Migration: Zimbabwe to South Africa

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SOUTH AFRICA Population 52,981,991 GDP per capita $7,257 HDI Rank 121 Geography Southern tip Current problems Poverty Motto Unity in Diversity Capital Pretoria (executive) Government Constitutional parliamentary republic President Jacob Zuma (2009) Area 1,221,037 km squared

ZIMBABWE Motto Unity, Freedom, Work Capital Harare Government Presidential System President Robert Mugabe (1980-) Area 390,757 km square Population 12,973,808 GDP per capita $589 HDI Rank 173 Geography Landlocked Current problems Human Rights, Substantial economic decline

The main pull factor for migration




Life Expectancy (years)



Mean years of schooling (years)



Income (GNI per capita)



Fixed and mobile phone subscribers per 100 people



Income Index



MUNYA RA MUNYATI 17 Years old; born and lived first 10 years in the United States, the other 7 in Zimbabwe - Parents want to come back home Dad started a company in South Africa, move back and forth to work Travels to South Africa 2-4x / year

There’s not many things going wrong in Zimbabwe, it’s socially stable and it’s a safe country It’s unfortunate that it does happen but I don’t blame them. It would be a waste if they stay in Zimbabwe, since lots of them are very skilled. And for the South Africans, I don’t blame them for having negative perception either, because they’re invading their homes and taking their jobs.

I empathize with the South Africans but it’s a shame that they have to resort to violence. It’s devastating. The only way to control the migration is to get people from high positions to come back to Zimbabwe with their skills and make the country better.

Johanessburg May 2008 60 People Killed 100,000 Displaced

28,000 @ 2010 Deported Gauteng North-West

Northern Transvaal Limpopo

1-5 MIL

Eastern Transvaal


Cape Town November 2009 2,500 Seek Refuge in Government Buildings

Blame for: Unemployment AIDS Crimes


64% in favor of strict limitations on numbers

xenophobia intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries 87% believe undocumented immigrants are involved in crime 21% South Africans favor of complete ban on entry of foreigners

XENOPHOBIA “Violence against foreign citizens and African refugees has become increasingly common and communities are divided by hostility and suspicion� - Southern African Migration Project Increased since 1994 (democratic government)

Causes for Xenophobia (Human Sciences Research Council) 1. Competition for jobs, commodities and housing 2. Psychological categorisation 3. South African Exceptionalism (Superiority) 4. Exclusive citizenship

Pangas, clubs, iron bars

CRIME Gang-rape death Brutally hacked to uth 28% of men in So Africa admitted to committing rape Plunder Set on fire

SA sent back 4,000 refugees every week in 2007

90 Days



More than 165,000 refugees are picked up & deported

ovember 2012 October 2011-N ans deported e w b a b im Z 0 0 43,0 1/3 of final year students would give up their homes in Zimbabwe, 1/4 would renounce their Zim citizenship (BBC)

5% of people living in SA are zimbabweans 25% of adult Zimbabweans’ parents or grandparents had worked in South Africa at some point in their lives (2002 Southern African Migration Project)

Highest number of asylum applications (106,904) “Source, destination, corridor”



ause the c e b e w b a b ’s leaving Zim re a le people - it p e o h t e r “P e ft a ing is not look t n e m people, it’s n r g e in v t a go e b ’s people, it babwe. im Z in w against the la no le. There’s p o e p for himself g s k in r t o w e shoo h , nt the preside r fo is hat’s why T w . la ly n o the y m ” lice and ar Zimbabwe with the po m o fr y a w running a er) people are order jump (b r e h p o t - Chris

24.5% unemployment rate



“They are taking our jobs. They should sen are stealin d them all g. We b a ck. I know fault. They it ’ is not the don’t know ir where the many Sout ir next me h Africans a l is. But are getting - Nepo Nk fe d u p with this.” hale (runs a trucking business)

Less than 5% of the population are nonZimbabweans

Migrate ba ck? 89% bette r economic conditions 79% impro ved job opportunit ies 69% impro ved safety & security 67% politic al system c hanges

Live in shacks No or little access to clean & safe water Fear of attack / deporation Unsanitary environment No or little rights



Y B S T E G R A T R C H N U • 80,000 people receive legal assistance • 25,000 3-month transitional shelter • 2,000 grants and guidance for businesses • Sexual Gender-based violence legal representation, accomodation, counseling, medical aid • 30 training sessions for SGBV Jan 2013: 50,830 of 261,000 assisted Dec 2013: 55,910 of 361,000 to be assisted (target)


ECONOMICAL BACKGROUND 1990: Economy began to collapse Gov asked help from World Bank Sold maize production = worsen situation Need to import food to feed population

Zimbabwe Dollar no longer in use Lowest currency Now: USD, SAR, Euro, GBP

2000-2005 51% of medical doctors left Legal entries from 500K - 1.2M Work permits from 3.5K - 21K 2002: Immigration Act Passed Most demand: science & math teacher


Return home frequently Not much interest in staying for long To seek job opportunities


44% claim to move due to job vacancy 60% of immigrants are unemployed 46% have not gone back to Zimbabwe since moving to South Africa (SAMP)

*note: graph is not accurate. artistic license.

75% of state schools are not functioning properly Literacy rate dropping since 1995 About 95% unemployment rate 10/13M live in abject poverty Inflation


1/3 of Zimbabwean children are undernourished Human Rights Violations Right to life, property, freedom of movement, speech, press, assembly Unfair elections Political instability

24% unemployment rate Minimum wage per month: $141

GDP Rank #25 $288,600 Million

PULL More access to goods and services

Better access to healthcare and formal education (perception) Access to wider labor market

Political stability

Ethical dilemma of leaving family and friends Sense of Nationalism

Robbers in border zone

Building: fortress of South Africa

Drowning/eaten by crocodiles (at Limpopo River)

12ft high electric fences Legal papers and immigration


Migrants tend to send money back home

Less government spent on social welfare

Less growth for the country (economically, politically, socially)

Can attain new knowledge and experiences to bring back


impacts on


Decline in population (goes both ways)

Smaller population = easier to manage for growth

Less youth, ageing population = less labor No longer a recipient for migrant workers

More government funding


Cheap labor force for growth

Food and fuel shortages

impacts on

Competition for employmment

Population density


BAD Bad behavior of migrants cause bad reputation


Competition in commodities, housing, social welfare, etc (goes both ways)

More diversity

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