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No.33 16 APR-16 MAY 2009 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006
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Málaga · Marbella · Estepona
Chiringuito bajo sanción
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CASARES Juan Sánchez renuncia el alcaldía
Juan Sanchez resigns as Mayor Pag 5
Chiringuito under threat Bikini Beach, un chiringuito en la playa de la Rada de Estepona, ha recibido una multa de 240.000 euros y ordenado desmantelar parte de éste. La sanción ha sido interpuesta por la Demarcación de Costas por ampliar su superficie de 100 a 508 metros. Enrique González, representante de MOVISA RESTAURACIÓN, S.L.,entidad concesionaria del chiringuito, ha indicado en una nota de prensa no tener constancia de dicha sanción y ha calificado como falso que el departamento de Disciplina Urbanística haya abierto un expediente sancionador y señala que el chiringuito tiene la misma superficie desde hace 15 años y pide a la concejala de playas, Carmen Ocaña, su dimisión por desacreditar a él y a su empresa
Consume en tu pueblo Support local business
Bikini Beach, a chiringuito on Estepona’s La Rada beach has been slapped with a 240,000 euro fine, and been ordered to dismantle part of its premises, after authorities deemed it had exceeded its permitted operating area. According to the Coastal Department the bar/restaurant occupied 580 square metres, almost 6 times its permitted 100 square metres. In a press statement issued by Enrique Gonzalez, representative of MOVISA RESTAURACIÓN S.L, the company which holds the concession for Bikini Beach, he claimed that he had no knowledge of the fine or that the planning department is taking any action against him. He went on to claim that the bar has occupied the same area for the past 15 years and has called for the resignation of Carmen Ocaña, Estepona’s councillor for beaches, for statements that discredit him and his company.
Pag 12-13
INFORMATION Festival Internacional de Estepona
Estepona International Festival Pag 20
ACEMCE Últimas noticias Latest Business news
Pag 27
ALL AREAS COVERED TEL. 952 801 875 - 678 194 169
The Resident -
Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L. Dep Leg: MA -158-2006 Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Judith Beaumont Contributors Rafael Galán (Photos) Ronald Rosenfeld Brian Berney Pedro Cerezo Avilés Rona Bourke Gary Hall Practical Satellite Solutions Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 Province of Cadiz AV Impresores Tel. 956 174 481 General Enquiries Printed by Distasa
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EDITORIAL A pesar de la pésima situación económica parece que todo el mundo nos estamos preparando para el largo, caluroso y “bullicioso” verano. Bares, cafeterías y otros negocios, los cuales han estado cerrados durante el invierno, abren sus puertas con nuevos eventos, que darán alegría y me atrevo a decir “una inyección de optimismo”. Ahora que la Semana Santa con sus procesiones se han quedado atrás, estamos deseando de la bulliciosa Feria y de la temporada de Fiestas, las cuales empezarán el próximo mes con la Feria de San Isidro en Estepona. Hablando de celebraciones, la semana que viene tenemos el Festival Internacional de Estepona, donde las comunidades extranjeras podrán dar a conocer su cultura, su gastronomía y sus tradiciones artísticas. Como siempre The Resident tendrá su stand de Prensa,¡ así pues, esperamos su visita! Una de las señales de que ya pronto tenemos el verano son los chiringuitos, los cuales han estado y han sido en la Costa del Sol parte de nuestras vidas, de los visitantes y de los residentes. Desafortunadamente muchos de esos chiringuitos tienen las horas contadas, tendrán que ser quitados de la arena según la Ley de Costa. Esta Ley que lleva 20 años toma fuerza recientemente, la Ley de Costas tiene en cuenta no sólo los chiringuitos sino también bares y restaurantes. Todo el mundo está de acuerdo en que el desarrollo urbanístico en la Costa debe de ser controlado, teniendo en cuenta el sentido común. Desgraciadamente el asunto ha sido como un partido de fúbol político, donde parece ser que los únicos perdedores son los pequeños negocios y la industria turística. ¡Asegúrese de ir a estos eventos este verano, porque nunca se sabe como se nos presenta el futuro!
AGENDA - DIARY 23.04.09 Día de San Jorge St. George’s Day 26.04.09 Festival Internacional - Estepona Estepona International Festival 01.05.09 Día del Trabajador - Fiesta Nacional May Day - National Holiday 03.05.09 Romeria de San Isidro - Estepona 15.05.09 Día de San Isidro Fiesta Local-Estepona Estepona Local Holiday - San Isidro
Despite the economic gloom there is still that sense of anticipation at the moment as the coast shrugs off its winter dormancy and prepares itself for the long, hot and hopefully busy, summer. Bars, cafes and other businesses which have been closed during the winter months have re-opened, along with a number of new venues, which has given the area a more vibrant feel, and dare I say it, sparked a glimmer of optimism. Now that Semana Santa’s solemn processions are behind us we can begin to look forward to the busy Feria and Fiesta season, which begins next month with Estepona’s San Isidro celebrations. Talking of celebrations, next week sees Estepona’s International Festival, when the town’s diverse foreign community takes the opportunity to show off its varied, cultural, gastronomic and artistic traditions. As usual The Resident will be manning the Press stand, so why not pay us a visit whilst you’re there. One sure sign of the return of summer are the region’s iconic beach restaurants, which have been such a part of the Costa del Sol’s attraction to visitor and residents alike. Unfortunately many of these chiringuitos are under threat from the Coast Authority which would have them all removed from the sands in line with the Law of the Coasts. This 20 year old law has recently begun to be vigorously enforced, with not only the chiringuitos under scrutiny but also many frontline bars and restaurants coming under fire for outside terraces which fall within the protected zone. Whilst everyone agrees that coastal development needs to be firmly controlled, there has to be some common sense applied to this issue. Unfortunately the issue has become something of a political football, with the only losers likely to be small businesses and the coast’s tourist industry. So make sure you make the most of these venues this summer, because things may be very different in the near future.
Quiz Night Fun quiz in aid of Animals in Need at the Café Plaza Plaza Vicente Espinel Sabinillas Friday, 1st May 2009 Starts 8.30 pm All welcome Refreshments, Raffle All proceeds go to Animals in Need
OFFSET Y DIGITAL Copistería Fotocopías Cartelería Revistas Folletos Tarjetas Menús Ropa Laboral
TEL: 952 936 198
For those of you in Casares you can collect a copy of the Resident at La Tienda Just past Venta Victoria
The Resident -
El Alcalde de La Línea se enfrenta a posible cárcel La acusación particular del “Caso Roseworld” ha pedido 28 años de prisión y 56 de inhabilitación para el Alcalde de La Línea, Juan Carlos Juárez y para los nueve imputados. El alcalde junto con el concejal de urbanismo, Carlos Ruíz Calama están imputados por delitos de prevaricación, cohecho y tráfico de influencias.
Mayor of La Linea faces possible jail The Mayor of La Linea, Juan Carlos Juárez, faces a lengthy jail term, exclusion from office and heavy fines if found guilty in the Roseworld property case. Juarez is among ten people accused of defrauding municipal coffers of over 12 million euros over the sale of municipal land to the Roseworld property company. Along with the mayor, defendents include the town’s Finance and Planning Councillor, Carlos Ruíz Calama, along with other councillors, officials and local businessmen.
San Roque - La Línea
Gibraltar, ganadores del II Trofeo Iberíco por la paz El encuentro que se ha celebrado a modo de liguilla se lo ha adjudicado la selección de Gibraltar. La escuela española de los “gunners” se hizo con el subcampeonato. La entrega de trofeos estuvo presidida por el concejal delegado de deportes del Ayuntamiento de San Roque, Antonio Calero. El evento que se ha jugado en el municipal de La Unión, tiene el objetivo primordial de promover la paz, en especial en la zona ‘caliente’ de Oriente Próximo, por ello el campeonato ha estado compuesto por el equipo del Galilée United, integrado por jóvenes futbolistas israelitas
y palestinos, además de las escuelas del Arsenal de Francia, Gibraltar y el municipio de Castellar, éstos, han suplido las bajas de Holanda y Sevenoaks Town, de Londres. La idea del torneo surgió del representante del Arsenal en España, Kenneth Jones, quien asegura que “Andalucía puede considerarse el mejor lugar del mundo para celebrar un evento por la paz en el conflicto entre religiones por su condición multiétnica ya que es una zona en la que durante diversas etapas de su historia han convivido musulmanes, judíos y cristianos”. Jones afirma que “es el entorno ideal para este
tributo a la tolerancia religiosa y el respeto al prójimo”. Por otro lado, Chris Williams, ex entrenador de la academia de la base del Manchester City, ahora en las filas de los “gunners” ha sido el ojeador del club londinense en el Torneo por la Paz, Williams con licencia UEFA, ha elegido a Issola de (Arsenal España), Nadam Rozem (Arsenal Israel), Demange (Arsenal Francia) y Hernández (Gibraltar) como los mejores jugadores del torneo. Por cierto, que Hernández, número diez de la selección de Gibraltar, es uno de los puntales del cuadro del Sevilla FC infantil.
Resultados 10/04/09: Arsenal Francia 0 - 4 Arsenal España Arsenal Israel 0 - 8 Gibraltar Castellar 0 - 2 Arsenal España 11/04/09: Gibraltar 4 - 0 Arsenal España Arsenal 6 - 0 Arsenal Francia Castellar 2 - 3 Gibraltar 12/04/09: Arsenal Israel 1 - 2 Castellar Arsenal Francia 1 - 6 Gibraltar Arsenal Israel 1 - Arsenal España 5 Subcampeón/runners up: Arsenal España Campeón/champions: Selección de Gibraltar
Gibraltar- Madrid flights to resume The general director of the airline Andalus, Fernando Guerrero, has announced the resumption of flights between Gibraltar and the Spanish capital at the end of this month. There will be two flights daily commencing 30th April one in the morning and one in the evening. He went on to state that plans were in the pipeline for three weekly flights to Barcelona and two to the Basque capital Bilbao, starting in May or June.
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Gibraltar wins II Iberian Trophy for Peace tournament This year’s Iberian Trophy for Peace, held over the Easter weekend at the Guadiaro football ground, was a great success with GFA Gibraltar taking the top honours. The tournament was staged as a ‘Round Robin’ amongst five U14 teams comprising Arsenal soccer academies from Spain, France and Israel along with a team from GFA Gibraltar and UD Castellar, the latter two standing in for a Dutch team and an English team who both had to withdraw at the
last minute. With the aim of promoting peace, the idea behind the tournament was conceived by the director of the Arsenal Soccer Academy in Spain, Ken Jones, who said that “Spain can be considered the best place in the world to hold an event for peace and an end to religious conflict, given that at various stages in its history, Muslims, Jews and Christians have co-existed in the region, and therefore it is the ideal venue for this tribute to religious
tolerance and respect for others”. A particular testimony to this ideal is the Israeli team Galilee United is comprised of both Israelis and Palestinians. A keenly fought series of matches resulted in an emphatic win for the Gibraltar team with the Spanish side, last year’s winners, coming a close second. All the teams played well with a number of players coming in for special mention by Chris Williams, a former Oldham Academy of Excellence and
Manchester City Academy coach and now working with the Arsenal Academy in Spain, who selected the following for a special mention: Issole (Arsenal Spain) Nadaman Rozema (Arsenal Israel), Demange (Arsenal France) and Hernandez (Gibraltar) as the best players in the tournament. The medals and trophies were presented by Antonio Calero from San Roque Town Hall’s Sports Department.
Anúnciese tlf. 952 936 198
San Roque - La Línea
La I Exposición Náutica Internacional La I Exposición Náutica Internacional tuvo lugar en Ocean Village en Gibraltar durante la Semana Santa, en la nueva marina y la zona Leisure Island de Ocean Village. Fue un éxito, donde visitantes del Sur de España, Gibraltar y Marruecos tuvieron la posibilidad de asistir al evento.
El acceso a la Exposición fue gratuito para asegurar un gran número de asistentes y expositores, también se celebraron diferentes actividades. Los visitantes tuvieron la oportunidad de ver los últimos modelos de Sunseeker, Ferretti, Pershing y otros, también se pudieron ver barcos a la venta.
I Gibraltar International Boat Show The first Gibraltar International Boat Show was held at Ocean Village, Gibraltar over the Easter break. The show took place in the new marina and Leisure Island area of Ocean Village, and was a treat for either old, new or aspiring boat lovers throughout Southern Spain, Gibraltar and Morocco. Access to the event was free of charge,
The Resident -
La nueva variante de Estación de San Roque eliminará paso a nivel ferroviario del núcleo urbano El consejero de Obras Públicas y Transportes en funciones, Luis García Garrido, ha visitado las obras de la variante de la Estación de San Roque (Cádiz) en cuya construcción se invertirán 11,8 millones de euros. Esta nueva carretera permite eliminar el actual paso a nivel existente en el núcleo urbano, además de facilitar el acceso al futuro intercambiador de mercancías previsto en la zona. La infraestructura tiene una longitud de 4 kilómetros y permitirá evitar que los tráficos de largo recorrido que actualmente circulan por la carretera A405 (Gaucín–San Roque) atraviesen la barriada Taraguilla, donde se ubica la estación de ferrocarril y el mencionado paso a nivel. Este será sustituido por un paso a diferente nivel que incluye la construcción de un puente de 280 metros sobre las líneas férreas. Además, el futuro desarrollo de la zona de actividades logísticas del Campo de Gibraltar supondrá un previsible aumento del tráfico en este tramo de carretera, tanto por los vehículos que procedentes del Puerto de Algeciras se dirijan hacia esta zona logística, como
para los camiones que continúen por este eje viario en dirección Ronda. La variante comienza en la glorieta de enlace de Miraflores conectando con la autovía A-7. Desde este punto bordea la barriada de Tagarilla por el este para finalizar enlazando con la A-405 una vez superado el núcleo urbano y el acceso a la carretera CA-9203 que facilita la comunicación con San Roque. En los tramos en los que la pendiente de la carretera supere el 5% de desnivel se construirán carriles para vehículos lentos al para dar fluidez a los tráficos. El diseño de la conexión con la carretera A-405 incluye la construcción de un paso inferior que preste servicio al futuro acondicionamiento del tramo de la carretera que discurre desde la Venta de los Timbales hasta Castellar de la Frontera y que conlleva la construcción de un carril bici. Asimismo, el trazado se ha diseñado con idea de minimizar la afección al alcornocal y reducir el máximo la superficie afectada, además de haberse incorporado las medidas que recoge el informe ambiental.
ensuring that this first show was a success both for visitors and exhibitors and the show was filled with exciting activities. Visitors had the opportunity to see some of the latest models from Sunseeker, Ferretti, Pershing and others, along with viewings of boats available to buy straight away at the Show. ALL MECHANICAL WORK UNDERTAKEN MECÁNICA DE AUTOMÓVIL EN GENERAL
TEL: 951 972 066
Animal in Need programme of events The Animal in Need organisation which operates the dog refuge in La Linea runs regular fund raising events. So why not pop along and enjoy yourself whilst at the same time contributing to the invaluable service they provide. Friday, 1st May at 8.30 pm Quiz Night at Café Plaza, Sabinillas Saturday, 9th May from 12.00 noon Bring and Buy Sale at Bar Reds, Sabinillas
Friday, 15th May 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm Mexican Buffet at Sisters Bistro For buffet reservations call Ronaldo on 678 293 596 For more information about Animal in Need call us on 697 984 021 or email
NAVE NO F9 - POLÍGONO INDUSTRIAL DE MANILVA 29691 MANILVA, MÁLAGA Hours: Mon - Fri 9 am to 5 pm Sat 10 am to 2 pm Horario: Lun - Vie 09:00h - 17:00h Sab 10:00h - 14:00h
Celebrity football match Celebrities from the world of TV, music and sport took on a team from the Essential Services at Gibraltar’s Victoria Stadium on the Sunday evening. The tournament included a pre-match
Crossbar Challenge and half-time entertainment by the UK’s top Football Freestyler Billy Wingrove. All proceeds from the match went to the ‘Help for Heroes’ appeal.
The Resident -
Juan Sánchez renuncia a la alcaldía en un emotivo pleno Tal como estaba previsto, el hasta ayer alcalde de Casares, Juan Sánchez, daba cuenta al pleno de su renuncia después de 30 años como cargo público local, y 25 como alcalde. Un emotivo acto que contó con la presencia de numeroso público de Casares y de compañeros de Izquierda Unida de la provincia de Málaga. Durante el acto, Juan Sánchez tuvo palabras de agradecimiento para su familia, para los compañeros de partido, Izquierda Unida, que le han estado apoyando durante todos estos años, y para todos los casareños que en tantas ocasiones le habían mostrado su confianza. El hasta ahora alcalde de Casares dijo que había hecho coincidir su renuncia con el Día de la República, 14 de abril, para hacer un pequeño homenaje personal a todas aquellas personas que lucharon por la libertad y que vieron truncados sus sueños por el golpe de estado de Franco.
El exalcalde también se refirió al desarrollo que había tenido Casares en los últimos 30 años, “el municipio ha tomado una increíble proyección de futuro”, y pidió que ese desarrollo
sostenible tuviera una continuidad. En el turno de palabra, la oposición tuvo palabras de elogio para Juan Sánchez. El portavoz del PP, Javier Quero, lo definió como un gran alcalde y le deseo lo mejor
para el futuro; mientras el portavoz de PSOE, Miguel Ángel Herrera, agradeció el papel participativo que había dado a la oposición. Nueva alcaldesa Tras la renuncia el pleno pasó a ser presidido por la alcaldesa en funciones, la primera teniente de alcalde Antonia Morera. Antonia Morera dijo que esta misma mañana iba a convocar un nuevo pleno para el sábado, 18 de abril, a las 12.00 h. en el que se votaría su candidatura a la alcaldía. Antonia Morera es la candidata de Izquierda Unida para sustituir a Juan Sánchez como alcaldesa de Casares. La corporación de Casares está formada por 7 representantes de Izquierda Unida, 2 del Partido Popular y 2 del Partido Socialista Obrero Español. Tras el acto, el secretario general del PCA, José Luís Centella hizo entrega a Juan Sánchez de una escultura, un puño cerrado tallado en madera.
Juan Sanchez resigns as Mayor of Casares As announced last month the mayor of Casares, Juan Sánchez, officially resigned as Mayor of Casares after 25 years as the town’s civic leader, in a moving ceremony attended by crowds of local residents along with colleagues from the Izquierda Unida party across the province. During the ceremony, Juan Sánchez thanked his family and fellow party members for their support over the years, and to all the Casareños who repeatedly demonstrated their confidence in him. Mr Sánchez explained that he had timed his resignation to coincide with Republic Day, April 14th, as a small personal tribute to those who had fought for freedom, only to see their dreams dashed by Franco’s coup d’etat. He went on to refer to the way Casares had developed during his years in office and asked that this forward thinking policy was continued. Finally opposition leaders gave the
gave to opposition council members. New Mayor
former mayor words of praise, with the PP spokesperson, Javier Quero, calling him a great mayor and wishing him well
for the future; whilst the PSOE leader, Miguel Angel Herrera, expressed his appreciation for the participatory role he
Following the resignation the meeting was presided over by the acting mayor, deputy mayor Antonia Morera. Antonia Morera announced that there would be another plenary council meeting on Saturday, April 18th at 12.00 noon to vote on her candidacy for mayor. Antonia Morera is the United Left candidate to replace John Sanchez as Mayor of Casares. The Casares Council consists of 7 representatives of the United Left (IU), 2 from the Partido Popular, and 2 from the Partido Socialista Obrero Español. After the ceremony, the general secretary of the PCA, José Luis Centella presented Juan Sanchez with a sculpture of a clenched fist carved in wood.
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Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares Club Este club (Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares fue formado en Julio de 2008 con el objetivo de de que los residentes de habla inglesa y española se integren y participen en un número de actividades sociales, incluyendo lecciones en español y en inglés, al igual de existen también clases de pintura. La cuota es de 25 euros por año y son bienvenidos todas las edades y todas las nacionalidades. Para más información, contacten con:
Pepe Guisado (Presidente) 952 892 688 María Hammond (Organizadora de Eventos) 952 892 030 o Kay Lofters (Secretaria) 952 891 240 Próximos Eventos: 25/04/09 Ruta en Bicicleta Abril o mayo Viaje al Tanger - 2 días/1 noche 11/05/09 - Tourneo de golf y almuerzo 23/05/09 - Almuerzo en La Pergola, Puerto de la Duquesa
Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares Club This club (Neighbours and Friends of Marina de Casares) was formed in July 2008 with a view to providing a focal point for local English and Spanish speaking residents to integrate and participate in a number of social activities, including Spanish and English lessons as well as painting and other classes. Membership is 25 euros for the year and all ages and nationalities are welcome. For more information or to join contact: Pepe Guisado (President) 952
892 688 Maria Hammond (Events Organiser) 952 892 030 or Kay Lofters (Secretary) 952 891 240
The Resident -
Hotel Finca Cortesín abre sus puertas El mes pasado, el Hotel Finca Cortesín, situado en Casares, abrió oficialmente sus puertas con una fiesta a la que asistieron numerosos invitados del mundo empresarial, político y social de toda la Costa del Sol y Sotogrande. El consejero de Turismo, Comercio y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía, Luciano Alonso, fue el encargado de inaugurar oficialmente este resort de lujo. Aunque el hotel lleva desde octubre del año pasado en funcionamiento, sus responsables han querido hacer la inauguración ahora, cuando el establecimiento lleva unos meses de rodaje y ya cuenta con la aprobación de cientos de clientes. El nuevo cinco estrellas de la Costa del Sol, ha venido
a sumarse a la gran oferta hotelera de la zona, pero cuenta con todo lo imprescindible para que ya se considere un gran resort de lujo. Además de las 67 suites del hotel, Finca Cortesín cuenta con un magnífico campo de golf de 18 hoyos; dos restaurantes, un spa con los tratamientos más avanzados y lujosas villas de 450 metros cuadrados. Todo ello en un enclave paradisíaco con 214 hectáreas de terreno a su alrededor. La construcción del complejo hotelero se inició hace seis años y concluirá en 2013 con el desarrollo inmobiliario a cargo de Single Homes. Según el consejero delegado de esta empresa, Javier López, el proyecto Finca Cortesín cuenta con una inversión de
700 millones de euros para los próximos diez años, de los que ya se han invertido 250. Además, en este lujoso proyecto se generarán 1.100 empleos, entre directos e indirectos. Así se cumple una de las máximas del modelo de negocio de Single Home, “hacer algo único que repercuta positivamente en su entorno”, indicó López. Como resultado de este ambicioso proyecto, Finca Cortesín ya ha cosechado importantes reconocimientos, uno de los más destacados ha sido su elección como sede para la ‘Volvo World Match Play Championship’, competición que reunirá en sus instalaciones a los mejores jugadores de golf.
Forthcoming events: 25/04/09 - Hike (route to be advised) April or May Tanger, Morocco - 2 days/1 night 11/05/09 - Golf Tournament and lunch 23/05/09 - Lunch at La Pergola, Puerto de la Duquesa
Celebra el pleno de investidura de la nueva alcaldesa de Casares A las 12.00 de sábado, 18 de abril, se celebrará el pleno de investidura de la nueva alcaldesa de Casares, que previsiblemente será la actual alcaldesa en funciones, Antonia Morera Rojas. Antonia Morera es la candidata a la alcaldía por el grupo de Izquierda Unida que cuenta con mayoría absoluta en Casares. De los 11 concejales que forman la corporación, 7 son de IU, 2 del PP y otros 2 del PSOE.
El pleno que se celebra a mediodía en el Salón de Actos de la Casa de la Cultura de la localidad comenzará con la formación de la mesa de edad que estará presidida por el ex-alcalde, Juan Sánchez y el concejal de IU, Juan Luís Villalón. Formada esta mesa se procederá a la votación de los candidatos, tras lo cual se pasará a la Investidura de la nueva alcaldesa.
Investiture of Casares’s new mayor At midday on Saturday, April 18th, an investiture was held to invest Antonia Morera Rojas into her office as the new Mayor of Casares. Antonia Morera is the mayoral candidate for the United Left group which has an absolute majority in Casares. Of the 11 councillors who make up the governing body, 7 are from IU, 2
PP and 2 PSOE The plenary session at noon will be held in the Casa de Cultura will begin with the councillors presided over by the former mayor, Juan Sanchez and Councillor, Juan Luis Villalón. This panel will be formed to vote on the candidates, after which will follow the investiture of the new mayor.
Casares Costa’s 5-star Hotel Finca Cortesin officially opened In a ceremony presided over by the Junta de Andalucia’s Minister for Tourism, Luciano Alonso, and the Mayor of Casares, Juan Sanchez, and attended by various local dignitaries along with hundreds of invited guests and press representatives, the Finca Cortesin Hotel, Golf and Spa was officially opened. This addition to the Coast’s inventory of 5-star luxury installations is the result of some 50 million euros worth of investments and covers an area of 20,000 square metres, and a further 22,700 square metres of gardens, providing spacious accommodation in just 67 exclusive suites. Included in the hotel is a 2,200
square metre spa area as well as two restaurants, “Schilo” and “El Jardín” under the direction of top chef, Dutchman Schilo Van Coervorden, with some 20 year’s experience in the world of haute cuisine. The facilities also include a par 72 18-hole golf course, which at 7,000 metres is one of the longest in Europe and has already gained a reputation as one of the best courses on the Costa del Sol, and as a result has been chosen to host the Volvo World Matchplay Tournament’ contested by 16 of the world’s best players. The hotel is part of the much larger luxury Finca Cortesin complex, a project which began six years ago, and is planned for
completion in 2013. This project which has a total investment of over 700 million euros and includes luxury villas, the Jack Nicklaus Golf Academy, exclusive shopping centre, and luxury apartments, generating some 1,000 jobs.
The Resident -
Nueva reunión técnica para la reanudación de las obras del pabellón polideportivo de Sabinillas La alcaldesa de Manilva, Antonia Muñoz, acompañada de los concejales de Deportes e Infraestructuras, Diego Urieta y Mario Jiménez, respectivamente, ha mantenido una reunión técnica con representantes de la Unión Temporal de Empresas Construcciones Vera y Gea 21, entidad adjudicataria de las obras de construcción del pabellón polideportivo de Sabinillas. Tras los últimos contactos mantenidos, se ha logrado un preacuerdo con respecto al coste total de la obra que realmente está ejecutada, paso previo para poder reanudar la obra del polideportivo, algo que el equipo de gobierno pretende que se haga de forma inminente. Los técnicos municipales, con el asesoramiento de los técnicos de la Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental, presentaron a la citada empresa constructora una valoración de la obra ejecutada, que fue aceptada en principio, si bien deberá contar con la aprobación fehaciente
de la UTE Vera y Gea 21. Tras este trámite, se reconocerá por parte del Ayuntamiento de Manilva la deuda real, podrá establecerse un plan de pagos futuros y se acordará la terminación del proyecto que sea viable ejecutar. Según ha explicado el concejal de Deportes, Diego Urieta, el objetivo que mantienen todas las partes implicadas en este asunto es que la obra de construcción del pabellón polideportivo de Sabinillas pueda reanudarse en el menor plazo de tiempo posible. Por todo ello, se ha revisado todo lo que está ejecutado de la obra y será necesario adaptar el proyecto en las partes que sea necesario para darle viabilidad y poder reanudar de forma inmediata. Urieta explicó que para el equipo de gobierno concluir este enclave deportivo es de máxima prioridad porque está enclavado en un área de importante concentración poblacional y porque es donde más carencias de instalaciones deportivas hay en la actualidad.
Talks continue on Sabinillas sports centre Manilva’s Mayor, Antonia Muñoz, accompanied by a number of councillors recently met with representatives of Construcciones Vera and Gea 21, the consortium contracted to build the Sabinillas sports complex. This is the latest of a series of meetings, the aim of which is to seek a resumption of works to the project which has been paralysed for almost two years. Preliminary discussions have reached an agreement in principle of the value of the works carried out to date, a prerequisite of the consortium’s agreement to restarting construction. The next step is to negotiate a payment schedule for this and future works, which all parties agree should be completed in the shortest possible time. In order to to restart the project it has been agreed that modifications will be necessary to the original plans so as to allow completion within the shortest
time possible. The local authorities have declared this project one of their top priorities given the large population within its vicinity and the urgent need for these sporting facilities in this area.
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I Concurso de Fotografía La delegación de Extranjeros residentes, dirigida por el edil Diego Díaz, ha creado el I Concurso de Fotografía para todos aquellos amantes de este arte que quieran participar. Díaz ha manifestado que, “como viene siendo habitual, desde esta área que tengo el honor de presidir estamos continuamente buscando actividades, concursos y viajes para que los residentes extranjeros cuenten con este Consistorio como propio, se identifiquen con él, que tengan momentos de ocio y sobre todo, participe con la comunidad nativa de nuestra localidad”, apuntó el concejal. Las bases creadas para este concurso serán las siguientes: 1º.- Podrán participar en el concurso todas las personas que estén interesados en el mismo. 2º.- El tema obligado será Manilva y la diversidad de sus habitantes. 3º.- Podrán presentarse hasta cuatro fotografías por autor, que han de ser necesariamente originales e inéditas, no debiendo haber sido presentadas en ningún otro concurso. El incumplimiento de esta base llevará a la descalificación del trabajo presentado. 4º.- Las fotografías podrán presentarse en la modalidad de blanco y negro y color, y en papel mate o brillo. Sin enmarcar o protegidas con un cristal. Tambien deberán tener un
tamaño de A4 como mínimo. 5º.- Las obras se presentarán sin firmar y sin ninguna señal identificativa del autor, solo llevarán en su dorso un titulo. Irán acompañadas del boletin de inscripción debidamente cumplimentado en un sobre cerrado. 6º.Las fotografías se presentarán o remitirán debidamente embaladas, a la siguiente dirección: AYUNTAMIENTO DE MANILVA Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes C/ Miguel Delibes s/n Edificio de Usos Múltiples 29692 Manilva - Málaga 7º.- El plazo se amplia hasta el 18 de mayo de 2009, a las 14 horas. No se admitirá ningún tipo de trabajo presentado fuera de este plazo. 8º.- El jurado estará compuesto por el Concejal de esta delegación, un fotógrafo/a, asi como varios editores de revistas y webs de nuestro municipio. 9º.- Habrá tres premios en metálico para los tres mejores trabajos, de : 1º. Premio de 300€ 2º. Premio de 200€ 3º. Premio de 100€ Para los puestos 4º, 5º y 6º se les hará una mención especial. 10º.- El fallo del jurado será emitido en público el día 29 de mayo de 2009, a las 17.00 horas en la casa de “Villa Matilde”,
crta. De Manilva s/n, y se hará entrega de los premios. A este evento tendrán que asistir todos los participantes de este concurso, en caso de ser elegidos deberán estar presentes o en cualquier caso la persona que lo represente, debidamente acreditado, entendiéndose en caso contrario, que renuncia al premio. 11º.- La fotografía premiada quedará en propiedad del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, que podrá utilizarla como y cuando estime oportuno, siempre haciendo constar el nombre de su autor y la condición de trabajo premiado en esta concurso. 12º.- El ganador se compromete a participar como miembro del Jurado en la siguiente convocatoria. 13º.- Los trabajos no premiados podrán ser recogidos una vez finalizado el concurso y la exposición pública, dentro de los 30 días siguientes a la finalización de la exposición. Si en el plazo indicado no se han retirado, se entenderá que renuncian a su propiedad a favor del Ayuntamiento de Manilva, quien podrá destruirlos o difundirlos si estima oportuno. 14º.- Cualquier incidencia no prevista en las Bases, será resuelta por el Jurado. 15º.- La participación en este concurso presupone la aceptación de las presentes BASES.
Photography competition Manilva’s Foreigners’ Department is holding a photography competition this spring, with a first prize of 300 euros. The competition, which is on a theme of ‘Manilva and its residents’ is open to all comers and will be judged by the Councillor, a professional photographer and representatives from the local press. Closing date for entries has been extended to the 18th May. Rules: 1. The competition is open to anyone. 2. The photos must relate to Manilva and its residents. 3. Each person can enter a maximum of four photos, which must be original and have not previously been entered in any competition. 4. The photos can be black and white or colour, either matt or glossy, withour frames or glass. 5. The photos must not be signed
or have any that identifies them with the author. They must have the title on the reverse and be accompanied by the registration form in a sealed envelope. 6. Entries can be left or sent to: AYUNTAMIENTO DE MANILVA Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes C/ Miguel Delibes s/n Edificio de Usos Múltiples 29692 Manilva - Málaga 7. Entries can be submitted up to the 18th May, 2009 at 2.00 pm after which no submissions will be accepted. 8. The judging panel will consist of: Councillor Diego Diaz, a photographer and various editors of local publications and websites. 9. There will be three cash prizes: 1st Prize 200€, 2nd Prize 200€; 3rd Prize 100€ with special mentions for 4th, 5th and 6th place. 10. The judges decision will be announced and the prizes
awarded at a ceremony at the Villa Matilde on the 29th May, 2009 at 5.00 pm. All participants must attend the event or if not send a representative. Absense will disqualify entrants from winning a prize. 11. The winning photos will remain the property of the Manilva Town Hall and may be used with accreditation going to the author. 12. The winner must agree to be part of the jury for the next photo competition. 13. All non-winning entries may be collected up to 30 days after the event, after which the Town Hall has the right to dispose of them. 14. Any incident not covered by these rulse will be resolved by a decision from the judges, which will be binding. 15. Participation implies acceptance of the rules.
The Resident -
Alonso - Sabinillas ¿ Ha tenido la necesidad alguna vez de cambiar la resistencia o el termostato en su calentador de agua eléctrico y no ha encontrado dichas piezas, o no ha podido encontrar piezas como tuberías, rejillas, etc para sus electrodomésticos?. Si ha tenido problemas encontrando estas piezas es porque no ha ido a Alonso en Sabinillas. Con 30 años de experiencia en el mercado, este negocio familiar ha servido al público en general y a la industria local en Manilva durante los últimos 5 años. En una visita reciente a su tienda/almacén me he dado cuenta que tiene casi de todo, me di cuenta
cuando unas cuantas semanas atrás necesité unas bolsas para la aspiradora,¡ las tiene de casi todas las marcas y de casi todos los tamaños!. Si no tiene algo en el almacén en ese momento, se puede pedir y están disponibles en 24 horas. No sólo tienen a disposición piezas de repuesto sino también venden y tienen un servicio de mantenimiento de todo tipo de electrodomésticos para la industria de catering también. Sus servicios de post-venta y mantenimiento dan al cliente paz y tranquilidad, así pues, si su congelador en su restaurante deja de trabajar, estarán ahí inmediatamente.
Alonso - Sabinillas Have you ever needed to change the element or thermostat on your electric water heater but not been able to find the part? Or been unable to find spare parts, pipes, grills etc., for your domestic appliances? If you’ve had problems finding any of these it’s because you haven’t been to Alonso’s in Sabinillas. With 30 years experience in the trade, this family run business has been serving the general public and local industry in Manilva for the past 5 years. On a recent visit to their shop/store it soon became clear that they had just about everything,
if only I’d known a few weeks ago when I needed new bags for my vacuum cleaner, they seemed to have just about every make and size possible. What they didn’t have in stock can be ordered and ready for collection in 24 hours. Not only do they supply spare parts for home appliances but they also sell and maintain all types of equipment for the catering industry too. Their excellent after sales and maintenance service gives their clients peace of mind, so if the freezer in your restaurant packs up they will be there immediately.
MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 Móvil: 657 96 03 47 C/. Miguel Delibes - Edif. Sabina Playa 3 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)
TEL: 952 936 198 -
The Resident -
Impuesto de Vehículos de Tracción Mecánica El Patronato de Recaudación de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga, le informa que el plazo de pago voluntario del Impuesto de Vehiculos de Traccion Mecanica, (I.V.T.M.) finaliza el 18 de Mayo de 2009. Devengándose a partir de esta fecha los recargos e intereses correspondientes a la vía ejecutiva. Se han enviado a su domicilio los avisos de pago, con los que podrá abonar el impuesto en cualquier Banco o Caja de Ahorros que figuran como Entidades Colaboradoras. De no haber recibido los avisos, podrá retirarlos en las oficinas del Patronato
de Recaudación Provincial de Málaga, sito en Cl/ Doctor Alvarez Leyva, nº 6, de la localidad de Manilva, o en cualquiera de las oficinas del Patronato de Recaudación Provincial. También puede obtener la carta de pago a través de Internet, consultando nuestra página web: o llamando a Atención al Contribuyente: 952 891621. De cara al futuro, para una mayor comodidad, realice el pago a través de domiciliación bancaria. Evítese molestias y gastos abonando sus recibos en periodo voluntario, recuerde, hasta el 18 de Mayo.
Local vehicle tax The Patronato de Recaudación de la Diputación Provincial de Málaga the government revenue collection agency, reminds you that the deadline for voluntary payment of this year’s motor vehicle tax (IVTM) is May 18th. After that date vehicle owners will begin to accrue interest and late payment penalties. Payment slips have been posted to the vehicle owner’s registered address, and these can be taken to participating banks, which are listed on the slip, for payment to be made. If you have not received one of these
Delegación Municipal de Extranjeros organiza un viaje a Vejer La delegación municipal de Extranjeros ha organizado un viaje a Vejer para el próximo 15 de mayo de 2009. La salida será a primera hora y el regreso en el mismo día. Según ha informado el concejal delegado del área citada, los interesados en participar en esta nueva actividad pueden dirigirse a la delegación, ubicada en el edificio de Usos Múltiples de Sabinillas, o al teléfono 952893838. Vejer es uno de los pueblos blancos más sencillos y hermosos de toda Andalucía. Enclavado en una colina parece una isla blanca que se funde con el azul del cielo y el mar. Declarado monumento
histórico-artístico y premio nacional de embellecimiento. Calles estrechas y retorcidas. Amurallada desde la edad media con el castillo en el centro y parte mas elevada con cuatro puertas originales de acceso a la ciudad, los Arcos de la Segur, de Sancho IV, de la Villa y el de la puerta cerrada. Dia 15 de Mayo 2009 Precio 25€ Incluye: Autobus, desayuno, guia y almuerzo Salida : 9.30 am ( parada Bus frente a Bernardo Muñoz)
Trip to Vejer payment slips, then simply take your vehicle documents to the offices of the Patronato de Recaudación located next to the Local Police station in Calle Doctor Alvarez Leyva, Manilva, where they can produce one for you. You can find more information via their website or by calling 952 891 621. Or why not make life simpler and set up a direct debit with your bank. Don’t forget the deadline 18th May; avoid the hassle and extra costs by paying your bill on time.
Vejer is one of the most beautiful of the white Andalucian villages. It is situated on a hillside and looks like a magical island between the blue sky and the blue sea. It is an official historic site and has been declared a National Monument for its beauty. It has typical narrow winding streets. It is surrounded by a medieval wall with the castle in the centre and has
four named entrances to the town, Los Arcos de la Segur, de Sancho IV, de la Villa and “La Cerrada” “The Closed Door”. Date 15th May 2009 Price 25€ Includes: Bus, breakfast, guide and lunch Departure: 9.30am (Bus Stop in front of Bernardo Muñoz)
New Indian Restaurant opens in Sabinillas
En la Playa Prácticamente el verano ha empezado, no con la llegada de unas pocas golondrinas sino con la apertura del chiringuito Bar/restaurante Almijara a principios de este mes. Podrán no solo disfrutar del chiringuito sino también de escuchar en directo al cantante Billy (Sinatra) Robins al igual que al cantante/guitarrista local Marcus. El Chiringuito Almijara está situado en Duquesa, al final del paseo marítimo de la Colonia y está abierto desde las 11:00 h todos los días, sirviendo comidas desde las 12 del mediodía hasta las 6 de la tarde.
On the beach Summer officially started, not with the arrival of a few swallows, but with the opening of the Chiringuito Almijara beach bar/restaurant earlier this month. Along with the traditional chiringuito fare the packed restaurant was treated to live entertainment from Billy “Sinatra” Robins as well as local singer/guitarrist Marcus. Chiringuito Almijara is located at the Duquesa end of the La Colonia promenade and is open from 11.00 am daily serving food from 12 noon to 6.00 pm.
Mumbai Palace
Transporte Urgente Mensajería Urgent Deliveries Messengers Courier Service Tel. 952 89 30 96 - 952 89 72 33 Fax. 951 27 35 82
Todos los días
de Viernes a Domingo 13.00 a 15.30 y 19.00 - Medianoche Lunes a Jueves 19.00 a Medianoche
from Friday to Sunday 13.00 - 15.30 & 19.00 - Late Monday to Thursday 19.00 - Late
TAKEAWAY AVAILABLE Tel. 952 893 767 626 622 036 - 606 705 728 Duquesa de Arcos, 57 (Next to Hotel Don Agustin) Sabinillas - Manilva - Málaga
The Resident -
II Feria del Libro Villa de Manilva La II Feria del Libro Villa de Manilva, organizada por la Delegación de Cultura, tendrá lugar del 30 de abril al 10 de mayo en el Paseo Marítimo de San Luís de Sabinillas. Según informó el departamento dirigido por Yolanda Holgado, este evento arrancará oficialmente el citado 30 de abril a las seis de la tarde y finalizará el 10 de mayo a las nueve de la noche. Dedicado a todos los públicos, está orientado a fomentar la lectura entre los más pequeños de la casa. Precisamente, esta concejalía ha elaborado un programa de actividades pensado especialmente para ellos. De esta manera, en el acto de inauguración de la feria se representará la obra infantil
“Los tres cerditos”, de la compañía “Elestable Teatro”, que hará las delicias de los niños. Ya, el sábado 2 de mayo, a la una de la tarde, se pondrá en marcha el espectáculo de animación teatral “¡A jugar con Don Quijote!” de la compañía “Alamar Teatro”, un evento que pretende incentivar y provocar la curiosidad de los niños animándolos a la lectura, en este caso, se trata de una de las obras maestras de la literatura universal. Para el sábado el 9 de mayo, también a la una de la tarde, está prevista la puesta en escena de “La Ratita Presumida” de la compañía “Elestable Teatro”. Y el domingo, 10 mayo, a las siete de la tarde, mismo día de la
clausura de la Feria, se contará con la animación “Circo Móvil” de la compañía “Ángeles de Trapo” donde se disfrutará de la magia del mundo del Circo. Además, durante la duración de la Feria, habrá “Arte en la Calle” una actividad organizada por el Centro de Interpretación de Manilva, en la que varios artistas de la zona expondrán sus obras y realizarán otras in situ. La Delegación de Cultura y su concejal delegada, Yolanda Holgado, quieren agradecer a todos los comercios locales, Urbano-Libros y el Centro de Interpretación de Manilva su colaboración para que esta Feria se convierta en una tradición dentro de las actividades que se desarrollan en el municipio.
Manilva - Programa de dinamización de senderos La delegación de Medioambiente del ayuntamiento de Manilva, esta ultimado los detalles para la puesta en marcha de la campaña de Dinamización de senderos 2009, para la temporada de primavera. Esta convocatoria ofrece diferentes rutas por distintos municipios de la provincia y están adaptadas a los distintos niveles de condición física. Este programa está impulsado por la Diputación Provincial de Málaga y en él participa Manilva y otros municipios de la provincia. La finalidad de esta iniciativa está en consonancia con la práctica deportiva y el respeto al medio ambiente, respondiendo a la demanda actual por las actividades en la naturaleza, con alto contenido ecológico. En este sentido, todos aquellos interesados mayores de 14 años que deseen inscribirse en el programa de dinamización de senderos pueden dirigirse a la Delegación de Medio Ambiente.
Los participantes menores de 18 años deberán ir acompañados por adultos, quienes serán los encargados de velar por el comportamiento de los menores. El límite de plazas por grupo y ruta será de 50. Para la práctica del senderismo es muy importante que los participantes utilicen un material deportivo aconsejable basado fundamentalmente en ir provistos de calzado apropiado de montaña, ropa adecuada según la época del año. También tendrán que llevar agua y comida para la jornada. Si desean más información sobre los distintos senderos programados para la temporada de primavera pueden llamar a los siguientes números de teléfono, el 951.27.60.50 ó el 900.500.555. 19 abril: La Hiedra - Pico las Cabras 3 mayo: Estepona - Peñas Blancas 17 mayo: Humilladero Laguna de Fuente Piedra
Manilva programme of Guided Walks
II Manilva Book Fair The II Manilva Book Fair will be held on the Promenade in Sabinillas from 30th April to 10th May. Along with the book market which will be inaugurated at 6 pm on Thursday, 30th April there will be a programme of activities and events aimed at complementing the Fair. These events include on the 30th April a performance of “The Three Little Pigs” by the “Elestable Teatro” theatre company. On Saturday, 2nd May at 1.00
pm the “Alamar Teatro” theatre company will present the spectacular “¡A Jugar con Don Quijote!” designed to foster an interest in reading amongst the younger audience, in this case by introducing them to one of the universal literary classics. Saturday, 9th May, at 1.00 pm sees another performance by the “Elestable Teatro” theatre company, this time of a scene from “La Ratita Presumida”. Finally on Sunday, 10th of May the closing ceremony will include
a performance of “Mobile Circus” by the “Ángeles de Trapo” company which brings the magic of the circus world to Sabinillas. During the Fair the exhibition “Arte en la Calle” (Art in the Street) will also be held on the Paseo Maritimo showing the works of various local artists. The Councillor for the Culture Department, Yolanda Holgado, would like to thank all the local traders for their cooperation in making this Book Fair a regular fixture on the local calendar.
anúnciese con the resident Telf. 952 936 198
Manilva’s environmental department has announced the programme of guided walks for the Spring 2009. The programme offers a selection of routes in different municipalities of the province and suiting differing levels of fitness. This programme is devised by the Malaga provincial authorities, with many municipalities participating, with the aim of promoting hiking both as a healthy activity available to a wide range of participants as well as raising awareness of the environment and Malaga’s rural splendour. All those wishing to join these walks must be over 14, with under 18s requiring the company of an adult.
Groups are limited to a maximum of 50. Participants should wear appropriate footwear and clothing, taking the seasonal weather into consideration. They should also bring sufficient water and food for the day. For more information on the various routes planned for the spring season, or to book your place, you can call the following numbers: 951 276 050 or 900 500 555. Programme: April 19: La Hiedra - Pico las Cabras May 3: Estepona - Peñas Blancas May 17: Humilladero - Laguna de Fuente Piedra
Manilva - Getting rid of your solid rubbish Such as furniture, beds, mattresses. Ring this number 952 897 172, and arrange for a council lorry to pick them up. White goods and toxic items ECOMOBIL 1st Wednesday of the month in Manilva From 08.00 till 11.00 at Plaza Martin Carpena (next to
football ground) 1st Friday of the month in Sabinillas From 11.00 till 14.00 at La Colonia For further information please call the environment department 952 893 878 Or contact us at 952 893 548
The Resident -
Marcha carrera Sábado 25 de abril, por las calles de Estepona. Vuelve a las calles de la localidad, la tradicional Marcha Carrera, organizada por Cáritas en colaboración con la Delegación de Deportes, con el fin de incentivar el deporte y de recaudar fondos para los más desfavorecidos.
Gala de Elección de Reinas y Damas
“I Concurso Morfológico de Caballos P.R.E. Villa de Estepona”
Viernes 24, desde las 21:00 horas. Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos. Gala de Elección de Reinas y Damas para las
El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación Municipal de Agricultura, Ganadería y Montes, informa que está abierto el plazo de inscripción para participar en el “I Concurso Morfológico de Caballos de Pura Raza Española Villa de Estepona”, cuya celebración tendrá lugar del 14 al 17 de mayo, con motivo de la celebración en el municipio de la Feria Agrícola y Ganadera San Isidro Labrador. El ganado deberá cumplir con
Ferias y Fiestas Mayores 2009. Organizada por la Delegación de Fiestas.
Charity run Saturday 25th April sees the traditional charity run through the streets of Estepona town. Organised by the charity Caritas in collaboration with local Sports Delegation, besides the sporting competition the run also aims to raise funds for the underprivileged.
Estepona - V Torneo del Circuito Municipal de Pádel 09 El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación municipal de Deportes, informa que desde hoy lunes, y hasta el próximo lunes, 20 de abril, permanecerá abierto el plazo para participar en el V Torneo del Circuito Municipal de Pádel’09, que se disputará del 24 al 26 de abril en las categorías Open, Femenino, Mixto, Júnior e Infantil; además, en las modalidades en las que las inscripciones sean suficientes habrá más de una división. El sexto y último torneo del circuito tendrá lugar del 22 al 24 de mayo.
Estepona - V Municipal Paddle Tournament 09 Entries are being invited for the fifth leg of the Municipal Paddle Circuit Tournament to be held from the 24th to the 26th April. Contestants are invited for the following categories: Open, Women, Mixed, Juniors, and ‘Infantil’. Entrants wishing to enrol should do so before the 20th April. The sixth and final tournament of the circuit will be held from the 22nd to the 24th May.
Election of the Feria Queens On Friday, 24th April there will be a gala celebration for the election of the 2009 Feria Queens and Dames for this year’s summer
feria. Ceremonies will start at the Estepona Palacio de Congresos from 9.00 pm
Amplía las clases del Taller de Baile Oriental destinado a todas las edades Cada miércoles, de 10:00 a 11:30 horas, en el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación municipal de Cultura, informa que, debido a la gran demanda existente, el Taller de Danza Oriental iniciado el pasado mes de octubre, a cargo de Mariví Rodríguez, ha creado un nuevo grupo para este último trimestre
I Estepona Pedigree Horse Show Estepona’s Agriculture Department is inviting entries to the I Estepona Pedigree Horse Show which will be held during the town’s San Isidro celebrations between the 14th and 17th May. All entries must comply with health regulations laid down by the the
Junta de Andalucia’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council. For more information contact the “Delegación de Agricultura, Ganadería y Montes”, situated in Calle Huerta Nueva, between 8.00 am and 3.00 pm or call 952 791 646.
AREME Raises Funds for Age Concern
del curso 2008/09. El precio es de 47,10 euros por trimestre, está abierto el plazo de inscripción en las oficinas de la delegación de Cultura, sitas en el Centro Cultural Padre Manuel. Para más información e inscripciones, las personas interesadas se pueden dirigir a la delegación municipal de Cultura, Tfno 952 808 385.
Oriental Dance Workshop open to all ages Due to popular demand, Estepona’s Culture Department has extended the Oriental Dance Workshop for all ages. These new classes will be available for the forthcoming term. Enrolment is at the offices
lo dispuesto en el Condicionado Sanitario de la Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía. Para más información e inscripción, los interesados pueden dirigirse a la Delegación de Agricultura, Ganadería y Montes, sita en la calle Huerta Nueva, s/n, de 08:00 a 15:00 horas, ó llamar al teléfono 952 79 16 46. El plazo de inscripción permanecerá abierto hasta el 8 de mayo.
of the Cultural Department situated in the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre, and the cost is €47.10 per pupil per term. For more information contact 952 808 385.
Age Concern are very grateful to AREME (Asociación de Residentes Extranjeros del Municipio de Estepona) for donating 184€ to the charity following their successful social evening, including bingo, held at The Boys Bar, Estepona. A great evening was had by all who
attended and the money raised will be going to support the volunteers who work with older people in the community. The photo shows the Chair Lady of AREME , Francine Pompas, with her Committee members, presenting a cheque to Janet Allwood, Treasurer of Age Concern.
CAP presents cheque to CUDECA At a coffee morning on 15 April, Club Charity and Pleasure was delighted to hand a cheque for €1,000 in favour of Cudeca to Talk Radio Europe Presenter Craig James. Craig gave members a very moving talk on how important Cudeca’s involvement has been in his personal struggle with prostate cancer during the past
three years. Nursing Director Susan Hannam was on hand to answer members’ questions on the charity’s organizational and financial affairs. A further cheque for €200, raised at El Paraiso Golf Club Captain’s Dinner by The Handbell Ringers, was presented by Marianne Wicks.
CAP President Adrienne Heyward, Craig James and Susan Hannam
Guia de Empresas
The Resident -
Celebración Feria del Libro La Delegación de Cultura, coincidiendo con la Semana del Libro que se celebra del 20 al 26 de abril, nos ofrece una nueva oportunidad para tener entre nuestras manos y leer un buen conjunto de colecciones literarias
que serán desplegadas en los diferentes expositores al aire libre a lo largo de la calle real y que permanecerán abiertos hasta el domingo 3 de mayo.
Estepona Book Fair In conjunction with this year’s ‘Book Week’ which is being celebrated in Estepona from the 20th to the 26th April, there will be an open air book fair situated in the town’s
Calle Real. Various booksellers will be present and the Fair which opens on the 14th April will run until the 3rd of May.
Feria de San Isidro Labrador Feria de San Isidro Labrador Estepona’s San Isidro Festival, celebrating the town’s Patron Saint, kicks off on Sunday, 3rd May with the annual Romeria (pilgimage) to the San Isidro Chapel at the Los Pedregales park. This will be followed later in the month by a week of festivities both in the town and at the fairground (just off the motorway, where the Wednesday market is usually held) beginning on Wednesday 13th May and concluding on Sunday, 17th May.
La Feria de San Isidro en Estepona, que se celebra en honor al Santo Patrón de la ciudad empieza el 3 de Mayo con la anual Romería a la Capilla de San Isidro en el Parque Natural de los Pedregales. A ésto le seguirá la feria, que empezará el Miércoles 13 de Mayo y terminará el Domingo 17 de Mayo.
El programa de eventos es amplio y variado y de interés para todos. En este momento de la publicación del periódico no está disponible el programa de eventos, pero The programme of events is wide and varied and has en cuanto lo tengamos lo publicaremos en nuestra página items of interest for anyone and everyone. At the web time of going to press the full programme was not available, but we will publish it on our website at www. as soon as it is available.
Tel: 656 476 887
For all your Business & Service needs -
anúnciese con the resident tlf.952 936 198
advertise with the resident Call 952 936 198
Tel: 952 80 29 07 Puerto Paraiso, Bloque 1 Bajo G, Estepona 100m West of entrance to Estepona Port
The Resident -
Guía de Empresas
Consume en tu pueblo Support local business
Flowers for every occasion Edif. El Boqueron 56 Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva
Tel: 952 892 285 or 649 709 852 All major sporting events shown
Relax and unwind at the
En estos momentos de crisis es cuando tenemos que apoyar a las empresas locales. Las pequeñas y medianas empresas pueden ofrecerles un mejor servicio personal y adecuado a sus necesidades que las grandes empresas cuya única motivación es el económico. Los negocios pequeños saben de las necesidades y peticiones de sus clientes y por eso se aseguran de ofrecerles los mejores productos. Por todo ello y para asegurarnos que el comercio local continúe, APOYA AL COMERCIO LOCAL.
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In these days of economic uncertainty it has never been more important to support local business. Small and medium size companies can provide a more personal and flexible service than most of the bigger companies where profit is the sole motivation. Small, local businesses are more in tune with the needs of their clients and understand local conditions and requirements and can ensure that the customer gets the best product or service that he requires. To ensure that this diversity of choice continues to be available then it really is a case of use it or lose it, so support local commerce with your custom.
tel. 952 892 372
Open Mon-Sat 10am - Late
Puerto de la Duquesa Edif. Camaron, Local 79 - Blq. 6
The Resident -
Programa de Senderismo Deportivo - “Los caminos de Estepona” Primavera’09 El programa completo, siendo provinciales de este periodo, es el siguiente: Día 19 de abril Coín-Monda. Distancia : 14.000 mtrs, dificultad: media-alta. Día 3 de mayo Montes de MálagaCasabermeja. Distancia: 14.000 mtrs, dificultad: media. Día 17 de mayo Estepona-Peñas Blancas. Distancia 8.200 mtrs ,dificultad: media-alta El plazo de inscripción para participar en cada una de las rutas estará abierto hasta las 20:00 horas del jueves anterior a la salida, y podrá realizarse en
las oficinas de las delegaciones municipales de Deportes o Juventud, previo importe de 6,00 €. En este Programa pueden participar las siguientes personas: Edad: A partir de 14 años; los menores de edad deben adjuntar una autorización de sus tutores e ir acompañados por un adulto. Condicion fisica: Ésta debe ser la adecuada a la dificultad y distancia del itinerario a realizar. Material: Utilizar calzado deportivo cómodo, gorra, gafas de sol, cremas protectoras con
buen tiempo y chubasquero y prendas de abrigo en los meses de invierno. Llevar cámara de fotos y prismáticos. Precio: Se abonará la cantidad de 6,00 € por recorrido en concepto de gastos. Incluye la licencia federativa de un día, es decir, seguro de accidentes durante el desarrollo de la actividad. Salidas: A las 8:00 horas desde el Campo de Fútbol San Fernando. La duración de las rutas estará en función de la longitud y dificultad del recorrido. Comida: Llevar algún alimento (frutos secos, galletas, etc.), así como agua.
El Ayuntamiento habilitará un aparcamiento en la zona anexa a las antiguas oficinas de Endesa El alcalde de Estepona, David Valadez, ha comunicado, tras la demolición del muro de carga de la fachada situada más al sur de las antiguas oficinas de Sevillana-Endesa, sitas en la Avenida San Lorenzo, que los restos de escombro servirán para nivelar la parcela anexa a las instalaciones, al objeto de habilitarla como zona de aparcamiento de carácter público y gratuito, además de contribuir al adecentamiento
de la parcela. El alcalde ha manifestado la necesidad de derribar la estructura, “ante el estado de ruina física inminente que presentaba el inmueble, situado en una zona céntrica de la localidad, paso importante de transeúntes, y al estar el edificio circundado por tres centros educativos, con el consiguiente peligro para la seguridad pública que constituía”.
New car park next to old Endesa offices
Estepona Spring programme of hikes Estepona’s Sports and Youth Department has published its programme of guided walks for this spring, designated “Caminos de Estepona”. The forthcoming programme of routes is as follows: Sunday, 19th April Coín-Monda. Distance : 14,000 mtrs, classification - moderatehard. Sunday, 3rd May Montes de Málaga-Casabermeja. Distance: 14,000 mtrs, classification - moderate. Sunday, 17th May Estepona-Peñas Blancas. Distance 8,200 mtrs, classification - moderate-hard. Registration on the for each hike
is open up to 8.00 pm on the Thursday before each trip and can be made at the Deportes or Juventud offices, and cost 6 euros per person. Children under 14 must be authorised by their parents and be accompanied by an adult. Participants should be sufficiently physically fit for the distance or level of difficulty of the particular hike. Hikers should be dressed in appropriate clothing for the terrain and weather conditions, and be equipped with headwear, sunglasses, suncream in the summer and wet weather gear if necessary. Don’t forget your camera and binoculars.
The demolition of a derelict wall next to the old Sevillana-Endesa offices situated in Avenida San Lorenzo has created a parking area which will be available for public parking. The rubble from the demolition, which was removed due to safety concerns, has been used
to level the plot of land adjacent to the said offices. The Mayor, David Valadez, commented that “the state of imminent collapse led to the demolition order, especially given the proximity to a number of schools”. The parking will be available free of charge.
Need Satellite Assistance? It’s not rocket Science but it does require the knowledge of a good satellite engineer
The charge of 6 euros covers accident insurance, etc. All hikes leave from the Campo de Fútbol San Fernando (San Fernando football ground) at 8.00 am. Food - We recommend you bring dried fruit, biscuits, etc. as well as bottled water.
Promote your Society or Event by sending us the information to
Hate ironing or just don´t have time to do it I will pick it up and deliver it back to you all neatly ironed and ready to wear. PRICES 1 STANDARD SIZE BLACK BIN BAG €10.00 2ND BAG SAVE €2.00 Bags can include bedding or clothing. Min order 1 bag. Free collection and delivery to Estepona, Sabinillas, Duquesa, Manilva & surrounding areas Other areas may incur a small collection/delivery charge. All ironing carried out in a non smoking environment. Call Hilary 952 800027 or 680837169 to arrange a collection
Don’t pay Rocket Science rates We offer a Professional Practical Service at Practical Affordable Prices Second Hand Sky Digi-Boxes From €35.00 Call Hilary at PSS Tel/Fax. 952 800027 M. 680 837 169
The Resident -
Información Information
Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva Sponsored Walk The credit crunch, recession, call it what you will, is hitting people hard on the Costa del Sol. Unfortunately many of the hardest hit are on UK pensions and have seen the value of those pensions diminish rapidly. Age Concern is finding that more requests are coming in for advice and help as elderly people struggle to make ends meet. For the charity to do that to the best of its ability funds are always needed to support the volunteers. This year Age Concern is holding a sponsored walk on Sunday 19th April along the Paseo Marítimo, Estepona on Sunday 19th April from near the start of the Paseo (towards the fishermen’s workshops) to El Correos and back (that is one lap). The walk starts at 11.00. Walkers of all abilities as well as sponsors are needed. Sponsors can sponsor per lap or just donate an amount. Prizes will be given to the Under 12 who collects the
most money, and to the adult who collects the most money. For a sponsor form call in at the shop in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona; to sponsor a walker call 951 318 234 and leave your details. Why not spend that Sunday morning helping to raise money for such a worthwhile cause? We look forward to hearing from you. Estepona International Day 26th April Estepona Council have organised the first International Day of 2009 for Sunday 26th April. Age Concern will be there running a stall selling teas, coffees, and produce of all kinds, as well as providing information about the charity to people and giving advice when asked. At a recent meeting with the Council this years event will feature a full programme of entertainment as well as 32 stalls in the Palacio de Congresos. To make the event a huge success we need your
support – both in produce to sell, and in running the stall. We need cakes, biscuits, preserves, quiches (always a great favourite), pies, sausage rolls…., anything edible! If you can help in any way contact us now on 951 318 234 and leave your details or email Lifeline For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650 163 928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is acesteponaymanilva@ and why not tune into our web site at www.
CAP presents cheque to ASPANDEM At a coffee morning on 1 April, Club Charity and Pleasure presented Angel Martín, ASPANDEM President, with a cheque for €1.231, raised from a charity walk recently undertaken along San Pedro’s paseo maritimo. CAP is a social, non-profit organisation based in El Paraiso, Estepona. They meet at 11 am each Wednesday morning at El Paraiso Country Club for coffee; their weekly activities include bridge, whist, bowls, and Spanish lessons for beginners. Two years ago they started a handbellringing group and have given a number of concerts. Other events and excursions include visits to the theatre and exhibitions, lunches and dinners at different venues along the coast, mystery trips, etc. Their full
Committee member Anita Dowling presents cheque to Angel Martín
programme of events is published in their free quarterly magazine and regularly updated online. New members are welcome; the annual membership fee is only €12.
696 241 678, or visit the website See their stand at the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona on Foreign Residents’ Day, Sunday 26th April.
In order to raise funds for their work, ADANA, the animal rescue charity, has started a 100 Club. For this to work they need 100 people to subscribe 5€ per month with the chance to win 200€ at the end of each month. People may hold as many shares as they like at 5€ each. Shareholders do not need to be members of ADANA.
Estepona Floral Art Club (Affiliated to NAFAS) This month, Tuesday, May 19th, we are very pleased to welcome Richard Haslam, a florist from Galway in Co. Galway, Ireland. This will be a very interesting programme as we will be shown some very different styles of flower arranging and use of colour. The demonstration will begin at 3.00pm – 5.00pm at El Paraiso Country Club, Benavista, N340 (Km167). Please arrive in plenty of time so as not to miss this exciting afternoon’s programme. We also have a well stocked sales table for you to browse through and make your purchases for items for flower arranging. Richard will also be conducting a ‘Workshop’ on Thursday morning May 21st, from 11.00 am - 2.00 pm. This will be held at La Casona Restaurant, N340 (Clive Christian Kitchen’s.) After the workshop lunch will be available for those who wish to stay on and discuss various points of floral art with Richard. If you feel this is for you then please contact our Chairman to secure your place. In June, the Club usually organizes an outside trip to a place of interest, but this year as we are celebrating our 10th Anniversary we will be holding a special event of “Flowers & Fashion” this will be held on Tuesday 16th June at El Paraiso Country Club. There will be a full fashion show
with clothes by Exquisite Gowns of Mijas, and floral demonstrations by NAFAS area teacher and demonstrator, Carol Hunter from Nerja. A 3-course lunch with wine on the terrace will be included in the ticket price. (Price to be announced next month) Estepona Floral Art Club will be giving a percentage of the money raised at this event to Motor Neuron Disease. This event is definitely one not to be missed, so make up a party of friends and family and book your tables! It will be a very enjoyable day. The Club is always pleased to welcome visitors at each month’s demonstrations, so for further information on the above or any future events, please contact our Chairman, Anne Atkinson on Tel: 952 890 352.
Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English, each Saturday 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what’s on; where to go; club and
association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a ‘round table’ discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.
For more information contact Adrienne Heyward, President on
ADANA Sanctuary Clean up
The draw will be made at the coffee mornings in Plaza Manilva in Estepona on the last Friday of the month. Winners will be notified by phone or e mail. The first draw will take place when they have 100 members signed up. In December there will be double prizes with one prize of 200€ and two of 100€.
Over the weekends of Saturday and Sunday 18th and 19th and 25th and 26th April ADANA, the animal rescue charity, is inviting volunteers to help with a massive clean up of The Sanctuary site. No particular skills are required on this occasion, but they would like to know if any of their supporters can offer any DIY expertise which they will definitely need at a later date. They need to move all of the building rubbish that has accumulated and to transfer
ADANA 100 Club For further details please contact or call David on 952 891 193
anúnciese con the resident tlf.952 936 198
their 2 caravans to their hard standings. This will enable them to connect them to the electricity supply and start using them as their offices. Volunteers will start at 10.00 on each day and work until about lunchtime unless some of you feel like working on. If you can come on any of the days please let David know on 952 891 193 or at vicep@adana. es
The Resident -
Wining and dining ¿Buscando un sito para cenar? ¡Entonces no busques más! En esta página hay algunos de los mejores bares y restaurantes que hay en el municipio de Manilva. Si estás buscando la cocina tradicional española o algo con un sabor más internacional o quizás tan sólo comida rápida para llevar, estos establecimientos
pueden atender a la mayoría de los gustos. ¿Por qué no tomar un paseo por el Paseo Maritimo de Sabinillas, donde puedes disfrutar de buena comida o un bocadillo, con unas marivillosas vistas al Mediterráneo y la Costa del Sol.
THE VENUE FOR LIVE MUSIC! Wed - Sat Evenings for Dinner 7 pm - 9.30 pm Bar open from 7 pm - late Sunday Lunch from 1 pm Sunday Bar open from 12 pm Come and enjoy a coffee and a read of our Sunday newspapers from 11 am Live Music for April/May: (See ‘What’s On’ page 18) Taking bookings now for Royal Ascot Ladies’ Day - Thursday 18th June Full day event with Jazz Band, 3 course lunch, charity raffle, live racing from Royal Ascot, sports memorabilia auction, prize for best hat, light evening buffet, bar open all day - €60 per head
TO BOOK CALL 952 892 690 Formerly Restaurant El Moscatel on the Rio Manilva Road 2 km past the Sabinillas Sunday market -
Wondering where to go for that evening out? Then look no further! Featured on this page are some of the best bars and restaurants that Manilva has to offer. Whether you are looking for traditional Spanish cuisine or something of a more international flavour or maybe just a quick takeaway to give the ‘cook’ a night off, then these establishments can cater for most tastes. Why not take a stroll on the Paseo Maritimo in Sabinillas where you can enjoy fine dining, or a quick snack whilst taking in the breathtaking view of the Mediterranean and the Costa del Sol.
a traditional Spanish Chiringuito with music to help you relax On the beach between Sabinillas and Duquesa with lots of parking
Our specialities
Arroz Caldoso, Fresh Fish, Paella & Fresh Meat ALL COOKED TO ORDER Open 11am Daily Kitchen 12 - 6pm
Ask Sandy for his recommended dishes Enjoy the beautiful ambiance and friendly atmosphere OPENING TIMES 1pm - 4pm & 6pm - 11pm Mon to Sat 6.30pm - 10.30pm Sunday
Lunch - 8.80€ Fish & Chips - Bread & Butter and hot or cold beverage Tel: 951 276 728 Centro Comercial Los Hidalgos, Duquesa
A DIRECT PASSAGE TO AUTHENTIC INDIAN CUISINE Local Nº. 29, Puerto de la Duquesa (Water Front)
Ocio What’s On
The Resident -
Ocio What’s On Bienvenido a la sección “Ocio” de The Resident. Aquí prentendemos elaborar una guía de todo el entretenimiento accesible para nuestros lectores. Dependiendo de lo que el espacío permite proporcionaremos una guía gratuita de música en directo, teatro, danza, karaoke, concursos, conciertos, etc. Envia un email a, con detalles del evento, que nos llegue para el día 10 del mes. Alternativamente prodrás asegurar tu lugar en la guía comprando una sección de anuncios en el periódico.
23/04/09 20:30h. Palacio de los Gobernadores, San Roque Welcome to The Resident’s ‘What’s On’ section. Here we aim to put together a comprehensive listing of entertainment available to our readers. Space permitting we will provide a free listing service for any live music, theatre, dance, karaoke, pub quizzes, concerts, etc. Just send an email to editor@, with details of the event, to reach us by the 10th of the month. Alternatively you can ensure your listing by taking out an advert in this section
Music CHAMBAO en concierto 25/04/2009, 22.00h. Sala Vivero, MÁLAGA ‘Con otro aire’ es el último trabajo discográfico de Chambao y quizás también el más personal. El grupo ha iniciado en marzo una gira para presentar en directo este nuevo disco. Se trata de una gira con menos ambiente y escenografía rockera, que conserva los aires mediterráneos y sureños y la apuesta por la fusión que son las señas de identidad de Chambao. Para esta gira, Chambao ha apostado por hacer un lavado de cara y una revisión a todo su repertorio musical. Dos decenas de canciones que representan lo mejor de todas las etapas de Chambao sonarán en la Sala Vivero con arreglos nuevos, aunque permaneciendo en lo esencial fiel al espíritu del grupo. En ‘Con otro aire’, Chambao explora el encuentro entre la música mediterránea y la oriental. Para conseguir esa ambientación, ha incluido instrumentos árabes e hindúes. El nuevo disco de Chambao es el primero en el que participa únicamente uno de los fundadores del grupo, LaMari.
“Camarata de Osuna”
El quinteto Camerata de Osuna interpretará “La biblioteca musical de la condesa-duquesa de Benavente-Osuna” y está formado por Ana López, flauta; Raúl Orellana y Beatriz Fanlo, violines; Pablo Almazán, viola y Guillermo Martín, violoncello. Entrada libre hasta completar aforo.
The quintet Camerata de Osuna perform “The Musical Library of the Countess-Duchess of Benavente-Osuna”. The quintet comprises Ana López on flute; Raúl Orellana and Beatriz Fanlo, on violin; Pablo Almazán on viola and Guillermo Martín on violoncello. Entry is free until full
Psychedelic rock band from Jerez Thursday 14th May 8.00 pm Double bill
call Jonny on 689 107 198 for info
Exposiciones Exhibitions Hasta/until 25/04/09.
“Insectos en Ámbar: Atrapados en el Tiempo”
Es una colección de insectos inmovilizados por resina, que con el paso del tiempo pueden ser observados fosilizados atrapados en ámbar: será como si viésemos una imagen de hace millones de años congelada en un trozo de ámbar. Museo Paleontológico Municipal, Plaza de Toros, Estepona
Chambao’s fusion arrives in Málaga “Con otro aire” is Chambao’s latest and maybe most original album to date. The band’s tour kicked off in March to present
Sala Vivero, Polígono La Estrella. C/ Parauta, 25, MÁLAGA.
17/04/09, 20:30h. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona.
08/05/09 20:30h. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona.
04-30/05/09 Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona.
Concierto de música titulado “Música de ángeles y diablos” interpretado por el solista Fahmi Alghai, en el que se podrá disfrutar de su magníficia destreza y muy personal interpretación con la Viola de Gamba. Formando un programa con piezas para la Viola de Gamba en la corte de Luis XIV.
Concierto didáctico titutlado “Música de cine español”. Próximos a la celebración de la XXII Semana de Cine, la Banda Municipal de Música bajo la batuta de su director, José Manuel Bernal, ha diseñado un nuevo Concierto Didáctico centrado monográficamente en la “Música de Cine Español” y en el que se repasarán, entre explicaciones, los grandes fragmentos de la música en nuestro cine.
This concert entitles "Music from Angels and Devils" interpreted by the soloist Fahmi Alghai, whose skill on the viola de gamba provides a personal interpretation of this programme of pieces for the Viola de Gamba written for the court of Louis XIV.
Thursday 30th April 8.00 pm
Rock/heavy metal
A collection of insects immobilised in resin which over time have become fossilised giving a snapshot of a time millions of years ago frozen in a piece of amber. Municipal Museum of Palaeontology, Estepona Bullring
Music from Angels and Devils
LIVE AT BOJANGLES Puerto de la Duquesa
their new album live. The concerts showcase the bands fusion of Mediterranean and Arabic and oriental, a style that is Chambao’s hallmark. For this tour, Chambao have reviewed their repertoire and chosen some twenty songs that best represent the different stages of the band’s development. Many of the songs have been given a new interpretation whilst still retaining their original essence. “Con otro aire” explores the fusion of Mediterranean and Asian music with Arab and Indian musical instruments.
“Música de ángeles y diablos”
“Música de cine español”
Music from Spanish Cinema This concert performed by the Estepona Town Band, under the baton of director, José Manuel Bernal, coincides with the forthcoming XXII Spanish Cinema Week later in the month, and features extracts from some of the best music from the world of Spanish cinema.
Musicians, groups or singers - Send us details of your forthcoming gigs, and if we have room we’ll publish them here. Músicos, grupos o cantantes – mándanos los datos de sus eventos y si tenemos sito dentro de estas páginas los publicaremos.
“Insects in Amber: Trapped in Time”
Permanecerá abierta del 4 al 30 de mayo y que se presenta como un homenaje al trabajo invisible de las mujeres. Organiza la delegación de la Mujer, con la colaboración de la delegación de Cultura. On permanent display from the 4th to the 30th May this exhibition represents a homage to the invisible work of women. Organised by Estepona’s Women’s Department in conjunction the Culture Department.
13-30/04/09 Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona.
“Naturalez y Libros”
La exposición, que permanecerá abierta hasta el 30 de abril, estará formada por una excelente muestra de imágenes procedentes de la colección “fotógrafos de la Naturaleza 2008” cedida por la Fundación Ibercaja, acompañada por una muestra de libros de autores esteponeros o foráneos que hayan integrado la ciudad de Estepona en sus relatos. “Nature and Books” Running until the 30th April, this exhbition features a selection of photographs taken from the the collection “Photographs of Nature 2008” which have been lent by the Fundación Ibercaja and are accompanied by various books by local authors.
Ocio What’s On
Festival de Málaga Cine Español 2009 La decimosegunda edición del Festival de Cine Español de Málaga tendrá lugar entre los días 17 al 25 de abril de 2009. Participarán 14 películas este año y seis películas tendrán su premiere mundial durante el Festival. Una nueva ZonaZine dedicadas a 32 cortos, 11 procedentes de Latina América y 20 documentales, mientras que una marquesina ha sido colocada en la Plaza de la Constitución para generar interés en el evento.
Todos los jueves el cine club proyecta algunas de las mejores pelicículas de alredor del mundo, dandoles a los aficionados la oportunidad de saborear el talento de los actores y directores de muchas países diferentes. Las películas se muestran en su version original con subtitulos españoles. La entrada es de solo 3 euros. Every Thursday Cine Club screens some of the best films from around the world, giving film fans the opportunity to sample the talents of filmmakers and actors from many different countries. Films are shown in their original language with Spanish subtitles. Entrance is only 3 euros.
Jueves, 23 Abril 21:00h.
Los Reyes del Ártico (2007)
Málaga Film Festival
(Arctic Tale)
A new ZonaZine will be dedicated to 32 shorts, 11 from Latin America and 20 documentaries, whilst a large marquee has been erected in the Plaza de la Constitutión to generate more interest in the growing festival. The festival is based as usual at the Cervantes Theatre and the Albéniz, but works will also be shown in the Cultural Centre of the Provincial Diputación Government where video media will be highlighted and the Yelmo cinema in the Vialia commercial centre.
Live Music for May at Armstrongs
Frankie B
Live entertainment Saturday, 25th April from Frankie B at Armstrongs Restaurant & Lounge, Rio Manilva Road, Sabinillas. Singing 70's & 80's classics. 3 course meal including entertainment €30 per head. Price includes table for the evening. Call 952 892 690 for reservations
Friday, 1st May LYDIA BARRETT singing old and new classics from Elaine Page to Duffy Saturday, 9th May IAN “the voice” GRANT sings 70s, 80s and 90s Rock, Pop and Soul Saturday, 23rd May MEL WILLIAMS with his Rock and Roll Show singing all the rock and roll favourites from Buddy Holly to Elvis
"CLIVE LIVE" solo gig list
COSTAKARAOKE Tuesday: The Down Bar, Algeciras 11.00pm till 2.00am With Ian Wednesday: O’Donaghues, Estepona 11.00pm till 2.00am With Ian Friday: Kinsales, Duquesa 10.00pm till 1.00am With Brian Saturday: Kinsales,Duquesa 10.00pm till 1.00am With Brian
PUNTO D’ENCUENTRO Enjoy Karaoke every Friday night from 8.30 pm at Punto d’Encuentro, Plaza Ginebra, Sabinillas. All welcome.
CINE CLUB ESTEPONA Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, C/ San Fernando, Estepona
El Festival tendrá lugar como siempre en el Teatro Cervantes y en el Albéniz, pero también se presentarán películas en el Centro cultural de Diputación.
Now in its twelfth year the Málaga Film Festival gets underway on April 17th and runs until the 25th of April. 14 feature films will compete in the competition this year, and six films will be getting their world premiere when screened during the festival week.
The Resident -
Director: Adam Ravetch, Sarah Robertson. En el mundo salvaje y helado del Ártico, todos los años comienza un ciclo ancestral: un ciclo de nacimiento, muerte y renovación, de amor y vida, de autosacrificio y riesgo extremo. Dos titanes del Polo Norte, el oso polar y la morsa, empiezan su viaje mágico desde la indefensa infancia hacia la madurez. V.O.S.: Inglés. In the wild and frozen world of the arctic each year begins an ancient cycle of birth, death and renewal, of love and life, of self-sacrifice and extreme danger. Two titans of the North Pole, the polar bear and the walrus begin a magic journey from childhood to maturity. In English with Spanish subtitles
Jueves, 30 Abril 21:00h.
El Baño del Papa (2007) Director: Enrique Fernández, César Charlone. Con César Troncoso (Beto), Virginia Méndez (Carmen), Virginia Ruiz (Silvia), Mario Silva (Valvulina), Henry de León (Tica), José Arce. Es el año 1988 y el Papa Juan Pablo II va a visitar Melo. Se calcula que 50.000 personas asistirán a verlo y son muchos los que aprovechan la ocasión para vender y sacar dinero. Uno de ellos es Beto, un contrabandista, que decide hacer un servicio en la zona para alquilarlo. Pero finalmente, todo le sale mal. Esas 50.000 visitantes se reducirán a 8.000 y sólo una señora utilizará el baño. Sus sueños de convertirse en una persona rica desparecen por completo. Para conseguir este objetivo, Beto deja de lado su gran sueño: comprarse un velomotor. Incluso pierde su bien más querido, su bicicleta, con tal de hacerse con la clave de su templo de residuos y riqueza: la taza del váter. Es la historia de la pobreza de un pueblo que busca desesperadamente salir de una dura supervivencia. It is 1988 and Pope John Paul II will visit Melo, Uruguay. An estimated 50,000 people will attend, many of them to try an make some money. One is Beto, a smuggler, who decides to install a pay toilet. But his plans go awry when only 8,000 people come and only one woman uses the toilet. His dreams of wealth person disappear completely. This comedy is a story of the struggle for survival and the search for an escape from poverty. In Spanish
Jueves, 7 Mayo 21:00h.
Gomorra (2008)
Hits from the 70s and 80s Saturday, 25th April, Saturday, 30th May. Cheers Bar, Puerto de la Duquesa
Director: Matteo Garrone. Con Toni Servillo, Gianfelice Imparato, Maria Nazionale, Salvatore Cantalupo, etc. Poder, odio y sangre. Estos son los “valores” a los que tienen que enfrentarse cada día los habitantes de las provincias de Nápoles y Caserta. Casi nunca se puede elegir, casi siempre se está obligado a obedecer las reglas de la Camorra, y sólo los más afortunados pueden pensar en llevar una vida “normal”. Cinco historias se entrecruzan en este paisaje violento, un mundo despiadado, aparentemente alejado de la realidad, pero bien enraizado en esa tierra. V.O.S.: Italiano Power, hatred and blood. These are the ‘values’ faced daily by the people of Naples and Caserta. Almost no one can escape the rules of the Camorra, and only the most fortunate and enjoy a ‘normal life’. Five stories are intertwined in this ruthless and violent world. In Italian with Spanish subtitles
Jueves, 14 Mayo 21:00h.
My Blueberry Nights
Director: Wong Kar Wai. Con Norah Jones, Jude Law, David Strathairn, Rachel Weisz, etc. La joven Elizabeth se embarca en un inolvidable viaje a través de América en busca del amor verdadero. En el camino se encuentra con una serie de enigmáticos personajes... V.O.S.: Inglés/Español The young Elizabeth sets out on an unforgettable journey across America in search of true love. Along the way she meets a series of characters... In English with Spanish subtitles
Ocio What’s On
The Resident -
TEATRO CERVANTES Ramos Marín, s/n, Málaga
Teatro Theatre
Venta/Sales tel 902 36 02 95 Info 952 22 41 00
MUSIC 28 Abr/Apr 21:00h
18/19/20 May 21:00h
Big Star (Memphis, Tennessee, 1971) es una de las bandas más influyentes y desconocidas en la historia del rock. A contracorriente del virtuosismo progresivo en boga en los primeros setenta, aunaban la frescura cristalina de The Beatles o The Byrds y la contundencia
of rock
17 May 20:30h
PEDRO GUERRA Pedro Guerra ha tardado cuatro años en volver a la escena discográfica para regalarnos el que define como su trabajo más coherente. “Eran 10 años y ocho discos y necesitaba parar para oxigenarme.” Y esa oxigenación, dada la íntima, vital y fértil relación de Pedro con la música por poco que a ella se consagre, ha servido para engendrar las 14 canciones de Vidas. Pedro Guerra has taken four years to return with a record which he describes as his most coherent work to date. “I had been on the go for 10 years and eight records and I needed to stop to regain a bit of oxygen.” This oxygen, given Pedro’s intimate, vital and fertile relationship with music that seems to come to him so naturally, has served him to create the 14 songs of Vidas.
Pasión Vega vuelve a los escenarios con un nuevo trabajo discográfico en el que recoge versiones de canciones latinoamericanas. La idea nació de la propia cantante: “Me apetecía mucho y creo que era el momento ideal. Es mi quinto álbum y quería hacer algo propio de una artista un poco más madura. En mi opinión, creo que son canciones que están muy vinculadas a nuestra cultura andaluza. Hemos hecho una fusión muy interesante, ya luego el público dirá si le gusta o no”. “Es un proyecto muy distinto a lo que yo he hecho hasta ahora pero, a la vez, muy Pasión Vega. Será un disco aunque clásico, muy grandioso, con arreglos espectaculares y sofisticados”. Pasión Vega returns to the stage with a new album that brings together different versions of Latin American songs. The singer herself came up with the idea for the album: “I really fancied doing this and I think it was the ideal moment. This is my fifth album and I wanted to do something a little more fitting of a more mature artist. In my opinion, I believe that they are songs that are closely linked to our Andalusian culture. We have created a very interesting fusion, and the audiences will let us know if they like it or not”. “It is a project that is very different to any that I have worked on before, but it is very Pasión Vega at the same time. Although it is a classical disc, it will be very grandiose, with spectacular and sophisticated arrangements”
Theatre & Dance 8/10 May, 20.30 h.
JENUFA National Moravian-Silesian Theatre De Ostrava
Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra
Merlín (Suite), I. Albéniz Harold en Italia, Op. 16, H. Berlioz RAFAEL ALTINO viola Concierto para orquesta, W. Lutoslawski
ANTIGONO Obra de teatro “Antígona” de Sófocles (siglo IV A.C.), englobada dentro del proyecto “Caixa Escena”, en una apuesta decidida por el acercamiento a los clásicos. Organizada por el Taller Juvenil de Teatro de la Delegación de Cultura Dirigida por Luque ,”Antígona” es una tragedia en donde la escena bascula entre el deber y respeto familiar y el cumplimiento de las leyes del estado.
del rock. Big Star (Memphis, Tennessee, 1971) is one of the most influential and unknown bands in the history of rock. Going against the current of the progressive virtuosity that was in vogue at the beginning of the 70s, they bought together the crystalline freshness of The Beatles and The Byrds and the forcefulness
24/04/09 20:30h. Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona
Ópera en tres actos, con libreto y música de Leoš Janáček , inspirada en la obra Jeji Pastorkina de Gabriela Preissová. Estrenada el 21 de enero de 1904 en Brno (Moravia). En España se estrenó el 14 de enero de 1965 en el Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona An opera in three acts, with libretto and music by Leoš Janácek. Inspired by the work Jeji Pastorkina by Gabriela Preissová. First staged on the 21st of January 1904 in Brno (Moravia). First staged in Spain on the 14th of January 1965 in Barcelona’s Gran Teatre del Liceu
ANTIGONO The play “Antigone” by Sophocles (fourth century BC), brought to you under the “Caixa Stage” project, promoting the classics. Organized by the Estepona Culture Department’s Youth Theatre Workshop. Directed by Luque, “Antigone” is a tragedy in which the story swings between duty and family respect and compliance with state law.
Dependiendo de lo que el espacío permite proporcionaremos una guía de música en directo, teatro, danza, karaoke, concursos, conciertos, etc. Envia un email a, con detalles del evento, que nos llegue para el día 10 del mes. Space permitting we will provide a listing service for any live music, theatre, dance, karaoke, pub quizzes, concerts, etc. Just send an email to editor@theresident. eu, with details of the event, to reach us by the 10th of the month.
SEMANA DE LIBRO - Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Estepona Sábado 20, a las 13:30 horas.
Charla literaria de Santiago García, con motivo de la celebración de la Semana del Libro.
Santiago Garcia-Clairac autor de obras como “El Ejercito Negro”,”En un lugar de Atocha: el 11-m vivido por un niño” o “El Libro Invisible”, es director creativo de varias agencias de publicidad, ha creado y realizado más de 200 campañas para anunciantes, imparte cursos sobre temas relacionados con la publicidad y la comunicación y ha publicado numerosos libros. Organizan las delegaciones de Educación y Cultura. Miércoles 22, a las 19:30 horas.
Presentación Literaria de Juan Carlos Maestro.
Coincidiendo con la Semana del Libro, la Delegación de Cultura organiza la presentación de los libros “ Regálate Felicidad” y “Regálate Liderazgo” de Juan Carlos Maestro, una selección de las últimas obras del autor.
de Manuel Sánchez Bracho, que presenta su última creación literaria basada en una de sus pasiones, el flamenco.
Desde su juventud este autor esteponero comenzó a investigar diversas facetas de la Cultura, el arte popular y la Ciencia. Fruto de estos numerosos trabajos surge un amplio abanico de publicaciones, varios libros, obras de teatro y montajes musicales. Ahora nos presenta su última creación, un libro titulado “Flamenco para Flamencos”. Según sus propias palabras, el libro “Flamenco para Flamencos” es Rasgueo…. Quejío… Vibraciones…. Sentimientos…. etc….
Dependiendo de lo que el espacío permite proporcionaremos una guía gratuita de música en directo, teatro, danza, karaoke, concursos, conciertos, etc. Envia un email a editor@theresident. eu, con detalles del evento, que nos llegue para el día 10 del mes. Alternativamente prodrás asegurar tu lugar en la guía comprando una sección de anuncios en el periódico.
Space permitting we will provide a free listing service for any live music, theatre, dance, karaoke, pub quizzes, concerts, etc. Just send an email to editor@, with details of the event, to reach us by the 10th of the month. Alternatively you can ensure your listing by taking out an advert in this section
Miércoles 29, desde las 20:30 horas.
Presentación del libro “Flamenco Para Flamencos”
Información Information
The Resident -
Festival Internacional de Estepona Estepona International Festival Una vez más, la comunidad de residentes extranjeros de Estepona celebrara el Día Internacional en el Palacio de Congresos, el domingo, 26 de abril.
Estepona’ resident foreign community will once again celebrate its diverse culture and gastronomy at the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona on Sunday, 26th April.
Un programa lleno de actividades culturales, junto con numerosos puestos de muestras, garantiza el entretenimiento de todos los visitantes. La feria comienzara a las 12 del mediodía hasta las primeras horas de la noche. Ver programa a continuación:
A packed programme of entertainment and cultural activities, along with numerous stands and displays is guaranteed to entertain all visitors. Show kicks off at 12 noon until early evening. See programme below:
Participantes CUDECA, IMBABURA, AREME, Colombia, Marruecos, Argentina, India-Tailandia, Tangent Club - 41 Club, Age Concern, Italia, Alemania, American Club de Estepona, Interpretes Voluntarios/Centros de Salud, Bolivia, Filipinas, Cuba,Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Royal British Legion, 4 Paws Dog School, Estepona Cats, Alzheimer Estepona, Prensa, Francia, ADANA, CAP, International Club of Estepona, y Bar el Frenazo - Andalucia.
Participants CUDECA, IMBABURA, AREME, Colombia, Morocco, Argentina, India-Thailand, Tangent Club - 41 Club, Age Concern, Italy, Germany, American Club of Estepona, Medical Centre Voluntary Interpreters , Bolivia, Philippines, Cuba,Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Royal British Legion, 4 Paws Dog School, Estepona Cats, Alzheimer Estepona, Press France, ADANA, CAP, International Club of Estepona, and Bar el Frenazo - Andalucia.
Programación En el Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos, Estepona 12.00h. Inauguración con la Banda Municipal de Estepona. 12.30h. Canciones con el grupo “The Gist”. 12.45h. “Happy Dancing Feet”. 13.00h. Música Indígena. 13.15h. Bailes diversons con Mariví Rodríguez. 13.45h. Grupo de Perú “Huaylas Macho”. 14.00h. Jazz y Bosanova con “Dafne Quartet”. 14.30h. Bailes Latinos. 14.45h. Canciones con Billy Robins. 15.00h. Grupo de Perú Amaru Inti. 15.15h. Grupo de Baile Costa Kickers. 15.30h. Academia Marbella Dance School con Caterina Chisesi. 16.00h. Flamenco a cargo de Eva Alarcón. 16.15h. “Samba Luz” ritmos brasileños. 16.30h. Bailes modernos a cargo de Lourdes Perea. 16.45h. Garabato de Colombia con Dona Martínez. 17.15h. Academia Marbella Dance School con Caterina Chisesi. 17.30h. Danza del Vientre con Paulina Escuela Iplacea. 17.45h. Bailes de Cuba con Magali. 18.00h. Danza del Vientre con Paulina Escuela Iplacea. 18.15h. “Modern Jive” grupo de baile de Rock and Roll. 18.30h. Despedida y cierre. ---
Programme In the Palacio de Congresos, Estepona 12 noon. Official opening followed by the Estepona Town Band. 12.30 pm. Live music from the group “The Gist”. 12.45 pm. “Happy Dancing Feet”. 1.00 pm. Indian Music. 1.15 pm. The Mariví Rodríguez Dance School. 1.45 pm. Peruvian dancing by the “Huaylas Macho” group. 2.00 pm. Jazz and Bossanova with the “Dafne Quartet”. 2.30 pm. Latin dance. 2.45 pm. Billy Robins sings. 3.00 pm. “Amaru Inti” group from Peru. 3.15 pm. “Costa Kickers” line dancing group. 3.30 pm. “Marbella Dance School” directed by Caterina Chisesi. 4.00 pm. Flamenco with Eva Alarcón. 4.15 pm. “Samba Luz” Brazilian Rhythms. 4.30 pm. Modern Dance with Lourdes Perea. 4.45 pm. “El Garabato” from Colombia with Dona Martínez. 5.15 pm. “Marbella Dance School” directed by Caterina Chisesi. 5.30 pm. Belly Dancing with Paulina and the Iplacea School. 5.45 pm. Cuban dancing with Magali. 6.00 pm. Belly Dancing with Paulina and the Iplacea School. 6.15 pm. “Modern Jive” Rock and Roll dance group. 6.30 pm. Close.
Manilva VIII Encuentro Internacional La delegación de Extranjeros, que dirige el concejal Diego Díaz, ha iniciado la preparación del VIII Encuentro Internacional de Manilva, que este año se celebrará los días 10 y 11 de Julio en el paseo marítimo de Sabinillas. Esta iniciativa, como ya es tradicional, pretende dar a conocer la tradición, gastronomía y folklore de todos los países participantes. Por tal motivo, desde la concejalía de Extranjeros invitan y piden la colaboración a todos
aquellos colectivos, asociaciones, entidades o grupos de amigos de otras nacionalidades que residen en el término municipal de Manilva. Para ello, los interesados en participar en esta muestra de intercambio cultural o recibir más información sobre este evento, pueden dirigirse a la delegación de Extranjeros, situada en el Edificio de usos Múltiples de Sabinillas, o bien llamando al teléfono 952893838, Beli 663 93 65 00 ó Chris 663 96 96 36.
VIII Manilva International Festival The Foreigners Department, headed by Councillor Diego Diaz, has begun preparations for this year’s VIII Manilva International Festival, which will be held on Friday, 10th and Saturday, 11th July on the Paseo Maritimo in Sabinillas. This provides an opportunity for visitors to the festival to discover the traditions, cuisine and culture of the various countries participating in the event. With this in mind the Foreigners’
Department is invititing any groups, associations, organisations, from any of Manilva’s diverse foreign community to collaborate with them in putting on this festival. All those interested in receiving more information or wish to participate should call in at the Department’s offices in the Usos Multiples building in Sabinillas or by calling 952 893 838, Beli on 663 936 500 or Chris on 663 969 636.
The Resident -
Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast Estacion de Jimena
Casares Costa
3 bed, 1 1/2 bath Townhouse. Air con, Sat TV, Fully fitted kitchen. Close to all amenities, only 25 mins to Gib. Large roof terrace and internal courtyard, Off street parking
LOS CORTIJOS DE LA BAHIA Townhouse, 3 bed, 2 bath, fully furnished. Communal pool and gardens.
Hacienda Guadalupe €135,000
We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.
La Duquesa Golf
This lovely 2 bed, 1.5 bath Duplex house is just a short drive to the beach. Fully equipped. kitchen, private garden, communal pool. 2 terraces and storage. Close to Port of Duquesa.
Los Hidalgos
Casares Costa
Spacious Townhouse in La Duquesa Golf. This house has 3 large beds, 2 baths, large lounge diner with fireplace and a fully fitted kitchen. Storage, telephone, satellite Sky TV, marble floors and air con. The urbanisation has beautiful tropical gardens and a lovely swimming pool.
Casares del Sol, Casares Costa
New, 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartments. In San Luis de Sabinillas Close to all amenities. 100% Bank mortgages in place Deposit of only 3500€
€149,000 Apartment, 2 bed, 2 bath, fully furnished, private parking. Priced to sell at 135,000 euros 100% mortgage available subject to status. No deposit required.
Sports Bar, Duquesa Port
Villa, 4 bed, 3 bath, private pool, 5 minute walk to beach and amenities, Duquesa Port. 375,000 euros
Cortijos de la Bahia Townhouse 3 bed two bath, private front garden, roof top solarium. The urbanisation has mature gardens and a large swimming pool.
reduced from €199,000
Fully furnished, 3rd floor, 2 bed, 2 bath apartment in Los Hidalgos Golf complex. Communal pool and gardens, south facing, sea views.
2 bed townhouse located in Monte Viñas, a fully fitted kitchen with a large living room, 30m2 roof terrace with views of sea, mountains and vineyards, private garden.
A unique opportunity to acquire a well established sports bar located in the beautiful port of Duquesa for over 20 years. The bar offers a large bar area with an intimate atmosphere. It also boasts two entrances with 2 seated terraces ideal for the long Summer months. Upstairs currently holds a pool table and quiz machine providing extra income. The bar is well known by the golfing enthusiasts and has multiple screens and satellite systems enabling full coverage of all sports. The bar is situated amongst a large expat community with constant returning holiday maker trade, ensuring year round trade.
These are just a sample of the prope property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. You can fin nd many more on our website at o For more information on these or any a other property queries don’t hesitate to contact o us at m call 952 936 198.
The Resident -
Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz
Fácil Easy
In this month’s picture quiz all we ask you to do is name the towns or cities where you can find the following landmarks. Answers on page 26 En este mes le preguntamos los nombres de ciudades donde pueden encontrarse los siguientes monumentos famosos. Respuestas en la página 26
Soluciones página 26 All solutions on page 26
Nivel Medio Medium
Difícil Hard
Información Information
The Resident -
Medsports - Local freshwater fishing Once again welcome to Med Sports, the angling centre in Sabinillas. Since our last article we have visited and fished a few lakes in Andalucia. The River Guadiaro seems to be teeming with barbel at the moment and I found that one of the best baits to use is sweet corn. The various rivers and lakes in the area are located at Manilva, Rio Guadiaro, San Roque, and Los Barrios, to name but a few. The easiest way to find these is to look on Goggle Earth, then put the latitude and longitude into your SatNav. Failing this pop in and see us in the store or give us a call and we will give you directions. We now have a good and varied supply of ‘boilies’, and various ground baits. Also in stock we have various flavoured Aroma Liquids. Our carp and barbel guru Terry, has agreed to conduct freshwater fishing trips at a minimal cost to cover expenses. This is well worth a trip, the tranquillity and scenery at some of the locations is phenomenal. To get your freshwater licence you will need to go to the Consejeria de Agricultura y Pesca, Malaga. This is situated opposite the bus station in Malaga. If you have never fished freshwater before the chances are you may have to conduct a short course to be granted a licence. If you have a UK rod licence, take this with you as it helps, it shows you have previous experience in freshwater
fishing. You will also need to obtain public liability insurance. From the Beach This month we have also fished the rocks at Duquesa Port and from the shore adjacent to Manilva Beach urbanisation. Wrag worm has been my favourite choice, but do make sure you use a baiting needle to present your bait as neatly as possible. Our worms are fresh in store every Friday, and they keep really well in the fridge. Incidentally if anyone fancies some big game fishing in the Mediterranean give us a call in store as we now have the contacts in place to arrange this. Typical cost is 1000 Euros a day for the boat and skipper, and this can be divided between four persons.
Since my last article we have increased our selection of quality rods and reels, and the terminal tackle has grown immensely too. We also have a selection of hunting & fillet knives, bait buckets, holdalls, rod bags, reel cases, Lansky sharpeners, torches, to name but a few. Don’t forget your fishing stories and photographs are always welcome. You can send these to Until next time Tight Lines. Gary Hall Medsports Avenida Miraflores, Sabinillas medsports@btinternet. com Tel: 952 891996
The DFAS de la Frontera lecture on 21st April is a very special one. Linda Smith who gave us “The Human Body in Art” is back with a double lecture programme! In the morning we will have “From Egg to Bacon: English Painting 18501950” when Linda will tell us about Victorian artists like Augustus Egg, a friend of Charles Dickens, who created popular works with a high moral tone, and how the Pre-Raphaelites challenged the status quo with vivid colours and complex decoration. They initiated a fertile era in English art, at the end of which Francis Bacon erupted onto the scene. Furthermore our Patron, Lady Ann Parkinson, will be joining us. Lady Parkinson is one of the founder members of the whole NADFAS movement and has also been a National Chairman of NADFAS
Toastmasters - Feel the fear and do it anyway Would you rather visit your dentist than speak in public? Does the thought of making that important wedding speech have you reaching for a stiff drink? Do you have sleepless nights pondering that Business presentation? Toastmasters maybe just what you’re looking for. Do you want to meet new and interesting people from all nationalities, English, German, Irish, Flemish, Canadian, Spanish and Swedish. Do you want to acquire new skills? Do you want to get out of the comfort zone? Then come along to Toastmasters Marbella, visitors are assured of a warm welcome and YOU ARE NOT ASKED TO SPEAK! So what is Toastmasters? Toastmasters is a public speaking club and a self-help group, whether you join to hone your business skills or to master public speaking or simply for self improvement, all in a fun environment, you will find friendship and fun at this very special club. The spirit of camaraderie and mutual support is one of the most satisfying benefits of Toastmasters membership. It also makes learning educational and fun. Whats in it for me? Over 3 million people benefit from Toastmasters worldwide, you can gain these benefits that will change your life. As a Toastmaster you will (a) develop
DFAS de la Frontera special April lecture as well as a Vice President of the organization. We are privileged to have her with us and there will be a Patron’s lunch in her honour between lectures. In an informal afternoon lecture, Linda Smith will round off her examination of modern English art with a discussion entitled “Kicking and Screaming: How British Art Came Into The 21st Century”. This will incorporate a study of the mixture of Modernism and Pastoralism in the 1950s, followed by Pop Art in the sixties, Conceptualism through the 1980s and the turbulent launch of the Turner Prize. Will the future be equally controversial or will the trend to figurative art intensify? This lecture will start at 2.30 p.m. We meet in the exclusive surroundings of the San Roque Golf and Country Club, Km. 127
self confidence that will radiate in every situation involving other people; (b) Learn to think on your feet; and (c) Improve your ability to listen to other people’s ideas, not bad for a start! Interested? read on. The Achievers Toastmasters Club of Marbella (part of Toastmasters International ) meet every Wednesday evening in the Aloha Gardens Social Room above the ‘El Jardin’ Bar/Restaurant, Nueva Andalucia, from 7.30 pm onwards. The programme includes practice in making short speeches and presentations, speaking extemporaneously (impromptu to you and me!) as well as debating. Our members come from many different countries and walks of life as well as having varying levels of experience in the ability to speak English. There are no examinations no failures and no pressure. Looking for a challenge and interested in meeting new and interesting people as well as increasing confidence and self esteem? Then why not come along and be our guest? Membership costs 30 euros for 6 months but potential members may attend up to 3 meetings free before deciding whether or not to join. So see you there and remember - public speaking skills are not debateable! John.A. Sandner VP, public relations
PP Manilva El Partido Popular organiza una barbacoa familiar en el Restaurante Armstrong.
(A7) at 11.00. a.m. Visitors are welcome and entry at the door is €12 and €10 for members of other DFAS societies, with free entry for members. Seasonal membership is €65 and more information can be obtained by calling (00 34) 952 804 692 or 956 794 279 or at
anúnciese con the resident tlf.952 936 198
Ven con la familia y pasa un día divertido con castillos flotantes, pintura de caras, música... Las fechas en la próxima edición. Para mayor información puede llamar a: Armstrongs 690 284 075 Kat 600 336 374 - Paqui 647 876 031
The Partido Popular party are organising a family barbecue at Armstrongs Restaurant Come along with your family for a fun day, including bouncy castles, face painting, music, etc. See next month’s issue for more details. For more information contact: Rob from Armstrongs 690 284 075 Kat 600 336 374 - Paqui 647 876 031
Información Information
The Currency Market – The Euro In Your Pocket and so push the domestic currency down if they choose to repatriate the capital. Also, a large budget deficit may lead to too much money in the economy, chasing too few goods, and higher inflation.
Have you ever wondered why currencies fluctuate the way they do? And the factors that control the highs and lows and the ups and downs of the Pound or the Euro in your Pocket. In recent months we have seen the Pound fall considerably against other major currencies particularly affecting workers in Gibraltar and retired couples who live in the locality. A reduction of between 25% and 30% over the past year and a half in the value of the Great British Pound has seen the cost of living for the majority of us who live along the coast, increase substantially. This in turn has seen an increase in Spanish shoppers visiting the Rock. Gibraltar seems to be bucking the trend at the moment, with an economy that grows at a rate comparable with the likes of China. Its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) according to Gibraltar’s chief minister Peter Caruana is the 13th highest in the world. How Are Currencies Valued? All of the following factors affect a currency’s value: Growth. The faster growing economy should have a stronger currency, as more overseas investors want to buy assets in that country. When foreign direct investment (FDI) takes place, whether in houses, equities or businesses, the domestic currency has to be bought to pay for those assets. In a slower growing economy there will be fewer attractive assets and less FDI. A commodity boom may help a currency, as foreign buyers of the commodity will need to buy the domestic currency. Inflation. A high inflation rate relative to other countries will contribute to currency weakness, as a currency unit buys less in its home market. Government Budget Deficits. A government that is increasing its budget deficit will issue bonds. If the interest offered is attractive, overseas investors may buy and this will strengthen the domestic currency. But if bond market investors suspect that the new supply of bonds will be large, leading to a de-rating from a rating agency, overseas investors may not only stay away but become sellers
The Resident -
Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith have given Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice a new lease of life
Government/Central Bank Reserves. A government may decide to build up currency reserves in the currencies of its trading partners, to facilitate trade by ensuring there is sufficient foreign currency to pay for imports. This will increase the demand, and hence the value, of the currencies being bought. Large foreign exchange reserves are sometimes accumulated by central banks in order to enable them to alter the value of their own or another currency through buying or selling currencies. Sometimes central banks buy, or sell, a currency in a coordinated attempt to change that currency’s value. Central banks may also seek to accumulate large gold and foreign currency holdings for political and strategic reasons. Interest Rates. A ‘high yielding’ currency is one in which overseas investors can find a high rate of return in that country’s financial markets, because of high interest rates. So investors buy assets denominated in that currency and the currency that the assets are denominated in will strengthen. If interest rates are low, overseas investors may borrow in the currency only to sell it in order to buy assets in higher yielding currencies. A Stronger Pound The pound has rallied strongly against the euro since the start of 2009 when it traded near parity and in the last few days its gains have been even more pronounced. The general consensus is there is worse news to come out of the Euro denominated countries with more investors pulling the plug on the Euro. Sentiment towards Sterling seems to be more bullish. Fancy A Chat? If you would like a chat about any financial concerns you may have please feel free to call into my office at Coast to Coast Properties opposite the Church in Sabinillas or call me on 952 892517 or email me
Antonio Banderas, Rocio Torres de Cudeca & Melanie Griffith
It is with enormous joy that Cudeca Cancer Care Hospice announces that Cudeca, Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffith have offered to help Cudeca raise funds and support their benefactor campaign. Every year hundreds of people suffer from advanced cancer at non-curable stage requiring special care which Cudeca offers to the patient and family members through their professional doctors, psychologists, nurses and volunteers. All their services are totally free of charge. Antonio and Melanie are very closely involved with Cudeca´s project which started in 1992 and thanks to which more than 5600 patients and families affected by the advanced stages of cancer have been cared for. They have made a commitment to help Cudeca. They have shot videos for the campaign “Become a Benefactor –Add Life To Days” so that Cudeca may secure its future thanks to the people of Málaga, for the people of Málaga. Antonio and Melanie have stated that
“the Cudeca project is beautiful and impressive” and that they wish to visit the Hospice Centre in Benalmádena as soon as possible. In doing so, they will be able to personally show their affection and support for the patients and professionals who work to add life to their days. Antonio Banderas emphasised how experienced and professional the Cudeca medical team is, looking after an average of 600 patients a year at home, in the InPatient Unit and the Rehabilitation Day Care Centre. The patients are given a special kind of caring assuring dignity and quality of life during such difficult moments. In addition, Melanie Griffith wants to particularly encourage the international community living in the province of Málaga to continue helping Cudeca as it has done until now, and to increase the number of benefactors to financially assist Cudeca, so that it can continue to help those who need it at any time.
anúnciese con the resident
THE SPECTRUM IFA GROUP Baskerville Advisers S L CIF B-63/137.020 · Life Assurance Correduria de Seguros; · Investment Solutions Nº de registro RDGS J2306; · Critical Illness Cover Seguro responsabilidad civil AIG · Retirement Planning Europe Nº 0131900503.1330, · Mortgage Advice Registro Mercantil de · Estate & Inheritance Barcelona, Tomo 35489, Folio 170, Seccion 8, Planning Hoja B-269534.
Telf. 952 936 198
The Spectrum IFA Group
Independant Financial Advisors Brian Berney FPC, CeMap
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Avenida de Manilva s/n, San Luis de Sabinillas 29692 Manilva, (Málaga) Tel: 0034 951 277 092 Fax: 0044 700 6065887 Mob: 0034 666 670 187 THE SPECTRUM IFA GROUP Baskerville Advisers SL CIF B-63/137.020 - Correduria de Seguros; Nº de registro RDGS J2306; Seguro responsibilidad civil AIG Europe Nº 0131900503.1330 Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, Tomo 35489, Folio 170, Sección 8, Hoja B-269534
Información Information
The Resident -
V Torneo de Copa de Fútbol Siete, Manilva La quinta edición del torneo de copa de fútbol siete dará comienzo el próximo 18 de abril en el Campo Las Viñas. Ese día se disputará los octavos de final y según el sorteo celebrado ayer lunes en la Delegación de Juventud y Deportes, los emparejamientos son los siguientes. A las diez y media de la mañana saldrán al terreno de juego Mundo Madera Asesoría Mangil y ACP Proyectados Yesos Perlitas. Ya a partir de las once y cuarto de la mañana Bar Vinagre se enfrentará a Talleres Pichi, y Bar Casa Manolo Pinturas hará lo propio con Inmobiliaria Gran Piso. Sobre las doce y media del mediodía jugarán Ferretería Plaza y Bodega Agustín Extintores González, y Deportivo Unión y Policía Local Fontanería Manilva. Los últimos partidos tendrán lugar a las dos menos cuarto de la tarde, entre Panadería Hermanos de la Chica y Carnicería Ana Reality Garden; así como Pinturas Codesur Rafalux y MSI. Los cuartos de final tendrán lugar el miércoles 22 de abril. De esta manera,
se jugarán en el campo Las Viñas dos partidos a las ocho de la tarde y otros dos a las nueve de la noche. La semifinal está prevista para el sábado 25 de abril en el estadio manilveño, donde se disputarán dos partidos, que darán comienzo a partir de las once de la mañana. Y por último, la final se llevará a cabo también el sábado 25 de abril, a partir de las doce del mediodía. Según apuntó la Delegación de Juventud y Deportes, las sanciones impuestas en el presente campeonato de liga seguirán teniendo vigencia en la copa, y viceversa. Los partidos se disputarán por el sistema de KO, es decir, jugándose un sólo encuentro. El equipo que pierda se retira de la competición. Y los partidos que concluyan en empate, deberán resolverse por penaltis, lanzando tres cada equipo. En caso de que volviera a producirse un empate, pasará el conjunto que logre adelantarse en los lanzamientos.
V Football Sevens Cup, Manilva The fifth edition of Manilva’s Sevena-side Tournament will commence on Saturday, 18th April at the Las Viñas football ground in Manilva, with the first round of matches as follows: 10.30 am Mundo Madera Asesoría Mangil v ACP Proyectados Yesos Perlitas. 11.15 am Bar Vinagre v Talleres Pichi and Bar Casa Manolo Pinturas v Inmobiliaria Gran Piso. 12.30 pm Ferretería Plaza v Bodega Agustín Extintores González and Deportivo Unión v Policía Local Fontanería Manilva. 1.45 pm Panadería Hermanos de la
Chica v Carnicería Ana Reality Garden and Pinturas Codesur Rafalux v MSI. The quarterfinals will take place on Wednesday, April 22nd. With two matches at 8pm and two at 9pm The semifinals are scheduled for Saturday, 25th April 25 with both matches starting at 11.00 am. The grand final will also be held on Saturday, 25th April, beginning at noon. The tournament is contested on the KO system, ie only playing one match. The losing team goes out of the competition. Games that end in a tie after normal time will be settled by penalties.
anúnciese con the resident Telf. 952 936 198
desde / from 150.000 € €155,000
€540 per month
Duquesa Los Hidalgos This apartment is in Los Hidalgos Golf It has two bedrooms and two Quality fully furnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2nd floor apartment. It has an underground parking space, store-room, paddle bathrooms and is on the first floor and comes with sea views and is in excellent condition. Close to all amenities and is south facing. courts, 5 swimming pools and gardens. It has air con, a pre-installed alarm system and is wired for satellite TV. There is underground parking and a communal pool QUALITY APARTMENT KNOCKDOWN PRICE
€700 per month
Bahia de Casares
This detached villa has 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and has enough garden space to build a private pool. The views are absolutely stunning from all of the rooms and the living area in particular has an open aspect to the sea. There is a communal pool on the complex so the garden could be landscaped
This tastefully furnished 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom townhouse is situated in the delightful area of Duquesa Golf. With private terrace, communal gardens and 2 communal pools, it is an ideal property for a long term rental.
REDUCED BY €130,000
SALES – RENTALS – MORTGAGES – INSURANCE Tel 952 892 517 - e-mail
Información Information
The Resident -
Vet’s Corner
Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions
Dr Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M Abusive Pet Owners There is a connection between domestic violence directed against a spouse or children and animal abuse. In a recent study, carried out by an Animal Welfare Foundation, of complaints against perpetrators of animal abuse in 2008, it turns out that 7 out of 10 people denounced for mistreatment of animals were also implicated in attacks against another member of their family! It was shown that 47% of aggressors were between 30 and 50 years old while 29% were over 51. Often this violence is a way to channel the impotence of problems faced in the home and is directed towards our pets. This pattern of behaviour is learned in the home by the children from the parent or parents as a means of trying to identify with them. A psychologist involved with the study made these reflections, stating that the violence is a reflection of the perpetrators’ inability to express themself verbally. Families With Pets In Spain, six out of ten households have at least one pet, according to a study carried out by Propet, an organisation of pet professionals, who just had an exposition in Madrid. There are about 20 million pets in the country, 5,500,000 dogs, 4,000,000 cats, 7,000,000 birds, 4,500,000 fish and some 2,000,000 exotic animals – small mammals and reptiles. According to Veterinarians opening up your home to a pet helps reduce stress, builds selfesteem, instils responsibility to the younger members of a family, improves communication, and increases affection among members of the household. This is also stated by 80% of families that have either a dog or a cat, they
affirm that their pet is a source of well being and is considered a member of the nuclear family. The average annual cost to a family budget of keeping a pet here is estimated to be around 1,500 €, a figure lower than the calculated outlay for households in other countries where more is conscientiously spent on pet care. The other side of the coin is the unfortunately high number of abandoned animals that is still a problem here. According to the protective societies involved in Propet there are some 200,000 animals abandoned here yearly. As high as this estimate is, some sense of accomplishment may be gleaned from the knowledge that this figure is almost half of what it was some 20 years ago. Snacks, Treats, and Stolen Hidden Treasures Some of you may have read or heard about a recent case of a dog in the U.K. that had to be rushed to the veterinary hospital for having found and eaten a hidden cache of chocolate Easter eggs. Chocolate ingestion can be very dangerous to your pets as it contains a substance known as theobromine, which is toxic to them! The purer or richer the chocolate the higher the theobromine concentration is. The symptoms usually start to appear six to twelve hours after eating the chocolate and may last as long as seventy-two hours. The severity of the symptoms depend upon the amount consumed, they may range from simple discomfort to vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal tenderness, restlessness, increased heart and breathing rate. More severe cases may lead to fits, heart beat irregularities coma and in the most severe cases left untreated or treated
too late death may occur! There may also be secondary lasting effects in the case of some animals that either recover or are asymptomatic having eaten small amounts over long periods of time, due to the excess sugar consumption which leads to diabetes. Be careful where you hide that box of chocolates or those sweet treats you give as rewards as they may be doing more harm than good. This case was about a dog in the U.K. that was able to receive the life saving treatment it needed, for free, through the P.D.S.A., which is a charity that accepts donations for fees. This is a service available in the U.K., which is not yet available in Spain and the Veterinary fees here for such life saving treatments might run into several hundred Euros, depending on the care required. This may not be covered by pet insurance plans if owners’ negligence can be shown, so please take heed. Veterinarians need to work but as the old adage goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, whereas there are jobs we are trained to do some we would rather avoid especially if they may have fatal results! This especially includes the feeding of meat and fish bones, it matters not if they be cooked or raw. The mouth of a carnivore (not bonivore) is designed to eat meat not bones, and these will, sooner or later, cause problems, from a mild upset tummy to a life threatening intestinal blockage or worse still a puncture. This may require emergency surgery to an animal in an already weakened condition or in shock. Please make educated choices about what you give your pets to eat.
Fácil Easy
Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas Tel. 952 891 387
Difícil Hard
Nivel Medio Medium
ADANA - “El Camino sigue su curso” El grupo de ADANA que está haciendo El Camino desde la Costa del Sol a Santiago acaba de salir de Salamanca a principio de su quinta semana. La peregrinación con perros del refugio para animales abandonados ADANA le llevará 7 semanas en hacer 1200 km., van voluntarios de todo el mundo para llamar la atención sobre los derechos de los animales. Muchos de los peregrinos hacen el camino completo, aunque hay también quienes hacen una semana o incluso un día de peregrinación tan solo
para experimentar esta aventura. A través de la ruta, la cual incluye la Via de la Plata, otras protectoras de animales, muchos de ellos voluntarios han tenido un encuentro con aquellos que salieron de Estepona el 15 de Marzo. Particularmente la Protectora de Animales de Extremadura que le dieron la bienvenida y les ayudaron a reforzar la ley para la protección animal. En Mérida, 15 peregrinos, perros, sus seguidores y el equipo de filmación, todos juntos con Johanna Mayhofer
fueron recibidos por el Presidente de la Junta de Extremadura y el Alcalde en los alrededores del Palacio del Gobierno. La ruta que terminará en Santiago el 2 de Mayo puede ser seguida en www. con experiencias diarias del viaje. Aquí también pueden ayudar a uno de los cuatro peregrinos a conseguir dinero para construir el nuevo refugio de ADANA, conocido como el Santuario.
ADANA - “El Camino” Strides Onwards ADANA´s ground breaking El Camino from the Costa del Sol to Santiago has just left Salamanca at the start of it’s fifth week. The pilgrimage with dogs from the ADANA refuge for abandoned animals takes 7 weeks to cover the 1200 kms and includes volunteer walkers from all over the world focusing attention on the rights of animals. Many of the walkers have undertaken to complete the full journey whilst many are doing one week or even one day just to be involved in the adventure. All along the route, which includes the
Via de la Plata, other animal protection organisations, many of them voluntary have turned out to meet and welcome the band of travellers who left Estepona on March 15th. In particular the newly formed Federation of Animal Protectorates of Extremadura who have urged all their supporters to welcome the travellers and help to reinforce the application of the Law for Animal Protection. In Mérida the 15 walkers, dogs, their support group and film crew, all led by Project Leader Johanna Mayrhofer were received by the
President of the Junta de Extremadura and the Alcalde in the impressive surroundings of the Palacio del Gobierno. The route of the walk which will finish in Santiago on May 2nd can be followed on which also features a very entertaining daily blog of the journey. Here you can also sponsor one of the four legged pilgrims helping to raise money to build Adana’s new kennels, known as The Sanctuary.
Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers 1. Brussels, Bruselas; 2. Madrid; 3. Pisa; 4. Venice, Venecia; 5. Calcutta, Calcuta; 6. Ronda; 7. Sidney; 8. Baghdad, Bagdad; 9. Barcelona; 10. Dubai.
anúnciese con the resident tlf.952 936 198
The Resident -
Consume en tu pueblo En estos momentos de crisis es cuando tenemos que apoyar a las empresas locales. Las pequeñas y medianas empresas pueden ofrecerles un mejor servicio personal y adecuado a sus necesidades que las grandes empresas cuya única motivación es el económico.
Los negocios pequeños saben de las necesidades y peticiones de sus clientes y por eso se aseguran de ofrecerles los mejores productos. Por todo ello y para asegurarnos que el comercio local continúe, APOYA AL COMERCIO LOCAL.
Support local business In these days of economic uncertainty it has never been more important to support local business. Small and medium size companies can provide a more personal and flexible service than most of the bigger companies where profit is the sole motivation. Small, local businesses are more in tune with the needs of their
clients and understand local conditions and requirements and can ensure that the customer gets the best product or service that he requires. To ensure that this diversity of choice continues to be available then it really is a case of use it or lose it, so support local commerce with your custom.
Desayuno de trabajo El próximo desayuno de trabajo se celebrará en el Mesón Rocío en Sabinillas entre las 8.00 y las 10.00 horas de la mañana el miércoles, 6 de mayo. Otra oportunidad para hacer nuevos contactos y compartir información. Caja Rural de Granada hará una breve presentación y ofrecerá
sus servicios disponibles para los socios de ACEMCE. Una vez más, la reunión está abierta a miembros y no miembros. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con ACEMCE Tlf. 952 936 198 o por correo electrónico
Breakfast Meeting The next ACEMCE breakfast meeting will be held at the Meson Rocio in Sabinillas between 8.00 am and 10.00 am on Wednesday, 6th May. As well as this opportunity to make new contacts and share information, Caja Rural Granada will be giving a short presentation
on the preferential services available to ACEMCE members. Once again the meeting is open to both members and non members. For more information contact ACEMCE on 952 936 198 or email
I Feria de la Formación Profesional y Autoempleo 21-23 Abril 2009 Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Marbella Como Ud. sabe, la Formación Profesional se ha convertido en uno de los más eficaces instrumentos de capacitación para la vida laboral y empresarial, y a ello ha contribuido el apoyo de las administraciones y de las empresas, mediante programas adecuados y experiencias de prácticas formativas del alumnado. Para extender y profundizar en esta vía, los Institutos de Marbella y San Pedro, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento y las Consejerías de Educación, de Empleo y de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía, a través del CADE Marbella, hemos organizado la I Feria de la Formación Profesional y el Autoempleo. En ella daremos a conocer las 25 titulaciones profesionales, tanto de Grado Medio (para alumnos con el
Graduado) como Superior (para alumnos con el título de Bachillerato), al mismo tiempo que se harán diversas presentaciones de empresas, seminarios y ponencias a cargo de expertos en materias tales como la formación, los contratos en prácticas, las vocaciones emprendedoras, la orientación universitaria y empresarial, las políticas de apoyo al empleo y a la empresa, así como mesas redondas y coloquios. Asistirán representantes de las Consejerías implicadas, así como de organizaciones empresariales, comerciales y sindicales. Conocedores de su interés en la materia, nos permitimos invitarle a asistir a dicha Feria, especialmente en el día reservado para empresarios y autónomos, el jueves, 23 de Abril, de 9:00 a 14:00 horas, en
que podremos atenderle como se merece, al tiempo que podrá asistir a las dos ponencias programadas en función del evidente interés para el sector empresarial: A las 10:00 horas, “Programas y políticas de apoyo a las empresas y a los autónomos”, a cargo de D. Óscar Fernández, Director del Centro de Apoyo al Desarrollo Empresarial de Marbella (CADE Marbella), dependiente de la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía. A las 12:30 horas, “La formación de recursos humanos”, a cargo de la Dirección General de Formación Profesional de la Consejería de Educación, y de la Dirección General de Formación para el Empleo de la Consejería de Empleo de la Junta de Andalucía.
I Professional Training and Self Employed Fair 21-23 April 2009 Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Marbella As you know, training has become one of the most effective tools for improving opportunities in work and business, and as such is promoted by governments and commerce, through appropriate training and practical experience for students. With this in mind the secondary schools of Marbella and San Pedro, in collaboration with the Town Hall, the Andalucian Ministry of Education, Employment and Innovation, Science and Enterprise through CADE Marbella, have organized the I Professional Training and Self Employed Fair. Information about 25 professional
degrees will be presented and will various business presentations, seminars and lectures by experts in areas such as training, contracts, entrepreneurial talent, academic and corporate direction, policies to support employment and enterprise, as well as panel discussions and symposia. Representatives of the Councils involved, as well as business organizations, business and unions will be on hand to answer question. Interested individuals are invited to attend the fair, especially on the day reserved for selfemployed and entrepreneurs Thursday, April 23, from 9:00 to
14:00 hours, when there will be two scheduled talks of obvious interest to the business: At 10:00 pm, “Programmes and policies to support businesses and the self”, by D. Oscar Fernandez, Director of the Center for Business Development Support Marbella (Marbella CADE), Department for Innovation, Science and Enterprise of Andalucia. At 12:30 pm, “The training of human resources”, by the Director General of Training of the Ministry of Education and the Directorate General of Training for Employment of the Regional Employment Board of Andalucia.
Consume en tu pueblo Patronise local businesses
Deportes Sport
Internacional Copa de la Paz 2009Andalucía Con la temporada actual a punto de cerrar, todavía tenemos bastante fúlbol hasta este verano, con la Copa de la Paz 2009, unos de las más grandes y mejores competiciones de la pre-temporada, y con los mejores clubes del mundo, el cual se celebrará por Andalucía entre el 24 de Julio y el 2 de Agosto de 2009. Como el nombre sugiere, el objetivo de la Copa de la Paz es utilizar el fútbol para alcanzar la Paz Mundial. Organizado por la Fundación Coreana Sun Moon de Fútbol por la Paz, anteriores ganadores, junto con el Tottenham Hotspurs de Inglaterra (2005) y el Olympique de Lyon francés (2007). Anteriores ediciones de la Copa de la Paz fueron celebradas en Corea, pero es la primera vez que viene a celebrarse a
Europa. Tendrá lugar en cuatro estadios en Andalucía y uno en Madrid, donde los seguidores del fútbol disfrutarán. Los eventos tendrán lugar en Málaga, Jerez, Sevilla, Huelva y Madrid. Con 12 equipos de 9 países participantes. En orden alfabético son los siguientes: Al-Ittihad (Arabia Saudi) Aston Villa (Inglaterra) Celtic (Escocia) Fenerbahce (Turquía) Juventus (Italia) LDU Quito (Ecuador) Malaga CF (España) Olympique Lyonnais (Francia) FC Porto (Portugal) Seongnam FC (Corea)
International Peace Cup 2009 - Andalucia With the current season drawing to a close, there is still plenty of football to look forward to this summer, with one highlight being the Peace Cup 2009, one of the biggest and best pre-season competitions, and featuring some of the world’s top clubs, which will be held across Andalucia between the July 24th and August 2nd 2009. As the name suggests, the object of the Peace Cup is to use the sport of football to advance the goal of world peace. Organised by the Sunmoon Peace Football Foundation based in Korea, previous winners include Tottenham Hotspur and Olympique Lyonnais. Previous editions of the Peace Cup have been held in Korea, but for the first time the competition is coming to Europe, with four stadiums in Andalucia and one in Madrid
lined up to host matches that will delight football fans everywhere. Venues include Malaga, Jerez, Seville, Huelva and Madrid The international flavour of the tournament gives it the widest appeal, with twelve teams from nine countries taking part. In alphabetical order, these are: Al-Ittihad (Saudi Arabia) Aston Villa (England) Celtic (Scotland) Fenerbahce (Turkey) Juventus (Italy) LDU Quito (Ecuador) Malaga CF (Spain) Olympique Lyonnais (France) FC Porto (Portugal) Seongnam FC (Korea) Sevilla CF (Spain) Real Madrid (Spain)
The Resident -
Se cambian las fechas del Volvo Mundial Match Play Los organizadores de la Volvo Mundial Match Play 2009, que se celebrará en el Hotel Finca Cortesín, Golf y Spa de Casares, han cambiado la fecha de la competición para evitar overbooking con otros compromisos europeos que puedan tener problemas de asistencia con algunos de los mejores jugadores del mundo. Las nuevas fechas del campeonato anunciado en una rueda de prensa en la Finca Cortesía a finales de marzo, son 29 de Octubre al 1 de Noviembre, sujeta a confirmación por parte del The European Tour. Esta sería la 45 edición del campeonato y la primera vez que se celebra en España,
siempre ha estado en el Wentworth Club en Reino Unido. Con su nuevo sponsor Volvo y unos nuevos criterios de clasificación esto sería un evento prestigioso en el mundo del golf. 16 de los mejores jugadores del mundo celebran el clásico Match Play en un curso diseñado por Cabell B. Robinson en la Finca Cortesín. El ranking oficial de golf y la carrera de Dubai identificarán los 16 jugadores de cada continente y los ganadores del último campeonato en China. Los ganadores de cada grupo se clasificarán pora la semi-final, que junto con la final sería de 36 hoyos.
Revised date for the Volvo World Match Play Championship The organisers of the 2009 Volvo World Match Play Championship, being held at the Finca Cortesin Hotel, Golf and Spa in Casares, have set a revised date for the competition to avoid clashes with European Tour fixtures which might have impacted on the availability of the world’s leading players at which the tournament is aimed. The new dates for the Championships, announced at a press conference at Finca Cortesin at the end of March, are the 29th October to 1st November subject to a final confirmation by The European Tour. This will be the 45th edition of the Match Play Championship, and it is the first time it being held in Spain having moved from its home at the UK’s Wentworth Club. With its new sponsor Volvo and a new, clearly defined set of qualification criteria, the stage is set for a prestigious addition to the golfing calendar. 16 of the world’s best players will go head-
to-head in classic match play golf over the magnificent 7,439 yard Finca Cortesin course designed by Cabell B Robinson. The Official World Golf Ranking and The Race to Dubai will be used to identify the 16-man field with leading players from each of the continents qualifying along with the defending champion and the winner of the 2009 Volvo China Open. The Volvo World Match Play Tournament will also benefit from an innovative new playing formula as the players contest a new look ‘Champion’s League’ style match play format with the players divided into groups of four where they will play each member of their group over full 18 hole matches. The winner of each group will qualify for the semi finals which, along with the final, will be played over 36 holes in traditional and compelling head-to-head match play golf, considered by many to be the purest form of the game.
Deportes Sport
The Resident -
Torneo inauguración Jack Nicklaus Academy El pasado 10 de abril tuvo lugar en el Club de golf Finca Cortesín el torneo de inauguración de la Academia Jack Nicklaus. Con una participación excepcional, el torneo está llamado a convertirse en un clásico en el calendario de eventos en la Costa del Sol. La clasificación del evento quedó de la siguiente manera: primer clasificado, Mrs.Alison Post con 34 puntos; segundo clasificado, Mr.Michael Mcgloughlin con 33 puntos; y tercer clasificado, Mr.Nigel Eade con 32 puntos. Los 5 primeros clasificados obtuvieron premios en clases de golf para el Coaching Studio de Jack Nicklaus. También hubo un magnífico sorteo entre todos los participantes, donde se obsequiaron una gran cantidad de bonos para clases individuales con el profesional D. Ricardo Jiménez, director
de la academia. El broche final en el sorteo lo puso la entrega de un bono para 2 noches en el lujoso Hotel Finca Cortesín. Todos los participantes quedaron
impresionados con las mejoras realizadas en el campo para el VOLVO World Match Play Championship y el nivel de servicio recibido por parte del staff de Finca Cortesín.
UD Estepona Jornado/week 36 - 15/4/2009 Málaga B v Estepona
Jornado/week 38 - 26/4/2009 Estepona - Descansan / rest week Jornado/week 39 - 1/5/2009 Estepona v Ciudad de Vícar
Manilva Jornado/week 23 - 15/3/2009 Manilva 2 - 0 Peña Los Compadres Jornado/week 24 - 22/3/2009 El Burgo 1 - 0 Manilva
Post with 34 points; 2nd place went to Mr Michael McGloughlin who scored 33 points; and in 3rd place with 32 points was Mr Nigel Eade. The top five players received prizes of golf lessons at the Jack Nicklaus Coaching Studio. There was also a draw for the players with various gift vouchers for golfing lessons from the club’s professional, D.
Ricardo Jiménez, director of the academy. A final prize of 2 night stay at the luxurious Hotel Finca Cortesin rounded off the prizes. All the participants were impressed with the improvements made to the course for the forthcoming Volvo World Match Play Championship and the level of service received from the staff of Finca Cortesín.
Ruta a Caballo por la Sierra de las Horse riding in the Sierra de las Nieves Nieves El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación municipal de Juventud, informa que el próximo domingo, 25 de abril, tendrá lugar una nueva ruta por la Sierra de Las Nieves destinada al público en general. En esta ocasión, Juventud oferta tres opciones de ruta: 1. Ruta a caballo, comida, transporte ida y vuelta y monitor acompañante: 35,00 €. 2. Comida, transporte
Fútbol Football
Jornado/week 37 - 19/4/2009 Estepona v Casino del Real
Jack Nicklaus Academy inauguration tournament Last Friday, 10th April Finca Cortesin Golf Club staged a tournament celebrating the inauguration of the club’s Jack Nicklaus Golf Academy. It is intended that the tournament will be one of the highlights of the Costa del Sol’s sporting calendar. The results for the tournament were as follows: 1st place went to Mrs Alison
ida y vuelta y monitor acompañante: 20,00 €. 3. Paseo en bicicleta de montaña, comida, transporte ida y vuelta y monitor acompañante: 35,00 €. La salida de Estepona se realiza a las 08:30 horas desde el Campo Municipal de Fútbol San Fernando. Para más información y reservas, los interesados pueden dirigirse a la delegación de Juventud, sita en la Plaza de Las Flores, Tfno. 952 80 18 40.
Estepona Town Hall’s Youth Department is organising horse trekking in the Sierra de las Nieves on Sunday, 25th April, the trip is open to the general public. There are three options available: 1. Horse riding, food and return transport, including accompanying monitor - €35. 2. Food, return transport and monitor - €20.
3. Mountain bike trek, food, return transport and monitor - €35. The transport leaves the San Fernando football ground at 8.30 am. For more information and to book your place visit the Delegación de Juventud, situated in Plaza de Las Flores, tel: 952 801 840.
Jornado/week 25 - 29/3/2009 Manilva 6 - 0 Olimpico Marbella Jornado/week 26 - 19/4/2009 San Julián v Manilva
San Roque Jornado/week 27 - 29/03/2009 San Roque 1 - 0 Chipiona Jornado/week 28 - 19/04/2009 Dep. Romero v San Roque Jornado/week 29 - 26/04/2009 San Roque v Zabal Jornado/week 30 - 03/04/2009 Federico Mayo v San Roque
Jornado/week 23 - 15/3/2009 Benalmadena 6 - 1 Casares Jornado/week 24 - 22/3/2009 Casares 5 - 2 Estepona B Jornado/week 25 - 29/3/2009 Bonela 2 - 3 Casares Jornado/week 26 - 19/4/2009 Casares v Balazo Alozaina
BALL E T BALLET Tel 656 358 137
Classified lineage advertising rates are 35 cents per word inclusive of IVA @16% (minimum of 10 words). Boxed classifieds are charged a 5 euros per column centimetre inclusive of IVA @16€ (minimum 3 column centimetres). To place your advert drop into The Resident office in Edif Sabinillas Playa 6, Calle Mijas, Sabinillas, Manilva, 29692, Malaga. Or into one of our agents’ offices (call 952 936 198 for your nearest office). For more information on advertising see our website at www. Deadline: Classified adverting can be placed up to 12 noon on Wednesday 11th June for insertion in the next issue out on Friday, 13th June. The Resident accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the content of advertisements, nor any claims made by advertisers. Thorough checks should be carried out before any transactions take place. The Resident reserves the right to make any changes in spelling or grammar where necessary. The Resident takes every care to ensure the correct publication of advertisements, regrettably mistakes do sometimes occur. If there is an error in your advertisement, notify your agency or agent at once as The Resident will only accept responsibility for one insertion published incorrectly.
Administrators • AMMEX, Sabinillas. Specialists in community administration 952 890 704
Building & Maintenance • Pipe Tek SL Water Leak Detection, CCTV Surveying, High Pressure Water Jetting & Drain Relining - 952 891 248
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Señora se ofrece como asistenta de hogar Por horas .
Tel.: 697 159 933 Preferible por las mañanas Muy buenas referencias comprobables de Gibraltar
HOME HELP By the hour Tel.: 697 159 933 Preferably mornings Good references available
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the resident Tlf. 952 936 198
Salud y Belleza Health & Beauty
• Sanitas Health plans to suit all budgets. Contact your agent Susan Warner 951 316 • South Coast Storage 735 or 615 655 348 info@ provides secure storage along with UK and Spain removals. Poligono Industrial, Estepona Tel.: +34 952 798579 Email: Mortgage & Financial
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Property management • LMK Management Luxury apartment rentals and property management 952 890 513 www. • Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207 www.
Holiday Accommodation
• Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home • Barrington Holidays and contents 952 897 347 offer self catering holiday w w w. h a m i l t o n - i n s u r e . c o m rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del • Spectrum IFA Group, Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. Sabinillas - Call Brian Berney for full financial planning and advice 952 800 765 • Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561
Interior Design & Furnishing • Homeimprovers Makeovers and furniture packages. Full interior design service 952 893 623
• Chirine Ayoubi Jewellery, Puerto Duquesa Bespoke jeweller, engagement and wedding rings, repairs 952 897 266
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the resident Call 952 936 198
Vaya de excursión con / Have a day out with The Resident, en colaboración con Viajes Transandalucía, quiere invitar a nuestros lectores a aprovechar nuestro especial (Reader’s Offers) en una seleción de viajes y excursiones durante los próximos meses. Junto con descuentos mensuales con viajes Viajes Transandalucía también seleccionaromos excursiónes a un precio especial sólo para los lectores de The Resident. Este mes ofreceremos un viaje a Granada. Reserve directamente al 952 893 227 o 619 814 233 o envíecorreo electrónico ¡No olvide mencionar ‘The Resident’ o no recibirá el descuento!
Todos los martes y sábados. Recuerde: ¡Se require pasaporte! Autobús hasta Tarifa, donde cogeremos el ferry rápido que nos llevará al norte deÁfrica en 35/40 minutos. Incluye una visita a las cuevas de Hércules, seguido de un almuerzo típico de Marruecos (que incluye música , baile, etc.). Después del almuerzo, le llevaremos a la Medina (parte vieja de la ciudad), souk (tiendas y mercado) y kasbah (fortaleza), con tiempo para hacer compras. Nuestro guía os acompañará todo el recorrido y si tenemos tiempo, visitaremos un herbolario y haremos una parada corta para tomarnos un refresco antes de subir al ferry de vuelta a España. Adultos: Precio: 69 €- Niños: 46 € Para reserva son necesarios datos de pasaporte. Every Tuesday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 73€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 69€ Children: Normal price 55€ The Resident price 46€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip. PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING
Todos las miércoles (almuerzo opcional +11,50€) Ciudad encantadora y misteriosa, último baluarte de los árabes, hasta que fue conquistada por los Cristianos en 1492.. La Alhambra es mundialmente conocida como uno de los ejemplos de arquitectura Islámica mejores conservados de España. Durante la visita a pie de 2.horas y media, el guía le revelará la historia de la Alhambra, después de la cual podrá explorar la ciudad libremente. Adultos: 66€. Niños: 45€ Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 11.50€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 54€ The Resident price 45€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)
Todos los viernes (almuerzo opcional +11,50€) Capital de Andalucía con el monumento de La Giralda, construida en el siglo XII. Visitaremos La Plaza de España, La Giralda y la Catedral (la entrada está incluida en el precio), tiempo libre para visitar la ciudad (almuerzo opcional), también disponibilidad de dar un paseo por el río Guadalquivir o dar un paseo en coche de caballo. Adultos: 56€. Niños: 36€ Every Friday (except May 1) - (lunch optional add 11.50€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 36€
Ronda en tren (la vuelta en autobús)
The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. This month we will be offering a trip to Granada. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email viajes@ Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!
Patios Cordobeses Córdoba patios
scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful Victorian stations on route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 25€ (train ticket included).
Todos los martes (incluye desayuno)Visita de la parte Este de la Costa del Sol incluyendo una visita a su ciudad más famosa, Nerja. La excursión nos lleva primero a la pequeña ciudad de El Palo, donde disfrutaremos de un desayuno típico andaluz. Después visitaremos la famosa cueva de Nerja y posteriormente iremos a la ciudad de Nerja, con tiempo libre para explorar lugares como el Balcón de Europa o simplemente pasear po las tiendas y bares de esta interesante ciudad. Adultos: 42€. Niños: 28€ Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 44€ The Resident price 42€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 28€
Lagos españoles
Todos los Viernes (Almuerzo opcional + 11,50€) El viaje le lleva a ver un molino para el proceso del aceite de oliva, excursión guiada, y cuando sea el tiempo, veremos el proceso de producción del aceite de oliva ( bebida refrescante incluida). Posteriormente iremos a ver los cítricos, 17.000 árboles, donde degustaremos zumos. La excursión es a la Garganta de El Chorro, pararemos para almorzar antes de regresar. Adultos: Precio normal 43€. Niños: 28€
Spanish lakes
Every Friday - (lunch optional + 11.50€) The trip takes you inland to an old olive mill, for a fully guided tour, and when in season, we see the full olive oil production process (light refreshments included). Then on to the citurs fruit farm, with over 17,000 trees, where we sample fresh fruit straight from the tree. A tour of the scenic Spanish lakes follows via the dramatic El Chorro Gorge, stopping for lunch before returning. Adults: Normal price 45€, The Resident price 43€. Children: normal price 33€, The Resident price 28€.
una selección de viajes / a choice of trips: Los miércoles, viernes y algunar sábados Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays
Gibraltar solo compras / Shopping only:
Aprovecha la oportunidad de 5 horas de compras libre de impuestos en Gibraltar. Adultos: 20€. Niños: 18€ Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€
Guía por el Peñón de Gibraltar y compras.
Su minibús le llevará de excursión por el Peñon. Entradas a las Cuevas de ‘St Michael’ y la cima del Peñon y los monos son incluidos. La guía termina en Main Street, dejándole tiempo para realizar sus compras libres de impuestos. Adultos: 37€. Niños: 25€
Todos las jueves Autobús a Algeciras, después en tren para observar el paisaje hasta Ronda, en una vía férrea construida hace más de 100 años. Este paisaje espectacular de la montaña solo puede verse desde el tren, con muchos pueblos y estaciones Victorianas encantadoras por el camino. En Ronda pueden explorar “la Ciudad”(árabe), incluyendo el famoso puente El Tajo del siglo XVIII. La vuelta es en autocar. Adultos: 38€. Niños: 25€ (tren incluido)
Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping
Ronda by Train (returning by coach)
Únase a nosotros a bordo del “Brixham Belle” para disfrutar de los delfines salvajes en la bahía de Algeciras. Tendrá la oportunidad de ver tres especies diferentes de delfín, y posiblemente una o dos ballenas. El excelente comentario a bordo hará de ésto una
Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-track line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain
The Resident
Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 39€ The Resident price 37€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 25€
Viaje en barco delfín y compras
Todos los jueves (almuerzo opcional +11.50€) - la elegante ciudad fue una vez la capital de la españa islámica. Como resultado de esto presume de la Mezquita de europa y es ahora la catedral de Córdoba. Tambien es posible atravesar el Barrio Judío o simplememte admirar la bellza de las jardines, fuentes y parques de la ciudad. Adultos: 54€. Niños: 36€ Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 11.50€) - Every May the Cordoba Patio Festival gives the city’s keen gardeners the opportunity to show off their hard work and creativity when they throw open their private homes, gardens, balconies and of course, their patios to the public. People come from all over the world to enjoy this unique spectacle. Viajes Andalucia are running two trips during the Patio Festival - Thursday 7th and Thursday 14th, May. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 52€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 34€
aventura especial para todos. También incluye tiempo suficiente para ir de compras, etc Adultos: 35€. Niños: 25€
Dolphin boat trip and shopping
Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 35€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 25€
Gibraltar - Rock the boat
Combine excursión al Peñon de Gibraltar junto con el mundo del delfín. Sujeto a horas de navegación para tiempo de compras. Adultos: 56€. Niños: 38€ Se necesita pasaporte o D.N.I. en caso de Españoles Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 38€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!
Mercado de Fuengirola y Mijas
Todos los martes - Una visita por la mañana a Fuengirola para disfrutar del famoso mercado del martes, uno de los más grandes de la Costa, y luego visitaremos el encantador pueblo de Mijas. Probablemente uno de los pueblos blancos más famosos de Andalucía, con sus calles estrechas y maravillosas vistas. Adultos: 23€. Niños: 15€
Fuengirola Market & Mijas
Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 15€
Fuengirola Zoo
Todos los martes - Uno de los mejores del mundo, con las últimas facilidades y una participación activa en la conservación de especies ¡y está en el centro del pueblo! Adultos: 35€. Niños: 24€ Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 37€ The Resident price 35€ Children: Normal price 28€ The Resident price 24€
Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email Tendrá que reservar su viaje directamente para aprovecharse de esta oferta. ¡No olvide mencionar ‘The Resident’ o no recibirá el descuento! Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.