No.47 16 JUL-18 AUG 2010 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006
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Chiringuito Ramos
Right on the beach, in front of La Noria, Sabinillas Open daily from 10.30 am - early hours of the morning
Fresh fish, seafood, fast food & children’s menu Sunbeds & Umbrellas available for hire
Specialists in Fresh Fish & Seafood Specialists in Paella C/Marques de Larios 8 Sabinillas For Reservations call: 952 890 216
The Resident -
Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.
Dep Leg: MA -158-2006
¡Qué mes! Después de tantos nervios anticipados España finalmente ganó la Copa del Mundial. Tal y como la gente tomó las calles en celebración, era difícil, incluso como extranjero y seguidor de Inglaterra, no compartir el orgullo y la alegría colectiva. El impacto económico no se puede dejar a un lado, y esperemos que la racha de buena suerte continúe en los siguientes meses dándonos un gran empujón a los negocios locales. Para ver fotos de las celebraciones pueden ir a la página 29. El fútbol también nos puede dar un empujón y animar a la economía local con la reciente adquisición del Málaga CF por el jeque de Qatar Abdullah bin Nasser Al Ahmed Al Thani, con la promesa de millones de euros en inversiones, no sólo en el club sino también inversiones en la Costa del Sol, particularmente en Marbella. Un gran número de ciudades y pueblos locales celebran sus ferias de verano dentro de estas cuatro semanas, por ejemplo: Casares (del 29 de Julio al 1 de Agosto), Manilva (del 5 al 8 de Agosto), la feria Real de San Roque (del 11 al 16 de Agosto) y la de La Línea (del 16 al 25 de julio). En el momento de la publicación del periódico no disponemos de la programación, pero la publicaremos en cuanto la tengamos en nuestra página web De hecho, en verano tenemos eventos y actividades casi todos los días, por ese motivo hemos creado nuestra página en Facebook Resident.Spain para manteneros informados en todo momento. También se pueden ver muchas fotos y videos. Este es el perfecto complemento del duro trabajo del periódico y de la página web www. Mientras estamos en continua búsqueda de información de interés, puede que algunas veces se nos escape algo, así pues, si creéis tener algo interesante que decirnos podéis contactar con nosotros a través del correo electrónico editor@ Bien, eso es todo por este mes, esta editorial es un poco corta este mes, pero para serles sincero, es tiempo para mí de disfrutar un poco en la playa, así pues adiós por ahora…
Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Rafael Galán Matt Chalker Ronald Rosenfeld Francisco Rodríguez Myra Azzopardi Rona Bourke
Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 Province of Cadiz AV Impresores Tel. 956 174 481 General Enquiries Printed by Distasa
Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.
What a month! After much nervous anticipation Spain finally fulfilled its sporting destiny by winning the Football World Cup. As people took to the streets in celebration, it was difficult, even as a foreigner and England supporter, not to share in the collective sense of pride and elation. The economic impact can also not be ignored, and hopefully the feel good factor will continue throughout the coming months giving a much need lift to local business. For pictures of the celebrations see page 29. Football is also providing a lift for the local economy from another source closer to home. The recent acquisition of Spain’s Primera Liga minnows, Malaga CF by the Qatari businessman Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser Al Ahmed Al Thani, with a promise of millions of euros of investment, not only in the club, but also on the Costa del Sol, particularly in Marbella. A number of local towns celebrate their summer ferias over the next four weeks, namely Casares from 29th July to 1st August, Manilva from 5th to 8th August, San Roque’s Royal Fair from 11th to 16th August, and La Linea 16th to 25th July. At the time of going to press detailed programmes were unavailable, but we will be publishing them online at In facts summer gets into full swing everyday there are new events and activities being announced, which is why we have created our Facebook page at www. Resident.Spain to help keep you up to date with what’s on.You can also find lots of photos and videos posted there. This is the perfect complement to the hard copy and The Resident website at www. Whilst we are constantly on the look out for items of interest, sometimes things slip through the net, so if you think we have missed something then let us know by email at Well that’s me done for this month, this editorial is a bit short this month, but quite frankly it’s time I got myself off to the beach, so bye for now...
anúnciese con the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -
Manilva Life Business Directory Manilva Life has been serving residents and visitors to the western Costa del Sol for over five and a half years and is the essential reference source for news, information and services, as well as being a popular meeting place for people to make friends, ask questions and share their experiences through its busy message boards. The website receives around a thousand visitors every day, many of whom are regulars.
Manilva Life is also recognised by Manilva’s local authorities as the official English language website for the area, and enjoys first page position for many search terms on the major search engines, including number one spot for ‘Manilva’ on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Manilva Life has a range of very attractive advertising options for local businesses. Visit Manilva Life now at and stay in touch with your community!
San Roque
The Resident -
Protección Civil desaloja la playa de Torrecarbonera al detectarse un tiburón azula pocos metros de la orilla
Protección Civil pide a los bañistas que respeten las banderas rojas, tras realizar 78 rescates en sólo once días
Protección Civil de San Roque, a instancias de la Guardia Civil, ha procedido a evacuar la playa de Alcaidesa-Torrecarbonera al detectarse en las aguas un tiburón azul, nadando especialmente cerca de la costa en la zona del Faro. Tras izar la bandera roja, el personal de socorrismo y salvamento que presta servicio en la playa ha alertado a los bañistas de la presencia del escualo. Según ha informado Protección Civil, el pez fue detectado nadando en el agua sobre las 16.30 horas a pocos metros de la orilla. Tras dar
Un total de 70 curas y 78 rescates han sido realizados durante los once primeros días de funcionamiento del servicio de salvamento y socorrismo en las playas de San Roque. Desde Protección Civil se ha pedido a los usuarios de las playas que hagan caso de las indicaciones pertinentes, porque muchos de los rescates se hicieron mientras ondeaba la bandera roja, por lo que los bañistas no sólo pusieron en peligro sus propias vidas, sino también las de los socorristas que tuvieron que auxiliarles. Según la estadística de los servicios en las playas elaborada por Protección Civil de San Roque, la mayor parte de las acciones entre el jueves 1 y el domingo 11 de julio se concentraron en las playas de Torreguadiaro y Guadarranque. Así, en la primera se realizaron 48 curas por diversas razones (heridas, púas, picaduras de medusas...) y 34 rescates en el mar, mientras que en la segunda fueron 9 curas y 38 rescates. Además, el único traslado de un paciente a un centro sanitario se produjo también en Guadarranque. En cuanto al resto de playas, destaca la tranquilidad absoluta que reinó en Campamento (cero curas, traslados
conocimiento de los hechos a 112, Guardia Civil costera y Policía Nacional, los socorristas procedieron a la evacuación de los bañistas a instancias de la Guardia Civil. Al parecer, el tiburón se ha acercado a pocos metros de la orilla, por lo que varios bañistas han podido hacerles fotos. Según Protección Civil, el animal está nadando en bucles desde la zona del Faro de Alcaidesa hasta la parte de la playa perteneciente a La Línea, para luego volver a su punto de origen.
Civil Protection officers clear a San Roque beach after blue shark spotted just metres from the shore Officers from San Roque’s Civil Protection force, under instruction of the Guardia Civil ordered the evacuation of the AlcaidesaTorrecarbonera beach after a blue shark was spotted in the waters just off the shore. The red flag was immediately raised and lifeguards assisted in alerting bathers to the presence of the shark. The incident occurred around 4.30 pm on Tuesday, 12th July, when bathers spotted
the shark, which was close enough for several of them to take photographs. The fish swam in and out of the shoreline between the Faro de Alcaidesa and La Linea before eventually returning to its point of origin. Blue sharks are fairly common in the waters off Spain but it is rare for them to come so close inshore.
y rescates) y la calma de Sotogrande (sólo dos curas) y Puente Mayorga (dos curas y dos rescates). También fue positivo el balance en AlcaidesaTorrecarbonera (cuatro curas y dos rescates) y Cala Sardina (cinco curas y dos rescates). El edil responsable de Seguridad Ciudadana, José Luis Navarro Sampalo, ha subrayado “la necesidad de que los bañistas se comporten de una manera responsable. Si las banderas están rojas, no deben arriesgar sus vidas y las de los socorristas metiéndose en el agua, y si éstos les recomiendan que no lo hagan, deben comprender que es por su bien y hacerles caso. Se trata de tener un poco más de sentido común, porque el verano es largo y siempre hay tiempo de bañarse sin correr peligro. Hagamos entre todos que este año la temporada de playas en San Roque vuelva a ser un modelo de seguridad”. Desde el pasado 1 de julio, unas 60 personas prestan el servicio de socorrismo y salvamento en el litoral sanroqueño durante los meses de julio y agosto, entre socorristas, enfermeros, médicos... todos ellos coordinados desde Protección Civil.
Flaherty´s da la bienvenida al verano con estilo Flaherty´s Bar & Grill Sotogrande celebraron la llegada del verano con estilo anoche en su renovada terraza con su nuevo menú de verano y su fabulosa promoción de bebidas. Una magnífica tarde de entretenimiento fue disfrutada por todos aquellos que pisaron la alfombra roja. Actuaciones circenses entretuvieron a los asistentes con una gran variedad también de artistas tocando canciones clásicas y conocidas por la clientela. El nuevo menú delicioso de Flaherty´s está disponible todos los días, y para aquellos que se sientan hambrientos después de algunas horas, también está el menú de pizzas frescas y directamente desde su cocina hasta la 1:30 de la mañana. Tómese una copa o refresco este verano en Flaherty´s con la promoción de dos por una en
bebidas. De lunes a viernes, desde las 6 hasta las 7 de la tarde. “Esta noche de entretenimiento fabulosa de verano es sólo el comienzo de lo que tenemos preparado en Flaherty´s este año”dijeron los gerentes Nadine Bosman and Aljosja de Wit. Para ver nuestra programación de eventos en vivo, visite nuestra página en Facebook de Flaherty´s o llame al teléfono 956 790 390.
Flaherty´s welcomes the summer in style Flaherty´s Bar & Grill Sotogrande celebrated the arrival of summer in style last night with a re-vamped terrace, new summer menu and fabulous drink promotions. An eclectic evening of entertainment was enjoyed by all who graced the red carpet. Circus acts entertained the passers-by while a variety of live artists playing classics from Buble and other well-known musical celebrities set the mood for the clientele. Flaherty´s new mouthwatering menu is available everyday, and for those who
are feeling hungry after hours, the pizza menu is available fresh from their kitchen until 1:30am. Have a drink on Flaherty´s this summer with 2 for 1 drink promotions, Monday to Friday from 6pm-7pm “This fabulous evening of summer entertainment is just the start of things to come for Flaherty´s this year” said Managers Nadine Bosman and Aljosja de Wit. For our live events schedule, visit Flaherty´s Facebook page or call 956 790 390.
Lifeguards carry out 78 rescues in just 11 days A total of 70 bathers received treatment and some 78 had to be rescued during the first 11 days of lifeguard service on San Roques beaches. Lifeguard cover began at the beginning of July, and bathers are being urged to heed the warning flags, as many of the rescues were made whilst red flags were being flown, meaning that bathers were not only putting their own safety at risk but also that of their rescuers. Figures show that the majority of the actions were carried out on the Torreguadiaro and Guadarranque beaches, with the former seeing 48 bathers treated for various reasons such as jellyfish stings, injuries, spines, etc., and 34 sea rescues; whilst the latter saw nine people receiving treatment and 38 rescues, with one person requiring transfer to a health centre. Other beaches
saw just a few rescues, with Campamento lifeguards seeing no action whatsoever. The Councillor for Public Safety, José Luis Navarro Sampalo, stressed “the need for swimmers to behave in a responsible manner. If the flags are red, they should not risk their lives and those of rescuers by taking to the water, and , should understand that it is for their sake that the warning flags exist and should not ignore them. It’s about using a bit of common sense, the summer is long and there are always opportunities to bathe in safety. Since last July 1, about 60 people providing the first aid and rescue cover on San Roque’s beaches during the months of July and August, including lifeguards, nurses, doctors, etc., all coordinated by the Civil Protection.
The Resident -
Una iniciativa de apoyo a los vecinos desempleados El Ayuntamiento de Manilva emitirá un bando municipal para informar a la población acerca de una iniciativa que va a poner en marcha el Ayuntamiento de la localidad como medida de apoyo al colectivo de vecinos que actualmente se encuentran en situación de desempleo. El objetivo de esta iniciativa es la de iniciar una serie de obras municipales para las cuales se contratará a una serie de personal
que deberá cumplir los requisitos establecidos tanto a nivel económico como social, de manera que tendrán prioridad las personas que presenten una situación más necesitada. Todos los detalles de estos requisitos se indicarán en el bando municipal que hará público el Ayuntamiento en los próximos días. Los interesados pueden recibir más información en el propio Ayuntamiento de Manilva ubicado en la calle Mar.
MONTAJES ELÉCTRICOS - ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Tfno/Fax: 952 89 37 29 Móvil: 657 96 03 47 C/. Miguel Delibes - Edif. Sabina Playa 3 29692 SABINILLAS - MANILVA (Málaga)
Bar - Cafetería
Manilva initiative to alleviate unemployment Manilva’s local authorities have announced a new initiative to help ease unemployment in the municipality. The aim is to establish a programme of public works for which priority of employment will go to those that meet
certain requirements, both economically and socially. Full details of these criteria will be announced in the near future and those interested in more information should visit the Town Hall in Calle Mar, Manilva.
Playas reparte ceniceros a los chiringuitos La concejal de Playas, Noelia López, informaba del reparto, desde el viernes 9 de julio, de ceniceros a los chiringuitos del litoral manilveño que cuentan con hamacas, con el fin de que lo entreguen a los bañistas, ya sean vecinos o visitantes, para que tengan conciencia del cuidado de
nuestras playas, y depositen en estos pequeños recipientes, las cenizas u otros residuos. Estos ceniceros, según informó la citada concejalía, disponen de abrazaderas que se enganchan a las sombrillas.
TAPAS VARIADAS RACIONES DESAYUNOS Plaza Vicente Espinel nº8 Sabinillas - Manilva
Tel: 951 273 647 Email:
Beach department provides ashtrays Manilva Town Hall’s beach department has provided ashtrays to local beach bars to be used by bathers and other beachgoers, for
use on the beaches. They will be issued to sunbed users and can be clipped onto the parasols.
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The Resident -
Después de año y medio, se reabre el Paseo del Espigón del Puerto La Delegación Turismo y Medio Ambiente consiguen, tras varias semanas de negociaciones con la empresa Marina del mediterráneo, la apertura del acceso peatonal al espigón del puerto, para que nuestros ciudadanos y nuestros visitantes puedan pasear por dicho pantalán. Cabe recordar que este acceso
llevaba cerrado un año y medio, por lo que la apuesta a punto y el propio bloqueo se convertían en un trabajo árduo y complicado. Según nos han informado tanto Noelia López como Salvador Zotano, por motivos de seguridad se cerrará todos los días a partir de las 22:00h.
ALUMINIOS CUESTA C/. María Zambrano, Local 2, (Enfrente del Colegio) Sabinillas, Manilva (IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL IN SABINILLAS)
Duquesa Port’s breakwater reopens to the public Almost a year and a half ago local residents were dismayed when the breakwater in Duquesa was closed to the public. The breakwater was a popular stroll for residents and visitors alike, and there was great disappointment when it was fenced off and gated.
This week the local authorities have announced that, after weeks of negotiations with the port operator, Marinas del Mediterráneo, the gates will be opened, and once again the public can enjoy this amenity. For safety reasons the gates will be locked after 10 pm.
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Manilva Delegacion de Extranjeros
The Resident -
Citas con el Concejal de Extranjeros Residentes
Continúan las clases de español para extranjeros
Desde el pasado mes de abril, el Concejal de Extranjeros Residentes Diego Urieta Jiménez está manteniendo reuniones con distintas personas del término, entre ellos presidentes de comunidades y vecinos del entorno, para escuchar de primera mano sus inquietudes y problemas. Estas citas están siendo muy fructíferas y queremos agradecer a todos su colaboración .Intentaremos resolver todos los problemas en la medida de lo posible y se recuerda a todas aquellas personas que estén interesadas, que pueden llamar al número de teléfono 952893548.
La Delegación de Extranjeros informa que debido al éxito de participación obtenido en las clases de español para extranjeros a lo largo del curso 2009-2010, se prorrogarán dichas clases para este verano. Éstas darán comienzo el día 5 de julio en el Edificio de usos múltiples en Sabinillas, y serán por grupos de 8-10 personas. Habrá 3 niveles diferentes y 4 horas por semana. Para inscribirse y obtener mayor información,
Programas Actividades de Verano JULIO
Concierto de Vuelta a los 40
Fiesta “ Día del Residente”
Una noche que nunca olvidarás, recordando la música de los años 40. Experimenta los lugares y sonidos de la década que cambió el mundo. Exclusivo en la Costa del Sol. Un espectáculo para todas las edades. Organiza David Honour Colabora la Delg. de Extranjeros Monumento de El Castillo de la Duquesa, 17 de Julio 21:00 horas Precio: 25€
Tendrán lugar la fusión de diseños de moda de diferentes países y sectores del mundo de la moda. Todo ello amenizado por varios grupos de música Jazz en un escenario inigualable como es el Puerto de la Duquesa. Organiza las Delgs. de Residentes Extranjeros y turismo. Lugar: Puerto de la Duquesa Horario: A partir de las 21: horas Fecha: 26 de Agosto (para confirmación)
Concierto de música clásica Stephen Lloyd-Morgan y la orquesta de Marbella dirigida por su director Ian Green, pondrán su nota clásica en nuestros eventos del verano. Colabora la Delg. de Extranjeros Monumento de El Castillo, 21:00 horas, 24 de Julio Precio: 40€
podrán dirigirse a la Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes sita en el monumento de El Castillo en horario de 8:00 a 14:30 horas o en el teléfono 952893548. El concejal de Extranjeros, Diego Urieta, anima a todas las personas interesadas en participar en dichas clases “ya que el idioma es una pieza muy importante en la integración de estos vecinos, y así hacerles partícipe íntegramente de la vida de nuestro municipio”, finalizó.
Santos. Tanto el sábado como el domingo las carpas estuvieron abiertas por la mañana, para que los asistentes disfrutasen de la diversidad gastronómica y de la artesanía ofertadas. Después, por la noche se sucedieron espectáculos folclóricos ofrecidos por los países participantes. De esta manera, el sábado se pudo ver a partir de las diez y media de la noche, un concierto de una cantante inglesa, y espectáculos como un ballet de la academia de Martina Merkel y la profesora Ana Belén, bailes de Perú, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Cuba y Colombia, así como una exhibición de un deporte típico tailandés.
Concierto de música clásica Stephen Lloyd-Morgan y la orquesta de Marbella dirigida por su director Ian Green, pondrán su nota clásica en nuestros eventos del verano. Colabora la Delg. de Extranjeros Monumento de El Castillo, 21:00 horas, 21 de Agosto Precio: 40€
Mucho éxito tuvo la novena edición del Encuentro Internacional
Oficina Delegación de Extranjeros. Lugar: Monumento del Castillo,Castillo de la Duquesa. Horario:de 8:00 a 15:00 de Lunes a viernes Tlf. 952893548. Móvil: 663.96.96.36 e-mail: Puerto de la Duquesa - Oficina de Turismo: Horario: de 15:00 a 20:30 de Lunes a Viernes. 10:00 a 14:00 los Sábados Te esperamos para resolver cualquier duda. Trasládanos tus sugerencias. Toda la actualidad de Manilva en inglés : noticias, eventos, actividades,etc. En televisión Manilva Sábados 19:00h. Domingos 12:00h y 19:00h Web de interés:,
Mucho éxito tuvo la novena edición del encuentro internacional que tuvo lugar desde el 2 al 4 de julio en el paseo marítimo de Sabinillas, una iniciativa organizada por la Delegación de Extranjeros, dirigida por Diego Urieta, en colaboración con la Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental. En este evento participaron 20 países que dieron a conocer su gastronomía y folclore y artesanía, entre los numerosos vecinos y visitantes que disfrutaron de esta cita. El viernes por la tarde actuaron la banda municipal de música, dirigida por Fernando Antiñolo y la escuela municipal de baile flamenco, de Inmaculada Chacón. También se llevaron a cabo otras actuaciones, como la del cantante británico Marcus, y la de los alumnos de instituto Alborán, quienes ofrecieron piezas de su musical “Moulin Rouge”. Las actividades continuaron el sábado 3 de julio por la mañana, donde los protagonistas fueron los pequeños, quienes se divirtieron con actividades deportivas en la arena y talleres infantiles, organizados por la Asociación de Minusválidos Psíquicos, Físicos y Sensoriales de Manilva (Luisana), cuya presidenta es Ana
Domingo, 4 de julio, también se desarrollaron actividades para los más pequeños y las carpas estuvieron abiertas por la mañana. Y a partir de las ocho de la tarde, vecinos y visitantes pudieron ver nuevamente las actuaciones previstas como una animación caribeña, la actuación del coro Asabam, a cargo de la directora Inmaculada Rondón, la intervención de la escuela de baile flamenco de Los Barrios, y de la academia Iplacea Dance, de Estepona, que presentó bailes del mundo, así como del grupo folclórico de Ecuador. El final de la noche la puso el concierto de “La Secta de la Rana”.
Manilva Foreigners Department
The Resident -
Meetings with the Councillor Since April, the Councillor for Foreign Residents Diego Urieta Jimenez, has been holding meetings with various local residents and groups, including community presidents, to hear first hand their concerns and problems. These meetings are proving to be very fruitful and the department would like to thank everyone for their cooperation in trying where possible to find solutions to a number of issues that have been raised. All those interested in meeting with the councillor and his team can call 952 893 548 to arrange an appointment.
IX International Festival proves a great success The ninth edition of this annual event took place on the Paseo Maritimo in Sabinillas at the beginning of the month. Organised by the Manilva Foreigners department, under the direction of Councillor Diego Urieta, and in collaboration with the Mancomunidad of Western Costa del Sol Municipalities. Representatives from some twenty countries took part, showcasing their traditions, art and gastronomy to the large number of visitors and residents enjoying the event.
Summer Spanish Lessons for foreign residents Manilva’s Foreigners Departments is once again organising its popular Summer Spanish Course this year. Beginning on the 5th July the course will run for the months of July and August with two 2 hour lessons each week totalling 40 hours per course. Lessons are available at three different levels: Beginners I and II, and intermediate. Groups are generally small 8-10 people, and lessons involve practical exercises and conversation. There are two Beginners I courses - Mondays and Wednesdays 9 am to 11 am; and Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. Beginners II - Mondays and
Wednesdays 11.30 am to 1.30 pm; and finally Intermediate - Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to 11 am. The cost is 70 euros per person for residents registered with the Manilva Town Hall, and 90 euros for others. To enrol visit the Foreign Residents Department at the Castle in Castillo or after 3.30 pm at the Tourist Office in Duquesa Port. The lessons are held in the Edificio Usos Multiples, Calle Miguel Delibes. For more information contact 952 893 548 or email
Programme of Summer Activities JULY
Back to the 40s Concert
Gala Dinner
An unforgettable night of music, sights and sounds of the 40s (see page 20 for more details). Organized by David Honour in collaboration with the Foreigners Department. Castle at Castillo de la Duquesa 17th July from 9 pm. Tickets 25€
Resident’s Day Festival
Classical Concert Stephen Lloyd Morgan, the Marbella Concert Orchestra directed by Ian Green, plus special guests provide a classical touch to the summer’s events. (More information on page 12). The Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa, 24th July, from 9 pm. Tickets 40 euros.
This time the Castle welcomes those from the world of golf with the award of the Golf Company Challenge awards and a gala dinner. Organised by the Leisure Lounge in collaboration with the Foreigners Department. Sunday, 8th August from 8 pm.
Puerto de la Duquesa will be the venue for an evening of music and fashion with a programme of live music providing the score for a display of fashions from various countries and sections of the fashion world. Organised by the Foreign Residents Department and the Tourism Department the event will take place in the Port on 26th August from 9 pm. Date to be confirmed
Classical Concert Stephen Lloyd Morgan, the Marbella Concert Orchestra directed by Ian Green, plus special guests provide a classical touch to the summer’s events. (More information on page 12). The Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa, 21st August, from 9 pm. Tickets 40 euros.
The full programme of events began on Friday, 2nd July with an opening ceremony by the Mayoress, Antonia Muñoz, and various councillors, after which the Manilva Town Band began the entertainment. The audience were then treated to a performance by the Municipal Flamenco School, directed by Inmaculada Chacón.
After a delay to allow for the Spain v Paraguay World Cup match the evening’s entertainment started at 10.30 pm with English singer Stella; ballet by students of the Martina Merkel Academy; folk dancing from Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Cuba and Colombia, as well as a display of Muay Thai Kick Boxing.
Popular English singer/guitarrist Marcus took to the stage, performing various numbers from Beatles to Oasis, which was followed by an impressive show entitled “Moulin Rouge” performed by students from Estepona’s Instituto Alboran school. Those of you who enjoyed this performance will be pleased to know that they will be staging an extended show in Puerto de la Duquesa towards the end of August. On Saturday morning the local society for the disabled, Luisana, provided a range of sports and entertainment for the younger visitors and saw a busy day at the various tents and stalls along the promenade.
Finally on Sunday the action kicked off with Caribbean dancing followed by the Asabam Choir, directed by Inma Rondon. The Los Barrios Flamenco School and Estepona’s Iplacea Dance Academy put on a great display of dance. After an exhibition of Ecuadorian folk music the night was rounded off with a concert by local band “La Secta de la Rana”.
Foreign Residents Office The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or Chris Olsen 663 969 636 email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.30 to 8.30 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Sally Russell and Chris Olsen on Saturdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 12 noon and 7 pm. Visit or for more information.
The Resident -
Manilva Solicitors MANILVA SOLICITORS ha adquirido y abierto nuevas oficinas en Sabinillas. Esta firma de abogados está regulada por el Colegio de Abogados y ofrece una amplia gama de servicios legales y fiscales a particulares y empresas, principalmente extranjeros que viven o quieren establecerse en la Costa del Sol. El objetivo de Manilva Solicitors ha sido desde hace más de 10 años ofrecer servicios legales y fiscales rigurosos y profesionales, de una forma rápida, efectiva y a un precio razonable. Siempre tienen el reto de sorprender las expectativas del cliente. Están convencidos que obtener más de lo deseado es la mejor forma de que el cliente valore su eficacia. Para celebrar la apertura de sus nuevas oficinas tienen una oferta especial para hacer su testamento. Hasta el
30 de Septiembre de 2010, estarán encantados de redactar y preparar su testamento por un coste de solo 100 Euros (18 % IVA y honorarios notariales incluidos). Las nuevas oficinas están en una localización muy conveniente, junto a la nueva Notaria de Sabinillas. Esto beneficia a sus clientes que tegan que firmar documentos notariales, tales como escrituras de compra y venta, poderes, testamentos, legitimaciones, etc. Cualquiera de los 5 abogados de la firma habla inglés con fluidez y estará encantado de reunirse con clientes para clarificar y discutir cualquier tema legal o fiscal. Estas reuniones son sin coste ni compromiso para los clientes. Se puede contactar con ellos en el Tel. 952 901 225 o por correo electrónico en
MANILVA SOLICITORS has purchased and opened new premises in Sabinillas. The Law Firm is regulated by The Law Society and provides a broad range of legal and fiscal services to both private individuals and companies, mainly expatriates who live or intend to settle on the Costa del Sol. The aim of Manilva Solicitors has been for over 10 years to provide rigorous and professional legal and tax services in a fast and efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. They always have the challenge of surpassing the client’s expectations. They are convinced that obtaining more than the desired result is the best way to enable the client to measure their efficiency. For celebrating the opening of their new premises they have a special offer for
making your Spanish Will. Until the 30th September 2010 they will be happy to draft and prepare your Spanish will for a fee of just 100 Euros (18 % VAT and notary fees included). The new premises are situated in a very convenient location, next to the new notary offices in Sabinillas. It benefits their clients who have to sign notary documents, such as purchase or sale deeds, power of attorney, Spanish wills, legalisation of documents, etc. Any of the 5 solicitors of the firm speak fluent English and will be happy to meet clients to clarify or discuss any legal or tax matter. These meetings are free of charge and without any commitment. They can be contacted on Tel 952 901 225 or by e-mail:
Tel: 0034 952 936 897 · Mob: 0034 651 559 377 · UK: 0044 7720 414918 · Gib: 0035 0 60 624 810
Opening soon in central Sabinillas near Mercadona
For All Your IT Hardware, Software and Computer Services for Home and Business Avda De La Paz, 2, 29692, Sabinillas, Manilva, Málaga
Cafe & Restaurant NOW OPEN “We have now moved to the square behind the Taxi Rank” Come and enjoy your old favourites, along with some new dishes for you to try. Open 6 days a week Serving Breakfast & Light Meals from 10 am until 2.30 pm Early Bird Special from 7 pm to 7.30 pm Evening Dinner from 7 pm to 10 pm CLOSED MONDAYS
Plaza Vicente Espinel, Sabinillas Call 617 616 622
anúnciese con the resident Tlf. 952 936 198
The Resident -
La Feria de Agosto y las Verbenas de Manilva El lunes 26 de julio la protagonista será Manilva que celebrará el día de su patrona, Santa Ana. La imagen también será procesionada a hombros de los vecinos y todos podremos disfrutar ya entrada la noche de la verbena preparada por la delegación de fiestas. Una de las fechas más esperadas de todo el verano llegará entre el cinco y el ocho de agosto, cuando se celebren las fiestas mayores del municipio. Durante esos cuatro días vecinos y visitantes, podrán disfrutar de la coronación de la reina y damas, el baile de la escuela municipal de Inmaculada Chacón, música en vivo
Marina de Casares
con varias orquestas, el tradicional desfile de carrozas y de la actuación de Vanesa Martín, entre otras muchas actividades destinadas a grandes y pequeños. Las fiestas mayores se marcharán pero no la diversión en la localidad, que continuará el 25 de agosto en Sabinillas con la celebración de su patrón San Luis. De nuevo veremos el fervor de los vecinos por esta imagen y podremos disfrutar por la noche de la verbena en la recién estrenada plaza de Vicente Espinel. Los festejos en nuestra localidad se cerrarán los días 4 y 5 de septiembre con la Vendimia en Manilva.
Manilva’s Feria and Fiestas
The coming months see a number of ferias and fiestas in Manilva starting on the 26th July with the Verbena de Santa Ana, celebrating Manilva’s patron saint with processions, music and a day of fun and festivities. From the 5th to the 8th August Manilva celebrates its annual Summer Fair. During the fair’s four days visitors and residents
can enjoy the coronation of the Queens and Ladies, dancing by the Municipal School of Dance, live music from various groups, traditional procession of floats and a live performance by Vanesa Martin, just a few of the activities for both young and old alike. This is followed on 25th August with Día de San Luis, when it is Sabinillas’ turn to celebrate its patron with fun and music in the village’s newly refurbished Plaza Vicente Espinel. Finally, to round off the summer Manilva hosts its traditional Vendimia festival, during which the Town’s grape and wine producers celebrate the year’s harvest. This takes place during the 4th and 5th September.
This large 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom townhouse is situated in the urbanisation of Marina de Casares in the Casares Playa area. The complex has 3 communal pools, tennis courts, and lovely gardens, situated right beside the beach & within walking distance of Sabinillas. The house faces South West, and from the large private roof terrace there are views of the sea. One of the bedrooms has an en suite bathroom, and all have fitted wardrobes. The kitchen is fully fitted, and there is a separate utility room and a downstairs cloakroom.
To arrange a viewing or for more information, telephone 952 893 348
Clubhouse Steakhouse Restaurant 20% Discount on all Take Away Menu Open from 4 pm every evening Saturday from 2 pm Sunday from 1 pm Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre Tel.: 951 276 727
Kids eat Free Menu (Monday to Friday) Easy Parking
Air Conditioning
Cool Terrace
WiFi Zone
Next to Duquesa Golf Hotel on Roundabout Above Eroski Store
Monday Night is Quiz Night - 8.30 pm
Friday is BBQ night on the Cool Terrace
Tuesday Night Early Bird Specials
Saturday is Cabaret Night
Tremendous fun for serious quizzers and duffers alike
Steak - Chicken - Ribs
2 Courses - Served from 5pm to 8pm - 10.00 euros
Wednesdays is Golf Outing Day
A fun day out for Ladies and Gents playing different courses every week. Licensed Golf Tour Operator Golf Green Fees - Accommodation - Luxury Coach Hire - Transport Call Tom on 646 420 547
Thursdays is Tapas Night
A Selection of Tapas including Bottle of House Wine - 19 euros
Daniela Caballero Singing your favourites from 8.30pm to 11.30pm
Sunday Roast
Roast Beef - Turkey - Pork + Vegetables, Potatoes, etc. Includes Homemade Dessert 1.00pm to 7.00pm - 12.50 euros
The Resident -
Manilva celebra la festividad de la Virgen del Carmen Este viernes 16 julio se celebre la festividad de la Virgen del Carmen. Según el programa de actividades, a partir de las doce la mañana tendrá lugar la santa misa organizada por la delegación de Cultura, cantada por el coro municipal de Sabinillas y oficiada por Manuel Roldán, en la plaza de Los Pescadores. En este acto religioso se va a bendecir la nueva corona de la virgen. A la una y media de la tarde, habrá actividades en las playas de Sabinillas para los niños. Sobre esta hora se procederá también a la coronación de las reinas y damas de la Virgen del Carmen en la plaza de Los Pescadores. A continuación, los presentes podrán disfrutar de una verbena en la citada plaza. Según las previsiones, la Virgen del Carmen en Sabinillas se embarcará a las siete de la tarde en la playa de Sabinillas. La imagen se encontrará con la del Castillo, en el mar, como manda la tradición. Una vez en tierra, la procesión seguirá por las calles de Sabinillas hasta su recogida en la iglesia San Luis. Estará acompañada por integrantes de la junta de gobierno de la hermandad de la Virgen del Carmen, cuya hermana mayor es María Castillo,
por autoridades municipales y por la banda de música de Istán. La fiesta continuará por la noche, amenizada por una orquesta, hasta altas horas de la madrugada. En el Castillo, la Delegación de Fiestas, dirigida por Paqui López, ha informado que los juegos infantiles, a cargo de un grupo de animación, están programados para las once y media de la mañana, en la zona situada junto a la iglesia. Habrá regalos para todos los participantes. Sobre las siete de la tarde se celebrará una misa en la parroquia del Castillo, Stella Maris, organizada por la Delegación de Cultura, cuyo concejal responsable es Diego José Jiménez. El acto religioso será cantado por el coro municipal Santa Ana de Manilva, y oficiada por Manuel Roldán. Tras la misa en el Castillo, saldrá la procesión de la Virgen del Carmen desde esta iglesia, y hará su recorrido habitual. En el desfile estará la banda municipal de música de Manilva. Después, a las diez de la noche, los presentes podrán disfrutar de música y baile, a cargo de las orquestas “Latidos” y “Carnaval”. También por la noche, se hará entrega de los trofeos del concurso de dominó.
Manilva Celebrates Virgen del Carmen festival
The English Bookshop New and Secondhand Books Greetings Cards - Travel Guides and Maps
Agents for Helicopteros Sanitarios and VIVAndalucia Tours OFFEX - English Mail Service Pick up your freebie Newspapers and Magazines Including “The Resident” Monday to Friday 10 am - 2 pm Saturday 10 am to 2.30 pm
Tel: 952 891 545 or 619 480 089
Ctra, N340, km 144.3 (land side) Sabinillas, Manilva (nr Mercadona)
fishing communities of southern Spain . Virgen del Carmen is celebrated by the fishing communities in Sabinillas and Castillo. The Virgen del Carmen is Castillo de la Duquesa’s Patron Saint and on her feast day - the 16th July - her images are placed on board the local fishing boats in two separate ceremonies: the first off the beach at Sabinillas amongst much pomp and ceremony (this can be quite a ‘hairy’ operation, especially if the sea is a bit lively); and the second in the Port of Duquesa. The two boats bearing the Virgens, along with with a flotilla of fishing and pleasure craft, then parade up and down the coast
Programme - Sabinillas Every 16th July sees the celebration of the Virgen del Carmen, the Patron Saint of fishermen and sailors. Tradition has it that the Carmelite monks, who inhabited the slopes of Mount Carmel and worshipped the Virgin Mary who had appeared there in a vision, were forced to
flee by a Saracen invasion force. During this eviction the Virgin appeared to them again and promised to be their ‘Star of the Sea’ and to guide them to safety. Since then she has been the patron saint of mariners and, as such, the Virgen del Carmen is revered amongst the local
At midday there will be a mass held in the Plaza de Los Pescadores (Fishermen’s Square), during which the new ‘Corona de la Virgen’ will be blessed. From 1.30 pm there will be various children’s activities held on the beach in Sabinillas, around this time the coronation of the Queen’s and Ladies of the Virgen del Carmen will take place in the Fishermen’s
Square, followed by music and partying. At 7 pm the image of the Virgen will be borne down to the water’s edge where she will be embarked on the waiting fishing boat to be paraded up and down the coast, where she will meet the image from Castillo. Once back on land there will be a procession through the streets of Sabinillas, accompanied by the Istan Town Band before she is returned to the church. The party continues into the night with music and dancing in the square. In Castillo de la Duquesa the kids can enjoy the children’s entertainers from 1.30 pm in front of the church. At around 7 pm there will be a mass at the Stella Maris church in Castillo, with singing by the Santa Ana de Manilva Municipal Choir. After the Mass the Virgen is taken in procession, accompanied by the Manilva Town Band, to her waiting boat in Puerto de la Duquesa. From 10 pm there will be music and dancing into the early hours in Castillo to the bands “Latidos” and “Carnaval”.
Summer Madness Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10.00 to 14.30 & 17:00 to 19.00 Saturday 10.00 to 14.00
Special Offers - New Stock Arriving Daily Best Prices on the Coast - Visit our Shop Shop online on our new look website NOW online
New Products arriving daily. We can arrange fishing trips to the local lakes & rivers
The Resident -
Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares La fiesta de San Juan organizada por el Ayuntamiento de Casares contó con un magnífico “Barco Pirata” con piratas incluidos. Miembros de la asociación disfrutaron de una vista perfecta de los festejos coincidiendo con su “Cena en el jardín”. Si se encuentran en la playa de Casares durante los meses de julio y agosto, la asociación mantiene la ‘Biblioteca en la Playa’ en nombre del Ayuntamiento entre las 11:00 y 13:30 y 18:00 y las 20:30 horas. Los libros son prestados al público de forma gratuita, suministrados para su ocio y disfrute. El sábado, 24 de julio, la asociación celebrará una noche de bingo en el club situado en el centro comercial Marina de Casares, 50 céntimos por juego y por cartón. Les damos la bienvenida a todas aquellas personas que quieran acercarse. Se servirá té y galletas gratis a los participantes, habrá bebidas también disponibles en el bar. El 5 de agosto a las 19:00 hrs. La asociación llevará a cabo un torneo de Sjoelen. Este año el rastrillo tendrá lugar el fin de semana del 7 y 8 de agosto, desde las 11 de la mañana hasta las 6 de la tarde. Habrá un montón de artículos buenos y variados a la venta y a precios muy razonables. Las mesas y los espacios están disponibles en alquiler, así que, ¿por qué no ganar dinero con los artículos ya no deseados? El sábado, 14 de agosto, la asociación visitará el bonito pueblo de Genalguacil. La visita coincide con el festival anual de arte en la que escultores de todo el mundo muestran sus piezas en el pueblo para que los visitantes puedan disfrutar de ellas. El viaje también incluye almuerzo en un restaurante.
El precio por persona es de 26,50 euros. El autobús sale de Marina de Casares, a las 9.30 de la mañana y podrán ir todas aquellas personas que lo deseen. Para obtener más información sobre estos eventos o sobre la asociación, póngase en contacto en maria. o llamando al 952 892 030.
The Casares Town Hall’s San Juan celebrations featured the magnificent “Pirate Ship with Lookalike Pirates” which association members enjoyed a perfect view of as the evening coincided with their “Dinner on the Lawn”. Should you be on the Casares Beach during July and
Casares celebra su fiesta grande del 29 de julio al 1 de agosto Casares celebra su Feria de Agosto del 29 de julio al 1 de agosto, una fiesta peculiar que no ha perdido el sentido tradicional con los bailes populares con orquestas en la plaza del pueblo o la decoración de farolillos en sus calles principales; Pero que también ha introducido nuevas acciones para satisfacer las demandas de la sociedad actual, como son la zona joven del Llano, en la plaza Marcelino Camacho. Como explica la concejala de Cultura y Fiesta, Sonia
Saborido, es ese equilibrio entre lo tradicional y lo actual lo que hace que esta feria sea tan especial para todos los casareños y los que nos visitan. Aunque la feria en si comienza el jueves, desde el lunes se suceden diversas actividades preferia, donde destaca la gala de la Escuela Municipal de Baile Flamenco y Danza Española, y la fiesta-cena para los mayores.
“THE DIARY” and For your Business & Service needs
Tel: 656 476 887
Casares Summer Fair
Casares celebrate their Summer Fair from the 29th July to 1st August. Whilst retaining many of the traditional values with popular dancing to music in the town square and the main streets decorated with lanterns, Casares has also introduced attractions to satisfy the demands of modern society with the Llano youth zone in Plaza Marcelino Camacho. Sonia Saborido, Councillor for Culture and Fiestas, explained that it was this balance between the traditional and the modern that makes the show so special for the whole of Casares and its visitors. Although the Feria begins on the Thursday, there will
be a number of activities taking place from the Monday, including performances by the Municipal Dance Schools and a party dinner for the town’s senior citizens.
Feria del Secadero del 22 al 25 de Julio
Del programa destaca el Festival de la Escuela Municipal de Baile, Flamenco y Danza del Secadero y Casares, y el domingo rociero.
El Secadero se viste de feria del 22 al 25 de julio. Con la cabalgata y el acto de coronación, el jueves se inauguran estas fiestas para las que la Tenencia de Alcaldía ha preparado un gran programa de actividades que llenará de ambiente la localidad hasta el próximo domingo. Aunque estas fiestas cuentan desde hace unos años con un gran recinto ferial que permite la instalación de un gran número de atracciones y una extensa zona joven que estará ambientada por dj´s, la Feria del Secadero aun conserva ese aire de feria tradicional con el baile en la Plaza de la Paz, que este año volverá a estar amenizado por la orquesta Gato Negro que tanto éxito tiene en la localidad.
August the club is maintaining the ‘Library on the Beach’ on behalf of the Ayuntamiento between the hours of 11 am and 1.30 pm and 6 pm and 8.30 pm. Books are on loan to the public free of charge, supplied for your leisure and enjoyment. Saturday, 24th July the club is having a Bingo Evening in the clubroom at the Marina de Casares commercial centre - 50 centimos per game, percard, and all are welcome. Tea and biscuits ares served free to the participants, drinks are also available from the bar. On August 5th at 7 pm the club will be holding a Sjoelen (shuffleboard) tournament. This year’s Table Top Sale will be held on the weekend of 7th and 8th August, from 11 am until 6 pm. There will be plenty of good and varied items for sale at very reasonable prices. Tables and spaces are available for hire, so why not cash in on those unwanted items. On Saturday, 14th August, the club will be visiting the beautiful village of Genalguacil. The visit coincides with the annual Art Festival in which sculptors from around the world display their pieces around the village for visitors to enjoy. The trip will also take in a local restuarant where you can enjoy lunch, which is included in the price of 26.50 euros per person. The coach leaves Marina de Casares at 9.30 am and non-members are most welcome. For more information about these events or the club please contact: or call 952 892 030.
Casares Bridge Club
Secadero Summer Fair 22nd to 25th July Secadero enjoys its summer feria from 22nd to 25th July. Proceedings get under way on the Thursday with the cavalcade and coronation. This begins a full programme of events which takes revellers through to the pilgrimage on the Sunday. In recent years the fairground has provided room for numerous rides and attractions along with a youth area with DJs, etc., Secadero preserves the traditional values with music and dancing in Plaza de la Paz, with once again, entertainment provided by the popular Gato Negro band.
Are you interested in playing Bridge? The Casares Bridge Club welcomes players from novice to expert to join them at the Albayt Resort every Tuesday at 6.45 pm. You do not need to take a partner as all players will be accommodated. Friendly duplicate bridge is their aim. The Albayt Resort can be found at Km 149.2. Exit the A7 at the Clive Christian roundabout, up the hill to the Albayt resort.
For more details call Paul on 952 89 01 99 or 699 026 129.
Promote your Society or Event by sending the information to
Información Information
Costa Advice Bureau Unfair taxes on the purchase Spain. For the majority of residents and of properties this includes non residents who own more An additional tax bill is being presented to almost all property purchasers who have or are taking advantage of the many bargains and acquiring properties at knock down prices. At a time when the Spanish regional government should be assisting to boost this sector in a slow but probable recovery of this very important sector of the Costa del Sol commerce, they are in fact making it more difficult for owners to sell their homes. Frustrated Real Estate’s are battling against the surcharge passed onto their clients who have been able to acquire their homes in what has become a competitive market. These buyers declare the true purchase price and pay all the taxes due on the properties are then being penalised. The government is continuing to calculate the value of these properties on the valor catastral which had been increased by many town halls at the height of the property boom. Spanish property prices are at an all time low and yet the government has decided to continue to evaluate the tax on this inflated value and not on the true sale price.
Annual tax returns Many residents and nonresident home owners are still under the illusion that they do not need to make a tax declaration in
than one property in Spain, are obliged to present these annual statements to the tax authorities before the end of June. Non residents should complete their tax returns annually in December.
Communities The subject of communities and the problems faced by the same is still an issue open to much debate. The problems occur when either a community has to abide by unfair internal statutes written into the title deeds or because administrators and some presidents do not abide by the laws of the horizontal property act. Anguished home owners are often not aware of the many options available to their communities and believe that the administrators are in control when this is not the case. It is actually the title-holder themselves who run the community by either hiring or firing an administration company and voting out incompetent presidents. Any discontented owner should seek advice on the measures that can be taken to assist in problem solving. Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821
The Resident -
Authentic Italian Restaurant
Starters, Soups, Salads - Fish & Meat Main Courses Homemade Pasta Best Pizza in town Take Away available Open every night for Dinner Sunday Open for Lunch & Dinner
Just like mamma used to make it
SSorrento orrento Telf: 952 891 575 / 673 334 607 Urb. Monte Duquesa, Duquesa Golf, Local 50 • 29691 Manilva
Dragon de Oro Restaurant & Lounge Opening Hours:
Traditional Sunday Lunch is now being served from 1 pm - 3 courses just €16.95 Mondays & Tuesdays: CLOSED Wednesdays & Thursdays
International Cuisine Open every day 12:00 - 16:00/18:30 - 24:00 Reservations / Take Away:
952 890 956
Open at 6pm for A’La Carte and Snack Menu available. Kids Menu 8.95 for 2 courses including a soft drink, bouncy castle & pool table available
Thursdays: Open for Menu del Dia from 1pm BOOKINGS ONLY Fridays: Open at 6pm. A’La Carte and Snack Menu Saturdays: Live Entertainment incl 3-course meal (See Page 19 for entertainment programme) FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL 952 892 690 or 664 442 629 or email us at or visit the website
Hacienda Guadalupe 1, Manilva
Located on the Rio Manilva Road, 4km from the Lidl roundabout, Sabinillas. 2 km past the Fairground/Market
Guía de Empresas
The Resident -
PC’s, Laptops & Computer Accessories Computer Repairs PC’s, Portátiles y todo tipo de Accesorios Reparación y Armado de PC C/. Miguel Delibes, Local 2, Sabinillas (Málaga) 29692 E-mail: / Tef: 952 89 71 12 - 952 89 38 88
Transporte Urgente Mensajería Urgent Deliveries Messengers Courier Service Tel. 952 89 30 96 - 952 89 72 33 Fax. 951 27 35 82
The Resident -
Presentación en Málaga de la Semana Internacional de Cine Fantástico de Estepona El cine Albéniz acogerá por primera vez de forma paralela a Estepona la undécima edición de la Semana de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol que se celebrará del 8 al 11 de septiembre y donde podrán verse interesantes propuestas de este consolidado certamen internacional. Además, homenajeará al fallecido director, actor y guionista, Paul Naschy, impulsor y coordinador general de este evento. El delegado municipal de Cultura de Málaga, Miguel Briones, el alcalde de Estepona, David Valadez, la concejala de Cultura de Estepona, Silvia Cabrera y el director de la Semana de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol, Julio Preces han presentado hoy la programación que podrá verse en las salas del Cine dentro de las actividades de la XI Semana de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol. Según el delegado municipal de Cultura de Málaga, Miguel Briones, este año se hace una doble muestra del certamen, una en Estepona y otra en la capital malagueña. “La idea no es crear una sede paralela. La sede es la Costa del Sol y la matriz es Estepona” indicó. También comentó que el
acercamiento entre Estepona y Málaga supone la puesta marcha de iniciativas culturales que favorezcan el proyecto de Capitalidad Cultural para el año 2016. Del mismo modo, la concejala de Cultura de Estepona, Silvia Cabrera, declaró que desde Estepona consideran que “es fundamental que nos convirtamos en Capital Cultural de la Unión Europea”. En el Cine Albéniz podrán verse parte de las proyecciones del certamen como ‘Bitch Slap’, la mini serie ‘Fear Clinic’ o un homenaje al cine fantástico argentino y a Naschy. Dentro de las novedades en la preapertura del Festival de Cine que tendrá lugar el día cinco de septiembre será el espectáculo del mentalista Anthony Blake titulado ‘Más cerca’. El alcalde de Estepona, David Valadez ha declarado que Paul Naschy “ha sido una pieza fundamental en la organización e iniciativa del festival. También explicó que la financiación del Festival contará con la colaboración de la iniciativa privada y que no supondrá “ningún desembolso económico para el Ayuntamiento de Estepona”. Por su parte, el director de la
Semana de Cine Fantástico de la Costa del Sol, Julio Preces ha informado que una de las galardonadas del festival será la cantante Alaska, que por su música y trabajo se le entregará el galardón Waldemar Daninsky, que premia a personalidades del mundo artístico que apoyan el género fantástico. Además, se presentarán libros y cómics como ‘La Marca de Frankenstein’, ‘Nancy in Hell’, ‘Terror bajo las aguas’ o ‘Alaric de Marnac’, en la FNAC de Málaga y Marbella. Preces ha comentado que este año hay más actividades que en la edición anterior. Dentro de las exposiciones se exhibirá un recorrido sobre la trayectoria humana y cinematográfica del actor y director Paul Naschy, además se mostrará la segunda ‘Frankenstein, El mito’, material diverso sobre el universo cinematográfico que rodea al mundo de uno de los monstruos clásicos más conocidos en el mundo. Otras actividades paralelas que el Festival de cine ofrecerá en Estepona son las diversas actuaciones musicales en diferentes escenarios la muestra. Además de fiestas temáticas, concurso de cortosexpress y de dibujos sobre
Frankenstein entre otros. Esta muestra lleva diez años celebrándose en la ciudad de Estepona y este año girará en torno a la figura de Frankenstein que ilustra el cartel de la muestra, obra del
diseñador tinerfeño Daniel Fumero. La clausura del festival estará a cargo del presentador Alonso Caparrós y la orquesta sinfónica de Málaga.
Symphony Orchestra to close the festival. For more information and news
concerning the festival keep an eye on the website www.
Presentation in Malaga of XI Costa del Sol Fantasy Film Week For the first time this year’s eleventh edition of Estepona’s annual horror and fantasy film festival will be held both in Estepona and in Malaga City’s Albeniz Cinema. In an official presentation in Malaga this week it was announced that the XI Costa del Sol Fantasy Film Week, as it will be known, will be celebrated in the two centres from the 8th to 11th September with the major screenings taking place in the Albeniz Cinema and related activities being held in various locations in Estepona. “The aim” said Malaga’s Culture Delegate, Miguel Briones, was
Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English, each Saturday 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what’s on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a ‘round table’ discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.
not to create a parallel event but to build on the existing festival, with the venue being the Costa del Sol, with Estepona at its heart. He cited the collaboration between Malaga and Estepona, particularly in the matter of support for Malaga’s bid to become 2016 Capital of Culture, as another reason for the joint venture. A key element of the festival will be a homage to the late Paul Naschy who, in the words of Estepona Mayor, David Valadez, was instrumental in organising the festival over the last ten years. Among the screenings will be ‘Bitch Slap’ and the mini series
‘Fear Clinic’, and a number of awards will be presented including the Waldemar Daninsky award for the singer Alaska. Festival director, Julio Peces, pointed out that the new format for the festival removes the financial burden from Estepona’s public coffers, with the private sector providing much of the funding. Other activities include presentations of books and comics such as ‘Frankenstein: The Myth, ‘Nancy in Hell’, ‘Terror under Water’ and ‘Alaric of Marnac’, exhibitions and lectures, theme parties competitions and musical performances, including a gala spectacular by the Malaga
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Festividad de la Virgen del Carmen
XX Feria Canina de ADANA
Viernes 16, Fiesta Local. A las 10:00 horas: Santa Misa Concelebrada en la Parroquia. Viernes 23, a las 21:00 horas: Traslado de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen desde su antigua Capilla a la Parroquia, a hombros de las mujeres.
El popular “concurso de chuchos” celebrará en septiembre su vigésimo aniversario con un evento muy especial. Sólo dos años después de la fundación de la protectora de animales ADANA, tuvo lugar en Estepona la primera feria canina para perros, conocida popularmente como el “concurso de chuchos”, ya que se trata de una competición abierta a perros mestizos y de todo tipo, en la que se combinan las pruebas para animales adiestrados con otras más sencillas. Con la llegada este año de su vigésima edición, ADANA celebrará una feria muy especial el domingo 19 de septiembre en el Palacio de Congresos de Estepona. Habrá cinco categorías de competición de obediencia, cinco de agilidad y otras diez para otras competiciones variadas, incluyendo aquellas para perros que nunca antes hayan participado en una competición y también para cachorros. La feria contará con un buen número de puestos en los que se podrán adquirir productos para mascotas, así como un bar y un puesto de comidas y café. Por primera vez, será un espacio cubierto el escenario para la feria, que en las pasadas 19 ediciones se celebró al aire libre.
Programa festivo Viernes 16: 11:00 horas: Cucañas marítimas en el Puerto Pesquero. Pruebas de natación masculina y femenina.
11:30 horas: Concurso de Remienda y Palangre. 12:00 horas: Regatas de Botes a remo. 14:00 horas: Entrega de premios de las distintas pruebas en la Lonja Pesquera. 14:30 horas: Paella de Arroz a la Marinera en la Lonja Pesquera, a gentileza de la Cofradía de Pescadores, para sus afiliados. 20:00 horas: Tradicional Procesión de la Venerada Imagen de Ntra. Sra. del Carmen Coronada.
Virgen del Carmen festival - Estepona Friday, 16th. Local holiday in Estepona At 10 am there will be a Holy Mass at the Virgen del Carmen church. From 11 am there will be a series of maritime related contests, including swimming, fishing, etc. These will take place in the commercial area of Estepona Port. 2 pm Award ceremony. Trophies and prizes will be awarded for the various contests that took place earlier.
8 pm Traditional procession of the image of the Virgen del Carmen, starting at the Parroquia Virgen del Carmen church.
Primer incendio del verano Aproximadamente 40 casas fueron evacuadas en la urbanización Puerto Romana en Estepona, en la zona del río Padrón, después de que se ocasionara el fuego en un descampado ya por la tarde. El viento fuerte de poniente dificultó el trabajo y control del fuego, obligando a desalojar a 200 personas. Afortunadamente nadie sufrió daños y el fuego se controló más tarde.
“Es fantástico que por primera vez no tengamos que estar pendientes del tiempo o de los incendios forestales”, comentó David McNally, que dirige la organización del evento. “A lo largo de estos años, la organización de la feria se ha visto afectada por lluvias torrenciales, temperaturas extremas demasiado altas para los perros o, el año pasado, un incendio en el lugar donde se celebraba la feria solo unos días antes del evento.” Este año, los principales protagonistas de la feria serán los niños y sus perros: los más pequeños tendrán la oportunidad de mostrar el talento y las habilidades de sus mascotas. También está prevista una exhibición de perros-policía que crecieron o pasaron por ADANA. La XX Feria Canina de ADANA abrirá sus puertas a las 10 de la mañana, para que los asistentes tengan tiempo de inscribir a sus perros en las diferentes competiciones, que comenzarán a las 11 en punto. La entrada a la feria costará 5€ para adultos, aunque los niños que vayan acompañados entrarán gratis. La inscripción en competiciones cuesta 4€, y puede realizarse ya rellenando el formulario que puede encontrarse en clínicas veterinarias o en la página web de ADANA:
En las tareas participaron tres personas entre técnicos y agentes, 25 especialistas de extinción y dos helicópteros. Alrededor de las 18.50 horas, el fuego quedó controlado. Este invierno tan lluvioso ha ocasionado una gran vegetación que con el calor, puede que los bomberos estén ocupados este verano, esperemos que no sea ese el caso. Las autoridades piden precaución.
20th ADANA Dog Show
First blaze of the summer Some 40 homes were evacuated in the Puerto Romana urbanisation in Estepona’s Rio Padron area after fire started on wasteground late in the afternoon. The strong westerly winds made the emergency services’ job more difficult and at the height of the blaze around 200 personnel were involved in combating the fire. Fortunately nobody was injured and the fire
brought under control later that evening. INFOCO, the specialist wildfire unit, deployed four firefighting helicfopters, two seaplanes along with coordination aircraft. The wet winter has led to an abundance of vegetation this year which, with the hot weather, means the firefighters will be in for a busy summer, and the public are asked to take extra care.
Only two years after the foundation of ADANA, the animal rescue charity, the first dog show for mixed breeds and other dogs was staged in Estepona. This year the show reaches 20 and plans a very special event. On Sunday 19 September the 20th show will be staged in the Palacio de Congresos in Estepona for the first time. There will be 5 obedience classes, 5 agility classes and 10 variety and novelty classes. A wide selection of commercial stalls will offer all sorts of pet related and other goodies. There will also be a cafe and a bar. “It is wonderful not to have to worry about the weather or forest fires this year”, said David McNally, the show organiser. “Over the years we have had to deal with biblical
rains which washed away the access roads, torrid heat which was too much for the dogs and last year we had the forest fire on the site just a few days before the show.” The main focus for this year is children and their dogs. So there are several opportunities for junior handlers to show off their skills. We hope to have a demonstration of mainly ex ADANA dogs who now work for the police and armed services. The doors open at 10am for registration and judging starts at 11.00 on the dot. Admission is 5 € for adults but accompanied children get in free. Entry to classes is 4€. Entry forms are available from vets and on the web site
Información Information
The Resident -
Marlows Marlows have been established for nearly two years at the Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre, close to Puerto Duquesa in Manilva. During those two years they have built up a reputation for serving the best fish and chips, either to take away or eat in at their comfortable and spacious restaurant. They are proud of the fact that they offer their customers excellent value for money and quality. Marlows have over fifty years experience in the frying trade and Steven Marlow, the owner and head fryer, has over thirty-two years experience. You’ll always be assured of a great quality meal when you visit Marlows. Alongside their standard menu they have three excellent special offers:
2 course Lunch midweek, including a drink for 8.50€ Sunday Roast Lunch for 8.75€ Fish and Chips to Take Away for 5.50€ Opening Times are: Mon – Sat: Lunch 1 pm – 3.45 pm Evenings 6 pm – 10 pm Sun – 1 pm 8 pm Tel. 951 276 728
Restaurante urante MARYMAR R Horario: 12.00 a 16:30 y 18:30 a 23:30 Opening times: 12.00 -4.30pm & 6.30pm - 11.30pm Domingo/Sunday: 12.00 - 18.00 Lunes/Monday: Cerrado/Closed
Especialidad enn Pescado Frito y comida sin gluten luten Paseo Maritimo Sabinillas Málaga
Tel. 952 89 02 71
Zona productiva de vinos: Ribera del Duero
Party Services... BBQs, Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Corporate Events... • Loan of beer and tinto de verano pumps
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Ask us to quote for your party, you will be pleasantly surprised! DISTRIBUTORS FOR:
Order on line, Visit our shop or Call +34 956 69 58 58 No.17 Sotovila IV, Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro, Sotogrande, 11311, Cadiz, Spain
Una de las regiones en España de elaboración del vino es la prestigiosa Ribera del Duero en el centro de España, conocida como una de las mejores y exclusivas en vinos tintos. Viñedos a lo largo del río Duero, justo a 120 km al norte de Madrid. Ribera del Duero es una tierra de contrastes. Inviernos duros, veranos calurosos y con una altitud idónea para la crianza y elaboración del Tinto Fino, conocido como Tempranillo, cuya producción de vino es de un 95 por ciento.
El corazón de Ribera del Duero es la Milla de Oro, situada en la carretera nacional que lleva de Aranda de Duero a Valladolid, congrega en sus márgenes, y casi unas junto a otras, a algunas de las bodegas más valiosas de España: Vega Sicilia, Arzuaga, Abadía Retuerta, Teófilo Reyes, Viña Mayor, Protos y Aalto, entre otras, tienen sus bodegas y viñedos asomados a esta vía. Son instalaciones, muchas de ellas, espectaculares
Spanish wine regions - Ribera de Duero One of Spain’s truly legendary winemaking regions, the pristinely rural Ribera de Duero in central Spain is home to some of the world’s best and most exclusive red wines. Laid out on a sprawling plateau along the banks of the Duero River, just 120km north of Madrid, Ribera del Duero is a land of extremes. Biting winters, sun-bleached summers and high altitudes work handin-hand with clayey, silty and limestone soils to create the ideal conditions for Tinto Fino, the local name for the Tempranillo grape, which makes up 95 percent of wine production. The heart of the Ribera del Duero is the Milla de Oro, or Golden Mile, a short strip of
land hugging the Duero River (which runs west toward Portugal, slicing through the Spanish wine regions of Toro and Rueda before becoming the Duoro and nourishing Portugal’s Duoro and Porto regions). The Milla de Oro looks no different than the countless rows of vineyards cutting across the landscape nearby, but this is the home of iconic wineries like Vega Sicilia, Pingus, Abadia Retuerta and Mauro. It was the unique terroir here that first proved that this oftentimes harsh and arid region was capable of producing exquisitely expressive reds that would become renowned worldwide.
Ocio What’s On
The Resident -
SEAL 23 Jul 2010 Plaza de Toros, Marbella
This fabulous night of entertainment promises to deliver a night of feel-good family fun like nothing ever staged on this scale before on the Costa del Sol! The world famous ABBA act, BJÖRN AGAIN bring their sell-out international show to the coast for an exclusive Spanish appearance. A fully live performance of all your favourite songs from ABBA and Mamma Mia the movie for an unforgettable fun family night out! SPECIAL GUEST - X Factor’s Ruth Lorenzo As if this wasn’t enough, the sensational Spanish X Factor finalist Ruth Lorenzo will be performing her full live set for the first time on the coast in another huge exclusive for this event. Taking a break from recording her debut album for EMI records, Ruth has made time to bring her infectious mix of Latino sex appeal; stunning vocal ability and raunchy rock cover versions to the Bullring. She can’t wait to sing for her fans on the coast saying: “I’m so excited to perform back in my home country, this will be an amazing event, looking forward to seeing you there!” Local singing sensation and WOW FACTOR winner Becky Tate will also appear, Plus: DJ Russell from Terra Blues will
British singer Seal is to open his new Spanish tour in Marbella. The gig will be in the Marbella bullring on July 23. The singer has promised a two hour show of his greatest hits with numbers from his new album, ‘Soul’. Tickets for Marbella will be priced at Kool and Gang – The legendary Kings of Soul and Disco! – 35 € from Ticketmaster and El Corte are coming to Marbella! Join the celebration at the Puente Inglés. Romano Tennis Club on Friday, August 6th. Performing such golden classics as ‘Get Down On It’ ‘Ladies Night’, ‘Celebration’ and Jungle Boogie, don´t miss this chance to en concierto/in concert get your groove on! 8pm: Doors open 9 pm: Manolo & Lito (2 former members of Gipsy Kings) play their hits such as Bamboleo, Jovi Jova 9.30: Fil Straughn playing Luther Vandross & Motown hits. 10pm: Kool & the Gang take o the stage
provide an infectious soundtrack of party classics from the 70’s, 80’s & 90’s to keep the party jumping! The organisers are also proud to be donating a proportion of each ticket sold to the Cudeca Cancer Hospice, there will also be collection points on the night, please give generously!
The Summer Spectacular Concert 2010 El mundialmente famoso BJÖRN AGAIN, traerá en exclusiva para toda España, su espectacular show de ABBA a la Costa del Sol. Un espectáculo totalmente en directo en el que interpretaran todos los éxitos de ABBA y las canciones de la película Mamma Mia, una fantástica oportunidad para disfrutar de una noche inolvidable con toda la familia. Invitada especial - Ruth Lorenzo Por si esto fuera poco la sensacional cantante española, finalista del concurso británico X Factor, Ruth Lorenzo presentará en directo las canciones de su álbum debut por
primera vez en la Costa del Sol, como otra gran exclusiva para este evento. La sensacional cantante local, ganadora del concurso WOW FACTOR, Becky Tate también estará con nosotros y nos ofrecerá varios temas en directo. Así mismo DJ Russell de Terra Blues amenizará el evento con todos los éxitos de los años 70, 80 y 90 durante y después del concierto para que siga la fiesta. Los organizadores también están orgullosos de que un porcentaje de la venta de entradas se donará a fundación Cudeca.
BACK TO THE 40s IS BACK !!! A time where a pint of beer was 5 pence and a new car would set you back £309 and that would include the car! The show is presented by “wideboy” David Honour and recalls the atmosphere and events of the era, the venue, the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa is presented in a typical 1940s style with flags, bunting sandbags etc. Some of the coasts most talented vocal artists Trevor Brooks and Stella, and Laura Elen are joined by Joanne Wynne Hughes with a special guest appearance from UK based soprano Donna Marie Hughes, who wowed the audience last year at the Marbella Film festival. Together they will provide live renditions of some of the most popular songs of the time which still live in the hearts and minds of many of us today!
A giant screen provides amazing visual effects throughout the show, with carefully created footage that compliments every song, combining the technology of today, the historical background of the Castillo in Duquesa with the sights and sounds of a bygone age. The second half of the show is opened by a” Tribute to the Forces” where special homage is paid to the Army, Navy and the Air Force again with original footage and music. The show concludes with a wonderful flag waving session featuring those songs which still evoke sentimental and patriotic emotions in us all. Donna Marie Hughes ends the show with a rendition of Jerusalem and Rule Britannia which provides the signal to bring out the flags as everyone joins in with Land of Hope and Glory etc.
31 Julio/July Plaza de Toros de Puerto Banus, Marbella desde/from 6 pm
Ocio What’s On
Manilva - Programa verano El ciclo de cine de verano, incluido en el programa de actividades de la temporada estival, puesto en marcha por las delegaciones de Turismo y Playas, dirigidas por Noelia López, comenzó ayer miércoles con la proyección de Avatar, en la playa de Sabinillas, junto al colegio San Luis, con una gran asistencia de vecinos y visitantes. De esta manera, desde ayer y hasta el 18 de agosto podemos ver cada miércoles una película a partir de las diez de la noche en citada la playa de Sabinillas. La próxima cita del ciclo de cine, será el 21 de este mes, en la que se podrá disfrutar de “Ice Age 3 La Edad de los Dinosaurios”; y el 28 de Julio se proyectará “Up”. Ya en el mes de agosto, concretamente el día 11, veremos la película “Celda 211” y el 18 de ese mismo mes “Noche en el Museo”. También a lo largo de esta temporada se celebrará el ciclo “Noches de Luna y Playa” que traerá a las playas de nuestro término distintos conciertos para todos los públicos. Concretamente, el próximo domingo día 18 de julio estará dedicado a los más pequeños con un musical infantil, titulado “Sueños Disney” a cargo de la Compañía de Dany Cantos. Un espectáculo de la conocidísima firma Disney que dejará a los más pequeños fascinados. Este concierto se desarrollará en las Playas de Sabinillas (junto al Cali), a partir de las diez de la noche. El Viernes 30 Julio tendrá lugar el Concierto de Clausura de “Julio musical”, a cargo del Grupo Mokambo, actuando como teloneros el grupo “El Combo”,
Wednesday, 21st July - Ice Age 3 Wednesday, 28th July - Up Wednesday, 11th August - Celda 211 Wednesday, 18th August - Night in the Museum 2 All screenings are at 10.30 pm On the 18th July the Dany Cantos Company will present “Disney Dreams” a musical show for the younger audience. The show starts at 9.30 pm on the beach in front of the statue in Sabinillas.
Exposiciones Exhibitions “Feminino Plural”
integrado por los alumnos de la Escuela STOA GALLERY - Edificio Puertosol, Puerto de Estepona Municipal de Música de Manilva. Este La Galería de Arte Stoa presenta artistas tienen, pluralidad de técnicas, concierto dará fin al denominado “Julio una exposición colectiva, “Femenino estilos y pluralidad de enfoques e Musical” y tendrá lugar en las Playas de Plural”, cimentada en la obra de seis intereses, desde simples instantes Sabinillas (junto al Cali), a partir de las mujeres artistas, cuatro españolas (C. vividos, captados con nervio femenil diez y media de la noche. Álvarez, Belén R. Esturla, Gloria Ducás o con pausado entusiasmo, hasta obras El 31 de julio se retoma de nuevo y Mª Jesús Ramírez), una francesa, Julie nacidas del puro racionalismo, analíticas, las Noches de Luna y Playa, en esta Alègre, y una inglesa, Annabel Overbury. sintéticas, pasando por obras de estudio. ocasión, con una actuación ofrecida Conforman una rica amalgama que Paisajes, estudios del natural (naturalezas por la Compañía de Dany Cantos. Se puede disfrutarse hasta finales del mes muertas, desnudo femenino), escenas trata de un musical basado en B.S.O y el costumbristas y étnicas, hasta un icono de julio. bloque denominado Movida de los 90, Comisariada por Conchi Álvarez, la universal de la comedia: Arlequín, se donde escucharemos las canciones más muestra es un ejercicio de yuxtaposición yuxtaponen en un discurso amable... conocidas de esta década. de la pluralidad de visiones que estas femenino plural. Podremos disfrutar de este espectáculo a partir de las diez de la noche en la playa de Sabinillas (Junto al Cali) Pero este ciclo nos ofrece más actuaciones, como la que se llevará a cabo el 1 Agosto a partir de las diez de la noche, en el escenario habitual de la playa de Sabinillas y que en esta ocasión correrá a cargo del cantante de copla Rafa Garcel. Él nos deleitará con canciones españolas de cantantes tan conocidos como Manolo Escobar y Antonio Molina, entre otros. Por último el 20 de agosto, concluirá el ciclo “Noches de Luna y Playa” con el concierto del grupo The Brain Storming Jazz Quartet, que nos deleitará con un repertorio para todos aquellos amantes del Jazz. Esta actuación tendrá lugar a partir de las diez de la noche en el Puerto de la Duquesa.a de Sabinillas y que en esta ocasión correrá a cargo del cantante de copla Rafa Garcel. Él nos deleitará Stoa Art Gallery presents a group Hosted by Conchi Alvarez, the show is an con canciones españolas de cantantes exhibition “Feminine Plural”, featuring the exercise in juxtaposition of the plurality tan conocidos como Manolo Escobar y work of six women artists, four Spanish (C. of views that these artists have: a variety Antonio Molina, entre otros.
Manilva’s Summer Programme Manilva’s tourism department is presenting a number of events and activities during the summer months: Summer cinema Enjoy a season of films screened on the beach in Sabinillas (in front of the school)
The Resident -
Another musical spectacular, this time for all ages will be performed at the same venue on the 31st July by Fiesta Sur Company and takes a look at the music of the 90s. On Friday 30th July students from Manilva’s Municipal School of Music will perform as part of the ‘Musical July’ cycle of concerts. The performance starts at 10.30 on the beach by the statue in Sabinillas.
The final concert in this season of musical spectaculars is on August 1st, when singer Rafa Garcel takes to the stage at 10 pm on the beach in front of the statue in Sabinillas.
Álvarez, Belén R. Esturla, Gloria Ducás and Mª Jesús Ramírez), a Frenchwoman, Julie Alegre and Englishwoman, Annabel Overbury. They present a rich mixture that can be enjoyed until the end of July.
of techniques, styles and approaches. Landscapes, natural studies (still life, female nude) scenes and ethnic studies, to a universal icon of comedy: Harlequin.
Tel: 951 318 426. Fax: 952 798 284. Email: Web: Horario/Opening hours: Lunes- viernes/Monday-Fridays: 11.00-14.30 / 17.00-20.30 Sábados y domingos (sólo previa cita telefónica): 11.00-14.30 Saturdays and Sundays (by telephone appointment only): 11.00-14.30
Ocio What’s On
The Resident -
Rio Manilva Road, Sabinillas-Manilva or call 952 892 690 Entertainment for April/May at Armstrongs Restaurant and Lounge JULY Saturday 17th Rock, Pop, Rhythm & Blues Band Saturday 23rd Flamenco Evening with Felipe Saturday 24th West End Musical Show – Songs and dances from the shows Saturday 31st Glorious Goodwood starting at 1pm. Tickets are €30 per head and include cava & canapé reception, 3 course lunch, race pack, live music and live racing from Glorious Goodwood!
AUGUST Wednesday 4th Frankie B – Soul & Motown Night Saturday 7th Rat Pack Tribute Saturday 14th Quincy Sax – Saxophonist & Singer Wednesday 18th Flamenco Evening with Felipe Saturday 21st ARMSTRONGS SUMMER BALL – The summer event of the year! Saturday 28th Frankie B – Soul & Motown Night
TEATRO CERVANTES Ramos Marín, s/n, Málaga Venta/Sales tel 902 36 02 95 Info 952 22 41 00
BOBBY McFERRIN - martes, 27 julio, 21.00 h
“Dusty” returns
VOCAbuLarieS es la música de Bobby McFerrin para el siglo XXI. No se parece a nada de lo que el 10 veces ganador de un Grammy ha grabado anteriormente. Un proyecto ambicioso elaborado durante varios años, que parte
de innumerables elementos estilísticos, se ha sintetizado minuciosamente y se presenta en un nuevo marco, definido por ricas texturas y arreglos, y un denso detalle compositivo.
BOBBY McFERRIN - Tuesday, 27thJuly, 9 pm VOCAbuLarieS is the music of Bobby McFerrin for the XXI century. It is unlike anything the 10 times Grammy winner has recorded previously. An ambitious project developed over several years, which
leaves many stylistic elements, has been synthesized and presented in detail in a new framework, defined by richly textured arrangements, and a dense compositional detail.
Entradas/ Tickets
Dusty Springfield & Friends back in Concert at the Roman Oasis, Manilva on Friday 10th September 2010 – raising funds for Animal in Need, La Linea. Performed by Katy Setterfield: winner of BBC1’s ‘The One & Only’ Following on from the sell out concert last year Katy is returning again with her incredible one-woman show to help raise much needed funds for Animal in Need, La Linea. The winner of BBC1’s prime-time show ‘The One And Only’ with her award-winning portrayal of Dusty Springfield returns to Spain for a show packed with classic Dusty hits – including You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, Son Of A Preacher Man, I Only Want To Be With You. This special performance at The Roman Oasis, Manilva will also feature Katy’s own equally brilliant impersonations of Cher & Tina Turner. After Katy’s universally acclaimed first solo tour and with her recent performing experience including tours and residencies in America and throughout Europe, a stunning evening is again assured. So come and enjoy an outstanding night of music, non-stop fun and nostalgia with one of the UK’s most popular and impressive singers. Tickets available now at €50 and the price includes welcome Cava, entertainment throughout the evening, The Famous Roman Oasis Banquet, Dessert and a half bottle of wine per person.
For more information or to book tickets, please telephone Ian on 664 362 068. Numbers are limited and last year’s event sold out quickly so to avoid disappointment please book early.
The Resident -
Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast
Princesa Kristina €180,000
1 bed apartment with views to Duquesa Golf from its private terrace. Centrally located to both Duquesa Marina and Sabinillas. The apartment is traditional and can be enhanced by slight renovations. 1
3 bed, 2 bath apartment boasts exceptionally large internal space. Spacious bedrooms, a very large lounge and a generous kitchen. The property is furnished to a very high standard and is being sold fully furnished. 2
Casares Costa
Casares Costa
We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.
Pueblo Mexicano €75,000
3 bed, 3 bath townhouse in small community of only 8 houses. Communal pool and gardens and enjoy a superb outlook onto Duquesa Golf. Private garden to the rear. Features include fireplace, 2 off road parking spaces.
3 bed, 3 bath penthouse apartment in Paraiso de la Bahia overlooks the Eucalyptus trees in the green zone and is very private. Spacious living room, bedrooms and kitchen. The beach and golf courses are within a 10 minute walk from the apartment. 4
Casares Costa
Bahia de Casares
Penthouse also available for €130,000 This 2 bed ground floor apartment in Casares del Sol has easy access to all pool and garden areas. The property has a large bright living room with marble flooring throughout. Sky TV and telephone lines are also available within this community. The master bedroom has an ensuite bathroom, the second bedroom is a twin. Located in a quiet area of the development which makes this property very attractive. Casares del Sol is located on the Casares coast minutes from the beach close to Finca Cortesin golf and has wonderful spacious gardens, several pools and underground parking. Property offered €165,000 below the original purchase price as well as unfurnished. 5
Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse in Casares Costa. Fully equipped kitchen, large living room, private garden ,terrace and solarium. The price includes the parking place. The urbanization has mature gardens and swimming pool. 6
Manilva Gardens €135,000
Brand new 3 bed, 2 bath town house, near to Casares beach. Large terrace with wonderful views, fireplace, and equipped kitchen. The urbanization also has swimming pool and garden area. It is situated only a few minutes drive from the beach and village of Sabinillas. 7
Casares Playa
€165,000 Lovely duplex penthouse in the centre of Sabinillas. The property is very well located just steps from the paseo marítimo and close to all the ammenities. It has 2 large bedrooms with built-in-wardrobes, 2 bathrooms, large living/ dining room and terrace. The urbanization has mature gardens and swimming pool.
Lovely spacious 2 bed, 2 bath apartment near to the Duquesa Golf and the Duquesa Marina. Ample living-dining room which leads out to the private terrace, and a spacious fully-fitted kitchen. Communal swimming pool, gardens and ample parking. 8
This beautiful 3 bed, 3 bath penthouse apartment, has three large terraces with fabulous views of sea and mountains. There are two communal pools, gardens and childrens play area on the complex. Easy access of local amenities. 9
These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. You can find many more on our website at For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at or call 952 936 198
The Resident -
Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz
Fácil Easy
This month’s picture quiz features logos from some of the world’s best known companies and brands. Answers on page 26. Este mes se lo dedicamos a los más famosos logotipos de empresas del mundo. Respuestas en página 26.
Soluciones página 26 All solutions on page 26
Nivel Medio Medium
Difícil Hard
The Resident -
Book launch - The Murder in Whirligig Lane
Información Information
International Club of Estepona The ICE Club is a social club for all Englishspeaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, dancing and themed supper evenings. Day and holiday coach trips. Golf, bowls, rambling, drama, cards and quiz. Monthly magazine and much more.
Amateur detective Giovanni Bresciano, who bumbles his way to solving the murder of a beautiful Spanish refugee in the Gibraltar of 1813. The first problem is - how did she die? Was it yellow fever? Or was she poisoned? Or...? Written by Sam Benady and Mary Chiappe, The Murder in Whirligig Lane is the first in a series featuring the amateur detective Giovanni Bresciano. There will be a book launch and signing on Saturday 24th July from 12pm to 2pm at Longman’s Bookshop, Estepona.
Sundays - Bar open 12.30 to 2.30pm for drinks and tapas. Tuesdays - Bar open 11.00am to 2.00pm for drinks and tapas. Thursdays - Bar open 10.30am to 2.30pm for drinks and lunch.
Special events for June/July Friday 16th July – Candlelit supper ‘Rustic Italian Cuisine’ Sunday 1st August – Evening Trip to Fuengirola Zoo Saturday 7th August – Family BBQ August 9th to 16th – Eric Young’s Scotland Trip Saturday 21st August – Live Music & American Supper ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -
Royal British Legion RBL would like to remind everyone about the Coffee morning which will be held at the Padre Manual Cultural Centre Cafeteria in Estepona on July 23rd at 11.00 am when The Foreign Residents’ Association (AREME) are holding a Table Top Sale (see below). There is parking behind the Centre and on the approach road to it for those not familiar with the area.
Because many people are away for the summer, during July there will only be three Friday evening dinners and in August there will only be informal Friday evening dinners each week at 19.30 hours at Pekin Pato in Estepona Port, for those wishing to meet up with friends. Friday July 30th Cazador 2 at 19:30 for 20:00
The Estepona Floral Art Club will not meet during July and August, so the next demonstration will be held at The Benavista Country Club, Benavista, on Tuesday, 21st September 2010, where the club will be welcoming Dulcie Lofting, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Kings Lynn, Norfolk. The Estepona Floral Art Club is always pleased to welcome visitors at each month’s demonstrations, so for further information on the above or any future events, contact the Chairman, Marilyn Pemberton on Tel: 952 928 197 Alternatively go to the webpage on www. and click on the link Estepona Floral Art Club.
Estepona Foreign Residents Association
Alcoholics Anonymous
Invites you to join them in their
There is a cost free solution
in the Cafeteria of the Padre Manuel Cultural Centre
Call the Helpline 600 379 110
Coffee, Cakes and Tapas available ALL DAY The tables cost 5 euros each (provided by the centre) Tables must be booked in advance for those who wish to have one. Any money raised on the table goes to the person running the table
Friday 23rd July, 2010 11 am till 2 pm Book Your Table Now
Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva Age Concern Shop Summer Closure The Age Concern charity shop in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona will close on Saturday 31st July to allow the staff to have a summer break and also to re-stock with Autumn goodies! The shop will re-open on Wednesday 1st September at 10.00 and normal opening hours will be resumed. They are 10.00 to 13.30 Monday to Saturday inclusive. Before the 31st July you still have the opportunity to top up your summer wardrobe with the fantastic bargains on offer – then on the 1st September why not come along and pick up a new Autumn wardrobe. The volunteers on duty will look forward to welcoming you. Age Concern would also appreciate more donations – particularly bric-a-brac – call 951 318 234 if you can provide any, or drop it off at the shop.
Golf Competition This is an early warning of a golf competition to be held at Estepona Golf on the 11th October. The fee, including a buggy, will be €60. More details will be announced soon – to register interest please call 951 318 234 and leave your name and telephone number. Lifeline For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650 163 928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at
Información Information
The Resident -
Más Marcas, Más Descuentos y Novedades para todos los públicos en la 2ª Feria Outlet Costa del Sol
· Este evento abarcará 3.000m2 y contará con la participación de cerca de 70 expositores que, a diferencia de las rebajas, pondrán a la venta productos de las mejores marcas, de la pasada temporada y con descuentos mínimos del 50%.
· La 2ª Feria Outlet Costal del Sol será un evento de compras y ocio para toda la familia y presentará novedades como el Mercado Ecológico, en el que habrá frutas y verduras ecológicas, productos orgánicos y artículos ahorradores de agua y energía. · El objetivo de este evento es ofrecer a la población local, a turistas y a extranjeros residentes de la Costa del Sol un lugar alternativo y cercano a la playa para que puedan hacer y disfrutar sus compras Outlet con toda la familia. Así, casi 70 expositores de Moda, Calzado, Deportes, Surf, Informática, Óptica, Perfumería, Decoración, Infantil, Hogar, Descanso o Electrodomésticos ocuparán los 3.000 m2 del recinto esteponero, ofreciendo a los visitantes una amplia variedad de artículos de primeras marcas con descuentos de entre el 50% y el 90% sobre su precio en tienda. De este modo, en la 2ª Feria Outlet Costa del Sol habrá todo
tipo de marcas: Tommy Hilfiger, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, Calvin Klein, Burberry, Dockers, Camper, Nike, Hugo Boss, Carhartt, Volcom, Fornarina o Miss Sixty, entre otras. Para los comercios y tiendas de la Costa del Sol, este tipo de evento es una excelente herramienta para deshacerse del stock que tiene acumulado en el almacén, ya que a diferencia de las rebajas de temporada, en las que también se venden productos con descuentos, en una feria Outlet los productos que se ponen a la venta son sólo de marca y de calidad, los descuentos son más agresivos ya que suelen ser artículos de la temporada anterior, y es una fórmula que satisface con creces tanto a compradores como vendedores.
The 2nd Costa del Sol Outlet Fair Brings More Brands, More Discounts and More Leisure for all the Family 16th, 17th and 18th of July at the Estepona Congress Centre • Shopaholics are lucky again this summer! They’ll find Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Armani Jeans, Burberry, Nike, Adidas, Morgan, Gucci or Prada articles with, at least, 50% discount and just by the beach. • The new Eco Market area will offer fresh and organic groceries as well as water and energy saving products. At the same time, visitors can enjoy a Mojito or a tropical Ice Cream in the Lounge Area and kids will have a blast of a time in the Children’s Area with balloon modelling, juggling and disguise make-up games. • The 2nd Costa del Sol Outlet Fair aims to offer an alternative and enjoyable Outlet shopping area with exclusive branded articles of Fashion wear, Sports,
Surf, Computers, Electrical Appliances, Warehouse, Accessories and Children’s Wear, amongst others. Estepona (Malaga), 25th of June of 2010.- More exclusive designer brands and heavier discounts in the 2nd Outlet Costa del Sol Outlet Fair that takes place in the Congress Centre of Estepona between the 16th and 18th of July. Levi’s, Camper, Billabong, Gucci, Versace, Dockers, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren, Diesel, and many more branded articles can be found in this three day Outlet Fair that offers tourists, local and foreign residents an alternative shopping area with discounts that go from a minimum of 50% to 90% off, from the price tag. As an example, visitors will find a Lacoste shirt for less than 30 euros, a Diesel dress for 49 euros or a pair of Nike trainers for only 25 euros. Incredible discounts can
also be seen in Computers with laptops for 259 euros, in Warehouse with a two piece sofa for less than 349 euros and much more. This second edition, which will occupy 3.000 square metres with 70 different stands, will offer thousands of Fashion wear, Surf, Sports, Accessories, Decoration and Footwear branded articles, but will also brings new types of products such as Computers, Optician or Electrical Appliances. The greatest novelty is the Eco Outlet Market, which will offer all kinds of ecological products at very reasonable prices such as fresh fruits and vegetables that come from ecological orchards and gardens, as well as water and energy saving products that help to also save some money at home!
The Resident -
Información Information
Conciertos de verano - El Castillo de la Duquesa Siguiendo el éxito fenomenal que tuvo el el concierto de Verano el año pasado, este verano habrá dos conciertos dentro de El Castillo de la Duquesa, sábado 24 de julio y Sábado 21 de Agosto, patrocinado y apoyado por Ibex Insurance, Essential Marbella Magazine, Talk Radio Euroque y Fischer Car Group, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Manilva. Los conciertos serán amenizados por el popular Tenor Stephen LloydMorgan con la nueva Marbella Concert Orchestra, dirigida por el renombrado Director Musical Ian Green, con una selección de canciones de Music-Hall, Opera y alguna mezcla, cantados en Inglés, Italiano y en Español. Los artistas invitados también incluirán un repertorio contemporáneo al concierto incluyendo Jazz, Artista internacionalmente reconocida; María Lourdes Benítez, Soprano del El Coro
de Ópera de Málaga y Rebecca Tate, finalista del concurso WOW España. El organizador del concierto Nick Holland dice: “ Estamos muy ilusionados de traer Marbella Concert Orchestra para acompañar a Steve este año en los concierto en la Duquesa. Estamos también encantados de que el jazz, que normalmente no se toca mucho en España, haga presencia en este concierto. Las entradas serán 40 euros, y estarán a la venta a partir del 9 de Junio en Beccy´s Monte Duquesa, Christina´s Cards (Sabinillas), Glitterati Books (Centro Diana Benavista) y en Anglo Wines (Sotogrande) o llamando al teléfono 697 783 n942. Información: y en Stephen LloydMorgan with The Marbella Concert Orchestra/summerevents
The Summer Event Concerts - El Castillo de la Duquesa Tickets for the first of this year’s Summer Event Concerts have predictably been selling very quickly and with only a small supply remaining this is almost certain to be another sell-out event! Following the phenomenal success of The Summer Event Concert last year; reviewed as “World Class entertainment delivered direct to our door step”; this summer there will be two concerts inside the magnificent and intimate setting of El Castillo de la Duquesa on Saturday 24th July & Saturday 21st August. The concerts will star popular tenor
Stephen Lloyd-Morgan with the new and specially formed 16-piece Marbella Concert Orchestra, conducted by renowned Musical Director Ian Green, with a selection of songs from Musical Theatre, Opera and Cross-Over, sung in English, Italian and Spanish. Special guest artists also bringing an eclectic and contemporary repertoire to the event include Yazz, International Recording Artist; Julie-Anne Hunter, Mezzo Soprano ENO & Royal Festival Hall; María Lourdes Benítez, Soprano El Coro de Ópera de Málaga and Spain´s WOW Factor Winner
and Runner-up, Christian Fa & Rebecca Tate, and The Unity Gospel Singers. Tickets, €40, on sale from Beccy´s, Monte Duquesa; Christina´s Cards, Sabinillas; Glitterati Books, Centro Diana Benavista & Anglo Wines, Sotogrande, as well as other outlets along the coast or call 697 783 942. Steve´s first performance with The
Marbella Concert Orchestra was at the prestigious 10th Anniversary Max Clifford Celebrity Butterfly Ball Gala in aid of The Rhys Daniels Trust at the Hotel Puente Romano on 5th June. His performance was reviewed as “amazing”, “outstanding”, “world class”, “a true star”. Information: &
En la Residencia de las Palabras
La FERIA de TODOS Llega la feria, las luces blancas parpadean y suenan a sonrisas de niños. El viento, adolescente, en una noria, se enamora por primera vez. ¿Quién no ha sentido el pulso de la pasión en una feria? “El año pasado conocí a un muchacho de Ronda que era guapísimo...” “Que los primos vienen de otros pueblos cercanos...” “Este año, no me pongo yo esos zapatos tan incómodos...” “Pues yo, este año lo que me he propuesto es divertirme más...” Recuerdo la caseta de antaño, el baile seguro del adulto en la plaza; en la fuente, una orquesta sin trampa de saxofón virtuoso; el tacón de la novia, medio roto de pasodoble y tango, y el sudor del galán en la madrugada; los niños, sigilosos, que con cuidado nos colábamos en la caseta para cantar victoria y enredarnos así con los mayores. La feria de ayer era una plaza, una fuente, el pescadito frito y la uva recién cortada, un melón jugoso de fatiga obrera, el festival flamenco, cantaores del sueño quebrando en seguidilla y bulerías a la luna de septiembre; la feria era un sabor de pueblo y de esperanza, una bienvenida eufórica: los niños, los niños los primeros, y al atardecer con el abuelo a la feria. “Tiremos a los globos, a ver si gano un juguete.” “Niño, eso es muy difícil para mí. Más fácil puede ser que me toque algo en la tómbola.” Tira pichón de escopeta
Amigos son infancia: tiovivos sin feria sobre trenes sonoros de la naturalidad. vieja y desequilibrada. “Puedo ganar un regalo si rompo tres palillos de diente.” Un grupo de muchachas pasean alegres y revoltosas con trajes típicos, enredadas en confetis, con banderas de colores en las manos, con la cinta brillante de Reina y Damas de las fiestas, pero ellas piensan que todavía queda mucha noche por delante, son jóvenes y estarán hasta la madrugada, porque hoy es el último día de feria, quieren unirse al bullicio de algunos turistas decididos a dormir bajo el cielo. La alborada se enciende de churros y coloquios. La feria, la de ayer, la de hoy, la que cada año llega, el tiovivo y la noria protagonistas de la plaza. Llega la feria, luces blancas, bombillas parpadean, suenan a sonrisas de niños. Y hoy, que continúe este nuevo festejo en voluntad de pueblo alegre; algunos familiares y amigos que ya se fueron, pero siguen rondando memorias de la vida: una feria más sin Pablo –las fotos que hizo a tantos montados en su caballo, el caballo de Pablo–, fotógrafo amparado por el flash del amor, y que sigue vivo en el corazón y en la memoria de un amigo que a través de la palabra muestra su propio retrato de ternura.
Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: “Sí a la noche” Feria de 2.007
The Resident -
En tu rosal de noche, dormita mi esperanza, yo lograré vencer espinas que se clavan, son sueños de sus flores, me llena su fragancia, ¿sueño contigo, entonces, o sueño sólo?, tu cuerpo y su jardín, la piel acariciada, me vuelvo, te abrazo, me duermo, en tu jardín yo siembro gladiolos de mi alma.
Soluciones Puzzle Page Solutions Fácil Easy
Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro: Nivel Medio Medium “La llama blanca”
Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas -Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información
Difícil Hard
Teléfono: 606 602 558 (Coopere con nosotros)
LUISANA y AFIMA, de Manilva, y la Fundación Pharos de Estepona participarán en el mercadillo voluntario de la vecina localidad Esteponera La Asociación de Minusválidos Físicos, Psíquicos y Sensoriales de Manilva (Luisana), la Asociación de Fibromialgia de Manilva (AFIMA) y la Fundación Pharos de Estepona, entidad para el estudio, investigación y tratamiento de las adicciones son algunos de los muchos colectivos de Manilva, Sabinillas, Casares y Estepona, que participarán en el mercadillo voluntario que se celebrará en la vecina localidad esteponera, el viernes 23 de julio de siete de la tarde a doce de la noche en el Paseo Marítimo junto a la oficina de Correos. Pharos ha informado en un comunicado de prensa que todo el dinero que se recaude con esta actividad se utilizará para seguir llevando a cabo la labor que desempeñan en el municipio vecino y que da cobertura a toda la comarca. Para más información, los interesados pueden contactar con esta Fundación en el teléfono 952 802 547, a través del e-mail info@fundacionpharos.
Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers
1 Antena 3. 2 Movistar. 3 Bacardi. 4 Eroski. 5 Junta de Andalucia. 6 Kodak. 7 Wella. 8 BP. 9 Carrefour. org o visitar la página web www. Esta iniciativa ha sido convocada por la plataforma para la promoción del Voluntariado de Estepona y del Centro de Recursos de Asociaciones “Sierra Bermeja”. Si desean más información sobre esta iniciativa, han de ponerse en contacto,
en horario de nueve de la mañana a cinco de la tarde, con la Plataforma para la Promoción del Voluntariado de Estepona, situada en el Centro Socio-Cultural “Entre Todos”, siendo el número de teléfono el 951 965 089 o bien llamar al 657 263 558. También los interesados pueden acceder al blog
10 Adidas. 11 Schwarzkopf. 12 Vodafone. 13 Cruzcampo. 14 Seat. 15 Rover.
Consume en tu pueblo Support local businesses
Información Information
The Resident -
Better talk to the bank Many families are having serious financial problems and cannot afford their monthly mortgage payments. If this moment arrives it is always better talk to the bank. Although everybody knows that banks only want money from customers, we recommend all our clients to inform the bank on the situation and try to negotiate or find a solution. What nobody must not do is ignoring the situation and do not contact or inform the bank. All banks start legal actions to repose properties after 3 months without receiving mortgage payments or news from customers. Once this legal court procedure is started by the bank, it is much more complicated to negotiate a solution with the bank, as the case is in the hands of the legal department. Also it is costly to stop it as the customer must pay not only the arrears but also the court expenses and legal fees of the solicitor of the bank. Please note that as legal fees for this court cases are based on the value of the property, we can be talking about lawyers’ bills of several thousand Euros. It is essential to avoid a potential court case. There are different possibilities to sort out the situation:
a) Re-negotiate with the bank the financial conditions of the mortgage. Customers can negotiate with their banks the change or improvement of their mortgage conditions to adapt them to their new personal and financial circumstances. It can be agreed a period of 1 or 2 years of only interest payments (called “carencia”); extension of the period of the mortgage to reduce the amount of monthly payments, negotiated a reduction of interests, etc. b) Give the property back to the bank in payment of the mortgage (called “dación en pago”). Banks are always reluctant to this solution as they do not want to become owners of real estate properties, but many times it is the only possibility when customers can not afford mortgage payments and do not want to the property. In these cases, banks request a valuation on the property (to be paid by the customer) in order to know the value of the property and study the transaction, and approve this solution. As I said before, it is always better talk to the bank. In all my years of professional experience I have seen many cases in which the lack of communication and information between banks and
SOS Médicos 24 HS customers created big financial problems which could had been sorted out easily by sitting down, discuss the situation and using the legal ways available. In case you were facing financial problems and cannot afford your mortgage payments, you should contact your bank to try to find a solution before further legal actions is started. In your dealings with the bank it is always better that you are duly represented by a solicitor who swill speed things and will be able to negotiate a better solution on your behalf. Please also note that 2 alternatives above mentioned (renegotiation of mortgage conditions and giving the property back to the bank) require the signature of public deeds in front of the Notary, so it is important that you are duly represented or assisted at the notary offices when signing documents. Manilva Solicitors Jose M. Lopez-Avalos Senior Partner Tel 952 901 225 Fax 952 901 226 E-mail:
Con una sola llamada al número especial:+34 951 27 72 72 puedes arreglar que un médico experimentado y completamente equipado te visite en cualquier lugar donde deseas- sea si es en tu casa, en tu hotel o incluso en el campo de golf. “La filosofía de SOS Médicos 24 HS es una de atención personal, dice Ingrid Davids Blumink, el fundador holandés y el Director General de la empresa. “Tuve una casa aquí, en esta magnífica región, desde hace más de 10 años y quise dar algo a la comunidad que me ha dado la bienvenida. Quise introducir un tipo de asistencia médica de 24 horas nueva y moderna tanto para los expatriados como yo, como para los residentes españoles, que ofrece una ayuda sensible, discreta y apropiada cuando es necesario. No es la costumbre en España tener la asistencia médica en la casa del cliente, y el año pasado introduje un nuevo tipo de servicio de médico a domicilio para rellenar este hueco.” Luego, ella añade: “la calidad de SOS Médicos 24 HS es que no tienes que venir o traer a tus hijos en nuestro consultorio cuando nos necesitas, ya que nuestro médico te va a visitar en donde estás, las 24 horas del día. Se ha comprobado ser un gran éxito, ya que se nos
puede llamar también para casos de enfermedad ligera. Nuestros médicos están disponibles a responder de inmediato, te van a visitar y van a entregar una ayuda discreta y personal. Con ellos van a llevar todo el equipamiento médico necesario, como un desfibrilador portable, un ECG portable, medicamentos y todo el equipamiento médico para permitirles actuar de inmediato y de manera apropiada. A través de una cita, nuestros socios valorables también pueden visitar a uno de nuestros médicos en nuestra oficina totalmente equipada en Manilva, abajo en la A-7 (km. 139).” “Todos nuestros médicos están registrados con el Colegio Médico de España y también trabajan en consultorios generales y hospitales de España.” “Entregamos, a través de nuestro equipo médico dedicado y a través de nuestras tele-operadoras totalmente preparadas un servicio eficiente las 24 horas que le entrega tranquilidad a cualquier miembro o a cualquier persona que nos utiliza en una ocasión singular. Sea si estás de vacaciones, te acabas de mudar aquí, has llegado aquí hace años o siempre has vivido aquí, SOS Médicos 24 HS va a cuidar de tí y de tu familia.”
With one phone call to their special number: +34 951 27 72 72 you can arrange for an experienced and fully equipped doctor to visit you anywhere you require whether it is in your home, at your hotel or even on the golf course. “The philosophy of SOS Médicos 24 HS is one of personal care”, says Ingrid Davids Blumink, the Dutch founder and General Director of the company. “I have had a house here in this lovely region for over 10 years and wanted to give something back to the community that has welcomed me. I wanted to introduce a new, modern kind of 24 hour medical assistance for both expats like myself and Spanish residents that offers sensitive, discreet and appropriate help whenever necessary. It’s not the usual way in Spain, to have medical attendance to a clients home, and last year I introduced a new kind of doctor at home service to fill this gap.” And, she adds: “the strength of SOS Médicos 24 HS is that you don’t have to bring yourself or your kids into the practice when you need us, as our doctor will visit you wherever you are, 24 hours a day. It’s proven
to be a big success, because we can also be called for minor illnesses. Our doctors are available to respond immediately, they will visit you and will provide discreet and personal help. On board they will have all the necessary medical equipment, like a portable defibrillator, portable ECG, medications and all medical equipment to enable them to act immediately and appropriately. By appointment, our valued members can also visit one of our doctors in our fully equipped office in Manilva, just down the road at the A-7 (km. 139).” “All of our doctors are registered with the Colegio Médico in Spain and also work within general practices and hospitals in Spain.” “We provide, with our dedicated medical staff and fully trained emergency line telephone- operators, an efficient 24 hour service that gives everyone who is a member or who uses it for just a one off occasion, complete peace of mind. Whether you are on holiday, have just moved here, moved out years ago or have always lived here, SOS Médicos 24 HS will look after you and your family.”
Britons missing out on £101M each year on international money transfers
£€ Poor bank rates and high charges for foreign exchange transactions mean individuals need to be savvier when transferring money overseas. Research by Moneycorp reveals that Brits are potentially losing over £101m a year by not shopping around for the best deals when transferring money abroad. Furthermore, uncompetitive exchange rates and high bank charges are costing individuals a lot of money, despite a concerted effort by most to reduce their outgoings on luxury and even staple items. David Kerns, Head of Personal Clients at Moneycorp, comments: “While many individuals are visiting comparison websites more frequently, checking
voucher code sites and consulting online consumer forums before purchasing goods in order to save money, this mindset doesn’t seem to have extended to foreign exchange. As a result, individuals are missing out on a very large sum of money they could be saving, by transferring funds overseas through a foreign exchange specialist rather than a bank. Not surprisingly, high street banks are cashing in as a result of this surprisingly apathetic approach.” People buying or selling property overseas and people emigrating or repatriating will be particularly affected, though this issue will affect all Brits who are transferring money overseas. People who own additional properties abroad and make regular mortgage and/or utilities payments will also be badly affected, as every transfer is open to individual transfer charges, in addition to exchange rates. Data from the UK’s number one property website, Rightmove Overseas, reveals that the average house price in the Costa del Sol
in Spain is currently €369,860.68. With a deposit of 10% (€36,986), using a high street bank rather than Moneycorp would cost an individual, on average, an extra £558 on their deposit alone. An individual who wants to transfer a lump sum of £100,000 to an account in Europe would lose out on an average of €1,690 by using their bank for the transfer into euros. David Kerns concludes: “Despite the UK coming out of recession recently, individuals shouldn’t be lining the pockets of their bank managers and it’s in their best interest to maximise their investments. Prior to making any overseas payments, we always advocate that people shop around to get the best rates possible.” For more information on how Moneycorp can help get you more currency than from your bank contact Michael Campbell in the Costa del Sol office on +34 951 319 700 or email michael. Always quote The Resident.
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The Resident -
Vets Corner La CE Alerta a Viajeros Sobre Transporte de Mascotas y Compra de Alimentos La Comisión Europea (CE) ha publicado hoy, con motivo del comienzo del periodo de vacaciones de verano, un conjunto de consejos a los viajeros sobre las exigencias y limitaciones previstas en las reglas comunitarias en el transporte de mascotas y en la compra de alimentos fuera de la UE. Asimismo, Bruselas también ha dado orientaciones sobre los derechos de los pasajeros a la hora de reclamar frente a los operadores turísticos ó las líneas aéreas. La CE recuerda, en el caso de los alimentos, que es ilegal importar carne, leche, quesos y otros derivados animales de países no comunitarios para consumo propio, ni tampoco para regalo. Como excepción, la UE sólo permite comprar ese tipo de productos de Croacia, Groenlandia o Islandia, hasta un máximo de 10 kilogramos ó, hasta un tope de 2 kilos, si se trata de leche en polvo para niños, alimentos infantiles ó preparados especiales por razones médicas. La CE ha recordado que está autorizada la importación de pescado y de ciertos
mariscos, si no exceden los 20 kilos de peso y de miel, si no sobrepasa los 2 kilos. Estas normas no se aplican para los productos transportados entre países de la UE ó procedentes de Andorra, Suiza, Liechtenstein, Noruega, San Marino ó Suiza. Bruselas advierte a los turistas de que el incumplimiento de estas restricciones pueden suponer “graves retrasos en las fronteras”, la destrucción del producto e incluso “multas”, y recuerda que la prohibición está justificada por razones sanitarias. Por otra parte, la CE ha remarcado que los viajeros que quieran trasladar sus perros, gatos o hurones deben haberlos vacunado contra la rabia, si bien para entrar en Malta, Irlanda, Reino Unido o Suecia el animal deberá haber sido sometido a tratamientos adicionales. Asimismo, la CE recomienda verificar si el país de destino permite o no la entrada de cachorros o de animales muy jóvenes. Para los viajeros que llegan de un país no comunitario, la UE exige que su mascota esté sometida a una cuarentena de tres meses, tras su
The EC Tips on Travelling with Pets and Food Purchases in Non-EU Countries The European Commission (EC) has published, to mark the beginning of the summer holiday period, a set of tips for travellers about the requirements and limitations, which are covered in the Community rules on the transporting of pets and pet food purchases outside the EU . In addition, Brussels has also provided guidance on the rights of passengers at the time of making a claim against the tour operators or airlines. The EC points out, in the case of food, it is illegal to import meat, milk, cheese and other animal products from non EU countries, neither for our own consumption, nor as a gift. As an exception, the EU only allows the purchase of such products in Croatia, Greenland, or Iceland, up to a maximum of 10 kilograms or up to a limit of 2 kilos in the case of powdered milk for children, baby food or special preparations for medical reasons. The EC allows the importation of certain fish and seafood, if you do not exceed 20 kilos in weight and honey, if you have no more than 2 kilos. These rules do not apply to products transported between EU countries or from Andorra, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway, San Marino, or Switzerland. Brussels warns tourists that any breach of these restrictions may constitute serious delays at borders, the destruction of the product and even fines, emphasizing that
the ban is justified on health grounds. Moreover, the EC has stressed that travelers who want to travel with their dogs, cats and/or ferrets must have them vaccinated against rabies, but to enter or return to Malta, Ireland, the UK or Sweden, the animal has been subjected to additional treatments and/or tests. The EC recommended to check if the country of destination allows the entry of puppies or very young animals. For travellers arriving from a country outside the Community, the EU requires that your pet is subject to a quarantine of three months after vaccination, before the transfer. Within the EU a “pet passport “ exists, for animals that are transported within the Community, that their owners may obtain from national authorities or veteriarians. It also recalls the Brussels regulation on passenger rights in the EU, in case of problems with an airline, a tour operator or car rental company. If there is no agreement between the passenger and the company , the EC recommended to go to a consumer organization or the European Consumer Centre of nationality , if not able to solve a problem with another company in that country. Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387
vacunación, antes del traslado. Sólo para los animales que son transportados dentro de territorio comunitario, la UE establece un “pasaporte” especial, que sus dueños podrán obtener dirigiéndose a las autoridades nacionales. Por otra parte, la CE recuerda la conveniencia de un uso apropiado de protección solar y de productos que resguardan frente a los rayos UVA y UVB. Asimismo, Bruselas recuerda la regulación sobre derechos del pasajero en la UE, en caso de problemas con una línea aérea, un operador turístico o una empresa de alquiler de coches. En caso de no haber acuerdo entre el viajero y la compañía, la CE recomienda acudir a una organización de consumidores ó al Centro Europeo del Consumidor de su nacionalidad, si no ha conseguido solucionar un contratiempo con una empresa de otro país.
‘Twitter’, now also for dogs Now you can know what your dog is thinking. The popular phrase ‘If only they could talk’, for decades uttered in respect of man’s best friend, could finally become a reality thanks to Twitter and Mattel. The concept of Twitter is so simple the idea being that anyone can use it. So much so that even dogs may do so through a curious device designed by toy company Mattel. ‘Puppy Tweets’, the name given this new system, interprets the activities of your favourite pet through a sound and motion sensor attached to the collar. The sensor uses a Wifi connection with a a receiver on your PC to monitor the pet’s activity. Simply create an account for your best friend on Twitter and wait for the updates. The ‘Puppy Tweets’ is the first in a line of Mattel toys designed for adults who appear in 2010.
Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387
Twitter’, también para perros En este 2010 podremos conocer qué es lo que piensa nuestra mascota. La popular frase ‘Sólo le falta hablar’ referida desde hace décadas al mejor amigo del hombre, podrá convertirse en realidad gracias a Twitter y a Mattel. El concepto de Twitter es tan sencillo que la idea es que cualquiera pueda utilizarlo. Tanto es así, que hasta los perros podrán hacerlo gracias a un curioso dispositivo que ha diseñado la compañía juguetera Mattel. ‘Puppy Tweets’, que es como se denomina este nuevo sistema, interpreta las actividades de la mascota favorita de todo el mundo y las traslada a Twitter gracias a su sensor de sonido y movimiento. Los
dueños que se hagan con esta peculiar herramienta, tendrá que conectar un receptor al PC, crear una cuenta para su mejor amigo en Twitter y esperar a que se actualice. Si el animal está dando vueltas como un loco por la casa, en su Twitter aparecerá: “Finalmente alcancé la cola que estaba persiguiendo...”, según ha avanzado la cadena CNN. Por otro lado, si el perro está durmiendo, en la red social se leerá: “A veces siento que mis patas están permanente en ‘modo siesta’”. El ‘Puppy Tweets’ es el primero de una línea de juguetes de Mattel pensados para adultos que aparecerán durante 2010.
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The Resident -
Campiones - Champions
Deportes Sport
The Resident -
Verano de actividades y eventos en la escuela del Arsenal El verano ha comenzado bien para la escuela que el equipo de Cesc Fabregas tiene en la costa del sol. Sus dos primeros campus en Costa Ballena(Rota) y Mijas han sido un éxito, y ya ha dado comienzo esta semana su campus en Soria,al norte de España, para luego continuar con una edición en Asturias. El último campus, que además se realiza en Sotogrande, tendrá lugar del 23 al 27 de Agosto, dando la oportunidad tanto a residentes como niños de vacaciones en la zona de disfrutar durante 5 días de entrenamientos dirigidos por entrenadores de la escuela del Arsenal. Cada participante se llevará de regalo una equipación de Arsenal Soccer Schools así como un certificado firmado por Cesc Fabregas.
El verano también trae a la escuela dos eventos importantes, la Copa Duero en Soria y el Torneo Internacional de Fútbol del Arsenal en Londres. Los equipos cadete e infantil, formado por jóvenes entrenando en la escuela, representarán a la misma en ambos eventos al tiempo que disfrutan de unos días fuera de casa con sus amigos. El plazo de inscripción para el campus de Sotogrande ya está abierto y cualquier persona interesada puede ponerse en contacto con Sara en o a través del teléfono 653 882 645 para obtener más información y reservar la plaza.
Summer of activities and events at the Arsenal soccer school Summer is going well for the soccer school that Cesc Fabregas’ team runs on the Costa del Sol. The School’s first two football camps in Costa Ballena (Rota) and Mijas were a success, and the camps in northern Spain, in Soria this week, followed then by a week in Asturias, are going well. The final camp, that will be held in Sotogrande, takes place from the 23th to the 27th of august, providing not only residents but also holidaymakers in the area the opportunity to enjoy 5 days of football training sessions carried out but the Arsenal soccer school coaches. Each participant will receive an Arsenal Soccer Schools kit as
well as a certificate signed by Cesc Fabregas. Summer also brings a number of major events to the soccer school, Copa Duero in Soria and Arsenal’s International Soccer Festival in London. The U14s and U15s teams, made of youngsters training at the soccer school, will represent the school in both events, whilst at the same time players enjoy a few days away from home with their friends. Bookings are already being taken for the Sotogrande camp and enyone interested in signing up can contact Sara on or 653 882 645 to get more information and book a place.
El Estepona comienza la pretemporada El Estepona comenzará la pretemporada el próximo lunes 19 de julio en el estadio Francisco Muñoz Pérez y en doble sesión de mañana y tarde. El nuevo cuerpo técnico ha diseñado una completa planificación deportiva para afrontar en las mejores condiciones la temporada 2010/2011 en el grupo IV de la Segunda División B. José Luis Burgueña es el nuevo técnico el equipo esteponero, contando con José Luis Moncayo como segundo entrenador y Pedro Aragonés de preparador físico. En breve se anunciarán los jugadores que compondrán la nueva plantilla del único representante malagueño en la categoría de bronce del fútbol español. En la actualidad el director deportivo, Ildefonso Caravaca ¨Lobo¨ y el cuerpo técnico están realizando las gestiones necesarias para confeccionar un equipo de garantías.
División), el 7 de agosto ante el Atlético Malagueño. El 11 de agosto se desplazará hasta Algeciras (Tercera División), los días 14 y 15 de agosto participará en el torneo de Herrera (Sevilla) y el 18 se medirá al C.D. Alhaurino (Tercera División) en el estadio Francisco Muñoz Pérez. Para más información no duden en consultar www.
Dr Rashid Buttar’s new book I have only six copies, so grab yours now for just €20
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Consume en tu pueblo Support local Businesses designed a comprehensive plan for the 2010/2011 season. José Luis Burgueña is the new coach, with José Luis Moncayo filling the role of assistant coach, and Pedro Aragon as physical trainer. They will soon be announcing the players who will comprise the team which is the only representative from Malaga Province in the third tier of Spanish national football. Director of Sports, Ildefonso Caravaca “Lobo” and the technical team are taking all the necessary steps for a successful campaign.
Amistosos Dentro de la pretemporada el equipo de José Luis Burgueña tiene previsto disputar diferentes partidos amistosos. El primero tendrá lugar el próximo viernes 23 de julio en el campo de fútbol de Benahavís frente al Málaga Club de Fútbol de Primera División. Seguidamente los días 29 y 30 de julio y 1 de agosto participará en el Trofeo de Verano Copa de Gibraltar, donde además competirán la Real Balompédica Linense, la UD Los Barrios y la selección de Gibraltar. Por otro lado, el 4 de agosto jugará en la capital malagueña frente al Atlético Malagueño (Tercera
“9 Steps To Keep The Doctor Away”
Estepona begin their pre-season programme U Estepona CF begin their pre-season programme on Monday, 19th July with double training sessions in the morning and afternoon. The new coaching team have
As part of the pre-season programme a number of friendlies have been arranged, the first being on the 23rd July when they take on Primera Liga opposition in the shape of Malaga CF, at Benahavis football ground. This is followed on the 29th, 30th July, and 1st August by their participation in the Summer Trophy, Gibraltar Cup tournament where they take on Real Balompédica Linense, l UD Los Barrios and a Gibraltar Selection. 4th August sees the team travel to Malaga to take on Third Division Atlético Malagueño; 7th August - Atlético Malagueño; and 11th August - Algeciras (Tercera División). On the 14th and 15th August the team participate in the Herrera Tournament in Seville and on 18th August the take on Third Division CD Alhaurino at the Francisco Muñoz Perez Stadium in Estepona. For more information visit the club’s website at www,
Classifieds Administrators • AMMEX, Sabinillas. Specialists in community administration 952 890 704
Building & Maintenance • Pipe Tek SL Water Leak Detection, CCTV Surveying, High Pressure Water Jetting & Drain Relining - 952 891 248 • Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@hotmail. com • Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems - both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515 • Roller Shutter Repairs (Persianas) - Same day service, 7 days a week. Also conversion to motorised and new installations with security format. Tel: 681 177 568
Auto • Brunos Car rental and sales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 www. • English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066
Professional • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • Do you need a trusted and efficient lawyer? Call us for a free quotation. 951.31.66.39; • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters, legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619. Classified lineage advertising rates are 35 cents per word inclusive of IVA @18% (minimum of 10 words). Boxed classifieds are charged at 10 euros + IVA for a 80 mm x 46 mm box. To place your advert drop into The Resident office in Edif Sabinillas Playa 6, Calle Mijas, Sabinillas, Manilva, 29692, Malaga. Or call 952 936 198. For more information
Have a day out with The Resident WORK WANTED General Maintenance Carpentry - Painting Tel. 627 633 735 All types of work considered
Inmobiliaria Estate Agents • Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www. • Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517 • Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.
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ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Management Tel. 678 962 588 on advertising see our website at Deadline: Classified adverting can be placed up to 12 noon on the 12th of the month. The Resident accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the content of advertisements, nor any claims made by advertisers. Thorough checks should be carried out before any transactions take place. The Resident reserves the right
featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!
Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.
Every Tuesday (May to October only) Enjoy a full day of sun and exciting water adventures. Families and friends, get set to get wet! Adults: Normal price 39€ Resident price 35€. Children: Normal price 30€ Resident price 26€
Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 44€ The Resident price 42€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€
advertise in Ronda by Train (return by coach) Gibraltar - a choice of trips: the resident Tel.952 936 198 Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays
Holiday Accommodation
• Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561
Mijas Water Park
• Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see www. for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765
• Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www.
The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a
Ocio y Deportes Sport & Leisure • Sun Coast Marine Yacht School - RYA Motor cruiser and powerboat instruction 952 804 597 www.suncoastmarine.
Bares y Restaurantes • Restaurante Ramos - Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas. • Armstrongs Restaurant - Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629
Náutica Marine • Atlas Marine, Puerto Duquesa - Boat sales, mortgages, insurance, maintenance 952 890 553 www.
Informática Computers • CSS - Home and office support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi, data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.csscosta. com to make any changes in spelling or grammar where necessary. The Resident takes every care to ensure the correct publication of advertisements, regrettably mistakes do sometimes occur. If there is an error in your advertisement, notify your agency or agent at once as The Resident will only accept responsibility for one insertion published incorrectly.
train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.
Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€
Every Tuesday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 83€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 79€ Children: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING
Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 54€ The Resident price 50€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)
Gibraltar - Shopping only:
Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€
Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping
Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€
Dolphin boat trip and shopping
Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€
Gibraltar - Rock the boat
Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 61€ Children: Normal price 48€ The Resident price 45€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!
Fuengirola Market & Mijas
Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€
Fuengirola Zoo
Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 39€ The Resident price 37€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.
Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email
Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.
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