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Where science and cannabis collide ReleafWellness.com october | elevatenv.com 1

from the editor Publisher Guy Bertuzzi, guy@elevatenv.com

Editor-In-Chief Beth Schwartz, beth@finetheagency.com

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A new group recently formed to oppose the passage of Question #2, which will allow Nevada’s voters to determine whether or not cannabis should be legal for recreational use. They announced themselves in midSeptember under the moniker Protecting Nevada's Children. This struck me as an odd stance to take since the entire point of regulating adult-use cannabis is primarily based on that point – protecting Nevada’s children. The whole premise of Question #2 is to make cannabis legal for adults 21 years of age and older and establish a system in which it is regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol. So I found the group’s particular stance on why cannabis is unacceptable as disingenuous. During the press conference announcing the newly formed opposition group, they unveiled a list of their supporters which includes Governor Brian Sandoval, Senator Dean Heller, Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt, Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison, Reps Joe Heck, Mark Amodei and Cresent Hardy, and the Nevada Resort Association. I respect their beliefs and anti-cannabis stance but I just wish they could have come up with a more fact-driven campaign than promoting their views under the guise of protecting our children. I think everyone would agree we have a failed Drug War and drug awareness programs on our hands that were nothing more than propaganda campaigns based on falsehoods and stigmas. So why not try implementing a program that regulates cannabis and see if that isn’t a better solution for keeping cannabis out of the hands of children? The elected officials, who have aligned themselves with Protecting Nevada’s Children, owe us a solid intellectual discourse built on facts and statistics that doesn’t play on the emotions of parents.

They also owe us a real solution as to how we do protect our children from drugs if Question #2 does not pass. It is not as if Nevada is a stranger to implementing strong regulatory frameworks and is even especially good at regulating industries that are vicedriven. The state has proven that with both gaming and the adult entertainment industry. It has been proven once again with the implementation of lab testing for the state’s medical cannabis program. Nevada’s Division of Public and Behavioral Health has implemented the most stringent lab testing program for medicinal cannabis in the US. It is such a strong model, many states are duplicating it. Those same lab testing regulations will be implemented for adult-use cannabis. According to Pew Research, nearly half (49%) of Americans say they have tried cannabis, making it clearly obtainable but most likely not lab tested. So why not regulate it so that it is lab tested and patients as well as recreational users can safely use cannabis that is free of pesticides, heavy metals and labeled with accurate THC and CBD amounts? Wouldn’t we rather have some oversight over the recreational cannabis market than not? And, at the very least, shouldn’t we have the tax money? According to the Economic and Fiscal Benefits Analysis, it is estimated to be $20 million per year for Nevada’s schools alone. The decision is clearly with voters, but I think our political leaders should put their money where their mouth is and give us a realistic and viable solution, not just a campaign slogan, as to how they are going to protect Nevada’s children. With an open mind,



Cooking with Cannabis


A Little Dab’ll Do Ya







Orange Zest Rosemary Shortbread

An extract guide for beginners



The twists and turns of traveling with marijuana


Not Your Average Johnson

Libertarian presidential candidate talks more than just immigration, economy and education

The Politics of Pot

Will Nevada’s medical marijuana industry survive if Question #2 fails?


Healing: the Power of Cannabis

Military veteran and cancer survivor replaces 37 prescriptions with medical cannabis


Dispensary Spotlight

The Apothecarium


Dispensary Map

A patients’ guide to finding medical cannabis in the Las Vegas Valley



october | elevatenv.com


from the publisher

In case you were wondering what the topic of this issue is...elevate nevada will be voting yes on Question #2 in favor of legalizing recreational cannabis. Nevadans will be voting for or against the legalization of adult usage of cannabis on Tuesday, November 8. Should it pass, I see this as just one more argument as to why the useless and ineffective Drug War declared in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s failed. One of the main reasons I am voting yes on Question 2 has to do with incarcerating people for illegally using cannabis. To send people to jail for illegally using cannabis is asinine because during their imprisonment they are introduced to lethal forms of drugs. According to the Justice Policy Institute, there are many offenders



elevatenv.com | october

who become addicts during their incarcerations due to the amount of drugs that are smuggled into prisons today. It’s estimated that approximately 65 percent of prison inmates in the US meet the diagnostic criteria for addiction. However, only 11 percent of those individuals receive any form of treatment. Another reason I am in favor of Question Two is our veterans. The passage of Question Two will allow veterans to buy cannabis without registering into the state’s system for a medical marijuana card, in turn, providing them safe access to utilize cannabis to treat symptoms of PTSD and other ailments without losing their federal VA benefits. If they do test positive for cannabis there is a chance that they will still lose their benefits, but this gives them a chance to use it and regain some semblance of life quality. Veterans risked their lives fighting for our freedom, shouldn’t they have access to that very same freedom to decide their medicine of choice? Last but never least, as a parent of two children in our school system I do not believe legalizing cannabis will give my children easier access. I also do not believe that they will be

Elevate Nevada

attracted to infused edibles because of packaging. As a parent and publisher of elevate nevada it is my responsibility to educate my children about cannabis. My 9-year-old will tell you that it is helping children with epilepsy and she would never touch it, go near it, or use it. To her, cannabis is the same thing as prescription medicine and that it is only okay to use if a doctor recommends it. Making cannabis legal for adult use will also give an economic boost of approximately $20 million per year, according to the Economic and Fiscal Benefits Analysis, to an educational system which is historically one of the worst in the country. In January 2016, the Silver State fell behind all other states and Washington, D.C., in the annual Quality Counts report, which assigns overall scores to states based on student performance, school financing and other qualities of K-12 public schools. This year, Massachusetts topped the list with an overall score of 86.8 out of 100 possible points while Nevada was last with a score of 65.2. One of the main opponents of Question Two’s passage is former Assemblyman Pat Hickey who is co-chairman of Nevadans for Responsible Drug Policy and also serves on the Nevada Board of Education. Enough said! So join me in voting yes on Question 2 on November 8th for the sake of petty offenders, the vets, and our kids. Salute,

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october | elevatenv.com



Medical cannabis updates from across the United States

MICHIGAN: The Michigan State Senate has cleared the way for a new statewide regulatory system for the medical cannabis industry by passing a package of five related bills, the Detroit News reported. House Bills 4209, 4210, and 4827, along with Senate Bills 141 and 1014, creates a licensing system for planttouching businesses, including growers, processors, transporters, testing labs, and provisioning centers and dispensaries, the Detroit Free Press reported. State business licenses would cost $5,000 annually. The measures would also formally legalize edibles, establish a seed-to-sale tracking system, enact a two-year prison penalty for selling MMJ without a license, and place medical marijuana regulation under the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards.

NORTH DAKOTA: A medical marijuana initiative will appear on North Dakota’s November 8 ballot. Advocates submitted more than 17,600 signatures to the Secretary of State, who certified the initiative for the ballot in August. Measure 5, known as the North Dakota Compassionate Care Act, would allow patients with a qualifying condition and a doctor’s recommendation to access medical marijuana from a state-licensed compassion center. Patients living farther than 40 miles from a compassion center will be able to grow up to eight plants at home. To participate in the program, patients would apply to the Department of Health for a registry identification card by submitting an application, a fee, and a written certification from a doctor who confirms the patient has a qualifying condition.


elevatenv.com | october

OHIO: Ohio’s medical marijuana law went into effect last month. On September 8 Ohio agencies could officially begin writing and adopting rules for medical cannabis businesses. The state’s new regulatory framework brings protections for qualified medical marijuana patients. Under the law’s “affirmative defense,” patients will no longer be subject to criminal conviction for possessing marijuana if they meet certain requirements. The affirmative defense provides limited, temporary protections for patients while the formal program rolls out. It requires a signed letter from a licensed physician, including information about the patient and the medical condition treated. The protections do not apply to the cultivation or sale of marijuana.

PENNSYLVANIA: Since Pennsylvania’s Medical Marijuana Act (Act 16) went into effect on May 17, 2016, the Department of Health has been working to implement the new law. To this point, it has created regulations regarding — and accepted applications for — the safe harbor letter program, which provides legal protections for those caring for minor patients when they administer medical marijuana. In August, the department released a draft of temporary regulations regarding growers and processors and asked for public comments. The department also announced a public survey for patients and caregivers, which allows individuals to provide input on the application process and the financial hardship program.



Medical Cannabis is Legal Medical Cannabis is Illegal

MARYLAND: In August, Maryland’s medical marijuana commission voted to grant preliminary approval to 15 growers and 15 processors who applied earlier in the year. The decision regarding which applicants would be approved was based on a scoring system provided by the Towson University Regional Economic Studies Institute, which processed the applications. The selected applicants will proceed with financial and background checks before obtaining licenses. The commission was only permitted to give preliminary approval to 15 growers; there was no limit to the number of processors they could approve, but they opted to only approve 15 to maintain consistency.

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october | elevatenv.com



INGREDIENTS: 2-½ cups all-purpose flour 1 cup unsalted butter, softened room temperature (cannabis butter) ¾ cup white sugar 1 egg 2 oz. liquid egg white or egg white 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract 2 Tbsp. chopped rosemary (finely chopped) ¾ tsp. kosher salt 2 tsp. orange zest oil (Amoretti.com) or orange zest Use Splenda for a finishing touch before putting in oven

DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 350° degrees. Using paddle attachment, mix butter and sugar in a mixing bowl to light and fluffy texture, about 2 minutes. Add egg/egg whites, orange zest oil (Amoretti.com) or orange zest and vanilla on reduced speed. Add flour, rosemary, and salt, mix to combine. Halve the dough and roll into a log using plastic wrap and put into the fridge to solidify for baking. Once solid, slice into ¼-inch rounds and top with Splenda – you will need to work fast if the cookies become too hot and melt you have to put into the fridge for about 15 minutes to get solid again so they don't spread during baking. Bake cookies for 8-10 minutes depending on size.

VARIATIONS: Add 2 tsp. pumpkin spice Add 1/2 tsp. cinnamon Add 3 oz. cocoa powder and reduce all-purpose flour by 3 oz. Add 3 oz. chopped dried cranberry Add 2 tsp. orange zest oil or orange zest Other fun ideas: Make an apple pie flavor using dried apples and 2 oz. brown sugar Please remember when cooking with medicinal cannabis you are cooking with a medicine and the medicine amount and portions of the food ingested should always be taken into consideration. Always start out with small portions or doses and wait 30 minutes to an hour before eating any additional portions of food that has been medicated.


elevatenv.com | october

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Š 2016 The Source. All Rights Reserved. 20160915



It seems as if right now everyone is talking about dabs -- highly concentrated extracted doses of cannabis inhaled from an intimidating-looking glass device known as a rig. Utilizing a super-potent dab, extracted by either CO2 or butane, reduces the need and time that goes into smoking flower or rolling a joint. Terms for these concentrates—referring to their consistencies—include everything from live resin, cake batter and budder to shatter, crumble or oil, with new ones popping up all the time. Dab products comprise the largest sector of the cannabis concentrates market, says Kynd Cannabis Company's Ryan Clendenin. “Oftentimes, heavy flower smokers who are first-time dabbers have the feeling of being “high” for the first time…again,” Clendenin says. “While the high-potency of dab products is appealing to many consumers with higher tolerances, dabbing is actually an extremely healthful and convenient method of dosing for cannabis patients who are in need of immediate relief from chronic ailments without the potentially harmful effects that come from combusting plant materials.”Despite the complicated aesthetics, industry experts agree that there isn’t a more effective method for delivering immediate relief for ailments. “The demand [for concentrates] is increasing because the market in Nevada is starting to mature and experiment a little,” says Ronan McConnon of Kabunky Concentrates. Previously the only thing you could buy was flower or terrible dirty black market hash. Now the quality of concentrates has improved significantly and almost anybody that tries concentrates can taste the difference and feel the difference as well.” Curious to give it a try and see what all the fuss is about? Check out a rig and a sampling of dabs available in the Las Vegas market.

THE RIG Get started on a dabbing adventure with Dr. Dabber’s Boost eRig, Budder Cutter and Honey Mat. This low-heat system creates a thick, potent vapor that is smooth and flavorful. And since every terpene is unique in its therapeutic benefits, the flavors it produces, and sensitivity to heat, there are numerous unique vaporization points. The temperature at which you dab or vaporize concentrates can greatly affect the flavor profile and the synergy created between concentrated cannabinoids and terpenes. “Our low-heat technology ensures optimal terp flavor and exceptional performance,” explains Dr. Dabber’s Johnray Strickland. “Knowing which temperature to heat your concentrates to, however, is a crucial detail and can be the difference between experiencing delicious flavors and profound effects


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or tasting the burnt disappointment from temperatures too hot to vaporize effectively. Temperature control is so important for dabbing because of terpenes, which are the compounds in cannabis that give the plant its unique smell. Although cannabinoids are also extremely sensitive to temperatures, THC and other cannabinoids are odorless, so each strain’s compelling fragrance depends on which terpenes predominate.”

MASTER KUSH LIVE RESIN SHATTER, THE+SOURCE Master Kush Live Resin Shatter contains flower grown by The+Source and then turned into a concentrate by Moxie. Live resin is a form of shatter or BHO (butane hash oil). The flower is fresh, not dried and cured, thus more of the delightful forestlike flavor of the Kush comes through. At 75.5 percent THC, after a dab of Master Kush you will feel as relaxed as you do when waking up from a nap—without the fog commonly associated with an Indica strain. It is both a body and a head high but the mind snaps easily back into activity mode. Master Kush is recommended for those who need anti-inflammatory and anti-insomnia medicine. It also simulates appetite and is an anti-convulsive and anti-depressant. With new products coming out all the time, The+Source currently has over 60 concentrates, the concentrate experience has become easier and more effective for patients. “We are seeing an increase in the demand for concentrates,” says Chris Vickers, general manager of The+Source. “Patients are starting to realize it’s healthier than smoking dried cannabis. The effects typically last longer compared to other products and they’re cost efficient.”

WI-FI O.G. LIVE RESIN, MOXIE 710 Short for White Fire O.G., this hybrid strain produces a heavy sedative feeling. Its consistency resembles “cake badder” (as it is referred to at Moxie LV) because the live resin has a smooth, creamy appearance. Sweet and fruity with earthy notes, at 77.4 percent THC/0.17 percent CBD, Wi-Fi O.G. helps to power through ailments including chronic pain, loss of appetite, stress and anxiety. “It is much easier to take one small dab than to go through the whole process of rolling a joint or smoking a

pipe,” says Moxie’s Michael Tulimero. “Concentrates also vaporize instead of combust which saves your lungs from unnecessary abuse as well. The future of dabbing is in the terpenes. It is getting easier every day to study the effects of various strains and the terpene modulation that they create based on the entourage effect. This should lead to a better understanding of the plant’s effects on a broader scope.” Specializing in concentrates and with the goal of driving the scientific use of cannabis, Moxie has been developing cultivation and extraction procedures for the past two years. They have also partnered with universities abroad to seek federal funding, where available, to study and develop new therapies derived from the cannabis plant.

KABUNKY CONCENTRATES, NEVADA MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARY “Shatter is typically very stable, cracks like glass and if it’s good is light yellow and translucent,” says Ronan McConnon, laboratory manager of Kabunky Concentrates. “It is my preferred consistency as it is very easy to dab and you can pick out a good shatter just by looking at it.” At the end of a stressful day, turn to the Mix Master, a goto for ease of mind with a floaty high that promotes relaxation and comes in at 85.33 mg/g. On the other hand, Grape Ape Live Resin, a strong Indica, soothes physical pain, offering a body buzz and relief for joint aches with a THC level of 77.45 percent. “The high levels of Bisabolol in the terpene profile give a distinct giddy body high,” McConnon says. All raw materials for Kabunky extracts—which come in crumble, shatter and live resin—are sourced from its in-house grow. Mix Master is a blend of strains including Cherry Diesel, Mammoth, Casey Jones, Grape Ape Live Resin and Grape Stomper; and Grape Ape Live Resin is made from fresh frozen raw material. “If the concentrate is made with fresh frozen raw material, it is considered live resin,” McConnon says. “Fresh frozen means it was cut down and then frozen

october | elevatenv.com 11

Photo Credit: Daniel Gonzalez

immediately. Live resin will always have more terpenes in it than its cured hash counterpart because terpenes are volatile and evaporate. By extracting material when it’s fresh, the terpenes do not have the opportunity to evaporate.” McConnon says Mix Master is Kabunky’s first attempt at a customized blend. “We extracted the four strains at peak freshness and produced a shatter that not only has excellent color, but also tastes great,” McConnon relays. “The Grape Ape live resin was so beautiful after the extraction that I couldn't allow it to be whipped into crumble. Its clarity and aroma needed to be locked into a shatter.”


Live Resin



It might be the perfect mix: the energetic sativa Sour Diesel tested at 29.59 percent THC blended with the therapeutic 37.74 percent CBD-rich Ringo’s Gift #1, known for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties. This Dab Sap—the term Kynd uses to brand its extractions— promotes alertness and focus, while also relieving anxiety and depression. “Kynd Dab Sap is 100 percent cannabis hash oil extracted in a research-grade closed loop system using CO2 as a supercritical fluid,” says Kynd’s Extractions Manager Ryan Clendenin. “The oil is then winterized/ filtered with lab grade ethanol for purity and blended to the perfect viscosity, capturing and preserving all the best aspects of the plant for patient consumption.” Ranging in color from amber-red to golden-honey, Kynd Dab Saps come in many different flavors and blends including LAOG, LAOG/Ringo’s Gift #1, Ghost OG, MTF and Gorilla Glue #4. Cadillac Purple, Critical Kush, Chemdawg and more Ringo #1 blends are on the horizon. “Kynd Dab Saps are extracted from large batches of whole plant material to provide the full spectrum of plant benefits,” Clendenin says. “We strive to achieve truly medicinal grade extractions, complete with all the plant’s available cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and other botanical compounds. We ensure quality measures and constant analysis of the oil in its varying stages on its path to becoming the perfect hash oil.” (continued on page 35)


elevatenv.com | october








edical marijuana is legal in Nevada. That is clear. However, what may be less clear is when and where traveling with marijuana is legal. For example, can a patient transport marijuana from one state where it is legal to another state where it is also legal? Can a patient consume products in their vehicle? What about federal land within the state of Nevada? Below, we explore some of the rules surrounding travel and marijuana and look at some of the interesting developments in other states.

Can I transport my legally purchased marijuana from one state where the product is legal to another state that has legalized it? Okay, we started out with an easy one here. You guessed it, the answer is: no! Transporting marijuana via any form of transportation across state lines is still federally illegal and is illegal under Nevada’s state law as well. Under the Controlled Substance Act, possession of marijuana is illegal, but the “Cole Memo” (memorandum issued by the United States Attorney General on August 29, 2013) deprioritizes enforcement action against those people complying with their state’s medical marijuana laws. However, the Cole Memo specifically states that the federal government’s enforcement priorities will include prosecution for diversion of marijuana from a state where marijuana is legal to another state. Can I mail marijuana to myself or to another person? No. I imagine this does happen on occasion, but you are definitely taking the risk of getting arrested and prosecuted. According to “The Legalization of Marijuana in Colorado: Impact Report” released in 2015 by the Rocky Mountain High Intensity Area (“HIDTA”), “From 2010 – 2014, the total pounds of marijuana seized from U.S. packages mailed from Colorado has increased 722 percent from 57 to 470 pounds.” Further, between 2010 and 2014, the number of states destined to receive marijuana mailed from Colorado increased from 10


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to 38. It is clear that the mail is being monitored and it is not permitted to mail marijuana. How do I properly dispose of marijuana if I’m leaving the state? There are no specific laws in Nevada regarding disposal of unused marijuana. However, you can look at Nevada’s local ordinances on how businesses must dispose of marijuana to help ensure unused marijuana is not accessed by someone who is not supposed to have it. The local ordinances require various measures, which mostly entail mixing the unused product with something that will render it unusable (like kitty litter) until it becomes unrecognizable. The Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment suggests that tourists leaving the state of Colorado should dispose of their unused marijuana where it is not visible to the public and in a sealed container, such as an empty jar. You should also make sure unused marijuana does not enter the public water system. Similarly, Nevadans and tourists to Nevada should ensure that unused marijuana is not left in hotels, rental cars, or any place where it can be accessed by anyone other than the person who legally purchased it. Some Colorado airports have installed boxes specifically for disposal of unused marijuana before someone boards an airplane. Smart move, but since we do not yet have those in Nevada, be sure to dispose of unused marijuana before getting to the airport.

Can I use medical marijuana in my vehicle? No. Don’t do it for several reasons. First, if you ingest marijuana in your vehicle then you will likely be over the 5ng limit for THC and will therefore be in violation of Nevada’s law against being in actual physical control while under the influence of marijuana, whether or not you are actually driving and whether or not you are impaired. Second, NRS 453A.300 prohibits public consumption of medical marijuana. You can drive with your marijuana products in the vehicle, but keep them in the opaque packaging the dispensary provided and place them away from public view. The trunk is the most advisable. What if I travel onto federal land while within the state of Nevada? Marijuana is, of course, still illegal federally and even possession violates the Controlled Substance Act. There have been prosecutions throughout the United States for possession of marijuana in national parks. According to the HIDTA: Impact Report, referenced above, “An increasing number of visitors to Yellowstone National Park are being prosecuted for possession [of] small amounts of medical and recreational pot, which remains illegal on federal land.” Park rangers attribute this increasing trend to ignorance of federal law and the growing prevalence of legal marijuana, including neighboring Colorado. The Ninth Circuit recently ruled that the federal government cannot prosecute individuals who possess or use medical marijuana in compliance with a state’s medical marijuana program (United States v. McIntosh, August 2016). This does not prevent a prosecution for use or possession of marijuana on federal land, or a national park, because state law generally does not apply to those areas. Whether or not state law applies will actually depend on a complicated legal doctrine, so it is best to assume that the federal government has exclusive authority and can prosecute for medical marijuana possession and use. In addition, the Cole Memo, referenced above, states that prosecution for use or possession of marijuana on federal property will continue to remain a priority for the federal government. Given marijuana’s federal status as a Schedule I drug, possession and travel with it can be complicated. It is important to understand your rights.

october | elevatenv.com


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elevatenv.com | october


JOHNSON More than just a one-issue politician, Libertarian presidential candidate takes on immigration, the economy and education


By Deanna Rilling

n the campaign trail, many pundits assess a candidate’s likability by pondering if they’re the type of person with whom you could grab a beer. However, as more states across America move toward cannabis legalization, perhaps a new gauge for relatability could lie in a presidential hopeful’s willingness to light up with constituents. As Question 2 in Nevada proposes fully legalizing recreational marijuana, only one candidate on the ballot in the Silver State has firsthand experience with cannabis and the desire to take the cause nationwide: The Libertarian party’s nominee Gary Johnson. (Green party candidate Jill Stein does not have ballot access in Nevada and write-ins are not allowed.) The former GOP governor of New Mexico from 1995 to 2003, Johnson was cool, calm and collected before his packed Las Vegas rally at the Foundry in the SLS on August 18. Flanked by his running mate, former Republican Governor Bill Weld of Massachusetts, the #TeamGov duo met with elevate to share why Nevadans should consider them for president and vice president this November. “We are, in my opinion, representative of most Americans—most Americans being fiscally responsible and socially inclusive,” says Johnson. “Keep government out of the bedroom, keep government out of my pocketbook. That’s most people. And it’s not being represented by the Democrats,and it’s not being represented by the Republicans.” Personal freedom and liberty are cornerstones of Gary Johnson’s platform. Though he is abstaining from cannabis use while on the campaign trail and would if he were to be elected, it is at the forefront of policies he’d reform immediately if he were to win. “It is a pledge on both of our parts to deschedule marijuana the first day in office,” Johnson says of himself and Weld. “We need to legalize marijuana in the United States,” he reiterates during his Las Vegas rally. “We have the highest incarceration rate of any country in the world, and I refuse to believe we are any less law-abiding in this country than any other country. It has to do with the war on drugs.

october | elevatenv.com 17

There are tens of millions of Americans that are convicted felons in this country that, but for our drug laws, would otherwise be tax-paying, lawabiding citizens.” Though mainstream media rarely gives coverage to Johnson, internetsavvy millennials have found their way to supporting his campaign. In August a national poll by Investor’s Business Daily found Johnson ahead of both Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican nominee Donald Trump with 35 percent support in the 18-24 age bracket. But it’s the overall national poll requirement of 15 percent that Johnson needs to reach to make it onto the debate stage that is still up in the air (as of press time). Johnson and Weld aren’t strictly running as pro-cannabis candidates. Immigration is another hot topic as a result of the county’s robust Hispanic population at 27 percent, or 14th in the nation according to the Pew Hispanic Center. Regarding that hot-topic wall on the Mexico border the Republican


elevatenv.com | october

candidate wants? “We should not build a wall across the border,” Johnson says. “We build a wall across the border, the president of Mexico is going to stand on the opposite side of that wall and say, ‘President of the United States, take that wall down!’” He continues, “We embrace immigration. We think immigration

for this country is really a good thing. We’re a country of immigrants and we should make it easy as possible for someone that wants to come into this country and work, to be able to get a work visa. We’re not the deporters here. We don’t want to break up families and the dreamers.” Adds Weld, “We want

the dreamers to be able to go to college. We’re on their side.” Speaking of education, Nevada recently had the unfortunate distinction of being named the worst in the country based on ACT scores, with only about 10 percent of students being college-ready. Johnson is a proponent of school choice and letting Nevada make the decisions for its schools. As far as those with college aspirations, Team Gov has an approach as well. “I think the highly-expensive, four-year, Ivyclad bricks-and-mortar education may be a thing of the past before too long,” says Weld. “I think online education is a way to reach a lot of people who can’t afford to take six months or two years off to go to get their associate’s degree, so I think government support of online education would be good, government-supported partnerships between colleges and employers... There are other partnerships with universities where the government will sponsor your kids and have no student debt if they agree to work in the public sector for three years. There are other things

that can be done to just make sure jobs are available. Working your way through college used to be a very common proposition and there’s no shame in that either. It’s a multi-faceted approach.” “I think it’s important to point out the reason for the student debt crisis,” adds Johnson. “The reason for the high cost of college tuition is governmentguaranteed student loans. Government is interfering in the marketplace, there’s a skewed supply and demand because of guaranteed government student loans, but I think we’re both open to legislation that might cap interest rates. I think students have been sold a bill of goods and if we can bailout Wall Street, I think we can do something for students.” Johnson looks toward the sharing economy as the way of the future, i.e. through companies like Airbnb or Uber and Lyft. “Eliminating the middle man, allowing for you to provide your goods, your services directly to the end user and the end user pays less money, you make more money, that’s the model of the future.” He adds, “Here in Las Vegas there has to be all sorts of opportunity to rent your place out to make some extra money.” Money is definitely one area where Governors Johnson and Weld have a proven track record. “Neither of us serving full terms as governor, in each of our respective states, raised taxes one penny between us, not one penny,” says Johnson. “Count on us to support lower taxes, to support simplifying taxes.” Johnson promises that he and Weld would submit a balanced budget to Congress in the first 100 days. “If we don’t balance the budget, we’re not going to be a country going forward. Our kids, our grandkids, ourselves, we’re going to suffer the consequences of what is going to be runaway inflation to go along with the fact that we continue to print more money to pay for what it is that we’re doing.” In an election year filled with drama, scandal, conspiracy theories, divisiveness, and dissatisfaction with two-party options, many are looking for a different option and as he says in his commercials: “Just Google ‘Gary Johnson’ and find out.” As far as critics who caution voting for a third party candidate in a swing state like Nevada is essentially a vote for Clinton or Trump (depending on the leaning of the outlet) or just wasted altogether, Johnson presents an alternate point. “What I would say is a wasted vote is voting for somebody you don’t believe in,” he says. “Come election time, I think there’s going to be a lot of conjecture over, ‘Are you going to waste your vote on either Hillary or Trump?’” Adds Weld, “If you believe in us, don’t waste your vote elsewhere.”

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october | elevatenv.com


FORGETTING THE FEAR AND UNDERSTANDING THE FACTS Why this Mom of Two Supports Legalizing Marijuana Sometimes when I’m getting ready for work in the morning or on a drive across town, I find myself making a mental list of everything in the world that needs to be fixed when suddenly a fear washes over me: What if marijuana becomes legal on November 8th and more and more kids start using it? What if it becomes popular among kids and they get desensitized to it and start doing more serious drugs? As the Executive Director of Nevada Dispensary Association and supporter of Question Two, am I on a trajectory to increase marijuana use among children? Each time I have this internal debate, I come back to all the reasons I support legalizing marijuana: 1. Marijuana is currently used by teenagers and even younger children at an alarming rate. 2. It is the unwarranted fear of the slippery slope that has kept a substance less harmful than alcohol illegal for so long. 3. We can do better at reducing youth use of marijuana by removing marijuana from the black market, where kids are currently purchasing it.


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By Riana Durrett

I am a mom of two young boys and have a niece who lives with me every summer. Like all moms, I am concerned about drug use in our country and will do anything to protect my kids from experiencing the struggles so many Americans face when it comes to drug use. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, "in 2012, 13.2 percent of youths aged 12 to 17 indicated that they had been approached by someone selling drugs in the past month."1 Peers have such a strong influence over youth that a better indicator of whether a teenager will start smoking is whether their friends smoke, rather than whether their parents smoke.2 But, naturally, there are two sides to the coin if Question Two passes. One benefit is that adults over the age of 21 will be able to use marijuana with myriad benefits to the State and our communities. Benefits include tax money moving into the State’s economy as well as into education and conservation of criminal justice resources that should go towards more serious crimes. In addition, citizens, such as veterans who fear losing their federal benefits, will have access to marijuana for medical treatment without being required to register with the State.

An extensive report released by RCG Economics and the Marijuana Policy Group estimates that the state will receive a total of $464 million in the first seven years of legalization, which breaks down to $257.4 million in sales and use tax, $147.1 million in excise tax, $47.2 million in license fees, $3.5 million in application fees, $521,000 in Nevada Commerce Tax and $8.3 million in payroll tax. The other side of the coin is that the marijuana industry and Nevadans must promote adult-only use of marijuana and we must embrace the opportunity to reduce use of marijuana by our youth, with the possibility of this reduction extending to other substances. With more than 47 percent of Americans having tried marijuana in their lifetime, there is no denying that the prohibition on marijuana is a policy that has failed in the United States.3 So, what is the real impact of legalizing marijuana and what are the real opportunities? In June of this year, the Nevada Dispensary Association organized a trip to Denver, Colorado for legislators, regulators and leaders from Nevada’s medical marijuana industry. Senator Patricia Farley of District 8 was in attendance and put her focus on youth prevention, funding for drug treatment and the impact of legalized marijuana on public health. It never occurred to me before that trip that legalized marijuana could provide an opportunity to improve overall public health in Nevada and not just reduce black market sales of marijuana. Senator Farley approached the trip with just that goal in mind. When describing her efforts Farley said, “How can Nevada harness the opportunities legalized marijuana provides to not just reduce black market sales of marijuana, but to raise youth awareness, reduce drug use among youth, and increase resources for drug treatment?” Prior to the trip to Denver, I was unaware that Nevada’s schools have no uniform drug awareness program. With the D.A.R.E. program found to be ineffective, shouldn’t we be trying to reach our youth and prevent drug abuse through some other program throughout the State?4 Of course, as parents we are all responsible for our own children, but our children are involved in a larger community and that community is lacking in public awareness, youth prevention, and drug abuse treatment. I am eagerly awaiting the 2017 Legislative Session when Senator Farley pursues support for youth prevention and drug treatment programs, which could potentially be funded from the economic boon resulting from Question Two’s passage. Senator Farley is confident that if the youth prevention measure she is sponsoring passes during the upcoming legislative session, Nevada will lead the nation in its


(continued on page 34)

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ome cannabis proponents predict that if Question 2 does not pass and cannabis is not legalized for adult use, “the Nevada medical cannabis market will become the Salton Sea of cannabis markets. If it doesn’t pass, it’s going to be devastating for the industry. Bankruptcy lawyers are going to make all the money. It is exactly what we don’t want to see happen in Nevada,” explains Leslie Bocskor, managing partner of Electrum Partners. “The effect on the patients will be far less availability, far less variety, no innovation taking place to provide anything, and it will just be brutal.” Bocskor, who is the founding chairman of the Nevada Cannabis Industry Association, continues, “The variety starts to go out of the shops. You don’t see 10 or 20 different strains, you see five or three, it becomes sort of like New Jersey. You will see the variety go away. The only thing that will sell will be the things people know they can make money on. The high-CBD strains will go away, which are some of the most therapeutic, because they don’t make as much money and they take longer to grow.” While Bocskor predicts patients will suffer, he notes that the black market will thrive. “California will most likely go rec this November, Arizona might go rec, too, so we will be an oasis of medical only.


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The black market will thrive, you will guarantee a black market. You will guarantee that the business gets crushed in Nevada. It’s not going to be a happy outcome,” Bocskor explains. “I am going to say all but five dispensaries will have to shut their doors six days a week. There will probably be five that will be able to stay open full weeks and the rest will shut down or cut back the days that they are open. “I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news but I don’t see a way to do the calculations in any other way that works. If we look at the actual numbers and look at what’s going to happen as people compete just to try and stay in business, prices are going to go down and it’s going to be a race to the bottom. That’s going to cause people to shut down and wait,” finishes Bocskor. Nevada’s dispensaries owners are much more upbeat in their prognostications about the medical cannabis industry if Question 2 doesn’t get the votes necessary to pass. “I think we will see the medical marijuana industry in Nevada grow with or without Q2 -- with Q2 the growth curve is steeper, without Q2 it will continue to grow just without as high of a rate,” forecasts David Goldwater, partner at Inyo Fine Cannabis Dispensary, which is celebrating its one-year anniversary this month. “I am not concerned for my business, but there are others in the industry who are counting on Q2 passage to remain in the business or to get in the industry. We designed our business model and applied for all of our licenses based on moderate demand in the medical marijuana program. Those who made a business plan anticipating adult use, obviously, will be disappointed if Q2 fails.” Dispensary operator Brenda Gunsallus also took a

more moderate approach with regard to Sahara Wellness’ business plan. “We were not the people who went into the business expecting to make a lot of money. ACCORDING TO THE ECONOMIC AND That’s not why we FISCAL BENEFITS ANALYSIS PREPARED got in the business BY LAS VEGAS-BASED RCG ECONOMICS in the first place. We IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE have started a lot of MARIJUANA POLICY GROUP (MPG), A businesses so we knew REGULATED, ADULT-USE MARIJUANA it would take years INDUSTRY IN NEVADA WILL GENERATE to get our investment MORE THAN $1.1 BILLION IN OVERALL back. When you have ECONOMIC ACTIVITY IN THE STATE $2 million in just the RELATED TO THE ADULT-USE dispensary, and $4 MARIJUANA MARKET. or $5 million in the cultivation, you don’t make that up overnight, it takes years and years. We were invested in people and helping people so that’s why we wanted to do it,” she explains of opening Sahara Wellness earlier this year. Ben Sillitoe, CEO/General Manager of Oasis Medical Cannabis, sees a thriving future for medical cannabis in the

Silver State. “Nevada’s medical marijuana industry will continue to grow at a steady pace now that the state has made it easier to become a patient by providing access to an online application system and having turnaround times of less than 48 hours. I think that we will actually see an increase in the rate of growth for the medical industry. We will eventually see about 45,000 patients in Las Vegas, and, at that point, I think the medical industry will stabilize. Some companies may not make it to that point if it’s only medical, but it will eventually become a thriving industry,” predicts Sillitoe. Ironically Gunsallus would THE ECONOMIC AND FISCAL BENEFITS like to see Question ANALYSIS PREDICTS THAT REVENUE 2 pass for the PROJECTIONS WILL BE MORE THAN patients more than $60 MILLION IN EXCISE AND SALES anyone else, noting TAX REVENUE ANNUALLY, INCLUDING many patients can’t APPROXIMATELY $20 MILLION PER afford to get their YEAR FOR NEVADA SCHOOLS. medical marijuana cards. “We will have to find a way

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to get older people cards. I know of a lot of elderly people who have cancer and they can’t sleep and have side effects from chemotherapy and they can’t afford to get their cards. I would like to find a way that if rec doesn’t pass, that as an industry we help people get their cards.” Former political scientist and cannabis consultant Stephen McCamman agrees that easing restrictions and making patient cards more easily obtainable will help an industry APPROXIMATELY 3,300 JOBS WILL BE that “will continue CREATED DIRECTLY IN THE ADULT-USE to limp along” if Q2 MARIJUANA INDUSTRY AND 6,200 doesn’t pass. “If it JOBS WILL BE SUPPORTED OVERALL, doesn’t pass, what ACCORDING TO THE ECONOMIC AND needs to happen FISCAL BENEFITS ANALYSIS. is more conditions need to be listed as allowable. The process for getting a card needs to be streamlined and the cost of getting the card needs to be reduced. On top of that, the concept of reciprocity with other states needs to be advertised. There are lot of people in other medical states who don’t even know they can come to Las Vegas to use their card.” More refined regulations for Nevada’s medical marijuana program is why cannabis advocate Julie Monteiro, who is a registered nurse and editor of Cannabis Nurses magazine, is hoping Question 2 doesn’t pass. “If it fails it will finally allow our legislators and lobbyists to focus on our medical bill that has been in existence for over 16 years. We still have so much to fix and mold with our current medical program,” Monteiro explains. “I feel our Nevada legislators have let our entire program suffer by not ironing these issues out for the last 16 years. “A lot of people are not happy, they are frustrated, they want the medical marijuana program fixed first before convoluting it with a whole other program of putting recreational on top of it. The patients need help and they aren’t going to get that help if Q2 passes, in my professional opinion. I have seen it happen in Alaska, Washington and soon to be Colorado. I sat there when our legislators said in five years our medical program would be going by the wayside,” Monteiro explains of her stance. Monteiro is not the only one who is concerned that Nevada’s medical marijuana program could become a thing of the past. “I think a lot of people are scared that if rec passes, the medical industry will somehow disappear and I think they have good reason to fear that. But our industry is committed to maintaining its existence as a medical industry alongside the future adult-use industry so, hopefully, if it


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does pass, nothing will change for patients,” says Sillitoe. Even if Nevada’s medical cannabis program does go by the wayside, it will have left behind some strong regulatory measures that will benefit recreational users. “Nevada’s standards of testing are leading the nation right now. The safest cannabis in the U.S. is available in Nevada,” says Bocskor. “If rec passes, you will see that continue to go forward and become even better. It will lead to the breaking of the black market, which will remove the temptation for patients not to go to the black market. The real issue with the black market is not that it is cheaper, it is that it’s not tested and you don’t know what fungicide, what herbicide, what microbial infestation or what contamination of heavy metals is present or what you are dealing with. That lack of testing in the black market will encourage patients to go to the dispensaries.” If Q2 passes Bocskor predicts good things for patients. “It will be great for the patients on an ongoing basis. Home grow will be brought back. Once the industry is up and running and everybody is able to function and it’s a real market than the industry won’t feel threatened by home grow because they will realize it’s not a threat. If you look at every other market, like Colorado or Oregon, it’s not harming the industry at all. They will eventually get it back.” But home grows is not the only thing patients will benefit from, according to Bocskor. “The variety available to patients will be enormous because Nevada will become a hotbed of innovation in developing new product categories, doing research on the therapeutic effects of different things, and the first patients to get access to this will be Nevada’s. Nevada IN A RASMUSSEN REPORTS POLL will get the benefit FROM JULY 26, 50 PERCENT OF of all of the business VOTERS POLLED SAID THEY’D VOTE being done here,” FOR QUESTION 2, WITH 41 PERCENT he notes. OPPOSED AND NINE PERCENT It will not just UNDECIDED. be Nevada’s patients who benefit from the passage of Q2. According to the Economic and Fiscal Benefits Analysis prepared by Las Vegas-based RCG Economics in conjunction with the Marijuana Policy Group (MPG), a regulated, adultuse marijuana industry in Nevada will generate more than $1.1 billion in overall economic activity in the state related to the adult-use marijuana market. The state’s educational system will see a big portion of that windfall. The Economic and Fiscal Benefits Analysis notes (continued on page 32)

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october | elevatenv.com






“I was on four oxys a day. I was to the point where I couldn’t even take them they made me so ill and they gave those to me for five years. There isn’t a doctor in his right mind who would prescribe that,” explains 61-year-old Hollis Moon (not his real name). Having been exposed to radiation resulting from 43 nuclear tests during a three-year stint he spent in the Army in the late ‘70s, Moon was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in December of 2010. He had surgery in February 2011 to remove 18-1/2 inches of his colon which was followed by 12 rounds of chemotherapy. Although he is currently cancer-free, Moon describes his current condition as “fair to poor, I am just dealing with a lot of post-cancer stuff. Overall, I have had sleep issues, depression issues, anxiety issues, but with the pain and sleep issues cannabis has been tremendously helpful.” Moon explains that a lot of vets are using cannabis and it’s really helping. “I think you would find 80 percent usage (among vets) and I don’t think that’s a ridiculous estimate. But they are concerned about losing their benefits.” Moon is not a complete stranger to cannabis. During his teen years Moon used cannabis but quit in his early


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20s. After he was diagnosed with cancer Moon was reintroduced to cannabis by one of his son’s friends who had an aunt with cancer and was using medical cannabis. At first Moon was dismissive. “I told him I could see where that would help somebody in the head, but I think people just use that for an excuse to get high,” Moon explains of his anti-cannabis viewpoint. “I was a little skeptical and I started reading about it and then 40 years later I had cancer and I still had the stigma where I didn’t believe in it.”

unbelievable. I enjoyed the buzz, don’t get me wrong, but the pain was gone, the anxiety was gone, the anger from the PTSD was gone and I was able to sleep for the first time in I don’t know how long. I got about four hours of sleep on it and for me to get two hours a day is a gift. That was all it took, I knew right then I had the cure-all for the side effects of chemotherapy.” In 2011 Moon started using cannabis when he could, which was “about once every two weeks because I was 50 years old, where I am going to get it?” He was prescribed Marinol but the cost was prohibitive. With insurance it was $3100 for 30 pills and for generic the co-pay was $1300 for 30 pills. About three years ago, Moon started consistently using cannabis and he noticed he “was able to get rid of various medications that had really bad side effects.” Eventually Moon replaced 37 prescriptions with medical cannabis. “Surprisingly enough I am no longer taking pain meds, just taking my blood pressure medicine, and I have one for cholesterol and one for incontinence. I just feel so much better after the marijuana than after the pills.”

I was a little skeptical and I started reading about it and then 40 years later I had cancer and I still had the stigma where I didn’t believe in it." His son’s friend encouraged him to give it a try and left a joint for him. “It sat there for two days and every time I was able to get out of bed, I looked at that thing and thought I should really try that. After the second day I told my wife I am going to smoke that bad boy,” recalls Moon. “And honest to God, it was








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DISPENSARY SPOTLIGHT The Apothecarium Las Vegas www.ApothecariumLV.com 7885 W. Sahara Ave, Las Vegas NV, 89117 702.778.7987

TOP SELLING STRAINS | One of The Apothecarium’s most popular strains comes from Polaris, whose Head Cheese strain carries a distinctive aroma akin to a fine cheese and is known for managing moderate pain, inflammation, insomnia, and appetite loss. Another is Cannabiotix’s Thin Mint Cookies which has a sweet aroma (similar to Girl Scout Cookies, to which it is genetically related) and is great for alleviating inflammation, assisting in appetite stimulation, and reducing anxiety. TOP SELLING CONCENTRATES | Moxie is renowned for its superior concentrates and exceptional quality including its Mandarin Mint Live Resin Shatter which combines Cannabiotix’s top shelf flower with top tier extraction methods. Mandarin Mint Live is great for relieving tension, managing moderate pain, and inflammation. Another popular product comes from The Lab, a company with Colorado roots, and is called Sour OG Nug Run Budder and is an excellent choice for mood enhancement, mild pain, and relieving stress. TOP SELLING EDIBLES | The Apothecarium’s top selling edibles are Valhalla gummies, which come in convenient 10 packs of 10mg-dosed gummies. This chef-driven, San Franciscobased brand tastes great and provides excellent relief for mild pain, tension, and mood enhancement. Cannavative’s CBD capsules are also popular for neuropathic injuries, inflammation, and anxiety. TOPICALS | Most popular are Remedy’s 2:1 CBD Extra Strength Pain Lotion, which provides excellent site medication for joint pain and inflammation, and Evergreen Organix’s Avocado Face and Body Cream


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due to the medicated relief it provides for body aches and inflammation. MISSION STATEMENT The Apothecarium’s mission is to provide a professional, welcoming environment for patients to obtain their medicine comfortably with a focus on a patient’s individual needs and finding the right medicine to meet their needs. With a goal of building longterm relationships with every patient, The Apothecarium wants everyone who walks through their door to feel like family. To illustrate their patient philosophy, come by The Apothecarium and mention this article to receive a free pre-roll. RANGE OF PRODUCTS | The Apothecarium carries a full range of medical cannabis products that includes flower, edibles, topicals, lozenges, tinctures, and concentrates as well as highCBD options that are non-psychoactive. UNIQUE ATTRIBUTE | The Apothecarium believes in putting patients first with one-on-one patient consultations at the heart of what they do. They begin each patient relationship with an open conversation about their needs and work together to find the right medicine for them. PATIENT EDUCATION PROGRAMS | The Apothecarium will be launching educational programs touching on topics that range from specific medical conditions and cannabis treatments, to medical

marijuana introductory programs and support groups for specific audiences. STAFF EDUCATION | Bringing more than five years of experience from its San Francisco location direct to the Las Vegas market, The Apothecarium’s staff gets extensive training about the latest in cannabis and its therapeutic effects. Topics include the endocannabinoid system, the role of different cannabinoids and terpenoids and their therapeutic values, typical effects of specific strains, and types of cannabis therapies that help different types of ailments. Staff members also attend national conferences and seminars to stay up to date. CHARITABLE ENDEAVORS | The Apothecarium partners with and sponsors a number of nonprofit organizations such as Aid for AIDS of Nevada (AFAN), Forgotten Not Gone, the Las Vegas USO, the VA hospital of Southern Nevada, and Las Vegas PRIDE. Earlier this year The Apothecarium held a fundraiser for Forgotten Not Gone and most recently for the city’s VA hospital.

(continued from page 26) since the economic collapse in ‘08/’09 and this is likely to be that revenue projections are more than $60 million in excise the number one job creator in Nevada once we pass this,” and sales tax revenue annually, including approximately $20 offers Bocskor. The Economic and Fiscal Benefits Analysis million per year for Nevada schools. estimates approximately 3,300 jobs will “It would provide the most tax be created directly in the adult-use revenue we have seen for the schools marijuana industry and 6,200 jobs will be and the educational system in Nevada. supported overall. I can’t find anything to compete with it In the end, it will be up to the voters historically. It would generate tax revenue THE ECONOMIC AND FISCAL BENEFITS of Nevada to decide if the state will join that would compete with gaming and ANALYSIS ESTIMATES $393 MILLION Colorado, Washington, Oregon, Alaska, mining. We are 49th in the nation in IN ANNUAL SALES OF ADULT-USE and the District of Columbia and go rec education and this will provide more MARIJUANA IN NEVADA IN 2018, or not -- which is not a done deal by any money to get better educators, to give WHICH WILL INCREASE TO $485 means. According to a Rasmussen Reports teachers the money to buy supplies that MILLION BY 2024. poll from July 26, 50 percent of voters they are now coming out of pocket for, and polled said they’d vote for Question 2, to reduce classroom sizes from 40 students with 41 percent opposed and nine to a more manageable 20 students. The percent undecided. effect on the youth of Nevada will be “At this point it’s too close to call, the thing that will enormous, not to mention, once we have it regulated we are determine the outcome will be strong democratic turnout breaking the black market which will mean it will be just as and strong turnout of younger people,” offers McCamman. hard to get cannabis as it is to get beer.” “The unknown is how much the opposition is going spend, Job creation is another positive that comes with but a worrisome sign is the number of politicians coming out the legalization of adult-use cannabis, according to Q2 against it. In summary, it’s too close to call.” supporters. “Job creation in Nevada has been a real problem



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(continued from page 21) efforts to prevent youth from using marijuana and much more harmful substances. “I have spent the better part of the year speaking with elected officials and leaders from other states, as well as educators, to gather information on the best approach to youth prevention,” explained Senator Farley. “With the help of Roseman University and John Hudak, a fellow with Brookings Mountain West, Nevada is going to go from having absolutely no youth prevention program for our children to having the best in the nation.” So, the next time the fear starts to creep in and I start to wonder if my work with the Nevada Dispensary Association is tantamount to working for Philip Morris, I will think of two pieces of news I received recently that reminded me legalizing recreational marijuana is an affront to drug abuse and drug addiction. First, a study was released by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which concluded that marijuana use among teenagers is currently decreasing, while the number of states legalizing marijuana is increasing. This is supported by a Health Kids Survey commissioned by the State of Colorado that concluded that youth use decreased by 2-3 percent once marijuana was legalized. The second piece of news that confirms to me that legalizing marijuana is the right thing to do is that the

Is your medical marijuana business ready?

producer of Fentanyl recently made a large campaign contribution to oppose marijuana legalization. Fentanyl is a powerful opioid painkiller that is up to 50 times more potent than heroin. Disturbingly, a synthetic form of this painkiller has been illegally produced and laced into heroine in the past and is now being sold on its own. Why would the producer of a painkiller (the real painkiller, not the synthetic one available on the street) be opposed to legalizing marijuana? If anyone asks me, as a mother, if I support legalizing marijuana, my answer is unequivocally: Yes. As a mother, an aunt, an attorney, a Nevadan and as the Executive Director of Nevada Dispensary Association, I will vote in favor of passing Question Two. REFERENCES 1. Results from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings, NSDUH Series H-46, HHS Publication No. (SMA) 13-4795. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2013, p. 70. www.samhsa.gov/data/NSDUH/2012SummNatFindDetTables/Index.aspx 2. “Perceived Peer Influence and Peer Selection on Adolescent Smoking,” Hoffman BR, Monge PR, Chou CP, Valente TW Addict Behav. 2007 Aug 32(9): 1545-64. 3. “6 Facts About Marijuana,” Pew Research Center, April 14, 2015, http:// www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/04/14/6-facts-about-marijuana/ 4. “Why ‘Just Say No’ Doesn’t Work,” Scott O. Lilienfeld, Scientific American, January 1, 2014, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/whyjust-say-no-doesnt-work/

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(continued from page 12) Kynd Dab Sap is the only CO2 dab product of its kind and the company brings the benefits of CO2 extracted medicine to the world of BHO shatters, waxes, crumbles, butters, and live resins. “Many CO2 dabs are messy, runny, and often delivered in plastic syringes that can leave mainstream cannabis oil consumers baffled when it comes time to consume their meds,” Clendenin says. Kynd has developed CO2 oil that was designed for dabbing and aimed at solving the problem of making CO2 dabs as reliable, flavorful, and as attractive as the more popular BHO-based oils.


SUICIDE SAP, KANNABIS Equal parts Indica and Sativa, Suicide Sap from Kannabis offers a cerebral, uplifting sensation, without paranoia or couch lock. Made of flower from The Grove’s master grower, it is a hybrid with Afgoo, OG Grape Krypt, Star Killer and Strawberry Chem that combines to a 79.36 percent THC count. photo by Josh Williams “We named [it] Suicide Sap because of the great mix of strains that I pulled together for this,” says Robbie Wright, head of production for Kannabis. “This is strictly an ethanol-based extract, but I do some pretty cool things during the extraction and winterization process so I can maximize the flavor and terpene profile. No butane, and not even CO2. Most people would not consider an ethanol extract to hold up against a butane or CO2 oil, but I definitely have methods to make it happen and taste great with great potency.” The flavor is eclectic with notes of floral and candy— each strain’s own terpenes are distilled out and reintroduced at the end of the process to ensure they are all present. Wright says the inconvenience of the dab consumption is balanced out by the quality. “People are well-versed in the art of dabbing now,” he says “But, it still sort of remains a method of intake that is usually done at your house. It’s not a convenient way to vaporize your medicine with the equipment needed, but it’s certainly very effective and a favorite for most. The future of dabbing will definitely need to move towards making it more convenient to do. People don’t need to walk around with a rig and blowtorch. Dabbing has a long way to go before you’ll see people pulling out dab rigs in public to take their medicine.”

Cannabis Infused Chocolate Mmmint Bites

Introducing VERT, cannabis-infused edibles crafted from all-natural ingredients by our own master chef. It’s a unique collection of unexpected, deliciously surprising creations – with a focus on consistent dosing to elevate your experience in every possible way.

Now launching with VERT Bites – look for them at your favorite dispensary.


october | elevatenv.com



A Patients’ Guide to Medical Cannabis in Southern Nevada

3b. Blüm letsblum.com 3650 S. Decatur Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89103 702.476.2262

12. Nevada Wellness Center nvwellnessctr.com 3200 S. Valley View Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.470.2077

4. CannaCopia cannacopialv.com 6332 S. Rainbow Blvd Ste #105 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.487.6776

13. Oasis Medical Cannabis oasismedicalcannabis.com 1800 S. Industrial Rd Ste #180 Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.420.2405

5a. Canopi OPENING SOON 6540 Blue Diamond Rd Las Vegas, NV 89139 702.420.7301

14. Pisos Dispensary pisoslv.com 4110 S. Maryland Pkwy Ste #A Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.367.9333

5b. Canopi OPENING SOON 1324 S. 3rd St Las Vegas, NV 89104 702.420.7301

15a. Reef Dispensaries reefdispensaries.com 3400 Western Ave Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.475.6520

5c. Canopi OPENING SOON 2113 N. Las Vegas Blvd North Las Vegas, NV 89030 702.420.7301

15b. Reef Dispensaries reefdispensaries.com 1366 W. Cheyenne Ave North Las Vegas, NV 89030 702.410.8032

6. Euphoria Wellness euphoriawellnessnv.com 7780 S. Jones Blvd Ste# 105 Las Vegas, NV 89139 702.960.7200

16. Sahara Wellness 420sahara.com 420 E. Sahara Ave Las Vegas , NV 89104 702.478.5533

7. Inyo Fine Cannabis Dispensary inyolasvegas.com 2520 S. Maryland Pkwy Ste #2 Las Vegas, NV 89109 702.707.8888

17. Showgrow showgrowlv.com 4850 S. Fort Apache Rd Ste #100 Las Vegas NV 89147 702.227.0511

8. Las Vegas ReLeaf lasvegasreleaf.com 2244 Paradise Rd Las Vegas, NV 89104 702.209.2400

18. Silver Sage Wellness sswlv.com 4626 W. Charleston Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.802.3757

9. Medizin medizinlv.com 4850 W. Sunset Rd Ste #130 Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.206.1313

19. The Apothecary Shoppe theapothecaryshoppe.com 4240 W. Flamingo Rd Ste #100 Las Vegas, NV 89103 702.740.4372

W Alexander Rd

21b. The Dispensary thedispensarynv.com 50 N. Gibson Rd Henderson, NV 89104 702.476.0420 22a. The Grove TheGroveNV.com 1541 E. Basin Ave Pahrump, NV 89048 775.556.0100

N Buffalo Dr

11. NevadaPure nevadapure.com 4380 Boulder Highway Las Vegas, NV 89121 702.444.4824

W Lone Mountain Rd

W Cheyenne Ave


Summerlin Pkwy

22b. The Grove TheGroveNV.com 4647 Swenson St Las Vegas, NV 89119 702.463.5777 23a. The Source thesourcenv.com 2550 S. Rainbow Blvd Ste #8 Las Vegas, NV 89146 702.708.2000 23b. The Source thesourcenv.com 9480 S Eastern Ave Ste #185 Henderson, NV 89052 702.708.2222

Charleston Blvd

1 W Sahara Ave W Desert Inn Rd


24. Thrive Cannabis Marketplace thrivenevada.com 2755 W. Cheyenne Ave Ste #103 North Las Vegas, NV 89032 702.776.4144 25. Top Notch THC www.topnotchthc.com 5630 Stephanie St Las Vegas, NV 89122 702.418.0420 26. Getting Legal

215 S Buffalo Dr

3a. Blüm letsblum.com 1921 Western Ave Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.476.2262

21a. The Dispensary thedispensarynv.com 5347 S. Decatur Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89118 702.476.0420

S Durango Dr

10b. Nevada Medical Marijuana nevadamedicalmarijuana.com 1975 S. Casino Dr Laughlin, NV 89029 702.737.7777


W Ann Rd

Ft Apache Rd

2. Blackjack Collective blackjackcollective.com 1860 Western Ave Las Vegas, NV 89102 702.545.0026

20. The Clinic theclinicnevada.com 4310 W. Flamingo Rd Las Vegas, NV 89103 702.447.1250

Hualapai Way

10a. Nevada Medical Marijuana nevadamedicalmarijuana.com 3195 St. Rose Pkwy Ste #212 Henderson, NV 89052 702.737.7777

Town Center Dr

1. Apothecarium apothecariumlv.com 7855 W. Sahara Ave Las Vegas, NV 89117 702.778.7987



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E Bonanza Rd


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12 Sirus Ave

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Boulder City


10360 Sun City Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89134 October 14, 10 - 11 am October 25, 9 - 11 am VETERANS TRANSITION RESOURCE CENTER

2550 Nature Park Drive Ste. 200 North Las Vegas, NV 89084 October 19, 9 - 11 am

Please visit lvmma.org for more information


elevatenv.com | october


OPEN FOR BUSINESS DMV VISITS NO LONGER NECESSARY DURING PATIENT APPLICATION PROCESS Nevada’s medical cannabis patients no longer need to visit the Department of Motor Vehicles for processing of their medical marijuana patient card. The Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health and the DMV have interfaced data systems so that patients’ cards will be mailed to them automatically. The Medical Marijuana Patient Online Registry (MPP) has a system in place to accommodate patients who currently have letters of approval, but who have not yet visited the DMV under the old rules. Patients with approval letters dated June 1, 2016 or later will get their cards in the mail. Patients with an approval letter dated May 31, 2016 or earlier will be contacted by the state.


Over the last few months, several new dispensaries have opened in Southern Nevada. Those include Blackjack Collective at 1800 Western Avenue, blackjackcollective.com; ShowGrow located at 4850 S. Fort Apache Road, showgrow.com; The Clinic Nevada, 4310 W. Flamingo Avenue, theclinicnevada.com; and Top Notch THC at 5630 N. Stephanie Street, topnotchthc.com. In the northern part of the state, NuLeaf opened in Incline Village at 877 Tahoe Blvd., nuleafnv.com; and The Dispensary NV is now operating at 100 W. Plumb Lane in Reno, thedispensarynv.com. Reef dispensaries have now opened in Sparks at 195 East Glendale Avenue and the other is in Sun Valley at 5105 Sun Valley Blvd., reefdispensaries.com.


Applying, paying for and getting a medical marijuana approval are now available by using the Medical Marijuana Patient Online Registry (MPP). From the Registry homepage (go to http://dpbh.nv.gov and click to the Medical Marijuana Registry), patients can create their own accounts, scan in their driver’s license, and download and print their application. Patients are still required to secure a physician recommendation and sign the waiver and acknowledgment in the presence of a Notary Public. This process requires internet access, a computer, printer and scanner. When all pages of the application are complete, applicants can scan and upload them directly to the MMP portal for approval. Letters of approval may be provided in as little as 24 hours. Patients may print the letter for use in dispensaries until their card arrives in the mail.



The Grove dispensary is hosting an educational event called ‘Standing for Veterans’ on Wednesday, October 5th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Laborers Union Hall, 4201 E. Bonanza Road. Those attending the free seminar will learn about research being conducted to fi nd out how medical cannabis can help those who are suffering from PTSD. Speakers will include US Congresswoman Dina Titus, Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman, Roberto Pickering of the Battle Brothers Foundation, and Dr. Sue Sisley, PTSD researcher and medical director for the Grove. Please call 702.222.2362 for details and to register.




Medical cards from all participating states accepted. Nevada Medical Marijuana Dispensary, Inc.

october | elevatenv.com







EVERGREEN ORGANIX Edibles and flowers available. (702) 550.4855




Extracts and hash giddyuphash.com

(702) 419.4455

Edibles, extraction and flower. kabunky.com








Edibles (510) 780.0777 kivaconfections.com

(702) 629.2075 openvape.com



6631 Schuster Street Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 682.7203 Tara@nvcannlabs.com

Premium flower (702) 419-4455

(702) 631.7555 ashcraftbarr.com





702.879.8698 newheightslaboratory.com

Las Vegas • Reno • Elko • Phoenix Sacramento • Truckee/Tahoe (702) 365.9800 | LPIns.net

GETTING LEGAL 2619 W Charleston Blvd #100 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 979.9999 Gettinglegal.com

Flower. Pre-Rolls. CO2 Oil Cartridges. Tinctures. Capsules. Sap. Wax www.kynd.com



710 Coronado Center Drive, Suite 121 Henderson, NV 89052 (702) 750.9139

LAS VEGAS MEDICAL MARIJUANA ASSOCIATION lvmma.org (702) 499.3291 info@lvmma.org

WE CAN 702




1771 E. Flamingo Rd., Suite 201 Las Vegas, NV 89119 1.844.WeCanLV wecan702.org

Shatter, Wax, Live Resin, and Solventless Extracts (760) 636.9551

7120 Rafael Ridge Las Vegas, NV 89119

(702) 857.8516

elevatenv.com | october

(702) 737.8464 stingalarm.com

october | elevatenv.com 41

Elevating the Conversation with Julie Monteiro RN, BSK


or over 20 years Julie Monteiro has worked in the medical field specializing in internal medicine, orthopedics, pediatric ER/trauma and adult ER, outpatient surgery, and pain management. Using her wealth of knowledge, Monteiro started Cannabis Nurses magazine a year ago. As the magazine celebrates its one-year anniversary this month, she shares the trials and tribulations of making the switch from healthcare provider to editor as well as creating a national platform to promote cannabis information and education.

IS CANNABIS NURSES THE ONLY PUBLICATION OF ITS KIND IN THE U.S.? It is the first for nurses -- we are the pioneers. The other nursing organizations won’t touch it yet due to it (cannabis) being Schedule I. WHY WAS IT IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO START A CANNA NURSING PUBLICATION? It was extremely important to try to provide evidenced-based research and education to our profession. I notice there is a gap of information every time I talk to anyone in our field, whether it’s a nurse or a physician, their reaction is that it’s great information but there’s no research to back it up. I thought to myself I know we have tons of research out there, I have read many, many studies, hundreds across the world, and it was important to have a place to be able to publish this for nurses to have easy access to education. WHAT’S UNIQUE ABOUT CANNABIS NURSES MAGAZINE? Anything we put into our magazine has to have evidence-based research. We take journal articles and regular research and put it into an easy-to-read format. We had the intention of promoting it to nurses first and that’s who was going to be picking it up, which they are and they absolutely love it. Even physicians, pharmacists, and other ancillary professionals have been reading it. But what has been happening is the public and the patients are picking up the


magazine and they are able to read it because it’s in a very readable format. WHAT HAS BEEN YOUR FAVORITE PART OF STARTING THE PUBLICATION? I have been lecturing nationally, which has been a phenomenal experience. This platform has allowed me to meet physicians who are practicing with cannabis and are doing new research and through that they are being incorporated into our magazine. So their information is hot off the press. Knowledge is power. Cannabis is a very unique field of medicine and every single modality and practice that is out there can somehow fit into cannabis. A lot of people don’t understand the paradigm shift that is happening. Cannabis nursing is now a new topic that nurses aren’t just talking about, they are actually going out and doing it. They are getting educated first with a core curriculum and from there they take that knowledge back to their communities, whether they are in a legal state or not. We are planting seeds and they are growing and it’s having a ripple effect. HOW HAS CANNABIS NURSES BEEN RECEIVED? It has been extremely revered as a very good, reliable and well documented source for information. It’s a part of history. It’s a part of a movement. In fact, we are being inducted into the Southern Pueblo Library System in Colorado on October 4. That’s where

elevatenv.com | industry connect | october

we record history. I had no idea that this was the direction it would take. I needed to educate and couldn’t do it from the emergency room so this was a bigger platform to scream from to educate and inform people. I am just a conduit for information, I am just redirecting it. The education is out there, it’s just putting it in a place where people can easily access and understand it in simple layman’s terms. HAS THE MAGAZINE BENEFITED PATIENTS? Absolutely, without a doubt. I always encourage patients if they want to introduce something to their physician, bring it (the magazine) to them during a visit and encourage them to read the articles. And ask to discuss it on their return visit, which gives the physician the opportunity to read and digest it. I guarantee you once they read it, they will already be doing their research because they are critical thinkers and if they are proactive in their healthcare profession they will seek out the answer. And if they don’t, go find a new doctor. Do not stay with someone who is stuck in traditional medicine, they have to be on the cutting edge and understand that this is a method of treatment. Physicians usually have a change of heart and I think that’s the most impact I am making with medical providers. To read our entire interview with Julie Monteiro, visit elevatenv.com/Elevating_ the_Conversation.

This November, you will have the opportunity to vote Yes on 2 to regulate marijuana like alcohol. You can learn more about the initiative at: RegulateNevada.org /RegulateMJinNV A regulated adult-use marijuana market will:

● Reduce or eliminate the underground marijuana market in Nevada ● Make it more difficult for our children to access by requiring an ID to purchase ● Provide funding for K-12 education ● NOT change existing medical marijuana laws or affect patients’ rights Email: info@regulatenevada.org to learn how you can get involved.


Paid for by the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol.

FIND US IN NEVADA DISPENSARIES Evergreen Organix top selling strains:

Silver Surfer Em-Dog Tangie Candyland Girl Scout Cookies


elevatenv.com | october

www.evergreenorganix.com 45

elevatenv.com | october






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5255 West Sahara Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89146 702.579.0400 www.jlrlv.com


elevatenv.com | october

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