The Resident September 2011

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No.61 17 SEPT - 18 OCT 2011 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006







Estepona - Horror and Fantasy Film Festival . . . see page 13 956 794 657 Why Pay More? P.N. de GUADIARO - A7 KM 132


The Resident -


election for decades, given the difficult decisions which need to be made if Spain is going to survive the economic turmoil which continues to lie ahead. Ok, now I’ve got that off my chest, on to more lighter topics. After the busy summer things are beginning to return to normal, the kids are back to school, you can easily find a parking space again, and you no longer have to stand in a busy queue at the supermarket patiently waiting whilst a visitor from one of Spain’s major cities points out to the checkout person how much cheaper things are in their local supermarket! I shouldn’t grumble as we all rely on these visitors for much of the regions income, but surely I can be forgiven just a small sigh of relief when September comes, can’t I? Well that’s it for this month, I hope you enjoy this issue of The Resident. Until next month then, Editor.


escuela de español / spanish school

ª INTENSIVE SPANISH COURSES for small groups; 10, 15 & 20 hrs/week. ª ELE AND EFE COURSES, for students of different ages and professionals ZLWK VSHFLÀF QHHGV ª DELE COURSES, SUHSDUH IRU RIÀFLDO FHUWLÀFDWLRQ ª ACCOMMODATION PACKAGES a great way to learn the language whilst living with a Spanish family.


Welcome to the September issue of The Resident. It only seems like five minutes since the local elections were resolved, but yet again we find ourselves hurled into the maelstrom of political campaigning with the forthcoming Spanish general election. Whilst our Spanish readers will be keenly following the twists and turns of the campaigns, unfortunately most of the foreign residents will be sitting this one out. Whilst not wanting to enter into the debate on whether or not we should have the right to vote at national level, surely the spirit of a European population is being denied by this inability to have a say in the national politics of the country in which many of us live, work, bring up our families, pay our taxes, etc. Instead we will just be interested bystanders as our Spanish neighbours go to the polls on 20th November 2011, in what could prove to be the most important

Así pues, hasta el mes próximo. Editor.





Spanish for students in Spain ME LCO O WE NVENID BIE

D 19 SHE 99

los momentos económicos difíciles por lo que está pasando España. Vale, ahora ya me he quitado un peso de encima diciendo ésto, y escribiré sobre cosas más simples. Después de un verano muy ajetreado, las cosas vuelven a su normalidad, los niños ya han vuelto al colegio, podemos encontrar aparcamiento fácilmente y ya no tenemos que aguantar largas colas en supermercados y escuchar críticas de visitantes, que si ésto o lo otro vale más caro aquí que allí. No me debería quejar ya que todos dependemos de estos turistas y visitantes, pero seguramente me perdonaréis cuando digo que me siento aliviado cuando llega el mes de Septiembre, ¿verdad? Bien, eso es todo por este mes, espero que disfrutéis de la edición de este mes de nuestro periódico The Resident.


Bienvenidos a la edición de Septiembre del periódico The Resident. Parece que hace cinco minutos que estábamos liados con las elecciones municipales y ahora otra vez y pronto nos encontraremos con las campañas políticas para las próximas elecciones generales. Mientras nuestros lectores españoles estarán liados con las campañas, desafortunadamente la mayoría de los residentes extranjeros no participaremos. No queriendo entrar en debate si deberíamos o no tener derecho al voto en las generales, seguramente no se tiene en cuenta la mayoría de la opinión de la población europea, que se le está negando el derecho al voto en el que muchos de nosotros vivimos, trabajamos, criamos a nuestros hijos, pagamos nuestros impuestos, etc.. Mientras tanto, observaremos como nuestros vecinos españoles van a votar el día 20 de noviembre de 2011, la cual será una de las elecciones más importantes durante décadas, teniendo en cuenta

TEL: (+34) 952 797 939 / (+34) 615 600 435, SPAIN: Estepona MAIL:, WEB:

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Free Check-up for Children Tooth Whitening carried out Safely by a Qualified Surgeon Emergencies Always Seen

Hablamos We Speak


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Edificio Bali, Planta 1, No. 8, Sabinillas

The Resident -

Entrega de diplomas de Urbanart

Campo de Gibraltar


El próximo martes finaliza el plazo voluntario para abonar el IBI El próximo martes, día 20, finaliza el plazo voluntario para abonar el Impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles (IBI) tanto para bienes de naturaleza urbana como rústica, más conocido como “la contribución”. A partir de entonces se impondrá un recargo del 5%, siempre que se pague este impuesto antes de recibir el documento de apremio en el domicilio. Una vez recibido dicho apremio,

se abre un plazo durante el cual el recargo asciende al 10%. Si tampoco se abona durante ese citado periodo, el incremento se situará en un 20% por intereses de demora. Por otro lado, hay que recordar que entre el pasado 1 de septiembre y el 11 de noviembre está vigente el periodo para el abono voluntario del Impuesto sobre Actividades Económicas (IAE).

IBI property tax should be paid by next Tuesday

El proyecto Urbanart San Roque ha mejorado notablemente los muros de la Refinería en el tramo cercano al pantalán. Durante las últimas semanas un grupo de veinte jóvenes artistas han realizado murales de graffiti con temática marina y hoy, lunes, han recogido los diplomas acreditativos por su participación. Al acto han acudido autoridades municipales y de la empresa Cepsa, patrocinadora de esta experiencia con el respaldo del Ayuntamiento. En total, se han pintado 750 metros cuadrados de muro y ya hay prevista una tercera edición de Urbanart para la próxima primavera. El teniente de alcalde delegado de la zona de Bahía ha agradecido a Cepsa la puesta en marcha de esta iniciativa, y

ha adelantado que ha sugerido que esta experiencia se traslade a la Universidad Popular, del que también es delegado, con el objetivo de formar un grupo de artistas locales para embellecer los muros de la zona. Una representante de la Refinería explicó que con esta iniciativa Cepsa pretende cumplir con la normativa respecto a estética y también ofrecer una oportunidad a jóvenes artistas locales. El Alcalde se mostró muy contento con el trabajo, y señaló que además de artistas locales, también han sido invitados otros artistas para formar parte del grupo de entre 14 y 23 años. La idea es que los sanroqueños plasmen su creatividad también en Santander donde se lleva a cabo una experiencia similar.

Presentation of Urbanart diplomas The San Roque Urbanart project has noticeably improved the walls of the refinery along the stretch near the jetty. During the past few weeks a group of twenty young artists have been creating marine themed graffiti murals and recently they received the diplomas recognising their participation. Local authorities and representatives from Cepsa, sponsors of the initiative with the Town Hall’s backing, attended the ceremony. In total, 750 square metres of wall have been painted and there is already a third edition of Urbanart planned for next spring. The Deputy Mayor of the Bahía area has thanked Cepsa for creating the initiative, and has put forward his suggestion that the

enterprise be transferred to the Universidad Popular, which he is also responsible for, with the aim being to create a group of local artists to improve the appearance of walls in the area. A representative from the refinery explained that with this initiative Cepsa intends to comply with the aesthetic regulations in the area and also offer young local artists the opportunity to practise their art. The Mayor was pleased with the work completed, and pointed out that as well as the local residents, artists from other areas were invited to form part of the group between the ages of 14 and 23 years old. The idea is that the San Roque residents will take their creativity to Santander where a similar scheme is under way.

Next Tuesday, September 20th, the voluntary time limit in which to pay the IBI property tax will end. From then on a 5% charge will be added, as long as the payment is made before the document urging payment is sent. Once said document is received, a time limit is opened in which the charge ascends to

10%. If the payment is still not made within this period, the additional charge will go up to 20% interest. On the other hand, we remind you that the period of time for the payment of the IAE tax on economic activities is between September 1st and November 11th.

Reunión en Cádiz para agilizar la constitución del crédito para pagar a proveedores El alcalde se ha desplazado el viernes 16 a Cádiz para entrevistarse con el delegado provincial de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas de la Junta de Andalucía. El objetivo de este encuentro era agilizar la constitución de un crédito a largo plazo por importe de tres millones de euros y que se va a

destinar al pago a proveedores. El pasado 28 de julio se aprobó en Pleno Ordinario de la Corporación una operación de crédito a largo plazo a devolver antes de mayo de 2015, cuestión que se está negociando desde entonces con diversas entidades bancarias.

Meeting in Cadiz to speed up the provision of credit to pay suppliers On Friday 16th of this month the mayor met with the Junta de Andalucía’s provincial Treasury Minister in Cadiz to speed up the provision of a long-term credit arrangement of 3 million euros to pay suppliers.

On the 28th July a long-term credit operation was approved to be repaid before May 2015, an issue being negotiated since then with various different banks.

Dfas de la Frontera offer an Exciting and Diverse Programme of Lectures The programme for the 2011-2012 season offers an exciting and diverse range of lectures. Whilst last season had a distinctly English flavour, this season’s programmes promises to take you on a journey around the world of art in its finest forms. Our first lecture on 19th October 2011 will look at how men have behaved badly, both on and off the canvas! John Iddon will tell us about artists such as Hogarth and Reynolds and their portrayal of some of these ‘rogues’, as well as other ‘rakes’ that featured in Pre-Raphaelite and Victorian

narrative paintings. We will also investigate men behaving badly off the canvas, such as Picasso, Augustus John, Lucian Freud and others, and to compensate for all this male chauvinism we find out how “Women Strike Back!” The de la Frontera lectures are held at 11.00am on the third Wednesday of the month at the San Roque Golf and Country Club, Km. 127 (A7). More information can be obtained by calling (00 34) 956 796 622 or 956 794 279 or at our website www.

SAN ROQUE FOREIGN RESIDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Broadcasting in English to the Campo de Gibraltar and beyond

BayFM a breath of fresh air for more information visit

ENGLISH & ITALIAN (GUADIARO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Tenencia de Alcaldía – Distrito Guadiaro / Guadiaro District Deputy Mayor's Office Avenida Tierno Galván, s/n. 11311 Guadiaro – San Roque Tel: 956 614 129 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:

ENGLISH & ITALIAN (SAN ROQUE CENTRO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Oficina Municipal de Turismo / The Borough Tourist Office Antigua Casa Consistorial/ Old Town Hall Plaza de Armas, s/n. 11360 San Roque Centro Tel: 956 694 005 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:

GERMAN (TORREGUADIARO) San Roque Foreign Residents' Information Office (FRIO) Alcaldía de Barrio / Village Council Office Avenida Mar del Sur, s/n. Edificio Mamía 11312 Torreguadiaro – San Roque Tel: 956 616 866 (ask for an appointment) Mobile: 647 646 742 E-mail:



The Resident -

El Ayuntamiento de Casares mantiene los Amigos y Vecinos de Marina de Casares “cheques – libros” para los alumnos de infantil de Hemos hecho una excusión muy traído por “El Coro Parasol”, con interesante, e informativa, al pueblo alguna actuación sorpresa de nuestro 3, 4 y 5 años La concejalía de educación sufraga los libros con vales de entre 90 y 140 € por alumno. Este año el Ayuntamiento retira la subvención para la compra de uniformes escolares y se destinan los fondos para los libros de los alumnos de Casares Costa, de esta manera todos los menores de infantil del municipio (Casares, El Secadero y Casares Costa) se benefician de la ayuda.

Las ayudas de la Concejalía presentan algunos cambios. Los “cheques – libros” se mantienen para los niños de infantil de Casares y El Secadero (matriculados en colegios públicos) y por primera vez, este año se beneficiarán también los de Casares Costa (matriculados en colegios públicos). Otras ayudas que seguirán recibiendo las familias son las del transporte escolar, comedor, talleres y actividades extraescolares.

Casares Town Hall continues its book subsidy for students between 3 and 5 years of age The Council for education covers the cost of books with cheques from 90 to 140 € per student. This year the Town Hall is withdrawing the subsidy for school uniforms and is putting the money into book funds for students of Casares Costa, this way all the children in infant schools in the area (Casares, El Secadero and Casares Costa) will benefit from the aid.

The Council is also making a few changes to its funding. The book cheques will be kept for children in infant schools in Casares and El Secadero (registered in public schools) and for the first time, students in Casares Costa will also benefit (registered in public schools). Other allowences that families will carry on receiving are those for public transport, school dinners, workshops and after-school activities.

de Casares el pasado 7 de Septiembre. Nuestra guía, Vanesa López, nos llevó a lugares que la mayoría de los 37 de la partida jamás habíamos visto ni oído hablar. El Ayuntamiento no sólo puso el autobús cuyo conductor era muy agradable, sino que incluso aportó un buggy para aquellos que encontraron el camino difícil. Vanesa permitió a aquellos que lo necesitaron un pequeño descanso en un bar local cuando llegamos. Tras la excursión fuimos al restaurante Arroyo Hondo y tomamos un excelente menú del día. El 26 de Septiembre tendremos una Gala Buffet por la noche en una mezcla de canciones populares y entretenimiento

grupo de teatro. En las competiciones de verano de tenis de mesa, en trofeo de féminas lo ganó Elaine Bunn, el trofeo masculino lo ganó Juan Parra Gutiérrez, el feminino de dardos fue para Sandy Avis, el trofeo masculino fue para Horacio Freigedo Biel. Esperamos con impaciencia nuestro torneo de Golf el 26 de Septiembre, La Copa de Torneo de Golf será donada por el Restaurante La Choza donde después de la competición se realizará el almuerzo. Nuestra clase de español, inglés y pintura están a pleno rendimiento. Para más información por favor contacte: mariaphammond@hotmail. o llamar 952 892 030.

Abierto el plazo de inscripción para la Escuela Municipal de Fútbol 7 Hoy ha salido a la calle el folleto informativo para inscribirse en la Escuela Municipal de Fútbol-7 de Casares, una actividad de la Concejalía de Juventud y Deportes. A la misma podrán inscribirse niños y niñas de 6 a 13 años que podrán jugar en alguna de las cinco categorías existentes: promesas, alevín, prebenjamín, benjamín e infantil. Los interesados deberán dirigirse a la Oficina de Deportes, en la Casa de la Juventud, antes del 30 de septiembre adjuntando 2 fotografías de tamaño carnet, fotocopia del libro de familia o del documento nacional de identidad. La matrícula de inscripción tiene un coste de 15 euros que deberá realizar sen octubre y con el que el alumno recibirá

material deportivo. Además, deberán durante el curso dos cuotas de 30 euros cada una, una en noviembre y otra en febrero. Todos los alumnos y alumnas de esta Escuela Municipal serán objeto de una revisión médica por parte del Centro de Estudios e Investigación del Centro Andaluz (CEDIFA) El curso deportivo comienza el 4 de octubre y finaliza en Mayo, los alumnos inscritos en esta escuela participarán en la liga educativa y formativa provincial, en partidos amistosos con otras escuelas municipales de fútbol, y los de categoría alevín en un torneo de Navidad. Los entrenamientos tendrán lugar dos días a la semana, de martes a viernes, según la categoría a la que pertenezcan.

Enrolment is open for the local Football 7 School Registration is now being invited for the Municipal Football 7 School of Casares, an activity from the Concejalía de Juventud y Deportes. Girls and boys from 6 to 13 years of age can register at the Youth department to play in one of the 5 current categories. Those interested can go to the Sports Office, in the Casa de la Juventud, before September 30 with 2 passport sized photos and a passport photocopy. The registration fee is 15 euros that must be paid in October and with which the pupil will receive sporting equipment. Also, during the course two more instalments must be payed of 30 euros each, one in

November and another in February. All the pupils of this Municipal School will undertake a medical check-up from the Centro de Estudios e Investigación del Centro Andaluz (CEDIFA). The course will start on October 4 and end in May, the pupils registered with the school will participate in the educational and formative provincial league, in friendly matches with other municipal football schools, and those in the U14 category will take part in a Christmas tournament. The training sessions will take place twice a week, from Tuesday to Friday, according to the category they belong to.

Friends and Neighbours of Marina de Casares We had a very interesting and informative excursion to the town of Casares on the 7th September. Our guide Vanessa Lopez took us to places that most of our party of 37 from Casares Costa had never heard of let alone seen. The Ayuntamiento not only provided the coach with a very amenable driver, but also a buggy that met us for for those who found the going difficult. After the tour we proceeded to the Arroyo Hondo restaurant for an excellent lunch. On September 26th the club is having a Gala Buffet Evening with a medley of popular songs and entertainment provided by the Parasol Singers, with some surprise acts from our own theatre group.

The ladies’ trophy for oue summer table tennis competition was won by Elaine Bunn, and the men’s trophy was won by Juna Parra Gutierrez. The ladies’ darts trophy went to Sandy Avis, the men’s trophy to Horacio Freigedo Biel. We are now looking forward to our golf tournament on September 26th and the lunch afterwards at the Venta la Choza Restaurant whose owners are the sponsors of the golf trophy. Our Spanish, English and painting lessons for beginners are now in full swing. For information relating to our Association please contact mariaphammond@hotmail. or call 952 892 030.

Casares Bridge Club Are you interested in playing Bridge? The Casares Bridge Club welcomes players from novice to expert to join them at the Albayt Resort every Tuesday from 6 pm to 9 pm. You do not need to take a partner as all players will be accommodated. Friendly duplicate bridge is their aim. The Albayt Resort can be found at Km 149.2. Exit the A7 at the Clive Christian roundabout, up the hill to the Albayt resort. For more details contact Paul on 622 573 992


The Resident -

Se acondiciona terrenos para un nuevo parque en Manilva

Año difícil y complicado para la comercialización de la uva

Ya han comenzado los trabajos de acondicionamiento del terreno para la construcción de un nuevo Parque en el núcleo urbano manilveño. Este futuro equipamiento público irá ubicado en la zona conocida como “Nueva Manilva”. Según el concejal de Parques y Jardines, Antonio Parra, la ejecución del proyecto está prevista para la primavera de 2012. Cabe recordar que la pasada semana la alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, ya

Diego Díaz, concejal de Agricultura del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, ha anticipado el balance definitivo de la campaña de uva. Los motivos de esta complicada cosecha son varios. Uno de ellos que la calidad ha sido más baja de la media normal. En cuanto a la cantidad, también ha bajado debido al hongo de la botrytis cinerea. Un hongo patógeno de muchas especies vegetales, aunque su hospedador económicamente más importante es la vid. En viticultura se conoce

mencionaba que una de las principales partidas económicas obtenidas por el Ayuntamiento a través de los planes de concertación 2012 irá destinada a la construcción de este parque, que superará en dimensiones al actual recinto del Duque. Parra destacó la apuesta municipal por seguir creando zonas verdes, al objeto de garantizar el ocio y el esparcimiento de la población.


comúnmente como podredumbre. Las viñas más afectadas por la botrytis han sido las cercanas al Camino de Estepona y del Tranche y Bodeguilla. Además, no ha venido nada bien tanto las rociadas y algunas lluvias desafortunadas, que aceleraron la pudrición. La campaña está a punto de finalizar. Las fechas estimadas son finales de septiembre, mediados de octubre. A partir de ahí, Díaz realizará un balance en cuanto a precio.

Difficult year for Manilva’s grape producers Diego Díaz, Councillor for Agriculture atthe Manilva Town Hall, looks ahead to the outcome of the grape harvest. There are various reasons for this complicated harvest. One of them is that the quality has been lower than usual. As for the quantity, it has also gone down due to the fungus botrytis cinerea. A fungus that grows on many vegetables, although it’s most economically important host is the grape. In viticulture it’s commonly

known as podredumbre. The worst affected vineyards have been those close to the Camino de Estepona and the Tranche and Bodeguilla vineyards. There have also been a few unfortunate rainy days that accelerated the rotting of the grapes. The campaign is almost over. The estimated dates are the end of September to mid October. From there, Díaz will carry out a balance sheet for the income.

The ParaSol Singers

Land is being prepared for a new park in Manilva Works have begun on the land which has bee set aside to create a new park in the urban centre of Manilva. This future public resource will be created in the area known as “New Manilva”. According to the councillor of Parks and Gardens, Antonio Parra, the project is due to start in the spring of 2012. Last week the Mayoress of Manilva,

Antonia Muñoz, mentioned that one of the main grants the Town Hall received will go towards the construction of this park, which will surpass the size of the current grounds of El Duque. Parra underlined the municipality’s intent to carry on creating green areas, to guarantee the entertainment and wellbeing of the residents.

Holiday Rental - La Duquesa Modern two bed, two bathroom apartment just 400 metres from Aldea Beach and within a five minute drive of Puerto de la Duquesa Fully equipped with hot/cold aircon, DVD and Sky TV.

Available from €200 per week inclusive Call Stuart or Jackie on 952 794 143 or 659 293 243 Email:

A small group of friends in Duquesa who enjoy singing were disappointed to find that there was no English-singing choir in the area so they decided to form one. From this the ParaSol Singers were established. In a short time membership has grown to over 20 but, with most people having family or holiday breaks, we are always looking for new members to maintain a core group. The ability to ‘hold a tune’ is more important than experience or technical ability and age is no barrier! We sing mostly pop and rock songs but anything ‘from Gershwin to GaGa’ is fine if the group and our musical director like the number. Singing is a great way to relax as well as to meet people and the satisfaction or the ‘buzz’ that you get from participating in or contributing to a great choral sound is tremendous. But we are not just there for ourselves, we want to give something to the community. It has been proven that singing with other people, or even just listening to a choir or singing group, has therapeutic value and makes people just feel happier.

The ParaSol singers are therefore willing to go to sing at care homes, hospices, etc, so that others can benefit from the joy of song. We are very fortunate to have Marion Allen as our Musical Director, who has experience of working with both amateur dramatics and musical productions both in the UK and on the Costa, who has the rare knack of being able to mould a group like ours who have lots of enthusiasm but very different levels of experience of individual or group singing, into a melodious sound! We are also grateful to Martina Merkel who kindly lets us use her dance studio in Calle Nueva in Manilva for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings and to our accompanist, Gillian Langton, who has considerable experience in a very wide range of musical activities. The ParaSol Singers will be performing at Marina Casares on 26th September. Why not give it a try – men especially – If you are interested in joining or coming to hear us, please email parasol.singers@btinternet. com


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The Resident -

Manilva Solicitors Permisos De Inmigración, Residencia y Trabajo El asesoramiento adecuado es vital para obtener su permiso de residencia Las autoridades españolas han adoptado una política restrictiva con respecto a la cuestión de los permisos de residencia y de trabajo para los extranjeros y aplican estrictamente los requisitos de permiso de trabajo para fomentar la contratación de españoles en lugar de los extranjeros. Las autoridades se esforzará emitir permisos de trabajo sólo a los extranjeros que tienen características especiales o que caen en una de las categorías preferidas establecidas por la ley (es decir, nativos de un país de América Latina, descendido de padres españoles, etc.). Esto es más importante si el solicitante no es un ciudadano de la Unión Europea (UE). Permiso de residencia Un extranjero que desea residir pero no quiere trabajar en España debe solicitar y obtener un permiso de residencia válido. Hay tres tipos de permisos de residencia:

• • •

Inicial (un año), Ordinario (3 años) Permanente (indefinida).

La solicitud de una tarjeta de residencia debe presentarse a las autoridades policiales y el procedimiento total puede completarse en dos meses. Residente y Permiso de trabajo Esto es para las personas que desean trabajar en España. Permisos de residencia y de trabajo son emitidos sobre la aprobación de la solicitud por tanto las autoridades de trabajo y de la policía española. Por lo tanto, si se deniega la aprobación de una de las autoridades lo significa que la otra automáticamente deniega el permiso. Un permiso de trabajo no es obligatorio para los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea (UE) y, por tanto, ciudadanos de la UE pueden trabajar en España sin un permiso de trabajo y mientras se procesa su certificado de residencia. Los nativos de países que no pertenecen a la Unión Europea (UE) que deseen trabajar y residir en España deben solicitar permisos de trabajo y no pueden trabajar mientras se procesan sus permisos de trabajo. Solicitar un permiso de trabajo en

España es un proceso largo. En total, el procedimiento puede tardar hasta diez meses. El empresario del solicitante debe presentar una solicitud de trabajo y residencia con la Dirección General de Trabajo y Seguridad Social”. Si el solicitante no tiene residencia legal en España, debe hacerse la solicitud inicial de un permiso de trabajo en el Consulado Español en el país donde vive el solicitante. Si el solicitante esta ya en España como un residente legal, pero sin trabajar, la aplicación inicial puede hacerse directamente a la Dirección General de Trabajo y Seguridad Social”. Las mismas normas se aplican a extranjeros autónomos como para quienes solicitan trabajar para una empresa específica. Para obtener más información o si necesita ayuda con esto, no dude en contactar con nosotros en mail@marbellasolicitors. com. nos complacería a estudiar su caso y le ayudará a obtener sus permisos de residencia española y de trabajo. Marbellasolicitors, SLP está regulada por la sociedad de derecho Para aprender más acerca de sus servicios, contacto con abogados de Manilva en 952 901 225, vía correo

Manilva Solicitors Inmigration, Residence & Work Permits The right advice is vital to get your residence permit ISpanish Authorities have adopted a restrictive policy regarding the issue of work and residence permits for foreign nationals and strictly enforce work permit requirements to encourage the hiring of Spaniards rather than foreign nationals. The authorities endeavour to issue work permits only to foreign nationals who have special characteristics or who fall into one of the preferred categories established by Law (i.e. Natives of a Latin American country, descended from Spanish parents, etc.). This is most important if the applicant is not a citizen of the European Union (EU).

Residence Permit (Permiso de residencia) A foreign national who wishes to reside but does not wish to work in Spain must apply for and obtain a valid residence permit. There are 3 types of residence permits: • • •

Initial (one year), Ordinary (3 years) Permanent (Indefinite).

The application for a residence card must be presented to the Police authorities and the total procedure can be completed in two months.

Resident & Work permit (Permiso de trabajo) This is for a person who also wishes to work in Spain. Work and Residence

permits are issued on approval of the application by both the Spanish labour and police authorities. Therefore, if approval from one of the authorities is denied it means the other is automatically revoked. A work permit is not required for European Union (EU) nationals and, therefore, EU nationals can work in Spain without a work permit and while their residence certificate is being processed. Natives of countries that do not belong to the European Union (EU) who wish to work and reside in Spain must apply for work permits and they cannot work while their working permits are being processed. Applying for a work permit in Spain is a lengthy process. In total, the procedure may take up to ten months. The applicant’s employer must file an Application for Work and Residence Permit with the “Dirección General de Trabajo y Seguridad Social”, (The Labour authorities). If the applicant does not have a legal residence in Spain, the initial application for a work permit must be made at the Spanish consulate in the country where the applicant lives. If the applicant is already in Spain as a non-working legal resident, the initial application may be made directly to the Spanish labour Authorities. The same regulations apply to selfemployed foreign nationals as for those applying to work for a specific Spanish company. For further information, or if you require any assistance with this, please do not hesitate to contact us at we would be pleased to study your particular case and

help you to obtain your Spanish residence and work permit. Manilva Solicitors Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226 E-mail:

electrónico a mail@marbellasolicitors. com o visite su sitio Web www. Para concertar una cita en las oficinas de Sabinillas, también puede contactar Denise Molony en Móv. 669 428 998 o Manilva Solicitors Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225 Fax.(00 34) 952 901 226 Email:

British Consulate Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team

Acceptance of the EHIC As we have highlighted previously, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) is designed to cover a person for necessary treatment in a public hospital whilst they are on a temporary stay in another country. Unfortunately, there have been cases in Spain in which a customer has been asked to pay a deposit and/or sign a payment agreement at a public hospital despite producing a valid EHIC. In these cases the hospital wished to charge the cost of treatment back to the customer‟s travel insurance, rather than accepting the EHIC. While taking out travel insurance is important, private medical insurance should not take precedence over the EHIC, providing the card is valid and being used in the correct way. If you, or someone you know, has had their EHIC refused at a public Spanish hospital, it may be possible to apply for a refund of any costs incurred via the Overseas Healthcare Team who can be contacted on 0044 191 218 1999.

St. George Society Summer Ball The Duquesa Society of St. George will be holding this year’s annual Summer Ball at the Roman Oasis Restaurant in Manilva on Sunday 25th September. The event will commence at 1 pm with a cava reception. Lunch will follow starting with a comprehensive selection from the Restaurant’s well known salad bar, also catering for those attending who are vegetarian, followed up by a traditional hog roast. This year’s entertainment will be provided by local rock and roll group, Moonshine. We also hope to have a well known guest reggae DJ performing his stuff post lunch. Tickets are 50 euros per person, which will include a glass of Cava on arrival and unlimited wine, beer and water throughout the meal and entertainment. Those of you that have attended these events in the past will know that it has been the Society’s policy to use these events to raise monies for charity, and this year is no exception as the ticket price will include a donation to Age Concern Estepona y

Manilva. In collaboration with The Manilva Foreign Residents Department, a courtesy bus will be available with two pick up points, the first being outside the tourist office at Duquesa Port at 12.30 pm and secondly at 12.45 pm at the Sabinillas bus stop. The bus will return to the restaurant at 6.30 pm. The bus seats 52 people and will operate on a first come, first served basis. It is proposed to have a raffle during the course of the afternoon which hopefully will increase the funds raised for Age Concern, and anyone wishing to sponsor this event by providing a raffle prize can contact the organiser, Dean Shelton, on the below mentioned number or email address. Tickets will be available from The Jolly Sailor, The Leasure Lounge, Duquesa Bar, CJ’s Bar, The Roman Oasis, Fathoms Bar, Hemingways, Armstrongs Restaurant, The Manilva Foreign Residents Department in the Castle at Castillo, Ed’s Bar, or from Dean Shelton on 656 523 260 or info@

The Resident -

Galerias de Duquesa


Las Galerias - an oasis of calm

It’s surprising what a little exploration can unearth. Up on the second level in Puerto de la Duquesa, and just through the archway off of Plaza de la Fuente, you will find that oasis of calm that is the Galerias. Don’t be fooled by the tranquil atmosphere that emanates from the cool interior, inside you will find a hive of activity, with several shops and businesses providing a wide range of goods and services. Businesses such as Chirine Ayoubi Jewellery, whose bespoke design and production ranges from wedding and engagement rings, repairs, remodelling and stone replacement among others.

Also recently opened is the Beautyspot, providing manicures, pedicures, waxing, acrylic and gel nail extensions as well as the much talked about Fish Foot Spa!. If you feel a bit peckish then pop into The Gallery Coffee Lounge and Bar and sample one of their homemade cakes and scones, or just relax with a drink. And for the golfer there is the newly opened CD Golf, where you can pick some of the latest golfing fashion items at some of the keenest prices on the Coast. So next time you’re walking past the entrance to Las Galerias, why not pop in, it will be well worth your time.

Coffee Lounge and Bar Big Screen TV FREE WI-FI - Fully Air Conditioned Pool Table

Weekly Children’s Disco + late night Karaoke Watch out for future events!

Halloween Party Saturday 29th October

Kids Halloween Disco & Fancy Dress Monday 31st October Open 7 days from 12 noon - late except Mondays Choice of homemade Cakes and Scones The Gallery Las Galerias, Puerto de la Duquesa

952 890 975

REGRIPPING SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE Located in Las Galerias in Puerto de la Duquesa, CD Golf Shop is the official stockist for PING, Nike and Daily sports. CD Golf Shop aims to offer quality, branded, fashionable golf wear for both men and women at affordable prices. Las Galerias, Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva Tel: 663 157 861



The Resident -

WiFi Available

Language Books & Dictionaries Children’s Books • Local Maps & Guides Beautiful range of Christmas Cards, Box Sets Crackers, Wrapping Paper and Gift Bags Plus Christmas-themed Helium Balloons Agents for Viva Andalucía offering great days out Passport Renewal Service

ITV para ciclomotor Garantizar la seguridad de las personas que conducen un ciclomotor, y por supuesto, la del resto de usuarios que se cruzan con ese vehículo. Ese es el motivo, por el que nuevamente la itv móvil estará presente en el recinto ferial de Manilva el próximo 27 de septiembre. Así, ese día desde las nueve media de la mañana hasta la una y media de la tarde,

las personas que tengan un ciclomotor de más de tres años de antigüedad pueden pasar la Inspección Técnica de vehículos sin necesidad de desplazarse. Este servicio, puesto en marcha por la Junta de Andalucía, pretende acercar a la localidad esta inspección obligatoria. Una cita que se repite varias veces al año.

ITV testing for mopeds It is important to guarantee the safety of those driving mopeds, and of course, other road users. This is why the mobile ITV testing unit will be at the feria ground in Manilva next 27th September. On the 27th from half past nine in the morning till half past one in the afternoon, those with a moped of over 3 years of age

can go through the Technical Inspection of Vehicles without having to travel anywhere. This service, initiated by the Junta de Andalucia, intends to bring this obligatory inspection to the area. It will be repeated various times throughout the year.

Agents for Offex, a Reliable, First Class Postal Service for Sending and Receiving Your mail to or from the UK and rest of the world

New Opening Hours Mon – Fri -10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:30 Sat 10:00 to 14:00

The Resident -

Nueva apertura del salón de juegos Macao en Sabinillas

El salón de juegos Macao, inauguró su centro de entretenimiento en San Luís de Sabinillas, Manilva a principios del mes de agosto de 2011. El salón de estilo arcade cuenta con unos 180 m² con aire acondicionado, y ofrece a sus huéspedes una cartera de productos con más de 70 juegos incluyendo una mesa de ruleta Americana, así como el jackpot más moderno del mercado. El centro de entretenimiento ofrece una serie de productos más nuevos y modernos a su público que incluye:

ruleta Americana, jackpot, bingo electrónico y maquinas de casino Un bar cafetería ha sido integrado con terraza donde pueden disfrutar de una copa mientras navegan conectado a nuestro WiFi. El personal bien entrenado, Bilingüe y profesional garantiza a diario la norma Macao de primera clase de servicio. Abrimos todos los días de 9 de la mañana hasta las 2 de la madrugada.

New gaming arcade Macao opens in Sabinillas The new Macao gaming room and entertainment centre opened its doors in San Luis de Sabinillas, Manilva at the beginning of August, 2011. The arcade-style lounge with approximately 180 m² of floorspace, is fully air conditioned, and offers guests a portfolio of more than 70 games including an American roulette table and jackpot on the market today. The entertainment centre offers a range

of new and modern products for its clients that include: American roulette, jackpot, electronic bingo and casino machines. A cafe bar has been integrated with a terrace where you can enjoy a drink while connecting to our free WiFi. The well trained staff are bilingual and professionally trained to a high standard ensuring an excellent level of service. Open daily from 9 am to 2 am.




Información Information

The Resident -

Exhibición de Arte en el Puerto de Estepona El Business and Internet Centre en el Puerto de Estepona estarán alojando una exhibición de arte desde el 15 de Septiembre hasta el 14 de Octubre incluyendo trabajos de Diane Susman. Diane Susman, nacida en Inglaterra y descendiente de Hebreos Rusos, pasó su niñez al norte de su país, donde también obtuvo sus primeros entrenamientos artísticos. Su padre, Louis Susman, fue un diseñador profesional de dibujo de textiles. Sus diseños aún los siguen reproduciendo la afamada firma Sandersons del Reino Unido. La influencia proveniente de los antepasados familiares de Diane Susman se ha resaltado en su desarrollo como artista. Los primeros trabajos de Diane reflejan la influencia del arte abstracto de las décadas de los 60, 70, y 80, pero siempre ha tenido gran interés y potencia en sus observaciones y exploración de la luz y el color en dos dimensiones, al crear sus dibujos. Su amor hacia el dibujo le ha permitido diversificar en su carrera, y por ello a podido trabajar de diseñadora, así como también de pintora de paisajes, retratos y trabajos figurativos. Diane también disfruta experimentando cuando usa diferentes medios artísticos. Después de instruirse en colegios de arte y de adquirir títulos de arte universitarios, decidió seguir su afición al arte con la profesión de enseñanza del mismo, y obtuvo un diploma de profesora de

arte y educación escolar. Después de muchos años encabezando enseñanza de arte en un colegio, y de ejercer su puesto de concejal en la universidad de Surrey, Inglaterra, Diane adquirió su título universitario de Estudios Profesionales. Durante todo este tiempo, Diane ha seguido creando sus propias obras de arte. A Diane, el camino de su vida personal la llevó a vivir y hacer sus trabajos, no solo por el norte y sur de Inglaterra y Londres, sino además por Irán, y ahora en España. Al describir los años que Diane ha dedicado al arte, hay que añadir a ellos los trabajos que ha hecho con varios coleccionistas privados de arte y también los que realizó con exposiciones públicas y educacionales, así como los que hizo en la Real Academia de Arte de Londres. Diane también tiene buenos entrenamientos de estampadora y grabadora y ha expuesto sus creaciones en el Consejo de Estampadores de Gran Bretaña. Aquí en Andalucía, al sur de España, donde ella vive ahora, su afición al color, a la figura, y al uso de la luz, ha resultado en su último trabajo, una serie de potentes pinturas de figuras de la danza Flamenca. Sus experiencias de cuando fue niña, aprendiendo a bailar ballet clásico, también la ha influenciado en su afición a figuras en baile.

Estepona Port Art Exhibition Estepona Port Business and Internet Centre are hosting an exhibition of art from the 15th September until the 14th October featuring works by Diane Susman. Diane Susman was born in England of Russian/Jewish descent. Her childhood was spent in the North of England, as indeed, was her earliest training. Her father, Louis Susman, was a professional Textile Designer, whose fabric designs are still being re-produced by Sandersons. Her family background influences have been behind her own development as an artist. Diane’s earlier work reflects the abstract art influences of the 60s, 70s and 80s, but she has always had an interest and strength in drawing from observation and exploring light and colour in two dimensions. Her love of drawing has enabled her to diversify as an artist, enabling her to work as a designer, as well as a landscape, portrait and figurative artist. Diane also enjoys experimenting in different medias. After having been trained in Art colleges, acquiring qualifications

in Fine Art, she eventually channelled herself into Art Teaching after acquiring a Teacher’s Diploma in Art and Education. After many years as a Head of Art and mentoring for Surrey University, she also acquired an M.A. in Professional Studies. During this time she continued to produce her own work. Diane’s personal history has involved living and working not only in the North and South of England, as well as London, but also in Iran and now in Spain. Over the years her work has been with private collectors and also part of public/ educational exhibitions, as well as the Royal Academy of Art in London. Diane is also a trained printmaker who has exhibited with the Great Britain Printmaking Council. Here in Andalucia, Southern Spain, her love of colour, the figure, and use of light, has resulted in strong images of Flamenco dancers. Her early years of training as a ballet dancer have also influenced her love of the figure in dance.

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I Mercado de Época Típico de Andalucía en la Plaza de Toros

Los próximos días 16, 17 y 18 de septiembre, de 12:00 a 00:00 horas. Esta actividad incluye un espectáculo diario y gratuito de doma clásica y vaquera que tendrá lugar en el coso a partir de las 20:00 horas, entre ellos, el del famoso burro “Caramelo” La Delegación Municipal de Cultura y la “Asociación para la Promoción de Productos y Actividades Típicas Andaluzas” organizan en Estepona el I Mercado de Época Típico de Andalucía, que se desarrollará desde el viernes 16 al domingo 18 en la Plaza de Toros y calles aledañas. Esta cita nace con la intención de incentivar el comercio de productos artesanales y gastronómicos de la comunidad andaluza, a la vez que se promociona el empleo sostenible mediante la difusión del trabajo de profesionales artesanos, empeñados en perpetuar la sabiduría y buen hacer de nuestros antepasados. De esta forma, los métodos de elaboración tradicional se darán la mano con una variada muestra de artículos y productos típicos andaluces, como quesos, aceites, aceitunas, embutidos, artesanía, etc…, en los distintos expositores emplazados junto a la Plaza

de Toros, que permanecerán abiertos al público desde las 12:00 a las 00:00 horas, de forma ininterrumpida. La actividad comercial incluye un espectáculo ecuestre diario y gratuito en el coso taurino, en el que bailadoras de flamenco, experimentados jinetes y casi una decena de magníficos ejemplares equinos demostrarán el arte y la belleza de la comunión entre hombre y caballo con el baile y las diferentes variedades de la doma clásica y vaquera, a partir de las 20:00 horas. A la actuación del sábado 17 se sumará la del domador sevillano de Montellano, Carlos Román, quien realizará una exhibición a lomos de su burro “Caramelo”, el insólito y afamado asno que baila como los caballos andaluces. Todos los participantes llevarán un claro toque andaluz que irá desde la vestimenta de bandolero romántico a la música típica andaluza, productos de la tierra, guirnaldas, farolillos y banderines típicos de la zona. Las actividades arrancarán por el centro de Estepona, donde personal ataviado con el traje típico de los bandoleros repartirán información acerca del mercado y actividades paralelas, montados en coche de caballos.

I Andalucian Market at the Bullring In the next few days 16, 17 and 18th September, from 12 noon to midnight. This event includes a daily classic and cowboy dressage show that will take place in the arena from 8 pm amongst them the famous donkey “Caramelo” The Municipal Delegation of Culture and the “Asociation for the Promotion of Andalucian Products and Activities” are organising the traditional Andalucian market in Estepona, due to be held from Friday 16th to Sunday 18th in the bullring and surrounding streets. This event is to be carried out to promote handmade and gastronomic products from the Andalucian community, at the same time as sustainable employment through the exhibition of the work of professional craftsmen, set on continuing the traditions of their ancestors. This way the traditional manufacturing methods will be exhibited with a variety of products like cheeses, oil, olives, sausages, handmade ornaments etc., in the different stalls next to the bullring, they will remain open to the public from 12 noon

to midnight, uniterruptedly. The comercial activity includes a daily free equestrian show in the arena, in which flamenco dancers, experienced riders and nearly a dozen magnificent horses will demonstrate the art and beauty of the bond between man and beast with dance and different varieties of classic and cowboy dressage, from 8 pm. Added to the show on Saturday 17th will be the Sevillian trainer from Montellano, Carlos Román, who will perform on the back of his donkey “Caramelo”, the unusual and famed donkey that dances like the Andalucian horses. All the participants will display a clear Andalucian ‘brand’from their clothing to the typical Andalucian music, products, garlands, lanterns and banners from the region. The activities will start in the centre of Estepona, where employees dressed as traditional Andalucian bandits will be giving out information on the market and the events alongside it, riding in a carriage.


El Ayuntamiento oferta este año más de un millar de plazas en los 26 cursos y talleres municipales El Ayuntamiento de Estepona oferta este año más de 1.000 plazas en los 26 cursos y talleres de Cultura para el periodo 2011/2012. En este sentido, la concejala del área sociocultural, María Dolores Espinosa, ha destacado la mejora llevada a cabo por el equipo de gobierno en la oferta de los cursos de Cultura y Juventud, sin que esto suponga coste alguno para el Consistorio. En concreto, se ha referido al aumento de disciplinas ofertadas en la barriada de Cancelada, donde se impartirán por vez primera cinco nuevos cursos. Los alumnos podrán formalizar la matrícula en la delegación de Cultura, sita en el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, a partir del día 26 de septiembre, a excepción de la Escuela Municipal de Ajedrez, cuyo plazo de inscripción ha comenzado hoy. Las clases comenzarán el 10 de octubre, si bien se citará al alumnado para el día 3 de octubre a fin de organizar cada uno de los grupos y establecer las plazas vacantes. Los cursos y talleres que se ofertan son los siguientes: Escuela Municipal de Ajedrez: Categoría Pitufos (6-7 años), Sub-10 (8-9-10 años) y Menores y Adultos. Área Plástica: Dibujo y Pintura en Tela. Área Artística: Teatro y Cante Flamenco. Área de Música: Guitarra Española, Laúd, Bandurria y Rondalla, Guitarra Flamenca, Guitarra Eléctrica, Percusión, Solfeo y Piano. Idiomas: Español para Extranjeros,

Francés e Inglés. Área de Manualidades: Corte y Confección, Encaje de Bolillos, Pintura en Vidrio, Tiffany y Policromía. Área de Danza: Bailes de Salón, Danza Oriental, Ritmos Latinos y Standar, Danza Clásica-Flamenca, Preparación para el Conservatorio, Danza Flamenca y Bailes de Salón y Latinos. Cursos en Cancelada: Ajedrez, Teatro, Corte y Confección, Encaje de Bolillos, Pintura en Tela, Policromía y Tridimensional, Danzaterapia, Bailes de Salón y Latinos, Guitarra Eléctrica, Iniciación Musical y Percusión (matrículas en la Tenencia de Alcaldía). Cursos en Isdabe: Pintura en Tela, Policromía y Tridimensional (matrículas en la Tenencia de Alcaldía).

The Town Hall is offering over a thousand places in the 26 municipal courses and workshops this year The Estepona Town Hall is offering over a thousand places in the 26 Culture municipal courses and workshops for the 2011/2012 period. The councilor of the sociocultural area, María Dolores Espinosa, pointed out the improvement made by the government body in the offer of courses for Culture and Youth, without it costing the Town Hall anything. Specifically, the increase in courses for the the barriada de Cancelada has been mentioned where 5 new courses will begin for the first time. Students can register at the cultural delegation, located in the Padre Manuel cultural centre, from 26th September, except the Municipal Chess School, whose registration list has opened today. Classes will begin on 10th October, although the students will be asked to attend on 3rd October for the groups to be organised and free spaces established. The courses and workshops on offer are: Municipal Chess School: Infant Category (6-7 years), Under 10 (8-9-10 years), under 18’s and Adults.

Creative area: Drawing and Painting on Fabric. Artistic area: Theatre and Flamenco singing. Musical area: Spanish Guitar, Lute, Mandolin and Rondalla, Flamenco Guitar, Electric Guitar, Percussion, Vocal Training and Piano. Languages: Spanish for Foreigners, French and English. Craft Area: Dressmaking, Lacemaking, Glass Painting, Tiffany and Polychromy. Dance Area: Ballroom Dance, Oriental Dance, Latin Rythms and Standard, Classical Flamenco Dance, Preparation for the Academy of Music, Flamenco Dance and Latin and Ballroom Dance. Courses in Cancelada: Chess, Theatre, Dressmaking, Lacemaking, Painting on Fabric, Polychromy and 3D Art, Dance Therapy, Ballroom and Latin Dance, Electric Guitar, Musical Initiation and Percussion (register at the Tenencia de Alcaldía) Courses in Isdabe: Painting on Fabric, Polychromy and 3D Art (register at the Tenencia de Alcaldía).

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El Ayuntamiento lamenta que la Junta no haya suministrado aún pupitres y sillas para 225 alumnos que comienzan el curso escolar La concejala de Presidencia ha criticado hoy la falta de previsión de la Junta de Andalucía ante el inicio del curso escolar, tras conocer que hubo un total de nueve aulas sin pupitres ni mesas el día antes del comienzo del curso. Esta situación va a afectar a unos 225 alumnos que se encuentran en los tres colegios de Estepona donde faltan estos medios. La edil ha explicado además que uno de los centros afectados por la carencia de mobiliario en las clases es el colegio

Valeriano López, cuyos alumnos un año más se ven obligados a cursar sus estudios en el antiguo Víctor de la Serna ante el retraso en la construcción de su centro educativo. En este caso, faltan las sillas y mesas para tres aulas de Infantil, lo que probablemente obligará a los alumnos a tener que iniciar el curso con días de retraso. Los otros centros con falta de abastecimiento de este material son los colegios María Espinosa e Isdabe.

Estepona Town Hall criticises the Junta for failure to supply school equipment Councillor Ana Velasco has criticised the lack of forethought given to the start of the new school year by the Junta de Andalucia, after learning that a total of nine classrooms had no tables or chairs the day before the start of the new school year. This situation will affect around 225 students in the three schools in Estepona that lack the equipment. Councillor Velasco has also explained that one of the schools affected by the lack of furniture in classrooms is the Valeriano

Consistorio ha logrado el compromiso de los propietarios del sector para sufragar el coste de ejecución de esta rotonda. Otro de los asuntos que persigue el equipo de gobierno es la “descongestión” de la céntrica avenida de Andalucía mediante nuevos accesos a la A-7. También se han solicitado mejoras en el mantenimiento de las infraestructuras viarias existentes.

The Mayor seeks construction of a new roundabout in Arroyo Vaquero to allow access to the future hospital centre The mayor of Estepona has held a meeting with the head of Malaga’s Highways Department to request permission for the construction of a roundabout in the Arroyo Vaquero area that will allow access to the future hospital centre and will make the A-7 more accessible to residents of the adjacent urbanisations. The town councillor has announced that the

Una nueva era de ayuda mútua y cooperación entre dos centros de reubicación de animales vecinos bien establecidos fue inaugurada cuando miembros de la Junta de ADANA Estepona se reunieron con Piet (Pedro) Koekebakker, Director de Animales en Apuro, La Línea. ‘Cómo los dos centros están experimentando los mismos problemas con números record de perros abandonados, tiene sentido compartir experiencias y ver lo que podemos aprender el uno del otro’, dijo la Presidenta de ADANA Maria Cawsey. ‘Me agrada poder re-establecer vínculos con ADANA’, dijo el Sr. Koekebakker. ‘Miembros de la junta inicialmente visitaron nuestro albergue hace 6

semanas y estoy seguro de que podemos empezar de nuevo’, la nueva junta está siguiendo un buen camino lo que nos facilitará trabajar juntos hacia el mismo objetivo – proporcionar a nuestros perros un nuevo hogar. El holandés Koekebakker añadió que está muy contento de estar trabajando con un grupo de personas inteligentes y comprometidas, especialmente porque Inglaterra con sus nuevas regulaciones estaría abriendo sus puertas en Enero a los perros abandonados de Estepona y la zona de alrededor. ‘Les he dado mucha información que les ayudará y espero que puedan ayudar con las relaciones con Inglaterra de donde proceden’, dijo.

López school, whose students will be forced to remain in the old Víctor de la Serna school because of the delay in the construction of the new educational centre. In this case, three classrooms are missing tables and chairs, which will probably delay the return of students to class for a few days. The other centres affected by the lack of furniture are the María Espinosa and Isdabe schools.

El alcalde solicita a Carreteras la ejecución de una rotonda en Arroyo Vaquero que dé acceso al futuro centro hospitalario El alcalde de Estepona ha mantenido una reunión con el jefe de Conservación de Carreteras de la Demarcación de Málaga para solicitarle la autorización necesaria para ejecutar una rotonda en la zona de Arroyo Vaquero que dé acceso al futuro centro hospitalario y que facilite el acceso a la A-7 para los vecinos de las urbanizaciones colindantes. El primer edil ha anunciado que el

Nuevas relaciones formadas entre albergues de perros vecinos

Town Hall has acquired the commitment of the owners of the zone to fund the cost of the roundabout. One of the other matters the government is pursuing is the decongestion of the central Avenida de Andalucia via new access points to the A-7. Improvements in the maintenance of existing infraestructures have also been requested.

Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English each Saturday from 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what's on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a 'round table' discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.

Piet Koekebakker with ADANA volunteer Helen Ellis

New links forged between neighbouring dog shelters A new era of mutual help and cooperation between two long-established neighbouring animal rehoming centres was inaugurated when members of the Board of ADANA Estepona met with Piet (Pedro) Koekebakker, Director of Animals in Need, La Linea. “As both centres are experiencing the same problems with record numbers of abandoned dogs, it makes sense to share experiences and see what we can learn from each other”, said ADANA President Maria Cawsey. “I am pleased to be able to re-establish links with ADANA,” said Mr. Koekebakker. “Board members initially visited our shelter

about six weeks ago and I am confident that we can start on a new footing! The new Board is definitely on the right track which makes it easier for us to work together towards the same aim –that of giving our dogs a new happy home.” Dutch–born Mr.Koekebakker added that he was really happy to be working with a group of intelligent and dedicated people ,especially as England, with its new regulations, would be opening its doors in January to the homeless dogs of Estepona and the surrounding areas. “I’ve given them lots of helpful information and hope they can put on a good line to England where their roots are”, he said.

International Club of Estepona The ICE Club is a social club for all Englishspeaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, dancing and themed supper evenings. Day and holiday coach trips. Golf, bowls, rambling, drama, cards and quiz. Monthly magazine and much more. Sundays - Bar open 12.30 to 2.30pm for drinks and tapas. Tuesdays - Bar open 11.00am to 2.00pm for drinks and tapas. Thursdays - Bar open 10.30am to 2.30pm for drinks and lunch.

Special events for September/October. Sunday 25th September - Trip to Cartama Market & El Tintero Campero Friday 30th September – Music Night, Andre Rieu in New York Sunday 2nd October - Betty Eames 90th Birthday Party Friday 7th October - Karl’s Music Night Saturday October 8th - Walking Treasure Hunt, Estepona Old Town Monday 10th October - Film Night Wednesday 12th October - Trip to Museo Carmen Thyssen, Malaga Friday 14th October - Theatre Trip – Oliver

ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada, Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -


The Resident -


XII Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico de Estepona

Durante una semana Estepona se convierte en el centro del mundo del cine de terror y fantasía Cada año durante los pasados 11 años Estepona ha alojado a la Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol. Aficionados de este género han disfrutado de algunos de los mejores (y peores) trabajos, a menudo estrenando en este evento, y han tenido la oportunidad de mezclarse y conversar con

Festival Poster

los directores, productores y estrellas de las películas. Junto con el glamour está lo más importante de un festival de cine con un número de premios en juego, tanto en la competición de películas principales como el de cortos, así como premios de logros en la trayectoria de la vida de algunos de los grandes del cine. Este año Estepona celebra su doceava edición de la popular Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol del 19 al 24 de septiembre, 2011. Con una variada programación de actividades repartidas por el Palacio de Congresos y el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel la semana ofrece un festín para aficionados del cine fantástico y de terror incluyendo estrenos de películas principales y cortos, documentales, seminarios, exhibiciones, presentaciones de libros, así como entregas de premios honrando algunos de los grandes del cine de terror. Asistiendo al festival estarán varias estrellas de los dos lados de la cámara, uno de los cuales es Kevin Sorbo, probablemente mayor conocido por su papel de Hércules en la popular serie de TV y películas. Kevin estará en Estepona para recibir el codiciado Unicornio de Honor en la noche de apertura. Anteriores recipientes de este prestigioso premio son Christopher Lee, Dolph Lundgren, Dario Argento, Ray Harryhausen, Kristina Lokken, Michael Paré y Roger Corman. Kevin Sorbo también asistirá a una convención de dos dias para sus fans que tendrá lugar en el Hotel Fuerte Estepona Suites y el cual está atrayendo a aficionados de todo el mundo. Todas las proyecciones y actividades son gratuitas, menos la convención de fans. Una lista completa de proyecciones y una programación de actividades están disponibles en

For one week Estepona becomes the centre of the horror and fantasy film world Every year for the past eleven years Estepona has played host to the annual Estepona Horror and Fantasy Film Festival. Fans of this genre have been treated to some of the best (and worst) works, often having their premieres at this event, and have the opportunity to mingle and chat with the directors, producers and stars of the films. Alongside the glitz and glamour are the more serious business of a film festival with a number of awards up for grabs, both in the feature and short film competitions, as well as lifetime achievement awards for some of the big names of cinema. This year Estepona celebrates the 12th edition of the popular Estepona Horror and Fantasy Film Festival from the 19 to 24 September, 2011. With a wide range of activities split between the Palacio de Congresos and the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre the week offers a feast for horror and fantasy film afficionados including screening of feature and short films, documentaries, seminars, exhibitions, book presentations, as well as award ceremonies honouring some of the giants of horror cinema. In attendance will be a number of stars from both sides of the camera, one of whom is Kevin Sorbo, probably best known in the role of Hercules in the popular TV series and films. Kevin will be in Estepona to receive the coveted Unicornio de Honor on the opening night. Former recipients of this prestigious award are Christopher Lee, Dolph Lundgren, Dario Argento, Ray Harryhausen,

Kristina Lokken, Michael Paré and Roger Corman. Kevin Sorbo will also be attending a 2 day fan convention which will be held at Hotel Fuerte Estepona Suites and which is drawing fans from all over the world. All the screenings and activities are free entrance, apart from the fan convention. A full list of activities is available at

Programa de Proyecciones Screening Programme Lunes/Monday 19 Palacio de Congresos 21:00h. “Malditos Sean” (Argentina) Fabian Forte and Damian Rugna. 23:00h. “The Last Lovecraft” (US) Henry Saine. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel 17:00h. Screening of short films participating in the festival. Martes/Tuesday 20 Palacio de Congresos 21:00h. “ChromeSkull, Laid To Rest II” (US) Robert Hall. 23:00h. “El Último Fin de Semana” (España) Norberto Ramos del Val. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel 17:00h. “It, Came From Outer Space” Jack Arnold. 19:00h. “Invasores de Marte” William Cameron. Hotel El Fuerte Estepona Suites 18:00h. “La Invasión de los Ultracuerpos” and “El Ser del Planeta X”. Miercoles/Wednesday 21 Palacio de Congresos 21:15h. “Mimesis” (US) Douglas Schulze. 23:00h. “Amania” (España) Oscar Martinez. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel 17:00h. “ColorFul” (Japón) Keiichi Hara. 19:00h. “Killer Barbys” (España) Jesus Franco. Jueves/Thursday 22 Palacio de Congresos 21:15h. “Carne Cruda” (España) Tirso Calero. 23:00h. “Pajaros Volando” (Argentina) Nestor Moltanbano. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel 17:00h. “Mari-Cookie y la Tarántula Asesina” (España) Jesús Franco. 19:00h. “Manera de Vivir” (España) by Kike Mesa. Viernes/Friday 23 Palacio de Congresos 21:00h. “La Sombra de los Otros”. By Marlind and Bjorn Stein. Presented by Patricia Fernández, of Aurum Films, distributor of the film. 23:00h. “Secuestrados” (España) Miguel Ángel Vivas. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel 12:00h. Screening of the pilot and documentary of “How it was made” of the series “A game of Thrones”. 17:00h.”The Machine Girl” (Japón) Noboro Iguchi. 19:00h. “Vampire Junction” (España) Jesús Franco. Hotel El Fuerte Estepona Suites 18:00h. “La Herencia Valdemar” and “La Sombra Prohibida”, “El Hombre que vio llorar a Frankenstein” (España) Sábado/Saturday 24 Centro Cultural Padre Manuel 12:00h. Screening of the short films participating in the festival.

Kevin Sorbo as ‘Hercules’


Información Information

The Resident -

El veterinario

Vet’s Corner

Los bebés que viven con mascotas desarrollan menos alergias

Infants who live with pets develop fewer allergies in later life

Los niños que viven con perros y gatos son menos propensos a desarrollar alergias a dichos animales más adelante en la vida, pero sólo si el animal está bajo el mismo techo mientras el niño aún es un bebé, sugirió un nuevo estudio. En comparación con los bebés que nacen en hogares libres de gatos, los que crecieron con éstos tenían aproximadamente la mitad de probabilidades de ser alérgicos a ellos en su adolescencia, según el estudio citado por Crecer alrededor de un perro también redujo el riesgo de alergias a los perros para los niños, pero no para las niñas, un hallazgo que dejó a los investigadores desconcertados. La exposición a las mascotas en cualquier momento después del primer año de vida pareció no tener ningún efecto sobre el riesgo de alergia, sin embargo, eso indica que el tiempo puede ser esencial en lo que se refiere a la prevención de alergias, señaló Health. Pese a que no es posible saberlo con seguridad, los investigadores sospechan que la exposición temprana a alérgenos de mascotas y bacterias relacionadas con éstas fortalece el sistema inmunológico, acostumbra el cuerpo a los alérgenos y ayuda al niño a desarrollar una inmunidad natural. “La suciedad es buena”, dijo a Health la investigadora principal, doctora Ganesa Wegienka, al resumir la teoría. “Tu sistema inmunológico, si está ocupado con la exposición desde el principio, se aleja del perfil inmune alérgico”. Éste no es el primer estudio que encuentra que tener un animal doméstico puede proteger a los niños de las alergias, pero es el primero en seguir a los niños hasta los 18 años. Estudios anteriores han tenido resultados mixtos –algunos incluso han relacionado la exposición a las mascotas durante la infancia al aumento en el riesgo de alergias– así que es demasiado pronto para recomendar tener un perro o gato sólo para evitar las alergias en tu bebé, dijo David Nash, médico y director clínico de alergia e inmunología en el Hospital Infantil de Pittsburgh, citado por Health. “Al final, probablemente encontrarás que existen periodos de oportunidad para la exposición a los alérgenos y para algunas personas va a tener un efecto protector”, dijo el Dr. Nash, quien no estuvo

Children living with dogs and cats are less likely to develop allergies to these animals later in life, but only if the animal is under the same roof as the child while it still is a baby, as suggested in a new study. Compared with babies born in cat-free homes, those children who grew up with them were about half as likely to be allergic to them in their teens, according to a study cited by Growing-up around a dog also reduced the risk of allergies to dogs for boys, but not for girls, a finding that left researchers puzzled. Exposure to pets at any time after the first year of life seemed not to have any effect on the risk of allergy, however, this indicates that the time factor may be essential in what is referred to in the prevention of allergies, noted Health. Despite the fact that it is not possible to know with certainty, the researchers suspect that early exposure to allergens of pets and bacteria related to them strengthens the immune system, accustoms the body to allergens and helps the child develop a natural immunity. “Dirt is good,” said principal investigator, Dr. Ganesa Wegienka, to Health to summarize the theory. “If your immune system is busy with the exposure to allergens (allergy producing substances) from the start, it tends to reduce or limit the individuals´ allergic immune profile”. This is not the first study that has found that having a pet can protect children from allergies, but is the first to follow the children until the age of 18. Previous studies have published mixed results - some even have linked exposure to pets during childhood to an increase in the risk of allergies - so it is too early to recommend having a dog or cat as the only means to prevent allergies in your baby, said David Nash, physician and clinical

involucrado en el nuevo estudio. “Pero estamos muy lejos de saber para quién resulta protector y cuándo es el periodo óptimo”. De la misma manera, no regales a tu querida mascota familiar porque te preocupa que el animal provoque alergias. “Yo no me desharía de mi perro si tuviera un hijo”, dijo Wegienka, epidemióloga en el departamento de ciencias de salud pública del Hospital Henry Ford, en Detroit. “No existe evidencia de que uno debe deshacerse de un perro o de un gato”. Aún más, es posible que otros factores además de tener un perro o un gato en casa influyeran sobre el riesgo de alergia de los participantes del estudio, indicó Health. En el estudio, que aparece en la revista Clinical & Experimental Allergy, Wegienka y sus colegas recolectaron información de 566 niños y sus padres acerca de la exposición de los niños a animales domésticos bajo techo y su historial de alergias, indicó Health. Además, cuando los niños cumplieron 18 años, los investigadores tomaron muestras de sangre y los examinaron para detectar ciertas proteínas del sistema inmune (conocidas como anticuerpos) que combaten los alérgenos de gatos y perros. Los adolescentes que vivieron con un gato durante su primer año de vida tenían un riesgo 48% menor de alergia a los gatos que sus compañeros, y los adolescentes que vivieron con un perro tuvieron un riesgo 50% menor de alergia. Los autores sugieren que en las niñas no puede desarrollarse de la misma inmunidad que los niños, tal vez porque interactuaron de forma distinta con los perros que los bebés varones, pero eso es sólo una conjetura, indicó Health. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas Tlf.: 952 891 387

director of Allergy and Immunology at the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh cited by Health. “In the end, we will probably find that there are periods of opportunity for exposure to allergens and for some people it is going to have a protective effect”, said Dr. Nash, who was not involved in the new study, “But we are far from knowing who is going to be protected and when the optimal period for exposure to these substances would be.” In the same way, you do not have to give away your dear family pet because you’re worried that the animal may be causing allergies. “I would not give my dog or cat away if I had a child”, said Wegienka, epidemiologist in the Science Department of Public Health of the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. “There is no evidence that one must get rid of a dog or a cat.” What is more, it is possible that other factors in addition to having a dog or a cat at home could have increased the risk of allergy of the participants of the study, said Health. The study appears in the Journal Clinical & Experimental Allergy, Wegienka and his colleagues collected information from 566 children and their parents about the exposure of children to pets under the same roof and its history of allergies, stated Health. Furthermore, when children in the study turned 18 years old, researchers took blood samples from them and examined them to detect the presence of certain proteins of the immune system (known as antibodies) to combat allergens for cats and dogs. Adolescents who lived with a cat during their first year of life had a 48% lower allergy risk to cats than their companions, and teenagers who lived with a dog had a 50% lower allergy risk. The authors suggest that girls can develop the same immunity as children, perhaps because they interacted differently with the dog that the baby boys, but that’s just a conjecture, said Health. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas Tel.: 952 891 387

Club Charity and Pleasure

Estepona Floral Art Club

Weekly coffee mornings will resume from 11 am on Wednesday 14 September at our new venue, The Oak at El Paraiso Barronal (beachside, next to the Steak and Rib Shak). Forthcoming events (available to members and members’ guests only) include: 2 October - Sunday lunch at Tamisa Golf, Mijas 21 October - Oliver! at Salon Varietes, Fuengirola 29 October - Dinner at Santorini Restaurant CAP is a friendly, social organisation based in El Paraiso, Estepona, meeting at 11 am each Wednesday morning at The Oak, El Paraiso Barronal for coffee; many weeks there is a speaker. Weekly activities

Estepona Floral Art Club are delighted to announce that their Chairman for this coming year is Barbara Salisbury who has been a popular resident on the Coast for many years. The new Club year will commence on Tuesday 20th September 2011, with a flower arranging demonstration by Charles Barnard, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from London. This will take place from 3 pm to 5 pm at The Oak Restaurant, Urb. Benamara, N340 km 168, Estepona. This is the first in an exciting programme of events planned for the coming year when every month the club will be welcoming a NAFAS National or Area Demonstrator to show how to achieve splendid displays of colour and texture.

include bridge, whist and bowls, and members have recently started a choir. Other events and excursions include visits to the theatre and exhibitions; lunches and dinners at different venues along the coast; mystery trips, etc. A full programme of events is published in the free quarterly magazine, and regularly updated online. CAP also raise money for local charities, mainly Alzheimer’s, Aprona, Aspandem and Cudeca. New members are welcome – annual membership is only €15. Why not go along for coffee? You will be assured of a warm welcome. For more information contact Denise Ghazi, President, on 952 810989, or visit

Estepona Floral Art Club is a very friendly club and welcomes visitors old and new and of course all its members. Refreshments are available before and after the demonstrations, which are held between 3 pm and 5 pm on the third Tuesday of every month, except in December when they meet earlier in the month. They also have a well-stocked Sales Table where you can purchase flower arranging items at very reasonable prices. Go along and join them for some entertaining flower arranging demonstrations! For more information on the above event and future events, please contact the Chairman Barbara Salisbury on 951 17 05 73.


The Resident -

Esta semana finaliza la recogida de la uva en la viña municipal


Las clases de apoyo comenzarán a principios de octubre Algunos alumnos necesitan ayuda para obtener mejores calificaciones en sus estudios y puedan adquirir así más conocimiento y comprensión en las materias cursadas. Es el propósito de las clases de apoyo, que pueden ser muy beneficiosas para el alumnado de muchas maneras. Por eso la Delegación de Educación vuelve a ofrecerlas durante este curso académico tanto a los estudiantes de secundaria como de bachiller, en el edificio de usos múltiples de Sabinillas y en el de la biblioteca municipal de Manilva. Las citadas clases darán comienzo el próximo 4 de octubre y se desarrollarán desde las cuatro a las ocho de la tarde. Según las previsiones, la profesora Mara López impartirá para los alumnos de

secundaria, física y química, biología, dibujo técnico, y matemáticas; mientras que Eli Amado dará lenguaje, y Marga Ramírez, inglés, para todos los niveles. Por último, Paco Sánchez, enseñará matemáticas sólo en Manilva, a alumnos que estudien a partir de cuarto de ESO. Según informó la Delegación de Educación, dirigida por Eva Galindo, la cuota será de 60 euros para los que se inscriban en grupos reducidos, con un máximo de cinco personas; y de 50 euros para los que se apunten a grupos más grandes, a partir de seis personas. Los interesados en recibir más información o formalizar la inscripción, pueden dirigirse a esta concejalía, o bien llamar al teléfono 952-89-13-67.

Evening classes for students to improve exam results

Diego Díaz, como concejal responsable de Desarrollo Local y Agricultura, siempre en coordinación con Funmades, ha valorado los trabajos que se están acometiendo en la actualidad en la viña municipal ubicada en el peñoncillo. Los trabajos que están haciendo los alumnos de la Escuela Municipal son el corte de la uva, esperándose recoger unos 4.000 kilos, de los cuales, 2.000 irán al pasero para sacar vino naturalmente dulce y otros tantos kilos se trasladarán a la bodega para elaborar un vino joven moscatel, que tendrá su correspondiente fermentación en frío. Se espera que para mediados de noviembre esté etiquetado y enmarcado el vino joven, siendo para diciembre el dulce. A partir de ahí se pondrá en el mercado procediendo al registro de las dos

marcas, acogidos a la denominación de origen de vinos y pasas de Málaga, señalando a Manilva como principal protagonista del producto. A partir de este trabajo de los citados alumnos, éstos continuarán su formación tal y como está previsto, después de haber participado en la I Semana Etnográfica y finalizados estos trabajos a mitad de semana. Según comentaba el citado edil: “se espera obtener un total de 3.200 litros de vino, lo que significa una cantidad importante para su posterior venta. Desde aqui felicito tanto a los profesores como a los propios alumnos por la labor que están desarrollando a nivel personal y para el municipio de Manilva dándole la importancia que se merece a la uva y el vino”, apuntó.

September sees the municipal grape harvest will reach its conclusion Diego Díaz, as the councillor responsible for local and agricultural development, coordinating with the Funmades training and development organisation, has valued the works being carried out at the municipal vineyard in the Peñoncillo area. The works being carried out by the students of the municipal school include the cutting of the grapes, and it is hoped to collect around 4,000 kilos, of which 2,000 will go to make naturally sweet wine and the rest will go to the wine cellar to make a young Moscatel wine, to be fermented in the cold. They hope that by mid-November the wine will be ready for labelling and bottling the sweet wine will follow in December.

From there it will be put on the market under the two labels, as part of the wine and raisins originated in Málaga, naming Manilva as primary producer of the product. Following the work of the students, they will continue their education as planned, after participàting in the I Semana Etnográfica and ending the work mid-week. As the councilor said “we hope to obtain a total of 3,200 litres of wine, a significant amount to later sell. From here I wish to thank both the teachers and the students for the work they are carrying out on a personal level and for the municipality of Manilva giving the grape and wine the attention they deserve”.

Some students need extra help to achieve better results in their studies and achieve a better understanding of the subjects they are being taught. This is the aim of the complemetary lessons that can be very beneficial to students in many ways. Because of this the Delegation of Education is once again offering them during this academic year for both secondary school and baccalaureate students, in the edificio de usos múltiples in Sabinillas and in the municipal library in Manilva. The lessons will begin on the 4th October and will take place between four and eight in the evening. Mara López will teach physics and chemistry, biology, technical

drawing and mathematics to secondary school students; while Eli Amado will teach language, and Marga Ramírez, English, for students of all levels. Finally, Paco Sánchez will teach mathematics in Manilva, to 4th year students and above from the secondary school. According to the Delegation of Education, directed by Eva Galindo, the price will be 60 euros for those signing up to more reduced groups, of up to 5 students; and 50 euros for those signing up to larger classes of over 6 students. Those interested in receiving more information or registering for lessons, can go to the council or call the following number 952 891 367.

Fomento solicita cursos para desempleados La delegación de Fomento de Empleo que dirige Marcos Ruíz ha solicitado a la Consejería de Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía varios cursos destinados a la población desempleada. Estos cursos han sido solicitados en tres bloques: Cursos de Formación Ocupacional dirigidos a mayores de 45 años y desempleados: • Conductor de Camión Pesado (455 horas lectivas) • Conductor de Autobús (455 horas lectivas) • Alfabetización Informática (58 horas lectivas) • Catador de Vinos (85 horas lectivas) Cursos de Formación Profesional Ocupacional dirigidos a desempleados en general: • Inglés Atención al Público (210 horas lectivas) • Alemán Atención al Público (210 horas lectivas) Cursos de Formación Profesional Ocupacional dirigidos a Jóvenes desempleados: • Vigilante de Seguridad Privada (280 horas lectivas) • Monitor de Actividades de tiempo libre infantil y juvenil (325 horas lectivas) • Buceador Profesional (450 horas lectivas)

Mecánico de vehículos Pesados (850 horas lectivas)

Según el citado edil, antes de final de año tendremos respuesta por parte de la Consejería de Empleo de los cursos concedidos y a partir de ahí lo haremos público en los medios de comunicación locales.



The Resident -

Extranjeros presenta el programa de actvidades para el mes de otoño

Foreigners Department presents their programme of activities for the autumn

Termina el verano, período de vacaciones por excelencia, y la delegación de Extranjeros ya prepara la temporada de otoño con el objetivo de ofrecer múltiples iniciativas lúdicas para la comunidad de foráneos residente en el municipio. Para hoy miércoles, 14 de septiembre, este departamento, dirigido por Diego Urieta, presentaba oficialmente el programa de actividades para esta nueva estación. Lo hizo en el Bar Restaurante “The Last Resort” (La última posada), en el paseo marítimo de Sabinillas, junto al parque infantil de Acapulco, a la una y media de la tarde. La jornada coincidió con la primera de las actividades incluidas en este programa, como es la degustación de distintas tapas, preparadas por este establecimiento, para todos los asistentes. Los interesados pudieron recoger su invitación para la primera tapa y refresco en la oficina de la delegación, en el monumento del Castillo. Entre otras iniciativas, extranjeros ha programado para otoño viajes a Chefchaouen en Marruecos y también a Málaga, así como distintas actividades en el municipio, que dará a conocer el próximo miércoles.

Summer is ending, the holiday season is over, and the Foreigners Department is already preparing for autumn, aiming to offer a variety of initiatives for the entertainment of the foreign residents living in the area. On Wednesday, 14th September, the department, directed by Councillor Diego Urieta, officially presented the programme of activities for this autumn. He did so in the bar restaurant “The Last Resort”, on the promenade in Sabinillas, next to the Acapulco children’s park, at half past one in the afternoon. The day coincided with the first of the activities included in this programme, which was the tasting of different tapas, prepared by this establishment, for all those attending. Those interested were able to collect their invitation for the free first tapa and drink in the department’s office, at the monument in Castillo. Amongst other initiatives, Foreigners has programmed trips to Chefchaouen in Morocco and also Málaga for the autumn, as well as various activities in the municipality that are published on the following page. For more information on the latest activities visit

Programa de Actividades Otoño Fiesta Benéfica para Animal in Need

16 de Diciembre - Cena Navidad 20:30 hs

Curso Iniciación a la Fotografía Una vez más los interesados en descubrir el arte de la fotografía tienen la oportunidad de registrarse para las clases de fotografía que se organizan desde la Delegación de Extranjeros. El curso que tuvo un gran éxito en nuestro programa anterior abrirá su período de registro en el mes de septiembre. Del 22 de Octubre hasta el 17 de Diciembre (cada sábado) en el Centro de Formación Sabinillas. Precio 40€.

Viaje a Chefchaouen, Marruecos

22 de Octubre - desde 10: 00 h en Punta Almina, Sabinillas. Desde nuestra Delegación queremos ofrecer nuestro apoyo a esta organización benéfica tan famosa en nuestra localidad. Tendremos muchas sorpresas, entre ellas un concurso, castillos hinchables, pinta caras, etc. Esperamos contar con tu apoyo.

27 de Octubre 2011- Charla Informativa Charla Informativa sobre la Vida de Residente Extranjero a las 18:30 hs en el Edificio Usos Múltiples. Susan Pedalino, residente de Manilva, compartirá con nosotros su experiencia sobre la vida del residente extranjero. Ella lleva viviendo aquí 7 años, junto a su esposo Justin Aldridge, creador de la famosa página web “Eye on Spain”, tan conocida dentro de la comunidad extranjera de España y la Costa del Sol. Ella también hará una presentación de sus libros electrónicos.

4,5,6 de Noviembre. Precio: 330 euros habitación doble y 190 euros habitación individual. Vamos a disfrutar de un fin de semana en este espectacular pueblo de Marruecos famoso por sus colores azules y por su belleza. El precio incluye el autocar, el precio del catamarán, visitas y alojamiento en un hotel de 3 estrellas en régimen de media pensión y un seguro de asistencia con MAPFRE. Para los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea se requiere pasaporte * y para los ciudadanos fuera de la Unión Europea se verán los requisitos a la hora de la confirmación. *La fecha de caducidad del pasaporte no puede ser inferior a seis meses.

1 de Diciembre - Málaga Cultural Desde la Delegación de Extranjeros queremos dar a conocer la capital de nuestra provincia, Málaga y a disfrutar de sus tradiciones y cultura. Vamos a hacer un recorrido de la Catedral de Málaga, del Castillo de Gibralfaro, de Alcazaba y del Museo Thyssen. El viaje también incluye un almuerzo en el famoso restaurante “ El Pimpi”. Salida 08:30h Precio: 35€

31 de Octubre 2011- Fiesta Halloween En la bar de copas “Punto de Encuentro”, Sabinillas, 17:00hs para niños y 23:00hs para adultos. Fiesta donde los pequeños que vengan disfrazados podrán disfrutar de regalos, además de música, animación y juegos populares. A partir de las 23:00hs la fiesta será para los mayores. Habrán premios y un sorteo de un viaje.

Restaurante “El Pimpi”

La Delegación concluye su programa de actividades de otoño y se prepara para los eventos de invierno con la Cena Navideña, que se ha convertido ya en una tradición para nuestro departamento. Esperemos contar con su presencia y de poder disfrutar de esta fiesta tan importante para nosotros, en Restaurante Macues del Puerto de la Duquesa. Precio: 35 € por persona Para más información con respecto a nuestras actividades, horarios, etc. por favor póngase en contacto con la Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes del Castillo de la Duquesa por e mail: extranjeros@ o teléfono 952 89 35 48.

Clases de Español para extranjeros e Inglés Clases de Español e Inglés, Clases de Invierno Comienzo 3 de Octubre Centro de Usos Múltiples en Sabinillas 70€ empadronados / 100€ no empadronados Regístrate en las clases de invierno empezando el 3 de Octubre! Varios niveles: Principiantes, Intermedio y Avanzado Grupos de 10-12 personas (2 horas/semana/OctubreMayo) Ejercicios Prácticos y Conversación

Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes La Oficina de los Extranjeros Residentes está ubicada en el Castillo de la Duquesa y está abierta de las 08:00h hasta las 15.00h, de lunes a viernes, con horario de atención al público, entre 10:00h y 15:00h. Ayudan y aconsejan con respeto a los problemas de los extranjeros residentes registrados en el municipio de Manilva. Pueden contactar por teléfono al 952 893 548 o por e mail También podéis contactar con Chris Olsen en la Oficina de Turismo en el Edificio Mikonos, del Puerto de la Duquesa desde las 3 hasta las 7 pm, de lunes de Viernes, y de 10 a 2 pm los Sábados. Todas las noticias de Manilva se presentan en Inglés en la Cadena 43 por Valentina Radu y Chris Olsen, los Lunes a las 18.30 y Martes a las 10 am. Visita o para más información.


The Resident -

Autumn Programme of Activities


Winter Course for Spanish Classes

St. George Society Summer Ball

Charity Party in aid of Animal in Need

The St George Society in collaboration with the Foreign Residents Association presents the annual summer ball at the Roman Oasis Restaurant on September 25, from 1 pm. Tickets are 50 euros per person with the funds going to Age Concern. The entertainment will be provided by Moonshine, a local rock band and also a reggae DJ.

The Foreigners Department wishes to offer its support to this well known local charity. The party will be held on October 22 from 10 am in the Punta Almina area. There will be plenty of fun and surprises including competitions, a bouncy castle, facepainting, etc.

Beginning 3rd October In the Edificio Usos Multiples, Calle Miguel Delibes, Sabinillas Enrol in the Winter Course starting with the 3rd October. Various levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Groups of 10-12 people (2 hours/week/ October-May) Practical Exercises and Conversation. 70€ for residents registered on the Manilva Padron and 100€ for non registered.

Morocco - Trip to Chefchaouen Spend a weekend, from 4th to 6th November, in this village in Morocco famous for its blue colours and beauty. The price of 330€ for a couple or 190€ per person includes coach and ferry costs, visits and stay in a 3 star hotel with breakfast and one meal included. Travel insurance included with MAPFRE. For European Union citizens passports will be required* and for the citizens outside the European Union we will check visa requirements at the moment of the confirmation. *The expiry date cannot be before 6 months.

Roman Oasis Restaurant

Why you should register on the padrón We remind you that as a resident of Manilva you have to be registered on the padrón (similar to the electoral roll) in the town where you live, and also inform the local authorities of any change of address you make. So, in order to register on the padrón in Manilva or Sabinillas you have to go to either of the following offices: Tenencia de Alcaldía, Sabinillas in Pío Baroja street Nº5 local 2 (opposite the petrol station and near the Supersol store and bus stop in Sabinillas). Manilva. The Manilva Town Hall in Mar Street.

27th October 2011 - Lecture

Documents required for registering:

Informative lecture offered by Susan Pedalino, about “The Life of the Foreign Resident” at 6 pm in the Edificio Usos Múltiples. Susan Pedalino, a resident of Manilva, will be sharing with us her experience as a Foreign Resident. She has been living in Spain for the last 7 year, together with her partner Justin Aldridge, creator of the famous web page “Eye on Spain”, well known in the foreign community in Spain and the Costa del Sol. She will also be presenting her ebooks.

• • • •

Halloween Party Bar “Punto de Encuentro”, Sabinillas on October 31 from 5 pm for kids and from 11 pm for adults. A party where kids can come dressed up and we promise a great evening, with presents, music, bouncy castles, entertainment and games. From 11 pm it is the adults’ turn with prizes for best costume and a raffle.

Typical street in Chefchaouen

December - Cultural Malaga Get to know the capital of our province, Malaga and enjoy its traditions and culture. We will visit the Malaga Cathedral, the Gibralfaro Castle, the Alcazaba and the Thyssen Museum. The trip will also include lunch in the famous restaurant “El Pimpi”. The visit will take place on December 1, leaving Manilva at 8.30 am. Tickets are 35€ per person including lunch.

Passport NIE certificate Escritura (title deed)/Rental contract on the property Electricity/water bill for the property

If you are registered on the padrón you can, among other things, register your kids in school, have access to council homes, process your National Identification Document or Passport, request scholarships, vote in the elections and even get married. It is important for you to be aware that depending on the number of individuals registered at the Town Hall, the local authority receives economic support from the Junta de Andalucia and the Government. Register on the padrón and get the following benefits: • Right to vote in the elections • Registration of documents for unemployment • Registration in the Social Security system after paying your contributions • Registration of your pension (non contribution pensions, social salary, assistance fund, etc...) and have the right to the Ley de Dependencia and economic support plus social assistance. • Celebrating civil marriages • Registration in schools and also applying for grants and scholarships • Access to council housing • National Identification Document or Passport • Access to classes/ training offered by the Town Hall • Access to self-employed grants and benefits Register now and make a difference in your town!

Photography Classes for Beginners Once more those interested in discovering the art of photography have the opportunity of registering for the photography classes that are organized by the Foreigner´s Department. The classes, which were a big success in our previous programme, will be held every Saturday morning at 10 am from October 22 until December 17. Enrolment has begun and costs 40€ per person.

Manilva Foreign Residents office

Malaga Cathedral

Christmas Dinner - Macues, Duquesa Port The Department will conclude its autumn programme of activities and we are ready to start with the Winter ones with our Christmas Dinner, that has become a tradition in our Department. We hope you will join us for this event, so important for us, in this famous restaurant in the Duquesa Port. December 16, from 8.30 pm 35€ per person. For more information with regards to our activities, times, etc. please contact us at the Foreigners’ Residents Department in the Duquesa Castle by e mail: , extranjeros@ or phone 952 89 35 48.

The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open to the public from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.00 to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. Dean Shelton is available for all community and urbanisation matters - Tues & Wed 11 am to 2 pm; Thurs 4 - 7 pm in the Tourist Office in the Port. All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Valentina Radu and Chris Olsen on Monday at 18.30 and Tuesday at 10.00 in Canal 43. Visit or for more information.



The Resident -

Los planes de Concertación serán para obras, cultura, ocio y deportes

El alcalde de Estepona ha mantenido una reunión con el jefe de Conservación de Carreteras de la Demarcación de Málaga para solicitarle la autorización necesaria para ejecutar una rotonda en la zona de Arroyo Vaquero que dé acceso al futuro centro hospitalario y que facilite el acceso a la A-7 para los vecinos de las urbanizaciones colindantes. El primer edil ha anunciado que el

Consistorio ha logrado el compromiso de los propietarios del sector para sufragar el coste de ejecución de esta rotonda. Otro de los asuntos que persigue el equipo de gobierno es la “descongestión” de la céntrica avenida de Andalucía mediante nuevos accesos a la A-7. También se han solicitado mejoras en el mantenimiento de las infraestructuras viarias existentes.

Plans agreed for building work, culture, leisure and sport The Mayoress has stated that she is satisfied at the level of funding Manilva will receive next year for the execution of the plans for 2012. These will be used to commence projects such as the construction of a park in the Nuevo Manilva area, and the acquisition of a waste collection vehicle. The Mayoress, Antonia Muñoz, travelled to Málaga recently to sign the plans for

2012. Muñoz also said that funds have been obtained to create a skate park behind the Pabellón de Usos Múltiples in Manilva. A variety of subsidies will also be destined to the departments for Festivals, Culture, Tourism and Sport and many complementary funds for the Basketball and Handball leagues and Sports grounds.

Bonificaciones en las tarifas de agua y alcantarillado La delegación municipal de Bienestar Social ha informado que se ha abierto el plazo para que los vecinos que cumplan los requisitos establecidos puedan solicitar la bonificación en las tarifas de agua y alcantarillado. Por este motivo, la alcaldesa de la localidad, Antonia Muñoz, ha emitido un bando por el que se informa sobre los requisitos exigidos a los posibles beneficiarios, quienes deben ser pensionistas, jubilados, rentas bajas y/o minusválidos. Asimismo, los interesados en presentar esta solicitud deben estar empadronados en Manilva con una antigüedad mínima de dos años, los ingresos de la unidad familiar no deben ser superiores a 1,5

veces el salario mínimo interprofesional, no deben convivir con otras personas con rentas contributivas, deben tener un único suministro a su nombre, correspondiente a su domicilio particular y en el caso de minusválidos, tendrán que acreditar una minusvalía mayor o igual al 33 por ciento. La aplicación de esta bonificación tendrá carácter rogado y su duración será anual, debiéndose solicitar la renovación cada año. Para más información, los interesados pueden dirigirse a la delegación de Bienestar Social en el Ayuntamiento de Manilva, en calle Mar, o en el edificio de Usos Múltiples de Sabinillas.

Discounts on water and sewerage charges The Town Hall and the Social Welfare Office would like to make residents aware of the discounts available on water and sewerage bills. Beneficiaries of these discounts include retired individuals, people on low income and the disabled. The discount is yearly and has to be renewed on an annual basis. Requirements: • registered on the padrón in Manilva, with a minimum of 2 years. • the family’s yearly income equal to 1.5 times the minimum salary or less. • not living in the same house with individuals contributing to the rent. • having one supply in their name • proof of disability of more or equal to 33% and also the first 3 points above.

List of documents: • DNI or ID document • Certificate of income for all family members • The document of employment record (“Vida Laboral”) from the Social Security Depart. • IRPF statement • Disabled certificate • Stamped declaration of ownership of rural/urban property • Copy of the last water bill • Statement proving that the beneficiary is elegible to receive public assistance • Certificate of padron for the family For more information please visit us, in the Foreigners Department in the Duquesa Castle or call on 952 89 35 48.

Grants for the self-employed We have some good news for self employed individuals registered in the Andalucia area. Junta de Andalucia has programmed a new grants´ “convocatoria” for self-employed individuals registered in the last 6 months and forindividuals registered between minimum 1 year and maximum 3 years. In order to make a quick summary of this Law, we have to mention “La Ordén de Consejería de Empleo” of the 26thof April 2010. This law has allowed, until now, self employed individuals in the Andalucia area to start up and develop their business, and is an amazing opportunity to be supported in their new ventures. In the previous “convocatoria” in January 2010, in order to apply for a self employed grant, the first step was a business plan and application with the CADE or the Consejería de Empleo, and only after that, you could register with the authorities. Later in the year, this changed and individuals registered self employed in the last six months previous to the “convocatoria”, had the right to apply for a grant to cover their start up expenses. This registration was established to take place in March and September of each year. Now, in 2011, we have a similar situation. There are 2 opportunities for self employed individuals to get grants in Andalucia.

1. Individuals registered self employed for a minimum of 1 year and maximum of 3 years. An amount of 4000 euros will be allocated to finance the expenses and investments made by the self employed individual in the last six months previous to the “convocatoria” of grants. The expenses deductable will be registered in the “Orden TIN/2965/2008”, of the 14th of October, determined by the European Fund, during 2007-2013. BENEFICIARIES Individuals registered as self employed for minimum 1 year and maximum 3 years. Any individual, registered self employed, exercising an economic activity, on its own, with residency and fiscal address in Andalucia, and with up to five employees registered, can qualify for the grant. 2. Individuals registered self employed in the last six months, up to the end of August 2011. An amount up to 11.000 Euros will be allocated, depending on the following requirements: - 5.000 Euros for unemployed individuals in general, - 6.000 Euros for: young people unemployed up to 30 years of age, including young people who in the year

previous to the grant registration have finalized training programs for employment with the Consejería de Empleo. - Activities related to the ATIPE (Full Territorial Actions Preferred for Employment) area. - 7.000 Euros for unemployed women increased by 10% for the women victims of violence. - 8.000 Euros for: unemployed individuals with disability of a level equal or superior to 33%. - Unemployed individuals with special difficulties of accessing the labor market, including individuals over 45 years of age, immigrants and individuals in unemployment for a period equal or superior to 12 months. - 10.000 Euros for unemployed women with a disability equal or superior to 33%, increased by 10% in the case of women victims of violence. BENEFICIARIES: Individuals that have started an economic activity in the last six months previous to the opening of the grant “convocatoria”, that can prove their legal situation of unemployment previous to their self employed registration. Any individual, registered self employed, exercising an economic activity, on its

own, with residency and fiscal address in Andalucia, and with up to five employees registered, can qualify for the grant. If you need more information with regards to the application or registration for grants, please contact us, at 951 89 35 48 or e mail

Preferred Economic Activities The economic activities included in the following sectors are considered preferred: - related to daily life, especially related with dependence and services for conciliation for: personal life, family and work. - related to entertainment, recreation and culture. - related to environmental protection, residue treatments and renewable energy - related to the improvement of life style, especially the ones for rehabilitation and adjustment of properties and public spaces. - related to New Technologies of Information and Communication.

Ocio What’s On

The Resident -


Estepona Rock Estepona Rock celebra su décima edición con una fiesta de dos noches en el Puerto de Estepona Viernes 23 de Septiembre y sábado 24 de Septiembre. En la programación para viernes noche, empezando a las 21:00 horas, están Airbag, Guadalupe Plata, y The Silver Shine. La noche del sábado el público disfrutará de Lilith, Kaxta y The Tragic Company. Entradas para las dos noches son 12€ con anticipación o 15€ en la noche, o 8€ para sábado solamente. Airbag Grupo post punk de 3 miembros formado en Estepona en 1998.

Guadalupe Plata ¡Blues del sur a su más oscuro y sucio! The Silver Shine Trio punk rock/punkabilly de Budapest, Hungría, con una contrabajista con manos de trueno. Lilith Grupo de rock con una cantante principal femenina. Apoyaron a AC/ DC durante su gira de 2009 en España. Kaxta Grupo español de rock de 5 miembros de Cáceres. The Tragic Company The Tragic Company son un grupo de rock alternativo de Estepona.

Estepona Rock Estepona Rock celebrates its tenth edition with a two night festival in Estepona Port on Friday, 23 and Saturday, 24 September. On the bill for Friday night, beginning at 9 pm, are Airbag, Guadalupe Plata, and The Silver Shine. On Saturday evening festival goers will be treated to Lilith, Kaxta and The Tragic Company. Tickets for the two nights are 12€ in advance or 15€ on the night, or 8€ for Saturday only. Airbag 3 piece post punk band formed Airbag in Estepona in 1998.

Guadalupe Plata Southern blues at its most dark and dirty! The Silver Shine Punk rock/punkabilly trio from Budapest, Hungary, with a thunder-handed female double bassist. Lilith Rock band with female lead singer. Supported AC/DC during their 2009 tour of Spain. Kaxta 5 strong Spanish rock band from Cáceres. The Tragic Company The Tragic Company are an alternative rock band from Estepona.

LIVE MUSIC SPAIN Presents Sunday 18th September

Pete Black

Sunday 25th September

Marcus + Guests Arran Harding

Sunday 9th October


Sunday 16th October

The Rat Pack Live

Sunday 23rd October

Tres Divos

Sunday 30th October


Saturday 24th September

Venue: Chiringuito Almijara beach bar/restaurant Sabinillas, Manilva All performances from 3.30 pm

Más información / More Information:


Ocio What’s On

Estreno europeo de “Get a Job” en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Marbella “Get a Job”, la premiada comedia producida exclusivamente en Hawaii y protagonizado por Willie K, Eric Gilliom, y muchos más de los mejores músicos y artistas de la isla, será estrenada en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Marbella ( que tendrá lugar del 14 al 16 de Octubre en Marbella. España. Escritor/Director Brian Kohne acaba de completar una versión que incluye subtítulos en español, y está deseando presentar “Get a Job” en Europa. “Uno de los directores respetados en España, Pedro Almodóvar, es un genio de comedia excéntrica”. Dijo Kohne. “Estamos deseando compartir nuestra farsa de estilo hawaiano con el público en Marbella, y descubrimos que el humor es conducente a la traducción española”. La película ha tenido una buena racha desde su entrada en el circuito del Festival de Cine 2011, incluyendo la obtención del “Premio del Jurado” en el Festival de Cine de Las Vegas, que equivale a segundo lugar en la competición para mejor película (Grand Jury Award) de más de 1000 películas que estaban en consideración. De hecho, “Get a Job” ha ganado premios principales en cada uno de los cuatro Festivales de Cine en los que

se ha proyectado. “Get a Job” está escrito y dirigido por Brian Kohne y está protagonizada por Willie K y Eric Gilliom. También presume de apariencias especiales de superestrellas Mick Fleetwood, Willie Nelson, y Pat Simmons de los Doobie Brothers. “Get a Job” es un musical poco convencional incluyendo 27 canciones, 18 de los cuales son de los Barefoot Natives (www.

The Resident -

European Premier of “Get a Job” at Marbella International Film Festival 14-16 October WRITER/DIRECTOR BRIAN KOHNE TO ATTEND “GET A JOB,” the award-winning film comedy produced entirely in Hawaii and starring Willie K, Eric Gilliom, and many of the island’s top entertainers and musicians, will screen its European premiere at the Marbella Internacional Film Festival (www. held October 1416, in Marbella. Spain. Writer/Director Brian Kohne has just

completed a version that features Spanish sub-titles, and is looking forward to presenting “Get A Job” in Europe. “One of Spain’s respected Directors, Pedro Almodóvar, is a master of screwball comedy.” Says Kohne. “We are excited to share our Hawaiian-style farce with the audience in Marbella, and discovered the humor was quite conducive to Spanish translation.” The film has been on a hot streak since entering the 2011 Film Festival circuit, including the recent win of “Jury Award” in the Las Vegas Film Festival, which is akin to runner up for best of show (Grand Jury Award) out of over 1000 movies that were in consideration. In fact, “GET A JOB” has won top prizes in each of the four Film Festivals in which it has screened, “GET A JOB!” is written and directed by Brian Kohne and stars Willie K and Eric Gilliom. It also boasts special appearances by superstars Mick Fleetwood, Willie Nelson, and Pat Simmons of the Doobie Brothers. “GET A JOB” is an unconventional musical featuring 27 songs, eighteen by the Barefoot Natives (www.barefootnatives. com).

Transwagon Calle Real 11, Estepona 18 septiembre, 22:00 h. Transwagon es una máquina de hacer rock and roll, que mantiene el equilibrio en los límites del blues, la psicodelia más pura y el peligroso garaje rock. Imagina una película de Quentin Tarantino en un país sin ley, donde el protagonista se enfrenta a todos los desafiós y cada cosa que aparece en su camino. Llenos de pecado, confianza y totalmente imprevisibles. Transwagon es un soplido lleno de la historia del rock and roll, desde las raices más profundas del rock pasando por el blues, country, soul, pop, y la new wave. Entrada gratuito.

Swedish rockers live at Louie Louie’s

La Línea de la Concepción

4 piece Swedish rock/blues band play TranswagonLouie Louie's from 10 pm as part of their Spanish tour. Free entry! Louie Louie Rock’n’Roll Bar Calle Real 11, Estepona Sunday September 18 from 10 pm

Alcoholics Anonymous PROBLEM WITH YOUR DRINKING? There is a cost free solution Call the Helpline 600 379 110


The Resident -

Francine Pompas Arcos - Estepona Foreign Residents Office

Nothing has ever been too much for Francine Pompas Arcos. As they say “No job too big or too small”. Francine has been at the helm of the Foreign Residents Office for 12 years and during that time has helped probably thousands of us foreigners with our various problems. But lets go back a few years – Back to Casablanca where Francine was born and her parents worked. She was educated through the French language and when she left school and was now living in Spain she was offered a job working for an Italian company on their cruise ships. She loved the work as she came into contact with many people from many different countries, and so picked up several other languages including English, Italian and a little German along with French, Spanish and Arabic which she already spoke fluently.

Advertise in The Resident Get off to a flying start in the New Year with an advert in The Resident. Unbeatable rates and packages tailored to your specific needs. Don’t forget advertising is an investment, not an expense. So invest in your business today.

952 936 198 or B/W


Eighth Page 122mm x 80mm



Quarter Page 122mm x 165mm



Half Page 250mm x 165mm



Full Page 250mm x 370mm



Page Footer 250mm x 60mm



Front page modules (various sizes)


Front Page Footer 250mm x 60mm


Business Special 80mm x 46mm



During her time on the ships she visited numerous countries including Puerto Rico, Grenada, Virgin Islands, Martinique, Saint Vincent, Santa Lucia etc. She socialised with the passengers as part of her job and enjoyed the farewell receptions at the end of each voyage. However, after some years she decided to come ashore once more and her next job was working with the Mols family in El Paraiso. Bruno Mols built Patio Alcornocal Urbanisation, where I lived when I first came to Spain and first came into contact with Francine. Moving on from there she commenced work at the Foreign Residents Office in Estepona and has been there for over 11 years asi said before “No job is too big or too small” for Francine. She will solve your problems if anyone can, because she doesn’t give up and will persevere until it’s solved. As well as her work at the Foreign Residents Office Francine is president of AREME, the Association for Foreign Residents in Estepona. It is a non-political association dedicated to advising foreign residents. The intention being a voice to be heard by the Town Hall and other institutions. She can also take credit for running the annual Foreign Resident’s day, Christmas fairs and many other towns and villages have taken note and started their own Foreign Residents Departments. Francine is married to Marco who comes from Marbella and they have a son Elliot 19 years old. Being animal lovers they care for many of the stray cats not in Estepona alone, but also at their home in the campo, which leaves her virtually no time for relaxation or hobbies. How she manages to stay in good humour with all of us Foreigners who are constantly calling on her for help is a miracle, but Francine, and hopefully she will reign over us for many years to come.


Letter to the Editor

YOUR UK VEHICLE COULD BE SIEZED SIR: Referring to the advice note about the legality of driving in the EU, in this case Spain, a country other than your original one as a resident of your new country where you have a current driving licence issued by your original EU country. The Costa Advice Bureau is correct when they advise that it is legal to do so. But there is a big caveat. The “new resident” with the foreign EU licence must obey all the same rules that the Spanish drivers have too one being the periodical mandatory medicals. Spanish licences expire when such a medical is due and although the expiry date on a foreign EU licence may be years ahead if the holder is involved in an accident and has to go to Court (due to injury being the result)with no record of the official Trafico authorised medical at the correct time being produced the foreign licence will be deemed as having expired. Awkward, as you may have been the innocent party but, you will lose as you should not have been driving and emails received by me in recent years show that this has already happened in Spain with Brit expats. But all is not lost. On my web-site at is a copy of an officIal Ministerio del Interior letter (in Spanish of course so the roadside official can understand it) that will prove that you are allowed to drive on your foreign EU licence. But make sure you also have a copy of the certificate proving you have taken the medical in the vehicle. The legal references (EU Directive, etc.) are in this letter so doubters can check for themselves. Regarding the use by many resident expats of UK registered vehicles, many without UK road tax receipts, etc. The only reason that the Manilva Policia Local and Guardia Civil have not had a field day by impounding the many in this area and fining the owners is, we are told, that Manilva at this time has no official pound to store them in. So there is a business opportunity here for someone with a bit of local fenced/secure land. But my contact has advised that the Spanish authorities are considering adopting the DVLA-UK system where illegal vehicles are scrapped immediately (one week?) thus removing the need for a pound as vehicles will be collected by the local official scrap yards. The law states that any vehicle in use within the EU must be fully legal in the country of registration, so no MOT, taxes paid, etc, the vehicle is illegal. I will report more on the scrapping rumours when more is known but readers MUST remember that I am but the "reporter" not the cause of your problems. I am just trying to save you stress and cash. Remember that ignorance of the law is never an accepted excuse. Brian Deller, Manilva.

Zumbathon raises over 5000€ for cancer relief Recently, over a 100 local people gave up their weekly lie-in and gathered together at the Hipica Park Sotogrande help raise awareness of the horror that is cancer, and to raise money for a local family that has been hit by the disease.

Cancer isn’t fussy – it can hit anyone and any family This event came about as a result of a local man aged only 38, who has been diagnoised with terminal cancer, and his family’s friends wanted to do something to help. He first went to the doctor in April with stomach pains and now, only five months later, has been told that sadly, there’s nothing that can be done, within the state health system, to stop this very aggressive disease from spreading. He and his wife have two children aged five and three. To raise money, Lisa Greenwood from Zumba Fitness offered to hold a “Zumba Party”, and the Hipica Park Sotogrande said it would lend the event one of its arenas. Zumba is a dance-fitness class that incorporates Latin and international music and dance movements, and is so much fun that it is taking the world, and Sotogrande in particular, by storm. The funds raised from Sunday’s Zumba Party will be given to the family to contribute to any care they may need. For them this may mean using some of these funds for possible alternative medical treatment in Malaga. If the treatment is not an option they will be donating the funds to a local

support charity like Cudeca, a cancer hospice based in Benalmadena, which provides cancer patients and their families palliative support and care in their homes as well as a place for patients to go. But the family also wanted to use the event as a local awareness campaign. Cancer is on the rise, so making people more aware of the disease and how to spot cancer early, is extremely important. The local man has been diagnosed with bile duct cancer, a cancer which is very rare, but very threatening because in most cases, it is only detected in the very late stages when complications occur and the cancer has already spread to other areas. The Zumbathon was a great success, and a raffle was also held with prizes donated from people all over the area. There were a large number of goods and services including bottles of wine, spa days, and even a full car service. People were overwhelmingly generous and helped raise a total of 5,100 euros. The family would like to thank eveyone involved in the event, from the littlest Zumba dancer, to the raffle ticket sellers, the Hipica, Lisa, and everyone who took part in any way at all. They would also like everyone to make sure they have that checkup they have been putting off. Go on – go book that checkup appointment now. If you would like to make a donation please contact: Jojo France 687 030 047 or email



Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz

Fácil Easy

In this month’s picture quiz all we ask you to do is name the towns or cities where you can ¿nd the following landmarks. Answers on page 26 En este mes le preguntamos los nombres de ciudades donde pueden encontrarse los siguientes monumentos famosos. Respuestas en la página 26



Soluciones página 27 All solutions on page 27

Nivel Medio Medium





Difícil Hard





Wine & Dine

The Resident -



CJ’s Family Bar The great place for all the family.

TAPAS VARIADAS RACIONES - DESAYUNOS CHOCOLATE & CHURROS Heated Smoking Terrace Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Sabinillas - Manilva

Want to enjoy a drink in nice surroundings, with friendly service? Then why not come along to CJ’s in Plaza de la Fuente, Puerto de la Duquesa, where there is something for all the family

Tel: 951 273 647 Email:


We are now into low season hours so will be closed every Tuesday. We open at 6pm every other day. We have brought back one of our most popular specials—2 pints of Estrella for €3 in Happy Hour (6-8pm) for September and October. We are also offering 2 standard Gin, Vodka, Scotch or Rum for €3 in Happy Hour. See Facebook & our no ce boards for other offers. Once the main season of Strictly Come Dancing starts this will be shown in the bar every Saturday. PLEASE NOTE WE ARE CLOSED ON SUNDAY 25TH AND WEDNESDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER Join us on Facebook (CJ’s-Cocktail Bar) and follow us on Twi er for more informa on or visit our web site –

DUQUESA Whether you have been a naughty devil or an angelic angel we will welcome you with open wings. Kick back, relax and get ready because you’re going straight to Heaven. Home of the biggest and best cocktails in the port, open daily, facebook – heaven Duquesa, food available all day. PLAZA ALTA | PUERTO DE LA DUQUESA | WWW.HEAVENDUQUESA.COM

Marlows Fish & Chip Restaurant Residencial Duquesa

Embargos de banco 100% Hipoteca

Duquesa Village

Bank repossessions up to 100% mortgage

Tel: 0034 952 890 444 Mob: 0034 667 633 830


Marlows is a modern, and spacious comfortable restaurant with an outside terrace to accommodate smokers. At Marlows you will find expertly fried fish & chips, north sea haddock, cod, plaice, together with starters. Ribs, chicken, pies, sausages, salads, desserts and a kids menu at only €4. Marlows have 50 years plus in the fish & chip trade and in fact opened the very first fish & chip shop in Gibraltar, way back in 1966 (Irish Town Fisheries, for those of you old enough to remember it). Quality, Value and Service excel at Marlows. So why not try for yourself! Marlows can also cater for any party, Big or Small up to 100 people.

During the winter months there is a fantastic Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding lunch on Sunday served from 1pm - 4.30pm. Tel. 951 276 728

EARLY BIRD ONLY €6.95 1 Fish & Chips (Cod or Haddock) 1 Bread & Butter or 1 Peas 1 Drink Tea, coffee, beer, water or soft drink

6pm - 7.30pm Monday to Thursday Served in the Restaurant



The Resident -

Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast Sabinillas



Call +34 630 318 730


We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.


From 189,000€

ty th er on op M Pr he t


1 bed, 1 bath apartment in beachfront development with stunning sea views. Large tropical gardens, pool, paddle courts. Spacious open plan accommodation with southeast facing terrace. Private parking space. 1

2 bed, 3 bath apartment in modern gated development with tennis and paddle courts, large pool. Open plan living space, modern kitchen, large terraces. Includes aircon, satellite tv, private parking and storeroom. 2




2 bed, 2 bath penthouse in popular development just a short drive to Duquesa Port and beach. Overlooking sea, golf and open countryside. Sold fully furnish with aircon, satellite TV, 2 parking spaces and 2 storerooms.




3 bed, 3 bath townhouse on frontline golf development. Property has been renovated to a high standard, and has been considerably extended to provide ample space. Property boasts stunning roof terrace and large private garden. 4


These 2 and 3 bedroom luxury apartments in Marina del Castillo enjoy a superb beachfront location that is within minutes walk of the beautiful Duquesa Marina. Only just being completed, this is one of the most prestigious developments in the Duquesa area. Marina del Castillo has been constructed to the highest standard and includes stunning luxurious features including marble walls and floors, natural wood terraces, light sensitive glass, domotics home control systems and high specification kitchen and bathrooms. Marina del Castillo boasts a beautiful communal pool and sun terraces, underground parking and 24hr security.


Casares Costa


3 bed, 2 bath, townhouse in established front line beach development. Large lounge/diner with fireplace, fully equipped kitchen, 3 spacious bedrooms, roof top solarium with store room, private garden. Communal pools, tennis courts.


Large 4 bed, 2 bath townhouse situated 5 mins walk from Manilva, overlooking Sabinillas and Manilva coast. Built 2004 173+ square metres, benefits form large 50 square metre integral garage. Property is ready to be moved in and is sold with or without furniture. The property enjoys a very private situation and shares pool and garden with just 17 other properties. MUST BE SEEN!




2 bed, 2 bath apartment benefits from stunning views, private parking and is close to shops and amenities, short walk to Duquesa Port. Well laid out, 2 good size bedrooms, master with ensuite. 24hr security and satellite TV.


These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at or +34 630 318 730


The Resident -

Royal British Legion - Estepona Branch Forthcoming RBL events this autumn All Tuesday lunchtime meetings begin at 12:30h except Branch meetings and the AGM which begin at 12:00 noon. All Friday Evening Dinners begin at 19:30 for 20:00. Tuesday Sept 20 - La Casona Friday Sept 23 - Casador 2 (near Selwo) Tuesday Sept 27 - The Wheelhouse Fri Sept 30 - Pato Pekin Estepona Port Tuesday Oct 4 - La Casona Friday Oct 7 - De La Mar, Estepona Port Tuesday 11 Oct - The Wheelhouse Friday 14 Oct - District Dinner Dance (details from Chris Wright) Tuesday 18 Oct - La Casona AGM Friday 21 Oct - .D’Hermania (new venue) Tuesday Oct 25 - The Wheelhouse Friday Oct 28 - Cazador 2 (near Selwo) Sunday November 13th Remembrance Sunday Trip by coach to Gibraltar Details later.


Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva Drop-In-Centre Programme Starting this September Age Concern has arranged a number of events at the Age Concern Drop-In-Centre which is situated in Calle Zaragoza 25, Estepona. Starting Wednesday 7th September There will be a Social Club with mixed activities from 10.30 to 13.00 Starting Thursday 8th September There will be Yoga for the older person and talks on health related subjects from 11.00 to 12.00. This is limited to 12 persons maximum – if interested please ring either 608458555 or 951318234 and leave your details. Starting Friday 9th September There will be a Craft Club from 10.30 to 13.00 - this will include quilt making and embroidery on alternate weeks. It starts with quilt making and Julie Wood on Friday 9th September. The following Friday, the 16th, Alex Aldous will be running an embroidery session., then back to quilt making and so on, on alternate weeks. Starting Monday 12th September Spanish lessons for beginners will run from 11.00 to 13.00 Starting Wednesday 14th September

Tel. 952 89 30 96 952 89 72 33 Fax. 951 27 35 82

Transporte Urgente Mensajería Urgent Deliveries Messengers Courier Service


DIRECT FROM OWNER Detached Villa in Torreguadiaro with mature garden PRICE SLASHED to

€370,000 offers invited 4 double en-suite bedrooms 200 sqm built on 500 sqm plot Magnificent Views Small Pool & Jacuzzi

Call: 956 616 873

See website

A bridge club will meet from 16.30 to 18.30. Also a chess club will meet for the first time from 16.30 to 18.30 Starting Tuesday 18th October There will be a Creative Writing course from 10.30 to 12.30 - this will run for 6 to 8 weeks course under the guidance of Vera Ivers. Apart from the yoga these activities are open to all age groups. Feel free to turn up on the day(s) you are interested in but it would be helpful if you called to let us know that you are coming – the number is 951318234.

Shop Do not forget that our charity shop reopened on 5th September in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona. It opens from 10.00 to 13.30 Monday to Saturday inclusive.

Lifeline For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact

Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at

Organising oxygen therapy on holiday Every year the British Consulate Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team receive a number of queries from visitors who want to organise oxygen therapy while they are on holiday using their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). They have put together a guide of the steps customers should follow in order to organise oxygen in this way and this is now available at www.ukinspain.fco. It is important to remember that a person must apply for oxygen therapy in writing to the Spanish authorities before coming on holiday. So if you have family or friends visiting this year, who need oxygen whilst in Spain, make sure they know where to get the information they need.



Costa Advice Bureau and issues relating to your taxes Why you should draw up a will at an early age Unfortunately, accidents and illnesses can occur at any age and result in death. It is wise to make preparations for your family in advance. If there is no will in the event of a death, the deceased is considered to have died intestate. In such cases, it is the law that decides how assets are transferred. In Spain the legal inheritors will have to go to probate, in the same way as if only a British will is available. During a time when there is much suffering, the added complications to attempt to attain what is legally destined for the successors, becomes a complicated and expensive issue. If there is a bank account implicated Joint or otherwise and the bank is advised of the demise, the account is immediately frozen. Furthermore these resources may be the only benefits available to the family. The Spanish tax authorities will treat the stationary funds as assets and may be subject to inheritance taxes. There are guidelines to follow to lessen the burden and costs for anyone who may unfortunately find themselves in this situation.

Resident in Spain, but are you entitled to the significant benefits? Do you consider that you are Spanish resident and able to avail of all the entitlements accessible? It is imperative that you now make a checklist and enlighten yourself as to the actually meaning of your personal resident status. Are you in possession of the new A4 size green document or the old resident

card? This is the merely the first stage as there other compliances to consider. Are you aware that if Spain is not your fiscal residence and therefore also registered on the census at your town hall, that you will not be at liberty to avail of the numerous reductions and remunerations available to you. Some disadvantages of not being fully domiciled include; taxes on the sale of your home. The tax authorities will withhold three percent of the total sales price of your property. You may be shocked to discover that the attractive reductions on inheritance taxes may not apply to you, your spouse or family. The expatriate community can be assured that Spain is slowly but surely organising the various government departments so as to be able to claim the taxes owed to them. Personally speaking I believe that non residents who pay their taxes are penalised in ways that the resident is not. I have often asked lawyers to take on cases so that a precedent can be set. For those residents and non residents who have not been presenting their annual tax declarations. It would be wise to start now. Most pensioners are by now aware of the usefulness of the sixty five cards. Anyone who has not requested theirs should do so now. This card is not provided in relation to your earnings but anyone on a low income can apply for the gold version.

inheritance tax burden. Whether or not you have made Spanish will you could consider making amendments. The savings are considerable and especially beneficial where the heirs or the testators are not fiscal residents in Spain. There are also added advantages for residents who do not wish to elect any type of investment plans or to take out loans on their properties. Look before you leap’ ‘things are not always at they appear’ ‘Always take advice’

For information on any of the above, please contact: Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821

Why is it important to pay National Insurance (NI) contributions if I am working in Spain? Your NI contributions count for a lot in Spain. By ensuring your employer registers you in the social security system and that you pay NI contributions, you will not only build up entitlement to a Spanish pension and benefits, but will also ensure you and any dependants are covered for healthcare in Spain. And remember, if you do want to apply for any benefit, apply through the Spanish authorities but mention you previously worked in the UK in order to

access your full entitlement. What if I am self-employed? If you are self employed, you should register with the Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social (TGSS) as autonomo and pay your NI directly to them. You should also apply for any benefits through the Spanish authorities but remember, deregister when you stop work to avoid building up a debt with social security.

anúnciese con the resident advertise in the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -

Important savings on your Inheritance taxes For anyone considering buying a property, there are simple ways to lessen your


Marble - Granite Also a wide range of Fireplaces Kitchen Work Tops - Bathrooms - All Types of Floors We stock a large range of household names

Polígono Industrial La Dehesilla Parc. 19 - D 29691 Manilva Málaga

Tel: 951 97 20 08 Móvil: 609 713 619 - 628 852 081 - www.

The Resident -

En la Residencia de las Palabras Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions


Francisco Rodríguez Herrera

La Dicha, Como Fuente ¡Con qué alegría, qué bien te digo a ti estas cosas que nadie más que tú has de saber!... Platero y yo Juan Ramón Jiménez ¡Cómo resuelve el viento la melena de esa muchacha! El corazón anuncia esta mañana su poniente de horas, ¡qué viento entre la falda! Espíritu del tiempo, ¿quién sabe lo que ha de pasar mañana? Hoy, ¡qué bien decirte a ti estas cosas!... Las lluvias, más abajo del barro, en la estación, su mineral derrama, segrega su esperanza; y más abajo aún, raíces, hacen brotar en amapolas, alas. Graciosa está la noche, disfrútala en su baile, después, cuando te canses, respírala en tu cama, atiende a esas estrellas; ¡qué satisfecha el agua, llovizna en luz se aclara; qué rompeolas del pecho, con qué alegría decirlo, nadie lo ha de saber, qué poeta ahora te canta! No intentes retener el tiempo, asfixiándolo con vanos pensamientos, la edad no existe sino es para curtir la piel y engrandecer al alma. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “A la medida del hombre” 24 de Febrero de 2.005

La amistad es simple..., ¡es tan complicada! Y se resuelve en vino amargo y dulce, de cuanto aprendí de ella, me queda todo... A la medida del hombre, ¿quién la vivió? Por la amistad, el verdadero hombre, y quien la vivió tuvo fortuna. Quien tuvo la amistad desprende el alba de sus manos: el calor del amor en ellas, y un perdón en la verdadera amistad. (Manos que recuerdan –dice José Hierro–. Apunta, nerviosamente, lo que vivía olvidado.) (Recuerdo es en definitiva amistad consigo mismo.) La lluvia canta, mientras en el lago un soldado confía su secreto: Lo que tengo es solo esto: un beso o la muerte, tierra, musgo, un miedo ligero que no puede testificar el mundo y lo acomete para controlarlo, para lograrlo, mi canción es lo que tengo... Si fuera la amistad...,

Un Viento de Limón A Josefina y Mari Un viento de limón juega en la tarde con las tórtolas. Y por la noche, en el huerto, amor de las estrellas, un celo vegetal: claro de luna: una antorcha. El labrador, vencido, sentado a la puerta de la choza mira a la estrella baja que baña de luz naranjos y mazorcas. El trébol, sangre verde, nutre a las vacas que bajan de la loma; el llano está encantado: la tarde se hace aurora, el naranjo, amapola, la silla de enea, una gitana loca; mi hermano está jugando, y mi hermana, trae una cantimplora del pozo de Diego, ¡qué agua milagrosa! Mi otra hermana cruza por la huerta de Pepe Mata, ante un níspero gigante se detiene, y de sus frutos toma. Pepe Mata lo sabe, mis hermanos y yo,

Padre Patera Un Corazón sin Fronteras Necesita - Pañales, Toallitas Húmedas y Leche Entera Acoge a todos los niños inmigrantes y mujeres embarazadas. Entrega de donativos: Regalos Pilar, C/ Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas, Manilva


paz sobrecogida en la beligerancia de los hombres; que contra el hierro, desprende sus flores el amigo; ah, la libertad de verse y vernos, como unas golondrinas que surten en el aire sus propósitos.

Fácil Easy

¿Amistad es simple? A veces, de una discusión, surgió, y al verse sola, apasionada, incitó a la razón, le dio incluso brío; porque la amistad, cuántas veces es consecuencia de lágrimas. Amistad es belleza, distinguida belleza sobre la lógica. Envuelta en su diálogo, compartiendo, respetando, entre hombre o su causa, entre desamparo y aislamiento, con la voluntad y la firmeza, allí siempre recobrada; amada amistad para el que aguarda y se desprende y no desea estar solo en la vida, así, solamente el amigo es la vida.

Nivel Medio Medium

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “A la medida del hombre” 9 de Mayo de 1.989 cada vez que pasábamos, de su huerto tomábamos sus frutas más sabrosas, ¡cuánto sembró ese hombre! Pepe Mata nos mira, y sigue allí, reposando a la sombra, descansa de la tarea, y un viento de limón, en la huerta de Paco juega en la tarde con las tórtolas.

Difícil Hard

Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Arbusto bajo el sol” 24 de Agosto de 2007

El Que se Arropa con tus Caricias Es tiempo del amor, es tiempo de la tierra. Luz sobre la hierba, sembrada de mañanas. La casa está abierta, es tiempo para el sol, que se mueva la sangre, que se llene el alma de energía y pureza. Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Arbusto bajo el sol”

Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas - Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información


606 602 558

(Coopere con nosotros)

Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers 1. Brussels, Bruselas; 2. Madrid; 3. Pisa; 4. Venice, Venecia; 5. Calcutta, Calcuta; 6. Ronda; 7. Sidney; 8. Baghdad, Bagdad; 9. Barcelona; 10. Dubai.



The Resident -

When you measure your waist make a note of its size, for a woman, anything over 35 inches (88cm) or for a man 40 inches (102cm) increases your risk from some of the nasties out there as mentioned by Claudia below. If you are in the risk catergory, reduce your food intake and increase your exercise levels, ‘reduce your waist and reduce your risk’. For more information call jojo france, personal trainer and fitness adviser on 687 030 047. Remember to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise regime.

A Healthier Life

Anti-ageing JoJo France and Claudia Norris Welcome to The Resident’s Fitness & Food column written by Personal Trainer JoJo France, and Nutritional Therapist Claudia Norris. For most of us summer is about beaches, BBQ’s and chillouts so with this in mind JoJo has devised an aqua work out and Claudia has shared some picnic ideas.

Waist to Hip Ratio As we grow older our bodies change in many ways, one of the most common changes is with the waistline. Most people start to see an increase in size sometime after their late 30’s. Some people find this distressing from an aesthetical point of view but many don’t realise the risk that is connected to this increase in size. As part of my pre-training consultation all of my clients are weighed, measured, poked and prodded and then made to sweat, what I am looking at is what health risk their current size, shape, weight and fitness level is to their overall health. One of the main tests I do is a waist to hip ratio assessment, along with BMI and a Body Composition Test, this measures not just fat percentage but fat weight and lean mass weight, making sure that if someone diets, it is fat that they lose and not lean muscle mass. Indicator of health The waist to hip ratio has been used as an indicator or measure of the health of a person, and the risk of developing serious health conditions. Research shows that people with “apple-shaped” bodies (with more weight around the waist) face more health risks than those with “pear-shaped” bodies who carry more weight around the hips. Waist to hip ratio is used as a measurement of obesity which in turn is a possible indicator of other more serious health conditions. Waist to hip ratio has been found to be a more efficient predictor of mortality in older people than waist circumference or body mass index (BMI). If obesity is redefined using waist to hip ratio instead of BMI, the proportion of people categorized as at risk of heart attack worldwide increases threefold. The body fat percentage is considered to be an even more accurate measure of relative weight. Of these three measurements, only the waist-hip ratio takes account of the differences in body structure. Hence, it is possible for two women to have vastly different body mass indices but the same waisthip ratio, or to have the same body mass index but vastly different waist-hip ratios. Other studies have found that waist circumference, not waist to hip ratio, to be a good indicator of cardiovascular risk factors, body fat distribution, and hypertension in type 2 diabetes. So how do we do a Waist to Hip test? Firstly, measure in inches, the leanest part of the waist (approx 1 inch above the belly button), and measure at the widest part of the hip. Now divide your waist by your hip, it will give you a score, check yours against the recommended below: Female 0.80 or below 0.81-0.85 0.85+

Male 0.95 or below 0.96 -1.0 1.0+

Low risk Moderate risk High

Over the next 3 months this column is dedicated to antiageing. When I talk about anti-ageing, I’m not just thinking about reducing wrinkles (although it sounds good - we’ll investigate this next month), I’m looking at increasing ‘health-span’. As a general rule, we seem to be living longer - our ‘life-spans’ have increased, but what about quality of life during those extra years? What can we do now, as a kind of insurance policy if you like, to keep us in good health for longer? The good news is that it’s never too late to make changes! Even if you have already been diagnosed with a chronic disease such as type II diabetes, learning to manage it more effectively through diet and exercise can delay its progression. Chronic disease, often associated with getting older, doesn’t appear overnight. Examples include type II diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and dementia. We often have warning signs over the years. For example, you may start to experience joint pain or stiffness in your 30’s or 40’s, or maybe you’ve just found out your cholesterol is a bit high. Many of these diseases are preventable and if you take action by changing lifestyle habits, hopefully you can stop the disease in its tracks. What kind of lifestyle changes am I talking about? Diet, exercise, abuse of cigarettes and alcohol, and stress management are the main ones. Obviously I’m looking at things from a nutrition point of view and there is much that can be done. Being overweight dramatically increases one’s risk of many of these diseases like Type II diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. JoJo and I have seen many successful participants on our Fitness & Food programme lower cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar levels and improve joints within 6-12 weeks. Because we concentrate on inch loss, we have seen much improvement in hip to waist ratios which dramatically cuts the risk of heart disease. I am looking out for imbalances in all my clients whether they are hormonal, blood sugar, inflammatory, digestive, or immune to help them avert disease where possible and extend their ‘health-span’, whatever age they happen to be.

Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken

Learn Spanish with Nuria Experienced teacher from Madrid Based Duquesa-Manilva-SabinillasEstepona. 1 to 1 dedicated tuition at your place. Group lessons also available. Friendly, gain confidence, learn properly. Tel. 620753865 email:

Marbella & Estepona Hypnotherapy & Reiki Want to Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Improve your Golf, Get over Phobias or just need to Relax.

Tel +34 646 381 872 English Trained Therapist From 25 euros per session

Claudia Norris Nutritional Therapist MA(Hons) Dip(BCNH) Nutritional Therapy Council Registered Practitioner (NTCC) Email: Mobile: 671 142 960 Web:

Se Traspasa

15.000€ Bella & Lira - Avd del la Paz No. 5

Tlf 657 640 969

Learn Spanish with

Home Tutors

in your home, office or a group Support lessons in most subjects for children attending Spanish/International schools. Also French, German and English Spelling, language and literature Tel: 952 892 163 Mob: 607 963 254 Spain's own 'Handy Andy'

ANDY FITCH General all round handyman Painting, Tiling, Electrical, Plumbing and Carpentry Professional and Reliable Reasonable Rates - 25 Years Experience Free Estimates and Advice References Available 951 276 134, 610 337 938 or 667 363 524

Business Directory Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L. Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Rafael Galán Ronald Rosenfeld Frances Beaumont Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi JoJo France Claudia Norris

Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 General Enquiries Printed by Iniciativas de Publicaciones e Impresión, S.L.

Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.

Building & Maintenance • Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment,DesignService Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@hotmail. com • Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energysystems-bothelectricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515

Holiday Accommodation • Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www. • Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561

Auto • BrunosCarrentalandsales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 www. • English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066 • Simple Leasing. Car rentals and leasing. Document transfers. 0034 697 820 253 or visit

Professional • Manilva Solicitors provide a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies. Tel 952 901 225 or e-mail: mail@ • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • Do you need a trusted and efficient lawyer? Call us for a free quotation. 951.31.66.39; • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators&Interpreters,legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619.

Have a day out with The Resident Property management • Castillo Services - Key Holding, Holiday Let Cleaning, Meet and Greets. Tel: 0034 952 892 471, Mob: 0034 608 491 525 Email: castilloserv@ • Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207

• Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 • Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.

The Marmalade Run (Spanish Lakes & Orchards)

Sun Breaks Spain Short Term Holiday Lets Long Term Rentals Apartments, villas or townhouses

Educación Education • Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 21 63

Entertainment • Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765

Mortgage & Financial Services • Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347

ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Project Management Tel. 678 962 588

Inmobiliaria Estate Agents

The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a

Bares y Restaurantes • Restaurante Ramos Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas. • Armstrongs Restaurant Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629

Informática Computers • CSS - Home and office support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi, data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.

This advert 80mm x 46mm Black and White for just 10 euros per month Este Anuncio 80mm x 46mm Blanco y Negro Para sólo 10 euros al mes 952 936 198

Every Friday (Lunch optional €12) - Our trip takes us inland, to an old Olive Mill, for a fully guided tour and, when in season, where we see the full olive oil production process. (Light refreshments included.) We then visit an authentic citrus fruit farm of around 17,000 trees where, if in season, we can sample fresh fruit straight from the tree. A tour of the scenic Spanish Lake District follows, via the dramatic El Chorro Gorge, stopping for lunch, before then returning to the coast. Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 30€

Ronda by Train

(return by coach)

Every Thursday - By coach toAlgeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 43€ The Resident price 41€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€.


Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.


Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.)After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 79€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 75€ Children: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 60€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING


Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital ofAndalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. -Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€

featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!


Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 74€ The Resident price 70€ Children: Normal price 58€ The Resident price 54€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)


Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast.After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 34€ The Resident price 32€

Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays

Gibraltar - Shopping only:

Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€

Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping

Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shoppingAdults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Dolphin boat trip and shopping

Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 43€ Children: Normal price 35€ The Resident price 33€

Gibraltar - Rock the boat

Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 53€ The Resident price 50€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!

Fuengirola Market & Mijas

Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€

Fuengirola Zoo

Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€.

Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email

Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.



The Resident -

Euroland and US where are we at the moment Campeonato de Andalucía de Muay Thai There had been a lot of talk about the performance of economies and currencies plus what will be the result of certain austerity measures that could help positive growth. Well a half-cent rally ran out of steam last Monday and the pound lost more than a cent on the Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday it leapt higher, adding a cent and a half during the London session before coming to a stop. Its net gain on the week was one and a quarter cents and the highest level for nearly three weeks. News out of the UK stated that the economy was not great and there were rumblings that the economy is stagnating. Sterling’s early lack of performance stemmed from feeble UK economic indicators. There were not many of them and they were almost all weaker than anticipated. The services sector purchasing managers’ index dropped by more than four points to 51.1 in August. It was still in the expansion zone but not by much and it was three points shy of forecast. The BRC retail sales monitor showed like-for-like sales down by -0.6% on the year when they should have been unchanged. The Halifax house price index lost 2.6% in the year to August. Industrial production fell by -0.7% between July 2010 and July this year. The only ray of hope and a dim one at that - was a 0.1% monthly increase in manufacturing production that contributed to annual growth of 1.9%. Sterling’s eventual success came as a result of what the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee didn’t do on Thursday. There had been concern that the weakness of the economy and the lack of employment growth would encourage the MPC to decide on a second round of asset purchases (quantitative easing). One of the nine members has been pushing the subject since last October. Thus far Adam Posen has been a lone voice but investors were suspicious that others might now have joined him. When the MPC announcement made no mention of a second round of QE

there was a relief rally for the pound. The pound to euro now stands at just over 1.15 (as I write this article) Even though Britain’s economic data might have been a bit lacklustre the Eurozone did not excel itself either. Germany’s services PMI was identical to the UK at 51.1 Chancellor of Germany Merkal lost another election in her own constituency no less. The social democrats came in with 36.1% of votes, while Merkal received 23.3% of votes. Merkals election campaign was based on her party handling of crisis in the euroland. The Germans showed they were not happy about bailing out other countries. In the US President Barack Obama outlined his plans to create more jobs has he talked about a $447 billion jobs package. His planned (£282bn) package of tax cuts and spending plans are aimed at trying to boost the economy. This will include funding for teachers and firefighters – and tax cuts for small businesses. He told congress that politicians needed to act quickly to pass the package. However, some Republicans have already dismissed the plan as a crude attempt to boost the presidents flagging popularity in the run-up to next year presidential election. Is there a possibility of a third round of QE on the cards? Well, we will have to wait until the next FOMC meeting a fortnight’s time. With the uncertainty in Euroland and in the US combined with consistently moving exchange rates it is important that funds sent abroad receive the best rates ie getting you more money for your money. Using a foreign exchange and international payments specialist like Moneycorp to take care of all your money transfers from one country to another can help.

La federación española de muay thai a través de la delegación en Andalucía de la asociación andaluza de este deporte, en colaboración con el club local Siam Black y la Delegación Municipal de Deportes, ofrecerá en Estepona una importante velada donde se competirá por conseguir el título nacional FEMT de muay thai. Tendrá lugar el sábado 1 de octubre en al pabellón El Carmen de 20:00 a 23:30 horas. La velada constará de 9 combates en uno de los cuales combatirán por el título nacional FEMT de muay-thai el esteponero Jorge Benítez y el alicantino

Mohamed El Qurachi. También se podrá disfrutar de un combate de exhibición entre el español Antonio Ponce y el francés Douglas. Las entradas tienen un precio de 10€ en venta anticipada, 12€ en taquilla y 15€ las sillas en ring. Las reservas se pueden realizar en el Gym Bassai, situado en c/ Portada y llamando a los teléfonos 952796149 y 626920587. La organización asegura a los asistentes todo un espectáculo de muay-thai con los mejores deportistas en de esta modalidad.

Andalucian Muay Thai Championship The Spanish Muay Thai Federation will be holding an important event in Estepona where participants will compete for the national FEMT title in Muay Thai, through the delegation of the Andalucian association of the sport, in collaboration with the local Siam Black club and the municipal sports department. The Championship will take place on Saturday 1st October in the El Carmen pavillion from 8 pm to 11.30 pm. The event will consist of nine bouts in one of which Estepona resident Jorge Benítez and Mohamed El Qurachi from Alicante

will compete for the FEMT national title in muay thai. There will also be an exhibition match between Spaniard Antonio Ponce and Douglas from France. Pre-booked entries cost 10€, 12€ on the night and 15€ for ringside seats. Reservations can be made in the Bassai Gym, located on c/Portada or by contacting either of these numbers 952 796 149 and 626 920 587. The organisation guarantees a brilliant Muay Thai show for all the spectators with the best athletes of the sport on display.

For more information on how Moneycorp can help, contact Michael Campbell in the Costa del Sol office on +34 951 319 700 or email michael. Please quote The Resident.

XVIII Torneo de Verano de Tenis de Mesa Villa de Estepona El sábado, 17 de septiembre, tendrá lugar en Estepona el XVIII torneo de verano de tenis de mesa “Villa de Estepona” que organizado por la Delegación Municipal de Deportes en colaboración con el club de tenis de mesa local, tendrá lugar en el pabellón El Carmen en horario de 09:00 a 14:30 horas y de 16:00 a 20:00 horas. Esta tradicional competición estival en la que participarán jugadores de toda la

provincia, se disputará en dos categorías, por un lado deportistas de hasta 15 años y por otro deportistas mayores de edad, se jugará en 15 mesas y con un sistema de todos contra todos en cada grupo, celebrándose los cruces eliminatorios en jornada de tarde. Los trofeos, que se entregarán al término del torneo, se repartirán entre los tres primeros y entre los mejores jugadores locales de cada categoría.

XVIII Summer Table Tennis Tournament Villa Estepona Saturday, 17th September, the XVIII summer table tennis tournament “Villa de Estepona” will take place in Estepona organised by the Municipal Delegation for Sports in collaboration with the local table tennis club, it will be held in the El Cármen pavillion from 09:00 to 14:30 and 16:00 to 20:00 hours. This traditional summer competition in which players from all over the province

take part, will be judged in two categories, on one hand players of up to 15 years of age and on the other older players, it will be played on 15 tables with an everyone vs everyone system in each group, celebrating the elimination matches in the afternoon. The trophys, that will be handed out at the end of the tournament, will be awarded to the first three and the best local players of each category.

Los equipos CD New Team Estepona en categoría femenina y CD Praviano en senior campeones de las 12 horas de Fútbol Sala Organizadas por la asociación deportiva aficionada de Estepona y la delegación municipal de deportes, se celebraron el pasado fin de semana en la localidad las 12 horas de fútbol sala, que se desarrollaron con la mayor deportividad

y sin ningún incidente en el aspecto deportivo. La entrega de trofeos que corrió a cargo del concejal de deportes, Alfonso Caravaca, y del presidente de la asociación aficionada de estepona, Antonio Gil.

CD New Team Estepona and CD Praviano crowned winners at the 12 hours Indoor Football Tournament Organised by the Estepona amateur sports association and the municipal sports delegation, the 12 hours of indoor football were celebrated in the area, that took place with maximum sportsmanship and no incidents. Top honours went to C.D. New Team

Estepona in the female category and C.D. Praviano in the senior men’s competition The councillor for sports, Alfonso Caravaca, and the president of the Estepona Amateur ‘Football Sala’ Association, Antonio Gil were on hand to award the trophies.

The Resident -

Participación en el curso nacional de Maestros y Monitores de Esgrima del Club Internacional de Esgrima “AndaluZía” Durante los pasados meses de Julio y Agosto han tenido lugar los cursos nacionales de monitores y maestros de Esgrima. Estos cursos se han celebrado en el Centro de Alto Rendimiento de Esgrima de Madrid y han contado con múltiples alumnos y monitores de diferentes nacionalidades en sus diferentes niveles, nivel I, II, III y Maestros de Armas. Cinco de los docentes del Club Internacional de Esgrima han tomado parte en dichos cursos: Auke Kamstra, Yasmina Zidanne, María Maldonado, Rosibel Vindel y Alberto Zerrada. El nivel ha sido muy alto tanto por los participantes, entre ellos componentes de los equipos nacionales de diferentes países y del equipo internacional

español, así como por los docentes. Los maestros de armas de los equipos nacionales de florete, sable y espada así como médicos, psicólogos, preparadores físicos, especialistas en coaching, nutrición, técnicas de entrenamiento de última generación, etc, han instruido a los alumnos en las diferentes facetas del deporte y la esgrima en especial. Enhorabuena a todos los participantes del Club Internacional que se han esforzado y sacrificado al máximo durante todo el verano para seguir enseñando con ilusión a todos sus alumnos el noble arte de la esgrima y sus principios de respeto y educación. Si quieres participar de la esgrima puedes llamar al 649 947 930.

International Fencing Club “AndaluZía” takes part in the national course of Fencing Monitors and Instructors During the months of July and August the national fencing course for monitors and instructors took place in the High Performance Centre of Fencing in Madrid involving multiple students and monitors of different nationalities in different levels, levels I, II, III and Masters of Arms. Five of the instructors of the International Fencing Club took part in these courses: Auke Kamstra, Yasmina Zidanne, María Maldonado, Rosibel Vindel and Alberto Zerrada. The standards were very high for both the participants, amongst them members of different national teams from various countries and the international Spanish

team, and the instructors. The Masters of Arms of the national teams of foil, sabre and sword aswell as doctors, psychologists, phyisical preparers, specialists in coaching, nutrition, latest generation training techniques, instructed the students in the different aspects of sport and specifically fencing. Congratulations to all the participants in the International Club that have made the effort and sacrifices throughout the summer to continue teaching their students the noble art of fencing and its values. If you would like to participate in fencing call 649 947 930.

Mountain Bike: Presentada la 1ª Carrera de Descenso “Campo de Gibraltar” San Roque albergará durante los días 17 y 18 de Septiembre la 1ª Carrera de Descenso “Campo de Gibraltar”, organizada por el club MTB-Sur y puntuable para la Copa de Andalucía. El circuito, ubicado en Sierra Carbonera, se trata de un trazado muy rápido de curvas y saltos. Coordinación y equilibrio en bicicleta, descenso al abismo y descarga

de adrenalina es lo que experimentarán los participantes. Esta carrera tiene un recorrido de 1,5 kilómetros, y ya está abierto el plazo de preinscripción que finalizará el jueves 15 de septiembre y tiene como límite los 120 corredores. La organización ha previsto tres premios para los tres primeros de cada categoría y sorteo de componentes.

Presenting the 1st “Campo de Gibraltar” Downhill Mountain Bike Race San Roque will host the first “Campo de Gibraltar” Downhill Race on the 17th and 18th September, organized by the MTBSur club and the score of which will count for the Copa de Andalucía. The circuit, located in Sierra Carbonera, is a very fast route with multiple bends and jumps. The participants will experience balance and coordination difficulties, as well as a huge adrenaline rush with the feeling of descent into the abyss. This race has a 1.5 km route, and pre-registration for the event is already open. It will end on Thursday the 15th September and has a limit of 120 participants. The organization has arranged 3 prizes for the first three of each category and a parts raffle.

Deportes Sport


La Escuela del Arsenal da comienzo a su quinta temporada

Como cada septiembre, y tras un ajetreado verano de campus y torneos, Arsenal Soccer Schools España da comienzo a su nueva temporada este mes con alguna novedad. Ésta se convierte en su quinta temporada proporcionando sesiones de entrenamientos futbolísticos a todos los niños y niñas desde Algeciras hasta Marbella, así como en la zona de Jerez donde cuenta con una sede desde el año pasado. Como novedad, la escuela del Arsenal lanza sus sesiones de entrenamiento en San Pedro de Alcántara (Marbella) debido a la alta demanda por parte de jóvenes jugadores de unirse a la escuela. Además de sus ya entrenamientos semanales llevados a cabo todos los martes de 6 a 7:30 de la tarde en el campo de fútbol de La Unión en Guadiaro, Sotogrande, Arsenal Soccer Schools España inicia sus entrenamientos en San Pedro todos los jueves de 5 a 6:30 de la tarde en el campo de fútbol del Colegio Laude San Pedro. Las sesiones están abiertas a todos aquellos niños y niñas de 5 a 12 años de cualquier nivel futbolístico, ya que las mismas se dividirán por edad y/o niveles de habilidad, siempre enfocados

a mejorar la técnica futbolística de los jóvenes jugadores al tiempo que les permite relacionarse con otros jóvenes con su misma pasión por el fútbol. La temporada se desarrolla desde Octubre hasta Mayo y esta misma semana comienzan las primeras sesiones, que serán gratis durante el mes de Septiembre. Además, la escuela sigue llevando a cabo sus programas en colegios del campo de Gibraltar y Jerez donde cuenta con más de 250 niños y niñas de 4 a 17 años los cuales realizan entrenamientos futbolísticos como parte de sus actividades extraescolares. Cabe destacar la incorporación para este curso académico del Colegio Laude San Pedro, el cual pasará a formar parte de la red de centros educativos en los que Arsenal Soccer Schools España trabaja. Muchos de estos niños y jóvenes tienen además la oportunidad de participar en los diferentes eventos que la escuela organiza tanto a nivel local, nacional e internacional. Para obtener más información acerca de los entrenamientos abiertos en Guadiaro y San Pedro pónganse en contacto con Sara en

Arsenal soccer school kicks off its fifth season As every September, and after a busy summer of camps and tournaments, Arsenal Soccer Schools Spain kicks off their new season this month. This will be its fifth season carrying out football training sessions to all boys and girls from Algeciras to Marbella, as well as in the Jerez area where they have a permanent venue since last year. As new for this season, the Arsenal school launches their open training sessions in San Pedro de Alcántara (Marbella) due to the high demand from local young players to join in. As well as their weekly sessions every Tuesday from 6pm to 7:30pm at Guadiaro(Sotograde) football pitch La Unión, Arsenal Soccer Schools Spain starts their training sessions every thrusday from 5pm to 6:30pm at Laude San Pedro school football pitch. These sessions are open to all those boys and girls aged 5 to 12 years old of all abilities as the sessions will be deivided by age and/or level of ability, always focused on improving the young players’ technique

at the same time they get to know other kids which share their passion for football. The training programme season runs from October to May and the first sessions start this week, being free during September! Moreover, Arsenal continues to run itsschool football programme at local schools in the Campo de Gibraltar and Jerez with more than 250 boys and girls aged 4 to 17 taking part as part of their extra-curricular activities. It is important to emphasise the launch of the academic football programme at Laude San Pedro College, which will be added to the chain of educational centres in which Arsenal Soccer Schools Spain works. Many of these children and young players also have the opportunity to get involved in the different events the soccer school organizes local, national and internationally. To get more information about the training sessions in Guadiaro and San Pedro please contact Sara on

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