Storage Investigation

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storage Design Technology Investigation stage ÂŚ 10 January 2012 ÂŚ Elena 9.2

projectbrief The Task Find a need for storage Time allowed 1Q Specifications and limitations • Storage device must hold a piece of media • Must be made from wood, metal or plastic • Must use an accepted technique for joining the corners of your device • Must be no bigger than 250 x 250 x 250 mm give or take Documented Evidence Your documented evidence is like a diary. You start it when you first start making your design and it doesn’t end until you have finished making your product. Take lots of photos, make notes on any modification and add sketches and diagram.

startingtheproject Situation As more goods are purchased, it becomes much harder to keep everything organized and in place. Households are cluttered and with no storage to keep everything organized, it’s very hard for anyone to get something that they need without having to look everywhere. Who is the Client? Tata Task To solve the problem, I will have to create a storage to keep things organized. To do this, I need to use the IB MYP Design Cycle where I have to go through 5 different stages. The first stage is to Investigate, then Design, Plan, Create and Evaluate. Unit Question Is storage space a problem in our day-to-day lives? Area(s) of Interaction Out of all 5 Areas of Interaction, the one that best fits is Human Ingenuity. This is because I will be using tools, my creativity and knowledge to create the product. I will also be fulfilling my client’s requirements, conducting an interview, research on other storages and I will have to use my knowledge on the design cycle.

clientinterview Do you have enough storage to store your things? I have enough storage for most of my personal belongings. They are all organized into drawers and are put into place. However, the toys for the dog are everywhere around the house. What kind of storage do you need most now? I need a storage to put all the dog’s food and drink because the bowls are all over the house. What storage device are you currently using to store your things? Are they useful? I am using drawers and cupboards for my clothes, shoeboxes for my shoes and papers in the binder. I think they are quite useful. What is the limit spent for the materials? I don’t want it to be very expensive so it has to be lower than Rp.50.000.

What should the storage look like? (size, color, etc) The storage for the dog should be very simple. It should be portable so we can carry it around and it should fit perfectly with the bowl we have. There needs to be a separation between food and drink. The color doesn’t really matter as long as it matches and it still looks good but try to avoid using multiple colors. Are there any other specifications you would like to include? It should be safe for kids and the dog. That means there shouldn’t be any rough edges and it shouldn’t be toxic. It shouldn’t be too tall because the dog is small. Aside from that, it needs to be very creative, unique and aesthetically pleasing. Do you have any materials in mind to make the storage? I think any material would do as long as it looks good, it’s safe and it’s clean.

interviewsummary SUMMARY My client wants a holder for the bowl for food and drink. This is because she wants to put them in one place. She wants it to be simple, unique and safe. There shouldn’t be any rough edges, it couldn’t be toxic and it needs to be very simple. To make this product, I am limited to only Rp.50.000. A very important request from my client is to make the holder quite short because it is a small dog and he couldn’t reach things that are very high.

Is the quality of the material good enough to last for a long time? What material would I use to make the product? Paper, plastic or metal?

How big or small should the product be? How can I make the product long lasting?


How could I make the product unique and aesthetically pleasing?

How do I make a storage that is safe for kids- without any rough edges?

Is the quality of the material good enough to last for a long time?

Questions on how the project will turn out

What material should I use for the finishing? spray paint, poster paint, wall paint?

casestudy “Black Dog Bowl.”

Function To hold the bowl for the dog to eat his food and drink and to keep it in the same place. Purpose So the food and drink bowl will be in the same place and it won’t tip over easily.

What are the different parts? To make this product, I think that they make 2 identical cut with the shape of a bone then they cover and cover it with the same material on the edges. It is also finished with two removable bowls.

Which processes were used to make this product? They need to get the materials, make measurements, make the product- maybe by sewing them. Then they need to make 2 circles by the size of the bowl and cut them to put the bowls in.

How does the product use shape, form, color, texture and decoration? The shape of this product is a bone. I think it’s quite a creative and relevant idea because it is related to dog. The shape is 3 dimensional and the form is solid with parts joined together.

Possible consumer This product is aimed to those who have a dog. Since the price is $15.90, it is quite affordable but some might not find buying the product worth it.

Materials Faux Leather, stainless steel (for the removable bowls) Components Bone shaped bowl holder, 2 stainless steel removable bowls.

Comparison with others I think from the material, it sounds more sophisticated than the other products. This also looks more complicated to make because of the curves. Unique point I think the unique point in this product is the material (faux leather) which is a different material t h a n a l l t h e o t h e r p ro d u c t s I researched. Another unique point is its shape- where it’s shaped like a bone.

casestudy What are the different parts? The parts will be the green glass bowl holder itself and the 2 removable bowls.

“Elevated Dog Waterfall.”

Function To hold the bowl for the dog to eat his food and drink and to keep it in the same place. Purpose So the food and drink bowl will be in the same place and it won’t tip over easily.

How does the product use shape, form, color, texture and decoration? The design is very clean and sophisticated. The design is a curve not something with edges so it will be safe. The form is 3-dimensional and I’m not sure if it’s one piece or if the parts are attached. The color is transparent green which makes it look very nice and there is no decorations. The texture should be smooth like the texture of glass. Materials Green glass, acrylic, titanium (for the bowls) Which processes were used to make this product? They need to make the glass into that shape (perhaps heat it?)

Possible consumer This product is for a pet owner that loves a minimalist design and is willing to pay the price. Comparison with others With the use of glass, it looks more minimalistic than others. They all share the same function and purpose. The price for this product is really expensive ($68.99.) Unique point The material itself is very unique- using glass. In the internet, there are a lot of designs like this but in different colors and materials so it’s not really unique.

casestudy What are the different parts? The parts will be the bowl holder itself and the 2 removable bowls.

"Loll Dog Bowls”

Function To hold the bowl for the dog to eat his food and drink and to keep it in the same place. Purpose So the food and drink bowl will be in the same place and it won’t tip over easily.

How does the product use shape, form, color, texture and decoration? The shape is rectangular and looks like a mini table. The form is 3 dimensional, in the shape of a re c t a n g l e a t t a c h e d w i t h o t h e r rectangles. The color is dark red but it looks too pale. The texture should be quite smooth but still feels like wood. There isn’t any additional decoration other than the color. Materials High density polyethylene, 2 stainless steel bowl

Which processes were used to make this product? They need to cut into the shapes and sizes that they want and create the whole the hole for the 2 bowls. Possible consumer People who own dogs, cats or any other pets. Since it’s made of recycled polyethylene, it may attract environmentalists. It is also durable and hygienic so it will attract those who plan to have this for a long time. The price is $105 and it may be too expensive for some people. Comparison with others The color is quite bold. It’s shaped with rectangles and it has edges so it might not be safe for the pets. Unique point It’s made of recycled materials. There is no paint or finish that will flake off to the pet’s food or water. The company also donates $5 of each sale to Animal Allies to find homes for cats, dogs and rabbits.

materialsresearch Cost

Environmentally Friendly?


Growth range


Expensive: $40.000 per cube

Bad: The teak takes a longer time to grow, leaving the forests with not enough trees to absorb the CO2 and affects the fertile soil.


Long: 200 years


Cheap: $100 per cube

Better: Even though cutting down the trees is still bad, the plywood is a better option because it grows faster.


Fast: 10 years


Bad: Acrylic is plastic and all plastic is made from oil. Oil takes a very long Medium: $500 per time to grow, ruins the fertile soil High Finish cube because it’s a crop instead of trees and if it’s no longer used, it takes thousands of year to biodegrade.

Long: Millions of years

jointsresearch MITRE JOINTS

Finger Joints This is a very strong joint. It can be difficult but it looks very good. It has a lot of surface area to glue together. Mitre Joints They are used to produce the corners of picture frames and boxes. It needs to be cut at a 45 degree angle. "Mr DT: Learn about Wood Joints Including; Butt, Mitre, Dowel, Lap, Housing & Finger Joints."


designbrief I will be creating a dog bowl holder for my client’s dog. I am given one quarter to create an aesthetically pleasing, functional and safe bowl holder. To be able to satisfy my client’s needs, I have to follow the 5 design cycle stages. The stages that I need to follow are: investigate, design, plan, create and evaluate. My client’s specifications isn’t quite detailed so I can have a wider option on the materials, shapes and finish.

designspeciďŹ cations Questions


How will the product be tested?

Main function

To hold the bowl for the dog to eat his food and drink and to keep it in the same place.

I will check by placing the bowl into my finished bowl holder and see if it fits perfectly or not.

Main overall dimensions

I want to make the product around 40 x 20cm

Is the product too big or too small? Would the product be better if the size was different?

Main materials

I want to use acrylic because it will be safer- the dog won’t be able to chew it off. Another reason is because if the bowl is Were there any issues when making going to have milk in it, there is a chance the product using this material? where it will be spilled and the product has to be waterproof.

Outline of the appearance

The appearance should be simple, good looking with just one or two colors.

I will ask my peers and my client if the finished product is aesthetically pleasing or not?

User Requirements

The dog must be able to reach and drink and eat from the bowl.

Can the dog reach the bowl? Is it too high or too short?

designspecifications Questions


How will the product be tested?

How anthropometric and ergonomics effect the design?

I need to make the bowl holder low enough for the dog to reach but make it high enough to be effective.

I need to test if the dog is comfortable in reaching the food bowl.


The cost shouldn’t be more than Rp. 50.000

How much does the materials altogether cost?

Possible production levels

I’m only making one item and it’s personalized so it’s a one-off.

Is the product easy enough to be made more than once?

Legal requirements (standards)

It has to be safe (not toxic, no rough edges) for the dog and it should be durable so the dog won’t bite it off.

I need to make sure that the product is smooth and I have to test it on the dog’s reaction with the product.

Environmental considerations and requirements

It’s not ‘green’ because to make this product, I need to use wood or acrylic and I need to make sure the product is electricity. It has to be long lasting though, strong and in high quality, so all that process won’t go to waste.

investigationsummary The first few tasks that I have to complete in the investigation stage are: making a project brief, finding a problem and coming up with a solution and conducting a client interview. Then, I have to create a brainstorm with questions on how the final product will turn out, research products of the same storage device, make a research on materials and joints. Lastly, I made a design specifications with a proposal and ways to test the final product. I found out in my client interview the specifications that my client wants and hopefully, I can deliver it in the final product. When creating the brainstorm, I basically jot down all the questions I can think of to make the product. I have also researched the 3 different products that shares the same function and the evaluate them against the specifications. I then put all the sources of information and pictures into the ‘works cited’ page.

workscited "Black Dog Bowl." Price Comparison Site - Compare Prices at PriceInspector One of UK's Best Shopping Sites. Web. 11 Jan. 2012. <>.v “Elevated dog Waterfall.” Web. 11. Jan. 2012 <> "Loll Dog Bowls, Loll Pet Bowls & Loll Pet Water Bowls | YLiving." Modern Furniture, Modern Furnishings, & Modern Lighting | YLiving. Web. 11 Jan. 2012. <>. "Mr DT: Learn about Wood Joints Including; Butt, Mitre, Dowel, Lap, Housing & Finger Joints." :: Welcome to - A Design & Technology Website ::. Web. 17 Jan. 2012. <>.

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