Grammar & Exam Buster

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Grammar and Exam Buster

Editorial project: Simona Franzoni Editors: Simona Pisauri, Lisa Suett, Sabina Cedraro Language consultant: Catrin Ellen Morris Art director: Marco Mercatali Page design: Sergio Elisei, Enea Ciccarelli Page layout: Airone Comunicazione, Sara Blasigh Picture editors: Giorgia D’Angelo, Simona Pisauri Production manager: Francesco Capitano Cover Cover design: Paola Lorenzetti Photo: Shutterstock Lisa Suett and Sarah Jane Lewis are the Authors of the grammar pages. Patrizia Caruzzo, Catrin Ellen Morris and Philip Drury are the Authors of the exam pages. Philip Drury is the Author of the Cambridge Key and Trinity GESE pages. Acknowledgements Illustrated by: Studio 6CB9, Luca Poli Photos: Shutterstock; ELI Archives; Getty images: pp. 98 (top), 136 (top right); Marka: p. 122 (top). © 2015 ELI S.r.l. P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Tel. +39 071 750701 Fax +39 071 977851 No unauthorised photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Printed by Grafiche Flaminia - Trevi (PG) ISBN 978-88-536-2098-9


Welcome to

Grammar & Exam Buster è un volume di rinforzo e potenziamento grammaticale e di preparazione all’Esame di Stato, alla certificazione Cambridge English: Key for Schools (KET) e al Trinity GESE, Grades 3 and 4. In questo volume troverai:

Grammar Buster Brevi tabelle o schemi riassuntivi con le principali strutture grammaticali.

Exam Buster Una ricca sezione di preparazione all’Esame di Stato, suddivisa in My Written Exam, My Oral Exam, INVALSI Reading e INVALSI Grammar, e introdotta da quattro pagine che propongono consigli utili per affrontare l’esame finale.

Cambridge and Trinity Certifications Una prova completa che ti preparerà alla certificazione Cambrdige English: Key for Schools (KET) e una sezione di preparazione al Trinity GESE Speaking Practice for Grades 3 and 4. Questa sezione è corredata di preziosi consigli per affrontare le due certificazioni, presenti nei riquadri TOP TIPS!



Personal subject pronouns be there is / there are Idiomatic uses of be Plural of nouns The time Ordinal numbers and dates Possessive adjectives a / an, the Question words this, that, these, those have got Expressions with have got The possessive ’s Prepositions of place Countable and uncountable nouns; a/an, some, any, no

p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 p. 9 p. 10 p. 11 p. 12 p. 13 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16 p. 17 p. 18 p. 19 p. 20

How much? / How many? – much, many, a lot of Present simple and adverbs of frequency Agreeing and disagreeing Prepositions of time: on, in, at Personal object pronouns can The imperative Verb + -ing, verb + infinitive Present continuous Present simple or Present continuous Possessive pronouns and whose Adjectives and adverbs

p. 24 p. 25 p. 26 p. 28 p. 30 p. 31 p. 32 p. 33 p. 34 p. 35 p. 37 p. 38 p. 39

p. 22


be: Past simple Past simple Past continuous Comparatives and superlatives be going to shall and let’s for offers and suggestions Inviting, accepting, refusing some, any, no, every Compounds of some, any, no, every must, have to, had to will – Future simple First conditional Present perfect


p. 40 p. 42 p. 46 p. 48 p. 50 p. 52 p. 53 p. 55 p. 56 p. 58 p. 60 p. 62 p. 64

should, shall, ought to, shouldn’t could Uses of have, can and could The passive Reported speech Question tags and short answers who, where, which, that Relative clauses Reflexive pronouns Uses of get Second conditional used to Verbs of sensory perception

p. 68 p. 70 p. 72 p. 74 p. 76 p. 78 p. 80 p. 82 p. 84 p. 86 p. 88 p. 90 p. 92

Esame di Stato

My written exam

The Wonderful World of Jazz

p. 126

Malala Yousafzai

p. 98

What’s NASA?

p. 128


p. 100

A Great Problem: Pollution

p. 130


p. 102

Is Alternative Energy a Possibility?

p. 132

The Virgin entrepreneur

p. 104

The Queen of Records

p. 134

p. 106

Child Labour

p. 108

My oral exam

Kilis Refugee Camp

p. 136

p. 138

p. 110


p. 112

Never without my mobile phone

p. 148

The Most Successful Tramp in the World p. 114

J. K. Rowling

p. 150

The King of Pop

p. 116

St. Patrick’s Day

p. 118


Andy Murray

King Henry VIII

A Special Day in Late Summer

Oscar Wilde

p. 152 p. 154

What do You Know about Blue Jeans? p. 120

Charles Dickens

p. 156

Fighting for Women’s Rights

p. 122


p. 158

p. 124


p. 160

Moon Landing


Paper 1 – Reading and Writing Paper 2 – Listening

p. 170

Paper 3 – Speaking

p. 178

p. 181


Trinity GESE Speaking Practice Grade 3

p. 184

Trinity GESE Speaking Practice Grade 4

p. 198


Irregular verbs

p. 208



1 Personal subject pronouns 1st pers. 2nd pers. 3rd pers. (masculine) 3rd pers. (feminine) 3rd pers. (neutral)




I you he she it

we you



The personal subject pronouns refer to a person or thing already mentioned. They go before the verb and cannot be omitted. John is a doctor. → He is a doctor. The laptop is on the desk. → It is on the desk. Note! The personal subject pronoun I is always written with a capital letter.

Look at the pictures and write the correct subject pronouns.



2 ________________________

3 ________________________

4 ________________________

5 ________________________

6 ________________________

7 ________________________


Write the correct subject pronoun. he 1 John 2 the table ______________ 3 the flowers ______________ 4 Paul and Sarah ______________



you and I Mr Brown Vanessa the cat

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Replace the underlined words with the correct subject pronoun.

1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8

Dave is Scottish. ______________ is from Edinburgh. He Sue is English. ______________ is from London. Jeff is American. ______________ is from Denver. I have a cat. ______________ is called Felix.

5 6 7 8

Mary and Tom love skiing. ______________ are great skiers. Where are you and your sister from? ______________ are from Boston. My husband and I work together. ______________ are teachers. London buses are red. ______________ are red.

Write 8 sentences containing the personal pronouns I, you, he / she / it, we, you, they.


be 2 AFFIRMATIVE I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are


NEGATIVE I’m You’re He’s She’s It’s We’re You’re They’re

I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not

INTERROGATIVE I’m not You’re not / You aren’t He’s not / He isn’t She’s not / She isn’t It’s not / It isn’t We’re not / We aren’t You’re not / You aren’t They’re not / They aren’t

Underline the correct form of the verb to be.

1 We am / is / are happy. 2 Mary am / is / are busy. 3 I am / is / are hungry. 4 The students am / is / are in class.


5 You am / is / are from Spain. 6 Mr Brown and Mrs Dee am / is / are from North America. 7 You and I am / is / are friends.

Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verb to be. Mary Hello. My name (1)______________ Mary. is What (2)______________ your name? Peter Peter. How (3)______________ you? Mary I (4)______________ fine. And you? Peter I (5)______________ OK. Where (6)______________ you from?



1 2 3 4 5


Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they?

Mary I (7)______________ from Ireland. My parents (8)______________ Irish. Peter Where (9)______________ that girl from? Mary She (10)______________ from Japan. Peter How old (11)______________ she? Mary She (12)______________ fifteen.

Put the words into the correct order to make sentences. Then listen and check. a / reporter / Powell / is / Miss Miss Powell is a reporter. New York / Victoria / are / from / Owen / and _______________________________________________________ friends / José / Manuel / and / aren’t _______________________________________________________ beautiful / weather / is / today / the _______________________________________________________ sister / she / my / is

______________________________________________________ 6 Mrs / and / lawyers / Mr / are / Bailey ______________________________________________________ 7 the / the / classroom / in / chairs / are / the / and / tables ______________________________________________________ 8 are / the / heavy / books ______________________________________________________

Complete the email with the correct form of the verb to be.

Hi! My name’s Orla. is Today (1) ______________ my birthday. I (2)______________ 18. Bob and Sheila (3) ______________ my friends. They (4) ______________ at my party. Bob (5) ______________ a student here in London. His girlfriend, Sheila, (6) ______________ a shop assistant. I (7) ______________ happy that my friends (8) ______________ here. My sister’s name (9) ______________ Olivia. She (10) ______________ also 18 today. We (11) ______________ twins! Write soon, Orla.



3 there is / there are AFFIRMATIVE


There is a table. There is an apple. There are four desks.

There isn’t a table. There isn’t an apple. There aren’t four desks.



Is there a table? Are there two books on the table?

Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t.


Look at the picture of a shop window and write sentences with There is / There are and the objects you can see. You can use the words in the box to help you. T-shirt  jeans  umbrella  book  tie  sandals  skirt  hat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Complete the sentences with There is, There are, It’s or They’re.

1 2 3 4 5 6


There are two ties in the shop window. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________.

There are two cinemas in town. ______________ ______________ a beautiful day. ______________ a chair in the corner. ______________ children in the street. ______________ something in my eye. ______________ nice people.

7 ______________ an interesting story. 8 ______________ time to go. 9 ______________ an apple and some oranges in the fruit bowl. 10 ______________ lots of clothes shops in town.


Complete the sentences with There’s, There are, It’s / He’s / She’s or They’re. Then listen and check. There’s a fox in the park. 1 ______________ 6 ______________ many good restaurants in my town 2 ______________ two pairs of socks and a but ______________ all expensive. T-shirt on the floor. 7 ______________ my grandmother. 3 ______________ an excellent teacher and 8 ______________ a great film on TV tonight. she’s pretty too. 9 ______________ a delicious cake in the kitchen. 4 ______________ several boys playing football 10 ______________ my brother. outside. 11 ______________ someone at the door. 5 ______________ an adorable dog.


Write questions using the prompts. Then answer for yourself using short answers.

1 2


many theatres / your town Are there many theatres in your town? Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t. a DVD player / your bedroom

3 4 5 6

many supermarkets / your town a computer / in your house ten students / in your English class an airport / in your town


Idiomatic uses of be 4 Here are some idiomatic uses of the verb be:


• be cold / hot

It’s very cold / hot today.

• be sleepy / tired

• be hungry / thirsty

I’m hungry / thirsty!

• be late

• be right / wrong

You’re right / wrong.

They’re sleepy / tired. Oh no, I’m late!


Use the correct form of to be and one of the adjectives below to complete the sentences. Then listen and check. interested  wrong  thirsty  sleepy  hungry dirty  cold  tired  happy  hot afraid  right

1 2 3 4 5 6


A Why are you going to bed? am tired B Because I ______________. A Why are you eating? B Because I ______________. A Why is she going to bed? B Because she ______________. Wash your hands! They ______________! May I open the window? I ______________. A Madrid is in Argentina. B No, you ______________.

7 My feet ______________ always ______________ in winter. 8 They ______________ in history. 9 We ______________ because we passed our exam. 10 He ______________ because it is very hot outside. 11 Helen ______________ of spiders. 12 A 5 plus 5 is 10. B Yes, you ______________!

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Remember to use the correct form of to be.

is five years old. 1 Oliver ____________________________

2 Linda _________________________.

3 David ____________________________.

4 Tessa ____________________________.

5 James ____________________________.

6 Tom ____________________________.


Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

1 2 3 4

Are you happy? (sad) No, I’m sad. Are you thirsty? (hungry) Are you cold? (hot) Is he wrong? (right)

5 6 7 8

Are your clothes dirty? (clean) Are they late? (early) Is this computer expensive? (cheap) Is the weather nice today? (terrible)



5 Plural of nouns -ies



Also for: disco, photo, The singular ends piano, video, radio with -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, -z

The singular ends with -y after a consonant

The singular ends with -f o -fe

• Nouns change • Invariable

book → books

country → countries

life → lives

man → men fish → fish




Write the singular or the plural form of these nouns.

1 flower 2 kiss 3 office 4 apple 5 tomato 6 buses 7 books 8 kilos 9 cities 10 wolves


bus → buses

flowers ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ bus ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

11 toy 12 party 13 box 14 wife 15 sandwich 16 people 17 potatoes 18 feet 19 dishes 20 days

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct plural noun.

Sheep 1 ___________________ eat grass.

2 There are two ___________________ in the tank.

3 Olivia cleans her ___________________ twice a day.

4 In autumn the ___________________ fall from the trees.

5 There are two ___________________ at the bus stop.

6 ___________________ love cheese.

7 The ___________________ are at a birthday party.

8 Babies have got very small___________________.



Listen and tick the words you hear.

1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a


shelf child toe knife

b ✓ shelves b children b toes b knives

5 a 6 a 7 a 8 a

church woman country man

b b b b

churches women countries men


The time 6 To ask and tell the time we use the verb to be in the third person singular. What time is it? / What’s the time? It’s four o’clock. It’s twelve. • We use a.m. (ante meridiem) to tell the time from midnight to midday with times from 1 to 12, and we use p.m. (post meridiem) from midday to midnight with the times from 1 to 12.


9.00 a.m. It’s nine o’clock in the morning. 12.15 p.m. It’s (a) quarter past twelve in the afternoon. 7.30 p.m. It’s half past seven in the evening.

quarter to

quarter past

11.45 p.m. It’s (a) quarter to twelve at night. • To ask about a specific event we say What time is / are...? A What time is the meeting? B It’s at nine o’clock.

half past


What time is it? Write the times in full, adding in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night. 1 5.00 It’s five o’clock in the morning. 6 6.55 _________________________________________________. 2 15.20 ________________________________________________. 7 20.45 ________________________________________________. 3 11.15 ________________________________________________. 8 16.00 ________________________________________________. 4 23.35 ________________________________________________. 9 17.05 ________________________________________________. 5 2.15 _________________________________________________. 10 4.10 _________________________________________________.



1 2 3 4 5


Listen and write down the times you hear. It’s 2.20 p.m. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________.

6 7 8 9 10

______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________. ______________________________________________________.

4 5 6

What time do you have lunch? ______________________________________________________. What time do you have dinner? ______________________________________________________. What time do you go to bed? ______________________________________________________.

Answer the questions.

1 2 3

What time do you get up in the morning? ______________________________________________________. What time do you have breakfast? ______________________________________________________. What time do you go to school / work? ______________________________________________________.



7 Ordinal numbers and dates ORDINAL NUMBERS 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh 8th eighth


9th ninth 10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth


1 2 3 4




5 6 7 8

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

5 6 7 8

______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Listen and write the dates of birth. 16/07/1989 ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

Answer the questions.

1 2 3 4 5 6

5 Amy’s ______________ birthday is on the ______________ of September. (16, 21) 6 There are ten people in the queue. We are ______________ in line. (7)

Listen and write the ordinal numbers you hear. tenth ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

1 2 3 4


5 1st ________________________________________________ 6 33rd ________________________________________________ 7 14th ________________________________________________ 8 4th ________________________________________________

Complete the sentences with the number in brackets.

1 January is the ______________ month of the year. (1) first 2 Liverpool FC are ______________ in the premier league. (4) 3 March is the ______________ month of the year. (3) 4 Chris lives on the __________________ floor. (9)


25th twenty-fifth 26th twenty-sixth 27th twenty-seventh 28th twenty-eighth 29th twenty-ninth 30th thirtieth 40th fortieth 50th fiftieth

Write the ordinal numbers in words.

1 2nd ________________________________________________ 2 10th ________________________________________________ 3 23rd ________________________________________________ 4 16th ________________________________________________


17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth 19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rd twenty-third 24th twenty-fourth

When is your birthday? _____________________________________________________. When is Christmas Day? _____________________________________________________. When is New Year’s Day? _____________________________________________________. When is Valentine’s Day? _____________________________________________________. When is your best friend’s birthday? _____________________________________________________. When is Independence Day in the United States? _____________________________________________________.


Possessive adjectives 8 SUBJECT PRONOUNS



I you he she it we you they

my your his her its our your their

mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs


Underline the correct possessive adjective.

1 He’s my brother. His / Her name is Brian. 2 Sally brushes his / her teeth every morning. 3 What’s your / its surname, madam? 4 Josh and Craig are German. Their / My father is from Berlin.


5 Is this its / my pen? 6 Anna has a cat. Your / Its name is Snowy. 7 We are Lucy and Chris. We live with our / her parents. 8 Thomas, Daniel! Where are your / his schoolbags?


Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives. Then listen and check. my 1 I wash ______________ hands before dinner. 4 British people love ______________ pets very much! 2 Mary has long hair and ______________ eyes are 5 We always park ______________ car in the garage. blue. 6 Tom and ______________ sister Katy are twins. 3 I have a beautiful Siamese cat; ______________ fur 7 Children! Where are ______________ schoolbooks? is beige and very soft. 8 Here’s my key! Where’s ______________ key, dad?


Replace the subject pronouns with possessive adjectives.

1 2 3

My sister’s name is Chloe. Her ______________name is Chloe. Tricia and my bikes are in the garage. ______________ bikes are in the garage. Are you going to John and Julie’s party? Are you going to ______________ party?

4 5 6

Which is Paul’s house? Which is______________ house? You are eating the dog’s food! You are eating______________ food! Is that Sophie and your mum over there? Is that______________ mum over there?


Read the sentences about going on holiday. Choose the correct option for each space (A, B or C). my 1 Every year ______________ mum and dad don’t know where to go on holiday. A my B their C your 2 Mum wants us to go away with ______________ sister’s family. A her B his C our 3 But Dad prefers a quiet holiday on ______________ own, just the four of us. A your B their C our 4 Then Grandma and Grandpa decide to plan __________ summer visit to us just when we want to go away. A they B their C theirs 5 And my brother Sam sais he doesn’t want to go anywhere without ______________ girlfriend! A he B her C his 6 So I say I don’t want to leave the cat on ______________ own! A her B its C their 7 I hope ______________ family is better at organising holidays! A you B your C yours



9 a / an, the a



Words starting with a consonant.

Words starting with a vowel or silent h.

Before singular and plural nouns, when you talk about something specific or something you and others already know about.

a boy, a tree, a house, a school, a North American city, a year

an elephant, an egg, an idea, an album, an hour, an honour

The hotel is nice. The film starts at 8 p.m.

1 Write a or an. 1 2 3 4 5 6


an ______________ onion ______________ dog ______________ exercise ______________ horse ______________ eagle ______________ hour

7 8 9 10 11 12

______________ table ______________ address ______________ hospital ______________ uncle ______________ yacht ______________ insect

Make sentences. Use the expressions in the box and a / an where necessary. library  foreign language  sore throat  apartment in New York  American actor  hairdresser

1 2 3 4 5 6


a library Jessica works in ___________________________________. My brother is _______________________________________. Andrew lives in _____________________________________. Ben Stiller is ________________________________________. Have you got ______________________________________ ? Lucy wants to learn _______________________________.

Complete the sentences with a / an, the or .

a 1 Canada is ______________ very big country. 2 Eric lives in ______________ London. 3 Paul and Janet eat ______________ lunch at 1 p.m. 4 Where’s ______________ cat? 5 Are you ______________ good student? 6 Sophie is ______________ interesting person. 7 ______________ new teacher is really nice. 8 Peter has ______________ breakfast in bed on ______________ Sundays. 9 Susan is ______________ nurse. 10 There is ______________ art exhibition in ______________ town centre on ______________ Sunday.

4 Tick (✓) the correct sentences and correct the articles in the incorrect sentences. 1 We stay in an hotel when we go on the holiday. 2 I eat an enormous bowl of cereal for breakfast in the morning. 3 My grandparents’ house has got two floors and a attic. 4 Every Christmas me and the my friends go the ice-skating in town. 5 I love reading science fiction books. 6 ‘Let’s watch the film tonight!’ ‘Great idea! A new Hunger Games film is on now.’



Question words 10 Question words Who

Who is that man?


What time is it?


Where are you?


When is your birthday?



1 2 3 4 5 6


How old are you?


Which is your first language, Italian or Spanish?


Why are you angry?

Match the questions and the answers.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



What’s your name? How old is he? How are you? Where is she from? What’s his surname? What’s this? Who’s she? Why is that man here?

a b c d e f g h

I don’t know. She’s from France. She’s Brooke. It’s Jones. 1 I’m Mark. I’m fine, thanks. It’s a smartphone. He’s twelve.

Write the correct question word. Then listen and check. A ______________ old are you? How B I’m 19. A ______________ are you from? B I’m from Bath. A ______________ tall are you? B I’m 1.70 m. A ______________’s your name? B My name’s Audrey. A ______________ is Paul? B He’s in the kitchen. A _____________ is that man with the black hat? B That’s Simon.

7 8 9 10 11 12

A ______________ are you? B Fine, thanks. A ______________ ’s your job? B I’m a vet. A ______________ is the party? B It’s tonight! A ______________ is he sad? B He’s got a headache. A ______________ are they? B They’re my cousins. A ______________ is dinner ready? B In half an hour.

Choose the correct questions for the answers. Where is Jim?   What time is the piano lesson?   Where is your flat?   Why is she nervous? How do you go to school?   How old is your brother?   What’s your favourite colour?   What’s this? When is your birthday?   Who are those boys?   How high is that mountain?   How is your mother?

1 What’s this? It’s my lucky charm. 2 _______________________________________________________ Green. 3 _______________________________________________________ They’re the new boys in our class. 4 _______________________________________________________ By bike. 5 _______________________________________________________ She’s very well, thanks. 6 _______________________________________________________ It’s at 6 p.m.

7 8 9

_______________________________________________________ It’s about 1,300 metres high. _______________________________________________________ It’s on Sunday. ______________________________________________________ It’s near the town centre. 10 ______________________________________________________ He’s twenty-two. 11 _______________________________________________________ Because there’s a maths test today. 12 _______________________________________________________ He’s in his bedroom.



11 this, that, these, those We use this (singular) and these (plural) for people and things that are close to the speaker.

This book is interesting.

These books are boring.

We use that (singular) and those (plural) for people and things that are far away.

That T-shirt’s nice.

Those trousers are cool!

You can use the demonstratives this, that, these, those as adjectives or as pronouns.


Write this, these, that or those.

1 2 3 4 5


______________ CD here ______________ apples here ______________ children over there ______________ dress over there ______________ flowers here

6 ______________ biscuits are delicious. 7 ______________ is a new tablet. 8 Are ______________ oranges organic? 9 Is ______________ my plate? 10 ______________ games are boring.

Complete the sentences with that or those.

1 ______________ girls are in my class. Those 2 Lucy lives in ______________ house. 3 Who is ______________ boy? 4 ______________ trainers are really nice. 5 ______________ people are from Spain.


______________ bicycle here ______________ shoes over there ______________ train over there ______________ women here ______________ house here

Complete the sentences with this or these.

1 Do you like ______________ skirt? this 2 ______________ exercise is difficult. 3 Are ______________ pens red? 4 ______________ letters are for you. 5 Is ______________ your mobile phone?


6 7 8 9 10

6 Is ______________ your dog? 7 ______________ people are my mates. 8 ______________ is a horrible film. 9 ______________ earrings are wonderful. 10 Are ______________ your friends?

Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Use this, that, these or those plus the words in the box. dress  sister  cherries  girls  house  shoes

That 1 _____________ is 2 Do you like 3 How much are 4 _____________ is 5 Are _____________ 6 _____________ cost house. my _____________ _________________? _________________? my _____________. in your class?



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