Catch Up With English 2

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Catch Up With English! Quaderno di recupero e potenziamento della LINGUA INGLESE per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado


Introduzione Welcome to

Catch Up With English! Catch Up With English = recuperare, rimettersi in pari con l’inglese

Ciao, sono Noah e ti aiuterò a riprendere l’inglese da dove l’abbiamo lasciato con l’interruzione della scuola L’anno scolastico appena concluso è stato un anno molto speciale. Il secondo quadrimestre lo abbiamo passato a casa a studiare sul computer o il tablet, senza poter incontrare i nostri insegnanti e i nostri amici. In certi giorni è andato tutto liscio, ma in altri abbiamo avuto qualche difficoltà perché improvvisamente abbiamo dovuto dimostrare di essere autonomi e molto più responsabili di quanto ci era mai stato chiesto prima. Sicuramente è stata un’esperienza molto formativa e una grande prova da affrontare come studenti! Con Catch Up With English ci rimettiamo in pari con lo studio della lingua inglese. Possiamo dimostrare di aver sviluppato tante competenze! È diviso in tre steps:

Step 1

Qui troviamo un approfondimento degli argomenti di grammatica con tutte le spiegazioni in italiano e tanti esercizi per fare pratica.

Step 2

In queste 8 unità ripassiamo tutti gli argomenti di grammatica, lessico e comunicazione attraverso letture interessanti, esercizi divertenti, giochi e tante curiosità.

Step 3

La parte finale del libro ci sarà utile per il rientro in classe a settembre. Grazie alle verifiche e alle prove delle competenze potremo dimostrare di aver acquisito diverse competenze e approfondito tante conoscenze.

So, are you ready to catch up with your English? Enjoy your summer! 2

Cosa contiene il libro

Step 1

p. 5

Recupero secondo quadrimestre

• Spiegazioni grammaticali in italiano con schemi e tabelle • Esercizi graduati con audio • Mappe concettuali riassuntive • Controlli sommativi Step 2

p. 67

Ripasso e consolidamento

• 8 unità di ripasso e consolidamento di funzioni comunicative, strutture grammaticali e lessico

• 4 sezioni per unità I. Presentation II. Grammar III. Culture IV. Let’s Have Some Fun

• La storia a fumetti del romanzo Robin Hood, di Alexandre Dumas Step 3

p. 128

Rientro in classe

• Entry Test • Test di recupero • Prova delle competenze intermedia • Prova delle competenze finale


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Unit 1 I verbi di gradimento ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Unit 2 I pronomi personali complemento ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Unit 3 L’imperativo .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Unit 4 Gli avverbi di frequenza ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Unit 5 some, any, no, every ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Mind Map 1 – some, any, no, every .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Unit 6 How much…?, How many…? ................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Unit 7 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o dalla forma in -ing ................................................................................................................................ 15 Unit 8 I nomi numerabili e non numerabili .................................................................................................................................................... 17 Unit 9 be: il Past simple ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18 Progress Check Units 1-9 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Unit 10 can, can’t ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Unit 11 could, couldn’t .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 25 Unit 12 Gli avverbi di modo ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Unit 13 Il Present continuous ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Unit 14 Present simple o Present continuous? .................................................................................................................................................. 31 Mind Map 2 – Present simple e Present continuous .............................................................................................................. 33 Progress Check Units 10-14 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 34 Unit 15 Il Past simple dei verbi regolari .............................................................................................................................................................. 36 Unit 16 Il Past simple dei verbi irregolari ........................................................................................................................................................... 38 Unit 17 who, where, which, that .............................................................................................................................................................................. 40 Unit 18 may, might ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 42 Unit 19 I comparativi e i superlativi ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Unit 20 much, many, a lot of .............................................................................................................................................................................. 46 Unit 21 little, few, a little, a few ................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 Mind Map 3 – much, many, a lot of, a few, a little .................................................................................................................... 49 Progress Check Units 15-21 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 50 Unit 22 I connettori temporali ................................................................................................................................................................................ 52 Unit 23 one, ones .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 53 Unit 24 I pronomi possessivi .................................................................................................................................................................................... 54 Unit 25 How long does it take…? ............................................................................................................................................................................ 55 Unit 26 have to, must ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 56 Unit 27 be going to .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58 Unit 28 Il Future simple: will ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 60 Unit 29 will o be going to? .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Mind Map 4 – will e be going to ........................................................................................................................................................... 64 Progress Check Units 22-29 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 65


I verbi di gradimento


Alcuni verbi come like = piacere, love = amare, hate = odiare, enjoy = divertirsi, godersi qualcosa sono detti verbi di gradimento. Sono seguiti da verbi alla forma in -ing di un altro verbo: eat → eating; play → playing: I like playing tennis. = Mi piace giocare a tennis.

Variazioni ortografiche

• Se il verbo termina con una -e muta questa si elimina prima di aggiungere -ing: make → making. • Se il verbo termina con una vocale + una consonante, si raddoppia la consonante finale, prima di aggiungere -ing: stop → stopping. • Se il verbo termina in -ie, questo dittongo diventa y, poi si aggiunge -ing: lie → lying.

Il verbo like

In inglese il verbo like = piacere, ha una costruzione particolare, diversa da quella italiana: soggetto (cioè la persona a cui piace qualcosa) + like + oggetto (ciò che piace): I like pizza. = Mi piace la pizza. Tony doesn’t like folk music. = A Tony non piace la musica folk.

So do I / Neither do I Frase affermativa I like pizza. He’s got a bike. They went home. You are hungry. I’d like some tea. Amélie can speak French.

Accordo So do I. So has he. So did they. So are you. So would I. So can she.

Frase negativa I don’t like pizza. He hasn’t got a bike. They didn’t go home. You aren’t hungry. I wouldn’t like some tea. Amélie can’t speak French.

Disaccordo I don’t. He hasn’t. They didn’t. You are not. I wouldn’t. She can’t.



Neither/Nor do I. Neither/Nor has he. Neither/Nor did they. Neither/Nor are you. Neither/Nor would I. Neither/Nor can she.

I do. He has. They did. You are. I would. She can.

Per esprimere accordo con un’affermazione si può dire So do I o Me too. Per esprimere accordo con una negazione si usa Neither do I. ‘I like fruit salad.’ ‘Me too.’ = “A me piace la macedonia.” “Anche a me.” ‘I don’t understand.’ ‘Neither do I.’ = “Non capisco.” “Neanche io.” Se non si è d’accordo si dice I don’t. I like listening to hip hop.’ ‘I don’t!’ = “Mi piace ascoltare l’hip hop.” “A me no.”


Volgi i verbi alla forma in -ing. 1 2 3 4 5

chat do walk write fly sleep

chatting ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

6 have 7 dive 8 spy 9 get 10 eat

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ 5

1 2

Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro. wait • catch • watch • speak • drink • run • have • garden • ski 1 2 3 4


I like speaking to your sister, she’s always so kind. We really enjoy _____________ in winter! 5 I don’t like _____________ horror films. My parents love _____________ very much, 6 and their garden is just gorgeous! 7 I hate _____________ for you to get ready all the times we go out! 8

I love _____________ in the park: it really makes me feel great! My cat hates _____________ mice. I really love _____________ a shower in the morning. Jenna doesn’t like _____________ sparkling water.

Completa il dialogo con So do I, Me too o I don’t. Lisa June Lisa June Lisa June Lisa June Lisa June


Let’s watch a film tonight. What do you like? Well… I fancy an action film, with a super hero! Me too! And I like love stories too! 1 ______________ . I can’t stand them! Ok, let’s say…what about Iron Man? I really like Robert Downey Jr. 2 ______________ , he’s great but…Captain America: Civil War, instead? I love it! 3 ______________ , sorry! Oh, but I love all his films! 4 ______________ . Let’s watch a quiz show! Great! I love quiz shows!

Commenta le frasi, esprimendo accordo o disaccordo, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4


I love football matches. So do I. / I don’t. I don’t like spiders. 5 I don’t want to eat now. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. We’re going to visit the museum. 6 You didn’t have breakfast this morning. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. They’ll take a lot of photos of the show. 7 We can sing. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. He shouldn’t talk this way. 8 She’d like to have a nap. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Scrivi cosa ti piace e cosa non ti piace fare, utilizzando le espressioni nel riquadro. study • clean my room • go out with friends • do housework • surf the Net • go to the cinema wake up early • read comics • go on holiday • eat vegetables • write my blog

1 2 3 4 6

I don’t like waking up early. I love going out with friends. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________.

5 6 7 8 9

I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. I ______________________________________. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

I pronomi personali complemento me you him her it us you them


I pronomi personali complemento si usano dopo un verbo o una preposizione, per non ripetere un nome. Come per i pronomi personali soggetto, anche la terza persona singolare ha tre forme: him per il maschile, her per il femminile e it per gli oggetti o gli animali: I look at you. = Io ti guardo. You talk to him. = Tu gli parli. Music is my hobby, I love it! = La musica è il mio hobby, la adoro!

Sottolinea il pronome corretto. 1 2 3


Are these apples for us / we? Please listen to they / them. Where is Jason? Is he / him in the garden? The teacher always gives us / we books to read.

4 I / Me like pizza with vegetables. 5 This CD is for he / him. 6 Susan always helps me / I with my homework.

Completa le frasi con he, him, she, her, they o them. 1 2 3


‘Is Jane at school?’ ‘Yes, she is.’ Where are Tom and Ben? _____ are really late! 4 Today is my brother’s birthday: this present Have you seen my sunglasses? I can’t find is for _____. _____ anywhere! 5 Here are my new trainers: _____ are great! _____ is my favourite actor: I really love _____. 6 Your sister is ready! Take _____ with you. Completa le frasi con il pronome soggetto o complemento corretto, come nell’esempio.

1 2 3 4


me, mi te, ti lui, lo, gli lei, a, le esso, essa, ciò, lo, la noi, ci voi, vi loro, li, le


Mark knows Jim. He knows him. John studies with Paula and Joe. 5 A Where are the dogs? _____ studies with _____. B I can’t see _____. Mary eats two sandwiches for lunch. 6 A Do you know Stanley? _____ eats _____ for lunch. B No, I don’t know _____. Mr and Mrs Jones live near the park. 7 A Where is Mrs Anderson? _____ live near _____. B _____ is in Madrid this week. Martin and I see Molly and you every day. 8 Daniel and I like travelling. _____ love it! _____ see _____ every day. Completa le frasi con i pronomi personali complemento corretti.

Madonna is my favourite singer, I really love her. 1 Where are my trainers? I can’t find ______ in the shoe rack. 2 Please, Matthew, pay attention when someone talks to ______. 3 This box is for Janet, don’t open ______ until tomorrow. 4 Ms Fletcher is in the classroom: you can ask ______ about your History test. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

5 When the children play in their room, you can hear ______ from the kitchen. 6 Jim wants ______ to go out with ______, tonight; can I go, Mum? 7 Our grandparents come and see ______ every Sunday. 8 This is my present for ______: happy anniversary, Liz and Andrew! 7


L’imperativo L’imperativo si usa per dare ordini o istruzioni. La forma affermativa si ottiene con la forma base del verbo, senza aggiungere il soggetto: Close that window! = Chiudi / Chiudete quella finestra! La forma negativa si usa per esprimere proibizioni o divieti, e si ottiene con don’t + la forma base del verbo: Don’t copy from your friend! = Non copiare dal tuo compagno! Ricorda che: L’imperativo inglese ha una sola forma per riferirsi a “tu”, “Lei” e “voi”: Don’t eat it! = Non mangiarlo! / Non lo mangi! / Non mangiatelo! L’imperativo per la prima persona plurale si forma con let’s + la forma base del verbo: Let’s see a film! = Vediamo un film! La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not: Let’s not stay home tonight. = Non stiamo a casa stasera.


Scrivi sotto ogni segnale l’imperativo corrispondente scegliendo tra quelli dati nel riquadro. Do not dive • Don’t pick flowers • Turn right • Do not feed the animals • Drive slowly

Turn right.


2 ______________.

3 ______________.

4 ______________.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


1 ______________.

I’m bored. You are thirsty. We’re late. It’s really cold today. This room is a mess! The exam is next week.

a b c d e f

■ Let’s study harder. ■ Put your coat on. 1 Let’s play with the games console. ■ ■ Let’s hurry up to catch the train. ■ Tidy your bedroom now! ■ Have a drink!

Completa l’email con le parole nel riquadro. Usa la forma affermativa o negativa dell’imperativo. have • turn • come • call • be • bring • open • take • touch • forget

Dear Kath, Come and see me next weekend. I’m in a house by the beach. It’s lovely here! 1____________ to bring your swimming costume! Here are the directions: at the crossroads, 2____________ left and continue to the end of Maple Road. 3____________ the first on the left. 4____________ careful! It’s a dangerous road. 5 ____________ a jacket. It’s quite cold in the evenings. If I’m not at home when you arrive, 6____________ me on my mobile. Otherwise, the key is under the orange plant pot in the garden. 7____________ the front door and 8____________ a drink. Oh, 9____________ my dog, Jack. He isn’t very friendly!! See you soon, Shannon 8

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Gli avverbi di frequenza


Gli avverbi di frequenza si usano per indicare con quale frequenza viene compiuta un’azione. 0% never mai

20% rarely raramente




100% sometimes often usually always qualche volta spesso di solito sempre

Questi avverbi seguono il verbo be, ma precedono gli altri verbi: You are always late for school. = Sei sempre in ritardo per la scuola. We often go to the cinema. = Andiamo spesso al cinema. Ricorda che: Per chiedere con che frequenza viene compiuta un’azione, si usa How often all’inizio della domanda. Per rispondere si può usare un avverbio di frequenza oppure un’espressione di frequenza (every day / week, once / twice a day / week) che va alla fine della frase: ‘How often do you go swimming?’ ‘I go swimming every day / once a day / twice a week / three times a month.’ “Quanto spesso vai a nuotare?” “Vado a nuotare tutti i giorni / una volta al giorno / due volte la settimana / tre volte al mese.”


Inserisci gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza nella posizione corretta. 1 2 3 4


He listens to jazz in the evening. (usually) He usually listens to jazz in the evening. They read a book in English. (sometimes) 5 Sheila takes karate lessons. (twice a week) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Our teacher is very patient, he goes angry. (never) 6 I have a shower. (every morning) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. I go to the supermarket. (three times a month) 7 We go out at night during the week. (rarely) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. I will remember the first time I met you. (always) 8 I call my parents. (once a day) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Riordina le parole e scrivi le frasi.

1 2 3 4 5 6

tennis / play / ever / does / he / ? Does he ever play tennis? always / eats / he / lasagne / Sundays / on _____________________________________. aunt / drinks / my / often / tea _____________________________________. don’t / get up / early / I / on / always / Saturday _____________________________________. children / usually / do / the / school / eat / lunch / at / ? _____________________________________. snows / it / winter / rarely / in _____________________________________. right / teacher / is / always / the _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


4 3

Individua l’avverbio giusto in base alla percentuale, e inseriscilo correttamente nella frase. 1 2 3


Sam and Terry go out for a pizza together. (10%) Sam and Terry rarely go out for a pizza together. I go to school by bus. (70%) 4 We go out on Saturdays. (50%) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. My friends Luke and Jules live abroad now, 5 We can use the vending machine because it is so we see them only. (20%) out of order. (0%, 100%) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________. _____________________________________. It rains here in summer. (0%) 6 I have a shower in the morning. (70%) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Con che frequenza Andy fa queste cose? Scrivi le domande e poi rispondi, come nell’esempio. morning












video games










going out







‘How often does Andy go to school by bike?’ ‘He goes to school by bike five days a week.’

1 read a magazine __________________________________________________________________________. 2 going swimming __________________________________________________________________________. 3 read a book __________________________________________________________________________. 4 watching TV __________________________________________________________________________. 5 playing football __________________________________________________________________________. 6 going out __________________________________________________________________________. 7 going to a museum __________________________________________________________________________. 8 playing video games __________________________________________________________________________.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

some, any, no, every


Some e any corrispondono all’italiano “un po’, alcuni, qualche, del, della, dei, degli, delle”. Si usano per indicare una quantità non definita, sia con nomi numerabili plurali (uova, biscotti, libri) che con nomi non numerabili (latte, acqua, caffè). • Some si utilizza nelle frasi affermative: There is some milk in the fridge. = C’è del latte in frigo. I’ve got some new DVDs. = Ho dei nuovi DVD. • Any invece si usa nelle frasi negative e nelle domande: She hasn’t got any comics. = Non ha fumetti. Is there any coffee? = C’è del caffè? Ricorda che: Some è utilizzato nelle frasi interrogative quando si offre qualcosa: Would you like some biscuits with your tea? = Vuoi dei biscotti con il tè?; Do you need some help? = Hai bisogno di aiuto? • No si usa nelle frasi negative, con il verbo alla forma affermativa, sia con i nomi numerabili plurali che con i nomi non numerabili: I’ve got no clean T-shirts. = Non ho magliette pulite. There’s no milk in the fridge. = Non c’è latte in frigo. • Every significa “tutti”, “ogni”, ed è utilizzato con il verbo alla terza persona singolare: Every room has a window. = Ogni stanza ha una finestra. I water the flowers every day. = Innaffio i fiori tutti i giorni.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


‘Would you like some / any honey in your tea, Amanda?’ There are any / some problems with our Internet connection. Let’s have some / any more lasagne: it was delicious! Do you have some / any information about our next school trip to Scotland? Listen to her, she can give you any / some very useful fashion tips! There isn’t some / any cake left in the cupboard. Is there any / some books about Classical History in your local Library? Completa le frasi seguenti con some, any, no, every.

1 2 3 4 5 6


We can’t make risotto: there is no rice! I don’t have _____________ clean T-shirt to wear! 7 Sorry, I’ve got _____________ time to talk to you. There isn’t _____________ salt in this salad. 8 Would you like _____________ milk in your coffee? I’m thirsty. I want _____________ water. 9 We’ve got _____________ crackers but we I’ve just bought _____________ newspapers. haven’t got _____________ bread. I play tennis _____________ Saturday. 10 I’ve checked _____________ drawer: I can’t find Is there _____________ tea left? my notebook! Abbina le due parti delle frasi.

1 2 3 4 5 6

This exercise is difficult. I need... We want to go to the theatre but... Are you thirsty? There is... Ann likes to do things by herself. She doesn’t want... Lily and Sam have got... There are...

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

a b c d e f

■ any help. ■ some fruit juice in the fridge. ■ no shopping malls in this town. 1 some help. ■ ■ some cute pets. ■ there aren’t any good plays on. 11

5 4

Guarda le immagini e descrivi quello che vedi. Scrivi delle frasi usando le parole nel riquadro e some o any. sugar • animals • furniture • traffic • peaches • magazines

The woman doesn’t have any sugar.

1 _________________________ _________________________.

2 _________________________ _________________________.

3 _________________________ _________________________.

4 _________________________ _________________________.

5 _________________________ _________________________.


Formula delle domande con le parole date, poi rispondi, come nell’esempio. biscuits ✓ 3 bananas 7 Are there any biscuits in the jar? _____________________________________? Yes, there are some. _____________________________________. pasta 7 4 bread 7 Is there any pasta in the cupboard? _____________________________________? No, there isn’t any. _____________________________________. 1 fish ✓ 5 soup ✓ _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 2 socks 7 6 motorbikes ✓ _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.


Riscrivi le frasi alle forme interrogativa e negativa. 1 2 3


I’ve got some DVDs. Have I got any DVDs? I haven’t got any DVDs. You’ve got some books. 4 The butcher’s got some meat. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. There is some information. 5 There are some children at the playground. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. There’s some flour on the table. 6 Tom has some new trainers. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

some, any, no

Mind Map 1

Have you got any homework today? Has she got any time to help me? There is some noise in the street. Ted has some new friends. Do you want some tea? Does Irene want some cinnamon rolls?



frasi affermative

any frasi interrogative


frasi negative



There’s no chocolate in these sweets. She has no red shoes. There aren’t any leaves on the trees. We haven’t got any milk in the fridge.

 Unit 5

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



How much…?, How many…? How much…? e How many…? si usano per informarsi sulla quantità di qualcosa: • How much…? = quanto…?, quanta…? si usa con i sostantivi non numerabili: How much pasta is there? = Quanta pasta c’è?; • How many…? = quanti…?, quante…? si usa con i sostantivi numerabili plurali: How many posters have you got in your room? = Quanti poster hai nella tua stanza? Ricorda che: How much si usa anche per chiedere il prezzo di qualcosa: How much are the hot dogs? = Quanto costano gli hot dog?


Completa le frasi con How much…? e How many…? many How _____________ books do you read in a year? 1 How _____________ rooms are there in your house? 2 How _____________ water do you drink per day? 3 How _____________ appointments have you got today? 4 How _____________ salad do you want? 5 How _____________ time is there? 6 How _____________ CDs have you got? 7 How _____________ friends do you have? 8 Now _____________ food is left?


Formula delle domande usando How much...? e How many...? 1 2 3


homework / your friend Lisa How much homework has your friend Lisa got? money / you 4 furniture / in your house _____________________________________? _____________________________________? orange juice / in the fridge 5 rooms / house _____________________________________? _____________________________________? magazines / you 6 pets / your neighbours _____________________________________? _____________________________________? Usa le parole date per formulare delle domande. Poi scegli la risposta appropriata dal riquadro. seven • fifty • about one / two litres • twenty four • about five / six litres • twenty • ten

1 2 3 14

days / in a week ‘How many days are there in a week?’ ‘Seven.’ milk teeth / children 4 water / we need to drink / every day _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. blood / in a person’s body? 5 fingers / on your hands _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. states / in the USA 6 hours / in a day _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o dalla forma in -ing


Alcuni verbi sono sempre seguiti dall’infinito preceduto da to: learn, need, promise, decide, hope, offer, refuse, want: They decided to go to the restaurant. = Decisero di andare al ristorante. I don’t want to cycle to work.= Non voglio andare al lavoro in bici. He offered to help me. = Si offrì di aiutarmi. The kids refused to tidy their room. = I bambini si rifiutarono di riordinare la loro stanza. Altri verbi, soprattutto i verbi di gradimento come like, love, enjoy, hate, prefer, sono seguiti dalla forma in -ing: When I travel I like trying local food. = Quando viaggio mi piace provare cibo locale. I don’t like watching TV, I prefer going to the cinema. = Non mi piace guardare la TV, preferisco andare al cinema. I hate doing the washing-up. = Odio lavare i piatti. Verbo + -ing

Verbo + infinito fail, demand, learn, need, promise, decide, hope, offer, refuse, want, agree, wish, help, wait, ask, decide, teach


enjoy, love, like, prefer, be fond of, be keen on, hate, dislike, can’t stand, detest, mind / don’t mind, stop, finish

Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing dei verbi dati. 1 2 3 4


Gwen loves drawing (draw) in the evening. We enjoy _____________ (play) basketball. 5 What do you like _____________ (do) in your free time? 6 James and Alex hate _____________ (study) for exams. 7 Greg and Molly are thinking of _____________ (visit) India next year. 8

They don’t mind _____________ (clean) their office. He loves _____________ (take) photographs of wildlife. My sister is good at _____________ (repair) her own bike. I don’t like _____________ (walk) in the mud.

Usa i suggerimenti per formulare delle frasi, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Terry / love / watch horror films Terry loves watching horror films. They / enjoy / visit museums _____________________________________. Clara / hate / take exams _____________________________________. My sister / can’t stand / wait for the bus _____________________________________. Paul and Emma / like / eat out _____________________________________. Tim / dislike / wake up early _____________________________________. I / like / read comics _____________________________________. You / be keen on / cook _____________________________________. We / don’t mind / study at night _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


7 3

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4


To swim / Swimming is very good for you. Lara doesn’t mind to travel / travelling 5 Charlotte hates to iron / ironing her clothes. by train. 6 He asked me helping / to help him carrying The president promised to build / building the shopping. a new stadium. 7 I love to listen to / listening to audio books to Bill decided to leave / leaving the cinema. relax in the evening. My uncle goes to fish / fishing every week. 8 I’m tired, I just want to go / going home. Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing o l’infinito dei verbi dati.

I want to be (be) a millionaire! Mum hates having (have) dinner late. That morning the engine refused _____________ (start). I’m tired. I prefer _____________ (go) to bed early this evening. Sam kindly offered _____________ (help) us with the luggage. I promise _____________ (study) for the exam. Liam doesn’t mind _____________ (get up) early. Where’s Grace? I need _____________ (ask) her something about the new show. 7 I hate _____________ (clean) the cellar. 8 The dishwasher suddenly stopped _____________ (work). 9 We decided _____________ (have) a pizza for dinner. 10 They hoped _____________ (come) back home soon from the shopping mall. 11 The cat jumped but failed _____________ (reach) the armchair. 12 Sarah enjoys _____________ (dance). 1 2 3 4 5 6


Adesso scrivi delle frasi che siano vere per te, secondo quello che ti piace o non ti piace fare. 1 I like ________________________________________________________________________________. 2 I don’t mind __________________________________________________________________________. 3 I hope ______________________________________________________________________________. 4 I’m good at __________________________________________________________________________. 5 I’m bad at ___________________________________________________________________________. 6 I need ______________________________________________________________________________. 7 I prefer _____________________________________ to ______________________________________. 8 I’m not keen on _______________________________________________________________________. 9 I love _______________________________________________________________________________. 10 I hate _______________________________________________________________________________. 11 I want ______________________________________________________________________________. 12 I promise ____________________________________________________________________________.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

I nomi numerabili e non numerabili


Sono “numerabili” (countable) i nomi di cose, animali e persone che si possono contare e che hanno una forma plurale (eggs, biscuits, oranges, etc.). Sono “non numerabili” (uncountable) i nomi di cose che non si possono contare e che hanno solo la forma singolare (sugar, water, bread, etc.). Davanti ai sostantivi non numerabili non si può mai usare l’articolo indeterminativo a/an; per indicare una quantità precisa con i sostantivi non numerabili bisogna usare altre espressioni: • a glass of water = un bicchiere d’acqua • a packet of flour = un pacchetto di farina • a piece / slice of cake = un pezzo / una fetta di torta • 1 kilo of bread / flour = un chilo di pane / farina • a cup of coffee / tea = una tazza di caffè / tè • a bottle of water / milk = una bottiglia d’acqua / di latte • a bar of chocolate = una tavoletta di cioccolata


Completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro. flower • milk • toy • music • children • books • mountains • chair • bread • photo knives • petrol • rain • CDs • time • fruit • jobs Nomi numerabili singolari

Nomi numerabili plurali

Nomi non numerabili



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. My mother usually dyes her hair / hairs. 1 We eat a lot of fruit / fruits 5 and vegetable / vegetables every day. 2 Children love chocolates / chocolate 6 and sweet / sweets. 7 3 A butcher sells meat / meats. 8 4 For my birthday I usually get some present / presents and some money / moneys too.


I don’t like cola / colas: I prefer fruit juice / fruit juices. I like the music / musics they play in this club! Greg does many sport / sports. In the cupboard there is some bread / breads and some breadstick / breadsticks.

Completa le frasi con a / an, some o any. 1 2 3 4 5

There is some soap in the bottle. Lucas has got _____________ new mobile phone. 6 There isn’t _____________ sugar in this ice cream. I need _____________ money to buy a skateboard. 7 The Times is _____________ English newspaper. 8 Are there _____________ books about art in the library?

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

I’ve got _____________ apple and _____________ grapes. Have you got _____________ money to lend me? We have _____________ tea, _____________ apple cake but we haven’t got _____________ biscuits.



be: il Past simple Forma negativa

Forma affermativa I was you were he / she / it was we were you were they were



I was not you were not he / she / it was not we were not you were not they were not

I wasn’t you weren’t he / she / it wasn’t we weren’t you weren’t they weren’t

Il Past simple di be ha due voci: was per la prima e la terza persona singolari e were per la seconda persona singolare e per le persone plurali. Si usa per indicare azioni o situazioni accadute in un determinato momento del passato e concluse. In italiano può corrispondere al passato remoto, al passato prossimo oppure all’imperfetto: Yesterday I was at home all day. = Ieri sono stato a casa tutto il giorno. ‘Where were you?’ ‘I was in the bathroom!’ = “Dov’eri?” “Ero in bagno!” Ten years ago there was a cinema here. = Dieci anni fa qui c’era un cinema. Ricorda che: Spesso il Past simple è accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come yesterday, last night / week / month / year, a month / a year / three days ago, in 1955, when I was a child…: We were at the seaside last summer. = Eravamo al mare la scorsa estate. Forma interrogativa Was I... ? Were you... ? Was he... / she... ? / it... ? Were we... ? Were you... ? Were they... ?

Risposte brevi affermative Yes, you were. Yes, I was. Yes, he / she / it was. Yes, we were. Yes, you were. Yes, they were.

Risposte brevi negative No, you weren’t. No, I wasn’t. No, he / she / it wasn’t. No, we weren’t. No, you weren’t. No, they weren’t.

Le forme negativa e interrogativa e le risposte brevi seguono le stesse regole di formazione del verbo be al Present simple: They weren’t happy with the results. = Non erano felici dei risultati. Where were you yesterday morning? = Dov’eri ieri mattina? ‘Was she blonde when she was a child?’ ‘Yes, she was!’ = “Era bionda da bambina?” “Sì!” Ricorda che: In inglese l’italiano “nascere” è reso con il passato del verbo be + born: I was born in London. = Sono nato a Londra. They were born a century ago. = Sono nati un secolo fa.


Completa le frasi con was o were. We were at the gym yesterday. 1 You _____ late. 2 There _____ lots of people at the shopping mall. 3 It _____ hot last month. 4 John _____ born on 8th September.


5 6 7 8

I _____ very shy as a child. Ben and Sophie _____ in the park yesterday. It _____ a great film! Mary _____ at the bookshop with her friends. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

9 2

Riscrivi le frasi al Past simple e aggiungi le espressioni di tempo date. 1 2 3 4 5 6


We are on holiday in the mountains. (last summer) We were on holiday in the mountains last summer. Steven is eleven years old. (last year) _____________________________________. I am very busy. (yesterday) _____________________________________. You are at the theatre. (last night) _____________________________________. The Maths homework is easy. (on Monday) _____________________________________. They are in China for work. (two years ago) _____________________________________. It is my favourite song. (when I was a teenager) _____________________________________. Completa le frasi con il Past simple del verbo be.

They weren’t on time for class yesterday and the teacher was angry. 1 We weren’t happy with the hotel. The room _____________ very small and it _____________ very clean. 2 Yesterday _____________ a holiday so the shops _____________ closed. 3 Where is my mobile? It _____________ on the table but it isn’t there now. 4 I love your new trainers! _____________ they expensive? 5 This time last year we _____________ in Miami! 6 Yesterday I _____________ very hungry, so I only had a sandwich for dinner.


Volgi le frasi alla forma interrogativa e negativa, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3

They were at school yesterday. Were they at school yesterday? They weren’t at school yesterday. We were very happy to meet our friends. 4 Your dog was just a puppy when I first saw it. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. My granddad was born in 1930. 5 The dinner was ready at 8 p.m. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Lily was ill last week. 6 You were at the X-men premiere last year. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


9 5

Formula delle domande con le parole date e il verbo be born, poi rispondi con risposte che siano vere per te, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3


when / Italy / born When was Italy born? Italy was born in 1861. when / your mother / born 4 where / your / English teacher / born _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. where / you / born 5 where / your / grandfather / born _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. when / your best friend / born 6 where / The Beatles / born _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 1

Ascolta i dialoghi e scegli la risposta corretta.

1 Was the party at nine? 4 Why wasn’t Sally at work? a ■ Yes, it was. a ■ She was on holiday. b ■ No, it wasn’t. b ■ She was sick. 2 How old was Chris last Saturday? 5 Where were Paul and Annie? a ■ He was ten. a ■ They were in the park. b ■ He was twenty. b ■ They were at the gym. 3 Where were they? 6 Where was Joe on holiday? a ■ They were at school. a ■ He was in Australia. b ■ They were at home. b ■ He was in France.


Usa i suggerimenti per formulare delle domande. Poi abbinale alle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


easy / your English exam? Was your English exam easy? your new LED TV / how much / ? _____________________________________? late / you / yesterday at the restaurant / ? _____________________________________? good / the comedy / ? _____________________________________? they / last weekend / ? _____________________________________? she / born in France / ? _____________________________________? Lisa and Ted / at your party / last week / ? _____________________________________? our dog / hungry / yesterday evening / ? _____________________________________?

a ■ Yes: there was a lot of traffic. b ■ It was 250 pounds. c ■ They were off at the seaside. d ■ No, she was born in Italy. e ■ 1 Yes, it was. f ■ Yes, it was really funny. g ■ No, it wasn’t. h ■ Yes, they were: it was a great party!

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Progress Check Units 1-9 1 Completa le frasi seguenti con i verbi di gradimento dati tra parentesi e le espressioni nel riquadro, come nell’esempio.

swim • catching • take • help • play • do • go • have dinner • run 1 2 3 4

My little sisters _________________ (love) 5 with their new doll’s house. 6 I _________________ (not like) at the swimming pool; I _________________ (prefer) in the park. 7 We _________________ (enjoy) in a nice restaurant, now and then. 8 Sheila _________________ (don’t mind) me with my homework.

Oh, I _________________ (hate) the washing-up! Sam and Andy _________________ (love) to the mountains in winter. My dog _________________ (like) pigeons in the garden. My grandparents _________________ (not like) the tube to go through London, they prefer buses.

2 Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con il pronome soggetto o complemento adatto e riscrivi le frasi. 1 Daniel and Tobey play with their Legos. 4 Shelley has a present for Debbie and you. _____ play with _____. _____ has a present for _____. 2 Lisa and I don’t like football games. 5 Those parcels are for Darren and me. _____ don’t like _____. _____ are for _____. 3 Does Lisa argue with Dana? 6 My sister and I take the dog for a walk every day. Does _____ argue with _____? _____ take _____ for a walk every day.

3 Completa le frasi con l’imperativo dei verbi nel riquadro; fai attenzione a quando usare la forma negativa o let’s.

try • wait • shout • have • look • go out • stop • feed • be • turn 1 2 3 4

___________ at this room: it’s a complete mess! 5 I’m almost ready: ___________ just a minute, please! 6 You’re really thirsty: ___________ another drink. 7 The sign at the entrance of the zoo says: ‘___________ the animals’. 8

___________ discouraged: ___________ again! It’s a beautiful day: ___________ for a picnic! At the traffic light, _________ left then _________ in front of number 125: I live right there. _________ when you talk to someone: it’s not polite.

4 Riscrivi le frasi mettendo gli avverbi di frequenza nella posizione corretta. 1 2 3

Are you hungry? (always) 4 My friend Giulia is late. (never) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. I tidy my room. (sometimes) 5 My parents don’t go to bed late. (often) _____________________________________. _____________________________________. My dad wears suits. (often) 6 You listen to me. (never) _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

5 Completa le frasi con some, any, no, every, come nell’esempio. 1 Kate goes to French lessons _________ Saturday. 5 2 Would you like _________ milk in your tea? 3 A Did you hear _________ information on the 6 radio about the transport strike? B Yes, I heard _________ news about it. 7 4 Oh no! There’s _________ hot water left. 8 Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Does _________ student have to take part in the charity event? There were _________ people from my school at the party. Five or six girls. Can I have _________ potatoes, please? I don’t have _________ homework today. 21

Progress Check Units 1-9 6 Formula delle domande per le risposte date. 1 2 3

____________________________? 4 There are four people in the room. ____________________________? 5 We have got lots of flour to make pizza. ____________________________? 6 There are six mugs in the cupboard.

____________________________? We have enough tea for our breakfast. ____________________________? We have got many friends. ____________________________? There is plenty of soap.

7 Completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro. rice • milk • cars • cherries • bread • cereals • bag • sugar • time • water • day • pens • yogurt • leaves ink • picture • radio • air • flour • meat • books • light • friend Nomi numerabili

Nomi non numerabili

8 Completa l’email con was, were, wasn’t o weren’t.

Hi Mark, How 1____________ the party on Saturday? I’m really sorry I 2____________ able to come, but my cousins 3 ____________ over from Italy and they 4____________ keen to visit London. I 5____________, but my parents 6____________ determined to show them a good time in the UK, so there 7____________ really any chance of coming to the party! How many people 8____________ there? 9____________ there any room to dance? Who 10____________ the most ridiculous dancer? My guess is that it 11____________ either Joey or his sister Debbie! Oh no, I remember now, they 12____________ here last weekend! Oh well, speak soon. Janine

9 Formula delle domande con le parole date. Poi abbinale alla risposta corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 22

why / late / you / this morning? ____________________________________________________? easy / your English exam? ____________________________________________________? your new smartphone / how much? ____________________________________________________? good / the film? ____________________________________________________? you / yesterday morning? ____________________________________________________? your friends / on holiday last summer? ____________________________________________________?

a ■ They were in the mountains. b ■ Yes, it was really funny. c ■ There was a lot of traffic. d ■ I was at home. e ■ No, it was difficult. f ■ It was ninety pounds.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

can, can’t Forma negativa

Forma affermativa I can play. You can play. He / She / It can play. We can play. You can play. They can play.



I cannot play. You cannot play. He / She / It cannot play. We cannot play. You cannot play. They cannot play.

I can’t play. You can’t play. He / She / It can’t play. We can’t play. You can’t play. They can’t play. Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa Can I play? Can you play? Can he / she / it play? Can we play? Can you play? Can they play?


Affermative Yes, you can play. Yes, I can play. Yes, he / she / it can play. Yes, we can play. Yes, you can play. Yes, they can play.

Negative No, you can’t play. No, I can’t play. No, he / she / it can’t play. No, we can’t play. No, you can’t play. No, they can’t play.

Il verbo can significa “potere”, “sapere (fare)”, “riuscire” e si usa, tra le altre cose, per esprimere l’abilità, la capacità di fare qualcosa: I can play the guitar. = So suonare la chitarra. È un verbo modale ed è uguale per tutte le persone. È sempre seguito dalla forma base del verbo principale. La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not: I can’t play the guitar. = Non so suonare la chitarra. La forma interrogativa è data da can + soggetto + forma base del verbo, e le risposte brevi sono: Yes, + pronome soggetto + can. / No, + pronome soggetto + can’t.: ‘Can you speak Russian?’ ‘Yes, I can.’/ ‘No, I can’t.’ = “Parli / Sai parlare il russo?” “Sì.” / “No.” Ricorda che: Can si usa per fare richieste e dare o negare un permesso: Can I go out, Mum? = Posso uscire, mamma? Si usa anche per esprimere possibilità: You can eat here or buy a takeaway. = Potete mangiare qui o comprare cibo da asporto.


Per ognuna delle seguenti frasi indica se il verbo can è utilizzato per una possibilità (P), un’abilità (A) o per fare una richiesta (R). Can you lend me your laptop? R Sorry I can’t come with you. P She can type very fast. A Can you play basketball? ____ Can we watch a film after dinner? ____ You can take your friend with you at the party. ____ 4 My sister can’t walk, she’s too little! ____ 1 2 3

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

5 You can go to London by plane or by train. ____ 6 Can you fill this form, please? ____ 7 She got very good marks, so she can go to a better university now. ____ 8 Can I have another cupcake, please? ____


10 2

Osserva la tabella e rispondi alle domande, come nell’esempio. bake a cake Andy


play an instrument

repair a bike

ride a horse

Abby and Sam 1 2 3

speak French

Can Andy bake a cake or swim? He can bake a cake, but he can’t swim. Can Abby and Sam swim or speak French? 4 _____________________________________. Can Andy speak French or play an instrument? 5 _____________________________________. Can Abby and Sam play an instrument or water-ski? 6 _____________________________________.



Can Andy water-ski or repair a bike? _____________________________________. Can Abby and Sam repair a bike or ride a horse? _____________________________________. Can Andy ride a horse or swim? _____________________________________.

Karen è a un colloquio di lavoro. Completa il brano con la forma corretta del verbo can. Mr Lucas Good morning, Karen. Karen Good morning, Mr Lucas. Mr Lucas Now, let me see. Can you drive? Karen No, I 1 _____________, but I 2 _____________ ride a motorbike. Mr Lucas Right. And 3 _____________ you speak any foreign languages? Karen Yes, I 4 _____________ speak Spanish, French, German and Chinese. Mr Lucas Excellent! 5 _____________ you use a computer? Karen Yes, I 6 _____________, but I 7 _____________ type fast. Mr Lucas OK, perfect. 8 _____________ you tell me about your interests, please? Karen Yes, of course. I play lots of sports and I travel a lot. Mr Lucas Well, 9 _____________ I ask you another question? Karen Yes, go ahead. 10 Mr Lucas _____________ you start work tomorrow? The job is yours!




Formula delle domande con il verbo can, poi rispondi, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3


Ascolta e controlla.

Joseph / drive a car (7) ‘Can Joseph drive a car?’ ‘No, he can’t.’ dog / talk (7) 4 Thom / play cricket (3) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Lucy / swim (3) 5 Ben and Mart / act (3) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. your friends / help me (3) 6 You / paint (7) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

could, couldn’t


Could è il passato di can. Come can, è uguale per tutte le persone ed è sempre seguito dalla forma base del verbo principale. She could play the piano when she was 5. = Sapeva suonare il pianoforte quando aveva 5 anni. La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not: He could not (couldn’t) go. = Non potè andare. La forma interrogativa è data da could + soggetto + forma base del verbo: Could I use your phone? = Posso usare il tuo telefono? Si usa per: • indicare che qualcosa è possibile: The road is icy, you could slip. = La strada è ghiacciata, potresti scivolare. • dare un suggerimento cortese: They could eat more vegetables. = Potrebbero mangiare più verdure. • parlare di abilità nel passato: She couldn’t read when she was four. = Non sapeva leggere quando aveva quattro anni. • chiedere di fare qualcosa in modo cortese: Could you tell me where the post office is, please? = Potrebbe dirmi dov’è l’ufficio postale, per cortesia?



Ascolta le situazioni e scegli la risposta corretta.

1 a ■ 3 a ■ Could I buy them, please? ✓ Could I open the window, please? b ■ Could I shut the window, please? b ■ Could I try them on, please? 2 a ■ Could you tell me the way 4 a ■ Could I help you cross? to the train station, please? b ■ Could you cross by yourself? b ■ Could you tell me what time 5 a ■ Could you tell me the time, please? the train leaves, please? b ■ Could you arrive on time, please?


Dai dei suggerimenti a queste persone usando could, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4 5 6


I always get up late and miss the bus to college. I think you could set an alarm clock to wake her up early. I’m bored. I haven’t got anything to do today. ____________________________________________________________________________________. I keep losing my keys in my house. ____________________________________________________________________________________. My brother wants to get fit but he hates the gym. ____________________________________________________________________________________. I’m new in my neighbourhood and haven’t got any friends yet. ____________________________________________________________________________________. My maths test is next week, but I’m not sure I’m ready. ____________________________________________________________________________________. I really like this song on the radio, but I don’t know the title. ____________________________________________________________________________________.

Cosa sai o non sai fare adesso? E nel passato? Scrivi delle frasi che ti riguardano prendendo spunto dall’esercizio 2 usando can e could. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Gli avverbi di modo Gli aggettivi descrivono le cose e le persone. Sono invariabili: hanno la stessa forma per singolare e plurale, maschile, femminile e neutro: I want to buy a black coat and a pair of red shoes. = Voglio comprare un cappotto nero e un paio di scarpe rosse. My friend Elena is intelligent and beautiful. = La mia amica Elena è intelligente e bella. Mickey has got a black cat and a white dog. = Mickey ha un gatto nero e un cane bianco. Susan’s father is rich, but her grandparents were poor. = Il padre di Susan è ricco, ma i suoi nonni erano poveri. Gli avverbi che descrivono come viene compiuta un’azione vengono chiamati avverbi di modo, e seguono il verbo o l’oggetto del verbo cui si riferiscono. Gli avverbi regolari si formano aggiungendo -ly all’aggettivo: calm → calmly. Ricorda che: Alcuni avverbi subiscono delle variazioni ortografiche: • se l’aggettivo finisce in -y, si cambia -y in -ily: angry → angrily; • se l’aggettivo finisce in -ic, si aggiunge -ally: fantastic → fantastically; • se l’aggettivo finisce in -ble, si cambia -ble in -bly: terrible → terribly. Alcuni avverbi sono irregolari: • cambiano totalmente rispetto all’aggettivo: good → well: This coffee is good. = Questo caffè è buono. Tobey sings well. = Tobey canta bene. • sono uguali all’aggettivo: fast → fast: Your car is really fast. = La tua macchina è veloce. John runs fast. = John corre velocemente. • sono uguali all’aggettivo, ma hanno un diverso significato: late → late: This morning the bus is half an hour late. = Questa mattina l’autobus è in ritardo di mezz’ora.


Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi nel riquadro. comfortable • expensive • easy • long • tiny • pretty • interesting • difficult 1 2 3 4




5 6 7 8

This jacket is not _____________. It’s only £20. These trainers are very _____________. This is an _____________ exercise. My sister has got _____________ hair.

Ascolta e controlla. Forma gli avverbi degli aggettivi dati.

1 2 3 4 5


This museum is very interesting. A ladybird is a _____________ insect. My brother’s got a _____________ girlfriend. I think Chinese is a _____________ language.

beautiful interesting nice complete loud quiet

beautifully ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

6 angry 7 kind 8 magic 9 happy 10 soft

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

12 4

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. We listen to the teacher careful / carefully. 1 John tells really funny / funnily stories. 5 2 I don’t like that disco, the music is always too 6 loud / loudly. 3 Ugh! No, you can’t join the band: you play the 7 guitar terrible / terribly! 8 4 What a match! They’re playing really good / well, today!


His explanations are always clearly / clear. This is a very safe / safely place, don’t worry about it. My new jacket is very warmly / warm. After a run, my dog breathes heavy / heavily.

Trasforma in avverbi gli aggettivi tra parentesi per completare le frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Please speak slowly (slow) so everyone understands. Pauline speaks English _____________ (perfect). The children always behave _____________ (good). Will and I are in a band. Will plays the drums well, but I sing _____________ (bad)! They never act _____________ (careless). We eat _____________ (healthy). The morning train is always at least 15 minutes _____________ (late). When the roads are icy, you should drive _____________ (careful). _____________ (lucky), we managed to get to the concert hall in time. Aggettivo o avverbio? Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. patiently • hungrily • noisy • careful • dangerous • icy • fast • popular • well • selfish • successfully

John is always careful with his money. 1 He’s a very _____________ singer in his country. 6 Be careful: the pavement is _____________! 2 Don’t walk so _____________, I can’t follow you. 7 I’m not very _____________, I don’t want to 3 If you study hard, you can complete your go out this evening. test _____________! 8 The building where I work is very _____________. 4 My dog waits _____________ for me 9 It’s _____________ to touch electric wires! every afternoon. 10 The kids looked at the chocolate cake 5 I don’t like them: they’re so_____________! _____________.


Riscrivi le frasi usando gli avverbi di modo, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4

My father is a careful driver. My father drives carefully. You are a skillful skier. 5 Tom and Sarah are hard workers. ______________________________________. ______________________________________. They act with polite manners. 6 You both are fast runners. ______________________________________. ______________________________________. Aunt Sylvia is a marvellous blues singer. 7 This glass is easy to break. ______________________________________. ______________________________________. Your friend speaks in a very loud voice. 8 Mum gives an angry look to the broken window. ______________________________________. ______________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Il Present continuous Forma negativa

Forma affermativa I am walking. You are walking He / She / It is walking. We are walking. You are walking. They are walking.

Estesa I am not walking. You are not walking. He / She / It is not walking. We are not walking. You are not walking. They are not walking.

I’m not walking. You’re not walking. He / She / It’s not walking. We’re not walking. You’re not walking. They’re not walking. Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa Am I walking? Are you walking? Is he / she / it walking? Are we walking? Are you walking? Are they walking?




Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

No, you aren’t. No, I’m not. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

Il Present continuous si usa per azioni che si stanno svolgendo nel momento in cui si parla o per due azioni che si svolgono contemporaneamente; è spesso accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come now = adesso, ora, at the moment = in questo momento, today = oggi. In italiano il Present continuous si traduce con il verbo “stare” seguito dal gerundio, ma anche con il presente indicativo. Il Present continuous per il futuro Oltre che per le azioni in corso, il Present continuous si può usare anche per esprimere un’azione futura già prevista e programmata. In questo caso di solito è accompagnato da espressioni di tempo futuro come this afternoon = oggi pomeriggio, tonight = stasera, tomorrow = domani, next week = la settimana prossima, next year = l’anno prossimo, ecc.: I’m going to the seaside this summer. = Andrò al mare questa estate. Ricorda che: Il Present continuous NON si usa con i seguenti verbi: hear, see, love, like, want, believe, know.


Scrivi la forma in -ing dei verbi dati. study 1 put 2 take 3 see 4 bet 5 do 6 smile 7 wash 8 live


studying ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

9 move 10 cut 11 get 12 die 13 enjoy 14 bite 15 show 16 hit

________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

13 2

Riscrivi le frasi alla forma interrogativa e negativa, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3

It’s raining. Is it raining? It’s not raining. Sally is watching TV. 4 I am doing a good job. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Chris is riding his bike. 5 The sun is shining. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Molly and Jim are eating dinner now. 6 We are reading a fashion blog. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.


Completa la telefonata tra Matilda e sua madre con il Present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Matilda Mum Matilda Mum Matilda Mum

4 5


Hi Mum... yes, everything is fine. Henry is watching (watch) TV in his bedroom and I _____________ (sit) in the kitchen. I 2_____________ (read) a magazine. What about you and Dad? 3_____________ you _____________ (enjoy) yourselves? Yes, the restaurant is very nice. We 4_____________ (eat) steak and chips. What 5 _____________ Anna _____________ (do)? 6_____________ she _____________ (do) her homework? No, she 7 _____________ (not / do) her homework. She 8_____________ (practise) the piano. OK, that’s fine. Mum, I’ve got to go! Henry 9 _____________ (play) football in the living room! He 10 _____________ (break) everything! What!!! Oh no! 1

Ascolta e controlla. Completa le frasi con il Present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. slim • cook • have • leave • wear • travel • cut • ride • try • sleep • play • run • read

My neighbour is cutting the grass. 1 The kids _____________ after a ball. 2 Thomas _____________ his bike in the park. 3 _____________ you _____________ baseball this afternoon? 4 We _____________ breakfast now. 5 My dad _____________ dinner at the moment. 6 They _____________ for Mauritius next Saturday. 7 Be quiet! I _____________ to study. 8 Sarah _____________ a purple T-shirt. 9 My grandparents _____________ the world on a small boat. 10 You look well: _____________ you ______________ down? 11 I ______________ the new J.K. Rowling’s book: it’s fantastic! 12 Shh! Keep your voice down, the baby _____________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


13 6

Osserva le immagini e usa i suggerimenti dati per scrivere cosa stanno o non stanno facendo i soggetti raffigurati.

drink fruit juice / eat an ice cream She isn’t drinking fruit juice. She’s eating an ice cream.

1 listen to music / read a newspaper _________________________ _________________________.

2 chase birds / eat a bone

3 play tennis / swim _________________________ _________________________.

4 eat dinner / study maths _________________________ _________________________.

5 sleep / wash the car _________________________ _________________________.


_________________________ _________________________.

Formula delle domande con le parole date usando il Present continuous. Poi rispondi secondo i suggerimenti dati. what / you / do / ? – watch / film What are you doing? I’m watching a film. 1 why / you / cry / ? – peel / onion 4 what / he / listen to / ? – new album / Zayn Malik _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 2 what / she / read / ? – science magazine 5 what / you / cook / ? – lasagne _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. 3 when / they / leave / ? – tomorrow morning 6 where / they / go / ? – new park _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.


Dove sei adesso? Cosa stai facendo? E i tuoi amici, dove sono e cosa stanno facendo? Scrivi delle frasi usando il Present continuous. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Present simple o Present continuous? Il Present simple si usa: • per cose che sono sempre vere: Water boils at 100°. = L’acqua bolle a 100°. • per le abitudini: I go shopping on Saturday. = Il sabato faccio la spesa. • con gli avverbi di frequenza: I often / always / never drink fruit juice. = Bevo spesso / sempre / mai succo di frutta. • per gli orari: My bus leaves at six tomorow. = Il mio bus parte domani alle sei.


Il Present continuous si usa: • per cose che si verificano nel momento in cui si parla: I’m having a snack. = Sto facendo uno spuntino. • per cose che succedono nel periodo in cui si è: My dad is working at Tesco this month. = Mio padre sta lavorando / lavora da Tesco questo mese. • per avvenimenti futuri già programmati: I’m going to the seaside next summer. = La prossima estate andrò al mare.

Il Present simple si usa per esprimere azioni abituali ed è spesso accompagnato da avverbi di frequenza come always, often, usually, sometimes, never o espressioni di frequenza come once / twice / three times a week / a month / a year: I always wash the dishes. = Lavo sempre i piatti. Bill walks the dog twice a day. = Bill porta a passeggio il cane due volte al giorno. Il Present continuous si usa per azioni che avvengono nel momento in cui si parla o azioni che sono in corso in questo periodo di tempo. Può essere accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come now, at the moment, today, this month/year: He’s going to the supermarket now. = Sta andando al supermarket adesso. Il Present continuous si usa anche per parlare di eventi futuri già programmati, già previsti al momento in cui si sta parlando. In italiano si traduce con il presente o con il futuro: We are going to London the next weekend. = Il prossimo week end andiamo/andremo a Londra. My sister is going to university next year. = Mia sorella andrà all’università l’anno prossimo.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. He has / is having breakfast now. 1 My parents always are watching / watch TV in the evening. 2 I see / am seeing my friends tonight. 3 The Earth moves / is moving around the Sun. 4 What does Paul study / is Paul studying this year? 5 Oh no! It rains / is raining. 6 Who is going / goes to Dolly’s barbecue next Saturday? 7 What CD do you listen to / are you listening to now? 8 She usually plays / is playing basketball at the weekend. 9 A What do you do / are you doing? B I’m a firefighter. 10 He often reads / is reading a book before bedtime. 11 They come / are coming home every afternoon at five o’clock. 12 We go / are going to Paris next weekend.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


14 2

Present simple o Present continuous? Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi al tempo corretto. She goes (go) to the office every day. 1 We ___________ (learn) German at school 7 Tim ___________ (visit) Middle East next this year. autumn. 2 Etta and Roger ___________ (move) to their 8 Do you ever ___________ (sing) in the shower? new house soon. 9 I never ___________ (watch) horror films alone 3 Jason ___________ (help) his mum with the at night. housework now. 10 Let’s go out for a walk. It ___________ (not rain) 4 We ___________ (do) the shopping on now. Friday afternoon. 11 She usually ___________ (wake up) very early in 5 They ___________ (chat) online at the moment. the morning. 6 I ___________ (meet) my best friend every 12 Ben ___________ (run) to catch the school bus: afternoon after school. he’s late!


Formula delle domande al Present simple o al Present continuous usando i suggerimenti dati. Poi rispondi in modo personale, usando le short answers. 1 2 3 4


you / watch / TV every day Do you watch TV every day? No, I don’t. you / have / an exam / next month 5 you / usually / cycle / to school _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. you / drink / tea / for breakfast every day 6 you / do / a sport / this year _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. you / have / a shower / now 7 you / read / a newspaper / every day _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. it / snow / in winter / in your country 8 your grandparents / live / in your city _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Completa l’intervista con il tempo corretto dei verbi dati. Fai attenzione! Alcuni verbi non possono essere usati al Present continuous. Interviewer Where are you working (you, work) at the moment? Tim On a farm in Australia! My best friend 1__________________ (stay) with me at the moment, too. Interviewer Do 2__________________ (you, like) it there? Tim Oh yes, it’s good fun. I 3 __________________ (prefer) the lifestyle in the countryside. It’s calm and relaxing. Interviewer What things 4 __________________ (learn)? Tim We 5 __________________ (have) horse riding lessons next week. Interviewer Wow, that sounds great! 6 __________________ (you, plan) to visit Sydney? Tim Oh yes. I 7 __________________ (go) next month. Interviewer OK, enjoy yourself!


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Present simple e Present continuous She dresses beautifully. We have dinner in the dining room.

Mind Map 2

My favourite programme starts at 9 p.m. The English lesson starts after the French lesson. I always get up at 7 a.m. They never wash the dishes. My dog sleeps outside at night.

The sun rises in the east.

azioni abituali

fatti sempre veri

con le espressioni di tempo

per gli orari o i programmi

Present simple

Present continuous

azioni temporanee

azioni in corso di svolgimento

azioni future già programmate

She’s washing her hair at the moment. The people upstairs are having a party now.

I’m going to the Far East next year. They are playing at Glastonbury Festival in June.

I’m studying in the school library. She’s living with her sister: her house is under construction.  Units 13-14

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Progress Check Units 7-14 1 Completa le frasi con can o can’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

John _____ play the piano very well, he’s a 8 _____ Doreen tell us what happened at Jamie’s perfect musician. party? I’m too tired, I _____ come and play rugby today. 9 My grandma _____ cook a great risotto, I love _____ you tell me the way, please? going there for dinner. Elizabeth _____ come with us because she’s 10 ‘_____ my friends and I go out tonight?’ ‘Yes, studying for her exam. you _____ but don’t be late.’ That’s a surprise, Tom _____ cook very well! 11 My little cousin _____ ride a bike yet, he’s only I _____ find Harry’s phone number, _____ two years old. you help me? 12 In my city bikes and motorbikes _____ use I’m sorry but you _____ park here. bus lanes.

2 Formula delle domande con le parole date, specificando se il verbo can indica una possibilità (P), un’abilità (A) o una richiesta (R). Poi abbinale alla risposta corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6

I / go / to the park ___________________________________________? ___ a a monkey / write / a poem ___________________________________________? ___ b I / open / the window ___________________________________________? ___ c David / drive / a car ___________________________________________? ___ d you / come / to the cinema with us? ___________________________________________? ___ e Mum / lend me / her tablet? ___________________________________________? ___ f

■ Yes, she can. ■ No, he can’t: he’s too young. ■ Yes, Jason, you can go. ■ No, you can’t: it’s cold outside. ■ Yes, we can: we are free. ■ No, it can’t!

3 Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We couldn’t find a hotel room in town. a I could use my sister’s computer b We couldn’t go to his party because c She couldn’t swim until d Daniel couldn’t come to play football, e Nobody could do the exam. f I couldn’t text Sheila: g I could read before h

■ when she was at school. ■ she was seven. ■ he was at music class. ■ It was very difficult. ■ They were all full. ■ we were away on holiday. ■ I was six. ■ there was no internet connection.

4 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 I got a temperature, so I couldn’t / can’t go to 5 her party last week. 2 He looked all over the house, but he 6 can’t / couldn’t find his watch. 7 3 Can / Could you speak French when you were in primary school? 8 4 Megan can / could go out when she finishes her homework. 34

The T-shirt was wet so the boy couldn’t / can’t wear it. My father could / can drive when he was 16. I can’t / couldn’t walk when I was less than a year old. After months of practice, Tellisa can / could finally skate now. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Progress Check Units 7-14 5 Completa le frasi con can, can’t, could o couldn’t. 1 2 3 4

______________ they understand what you were 5 talking about? They ______________ get on the bus. They 6 haven’t got tickets. My grandmother is an amazing cook: she 7 ____________ make up a delicious meal with few ingredients! 8 _________ you fly a kite when you were a children?

The car park was full and I ______________ find a parking space. We don’t have any Internet connection, so I ______________ check my emails. You ______________ borrow my bike. I don’t need it at the moment. The room was noisy, so I ______________ hear him talking.

6 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4

Our teacher always explains things very 5 My father is an artist: he paint very clear / clearly. beautiful / beautifully! Ugh! You are a terrible / terribly cook: this 6 They can’t understand you, you must speak risotto is awful! slowly / slow. Julia is a musician: she plays the piano very 7 My friend Juan is Spanish, but he speaks English good / well. perfect / perfectly. Come on, this is a very simple / simply question, 8 Don’t go near that live wire: it’s you can easy / easily answer it. dangerous / dangerously!

7 Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. cook • have • leave • wear • cut • ride • try • play • run Sarah is wearing a yellow dress for the party. 1 My dad __________________ dinner in the 5 Dorothy and Julianne __________________ kitchen at the moment. dinner now. 2 The dogs __________________ after a red ball. 6 Mr Jones ______________ the grass. 3 Ben __________________ his bike in the park. 7 We __________________ for Brazil next 4 ________________ Grace _________________ Saturday. volleyball with us this afternoon? 8 Be quiet! I __________________ to concentrate.

8 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3

You are having your breakfast late, today / usually. 4 I go out with my friends tonight / on Fridays. 5 They do their homework at the moment / in the afternoon. 6

We watch a film tonight / every Tuesday. I’m visiting my grandparents every week / this week. Beth is tidying her room today / every day.

9 Formula domande con le parole date, facendo attenzione all’uso dei tempi, e poi rispondi. 1 2

Susan /always / get up / early (7) 3 he / wear / a suit / today (3) _____________________________________? _______________________________________? _____________________________________. _______________________________________. you / work / this week (3) 4 your sister / listen to / her favourite music (3) _____________________________________? _______________________________________? _____________________________________. _______________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Il Past simple dei verbi regolari Forma negativa

Forma affermativa I walked. You walked. He / She / It walked. We walked. You walked. They walked.

Estesa I did not walk. You did not walk. He / She / It did not walk. We did not walk. You did not walk. They did not walk.

I didn’t walk. You didn’t walk. He / She / It didn’t walk. We didn’t walk. You didn’t walk. They didn’t walk. Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa Did I walk? Did you walk? Did he / she / it walk? Did we walk? Did you walk? Did they walk?




Yes, you did. Yes, I did. Yes, he / she / it did. Yes, we did. Yes, you did. Yes, they did.

No, you didn’t. No, I didn’t. No, he / she / it didn’t. No, we didn’t. No, you didn’t. No, they didn’t.

Il Past simple si usa per parlare di azioni ed eventi completamente conclusi nel passato. Il Past simple dei verbi regolari si ottiene aggiungendo -ed alla forma base del verbo ed è uguale per tutte le persone: I talked to him. = Io parlai con lui. She talked to me. = Lei mi parlò. Per le forme interrogativa e negativa e per le risposte brevi si deve usare l’ausiliare did / didn’t: He didn’t watch football last year. = Non guardava il calcio l’anno scorso. ‘Did your cat like the fish?’ ‘Yes, it did./ No, it didn’t.’ = “Al tuo gatto è piaciuto il pesce?” “Sì. / No.” Variazioni ortografiche • se il verbo termina con una -e muta si aggiunge soltanto -d: like → liked: I liked the show. = Lo spettacolo mi piacque / mi è piaciuto. • se il verbo termina in consonante + y si cambia la y in -ied: study → studied: Last year I studied a lot for my exams. = L’hanno scorso ho studiato molto per gli esami. • se il verbo termina in vocale + y si aggiunge regolarmente -ed: play → played: I played volleyball yesterday. = Ieri ho giocato a pallavolo. • se il verbo termina con una sola vocale + una sola consonante, si raddoppia la consonante finale, prima di aggiungere -ed: -- se è monosillabico: stop → stopped: I stopped to say hello. = Mi fermai a salutare. -- se è bisillabico con l’accento sulla seconda sillaba: prefer → preferred: They preferred to go home. = Preferirono andare a casa. -- se termina in -l: travel → travelled: We travelled through a storm. = Viaggiammo attraverso una tempesta.


Scrivi il Past simple dei verbi dati. 1 2 3 4 5


talk arrive pass watch visit

talked _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

6 clean 7 hate 8 slip 9 end 10 hurry

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

11 control 12 stay 13 open 14 answer 15 develop

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

15 2



Ascolta, controlla e ripeti. Completa le frasi con il Past simple dei verbi nel riquadro. walk • play • open • push • organise • listen • snow • cook • arrive

It snowed a lot last winter. 1 She _____________ the door to open it. 2 They _____________ at the party. 3 We _____________ with the new games console yesterday. 4 Dan _____________ carefully the box. 5 They _____________ home after the match. 6 Martha and Sam _____________ a wonderful holiday. 7 My mum _____________ a delicious lunch last Sunday. 8 Gwen _____________ carefully to the new teacher.


Volgi le frasi alle forme interrogativa e negativa. 1 2 3 4


Jim closed the door and walked away. Did Jim close the door and walk away? Jim didn’t close the door and didn’t walk away. Dean and Lucy baked a pizza. 5 Tom and Jeanne planned a surprise party. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Last year they travelled to Spain. 6 Kate washed her clothes. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Susan tried to get up early that morning. 7 They cleaned the house after the party. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Yesterday we watched a very interesting film. 8 They opened a new cinema last month. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Formula delle domande con le parole date, usando il Past simple, e poi rispondi con le short answers, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3

Harry / phone / his friend / yesterday ‘Did Harry phone his friend yesterday?’ ‘Yes, he did.’ you / open / your presents / after the party (3) 4 he / help / her (7) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. they / enjoy / their holiday (3) 5 she / do / the right thing (3) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. you / study / for the English test (7) 6 you / answer / all the questions (7) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Il Past simple dei verbi irregolari I verbi irregolari non aggiungono -ed ma hanno una forma propria che va imparata a memoria (vedi la tabella a pag. 139). Anche per i verbi irregolari il Past simple è uguale per tutte le persone: They ate a lot last night. = Hanno mangiato molto ieri sera. Anche per i verbi irregolari la forma interrogativa, quella negativa e le risposte brevi si usa l’ausiliare did/didn’t: ‘Did he come with you?’ ‘No, he didn’t’. = “È venuto con te?” “No.” What did you do yesterday afternoon? = Cosa hai fatto ieri pomeriggio?


Scrivi il Past simple dei verbi dati. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 3

buy do take have bring come go get up 7

bought ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________

9 tell ________________________ 10 put ________________________ 11 eat ________________________ 12 drink ________________________ 13 write ________________________ 14 make ________________________ 15 read ________________________ 16 give ________________________

Ascolta, controlla e ripeti.

Completa le frasi seguenti con la forma appropriata del Past simple dei verbi dati. He bought (buy) a new pair of trainers yesterday. 1 Sam __________________ (not like) vegetables when he was a child. 2 We __________________ (have) a party last Saturday. 3 What __________________ (she, do) last weekend? 4 It __________________ (not snow) last winter. 5 They __________________ (go) to Japan last year. 6 I __________________ (drink) six cups of tea yesterday! 7 He __________________ (think) about the problem. 8 She __________________ (teach) Yoga in the gym next to our school.


Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa del Past simple dei verbi nel riquadro. get up • go • fly • run • eat • teach • write • do • take 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


When I was a kid, my grandad taught me how to repair things. Emma’s boyfriend __________________ her to the new disco last night. I __________________ a delicious apple cake for breakfast. I __________________ an email to my friend two days ago. Paul __________________ late last Sunday. Terry __________________ to the lake yesterday. Scott __________________ his homework yesterday afternoon. Last winter, John and I __________________ to Mauritius for our holiday. I __________________ to catch the bus, but it was too late. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

16 5

Completa il brano con la forma corretta del Past simple dei verbi dati. Yesterday, Amanda got up (get up) early. After breakfast she 1_____________ (listen) to the news on the radio. It 2_____________ (be) a sunny day so she 3_____________ (decide) to invite Mark to have lunch with her. They 4_____________ (have) a barbecue in the garden and 5_____________ (eat) hamburgers and sausages. They 6_____________ (drink) home-made lemonade. Amanda and Mark 7_____________ (chat) all afternoon. Mark 8_____________ (want) to go to the cinema but Amanda 9_____________ (not want) to see a horror film. They 10_____________ (buy) tickets online for the new Avengers film. At the cinema, they 11 _____________ (meet) their friends. They 12_____________ (enjoy) themselves very much!


Volgi le frasi alle forme interrogativa e negativa. 1 2 3


She understood the grammar rule. Did she understand the grammar rule? She didn’t understand the grammar rule. Jessica got up early yesterday morning. 4 Oliver read an interesting book at school. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. My mother made cupcakes yesterday. 5 Rachel and Jim gave their mum a present. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. We went to Sydney and saw the Opera House. 6 The dogs ran in the garden. _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Usa i suggerimenti dati per formulare domande al Past simple, poi scrivi le risposte con i suggerimenti tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4

the teacher / write / a note (an essay) Did the teacher write a note? No, she didn’t: she wrote an essay. when / Tom / get back / to work (after a month) 5 Danny / go / to the cinema / last Saturday _____________________________________? (to the park) _____________________________________. _____________________________________? what time / the boys / come home / last night _____________________________________. (at midnight) 6 where / Kate and William / get married (in London) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. what / the burglar / steal (my laptop and money) 7 you / make / a pizza / last Sunday (a cake) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________. when / you / win / that medal (in 2014) 8 they / buy / a new car / on July? (a house) _____________________________________? _____________________________________? _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



who, where, which, that I pronomi relativi (relative pronouns) mettono in relazione due proposizioni, la principale e la subordinata relativa, alla quale aggiungono ulteriori informazioni su un sostantivo o un pronome nominato nella principale. Sono invariabili in genere e numero. Who e that sono utilizzati per le persone: I’ve got a friend who can speak five languages. = Ho un amico che parla cinque lingue. He’s the doctor that saved my life. = Lui è il dottore che mi ha salvato la vita. Which oppure that sono utilizzati per animali e oggetti: We stayed in a hotel which had a swimming pool. = Abbiamo alloggiato in un hotel che aveva la piscina. I always sit at the desk that is near the window. = Siedo sempre al tavolo (che è) vicino alla finestra. Where si utilizza per i luoghi: This is the house where I grew up. = Questa è la casa in cui/dove sono cresciuto.


In italiano questi pronomi relativi possono essere espressi da “che”, invariabile in genere e numero, oppure da “il quale, la quale, i quali, le quali” che invece si accordano in genere e numero. Non c’è differenza tra persone, animali e oggetti.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. It’s a film which / who every child will enjoy. 1 A thermometer is an object that / who measures temperature. 2 Spielberg directed the film Schindler’s List who / which won an Oscar. 3 A university is a place where / that students study. 4 The children rescued the cat who / that had a broken leg. 5 I know a person who / where works in TV. 6 A baker’s is a place which / where you can buy bread and cakes. 7 That’s the palace where / who the royal family spend their holidays. 8 What did you do with the money where / which your mother gave you? 9 Spiders and scorpions are animals who / which have 8 legs. 10 A lift is a machine that / who takes you up and down in a building.


Completa le frasi con who o which. The man who lives next door is Scottish. 1 I can’t find the letter ______________ arrived yesterday. 2 What’s the name of the river ______________ flows through London? 3 I have a friend ______________ is very good at painting. 4 The teacher always asks questions ______________ are really difficult! 5 That’s the girl ______________ sits next to me at school. 6 I met the couple ____________ invited us to the Halloween party last year. 7 The police are looking for the thief ______________ robbed the bank on Friday. 8 Jonas is wearing a coat ______________ is too big. 9 My grandparents have a cat ___________ loves chips! 10 Are you the girl __________ sings in the school band?


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

17 3

Completa le frasi con il pronome relativo correto. That’s the castle where they filmed Harry Potter! 1 I know a place ______________ you can go for your research. 2 Dean is the exchange student ______________ is staying with us for a week. 3 Do you know the girl ______________ lives at number 10? 4 Excuse me, is this the train ______________ goes to Brighton? 5 My cousin, ______________ lives in Australia, can surf very well. 6 We stayed in a hotel ______________ had magnificent views. 7 A Where’s the phone book? B It’s the book ______________ is on the shelf. 8 The café ______________ we usually meet is in a park.


Abbina le due parti delle frasi usando who, which o where. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


A greengrocer is a person who sells fruit and vegetables. A fridge is a thing ______________________________. A nurse is a person _____________________________. A dishwasher is a thing __________________________. A park is a place ________________________________. A cinema is a place _____________________________. A plumber is a person ___________________________. The kitchen is the room __________________________.

a b c d e f g h

■ people go to walk. ■ people use to keep food cold. ■ you go to watch a film. ■ people use to wash dishes. ■ looks after sick people. 1 sells fruit and vegetables. ■ ■ you cook. ■ repairs pipes.

Forma un’unica frase utilizzando who, which, where o that, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chocolover is a new bakery. It sells delicious chocolate cakes. Chocolover is a new bakery which / that sells delicious chocolate cakes. Shakespeare was born in that house. That house is very old. ____________________________________________________________________________________. Emma Watson is an English actress. She starred in the Harry Potter films. ____________________________________________________________________________________. Chris bought a new car. It is very fast! ____________________________________________________________________________________. Barcelona is a Spanish city. You can see Gaudí’s architecture there. ____________________________________________________________________________________. That is Michael. I met him at the party. ____________________________________________________________________________________. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. Her grandmother lived in a small house in the woods. ____________________________________________________________________________________. Orange juice is a healthy drink. It has lots of vitamin C. ____________________________________________________________________________________. Killer whales are mammals. They live in the Arctic and Antarctic oceans. ____________________________________________________________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



may, might May si usa per esprimere una possibilità presente o futura e per fare previsioni. Come can, anche may è un verbo modale, con un’unica forma per tutte le persone. La forma affermativa si ottiene con soggetto + may + forma base del verbo: He may leave tomorrow. = Potrebbe partire domani. La forma negativa si ottiene con soggetto + may not + forma base del verbo: The restaurant may not accept cheques. = Il ristorante potrebbe non accettare assegni. La forma interrogativa si ottiene invertendo la posizione di verbo e soggetto: May it rain tomorrow evening? = Potrebbe piovere domani sera? Might invece esprime una possibilità ancora più remota: I’m not sure, but the shop might be closed. = Non sono sicuro, ma il negozio potrebbe essere chiuso. Le frasi con may possono essere tradotte in italiano in diversi modi: She may call me tonight. = Potrebbe chiamarmi questa sera. / Può darsi che mi chiami questa sera. / Forse mi chiamerà questa sera.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3


She may arrives / arrive with the next train from Edinburgh. It may rain / rains this evening. We may win / to win the competition.

Completa le frasi con may o might. 1 2 3 4 5 6


He may arrive / arrives soon. May not you use / You may not use your 4 phone abroad. They may to call / call tomorrow. 5 May that be / That may be true? 6

The bank may be closed on Saturday. Be careful: it might be dangerous! Tony told me not to wait for him: he said he _____________ be late. They refused our offer last month, but now they _____________ have changed their mind. Football _____________ be very popular, but I don’t like it. We _____________ go out for dinner, tonight. The guide assured we _____________ take some photos. She _____________ be right, but I’m not very sure. Completa le frasi seguenti con can o may.

Give the dog some water: it may be thirsty. You can’t leave the country without a passport. 1 You __________ play in the garden, but be careful: it __________ rain later. 2 Come on, it is impossible: it __________ be true! 3 It’s an interesting offer, she __________ accept it. 4 The room is very noisy, he __________ not have heard the phone. 5 I __________ take this parcel to the post office for you, if you want. 6 I don’t trust them, I think they __________ be lying. 7 If you have finished your homework, you __________ video gaming. 8 __________ I come with you to the show? 42

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

I comparativi e i superlativi


I comparativi servono a confrontare due persone, cose o categorie. Il comparativo di maggioranza di aggettivi e avverbi brevi si ottiene aggiungendo -er all’aggettivo o all’avverbio, e than davanti al secondo termine di paragone: John is shorter than his brother. = John è più basso di suo fratello. I run faster than you. = Corro più velocemente di te. Variazioni ortografiche • se l’aggettivo o l’avverbio termina con una consonante preceduta da una sola vocale, si raddoppia la consonante: hot → hotter: Today is hotter than yesterday. = Oggi fa più caldo di ieri. • se termina per -e muta si aggiunge soltanto -r: large → larger: Your room is larger than mine. = La tua stanza è più grande della mia. • se termina in -y preceduta da consonante si toglie la -y e si aggiunge -ier: easy → easier: It’s easier to run than to skate. = È più facile correre che pattinare. Gli aggettivi e gli avverbi lunghi invece sono preceduti da more e mantengono than davanti al secondo termine di paragone: Chemistry tests are more difficult than History tests. = Le verifiche di chimica sono più difficili di quelle di storia. You listen more carefully than him. = Tu ascolti più attentamente di lui. Ricorda che: Alcuni comparativi sono irregolari: good / well → better; bad → worse; far → further / farther. Il comparativo di uguaglianza si forma con (not) as + aggettivo/avverbio + as. Si usa per dire che due cose, animali o persone hanno o non hanno la stessa qualità, o che due azioni sono o non sono svolte allo stesso modo: You’re as old as my sister. = Hai la stessa età di mia sorella. He’s not listening as carefully as her. = Non ascolta attentamente come (fa) lei. Si usa il superlativo relativo di un aggettivo o di un avverbio per paragonare una cosa o persona con tutte le altre cose o persone in quel gruppo. Gli aggettivi brevi aggiungono -est: short → shortest: Jamie is the shortest in his class. = Jamie è il più basso della classe. Ricorda che: Il superlativo è sempre preceduto dall’articolo the, e può essere seguito da in + luogo o gruppo di persone oppure da of + nome o pronome plurale. Variazioni ortografiche • se l’aggettivo o l’avverbio termina con una consonante preceduta da una sola vocale, si raddoppia la consonante: hot → the hottest: July is the hottest month of the year. = Luglio è il mese più caldo dell’anno. • se termina per -e muta si aggiunge soltanto -st: large → the largest: This is the largest room of the house. = Questa è la stanza più grande della casa. • se termina in -y preceduta da consonante si toglie la -y e si aggiunge -iest: easy → the easiest: Your test is the easiest. = Il tuo test è il più facile. Gli aggettivi lunghi sono preceduti da the most: Maths tests are the most difficult. = Le verifiche di matematica sono le più difficili. Ricorda che: Alcuni superlativi sono irregolari: good / well → the best; bad → the worst; far → the furthest / farthest. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


19 1

Scrivi il comparativo di maggioranza e il superlativo dei seguenti aggettivi e avverbi. 1 2 3 4 5


the coldest ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

6 quietly 7 fast 8 early 9 bright 10 noisy

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Completa le frasi con il comparativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi dati. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Tim is shorter (short) than his brothers. You are _____________ (brave) than me. This exercise is _____________ (difficult) than the previous one. My headache is _____________ (bad) than yours! I hope I get a _____________ (good) mark in my test than last time. This smartphone is _____________ (expensive) than that one. It isn’t very warm today. It was _____________ (warm) yesterday. Our caravan is _____________ (big) than theirs. Gold is _____________ (shiny) than copper. Completa le frasi con i superlativi degli aggettivi tra parentesi.

1 2 3 4


Today is the longest (long) day of the year. John is _____________ (smart) of us all. This is _____________ (good) apple cake in the shop. Molly is _____________ (cute) baby in the nursery. Toby is _____________ (intelligent) dog in the world.

5 6 7 8

Terry knows _____________ (funny) jokes! Which is _____________ (busy) city in the world? I got _____________ (bad) mark in the class. Scott is _____________ (tall) of the four friends.

Completa le frasi con il comparativo di uguaglianza as… as, come negli esempi. 1 2 3 4


cold colder sad ____________ intelligent ____________ high ____________ lucky ____________ dangerous ____________

You are 13 years old. Your best friend is 13 years old too. You are as old as your best friend. My jumper is new. Your scarf is new too. 5 Your scarf is _______________________. Tom’s motorbike is faster than Ronnie’s. 6 Ronnie’s motorbike isn’t _______________________. 7 Rihanna is more famous than Lorde. Lorde isn’t _______________________. 8 Your smartphone and mine are equally expensive. Your smartphone is _______________________.

Coaches are cheaper than trains. Trains aren’t as cheap as coaches. I’m very tired, you look relaxed. I’m not _______________________. Our new video game is thrilling, theirs is boring. Their video game isn’t ____________________. My green jacket is worn out, the black one is new. My green jacket isn’t _____________________. Chocolate muffins are delicious. The strawberry ones are delicious too. Chocolate muffins are ____________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

19 5

Completa le frasi con i comparativi o con i superlativi degli aggettivi dati. 1 2 3 4 5 6

King Kong is the most spectacular (spectacular) of all Peter Jackson’s films. The last one is __________________ (heavy) box of all! Let’s meet in the school library. It’s __________________ (quiet) than the other rooms. My bedroom is __________________ (warm) room in the house. I think football is __________________ (popular) sport in the world. City life is __________________ (exciting) than life in the countryside. Martin is __________________ (good) player of our rugby team!


Formula delle frasi con i suggerimenti dati, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3




Ascolta e controlla. Formula delle frasi con i suggerimenti dati, come nell’esempio.

1 2 3


this jumper / pretty / the blue one 4 my English teacher / nice / my History teacher This jumper is prettier than the blue one. _____________________________________. Italy / small / Australia 5 elephants / big / mice _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Indian food / spicy / Italian food 6 my mother / good cook / me _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Joe drives / dangerously / his wife. Joe drives more dangerously than his wife. they / shout / loudly / the other team 4 yesterday / I worked / hard / you _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Claire talks / slowly / Harriet 5 he ran / fast / the other athletes _____________________________________. _____________________________________. Liam speaks Spanish / fluently / his friends 6 Andy plays tennis / well / Pete _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Pensa a due città del tuo paese e mettile a confronto usando i comparativi e i superlativi, come nell’esempio.

Liverpool is a fantastic city. It is bigger than Bath. Bath is more beautiful than Liverpool.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



much, many, a lot of Much, many e a lot of indicano la quantità di qualcosa e significano tutti “molto, molti, un bel po’ di”. Much significa “molto” ed è utilizzato con i nomi non numerabili (uncountable) nelle frasi negative e interrogative: I haven’t got much time today. = Non ho molto tempo oggi. Have they got much money? = Hanno molti soldi? Many significa “molti, molte”; si usa con i nomi numerabili (countable) al plurale, nelle frasi affermative, negative e nelle domande: There are many bookshops in this area. = Ci sono molte librerie in questa zona. I haven’t got many pins. = Non ho molte spillette. Has she got many friends? = Ha molte amiche? A lot of o lots of si usa con nomi numerabili e non numerabili, in frasi affermative: There is a lot of milk in the fridge. = C’è un bel po’ di latte in frigo. There are a lot of / lots of stars in the sky tonight. = Ci sono un sacco di stelle in cielo stanotte. Ricorda che: Nell’inglese parlato è molto frequente l’uso di a lot of / lots of al posto di many nelle frasi affermative: I know lots of people. = Conosco un sacco di gente.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. There’s very / a lot of salt on these chips. 1 Much / Many people commute to work. 4 2 Has Simon got much / many posters in his bedroom? 5 3 There are lots of / much ancient monuments in Rome. 6


Dean hasn’t got many / much DVDs for his collection. Do they spend a lot of / many money on video games? Valerie doesn’t eat much / many ice cream.

Completa le frasi con much o many. There aren’t many factories in Cambridge. 1 There isn’t _____________ traffic today, 4 There aren’t _____________ cinemas in this it’s wonderful! town. 2 He doesn’t spend _____________ time on 5 Is there _____________ snow in the mountains? his homework. 6 Does this baker’s sell _____________ different 3 Have they got _____________ friends at school? types of bread?


Tom Daley è un tuffatore. Leggi questo brano sulla sua attività, e completa le frasi negative con much o many. Usa a lot of / lots of per le altre. I am an Olympic athlete for the UK Diving team. I haven’t got much free time because I train 1_____________ hours every week. I’ve taken part in 2 _____________ national and international competitions in my life. I’ve got 3 _____________ fans and I receive 4_____________ emails and letters. I don’t go out very often but I’ve got 5_____________ hobbies. I love going to the cinema with my friends. I don’t eat 6_____________ sweets or cakes but I do eat 7_____________ fruit and vegetables. I’ve got 8______________ medals and prizes for diving.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

little, few, a little, a few


Little e few si usano per indicare la scarsa quantità di qualcosa. Little si usa con i nomi non numerabili: There’s little air in this room. = C’è poca aria in questa stanza. Few invece si usa per i nomi numerabili plurali: I saw few cherries on the tree. = Ho visto poche ciliegie sull’albero. A little e a few indicano invece che la quantità di cui si parla è scarsa, ma comunque sufficiente. A little si usa con i nomi non numerabili: Have you got a little time to talk to me? = Hai un po’ di tempo per parlarmi? A few si usa invece per i nomi numerabili plurali: I’ve got a few films on DVD we could watch tonight. = Ho un po’ di film su DVD che potremmo guardare stasera.


Completa le frasi con little o few. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


There’s usually little snow in Sicily in winter. She’s very clever: she makes very few mistakes in her homework. I’m really tired, I have ______________ energy today. There’s ______________ food at home: let’s eat out. He’s new here, so he has ______________ friends. There were ______________ managers at the meeting. I asked for information, but ______________ people answered me. There was ______________ light, so I couldn’t see well. I need to buy some more drawing tools: I’ve only ______________ pastels. Hurry up! We have ______________ time before the concert starts. Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


There are a little / a few biscuits in the packet, you can have them. Let’s open the window for a little / a few fresh air. There are a little / a few people you know at the party. Do you like a little / a few vinegar on your salad? I drink a little / a few water but not 2 litres a day! Can I give you a little / a few advice? I have a little / a few things I’d like to do this weekend. There are a little / a few good jobs in the IT industry. We’ve got a little / a few good friends in this town. Completa le frasi con only a few / only a little e le parole nel riquadro. pasta • sugar • free time • things • clothes • questions • knowledge • German • computers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I’m studying hard for my last exam now, so I have only a little free time. I take ____________________ in my tea and no milk, please. I don’t speak a foreign language well, ____________________ . _____________________ are out of order in our office. My wardrobe is full, but I wear __________________ I have got in it! My grandparents have got __________________ of computers. There isn’t much space in the tent, so take __________________ with you. It takes five minutes to fill this form. There are __________________. I’m on a diet, so ________________ for me, please.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


21 4

Completa le frasi con little o few e le parole nel riquadro, come nell’esempio. time • fun • money • days • Polish • sugar • time • clothes • coffees • students • times Ann drinks two coffees a day. She drinks few coffees a day. 1 My suitcase is very small, I can’t carry too many clothes. I can carry very ____________________ with me. 2 I have half an hour for lunch. I have very ____________________ for lunch. 3 Jack has a Saturday job. He earns £25. He earns ____________________. 4 5% of Polish speak English. ____________________ speak English. 5 This strawberry cake is healthy. It has very ____________________ in it. 6 Harry doesn’t usually enjoy going out with his parents on Sunday afternoon. He has very ____________________ with his parents on Sunday afternoon. 7 Helena usually goes to the cinema three times a month. She goes to the cinema ____________________ a month. 8 10% of the students are doing well in Chemistry. ____________________ are doing well in Chemistry. 9 I saw Andrew very recently. I saw him ____________________ ago. 10 I’ve almost finished my work. I need ____________________ to finish my work.


Completa le frasi con a few / few o a little / little. I only spend a few hours on the computer in the evening. 1 William gets up late, so he only has _____________ time to get ready. 2 I’m really hungry: can I have ______________ more meatballs, please? 3 There are _________________ good shops here, have a try for your jacket! 4 There are _________________ good programmes on TV, so I prefer to read a book. 5 We eat very _____________ fish. We eat it about once a month. 6 The students were disappointed because _____________ people came to see their charity play. 7 Can you put ______________ sugar in my coffee, please? I’m on a diet. 8 I spend _______________ minutes checking my emails every day. It takes about 10 minutes. 9 We’ve got _____________ meat for dinner but we’ve got _____________ beans. 10 I need a little break: let’s go out _____________ minutes.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

much, many, a lot of, a little, a few

Mind Map 3

There are many students in this school. Do they have many posters in their room? We don’t watch many films. We met a lot of people at the party. Has he got much money? We don’t have much time.

There are a lot of new shops in town.

nomi numerabili

nomi non numerabili

much, many, a lot of

a little, a few, little, few

nomi numerabili

quantità sufficiente

quantità insufficiente

nomi non numerabili

quantità sufficiente

quantità insufficiente

They gave us a few tickets for the show. We have a little soup for dinner.

There’s little time before the exam. There were few taxis at the station.

 Units 20-21

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Progress Check Units 15-21 1 Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa usando il Past simple dei verbi dati, e i suggerimenti tra parentesi. 1 2 3

Sam opened the fridge. (the cupboard) 4 They waited for the bus. (a taxi) ______________________________________. ______________________________________. We played basketball yesterday. (volleyball) 5 We watched a comedy yesterday evening. (thriller) ______________________________________. ______________________________________. Mum cooked pasta for dinner. (risotto) 6 Harry listened to new Fedez’s song. (Katy Perry) ______________________________________. ______________________________________.

2 Completa i mini dialoghi con un verbo al Past simple. 1 A Did you speak to Paul? B No, I didn’t, but I __________________ to his sister. 2 A Where did you find my wallet? B I ________________ it behind the bookcase. 3 A Did he take you to school by car? B Yes, he did. He __________________ me in his new Ferrari! 4 A How much did you pay for your new computer? B I __________________ £350 for it. 5 A Did you go to the theatre last night? B Yes, I __________________ with Olivia. 6 A What did you buy yesterday? B I __________________ a new pair of jeans.

3 Completa le frasi con il Past simple dei verbi nel riquadro. eat • have • drink • not like • study • not rain • buy • go 1 She _____________ a new fashion magazine 5 yesterday. 6 2 They _____________ to India last year. 3 We _____________ a party last Saturday. 7 4 Ben _____________ delicious cake for breakfast. 8

It _____________ last spring. Sam _____________ broccoli when he was a child. She _____________ six cups of tea yesterday! He _____________ very hard for the exam.

4 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 I’m working on a project who / that is really 5 The sofa who / which is in our living room important. is very old. 2 This is the house that / where my father was 6 This is the house that / who they built 150 born. years ago. 3 Who are the girls which / that are chatting with 7 Angelo’s is the only place where / who you can your sister? have a real Neapolitan pizza. 4 The bus that / who leaves at 10 o’clock goes 8 Is your brother the boy who / which repairs to Wembley. bicycles?


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Progress Check Units 15-21 5 Abbina le due parti delle frasi usando il pronome relativo corretto. 1 We stayed in a hotel _______________________________. a ■ has the mince pie recipe. 2 I can’t find the book _______________________________. b ■ left his luggage on the plane. 3 This newsstand is the one __________________________. c ■ my friends and I usually meet. 4 He is the man ____________________________________. d ■ you can buy French magazines. 5 I met a girl ______________________________________. e ■ has a lot of sugar in it. 6 The old lady _____________________________________. f ■ was in the centre of the city. 7 This pub is ______________________________________. g ■ works as a top model in London. 8 I never eat food __________________________________. h ■ has just entered the room is my granny.

6 Completa le frasi seguenti con can, can’t, may o may not. 1 2 3 4 5

We _____________ go to the park later, do you 6 My parents like that car very much, I think want to come with us? they _____________ buy it. I _____________ come at the theatre with you, 7 ___________ you help me with these heavy tomorrow evening: I’ve a meeting late in the bags, please? afternoon. 8 Julian, take some money with you. Ms Smith, __________ Tom come and play You _____________ need it. with us? 9 Sheila, we ___________ keep the kitten I don’t feel very well, I ____________ go out you’ve found: it is our neighbours’! tonight. 10 Sarah hasn’t finished yet, so she ___________ I’m sorry Sir but you ___________ park here. be a bit late.

7 Completa le frasi con il comparativo o il superlativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6

A skyscraper is ______________ (tall) than 7 I got ______________ (bad) mark in the a single-storey house. Chemistry test. Where is ______________ (deep) place on earth? 8 Susan is ______________ (pretty) of the four sisters. Here they sell ______________ (good) 9 Wow! You ran____________ (fast) than anyone chocolate cake in town. else. You are ______________ (fast) of us all! I love this place: it’s ______________ (quiet) 10 Today is _____________ (long) day of the year. than my city. 11 Is your apple pie ______________ (sweet) Amy knows ______________ (funny) jokes! than mine? Computer games are ______________ (exciting) 12 Jack is ______________ (intelligent) dog than card games. in the world.

8 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Is there much / many milk in the fridge? 5 I had many / much things to do yesterday. 2 Tabita can sing a lot of / many of One 6 Hurry up! You don’t have many / much time Direction’s songs. to finish your test! 3 I can make a cake: I’ve got a lot of / much eggs 7 The twins got much / many presents for their and a lot of / many flour too. birthday. 4 Mart spends a lot of / many money on his vinyl 8 There isn’t a lot of / much jam for breakfast, collection. this morning. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



I connettori temporali first next then / after that finally / lastly


prima dopo poi infine

I connettori temporali sono parole usate per collegare gli elementi di una frase rendendola più scorrevole, dando un ordine preciso alle azioni svolte: When I got home I first washed my hand, next I went to the kitchen, then / after that I had dinner e lastly I watched a film on TV. = Quando sono arrivato a casa, come prima cosa mi sono lavato le mani, dopo sono andato in cucina, poi ho cenato e infine ho guardato un film alla TV.

Completa le frasi con first, next, then, lastly. Please, do your homework first, then you can go outside. When I got home I had a shower, _____________ relaxed on the sofa. I suddenly woke up, and _____________ I heard some voices close to me. He was great: he won the first and _____________ the second race too! _____________ , peel the fruit. _____________ , prepare a chocolate mousse to put on the pastry. Please, tomorrow, go to the baker’s. And to the butcher’s too. And _____________ , remember to go to the Post office! 6 _____________ , before anything, let’s introduce ourselves. 1 2 3 4 5


Amanda è in vacanza a Londra. Completa l’email che scrive alla sua amica Mary con first, next, then, after that, finally e lastly.

Hi Mary, how are you? I’m on holiday in London, and I’m really excited! On Monday I started my tour of the city: first I went to the Tate Modern gallery, 1_____________ I crossed the Millennium Bridge to Saint Paul’s. 2 _____________ I strolled around until I got to the Barbican Theatre. The second day I went to Camden Town, 3_____________ to the London Zoo, and 4_____________ to Madame Tussaud’s Museum. The following day I went 5_____________ to see Buckingham Palace, 6 _____________ I went on to Westminster and 7_____________ I went on the London Eye. 8_____________, on my last day in London I went to Harrod’s, and 9_____________ to the airport. I look forward to seeing you soon. Love, Amanda


Racconta una tua giornata tipo, facendo attenzione all’ordine temporale delle azioni. When I wake up in the morning _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

one, ones


One e il suo plurale ones hanno diverse funzioni. Sono utilizzati per: • mettere in risalto la quantità espressa dall’unità: There was only one sandwich left. = Era rimasto solo un panino. • in correlazione con another e other(s): I don’t like this hat, I prefer another one. = Non mi piace questo cappello, preferisco un altro. • con morning, evening, night, day ecc. per indicare un momento particolare: I got home one day and found two windows broken. = Un giorno sono tornato a casa e ho trovato due finestre rotte. • per non ripetere un nome: I have two black jackets, but I want a red one too. = Ho due giacche nere, ma ne voglio anche una rossa. Please, of the two bags, take the small one with you. = Per piacere, delle due borse, porta con te quella piccola.


Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con one o ones. 1 2 3 4 5 6


This pizza was good but the pizza I ate at Speedy’s last week was better. This pizza was good but the one I ate at Speedy’s last week was better. I like your poster. The poster of Justin Bieber. I like your poster, the ______ of Justin Bieber. I would like an ice cream. A big ice cream with chocolate chips on it. I would like an ice cream, a big ______ with chocolate chips on it. I like these shoes very much, but today I prefer to wear the other shoes. I like these shoes very much, but today I prefer to wear the other ______. My phone is very old, I’m thinking of buying a new phone. My phone is very old, I’m thinking of buying a new ______. Which apples should we buy? Do you prefer the red apples or the green apples? Which apples should we buy? Do you prefer the red ______ or the green ______? Have you finished your lessons for today? Or have you got another lesson in the afternoon? Have you finished your lessons for today? Or have you got another ______ in the afternoon? Completa le frasi con (the) one o (the) ones.

Here are two pens: which one is yours? The red one. 1 Which shirt do you like? 5 Which phone is yours? I’m sorry I can’t ____________ with long sleeves. recognise it. 2 Which bag are you going to buy? ___________ over there. This ____________. It really seems 6 Which gloves are hers? a very fashionable ___________. ___________ purple velvet ___________. 3 Which tablet is the most expensive? 7 Which train is on platform 3? ___________ on the higher shelf. ___________ high-speed ___________ 4 Which of Tom Hiddleston’s films from Glasgow. do you like the best? 8 Which are your favourite memories? Oh, I really loved his action ___________. ___________ from my school days.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



I pronomi possessivi Aggettivi possessivi my your his her its our your their

Pronomi possessivi il mio, la mia, i miei, le mie il tuo, la tua, i tuoi, le tue il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue – il nostro, la nostra, i nostri, le nostre il vostro, la vostra, i vostri, le vostre il loro, la loro, i loro, le loro

mine yours his (di lui) hers (di lei) – ours yours theirs

I pronomi possessivi si usano al posto degli aggettivi possessivi quando non si vuole ripetere il nome: My T-shirt and yours are identical. = La mia maglietta e la tua sono identiche. Anche i pronomi possessivi non necessitano dell’articolo e concordano sempre con il possessore: My children and his are in the same class. = I miei figli e i suoi sono nella stessa classe. Ricorda che: His è sia pronome che aggettivo, mentre its è solo aggettivo.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. This jacket isn’t my / mine, it’s too small. It must be your / yours. 1 Our / ours house is very big, yours / your is very old. 2 Tell Deborah not to forget her / hers books and not to forget my / mine either. 3 I don’t have any water left. Can I have some of your / yours? 4 These don’t look like my / mine boots. 5 Two of their / theirs children go to junior school and their / theirs oldest son goes to secondary school. 6 You can take my / mine umbrella if you can’t find your / yours.


Completa le frasi con il pronome possessivo corretto. It’s my house. It’s mine. 1 It’s his MP3 player. It’s _______. 2 It’s her T-shirt. It’s _______.


Usa le parole date per formulare delle domande. Poi rispondi seguendo il suggerimento dato. 1 2 3


3 It’s their newspaper. It’s _______. 4 They’re our bikes. They’re _______. 5 They’re my pencils. They’re _______.

Whose / these red socks / be? (I) A Whose red socks are these? B They are mine. Whose / those bikes / be? (they) 4 Whose / that digital camera / be? (I) A __________________________________? A __________________________________? B __________________________________. B __________________________________. Whose / this book / be? (you) 5 Whose / these jeans / be? (he) A __________________________________? A __________________________________? B __________________________________. B __________________________________. Whose / this car / be? (we) 6 Whose / this video game / be? (she) A __________________________________? A __________________________________? B __________________________________. B __________________________________. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

How long does it take…?


Per chiedere quanto tempo occorre per fare qualcosa si usa la costruzione How long does it take + to + forma base del verbo: How long does it take to bake this cake? = Quanto tempo ci vuole per cuocere questa torta? La risposta si forma con It takes…: It takes half an hour. = Serve mezz’ora. Per chiedere invece quanto qualcuno ci impiega a fare qualcosa si usa How long does it take + soggetto + to + forma base del verbo: How long does it take you to get home from school? = Quanto ci impieghi ad arrivare a casa da scuola? Per rispondere si usa It takes me…: It takes me fifteen minutes. = Ci impiego quindici minuti.


Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3


How / to / does / you / take / long / home / get / it 4 to / does / write / take / your / How / it / long / How long does it take you to get home? essay it / does / How / to / a / take / long / cake / bake ____________________________________? _____________________________________? 5 to / his / long / room / does / How / it / clean / does / boil / an / How / to / long / it / take / egg Tom / take _____________________________________? ____________________________________? does / it / long / to / it / cut / take / How 6 TV / does / long / the / it / to / How / repair / take _____________________________________? ____________________________________? Completa le frasi con How long does it take…? e It takes (to).

1 2 3 4 5 6


How long does it take your brother to come here? (your brother) It takes ten minutes to cook pasta. ____________________________ to wash the car? (the cleaner) ____________________________ years to learn to play the guitar. ____________________________ to finish? (the washing machine) ____________________________ one hour of hard work to repair your PC. ____________________________ to prepare a mushroom risotto? ____________________________ long to change the sign. (negative) Usa i suggerimenti dati per formulare delle domande per le risposte date.

1 2 3 4 5 6

How long does it take you to do your homework? (do / your homework) It takes me two hours. _______________________________________? (go / from the library to the gym) It takes half an hour. _______________________________________? (get / a haircut) It doesn’t take long. _______________________________________? ( your mother / knit the sweater) It takes her two months. _______________________________________? (clean / the kitchen) It takes long. _______________________________________? (the show / end) It takes half an hour. _______________________________________? (pack / your things) It takes me few minutes.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



have to, must Si usa have to + forma base del verbo per esprimere un dovere o un obbligo imposto da qualcun altro: You have to wear a uniform at my school. = Devi indossare la divisa nella mia scuola. La forma negativa si ottiene con don’t have to + forma base del verbo e si usa per indicare che non è necessario o non è obbligatorio fare qualcosa: I don’t have to go to school if I’m ill. = Non devo andare a scuola se sono malato. Il verbo have to costruisce le forme negativa e interrogativa e le risposte brevi con l’ausiliare do: ‘Did you have to wear a uniform when you attended primary school?’ ‘Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.’ = “Dovevi indossare una divisa quando frequentavi le elementari?” “Sì. / No.” Ricorda che: Have to non è un verbo modale, ha tutti i tempi e i modi e si usa anche per coniugare must = dovere nei tempi mancanti: Yesterday I had to call the plumber. = Ieri ho dovuto chiamare l’idraulico. Il verbo must è un verbo modale, perciò è uguale per tutte le persone ed è sempre seguito dalla forma base del verbo principale. Si usa must per dare un ordine o esprimere un dovere, un obbligo, spesso avvertito dal soggetto stesso: I can’t come with you. I must study. = Non posso venire con te. Devo studiare. La forma negativa è must not / mustn’t e si usa per esprimere una proibizione o un divieto: You mustn’t run in the corridor. = Non dovete correre nel corridoio. Must è utilizzato anche per dare un consiglio, o per raccomandare qualcosa: X-Men is an amazing film! You must see it! = X-Men è un film fantastico! Lo devi vedere!


Completa le frasi seguenti con la forma corretta di have to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Gary’s car is at the mechanic’s so he has to take a bus to work. Write your mobile number but you ______________ write your email address. Danny can’t go to the party. He ______________ study for an exam. I ______________ call my parents. I called them yesterday. They ______________ take a bus. It was too far to walk. It’s Sunday, and I’m happy because I ______________ wake up early! We ______________ to go for some shopping: the fridge is empty! Vanessa is very intelligent. She ______________ study too hard. Policemen ______________ to wear a uniform. Completa le frasi con must o mustn’t.

You must visit India one day. It’s a fascinating country! 1 You _____________ interrupt someone in their speech. 2 Students _____________ turn off their mobile phones at school. 3 Babies _____________ stay at home alone. It’s dangerous. 4 We’ve got a Maths test tomorrow. We _____________ study hard. 5 We _____________ forget Mum and Dad’s wedding anniversary. 6 The film starts at 9 p.m. We _____________ be late. 7 The sea is rough today. You _____________ swim here. 8 Dave’s got a temperature. He _____________ stay in bed today. 56

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

26 3

Completa la seconda frase con la forma corretta di have to in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. It was necessary to tell your father. I had to tell your father. 1 Is it necessary for me to pay now? 5 __________________ pay now? 2 It was necessary for us to catch the early train. We __________________ catch the early train. 3 Jim doesn’t want to go by bus but it is necessary. 6 Jim __________________ go by bus. 4 Is it necessary to take notes during the lecture? __________ we __________________ take notes during the lecture?


It was necessary for us to study during the summer to pass our exams. We __________________ study during the summer to pass our exams. To go to China, it is necessary for you to have a passport. To go to China, you __________________ have a passport.

Completa le frasi con must o mustn’t e uno dei verbi nel riquadro. forget • finish • wash • leave • read • feed • go • sleep • eat 1 2 3 4


My hands are dirty. I must wash them. You __________________ at least 8 hours 5 per night to have a real rest. We __________________ to the supermarket. 6 We haven’t got any milk. 7 I __________________ to phone Chris. It’s a great book. You __________________ it. 8

The doctor told Louise she __________________ too many sweets. You _________________ the animals at the zoo. He __________________ the window open. It’s raining! I __________________ my essay.

Completa le frasi con mustn’t o don’t have to / doesn’t have to. You don’t have to worry, it’s all planned. 1 They __________________ wear a uniform. It’s not obligatory at this school. 2 You __________________ decide right now. You can decide later. 3 We __________________ eat in the classrooms. 4 You __________________ cut the grass. I cut it yesterday. 5 He __________________ drive so fast. It’s dangerous. 6 Clara is very rich. She __________________ work!


Adesso scrivi le cose che hai dovuto o non hai dovuto fare da piccolo. Prendi spunto dai suggerimenti nel riquadro. learn Chinese • wear a uniform • go to school • go to bed early • walk to school wear glasses • write poems • do the washing-up • tidy my room 1 2 3 4

I had to wear a uniform at school. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

5 6 7 8

_____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________.



be going to Forma affermativa Estesa I am going to read. You are going to play. He is going to sing. She is going to dance. It is going to rain. We are going to study. You are going to eat. They are going to help.

Contratta I’m going to read. You’re going to play. He’s going to sing. She’s going to dance. It’s going to rain. We’re going to study. You’re going to eat. They’re going to help.

Forma interrogativa Am I going to read...? Are you going to play...? Is he going to sing...? Is she going to dance...? Is it going to rain... ? Are we going to study... ? Are you going to eat... ? Are they going to help... ?

Forma negativa Estesa I am not going to read. You are not going to play. He is not going to sing. She is not going to dance. It is not going to rain. We are not going to study. You are not going to eat. They are not going to help.

Contratta I’m not going to read. You aren’t going to play. He isn’t going to sing. She isn’t going to dance. It isn’t going to rain. We aren’t going to study. You aren’t going to eat. They aren’t going to help.

Risposte brevi Affermative Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. Yes, it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

Negative No, you aren’t. No, I’m not. No, he isn’t. No, she isn’t. No, it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

Il futuro con be going to si ottiene con il presente del verbo be seguito da going to e dalla forma base del verbo principale. Si usa: • per parlare di piani per il futuro: What are you going to do after school? = Che farai dopo la scuola? • per esprimere l’intenzione di fare qualcosa: I’m going to have a party for my birthday next week. = Darò / Ho intenzione di dare una festa per il mio compleanno la prossima settimana. • per fare previsioni sulla base di ciò che vediamo o per indicare un evento che sta per accadere: Look at the sky. It’s going to snow. = Guarda il cielo. Sta per nevicare. / Nevicherà.


Cosa farai domani? Rispondi in modo affermativo o negativo usando le espressioni date, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4


buy a magazine I’m going / I’m not going to buy a magazine. go to school 5 help do the housework _____________________________________. _____________________________________. play my favourite sport 6 visit a museum _____________________________________. _____________________________________. play video games 7 read a book _____________________________________. _____________________________________. go on a social networking website 8 call my friends _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

27 2

Formula le domande per le risposte date, usando when, where, what time, who e what. 1 2 3 4

What time are you going to call? I’m going to call at half past eleven. ___________________________________? 5 He’s going to leave in an hour. ___________________________________? 6 They’re going to invite all their friends. ___________________________________? 7 We’re going to watch a movie. ___________________________________? 8 He’s going to repaint the house.


___________________________________? Deanna’s going to visit her grandparents. ___________________________________? My lessons are going to start at ten past eight. ___________________________________? She’s going to meet them at the train station. ___________________________________? I’m going to buy a new pair of shoes.

Usa le parole date per formulare domande e rispondi con risposte che siano vere per te. 1 2 3

What / you / have for lunch today? A What are you going to have for lunch today? B I’m going to have sandwiches. Where / you / live after your diploma? 4 What / you / study at college? A __________________________________? A __________________________________? B __________________________________. B __________________________________. Where / you / go tonight? 5 When / you / go to the beach? A __________________________________? A __________________________________? B __________________________________. B __________________________________. What / you / do when you get home? 6 Where / you / live when you grow up? A __________________________________? A __________________________________? B __________________________________. B __________________________________.


Osserva le immagini e scrivi cosa stanno per fare queste persone.

1 _________________________ _________________________.

2 _________________________ _________________________.

3 _________________________ _________________________.

4 _________________________ _________________________.

5 _________________________ _________________________.

6 _________________________ _________________________.



Ascolta e controlla.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre



Il Future simple: will Forma negativa

Forma affermativa I will go. You will go. He / She / It will go. We will go. You will go. They will go.


Contratta I won’t go. You won’t go. He / She / It won’t go. We won’t go. You won’t go. They won’t go.

I will not go. You will not go. He / She / It will not go. We will not go. You will not go. They will not go.

Forma interrogativa Affermativa Will I walk? Will you walk? Will he / she / it walk? Will we walk? Will you walk? Will they walk?

Negativa Won’t I…? Won’t you…? Won’t he / she / it …? Won’t we…? Won’t you…? Won’t they…?

Risposte brevi Affermative Yes, you will. Yes, I will. Yes, he / she / it will. Yes, we will. Yes, you will. Yes, they will.

Negative No, you won’t. No, I won’t. No, he / she / it won’t. No, we won’t. No, you won’t. No, they won’t.

Il verbo will serve per formare il futuro semplice (Future simple); è un verbo modale ed è uguale per tutte le persone. La forma affermativa si ottiene con soggetto + will (’ll) + forma base del verbo: I will pass my next exam. = Supererò il prossimo esame. La forma negativa si ottiene con soggetto + will not (won’t) + forma base del verbo: They will not come with us. = Non verranno con noi. La forma interrogativa si ottiene con will + soggetto + forma base del verbo + ...?: Will Jen win the match? = Jen vincerà la partita? Ricorda che: Nell’inglese parlato e informale si usa di solito la forma contratta ’ll. Il futuro con will si usa: • per fare previsioni sul futuro: It won’t rain a lot this winter. = Non pioverà molto questo inverno. • per fare promesse: I promise I’ll come to your party. = Prometto che verrò alla tua festa. • con i verbi di opinione think, know, believe, hope: I think I’ll go to the seaside. = Penso di andare al mare.


Leggi le frasi e indica se il Future simple è usato per fare previsioni (A), per decisioni immediate (B), offerte, promesse o avvertimenti (C), per chiedere a qualcuno di fare qualcosa (D) o per esprimere opinioni (E). B I’ll send Vivian an email about the interview. ___ I promise I won’t tell your secret. ___ It will be sunny and hot over the weekend. ___ Will you feed my pet hamster when I’m on holiday? ___ 4 Stop talking, or you’ll get in trouble with the teacher. ___ 5 The shops will be busy tomorrow because it’s Saturday. ___ 1 2 3


6 ‘Do you want something to eat?’ ‘I’ll have a sandwich, please.’ ___ 7 Don’t worry about the cleaning: I’ll do it for you! ___ 8 Benedict thinks he will be picked for the main role in the school play. ___ 9 I’m sure your job interview will go really well. ___ 10 Will you drive the kid to the dentist’s tomorrow for his appointment? ___ Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

28 2

Riordina le parole e scrivi le frasi. 1 2 3 4


be / next summer / experts / will / say / very hot 5 the house / I / you / will / tidy / help Experts says next summer will be very hot. ______________________________________ this evening / arrive / Greg / at 6 o’clock / will 6 dinner / will / you / help / cook / me / ? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ my homework / I / finish / watch / TV / won’t / until / I 7 come / Graham and Sally / to / will / the party / ________________________________________ are you sure / ? don’t / near / go / that dog. you / it / bite / will ______________________________________ ________________________________________ 8 thinks / he / run his own business / he’s / Paul / tomorrow / I / text / I / will / you / promise when / will / older ________________________________________ ______________________________________ Completa le previsioni con will o won’t e i verbi nel riquadro. change • own • be • have • travel • discover • become

1 There ______________ more computers in schools around the world. (✓)

2 We ______________ all ______________ less worries in our lives by 2030. ( )

3 Our planet ______________ warmer and the weather ______________. (✓)

4 Most people _____________ a smartphone (✓)

5 People ______________ around in flying cars. ( )

6 Scientists ____________ a way for humans to live longer. ( )


Scrivi quello che immagini per il tuo futuro. Usa will o won’t per le tue previsioni. Puoi usare le tue idee o i suggerimenti nel riquadro. Ricordati di utilizzare le espressioni di tempo appropriate. learn another language • get a great job • visit Africa • go to university • learn how to drive • buy a car be on television • have children • get married • be famous • travel the world • live in another country buy a pet • donate some money to charity • do something to help the environment 1 2 3 4 5

_____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________. _____________________________________.

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

6 _____________________________________. 7 _____________________________________. 8 _____________________________________. 9 _____________________________________. 10 _____________________________________. 61


will o be going to? Come abbiamo visto, in inglese il futuro può essere espresso in modi diversi, a seconda del significato che si vuole evidenziare.

will / won’t

be going to

per parlare di previsioni future: The future of our planet will depend on us. = Il futuro del pianeta dipenderà da noi.

per esprimere l’intenzione di fare qualcosa: I’m going to study abroad. = Studierò / Ho intenzione di studiare all’estero.

per esprimere un’opinione: I think they will win the national league. = Penso che vinceranno il campionato.

per indicare qualcosa che sicuramente sta per succedere: Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. = Guarda quelle nubi. Sta per piovere. / Pioverà.

per fare promesse: I’ll come to your party. = Verrò alla tua festa.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Laura won’t eat / isn’t going to eat that: she’s so demanding about her food! 1 They are going / will go to Disneyland as a reward for they good marks. 2 The play starts in only 15 minutes, but we are still at home. We are going to miss / will miss the start! 3 Chelsea is doing well this year, but who do you think will win / is going to win the Cup? 4 Take a map, because I’m sure we’ll get lost / ’re going to get lost without it! 5 I can’t believe it. This man is going to walk / will walk barefoot over those hot coals. 6 Next month it’s my granny’s birthday! She’s going to be / will be 100! 7 You’re really good! You’ll pass / ’re going to pass your admission test! 8 Look at that window: the ball will crash / is going to crash into it!


Abbina le domande alle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6


a b c d e f

■ I don’t know, I’ll ask Mum. ■ I promise I won’t tell anyone. ■ I’ll do it when I get home. ■ She isn’t working this afternoon, she’ll be back early. 1 I’m going to have a Star Wars marathon! ■ ■ What is he going to do with all that money?

Coniuga i verbi tra parentesi alla forma corretta di futuro: will o be going to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


What are your plans for the weekend? What time is Jen getting back form work? Don’t forget to put the frozen foods into the freezer! Albert has won a prize of £2,000! You can tell me your secret. Can you come out this evening?

This box looks heavy: I’ll help you with it. Look at those flowers: they are going to blossom! I’m going to the chemist’s. I __________________ (not be) long. Our washing machine is making a strange noise: it __________________ (break) down soon. My little sister has a loose tooth: it __________________ (fall) out soon. Who do you think __________________ (win) the Roland Garros this year? In twenty year, cars __________________ (drive) themselves, experts say. Be careful! This razorblade __________________ (cut) your finger. Don’t go out in this storm. You __________________ (catch) a cold. Maybe we __________________ (stay) in and watch TV, tonight. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

29 4

Completa il dialogo tra Dean e Molly con will o be going to e i verbi dati. Dean What are you doing this weekend, Molly? Molly I am going to see (see) a new musical on Saturday evening at the Dominion Theatre with my friends. Dean Have you got the tickets yet? Molly No, I 1 __________________ (get) them this afternoon, actually. What about joining us? Dean Oh, wow! Thank you, that would be cool. Molly OK, I 2 __________________ (get) you a ticket too. Dean Great ... what time does it start? Molly Eight o'clock, but we 3 _________________ (meet) at the Green Café at 7.15. Dean OK, I 4 __________________ (meet) you in the cafe, but, er... I 5 _________________ (not make) it before 7.30. Molly That's fine. Dean Oh, one more thing ... Now I've got only my credit card with me: I 6 __________________ (pay) for the ticket on Saturday. Is that OK? Molly Yes, that's OK, no worries! Dean Great! Why don't we go and have a pizza? Molly That's a good idea. I 7 __________________ (phone) the others and see if they want to come too. Dean Good, and I 8 __________________ (book) a table for us. Molly Great! I 9 __________________ (meet) you there in a moment.


Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro e la forma corretta di futuro: will o be going to. go • be • need • visit • move • rain • take part • apologise • have a snack • be late • have I think she will be the next President of the United States. Look at those black clouds: it’s going to rain in few minutes! 1 Shaun is wearing his running shoes: he 5 I feel really hungry. I think ________________ in the city marathon. I ________________. 2 I can’t do this alone, I ________________ help! 6 They’ve already decided. They 3 I’m sorry but that was too much: _______________ to the new flat next month. I ________________ this time! 7 I ________________ some tea and scones, 4 For my holidays I ________________ my parents please. for a few days and then I ________________ 8 Wait for me! I promise I ________________ sightseeing around the hills. ________________ for the show!

Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre


Mind Map 4

will e be going to

Hurry up! It will be dark soon. It’ll be a very cold winter. There won’t be enough orange juice for everyone.

Don’t worry: we’ll be there for your school play.

I think they’ll win the match. Do you think they’ll join us at the cinema? Tom believes you won’t finish your test.

fare previsioni per il futuro

esprimere un’opinione

fare promesse


be going to

intenzione di fare qualcosa

qualcosa che sicuramente sta per succedere

I’ve studied very hard: I’m going to pass the exam!

I’m going to buy a new T-shirt: this one has holes in it! We are not going to see you next Friday: I’ve got the tickets for the Opera.


Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

 Units 27-28-29

Progress Check Units 22-29 1 Abbina le due parti delle frasi completandole con first, next, then, after that, finally, lastly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Read the instructions carefully and _________________________. a ■ arrived home. After a very long road trip, at midnight we b ■ rushed away to catch the bus. ___________________________. c ■ looked away again. There were lightning storms; ___________________________. d ■ let me apologize for our delay. She took her coat and purse and __________________________. e ■ use the appliance. Listen to the recording, _____________________________. f ■ I heard a violent thunder And finally here we are: _____________________________. crashing near the house. Add all the ingredients, stir well, pour the cream into a mould and g ■ answer the questions on _____________________________. your notebook. He glanced quickly at her and ____________________________. h ■ put it in the fridge for two hours.

2 Completa le frasi con the one o the ones e le parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3

Don’t use that pan: use 4 _______________ (aluminium). Pick the recipes’ book, 5 _______________ (on the shelf). Please, buy me some apples for the cake: take 6 _______________ (red), they’re very sweet.

Which house did you buy? _______________ (at the end of the road). Don’t worry for the train, I’ll take _______________ (next). Can you pass me my diary, please? It’s _______________ (black) over there.

3 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 That red bag over there is my / mine. 5 2 Hello, my / mine name is Andrea! What’s your / yours? 6 3 ‘Is this Jim’s phone?’ ‘ No, this isn’t his / him: this 7 is mine / my.’ 8 4 Tom and Jane’s house is new, our / ours is old.

I talked to Emma’s sister. Her / Hers name is Janet. Give Ted and Jim their / theirs backpacks. This is my new T-shirt. It is just like hers / her. ‘Are those your jerseys, boys?’ ‘Yes, they are our / ours.’

4 Usa le parole date per formulare delle domande. Poi rispondi seguendo il suggerimento in parentesi. 1 2 3

whose / this dog / be? (Louise) 4 whose / those shopping bags / be? (Ms Hudson) ______________________________________. ______________________________________. whose / these cookies / be? (I) 5 whose / that birthday party / be? (my friends) ______________________________________. ______________________________________. whose / this mobile / be? (my brother) 6 whose / those shoes / be? (Clara) ______________________________________. ______________________________________.

5 Completa le frasi con have to o must. 1 We can’t go away yet. We _____________ wait 5 for the babysitter to arrive. 6 2 She _____________ sign every paper at the end of the exam. 7 3 I’m sorry but I can’t help you now. You _____________ come back tomorrow. 8 4 The room is silent. He _____________ be asleep. Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

You _____________ be very cold, come inside! My sister _____________ wake up at 6:45 a.m. every day to get to work in time. When they were kids, my grandparents _____________ walk to school. You _____________ see Doctor Strange! That film is amazing! 65

Progress Check Units 22-29 6 Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4

He doesn’t have to / mustn’t buy more fruit, 5 we’ve got plenty of it. You mustn’t / don’t have to tell anyone what 6 I said, it’s a secret! They mustn’t / don’t have to ski down that slope, 7 it’s very dangerous. We don’t have to / mustn’t cook, we can have 8 a pizza delivered.

Sheila mustn’t / doesn’t have to forget to water the flowers while we’re away. Hurry up! We don’t have to / mustn’t be late this time! We don’t have to / mustn’t leave yet, our train is in two hours. They mustn’t / don’t have to finish repairing the car today, they can finish it tomorrow.

7 Completa le frasi seguenti con be going to e i verbi nel riquadro. watch • cut • visit • buy • cook • plant • miss • paint 1 You __________________ your plane, it’s really 5 I can’t stand the boring colour of my bedroom late. anymore: I __________________ it lime green! 2 Tessa and Julia __________________ a new 6 Tim __________________ the grass in our house by the sea. neighbours’ garden. 3 Our municipality __________________ a new 7 We __________________ the new super hero tree for every newborn this year. movie, tonight, on our new 3-D LED TV. 4 We __________________ the new chocolate 8 Everybody __________________ some typical factory next month. dish from their own country for the party.

8 Formula delle domande con le parole date e will / won’t. Poi, rispondi con le short answers. 1 2 3

they / invite / us / their wedding? (3) 4 you and Emily / have lunch / at the new Indian ____________________________________? restaurant ? (3) ____________________________________. ____________________________________? you / buy / a new MP3 player ? (7) ____________________________________. ____________________________________? 5 it / rain / next week ? (3) ____________________________________. ____________________________________? Kim and Harry / study / Maths / at university / ____________________________________. next year ? (7) 6 I / receive / the package / by courier? (3) ____________________________________? ____________________________________? ____________________________________. ____________________________________.

9 Completa il brano seguente con la forma corretta di futuro.


This weekend, Tobey 1______________ compete in a chess tournament in Scotland. He 2______________ practice hard all week because he wants to win the tournament. The winner 3______________ receive £500. Tobey hopes he 4______________ get first place! Tobey’s family 5 ______________ travel to Scotland with him. They 6______________ sit in the stands and watch him play. Of course, they 7______________ be proud of Tobey even if he does not win first place. Tobey’s friends 8 ______________ travel to the tournament. They 9______________ watch the tournament at school on the Internet. The whole school 10______________ cheer for him. They 11______________ throw a party when Tobey 12______________ be back home, whether he wins or loses. Go Tobey! Step 1 – Recupero secondo quadrimestre

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento – Contents UNIT





Jobs Housework

Talking about how you do things

Present simple o Present continuous? Pronomi possessivi whose Avverbi di modo

Interesting Jobs for the Next Generation

Entertainment Adjectives to describe feelings

Describing experiences

Past simple – be be born there was/there were

Universal Studios Hollywood


The media The news

Talking about past events

Past simple – verbi regolari Espressioni di tempo

Sam & Cat Interview


Places around town Directions

Giving directions

Preposizioni di luogo Preposizioni di movimento How long… ? How far… ? How + aggettivo

The London Transport Museum


Natural places Wild animals

Making comparisons

Il comparativo degli aggettivi Il superlativo degli aggettivi less/the least (not) as… as

Terrifying Australian Sea Creatures

Holiday accommodation Holiday activities

Talking about future intentions

be going to Espressioni di tempo futuro how about… ? / Why don’t… ? / Let’s…

Let’s Go on a Student Exchange Programme!

Places to eat Menus

Ordering food

Present simple per il futuro Present continuous per il futuro can (per permesso e possibilità) Indefiniti composti

Strange British Foods!


Talking about rules

have to must/mustn’t need to

Civil Disobedience







p. 16


p. 22


p. 28







Frankenstein by Mary Shelley GLOSSARY

p. 52

p. 60

LET’S HAVE SOME FUN – ANSWER KEY Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

p. 63


Find a career!

Many adult jobs are similar to the housework we sometimes do at home. Answer these questions an d discover a possible future career!



Vocabulary 1

Jobs Abbina i nomi dei mestieri alle immagini.






1 2 3 4


engineer nurse painter cook

5 6 7 8

postman/woman housewife policeman/woman waiter/waitress

Housework Abbina i verbi ai complementi. Poi indica con un tick (3) quali sono i lavori domestici di cui sei tu a occuparti a casa. 1 do 2 make 3 lay/clear 4 babysit 5 do 6 take 7 hang out 8 load/unload 9 tidy 10 sweep


Chefs and professional cooks prepare meals for lots of people at the same time. It is a very creative but often stressful job, especially when the customers* want different things to what is on the menu.




Do you like cooking simple meals for your family?

a b c d e f g h i j

the beds the bins out little brothers or sisters the dishwasher your room the washing-up the floor the table the ironing the washing

Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Why is a chef’s job sometimes stressful? _________________________________________________ 2 Which three things does a waiter or waitress do? _________________________________________________ 3 What do shop assistants spend a lot of time doing? _________________________________________________ 4 Why are organised people happy working in a library? _________________________________________________ 5 What does a farmer never forget to do? _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Can you lay a table properly?*


A waiter or waitress ensures* that the atmosphere in the restaurant is welcoming, the tables look good and the right food goes to the right people.


Do you always remember to water the plants?

Can you fold your clothes neatly?*


Shop assistants working in a clothes shop spend a lot of time folding the clothes that shoppers usually leave in a mess!

Organised people are often happy working in a music shop, library or busy office. They know exactly where every book, CD or document is.

A farmer or a gardener is happy to work outside and never forgets to water the plants or feed the animals. The work can be very satisfying but you often get dirty!

FUNCTIONS – Talking about how you do things Chiedere e dire come si fa un’attività How do you play chess/do that? You play chess/do it slowly/silently/ carefully...


Can you easily find the book, DVD or CD you want in your room?

Glossary customers clienti properly correttamente ensures assicura neatly ordinatamente

How to do a magic trick! Riordina i paragrafi e ricostruisci il dialogo. A Well, first you show everyone the ball in one hand... C That’s easy! 1 A Abracadabra! B That’s brilliant! C How do you do that?

Chiedere e dire di chi è il turno Whose turn is it? It’s mine/yours/Paul’s!

A Now you try. Whose turn is it? B It’s my turn! C No it isn’t, it’s mine!

A And finally you can open your now empty hand! C Ah! Now I understand. A Yes, but then you secretly transfer the ball to the other hand, like this... B OK...

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento




Present simple o Present continuous? Forma affermativa Present simple I/You/We/They eat He/She/It eats

Forma negativa Present simple I/You/We/They don’t eat He/She/It doesn’t eat

Forma interrogativa Present simple Do I/you/we/they eat? Does he/she/it eat?

I am not eating You/We/They aren’t eating He/She/It isn’t eating

Present continuous Am I eating? Are you/we/they eating? Is he/she/it eating?

now, at the moment, today/these days; this morning/afternoon/ evening; this week/month/year

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Alan is busy at the moment, he cleans/is cleaning the bathroom. 2 Maurice and Mandy always lay/are laying the table before dinner. 3 Linda never tidies/is tidying her room on Saturdays. 4 Lucy does/is doing the ironing every day after lunch. 5 Sorry, Mark makes/is making the beds so he can’t go out and play yet. 6 Pietro and Lisa babysit/are babysitting their little sister this afternoon.

cut listen

1 The chef ______________ a special dinner for us at the moment. 2 The postman ______________ letters every morning. 3 Look! His hairdresser ______________ Kevin’s hair very short this time! 4 A software developer usually ______________ in front of a computer all day. 5 A good teacher always ______________ to the student’s difficulties. 6 The police officer ______________ the criminal now.

Present continuous

Il Present simple si usa per esprimere azioni abituali mentre il Present continuous si usa per azioni che avvengono in questo momento o periodo di tempo.


sit prepare deliver arrest

I am eating You/We/They are eating He/She/It is eating

Watch out!


Completa le frasi con il Present simple o il Present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro.

Present continuous

Avverbi ed espressioni di tempo/frequenza Present simple Present continuous always, often, usually, sometimes, never; every week/month/year; once/twice/three times a week/month/year


Pronomi possessivi Aggettivi possessivi

Pronomi possessivi

my your his her its our your their

mine yours his hers / ours yours theirs


Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con il pronome possessivo corrispondente. 1 It’s not your turn, it’s my turn! 2 Why does Tracy want to use my computer? Where’s her computer? 3 Don’t eat all my chocolate, eat your chocolate! 4 ‘Is this their car?’ ‘No, that’s their car!’ 5 Which is our place? Ah yes, this is our place! 6 ‘Is this Keith’s phone?’ ‘Yes, that’s his phone.’ 7 These are my biscuits, those are your biscuits!


___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento




Whose (“Di chi?”) può avere due costruzioni.

Whose book is this? Whose is this book?

Di chi è questo libro?

Whose jeans are these? Whose are these jeans?

Di chi sono questi jeans?


A chi appartengono questi oggetti? A Jack piace il colore rosso, a Jim quello blu. Formula domande e risposte come nell’esempio.

1 phone ‘Whose phone is this?’ ‘It’s Jim’s!’ 2 sunglasses

La maggior parte degli avverbi di modo si forma aggiungendo -ly all’aggettivo (quiet  quietly). Ma ci sono delle VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE negli aggettivi che terminano in: si aggiunge -ily si aggiunge -ally si aggiunge -bly Watch out!

Ricorda che alcuni aggettivi hanno degli avverbi irregolari (good  well) oppure rimangono invariati (late, fast, hard).


slow quiet hard bad perfect dangerous

1 She is singing ______________.

2 Time is moving very ______________.

3 She’s walking very ______________.

4 He’s painting ______________.

5 She is riding her bike ______________!

6 They are studying ______________.

3 jacket 4 MP3 player 5 frisbee 6 flip flops

Avverbi di modo

-y -ic -ble

Completa le frasi con gli avverbi di modo degli aggettivi nel riquadro.

Scrivi gli avverbi di modo di questi aggettivi. 1 quick ____________ 2 bad ____________ 3 happy ____________ 4 probable ____________

5 fast 6 polite 7 slow 8 quiet

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________


Over to you!

Ora scrivi una lettera a un tuo amico e raccontagli quello che stai facendo in questo momento. Aiutati con le domande nel riquadro. • Where are you at the moment? • What are you doing? • How are you doing it?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________



Interesting Jobs


for the next Generation

The world of work in Britain is changing quickly and so are the types of available jobs. The number of positions for some jobs is growing, for some jobs it is declining* and for some jobs the number is staying the same. Demand* for all of the following jobs is growing so start thinking now about your future!


________________ These professionals are the brains behind your smartphone! They include App developers,* avatar developers and people who design computer software, databases and games.


________________ These people are responsible for the various fonts, styles and clean layout you love on all your favourite websites. This is considered one of the fastest-growing jobs this decade.


________________ These professionals are not only animal doctors, they also help educate people on how to have a healthy relationship with animals.


________________ These professionals advise clients on food and nutrition, develop meal plans and help us live a healthier lifestyle or reach a nutritional goal.


________________ These skin care specialists work closely with clients to evaluate their skin condition, discuss treatments and improve their appearance.


________________ If you are able to speak two or more languages fluently, the world needs you and your abilities to help people communicate, either in spoken or written form.


Reading comprehension


11 Leggi il testo e abbina i nomi dei lavori nel riquadro ai paragrafi. Poi ascolta e controlla le tue risposte.

declining diminuendo demand richiesta developers sviluppatori

veterinarian esthetician software developer dietician and nutritionist interpreter and translator web developer


Rileggi il testo e abbina le frasi ai lavori (1-6) elencati nel testo. Which professionals‌ a design computer games? b help people have a good relationship with animals? c help you eat well? d look after your skin? e change written work from one language to another? f design websites?


Hero’s Corner Children should have pens in their hands not tools. Iqbal Masih (1983-1995) HEROIC ACTION: activist against child labour NATIONALITY: Pakistani WHEN: 1994 AGE: 11

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s ! Fun


Our house is clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy! Author unknown


Sai indicare un lavoro per ogni lettera dell’alfabeto?

stronomer B_____________ uilder lectrician A_____________ C_____________ D_____________ E_____________ F_____________ G_____________


ce cream man I_______________

udge J_______________

nitter K_______________

ife guard L_______________

iner M_______________

ptician apper urgeon N_____________ O_____________ P_____________ Q_____________ R_____________ S_____________ T_____________

sher U_______________

-ray technician V_______________ W_______________ X_______________


Let’s make a friendship bracelet! Segui le istruzioni per creare il tuo braccialetto dell’amicizia.


Take three pieces of different coloured string (each piece two or three times the length of your arm) and fold them in half. Tie* the strings into a loop* at the folded end and attach the loop to a safety pin!*



acht builder Y_______________

oo keeper Z_______________

Take the first string and tie it tightly around the other strings. Continue for five (or more) knots.*

Then take the second colour and do the same thing again. Then again with the third colour. Continue until the bracelet is the length you want!

Glossary tie annoda loop anello safety pin spilla da balia knots nodi


12 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e cerchia i suoni /l/ o /r/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

Let the translator translate Larry’s letter!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento





Vocabulary 1

Entertainment Abbina le parole alle lettere A-E nell’immagine. A B C


1 2 3



the Cartoon Genius


lighting stage set

4 5

Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo on the 5th of January, 1941. He is a world-famous film director, animator, manga artist, illustrator, producer and screenwriter.* The brilliance of Miyazaki’s films is on a level with American animator Walt Disney and the British animator Nick Park, creator of Wallace & Gromit.

lead singer musicians

Reading comprehension

Adjectives to describe feelings Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 Mark is interested in/annoyed by the audience.

2 Melissa is excited/ embarrassed about her holiday.

3 Luisa is surprised/ worried about her exams.

4 Jim and Julie are bored/exhausted after their run.



Rileggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Studio Ghibli was founded in ____________. A 1941 B 1985 C 1986 2 ____________ was Miyazaki’s first animated feature film. A The Wind B Spirited C Castle in Rises Away the Sky 3 The biggest film of all time in Japan was ____________. A Princess B Spirited C Ponyo Mononoke Away 4 Ponyo was released in ____________. A 2001 B 2008 C 2014 5 Miyazaki’s last film was ____________. A The Wind B Ponyo C Castle in Rises the Sky

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

2 Studio Ghibli is where Miyazaki and his partner Isao Takahata animate their films. It was founded* in 1985 and their first feature film was Castle in the Sky in 1986. This beautiful film was inspired by Jonathan Swift’s flying island of Laputa in Gulliver’s Travels. When the environmentally-themed Princess Mononoke was released* in 1997, it was the winner of every box office record at that time in Japan. Then in 2001, Spirited Away was the biggest film of all time in Japan and it won* an Oscar for best animated film.

Since the release of his 2008 film Ponyo, Studio Ghibli is the only Japanese animation studio to use traditional drawing techniques for its films. Miyazaki is not anti-technology, but he believes in the importance of the artist’s hand. This is refreshingly different from the usual Hollywood animation models. In 2014, Miyazaki gave* us his final film before retiring* – The Wind Rises. It tells the passionate story of Jiro, a young boy in love with the concept of flying. It had fantastic reviews and follows Miyazaki’s familiar themes of pacifism and love of nature.

Glossary screenwriter sceneggiatore was founded fu fondato was released uscì

won vinse gave ha dato retiring ritirarsi dalle scene

FUNCTIONS – Describing experiences Chiedere e dire dove sei stato/a Where were you last Saturday? I was at the cinema/theatre/concert.

Chiedere e dare opinioni How was the film/show/concert? It was brilliant/terrible/exciting/boring. The lighting wasn’t great/bad. The sound/set was terrible/brilliant. The costumes were funny/amazing. The audience was happy.


Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo in inglese. A _________________________________________


Your friend

Chiedi al tuo amico dove è stato domenica scorsa.

Risponde che è stato a teatro.

B _________________________________________

Risponde che è stato fantastico e che i costumi erano meravigliosi.

A _________________________________________

Chiedi com’era lo spettacolo. Chiedi com’era la scena.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Risponde che non era male e che l’illuminazione era molto bella.

B _________________________________________ A _________________________________________ B _________________________________________




Past simple – be Forma affermativa singolare


I was you were he/she/it was

we were you were they were

Watch out!

Il Past simple di be ha solo due forme: was e were. Non esistono forme contratte.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 It was/were a fantastic film! 2 She was/were at the theatre with Lucy. 3 His parents was/were late. 4 I was/were at home all day yesterday. 5 The concert was/were brilliant! 6 You was/were lucky! 7 We was/were at the park.

Forma negativa estesa


I was not you were not he/she/it was not we were not you were not they were not

I wasn’t you weren’t he/she/it wasn’t we weren’t you weren’t they weren’t


Completa le frasi con il Past simple di be alla forma negativa. 1 Gandhi ______________ from Thailand, he was from India. 2 I ______________ at school yesterday because I’m on holiday! 3 They ______________ at Disney World, they were at Universal Studios Hollywood. 4 Miyazaki’s first feature film ______________ Princess Mononoke, it was Castle in the Sky. 5 You ______________ first, you were last! 6 We ______________ tired after the game, we were exhausted! 7 Peter and Simon, you ______________ at home, you were at Belinda’s house.


Forma interrogativa singolare


Was I… ? Were you… ? Was he/she/it… ?

Were we… ? Were you… ? Were they… ?

Risposte brevi singolare


Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.

Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.

Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.

Yes, he/she/it was. No, he/she/it wasn’t.

Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.


Scrivi domande e risposte brevi affermative (3) o negative (7) come nell’esempio. 1 the food / good? (3) ‘Was the food good?’ ‘Yes, it was.’ 2 the semi-final / exciting? (3) _________________________________________________ 3 they / at the beach? (7) _________________________________________________ 4 Jim / with Alan? (3) _________________________________________________ 5 you / happy / with the result? (7) _________________________________________________ 6 we / amazed / by the costumes? (3) _________________________________________________


Completa il dialogo con il Past simple di be alla forma corretta. Where (1) _____________ you yesterday afternoon? Joe I (2) _____________ at the library. Mum Really? Joe Yes, I (3) _____________! Mum No, you (4) _____________. The library (5) _____________ closed all day yesterday. Joe Oh... Mum So... ? Joe OK, I’m sorry, I (6) _____________ really at the library. I (7) _____________ with Michela. We (8) _____________ at her house.


Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR be born Per parlare della nascita, in inglese si usa il Past simple di be + born. ‘Where was Johnny Depp born?’ ‘He was born in Kentucky, USA.’ ‘When were Scarlett Johansson and her twin brother born?’ ‘They were born in 1984.’


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di be born. 1 Hayao Miyazaki _________________ in Tokyo, Japan. 2 Elvis Presley _________________ in 1935. 3 Maradona’s parents _________________ in Italy. They _________________ in Esquina, Argentina. 4 ‘Where _________________ you _________________?’ ‘I _________________ in Spain.’ 5 ‘Where _________________ the director Paolo Sorrentino _________________?’ ‘He was born in Naples, Italy.’ 6 ‘Where _________________ your parents _________________?’ ‘They _________________ in Singapore.’


Completa il testo con una parola per ogni spazio.

Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein

Marty Feldman (1934-1982) (1) _______ an English comedy writer, actor and comedian. He was (2) _______ in London (3) _______ 1934. His parents (4) _______ Jewish immigrants from Kiev in the Ukraine. Marty (5) _______ famous for his hilarious role of Igor, the servant in the film Young Frankenstein. Mel Brooks (6) _______ the director of the film and Gene Wilder starred as Frederick Frankenstein, grandson of the original Dr Frankenstein. The film is a parody of the classic horror story by Mary Shelley. The film (7) _______ in black and white to evoke a gothic atmosphere and most of the laboratory equipment in the film Young Frankenstein (8) _______ from a 1931 version of Frankenstein.


there was/there were Al Past simple, l’espressione there is diventa there was (“c’era”) e there are diventa there were (“c’erano”). La forma negativa, le domande e le risposte brevi seguono le stesse regole di formazione di there is/there are.


Completa il testo con there was/there wasn’t, there were/there weren’t.

(1) ______________ a fantastic concert near my school last week! (2) ______________ thousands of people in the audience and (3) ______________ any problems getting tickets because the concert was outside. (4) ______________ also a great support band and my brother was on the stage because he is a lighting technician. (5) ______________ lots of places to buy hamburgers and (6) ______________ even a karaoke show after the concert and the lead singer was on the stage with us. It was a brilliant evening! Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Over to you!

Ora scrivi un testo su un personaggio famoso che ti piace particolarmente. Prendi a modello l’esercizio 7 e aiutati con le domande nel riquadro. • Where was he/she born? • Who were his/her parents? • Why is/was your person famous?

___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

My favourite celebrity’s photo




Universal Studios Hollywood

Universal Studios Hollywood is a film studio and theme park* in the San Fernando Valley region of the city of Los Angeles in California, USA. It is one of the oldest and most famous Hollywood film studios and still makes many films today.


Universal Studios was opened to the public in 1915.


The first guided tours of the sound stages and film sets were in 1962.


There were more than 8 million visitors to Universal Studios in 2014!

10 Fun Facts About Universal Studios Hollywood! 3


One of the first attractions in the theme park was the War Lord Tower. It opened in 1965.


In 1996, the exciting Jurassic Park Ride opened.


In April 2014, the theme park announced* a new Simpsons Food Court in the style of the characters close to the Simpsons Ride.

Woody Woodpecker is the official mascot for Universal Studios Hollywood. Woody is a cartoon character and was designed by Walter Lantz in 1940.


In 1979, visitors were amazed by the Battle of Galactica as a staged* event on the Studio Tour.


Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 How many visitors were at Universal Studios Hollywood in 2014? _________________________________________________ 2 Who is the official mascot? _________________________________________________ 3 What was one of the first attractions in the theme park? _________________________________________________ 4 What was the live musical show in 1994? _________________________________________________ 5 Where is the Simpsons Food Court? _________________________________________________


The Flintstones Show was a live musical show and opened in 1994.


Universal Studios Hollywood has plans to open The Wizarding World of Harry Potter with a Forbidden Journey Ride in 2016.

Glossary theme park parco a tema staged messo in scena announced annunciò

Reading comprehension 1


Hero’s Corner Kate Winslet (1975-) HEROIC ACTION: saved the life of an old woman and her two children from a burning house NATIONALITY: English WHEN: 2011

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s ! Fun


I never called my work an ‘art’. It’s part of show business, the business of building entertainment. Walt Disney


Leggi le definizioni e completa il cruciverba. 11


Across 3 The person who introduces a TV or radio show. 6 The moves a group of dancers perform to music. 7 The main story in a play, novel or a film. Down 1 The part of an actor in a play or film. 2 An actor or musician who plays to an audience. 4 Words for a play or a film. 5 All the actors in a film or play.

2 Let’s make a stop motion animation! Segui le istruzioni per creare il tuo film d’animazione.

22 P 33 P


S 66 C H







O G 77


1 2 3 4

Choose some objects or figures to use in your movie (for example Lego toys). Put the figures in position for your first photo. Take your first photo! Begin the movement sequence by slightly* changing the position of slightly leggermente the figures or part of the figures (for example an arm, head or leg). tie rilega 5 Take a photo of each position change. 6 Continue the movement sequence until your action is complete. 7 Now print your photos and tie* them together to create a ‘flip book’ or import your pictures into a movie-making software and create your Stop Motion film!




15 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e cerchia il suono /w/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

Winnie the Pooh wants to work with Hollywood’s Woody Woodpecker!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



The Media

EXPLORE ! A I e D E M h t

The word ‘media’ means a way of communicating information and ideas. In prehistoric times, people played drums and sent smoke signals to transmit messages. Even carrier pigeons* are an ancient form of media! After electricity was discovered, from 1837 Morse code* was used with telegraph systems.

Vocabulary 1

The media Abbina i nomi dei mezzi di comunicazione alle immagini.






1 2 3


newspaper Internet book

4 5 6

radio TV magazines

The news Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. check interview broadcasts do

sent reported filming take

1 He _______________ me a strange email last week. 2 Remember to _______________ plenty of research before you write the article. 3 Did you _______________ all your facts and sources? 4 Unfortunately I didn’t _______________ many photos of the event. 5 RAI Sport _______________ all the latest sporting events. 6 They are _______________ a documentary about my school. 7 Do you want to _______________ some famous people? 8 The newspaper _______________ the details of the crime yesterday.


Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e completa la tabella con le parole nel riquadro.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

blogs books radio e-books magazines pamphlets TV

Print media

Broadcast media

newspapers Facebook

Digital media

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

3 Modern media can be divided into print media (e.g. books, newspapers, pamphlets*), broadcast media (TV from 1925, radio from 1893) and digital media (e.g. web pages, e-books, social media, digital video and audio). Before the Internet, media was limited to radio, TV, newspapers and magazines but the boom in digital technologies created access to information that your parents could* only dream about when they were young! Mass media is defined as communicating to a large audience, usually on a national or international level. Local media, on the other hand, passes on information to smaller areas of people and tends to focus on local news and events. The Internet provides many mass media services such as websi tes like YouTube, emails, blogs, podcasts and internet-based radio, newspapers and television. Social media networks such as Facebook and Google+ create networks for the exchange of information on a global scale. Variou s recent revolutions around the world grew* via social media and managed* to pass video and text information to large groups of people very quickly. So next time you log onto Facebook, remember that your carrier pigeons piccioni viaggiatori messages and videos Morse code codice Morse might* change the world! pamphlets opuscoli


could potevano grew sono cresciute managed sono state capaci might potrebbero

FUNCTIONS – Talking about past events Chiedere e rispondere di un evento nel passato Did you go to the beach yesterday? What happened? When did it happen? What did you see/do? Why was it.../were you... ? How did you feel? I was... when...


Completa la chat con le domande appropriate. Hi Barbie :-) (1) ___________________________ yesterday? Well, I went to the beach. It was terrible! (2) _________________________ it so terrible? I almost died! Oh no! (3) _____________________________? I was in the water a long way from the beach when I heard a bell and lots of people shouting. (4) _________________________? I saw a black and white flag! Pirates? No stupid! It was the signal for sharks!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento




Past simple – verbi regolari

Watch out!

Forma affermativa I/You/He/She/It/We/You/They

Sono irregolari i verbi che al Past simple non aggiungono -ed ma hanno una forma propria che va imparata a memoria.


Watch out!

We went to the cinema last week.

Il Past simple dei verbi regolari si ottiene aggiungendo -ed alla forma base del verbo. Ci sono alcune VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE nei verbi che terminano in: -e muta

si aggiunge -d

love  loved

consonante + -y

-y diventa -ied

worry  worried

vocale + -y

si aggiunge -ed play  played

vocale + consonante e il verbo - è monosillabico - è bisillabico con accento sulla seconda sillaba - termina in -l

si raddoppia la consonante finale


Completa l’email con il Past simple dei verbi irregolari tra parentesi.

To: The editor Mr Snowdon Subject: Hurricane Arthur Hurricane Arthur (1) ___________ (hit) the US state of North Carolina in July 2014. The local government (2) ___________ (put) a state of emergency warning over 26 counties. Residents in the area (3) ___________ (speak) of high winds and damage to property. Although trees and power lines (4) ___________ (fall), fortunately nobody was hurt but large areas of the state (5) ___________ (have) no electricity for a while. Hurricane Arthur (6) ___________ (go) north up the coast from Carolina as far as Nova Scotia.

stop  stopped prefer  preferred travel  travelled

Completa le frasi con il Past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 Yesterday, Mark _______________ (finish) all his homework before dinner. 2 They _______________ (copy) all my music. 3 You _______________ (play) video games all last weekend! 4 We _______________ (watch) Sam & Cat the other day. 5 It _______________ (rain) all last summer in Scotland. 6 But last year she _______________ (like) Robert! 7 I _______________ (phone) you on Saturday. 8 She _______________ (chat) for hours online.



Forma negativa estesa


I/You/ He/She/It/ We/You/They

I/You/ He/She/It/ We/You/They


did not play

didn’t play

Leggi le frasi e completale con la forma negativa contratta del Past simple.

1 You ___________________ to go to the beach yesterday, you wanted to stay at home! 2 Mary ___________________ to the cinema on Tuesday, she went on Wednesday. 3 The film ___________________ at 9 p.m., it finished at 10 p.m. 4 They ___________________ one ice cream each, they had two ice creams each. 5 You ___________________ Dad’s car for free, you cleaned it for £10! 6 You ___________________ on time for the party, you got there very late. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Forma interrogativa I/you/ he/she/it/ we/you/they


play all night?

Risposte brevi Yes,







Cosa ha fatto DJ Luca ieri sera? Scrivi domande e risposte brevi affermative (3) o negative (7) come nell’esempio. 1 play his music all night? (3) ‘Did he play his music all night?’ ‘Yes, he did.’ 2 get there early? (7) _________________________________________________ 3 like the place? (3) _________________________________________________ 4 check the volume? (3) _________________________________________________ 5 bring any friends? (7) _________________________________________________ 6 use his computer? (3) _________________________________________________ 7 dance with Greta? (7) _________________________________________________ 8 help after the party? (7) _________________________________________________

Catrin e David stanno parlando dell’ultimo libro che hanno letto. Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Catrin (1) _______________ (you / finish) the book 7 days by Eve Ainsworth? David Yes, I (2) _______________. Catrin What (3) _______________ (you / think) of the book? David Well, the plot (4) _______________ (be) strong and the characters (5) _______________ (be) excellent. I (6) _______________ (like) the end but I (7) _______________ (not like) the beginning. Catrin Really? I (8) _______________ (love) the beginning but (9) _______________ (hate) the end! David But Kez (10) _______________ (have) lots of problems and her father (11) _______________ (help) her in the end. Catrin True but her father (12) _______________ (be) the real bully!

Espressioni di tempo yesterday

yesterday at 5 p.m. yesterday morning/afternoon/evening


last night/Sunday/summer/year last Christmas


5 minutes/weeks/months/years ago


Completa le frasi con ago, last o yesterday. 1 We went to Egypt ______________ summer. 2 I sent you a message 10 minutes ______________. 3 ______________ week Betty loved Brian! 4 I was at home ______________ morning. 5 Graham got here about a week ______________. 6 I did all my homework ______________ evening.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Over to you!

Descrivi il primo libro che hai letto o il tuo libro preferito. Aiutati con le domande nel riquadro. • Who suggested or gave you the book? • What is the title of the book? • Who wrote the book? • What happened in the book? • Who were the principal characters? • Why did you like (or not like) the book?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________



Sam & Cat Interview


Tell us about the Sam & Cat theme song!* Did you sing it? Ariana Grande We didn’t sing it. Michael Corcoran sang it. He did the theme song for iCarly and all the songs on Victorious. Jennette McCurdy The producer Dan Schneider asked us but we didn’t want to sing. We wanted to make a show that was funny and that really focused on one thing – entertaining kids. Our music does that too but we wanted to keep it separate. Sam & Cat is an American teen sitcom that is also broadcast in Italy. It is a spin-off* of both iCarly and Victorious. It stars Jennette McCurdy as Sam Puckett and Ariana Grande as Cat Valentine. The girls meet by chance during a bizarre adventure and become friends. They then start a babysitting business to earn extra money and the real adventures begin...

We know you are good friends. What was your first impression of each other? Jennette McCurdy I thought Ariana was so fun and so friendly to people. She came over and said ‘Hi! I watch iCarly’. I said I listened to one of her songs, ‘Stick Around’, and told her she had an amazing voice. We also found out* we have the same birthday. We sang ‘Jingle Bells’ together! Ariana Grande It was fun! The show is about two girls who start a babysitting service together. Did you do any babysitting? Ariana Grande No, but now I have enough babysitting experience for the rest of my life! Jennette McCurdy No, we only acted for Sam & Cat but there were young kids everywhere that didn’t have any acting experience. They had no idea about cameras!


Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi l’intervista e rispondi alle domande.


Leggi e ascolta l’intervista.

1 Who sang the theme song for Sam & Cat? _________________________________________________ 2 Who asked Ariana and Jennette to sing the theme song? _________________________________________________ 3 What was Jennette’s first impression of Ariana? _________________________________________________ 4 What did they find out? _________________________________________________ 5 Did they have any babysitting experience before the show? _________________________________________________


spin-off derivato televisivo theme song sigla

found out abbiamo scoperto

Hero’s Corner Nellie Bly (1864-1922) (real name: Elizabeth Jane Cochran) HEROIC ACTION: risked her life using her own investigative journalism techniques in a female mental asylum NATIONALITY: American WHEN: 1887 AGE: 23

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a good book.

ave h s ’ let

e m o s !

Groucho Marx





Come si sono sviluppati i mezzi di comunicazione nel tempo? Abbina le parole alle immagini. Poi inseriscile al posto giusto all’interno della linea del tempo.







carrier pigeon

1 television 2 Morse code 3 Internet 4 radio 5 D carrier pigeon 6 telephone 7 print


Build a Wi-Fi antenna! Segui le istruzioni e costruisci un’antenna per migliorare il segnale della tua chiavetta internet. 1 Attach your internet key to a USB extension cable.*

2 Find any parabolic metal mesh,* for example a pasta colander.* Remember, a bigger metal mesh means a better signal!

3 It is very important to face* the colander in the right direction. Place the internet key at the centre of the colander and watch the bars on your internet reception increase!

Glossary extension cable prolunga mesh maglia, rete colander scolapasta face rivolgere


18 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /t/, /d/ o /Id/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

Ted the wanted bandit smiled and talked on TV! __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Vocabulary 1

Places around town Completa le frasi con i nomi dei luoghi nel riquadro. hospital petrol station bank post office bridge library 1 You go to a _____________ to put money in your account. 2 You go to a _____________ to have a medical check-up. 3 A _____________ goes over a river or a road. 4 You go to a _____________ to fill up your car. 5 You go to a _____________ to borrow a book. 6 You send letters from a _____________.


Alternatives for reducing traffic congestion in cities *

We all know how too much traffic in towns and cities creates congestion, pol lution* and noise. And when we finally get into town, it’s often very difficult to find a parking space! Is there anything we can do to help reduce these problems?

Directions Osserva la mappa e abbina i numeri alle istruzioni per andare a casa di Mark. go over the 5 bridge 6 4 b it is on 7 8 the left c turn left d take the fourth right e 1 turn 3 right 1 at the 2 traffic lights f go around the roundabout and take the second exit g go past the statue h turn right a


Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e completa il riassunto.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

Too much (1) ______________ in towns and cities can create many problems but fortunately there are some interesting solutions. (2) ______________ is when a group of people travel in the same car to make the same journey. In American English it is called (3) ______________. Another solution is (4) ______________ where you park your car outside the city and get a free bus to the city centre.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

4 Well, one way is to find a group of people living in the same area who travel the same journey on the same days at the same time. Instead of each individual driving his car on his own, one person decides to give other people in his area a lift* too! So instead of lots of cars on the road with only one person inside, we have less cars on the road with more people inside each vehicle. This practice is known as CAR SHARING in British English and car pooling in American English. A good example is the journey to work or school. Let’s say your journey to school in a car costs 5€ a day in fuel.* That means about 100€ a month! If you share* your car with other people travelling to your school, you share the cost of the petrol and everyone pays less. You also save on car parking costs! In America, some cities such as Los Angeles even have special fast lanes* on the motorway for cars with more than one passenger so those cars don’t get stuck in traffic jams.* This means your journey to work is faster.

Another way to reduce traffic congestion in cities is the PARK AND RIDE SCHEME.* Oxford was the first city to introduce the project and other cities, for example Exeter and Cambridge, now use it too. So how does it work? Well, many people who travel to work by car live outside the city. With the Park and Ride scheme, they drive from their home to big car parks just outside the city and then get free buses into the town centre. The free buses run all day and sometimes all night too.

FUNCTIONS – Giving directions Chiedere indicazioni stradali Excuse me, where is the station? Do you know the way to the airport? Where is the nearest bus stop? Dare indicazioni stradali Take the first left and it’s on your right. You can’t miss it! Turn right at the traffic lights and go straight on for about 5 km. It’s over there! Chiedere e dare informazioni sulla distanza How far is the ferry terminal? It’s about 10 minutes from here. It’s not far. How long does it take? It takes about 20 minutes. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Another simple way to reduce traffic congestion is to leave your car at home and walk or cycle to school or work!

Glossary congestion ingorgo pollution inquinamento lift passaggio fuel carburante


share condividi lanes corsie traffic jams ingorghi/code scheme progetto

Aiuta Antonello a trovare il suo ostello! Completa il dialogo con una frase o una parola appropriata. A Excuse me, (1) _________________ the way to the Youth Hostel? B Of course. (2) _________________ left at the traffic lights and (3) _________________ the bridge. Go (4) _________________ the cinema and then (5) _________________ the second right. A OK. B Then go (6) _________________ on for about 100 m. A Hmm. B The youth hostel is (7) _________________ your right. You can’t (8) _________________ it! A (9) _________________? B It takes about 20 minutes from here. A Thank you very much! B You’re welcome!


4 GRAMMAR Preposizioni di luogo

Preposizioni di movimento


There are two fountains in the park.


I’m going to the beach.


Our school is on the corner.


Go past the cinema.


There is an art gallery behind the museum.


They walked along the footpath.


Elvis went into the building.

in front of

The bus stop is in front of the station.

out of

She went out of the shop.


It is between the supermarket and the library.


We climbed up the mountain.


My house is at the end of the road.


He cycled down the hill.

next to

The cinema is next to the car park.


The chicken ran across the road.


The train is going through a tunnel.


We are walking over the bridge.


The boat went under the bridge.


Dov’è il gatto? Osserva le immagini e scrivi la preposizione corretta.

3 1 ________________________

3 ________________________


2 ________________________

4 ________________________

1 The children ran into/ along the building.

2 The ambulance went over/under the bridge.

3 He walked up/down the mountain.

4 They drove through/ over the tunnel.

5 We went into/to a concert.

6 She walked through/ past the entrance!

Osserva l’immagine e completa le frasi con le preposizioni di luogo nel riquadro. in front of




next to

1 The market is ________ the chemist’s. 2 The trees are ________ the buildings. 3 There is a table ________ the bakery. 4 The bank is ________ the end of the street. 5 The salon is ________ the bakery and the bank.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

7 The coach drove along/ 8 The road went over/ across the motorway. under the river. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR How long… ?

How + aggettivo

Si usa How long + take per chiedere informazioni sul tempo necessario per un viaggio o per qualsiasi altra attività. ‘How long does it take (you) to get to the beach?’ ‘It takes (me) 10 minutes.’


Formula delle domande e rispondi in modo che sia vero per te. 1 eat breakfast? ‘How long does it take you to eat breakfast?’ ‘It takes me 15 minutes.’ 2 travel to school? _________________________________________________ 3 get from your house to your best friend’s house? _________________________________________________ 4 run 100 metres? _________________________________________________ 5 do your homework? _________________________________________________

How far… ? Si usa How far is... ? oppure How far is it from... to...? per chiedere informazioni sulle distanze. ‘How far is Bristol from London?’ / ‘How far is it from Bristol to London?’ ‘It’s about 3 hours by car.’ / ‘It’s about 170 km.’


Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo in inglese.



Chiede quanto dista Roma da Milano.

Risponde che sono 6 ore in macchina.

Chiede quanto dista Londra da Parigi.

Risponde che dista 340 km.

Chiede quant’è distante Miami da New York.

Risponde che è 1.094 km.

A _________________________________________________ B _________________________________________________ A _________________________________________________ B _________________________________________________ A _________________________________________________ B _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Si usa l’interrogativo How + un aggettivo per informarsi sulle dimensioni, sul peso e sull’età. How deep is the Mariana Trench? How high is Mt Kilimanjaro? How tall is your teacher? How long is the Amazon River? How wide is the Mississippi River? How heavy is that box? How old is that building? Watch out!

Ricorda che How high si usa per cose alte e larghe ed elementi naturali (es. montagne), mentre How tall per persone e cose alte e strette (es. edifici).


Completa le domande in base alle informazioni tra parentesi. 1 ________________ is Stonehenge? (about 5,000 years) 2 ________________ is the Great Wall of China? (8,852 km) 3 ________________ is Loch Ness in Scotland? (230 m) 4 ________________ is the Empire State Building? (443 m) 5 ________________ is the English Channel? (about 35 km) 6 ________________ is Mont Blanc? (4,810 m)


Descrivi la strada che fai per andare a scuola. Aiutati con le domande nel riquadro.

Over to you!

• Do you walk, cycle or go by car/bus/train? • How far is your school from your home? • How long is the journey? • What buildings do you go past? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________




The London

Transport Museum The idea for a transport museum started in the 1920s when the London General Omnibus Company decided to keep* two old Victorian horse-drawn* buses and an early motor bus for future generations. The London Transport Museum was originally in an old bus garage in Clapham in South London before it moved to Syon Park in West London. In 1980, the museum finally settled* at its present home in Covent Garden, right in the heart of London. It is located in Covent Garden Piazza between Russell Street, Tavistock Street, and Wellington Street. The London Transport Museum focuses on the development of transport systems within the city and the people who worked on them over the last 200 years. There is also a second site at Acton in West London, known as the London Transport Depot and it is principally a storage* site open to visitors.

Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 The original London Transport Museum was in _____. A Covent Garden B Syon Park C Clapham 2 Covent Garden is in _____ London. A central B east C north 3 The main exhibitions are now at the _____ site. A Acton B Covent C Syon Garden Park 4 The first underground electric train had no _____. A windows B doors C carriages 5 The seats in the bar have a design from the _____ trains. A 1920s B 1930s C 1940s


The first underground electric train is among the various exhibits at the Covent Garden site. The train didn’t have any windows because the designers thought that there was nothing to see underground. The trouble was that nobody knew which stop they were at! They resolved the problem by paying an athletic announcer* to run through each carriage* at every station shouting out the station names! In addition, the collections also include original artworks and advertising posters, exhibits exploring the design of London’s transport system, London Transport during the war and the expansion of the London Underground. The London Transport Museum has a picnic area, a cafè and a bar with seating from a design based on the seats from the Northern Line trains in the 1930s. There is also an excellent research library and a souvenir shop.

Glossary keep tenere horse-drawn trainati da cavalli settled si stabilì storage magazzino announcer annunciatore carriage carrozza

Hero’s Corner The most effective way to do it, is to do it. Amelia Earhart (1897-1937) HEROIC ACTION: first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic NATIONALITY: American WHEN: 1928 AGE: 31

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


ave h s ’ let

e m o s !



Segui le istruzioni e aiuta la macchina viola a trovare il suo garage. Fai una croce sulla casa giusta.

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train. Oscar Wilde

1 Go over the bridge. 2 Turn right at the first junction. 3 Go straight on at the crossroads. 4 Take the first left. 5 Turn right at the next junction. 6 Go around the lake. 7 Your garage is on your right. You can’t miss it!


Let’s make a paper plane! Segui le istruzioni per creare il tuo Guinness World Record paper plane.

This paper airplane is the same as the Guinness World Record paper plane designed by John Collins! His plane flew almost 70 metres! How far does your plane fly? 1 Take a piece of A4 paper. Take the right corner* and fold* the top edge down along the left side. Open the paper and make the same fold on the other side.

2 Fold the top right corner along the line. Do the same for the left side.

3 Fold the two parts down from the cross point.* Fold the right and left corners.

4 Fold the paper in half. Fold both the wings. Be very careful to make them equal.

Glossary Your World Record plane is now ready to fly!

corner angolo fold piega cross point punto di incrocio


21 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /aI/, /eI/ o /OI/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

A boy tried to fly an oil-free plane! __ __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



The most extreme environments on planet Earth


An extreme environment is defi ned as having conditions that are challen ging* for most life forms and, as a result, humans don’t generally live there or cou ld* die there. However the organisms living in these conditions are often very well ada pted to their living circumstances.

Vocabulary 1

A Atacama Desert, Chile

Natural places Abbina le parole alle immagini.









B Oymyakon, Siberia, Russia

1 2 3 4


waterfall river desert lake

5 6 7 8

mountain forest volcano ocean

Wild animals Completa le frasi con i nomi degli animali nel riquadro. tortoise eagle spider kangaroo

bear cheetah

1 The _______________ is herbivore. 2 The _______________ sleeps all winter. 3 The _______________ has eight legs. 4 The _______________ is a bird with excellent eyesight. 5 The _______________ is the fastest mammal on the planet. 6 The _______________ moves very slowly.


Reading comprehension 3 4

22 Abbina le immagini ai paragrafi. Poi leggi e ascolta il testo e controlla le tue risposte.

Rileggi il testo e indica se le frasi seguenti sono vere (T = true) o false (F = false). 1 The world record for the highest temperature was set in 1914. 2 The coldest temperature in the world was recorded in Siberia. 3 The Atacama Desert is the driest desert in the world. 4 The deepest point of the Mariana Trench is 11,034 m below sea level. 5 The Dead Sea is saltier than the Don Juan Pond.



Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

The HOTTEST PLACE on Earth is Death Valley, the desert along the California-Nevada state line in the US. In 1913, Death Valley set* the world record for the highest temperature recorded on Earth of almost 57°C. And don’t forget that temperatures are measured in the shade!* Outside of the Antarctic, the COLDEST TEMPERATURE in the world was recorded in 1933 in Oymyakon, a tiny village in Siberia, Russia. What was the temperature? Almost -68°C!

C Don Juan Pond lake, Antarctica

The DEEPEST POINT on the planet is Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. It is 11,034 m below sea level and only three humans have ever been there! The first two were Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh in 1960 and then the film-maker James Cameron in 2012.

5 D Death Valley, California

There is a disagreement about the DRIEST PLACE on Earth. Driest means little or no precipitation so the Atacama Desert in Chile has to be at the top of the list. Some areas of the Atacama Desert haven’t had rain for 400 years! However, the South Pole is also called the driest place because the cold air has little or no moisture.* The only water that falls in the South Pole is in the form of snow. The world’s SALTIEST BODY OF WATER isn’t the Dead Sea. It’s a salt lake in Antarctica known as the Don Juan Pond and it is 18 times as salty as the oceans. It contains 40% salt whereas the Dead Sea contains 34%.

Glossary challenging impegnative, ardue could potrebbero set stabilì Black Mamba shade ombra moisture umidità

FUNCTIONS – Making comparisons Per fare paragoni Geography is more boring/less interesting than History. The great white shark is the scariest creature on the planet. Spiders are as frightening as snakes.

Per esprimere accordo/disaccordo I (don’t) agree with you! I’m not sure. I don’t know. It’s great/horrible!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

E Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean


Riordina le battute e ricostruisci il dialogo. A Because the black mamba sometimes attacks without provocation and chases its victims. B That’s horrible! What about snakes? 1 A What’s the most dangerous creature on the planet? A Haha! Yes, I agree with you. Humans are very dangerous! B Why? A Wrong! The box jellyfish is more toxic than snakes or spiders. B In that case, I think humans are the most dangerous creatures on the planet! A Well, the black mamba is less venomous than a king cobra but it is actually more lethal. B I’m not sure... snakes or spiders?

Box Jellyfish




Il comparativo degli aggettivi Il comparativo di maggioranza si forma con il comparativo dell’aggettivo + than. Paris is bigger than Marseilles. Gli aggettivi brevi aggiungono -er. tall  taller

Gli aggettivi lunghi formano il comparativo con more + l’aggettivo. Lesley is more beautiful than Sheila. Chemistry is (not) more difficult than Maths.


Ma ci sono delle VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE negli aggettivi che terminano in: vocale + consonante -e muta consonante + -y

si raddoppia la consonante si aggiunge -r la -y diventa -i

1 Los Angeles / polluted / Edinburgh Los Angeles is more polluted than Edinburgh. 2 skateboarding / dangerous / golf _________________________________________________ 3 a beach holiday / relaxing / a safari holiday _________________________________________________ 4 a king cobra / lethal / a grass snake _________________________________________________ 5 New York / expensive / London _________________________________________________

fat  fatter large  larger easy  easier

Watch out!

Gli aggettivi good, bad e far sono irregolari. good  better bad  worse far  further/farther


Completa le frasi con il comparativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi tra parentesi. longer than 1 The Yangtze River in China is _________________ (long) the Mississippi River in the US. 2 The US state of New Mexico is _________________ (large) Arizona. 3 Belgium isn’t _________________ (cold) Siberia in winter. 4 Jeff was born _________________ (early) Julian. 5 The Don Juan Pond is _________________ (salty) the Dead Sea. 6 A diamond is _________________ (sharp) glass. 7 Is gold _________________ (heavy) silver? 8 Are black cats _________________ (lucky) white cats?

Scrivi delle frasi comparative basandoti sulle informazioni date.

Il superlativo degli aggettivi Per paragonare una cosa o persona con tutte le altre cose o persone in quel gruppo, si usa the + superlativo + in/of. Mt Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Gli aggettivi brevi aggiungono -est. tall  tallest Le VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE sono le stesse dei comparativi (fat  fattest, large  largest, easy  the easiest). Watch out!

Gli aggettivi good, bad e far sono irregolari. good  best bad  worst far  furthest/farthest


Abbina le due parti di frase. 1 The cheetah is 2 The African elephant is 3 The peregrine falcon is 4 The giraffe is 5 The Brazilian wandering spider is


a the deadliest arachnid in the world. b the tallest animal in the world. c the fastest creature in the world. d the fastest land animal. e the heaviest land mammal.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR Gli aggettivi lunghi formano il superlativo con the most + aggettivo. The bear is probably the most aggressive animal in the world.


Maria è in viaggio nella Foresta Amazzonica. Completa il suo diario con il superlativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi.

This is (1) _____________________ (exciting) holiday of my life! Today I was close to perhaps (2) _____________________ (beautiful) but (3) _____________________ (dangerous) animal in the jungle – the jaguar! (4) _____________________ (important) thing is that he wasn’t hungry and I managed to take (5) _________________ (amazing) photo of my holiday. The guide also said that the jaguar is possibly (6) _____________________ (intelligent) of all the wild cats.

less/the least Il comparativo di minoranza si forma con less + aggettivo + than. A blue whale is less aggressive than a great white shark.

(not) as… as Il comparativo di uguaglianza si forma con (not) as + aggettivo + as. Planet Venus is about as big as planet Earth. Mt Kilimanjaro is not as high as Mt Everest.


Completa le frasi con il comparativo di uguaglianza degli aggettivi tra parentesi. 1 Graham is 1.8 m tall. Suzie is 1.8 m tall. (tall) is as tall as Suzie Graham ______________________. 2 An adult rhino weighs 1,000 kg. An adult elephant weighs 7,500 kg. (heavy) An adult rhino ___________________________. 3 Atlantic Ocean – 106 million km2. Pacific Ocean – 165 million km2. (big) The Atlantic Ocean ___________________________. 4 Black widow spider – very poisonous! Funnel-web spider – very poisonous! (poisonous) The black widow spider ___________________________. 5 Speed of a blue wildebeest – 80.5 km/h. Speed of a lion – 80.5 km/h. (fast) A blue wildebeest ___________________________.

Il superlativo di minoranza si forma con the least + aggettivo. The Antarctic is the least inhabited continent in the world.


Completa le frasi con la forma comparativa o superlativa di minoranza degli aggettivi tra parentesi. 1 The mountains are ______________________ (crowded) the beaches in summer. 2 The South Pole is ______________________ (tropical) area in the world. 3 Staying at home is ______________________ (expensive) holiday option! 4 The stones at Avebury are ____________________ (famous) the stones at Stonehenge. 5 Of all sports, golf is perhaps ______________________ (dangerous). 6 The east coast of Sardinia is ______________________ (windy) the west coast.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Over to you!

Paragona due persone che conosci bene, per esempio due familiari o due tuoi cari amici. Aiutati con gli aggettivi nel riquadro. tall

old funny interesting active intelligent

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________



Terrifying Australian

CULTURE Australia is home to some of the deadliest creatures on Earth. Here are some examples of those that live in the sea.

The saltwater crocodile is the stuff of nightmares – it can grow up to nearly 6 metres in length and is common in Northern Australia. It is usually well camouflaged* and strikes* at incredible speeds. If you do get attacked, the best thing to do is to run away from the water as fast as you can. Crocodiles rarely chase* humans on land and will always try and return to the water. The stonefish doesn’t win any prizes for its beauty! It is known as the most venomous fish in the world and camouflages itself on the bottom of reefs. The venom* is contained in the spines and if you step on one, the pain is terrible!

Sea Creatures

The great white shark is the largest predatory fish on Earth. The good news however is that it isn’t usually interested in eating humans as the Great White Shark finds us too full of bone to be particularly tasty! The box jellyfish is one of the most lethal animals in the world. It lives on the coast alongside the Great Barrier Reef and has a powerful venom. The stings* are terribly painful and usually fatal.

The blue-ring octopus is another serious threat* for those on an Australian beach holiday. It is only as big as a golf ball but it is one of the most toxic sea creatures in the world and there is no known antidote for its powerful venom.


camouflaged mimetizzato strikes attacca chase insegue

venom veleno stings punture threat minaccia

Reading comprehension


Hero’s Corner



Rileggi il testo e scegli l’alternativa corretta.

Lulu the pot bellied pig

1 The saltwater crocodile strikes very quickly/slowly. 2 The venom of the stonefish is in its teeth/spines. 3 The great white shark is the biggest/smallest predatory fish on Earth. 4 The box jellyfish is one of the least/most lethal animals in the world. 5 The blue-ring octopus is as large/heavy as a golf ball.

HEROIC ACTION: saved her owner’s life! Jo Ann’s pet pig, Lulu saved her life when Jo Ann was having a heart attack. Lulu went outside and sat on the road until a motorcyclist stopped, realised something was wrong and followed Lulu into the house. He called the ambulance and Jo Ann survived.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s

Robin Williams

! n u F


Abbina i nomi degli animali nel riquadro alle immagini. Poi aiuta lo zoologo a trovare le impronte di ciascun animale.


1 __________


2 __________


Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’

3 __________


4 __________



5 __________


6 __________



7 __________


8 __________

Let’s make a shelter! Segui le istruzioni per costruire il tuo rifugio all’aperto. 1 First find a suitable* place for your shelter.* Then tie a long horizontal branch* to two other branches placed firmly in the ground.

2 Find sticks* to lean against* the horizontal branch to form the sides of the shelter.

3 Put smaller sticks over the bigger branches. Then put smaller pieces such as leaves and grass over the frame* to protect you from the elements*.

Glossary suitable idoneo shelter rifugio branch ramo sticks bastoni lean against appoggiare a frame struttura the elements agenti atmosferici


24 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /´U/ di road o /aU/ di how. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

A snowy blowy mountain wind isn’t as cold as a cloudy frozen ocean! __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



Let’s go horse riding in



An interview with the organise r, Michael Hunt

Vocabulary 1

Holiday accommodation Abbina i nomi dei tipi di alloggio alle immagini.







1 2 3


tent sailing boat youth hostel

4 5 6

tree house apartment caravan

Holiday activities Completa con le parole nel riquadro il messaggio Facebook che Ally ha scritto alla sua amica Lottie. drive

camper van souvenirs sightseeing take leave

checked in stay

Hi Lottie, Well, we (1) ____________ at the hotel in Los Angeles late last night and went to get our (2) ____________ this morning. It’s vintage, green and amazing! Tomorrow we’re going to (3) ____________ through the desert and (4) ____________ in the van near the Grand Canyon for a couple of days. But before we (5) ____________ L.A., I’m going to go (6) ____________ with my family and I promise to (7) ____________ lots of photos of the surfers on Venice Beach for you and buy you some great (8) ____________! This is all so exciting! Love Ally


Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e indica se le frasi seguenti sono vere (T = true) o false (F = false).


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Mongolia sees a lot of foreign tourists. 2 Horses are an important part of Mongolian culture. 3 The Mongolians have a culture of hospitality. 4 Mongolians aren’t interested in tourists. 5 The land in Mongolia is difficult for horse riding.



Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

6 Interviewer Why Mongolia? Michael Hunt Mongolia really is ‘off the beaten track’* and it is a privilege to meet the wonderful Mongolian people and share their lives. Interviewer What are the horses like? Michael Hunt They are quite small but they are tough* and have lots of character. They spend most of their lives running free in the wild but they are easy to ride if you treat them with respect. Our local horsemen are experts at matching* riders to the ideal horse. Mongolians love their horses and they are an integral part of Mongolian culture. Interviewer Is Mongolia still an adventurous place to visit? Michael Hunt The country in general sees relatively few visitors and it is possible to travel in remote areas and see no foreigners.* You can still experience a traditional culture that has changed* little over the last 100 years. Interviewer What are the people that you meet on your travels like? Michael Hunt It is the people that make this country really special. The Mongolians have a culture of hospitality and we are treated as honoured guests. There are plenty of opportunities to learn about the local customs when we stop for tea and taste the local food. We are as interesting to the local people as they are to us so the whole experience is enriching* for everybody. Interviewer What do you love most about horse riding in Mongolia? Michael Hunt The scenery is incredible, the land is perfect for riding and the horses are great. But for me the best thing is the sense of freedom. With no private land, fences,* gates or roads, we can ride for weeks in any direction.

Glossary off the beaten track fuori dai sentieri battuti tough robusti matching abbinare foreigners stranieri has changed è cambiata herders mandriani enriching arricchente fences recinti

FUNCTIONS – Talking about future intentions Parlare delle intenzioni future What are you going to do this weekend? Where are you going to stay? How are you going to get there? What are you going to take? When are you going to leave? We’re going to go to the top of the mountain!

Fare proposte e dare suggerimenti Why don’t we swim to that island? Let’s... What a great/crazy idea! I’m sorry but I’m busy!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


A trip to the moon Completa il dialogo con le espressioni appropriate. A (1) ___________________ this afternoon? B I’m going to go to the moon! A No way! (2) ___________________ there? B In this space ship. A Hahaha! (3) ___________________ on the journey? B I’m going to take some biscuits... A Don’t forget water! B And yes, I’m going to take some water. Why (4) ___________________ come with me? A What a crazy idea! OK, I’ll go and get some sandwiches! (5) ___________________ leave? B In about 20 minutes. A Hahaha! You’re really crazy!


6 GRAMMAR be going to

Forma interrogativa

Forma affermativa I You He/She/It We/You/They

am (’m) are (’re) is (’s) are (’re)

going to


Watch out!

Ricorda che si usa be going to per: • parlare di programmi per il futuro • esprimere l’intenzione di fare qualcosa • fare previsioni sulla base di ciò che vediamo o indicare qualcosa che sta per accadere


Am Are Is Are




visit... ? visit... ? visit... ? visit... ?


Yes, I am. Yes, you are. Yes, he/she/it is. Yes, we/you/they are.

No, I’m not. No, you’re not. No, he/she/it isn’t. No, we/you/they aren’t.

Watch out!

Ricorda che nelle domande con What, Where, Why, When, Who, How, l’avverbio interrogativo va sempre prima del verbo. ‘Where are you going to stay?’ ‘In a hotel.’


1 I __________________ Danny this afternoon. 2 They __________________ to the gym tomorrow. 3 She __________________ an umbrella next time! 4 Look at the time! You __________________ late! 5 Look at those clouds. It __________________!

going to going to going to going to

Risposte brevi affermative

Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa di be going to e i verbi nel riquadro. rain

I you he/she/it we/you/they


Leggi i programmi di Mohammed e scrivi domande e risposte con be going to.

Forma negativa I You He/She/It We/You/They


am not (’m not) are not (aren’t) is not (isn’t) are not (aren’t)

going to


Penny ha scritto una lista di cose che lei e i suoi fratelli non vogliono fare. Completala con i verbi tra parentesi.

Dear Mum and Dad, you (1) _________________ (like) this list! But: • I (2) _________________ (clean) my room every day! • Yuri and Jane (3) _________________ (wash) Dad’s car every Sunday! • We (4) _________________ (eat) vegetables! • And we (5) _________________ (listen) to your terrible music in the evenings! ,



1 get up / at 6 a.m. ‘Is he going to get up at 6 a.m.?’ ‘Yes, he is.’ 2 have breakfast / before his run? _________________________________________________ 3 where / he / go for a run? _________________________________________________ 4 where / meet Josef? _________________________________________________ 5 have a shower / after the beach? _________________________________________________ 6 go to a restaurant / with Josef? _________________________________________________ 7 go dancing / with Isabel? _________________________________________________ 8 how / he / get home? _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR Espressioni di tempo futuro tonight/tomorrow tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening this morning/afternoon/evening next week/month/year on (a specific day e.g. Monday) in (a specific period of time e.g. an hour/a week/a year) in (a specific month e.g. July)


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Sasha is going to be here in/on half an hour. 2 Our flight leaves in/on Tuesday afternoon. 3 We’re going to stay with Aunt Sofia next week/evening. 4 I’m going to help you this tonight/tonight. 5 Please come to the mountains with us next/ on year! 6 We are going to start school again in/at September.


Completa il testo sull’avventura di Miguel con una parola per ogni spazio.

Miguel is going to Dublin (1) _________ week with two friends. He wants to pack his bags (2) _________ evening because he isn’t sure exactly what he wants to take. He (3) _________ going to take anything too valuable with him though. Just his camera. Miguel and his friends (4) _________ going to take the train to Le Havre in France and then the ferry to Rosslare in Ireland. The journey is (5) _________ to take several days! Then they plan to get the bus to Dublin and they’re going (6) _________ stay in a cheap youth hostel for three days. Why (7) _________ you go with them?

how about… ?/Why don’t... ?/Let’s... Per dare consigli, fare proposte o invitare qualcuno a fare qualcosa si possono usare: • how about + la forma -ing del verbo How about going to the cinema this afternoon? • Why don’t I/you/we… ? + la forma base del verbo Why don’t we go to a Mexican restaurant this evening? • Let’s + la forma base del verbo Let’s go to the park later.


Abbina la prima parte delle proposte e dei suggerimenti con la parte finale. 1 Martin loves sleeping outside. Why don’t you... 2 They say his new film is great. How about... 3 It’s so hot today. Let’s... 4 I want to see some wild animals. Why don’t we... 5 I’m hungry. How about...

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

a go on an African safari? b take him camping? c getting some sandwiches? d go for a swim. e watching it this evening?


Over to you!

Descrivi una vacanza che vorresti fare. Prendi a modello il testo dell’esercizio 6 e aiutati con le domande nel riquadro. • Where are you going to go? • Who are you going to go with? • What are you going to pack? • How are you going to get there? • Where are you going to stay? • How long are you going to stay?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________




Let’s go on a student

exchange programme! A student exchange* programme is when students from a school or university study abroad* at a partner institution. It usually involves international travel, but the student can also choose to study in a different city in his or her home country. The objective is to provide practical training and a sharing of the history, language, culture, and traditions of the participants’ home countries. Exchange students usually live with a host* family or in a designated place such as a hostel, apartment, or student accommodation.

n o i t a d o comm


Host family

A host family houses a student during their exchange programme. Students pay for their own school fees,* uniform, textbooks, Internet and phone calls. The host families are open to learning about new cultures and want to give a positive cultural experience to the student. Host families provide a room, meals and a stable* environment for the student. Most exchange programmes allow for a change of hosts if there are any problems.

Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 An exchange student usually travels _____ on a student exchange programme. A with friends B abroad C at home 2 Students often stay with a _____ family. A host B guest C historical 3 Host families are happy to share their _____. A school uniforms B Internet C culture 4 Host families _____ for the exchange student. A cook B clean C wash clothes 5 An off-campus student _____ at the university. A lives B doesn’t live C sleeps



A university student involved in an exchange programme can choose to live either on campus* or off campus. Living off campus is a popular choice because students are more independent and learn more about the new culture when they are on their own.* Universities that host exchange students generally offer assistance in obtaining accommodation.

Glossary exchange scambio abroad all’estero host che ospita school fees tasse scolastiche

stable stabile campus campus universitario on their own da soli

Hero’s Corner I did not tell half of what I saw. Marco Polo (1254-1324) HEROIC ACTION: explored Asia; first European to meet Kublai Khan. NATIONALITY: Italian WHEN: 1271 AGE: 17

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s ! Fun


A vacation is having nothing to do and all the day to do it in. 1


Leggi le definizioni e completa il cruciverba.

Across 2 A house on wheels. 4 A place where objects of historical, artistic, or scientific interest are exhibited. 6 An image recorded by a camera. 10 A place where you go to eat.








V 5



Down 1 A place to watch films. 3 A place where you can see exotic animals. 5 An object that reminds you of a place, occasion or person. 7 A building that offers a temporary place to stay for travellers. 8 A portable shelter. 9 A large boat to take people from one place to another.


How to fold a T-shirt in less than 2 seconds! Segui le istruzioni per imparare a fare la tua valigia velocemente.


A Put a T-shirt on a table with the neck of the T-shirt on your right and the bottom of the T-shirt on your left. Imagine a line going down the middle of the T-shirt. With your left hand, pinch* the T-shirt on the imaginary line a couple of centimetres from the bottom of the T-shirt. Imagine another line going horizontally across from the pinch to the shoulder seam.*


B Bring the second pinch down behind your left hand and pinch again at the bottom on the same line.


C Uncross your arms as you pick up the T-shirt. D Put the T-shirt back on the table and fold the sleeve* under the rest of the T-shirt. Magic! A folded T-shirt in less than 2 seconds!


Glossary pinch pizzica, stringi seam cucitura sleeve manica


27 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /u…/ o /U/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

A school book full of humour and Robin Hood! __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



An Interview with Harry Givens, a 16-year-old chef


Harry Givens went to a booksh op one day and bought the biggest cookbook he could find. After experimenting and mo difying the recipes, Harry started creatin g his own. He decided to invite some of his mum’s friends for meals, creating his onc e-amonth restaurant, Eureka. Harry was not just born with a talent for cooking, he works very hard. He transformed his bedroom into a highquality kitchen where he practis es daily. He chose to be homeschooled* so tha t he had more time for research and exp erimenting.

Vocabulary 1

Places to eat Completa le frasi con i nomi dei tipi di ristorante nel riquadro. a café a pizzeria a fish-and-chip shop a fast-food restaurant an Indian restaurant 1 The curries are usually hot and very spicy at __________________________. 2 The classic order in __________________________ is a Margherita. 3 You can usually get different types of burgers at __________________________. 4 __________________________ is an example of a traditional English takeaway. 5 You can go to __________________________ for a cup of tea and delicious cakes.


Menus Completa il menù con le parole nel riquadro. roast






(1) __________ Onion soup • Grilled mixed vegetables • Fish tarts MAIN COURSES (2) __________ beef • Fried fish • Vegetable pie SIDE DISHES Potatoes, fried or boiled • Seasonal vegetables, (3) _________ or steamed • (4) __________ salad DESSERTS Apple pie • Blueberry (5) __________ • Ice cream, chocolate or vanilla

Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Harry first learnt to cook from ______. A cookbooks B TV C his parents 2 He converted his bedroom to a kitchen for ______. A creativity B privacy C financial reasons 3 Eureka is the name of his restaurant and his ______. A chef B favourite C road recipe 4 He likes working with ______. A vegetables B meat C fried foods 5 Harry likes to eat something ______ for dinner. A fruity B meaty C ethnic Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

7 How old were you when you started learning to cook? I was about ten. Who taught you to cook? I started with cookbooks and then with techniques from the Internet. Later I learnt from the chefs and cooks I worked with.

What generated your love of cooking? The creative side* because there are so many combinations of ingredients and I love to eat good food.

How old were you when you converted* your bedroom to a kitchen? I was about twelve. It gave me some privacy when I was creating dishes. My bedroom had lots of windows for ventilation. There is still a bed!

What are your favourite foods to work with? I like working with root* vegetables for their flavour.* Do you have dislikes or food allergies? No, I like and eat pretty much* everything!

Why did you choose the word ‘Eureka’ as the name of your restaurant? It is actually the name of the street I live on, and as eureka means ‘a sudden* discovery’, it seemed a great name for the inspiration behind my cooking.

FUNCTIONS – Ordering food Prendere un’ordinazione Can I help you? Are you ready to order? Would you like something to drink?

And the last question: on a typical day, what do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner? Usually a croissant and fruit for breakfast, lunch is something I prepare at work and for dinner, I like something ethnic.

Glossary homeschooled che riceve l’istruzione a casa converted hai convertito sudden improvvisa


side lato root a radice flavour sapore pretty much più o meno

Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo in inglese.



Chiedi al cameriere se puoi vedere il menù.

Risponde di sì. Chiede se il cliente è pronto per ordinare.

Ordina una pizza margherita.

Chiede se vuole qualcosa da bere.

Rispondi una cola. (dopo un’ora)

Fare un’ordinazione Can I see the menu, please? Can we have two mushroom pizzas, please? I’d like a diet coke, please. Pagare il conto Can I have the bill, please? Can I pay by credit card?

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Chiedi al cameriere di avere il conto e se puoi pagare con carta di credito.

Risponde “certamente”.

A ____________________________________________________________ B ____________________________________________________________ A ____________________________________________________________ B ____________________________________________________________ A ____________________________________________________________ (one hour later) A ____________________________________________________________ B ____________________________________________________________




Present simple per il futuro Il Present simple può essere usato per esprimere il futuro quando si parla di orari, programmi ed eventi futuri che fanno parte di un calendario.


Fra un mese Ben andrà in crociera. Osserva il calendario e completa il dialogo con le parole nel riquadro.

Present continuous per il futuro Oltre che per le azioni in corso, il Present continuous può essere usato anche per parlare del futuro quando si parla di piani prestabiliti e programmi futuri già organizzati. In questo caso, di solito è accompagnato da un’espressione di tempo futuro.


September Cruise Mon 8 Tue 9

Leave Naples 19.00 Arrive Palermo 11.00 Tour Botanical Gardens 12.00 – 16.00 Leave Palermo 21.00 Wed 10 Arrive Tunis 09.00 Tour City of Tunis 10.00 – 18.00 Thu 11 Tour Mosques 09.00 – 17.00 Leave Tunis 23.00 Fri 12 Pool party 10.00 – 12.00 (swimming pool) Disco 21.30 (Livingstone Bar) Sat 13 Arrive Naples 09.00

F 1 I’m seeing Jake this afternoon. ___ 2 ‘Where’s Gemma?’ ‘She’s talking on the phone again!’ ___ 3 We aren’t watching DVDs, we’re doing our homework! ___ 4 Are they going to Clara’s party tomorrow? ___ 5 Why aren’t you eating your breakfast? ___ 6 I’m not staying at home this weekend. ___


is go


Monday visit

leaves in arrive

A So tell me about your cruise. When are you leaving? leaves Naples at 7 p.m. on B The boat (1) __________ (2) __________ the 8th of September. A And where are you going after Naples? B Well, we (3) __________ in Palermo the next day. A How long are you staying in Palermo? B Only one day but there (4) __________ a guided tour of the botanical gardens (5) __________ the afternoon. A And after Palermo? B We (6) __________ to Tunis for two days. A What are you going to do in Tunis? B Well, on the first day we (7) __________ the city and on the second day, a tour of the Mosques. A And what are you going to do in the evenings? B There is lots of entertainment on the ship! For example, on Friday night they (8) __________ a disco for us. A Wow! What an exciting cruise!


Decidi se le seguenti frasi si riferiscono ad attività che stanno succedendo nel presente (P) o a programmi già organizzati per il futuro (F).

Leggi le domande e completa le risposte con il Present continuous e le informazioni tra parentesi come nell’esempio. 1 A Did you see your grandparents yesterday? I’m seeing them this afternoon B No, _________________________________________. (this afternoon) 2 A Did you go to the doctor this morning? B No, _________________________________________. (tomorrow) 3 A Did she open her gallery last Friday? B No, _________________________________________. (next Friday) 4 A Did he take you to a restaurant last night? B No, _________________________________________. (tonight) 5 A Did Jeff meet David last night? B No, _________________________________________. (tomorrow night) 6 A Did they have a party last Saturday? B No, _________________________________________. (this Saturday)

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR can (per permesso e possibilità)

Indefiniti composti

Oltre a esprimere abilità, il verbo can si usa per: • chiedere, dare o negare un permesso ‘Can I use your computer?’ ‘Yes, you can./No, you can’t.’ You can’t bring your own drinks to a restaurant. • esprimere possibilità You can pay by credit card.


Che cosa esprime can in queste frasi? Scrivi A (abilità), PM (permesso) o PS (possibilità). 1 I can’t swim very well. 2 Can I open the window? 3 You can sometimes see the Northern Lights in Scotland. 4 Sorry Jill but you can’t play video games all evening! 5 You can’t post letters from a bank. 6 Please, can Lionel come with us to the fish-and-chip shop?


Frasi affermative

somebody, something somewhere someone

Frasi negative anybody, e interrogative anyone Frasi negative nobody, (con verbo no one affermativo)





Se la domanda è un’offerta o una richiesta, si usano i composti di some. ‘Do you want/Can I have something to drink?’

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


Completa il dialogo. anywhere A I’m really hungry! Is there (1) _______________ to eat near here? B I don’t know. Let’s ask (2) _______________. A It’s late and the streets are empty, there’s (3) _______________ here to ask. B Wait, I can see (4) _______________ over there. I think it’s a restaurant sign... A I can’t see (5) _______________. B Look! Behind the church... A Oh yes, it’s a fish-and-chip shop! B This is fantastic. (6) _______________ is better than fish and chips when you’re hungry!

2 You can/can’t go on a gondola in Milan.

3 You can/can’t light a fire in the wild in summer.

4 You can/can’t visit Dante’s house in Florence.

5 You can/can’t find an active volcano in Sicily.

6 You can/can’t see the Pantheon in Rome.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Watch out!

In Italia, che cosa hai il permesso o la possibilità di fare? Scegli l’alternativa corretta.

1 You can/can’t drive a bus when you are 14 years old.

Persone Cose


Descrivi un tuo ristorante preferito. Aiutati con le domande nel riquadro.

Over to you!

• What is the name of the restaurant? • What can you eat there? • When are you going to go there? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________




Strange British Foods

Haggis is a very popular Scottish dish that is definitely an acquired taste. It is made from onions and sheep’s heart, liver* and lungs* which are mixed together with oatmeal!* It is then flavoured with salt and pepper and boiled for a couple of hours in the stomach from a sheep. It is traditionally served with vegetables and potatoes for the Scottish Burn’s Night celebrations at the end of January.

The very English Toad-in-the-Hole is simply pork sausages baked in a Yorkshire pudding batter.* No one is sure of the origin of the name but it is probably from the late 1600s when the Yorkshire pudding batters were cooked under spit-roasted* pork. The hot fat from the meat dripped onto the batter below and made small holes. Bits of meat, called ‘toadies’ in old English, fell into these holes. The dish is best when served with lots of hot onion gravy!*

Welsh Rarebit is often mispronounced as ‘Welsh Rabbit’ and is an absolutely delicious, rather sophisticated version of cheese on toast! Strong cheddar cheese is mixed with a little cream, salt, pepper, mustard and beer and then spread* on toast and grilled in the oven. The Rarebit is ready when the cheese melts* and develops a lovely brown crust. It is traditionally served with a slice of tomato on top.

Colcannon is an Irish dish and means ‘whiteheaded cabbage’* in the Gaelic language. It is traditionally made from mashed* potatoes and cabbage with added milk, butter, salt and pepper. The potatoes are boiled and then mashed together with the cooked cabbage and other ingredients. An old Irish Halloween tradition is to hide small coins in the colcannon and the person with the coins on his plate is lucky!

Reading comprehension 1


Rileggi il testo e rispondi alle domande.


liver fegato lungs polmoni oatmeal avena spread spalmato melts si scioglie

pudding batter pastella spit-roasted allo spiedo gravy sugo cabbage cavolo mashed schiacciate

Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 Which of these four dishes are vegetarian? _________________________________________________ 2 Which dish is eaten on Burn’s Night? _________________________________________________ 3 Which dish is traditionally served with a slice of tomato? _________________________________________________ 4 Which dish contains pork sausages? _________________________________________________ 5 Which dish is part of the Halloween tradition? _________________________________________________



Hero’s Corner Adam Hoffman HEROIC ACTION: he helps hungry people in Texas by collecting food from shops and donating it to the poor. NATIONALITY: American WHEN: 2013 AGE: 13

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

ave h s ’ let

e m o s !

7 1


Osserva le immagini e scrivi le parole in ordine in modo che ciascuna parola inizi con l’ultima lettera della parola che la precede. (Per esempio: CaT, TurtlE, ElephantS, SquirreL, …)

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. Ernestine Ulmer

JAM _____________











Let´s make a classic English dish: Jacket potatoes! Segui le istruzioni e prepara questo tipico piatto inglese. 1 Pre-heat your oven to 220°C. 2 Wash the potatoes and make a couple of holes* in each potato with a fork. Don’t forget to do this or your potatoes could* explode in the oven! 3 Cook the potatoes in the middle of the oven for about an hour. They are ready when they are crisp* on the outside but soft in the middle when you squeeze* them. 4 Put them on a plate and cut them open, add some salt, pepper, butter and grated cheese. Your delicious dinner is ready!


holes buchi could potrebbero

crisp croccanti squeeze schiacciate


30 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e indica se le lettere in grassetto corrispondono ai suoni /g/, /k/ o /tS/. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

I’m going to cook a chicken’s egg in the kitchen! __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento



10 of the world’s strangest laws


We all have to follow certain rules and every country has its own laws wh ich are sometimes different to the law s we know. Here is a selection of som e strange laws from around the wo rld.

Vocabulary 1


Rules Osserva le immagini e abbinale alle frasi 1-9.




You have to be a qualified electrician to change a light bulb in the state of Victoria, Australia. So be careful if you stay in a room in Melbourne and need to change the light bulb!

3 D






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



I have/don’t have to go to school. I have/don’t have to make my bed. I have/don’t have to do my homework. I have/don’t have to tidy my room. I have/don’t have to speak English at home. I have/don’t have to wear a seatbelt in the car. I have/don’t have to wear a school uniform. I have/don’t have to be home before dinner every evening. I have/don’t have to wear a bicycle helmet.

Ora sottolinea nelle frasi 1-9 l’alternativa corretta a seconda di quello che TU devi o non devi fare.


Gondolas in Venice, Italy, must be painted black. Unless they belong to a high ranking official!*

In England, you mustn’t die* in the Houses of Parliament. Yes, that’s right, it’s illegal to die there, so if you must die, please go and die outside!

Reading comprehension 3


Rileggi il testo e completa le frasi con i nomi dei luoghi.


Leggi e ascolta il testo.

1 You mustn’t die in the government buildings in __________________. 2 You mustn’t bring a lion into a cinema in the American state of __________________. 3 You can’t chew gum in __________________. 4 You mustn’t watch karate films in __________________. 5 If you are a woman, you can’t vote in __________________. Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

8 4

In the state of Alabama, USA, you mustn’t drive a car when you are blindfold.* Who knows where you CAN drive a car blindfold but don’t forget this law if you are driving in Alabama.


In Iowa, USA, you can’t kiss someone for more than five minutes.


In Baltimore, Maryland, USA, you mustn’t take a lion into a cinema. So please remember to leave your pet lion at home.

9 7

You can’t chew* chewing gum in Singapore. It is illegal to buy or sell any chewing gum that doesn’t have health properties!



In Iraq, you mustn’t watch karate films. They were banned* in 1979!


Italian law says that citizens in Milan, Italy, have to smile in public. You can get a fine if you don’t smile, so please look happy when you are out shopping in the city!

high ranking official funzionario che occupa un’alta posizione die morire blindfold bendato chew masticare banned vietati

FUNCTIONS – Talking about rules Parlare di cosa si deve o non si deve fare You have to/must go to school. You mustn’t/can’t use your phone in class.

Parlare di cosa è necessario o non è necessario fare You need to bring your books to class. You don’t need to use a calculator to study English! In general, you don’t have to wear a school uniform in Italy.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Women living in the Vatican City can’t vote. There are only about 30 women living there at present but only men can vote.


Rules at the beach Riordina le battute e ricostruisci il dialogo. 1 A I love the beach. We are so free here! A Can’t I bring Fido here? B Free? No way! There are too many rules... B Nothing! That’s the beauty of the beach! A No football? That’s terrible! A What rules? B Well, you mustn’t camp or light fires or bring your dog. A So what can we do? B No, you can’t bring Fido. And you can’t play football on the beach. B And we mustn’t play loud music.


8 GRAMMAR have to

Forma interrogativa

Forma affermativa I/You He/She/It We/You/They

have to has to have to


Watch out!

Ricorda che have to + forma base del verbo esprime: • una responsabilità • un dovere/obbligo, di solito imposto da altri


Completa la pagina di diario con la forma affermativa corretta di have to.

Dear Diary, Life just isn’t fair! My brother is doing his exams and I (1) _________ do his jobs too this week. I now (2) _________ wash up on Saturday AND on Sunday and then I (3) _________ take the rubbish out EVERY evening. It’s true that now my dad (4) _________ walk the dog before work and Mum (5) _________ clean his room. We (6) _________ do almost everything for him. Oh, and I forgot, we also (7) _________ be nice to him all week! This is going to be a terrible week!

Do Does Do

I/you he/she/it we/you/they

have to go... ?

Risposte brevi affermative


Yes, I/you do. Yes, he/she/it does. Yes, we/you/they do.

No, I/you don’t. No, he/she/it doesn’t. No, we/you/they don’t.


Jake, Kate, Mark and Ellen condividono una casa durante il loro periodo di studio all’estero. Osserva la tabella con i turni per i lavori domestici e scrivi domande e risposte brevi come nell’esempio.






Forma negativa I/You He/She/It We/You/They

don’t doesn’t don’t

have to go

Watch out!

Ricorda che si usa don’t have to + forma base del verbo per dire che non è necessario fare qualcosa.


Completa le frasi con la forma negativa corretta di have to e i verbi tra parentesi. 1 It isn’t raining. We ___________________ (bring) an umbrella. 2 You ___________________ (take) the bus. I can give you a lift in the car. 3 He ___________________ (study) English at school because he is bilingual. 4 My computer is OK now. It ___________________ (go) back to the shop.


1 Jake / do the shopping on Tuesday? ‘Does Jake have to do the shopping on Tuesday?’ ‘No, he doesn’t.’ 2 Mark and Jake / cook dinner on Wednesday? _________________________________________________ 3 Jake / do the washing-up on Thursday? _________________________________________________ 4 Mark / clean the living room on Tuesday? _________________________________________________ 5 Kate / take the rubbish out on Wednesday? _________________________________________________ 6 Ellen / water the plants on Thursday? _________________________________________________ Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


GRAMMAR must/mustn’t Si usa must + forma base del verbo per: • esprimere un obbligo, spesso avvertito dal soggetto • fare raccomandazioni forti Si usa mustn’t + forma base del verbo per esprimere una proibizione o un divieto. Watch out!

In genere non si usa la forma interrogativa di must ma si preferisce usare have to. Does he have to go to school today?


Osserva i segnali stradali e scegli fra must o mustn’t per completare le regole. 1 You must/mustn’t stop. 2 You must/mustn’t enter. 3 You must/mustn’t drive faster than 50 km/h.

need to Si usa need to + sostantivo o forma base del verbo per dire che c’è bisogno di (fare) qualcosa. Si usa don’t need to + sostantivo o forma base del verbo per dire che non c’è bisogno di (fare) qualcosa.


Paolo e Susanna vivono a Roma e vogliono andare in vacanza a Stromboli. Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta di need to e le parole tra parentesi. Do we need to take (we / take) our passports? A (1) _____________________ B No silly! We only (2) ____________ our identity cards. A OK. But (3) ____________ (we / get) vaccinations? B No, you (4) ____________ vaccinations for Stromboli! A But (5) ____________ (I / bring) my swimming costume? B Yes, you do. Oh and you (6) ____________ (have) some comfortable walking shoes. A In that case, I (7) ____________ some new shoes. B You (8) ____________ any new shoes. You’ve got six different pairs of perfect trainers!

4 You must/mustn’t turn left. 5 You must/mustn’t park here.

Watch out!

Ricorda che alla forma negativa mustn’t esprime che è proibito fare qualcosa, mentre don’t have to che non è necessario fare qualcosa.


Completa le frasi con mustn’t o don’t have to. 1 You __________________ forget your mum’s birthday! 2 You __________________ smoke inside a cinema. 3 You __________________ bring sandwiches. There will be a lunch buffet. 4 We __________________ touch anything here. It’s a museum. 5 I __________________ do any housework at home. I’m very lucky! 6 I __________________ eat too much chocolate. I’m on a diet.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Over to you!

Spiega le regole della tua scuola a un nuovo studente. Aiutati con le domande nel riquadro. • What do you need to bring to school? • What must/mustn’t you do at school? • What time do you have to be at school? • Who do you need to talk to if there is a problem?

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________




Civil disobedience A _____________________________________

Non-violence is a weapon* of the strong. Mahatma Gandhi

Civil disobedience is the refusal to obey* a law. We all know that it is wrong to break the law* but what can we do if we believe that the laws themselves are unjust?

B __________________ __________________ There are many ways to protest peacefully: demonstrations, marches, boycotts, sit-ins and hunger strikes* to name a few. Some famous lawbreakers include Gandhi, the Suffragettes and Martin Luther King who all used peaceful resistance to voice* their concerns.* In risking arrest (and all were arrested various times), they were able to make significant changes to the law. Gandhi’s Salt March helped India gain* independence from British colonial rule and Martin Luther King made very significant steps towards racial equality. Women in Britain couldn’t vote until the Suffragettes’ direct action changed the law.

Reading comprehension


32 Leggi il testo e abbina i titoli nel riquadro ai paragrafi. Poi ascolta e controlla le tue risposte.

Peaceful school protests What is civil disobedience? Famous peaceful protests


You don’t have to change the world now but you can try and change some of the things you don’t agree with at school. Every class in your school has a representative who is elected at the beginning of every year by his or her classmates. He or she then acts as a speaker for any problems, needs or initiatives that the students in the class want to present to the school authorities. The class representative also has to know and understand all the school rules! Non-violent protests require hard work and good organisational skills but if you believe that you are right, you have the right to tell the world!

Glossary weapon arma obey obbedire break the law infrangere le regole hunger strikes scioperi della fame voice dare voce a concerns preoccupazioni gain ottenere

Hero’s Corner Tank Man or the Unknown Protestor

Rileggi il testo e trova le parole corrispondenti alle seguenti definizioni. 1 the official rules of a country ___________ 2 to express objection with an action ___________ 3 free from war, fighting or violence ___________ 4 a person who symbolises the beliefs of a larger group of people ___________ 5 a moral or legal privilege to have something or act in a certain way ___________


C ____________________ ____________________

HEROIC ACTION: stopped the tanks during the Tienanmen Square protests in China NATIONALITY: Chinese WHEN: 1989 AGE: maybe 19 but nobody is sure of his identity

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


ave h s ’ let

e m o s !









Trova i 9 divieti nel riquadro all’interno del crucipuzzle e scopri la frase di Sant’Agostino nascosta nelle prime righe.

No smoking No spitting No mobile phones No cycling No swimming No photographs No animals No parking No driving










Let’s make some signs to put on your bedroom door! Pensa alle regole che vorresti fossero rispettate nella tua stanza (obblighi o divieti) e crea dei cartelli da attaccare alla tua porta.

There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception. James Thurber

__ __

__ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __

__ __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __



1 Draw a circle (or a rectangle) on a large piece of cardboard* or paper. You can use a round object like a plate to help you. 2 Cut out the circle with some scissors, draw the image and write your rules. 3 Colour the edge* of the circle and the diagonal line with red paint for a prohibition* and use blue paint for an obligation.* 4 Make other signs for your other rules!

Glossary cardboard cartone edge bordo prohibition divieto obligation obbligo


33 Ascolta lo scioglilingua e cerchia le lettere che non vengono pronunciate. Poi riascoltalo e cerca di ripeterlo il più velocemente possibile!

You know you mustn’t talk, just listen to your daughter, she’s right!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


by Mary Shelley

Capt Robert Walton’s expedition was near the North Pole in the 1700s...

My name is Dr Victor Frankenstein. I’m dying...

Help this weary* traveller on board!

Victor was very ill after his long, terrible journey in the Arctic but he wanted to tell Walton his tragic story...

I was born in Naples...

My childhood in Geneva was idyllic with my adopted sister Elizabeth and my best friend Henry Clerval.

The beauty of nature is important!

No, the morals* of man are important!

... and I threw myself* into the study of Science.

Understanding Science is the way forward* for mankind!*


No, the ‘how’ is important!

One night, there was a terrible storm and I saw a tree destroyed by lightning...

The terrifying power of electricity!

But shortly before leaving for university in Germany, my mother died...

I will discover* the answers to life and death!

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

After the funeral, I left to go to university...

Good luck my son!

Write soon my love!

I wish I could* study with you, Victor!

I met my principal professors but they had different opinions...

You know nothing boy!

I became passionate in my studies...

Victor, you are destined for greatness!

And after two years of fervid* study in my laboratory, I finally discovered the secret of life and death...

Yes, I did it! The heart is beating!

Modern chemists are powerful. They understand everything, even how our blood circulates!


Leggi la prima puntata del fumetto e scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Where was Victor Frankenstein born? A Naples B Geneva C Lake Como 2 Who was Victor’s best friend? A Elizabeth B Henry Clerval C Robert Walton 3 Where was Victor’s university? A Germany B Geneva C The North Pole 4 Who died before Victor went to university? A his mother B his sister C his best friend 5 What secret did Victor discover? A Chemistry B how blood circulates C life and death

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Glossary weary esausto morals principi morali threw myself mi sono buttato the way forward la strada da percorrere mankind genere umano will discover scoprirò I wish I could magari potessi fervid fervido


...and after many efforts and researches, my creature was alive!

Aaaah! The final result is horrifying!

So I ran from my apartment and bumped into* my old friend Henry Clerval...

My exhaustion* left me with a high fever* and an obsession...

You look terrible. What happened?

Victor, please write to your family.

I’m sorry Henry. I can’t tell you but I need a friend...

Henry nursed* me during my convalescence and just as* I was getting better...

How far can you walk today?

As far as you my friend! I’m feeling much stronger.

Where is the creature now?

...I received some terrible news.

My brother has been murdered!* I must go home immediately!

On my way home, I stopped at the place where my brother was killed.

So it was you who murdered my brother!


Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

To make things worse, our favourite servant was unjustly hung* for the murder...

But she is innocent!

I was consumed by feelings of guilt* and revenge.*

What can I do to stop the monster?

The monster was my creation so now I am responsible for two deaths...

So I travelled alone in the mountains, hoping to find an answer. Destiny gave me this opportunity...

The only thing I can do to stop you is to kill you!


Please, hear my story first...

Leggi la seconda puntata del fumetto e scegli l’alternativa corretta. 1 Victor was amazed/horrified by his creature. 2 Victor told/didn’t tell Henry about the creature. 3 Victor’s brother/sister was murdered by the creature. 4 Victor discovered/didn’t discover who the murderer was. 5 Victor’s friend/servant was unjustly accused of the crime. 6 Victor felt worried/guilty about the deaths. 7 Victor was angry/happy when he saw the creature again. 8 The monster convinced/didn’t convince Victor to listen to his story.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Eventually* the creature persuaded me to follow him back to his hovel*...

At first, everything was dark...

Glossary bumped into incontrai per caso exhaustion esaurimento fever febbre nursed accudì just as proprio nel momento in cui has been murdered è stato ucciso hung impiccata guilt senso di colpa revenge vendetta eventually alla fine hovel catapecchia


The creature began to tell me his tale* of terror, cold and loneliness*...

Why does everybody hate me?

...until one day, he found a hiding place* near Mr DeLacey’s home.

The creature secretly helped the family during the night...

The old blind* man plays such beautiful music...

I think we have a good spirit that cuts the wood for us!

As they read aloud* in the evenings, he learnt their language via stories of the past and love and death.

I have no ancestors. I am alone with my deformities.

After many months, the creature found the courage to speak to the blind father.

The native people were brutally massacred when Columbus arrived in America...

But just then, the others returned and were terrified by his monstrosity. They attacked him!

I am without friends or family...

Let me help you!


But what did I do to you?

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

In his humiliation, the creature succumbed to a violent rage and burnt down the DeLacey home.

I will hate humans forever!

He decided to hunt me down* and get his revenge...

He began with the murder of my brother.

I will make you pay for all my pain!*

You will be my first victim!

But then he stopped and offered me a possible solution...

In truth, I am sad and lonely. I will stop the killings if you create a female for me.



Leggi la terza puntata del fumetto e indica se le frasi seguenti sono vere (true) o false (false). 1 The blind man played beautiful music. 2 The creature helped The DeLaceys during the day. 3 The creature learnt to sing. 4 The old man was kind to the creature. 5 The creature was angry after the family attacked him. 6 The creature decided to hunt down the blind man for revenge. 7 The creature confessed to the murder of Victor’s brother. 8 The creature asked Victor to create a child.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


tale racconto loneliness solitudine hiding place nascondiglio blind cieco aloud ad alta voce hunt me down darmi la caccia pain dolore


I decided to work secretly in the remote Orkney Islands in Scotland. My good friend Henry came with me as far as Perth.

I contemplated the monster’s request...

You win, I will create a female for you.

Orkney Islands

Perth Edinburgh


I’m sorry Henry but I’d prefer to spend some time alone.

Fine Victor. Let’s meet again in a couple of months.

Oxford London




I started work but I realised the world was in danger. So I destroyed the lab and decided to return to Perth...

I cannot risk your eventual reproduction with this female.

Then you will never have* a woman either*...

...but another tragedy was waiting for me...

You killed that man Henry Clerval!

I was put in prison but I was later judged* innocent.

It was the monster! And now my best friend is dead too.

On my wedding day I was still worried about the creature’s words.

He is going to kill me tonight...

My son, we are going back to Geneva.


Yes father. It’s time to marry Elizabeth and live a quiet life.

Why is Victor so unhappy?

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

But I made a terrible mistake. He killed my wife that night, not me.

Evil creature! You won’t get away with this!*

North Pole Tartary/Russia

So I chased* him all the way to the North Pole until your ship saved me...

You’ll never catch me. I’m much stronger than you.

And that is my story...

Stop! I’m exhausted…

Black Sea Mediterranean

Argggh… my heart!

As Victor died, the creature came out of the darkness.

It didn’t have to end like this. I’m leaving now and will die alone.


The creature jumped sadly onto a piece of ice and slowly disappeared into the night.

It is too late to feel sorry for your actions...

The end 4

Leggi la quarta puntata del fumetto e completa le seguenti frasi. 1 Victor’s laboratory was in ____________________. 2 Victor destroyed ____________________ he was creating because he didn’t want the monster to reproduce. 3 ____________________ killed Henry Clerval. 4 ____________________ was accused of Henry’s death. 5 The monster killed ____________________ on Victor’s wedding night. 6 Victor chased ____________________ all the way to the ____________________ in revenge for the deaths of all his loved ones. 7 ____________________ died on Capt Walton’s boat. 8 ____________________ felt sorry for his actions.

Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Glossary will never have non avrai mai either nemmeno judged giudicato won’t get away with this non te la caverai chased inseguii


Glossary Unit 1 astronomer astronomo babysit little brothers or sisters fare da babysitter ai fratellini o alle sorelline builder muratore career carriera chef chef cook cuoco customer cliente dentist dentista dietician dietologo do the ironing stirare do the washing-up lavare i piatti electrician elettricista engineer ingegnere esthetician estetista farmer contadino fold clothes piegare gli indumenti gardener giardiniere hairdresser parrucchiere hang out the washing stendere i panni housewife casalinga ice cream man gelataio knitter maglierista interpreter interprete judge giudice lay/clear the table apparecchiare/ sparecchiare la tavola life guard bagnino load/unload the dishwasher caricare/scaricare la lavastoviglie make the beds fare i letti miner minatore nurse infermiere nutritionist nutrizionista optician ottico painter pittore policeman/woman poliziotto/a postman/woman postino/a surgeon chirurgo software developer sviluppatore software


sweep the floor spazzare il pavimento take the bins out buttare via la spazzatura taxi driver tassista tidy your room riordinare la tua camera usher usciere, maschera veterinarian veterinario shop assistant commesso translator traduttore waiter/waitress cameriere/a web developer sviluppatore di siti internet zookeeper guardiano dello zoo, custode dello zoo

Unit 2 actor attore animator disegnatore/creatore di animazioni animated film cartone animato attraction attrazione choreography coreografia comedian comico concert concerto costume costume di scena, maschera director regista entertainment intrattenimento lead singer voce principale lighting luci mascot mascotte musician musicista parody parodia performer attore, musicista, esecutore plot trama presenter presentatore producer produttore review recensione role ruolo screenwriter sceneggiatore script copione set set, scena stage palco

staged messo in scena theatre teatro theme park parco a tema ticket biglietto

Unit 3 act recitare audience pubblico book libro broadcast trasmettere broadcast media mezzi di comunicazione radiotelevisivi camera macchina fotografica carrier pigeon piccione viaggiatore check controllare digital media mezzi di comunicazione digitali do research fare ricerche documentary documentario entertain intrattenere film (v.) filmare/riprendere interview (v.) intervistare magazine rivista mass media mezzi di comunicazione di massa Morse code codice Morse network rete newspaper giornale pamphlet volantino, opuscolo print stampa print media mezzi di comunicazione della carta stampata radio radio report riportare show spettacolo, show signal segnale take photos fare fotografie telegraph system sistema telegrafico television televisione theme song canzone introduttiva, sigla di un programma televisivo turn on accendere USB key chiavetta USB website sito internet Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

Unit 4 airport aeroporto bakery panificio bank banca bicycle/bike bicicletta bookshop libreria borrow prendere in prestito bridge ponte building palazzo bus stop fermata dell’autobus café bar car park parcheggio chemist’s farmacia coach/bus autobus congestion ingorgo drive guidare fuel carburante get stuck venire bloccato go past superare go straight andare avanti, proseguire diritto hospital ospedale journey tragitto lane corsia library biblioteca lift passaggio map mappa motorway autostrada noise rumore parking space posto per parcheggiare petrol station distributore di benzina pollution inquinamento post office ufficio postale river fiume roundabout rotonda share condividere souvenir shop negozio di souvenir station stazione statue statua storage magazzino take the first/second exit prendere la prima/seconda uscita taxi taxi Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento

town centre centro della città traffic traffico traffic jam ingorgo stradale traffic light semaforo train treno tunnel galleria turn left girare a sinistra turn right girare a destra underground metropolitana vehicle veicolo

Unit 5 bear orso bones ossa camouflaged mimetizzato chase inseguire cheetah ghepardo chicken gallina crocodile coccodrillo deer cervo desert deserto dog cane eagle aquila elephant elefante environment ambiente eyesight vista fish pesce footprint impronta forest foresta frog rana herbivore erbivoro human uomo jaguar giaguaro jellyfish medusa kangaroo canguro lake lago lethal letale lion leone mountain montagna ocean oceano octopus polpo organism organismo pig maiale predatory predatore reef barriera corallina

rhinoceros rinoceronte river fiume salty salato sea mare shade ombra shark squalo spider ragno spine spina, aculeo sting puntura strike attaccare temperature temperatura tortoise tartaruga terrestre, testuggine turtle tartaruga d’acqua venom veleno venomous velenoso volcano vulcano waterfall cascata wildebeest/gnu gnu wild pig cinghiale

Unit 6 abroad all’estero apartment/flat appartamento camper van camper camping campeggio campus campus universitario caravan roulotte check in fare il check in, registrarsi cinema cinema exchange scambio ferry traghetto foreign straniero horse riding andare a cavallo hospitality ospitalità hostel ostello hotel albergo house (v.) ospitare, dare alloggio a qualcuno leave partire local food cibo locale museum museo pack the bags fare le valigie restaurant ristorante room stanza


Glossary sailing boat barca a vela sightsee visitare località turistiche stay rimanere student accommodation alloggio per studenti taste assaggiare tent tenda tree house casa sull’albero visitor visitatore, turista zoo zoo

Unit 7 apple pie tortino di mele beef manzo beer birra bill conto blueberry mirtilli boiled bollito butter burro cabbage cavolo cookbook libro di ricette cream panna credit card carta di credito crisp croccante crust crosta cheesecake torta al formaggio cheese formaggio chef/cook cuoco delicious delizioso dish piatto drip gocciolare egg uovo ethnic etnico fat grasso fish pesce flavour sapore fork forchetta fried fritto fruit frutta gravy sugo heart cuore ice cream gelato ingredient ingrediente jam marmellata kitchen cucina


knife coltello lemon limone liver fegato lung polmone mash schiacciare meal pasto meat carne melt sciogliersi milk latte mixed salad insalata mista mushroom fungo mustard senape oatmeal avena onion cipolla oven forno pepper pepe pie tortino pork carne suina potato patata pudding batter pastella recipe ricetta roast arrosto root vegetable verdura a radice salt sale sausage salsiccia seasonal di stagione sheep pecora sophisticated sofisticato soup minestra spit-roasted allo spiedo spread spalmato starter antipasto steamed al vapore strawberry fragola tart crostata, crostatina taste gusto, sapore tea tè tomato pomodoro vegetable verdura vegetarian vegetariano

boycott boicottaggio break the law infrangere le regole demonstration manifestazione disobedience disobbedienza elect eleggere fine multa hunger strike sciopero della fame identity card carta d’identità illegal illegale independence indipendenza law legge light fires accendere fuochi march marcia no animals vietato portare animali no cycling vietato andare in bicicletta no driving vietato guidare no parking vietato parcheggiare no photographs vietato fare foto no smoking vietato fumare no spitting vietato sputare no swimming vietato nuotare obey obbedire obligation obbligo, dovere peaceful pacifico peacefully pacificamente prohibition proibizione, divieto protest protestare racial equality uguaglianza razziale representative rappresentante resistance resistenza right diritto school uniform divisa scolastica seatbelt cintura di sicurezza unjust ingiusto vote votare weapon arma

Unit 8 arrest arresto authorities autorità bicycle helmet caschetto Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Answer Key


somne! Fu

Unit 1

Unit 5

elephant 1 __________

hef C_____________

entist D_____________

armer F_____________

ardener G_____________

airdresser H_____________

urse N_____________

ainter P_____________

ueen Q_____________

axi driver T_____________

eterinarian V_____________

aiter W_____________

deer 2 __________

frog 3 __________

human 4 __________

lion 5 __________

chicken 6 __________

bear 7 __________

rhinoceros 8 __________

Unit 6 C

Unit 2



2P 3P




E S R F 4S 5C O 6C H O R E O G R A R M S 7 I E P L O T P R T





































Unit 7

Unit 3 1E



carrier pigeon




Morse code

7G radio


JAM _____________

MILK _____________

KNIFE _____________

EGGS _____________

STRAWBERRY _____________

YOGHURT _____________

TEA _____________

AVOCADO _____________

OIL _____________

LEMON _____________

Unit 8




Unit 4















AN UNJUST LAW IS NO LAW AT ALL Step 2 – Ripasso e consolidamento


Welcome back to school!

Entry Test

Scegli la risposta corretta (A, B, C or D). 1 I usually ______________ at 7.30 a.m. A ■ have breakfast

B ■ am having breakfast

C ■ do breakfast

D ■ doing breakfast

2 I’d like ______________ salt and pepper, please.

A ■ any

B ■ some

C ■ many

D ■ a

3 Are there ______________ bananas to make banana bread?

A ■ some

B ■ any

C ■ a

D ■ an

C ■ Some

D ■ Any

C ■ could

D ■ doesn’t

C ■ Were

D ■ Weren’t

4 ______________ people are there?

A ■ How much

B ■ How many

5 Geoff ________ play the violin when he was 9.

A ■ can

B ■ can’t

6 ‘______________ you born in England?’ ‘No, I wasn’t.’

A ■ Was

B ■ Wasn’t

7 ______________ three cats in my garden yesterday, but I don’t know where they live.

A ■ There are

B ■ There weren’t

C ■ There is

D ■ There isn’t

C ■ was

D ■ go

D ■ Had

8 Last Saturday I ______________ to the theatre.

A ■ went

B ■ did go

9 ‘______________ you have a good time at the seaside?’ ‘Yes, I did.’

A ■ Did

B ■ Do

C ■ Were

10 I ______________ that film when I was a child.

A ■ did see

B ■ saw

C ■ saws

D ■ seed

11 Excuse me, could you ______________ me the way to the post office, please?

A ■ say

B ■ tell

C ■ told

D ■ tells

C ■ more dirty

D ■ dirtier

C ■ most

D ■ less

C ■ How old

D ■ Who

12 The city is ______________ than the countryside.

A ■ dirtiest

B ■ more dirtier

13 It was the ______________ interesting place I ever saw.

A ■ more

B ■ worst

14 ______________ did your cousin marry?


A ■ What

B ■ Whose

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Entry Test

Welcome back to school!

15 This is the shop ________________ I bought my new shoes.

A ■ that

B ■ when

C ■ who

D ■ where

C ■ How high

D ■ How much

C ■ may

D ■ be able to

16 ______________ is the Amazon River?

A ■ How tall

B ■ How long

17 I’d like to ______________ play the violin.

A ■ can

B ■ could

18 Just walk ______________ the main hall and turn left into the corridor.

A ■ through

B ■ around

C ■ over

D ■ under

C ■ watched

D ■ are watching

19 The children ______________ TV when I got home.

A ■ was watching

B ■ were watching

20 It was a beautiful day, the sun ______________ so we decided to go to the beach.

A ■ was shining

B ■ shone

C ■ shining

D ■ were shining


Between 6-9

Between 10-15

Between 0-5

Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Test di recupero 1 Vocabulary




Risolvi gli anagrammi e scrivi i nomi degli indumenti.



_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

My grandparents 1__________ born in Albania, but my dad 2__________. He 3__________ born in the UK and so 4__________ my mum. My parents 5__________ only 20 when they married, so my grandparents 6__________ very happy because they 7__________ too young, but my twin brothers 8__________ born a year after and I 9__________ born a year after that, so they 10__________ all OK again!


Scrivi i mesi mancanti.

1 _____________ February 2 _____________ April 3 _____________ June 4 _____________ August 5 _____________ October 6 _____________ December



7 a b c d

belt earrings ring sandals

Rispondi alle domande in modo personale.

1 When is your birthday? ____________________________________ 2 What’s the date today? ____________________________________ 3 When is Christmas day? ____________________________________ 4 What do you wear in cold weather? ____________________________________ 5 What do you wear in hot weather? ____________________________________ 130

Scrivi domande sulla famiglia di Kay usando i suggerimenti dati. Rispondi con le informazioni dell’esercizio 5.

1 where / grandparents / born ____________________________________ 2 dad / born / UK ____________________________________ 3 old / parents / married ____________________________________ 4 grandparents / happy ____________________________________ 5 when / Kay / born ____________________________________

Abbina le definizioni alle parole.

1 You wear these on your ears. 2 You wear this on your finger. 3 You wear these on your feet. 4 You wear this on your trousers or dress.

Completa il testo sulla famiglia di Kay con was, were, wasn’t o weren’t.

Scrivi cinque frasi vere per te con le espressioni di tempo del riquadro e was, wasn’t, were, weren’t.

last night yesterday two weeks ago last weekend when I was a child

1 ____________________________________ 2 ____________________________________ 3 ____________________________________ 4 ____________________________________ 5 ____________________________________

Functions 8

Riordina le frasi del dialogo. a b c d

■ ■ ■ ■

e f

■ ■

You’re welcome. They are £7.50 each. Okay, thank you. It opens at half past five and closes at half past eleven. How much are the tickets? Excuse me, what are the opening times for the cinema tonight? Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Test di recupero 2 5

Vocabulary 1

Elenca sei lavori. 4 _________

2 _________

5 _________

3 _________

6 _________

Dove lavorano le persone dell’esercizio 1? Inseriscile nel gruppo corretto.

Place of work


hospital hotel office outside restaurant shop other


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 I hate Mathematics, it’s really boring / exciting!

2 I thought that horror film was really tiring / frightening.

3 Ugh! What are you eating? It looks amusing / disgusting!

4 Look at these photos – my new smartphone camera is amazing / interesting!

Grammar 4

__________ weekend I 2__________ to the BBC studios as part of the audience to record a youth culture programme. I 3__________TV studios were really 4__________, but I was wrong! I 5__________ really bored most of the time because the producer made the presenters redo everything they 6__________ an hour 7__________. By the time we 8 __________ recording I was exhausted! 1

1 _________


K Scegli l’opzione corretta per completare il testo.

Trasforma queste frasi al passato.

1 Tim travels a lot in Europe. ____________________________________ 2 We play football in the park. ____________________________________ 3 She tries to sell her work to publishers. ____________________________________ 4 Granddad writes letters every day. ____________________________________ 5 I know lots of people from other countries. ____________________________________ 6 You go fishing at weekends. ____________________________________

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A Ago A goed A thinked A tiring A feel A do A ago A stop

B Last B go B thought B excited B fell B did B last B stoped

C Yesterday C went C thoughted C exciting C felt C didn’t C yesterday C stopped


Completa le frasi sul passato con could o couldn’t.

In Ancient History… 1 people ________ send emails. 2 people ________ ride horses. 3 people ________ fly aeroplanes. 4 Italians ________ speak Latin. 5 children ________ work. 6 women ________ vote.


Completa le frasi in modo personale.

1 I couldn’t __________________ when I was little. 2 I could __________________ when I was five. 3 I couldn’t __________________ when I was three, but I can now. 4 I could __________________ before I could __________________.

Functions 8

ES Scrivi una frase appropriata per ciascuna delle risposte. You ____________________________ Your friend Really! You ____________________________ Your friend You’re kidding? You ____________________________ Your friend Poor you! You ____________________________ Your friend No way! 131

Test di recupero 3 5

Vocabulary 1

Inserisci i nomi degli strumenti musicali nel riquadro all’interno della colonna corretta.

We were very rich growing up and we had many technological devices at home. I took lots of pictures with my digital camera, watched films on our home movie system or listened to music on an amazing stereo system. We went away every weekend in the car. My dad drove an Aston Martin like James Bond and we stayed at expensive hotels and ate out at nice restaurants. I rode a lovely new mountain bike. Life was a dream!

drums guitar recorder saxophone violin xylophone Musical instruments Percussion



6 2

Ora aggiungi qualche altro esempio alla tabella nell’esercizio 1.


Abbina le due parti per formare i nomi dei generi musicali.

1 BLU 2 CLAS 3 COUN JA 4 5 P 6 R REG 7 8 RO


Grammar 4

Completa il dialogo con did o didn’t. ______ you finish your homework last night?




No, I 2______; I went out with Jay.

Sally Really? Where 3______ you go? Carl

We wanted to go to the cinema but we 4 ______ get there in time.

Sally Oh no! 5______ you go for a pizza instead? Carl

Yes, we 6______! How 7______ you know that?

Sally I 8______! It was a lucky guess!

Rispondi alle domande in modo personale.

1 What did you do last weekend? ____________________________________ 2 Did you study English at primary school? ____________________________________ 3 Where did you go on holiday last summer? ____________________________________ 4 Did you have a party for your last birthday? ____________________________________


Unisci le frasi tra loro con i pronomi who o which.

1 This is the man. He lives in my street. ____________________________________ 2 Do you like the music? It’s on the radio. ____________________________________ 3 I love the new Stephen King book. I read it last week. ____________________________________ 4 I need the number. It’s on your phone. ____________________________________ 5 That’s the singer. He won The X Factor. ____________________________________ 6 The bike is cool. Laura bought it. ____________________________________

Functions 8

Abbina le domande alle riposte.

1 Shall I open the a Yes, good idea! door? That would be 2 Do you want me b great! to start? 3 Would you like c Thanks, that’s very me to come over nice of you. and help you after school?


Riscrivi il testo trasformando i verbi al Past simple alla forma negativa.

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Test di recupero 4 Vocabulary



1 energetic 2 friendly 3 fierce 4 confident 5 big 6 cute

Osserva le immagini e scrivi i nomi degli animali.

Abbina le parole agli opposti. a unfriendly b ugly c timid d sweet e small f lazy

Grammar 1 ___________

2 ___________


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 The cheetah is the faster / fastest land mammal in the world. 2 China is more / most populated than India. 3 Giant tortoises live longer / longest than any other creature. 4 African elephants are heavier / heaviest than Indian elephants. 5 Iceland is the better / best place to see the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis). 6 The Blue Whale is the bigger / biggest living animal.

3 ___________

4 ___________

6 5 ___________


6 ___________

Ora inserisci gli animali dell’esercizio 1 nel gruppo corretto.














Rispondi alle domande in modo personale.

1 Which is your favourite wild animal? ____________________________________ 2 Where do sharks live? ____________________________________ 3 Which animals are very dangerous in your country? ____________________________________ 4 Where do scorpions live? ____________________________________ Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Riscrivi le frasi correggendo gli errori.

1 I’m old as you. ____________________________________ 2 This game is boring than the other one. ____________________________________ 3 My little brother is not as taller as me. ____________________________________ 4 The blue jumper is cheap than the red one. ____________________________________ 5 Pigs are as intelligent dogs. ____________________________________

Functions 7

Rispondi alle domande in modo personale.

1 What pet have you got or would you like? ____________________________________ 2 What does it look like? ____________________________________ 3 Is it as big as a horse? ____________________________________ 4 Is it heavier than a mouse? ____________________________________ 5 Does it live as long as humans do? ____________________________________ 133

Test di recupero 5 Vocabulary




Completa le frasi con a lot of, a little, a few, many o much.

1 Let’s catch the bus! It’s only _______ stops. 2 I haven’t got _______ days’ holiday this year. 3 They’ve got _______ space in their car because it’s a people carrier. 4 There’s _______ time before our plane takes off. Shall we go for a coffee? 5 The teacher didn’t give us _______ homework for the weekend. 6 There are always _______ people waiting for the underground in the morning.

Cerchia l’intruso e scrivi sotto il motivo fra quelli nel riquadro. It doesn’t have passengers. It’s the most environmentally friendly. It travels underground. It travels by air.

1 A bicycle B car C plane ____________________________________ 2 A bus B helicopter C train ____________________________________ 3 A underground train B scooter C ferry ____________________________________ 4 A taxi B sailing boat C speedboat ____________________________________


Scrivi una frase per ciascuna delle seguenti espressioni.

1 get on ____________________________________ 2 land ____________________________________ 3 get into ____________________________________ 4 get out of ____________________________________


Completa le frasi con le preposizioni nel riquadro. along under down over through up


1 Remember to cycle _________ the river. 2 I prefer running _________ and not _________ hill, because you don’t get so tired! 3 Don’t try to go across the railway; walk _________ the bridge! 4 At the traffic lights go _________ the tunnel _________ the main road.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 ‘How length / long is this lesson?’ ‘Two hours.’ 2 ‘How far / heavy is your school from your home?’ ‘About two km.’ 3 ‘How wide / deep is your swimming pool?’ ‘You can go three metres down.’ 4 ‘How old / young is this school?’ ‘It’s from the Victorian Age.’ 5 ‘How high / tall are you?’ ‘I’m 1,73 m.’


Ora rispondi alle domande dell’esercizio 5 in modo personale.

1 2 3 4 5

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Functions 7

Leggi le istruzioni e scrivi le domande.

1 Chiedi alcune informazioni a un ufficio turistico. ____________________________________ 2 Chiedi un biglietto di sola andata. ____________________________________ 3 Chiedi il prezzo dei biglietti. ____________________________________ 4 Chiedi come arrivare alla stazione. ____________________________________ 5 Chiedi di prenotare due posti sul traghetto. ____________________________________

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Test di recupero 6 Vocabulary



Completa i lavori domestici con i verbi mancanti.


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di have to e i verbi tra parentesi.

1 2 3 4 5 6


Ora trova altri sei verbi usati per esprimere lavori domestici. Poi completa le espressioni con le parole che hai trovato.

1 We __________ (go) to school today because it’s snowing! 2 __________ you __________ (wear) a school uniform? 3 I __________ (tidy up) my room every day. 4 __________ Tanya __________ (do) any housework? 5 Grant and Helen __________ (go) to work on Sundays. They’re free. 6 My mum __________ (make) dinner for eight people tonight.

________ the carpet ________ the ironing ________ the cat ________ the bed ________ the table ________ the floor


















Completa le regole con must o mustn’t.

























































1 You __________ run by the swimming pool. 2 You __________ follow the instructions carefully. 3 You __________ wear protective glasses in the Science lab. 4 You __________ wear outdoor shoes in the gym. 5 You __________ talk during the test. 6 You __________ eat or drink in the classroom.









1 2 3 4 5 6

________ out the washing ________ the dinner ________ out the rubbish ________ up the bedroom ________ the dishwasher ________ the mirrors


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con un phrasal verb.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 I really mustn’t / must go to the dentist. I’ve got toothache. 2 You have to / mustn’t use your mobile phone in class. 3 Do you have to / must help at home? 4 You must / has to show your passport when you arrive in Italy. 5 Annabel have to / has to finish her homework before she goes swimming. 6 You mustn’t / have to be late for the lesson.

Functions 7 1 _______ my clothes

3 _______ the TV

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

2 _______ the light

4 _______ the computer

ES Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo fra Tom e sua madre.



Chiede se può andare alla festa di Lara.

Risponde di sì.

Chiede a che ora deve tornare a casa.

Risponde che deve tornare a casa entro le 10.

Chiede il permesso di stare fuori fino le 11.

Risponde di no. 135

Prova delle competenze




Hi, I’m Kay and I’m twelve. This is a photo of me with my Grandma, Margaret. She’s 76. I stay with my Grandma two or three times a week when my mum and dad are working. Mum is a receptionist in a hotel and she works every day from 3 until 8. She helps people check in to the hotel and she wears a uniform. She speaks German and Spanish so she speaks to some of the foreign guests. Dad is a doctor in the hospital in town. He works a lot, sometimes at night, but he loves helping people. Grandma doesn’t work now but when she was younger she was a hairdresser. She cut people’s hair and worked 8 hours every day. She loved her job because she met lots of different people. She finished working 15 years ago.


Hi! I’m Grant and I’m thirteen. I’m from Chester in the north-west of England. Every weekend I help at Chester Zoo and I just love it! I started going to the zoo two years ago because they needed people to help with the giraffes. I went for two hours on a Saturday morning but now I spend all day at the zoo. A new baby giraffe (or calf, which is the correct word!) was born on 26th December last year, so it’s a very exciting time at the zoo. There are some amazing animals at the zoo – elephants, monkeys, lions, hippopotamuses, snakes, spiders – about 20,000 animals, I think! The biggest are the Asian elephants and the scariest are definitely the crocodiles! One day, I’d like to work full time at the zoo, maybe as a safari ranger or vet.


Hello, I’m Laura and I’m thirteen. I come from a seaside town called Bournemouth in the south of England and I love music! I play the violin. I started playing when I was six and now I’m a member of the regional orchestra. I wanted to play the drums but my mum didn’t like the idea because she said it was a very noisy instrument, so I learnt to play the violin instead. I like all types of music but my favourite is classical. I went to a classical music concert in London last month with my mum and aunt, and it was wonderful. There was a big orchestra and they played music by Beethoven and Mozart. The tickets were very expensive but it was an amazing experience! We had seats at the front of the theatre so I could see all the musicians – the violinists were definitely the best! 136

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Intermedia 1


Leggi i testi e abbina le persone alle foto. A

Prova delle competenze Rileggi il testo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

1 Kay’s grandma was a hairdresser.



2 Kay’s mum works in a hotel.

3 She lives with her grandma.

4 Her dad sometimes works at night.

5 Grant is from the south of England.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

6 He goes to the zoo every Sunday afternoon.


7 Laura started playing the violin last year. 8 She went to a jazz concert last week.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

■■ ■■ 8


ES Leggi e rispondi alle domande.

1 Who wears a uniform? ____________________________________


2 How many hours a day did Kay’s grandma work? ____________________________________ 3 When did Kay’s grandma finish working? ____________________________________ 4 When did Grant start working at the zoo? ____________________________________ 5 What was born on 26th December? ____________________________________

1 Laura ____ 2 Kay ____ 3 Grant ____ 3


6 Which are the scariest animals at the zoo? ____________________________________

Leggi le frasi, poi scrivi Kay, Grant o Laura.

Who… 1 works in a zoo? ____________________________________ 2 loves classical music? ____________________________________ 3 would like to be a vet? ____________________________________ 4 has a mum who speaks German? ____________________________________ 5 wanted to play the drums? ____________________________________ 6 has a dad who is a doctor? ____________________________________

7 Why didn’t Laura’s mum want her to play the drums? ____________________________________

8 Which were the best musicians at the concert? ____________________________________ 8 My score for reading is


6 Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Prova delle competenze






ES Segui le istruzioni e scrivi il dialogo fra te e un commesso.


Risponde di sì. Chiede che taglia porti.

Rispondi che sei una taglia 41.

Dice “ecco a lei” e chiede se vanno bene.

Rispondi che sono un po’ piccole e chiedi se puoi provare una taglia più grande. Chiedi se le ha in rosso.

Dice “ecco a lei”. Risponde di sì e chiede se le vuoi provare. Dice “ecco a lei” e chiede se vanno bene.

Rispondi di sì. Rispondi di sì e chiedi quanto costano. Rispondi che le prendi.

Dice che costano £45. 10


Scrivi una breve descrizione delle tue preferenze musicali. Includi le seguenti informazioni: • qual è il tuo genere musicale preferito • quale genere musicale invece non ti piace • se sai suonare uno strumento e, se sì, quale e da quanto • se ti piacerebbe saper suonare un (altro) strumento • se ti piace ascoltare musica dal vivo e, se sì, che tipo • se vai spesso ad ascoltare musica dal vivo e dove

Scrivi 50-75 parole. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Ascolta e completa il dialogo.

Man Excuse me, what are the 1________ times for the art gallery? Woman It 2________ at ten o’clock and it closes at 3________ o’clock. Man Does it close late at the 4________? Woman Yes, but only on 5________ in July… it closes at half past seven. Man OK. And how much does it 6________? Woman Tickets cost £6 for adults and 7 ________ for children, but it’s 8 ________ every second Sunday of the month. Man Great… that’s tomorrow!

Shop Assistant

Di’ “mi scusi” e chiedi se puoi provare delle scarpe.




Ascolta il dialogo e completa questa parte con le parole mancanti. 35

Excuse me, 1_________ try this dress on? Assistant Yes, of course. What 2_________ do you want? Mum A size 12, please. Assistant 3_________ are. Mum Thanks. Here you are, Sophie… Does it 4_________? Sophie No, it’s too big. I need a 5_________ size. Mum Just a minute… Excuse me, have you got a size 6_________? Assistant Yes, 7_________. Here you are. Mum Thanks. Is that 8_________, Sophie? Sophie Yes, it is. Mum How much does it cost? Assistant It’s 9_________. Mum Wow; it’s 10_________. Mum


15 My score for writing is


25 Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Intermedia 9


Prova delle competenze

Ascolta di nuovo e rispondi alle domande.

1 What does Sophie decide to try on? ____________________________________ 2 What colour is it? ____________________________________ 3 What size does Sophie’s mum ask for? ____________________________________ 4 How much does it cost? ____________________________________

5 Does Sophie’s mum think it is expensive or cheap? ____________________________________ 6 How much is it today? ____________________________________ 7 How does Sophie’s mum want to pay? ____________________________________ 7 My score for listening is


Speaking 10 ES

Scegli una foto e descrivila al tuo compagno. Descrivi: chi sono le persone nella foto dove sono (in che tipo di negozio) che cosa stanno facendo quali oggetti stanno comprando e che cosa si vede nella foto • quanto spesso vai tu in questi tipi di negozio • • • •


11 ES

Ora fai domande personali al tuo compagno e rispondi alle sue domande. Chiedi:

• qual è il suo animale preferito e perché • se ha un animale domestico (se sì, da quanto e come si chiama) • se va mai allo zoo vicino casa

• l’ultima volta che ha visto un concerto • cosa ha fatto il fine settimana scorso • cosa fanno i suoi genitori 15 My score for speaking is My final score is

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

25 100 139

Prova delle competenze


Reading Hi, I’m Lucy and I’m studying Science at school. When I leave school, I’m planning to do a degree in Veterinary Science at Edinburgh University because I want to become a vet one day. I already volunteer at a cats and dogs’ home at weekends. I’m not looking forward to cooking for myself or doing lots of housework when I go to university. I must do a cookery course before I go because I haven’t got enough money to eat out at restaurants or buy takeaways. If I live with other students in a flat, I know I must have to make my bed, sweep the floor, take out the rubbish, do my washing and ironing, and clean the bathroom – ugh!!


2 Hello! My name is Richard and I’m going on a very exciting journey with my family soon. We want to visit my aunt and uncle and cousins who live in New Zealand! It’s a very long journey, about 24 hours I think. We must travel by plane, of course. You get a first plane in London and you go to Bangkok, then you stay there for two days. After that, you take another plane to Sydney in Australia and then another one to Christchurch, which is in the south island of New Zealand. My aunt and uncle live in Queenstown where there are lots of exciting sports to do. We can have a helicopter ride and do some rafting. It’s so exciting!



Hi, I’m David, I’m fourteen and I want to be a film director when I grow up. I love watching films and TV series, and I go to the cinema every week. At the moment, my favourite programme on TV is a detective series called Changing Times. There are eight episodes and the plot is amazing. Part of the series is filmed in the TV studio but a lot of the scenes are filmed on location around London. I know it’s really hard to become a director but that’s my dream. I want to start drama and film classes next year, I want to learn how to use a camera and how to write a script. I’m really excited! Step 3 – Rientro in classe

Finale 1


Leggi i testi e abbina le persone alle foto.

Prova delle competenze Rileggi il testo e indica (✓) se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

1 Lucy wants to study in London.



2 She doesn’t have to do any housework at university.


■■ ■■

3 Richard is planning to fly to New Zealand.

■ He doesn’t want to visit Singapore. ■ He is planning to visit his grandparents. ■ David wants to be a cameraman. ■

■ ■ ■ ■




7 His favourite TV programme is filmed in Edinburgh.


8 He is really worried about the drama classes.





ES Rispondi alle domande.

1 What does Lucy want to become?


2 What does she do at the weekends?


3 What is she not looking forward to?



1 David ____ 2 Richard ____ 3 Lucy ____

5 How long does the journey take?

____________________________________ 3


4 Who is Richard planning to travel with?

Leggi le frasi, poi scrivi Lucy, Richard o David.

Who… 1 loves going to the cinema? ____________________________________ 2 is thinking of having a helicopter ride? ____________________________________ 3 must do a cookery course? ____________________________________ 4 must stop in Bangkok? ____________________________________ 5 is planning to live with other people? ____________________________________ 6 wants to do a drama course? ____________________________________

6 What is there in Queenstown?


7 How many episodes are there in Changing Times?


8 What is David’s dream?

____________________________________ 8 My score for reading is


6 Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Prova delle competenze






ES Segui i suggerimenti e scrivi il dialogo tra te e un addetto all’ufficio biglietti.

You Saluta e di’ che vorresti alcune informazioni. Chiedi come puoi andare da Bath a Birmingham. Chiedi quanto costa andare in treno. Di’ che vuoi un biglietto andata e ritorno. Rispondi di sì, vorresti prenotare due biglietti. Ringrazi.


1 Michael got a … for his birthday.

Risponde “certamente”.


Risponde che puoi andare con il treno o con il pullman.

2 What colour is it?

Chiede se vuoi un biglietto singolo o andata e ritorno.


Risponde che costa £45. Chiede se vuoi prenotare i biglietti. Dice “ecco a lei”.

3 When was it born? 7 6 MONTHS MONTHS AGO AGO A B C


• cosa devi fare e quanto spesso devi farlo • quali lavori domestici devi fare ogni giorno • quali lavori domestici non devi fare mai e non ti piace fare • quali lavori domestici fanno sempre i tuoi genitori Scrivi 50-75 parole.

15 My score for writing is



37 Ascolta il dialogo e completa questa parte con le parole mancanti.

Rachel Hey Owen, what are you 1________ tomorrow evening? Owen I’m watching the new 2________ series on TV. Rachel Boring! I’m 3________ to Jessica’s party. Do you 4________ to come? Owen I don’t know Jessica. Rachel 5________ do I! Owen So who 6________ you to the party? Rachel Alex… so, 7________ you come then? Owen No, I 8________. I have to 9________ my bedroom up and do my Geography homework 10________. 10

Scrivi una breve descrizione di che cosa devi fare per aiutare in casa. Includi le seguenti informazioni:

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________




36 Ascolta il dialogo e scegli la risposta corretta.



Ascolta di nuovo e rispondi alle domande.

1 What does Rachel have to do every morning? ____________________________________ 2 What does Owen have to do on Tuesdays? ____________________________________ 3 What’s the weather like? ____________________________________ 4 Where’s Rachel going now? ____________________________________ 5 How is she getting there? ____________________________________ 6 Does Owen have to do any housework now? ____________________________________ 12 My score for listening is


Step 3 – Rientro in classe


Prova delle competenze

Speaking 10 ES

Scegli una foto e descrivila al tuo compagno. Descrivi:

• le persone (come sono vestite e che cosa hanno con sé) • dove si trovano

• che cosa stanno facendo • che cosa vedi nello sfondo • dove pensi che stiano andando 10

11 ES • • • • • •

Ora fai domande personali al tuo compagno e rispondi alle sue domande. Chiedi: come va a scuola (in macchina, in pullman, in treno) qual è il suo programma televisivo preferito che tipo di programma non gli / le piace affatto come si veste di solito se ha un cane o un gatto a cui deve dare da mangiare ogni giorno quali sono i lavori domestici che fa a casa (es. preparare da mangiare per la sua famiglia) My score for speaking is My final score is

Step 3 – Rientro in classe

15 25 100 143

Catch Up With English! 2 Editorial project and coordination: Simona Franzoni Editors: Linda Pergolini, Simona Pisauri, Simona Bagalà Language consultant: Catrin Elen Morris Art director: Marco Mercatali Page layout: Davide Elisei Picture editors: Giorgia D’Angelo Production manager: Francesco Capitano Cover Cover design: Paola Lorenzetti Photo: Shutterstock Acknowledgements Illustrated by: Studio 6CB9, Luca Poli Photos: Shutterstock © 2020 ELI S.r.l. P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Lisa Suett is the Author of the Step 1 section. Jenny Humphries wrote the Step 2 section. Claire Moore is the author of the Step 3 section. No unauthorised photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Segnalazione di errori Produrre un testo scolastico è molto complesso. L’esperienza ci insegna che è quasi impossibile pubblicare un libro senza un errore o una imprecisione, e ci scusiamo con i nostri lettori. Ogni segnalazione che potete inviarci sarà per noi preziosa. Vi ringraziamo se vorrete scriverci al seguente indirizzo: Printed by Tecnostampa - Pigini Group Printing Division - Loreto, Trevi - Italia

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