● Storytelling
● Cittadinanza attiva
● Costituzione
● Sviluppo sostenibile

● Cittadinanza digitale
● Pensiero critico
Mariagrazia Bertarini
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Mariagrazia Bertarini

Hello, kids. My name’s Ishmael and I want to tell you the story of a very stubborn captain and a white whale!
I love the ocean, so I decide to be a sailor. I go to the port and meet Queequeg, an Indian whale hunter. The next day, we find a job on a beautiful, huge, whaling boat.

The captain of the boat is Ahab. He is tall and strong. He is a very angry man.
He has got a large scar on his face.
He has got a peg leg that is made from the bone of a whale.
He lost his leg in a battle against Moby Dick, a dangerous, huge white whale.
Ahab is a very stubborn man and his goal is to capture Moby Dick.

He promises to give a gold coin to the first man who sees the whale.
To be continued on page 6.
We are the Pearl crew.
We are the Red Lions team.
A citizen can be part of a very small community like a sailing .

We are students at Chelsea Primary School.
A citizen can also be part of a .
I’m a London citizen.

A citizen can be part of a small community like a of students.

A citizen can be part of a large community like a .
Sviluppare il senso di identità personale. Riconoscere e rispettare differenze.
I’m a British citizen.

I’m a European citizen.

A citizen can be part of a larger community like a .

And of a of nations.
We are citizens of the ! We have rights and responsibilities.
One morning the sailors see a group of whales.
Ahab gets angry. Shoot the harpoons!

The sailors obey. The whales get angry. But there is no trace of the white whale.
And later, they swim away.
One week later, a sailor shouts.
The boat starts to follow it but the creature swims away.
Then they see a round white shape. They go close to the creature, but…

...it is a huge octopus with eight arms! Luckily, they escape the octopus.
It’s an octopus!
Moby Dick! Moby is over there! To
We don’t know if there is a white or a huge octopus in the Pacific Ocean, but we do know that there is a island. It is called the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ and it is . It is approximately the size of . The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is like a big bowl of soup with plastic pieces floating in the .
5 Read.
About 8 million tonnes of plastic enter the oceans each year. 8 million tonnes = a garbage truck of plastic every minute. About 80% of all litter in our oceans is plastic. Plastic is very dangerous for all sea animals.

The United Nations Environment Program discovered that the Great Pacific Garbage Patch kills one million seabirds and 10,000 sea animals every year.

Plastic nets can trap a seal, like this.

Big animals can eat big pieces of plastic.

Birds often eat small pieces of plastic and die.
Plastic bags can trap a turtle like this.

Plastic pollution is a planetary problem, but plastic is also a very important material and it is all around us. There are good plastic things and bad plastic things. Good plastic things are things that we use for a long period:

1. sports equipment and clothing
2. protective gloves, glasses and tools or machines for scientists

3. food containers and reusable water bottles

4. parts of technological devices

8 Read and write the words under the pictures. Listen and match. 7
Bad plastic things are single-use objects.

food packaging plates and cutlery

shopping bags

cups and straws

balloons ice cream plastic bottles

9 Listen and read. 8
One night a storm stops the boat. But the next day, the sea is calm and the sun is in the sky.
The sailors see another whaling boat. The Rachel’s crew needs help.

Help us! The captain’s son is overboard!
Help us to find the boy!
No, I can’t waste time! I must find the white whale!
To be continued on page 14.
10 To show empathy means to understand and share the feelings of another person. Read and complete.
Two older boys bully Josh. How does he feel?

What can you say or do to show empathy?
Lily can’t do her homework. How does she feel?

What can you say or do to show empathy?
Mark has got a newborn baby brother. How does he feel?
What can you say or do to show empathy?

Captain Ahab climbs the crow’s nest.
After two hours, he sees Moby Dick.
Moby Dick! Moby is over there!
The Pequod sails close to Moby Dick. Ahab is furious.

Capture that whale!
But the white whale appears and disappears continuously.
It’s like a ghost. It’s impossible to capture it.
After three days, the sailors are very tired. But Captain Ahab isn’t.

Suddenly, the whale is in front of the boat. The sailors hit Moby Dick with their harpoons.
Shoot the harpoons!
But a harpoon rope winds around Ahab’s leg.
The captain falls into the ocean.
Moby Dick is furious and breaks the boat in two.
I’m the only survivor of that legendary adventure and I can tell all the kids the story of Ahab and Moby Dick.