podrían aprobar otros Planes de Aprovechamiento Especial de la Vía Pública para otras épocas del año como la Semana Santa o las Navidades.

Estepona Town Hall to regulate street performers The Estepona Town Hall will begin to regulate, for the first time, the activity of street artists through a plan to make the best use of the town’s streets. The purpose of this plan is that people interested in developing artistic work during the summer months have a concrete set of rules and guidelines that had not been available until now. Among these new regulations is the establishment of a total of 16 locations where artists can perform their activities such as Plaza Antonia Guerrero, Avenida España and the Plaza Ortiz square, among other sites of interest. These spaces have been reserved for six specific activities; portraitists and caricaturists, mimes and living statues, graphic artists, puppet shows and theatre, storytellers and magicians. There are six applications for designated pitches at the moment, with more spaces

available until the limit is reached . With these new regulations, street artists will have a safe space in which to perform. Furthermore, the artists are strictly prohibited from hindering access to any trade or property, which will result in the integration of this activity in the commercial life of the town centre. In order to decide who will be allowed to perform where, the Town Hall has taken into account a number of criteria such as the artist’s resume, proof that they have performed in other municipalities and whether or not they are paying Social Security. The allocation of spaces will be established during the summer (June to September), although other regulations may be approved for other times of the year such as Easter or Christmas.

Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English each Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what's on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.


The Resident -


La Escuela de Joyería – Estepona Rona Bourke

Yolanda Rodríguez Morillo es la directora de la “Escuela Municipal de Joyería” en Estepona. Tiene gran experiencia, tanto en fabricación de joyería como en enseñanza y ésto ahora se está aprovechando en la escuela / taller municipal en Estepona, donde ha estado enseñando desde 1998. Las clases se imparten en español, que no parece haber causado demasiados problemas a los estudiantes, ya que varios de ellos son bilingües. Estos últimos proceden de diversos lugares, entre ellos España, Suiza, Alemania, Inglaterra, Holanda, Escocia, Bélgica y de lugares tan lejanos como Ucrania. La escuela abrió sus puertas en 1998 y por el momento se espera duplicar el número de estudiantes a veinte en lugar del actual diez que asisten a la clases. Algunos de los estudiantes viajan desde lugares tan lejanos como Marbella y Alhaurín el Grande, etc. ya que ésta es la única escuela de este tipo en la provincia de Málaga, y al igual que con muchos otros servicios, la escuela también ha sufrido por la crisis económica. En los últimos 18 meses 2 estudiantes se han graduado y ahora ambos se dedican a la joyería en tiendas en Fuengirola y Algeciras. Muchos de los estudiantes hacen el curso simplemente como un hobby, pero ha sido demostrado por muchos de los que asisten que además se puede ganar la vida por medio de la joyería, abriendo una tienda, etc. El curso dura 2 años en completarse y los estudiantes aprenden mucho y completan más de 20 ejercicios durante el curso, que una vez dominado permite al estudiante producir anillos de boda, collares, gemelos, pulseras, broches, etc. Hay 10 mesas de trabajo de madera en la sala principal de la escuela y éstas están rodeadas de maquinaria de gran tamaño que permite cortar, doblar y aplanar metales para darles forma. Parte de la maquinaria que se usa no ha cambiado nada desde la Edad Media y viejas formas tradicionales se utilizan para hacer gran parte del trabajo.

Algunas joyas pueden tardar meses en terminarse dependiendo de los diseños, pero los estudiantes de la escuela pueden acabar vendiendo sus obras por cientos de euros. En la escuela todo el mundo trabaja a su propio ritmo. Los maestros trabajan con los estudiantes de forma individual y si realmente disfrutas con la joyería nunca pararás -- seguirás aprendiendo hasta que te jubiles. Los estudiantes pueden iniciar los cursos en cualquier momento, aunque comienza el nuevo año académico en octubre y se prolongará hasta finales de julio. Al finalizar el curso los estudiantes recibirán un diploma del Ayuntamiento de Estepona. El coste de participar en el curso es de 121 euros al mes con un pago inicial de 79 euros. Las clases son de 10:00 a 14:00 de lunes a viernes. La escuela está situada en la Avenida España, M º 266-Estepona Teléfono 952 80 62 55 Móvil 629 588 887 Me gustaría dar las gracias a Yolanda Rodríguez Morillo directora de la Escuela y Sabrina Frenzel por su útil información.

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The Jewellery School – Estepona by Róna Bourke

Yolanda Rodriguez Morillo is the director of “Escuela Municipal de Joyería” in Estepona. She has an abundance of experience-both in making and teaching and this experience is now being channeled into the Town Hall run school/workshop in Estepona, where she has been teaching since 1998. Classes are taught in Spanish which doesn’t seem to have caused too many problems to the students, as several of them are bilingual. The students attending recent classes came from Spain, Switzerland, Germany, England Holland, Scotland, Belgium and from as far away as the Ukraine. The School opened in 1998 and at the moment they are hoping to double the number of students to twenty instead of the present ten attending the classes. Some of the students travel from as far away as Marbella and Alhaurin el Grande etc., as this is the only school of its kind in

Murray Harper

the province of Málaga, and as with many other services the school has also suffered from the economic crisis. In the past 18 months two students have graduated and now they both run jewellery shops in Fuengirola and Algeciras. Many of the students do the course purely as a hobby but it has been proved by many of the others attending the classes that you can live off the proceeds if setting up a shop. The course takes two years to complete and students must learn many things and complete over 20 exercises during the course, which once mastered enables the student to produce wedding rings, necklaces, cufflinks, bracelets, brooches, etc. There are 10 wooden work benches in the main room of the school and these are surrounded by large items of machinery where different metals can be cut, flattened and bent into shape. Some

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Tel: +34 952 793 422 - 952 807 692 of the machinery used has not changed at all since the Middle Ages and the old traditional ways are still used for doing much of the work. Some jewellery can take months to finish depending on the designs but the students at the school can sell some of their work for hundreds of euros. At the school everyone works at their own pace. The teachers work with the students individually and if you really enjoy making jewellery it never stops- you keep on learning until you retire. Students can start courses anytime and the new academic year commences in October and runs until the end of July.

On finishing a course the students receive a diploma from the Town Hall of Estepona. The course costs 121 euros a month with a starting fee of 79 euros. Classes are from 10 am to 2 pm from Monday to Friday. The school is situated at Avenida España mº 266-Estepona Telephone 952 80 62 55 Mobile 629 588 887 I would like to thank both Yolanda Rodriguez Morillo Director of the School and Sabrina Frenzel (spokeswoman) for their helpful information.

For more information about Estepona tune into

Estepona Today and Viewpoint

A weekly radio programme in English every Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm.

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Ocio What’s On

La temporada de conciertos de verano en el Club de Tenis Puente Romano en Marbella Montserrat Caballe, Gloria Gaynor, Bryan Ferry, Chaka Khan y Sister Sledge son sólo algunos de los actos que irán apareciendo en el Club de Tenis Puente Romano durante este verano. Los precios de las entradas oscilan entre 30 € y € 250, pueden obtenerse en Para más información, visite la Guía de actuaciones en www.

Summer concert season at Marbella’s Puente Romano Tennis Club Montserrat Caballe, Gloria Gaynor, Bryan Ferry, Chaka Khan and Sister Sledge are just some of the acts that will be appearing at the Puente Romano Tennis Club this summer.

Ticket prices very between €30 & €250 which can be obtained from www. For more information visit the Gig Guide at


MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 - Móvil: 657 96 03 47 - Mobile: 662 276 767 (in English)

Avenida Velazquez 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)

The Resident -

The Resident -

Ocio What’s On

Corominas con Música: The Tragic Company

American Aquarium en concierto

Estepona informa de que el ciclo Corominas con Música continuará su programación cultural el próximo sábado, 2 de junio de 2012, a las 20:00 horas, con un concierto cargo del grupo de rock “The Tragic Company”, y posterior visita guiada por las instalaciones del Centro de Interpretación de la Necrópolis Megalítica de Corominas. La entrada del concierto es de 10,00 € por persona, y se puede adquirir en el propio recinto, ubicado en el Parque Municipal San Isidro Labrador de Los Pedregales. Para recibir más información, concertar más visitas guiadas o adquirir entradas, los interesados pueden ponerse en

American aquarium comenzó lanzando álbumes en 2006, aprovechando la influencia de grupos como Whiskeytown y Drive-By Truckers en el proceso. Formado en Raleigh, Carolina del Norte, la sede no oficial de country rock alternativo, la banda se centró en la composición de BJ Barham, quien completó su cartelera con el pianista Zack Brown, el bajista Bill Corbin, el guitarrista Ryan Johnson, el baterista Kevin McClain, y el tocador de ‘pedal steel’ Whit Wright. A pesar de una activa agenda de gira, el grupo también visita el estudio de grabación con regularidad

Centro de Interpretación de Corominas Sábado, 2 de junio, 20:00h.

contacto con la Asociación ACUDE, en el teléfono 654 71 17 15.

Jueves 31 de mayo a las 22.00 h Louie Louie R’n’R Bar, Calle Real, Estepona

Arte Marbella

Ahora en su cuarta edición, el Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella tendrá lugar en la Avenida del Mar y el Parque de la Alameda, Marbella del 21 al 24 de junio de 2012. Este popular evento cultural que muestra el trabajo y el talento de alrededor de 100 artistas y galerías provenientes de una amplia gama de nacionalidades y ubicaciones geográficas a cerca de 20.000 visitantes durante el evento de tres días. El Festival Internacional de Arte ofrece a los artistas una excelente oportunidad para exponer sus piezas a un público internacional amante del arte. Los

jueces incluyen un panel de expertos en el mundo del arte internacional. Muchos de los artistas que expondrán su trabajo han expuesto anteriormente en alguna de las tres ediciones de FIAM. Con un completo programa de entretenimiento gratis para toda la familia, el festival de FIAM se ha convertido en uno de los principales eventos culturales en el calendario anual de la ciudad, y cuenta con el pleno apoyo del Ayuntamiento de Marbella, junto con muchos patrocinadores corporativos importantes.

Now entering its fourth edition, the Festival Internacional de Arte Marbella will be held in the Avenida del Mar and Alameda Park, Marbella from 21-24 June 2012. This popular cultural event that showcases the work and talents of around 100 artists and galleries from a wide range of nationalities and geographic locations to approximately 20,000 visitors over the three-day event, the Festival Internacional de Arte gives artists excellent exposure to an avid, art-loving international crowd. The

judges include a panel of experts in the international art world. Many of the artists now entering their work have previously exhibited at FIAM festivals over the past three editions. With a full-programme of free entertainment for all the family, the FIAM festival has become one of the leading cultural events in the town’s annual calendar, and has the full support of the Marbella City Hall along with many leading corporate sponsors.

Art Gaucin and Artisan Market

Gaucin’s first Artisan Market in conjunction with Art Gaucin will be held at the Convento in the village on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd June from 10 - 5.30 pm. The stalls will be selling a variety of gifts, clothes, wine

and crafts from producers and craftsmen from Gaucin and the surrounding areas. Art Gaucin is a longstanding event held for many years where many visitors are invited into the artists’ homes to view their work and now there is an opportunity to see amore artists and artisans’ ideas and goods. There is a bar and refreshments are available. Also on Saturday 2nd June the annual PAD Gaucin Rastro is being held selling a large variety of donated goods for the local animal charity Gaucin has a good variety of bars, restaurants and shops to provide an event packed great day out over this busy weekend in one of Andalucia’s beautiful White villages.

Royal Baths

Domingo 27 De Mayo Grupo de Southern Rock Jueves 31 De Mayo Grupo de Southern Rock

Corominas Visitor Centre, Parque Los Pedregales, Estepona Saturday, June 2, from 8 pm

band. The Tragic Company was formed in 2008, and soon made an impression by winning the 2009 Costa Pop competition organised by the 40 Principales radio station. Soon after they issued their debut album “Bass, Middle, Treble” to critical acclaim. Tickets are 10€ per person and are available from 654 711 715.

Louie Louie Rock’n’Roll Bar

American Aquarium

Corominas and Music: The Tragic Company Estepona’s continues its concert cycle entitled ‘Corominas with Music’ with a performance by popular local band The Tragic Company on Saturday, June 2 from 8 pm at the Corominas Visitor Centre at the Los Pedregales Park on the Estepona to Casares road. The evening begins with a guided tour of the exhibits followed by a concert by the


Los Infiernos

Martes 5 De Junio Garage Surf desde Mexico

American Aquarium Thursday 31 May at 10 pm Louie Louie’s, Estepona

American Aquarium began releasing albums in 2006, drawing influence from bands like Whiskeytown and the DriveBy Truckers in the process. Formed in Raleigh, North Carolina, the unofficial headquarters of alternative country rock, the band focused on the songwriting of B.J. Barham, who fleshed out his lineup with pianist Zack Brown, bassist Bill Corbin, guitarist Ryan Johnson, drummer Kevin McClain, and pedal steel player Whit Wright. Despite an active touring schedule, the group also visit the recording studio regularly.

Zach Williams & The Reformation Miercoles 6 De Junio Grupo de Southern Rock

Guadalupe Plata Viernes 8 De Junio Blues

The Rats

Sábado 9 De Junio Glam Punk desde New York

Festival Starlite Las autoridades locales de Marbella han anunciado el primer evento importante de música de este año con la presentación del Festival Starlite. Tendrá lugar desde el 13 de julio hasta el 14 de agosto. El festival incluirá actuaciones de varias estrellas tanto nacionales como internacionales. La mayoría de los eventos se celebrarán en el ‘Starlite Village’ en La Cantera, a los pies de La Concha. Los siguientes actos se han confirmado: Sábado 14 de julio - George Benson Lunes 16 de julio - Roger Hodgson Viernes 27 de julio - Cristopher Cross Domingo 29 de julio - Hugh Laurie

Jueves 02 de Agosto - Miguel Bosé2 Viernes 03 de Agosto - Rosario, Lolita y Antonio Carmona Sábado 11 de Agosto - Raphael Martes 14 de Agosto - Estopa

Starlite Festival Marbella’s local authorities have announced the first of this year’s major music events with the presentation of the Starlite Festival. Running from July 13 to August 14 the festival will include performances by a number of stars both national and international. Most of the events will be staged in the ‘Starlite Village’ at La Cantera at the foot of La Concha mountain.

The following acts have been confirmed: Saturday 14 July - George Benson Monday 16 July - Roger Hodgson Friday 27 July - Cristopher Cross Sunday 29 July - Hugh Laurie Thursday 02 August - Miguel Bosé2 Friday 03 August - Rosario, Lolita y Antonio Carmona Saturday 11 August - Raphael Tuesday 14 August - Estopa


Ocio What’s On

Los mejores actos musicales en El Molino

The Resident -

Exposición - Dibujo y pintura

Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos Del 4 al 18 de junio de 2012

Cast of Les Miserables in Concert to perform in Spain

El próximo 4 de junio, a las 20:30 horas, tendrá lugar en el Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos la inauguración de una exposición de dibujo y pintura al óleo de la asociación “Enamorados del dibujo y la pintura de Estepona”, dirigida por la profesora Encarna de Hoyos Vázquez. La muestra, realizada por una treintena de alumnos, está compuesta por 60 obras de temática variada, y permanecerá expuesta hasta el 18 de junio. El Molino presenta algunos de los mejores actos musicales en la Costa del Sol este verano. El entretenimiento tendrá lugar durante las noches de los domingos de julio y agosto, a partir del 1 de julio, con Daniella y Michelle y su tributo a ABBA, a los que se unirá más tarde esa noche el ‘Rey del Rock and Roll’ Elvis, completando la cartelera para la noche. Tres Divos (08 de julio), New Orleans Jump Band (15 de julio), y el fabuloso Rat Pack Live (22 de julio) no necesitan presentación. El domingo 29 de Julio es noche

de fiesta con uno de los dúos más populares de la costa, Southern Impact, representando una mezcla de pop, soul, funk y Motown, que será acompañado por el cantante residente de Tikitano, Daniel Boland, con su tributo a Michael Buble y amigos. Las entradas oscilan entre 15€ y 20€, incluyendo una selección de tapas caseras servidas durante toda la noche. Las entradas están disponibles en El Molino, y el English Bookshop. El Molino está situado enfrente de la gasolinera Repsol y debajo del Banco CajaSur, en Sabinillas.

El Molino presents a summer of music El Molino presents some of the very best musical acts on the Costa del Sol this summer. The entertainment is on Sunday nights throughout July and August, commencing on July 1st with Daniella and Michele with their tribute to ABBA, who will be joined later that evening by the ‘King of Rock and Roll’ as Elvis completes the lineup for the night. Tres Divos (8th July), The New Orleans Jump Band (15th July), and the fabulous Rat Pack Live (22nd July) need no introduction. Sunday 29th July is party night with one

of the most popular duos on The Coast, Southern Impact, performing a mixture of pop, soul, funk and Motown, who will be joined by Tikitano’s resident singer, Daniel Boland, with his tribute to Michael Buble and friends. Tickets range from 15 € to 20 € including a selection of house tapas served throughout the evening. Tickets are available from El Molino, and the English Bookshop. El Molino is situated opposite the Repsol petrol station and underneath CajaSur Bank, in Sabinillas.

Exhibition of drawings and paintings Estepona’s Palacio de Congresos will be hosting an exhibition of drawings and paintings by the pupils of the “Enamorados del dibujo y la pintura de Estepona” association directed by Encarna de Hoyos Vázquez. The exhibition runs from the 4 to 18 June.

Following the overwhelming success of the three shows of Les Miserables in Concert, performed in St. Michael’s Cave, Gibraltar, The production management and cast have accepted an invitation to perform the hit show at Armstrongs Restaurant & Lounge in Manilva, on Friday 15th June 2012. The Concert, originally to run for only two shows, had to be extended to a third due to the demand for tickets. All three shows were a sell out and received lengthy standing ovations from the delighted crowds at the end of each performance. The large amount of reviews posted on social media following each performance underlined the quality of the cast that have been in the rehearsal stage for over 8 months prior. Chris Music, the Producer & Director of the show, has been delighted with the response stating “The invitation from the Management of Armstrongs Restaurant for us to perform at their prestigious venue, is fantastic news and we aim to delight the audience in Spain, as we did the hundreds of people who managed to get tickets to see the performances in Gibraltar”. He continued “Armstrongs attracts the very best of entertainers on the Costa del Sol and together with a seating capacity of over 150, this should make for an extremely good night”. Tickets are already on sale and cost 15€ for show only or 35€ for pre-show three course dinner complete with reserved seating. Tickets are already selling fast and there is already the possibility of a second show at the same venue. Tickets are available from the restaurant itself or from Armstrongs Patisserie, Monte Duquesa (up the hill from Puerto Duquesa and to the left). Tickets for the pre-show dinner must be purchased in advance.

Broadcasting in English to the Campo de Gibraltar and beyond


a breath of fresh air for more information visit

The Resident -

Spanish dogs fly to new homes in Holland

Información Information Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva Coach Trip, 20th June

ADANA Volunteer with Burtina, waiting for her flight to take her to her new Dutch home

ADANA, the Estepona-based dog rescue and rehoming charity, has maintained its links with Dutch charity PodencoWorld and is now regularly sending dogs to the Netherlands, where PodencoWorld finds new homes for them. ADANA volunteers Anne Gerrish and Mary Page accompanied two ‘Flight to Freedom’ journeys, as the Dutch charity describers these flights, to Malaga Airport, where a team of workers from PodencoWorld was waiting to meet them and complete the formalities required before the dogs were

boarded for their flight to Rotterdam. ADANA also sends dogs to new homes in Germany, the UK and other European countries. The prospective adoptees are checked for suitability by rescue charities in each country so the dogs can be assured of good, caring homes. Anyone travelling to Holland who would be prepared to accompany a dog on a ‘Freedom Flight’ should contact Helen on 952113467 from 10.00 to 14.00 for details.

Charity Golf Event On Sunday the 2nd September 2012 Estepona Golf Club will play host to a charity golf competition organized by local ex-pat and keen golfer Stuart Harvey. The aim of the event is to raise funds for two charities with which Stuart feels a close affinity. The first is the UK based Anaphylaxis campaign who raise funds and awareness in relation to those suffering from severe allergies, something which was the cause of the premature death of his best friend and frequent Costa del Sol golfer Tony Morgan, in whose memory the trophy is named. The second aim is to raise funds for the

Deal Town Football Club which is Stuart and Tony’s home team and whose new stand was destroyed in an arson attack in 2011. The competition itself will be over 18 holes and is a two person, stableford, team event with a team’s best stableford score on each hole counting towards a their ultimate score. There are some fantastic prizes on offer and the day will end with a BBQ for players and their guests so please come along and enjoy the day and support two worthwhile causes. So check out the advert below for how to become involved in this exciting event.

Send us details of your club, charity or association’s events and activities and even if we don’t have room in The Resident we will publish it on our website at Send copy and images to by the 18th of the month for inclusion in the paper or anytime for publication on the website.


Age Concern is organising a coach trip to Setenil and Ronda, for Wednesday 20th June. The itinerary will be to drive to Setenil for about a one hour stop to look round this historic village and grab a coffee, then to go onto Ronda for a longer stop over to include an optional lunch at Restaurant Los Cantaros. The menu del dia is 10 euros to include a bottle of wine for each table of 4, Those who prefer to take a picnic lunch can enjoy their food in the beautiful park or one of the many town squares, all in the same central part of Ronda. The coach will leave at 18.00 for the return trip. The cost is 10€ for the coach and then 10€ for lunch if required. Some people may like to visit the “Little Sisters of the Poor” and the Old peoples Residence run by them – this can be arranged so please let us know. Pick up points are: Sabinillas by the garage at 10.35 Bahia Dorada, entrada 4 at 10.45

Estepona local police station, at 10.55 Opposite Estepona Bus Station at 11.05 Benamara opposite bowls club at 11.20 San Pedro, in front of the El Rocio RC Church on the Avenue Rocio at 11.35 Reservations can be made by calling 951318234 and leaving your details, or by popping into the shop in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona during shop opening hours, Monday to Saturday, 10.00 to 13.30. Payment will be needed by 13th June – please drop it into the shop.

Lifeline For older people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at

International Club of Estepona The ICE Club is a social club for all English-speaking people, and holds many events during the week. We have our own refurbished clubhouse holding the following regular events: Music, Dancing, Themed Supper Evenings, Film Nights, Social Evenings, Bridge, Whist, Day and Holiday Coach Trips, Golf, Rambling, Spanish Lessons, Drama/Theatre Group, Needle Crafts, Gardening, Art, Quiz Night, Songs of Praise, Computer Instruction, Free 8Mb WiFi & Computers Available, Large Screen TV for major events, Monthly Magazine. Free Book and Jigsaw Libraries, DVD’s and much more.

Every Sunday from 12.30 to 2.30pm and every Tuesday from 12.00am to 2pm the bar is open for drinks and tapas. Every Thursday from 10.30am to 2.30pm the bar is open for drinks, weekly meeting 11.30am, 1.00pm lunch. Special Events June Friday 1st June - Quiz Night Sunday 3rd June – Big Jubilee Lunch – Street Party Theme Friday 8th June - Fish ‘n’ Chip Supper Saturday 9th June – Dinner Dance Extravaganza at Armstrong’s Manilva Tuesday 21st June - Ladies Ascot Day Tuesday 26th June - Annual Trip To The Lakes

ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -

Club Charity and Pleasure presentation to ASPANDEM At the club’s coffee morning on 23 May CAP’s President Jill Cawley was delighted to present ASPANDEM Director Jose Juan Lopez with a cheque for €1000 in memory of member Anita Dowling who has championed this charity on behalf of the club for many years, and who recently passed away. Club Charity and Pleasure is a friendly, social organisation meeting at 11 a.m. each Wednesday morning for coffee at Restaurante El Caserio (next to Garden Centre AgroJardin); many weeks there is a speaker. Weekly activities include bridge, whist and bowls, and members have recently started a choir. Other events and excursions include visits to the theatre and exhibitions; lunches and dinners at different venues along the coast; mystery trips, etc. A full programme of events is published in CAP’s free quarterly magazine, and regularly updated online. They also raise money for local charities, mainly Alzheimer’s, Aprona, Aspandem and Cudeca.

New members are welcome – annual membership is only €15. Why not go along for coffee? You will be assured of a warm welcome. For more information contact Jill Cawley, President, on 952 818471, or visit www. NOTE: CAP will be closed for summer between 4 July and 12 September


Puzzle Fácil Easy

Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz This month’s picture quiz features some of most famous names from the world of sport. Answers page 27 El quiz de este mes consta de algunos de los nombres más famosos del mundo del deporte. Respuestas página 27

Soluciones página 27 All solutions on page 27 1



Nivel Medio Medium




Difícil Hard








The Resident -




Beach Bar & Restuarant Between Sabinillas and Duquesa Cocina abierta 13:00 - 18:30 / Kitchen open from 1 pm to 6.30 pm

5th June

Mel Williams Still Rockin’ 10th June

Harmony Street

Acoustic Duo - wide range of music 17th June

The Rat Pack Live Frank, Dean and Sammy live on! 24th June

Daniela and Marcus Music starts around 2.30/3.00 pm

Watch this space for more exciting events at Chiringuito Almijara

Marlows Fish & Chip Restaurant

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During the winter months there is a fantastic Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch on Sunday served from 1pm - 4.30pm. Tel. 951 276 728

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2 bed 2 bath ground floor apartment in Estrella de la Bahia. The property has 2 double bedrooms, master with en-suite. Spacious living area and the kitchen is modern and fully fitted. Private parking space and large private terrace. 2

Casares Costa

Casares Costa


3 bed, 2 bath townhouse in Los Cortijos de la Bahia on the Casares Costa and close to Duquesa Marina. This 3 storey townhouse is south east facing with private garden and stunning roof terrace. Internally the living area is spacious.



2 bed, 2 bath ground apartment in Terrazas de la Bahia. Stunning gardens, 2 pools and superb sea views. Private courtyard area and sunny south east facing terrace with sea views. There is a large open plan lounge that leads to the private terrace. 4

Large 4 bed, 2 bath townhouse situated 5 mins walk from Manilva, overlooking Sabinillas and Manilva coast. Built 2004 173+ square metres, benefits form large 50 square metre integral garage. Property is ready to be moved in and is sold with or without furniture. The property enjoys a very private situation and shares pool and garden with just 17 other properties. MUST BE SEEN!

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Centro Commercial Mar y Sol Local 643-644 Sotogrande, Cadiz 11310 Spain Tel: +34 956 796 911

Rua Rainha Doña Leonor Bloc A, 3rd Floor, Suite BP 8100-501 loule, Algarve Portugal Tel: +351 289 432 397

Regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission - Licence No. FSC00962b

Should you be worried about changes to the EU Savings Directive? At a meeting of the European Council in June 2003, EU member states agreed on the principle that exchange of information on as wide a basis as possible should be the ultimate aim of the European Union. The EU Savings Directive was born out of that decision and came into force in July 2005 with the aim of ensuring EU residents paid tax on savings income in their country of residence regardless of whether they declared income or not and thus avoid the common practice of hiding capital in foreign bank accounts. However, a review of the Directive in 2008 exposed weaknesses in the drafting of the legislation primarily due to the fact it only covered interest payments to individuals or natural persons omitting companies, trusts and other legal entities which resulted in EU residents holding foreign personal bank accounts transferring their assets into corporate structures. The proposed amendments seek to extend the scope of the Directive to untaxed entities introducing look through facilities for offshore companies, trusts and foundations to ensure full recovery of tax liability. Secondly only certain types of interest payments were covered by the Directive and alternative investment products escaped its scrutiny. As a result

of which many investors changed their pattern of investing with a flight way from debt securities in favour of equities. The Expert Working Group appointed by the EU Council and entrusted with the task of closing existing loopholes to prevent tax evasion are considering applying a much wider definition to the term “interest payments” to increase the number of financial instruments and investments which fall within scope of the Directive. Thirdly it was limited geographically to the EU and despite the establishment of bilateral agreements with a great number of non EU jurisdictions on exchange of information there was an outflow of capital to jurisdictions beyond the scope of the Directive. The extension of the Directive to untaxed legal entities established outside its territorial scope will be addressed by requiring the paying agent to apply the savings tax provisions on the beneficiaries upon distribution. How effective these new arrangements are on entities outside the EU remains to be seen. Despite the implementation of these changes and other sources of income being caught by the Mutual Assistance Directive, the EU is now contemplating implementing a further Directive

on administrative assistance in tax matters which seeks to strengthen administrative and technical cooperation between countries including the automatic exchange of information under certain circumstances. Its implementation is not expected until 2017. If you are holding financial assets in an offshore jurisdiction to avoid paying taxes or if you are relying on offshore company structures, trusts or foundations to escape taxes these changes may have serious ramifications. The future is uncertain but there is still time to take action. Don’t get caught out! Tax avoidance is not an option. There are ways of reducing your overall tax liability in a perfectly legitimate way. If you are worried that your investments might come under review or hold your financial assets in a corporate structure you should consider seeking professional advice from a reputable financial advisory firm on tax led wealth management solutions.

Call us on Tel. 956 796 911 to see how we can help you or make an appointment by emailing


Information Información

The Resident -

El Veterinario - Registro de Perros Peligrosos Costa Advice Bureau El mes pasado, había un artículo que trataba del ayuntamiento y sus requerimientos y reglamento del registro redundante para todos los perros a través de su departamento correspondiente consejería del medio ambiente. Lo que sí es cierto es que ellos están obligados a mantener un registro de todas las razas de perro (así como los cruces) citados en la lista de razas peligrosas: Pit Bull Terrier; Staffordshire Bull Terrier; American Staffordshire Terrier; Rottweiler; Dogo Argentino; Filo Brasileiro; Tosa Inu; Akita Inu; and Doberman. Las siguientes razas están nombradas en la legislación promulgada en Madrid y no expresamente mencionados en la Ley andaluza: Bullmastiff, Dogo de Burdeos, Mastín Napolitano, Presa Canario, Presa Mallorquín, y el Mastín tibetano. Alsacianos/pastores alemanes no son nombrados en esta ley, pero han sido incluidos en las anteriores leyes existentes, así como los caninos que se ajustan a una descripción del tipo y la conformación de perros potencialmente peligrosos (tamaño, tipo/forma, formación de la cabeza y la de la mandíbula, de pelaje corto, etc.), también se incluyen en esta medida los cruces de cualquiera de las razas de perros previamente nombrados o que ha sido considerado peligroso por haber tenido al menos dos denuncias presentadas en su contra. Si usted está entre los propietarios de uno de estos caninos ellos (y usted) debe estar registrado en el Registro de Animales Potencialmente Peligrosos (RAPP) de la Junta de Andalucía y debe tener un seguro de responsabilidad civil para cubrir cualquier daño personal o material que su mascota podría ocasionar, y que especifica una cobertura mínima de 175.000 euros por siniestro. Para inscribirse, primero debe obtener una licencia del Ayuntamiento, donde usted es un residente. El dueño de estos animales de compañía “tiene que ser mayor de 18 años de edad, no debe tener

una condena por ciertos delitos, con un certificado (libre de penales) expedido por la Policía Nacional (en el caso de los residentes de aquí o de su país de origen en el caso de los no residentes) y obtener un certificado médico de haber cumplido con los exámenes físicos y psicológicos (parecido al que se requiere para un permiso de conducir) y con la certificación de un veterinario que usted puede controlar a su mascota. A los propietarios con licencia se expedirá una tarjeta de identificación, que debe llevar encima con usted siempre que salga con su perro. Esta nueva ley prohíbe la formación de perros de ataque, de defensa o protección, o para darle algún tipo de adiestramiento o educación que incrementen sus tendencias agresivas. ¡Violaciones de esta parte de la ley será tratado por la imposición de multas que van desde 2.400 - 15.025 euros! Estos tipos de perros también se les prohibirá la entrada a las áreas recreativas o de juego utilizados por o designada para los niños, deben llevar bozal en todo momento que se encuentran en las zonas públicas (al menos que se obtiene la debida certificación de un veterinario especial que el dueño del perro puede controlar el perro), y deben mantener el animal con una correa de no más de 1 metro de longitud. Si usted tiene más de uno de estos perros sólo se le permite tener uno de ellos bajo su control a la vez. Si usted tiene uno de estos animales y se pierde o es robado usted tiene 24 horas para denunciar los hechos. Ellos tienen que ser esterilizados o castrados (certificada por un veterinario), y la ley especifica el tipo de vivienda que se hospeda en cuando este en casa. La licencia/el permiso es válida por 5 años y se debe mantener al día al igual que el registro sanitario de los animales, lo que tiene que ser mantenido anualmente. Esta legislación ha estado en vigor desde octubre de 2008. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas - Tel: 952 891 387

Vet’s Corner - Dangerous Dog Registry Last month there was an article that dealt with the town hall and their redundant registry requirement for all dogs through their corresponding responsible department – environmental affairs. They are required to keep a registry of all dog breeds (as well as crosses) cited in the list of dangerous breeds: Pit Bull Terrier; Staffordshire Bull Terrier; American Staffordshire Terrier; Rottweiler; Dogo Argentino; Filo Brasileiro; Tosa Inu; Akita Inu; and Doberman. The following breeds are listed in the legislation enacted in Madrid and not specifically named in the Andalucian Law: Bullmastiff, Dogue de Bordeaux, Neapolitan Mastiff, Presa Canario, Presa Mallorquín, and Tibetan Mastiff. Alsatians/German Shepherds are not named in this piece of legislation but have been included in previous existing laws as well as those canines that fit a description of type and conformation of potentially dangerous dogs (size, shape, head and jaw formation, short haired, etc?), also included in this measure are crosses of any of the above named breeds or any dog that has been deemed dangerous due to having had at least two complaints filed against it. If you are among the owners of one of these canines they (and you) must be registered

on the Junta de Andalucía’s Register of Potentially Dangerous Animals (RAPP) and must have a civil responsibility insurance policy to cover any personal or material damage the pet might cause, which specifies a minimum coverage of 175,000 Euros per incident. To register you must first obtain a license from the Town Hall where you are a resident. The pets’ owner has to be over 18 years of age, must not have a conviction of certain crimes with a certificate (libre de penales) issued by the Guardia Civil or the Policía Nacional (in the case of residents here or from your country of origin in the case of non-residents), obtain a physicians certificate of having complied with physical and psychological examinations (much like that for a driving license), and a certification from a veterinarian that you can control your

Inheritance tax Assets of all non-residents and residents, depending in which region you live in are ordinarily by law subject to inheritance tax. The rules are complicated and one must not generalise on the rate of the tax payable. The amount due depends primarily on each individual’s circumstances and cannot be structured by tables and charts. Mistakes can be made or the matter in hand not carried out with due diligence. Some unscrupulous financial advisors have taken advantage of many home owners, owing to the concern relating to this tax. Residents and nonresidents alike have become involved in a variety of investments and schemes in an attempt to avoid paying a tax that they may not even owe. This complex subject needs to be studied meticulously and on an individual basis. On numerous occasions making random calculations have been used to determine the tax payable. The outcome can result in costly errors. Trusting and concerned inheritors duly and obediently pay the deduced amount. There are autonomous regions where this tax has been totally abolished. The Andalucía government has had this issue on the table but to date there is no change in the law. What we should know is that there are many instances where this regional law does allow a wide range of reductions. This will depend on your status and that of your inheritors. Most resident property owners whose homes are in the middle to lower price range may find they have no tax to pay at all. You may be advised to say nothing on the death of a spouse or family member, waiting until the tax owed has prescribed. The tax authorities are getting stricter on the evasion of taxes and if found out, you will have to pay the amount plus surcharges. There are cases, where honest expats have been coerced into entering into unsatisfactory investment schemes, theoretically to avoid inheritance tax and in the process have lost or are losing their homes and often their life savings. When seeking legal advice you need to know that the advice you are receiving is honest, impartial and accurate. Information that states that inheritors of the defunct family member must be resident and registered in Spain to avail of the many reductions are not necessarily correct. Each case must be studied on its own merit. pet. Licensed owners will be issued with an identification card that you must have with you whenever you are out with your dog. This recent law prohibits the training of attack, defence or guard dogs, or to give them any type of schooling which would increase their aggressive tendencies. Violations of this part of the statute will be dealt with by the imposition of fines ranging from 2,400 15,025 Euros! These types of dogs are also be prohibited from entry into recreational or play areas used by or designated for children, they must be muzzled at all times they are in public areas, (unless proper certification from a specially certified veterinarian has been obtained that the dog owner/handler can control the dog), and they must be kept on

The more expensive properties incur a higher tax burden. These owners do need to look at how to avoid high charges. This does not imply that you are not entitled to attractive reductions. There must be a desire to achieve these reductions by your contracted official. The state will gladly accept your money if you overpay. There is a lot of talk and publicity about drawing up Spanish wills to lessen the inheritance tax burden. This is not the case. Your will does not reflect on the amount of tax payable unless the assets are divided accordingly. A Spanish will is a must, as a testament drawn up in your country of origin will have to go to probate, resulting in that you will incur additional costs. It will also take a lot longer to settle the matter and for this reason it is wise to have a will drawn up in each country where you hold assets including Gibraltar. Remember as a non Spanish national home owner, you have the advantage over your Spanish counterpart who has to distribute his assets according to the laws of Spain. You can draw up your will in accordance with the laws of the country from which you originate. On a lighter note a Spaniard would find it difficult to leave his assets to a dog’s home. You may do so if you wish. It is only fair to point out that a family member who is not included as an heir and feels he or she has an entitlement to part of the estate can contest the will in a Spanish court. To make sure that you do not pay more than your legal obligation, seek professional advice.

Annual Tax Declaration A reminder that it is that time of year when resident property owners must have their tax declarations submitted. For individuals and couples who are on a modest income. Consider making this tax declaration as you may be entitled to a refund. This applies especially to resident pensioners. The calculation and presentation of your taxes, can be carried out for you at a minimal charge. Around sixty euros a couple is a fair fee.

For information on any of the above, please contact: Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821 a lead/leash no more than 1 meter in length. If you have more than one of these dogs you are only allowed to have one of them at a time out under your control. If you have one of these animals and it gets lost or stolen you have 24 hours to report such an incident. They have to be spayed or neutered (certified by a veterinarian), and the law specifies the type of housing they are to be kenneled in when at home. The license is valid for 5 years and must be kept up to date, as does the animals’ health record, which has to be maintained annually. This legislation has been in effect since October 2008.

Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas - Tel: 952 891 387

En la Residencia de las Palabras

The Resident -

SIN PENSAR EN LOS DEMÁS Y para qué calentarse la cabeza, dicen ellos, y comentan que ya tienen bastante con lo suyo; y qué es lo suyo, lo mío, lo nuestro. Lo triste, es que están convencidos, muy convencidos, demasiado convencidos, y afirman que no es problema de ellos. Y con tanto problema por librarse de esos problemas, se les vino encima mil asuntos, cuestiones que, creían ellos, nunca les atañerían. Y fue verdad que en un periodo de sus vidas, con tanta indiferencia, no calcularon que otros compartían con ellos la vida, y vivían por alguien.


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Francisco Rodriguez Herrera Del libro: “Traslados” 14 de mayo de 1.994

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera



Quiero que compartas conmigo esta aurora, o mejor descansa aún que es temprano. En acordes de risas la mañana se abre, hay un rosal lozano seducido por el alba, y un jilguero te quiere despertar para reflejarse en tus pupilas. Mi amor, no tengas prisa, que voy a entrar en tus jardines para mecer tu alma junto al hibisco, para cantarte nanas de claveles y lirios, para abonar latitudes y prenderme de sus vegetales, y que sigas soñando con las deidades; continua dormida, que ayer el día fue laborioso para ti. Ya sé que el amanecer tiene lo espléndido del horizonte, y más tarde el sol se hará intenso sobre el campo, pero sigue amodorrada, mientras yo camino y me dirijo al trabajo con la expectativa de nutrir el día con ilusiones y esperanzas. Que nadie me quite la alegría y el ánimo, y si temo, ese jilguero solidario te llamará para que acudas en mi ayuda. Pero eso no ocurrirá porque te amo, y dices que me amas, y con tu amor me siento en paz y protegido.

El sol canta las bellezas bajando a la ciudad. Las familias se distraen en el hogar y en la plaza. Mira quien vuela allí, es una gaviota que calla, holograma en el espejo de tu barca; el pescador asaltando costumbres del agua; el soldado en la guerra, y el niño en la escuela; de la madre y del alba ya hablaremos... Ahora, una espiga, es golondrina. La mantequilla, un verso blanco, en cuenco, recién hecha. Toma... Entregado el aire, alto es el monte, el valle lo siente. No temas, mira lo que te doy. Seguro, el sol, se cae como un Dios, y como un hombre. Es hora de desayunar, esta nueva mañana de aceite y de membrillo. El sol canta las bellezas del mundo bajando a la ciudad.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: Al atardecer, la vida, se hace esperanza. 9 de mayo de 2012

CONSTANCIA Si pienso en el mañana, me asusta mi inconstancia. Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús Me voy, me voy de aquí, porque si pienso que mañana lo haré, no lo haré. Hoy, mañana, la sombra, el cadáver de mis pecados muertos y reanimados nuevamente por ese maldito lobo disfrazado de cordero, por este mismo yo que me sorprende en la prueba para probarme otra vez por si me apoyo en la integridad y no la reconozco como madre y padre de mi paz y mi sueño. El futuro es la rosa que hoy cultiva mi sangre, mi respiración inquieta y mi corbata, sólo quiero seguir confiando, para que el sol de mi aventura no se apague, para que viva siempre en todos los terrenos, y labre, y golpee, y me mude de ellos, porque nada es mañana cuando en el hoy no advierto mi ventana abierta para traspasar realidades. mi respiración inquieta y mi corbata, sólo quiero seguir confiando, para que el sol de mi aventura no se apague, para que viva siempre en todos los terrenos, y labre, y golpee, y me mude de ellos, porque nada es mañana cuando en el hoy no advierto mi ventana abierta para traspasar realidades. Francisco Rodriguez Herrera Del libro: “Traslados”

Nivel Medio Medium

Difícil Hard

Francisco Rodriguez Herrera Del libro: “Traslados”

MOVERSE PARA SEGUIR LA HISTORIA Egipto se ha hecho lámpara en las arenas. Un sosiego de luz sorprende al capellán... La tormenta se fue galante de memorias. El templo funerario se arropa en la montaña. Le concierne al escriba un glosario de formas. Ramsés acaba por entrar en la encrucijada: sepulcros, pirámides y templos advierten su razón, su pérdida o su eternidad; pero el esplendor de su nuevo mundo está en el movimiento, en trasladarse otra vez de casa, de cementerio, de patio y de santuario donde retorna el agua a su ablución, y así seguir desde la infancia, en luz y sabiduría, los nuevos caminos, para encontrar la planicie desde una experiencia vital, porque donde nacemos nos esparcimos. Francisco Rodriguez Herrera Del libro: “Traslados”

Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas - Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información


606 602 558

(Coopere con nosotros)

Respuestas correspondientesa la página 22 - Picture Quiz answers from page 22 1 Frank Williams. 2 Kim Clijsters. 3 Mark Cavendish. 4 Jessica Ennis. 5 Casey Stoner. 6 Pastor Maldonado. 7 Florence Griffith Joyner. 8 Alvaro Quiros. 9 Roberto Di Matteo. 10 Mark Spitz. 11 David Ferrer. 12 Johnny Tapia.



A Healthier Life

JoJo France and Claudia Norris

Filthy 50’s I love exercise, in fact I frequently say to people iIhave the best job in the world, I do what I love best all day every day. Now I know I am an exception to most people, who at best exercise because they have to, at worst to no physical exercise even though they know it would improve their overall health. This brings me onto this month’s workout, I call it the ‘Filthy 50s’, 5 exercises and 50 repetitions of each. I find the most effective way of doing this workout is for speed, 5 rounds of 10 reps, I would suggest the following: Wide Press ups (Feet wider than hips and hands wider than shoulders, you must lock out the legs to stop the back sagging). Squat Jumps Normal close stance squats, lower bum towards the floor (as if sitting on the toilet, at the bottom power the squat up with a small jump, and land the jump back in the squat position.

The Resident -

2. Introduce more raw foods in your diet. The summer months are a great time to look at the freshness of foods and how close to natural you can serve them. This means that you should try to find produce that is ripe and bursting with flavour so that it doesn’t need to be cooked or seasoned a lot to still be enjoyable. 3. Eat more cultured foods like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut. These help our digestive system by replenishing the good bacteria. 4. Don’t forget your omega 3’s! Summer BBQ’s don’t need to be all about meat. Make fish kebabs and whole sardines a regular meal to help keep the skin moisturised, the neurotransmitters firing, and hormones balanced. 5. Try some gelatinous plant foods like aloe vera and seaweed. (I buy organic aloe vera juice from Aldi). These foods absorb toxins travel through our digestive tract, effectively giving a spring clean after the winter months.

5 take-out’s: 1. Introduce ‘Meatless Mondays’. If you and your family eat too much meat, introduce ‘Meatless Mondays’ and each week try out a new vegetarian recipe. 2. Cut out alcohol for at least 3 days a week. This is in line with NHS guidelines. However, if you are following the 5 ‘add in’s’ above, you may want to cut it down further to give your liver a chance to really detoxify. 3. Clear out the comfort foods! De-clutter your cupboards, fridge, freezer and larder of all the comfort foods that may have felt justified during winter but won’t serve you for your new beach body. 4. Cut down on sugar. Sugar piles on the kilos and is a major factor in hormone imbalance, skin problems, and lack of energy. 5. Cut out foods that make you feel bloated. The common culprits are pasta, bread, and/or dairy. It’s different for everyone.

Claudia Norris, Nutritional Therapist Dip(BCNH), MA(Hons) Registered Practitioner with the Nutritional Therapy Council Email: Mobile: 671 142 960

jojo's fitness

Burpees Hands start on the floor next to your feet, jump your feet out to press up position, jump your 2 feet towards the hands, now jump up, that’s 1 rep. Lunge Start with feet hip width apart, step 1 foot forwards and bend both legs (make sure the front knee does not bend over the front ankle) now move ‘up and down ‘. (look at the picture) Sprint Find some space, flat for beginners, hills for advanced, make out an area approx 50 metres, now sprint it as fast as you can. All the above make 1 round, aim for 5 rounds as fast as possible, take a 1 minute breather after each round, this workout is great for both cardio health and for toning most muscle groups. Remember to warm up first and consult with your GP if you are new to exercise or have any injuries. If you have any questions feel free to contact: JoJo 687 030 047 or email:


Whether you want to lose weight or not, the change of seasons and start of warmer weather is the perfect time to make a few changes. As new fruit and veg become available and the days become brighter, this is a great opportunity to give your diet a fresh start. Not only will your health benefit, but your body will too and that means you’ll be ready for hitting the beach.

5 add-in’s: 1. Add freshly squeezed vegetable juices into your daily routine. These are the ultimate fast food and nutrients are quickly and easily absorbed into your system.

All jojo's classes and personal training have moved to a new premises. Now situated at DANCEWORKS - Mar Y Sol, Sotogrande (behind the golf shop) For more information about the new timetable or help with losing weight and getting fit

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Se Alquila en el Puerto de la Duquesa - For Rent in Duquesa Port Apartamento en el Puerto de la Duquesa, 2 dorm, 2 baños, cocina amueblada, terraza con vistas al mar. 2 bed apartment in Duquesa Port, 2 bath, fitted kitchen. Terrace with sea view. Abril-Mayo-Junio o Sept. / April-May-June or Sept. 200€ semana/week Julio/July - 1500€ mes/month 400€ semana/week Agosto/August - 1800€ mes/month 500€ semana/week Tel. 952 80 83 21 (English mornings only) 952 80 83 21 - 629 481 088 (Español)

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687 327 521 This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198

Business Directory Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.

Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Ronald Rosenfeld Frances Beaumont Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Iniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L. Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.

Building & Maintenance •  Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@ •  Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515

ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Project Management Tel. 678 962 588

Holiday Accommodation •  Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www.


•  English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066 •  Simple Leasing. Car rentals and leasing. Document transfers. 0034 697 820 253 or visit www.

Professional •  Manilva Solicitors provide a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies. Tel 952 901 225 or e-mail: •  Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com •  Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.

Hair and Beauty Monte Duquesa Hair Ladies’ Stylist Men’s Barber The Courtyard Monte Duquesa 617 595 605 See

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents •  Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. •  Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 www. •  Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444

Have a day out with The Resident Property management

•  Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207 www.

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month

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Educación Education •  Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952892163

This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198

take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal 45€ Resident price 42€


Sun Breaks Spain


we will also select a featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email viajes@transandalucia. com. Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!

Every Tuesday (Lunch optional €12) - Our trip takes us inland, to an old Olive Mill, for a fully guided tour and, when in season, where we see the full olive oil production process. (Light refreshments included.) We then visit an authentic citrus fruit farm of around 17,000 trees where, if in season, we can sample fresh fruit straight from the tree. A tour of the scenic Spanish Lake District follows, via the dramatic El Chorro Gorge, stopping for lunch, before then returning to the coast. Adults: Normal price 46€ The Resident price 44€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 31€

Ronda by Train

(return by coach)

Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 43€ The Resident price 41€ Children: Normal price 33€ Resident price 31€.


Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.


Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 79€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 75€ Children: Normal price 61€ The Resident price 58€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING


Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps

Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 74€ The Resident price 70€ Children: Normal price 55€ The Resident price 53€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)


Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

Gibraltar - Shopping only:

Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Adults: Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: Normal price 15€ The Resident price 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping

Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Dolphin boat trip & shopping

Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Gibraltar - Rock the boat

Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 52€ The Resident price 50€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & Mijas

Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola Zoo

Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.



The Resident -

Three Steps to be an Entrepreneur - by LIMIT CONSULTING You may have given it some thought, but you always hesitate at the last moment Becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy task. Even more so during these difficult times we are living in. Things are changing faster than ever. New market conditions demand doing a lot of things well. No doubt, it is a challenge! However, it is also true that, despite all that, there are great opportunities for creative individuals willing to work. New ideas are taking off and people are still ready to pay for well thought out services or products. Having a good idea is not enough though. Many businesses close down every year. Many of these owners still believing that it was a good idea, but it simply did not work out! If we are going to be a successful entrepreneur, we have to take up the challenge seriously. We want to make it work. Each person is different, but turning from employee (or unemployed) to entrepreneur requires at least three major steps, the first one being state of mind. • Being determined to have your own business, come what may. • Having a viable project with good chances of success. • Obtaining the skills, knowledge and aptitudes to turn your plan into a reality. MAKING YOUR MIND UP There can be many reasons for which someone may want to have his own business: being your own boss, financial reward and increasing life-status, working on what you like, personal realization, etc. Apart from these personal goals, there are other objective reasons that make having your own business worth-considering. Perhaps answering these questions will help, Are we living in a world that no longer exists? The idea of a secure, permanent job is gone. Nowadays, not even civil servants can count on this! In the mind of many, being paid weekly by a company may look like a guarantee of continuity. However, in a time of so much instability, thinking that things will remain unchanged for long is an illusion. Companies are going in to liquidation and others are being formed, last years fashionable place may not do as well this year… It may be hard to break out of the pattern of being an

Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken

employee. (Or wishing to be employed). For years we may have had a job and seen others also employed. After a time struggling, we may be waiting on someone to rescue us. But the right question to ask is: What can I do? How many clients do I need? As a business person you may have a number of clients. Some will leave, for whatever reason. (Hopefully not due to a bad service). Others will stay longer with you. This is surely going to happen! The matter is not keeping the same clients (that might be impossible) but keeping the same number of clients (or even increasing it). And another thing is sure too: It is better to depend on a number of small clients than on a bigger ones. When the one big client that finances nearly all your life leaves you… that hurts! Having considered this…In some cases…Is not being employed just as risky as having one big client? DEVELOPING YOUR BUSINESS Not all good ideas are necessarily business opportunities and not all of these ones are suitable for us. Think of the number of businesses that open up and shortly after close. All these people thought they had an idea. What happened then? They were not viable ideas. For an idea to become a real business opportunity, there are some factors that we have to consider first: There must be a problem that you can solve or a need that you can satisfy. You must be sure that you can do this efficiently, either yourself or though your employees or partrners. You should do that at a lower cost, so that you can function and grow within the margin. Factors like these should be considered in our “business plan”. This will allow you to determine if your business idea is realistic. Additionally to this, you must like what you do. It is well established that if you like what you do you have much more chance of success. TURNING YOUR PROJECT INTO A REALITY A common mistake is believing that, since we are good at our profession, we have a great chance to become a successful business owner. But a good builder won’t necessarily create a successful building company. Indeed, these two things have nothing to do with each other. Find more tips at and follow the links.

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A Taste of Africa - Campbell’s Biltong and The Flame Grill If you attend some of the many outdoor events that take place in Manilva, you will probably by now have come across local couple Ron and Eileen Campbell and The Flame Grill catering van. Ron and Eileen, both Rhodesians, moved to Manilva from the UK in the last couple of years and have begun to make a name for themselves supplying traditional southern African favourites, such as biltong, boerewors sausages, and their variation on that theme, the boerewors burger. Ron and Eileen left Rhodesia some twelve years ago and headed for the UK, just two of the many who left behind the political uncertainty of Mugabe’s Zimbabwe with the intention of returning once the dust had settled. Back in the old country Ron had taken an interest in producing biltong, a form of air dried meat, using a process he learnt from Eileen’s uncle who was a butcher, and over the years they developed their own methods and recipes. After a couple of years in the UK a chance meeting with another Rhodesian, who worked in an abattoir, led to Ron and Eileen picking up the butcher’s knives and once again began producing their biltong and sausages. Ron went online and discovered a large number of fellow expatriate Rhodesians and South Africans and soon built up a mailing list of some 3,000 people eager for a taste of home. Very soon they were packing off parcels of their products across the UK

and overseas, and in a move to expand their market they purchased an old hot dog van which they cleaned up and named The Flame Lilly, which is the national symbol of Rhodesia. A close encounter with a tree necessitated some redecoration of the van, which led to it being renamed The Flame Grill, a name which it retains to this day. The couple would travel all over the UK during the summer attending, fairs, balloon festivals, etc. and it was during this time that they developed the boerewors burger. Boerewors, literarily ‘Farmer’s Sausage’ in Afrikaans, is a 100% meat sausage made of pork and beef with a few added spices, which is very popular with southern Africans who will chuck it on the ‘Braai’ or grill and wash it down with a cold beer. Although popular with their fellow Africans it didn’t seem to have the same appeal with the British public. It was then they hit on the idea of using the same mix but made into a burger pattie, the rest is as they say is history. People would be queueing up at The Flame Grill to get their fix of this culinary delight. Another attraction of their products is that they are free from any artificial additives, and being 100% meat are gluten free. As with many people it was the climate in the UK that led to the Campbell’s move to Spain. A particularly wet summer led to the cancellation of many of the events the couple had lined up. So they rented out their home, hitched up

The Flame Grill to their Land Rover and hauled the entire outfit down to Spain where they settled in Manilva. Once here they soon began producing their famous biltong which is made by marinading the meat in beer or vinegar and their own particular blend of spices, before hanging it up to air dry for from three to five days, depending on the climatic conditions. In the couple of years that Ron and Eileen have been in Manilva they have already built up an extensive customer base and have begun exporting their products across

Europe. Recently they have begun to organise themed evenings and Campbell’s Biltong and The Flame Grill can be found at Floria Chiringuito on June 23 where they will be helping to celebrate the San Juan Midsummer Festival; and also on June 30 at the same venue where they will be holding another of their successful ‘Africa Nights on The Beach. If you want to know more about Campbell’s Biltong and The Flame Grill products then visit their website at or call them on +34 951 277 105

The Resident -

Sam Torrance vuelve a Benahavis El ex capitán de la Ryder Cup Sam Torrance ha añadido su nombre a lo que se está convirtiendo en el campo más fuerte en la historia de los Benahavis Senior Masters, al confirmar su asistencia a La Quinta Golf y Country Club, en el sur de España, a partir de junio 1-3. Torrance se une a una gran cantidad de compañeros ex jugadores de la Ryder Cup, como Gordon Brand Jr., Antonio Garrido, Manuel Piñero y Mark James, junto con el actual Campeón del Trofeo John Jacobs, Peter Fowler, el ganador del 2010 Boonchu Ruangkit, y el campeón Carl Mason intentarán hacerse con la mayoría del premio aumentado de 200.000 €. El Benahavís Senior Masters ha cambiado de fecha en el Calendario Senior de este año, desde mediados de octubre hasta principios de junio, y el cambio ha demostrado ser popular entre los jugadores.

“Me siento bien con ganas de volver a los Benahavis Senior Masters”, dijo Torrance, tres veces ganador del Senior Tour order of merit. “Estoy realmente interesado en darle un buen comienzo en esta temporada y espero que pueda ponerme en disputa en La Quinta. “Es sin duda una época perfecta del año para estar jugando en Benahavis y espero que haya un gran público para dar al torneo un ambiente muy emocionante y digno de este maravilloso lugar.” No será tarea fácil para Torrance sin embargo, con 27 de los 30 mejores jugadores esperando jugar en La Quinta, un campo premium situado entre las colinas con una excelente vista de Marbella y el mar Mediterráneo. La entrada para el Benahavis Senior Masters es gratuito y es una oportunidad ideal para ver algunas de las leyendas del juego de cerca y en persona.

Deportes Sport


Bar Vinagre se alza con el título de Copa de Fútbol 7

En una final de Copa muy disputada, el recién nombrado campeón de Liga, Bar Vinagre, se alzó en los penaltis con el título. Dicha final, cuyo contrincante fue Bar Casa Manolo, fue muy entretenida con dos de los mejores equipos que conforman la liga de fútbol 7 local y que lucharon cada balón y desmotraron en cada jugada por qué llegaron a la gran final. Con este título, Bar Vinagre consigue

un doblete y por consiguiente, ha demostrado tanto en la liga regular como en la copa que ha sido el mejor equipo. Mario Jiménez, concejal de Deportes y Manuel Chavez, director de Área, estuvieron presentes tanto en la final como en la posterior entrega de trofeos. Jiménez, futbolero donde los haya, se unió a la fiesta y felicitó a los campeones por su buena temporada.

Bar Vinagre wins Manilva’s Football 7 Cup In a hard fought cup final, the newly crowned champions, Bar Vinagre, won the title on penalties. The final, against Bar Casa Manolo, was very entertaining with two of the best teams in the local football 7 league in which they fought for every ball and every play demonstrating why they made the final.

Sam Torrance to make Benahavis return Former Ryder Cup Captain Sam Torrance has added his name to what is becoming the strongest field in the history of the Benahavis Senior Masters by confirming his attendance at La Quinta Golf and Country Club, in southern Spain, from June 1-3. Torrance joins a host of fellow former Ryder Cup players including Gordon Brand Jnr, Antonio Garrido, Manuel Piñero and Mark James, along with reigning John Jacobs Trophy Champion Peter Fowler, the 2010 winner Boonchu Ruangkit, and defending champion Carl Mason as they attempt to collect the lion’s share of the increased prize fund of €200,000. The Benahavis Senior Masters has moved to a new date on the Senior Tour schedule this year, from Mid-October to early June, and the move has proven popular with the players as many of the Senior Tour stars attempt to steal a march in the Order of

Merit at the early stages of the season. “I am thoroughly looking forward to returning to the Benahavis Senior Masters,” said Torrance, a three-time Senior Tour Order of Merit winner. “I’m really keen to get off to a good start this season and hopefully I can put myself in contention at La Quinta. “It’s certainly a perfect time of the year to be playing in Benahavis and hopefully the crowds will be out in force to give the tournament a really exciting atmosphere befitting of this wonderful venue.” It will be no easy task for Torrance though, with 27 from the top 30 players expected to play at La Quinta, a premium parkland course nestled in the hills overlooking Marbella and the Mediterranean Sea. Entry for the Benahavis Senior Masters is free and makes an ideal opportunity to see some legends of the game up close and personal.

With this title, Bar Vinagre have achieved their second victory and have therefore demonstrated that they are the best team both in the regular season and in the cup final. Councillors Mario Jiménez and Manuel Chavez attended the match and congratulated the victors.

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