Lighting Interaction - Process Book

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* ' ' * * ' * ' ' Interactive Discovery ' *' * ' ' * * ' ' * ' LIGHTING INTERACTION

<Process Book>

" Introduction "

The project “Interaction Discovery” allow us as fresh starters to explore the possibilities of turning an everyday object into a human-centered interactive product. By using a simple but effective code on Arduino programmer, we can express our creative mind using rational technology. When I was brainstorming the storyboard of this project, I tried to think of a problem that common people would face every day, the “Lighting Interaction” popped out my mind. “Lighting Interaction” is a sensory lighting application that aims to solve the problem of poor visibility in the darkness; such as; waking up in the middle of the night without any light sources or walking down the stairs in a dark environment. The product contains two sensors, light sensor and motion sensor, so when the light sensor cannot detect light sources, the motion sensor will be triggered that if any motion happened around the motion sensor, the light will be turned on. With my process of wiring and coding, I not only learned the basics of wiring and electronic, but also learned to find out the flaws and problem-solving skills. Although the process is usually frustrating and unpredictable, the joy of finishing the final design is beyond words.

" Ideation " I first drew this scenario based storyboard as my starting point for my project. It demonstrates one of the real-life application that can be used in an everyday life. I designed a LED light that can be installed under the bed; therefore; the user can have a better visibility in the darkness without having to manually turn on the light. Simply wake up, sit up and get off the bed, the light will be on right after the motion sensor detects the user’s movement. This simple but very effective application will help to improve the safety of a dark enviroment for any kind of user. After taking with my instructors and peers, I decided to add a light sensor to solve the problem of light turning on in the unessery time(day time), so the LED light will only be triggered in a dark enviroment.

" Core Value "

I started to organize my core values after decided the idea. Here are the following values:

#1 To create an application that would light up with the movement Which will act as a quicker and convieient light switch without manual operation

#2 Aim to create a better visibility in the dark environment To improve the safety of the installed location

#3 A multifunctional product for any location

Designed as a small and light-weight product that can easily fit in any place.


" User Flow "

This is the user flow of my “Lighting Interaction” project. It demonstrates the steps that would happen during its journey. The red blocks show the interaction of the light sensor and the blue blocks represent the steps of the motion sensor.

Check Light

analogRead (analogPin)

IF Dark

When the light sensor detects the environment as ‘dark’, it will trigger the motion sensor to operate. On the other side, if the light sensor detects the light around it, the electronic system will stay as a close loop.

analogValue < threshold

Check Motion

digitalRead (buttonPin)

IF Motion


When the motion sensor gets triggered, it will start sensing the motion around it. If there is a movement, it will start to calculate the time, when the time hit five seconds without any movement happening again, the light will turn off automatically; however; if any motion gets detected again in that five second, the light will stay on. This part of the user flow is also a closed loop that if the light gets turned off, it will go back to the first part of the user flow.

Save Time


IF LastMotion



Turn On LED ledState = LOW

Turn Off LED ledState = HIGH

" Ingredient "

These are the matieral list for “Lighting Interaction� project: 1. 20v charger *1 2. Aurduino 3. beardboard 4. 5v relay 5.1k resistor *1 6.10k resistor *2 7. jumpers 8. motion sensor *1 9. Light sensor *1 10. 222 transistor *1 11. 100uf 16k compasistor *1 12. 12v LED strip

PROBLEM #1: LED ouput is the opposite

For my wiring process, I started up by soldering my LED strip to my electronic source and connect my 12v LED with the 5v relay in order to transfer the uneven power. However, the output of my LED strip had been effected due to the unstable relay, which indirectly effects my code in Arduino.

5v relay

10k resistor

110v electronic source

12v LED strip

" Documentation "


pull up resistor

Sencondly, I added the motion sensor with a 10k resistor and a pull up resistor to handle the powerful electricity of th sensor.

5v relay

10k resistor

5v light sensor

110v electronic source

12v LED strip

5v motion sensor

" Documentation "


Finally, I connect the light sensor into my circuit with another 10k resistor. pull up resistor

5v relay

10k resistor

5v light sensor

110v electronic source

12v LED strip

5v motion sensor

" Documentation "


" Program " After wiring the circuit of my project, I moved on to my code for Arduino. This first part of my code stated the input of the sensor and also the output of the LED light.

" Program " Solution of problem #1: LED ouput is the opposite Since the output of the LED light is setted up in the opposite way (LOW=turn on, HIGH=turn off ), I needed to changed the light part of my code as the opposite (LOW=turn on, HIGH=turn off ) to balance the problem of the LED strip. *** Original setting : (LOW=turn on, HIGH=turn off )

" Program "

Check Light

analogRead (analogPin)

IF Dark

analogValue < threshold

Check Motion

digitalRead (buttonPin)

IF Motion


Save Time


IF LastMotion



Turn On LED ledState = LOW

This part of the code stated the variables of the interactions. I setted up the MotionDelay as 5000 milis (5 seconds) so the LED light don’t get turn on and off freqently (which might cause uncomfortable feeling)

Turn Off LED ledState = HIGH

" Program "

Check Light

analogRead (analogPin)

IF Dark

analogValue < threshold

Check Motion

digitalRead (buttonPin)

IF Motion


Save Time


IF LastMotion



Turn On LED ledState = LOW

In this part of the code, I direct the LED (LedPin=OUTPUT) to light up when the motion sensor detect any movement (buttonPin=INTPUT).

Turn Off LED ledState = HIGH

" Program "

Check Light

analogRead (analogPin)

IF Dark

analogValue < threshold

Check Motion

digitalRead (buttonPin)

IF Motion


Save Time


IF LastMotion



Turn On LED ledState = LOW

In order to trigger the light sensor (analogRead) before the motion sensor (digitalRead), I stated when it is dark around the light sensor (analogValue > threshold), the motion sensor will start working (reading= digitalRead).

Turn Off LED ledState = HIGH

" Program "

Check Light

analogRead (analogPin)

IF Dark

analogValue < threshold

Check Motion

digitalRead (buttonPin)

IF Motion


Save Time


IF LastMotion



Turn On LED ledState = LOW

In order to create a smoother light transition of on and off, I used millis as the time calculator to save the time when the motion sensor detects movement. Therefore, when the time hit five seconds (5000 miles) without any movement happening again ((currentMillis - lastMotionTime ) > MotionDelay)(reading=LOW), the light will turn off automatically (ledState=HIGH); however; if any motion gets detected again (reading=HIGH) in that five second, the light will stay on (ledState=LOW).

Turn Off LED ledState = HIGH

" Problems "

After some try and errors, I found out some problems of my code and circuit:

#2 Motion and light sensor is too sensitive

which cause the LED light to keep turn on and off every frequently = unstable

#3 Long jumper and effects the circuit the unnecessary longer jumper cause unstable circuit = ineffective

#4 Sensor and light are feeding each other the LED light are feed back to the light sensor = unstable input and output

RELAY IS HOLDING TOO MUCH ELECTRICITY After lots of testing with Bobby, we found out the relay is holding too much electrical power that the Arduino is not able to handle fully. Which end up causing all the problems above.

110v electronic source

5v relay

" Solution "

In order to solve the problem of the unstable system, I took out the relay and tried to find another way to transit the power of the 12v LED strip.

12v LED strip

pull up resistor

10k resistor

5v light sensor

5v motion sensor

Pull Up Resistor

12v LED strip

1k Resistor

Pull Up Resistor


222 Trasistor 10k Resistor

220v electronic source

Light Sensor


100uf 16v Compacitor

" Solution "

I used the 222 transistor, 1k resistor, and a pull-up resistor to transfer the power. In addition, instead of using an extra electrical source, I use the 220v charger for my whole circuit and Adurino.


5v motion sensor

" Solution " Since the relay problem have been solved, the problem of the opposite output of LED light have been solved as well. Therefor, I change my code back to normal. (LOW=turn on, HIGH=turn off )

" Final Testing "

Final Testing Video (Youtube Link):

After solving all the problems, the circuit works perfectly. What I do in the video: When its dark (my left hand covering the light sensor) the LED light turns on. When there is no motion in 5 seconds (my right hand covering the motion sensor) the light is off; on the other side, when there is motion again, the light turns on.

" Final Product "

For the packaging, I decided to go with something simple and unnoticeable (since we want to hide it). I used a paper box to contain the Arduino and the wiring, then I cut some holes for the wires and sensor. And here you go! a lightweight box that can be carried to anywhere you want.

" Final design "

Final branding demo video(youtube link):

Here is the real-life application demo video for my project “Lighting Interaction�, the user can install it any here as long as there is an electrical resource to power the product. In the video, I demonstrate two examples that the user can use in the house- under the bed and on the stairs.

" Possibilities "

Although I produce the final product (not prototype), there are still some possibilities for me to take the project further in the future:

#1 Having light ease in and out using NeoPixel LED Although my system allows the LED light to ease in and out, the LED strip I bought does not have the ability to perform such thing since it is not a NeoPixel LED. If I have a big budget for this project, this function will be featured. *** NeoPixel LED strip cost 65 CAD for a meter. (burst into tears)

#2 Change the color of light using NeoPixel LED

Same as above, with NeoPixel LED light, I will be able to change the color of the light with the Arduino. Therefore, there will be more customized options for the users to choose from.

#3 Having a longer LED strip Having the option of the LED strip length will allow a more diverse application for the user. For example: a longer LED for the stairs, I shorter LED under the table.

" Result " If this project will be sell as a product, it will be a package (a kit) that allows the user to apply to anywhere that they feel suitable or needed with an easy instruction. The user only needs to plug in the charger, put the sensors at the ideal triggered place, lastly pill of the sticker on the back of the LED strip and stick it to the place that needed the light. Wa-la! You have a sensor light that will lit on with your motion in the dark!



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'* ' * ' The End * ' ' ' * ' LIGHTING INTERACTION

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