Catch Up With English! 1

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Catch Up With English! Quaderno di recupero e potenziamento della LINGUA INGLESE per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado


Introduzione Welcome to

Catch Up With English! Catch Up With English = recuperare, rimettersi in pari con l’inglese

Ciao, sono Mel e ti aiuterò a riprendere l’inglese da dove l’abbiamo lasciato con l’interruzione della scuola L’anno scolastico appena concluso è stato un anno molto speciale. Il secondo quadrimestre lo abbiamo passato a casa a studiare sul computer o il tablet, senza poter incontrare i nostri insegnanti e i nostri amici. In certi giorni è andato tutto liscio, ma in altri abbiamo avuto qualche difficoltà perché improvvisamente abbiamo dovuto dimostrare di essere autonomi e molto più responsabili di quanto ci era mai stato chiesto prima. Sicuramente è stata un’esperienza molto formativa e una grande prova da affrontare come studenti! Con Catch Up With English ci rimettiamo in pari con lo studio della lingua inglese. Possiamo dimostrare di aver sviluppato tante competenze! È diviso in tre steps:

Step 1

Qui troviamo un approfondimento degli argomenti di grammatica con tutte le spiegazioni in italiano e tanti esercizi per fare pratica.

Step 2

In queste 8 unità ripassiamo tutti gli argomenti di grammatica, lessico e comunicazione attraverso letture interessanti, esercizi divertenti, giochi e tante curiosità.

Step 3

La parte finale del libro ci sarà utile per il rientro in classe a settembre. Grazie alle verifiche e alle prove delle competenze potremo dimostrare di aver acquisito diverse competenze e approfondito tante conoscenze.

So, are you ready to catch up with your English? Enjoy your summer! 2

Cosa contiene il libro

Step 1

p. 5

Recupero secondo quadrimestre

• Spiegazioni grammaticali in italiano con schemi e tabelle • Esercizi graduati con audio • Mappe concettuali riassuntive • Controlli sommativi Step 2

p. 66

Ripasso e consolidamento

• 8 unità di ripasso e consolidamento di funzioni comunicative, strutture grammaticali e lessico

• 4 sezioni per unità I. Presentation II. Grammar III. Culture IV. Let’s Have Some Fun

• La storia a fumetti del romanzo Robin Hood, di Alexandre Dumas Step 3

p. 128

Rientro in classe

• Entry Test • Test di recupero • Prova delle competenze intermedia • Prova delle competenze finale


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Unit 1 I pronomi personali soggetto ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Unit 2 be: il Present simple ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Unit 3 L’ora e le parti della giornata ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Unit 4 I numeri ordinali ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Unit 5 a, an .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Unit 6 Il plurale dei nomi ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Unit 7 Le parole interrogative .................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Unit 8 Gli aggettivi possessivi .................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Unit 9 there is, there are ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17 Progress Check Units 1-9 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Unit 10 have got: il Present simple .......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Mind Map 1 – Il verbo be .................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Mind Map 2 – Il verbo have ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Unit 11 Il genitivo sassone (possessive ’s) ........................................................................................................................................................... 24 Unit 12 the ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Unit 13 this, that, these, those ................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Unit 14 Il Present simple ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 28 Unit 15 Le preposizioni di tempo ......................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Unit 16 Le preposizioni di luogo ........................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Progress Check Units 10-16 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Unit 17 I verbi di gradimento .................................................................................................................................................................................. 35 Unit 18 I pronomi personali complemento .................................................................................................................................................... 37 Unit 19 L’imperativo ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Unit 20 Gli avverbi di frequenza ............................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Unit 21 some, any, no, every ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 41 Mind Map 3 – some, any, no, every .......................................................................................................................................................... 43 Unit 22 How much…?, How many…? ................................................................................................................................................................. 44 Unit 23 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o dalla forma in -ing ............................................................................................................................. 45 Unit 24 I nomi numerabili e non numerabili ................................................................................................................................................. 47 Progress Check Units 17-24 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 49 Unit 25 can, can’t ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51 Unit 26 could, couldn’t .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53 Unit 27 Gli avverbi di modo ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Unit 28 Il Present continuous ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Unit 29 Present simple o Present continuous? .................................................................................................................................................. 59 Mind Map 4 – Present simple e Present continuous .............................................................................................................. 61 Verb Tables ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Progress Check Units 25-29 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 64



I pronomi personali soggetto







egli, lui


ella, lei


esso, essa






essi, esse, loro

In inglese, a differenza dell’italiano, il soggetto deve essere sempre espresso, non può mai essere omesso.


I pronomi personali soggetto vanno sempre prima del verbo: He is my cousin. = È mio cugino. • Il pronome di prima persona singolare I si scrive sempre con la maiuscola: I’m Tim and I’m a student. = Sono Tim e sono uno studente. • Il pronome you corrisponde ai pronomi italiani “tu” e “voi”, e viene usato anche per il “Lei”: How are you, Mr Tanner? = Come sta, signor Tanner? • Dei pronomi alla terza persona singolare, he si usa per le persone di sesso maschile, she per le persone di sesso femminile, it per le cose e gli animali: He’s a teacher. = Lui è un insegnante. She is a cyclist. = Lei è una ciclista. It’s a sunny day. = È una giornata soleggiata. It’s my dog. = È il mio cane.

Osserva le immagini e scrivi il pronome personale soggetto corrispondente.

1 ____________________

2 ____________________

3 ____________________

4 ____________________

5 ____________________

6 ____________________

I ____________________


Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con il pronome personale soggetto corrispondente, come nell’esempio.

Sarah is English. She is from London. 1 Andy and Martin are musicians. __________ 5 play in a band. 6 2 Julio is Spanish. __________ is from Barcelona. 3 I have a bike. __________ is red. 7 4 Rob and Ann love running. __________ are 8 good runners.


Rome is a very big city. __________ is in Italy. You and I are students. __________ are in the same class. This is Toby. __________ is my dog. Your eyes are beautiful. __________ are blue.

Scrivi 8 frasi a piacere utilizzando i pronomi personali soggetto.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



be : il Present simple Forma affermativa Estesa I am you are he / she / it is we are you are they are



I’m you’re he’s / she’s / it’s we’re you’re they’re

Forma interrogativa Am I... ? Are you... ? Is he / she / it... ? Are we... ? Are you... ? Are they... ?

Forma negativa Contratta

I am not you are not he / she / it is not we are not you are not they are not

I’m not you aren’t he / she / it isn’t we aren’t you aren’t they aren’t

Risposte brevi Affermative


Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

No, you aren’t. No, I am not. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

Il Present simple del verbo be ha tre voci alla forma affermativa: am, is, are. I am a girl. = Io sono una ragazza. La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not dopo il verbo: You are not American. = Tu non sei americano. La forma interrogativa si ottiene invertendo soggetto e verbo. Le risposte non sono mai un semplice “Sì” o “No”, ma sono invece: Yes / No + il pronome personale soggetto + be: ‘Are you English?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ = “Sei inglese?” “Sì, lo sono.” La forma contratta viene di solito utilizzata nell’inglese parlato e in quello scritto informale. Ricorda che: Nelle risposte brevi le forme contratte si utilizzano solo alla forma negativa, mai a quella affermativa. Gli usi del verbo be Il verbo be si usa: • per presentarsi: I’m Andy. = Sono Andy. • per chiedere e dire da dove si viene: ‘Where are you from?’ ‘I’m from Milan.’ = “Da dove vieni?” “Vengo da Milano.” • per chiedere e dire l’età: ‘How old are you?’ ‘I’m 14 years old.’ = “Quanti anni hai?” “Ho 14 anni.” • per chiedere e dire come stiamo: ‘How are you?’ ‘I’m fine.’ = “Come stai?” “Sto bene.”; I’m happy. = Sono felice. • per indicare una condizione: Today it’s very hot. = Oggi fa molto caldo.; They are late! = Sono in ritardo!


Espressioni idiomatiche con il verbo be Alcune espressioni italiane che utilizzano il verbo avere per indicare uno stato d’animo o una condizione sono rese in inglese con una costruzione con il verbo be + aggettivo: • be right / wrong = avere ragione / torto: Stella is right / wrong. = Stella ha ragione / torto. • be cold / hot = avere freddo / caldo: She’s really cold. = Ha molto freddo. • be afraid = aver paura: I’m afraid of snakes. = Ho paura dei serpenti. • be sleepy = avere sonno: The cat is very sleepy today. = Il gatto ha molto sonno oggi.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

2 1

Sottolinea la forma corretta del verbo be. They are / am happy. 1 I are / am thirsty. 2 We are / am in the class. 3 Tom are / is busy.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta, come negli esempi. 1 2 3


Leo Messi is / isn’t Brazilian. The earth is / isn’t round. We are / aren’t in New Zealand. Elephants are / aren’t big. I’m / I’m not a rock star.

4 The sea is / isn’t blue. 5 You are / aren’t from Moscow. 6 Penguins are / aren’t small animals.

Abbina le domande alle risposte corrette. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Are Julie and Ross friends? Is your bag red? Are the boys ready? Is your sister ten? Are you thirsty? Are you tennis players?

a b c d e f

■ No, it isn’t: it is green. ■ No, she isn’t: she’s nine. 1 Yes, they are: they are in the same class. ■ ■ No, we aren’t: we play volleyball. ■ Yes, they are: let’s go. ■ Yes, I am: a glass of water, please!

Rispondi con risposte brevi che siano vere per te. 1 2 3 4


4 They is / are from Norway. 5 You and I am / are old friends. 6 My book is / are on the table.

Are you in an English class? Yes, I am. Are you American? ___________ Is your school big? ___________ Are your classes long? ___________ Are you sporty? ___________

5 6 7 8

Is rugby your favourite sport? ___________ Are you and your friends clever? ___________ Are you an only child? ___________ Are your parents Italian? ___________

Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma corretta del verbo be e le parole nel riquadro. interested • wrong • thirsty • sleepy • right • happy • hungry • dirty • cold • tired • afraid A Why are you on the sofa? B Because I am tired. 1 It’s lunchtime. ________ you _________________? 6 My feet __________________ in winter. 2 Sarah is in bed because she ___________________. 7 They __________________ in history. 3 Wash your hands! They __________________! 8 We __________________ because we’ve 4 Pass me the water, please. I __________________. passed our exam. 5 A Madrid is in Argentina. 9 Helen __________________ of spiders. B No, you __________________. 10 A 5 plus 5 is 10. B Yes, you __________________!

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



L’ora e le parti della giornata Per chiedere che ore sono e per rispondere a questa domanda si usa il verbo be alla terza persona singolare: ‘What time is it?’ ‘It’s three o’clock.’ = “Che ore sono?” “Sono le tre.” Ricorda che: L’espressione o’clock indica l’ora precisa: It’s eight o’clock. = Sono le otto in punto. Per indicare le ore da mezzanotte a mezzogiorno si aggiunge a.m. (anti meridiem, prima di mezzogiorno) dopo l’indicazione dell’ora. Per indicare invece le ore da mezzogiorno a mezzanotte si aggiunge p.m. (post meridiem, dopo mezzogiorno): It’s ten a.m. = Sono le dieci di mattina. It’s five p.m. = Sono le cinque di pomeriggio. Per dire quanto tempo è passato dopo l’ora esatta si usa past: It’s ten past five. = Sono le cinque e dieci. Per dire invece quanto manca allo scoccare dell’ora esatta si usa to: It’s twenty-five to three. = Mancano venticinque minuti alle tre. It’s a quarter past eleven in the morning.



3.15 ____________

3 ____________

6 ____________

1 ____________

4 ____________

7 ____________

2 ____________

5 ____________

8 ____________

Che ore sono? Scrivi le ore in lettere, specificando se è mattina, pomeriggio o sera. 6.00 It’s six o’clock in the morning. 1 10.45 _________________________________ 2 12.15 _________________________________ 3 17.30 _________________________________ 4 22.00 _________________________________

3 8

It’s a quarter to eight in the evening.

Che ore sono? Scrivi l’orario indicato accanto a ciascun orologio.

It’s half past four in the afternoon.


1 2 3 4 5

5 13.10 _________________________________ 6 19.55 _________________________________ 7 2.10 _________________________________ 8 11.05 _________________________________

Ascolta e scrivi gli orari.

It’s 2.20 p.m. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

6 ______________________________________ 7 ______________________________________ 8 ______________________________________ 9 ______________________________________ 10 ______________________________________ Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

I numeri ordinali 1st







2nd second

























































I numeri ordinali indicano la posizione in un insieme: January is the first month of the year. = Gennaio è il primo mese dell’anno. Chelsea FC are third in the Premier League. = Il Chelsea è terzo nella Premier League. I numeri ordinali si usano anche per indicare la data: Today is the sixth of October. = Oggi è il sei ottobre.


Scrivi i numeri ordinali in lettere. 2nd second 1 11th _________________ 2 15th _________________ 3 20th _________________


4 1st _________________ 5 29th _________________ 6 41st _________________

7 57th _________________ 8 12th _________________ 9 55th _________________

Completa le frasi con gli ordinali dei numeri indicati.

May is the fifth (5) month of the year. 1 Mary and John live on the ____________________ (3) floor. 2 She is the ____________________ (14) on the list. 3 There are ten people before me: I am the ____________________ (11). 4 My house is the ____________________ (7) on the right. 5 Tomorrow is the ____________________ (19) of March. 6 The ____________________ (1) of September is my ____________________ (15) birthday.



Ascolta e scrivi le date di nascita in cifre.

1 ______________________ 2 ______________________ 3 ______________________


4 ______________________ 5 ______________________ 6 ______________________

7 ______________________ 8 ______________________

Rispondi alle domande scrivendo le date in lettere.

1 When is your birthday? 4 ______________________________________. 2 When is Christmas Day? 5 ______________________________________. 3 When is New Year’s Day? 6 ______________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

When is Valentine’s Day? ______________________________________. When is your best friend’s birthday? ______________________________________. When is Labour Day? ______________________________________.



a, an L’articolo indeterminativo a / an corrisponde agli articoli italiani “un, uno, una”. L’articolo a si usa davanti alle parole che iniziano per consonante: a child, a year, a window, a jelly. L’articolo an si usa davanti alle parole che iniziano per vocale e h muta (honest, honour, hour): an apple, an idea, an English man, an hour. Ricorda che: h, j, w e y sono consonanti!


Scrivi l’articolo indeterminativo corretto, come nell’esempio.

an umbrella 1 __________ yacht 2 __________ wall 3 __________ hospital 4 __________ address


5 6 7 8

__________ cat __________ jumper __________ hour __________ tablet

9 __________ curtain 10 __________ jet 11 __________ hit 12 __________ yard

Completa le frasi con le espressioni nel riquadro aggiungendo a / an dove necessario. happy birthday • actor • apartment in Brighton • clothes shop • huge cake hotel • hairdresser • American singer • book • fruit juice • hour

Taylor Swift is an American singer. 1 My mum is ____________________________________________. 2 For my birthday I want ___________________________________. 3 Before going to bed I always read __________________________. 4 Jameela sells T-shirts, she works in ___________________________. 5 For breakfast I have ______________________________________. 6 Jack Black is ____________________________________________. 7 My friend Beth lives in ____________________________________. 8 I wish you _____________________________________________. 9 The film lasts about _____________________________________. 10 He works as a receptionist in ______________________________.


Indica (✓) le frasi giuste e correggi quelle con gli articoli sbagliati.

We stay in an hotel when we go on holiday. a My new car is a jeep. ✓ 1 I eat an enormous bowl of cereal for breakfast in the morning. _______ 2 My grandparents’ house has got two floors and a attic. _______ 3 For our birthday me and my sister get an present from the club. _______ 4 I love reading science fiction books. _______ 5 ‘Let’s watch film tonight!’ ‘Great idea! Star Wars is on now.’ _______ 6 There is a art exhibition tomorrow at the Tate Modern’s. _______ 7 I’m thirsty. Can I have a coke, please? _______ 8 There is a yummy cake in the fridge. _______ 9 Stan and Pamela eat lunch at 1 p.m. _______ 10 An year is a very long time. _______ 11 His present for her birthday is a book. _______ 12 My house has got two rooms and a hall. _______


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Il plurale dei nomi


Generalmente il plurale dei nomi si ottiene aggiungendo -s al nome singolare: book → books. Se il nome singolare termina in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, -z, gli si aggiunge -es: bus → buses; box → boxes. Ricorda che: Alcuni nomi che terminano in -o aggiungono solo la -s: photos, discos, pianos, videos, radios. Se il nome singolare termina con -y preceduta da una consonante, si toglie la -y e si aggiunge -ies: country → countries; se la -y è preceduta da una vocale, si aggiunge semplicemente la -s: boy → boys. Se il nome singolare termina con -fe o -f, questi si tolgono e si aggiunge -ves: life → lives; shelf → shelves. apple word month


campus boss bush peach mix tomato

+ -es

toy birthday

+ -s

butterfly lady

+ -ies

knife elf

- f + -ves

Alcuni plurali sono irregolari, cioè cambiano, tutta o in parte, la forma del singolare: Singolare child man tooth person woman foot mouse

Plurale children men teeth people women feet mice

Ricorda che: In alcuni casi il singolare e il plurale hanno la stessa forma: one fish → two fish one sheep → two sheep

Scrivi il plurale o il singolare dei seguenti nomi.

flower 1 kiss 2 office 3 apple 4 tomato 5 books 6 kilos


+ -s

apples words months campuses bosses bushes peaches mixes tomatoes toys birthdays butterflies ladies knives elves

flowers buses bus ____________ ____________ 7 cities ____________ ____________ 8 wolves ____________ ____________ 9 toy ____________ ____________ 10 party ____________ ____________ 11 box ____________ ____________ 12 wife

13 sandwich 14 people 15 potatoes 16 feet 17 dishes 18 days

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Riscrivi le frasi volgendo al plurale le parole sottolineate, e facendo tutti i cambiamenti necessari.

The toy is in the box. The toys are in the boxes. 1 The thief is on the roof. 4 The book is about the life of fish. ______________________________________. ______________________________________. 2 My key is in my bag. 5 Your idea is simply perfect! ______________________________________. ______________________________________. 3 Show me your photo of our holidays! 6 My foot is cold. ______________________________________. ______________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


6 3

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con il plurale dei nomi.

Sheep eat grass.

1 I’ve got two 2 Olivia brushes her ____________________. ____________________ twice a day.

3 In autumn the ____________________ fall from the trees.

4 There are two ____________________ at the bus stop.

5 ____________________ love cheese.

7 Babies have got very small __________.



1 2 3 4


a ■ a ■ a ■ a ■

Ascolta e indica (✓) la parola che senti.

shelf child toe knife

b ■ ✓ b ■ b ■ b ■

shelves children toes knives

5 6 7 8

a ■ a ■ a ■ a ■

church woman country man

b ■ b ■ b ■ b ■

churches women countries men

Descrivi cosa vedi in ogni immagine, come nell’esempio.

There are 4 children and a dog in the park.

2 ______________________________________ 12

6 The ________________ are at a birthday party.

1 ______________________________________

3 ______________________________________ Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Le parole interrogative Who ...? What ...? Where ...? When ...? How ...? Which ...? Why ...?


Chi ...? Che cosa ...? / Quale ...? Dove ...? Quando ...? Come ...? / Quanto ...? Quale ...? Perché ...?

Le parole interrogative, o question words, si trovano sempre all’inizio della frase: Who is your teacher? = Chi è il tuo / vostro insegnante? What’s your name? = Qual è il tuo nome? / Come ti chiami? When is your birthday? = Quand’è il tuo compleanno? How are you? = Come stai? How old are you? = Quanti anni hai? Ricorda che: Se ci sono delle preposizioni, queste vanno alla fine della frase: Where are you from? = Di dove sei? What e Which possono entrambi significare “quale”, ma which si usa soltanto per indicare una scelta tra due o più opzioni: What are your favourite subjects? = Quali sono le tue materie preferite? (scelta generica) Which is your first language, English or Italian? = Qual è la tua prima lingua, l’inglese o l’italiano? (scelta fra le opzioni date) In inglese, la parola italiana “perché” si traduce con why nelle domande e because nelle risposte: ‘Why are you running?’ ‘Because I’m late!’ = ‘Perché corri?’ ‘Perché sono in ritardo!’


Scrivi la question word corretta. A B 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B



What’s your favourite colour? It’s yellow. ______________ old are you? 7 A I’m 19. B ______________ are you from? 8 A I’m from Bath. B ______________ tall are you? 9 A I’m 1.70 m. B ______________’s your name? 10 A My name’s Audrey. B ______________ is Paul? 11 A He’s in the kitchen. B ______________ is that man with the black hat? 12 A That’s Simon. B

______________ are you? Fine, thanks. ______________’s your job? I’m a vet. ______________ is the party? It’s tonight! ______________ is he sad? He’s got a headache. ______________ are they? They’re my cousins. ______________ is dinner ready? In half an hour.

Ascolta e controlla.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


7 3

Abbina le domande nel riquadro alle risposte date. Where is Jim? • What time is the football match? • Where is your flat? • When is the family dinner? Why is she nervous? • How do you go to school? • How old is your brother? • What’s your favourite colour? What’s this? • When is your birthday? • Who are those boys? • How high is that mountain? • How is your granny? 1 2 3 4 5 6


What’s this? It’s my new smartphone. ______________________________________ 7 ______________________________________ Tomorrow evening. It’s about 1,300 metres high. ______________________________________ 8 ______________________________________ Purple. It’s on Saturday. Come to my party! ______________________________________ 9 ______________________________________ They are my new classmates. It’s near the town concert hall. ______________________________________ 10 ______________________________________ By bus. He’s twenty-five. ______________________________________ 11 ______________________________________ She’s very well, thanks. Because there’s a maths test today. ______________________________________ 12 ______________________________________ It’s at 7 p.m. He’s in the garden. Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande, come nell’esempio.

mum and dad / your / are / where A Where are your mum and dad? B They are in Rome.

1 girl / who’s / that 6 is / English / your / when / lesson A ___________________________________? A ___________________________________? B She’s my sister. B It’s now. 2 number / what’s / your / phone A ___________________________________? B It’s 813 5992738.

3 Gianni / who / and / Anna / are A ___________________________________? B They are my grandparents. 4 old / puppy / your / how / is A ___________________________________? B It’s six months old. 5 is / TV / favourite / what / series / your A ___________________________________? B It’s Sherlock.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Gli aggettivi possessivi Pronomi soggetto I you he she it we you they


Aggettivi possessivi my your his her its our your their

il mio, la mia, i miei, le mie il tuo, la tua, i tuoi, le tue il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di lui) il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di lei) il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di cosa, animale etc.) il nostro, la nostra, i nostri, le nostre il vostro, la vostra, i vostri, le vostre il loro, la loro, i loro, le loro

Gli aggettivi possessivi si usano davanti a un nome per indicare appartenenza o relazione: My computer is new. = Il mio computer è nuovo. In inglese hanno una sola forma per il maschile e il femminile, il singolare e il plurale, e concordano sempre con il possessore, non con la cosa posseduta: He is Bob: his bike is red. = Lui è Bob: la sua bicicletta è rossa. She’s Helen, her dad is a doctor. = Lei è Helen, suo padre è un dottore. Their house is in the next street. = La loro casa è nella prossima strada. Their parents are English. = I loro genitori sono inglesi. Ricorda che: Gli aggettivi possessivi non sono mai preceduti dall’articolo the.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4


La forma di cortesia italiana “suo / sua” si traduce con your: What’s your email, Mrs Smith? = Qual è la sua email, signora Smith?

He’s my brother. His / Her name is Brian. My sister and our / her friend Liz are tall and blonde. Charlotte brushes his / her teeth every morning. What’s your / its surname, madam? Josh and Craig are German. Their / Our father is from Berlin.

5 Is this its / my T-shirt? 6 Lucy has a cat. Your / Its name is Snowy. 7 We are Jason and Chris. We live with our / her parents. 8 Thomas, Daniel! Where are your / his schoolbags?

Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con l’aggettivo possessivo corrispondente. My sister name is Chloe. Her name is Chloe. 1 Tom and Janet trousers are black. 4 ______________ trousers are black. 2 Tricia and my bikes are in the garage. 5 ______________ bikes are in the garage. 3 Are you going to John and Julie party? 6 Are you going to ______________ party?

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Which is Paul house? Which is ______________ house? You are eating the dog food! You are eating ______________ food! Is that Sophie and your mum over there? Is that ______________ mum over there?


8 3

Completa le frasi sulle vacanze della famiglia di Ben scegliendo l’opzione corretta (a, b o c). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Completa le frasi con l’aggettivo possessivo corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Every year ______ mum and dad don’t know where to go on holiday. a ■ b ■ their c ■ your ✓ my Mum wants us to go away with ______ sister’s family. a ■ her b ■ his c ■ our But Dad prefers a quiet holiday on ______ own, just the four of us. a ■ your b ■ their c ■ our Then Grandma and Grandpa decide to plan ______ summer visit to us just when we want to go away. a ■ our b ■ their c ■ theirs And my brother Sam says he doesn’t want to go anywhere without ______ girlfriend! a ■ her b ■ his c ■ hi So I say I don’t want to leave the cat on ______ own! a ■ her b ■ their c ■ its ______ holidays are always so complicated! a ■ our b ■ their c ■ your I hope ______ family is better at organising holidays! a ■ my b ■ their c ■ your

My parents open their shop at 10 o’clock. Joseph wants to be a pilot, and _____________ sister wants to be an astronaut. Mum, can John stay at _____________ house for the weekend, please? Samantha and I have _____________ cooking class on Wednesday evening. I have to take _____________ dog to the vet: _____________ leg is broken. Thomas and Jennifer went to Bahamas for _____________ honeymoon. Juliet, please, finish _____________ soup before it gets cold . I can’t use _____________ mobile: _____________ battery is low! Kids, here are _____________ new schoolmates! Completa l’email che Sarah scrive alla sua amica Molly con gli aggettivi possessivi.

Hi Molly, your Thanks for ____________ email and the photos of 1____________ family: they are very nice! 2 And ____________ dog too: 3____________ puppies are so cute! I promise to send you the pics of 4____________ pets! I’ve got some news: next week I’m going on holiday with 5____________ friends Julia and Carla and 6 ____________ family! Carla and 7____________ sister are very lovely, and 8____________ little brother Alan too: he always takes 9____________ teddy bear with him! Bye, talk to you soon! Sarah.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

there is, there are


There is corrisponde all’italiano “c’è”. There are corrisponde all’italiano “ci sono”. There is a cat in the garden. = C’è un gatto in giardino. There are two books on the shelf. = Ci sono due libri sullo scaffale. La forma contratta di there is è there’s: There’s a pen on the table. = C’è una penna sul tavolo. Ricorda che: Non esiste una forma contratta per there are. Per ottenere la forma negativa si aggiunge not dopo il verbo essere: There aren’t (are not) cars on the street. = Non ci sono macchine in strada. Per la forma interrogativa is / are vanno prima di there, e le risposte brevi sono: Yes, there + is / are; No, there + isn’t / aren’t: ‘Is there a mirror in your room?’ ‘Yes, there is’.= “C’è uno specchio nella tua stanza?” “Sì, c’è.” ‘Are there biscuits in the jar?’ ‘No, there aren’t.’ = “Ci sono biscotti nel barattolo?” “No, non ce ne sono.”


Completa le frasi con There is, There are, It’s o They’re. 1 2 3 4 5


There is a cat in the garden. __________ two cinemas in town. 6 __________ a chair in the corner. 7 __________ children on the street. __________ something in my eye. 8 __________ nice people.

They’re my favourite books. __________ an interesting story. __________ two apples and some oranges in the fridge. __________ lots of clothes shops in town.

Completa le frasi usando There’s, There are, It’s / He’s / She’s o They’re. He’s a very clever student. It’s a beautiful day: there’s a shining sun! 1 __________ a fox in the park. 6 __________ many good restaurants 2 __________ two pairs of socks and in my town but __________ all expensive. a T-shirt on the floor. 7 __________ my grandmother. 3 __________ an excellent actress. 8 __________ a great film on TV tonight. 4 __________ two men playing cards. 9 __________ someone at the door. 5 __________ an adorable dog. 10 Her name is Sarah. __________ English.


Formula delle domande con le parole date e rispondi con delle short answers che siano vere per te. 1 2 3

many theatres / your town ‘Are there many theatres in your town?’ ‘Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t’. many flats / your building 4 a computer / in your house _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. a DVD player / your bedroom 5 ten students / in your English class _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. many supermarkets / your town 6 an airport / in your town _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Progress Check Units 1-9 1 Riscrivi le frasi utilizzando i pronomi personali adatti. 1 2 3

Me and my friend Jess are at the park. _______ are at the park. Tom rides a red bike. _______ rides a red bike. My smartphone is new. _______ is new.

4 5 6

My dog is an Irish setter. _______ is an Irish setter. Ms Anderson is my yoga teacher. _______ is my yoga teacher. Your kittens are very cute. _______ are very cute.

2 Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta del verbo be. Mary Hello. My name 1_______ Mary. What 2_______ your name? Peter Peter. How 3_______ you? Mary I 4_______ fine. And you? Peter I 5_______ OK. Where 6_______ you from? Mary I 7_______ from Ireland. My parents 8_______ Irish. Peter Where 9_______ that girl from? Mary She 10_______ from Japan. Peter How old 11_______ she? Mary She 12_______ fifteen. We 13_______ in the same class. Peter Really? It 14_______ amazing!

3 Formula delle domande con le parole date, e poi rispondi secondo quanto suggerito tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4

we / late (early) 5 your clothes / dirty (clean) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ you / thirsty (hungry) 6 your trainers / new (old) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ you / cold (hot) 7 this computer / expensive (cheap) ___________________________________ ___________________________________ he / wrong (right) 8 the weather / nice today (terrible) ___________________________________ ___________________________________

4 Rispondi alle domande con risposte che siano vere per te. 1 2 3


What time do you get up in the morning? 4 I get up at _____________________________. What time do you go to school? 5 I go to school at ________________________. What time do you have a break? 6 I have a break at ________________________. 5

Ascolta e scrivi i numeri ordinali che senti.

1 _______________ 2 _______________


What time do you come back home? I come back home at ____________________. What time do you have dinner? I have dinner at _________________________. What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at __________________________.

3 _______________ 4 _______________

5 _______________ 6 _______________

7 _______________ 8 _______________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Progress Check Units 1-9 6 Aggiungi l’articolo a / an per ogni nome singolare, poi volgilo al plurale. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

_____ leaf _____ toe _____ lady _____ elf _____ juice _____ peach _____ echo _____ dress _____ loaf

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

10 _____ umbrella 11 _____ child 12 _____ sheep 13 _____ hammer 14 _____ island 15 _____ horse 16 _____ entry 17 _____ sandwich 18 _____ yacht

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

7 Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande. Poi abbina le risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

name / ’s / what / your ________________________________? is / he / old / how ________________________________? you / are / how ________________________________? she / is / from / where ________________________________? surname / his / ’s / what ________________________________? what / ’s / this ________________________________? who / she / ’s ________________________________? here / is / why / man / that ________________________________?

a b c d e f g h

■ I don’t know. ■ She’s from France. ■ She’s Brooke. ■ It’s Jones. ■ I’m Mark. ■ I’m fine, thanks. ■ It’s a smartphone. ■ He’s twelve.

8 Completa le frasi con l’aggettivo possessivo corretto. 1 2 3 4

I wash _______ hands before dinner. Mary has long hair and _______ eyes are blue. I have a beautiful Siamese cat; _______ fur is beige and very soft. British people love _______ pets very much!

5 6 7 8

We always park _______ car in the garage. Tom and _______ sister Katy are twins. Children! Where are _______ schoolbooks? Here’s my key! Where’s _______ key, dad?

9 Guarda attentamente la vetrina del negozio e scrivi cosa c’è o non c’è, usando There is / There are. Aiutati con le parole nel riquadro.

bag • T-shirt • jeans • umbrella • book • tie • sandals • coat • skirt • hat 1 _________________________________________. 2 _________________________________________. 3 _________________________________________. 4 _________________________________________. 5 _________________________________________. 6 _________________________________________. 7 _________________________________________. 8 _________________________________________. 9 _________________________________________. 10 _________________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



have got : il Present simple Forma affermativa Estesa I have got you have got he / she / it has got we have got you have got they have got

Forma negativa

Contratta I’ve got you’ve got he’s / she’s / it’s got we’ve got you’ve got they’ve got

Estesa I have not got you have not got he / she / it has not got we have not got you have not got they have not got

I haven’t got you haven’t got he / she / it hasn’t got we haven’t got you haven’t got they haven’t got

Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa Have I got…? Have you got... ? Has he / she / it got... ? Have we got... ? Have you got... ? Have they got... ?


Affermative Yes, you have. Yes, I have. Yes, he / she / it has. Yes, we have. Yes, you have. Yes, they have.

Negative No, you haven’t. No, I haven’t. No, he / she / it hasn’t. No, we haven’t. No, you haven’t. No, they haven’t.

Gli usi del verbo have got Il verbo have got si usa per esprimere possesso, per descrivere l’aspetto fisico e per parlare della famiglia: I’ve got a football. = Io ho un pallone. She’s got green eyes. = Lei ha gli occhi verdi. We’ve got one child. = Abbiamo un solo figlio. Ricorda che: Nelle risposte brevi non si usa mai got: ‘Have you got red hair?’ ‘Yes, I have.’ = “Hai i capelli rossi?” “Sì.” ‘Has he got a brother?’ ‘No, he hasn’t.’ = “Ha un fratello?” “No.” La forma contratta viene di solito utilizzata nell’inglese parlato e nell’inglese scritto informale. Ricorda che: Nelle risposte brevi le forme contratte si utilizzano solo alla forma negativa, mai a quella affermativa.

Espressioni idiomatiche con il verbo have Il verbo have viene usato in alcune espressioni in cui non è seguito da got: • have breakfast / lunch / dinner = fare colazione / pranzare / cenare: We have breakfast together = Facciamo colazione insieme. • have a shower / a bath = fare una doccia / un bagno: I have a shower every morning. = Faccio la doccia ogni mattina. • have a party = fare una festa: She usually has a party for her birthday. = Di solito fa / dà una festa per il suo compleanno. • have a chat = fare una chiacchierata: They have a chat on the phone. = Chiacchierano al telefono. • have fun = divertirsi: Have fun at the beach! = Divertiti / Divertitevi in spiaggia! • have a walk / swim / holiday = fare una passeggiata / nuotata / vacanza: They have a walk in the park in the evening. = Fanno una passeggiata nel parco la sera. In questi casi il verbo have segue le stesse regole degli altri verbi al Present simple (→ Unit 14). 20

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

10 1

Completa le frasi con has got, have got, haven’t got o hasn’t got. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Lucy and I have got two brothers. Chris _________________ blond hair and blue eyes. My friend Mark _________________ a big black dog. Thomas _________________ a toothache. Daniel _________________ a car. He’s got a bicycle. Tom wants to go to the concert but he _________________ a ticket. I _________________ a new MP3 player. We don’t like TV. We _________________ a television. I see you _________________ a new games console! Completa le frasi con have e le espressioni nel riquadro. a snack • a walk in the park • a chat • a rest • fun • good journey • a surprise party • a drink • a shower

A I’m really tired. B Have a rest. 1 A I feel a bit stressed. B ___________________________________! 2 A Our flight leaves at 10.00 a.m. I can’t wait! B ___________________________________! 3 A I am so dirty! B ___________________________________! 4 A Susan feels a bit lonely. B Well, ______________________ with her.


Completa le frasi e i dialoghi, scegliendo l’opzione corretta (a, b o c). A Have you got a new bike? B Yes, ______________. a ■ I have got b ■ I’ve got c ■ ✓ I have 1 Tim ______________ a new video game. a ■ have got b ■ haven’t got c ■ has got 2 I ______________ a red coat. I’ve got a blue coat. a ■ have got b ■ haven’t got c ■ not have 3 ______________ curly hair? a ■ Has Susan got b ■ Have Susan got c ■ Has got Susan


5 A There’s a party at Sally’s house tonight. B ___________________________________! 6 A Shall we ____________________________? B No, I’m not hungry. 7 A I’m really thirsty. B ___________________________________! 8 A Shall we ____________________________ for Angela’s birthday? B Yes, of course!

4 Those children ______________ three pets. a ■ has got b ■ has c ■ have got 5 A Has Eric got a fast car? B No, ______________. He’s got a motorbike. a ■ he has b ■ he hasn’t c ■ he’s got 6 A Have you got dark hair? B No, ______________. I’ve got ginger hair. a ■ I have b ■ I haven’t c ■ I haven’t got

Scrivi delle domande che abbiano come risposta le frasi dell’esercizio 1, come nell’esempio. Have you and Lucy got two brothers?

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Mind Map 1 They are happy. It is a book.


Il verbo be They aren’t happy. It isn’t a book.

Are they happy? Is it a book?

Yes, they are. No, it isn’t.


risposte brevi






I am Sarah. This is my sister Lola.


She’s tall. You are blond. It’s old.

chiedere e dire l’età



How old are you? I’m fifteen.

Tom is from Dublin. You are from France.

John is a doctor. We are students.

espressioni idiomatiche con il verbo be

to be right/wrong I’m right, you’re wrong.


to be cold/hot We are hot. Today is cold.

to be afraid (of) He’s afraid of snakes.

to be sleepy/ hungry/thirsty We are hungry. She is thirsty. It is sleepy.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

 Unit 2

Il verbo have You have got a bike. She has got a dog.

You haven’t got a bike. She hasn’t got a dog.


Have you got a bike? Has she got a dog?


Mind Map 2 Yes, you have. No, she hasn’t.


risposte brevi


have got




aspetto fisico


I have got a car. He has got a new phone. They haven’t got a TV.

Dana has got two brothers. We have got a greatgrandfather.

We’ve got blue eyes. She’s got short hair.

Karim has got a cold. The kids have got the flu.

espressioni idiomatiche con il verbo have have breakfast / lunch / dinner I have tea for breakfast. Susan has dinner with her friend.

 Unit 10

have a shower / a bath We have a bath in the bathtub.

have a party They have a party at Christmas.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

have a chat Danny has a chat with his friend.

have a walk / swim / holiday She always has a walk in the evening. We have a swim every Saturday.



Il genitivo sassone (possessive ’s) In inglese il possesso o il rapporto tra persone si esprime con il genitivo sassone. Si forma con il nome del possessore + ’s + nome della cosa o della persona, senza l’articolo: It’s Sue’s purse. = È la borsetta di Sue. She’s David’s mum. = È la mamma di David. It is Sue’s purse. È la borsetta di Sue.

She’s David’s mum. È la mamma di David.

Ricorda che: Quando due persone possiedono qualcosa insieme si aggiunge ’s alla seconda persona: This is Ann and Jamie’s house. = Questa è la casa di Ann e Jamie. Ai nomi che terminano in -s e ai plurali regolari si aggiunge solo l’apostrofo: Ben is James’ friend. = Ben è l’amico di James. Andrew is the girls’ brother. = Andrew è il fratello delle ragazze. Ricorda che: ’s può essere: • is, terza persona singolare di be: Anne’s happy. = Anne è felice. • has, terza persona singolare di have got: Anne’s got two sisters. = Anne ha due sorelle. • ’s che esprime possesso: This is Anne’s mobile phone. = Questo è il cellulare di Anne.

whose Per chiedere a chi appartiene qualcosa si usa whose, che può essere usato: • come aggettivo: Whose tablet is it? = Di chi è questo tablet? • come pronome: Whose is the yellow T-shirt? = Di chi è la maglietta gialla?


Riscrivi le frasi secondo l’esempio dato. 1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8

It’s their bedroom. (the kids) ______________ It’s her house. (my grandma) ______________ It’s their suitcase. (my parents) _____________ They’re his teachers. (Andy) _____________

Scrivi accanto a ogni frase a cosa corrisponde ’s: is, has, o genitivo sassone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


It’s her book. (Gloria) It’s Gloria’s book. They’re his trainers. (Jeff) _______________ It’s his laptop. (Ross) ________________ They’re her CDs. (Amanda) ______________ It’s their puppy. (Anna and Rob) ______________

He’s a doctor. is Bob’s got a red jumper. _________ Tara’s from India. _________ Clara’s sister is my new classmate. _________ She’s very happy. _________ Buddy is my grandfather’s dog. _________ James’ bike is brand new. _________ This is my friend’s desk. _________ Sheila’s got a new mobile phone. _________ Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

11 3

Usa le parole date per formare delle frasi con il genitivo sassone. daughter / the Smiths The Smiths’ daughter lives in Paris. 1 job / Benny 5 dog / my neighbours What’s _______________________________? That is ________________________________ 2 toys / the children 6 Beth and Tess / birthday party Are these _____________________________? Today is _______________________________ 3 clothes / your sister 7 blog / John I love ________________________________. _______________________ is very interesting. 4 birthday / my best friend 8 answer / Arthur It’s __________________________ tomorrow. ___________________________ is not correct.


Usa le parole date per fare delle domande con whose, e poi rispondi, come nell’esempio.

this bike / Alan Whose bike is this? It’s Alan’s bike.

1 red scarf / Janine 4 pencils / Mary _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

2 that backpack / Tom 5 purple socks / Martin _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

3 new car / my dad 6 black cat / my sister _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



the L’articolo determinativo the corrisponde agli articoli italiani “il, lo, la, i, gli, le”; è invariabile nel genere (maschile, femminile e neutro) e nel numero (singolare e plurale): the book → the books; the girl → the girls. Indica una cosa o una persona specifica, o qualcosa già nota sia a chi parla sia a chi ascolta: The car parked outside is grandad’s. = La macchina parcheggiata fuori è del nonno. ‘Jim, what time does the film start tonight?’ ‘At 8 p.m., Sarah.’ = “Jim, a che ora inizia il film stasera?” “Alle 8, Sarah.” Nel primo esempio la macchina di cui si parla è una macchina specifica (grandad’s car); nel secondo caso, sia Jim che Sarah sanno di quale film stanno parlando. Ricorda che: Non si mette the: • davanti ai nomi usati in senso generico: Children want ice cream. = I bambini vogliono il gelato. I like sport clothes. = Mi piacciono i vestiti sportivi. Friday is my favourite day. = Il venerdì è il mio giorno preferito. • davanti ai nomi degli Stati: China is very far. = La Cina è molto lontana.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Can you pass me the salad / a salad, please? ‘Where’s the car / a car?’ ‘It’s near the gate / a gate.’ Is Anja from the Russia / Russia? I’ve got a cat / the cat and a dog / the dog. The cat’s / A cat’s name is Fluffy, and a dog’s / the dog’s name is Prince. Have you got the remote control / a remote control of the TV / a TV? It isn’t on the table. There is the bag / a bag on the floor / a floor. Tim works in a supermarket / the supermarket. A supermarket / The supermarket is near the gym. The Queen / A Queen rules a country. The Queen / A Queen of the England / England is Elizabeth II. The Italy / Italy is a / the beautiful country. Aggiungi l’articolo determinativo the solo dove necessario.

The front door is for X teachers and X students. 1 I really like ______ fruit ice cream. 2 ______ my friend Eliza is ______ leader of the class! 3 ______ teacher is talking to ______ his class. 4 One of my favourite food is ______ pizza. 5 ______ Sunday is my day off.


6 ______ animals are not allowed in. 7 Please, don’t feed ______ animals. 8 Drinking ______ water is good for health. 9 Can you pass me ______ sugar, please? 10 We avoid ______ food containing ______ salt.

Completa le frasi con a / an o the dove necessario. X cats are my favourite animals. Sophie has a new MP3 player. 1 ______ Canada is ______ very big country. 7 ______ new teacher is really nice. 2 Eric lives in ______ France. 8 Peter has ______ breakfast in bed on 3 Paul and Janet eat ______ lunch at 1 p.m. ______ Sundays. 4 Where’s ______ cat? 9 Susan is ______ nurse. 5 Are you ______ good student? 10 There is ______ art exhibition in 6 Sophie is ______ interesting person. ______ town centre on ______ Sunday.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

this, that, these, those Vicino a chi parla questo, questa questi, queste

this these


Lontano da chi parla that those

quello, quella quei, quegli, quelle

This e these sono usati per indicare cose o persone vicine a chi parla: This is my bag. = Questa è la mia borsa. These are your glasses. = Questi sono i tuoi occhiali. That e those invece indicano cose o persone lontane da chi parla: That is a nice place to visit. = Quello è un bel posto da visitare. Those people over there are my friends. = Quelle persone laggiù sono i miei amici. Ricorda che: I dimostrativi sono invariabili rispetto al genere: hanno la stessa forma sia per il maschile, sia per il femminile. I dimostrativi possono essere: • aggettivi, quando precedono un nome: That woman is my teacher. = Quella donna è la mia insegnante. • pronomi, quando sostituiscono il nome: That is my teacher. = Quella è la mia insegnante.


Completa le frasi con this o these. 1 2 3 4 5


Do you like this skirt? _________________ are my new trainers. _________________ exercise is difficult. Are _________________ pens red? _________________ letters are for you. Is _________________ your mobile phone? Completa le frasi con that o those.

Those girls are in my class. 1 Is _________________ a real diamond? 2 Lucy lives in _________________ house. 3 Who is _________________ boy? 4 _________________ trainers are really nice. 5 _________________ people are from Spain.


6 _________________ biscuits are delicious. 7 _________________ is a new tablet. 8 Are _________________ oranges organic? 9 Is _________________ my plate? 10 _________________ games are boring.

6 Is _________________ your dog? 7 _________________ people are my mates. 8 _________________ is a horrible film. 9 _________________ earrings are wonderful. 10 Are _________________ your friends?

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con this, these, that o those e le parole nel riquadro. dress • sister • cherries • girls • house • shoes

That is my house.

1 Do you like 2 How much are 3 ___________ 4 Are ________ 5 ___________ ____________? ____________? is my ________. in your class? cost £40.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Il Present simple Forma affermativa I live. You live. He / She / It lives. We live. You live. They live. Forma interrogativa Do I live…? Do you live…? Does he / she / it live…? Do we live…? Do you live…? Do they live…?

Forma negativa Estesa I do not live. You do not live. He / She / It does not live. We do not live. You do not live. They do not live.

Contratta I don’t live. You don’t live. He / She / It doesn’t live. We don’t live. You don’t live. They don’t live. Risposte brevi

Affermative Yes, you do. Yes, I do. Yes, he / she / it does. Yes, we do. Yes, you do. Yes, they do.

Negative No, you don’t. No, I don’t. No, he / she / it doesn’t. No, we don’t. No, you don’t. No, they don’t.

Il Present simple si ottiene con la forma base del verbo, cioè l’infinito senza to. Per la terza persona singolare (he/she/it) si aggiunge -s alla forma base: I read a book, she reads a comic. = Io leggo un libro, lei legge un fumetto. Il Present simple si usa per parlare di azioni abituali, di attività frequenti, di situazioni permanenti e di fatti che sono sempre veri: I get up at 7 o’clock. = Mi alzo alle sette in punto. They live in Spain. = Vivono in Spagna. Water boils at 100°C. = L’acqua bolle a 100°C. Ricorda che: Il Present simple si usa anche per riferirsi a determinate situazioni future, si usa cioè per: •

indicare o chiedere gli orari (di mezzi di trasporto, spettacoli, ecc.): ‘What time does the train to Glasgow leave tomorrow?’ ‘It leaves at half past five.’ = “A che ora parte il treno per Glasgow domain?” “Parte alle cinque e mezza.” Hurry up, the show begins at 8 o’clock, and I don’t want to miss it! = Sbrigati, lo spettacolo inizia alle 8 in punto e non voglio perderlo!

programmi prestabiliti: The open ceremony is on 12th December. = La cerimonia di inaugurazione è il 12 dicembre. The art course starts in February and ends in July. = Il corso di arte inizia/inizierà a febbraio e finisce/finirà a luglio.

Regole ortografiche per la formazione della terza persona singolare I verbi che terminano in -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -zz e -o aggiungono -es alla terza persona singolare: watch → watches; wash → washes; kiss → kisses; relax → relaxes; buzz → buzzes; do → does. I verbi che terminano in consonante + -y cambiano la y in -ies, mentre i verbi che terminano in vocale + -y aggiungono regolarmente -s: study → studies; play → plays. 28

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

14 1

Completa le frasi con la terza persona singolare dei verbi dati. Karen walks (walk) to the library every morning. 1 James _____________ (tidy) his room 4 He often _____________ (guess) the match every week. results. 2 Darren _____________ (wash) the dishes 5 Tina _____________ (relax) in her bathtub every evening. on Sundays. 3 Tommy always _____________ (enjoy) his 6 The little boy _____________ (play) the piano mum’s lunches. very well.


Completa le frasi con le forme corrette dei verbi nel riquadro. play • speak • finish • leave • boil • study • watch • live • drink • eat • go 1 2 3 4 5


Completa le frasi con le forme affermative dei verbi tra parentesi. Poi volgile alla forma negativa. 1 2 3


My father leaves work at 7 in the evening. The children _____________ lots of fruit. 6 Sarah _____________ to Cambridge to see Mark _____________ coffee at breakfast. her grandmother once a week. Matilda _____________ in a cottage 7 We _____________ TV most evenings. in the countryside. 8 Water _____________ at 100° Celsius. Andy _____________ the violin very well. 9 Jim always _____________ for his science My sister _____________ German, French and maths exams. and Spanish. 10 School _____________ at 15.30 in the UK.

Amy and Shaun eat (eat) pancakes for breakfast. Amy and Shaun don’t eat pancakes for breakfast. We _______ (catch) the bus in front of our house. 4 The Smiths _______ (live) in a beautiful house. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. He _______ (study) coding at school. 5 Dean _______ (go) on holiday three times a year. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. She _______ (buy) a magazine every Saturday. 6 My friend Lisa _______ (do) many sports. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 6

Ascolta il brano sulla giornata tipo di Jack e indica se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

1 Jack gets up at 7.30 a.m. 2 He has cereals and tea for breakfast. 3 Jack’s mum drives him to school. 4 School starts at 9.10. 5 At school he usually plays rugby inside.


T F 6 Jack eats lunch in the school canteen. ■ ■ 7 On Fridays he does science ■ ■ experiments in the lab. ■ ■ 8 After school Jack goes to the library. ■ ■


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■

Scrivi 8 frasi su di te, la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici usando le espressioni nel riquadro. play tennis • have a coffee • get up • write emails • arrive at the office / at school go to the supermarket • read a book • go on holiday

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Le preposizioni di tempo At si usa con le ore, le festività, e in alcune espressioni di tempo: Dinner is at 8 o’clock. = La cena è alle 8 in punto. We usually go skiing at Christmas. = Di solito a Natale andiamo a sciare. They never go out at night. = Loro non escono mai di notte. On si usa con i giorni della settimana, le date e i giorni festivi: I never go to the gym on Monday. = Non vado mai in palestra di lunedì. My birthday is on the 20th of July. = Il mio compleanno è il 20 luglio. The film will be released on New Year’s Day. = Il film uscirà il giorno di Capodanno. In si usa con parti del giorno, mesi, stagioni, anni, secoli: I usually go for shopping in the afternoon. = Di solito vado a fare spese nel pomeriggio. School ends in June. = La scuola finisce a giugno. Flowers bloom in spring. = I fiori sbocciano in primavera. She was born in 1995, in the twentieth century. = Lei è nata nel 1995, nel ventesimo secolo.


Aggiungi la preposizione corretta: on, in o at. at 3.00 p.m. 1 _____ Clara’s birthday 4 _____ August 10th 7 _____ Sunday 10 _____ Halloween



3 _____ the morning 6 _____ 2014 9 _____ the 19th century 12 _____ Easter

Completa le frasi con on, in, at. 1 2 3 4


2 _____ winter 5 _____ breakfast time 8 _____ the end of the film 11 _____ Tuesday morning

There’s a party on Saturday. The kids are always hungry _____ dinner time. What do you usually do _____ the weekend? Gardens are lovely _____ spring. We get up late _____ Sunday mornings.

5 6 7 8

School starts _____ September. My birthday is _____ 30th October. I like to look at the stars _____ night. The train leaves _____ 11.45.

Completa il brano seguente su The Shard con le preposizioni di tempo. The Shard is the tallest building in the European Union: it is a stylish skyscraper (309 m high) and its top is the only place from where you can see the entire city. The Shard's construction began in March 2009; it was inaugurated 1 ______ 6th July 2012. It can be visited every month of the year, and you can buy your tickets in advance or 2 _____ the day you visit. It opens 3 ______ 10 a.m., and closes 4 ______ 10 p.m. 5 ______ spring and summer and 6 ______ 7 p.m. 7 ______ winter. It may have special times 8 ______ Christmas and 9 ______ other festivity days. Check for the ‘Silent Disco’ events 10 ______ night, 11 ______ weekends, you can’t miss it!

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Le preposizioni di luogo


Le preposizioni di luogo in = in, a; on = su, sopra; at = a, si usano per indicare la posizione di una persona o di un oggetto: The cake is in the oven. = La torta è nel forno. The keys are on the floor. = Le chiavi sono sul pavimento. Sophie is at school. = Sophie è a scuola. Altre preposizioni di luogo sono: above = sopra (senza contatto): The helicopter is flying above the forest. = L’elicottero sta volando sopra la foresta. next to = accanto a: The bathroom is next to my bedroom. = Il bagno è accanto alla mia stanza. under = sotto: Your shoes are under your bed. = Le tue scarpe sono sotto il tuo letto. from = da: I’m coming home from the office. = Sto tornando a casa dall’ufficio. to = a: Tom and Mary go to the restaurant. = Tom e Mary vanno al ristorante. behind = dietro: The window is behind that curtain. = La finestra è dietro quella tenda. between = tra (due persone o cose): The school is between the park and the library. = La scuola è tra il parco e la biblioteca. among = tra (più persone o cose): The house is among the trees. = La casa è fra gli alberi. in front of = davanti a: The umbrellas are in front of the door. = Gli ombrelli sono davanti alla porta. opposite = di fronte a: The bank is opposite the post office. = La banca si trova / è di fronte all’ufficio postale. near = vicino a: She lives near the station. = Abita vicino alla stazione.


Completa le frasi con in, at, on. We meet in the hall. 1 A Where’s the bread? 6 There’s some fruit _____ the fridge. B It’s _____ the table. 7 Sally has lots of pictures of pop singers _____ 2 Josh lives _____ Leeds. her bedroom’s walls. 3 Let’s meet _____ the cinema tonight. 8 A Where’s Peter? 4 My cat likes to sleep _____ the sofa. B He’s _____ work. 5 Let’s have lunch _____ the cafeteria.


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con la preposizione di luogo corretta.

1 There are some shoes 2 There is a tree ____________________ ____________________ the bed. the house.

4 The cupboard is 3 The TV is ____________________ ____________________ the sink. the bookshelf.


7 Gatwick airport is ____________________ London.

Sam is sitting ____________________ Emily. Emily is _______________ Rose.

6 The mouse is ____________________ the cat.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

8 There is a shark ____________________ the boats. 31

16 3

Osserva l’immagine e completa le frasi con on, under, next to, behind o in front of.




on There is a dog ______________ the armchair. There is a vase with flowers ______________ the table. The table is ______________ the sofa. The remote control is ______________ the table. The lamp is ______________ the sofa. There is a painting ______________ the wall. There is a cat ______________ the armchair. The fireplace is ______________ the TV. Ascolta e controlla. Riordina le parole per formare frasi di senso compiuto, come nell’esempio.

1 2 3


was / at / yesterday / dentist’s / afternoon / the / I Yesterday afternoon I was at the dentist’s. the / house / opposite / my / stop / bus / is 4 don’t / near / I / school / live / my _____________________________________. _____________________________________. table / the / under / shoes / your / are / ? 5 friend / class / my / I / sit / next to / best / in / usually _____________________________________? _____________________________________. bed / the / on / dog / your / sleep / does / ? 6 TV / in front of / don’t / stand / the / ! _____________________________________? _____________________________________! Usa le parole date per rispondere alle domande, usando le preposizioni corrette.

1 2 3 4 5


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Where do you wear a ring? (finger) I wear it on my finger. Where do you hang a picture? (wall) 6 Where is letter G? (letters F and H) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Where are your parents right now? (work) 7 Where does the last of a queue stand? _____________________________________. (everybody) Where do you have P.E. lessons? (gym) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 8 Where’s the title of a book? (the cover) Where does the train connecting France _____________________________________. and UK ride? (water) 9 Where do you watcht a film? (TV) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Where are you going? (chemist’s) 10 How do you hold a glass when you drink? (hand) _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Progress Check Units 10-16 1 Completa le frasi con have e una delle espressioni nel riquadro. cold • swim • shower • cup of tea • party • game • dinner • piano lessons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

My friends Lucy and Ann ____________________ every Christmas. Let’s ____________________ on Saturday at that new Thai restaurant. I usually ____________________ before breakfast. The boys love rugby. They always ____________________ after school. Derek likes to keep fit, so he ____________________ every day at the local swimming pool. My children ____________________ once a week. Joe is at home today because he doesn’t feel very well: he ____________________. I’m so happy to see you: please, ____________________ with me!

2 Forma delle frasi usando le parole date e il genitivo sassone ’s. 1 2 3 4

boys names / Joe and Jeremy 5 these / children / gloves ______________________________________. ______________________________________. Taylor / new shoes / great 6 Carl and Tess / daughters / twins ______________________________________. ______________________________________. that / Leo / sister/ ? 7 those / your grandparents / dogs / ? ______________________________________? ______________________________________? I / have got / Ted and Sue / address 8 Jeff / cousin / Italian ______________________________________. ______________________________________.

3 Guarda l’albero genealogico e completa le frasi. Fred and Mavis are married. They have got two daughters, Daisy and Christina, and a son, Jack. Jack is married to Louise. They have got three children. Christina is married to Paul. They have got a daughter, Emily.

1 Mavis is ______ wife. 5 2 Fred is Daisy, Jack and ______ father. 6 3 Daisy, Jack and Christina are Fred and ______ 7 children. 8 4 Jack is ______ husband. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Emily is Christina and ______ daughter. Louise is ______ aunt. Emily is Ben, Robert and ______ cousin. Ben, Robert, Polly and Emily are Fred and ______ grandchildren. 33

Progress Check Units 10-16 4 Completa le frasi con a, an, the o X. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I like History: it’s ______ very fascinating subject. ‘Have you got ______ pen?’ ‘There’s ______ red pen on ______ teacher’s desk.’ ‘There’s ______ piano here: who does play it?’ ‘Janine can play ______ piano very well.’ ______ Sardinia is ______ island in ______ Mediterranean Sea. Wow! Look at ______ moon! Tonight it’s full! There’s ______ fruit salad for you in ______ fridge. Let’s have breakfast: ______ tea is ready and ______ biscuits are in the jar. There is ______ interesting film on ______ TV tonight: let’s sit on ______ sofa and watch it!

5 Scrivi this, these, that o those. 1 _______ flowers here 2 _______ shoes over there 3 _______ dress over there

4 _______ houses here 5 _______ tree here 6 _______ women here

7 _______ bicycle over there 8 _______ train over there 9 _______ CD here

6 Completa le frasi con il Present simple dei verbi dati tra parentesi. 1 My brother _____________ (not play) video games. 2 We _____________ (open) a marmalade jar and _____________ (spread) it on a slice of bread. 3 They _____________ (visit) their grandparents every month. 4 Sylvia _____________ (brush) her hair. 5 Bob _____________ (wash) the dishes and then he _____________ (wipe) them. 6 My mom _____________ (teach) French, but she _____________ (speak) three languages. 7 The entryphone _____________ (buzz) when someone _____________ (push) the button. 8 Frank _____________ (say) you’re good at volleyball. 9 This road _____________ (lead) to the sea. 10 The kids _____________ (crush) the leaves under their feet.

7 Completa le frasi usando le preposizioni di tempo in, at, on. 1 2 3 4 5

Jeffery’s birthday is _____ December. 6 They always have a party _____ Christmas day. We usually go for a picnic _____ Easter. 7 In my country schools close for three months America’s Independence Day is _____ 4th July. _____ the summer. My dad doesn’t work _____ the weekends. 8 Our dogs stay out in the garden _____ night. The New Year arrives _____ 31st 9 Bye! See you all _____ half past two! December _____ midnight. 10 _____ the morning, I go for a jog in the park.

8 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 My friend Chen comes from / among China. 2 I’ve got lots of posters above / on my bedroom wall. 3 I love sitting opposite / in front of the TV watching my favourite programmes! 4 ‘Is there a terrace on / at your house?’ ‘No, but there’s a cellar in / under it.’ 5 ‘Where were you yesterday afternoon?’ ‘I was in / at the dentist’s.’ 34

6 On our road, house number 23 is behind / between number 21 and 25, but opposite / after number 24. 7 The chair is in front of / among the desk. 8 Please, pick up your shoes from near / under the bed. 9 My grandparents live at / in Rome. 10 My school is near / among the park. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

I verbi di gradimento


Alcuni verbi come like = piacere, love = amare, hate = odiare, enjoy = divertirsi, godersi qualcosa sono detti verbi di gradimento. Sono seguiti da verbi alla forma in -ing di un altro verbo: eat → eating; play → playing: I like playing tennis. = Mi piace giocare a tennis.

Variazioni ortografiche

• Se il verbo termina con una -e muta questa si elimina prima di aggiungere -ing: make → making. • Se il verbo termina con una vocale + una consonante, si raddoppia la consonante finale, prima di aggiungere -ing: stop → stopping. • Se il verbo termina in -ie, questo dittongo diventa y, poi si aggiunge -ing: lie → lying.

Il verbo like

In inglese il verbo like = piacere, ha una costruzione particolare, diversa da quella italiana: soggetto (cioè la persona a cui piace qualcosa) + like + oggetto (ciò che piace): I like pizza. = Mi piace la pizza. Tony doesn’t like folk music. = A Tony non piace la musica folk.

So do I / Neither do I Frase affermativa I like pizza. He’s got a bike. They went home. You are hungry. I’d like some tea. Amélie can speak French.

Accordo So do I. So has he. So did they. So are you. So would I. So can she.

Frase negativa I don’t like pizza. He hasn’t got a bike. They didn’t go home. You aren’t hungry. I wouldn’t like some tea. Amélie can’t speak French.

Disaccordo I don’t. He hasn’t. They didn’t. You are not. I wouldn’t. She can’t.



Neither/Nor do I. Neither/Nor has he. Neither/Nor did they. Neither/Nor are you. Neither/Nor would I. Neither/Nor can she.

I do. He has. They did. You are. I would. She can.

Per esprimere accordo con un’affermazione si può dire So do I o Me too. Per esprimere accordo con una negazione si usa Neither do I. ‘I like fruit salad.’ ‘Me too.’ = “A me piace la macedonia.” “Anche a me.” ‘I don’t understand.’ ‘Neither do I.’ = “Non capisco.” “Neanche io.” Se non si è d’accordo si dice I don’t. I like listening to hip hop.’ ‘I don’t!’ = “Mi piace ascoltare l’hip hop.” “A me no.”


Volgi i verbi alla forma in -ing. 1 2 3 4 5

chat do walk write fly sleep

chatting ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

6 have 7 dive 8 spy 9 get 10 eat

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 35

17 2

Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro. wait • catch • watch • speak • drink • run • have • garden • ski 1 2 3 4


I like speaking to your sister, she’s always so kind. We really enjoy _____________ in winter! 5 I don’t like _____________ horror films. My parents love _____________ very much, 6 and their garden is just gorgeous! 7 I hate _____________ for you to get ready all the times we go out! 8

I love _____________ in the park: it really makes me feel great! My cat hates _____________ mice. I really love _____________ a shower in the morning. Jenna doesn’t like _____________ sparkling water.

Completa il dialogo con So do I, Me too o I don’t. Lisa June Lisa June Lisa June Lisa June Lisa June


Let’s watch a film tonight. What do you like? Well… I fancy an action film, with a super hero! Me too! And I like love stories too! 1 ______________ . I can’t stand them! Ok, let’s say…what about Iron Man? I really like Robert Downey Jr. 2 ______________ , he’s great but…Captain America: Civil War, instead? I love it! 3 ______________ , sorry! Oh, but I love all his films! 4 ______________ . Let’s watch a quiz show! Great! I love quiz shows!

Commenta le frasi, esprimendo accordo o disaccordo, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4


I love football matches. So do I. / I don’t. I don’t like spiders. 5 I don’t want to eat now. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. We’re going to visit the museum. 6 You didn’t have breakfast this morning. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. They’ll take a lot of photos of the show. 7 We can sing. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. He shouldn’t talk this way. 8 She’d like to have a nap. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Scrivi cosa ti piace e cosa non ti piace fare, utilizzando le espressioni nel riquadro. study • clean my room • go out with friends • do housework • surf the Net • go to the cinema wake up early • read comics • go on holiday • eat vegetables • write my blog

1 2 3 4 36

I don’t like waking up early. I love going out with friends. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________.

5 6 7 8 9

I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

I pronomi personali complemento me you him her it us you them


I pronomi personali complemento si usano dopo un verbo o una preposizione, per non ripetere un nome. Come per i pronomi personali soggetto, anche la terza persona singolare ha tre forme: him per il maschile, her per il femminile e it per gli oggetti o gli animali: I look at you. = Io ti guardo. You talk to him. = Tu gli parli. Music is my hobby, I love it! = La musica è il mio hobby, la adoro!

Sottolinea il pronome corretto. 1 2 3


Are these apples for us / we? Please listen to they / them. Where is Jason? Is he / him in the garden? The teacher always gives us / we books to read.

4 I / Me like pizza with vegetables. 5 This CD is for he / him. 6 Susan always helps me / I with my homework.

Completa le frasi con he, him, she, her, they o them. 1 2 3


‘Is Jane at school?’ ‘Yes, she is.’ Where are Tom and Ben? _____ are really late! 4 Today is my brother’s birthday: this present Have you seen my sunglasses? I can’t find is for _____. _____ anywhere! 5 Here are my new trainers: _____ are great! _____ is my favourite actor: I really love _____. 6 Your sister is ready! Take _____ with you. Completa le frasi con il pronome soggetto o complemento corretto, come nell’esempio.

1 2 3 4


me, mi te, ti lui, lo, gli lei, a, le esso, essa, ciò, lo, la noi, ci voi, vi loro, li, le


Mark knows Jim. He knows him. John studies with Paula and Joe. 5 A Where are the dogs? _____ studies with _____. B I can’t see _____. Mary eats two sandwiches for lunch. 6 A Do you know Stanley? _____ eats _____ for lunch. B No, I don’t know _____. Mr and Mrs Jones live near the park. 7 A Where is Mrs Anderson? _____ live near _____. B _____ is in Madrid this week. Martin and I see Molly and you every day. 8 Daniel and I like travelling. _____ love it! _____ see _____ every day. Completa le frasi con i pronomi personali complemento corretti.

Madonna is my favourite singer, I really love her. 1 Where are my trainers? I can’t find ______ in the shoe rack. 2 Please, Matthew, pay attention when someone talks to ______. 3 This box is for Janet, don’t open ______ until tomorrow. 4 Ms Fletcher is in the classroom: you can ask ______ about your History test. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

5 When the children play in their room, you can hear ______ from the kitchen. 6 Jim wants ______ to go out with ______, tonight; can I go, Mum? 7 Our grandparents come and see ______ every Sunday. 8 This is my present for ______: happy anniversary, Liz and Andrew! 37


L’imperativo L’imperativo si usa per dare ordini o istruzioni. La forma affermativa si ottiene con la forma base del verbo, senza aggiungere il soggetto: Close that window! = Chiudi / Chiudete quella finestra! La forma negativa si usa per esprimere proibizioni o divieti, e si ottiene con don’t + la forma base del verbo: Don’t copy from your friend! = Non copiare dal tuo compagno! Ricorda che: L’imperativo inglese ha una sola forma per riferirsi a “tu”, “Lei” e “voi”: Don’t eat it! = Non mangiarlo! / Non lo mangi! / Non mangiatelo! L’imperativo per la prima persona plurale si forma con let’s + la forma base del verbo: Let’s see a film! = Vediamo un film! La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not: Let’s not stay home tonight. = Non stiamo a casa stasera.


Scrivi sotto ogni segnale l’imperativo corrispondente scegliendo tra quelli dati nel riquadro. Do not dive • Don’t pick flowers • Turn right • Do not feed the animals • Drive slowly

Turn right.


2 ______________.

3 ______________.

4 ______________.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


1 ______________.

I’m bored. You are thirsty. We’re late. It’s really cold today. This room is a mess! The exam is next week.

a b c d e f

■ Let’s study harder. ■ Put your coat on. 1 Let’s play with the games console. ■ ■ Let’s hurry up to catch the train. ■ Tidy your bedroom now! ■ Have a drink!

Completa l’email con le parole nel riquadro. Usa la forma affermativa o negativa dell’imperativo. have • turn • come • call • be • bring • open • take • touch • forget

Dear Kath, Come and see me next weekend. I’m in a house by the beach. It’s lovely here! 1____________ to bring your swimming costume! Here are the directions: at the crossroads, 2____________ left and continue to the end of Maple Road. 3____________ the first on the left. 4____________ careful! It’s a dangerous road. 5 ____________ a jacket. It’s quite cold in the evenings. If I’m not at home when you arrive, 6____________ me on my mobile. Otherwise, the key is under the orange plant pot in the garden. 7____________ the front door and 8____________ a drink. Oh, 9____________ my dog, Jack. He isn’t very friendly!! See you soon, Shannon 38

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Gli avverbi di frequenza


Gli avverbi di frequenza si usano per indicare con quale frequenza viene compiuta un’azione. 0% never mai

20% rarely raramente




100% sometimes often usually always qualche volta spesso di solito sempre

Questi avverbi seguono il verbo be, ma precedono gli altri verbi: You are always late for school. = Sei sempre in ritardo per la scuola. We often go to the cinema. = Andiamo spesso al cinema. Ricorda che: Per chiedere con che frequenza viene compiuta un’azione, si usa How often all’inizio della domanda. Per rispondere si può usare un avverbio di frequenza oppure un’espressione di frequenza (every day / week, once / twice a day / week) che va alla fine della frase: ‘How often do you go swimming?’ ‘I go swimming every day / once a day / twice a week / three times a month.’ “Quanto spesso vai a nuotare?” “Vado a nuotare tutti i giorni / una volta al giorno / due volte la settimana / tre volte al mese.”


Inserisci gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza nella posizione corretta. 1 2 3 4


He listens to jazz in the evening. (usually) He usually listens to jazz in the evening. They read a book in English. (sometimes) 5 Sheila takes karate lessons. (twice a week) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Our teacher is very patient, he goes angry. (never) 6 I have a shower. (every morning) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. I go to the supermarket. (three times a month) 7 We go out at night during the week. (rarely) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. I will remember the first time I met you. (always) 8 I call my parents. (once a day) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Riordina le parole e scrivi le frasi.

1 2 3 4 5 6

tennis / play / ever / does / he / ? Does he ever play tennis? always / eats / he / lasagne / Sundays / on _____________________________________. aunt / drinks / my / often / tea _____________________________________. don’t / get up / early / I / on / always / Saturday _____________________________________. children / usually / do / the / school / eat / lunch / at / ? _____________________________________. snows / it / winter / rarely / in _____________________________________. right / teacher / is / always / the _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


20 3

Individua l’avverbio giusto in base alla percentuale, e inseriscilo correttamente nella frase. 1 2 3


Sam and Terry go out for a pizza together. (10%) Sam and Terry rarely go out for a pizza together. I go to school by bus. (70%) 4 We go out on Saturdays. (50%) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. My friends Luke and Jules live abroad now, 5 We can use the vending machine because it is so we see them only. (20%) out of order. (0%, 100%) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________. _____________________________________. It rains here in summer. (0%) 6 I have a shower in the morning. (70%) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Con che frequenza Andy fa queste cose? Scrivi le domande e poi rispondi, come nell’esempio. morning












video games










going out







‘How often does Andy go to school by bike?’ ‘He goes to school by bike five days a week.’

1 read a magazine __________________________________________________________________________. 2 going swimming __________________________________________________________________________. 3 read a book __________________________________________________________________________. 4 watching TV __________________________________________________________________________. 5 playing football __________________________________________________________________________. 6 going out __________________________________________________________________________. 7 going to a museum __________________________________________________________________________. 8 playing video games __________________________________________________________________________.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

some, any, no, every


Some e any corrispondono all’italiano “un po’, alcuni, qualche, del, della, dei, degli, delle”. Si usano per indicare una quantità non definita, sia con nomi numerabili plurali (uova, biscotti, libri) che con nomi non numerabili (latte, acqua, caffè). • Some si utilizza nelle frasi affermative: There is some milk in the fridge. = C’è del latte in frigo. I’ve got some new DVDs. = Ho dei nuovi DVD. • Any invece si usa nelle frasi negative e nelle domande: She hasn’t got any comics. = Non ha fumetti. Is there any coffee? = C’è del caffè? Ricorda che: Some è utilizzato nelle frasi interrogative quando si offre qualcosa: Would you like some biscuits with your tea? = Vuoi dei biscotti con il tè?; Do you need some help? = Hai bisogno di aiuto? • No si usa nelle frasi negative, con il verbo alla forma affermativa, sia con i nomi numerabili plurali che con i nomi non numerabili: I’ve got no clean T-shirts. = Non ho magliette pulite. There’s no milk in the fridge. = Non c’è latte in frigo. • Every significa “tutti”, “ogni”, ed è utilizzato con il verbo alla terza persona singolare: Every room has a window. = Ogni stanza ha una finestra. I water the flowers every day. = Innaffio i fiori tutti i giorni.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


‘Would you like some / any honey in your tea, Amanda?’ There are any / some problems with our Internet connection. Let’s have some / any more lasagne: it was delicious! Do you have some / any information about our next school trip to Scotland? Listen to her, she can give you any / some very useful fashion tips! There isn’t some / any cake left in the cupboard. Is there any / some books about Classical History in your local Library? Completa le frasi seguenti con some, any, no, every.

1 2 3 4 5 6


We can’t make risotto: there is no rice! I don’t have _____________ clean T-shirt to wear! 7 Sorry, I’ve got _____________ time to talk to you. There isn’t _____________ salt in this salad. 8 Would you like _____________ milk in your coffee? I’m thirsty. I want _____________ water. 9 We’ve got _____________ crackers but we I’ve just bought _____________ newspapers. haven’t got _____________ bread. I play tennis _____________ Saturday. 10 I’ve checked _____________ drawer: I can’t find Is there _____________ tea left? my notebook! Abbina le due parti delle frasi.

1 2 3 4 5 6

This exercise is difficult. I need... We want to go to the theatre but... Are you thirsty? There is... Ann likes to do things by herself. She doesn’t want... Lily and Sam have got... There are...

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

a b c d e f

■ any help. ■ some fruit juice in the fridge. ■ no shopping malls in this town. 1 some help. ■ ■ some cute pets. ■ there aren’t any good plays on. 41

21 4

Guarda le immagini e descrivi quello che vedi. Scrivi delle frasi usando le parole nel riquadro e some o any. sugar • animals • furniture • traffic • peaches • magazines

The woman doesn’t have any sugar.

1 _________________________ _________________________.

2 _________________________ _________________________.

3 _________________________ _________________________.

4 _________________________ _________________________.

5 _________________________ _________________________.


Formula delle domande con le parole date, poi rispondi, come nell’esempio. biscuits ✓ 3 bananas 7 Are there any biscuits in the jar? _____________________________________? Yes, there are some. _____________________________________. pasta 7 4 bread 7 Is there any pasta in the cupboard? _____________________________________? No, there isn’t any. _____________________________________. 1 fish ✓ 5 soup ✓ _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 2 socks 7 6 motorbikes ✓ _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.


Riscrivi le frasi alle forme interrogativa e negativa. 1 2 3


I’ve got some DVDs. Have I got any DVDs? I haven’t got any DVDs. You’ve got some books. 4 The butcher’s got some meat. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. There is some information. 5 There are some children at the playground. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. There’s some flour on the table. 6 Tom has some new trainers. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

some, any, no

Mind Map 3

Have you got any homework today? Has she got any time to help me? There is some noise in the street. Ted has some new friends. Do you want some tea? Does Irene want some cinnamon rolls?



frasi affermative

any frasi interrogative


frasi negative



There’s no chocolate in these sweets. She has no red shoes. There aren’t any leaves on the trees. We haven’t got any milk in the fridge.

 Unit 21

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



How much…?, How many…? How much…? e How many…? si usano per informarsi sulla quantità di qualcosa: • How much…? = quanto…?, quanta…? si usa con i sostantivi non numerabili: How much pasta is there? = Quanta pasta c’è?; • How many…? = quanti…?, quante…? si usa con i sostantivi numerabili plurali: How many posters have you got in your room? = Quanti poster hai nella tua stanza? Ricorda che: How much si usa anche per chiedere il prezzo di qualcosa: How much are the hot dogs? = Quanto costano gli hot dog?


Completa le frasi con How much…? e How many…? many How _____________ books do you read in a year? 1 How _____________ rooms are there in your house? 2 How _____________ water do you drink per day? 3 How _____________ appointments have you got today? 4 How _____________ salad do you want? 5 How _____________ time is there? 6 How _____________ CDs have you got? 7 How _____________ friends do you have? 8 Now _____________ food is left?


Formula delle domande usando How much...? e How many...? 1 2 3


homework / your friend Lisa How much homework has your friend Lisa got? money / you 4 furniture / in your house _____________________________________? _____________________________________? orange juice / in the fridge 5 rooms / house _____________________________________? _____________________________________? magazines / you 6 pets / your neighbours _____________________________________? _____________________________________? Usa le parole date per formulare delle domande. Poi scegli la risposta appropriata dal riquadro. seven • fifty • about one / two litres • twenty four • about five / six litres • twenty • ten

1 2 3 44

days / in a week ‘How many days are there in a week?’ ‘Seven.’ milk teeth / children 4 water / we need to drink / every day _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. blood / in a person’s body? 5 fingers / on your hands _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. states / in the USA 6 hours / in a day _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o dalla forma in -ing


Alcuni verbi sono sempre seguiti dall’infinito preceduto da to: learn, need, promise, decide, hope, offer, refuse, want: They decided to go to the restaurant. = Decisero di andare al ristorante. I don’t want to cycle to work.= Non voglio andare al lavoro in bici. He offered to help me. = Si offrì di aiutarmi. The kids refused to tidy their room. = I bambini si rifiutarono di riordinare la loro stanza. Altri verbi, soprattutto i verbi di gradimento come like, love, enjoy, hate, prefer, sono seguiti dalla forma in -ing: When I travel I like trying local food. = Quando viaggio mi piace provare cibo locale. I don’t like watching TV, I prefer going to the cinema. = Non mi piace guardare la TV, preferisco andare al cinema. I hate doing the washing-up. = Odio lavare i piatti. Verbo + -ing

Verbo + infinito fail, demand, learn, need, promise, decide, hope, offer, refuse, want, agree, wish, help, wait, ask, decide, teach


enjoy, love, like, prefer, be fond of, be keen on, hate, dislike, can’t stand, detest, mind / don’t mind, stop, finish

Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing dei verbi dati. 1 2 3 4


Gwen loves drawing (draw) in the evening. We enjoy _____________ (play) basketball. 5 What do you like _____________ (do) in your free time? 6 James and Alex hate _____________ (study) for exams. 7 Greg and Molly are thinking of _____________ (visit) India next year. 8

They don’t mind _____________ (clean) their office. He loves _____________ (take) photographs of wildlife. My sister is good at _____________ (repair) her own bike. I don’t like _____________ (walk) in the mud.

Usa i suggerimenti per formulare delle frasi, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Terry / love / watch horror films Terry loves watching horror films. They / enjoy / visit museums _____________________________________. Clara / hate / take exams _____________________________________. My sister / can’t stand / wait for the bus _____________________________________. Paul and Emma / like / eat out _____________________________________. Tim / dislike / wake up early _____________________________________. I / like / read comics _____________________________________. You / be keen on / cook _____________________________________. We / don’t mind / study at night _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


23 3

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4


To swim / Swimming is very good for you. Lara doesn’t mind to travel / travelling 5 Charlotte hates to iron / ironing her clothes. by train. 6 He asked me helping / to help him carrying The president promised to build / building the shopping. a new stadium. 7 I love to listen to / listening to audio books to Bill decided to leave / leaving the cinema. relax in the evening. My uncle goes to fish / fishing every week. 8 I’m tired, I just want to go / going home. Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing o l’infinito dei verbi dati.

I want to be (be) a millionaire! Mum hates having (have) dinner late. That morning the engine refused _____________ (start). I’m tired. I prefer _____________ (go) to bed early this evening. Sam kindly offered _____________ (help) us with the luggage. I promise _____________ (study) for the exam. Liam doesn’t mind _____________ (get up) early. Where’s Grace? I need _____________ (ask) her something about the new show. 7 I hate _____________ (clean) the cellar. 8 The dishwasher suddenly stopped _____________ (work). 9 We decided _____________ (have) a pizza for dinner. 10 They hoped _____________ (come) back home soon from the shopping mall. 11 The cat jumped but failed _____________ (reach) the armchair. 12 Sarah enjoys _____________ (dance). 1 2 3 4 5 6


Adesso scrivi delle frasi che siano vere per te, secondo quello che ti piace o non ti piace fare. 1 I like ________________________________________________________________________________. 2 I don’t mind __________________________________________________________________________. 3 I hope ______________________________________________________________________________. 4 I’m good at __________________________________________________________________________. 5 I’m bad at ___________________________________________________________________________. 6 I need ______________________________________________________________________________. 7 I prefer _____________________________________ to ______________________________________. 8 I’m not keen on _______________________________________________________________________. 9 I love _______________________________________________________________________________. 10 I hate _______________________________________________________________________________. 11 I want ______________________________________________________________________________. 12 I promise ____________________________________________________________________________.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

I nomi numerabili e non numerabili


Sono “numerabili” (countable) i nomi di cose, animali e persone che si possono contare e che hanno una forma plurale (eggs, biscuits, oranges, etc.). Sono “non numerabili” (uncountable) i nomi di cose che non si possono contare e che hanno solo la forma singolare (sugar, water, bread, etc.). Davanti ai sostantivi non numerabili non si può mai usare l’articolo indeterminativo a/an; per indicare una quantità precisa con i sostantivi non numerabili bisogna usare altre espressioni: • a glass of water = un bicchiere d’acqua • a packet of flour = un pacchetto di farina • a piece / slice of cake = un pezzo / una fetta di torta • 1 kilo of bread / flour = un chilo di pane / farina • a cup of coffee / tea = una tazza di caffè / tè • a bottle of water / milk = una bottiglia d’acqua / di latte • a bar of chocolate = una tavoletta di cioccolata


Completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro. flower • milk • toy • music • children • books • mountains • chair • bread • photo knives • petrol • rain • CDs • time • fruit • jobs Nomi numerabili singolari

Nomi numerabili plurali

Nomi non numerabili



Scrivi il nome di ogni oggetto sotto ciascuna foto. Poi aggiungi U per uncountable e C per countable.

ice cream – U

1 ___________________

4 ___________________ Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

2 ___________________

5 ___________________

3 ___________________

6 ___________________ 47



7 ___________________

8 ___________________

9 ___________________

10 ___________________

11 ___________________

12 ___________________

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. My mother usually dyes her hair / hairs. 1 We eat a lot of fruit / fruits 5 and vegetable / vegetables every day. 2 Children love chocolates / chocolate 6 and sweet / sweets. 7 3 A butcher sells meat / meats. 8 4 For my birthday I usually get some present / presents and some money / moneys too.


Completa le frasi con a / an, some o any. 1 2 3 4 5


I don’t like cola / colas: I prefer fruit juice / fruit juices. I like the music / musics they play in this club! Greg does many sport / sports. In the cupboard there is some bread / breads and some breadstick / breadsticks.

There is some soap in the bottle. Lucas has got _____________ new mobile phone. 6 There isn’t _____________ sugar in this ice cream. I need _____________ money to buy a skateboard. 7 The Times is _____________ English newspaper. 8 Are there _____________ books about art in the library?

I’ve got _____________ apple and _____________ grapes. Have you got _____________ money to lend me? We have _____________ tea, _____________ apple cake but we haven’t got _____________ biscuits.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Progress Check Units 17-24 1 Completa le frasi seguenti con i verbi di gradimento dati tra parentesi e le espressioni nel riquadro, come nell’esempio.

swim • catching • take • help • play • do • go • have dinner • run 1 2 3 4

My little sisters _________________ (love) 5 with their new doll’s house. 6 I _________________ (not like) at the swimming pool; I _________________ (prefer) in the park. 7 We _________________ (enjoy) in a nice restaurant, now and then. 8 Sheila _________________ (don’t mind) me with my homework.

Oh, I _________________ (hate) the washing-up! Sam and Andy _________________ (love) to the mountains in winter. My dog _________________ (like) pigeons in the garden. My grandparents _________________ (not like) the tube to go through London, they prefer buses.

2 Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con il pronome soggetto o complemento adatto e riscrivi le frasi. 1 Daniel and Tobey play with their Legos. 4 Shelley has a present for Debbie and you. _____ play with _____. _____ has a present for _____. 2 Lisa and I don’t like football games. 5 Those parcels are for Darren and me. _____ don’t like _____. _____ are for _____. 3 Does Lisa argue with Dana? 6 My sister and I take the dog for a walk every day. Does _____ argue with _____? _____ take _____ for a walk every day.

3 Completa le frasi con l’imperativo dei verbi nel riquadro; fai attenzione a quando usare la forma negativa o let’s.

try • wait • shout • have • look • go out • stop • feed • be • turn 1 2 3 4

___________ at this room: it’s a complete mess! 5 I’m almost ready: ___________ just a minute, please! 6 You’re really thirsty: ___________ another drink. 7 The sign at the entrance of the zoo says: ‘___________ the animals’. 8

___________ discouraged: ___________ again! It’s a beautiful day: ___________ for a picnic! At the traffic light, _________ left then _________ in front of number 125: I live right there. _________ when you talk to someone: it’s not polite.

4 Riscrivi le frasi mettendo gli avverbi di frequenza nella posizione corretta. 1 2 3

Are you hungry? (always) 4 My friend Giulia is late. (never) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________. _____________________________________. I tidy my room. (sometimes) 5 My parents don’t go to bed late. (often) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________. _____________________________________. My dad wears suits. (often) 6 You listen to me. (never) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Progress Check Units 17-24 5 Completa le frasi con some, any, no, every, come nell’esempio. 1 Kate goes to French lessons _________ Saturday. 5 2 Would you like _________ milk in your tea? 3 A Did you hear _________ information on the 6 radio about the transport strike? B Yes, I heard _________ news about it. 7 4 Oh no! There’s _________ hot water left. 8

Does _________ student have to take part in the charity event? There were _________ people from my school at the party. Five or six girls. Can I have _________ potatoes, please? I don’t have _________ homework today.

6 Formula delle domande per le risposte date. 1 2 3

__________________________________ 4 __________________________________ __________________________________? __________________________________? There are four people in the room. We have enough tea for our breakfast. __________________________________ 5 __________________________________ __________________________________? __________________________________? We have got lots of flour to make pizza. We have got many friends. __________________________________ 6 __________________________________ __________________________________? __________________________________? There are six mugs in the cupboard. There is plenty of soap.

7 Completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro. rice • milk • cars • cherries • bread • cereals • bag • sugar • time • water • day • pens • yogurt • leaves ink • picture • radio • air • flour • meat • books • light • friend Nomi numerabili


Nomi non numerabili

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

can, can’t Forma negativa

Forma affermativa I can play. You can play. He / She / It can play. We can play. You can play. They can play.



I cannot play. You cannot play. He / She / It cannot play. We cannot play. You cannot play. They cannot play.

I can’t play. You can’t play. He / She / It can’t play. We can’t play. You can’t play. They can’t play. Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa Can I play? Can you play? Can he / she / it play? Can we play? Can you play? Can they play?


Affermative Yes, you can play. Yes, I can play. Yes, he / she / it can play. Yes, we can play. Yes, you can play. Yes, they can play.

Negative No, you can’t play. No, I can’t play. No, he / she / it can’t play. No, we can’t play. No, you can’t play. No, they can’t play.

Il verbo can significa “potere”, “sapere (fare)”, “riuscire” e si usa, tra le altre cose, per esprimere l’abilità, la capacità di fare qualcosa: I can play the guitar. = So suonare la chitarra. È un verbo modale ed è uguale per tutte le persone. È sempre seguito dalla forma base del verbo principale. La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not: I can’t play the guitar. = Non so suonare la chitarra. La forma interrogativa è data da can + soggetto + forma base del verbo, e le risposte brevi sono: Yes, + pronome soggetto + can. / No, + pronome soggetto + can’t.: ‘Can you speak Russian?’ ‘Yes, I can.’/ ‘No, I can’t.’ = “Parli / Sai parlare il russo?” “Sì.” / “No.” Ricorda che: Can si usa per fare richieste e dare o negare un permesso: Can I go out, Mum? = Posso uscire, mamma? Si usa anche per esprimere possibilità: You can eat here or buy a takeaway. = Potete mangiare qui o comprare cibo da asporto.


Per ognuna delle seguenti frasi indica se il verbo can è utilizzato per una possibilità (P), un’abilità (A) o per fare una richiesta (R). Can you lend me your laptop? R Sorry I can’t come with you. P She can type very fast. A Can you play basketball? ____ Can we watch a film after dinner? ____ You can take your friend with you at the party. ____ 4 My sister can’t walk, she’s too little! ____ 1 2 3

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

5 You can go to London by plane or by train. ____ 6 Can you fill this form, please? ____ 7 She got very good marks, so she can go to a better university now. ____ 8 Can I have another cupcake, please? ____


25 2

Osserva la tabella e rispondi alle domande, come nell’esempio. bake a cake Andy


play an instrument

repair a bike

ride a horse

Abby and Sam 1 2 3

speak French

Can Andy bake a cake or swim? He can bake a cake, but he can’t swim. Can Abby and Sam swim or speak French? 4 _____________________________________. Can Andy speak French or play an instrument? 5 _____________________________________. Can Abby and Sam play an instrument or water-ski? 6 _____________________________________.



Can Andy water-ski or repair a bike? _____________________________________. Can Abby and Sam repair a bike or ride a horse? _____________________________________. Can Andy ride a horse or swim? _____________________________________.

Karen è a un colloquio di lavoro. Completa il brano con la forma corretta del verbo can. Mr Lucas Good morning, Karen. Karen Good morning, Mr Lucas. Mr Lucas Now, let me see. Can you drive? Karen No, I 1 _____________, but I 2 _____________ ride a motorbike. Mr Lucas Right. And 3 _____________ you speak any foreign languages? Karen Yes, I 4 _____________ speak Spanish, French, German and Chinese. Mr Lucas Excellent! 5 _____________ you use a computer? Karen Yes, I 6 _____________, but I 7 _____________ type fast. Mr Lucas OK, perfect. 8 _____________ you tell me about your interests, please? Karen Yes, of course. I play lots of sports and I travel a lot. Mr Lucas Well, 9 _____________ I ask you another question? Karen Yes, go ahead. 10 Mr Lucas _____________ you start work tomorrow? The job is yours!




Formula delle domande con il verbo can, poi rispondi, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3


Ascolta e controlla.

Joseph / drive a car (7) ‘Can Joseph drive a car?’ ‘No, he can’t.’ dog / talk (7) 4 Thom / play cricket (3) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Lucy / swim (3) 5 Ben and Mart / act (3) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. your friends / help me (3) 6 You / paint (7) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

could, couldn’t


Could è il passato di can. Come can, è uguale per tutte le persone ed è sempre seguito dalla forma base del verbo principale. She could play the piano when she was 5. = Sapeva suonare il pianoforte quando aveva 5 anni. La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not: He could not (couldn’t) go. = Non potè andare. La forma interrogativa è data da could + soggetto + forma base del verbo: Could I use your phone? = Posso usare il tuo telefono? Si usa per: • indicare che qualcosa è possibile: The road is icy, you could slip. = La strada è ghiacciata, potresti scivolare. • dare un suggerimento cortese: They could eat more vegetables. = Potrebbero mangiare più verdure. • parlare di abilità nel passato: She couldn’t read when she was four. = Non sapeva leggere quando aveva quattro anni. • chiedere di fare qualcosa in modo cortese: Could you tell me where the post office is, please? = Potrebbe dirmi dov’è l’ufficio postale, per cortesia?



Ascolta le situazioni e scegli la risposta corretta.

1 a ■ 3 a ■ Could I buy them, please? ✓ Could I open the window, please? b ■ Could I shut the window, please? b ■ Could I try them on, please? 2 a ■ Could you tell me the way 4 a ■ Could I help you cross? to the train station, please? b ■ Could you cross by yourself? b ■ Could you tell me what time 5 a ■ Could you tell me the time, please? the train leaves, please? b ■ Could you arrive on time, please?


Dai dei suggerimenti a queste persone usando could, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4 5 6


I always get up late and miss the bus to college. I think you could set an alarm clock to wake her up early. I’m bored. I haven’t got anything to do today. ____________________________________________________________________________________. I keep losing my keys in my house. ____________________________________________________________________________________. My brother wants to get fit but he hates the gym. ____________________________________________________________________________________. I’m new in my neighbourhood and haven’t got any friends yet. ____________________________________________________________________________________. My maths test is next week, but I’m not sure I’m ready. ____________________________________________________________________________________. I really like this song on the radio, but I don’t know the title. ____________________________________________________________________________________.

Cosa sai o non sai fare adesso? E nel passato? Scrivi delle frasi che ti riguardano prendendo spunto dall’esercizio 2 usando can e could. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Gli avverbi di modo Gli aggettivi descrivono le cose e le persone. Sono invariabili: hanno la stessa forma per singolare e plurale, maschile, femminile e neutro: I want to buy a black coat and a pair of red shoes. = Voglio comprare un cappotto nero e un paio di scarpe rosse. My friend Elena is intelligent and beautiful. = La mia amica Elena è intelligente e bella. Mickey has got a black cat and a white dog. = Mickey ha un gatto nero e un cane bianco. Susan’s father is rich, but her grandparents were poor. = Il padre di Susan è ricco, ma i suoi nonni erano poveri. Gli avverbi che descrivono come viene compiuta un’azione vengono chiamati avverbi di modo, e seguono il verbo o l’oggetto del verbo cui si riferiscono. Gli avverbi regolari si formano aggiungendo -ly all’aggettivo: calm → calmly. Ricorda che: Alcuni avverbi subiscono delle variazioni ortografiche: • se l’aggettivo finisce in -y, si cambia -y in -ily: angry → angrily; • se l’aggettivo finisce in -ic, si aggiunge -ally: fantastic → fantastically; • se l’aggettivo finisce in -ble, si cambia -ble in -bly: terrible → terribly. Alcuni avverbi sono irregolari: • cambiano totalmente rispetto all’aggettivo: good → well: This coffee is good. = Questo caffè è buono. Tobey sings well. = Tobey canta bene. • sono uguali all’aggettivo: fast → fast: Your car is really fast. = La tua macchina è veloce. John runs fast. = John corre velocemente. • sono uguali all’aggettivo, ma hanno un diverso significato: late → late: This morning the bus is half an hour late. = Questa mattina l’autobus è in ritardo di mezz’ora.


Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi nel riquadro. comfortable • expensive • easy • long • tiny • pretty • interesting • difficult 1 2 3 4




5 6 7 8

This jacket is not _____________. It’s only £20. These trainers are very _____________. This is an _____________ exercise. My sister has got _____________ hair.

Ascolta e controlla. Forma gli avverbi degli aggettivi dati.

1 2 3 4 5


This museum is very interesting. A ladybird is a _____________ insect. My brother’s got a _____________ girlfriend. I think Chinese is a _____________ language.

beautiful interesting nice complete loud quiet

beautifully ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

6 angry 7 kind 8 magic 9 happy 10 soft

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

27 4

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. We listen to the teacher careful / carefully. 1 John tells really funny / funnily stories. 5 2 I don’t like that disco, the music is always too 6 loud / loudly. 3 Ugh! No, you can’t join the band: you play the 7 guitar terrible / terribly! 8 4 What a match! They’re playing really good / well, today!


His explanations are always clearly / clear. This is a very safe / safely place, don’t worry about it. My new jacket is very warmly / warm. After a run, my dog breathes heavy / heavily.

Trasforma in avverbi gli aggettivi tra parentesi per completare le frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Please speak slowly (slow) so everyone understands. Pauline speaks English _____________ (perfect). The children always behave _____________ (good). Will and I are in a band. Will plays the drums well, but I sing _____________ (bad)! They never act _____________ (careless). We eat _____________ (healthy). The morning train is always at least 15 minutes _____________ (late). When the roads are icy, you should drive _____________ (careful). _____________ (lucky), we managed to get to the concert hall in time. Aggettivo o avverbio? Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. patiently • hungrily • noisy • careful • dangerous • icy • fast • popular • well • selfish • successfully

John is always careful with his money. 1 He’s a very _____________ singer in his country. 6 Be careful: the pavement is _____________! 2 Don’t walk so _____________, I can’t follow you. 7 I’m not very _____________, I don’t want to 3 If you study hard, you can complete your go out this evening. test _____________! 8 The building where I work is very _____________. 4 My dog waits _____________ for me 9 It’s _____________ to touch electric wires! every afternoon. 10 The kids looked at the chocolate cake 5 I don’t like them: they’re so_____________! _____________.


Riscrivi le frasi usando gli avverbi di modo, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4

My father is a careful driver. My father drives carefully. You are a skillful skier. 5 Tom and Sarah are hard workers. ______________________________________. ______________________________________. They act with polite manners. 6 You both are fast runners. ______________________________________. ______________________________________. Aunt Sylvia is a marvellous blues singer. 7 This glass is easy to break. ______________________________________. ______________________________________. Your friend speaks in a very loud voice. 8 Mum gives an angry look to the broken window. ______________________________________. ______________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Il Present continuous Forma negativa

Forma affermativa I am walking. You are walking He / She / It is walking. We are walking. You are walking. They are walking.

Estesa I am not walking. You are not walking. He / She / It is not walking. We are not walking. You are not walking. They are not walking.

I’m not walking. You’re not walking. He / She / It’s not walking. We’re not walking. You’re not walking. They’re not walking. Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa Am I walking? Are you walking? Is he / she / it walking? Are we walking? Are you walking? Are they walking?




Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

No, you aren’t. No, I’m not. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

Il Present continuous si usa per azioni che si stanno svolgendo nel momento in cui si parla o per due azioni che si svolgono contemporaneamente; è spesso accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come now = adesso, ora, at the moment = in questo momento, today = oggi. In italiano il Present continuous si traduce con il verbo “stare” seguito dal gerundio, ma anche con il presente indicativo. Il Present continuous per il futuro Oltre che per le azioni in corso, il Present continuous si può usare anche per esprimere un’azione futura già prevista e programmata. In questo caso di solito è accompagnato da espressioni di tempo futuro come this afternoon = oggi pomeriggio, tonight = stasera, tomorrow = domani, next week = la settimana prossima, next year = l’anno prossimo, ecc.: I’m going to the seaside this summer. = Andrò al mare questa estate. Ricorda che: Il Present continuous NON si usa con i seguenti verbi: hear, see, love, like, want, believe, know.


Scrivi la forma in -ing dei verbi dati. study 1 put 2 take 3 see 4 bet 5 do 6 smile 7 wash 8 live


studying ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

9 move 10 cut 11 get 12 die 13 enjoy 14 bite 15 show 16 hit

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

28 2

Riscrivi le frasi alla forma interrogativa e negativa, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3

It’s raining. Is it raining? It’s not raining. Sally is watching TV. 4 I am doing a good job. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Chris is riding his bike. 5 The sun is shining. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Molly and Jim are eating dinner now. 6 We are reading a fashion blog. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.


Completa la telefonata tra Matilda e sua madre con il Present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Matilda Mum Matilda Mum Matilda Mum

4 5


Hi Mum... yes, everything is fine. Henry is watching (watch) TV in his bedroom and I _____________ (sit) in the kitchen. I 2_____________ (read) a magazine. What about you and Dad? 3_____________ you _____________ (enjoy) yourselves? Yes, the restaurant is very nice. We 4_____________ (eat) steak and chips. What 5 _____________ Anna _____________ (do)? 6_____________ she _____________ (do) her homework? No, she 7 _____________ (not / do) her homework. She 8_____________ (practise) the piano. OK, that’s fine. Mum, I’ve got to go! Henry 9 _____________ (play) football in the living room! He 10 _____________ (break) everything! What!!! Oh no! 1

Ascolta e controlla. Completa le frasi con il Present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. slim • cook • have • leave • wear • travel • cut • ride • try • sleep • play • run • read

My neighbour is cutting the grass. 1 The kids _____________ after a ball. 2 Thomas _____________ his bike in the park. 3 _____________ you _____________ baseball this afternoon? 4 We _____________ breakfast now. 5 My dad _____________ dinner at the moment. 6 They _____________ for Mauritius next Saturday. 7 Be quiet! I _____________ to study. 8 Sarah _____________ a purple T-shirt. 9 My grandparents _____________ the world on a small boat. 10 You look well: _____________ you ______________ down? 11 I ______________ the new J.K. Rowling’s book: it’s fantastic! 12 Shh! Keep your voice down, the baby _____________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


28 6

Osserva le immagini e usa i suggerimenti dati per scrivere cosa stanno o non stanno facendo i soggetti raffigurati.

drink fruit juice / eat an ice cream She isn’t drinking fruit juice. She’s eating an ice cream.

1 listen to music / read a newspaper _________________________ _________________________.

2 chase birds / eat a bone

3 play tennis / swim _________________________ _________________________.

4 eat dinner / study maths _________________________ _________________________.

5 sleep / wash the car _________________________ _________________________.


_________________________ _________________________.

Formula delle domande con le parole date usando il Present continuous. Poi rispondi secondo i suggerimenti dati. what / you / do / ? – watch / film What are you doing? I’m watching a film. 1 why / you / cry / ? – peel / onion 4 what / he / listen to / ? – new album / Zayn Malik _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 2 what / she / read / ? – science magazine 5 what / you / cook / ? – lasagne _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 3 when / they / leave / ? – tomorrow morning 6 where / they / go / ? – new park _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.


Dove sei adesso? Cosa stai facendo? E i tuoi amici, dove sono e cosa stanno facendo? Scrivi delle frasi usando il Present continuous. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Present simple o Present continuous? Il Present simple si usa: • per cose che sono sempre vere: Water boils at 100°. = L’acqua bolle a 100°. • per le abitudini: I go shopping on Saturday. = Il sabato faccio la spesa. • con gli avverbi di frequenza: I often / always / never drink fruit juice. = Bevo spesso / sempre / mai succo di frutta. • per gli orari: My bus leaves at six tomorow. = Il mio bus parte domani alle sei.


Il Present continuous si usa: • per cose che si verificano nel momento in cui si parla: I’m having a snack. = Sto facendo uno spuntino. • per cose che succedono nel periodo in cui si è: My dad is working at Tesco this month. = Mio padre sta lavorando / lavora da Tesco questo mese. • per avvenimenti futuri già programmati: I’m going to the seaside next summer. = La prossima estate andrò al mare.

Il Present simple si usa per esprimere azioni abituali ed è spesso accompagnato da avverbi di frequenza come always, often, usually, sometimes, never o espressioni di frequenza come once / twice / three times a week / a month / a year: I always wash the dishes. = Lavo sempre i piatti. Bill walks the dog twice a day. = Bill porta a passeggio il cane due volte al giorno. Il Present continuous si usa per azioni che avvengono nel momento in cui si parla o azioni che sono in corso in questo periodo di tempo. Può essere accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come now, at the moment, today, this month/year: He’s going to the supermarket now. = Sta andando al supermarket adesso. Il Present continuous si usa anche per parlare di eventi futuri già programmati, già previsti al momento in cui si sta parlando. In italiano si traduce con il presente o con il futuro: We are going to London the next weekend. = Il prossimo week end andiamo/andremo a Londra. My sister is going to university next year. = Mia sorella andrà all’università l’anno prossimo.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. He has / is having breakfast now. 1 My parents always are watching / watch TV in the evening. 2 I see / am seeing my friends tonight. 3 The Earth moves / is moving around the Sun. 4 What does Paul study / is Paul studying this year? 5 Oh no! It rains / is raining. 6 Who is going / goes to Dolly’s barbecue next Saturday? 7 What CD do you listen to / are you listening to now? 8 She usually plays / is playing basketball at the weekend. 9 A What do you do / are you doing? B I’m a firefighter. 10 He often reads / is reading a book before bedtime. 11 They come / are coming home every afternoon at five o’clock. 12 We go / are going to Paris next weekend.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


29 2

Present simple o Present continuous? Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi al tempo corretto. She goes (go) to the office every day. 1 We ___________ (learn) German at school 7 Tim ___________ (visit) Middle East next this year. autumn. 2 Etta and Roger ___________ (move) to their 8 Do you ever ___________ (sing) in the shower? new house soon. 9 I never ___________ (watch) horror films alone 3 Jason ___________ (help) his mum with the at night. housework now. 10 Let’s go out for a walk. It ___________ (not rain) 4 We ___________ (do) the shopping on now. Friday afternoon. 11 She usually ___________ (wake up) very early in 5 They ___________ (chat) online at the moment. the morning. 6 I ___________ (meet) my best friend every 12 Ben ___________ (run) to catch the school bus: afternoon after school. he’s late!


Formula delle domande al Present simple o al Present continuous usando i suggerimenti dati. Poi rispondi in modo personale, usando le short answers. 1 2 3 4


you / watch / TV every day Do you watch TV every day? No, I don’t. you / have / an exam / next month 5 you / usually / cycle / to school _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. you / drink / tea / for breakfast every day 6 you / do / a sport / this year _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. you / have / a shower / now 7 you / read / a newspaper / every day _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. it / snow / in winter / in your country 8 your grandparents / live / in your city _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Completa l’intervista con il tempo corretto dei verbi dati. Fai attenzione! Alcuni verbi non possono essere usati al Present continuous. Interviewer Where are you working (you, work) at the moment? Tim On a farm in Australia! My best friend 1__________________ (stay) with me at the moment, too. Interviewer Do 2__________________ (you, like) it there? Tim Oh yes, it’s good fun. I 3 __________________ (prefer) the lifestyle in the countryside. It’s calm and relaxing. Interviewer What things 4 __________________ (learn)? Tim We 5 __________________ (have) horse riding lessons next week. Interviewer Wow, that sounds great! 6 __________________ (you, plan) to visit Sydney? Tim Oh yes. I 7 __________________ (go) next month. Interviewer OK, enjoy yourself!


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Present simple e Present continuous She dresses beautifully. We have dinner in the dining room.

Mind Map 4

My favourite programme starts at 9 p.m. The English lesson starts after the French lesson. I always get up at 7 a.m. They never wash the dishes. My dog sleeps outside at night.

The sun rises in the east.

azioni abituali

fatti sempre veri

con le espressioni di tempo

per gli orari o i programmi

Present simple

Present continuous

azioni temporanee

azioni in corso di svolgimento

azioni future già programmate

She’s washing her hair at the moment. The people upstairs are having a party now.

I’m going to the Far East next year. They are playing at Glastonbury Festival in June.

I’m studying in the school library. She’s living with her sister: her house is under construction.  Units 14-28-29

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Tavole verbali be – Present simple Forma affermativa Estesa

Forma negativa


I am you are he / she / it is we are you are they are


I’m you’re he’s / she’s / it’s we’re you’re they’re

I am not you are not he / she / it is not we are not you are not they are not

I’m not you aren’t he / she / it isn’t we aren’t you aren’t they aren’t

Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa Am I... ? Are you... ? Is he / she / it... ? Are we... ? Are you... ? Are they... ?




Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

No, you aren’t. No, I am not. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

have got – Present simple Forma affermativa Estesa

Forma negativa Contratta

I have got you have got he / she / it has got we have got you have got they have got

I’ve got you’ve got he’s / she’s / it’s got we’ve got you’ve got they’ve got Forma interrogativa

Have I got…? Have you got... ? Has he / she / it got... ? Have we got... ? Have you got... ? Have they got... ?


Estesa I have not got you have not got he / she / it has not got we have not got you have not got they have not got

Contratta I haven’t got you haven’t got he / she / it hasn’t got we haven’t got you haven’t got they haven’t got Risposte brevi

Affermative Yes, you have. Yes, I have. Yes, he / she / it has. Yes, we have. Yes, you have. Yes, they have.

Negative No, you haven’t. No, I haven’t. No, he / she / it hasn’t. No, we haven’t. No, you haven’t. No, they haven’t.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Tavole verbali Verbi regolari – Present simple Forma negativa

Forma affermativa


I live. You live. He / She / It lives. We live. You live. They live.


I do not live. You do not live. He / She / It does not live. We do not live. You do not live. They do not live.

I don’t live. You don’t live. He / She / It doesn’t live. We don’t live. You don’t live. They don’t live. Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa


Do I live…? Do you live…? Does he / she / it live…? Do we live…? Do you live…? Do they live…?


Yes, you do. Yes, I do. Yes, he / she / it does. Yes, we do. Yes, you do. Yes, they do.

No, you don’t. No, I don’t. No, he / she / it doesn’t. No, we don’t. No, you don’t. No, they don’t.

Present continuous Forma negativa

Forma affermativa


I am walking. You are walking. He / She / It is walking. We are walking. You are walking. They are walking.


I am not walking. You are not walking. He / She / It is not walking. We are not walking. You are not walking. They are not walking.

I’m not walking. You’re not walking. He / She / It’s not walking. We’re not walking. You’re not walking. They’re not walking. Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa


Am I walking? Are you walking? Is he / she / it walking? Are we walking? Are you walking? Are they walking?

Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

Negative No, you aren’t. No, I’m not. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

Spelling variations Regole ortografiche per la formazione della terza persona singolare del Present simple. -ch, -sh, -ss, -x, -zz, -o














consonante + -y


vocale + -y






Regole ortografiche per la forma in -ing. Forma base







Forma in -ing







Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Progress Check Units 25-29 1 Completa le frasi con can o can’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

John _____ play the piano very well, he’s a 8 _____ Doreen tell us what happened at Jamie’s perfect musician. party? I’m too tired, I _____ come and play rugby today. 9 My grandma _____ cook a great risotto, I love _____ you tell me the way, please? going there for dinner. Elizabeth _____ come with us because she’s 10 ‘_____ my friends and I go out tonight?’ ‘Yes, studying for her exam. you _____ but don’t be late.’ That’s a surprise, Tom _____ cook very well! 11 My little cousin _____ ride a bike yet, he’s only I _____ find Harry’s phone number, _____ two years old. you help me? 12 In my city bikes and motorbikes _____ use I’m sorry but you _____ park here. bus lanes.

2 Formula delle domande con le parole date, specificando se il verbo can indica una possibilità (P), un’abilità (A) o una richiesta (R). Poi abbinale alla risposta corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6

I / go / to the park ___________________________________________? ___ a a monkey / write / a poem ___________________________________________? ___ b I / open / the window ___________________________________________? ___ c David / drive / a car ___________________________________________? ___ d you / come / to the cinema with us? ___________________________________________? ___ e Mum / lend me / her tablet? ___________________________________________? ___ f

■ Yes, she can. ■ No, he can’t: he’s too young. ■ Yes, Jason, you can go. ■ No, you can’t: it’s cold outside. ■ Yes, we can: we are free. ■ No, it can’t!

3 Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We couldn’t find a hotel room in town. a I could use my sister’s computer b We couldn’t go to his party because c She couldn’t swim until d Daniel couldn’t come to play football, e Nobody could do the exam. f I couldn’t text Sheila: g I could read before h

■ when she was at school. ■ she was seven. ■ he was at music class. ■ It was very difficult. ■ They were all full. ■ we were away on holiday. ■ I was six. ■ there was no internet connection.

4 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 I got a temperature, so I couldn’t / can’t go to 5 her party last week. 2 He looked all over the house, but he 6 can’t / couldn’t find his watch. 7 3 Can / Could you speak French when you were in primary school? 8 4 Megan can / could go out when she finishes her homework. 64

The T-shirt was wet so the boy couldn’t / can’t wear it. My father could / can drive when he was 16. I can’t / couldn’t walk when I was less than a year old. After months of practice, Tellisa can / could finally skate now. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Progress Check Units 25-29 5 Completa le frasi con can, can’t, could o couldn’t. 1 2 3 4

______________ they understand what you were 5 talking about? They ______________ get on the bus. They 6 haven’t got tickets. My grandmother is an amazing cook: she 7 ____________ make up a delicious meal with few ingredients! 8 _________ you fly a kite when you were a children?

The car park was full and I ______________ find a parking space. We don’t have any Internet connection, so I ______________ check my emails. You ______________ borrow my bike. I don’t need it at the moment. The room was noisy, so I ______________ hear him talking.

6 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4

Our teacher always explains things very 5 My father is an artist: he paint very clear / clearly. beautiful / beautifully! Ugh! You are a terrible / terribly cook: this 6 They can’t understand you, you must speak risotto is awful! slowly / slow. Julia is a musician: she plays the piano very 7 My friend Juan is Spanish, but he speaks English good / well. perfect / perfectly. Come on, this is a very simple / simply question, 8 Don’t go near that live wire: it’s you can easy / easily answer it. dangerous / dangerously!

7 Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. cook • have • leave • wear • cut • ride • try • play • run Sarah is wearing a yellow dress for the party. 1 My dad __________________ dinner in the 5 Dorothy and Julianne __________________ kitchen at the moment. dinner now. 2 The dogs __________________ after a red ball. 6 Mr Jones ______________ the grass. 3 Ben __________________ his bike in the park. 7 We __________________ for Brazil next 4 ________________ Grace _________________ Saturday. volleyball with us this afternoon? 8 Be quiet! I __________________ to concentrate.

8 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3

You are having your breakfast late, today / usually. 4 I go out with my friends tonight / on Fridays. 5 They do their homework at the moment / in the afternoon. 6

We watch a film tonight / every Tuesday. I’m visiting my grandparents every week / this week. Beth is tidying her room today / every day.

9 Formula domande con le parole date, facendo attenzione all’uso dei tempi, e poi rispondi. 1 2

Susan /always / get up / early (7) 3 he / wear / a suit / today (3) _____________________________________? _______________________________________? _____________________________________. _______________________________________. you / work / this week (3) 4 your sister / listen to / her favourite music (3) _____________________________________? _______________________________________? _____________________________________. _______________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento In questa sezione ripasserai il lessico, la grammatica e le funzioni della lingua inglese che hai imparato quest’anno a scuola. In ogni Unit:

VOCABULARY Troverai il lessico dell’unità diviso per aree lessicali.

READING COMPREHENSION Potrai leggere e ascoltare un testo per ripassare il lessico e la grammatica dell’unità in contesto.

FUNCTIONS Eserciterai alcune importanti funzioni comunicative della lingua inglese.


Potrai ripassare le regole grammaticali riassunte in tabelle e schemi ed esercitarti con numerose attività.


Approfondirai il tema dell’unità con una divertente lettura CLIL. Fai riferimento al box Glossary per le parole che non conosci!

LET’S HAVE SOME Fun! Troverai sempre un gioco per ripassare il lessico dell’unità e un’attività pratica da fare con i tuoi amici durante le vacanze!

Inventor’s Corner Una curiosità legata a un personaggio che si è distinto in quella materia.


Robin Hood

Alla fine del libro potrai leggere la storia del giovane Robin Hood a fumetti!

Un divertente scioglilingua da ascoltare e ripetere ti aiuterà a esercitarti nella pronuncia di alcuni importanti suoni della lingua inglese.

Potrai ascoltare tutte le letture e gli scioglilingua nel CD allegato al volume. 1

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Contents UNIT






Nationalities Family members Personality adjectives

Greetings and introductions

Pronomi personali soggetto be: Present simple Aggettivi possessivi



Numbers (1-100) Calculations Dates

Saying dates and the time

Preposizioni di tempo Articoli Plurale dei nomi Parole interrogative


have got: Present simple Genitivo sassone this/that/these/those


Preposizioni di luogo there is/there are Nomi numerabili e non numerabili some/any How much/How many


Present simple Avverbi di frequenza


p. 4


p. 10


Personal possessions PEOPLE and THINGS! Physical descriptions


Describing people physically

p. 16




Rooms and furniture Food

Shopping for food

p. 22



Musical instruments Daily routines

Talking about daily routines


Book types Free-time activities

Talking about free-time activities

p. 34



Sport The human body

Talking about ability

p. 40



Clothes The weather

Talking about what we are doing

p. 46

Robin Hood by Alexandre Dumas GLOSSARY


9 Curious Facts

Modern Braille

The Bento Box

Musical Styles

p. 28



p. 52

p. 60

LET’S HAVE SOME FUN – ANSWER KEY Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

p. 63

Espressioni di frequenza Pronomi personali oggetto Imperativo like


can (abilità) very well/well/quite well/ (not) at all like/love/hate + -ing

Outdoor Activities

Present continuous Present simple vs Present continuous


Literary Genres

Outward Bound!

Self-Cleaning Clothes!


Let’s meet some famous people from around the world!

EXPLORE ! D L e R O W h t

Vocabulary 1


1 My friend is from Dublin in Ireland. He’s I__ __ __ __. 2 His mother is from Edinburgh in Scotland. She is S__ __ __ __ __ __ __. 3 Peter’s cousins live in London in England. They are E__ __ __ __ __ __. 4 My friend is from Cardiff in Wales. She is W__ __ __ __. 5 Sosuke is from Kyoto in Japan. He is J__ __ __ __ __ __ __.

is from Costa Rica. His mother is from Hong Kong and his father is from China. He is famous for his character, Mike Chang, on the TV show Glee. He is also an excellent dancer and speaks three languages: Spanish, Chinese and English.

Family members Completa la tabella con i nomi di parentela nel riquadro.

Argentina and his footballing skills* are legendary.* His two brothers are Rodrigo and Matías, and his sister is María Sol. His girlfriend is Antonella Roccuzzo and they have a baby boy, Thiago.

dad niece


(1) __________________ son brother (4) __________________ grandson (6) __________________ nephew

Personality adjectives Abbina le parole alle traduzioni. 1 kind 2 funny 3 sporty 4 shy 5 clever

LIONEL MESSI is from Rosario in

sister daughter uncle grandpa granddaughter

mum (2) __________________ (3) __________________ grandma (5) __________________ aunt (7) __________________



Nationalities Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi di nazionalità.

a timido b intelligente c simpatico/divertente d gentile e sportivo

Reading comprehension 4


Rileggi il testo. Chi sta parlando?


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Hello, I speak six languages. ____________________ 2 Ruby is my baby daughter. ____________________ 3 My brothers are Rodrigo and Matías. ____________________ 4 I am from South Sudan. ____________________ 5 Hi. My father is from China. ____________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


MARJANE SATRAPI is Iranian but now lives in France. She is famous as an illustrator and film director* in the cartoon about her young life – Persepolis. She speaks six languages: Persian, French, English, Swedish, German and Italian.

CATHY FREEMAN is an Australian aborigine from Queensland and is a world champion athlete. Her husband is James Murch and they have a baby daughter, Ruby. Cathy Freeman is also an actress.

ALEK WEK is from Wau in South Sudan and now lives in New York. She is a beautiful supermodel and has eight brothers and sisters. In addition to* modelling, she designs bags and works as an advisor* to help refugees* around the world.

Glossary skills abilità in addition to oltre a legendary leggendarie advisor consigliere film director regista refugees rifugiati

FUNCTIONS – Greetings and introductions Per presentarsi Hi/Hello My name’s Diane. I’m Samuele.


Per dire l’età e la provenienza I’m 11 years old. I’m from England. I’m Italian.

Per introdurre qualcuno This is my friend Carolyn.

Per salutarsi Bye. See you later.

Completa le domande. Poi abbinale alle risposte. 1 _______________ is your name? 2 Where are you _______________? 3 Who _______________ he? 4 _______________ are you? 5 How old _______________ you?

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

a He is my brother! b I’m fine, thank you. c I’m 12. d I’m from Venice. e My name is Riccardo.




Pronomi personali soggetto Singolare


I you he/she/it

we you they


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Forma negativa estesa


I am not you are not he/she/it is not we are not you are not they are not

I’m not you aren’t he/she/it isn’t we aren’t you aren’t they aren’t

3 1 I/You am on holiday!

3 You/We are my girlfriend!

5 She/We are from Italy!

Completa le frasi con la forma negativa di be.

2 He/She is Brazilian.

1 I _________ Mary, I’m Jane!

2 You _________ angry, you’re hungry!

3 He _________ American, he’s English.

4 It _________ cold, it’s hot!

5 We _________ Spanish, we’re French!

6 They _________ blue, they’re red!

4 They/It are my friends!

6 You/He are very kind!

be: Present simple Forma affermativa estesa


I am you are he/she/it is we are you are they are

I’m you’re he’s/she’s/it’s we’re you’re they’re


Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa di be. 1 You _________ on holiday. 2 He _________ 12 years old. 3 They _________ from France. 4 She _________ very beautiful. 5 I _________ with my brother.


Forma interrogativa singolare


Am I… ? Are you… ? Is he/she/it… ?

Are we… ? Are you… ? Are they… ?


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Are/Is he a teacher? 2 Am/Are you on the beach? 3 Am/Is I late? 4 Is/Are they OK? 5 Are/Am we ready? Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR Risposte brevi singolare


Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.

Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Watch out!


Scegli l’opzione corretta.

1 No, it’s ___ ice cream! A my B his C their

2 ___ rucksack is red. A Our B His C Her

3 ___ cat is big! A Her B Their C Its

4 ___ name is Greta. A Our B His C Her

5 It’s ___ frisbee, thank you! A its B their C our

6 ___ sister is very shy! A Their B My C Her

Ricorda che nelle risposte brevi affermative non si usa mai la forma contratta.


Abbina le domande alle risposte. 1 Are you Tony? 2 Are your teachers shy? 3 Are we late? 4 Is it hot? 5 Is he happy?


a No, they aren’t. b Yes, it is! c Yes, I am! d No, we aren’t. e Yes, he is.

Riordina le parole per formare delle frasi affermative, negative o interrogative. 1 very hot / is / it / today _________________________________________________ 2 a teacher / isn’t / my sister _________________________________________________ 3 they / your parents / are / ? _________________________________________________ 4 from Australia / she / is / ? _________________________________________________ 5 late / for the lesson / not / I / am _________________________________________________

Aggettivi possessivi Pronomi personali soggetto

Aggettivi possessivi

I you he/she/it we you they

my your his/her/its our your their

Watch out!


Completa il testo su di te!

Over to you!

Hi, my name is ________________ and I am ________________ years old. I ________________ from ________________, My nationality is ________________! I ________________ at school now. My friends are ________________.

My photo

Ricorda che gli aggettivi possessivi concordano sempre con il possessore, non con la cosa posseduta. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento






Geography is the study of the planet earth and its people. The word ‘geography’, used* for the first time by Eratosthenes of Cyrene, is from the Greek: geo is ‘earth’ and graphia is ‘description’. Compass* points indicate the directions North, South, East and West. A map is divided* by lines of latitude* and longitude.* The lines of latitude are horizontal and run from zero degrees* in the centre (the Equator) to 90 degrees at the North and South Poles. The lines of latitude are all parallel. The lines of longitude are vertical and they all meet at the North and South Poles. The zero is the Greenwich Meridian Line and the lines of longitude go from 0° to 180° East and 180° West. Geographical coordinates* represent any* point on the earth’s surface and are a series of numbers; the first numbers are the latitude (North or South of the Equator) and the second numbers are the longitude (East or West of The Greenwich Meridian). For example, the geographical coordinates of Rome are: 41.9° N, 12.4° E.


Reading comprehension 1


Scegli l’opzione corretta.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Geography is the study of the ___________ and its people. A earth B moon C sun 2 The word ‘geography’ is from the ___________. A Latin B Sanskrit C Greek 3 The four principal directions on a map are North, South, __________ and West. A East B Est C Ost 4 The Equator is at __________ latitude. A 180° N B 0° C 180° S 5 Lines of longitude are __________. A parallel B vertical C horizontal 6 The first numbers in a geographical coordinate indicate the __________. A latitude B longitude C Greenwich Meridian


used utilizzata compass bussola is divided è divisa latitude latitudine

longitude longitudine degrees gradi coordinates coordinate any qualsiasi

Inventor’s Corner Eratosthenes of Cyrene (276 BC-195/194 BC) INVENTION: first map of the world with lines of latitude and longitude NATIONALITY: Greek WHEN: approx 240 BC

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


ave h s ’ let

e m o s !

Nobody can be truly English until he can say ‘really’ in 17 different ways.



Paul Johnson

Completa le frasi e, seguendo gli indizi, inserisci i nomi delle città nella mappa del Regno Unito.




1 8 6 5

1 The capital of Ireland is D__ __ __ __ __. 2 The capital of Northern Ireland is B__ __ __ __ __ __. 3 The capital of Scotland is E__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __. 4 The capital of England is L__ __ __ __ __.


5 The capital of Wales is C__ __ __ __ __ __. 6 Cork is I__ __ __ __ __ __’s second city. 7 Glasgow is S__ __ __ __ __ __ __’s second city. 8 Birmingham is E__ __ __ __ __ __’s second city.


14 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /I/ o /i…/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

His Scottish sheep are sweet. I __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Birthday Numbers Quiz

Vocabulary 1

1 twenty-seven 2 eighteen 3 thirty-three 4 one hundred 5 eighty-six 6 forty-nine 7 seventy-two 8 fifty-one


a 100 b 49 c 18 d 51 e 72 f 27 g 33 h 86

Calculations Esegui queste operazioni matematiche e scrivi il risultato in lettere. + plus – minus

x times ÷ divided by

Dates Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 The thirty-first of December, nineteen ninety-nine A 21/12/1998 B 31/12/1999 C 31/12/1998 2 The nineteenth of April, two thousand and two A 19/04/2002 B 17/04/2002 C 19/05/2003 3 July the twenty-seventh, two thousand and four A 21/08/2014 B 27/07/2004 C 07/02/2004 4 August the eighteenth, two thousand and fifteen A 18/06/2014 B 17/08/2015 C 18/08/2015


6 + 10 + 2004 = 2020 = 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 4

= equals

fourteen 1 nine plus five equals __________________ 2 thirty-one plus eleven equals __________________ 3 seven times three equals __________________ 4 twenty-two minus four equals __________________ 5 ninety-nine minus ninety-one equals __________________ 6 thirty-two divided by two equals __________________


If the world population is approximately 7 billion people, there are about 19 million birthdays every day. So about 19 million other people on the planet earth have the same birthday as you! Now take the Birthday Numbers Quiz and discover your secret personality. To calculate your birth number, add all the numbers of your birthday until there is only one number. For example, if your birthday is June the 10th, 2004:

Numbers (1-100) Abbina le parole ai numeri.

Your birth number in this example is 4, the conservative.

Reading comprehension 4


Rileggi il testo e indica se le frasi seguenti sono vere (T = true) o false (F = false).


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

T F 1 About 7 billion people live on the planet earth. 2 There are about 18,000,000 people with the same birthday as you! 3 The peacemaker is a natural diplomat. 4 The conservative is a good student. 5 The family is not important for a romantic. 6 The performer is unlucky. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento





You are an original thinker* and great at brilliant new ideas. Famous originators include Tom Hanks and Robert Redford.



You are a natural diplomat and a very good friend. Famous peacemakers include Madonna, Thomas Edison and Mozart.

You are very social* and romantic. Famous idealists include Salvador Dalí and Jodie Foster.

6 4


You are traditional and a good student. Famous conservatives include Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tina Turner.




You are an explorer and love new situations. Famous non-conformists include Vincent van Gogh and Abraham Lincoln.



You are a natural philosopher and ask lots of questions. Famous intellectuals include William Shakespeare, Michael Jackson and Princess Diana.



You love art and music and your family is very important. Famous romantics include Albert Einstein, Christopher Columbus and Meryl Streep.



You are very objective and decisive.* Famous problem solvers include Pablo Picasso, George Harrison and Jane Fonda.


You are a natural entertainer* and lucky in life. Famous performers include Harrison Ford and Elvis Presley.

Glossary thinker pensatore peacemaker pacificatore social socievole decisive risoluto entertainer intrattenitore

FUNCTIONS – Saying dates and the time Per chiedere e dire l’orario What time is it? What’s the time? quarter It’s nine o’clock. to It’s ten past/to nine. It’s (a) quarter past/to ten. It’s half past nine.





quarter past

Per chiedere e dire la data What is the date today? Today is the eleventh of August/August the eleventh.

Per chiedere e dire il giorno del tuo compleanno When is your birthday? My birthday is the 29th of May.

half past

Riordina le domande. 1 time / what / it / is / ? 2 the / today / date / what / is / ? 3 your / when / birthday / is / ?

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Ora rispondi alle domande dell’esercizio 6 in modo personale. 1 _________________________________________________ 2 _________________________________________________ 3 _________________________________________________




Preposizioni di tempo ore del giorno pasti


periodi festivi con night giorni


date parti del giorno (tranne night) mesi stagioni





We eat lunch at 1 o’clock. See you at dinner! I visit my grandpa at Christmas. The stars are visible at night. The party is on Saturday. My birthday is on October the 20th. I watch TV in the afternoon. My holiday is in August. It’s cold in winter. The next Olympics are in 2020.

Completa le espressioni con a o an. 1 ______ day 2 ______ email 3 ______ English book


4 ______ house 5 ______ honest man 6 ______ watch

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con the o a/an.

1 We love _________ beach!

2 I prefer _________ mountain!

3 It’s _________ horrible day!

4 Today is _________ 28th of August.

5 _________ students are on holiday.

6 There is _________ cat on _________ bed!

Completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette. 1 My birthday is _________ November the 11th. 2 I play with friends _________ the afternoon. 3 The film starts _________ half past seven. 4 See you _________ 10 o’clock tomorrow! 5 It’s hot _________ the summer. 6 My dad washes his car _________ Sundays.

Articoli a/an


persone o cose non specificate persone o cose nominate per la prima volta persone o cose specifiche persone o cose già nominate in precedenza

Watch out!

There is an apple in the fridge. There is a dog in the garden. The English teacher is in the classroom. There is a book on the table. The book is a summer book.

Ricorda che a si usa davanti ai nomi che iniziano per consonante; an si usa invece davanti ai nomi che iniziano per vocale e h muta come honest, honour, hour.



Ora traduci le frasi dell’esercizio 3 in italiano. 1 Noi amiamo la spiaggia. 2 _________________________________________________ 3 _________________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________________ 6 _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR Plurale dei nomi


La maggior parte dei nomi forma il plurale aggiungendo -s alla fine della parola. Ma ci sono delle VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE nei nomi che terminano in: -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, -o consonante + -y -f, -fe

si aggiunge -es si aggiunge -ies si aggiunge -ves

1 A ______________________ are you? B I’m fine thanks. 2 A ______________________ is your name? B It’s Luigi. 3 A ______________________ is your brother? B He’s at home. 4 A ______________________ are you? B I’m 12. 5 A ______________________ is your teacher? B My teacher is Mr Brown. 6 A ______________________ is your birthday? B It’s on March the 13th.

kiss  kisses family  families life  lives

Watch out!

Ricorda che alcuni nomi hanno il plurale irregolare: one child  two children one person  two people one man  two men one woman  two women Altri nomi hanno il plurale uguale al singolare: one fish  two fish one sheep  two sheep


Scrivi il plurale dei seguenti nomi. 1 party 2 date 3 number 4 person 5 leaf 6 boy

______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

Parole interrogative Who? Which? What? Where? When? Why? How? How old?

Chi? Quale tra questi? Quale?/Cosa? Dove? Quando? Perché? Come? Quanti anni?

Watch out!

Ricorda che eventuali preposizioni vanno alla fine della frase. Where are you from? Da dove vieni?

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Leggi le risposte e completa le domande con le parole interrogative corrette.


Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. from

what the an friends on when a in

Katy’s birthday is (1) ____________ the 14th of August. (2) ____________ star sign is she? She is (3) ____________ Leo! Her best (4) ____________ are Maria and Mattias. They are (5) ____________ Uruguay. (6) ____________ is Maria’s birthday? Well, she is (7) ____________ Aries. Her birthday is on (8) ____________ 19th of April. Mattias’s birthday is (9) ____________ October. He is a Libra.


Completa il testo su di te rispondendo alle domande.

Over to you!

• How old are you? • When is your birthday? • What is the date today? • Where are you now? • What time is it? I’m ______________________________ years old and my birthday ______________________________. Today is ______________________________. Now I’m ______________________________ and it’s ______________________________.



9 Curious Facts




The word ‘mathematics’ is from the Greek máthēma, which translates as ‘learning’, ‘study’ or ‘science’.


The origin of the calculator is the abacus.


The word ‘calculus’ is from the Greek word for pebbles* because the Greek Pythagorean mathematicians used pebbles to represent numbers.


Four is the only number in English that has the same number of letters as the number it represents.


6 7 8


Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi il testo e completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro.


The word ‘fraction’ is from the Latin fractio, ‘to break’.* The total of the numbers 1 to 100 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5...) is 5,050. It is easy to know if any number is divisible by 3. Total the digits* of the number and check if* it is divisible by 3. (For example 642 = 6 + 4 + 2 = 12 and 12 is divisible by 3 and so 642 is also divisible by 3!) The name of the search engine* Google is from a typing mistake* of the word ‘googol’. A googol is 1 followed by* 100 zeros!

Glossary pebbles sassolini May I have Posso avere to break rompere digits cifre

check if controlla se search engine motore di ricerca typing mistake errore di battitura followed by seguito da

Leggi e ascolta il testo.

fraction zeros 3.1415926 Greek 5,050 four 1 The word ‘mathematics’ is from the _______________. 2 _______________ has the same number of letters as the number it represents. 3 The value of Pi is _______________. 4 The word _______________ is from the Latin. 5 The number _______________ is the total of the numbers 1 to 100. 6 A ‘googol’ is 1 followed by 100 _______________.


It is very easy to remember the value of Pi (π = 3.1415926 etc.) if you remember the phrase May I have* a large container of coffee? Each word has the same number of letters as the number Pi (May = 3 letters, I = 1 letter, have = 4 letters, a = 1 letter, large = 5 letters, etc.).

Inventor’s Corner It is not certain that everything is uncertain. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) INVENTION: calculator NATIONALITY: French AGE: 18 WHEN: 1642

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let


e m o s ! n u F






Mathematics is like love; a simple idea but it can be complicated! 1






Unisci i punti nell’immagine da 1 a 24 e scrivi il nome dell’oggetto che è apparso con l’articolo corretto. Poi colora le aree con i colori indicati. IT IS ________________________________________.


Magic with Maths! Segui le istruzioni per scoprire la data di nascita e il numero di scarpe dei tuoi amici! 1 Ask your friend to write his/her SHOE SIZE but not tell you the number! 2 Your friend then multiplies his/her shoe size by 100. 3 Your friend then subtracts his/her YEAR OF BIRTH from the shoe size x 100. 4 Ask your friend to tell you this final number and add the current year. 5 You can immediately tell him/her his/her AGE this year and SHOE SIZE! The first two numbers are your friend’s shoe size and the second two numbers are your friend’s age this year!



For example: Your friend’s shoe size is 36. 36 x 100 = 3,600. Your friend’s year of birth is 2006. 3,600 – 2,006 = 1,594. Your friend only tells you the number 1,594. You then calculate in your head: 2017 (or this year) + 1,594 = 3,611. Your friend’s shoe size is 36 and he/she is 11 years old!



17 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /T/ o / D/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

The thirty-third thinker that thinks! D __ __ __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide (Ned Scuola di Sopravvivenza) is an American television show also on Italian TV. The show has got three main characters: Ned Bigby, Jennifer ‘Moze’ Mosely and Simon ‘Cookie’ Nelson Cook. They are three friends at James K. Polk Middle School in California. Ned’s got short, brown hair and blue eyes. Moze has got long, brown hair and brown eyes. Cookie’s got short, brown hair and dark eyes. In the photo, Cookie’s got special glasses with a personal computer display and Ned’s got his famous survival guide. But what is this survival guide? It’s a list of Ned’s tips* on how to survive school life! Ned’s character is intelligent but he’s lazy* and his school results aren’t brilliant. Moze’s character is also intelligent but she gets great results at school. Cookie’s character has got a talent for technology. In fact he’s got a computer motherboard* in his locker!*


d THINGS! n a E L P O E P Vocabulary 1

Personal possessions Abbina le parole alle immagini. 1 2 3 4

sunglasses mobile phone earphones keys


tablet wallet camera mirror

5 6 7 8





Reading comprehension 4





Physical descriptions Rileggi il testo e completa la tabella con le parole per descrivere l’aspetto fisico.


1 2 3 4

Leggi e ascolta il testo.


blue, ___________, ___________


short, brown, ___________, ___________, ___________


short, ___________


glasses, ___________

Rileggi il testo e abbina i nomi dei personaggi alle immagini A-D.


Gordy Mr Combover Suzie Crabgrass Billy Loomer

Rispondi alle domande scrivendo i nomi dei personaggi. Who’s got… Ned, Billy Loomer. 1 blue eyes? ____________________ 2 blond hair? ____________________ 3 glasses? ____________________ 4 a survival guide? ____________________ 5 a beard? ____________________ 6 a computer motherboard? ____________________

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

3 Other important characters include:

GORDY is the janitor* at Polk Middle School

and he’s 40 years old. He is not a good janitor but he helps Ned and Moze with their crazy adventures. He’s tall and has got short, dark hair. He hasn’t got glasses.



is Ned’s music teacher and loves classical music. He’s got strange, blond hair and an incredible beard!





Moze’s rival in everything, including Ned! At first, Moze and Suzie are enemies* but then they become best friends. Suzie has got long, brown hair and brown eyes.

BILLY LOOMER is the school bully. He loves Moze

but hates Ned and Cookie. He’s got short, blond hair and blue eyes.


FUNCTIONS – Describing people physically Descrivere occhi e capelli

I’ve got He/She’s got We/You/They’ve got



brown/green/blue big/small


locker armadietto janitor bidello enemies nemiche

Parlare della corporatura I am tall/short. He/She is fat/thin/plump. We/You/They are

Abbina le descrizioni a questi quadri famosi. Attenzione: c’è un quadro in più! 1 2 3

She’s got brown hair and blue eyes. She’s also got a very long neck! She’s got long, wavy hair and brown eyes. She hasn’t got dark hair, she’s got blonde hair. She’s got long, dark hair and dark skin. She hasn’t got blue eyes.



Andy Warhol, Orange Marilyn


long/short curly/wavy/straight black/brown/blond(e)

tips suggerimenti lazy pigro motherboard scheda madre


Botticelli, La nascita di Venere


Amedeo Modigliani, Portrait of Jeanne

Paul Gauguin, La femme au mango

Ora descrivi il quadro che manca prendendo a modello le descrizioni dell’esercizio 6.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento




have got: Present simple Forma affermativa estesa


I have got you have got he/she/it has got we have got you have got they have got

I’ve got you’ve got he’s/she’s/it’s got we’ve got you’ve got they’ve got


Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa di have got. 1 He’_________________ a new smartphone. 2 I’_________________ short hair. 3 You’_________________ blue eyes! 4 Anne and Susan _________________ long hair. 5 My brother and I _________________ a dog.

Forma negativa estesa


I have not got you have not got he/she/it has not got we have not got you have not got they have not got

I haven’t got you haven’t got he/she/it hasn’t got we haven’t got you haven’t got they haven’t got


Forma interrogativa singolare


Have I got… ? Have you got… ? Has he/she/it got… ?

Have we got… ? Have you got… ? Have they got… ?

Risposte brevi singolare


Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

Yes, we have. No, we haven’t.

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Yes, you have. No, you haven’t.

Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.

Yes, they have. No, they haven’t.


Che cosa possiedono Lisa, Mark, Henry e Catrin? Osserva le immagini e scrivi domande e risposte come nell’esempio.



Osserva l’immagine e completa il testo con la forma affermativa o negativa di have got. Henry


This is Mark’s room. He (1) ______________ a computer, a lamp, a clock and a guitar. He (2) ______________ a microscope but he (3) ______________ a telescope. He (4) ______________ a cycle helmet but he (5) ______________ a rollerblade. The room (6) ______________ a window.


1 Mark / Facebook page? ‘Has Mark got a Facebook page?’ ‘Yes, he has.’ 2 Henry and Lisa / camera? _________________________________________________ 3 Catrin and Lisa / frisbee? _________________________________________________ 4 Catrin / cycle helmet? _________________________________________________ 5 Catrin / camera? _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR Genitivo sassone


Il possesso o il rapporto tra persone si esprime in inglese con: nome POSSESSORE + ’s + nome PERSONA/COSA It’s Jack’s birthday. Ma ci sono delle ECCEZIONI nei: nomi propri che terminano in -s

si aggiunge ’

nomi plurali regolari

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con this, that, these e those.

Tim is James’ friend. Richard is the girls’ brother.

1 Is _________ the president’s car?

2 Is _________ Lady Gaga’s new CD?

3 Are _________ your keys?

4 Are _________ flowers for me?

Watch out!

Ricorda che quando due persone possiedono qualcosa insieme, si aggiunge ’s solo alla seconda persona. They are Kate and Jane’s friends. Loro sono gli amici di Kate e Jane. They are Kate’s and Jane’s friends. Loro sono gli amici di Kate e quelli di Jane.


Riscrivi le frasi con il genitivo sassone dei nomi tra parentesi. 1 I’ve got his bag. (Mike) I’ve got Mike’s bag. 2 We’ve got their ice creams! (Dave and Greg) _________________________________________________ 3 This is her father. (my girlfriend) _________________________________________________ 4 Have you got his phone number? (James) _________________________________________________ 5 Her friends and his friends are on the beach. (Lucy and Mark) _________________________________________________ 6 Her sister has got blonde hair. (Shelly) _________________________________________________

this/that/these/those Singolare


vicino a chi parla

this questo/a

these questi/e

lontano da chi parla

that quello/a

those quegli, quelli/e

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Completa il testo su di te rispondendo alle domande.

Over to you!

• Describe yourself physically. • What colour hair and eyes have you got? • Have you got any brothers or sisters? • Have you got any best friends? • Describe your brother, your sister or your best friend physically. I’m _______________________________ and I’ve got _______________________________ and _______________________________. I’ve got/I haven’t got _______________________________. My brother/sister/best friend is _______________________________ and he/ she’s got _______________________________ and _______________________________.






Main Device: Interpretation Bluetooth Ear phone Tactile Sensor Power

With modern hardware and software applications, blind* people have now got the opportunity to use email, read documents, write, browse* the Internet, chat on the Internet, download files, and burn* music too. There are even smartphones with Braille technology. There is also Braille on every* box of medicine and there are special road maps and musical scores* for blind people to read.

The Braille interpreter is a technological glove,* headphones and a bluetooth connection. The glove has got a tactile sensor and interpreter software. The software translates* the Braille from the book to audio and the person listens to the voice on his earphones. The Braille computer display A Braille display translates the text on an e-book or computer into Braille on a special keyboard. The cells on the display change as the person reads the text. But what is Braille? Braille is a system of six dots* in individual cells. Each cell represents a letter, number or word. Check out the Braille alphabet on the opposite page!

Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi il testo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 It is possible to browse/burn the Internet with Braille. 2 There is Braille on every box of cereals/ medicine. 3 Special smartphones/projectors have got Braille technology. 4 The Braille interpreter has got a jacket/glove. 5 A Braille display translates the text/images on an online document. 6 There are six/eight dots in an individual Braille cell.


Glossary blind cieche browse navigare burn masterizzare every ogni

musical scores spartiti musicali glove guanto translates traduce dots puntini

Inventor’s Corner Braille is knowledge and knowledge is power. Louis Braille (1809-1852) INVENTION: tactile system of reading and writing for the blind NATIONALITY: French AGE: 15 WHEN: 1824

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s ! n u F


Getting information from the Internet is like taking a drink from a fire hydrant.


(Mitchell Kapor, pioneer of the personal computing industry)

Osserva l’alfabeto Braille e decifra la frase.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __


Make a string telephone! Segui le istruzioni per costruire un telefono con lo spago. 1 Make a small hole in the bottom* of each cup. 2 Tie the string through each cup. 3 Stand 20 metres (or the length of the string) from your friend and pull the cup to your mouth. 4 Your friend puts the cup to his/her ear. The string MUST be tight* and MUST NOT touch any object.

YOU NEED: • 2 paper/plastic cups • something to make a small hole* • about 20 metres of string*

Now talk to your friend!

Glossary hole buco string spago bottom fondo tight teso


20 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e cerchia il suono /h/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

Who helps a hundred hippos have a happy birthday?

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Typical Breakfasts from around the World


Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a paup er.* Adelle Davis

d FOOD! n a E S U O H


Vocabulary 1

Rooms and furniture Completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro. sofa


wardrobe toilet shower armchair


_____________________________ _____________________________

living room

_____________________________ _____________________________


_____________________________ _____________________________


_____________________________ _____________________________

Food Osserva l’immagine e abbina gli alimenti alle parole. 1 F aubergine 2 tomato 3 cheese 4 chicken 5 pumpkin 6 strawberry 7 lettuce 8 shrimp 9 pasta 10 peas




Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e abbina i paesi alle immagini A-D. 1 2







bed oven fridge




Leggi e ascolta il testo.

Japan England

3 4

Denmark France

Rileggi il testo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 If we eat a good breakfast, we feel energetic/tired. 2 In England, the traditional breakfast is fried food/cakes. 3 The Japanese eat bread/rice for breakfast. 4 In France they eat salty/sweet food in the morning. 5 There is some fried meat/fresh cheese on the Danish breakfast table. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Why is it important to eat a healthy* breakfast? Well, during the night when we sleep, we don’t normally eat for about 10 hours and when we wake up, our body and brain need* energy to perform at school and work. In fact, the word breakfast means ‘to break the fast’.* If we don’t eat a good breakfast, we feel tired and don’t concentrate. Let’s see what type of breakfast people in other countries eat.



Breakfast in England

Today most English people only eat cereals or toast for breakfast but this traditional English breakfast is fantastic for special occasions. There are two sausages, a fried* egg, some bacon, some baked* beans and toast with butter. All this with a nice cup of tea with milk!



Breakfast in JAPAN

A typical Japanese breakfast is very simple with some fish, rice and miso soup. Miso soup is a salty* vegetable soup with tofu. There aren’t any cakes or fried food on the Japanese breakfast table!


Breakfast in DENMARK

The Danish like cheese and salami with bread for breakfast. There are also some cereals with yoghurt. There isn’t any fish on the Danish breakfast table!

Breakfast in FRANCE

On the French breakfast table there is some coffee, a glass of orange juice and a croissant with jam. There isn’t any salty food!

So, which breakfast do you prefer?

Glossary pauper indigente, povero healthy sana need hanno bisogno di to break the fast rompere il digiuno fried fritto baked cotti al forno salty salata

FUNCTIONS – Shopping for food Chiedere qualcosa Can I have a sausage? Can I have some milk? Chiedere la disponibilità e la quantità Have we/you got any pasta? Is there any fruit? Are there any carrots? What have we/you got for lunch/dinner in the fridge? How much coffee have we got? How many potatoes have we got? Chiedere il prezzo How much is this bread? How much are those aubergines? How much is it? Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Completa i dialoghi con le parole nei riquadri. any

have we got



haven’t got

A What’s for (1) ______________? B I don’t know. What (2) ______________ in the fridge? A Well, there are (3) ______________ tomatoes and red peppers. B Have we got (4) ______________ garlic or basil? A We’ve got some basil but we (5) ______________ any garlic. B OK, let’s have pasta with fried peppers and tomatoes for dinner!





A Can I (6) ______________ you? B Yes, please. Have you got (7) ______________ garlic? A Of course. How (8) ______________? B Only one thanks. A Here you are. Anything else? B No, that’s all thanks. How (9) ______________ is it? A It’s £1.25.


4 GRAMMAR Preposizioni di luogo






next to

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con on, under, in o next to.

1 His bag is _________ the table.

2 Watch out! There is a tomato _________ the chair.

3 ‘Where’s the 4 The pasta is _________ chocolate?’ ‘It’s the bread. _________ the cupboard!’

5 Her painting is _________ the wall.

6 Your phone is _________ the magazine.

there is/there are Singolare


Forma there is / affermativa there’s

there are

Forma negativa

there are not / there aren’t

there is not / there isn’t

Forma Is there... ? interrogativa

Are there... ?

Risposte brevi

Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Watch out!

Ricorda che non esiste una forma contratta per there are.


Completa il testo con la forma corretta di there is e there are.

The House of the USA Big Brother The house of the 16th series of American Big Brother has got a new ‘treehouse’ design. The kitchendining room has got an enormous table with 16 chairs. In the sitting room (1) ___________ two green sofas and two orange armchairs. (2) ___________ a coffee table in the sitting room? Yes, (3) ___________. (4) ___________ three beds in the Fire and Earth bedrooms. (5) ___________ only one bathroom but it is very big. It is turquoise and (6) ___________ two sinks and a shower but (7) ___________ a bath.

Nomi numerabili e non numerabili Numerabili (countable)

Non numerabili (uncountable)

hanno la forma singolare e plurale one biscuit  two biscuits

hanno solo la forma singolare water sugar

possono essere preceduti da a/an e the an egg the cat

possono essere preceduti da the ma non da a/an (the) bread NON a bread

Watch out!

Per indicare una quantità precisa con i sostantivi non numerabili, bisogna usare altre espressioni come a cup of coffee, a bottle of water, a piece of bread. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro. toy money butter pea

number child milk meat person cheese



toy _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

How much/How many How much e How many corrispondono in italiano a “quanto/i, quanta/e?”

How much... ? How many... ?


frasi affermative frasi negative


frasi interrogative

There are some eggs. There is some bread. There aren’t any girls. There isn’t any tea. Are there any oranges? Is there any coffee?

Watch out!

Ricorda che some e any si usano sia con i nomi numerabili plurali che con quelli non numerabili. Con i nomi non numerabili il verbo va al singolare.


Completa le frasi con some o any. 1 There are ___________ sausages in the fridge. 2 There aren’t ___________ potatoes. 3 Have you got ___________ money? 4 I haven’t got ___________ ice cream. 5 Are there ___________ people on the beach? 6 She’s got ___________ euros in her pocket. 7 Look! There are ___________ fish in the sea! 8 She’s got ___________ fantastic friends.

How much milk is there? How many apples are there?

Watch out!

Ricorda che How much si usa anche per chiedere il prezzo. How much are the shoes? Quanto costano le scarpe?

some/any Some e any corrispondono in italiano a “un po’/ alcuni/qualche, del/della/dei/degli/delle”.

nomi non numerabili nomi numerabili


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 How much/many water have you got? 2 How much/many melons are in the box? 3 How much/many students have got blond hair in your class? 4 How much/many is that skateboard? 5 How much/many exercises are there in the book? 6 How much/many are those postcards, please? 7 How much/many pizzas can you eat? 8 How much/many shoes have you got in your wardrobe?


Over to you!

Descrivi la tua colazione ideale, aiutandoti con gli esempi di colazione nel testo alle pagine 22-23.

On my ideal breakfast table, there _______________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento





The Bento Box Do your parents tell you not to play with your food? Well, great artists don’t always listen to their parents and Japanese artist Mari Miyazawa regularly plays with food when she creates her Bento boxes for her children to take to school! A Bento is the lunch box Japanese people take to work or school. A basic Bento is divided into two parts: there is rice in one half* and eggs, vegetables, meat or fish in the other half. Like many other Japanese arts, beautiful but complicated Bento boxes follow several rules. An important rule is the 4-3-2-1 rule: 4 parts rice, 3 parts protein (meat, fish or eggs), 2 parts vegetable and 1 part for something especially tasty!*

Glossary half metà tasty saporito to look like assomigliare a

There are many different styles of Bento; kyraben (character bento) decorates the food to look like* popular characters from Japanese cartoons, comics or video games. Another style is oekakiben or picture bento. These Bento boxes look like people, animals, buildings and flowers. There are also similar forms of Bento boxes in the Philippines (called Baon), Korea (Dosirak), Taiwan (Biandang) and India (Tiffin) and Hawaii. Look at these incredible pictures of how Japanese parents prepare their children’s lunch!

Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Mari Miyazawa is a Japanese ___________. A chef B artist C pilot 2 A Bento box contains ___________. A food B money C animals 3 Half of a basic Bento box contains ___________. A meat B vegetables C rice 4 Kyraben Bento boxes contain food that looks like ___________. A buildings B comic book C teachers characters 5 You can find versions of the Bento box in the Philippines, Taiwan, Korea, ___________ and Hawaii. A India B Thailand C Malaysia


Inventor’s Corner Frank Epperson INVENTION: ice lolly NATIONALITY: American AGE: 11 WHEN: 1905

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


ave h s ’ let

e m o s !




Osserva questo quadro di Giuseppe Arcimboldo e rispondi alle domande. 1 What is there in Arcimboldo’s painting? ____________________________________________________ 2 Now, turn your book upside down and look at the picture again. What is there now? ____________________________________________________


Trova queste dieci parole sull’arte nel cercaparole e scopri la frase nascosta. artist artwork pen designer invention paintbrush pencil picture portrait project











__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __’__ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __


23 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /´/ o /ø/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

A cute parachutist jumps from a shuttle! ´ __ __ __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



A Day in the Life of Avicii

Vocabulary 1

AVICII is from Sweden. He is only young and he is already* one of the top EDM* DJs in the world. He also plays the piano and is a remixer and record producer. He uses different names when he records different types of music: Avicii, Tim Berg, Tom Hangs and his real name, Tim Bergling. When he DJs, he often plays his own records and usually decides his playlist before he goes on stage.* He travels the world and works with famous EDM names like Madonna. He has got three million fans on his Facebook page and he sometimes models for Ralph Lauren. Not bad for a young boy!

Musical instruments Abbina gli strumenti alle immagini. 1 2 3 4 5 A


piano guitar drum trumpet saxophone

xylophone bass guitar violin bongos harp

6 7 8 9 10 C






Daily routines Leggi le frasi sulla giornata tipica di Stuart e completale con i verbi nel riquadro. meets does gets up plays spends wakes up

goes brushes catches finishes

wakes up at 7 a.m. 1 Stuart _____________ 2 He _____________ and has a shower. 3 He has breakfast and then _____________ his teeth. 4 He _____________ the school bus at 8 o’clock. 5 School _____________ at 3.30. 6 He _____________ the guitar for about an hour. 7 He _____________ his homework. 8 He _____________ his friends in the park until dinner at 8 p.m. 9 He _____________ time on the Internet until bedtime. 10 He _____________ to bed at about 10.30.


Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 What is Avicii’s real name? _________________________________________________ 2 How many fans has he got on his Facebook page? _________________________________________________ 3 How does he usually travel between cities? _________________________________________________ 4 What does he usually do before he goes to sleep? _________________________________________________ 5 How often does he eat regular meals? _________________________________________________ 6 Does he often listen to music in his free time? _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

5 But what is a normal day for Avicii? On a typical tour day, he gets up and usually goes to the airport, catches a flight, drives to the hotel, relaxes for a couple of hours, goes to the gig,* plays his music, and then goes back to the hotel to go to bed. He usually watches an episode of a TV series before he goes to sleep. When he wakes up, he goes to the airport again and takes another flight to a different city. Because of his crazy lifestyle,* he never eats regular meals and he doesn’t often listen to music in his free time. In fact, when he has got some free time, he prefers silence and spends time with his girlfriend Emily and their dog, Bear. He also sees his old friends from school days when it is possible and always introduces them to his new superstar friends.

Glossary already già EDM Electronic Dance Music on stage in scena gig concerto lifestyle stile di vita

FUNCTIONS – Talking about daily routines Per chiedere e dire quanto spesso si fa qualcosa How often do you play the piano? I always/usually/ often/sometimes/ never play the piano.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 How often/What do you see your friends after school? 2 What/When do you do your homework? 3 What/Why do you eat for lunch? 4 What time/Who do you start school? 5 What time/Why do you like English?

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Per chiedere e dire quando si fa qualcosa What time do you get up? When do you clean your room? I get up at 7 a.m. I clean my room on Sunday mornings.


Ora rispondi alle domande dell’esercizio 5 in modo personale. 1 _________________________________________________ 2 _________________________________________________ 3 _________________________________________________ 4 _________________________________________________ 5 _________________________________________________




Present simple Forma affermativa singolare


I like you like he/she/it likes

we like you like they like

Watch out!

Alla terza persona singolare si aggiunge -s alla forma base del verbo. Ci sono però alcune VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE nei verbi che terminano in: -ch, -sh, -s, -ss, -x, -z, -o  si aggiunge -es consonante + -y  si aggiunge -ies vocale + -y  si aggiunge -s


Che cosa fanno di solito queste persone il sabato mattina? Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. eat


1 Gus _________ a sandwich.




Forma negativa estesa


I do not like you do not like he/she/it does not like we do not like you do not like they do not like

I don’t like you don’t like he/she/it doesn’t like we don’t like you don’t like they don’t like

Watch out!

Ricorda che il verbo do, oltre a essere un verbo ausiliare, è un verbo normale e significa “fare”. Maria doesn’t do her homework on Saturdays.


1 Marina ________________ (like) ice cream! 2 I ________________ (go) to school on Saturdays. 3 We ________________ (study) in the summer! 4 Alain and Doug ________________ (listen) to music in English. 5 Donald ________________ (see) his friends after school.


2 Trisha _________ cartoons on TV.

Completa le frasi con la forma negativa dei verbi tra parentesi.

Forma interrogativa singolare


Do I like… ? Do you like… ? Does he/she/it like… ?

Do we like… ? Do you like… ? Do they like… ?

Watch out!

Ricorda che nelle domande le parole interrogative vanno prima dell’ausiliare do/does. Why don’t you study more? 3 Pete and John _________ 4 Mark _________ football in the garden. with his friends.

5 Lesley _________ French.


6 Jack and Bill _________ all morning!


Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande. 1 before / do / you / school / what / do / ? _________________________________________________ 2 shower / you / have / do / a / ? _________________________________________________ 3 she / does / do / homework / when / her / ? _________________________________________________ 4 clean / he / how often / room / does / his / ? _________________________________________________ 5 you / milk / drink / do / morning / the / in / ? _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR Avverbi di frequenza

Risposte brevi singolare


Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

Yes, we do. No, we don’t.

Yes, you do. No, you don’t.

Yes, you do. No, you don’t.

Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t.

Yes, they do. No, they don’t.


How often... ? always usually often sometimes never

Watch out!

Gli avverbi di frequenza si mettono prima del verbo principale ma dopo il verbo be. I always do my homework after lunch. I am sometimes late for class.

Che cosa fanno di solito Maggie e Dave il mercoledì? Osserva le immagini e rispondi alle domande con risposte brevi.







6 1 Do Maggie and Dave get up early on Wednesdays? _________________________________________________ 2 Does Maggie wash her hair? _________________________________________________ 3 Do they go to school? _________________________________________________ 4 Do they have lunch with their friends? _________________________________________________ 5 Does Maggie play the saxophone? _________________________________________________ 6 Does Dave watch TV in the evenings? _________________________________________________

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Quanto spesso? sempre di solito spesso a volte mai

Quanto spesso Alain fa queste cose? Scrivi le frasi seguendo i suggerimenti dati. 1 often / wake up late Alain often wakes up late. 2 always / visit / his grandmother after school He _____________________________________________ 3 never / be / ready for school! _________________________________________________ 4 sometimes / be / late for class! _________________________________________________ 5 usually / have / pasta for lunch _________________________________________________ 6 often / do / his homework on the bus! _________________________________________________


Descrivi una tua giornata tipica aiutandoti con le parole nel riquadro.

Over to you!

always usually often sometimes never get up have a wash brush my teeth go to school/bed have breakfast/lunch/dinner do my homework watch TV meet friends play football/sport/violin listen to music In the morning, I _______________________ __________________________________________ In the afternoon, I ______________________ __________________________________________ In the evening, I ________________________ __________________________________________





MUSICAL STYLES Nowadays rap and hip hop music are two successful music genres. HIP HOP has its origins in the Bronx in New York and is a form of communication for many young people around the world. RAP is a distinctive style of talking over a musical beat* with rhyming lyrics.* The rappers ‘rap’ angrily* about love, politics and social change. Rap competitions, called ‘battles’, are also very common.

The world of music is enormous and is divided into many different genres; for example rap, pop, rock, punk, classical, blues, reggae, folk and electronic are all styles of music. The ‘POP’ in pop music is from the word ‘popular’. Pop is a mix of many different types of music and the songs generally play for three minutes and have a verse and chorus* structure, vocal harmonies and simple melodies. Many pop songs sing about love and sentiments and videos are an important part of the final pop product. It’s very easy to dance to pop music! PUNK music generally uses three basic instruments: a guitar, a bass guitar and drums. Punk music is almost always fast, has got short, aggressive songs and the lyrics often speak against the mainstream* culture. Many punk musicians produce their music independently and, like rap music, punk also has its own* strong sense of fashion.

Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi il testo. A che tipo di musica si riferiscono le frasi seguenti?


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

European CLASSICAL music has its roots* in western cultures. Classical music is a sophisticated form of instrumental music, usually without a singer. There are many different instruments in a classical orchestra and the musicians follow a musical score.*

Glossary chorus ritornello beat ritmo rhyming lyrics versi in rima angrily con rabbia

1 The songs have got simple melodies. _________________________________________________ 2 The musicians follow a musical score. _________________________________________________ 3 It is a style of talking in rhyme over the music. _________________________________________________ 4 The songs are often aggressive. ________________________, ________________________ 5 These two genres of music have got a distinctive fashion style. ________________________, ________________________


mainstream convenzionale own proprio roots radici musical score spartito musicale

Inventor’s Corner Dream and change the world. Kane Kramer (1956) INVENTION: digital audio player NATIONALITY: British WHEN: 1979 AGE: 23

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s ! Fun


Where words fail, music speaks. Hans Christian Andersen


In inglese, le note musicali sono indicate con alcune lettere dell’alfabeto. Osserva la legenda e decifra le parole individuando le lettere che corrispondono alle note.

C do D re E mi F fa

G sol A la B si

DON’T __ __ __ __ MY __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (Non dare da mangiare manzo andato a male a mio padre!)


Make your own Kazoo! Segui le istruzioni per costruire il tuo strumento musicale. 1 Take three simple objects – a toilet roll tube, some wax paper* and an elastic band.* 2 Make a hole in the toilet roll. 3 Cover one end of the toilet roll with the wax paper and attach it with an elastic band. 4 Hum* into the open end and make some music!

Glossary wax paper carta oleata elastic band elastico hum canticchia a bocca chiusa


26 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /s/, /z/ o /Iz/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

Suzie watches Simon singing songs for his lizards. s __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


6 EXPLORE ! E R U T A R E T LI Vocabulary 1

Book types Cerchia l’intruso. 1 thriller: boring – exciting – intriguing 2 horror: dark – frightening – funny 3 love: romantic – scary – passionate 4 science fiction: futuristic – scientific – romantic 5 fantasy: imaginative – realistic – fascinating 6 adventure: slow – exciting – fascinating


Free-time activities Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi abbinale alle foto. play


listen to B


Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe, ELI Readers, 2015 Illustrated by Matteo Berton

sing C


Reading comprehension E

D 1 I _______________________ time with friends. 2 Mary _______________________ photography. 3 I _______________________ lots of music! 4 Jolene _______________________ karaoke. 5 Joey _______________________ video games.




Rileggi il testo e indica se le frasi seguenti sono vere (T = true) o false (F = false).


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 At first, Robinson Crusoe sleeps in a cave. 2 Crusoe lives on the island with his brother. 3 He finds a calendar on the ship. 4 There is fresh water next to his camp. 5 During the day, he looks after pigs. 6 He cooks his food on a fire.



Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Robinson Crusoe Life on the Island Do you remember the story of Robinson Crusoe? He survives a shipwreck* and swims to a desert island. What does he do during the day before he meets Friday? At first, he sleeps in a tree but then he finds a cave and sleeps there. He builds a fire and his only family on the island is Poll the parrot, a dog, two cats and some goats.* Every day he swims to the shipwreck to find useful objects to take back to his island. He finds books and food on the ship. He makes a calendar on some wood with his knife. He decides to build a camp in a location with fresh water, protection from the sun, and which is safe from attack and with a view of the sea. He also builds a table and chair and writes in his diary. His diary starts on the 30th of September 1659. During the day, he takes care of* his vegetables and chickens. He explores the island and finds fruit on the other side: melons, grapes and lemons. Crusoe cooks everything on a fire and he makes clothes from animal skin. Soon he also builds a small canoe to explore the area around the island. One day, he sees a footprint* in the sand and he realises that he’s not alone. There are other people on his island!

FUNCTIONS – Talking about free-time activities Chiedere e fare proposte What shall we do tomorrow? What/How about going to the park? Do you fancy a pizza?

shipwreck naufragio, relitto goats capre takes care of si prende cura di footprint orma

Chiedere ed esprimere preferenze Do you like horror films? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I prefer science fiction. I don’t really like love stories. That’s fun! / That’s not much fun!

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Let’s go to the cinema. Great idea! / Sounds great!



Completa il dialogo con le parole e le espressioni nel riquadro. how about

let’s go



what shall we do



what about


Adriana (1) ________________________ today? Bart (2) ________________________ going to the park? Adriana Hmm... I don’t know. Do you (3) ________________________ going to the cinema? Bart Yes, I (4) ________________________. (5) ________________________ the new film by Miyazaki? Adriana I don’t (6) ________________________ like cartoons, I (7) ________________________ romantic films. Bart Hmm, OK, (8) ________________________ to the cinema and see what’s on. Adriana Sounds (9) ________________________! Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


6 GRAMMAR Espressioni di frequenza

Pronomi personali complemento

How often...? Quanto spesso? every day/week/month/year ogni giorno/settimana/mese/anno once/twice/three times a day/week/month/year una/due/tre volte al giorno/alla settimana/al mese/ all’anno


1 2 3 4 5

Rispondi alle domande del quiz e scopri se sei un couch potato!

Pronomi personali oggetto

I you he/she/it we you they

me you him/her/it us you them


How often do you watch TV? A more than three hours a day B three hours a day C less than three hours a day How often do you spend time on social networks? A more than four hours a day B four hours a day C less than four hours a day How often do you spend time on the Internet? A more than three hours a day B three hours a day C less than three hours a day How often do you exercise? A less than three times a week B three times a week C more than three times a week

Mostly As – You’re a real couch potato! Go and do something active! Mostly Bs – You’re normal so relax and don’t change! :-) Mostly Cs – You’re very active, congratulations!

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Where’s my phone? I haven’t got him/it! 2 ‘Do you like spiders?’ ‘No, I hate them/it!’ 3 ‘How often do you see Lisa?’ ‘I see her/us every day.’ 4 Don’t you remember her/me? I’m Henry! 5 ‘Is this Frank’s CD?’ ‘Yes, I can give it to them/him this evening.’ 6 Students, the policeman wants to speak to all of you/her. 7 Can you help you/us? We are lost! 8 ‘Do you love me?’ ‘Yes, I love you/her!’

How often do you play a sport? A less than once a week B once a week C more than once a week



Pronomi personali soggetto


Completa il riassunto del libro Wonder di R. J. Palacio con i pronomi personali corretti.

Wonder tells the story of ten-year-old August (Auggie). Auggie has a severely disfigured face and studies at home with his mother until they decide to send (1) _______ to school. He visits the school before it starts and meets some students. Two of (2) _______ are good to (3) _______. August’s first day of school is OK but most people don’t want to be near (4) _______. His new friend Jack stays with (5) _______ in class and he meets a girl, Summer, and has lunch with (6) _______. Despite his handicap, Auggie enjoys school. Auggie and Jack become best friends. However the other boys in the school hate both of (7) _______ until one day the entire 5th grade go on a camp together and they have serious problems with some bullies from another school. Several of Auggie’s classmates protect (8) _______ (Auggie and Jack) and suddenly everyone is on Auggie’s side. The book finishes with the school graduation ceremony: Auggie wins a prestigious award! Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Imperativo Forma affermativa

Forma negativa


Don’t go!

In inglese, il verbo like ha una costruzione diversa da quella italiana.

Watch out!

Nell’inglese informale, per fare proposte, si usa l’imperativo alla prima persona plurale con Let’s + forma base del verbo. Let’s go! Andiamo!


Immagina di essere in una navicella spaziale. Osserva i segnali e completa le regole con i verbi nel riquadro.

be (x 2)








1 ___________ in the control room!

3 ___________ in the corridor!

2 ___________ in the control room!

4 ___________ photos!

SOGGETTO (la persona a cui piace qualcosa)

+ like

+ OGGETTO (la cosa che piace)

I like you. (Tu) Mi piaci. I don’t like horror books. Non mi piacciono i libri dell’orrore. ‘Does Greg like thrillers?’ ‘Yes, he does.’ “A Greg piacciono i thriller?” “Sì.”


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di like. 1 ‘_________ Trudy _________ adventure films?’ ‘No, she _________.’ 2 I really _________ detective stories. I read lots of them. 3 Katy never reads love stories. She _________ them. 4 ‘_________ Tim and Fan _________ horror films?’ ‘Yes, they _________.’ 5 ‘_________ you _________ my new boyfriend?’ ‘No, I _________.’ 6 Thomas is a big fan of Coldplay. He really _________ them.


Racconta quello che fai nel tempo libero aiutandoti con le domande nel riquadro.

Over to you!

• What do you do in your free time? • How often?/When? • Why? • Who with? 5 ___________ quiet!

6 ___________ careful!

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

7 ___________ right!

8 ___________

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento








Osserva le immagini e abbinale ai generi letterari. 1 2



thriller teen


COMICS AND GRAPHIC NOVELS tell their stories via* a series of illustrations. The stories can be about anything and the position and size of the individual drawings is often important. Text is usually very short. Popular comic strips include Peanuts with Snoopy and Charlie Brown, Dylan Dog, Superman and Spiderman.


imaginative stories about future technologies, space travel, time travel, imaginary societies on ear th and life from other planets and galaxies. Science fiction often explores potential future consequences of today’s science and technology. An example of science fiction is From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne.

THRILLER stories tell of

detectives and criminals. The idea is to try and guess who the criminal is before the end of the book. Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple are famous fictional characters by the authors Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie. The characters solve complicated crimes.

Reading comprehension 2


28 Leggi e ascolta il testo e controlla le tue risposte all’esercizio 1.

Rileggi il testo. A che genere letterario si riferiscono le frasi seguenti? 1 The story often talks about things that happen at school. ____________ 2 The story often talks about crimes. ____________ 3 The story often talks about future scenarios. ____________ 4 The books are composed of many drawings and not much text. ____________ 5 The story talks about supernatural events and frightening situations. ____________


horror science fiction



Literary genres can be divided into fiction and non-fiction. Examples of fiction include science fiction, teen, comics, thriller and horror. Examples of non-fiction include biographies and autobiographies.

SCIENCE FICTION usually tells


3 4

TEEN books often tell stories about things that happ en at school and the main characters are genera lly of school age. The books tell of the problems teenagers face as they grow up. Wond er by R. J. Palacio (real na me Raquel Jamillo) is a go od example of this type of genre.

HORROR stories try and frighten* the reader with stories of supernatural events, ghosts, vampires and werewolves.* The atmosphere is usually very dark and there is sometimes a lot of blood! Bram Stoker’s Dracula and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein are famous examples of horror stories.

Glossary via tramite frighten spaventare werewolves lupi mannari

Inventor’s Corner Jerry Siegel (1914-1996) & Joe Shuster (1914-1992) INVENTION: Superman NATIONALITY: American WHEN: 1933 AGE: 19

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s !


Reading one book is like eating one potato chip.



Inserisci le frasi al posto giusto nel fumetto. 1 Help!!! 2 I like these lollies. 3 Oh hello Mr Bee. Do you like lollies too? 4 I’m hungry! Time for a break. 5 Another little bee?


How to create a book! Segui le istruzioni per creare il tuo libro.


• 4 pieces of white A4 paper • 1 piece of coloured A4 paper

• scissors • a big needle* • some coloured string

Fold* the four pieces of white A4 paper in half. Fold the coloured paper in half and put it on the outside of the white paper to create the covers. Cut the edges* of the paper so that they are equal. Make 2 holes* in the middle (see picture). Thread* the needle with the string and pull it through the holes (see picture). Tie* the string and you have a book. You can now write or draw anything you like in your new book!

Glossary needle ago fold piega edges bordi

holes buchi thread infila tie lega


29 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /u…/ o /O…/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

‘Do you draw cartoons?’ ‘Of course I do!’ __ __ __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento








Vocabulary 1


Sport Osserva lo schema e completa le espressioni con play, do o go.


play (+ sport con la palla): She plays basketball. go (+ gerundio): We go swimming on Saturday mornings. do (per gli altri casi): I do karate after school.


F 1 ____________ martial arts

2 ____________ volleyball

3 ____________ running

4 ____________ ballet

5 ____________ golf

6 ____________ football

7 ____________ jogging

8 ____________ trekking

9 ____________ swimming

10 ____________ archery

11 ____________ aerobics

12 ____________ tennis


The human body Osserva la foto di Rodríguez e abbina le lettere ai nomi delle parti del corpo. 1 2 3 4 5 6


arm back chest elbow foot hand

7 8 9 10 11 12

head knee leg neck shoulder wrist

Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e completa le frasi.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 James Rodríguez is from _______________. 2 Rodríguez’s _______________ is called Salomé. 3 James’ wife, Daniela, plays _______________. 4 The attacking midfield position is the number _______________. 5 The Colombian captain Mario Yepes thinks Rodríguez is possibly the best _______________ world. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

7 James Rodríguez – Sporting Superstar J


James David Rodríguez is a Colombian footballer who plays for the Spanish club Real Madrid. He is also a hero after his exceptional 2014 performance and winning the Golden Boot as the top goalscorer* of the World Cup Championship. Rodríguez was born in Cúcuta on the 12th of July, 1991. In his private life, Rodríguez is married to Daniela Ospina and they have got a daughter, Salomé. James isn’t the only sporting hero in the family; his wife Daniela is an international volleyball player and James often goes to watch her play. Rodríguez is considered to be one of the best young players in the world for his technique, vision and footballing skills. He can play in the positions of attacking midfield* (the famous number ten) or wing.* He is a versatile player and can score goals, dribble and pass the ball very well. He is only young but he is already one of the most expensive football players in the world; his transfer to Real Madrid in 2014 cost* €80 million! The Colombian captain Mario Yepes thinks that James Rodríguez is possibly the best player in the world. ‘He’s got incredible vision, great mobility and composure,* it’s like he plays at a different tempo’,* says Yepes. ‘When the ball travels to him, Rodríguez knows exactly what to do, before all the other players. That makes such a difference in football and is particularly important in the position he plays.’

Glossary top goalscorer capo cannoniere midfield centrocampo wing ala

cost è costato composure compostezza tempo ritmo, passo

FUNCTIONS – Talking about ability Chiedere e rispondere se si sa fare qualcosa Can you play rugby? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Are you good at snowboarding? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. / I’m not bad.

Chiedere e dire quanto bene si sa fare qualcosa How well can you do gymnastics? I can do gymnastics very well/quite well/not very well. I can’t do gymnastics at all!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Completa il dialogo con le parole nel riquadro. can

very well





A Hey, are you (1) _________________ at gymnastics? B Hmm... I’m (2) _________________ bad. Why? A Can you help me with this exercise quiz? B OK. A Number 1: Can you (3) _________________ a handstand? B Yes, I’m good at doing handstands. A Number 2: (4) _________________ you touch your nose with your tongue? B I don’t know but I can try. Look, I can!!! A That’s disgusting! OK, number 3: (5) _________________ well can you cook? B That’s not an exercise! I can cook (6) _________________. Why? A Because I’m very hungry!




can (abilità)

Forma interrogativa Forma affermativa

I/You/He/She/It We/You/They


I/you/he/she/it we/you/they


can dance.

Risposte brevi

I/You/He/She/It We/You/They


Forma negativa estesa contratta


I/you/he/she/it we/you/they


cannot dance.


I/you/he/she/it we/you/they


can’t dance.

Osserva le immagini e scrivi delle frasi con can o can’t seguendo i suggerimenti dati.


Osserva la tabella e scrivi domande e risposte brevi seguendo i suggerimenti dati.


1 Lisa / skate / swim Lisa can skate but she can’t swim.

2 Luke / play football / dance ______________________________________________________

3 Gemma / ski / do gymnastics ______________________________________________________

4 Alan / play tennis / do archery ______________________________________________________




touch his/ her nose with closed eyes




say the alphabet backwards




name 12 animals in English








1 Graham and Lottie / juggle? ‘Can Graham and Lottie juggle?’ ‘Yes, they can.’ 2 Josh / say the alphabet backwards? _________________________________________________ 3 Lottie / touch her nose with closed eyes? _________________________________________________ 4 Graham and Josh / name 12 animals in English? _________________________________________________ 5 Josh / juggle? _________________________________________________ 6 Lottie / name 12 animals in English? _________________________________________________ 7 Josh / touch his nose with closed eyes? _________________________________________________ 8 Graham and Lottie / say the alphabet backwards? _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR very well /well /quite well /(not) at all I can ride a horse very well.


Osserva la tabella e scrivi delle frasi su Paula e Harry seguendo i suggerimenti dati.




do puzzles

I can ski well. I can dance quite well. I can’t play tennis at all.

do homework play team games run do yoga


Completa il testo con una parola per ogni spazio.

Giacomo is an artist. He (1) ____________ draw very (2) ____________. His pictures of people are especially good. He (3) ____________ also juggle but he (4) ____________ speak Chinese. His girlfriend is Chinese but fortunately she (5) ____________ speak English (6) ____________. (7) ____________ his girlfriend juggle? No, she (8) ____________ juggle at all but she (9) ____________ dance very (10) ____________.

like /love /hate + -ing I verbi like, love e hate sono seguiti dalla forma -ing del verbo. I like playing beach tennis. Fai attenzione alle VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE! Se il verbo termina in: vocale/ si aggiunge -ing consonante + -y

swim write letters


si elimina la -e e si aggiunge -ing

have  having

vocale + consonante

si raddoppia la consonante + -ing

stop  stopping


-ie diventa -y e si aggiunge -ing

die  dying


don’t like


1 Paula / run / swim Paula hates running but she loves swimming. 2 Harry / do puzzles / play football _________________________________________________ 3 Harry / do homework / run _________________________________________________ 4 Paula / do yoga / play football _________________________________________________ 5 Paula / do puzzles / do homework _________________________________________________ 6 Harry / play team games / do yoga _________________________________________________ 7 Paula / write letters / play team games _________________________________________________ 8 Harry / swim / write letters _________________________________________________

play  playing study  studying

-e muta

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

play football


Over to you!

Completa l’ultima colonna della tabella dell’esercizio 4. Poi scrivi un testo su quello che ami e non ami fare fra le attività indicate. Per ogni attività che ti piace, indica il tuo livello di bravura e spiega perché ti piace.



CLIL Outdoor Activities

Outward Bound! 1

Abbina il verbo al complemento per formare delle espressioni corrette. 1 make 2 solve 3 resolve 4 make 5 assess 6 take

a risks b friends c a conflict d responsibility e a decision f a problem

Can you survive for two weeks in the mountains with a group of friends? Most young people can’t but Outward Bound courses can help you learn to be part of a team, help others, make new friends and have a lot of fun at the same time! The philosophy behind the courses is to: 1 put a motivated learner 2 into a new environment 3 with a small group 4 with problems to solve 5 creating a conflict to resolve in the group 6 and then finally a sense of competence when the situation is resolved. Your group of about ten people works as a team with many different activities including: map reading, orienteering, trekking, canoeing, mountaineering, rock climbing, sailing, skiing and snowboarding. The objective is to teach you that you can do much more than you think. At first the instructors help you but slowly slowly, as the team develops, the instructors leave you and your team to make the important final decisions. You learn how to assess* risks, lead your group, take responsibility for your actions and survive in the wilderness* with your friends!


assess valutare wilderness regione selvaggia

Reading comprehension 2 3

31 Leggi e ascolta il testo e controlla le tue risposte all’esercizio 1.

Rileggi il testo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Most young people can/can’t survive in the wilderness. 2 The courses teach you to help yourself/others. 3 During the expedition you can resolve conflicts/decisions. 4 The objective is to teach you that you can do less/more than you think. 5 After some time, the instructor makes/you make all the important decisions.


Inventor’s Corner George Nissen (1914-2010) INVENTION: modern trampoline NATIONALITY: American WHEN: 1936 AGE: 16

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s ! Fun

7 1

Somma le due figure e ottieni la risposta!

championship _________________ champion _________________

ship _________________


‘What can you serve but never eat ?’ A ‘ tennis ball!’


_________________ _________________


_________________ _________________


_________________ _________________




Finger Football Penalties! Segui le istruzioni per costruire un tuo mini campo da calcio! Take 3 pieces of A4 paper. Make a small paper ball with first piece, just scrunch it up* in your hands! Fold* the other 2 pieces of paper as in the pictures to make the 2 goals.

Put the two goals on different sides of the table and take turns in scoring goals by ‘kicking’ the ball with your finger!

Glossary scrunch it up accartoccialo fold piega


32 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /œ/ di can o /A…/ di can’t. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile senza sbagliare!

Clancy can clap but Clem can’t climb! __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Wearing the Right Clothes for the Weather!


In Ireland, everyone talks about the weather. A lot! Irish weather can be unpredictable, so Irish people like to discuss it. In fact, it is normal to experience sun, wind, clouds, rain and even snow all in one day. An unknown writer says that Ireland has ‘four seasons in one day’: it’s possible for the day to start with light showers* of rain, midday becomes a brilliant summer’s day, the afternoon brings a sudden dry wind and then the evening is very cold!

Vocabulary 1

Clothes Osserva l’immagine e completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. trainers

T-shirt shorts sandals skirt hat shirt

It’s a beautiful, sunny day in London! Sophie and Benjamin are in the park. Sophie is wearing a yellow (1) __________, a short purple (2) __________ and white (3) __________. Benjamin is wearing blue (4) __________, a white (5) __________, a black (6) __________ and black (7) __________.


The weather What’s the weather like today? Abbina le immagini alle frasi.









1 2 3 4


It’s foggy. It’s windy. It’s hot. It’s cold.

5 6 7 8

It’s sunny. It’s cloudy. It’s raining. It’s snowing.

Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Irish people talk about the weather because it is _______________. A always B predictable C unpredictable the same 2 An Irish writer says there are _______________ seasons in one day. A three B two C four 3 The weather in Ireland can change very _______________. A quickly B slowly C predictably 4 Irish _______________ learn how to dress correctly for the weather. A adults B teenagers C children 5 The best way to dress for the cold is to put on lots of _______________. A jumpers B layers C T-shirts Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


The weather in Ireland can change very quickly and you need to be ready to change your clothes. There is also a Norwegian expression that says ‘Bad weather doesn’t exist, only the wrong clothes!’ Irish people learn how to dress correctly for the weather from a young age. They wear lots of layers* in winter, for example a T-shirt under a shirt with a couple of jumpers on top and a scarf and waterproof jacket for when you go outside. However, the houses are usually lovely and warm so be prepared to take off* some of your layers when you go inside. Don’t wear a horrible T-shirt because there is a chance* everyone will see it! Summers are pleasant in Ireland but it often rains so it’s a good idea to bring an umbrella just in case!* The beaches in Ireland are beautiful but the water is often very cold; a swimming r costume* is great for the daytime but don’t forget a warm jumpe g. and jeans if you intend staying on the beach during the evenin


FUNCTIONS – Talking about what we are doing Chiedere e dire che cosa si sta facendo What are you doing? I’m doing my homework!


showers rovesci layers strati take off togliere chance possibilità just in case per ogni eventualità swimming costume costume da bagno

Completa la chat con le espressioni nel riquadro.

are you doing

a great

I’m wearing (x 2)


I’m shopping

Hey, guess what? (1) ___________________ your jacket! My black jacket? But that’s my favourite jacket! I’ll be careful, I promise. What (2) ___________________ now? (3) ___________________ with Melinda!

Are you having fun/a good time? I’m having a great time.

Are you having (4) ___________________? I’m having (5) ___________________ time. Oh and guess what? What? (6) ___________________ your new shirt! No!!!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


8 GRAMMAR Present continuous

Watch out!

Forma affermativa estesa


I am eating You are eating He/She/It is eating We are eating You are eating They are eating

I’m eating You’re eating He’s/She’s/It’s eating We’re eating You’re eating They’re eating

Il Present continuous NON si usa con i seguenti verbi: hear, see, like, want, believe, know.


1 They’re knowing the answer! _________________________________________________ 2 He isn’t believing me! _________________________________________________ 3 I’m listening to music. _________________________________________________ 4 They aren’t eating ice cream! _________________________________________________ 5 We’re wanting to go to the disco. _________________________________________________ 6 He’s liking the first One Direction CD. _________________________________________________

Watch out!

Ricorda di fare attenzione alle variazioni ortografiche della forma in -ing (vedi pagina 43).


Completa le frasi con il Present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

1 He _______________ (eat) an ice cream!

2 I _______________ (chat) to my friend.

3 They _______________ (swim) with sharks!

4 We _______________ (go) to the disco!


6 She _______________ (have) lunch.

7 It _______________ (rain) again!

8 You _______________ (wear) my sandals!

Forma negativa estesa


I am not eating You are not eating He/She/It is not eating We are not eating You are not eating They are not eating

I’m not eating You aren’t eating He/She/It isn’t eating We aren’t eating You aren’t eating They aren’t eating


5 I know, you _______________ (make) a sandcastle!

Quattro delle seguenti frasi contengono un errore. Individua gli errori e correggi le frasi.

Correggi le frasi usando le informazioni tra parentesi, come nell’esempio. 1 They’re eating pizza. (cake) They aren’t eating pizza, they’re eating cake. 2 I’m watching TV. (a film) _________________________________________________ 3 You’re chatting with Donatella! (with Peter) _________________________________________________ 4 She’s wearing an old T-shirt. (her best dress) _________________________________________________ 5 We’re doing a crossword. (our homework) _________________________________________________ 6 It’s raining. (sunny) _________________________________________________ 7 He’s listening to pop. (to rap) _________________________________________________

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Forma interrogativa singolare


Am I eating… ? Are you eating… ? Is he/she/it eating… ?

Are we eating… ? Are you eating… ? Are they eating… ?

Risposte brevi singolare


Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Yes, we are. No, we aren’t.

Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.

Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.


Completa le domande e le risposte brevi con il Present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. swim


1 ‘___________________ (you) in the sun?’ ‘No, ____________. I’m wearing sun cream.’





2 ‘___________________ (they) on the rocks?’ ‘Yes, ____________! They’re crazy!’

Present simple o Present continuous? Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

Al (1) _________________ (you / walk) to the beach? Leo Yes, I (2) _________________ but my brother (3) _________________ (go) to the cinema. Al Who (4) _________________ (he / go) to the cinema with? Leo His new girlfriend! Al Your brother has a girlfriend? (5) _________________ (I / know) her? Leo Yes, you (6) _________________! It’s your sister Meg! Al No way! Leo So they (7) _________________ (not want) to go to beach with us... Al No and now I (8) _________________ (want) to go to the cinema too!


Over to you!

Scrivi un breve testo descrivendo il tempo che fa oggi e i vestiti che stai indossando in questo momento.

_____________________________________________________ 3 ‘___________________ 4 ‘___________________ (it) (she) like a champion?’ at your house?’ ‘No, ____________!’ ‘Yes, ____________!’

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

5 ‘___________________ (you) to the beach?’ ‘Yes, ____________!’

6 ‘___________________ (they) smart clothes?’ ‘No, ____________!’

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



8 CLIL Science

Self-Cleaning Clothes!


We usually use soap and water to wash our clothes and remove stains* and smells.* However scientists are discovering ways to create clothes that clean themselves in the sun, without the need for a washing machine! Recent experiments show that a treatment* made from the right mix of chemicals on cotton can dissolve stains, kill bacteria and remove smells after only a couple of hours in the sun. ‘The technology can be used* with all types of fabrics’,* say scientist Mingce Long and his colleague Deyong Wu. They are both from China’s Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The individual cotton threads* in clothes are covered with the chemical mix and this mix contains photocatalysts which react directly with sunlight. A photocatalyst is a material that starts a chemical reaction when exposed to light. The experiments are still in progress and the scientists can’t sell their self-cleaning cotton yet; they still need to make sure* the treated cotton isn’t dangerous for the people who wear their clothes. But Long says that he hopes to wear self-cleaning clothes one day and never use a washing machine again. ‘Someday in the future, when I’m walking on the street,’ he says, ‘I hope people are wearing self-cleaning clothes from my technology.’


Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 What do we usually use to clean our clothes? _________________________________________________ 2 What fabrics can this technology be used with? _________________________________________________ 3 What are photocatalysts? _________________________________________________ 4 Why can’t the scientists sell their treated clothes? _________________________________________________ 5 What does Long hope for the future? _________________________________________________


self-cleaning autopulente stains macchie smells cattivi odori treatment trattamento can be used può essere usata fabrics tessuti threads fili make sure assicurarsi

Inventor’s Corner Chester Greenwood (1858-1937) INVENTION: earmuffs NATIONALITY: American WHEN: 1873 AGE: 15

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get!

ave h s ’ let

e m o s ! Fun

Mark Twain


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con i nomi degli indumenti. Joe, Lori, Bill e Julie indossano ciascuno un capo fuori stagione! Quale? Cerchia l’indumento sbagliato.

1 It’s a cold day in the middle of winter and Joe is wearing a h __ __, a j __ __ __ e __, tr __ __ __ __ __ __, g __ __ v __ __ and s __ __ __ __ __ s.

2 It’s 15° and raining at the end of October. Lori has an u __ __ __ __ __ __ __ and she is wearing a b __ k __ __ i, waterproof c __ __ t and __ oo __ s.

3 It’s 24° and sunny at the end of May. Julie is wearing a T-__ __ __ __ __, sh __ __ __ s, a sc __ __ f and s __ __ __ __ __ s.

4 It’s the summer holidays and 30° on the beach. Bill is wearing a sw __ __ m __ __ __ c __ __ __ u __ __, __ __ oe __ and __ un __ __ __ __ __ es.



Let’s Make a Summer Fan! Segui le istruzioni e costruisci il tuo ventaglio per l’estate. Step 1 Take a piece of paper. You can use a 20 cm x 20 cm square but a rectangle is also OK. Step 2 Fold about 1 cm of the paper at the bottom. Step 3 Turn the paper over and fold again in the same way. Step 4 Repeat these steps until there is no more paper to fold. Step 5 Open the fan. Practical and easy! Now use your fan and stay cool all summer!


35 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /dZ/, /tS/ o /S/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

A shop for children’s jeans and shirts! __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Robin Hood by Alexandre Dumas One dark night in 1162, two horsemen are in Sherwood Forest to find a home for a baby boy... That’s my sister’s house. She can help us.

Roland’s sister Margaret and her husband Gilbert welcome the hungry travellers. Please, take this child.

Gilbert, let’s call him Robin!

15 years later, Robin Hood plays a joke* on his father Gilbert in Sherwood Forest...

One day Robin saves the life of Lady Marian and her brother, Sir Allan, from a bandit.

Father, I want to be the best archer in Sherwood Forest!

I see, you ARE the best, my son!

So Robin takes them home to meet his family.

And this is my good friend, Friar* Tuck.


I’ll be back!*

You are safe my friends. Let’s go and eat together!

But the bandits open the door...

Everyone ready?

It’s the same man!

I’m ready!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Together, they defend the house from the surprise attack and there is a big fight...

One of the bandits is seriously injured* and confesses to Gilbert...

Aghhh! Call off* the dog!

Tell me!

Don’t you recognise me? I’m Roland, Margaret’s brother... Robin is really the Earl* of Huntingdon...

Take that!

The next day, Robin, Allan and Friar Tuck leave for Nottingham on an important mission... I want to marry the Baron’s daughter, Lady Cristabel. If he loves his daughter too, he won’t say* no...

Robin, Allan and Friar Tuck are at the Castle of Nottingham. But the Baron is very angry... You will never marry* Cristabel! Arrest Robin and Allan!

Let’s all go!



Leggi la prima puntata del fumetto e indica se le frasi seguenti sono vere (T = true) o false (F = false). 1 Roland is Margaret’s brother. 2 Gilbert says Robin isn’t the best archer in Sherwood Forest. 3 Robin saves Lady Marian from a bandit. 4 Friar Tuck is Sir Allan’s friend. 5 The injured bandit is really Margaret’s brother. 6 Robin’s real title is the Earl of Huntingdon. 7 Sir Allan wants to marry Lady Marian. 8 The Baron arrests Robin and Sir Allan.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


plays a joke fa uno scherzo I’ll be back! Tornerò! Friar Frate call off richiama injured ferito Earl Conte won’t say non dirà will never marry non sposerai mai


But Robin breaks the bars of his prison cell and escapes.

While searching for* Friar Tuck, Robin discovers Sir Allan dressed in a monk’s habit* in the chapel with...

What a beautiful moon!

At last, Allan my love!

I hope he doesn’t hear me!

Friar Tuck appears and takes back* his habit from Sir Allan...

My Lady Cristabel. Forget your father’s words, I WILL marry you!*

Ahah! Thanks to Tuck’s clothes, Allan is free.

Our three heroes leave the Baron’s castle with Lady Cristabel’s help... Goodbye my darling!

Give me my clothes! Are they too big for you?

Here I am!

We will meet* again soon. I love you!

Yes! But... where’s Robin?

Meanwhile* Marian decides to look for Robin and her brother Allan. But terrible things can happen* in Sherwood Forest...

Fortunately Little John arrives in time to save Marian from the bandit...

I surrender!

My name is Little John. I am a friend of Robin Hood. You will be* safe at my house.



Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Little John and his brother Will Scarlet go to Gilbert’s house to give him the good news... Don’t worry, Marian is safe at our house!

Thank you my friends! Now we need to find Robin, Allan and Friar Tuck.

Back at Nottingham Castle, the Baron has other plans for his daughter... You will never marry Allan. You will marry Sir Tristan!

But Cristabel has a plan... Albert, be quick! Take this letter to Allan. He is with Robin Hood and Friar Tuck in the forest. Only they can save me now!

For you Lady Cristabel, anything!

No! I love Allan!


Leggi la seconda puntata del fumetto e scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Who escapes from prison? A Robin and Allan B Robin and Cristabel C Allan and Friar Tuck 2 Who helps Robin, Allan and Friar Tuck escape? A Cristabel B Marian C the Baron 3 Who saves Lady Marian from the bandit? A Gilbert B Robin Hood C Little John 4 Where does Little John take Marian? A the Baron’s castle B his house C Gilbert’s house 5 Who writes a secret letter to Allan? A Lady Marian B the Baron C Lady Cristabel

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Glossary searching for cerca monk’s habit saio da monaco I will marry you ti sposerò takes back riprende we will meet ci incontreremo meanwhile nel mentre happen accadere will be sarai


Albert finds Robin Hood and his friends in the forest and gives Sir Allan the letter from Lady Cristabel...

But unfortunately the Baron’s men capture Robin... Arrest him!

If they take me to the castle, I can save Lady Cristabel and bring her to Sir Allan!

We must go back to Nottingham Castle and save Lady Cristabel immediately.

And with Albert’s help, Robin runs away* from the prison guards again... You can’t catch me!

Robin, Lady Cristabel and Albert escape through* a secret tunnel and out into Sherwood Forest. Lady Cristabel and I will meet Allan. Albert, go to the safety* of my father’s house.


The Baron discovers that Robin isn’t in his cell and shouts at the guard...

Robin free? You idiot! Burn down* his home and FIND HIM!

The Baron sees that his daughter isn’t in her room and orders his men to find her. Cristabel is with Allan! 100 gold coins for the person who brings her home.


Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

The Baron and his soldiers search all of Sherwood Forest and finally find Robin...

Oh no! My parents!

Look Robin! Your house is on fire!

But as Robin runs to help his family, the Baron and his men catch Sir Allan and Lady Cristabel... I’m taking you back to the castle.

Here she is, Sir! Noooooo! Don’t hurt him!*

Fortunately Little John, Friar Tuck and Will Scarlet find Allan before it is too late... You WILL do* what I tell you!

Robin arrives at his burning house to find his mother dead... Robin, we will avenge* your mother’s death.

Oh Mother! Yes, I promise!


Leggi la terza puntata del fumetto e scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Albert finds Robin Hood/Lady Marian in Sherwood Forest. 2 Robin Hood plans to save Lady Marian/Lady Cristabel from the Baron’s Castle. 3 Friar Tuck/Albert helps Robin escape from his prison cell. 4 The Baron wants to pay 100/500 gold coins to bring his daughter home. 5 The Baron captures Lady Cristabel/Lady Marian in Sherwood Forest. 6 Robin finds his mother alive/dead at his house.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Glossary runs away scappa through attraverso go to the safety vai al sicuro burn down incendiate Don’t hurt him! Non fategli del male! will do farai we will avenge vendicheremo


Gilbert, Robin Hood, Lady Marian, Little John and Friar Tuck now live with Sir Guy and his son Will Scarlet at their castle in Gramwell.

So they prepare an ambush* for the Baron and his soldiers...

The Baron and his men pass through the forest tomorrow. It’s time to get our revenge.*

Here they come!

I will give you some strong men to help you.

The battle is fierce* and there is more bad news for Robin... But where is the Baron?

Robin, I’m so sorry. Your father is dead!

They return sadly to Gramwell Castle and Will Scarlet comforts Robin... My poor father...

No more deaths.* We must learn to live in peace.

But the evil Baron decides to attack Sir Guy’s castle and kill everyone inside...

Prepare to die!

And a terrible battle begins between the two armies* but Robin has an emergency plan to save his people...

Death to the Baron!



Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

...and he leads* everyone to a safe place in Sherwood Forest. But how can we get our revenge on the Baron?

So Robin and his friends put the idea into action... No! This is tax money for the Baron!

Tell the Baron that WE will distribute* his tax money!

Hmm... I know! We can steal from the rich and give to the poor...

Good, kind and generous people are never afraid of Robin Hood! Take all we have! And good luck Robin!

To hell with you* Robin Hood!

Thank you my lady. We won’t forget* your generosity.

And one beautiful day in spring Robin’s dream comes true... You are now husband and wife!


Leggi la quarta puntata del fumetto e completa le frasi con il nome del personaggio corretto. 1 Robin lives with Gilbert, Lady Marian, Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet and __________________. 2 Robin and his men prepare an ambush for __________________ and his soldiers. 3 __________________’s father dies in the ambush. 4 __________________ comforts Robin after the ambush. 5 __________________ has the idea to steal tax money for the Baron and give to the poor. 6 __________________ is angry with Robin’s idea. 7 Robin marries __________________ in Sherwood Forest.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Glossary get our revenge vendicarci ambush imboscata fierce feroce deaths morti armies armate leads conduce will distribute distribuiremo won’t forget non dimenticheremo to hell with you all’inferno


Glossary Unit 1 aunt zia Australian australiano British britannico brother fratello Chinese cinese clever intelligente dad papà daughter figlia English inglese French francese funny simpatico, divertente German tedesco granddaughter nipote (di nonno/a; f.) grandma nonna grandpa nonno grandson nipote (di nonno/a; m.) Iranian iraniano Irish irlandese Italian italiano Japanese giapponese kind gentile mum mamma nephew nipote (di zio/a; m.) niece nipote (di zio/a; f.) parents genitori Scottish scozzese shy timido sister sorella son figlio Spanish spagnolo sporty sportivo Swedish svedese uncle zio Welsh gallese

five cinque forty quaranta four quattro fourteen quattordici fraction frazione hundred cento June giugno May maggio million milione minus meno multiply moltiplicare nine nove nineteen diciannove ninety novanta number numero one uno one hundred cento plus più second secondo seven sette seventeen diciasette seventy settanta six sei sixteen sedici sixty sessanta subtract sottrarre ten dieci third terzo thirteen tredici thirty trenta three tre times (moltiplicato) per twelve dodici twenty venti two due zero zero

Unit 2 August agosto billion miliardo date data digit cifra divided by diviso divisible divisibile eight otto eighteen diciotto eighty ottanta eleven undici equals uguale fifteen quindici fifty cinquanta first primo


Unit 3 beard barba big grande blond(e) biondo/a blue blu body corpo brown marrone camera macchina fotografica clock orologio curly riccio cycle helmet caschetto dark scuro ear orecchio earphones cuffie

eye occhio fat grasso glasses occhiali green verde guitar chitarra hair capelli key chiave long lungo mirror specchio mobile phone cellulare neck collo plump paffuto short basso, corto skin pelle small piccolo straight liscio sunglasses occhiali da sole tall alto telescope telescopio thin magro wallet portafoglio wavy ondulato

Unit 4 apple mela armchair poltrona artist artista artwork opera d’arte aubergine melanzana bacon pancetta baked cotto al forno basil basilico bath vasca da bagno bathroom bagno bean fagiolo bed letto bedroom camera da letto biscuit biscotto bread pane breakfast colazione butter burro cake torta carrot carota cereals cereali cheese formaggio chicken pollo chocolate cioccolata coffee caffè coffee table tavolino da caffè designer progettista dinner cena Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

egg uovo fish pesce fresh fresco fridge frigo fried fritto fruit frutta garlic aglio healthy sano, salutare invention invenzione jam marmellata kitchen cucina lettuce lattuga living room salotto lunch pranzo meat carne milk latte orange juice spremuta d’arancia oven forno paintbrush pennello pea pisello peppers peperoni picture immagine, disegno, fotografia portrait ritratto potato patata project progetto protein proteina pumpkin zucca rice riso salami salame salty salato sausage salsiccia shower doccia shrimp gamberetto sink lavandino sitting room salotto sofa divano soup zuppa strawberry fragola sugar zucchero sweet dolce table tavolo tasty saporito tea tè toilet gabinetto tomato pomodoro vegetable verdura wardrobe armadio water acqua

Unit 5 always sempre Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

bass guitar basso beat ritmo bongo bongo brush (teeth) lavare (i denti) catch (the bus, etc.) prendere (l’autobus, ecc.) chorus ritornello classical classico clean pulire dance ballare do (homework, etc.) fare (i compiti, ecc.) DJ fare/essere il DJ drive guidare drums batteria eat mangiare electronic elettronico finish finire free time tempo libero get up alzarsi gig concerto go andare go to bed andare a letto guitar chitarra harmony armonia harp arpa have a wash darsi una lavata have breakfast/lunch/dinner fare colazione/pranzo/cena instrument strumento like piacere listen to ascoltare lyrics parole di una canzone meal pasto meet incontrare melody melodia music musica musical score spartito musicale musician musicista never mai often spesso on stage sul palco orchestra orchestra piano pianoforte play giocare, suonare relax rilassarsi record registrare rhyme rima saxophone sassofono see vedere singer cantante

sleep dormire sometimes a volte song canzone spend time passare il tempo study studiare style stile take prendere travel viaggiare trumpet tromba usually di solito verse verso (di una poesia, ecc.) violin violino visit visitare wake up alzarsi wash lavarsi watch orologio xylophone xilofono

Unit 6 adventure avventura atmosphere atmosfera book libro boring noioso build costruire cartoon cartone animato character personaggio comic comico comic strip striscia a fumetti cook cucinare cover copertina dark cupo draw disegnare drawing disegno exciting eccitante explore esplorare fancy piacere, gradire fantasy fantasy fascinating affascinante fictional immaginario, romanzato find trovare frighten spaventare frightening spaventoso futuristic futuristico horror horror illustration illustrazione imaginative fantasioso, immaginoso intriguing intrigante literary genre genere letterario live vivere look after occuparsi di love d’amore


Glossary passionate appassionato photography fotografia prefer preferire read leggere realistic realistico romantic romantico scary spaventoso scenario scenario science fiction fantascienza scientific scientifico slow lento story storia swim nuotare take care of prendersi cura di teen (adj.) da ragazzino tell raccontare text testo thriller thriller type tipo video game videogioco write scrivere

Unit 7 aerobics aerobica archery tiro con l’arco arm braccio award premio back schiena ballet danza classica canoeing canoa captain capitano championship campionato chest petto climb scalare compete contendersi, gareggiare competence competenza, capacità composure compostezza dribble dribblare elbow gomito expedition spedizione foot piede football calcio footballer calciatore goal goal, porta goalscorer cannoniere golf golf gymnastics ginnastica hand mano handstand verticale head testa instructor istruttore


jogging jogging juggle fare il giocoliere kick calciare knee ginocchio lead condurre, guidare leg gamba map reading lettura cartografica martial arts arti marziali midfield centrocampo mobility mobilità mountaineering scalata neck collo orienteering orienteering pass passare player giocatore position posizione rock climbing arrampicata rugby rugby run correre running corsa sailing vela score segnare (un goal) shoulder spalla skate pattinare basketball pallacanestro ski (v.) sciare skiing (lo) sci skill abilità snowboarding (lo) snowboard solve risolvere survive sopravvivere swimming nuoto table tennis ping pong teach insegnare team squadra team game gioco di squadra tempo ritmo, passo tennis tennis trekking trekking vision visione volleyball pallavolo win vincere wing ala wrist polso yoga yoga

Unit 8 bikini bikini boot stivale climate clima clothes vestiti

cloud nuvola cloudy nuvoloso coat cappotto cold freddo cotton cotone dress vestito dress (v.) vestirsi fabric tessuto fan ventaglio foggy nebbioso glove guanto hat cappello hot caldo jacket giacca jeans jeans jumper maglione layer strato pleasant piacevole, gradevole rain pioggia rain (v.) piovere raining piovoso sandals sandali scarf sciarpa season stagione self-cleaning autopulente shirt camicia shoe scarpa shorts pantaloncini shower (of rain) rovescio (di pioggia) skirt gonna smart (clothes) (vestiti) eleganti snow neve snowing nevoso summer estate sun sole sunny soleggiato, di sole swimming costume costume da bagno take off togliere thread filo trainers scarpe da tennis T-shirt maglietta umbrella ombrello unpredictable imprevedibile warm caldo waterproof impermeabile wear indossare weather tempo wind vento windy ventoso winter inverno Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Answer Key


somne! Fu

Unit 1

Unit 6 I’m hungry! Time for a break.

I like these lollies.

Oh hello Mr Bee. Do you like lollies too?

Edinburgh Glasgow

7 2



Another little bee?






6 Cork



4 London


Unit 7


championship _________________


champion _________________


ship _________________






basketball _________________ basket _________________

ball _________________ skateboard _________________

skate _________________


board _________________ football _________________


foot _________________ 2QH

ball _________________


table tennis _________________


table _________________

Unit 4 I D E T P C E T P G

tennis _________________

Unit 8 P N E A E E A H E E










Unit 5 DON’T FEED MY DAD BAD BEEF. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

1 It’s a cold day in the middle of winter and h __ a t, a j __ a __c __ k e __, t Joe is wearing a __ o __ u __s __e __r __, s g __ l __ o v __ e __ s and s __ a __ n __ d __a __l s. tr __

2 It’s 15° and raining at the end of October. m __b__r __e__l __l __ a and she is wearing Lori has an u __ i k __ i n o __ a t and __ b oo __ t s. a b __ __ i, waterproof c __

3 It’s 24° and sunny at the end of May. r __, t sh __ o __r __ t s, Bill is wearing a T-__s __h __i __ a __r f and s __ a __ n __d __a __l s. a sc __

4 It’s the summer holidays and 30° on the beach. i m i n g Julie is wearing a sw __ __ m __ __ __ o __ s __ t u __ m __, e __s __ h oe __ s and c __ a __s __ s es. __s un __g __l __


Welcome back to school!

Entry Test

Scegli la risposta corretta (A, B, C or D). 1 ‘Where ______________ from?’ ‘I’m from Spain.’

A ■ you are

B ■ you

C ■ your

D ■ are you

C ■ There’re

D ■ There are

C ■ When

D ■ What

C ■ the

D ■ an

C ■ She’s

D ■ Hers

C ■ Lisas

D ■ Lisas’s

C ■ plays

D ■ playing

C ■ do like

D ■ likes

C ■ in

D ■ at

2 ______________ twenty-four students in my class.

A ■ They are

B ■ There is

3 ______________ is your birthday?

A ■ Where

B ■ Who

4 We have ______________ house in Barcelona.

A ■ any

B ■ a

5 This is my sister. ______________ name’s Sally.

A ■ His

B ■ Her

6 Are you ______________ brother?

A ■ Lisa

B ■ Lisa’s

7 My best friend ______________ rugby very well.

A ■ play

B ■ do play

8 I ______________ chocolate, but I don’t like jam.

A ■ don’t like

B ■ like

9 I go to bed ______________ 10 o’clock in the evening.

A ■ for

B ■ on

10 I usually go to school ______________ foot.

A ■ on

B ■ by

C ■ for

D ■ with

C ■ at

D ■ on

C ■ their

D ■ they’re

C ■ usually

D ■ often

D ■ am wearing

11 They stay ______________ home on Sundays.

A ■ in

B ■ to

12 We will meet ______________ at the station.

A ■ them

B ■ they

13 I ______________ go to the beach on holiday, I hate it!

A ■ always

B ■ never

14 It’s really hot so we ______________ shorts at the moment.


A ■ wear

B ■ wearing

C ■ are wearing

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Entry Test

Welcome back to school!

15 I usually ______________ my homework in the afternoon.

A ■ make

B ■ am making

C ■ do

D ■ doing

C ■ many

D ■ a

C ■ a

D ■ an

C ■ Some

D ■ Any

D ■ are

D ■ Can

16 I’d like ______________ sugar in my tea, please.

A ■ any

B ■ some

17 Is there ______________ ketchup for my chips?

A ■ some

B ■ any

18 ______________ pasta is there?

A ■ How much

B ■ How many

19 Miriam can play the piano, but she ______________ play tennis.

A ■ can

B ■ can’t

C ■ is

20 ‘______________ I use your calculator?’ ‘Sure. Here you are.’

A ■ Am

B ■ Can’t

C ■ Do


Between 6-9

Between 10-15

Between 0-5

Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Test di recupero 1 6

Vocabulary 1

Abbina le due parti per formare i nomi dei mobili e degli elettrodomestici.




Ora inserisci le parole dell’esercizio 1 nella colonna corretta.

Bathroom Bedroom

Dining room


Living room

Grammar 3

Completa le frasi con a, an o the.

1 There’s ________ umbrella by the door. 2 ________ toilet is upstairs. 3 There isn’t ________ microwave in the kitchen. 4 Where are ________ books? 5 That’s ________ old TV! 6 Have you got ________ desk in your room?


Osserva la classe e completa le frasi.

1 There’s a ____________________________ 2 There isn’t a __________________________ 3 There are ____________________________ 4 There aren’t __________________________


Trasforma le frasi al plurale.

1 This is my house. ____________________________________ 2 Is that your bedroom door? ____________________________________ 3 That isn’t a big window! ____________________________________ 4 This is his new computer. ____________________________________ 130

Scegli l’opzione corretta per completare la descrizione. __________ is a photo of 2__________ family on our holiday in Greece. 3__________ are my parents here. My dad’s at 4__________ back. 5 __________ name is Charlie and 6__________’s 42 years old. And 7__________my mum. She’s 39 and 8__________ name’s Liz. My brothers aren’t in the photo because 9__________ at university, but 10__________ names are Jon and Pete. And 11 __________? Is 12__________ family big?


1 A This 2 A my 3 A This 4 A / 5 A He 6 A he 7 A that’s 8 A her 9 A their 10 A his 11 A you 12 A his

B That B your B That Ba B Her B her B it’s B its B they’re B our B your B our

C These C his C These C an C His C his C that C our C you’re C their C you’re C your

D Those D their D Those D the D She D she D this D your D we’re D your D you are D their

Functions 7

Rispondi alle domande in modo personale.

1 Is your house big? ____________________________________ 2 How many bedrooms are there? ____________________________________ 3 What is in your bedroom? ____________________________________ 4 Are there armchairs in the living room? ____________________________________ 5 Is there a shower in the bathroom? ____________________________________ 6 Have you got a garden? ____________________________________

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Test di recupero 2 Vocabulary



1 Do you like football? 2 Does your father speak English? 3 When do you usually go shopping? 4 Do you do your homework in the evening? 5 Does your aunt live in town? 6 Do your friends read books?

Completa i nomi dei luoghi scolastici.

1 S__ __ __ __ __ __ lab 2 __ us __ __ r __ __ __ 3 __ __ n __ __ __ n 4 l __ b __ __ __ __ 5 __T c __ __ s __ __ __ __ m 6 __ rt __ t __ __ __ __


Abbina le parole nel riquadro ai verbi elencati.

home homework sports up breakfast videos

1 get __________________ 2 have _________________ 3 go __________________ 4 do __________________ 5 play _________________ 6 watch ________________

Grammar 3

Trasforma i verbi alla terza persona singolare.

1 finish ____________________________ 2 teach ____________________________ 3 study ____________________________ 4 have ____________________________ 5 go ____________________________ 6 buy ____________________________


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 My mother get up / gets up at 6 every morning. 2 I never have / has breakfast at home. 3 Children like / likes Tom & Jerry. 4 Pauline plays / play the violin well. 5 Jim and Ross study / studies French. 6 I usually go / goes to school by bus.


Trasforma le frasi alla forma negativa.

1 They watch TV every night. ____________________________________ 2 She goes home for lunch. ____________________________________ 3 I play the piano. ____________________________________ 4 It rains in summer. ____________________________________ Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Abbina le domande alle risposte. a No, I don’t. I always do it after lunch. b Yes, he does. c No, I don’t. I prefer basketball. d At the weekend. e No, they don’t. They read comics. f Yes, she does. She lives with us.

Riordina le parole e scrivi le frasi.

1 to / go / the / seaside / in / We / August ____________________________________ 2 time / have / you / dinner / What / do / ? ____________________________________ 3 Mr Jones / his / mornings / walks / dog / the / in ____________________________________ 4 plays / Jacob / school / basketball / after ____________________________________ 5 homework / When / her / does / do / Greta / ? ____________________________________ 6 Max / lunch / canteen / in / has / the ____________________________________

Functions 8 Riordina le frasi del dialogo. La prima e l’ultima frase sono date.

a ■ The Romans? Boring! Shall we look for some books first? b ■ Yes, okay. c ■ The Romans. d ■ What’s the project about? 7 Good idea! e ■ 1 I’ve got a difficult History project. f ■ g ■ Let’s go to the library together.


Test di recupero 3 Vocabulary



Scrivi tre parole in ciascuna colonna. Drinks




Osserva le immagini e scrivi i nomi dei cibi.

1 ________________ 2 ________________

3 ________________ 4 ________________

5 ________________ 6 ________________

1 How many / How much eggs are there in a Spanish omelette? 2 There aren’t / isn’t any / some potatoes in the cupboard. 3 A Are / Is there any / some butter in the cake? B Yes, there are / is. 4 How much / How many homework have we got this week? 5 A Are / Is there any / some chips with the chicken? B No, there aren’t / isn’t. 6 There are / is any / some salad.



Completa le espressioni con have.

1 have a b_______ 4 have d_______ 2 have l_______ 5 have a p_______ 3 have a s_______ 6 have b_______

Grammar 4

Indica se i seguenti nomi sono numerabili (C) o non numerabili (U).

1 bread ________ 4 biscuit _ _______ 2 butter ________ 5 milk ________ 3 egg ________ 6 tea ________


Completa le frasi inserendo il verbo dato tra parentesi e l’avverbio di frequenza al posto giusto.

1 Lucie __________ (go) to the ALWAYS beach in summer. 2 Gail and I __________ (have) rice OFTEN for dinner. 3 Our French teacher __________ (be) NEVER late for lessons. 4 My cousin __________ (do) his USUALLY homework before dinner. 5 I __________ (make) cakes with SOMETIMES my grandmother. 6 Rachel and Sam __________ (be) RARELY on time for volleyball practice.

7 7 ________________ 8 ________________

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Scrivi cinque frasi vere per te con gli avverbi di frequenza always, usually, often, sometimes, never.

1 ____________________________________ 2 ____________________________________ 3 ____________________________________ 4 ____________________________________ 5 ____________________________________

Functions 8

Scrivi il dialogo seguendo i suggerimenti dati.

A next B have / chicken? A yes / much / like? B big / please A want / vegetables? B yes / small / carrots A anything / drink? B water / please Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Test di recupero 4 Vocabulary




Traduci in inglese.

1 ufficio postale 2 stadio 3 museo 4 fermata dell’autobus 5 stazione 6 parco 7 giornalaio 8 caffetteria


__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Ora abbina queste azioni ai luoghi dell’esercizio 1.

a ■ catch a train b ■ buy a newspaper c ■ drink coffee d ■ watch a football match e ■ catch a bus f ■ send a letter g ■ ride your bike h ■ learn about Art and History


Osserva l’immagine e completa il testo con le preposizioni nel riquadro. behind between in on opposite next to near under

Abbina le due parti delle frasi.

1 I hate playing… 2 John loves watching… 3 Sally likes reading… 4 My friends love going… 5 Trev and Ingrid prefer riding… 6 We hate doing…


a comic books. b our Maths homework! c their bikes to school. d shopping in town. e videos on YouTube. f volleyball!

Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con un pronome personale complemento.

1 I never watch TV. _____ 2 Mum always helps me and my brothers. _____ 3 Amanda loves Tony. _____ 4 Do you know Lucy? _____ 5 Is this a present from you and Helen? _____

Functions 6

Scrivi le regole della classe. Usa l’imperativo affermativo (✓) o negativo (✗).

1 eat or drink / in class (✗) 2 arrive / late (✗) 3 stand up / when a teacher / enter (✓) 4 use / mobiles / in class (✗) 5 forget / do homework (✗) 6 put / hand up / to ask question (✓)


Completa i mini dialoghi con le parole mancanti.

1 A ________ me, where’s the station? B Go ________ on and it’s on your left. A ________ a lot. B You’re ________.

Hi! This is my room. There is a desk 1 ___________ the window, 2___________ the bed and the wardrobe. There is a book 3 ___________ the table and a computer 4 ___________ it. 5___________ the computer there is a lamp and 6___________ the desk there’s a bag with a skateboard 7___________ it. 8___________ the desk, there are two chairs. Step 3 – Rientro in classe

2 A ________ up, Nick! That’s our bus! B ________ run! There are cars on the road. 3 A Is there a café ________ here? B No, sorry, there ________. 4 A Oh no! We’re ________ for PE! B Don’t ________, we’ve got five minutes. 5 A Excuse me, ________ a post office near here? B Yes, ________ the second road on the right. 133

Test di recupero 5 Vocabulary




Trova otto parole legate alle attività del tempo libero.

Riordina le parole e scrivi le frasi.





























































1 at / Dylan / hip hop / all / can’t / dance 2 sing / well / I / Adele / think / very / can 3 numbers / Can / people’s / you / remember / phone / ? 4 trees / can / well / quite / You / climb 5 she / marathons / run / Lucy / but / fast / can / run / can’t






































1 I can speak English very well but I can’t speak Japanese. ________ 2 No, you can’t go to the party tonight. ________ 3 ‘Can we use the computer, please?’ ________ 4 Helen can’t run very fast. ________ 5 Marcus can’t ride a bicycle. ________


Completa le attività del tempo libero con i verbi mancanti.

1 ______ basketball 5 ______ to friends online 2 ______ friends ______ photos 3 ______ to music 6 4 ______ a comic


Osserva le immagini e scrivi i nomi degli oggetti tecnologici.


Indica se can esprime permesso (P) o abilità (A).

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. easily quickly clearly fluently beautifully

1 Please write your name ________________. 2 Julie sings ___________________________. 3 Ross and Gavin speak German ____________. 4 Finish your homework _________________. 5 They can win the match ________________.

Functions 7 1 ________________ 2 ________________

3 ________________ 4 ________________

Completa i dialoghi.

1 A ________ me with my Geography homework? B Sure. A Can I use your dictionary, please? B No, 2________. I need it at the moment. A Can 3________ look at your new Smartphone? B Yes, of course. A Can I sit with you? B Yes, 4________.


5 ________________ 6 ________________


Abbina le domande alle risposte. a No, I don’t. 1 What do you think They’re too big. of my laptop? b It’s fantastic! Can 2 Do you like your I try it? new tablet? c I really like them. 3 Do you like Richard’s new glasses? d Yes, I do. I love it! 4 What do you think of these speakers? Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Test di recupero 6 Vocabulary




Trova quattordici parole relative alle parti del corpo.


































































7 1 2 9 4



11 12

6 13


Completa le espressioni con do, go o play.

1 ________ swimming 2 ________ table tennis 3 ________ rugby 4 ________ skiing 5 ________ gymnastics 6 ________ horse riding

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Abbina le domande alle risposte.

1 Are you doing your a No, he isn’t. English homework, Ben? b No, we 2 Is Dad working today? aren’t. 3 Are the teachers having c No, you a meeting? aren’t. 4 Is Charlotte playing the d Yes, I am. guitar? e Yes, she 5 Are you all going to the is. cinema? f Yes, they 6 Am I sitting in your place? are.

Functions 7


Scrivi la forma in -ing dei seguenti verbi.

1 run 2 make 3 buy 4 write 5 walk 6 win




1 Anne am / is / are playing football with her friends. 2 We am / is / are doing the Romans in school this term. 3 ‘What am / is / are you reading?’ ‘I’m / ’s / ’re reading a magazine.’ 4 Steve and Andy’m not / isn’t / aren’t studying, they’m / ’s / ’re listening to music.


Osserva l’immagine e scrivi le parti del corpo che hai trovato nell’esercizio 1.

Sottolinea l’opzione corretta.

Completa il dialogo con le parole nel riquadro.

bad at do you want I’d like I’m sorry let’s go shall 1 A _____________ to the park after school. 2 B _____________ but I can’t because I’ve got a dental appointment. 3 A _____________ to come to my house tomorrow? 4 B _____________ to but I can’t because it’s my mum’s birthday. 5 A _____________ we go horse riding on Sunday? B No, I’m really 6_____________ horse riding!


Prova delle competenze





Hi, I’m Jenny. I’m fifteen years old and I live in a big city called

Manchester in the North of England. Me and my brother, Shaun, go to the Manchester Academy, it’s near the Whitworth Art Gallery and the University of Manchester. Our school has got lots of different classrooms: Science and Technology labs, two Art studios, four Language labs and four IT classrooms, a Drama studio, a library, a gymnasium, a canteen and sports fields outside the school. My favourite subjects are Art, Drama and PE, but I don’t like French or Spanish. We wear a uniform to school every day and today I’ve also got my


football kit in my backpack because we’ve got a match at lunchtime. After school, me and my friends go to the park, or chat at my friend Hannah’s house.


Hey! My name’s Jack, I’m fourteen and I’m from a small town called

Marlborough in the South of England. I go to the local school, St John’s. It’s got two libraries, a restaurant and a café, not a canteen! There are also five IT rooms with 60 computers and a big hall for music concerts. I study the clarinet at school and I am in the school orchestra and jazz band. In fact I love music, but I don’t like Maths and Science! There are lots of sports facilities at our school. We don’t wear a uniform to school on Fridays. After school I go to the swimming pool or to the park to play basketball with my friends.


Hello, I’m Sharon, a sixteen-year-old student at Albyn School in Aberdeen in Scotland. Our school is near

the sea and the mountains, so at weekends I go for a walk or spend time on the water with my friends. There are lots of restaurants, shops, theatres and cinemas in the city of Aberdeen, so there are plenty of things to do in the winter too! We’ve got IT classrooms, Music rooms, Art and Design studios and lots of other classrooms in our school. My favourite subjects are Science, Maths and IT, but I also like languages such as French and Chinese. I have lunch in the school canteen every day, the food is awesome! There are lots of after-school clubs at Albyn School. I go to the Science club on Monday, the photography club on Wednesday and I play tennis on Friday. It’s great!


Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Intermedia 3

Prova delle competenze Leggi le domande, poi scrivi Jenny’s, Jack’s o Sharon’s.

Whose school… 1 is near an art gallery?

____________________________________ 2 is near the sea and the mountains? ____________________________________ 3 has a no uniform day on Friday? ____________________________________ 4 has got a drama studio? ____________________________________ 5 has got five IT classrooms? ____________________________________ 6 has got four language labs? ____________________________________ 7 has got lots of clubs? ____________________________________ 8 hasn’t got a canteen? ____________________________________ 9 teaches Chinese? ____________________________________





Leggi velocemente i testi e abbinali alle immagini A-C.

Text 1 ________ Text 2 ________ Text 3 ________ 3


Rileggi il testo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

T F 1 Jenny, Jack and Sharon are all students. ■ ■ 2 They are all girls. ■ ■ 3 They are the same age. ■ ■ 4 They live in different parts of the UK. ■ ■ 5 They all play sports. ■ ■ 6 They all like languages. ■ ■

ES Rispondi alle domande.

1 What are Jenny’s favourite subjects? ____________________________________ 2 What do she and her friends do after school? ____________________________________ 3 Which subjects doesn’t Jack like? ____________________________________ 4 Where do he and his friends go after school? ____________________________________ 5 Who lives in Aberdeen? ____________________________________ 6 Which clubs does Sharon go to after school? ____________________________________ 7 Which school do you prefer and why? ____________________________________ 7 My score for reading is


6 Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Prova delle competenze






ES Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo tra te e il tuo amico Matt. You


Saluta il tuo amico Matt e chiedigli come sta.

John Maria

Saluta e risponde che sta bene.

Presenta la tua amica Alice.

Saluta e dice che è contento di conoscerla.

Chiedi se c’è una biblioteca a scuola.

Risponde che c’è ed è accanto (next to) all’aula di arte.

Suggerisci di andare a studiare in biblioteca.

Risponde che gli dispiace ma ha una lezione di tennis.

Suggerisci di andare al cinema sabato.

Dice che va bene e che è una buona idea.

John Maria

John Maria John Maria John Maria



Scrivi una breve descrizione della tua routine quotidiana. Includi le seguenti informazioni:

• come vai a scuola e con chi • a che ora inizia e finisce la scuola • se indossi la divisa scolastica • dove pranzi • quando studi e cosa fai dopo la scuola

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ 15 My score for writing is



Hi, Maria. How are you? I’m great, thanks. I’ve got a 1 ________ in a flat! Fantastic! Where is it? It’s in the 2 ________ centre. It’s a big room and it’s got nice 3 ________. I’ve got some photos of the flat on my phone, look. This is my room. There’s a 4 ________ and a table and 5 _________... What are these here? They’re lamps. Are there bookcases for all your 6 __________? Yes, there are. And there’s a big 7 __________ for all my clothes too. It’s lovely, Maria. Is there a 8 __________ room? Yes, there is. And there’s a 9 __________ too with a cooker and a fridge. 9


Scrivi 50-75 parole.

36 Ascolta il dialogo e completalo con le informazioni mancanti.

36 Ascolta di nuovo e segna (✓) cosa c’è in camera di Maria.

1 ■ lamp 2 ■ bookcase 3 ■ bath 4 ■ table 5 ■ shower 6 ■ wardrobe

7 8 9 10 11 12

■ bed ■ cooker ■ chairs ■ fridge ■ sofa ■ armchair 6


Rispondi alle domande.

1 What does Maria show John? 2 Where is the flat? 3 What furniture is there in the room? 4 Has she got a bookcase for her books? 5 Where does she keep her clothes? 10 My score for listening is


Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Prova delle competenze

Speaking 10 ES

Scegli una foto e descrivila al tuo compagno. Descrivi:

• chi sono le persone (amici/parenti) • qual è il loro aspetto fisico (capelli, occhi, statura fisica) • dove si trovano (in quale stanza o luogo pubblico) e quando (mattina, pomeriggio, sera) • quali oggetti hanno e la loro posizione • quali sono le loro cose preferite


11 ES

Ora fai domande personali al tuo compagno e rispondi alle sue domande. Chiedi:

• da dove viene • dove abita • com’è la sua camera da letto • se ha fratelli o sorelle

• quanti anni hanno • che aspetto fisico hanno • quali sono le sue materie preferite • quali sono le sue cose preferite 15 My score for speaking is My final score is

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

25 100 139

Prova delle competenze




Hi, I’m Heidi and I’m thirteen. I’m from a town called Keswick in the north-west of England. When I don’t have a lot of homework, I love taking photos. It’s my new hobby! Keswick is in a beautiful part of England called the Lake District so there is lots of opportunity to take some amazing photos of the mountains and the lakes. I’ve got a really good camera and it takes great photos. I don’t like chatting to friends online or watching videos at home. I prefer being outside. I also like doing sport. I play volleyball pretty well and in the summer, I like going cycling with my friends. I also go horse riding on Sundays. I can’t ride very well at the moment because I’m learning, but I love it! Oh, and I speak German quite well too – my aunt is from Berlin so she’s teaching me German at the weekends.


Hi! My name’s Liam and I’m eleven. I’m from Lincoln in England. I play rugby three times a week after school. We’re preparing for the Regional Rugby Championships at the moment, so I’m quite tired but I love it. I can play quite well now but I train hard to keep my shoulders and arms strong. I also do judo and go running in the mornings before school. At my birthday my mum always makes me a birthday cake in the shape of a rugby ball! When I’m not playing rugby or running, I like listening to music or meeting my friends. We sometimes have an ice cream or a snack in the café near my house. Our town is small but nice. There are a lot of things to do, such as visiting museums, going to the park or to the cinema. I really like going to the cinema with my friends on Saturday afternoon.


Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Prova delle competenze


Hello, I’m Sara and I’m fourteen. I come from Leeds in the north of England. I love skiing! Every year, I go skiing in northern Italy with my family and it’s just fantastic. I love the mountains and the cold weather. When I’m in England, I go to the dry-ski slope on Sundays with my dad. I’m still learning but I’m pretty good at skiing. I also play basketball twice a week after school and I do gymnastics too but I’m not very good at it! I eat healthily. For breakfast, I always have porridge and some toast and for lunch, I usually have a sandwich or salad. I’m always hungry in the evenings so I sometimes have pasta or rice or steak and vegetables. I’m a huge fan of Harry Styles, I go to all his concerts. He’s so cool! My favourite Harry Styles’s song is ‘Sign of the times’. I think I’m in love with him!


Leggi velocemente i testi e abbina le persone alle attività.

1 Heidi 2 Liam 3 Sara

a basketball b horse riding c judo

4 3


Leggi le domande, poi scrivi Heidi, Liam o Sara.

Who… 1 goes cycling in the summer? 2 isn’t very good at gymnastic? 3 is learning German? 4 goes running in the mornings? 5 has porridge for breakfast? 6 loves Harry Styles?

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 6


Rileggi il testo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

T F 1 Heidi, Liam and Sara all live in the south of England. ■ ■ 2 Heidi doesn’t like watching videos. ■ ■ 3 Heidi and Sara are both fourteen. ■ ■ 4 Liam can’t play rugby. ■ ■ 5 Sara goes to Italy every year. ■ ■ 6 They all speak German. ■ ■ 7 Liam plays rugby twice a week. ■ ■ 8 Sara sometimes has a steak for dinner. ■ ■

ES Rispondi alle domande.

1 What is Heidi’s new hobby? ____________________________________ 2 Where does she prefer being? ____________________________________ 3 Where does Heidi’s aunt live? ____________________________________ 4 What is Liam preparing for at the moment? ____________________________________ 5 What do Liam and his friends like doing? ____________________________________ 6 What does Liam like doing on Saturdays? ____________________________________ 7 What is Sara really good at? ____________________________________ 8 What does she usually have for lunch? ____________________________________ 8 My score for reading is


8 Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Prova delle competenze






ES Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo tra te e il tuo amico James. You

Saluta il tuo amico James e chiedi come sta. Chiedi cosa sta facendo. Chiedi se è bravo a ping pong. Chiedi se gioca ogni giorno. Chiedi se vuole andare alla festa di Kate sabato.

Ascolta e scegli la risposta corretta.

1 John chooses…

A B C 2 Helen wants …with her fish.

A B C 3 For dessert, Helen chooses…

James Saluta e risponde che sta bene. Risponde che si sta preparando per la gara di ping pong. Risponde che è abbastanza bravo. Risponde che gioca sempre la mattina prima di andare a scuola. Risponde che gli piacerebbe ma non può perché è il compleanno di suo padre. 10



Scrivi una breve descrizione di quello che fai durante il tempo libero. Includi le seguenti informazioni:

• cosa ti piace fare durante il fine settimana o la sera • quanto spesso fai queste attività • con chi le fai • quanto sei bravo a fare le diverse attività • dove fai queste attività • quale sport fai a scuola o dopo la scuola Scrivi 50-75 parole.



C 3


37 Ascolta di nuovo e rispondi alle domande.

1 Is the pasta with tomatoes? 2 What does Helen order? 3 What vegetables does she order? 4 What do they want to drink? 5 Who wants tiramisu? 6 What dessert does John order? 7 Does Helen order a big or small portion of dessert? 14


Ascolta il dialogo e completalo con le informazioni mancanti. 38

Woman Is there a bank 1________?

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________


Yes, there’s a bank in High 2________.

Woman 3________ that? Man

Okay, go 4________ and then take the 5 ________ road on the right and the bank is 6________ the newsagent’s.

Woman Thank you very 7________. Man

You’re 8________. 8

15 My score for writing is


My score for listening is



Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Prova delle competenze

Speaking 10 ES

Scegli una foto e descrivila al tuo compagno. Descrivi:

• chi sono le persone raffigurate • dove sono

• che cosa stanno facendo • quali oggetti ci sono nella foto


11 ES

Ora fai domande personali al tuo compagno e rispondi alle sue domande. Chiedi:

• quando è nato/a • cosa gli/le piace fare durante il tempo libero • quale sport pratica

• quanto è bravo/a in quello sport • cosa e dove mangia di solito a pranzo 15 My score for speaking is My final score is

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

25 100


Catch Up With English! 1 Editorial project and coordination: Simona Franzoni Editors: Linda Pergolini, Simona Pisauri, Simona Bagalà Language consultant: Catrin Elen Morris Art director: Marco Mercatali Page layout: Davide Elisei Picture editors: Giorgia D’Angelo Production manager: Francesco Capitano Cover Cover design: Paola Lorenzetti Photo: Shutterstock Acknowledgements Illustrated by: Studio 6CB9, Luca Poli Photos: Shutterstock © 2020 ELI S.r.l. P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Lisa Suett is the Author of the Step 1 section. Jenny Humphries wrote the Step 2 section. Claire Moore is the author of the Step 3 section. No unauthorised photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Segnalazione di errori Produrre un testo scolastico è molto complesso. L’esperienza ci insegna che è quasi impossibile pubblicare un libro senza un errore o una imprecisione, e ci scusiamo con i nostri lettori. Ogni segnalazione che potete inviarci sarà per noi preziosa. Vi ringraziamo se vorrete scriverci al seguente indirizzo: Printed by Tecnostampa - Pigini Group Printing Division - Loreto, Trevi - Italia

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