No.46 18 JUN-18 JUL 2010 · Depósito Legal: MA-158-2006
TLF:/FAX: 952 89 12 95 Email: Specialists in Fresh Fish & Seafood Specialists in Paella Quality, value for money dining. Enjoy a light meal or full À la Carte OPENING TIMES: CLOSED:
13.00 - 16.00 19.00 - 23.00 MONDAYS
C/Marques de Larios 8 Sabinillas For Reservations call: 952 890 216
The Resident -
Produced by Manilva Media Workshop S.L.L.
Dep Leg: MA -158-2006
¡Hola, lectores!, una vez más es la hora de coger papel y lápiz y presentar la edición de este mes de The Resident. Estoy contento de decir que ahora nos encontramos bien y preparados para la temporada de Fiestas y Ferias con numerosos eventos en las próximas semanas. Es duro de entender, con los recuerdos aún frescos en nuestra mente del invierno horroroso que hemos tenido, que la próxima semana entra oficialmente el verano. Entre otras cosas significa que el día 23 de Junio, Noche de San Juan, habrá celebraciones en la mayoría de las playas de la Costa. Para la mayoría de las personas este día es realmente el comienzo del verano, así pues, asegúrese de anotarlo en su diario. Este año el Festival Internacional de Manilva se celebra durante tres días en Sabinillas, los días 2,3 y 4 de Julio y promete un fantástico fin de semana de eventos, comida y diversidad cultural del municipio. Estepona celebra su Feria de verano desde los días 6 al 11 de Julio seguido de la verbena de la Virgen del Carmen, el día 16 de Julio, cuando los pescadores de la región homenajean a su Santa Patrona. Pueden encontrar más detallles de estos eventos y más información en la edición de este mes o en nuestra página web Con una nota de seriedad, ahora que el verano ya está aquí, diré unos cuantos detalles a tener en cuenta. Por favor vigilen a sus niños cuando estén en las piscinas. Todos los años sufrimos tragedias de accidentes mortales, normalmente por un despiste, así que asegúrese de echarles un vistazo en todo momento. El otro gran problema del verano es el fuego, el cual este año hay mucho más riesgo por el agua que ha caído durante el invierno. Aparte de las precauciones normales de no encender barbacoas en el campo, no arrojar colillas, tener cuidado al salir de la carretera con el coche y meterse en zonas de vegetación seca , ya que los tubos de escapes calientes o frenos pueden ser la causa de muchos fuegos. Perdonen si parezco que estoy dado un sermón, pero con un poco de sentido común, todos podremos disfrutar de los meses de verano en paz. Hasta el próximo mes...
Director/Editor Gary Beaumont Sub Editors Gary Walters Contributors Rafael Galán (Photos) Ronald Rosenfeld Francisco Rodríguez Pedro Cerezo Avilés Rona Bourke
Advertising Enquiries Tel. 952 936 198 Province of Cadiz AV Impresores Tel. 956 174 481 General Enquiries Printed by Distasa
Esta publicación no se hace responsable de las reclamaciones formuladas por los contribuyentes o los anunciantes. Ninguna parte de este periódico puede ser reproducida sin el permiso escrito de los editores. This Publication accepts no responsibility for claims made by contributors or advertisers. No part of this newspaper may be reproduced without written permission from the publishers.
AGENDA - DIARY 19-20.06.2010 Copa del Mundo de Kárate Karate World Cup - Estepona 23.06.2010 Noche de San Juan Saint John’s Eve 2-4.07.2010 IX Encuento International IX International Festival - Manilva 2-5.07.2010 125 aniversario Blas Infante Blas Infante 125 birthday celebrations - Casares 9.07.2010 Fiesta benéfica Charity Festival - Manilva 6-11.07.2010 Feria mayor de Estepona Estepona Summer Fair
Hello readers, once again it’s time to put pen to paper and introduce this month’s issue of The Resident. I am happy to say that we are now well and truly entering the Fiesta and Feria season with numerous events on the programme for the coming weeks. It’s hard to grasp, with the memories of the appalling winter still relatively fresh in our minds, that next week is officially midsummer! Which among other things means that on the 23rd June Noche de San Juan, the midsummer celebration, will be taking place on many of the Coast’s beaches. For most people this heralds the true start of the summer so make sure you note it in your diary. Sabinillas plays host to Manilva’s annual International Festival which this year will be held over three days from the 2nd to 4th July and promises to be a great weekend of entertainment, food and celebration of the municipality’s cultural diversity. Estepona celebrates its Summer Feria from the 6th to the 11th July closely followed by another major festival in the shape of Virgen del Carmen, on the 16th July, when the fishermen of the region pay homage to their patron saint. You can find more details of these events and more in this month’s issue, as well as on our website On a serious note, now that the summer is here, there are just a few things to be careful. Please watch your kids around swimming pools. Every year we suffer the tragedy of fatal pool accidents, often through a moment’s lack of supervision, so make sure someone is keeping an eye on them. The other big problem of the summer is fire, which this year has been made all the more dangerous by the huge amount of ‘fuel’ which has sprung up as a result of the wet winter. Apart from the obvious precautions such as not lighting fires or barbecues in the campo, or carelessly discarding cigarette ends, be careful when pulling your car off the road into long grass or dry vegetation as hot exhaust or brakes have been the cause of many a fire. Sorry if I sound a bit preachy, but with a little bit of common sense, we can all enjoy the coming summer months with peace of mind. Until next month...
anúnciese con the resident Tlf.952 936 198 -
Manilva Life Business Directory Manilva Life has been serving residents and visitors to the western Costa del Sol for over five and a half years and is the essential reference source for news, information and services, as well as being a popular meeting place for people to make friends, ask questions and share their experiences through its busy message boards. The website receives around a thousand visitors every day, many of whom are regulars. Manilva Life is also recognised by Manilva’s local authorities as the official English language website for the area, and enjoys first page position for many search terms on the major search engines, including number one spot for ‘Manilva’ on Google, Yahoo and MSN. Manilva Life has a range of very a ractive advertising options for local businesses. Visit Manilva Life now at and stay in touch with your community!
The Resident -
Learn Spanish with
Asociación Vecinos y Amigos de Marina de Casares
in your home, office or a group.
· Support lessons in most subjects for children attending Spanish International schools · Also French, German & English. · Spelling, language & literature. Tel: 952892163 mob: 607963254 see
anúnciese con the resident Telf. 952 936 198
Nuestra exposición de pintura fue inagurada por Don Juan Jesús durante la semana cultural de Casares. Estos cuadros, que incluyeron varios de los expuestos el sábado por la mañana en el club de niños proceden de nuestra clase de arte, que dirige Doña Carmen Fernández. Varios vestidos de sevillana, hechos por miembros de nuestra clase de costura que dirige Doña Antonia Gonzáles, también fueron expuestos. Petanca, Tenis de mesa, Dardos, y otros torneos, meriendas, picnic y Bingo serán nuestras próximas actividades, más nuestra semana de actividades del club. Habrá un rastrillo los días 7 y 8 de Agosto. Una excursión a Genalguacil el 15 de Agosto y un viaje a Madrid de 3 días el 18-20 de octubre. El principal acontecimiento durante el año es nuestro
Casares Bridge Club Are you interested in playing Bridge? The Casares Bridge Club welcomes players from novice to expert to join them at the Albayt Resort every Tuesday at 6.45 pm. You do not need to take a partner as all players will be accommodated. Friendly duplicate bridge is their aim. The Albayt Resort can be found at Km 149.2. Exit the A7 at the Clive Christian roundabout, up the hill to the Albayt resort. For more details call Paul on 952 89 01 99 or 699 026 129.
espectáculo “Se Celebra la Vida” que tendrá lugar en Septiembre, el espectáculo tendrá lugar en el salón de nuestro club y la actuación será realizada por nuestro club de teatro, producido y dirigido por Doña Marion Allen. El Ayuntamiento de Casares ha pedido a nuestro Club que organice la biblioteca de la playa durante el periodo de verano. Cualquier información acerca del Club o lo referido arriba, por favor contactar con maria.hammond@ y el numero de teléfono 952 892 030.
El Ayuntamiento de Casares aprueba la recepción Marina de Casares El Ayuntamiento de Casares ha aprobado por unanimidad en la sesión plenaria de esta mañana iniciar el procedimiento para la recepción de la urbanización de Marina Casares, una medida de supondrá un gran beneficio para los vecinos de la zona explicó la alcaldesa, Antonia Morera, que dejarán de pagar gran parte de los servicios públicos. En relación a esta recepción, la alcaldesa se refirió a que esta urbanización, la más antigua de Casares, lleva más de 22 años construida y cuenta con unas 1.200 viviendas en las que habitan de forma permanente más de 500 vecinos, por lo que el Ayuntamiento de Casares la considera un núcleo urbano consolidado. La recepción de la misma significará por lo pronto que el Ayuntamiento de Casares se haga cargo de la limpieza y mantenimiento de los viales, alumbrado público, mantenimiento de zonas verdes construidas, y del servicio de abastecimiento de agua del que se ocupará Acosol que tiene la encomienda de gestión de este suministro en el término municipal. Además el Ayuntamiento tiene previsto realizar nuevas infraestructuras en
The painting exhibition was officially opened by Juan Jesu during the Casares Cultural Week. The paintings, which included many exhibits from the Saturday morning children’s club, were from the association’s art class under the direction of Carmen Fernandez. Also on display were several sevillana dresses made by members of the dressmaking class, under the tuition of Antonia Gonzalez. Forthcoming events for this summer include: Petanca, table tennis, darts and other tournaments, tea dance, picnics, rambles, bingo, along with the clubs weekly activities. There will
be a table top sale on 7th and 8th August. Also scheduled are a visit to Genalguacil on 15th August, and a three-day trip - 18th to 20th October - to Madrid. The highlight of the year is the show “Celebrate Life”, produced and directed by Marion Allen, that will be performed in the clubroom by the association’s theatre group. The club has also been asked by the Casares Town Hall to run this summer’s “Library on the Beach”. For more information about the club, or any of the above activities, then please contact or telephone 952 892 030.
Casares Town Council approves the adoption of Marina Casares urbanisation The Mayoress pointed out that the urbanisation, at 22 years old was Casares’ oldest, and comprised some 1,200 homes and around 500 permanent residents, and has led to the Casares Town Council considering it an urban nucleus. The adoption will mean that the Ayuntamiento will take responsibility for cleaning, road maintenance, street lighting, maintenance of the urbanisation’s green areas as well as the water service which will fall to Acosol who are responsible for the provision of water utilities in the municipality In addition the Town Hall is planning new infrastructure projects for the area, such as the installation of underground containers, which will be included in this year’s municipal budgets. A plan of action will soon be presented outlining infrastructure upgrades over the coming years.
la zona como es la instalación de contenedores soterrados incluida en los presupuestos municipales de este año. Y va a presentar en breve un plan de actuaciones y mejoras de las infraestructuras para los próximos años.
Casares Town Council unanimously voted in a recent plenary session of the council to begin the procedure for adoption of the urbanisation of Marina Casares, a move that will greatly benefit the residents of this development said the mayoress, Antonia Morera. For your Business & Service needs
Tel: 656 476 887
The Resident -
The Curtain and Bedding Company - Diseño de interior y venta de ropa de hogar
Inauguración Parque Villa Matilde
Este recinto viene a completar con sus 8.000 metros cuadrados de superficie, la zona alta de Sabinillas en cuanto a lugares de ocio y esparcimiento, junto al parque del Duque y la Plaza de Blas Infante, que estará conectado con el parque de Villa Matilde a través de un paseo peatonal. Además, aprovechó la ocasión para agradecer a todas aquellas personas que han colaborado en la construcción de este parque. Los visitantes cuentan en este recinto,
Diseño de interior y venta de ropa de hogar con precios competitivos y una gran dedicación y atención al cliente son los ingredientes utilizados en la tienda de The Curtain and Bedding Shop. Una empresa con sede en Sabinillas. Mudándose recientemente de local e instalándose a la vuelta de la esquina, local más amplio, dándole la oportunidad de mostrar una gama más amplia de productos y ofrecer un mejor servicio a los actuales y nuevos clientes. La nueva tienda tiene techos más altos permitiendo colgar una mayor gama de cortinas, tanto si están hechas a medida o son estándar. - “Ya no necesitamos un almacén más grande”- dice Amanda “ya que la mayoría de nuestros productos están en exposición y podemos conseguir casi cualquier cosa en el Reino Unido en tan solo unos días. Compramos casi todo, allí, porque es mucho más barato que comprar aquí, en España. Después de haber pasado casi dos años en diferentes exposiciones en España y el Reino Unido tratando con los proveedores de ambos países hemos encontrado que la compra en Reino Unido nos permite ofrecer una gama mucho más
amplia de materiales, ropa de cama y accesorios a excelentes precios.”. Un nuevo producto revolucionario que la Curtain and Bedding Comany ha introducido en la Costa han sido las persianas que se adaptan perfectamente al cualquier lugar.“nosotros somos los únicos en hacerlas” Se adaptan a cualquier tipo de ventana de doble acristalamiento y son simplemente adaptadas a las ranuras de la ventana sin obras ni líos. Hay tres miembros del personal que le asesorarán sobre sus necesidades, gamas de colores y materiales para dormitorios, salones o también le pueden ayuda a elegir las persianas para su cocina. Ellos le atenderán en la tienda o visitando su casa .Los tres tienen experiencia en este campo del diseño además de amabilidad y siempre están dispuestos a sentarse en un café y hablar sobre sus necesidades. Para obtener más información, llame al 952 897 477 o visítenos en la tienda de la calle Bolivia (junto a Mercadona), San Luis de Sabinillas, Manilva, de lunes a viernes – 10:00 a 19:00, sábados – 10:00 a 16:00, (sin siestas).
con un templete central, un parque infantil, un lago con géiser, un jardín botánico con diferentes especies palmáceas y una zona de servicios construido a escala reproduciendo la casa de Villa Matilde, que albergará los servicios públicos, el almacén de jardineros y toda la maquinaria de funcionamiento del propio parque. El acto de inauguración culminó con una fiesta infantil con un espectáculo.
The Curtain and Bedding Company going from strength to strength
Villa Matilde Park opens to the public Manilva’s latest recreational area, the Villa Matilde Park in Sabinillas, was officially opened to the public this month. The park which has an area of some 8,000 square metres features a botanical garden with various palms as well as a small lake. A central pavillion will provide a stage for various events and a children’s playground will keep the younger residents happy. A
large modern sculpture at the entrance to the park is designed to cast the shadow of palm trees on the ground. The park is linked to the neighbouring Plaza Blas Infante and El Duque Park by a new footpath. 85% of the project was funded by the provincial government with the remaining 15% coming from Town Hall coffers.
Interior design and soft furnishings mixed with keen prices and a strong dedication to customer care are the ingredients used at the Curtain and Bedding Company based in Sabinillas. Having recently moved around the corner to new, more spacious, premises which gives them the chance to show off a larger range of products and offer a better service to existing and new clients. The new shop has higher ceilings giving them the opportunity to hang a larger range of curtains whether they are madeto-measure or standard off-the-shelf ones. “We don’t need a large store room anymore” says Amanda “as most of our stock is on display and we can get virtually anything here from the UK in just a few days. We get nearly everything from there because it is so much cheaper than buying it here in Spain. Having spent nearly two years at different exhibitions here in Spain and the UK dealing with suppliers from both countries we have found that buying from the UK enables us to offer a far more extensive
range of materials, bedding packages and ancillaries all at great prices.” A new revolutionary product that The Curtain and Bedding Comany have introduced to the Coast, “we’re the only ones doing them” are Perfect Fit Blinds. They fit any type of double glazed windows and are simply slotted in to the window with no drilling or mess involved. There are three members of staff who are all able to advise you on your needs, colour schemes and materials for bedrooms, lounges or helping you to choose blinds for the kitchen. They can assist you at the shop or visit you at home, all three are very experienced and friendly and are always ready to sit down over a coffee and discuss your requirements. For more information call 952 897 477 or visit us at the shop in Calle Bolivia (next to Mercadona), San Luis de Sabinillas, Manilva, Monday to Friday - 10 am to 7 pm, Saturdays - 10 am to 4 pm, no siestas.
The Resident -
Pasear en el Master Renegade – La nueva Jet Boat en El Puerto de la Duquesa ¿Quieres probar algo diferente? Entonces ¿Por qué no visitar el Puerto de la Duquesa y reservar un paseo en el “sensacional Renegade Master ‘. Esta reciente incorporación a la flota de la empresa local Atlas Marine es una Surfrider Renegade Jet Boat de 10 metros, diseñado con un solo propósito : ¡diversión! El diseño del casco es revolucionario junto con su sistema de propulsión de chorro Hamilton, da al barco la capacidad única de realizar giros apretados, gira y se detiene, superando con creces la capacidad de conducción y es una experiencia emocionante. El Renegade Jet Boat está adecuado para la mayoría de las edades y según la tripulación se puede decidir a qué nivel de velocidad y emoción estás dispuesto a llegar, y en un futuro próximo se va a añadir a la diversión un plátano hinchable y un Donut. Para realizar esta experiencia hay a disposición del público una serie de
opciones: con plazas individuales a 25 euros por persona (15 euros para niños menores de 16); un billete familiar para 2 adultos y 2 niños por sólo € 65, o para este mes (junio) grupos de hasta diez personas pueden alquilar el barco entero por sólo 100 euros (precio normal € 195). El barco también está disponible para paseos para ver los delfines y realizar un crucero de placer. Para tener recuerdo de esta experiencia, se grabará en vídeo su viaje, que luego se puede ver en pantalla grande en el bar Leisure Lounge en el Puerto de la Duquesa. También puede obtener un CD de su viaje en el Renegade Master Jet Boat como un recuerdo de su emocionante experiencia. Para obtener más información o reservas, llamad al 697 268 151 o 697 268 724. Visite la página “ Jet Boat Rides La Duquesa’ page at www. para ver las fotos.
Ride the Renegade Master - Duquesa’ new Jet Boat Trips Want to try something different? Then why not pop down to Puerto de la Duquesa and book a trip on the sensational ‘Renegade Master’. This recent addition to Atlas Marine’s fleet is a 30 foot Surfrider Renegade Jet Boat, designed for only one purpose - fun! The renegade’s revolutionary hull design coupled with its Hamilton jet drive propulsion system gives the boat the unique ability to perform tight twists, turns and stops, far exceeding the ability of prop driven crafts and makes for a thrilling experience. The Renegade Jet Boat is suitable for most ages as the crew are more than willing to be flexible with the speed and thrills and in the near future there will also be a banana boat and donut available to adding to the fun. To make the experience available to a wide audience, there are a number of options with
individual places at 25 euros per person (15 euros for children under 16); a family ticket for 2 adults, 2 children for just 65 euros; or for this month (June) groups of up to ten persons can hire the entire boat from just 100 euros (normal price 195 euros). The boat is also available for dolphin trips and pleasure cruises. To add to the experience the Leisure Lounge are providing an onboard cameraman who will video your trip, which you can then watch on the big screen at the Leisure Lounge in Puerto de la Duquesa. You can also obtain a CD of your Renegade Master Jet Boat Ride as a souvenir of your thrilling experience. For more information or bookings contact 697 268 151 or 697 268 724. Visit their ‘Jet Boat Rides La Duquesa’ page at www.facebook. com for pictures.
Now at Puerto de la Duquesa
Boat Charters available to Estepona, Sotogrande, Gibraltar & Puerto Banus
Available of your Jet Boat experience
Total boat hire available up to 10 passengers
for fun in the sun...
Jet Boat Rides 25 euros per person 15 euros for Children under 16 (Must be accompanied by an adult)
65 euros Family Ticket (2 adults, 2 children)
Also available Banana Boat • Donut Tubing • Dolphin Trips
For more details and bookings please visit Atlas Marine or Leisure Lounge & Bar in Puerto de la Duquesa.
The Resident -
Citas con el Concejal de Extranjeros Residentes
Continúan las clases de español para extranjeros
Desde el pasado mes de abril, el Concejal de Extranjeros Residentes Diego Urieta Jiménez está manteniendo reuniones con distintas personas del termino, entre ellos presidentes de comunidades y vecinos del entorno, para escuchar de primera mano sus inquietudes y problemas. Estas citas están siendo muy fructíferas y queremos agradecer a todos su colaboración .Intentaremos resolver todos los problemas en la medida de lo posible y se recuerda a todas aquellas personas que estén interesadas, que pueden llamar al número de teléfono 952893548.
La Delegación de Extranjeros informa que debido al éxito de participación obtenido en las clases de español para extranjeros a lo largo del curso 2009-2010, se prorrogarán dichas clases para este verano. Éstas darán comienzo el día 5 de julio en el Edificio de usos múltiples en Sabinillas, y serán por grupos de 8-10 personas. Habrá 3 niveles diferentes y 4 horas por semana. Para inscribirse y obtener mayor información,
podrán dirigirse a la Delegación de Extranjeros Residentes sita en el monumento de El Castillo en horario de 8:00 a 14:30 horas o en el teléfono 952893548. El concejal de Extranjeros, Diego Urieta, anima a todas las personas interesadas en participar en dichas clases “ya que el idioma es una pieza muy importante en la integración de estos vecinos, y así hacerles partícipe íntegramente de la vida de nuestro municipio”, finalizó.
Programas Actividades de Verano Delegacion de Extranjeros Presentacion del Cartel y programa para Concierto de Vuelta a los 40 Concierto de musica clasica el IX Encuentro Internacional, Una noche que nunca olvidarás, recordando la Stephen Lloyd-Morgan y la orquesta de Villa de Manilva. Durante este evento disfrutaremos de la música del coro ASABAM, además de poder degustar una gran paella. Lugar: Monumento de El Castillo Fecha: 25 de Junio Horario: a partir de las 13:30 horas
Día de la tapa marinera Disfruta del mejor “pescaito” en un ambiente agradable junto al mar.La primera tapa es gratis con refresco, cerveza o tinto. A partir de las 13:30 horas.Los tickets lo podrán recoger en El Castillo a partir del lunes día 21 de Junio. Lugar: chiringuito “ El Garito de Juan” (misma entrada Hotel Don Juan, C.N. 340) Fecha: 29 de Junio. Horario: 13:30 horas
música de los años 40. Experimenta los lugares y sonidos de la década que cambió el mundo. Exclusivo en la Costa del Sol. Un espectáculo para todas las edades. Organiza David Honour Colabora la Delg. de Extranjeros Lugar: Monumento de El Castillo de la Duquesa Fecha: 17 de Julio 21:00 horas Precio: 25€
Stephen Lloyd-Morgan y la orquesta de Marbella dirigida por su director Ian Green, pondrán su nota clásica en nuestros eventos del verano. Colabora la Delg. de Extranjeros Lugar: Monumento de El Castillo Horario: 21:00 horas Fecha: 24 de Julio Precio: 40€
Durante los días 2, 3 y 4 de Julio, tendremos unos de los eventos más importantes que nuestra delegación organiza. Comenzando el día 2 a las 20:00 horas, el 3 y 4 durante toda la jornada, la gastronomía, el folclore, la artesanía y sobre todo en un ambiente de interculturalidad, se darán la mano para el disfrute de todos los asistentes, ya sean residentes o visitantes. Lugar: Paseo marítimo de San Luís de Sabinillas.
Cena de Gala
En un ambiente diverso con actuaciones y un mercadillo, al mismo tiempo que pasaremos una velada agradable, podremos colaborar con la causa, ya que toda la recaudación irá destinada a la ayuda para los animales de nuestro municipio. Organiza: Martina Merkel y JuĴa Bauer. Colabora la Delg. de Extranjeros Lugar: Plaza Martín Carpena (Manilva) Fecha: 9 de Julio Horario: A partir de las 19:30 horas Entrada: 3€ por persona
Colabora la Delg. de Extranjeros Lugar: Monumento de El Castillo Horario: 21:00 horas Fecha: 21 de Agosto Precio: 40€
Concierto de música clásica
IX Encuentro Internacional
Fiesta benéfica a favor de los animales de Manilva
Marbella dirigida por su director Ian Green, pondrán su nota clásica en nuestros eventos del verano.
En esta ocasión, tendremos el placer de tener entre nosotros a personajes del mundo del golf. Se les hará entrega de los premios Golf Company Challenge. Amenizado con una cena de Gala. Organiza Leisure Lounge ( Puerto de la Duquesa) Colabora la Delg. de Extranjeros Lugar: Monumento de El Castillo Horario:20:00 horas Fecha: 8 de Agosto
Fiesta “ Dia del Residente” Tendrán lugar la fusión de diseños de moda de diferentes países y sectores del mundo de la moda. Todo ello amenizado por varios grupos de música Jazz en un escenario inigualable como es el Puerto de la Duquesa. Organiza las Delgs. de Residentes Extranjeros y turismo. Lugar: Puerto de la Duquesa Horario:A partir de las 21: horas Fecha: 20 de Agosto
Chris Olsen
Oficina Delegación de Extranjeros. Lugar: Monumento del Castillo,Castillo de la Duquesa. Horario:de 8:00 a 15:00 de Lunes a viernes Tlf. 952893548. Móvil: 663.96.96.36 e-mail: Puerto de la Duquesa - Oficina de Turismo: Horario: de 15:00 a 20:30 de Lunes a Viernes. 10:00 a 14:00 los Sábados Te esperamos para resolver cualquier duda. Trasládanos tus sugerencias. Toda la actualidad de Manilva en inglés : noticias, eventos, actividades,etc. En televisión Manilva Sábados 19:00h. Domingos 12:00h y 19:00h Web de interés:,
The Resident -
Meetings with the Councillor Since April, the Councillor for Foreign Residents Diego Urieta Jimenez, has been holding meetings with various local residents and groups, including community presidents, to hear first hand their concerns and problems. These meetings are proving to be very fruitful and the department would like to thank everyone for their cooperation in trying where possible to find solutions to a number of issues that have been raised. All those interested in meeting with the councillor and his team can call 952 893 548 to arrange an appointment.
Summer Spanish Lessons for foreign residents Manilva’s Foreigners Departments is once again organising its popular Summer Spanish Course this year. Beginning on the 5th July the course will run for the months of July and August with two 2 hour lessons each week totalling 40 hours per course. Lessons are available at three different levels: Beginners I and II, and intermediate. Groups are generally small 8-10 people, and lessons involve practical exercises and conversation. There are two Beginners I courses - Mondays and Wednesdays 9 am to 11 am; and Tuesdays and Thursdays 11.30 am to 1.30 pm. Beginners II - Mondays and
Wednesdays 11.30 am to 1.30 pm; and finally Intermediate - Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 am to 11 am. The cost is 70 euros per person for residents registered with the Manilva Town Hall, and 90 euros for others. To enrol visit the Foreign Residents Department at the Castle in Castillo or after 3.30 pm at the Tourist Office in Duquesa Port. The lessons are held in the Edificio Usos Multiples, Calle Miguel Delibes. For more information contact 952 893 548 or email
Foreigners Department - Programme of Summer Activities UNE
Classical Concert
Presentation of the poster and programme for the IX Manilva International Festival
Stephen Lloyd Morgan, the Marbella Concert Orchestra directed by Ian Green, plus special guests provide a classical touch to the summer’s events. (More information on page 12). The Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa, 21st August, from 9 pm. Tickets 40 euros.
During this event there will be an opportunity to enjoy the music of the choir ASABAM, and a giant paella. The Castle at Castillo de la Duquesa, Friday, 25th June from 1.30 pm
‘Tapa Marinera’ Day Enjoy the best seafood beside the sea in a pleasant atmosphere. The first tapa and beer, wine or soft drink is free. Tickets are available from the Castle from 21st June. Chiringuito ‘El Garito de Juan’ (same entrance as Hotel Don Juan next to La Borboletta) 29th June from 1.30 pm.
JULY IX Manilva International Festival From 2nd to 4th July you can enjoy one of the area’s most important events. Starting at 8 pm on 2nd July, and all day on 3rd and 4th there will be the opportunity to sample the gastronomy, traditions, arts and entertainment of many of the various nationalities that call Manilva their home. Paseo Maritimo (Promenade) San Luis de Sabinillas
Back to the 40s Concert An unforgettable night of music, sights and sounds of the 40s (see page 20 for more details). Organized by David Honour in collaboration with the Foreigners Department. Castle at Castillo de la Duquesa 17th July from 9 pm. Tickets 25€
Classical Concert Stephen Lloyd Morgan, the Marbella Concert Orchestra directed by Ian Green, plus special guests provide a classical touch to the summer’s events. (More information on page 12). The Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa, 24th July, from 9 pm. Tickets 40 euros.
AUGUST Gala Dinner
Charity Fiesta in aid of the animals of Manilva Enjoy an evening of varied entertainment and events, along with a market, whilst at the same time supporting this worthy cause with all the revenue going to help the animals of Manilva. Organised by Martina Merkel and Jutta Bauer in collaboration with the Foreigners Department the event will take place at the Plaza Martin Carpena, by the Sports Pavillion in Manilva on Friday, 9th July from 7.30 pm. Entry 3 euros per person.
This time the Castle welcomes those from the world of golf with the award of the Golf Company Challenge awards and a gala dinner. Organised by the Leisure Lounge in collaboration with the Foreigners Department. Sunday, 8th August from 8 pm.
Resident’s Day Festival Puerto de la Duquesa will be the venue for an evening of music and fashion with a programme of live music providing the score for a display of fashions from various countries and sections of the fashion world. Organised by the Foreign Residents Department and the Tourism Department the event will take place in the Port on 20th August from 9 pm.
Diego Urieta, Councillor for Foreign Residents Foreign Residents Office The Foreign Residents office can be found in the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa and is open from 8 am to 3 pm, Mondays to Fridays, to help and advise with any problems incurred by foreign residents registered in the municipality of Manilva. Telephone 952 893 548 or Chris Olsen 663 969 636 email You can also find Chris Olsen at the Tourist Office in the Mikonos Building, Puerto de la Duquesa from 3.30 to 8.30 pm Monday to Friday, and 10 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. All the news from Manilva is presented in English on Manilva television by Sally Russell and Chris Olsen on Saturdays at 7 pm and Sundays at 12 noon and 7 pm. Visit or for more information.
The Resident -
Noelia López entrega los premios de fotografía
Noelia López, edil de Promoción e Imagen del Ayuntamiento de Manilva hizo entrega de los tres premios del concurso de fotografía después de que el jurado deliberara cuáles de los 149 trabajos presentados fueran los ganadores. El jurado ha sido compuesto por María Benítez (De Maria´s fotos), Conchi Ferrer (fotógrafa), Susana (Susana fotos) y Gary Beaumont (The Resident); acompañados por varias personalidades municipales dieron a conocer el fallo del jurado, entregando en el mismo momento
los correspondientes premios; para la categoría Paisajes Naturales el premio recayó sobre la fotografía “Calma tras la tormenta”, para la categoría Lugares Pintorescos el premio fue para la fotografía “Manilva siglo XVI” y para la categoría Vida Cotidiana el premio recayó para la fotografía “Todo Tranquilidad”. Como ya se hiciera público en las bases, los premios consistieron en un vale de 100 euros para canjearlos por artículos en establecimientos del municipio y un diploma acreditativo.
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Photo Competition winners announced Manilva’s councillor for Tourism, Promotion and Image, Noelia López, presented the awards to the winners of the Photo Competition organised by her department. Participants had been invited to enter photographs in the competition entitled “Corners of Manilva” which had been divided into three categories: Natural Landscapes, Picturesque Places, and Daily Life. A total of 40 competitors entered 149 photographs, and it was up to the panel of judges, comprising Maria Benitez (De Maria´s fotos), Conchi Ferrer (photographer), Susana (Susana fotos) and Gary Beaumont (The Resident), to select the winners from a quality field.
Calma tras la tormenta
Those winners were: Natural Landscapes category “Calm after the Storm” by Garth Picturesque Places category “All Calm” by Lola Quintana Daily Life category “Manilva in the C16th” by Carlos Gil All the winners received vouchers worth 100 euros to spend in local businesses.
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Información Information
Noche de San Juan Se celebra todos los años en la noche del 23 de Junio hasta la madrugada del día 24 (Día de San Juan). Hay diferentes maneras de celebrar la noche de San Juan, en la mayoría se celebra con una hoguera. En muchos municipios la celebración central es la “Quema de los bigotes de San Juan”, donde figuras de cartón piedra, muchas de naturaleza satírica, son paseadas por la ciudad antes de su quema en la playa. En Sabinillas, un gran escenario es construido en la playa unos días antes de su celebración. Esta obra de arte está basada en un tema diferente cada año, y es casi un “crimen” cuando a medianoche se prende fuego. Es costumbre también mojarse en el mar para dejar atrás la mala suerte. Otra tradición es para los hombres jóvenes de la ciudad es saltar y pasar cerca de las llamas, una vez que el fuego está un poco más bajo. En la Noche, normalmente, hay fuegos artificiales, música en vivo y baile hasta altas horas de la madrugada. Sabinillas, no es la única en celebrar esta Fiesta, Estepona celebra un
concurso para los “mejores bigotes” y Casares disfruta de música en vivo, fuegos artificiales y sardinas en la playa de Marina de Casares, al igual que otras localidades que merecen la pena visitar como San Roque, Taraguilla y Torreguadiaro. Para consultar el programa al completo de su localidad visite
Alex Perrin from Mainline Baits Coffee morning and talks Saturday 26 June Alex has been carp fishing for over 20 years, and after qualifying with the PAA (Professional Anglers Association) worked as a professional fishing guide in France and Morocco. After five years of involvement in the industry in the UK, a sixth place finish in the British Carp Angling Championships, and the privilege of fishing for Team England at the World Carp Classic, the big carp rumours in Spain caught his eye. An exploratory trip to the rugged and wild Extremadura region proved the grapevine to be correct, and a move was soon on the cards. Alex quotes, ‘’Carp fishing is really taking off in Spain, and even in the two years I have been over here, I have noticed more and more anglers taking the plunge from their usual spinning trips for bass and pike, and having a go for the hard fighting carp, which can be found in lakes and river systems all over the country’’. Now living in the area, Alex is working closely with Medsports, to help promote carp fishing in Andalucia, We will be holding Coffee mornings and Talks and will
be doing demonstrations to show people how to get the best out of the whole range of Mainline products, as well as answering any questions you may have on carp fishing in general. So if you Fancy a coffee and to talk Fishing, come in and see us next Saturday 26 June. Tight Lines.
The Resident -
Saint John’s night
This is held each year on the evening of the 23rd of June and goes on into the early hours of the 24th (Dia de San Juan). It’s the old pagan midsummer celebration which has been ‘Christianified’ by tacking it on to a convenient Saint’s day (if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em sort of thing). There are a number of traditional ways of celebrating Saint John’s Night most of which involve a good bonfire. In many municipalities the central celebration is
the ‘Quema de los bigotes de San Juan’ - literally ‘burning of the moustaches’ where large papier mache figures, many of a satirical nature, are paraded through the town before being burnt on the beach. In Sabinillas a huge tableau is constructed on the beach a few days before the event. This work of art is based on a different theme every year, and it is almost a crime when, around midnight, the whole thing is set alight. It is also customary at this time to walk into the sea to wash away any bad luck. Another tradition is for the young men of the town to jump or dive over the bonfires once they have died down a bit, the higher the flames, the greater the challenge. The night is usually marked by firework displays, live music and dancing until the early hours of the morning. Sabinillas is by no means the only town hosting San Juan celebrations, Estepona holds a competition for the best ‘bigotes’, and Casares enjoys live music, bonfires and sardines on the beach at Marina de Casares, with other towns worth a visit are San Roque, Taraguilla and Torreguadiaro who all stage celebrations of one sort or another. For a full programme of events in your town visit
British Consulate Spring Garden Party 2010 The British Consulate in Malaga held a Spring Garden Party in Fuengirola to help raise money for the Age Concern España Casework Service. The event, which was attended by British Ambassador, Giles Paxman, raised €20,000 which will be used to train the volunteer caseworkers in Spain. Age Concern España offers support to over 15,000 English speakers across the country and has been working closely with the British Consular network in Spain for the last few years. “This sort of integration is really valued by our consular teams,” commented Giles Paxman, “it’s important that the local Spanish community understand what we do and recognise areas in which we can help the British population in Spain in a joined-up way.” The Garden Party was held at Sohail Castle in Fuengirola, and was attended by members of the British and Spanish community, including Rowetta of The X Factor and Christian Fa, winner of the
Wow Factor 2009. Sarah Rogers, Country Casework Manager for the British Consulate/Age Concern España Partnership Project said that “these funds can help us train our volunteer caseworkers across Spain and enable us to help those most in need in the community”. She stated that “without the generous donations from our sponsors, raffle prize donors and attendees, the Garden Party would not have been the success it was”. She wanted to say a special thank you to the volunteer caseworkers who helped out on the day.
Summer Madness Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10.00 to 14.30 & 17:00 to 19.00 Saturday 10.00 to 14.00
Special Offers - New Stock Arriving Daily Best Prices on the Coast - Visit our Shop Watch out for our new look website online this month
New Products arriving daily. We can arrange fishing trips to the local lakes & rivers
The Resident -
125 Aniversario del nacimiento de Blas Infante 2 de Julio, 20.30 horas: Inauguración del nuevo Centro Cultural Blas Infante Exposición de las obras Propuestas de Banderas Andaluzas de Pepe Caballero Con motivo de la próxima apertura del Centro Cultural Blas Infante del Castillo se expondrá una muestra de las obras donadas por la Fundación Pepe Caballero al Ayuntamiento de Casares. Contaría con las obras: Propuestas de Banderas Andaluzas. Dibujos a Lorca y Neruda. Pinturas a la muerte de Lorca Concierto del Cuarteto de Música Clásica Jornadas: Blas Infante en nuestra memoria Sábado, 3 de julio de 2010 Esta convocatoria pretende dignificar y profundizar en la memoria histórica de los hombres y mujeres de Casares, conocer a nuestro paisano Blas Infante Pérez de Vargas. Para ello queremos abrir las puertas de nuestro pueblo a todos los andaluces teniendo en cuenta que fue precisamente en el nº 46 de la calle Carrera de Casares donde un 5 de julio de 1885 nacía Blas Infante Pérez de Vargas, hijo de familia de labradores acomodados muy enraizados en el lugar. Infante pasa su niñez en el pueblo, donde permanece hasta los 11 años. De esta manera, toma contacto con el mundo rural y la problemática del campesinado andaluz.
PROGRAMA: 10.00 h. Inauguración de las Jornadas: Conmemoración 125 Aniversario Blas Infante. Intervienen: Sra. Dña. Antonia Morera Rojas, AlcaldesaPresidenta del Ayuntamiento de Casares Sra. Dña.Sonia Saborido Cózar, Concejala de Cultura de Ayuntamiento de Casares Sr. D. Juan Sánchez García, Presidente de la Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol y Concejal del Ayuntamiento de Casares. Sra. Dña. Mª Ángeles Infante, hija de Blas Infante y Presidenta de la Fundación Blas Infante. 10.30 h. Primera ponencia: “Blas Infante en nuestra memoria” Presenta: Sr. D. Juan Gallo González, Comisario de la Memoria Histórica adscrito a la Consejería de Justicia y Administraciones Públicas Intervienen: Sr. D. Rafael Guerrero Moreno, Periodista que dirige el programa “La Memoria” de Canal Sur Sr. D Javier Aroca, Comisario del 125 Aniversario Nacimiento de Blas Infante Pérez Sr. D. Manuel Ruiz Romero, Secretario del Centro de Estudios Históricos de Andalucía 12.30 Segunda ponencia: “Todos los nombres” Presenta: Sr. D. Cecilio Gordillo Giraldo, Coordinador general del proyecto Todos los Nombres
Intervienen: Sr. D. Francisco Espinosa Maestre, Director Historiador Científico del proyecto Todos los Nombres. Sr. D. Fernando Romero Romero, Historiador 13.30 h Inauguración de la Exposición: “Todos los nombres” En la Casa Natal Blas Infante. Sra. Dña. Antonia Morera Rojas, Alcaldesa de Casares Sr. D. Francisco López Presidente de la Asociación Memoria Histórica Andalucía “Todos los nombres” es una base de datos que se puede consultar por internet en la que se trata de dar respuesta a la creciente demanda social de información sobre las personas represaliadas durante la Guerra Civil y la dictadura. Un proyecto en el que colaboran numerosas personas del ámbito de la historia, la antropología y el periodismo, además de familiares y amigos de las víctimas. La muestra está compuesta por catorce paneles divulgativos que reflejan el proceso de identificación de las víctimas de la represión durante la Guerra Civil y la dictadura franquista en el territorio andaluz, según la tipología represiva (desaparecidos, fusilados, exiliados, presos en cárceles o campos de concentración, etc.).
Blas Infante 125th anniversary celebrations 2nd July from 8.30 pm Inauguration of the new Blas Infante Cultural Centre There will be an exhibition of the works ‘Proposals for Andalucian Flags’ by Pepe Caballero donated by the Pepe Caballero Foundation.
Mayor of Casares; Sonia Saborido Cózar, Councillor for culture; Juan Sánchez García, President of the Mancomunidad, and councillor for Casares; Mª Ángeles Infante, daughter of Blas Infante and President of the Blas Infante Foundation.
3rd July Blas Infante in our memory This discussion examines the historical memory of the people of Casares regarding Blas Infante Pérez de Vargas. It is at this very address at No 46 Calle Carrera de Casares that on 5th July, 1885 Blas Infante was born. He spent his childhood in the village until the age of 11 where began his sympathy with the problems of the Andalucian peasantry.
10.30 am “Blas Infante in our memory” Presented by Juan Gallo González, from the Historical Memory Commission; with Rafael Guerrero Moreno, journalist and director of Canal Sur’s “La Memoria”; Javier Aroca, Commissioner for the Blas Infante Pérez 125th Anniversary; Manuel Ruiz Romero, Secretary of the Centre for Andalucian Historical Studies.
Programme: 10 am Opening ceremony commemorating Blas Infante’s 125th birthday conducted by Antonia Morera Rojas,
12.30 pm “Todos los nombres” Cecilio Gordillo Giraldo, General Coordinator of the Todos los Nombres (All The Names) project. Francisco Espinosa Maestre, Historical Science Director for the Todos los Nombres project; Fernando Romero Romero, Historian.
Mercado de Artesanos y I Encuentro de Artistas 9, 10 y 11 de Julio Las actividades comienzan a las 19.30 de la tarde del viernes, 9 de julio, con un pasacalles a cargo de la Escuela Municipal de Baile, que finalizará con el pregón, y dará paso al Mercado de Artesano que se instalará hasta la noche del domingo en el recinto del Castillo.
Durante los tres días habrá espectáculos callejeros, y conciertos de música andalusí, especialmente en la noche del sábado. Este año como novedad se celebra el I Encuentro de Artistas: Villa de Casares, un concurso de pintura de calle que se realizará durante la jornada del sábado y que contará con premios de 500 y 300 euros
Craft market and I Artists Festival Activities begin at 7.30 pm on Friday, 9th July with a street parade by the Municipal Dance School which ends with an opening ceremony and a visit to the Craft Market which will run until Sunday 11th July in the Castle grounds. During the three days there will be street performers and
concerts of traditional Andalucian music, particularly on Saturday night. This year there will also be an Artist Festival which will involve a pavement art competition on Saturday, 10th July with a first prize of 500 euros.
1.30 pm Opening of the Exhibition “Todos los Nombres” In the Casa Natal Blas Infante. “Todos los nombres” (All the names) is a database available online which aims to satisfy the growing demand for information regarding those who were killed or imprisoned during the Civil War and the ensuing dictatorship. The project involves many people from the fields of history, anthropology and the media, along with families and friends of the victims. The exhibition consists of fourteen informative panels that show the process of identifying the victims of various injustices such as executions, exiles, imprisoned, or just simply disappeared.
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Información Information
The Resident -
Conciertos de verano - El Castillo de la Duquesa Siguiendo el éxito fenomenal que tuvo el concierto de Verano el año pasado, este verano habrá dos conciertos dentro de El Castillo de la Duquesa, sábado 24 de julio y Sábado 21 de Agosto, patrocinado y apoyado por Ibex Insurance, Essential Marbella Magazine, Talk Radio Euroque y Fischer Car Group, en colaboración con el Ayuntamiento de Manilva. Los conciertos serán amenizados por el popular Tenor Stephen LloydMorgan con la nueva Marbella Concert Orchestra, dirigida por el renombrado Director Musical Ian Green, con una selección de canciones de Music-Hall, Ópera y alguna mezcla, cantados en Inglés, Italiano y en Español. Los artistas invitados también incluirán un repertorio contemporáneo al concierto incluyendo Jazz, Artista internacionalmente reconocida; María Lourdes Benítez, Soprano del El Coro
de Ópera de Málaga y Rebecca Tate, finalista del concurso WOW España. El organizador del concierto Nick Holland dice: “Estamos muy ilusionados de traer Marbella Concert Orchestra para acompañar a Steve este año en los concierto en la Duquesa. Estamos también encantados de que el jazz, que normalmente no se toca mucho en España, haga presencia en este concierto. Las entradas serán 40 euros, y estarán a la venta a partir del 9 de Junio en Beccy´s Monte Duquesa, Christina´s Cards (Sabinillas), GliĴerati Books (Centro Diana Benavista) y en Anglo Wines (Sotogrande) o llamando al teléfono 697 783 n942. Información: y en Stephen LloydMorgan with The Marbella Concert Orchestra/summerevents
The Summer Event Concerts - El Castillo de la Duquesa Following the phenomenal success of The Summer Event Concert last year, this summer there will be two concerts inside El Castillo de la Duquesa on Saturday 24th July & Saturday 21st August, sponsored and supported by Ibex Insurance, Essential Marbella Magazine, Talk Radio Europe & Fischer Car Group, and in collaboration with the Ayuntamiento de Manilva. The concerts will star popular Tenor Stephen Lloyd-Morgan with the new and specially formed 16-piece Marbella Concert Orchestra, conducted by renowned Musical Director Ian Green, with
a selection of songs from Musical Theatre, Opera and Cross-Over, sung in English, Italian and Spanish. Special guest artists include Yazz, International Recording Artist; Maria El Coro de Ópera de Málaga and Rebecca Tate, Spain´s WOW Factor Runner-up amongst others still to be announced. Event organiser Nick Holland said, “We are very excited about bringing the Marbella Concert Orchestra to accompany Steve at this year´s concerts in Duquesa. We are also delighted that Yazz, who very rarely performs in Spain, has agreed to join the
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Guía de Empresas
The Resident -
PC’s, Laptops & Computer Accessories Computer Repairs PC’s, Portátiles y todo tipo de Accesorios Reparación y Armado de PC C/. Miguel Delibes, Local 2, Sabinillas (Málaga) 29692 E-mail: / Tef: 952 89 71 12 - 952 89 38 88
Transporte Urgente Mensajería Urgent Deliveries Messengers Courier Service Tel. 952 89 30 96 - 952 89 72 33 Fax. 951 27 35 82
The Resident -
El Ayuntamiento pondrá el nombre de la jugadora de balonmano Nuria Benzal a alguna de las instalaciones deportivas de Estepona El Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha ofredido una Recepción Oficial a la jugadora esteponera de la Selección Española de Balonmano, Nuria Benzal Andaloussi. Entre sus muchos logros deportivos, destacan los siguientes: Subcampeona de Europa con la Selección Española de Balonmano en 2008 en Macedonia; Cuarta con la Selección Española en el Mundial de China, en diciembre de 2009; y, más recientemente, Subcampeona con su equipo “Mar Alicante”, en la XXXI Copa de S.M. La Reina, celebrada el pasado mes de abril en León, donde fue galardonada con el Premio a la Mejor Jugadora. Los representantes municipales han mostrado a la jugadora el orgullo que supone para todos los esteponeros tener entre sus paisanos una deportista de su nivel, y le
han agradecido la “enorme proyección” mediática que Nuria realiza, llevando el nombre de Estepona por todo el mundo. El alcalde ha anunciado que el Consistorio realizará los trámites necesarios para que alguna de las instalaciones deportivas lleven el nombre de la jugadora, quien, por
su parte, ha agradecido las muestras de cariño recibidas tanto por las autoridades como por sus paisanos y medios de comunicación, en general. Entres su objetivos deportivos, ha destacado su deseo de ganar el próximo Campeonato de Europa, y “sacarse la espinita de quedar subcampeonas en 2008”.
Estepona welcomes Spain handball player Nuria Benzal Estepona Town Hall recently welcomed local girl Nuria Benzal Andaloussi, one of the top players in the Spanish women’s handball squad. At an official reception at the Town Hall the Mayor, David Valadez, mentioned her achievements including: Runners-up in Europe in Macedonia, 2008, and fourth at the 2009 World Cup in China,
both with the national team, and more recently runners-up in this year’sXXXI Copa de S.M. La Reina in León with her team “Mar Alicante”, where she was awarded the Best Player award. The mayor went on to express the town’s pride in having an athlete of this level acting as an ambassador for Estepona on the world stage.
It was announced that arrangements have been made to have some of the municipality’s sporting facilities named in honour of Miss Benzal, who thanked the authorities for their kindness and support. She went on to state her desire to win the next European Championships and make up for coming second in 2008.
CEl espectáculo de flamenco-teatro “Ana Fargas y las voces de Penélope” llega a Estepona El Ayuntamiento de Estepona informa que el día 25 de junio llegará al Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos el espectáculo de flamenco y teatro de la artista local, “Ana Fargas y las voces de Penélope”, en el que se muestra la lucha por la igualdad de la mujer. La directora artística de obra y autora de las letras flamencas es la propia Ana Fargas, quien estará acompañada en el escenario por otros de los artistas esteponeros más representativos del flamenco, como es el guitarrista Paco Javier Jimeno, director musical del espectáculo, que ha compuesto la música original para esta ocasión, y el percusionista Chico Fargas, además de otros músicos de cuerda de primer nivel y un grupo de baile, y tendrá como director escénico a Luque, director del Grupo Municipal de Teatro de la delegación de Cultura. La obra está dividida en cuatro tiempos; a través de los diferentes palos del flamenco se van representando los
distintos estados de ánimo por los que transcurre la trama de la obra. Penélope es un mito de la Grecia antigua que intenta mantener vivo el amor atado a un drama, donde se refleja la dificultad y el padecimiento de la mujer para afirmar su
personalidad y la inmensa lucha por la libertad. Mientras Ulises, rey de Ítaca, pasa 20 años en la guerra, de donde vuelve como un héroe, ella es víctima, en esa larga espera, de habladurías y malidicencias, mientras debe salvaguardar el reinado.
Flamenco Spectacular Estepona’s Palacio de Congresos will be the stage for the Flamenco Theatre spectacular “Ana Fargas
Estepona Today and Viewpoint A weekly radio programme in English, each Saturday 2 pm to 3 pm on Radio Television Estepona 107.2 fm. National and local news; what’s on; where to go; club and association information, etc. Also interviews and discussions. It is planned to have a ‘round table’ discussion once or twice a month on various themes. Presented by Rona Bourke.
and the voices of Penelope” which portrays women’s struggle for equality. The author and director is Estepona’s Ana Fargas who will be accompanied on stage by a number of local flamenco artists such as Paco Javier Jimeno and Chico Fargas. The work takes us through four eras represented by four different flamenco styles and tells the story of Penelope, who in Greek Mythology personifies the suffering of women. The show is on the 25th June, and free tickets can be obtained from Estepona’s women’s department.
Donativo al Comedor Social de Estepona La Iglesia Anglicana de la Costa del Sol Occidental da un donativo de 500 euros a Emaús, la asociación católica, para apoyar el labor del recién inaugurado comedor social en Estepona. La obra está destinada a ayudar a las personas en Estepona que no disponen de fondos suficientes para proporcionar
alimentos para sus familias. El dinero fue entregado por el reverendo Alan Maude, Capellán, y la Sra. Mavis Tolfree, uno de los Vigilantes de la Iglesia, a don Antonio Abril de Toledo, Presidente, en presencia del Concejala Sylvia Cabrera, como se muestra en las foto.
Estepona Soup Kitchen donation The Costa del Sol West Anglican Church gives 500 Euros to Emaus, the Catholic Charity, to support the work of the recently opened Soup Kitchen. The work is aimed at helping people in Estepona who have insufficient funds to provide food for themselves and
their families. The money was handed over by the Revd Alan Maude, Chaplain, and Mrs Mavis Tolfree, one of the Church Wardens, to Don Antonio Abril de Toledo, President, in the presence of Counsellor Sylvia Cabrera, as shown in the photo.
Campus C.B. Estepona de Baloncesto El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, informa que entre los días 23 y 29 de junio se celebrará un Campus de Baloncesto para chicos y chicas entre 6 y 18 procedentes de Canarias, Madrid y las principales localidades de la Costa del Sol. El evento está organizado por organizado por el Club de Baloncesto Estepona y la Fundación 24 Horas Deportivas de Estepona, en colaboración con la delegación municipal de Deportes.
Los alumnos estarán dirigidos por entrenadores titulados, de nivel iniciación y perfeccionamiento, con el siguiente horario: de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 20:00 horas. Para más información e inscripciones, tanto para los que opten por inscripción con o sin alojamiento, los interesados pueden llamar al Tfno. 609 003 040, o en Internet, en la página hĴp:// campuscbestepona2010. ó en www.
Basketball camp Estepona’s sports department will be organising a Basketball Camp for 6 to 18 year olds which will bring together youngsters from the Canaries, Madrid and the Costa del Sol’s main towns. The event is organised by the CB Estepona basketball club and the Estepona 24 Hour Sports Foundation in collaboration with the sports department. Students will be supervised by
qualified coaches and trainers at beginners and advanced level from 10 a to 2 pm and from 4 pm to 8 pm. The camp will be held at the CEIP Sierra Bermeja school and the La Lobilla sports centre from 23rd to 29th June. For more information contact 609 003 040 or visit their webpage at
The Resident -
Bikini Beach Bar - exhibición de arte El elegante bar Bikini Beach, en la Playa de la Rada, Estepona, celebró su primera exposición de arte los días 21 y 22 de mayo. Con la asistencia de turistas, residentes y empresas locales, fue un gran éxito. Artista Desi Juste (en la foto) dijo: - “Quería llevar un poco de sol Esteponero a los hogares de la gente con el arte que todo el
mundo pueda permitirse, y mostrar mi trabajo en la playa fue perfecto! Cada fin de semana, de Viernes a Lunes, se puede encontrar sus cuadros firmados de Estepona a la venta en la nueva tienda del bar Bikini Beach, junto exquisita cerámicas, joyería y accesorios de la marca Made in Heaven.
Art exhibition at Estepona’s Bikini Beach Bar The stylish Bikini Beach Bar, on Playa del la Rada, held its first art exhibition on 21st and 22nd May. Attended by tourists, residents and local businesses it was a great success. Artist Desi Juste (pictured) said ‘I wanted to bring a little bit of Estepona sunshine into people’s homes with art that everyone can afford, and showing my work
Complejo Deportivo en Arroyo Enmedio El Ayuntamiento de Estepona ha adjudicado de forma provisional, ala empresa Eiffage Infraestructuras, por procedimiento abierto y tramitación urgente, las obras de la primera fase de un Complejo Deportivo al Oeste del término municipal, en la zona denominada Arroyo Enmedio. El presupuesto máximo de licitación ha sido de 909.375,86 € más 145.500,14 € de IVA, lo que supone un precio total de 1.054.876,00 €, con cargo al Fondo Estatal de Inversión Local para la Dinamización del Empleo y la Sostenibilidad Local 2010 . Entre las mejoras propuestas por la empresa, destaca la contratación de 38 trabajadores desempleados, mejoras en el proyecto por valor de 158.746,00 €, y la reducción del plazo de ejecución de esta primera fase, de ocho meses a 6 meses y tres semanas, a partir del Acta de Comprobación de Replanteo. El edil de Deportes, Carlos Rodríguez, confía en que los trabajos den inicio a primeros de julio, de forma que estén finalizados en los plazos recogidos en el Real Decreto Ley 13/2009 de 26 de octubre (el 31 de diciembre de 2010). Dentro del ámbito de actuación, la superficie total sobre la que asentará el complejo deportivo completo se
encuentra próxima a los 20.000 m2. La primera fase consistirá en la adaptación del terreno y el cerramiento de la parcela para la construcción de un campo de fútbol 11 de césped natural, que contará con un sistema de recirculación de aguas de drenaje, optimizando de esta forma los recursos hídricos, y parte del edificio que superará los 1.200 m2 que albergará, en principio, dos salas de vestuarios para equipos y una para árbitros, aseos para el público y cuartos de instalaciones, como conserjería, almacén, etc., de forma que se pueda ir dando servicio a las instalaciones, a la vez que se va progresivamente equipando. Posteriormente, el Complejo Deportivo se complementará con un campo de fútbol 7, convertible en dos de fútbol sala, sobre césped artificial, dos pistas de tenis, 7 pistas de pádel, construcción del resto del módulo, en que se construirá una de pista de Squash, y un área de aparcamiento para medio centenar de vehículos, además de la iluminación de todo el Complejo. La totalidad del proyecto supondrá una inversión en torno a los 3 millones de euros
on the beach was absolutely perfect!’ You can now find his signed and framed prints of Estepona for sale at The Bikini Beach Bar’s new shop every weekend Friday – Monday, alongside exquisite beach wear, jewellery and accessories by Made in Heaven.
Mercadillo de Estepona Os informamos de que el miércoles 7 de Julio no se instalará el habitual mercadillo semanal, con motivo de la celebración de la Feria y Fiestas Mayores de la localidad, que tendrá lugar del 6 al 11 de Julio. A diferencia de otros años que no había mercadillo durante tres semanas, este año sólo
afectará a la semana de la Feria, de forma que tanto el miércoles anterior como el posterior a la misma, es decir, los días 30 de junio y 14 de julio, sí habrá mercadillo, afectando de esta forma lo menos posible tanto a los dueños de los puestos, como a los clientes y al sector turístico en general.
Estepona Market Due to this year’s Estepona Fair, which runs from the 6th to 11th July, there will be no Wednesday market on the 7th of July. In the past, there was no market over the three weeks either side of the feria but this
year it will just affect the week of the Fair. Therefore their will be markets as usual on the 30th June and 14th July. This way it will reduce the disruption to businesses, their clients and tourists.
Arroyo Enmedio Sports Centre The contract for works on the first phase of the Arroyo Enmedio Sports Complex have been provisionally awarded to the company Eiffage Infrastructuras, subject to a number of ammendments to the tender including the contracting of 38 unemployed workers, and the reduction of the timescale for the works from 8 months to 6 months 3 weeks. The first phase involves the ground
levelling, securing the plot and the construction of a full size grass football pitch; changing rooms; public toilets, etc. Later phases will involve the construction football sala pitches, a 7-a-side football pitch with artificial surface, 2 tennis courts, 7 padel courts and a squash court; parking for 100 cars, etc. The site is situated behind Mercadona by the Estepona Golf turn off.
Información Information
The Resident -
Marlows Marlows have been established for nearly two years at the Los Hidalgos Commercial Centre, close to Puerto Duquesa in Manilva. During those two years they have built up a reputation for serving the best fish and chips, either to take away or eat in at their comfortable and spacious restaurant. They are proud of the fact that they offer their customers excellent value for money and quality. Marlows have over fifty years experience in the frying trade and Steven Marlow, the owner and head fryer, has over thirty-two years experience. You’ll always be assured of a great quality meal when you visit Marlows. Alongside their standard menu they have three excellent special offers:
2 course Lunch midweek, including a drink for 8.50€ Sunday Roast Lunch for 8.75€ Fish and Chips to Take Away for 5.50€ Opening Times are: Mon – Sat: Lunch 1 pm – 3.45 pm Evenings 6 pm – 10 pm Sun – 1 pm 8 pm Tel. 951 276 728
Restaurante urante MARYMAR R Horario: 12.00 a 16:30 y 18:30 a 23:30 Opening times: 12.00 -4.30pm & 6.30pm - 11.30pm Domingo/Sunday: 12.00 - 18.00 Lunes/Monday: Cerrado/Closed
Especialidad enn Pescado Frito luten y comida sin gluten Paseo Marítimo Sabinillas Málaga
Tel. 952 89 02 71
Vino de España - Etiquetado
Party Services... BBQs, Weddings, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Corporate Events... • Loan of beer and tinto de verano pumps
• Huge range of soft drinks at Supermarket prices
• Loan of commercial fridge(s) • FREE delivery and collection in the Sotogrande area • No consumption return on wines and spirits
Ask us to quote for your party, you will be pleasantly surprised! DISTRIBUTORS FOR:
Order on line, Visit our shop or Call +34 956 69 58 58 No.17 Sotovila IV, Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro, Sotogrande, 11311, Cadiz, Spain
Los vinos españoles se etiquetan de acuerdo con el tiempo que el vino ha estado envejeciendo. Así, el vino de menos de dos años suele llamarse vino joven o sin crianza. El año de la cosecha también puede figurar en la etiqueta, para lo cual es necesario que al menos el 85% del vino se haya producido en la cosecha de ese año. Los tres términos más comunes en la etiquetas de vinos españoles son: * Crianza: los vinos tintos deben tener al menos dos años, de los cuales seis
meses en barrica. Los blancos y los rosados deben tener un año con seis meses en barrica. * Reserva: para vinos de tres años con un año en barrica. Los blancos y los rosados, dos años, con un seis meses en barrica. * Gran reserva: para vinos con un mínimo de cinco (tintos) o cuatro (blancos y rosados) años, con 18 meses en barrica en el caso de los tintos o seis en el caso de los blancos y los rosados.
Spanish wine labelling laws Spanish wines are often labelled according to the amount of ageing the wine has received. When the label says vino joven (“young wine”) or sin crianza, the wines will have undergone very little, if any, wood ageing. Depending on the producer, some of these wines will be meant to be consumed very young - often within a year of their release. Others will benefit from some time ageing in the bottle. For the vintage year (vendimia or cosecha) to appear on the label, a minimum of 85% of the grapes must be from that year’s harvest. The three most common ageing designations on Spanish wine labels are
Crianza, Reserva and Gran Reserva. * Crianza red wines are aged for 2 years with at least 6 months in oak. Crianza whites and rosés must be aged for at least 1 year with at least 6 months in oak. * Reserva red wines are aged for at least 3 years with at least 1 year in oak. Reserva whites and rosés must be aged for at least 2 years with at least 6 months in oak. * Gran Reserva wines typically appear in above average vintages with the red wines requiring at least 5 years ageing, 18 months of which in oak. Gran Reserva whites and rosés must be aged for at least 4 years with at least 6 months in oak.
The Resident -
La Casona, estilo y elegancia No hace poco, el Restaurante & Lounge La Casona ha hecho unas reformas que han quedado preciosas. Su nueva terraza donde uno puede tomar un coctel, zumo o batido con buena compañía y excelente música, es la perla de su nuevo look. Con su recinto cerrado, no hay ningún peligro para los más pequeños, también unas barreras de sonido han sido instalados en la terraza para quitar cualquier ruido y sólo se puede oír las dulce tonos de la música ambiental. El restaurante está climatizado habiendo menús para todos los bolsillos incluyendo
menús para niños con la calidad que nuestros clientes exigen. Hay zonas de fumadores y no fumadores. El restaurante está disponible para cualquier evento, bodas, cumpleaños etc. y próximamente irán anunciando eventos musicales en vivo para el verano. ¿Por qué no nos visitan a cenar o tomar uno de nuestros cócteles antes de ir a la playa para disfrutar de la noche de San Juan? ¡Seguro que volverán! Para más información vea nuestro anuncio en la portada, visite nuestra página en Facebook o llamen al 952 801 896
Información Information
Authentic Italian Restaurant
Starters, Soups, Salads - Fish & Meat Main Courses Homemade Pasta Best Pizza in town Take Away available Open every night for Dinner Sunday Open for Lunch & Dinner
Just like mamma used to make it
SSorrento orrento Telf: 952 891 575 / 673 334 607 Urb. Monte Duquesa, Duquesa Golf, Local 50 • 29691 Manilva
La Casona - Style and elegance La Casona has recently undergone extensive refurbishments and improvements and one of the highlights of these improvements is our beautiful new terrace where you can relax with a cocktail, juice or smoothie in good company. This new enclosed terrace provides a safe environment for children, and is shielded by sound barriers from external noise so that you can enjoy the sweet tones of the background music. The restaurant is fully air-conditioned and offers menus to suit all budgets, including children’s meals, all at a level of quality
customers have come to expect. There are areas for smokers and nonsmokers, and the restaurant is available for any event, be it a wedding, birthday party, etc., and a programme of live music events for the summer will soon be announced. So why not visit La Casona for dinner, or just enjoy a cocktail on the terrace before going to the beach to the enjoy the Noche de San Juan? La Casona are confident that you will return. For more information see their advert on the front page or visit their Facebook page or call 952 801 896.
all your printing & advertising requirements under one roof in Spanish & English
Restaurant & Lounge Opening Hours: Traditional Sunday Lunch is now being served from 1 pm - 3 courses just €16.95 Mondays & Tuesdays: CLOSED Wednesdays & Thursdays
Open at 6pm for A’La Carte and Snack Menu available. Kids Menu 8.95 for 2 courses including a soft drink, bouncy castle & pool table available
printed & embroidered t-shirts general printing - web design
Thursdays: Open for Menu del Dia from 1pm BOOKINGS ONLY
publicidad - imprenta - diseño web camisetas - rotulación - copistería
Saturdays: Live Entertainment incl 3-course meal (See Page 19 for entertainment programme)
Fridays: Open at 6pm. A’La Carte and Snack Menu
FOR RESERVATIONS PLEASE CALL 952 892 690 or 664 442 629 or email us at or visit the website C/. Mijas, Edf. Sabinillas Playa, 6, 29692 Sabinillas, Manilva, Málaga Tel: 952 936 198 - -
Located on the Rio Manilva Road, 4km from the Lidl roundabout, Sabinillas. 2 km past the Fairground/Market
Ocio What’s On
Espectáculo fin de curso “AULAS DE BAILES” Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Martes, 22 de junio, 20:00 h.
Los alumnos de la Delegación de Cultura pertenecientes a las Aulas de Bailes, dirigidas por las profesoras Lourdes Barrientos y Maribel García, nos ofrecerán un vistoso montaje de baile con motivo del fin de curso que mostrará el excelente nivel alcanzado por sus alumnos
End of course spectacular “DANCE CLASSES” Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Tuesday, 22nd June, 8 pm Students of the Culture Department’s Dance Classes, directed by Lourdes Barrientos and Maribel Garcia will present a spectacular display of dancing demonstrating their achievements during the course.
Noche de San Juan en la playa de Casares 23 de junio desde las 22.00 horas en la playa de Marina de Casares Disfrutar de bailes populares cubanos con Lucia la Guaracharera, y el excelente grupo de animación bailable liderado por Miguel Ángel. A las 12 de la noche, todos los animadores con la música en vivo de Los Pandilleros, con una rica conga cubana reguetoneada, llevaran a los presentes a la quema de la hoguera de San Juan. Y para terminar, hasta la 1 de la madrugada, música en directo a cargo de “la 5º Avenida” y “Los Pandilleros”,
The Resident -
Exposiciones Exhibitions “Variaciones en rojo” - “Variations in Red” STOA GALLERY - Edificio Puertosol, Puerto de Estepona
Stoa propone una exposición colectiva, “Variaciones en rojo”, donde es ese color el protagonista en 33 obras de diferentes estilos, nacidas de la creatividad de artistas tan distintos como C. Álvarez, Joaquín Molina, Julie Alègre, Javier Infantes, Emilio Sújar, J. M. Álvarez Cebrián, Belén R. Esturla, Paz Aymerich, Soledad Pulgar y Gloria Ducás. Estepona’s Stoa Gallery hosts a joint exhibition, “Variations in Red”, presenting the works of number of artists as diverse as C. Alvarez, Joaquin Molina, Julie Alegre, Javier Infantes, Emilio Sújar, J. M. Alvarez Cebrián, Belén R. Esturla, Peace Aymerich, Gloria Soledad Pulgar and Ducas, working in a number of mediums all with a ‘Red’ theme.
Tel: 951 318 426. Fax: 952 798 284. Email: Web: Horario/Opening hours: Lunes- viernes/Monday-Fridays: 11.00-14.30 / 17.00-18.30 Sábados y domingos (sólo previa cita telefónica): 11.00-14.30 Saturdays and Sundays (by telephone appointment only): 11.00-14.30
Celebrate Noche de San Juan, Cuban style at Marina de Casares
Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, Del 21 al 25 de junio de 2010
On 23rd June from 10 pm enjoy popular Cuban sounds with Lucia la Guaracharera and Miguel Ángel. From midnight entertainment is in the hands of the group Los Pandilleros, after which 5th Avenue will also join in the mix.
la Sala de Exposiciones del Centro Cultural Padre Manuel se llenará con una selección de los trabajos más representativos realizados por los alumnos de los Talleres de Pintura en Vidrio, Policromía y Tiffany de la Delegación de Cultura, dirigidos por la monitora: Lina Mª Barrientos..
Exhibition of Glass Painting, Polychromatics and Tiffany Centro Cultural Padre Manuel, 21st to 25th June Students of the Glass Painting, Polychromatics and Tiffany classes, directed by Lina Mª Barrientos, and held at Estepona’s Padre Manuel Cultural Centre will present an exhibition of some of their best works in the Exhibition Room
Fiesta benéfica a favor de los animales de Manilva En un ambiente diverso con actuaciones y un mercadillo, al mismo tiempo que pasaremos una velada agradable, podremos colaborar con la causa, ya que toda la recaudación ira destinada a la ayuda para los animales en Manilva Plaza Martín Carpena, Manilva 9 de Julio a partir de las 19:30 horas Entrada 3€ por persona
Charity Fiesta in aid of the animals of Manilva Enjoy an evening of varied entertainment and events, along with a market, whilst at the same time supporting this worthy cause with all the revenue going to help the animals of Manilva. Plaza Martin Carpena, by the Sports Pavillion in Manilva Friday, 9th July from 7.30 pm. Entry 3 euros per person.
Ocio What’s On
The Resident -
La Bodega
Rio Manilva Road, Sabinillas-Manilva or call 952 892 690
Monday EZE on guitar, Spanish & English songs
Tuesday Pub Quiz followed by Karaoke with Pete Black Thursday Barry James on guitar Friday Liam Tarpey on electric guitar Saturday Karaoke & keyboards with Pete Black 1st Sunday of the Month Marcus plays the Square (afternoon)
Calle Manuel Navarro Mollor, 4, Estepona
Check out La Bodega, Duquesa on Facebook for latest info. First Level, Plaza del Chanquete, Puerto de la Duquesa, Manilva
TEATRO CERVANTES Ramos Marín, s/n, Málaga Venta/Sales tel 902 36 02 95 Info 952 22 41 00
Junio/June 25 & 27 - CARMEN
Coro de Ópera de Málaga (Malaga Opera Choir), Escolanía Santa María de la Victoria (Santa María de la Victoria Students’ Choir), Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga (Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra)
Julio/July 01 - NOA & DORANTES
Achinoam Nini, Noa - vocalista israelí y lebrijano David Peña Dorantes. Lebrija-born pianist David Peña & Israeli vocalist Achinoam Nini, Noa.
Leonor Watling voz/vocals Óscar Ybarra trompeta/trumpet Alejandro Pelayo teclados/keyboards
03 - NAJWA
En El último primate canta íntegramente en castellano por primera vez en su carrera In El último primate Najwa sings only in Spanish for the first time in her career.
Mayte Martín presents alCANTARa MANUEL, a collection of songs created from the verses of Malaga’s journalist and poet Manuel Alcántara, with music composed by Martín herself Mayte Martín presenta alCANTARa Manuel, un compendio de canciones creadas a partir de los versos del periodista y poeta malagueño Manuel Alcántara, musicados personalmente
05 - BUIKA
En la voz áspera, dulce, desgarrada y sensual de Buika, en la que se suman sus evidentes raíces africanas, sus influencias gitanas. In the rough, sweet, hoarse and sensual voice of Buika, we can hear her obvious African roots, her gypsy influences.
El cantautor argentino Fito Páez, uno de los mejores de su país y el de más proyección internacional. Argentinean singer-songwriter Fito Páez, one of the best and most internationally recognised Argentinean artists.
Se une al guitarrista Doug Pettibone para interpretar lo nuevo y revisar los clásicos de su repertorio. Faithfull joins guitarist Doug Pettibone to perform again and revisit the classics in her repertoire.
El badalonés muestra un interés inusual en abrir el flamenco a otros públicos. The Badalona-born cantaor shows an unusual interest in opening up flamenco to other audiences.
13 - Dr. JOHN & THE LOWER 911
Dr. John es uno de los pocos pianistas, además de cantante y compositor, con verdadera tradición del blues de Nueva Orleans. Conocido especialmente por su éxito de 1973 “Right place, wrong time”, la música de Dr. John se extiende por, y a menudo combina, el blues, el boogie woogie, el rock’n’roll, el rhythm & blues más cálido y un jazz con mucho swing. Dr. John is one of the few pianists, as well as a singer and composer, with a New Orleans blues tradition. Famous especially for his 1973 hit “Right place, wrong time”, Dr. John’s music includes, and often combines, blues, boogie woogie, rock’n’roll, the hottest rhythm & blues and jazz with a whole lot of swing.
Este singular concierto reúne a una terna de maestros del jazz This unique concert brings together a group of three masters of jazz
Entradas/ Tickets
Entertainment for April/May at Armstrongs Restaurant and Lounge Saturday 19th Diva Night with Alicia Get your dancing shoes on! Friday 25th Christmas Lunch in aid of Age Concern Saturday 26th Quincy Sax Saxophonist & Singer (Garden)/England Match (being shown inside) JULY Friday 2nd Friday Night Fever! 70’s & 80’s Disco with supper – tickets only €12 or €15 on the door Saturday 3rd Frankie B – Soul & Motown Night Saturday 10th Rat Pack Tribute Saturday 17th Rock, Pop, Rhythm & Blues Band
Saturday 23rd Flamenco Evening with Felipe Saturday 24th West End Musical Show – Songs and dances from the shows Saturday 31st Abba Tribute AUGUST Wednesday 4th Frankie B – Soul & Motown Night Saturday 7th Rat Pack Tribute Saturday 14th Quincy Sax – Saxophonist & Singer Wednesday 18th Flamenco Evening with Felipe Saturday 21st ARMSTRONGS SUMMER BALL – The summer event of the year! Saturday 28th Frankie B – Soul & Motown Night
World Cup Family Nights at Armstrongs For the World Cup England Games (providing they don’t fall on a Saturday night) we are showing the football indoors, having the bouncy castle and pool table available for kids outdoor and displaying make-up and underwear for the ladies in the marquee. We will also have a snack menu & kids menu available and of course the bar will be open.
“Dusty” returns Dusty Springfield & Friends back in Concert at the Roman Oasis, Manilva on Friday 10th September 2010 – raising funds for Animal in Need, La Linea. Performed by Katy Setterfield: winner of BBC1’s ‘The One & Only’ Following on from the sell out concert last year Katy is returning again with her incredible one-woman show to help raise much needed funds for Animal in Need, La Linea. The winner of BBC1’s prime-time show ‘The One And Only’ with her award-winning portrayal of Dusty Springfield returns to Spain for a show packed with classic Dusty hits – including You Don’t Have To Say You Love Me, Son Of A Preacher Man, I Only Want To Be With You. This special performance at The Roman Oasis, Manilva will also feature Katy’s own equally brilliant impersonations of Cher & Tina Turner. After Katy’s universally acclaimed first solo tour and with her recent performing experience including tours and residencies in America and throughout Europe, a stunning evening is again assured. So come and enjoy an outstanding night of music, non-stop fun and nostalgia with one of the UK’s most popular and impressive singers. Tickets available now at €50 and the price includes welcome Cava, entertainment throughout the evening, The Famous Roman Oasis Banquet, Dessert and a half bottle of wine per person.
For more information or to book tickets, please telephone Ian on 664 362 068. Numbers are limited and last year’s event sold out quickly so to avoid disappointment please book early.
Ocio What’s On
The Resident -
SEAL 23 Jul 2010 Plaza de Toros, Marbella
British singer Seal is to open his new Spanish tour in Marbella. The gig will be in the Marbella bullring on July 23. The singer has promised a two hour show of his greatest hits with numbers from his new album, ‘Soul’. Tickets for Marbella will be priced at 35 € from Ticketmaster and El Corte Inglés.
en concierto/in concert
Friday 2nd July Ricky Lavazza – ALL EPCC regulars know & love Ricky. Please come & join us for another great Party Night of fun, song & dance. Tel.: 952
883 799 -
BACK TO THE 40s IS BACK !!! A time where a pint of beer was 5 pence and a new car would set you back £309 and that would include the car! The show is presented by “wideboy” David Honour and recalls the atmosphere and events of the era, the venue, the Castle in Castillo de la Duquesa is presented in a typical 1940s style with flags, bunting sandbags etc. Some of the coasts most talented vocal artists Trevor Brooks and Stella, and Laura Elen are joined by Joanne Wynne Hughes with a special guest appearance from UK based soprano Donna Marie Hughes, who wowed the audience last year at the Marbella Film festival. Together they will provide live renditions of some of the most popular songs of the time which still live in the hearts and minds of many of us today!
A giant screen provides amazing visual effects throughout the show, with carefully created footage that compliments every song, combining the technology of today, the historical background of the Castillo in Duquesa with the sights and sounds of a bygone age. The second half of the show is opened by a” Tribute to the Forces” where special homage is paid to the Army, Navy and the Air Force again with original footage and music. The show concludes with a wonderful flag waving session featuring those songs which still evoke sentimental and patriotic emotions in us all. Donna Marie Hughes ends the show with a rendition of Jerusalem and Rule Britannia which provides the signal to bring out the flags as everyone joins in with Land of Hope and Glory etc.
31 Julio/July Plaza de Toros de Puerto Banus, Marbella desde/from 6 pm
The Resident -
Manilva Life Property Selection A shop window on some of the best property deals on the coast
Princesa Kristina €130,000
2 bed 2 bath ground floor apartment built to a high standard - marble flooring, high quality kitchen hot and cold air con. Spacious private terrace, direct access to o communal garden and pool areas. Underground parking. 1
Large 2 bed, 2 bath furnished apartment, fully equipped kitchen with open aspect to open plan lounge with fireplace. Hot and cold air con throughout, Sky TV, good sized terrace with view to the gardens, pool and out to the sea. 2
Duquesa Suites €130,000
Duquesa Village €135,000
2 bed, 2 bath ground floor apartment on desirable gated development with communal facilities including tropical gardens, 4 large swimming pools, Padel Tennis courts, Children’s play area, 24hr security and underground parking.
Superb 2 bed, 2 bath penthouse - golf and sea views. Fully fitted kitchen, air con, underground parking & store room. The property is spacious and has modern marble bathrooms and spacious bedrooms. Large open plan living room with direct access to the large terrace. 4
Casares Costa
Hacienda Guadalupe €149,000
Casares Costa
We have partnered with a number of Estate agents, developers and promoters to bring you a selection of genuine property bargains. Serious buyers should not miss this opportunity, as these offers are as good as it gets.
This La Perla luxury 2 bed, 2 bath apartment boasts stunning architecture. The development has 24hr security and is surrounded by high walls which adds to privacy and encloses this beautiful and serene haven. The gardens are exquisite and boast a wonderful array of tropical plants, flowers and trees which encompass the numerous large pools which are dotted throughout the private grounds. Large private terrace with superb views to the pool and sea. Boasts all modern comforts such as air con, under floor bathroom heating, open fire places, double-glazing and individual alarm systems. The property also has private underground parking and a store room. 5
3 bed, 2 bath townhouse overlooks pool area and beautiful views to the surrounding countryside. Large garden, raised terrace and private enclosed garden to the rear. Living area & kitchen on lower floor, 2 bedrooms on 2nd floor, master suite on the 3rd floor. 6
Los Hidalgos
2nd floor 2 bed, 2 bath apartment situated in the quiet urbanization of Hacienda Guadalupe close to Duquesa Port. Fully equipped kitchen, living/dining room leads onto large terrace leading to community gardens and swimming pool. 7
San Diego
€336,000 Lovely duplex penthouse in the centre of Sabinillas. The property is very well located just steps from the paseo marítimo and close to all the ammenities. It has 2 large bedrooms with built-in-wardrobes, 2 bathrooms, large living/ dining room and terrace. The urbanization has mature gardens and swimming pool.
2 bed, 1 bath apartment close to the Los Hidalgos area of Manilva. Beautiful communal gardens and a magnificent swimming pool. Fully fitted kitchen, heating, Sat TV and barbecue. The property is excellently priced and is being sold furnished. 8
Beautiful 4 bed, 2 bath Villa in San Diego, Torreguadiaro with a magnificent pool and mature gardens of 500m2, fully equipped kitchen, large lounge with fireplace, air conditioning, alarm and stunning views of the sea, Gibraltar and Africa. 9
These are just a sample of the property bargains from our partner agencies and developers. You can find many more on our website at For more information on these or any other property queries don’t hesitate to contact us at or call 952 936 198
The Resident -
Don Pregunta’s Picture Quiz
Fácil Easy
This month’s picture quiz features some of “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” of World Cup Football. Answers on page 26. Este mes , lo dedicamos al “Bueno, al Malo y al Feo” de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol. Las respuestas de este mes en la página 26.
Soluciones página 26 All solutions on page 26
Nivel Medio Medium
Difícil Hard
The Resident -
Información Information
ADEC se ha convertido en una organización benéfica
International Club of Estepona
El 11 de Mayo 2010 ADEC alcanzó un hito en su historia. Permiso fue concedido por la Junta De Andalucía para el registro de la Asociación de Ayuda un Enfermos de Cáncer en Sus Casas ADEC Della Porta (ADEC). Se concede este permiso para que ADEC opere en la zona de San Roque de Andalucía, en la provincia de Cádiz para proporcionar cuidados paliativos para enfermos de cáncer en su casa. Este es un servicio muy necesarioen este ámbito y la concesión de este registro permitirá ADEC recaudar fondos para poder comenzar a ayudar a aquellos en necesidad – independientemente de la nacionalidad y la posición social. Ha sido un viaje largo y a veces difícil, pero ahora se puede continuar la ADEC en serio para completar
The ICE Club is a social club for all Englishspeaking people, and holds many events during the week, such as: Music, dancing and themed supper evenings. Day and holiday coach trips. Golf, bowls, rambling, drama, cards and quiz. Monthly magazine and much more.
lo que expone a hacer. Junto con las empresas y los individuos en la comunidad ADEC puede crear conciencia y muy necesario de fondos. Fundador, Rachel Meadows, declaró que es un sueño hecho realidad. ADEC fue creado en memoria de los padres de Rachel (Della Porta), quien murió de cáncer en España. Fue en ese momento que Rachel descubrió la necesidad de cuidados paliativos en el área. Para más detalles sobre ADEC, cómo hacer una donación o para ofrecer apoyo y asistencia por favor llamen a Luciana O’Brien en 956 695 743 (en inglés) o Eli Iglesias en 659 562 567 (en Español). El número de ADEC es ahoa 9342 registrado en la Junta de Andalucía.
ADEC awarded registered charity status On 11 May 2010 ADEC reached a milestone in it’s history. Permission was granted by the Junta De Andalucia for the registration of Asociation de Ayuda a Enfermos de Cancer en Sus Casas ADEC Della Porta (ADEC). Permission is granted for ADEC to operate in the San Roque area of Andalucia, in the province of Cadiz to provide palliative care for cancer sufferers in their home. This is a much needed facility in this area and the granting of this registration will enable ADEC to raise funds to be able to begin helping those in need – regardless of nationality and social standing. It has been a long and sometimes difficult journey but now ADEC can proceed in earnest to
complete what it set out to do. Together with businesses and individuals in the community ADEC can raise awareness and much needed funds. Founder, Rachel Meadows, stated that it is a dream come true. ADEC was created in memory of Rachel’s parents (Della Porta), who died of cancer in Spain. It was at that time that Rachel discovered the need for palliative care in the area. For further details on ADEC, how to make donations or to offer support and assistance please call Luciana O’Brien on 956 695 743 (English speaking) or Eli Iglesias on 659 562 567 (Spanish speaking). ADEC is now registered charity number 9342 in the Junta de Andalucia.
Deadly Secrets revealed at Anglo Wines wine tasting in aid of ADEC Over 100 people gathered on a warm summer evening to taste wines and eat tapas provided by Anglo Wines, in Pueblo Nuevo to raise awareness and funds for ADEC. Robert Tenison, author of Deadly Secrets, was present to sign his crime thriller and entertained guests with the story of the background to the book. The Mayor of San Roque, Fernando Palma and Deputy Mayor for the District of Guadiaro – Juan Roca Quintero attended and were keen to find out more about ADEC – Asociation de Ayuda Enfermos de Cancer en sus casas Adec Della Porta. More than 600 euros was raised from the raffle and book sale with a promise of donations on the night. ADEC would like to thank the following sponsors for their support:- Anglo Wines, Robert Tenison, San Roque Golf Club, Patricia Darch, Brunos Restaurant (Gibraltar), Romain Dominique, Mi-pan Yacht Club, Armstrongs Restaurant, Abbeygate Insurance, Katie Lee, Bodyworks, Hairy Lemon, Paul Dennis (butcher) Suite at Puente Romano Hotel, Terra Sana, Ibex Insurance, Lynne Danby, Fischer Mercedes, Lombardos, KE bar, Hotel Maritimo, Elysium Spa (Almenara
Hotel) Golfino, Ivory Indian Restaurant, Sony, Florium , Campbell Young and Duquesa Business Centre. For more information on ADEC including future events, visit www.adec-cancercare. org. Or telephone Luciana O’Brien 956 695 (English) Eli Iglesias 659 562 567 (Spanish).
Sundays - Bar open 12.30 to 2.30pm for drinks and tapas. Tuesdays - Bar open 11.00am to 2.00pm for drinks and tapas. Thursdays - Bar open 10.30am to 2.30pm for drinks and lunch.
Special events for June/July Friday 18th June – Candlelit supper Saturday 26th June – Casino Night Friday 18th June – Candlelit supper Saturday 26th June – Casino Night Wednesday 14th July – Ladies and Gents Lunches Armstrong’s Restaurant Friday 16th July – Candlelit supper ‘Rustic Italian Cuisine’ Sunday 1st August – Evening Trip to Fuengirola Zoo ICE Club, Urbanisation Bahia Dorada Entrada 4 or 5 at km 149, A7, Estepona Tel 952 802 549 Visit their website -
Estepona Floral Art Club The Estepona Floral Art Club will not meet during July and August, so the next demonstration will be held at The Benavista Country Club, Benavista, on Tuesday, 21st September 2010, where the club will be welcoming Dulcie Lofting, NAFAS Area Demonstrator from Kings Lynn, Norfolk. The Estepona Floral Art Club is always pleased to welcome visitors at each month’s demonstrations, so for further information on the above or any future events, contact the Chairman, Marilyn Pemberton on Tel: 952 928 197 Alternatively go to the webpage on www. and click on the link Estepona Floral Art Club.
Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva Age Concern’s Australian Christmas Age Concern are arranging for a typical Christmas Dinner to be served at Armstrongs, Sabinillas on Friday 25th June starting at 13.30 for 14.00. Dress code will be very much a question of do as the Aussies do for their Christmas – comfortable and relaxed – and do not forget the corks dangling from your hats! Bring along your boomerangs, didgeridoos, and kangaroos for an afternoon of good food and great fun. Entertainment will abound – bell ringers, a pantomime, music, carols, and, maybe, Father Christmas. The cost is only 17€ per person for volunteers and Friends of Age Concern, 19€ for all other guests - to be paid by 19th June. To make a reservation please call 951 318 234 and leave your details, or call Richard on 952 913 174 or email Places are going fast so pick up the phone today! Shop Volunteers Age Concern runs a very successful charity shop in Calle Zaragoza, Estepona selling clothes, bric-a-brac, bedding etc, all donated by members of the public. It opens from 10.00 to 13.30 Monday to Saturday inclusive and is staffed by volunteers who give up some of their free time to help raise funds to support the work of other volunteers who work with older people in the community.
Ideally five staff are needed every day. There is a duty manager who is responsible for the running of the shop, dealing with telephone enquiries etc, plus four others who, with the duty manager, rotate round various tasks. These include taking in deliveries, sorting, steaming, pricing and, of course, serving and helping customers. It is great fun and the group in on any day work as a team. Unfortunately they now have a shortage of volunteers working in the shop due to illness, holidays and other problems. Age Concern are therefore appealing for more people to come forward and volunteer to work in the shop for one morning a week. No experience is needed as training will be given. Interested? If so please call Eileen Dry on 608 458 555, or email - They look forward to hearing from you. Lifeline For elderly people who require help or advice Age Concern operate a telephone service called Lifeline. This gives the individual a direct point of contact with the charity. The telephone number is 650163928. It should be noted that Age Concern is not an emergency service. There is also an email address where you can contact Age Concern, Estepona and Manilva. It is and why not tune into our web site at
Información Information
The Resident -
“DO YOUR OWN BOOKKEEPING AND TAX RETURNS” Have you ever thought of doing your own accounts? How much would you or your company save by doing your own tax returns?
English. A glossary of the most relevant words that you will find while filling in your tax forms will be provided. However you have to take into account that, if you want to be self-sufficient, sooner or later you will have to deal personally with someone in the Tax Agency or Social Security offices. In my years of experience I have seen many going there and managing pretty well with a little Spanish. But, of course, it depends on who you find there and the complexity of your problem.
My name is Jose M Rubio. I have a Mathematics degree and official teaching qualifications. For the last 6 years I have been handling the accounts for many autonomos and SL companies in the Sabinillas area. I also have ample experience in teaching complicated subjects to different people such as Statistics, IT, Finance, Accountancy, etc. I am convinced that you will find this seminar practical, interesting and easy to follow because I have incorporated long tested teaching methods: visual aids, slides, practical exercises to ensure that you will take in all the information. If you have any queries please include it in your preregistration form at
What materials Am I going to receive? To ensure that you absorb all the information you will find it helpful to have in front of you a guide with all the relevant points to be remembered. This will include a copy of every tax form for you to familiarize with them. You will be provided files with all the forms in PDF format and other utilities such as excel work sheets, tax calendar, etc. Pen, markers and so on. (You will only have to bring your glasses if you need them!). You will be given a password to be able to download extra information from the website.
Is it for me? What will I learn?
If you are a self-employed person with a small business and no employees your tax obligations are not too difficult to handle. This is not to say that it is very easy as you need to have some admin skills and training, however, nobody will look after your tax responsibilities better than you! In this seminar you will learn to be selfsufficient with regard to tax obligations. You will learn what to do and where to go to register/unregister yourself as autonomo. You will be able to submit your IVA and Personal Tax Returns every quarter and also the annual returns. (There are quite a few!). You will also learn how to handle the most common problems that the self-employed have with the Tax and Social Security Authorities.
Can I send somebody else in my place to attend the seminar? Yes. Actually that is a good idea if you feel you are too busy to attend it yourself. Some self-employed people are assisted by their spouse or other member of the family with the paperwork. You can have them trained and then delegate this job to them. The seminars are presented in a simple, easy to understand fashion. For more information why not join us at our ‘Open Day’ at the H10 Estepona Palace Hotel on 29th June from 5 - 8 pm, where all those attending will receive a free gift!
How much Spanish do I need to speak? The seminar will be wholly presented in
Planning ahead British Consulate Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team Many people put off thinking about their pension, perhaps because retirement seems a long way off, or maybe because it just seems too complicated to understand. However, planning for your future is important and thinking about your pension now may help ensure you enjoy your retirement later on. If you would like to know how much UK pension you are likely to receive based on the years you have already worked, you can apply for a pension forecast from HMRC. Based on this, you may also wish to consider paying voluntary contributions to top up your pension entitlement. If you are currently living and/or working in Spain, but wish to voluntarily contribute to the UK, you can pay for any of the last 6 years where you have not contributed enough previously. In addition, if you reach state pension age between April 2008 and April 2015 you are entitled to pay for any 6 years back to 1975, providing you already have 20 full qualifying years. Remember however, if you reach pension age after 6th April 2010, you now only need 30 years of contributions to qualify for a full UK State Pension.
If you are interested in paying UK voluntary contributions or wish to find out more, call HMRC on 0044 191 203 7010 or see www.
The importance of paperwork Those of you in receipt of a UK State Pension should have received a letter earlier this year informing you of the value of your weekly rate as from April 2010. These letters are sent out every year, but how many of you keep the paperwork regarding your pension? the PBHT can provide a certificate to help you prove your State Pension income when applying for help through social services. In order to do so however, they need to see recent correspondence regarding your pension. To ensure the process is as quick and smooth as possible, they will ask to see your pension increase letter, so you might just find it worth hanging on to.
The Resident -
Información Information
The Royal British Legion
RBL would like to remind everyone about the Age Concern Australian Christmas Lunch on June 25th at 1330 at Armstrong’s Restaurant in Sabinillas, instead of the usual RBL evening event, which RBL agreed to support. If you can possibly attend, your Committee would all be most grateful, as funds are desperately needed for supporting the elderly in Estepona and this should be a fun event at the same time. Call Mick Ellis on 952 792634 who has the tickets and the menu for you to choose from, so please get in touch with him as soon as possible and book your place. There is entertainment after the meal, Father Christmas might call in whilst on holiday in the area and there could even be a few carols sung! There is also a short pantomime!
Another reminder concerns the Coffee morning which will be held at the Padre Manual Cultural Centre Cafeteria in Estepona on July 23rd at 11.00 am when The Foreign Residents’ Association (AREME) are holding a Table Top Sale. The tables will cost 5 Euros each, but any income made by the table holder is theirs to keep so get out all those unwanted items, book your table, and try to sell them off at this event. There is parking behind the Centre and on the approach road to it for those not familiar with the area. Because many people are away for the summer, during July there will only be three Friday evening dinners and in August there will only be informal Friday evening dinners each week at 19.30 hours at Pekin Pato in Estepona Port, for those wishing to meet up with friends. Friday June 18 Casador 2 at 7.30 for 8.00 Friday June 25 - Australian Christmas for Age Concern 1.30 at Armstrong’s Restaurant, Sabinillas Friday July 2 - Pato Pekin at 7.30 for 8.00 Friday 16 July - Brown’s in Duquesa Port 7.30 for 8.00 For more information contact the Chairman, Chris Wright, on 671 846 204 or Jackie McIntyre on 678 124 902.
anúnciese con the resident Telf. 952 936 198
En la Residencia de las Palabras
Perduran los familiares Se detuvo en la loma y, desde allí, vio la tierra de sus antepasados cubierta de silencio (grama e hinojo, romero y bruma entre los nísperos), la casa demolida en la quietud de una añoranza terrena donde flirteaban gorriones y mirlos entre las ruinas. Vio aparecer un rayo de sol, pero más tarde, comenzó a llover, en la lejanía del mar se divisaba un chorro de agua, era una nube en forma humana, como un venenciador que arrojara vino al mar, el mar era una copa inmensa, y en el cielo un camarero animado, nutría con la lluvia el horizonte. ¿Adónde habían ido todos? ¿Por qué estaba en ese lugar? La lluvia se hizo por momentos más intensa, y pensó que debía buscar refugio, pero se quedó por más tiempo, unos minutos más; allí en el cerro sintió tanta nostalgia, unida a la melancolía de la tarde, donde pardales se guarecían en la arboleda del jardín abandonado; la llovizna, ahora, penetraba en su cabello, chorreaban gotas de agua por su rostro igual que por el níspero y el jazmín amarillo, una lluvia para su figura como si fuera un arbusto más, un pájaro, una flor, una lluvia para la vida del campo, una lluvia suave ahora pero calando su cuerpo entero, su alma, entrando en los recuerdos y sintiendo a todos los que allí vivieron una vez junto a ella: La prima jovial paseándose entre los viñedos, amiga de correrías por la aldea; su hermano Antonio, labrador incansable que se fue a una ciudad del norte, para dedicarse a la industria del automóvil (él era el que arreglaba casi todos los tractores y las máquinas
de arar de los vecinos cuando aún vivía en el cortijo, y cuando llegaba de vacaciones, todos le requerían por algún problema mecánico); Arturo, el hijo de Pablo, enamorado de ella, que le cantaba al atardecer, antes de la llegada de su padre, y ella se asomaba a la puerta para sonreírle despacio y quedar con él sobre las nueve, detrás del cortijo de Antonio; su padre, curtido en su piel de tierra, con su tono de voz de agricultura mancillada: “Niña que no me des ningún disgusto”; su madre, la flor caída en la tempestad de una enfermedad irreversible, su madre, hoja blanca, asunto del amor en la finca de sus antepasados, mujer plena de la que el vecino Miguel decía que se alejó del mundo y de la vida con demasiadas cosas todavía por hacer... ¿Adónde estaban todos? Arturo, su prima Julia, Antonio... La lluvia había cesado de caer en la tierra, pero en el mar, seguía el venenciador derramando el vino del cielo, agua densa y solitaria, que a ella le hizo recordar bajo el limonero, el rayo presuntuoso que cayó un invierno y casi mata a Margarita; y recordó a su primo, cuando contó que en ese mismo limonero había visto a un ángel tomando de sus frutos, al que preguntó por qué cogía limones, y éste le contestó que los limones eran para llevárselos a San Isidro. “A ver si me entero, ¿quién vino a robarnos del limonero?”, preguntaba mi tía, con asombro. ¿Adónde están todos? ¿Adónde estaba ella? ¿Por qué había venido esta tarde, y desde este cerro, bajó a los cortijos y a los huertos de su
The Resident -
Soluciones Vuelvo a la finca donde me crié Puzzle Page Solutions para vivir allí de nuevo Fácil Easy pasado? Aquí en el altozano, miradas de lluvias hacen tocar el amor de estos campos, contagiar la semilla madura a una vida que fue y ya ha pasado. Finalmente, antes de entrar en la vieja casa, empapada, su pelo y sus ropas como pétalos de una flor humana al albedrío, se dijo, pensando en voz alta: “Oh Altura, déjame resbalar con la lluvia y el águila hasta ese hombre, hasta esa mujer, hasta ese hermano; que hoy mi presente sea gota de lluvia que a la salida del sol llame a la puerta y a todos los vea de nuevo en el presente eterno que concibe nuevas andanzas para mi destino”.
Nivel Medio Medium
Francisco Rodríguez Herrera Del libro “El quinqué, al crepúsculo”
Asociación de discapacitados Luisana C/ Aurora de Albornoz nº1 29692 Sabinillas -Málaga Actividades diversas de formación, animación e integración. Colaboración e información
Difícil Hard
Teléfono: 606 602 558 (Coopere con nosotros)
El Ayuntamiento crea una Bolsa de Trabajo para la cobertura de 1 plaza temporal de Director de Banda de Música en las Empresas Municipales El Ayuntamiento de Estepona, a través de la delegación municipal de Personal, informa sobre las bases de selección para la formación, mediante concurso-oposición, de una bolsa de trabajo para la cobertura de necesidades temporales de personal en las Empresas Municipales. Es objeto de esta convocatoria cubrir la necesidad temporal de 1 plaza de Director de Banda de Música. El personal contratado deberá reunir los requisitos exigidos para el ingreso en la Administración Local. Entre otros, los aspirantes no podrán exceder de la edad máxima de jubilación forzosa y estar en posesión del título necesario en función de la categoría profesional a que se aspire, cuya denominación y formación académica o federativa será la de Director/a de Banda de Música (Grupo 1): Profesor de Música (Plan 1996) o Titulado superior de Música. Las instancias y documentos para tomar parte en la convocatoria se podrán presentar hasta el próximo lunes 21, debido al carácter de urgencia de la presenta convocatoria, y se dirigirán a la Consejera Delegada de las Empresas Muncipales,
Respuestas correspondientes a la página 22 Picture Quiz answers
1 Pepe Reina. 2 Graham Poll. 3 Djibril Cisse. 4 Frank Rijkaard. 5 Geoff Hurst. 6 Ji-Sung Park. 7 Ferenc Puskas. 8 Franz Beckebauer. Delegación de Personal, sita en Avda. del Carmen, Edf. Puertosol, acompañada de la documentación acreditativa de méritos. Para la valoración de méritos se tendrá en cuenta la experiencia profesional (máximo 40 puntos); formación (máximo 30 puntos); ejercicios aprobados (máximo 5 puntos); baremo personal (máximo 15 puntos); y prueba de dirección de banda de música (100 puntos). Para poder sumarse a la fase de
concurso deberá haber pasado el ejercicio con al menos 50 puntos en cada uno. La reserva para la cobertura de necesidades temporales para personas con discapacidad se hará de conformidad con lo establecido en el Convenio vigente. Las personas seleccionadas pasarán a formar parte de una Bolsa de trabajo de personal temporal de las Empresas Municipales para el supuesto requerido.
9 Joseph ‘Sepp’ Blatter. 10 Robert Green. 11 Michel Platini. 12 Socrates. 13 Rene Higuita. 14 Pierre Luigi Collina. 15 Roger Milla.
The Resident -
Información Information
Healthcare in Spain
Costa Advice Bureau
British Consulate Pension, Benefit and Healthcare Team The rules for getting state healthcare in Spain are different from those in the UK. The NHS is a residence-based system, which means that all you need to access healthcare in Great Britain is to be ‘ordinarily resident’ (see Returning to the UK). In Spain however, the system is contribution-based, which means that normally you must have paid into the social security system in order for you and your dependants to get state healthcare. These social security contributions can be paid by your employer or by yourself as a self-employed worker. You may also be eligible to register to pay voluntary contributions if you have paid contributions at any point in Spain and have paid contributions for 3 out the last 12 years in any
European Union Member State – apply at your local Tesoreria. If you are not paying into the Spanish social security system you may also get state healthcare if: * You are in receipt of a UK state pension, long-term contributionbased Incapacity benefit or Bereavement benefit (apply for an S1 form); * You are an early retiree to Spain and have been resident here less than two years (apply for an S1 form); * You are a posted worker for a UK company; * You are a dependant of someone who falls into one of the categories above; * You are a temporary visitor to Spain and have a valid UK European Health Insurance Card
(EHIC); * You will be receiving planned treatment abroad or are in receipt of UK sickness or maternity benefit - apply for an S2 form (previously E112). For more information, please visit the NHS website * You are a child under the age of 18 and have no access to healthcare through your own or your parents means. This is called ‘La Ley de Minor’ and you apply through the social worker at your local health centre. Please remember - if you do register with the state health system in Spain, it is important to de-register with your GP in the UK. Likewise, if you decide to return to the UK, then you must de-register with the Spanish authorities.
Sterling/euro reaches new highs
£€ The peak for sterling last year was the £1.19 it achieved in late June. Prior to that the last time it saw £1.19 was during its precipitous tumble almost to parity with the euro in November 2008. Now it is back up there, having a serious look at an upward break that could set it on its way to £1.30. It is possible? Or will the gravity that has trouble it for nearly three years drag it back to earth once more? On the face of it, this should be a no-brainer. Euroland is displaying all the worst traits of a currency union that applies a one-sizefits-all interest rate to a group of 16 different countries. Britain, meanwhile, seems to have accidentally elected a coalition government blessed with the ability and commitment to set right a national debt that will have doubled in the space of a handful of years. Sterling is sure to be the winner? Right? There can be little doubt that, if the leaders of Euroland were to sit a GCSE in financial crisis management, there would not be many A-stars on the list of results. The Greek crisis had been
looming for years, ever since the country fudged its accounts - ably assisted by Goldman Sachs - to cheat its way into membership in the first place. On at least three occasions this year the euro zone leaders put their heads together to come up with a suitable financial safety net to bail out Greece and hold the currency union together. The first few efforts, each with a successively higher price tag, failed. The agreement reached at the beginning of May had to work; if not, Greece would have had to default on repayments in the middle of the month. The €750 billion stabilisation fund was massively bigger than its failed predecessors because the delay had added the names of Portugal and Spain to the danger list. So far, the bailout has done its job. Greece has not gone bust because the EU and the International Monetary Fund have filled its funding gap at an affordable price. But there are rumours of two ‘secret clauses’ in the agreement. One apparently says that if the bailout is proved to be unconstitutional in any European court it will be scrapped. The other says the nations providing the money do not have to do so at a loss; if they cannot raise cash at less than the interest rate charged to Greece (or Spain or Portugal) the programme grinds to a halt. Neither clause would be ridiculous but the possibility of their existence raises doubts about commitment, especially on
the part of Germany which is up for €145 billion of the money. Britain’s new coalition government, meanwhile, has been making the right noises. Savings and wasteavoidance is supposed to save £6 billion this year but that is just the low-hanging fruit. The real meat of the strategy will be revealed in the budget on 22 June. Investors are quietly confident that the new boys will sort things out but not until a satisfactory budget is revealed will the pound - and the gilt market - fully be able to command the confidence of investors and credit rating agencies. In the meantime sterling has gained good ground against a weak euro to break the £1.20 benchmark. There is bound to be a queue of sellers eager to take advantage of these highs but there will also be buyers keen to avoid missing the boat if the pound leaps ahead. Moneycorp is a foreign exchange specialist who can take care of all your money transfers to and from Spain; however small or large. Their experts make the process quick, easy and highly costeffective. For more information on how Moneycorp can help get you more currency than from your bank contact Michael Campbell in the Costa del Sol office on +34 951 319 700 or email michael.campbell@ Always quote The Resident.
Prescription charges and cutbacks The Spanish health scheme has modernised its system with improved hi-tech links to the social security and the central database. What has this meant? There are now machines to read your Spanish health card and check your status. Some residents who were registered at various health centre’s and entitled to health care and free prescriptions have already received notice of this change and are being asked to pay for their medications. It would be wise to check your position now and not wait until you need medical assistance.
and cannot be structured by tables and charts to arrive at the total due as this could result in costly errors. Trusting inheritors duly pay the deduced amount. Remember the tax authorities will gladly accept your money if you overpay. The fear associated with this levy has permitted unregulated financial advisers to take advantage of some elderly home owners encouraging them to enter into all types of investments and schemes to purportedly avoid paying this duty. With the generous deductions allowed by the Andalusia government, most mid to lower priced property owners may be totally exempt from the tax.
You may be entitled to a Spanish pension? If you are a resident pensioner, never paid social security contributions and have little or no income you may be entitled to a Spanish Pension. You need not have worked in Spain. You need to meet a certain criteria and your financial problems could be solved.
On the 25 of May the new traffic laws came into force. Pamphlets were sent out to the homes of most residents. The literature explains the new points system. Some of the lesser infractions will incur a fine but no points on your driving licence. Residents cannot legally be fined on the spot and now have twenty days to pay their fines with a reduction of 50 percent for early payment. Now that summer is here one has to remember that driving in flip flop type sandals is illegal.
Inheritance tax Assets of many non-residents and residents alike are by law subject to inheritance tax. The rules are complicated and one must not generalise on the rate of tax payable. The amount due depends primarily on the individuals circumstances
Driving in flip flops
Myra Azzopardi Costa Advice Bureau Calle Real 58, Estepona Tel: 952 797 821
ACHES and PAINS What is pain?
It is an attention grabbing message which travels to the brain along our nerves and our nerves are all safely embedded within our body’s muscles. What causes pain? Pain has just 3 causes. A nerve is; 1) diseased, 2) injured or 3) it is being squashed. If you are not diseased and not injured but still you have pain, then your nerves are being squashed by your own seizing muscles. When seizing muscles tighten, they squeeze our nerves and we ache. When muscles seize, they squash our nerves and we feel pain. But the GOOD NEWS is SEIZED MUSCLES CAN BE CURED
CRAMP, TINGLES, NUMBNESS,VARICOSE VEINS These are all signs of seized muscles squashing our blood vessels and causing an interrupted blood supply. Our 100,000km or 60,000 miles of blood vessels, both arteries and veins all exist safely embedded within our muscles’ fibres. When our muscles seize and tighten then our veins are squeezed upwards to the muscle’s surface, creating “varicose veins” and our arteries become squashed deep inside, restricting our blood supply and causing it to slow.
And the GOOD NEWS is VARICOSE VEINS CAN BE CURED When an artery is being squashed and blood flow reduced, we experience “numbness” in our arms, hands, legs and feet as they, lacking in blood, “go to sleep”. When the blood comes flooding back then we get the “tingling” of “pins and needles” as the area refills with blood.
What Causes Cramp?
When one seized muscle completely squashes an artery, stopping the blood flow then the following muscle, the “next one in sequence” for the blood, is “starved of blood”. It goes into “spasm”, it “cramps”. The Muscle Renewal System is unique and it works. Each Treatment gives a Noticeable Result within 2 days Call Now and Explain your symptoms to Linda Dodds 666 24 17 20 Author of the book “Exercise is BAD for You” Located between Sotogrande and Estepona
Información Information
The Resident -
Vets Corner
The warm weather has arrived and with it we see an increase in skin problems. The skin is the body’s protective cover, it is in direct contact with the environment and disease causing agents. The skin may suffer various types of diseases. The primary function of the skin is to protect and isolate the body and its parts from injury. The layer of fat, just below the skin helps the body to maintain its temperature and by altering the blood supply, protect us from extreme temperature changes in the environment. Skin disease or dermatitis, initially it may be reflected in reddening, small pustules (acne), hair loss and may or may not be painful. These signs may be located in one circumspect area or may affect the entire body, scratching, itching, and/or biting may aggravate the problem. Dermatitis may be due to many diverse causes such as: allergies, bacteria, fungi, parasites, burns, hormonal or nervous or psychological problems or other less common causes. In our animals allergies or parasites are the most guilty parties. When the condition becomes advanced a problem localised in one area may spread and be further complicated by a secondary infection, which in some cases may become chronic. A veterinarian ought to be consulted before a small problem gets out of hand. Allergic Dermatitis is characterised by itching and redness, the animal licks, bites, or scratches itself excessively (as in other types of dermatitis), initiating a vicious cycle of itching andscratching/biting. Treatment, as in most skin problems, is twofold: first is to break the itch-scratch cycle and second is to get at the primary cause of the problem. Many times allergic problems are tedious to sort out, pollen based allergies being some of the most difficult to resolve, followed closely by food based allergies. In breeding has caused the existance of some dogs
to be allergic to some if not all types of meat protien. This is pre y odd considering that dogs are carnivores or meat eaters! The majority of these cases are cured by changing them to types of meat that they are not allergic to or in those more extreme cases they have to be put on a soy based protien diet, effectively becoming vegetarians. This is different to those cases where some of the owners of some dogs and cats may themselves be vegetarians and wish their animals to prescribe to the same dietary habits, they should take care as dogs and cats by the basis of their digestive tracts are meat eaters. Fungal infections are common, more so in cats, and some times they may be contagious to one or more other member of the family, they are, generally speaking, relatively easy to identify and cure. Mange is caused by mycroscopic “bugs”, the most common of these found affecting our pets are not generally contagious between species. Mange when diagnosed early is also easy to control although it may require 2-3 months of treatment depending upon how advanced a specific case may be! Over-bathing o en reduces the skins natural defences and as a result may open the door to disease causing agents. Many of the treatments for these problems may include medicated baths, one should never use human shampoos on animals as their skin pH (acidity level ) is quite different to ours! Skin diseases o en require patience in achieving a cure. Dermatology has become an area of specialised a ention in Veterinary Medicine in the past 10 - 15 years and sometimes it may be necessary to search out a specialist. Remember the skin is the mirror of health.
Ronald Rosenfeld D.V.M. Sabinillas 952 891 387
Atalya Bridge Club tournament raises 800 euros for Cudeca Terry Wayne, local Partner of Blevins Franks Financial Management was the sponsor of a Bridge Tournament held at the Atalaya Bridge Club, Estepona on Saturday, 29th May. Over 80 entrants took part and Terry and his wife, Carole attended and presented the prizes to the winners. The event was arranged to support the Fundacion CUDECA, the well known
cancer charity on the Coast and their representative Laura Haggis Sottas was on hand to receive a cheque in the sum of €800 raised from the event. The photograph shows the presentation of the cheque, from the left, Blevins Franks Partner Terry Wayne, Pierre Labboz of the Atalaya Bridge Club and Laura Haggis Sottas of CUDECA.
Tel: 952 936 198 -
The Resident -
Volvo Mundial Match Play 2011 Nueva fecha, 24 participantes, e incremento en premios El Volvo Mundial Match Play se disputará del 19 al 22 de mayo de 2011 en el magnífico recorrido malagueño de Finca Cortesín, en Casares, contando con la participación de 24 jugadores, diferente sistema de clasificación e incremento en el montante en premios.
Per Ericsson, Presidente y Consejero Delegado de Volvo Event Management, explicó las novedades de cara al 2011: “Siendo la innovación un concepto clave para Volvo, y no obstante el éxito de la pasada edición, hemos continuado trabajando junto a nuestros socios, Finca Cortesín, IMG y el Circuito Europeo con el fin de que el torneo evolucione, y nos ha llevado tiempo su ubicación en el calendario. Se disputará en el mes de mayo durante los próximos cuatro años, de 2011 a 2014, contará con 24 jugadores e incrementará el montante en premios con 3.4 millones de euros, de los cuales 800.000 serán para el ganador. Además se aplicará un nuevo sistema de clasificación, lo que sin duda va a contribuir a la consolidación del torneo al más alto nivel, manteniendo la modalidad match-play que lo hace tan especial. El año pasado el formato liguilla fue bien acogido, sin embargo, esta vez hemos querido darle mayor emoción ampliándolo a ocho grupos de tres jugadores cada uno, lo que significa que habrá más partidos en juego y el público disfrutará más”. Sergio García se ha mostrado asimismo encantado con las buenas noticias: “El año pasado el Volvo Mundial Match Play fue un éxito y me alegro mucho del cambio de fecha. Finca Cortesín se volcó y ofreció una magnífica imagen de España, lo que me hizo sentir muy orgulloso. Estoy convencido de que los cambios de cara al 2011 lo harán todavía más atractivo”.
Deportes Sport
Dos campeonas de España del Club Internacional de Esgrima El pasado fin de semana se celebró en Madrid el Campeonato de España de esgrima para menores de 12 años con más de 700 participantes de toda España. El Club Internacional de Esgrima con base en Estepona clasificó a 4 de sus tiradores más jóvenes. Las representantes femeninas Reina Pino y Olatz Bilbao consiguieron subir a lo más alto del podium, ésta última revalidando su título de campeona de España que ya conquistó el año pasado. En categoría de menores de 10 años
Eduardo Lozano que partía como favorito por ser el campeón del pasado año, se quedó a un solo tocado de luchar por las medallas realizando una magnífica competición ganando a cada uno de sus rivales. Muy buena actuación también de Mia Wellington y Nasinne Hammali, clasificando entre los diez primeros. De nuevo estos resultados sitúan a Estepona en la elite de la esgrima nacional en categorías inferiores contribuyendo a la representación andaluza a nivel nacional.
2011 Volvo World Match Play Championship The Volvo World Match Play Championship is set for a new date in 2011 and will be held 19th to 22nd May, 2011 at Finca Cortesin Hotel, Golf and Spa on the magnificent Andalucian coast in Southern Spain. Securing a new permanent date for the Championship has been at the very heart of this announcement. With the global schedule becoming ever more congested in the Autumn months with existing tournaments and the addition of new events in Europe and Asia, Volvo and IMG have worked together with the European Tour and, crucially, the players, to ensure that this world class event is given the date it properly deserves. The new permanent May date for the Championship is secured under a four year agreement with the European Tour (2011-2014) and ensures the Volvo World Match Play Championship is guaranteed the Spanish sunshine and that the world’s best players are able to include the Volvo World Match Play Championship in their schedules; and crucially, the aim is that the Volvo World Match Play Championship will now be the sole dominant European Tour event played in the new date. As well as a new date, Volvo and partners IMG announce further improvements that will ensure that the Championship build on its status as a world class event, including an increased field size, increased prize
fund and a refined qualification criteria. However, the key characteristics of the Championship, including the ultimate thrill of match play golf, will continue as before. The 16 man field will be increased to allow 24 of the world’s best players to compete for this coveted title and the qualification process, so successful in gathering one of the highest quality international fields on the European Tour in 2009, has been modified to accommodate the increase. In keeping with its world class status the prize fund for the 2011 Championship increases to €3.4 million with a first prize of €800,000, the highest on the European Tour outside of the Majors, World Golf Championship events and the Dubai World Golf Championship. Ross Fisher, 2009 Volvo World Match Play Champion, concluded, ”Winning this prestigious title was a very important achievement for me, especially having grown up watching so many great players win this event over the years. I thoroughly enjoy match play and as I am working to qualify for the 2010 Ryder Cup this year, I hope that winning such a prestigious match play tournament against such a strong field might have impressed our European Captain, Colin Montgomerie, who was at Finca Cortesin watching the Championship last year.”
International Fencing Club boasts two Spanish Champions Over 700 young fencers from all over the country took part in this month’s U12 Spanish Championships in Madrid. Estepona’s International Fencing Club once again proved it was one of the elite clubs in the country with its swordswomen Reina Pino and Olatz Bilbao both winning gold, the latter successfully defending her title from last year’s contest.
In the U10 category Eduardo Lozano, who started last year’s competition as favourite, came within one hit of a medal after a great performance against each of his opponents. There were also good performances from Mia Wellington and Nasinne Hammali, both ranking in the top ten.
Deportes Sport
III Copa del Mundo de Kárate Kyokushin Los días 19 y 20 de junio de 2010 Estepona acogerá la III Edición de la Copa del Mundo de Kárate. El evento que se celebrará en la Plaza de Toros de la localidad, está organizado conjuntamente por el Ilmo. Ayuntamiento de Estepona a través de su Delegación de Deportes y la organización internacional de karate IKO Matsushima Kyokushinkaikan. La Copa del Mundo se celebra cada cuatro años bajo el reglamento internacional de Knock Down - al K.O., la primera edición tuvo lugar en Estados Unidos y la segunda en Australia, siendo la primera vez que este importante acontecimiento deportivo se lleva a cabo en el continente Europeo. El certamen que será supervisado por el Presidente y el Vicepresidente de la International Kárate Organization Kyokushinkaikan, el Japonés, Kancho Yoshikazu Matsushima y el australiano, Hanshi John Taylor, respectivamente, ambos 9º Dan, se competirá en 3 categorías masculinas y 3 femeninas, contando así con seis campeones/as mundiales que subirán al podio en suelo esteponero. Informar también, que el Presidente del comité organizador es Shihan Klaus Rex, danés afincado en Estepona, delegado español de Karate Kyokushin, Presidente, en su cuarto mandato, de la Organización Europea (European KyokushinKarate Organisation –EKO), integrante del comité mundial,
creador de la Organización Oyama Kárate Kyokushin España, de la O.K.K.-Estepona y de Rex Dojo (en 1993). En el congreso mundial en Japón de 2004, Shihan Klaus Rex consiguió la asignación de la villa de Estepona como sede de este importante evento. La copa del mundo congregará a 68 países de los cinco continentes y ofrecerá una gran espectacularidad, con imponentes combates tanto masculinos como femeninos, todo ello al aire libre en el bello marco de la Plaza de Toros de Estepona. En definitiva un acontecimiento deportivo sin precedentes, que abre a su vez, un prodigioso abanico intercultural. Para más información, visiten la página web del evento en www.
Manilva - Campamento del deporte Durante los meses de julio y agosto los niños de edades comprendidas entre los 6 y 12 años podrán disfrutar de las actividades lúdico-deportivas que se desarrollarán en este campamento del deporte. Comenzará el 1 de julio y finalizará el 31 de agosto. Lugar: Complejo deportivo “Las Viñas”. Horarios: de 09:00h a 14:00h. Actividades a destacar: karate, futbol, baloncesto, rugby, atletismo, piscina, Taller sociocultural, juegos populares,
teatro, manualidades, cuentacuentos, escalada y fiestas. 1º Hermano: Julio - 70€, Agosto - 70€, Julio y Agosto 120€ 2º Hermano: Julio - 50€, Agosto - 50€, Julio y Agosto 80€ 3º Hermano: Julio - 35€, Agosto - 35€, Julio y Agosto 60€ Inscripción: Delegación de juventud y deportes del ayto. de Manilva. 952 891 532. Plazo de inscripción: del 24 de mayo al 21 de junio.
Manilva Sports Camps Manilva’s Sports Department are offering children aged from 6 to 12 years summer sports ‘camps’ offering a number of sporting activities including karate, football, basketball, rugby, athletics, swimming, social workshops, popular games, theatre, storytelling, climbing and parties. The camps will be held at the Las Viñas sports complex in Manilva on weekdays from 9 am to 2 pm.
Prices are 70€ per month for July or August; 120€ for both months. There are reductions for siblings, eg. 50€ per month and 80€ for two months for a second brother or sister, whilst for a third or more the cost is 35€ per month and 60€ for the two. To enrol visit the Delegación de juventud y deportes next to the football ground in Manilva or call 952 891 532. Enrolment is open from the 24th May to 21st June.
La escuela del Arsenal lista para el comienzo de sus campus de verano
III Karate Kyokushin World Cup Over the weekend of the 19th and 20th June, Estepona will play host to the III Full Contact Karate World Cup, which will be held in the town’s Bull Ring and is organised by the international karate body IKO Matsushima Kyokushinkaikan in collaboration with the Estepona Town Hall’s sports department. The World Cup is held every four years under international knock down rules, with the first edition staged in the US, followed four years later by the second in Australia. Estepona has the proud honour of playing host to the first edition to be held in Europe. Participants from 68 countries from across five continents will provide a sporting spectacle competing in three male and three female categories, with ultimately 6 World Champions taking to the podium in Estepona’s traditional fighting arena. The contest will be overseen by the President and Vice President of the
International Karate Organization Kyokushinkaikan, Kancho Yoshikazu Matsushima of Japan and Australia’s Hanshi John Taylor, respectively, who are both 9th Dan. The President of the organizing committee is Shihan Klaus Rex, a Dane living in Estepona, who is the Spanish representative of Kyokushin Karate, President of the European Organisation (European Organisation Kyokushin-Karate, EKO), a member of World Committee, creator of the Oyama Karate Organization Kyokushin Spain, the OKK-Estepona and the Rex Dojo (1993). It was at the 2004 World Congress in Japan, that Shihan Klaus Rex obtained the appointment of Estepona to host this important event. This unique sporting event shouldn’t be missed so for more details and ticketing information visit the website: www.
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La última semana de junio la escuela del Arsenal con base en Sotogrande dará comienzo a sus campus para este verano de 2010. Con 6 sedes para elegir este año, la escuela de fútbol pretende dar a los niños y jóvenes la oportunidad de apuntarse y aprender a jugar al fútbol como el Arsenal. Los campus están diseñados para pasarlo bien y interactuar con otros niños que comparten la pasión por el fútbol, aprendiendo a respetarse al tiempo que adquieren nuevas habilidades, poniendo énfasis en estimular el sentido de responsabilidad y en enseñarles la importancia de las reglas
y la educación. La escuela del Arsenal tiene 4 fechas en la Costa del Sol y la zona de Cádiz: 28t junio-2nd julio – Costa Ballena (Rota) 5-9 julio – Mijas 9t - 13th agosto – Arcos de La Frontera (Cádiz) 23 - 27 agosto – Sotogrande Cada curso incluye sesiones de entrenamiento matinales y los participantes recibirán una equipación de la escuela del Arsenal y un certificado. Niños y niñas a partir de 5 años pueden apuntarse enviando un email a
Arsenal Soccer School is ready for the start of their summer camps In the last week of June, the Arsenal soccer school based in Sotogrande will launch their summer camps for 2010. With 6 venues to choose from this year, the soccer school aims to give kids the chance to participate an learn to play football the Arsenal Way. The soccer camps are designed for having fun and playing with other kids which share a love for football, learning to respect each other and learn new skills, putting emphasis on stimulating their sense of responsibility and on learning the important value of rules and education. Arsenal soccer school has set 4 dates on
the Costa del Sol and Cadiz area: 28th June - 2nd July – Costa Ballena (Rota) 5th - 9th July – Mijas 9th - 13th August – Arcos de La Frontera (Cádiz) 23rd - 27th August – Sotogrande Each course will include morning training sessions and participants will receive an Arsenal Soccer Schools kit and a certificate. Boys and girls from the age of 5 can sign up sending an email to sara@
Classifieds Administrators • AMMEX, Sabinillas. Specialists in community administration 952 890 704
Building & Maintenance • Pipe Tek SL Water Leak Detection, CCTV Surveying, High Pressure Water Jetting & Drain Relining - 952 891 248 • Steve Wilsdon Plumbing & Tiling. Kitchen & Bathroom Refurbishment, Design Service Available. Tel: 952 936 890 email:manderley59@hotmail. com • Emasur - Installation, repair and maintenance of all types of electical installations, air-con solar energy, and other clean energy systems - both electricity and hot water. Tel: 952 892 515 • Roller Shutter Repairs (Persianas) - Same day service, 7 days a week. Also conversion to motorised and new installations with security format. Tel: 681 177 568
Auto • Brunos Car rental and sales, parking. Serving Malaga, Jerez and Gibraltar airports, Puerto Duquesa 952 891 415 • English Mechanic - All mechanical work undertaken. Mecánica de automóvil en general. Poligono Industrial, Manilva. 951 972 066
Professional • Mateo Lawyers is a firm of Spanish Lawyers based in Sabinillas, Manilva English spoken 952 936 123 www. • Do you need a trusted and efficient lawyer? Call us for a free quotation. 951.31.66.39; • All types of translation & interpreting work. Qualified Translators & Interpreters. legal contracts, books, websites & certified translations. 951 977 320 Info@VTranslationSpain. com • Leyva - wide range of fireplaces, marble and granite, supplied and fitted. Polígono Industrial Manilva. Tel: 951 97 20 08, 609 713 619. Classified lineage advertising rates are 35 cents per word inclusive of IVA @16% (minimum of 10 words). Boxed classifieds are charged a 5 euros per column centimetre inclusive of IVA @16€ (minimum 3 column centimetres). To place your advert drop into The Resident office in Edif Sabinillas Playa 6, Calle Mijas, Sabinillas, Manilva, 29692, Malaga. Or into one of our agents’ offices (call 952 936 198
Have a day out with The Resident SMILE ITS SUMMER AND HERE ARE OUR PROPERTIES OF THE MONTH All in ESTEPONA MARINA 1. Spacious 2 double bed apartment, 2 bathrooms, one en-suite. Spacious terrace with fantastic harbour views. REDUCED to 165.000 Euros 2. 2 double bed, huge 40m2 terrace overlooking communal pool & gardens with views of sea & Estepona marina. Not to be missed! 180,000 €
The Resident, in collaboration with Viajes Transandalucia, would like to invite our readers to take advantage of our special ‘Readers’ Offers’ on a selection of trips and excursions over the coming months. As well as discounts on Viajes Transandalucia’s regular trips each month we will also select a
Ronda by Train
(return by coach)
3. 1 bed, 65m2, with established long term rental income 105,000 Euros
Tel: 952802912 – 625280744
Inmobiliaria Estate Agents • Barrington Homes offer large selection of Duquesa properties for sale. Costa del Sol, Spain 952 936 216 www.
Educación Education • Home Tutors English and Spanish lessons 952 89 21 63
• Coast to Coast Properties, Sabinillas. Small, independent, personal property advisers. Sales and rentals. 952 892 517
• Costa Karaoke the best entertainment on the Coast. Visit one of our gigs - see www. for list or tel: 0034 952 800 765
• Hamilton Homes. Family run estate agents based in Sabinillas helping clients through every stage of the process. Call 952 890 444 www.
Mortgage & Financial Services
Holiday Accommodation • Barrington Holidays offer self catering holiday rental accommodation in Puerto Duquesa, Costa del Sol, Spain Tel. 952 936 216 www. • Casares Lets Short and long term rentals 696 676 561
Property management • LMK Management Luxury apartment rentals and property management 952 890 513 • Manilva Casa Care Keycare Security, Meet and Greet, Cleaning, Maintenance 678 138 556 / 687 302 207
ATR SPAIN Reforms - Maintenance Management
• Hamilton Insurance for expatriate insurance be it health, car, travel or home and contents 952 897 347
Ocio y Deportes Sport & Leisure • Sun Coast Marine Yacht School - RYA Motor cruiser and powerboat instruction 952 804 597 www.suncoastmarine.
Bares y Restaurantes • Restaurante Ramos - Calle Duquesa de Arcos, Sabinillas. • Armstrongs Restaurant - Rio Manilva Road. Extensive menu and weekly entertainment. Tel. 952 892 690 or 664 442 629
Náutica Marine • Atlas Marine, Puerto Duquesa - Boat sales, mortgages, insurance, maintenance 952 890 553 www.
Informática Computers
Tel. 678 962 588
• CSS - Home and office support, pc upgrades, adsl and wifi, data recovery and more 952 891 825 www.csscosta. com
for your nearest office). For more information on advertising see our website at Deadline: Classified adverting can be placed up to 12 noon on Wednesday 11th June for insertion in the next issue out on Friday, 13th June. The Resident accepts NO RESPONSIBILITY for the content of advertisements, nor any claims made by advertisers. Thorough checks should be carried out before any transactions take
place. The Resident reserves the right to make any changes in spelling or grammar where necessary. The Resident takes every care to ensure the correct publication of advertisements, regrettably mistakes do sometimes occur. If there is an error in your advertisement, notify your agency or agent at once as The Resident will only accept responsibility for one insertion published incorrectly.
featured excursion at a special price for Resident readers only. You must book directly to take advantage of these offers. Telephone: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 or email Don’t forget to mention The Resident or you won’t get the discount!
Every Tuesday (includes breakfast) - Visit the eastern side of the Costa del Sol including a visit to its most famous town of Nerja. Our trip takes us first to the small town of El Palo, where we enjoy a typical Andalucian breakfast. After breakfast we will visit the famous cave of Nerja, with the 32m high ‘Cataclysmic Hall’. After the cave, we visit the town of Nerja, with free time to explore the sites such as the Balcon de Europa or just amble amongst the shops and bars of this interesting town Adults: Normal price 44€ The Resident price 42€ Children: Normal price 33€ The Resident price 31€
Gibraltar - a choice of trips: Every Thursday - By coach to Algeciras, then mountain train to Ronda, on a single-tack line, built over 100 years ago. This spectacular mountain scenery can only be seen by train, with many villages and delightful stations en route. In Ronda you can explore the old Moorish town, including the 18th century bridge over the famous El Tajo Gorge, before returning by coach. Adults: Normal price 40€ The Resident price 38€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.
Every Friday (lunch optional add 12.00€) - Seville is the capital of Andalucia. One of Seville’s major landmarks is its cathedral minaret “La Giralda”, built in the 12th century and the third largest temple in christianity. Upon arrival, we take a short tour, including a visit to the majestic Plaza de Espana, La Giralda, and the Cathedral. (entrance fee included in price). You will then have free time to explore the city (with optional lunch available) and perhaps take a cruise on the river, or ride in a horse-drawn carriage. - Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€
Every Tuesday & Saturday Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED! By coach to Tarifa, the fast ferry getting us to North Africa in approximately 35/40 minutes. The tour will include the Caves of Hercules, followed by a typical Moroccan lunch (which includes live music, belly dancing, etc.) After lunch, we escort you to the Medina (old part of town), Souk (shops and market) and Kasbah (fortress), with time for shopping. Our guide will accompany you at all times. If time allows we visit a herbalist and take a short refreshment stop before before boarding our ferry back to Spain. Adults: Normal price: 83€ (lunch included) The Resident price: 79€ Children: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€. A 24-hour cancellation fee applies to this trip PASSPORT DETAILS REQUIRED WHEN BOOKING
Every Wednesday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) The city of charm and mystery was the last Arab stronghold in Spain until conquered by the Christians in 1492. The Alhambra complex is world renowned as the best conserved example of Islamic architecture in Spain. During the walking tour of 2.5 hours the guide will reveal to you the fascinating history of the Alhambra, after which you are free to explore the city. Adults: Normal price 70€ The Resident price 66€ Children: Normal price 54€ The Resident price 50€ (subject to 20€ deposit per person)
Every Thursday - (lunch optional add 12.00€) - This elegant city was once the capital of Islamic Spain. As a result of this it boasts the “Mezquita”, one of the most fascinating buildings in the world. This building was the most beautiful and largest mosque outside of the Middle East and is now the cathedral of Cordoba. It is also possible to just wander through the old Jewish Quarter or just take in the beauty of the city’s gardens, fountains and parks. Adults: Normal price 60€ The Resident price 56€ Children: Normal price 45€ The Resident price 42€. Entrance to Mesquita included.
Wednesdays, Fridays and some Saturdays
Gibraltar - Shopping only:
Take this opportunity for 5 hours retail therapy in duty free Gibraltar. Normal price: 20€ The Resident price: 18€. Children: 13€
Gibraltar Rock tour and shopping
Your mini coach will take you on a tour of the Rock. Admission prices to St. Michael’s Caves and the Upper Rock & Barbary Apes are included. The tour finishes in Main Street, leaving you time for your duty-free shopping Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€
Dolphin boat trip and shopping
Join us on board the ‘Brixham Belle’ to enjoy the wild dolphins in the bay of Algeciras. You will get the chance to see three different species of these playful mammals, and possibly even a whale or two. The excellent commentary on board will make this a very special adventure for everyone. Also includes plenty of time for duty free shopping etc. Adults: Normal price 42€ The Resident price 40€ Children: Normal price 32€ The Resident price 30€
Gibraltar - Rock the boat
Combined Rock tour and Dolphin World. Subject to sailing times, and has less shopping time. Adults: Normal price 65€ The Resident price 61€ Children: Normal price 48€ The Resident price 45€ Please note: PASSPORTS REQUIRED FOR ALL GIBRALTAR TRIPS!
Mijas Water Park (Parque Acuatico Mijas) Every Tuesday (May to October only) Enjoy a full day of sun and exciting water adventures. Families and friends, get set to get wet! Adults: Normal price 39€ Resident price 37€. Children: Normal price 30€ Resident price 28€
Fuengirola Market & Mijas
Every Tuesday - A morning visit to Fuengirola to enjoy the famous Tuesday market, one of the largest on the coast, then its on to the delightful mountain village of Mijas, probably the most famous of the Andalucian White Villages. Time to explore this beautiful pueblo, with its narrow streets and wonderful views. Adults: Normal price 25€ The Resident price 23€ Children: Normal price 20€ The Resident price 18€
Fuengirola Zoo
Every Tuesday - One of the world’s finest, with state of the art facilities, active participation in species conservation. And its in the centre of town! Adults: Normal price 39€ The Resident price 37€ Children: Normal price 30€ The Resident price 28€.
Tel.: 952 893 227 or 619 814 233 Fax: 952 893 658 or email
Don’t forget these rates are only available when booking direct through the main office (See telephone numbers above) and you must mention the resident to receive these special prices.
Puerto de la Duquesa
i P