The Resident September 2010

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No.49 17 SEPT - 16 OCT 2010 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006





Ampliación Biblioteca Municipal de Estepona Chiringuito Ramos

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Fresh fish, seafood, fast food & children’s menu Sunbeds & Umbrellas available for hire



Specialists in Fresh Fish & Seafood Specialists in Paella C/Marques de Larios 8 Sabinillas For Reservations call: 952 890 216

Estepona Library improvements completed El próximo lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010, tendrá lugar a partir de las 13:00 h. el acto de inauguración de la ampliación de la Biblioteca Municipal del Centro Cultural Padre Manuel. Esta nueva sala cuenta con 3.000 libros de consulta, 100 revistas especializadas y 12 nuevos puestos de conexión a Internet. Se encuentra en la segunda planta del Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, albergada en unas amplias instalaciones de 385 metros cuadrados, equipadas con un nuevo y moderno mobiliario específico, nuevas estanterías y puntos de lectura de revistas especializadas.

Monday 20 September at 1 pm sees the inauaguration of the Estepona municipal library’s new enlarged facilities. Situated in the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre the new room will have some 3,000 books, 100 specialist magazine and 12 new internet points. Situated on the second floor of the Centro Cultural Padre Manuel the 385 square metres have been equipped with new and modern fixtures and fittings, etc.




The Resident -

Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L. Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Rafael Galán Ronald Rosenfeld Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris

Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Distasa

Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.

EDITORIAL Bienvenidos lectores a la edición de este mes del periódico The Resident, que por cierto es nuestro cuarto aniversario. Como habréis comprobado durante estos años, no somos los que tocamos triunfalmente “la trompeta” y haciendo exageraciones sobre el periódico, preferimos mantenernos al margen y hacer nuestro trabajo lo mejor posible, y dejar a la publicación hablar por sí misma. ¡Pero sólo esta vez nos daremos unas palmaditas en la espalda y nos felicitaremos por el trabajo bien hecho! Bueno, hemos sobrevivido otro verano más. Soy consciente que no debería estar tan contento de que la mayoría de los turistas hayan regresado a casa, después de todo, la mayoría de nosotros dependemos directamente o indirectamente de estos visitantes por sus inversiones y debido a los tiempos que corren los necesitamos más que nunca, pero terminado el mes de Agosto y empezando Septiembre se siente esa tranquilidad de que todo vuelve a su sitio, y no tienes que esperar por una mesa en tu bar o restaurante preferido, y sobre todo porque podemos encontrar aparcamiento con facilidad. Los padres nos relajamos también ya que nuestros hijos han vuelto al colegio. He prometido a mis hijos no estar tan contento por la vuelta a sus estudios, pero si me veis por la calle en un par de semanas con satisfacción en mi cara, sabréis el porqué. De momento estamos en un periodo de transición entre el verano y el resto del año. Mientras los turistas veraniegos nos abandonan, el invierno empieza y muchas actividades de otoño e invierno estarán a punto de empezar. Asegúrese de visitar nuestra página para consultar eventos y actividades. A nivel personal, los lectores de la revista Andalucía Life pueden que hayan visto que recientemente su editor Nick me ha mencionado como que yo también soy aficionado a la agricultura, ya que tengo arrendado un pequeño huerto, igual que él. Vale, levanto mis manos y lo admito. Mi nombre es Gary Beaumont y dedico mi tiempo libre a la agricultura, ahí está, ¡Mi secreto ha sido revelado! Ahora, si alguien quiere mis berenjenas, tengo cientos de ellas….. Saludos. Ed

AGENDA - DIARY 19.09.2010 XX Feria Canina de ADANA 20th ADANA Dog Show - Estepona 22.09.2010 Sesión Informativa - Estepona Information session 24.09.2010 Zarzuela - Estepona Opera 02.10.2010 Talk by Lord George Carey Estepona 08.10.2010 Día de tapa - Manilva Tapas day 12.10.2010 Día de Hispanidad - Fiesta nacional Hispanic day - National holiday

Welcome readers to this month’s issue of The Resident, which is our fourth birthday issue. As you will have gathered over the years we are not ones to blow our own trumpet, and make exaggerated claims about the paper, preferring to “quietly get on with the job” and let the publication speak for itself. But just this once we will give ourselves a hearty slap on the back for a job well done! Well we’ve survived another summer. I know I shouldn’t feel so happy that the majority of the tourist hordes have returned home, after all most of us rely either directly or indirectly on these visitors for their economic input and in these current difficult times we need them more than ever, but come the end of August, beginning of September there is a sense of relief when things have returned to normal and you don’t have to fight for a table at your favourite bar or restaurant, and parking spaces become available once more. Parents too will be heaving a sigh of relief now that the children are back to school. I have promised my kids that I won’t take such delight in their return to their studies, but if you see me in the street over the next couple of weeks with a kind of smug look of content on my face you’ll know why At the moment, we are in something of a transition period between the summer season and the rest of the year. Whilst the summer visitors have left us the winter shift are just beginning to return and many of the autumn and winter activities are yet to start. Make sure you check out The Resident website at for events and activities as they are announced. On a personal level readers of the Andalucia Life magazine might have seen that I was recently ‘outed’ by the editor Nick as a fellow allotment holder. OK I’ll hold my hands up and admit it - ‘my name is Gary Beaumont, and I’m a gardener’ there it is, out in the open now - my secret revealed. Now if anyone wants any aubergines I’ve got hundreds of the bloody things... Best regards Ed.

anúnciese con the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

Manilva Life Business Directory Manilva Life has been serving residents and visitors to the western Costa del Sol for over five and a half years and is the essential reference source for news, information and services, as well as being a popular meeting place for people to make friends, ask questions and share their experiences through its busy message boards. The website receives around a thousand visitors every day, many of whom are regulars. Manilva Life is also recognised by Manilva’s local authorities as the official English language website for the area, and enjoys first page position for many search terms on the major search engines, including number one spot for ‘Manilva’ on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Manilva Life has a range of very attractive advertising options for local businesses. Visit Manilva Life now at and stay in touch with your community!

San Roque

The Resident -


Un total de 72 establecimientos participan en el III Maratón “Valle Gastronómico”, que cuenta con jugosos premios

III Gastronomic Marathon

Un total de 72 bares y restaurantes participan en el III Maratón “Valle Gastronómico”, la ruta culinaria de Guadiaro, Pueblo Nuevo, San Enrique, Sotogrande, Torreguadiaro, San Roque Club y Alcaidesa que se celebrará entre los días 15 y 30 de septiembre. Como ocurrió en las dos citas anteriores, esta iniciativa de la Delegación Municipal de Turismo y de la Tenencia de Alcaldía del Distrito Guadiaro tiene como aliciente el sorteo de numerosos premios. Por barriadas, la distribución de los establecimientos es la siguiente: quince negocios de Pueblo Nuevo, trece de Guadiaro, siete de Sotogrande, doce del Puerto de Sotogrande, el Club de Golf Alcaidesa, quince de Torreguadiaro, cinco de San Enrique y cuatro de San Roque Club. El Alcalde de San Roque, Fernando Palma explicó la mecánica del III Maratón “Valle Gastronómico”. “Se trata -dijode que los vecinos y visitantes conozcan estos negocios y que consuman en ellos. Se repartirán a lo largo de todo el municipio unos folletos que, una vez en cualquiera de estos establecimientos, se les sellará y tendrán que rellenar con sus nombres y apellidos. Tan sólo tendrán que consumir en dos de estos bares o restaurantes para poder participar en el sorteo”.

A total of 72 bars and restaurants are participating in this month’s III Gastronomic Marathon, following the culinary route known locally as the “Gastronomic Valley” covering Guadiaro, Pueblo Nuevo, San Enrique, Sotogrande, Torreguadiaro, San Roque Club and Alcaidesa, and which will be celebrated from the 15 to 30 September. San Roque’s mayor, Fernando Palma, explained how the marathon works “to participate people should pick up one of the leaflets that can be found at various places and when frequenting one of the participating establishments the consumer should ask for the leaflet to be stamped. Participants need only collect stamps from any two bars or restaurants to be eligible for entry in the draw”. The distribution of bars and restaurants taking part is: 15 in Pueblo Nuevo, 13 in Guadiaro, 7 in Sotogrande, 12 in Sotogrande Port, Alcaidesa Golf Club, 15 in Torreguadiaro, 5 in San Enrique and 4 at San Roque Club. Prizes include a 2 night stay for 2 persons in a 4 star hotel, 2 nights for 2 persons in a number of San Roque hotels, spa days, green fees at Alcaidesa Golf Club and La Cañada Golf Club, 4x4 safari and kayaking, case of wine, various lunches, dinners, etc at the participating bars and restaurants.

El primer premio consiste en dos noches para dos personas en un hotel de cuatro estrellas para dos personas. Los segundos premios son estancias de dos noches de hotel para dos personas en la zona de San Roque, además de cuatro bonos de entrada de spa para dos personas en un circuito de aguas

en Elysium Spa, green fees cortesía de Club de Golf Alcaidesa y Club de Golf Municipal La Cañada, una ruta de 4x4 y kayak y una caja de vinos Rioja Reserva. Finalmente, los terceros premios serán un total de 72 almuerzos, cenas o tapeos para dos personas, cortesía de los bares y restaurantes participantes.

El Pleno de la Corporación decide las fiestas Urbanart - un programa de formación juvenil a través del graffiti y el muralism locales de 2011 La corporación Municipal, en una sesión extraordinaria y urgente celebrada recientemente, ha decidido por unanimidad las fiestas locales a disfrutar en 2011. En concreto, se trata de los días 27 de mayo y 12 de agosto. El segundo punto del Orden del Día , la moción de Concejala Delegada de Fiestas y Juventud sobre Fiestas Laborales para el año 2.011 se aprobó por unanimidad. Se explicó que la fiesta del aniversario

de la ciudad se trasladaba del 21 al 27 de mayo, ya que el sábado 21 era jornada de reflexión previa a las elecciones municipales, por lo que la realización de cualquier acto institucional podría ser ilegal. Igualmente, y dado que el lunes de resaca de la Feria cae en 15 de agosto, fiesta nacional, la fiesta local se traslada al viernes 12.

San Roque sets next year’s local holidays In a recent council session San Roque’s governing body set the local holidays for the municipality for the year 2011. The second point on the order of the day dealt with a motion by the Councillor for Fiestas and Youth regarding these holidays and was approved by unanimous decision. Specifically the local holiday celebrating the anniversary of the founding of San

Roque will be moved from the 21 to 27 Mayo. The reason for the change is that the 21 is the ‘Day of Reflection’ prior to the local elections and any official acts on that day are prohibited by law. Equally the local holiday which traditionally follows the Summer Fair falls on the 15 August which is a national holiday and therefore has been moved to Friday 12 August.

El Ayuntamiento de San Roque y la empresa Cepsa colaboran para poner en marcha Urbanart San Roque, una iniciativa que busca fomentar los valores cívicos entre los jóvenes y potenciar su creatividad a través del muralismo y el graffiti. Se trata de una serie de talleres y charlas que tendrán como colofón la realización de murales en diversos espacios sanroqueños, destacando el muro de la Refinería. Estos trabajos competirán en un certamen y se mostrarán en la feria Creativa Cádiz. Urbanart consistirá en una serie de talleres para jóvenes, técnicos municipales y responsables de asociaciones juveniles, a los que se impartirá formación relacionado con el muralismo y el graffiti, con el resultado final de actuaciones de muralismo en el entorno urbano y peri-urbano de San Roque. Todo ello desembocará en el Primer Certamen de Expresión Joven

Urbanart San Roque, cuyos bocetos se mostrarán en el área de Artes Plásticas de la Feria Provincial de la Creatividad, “Creativa Cádiz”. Durante su desarrollo se impartirán conferencias en los diez colegios y los cinco institutos de San Roque, que versarán sobre el uso del espacio público, la cultura urbana, el muralismo en general y el graffiti. Se informará también sobre lo que se está haciendo en otras ciudades y países para prevenir el vandalismo y ordenar el uso del espacio público. Tras esta formación, los jóvenes actuarán en distintos muros del municipio, utilizando distintas técnicas plásticas. El muro del recinto de la Refinería, de 2,5 kilómetros de largo, será el espacio que centrará el mayor número de actividades. Para realizar estos trabajos se utilizarán 1.200 botes de spray y 600 kilos de pintura acrílica exterior.

Urbanart - a programme of youth development through the medium of graffiti San Roque Town Hall in collaboration with Cepsa have initiated a new youth programme entitled Urbanart which seeks to develop civic values and creativity through graffiti and mural painting. A series of workshops will culminate with the execution of murals in various places in San Roque, including the Cepsa refinery’s 2.5 km of walls, which will compete for a prize the arts fair “Creative Cadiz”. The workshops and lectures will be delivered at primary and secondary schools

throughout the municipality, and will focus on the responsible use of public space, urban culture, murals and graffiti. The students will learn about methods used in other towns and countries to combat vandalism. Following this instruction the students will create artistic pieces on various walls in the town using different techniques and materials. It is anticipated that some 1200 aerosol paint cans, and 600 kilos of acrylic paint will be used in the project.



The Resident -


MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 Móvil: 657 96 03 47 C/. Miguel Delibes - Edif. Sabina Playa 3 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)

LA BODEGA DEL GENAL (Near the statue in Sabinillas)

El Ayuntamiento habilitará aparcamientos donde se ubicaba la Cruz Roja en el Castillo Las delegaciones de Medio Ambiente e Infraestructura y Obras han proyectado para la zona de El Castillo de la Duquesa un nuevo lugar de estacionamientos de vehículos. En concreto, se trata del lugar donde se ubicaba el servicio de la Cruz Roja, junto a la N-340, que como se sabe, había dejado de prestar sus servicios desde hace algún tiempo. Por ello, los concejales Salvador Zotano y Mario Jiménez han apostado por acondicionar esa parcela de carácter municipal y realizar un aparcamiento. Esto supondrá ofrecer un servicio a la

ciudadanía que se necesitará cuando comiencen las obras en el paseo marítimo del Castillo. Los trabajos, que comenzaron hace una semana y finalizarán a principio de septiembre, están consistiendo en quitar la caseta, colocar un firme adecuado y delimitar el terreno para aparcamiento. También supondrá para la vía de servicio un desahogo y amplitud. El coste de estas actuaciones no supondrá un desembolso notable para las arcas municipales, ya que la están realizando operarios municipales.

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Town Hall create new parking area on the site of the old Cruz Roja post in Castillo Works have begun to transform the old Cruz Roja post in Castillo de la Duquesa into a much-needed car park serving Castillo and Puerto de la Duquesa. The project, which involves the demolition and clearing of the building,

along with surfacing and signage, is expected to be completed in the first half of September. Costs have been kept to a minimum as most of the work has been carried out by municipal employees.



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The Resident -

Comienzan los trabajos de reconstrucción de la zona de Monte Viñas Después de duros meses de negociación, reuniones y solicitudes, por fin la zona de Monte Viñas en Manilva ya puede ver cómo han comenzado los trabajos de reconstrucción de las viviendas y los viales que a consecuencia del temporal que azotó el municipio se vieron muy dañadas. Se trata, en primer lugar, de desescombrarlo todo para que los trabajos puedan iniciarse sin desperdicios o material inutilizable. Esta tarea supondrá unos diez días de trabajo. A partir de aquí comenzará el proceso de licitación pública para adjudicarlo a la empresa con mayores garantías y cuya oferta sea la más provechosa para todas

las partes. Una vez realizados estos trámites burocráticos, y que los técnicos han establecido que finalicen para el mes de noviembre, comenzarán las labores de pilotajes y reconstrucción de todo lo afectado. Salvador Zotano, concejal de Urbanismo, ha manifestado que gracias a las gestiones realizadas por el Ayuntamiento de Manilva, y la insistencia de la delegada provincial del Gobierno Andaluz, María Gámez, quien llegó a presenciar el desastre que había provocado el temporal, el Consorcio de Seguros pagará el 100% de las obras, que asciende a más de un millón de euros.


CLÍNICA DENTAL The Dental Surgery

Abierto / Open Desde / From


Hablamos We Speak


OFÉRTA - Revisión, Limpieza y Pulido GRATIS hasta Emergencías 24h 15 de Octubre SPECIAL OFFER FREE until the 15th Check-Up, Scaling of October and Polishing Emergencies Always Seen OFERTA Blanquamiento 300€ ahora 150€ OFFER Teeth Whitening was 300€ NOW 150€

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Edificio Bali, Planta 1, No. 8, Sabinillas


TAPAS VARIADAS RACIONES DESAYUNOS Reconstruction work begins at Monte Viñas After month’s of meetings, applications and negotiations, finally reconstruction work has begun at the Monte Viñas urbanisation in Manilva, which suffered serious damage during last winter’s downpours. The initial works involve the clearance of the damaged area to make way for reconstruction. Once this phase has been completed tenders will be examined and the contract will be awarded to the contractor that best fulfills all

Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Sabinillas - Manilva

Tel: 951 273 647 Email:

the criteria to the satisfaction of all parties involved. Initial piling operations are expected to commence at the end of November after which reconstruction work to all the properties and infrastructure will be carried out. Salvador Zotano, Councillor for Planning, has stated that 100% of the cost, amounting to over 1 million euros, will be borne by the Government Insurance Consortium.

Viaje a Isla Mágica La delegación de Juventud y Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha organizado para el próximo 25 de septiembre un viaje a Isla Mágica para toda aquella persona que quiera disfrutar en este parque de atracciones. Las plazas son limitadas y que para mayor

información o inscripción pueden dirigirse a la delegación sita junto al campo de fútbol de Manilva o llamando al teléfono 952891532. El precio incluirá el transporte y la entrada al recinto para disfrutar de cualquiera de sus atracciones.

Trip to Isla Magica Manilva’s Sports and Youth department have organised a trip to Seville’s Isla Magica amusement park on September 25. Places are limited and the price includes return transport as well as entrance to the

park. For more information and to book your place visit the department’s office next to the football ground in Manilva or call 952 891 532.


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For children aged 3 - 6 - Impressive new premises - Qualified teachers - Experience based learning - IT resources - Bilingual education

Centro Comercial San Roque Club, CN 340, Km 127, San Roque (Cádiz) TEL : 618655298 -


Manilva Delegacion de Extranjeros

The Resident -

Programas Actividades de Otoño 8 de Octubre Día de la tapa y presentación actividades Queremos invitar a todos los amigos y amigas que quieran compartir un rato agradable con nosotros, en uno de nuestros bares de Sabinillas. Daremos a conocer nuestro programa cargado de actividades de entretenimiento, con una gran variedad de eventos y viajes. Para ello todos los asistentes tendrán derecho a una consumición de un refresco, cerveza o copa de vino y una tapa. Se podrán recoger los tickets en la delegación de Residentes Extranjeros en el monumento del Castillo, en horario de oficina. Lugar: Lo de Andrés, plaza Vicente Espinel, Sabinillas Hora: 13:30 horas 16 de Octubre Interpretación del Moulin Rouge El Sábado 16 de Octubre a las 20:00 en el Pabellón de Usos Múltiples de Manilva, representarán el espectáculo, el musical Moulin Rouge, de una hora de duración, más de 30 artistas, que combina música en directo, baile, teatro y proyecciones, todo ello con una estética muy cuidada (decorados, vestuario, luminotecnia…) El IES Mar de Alborán de Estepona, llevan 5 años desarrollando una intensa labor educativa a través del trabajo artístico. Desarrollando el proyecto “Integración a través de la música”, que ha merecido la atención de la Fundación Obra Social La Caixa. Los jóvenes artistas son estudiantes de secundaria de entre 13 y 18 años, que han canalizado su vocación artística mediante

la creación de la asociación juvenil y compañía de baile Lollypop. En nuestro elenco de artistas se incluyen concursantes del programa televisivo “Fama” (Marta Matín, Fran Guerrero) y la ganadora del concurso nacional de canción “Veo Veo 2008” (Ana Cintrano), además de otros muchos chicos que atesoran un indudable talento y una enorme ilusión.

29 de Octubre. Viaje a Granada y visita a la Alhambra y el Generalife. 12 de Noviembre Cena Marroquí En el restaurante Marroquí “Jasmine”, podremos degustar una variedad de platos típicos de este increíble país donde la cocina es muy variada, rica y sencilla, debido a las diferentes étnias y culturas que han convivido en Marruecos.La gastronomía es un cúmulo de sabores diferentes, exquisitos y con aroma a especias. Podremos disfrutar de esta velada con las exóticas danzas de una bailarina.

Precio: 20€ por persona, incluye una variedad de platos típicos, una bebida, té y dulce. 25 de Noviembre Charla informativa Empadronamiento, Censo y Residencia 3 de Diciembre Viaje a Rute y Lucena (Córdoba) Ubicada al sur de la provincia de Córdoba, en plena comarca Subbética, en medio de una rica campiña de olivos y viñas, la ciudad de Lucena se presenta al visitante como una ciudad dinámica que atesora un rico patrimonio histórico y artístico herencia de un importante pasado judío, árabe y cristiano que la hicieron un próspero enclave conocido como ciudad de las tres culturas. En pleno centro de la ciudad se ubica también el Castillo del Moral, sede del Museo Arqueológico y Etnológico de la ciudad y Monumento Histórico Nacional donde estuvo prisionero el último rey de la Granada musulmana, Boabdil. Sus muros medievales sirven hoy de escenario a los sones de jazz, blues, música clásica y

12 de Diciembre Primer torneo de fútbol sala Interbar Villa de Manilva 17 de Diciembre Cena de Navidad Lugar: Amstrongs Restaurante Hora: 20:00 horas

Festival MamaBaobab - Castillo de la Duquesa

Viaje a Granada, Visita a la Alhambra


La Alhambra, denominada así por sus muros de color rojizo («qa’lat al-Hamra’», Castillo Rojo), está situada en lo alto de la colina de al-Sabika, en la margen izquierda del río Darro, al este de la ciudad, frente a los barrios del Albaicín y de la Alcazaba. Su posición estratégica, desde la que se domina toda la ciudad y la vega granadina, hace pensar que existían construcciones anteriores a la llegada de los musulmanes. Su conjunto, completamente amurallado, posee una forma irregular limitado al norte por el valle del Darro, al sur por el de la al-Sabika, y al este por la Cuesta del Rey Chico, que a su vez la separan del Albaicín y del Generalife, situado en el

La Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, informa que: Con motivo de las próximas elecciones locales, que se celebrarán el próximo mes de Mayo de 2011, para aquellas personas que deseen ejercer su derecho al voto, deben reunir los siguientes requisitos: 1. Estar empadronados en el municipio de Manilva (Manilva, Sabinillas y El Castillo, así como urbanizaciones de la localidad) 2. Solicitar la inscripción en el censo electoral, en la propia oficina del Padrón, sita en C/ Pío Baroja, Nº5, Local 2 en Sabinillas. 3. En caso de ya haber votado con anterioridad en cualquier municipio de España, no será necesario solicitar este derecho, ya que lo adquiere la primera vez y es para siempre. Como punto aclarativo para las personas con nacionalidad Noruega, ellos podrán votar siempre que tengan la residencia, NIE, en vigor y más de dos años de empadronamiento, también tendrán que solicitar el derecho al voto. Si alguna persona interesada en saber su situación personal, si está correctamente en el censo, empadronado, etc. Tiene que dirigirse personalmente con su identificación, pasaporte, DNI, NIE, en vigor, a la oficina del Padrón. Durante los meses sucesivos daremos una información más amplia, con fechas limites para revisiones o cualquier otra aclaración pertinente.

cerro del Sol. La visita guiada se hará durante toda la mañana, posteriormente iremos al centro de Granada sobre las 14.00 horas, a partir de esta hora hasta las 18.00 horas que regresaremos, tendremos tiempo libre para el almuerzo y compras. La inscripción se deberá de hacer antes del 15 de Octubre en la oficina del Castillo (monumento) y será efectiva con el resguardo de ingreso en el banco. Precio: 40€, incluye autobús, desayuno en ruta y visita guiada a la Alhambra, en ingles y español. Hora de salida: 07:30am Hora de regreso: 18.00pm

distintos festivales y actividades culturales que llenan de vida y color la ciudad a lo largo de todo el año. Rute Rute es conocido por su afamado anisado, aguardientes y licores artesanales, así como por la fabricación de dulces navideños, mantecados, hojaldres y piononos. Son importantes las chacinas del cerdo, además del aceite de oliva, fundamental en la cocina autóctona ruteña. Cabe destacar el Museo del Turrón de productos Garrido, dónde podrán visitar una exposición con los útiles y procesos de antaño, la planta de producción e incluso una degustación. Para la Navidad cuenta con un Nacimiento a tamaño real en chocolate.

Oficina Delegación de Extranjeros

Lugar: Monumento del Castillo,Castillo de la Duquesa. Horario:de 8:00 a 15:00 de Lunes a viernes Tlf. 952893548. Móvil: 663.96.96.36 e-mail: Puerto de la Duquesa - Oficina de Turismo: Horario: de 15:00 a 20:30 de Lunes a Viernes. 10:00 a 14:00 los Sábados Te esperamos para resolver cualquier duda.Trasládanos tus sugerencias. Toda la actualidad de Manilva en inglés : noticias, eventos, actividades,etc. En televisión Manilva Sábados 19:00h. Domingos 12:00h y 19:00h Web de interés:,

Manilva Foreigners Department

The Resident -


Programme of Autumn activities cuisine of this exotic country which draws on influences from many cultures. During the evening there will be a performance of traditional dance and the cost of 20 euros per person includes a variety of typical dishes, a drink, tea and dessert. 25 November Informative talk regarding registration and residencia

Once again Manilva’s Foreigners Department presents a programme of activities for the autumn months, which includes:

includes Marta Matín and Fran Guerrero, contestants from the TV show ‘Fama’, and Ana Cintrano, winner of the national song contest “Veo Veo 2008”.

8 October At 1.30 pm there will be a presentation of the events and activities for the autumn months followed by an opportunity to socialise and sample the wide range of tradtional tapas at the popular ‘Lo de Andrés’ situated the Plaza Vicente Espinel in Sabinillas. The first tapa and drink is free subject to presentation of your ticket which can be obtained from the Foreign Residents Department’s office in the Castle.

29 October Trip to Granada, Alhambra and Generalife Gardens

16 October Moulin Rouge On Saturday 16 October Manilva’s Pabellón de Usos Múltiples will be the venue for the musical spectacular ‘Moulin Rouge’ presented by students from Estepona’s IES Mar de Alborán. Combining music, dance, theatre and visual effects this event should not be missed. The school has spent 5 years hard work developing an educational programme of ‘integration through music’ which has attracted funding from La Caixa Social Work Foundation. The students range from 13 to 18 years of age and have channeled their activities through a youth association and dance company ‘Lollypop’. The cast

12 November Morrocan Dinner The Morrocan restaurant “Jasmine” in Sabinillas will host a Morrocan Dinner during which diners will be able to sample a variety of typical dishes representing the

3 December Trip to Rute and Lucena (Cordoba) Located in the South of the Province of Cordoba and set amongst the olive groves and vineyards, the town of Lucena boasts a rich Jewish, Christian and Moorish historical and artistic heritage and is known as the city of three cultures. In the centre of the town is the Castillo del Moral, home to the archaeological museum and a monument of national historic importance in which the last king of muslim Granada, Boabdil, was imprisoned. Its medieval walls now serve as the stage for numerous music festivals and cultural activities throughout the year. Rute is famous for its aniseed spirits and liqueurs as well as its christmas cakes and pastries. It is also known for its pork sausages and its olive oil as well as its nativity scene made entirely from chocolate.

Day of the Tourist - Puerto de la Duquesa

12 December First Manilva Interbar Indoor Football Tournament 17 December Christmas Dinner at Armstrongs Restaurant

Spanish and English lessons Enrolment is being invited for this year’s programme of language courses, namely - Spanish for Foreigners as well as English classes. All those interested should put their names down at the Foreign Residents office between 1 and 30 September

Information - Your right to vote With next May’s local elections beginning to loom, the Manilva Town Hall’s Foreign Residents Department would like to inform those persons wishing to vote that they must fulfill the following requirements: 1. You must be an EU citizen (or Norwegian) and be registered (empadronados) in the municipality of Manilva (Manilva, Sabinillas, Castillo de la Duquesa, and the various urbanisations within the municipal boundaries). 2. To register to vote visit the Padron Office in the Teniente de Alcaldia/Tourist Office, Calle Pío Baroja in Sabinillas. 3. If you have voted previously anywhere in Spain, you are automatically registered to vote. Norwegian nationals may register to vote providing they have residencia, NIE, and have been on the Padron for a minimum of 2 years. To check your personal status regarding voting you can visit the Padron Office with your passport/DNI/NIE and ask them to check for you. During the coming months we will provide more information on the forthcoming elections.

Trip to Granada and the Alhambra

Foreign Residents office

Granada, a city of charm and mystery, was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Moorish legacy includes the Alhambra and Generalife Gardens - explore beyond the beautiful Moorish architecture to learn the history of one of the most visited attractions in the world. The trip will take place towards the end of October (date to be confirmed) and will

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or Chris Olsen 663 969 636 email extranjeros@ayto-manilva. com You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist

cost 40 euros per person, which includes: Return coach travel, breakfast en route, entrance and guided tour of the Alhambra, followed by lunch and free time during the afternoon. Bookings will be taken up to 30 September and, due to the popularity of this trip, will only be open to those on the Manilva register (Padron).

Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.30 to 8.30 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Sally Russell and Chris Olsen on Saturdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 12 noon and 7 pm. Visit or www.manilvalife. com for more information.



The Resident -

Mejora la Sala de Musculación del Gimnasio Municipal Durante los diez primeros días del mes de septiembre, la delegación de Deportes del Ayuntamiento de Manilva ha acometido varias actuaciones de mejora en la sala de musculación del Gimnasio Municipal. Además del pintado, reforma de deterioros y limpieza del recinto, concretando en la citada sala, se ha adquirido nuevo equipamiento que había sido muy demandado por los usuarios como ha sido la máquina de prensa, se han colocado espejos y se ha reubicado y reestructurado el habitáculo para que haya

más espacios y sobre todo un uso más racional. Según ha informado el concejal delegado de Deportes, Diego Urieta, “trabajamos por y para el ciudadano y después de realizar estas reformas y la compra de una maquinaria nueva le damos respuestas reales a sus peticiones. Además, a toda aquella persona que se ha visto perjudicada en sus entrenamientos en estos días en el que se han realizado las obras tendrá un 20% de descuento hasta final de año”, finalizó.

NEW AUTUMN MENU Monday - Special Brazilian dish with ‘churrasco meats’ Friday to Sunday- PARTY TIME Tapas + cocktails freshly made to order all day Paseo Maritimo, Sabinillas

Improvements to municipal gym Earlier this month Manilva’s sports department has carried out improvements on the fitness room at the municipal gymnasium. The works included repairs and redecoration along with the addition of new equipment requested by users and the rearrangement of the gym to

make better use of the space. For those members who have experienced disruption during these improvements, the Councillor for Sports, Diego Urieta, has announced a 20% reduction in fees until the end of the year.

Medio Ambiente reanuda las rutas de senderismo para el otoño La delegación de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento de Manilva ya ha dado a conocer las rutas de senderismo para el otoño 2010. Se trata, según nos ha informado su concejal delegado, de cuatro senderos programados para todo tipo de personas y donde se busca el disfrutar del paisaje y hacer deporte en contacto con la naturaleza. Todas las salidas serán a las 8 de la mañana donde un autocar trasladará a los senderistas al lugar del recorrido. La primera ruta tendrá lugar el próximo 19 de septiembre. El recorrido se desarrollará entre Gaucín, Benarrabá y Genalguacil. La distancia es de 11.000 metros con una dificultad media. La segunda ruta, preparada para el 3 de octubre, pasaría por Atajate, Los Huertos y Alpandeire, con la misma distancia que la anterior, 11.000 metros y de nuevo de dificultad media. Ya a finales de octubre, el 31, la ruta de

senderismo cruzará Igualeja, Parauta y Cartajima. También de dificultad media tendría un recorrido de 10.000 metros. Por último, el 14 de noviembre está preparada la ruta de Benaoján y Cortes, con la mayor de las distancias 14.834 metros y de dificultad media. Las normas, conocidas por todos, son tener más de 14 años, tener en cuenta la preparación física con la dificultad del recorrido e ir con calzado y ropa apropiada. El plazo de reserva y participación estará abierto siempre hasta el miércoles antes de cada ruta y podrán hacerla efectiva por tan solo 4 euros a través de transferencia bancaria al número de cuenta de Unicaja: 2103 0153 23 0230000044. Este pago deberá ser comunicado a la delegación de Medio Ambiente situada en la Calle Álvarez Leiva s/n con teléfono 951276050. Las plazas serán limitadas ya que el grupo deberá de ser de 50 personas máximo.

Autumn hiking programme Manilva’s Environmental Department has prepared a programme of hikes for this Autumn. The programme takes in the following routes: 19 September: Gaucín, Benarrabá and Genalguacil. Distance: 11 km. Classification Medium. 3 October: Atajate, Los Huertos andAlpandeire. Distance: 11 km. Classification - Medium. 31 October: Igualeja, Parauta and Cartajima. Distance: 10 km. Classification - Medium. 14 November: Benaoján to Cortes. Distance: 14.8 km. Classification - Medium.

All participants must be 14 and over and be of sufficent physical condition to undertake the distances and level of difficulty of the particular hike (The supervisors may refuse to take those they believe unfit to complete the route). Places can be reserved up to the Wednesday prior to each hike. The group departs at approx. 8 am (coaches will be provided where required). Price per person is 4 euros payable into the Unicaja account number 2103 0153 23 0230000044 There are up to 50 places on each hike.

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The Resident -


Consumo informa de la obligatoriedad de tener las hojas de quejas y reclamaciones actual Según informa la Delegación de Consumo dirigida por Gabriel Recio, son muchas las hojas de quejas y reclamaciones recibidas en la oficina del consumidor del modelo antiguo. Estas hojas de reclamaciones ya no están en vigor y por tanto no tienen validez. Desde el DECRETO 72/2008, de 4 de Marzo, que regula las hojas de quejas y reclamaciones en Andalucía , por el cual hay que actualizar los libros de reclamaciones. Con la entrada en vigor del mismo es obligatorio que todos los establecimientos

disponga de la misma, porque el hecho de no tenerla es sancionable. La multa por no tener el libro de reclamaciones a disposición del consumidor puede alcanzar los 6000 euros. Para agilizar la adaptación de las empresas a esta normativa,l a Delegacion de Consumo recuerda que desde el pasado mes de Enero de 2010 pueden recoger estos libros en la Delegación de Consumo, situada en plaza Ginebra numero 2, en Sabinillas. Evitando de esta manera el desplazamiento a Málaga, práctica habitual en años anteriores.

Consumer office reports businesses still using outdated complaints book Gabriel Recio, Councillor for Manilva’s Consumer Department, has advised that many complaints forms received by his office recently have been of the old model, and are therefore invalid. Since Decree 72/2008, of March 4, which dealt with the introduction of the new style ‘hojas de quejas y reclamaciones’

complaints book, it should be pointed out that all establishments are obliged to be in possession of the new books, failure to do so may incur a fine of up to 6000 euros. The books can be obtained from the Consumer Office (Delegación de Consumo) situated in Plaza de Ginebra, Sabinillas.

La ASM con la Virgen del Carmen del Castillo de la Duquesa La ASM en su interés en colaborar con las tradiciones y costumbres de nuestro municipio y tal como ya se anunció hace días, ha puesto en marcha una serie de iniciativas para obtener los fondos necesarios para la adquisición de una nueva vestimenta para la imagen existente en la Iglesia del Castillo y que procesiona en el mes de Julio escoltada por los marineros de nuestra localidad. La primera de estas iniciativas, es la

celebración de una CENA BENEFICA el próximo sábado día 2 de Octubre, en el Restaurante ”Los Amigos” situado en la plaza Vicente Espinel de San Luis de Sabinillas. Esta Cena tiene un precio de 35 euros por persona y el beneficio de la misma será destinado íntegramente a la compra de las nuevas vestimentas de la virgen.

Clubhouse Steakhouse Restaurant 20% Discount on all Take Away Menu Open from 4 pm every evening Saturday from 2 pm Sunday from 1 pm Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre Tel.: 951 276 727

Monday Night is Quiz Night

- 8.30 pm Tremendous fun for serious quizzers and duffers alike

Tuesday Night Early Bird Specials

Kids eat Free Menu (Monday to Friday) Easy Parking


Air Conditioning


Cool Terrace


WiFi Zone


Next to Duquesa Golf Hotel on Roundabout Above Eroski Store

Friday is BBQ night on the Cool Terrace Steak - Chicken - Ribs

Saturday is Cabaret Night

2 Courses - Served from 5pm to 8pm - 10.00 euros

Wednesday is Golf Outing Day

Daniela Caballero

A fun day out for Ladies and Gents playing different courses every week. Licensed Golf Tour Operator Golf Green Fees - Accommodation - Luxury Coach Hire - Transport Call Tom on 646 420 547

Singing your favourites from 8.30pm to 11.30pm

Thursday is Tapas Night

Roast Beef - Turkey - Pork + Vegetables, Potatoes, etc. Includes Homemade Dessert 1.00pm to 7.00pm - 12.50 euros

A Selection of Tapas including Bottle of House Wine - 19 euros

Sunday Roast



The Resident -

La Junta de Gobierno adjudica definitivamente las obras del nuevo Gimnasio Municipal La Junta de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Casares adjudicó ayer definitivamente a la empresa Movimientos y Nivelaciones S.L. las obras del nuevo gimnasio municipal de Casares que va a estar ubicado en un local de 664,58 m2 situado en la planta -8 del aparcamiento del Llano de la Fuente. Las nuevas instalaciones incluirán una gran sala de máquinas, dos salas para clases y actividades deportivas, sauna, baños de vapor, aseos y duchas, recepción y sala de espera. Los trabajos están presupuestados en 316.101,87 euros, y tiene un plazo de ejecución de 3 meses Durante la reunión de la Junta de Gobierno, formada por la alcaldesa y los 3 tenientes de alcalde, Antonia Morera, Pedro González, Pepe Carrasco y Sonia Saborido, se dio el visto bueno al pliego de condiciones para la adjudicación de los trabajos de instalación de contenedores soterrados en el casco urbanos de Casares y en Marina de Casares (el núcleo urbanos del Secadero ya cuenta con estos servicios). El proyecto supondrá la creación de 5 nuevas Islas Ecológicas en Casares que irán ubicadas en el Llano de la Fuente, en la calle Carrera, en el Peñón Roao, en calle Montes y en el Puerto de la Cruz, y una isla ecológica con 9 contenedores en Marina de Casares. Todas ellas contarán con contenedores de residuos orgánicos, de vidrio, papel y envases ligeros para la separación de los residuos. En esta reunión también se vieron otros proyectos que el equipo de gobierno

tiene previsto acometer en breve como es el asfaltado del tramo que une la calle Huertezuela y el aparcamiento del Llano de la Fuente. El arrendamiento de un local en el Centro Comercial Marina de Casares que se utilizará para oficina municipal de Casares Costa y locales de talleres. Y diversas obras en El Secadero para reparar los daños provocados por las lluvias del pasado invierno en las calles Sauce, Guadiaro y Algeciras. Ampliación Paseo Niño de la Rosa Fina

Entre los asuntos aprobados por la alcaldesa y los tenientes de alcalde figuran el nuevo proyecto de prolongación del Paseo Niño de la Rosa Fina presupuestado en 102.687,07 €, y la Restitución de Alumbrado Público en Marina de Casares, con un coste de 100.015,87 €. La intención del Consistorio es que ambos proyectos sean subvencionados a través de los Planes de Concertación 2011. Asimismo, la Junta de Gobierno aprobó una subvención de 11.000 euros para los uniformes de los alumnos del colegio Los Almendros del Secadero, al igual que se hiciera con los del alumnado del colegio Blas Infante en julio. Y otra subvención de 1.248,00 € para el taller de Bolillos de la Asociación de Mujeres Crecina de Villarraguz. La Junta de Gobierno aprobó además la 1ª certificación de obras de la 2ª fase del edificio de viviendas del Puerto de la Cruz.

Casares awards contract for work on new municipal gymnasium The local authorities recently awarded the contract for the fitting out of the new municipal gymnasium located in the parking building in Llano de la Fuente to the company Movimientos y Nivelaciones S.L. The new installations will include a large apparatus room, two classrooms, sauna, steamroom, showers, reception and waiting room. The works will cost an estimated 316,000 euros and are expected to be completed in three months. At the same meeting works were also approved for the installation of underground rubbish collection points in Casares Town and Marina de Casares. Other projects were also undertaken such as the lease of a local in the Marina de Casares Commercial Centre for use as Casares Costa

municipal office and for workshops. Several works to repair damage in El Secadero caused by last winter’s rains were also approved.

Paseo Niño de la Rosa Fina extension The proposed extention of the Paseo Niño de la Rosa Fina footpath at a cost of just under 103,000 euros and the restoration of streetlighting in Marina de Casares at a cost of 100,000 euros were also approved. Both these projects are to be funded under the Planes de Concertación 2011. Finally the council approved a grant of 11,000 euros towards school uniforms for pupils at the El Secadero’s Los Almendros and Casares’ Blas Infante schools.

Vecinos y Amigos de Marina Casares Para cualquier consulta sobre el Club o sus actividades, por favor contacte: o 952 892 030

Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares For information regarding the club and its activities please contact or 952 892 030

“THE DIARY” and For your Business & Service needs

Tel: 656 476 887

Casares Bridge Club Are you interested in playing Bridge? The Casares Bridge Club welcomes players from novice to expert to join them at the Albayt Resort every Tuesday at 6.45 pm. You do not need to take a partner as all players will be accommodated. Friendly duplicate bridge is their aim. The Albayt Resort can be found at Km 149.2. Exit the A7 at the Clive Christian roundabout, up the hill to the Albayt resort.

For more details call Paul on 952 89 01 99 or 699 026 129.

Alcoholics Anonymous PROBLEM WITH YOUR DRINKING? There is a cost free solution

Call the Helpline 600 379 110

Información Information

The Resident -

Mitochondrial Awareness Week El 19 de septiembre marca el inicio de una semana para despertar consciencia de las enfermedades mitocondriales. Enfermedad mitocondrial es un término general que se utiliza para una rama de las enfermedades metabólicas, con base en la disfunción de las mitocondrias. Se estima que 1 de cada 4000 sufren de algún tipo de enfermedad mitocondrial pero la dificultad en el diagnóstico hace que sea difícil predecir con exactitud cuántos son realmente afectados. ¿Cuáles son las mitocondrias y lo que es la enfermedad mitocondrial (Mito)? Hay miles de mitocondrias en cada célula de nuestro cuerpo, con la excepción de los glóbulos rojos. Funciona como baterías en las células, responsable de producir más del 90% de nuestra producción de energía, mediante la conversión de los alimentos en energía. Cualquier problema con la mitocondria se traducirá en un problema con la producción de energía. La medida en que esto afecta al paciente depende mucho de la proporción de las mitocondrias afectadas y los sistemas del cuerpo donde están dañados. Normalmente, afectará a varios sistemas y órganos del cuerpo, incluyendo el cerebro, nervios, músculos, corazón, hígado, riñones, páncreas, ojos y los oídos. Los síntomas, que padecen cada paciente depende en los sistemas afectados. Para muchos bebés y niños, el pronóstico no es bueno. Las mitocondrias pueden ser clave para entender el Cáncer, el Alzheimer y la Diabetes ... Los médicos ya se han establecido una relación entre la disfunción mitocondrial y el Alzheimer, la diabetes y el cáncer. Las mitocondrias también están asociados con el proceso de envejecimiento; a


Shanalle Bacarese-Hamilton

medida que envejecemos, la cantidad de mitocondrias que tenemos, disminuye, dando lugar a la falta de energía, pérdida de memoria, dificultad de movimiento, etc Encontrar una mejor manera de diagnosticar Mito En la actualidad, todavía hay mucho que aprender sobre la mitocondria. El hecho de que afectan a todos los sistemas del cuerpo y puede ser la causa de muchas de las enfermedades con que nos escuche de hoy, seguramente significa que la investigación en este ámbito es fundamental. Diagnosticar este tipo de enfermedad es muy difícil y aunque la biopsia muscular se ve todavía como un referente en términos de diagnóstico, los resultados no siempre son fiables y pueden ser no concluyentes. Encontrar una cura Hasta el momento no hay cura - hay muchas vitaminas y suplementos que se pueden tomar para mejorar la calidad de la vida y ayudar a un paciente para preservar y aprovechar al máximo su energía, pero nada para arreglar sus mitocondrias defectuosas. ¿Imagine los beneficios en el futuro si la ciencia y la medicina encontró la manera de trasplantar las mitocondrias defectuosas? Ayudar al paciente a Mito Es difícil ser un paciente Mito. Debido al hecho de que la enfermedad a menudo ataques de múltiples sistemas, la mayoría de los pacientes necesitan visitar una serie de especialistas, a veces en diferentes partes del pais o del mundo. A menudo, los padres tienen que coordinar y informar los diferentes expertos - por ejemplo, informar el endocrinólogo que el niño también tiene retraso del desarrollo o asegurar que el gastroenterólogo saber que el niño responde mal a la anestesia, o

explicar al pediatra que ciertos antibióticos pueden causar sordera. La vida se vuelve un laberinto - la solución para un problema, puede desencadenar otro, es importante tener un buen equipo de médicos que trabajan juntos.

Mi Viaje - ¿Por qué Mito?

Mi hija, Talia nació en junio de 2007. Después de un embarazo difícil, me sentí tan aliviada de mantener mi niña en mis brazos. Sin embargo yo sabía que algo no estaba del todo bien. Talia no cumplió con sus hitos del desarollo y no aumentaba del peso. Aunque, Tália, ha mejorado un montón, hoy, con 3 años sufre de hipotonia generalizada. Cada semana, Talia asiste a fisioterapia, hidroterapia, terapia de caballos (hipoterapia) y logopedia. Mientras que ella come como un típico niño de 3 años de edad, no se pone ningún peso y pesa solo 7 kilos. Cuando pasa por periodos de enfermo, pierde el tono muscular y nuestro único objetivo durante estos períodos de tiempo es centrarse en los alimentos, la comodidad y poco más. Si Tália deja de comer durante más de un día, tenemos que ingresarla en un hospital para hidratarla. La mayoría de los niños pierden el apetito cuando están enfermos, pero para Tália, esta pérdida de apetito puede ser muy peligrosa, hasta que un resfriado común puede llevar a un viaje hospital. Hasta ahora hemos establecido ningún diagnóstico, pero los médicos sospechan Mito - ella ha tenido innumerables pruebas

de sangre e incluso una biopsia muscular, que hasta ahora no nos ha dado ninguna respuesta real. Hemos viajado por el mundo, hemos visto a médicos de Málaga, Barcelona, España y América .Hasta el momento, tenemos pocas respuestas, pero es claro que Tália tiene un problema con la producción de energía. Esto me ha llevado a descubrir el camino de la enfermedad mitocondrial. El futuro Hemos visto cómo las terapias realmente ayudan a Talia y tenemos la suerte de estar rodeados de grandes doctores y terapeutas fantásticos. Vemos la mejora tanto en su desarrollo. Aunque ella tiene retraso en el desarrollo y no puede caminar y hablar, podemos verla tratando de comunicar, empujando su cuerpo todos los días a caminar. Ella se ríe con un brillo en sus ojos y responde tan bien a sus terapeutas, amigos y familiares. Si podemos encontrar una manera de ayudarla con su energía, la ayudaría mucho. Obtenga más información Para saber más acerca de Mito, consulte y, dos sitios que nos han ayudado en este camino difícil. Para obtener más información sobre niños discapacitados o con necesidades especiales en general (terapias alternativas, las opiniones de los médicos, opiniones de los padres y estudios de casos), puede visitar nuestro nuevo sitio WEB,, o únete a nosotros en facebook.

Mitochondrial Awareness Week The 19th September marks the start of an awareness week for Mitochondrial Disease. Mitochondrial Disease is an umbrella term used for a whole branch of metabolic illnesses, based on dysfunction of the mitochondria. It is estimated that 1 in 4000 suffer from some form of Mitochondrial Disease but difficulty in diagnosis makes it hard to predict exactly how many are really affected. What are Mitochondria and what is Mitochondrial Disease (Mito)? There are thousands of mitochondria in every cell of our bodies, with the exception of red blood cells. They are like the batteries of the cells, responsible for producing over 90% of our energy output, by converting food into energy. Any problem with the mitochondria will result in a problem with energy production. The extent to which this affects the patient as a whole depends very much on the proportion of the mitochondria affected and the systems of the body where they are damaged. Typically, when mitochondrial disease strikes, it will affect multiple body systems and organs, including the Brain, Nerves, Muscles, Heart, Liver, Kidneys, Pancreas, Eyes, and Ears. The symptoms therefore can vary depending on which organs are affected. For many infants and children, the prognosis is not good. So why build awareness? Why should we all be interested in finding out more? Well, the function of the Mitochondria and the role that they play within the cell was only first discovered in the 1960s. Research is still very much in its infancy. Mitochondrial Disease can either be genetic, whereby it is part of the DNA blueprint or it can be secondary, where it is caused by another external cause such as toxins from the environment, medications or even other illnesses which lead to weakening of the mitochondria. Mitochondria may be key to understanding Cancer, Alzheimer’s and Diabetes… Links have already been drawn between mitochondrial dysfunction and Alzheimer’s, Diabetes and Cancer. Mitochondria are also

associated with the aging process; as we age, the amount of high functioning mitochondria that we have, decreases, leading to lack of energy, memory loss, difficulty in movement etc. Finding a better way of diagnosing Mito At present, there is still so much to learn about the mitochondria – the fact that they affect all body systems and can be the cause of many of the big illnesses we hear of today surely means that research in this area is instrumental. Even diagnosis is difficult and whilst a muscle biopsy is still seen as a gold standard in terms of diagnosis, the results are not always reliable and can be inconclusive. Finding a Cure As yet there is no cure – there are many vitamins and supplements that can be taken to improve the quality of one’s life and help a patient to preserve and make the most of their energy, but nothing to fix their faulty mitochondria. Imagine the benefits in the future if Science and Medicine found a way of transplanting faulty mitochondria? Help the Mito Patient It is difficult to be a Mito patient. Due to the fact that the disease often attacks multiple systems, most patients need to visit a range of specialists. Often the parent has to put the pieces of the puzzle together – letting the endocrinologist know that the child also has development delay or letting the gastroenterologist know that the child responds badly to anaesthetic, or letting the paediatrician know that certain antibiotics may cause deafness. Life becomes a labyrinth – the solution for one problem, may trigger off another, it is important to have a good team of doctors who will work together.

My Journey – Why Mito? My daughter, Tália was born in June 2007. After a difficult pregnancy, I was so relieved to hold my baby girl in my arms. However I knew that something wasn’t quite right. Tália failed to meet her milestones and failed to gain weight. At 3, she has severely weak muscle tone – whilst she improves daily, Tália attends physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, horse therapy and speech therapy on a weekly basis. Whilst she eats like a typical 3 year old– she doesn’t put on any weight, she weighs 7 kilos and is 3 years old. When sick, she loses muscle tone and our sole aim during these periods of time is to focus on food, comfort and little more. If she stops eating for more than a day, we rush her to hospital for hydration. Most children lose their appetite when ill but even a common cold can lead to a hospital journey. As yet we have no set diagnosis but doctors suspect Mito – she has had countless blood tests and even a muscle biopsy which as yet has not given us any real answers – we have travelled the World dealing with experts from Malaga, Barcelona, UK and America. As yet, we have few answers but Tália has definitely

got a problem with energy production. This has led me to discover the road of Mitochondrial Disease. The Future We have seen how therapies really help Tália and have been blessed to have been surrounded by great doctors and fantastic therapists. We see so much improvement in her development. Whilst she has developmental delay and is unable to walk and talk, we can see her trying to communicate, pushing her body everyday to walk. She laughs with a sparkle in her eye and responds so well to her loved ones. If we can find a way to help her with her energy, it would help so much. Find Out More To find out more about Mito, please see www. and, two sites that have helped us along this difficult journey. For more information on Special Needs in general (alternative therapies, doctors’ opinions, parents’ views and case studies), visit our new site, or join us on facebook.


Información Information

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Back to Blighty Bike Ride Keen cyclist Matt Davis will be setting out next month on a 3,000 km solo charity bike ride to the UK. The journey will make good a promise made to his ‘other mother’ Carol Jones who died from breast cancer, and whose wish it was that he raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support who helped her during her illness. Setting out from the Jolly Sailor in Duquesa Port, Manilva on 6 October Matt expects to complete the ride in 35 days when he crosses the finish line at the Drayton Manor Pub, West Ealing, London. If you want to sponsor Matt in this worthy

endeavour visit mathewdavisbikes.

Suicide Corner By Per R Dewar, Sabinillas. UK television presenter Alan Whicker once described the stretch of the A7 highway between San Pedro de Alcantara and Nueva Andalucia as “the craziest road in Europe”. Had he experienced the Sabinillas underpass and what locals call “Suicide Corner” – the traffic circle by Lidls supermarket, I’m sure he would have used the term: “most dangerous”! Heavy vehicles - those thundering ‘Voltrailer’ monsters come easily to mind, coming from the West (Sotogrande) direction reach speeds of what must be well over 100kph through the underpass. From the opposite (Estepona) direction, the 3-lane stretch is like a FI race track! Trying to merge with this lunatic traffic flow is not for the faint hearted, (barring teenage drivers, of course). Pedestrians trying to cross, (Okay, so they are breaking the law,) take their lives in their hands, since some

drivers deliberately change lanes (thinking no doubt it’s some kind of machismo joke) to frighten them. Ironically, when the underpass was built, construction of a pedestrian bridge at ‘Suicide Corner’ was stopped, so the story goes, when residents in an adjacent apartment block complained that it would “encroach on their privacy”. Ah well, that’s life... (Pun intended.)

Restaurant & Lounge Opening Hours: Traditional Sunday Lunch is now being served from 1 pm - 3 courses just €16.95 Mondays & Tuesdays: CLOSED Wednesdays & Thursdays Open at 6pm for A’La Carte and Snack Menu available. Kids Menu 8.95 for 2 courses including a soft drink, bouncy castle & pool table available

Thursdays: Open for Menu del Dia from 1pm BOOKINGS ONLY Fridays: Open at 6pm. A’La Carte and Snack Menu Saturdays: Live Entertainment incl 3-course meal (See Page 19 for entertainment programme) FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL 952 892 690 or 664 442 629 or email us at or visit the website Located on the Rio Manilva Road, 4km from the Lidl roundabout, Sabinillas. 2 km past the Fairground/Market

anúnciese con the resident - advertise with the resident Tlf. 952 936 198

Guía de Empresas

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Robert Will van den Top aka Rob Top Rob Top is one of the Coast’s fixtures and fittings, having lived in southern Spain for some 35 years. Along with a handful of friends Rob is a watersports fanatic and was one of the first windsurfers on the windy beaches of Tarifa, and he can tell you many a story of being rescued by coastguards when the wind became just a little too strong! Rob’s calling as an artist and signwriter began with airbrushing images and names on boats in Banus, whilst his time in Tarifa led to commissions signwriting shops in the town where he’d developed his unique ‘cartoon’ style which can be recognised anywhere. Through the years he has built up a successful business providing anything from a unique business logo to a complete theme design for a new restaurant, shop or house.

From his well equipped workshop Rob is also an accomplished carpenter and can produce funky furniture for bars, discos, kids’ rooms, etc. In the last couple of years Rob Top has been designing and producing and exclusive collection of artistic mirrors which will available through select furniture outlets by the end of the year. So if you are thinking of giving your business a ‘makeover’ then Rob’s your man. With plenty of ideas and knowledge of all the latest materials and techniques he can ensure you get the best solution for your requirements. Call Rob on 952 890 457 or 637 139 959 and give your business a new image.

Marlows - Fish & Chip Restaurant

Restaurante urante R MARYMAR

Marlows have been established for nearly two years at the Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre, close to Puerto Duquesa in Manilva. During those two years they have built up a reputation for serving the best fish and chips, either to take away or eat in at their comfortable and spacious restaurant. They are proud of the fact that they offer their customers excellent value for money and quality. Marlows have over fifty years experience in the frying trade and Steven Marlow, the owner and head fryer, has over thirty-two years

Horario: 12.00 a 16:30 y 18:30 a 23:30 Opening times: 12.00 -4.30pm & 6.30pm - 11.30pm Domingo/Sunday: 12.00 - 18.00 Lunes/Monday: Cerrado/Closed

Especialidad enn Pescado Frito y comida sin gluten luten Paseo Maritimo Sabinillas Málaga

Tel. 952 89 02 71


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experience. You’ll always be assured of a great quality meal when you visit Marlows. Alongside their standard menu they have three excellent special offers:

2 course Lunch midweek, including a drink for 8.50€ Sunday Roast Lunch for 8.75€ Fish and Chips to Take Away for 5.50€



The Resident -

“Bitch Slap” encabeza el palmarés en la XI Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico Costa Del Sol - Estepona En un año de enormes carestías presupuestarias, la Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico de la Costa de Sol Estepona ha demostrado que la coherencia y el buen hacer desempeñan un factor fundamental en la consolidación de un evento de dilatada trayectoria. Gracias al auspicio de verdaderos mitos del género como Paul Naschy, centro de uno de los más amplios homenajes de este certámen, Estepona se ha convertido en referencia ineludible para los fans del género fantaterrorífico “Bitch Slap” ha acaparado las principales categorías, entre las que destacan Mejor Película y Mejor Guión, ambos recogidos por su productor, el veterano Eric Gruendemann. El alemán Uwe Boll, presencia habitual de la sección oficial durante los últimos cinco años, se alzó al fin con el codiciado premio a la Mejor Dirección por su labor en la violenta “Rampage”. La actrices Julia Voth, Erin Cummings y America Olivo, trío protagonista de la laureada “Bitch Slap” vieron

recompensada su labor interpretativa en este divertido exploitation de alto presupuesto, en una decisión del jurado que sólo podría calificarse de audaz e insólita. El filme de animación “Astroboy”, filme de próximo estreno en las pantallas españolas, cosechó merecidamente el premio a la Mejor Banda Sonora. Las categorías técnicas, que corresponden a Mejor Fotografía y Mejores Efectos Especiales fueron a parar, respectivamente, a “Reijkavik Whale Watching Masscre” y “Dark House”. El Unicornio al Mejor Dibujante de Comics fue a manos de Juan José Ryp. Por su parte, el premio a la Mejor Serie Fantástica recayó en “True Blood”, recogido por Francisco Rodríguez Prieto en representación de Canal Plus. Ramón Reina, exdirector del festival Fancine fue galardonado con el premio Asfaan en honor a su excelente trayectoria de dos décadas al frente del evento.

“Bitch Slap” leads the awards at the XI International Festival of Horror and Fantasy Cinema In a year of budget cuts and financial constraints Estepona’s XI International Festival of Horror and Fantasy Cinema still managed to present a great line-up of screenings and activities ensuring its place as a regular event on the calendar. Thanks to its association with such legends of the genre as the late Paul Naschy, whose career was celebrated during the festival, Estepona has become a major hit with horror and fantasy fans. Dominating the major categories in the awards was the US film “Bitch Slap” which took both the Best Picture and Best Screenplay awards which were accepted by the film’s veteran producer, Eric Gruendemann.

Germany’s Uwe Boll, who has had a regular presence in the official section for the past five years, won the coveted award for Best Director for his latest film “Rampage”. Actresses Julia Voth, America Olivo and Erin Cummings, shared the Best Performance award for their roles in “Bitch Slap”. The animated film “Astro Boy”, deservedly picked up the award for Best Soundtrack. In the technical categories, Best Cinematography and Best Special Effects went to “Reijkavik Whale Watching Masscre” and “Dark House” respectively, The Unicorn for Best Comic Artist went to Juan Jose Ryp.

For its part, the award for Best Fantasy TV Series went to “True Blood”, collected by Francisco Rodríguez Prieto on behalf of Canal Plus. Ramón Reina, former director of the festival Fancine was awarded the ASFAAN Prize in honour of his two decades at the forefront of the event.

Protección Civil intervino en más de 2700 actuaciones durante el verano 2010

Dos heridos en robo armado en Carrefour

El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la Delegación de playas informa del balance de gestión de los diferentes incidentes suscitados durante la temporada estival en las costas de la localidad. Estas han generado desde su inicio el pasado día 21 de junio y hasta estos momentos unos datos significativos. Entre los que cabe destacar la participación de un total de 48 voluntarios que han desarrollado las diferentes tareas al frente de los puntos de atención a los bañistas en nuestras playas. Los responsables de Protección Civil, han tenido que prestar su atención a un total de 2747 actuaciones, de las cuales han consistido en picaduras un total de 233, mientras que por golpes y cortes se atendieron más de 800 personas y otra de las grandes preocupaciones de los responsables locales fueron las quemaduras y puas de erizos, que sumaron más de 400 intervenciones por parte de los voluntarios. Entre las actuaciones más destacables de la pasada

Dos personas fueron heridas en un atraco a un furgón de seguridad en los almacenes de Carrefour en Estepona por una banda de hombres armados. La banda hizo el atraco a las 11.30 h. de la mañana del viernes, 10 de Septiembre, cuando dispararon al furgón mientras estaban recogiendo el dinero del almacén. Testigos informan que dos asaltantes realizaron ocho disparos durante el atraco, en el cual un hombre fue golpeado en la cabeza con la pistola, y una voluntaria de la Cruz Roja recibió un disparo de bala en el muslo, ninguno de los dos están en grave peligro. Uno de los atracadores salió corriendo, mientras que el segundo fue recogido por otro cómplice en una motocicleta. Según información las sacas de dinero fueron recuperadas habiendo sido abandonadas por la banda durante su persecución.

Civil Protection officers involved in over 2700 actions this summer Estepona’s Civil Protection brigade has published a review of this summer’s activities by the 48 volunteers responsible for safety and first aid on Estepona’s beaches. Since June 21 these volunteers have carried out 2,747 actions including attending to people suffering cuts, bruises, sea urchin spines, burns, etc. 37 people were rescued from the sea and some 68 lost children were dealt with. Other actions included dealing with people taking their dogs on the beach, fishing with rods during bathing hours, public order offences and boats encroaching on designated bathing areas.

campaña de playas, destacan un total de treinta y siete rescates, un total de 68 niños recuperados o desaparecidos de manera temporal de sus zonas de baño en el Litoral o un total de 470 incumplimientos por parte personas que se encontraban acompañados de animales domésticos, con cañas de pescar, alteraciones de orden público o embarcaciones que invadieron las zonas de bañistas en horarios destinado a ellos.

Departamento de Residentes Extranjero SESIÓN INFORMATIVA PARA RESIDENTES EXTRANJEROS Impuestos y Tasas Empadronamiento Asuntos Urbanísticos CENTRO CULTURAL PADRE MANUEL, ESTEPONA Miércoles, 22 de septiembre 10.30 hrs Foreign Residents Department INFORMATION SESSION FOR FOREIGN RESIDENTS Taxes and Community Charges Townhall Registration Town Planning Matters PADRE MANUEL CULTURAL CENTRE Wednesday, 22nd of September 10.30 am

Two injured during armed robbery at Carrefour Two people were injured during an attack by an armed gang on an armoured security van at the Carrefour store in Estepona. The gang struck at 11.30 am on Friday, 10th September when they opened fire on the truck as it was picking up cash from the store. Witnesses reported that two assailants fired eight shots during the attack in which one man was clubbed on the head with a pistol, and a Cruz Roja volunteer received a gunshot wound to her thigh, neither of whom are in a serious condition. One attacker ran off into the neighbouring streets, whilst the second was picked up by an accomplice on a motorcycle. According to reports the money bags were recovered having been abandoned by the gang during their escape.


The Resident -

Valadez firma la puesta en marcha del sistema de control horario a los trabajadores del consistorio El alcalde de Estepona, David Valadez, ha firmado con Abaco C.E. Informaticos, s.l. el suministro del software para el control de entrada y salidas con los responsables de la citada empresa, por un importe de 59.937,16 €. Dado el número de trabajadores y edificios que forman la corporación municipal y la diversidad de horarios, se hace necesario tener un sistema para el control de presencia, entrada y salida y de cumplimiento de los horarios, por parte del personal. Para ello, se ha determinado utilizar unos terminales con lector de reconocimiento de huella dactilar de los empleados para el fichaje, que estarán situados en todos los edificios del Ayuntamiento, situados en el núcleo urbano y en el extrarradio.

El dispositivo estará instalado antes del próximo 31 de diciembre y permitirá la contratación de tres personas. Una vez puesto en marcha, facilitará al Ayuntamiento, de forma automática, llevar un control más exhaustivo de la jornada laboral del trabajador, de forma que se descontará de la nómina las ausencias no justificadas.

Clocking on at the Town Hall The mayor of Estepona, David Valadez, has signed a contract with Abaco C.E. Informaticos SL for the installation of software for the control of timekeeping among employees of the local council. With the large number of employees ranged across a number of buildings and with a diverse range of working hours it has been deemed necessary to install a system to

better monitor timekeeping and reveal unauthorised absences . The system uses fingerprint recognition technology with readers being installed in council buildings and offices throughout the municipality. The system will cost just under 60,000 euros, creating three jobs and is expected to be up and running by the end of the year.

Presentación candidata Andalucista de Estepona Tal y como era más que previsible, la edil andalucista y Secretaria Local de Estepona, Agripina Rivas será la candidata a las elecciones municipales por el Partido Andalucista en 2011. Este hecho era presentado este viernes, oficialmente en la sede local andalucista de Estepona. El acto contó con la presencia de Pilar González, Secretaria General del Partido Andalucista, el Secretario Provincial Salvador López, la Secretaria de Organización Provincial Ana Martín, entre otros cargos andalucistas de ámbito provincial y nacional. Mi actitud de cara a las elecciones va a ser dialogante, de consenso, con una actitud

moderada, pero firme, como así ha venido siendo a lo largo de mi legislatura. Unas veces criticada, otras cuestionada y muchas veces acertadas, manifestó la nueva candidata. Nuestras bases programáticas serán la continuación del trabajo que venimos realizando, porque Estepona necesita avanzar. Cuento con un equipo de trabajo, sin grandes fichajes, pero sí de un grupo de personas fieles al andalucismo, fieles a su ideología, fieles a su pueblo, Estepona, personas trabajadoras, honestas, de gran valía y lo que es más importante para mí honradas, declaró contundente.

Partido Andalucista presents their candidate for Estepona As anticipated, Estepona councillor and secretary of the local branch of Partido Andalucista, Agrippina Rivas, will be the party’s mayoral candidate at the forthcoming local election in May 2011. In a recent presentation attended by Pilar González, Secretary General of the Partido Andalucista, and Provincial Secretary, Salvador López, and the Provincial Organisation Secretary

Ana Martín, among others, Lina Rivas explained that her approach to the elections will be that of dialogue, consensus and a moderate but firm attitude, as she has shown in her actions as local councillor. She went on to explain that the party’s programme is to continue the work of advancing the needs of Estepona through the dedicated and local team.


Visit of George & Eileen Carey Alan Maude I first met George Carey when I was a student at Theological College He was a Curate in Islington and part-time lecturer at Oak Hill College. My first impression was that here was a normal human being who happened to be a Priest, a Theologian and a Teacher. He was also young enough to be part of our College football team! It did not matter that he spoke with a southern accent and supported Arsenal - Here was someone I could relate to! Soon Marjorie and I were married and we were helped a great deal by Eileen and George as we began to build our new life. We spent time in their home in London, in Nottingham and several years later in Durham. It is a great joy to Marjorie and I that George and Eileen have agreed to be with us for the first weekend in October to celebrate the

40th Anniversary of my Ordination. Please come and join the celebrations. Eileen and George have a wide experience of life within and outside the Church and it will be well worth bringing along friends who may not normally attend Church, especially to the Open Meeting on Saturday morning.

Anglican Church of Costa del Sol West You are invited to hear

The Rt Revd & Rt Hon Lord George Carey Formerly Archbishop of Canterbury

Anything Goes - Does Christianity have a role in our world today? Saturday 2nd October 2010 10 for 10.30 am Salon de Actos, Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona Celebration of 40 years in ministry of Revd Alan Maude

ADANA presentará un libro de recetas del mundo en su XX Feria Canina ADANA, la protectora de animales de Estepona, vive una de las semanas más ajetreadas del año. El próximo domingo19 de septiembre la organización celebrará su vigésima Feria Canina en el Palacio de Congresos de Estepona. Se trata de la feria más veterana de la costa y en esta ocasión será aún más especial. Además de todas las competiciones ya habituales, la feria servirá este año de escenario para la presentación oficial del Libro de Recetas del Mundo de ADANA. El libro ha sido elaborado por los propios voluntarios de la organización, que han reunido una extraordinaria colección de recetas procedentes de todo el mundo, recibidas a través de la página web de ADANA. Las ilustraciones han corrido a cargo de Angie Ambrose. El libro estará a la venta desde el domingo al precio de 5€, cantidad que irá destinada en su totalidad al cuidado de los animales abandonados de los que ADANA se hace cargo. La Feria Canina de ADANA comenzará con las inscripciones a las 10 de la mañana y habrá pruebas desde las 11. La entrada

a la feria cuesta 5€ para los adultos y es gratuita para los menores de 16 años. Todos los perros, de raza o mestizos, pueden tomar parte en esta feria, que trata, por encima de todo, de ofrecer una jornada agradable a todos los amantes de los animales y llamar la atención sobre el problema del abandono en nuestro entorno.La inscripción en competiciones cuesta 4€, y puede realizarse ya rellenando el formulario que puede encontrarse en clínicas veterinarias o en la página web de ADANA: Tel. 952797405 - movil 636934146

ADANA presents its World Cookbook at the 20th ADANA Dog Show this Sunday ADANA, the animal protection organisation based in Estepona are celebrating their 20th annual dog show this Sunday 19 September. Besides all the usual competitions, this year the fair will see the official presentation of the ADANA World Cookbook. The book has been prepared by the volunteers of the organization, bringing together an extraordinary collection of recipes from around the world, received through the

charity’s website and illustrated by Angie Ambrose. The book will be available from Sunday at a price of 5€, with all the proceeds going to the care of abandoned animals. ADANA Dog Fair will begin with registration at 10 am. The entrance to the fair costs 5€ for adults and free for children under 16 years. All dogs, pedigree or mongrels.


Información Information

EL MELANOMA ¿Que es el melanoma? El melanoma es un tipo de cáncer de la piel. La mayoría de estos son localizados, pero el melanoma sí puede extenderse a otras partes del cuerpo. Cuando se detecta al comienzo puede tener curación, pero si se descubre tarde puede resultar fatal. ¿Quién puede tener melanoma? Cualquiera puede padecerlo, pero algunas personas están más predispuestas que otras. Si su respuesta es sí a cualquiera de las preguntas siguientes, usted puede estar en riesgo. Hable con su médico acerca de sus factores de riesgo. • • • • •

Alguien de su familia ha padecido de lunares cancerosos o melanoma? Tiene usted lunares más grandes que el borrador de un lápiz? Tiene usted más de 50 lunares de cualquier tamaño? Ha tenido alguna vez durante su niñez quemaduras por el sol? Se quema su piel sin ponerse morena?

¿Dónde puede aparecer el melanoma? Puede aparecer en cualquier parte de su cuerpo, incluyendo zonas que nunca se exponen al sol, como la planta de los pies, uñas, etc. En los hombres es más frecuente el el tronco (pecho, vientre y espalda. En las mujeres ocurre más frecuente en las piernas. ¿Qué apariencia tiene? Puede ser como un lunar elevado o un crecimiento oscuro en su piel. Muchas veces no parecen malos al principio. Examine su cuerpo (vea nuestra hoja de información sobre Auto-

The Resident -

Exámen y sobre la apariencia de estos tumores). Consulte con su médico si tiene usted algo parecido a lo siguiente: • •

• • • •

Cualquier lunar, elevado o no, nuevo o antiguo, que esté cambiando su apariencia. Un lunar que no es igual un lado que el otro. Esto es, que si usted traza una línea por el centro del lunar, ¿se ve el lado izquierdo igual que el derecho? Un lunar con bordes irregulares o difusos. Un lunar que ha cambiado de color o tiene más de un color. Un lunar elevado en una parte y plano en otra. Un lunar que esté creciendo, aunque sea plano.

¿Cómo puedo evitar contraer un melanoma? Evite las exposiciones al sol, especialmente de 10 de la mañana a 4 de la tarde. Si sale en mitad del día use ropa de manga larga, gafas protectoras y sombrero. Use también un protector solar de por lo menos factor 25 (SPF). Lea nuestra hoja de información sobre la Exposición al Sol y Protección de la Piel. Las quemaduras de sol son más dañinas durante la adolescencia y los daños son acumulativos. Los niños menores de 6 meses no deben ser expuestos al sol y los mayores deben usar protección solar diaria. Lea nuestra hoja de información sobre Melanoma y Auto-Examen. Dr. Wilfredo López Saavedra Tel . 618 816 501

MELANOMA What is melanoma? The Melanoma is a kind of skin cancer. Most of them are localized, but the melanoma can spread through the whole body. When it is detected early it can be cured, but late may be fatal.

not look bad at first. Search your body (read our hand-out about Self-Examination). See your doctor if you have something like:

Who gets melanoma? Anyone can get melanoma, but some people are more likely to get it. If you answer yes to any of the questions below you may be at risk. Talk with your doctor about your risk factors.

• • • •

Has anyone in your family had a cancerous mole or a melanoma? Do you have many moles larger than a pencil eraser? Do you have more than 50 moles of any size? Did you ever get a bad sunburn when you were a child? Does your skin usually burn but not tan?

Where can a melanoma appear? Melanomas can occur anywhere on your body, even in places that are never exposed to the sun, like foot, toes and nails. In men, they are more often on the trunk (chest, stomach and back) and in women they are more frequent on the legs. What does a melanoma look like? A melanoma may be like a mole, or a bump, or growth on your skin. Melanomas often do

• •

Any mole, bump or rough patch, new or old, that is changing in the way it looks or feels. A mole that does not look the same on both sides. That is, if you draw a line down the middle of the mole, does the left side look just like the right side? A mole with borders that are blurry or irregular. A mole that changes colour or has more than one colour. A mole that is raised on one part but flat on the other part. A mole that is getting larger, even if it is flat.

How can I keep from getting melanoma? As much as you can try to stay out of the sun from 10 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon. If you go outside in the middle of the day, wear long-sleeve shirts, a hat and sunglasses. Use a sunscreen that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15. Read our handout about Sun Exposure and Skin Protection. Sunburns in childhood are the most damaging and it is cumulative. Children younger than 6 months should never be outside in direct sunshine. Children six months and older should wear sunscreen every day. Read our hand-out about Melanoma and SelfExamination.

Dr. Wilfredo López Saavedra Tel . 618 816 501

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Tel. 952 89 14 15


The Resident -


Torneo Internacional de pesca en el Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva Docenas de personas aficionadas a la pesca participaron en el primer Torneo Internacional de pesca en el Puerto de la Duquesa el Domingo 29 de Agosto de este año. Organizado por Medsports Fishing Tackle y Leisure Lounge, en colaboración con el Departamento de Residentes Extranjeros del Ayuntamiento de Manilva y Marinas del Mediterráneo. Este torneo ha sido el primero en celebrarse pero no el último, ya que se realizarán más. Con la pesca en el Dique y con algunos barcos que también participaron, el Torneo fue un éxito. Verdaderamente hubo una gran participación internacional, con participantes de España, Canadá, Rumanía y Gibraltar.

Después y durante el desayuno se realizaron las inscripciones en el Portside Café, que amablemente abrió sus puertas temprano para la ocasión, y posteriormente se comenzó la competición. Los participantes en el dique pescaron unas 50 piezas entre todos ellos, mientras que los barcos capturaron piezas ya más grandes y que llamaron la atención a todos los que estaban allí observando. La ceremonia de entrega de premios tuvo lugar esa misma tarde en Leisure Lounge en el Puerto de la Duquesa, con música en vivo por “Costa Rock” organizado por Stuart, propietario de Leisure Lounge, con barbacoa incluida como cortesía de The English Butcher.

Sabinillas, Manilva Puerto de la Duquesa tel/fax:952 891 313 tel/fax:952 892 470 (Opposite Lidls) (Marina Car Park) Estepona tel/fax: 952 885 745 (Km 167, Front Line)

Premios. 1º Premio, Barco: Tony Triay con una pieza de 7.925 kg. 2º Premio, Dique: Glen Walding, con pieza de 2 kg. 2º Premio Barco: Manolo Cordobés, con 4.475 kg. 1ª captura, Dique: Gary Walters- Boga 375 gramos Mejor captura en barco: Tony Triay- 7.925 kg. Trofeo para los afortunados: Ben Greenburg- 14 capturas desde el dique Mejor esfuerzo: Constantin Mindrica, que intentó pescar algo pero no lo consiguió. Los organizadores desean dar las gracias a todos aquellos que participaron en el evento e hicieron de éste un éxito, en particular a los sponsors: Mr. Charles Dawson de Dawson Associates, The Leisure Lounge bar, el periódico The Resident, Estepona Golf, Cebos Sport, Portside Café, Mumbai Palace, Euro Line, Il Capitano, The English Butcher, Atlas Marine, Steve Wilsdon (fontanería y alicatado), Jenni´s Special Occasions y Flowers por Lisa. Y especialmente a Marinas del Mediterráneo y a Chris Olsen del Departamento de Residentes Extranjeros, y por supuesto, los últimos pero no menos importantes, a todos aquellos participantes en este Torneo Inaugural. Para más información en este y futuros eventos contacte con Medsports- Tel: (+34) 952 891 996 o www.medsports. net

I International Fishing Tournament - Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva Dozens of local anglers turned out for the first International Fishing Tournament - Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva held on Sunday 29 August 2010. Organised by Medsports Fishing Tackle and the Leisure Lounge, in collaboration with Manilva Town Hall Foreigners Department and Marinas del Mediterraneo, this was the first edition of what will be a regular event on the local sports fishing calendar. With shore fishing from the Dique (breakwater) and several boats taking part, the tournament was a great success. A truly international field took part, with entrants from Spain, Britain, Canada, Romania and Gibraltar. After an early registration over breakfast at the Portside Cafe, who kindly opened early especially for the occasion, the competition commenced. The shore anglers bagged around 50 fish between them, whilst the boats returned with some big catches which attracted crowds of fascinated onlookers at the subsequent weigh-in on the quayside in Duquesa. The prize giving ceremony took place that evening at the Leisure Lounge in Duquesa Port, with live music by ‘Costa Rock’ arranged by Stuart, proprietor of the Leisure Lounge, and barbecue courtesy of The English Butcher.

Prizes 1st Prize, Boat: Tony Triay with a Grouper weighing in at 7.925 kg. 1st Prize, Dique (Breakwater): Glen Walding - Trigger Fish aggregate weight 2 kg. 2nd Prize, Boat: Manolo Cordobes - Grouper 4.475 kg. 1st Fish Caught, Dique: Gary Walters - Boga 375 grams. Best Fish Boat Tony Triay Grouper 7.925 kg. Luckiest Angler Trophy: Ben Greenburg - 14 fish caught from the Dique. Best Effort: Constantin Mindrica tried hard but no fish. The organisers wish to thank all those involved in making the event such a success, in particular the sponsors: Mr Charles Dawson of Dawson Associates, The Leisure Lounge bar, The Resident newspaper, Estepona Golf, Cebos Sport, Portside Cafe, Mumbai Palace, Euro Line, Il Capitano The English Butcher, Atlas Marine, Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling, Jenni’s Special Occasions and Flowers by Lisa. And very special thanks go to Marinas del Mediterraneo and Chris Olsen of the Foreign Residents Department and of course, last but not least, all the contestants who took part in this inaugural tournament. For more information on this and future events contact Medsports tel.: (+34) 952 891 996 or

Special Offers New Stock Arriving Daily Best Prices on the Coast Visit our Shop Shop online on our new look website NOW online Medsports Fishing Tackle Avenida Miraflores, Sabinillas Tel: 952 891 996 Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10.00 to 14.30 & 17:00 to 19.00 Saturday 10.00 to 14.00


Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

IV Festival Internacional de Tango en el Teatro Cervantes de Málaga

Agua, Azucarillos y Aguardiente se representará en el Palacio de Congresos

Este Festival está organizado por Producciones Sin Ache Entertainment, y con el auspicio de la Embajada de Argentina en España, el encuentro comenzará el 8 con la actuación de las parejas de bailarines Silvio Grand y Mayra Galante y Claudio y Vito. El sábado 9 la Compañía de Tango Argentino pondrá en escena el espectáculo Le tango,

El próximo 24 de septiembre, La Compañía Lírica Andaluza se presenta en Estepona con un gran espectáculo: la popular Zarzuela de Federico Chueca titulada “Agua, Azucarillos y Aguardiente”, con un amplio despliegue de músicos, actores e interpretes que harán las delicias de todos los asistentes a la función en el Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Estepona a partir de las 21:00 h. La obra está ambientada en el Madrid de finales del siglo XIX y refleja a la clase media empobrecida en contacto con las clases más humildes. Se desarrolla en las proximidades de la Verbena de San Lorenzo, el 9 de agosto, en el paseo de Recoletos. En la obra se citan otras calles, como la Ribera de Curtidores, el Prao, la Plaza de Colón, Lavapiés, Las Vistillas, la Puerta de Alcalá, la Cebá. En la obra aparecen personajes y situaciones del Madrid de la época: aguadores y aguadoras, cigarreras, chulapos y chulapas, manolos y manolas, castañeras, barquilleros, el olor a churros calientes y la limonada en los barreños de barro cocido, niñas jugando al corro mientras las niñeras coquetean con los soldados, etc. Es decir, el Madrid

sentimiento hecho danza, y el domingo 10 se estrenará Copla y tango, una historia de amor y desamor, montaje de Producciones Sin Ache Entertainment. Paralelamente, el Festival ofrecerá una muestra de milongas en un hotel de la ciudad, clases de tango para todos los niveles y una exposición de trajes de tango de todas las épocas, entre otras actividades.

castizo del chotis, el pasodoble y el organillo. Las entradas las podrán adquirir en los puntos de venta de El Corte Inglés, en la Web, en el teléfono 902 400 222 o en la taquilla el día de la representación desde las 18:00 h.

Opera at the Palacio in Estepona The Compañía Lírica Andaluza will be performing the popular Zarzuela “Agua, Azucarillos y Aguardiente” by Federico Chueco at the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona on September 24 from 9 pm. Agua, azucarillos y aguadiente is an opera in the tradition of the Spanish zarzuela, which originated in the seventeenth century and combines music with spoken dialogue. Agua, azucarillos y aguardiente (‘water, sweets and spirits’) was a common cry of street vendors in turn of the century Madrid, and Carrión and Chueca’s most popular sainete - first seen at the Teatro Apolo on 23 June 1897 - evokes its time with matchless

verve. The virtue of Carrión’s unpretentious one-act social comedy lies in the simple, unsentimental thrust of its farcical action. Although the satire is genial enough, the writer was not afraid to hold up the pretentious hypocrisy of the “literary” middle classes to ridicule; and in a world where everyone seems financially up against it, the down-toearth, cynical practicality of the street vendors comes across as comparatively honest. Tickets 26€ are available from El Corte Ingles, online at or at the box office from 6 pm on the day of the performance.

I Encuentro Coral Internacional de Manilva

Malaga’s Cervantes Theatre presents IV International Festival of Tango This Festival is organized by Entertainment Productions Without Ache under the auspices of the Embassy of Argentina in Spain, the festival begins on 8 October with a performance by the couples Silvio Grand and Mayra Galante and Claudio and Vito. On Saturday 9 October Compañía de Tango Argentino will stage the spectacular Le

tango and on Sunday 10 Copla and tango, a story of love and hate, staged by montaje de Producciones Sin Ache Entertainment. In parallel, the Festival features a sample of milongas in a hotel in the city, tango lessons for all levels and a tango exhibition of costumes through the ages, among other activities.

Exposición de fotografía y poesía en la Casa de la Juventud de ”Viper Room” El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación de Juventud, La Concejala de Juventud, Rosa Díaz (Estepona2007) informa e invita a todas aquellas personas interesadas en el arte y la cultura a participar en la inauguración de la exposición conjunta de Fotografía y Poesía “VIPER ROOM” que tendrá lugar mañana viernes 17 de Septiembre en la

Sala de Exposiciones de la Delegación de Juventud. La exposición estará a cargo de los artistas: Alejandro Simón Partal (Estepona, Málaga, 1983) Escritor. Miguel Ángel Pantalón (Almería, 1985) Fotógrafo.

El próximo 26 de septiembre a las 18:00 hrs y en Villa Matilde, tendrá lugar un encuentro entre la coral de noruega “Trengeried Koret” que viene a visitarnos a nuestro municipio, y la agrupación “Amigos de la música de Asabam”. Ambos grupos nos deleitarán con un repertorio variado entre música clásica, tradicional y folclórica. Un primer encuentro coral internacional

en Manilva, que nos hará gozar de un rato inolvidable. Por último y de una manera desenfadada, ambos coros cantarán junto con el público temas conocidos por todos. Este evento es totalmente gratuito y desde esta delegación animamos a todos los vecinos y vecinas del municipio, así como a los visitantes a participar en este Encuentro.

I Manilva International Choir Meeting On 26 September at 6 pm Manilva’s Villa Matilde will be the venue for the I International Choral Meeting a concert by the ASABAM music group and ‘Trengeried Koret’ Choir who are visiting from Norway. Both groups will present a programme of classical, traditional and folk music. Both

choirs will perform their own repertoire before singing together. The concert is organised by Manilva’s Foreign Residents Department who would encourage all residents and visitors to attend this free concert.

Musicians, groups or singers - Send us details of your forthcoming gigs, and if we have room we’ll publish them here.

Músicos, grupos o cantantes – mándanos losdatos de sus eventos y si tenemos sito dentro de estas páginas los publicaremos.

The Resident -

Ocio What’s On

Rio Manilva Road, Sabinillas-Manilva

TEATRO CERVANTES Ramos Marín, s/n, Málaga Venta/Sales tel 902 36 02 95 Info 952 22 41 00

CIRQUE ÉLOIZE - NEBBIA 23, 24, 25, 26 Sept

19 or call 952 892 690 Entertainment for September/October at Armstrongs Saturday 18th September Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin show with special guests (Tom Jones, Michale Buble). €38 per head including 3 course meal. Saturday 25th September Abba Tribute. €35 per head including 3 course meal Saturday 2nd October Frankie B – Soul & Motown Evening including 4 course meal. €38 per head.

Saturday 9th October To be confirmed (see website for details). Saturday 16th October To be confirmed (see website for details). Saturday 16th October The Rat Pack at Armstrongs. Saturday 30th October Halloween Fright Night. With Alysha and Leonardo on sax. NOT TO BE MISSED.

The Lola Boys on tour

El Paraiso Country Club 15 October En 2001, un encuentro entre Cirque Éloize y Daniele Finzi Pasca sentó las bases del proyecto La trilogía del cielo en los que el mundo de la acrobacia y la poética circense del

primero se encuentran con el universo onírico y nostálgico y los personajes profundamente humanos de los espectáculos del segundo.

Positioned at the heart of the renewal of circus arts, Cirque Éloize has been creating moving performances filled with magic since 1993. Continually striving for artistic perfection, it is oneof the leaders in contemporary circus arts. Based on the multidisciplinary talents of its artists, Cirque Éloize expresses its

innovative nature through theatricality and humanity, and combines circus arts with music, dance and theatre in a pathbreaking and original manner. With seven original productions to its credit, Cirque Éloize has presented almost 4,000 performances in 375 cities over 30 countries.

Entradas/ Tickets

Ahead of their forthcoming appearance at El Paraiso Country Club, The Boys from Lola’s performed ‘al fresco’ at Mike and Jenni’s Villa Champagne in front of an invited audience of some eighty guests. Their next performance will be at El Paraiso Country Club on Friday 15th October when they will perform a Cabaret Showcase.

Los alumnos del IES Mar de Alborán interpretarán la obra Moulin Rouge El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación municipal de Infancia y Educación, informa que ell IES Mar de Alborán realizará el día 17 de septiembre a las 21:00 horas el espectáculo musical “ Moulin Rouge” en el Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Estepona, bajo la dirección de Rubén Moltó y Antonio Rueda. El musical, de una hora de duración, estará interpretado por 40 jóvenes de nuestra localidad de entre 13 y 18 años. Incluye canciones cantadas en directo, coreografías espectaculares, proyecciones que desarrollan el argumento y escenas teatralizadas. Además de un sugerente decorado y exuberante vestuario que garantizan la vistosidad y exotismo de la representación. Los interpretes han podido tras su primera representación de la obra, varios ensayos, por los que la amplitud del mismo se espera mucho más vistosa que en la anterior ocasión.

Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English, each Saturday 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what’s on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a ‘round table’ discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.

OKTOBERFEST 2010 September 17th, 18th, 19th From noon to 12:00 p.m.

Once again visitors are invited to the original BAVARIAN BEER PARTY at the new location: PARQUE FUERTE NAGÜELES, MARBELLA Info. Tel.: 637 516 116 Live Music enjoy the OKTOBERFEST with your friends. Free entrance


Ocio What’s On

The Resident -

Exposición de pintura al óleo Dexter Dalwood - CAC Málaga Isaac Cruces expone en la Sala 10 septiembre – 28 noviembre del artista Sebé Cabrera Ortega Bru El Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga presenta la primera exposición de Dexter Dalwood en España. Una retrospectiva compuesta por pinturas y collages que reúne trabajos de la última década y que recoge su particular visión de algunos de los acontecimientos y personajes que marcaron el siglo XX. Un recorrido, a través del arte, por hechos políticos y sociales que permanecen en la memoria colectiva. C/ Alemania, s/n 29001 Malaga T: 00 34 952 12 00 55 – E: De martes a domingo de 10:00 a 20:00 horas ininterrumpidamente. Lunes cerrado

Apostando por la continuidad de las exposiciones en la sala habilitada en el monumento de El Castillo de la Duquesa, la Delegación de Cultura inauguró una nueva exposición de pintura al óleo la cual podrán ver hasta el 29 septiembre. La exposición, que tiene por nombre, “Manilva y los pueblos blancos” pertenece al pintor uruguayo Daniel Fernando Sebé Cabrera. Una obra que intenta reflejar paisajes y características de pueblos típicos andaluces entre ellos el nuestro. Su dilatada experiencia, tanto en su país de origen como en España, y sus vivencia en nuestra tierra nos hará participes de la calidad de su obra.

Exhibition of oil paintings by Sebé Cabrera Continuing the programme of exhibitions in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa, this month features an exhibition by local painter Daniel Fernando Sebé Cabrera. The artist, originally from Uruguay, has compiled a collection entitled “Manilva and the White Towns” which captures the essence of the typical landscape of Andalucia. The exhibition runs until 29 September

Dexter Dalwood - CAC Málaga The Malaga Centre for Contemporary Art presents the first exhibition in Spain by Turner Prize nominee the Britsh artist Dexter Dalwood. The exhibition brings together a retrospective of paintings and collage from the last decade that reflects a journey through some of the events and personalities that marked the 20th Century. The exhibition runs until the 28 November, CAC Malaga, Calle Alemania, Malaga Open Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 8 pm Closed Mondays T: 0034 952 120 055 –

Isaac Cruces, hermano del también pintor sanroqueño Carlos Cruces, debuta en la Galería Municipal de Arte “Ortega Brú” en San Roque con una muestra heterogénea de sus cuadros, que podrán verse del 9 al 30 de septiembre de 2010. De retratos, paisajes urbanos y bodegones se nutre su obra, hiperrealista en principio, de gran exactitud en los detalles, contrastada con la irrealidad del efecto espacial y la capacidad de convertir en temas pictóricos los detalles visuales de la realidad.

Isaac Cruces at the Ortega Bru Isaac Cruces, brother of San Roque artist Carlos Cruces, presents his first exhibition at San Roque’s Municipal Ortega Bru art gallery. The exhibition presents a range of works fom portraits, cityscapes and still life in his highly accurate and detailed visual style. The exhibition runs until 30 September.


The Resident -

Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast

Bahia de las Rocas €159,500

2 bed, 2 bath penthouse modernised to a high standard. Overlooks swimming pool and gardens. Open plan layout, large terrace, kitchen and bathrooms have been renovated. Hot and cold air con, Offered for sale including furniture. 1

3 bed, 2 bath townhouse in Bahia de las Rocas, Punta Chullera, Manilva, stunning views of the Med and Gib. Quiet residential area just minutes from Duquesa and Sotogrande. Open plan living area. American style kitchen. 2


Casares Costa

Casares Costa

We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.



Pueblo Camelot €125,000




3 bed, 3 bath townhouse in small community of only 8 houses. Communal pool and gardens and enjoy a superb outlook onto Duquesa Golf. Private garden to the rear. Features include fireplace, 2 off road parking spaces.

2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Paraiso de la Bahia on a corner plot close to the swimming pools. Spacious living room, bedrooms and kitchen and large garden. The beach and golf courses are within a 10 minute walk from the apartment.

Los Hidalgos






This superb 2 bed Casares del Sol apartment enjoys stunning views across the countryside and to the sea. Casares del Sol is in a desirable location next to the Finca Cortesin and Casares Golf clubs and just 5 minutes from the beach. The ground floor property is spacious, modern and benefits from aircon, marble flooring, English TV and private terrace. Open plan living room leads to the terrace, a modern fully fitted kitchen, 2 beds and 2 baths. Master bedroom with ensuite bathroom. The property is being sold fully furnished including all kitchen appliances. Private underground parking, storeroom, beautiful communal pools and gardens. Considerably reduced for quick sale. Viewing is highly recommended. FOR SALE FULLY FURNISHED


Casares Costa

Substantial 3 bed, 3 bath villa in the desirable residential location of Los Hidalgos, Duquesa. Comparatively large corner plot is low maintenance and has a large paved area, garden and swimming pool. Beach, Duquesa marina & shops all within walking distance. 6

Hac. Guadalupe €140,000


2 bed, 2 bath apartment in the prestigious area of Alcaidesa in the well established development of Sea Golf Regency, a secure gated urbanisation boasting beautiful communal gardens, 2 swimming pools, gym, paddle tennis court and well located close to the golf courses. 7

Duquesa Golf

€123,000 This luxury apartment is in a privileged location. Set in a beautiful valley in the foothills of Casares, near Sotogrande. Situated just off the Casares road and only a short walk to the sandy beach of Casares Playa, this 2 bed 2 bath (both ensuite) apartment is luxury living with most spectacular surroundings and is set within lush tropical gardens and swimming pools. All Majestic Hills apartments boast beautiful large terraces which make them unique. 10

Ground floor 2 bed, 2 bath, apartment, fully-fitted kitchen, large terrace, communal gardens and swimming pool. There is also a private parking space. Set only a few minutes drive to the beach, Duquesa Marina and Sabinillas


2 bed, 2 bath groundfloor apartment in the Duquesa Golf urbanization in La Duquesa. This Duquesa Fairways apartment, lounge dining room with fireplace, American style fully fitted kitchen, 2 large terraces. 9

These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. You can find many more on our website at For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at or call 952 936 198



The Resident -

Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

Fácil Easy

Following Estepona’s XI Festival of Horror and Fantasy Films this month’s picture quiz celebrates some of the best known examples of the genre. Answers page 26

Siguiendo el XI Festival cinematográfico de Horror y Fantasía en Estepona, este mes lo dedicamos a los mejores y más conocidos del género. Respuestas en página 26.



Soluciones página 26 All solutions on page 26

Nivel Medio Medium





Difícil Hard





The Resident -

Vets Corner una enfermedad en la piel denominada mucinosis. “En muchos casos, como éste, es más fácil localizar subtratos de la selección en los perros que mapeando regiones genómicas humanas, y ello puede ayudar a localizar determinadas mutaciones”, afirman los científicos en la revista Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). En la raza beagle los investigadores encontraron otro gen que modifica en las personas el índice de masa corporal y determinadas características del metabolismo. Los investigadores identificaron más de 1.600 genes conocidos y supuestos genes cuya información es traducida en proteínas. Entre ellos hay cinco que ya habían sido reconocidos en estudios previos como especialmente significativos en la cría de perros y tienen que ver con el color y el pelaje. Muchos de los genes al parecer tienen que ver con características visibles de los animales como el color y la textura del pelaje, el tamaño o la estructura ósea. Los científicos aún no pueden decir qué genes fueron influidos exactamente en la cría, ya que en cada uno de los 155 ámbitos hay varios genes El trabajo de PNAS, según sus autores, ayuda además a entender cómo es la evolución a corto plazo, así como el mecanismo de las variaciones moleculares en poblaciones naturales y su diferencia con las artificiales Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387

Genetic Mutations in “Designer Dogs” During the last 14,000 years humans have not only domesticated dogs, to become their best friends, they also have artificially selected for “Canis lupus familiaris’ to have the colour, size, body structure, abilities, and even psychological behaviour that their owners like. Now groups of scientists have identified 155 regions in the dogs genome where there are signs of this selection and containing possibly the genes characteristic of each of the 400 breeds. The study, conducted at several U.S. universities came from the analysis of 21,000 variations in DNA sequences in one nucleotide/DNA segment of a group of 275 dogs from 10 different breeds, such as Poodles, German Shepherds, Dachshunds and terriers. In total, the team, led by Joshua M. Akey, University of Washington, have identified 155 regions that have changed in recent centuries, when artificial selection became widely used, in some cases to have breeds adapted to certain tasks (hunting, shepherding, etc.) and in others by pure snobbery. That group included genes that had already been identified as characteristic of some breeds, but also other candidates that had not as yet been studied. This is the case of the association found between the gene HAS2 and wrinkling of the skin of Shar-Pei


International Club of Estepona

Las mutaciones genéticas de los perros ‘de diseño’ Durante los últimos 14.000 años, los seres humanos no sólo han domesticado a los perros, hasta convertirlos en sus mejores amigos. También les han seleccionado de forma artificial para que los ‘Canis lupus familiaris’ tengan el color, el tamaño, la estructura corporal, las habilidades e, incluso, el comportamiento psicológico que les gustaba a sus dueños. Ahora, un grupo de científicos ha identificado 155 regiones en su genoma en las que están las señales de esta selección y que contienen posibles genes característicos de cada una de las 400 razas existentes. El estudio, realizado en varias universidades estadounidenses, partió del análisis de 21.000 variaciones en las secuencias de ADN en un nucleótido de un grupo de 275 perros de 10 razas distintas, como caniches, pastores alemanes, terrier y perros salchicha. En total, el equipo, dirigido por Joshua M. Akey, de la Universidad de Washington, logró identificar 155 regiones que han variado en los últimos siglos, que es cuando la selección artificial tomó auge, en algunos casos para tener razas adaptadas a determinadas tareas (caza, pastoreo, etcétera) y en otras por puro esnobismo. En ese grupo están incluidos genes que ya se habían identificado como característicos de algunas razas, pero también otros candidatos que no habían sido estudiados hasta ahora. Es el caso de la asociación que han encontrado entre el gen HAS2 y el arrugamiento de la piel de los perros Shar-Pei, originarios de China. Raras mutaciones en este gen han sido identificadas en humanos que sufren

Información Information

dogs, originating in China. Rare mutations in this gene have been identified in humans who suffer a skin disease called mucinosis. In the Beagle, the researchers found another gene that changes in people body mass index and certain characteristics of the metabolism. The researchers identified more than 1,600 genes known and suspected genes whose information is translated into proteins. Among them are five that were already acknowledged in previous studies as particularly significant in the breeding of dogs and have to do with the color and coat.Many of the genes apparently have to do with an animals visible features such as color and texture of the coat, size or bone structure. Scientists still can not say exactly what genes were influenced in breeding, since in each of the 155 areas there are several genes involved.The work, published in the journal, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, according to its authors, also helps to understand how the short-term evolutionary changes occur, as well as understanding the mechanism of naturally occurring, as opposed to artificial, molecular variation, in natural populations and the differences between them. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387

The ICE Club is a social club for all Englishspeaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, dancing and themed supper evenings. Day and holiday coach trips. Golf, bowls, rambling, drama, cards and quiz. Monthly magazine and much more. Sundays - Bar open 12.30 to 2.30pm for drinks and tapas. Tuesdays - Bar open 11.00am to 2.00pm for drinks and tapas. Thursdays - Bar open 10.30am to 2.30pm for drinks and lunch.

Special events for September/October Saturday 18th September – It’s Party Time Franks Big Eight Oh! Saturday 25th September – Welcome Back Party Tuesday 5th October - Eric Young’s Lunch at the Club Saturday 9th October - Autumn Fayre Friday 15th October - Candelit Supper ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -

Estepona Floral Art Club Estepona Floral Art Club hopes that all their Members and Non-Members, have had a wonderful summer break and are now ready to return to the Club as they commence their Autumn Programme which will take place on Tuesday 21st September from 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm at The Benavista Country Club, Benavista, Estepona, N340 Km 167. (Behind the shops near the tennis courts) The club is delighted to welcome back for their September Meeting, Dulcie Lofting, NAFAS Area Demonstrator, from Kings Lynn in Norfolk. Dulcie will also be holding a ‘Flower Arranging Class’ on Wednesday, 22nd September at The Benavista Country Club, Estepona, N340, from 11.00 am – 2.00 pm. Lunch will be available for those who wish to stay on after the class and have the opportunity to speak with the demonstrator. Estepona Floral Art Club is also delighted to be welcoming Christopher White, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Weston, Naul, Co. Dublin on Tuesday, October 19th 2010. The demonstration will take place at ‘The Benavista Country Club’ Benavista, N340; (behind the shops near the tennis courts) the programme commences 3.00 pm – 5.00 pm. A well stocked Sales Table will be available for those vital items required for Flower Arranging and some new ideas for the new

season. Refreshments will be available before and after the demonstration, so pop along for an enjoyable afternoon of colour, design, and fun! All visitors are welcome. Christopher will also be holding a ‘Flower Arranging Class’ on Wednesday, 20th October, at the Benavista Country Club. This class will commence at 11am – 2.00 pm. Lunch will be available afterwards for those who wish to stay on with Christopher and the Committee and discuss various areas of Flower Arranging. This event is always well supported so please contact the Chairman, Marilyn Pemberton to secure your place. Thursday, October 14th, the club will be holding a ‘Coffee Morning’ in the Benavista area, from 11.00 am – 1.00 pm. This will be a great morning as ‘Green House Clothing’ will be showcasing their latest ranges of quality ladieswear, handbags, accessories and gifts all at special event prices. Details of this event can be obtained by ringing the Chairman Marilyn Pemberton. Don’t miss this one!! Estepona Floral Art Club meets on the Third Tuesday of the month except for July and August. For information on the above events and future events please contact the Chairman Marilyn Pemberton on 952 928 197.

Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva

The Age Concern charity shop in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona has been closed to allow the volunteers a break and also to re-stock with Autumn goodies! The shop re-opened on Wednesday 1st September at 10.00 and normal opening hours have been resumed. They are 10.00 to 13.30 Monday to Saturday inclusive. Why not come along then and pick up a new Autumn wardrobe. The volunteers on duty will look forward to welcoming you. Age Concern would also appreciate more donations – particularly bric-a-brac – call 951 318 234 if you can provide any, or drop it off at the shop.

Not a golfer? Why not pop along for the buffet lunch (15€) and watch the prize giving – you may even win a prize on the raffle! IBEX insurance, Anglo Wines, Hi Bond, Manilva Autos and Gaston Golf Tours are sponsoring the event but more sponsors are needed as are donations of raffle prizes – if you can help, or want to play please contact Bob Gaston on 952 936 803, or Richard Wood on 952 913 174 as soon as possible. Please try and support the good work that Age Concern are performing for older people along the coast – funds are needed to open a Drop-in-Centre in the area where older people can come for advice and information, and also socialise.

Golf Tournament


Age Concern Shop Summer Closure

Good news about the Second Age Concern golf tournament (organised by Gaston Golf Tours and Richard Wood) being held at Estepona Golf on Sunday 19th September. The cost has been reduced to 55€ per player which includes the buggy and a buffet lunch. The tournament will be a Stableford 2 ball, better ball with longest drives and nearest the pin competitions. The shotgun start is at 10.00 and not 09.00 as previously advertised.

For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650 163 928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at


Información Information

Enfermedad de Lyme


Es un artículo muy interesante sobre una enfermedad muy poco conocida llamada Enfermedad de Lyme, pero que potencialmente es muy fácil de coger. Así que ¡tened cuidado! La enfermedad de Lyme es una infección bacteriana que pasa a los humanos a través de garrapatas infectadas. Estas garrapatas son marrones/ negros, muy pequeñas, insectos en forma de araña que se alimentan en la sangre de los mamíferos, incluyendo los humanos. El síntoma más común de la enfermedad de Lyme es una erupción roja de la piel que se parece similar a la diana de un bordo de dardos. Sin embargo, si la enfermedad de Lyme se queda sin tratamiento, pueden aparecer más síntomas: Una alta temperatura (fiebre) de 38C (100.4F) o más; Dolor de muslos; Dolor de articulación e inflamación, y Síntomas neurológicos, como parálisis temporal de los muslos faciales. Una persona con enfermedad de Lyme no es contagiosa porque la infección se puede entregar solo a través de las garrapatas. ¿Qué tan común es la enfermedad de Lyme? La enfermedad de de Lyme no es una infección común. La Agencia de Protección de Salud estima que hay entre 1,0002,000 casos de enfermedad de Lyme en Gran Bretaña en cada año. Las garrapatas que causan la enfermedad de Lyme se encuentran en áreas de bosque y brezos. Esto porque estos tipos de habitados tienen un número alto de animales que llevan garrapatas, como venado, perros, gatos y ratas. Debido a sus modelos de crianza, la populación de garrapatas es más alta durante el período de primavera tardía y el verano temprano. Previsión Si la enfermedad Lyme se diagnostica en el estado temprano, se puede curar con antibióticos, y la previsión es excelente. La mayoría de las personas van a tener una recuperación dentro de un par de días. Aunque se desarrollan síntomas más avanzados, ellos de costumbre se curan con antibióticos, pero un curso más prolongado será requerido. La mejor manera de prevenirte a ti o a uno de tus miembros de familia de la enfermedad de Lyme es de tomar precauciones razonables cuando estás en áreas conocidas por tener una población alta de garrapatas, y llevar camisas de manga larga y utilizando repelente de insectos. Puedes reducir el riesgo de infección de la siguiente manera: Estar al tanto de las garrapatas y de las áreas donde viven; Llevar ropa adecuada en áreas infestadas con garrapatas ( una camisa de manga larga y los pantalones metidos en tus

calcetines); Utilizar repelentes de insectos; Revisar su piel por garrapatas, especialmente a final del día, incluyendo su cabeza, cuello y los pliegues de la piel (axila, ingle, cintura); Estar seguro de revisar los áreas del cuello y cabeza de sus hijos, incluyendo el escalpo; Revisar que no traes en casa, en tu ropa las garrapatas, y Revisar que los animales no los traen en casa en su pelaje. Como quitar una garrapata Si encuentras una garrapata en tu piel (o en la piel de tu hijo), debes quitarla despacio, agarrándola lo más cerca a la piel posible, preferiblemente con pinzas finas, y tirar lejos de la piel. ¡¡NUNCA utilizar un cigarro encendido, una cerrilla, u aceites volátiles para forzar a la garrapata!! Algunos consultorios veterinarios y tiendas de animales venden aparatos de quitar las garrapatas que no son caros, que pueden servir si está frecuentemente expuesto a las garrapatas. Recuerde que si de improviso tiene algún problema relacionado con su salud: los médicos de SOS Médicos 24HS están conduciendo a lo largo de la Costa del Sol, en el área desde Alcaidesa/Sotogrande hasta Mijas Costa las 24 horas al día. Nuestros número de contacto son: 951 277 270 or 951 277 272 (para pedir que uno de nuestros médicos le visite). Ofrecemos el mejor servicio de Médico a domicilio en la Costa del Sol a un precio MUY razonable. Date a ti y a tu familia la tranquilidad que mereces y contacta con nosotros para tener más detalles sobre nuestros servicios. Vamos...... “¡Pon en medico en tu bolsillo!” “¡Estamos a un teléfono de tu salud!” ¡Por favor tome nota! Debido a muchos clientes apreciados, hemos decidido extender nuestro área: ¡ahora cubrimos hasta e incluyendo Mijas Costa! Así que si vive en cualquier zona de nuestro área de cobertura, llámanos o mándanos un e mail a info@sosmedicos24hs. com y te podemos entregar más información sobre nuestros servicios. O si no, puede ir a nuestra página web: www.sosmedicos24hs. com Por parte del equipo SOS Medicos 24HS, Manilva. Dr. Haroldo Miguel Forcillo Medical Director SOS Médicos 24HS

Run for Moore

A group of locals from the Manilva area set out early on Saturday 11 September on a 7 km sponsored run/walk/ cycle from Sabinillas to Castillo and back to raise funds for charity. This was just one event in a programme of fund raising activities which aims to donate £1500 to the Bobby Moore Bowel Cancer Research fund. For more information on any of these activities or to make a donation visit The next event is Golf for Moore on 7th November at San Roque New Course (see page 25).

Dusty and friends raise over 3000 € for Animal in Need

The highly talented Katy Setterfield sold out two nights at the Roman Oasis in Manilva with her tribute act ‘Dusty and Friends’. Katy, winner of BBC’s prime time show ‘The One and Only’ with her portrayal of Dusty Springfield, wowed the audience with her live show which included ‘Annie Lennox’, ‘Cher’, and ‘Tina Turner’ for good measure. Supporting performances by Peter Charles and DJ Pete Lane kept the audience entertained into the early hours. With over 3000 euros raised for Animal in Need in support of their La Linea dog refuge, both nights were an unqualified success with people already asking about next year’s show. The organisers would like to thank everyone who helped make the event such a success.

Lyme disease Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that is spread to humans by infected ticks. These ticks are brown/black, very small, spider-shaped insects that feed on the blood of mammals, including humans. The most common symptom of Lyme disease is a red skin rash that looks similar to a bull’s eye on a dart board. However, if Lyme disease is left untreated, further symptoms can follow including: a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4F) or over; muscle pain; joint pain and swelling, and neurological symptoms, such as temporary paralysis of the facial muscles. A person with Lyme disease is not contagious because the infection can only be spread by the ticks. How common is Lyme disease? Lyme disease is an uncommon infection. The Health Protection Agency (HPA) estimates that there are between 1,000-2,000 cases of Lyme disease in the UK each year. The ticks that cause Lyme disease are commonly found in woodland and heath land areas. This is because these types of habitats have high number of tick-carrying animals, such as deer, dogs, cats and mice. Due to their breeding patterns, the tick population is at it is highest during late spring and early summer. Outlook If Lyme disease is diagnosed in its early stages, it can be treated with antibiotics, and the outlook for the condition is excellent. Most people will make a full recovery within a couple of days. Even if more serious symptoms develop, they can usually be cured with antibiotics, although a longer course will be required. The best way to prevent you and your family member from Lyme disease is to take sensible precautions when you are in areas that are known to have a high tick population, such as wearing longsleeved shirts, and using insect repellent. You can reduce the risk of infection by: being aware of ticks and which areas they normally live in; wearing appropriate clothing in tick-infested areas (a long-sleeve shirt and trousers tucked into your socks); using insect repellents; inspecting your skin for ticks, particularly at the end of the day, including your head, neck, and skin folds (armpits, groin, and waistband); making sure that your children’s head and neck areas, including scalps, are properly

The Resident -

checked; checking that ticks are not brought home on your clothes, and checking that pets do not bring ticks into your home in their fur. How to remove a tick If you find a tick on your skin (or your child’s skin), you should remove it by gently gripping it as close to the skin as possible, preferably using fine toothed tweezers, and pull steadily away from the skin. NEVER use a lighted cigarette end, match or volatile oils to force the tick out! Some veterinary surgeries and pet supply shops sell inexpensive tick removal devices, which may be useful if you are frequently exposed to ticks. Remember that should you have any unforeseen problem regarding your health: the doctors from SOS Médicos 24HS are driving along the Costa del Sol, in the area from Alcaidesa/Sotogrande up to Mijas Costa 24 hours a day. Our Contact Numbers are : 951 277 270 or 951 277 272 (to ask for a visit from one of our doctors). Please note! Due to many new valued clients, we have decided to extend our area: we now cover up to and including Mijas Costa! So, if you live anywhere in our coverage area, call us or send us a quick email to : and we can contact you with more information about our services. Or, alternatively, check out our website at: www.sosmedicos24hs. com From everyone at SOS Medicos 24HS, Manilva.

O’Callaghans raising funds for Animal in Need this Saturday O’Callaghan’s Bar in Sabinillas, in conjunction with Animal in Need are holding a fundraising event this Saturday 18th September from 11 am. It is hoped to raise funds to have the local stray cats sterilized, initially the females which are unfortunately the most expensive. In addition to burgers, hot dogs and cakes there will be clothes, toys, books CDs and DVDs for sale. Please go along and support them.

Información Information

The Resident -


Costa Advice Bureau Tax declarations for Resident and nonresident persons Many property owners are still avoiding or are not aware that they must make this annual tax declaration. Proprietors who have had their properly for many years are under the impression that making the declarations will mean that they will be presented with a huge tax bill for back payments. This is not the case. If you decide to fulfill this obligation you need not be concerned as you will only be taxed for the previous year. Ignoring this ruling and waiting until the tax authority’ contacts you could result in receiving bills for the previous years. Non residents can file this tax now without waiting for the December deadline.

Endesa and the directive to install a current limiter The company have been sending letters to their consumers insisting that the old meters are fitted with an ICP (Interruptor de Control de Potencia) current limiter. This decree has been put into practice even though the electricity Company has begun fitting new meters in properties and this is to be extended to all households making the old meters obsolete. It is therefore incomprehensible that householders are being made to comply with this rule with the costs associated with the fitting of this device. It may be worthwhile to take into account that Endesa are not allowed to interrupt the electricity supply to properties on public holidays or on any day that the telephone service ‘Attention to the client’ is not available. For those who are still receiving erroneous and incorrect

demands for payments that do not coincide with usage you should ask for the Hoyas de Reclamaciones (complaints book) at any Endesa office. The complaint should be written in Spanish and should be sent to their main office by certified post and a receipt kept.

Yet more changes for registering on the Padron If you have just become acquainted with process described in the preceding article written on this subject, prepare for a change in the rules. The old system of a few years ago is to be reinstated. You were entitled to register on the census before taking out residency. Registering now will entitle you to vote in the May 2011 elections and avail of the many advantages associated with including yourself and your family on the census. The procedure is simple. Present yourself and family to your allocated town hall department with your passports and a copy, title deeds or nota simple if you are a home owner. Tenants need to take along their passports a rental contract and a utility bill in the name of the owner whose name should coincide with the name on the rental agreement. EU residents now are to receive a letter in the posts every second year to advise them of updating their data on the census. Do not rely on this as 3000 letters sent out to residents of in a town in Alicante were lost in the post.

Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821

Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research


Sunday 7th November San Roque - New Course

60 per

• • • •

er play

18 holes of golf (Teams of 4 players) Including buggy Tapas and drinks at clubhouse Great prizes to be won

• Evening Entertainment with Live Music, Disco and Charity Raffle To enter your team of 4 players

Call Dave Hewitt on 677 129 727

III Costa del Sol Business Awards

The Director of the Business Support Centre in Marbella, Mr. Oscar Fernandez, of Andalucia Emprende, Junta de Andalucia invites you to the Foreign Residents Business Day 2010, which includes the ceremony of the Costa del Sol Business Awards scheduled for October 21st. The event is organised with the collaboration of Unicaja International and the Chamber of Commerce of Malaga. For the 3rd time, the Costa del Sol Business Awards will yet again serve as a tool for the overall business promotion while creating a platform for international business firms. The Costa del Sol has been an emerging business point of southern Spain in which the expat community plays a key role in the overall growth of the region due to its diversity, size and the possible amount of business investments they bring. Looking at the contribution of foreign residents to Costa del Sol business, it has been one of the strategic targets of the Regional Government, Junta de Andalucia, to support international residents in doing business here in Andalucia. Hence, by hosting business seminars and events like Costa del Sol Business Awards, it facilitates better coordination and interaction between local authority. Costa del Sol Business Awards is exclusively for international firms already carrying on business or intending to get into the Costa del Sol market. Recognising the huge amount of business resources,

the idea of the Junta to integrate foreign businesses based in Spain is indeed laudable for the overall growth of the region. For this purpose CADE Marbella, Malaga Chamber of Commerce and Unicaja are organising the III Foreign Resident Business Day, a meeting point for all people aiming to start doing business in Andalucia or for existing business people to expand their activities. The Costa del Sol Business Awards ceremony is the perfect event to stimulate creativity and network, and to look for new business opportunities. 2010 Costa del Sol Business Awards ceremony is a part of this business meeting. The meeting includes two conferences: “Internet opportunities in 2011” and “Communication – Simple Strategies for Success”.

Costa del Sol Business Awards Categories Among all participants, notable achievers or some of the most successful or innovative firms will be awarded on six different categories: Integration in Andalusia, Innovation Award, Business Promotion of Andalucia, Association Award, Young Entrepreneur, and Company of the Year. Thursday, 21 October, 4.15 pm at the Hotel los Monteros, Marbella.

anúnciese con the resident advertise with the resident Tlf. 952 936 198


En la Residencia de las Palabras

Lo que sabemos al fin y al cabo


e quedo pensando cuando te miro, y en los escenarios de la inteligencia, ya no busco la profundidad de los días. Advierto a la desdicha, le ruego que jamás ponga su llaga en las ventanas de mi carne. Nos quedamos atrapados, quizás yo en las preguntas, tú en las respuestas; porque volvemos siempre a lo mismo, a encontrarnos en el espejo de los intercambios, donde la madurez resbala con suspiros buscando la sencillez de un aliento. Allí estamos, hablándonos el uno al otro, para aprender, sin saber nada, procurando en los rasgos del aire convencer con nuestra conversación al vecindario de las interrogantes. Alguien nos dice: “Os enseñaremos el arma con que matamos vuestros sueños”. Si te pregunto cómo eres, alguien anota en tu mirada lo superfluo, porque un hombre es más que un hombre. Y todavía yo, no me lo creo, el enfado de lo sísmico, el rodar en el flaco hinojo los testimonios imperfectos del ser. Yo sé lo que siento pero no puedo explicarlo, por eso te pregunto; y yo, no quiero la noche oscura y desvelada, la noche que no habla y se suspende sobre un alcaudón ciego; la noche palpitante y tímida que se inunda. Y yo, que no soy

Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas -Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información Teléfono: 606 602 558 (Coopere con nosotros)

yo, desaparezco. (La física no engaña, es continua.) Porque un hombre es más que un hombre. Y yo, no quiero la noche oscura y desvelada, la noche de la envidia del yo impresionante, tan solo y clausurado. La noche no me habla, se pierde en su montura de estrellas. Un nuevo sentimiento se despierta en una morada de la luna. Porque la noche es intrépida cuando no tiene nombre. La noche escribe como persona infinita, acaso para no morir arrojada en las palabras de otros. La noche nace al verbo como pájaros verdes; y para volar escapa y atrapa el sueño; y un ignoto soplo de crepúsculo mojado en los labios de la vida, reafirma una lluvia humana. Ahora me quedo solo ante tu nombre, y no acierto a tentarlo, no poseo el carácter de aprisionar un mundo aislado, y para tomarlo en la opacidad y las claridades, salgo al valle en esa sonatina. Juntas y en la aurora nuestras palabras son besos que arden para el color. No soy el viento que te busca para secar la humedad de tu cabello. (No soy ni el necio ni el sabio. Puede que sea un poema del astro.) Y no soy para que suene bien el niño que trepando en las flores te lleva a un columpio de perfumes esparcidos, el niño en su memoria de respirar sereno, de su pureza plática. No, no soy el Olimpo de las caracolas que presagian. ¡Me atrevo a abrir la boca para tanta ilusión! Te ofrezco, me ofreces, pero entre ambos, esa repentina mansión de los sentidos: sin ira, oírnos. Y el pensamiento avanza al nuevo amanecer, hasta que al fin una gota de noche tiembla en el pubis del jardín que se complace en tomarnos; porque ya nos conoce el mundo antes de nada; y estamos en el exordio de una vasta y cálida conversación de experiencias.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Cuando la luna es celeste” 2.000

Alcoholics Anonymous ¿Tienes Problemas con el Alcohol? ¿Necesitas Ayuda? Le Podemos Ayudar Llame a este Número

952 218 211

The Resident -

El Concertista

Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions Fácil Easy

Miras a la oscuridad, ciego tambor para la luz del espacio, ¿o son tus ojos cerrados quienes cantan y bullen porque al mirar se funden con la noche blanca cuerpos que se aman? La tecla es surtido, un parpadeo y un canto desde el alma que el sonido provoca, el teclado un párpado mediador, ¡oh!, el piano en su cola tiene una luz que cree y yace, yace porque el minuto de la melodía invoca el beso en movimiento. Un rostro y un mundo, y aún te queda más: el agua de la música por tus pies como río colorado: eres tú mismo quien muere y resucita. ¿Oyes? No sólo el sonido sino esa imagen. Las manos se entregan y liberan el fruto. Es más grande el sonido, no más fuerte. Ante ti el piano. El piano es un niño. Y el tambor maleza, riña del tiempo. Tiene los ojos cerrados: la luz se siente. La realidad es esa música: abre ahora el viento tus pupilas. El concertista suspira, con soledad y engaño, no se conforma con tomar desde el mundo a la belleza, no se conforma con nacer y morir en la estructura del solfeo: sólo acaba lo que camina solo y no se ama. Sonido viajando a otros lugares. Tocar. Todo el cuerpo ante la anchura, la tarde en el él habla de la vida; prosigue, ¡qué sosiego!, ¡qué lenta el alma rozando las teclas! Salió por fin del hueco de la invocación una melodía. Y todo el mundo calla cuando musita la sangre.

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “A la medida del hombre” 1.982-2.005

Nivel Medio Medium

Difícil Hard

Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers 1 Hellraiser. 2 Child’s Play Chucky, el muñeco diabólico. 3 The Birds Los pájaros. 4 Pan’s Labyrinth El laberinto

anúnciese con the resident Tlf.952 936 198

del fauno.

7 Psycho Psicosis.

5 Avatar. 6 The Omen La profecía. 8 The Ring La señal. 9 Shaun of the Dead Zombies party (una noche... de muerte). 10 Poltergeist (Fenómenos extraños).

Información Information

The Resident -

Spanish Inheritance Taxes – Chapter II Following last month’s introduction to Spanish inheritance taxes, this month we are going to clarify 3 important issues which affect the Inheritance taxes to be paid: 1 Importance of Tax residence in Spain 2 No magical ways to avoid Inheritance taxes 3 Special family circumstances

Tax Residence In Spain Should you be living more than 183 days a year in Spain you are legally considered by the Inland Revenue as Tax resident in Spain; but it is really important that everybody who lives permanently in Spain arrange the necessary legal paperwork in order to be officially registered as RESIDENT with the Spanish authorities. First of all, it is necessary to register with the local town Hall of the municipality where you are living. It is called “empadronamiento”. After doing so, it is also convenient registering with the Police authorities and get what is called “certificado de residencia”. Finally it is recommended to register with the Social Security Authorities, so that you can receive medical assistance in case you need it. Should you not arrange your official registration as “resident” in Spain, the taxman could consider you at a later date as being “non resident” which would affect future inheritance Taxes to be paid. It is very important because, with regards to the main home,

there are no inheritance taxes between spouses for those who are tax residents in Spain. This tax exemption is not applicable to non residents, so it is very important to ensure that you are registered as tax resident in Spain in order to take advantage of tax exemptions applicable to residents.

No magical ways to avoid inheritances taxes There are no magical ways to avoid inheritance Taxes. Everything is invented and, unfortunately, tax inspectors are quite clear. You must not place your trust in people recommending magical solutions such as Company structures, fictitious mortgages, change of ownership structure, etc. Many financial companies are trying to sell all these magical formulas to avoid paying Inheritance Taxes but they are often much more expensive than Inheritance taxes themselves and in some cases totally illegal. Each particular case is different and must be studied individually in order to receive the most appropriate Tax solution or advice. For advice on Spanish Inheritance Taxes you must always trust in Spanish professionals duly qualified.

Special family circumstances Nowadays there are many special family circumstances (partners living together and not being legally

married, homosexual partners, etc.). In these particular cases it is essential that the Authorities are aware of these personal relationships. The Inheritance Taxes are lower the closer that relationship is. It is not the same leaving your property to your wife than leaving it to a friend. In the first case there could be a Tax exemption (for tax residents) and in the second case there are a lot of Taxes to be paid. Therefore, it is very important if you are living with your partner (heterosexual or homosexual) but you are not legally married, that you register yourself as “ pareja de hecho” with the Public Registry of your Local Town Hall. By doing so you will be considered legally partners and will be able to take advantage of all benefits and exemptions that Inheritance Law allows to married people. Tax Authorities must know that you are leaving your assets to your partner (and not just a friend or partner). In the next instalment, Chapter III, we will explain the scale of Inheritance Taxes in Andalucía and will advise on what to do when owning assets in Spain. Manilva Solicitors Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Senior Partner Tel 952 901 225 Fax 952 901 226 E-mail:

Good news coming from the UK


Always interesting to hear good news coming from the UK and recent revised figures for gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter of the year were better for Britain and worse for the US. Britain’s GDP grew by 1.2 percent instead of 1.1 percent originally estimated, while the pace of US expansion was slashed from 0.6 percent to 0.3 percent. Investors did not have the foggiest idea what to do about either figure. Britain’s better than expected number actually provoked a minor sell-off after the announcement. Investors saw the elevated GDP figure almost as an economic swansong. Government austerity measures and the uncertainty of the coalition’s ability to tackle the problems are bound to slow things down – the only question is by how much. As for the weaker US performance, investors had already been primed to expect a downgrade. They were just relieved it was not worse.

A different confusion of cause and effect recently allowed the Japanese yen to strengthen after an announcement that the Bank of Japan (BoJ) would increase its supply of cheap lending from ¥20 trillion to ¥30 trillion. For any other currency it would have been bad news. For the yen it was great: if the authorities in Tokyo were scared, investors needed to stick up on the best safe-haven currency around… the yen. It strengthened by 2.7 percent against the euro and the pound in the following 36 hours. There is talk of the BoJ selling the yen in order to hold it down. However, without co-operation of other central banks (unlikely because they have no vested interest in a more competitive yen) such intervention would probably be effective only in the very shortest term. Another example of how the markets react to information in differing ways. The foreign exchange market is flying. A recent favourite was the Swiss franc, simply as it was the only currency for which nobody had a bad word. It would be no surprise to see a repeat soon. Thankfully the English did manage to beat them in the Euro Qualifiers recently. For the pound against the euro it has been a yoyo effect sometimes its up a moment later its down.

With conflicting information being published by various bodies in the UK concerning the state of the housing market the impact will be very much the same in the coming weeks. At some stage we will possibly start to see a negative impact upon the pound as its dependence upon the housing sector to maintain a strong pound will diminish. During the last couple of weeks the pound has ranged from 1.20ish to just under 1.23, let’s see where the next couple of weeks takes us however it will be more likely to continue within the same range So if you are looking to gain the most for your money why not contact Moneycorp, the foreign exchange specialist who can take care of all your money transfers to and from Spain; however small or large. Their local experts make the process quick, easy and highly cost-effective.

For more information on how Moneycorp can help get you more currency than from your bank contact Michael Campbell in the Costa del Sol office on +34 951 319 700 or email michael.campbell@ Always quote The Resident.


Pensions, health & unemployment British Consulate Pension, Benefit & Healthcare Team Life Certificates What is a life certificate? A life certificate is quite simply a form sent to UK State Pensioners to check their continued eligibility to receive a pension. Sometimes the DWP will send this form to a pensioner if they have lost contact with them, e.g. they have not received a response to other correspondence. For this reason, it is important you update the International Pension Centre with any change in your contact details. What do I do if I receive a life certificate? - First of all, don’t panic! It doesn’t necessarily mean your pension has been stopped. However, if you fail to respond to a life certificate request, your pension may be suspended until the life certificate is returned. - You should complete the certificate in one of two ways: EITHER) Sign the declaration in front of a witness. Please note, the witness must be one of the officials named on the form, otherwise the form may not be accepted in the UK OR) Get a ‘Certificado de fé y vida’ from the local Civil Registry. Search for your local Civil Registry at If you choose this option, you do not have to have your signature on the UK form witnessed. Just inform the DWP of any changes in your circumstances and send both forms back. The life certificate does come with full instructions on how to complete it and providing you return it within 8 weeks of the date of the letter, you will find there is no disruption to your pension payments.

Accessing healthcare as a ‘dependant’ You might remember from previous editions of the newsletter that those in receipt of a UK State pension or benefit, as well as those who have recently made national insurance contributions in the UK, may be entitled to a form from the UK (now known as an S1), which gives them full, free access to the Spanish healthcare system. But what happens if you are not in receipt of such a pension or benefit, nor are you working and paying into the Spanish system? Just being registered as a resident does not give you the automatic right to free state healthcare in Spain. Well, it is worth bearing in mind that if you are living with someone who is entitled to free healthcare, you may be able

to gain free access to the system as their dependant: If you live with someone who is paying contributions in Spain: Speak to the INSS (Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social) to find out if you are eligible to be included as a dependant under Spanish law – If you live with a UK State Pensioner: If you are the spouse or civil partner of a UK State Pensioner, call the International Pension Centre (0044 191 218 7777) for a dependant S1 form. If you are an unmarried partner, family member or live with someone you are economically dependant on, contact the INSS to see if you are eligible for free healthcare. If you live with a posted worker or early retiree who has recently paid contributions to the UK: Contact the INSS to find out if you are eligible for free healthcare. NOTE: We are aware that some British nationals are having trouble registering as a dependant on the S1 form of a posted worker or early retiree. We are currently working with the UK and Spanish authorities to resolve this issue. For more information on healthcare please see uk or contact your local PBH team.

Means-tested unemployment benefit If you have worked and paid contributions in Spain, you may be entitled to unemployment benefit if you lose your job. However, what many people don’t realise is that when the contributions-based benefit runs out, if you are still looking for work, AND on a low income AND have family responsibilities (for example, you are supporting a spouse or dependant children) OR are over 45, you may continue to be entitled to benefit. This benefit is called subsidio de desempleo por agotamiento de la prestación contributiva and is a means-tested unemployment benefit available through INEM. For more information, visit www. You can contact the British Consulate Pension, Benefit and Healthcare team at: Apto. de Correos 360 29080 Malaga Or: Tel: (+34) 95 235 2300 Fax: (+34) 95 235 9211 E-mail:


Domain Name & Hosting Included

Tel. 952 936 198


Deportes Sport

The Resident -

Estepona celebra su XVII Edición del Torneo de Verano de Tenis de Mesa El Ayuntamiento de Estepona informa que se ha organizado por la Delegación Municipal de Deportes en colaboración con el Club de Tenis de Mesa, la XVII Edición del Torneo de Verano de Tenis de Mesa, que tendrá lugar en el Polideportivo “El Carmen”, el próximo Sábado 18 de Septiembre, en horario de 09,00 horas a 14,30 por la mañana y de 16,00 horas a 20,00 horas en horario de tarde.

Participarán jugadores de toda la provincia en dos categorías, deportistas de hasta 15 años y mayores de esta edad. El torneo se disputará en 15 mesas y el sistema de juego será de todos contra todos en cada grupo, pasando a los cruces eliminatorios ya en jornada de tarde. Se entregarán trofeos para los tres primeros de cada categoría, así como a los mejores locales de cada una de las categorías.

U Estepona CF - La campaña de abonados finalizará el 24 de septiembre

XVII Table Tennis Summer Tournament Estepona’s Sports Department in collaboration with the local Table Tennis Club have organised the XVII Table Tennis Summer Tournament to be held at the El Carmen Sports Centre on Saturday 18 September from 9 am to 8 pm with a break from 2.30 pm until 4 pm. Participating are players from across the province who will be competing in two

categories: Under 15s and Over 15s and the tournament will be contested on 15 tables on a round-robin system within each group, with the knockouts taking place in the afternoon. Trophies will be awarded to the top three in each category as well as the best local players in each of the categories.

Rugby Rocks - VI Torneo Ciudad de San Roque El sábado 18 de septiembre Rugby Rocks presentará la sexta edición del Torneo Ciudad de San Roque. Para este evento, Rocks presentará un equipo como representante de la comarca en el que tendrán cabida jugadores de distintos puntos del Campo de Gibraltar. Los invitados en la edición de 2010 serán Helvetia Rugby y el Club de Rugby Atlético Portuense, quienes actualmente militan en la División de Honor B. El torneo supondrá el primer contacto de Rocks - bajo la denominación XV Rocks - con la competición, y será

una oportunidad para que los técnicos le den forma a la plantilla de cara a la preparación para la próxima edición de la Liga Superibérica. Los partidos serán el sábado 18 de septiembre en el campo de Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro, a las 12:00, 13:00 y 14:00 horas. El primer encuentro lo protagonizarán los locales con Helvetia Rugby, para posteriormente ser de nuevo XV Rocks quien se enfrenta a Club Rugby Atlético Portuense. El punto y final al campeonato lo pondrán el equipo de El Puerto y Helvetia Rugby.

Rugby Rocks - VI San Roque Tournament On Saturday 18 September the Rugby Rocks team will compete in the VI San Roque Rugby Tournament to be held at Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro from 12 noon. The Rocks will field a Campo de Gibraltar selection and will compete against Seville’s Helvetia Rugby and Club Rugby Atlético

Portuense from Puerto de Santa Maria in Cadiz. The competition will give the Rocks training staff an opportunity to look at a number of players in preparation for the Liga Superibérica Iberian Super League competition.

La junta directiva de la Unión Estepona Club de Fútbol, presidida por Eugenio Muñoz, ha anunciado que la campaña de abonados para la presente temporada 2010/2011 finalizará el próximo día 24 del presente mes de septiembre, previo al encuentro que se disputará en el estadio Francisco Muñoz Pérez entre el Estepona y el Cádiz C.F. Este encuentro está previsto el domingo 26, a las doce del mediodía, y será declarado Día del Club, y aunque aún no se ha confirmado los precios de las entradas, desde la entidad esteponera se ha adelantado que no serán precios muy altos, ya que lo que se pretende es que el estadio registre una buena entrada, tanto de aficionados de Estepona como de la capital gaditana y el resto de la comarca. Precios abonos Para esta temporada hay diferentes

precios en los abonos. En tribuna oscilan entre los 120 euros para general, 90 para jubilados y señoras y 70 para jóvenes con edades comprendidas entre los 12 a 18 años. En preferencia el precio de general será de 100 euros, para jubilados y señoras 70 y joven 50; y por último en fondo el precio general es de 80 euros, 50 para jubilados y señoras y 30 para jóvenes. Además habrá carnet de empresa y para comercios colaboradores de 200 euros, que no pagarán en ningún partido día del club ni amistoso. Esta temporada habrá dos jornadas de Día del Club y descuentos para los desempleados y para los que hagan a un mínimo de cinco abonados. Además de un diez por ciento de descuento en los bares del estadio Francisco Muñoz Pérez, Municipal San Fernando y polideportivo de Cancelada.

U Estepona CF Estepona have enjoyed mixed results for their start to this season’s campaign. After a 0-0 draw in the first match away to Caravaca, Estepona came back the following week with a convincing 4-0 victory at home to Jumilla. Unfortunately the momentum was lost when in the latest match they lost away to Puertollano 2-0. This has left the local team mid table in tenth place. This Sunday Estepona entertain fourth place Sevilla Atletico at the Francisco Muñoz Pérez Stadium. The season ticket campaign continues for the 2010/11 season with a number of discounts and special offers available to subscribers including free legal consultations, etc. Prices: Tribuna - General 120€; Pensioners and Women 90€; children aged 12 to 18 70€.

Preferencia - General 100€; Pensioners and Women 70€; children 12 to 18 50€. Fondo - General 80€; Pensioners and Women 50€; children aged 12 to 18 30€. There is also a ‘Business Card’ for commercial sponsors of 200€ which allows free entry to all league matches and friendlies. This season there will be two ‘Club Days’ as well as discounts for the unemployed and those who purchase a minimum of five season tickets. Along with all of this season ticket holders are also entitled to 10% discount in the bars in the Francisco Muñoz Pérez Stadium, San Fernando Municipal Stadium and the Cancelada Sports Centre. Season tickets can be purchased at the office in the Francisco Muñoz Pérez Stadium between 6.30 and 9.30 pm weekdays.

The Resident -

Benahavís Senior Masters

Deportes Sport


Open de España Femenino 2010 El Patronato de Turismo de la Costa del Sol ha asumido el patrocinio del Open de España Femenino durante los tres próximos años, con opción asimismo preferente para las ediciones comprendidas entre 2013 y 2015. Flamingos Golf, en la provincia de Málaga, ha sido designada como sede del Open de España Femenino 2010, que tendrá lugar entre el 16 y el 19 de septiembre, competición encuadrada dentro del Circuito Europeo Femenino. El Open de España Femenino ocupa el vigesimoprimer lugar en el calendario del Ladies European Tour 2010 y será la tercera que se celebre este año en nuestro país tras la reciente Copa de Europa

Femenina disputada en La Sella (Denia, Alicante), saldada con enorme éxito, y el Tenerife Ladies Open que se celebrará a primeros de julio. Con posterioridad al Open de España Femenino, justo en la semana siguiente, se disputará el Madrid Ladies Masters, lo que pone de manifiesto la importancia de España dentro del Circuito Europeo Femenino. Flamingos Golf oficiará de sede del Open de España Femenino por primera vez en su historia, un torneo que cuenta con el apoyo de la Real Federación Española de Golf y la Real Federación Andaluza de Golf.

Spanish Women’s Golf Open 2010 La Quinta Golf será por segundo año consecutivo la anfitriona del Benahavís Senior Master del 15 al 17 de octubre de 2010, por lo que los cambios del campo C constituirán un nuevo e interesante desafío para los mejores jugadores del Senior Tour Europeo. El acontecimiento reunirá en Benahavís a

algunos de los grandes nombres del golf, como el antiguo capitán de la Ryder Cup Sam Torrance que se verá las caras con Costantino Rocca, el actual campeón Carl Mason, y desde luego, con el diseñador del campo de golf La Quinta, Manuel Piñero.

Benahavis Senior Masters La Quinta once again plays host to the Benahavis Senior Masters for the second successive year on 15th-17th October 2010 and the changes to C course will prove a significant challenge to the very best on the European Seniors Tour. The event will see some of the game’s

greatest names gather in Benahavis, Former Ryder Cup captain Sam Torrance will be joined by the likes fellow Ryder Cup stalwart Costantino Rocca, defending champion Carl Mason, and of course, designer of the La Quinta course, Manuel Piñero.

The Tourist Board of the Costa del Sol has assumed the sponsorship of the Women’s Open Golf tournament in Spain for the next three years, as well as having the option for the 2013 to 2015 editions. Flamingos Golf, in Benahavis, is for the first time currently hosting the 2010 Women’s Open Golf, from 16 to 19 September, as an integral part of the European Women’s Tour Salvador Pendón, Chairman of the Tourist Board of the Costa del Sol, stated that the sponsorship of this event is just part of a strategy to boost quality golf tourism on the Costa del Sol as one of the top destinations in Europe. Women’s Spanish Open is the 21st on the Ladies European Tour calendar 2010 and will be the third to be held this year in Spain after

the recent Women’s European Cup finals in La Sella (Denia, Alicante), and the Tenerife Ladies Open held in early July.

Manilva Netball Club New season starts on Tuesday September 14, at 6.30pm. Feel free to come along and join in. Don’t worry if you haven’t played for years, it’s all about having fun, meeting new people, AND enjoying yourself. Tuesdays 6.30 pm - 8 pm at Las Viñas Sports Centre, Manilva Find them on Facebook under MANILVA NETBALL CLUB


Salud Health

A Healthier Life

JoJo France and Claudia Norris Welcome to the new health, nutrition and fitness column. This month Personal Trainer JoJo France and Nutritional Therapist Claudia Norris are looking into weight loss. 1 in 4 people are obese and this number is escalating. Many illnesses offer no cure, but with the right fitness and food, obesity can be a thing of the past

The Resident -

The Nutritional Therapist Clients often come to me to lose weight. Unfortunately it’s not always as simple as ‘eat less and exercise more’. It’s also not just food cravings and portion sizes that get in the way. So what are some of the key underlying issues? Hormones like insulin and cortisol control how much sugar we have in our bloodstream. If we eat a diet high in sugar (eg processed foods, white bread/rice), we are likely to have a blood sugar imbalance with hormones working overtime to keep blood sugar levels within safe limits. With sugar flooding the bloodstream, the body isn’t inclined to burn existing fat stores, it has all the energy it needs (even though you may feel exhausted). Years of dieting can slow metabolism (the rate at which we burn calories) which can affect thyroid hormones. When thyroid hormones are out of kilter, weight loss can seem like an almost impossible task but with the right nutrition and exercise, it’s possible to increase metabolism. Food sensitivities can cause bloating, fluid retention and inflammation. The most common culprits are wheat, dairy and soy. Symptoms I look for are: bloating, digestive problems, blocked sinuses, frequent colds/ sneezing, asthma, food cravings (eg for cheese, fresh bread or pasta rather than sugar), migraines, itchy skin/ rashes, and dark circles under the eyes. I have seen dramatic weight loss from cutting out the offending culprit for three months.

The Personal Trainer This month I’m going to give you the top 8 ‘cardio exercises’ this means your heart rate will rise, you should get hot and sweaty and you will burn off calories. 1 Running- a great activity that can be done anyone, all that is needed are a good pair of running shoes. Add in a few hills or even a sprint or 2 and you can burn off in approx 30 mins =300 calories 2 Walking- if running is not for you then a brisk power walk, squeeze your butt and swing your arms, may be add some hills or even some interval jogs, aim for a 30 mins walk =150180 calories 3 Cycling- A fantastic outdoor exercise, it could even be a family activity, or for a bigger cardio challenge, try indoor cycling, often known as ‘Spin or Bike’ the harder you have to pedal the more calories you will burn. A great winter option. A 1 hour Spin classes =700 calories 4 Rowing-This is a great all over workout, arms ,legs and heart all in one workout….the harder and faster you row- may be not something you would do everyday- but a great calorie burner…aim to row for time and distance, then aim to beat that time every time you row. 30 mins =300 calories 5 Cross Trainer- A great alternative to running, it is less impactful on the joints; you can also get a great arm workout too. A great preparation exercise for skiing too 6 Aerobics or Bums and Tums- A great workout to challenge many areas of the body – a high intensity class can burn off 300 calories in 30 mins- a good class will play great music and it should leave you feeling exhilarated. 7 Modern Jive- this is a combination of jive, salsa and rock and roll, an adult class and no partner needed. For 2 hours you will be taught a routine of 5 – 6 moves, by the end of the class even the non dancers will know the routine. It’s a great social workout and suitable for anyone, they happen up and down the coast for more details call Colin on 635 717 211 8 Swimming-A full body workout with no impact, breast stroke for 30 mins =400 calories.. Aim for 3 workouts a week, aim to work harder on each training session (this is how we grow fitter and stronger) after 6-8 weeks change your program. REMEMBER to warm up and cool down and stretch Consult your doctor before starting any new exercise programme. Drink plenty of water, before during and after your workout. JOJO FRANCE, Personal Trainer Mobile: 687 030 047 Email:

anúnciese con the resident Tlf.952 936 198

This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198

Baby blankets for Costa Del Sol Special Baby Unit Another underlying issue is neurotransmitter imbalance. Neurotransmitters (NT) are chemical messengers in the brain. When we eat too many processed foods the brain releases a NT called dopamine which gives a feeling of pleasure. This pleasure can be addictive. Tolerance builds, increasing the amount of food consumed (usually high sugar carbohydrates) which can lead very quickly to binge eating. Weight control is more complex than the glib response of eat less. If the underlying issues are not identified and treated correctly, it will always be a battle to lose weight. Getting to the root cause can make weight loss simple and life-long. CLAUDIA NORRIS Nutritional Therapist - MA(Hons) Dip(BCNH) Nutritional Therapy Council Registered Practitioner (NTCC) Email: Mobile: 671 142 960 Web: Are you unhappy with your shape? Claudia and JoJo have teamed up to bring you a unique 5 week weight loss programme. We’ll be meeting in La Duquesa on Tuesday evenings and Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro on Thursday evenings. For more information, call Claudia on 671 142 960.

Shape up the healthy way! Are you unhappy with your weight? Nutritional therapist Claudia Norris and personal trainer JoJo France have teamed up to bring you a unique 5 week weight loss programme. We'll be meeting in La Duquesa on Tuesday evenings and in Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro on Thursday evenings. For more information contact Claudia on 671 142 960

Eileen Watt of Hacienda Guadalupe recently donated 16 crocheted baby blankets to the Costa Del Sol Hospitals’ Special Baby Unit. Eileen took up crocheting when she learned that she was to become a Grandmother for the first time. She taught herself the basic stitches and learnt more complicated patterns as time went on and has now become a very keen crocheter. The baby blankets were presented to the hospital consultant in charge of the unit and a senior nurse. Eileen would like to carry on crocheting and make further donations to other worthy charities. If you have any spare or unwanted balls of wool or want to give a small cash donation for the purchase of wool please take it to the Los Ninos charity shop (next to the English Bookshop) in Sabinillas where Eileen works as a volunteer.

Classifieds Administrators • AMMEX, Sabinillas. Specialists in community administration 952 890 704

Building & Maintenance • Pipe Tek SL Water Leak Detection, CCTV Surveying, High Pressure Water Jetting & Drain Relining - 952 891 248 • Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@hotmail. com • Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems - both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515 • Roller Shutter Repairs (Persianas) - Same day service, 7 days a week. Also conversion to motorised and new installations with security format. Tel: 681 177 568

Auto • Brunos Car rental and sales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 www. • English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066

Professional • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • Do you need a trusted and efficient lawyer? Call us for a free quotation. 951.31.66.39; • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619. Classified lineage advertising rates are 35 cents per word inclusive of IVA @18% (minimum of 10 words). Boxed classifieds are charged at 10 euros + IVA for a 80 mm x 46 mm box. To place your advert drop into The Resident office in Edif Sabinillas Playa 6, Calle Mijas, Sabinillas, Manilva, 29692, Malaga. Or call 952 936 198. For more information

Have a day out with The Resident WORK WANTED General Maintenance Carpentry - Painting Tel. 627 633 735 All types of work considered

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents • Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 • Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.

Educación Education • Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 21 63


Property management • LMK Management Luxury apartment rentals and property management 952 890 513 • Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207

ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Management Tel. 678 962 588 on advertising see our website at Deadline: Classified adverting can be placed up to 12 noon on the 12th of the month. The Resident accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the content of advertisements, nor any claims made by advertisers. Thorough checks should be carried out before any transactions take place. The Resident reserves the right

(return by coach)

Mortgage & Financial Services • Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347

Ocio y Deportes Sport & Leisure • Sun Coast Marine Yacht School - RYA Motor cruiser and powerboat instruction 952 804 597 www.suncoastmarine.

Bares y Restaurantes • Restaurante Ramos - Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas. • Armstrongs Restaurant - Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629

Náutica Marine • Atlas Marine, Puerto Duquesa - Boat sales, mortgages, insurance, maintenance 952 890 553 www.

Informática Computers • CSS - Home and office support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi, data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.csscosta. com to make any changes in spelling or grammar where necessary. The Resident takes every care to ensure the correct publication of advertisements, regrettably mistakes do sometimes occur. If there is an error in your advertisement, notify your agency or agent at once as The Resident will only accept responsibility for one insertion published incorrectly.

featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!


Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 44€ The Resident price 42€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

advertise in Seville the resident Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the Tel.952 936 198 capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks

Holiday Accommodation

• Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561

Ronda by Train

• Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see www. for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765

• Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www.

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a

is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€

Gibraltar - Shopping only:

Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping

Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€


Every Tuesday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 83€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 79€ Children: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 60€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING


Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 54€ The Resident price 50€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)


Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.

Dolphin boat trip and shopping

Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€

Gibraltar - Rock the boat

Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 61€ Children: Normal price 48€ The Resident price 45€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & Mijas

Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola Zoo

Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 39€ The Resident price 37€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.

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