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LOGO CREATION Unit Question: How does advertising our actions Time allowed: 5 weeks Problem: Sinarmas World Academy, an international school in BSD City don’t have any designs for the IB Learner Profile and either the design cycle or the areas of interaction. Documented Evidence I will keep track of my progress for making the logos through a journal. I will document everything I do for the day and add comments and justification. How is the problem solved? I will have to create a simple and innovativelogo for the IB Learner profile and either the design cycle or the areas of interaction.

The benefit of the product is to have an icon for each of the learner profiles and either the design cycle or areas of interaction that anybody in the school can refer to. Mainly for the early years, they learn best by visual and by learning the IB learner profile, areas of interaction or the design cycle can prepare them further before going to high school. This is important because the whole school community would have an icon that they could just point out. It will also benefit those who learn visually. Because by knowing the icon, it will help them remember and fully understand the IB learner profile and either the design cycle or the areas of interaction. The area of interaction for this project is human ingenuity because I will be making the icons, fulfilling the client’s requirements. I will also be conducting an interview with my client, research on already-existing icons and will have to depend on my own knowledge on the design cycle to complete the product. The equipments needed for this project are: the software that could make the designs, paper and pencil to sketch the design and the laptop and internet to do some research.

DESIGN BRIEF Sinarmas World Academy came to me to make some icons and logos for the IB learner profile and either the areas of interaction or the design cycle. They wanted something that is innovative and easy to remember. My final product will be a logo but to do that, I have to follow the 5 design cycle: Investigate, design, plan, create and evaluate. I will investigate other existing logos for inspiration and see their stages. I will have make multiple designs to suit what the client wants. I will then plan my time properly so I will be finished by the end of the deadline and it will make me work much more effectively and efficiently. When creating the product, I will try to make my product as similar to my designs an I will justify and changes I made. When the product is made, I will then evaluate on the product and the process.



How will it be tested


The software has to be free and is easy to download or already existed in the laptop to minimize the cost.

Try some softwares to see which one is the best fit to make the logo


The product should be done in the time frame of 2 weeks

I have to keep track of my time on the planning stage and manage it properly


The size has to be quite big so when it is magnified, the picture will still be in good quality.

Try to magnify the picture in the computer.


They have to have the same ‘style’ and there has to be something that connects from one design to another and it has to be simple.

I will ask my peers and clients about the designs before I make them

Target Audience

It has to be appropriate and eye-catching and it will have to attract the school community particularly students.

I will have to conduct an interview that asks what people want the design to be.


It should represent each of the learner profile, AOI and design cycle

I need to conduct an interview to young kids if they know what they are


To get the school community to become familiar with the IB learner profile, AOI and design cycle

Conduct a short game where I ask people about them.


Making the logos needs to be less than 4 dollars.

I will have to keep track of the money if I want to spend anything


The logo needs to be simple so it will last long

I need to do some research on the growth of logos

Ease of creation

The designs need to be simple the software needs to be simple as well.

I need to ask people who have made logos before.


These are the logos for the 8 United Nations Millennium Development goals. I like how they have different colors for every logo and that their design is very simple and it really represents the issues. The logos are really creative and it’s made up of simple lines without any complication and is really easy for others to draw and remember. This design can appear to younger audience and is also appealing and easy to remember for older audiences. If this were to be distributed, it can be printed in black and white if the budget is low but even if it’s with color, there is only black, white and another color for each block. I think this is a good example of a good logo: attractive, symbolic and simple.

These are logos of the habits of mind. The logos are very symbolic but they are not simple or easy to remember. There are too many lines which makes it a really complicated design. Since there are a lot of habits of mind, the size isn’t that big. There should be some color in the pictures because it is not attractive at all. The cost to distribute it shouldn’t be that expensive because it is originally black and white. I think this logo wouldn’t attract younger target audience especially because of the color and the pictures are not ‘children friendly.’

CLIENT INTERVIEW Client: Mr Riga What are you looking for in a good logo? The logo has to be symbolic and it has to speak for itself without any explanation or wording behind it. Do you prefer a logo with color or without color? It depends on the type of logo you designed because some is better with color because it is more appealing and without color would also look good because of the simplicity. Do you want the logo with or without writing? I think the logo should be symbolic and there shouldn’t be any writing because it is harder to make, it makes the logo complicated and it takes too much space. Should the logo be complicated or simple? Based on the successful logos, having a simple logo is the better.

WORKS CITED Assink, Jonathan. "Jolkona Blog Âť Blog Archive Âť The Millennium Development Goals and Jolkona." Jolkona - Small Donations Having Measurable Impact. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <http:// www.jolkona.org/blog/mdgs-and-jolkona/>.

Jean. "Habits of Mind." Tanglent LLC. Web. <https:// jean01pd2011.wikispaces.com/Habits+of+Mind>.





Knowledgeable: brain, glasses

Caring: Holding hands, Heart

Risk Taker: Parachute

Knowledgeable: Brain, glasses

Balanced: Yin Yang

Reflective: Reflection on water

Communicator: Speech bubbles


Thinker: Light Bulb

Inquirer: Thinking man + Q Mark

Open Minded: Open head

Principled: Strong standing man






Manta Ray

EVALUATION AGAINST RESEARCH My designs are far worse compared to the UNMDG icons. They have an actual team and a long discussion on what the logos are and why are they chosen. The UNMDG logos are constructed by simple lines and shapes and a very catchy color whereas mine have a lot of lines and are not made into the simplest it could be. My designs and the UNMDG designs uses symbols to represent something and we don’t use any words- just images. To make mine more professional looking, I need to re-edit the designs and minimize the lines and make it as simple as possible like my client asked for. Both designs are very symbolic and cliche but that could be an advantage because the audience are familiar with that.




DESIGN STAGES I know that these logos need to be very symbolic and obvious yet appealing to my target audience. I get an idea in my head but it’s very hard for me to express it because I’m a very bad artist. At the same time, I also don’t have a lot of fresh ideas about how I want to logos to be as I have no experience in logo making or graphic design. So, I searched in the internet each of the learner profiles and see if I can get an idea of how I’m going to make my logo but I don’t have much luck. So, I went to the bookstores I know like Kinokuniya and Aksara and search through books with logos, animals and graphic design. The search through the bookstore is a lot of help because I was inspired and I definitely know more about existing and famous logos. After making the IB Learner Profile designs, I start to make the animal designs which at first I thought was easy but it turns out to be very very stressing. I can’t draw animals and I look through a lot of books but my design ends up like a cartoon rather than a design. After I finished making the IB Learner Profile designs, I scanned them and after I’m finished with my Intramural Animals design, I took a photograph of them and upload it to my laptop.

TOOLS Adobe Photoshop: This software seems professional and a lot of people uses this software to make really good designs. This is my first choice for the software but I don’t think I can learn it on time to finish this project. Pixelmator: I think this software can help me make a great logo because of its features- especially in drawing and shapes. I have used this software before, but is not quite familiar with it. Looking at all the finished products using this application, I think it will make a good product and the toolbars doesn’t seem so complicated. http://www.pixelmator.com/ Keynote: This is the software I am most familiar with but it can’t really do a lot of editting and can only do really basic logo making. I figured I can do the easy part in keynote and somehow figure out how to do the rest using other softwares. Computer/Laptop: This is an obvious tool that I’m going to need to make my designs because that is where I’m going to be making my designs and using the softwares on. I will be using my macbook simply because I have no other laptops.



Learner Profile 1


Learner Profile 2


Learner Profile 3


Learner Profile 4


Learner Profile 5


Learner Profile 6


Learner Profile 7


Learner Profile 8


Learner Profile 9


Learner Profile 10


Intramural 1


Intramural 2


Intramural 3


Intramural 4


Intramural 5


Evaluate the designs


Make changes





community and service concept | helping hand

health and social education concept | a man (social) holding a heart with a cross (symbolic of health)

environment concept | two leaves in a branch

human ingenuity

concept | two gears symbolic of a working mind

approaches to learning concept | a light bulb (symbolic of innovation) with rays (symbolic of approaches)







Why/ Why not?


The software has to be free and is easy to download or already existed in the laptop to minimize the cost.

The softwares that I’m planning to use (photoshop and pixelmator), I end up not using.


The product should be done in the time frame of 2 weeks

I’m able to finish the designs in 2 weeks time because I follow my plan and work extras at home.


The size has to be quite big so when it is magnified, the picture will still be in good quality.

Since I’m using keynote to make my designs, the quality isn’t that great so when I zoom them they are probably going to crack.


They have to have the same ‘style’ and there has to be something that connects from one design to another and it has to be simple.

They are all put in the same sized- box in the same page with different colors and very simple lines and designs.

Target Audience

It has to be appropriate and eye-catching and it will have to attract the school community particularly students.

I don’t think my designs are appropriate for students because the symbols are quite confusing and they’re very simple with very limited colors.


It should represent each of the learner profile, AOI and design cycle

The symbols are quite confusing but I used the colors of the official posters. I don’t have the writing to show them what they are instead they are symbols.


To get the school community to become familiar with the IB learner profile, AOI and design cycle

I think it depends on the distribution but I don’t think my symbols are clear enough to reach the purpose.


Making the logos needs to be less than 4 dollars.

The softwares are already on my laptop but I have to pay for printing my designs for around 10 thousand.


The logo needs to be simple so it will last long

I think it will last quite long because the design is simplistic and that is the type of designs that is ‘in’

Ease of creation

The designs need to be simple the software needs to be simple as well.

At first, it isn’t quite simple because I’m using photoshop and I don’t know how to use it so then I have to use keynote but it’s much more complicated to make a simple shape.

no yes

SUCCESS OF THE PRODUCT Own View I think my design is successful because of its simplicity. I only use very simple lines and shapes to make a symbol that represents each Areas of Interaction. I also used very simple and attractive colors that also represents each AOI and it should be easier for some people to recognize when they see the symbols. The colors that I chose aren’t random colors, they are the same colors that IB used in the AOI posters. There is also a relation from one design to another and they don’t look very different from each other. I use the same basic colors like black and white instead of colorful lines for the designs. School’s View Thinking in a school’s perspective, they will think that it doesn’t really represent the AOI. They might want to have the writing of the area of interaction written in the logo to make it more obvious. They might also think that it isn’t quite effective on the function because it isn’t quite attractive using minimal colors.

IMPACT ON INDIVIDUALS & SOCIETY By having these logos distributed, it will be much easier for our school committee to recognize the symbols for each area. Since my logos are also color- coded, they are also really easy to recognize and to remember. Instead of remembering the words which a lot of people can’t remember (mainly the little kids,) they can use these symbols instead. These symbols are meant to represent the Areas of Interaction, to make some people more familiar with the IB curriculum. This should help because a lot of people prefer symbols, drawings and colors rather than writing and descriptions.This will give a better understanding to our school community on the Areas of Interaction because it isn’t quite well-known in our community.Since these designs aren’t that great, I don’t think they will make such an impact on individuals and the society.

IMPROVEMENT FOR THE PRODUCT For this product, there could definitely be a lot of improvements but they are all depending on the target audience and how they see a good design. I could definitely improve the symbolism especially for the human ingenuity design (blue) and the approaches to learning design (orange.) The blue one doesn’t quite look like a gear, instead it may look a little bit like a flower so that may be quite confusing to some audience. The orange one also doesn’t look like a lightbulb with rays and that should be improved. When looking at the orange logo closely, the lines are crooked. This is because I’m using keynote shapes and I didn’t really complete it properly. I think the pink, red and green logos are fine- they are kept clean and simple though they are not quite obvious.

DESIGN CYCLE EVALUATION & SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS Investigation In this stage, I came up with a solution to the problem, list case studies, made a design brief and design specification as well as conducting a client interview. This is not the complete investigation stage because we were given a very limited time to complete this stage. I think I did this stage very effectively as I finished it on time. An improvement that I could make in this stage is to include more details when I’m evaluating the case studies against my specifications. Another improvement I could make is ask more questions during the client interview and get more depth answers to the questions. Design The design stage is to make designs on the learner profile and the intramural animals. To be honest, I am struggling to complete the designs because I try to make them very symbolic yet simple. I used quite some resources in the internet and also in books which means I have quite some idea to make the designs. I took my notepad everywhere just in case an idea pops into my head. Because I have never really been an artist, my sketches are really ugly and are quite complicated rather than simple. In the art department, I don’t think I could have done any better because it will take me way more than the time given. The concepts, however, could be more developed if I get more inspiration. Plan In this stage, I included the tools I needed, a gantt chart and include the stages I took to complete the designs. My gantt chart isn’t like the one I have made before. This time, I calculated how much time in class do we actually have to make these designs and divide them into priorities. I end up using the tools that I needed but I didn’t really do a lot of research into these softwares that I’m planning on using. To improve this, I need to research and learn my softwares more and give more elaboration and visuals on the design stages section. Create Basically, I’m supposed to make the designs in this stage. On the second lesson of the creation stage, I decided to change my options on which designs I’m going to create. The reason I didn’t want to pick the IB learner profile is because I have to make 10 designs which is double the work as I could do with another option. With my limited knowledge of photoshop and pixelator, I don’t think this is possible and I’m afraid I’m not going to make the time limit. My second option from the design stage is the intramural animals but then again they are very complicated and my designs look more like cartoon characters rather than actual designs. My two other options are the Areas of Interaction and the Design Cycle. I chose the areas of interaction because I really wanted to do a design which is ‘caring’ and I turned it into Health and Social Education. I get into some problems along the way because of my limited knowledge of these softwares and also because I skipped the design stage for making the AOI designs. To improve next time, I have to make sure that the design that I did is going to be the one that I create or it’s going to cause some problems. I should also learn how to use complicated softwares to make the designs like photoshop and pixelator to get quality designs instead of making them in keynote with shapes and lines. My documented Evidence is only a bunch of screenshots on what I did instead of putting mini captions and descriptions- as that is something I could improve on. Evaluation I think I put quite a lot of thoughts and information in this stage. This is one of the most important stages of creating any product because this is when we can reflect on everything we did and try to get better. In this project, my time management is way better than my previous project on Band Promotion. In this stage, I could always add more writing and details into it, but putting visuals would be good to make the slides a little more interesting.

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