Elegant Island Living August 2022

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St. Simons Island’s Guiding Light Turns 150







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When you Shop with us You’re not just a Customer… You’re Family! A message from Owner Zoe Herrington:

Over the last four generations,

I have had the privilege to be in one of the most glamorous professions I love. I fell in love with fine jewelry when my father served his career in the USAF. My 6th birthday arrived, and my mother had me go to the mailbox and retrieve a package. To this day, I can recall opening my brown parcel with a beautifully wrapped box inside. When I opened the box, the most beautiful Aquamarine and 14kt ring was inside. Throughout the years I have loved this treasure and still wear it with so much pride. Last week, one of my most treasured clients (Courtney) called me from Kansas City and asked if I had a pendant that represented the “Sun”. My response was “YES!” The pendant

had a yellow diamond circle in the center and appeared to be surrounded by yellow diamond constellations and white diamonds around the perimeter. Courtney was thrilled with the price and quality, and explained it was for a special occasion for her beautiful mom, Andi. I have known Courtney for many years, and she carries a beautiful attitude, just as her mother Andi does. I could hear something I had never heard in her voice. I found out that Andi had a baseball-size growth in her liver. I could not contain my tears at the sad news. I am sharing this very personal letter from Andi after receiving the stunning pendant her family chose with permission from the family. It shows how jewelry is given in times when the human spirit reaches out in the most beautiful ways.

You Are My Sunshine The love between a mother and daughter is like nothing else in the world. It knows no conditions, no limits. It never fades, never diminishes. It always stays. It stays through arguments, disagreements, heartbreaks and tears. It stays through laughter, accomplishments, milestones and fears. Thank you for giving my heart a forever home. You are my sunshine radiating brightness and warmth into my life. You are the light that I can always count on. You make even the darkest days seem bright. No matter where we go, or what we do we will always have each other. A love like ours is forever. You are my sunshine.

912.434.9161 | 1700 Frederica Rd, Ste 105 | St. Simons Island 913.491.4861 | 11620 Metcalf Avenue, Overland Park, Kansas www.noblehousejewelry.com | Open Monday-Saturday 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.


In Perpetuum Gratiam (Forever Grateful)


ratitude is the act of feeling and communicating appreciation for the people, circumstances, and material possessions in our lives. For twenty years now, my hometown community has embraced and supported Elegant Island Living magazine. I’d like to express my gratitude by thanking the three groups of people who’ve made EIL what it is today. First, there’s the amazing EIL staff. When I first met our Senior Account Manager Yolanda O’Hern, she wanted to work “one or two days a week” selling ads when she and her husband, Jack retired here. For over a decade now, about once a year as we meet over coffee, Yolanda will tell me she is ready to retire. I always tell her to “think it over” for a night and we’ll sit back down to talk. I just never schedule the next sit down, so she can never retire! Julie Andrew is the “life of the party,” attending hundreds of events to capture the fantastic photos you see in our popular Social Scene section. Molly Duckworth helps clients market their products in the pages of EIL and is always willing to lend a helping hand with our fashion shoots. She may be the only person I know who’s a bigger dog lover than I am! Todd Baker is our EIL Homes real estate listings wrangler extraordinaire.

Dresses Dresses Dresses 28 Market Street, Suite 124 St. Simons Island, GA 912.638.5100 10


On top of the thousands of words Kathi Williams writes every issue, she’s also our Social Media Director. I don’t have a FB, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat account. I’ve got something better … a Kathi Williams! Art Director Beth Rowen is at the heart of the design and overall look that are the

essence of EIL. She creates the beautiful features that our readers have become accustomed to. Where would we be without a muse? And finally, Terry McCarthy, our Production Manager, otherwise known as Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkle Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs, is The Wizard of EIL. Pay no attention to that “man” behind the curtain. Terry is involved in EVERY aspect of EIL. She is Geppetto to my Pinocchio! Next, I want to thank and acknowledge our wonderful advertisers. From the first issue, through the 2008 financial crisis and recent pandemic to today, our loyal advertisers have stuck with us and continue to trust us to promote their businesses to our community. Without our advertisers, there is no EIL. And finally, my gratitude to you, the readers, who have supported us year in and year out by picking up a copy of EIL, reading it, and frequenting the many retail stores, restaurants and businesses that advertise within our pages. Thank you! Now on to the next twenty years. Semper ad meliora!

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Clothes for when she is no longer a child, and not quite a teenager.


David Butler

Elegant Island Living is published monthly. Reproduction of any photographs, artwork, or copy prepared by Elegant Island Living is strictly


Beth Rowen

prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher. The advertisers and publisher are not responsible or liable for misinformation,


Kathi Williams 912.399.8797 PRODUCTION MANAGER

Terry McCarthy 912.399.3699

misprints, or typographical errors. All electronic files submitted to Elegant Island Living become property of the magazine. ©2022 Elegant Island Living P.O. Box 21763 St. Simons Island, GA 31522. All Rights Reserved. SUBSCRIBE: If you would like to receive EIL by mail each month, now you can! Sign up for a home delivery subscription by going to


Yolanda O’Hern 276 Redfern Village, Suite C / 912.265-4008 / lilliebtween.com / Monday-Saturday 10 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. @Lillie-B-Tween


Senior Account Manager 770.490.3348

Molly Duckworth Regional Media Sales 912.506.1115

Julie Andrew Production Assistant/Sales 912.269.0476

Todd Baker Real Estate Manager 912.506.3625



Annaliese Kondo, Studio Pixel Pop

ON THE COVER: Join us as we sail through the past 20 years of Elegant Island Living. Channeling that spirit of living the dream is Ashley Seaman in fashion from Evelyne Talman and jewelry from Joseph Jewelers. Photo by Annaliese Kondo, Studio Pixel Pop.



elegantislandliving.net and click on Subscribe. You can also sign up for our free weekly e-newsletter, EIL Insider. FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION: 912.399.3699 or 912.399.9969 FOR SOCIAL SCENE PHOTOS: If you would like ElL to cover your NFP or community event for Social Scene, please contact Terry McCarthy at least 2 weeks prior to the event at 912.399.3699 or terryinssi@comcast.net. FOR WEBSITE CALENDAR & SOCIAL MEDIA NOTIFICATIONS: To request that your special event be placed on the EIL website calendar and shared through our social media network, please email your request to Kathi Williams at kathionssi@gmail.com. FOR DISTRIBUTION: elegantislandliving@comcast.net www.elegantislandliving.net








80 For Your Next Formal Dining Experience


20 Years of Living the Dream

82 Foundation Focus I SL A N D


58 St. Simons Guiding Light Turns 150

84 NonProfit News 86 Business Buzz 88 What’s Happening



90 Social Scene

72 Welcome Aboard

106 Real Estate

78 A New Carte Blanche Collection

130 SSI Archives AUGUST 2022




veryone has heard the phrase, “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” I like sitting in a chair on the beach and was a lifeguard one summer, but I never thought I could make a career out of it. Then I read about Daniel Douglas, a lifeguard in Los Angeles who earned $510,283 in 2021. And it’s not only about the cash compensation. After 30 years of service, LA lifeguards can retire as young as 55 on 79-percent of their pay. No wonder Baywatch was such a popular show back in the day! I wonder, though, what Daniel will do once he retires. He can’t just go sit in a chair on the beach. That would be “work.” Maybe he will start going to an office and sit behind a desk.

For the past twenty years I’ve had the best

in need of support. At EIL, we do our best to

island. We want to make sure you don’t miss

“job” and I don’t have an office or a desk to sit

raise awareness about them, bring attention

out on community events and the types of

behind. In August 2002 I published the first

to their needs, and promote any events and

happenings that make living here so much

edition of Elegant Island Homes and Communities

fundraisers they are having. When we can

fun. What we discovered over the years is

which was a real estate magazine featuring

actively participate in their events as partners

that we can’t always do that best in print,

high end homes for sale in Glynn County.

and sponsors, we do that as well.

because of our early deadlines to get to the

Shortly thereafter I changed the name to

printer. So we increased our digital presence

Elegant Island Living and turned it into a lifestyle

Our content’s focus is articles that are

and social media interaction. And as social

magazine. From the very beginning our goal

pertinent to living, working, and playing on

media has grown and evolved, we have grown

has always been to highlight the local people,

the island. You have lemon trees in your back

and evolved with it. Now we can reach you

businesses, retail stores, restaurants and

yard? Let’s find out more about them! You

on whatever platform you choose to get your

activities that make our community such a

love to see the latest fashions from our local

information. Our weekly email newsletter,

wonderful place to live.

retailers? We’ll pull in some people from the

the EIL Insider, is a great way to stay informed

community to model them in a photo shoot.

about events, find out about great sales or

We have strived to provide our readers with

You collect recipes? We can supply those for

specials at local businesses and restaurants,

articles that inform, enlighten, and, hopefully,

every meal or occasion you can think of, and

and where to go for live music.

entertain. I am particularly proud of our

some you haven’t!

coverage of local nonprofit organizations

Producing the print magazine each month is

through the years. There are literally hundreds

The goal each month is to provide our

somewhat like having a 100+ page term paper

of nonprofits in the Golden Isles who provide

readers with the most up to date information

due every three weeks. And just like in college,

important services in our community and are

about things happening on or around the

our term paper has a strict deadline that must





be met each month. Our production schedule

event, like the Christ Church Tour of Homes

Production Manager, and Editorial Director

is two weeks of organized chaos from the first

or the Coastal Symphony of Georgia’s

begin laying out the design.

day of the month up to the 15th when the issue

Cabaret fundraiser. Usually, the themes will

is uploaded to the printer via the internet.

be somewhat seasonal. Spring and summer

Advertisements are placed alongside articles,

Imagine the I Love Lucy chocolate factory

months tend to have an outdoor feeling, while

Social Scene pages are laid out, and as

scene where the candy conveyor belt starts to

fall and winter features lean more toward home

well as content for other departments like

speed up, and that’s us at work! I won’t say that

and hearth. Once a theme has been decided,

Business Buzz and What’s Happening. Now

anybody is actually stuffing their cheeks with

we look to incorporate as many local angles as

the magazine starts to come alive. The Real

chocolate as we approach deadline, but I do

possible. A recent fashion shoot we did in the

Estate section is added, and then we’re ready

work with women.

garden at Musgrove Retreat is a good example

to go! And while we have been doing this

of how we showcase some of the island’s

for twenty years, occasionally there are last

In truth, our process is a well-oiled machine.

historic treasures. Once all the month’s retail

minute issues during the final editing and

First, we come up with an overall theme for

advertisements come in from our sales staff,

production process. Most are easily fixed, such

an upcoming issue. Sometimes that’s planned

all photos for the issue are received, and all

as replacing a photo, moving an ad, or catching

out far in advance with an editorial calendar,

the articles are written and submissions are

a misspelled name. If we are cutting it close to

like our annual Home & Garden issue. Other

edited, a page plan is created to encompass all

deadline (like at this moment, as I am trying to

times it might be driven by a community

of that into a single issue. Now the Art Director,

finish this article), I tend to have a recurring




nightmare. The dream is always the same. I am

the fifteenth to the printer. Occasionally, based

For some reason, folks seem to enjoy the

my current age, but I am somehow back in L.A.,

on the way the weeks of a month fall, it may be

Publisher’s Letter each month. I decided

waiting tables in the same restaurant where

a few days earlier than that, but rarely is it any

when I first began writing these that

I worked when I was a starving actor in the

later than the fifteenth. There’s a day or two

I wouldn’t do the traditional thing and

early 90s. I am trying to put an order in on the

of recovery and then the “behind-the-scenes”

talk about the articles that were in the

computer, but I can’t remember how to work

task of taking all the content prepared for the

magazine, because people would be reading

the computer. Meanwhile, the hostess keeps

print issue, uploading it and redesigning it so

the magazine and would find out soon

seating my section with new customers. I can’t

that it looks good on our website. The sales staff

enough what was in there, so it didn’t really

get to the new customers because I need to get

is already back at work getting advertisements

make sense to rehash it. Instead, I enjoy

the food out to my current tables. But I can’t

for the next issue, and pre-production for the

observational writing. Sometimes I have

get the order in for the food because I can’t

next month begins. And while all that is going

something specific in mind as a topic, but

remember how to use the computer. I’ve had

on, our social media never sleeps.

not always, so I’m never quite sure what

that dream so many times that even though

is going to turn up on my Mac screen

I’m IN the dream and KNOW it’s not real, I still

Maybe the next time I have that dream that

once I sit down to write. So, since we are

wake up in cold sweat! By the fourteenth of the

I’m back in L.A. I’ll quit the waiter job and go

celebrating twenty years, we’ve picked out

month, the magazine is proofread once again

be a lifeguard! By the time I could retire I’d

a few of our favorite Publisher’s Letters

from cover to back page and then uploaded on

be 90, but who cares!

from the past to share. AUGUST 2022


Favorite Publisher’s Letters August 2018 In “You Can’t Buy Happiness But You Can Buy a Boat,” David reminisced about boat days and offered some tips on how to be a good boat guest.

October 2018 In “Get Out and Vote,” David suggested that we all vote by volunteering. “Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”

January 2019 In “If I’m Not Back in Five Minutes, Just Wait Longer,” David shared some of his Dad’s “unique” sayings as well as some other funny phrases you might want to slip into your conversations. 22


August 2019 People who grew up on St. Simons Island always share what a great place it was to be a kid, especially during the summer. David is no exception, take a step back in time, with him in “Back Then…”

January 2020 Always one to encourage and motivate, David gave some great suggestions on starting the year off using 30-day challenges instead of New Year’s Resolutions in “A New You - 30 Days at a Time.”

April 2020 In “Spring Break for Adults,” David compared Spring Break as a kid to Spring Break as an adult, and wished he was a kid again!

October 2020 Bear, David’s Newfoundland, is a frequent topic of his Publisher’s Letters and here David shared “Five Life Lessons I Learned from My Dog.” AUGUST 2022



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January 2021 Like the rest of the world, David was optimistic about the future and looking forward to starting 2021 fresh and putting 2020 behind us in “Hindsight is 2020.”

June 2021 Since the June 2021 issue offered a dog’s-eye view of the island, as EIL’s top dog, Bear took over the Publisher’s Letter in “Who’s the Boss.” Readers loved hearing what the big guy had to say about his role at the magazine.

August 2021 As a UGA alumnus and former football player, David’s avid love for the Georgia Bulldogs comes through the closer we get to fall. In “Dawg Days of Summer,” he explained why August is the best month to be a Bulldawg fan.



Our Favorite Covers

A few years ago, we did a little informal poll of favorite covers with some of our readers and advertisers. It was fun for us to see what their responses were – and enlightening too. We thought we’d do the same kind of thing here and asked our staff members to look back over the past five years and pick their favorite covers. These are our choices.

David Butler April 2020: I picked my mom’s cover for my favorite. Every guy knows you’d better pick your mom!

Yolanda O’Hern February 2020: Who doesn’t love chocolate? Being of Mexican heritage, the dark chocolate with cinnamon, which is Mexican chocolate, has instant appeal. The title Passion for Chocolate with the word “chocolate” in a red cherry decorating gel made to look like it was squeezed directly from a pastry piping bag onto the cover is a gorgeous visual illusion!



Molly Duckworth August 2021: I love the vivid colors of this cover! And that little frog could not be cuter! It felt like something fresh and new.

Julie Andrew December 2018: I’d have to choose our Christmas cover from 2018, because it was based on an ornament that I got for my daughter’s first Christmas. We planned and staged the shot that way, our photographer worked in some extra sparkly magic, and it came out perfectly! Any time you get to spend a day with Santa is pretty special too.

Terry McCarthy

Kathi Williams May 2022: There are so many fabulous covers and great memories that come with creating them, but this one is special to me. I suggested this sweet family for our photo shoot featuring high school seniors because my son grew up with the Rooks boys and everyone knows and loves Coach Rooks. The photo of them is fantastic and we got so much positive feedback from the community. From a social media perspective, it turned out to be our most viewed cover of all time. I call that a Win!

Todd Baker December 2020: The truck and the dog! (And there’s a horse back there too!) I like it because I’m always wishing for cooler weather in the dog days of summer. I grew up on a farm, so I could easily see myself sitting right there on the tailgate.

June 2022: This cover is fun, colorful and a little quirky, just like EIL. But from a production side, that fashion shoot involved organizing over 50 people. Whew, I am getting tired all over again just from thinking about it! But when we can bring together people who don’t know each other, they have a good time, make new friends, leave happy, and we end up with great shots, it’s magical!

Beth Rowen July 2021: Fresh, simple, colorful.



Down the Rabbit Hole


hen it comes


to content, we


believe creativity

enjoy. During

is key. One of

the many

the challenges

months of

of producing stories for a local lifestyle

the pandemic,

publication is to come up with new ways to

when there was

highlight our community and promote events

no “lifestyle” to

that occur annually. As much of our content

cover, these types

is event driven, we’re always trying to find a

of features became

different angle or a fresh perspective. When

more frequent as a

events are not the focus of our feature

way to keep our audience interested, engaged, and

or theme, we lean into what we know

entertained. Here we’re sharing some of our more

our readers like: recipes, entertaining, info about

focused on food. These issues are all available to

local places of interest,

view in the archives at elegantislandliving.net if

history, and visually

you’d like to revisit them for yourself.

appealing imagery. We enjoy “going down the rabbit hole,” so to speak, and doing deep dives into topics that might be off the beaten path but we think our



off-beat ideas, dives into new territory, and forays

During summer months, our goal is to appeal to island visitors and

In “It’s A Man’s World,” we introduced

back yards

famous men hailing from Georgia,

inspired us to

shared some interesting recipes from

delve into new territory for EIL

provide them with a source of information for

equally interesting men out of 1922’s

by focusing on wildlife in August 2021. Our

discovering all that St. Simons Island and the

The Stag Cookbook, and offered gift ideas

“Nature’s Neighbors” feature highlighted

surrounding area has to offer. The challenge in

from local retailers for Father’s Day. In this

wonderful photos of the creatures we see

doing this is to not rehash the same old history

issue, we also shared the “Outdoor Classroom”

around the Golden Isles, including shots

and facts over and over again in a way that

scavenger hunt activities created by the St.

by Laurie Lohne, Debbie Dean, and Wayne

bores our locals. So, in June 2019 we stretched

Simons Land Trust and included a “Let’s Find It”

Morgan. In this issue, we also created a

our imaginations to tell the story of Gentleman Jack, a pirate who

exercise of our own for kids of all ages.

unexpectedly found himself on the shores of our barrier island. We invited readers to join this sailor out of place

special Kids Korner section of animal facts and fun activities to amuse the young ones in our community.

In June 2021’s “Let the Adventures Begin,” we

In February 2022’s “Stellar Celebrations”

embraced the upcoming

feature we focused every aspect of events and

“dog days of summer”

entertaining. From party planning to dressing

“A Pirate Looks at 40 (Or So)

and the canine-loving

for posh occasions, we offered information

Things to Do” in the Golden Isles.

nature of our island.

and tips from the industry. In this issue, we

and time on his adventures in

In this feature, we gave

included a pull-out “Plan-It Connection” guide

COVID disruption caused us

our readers a “dog’s

to local vendors offering party services from

to produce a combined

eye view” of St. Simons

accommodations to event venues, and catering

June/July Summer

Island courtesy of our

issue in 2020, and

four-legged pooch pal

we dedicated our

Sidney and his family.

feature to men.

to cars for the occasion. EIL broke new ground in March 2022 by devoting an entire feature to the vibrant

Furry and not so furry creatures

community in Historic Downtown Brunswick for the first time. In “Takin’ It Downtown,”

combined with

we shared the history and evolution of the

all the time

Port City and its important role in our local

spent in

economy. We highlighted new development

our own

that is taking place and the folks making

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cider mill in the Fall, we decided that the universal appeal of an apple might just work to fill the pages when other planned stories may no longer be forthcoming. So, our

played, we devoted our February 2018 to “Soup or Bowl.” We asked our staff, friends, and neighbors to provide us with their favorite recipes for soups, stews, chowder, and chili. Boy, did we get some great submissions! Lisa Cenicola’s Pasta Fagioli,

readers learned about the various

Lorena Harris’ Albondigas Soup, Kalista

types of apples, Granny Smith

Morton’s Oyster Stew, and Gramma Neil’s Low

herself, the legend of Johnny Appleseed, and

Country Chowder from Landon Moorhead

were treated to recipes for cider donuts, apple wine chicken, and more. And the issue made it to the printer by deadline. How ‘bout

are just a handful that belong in every kitchen’s

them apples, indeed! that happen. We showcased businesses, restaurants, galleries, and historic homes in the Historic Downtown District with fantastic photography by Annaliese Kondo. It’s quite possible that our craziness when it comes to combining food and facts can be

National Homemade Soup Day falls in February and since it also happened to be when the Super Bowl was being

traced back to the October 2017 feature, “How ’Bout Them Apples.” You see, in early September, just as we were gathering our articles and readying to go into the final stages of production, we had an unwelcome visitor coming to St. Simons Island: Hurricane Irma. Since our editorial staff is manned by Yankees who love nothing more than a visit to an apple orchard or a

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recipe box. It was also the perfect occasion


to promote our annual Red Hot Rotary Chili

with recipes

Cook-Off in March and the Empty Bowls

that included

fundraiser supporting America’s Second

Nutella Banana

Harvest Food Bank.

Crepes, Filet with Chocolate Port Wine

In 2019, when February rolled around, we

Sauce, No-Bake White

embraced it as the month of love. “That’s

Chocolate Cheesecake

Amore” became the title for a feature inspired

with Strawberries, and a

by one of cinema’s most endearing romantic

classic Chocolate Mudslide

dinner scenes. Of course, I’m talking about

cocktail. We also shared the

the spaghetti and meatballs shared by the

history and health benefits

cute canine couple in Disney’s animated

of chocolate, its prominent

classic, Lady and The Tramp. But writing about

place in pop culture, and how it became

romance is so cliché, so we focused on the

associated with Valentine’s Day.

and recipes, this

meatballs instead. We collected recipes for

time with lemons,

meatball dishes from around the world and

January 2021 found us all cold and tired of

learned so much along the way!

COVID. What we wanted most was to create

grapefruit, and more. Much to

a warm and cozy feeling for our readers from

our delight, this issue is one

We went a more traditional route in February

the moment they saw the inviting cover. Our

that our readers bring

2020, spurred by seeing heart-shaped boxes

“Warm Up to Winter” feature highlighted

up and recall fondly to

of Valentine’s Day candy in stores everywhere

anything and everything about coffee, tea,

this day.

since the days after (or maybe even before)

and other hot drinks—including recipes. And

Christmas. We indulged our “Passion for

if that didn’t get you toasty enough, we also touched on fuzzy blankets,

limes, oranges, mandarins,

In July 2021, in “Palette for the Palate,” we were inspired by the colors we see around

sweaters, and socks; DIY

us in nature from our brilliant sunsets to our

bubble bath and bath

verdant maritime forest. We featured stunning

bombs; building fires,

photos of our surroundings and recipes that

firepits, and fireplaces.

that echoed their colors, such as the yellow flowers of Fried Squash Blossoms, the pink

Similarly, in March 2021 we were ready for spring. We created a bright, sunny mood with the

melon flesh in Watermelon Feta Salad, the deep purple skin of Mama’s Stuffed Eggplant, and the indigo-hued berries in the Blueberry Basil Goat Cheese Galette.

vibrant colors and and zesty flavors of

Some other extensive features worth

citrus in our “When

mentioning are March 2020’s St. Patrick

Life Gives

Day inspired “Celtic Roots” exploring the

You Lemons”

Scottish and Irish connections in our region,

feature. Here

September 2021’s “On Location” look at

we combined

movies and TV shows filmed in and around

history and

the Golden Isles, and October 2021’s “Color

facts with fun

& Creation” art issue. The bottom line is

products from

that it’s ALWAYS an adventure with EIL and

local advertisers

you never know where we’ll go! AUGUST 2022


Fashion Flashback


ver the years, EIL has done scores of photo shoots that feature clothing, accessories, and products from local retailers, and highlighting area venues, with a variety of talented photographers. Sometimes it only involves a simple shot of someone in a cute outfit in a pretty place to use an illustration. Other times, they’re elaborate productions with numerous models, hair and makeup crew, venue staff, caterers, and prop delivery assistants. We are always grateful to the community members who agree to model for us and our advertisers who trust us with their products. Here’s a look back at some of those sessions from the past five years.

June 2018 Our “Summer Soul-stice” fashion feature was inspired by summer sun and songs with models representing our local music community, like Beth Fletcher from Suzy and the Bird Dogs. Photos by Theresa Brookman of The Darkroom Photography. 34


April 2019 We opened our “Bring Beauty Home” Home & Garden feature with a beautiful shot of Jessica Searles wearing spring fashion amongst the flowers at ACE Garden Center. Photo by Theresa Brookman of The Darkroom Photography.

December 2018 Holiday fashion was our theme in “Sparkle, Twinkle, Shine.” Molly and Marin Shell were absolutely adorable in sweet seasonal styles. Photos by Monica Rojas.

March 2019 October 2020 Sarah and Justin Callaway were just two of the representatives from local non-profit agencies dressed in fall fashion from local retailers that we featured in “Keeping Our Community Afloat.” Photos by Annaliese Kondo, Studio Pixel Pop. 36


We highlighted some treasures of our community and exquisite jewelry like what Caroline Franklin (then Kittle) wears in this photo from in “Cascade of Gold.” Photos by John Toth, The Darkroom Photography.

February 2022 Every girl wants a fun getaway like Becky Merritt illustrates on a scooter at Village Creek Landing in the “Stellar Celebrations” feature. Photos by Annaliese Kondo, Studio Pixel Pop.

December 2021 Gracious hostess and decorating queen Beth Barrett opened her Christmasbedecked home to us for the “Holiday Supreme” photo shoot. She called in friends and neighbors, including Missy Weaver and Melissa Stroud (pictured here) to share the holiday cheer. Photos by Annaliese Kondo, Studio Pixel Pop.

August 2020 Graduating seniors Kanijha “KK” Lee, Erica Daley, and Maizy Davenport were some of our models sporting “off to college” attire from local retailers to liven up our “School Daze” feature. Photos by Laura Angela Photography.

December 2020 When you want a rustic holiday photo shoot with a dog and a truck, where else to find horses and lovely trees than The Farm at Oatland? The Maichle family were part of the fun in “A Festive Day at The Farm.” Photos by Theresa Brookman, The Darkroom Photography.

May 2021 Jennifer Sears and Jade Drury are the very essence of “Wild & Free,” our Spring 2021 style trends fashion shoot at the Cassina Garden Club’s tabby cabins at Gascoigne Bluff. Photos by Annaliese Kondo, Studio Pixel Pop. AUGUST 2022


April 2020 Cindy Jacobs and other members of the Cassina Garden Club were our models for a photo session at one of the homes on the annual Garden Walk featured in “Sage, Rosemary & Time.” The Garden Walk was cancelled that year, but the fashion was still on point. Photos by Theresa Brookman, The Darkroom Photography.

April 2022 (OPPOSITE PAGE) When your photographer is dying to stage a Bridgerton-style garden party and the folks at Musgrove Retreat are amenable to being the backdrop, how can you possibly say no?! This shot of Jasmine Mendez at the pool in our “Get Enchanted” feature is positively … enchanting. Photos by Annaliese Kondo, Studio Pixel Pop.

June 2022 Summertime vibes are what we were channeling during our “Retro Revival” poolside at Queens Court. Models Missy Durkin, Katie Rikansrud, Lauren Papich nailed it in this shot. Photos by Annaliese Kondo, Studio Pixel Pop.





20 Fascinating Facts

About St. Simons Island

In the spirit of celebrating the lifestyle of St. Simons Island and the surrounding area for 20 years, here are some interesting facts we’ve learned about our island home during that time that you might not know.

St. Simons Island wasn’t always known as St. Simons (or even Saint Simons). The Native American who lived here called the island Guadalquini. When the Spanish arrived and established missions, they called the island Isla de Bellanas. There are also historic references using the names San Buenaventura de Gualquini and San Buenaventura de Boadalquivi. The origin of the name St. Simons was derived from San Simon, a short-lived Yamassee Indian Village established near Fort Frederica in the late 1600s. In 1938,

The translation of the island’s

place just off the shores of St. Simon Island.

there was a dispute over whether the official

Spanish name Isla de Bellanas is

Colonel Samuel Elbert, commanding three

Isle of Whales. This is because our

Georgia continental army galleys, engaged in

postal designation for the island should be Saint Simon or Saint Simons. Mrs. Edwin

waters are calving grounds for the North

naval action with and successfully captured

Fendig stepped in to argue that using the

American Right Whale. It is a mother Right

three British ships in the Frederica River.

“s” at the end of Simon was most common

whale and her calf that are represented by the

This caused the British to delay their invasion

and what the local populace preferred. She

sculpture in Neptune Park. Right whales are

of Georgia by more than eight months. On

was overruled. However, that decision was

an endangered species with fewer than 350

St. Simons Island, a memorial ceremony at

reversed just a few years later and St. Simons

remaining, with only about one-fifth of those

the Casino Building and parade of patriots

Island has been the proper spelling since 1943.

being reproducing females.

through the Village mark this occasion.

The island is approximately the size of

Many New England states celebrate

While we now honor Rev. John

Manhattan at 12 miles long and nearly

Patriots’ Day on or around April 19

Wesley and Rev. Charles Wesley on

3 miles wide. It is the second largest

to commemorate the first battles

the island with the Wesley Memorial

of Georgia’s barrier islands (Cumberland is

of the American Revolution in 1775 and the

Garden, Wesley Oak, and Wesley United

largest), and the only one that hasn’t been

“shot heard round the world.” Georgia marks

Methodist Church, they were not so beloved

privately owned.

that date to recognize a 1778 battle that took

during their time here. The brothers



The large grey rock revetment on the south side of the island that helps protect against further beach erosion is known as “the Johnson Rocks.” They are named for President Johnson, who visited after Hurricane Dora struck in 1964 and supplied federal aid in the form of these massive granite rocks. Direct hits by hurricanes on St. Simons Island are rare because it is situated in the area known as the “Atlantic Bight,” or more specifically, the “Georgia Bight.” This geographic location is the furthest western coastline on the Atlantic Coast. Our location in the Georgia Bight also affects our tides. visit, and returned to England after only six months in Georgia. In 1737, John too set sail for his homeland. Despite their discouraging experiences in Georgia,

High tide waters are pushed by the shape of the coastline from North Carolina and Florida, forcing water to gather on top of itself, resulting in

the brothers’ spirits were renewed upon their return, and they went on the lead the Methodist movement and Charles wrote thousands of hymns, including Christmas carol, “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.” St. Simons has inspired art, literature, poetry, and more. Some of the most accompanied General Oglethorpe to the newly formed colony of Georgia in 1735, with John remaining in Savannah to act as the colony’s chaplain. Younger brother Charles, only 28-years-old and newly ordained, served as Oglethorpe’s secretary and pastor to the Frederica community on the island. Charles lasted only a few months on the island, with John making only the occasional

popular literary works are Sidney Lanier’s ode to the beauty of our surrounding marshes, Marshes of Glynn, and the critically acclaimed historic novels that make up Eugenia Price’s St. Simons Trilogy: The Beloved Invader, New Moon Rising, and Lighthouse. The island has a Hamilton connection! In 1804, following the duel in which Hamilton was killed, Aaron Burr hid at political friend Pierce Butler’s Hampton Plantation on the north end of the island.

six- to ten-foot tidal fluctuations here. The Georgia Coast has the third highest tidal fluctuations on the entire Eastern Seaboard. This is why we caution about rip currents and staying off sandbars that can rapidly disappear.



Most people know we have alligators here, especially if you’re a golfer or live on a marsh, river, or pond. You’ll see them sunning around retention ponds and along the marshes. What you might not have encountered yet is an alligator on East Beach. However, alligators sometimes swim in the ocean, and you might encounter them in the shallow waters near the shore. Be vigilant, do not approach, and keep small pets safe! Trees are a big deal here. Timber from our Live oaks was used St. Simons Island who don’t have photos of

over the water and later destroyed by fire in

One of our most photographed and painted

their kids sitting in the branches of the 300+

1935. It was replaced by the brick building

island scenes is the picturesque Avenue of the

year old Southern Red Cedar in Neptune Park.

that is still there today, with the theatre used

Oaks at the entrance to Sea Island Golf Club,

And, of course, there are the tree spirits … if

for stage productions and movies, but the

planted by Anna Page King around 1826 when

you know, you know.

side that now houses the public library held

to build the U.S.S. Constitution.

it was the entrance to Retreat Plantation.

a bowling alley and soda fountain, and there

You’d be hard-pressed to find a family with

Our Casino Building

was a pool outside, where the Neptune Park

children who have

has nothing to do with

Fun Zone now sits.

grown up on

gambling, and never has. In the early 20th century, casinos were also built as venues for general recreation and social

As the popular joke goes, we’re a little drinking island with a golfing problem. St. Simons Island

activities. This community

is home to more professional golfers per capita

center for all-ages was first

than anywhere on the planet, and is second

built as a wooden pavilion

only to Jupiter, Florida, for the most overall.

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Our PGA golfers include Davis Love III, Zach

than a year later, they were in a new building

Island. Since the first issue in 2002 to date,

Johnson, Matt Kuchar, Jonathan Byrd, Brian

and more popular than ever.

we have expanded to include a website and

Harman, Harris English, Patton Kizzire, Keith

digital edition, social media pages with active

Mitchell, and J.T. Poston at last count. There

Speaking of eateries, we have

engagement, and a weekly digital newsletter to

may be more!

approximately 100 on SSI at

provide our readers with information about

last count. That’s a lot for a tiny

events and happenings on the island that

PGA golfers aren’t the only

island, but we do love good food! Each has its

might not have been covered in our monthly

professional athletes that hail

own appeal and its own unique atmosphere

issues, due to deadline constraints. We are

from St. Simons Island or make

and flavors, so get out and enjoy them all!

proud of the progress we’ve made and the

their home here. MLB ace pitcher for the

content we produce, and we are incredibly

St. Louis Cardinals Adam Wainwright still

Demere Road, one of our main

calls the island home. Former Braves pitcher

roads, is named after Frenchman

John Smoltz has a home here. The island was

Raymond Demeré, but the name

also the birthplace of NFL legend Jim Brown

of the road is NOT pronounced in the French

and Morgan Gautrat (formerly Brian) of the

manner. We say DEM-UH-REE or DEM-REE.

National Women’s Soccer League.

And if you were wondering why there’s a road named after this fellow, Demeré was a

The island’s best known BBQ

Lieutenant in Major William Cook’s Company

joint might have become history

of General James Oglethorpe’s 42nd Regiment

without community support. On

of Foot, later named Captain Lieutenant to

Saturday, March 27, 2010, a fire started in the

Colonel Oglethorpe’s own Company. In July

ceiling of the smokehouse of Southern Soul

1742, he was in command of three platoons

BBQ and destroyed the popular restaurant.

involved in the Battle of the Bloody Marsh. He

They had just filmed an episode of Diners,

retired from the Army in 1761 and lived out his

Drive-Ins, and Dives with Guy Fieri weeks

final days on St. Simons Island and on Jekyll

earlier. The episode had yet to air. What a

Island, where he had been granted Horton

disaster! However, before the fire was even

House. Upon his death in 1766, he was likely laid

grateful for the advertisers and readers who

out, the community was stepping up to offer

to rest in the burial ground at Frederica.

have been with us from the beginning! 20

support in any way they could. Fundraisers

years for a lifestyle magazine is an impressive

were organized by other local restaurants in a

Elegant Island Living was the

feat in the publishing world, even more so for

matter of days. Southern Soul was able to keep

first and remains the only

one that is produced by a staff of fewer than

continuously publishing

10 people who all work from home. Thank

slinging the BBQ, from a tent, from a trailer, and their island family supported them. Less

monthly publication on and about St. Simons

YOU for being along for the ride!

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Island Traditions

In addition to the centuries of history preserved here on St. Simons Island, we have our own more personal history and traditions that make us unique. Others may compare St. Simons to other beach towns and coastal communities, but there is no other place in the world quite like it. We take care of each other here, as has been amply demonstrated following hurricanes and tropical storms, and the pandemic. We’re more than neighbors and friends, we are family. These are the moments that fill our scrapbooks.

Taps at Twilight One of our most moving island traditions is the Memorial Day commemoration program, Taps at Twilight. This local community event began in 1991 and is presented annually by the St. Simons Rotary Club to honor the men and women who have fallen in the service of our country, those who have valiantly served and returned, and those who are serving today. The free program takes place outside at Neptune Park and includes patriotic music, a guest speaker, flag ceremony and wreath presentation. It concludes with the bugle notes of Taps echoing through the air.

St. Simons Land Trust Oyster Roast Although the month in which the event occurs has changed over the years, the St. Simons

Gascoigne Bluff is always highly anticipated.

Federica Patriot’s Day Parade

Land Trust

The first oyster roast held by the St.

It’s not every day you see a column of

Oyster Roast at

Simons Land Trust was held at Village

Revolutionary War reenactors parading

Creek Landing in 2000. When it grew

through the Village, but you will on April 19

out of its surroundings, it moved to Fort

or the Saturday that immediately precedes

Frederica, where it could accommodate up to 600 attendees. Today the event



it. Georgia Patriot’s Day falls on April 19 and commemorates the date in 1778 when the

draws 1,500 or more to enjoy the juicy roasted

Georgia Continental Navy captured three

oysters and other plentiful fare donated by

British ships in the Frederica River. A newer

area restaurants and businesses. Join in and

island tradition, marking its 12th year in 2023,

see for yourself on January 21, 2023!

the commemorative event is sponsored by

the Georgia Sons of the American Revolution,

become more physically

Marshes of Glynn Chapter of the Sons of the

active. The first race was

American Revolution, and the Fort Frederica

a one-mile fun run, but based on

and. Brunswick Chapters of the National

the event’s success and popularity,

Society Daughters of the American Revolution.

it has evolved to include 5K and 10K

The day begins with a memorial ceremony at

races, a pre-race pasta party or dinner and

Neptune Park with cannon and musket salutes

expo the night before the race, and a silent

followed by a Parade of Patriots that includes

auction. Money raised goes to the school

Revolutionary reenactors, color guard, JROTC

PTA programs. It seems like the entire

cadets, and local Boys Scouts and Girl Scouts.

island comes out to Neptune Park to run, walk, or cheer on the participants.

Super Dolphin Day This annual fun fundraiser in February for St. Simons Elementary School and Oglethorpe Point Elementary School began in 1978 as a way to encourage students to

Red Hot Chili Cookoff The Rotary Red Hot Chili

from the community and local restaurants

Cookoff that takes place the

competing for awards including best chili,

first Saturday in March at Postell Park just celebrated its 20th year. Presented by the Golden Isles Rotary Club, the cook-off features teams

most unique chili, best heat, most team spirit, as well as the coveted People’s Choice award. As one of the first outdoor events in spring, it’s generally very well attended. AUGUST 2022


Christ Church Tour of Homes One of the oldest island traditions, the Christ Church Frederica Tour of Homes will be in its 69th year when it returns on March 18, 2023. This annual spring event depends on the generous participation of more than 300 church and community volunteers who donate their time and talents. The tour generally features 10-12 stops that include private homes on St. Simons Island and Sea Island, as well as Christ Church and the Parish House. The tour is presented by the Episcopal Church Women of Christ Church Frederica and funds raised are used for community outreach grants.

Summer Concerts Summer concerts that take place on the St. Simons Lighthouse lawn and at Neptune Park bring out the island faithful and friends

breeze is also more than welcome at

Park ballfields for the Opening Day ceremony.

from near and far to enjoy

this time of year! From Motown hits to

Whether you have a child playing or not, you

music and fellowship by

Southern rock, it’s always a good time!

should go out and cheer them on!

only does

Little League Opening Day

Sunrise Service at the Pier

the location

For a true taste of small-town Americana,

On Easter Sunday, area churches get together

there’s the Glynn Country Recreation and

to present a nondenominational sunrise service

Parks Department Little League Opening Day

for the community at the St. Simons Island Pier.


celebration in the spring. There is nothing like

The lawn above the Johnson rocks fills with

but the

seeing the teams holding their banners in the

families coming out to watch the sunrise and


parade through the Village to reach Mallery

celebrate the miracle of Easter morning.

the sea. Not

make for a beautiful

The Coastal Symphony of Georgia Celebrating our 40th anniversary, Congratulates our friends at Elegant Island Living on their 20th anniversary. Tickets on Sale Now The New Season begins October 3, 2022 46


Tickets/Information: www.coastalsymphonyofgeorgia.org 912.634.2006

Sunshine Festival

students and their friends

The 4th of July on St. Simons Island begins

as they make the trek from

early with the annual Sunshine Festival 5K

Athens to the game each

run presented by the Golden Isles Track Club

season, earning their East

and concludes with fireworks at the pier. The

Beach gathering place the

events taking place during the day have varied

moniker “Frat Beach.” It’s a

over the years, but you can always find the arts

crazy weekend, to say the

and crafts vendors in the park and a festive

least! Love it or hate it, it’s

golf cart parade in the village. To see what

part of what makes us St.

this year’s fun looked like, check out the Social

Simons Island!

Scene pages in this issue.

Christmas Eve

Georgia-Florida Weekend

One of our most beloved

The annual football game that pits the

traditions occurs on Christmas Eve. This is

In the years before COVID appeared, Santa

University of Georgia Bulldogs against

when Santa Claus climbs on the antique fire

made stops in several locations for last minute

the University of Florida Gators is held in

truck to make rounds through the island

requests and to hand out stockings, and

Jacksonville, Florida on the last weekend

neighborhoods with an escort provided by

hopefully that will again be possible. Even the

of October/first weekend of November. St.

the Glynn Country Volunteer Fire Department

adults get giddy when we hear the sirens and

Simons Island has been faithfully hosting UGA

and the assistance of the St. Simons Civenettes.

know he’ll be riding by.

Your Outdoor Lighting Specialists BO PARKER 912.571.8723 228 Redfern Village, Suite 203 | St. Simons Island, GA AUGUST 2022


It’s a Hit!


s we’re looking back now

Coastal Symphony of Georgia performances,

over the events we’ve

and more. The listings from the blog are also

covered, and stories

published on I’m With the Band Facebook and

we’ve shared since our

Instagram accounts at @imwiththebandssi.

last big anniversary issue

in 2017, we thought we’d go beyond the

One of the most popular stories on our website

print issues and take a look at what’s been

is “Glynn Academy: A Colonial Experiment

popular on elegantislandliving.net.

That Still Thrives,” written by Mason Stewart for our November 2015 edition. A comment on

Here’s what we discovered when we dug into

the website about the story from Leon Hugh

the numbers. Nearly half a million people have

Chittenden reads as follows: “Proud to be a

visited our site. More than 1.5 million articles

former Terror. I am also proud to have been

have been read. While our demographic used

a student at Glynn Academy as my 4 sisters

to be mostly women readers/online viewers,

also were students. 3 before me and 1 after me.

now we have a 60/40% split between women

I graduated in 1956. What a good article this

and men. We loved seeing that we have online

was, thank you Mason. I left for the Air Force

still is a Grand Ole School. I hope others read

viewers from nearly every country except two:

in 1956 after graduation and settled in several

this article and add their memories.”

Greenland and Iceland. Come on, Reykjavík,

small towns with my wife after the Air Force

where ya at?! The Aussies love us. Who knew?!

trip. I returned to Brunswick many times and

Approximately 80% of our online viewers are

pointed out my former school to my children

Our Community Cookbook recipe section in the Food and Wine category is always fun

between ages 25-65, and that percentage is

for readers to peruse and find recipes we’ve

split almost evenly among all of the 10-year

printed in the past. There are numerous contributions from local restaurants

age span categories within that group. We’re still not cool enough for the 15-

and even some celebrity chefs.

24 crowd who only make up 10% of

The most popular of these recipes

our online viewers, but with the live

(receiving the second highest

music listings maybe we’ll get there.

number of hits of anything on our

Speaking of those listings, you

recipe shared with us by Southern

website) is the Brunswick Stew Soul Barbeque, followed by recipes

REALLY like “I’m With the Band!” Our

for Beef Bourguignon, 30-Minute

continuously updated live music listings

Chicken and Dumplings, and Sweets for

are the most accessed page on our website. For those of you who aren’t in the know, this

and wife (from Greenville, S.C.) I remember

Santa. Y’all enjoy your holiday cocktails too.

is the most comprehensive and up-to-date

Miss Howard from my 2 yrs. of Latin classes

Some of our top picks in the spirits category

list of who’s playing where and when in the

which I barely passed. I also remember that

are a Bailey’s Chocolate Bunny and Maker’s

Golden Isles and the surrounding area. We also

strict Mr. Lee from Algebra and Mrs. Hall my

Mark Eggnog. And it looks like Gator Haters

share information about community concerts,

homeroom teacher for 2 years. That was and

and Bloody Bulldawgs are popular drink





choices for your tailgate parties! We rotate the recipes you see on the website, so if you’re looking for a certain recipe and don’t see it, try searching the site. We have recipes for every meal, hot and cold, savory and sweet, fancy occasions to backyard barbeques, so if you’re looking for some culinary inspiration, it’s a great resource! When our friend Janice Lamattina is off on her world travels, we’ve been lucky enough to provide a home for her blog “On the Road with Janice,” recounting these adventures. We’ve followed her to Mongolia, visited gorillas in Uganda, and took the leap from Australia to Papua, New Guinea. It was Janice’s visit to Dubai and Ethiopia that garnered the most attention. You won’t find these stories in our printed issues, so if you want to go back and

Janice Lamattina at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi.

check out her amazing travels and photos from

“Perseverance of a Plantation” detailing

won’t see in our print editions, especially

her trips, you can still find them on our website.

Hofwyl-Broadfield Plantation’s evolution

in our Social Scene galleries. There is

through the years. SSI Archives articles about

also a searchable Marketplace Directory

The SSI Archives history section of our

Hurricane Dora and Aaron Burr’s exile on the

that provides information about local

website is another area that gets top hits. It’s

island also drew many online visitors.

businesses that advertise with us, including

where we upload the SSI Archives stories

a map with their location and links to their

from the Coastal Georgia Historical Society

You can always find a digital copy of the

website and social media accounts. We

that we publish in the back of the issue each

most recent issue on the website and

provide this as a complimentary benefit to

month and where we archive our own history

our archived issues go back to January

businesses who advertise with us. If you’d

articles. Popular articles included “The Story

2016. Our archive content goes back even

like to be included in this directory, please

of the Shout,” about the Gullah-Geechee

further than that. We frequently publish

contact us for more information. We also

shout tradition and our local shouters, and

online-only content or exclusive photos you

offer digital advertising opportunities.

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Always Engaged


eginning in 2002 and

to promote retailer’s sales, local restaurant

number of our Facebook followers, as

continuing through today,

specials, or pop-up fundraisers and non-

more people turn to that platform. We

Elegant Island Living has firmly

profit events at a moment’s notice.

haven’t jumped on the TikTok trend, but

established itself as an exclusive must-

never say never. The weekly

read publication for anyone living or

We started our social media presence

interested in this region. We never tire

with Facebook and Twitter accounts,

of hearing about the issues our readers

and then added Instagram, and

proudly display on cocktail tables,

separate accounts for I’m With the

hand out to visiting guests, save for

Band. We are active on these

current community

recipes, or collect as part of a years-

accounts daily and have

and advertiser events.

old tradition. But we produce more

even added shopping

than just a magazine and website that

and subscription

beautifully capture and reflect the spirit

purchase options. Our

and informative

of St. Simons Island and the surrounding

average page reach on

content is what we

area. Over those two decades, we have

Facebook is over 24,000,

strive for 24/7, so we

grown and adapted to meet the needs of

and we’ve been amused

can reach YOU, our

our readers and advertisers, wanting to

to see the number of

readers/viewers, in

have the ability to keep the community

our Instagram followers

whatever format

informed on a more immediate basis and

nearing the

EIL Insider e-newsletter is another free resource we offer, featuring our digital content and highlighting

Community connection and engaging

you choose.

To sign up for the EIL Insider, visit elegantislandliving.net and click the Subscribe tab to provide your information.



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From Then to Now


s we wrap up our retrospective and turn to another historic anniversary, we thought you’d enjoy seeing how our island has changed over the years. Here are some comparisons of vintage and current photos of several familiar locations. Just as St. Simons has evolved, so has Elegant Island Living. We’ve enjoyed sharing the island’s stories and being welcomed into your homes and businesses for the past 20 years, and are looking forward to being a part of whatever the future might bring.

Mallery Street 1940



The King and Prince Resort c. 1960

East Beach c. 1940

Casino Building and Pier c. 1960 AUGUST 2022


Coast Guard Station 1937

St. Simons Airport c. 1943




Since September 1, 1872,

the current St. Simons Lighthouse has been the steadfast beacon shining over our island home. Officially illuminated for the very first time on that night, the lighthouse has not only served to guide countless ships safely into port and withstood ferocious storms over those 150 years that followed, but it has also become one of the region’s most recognizable and cherished historic landmarks. It provides a bright welcome to those visiting the Golden Isles and it is a shining symbol of home for those of us who live here. As we approach that important date of September 1 and special events that the Coastal Georgia Historical Society has planned for the occasion, we’d like to take a closer look at this island icon and the important role it plays in our community. L I G H T H O U S E A N D V I N TAG E P H O T O S P R OV I D E D BY T H E C O A S T A L G E O R G I A H I S T O R I C A L S O C I E T Y, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 58





The History of the Light

he story of the St. Simons

(probably caused by the island’s

Island lighthouse truly

mosquitoes) in 1871 and never saw the

begins with the octagonal

completed project for himself when the

light station built by

St. Simons Light was first illuminated on

James Gould on four

September 1, 1872.

acres of property on the island’s south end

The lighthouse is 104 feet tall and

deeded to the federal government for that

constructed of Savannah grey brick.

use by Cannon’s Point Plantation owner John

The tower measures 21' in diameter

Couper. The 75-foot-tall tabby and brick tower

at its base, tapering to 10' in diameter

housed an oil lantern and became operational

at the observation gallery’s base. Its

in 1810, with Gould himself serving as the light

spiral cast iron staircase is encased

keeper. In 1861, that tower was destroyed by

within an 8' wide column, leaving

retreating Confederate troops to prevent

space between the exterior and

the Union Navy from using it as an aid to

interior brick walls for the original

navigation. According to historic records, the

rotational weight system that turned

Fresnel lens installed in 1857 was dismantled

the flash panels of the lens. The

and removed “to the interior” before the tower

decorative iron brackets supporting

was demolished. The Federal troops that

the lighthouse gallery at the top echo

landed in Brunswick searched for the lens

the elements of Italianate architecture

with no success. To this day, it has not been

in the Keeper’s Dwelling design.

found. Unfortunately, the destruction of the St.

The gracefully tapering tower and

Simons Light left Georgia’s coast without one

elegant ornamental ironwork are signature

Active Aid to Navigation maintained by the

of its key lighthouses for more than a decade.

architectural features of Orlando Poe, who

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary.

later supervised the design and construction By 1868, Orlando Poe, the United States

of several Great Lakes lighthouses.

In 1971, the Keeper’s Dwelling was declared surplus and under threat of development.

Lighthouse Board’s chief engineer, was supervising the design of a new St. Simons

Since 1872, a 3rd order Fresnel lens, made

Coastal Georgia Historical Society was

light station. An academically gifted West

in France, has projected the light that guides

instrumental in saving and restoring the

Point graduate, Poe served under General

marine vessels through St. Simons Sound

historic structure and the federal government

William T. Sherman, who appointed him to

and into the Port of Brunswick. The light

conveyed ownership to Glynn County for its

oversee the burning of Atlanta. After the war,

was converted from kerosene oil lamp to

use as a museum that year. Since that time, the

Poe was serving as Engineer Secretary of

electricity in 1934 and automated in the mid-

Historical Society has continued to maintain

the U.S. Lighthouse Board when plans for our

1950s, ending the need for a resident keeper.

and operate the building as a museum of

lighthouse were developed. Georgia architect

The tower is painted solid white, known as its

coastal history. The Society began managing

Charles Cluskey was awarded a contract for

day mark. The fixed light is surrounded by

public access to the Lighthouse in the mid-

the building of the St. Simons Lighthouse and

four rotating flash panels, resulting in a flash

1980s. Ownership of the lighthouse was

the Keeper’s Dwelling in November of that

every sixty seconds—the night signature of

transferred to the Society in 2004 under the

year. Tragically, Cluskey died from malaria

the St. Simons Light, which continues to be an

National Historic Lighthouse Preservation Act.




The Early Keepers F rom the date of the

members was typically

construction of the

unofficial, the wives of

St. Simons Lighthouse

keeper Isaac Peckham

until its conversion

(1883-1892) and Joseph

to electricity in 1953, eight light

Champagne (1892-1907) did

keepers faithfully maintained the

receive official recognition

light. These devoted caretakers

by the U.S. government.

of the tower’s beam lived with

Dora Peckham and Abbie

their families in the Victorian

Champagne were granted

keeper’s dwelling at the base of

the official designation as

the lighthouse.

Assistant Keepers.

The strenuous round-the-

Perhaps the best known of

clock nature of their duties

the keepers and their families

included lugging 3-gallon cans of

was Carl Olaf Svendsen who

kerosene to fuel the flame up the

served as the head keeper

129 steps that led to the top every

from 1907 to 1935. Born on

evening, as well as countless

his father’s ship in the harbor of

St. Simons Lighthouse. This was

return the salute by raising a flag.

other daily maintenance needs.

Cardiff, Wales in 1878, Svendsen

no unfamiliar task, as his father,

Helen said that her father made it

These tasks invariably required

spent his life by the sea before

mother, and brother all served

possible for the flag to be raised

the help of their family members.

arriving with his wife Annie and

as keepers at various times in

by Annie from the cottage, adding

While assistance from family

daughter Helen to care for the

lighthouses from South Carolina

that it was always her mother

to Florida. The

that returned the salute because

Svendsens added two

her father was constantly busy

more children, Carl

working. The family resided in

Jr. and Lucille, to their

the cottage and maintained the

family while residing

lighthouse until Carl’s death in

in the keeper’s cottage.

1935. The Svendsens were part of

Daughter Helen once

the celebration of the lighthouse’s

shared in an interview

50th birthday in 1922. Thanks to

that captains of ships

the steadfast care of light keepers

arriving in St. Simons

and their assistants in those early

Sound would salute

years, the lighthouse endured

the lighthouse with a

through winds and weather so this

whistle blast and her

occasion can now be celebrated

mother Annie would

once again a century later.

OPPOSITE PAGE: Orlando Poe, Engineer Secretary of the U.S. Lighthouse Board. ABOVE LEFT: Light Keeper Joseph Champagne (standing, far right) and his wife Assistant Keeper Abbie Champagne (seated, left) with unidentified gentlemen, c. 1900; TOP: Light Keeper Carl Olaf Svendsen with his wife Annie and their oldest children, Helen and Carl, Jr. AUGUST 2022


Dedicated Volunteers

The close-knit team of Auxiliary volunteer lightkeepers came with the deal because even though the Lighthouse and Keeper’s Dwelling have become a historic museum store and tourist magnet, that bright beacon at the top still has a vital safety mission of which many islanders and visitors are unaware. Every Thursday afternoon, the crew climbs 129 steps to the observatory. They enter the gated mechanical area to do systems checks while some ascend another 10 feet into the lens room to perform a series of maintenance tasks that ensure the light is continuously operational. Every week, they don white gloves to clean and polish the high voltage light bulb and the numerous individual prisms that reflect a


ow that the lighthouse beacon is fully

Dwelling from the U.S. Coast Guard and

precisely sequenced illumination out to sea.

automated, what exactly does “keeping

opened it to the public. The Coasties were still

The prisms are all part of the 155-year-old,

the light” entail? In 2014, EIL published

the lightkeepers until all those official duties

original Third Order Fresnel (fray-NEL) lens

an article written by Arlene Ingram recognizing

were turned over to the capable hands of the

(of which 15 or fewer are in service in the U.S).

the 20 years of service by the volunteer light

current U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 10-

team of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 10-10.

10 St. Simons Island volunteer light team.

What follows is her description of their mission and weekly duties – it’s no small task!

In addition to polishing each individual glass prism of the Fresnel lens and its brass frame,

In 2004, following a long, successful lease,

the team checks the back-up emergency

the lighthouse was deeded to the Coastal

radio, the moving parts and lubrication of

In 1984, the Coastal Georgia Historical Society

Georgia Historical Society by the U.S. Coast

the 3,000 lb. gear mechanism that keeps the

leased the St. Simons Lighthouse and Keeper’s

Guard under the Lighthouse Preservation Act.

lens turning. They test the electrical system,

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the high intensity light bulb and the back-up

Frederica River at the south tip of St. Simons

bulb that automatically takes a failed bulb’s

Island. When these 3 tower lights are aligned

place. Finally, they cover the photo sensor

correctly, the vessel’s pilot is able to safely

to see if the light will automate at dusk.

maneuver through the deep Bar Channel

All this ensures that the 1000-watt bulb,

buoys and be assured he will not run aground.

magnified by the exquisitely polished lens, shines brilliantly for up to 20 miles seaward,

Because of the guiding St. Simons Island

rotating to produce one uniquely patterned

light’s valuable service to commercial

dazzling flash per minute.

mariners, the Brunswick Pilots Association provides a back-up generator power source

The St. Simons lighthouse is part of the “St.

to the lamp in case of electrical failure. Over

Simons Bar Channel range”. When mariners

the years, and in addition to the general

approach St. Simons Sound any night or in

weekly maintenance, the crew has changed

reduced visibility, they will visibly place the

countless bulbs, repaired wiring, replaced the

light from the lighthouse tower in the center of

turning motor, polished brass, painted, and

the two tall lighted towers located just into the

restored anything that has been broken.

CLOCKWISE FROM OPPOSITE PAGE: Whitewashing the lighthouse tower wasn’t easy work; Coast Guard Auxiliary Lighthouse Crew atop the lighthouse in the 1990s; Lighthouse Crew celebrating anniversary of 25th year of service; the 1000-watt light bulb that provides the beam to guide mariners into port.




n honor of this historic

�ecognizin� a Momentous �ear

historian Ellen Dubois will present

occasion of the lighthouse’s

“The Year Susan B. Anthony Voted

150th birthday, the theme of

and Women Almost Secured

this year’s Chautauqua Lecture

Voting Rights for All Americans.”

Series, presented by the

She will describe how Anthony,

Coastal Georgia Historical Society

along with women in several other

and sponsored by Raymond James,

localities, attempted to vote in

is “It Happened in 1872: National

Rochester, New York, which led to

Events from the Year Our Lighthouse

her arrest and widely publicized

Was Illuminated.” This momentous

trial. The series will conclude on

year saw President Ulysses S. Grant

Thursday, September 8 with a

sign the Yellowstone National Park

lecture by author Paul Taylor about

Protection Act into law, the opening

the engineer who led the design of

of New York’s Metropolitan Museum

the St. Simons Lighthouse, entitled

of Art, and the first presidential

“Orlando Poe: Civil War General

election that followed the formation of the

shrouded in myth in the aftermath of the

National Woman Suffrage Association.

Civil War. On Thursday, August 18, the series

and Lighthouse Engineer.”

will continue with “In with the New: American

All of the lectures will take place at St. Simons

Award-winning author George Black

Artists and the Metropolitan Museum of Art,”

Presbyterian Church, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

will present the first lecture, “Empire of

by Thayer Tolles, the museum’s Marica F.

They will also be available via live stream.

Shadows: The Founding of Yellowstone

Vilcek Curator of American Paintings and

Registration is $50 for members and $95 for

National Park,” Thursday, August 11.

Sculpture. Tolles will describe the early years

non-members, and will close on Wednesday,

Black’s lecture, based on his book, Empire

of the museum, when some of America’s

August 10, at 5:00 p.m. A virtual link will be

of Shadows, detailing the epic story of the

foremost artists were involved in forming the

sent the week of the first program. Please

creation of the National Park System, will tell

early collections, as were Jekyll Island Club

note that lectures skip September 1, the date

of the conquest of Yellowstone, Wyoming,

members J. Pierpont Morgan and Emily and

of the lighthouse’s birthday. Register online at

a landscape uninhabited, inaccessible, and

Robert De Forest. On Thursday, August 25,

coastalgeorgiahistory.org or on EventBrite.





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�lluminatin� a Communit� o get a better idea of what


remiss if we did not express our gratitude to

the lighthouse means to


the lighthouse keepers and their diligence in

our some of our island

the well-known

maintaining the light mechanisms.”

residents, EIL sent intern

local harbor

Callie Norton out to

pilot who

One of those

conduct some interviews.

took heroic

lighthouse keepers,

From its historic significance to its aesthetic

action to safely


appeal and from its importance as a

ground the

U.S. Coast Guard

navigational tool to a place where special

Golden Ray out

Auxiliary member

memories are made, the thoughts shared

of the shipping

and head lighthouse

with Callie encompass so much that we love


keeper. As Cole

about this treasured island landmark.

while it was capsizing, spends his life almost

climbed into the

entirely under the lighthouse’s steady guiding

lighthouse’s lantern


light. “The lighthouse is integrated into my

room, he explained


life a great deal. It’s our principle, fixed aid


St. Simons

of navigation in the harbor, so we use it for

that goes into


over half the route. I also live underneath the

the structure’s


sweep of the lighthouse under the oak trees.”


J.T. explained the importance of the lighthouse

weekly visits ensure its functionality so that

maintenance. His


in matters of offshore safety: “We use it for

it remains visible and communicative, the

works in

navigational purposes because, as pilots, we’re

duty which Tennant expressed his immense

his family’s

not on computers navigating; we’re terrestrial

gratitude for above. Looking into the Fresnel


navigators, meaning we’re looking outside the

lens at the tiny bulb, Jeff remarked on the


window at objects as reference points to make

occasion: “This light first lit September 1st 150

hardware store, lumber yard, and building

turns throughout the harbor. We also use it to

years ago.” When talking about the unique

supply company that has been serving

tell the weather. Most of our work takes place

characteristics of the St. Simons Lighthouse,

professional builders and homeowners since

at night, and we can tell by the strength of the

which helps sailors chart their location along

1930. While the towering structure of J.C.

light – or if there’s whiskers on the light – if

the coast, he marveled at the effectiveness

Strother Hardware is a landmark in Pier

there’s moisture in the air. We don’t want to

of such old technology, saying, “Somebody

Village, the lack of such structures around

sail a ship in zero visibility.” In immense detail,

figured that out, low tech, a long time ago. I

the lighthouse is Clay’s favorite thing about

the pilot reasoned the lighthouse’s purpose as

think that’s pretty neat.” And after 28 years

it. He feels that it’s the tranquil setting of

a simplistic yet consistently reliable tool that’s

spent diligently maintaining the lighthouse, Jeff

the surrounding tree canopy that lends to

crucial for keeping our waters safe. “None of

thinks that this small bulb–previously a small

the lighthouse’s unique beauty, saying, “I

that has changed in hundreds of years – prior

flame–is the heart of it all. “There are two lights

like the fact that you can look out and see all

to GPS, right?” He emphasized that none of

in there: the primary and the spare, and the

the trees. I mean, if you didn’t have the tree

this old-school technology would be reliable

primary light’s 1000 watts. If the primary fails,

canopy, it would just be a bunch of buildings.”

without adequate maintenance: “I would be

the spare swings right into the middle of the




focal point of the light to make it as efficient as

same memories he has. “I remember climbing

possible. That’s the key to this whole place. It’s

the lighthouse when I went to St. Simons

that light.”

Elementary. My kids are climbing it now.” In addition to mentioning visits to the lighthouse

DARRYL PECK, owner of Righton Books in

as an experience being passed down through

Redfern Village, says the lighthouse has always

the generations, he also recalled a spooky St.

been a sign of welcome. Having lived on the

Simons legend. “I always heard the story about

island for “only” 32 years now, Darryl jokingly

it being haunted. Apparently, you can hear

mentioned that he’s “a rookie,” unlike his wife’s

footsteps going up and down it at night.”

side of the family, who are multi-generational natives. But regardless of his origin or the

LODI PALMER at Anderson Fine Art Gallery

timing of his arrival, he’s never felt like an

has been a full-time island resident since

outsider on St. Simons Island. According to

1998 and part of her earlier years as a

Darryl, the lighthouse is a testament to the

local were spent giving history tours. The

island’s overall charm, and it’s “a beacon of

lighthouse, she said, was a well-covered topic.

freedom that has been welcoming members of

“I remember walking up those dang steps!

our family since the early twentieth century.”

What is it, 129 steps? Am I remembering correctly?” (Correct!) When prompted about

it up to keep the Northerners away so they

Lifelong island resident and owner of ITG

what she feels is most significant about the

wouldn’t have a lighthouse to come in…but all

Properties, HAL PRUITT said he associates the

lighthouse, she didn’t hesitate to say that she

the Northerners did was go down to Retreat

lighthouse with his childhood, and he’s thrilled

finds value–and humor–in its history: “I used

Plantation and hang a couple lanterns, and

that his children now get to experience those

to laugh about how the Confederates blew

that took care of that.” AUGUST 2022


Simons, shared how he starts each day at the lighthouse with a clear and peaceful mind. “My favorite thing is parking at the lighthouse in the early morning at 7:00 or 7:30 and having my devotional and prayers. It has given me strength and serenity through the years. It’s been a beacon to me.” Additionally, Edward is often arranging flowers for weddings there. Echoing Halyards’ Catering Events Coordinator, Michael Young, Edward says he really enjoys “doing pretty weddings at the lighthouse.” If you’re looking for another way to find strength and serenity, MATTHEW WHITE, Studio Manager

at Live Oak Fitness, recommends climbing the lighthouse for a great workout. From a fitness perspective, White, thinks the 129 steps to the top of the lighthouse Photo provided by Michael Young

are worth the effort – and, aside from a good workout, he said that the spectacular views and cool wind are a big payoff: “You can see all the way to Cumberland Island,

DAVE SNYDER, Executive Chef and

Halyards Catering Events Director,

and there’s always a nice breeze to cool

Restaurateur, views the lighthouse as a

MICHAEL YOUNG, discussed the appeal of the

you off afterwards.” He also fondly recalled

reminder of the simpler things. One of the

lighthouse as a striking backdrop for events.

the experiences he’s had when visiting the

community’s most well-known restaurant

Situated right by the beach overlooking

104-foot-tall structure: “Every time I’ve

owners, Chef Dave has lived on the island for

dense patches of trees and serene water,

gone there, the staff has been welcoming

26 years. His three restaurants–Halyards,

the St. Simons Lighthouse has always been

and friendly.”

Tramici, and La Plancha–are consistently full

a go-to destination for a wide array of

of hungry islanders and tourists alike. And

events. Michael reflected on coordinating


while his restaurants’ atmospheres allow his

many memorable experiences for his clients

on the lighthouse’s presence in

guests to live on island time, so to speak, those

there, touting the structure’s magnificent

both centuries-old local history and

who have worked in the service industry

views, particularly for weddings. In Michael’s

meaningful personal moments. This father

understand that it can be fast-paced and

opinion, it’s a special place for special

and daughter team of attorneys at the Killian

chaotic. Amidst all of the things that make

memories: “It’s such a wow factor when I

Law Firm, LLC, shared their recollections

our lives hectic (service industry careers

do weddings there. Just before I transition

of the lighthouse in reflective and intimate

included), Dave views the lighthouse as

guests into the dining room for dinner, I get

ways. Robert alludes to the victories and quick

symbolic of life’s simpler nature and sees it as a

the lighthouse empty and ask the bride and

development that took place in its proximity.

reminder to slow down: “It reminds me of how

groom to go up to the top for some aerial

He stated, “In 1742, while Fort Frederica was

slow we can enjoy our world in a time of high

photographs. I have some gorgeous drone

still under construction, the Spanish from St.

technology with everything going so fast. Just

photos of brides at the top of it.”

Augustine attacked St. Simons Island. As we know, the British were victorious. Less than 70

watching this simple lighthouse do its job as a basic light source with candles going round

EDWARD ARMSTRONG, or as the locals call him,

years after the attack, maritime commerce in

and round helps me enjoy slowing down in life.”

“Edward the Florist,” from Edward on Saint

south coastal Georgia had grown from nothing




ART WORKSHOPS Workshops on St. Simons Island ARTIST’S ANNEX GALLERY 2022 Schedule Gary Bodner

Sept.30-Oct 1


Paul Batch

Oct. 7-9


Larry Moore

Oct. 20-23


Roger D. Brown Nov. 3-4


Chris Groves


Nov. 17-19

to so much that the young United States funded

a walk where they would of course end up at

Workshops On St. Simons Island was

the original St. Simons Lighthouse. Many

the top of the lighthouse. It was there that he

started 14 years ago by the Anderson

believe tabby from Frederica was repurposed

asked her to marry him.”

in the construction of the lighthouse.” His

Fine Art Gallery. Professional artists from across the country are invited to teach painting workshops that are

daughter, Bonnie, recalled the lighthouse


being a backdrop to a couple of her sweetest

concerts on the lighthouse lawn hold nostalgic

memories: “I got engaged in the little gazebo

appeal. We are proud to be annual sponsors

by the lighthouse in 2007 and married at the

of the Little Light Music summer concert

casino in 2008.”

series. There is nothing better than seeing

to improve their painting skills. A

held in the Artist’s Annex. The two to four-day workshops are for students of all levels that wish

the way our community gathers together at

variety of workshops are offered

MARGARET BURNSED, owner of The Cricket

this big “block party” to enjoy ocean breezes,

from landscape studies en plein air

Shop, was quick to share how special the

old Motown hits and beach music while they

lighthouse is to her. After mentioning that

share snacks and cold drinks, catch up with old

she’s been frequenting the island her entire

neighbors and make new friends.

life, she said, “As long as I’ve been alive, it

to studio classes in representational, impressionistic or abstract styles.

For information, please contact 912.634.8414, stop by the Artist’s Annex or go to our website.

has been as much a part of this island as the

We invite you to share your own memories

ocean.” One particular memory from ten

about special moments at the lighthouse or its

years ago stands out as especially notable:

importance in your life by emailing EILAsks@

“My son James proposed to his wife Sara

gmail.com so we can share your stories on our


on top of the lighthouse. He placed roses

website. If you have special photographs or art

randomly up the steps prior to their evening

that you have created depicting the lighthouse,

workshopsonstsimonsisland.com andersonfineartgallery.com

out. After dinner, his suggestion was to go for

we welcome those as well. AUGUST 2022



Celebrating a Sesquicentennial oastal Georgia Historical Society

can support their mission by becoming

historical, to create a visual presentation

Executive Director Sherri Jones

a member or giving a gift membership.

that is immersive and engaging. There will

stated that although the mission

Different levels of membership are available,

be ample opportunities for viewing, so don’t

of the St. Simons Lighthouse may

and more information can be found at

miss out! You can learn more details about


the birthday celebration as we get closer by

have changed over the years, it is still central to our community in both an economic

following the Historic Society’s Facebook

and an emotional sense. It still serves as a

Special celebratory events are planned for

page and visiting their website, as well as

navigational beacon for our prosperous port

September 1 and throughout Labor Day

keeping up with EIL’s online calendar and

of Brunswick but may have an even greater

weekend to commemorate the 150th birthday

social media accounts.

impact by drawing visitors as a tourism

of the lighthouse

icon. For some of us lucky ones, it’s simply a

and everyone in the

beloved symbol of home. It is unquestionably

community is invited

an essential part of what makes St. Simons

to come out and

Island the unique treasure that it is.

join the festivities. A highlight is the

The Historical Society deserves a great deal

screening of an

of credit for the work they do to maintain and

amazing outdoor

continue to beautify the Lighthouse, Keeper’s

projection show

Dwelling, gazebo, and grounds. They have

on the lighthouse

completed preservation projects over the

tower that combines

years both small and large which have both

digital art with varied

maintained the integrity of the structures

forms of media,

and improved the visitor experience. You

both modern and

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he Golden Isles is synonymous with the wonderful waterways which we call home. Over the past 20 years, these waterways have changed and there has undoubtedly been an increase in boating traffic, especially in recent years due to the housing boom. There has been an influx of new boaters throughout the industry, in the last couple of years in particular, with a notable increase in the number of younger boaters. The Golden Isles is no exception. Local marine businesses are also seeing more people returning to boating, retirees wishing to enjoy the waterways, and tourists new and old enjoying island life. One of these marine businesses is Dunbar Yachts. The dealership located at Morningstar Marina has been selling boats in the Golden Isles since the 1970s. They have grown to become an award-winning dealership with a regular customer base spread over eight states. “What sets us apart is that we are still a bricks and mortar brokerage, where customers are welcome to walk-in and be greeted with a friendly smile. We don’t restrict our offerings to an internet buying experience like some brokers, and this certainly increases our turnover of boats,” says Lucy Bowie. “The overall trend is towards a more educated buyer, who has often researched online and on social media, but boaters still want and appreciate a personal experience. There is a real value in enabling customers to pick up a flyer or brochure, to look at a window full of listings, and to speak to a knowledgeable broker in person.”



It’s easy to see why a large boat dealership would have a head office somewhere as picturesque and welcoming as the Golden Isles. As Lucy explains, “When customers come off I-95, they see a vast landscape of waterways ready to explore. It creates a far

traditional ownership, such as an increase in the boat club experience are also likely.”

Boat choices include fishing, cruising, and pontoon style vessels. Member Gary Davis says, “With the Freedom Boat Club we’ve discovered the joy and ease of boating life. The professional and courteous staff always has the boat ready when we are and are waiting for us at the dock on our return. We only wish we had joined sooner!”

Dunbar Yachts offers new sail and powerboats, full boat brokerage, sailing schools and training, as well as the option to join Freedom

“We opened our Freedom Boat Club location to provide more locals with access to the waterways. Members of the Club use the entire fleet without ever having to clean, maintain, fuel, or insure the boat,” explains Lucy. more memorable experience than a busy intercity lot and sets the perfect scene to imagine a lifestyle and lifetime of boating.” Looking back 20 years ago, the dealership was primarily focused on sailboats. Over the last five years, Dunbar has heavily invested in adding a versatile portfolio of powerboats, being awarded exclusive manufacturer contracts. Lucy sees this combination of offering both sail and power as continuing long into the future. She notes a significant increase in both power and sailboat customers since the COVID pandemic began. “Our aim is to have a versatile marine business with a complete offering for everyone interested in spending time on the water,” Lucy shares. “The next 20 years are likely to see an increasing range of products for consumers, with a particular focus on greener alternatives, provided these don’t detract from the overall boating experience. Alternatives to

The great part is there is no cap on membership. The more members join; the more boats enter the fleet. Over the next few years, it seems certain that the Golden Isles will see an ever-expanding membership base.

Boat Club, all supported by an experienced technical team. As part of a wider global footprint of Freedom Boat Club locations, with 346 of those in North America, local members enjoy an increasing fleet of boats operating from Morningstar Marina/Golden Isles and have access to boats at every other location, both in the U.S. and abroad.

Ben Fendig, another member, says, “As most people around here know, our family have been here a very long time. During that time, the many generations have enjoyed the water boating in this area. In my early 30s, I sold my last boat and became boatless. I’ve missed it for quite some time until this year. A good friend of mine told me about Freedom Boat Club, and I ran into Dave Jordan, who sells memberships. Dave told me about the fabulous membership and how it would be the best fit for me. I’m always so excited now that I have multiple boats ready for me at a moment’s notice. The staff is fantastic and has the boat checked out and running when I arrive. They cast off the lines and meet me when I come back. It’s only that: no washing, no fueling up, and no maintenance. I feel so blessed to be a member and back in the waters I so love.”

“We opened our Freedom Boat Club location to provide more locals with access to the waterways. Members of the Club use the entire fleet without ever having to clean, maintain, fuel, or insure the boat,” explains Lucy. All members are provided with full training, both on and off the water, approved by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators, and provided by a local U.S. Coast Guard licensed Captain. It is a safe and convenient way to boat and has proven to be very attractive. The Golden Isles Freedom Boat Club currently has more than 100 local members and grows weekly.

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Historically, the Golden Isles has always attracted seasonal boaters who benefit from the geography which makes it a boater’s hurricane hole. This allows many to benefit from the reduced boat insurance premiums by crossing over the Georgia/Florida line. Over the last 20 years, local marinas have increased their offerings to these “cruisers,” who often bring their boats up for 6 months of the year, and other transient travelers who are looking to enjoy the Southern hospitality of the Golden Isles. Many of these boaters inevitably stay longer than they initially planned and start to call the Golden Isles home. When Bob Torras, Sr. first shared his vision to have a marina in downtown Brunswick, he was met with across-the-board skepticism. People asked why someone would keep their boat in Brunswick when there were perfectly fine marinas available on the islands. Despite the headwinds, Mr. Torras was determined to see his dream come true. That was 30 years ago. Today Brunswick Landing Marina is the largest saltwater marina in the state of Georgia with nearly 400 boats in the water alone. Thousands of people come through the marina each year, venturing out into the downtown and surrounding areas and contributing a great deal to the local economy. “While the marina has fully built out its nearly one-mile of waterfront,” says Marina Manager Michael Torras, “there are still 25 acres between the marina and downtown Brunswick that we also own and intend to develop. This is where our next big expansion project will begin.”



Across the causeway, in June 2020, Morningstar Marina/Golden Isles, completed a $6 million rebuild resulted in the facility being named “Marina of the Year for Building and Growth” by Marina Dock Age magazine The project included a state-of-the-art coastal aluminum dock system with a Brazilian hardwood decking known as Ipe, new transient dock with 36 concrete piles that are 70’ long and weigh 20,000 lbs. each, new electrical system and power centers, dockside pump-out at every slip, new fuel system, dock office etc. Morningstar Marinas continues to enhance the property having recently rebuilt the main boardwalk and outdoor pavilion. Additional improvements are planned for late 2022 into 2023. This investment in boating infrastructure has been coupled with an increase in

opportunities for boating over the last 20 years for locals, tourists, and visitors. A prime example is the Spirit of St Simons, the only certified sailing vessel in the State of Georgia authorized to carry up to 24 passengers. The boat was designed for the day charter trade, and was homebuilt and first splashed by owner Charles Elkins in 2014. It’s perfect for a relaxing sunset sail with a group of friends. Local fishing charters have also seen an increase in business and are heavily invested in the future of fishing and the island’s surrounding waterways. Whether you choose to enjoy the waters by pontoon, sailboat, fishing charter, speedboat, or luxury yacht, boating in the Golden Isles offers many opportunities for memorable experiences. Come aboard and cast off for your own adventure.

DUNBAR YACHTS | dunbaryachts.com | 912.638.8573 MORNINGSTAR MARINA/GOLDEN ISLES | morningstarmarinas.com | 912.634.1128 FREEDOM BOAT CLUB | freedomboatclub.com | 912.312.1281 BRUNSWICK LANDING MARINA | brunswicklandingmarina.com | 912.262.9264 SPIRIT OF ST. SIMONS SAILING CHARTERS | charlysboat.com | 912.996.6016

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Seating, which includes sofas, sun loungers, club chairs, and dining chairs, is offered in a range of styles that represent their distinctive design sensibilities. Chairs are constructed of a proprietary low-maintenance fiber/poly/rattan, teak, and rope – all perfect for year-round enjoyment. Cushions are stocked in ready-to-take-home neutrals or optional custom fabrics. Thick, soft cushions provide both comfort and beauty, and

all materials are chosen for their weather endurance properties. Dining, cocktail, and end tables, all assembled from teak, are luxurious and able to withstand harsh weather conditions. Like the upholstered pieces, finishes are engineered to prevent mold and organism growth. Cleaning is easy too! Restoration Imports’ 10,000-square-foot showroom on St. Simons Island features the distinctive design aesthetic of company founder, Mary Knight. Now approaching its fourth anniversary, Restoration Imports has a well-deserved reputation for quality, beauty, and customer service. They offer a wide selection of furniture, accessories, lighting, rugs, and bedding, all

meticulously curated and arranged by Mary. The task of accessorizing and arranging your new outdoor furniture is also a Restoration Imports specialty. Everything needed to create a stunning look, whether for casual coastal, subtle transitional, or sophisticated elegance awaits. The combination of beautiful basics with one-of-a-kind treasures is one of many Restoration Imports secrets, and now is a great time to stop in for a preview. Design services and expert opinions are also abundant. For more information and a closer look at what Restoration Imports offers, follow them on Instagram or visit their website at restorationimports.com. Restoration Imports 125 Gary L. Moore Court Open Monday - Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Beverly Drawdy, Custom Framer. 36 years experience 1403 Newcastle Street • Historic Downtown Brunswick 912.262.0050 | mainstreetframe.com

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- from -


P OLISHED PEYTON by Jennifer Daniel

For Your Next Formal Dining Experience


f you know me, you realize I was ecstatic when Downton Abbey: A New Era was announced. I love the show. I love the storylines, I love the costumes, and I absolutely love the dining scenes. Not because I dine that way each evening (far from it) but, because I am fascinated with how they spent so much time eating, visiting, turning right, then left, barely sipping wine. My, what Violet Crawley, Dowager Countess of Grantham, would think if she dined with all of us one evening!

While so much about etiquette is situational, many of the rules have stayed the same. If you are reading this, I assure you that you know most of the rules, but I have a few that all of us have surely broken at times. 1.

Don’t “clink” your beverage glass. This is especially true with very fine crystal as it could break.

3. Never announce that you’re going to the restroom. Never. Never. Your only statement as you excuse yourself from the table should be, “Please excuse me.” 4. In the United States, always leave one bite of food on your plate. Eating every bite could indicate to your host that you are still hungry and that he/she did not serve enough. 5. Do not lift your menu off the table. During formal dinners, your menu should always touch the table. 6. Keep your bread on your plate. Do not lift your roll or bread to take a bite. Break off a small piece to put in your mouth for each bite. 7.

2. Keep the rim of your plate clean. This serves two purposes. It helps the server as he/she clears the table, and it also keeps your plate nice looking – which is important.

Once you drink from a glass, sip from the same place on the glass throughout dinner. This is to avoid lipstick rings and grease/food rings on your glass.

8. Fold your napkin with the crease toward your lap. Sit down. Once you remove your napkin from the table, crease it and put the crease toward your lap. 9. Most people believe there is only one correct style of eating. In fact, there are two styles when using silverware in the United States: American style and Continental (or European) Style. You cut your food and raise your fork to your mouth without setting the knife down. You are also flipping the fork over. This style appears odd to some, but it is a correct style of eating.

Right now, you’re probably thinking … formal dinner? When will I attend a formal dinner? You will and you do more often than you realize. Wedding receptions are often sit-down dinners. Debutante balls, corporate dinners, non-profit events, and fundraisers. Remembering a few of these tips, making small talk and being kind will put you at the top of the great guest list.

Jennifer Daniel is a graduate of The Protocol School of Washington and she may be reached at Jennifer@polishedpeyton.com or visit her website at polishedpeyton.com.

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Community Partners Make Significant Impact In this issue of Elegant Island Living, the Davis Love Foundation (DLF) continues a series of highlights focused on The RSM Classic and its partners impact on our community.

100 Sylvan Dr., Suite #170 St. Simons Island, GA Art Workshops & Instruction Private & Group Location of Anderson Fine Art Gallery’s “Workshops on St Simons Island”


his month we celebrate Elegant Island Living and the positive impact its team has had on the Golden Isles over the past fifteen years. The Davis Love Foundation knows this firsthand. When Davis Love III and his Foundation, along with professional golfer Zach Johnson, the PGA TOUR and title sponsor RSM, introduced The RSM Classic (originally named The McGladrey Classic) to the Golden Isles, the search for partners began.

When not in use for Anderson Gallery Workshops, the Artist’s Annex is a teaching and exhibiting studio. Marden Headley, who holds degrees in Fine Art and Art Education, manages the studio. She has taught in the private and public sector and offers classes to both group and individuals through the Annex. The studio is Marden’s working studio where she exhibits her work.

Elegant Island Living was one of the first community partners to sign up and has grown its support each year since 2010. They have been instrumental in promoting the tournament, creating awareness of the event, providing sponsorship, and recruiting local businesses to become part of The RSM Classic (most recently Catch 228 in Redfern Village to host The RSM Classic media dinner for local, regional and national media members).

Sherry Egger also teaches, and exhibits her work in the studio as well as the Anderson Fine Art Gallery.

For information on upcoming workshops or to register contact the gallery ~ 912.634.8414 or stop by the Annex. workshopsonstsimonsisland.com andersonfineartgallery.com 82


The tournament’s relationship with Elegant Island Living is one example of how a company can partner with the Foundation. All partnerships are unique and crafted to meet the specific needs of the partner, all with

the goal of maximizing benefits for charity and the community. This what makes The RSM Classic and the PGA TOUR unique in the world of professional sports. The Davis Love Foundation invites participation at all levels, beginning with the PGA TOUR Wives Association Wiffle Ball Game at only $500 through customized on-course hospitality for groups of any size. Partnership opportunities remain available for this year’s event. If you would like more information on supporting the Foundation and our community, contact John McKenzie, The RSM Classic Director of Sales, at jmckenzie@dlovefoundation.com. For all tournament information, please visit rsmclassic.com.

In its first twelve years, The RSM Classic, hosted by Davis Love III, has raised nearly $29 million to support local and national charities. The 2022 PGA TOUR event is November 14-20 at Sea Island Golf Club. For partnership information, regardless of the size of your business, contact John McKenzie, Director of Sales, at jmckenzie@dlovefoundation. com or visit rsmclassic.com.

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CHANGES AT THE CHAMBER The Brunswick-Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that Cedric King has taken the helm as Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and Nigel Brown is the new Director of Membership Services. Cedric takes over for Michael Scherneck, former CEO of Southeast Georgia Health System, who served as Chairman from 2021-2022. A local business owner with businesses located in Brunswick and Darien, Cedric is also a Benefits Consultant with Lighthouse Benefit Advisors on St. Simons Island, serves on many community boards, and has been recognized on numerous occasions by various organizations for outstanding service to the community. He has years of experience, knowledge, and work in Business Development and served on the Board of Directors as Vice Chair of Internal Affairs and Chairman Elect in 2021-2022. He is the first

New Chairman Cedric King with outgoing Chairman Michael Scherneck. LEFT: Director of Membership Services Nigel Brown.

African American to serve in Chairman role in the history of the Chamber of Commerce. Nigel Brown assumes the role of Director of Membership Services, with duties that include providing excellent membership customer service, leading the Chamber Ambassador Program and the Small Business Committee in charge of selecting the Small Business of the Month Awards. He will represent the Chamber of Commerce at membership events, community meetings, and functions. Nigel has an extensive background in higher

SAVE THE DATE! Plan to spend an unforgettable evening under the stars at beautiful Musgrove Retreat on St. Simons Island on Saturday, September 17. The annual Starlight & Spartina fundraiser for Coastal WildScapes will take place in this

education, workforce development, and business. When asked about what excites him the most in his new role at the Chamber he shared, “Glynn County has a large amount of projected growth and I’m excited about exploring ways we can help the community grow and prosper.” To learn more about the Brunswick Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce, stop by the office at 1505 Richmond St., Second Floor, Brunswick, or visit brunswickgoldenisleschamber.com.

lovely locale from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Live music, educational presentations, delicious food and drink, and fine fellowship are the hallmark of this event that benefits Coastal Wildscapes. Tickets are currently on sale and more information is available at coastalwildscapes.org.

Proud to be an original & 2nd generation advertiser in Elegant Island Living. Happy 20th Anniversary!

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Play Bridge AT THE


A first-class duplicate bridge club where players can enjoy fair, competitive games of bridge in a friendly, social atmosphere. Located at 114 Skylane Court, SSI. ALL LEVELS WELCOME! Guest Game fee: $8.00 • Memberships Available Check Website for Scheduled Games bridgewebs.com/goldenisles




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RESORT EARNS TOP HONORS The King and Prince Beach & Golf Resort was recently named MMI Hotel Group’s 2022 Hotel of the Year. The resort team’s continued commitment to gracious Southern hospitality and unparalleled service earned them this prominent recognition among their peers. General Manager Bart Johnson was present at the hotel group’s annual sales conference in Birmingham, Alabama to accept the award on behalf of the resort team. “We are so proud to see The King and Prince Resort recognized for its guest experience and relevant renovations while staying true to our traditions and history here,” said Johnson. “Our team has dedicated an ample amount of effort towards keeping this resort up to date. Earning this award reflecting our endeavors will be cherished at our resort for years to come.” For more information about the resort, visit kingandprince.com. COUSINS JOINS SEA ISLAND PROPERTIES After several years away, Glynn County native Lynn Cousins has moved back to the Golden Isles and joined Sea Island Properties as a Real Estate Transaction Coordinator. Lynn attended Brunswick High School and College of Coastal Georgia and has lived in several areas throughout Georgia and North Carolina. She started her real estate career in the Warner Robins area and has worked with companies in Atlanta and Ashville North Carolina. She holds a Georgia Real Estate license and a North Carolina Broker’s license. Lynn has two adult children who graduated from Georgia Southern University: Sean (25) is a project manager in Augusta, and Ali (22) is a Marketing Specialist in Atlanta. In her free time, Lynn enjoys spending time with her family and traveling. Sea Island Properties is proud to welcome Lynn to their team. seaislandproperties.com



FIBER NETWORK IN GLYNN’S FUTURE Emerging regional broadband service provider LiveOak Fiber recently announced that it is investing $60 million to construct and operate a next-generation highspeed fiber optic network in Glynn County. The network will provide fiber-based broadband internet with 10G per second speed and communications solutions to homes and businesses throughout its digital footprint. “The people of Glynn County are underserved and lack the critical infrastructure and services needed to foster both a growing population and attract new businesses,” says Jody Craft, President of LiveOak Fiber. “Building out this much needed infrastructure and services in Glynn County will be a true game changer. Efficient, modern communications for education, healthcare, local businesses and residents is going to change lives for the better.” Construction on the project is planned for later this year and the first customers are expected to be connected as early as February 2023. For more information, visit liveoakfiber.com.

Hans F. Trupp, CCIM founder and former Chairman of Trupp Hodnett Enterprises and The Management Company prior to taking the companies public (NYSE, RZT) in an IPO in 1998 has reentered the real estate business locally through an affiliation with eXp realty. eXp is a cloud based publicly traded (NASDAQ, EXPI) company with more than 85,000 real estate agents in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain and continues to scale internationally. This internet based high technology company will totally revolutionize the real estate

industry both with relationships of buyers and sellers and the relationship that sales people have with the company. Trend Magazine has described eXp as the Amazon of real estate. eXp realty offers a very unique agent attraction program and Hans has partnered with veteran Atlanta broker John Adams to inform and educate agents throughout the United States about eXp, one of the fastest growing real estate companies in the nation. Adams is well known throughout Georgia for his educational activities on behalf of the Georgia Real Estate Commission, and his regular appearances on Fox 5 Atlanta and CNN. He continues to be a freelance journalist with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution with more than 1,000 articles in print.

Thanks to the internet, eXp’s state of the art revolutionary cloud based technology and a unique revenue sharing plan Hans and his team are able to offer a performance-based, no risk maximum 4% listing commission on any real estate both residential and commercial. No risk - you can cancel the listing at any time for any reason. Hans would also be pleased to share his broad business knowledge and experience with anyone interested in a free no obligation consultation session with regard to any real estate problem. Call, email or text him if you would like to explore his listing program or if you have any questions with regard to eXp, one of the fastest growing real estate companies in the nation with now over 85,000 agents and growing.


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W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G

BACK-2-SCHOOL BEDLAM 2022 Operation Bed Spread still needs your help to provide every child with a bed for a good night’s sleep. This St. Simons Island-based non-profit collects and delivers donated or purchased beds to families and agencies with children in need. To date, nearly 1,500 beds have been delivered. OBS seeks funding and

donations to supply beds to everyone on their waiting list and then some. With higher fuel costs and soaring prices, donated funds are critical to their mission. You can help by attending the annual Back-2-School Bedlam fundraiser at Brogen’s South on Sunday, August 28 at 2:30 p.m. There will be live music by local band Idle Hands, food and drink specials. Tickets are $25 at the door. Let’s get kids the beds they need to have a restful and successful school year. GET YOUR TEAM TOGETHER The 2022 Golden Isles Alzheimer’s Walk is planned for Saturday, October 1 at Neptune Park on St. Simons Island. This family-friendly community event brings together local businesses and residents to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s and dementia research and local support services. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m., followed by an opening ceremony where attendees will honor and remember their loved ones. At 10:15 a.m. participants will follow a 1-mile or 2-mile scenic walk route through the Village. Proceeds from the walk benefit research efforts through the Goizueta Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Emory University and support local non-profit agency Memory Matters Glynn. To register or donate to a team or participant, visit gaalz.org. For additional information including sponsorship opportunities, contact Executive Director Andrea Mickelson at andrea@gaalz.org.

AFTERNOON WITH THE AUTHOR Join Coastal WildScapes at Ashantilly Center in Darien on Sunday, August 28, for an afternoon with Janisse Ray, naturalist, activist, and the author of seven books of nonfiction and poetry, including Ecology of a Cracker Childhood, which won the American Book Award. Her work has appeared widely in magazines and journals, and she is the recipient of a Pushcart Prize, the Nautilus

Book Award, and numerous other honors. Janisse will be sharing readings from her most recent book, Wild Spectacle: Seeking Wonders in a World beyond Humans. Books will be available for purchase and signing after the program. Wine and appetizers will be served. Co-sponsored with The Ashantilly Center. Tickets are $15 for members, $20 for non-members. Seating is limited, so register now at coastalwildscapes.org.


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La Belle Furs established in 1919 as a fur repair company in Orlando, FL. Being a 4th generation company, we are making even greater strides in revolutionizing quality, and customer satisfaction. We restyle old furs and make them wearable family keepsakes.

ReStyle Your Fur at Evelyne Talman 3301 Frederica Rd., St. Simons Island | 912.638.3470 Alteration, repairs, storage & cleaning also available. Sign up at www.restyleyourfur.com. Contact Restyle Your Fur to sign up for the next trunk show in September at 407.341.4740 www.restyleyourfur.com

CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 20TH ANNIVERSARY EIL It is a great privilege and honor to have such an amazing community

to serve here in SSI. Elegant Island Living makes it possible to advertise with such class and integrity and creativity each month, and so we celebrate with them on such a special occasion and edition of 20 years! Thank you Elegant Island Living, Yolanda O’Hern and David Butler for your contribution to our success. “We look forward to seeing you at the dinner table for good food with great service anytime.”

SAL CENICOLA’S LEGACY LIVES ON AT SAL’S NEIGHBORHOOD PIZZERIA Monday: closed Tuesday-Thursday and Sunday: 4:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Friday & Saturday: 11:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. For special events and catering inquiries please email salsneighborhoodpizzeria@gmail.com 3415 Frederica Road, St. Simons Island, GA • 912.268.2328 AUGUST 2022




THIS YEAR’S SUNSHINE FESTIVAL ON ST. SIMONS ISLAND INCLUDED A MORNING 5K OR 1 MILE FUN RUN/WALK FOR THE EARLY RISERS, AN EXTENDED HOLIDAY WEEKEND VERSION OF CRAFTS IN THE VILLAGE, THE ANNUAL VILLAGE GOLF CART PARADE, AND FIREWORKS AT DUSK. The EIL crew was out and about to catch some of the action on what was surely the hottest day of the summer so far! We loved seeing kids of all ages enjoying the holiday and smiles were as plentiful as stars and stripes! 90






THE SEA PALMS NEIGHBORHOOD ALWAYS TURNS OUT BIG ON THE 4TH OF JULY AND THIS YEAR WAS NO EXCEPTION. Everyone went all out dressing in patriotic attire, decorating their bikes, golf carts, and vehicles…well, all except those folks who had no idea what a big deal the neighborhood parade is and were completely unprepared. We hope to see them back next year in their star-spangled best! Here’s to the red, white, and blue!







BRUNSWICK’S 4TH OF JULY WEEKEND WAS FULL OF EVENTS TOO! On Saturday, people came out to enjoy coastal fare and offerings from their favorite farmers market vendors at the 2nd Annual Port City Brunswick Blue Crab Festival at Mary Ross Waterfront Park. On Monday, there were patriotic parades on Blythe Island and in the downtown Historic District as well as Old Fashioned 4th of July festivities back at Mary Ross Park. As always, the family fun, free watermelon, and fireworks brought out quite a crowd from the young to young at heart. 94























IT WAS A DELICIOUS EVENING AT HISTORICAL HARRINGTON SCHOOL CULTURAL CENTER FOR THIS YEAR’S TASTE OF GULLAH EVENT. Special guest South Carolina Chef Ambassador Kevin Mitchell was on hand to sign copies of Taste the State: South Carolina’s Signature Foods, Recipes, and Their Stories, the book he co-authored, and there was plenty of food to sample from area vendors. Proceeds from this event benefit the Cultural Center. 1. Marcy Bailey, Anja Bailey, Linny Bailey. 2. Whitney Long, Ellis Long. 3. Linda Gibson, Myrtice Moody. 4. Abbey Marrs, Thais Belletti. 5. Philip Deshazior, Lorene Blue. 6. Elaine Jones-Jackson, Eunice M. Moore, Valeska M. Carter. 7. Kathleen Hambright, Fran Gordon, Peggy Lee. 8. Jerry and Faye Hardiman. 9. Patrick and Elizabeth Holladay. 10. Trudy and Eugene Cuthbert (former student Harrington School, 1942). 11. Don and Susan Myers. 12. James and LaVonia Dawson. 13. Susan and Kenny Walker, Cathy and Larry Schuler. 14. Lollie Bohannon, Elysabeth Hunter. 96



Cassina Garden Club O N Y O U R 2 0 t h A N N I V E R S A RY

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CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES FROM CASSINA GARDEN CLUB ON YOUR 20th ANNIVERSARY. May there be many more! Thanks for all of your support over the years!

CASSINA GARDEN CLUB CELEBRATES 94th BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR We are celebrating the completion of the restoration project of our Hamilton Plantation Tabby Slave Cabins as a gift to our community. Our cabins are open for tours Wednesdays from 10 to 12 and every other Saturday during the summer. We welcome you to come and visit the cabins!


Graduation, Wedding and Groomsmen 36oo Frederica Road 912.771.8457 SteveBullington.com AUGUST 2022







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THE GOLDEN ISLES DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB RECENTLY HELD THEIR ANNUAL FULL DAY OF CHARITY MATCHES TO BENEFIT THE ALZHEIMER’S FOUNDATION. This is a nationwide event sanctioned by the American Contract Bridge Club recognizing “The Longest Day.” Food is served throughout the day, there are also drawings, and donations are collected to support Alzheimer’s care programs and research. For more information about the Golden Isles Duplicate Bridge Club, visit bridgewebs.com/goldenisles. 102 E L E G A N T I S L A N D L I V I N G

Congratulations on your 20th EIL!

3295 Frederica Rd. St. Simons Island, GA 912.638.7025

Showroom Hours Monday-Friday 10-5 Interior Design by Appointment Only

40 Years Experience in Residential and Commercial Design

Congratulations on your 20th Anniversary from Evelyne Talman and the Cloister Collecton! It has been a great partnership from day one to the present. Thank you for your contribution to our success!

3301 Frederica Road • St. Simons Island 912-638-3470 | evelynetalman.com @evelyne-talman


600 Sea Island Rd., Ste 13 • St. Simons Island 912-634-8084 | cloistercollection.com @cloistercollection

@cloistercollection_ssi AUGUST 2022





Congratulations EIL! Thank you for being part of our journey from day 1!

Creating Bespoke Kitchens & Bathrooms By Appointment 8 Market Street, St. Simons Island | www.simmerandsoak.com Deborah Scannell

Interior Design by Laurie Watson-MBPeyer Designs




island home real estate, rentals Advertiser Index - August 2022

106 • deloach sotheby’s

113 • lee clements Baxter

122 • real escapes Properties

107 • Directory / georgia Bailey usry

114 • Joy wright / Joe loehle

123 - 125 • signature Properties group

108 - 109 • deloach sotheby’s

115 • Page aiken

126 • Phoebe hoaster / Zaida clay harris

110 • ann harrell

116 - 117 • sea island Properties

127 • mary Jo Prater / darkroom

111 • susan imhoff

118 - 119 • Bhhs hodnett cooper luxury

128 - 129 • al Brown company

112 • lilmar Properties

120 - 121 • georgia coast realty

Find your new home: www.elegantislandhome.com the following pages are submitted to Elegant Island Living Magazine by Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC. Reproduction of any photographs, artwork or copy prepared by Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC is strictly prohibited without prior written permission. All advertised properties are subject to prior sale or withdrawal without notice. Elegant Island Living and Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC is not a registered real estate broker, and this publication is not an effort to assist in the buying or selling of real estate. the advertisers and publishers are not responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. Real Estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and its amendments. All electronic files submitted to Elegant Island Living Magazine or Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC. become property of the publication. © 2022 Elegant Island Living. All Rights Reserved.

For real estate advertising information: Todd Baker, Elegant Island Real Estate, LLC | 912/506-3625 | elegantislandre@gmail.com


108 Olympic, Island Club, Saint Simons Island, GA This incredible showcase home is located on the GOLF COURSE and at the end of a cul-de-sac in the highly sought-after St. Simons Island Club subdivision. Immaculately maintained interior and exterior with unparalleled finishes. Massive 20x32 saltwater Gunnite pool. This home has been professionally renovated- it features high ceilings, heart pine floors throughout the first level, a custom designed eat-in kitchen with high end appliances, granite counter tops, wet bar, and beautiful Alder wood cabinetry. The adjoining keeping room with fireplace opens onto a veranda with outdoor seating areas surrounding the swimming pool and garden. The spacious first floor master suite features his and her closets and large master bath with whirlpool tub and separate shower. A spacious living room, formal dining room, and powder room complete the first level. The second level features an office or media area with built-ins and 2 bedrooms connected with a large bathroom and an additional bedroom with private en-suite bathroom and walk-in closet. $1,795,000 Listed by Amanda Duffey 912.222.3557

10 Marina Drive, Unit #312, Saint Simons Island, GA

24 Sanctuary Cove, Saint Simons Island, GA

Panoramic waterfront views overlooking the intracoastal waterway, Golden Isles Marina, St. Simons Sound, marshland and The Sydney Lanie Bridge. From this spacious balcony you can enjoy both Sunrise and Sunset views and watch the stars at night. This 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo features stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, cherry hardwood f looring, detailed crown moldings . The homes at Waterfront at Golden Isles Marina are in high demand and because this property is priced to sell it will not last long. If you are looking for a primary residence or an investment property this is the property for you. $750,000 Listed by Adair Allen 912.571.6399

SAINT SIMONS ISLAND near Myrtle Street Beach Access. Walk to the beach from this beach cottage tucked away in a private setting on the south end of St. Simons Island. This home has the master bedroom downstairs with en-suite bath. There is a large family room with a fireplace and dining area open to the kitchen featuring hardwood floors and high ceilings. Upstairs are two freshly carpeted bedrooms with a shared bath and laundry room. Relax on the back porch while grilling out after a day in the sun. There is plenty of room in the carport for bicycles, a golf cart, beach chairs, umbrella, and more. There are two other rooms off the car-port to store items or use for an office or workout room. $862,500 Listed by Catherine McCrary 843.860.8998

DeLoachSIR.com | 912.638.0406 | 2901 Frederica Rd | St. Simons Island, GA ©2022 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

17 Club Cove, Saint Simons Island, GA This stately home was designed to maximize the views of the lake and golf course. The master is downstairs along with a formal living room overlooking the lake and an open family /dining room off the gourmet kitchen making it perfect for family and entertaining guests. Every room on the first floor has a view of the lake. Upstairs there are three additional bedrooms, two full bathrooms, a large upstairs living room with lake views, a second laundry room and walk-in attic storage. Sitting on the back porch you will be in your own oasis with lake and golf course views. This home features hardwood floors, Viking gas stove, ceramic farm sink, two fireplaces, plantation shutters, marble bath suite, an extra large master closet, and a two car garage. $1,100,000. The lot to the left of the house can be purchased from seller for $175,000. Listed by Catherine McCrary 843.860.8998

257 Saint Andrews, Saint Simons Island, GA Turn-key home with a Gunnite POOL in highly desirable subdivision, The Island Club. Easy living- all on one level. Incredible upgrades throughout this home. 4 BR/2.5 Bath with tons of storage throughout the home and completely floored attic accessed through the stairs in the garage. This property is in excellent condition and is located on a gorgeously landscaped corner lot. Other features include an office, family room with a fireplace, dining room, a fully enclosed sunroom, rosewood parquet & teak wood flooring, ceiling fans, completely renovated kitchen, custom cabinets and a 2-car garage. $1,395,000 Listed by Amanda Duffey 912.222.3557

DeLoachSIR.com | 912.638.0406 ©2022 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

Ann Conner Harrell ASSOCIATE BROkER

912.222.4002 Ann.Harrell@SothebysRealty.com

Nothing Compares 5 & 7 Sea OatS LN - OceaNview LOt - SSi - $1,700,000

114 dOdge rd - SSi - $975,000

UNder cONtract

.14 acre lot can be developed with two luxury villas or a single family villa.

Exceptional curb appeal at this 5BR/4.5BA home in a convenient island location. Open great room w/ fireplace.

10 MariNa drive, #214 - the waterFrONt ON SSi

46 SOUtherLaNd LaNe - SSi - Frederica - $595,000

3BR/3BA condo with exceptional views and privacy. Steel frame construction, Hardie board siding. Being sold furnished.

Expansive lake views on a beautiful 2.43 acre home site. With +- 475 ft. of lake frontage, oak canopy and old growth magnolias, this lot is a must see!

cLOSed iN 14 dayS

21 trice LN - StiLLwater - SSi - $195,000

Marshfront lot in gated subdivision. Lot 5 is 1.2 acre. Survey is available.

UNder cONtract aNd receNtLy SOLd 110 Davison Lane, Hawkins Island, SSI 1702 Niles Ave, Brunswick 1706 Niles Ave, Brunswick 10 Marina Dr, 214, The Waterfront, SSI 12 Fountain Cove, SSI 114 Dodge Road, SSI 25 Trice Lane, Stillwater, SSI

Please call if I can be of service helping you accomplish your real estate goals! DeLoachSIR.com | 912.638.0406 | 2901 Frederica Rd | St. Simons Island, GA ©2022 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

Little Raccoon Key - Private Island Tucked away on Georgia's coast is an internationally recognized private island retreat. This 40-acre island has been featured in Travel & Leisure, Oprah Magazine, Coastal Living, Forbes, and many more publications. Little Raccoon Key is a 10-minute boat ride from neighboring Jekyll Island. It's so close but yet so far away from the hustle and bustle of the larger, neighboring islands. The abundant marine, land, and birdlife make the unspoiled island a peaceful paradise. An outdoor enthusiast's haven, the island features great fishing, bird watching, shelling & paddleboarding. Little Raccoon Key is currently thriving as an award-winning Glamping destination and the island features a fully furnished glamping camp. Own a slice of paradise for you and your generations to come. The assets of the business can be conveyed at the time of the purchase of the real property. Reduced $100,000! Now $895,000

228 West 28th Street, Sea Island Designed by architect, Ed Cheshire and meant to bring the outside in! The high arched windows open up to beautiful gardens. The Secret Garden in the dining room is breathtaking! There are magnificent gardens throughout this .61 Acre residence. Cottage 494 lives beautifully as one level with 6,510 SF, 4BR, 5.5BA Large bonus room above the garage. The guest cottage hosts 3BR, 3BA with separate kitchen and laundry facilities. Convenient to Sea Island's Beach. Application Rights are available to Sea Island Club. The seller has a second membership that they wish to convey. There is a shared irrigation well with neighbors to the west. The spacious 2-car garage has an extra parking area for a golf cart. $5,300,000

Susan Imhoff

912-222-5686 • 912-638-0406 Susan.Imhoff@SIR.com

308 Hawkins Island Drive, St Simons Island This beautifully renovated in 2017-2018 home is on an eastern marsh lot. and presents fabulous sunrises over the marsh front. The flow of this elegant home makes it perfect for entertaining. The first-floor spacious master bedroom suite is adjacent to the pecky cypress library and enjoys the pool view over the marsh. The living room has a fireplace and floor-to-ceiling cabinetry to display your treasures. The two-story sunroom and the spacious kitchen, family room, and breakfast area open onto the screened porch and expansive pool deck. In addition to the 5BR and 5BA, you have the option of a 6th BR or den/small kitchen with a bath. High ceilings, high-quality design, Brazilian cherry floors, and outstanding architectural details. $3,950,000

DeLoachSIR.com | 912-638-0406 | 2901 Frederica Road | St. Simons Island, GA ©2022 DeLoach Sotheby’s International Realty. All rights reserved.

LET uS hELP yOu PLAn yOur nExT VACATIOn Lilmar Properties is proud to offer visitors to St. Simons the highest quality and largest variety of vacation properties on the Island. We have been helping our guests make lasting vacation memories for over 15 years! Visit our website: LilmarVacations.com or contact us today to book your next vacation. Experience the Lilmar Difference! - Adam & Beth Witt - Owners, Lilmar Properties

Property Management Discover your property’s true potential. Contact us today to learn more. Accommodation Excise Tax Cert #126820

Welcome to Pelican Cottage! This luxurious home is custom built and located in the highly desirable East Beach area. It boasts incredible ocean and marsh rooftop views, has a fenced-in backyard designed with privacy in mind, is beautifully landscaped, has a heated pool with a hot tub, and a guest house attached to the garage. This 6 bed/5.5 bath is perfectly designed for large groups and the pool area with the covered porch is set up to be the ideal lounge spot. Call us or book online to make this your next vacation getaway!


912.771.8099 or info@lilmarproperties.com

LEE CLEMENTS BAXTER 912.230.2232 leebaxter@kw.com I love what I do and it shows. Licensed for 35 years. Serving St Simons Island, Sea Island, Jekyll Island Brunswick, and Darien. Four Generations of Family in The Golden Isles

Rhett’s Hill • 705 Fort King George • Darien, Georgia 2.98 +/- Acres overlooking Marsh & Darien River w/ 150 +/- Acres of Kings Grant Marshland. Half a Mile to Downtown Darien. 1950’s era home. 4BR, 2BA, 2,791 SF. Garage and Breezeway. Pool & Bath House. Would Make a Great Mini Estate or Bed and Breakfast. Listed for $889,000. Call Lee Clements Baxter, 912.230.2232

122 ISLAND PROFESSIONAL PARK | SSI, GA 31522 | 912.434.6477 Each office is independently owned and operated


231 WELLINGTON PLACE - $345,900 This lovely well-maintained home is ready for you to move right in! Freshly painted inside and outside. Living room, with attractive gas log fireplace, dining room, and master BR have beautiful trayed ceilings. The kitchen has a breakfast bar, breakfast area leading to the screened porch, patio, and private fenced backyard with new landscaping. Spacious master bedroom with walk-in closet, large master bath with Jacuzzi tub, separate shower and double vanities. USDA eligible zone and is in an "X" flood zone. Somersby Pointe offers a community pool, playground, and sidewalks.

912-230-0134 joydonwright@gmail.com

912-638-4740 119 MaRIna DR ST. SIMOnS ISlanD, Ga 31522

60 RIVER VIEW CT - $159,000 This fabulous deep-water lot with a sea wall has spectacular views and is perfect to build your dream home. Located in desirable gated Sanctuary Cove which has a deep-water community dock, fire pit area, pool, clubhouse, tennis, and the Fred Couples Signature golf course. Right next to the community dock, pool and clubhouse, and is one of the largest and most beautiful lots in Sanctuary Cove. The community is located just inside Camden County close to Brunswick and the Golden Isles.



Nancy Phelan

Teri Moore

Karen Mumford







912 - 638 - 1144 www.GaCoastRealty.com

158 St Andrews Drive Charming 5BR, 4BA ranch style home recently remodeled, from the wood floors to the roof. Master suite features a large bath with double vanities, Travertine flooring, and an amazing shower. The kitchen features granite countertops, top of the line appliances, including a wine cooler, skylights, and beautiful birch cabinetry. Large yard. Abundant privacy. $1,490,000

1300 Downing Street, #477 Gorgeous ocean views in this 4th floor, 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo in the King and Prince historic resort! Overlooking one of the three outdoor swimming pools and just a short walk to the beach.$1,125,000

150 Ledbetter Ave NEW CONSTRUCTION in Oyster Grove. Twostory, 4BR, 3.5BA. Primary suite on the main. Luxury interior features include hwd flooring, tile flooring in all wet areas, carpet, custom cabinetry, quartz countertops, custom wood closet shelving, and a gas tankless water heater. www.oystergrove.com $858,500

159 Rice Mill Beautiful home located on the King and Prince Golf Course. This 3BR, 2.5 BA home has a gorgeous winding staircase in the front foyer. Hwd floors in the downstairs living space and custom built-ins on either side of the gas fireplace.The living room has several French doors opening up to the covered back porch overlooking the gorgeous backyard with ample privacy. $765,000

514 Seabreeze Drive Well-maintained, move-in-ready beach cottage just a short stroll to the beach! 3BR, 2BA home has hwd floors in the main living spaces, Corian countertops, and a wood-burning fireplace. Tabby/vinyl exterior. Other features include an irrigation system, and yard well, and a two-car garage. $748,500

1300 Downing Street, #478 Gorgeous ocean views in this 4th floor, 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo in the King and Prince historic resort! Overlooking one of the three outdoor swimming pools and just a short walk to the beach. $1,175,000

New Construction - Oyster Grove - mid-island location. This 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home has the primary bedroom on the main floor. Other 3 bedrooms are located upstairs along with a large flex space. Luxury interior features and an upgraded chef’s kitchen appliance package! www.oystergrove.com

New Construction - Oyster Grove - mid-island location. 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 2 story home with an open floor plan including a study and the primary bedroom on the main floor. Located upstairs are the 3 guest bedrooms and a flex space. www.oystergrove.com

New Construction - Oyster Grove - mid-island location. This 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home has the primary bedroom on the main floor, open floor plan and screened back porch. Upstairs are the 3 guest bedrooms, flex space, and a covered porch. www.oystergrove.com

Desireé Varnedoe

Emily Wages

Sarah Broyles

Elizabeth Smith

Freddy Stroud

Proper ty Manager

Rental Division

Rental Agent

Mar keting Coordinator

Broker, CRS, GRI







East Beach - 7 Coast Cottage Coastal gem steps away from the best beach on the island. 4BR, 4.5BA. Sleeps 8.

The Grand - Ocean front complex with spectacular views. Oversized pool & private boardwalk to East Beach.

King & Prince - St. Simons Island King and Prince ocean view villas. Call today to check availability!

Blue Heron Cottage Lovely new 2 story beach cottage in the heart of St Simons Island. 4 BR, 3.5 BA. Private pool. Sleeps 8.

East Beach - Sixteenth St. 5BR, 5.5BA. Breathtaking ocean views. Amazing outdoor kitchen and private pool. Sleeps 10.

St. Simons Island - Ocean Rd Amazing 5BR, 5.5BA family friendly marshfront home w/ pool. Short walk to beach. Sleeps 14.

Available Homesites 11 Saint Lawrence Court Brunswick, $20,000

Lot 7 Mission Drive Tolomato Island - $69,000

17 Saint Lawrence Court Brunswick, $20,000

Lots 10 and 11 Waverly Lane White Oak, $16,000 each

19 Saint Lawrence Court Brunswick, $20,000

www.GaCoastRealty.com 105 Main Street

Plantation Village

• 912 - 638 - 1144 St. Simons Island, GA

Vacation Rentals and PRoPeRty ManageMent Call Now! 800.634.1667

Thinking About Hiring a Property Manager? Real Escapes Properties Needs your Vacation Rental! For details, give us a call... we’d love to talk with you! Our Current Demand Exceeds Our Available Inventory. Call a name you can Trust. Years in the business have earned an established client base through a high percentage of repeat and referral business. All Properties are Professionally Managed with our Personal touch.


Red dog Retreat • 5BR/3Ba Pool • Walk to Village

Blue Pelican • 3BR/2Ba Mid-island • convenient to so much

Barnes Plantation 506 • 2BR/2Ba community Pool

Beachview 913• 3BR/4.5Ba Forever ocean Views

low country • 3BR/2.5Ba Pool • Hampton River Views

1052 Village oaks lane • 3BR/3.5Ba Walk to Village

Bella Vita • 4BR/3Ba Pool • Walk to Beach

Wailea cottage • 4BR/3.5Ba east Beach • Walk to Beach

499 Baisden lane • 3BR/2Ba Between Beach and Village

406 Ocean Blvd. Saint Simons Island, GA | RealEscapesProperties.com

Betsy Polhill 912.269.1690

Bradley Randall 912.270.8556

Brooke Ackerman 912.230.1483

Carla Jernigan 912.266.3111

CeCe Gandy 404.797.4373

Christina Judd Clarke 912.399.2267

Colleen Martin 912.297.8638

Ellen Cook 978.317.3609

Janice Morgan 912.580.1833

Katy Harris 912.223.3496

Kay Love 912.230.3253

Kelsi Brooks 832.279.7344

Top Producing Agent Phoebe Hoaster 912.270.5730

Top Selling Agent Cynthia Brown 662.694.9235

Kelli Osteen 912.270.2505

Margaret Anne Proctor 912.222.6629

Ken Sausedo 912.223.1918

Mary Jo Prater 912.223.2283

Marcia Beauchamp Irwin 678.361.8835

Nancy Mickelson 281.961.9056

Margaret Maestas 912.250.6677

Pam Ruddy 912.222.7917

Top Listing Agent Joan Lewis 912.258.5841

Paula Monthofer 928.853.9770

Rachel Marascalco 770.316.2349

Rick Irwin 912.571.7019

Ruth Heyward Beall 912.269.5596

Sandra Branch 912.269.1129

Shannon Stafford 912.638.5843

Tanya Stipe 912.222.5436

Zaida Clay Harris 912.258.1089

1709 Frederica Road SSI, GA 31522 | 912.634.9995 | signaturepropertiesgroup.com

23 Carriage Drive | St. Simons

108 Cascades | St. Simons

107 Mews Circle | St. Simons

7BR, 6BA, 2HBAs, Amazing home. 9.4 acres. $3,425,000. Phoebe Hoaster. 912-270-5730.

5BR, 6BA. Beautiful Mediterranean Home $2,295,000. Call Any Signature Agent.

5BR, 3 full/2 half BA, 1 Blk from Village $1,400,000. Margaret Anne Proctor. 912-222-6629.

221 Medinah | St. Simons

717 Page Court | St. Simons

297 Moss Oak Circle | St. Simons

3BR, 3.5BA. Beautiful Home on 11th Fairway $1,450,000. Marcia & Rick Irwin. 678-361-8835.

6BR, 4BA, 1HBAs, 3,300 SF. Completely remodeled w/ pool. $1,675,000. Phoebe Hoaster. 912-270-5730.

2BR, 2BA. Great Investment Opportunity. $380,000. Phoebe Hoaster. 912-270-5730.

258 Moss Oak Lane | St. Simons

109 Hudson Trail | Brunswick

929 Wimbledon Dr | St. Simons

2BR, 2.5BA. Condo on Golf Course/Lagoon. $380,000. Call Brad Randall. 912-270-8556.

4BR, 2BA. Gated, Quiet Community. $375,000. Marcia Irwin. 678-361-8835

1BR, 2BA. End Unit Mid-Island Condo. $299,900. Kay Love. 912-230-3253.

1709 Frederica Road SSI, GA 31522 | 912.634.9995 | signaturepropertiesgroup.com

Vacation Rentals Shannon Stafford 912.638.5843 Accommodation Excise Tax Cert #111768

Property Management & Rentals SignatureRentalSSI.com

1704 Bruce Drive | East Beach

316 Sea Marsh | St. Simons

4319 Seventh Street | East Beach

5BR, 5.5BA. SEAesta Beach House. Sleeps 16.

2BR, 2BA. Sea Palms

3BR, 2.5BA. Sleeps 10.

2502 #2 Isl. Retreat | St. Simons

St Simons Grand 318 | St. Simons

Ocean Walk Q8 | St. Simons

2BR, 2BA Ground Floor

4BR, 3BA. Top Floor.

2BR, 2BA. Second Floor Unit.

1440 Ocean Blvd 311 | St. Simons

850 Mallery St T4 | St. Simons

Beach Club 435 | St. Simons

2BR, 2BA. Direct Oceanfront.

1BR, 1BA. Ocean Walk. Upstairs unit.

2BR, 2BA. Partial Ocean View.

114 Floyd St. | St. Simons

Demere Landing 138 | St. Simons

413 Palmetto | St. Simons

3BR, 2BA. Steps to pier/Village.

4BR, 3.5BA. Multi-level Condo.

2BR, 1BA House

1709 Frederica Road SSI, GA 31522 | 912.634.9995 | signaturepropertiesgroup.com

Zaida clay harris

katy harris

GrI, crS Associate Broker


Managing Partner

Cell: 912-223-3496

Cell: 912-258-1089



156 ToWnShIp BLUff cIrcLE


er C ontra c




er C ontra c


JUST LISTED! 124 SImonTon Way



Beautiful island home. 4BR, 3BA, & pool! Pri- 4BR, 3BA island home with pool, spa, firepit Renovated and Ready! This 2BR, 2BA second mary and 2 guest rooms downstairs. 4th bed- and dog house w/ AC! Primary + 2 guest bed- floor condo is an end unit on back of the builroom & bath up. $750,000 rooms downstairs. 4th BR & BA up. $649,900 ing. Great rental potential! $415,000

1709 Frederica Road SSI, GA 31522 | 912.634.9995 | signaturepropertiesgroup.com


297 moss oak circle, Sea palms Great investment opportunity! A perfect chance to own a totally renovated and completely furnished turnkey unit – all you need is your toothbrush. Beautifully and completely remodeled condo – ALL NEW EVERYTHING! – with an open living area, dining, kitchen (all new appliances), 2 spacious bedrooms & 2 new tile baths. Split bedroom plan for maximized privacy. This unit easily sleeps 7. This unit is offered fully furnished and has been freshly painted. New HVAC system installed in 2020. Views of the lagoon and golf course from every room. A Sea Palms Membership providing access to all of Sea Palms’ amenities is available but not required. Close to restaurants and shops on beautiful St. Simons Island! Sea Palms Country Club Living at its Best: Restaurant, Pool, Golf, work-out facility, tennis, Friday Night entertainment. And as a condo owner, you'll receive 10% off in the restaurant/bar & use of the pool. $585,000 1310 Demere road, South SSI

phoebe hoaster Cell: 912-270-5730 PhoebeHoaster@gmail.com www.PhoebeHoaster.com

Zoned R-6 Raw Land, .601 acres on Demere Road with the potential to be developed into 3 new home sites. This is a great opportunity to own property on the South end of SSI. Build your dream home and enjoy the privacy and space. Or build your home and then 2 others to help defray the costs. Multiple possibilities! Walk to the beach! The village pier area is just a short distance. Offered at $333,000 per lot OR $999,000 for all three.

1709 Frederica Road SSI, GA 31522 | 912.634.9995 | signaturepropertiesgroup.com


108 Cascades • $2,295,000 • St Simons Island Club 5BR | 6BA | Pool | Lagoon | Golf Course Views

Love Where Uou Live!

This beautiful Mediterranean home has a wonderful floor plan, 14 ft ceilings in the entry hall, dining room and piano room, then 10 ft throughout the rest of the home, with substantial crown molding, 8 ft solid doors and all the bells and whistles for comfortable living in luxurious accommodations.

Mary Jo Prater Cell: 912-223-2283 maryjoprater@gmail.com

1709 Frederica Road SSI, GA 31522 | 912.634.9995 | signaturepropertiesgroup.com

901 Rose Cottage, Hamilton Landing Located within the gated community of Hamilton Landing, this simply stunning comfortable home offers plenty of open space for entertaining. The first floor includes an impressive living room and separate dining room, library/office, and a signature kitchen with breakfast area that opens into the large family room with fireplace. The 2nd fireplace in the spacious master suite also opens into the large bath with shower, soaking tub, and oversized closet. Two additional bedrooms and baths, a sunroom with window walls to enjoy the lovely garden view, and an upstairs media/bonus, or 4th bedroom and bath, complete the perfect floorplan. Amenities include high ceilings, wood and stone floors throughout, plantation shuttered windows, mirrored wet bar, a 2-car garage and plenty of additional guest parking. An abundance of windows enhanced by high ceilings create an ambiance of airy spaciousness for this highly desirable home. It is beautifully appointed, well maintained, and its central island location gives you easy access on and off the island. The Buyer of this exceptional home has the opportunity to apply for membership to The Sea Island Club. $1,100,000

106 Davidson Lane (Lot 8), Hawkins Island Hawkins Island is "hidden" gem. This gated Sea Island neighborhood on St. Simons Island is a true island in and of itself. Reachable by a bridge, there is a real sense of arrival to this special place. This marsh front lot of .87 acres overlooks pocket marsh and also has a long corridor view to the northwest. Studded with mature live oaks, the site is under brushed and very accessible by foot or car. Terrific neighborhood and neighbors. Terrific homesite on a quiet side street with cul-de-sac. $525,000

316 Forest Oaks, Island Club This stunning Italian Villa is fully furnished and offers a blend of comfort and elegance on the Island Club Golf Course. Meticulously designed with a keen sense of European detail. Inviting spaces include a grand size living room with a hand painted ceiling, separate dining room, library/office with lots of custom cabinetry, and family room offering walls of windows to enjoy the terrace and 369’ of frontage on the 14th and 15th fairways. The spacious well-done kitchen and breakfast room are large enough to entertain family and friends. High ceilings, wood and stone floors, 3 fireplaces, 5 large bedrooms and baths, an exercise room, a simply wonderful wine cellar, pretty ironwork, an outdoor fountain on the arbored terrace, a tile roof and a 3-car garage make this an exceptional home. Sold partially furnished. $2,690,000



Cottage 315, East 33rd Street, Sea Island

There seems to be a wonderful surprise around every corner of Cottage 315, hailed by its guests as “the best beach house ever!” Masterfully planned and appointed at the direction of a proven team: Johnny Shackleford and Terry Hagin. The love and attention given to this beachside home are evident in every room and detail. Six bedrooms, eight full baths, two half baths. The media room has a full bath, closets and an oceanside balcony. Perfect for family gatherings and entertaining. There are fireplaces in the LR, Den, Family and Dining Room. The 625 square foot game room adds to the fun. A brick archway leads to a chef’s kitchen with vaulted and beamed ceiling, brick walls and wood floors. Saltwater pool/spa served by a covered porch, outside grilling station and fountain with statuary. Full photo gallery and floor plan at albrowncompany.com


The O’Hagans of the St. Simons Lighthouse


he St. Simons Lighthouse has been an active Aid to Navigation for the last 150 years, but it has been many decades since a resident lighthouse keeper lived in the home attached to the iconic tower. With automation of the light system in 1954, a full-time keeper was no longer needed to maintain the light. The last keeper was David O’Hagan, Sr., a man whose family had strong ties to lighthouse service. From 1893-1905, David’s father, Thomas O’Hagan, served as keeper at the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse in Daytona Beach, Florida. David was born there in 1904, one of 12 O’Hagan children. The brood became known as the “Lighthouse Bandits” for their boisterous ways.

David entered lighthouse service as a young adult and was stationed at Amelia Island and Ponce Inlet before coming to St. Simons Island in 1941. He began here as the first assistant and was eventually promoted to head keeper. David and his wife Caroline had three children: Marie; David, Jr.; and Patrick, who was born in Brunswick.

buoys. Other duties were too dangerous for them to help with, such as painting the exterior of the 104-foot-tall tower. Caroline O’Hagan would busy herself in Brunswick on those days, fearing that her husband might fall during that gravity-defying chore.

David, Jr., also remembers that, though the space was confined, the solid construction of the lighthouse made it a shelter of choice for island residents during tropical storms and even when sirens blared during World War II, signaling blackouts or possible enemy activity.

In an account given to the Coastal Georgia Historical Society, David, Jr., recalls playing on the beach in front of the lighthouse nearly every day. The children sometimes accompanied Keeper O’Hagan on his duties tending nearby

Space was tight in the keeper’s house since it was home to both the O’Hagans and the assistant keeper and his family. David, Jr., and his brother Pat shared bunk beds situated in a hallway, having no bedroom to call their own.

Shown here are photographs donated to the Society by the O’Hagan family. In the large image, the family poses in front of the white brick tower. In the small photo, David, Jr. gives his father and brother a ride.

Coastal Georgia Historical Society presents this article and images from our archives as part of our mission “to connect people to Coastal Georgia’s dynamic history.” The Society operates the iconic St. Simons Lighthouse Museum and the World War II Home Front Museum, housed in the Historic Coast Guard Station at East Beach. To learn more about the Society, its museums, diverse programs, and membership, please visit coastalgeorgiahistory.org. 130 E L E G A N T I S L A N D L I V I N G

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