resident the
No.106 - Agosto | August 2016 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006
El III Certamen Mundial de Jamón en Estepona
Casares está en todo el mundo con los Premios Blas Infante Casares awards Premios Blas Infante to charitable projects around the world
Fiesta Luna Llena en las playas de Sabinillas Full Moon Festival on the beach in Sabinillas this month
World Jamon Festival celebrates the fruits of the pig this month.
Manilva en Fiestas
Español English
Pauline Bowden - THE LOCAL IFA =SYV ±KS XS² TIVWSR JSV ½RERGMEP EHZMGI Read more inside…….
Feria time in Manilva The Mexican - Bar & Grill
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Produced by COSTASOL MEDIA PRODUCCIONES SL For THE DUQUESA CHARITABLE SOCIETY OF ST GEORGE Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Translations Noelia Ruiz Perez Frances Beaumont Contributors Calum McGregor Ronald Rosenfeld Francisco Rodríguez JoJo France Steve Davies Manilvalife Nick Nutter Advertising Enquiries Jane Morris 619 820 403 General Enquiries Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Editorial Bueno, aquí estamos otra vez. Es agosto en la Costa de Sol y este año está registrando cifras récord de visitantes. Con toda la incertidumbre y riesgos que afectan a otros populares destinos vacacionales, muchos turistas han elegido la Costa del Sol como opción “segura”, lo que junto a las vacaciones de los españoles está haciendo que la ocupación hotelera sea de más del 90%, y eso sin contar con los alquileres turísticos. El lado negativo de esto es la presión sobre la infraestructura local, ya sea aparcamiento, largas colas en el supermercado, congestión del tráfico, etc., pero no olvidemos que cuando no puedes conseguir mesa en tu restaurante favorito o has dado vueltas durante una hora buscando aparcamiento, que esos visitantes son cruciales para nuestra economía y empleo, y que en septiembre la mayoría volverá a casa. Así que, démosles la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos y hagamos que su estancia sea lo más feliz y memorable posible, para que vuelvan el año que viene. Este aumento de visitantes, con poblaciones que se triplican e incluso se cuadruplican en algunas zonas, también afecta negativamente al Sistema de Salud de la Costa del Sol, ya de por sí en no muy buena forma, por culpa de la falta de fondos y carencia de la Junta de Andalucía que incumple las promesas realizadas de crear nuevas infraestructuras hospitalarias. Puedes leer más sobre este tema en esta edición de The Resident. Cambiando de tema, este mes está lleno de eventos interesantes y divertidos, con las ferias de Manilva y San Roque junto con otros muchos eventos que podrás encontrar en The Resident este mes o en Con esto, no me queda más que desearos un feliz agosto. No olvides respetar el calor: mantente hidratado, cubre tu cabeza, usa gafas de sol y crema solar. Nos vemos en septiembre. Gary Beaumont, Editor.
Well here we are again, August on the Costa del Sol and this year with it comes record numbers of visitors. With all the uncertainty and risks affecting many of the traditional holiday destinations, many holidaymakers have chose the ‘safe’ option of Spain’s coastal resorts, that coupled with the traditional Spanish vacation time many areas are publishing hotel occupancy rates of more than 90%, and that’s without holiday rentals, etc. The downside of this is the pressure on local infrastructure, be it parking, long queues at the supermarket, traffic congestion, but let’s not forget that when you can’t get your favourite table at your local bar or restaurant, or you’ve driven around town three times looking for a parking space, that these visitors are vital to the local economy and employment, and that come September most of them will return home so please welcome them with open arms and make their stay as happy and memorable as possible so that they will return again next year. This surge in numbers, with populations in some areas tripling, even quadrupling in the summer, also puts a strain on the Costa del Sol’s health system, which is already under pressure due to underfunding and failure by the Junta de Andalucia to carry out essential infrastructure projects that have been promised for years, more details of which you can read in this issue. On a lighter note there is a lot going on this month to keep us entertained, with ferias in Manilva and San Roque along with a host of other events many of which are listed in The Resident this month or posted on Well that just leaves me to wish you a great August and don’t forget to respect the heat - keep hydrated, cover your head, wear sunglasses, and use plenty of sunscreen - and I’ll talk to you again in September. Gary Beaumont, Editor
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Situated close to Sotogrande and just 50 kilometers from Marbella, in the heart of the Spanish Costa del Sol, we discover LAS VILLAS at BAHIA DE LAS ROCAS.
AS VILLAS is a small complex of just 13 villas to be developed on a hill enjoying spectacular views to the Mediterranean Sea, the Rock of Gibraltar and the African continent. Located on a beautiful coastal area where historical heritage coexists with some of the best golf courses in Southern Europe. Within a short distance, the region offers a wide range of gastronomy, commerce, leisure, sports and relaxing activi-
ties. Just half an hour´s drive from Gibraltar airport and an hour's drive from Malaga airport, both with international connections. A few minutes from the villas project you can find Chullera beach, a beautiful cove hidden with cliffs and rocks. An ideal and strategic location for those looking for a home surrounded by peace, privacy and nature, yet close to everything that this magnificent region has to enjoy.
Creative design meeting the finest materials and construction standards Bahia de las Rocas is a development of contemporary villas of 155 square meters, with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, distributed
in two floors. They will be built in plots of around 700 square meters, looking for the best orientation in order to benefit from the
maximum number of daylight hours. Each villa has its own private pool and a large garden of around 400 square meters. Inside, the villas have been designed according to a modern internal layout. Creative design meeting the finest materials and construction standards to make this project a unique one, devised to offer quality, comfort and exclusivity. The architects have created an open-plan layout that allows for appealing interior living spaces.
ZAPINVEST is the real estate agency which has been chosen by the developer, the important Spanish group Metrovacesa. Specializing in the sale of second homes in Spain, ZAPINVEST is well positioned as an advisor based in the Port of La Duquesa. In fact, ZAPINVEST has just opened a new office to accommodate an expanding team. ZAPINVEST accompanies the client throughout the process of purchasing a second home abroad, from research of the property until completion before the notary, through all the various stages of negotiation, administration, and support on site.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Gibraltar police collaborate with their Spanish counterparts to crack down on fraudsters charging foreign motorists to cross the border
Foreign motorists crossing the border are again being targeted by fraudsters attempting to charge an fee for visitors entering Gibraltar. This is not the first time this scam has taken place on the Spanish side, but scammers target tourists who do not know the area and are none the wiser. Recent reports have again emerged following the scams revival in La Linea where a person dressed in plain clothes will approach cars in the queue coming into Gibraltar and ask for a monetary fee to enter. The Royal Gibraltar Police says it is working with the Spanish
authorities to ensure this crime is curbed. According to police sources the Royal Gibraltar Police is aware of the illegal activities taking place at the frontier on the Spanish side prior to motorists entering Gibraltar. The police are working together with Spanish Law Enforcement Agencies to address this by sharing intelligence and information about the criminals involved. None of the scammers have targeted those in the Gibraltar side of the frontier when entering Spain.
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THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Casares cuenta con un espacio cardioprotegida Mientras, continúan los cursos de formación que están recibiendo hosteleros, comerciantes de la zona de la Plaza y vecinos en general. Alrededor de 30 personas que de forma voluntaria están formándose para poder utilizar este instrumento en caso de emergencia. El desfibrilador ha sido instalado en el muro de enfrente de la
Carnicería de Cosme. En un habitáculo especial que cuenta con luz de alarma y puerta, que al abrirse lanza un sonido de alarma. Asimismo, como medida de seguridad el aparato cuenta con un GPS, y está conectado a una empresa especializada en seguridad y vigilancia.
La Policía Local abre diligencias para esclarecer el robo del desfibrilador La Policía Local ha abierto una investigación para esclarecer la sustracción del desfibrilador público de la Plaza de España. Según han informado desde Jefatura cuentan con algunos testigos que vieron a la persona que robaba el aparato en la madrugada de ayer, y al parecer existe una grabación de vídeo que están intentando recuperar. Los agentes están investigando también el recorrido que tuvo este aparato desde que fue sustraído poco antes de las 6 de la madrugada hasta que fue localizado en el Centro Médico
de Casares hacia las 3 de la tarde. Por otro lado, en el Consistorio se va a comprobar que el desfibrilador está en condiciones óptimas antes de volver a instalarlo en la Plaza de España, para lo que técnicos municipales junto a expertos de la empresa suministradora realizan un chequeo del aparato. Desde el Ayuntamiento se agradece la colaboración de la ciudadanía gracias a la cual este contratiempo ha tenido un final positivo.
Local police investigate the theft and recovery of defibrillator Local police have opened an investigation to examine the events surrounding the theft and subsequent recovery of the public defibrillator from Plaza España in the town centre. Witnesses reported the theft of the device between 5.30 am and 6 am, and police are trying to recover video that apparently exists of the thief. Police are attempting to ascertain what happened to the defibrillator
between its theft and subsequent discovery at Casares Medical Centre at around 3 pm. Municipal technicians are working with experts from the manufacturers to determine that the device is in good working order before it is reinstalled. Casares Town Hall wish to thank all those members of the public who helped to bring this incident to a satisfactory conclusion.
Casares installs a defibrillator in the Town Centre Training continues for the various staff and business owners in the Plaza España area and residents in general for the new defibrillator. About 30 people have volunteered to use it in case of emergency. The defibrillator has been installed on the wall opposite Cosme Butchers. In a special housing which when opened triggers an alarm. Also, as a security measure, the device has a GPS, and is connected to a specialized security and surveillance company.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
El Ayuntamiento comienza El Ayuntamiento pondrá en marcha un servicio de audio-guías para los turistas que a preparar su programa de inversiones para 2017 visiten Casares Ofrecerán una visita guiada por los lugares de interés con explicaciones en 4 idiomas: español, inglés, alemán y francés. La Concejalía de Turismo prepara un nuevo servicio para los turista con la adquisición de 30 audioguías, que les ofrecerán una visita guiada con explicaciones del casco histórico de Casares en diferentes idiomas. Estos auriculares electrónicos son una asistencia muy habitual en grandes museos, y ahora se utilizará en las calles de Casares, con lo que el Ayuntamiento ofrece a los visitantes un novedoso servicio, al tiempo que optimiza los servicios turísticos. Las audio-guías tendrán grabado información numerada de los lugares de interés del casco histórico de Casares, que también se señalará con un símbolo y un número para que los usuarios puedan oír la explicación sobre el mismo. Además dicha información está grabada en español, inglés, alemán y francés, 4 idiomas que son los más habituales entre los turistas que visiten Casares. Los usuarios podrán solicitar estos aparatos en las oficinas de turismo, Casa Natal o Centro Cultural de Blas Infante, para lo que se establecerá un protocolo con las tasas que se estipulan y una fianza que se devolverá a la entrega de la audio-guía en condiciones óptimas.
El acalde, Pepe Carrasco, asistió ayer a una reunión en Diputación para informarse de las directrices que presenta la convocatoria para el próximo año del Plan de Asistencia y Concertación, que regula la financiación que reciben los municipios a través del ente provincial. El equipo de gobierno ha comenzado a estudiar esta mañana junto a los técnicos municipales las fórmulas que se ajustan mejor a las particularidades contables del Ayuntamiento y a las necesidades
del municipio de Casares. Recordamos que este el Plan de Asistencia y Concertación, que se dirige a las 88 entidades locales menores de 20.000 habitantes, aumentará un 10% en 2017. Esto supondrá que el municipio de Casares reciba alrededor de 400.000 euros, sobre 50.000 euros más que en años anteriores, una noticia que ya fue anunciada hace unos meses por el diputado Guzman Ahumada, y que se conseguía gracias a un acuerdo de legislatura entre todos los partidos políticos.
The Council prepares its investment programme for 2017 The Mayor of Casares, Pepe Carrasco, yesterday attended a meeting of the Provincial Council to appraise the guidelines for next year’s Assistance Plan, which regulates the funding received by municipalities through the provincial body. The government team has begun to study investments that are best suited to the accounting
particularities and the needs of the municipality of Casares. The Assistance Plan, which is available to the 88 local authorities with populations under 20,000, has been increased by 10% in 2017. This will mean that the municipality of Casares will receive about 400,000 euros, about 50,000 euros more than in previous years.
Casares Costa celebra su Velada la próxima semana. Viernes 12 y Sábado 13 en Playa Ancha: mercado de artesanos; actividades infantiles con parque
acuático en la arena para todas las edades; música en vivo; comida y bebidas; ambientación especial con velas en la noche.
Casares launches an audio guide service for tourists They offer a guided tour of the sights with explanations in four languages: Spanish, English, German and French. The Casares Department of Tourism is preparing a new service for tourists with the acquisition of 30 audio guides, which will offer a guided tour with information about the historical town of Casares in different languages. These electronic headphones are a common sight in major museums, and will now be used on the streets
of Casares, offering visitors a new service which will optimise the town’s tourism services. The audio guides have recorded information about various numbered locations in historic Casares, which will also be marked with a symbol and number for users to access the description about it.
The information is recorded in Spanish, English, German and French, the four languages that are most common among tourists visiting Casares. Users can apply these devices in tourist offices, Casa Natal and the Blas Infante Cultural Centre, for which there is a small charge and a refundable deposit.
Evening activities on Casares Costa this weekend Casares Costa celebrates its 'Velada' next week with two evenings of fun and activities. On Friday 12 and Saturday 13 in Playa Ancha there will be a craft
market; children's activities with water park in the sand for all ages; live music; food and drinks; and a special atmosphere with candles at night.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Casares está en todo el mundo con los Premios Blas Infante El 4º accésit, con 5.000 euros, servirá para que la Fundación Kirira de Ciudad Real pueda construir una letrina en una
De los 50.000 euros que el pueblo de Casares destina a la convocatoria, 40.000 se han destinado a proyectos de Cooperación Internacional. El premio Casares por la Humanidad servirá para el desarrollo de una cooperativa agroecológica de mujeres en Burkina Faso, y además se premia con 4 Accésits Blas Infante la mejorar la calidad de vida de ancianos de Etiopía, un plan de salud pública en Nicaragua, la dotación de saneamiento y agua potable en una aldea de Marruecos, y un proyecto contra la mutilación genital femenina en Kenia. El premio Casares por Andalucía, dotado con 5.000 euros recayó en la Coordinadora del Campo de Gibraltar Alternativas para un programa de Educación para el Desarrollo en Solidaridad Alimentaria. Una campaña de sensibilización en el ámbito de la educación que incluye una
recogida de alimentos y reparto entre las familias necesitadas. La Fundación Más Vida de Zaragoza obtiene el otro premio de educación para el desarrollo, Casares por España. Una cuantía de 5.000 euros para el proyecto “Derecho a la Infancia. Derecho a la Paz” destinado a una campaña educativa infantil, dirigida especialmente a niñas victimas de conflictos armados. La Asociación Pozos sin Fronteras de Málaga fue galardonada con el premio Casares por la Humanidad, dotado con 13.000 euros. El proyecto servirá para el fortalecer la soberanía alimentaria y empoderar a la mujer de zona rural a través de un sistema de agua y riego por goteo para el desarrollo de una cooperativa agroecológica de mujeres en la comunidad de Farako (Burkina Faso). También se otorgaron otros 4 Accésits Blas Infante para
proyectos de Cooperación Internacional. El primero dotado con 8.000 euros, servirá a la organización Asociación Solidaridad 2012 de Ciudad Real para la construcción de una casa para alojar a ancianos en Etiopía. El 2º Accésit se ha destinado a la Fundación Más Vida de Zaragoza, está dotado con otros 8.000 euros, que se destinarán al fortalecimiento del plan de salud pública de lucha y vigilancia antiepidémica, y de prevención de la mortalidad materna, infantil y perinatal en Nicaragua. La Fundación Acción Geoda de Madrid recibió una subvención de 6.000 euros, del 3º Accésit, para el proyecto de instalación de saneamiento y abastecimiento de agua potable a la aldea de Ait Hamzá de Marruecos, donde también se ofrecerá formación a la población obre hábitos higiénico-sanitarios.
escuela de primaria de la región de Tharaka (Kenia) que está englobado en la campaña contra la mutilación genital femenina.
Orgulloso del pueblo de Casares Como cada año la ceremonia de entrega de los Premios Blas Infante: Casares Solidario se celebraba el 5 de julio, aniversario del nacimiento de Blas Infante, que ocurrió en Casares en 1885. Un emotivo acto que ha sido introducido y conducido por el alumnado de la Escuela Municipal de Teatro que ha abierto con una adaptación de la obra "El Pequeño Quijote" Durante su intervención, José Carrasco ha dicho que le enorgullece ser alcalde de un pueblo que destina parte de su presupuesto a la solidaridad, y más "porque en estos tiempos parece que la solidaridad no está de moda, y sin embargo cada vez son más los que llaman a nuestra puerta pidiendo ayuda". Pues este año han sido 47 los proyectos que se han presentado a los Premios Casares Solidario, un número bastante mayor que en otras ediciones. El alcalde también ha señalado la importancia seguir apoyando con esta convocatoria a la
Educación para el Desarrollo, por ser "esencial para crear conciencia en la población y en las nuevas generaciones". Por su parte la concejala de Cooperación, Rocío Ruiz, ha elogiado la labor que realizan las asociaciones y colectivos participantes, a los que llamó "guerrilleros de la dignidad", porque gracias a ellos "no está todo perdido", "nos queda un halo de luz y el convencimiento de que un mundo mejor está viniendo". El acto contó con representantes de las organizaciones galardonadas en la pasada edición de estos premios, que explicaron cómo han empleados las subvenciones. Los 7 ganadores de la los Premios Blas Infante 2015 han reseñado la importante labor que se hace con estas subvenciones para que miles de personas puedan vivir mejor. han dicho que Casares es un pueblo muy grande porque está en muchos países del mundo a donde ha llegado su solidaridad.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Casares goes worldwide with its Blas Infante Awards Pauline Bowden - THE LOCAL IFA
=SYV ±KS XS² TIVWSR JSV ½RERGMEP EHZMGI Full Financial Planning Service including:
Calle Miguel Delibes, Nº2, Local 6 Edif.Centro, Sabinillas (behind the Farmacia) Manilva 29692
Of the 50,000 euros that the people of Casares have budgeted, 40,000 euros have been allocated to projects for International Cooperation. ‘Casares for Humanity’ will fund the development of a women’s agro-ecological cooperative in Burkina Faso, and also awarded four Runners-up prizes to improve the quality of life for the elderly in Ethiopia; a public health plan in Nicaragua; the provision sanitation and drinking water in a village in Morocco; and a project against female genital mutilation in Kenya. The ‘Casares for Andalucia’ prize, worth 5,000 euros went to the Coordinator of the Campo de Gibraltar Alternatives for a programme of Education for Development in Food Solidarity. An awareness campaign in the field of education that includes food collection and distribution among needy families.
Zaragoza’s More Life Foundation receives the other award for educational development, ‘Casares for Spain’. An amount of 5,000 euros for their project "Rights for Children. Right to Peace" aimed at a children's educational campaign specifically for girl victims of armed conflict. The Wells without Borders Association of Malaga was awarded the prize ‘Casares for Humanity’, and 13,000 euros for their project which will strengthen the food security and empower women in rural areas through a water system and drip irrigation for the development of a women’s agro-ecological cooperative in the community of Farako in Burkina Faso. A further four Runners-up prizes for International Cooperation projects were also awarded. The first endowed with 8,000 euros, will serve the organization Asociación
Solidaridad 2012 de Ciudad Real to build an old people’s home in Ethiopia. The second prize has gone to the More Life Zaragoza Foundation, which receives a further 8,000 euros, to be allocated to strengthening the public health plan for anti-epidemic surveillance and prevention of infant, perinatal and maternal mortality in Nicaragua . Action Geoda Foundation of Madrid received a grant of 6,000 euros for the proposed installation of sanitation and drinking water supply to the village of Ait Hamza in Morocco, where the population will also receive training in good health and hygiene habits. The 4th prize of 5,000 euros, will help the Foundation Kirira Ciudad Real build a latrine at a primary school in the region of Tharaka (Kenya) which is part of a campaign against female genital mutilation.
The proud town of Casares As in previous years the Blas Infante Awards: Casares Solidario ceremony was held on July 5, the birthday of Blas Infante. An emotional ceremony opened the awards and began with students of the Municipal School of Theatre performing an adaptation of the play "The Little Quijote" During his speech, José Carrasco, said he is proud to be mayor of a town that allocates part of its budget for Solidarity, "because in these times it seems that solidarity is not fashionable, yet people are increasingly knocking on our door asking for help." This year some
47 projects have been submitted to the Awards jury, a far greater number than in previous years. The mayor also stressed the importance to continue to support this call for Educational Development, which is "essential to create awareness among the population and new generations". Meanwhile Councilor for Cooperation, Rocio Ruiz, has praised the work done by associations and groups participating, which she called "fighters for dignity", because thanks to them "all is not lost", "we have a halo of light and the
conviction that a better world is coming. " The event was attended by representatives of organizations awarded in the last edition of these awards, who explained how they have used their subsidies. 7 winners of the 2015 Awards Blas Infante have reviewed the important work done with these grants so that thousands of people can live a better life. They have said that Casares is a very big town because its influence can be found in many countries around the world.
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THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Piscinas naturales en los Baños de la Hedionda
El proyecto supondría la creación de unas piscinas naturales en el cauce que evacua las aguas de los Baños de la Hedionda al rio. Los trabajos, que tienen un coste que ronda los 9.000 euros, consistirían en la construcción de dos muros con materiales y piedras de la zona, junto a una ligera inclinación del lecho, creando así nuevas zonas de baño exteriores. Una construcción con la que no quedaría interrumpido el actual flujo de agua, por lo que ha sido autorizada por la Consejería de Medio Ambiente, que ha enviado
esta semana el informe favorable al Ayuntamiento de Casares. Se trata de la segunda actuación que realizaría el Ayuntamiento de Casares este año para la puesta en valor de estos Baños de aguas sulfurosas, tras el proyecto de consolidación de la estructura y cambio del pavimento realizado esta primavera, explica la Concejala de Cultura Rocío Ruíz. La intención municipal es que las obras estén finalizadas durante el mes de agosto, para que puedan ser utilizadas por los bañistas esta temporada estival.
Natural swimming pool for the Roman Baths Casares have drawn up a project to create natural pools in the river bed at the outflow of the Baños de la Hedionda Roman Baths. The works, which have a budget of around 9,000 euros, consist of the construction of two walls with materials and local stone, with a slight inclination of the bed, creating new areas outside bathing structure. The construction, which will not interrupt the current flow of water, has been authorized by the Ministry
of Environment, which has decided in favour of the Casares Town Hall report. This is the second action to be undertaken by the council this year for the improvement of these natural sulphur baths, following the project for the improvements to the current structure. The council’s intention is that the works are completed during the month of August, so they can be used by bathers this summer.
La zona del Castillo de Casares se reaviva con actividades culturales en agosto La Concejalía de Cultura está cerrando un programa de actividades que se realizarán durante el mes de agosto en el Recinto del Castillo de Casares, una iniciativa que tiene como objeto reanimar esta zona del casco histórico . Ya se está trabajando en la puesta en escena del Pasaje del Terror que se llevará a cabo en esta zona el 20 de agosto. Asimismo, se ha programado el estreno de la nueva obra de teatro del grupo de adulto de la Escuela Municipal, “Los Intereses Creados” del premio nobel Jacinto Benavente. Será el 26 de agosto en el escenario al aire libre de la Plana. Este anfiteatro natural acogerá también una nueva edición de “Cine bajo la Luna” que tendrá lugar los lunes 22 y 29 de agosto.
The Castle area in Casares comes back to life with cultural activities in August The Department of Culture is finalising a programme of activities to be held during the month of August in the grounds of the Casares Castle, an initiative that aims to revive this historic area. Work is already underway towards
staging the Passage of Terror that will take place in this area on August 20. The premiere of the new play by the Municipal School’s adult group, "Vested interests", of the Jacinto Benavente Nobel Prize will also
take place on August 26 at the La Plana outdoor stage. This open air amphitheater will then host a new edition of the "Cinema under the moon" on August 22 and 29.
Casares continua a la espera de que la Junta de Andalucía autorice reparaciones de urgencia en la Torre de la Sal Al encontrarse en zona de servidumbre marítimo terrestre, la Torre de la Sal pertenece a Ministerio de Hacienda del Estado y Demarcación de Costas de Andalucía Oriental es responsable de la gestión de esta edificación. Aunque al tratarse de Bien Patrimonial, cualquier actuación debe ser autorizada por la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía. Tras conocerse los actos vandálicos producidos el pasado mes , el Ayuntamiento de Casares
informó por escrito a ambos organismo. Y pidió a la Consejería de Cultura autorización para realizar una actuación de urgencia, consistente en la instalación de un cierre metálico con fijaciones de seguridad en la pared interior. Unos trabajos provisionales que no afectaría a la edificación y que servirían para impedir que se produjeran mayores daños al resto del monumento. Y para cuya ejecución es imprescindible que sea autorizado por la
Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía, que tiene las competencias en materia de patrimonio cultural. Por otro lado, ya se ha desplazado hasta la zona un Guarda de Costa para elaborar el informe de lo ocurrido, por lo que el Ayuntamiento también está a la espera de que Demarcación de Costa le notifique como se van a reparar los daños sufridos en el muro posterior, donde ha sido arrancado un quicio.
Casares continues to wait for the Junta de Andalucia to carry urgent repair works to the Salt Tower Being on the coastal strip the Torre de la Sal is the responsibility Andalucian Coastal Authority which is responsible for its management and upkeep, although as it is
a heritage site any works must be authorised by the Junta de Andalucia’s Ministry of Culture. Following last month’s vandalism the local authorities in Casares
reported the incident to both bodies, requesting permission to carry out urgent actions to both secure and repair the building.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Petición a la Junta por parte de los residentes locales por la carencia de cobertura médica de emergencia Recientes eventos han sacado a la luz, de nuevo, la falta de instalaciones de urgencias 24 horas en Manilva, lo que ha llevado a los residentes locales a formar un grupo de protesta que está recogiendo firmas para la petición que presentarán ante el Gobierno Regional en un intento de forzarles a cumplir sus compromisos. A pesar de las promesas de la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía, Manilva depende de las instalaciones de las poblaciones vecinas en cuanto a tratamiento médico de emergencia 24 horas. El Centro de Salud de Sabinillas, que abrió en 2008, fue construido usando fondos locales, mientras la Junta cubría los costes operativos, uno de los cuales era una sala de urgencias 24 horas que nunca ha estado operativa desde el día de apertura del centro. La mayor parte de los costes operativos, de personal y mantenimiento, sino todos, son abonados por el Ayuntamiento, cuando deberían ser cubiertos por la Junta. El consistorio local ha presionado repetidamente a la Junta sobre este asunto, y en 2011 otro incidente levantó protestas de los vecinos y la presentación de una petición firmada por miles de residentes enfadados. La protesta también hace hincapié en la falta de cobertura de ambulancias, que tienen que venir desde Estepona, ya que la ambulancia local, financiada por el Ayuntamiento, no está operativa. Todo esto en una población con 15.000
¿Cómo puedes ayudar? Puedes encontrar los formularios de la petición en numerosos puntos de la localidad, incluyendo: So how can you help? There are petition forms at a number of locations including:
residentes, cifra que se triplica en verano, lo cual supone un riesgo para las personas debido a los retrasos a la hora de recibir asistencia médica de urgencia en caso de accidente o enfermedad repentina. Según María Victoria Sequeiro, que fundó el grupo de acción “En el paraíso sin ambulancia”, el objetivo es recoger tantas firmas como sea posible y luego desplazarse a Sevilla y realizar una protesta frente al Parlamento Regional, entregando la petición al director del servicio de salud. Cuando se le pidió que hablara sobre el tema, el Concejal de Residentes Extranjeros de Manilva, Dean Shelton, declaró que en su opinión es necesario hacer esto, “es hora de que la gente de
Manilva de todas las nacionalidades y opiniones políticas se levanten y den su apoyo a esta plataforma, firmando la petición o ayudando de cualquier forma que sea necesaria, y así conseguir ejercer la presión necesaria y avergonzar políticamente al gobierno regional para que cumpla sus promesas y compromisos con nuestro pueblo y sus gentes”. Este es otro asunto que ha causado frustración a causa de las políticas en salud de la Junta de Andalucía. Otro es la negación repetida de la promesa de construir un hospital en Estepona, a pesar de que los municipios de la zona se comprometen a financiar los costes de construcción y de que el acuerdo se firmó la década pasada.
Local residents petition the Junta over shortcomings in emergency medical cover Recent events have once again shone the spotlight on the lack of 24-hour emergency health facilities in Manilva leading to local residents, forming a protest group which is currently gathering signatures on a petition which it plans to present to the Regional Government in an attempt to force them to fulfill their commitments. Despite repeated promises by the Junta de Andalucia’s Department of Health, Manilva relies on facilities in neighbouring municipalities for round the clock emergency medical provision. The Health Centre in Sabinillas, which was opened in 2008, was built using local funds with the Junta paying for its operational costs, one of which was a 24 hour emergency room which has never been operational since the day the centre opened. The majority, if not the entire burden of running costs and employment of staff and maintenance at the Sabinillas health centre is paid for by the local Town Hall when it should be paid by the Junta. The local council has repeatedly pressured the Junta on this matter and back in 2011 another incident led to protests and
the presentation of a petition signed by thousands of angry residents. The protest also highlights the lack of ambulance cover, which have to come from Estepona since the local ambulance, funded by the council, has been off the road. All this, in a municipality with a population of 15 thousand residents which triples during the summer tourist season, leaves people at risk due to delays in receiving emergency medical aid in the event of an accident or sudden illness. According to María Victoria Sequeiro, who founded the action group ‘En el paraíso sin ambulancia’ (In Paradise without an Ambulance), the aim is to gather as many signatures as possible and then to travel up to Seville and hold a protest outside the Regional Parliament whilst delivering the petition to the head of the health service. When asked to comment on the subject, Manilva’s councillor for Foreign Residents, Dean Shelton, stated that in his opinion this needed to be done, “it was time now for the people of Manilva of all nationalities and political persuasions to stand up and support this platform by way of signing the
petition or whatever else may be needed, and that in conjunction with the council the platform should push and if necessary publicly embarrass the regional government into keeping its promises and commitments to our town and its people”. This is just another issue that has led to frustration with the Junta de Andalucia’s health policy, another being the repeated reneging on promises to construct a hospital in Estepona, despite local municipalities pledging to fund most of the building costs and the deal being already signed last decade.
Sabinillas Kiosco CHACON, Lenceria Roxana, Oficina de usos múltiples, Tienda Salvi, Peluqueria CARMELI, Asador a leña, Mas que letras, Tenencia de Alcaldía, Tienda Rumors, Restaurante El Varadero, Peluquería Sheila, St. George Charity Shops, El Genal Paseo Maritimo, Quebak Yusra, Pasteleria RosAbril, Polleria Miguel, Meson Rocio, Floristería Violeta, El carnicero de Sabinillas, Aquamanil, Oficina de Comercio, Tienda Burgos, The Bookshop, Childline, Kisco Tere, Kiosco La Colonia, El Chringuito de Pepe, La Tratoria Restaurante, Peluquería Loli, Bar Azul Manilva Farmacia de Manilva, Foto Susana Bar Alcántara, Tienda Carmen, Estanco, Peluqueria Nerea, Heladería que fresquito, Tienda el Gallego, Talleres Gomez. Castillo & Duquesa Chiringuito Malibu, Restaurante Antonio, Oficina de extranjería, Supermercados Burgos, Bar Heaven, Restaurante Griffins.
O puedes firmar la petición en línea en sin_ambulancia Or you can sign the online petition at ambulancia
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Feria de Manilva
Manilva Summer Fair As in every city, town and village in Spain, Manilva celebrates its annual summer fair. The Manilva Feria is held in the second week of August, Wednesday 10 to Sunday 14 August to be precise, at the Fairground on the Rio Manilva Road (past Lidls). Enjoy the funfair, or party in the ‘Casetas’, or just take in the entertainment in the main pavilion or in the Youth Zone. During Feria Week many of the local shops and offices are closed or on reduced hours, this includes local bank branches so don’t get caught out. There will also be no Sunday Market on Sundays 7 and 14, and Monday 15 is Dia de la Asuncion which is a National Holiday.
Wednesday 10 August Eve of the Feria. Children’s Day with all fairground rides just 1 euro from 9 pm.
Thursday 11 August Miércoles 10 de agosto.
Víspera de Feria. Día de “El niño”. Todas las atracciones a 1€ a partir de las 21.00h.
Jueves 11 de agosto.
23.00 h: Encendido del Alumbrado e Inauguración del Recinto Ferial por parte de las Reinas, Damas y Místers, así como las Autoridades Municipales en la Portada de la Feria. 23.30 h: Pregón a cargo de las conocidas actrices Noemí Ruíz, Virginia Muñoz y Carmen Vaquero. 23.45 h: Coronación de las Reinas y Damas Infantiles, Reinas y Damas Juveniles, Místers y Reina Mayor en la Caseta Oficial. 00.00h: Apertura del Baile. Música y Baile en la Caseta Oficial a cargo de la Orquesta “Selenium”.
Viernes 12 de agosto.
22.00 h: Actuación de la Escuela Municipal de Baile, dirigida por Ana Guerreo en la Caseta Oficial. 22.45 h: Actuación de la Escuela de Danza Cristina Seguín y la Escuela de Danza Eva Cabrera 00.30 h: Música y Baile a cargo de la Orquesta Selenium.
Sábado 13 de agosto. Gran Desfile de Carrozas y Pasacalles por las calles de El Castillo, Sabinillas y Manilva. Varias carrozas engalanadas para la ocasión desfilarán por los tres núcleos acompañadas de música y animación variada para los más pequeños. En ellas se procesionarán las Reinas, Damas y Místers juveniles, acompañados de la Reina Mayor, así como las Reinas y Damas infantiles elegidas para tal ocasión. 18.00 h: Castillo (Salida desde el Monumento). 19.00h: Sabinillas (Salida desde la Noria). 20.30 h: Manilva (Consultorio médico). 22.30 h: Baile en la Caseta Oficial con el Grupo Selenium.
Domingo 14 de agosto 22.30 h: Actuación de “Se llama Copla”. Ellos deleitarán a todos los asistentes con temas muy conocidos en el mundo de la Copla, a través de sus exquisitas voces. 00.00h: Baile en la Caseta Oficial a cargo de la orquesta Selenium.
11 pm - Official switch on of the fairground illuminations by the Feria Queens and Misters along with members of the local town council. 11.30 pm - Opening address delivered by three well known actresses Noemí Ruíz, Virginia Muñoz and Carmen Vaquero. 11.45 pm - Coronation of the Feria Queens and Misters in the main pavilion. Midnight - Music and dancing into the early hours with the band “Selenium”.
Friday 12 August 10 pm - Performance by the Municipal Dance School directed by Ana Guerrero in the main pavilion. 10.45 pm - Performance by the Cristina Seguin and Eva Cabrera Dance Schools. 12.30 am - Music and dancing into the early hours with the band “Selenium”.
Saturday 13 August Grand Feria Cavalcade through the streets of Castillo, Sabinillas and Manilva. Various decorated floats including those carrying the Feria Queens parade through the streets accompanied by musicians and entertainers. The procession begins in Castillo by the Castle at 6 pm before moving to Sabinillas where it starts at the La Noria end of the village at 7 pm. Finally wending its way up to Manilva where it leaves from the medical centre at 8.30 pm. 10.30 pm - Music and dancing into the early hours with the band “Selenium”.
Sunday 14 August 22.30 pm - Performance of “Se llama Copla”. Some of the best of this traditional Spanish music from the popular TV talent show. Midnight - Music and dancing into the early hours with the band “Selenium”.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Disfrutar del Mercado del Mar
Casi 70.000 euros para el Castillo
El Equipo de Gobierno inauguró el Mercado del Mar en Sabinillas. Se trata de la décima edición de esta tradicional iniciativa que cada año se celebra en el paseo marítimo a la altura de la Noria. El edil de comercio, Dean Tyler Shelton, responsable de la actividad, ha querido animar tanto a vecinos como a visitantes a conocer esta muestra que servirá para entretener y llenar las horas de ocio de todos los presentes en nuestra localidad,
al tiempo que se utiliza para dinamizar el comercio hostelero de Sabinillas. Resaltó también la importancia que tiene este tipo de eventos para fomentar el turismo en el municipio. En este mercado, como en años anteriores, podremos disfrutar de una variada selección de puestos de artesanía, en concreto 36, los viernes, sábados y domingos, hasta el próximo 28 de agosto de ocho de la tarde a una de la madrugada.
Market by the Sea Once again residents and visitors can enjoy the ‘Mercado del Mar’ this summer. This ‘Market by the Sea’ is situated on the Paseo Maritimo at the La Noria end of Sabinillas and is organised by Manilva’s Commerce Department, headed by Dean
Dentro de los Planes Provinciales del 2015 están destinada una partida de 68.000 euros para la reforma del monumento del Castillo de la Duquesa. El alcalde, Diego José Jiménez, el concejal de Infraestructura y Obras, Antonio Barragán y Manolo Gil, responsable del
área de Hacienda han visitado la citada fortaleza para comprobar el estado en el que se encuentra y dónde irán los trabajos a realizar. Se trata fundamentalmente de impermeabilizar la cubierta y arreglar las grietas de las rampas y escaleras, por seguridad y
para conservar uno de los monumentos más emblemáticos con los que cuenta Manilva. Siendo prudentes con las fechas, los responsables municipales han sido informados de que una vez finalizado el verano esta actuación estará finalizada.
Anúnciese con / Advertise with The Resident Tel: 619 820 403
Nearly 70.000 euros for renovations to The Castle As part of the 2015 provincial plans, a sum of 68.000 euros will be destined to renovate the Castillo de la Duquesa monument. The mayor, Diego José Jiménez, Councillor for Infrastructure and Works, Antonio Barragan and
Manolo Gil, Head of Finance have visited the fortress to check it’s current state and where the work will need to be done. This is mainly to waterproof the exterior and fix the cracks in the ramps and stairs for safety and to
preserve one of the most important monuments in Manilva. According to the information they have received, the government team are cautiously optimistic that the work will be finished by the end of this summer.
El núcleo de Sabinillas se viste de fiesta una vez más; en este caso para festejar el día de su patrón, San Luís. Tras la celebración de la Santa Misa, cantada por el Coro Municipal de Sabinillas, tendrá lugar la procesión de San Luís que recorrerá las calles principales del núcleo costero. 20.00 h: Santa Misa, cantada por el coro Municipal San Luís. 22.00 h: Música y baile en la plaza Vicente Espinel, a cargo del grupo Rompeolas.
San Luis Festival On Thursday, August 25, Sabinillas honours its patron saint San Luis with a day of celebrations and activities.
• • • • • • • • • •
Verbena de San Luís 25 Agosto
Shelton. You can find almost 40 stalls selling arts, crafts, jewellery and many other items, and the market is open from 8 pm to 1 am Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays until August 28.
Indoor and outdoor Plants Garden and Pool Products Horticultural Materials Garden Design and Construction Community Gardening Pet Food Garden Services Palm Cleaning Pool Maintenance Grow Shop
Working in your gardens since 2004 At 8 pm there will be a Holy Mass with music by the San Luis Choir followed by a procession of the saint through the streets of
Sabinillas. From 10 pm there will be a party in Plaza Vicente Espinel with music by the band ‘Rompeolas’.
Camino de los Baños de la Hedionda - El Limonar, Parcela 16 - Manilva
Email: - Tel.: 605 474 697
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
V Sendero Azul Playas de Manilva
El próximo jueves 18 de agosto se celebrará el V Sendero Nocturno “Playas de Manilva” que seguirá el itinerario del Sendero Azul, hasta adentrarnos en la Reserva Ecológica que ocupa una extensión de unos 4 km, desde la playa de los toros hasta el fin del término municipal, pasando por el negro, cala sardina, las arenas y punta chullera. Esta iniciativa está organizada por la Delegación de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, dirigida por la concejala María Muñoz. A partir de las 7 de la tarde se abrirá el stand instalado en el paseo marínitimo de Sabinillas, en la plaza del Cali, donde los interesados podrán formular las
correspondientes inscripciones. A las nueve y media de la noche en ese mismo punto se iniciará la caminata rumbo a la Playa del Negro, por un recorrido de unos diez kilómetros de ida y vuelta. Los participantes deben asistir con ropa y calzado apropiado. Además, los menores de catorce años, tendrán que ir acompañados por un adulto. La ruta ofrecerá a vecinos y visitantes la posibilidad de conocer la costa manilveña. Recordamos que por cuarto año consecutivo Manilva es el único municipio malagueño que cuenta con el galardón "sendero azul".
V Manilva Beaches “Blue Trail” On Thursday August 18 Manilva celebrates its 5th annual Manilva Beaches Night Walk following the municipality’s ‘Blue Trail’ which runs along 4 km of the Manilva coastline through the ecological reserve, from Playa Negro, through Cala Sardina, Las Arenas and Punta Chullera. The event is organised by the Manilva Department of the Environment led by councillor Maria Muñoz.
Those wishing to join in can sign up from 7 pm on the day of the walk at the stand by the statue on the promenade in Sabinillas. The walkers will then set off at 9.30 pm for the round trip which covers around ten kilometers. The hike is an easy one but walkers should wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and those under 14 years of age should be accompanied by an adult.
Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro - A7 km 132
956 794 657 FREE fitting, valves, IVA Inclusive Pop in and have your tyres checked
30% discount on selected tyres OPPOSITE THE NEW ICELAND STORE
La Policía Local pone a disposición de la fiscalía a un grupo de jóvenes La seguridad ciudadana es uno de los asuntos que también son prioritarios para el Equipo de Gobierno. La coordinación entre Guardia Civil y Policía Local es fundamental y para ello, el Ayuntamiento de Manilva tiene periódicas reuniones de trabajo con los citados cuerpos para conocer de primera mano todo lo que acontece en el municipio. Y prueba de la eficacia y el buen trabajo desarrollado por los agentes locales es la detención de un grupo de menores de entre 11 y 15 años que se estaban
dedicando a realizar actos vandálicos y robos en chiringuitos, garajes de comunidades y bicicletas. Esta oleada de robos tuvo como consecuencia la labor de investigación en cámaras de seguridad de la Policía Local y la posterior detención de estos jóvenes. En estos casos donde los delitos son cometidos por menores de edad, la Policía notificó de lo sucedido a sus padres o tutores para posteriormente comenzar las diligencias en las autoridades competentes y la Fiscalía.
Police apprehend a group of youngsters responsible for mini crimewave Public safety is an issue high on the local government’s agenda. The coordination between the Guardia Civil and Local Police offices is fundamental to this, and regular meetings are held to ensure this. Proof of this has been the recent arrest of a group of children, aged between 11 and 15
years, who have been responsible for a crime wave of thefts and vandalism, particularly robberies in chiringuitos, community garages and bike theft. Examining footage on security cameras enabled police to identify and subsequently arrest these youngsters.
T: 952 802 221 M: 636 538 877 Monday to Saturday 10.00 to 14.30 hrs.
Calle Nueva 8, Estepona
Tel. 952 892 380
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
El 12 de septiembre finaliza el pago Excursión Feria de Málaga La delegación de Residentes voluntario del IBI Extranjeros, dirigida por Dean La delegación de Hacienda, dirigida por el edil Manuel Gil, ha recibido una notificación del Patronato de Recaudación informando del plazo voluntario del pago del impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles de Naturaleza Urbana (I.B.I.), que finaliza el próximo 12 de septiembre. A partir de dicha fecha se devengarán los recargos correspondientes a la vía ejecutiva. Se han enviado a cada domicilio los avisos de pago, con los que podrán abonar el impuesto en cualquier Banco o Caja de Ahorros que figuran
como Entidades Colaboradoras. Si no se han recibido los avisos, los interesados podrán retirarlos en las oficinas del Patronato de Recaudación Provincial de Málaga, en C/Doctor Alvarez Leiva, nº 6 en Manilva. También puede obtener la carta de pago a través de Internet, consultando la página web portalweb. ó contactando con Atención al Contribuyente a través del número de teléfono 902 15 20 00. Para mayor comodidad podrá abonar el I.B.I mediante domiciliación bancaria.
IBI council tax payment period closes on September 12 The Provincial Revenue Collection Department wishes to inform local property owners that the payment period for this year’s IBI Council Tax ends on September 12. After this date your payments will be subject to additional charges. Property owners should have received payment notices which also lists locations where the
Tyler Shelton, ha organizado para el sábado 20 de agosto un viaje a la feria de Málaga. Esta cita en la capital está considerada de interés turístico internacional y son miles las personas que acuden para disfrutar de sus tradiciones. El precio por persona será de 8 euros y las reservas la pueden hacer en el teléfono de la citada área: 952893548.
Trip to Malaga Fair Manilva’s Foreign Residents Department, headed by Dean Shelton, have organised a trip to the Malaga Feria on Saturday 20 August.
The Malaga Summer Fair is one of the biggest and most important in Andalucia and runs from 13 to 20 August this year. The bus leaves Manilva at 10.15
am (Castillo 10.30; Sabinillas 10.45) returning at 10 pm. Tickets are just 8 euros. Call 952 893 548 to reserve your place.
tax can be paid. If you haven’t received such a notice then you can get a copy from the Patronato de Recaudación Provincial de Málaga office next to the Local Police station in Manilva. You can also get a copy online at Better still you can pay by direct debit.
Puerto de la Duquesa - 1st Level Elegant Gastro barServing quality homemade food at reasonable prices All sports shown on 5 best quality screens Full drinks and cocktails Menu: Burgers, Traditional Fish n Chips, Lamb Shank, John Dory topped with prawn pil pil, Irish steaks
Live Music every Saturday
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
FIESTA DE LA LUNA LLENA La “Fiesta de la Luna Llena” es una celebración representativa de la cultura china, que se realiza,
Playas de Sabinillas 19 de Agosto, 21:00 h
como bien su nombre indica, bajo la luna en su fase plena lunar. Esta fiesta supone un
Manilva Full Moon Festival 2016 Manilva celebrates its annual Full Moon Festival on the beach in Sabinillas on Friday 19 August from 9 pm. The event celebrates the summer full moon and sees many of the local residents and visitors take to
the beach for a relaxed evening of music and other activities under the magical light of the full moon reflected on the sea. Everyone is encouraged to join in and to dress all in white.
Sky lanterns ban In the past the event has been marked by a mass launch of Chinese Sky Lanterns but last year, due to advice from the local fire and police forces, the town council stopped using these balloons but
many were still released. This year, due to the potential fire and environmental risk of these balloons, the Manilva Town Hall have passed a by-law forbidding their release.
Ya está en funcionamiento el nuevo puesto de la Policía Local
El Equipo de Gobierno ha inaugurado el nuevo retén de la Policía Local en San Luis de Sabinillas situado con acceso propio en el edificio de Usos Múltiples. Este nuevo servicio ya está habilitado para la ciudadanía y además de atención al público para cualquier consulta relacionada se podrán tramitar permisos, diligencias, comparecencias, tipos de atestados etc.
El horario al público será de 8.30h a 14.30h, de lunes a viernes, aunque el Equipo de Gobierno estudiará ampliar el horario. Desde el Consistorio manilveño se considera fundamental ampliar las posibilidades y necesidades que tienen nuestros ciudadanos y en el caso de la Policía Local, además de trámites burocráticos, ofrecerán una conexión directa con los agentes.
New Local Police Station for Sabinillas After an absence of several years, Sabinillas once again has a Local Police facility. The new office is situated in the
Usos Multiples building in Calle Miguel Delibes, Sabinillas and is open from 8.30 am to 2.30 pm Monday to Friday.
agradecimiento al cielo y la tierra y para ello, la tradición marcaba reunirse con la familia y amigos para divertirse contemplando dicho astro. Esta actividad se complementa con una serie de representaciones llevadas a cabo por las delegaciones organizadoras de tal evento, para conmemorar dicha festividad. Se trata pues de un acto comunitario, donde la luna merece una mención especial. Disfruta con tus familiares y amigos de una noche mágica bajo la luz de la luna llena. Las playas de Sabinillas se envolverán, bajo el tenue reflejo de la luna en el mar de un ambiente, en el cual habrá muchas sorpresas, música, y diversión en general.
Prohibido lanzar farolillos Una de las particularidades de este evento era el lanzamiento de farolillos conocidos como globos de papel aerostáticos de luz tailandeses que al encender una llama en su interior y llenarse de aire caliente comenzaba a volar. Si bien ya el año pasado la delegación de Turismo, basándose en informes de la Policía Local y los Bomberos, dejó de utilizar estos globos, para este año, y siendo responsables y consecuentes con el daño que pueden hacer al medio ambiente, prohíbe su uso a través de Bando. Por ello, cualquier actividad que
pudiese generar un incendio queda totalmente prohibida.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
El Pleno aprueba la inversión municipal de 17,7 millones para comenzar la obra del centro hospitalario El Pleno de la Corporación ha aprobado hoy por unanimidad una propuesta del equipo de gobierno para dotar económicamente el proyecto de construcción del Centro Hospitalario de Alta Resolución de Estepona con un importe de más de 17,7 millones de euros, y facilitar, por tanto, a la Junta de Andalucía la puesta en funcionamiento de una infraestructura capital para las necesidades municipales. Esta medida forma parte de los acuerdos que ambas administraciones están llevando a cabo en este asunto. En este sentido, hay que recordar que el Consistorio y la Administración andaluza trabajan desde el pasado abril en un acuerdo de colaboración por el que el Ayuntamiento asume el coste de ejecución de la construcción del centro hospitalario con el compromiso de que la Junta de Andalucía lo equipe y lo ponga en funcionamiento. El alcalde de Estepona, José María García Urbano, ha explicado que este centro hospitalario “es más que necesario” para la localidad. Al respecto, hay que recordar que Consistorio ha venido contemplando en sus presupuestos de los ejercicios 2015 y 2016 previsiones iniciales para esta infraestructura como muestra del compromiso de estar dispuesto a asumir ya este gasto, pese a ser una inversión que debería realizar la Administración andaluza, en el convencimiento de que se trata
de una obra prioritaria para la ciudad, que debería estar en funcionamiento desde 2009, según las previsiones iniciales. El acuerdo adoptado en Pleno establece una inversión plurianual, a razón de un millón de euros presupuestado ya en el ejercicio 2016, seis millones en el ejercicio 2017, otros seis millones en 2018 y 4,7 millones de euros en 2019. En este sentido, el Ayuntamiento considera conveniente dedicar el esfuerzo inversor a la construcción de este centro hospitalario, con cargo a los presupuestos municipales, sin perjuicio de la obtención de los recursos económicos citados como consecuencia de acuerdos económicos con la Diputación de Málaga, Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental y ayuntamientos limítrofes, que podrían participar en la financiación de esta obra,
dado el carácter comarcal de esta infraestructura sanitaria. Esta planificación de inversión queda sometida a la firma del acuerdo de colaboración entre el Ayuntamiento de Estepona y el Servicio Andaluz de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía antes del día 30 de septiembre de este año, quedando este acuerdo sin efecto si no se produce la formalización de este convenio entre las partes. Para el equipo de gobierno ha sido una prioridad, desde el primer día, contar con un centro hospitalario y para ello, se ha trabajado solucionando el bloqueo que existió desde 2009 a 2011 por la presencia de restos arqueológicos en la parcela donde se proyecta esta infraestructura y aportando propuestas a la Junta de Andalucía para que el centro hospitalario sea una realidad cuanto antes.
Estepona Council unanimously approves an investment of 17.7 million euros for the construction of the hospital A recent meeting of Estepona’s Town Council unanimously approved a proposal to allocate the funding for the construction of a Hospital in Estepona. This is part of a partnership agreement which would see local municipalities fund the construction of the hospital whilst the Junta de Andalucia would commit to meeting operational costs. To this end Estepona Town Hall have budgeted over 17.7 million euros over four years, despite this being the responsibility of the regional government, the
Mayor of Estepona, José María García Urbano, stating that “this is more than vital for the town” and is already some seven years overdue. The resolution adopted in the council meeting establishes a multi-year investment at the rate of one million euros budgeted in 2016 and six million in 2017, another six million in 2018 and 4.7 million in 2019. In this regard, the city Council considers appropriate to devote the investment to build this hospital, out of municipal
budgets, subject to obtaining economic resources cited as a result of economic agreements with the Government of Malaga, Association of Municipalities of the Western Costa del Sol and neighboring municipalities, which could participate in the financing of this work, given the local importance of this health infrastructure. The investment plan is subject to the signing of an agreement between the Estepona Town Hall and the Andalucian Health Service before September 30.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
El III Certamen Mundial de Jamón incorpora conciertos de Javier Ojeda, Queco, DMEI, Laura Gallego y Hugo Salazar Estepona ha presentado el III Certamen Mundial de Jamón, que se celebrará del 10 al 15 de agosto. Tras el éxito de público
de las anteriores ediciones, el evento incorpora este año nuevas actividades y contará con un concierto gratuito cada noche.
III Estepona World Ham Contest Once again Estepona’s Paseo Maritimo becomes the ham centre of the world when, from 10 to 15 August the town hosts the III World ‘Jamon’ Contest, giving visitors the opportunity to taste the best Jamon and other Iberian pork products. This year the thousands of visitors will be treated to some new activities as well as a programme of concerts including: singer Javier Ojeda kicks off the music on Wednesday 10 August. Thursday 11 it is the turn of singer/songwriter Queco. Young duo David and Fer, better known as DMEI are in charge of entertainment on Friday 12. Fresh from the TV show ‘Se Llama Copla’ singer Laura Gallego provides some traditional Spanish song on Saturday 13. Rounding off
the cycle of concerts on Sunday 14 is Operacion Triunfo talent show star Hugo Salazar,a fitting finale to this great event. Concerts begin at midnight except Hugo Salazar, who comes on stage at 10 pm. The event, which is organised by Estepona Town Hall in collaboration with local professional ham cutter José María Téllez ‘Popi’, and with the support of the Malaga provincial government’s ‘Sabor de Malaga’ initiative, will see more than 50 of Spain’s top companies in the ham and pork products sector. Occupying a kilometre and a half of the town’s promenade between Avenida Juan Carlos I and The Port, the stalls are open for tasting and purchases from 8 pm until 2 am on each day.
El cantante Javier Ojeda será el primero en actuar, el día 10 de agosto. Le seguirá, al día siguiente, el artista Queco. DMEI será el encargado de poner ritmo a esta actividad el día 12. La protagonista del día 13 de agosto será la cantante Laura Gallego, del programa 'Se llama Copla'. Cerrará los conciertos el concursante de Operación Triunfo Hugo Salazar, el día 14 de agosto. Los conciertos comenzarán en torno a las 12 de la noche, excepto el de Hugo Salazar, que lo hará a las diez de la noche. El evento, que está organizado por el Ayuntamiento de Estepona
y el cortador de jamón José María Téllez 'Popi' y cuenta con el patrocinio de 'Sabor a Málaga' de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, reunirá en el paseo marítimo de Estepona a más de 50 de las mejores empresas relacionadas con la producción del jamón y sus derivados procedentes de todo el país. Los asistentes a este evento podrán disfrutar de una gran cata de jamón ibérico y de productos relacionados. Los platos de degustación tendrán un precio único de cinco euros y habrá varias barras colocadas a lo largo del todo el paseo marítimo, según ha explicado
el promotor del evento, que ha destacado el alto interés que suscita este encuentro entre los profesionales y las principales firmas del sector. Los numerosos asistentes previstos a esta gran cita, público en general y profesionales del sector, tendrán la oportunidad de probar cada día, de 20:00 a 02:00 horas, los mejores jamones, embutidos y demás productos del cerdo ibérico a lo largo de un gran escaparate de kilómetro y medio, ha apuntado el promotor. Además, el público tendrá la oportunidad de ver a los mejores cortadores del país preparar los platos de degustación.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
El Ayuntamiento solicita una subvención para acondicionar la histórica Casa de Las Tejerinas como espacio expositivo El Ayuntamiento de Estepona informa de que ha solicitado una subvención a la Diputación Provincial de Málaga para acondicionar la histórica casa de ‘Las Tejerinas’ como espacio expositivo. Aunque este inmueble del siglo XVIII es utilizado como equipamiento cultural desde 2011, el Consistorio considera que necesita una serie de obras y mejoras que aumenten sus posibilidades como centro de exposiciones. Entre las actuaciones que se podrían acometer con la subvención, destaca la instalación de un ascensor que facilite el acceso a personas con discapacidad o problemas de movilidad, o la eliminación de tres tabiques de pladur en la primera planta para conseguir una sala de exposición más diáfana y amplia. Actualmente, existen tres estancias pequeñas que dificultan la instalación de las muestras o colecciones de arte. El Ayuntamiento también estima conveniente renovar la solería
del patio interior, la sustitución de las luminarias existentes por otras más adecuadas al uso expositivo, la permeabilización de la cubierta acristalada del patio principal o la renovación de la pintura. Por otra parte, el Consistorio señala que el pasado mes de junio concluyó la exposición de la colección artística de Ángel Garó en la antigua Casa de ‘Las Tejerinas’. Durante cinco años, más de 65.000 personas han visitado la muestra de este artista que reunía piezas y obras de arte de diferentes técnicas: óleos, grabados, esculturas, cerámicas o marfiles. El Ayuntamiento considera que la presencia de esta colección, que incluía litografías de Picasso, dibujos de Lorca, Alberti o Walt Disney e imaginería de varios autores, ha contribuido a que este inmueble, situado en la céntrica plaza de Las Flores, se haya consolidado como uno de los principales equipamientos culturales de la ciudad.
Datos sobre la casa de Las Tejerinas
Es un espacio singular construido en el siglo XVIII y situado en la plaza de Las Flores. Toma su nombre del apellido de la familia que habitó el edificio. Las últimas propietarias fueron Carmen y Francisca Tejerina. Ésta última lo dona al Hospital de la Caridad, teniendo uso asistencial hasta
que el Ayuntamiento se hizo cargo del edificio. En el siglo XX gozó de la presencia de literatos importantes como es el caso de Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, quien reseña la estancia y la vida de las hermanas propietarias en sus ‘Cuadernos de La Romana’.
Estepona is seeking a grant to adapt the historic Casa de Las Tejerinas as an exhibition space Estepona Town Council reports has applied for a grant to the Provincial Council of Malaga to adapt the historic the historic Casa de Las Tejerinas as an exhibition space. Although this eighteenth century property has been used as a cultural centre since 2011, the local authorities have drawn up works and improvements that will improve its function as an exhibition centre. Among the actions that could be undertaken with the grant include the installation of lift to provide access to people with disabilities or mobility problems, and the elimination of three partitions on the first floor to enlarge the showroom. Currently, there are three small rooms that hinder the installation of some art collections. The Council also considers it desirable to renew the flooring in the courtyard, replacement of
existing fixtures for those more appropriate to exhibition use, restoring the glass roof in the main courtyard and repainting. The council points out that last June the exhibition period of the Angel Garó collection came to and end. For the past five years, over 65,000 people have visited the exhibition of this artist who gathered pieces and works of art of different techniques: oil paintings, prints, sculptures, ceramics and ivories. The Council considers that the presence of this collection, including lithographs by Picasso, drawings by Lorca, Alberti or Walt Disney and imagery of several authors, has contributed to the popularity of this facility, located in Plaza de Las Flores, and has established itself as one of the major cultural resources in the Estepona.
The Best Irish Pub outside of Ireland as awarded by THE IRISH TIMES and DIAGEO Opening Hours Bar 12 noon until midnight Kitchen 12 noon until 10 pm
Contact Healy Mac's - Top Level Estepona Port, Local 15B Puerto Deportivo de Estepona, Estepona, Malaga, Spain 29680 Tel: +34 951 517 015
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Estepona celebrará el Día del Turista con más de 20 actividades de ocio Estepona ha anunciado que el próximo viernes, 12 de agosto, se celebrará el Día del Turista con más de una veintena de actividades deportivas, de ocio y culturales. El objetivo de este evento es que los visitantes conozcan la amplia oferta de ocio que ofrece la ciudad, por lo que el Ayuntamiento ha alcanzado acuerdos con varias empresas para que realicen descuentos durante ese día a los usuarios de sus servicios. Los actos darán comienzo con la entrega del Premio al Turista de Honor, que tendrá lugar a las 12.00 horas de la mañana en la calle Terraza. Desde ahí, partirá una comitiva en la que las reinas y damas de las Fiestas Mayores de Estepona repartirán a los turistas flores y folletos informativos con la programación prevista para ese día. Como novedad este año, la playa de La Rada acogerá una serie de actividades gratuitas de entrenamiento, que serán impartidas por monitores de los gimnasios Indoor Sport, Princess Body Fit, Centro Deportivo Las Mesas, Centro Deportivo José Ramón de la Morena y Sinergym. Estas clases tendrán lugar desde las 09.00 horas de la mañana hasta las 12.30 y los participantes podrán conocer modalidades como body combat, zumba, body balance y aero extrem. Por la tarde, desde las 18.00 hasta las 21.00 horas, la playa de La Rada será el escenario donde se desarrollarán varias actividades familiares de entretenimiento como baile, talleres de manualidades,
MERCADILLO CALLEJERO Avda. Puerta del Mar. - Miércoles de 9:00-14:00h. MERCADILLO DEL PUERTO Puerto de Estepona - Domingos de 9:00-14:00h. MERCADILLO AGRÍCOLA Y DE ARTESANÍA Plaza ABC. Domingos 10:00-14:00h.
Street Markets WEEKLY STREET MARKET Avda. Puerta del Mar. - Every Wednesday from 9am to 2pm
cantajuegos y frisbee. Estos juegos serán organizados por los animadores de los hoteles Fuerte Estepona Suites, Iberostar Costa del Sol, H10 Estepona Palace, Elba Estepona y Kempinski Hotel Bahía, así como por los voluntarios del curso de animación que está ofreciendo la delegación municipal de Juventud. Por otra parte, el Consistorio ha alcanzado acuerdos con diferentes empresas de la ciudad para que ofrezcan sus servicios a un precio reducido con motivo del Día del Turista. Así, habrá precios especiales para practicar golf en los campos Atalaya Golf & Country Club, El Paraíso Golf Club, Estepona Golf y Valle Romano, para realizar un curso de bautismo en Freedom Kite School o para hacer pádel surf con Freedom Watersports. También se podrá practicar kite surf a un precio reducido en Heaven Kite School, frisbee en el Club Deportivo Volaores Ultimate Frisbee Estepona o paintball en Paintboll Estepona. Los turistas también podrán disfrutar de descuentos en
paseos en el velero El Intrépido, rutas en Catamaranes Estepona para ver delfines o la puesta de sol, o realizar ‘La Ruta del Pez Volador’, que organiza Turismo Marinero Costa del Sol y que incluye navegación, visita y degustación. Además, el Parque de Naturaleza Selwo Aventura ofrecerá una promoción de dos entradas al precio de una, el Parque Botánico Orquidario pondrá las entradas a un precio único de un euro, y el Trenecito Turístico hará un recorrido especial desde el puerto deportivo hasta La Cala por un euro. También se realizarán visitas guiadas y con giroscopios por parte de una nueva empresa de servicios turísticos, que estará presente en la playa de La Rada. Por otro lado, los interesados en la cultura podrán disfrutar de unas jornadas de puertas abiertas en los museos municipales, desde las 10.00 hasta las 14.00 horas. Asimismo, la galería de arte Stoa, ubicada en el edificio Puertosol, ofrecerá un 15 por ciento de descuento sobre el precio de todas sus obras expuestas.
Estepona celebrates Tourist Day with some twenty activities and events
Friday, August 12th, sees the celebration of Tourist Day with more than twenty sports, leisure and cultural events in Estepona. The aim of this event is to make visitors aware of the wide range of entertainment on offer, and to this end agreements have been reached with several companies to offer discounts on the day to users of their services. The events will begin at midday with the Honorary Tourist award ceremony Tourist Honor, after which the Feria Queens will distribute flowers to tourists and information leaflets with the programme for that day. New this year, La Rada Beach will host a series of free training activities, which will be taught by
instructors from various gyms including Indoor Sport, Princess Body Fit, Centro Deportivo Las Mesas, Centro Deportivo José Ramón de la Morena y Sinergym. From 9 am to 12.30 pm participants can practice body combat, zumba, body balance and aero extreme. From 6 pm to 9 pm La Rada Beach will be the stage for family entertainment such as dance, handicraft workshops, and frisbee.. These games will be organized by the entertainment staff from hotels Fuerte Estepona Suites, Iberostar Costa del Sol, Estepona Palace H10, Elba Estepona and Kempinski Hotel Bahia. There will be special prices for golf in Atalaya Golf & Country Club, El Paraiso Golf Club, Estepona
Valle Romano Golf and fields for a course of baptism Freedom Kite School or to paddle surf with Freedom Watersports. Also you can practice kite surf at Heaven Kite School, frisbee in Club Volaores Ultimate Frisbee Estepona, and Estepona Paintball. Tourists can also enjoy discounts Catamarans Estepona to see dolphins or sunset. In addition, the Nature Park Selwo Aventura will offer a promotion of two tickets for the price of one, the Orchid House will have an entry price of one euro, and the tourist train will make a special trip from the Marina to La Cala for one euro.
ESTEPONA PORT STREET MARKET Estepona Port. - Every Sunday from 9am to 2pm AGRICULTURAL AND ARTISAN MARKET Plaza ABC. - Every Sunday from 10am to 2pm
Museos Museo Etnográfico, Museo Taurino, Museo Paleontológico, Sala de Imagen y Sonido y Exposición ” Plaza de Toros - C/ Matías Prats Tel. 952807148 Lunes a Domingos 9:00 a 16:00 h. Entrada gratuita
MUSEO ARQUEOLÓGICO Casa del Aljibe-Plaza Blas Infante. Lunes 9:00-15:00h, Martes-Viernes 9:00-20:00h y Sábados 10:00-14:00h y de 16:00-20:30h. CENTRO DE INTERPRETACIÓN NECRÓPOLIS MEGALÍTICA “COROMINAS” Parque San Isidro Labrador (Los Pedregales) y Villa Romana “De las Torres” (Guadalmansa) Necesario reservar: Tel. 654 711 715 “ORCHIDARIUM ESTEPONA” PARQUE BOTÁNICO C/ Terraza, 86. Martes a Sábados de 10:00h a 14:00h y de 16:00 a 20:00h Domingos de 10:00h a 14:00h Los lunes permanecerá cerrado Entrada: 3€ adultos y 1€ niños de 4 a 11 años
Museums Patagonian Dinosaurs, Traditional museum, Bullfighting Museum, Paleontology Museum, Sound & Image room, Exhibition “Dinosaurs from Patagonia” Plaza de Toros - C/ Matías Prats Tel. 952807148 Monday to Sunday 9:00 a 16:00 h. Free entrance. ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM Casa del Aljibe-Plaza Blas Infante. Monday from 9am to 3pm. Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 8pm. Saturday from 10am to 2pm & 4pm to 8:30pm “COROMINAS” MEGALITHIC NECROPOLIS Parque San Isidro Labrador (Los Pedregales) & Roman Ruins “De las Torres” Reservations only on 654 711 715 “ORCHIDARIUM ESTEPONA” BOTANICAL GARDEN C/ Terraza, 86. Tuesday to Saturday: 10 am to 2 pm & 4 pm to 8 pm. Sundays: 10 am to 2 pm Closed Mondays Entrance: Adults 3 euros; Children aged 4 to 11 1 euro.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
El Parque de los Niños acogerá desde el domingo el innovador Circo Mediterráneo de Rolabola Teatro El concejal adscrito a la delegación de Juventud, Adrián Trujillo, y el director de la compañía Rolabola Teatro, Alfonso de la Pola, han presentado una nueva edición del Circo Mediterráneo, que estará en el Parque de los Niños del 7 al 15 de agosto. El edil ha destacado el encanto y la cercanía del espectáculo que ofrece esta compañía, “en el que el público interactúa continuamente con los actores”. Trujillo ha explicado que la puesta en escena, que está dirigida a todos los públicos, recoge la
esencia del circo, mezclada con el toque rompedor y contemporáneo de Rolabola Teatro. Así, los asistentes podrán disfrutar, durante casi más de una hora, de una representación innovadora, con divertidos y variados números con el humor como hilo conductor. El precio de las entradas es de 6 euros por persona. El edil ha explicado que la delegación municipal de Bienestar Social repartirá un total de 90 entradas a familias de la ciudad con escasos recursos económicos.
Por su parte, Alfonso de la Pola, director de Rolabola Teatro, ha anunciado que este año presentarán una puesta en escena renovada, aunque manteniendo la esencia y el ideario de la compañía, “el cual nos ha reportado la fidelidad del público esteponero”. El Circo Mediterráneo ofrecerá su espectáculo en Estepona del 7 al 9 y del 11 al 15 de agosto en horario de 21.30 horas, y los días 12, 13 y 14 a las 23.00 horas.
The Parque de los Niños is the stage for the innovative Circo Mediterráneo by Rolabola Teatro Estepona’s Councillor for Youth, Adrian Trujillo, and the director of the Rolabola Theatre Company, Alfonso de la Pola, have presented this year’s edition of the Mediterranean Circus to be held at the Parque de los Niños from Sunday 7 to Monday 15 August.
The Circo Mediterranea offers the chance for the public to interact with the actors, and provides a spectacle aimed at a wide range of audiences, capturing the essence of circus, mixed with a contemporary touch of daring, with audiences enjoying over an
hour of innovative theatre, fun and humour. The ticket price is 6 euros per person with shows from August 7 to 9 and from 11 to 15 August at 9.30 pm, and on the days 12, 13 and 14 at 11 pm.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
REGISTRO DE VIVIENDAS TURISTICAS CON FINALIDAD TURISTICA Desde el 11 de Mayo de 2016 se consideran viviendas con fines turísticos todas aquellas ubicadas en suelo de uso residencial donde se ofrece, mediante precio, el servicio de alojamiento de forma habitual y con fines turísticos, es decir, con comercialización y promoción a través de los canales de oferta propios de este ámbito (agencias de viaje, empresas mediadoras u organizadoras y medios que incluyen posibilidad de reserva).
Los alojamientos pueden ser: Viviendas completas. Se ceden en su totalidad y su capacidad máxima no puede superar las 15 plazas. Viviendas por habitaciones. El propietario debe residir en ellas y no se puede ofertar más de 6 plazas. En cualquiera de los dos casos
no se pueden superar las cuatro plazas por habitación.
REQUISITOS 1. Licencia de ocupación o cedula de habitabilidad. 2. Las habitaciones ventilación directa al exterior o a patios y algún sistema de oscurecimiento de las ventanas. 3. Estar amuebladas y dotadas de los aparatos para su uso inmediato. 4. 4) Refrigeración por elementos fijos en las habitaciones y salones, cuando el período de funcionamiento comprenda los meses de mayo a septiembre. Si el periodo de funcionamiento comprende los meses de octubre a abril, ambos inclusive, deberán contar con calefacción. 5. Botiquín de primeros auxilios. 6. Disponer de Información e
instrucciones de funcionamiento de electrodomésticos, información turística, números de teléfono para consultas e incidencias. 7. Hojas de Quejas y Reclamaciones a disposición de las personas usuarias y un cartel indicándolo en un lugar visible. 8. Limpieza de la vivienda a la entrada y salida de nuevos clientes. 9. Ropa de cama, lencería, menaje de casa en general. 10. Información sobre normas internas de uso de las instalaciones y comunidad. ¿Qué pasos conlleva la inscripción gratuita en el Registro de turismo de Andalucía? Formalizar una declaración responsable manifestando el cumplimiento de los requisitos que enumerados - inscribirse en el Registro de Turismo de Andalucía y asignación de código de inscripción - Incluir el código en toda publicidad y promoción de la vivienda. Contacte con MarbellasolicitorsGroup para registrar su vivienda con fin turístico. Quedan fuera del ámbito de aplicación del decreto, Cesiones sin contraprestación económica, Viviendas contratadas por tiempo superior a dos meses continuados por una misma persona, Alojamientos rurales, Conjuntos formados por tres o más viviendas de un mismo titular que estén ubicadas en un mismo edificio, complejo o en edificios contiguos. Por favor contacte con nosotros por e-mail: mail@ o por tel. 952 901 225.
Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 | Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226 |
Jose Manuel Montiel Cisneros (Senior Partner - Marbella Solicitors Group)
REGISTERING A PROPERTY FOR TOURIST USE Since May 11, 2016 all property located in a residential area that is regularly offered through marketing or promotion channels to tourists for rental at a price, (i.e. through travel agencies, mediators or organizing companies, or through any media giving the possibility of making a reservation or booking), is considered housing for tourism use. Type of Accommodation: Complete properties: -The maximum permitted sleeping capacity for each property is of 15 people at any one time. Bed and Breakfast /Rooms: -The owner must reside in the property and cannot sleep more than 6 people at any one time. In both cases the maximum occupation per room should not exceed 4 people.
REQUIREMENTS:1. Occupation Licence or Certificate of Habitability 2. All rooms must have direct ventilation from outside or from a patio, and must have some means of darkening. 3. The accommodation must be sufficiently furnished and equipped to meet the immediate requirements of the number of people specified 4. If the rental period includes dates in the months from May to September (inclusive), a fixed cooling device must be provided or if the rental period includes dates in the months from October to April (inclusive), then heating must be provided. 5. First aid kit. 6. Provide: information and operating instructions for all appliances; tourist information; and telephone numbers for queries and incidents. 7. All properties must have a “Complaints and Claims Book” readily available with a corresponding prominently displayed wall notice. 8. The accommodation must be clean for the arrival and at the exit of clients 9. Bedding, linen, household goods in general should be supplied 10. Information on internal rules for use of the facilities and for the community. How to register in the Andalucia Tourism Register free of charge • Make a written statement demonstrating your responsibility and compliance with the above listed requirements • Register in the Register of Tourism of Andalusia when you will be assigned a code number • Include your registration code number in all of the advertising and promotions related to the property. Contact MarbellasolicitorsGroup to register your home with tourist purpose. The following properties are NOT included in the above law. • Rentals without payment • Rentals for a continuous period of more than 2 months to the same individual/s • Rural Properties • When a group of 3 or more properties which are located in the same building, complex, urbanization, or group of buildings are rented by one person or company. Please email: - or ring 952901225 Jose Manuel Montiel Cisneros (Senior Partner - Marbella Solicitors Group)
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Estepona registra el mejor junio en ocupación turística de la última década Estepona ha valorado los datos turísticos registrados el pasado mes de junio, que se han convertido en los mejores de la última década, según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). De esta forma, la localidad registró en junio un total de 167.164 pernoctaciones en la localidad lo que, en términos generales, supone un incremento del 10% respecto a las cifras del mes de junio del año anterior cuando se registraron un total de 151.841 pernoctaciones. En relación a los datos, cabe destacar la subida que ha experimentado la localidad de visitantes extranjeros a partir de 2013, llegándose a duplicar en estos tres últimos años el número de pernoctaciones de este grupo de residentes. El número de viajeros que recibió la ciudad en junio también se ha incrementado más de un 13% respecto al mismo mes del año pasado, registrándose un total de 34.817 personas. En relación a la ocupación turística, ésta se ha situado en el 77%, más de un 4 por ciento más que en el año 2015. En este sentido, la edil ha
destacado que “este año hemos conseguido superar los buenos datos que registramos el pasado año, por lo que se constata que Estepona sigue creciendo y postulándose como un destino atractivo para los turistas”. La edil ha destacado la apuesta del equipo de gobierno por crear nuevos atractivos turísticos en torno al casco urbano de la ciudad. Así, el proyecto ‘Estepona, Jardín de la Costa del Sol’, que ha cumplido cinco años, ha renovado y embellecido más de 80 calles del centro histórico, creando un potente foco para los turistas en un entorno que con anterioridad pasaba desapercibido. Prueba de ello es que la mayor web de viajes del mundo (Trypadvisor) ha destacado el casco antiguo como el principal atractivo turístico de Estepona, basándose en datos y valoraciones realizadas por los propios turistas. Junto a esto, el Parque Botánico-Orquidario se ha convertido en un gran elemento de interés y se ha convertido en parada obligada para todos los que visitan Estepona.
Estepona recorded the highest number of tourists in June of the last decade
The town hall has reviewed data on tourism recorded last June, which has become the best month for tourism of the last decade, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE). During the month of June a total of 167,164 overnight stays were recorded in the town which, in general terms, means an increase of 10% compared to the figures from June last year when a total of 151,841 were registered. The rise in foreign visitors to the town is notable in comparison with 2013, with overnight stays doubling in the last three years. The number of travelers visiting the
town in June has also increased more than 13% in comparison with the same month last year, registering a total of 34,817 people. Regarding the tourist occupation, it stood at 77%, more than 4 percent more than in 2015. The largest travel website in the world (Tripadvisor) has highlighted the old town as Estepona’s main attraction, based on data and assessments by the tourists themselves. Along with this, the Botanical-Orquidarium Park has become a major element of interest and a must see for all the town’s visitors.
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THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
El parking de Sabinillas ya está abierto al público las 24 horas del día Manolo Gil, concejal de Parque Móvil, informaba en pasados días que se había sacado a licitación la explotación y gestión del aparcamiento del Complejo deportivo de Sabinillas. Después del proceso negociado se cursó las oportunas invitaciones para la presentación de ofertas hasta conseguir que una empresa apostará por gestionar dicho parking. Según comentó Manolo Gil: "En esta época estival en la que se triplica la población, el servicio de aparcamientos es fundamental en el núcleo de Sabinillas". Después de haber llevado a cabo trabajos municipales de limpieza y señalización del interior del aparcamiento, la empresa de la
localidad se ha hecho cargo de su gestión. Habrá bonos quincenales y mensuales, estará abierto las 24 horas del día de lunes a domingo y tendrá un servicio de
vigilancia. Toda aquella persona que se quiera informar de los precios puede acercarse al propio parking donde responsables de la empresa le atenderá.
Sabinillas underground car park now open 24 hours a day The car park situated under the Sabinillas Sports Centre is now open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, until the middle of September. The car park provides much needed parking for the summer
months when the local population quadruples. The car park is being operated by a local security company and benefits from onsite security. Charges are very reasonable with
just a euro for up to 2 hours, and 5 euros for up to 12 hours. Fortnightly and monthly tickets are also available. The entrance to the car park can be found behind the Medical Centre in Sabinillas.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Es verano, es el momento de disfrutar de los chiringuitos Nada es más típico del verano español en la Costa del Sol que una visita a uno de los muchos chiringuitos que llenan la cista. Las playas de Manilva cuentan con gran cantidad de estos establecimientos tan tradicionales, desde el más rústico a los más elegantes. No hay nada igual a sentarse en la terraza, observando las preciosas arenas y el brillo del Mediterráneo, escuchando música en vivo o simplemente el sonido de las olas rompiendo en la orilla, con el olor de la maravillosa comida fresca que sale de la barbacoa, y una bebida bien fría. Muchos puristas se han opuesto a los recientes edictos del Ministerio de Costas que requieren que todos los chiringuitos se muevan al borde de las playas, y las anteriores
construcciones tipo choza han sido demolidas para crear estructuras más permanentes, perdiendo así parte de su carácter tradicional.
El lado positivo es que muchos chiringuitos permanecen abiertos durante más tiempo, incluso todo el año.
If it’s summer it’s Chiringuito Time Nothing typifies the Spanish summer on the Costa del Sol more than a visit to one of the many beach bar/restaurants, chiringuitos, to be found along the coast. Manilva’s beaches have no shortage of these traditional hostelries, ranging from the distinctly rustic to the more upmarket and everything in between. There is nothing quite like sitting on the terrace gazing across the beautiful sands to the shimmering Mediterranean listening to live music or just the sound of the waves lapping on the sure, with the smell of wonderful fresh seafood wafting from the barbecue, and a nice cold drink to set it all off. Many purists have objected to the
Coastal Ministry’s recent edicts requiring all chiringuitos be moved to the edge of the beaches and the previous ramshackle constructions have been demolished to make way for new, more permanent
structures, with a loss of some of the traditional character. The upside to this though is that many chiringuitos have extended their opening season, with some remaining open all-year-round.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Todo sucede en la playa A medida que las actividades durante el día se mueven a la playa en el verano, tiene sentido que el entretenimiento y otras actividades como salir a comer o cenar también se realicen allí, y aquí los chiringuitos son protagonistas. Puedes disfrutar de una buena comida de pescado fresco, o relajarte con una bebida fría, viendo el mundo pasar, sintiendo la brisa marina que nos alivia del calor del verano. Muchos chiringuitos ofrecen animación, ya sea con un DJ tocando lo último en música o con una banda en directo que toca tus canciones favoritas, bailes flamencos o música de fondo: hay algo para todos en el chiringuito. Este mes se celebra Fiesta de Luna Llena. Club de playa con Restaurante para degustar la deliciosa comida de la costa Beach Club and Restaurant where you can enjoy the best food on the coast
Tel: 609 63 66 91
Urb. Los Granados de la Duquesa, Playa del Toro, 29691 Manilva
Paseo Maritimo, Sabinillas, Manilva
Tlf: 608 199 032 Juan
Especialidad en Espetos, Arroces, Pescados y Máriscos Abierto todos los días Cocina abierta 13:00 h al Cierre
It’s all happening on the beach As the focus of daytime activities shifts to the beach during the summer, then it makes sense that dining and entertainment should follow suit, and this is where the chiringuitos come into their own. You can enjoy a good meal of fresh seafood, or just sit back with a cool drink, relax and watch the world go by, often cooled by a pleasant sea breeze providing relief from the summer heat. Many chiringuitos provide entertainment, whether a DJ playing the latest funky sounds, a live band playing some of your favourite songs, flamenco dancing, or just some pleasant background music, there is something for everyone down at the beach bar. This month sees the celebration of the Full Moon Festival, which this
year will be held on the beaches of Sabinillas on Friday 19 August. There will be an evening of great entertainment with thousands
enjoying the beach under the magical light of the full moon. Everyone taking part is encouraged to wear white.
TEL: 608 199 032 jUAN Specialities Sardine Skewers, paella, fish AND Shellfish, Open every day KITCHEN OPEN FROM 1 PM UNTIL CLOSE
Pulpo a la Plancha, Espetos, Mariscos Octupus, Sardine Skewers, Shellfish Música todos los Domingos (en vivo o DJ) Music every Sunday from 5 to 9 (live or DJ)
Playa Punta Chullera Km 138 Puente Peatonal (turn off by the footbridge) Tel: 630 757 959
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Open daily from noon to midnight Live Music Mediterranean Cuisine Chef de Cuisine: Thierry Beauvilliers
Espeto de sardinas - el sabor de la Costa del Sol No hay nada más evocador del verano español que el olor de las sardinas en espeto, cocinadas lentamente en un fuego de leña en la playa. No hay nada que ni siquiera se le acerque… La combinación del calor, el aire del mar, el humo de la leña de olivo y las sardinas, cocinándose lentamente hasta la perfección. Un olor omnipresente en todas las playas de la Costa del Sol y alrededores. Incluso el sonido es cautivador, la grasa del pescado al caer al fuego, el crujir de la leña, el sonido de
Puerto de la Duquesa (Manilva) Tel: 952 893 171 Facebook: Cubanga
los leños cayendo al fuego, y por supuesto la conversación que invariablemente acompaña al
proceso. La humilde sardina es la estrella imbatible del verano español.
Grilled Sardines - the taste of the Costa del Sol There is nothing more evocative of a Spanish summer than the smell of sardines being slowly grilled over an open wood fire on the beach. Nothing else even comes close..... The combination of heat, the
sea air, the smoke from the olive wood fire and the salted sardine being slowly grilled to perfection. A smell that is omnipresent on most beaches in and around the Costa del Sol. Even the sound is captivating,
the slow spitting of the fish oil, the cracking of the wood, the continual stoking of the wood embers and, of course, the conversation that invariably goes with it. The humble sardine is the unwitting star of many a Spanish summer.
Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Paseo Maritimo, Sabinillas Tel.: 951 385 783
Easy Sudoku - Solution page 44
Moderate Sudoku - Solution page 44
Hard Sudoku - Solution page 44
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
THE RESIDENT Febrero - February 2016
Local Duquesa resident moors family yachts on the Costa “All Yachting Is” is a family company run from Duquesa by one of its residents, Olav Snijders. Originally from Holland, Olav settled in Spain almost a year ago and although his yachts are too big to enter the port, Olav himself is a regular in the Duquesa Port. Down to earth and really mild mannered Olav exemplifies the reason why he is also the skipper on his yachts. We had a very open and honest talk about his business and his plans for the future. “I decided that I wanted something different and I have always loved the sea. Therefore yachting would fit me perfectly. I actually came to Duquesa to get my Captain's licenses and from then onwards the instructor asked me to be a teacher for his school. After that I decided I wanted to be involved in proper yachting, meaning luxurious super yachts of 30 meters and over. I soon started my business called All Yachting Is. From this business I started managing small yachts first and later on got bigger yachts in my portfolio. The main business now is chartering yachts from 15m to 40m in the Sotogrande/Marbella area. Next to that we manage, maintain and sell superyachts along the coast. The company now represents the biggest charter yachts on the coast. Grey princess the 27m Bugari and Brazil a 40m Heesen. “As a well-established name within the Superyacht industry we have shown that we can provide a consistent and professional
service. “All Yachting Is” focuses on all aspects within the superyacht industry. From superyacht sales to superyacht charters and even the management of your superyacht. Therefore our name explains exactly what we stand for “AllYachting-Is”. Mission, vision and values Although our headquarters are located in the South of Spain, we are now establishing a solid base in the United States as well. Focusing on global presence within the superyacht industry we plan to open 2 new offices along the Mediterranean coast before 2017 and consequently expanding to Asia before 2020. The satisfaction of our Customers is priority number one. By using only one assigned superyacht specialist as a contact person towards our customers, we ensure the personal approach which we value so much. Transparency is the other key-point we maintain with our customers to secure a trustful business relationship. There is always a solution. That is what we at AYI believe in. Time on time we have proven that you can only achieve perfection and satisfaction for both parties by being creative and thinking together with the customers. By knowing exactly what a potential charterer wants, we select Yachts meeting these requirements and together we arrange your perfect holiday, business trip or weekend get-away. We clearly separate ourselves from the competition in certain areas such as the Costa del
MY BRAZIL Sol. We are the only superyacht company in the South of Spain that offers Yachts for charter and sale above the 40 meters mark. This enables us to exclusively offer
specific yachts not offered by the competition. Should you wish to charter a yacht or know someone that might then contact Olav. If you book directly the savings on the
usual broker fees can be taken as a discount on the charter or paid out as a commission. Email for contact details.
Cocktail of the Month PORN STAR MARTINI
A Martini maybe the favourite for James Bond but we are going all the way with this. Vodka and passoa with a dash of vanilla and passion fruit puree. Shaken not stirred. Obviously. Served with a shot of cava on the side If you haven’t tried this yet…why not?
Reservations 952 897 282 Kinsale Bar - Bistro Upper Level, Front Line Plaza Chanquette, Local 1, Duquesa Port
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Louie Louie Rock Bar Puerto Estepona Viernes 12 de Agosto
Vuelve la genuína banda de funky andalúz embrutessío con su último trabajo 5MENTARIO!! Nuevos temazos bestias de funk, rock, rap o metal para montar un nuevo escandalazo que pondrá a prueba el aguante de nuestro suelo. No te pierdas el directo más salvaje y vacilón de este verano!! Entrada anticipada 10€. En puerta 13€.
O’Funk’illo at Louie Louie’s
One of Andalucia's best music acts O'Funk'illo will be performing tracks from their latest album at Louie Louie's in Estepona Port on Friday 12 August from midnight. O'Funk'illo perform their unique blend of funk, rap, hip-hop, rock and flamenco fusion and include in their lineup the amazing bass player Pepe Bao. Tickets are 10 euros in advance or 13 euros on the door.
En la Residencia de las Palabras
Estar Sereno
Francisco Rodríguez Herrera
Intenciones De lo adverso se aprende... Si estimas conveniente una sandalia hermosa, peregrinar se parece a esta ladera de luces y de sombras, esta vertiente de imaginar y verse y ver y continuar: las intenciones de seguir contra el viento, contra el océano, ser motivo para el poniente e ir a parar al mar. La huella en la tierra acumula semillas para el sendero. Quien pisó fue hombre y volumen. Nadamos y nos protegemos del agua tempestuosa, sujétate mejor al árbol de la fe, te dice un Verbo. ¡Ay qué densidad! De la raíz del olivo, la aurora aproxima sabia verde: las llanuras resecas se hacen fértiles con aguas de esperanza. (¡Qué intenciones la del peón poeta por conciliarse con la canción del alba! ¡Qué ilusiones!) Canciller del espacio que busca libertades. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “A la medida del hombre”.
La Abuela en la Ciudad Abuela, estás ahí, ahí mismo, en la esquina, vendiendo tabaco. El buen cigarro rubio –dices, y luego acordándote de tu Pedro–: y el buen cigarro negro, original de los mejores prados de la noche. Por un cigarro un sueño de humo. Podrían ser más buenos... –rompes en pequeñas carcajadas, pensando en voz alta–. Y en un aleteo de mejillas se desperdigan las cenizas de uno de los cigarros y dices alzando la voz: Muchachos, galanes de la pipa, que también tengo breva y un librillo de América. Jóvenes de boquilla y pitillera, que tengo un narguile con perfume de la India; que vendo el tabaco más duro o más dulce de la ciudad entera; llevo tabaco azul incitador del cielo, y qué saben las venas de vientos mareros el humo que las llevan. Espigas en el azul (1977-1983)
Que el entusiasmo por la vida te proporcione capacidad humana. (No siempre fue lo mismo... Aunque te digan eso, descorcha tu mirada para emprender caminos, que no se ciegue tu alma y cabizbaja caiga al abismo. Camina positivo para alcanzar el alba). Eres tú quien le da ese motivo a tu quimera, quien puede sembrar rosas, quien abre la ventana; y tranquilo, en la página humana, puedes oler el día, y conquistar fragancias, y atravesar la luz y oír el sueño que te habla. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “A la medida del hombre”.
El Barrenero
Llevo más de cuarenta años en este oficio de barrenero y creo que esa experiencia merece un respeto. Mire usted, señor perito, he trabajado en minas y canteras y gracias a Dios no he tenido nunca ningún percance. Está claro que este terreno tiene una piedra peliaguda, a ver si soy capaz de destrozarla, y aunque no sea una piedra grande, ¡vaya si es deforme y difícil!, pero con idea y colocándole los explosivos en los lugares adecuados, este pedrusco se deshará. Así que déjeme intentarlo a mi modo, señor perito, y no me dé más instrucciones teóricas. “Arranca el compresor, niño, y haz los boquetes”. En muchas ocasiones, algunos del oficio me han dicho que no se hacía así, y yo, obediente, les hacía caso, y después, chasco, ruina; y luego, finalmente, tenía que intentarlo a mi modo. Usted es un perito joven, y entiendo que haya estudiado, pero yo, Eulalio Rodríguez, necesito libertad para trabajar, y no es que sea yo el que entiende este oficio como nadie, pero llevo cuarenta y tres años haciendo esto de barrenar, como para no saber por muy torpe que sea uno, pues no he quitado yo piedras que estorbaban a las construcciones de casas y carreteras. Me he visto tres veces, tres veces enterrado en piedras y cascajos, por los desprendimientos, que hasta mi mujer fue a la sabia de Ronda a preguntarle si me recuperaría, cuando en una ocasión me lastimé la espalda. Estuve siete meses sin moverme, con antiinflamatorios, de esos que mandan los médicos para deshacerle con pólvora esteroide a uno el hígado. Pero yo sabía que no tenía nada malo, aunque era algo más que una contracción muscular. Mi mujer me aconsejó que dejara ese trabajo, y yo le dije que no era torero. Ella creía que lo dejaría por miedo. Las mujeres son así, creen que uno abandonará el trabajo por miedo. Y esto de ser barrenero también, señor perito, se lleva en la sangre, que ojalá todos los expertos en explosivos lo hicieran para bien de la comunidad. Sí, señor perito, no se preocupe usted, tendré cuidado con esta piedra. “Niño, tráete cuatro cartuchos, arranca el compresor y haz los boquetes en los puntos que he marcado de la jodida piedra”. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Sí a la noche”. 16 de Octubre de 1.982
Un nuevo día para amarnos He despertado, y en silencio me acomodo en el borde de la cama, que es como sentarse en una mansión del sueño; el pijama desprende una cálida luna que se acostó conmigo; la ropa, lejana me parece: miro el pantalón y no sé si tiene el cinturón puesto, me cuesta mucho encontrar un cinturón; por la ventana cerrada, pero no lo suficiente, se cuela un brote de la aurora y despierta del todo mi conciencia. El día es fuente, color, si lo quiero, es plenitud, es abertura en la definición de vida por vivir, esa que ya poseo y que nada ni nadie puede arrebatarme. He despertado, mi dolor es más leve por el amor que me ofrecen los míos, y alcanzo la ropa colgada en el perchero, el cinturón apareció oculto en el jersey. Cuánta suerte tengo de estar junto a vosotros. Sois como esos rayos que primero entran suaves, sonoros, esenciales, un brote de aurora por la ventana, y después convergen a una misma habitación abierta, sincera y familiar. Buenos días de luz para romper las tinieblas. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera 29 de diciembre de 2011
Es para ti Este poema es para ti, una tilde que busca su palabra y la encuentra en la abundancia del mar. Este poema es para ti, que ha madurado en su tiempo, una gota de rosas y de flores para el jardín de lluvias que me ofreces, quiero que sea distinto a todo texto, para cantar tu luz y merecer tu enjambre; oh golondrina de mi alma, vaso de mi sueño de carne, contigo voy rodando, unidad de la sangre; las pupilas calladas, en la mirada blanca residen testimonios y llenan el arca de nuestra alianza; mi corazón te ama saliendo de las torres en busca de damas y llanuras; te encontré, y te doy gracias, porque ahora mi verso se acurruca contigo; me desvelé para escribir, no, para decir mi voz que te amo, para hablarle a tus sueños en la madrugada; mientras tanto yo espero, ventanas de tus labios para beberme el sol. Gracias por todo amiga, gracias por todo amor. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera 17/10/2014
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Local author launches Romantic Pastry Book
The Book Review Steve Davies The Sabinillas Bookshop - Tel: 952 891 545
The Last Letters of Jesus: The Secret of the Nazarenes: Volume 1 (The Nazarene Trilogy) by Antonio Sebastian
Estepona author, Lady Heloïse has just launched a book on pastry making. The romantic pastry book entitled Sweet Time is published in both Spanish and English. The official presentation and book signing took place recently at Casa de la cultura del Ayuntamiento de Estepona and at the Queens British Grammar School, Estepona. In addition, those attending were able to sample some of the delicious pastry receipts from her book around a nice Sweet Table. Lady Heloise was born and lived in France and is from an international family. She has been living in the Costa del Sol since 2002. From her arrival in Spain she has developed her passion for cooking and above all, pastry making. She enjoys using the new moulds and cooking materials that have entered the gastronomy field over the last few years. The book identifies both the French and British influence and the pastry
creations are refined, feminine and romantic; where love is the King and Lady Héloïse the Queen. Speaking recently on Estepona TV programme Café y Té, she was interviewed by the presenter, María José Sáez López about her new book. Also she presented the book in English on Estepona Life Style with Emma De Acedo. Lady Heloïse highlighted the success of the book and emphasised the Spanish and English books were not printed in China as many cookery books are today. But the pastry book had a Spanish connection and was completely designed and printed in Andalucia. The next development planned is for the pastry book to be produced in E-book format in the autumn, thus making it readily accessible to many. There is a web site which can be accessed for more information:
Palestine in the first century is a melting pot of Hebrew, Greek, Roman, and Oriental thought, a country at war with its own future. The priests and their cult of animal sacrifice effectively run the Judean Kingdom in the south. Israel in the north is home to Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef and he is running out of time. After a blockade of the Temple Sacrifices in Jerusalem, he is imprisoned alongside the assassin sent to kill him. Against all odds, his family and friends race to free him. Rabbi Yeshua is a prophet and a mystic who can see the approaching holocaust. Within the violence of animal sacrifice, he can see the destruction of the Jewish people. He desperately tries to send word to the Sanhedrin but the forces of evil seek to silence his voice forever. Based on extensive research, the latest archaeology and modern textual interpretation, the Last Letters of Jesus is a work of Historical Fiction which tries to answer truthfully the ageold questions of ‘who was Jesus’ and ‘what did he really say’? Through the eyes of those who loved him most you can finally unwrap the facts enough to reveal the man behind the myth.
About the Author Antonio Sebastian is a child of the lost Colonies and belongs nowhere. Only half joking, he describes himself as “Eurotrash.” As a commercial Diver, Subsea Inspection Engineer, and Technical Author, his career has blessed him with the freedom to pursue his studies unencumbered by tenure or faculty. He is an Independent Scholar and Student of Anthropology and Religion. For many years, he was a serious student of Soto Zen Buddhism studying at Throssel Hole Priory in the north of England. After twenty-five years, a personal crisis in Vietnam and a brush with Radical Islam in Algeria he came to the study of Early Christianity and Judaism. Fascinated by the philosophically coherent, Zen-like Koans, of the Jewish Nazarene movement, ten years ago he began a search for the Jesus of history. First century Palestine has since become his passion. He is the author of several blogs and the historical fiction ‘Nazarene Trilogy’.
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Duquesa Charitable Society of St George
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Mirror Mirror III Birthday Bash Charity Weekend raises 1000 euros for St George Charity
The St George Charity would like to give a big thank you to Christian and Paul and all the customers at Mirror Mirror Bar in Puerto del Duquesa, who raised a thousand euros during their III Birthday Bash last month. Over the four night Charity Weekend there was a Big Birthday Quiz on the Thursday, whilst on
Friday there was an evening of LIVE Music and Drag Show with entertainment from the beautiful Kitti Litta and Friends! For their Big Birthday Bash on Saturday there was a night of Divas and Cocktails, with three amazing acts, Frankie, Daniela and Ashley providing the entertainment. Finally on Sunday there was
entertainment from Steve Anderton and the ‘Boozy Charity Raffle’. This generous donation will go towards The Duquesa Charitable Society of St George’s Manilva Social Kitchen Project which is currently at the planning stage (more news of this shortly). Once again a big thanks to all those involved.
Sotogrande Business Associates Golf Day raises over 1000 euros for St George Charity's Feed a Child Campaign San Roque Golf Club's beautiful Old Course was the venue for the Sotogrande Business Associates Golf Day on Friday 22 July. Around 80 players participated in the event sponsored by Abbeygate Insurance, Brilliant Dental, Tom Coulson Golf, Grupo Mercedes Sotogrande, La Cala Rentals and Travel Producer with a range of prizes including wine by Vinopolis and painting donated for auction by artist Elizabeth Bassadone. On a hot afternoon the competition was stiff with the ultimate winners being: 1st Pairs - James Suenson Taylor, Andy Stanford 1st Team - Andy Stanford, Amanda
Sabistock- End of Summer Bash
Aunque aún nos queda verano que disfrutar, merece la pena apuntar en la agenda la fecha del 10 de septiembre, día en que se celebra el End of Summer Bash de este año. El evento de este año se disfraza como “Sabistock”, un festival lleno de música durante más de 11 horas en el lugar usual, frente al Bar Fathoms en Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas, Manilva. El evento de este año recaudará dinero para la asociación local de discapacitados Luisiana, a través
de la Organización Benéfica Saint George. Disfrutaremos de artistas como Ken Moore, Chloe Lawrence, Blue Moon, Ashley Bloor, Peter Charles, Mandy y Gerry Lovett, Daniela Caballero, Stelvis, Rob Sas, Beauties and the Beast, Mr. Maph, Hunky Dories, Jade Burgess, Radio Edition, Gaz Fearon y The Memphis Trio. ¡Promete ser un gran día! Más detalles en el próximo número de The Resident.
Sabistock - End of Summer Bash Stanford, James Suenson Taylor, Lelanie Marias 1st Cat 1 - Roy Oswell 2nd - Brett Little 1st Cat 2 - James Suenson Taylor
After the prize giving the players were entertained by Marcus Myers. The tournament resulted in a very generous donation of over 1000 euros for the Duquesa Charitable Society of St George's Feed a Child Campaign and the charity's campaign coordinator, Jojo France, was there to thank the players and organisers and to explain the campaign which provides breakfasts for needy schoolkids to ensure they do not go to school hungry.
Although Summer is still at its height, it is worth setting aside Saturday 10 September in your diaries for this year’s “End of Summer Bash”. This year’s event is masquerading as ‘Sabistock’ with a whole festival’s worth of music over 11 hours at the usual venue opposite Fathoms Bar in Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas Manilva. This year the event is raising money for the local handicapped association Luisana, through the Saint George Charity. With artists such as Ken Moore, Chloe Lawrence, Blue Moon, Ashley Bloor, Peter Charles, Mandy and Gerry Lovett, Daniela Caballero, Stelvis, Rob Sas, Beauties and the Beast, Mr Maph, Hunky Dories, Jade Burgess, Radio Edition, Gaz Fearon, and the Memphis Trio already confirmed it promises to be a great day. More details in next month’s issue of The Resident.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Duquesa Charitable Society of St George
Citizens Advice Bureau Spain weekly surgery The Duquesa Charitable Society If you would like to see one of CAB of St George is hosting a weekly Spain’s advisers then pop along to surgery by Citizens Advice Bureau the shop on Wednesday morning, The Weekly CAB Spain Surgery will resume Spain every Wednesday morning although it is advisable to book an in September from 10.30 am to 1 pm. appointment as it can sometimes The surgery will be held at can the still be busy. You contact them online using the St George Charity’s new shop in All consultations are free but CAB email below Calle Aurora de Albornoz, Punta Spain is funded by donations, so Almina, Sabinillas, and is part of if you feel that their advice has the Charity’s community support been valuable then please make a programme. donation in the tin provided. Contact: Citizens Advice Bureau is registered as a Spanish Non-Profit/NPO/ONG organisation. Registration nº 11253. | CIF G93354348.
Tiendas benéficas St George | St George Charity Shops La organización benéfica St George cuenta con dos tiendas benéficas en Sabinillas. Una de las tiendas vende ropa, zapatos, sombreros y accesorios de segunda mano, mientras que la otra vende una amplia gama de muebles usados, objetos decorativos, artículos para el hogar, libros, CDs, DVDs, etc. Gracias a las generosas donaciones recibidas, hay nuevos artículos en la tienda a diario. ¡Visita las tiendas regularmente para no perderte esa ganga! Además de contar con algunos artículos geniales, las tiendas benéficas de St George también ofrecen en alquiler diferentes artículos como sillas de ruedas, muletas, cunas de viaje, etc. La dirección de la tienda agradece las donaciones de artículos usados de calidad, y puede organizar su recogida si fuese necesario. También buscan libros de segunda mano, especialmente en idiomas distintos al inglés, para llenar sus amplias estanterías. Las tiendas están situadas en Calle Duquesa de Arcos y en Calle Aurora de Albornoz, Punta Almina, Sabinillas, Manilva. Para realizar cualquier consulta pasa por la tienda, llama al 619 127 524 o envía un correo a The St George Charity operates two charity shops, both in Sabinillas. One of the shops sells quality secondhand clothing, shoes, hats and accessories; whilst the other sells a wide range of secondhand furniture,decorative items, household goods, books, cds, dvds, etc. Thanks to our generous donors there are new items in the shops daily, so visit regularly so as not to miss out on that bargain. As well as stocking some great items the St George Charity shops also rent out various items such as wheelchairs, walking aids, travel cots, etc. The shop management welcome donations of quality secondhand items, and can arrange collection if needed. We are also looking for secondhand books, especially in languages other than English, to populate are extensive bookshelves. The shops are situated in Calle Duquesa de Arcos and in Calle Aurora de Albornoz, Punta Almina, Sabinillas, Manilva. For enquiries either drop into the shop, call 619 127 524 or email
619 127 524 - email
The Duquesa Charitable Society of St George is registered with the Junta de Andaluca - Reg No G93261857 Registered address:Calle Duquesa de Arcos, 19 Local 2, 29692, San Luis de Sabinillas, Manilva, Malaga |
Done sus artículos no deseados a la Asociación San Jorge ¿Está mudándose de casa, haciendo una limpieza general o redecorando? Si es así la Asociación San Jorge siempre está dispuesto a aceptar artículos de segunda mano como muebles, ornamentos, objetos decorativos, cuadros, espejos, para poner a la venta en nuestra nueva tienda en Sabinillas. La Caridad también acepta libros, dvds, cds, vinilos, ropa, zapatos y accesorios, los ingresos
de los cuales irán destinados a ayudar a las numerosas buenas causas locales soportados por la caridad. Pueden dejar los artículos en la nueva tienda en la plaza de las Naranjas en Punta Almina durante las horas de apertura Lunes a sábado de 10:00 a 13:30 o fuera de este horario a convenir. Contacte con nosotros por correo electrónico secretary@
Donate your unwanted items to the St George Charity Having a clear out, moving house, or redecorating? If so The Duquesa Charitable Society of St George is always happy to accept second hand items of furniture, decorative items, household goods, pictures, mirrors, for sale in our new shop in Sabinillas. The St George Charity also accepts books, dvds, cds, record, clothes, shoes, and accessories the proceeds from which goes
to help the numerous local good causes the charity supports. Items can be dropped off at the new shop in Plaza de las Naranjas square in Punta Almina during opening hours - Monday to Saturday 10 am to 1.30 pm or outside of these hours by arrangement. Call Gary on 619 127 524 or email
Se necesitan voluntarios ¿Te sobra algo de tiempo? ¿Quieres formar parte de una asociación benéfica? La Asociación Benéfica de San Jorge da la bienvenida a voluntarios para ayudar con las actividades benéficas, incluyendo nuestras dos tiendas en Sabinillas, el mercadillo de los domingos y los diferentes eventos a lo largo del año. Contacta con secretary@
Volunteers needed Too much time on your hands? Would you like to be part of a local charitable association? The Duquesa Charitable Society of St George welcomes volunteers to help with the Charity’s activities, including our two charity shops in Sabinillas, Sunday market, and various events throughout the year. Please contact or phone 619 127 524
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
¡Cómo medir tu éxito! El mes pasado hablamos del mejor programa de entrenamiento para tí, esperamos que lo hayas podido encontrar, pero ahora que lo tienes, ¿cómo puedes saber si está funcionando o no? La mayoría de la gente juzga su éxito por cuánto pesan, pero no toda la pérdida de peso es igual, la pérdida de masa muscular no es algo bueno, la pérdida de grasa si lo puede ser, pero ¿cómo saber la diferencia? ¿Y cuál es la mejor manera de medir tu éxito? Desde el punto de vista de entrenador personal, utilizo el siguiente: Inicialmente, uso una máquina ‘Bodystat’ que mide no sólo la composición del cuerpo, la cantidad de grasa, músculo, hueso y agua que posees, sino que también asesora el rango ideal. Si tu plan es perder mucho peso, esta máquina no mentirá. Si el peso de la báscula sigue bajando, es una buena indicación de que está perdiéndolo, pero recuerde que no toda pérdida es igual. Esta máquina te permite medir lo que estás perdiendo y te permite hacer cambios para asegurar que cumplas tus objetivos, y que no estás perdiendo músculo en lugar de grasa cuando pretendes tonificar tu cuerpo. Es por eso que no se puede confiar sólo en la báscula para comprobar que has aumentado tu masa muscular. Eso es lo que la mayoría de la gente hace y si ganan 5 kilos asumen que es un aumento de músculo y siguen haciendo lo que están haciendo sin saber si su dieta o entrenamiento les está proporcionando resultados.
El espejo nunca miente!
Tomando una fotografía antes de empezar es una herramienta muy poderosa, que permite al cliente ver su cuerpo desde todos los ángulos; puedes fijarte en cada parte del cuerpo de forma individual, pero a medida que tu cuerpo cambia proporciona el perfecto motivador para mantenerte en curso.
hago, mi peso máximo en 1 repetición en cada ejercicio, mis tiempos en pruebas de resistencia, los alimentos que he comido y las horas que duermo cada día. Para la mayoría de la gente esto parece obsesivo, pero para mí es una forma de medir mi éxito personal, y qué eventos en mi día pueden haber llevado a ello. Si no grabas todo lo que haces dentro y fuera del gimnasio o en la cocina, nunca sabrás cuánto progreso estás alcanzando. No puedes saber cuándo aumentar el peso con el que trabajas, o qué ejercicios hacer en tu próximo programa de entrenamiento, y mucho menos cuando debes realizar cambios seguir viendo cambios. Nunca sabrás qué programas de entrenamiento y que dieta funcionan mejor para ti. Y lo peor de todo, si estás sobreentrenando o haciendo algo muy incorrecto con tu dieta, no sabrás cuál es el problema, ya que no tienes la información que necesitas. Sólo invertir un poco de tiempo y hacer un registro informativo puede suponer la diferencia entre el éxito y el fracaso, no seas perezoso. Muchos programas ofrecerán un cierto éxito, pero la mayoría de los programas necesitan ajustes para adaptarse al individuo, saber cuándo y qué retocar es la verdadera clave para mejorar tu cuerpo, ya sea para adelgazar, ser más rápido o más fuerte o mejorar la salud, ¡regístralo!
La cinta métrica
El establecimiento de objetivos para la pérdida o ganancia de centímetros es un método muy fácil de medir tu éxito, siempre mido bíceps, pecho, cintura, caderas, muslos y pantorrillas, vuelvo a medirlos cada 6 semanas para ayudar a mantener la motivación de mis clientes.
Personalmente, guardo un libro de registro diario, puedo realizar un seguimiento de cada sesión de ejercicios que
¡Entrena mejor, no más! Buena suerte con cualquiera que sea el mejor programa de entrenamiento para tí, si quieres algún consejo por favor, ponte en contacto conmigo en el 687030047 o ¡Entrena mejor, no más!.
How to measure your success! Last month we talked about what was the best training programme for you, hopefully you have found it, but now that you have, how do you know if it is working or not? Most people judge their success by how much they weigh, but not all weight loss is equal, muscle loss is negative where fat loss is positive, but how do you tell the difference? And are there better ways to measure your success. From a PT point of view, I use the following: Initially, I will use a ‘bodystat’ machine which measures the body’s composition, how much fat, muscle, water and bone the body has, it also advises the ideal range. If your plan is to lose a lot of weight, then this machine won’t lie. If the weight on the scale keeps going down then that’s probably a good indication you’re losing, but remember not all loss is equal at least this machine allows you to measure what you are losing and it allows you to make changes to ensure that your goals are being met, and that you are not losing muscle instead of fat when trying to bulk up. That is why you can’t just rely on the scale to tell keep track of your gains. That’s what most people do, just hop onto the scale, and if they gained 5 pounds they just assume it was muscle and keep on doing what they are doing not knowing if their diet or training is doing them any good.
The mirror never lies!
Taking a before photograph is a very powerful tool, it allows the client to see their body from every angle; you can look at each body part individually, but has the body changes it provides the perfect on-going motivator.
The Tape Measure
Setting goals for inch loss or inch gain is such an easy method of measuring success, I always measure, biceps, chest, waist, hips, thighs and calves, re-measuring every 6 weeks helps keep the client on track.
Log Book
Personally, I keep a daily log book, I keep track of every workout that I do, what my 1 max rep is per weight lifting move, my times per fitness challenge, what foods I have eaten on any given day and how much sleep I have had per day, for most people this would seem obsessive, but for me it is a way of measuring my personal success, and what events in my day may have affected it someway.
If you don’t record everything you do in and out of the gym or kitchen, you will never know how much progress you’re making. You wouldn’t know when to up the weight, or what exercises to do in your next training program, or let alone even know when you should make changes to see changes. You would never know what training and diet programs worked best for you. And worst of all if you’re overtraining or doing something very wrong with your diet you wouldn’t know what the problem would be since nothing is written down. So just invest a little time and make a good quality log, don’t play it by ear and be lazy. Most programs will offer some success, but most programs need tweaking to suit the individual, knowing when and what to tweak is the real key to improving your body , whether to lose weight, get faster or stronger or even just healthier, LOG IT!
Remember, train wiser, not longer! If you want to know more about this article or anything relating to fitness, then please contact Jojo France, Tel. 0034 687 030 047 or
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
When knee surgery doesn’t work Recent evidence suggests that as many as 20% of patients who have a Total Knee Replacement (TKR) continue to suffer chronic pain after surgery. That’s a lot of risk, cost, lost time and rehab for no progress.
The 3 S’s of a “happy” knee:
Why is straight important?
If you aren’t straightening your leg correctly:
So if you’ve still got knee pain and you aren’t making progress perhaps there’s more to it?
No Swelling
1. you aren’t using your foot, ankle, knee or hip correctly.
Referred pain
Before Surgery
Everything in the body is connected. And it should all work together as a team. If one part is out of balance than this can cause other parts to work harder, become lopsided . . . in other words it can cause pain elsewhere, this is called referred pain and is a huge factor that is often ignored as we much prefer to treat the part that hurts! This is why the first step in ANY treatment program is a full, clinical assessment of the patient. Not just your knee but all the parts connected to your knee as well so that’s your foot, ankle, hip, lower back AND the other leg! If you’ve been compensating and overworking your left knee since an accident 10 years ago in your right knee - your left knee is going to start complaining about doing twice the work! You operate on that loud left knee but . . . no one checked that right knee and now your recovering left knee is still doing twice the work!
2. You have a limp and this can cause back pain as well Dr Donald K Shelbourne, an American surgeon who pioneered the ACL reconstruction also developed the “Accelerated ACL Reconstruction Rehabilitation Protocol”. His patients returned to full, daily activities 4 weeks after surgery! And sport 8 weeks after surgery! What makes his process so different? Before surgery the 3 S’s must be met.
After surgery
3. The joint position is not correct which speeds up cartilage damage (aka arthritis). 4. The quadriceps muscles lose “control” of the knee. 5. Ligaments don’t work properly 6. The hamstrings are no longer stretched correctly. 7. Puts incorrect pressure on your foot causing ankle and toe problems.
What to do? Get your knee, Straight and Strong with no swelling.
If you’ve had surgery the 3 S’s are the focus of your recovery.
And if you’re still in pain get checked and get support.
And need to start the 1st day after surgery. The longer you wait the more the muscles waste and the harder it is.
For more information on knee pain, rehab and basic knee exercises as well as Chronic Pain please check out our website,, our Facebook page, Bodyworks Health Clinic or call us on 952 883 151
Use crutches properly, do your exercises and bring the swelling down.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Hospital Bed For Sale CONSTRUCTION SPECIALIST Extensions/Reforms/New Build
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Steel framed hospital bed for sale Hardly used Electrically operated - fully adjusts for height and elevation both head and feet. Wooden head and footboards and side rails. Size 92 cm x 199 cm (mattress 90 cm x 190cm).
800 euros ono Call 609 579 431
Your project completed on time and on budget Architects’ drawings with permissions and licences From groundworks to roofs Damp problems solved and up to 30 yr guarantee 678 962 588 - 617 992 644 -
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Empresas | Businesses • • • •
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El Calor Ha Llegado RonaldRosenfeld Rosenfeld D.V.M Ronald D.V.M. Sabinillas Tel: 952 Sabinillas - Tel: 656 681 891 889 387
Si sus planes de vacaciones este verano incluyen a sus animales entonces hay otras consideraciones a tener en cuenta y más para las caminatas en el campo o los paseos por la playa. Todo lo que brilla no es de oro, y con este calor hay que estar al tanto de las amenazas de los ectoparásitos - pulgas, garrapatas, mosquitos y moscas - como se ha mencionado en artículos anteriores. Los perros y los gatos no transpiran a través de su piel, como los seres humanos y los caballos. Cortando todo el pelo de nuestro perro en el verano porque está jadeando no necesariamente va hacerle más fresco. Ese abrigo de piel podría estar ayudando a protegerle contra insectos picadores y a su vez aislarle un poco del sol y las quemaduras. Un perro o gato jadea cuando hace calor como una forma de controlar la temperatura corporal, del mismo modo, no siempre significa que tienen sed. Hay muchos tipos de malas hierbas y semillas de plantas secas que se pegan al pelo y a la piel que pueden causar todo tipo de problemas entre los dedos de los pies, la nariz, en las orejas y oídos, o en el ojo. Si un chapuzón en el mar o la piscina es bueno para refrescar, es importante recordar que para nosotros enjuagarnos después del agua salada o del cloro con agua clara, será lógico que los animales reciban el mismo tratamiento. Esto puede ayudar a reducir los hot spots (puntos calientes) o eczemas de verano que son demasiado frecuentes. Demasiado uso de champú, incluso con el más suave de los champús medicados pueden causar problemas de la piel en lugar de resolverlos. Asegúrese de que en el calor tengan abundancia de agua disponible. Si el agua no es apta para que bebamos entonces deberíamos dar a nuestros animales de la misma agua embotellada que usamos. Deben estar en un lugar bien ventilado, y un lugar con sombra para poder refugiarse. Recuerde, si viaja con su perro y teiene que dejarlo en el coche por un corto
periodo de tiempo, piense dos veces. Incluso dejando las ventanas parcialmente abiertas no puede proporcionar suficientes propiedades de enfriamiento como se muestra en el triste caso de los dos perros de la policía en Inglaterra, que murieron hace poco aunque sólo se dejaba desatendido durante unos pocos minutos. Si está preocupado de que su perro está sufriendo un sobrecalentamiento, o sea un golpe de calor o se muestra signos de angustia, debemos tomar medidas inmediatas para ayudarlo. En primer lugar, enfrie sus pies mojonándolos o colocándolos en un recipiente con agua fría y así como una ligera ducha con agua fría, y en segundo lugar busque asesoramiento profesional por un golpe de calor que puede tener un desenlace fatal. Los Perros sudan o hacen la termorregulación (como ya decimos) a través de sus pies y jadeando, por lo que enfriando los pies es una de las maneras más rápida de aliviar su angustia del calor. También es importante tener en cuenta el calor irradiado de asfalto, cemento, caminos de tierra o arena de la playa. Si no puede caminar cómodamente descalzo sobre estas superficies es probablemente demasiado caliente para pasear a su mascota. También pueden salir ampollas o sufrir quemaduras en los pies/patas/ garras/pezuñas. Manteniendo estos consejos en mente debería proporcionar unas vacaciones más sanas y relajadas para todos. En caso de duda consulte a un profesional.
47 THETHE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016 RESIDENT Junio - June 2014
The Heat Is On If your holiday plans include your animals this summer then there are other considerations to be aware of for those hikes in the countryside or jaunts on the beach. All that glitters is not gold and with this heat be aware of the threats from ectoparasites – fleas, ticks, mosquitoes and biting flies – as mentioned in previous articles. Dogs and cats do not perspire through their skin as humans and horses do, cutting all the fur down on our dog in the summertime because they are panting may not necessarily make them cooler. That fur coat could be helping to protect against biting insects and insulating somewhat against the sun and protecting against sunburn. A dog or cat pants when it is hot as a means of controlling body temperature, likewise it does not always mean that they are thirsty. There are many types of weeds and dry plant seeds that stick to fur and can cause all sorts of problems between the toes, up the nose, down the ear, or in the eye. If a dip in the sea or the pool is in order remember that we rinse the salt water or chlorine off afterwards, it follows then that our animals get the same treatment. This may help in reducing the all too frequent hot spots or summer eczemas. Over shampooing, even with the mildest of medicated shampoos may cause skin problems rather than resolving them. Make sure in the heat that they have abundant fresh water available and a shady spot to take refuge in. If the water isn’t fit for us to drink we ought to be giving our animals the same bottled water that we use. They should be in a well ventilated area. Remember, if travelling with your dog and having to leave him in the car for a short while, think twice. Even leaving the windows partially open may not provide sufficient cooling properties as shown in the sad case of the two police dogs in England that died, although they had only been left
unattended for just a few minutes. Should you be concerned that your dog or pet is overheating or showing signs of distress, immediate action must be taken to help them. Firstly, cool their feet by hosing him down or placing his feet in a bowl of cold water and secondly, seek professional advice because heat stroke can be fatal. As mentioned above dogs “sweat” or thermoregulate (as we say in the trade) through their feet and by panting and therefore cooling the feet is one of the fastest ways of alleviating their heat distress. It is also important to be aware of the heat irradiated from tarmac, cement, dirt tracks, or beach sand. If you cannot walk comfortably bare-footed over these surfaces it is probably too hot to walk your pet. They can also get burns or blisters on their feet/ paws/hooves. Keeping these few things in mind should make for a more relaxed vacation for all concerned. When in doubt consult a professional.
Ronald Rosenfeld RonaldD.V.M Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas Sabinillas - Tel: 952- 891 387681 889 Tel: 656
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
The Gecko on the Wall The world of golf through the eyes of Calum McGregor This year is a golf supporters dream year. With the inclusion of the Olympics golf starting on August 11th and The Ryder Cup taking place later in the year, the professional golf schedule is packed full of events. With such a busy year of golf ahead, last month witnessed two major championships played a few weeks apart. This is great for the golfing fans that can’t get enough of the sport but it also proves the hard work and dedication required from the professional golfers, their caddies and their team. To excel at this level of golf there requires a complete synchronicity between
caddie and player. A trust and belief between the player and the caddie is worth a few shots per round. Dedication from your team of coaches who spend hours working on the range with computer analysis and track man statistics are now an essential part of the modern game. Complete confidence in your management company to arrange your transport and to arrange your accommodation gives the players peace of mind going into the tournaments. Having family and loved ones waiting at the hotel room I imagine would also play an integral part in the professional golfer’s mind-set when playing in a
This Month’s Majors
major tournament. This leads me to think about my boys out on The Challenge Tour, one tier down from the big league of European Tour Golf. You would never believe it if I told you that most of the players on The Challenge Tour book their own flights and hotel rooms often sharing the least expensive with a few of the other players. Not all of the players can afford caddies and carry their own bags during tournament days. Solitary hours on the driving range match the solitary hours spent in hotel lobbies talking to loved ones at home on skype or Facebook. As much as I love to watch the
best golfers on the planet compete and win major championships I also know that a group of young players that I class as my friends are grinding away, not far from the world’s spotlight. I follow The Challenge Tour as closely as I do the main tours and it makes me happier to see my boys breaking course records and scoring personal bests. When I see one of my friends win, come second or even make their first top 10 finish at a Challenge Tour event it makes me think about the future and the majors that are still to come. I am positive that someone you read about in our “Meet the locals”
section will one day have you glued to the TV on a final day.
The Open, the likes of Rory McIlroy, Rickie Fowler, Adam Scott, Justin Rose and more world-class players were in attendance at the ‘Sergio and Friends’ event in Switzerland, and his contemporaries were quick to add their voices to the abundance of admiration that has flooded Stenson’s way from
across the globe in the wake of his incredible victory. Spain’s Sergio Garcia finished with a total of -4 for the tournament and tied 5th alongside Rory McIlroy and Tyrell Hatton. Miguel Angel Jimenez managed to make it into the top 20 with an overall score of level par after the four days play. I
also would like to mentioned one of our young locals, Scott Fernandez who managed to qualify for the event and played in his first ever career major. The Ice Man, ever the consummate pro, Henrik Stenson, Open Champion, Major winner, we salute you.
American Jimmy Walker wins his first major with a oneshot victory at the US PGA Championship at Baltusrol.
This year’s Open Championship turned out to be one of the most memorable in golfing history. In years to come people will remember where they witnessed the duel between Stenson and Mikelson much like people remember the duel in the sun. Legendary Tom Watson even said that Henrik Stenson and Phil Mickelson’s Open battle at Troon was of a higher quality than his ‘Duel in the Sun’ with Jack Nicklaus in 1977. The Golfing great himself, Nicklaus, said his celebrated final round with Watson at Turnberry “was really good, theirs was even better”. Five-time Open champion Watson, 66, agreed with his fellow golfing great. “They played better golf than Jack and I did, It was very similar, in that two men were fighting it out at the end but what Henrik did was absolutely remarkable. The way he played was terrific. And the way
Mickelson made those key par putts on 12 and 17 to keep him in it, was vintage Mickelson.” Stenson, who broke a plethora of long-standing records during his three-shot win in Scotland, went toe-to-toe with five-time Major winner Phil Mickelson in a thrilling final-day duel as the Swede carded a Sunday 63 to equal the lowest round in Major history, while his 264 aggregate score was also the lowest ever in a Major Championship. The 40 year old is widely regarded as one of the European Tour’s greatest characters and is if to further exemplify his class, Stenson travelled straight from Ayrshire to Switzerland – with Claret Jug in tow – for a prearranged commitment to play in a Sergio Garcia Foundation charity day at Golf Club Bad Ragaz. Following an epic 145th edition of
American Jimmy Walker wins his first major with a one-shot victory at the US PGA Championship at Baltusrol. The 37-year-old closed with a bogey-free three-under-par 67 to hold off Australia’s world number one Jason Day to win on 14 under. American Daniel Summerhays was third on 10 under, while Open champion Henrik Stenson faded with a 71 to finish joint seventh on eight under.”It is surreal, an incredible finish,” said Walker, ranked 48th in the world. England’s Tyrrell Hatton (68) and Paul Casey (67) ended on seven under. For the first time since 2011, all four of the year’s majors have been claimed by first-time winners. England’s Danny Willett won the Masters in April, American Dustin Johnson took the US Open in June, while Swede Stenson won the Open two weeks ago. He opened his week with a five-under 65 to lead the tournament and followed it with a 66 to hold the halfway lead on nine under with American Robert Streb. Walker did not play on Saturday, when the threat of storms forced play to
be abandoned but returned with 49 others on Sunday morning for round three. He carded a 68 to take a one-shot lead over defending champion Day, who had shot a 67, into the afternoon’s final round. Walker holed half-a-dozen putts of between three and five feet as he opened with nine straight pars to reach the turn on 11 under. He then pitched in from a bunker on the 10th for a birdie and followed that with a 30-foot putt on the next to get to 13 under. A run of five
pars was ended by a third birdie on the par-five 17th, but it turned out to be a more nervy finish than Walker would have hoped for. With a three-shot lead on the last, he opted for the safety of an iron off the tee. But then Day rolled in a 14-foot eagle putt to close the deficit to one and Walker then hit his second shot into greenside rough. He chipped his third to 35 feet and had two putts for the win, eventually holing from three feet to seal the victory and to claim his first major title.
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Meet the Locals
ith our summer being the middle of the professional golf season, most of the Pros who live or practise in The Costa del Sol are busy playing in tournaments across the world. Some of our local boys and girls are plying their trade on the respective tours they qualified for. I decided to send a short series of questions to all the golfers so you could read a mini interview with each one and
perhaps get to know the locals a little bit better. Here is just a handful of responses that I think will make a fun and interesting insight into the minds of the different golfers and you will be surprised at how similar they are. 1. Where are you from? 2. First memory of golf 3. When did you start playing, living or practising in the Costa del Sol?
Adam Sagar - North Yorkshire, England 4. What made you move/train/ 5. 6. 7. 8.
live in the Costa del Sol? What is your greatest golfing moment? What has been your best achievement lately golf or Non golf? What is your future goals and dreams What is your favourite course/ memory/experience in the Costa del Sol?
Ross Kellett - Motherwell, Scotland Watching the Masters on BBC was my first memories and what made me want to play golf. 2009 was my first trip to play on the Costa del Sol. I now spend a few months of my winter practicing there each year as the weather is the best in Europe, the courses are very accommodating and the way of life is fantastic. Winning as a Professional on the Alps Tour in Italy in 2012 was a moment to remember. My goal is to compete regularly on the European Tour. Favourite course on the Costa Del Sol is Real Club de Golf Las Brisas. I have had fantastic support from Aberdeen Asset Management, Blue Group Machinery and The Paul Lawrie Foundation . Hope this helps Calum Rossco Rossco failed to mention that he is
currently playing on The Challenge Tour where he finished in fifth place at the most recent event in France, a week after shooting an incredible career low tournament score of
-11 (60) at the event in La Gomera Spain. Ross Kellett is going to be a huge name in the future. You can follow Ross’s progress on the European Tour's Website.
Scott Fernandez - Granada, Spain
My first memory was being on the driving range with my dad. I first played golf in the Costa del Sol when I was 8 years old in the Andalucian junior tour. I remember playing my first tournament in Guadalhorce par 3 course. The golf courses along the coast are always in great shape. There are so many kinds of designs. This is great to keep your game in shape. My greatest golfing moment was hitting the first shot at the Open at Royal Troon last month. Great memory that I will always have to look back on. I am really happy to get my college degree in the States. I graduated with a degree in Marketing from Iowa State University. My goal is playing at the highest level of golf. Having both my PGA and European tour cards. And why not a major victory.
Playing The Spanish European tour Open at the great course of Valderrama. It was a memorable week because it's the national tournament and playing it as a professional my first year was an honour. I am very thankful for the support that week. I would like to thank the Spanish pro team, Ping and Titleist for the equipment support. Hope this helps Cal, call me if there is anything else you need. I met Scott when he played on the Gecko tour and since the end of the season I have followed Scott as he played at Valderrama GC as part of the Spanish Team alongside Sergio Garcia and the boys. I then witnessed Scott qualify alongside Colin Montgomerie for The Open. Follow him on The European Tour website. Good luck buddy.
My first memory of golf would be watching Tigers first masters. I started practicing in Costa del Sol in 2001, whilst on holiday and have been coming here ever since to train because of the weather. My greatest golfing moment would be when I met Tiger Woods in the 2002 WGC at Valderrama. My greatest achievement lately would be the 64 round I shot at El Paraiso during the Andalucía PGA event. The 64 featured 9 birdies. My future goal is to get my European tour card at Q school this year and then keep it next year. My favourite courses are The San Roque Club & Sotogrande as both are an absolute pleasure to play, My all-time favourite memory would be meeting Seve Ballesteros at The San Roque club when he gave a junior clinic to all the kids in the area. My biggest sponsor is JyskeBank Gibraltar and Wrightile Ltd in Chorleywood, England. Recently I have played on The Mena tour all over the world. Dubai, Morocco, Spain, Thailand
and South Africa. I also went to chile & Argentina this year for PGA Latin American but sadly missed getting a card by 1 shot. Interesting fact about me is I like to dress up as superheroes when I play. Match my outfit and colours to the head cover of the day, I dress as Ironman, Batman, Superman, Captain America, The Flash, the Incredible Hulk, The Riddler, The Joker and Spider-Man.
Rocco Draper Sanjust - Rome, Italy My first memory of playing golf was on a video game as a 5 year old with my grandfather who loved golf. I started my Pro career in the Costa del Sol on The Gecko Tour in October 2015. Calum was there when I played my first Pro event. I now spend most of my winters in the Estepona area. Being able to practice with good weather in winter and compete against strong fields on the Gecko Tour is vital if I wish to compete at the highest level. My best achievement so far was finishing 3rd at the Sotogrande Masters on the Mena Tour at La Reserva. This summer season I am playing on The Mena Tour. I have played solid for the first part of the season and I am looking forward to the second part and main tournaments starting September 7th. Short term goal is to finish in the top 5 on Mena Tour and get a Sunshine Tour card. My long term goal is to play in Majors. My happiest memory is probably making my first cut in my first pro event at Torrequebrada holing a curly downhill 15 footer on 18 hole for birdie. My favorite courses in Spain are The San Roque Club and La Reserva GC. Fattoria Petrolo, my family's winery has been my biggest sponsor and support. What's going on buddy!! How are you?? I'm in Denmark for the Made
in Denmark qualifier! When's new book coming out?? I wanna buy a signed copy!! I was at Rocco’s debut professional tournament and I have watched him grow as a player over the last few years. Taking third place at La Reserva was a fantastic achievement as Rocco was playing against a really strong field. A week after the Sotogrande Masters was the Spanish open. Rocco had to beat many golfers who had qualified for the event and where using The Sotogrande Masters as a warm up. Rocco beat a number of European tour players that event. Rocco is surely destined for great things in the future and I am proud to say that he has become a very good personal friend of mine.
Follow our local golfing talent in The Resident as they compete across the globe. For regular updates visit
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Anton Nilsson - Karlskrona, Sweden My first memory of golf was when I won a match play tournament. Aged 11 years old playing against 13-16 year eold guys. I was wearing orange pants just like Rickie Fowler does nowadays. Three years ago, I followed my coach to San Roque for one week and then I headed to Marbella for two weeks and played in two events on the Gecko Tour. I have now been coming to the Costa del Sol for the last 3 winters. The main reason is for the weather. Sweden is really cold during the winter so it's impossible to make good practice. I like to compete all year so it is also because of the Gecko Tour. My greatest moment was during the Nordic Golf League Q-school 2013. I made an ace to take the lead on the ninth hole. That was really cool. I played a small tournament on my home club two weeks ago and made 8 birdies and 2 eagles in one round. My future goals are to be able to play golf for a living, create a family, enjoy life and have fun. Two years ago I played Valderrama GC on my birthday. That was
amazing. That is definitely one of the best courses I have ever played! Definitely my parents have been my biggest support. Anton and his parent are fantastic friendly people. I have watched Anton over the last few seasons and he has undoubtedly got stronger and better. His name is starting to appear on the Gecko Tour leader boards more frequently. I also had the pleasure of playing golf with Anton and the Swedish team on my recent birthday and he is a great guy who hits the ball a mile. Another one for the future.
The Med Golf Club Established in 1992 by a small group of golfers in Gibraltar The Med Golf Club was setup to provide a friendly society offering members golf insurance and discounts on the top courses in the area as well as monthly professionally run but fun competitions on different local courses, backed up by major sponsors enabling us to offer great prizes & crystal trophies. The society developed into a business as Med Golf received more interest from overseas golfers, keen to enjoy the golf rates we could offer. Med Golf Holidays was born and is now a key player in the Gibraltar, Costa del Sol and southern Andalucía region for luxury golf breaks including golf holidays in Marbella and Sotogrande. Andy Hunter is one of the founding directors of Med Golf, a keen golfer himself and a stickler for
detail and quality assurance. John Hunter is also a founding director of the company and single figure handicap golfer. John has an eye for a quality golf course and lists his favourite courses in the area as San Roque, Sotogrande, La Reserva & Finca Cortesin, all of which now feature in our packages. Andy pointed out "Med Golf is a family business and we think of our
members as our extended family, we pride ourselves on a friendly service, we really believe our club and our tournaments have the warmest welcome and the biggest smile! Besides Med Golf John & I have opened 7 successful bars & restaurants in Gibraltar over the last 25 years, we can now offer our members discounts in each of these bars, all included in their £40 membership annual membership."
Med Golf Jyske Bank Trophy
Caddies Corner In this month’s “Caddies Corner” I would like to introduce you all to a local Sabinillas resident called John Hort. I have had the pleasure of John’s company on many occasions and he never ceases to amuse me with his stories from the years he spent caddying. In future editions I will be sharing with you some incredibly funny stories from his life on the European tour but for now I would just like to introduce you to a man who has lived a life that I still dream of living. John was Born in Healesville Victoria Australia in 1953. He started caddying in 1987 for Brett Ogle at The Australian Open. In 1988 he came to caddie on The European Tour and during his caddie career amassed fourteen tournament victories. Nine victories were with Ogle, Three with Pierre Fulke, one with Stephen Leaney and one with Damien McGrane. On the bag of Pierre Fulke, John won the end of season 2000 Volvo Masters at Montecastillo then finished 2nd in The World Matchplay in Melbourne which got the pair into the Ryder Cup team which was cancelled that year because 9/11. John Caddied in the Ryder Cup team under the captaincy of Sam Torrance in 2002 and his player had a putt to win the cup but missed. Two minutes later McGinley holed the winning putt. “I have had many highlights, but winning The Pebble Beach Pro-am 1993 with Ogle and winning The Volvo Masters with Fulke were pretty awesome.” The last event John caddied at was The Scottish Open 2013. That same year he turned 60 in June, retired in July, got married for the 1st time in September and moved to Sabinillas. “It was a very dramatic change of life but I always loved the area as we came here often for Valderrama and other events and being Aussie I love the warmth.” Basic career 1987 - 1993 Brett Ogle 1993 - 2005 Pierre Fulke 2005 - 2013 Damien McGrane.
The Jyske Bank Trophy was held on Sunday 17th July at The San Roque Club New Course and I was delighted to be one of 85 players who contested the event. A very large contingent of San Roque Club members lead by their ladies captain, (Mary Flavin) played the event. All the San Roque Club Members and the other guests that played on the day became Med Golf members for a year. Thank You John Hunter for the generous inclusion to the club. The weather was as you would expect on an Andalusian summers morning. Blue skies and sunshine was the backdrop to the cork tree lined San Roque Club's fairways. Jyske Bank, sponsors of The Med Golf Order of Merit, Adam Sagar and my sports section were also the main sponsors of the day and added a host of additional prizes along with an after golf cocktail party. I had the pleasure of playing alongside Javi Hunter who although is still at school managed to beat
me. Soren “The Sandman” Koefoed from Jyske bank entertained us by hitting every bunker on the course and Steve a local resident from Alcaidesa who was a better wine drinking partner than golfer. With such great company it didn’t matter how well you played it was still a fantastic golf day with brilliant company. The winner of The Jyske Bank Trophy was Louis Calvente 37 points. Other prizes were won as follows: Best gross score was won by Chris Warren with a score of 85. Best pairing was Louis Calvente and Douglas Casciaro with a combined score of 68 points. The best guest was Debbie Richards with a score of 33 points. The best lady was also Debbie Richards on handicap. Giovanna Wright was second also with 33 points. The best 4 ball group was Louis Calvente, Douglas Casciaro, Nicky Sanchez and Dermot Keelan with
a joint score of 121 points. The worst 4 ball group was Joe Peńalver, Ian Wood and Paul Mosen with a joint score of 81 (the average score of the 3 ball was added as the 4th player). The nearest the pin winners were: Ian McNee (see below), Jonathan Rix, David MacGregor and Stephen Morley. Tim Mitchell won nearest the pin in 2 on a par 4. Winner of nearest the pin in 3 on a par 5 was Peter Lenderyou. Jyske Bank positioned Anders Ostergaard on the par 3 4th hole offering a sleeve of balls to anyone that could get closer to the pin than his ball. Things were going well until Ian McNee hit the green and in one bounce was in the hole for one. The initial euphoria was rapidly tempered by the sobering thought of satisfying 85 thirsty golfers at the bar. However, so generous were the sponsored free drinks that no one was left at the bar in the end. Phew!!
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
Dean’s Sports Fishing moves to Duquesa Port The Atlantic and Mediterranean shorelines are ideal for fishing and Dean's Fishing Holidays provide everything required for a day of open sea fishing. Fishing for swordfish, Yellowfin and Red Fin Tuna is a spectacular experience and has been immortalised in several feature films. You can try your hand at this sport from July to September in the Bay of Cádiz. Also some great shark fishing provides good entertainment. True enthusiasts will compete for various trophies awarded by competitions organised throughout summer but amateurs can also try their luck with Dean's Fishing Holidays. Dean's Fishing Holidays are in a popular area for fishing. The sea off the coast of Andalucia is abundant with marine life. This is mainly due to the constant inflow of water from the Atlantic Ocean to make up for the evaporation from the Mediterranean. This mix of waters seems to create an ideal environment to encourage marine life to flourish.
which is fully included in the price for all tours. We also have a cabin fitted with a separated double bedroom, which is available for an afternoon siesta, there are also leather seats and a
“What a Day !!!!! Definitely NO Stress” Fantastic day out, great Fishing, Brilliant Skipper, very knowledgeable and very patient helped everybody from the guys who deep sea fished before to the first timers , All Tackle and bait supplied was top notch and the boat was awesome. Thanks for making it a brilliant day el capitano Dean Dean also offers half day or full day boat charters along the coast of Costa del Sol, Spain including cruising down to Gibraltar where we regularly encounter the various types of Marine Life swimming alongside the boat. Sunbathing, swimming, food and champagne are included on these tours.
Casares Footgolf Club
The Atlantic and Mediterranean shorelines are ideal for cruising along in the sun and Dean's Fishing Holidays provide everything required for a day of cruising. The boat is fitted with a fresh hot and cold shower for cooling off or washing after a swim. There is always an icebox full of beer,
Pharmacueticals to Fairways (Rock Hard Caddie)
Footgolf combines Football and golf and is based closely on the rules of golf. Unlike Golf, footgolf is played with just one's feet and a size five football, rather than with a club and a golf ball. The game originated in Holland, where the first organized tournament was held in 2008, and now the game is played in over 50 countries. Groups can play 9 or 18 holes at the Casares Footgolf, or play more than 18 at no extra cost. It's a brilliant game for families to play together and children under 16 do need to be accompanied by adult, per golf course rules. The family that kicks together, sticks together!! Just 10 euros for kids and 20 for adults which includes bottled water and your rented football. Gareth Morcombe is the Director
multi music system. Dean will ensure that you have a relaxing and enjoyable time. Make sure to mention that you are a friend of The Resident to get a discounted rate.
of the sport at Casares Footgolf. Gareth is a member of the Irish National Footgolf Team with whom he competed at the 2016 World Cup in Argentina in January. Gareth and his team offer a free introduction and warm up with new groups and he is also available for longer lessons and instructional rounds. Sun-Wed from 1530, call to book to avoid delays. Other times available for groups of 6 or more on request. Full service family restaurant, bar and cafe on site at the "Brasserie" as well as changing rooms with showers and gym. For more information contact: Gareth Morcombe Director, Casares FootGolf Club Tel: (34) 952 88 77 96
Calum's books are available at The Bookshop, Sabinillas, as well as on Amazon either in paperbook or for Kindle.
Tell us about your sporting event or club
Dean with an 8 kg Red Snapper caught just outside Duquesa port
+++ UP COMING EVENTS +++ The Masters 2016 sponsored by Diamond Construction, Jyske Bank, Land Rover & Lavazza San Roque Old Course Course August 20th 2016 Full details:
THE RESIDENT Agosto - August 2016
VI Carrera Corruco de Manilva El Club de Atletismo de Manilva en colaboración con el Departamento de Deportes del Ayuntamiento, ha anunciado la fecha de la “VI Carrera Popular Corruco”, que se celebrará el sábado 20 de agosto a partir de las 19:00 horas. Existen varias categorías, y la carrera principal tiene un recorrido de 6 kilómetros a través de Sabinillas, Duquesa y Castillo. El registro está abierto hasta la medianoche del 14 de agosto del 2016. La participación está limitada a 550 corredores, así que se aconseja inscribirse lo antes posible en Se entregarán camisetas, trofeos y premios para los participantes.
VI Manilva ‘Corruco’ Road Race
The Dubliner bar opens in Sabinillas and brings with it the DOGS golf society A new addition to the restaurants and bars along the paseo in Sabanillas is The Dubliner Irish Bar and Restaurant. Following on from the success of the first Dubliner that opened in 2015 in Torreguadiaro, the gourmet Irish bar has recently opened next to the statue in the Paseo de Sabinillas. A relaxed air-conditioned bar area is a perfect place to sit and watch sport on the huge HD TV screens. If you prefer to people watch then you can sit outside on the terrace and gaze over the beach volley ball courts, out to the ocean. The food at The Dubliner is not what you would expect from a traditional Irish pub. The beefy stews have been replaced with Tapas dishes for the less hungry and steaks for the more so. Being an established Irish bar in
the Sotogrande area, most of the patrons are all golfing enthusiasts. The DOGS will be organising future golfing events followed by a reception back at the bar. The next DOGS event will be taking place in August to coincide with the official opening evening of the Sabinillas Dubliner. Details to follow shortly on The Dubliner website and facebook page.
Manilva’s Athletics Club in collaboration with the Town Hall Sport Department has announced the date for the ‘VI Carrera Popular Corruco Race’ which will be held on Saturday 20 August from 7 pm. There are a number of categories with the main race taking in some 6 kms through Sabinillas, Duquesa and Castillo. Registration is open up until midnight on August 14, 2016. Participation is limited to 550 runners so get your registration
Tell us about your sporting event or club
in as soon as possible at www. There are T-shirts, trophies and prizes for competitors. The categories are as follows: Pre Benjamin Girls and Boys born in 2009 and later. This race is over 400 m and sets off at 7 pm. Benjamin Girls and Boys born in 2007/2008. 400 m and sets off at 7 pm. Alevin Girls and Boys born in 2005/2006. 800 m and sets off at 7.15 pm. Infantil Girls and Boys born in 2003/2004. 800 m and sets off at 7.15 pm. Cadete Girls and Boys born in 2001/2002. 6 km and sets off at 8 pm. Junior Girls and Boys born from 1997 to 2000. 6 km and sets off at 8 pm. Senior Men and Women born from 1982 to 1996. 6 km and sets off at 8 pm. Veterans A Men and Women born from 1970 to 1981. 6 km and sets off at 8 pm. Veterans B Men and Women born from 1960 to 1969. 6 km and sets off at 8 pm. Veterans C Men and Women born in 1959 and before. 6 km and sets off at 8 pm.
Pay us a visit and let our great team of professionals attend to you. Ask for our no obligation quotation
Calle Ramรณn y Cajal, no 4 29692 Sabinillas, (Mรกlaga) Tels.: 952 89 12 95 651 01 22 15 607 55 54 88 www.