A world of short stories, biography, science fiction, breakfast ideas and expository information.

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First Edition Fifth Grade 2024

Presents: A world of short stories, biography, science fiction, breakfast ideas and expository information.
3 Table of Contents Introduction................................................ 5 Ariel the dog with six legs.................... 6 My first cruise vacation.......................... 9 The dog who lived in a rainbow.......... 11 The biggest cruise in the world .......... 12 All kids matter............................................ 15 The kids who survived the plane crash.......................................... 18 The sea girl.................................................. 20 The Oscars.................................................. 22 Brightline..................................................... 25 The Club of Angry Patriots.................. 28 Tom and Lucky.......................................... 31 Breakfast ideas......................................... 32 Turtles.......................................................... 35 Why do kids need to take care of the ocean?........................ 38 Let’s help polar bears............................ 40 What is Global Warming?.................... 42 Sam Smith.................................................. 45 Authors....................................................... 49 References................................................. 50


We, the fifth-grade students of Fundación Liceo Inglés in Pereira, Colombia, during the academic year 2023-2024, were assigned a collaborative project by our English teacher. Our task was to select an article from a reputable source such as The New York Times, CNN or BBC News and use it as inspiration to create our own original storybooks. These books were required to be a minimum of ten pages long, including a table of contents, images, cover pages, and content suitable for children ages 5 to 8.

The quality of our work impressed our teacher so much that she suggested having our books officially published. This decision allows us to share our understanding of tone, key details, and creative storytelling elements with a wider audience. In this book you will be able to enjoy, our stories, complied into one. All stories were written and developed by us, students of 5A,5B and 5C, with guidance and editing provided by our English teacher. We sincerely hope you enjoy our book.


Ariel The Dog With Six Legs

Once upon a time, there was a dog named Ariel, who had been abandoned in a car park. Alex was shopping when he found her, so he took her home. Alex realized that Ariel had six legs, so he took her to the vet. The vet told Alex that Ariel had a superpower and that she was able to change her appearance in the moment she wished.

When Alex heard that, he fainted. When he woke up, he was alone with Ariel and discovered that Ariel was able to talk. Later that day, when Alex was taking Ariel for a walk, a thief tried to rob him.


Ariel used her superpower and transformed into a human, starting to fight the thief. Ariel scared away the thief when she transformed again into a dragon. After the fight, she became a dog again.

The next day, Alex and Ariel went to the mall to get some ice cream. When Ariel finished her ice cream, she heard a noise coming from the bank inside the mall. Immediately, Ariel ran as fast as she could to save the people. This time she changed into a giant spider!

She started fighting with the robbers, but it was hard because the thieves had guns. However, being a spider, Ariel injected poison into the thieves, leaving them on the floor unconscious. When the police arrived, they found the thieves on the floor with Ariel atop them, all unconscious. The police thanked Ariel and then took the thieves to jail.

One week later, Alex wasn’t feeling well. He had a headache, his stomach hurt, and he felt very dizzy. Alex stayed in bed all day and couldn’t take Ariel for a walk. Ariel noticed that Alex was not feeling well, and this made her sad. When Ariel noticed that, she became


very sad because her owner, the person who rescued her in the car park, and her friend could probably die. She touched Alex, and he felt a strong energy inside him. Immediately, he felt better. Alex realized that Ariel had more than one superpower.

The next day, Ariel and her owner went for a walk. During the walk, Ariel saw a white bird on the floor, and it seemed very hurt. Ariel ran towards it and touched its heart, as she did with her owner earlier, and magically, the bird started to fly. When her owner watched, he understood that Ariel had the superpower to cure whatever she wanted.

Only then did Alex realize how lucky and grateful he was to have found Ariel because she had the power to change the world. He was very proud of Ariel, and he liked how Ariel used her powers for good and not to do bad things. He knows that they will be best friends for a very long time.


My First Cruise Vacation

For my birthday, my parents took me to the largest cruise ship in the world. The name of the cruise ship is Icon of the Seas. When I entered the cruise ship, I saw the manager welcoming everyone. The interior was gigantic with huge attractions. My family and I were very happy to be on the cruise ship.

Later that day, we ate at the restaurant. They had delicious burgers and sushi. I made a new friend at that restaurant, named Melissa. The next day, Melissa and I swam in the pool. There was a huge statue in the middle of the pool. After five hours of playing, I went back to my room. That night, I fell asleep listening to the sound of the sea.

The next day, my family and I had breakfast in the dining room. It was buffet style, with so many items to choose from. After breakfast, we went back to our room. We noticed our luggage were missing. I was scared. My dad called the manager to our room. They had been stolen!

Later that night, my brother Julian got sick. He had a fever and a cough. We took him to the nurse, and she said that Julian was going to be okay and he should eat soups and drink plenty of liquids. When we got back from the nurse, the manager informed us that he found our luggage. To my surprise, the thief was a family, and they had a daughter named Melissa.


The Dog Who Lived on a Rainbow

For my birthday, my parents took me to the largest cruise ship in the world. The name of the cruise ship is Icon of the Seas. When I entered the cruise ship, I saw the manager welcoming everyone. The interior was gigantic with huge attractions. My family and I were very happy to be on the cruise ship.

Later that day, we ate at the restaurant. They had delicious burgers and sushi. I made a new friend at that restaurant, named Melissa. The next day, Melissa and I swam in the pool. There was a huge statue in the middle of the pool. After five hours of playing, I went back to my room. That night, I fell asleep listening to the sound of the sea.

The next day, my family and I had breakfast in the dining room. It was buffet style, with so

The Biggest Cruise In The World

My family and I embarked on the world’s largest cruise, named Icon of the Seas. As I walked, I marveled at the fantastic interior. One notable feature was a statue named the Swimmer, located in Central Park on the ship.

The cruise was a 7-day island-hopping trip in the tropics, and I was thrilled. Over the following days, there were numerous activities to enjoy. The ship boasted expansive water parks with slides painted in vibrant colors. My brother and I felt exhilarated as we climbed


up and slid down each slide together. It was a wonderful experience to discover together.

My family and I toured the entire cruise, astonished by its construction and the dedication of its crew members. Divided into eight sections across 20 decks, Icon of the Seas features six slides, seven pools, an ice-skating rink, and a theater. It can accommodate up to 7,600 passengers at its maximum capacity and hosts 2,350 crew members.

We were amazed to be staying on such a colossal ship. With over 40 restaurants, bars, and lounges, there was something for everyone. My favorite food was the hamburgers. The ship was officially


christened by soccer legend Lionel Messi and his teammates. I witnessed him place a soccer ball on a specially built stand to trigger the traditional “good luck” breaking of a champagne bottle against the vessel’s bow—the forward part of the hull of a ship or boat, typically the point most forward when underway.

My dad always dreamed of working on a ship as grand as this. If he did, I could visit for free, which would be fantastic considering the high prices. A one-week cruise aboard Icon of the Seas starts at 1,433 euros per person for an inside stateroom, 1,605 euros for a sea-view stateroom, and 2,019 euros for a cabin with a balcony. For a suite, the budget starts at 4,151 euros.

I enjoyed the gentle movement of the ship from the waves. For my next trip, I hope to sail aboard the Disney Cruise Line.”


All Kids Matter

Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Mackenzie. Mackenzie needed to make new friends because all her friends had moved to another country. Mackenzie was excited for the first day back to school after the summer break, to make new friends.

It was the first day of school, and Mackenzie was super happy but also worried because she thought that no one would want to be her friend. Mackenzie’s mom told her that would never happen because she is special like all kids. She said, “all kids matter.” Mackenzie went to school and felt lonely because she was trying to make friends but


no one would talk to her. She started crying when she noticed another girl who was lonely too. Mackenzie asked, “what happened to you?” The girl said that no one wanted to be her friend. Mackenzie asked her, “what is your name?” The girl said, “my name is Albita.” Mackenzie asked Albita if she wanted to be friends, and Albita said yes. Albita and Mackenzie were super happy.

After classes, Mackenzie looked at Albita and said, “what happened to your face?” and Albita said that she has down syndrome, so that is why no one wanted to be her friend. But Mackenzie said, “don’t worry, Albita, all kids matter.”


The next day at school, Albita played with Mackenzie. After break, on their way back to class, they saw a boy crying. Mackenzie said, “Albita, come, let’s talk to the boy and let’s ask him what happened.” Albita and Mackenzie asked the boy what was the matter, and the boy said that no one wanted to be his friend because he has autism. Mackenzie said, “it is okay to be different and that all kids matter because we are all special.”

On the third day of school, Mackenzie was happy because she had two new friends. Simon, their new friend, ran to them and said, “hi, my friends.” Mackenzie and Albita responded smiling. Simon started jumping, so Mackenzie asked what happened, and Simon said, “I am happy to have new friends.”


The Kids Who Survived The Plane Crash

The kids’ names are Carla, Thomas, Maria, and Santiago. They are having food served on the plane. But suddenly, the plane begins moving harshly rather than flying smoothly. There is a lot of turbulence, and the plane crashes. All of the passengers die, except Carla, Thomas, Maria, and Santiago.

Four kids are alone, in the middle of nowhere, with no food, no water, no adult supervision, and no med kit to help themselves. They survive using coconuts as hydration, they chase animals, cook them, and use them for food. They also have a huge variety of greens and vegetables, which they eat.


They soon find a snake roaming around, and they are all scared. They try to run from the snake, but it bites Carla. Carla is dying, and the kids have no idea what to do. Just then, they hear a helicopter circling in the sky. They realize that Carla might have a chance because they are about to be rescued.


The Sea Girl

Every morning, a little girl who lives on an island near the sea goes for cold baths and plays in the waves. She loves it. But one day, she notices something strange happening to her body: she is developing flakes and unusual arms and feet.

One morning, instead of going to the sea, she decides to dedicate herself to discovering why this is happening to her. She goes to the library, but it is closed. She thinks about it and realizes that her transformation only occurs when she touches water. She decides to avoid contact with water for a day, hoping it will work, and it does.


She finally decides to escape from her house and go to where she belongs, the water. She makes a plan without telling her parents and escapes from her bedroom window to sea and swims all day. Eventually, she sees something pointy in the water moving closer and closer towards her... then she is eaten alive!


The Oscars

Hello, I’m Amelia Smith. I’m so cool and also CRAZY. Sometimes I wish I had nicer parents. They can be mean sometimes. I really want good parents because I want to be important to them. I don’t want my parents to be like they are. I don’t have a cell phone, no TV in the house, no computer, and I don’t have many friends.

People think I’m a witch. I don’t like them to say that I’m a witch. My only friend is Miles Roberts; he is a nerd, and the kids in my class think that we are weird together. Sometimes my parents don’t give me food, and they never tell me good morning or goodnight. I think I need to do something really magnificent to be important to my parents.


It was 7 in the morning when I woke up. I wondered if my parents made me breakfast. I went to the kitchen; there were some salt cookies, rotten milk, and a note that said: “Amelia, we are out, make yourself breakfast. Sincerely, your parents.”

As I got ready for school, I thought about the Oscars. My dream was to one day be a famous actress, win many Oscars, and get far, far away from my parents.

By the time I got to school, I was starving. I saw Miles, who walked up to me; he said, “hello I want to tell you something.” “Firstly, I won an Oscar,” and “I want you to be my girlfriend.” I was so happy for him but his girlfriend… then I’ll be the witch nerd girl with a boyfriend.

Later that day, I told my parents I had a boyfriend and they did not care. They only asked if we had already kissed and I told them no. Just then the house phone rang and my dad answered. He looked annoyed. He handed me the portable phone. It was Miles, he invited me to an Oscar Award later that night. I was so excited my dreams were finally coming


through. I needed a great dress for the Oscars. I went to the mall and found a beautiful blue dress. I bought the dress and a cell phone; with some money I stole from my parents.

It was 7 pm, time for the big Oscars. I put on lip gloss, did my make-up and eyelashes. I looked really pretty. I arrived at the Oscars but I didn’t see Miles. I texted him but he didn’t respond. I wandered around and saw a lot of food on a huge table. I ate as much food as I could have because I never eat a good amount of food at home. I saw a large red carpet, with famous people walking on it and photographers were everywhere. I tried to call Miles again, this time he answered. “Where are you?” I asked” I’m at the Oscars.” There was a pause… “Amelia I was joking, I’m just a kid!”

The next day at school, I broke up with Miles. I understood that I could not have a boyfriend. After a few hours, he said sorry to me because he tricked me and asked if we could be friends again. I accepted with the condition of no lies.



Milly, Samuel, Martin, Emily, Mike, and Abby wanted to experience a world of strange and fantastic things, where everyone wondered if they were life, aliens, or robots. The idea was for all of them to sneak onto the train of illusions. Except for Emily, her hobby was reading, visiting her grandmother, and listening to short stories. She was only going because her friends asked her to join them.

That night, they all sneaked out of their parents’ home and boarded the ‘Brightline’. Traveling on a train full of expectations and emotions, they expected to experience the adrenaline and adventure of the beautiful


train. The train was a world that promised technological advances and super speed. It had beautiful skyscrapers, where the city looked great, and the train smelled like nature and wonder inside. The design, the comfort, and technology made the kids feel as if they were in a spaceship.

Emily had read about adventures on a train and had warned them that things and situations could happen if they didn’t follow the instructions of how to use humanoid robots. These robots, made of metal and equipped with AI, were capable of expressing human emotions. Emily told them not to climb on the chairs and not to touch the computers without receiving instructions. Samuel and Mike didn’t listen to what she said and did the opposite.

The robots were very similar to humans from appearance to behavior. The robot’s mission was to help the children who traveled aboard the train by taking them to explore environments with difficult access, including taking them to the park, to observe the deep sea, and outer space. Samuel was very restless and began to go against the programming of the robots, which caused confusion for the robot’s responses.


The kids left all their belongings messy and in the wrong places—their books, their clothes, and toys. The next day, everything was cleaned up, but it was too clean, spotless, and the things that were left lying around were gone. Their best toys, their favorite t-shirts, and sneakers were all gone, and despite searching, those things were nowhere to be found. Those were the first things missing, but it continued to happen, and they had fewer things as the day passed. Suddenly, the train had its first stop and took them to an amusement park, but the kids started to disappear one at a time, starting with Samuel.

They started to get suspicious of the robot. They decided to plan an espionage adventure and followed the robot everywhere until they caught him red-handed taking their stuff. The robot explained that he thought they didn’t like their belongings because of the way they treated them and left them on the ground. He assured them that he was programmed to provide comfort to his passengers by any means necessary. He was a maximum efficiency robot, and that’s the reason for his existence.


The Club of Angry Patriots

Boris Girkin, also known as Boris Strelkob, is a Russian military officer and politician. He was born on December 17, 1970, in Moscow, Russia. He was a person who was involved in significant events in Ukraine. Girkin called himself the minister of defense of a region called the Donetsk People’s Republic, which was not recognized by other countries. He was suspected of bringing a Buk missile into Ukraine and using it to shoot down a Malaysian flight with crew members. He also founded a nationalist movement named ‘The Club of Angry Patriots.’

Boris was at home having breakfast when someone knocked on the door. When he opened the door, there were a lot of military


personnel with guns. Boris was annoyed and surprised. “Hello, how can I help you?” he asked. “Boris Girkin, you are under arrest,” said one of the military personnel. Boris didn’t understand why he was under arrest. “Get into the car now,” ordered one of the military guys. Boris didn’t know what to do, so he just got into the car. He didn’t know why he got arrested, so he asked, “why am I being arrested?” but when he asked, the officer shouted, “Shut up!”

They arrived at an isolated location; Boris saw a big metallic front door. Then the officer said, “please open the door.” The metallic doors opened from the inside, and the officer took Boris inside. He was placed in a cell made of metal oxide bars. “I’m going to stay here?” asked Boris. “Just until tomorrow for the court trial,” said one of the officers. Then they left and closed the door. “This will be a long night,” Boris thought.

The next day, a guard went to Boris’s cell. “Wake up, your trial starts now!” Boris got out of his cell and followed the guard down an aisle. When they arrived, there was a metal door. The guard opened it, and there were 5 small chairs in front of a table, but at that table sat a Lordship. Despite forming the “The Club of Angry Patriots”, shooting down


a flight with crew members, and insulting and expressing his anger towards President Vladimir Putin, Boris still didn’t understand why he was having a trial. He believed that the Russian authorities were not hard enough on the war and, being a military man, he had all rights.

“Boris Girkin, because you insulted Vladimir Putin on social media and led a group named “The Angry Patriots”, you are going to be judged,” said the Lordship. “I was joking,” he said. “Do you have proof that what you said was a joke?” asked the Lordship. “I am just confessing that it was a joke,” repeated Boris. “So, you do not have any proof that it was a joke. Okay, I understand; you are sentenced to 4 years in prison for Cyber Bullying, harassment, and creating an illegal group,” said the Lordship. Boris didn’t say anything; he couldn’t believe what was happening.

Then a guard took him to his cell, and there he stayed for 4 years until he was finally released.


Tom and Lucky

Once upon a time, a dog named Tom lived with his human family, a little girl named Juliet. Juliet was a very good girl, and she and Tom were very close. They played together, watched TV together, and took long walks in the park.

One day, Juliet went out wit h her parents and returned home with a puppy named Lucky. Juliet introduced Tom to Lucky, but Tom, who felt hurt, walked away. Tom and Lucky were not becoming the best of friends.

Juliet decided to plan a family trip to the beach. They lived so far from the beach they needed to take a plane. Tom and Lucky were afraid, and Tom began to cry. Lucky used his paw to wipe Tom’s tears. From that moment on, they became the best of friends.


Breakfast Ideas

If you want a cool breakfast and your parents never make you anything special, show them this. If you don’t know how to make your breakfast fun, here are some tips.

Search for recipes and make some pancakes or waffles, eggs, fruit and one special ingredient like bacon. This will make a special, delicious, and simple breakfast.

Cute Breakfast

If you enjoy cute breakfasts, search for your favorite ingredients and share them with your parents.



Did you know that drinks are essential for your health? Breakfast plays a crucial role in providing energy throughout the day. Pairing it with a refreshing drink adds a special touch. These photos showcase healthy fruit and vegetable drinks that you can easily make at home!


You can try these combinations: Pineapple, celery, and carrot. Strawberry, banana, and peppermint. Kiwi, strawberry, and pineapple. Avocado, spinach, and coconut water.

Party Breakfast

For birthdays, it’s time to indulge and feel like royalty. Begin your special day with a delightful breakfast fit for a prince or princess. Since it’s your birthday, you can enjoy a breakfast that may not be the healthiest but will surely energize you for the day ahead! Here is a party breakfast idea to make your day extra special.

All of these breakfast ideas are delicious and great for busy mornings and cozy weekends. Enjoy the moment!



Turtles are very famous animals because they’re known to be really “aesthetic” or really “cute”. It might sound incredible to some people, but it’s not the only special thing about turtles; they are really special and interesting species.

You are going to learn more about this amazing animal called TURTLES!

Some types of turtles are: Western Painted Turtle, Eastern Box Turtle, African Sideneck Turtle, Common Musk Turtle, Spotted Turtle, Yellow-Bellied Slider, and Wood Turtle.

Facts: Turtles are a type of animal called reptiles. A reptile is a cold-blooded vertebrate, meaning that they have a backbone. Being cold-blooded means that turtles don’t keep


the temperature of their bodies the same; their bodies change depending on their environment. A fun fact is that, unlike turtles, humans are warmblooded, which means our blood keeps the same temperature almost all of the time, even when we’re out in the cold.

Food: It really depends on the type of turtle; in general, they eat things like insects, fish, worms, or different kinds of plants.

Shell: The shell is made out of two pieces, the carapace (top) and the plastron (bottom).

The shell is a really important part of a turtle because they need it for a lot of things, to provide protection, camouflage, serve as weapons during the breeding season, or help them swim faster.


Lifespan: Aquatic turtles commonly live for 20-30 years, but many other kinds of turtles can live a lot longer. Tortoises are well known for living from 100 to 150 years, but some tortoises have even lived until 250 years!

Cuteness: They have cute physical features, round, cute faces with big expressive eyes. Some species have colorful markings or cute patterns on their shells! That can make it very interesting to watch and admire. Their shells are also really interesting! They also move really slowly, which gets people’s attention as well.

How does plastic affect turtles? The turtles think the plastic bags are jellyfish and they eat them, leading to asphyxiation.


Why Do Kids Need To Take Care Of The Ocean?

Hi kids, today I want you to learn about why the ocean is important. Firstly, the sea has animals that we need to take care of. A lot of animals who live in the sea have been dying.

The impact of trash in the ocean: Please don’t throw trash into the ocean. You need to recycle or dispose of it in the trash can. When trash gets into the ocean, the fish die. The seabirds can mistake the plastics for food.


Chemicals in the ocean make their way into the food chain through small animals, which are then eaten by larger animals.

Ocean dependents: The ocean is important because there are animals like fishes, turtles, baby sharks, and many others. Without the ocean, they will not have a home.

Benefits of the ocean: The ocean affects us all in a positive way, whether you live on the coastline or in the desert. It provides climate regulation, food, jobs, and economic progress. Please kids, let’s take care of the ocean.”


Let’s Help Polar Bears

Polar bears are animals that are in danger of extinction, which is why I’m going to explain to you how to protect these beautiful creatures.

Pollution: Each contaminant has an impact on the health of polar bears. When different contaminants are combined, the impact can be extremely dangerous to the polar bears. Try not to throw trash, chemicals, plastic, or oil spills into the ocean; it can be detrimental to the bears.


Polar bears and hunters: Hunters hunt polar bears for their luxury fur and their meat but… THAT IS NOT OKAY! Hunting polar bears should be illegal. You can help polar bears by advocating against their hunting.

Global warming: These animals are adapted to the Arctic and sea ice and as the temperature increases, the ice melts, and the bears lose their habitat.

How to help polar bears: The best way to protect polar bears is by stopping climate change, protecting the frozen areas of the Arctic, and not throwing trash into the ocean. Please take our tips to save… POLAR BEARS!


What Is Global Warming?

Hi, my name is Leo the Dinosaur, and I am going to talk to you about Global Warming.

There is a disaster happening in the world called Global Warming. Global Warming occurs when the planet is harmed to the extent that it increases the heat in the world.


Why is this happening?

It is because the majority of people around the world do the following: they burn fossil fuels, which changes the temperature of the planet. They also cut down so many trees, which depletes the fresh air, and factories release gases into the atmosphere.

Some effects of global warming include:

• Elevated temperatures: Global warming leads to higher average temperatures, which can exacerbate heatwaves and lead to hotter conditions overall.

• Increased drought: Rising temperatures can increase evaporation rates, leading to more frequent and severe droughts in certain regions.

• More intense storms: Warmer temperatures can fuel the intensity of storms, including hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons.


The world has been a victim of climate change in both the North Pole and the South Pole. This has led several people around the world to ask themselves, what is the world doing to solve this problem? Could this be our end? Well, it’s better to find out what’s going on to prevent it from reaching an unbearable point.

Humans themselves are causing the same damage; for example, gases are one of the biggest contributors to this climate change. However, it is not all bad news; there are ways to prevent this catastrophe. First, you could disconnect your electronic devices. You can reuse items that are not too worn out, or you can recycle.

We need to take care of our planet and try not to contaminate it, so that we won’t be affected in many different ways. We can all contribute to limiting climate change. From the way we get around, to the electricity we use, and the food we eat, we can make a difference.


Sam Smith

Sam Smith was born on May 19, 1992, in London (England), his real name is Samuel Frederick Smith. His parents are Kate Cassidy and Frederick Smith, he is currently 31 years old.

His father was in charge of household chores, while his mother, a broker, was one of the first female bankers in London. He has two sisters; they are Mabel and Lily Smith. He took drama and singing classes from the age of 8. He was inspired by Lady Gaga and he


decided to pursue his career as a singer and songwriter. In London he took singing classes, worked as a bartender and washed toilets, before becoming a music icon.

His favorite color is navy blue. His favorite drink is French red wine. He loves to travel, but he is afraid of airplanes. His favorite food is McDonald’s, he always buys it wherever he goes because he loves everything on the menu. He loves cheese, but he should not consume it because it affects his vocal cords. Sam is 1.88 meters tall, has blue eyes, bleached hair, dresses flashy and has several tattoos on his body. He has an anchor tattoo at the back of his arm, which he pays tribute to all of his followers. Sam’s followers are called Little Sailors.


Sam wanted to have the strangest, most exotic and striking costume on the red carpet for the Brit Awards red carpet. (Held in London) The costume on this occasion was an inflatable jumpsuit made of black latex. It was inflated in the sleeves and pants and had boots with huge platforms. This suit was made to represent nature and the beauty of being oneself. It was made by designer Harikrishnan. Sam wanted to dress differently and show an image that people had never seen before. As the designer revealed in different interviews, the idea occurred to him while he was playing with his dog and he imagined how pets see their owners from a lower angle and how they can see them as giants.


Sam likes to participate on red carpets and has won the strangest costume award more than 3 times, which is why he has received a lot of criticism and parodies.

Sam sings pop music and his vocal range can range from baritone to tenor. He also sang “Spectre”, the main song of the legendary film of super-agent 007 of the James Bond franchise. In this way he became the first British male artist to record a song for a 007 film.

In 2012 he rose to fame with his first single Latch the Disclosure, which peaked at number 11 on the British Singles Chart. His next collaboration, Naughty Boy’s “La La La”, was even more successful, reaching number 1 on the UK singles chart in early 2013. In 2014 he won the BBC’s Sound of 2014 poll and received the critics’ choice award at the Brit Awards that same year.



Salma Andraos Montes

Antonio Cadavid Gil

Martina Casañas Tarazona

Santiago Díaz Alzate

Juan Gómez Bedoya

Alejandro Gómez Rojas

Celeste Gómez Salazar

María José Grajales Suárez

Rafaella Granada Correa

Juan Diego Guzmán Patiño

Martin Jaramillo López

Gabriela Sofía Lizarazo Torres

Violeta Mayorga Buriticá

María Merheg Gómez

Juan Martín Monroy Avella

Jerónimo Ramírez Monsalve

Federico Ríos Aristizábal

Margarita Villafañe Solano

Esteban Villarraga Hincapié

Juan Martín Arcos Mora

María Jose Bernal Bohórquez

Sofía Enciso Palacio

Alicia Escobar Ramírez

Fernán José Fortich Márquez

Valeria Garzón Bedoya

Luciana Giraldo Mosquera

Celeste Gómez López

Sara Gómez Campuzano

Paulina Guerrero Fernández

Martina Ibañez Medina

Samuel Martínez Tangarife

Martina Merino Trujillo

Sofía Ortiz Arango

Emilio Peña Raigosa

Isabella Ramírez Tinoco

Juan Esteban Rivera Hernández

Juan Camilo Rodríguez Correa

Samuel Ruiz Palma

Leticia Samper Botero

Emilio Sierra Castillo

Juan José Silva Aristizábal

Nicolas Arias Macias

Samuel Yair Barliza Calderón

Emilio Benavides Ortega

Violeta Casadiego Porras

María del Mar Castaño Ramírez

Martina Castillo López

Matías Castro Castro

Sara Giraldo Eusse

Sofía Gortari del Valle

Daniela Henao Franco

Violetta Hurtado Alzate

Ana Sofía Marín Delgado

Samuel Mejía Gomis

Alejandro Perea Villegas

Juan Esteban Pinzón López

Juan José Ramírez Díaz

Samuel Ramírez Gómez

Juana Romero Cortés

Juanjosé Salazar González Luciana Tejada Hernández

Antonia Vera Cortés

Latoya Wrights

Pereira, Risaralda Colombia



News stories from The New York Times, CNN and BBC News, that inspired this book.



A world of short stories, biography, science fiction, breakfast ideas and expository information.

Fifth Grade 2024

First Edition

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