ase Study of the Month
Er. P.K.Pattanaik, is presently working with OPTCL as General Manager, EHT (O&M) Circle Bhubaneswar - Odisha and associated with the Protection and Control schemes of Electrical systems. Having 29 years of technical experience on various HT and EHT voltage level in the field of transmission sector. Specialization on the development technoeconomical design of protection control schemes for system development and planning. At present involved with various on-going projects on GIS, SAS and updated Remote SCADA control stations of OPTCL. Published 105 technical papers in National and International arena and is a regular contributor to the National journals like Electrical Mirror, Electrical India, CBIP journal and IEEMA journal and author of many technical books. Also Awarded in various arena on National level. He is also the coordinator of a Nationwide Power Engineers’ Technical Group named “SPARK- Ignited to share” consisting of Senior Electrical Engineers from different parts of the country. ele.pkpattanaik@optcl.co.in 1. Introduction: For the last few months, the response of the readers to the case studies on various incidents is overwhelming. Hence this month we are again choosing the write up on similar kind of studies for developing the synchronization of practical observation to the theoretical concepts. The analysis of each incident being supported by actual observations had been described during the situation to add awareness amongst the operation, testing and commissioning engineers to know the cause of problems and be helpful for easy rectification of the problems. This can also help to develop economic schemes for the smooth running of the operation and control system in the Grid Sub-Station.
2.1. Abnormal Outage of System:
At one of the 220/132 Kv system, one circuit from DC (Double Circuit) transmission line was planned for maintenance shutdown. But while removal 64
|| January 2022 ||
VARIOUS CASE STUDIES ON OPERATION AND CONTROL SCHEMES FOR GRID SUB-STATION Contd…. of the CVT fuses, it was observed with total outage of the healthy line.
1. All operations like disconnection of isolators, circuit breaker and closure of earth switches were done correctly from both end as per the SOP. 2. The other parallel line from the 220Kv DC tower was allowed to continue with the supply for maintaining the connectivity between stations. 3. Now the next process was there to remove CVT fuses from the Dead circuit to avoid inadvertent back feed from secondary 110 Volt to 220 KV system. 4. Both the CVT secondary box of both circuit were installed at the ||www.electricalmirror.net||