Grammar Evolution

Page 1

Norma Iandelli




ISBN 978-88-536-2957-9 ISBN 978-88-536-2958-6

Catrin Elen Morris





Never stop learning!

La nuova grammatica della lingua inglese più completa di sempre Ripasso degli elementi di base A1, intera copertura dei livelli A2-C1 Un intero modulo arricchito di video dedicato a spelling, ortografia, fonetica e intonazione per prepararsi a lavorare sapientemente con tutte le abilità linguistiche Esercizi presentati per livello di difficoltà, dalla produzione guidata verso la produzione libera Sezioni di ripasso con attività di tipo sommativo Grammar for writing: come migliorare l’abilità di scrittura esercitandosi con le strutture grammaticali, per arrivare pronti a sostenere l’Esame di stato e le certificazioni internazionali e per esercitarsi nelle nuove tipologie testuali dell’era digitale Grammar for speaking: un percorso graduale per sviluppare le presentation skills


PER LO STUDENTE Volume con FLIP BOOK scaricabile

Versione digitale e interattiva del libro di testo con tantissime risorse e la possibilità di trasformare i testi in alta leggibilità.

Tanti “Kahoots” grammaticali a scelta multipla creati da ELI Edizioni e accessibili tramite un Browser Web o attraverso l’App Kahoot.

Sara Walenn

Catrin Elen Morris

Consente di accedere subito a tutti gli audio e i video del corso direttamente con smartphone o tablet. Disponibile per dispositivi iOS ed Android.


Sara Walenn


Jeremy Walenn


• Ripasso del livello A1 nel modulo Elementi di base • Modulo introduttivo di fonetica e ortografia con video • Grande varietà di esercizi: applicazione immediata, riepilogo, sommativi, attività di ascolto, preparazione alle certificazioni Cambridge English Qualifications: B1 Preliminary for Schools, B2 First e C1 Advanced • Grammar for writing e Grammar for speaking: sezioni dedicate al potenziamento delle abilità di produzione scritta e orale utili all’Esame di Stato e alle certificazioni internazionali • Ampio spazio alla preparazione della prova INVALSI • Sezioni dedicate alla preparazione delle certificazioni Cambridge English Qualifications • Sezione di lessico con audio: tavole illustrate con attività • Mappe concettuali su carta e in digitale • Contenuti digitali integrativi online

Jeremy Walenn

GRAMMARevolution è una grammatica pratica di riferimento che copre i livelli A2-C1 del Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Norma Iandelli

Mappe concettuali riepilogative interattive sul digitale

Video tutorials di fonetica e grammatica Grammar for writing – Grammar for speaking INVALSI Training New Cambridge English Qualifications

Pagine di preparazione alle prove INVALSI Pagine dedicate alle certificazioni internazionali Cambridge English Qualifications B1 Preliminary for Schools, B2 First e C1 Advanced Sezione finale con tutto il lessico necessario ad affrontare le certificazioni internazionali Cambridge English Qualifications Più di 3000 esercizi fra carta e digitale


CAMPIONE GRATUITO FUORI COMMERCIO Fuori campo IVA (D. PR. 26 ottobre 1972, n. 633, art. 2, lett. d)


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Instagrammar: rimandi diretti dalle unità al profilo Instagram dedicato a Grammar evolution


Verifiche digitali con diagnostica della classe e dello studente Quiz di grammatica già pronti su

Introduzione GRAMMARevolution è la nuova grammatica pratica di riferimento della lingua inglese della ELI Publishing che accompagna gli studenti della Scuola secondaria di secondo grado dal biennio fino all’Esame di Stato.

Il livello Organizzata secondo la progressione graduale di un corso di lingua, parte dal ripasso degli elementi di base (livello A1 del Common European Framework of Reference), prosegue con le strutture e le particolarità linguistiche dei livelli elementare e intermedio (A2-B1) e termina con la parte dedicata al livello post-intermedio (B2) e avanzato (C1).

Come è organizzato il volume Il volume apre con una sezione iniziale dedicata allo studio della fonetica, dell’intonazione e dell’ortografia inglese. Questa fase dell’apprendimento, spesso trascurata nei libri di testo, è in realtà fondamentale per sviluppare le abilità ricettive e produttive (Listening, Speaking e Writing Skills). La sezione è corredata da numerosi audio e da video esplicativi con tutor. La trattazione degli argomenti è suddivisa in 15 moduli per un totale di 157 unità. Ogni argomento si sviluppa su una doppia pagina. A sinistra, la pagina di teoria presenta le strutture in tabelle chiare, lineari e complete di esempi con traduzione. Le regole sono spesso organizzate secondo lo schema forma e uso, schema che trova immediata corrispondenza negli esercizi di tipo analitico della pagina di destra. Questa prima parte pratica, di una o tre pagine a seconda della complessità dell’argomento, è accompagnata dall’indicazione del livello di difficoltà ( , , ) e parte da una pratica controllata per affrontare prove di produzione più libera. La sezione di Summative Revision alla fine di ogni blocco tematico presenta le diverse strutture integrandole fra loro all’interno di un unico blocco di esercizi e si avvale di una varietà di testi di diversa tipologia (brani, articoli di giornale, dialoghi, email, messaggi). Ciò consente di riflettere attentamente sull’uso della lingua viva mettendo a confronto più strutture in diversi contesti e utilizzando diversi registri linguistici.

Verso l’Esame di stato e le Certificazioni Le sezioni in chiusura di modulo chiamate Grammar for writing e Grammar for speaking ambiscono a fornire degli strumenti pratici che guidino gli studenti verso le prove scritte sia dell’Esame di stato del quinto anno, sia delle certificazioni Cambridge Qualifications. Ampio spazio è dato alla preparazione del B1 Preliminary for Schools Schools, del B2 First e del C1 Advanced con pagine dedicate; ugualmente, l’allenamento alla prova INVALSI trova spazio al termine di ogni modulo.

Le mappe concettuali Ogni livello termina con una mappa concettuale riepilogativa, utilissimo strumento compensativo che, illustrando visivamente e schematicamente, aiuta a riorganizzare le conoscenze appena acquisite. Le mappe si trovano anche all’interno del FLIP BOOK in cui lo studente potrà attivarle per ricomporle nell’ordine fornito e facendo dunque una ulteriore verifica digitale.



Le sezioni B1 Preliminary/B2 First Vocabulary La sezione B1 Preliminary/B2 First Vocabulary presenta le aree lessicali previste dalle certificazioni B1 Preliminary for Schools e B2 First for Schools in tavole illustrate e tabelle con traduzione. La pagina di esercizi affiancata permette di esercitare le strutture grammaticali in relazione a queste aree lessicali. La pronuncia di ogni lemma è ascoltabile nel FLIP BOOK o tramite la app ELI LINK. All’interno del FLIP BOOK è inoltre presente una sezione di lessico preparatoria all’esame C1 Advanced.

Il FLIP BOOK Il FLIP BOOK – la versione digitale e interattiva del libro di testo – offre la possibilità di trasformare i testi in alta leggibilità (modifica del carattere e dello sfondo, karaoke, sintetizzatore vocale). All’interno sono raccolti tutti gli audio e i video del volume, le mappe concettuali attivate, gli esercizi del volume resi interattivi e autocorrettivi, esercizi extra di pronuncia e una sezione di esercizi inclusivi chiamata Smart & Easy per studenti con DSA.

La ELI Link ELI Link è l’applicazione gratuita che permette di accedere direttamente dal libro cartaceo a tutti gli audio e i video del corso tramite smartphone e tablet. Inquadra la pagina del libro di testo e passa dalla carta al digitale senza perdere tempo… e concentrazione!

Grammar quiz su Al volume sono abbinati tanti Kahoots grammaticali a scelta multipla da fare in classe come verifica, per imparare divertendosi. Sono accessibili tramite un browser web o attraverso l’App Kahoot scaricabile gratuitamente.

Legenda simboli ENGLISH USAGE

Come usare la lingua in contesti scritti e orali

Risorse extra nel FLIP BOOK: audio e attività interattive

Note contrastive Confronto British English e American English Particolarità linguistiche 3

Rimandi all’interno del testo


Video nel FLIP BOOK Karaoke nel FLIP BOOK


Numero della traccia audio


Indice Grammar A-Z: I termini grammaticali



VIDEO Spelling e pronuncia VIDEO Suoni vocalici lunghi e brevi VIDEO Dittonghi VIDEO Consonanti sonore e consonanti sorde VIDEO Accento tonico VIDEO Accentazione delle parole e intonazione VIDEO Clusters fra parole e linking sounds Ellissi e pronuncia nel discorso lento VIDEO e veloce

12 16 18 20 24 26 28

1 I pronomi personali



1.1 Pronomi personali soggetto 1.2 Pronomi personali complemento Il verbo be: forma Il verbo be: uso Le espressioni con be 4.1 Espressioni con be 4.2 “Ecco (qui/là)” There is/There are Gli interrogativi (1) 6.1 Interrogativi 6.2 “Come...?” How + aggettivi/avverbi

36 38 40

42 44

48 50

8 9 10 11 12

Summative revision (8-15)



16.1 Aggettivi di nazionalità Gli aggettivi e i pronomi dimostrativi Gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi 18.1 Aggettivi possessivi 18.2 Pronomi possessivi Il genitivo sassone Il doppio genitivo

Summative revision (16-20)

78 80 82

21 Le preposizioni di luogo (1): in, at, on, to, from

24 25

74 76

21.1 Preposizioni di stato in luogo: in, at, on 21.2 Preposizioni di moto: to, from Le preposizioni di tempo (1): in, at, on I numeri 23.1 Numeri cardinali 23.2 Numeri ordinali VIDEO L’ora Prezzi, data e frazioni 25.1 Prezzi 25.2 Data 25.3 Frazioni

Summative revision (21-25) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training


86 88

90 92

94 96 97 98

2 Il presente

Summative revision (1-7) Il verbo have got L’articolo indeterminativo a/an (1) L’articolo determinativo the (1) VIDEO Il plurale dei sostantivi (1) VIDEO Il plurale dei sostantivi (2) 12.1 Plurali irregolari 12.2 Sostantivi invariabili 12.3 Particolarità 13 Can per abilità, permessi e possibilità 14 L’imperativo 14.1 Imperativo con do 14.2 Imperativo con let 15 and, or, but, because, so

19 20

22 23

1 Elementi di base

5 6

17 18



2 3 4

16 Gli aggettivi qualificativi

52 56 58 60 62


64 66

68 70

26 Il present simple: forma affermativa e uso 27 Il present simple: forme negativa e interrogativa, risposte brevi


28 Gli interrogativi (2) 29 Gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza 29.1 Avverbi di frequenza 29.2 Espressioni di frequenza e di tempo 30 Il verbo have ed espressioni idiomatiche 30.1 have 30.2 Espressioni idiomatiche con have

Summative revision (26-30) 31 La forma in -ing e i verbi di gradimento

100 102 104 106



112 31.1 Forma in -ing VIDEO 31.2 Verbi di gradimento 32 Il present continuous VIDEO 114 33 Present simple e present continuous a confronto 118

Indice 34 I verbi di stato Summative revision (31-34) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training

120 122 124 125 126

3 Sostantivi, quantificatori, pronomi 35 I sostantivi composti e i sostantivi collettivi

128 35.1 Sostantivi composti 35.2 Sostantivi collettivi 36 I sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili 130 37 Particolarità dei sostantivi non numerabili 132 37.1 Sostantivi non numerabili sempre plurali 37.2 Sostantivi non numerabili con variazione di significato se usati come numerabili 37.3 Sostantivi non numerabili con corrispondenti numerabili dal significato più specifico

Summative revision (35-37) 38 L’articolo indeterminativo a/an (2) 39 L’articolo determinativo the (2) 40 L’articolo determinativo the con i luoghi Summative revision (38-40)

Summative revision (41-44) 45 all e whole 45.1 all 45.2 whole 46 each e every 46.1 each 46.2 every 47 either e neither 48 both e most 48.1 both 48.2 most

Summative revision (45-49) 50 I pronomi riflessivi e reciproci 50.1 Pronomi riflessivi 50.2 Pronomi reciproci 51 I pronomi relativi who, who(m), which, that 51.1 Pronomi relativi VIDEO 51.2 Frase relativa determinativa 52 I pronomi relativi what e whose e gli avverbi relativi 52.1 Pronomi relativi: what e whose 52.2 Avverbi relativi 53 one/ones

Summative revision (50-53) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training

168 172 174



182 184 186 187 188

134 136 138 140 142

41 some, any, no e none VIDEO 144 42 a lot of/lots of, much/many, How much/How many 148 42.1 a lot of/lots of 42.2 much/many VIDEO 42.3 How much/How many 43 a little/a few, little/few, enough 43.1 a little/a few, little/few 43.2 enough 44 too, too much/too many, too little/too few, very 44.1 too, too much/too many 44.2 too little/too few 44.3 very

49 I composti di some, any, no, every



158 160


164 166

4 Il passato 54 Il past simple di be 55 Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari (1) 56 Il past simple dei verbi regolari

190 192

VIDEO e irregolari (2) 57 Abitudini nel passato: used to e would 57.1 used to 57.2 would 58 Il past continuous VIDEO 59 Past simple e past continuous a confronto

194 198

Summative revision (54-59) 60 Il present perfect simple (1) VIDEO 61 Il present perfect simple (2) 62 Il present perfect simple (3): for e since

200 202 204 206 210 212

62.1 Present perfect simple con for 62.2 Present perfect simple con since 62.3 Present perfect simple con How long...? 63 Past simple e present perfect simple a confronto 214 64 Il present perfect continuous 216 65 Present perfect simple e present perfect continuous a confronto 218

Summative revision (60-65)


66 Il past perfect simple VIDEO 67 Il past perfect continuous

222 224

Past perfect simple e past perfect continuous a confronto 68 It’s... since




Indice Summative revision (66-68) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training

228 230 231 232

5 Preposizioni, connettivi, aggettivi e avverbi 69 70 71 72 73 74

Le preposizioni di stato in luogo (2) Le preposizioni di moto (2) Le preposizioni di tempo (2) Altre preposizioni as e like I connettivi (1) 74.1 Connettivi di tempo 74.2 Connettivi di sequenza 75 I connettivi (2) 75.1 Connettivi di scopo 75.2 Connettivi di causa 75.3 Connettivi di conseguenza 75.4 Connettivi di concessione e contrasto

Summative revision (69-75)

234 236 238 240 242 244


77 78 79 80

Summative revision (76-80) 81 82 83 84

VIDEO Il comparativo di maggioranza Il comparativo di uguaglianza Il comparativo di minoranza VIDEO Il superlativo 84.1 Superlativo di maggioranza 84.2 Superlativo di minoranza 85 Comparativi e superlativi irregolari 86 Rafforzare i comparativi e i superlativi

Summative revision (81-86) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training


87 Il present simple e il present continuous con valore di futuro; be + infinito 87.1 Present simple con valore di futuro 87.2 Present continuous con valore di futuro 87.3 be + infinito 88 be going to; eventi futuri imminenti VIDEO 88.1 be going to 88.2 be going to o present continuous? 88.3 Eventi futuri imminenti 89 will VIDEO 89.1 will o be going to? 90 I futuri a confronto

Summative revision (87-90) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training



288 292 294 296 297 298

7 I modali (1) 248

76 Gli aggettivi in -ing e -ed; gli aggettivi composti 250 76.1 Aggettivi in -ing e -ed 76.2 Aggettivi composti 76.3 Aggettivi non graduabili Ordine degli aggettivi Gli avverbi di modo Gli avverbi di intensità e di affermazione 79.1 Avverbi di intensità 79.2 Avverbi di affermazione Gli avverbi di luogo e di tempo 80.1 Avverbi di luogo 80.2 Avverbi di tempo

6 Il futuro (1)

252 257 256


260 262 264 266 268

272 274 276 278 279 280

91 can, could e be able to per abilità 91.1 Verbi modali 91.2 can, could e be able to per abilità 92 can, could, may e might per possibilità 93 can/could, will/would, do/would you mind per richieste 94 can, could, may, be allowed to per permessi

Summative revision (91-94)



304 306 308 310

95 can, will, shall, could, would like per offerte 96 shall, let’s e altre espressioni per proposte 97 shall, should, ought to e must per consigli

312 314

e obbligo morale 97.1 Consigli 97.2 Obbligo morale 98 must, mustn’t, have (got) to e can’t per VIDEO obblighi e proibizioni 98.1 Obblighi 98.2 must o have to? 98.3 Proibizioni 99 need to/don’t need to, needn’t, don’t have to per necessità e mancanza di necessità 99.1 need to/don’t need to e needn’t 99.2 don’t need to e don’t have to


Summative revision (95-99) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training



322 324 325 326


8 Il periodo ipotetico (1) 100 Il periodo ipotetico di tipo 0



100.1 Il periodo ipotetico 100.2 Il periodo ipotetico di tipo 0 101 Il periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo VIDEO 102 Il periodo ipotetico di 2° tipo VIDEO

330 332

Summative revision (100-102) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training

336 338 339 340

9 Costruzioni verbali 103 L’infinito 104 Costruzioni con l’infinito 105 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito

342 344 346

105.1 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito con to 105.2 Infinito senza to 106 La costruzione oggettiva 348 106.1 Verbo + complemento oggetto + infinito 106.2 Verbo/Aggettivo + for + complemento + infinito 106.3 Aggettivo + of + complemento + infinito 107 I verbi causativi (1): let, make, have e get 352

Summative revision (103-107)


108 La forma in -ing (2) 109 Verbi seguiti dalla forma in -ing 110 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o -ing

356 358 360

Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o -ing senza variazione di significato 110.2 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o -ing con variazione di significato 111 Il verbo get; be used/get used to 111.1 get 111.2 be used to e get used to

114 It/There come soggetto della frase


114.1 It come soggetto impersonale 114.2 There come soggetto impersonale 115 Gli interrogativi come soggetto e oggetto


Summative revision (112-115)


116 Gli esclamativi: how e what, so e such 117 Sostituzione ed ellissi

380 382

Sostituzione di sostantivi Sostituzione ed ellissi di verbi Sostituzione di espressioni verbali con do so/do it 118 Sostituzione nelle risposte brevi 384 118.1 I think/hope so 118.2 So am I/Neither am I e risposte brevi 117.1 117.2 117.3

Summative revision (116-118) 119 Il passivo (1): present simple e past simple 120 Il passivo (2) VIDEO


La forma passiva con i verbi seguiti da due complementi 120.2 La forma passiva con i verbi seguiti dall’infinito con o senza to 121 I verbi causativi (2); need + forma in -ing VIDEO 121.1 have/get something done 121.2 need + forma in -ing

388 392


Summative revision (119-121) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training


396 398 399 400


Summative revision (108-111) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training

11 Il discorso diretto e indiretto 362

364 366 367 368

10 La costruzione della frase (1) 112 Ordine delle parole nella frase 112.1 La frase minima 112.2 Ordine dei complementi 113 Complemento diretto e indiretto



122 Il discorso diretto e indiretto; say e tell VIDEO 122.1 Discorso diretto e indiretto 122.2 say e tell 123 Il discorso indiretto (1) 123.1 Variazioni dei tempi verbali 123.2 Altre variazioni: pronomi, aggettivi e avverbi 124 Il discorso indiretto (2) 124.1 Discorso indiretto con i modali 124.2 Discorso indiretto con il periodo ipotetico 124.3 Nessuna variazione dei tempi verbali




Summative revision (122-124)


125 Riportare domande e risposte



Indice Verbi introduttivi nelle domande indirette 125.2 Ordine delle parole nelle domande indirette 125.3 Verbi introduttivi per riportare una risposta 126 Riportare ordini, richieste e consigli 127 Altri verbi introduttivi del discorso diretto

Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training


Summative revision (125-127) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking Mappe concettuali B1 Preliminary – Mock Papers INVALSI training

14 Il periodo ipotetico (2) 416 418

137 Il periodo ipotetico di 3° tipo VIDEO 138 Il periodo ipotetico di tipo misto;

420 422 423 424 450 458

omissione di if e inversione della frase 492 136.1 Il periodo ipotetico di tipo misto 136.2 Omissione di if e inversione della frase 139 wish, if only, hope, it’s time 494 137.1 wish 137.2 if only 137.3 hope 137.4 it’s time


12 I modali (2) 128 Abilità, possibilità e mancanza di necessità


130 131 132

al passato 128.1 Abilità 128.2 Possibilità 128.3 Mancanza di necessità Deduzioni e supposizioni 129.1 Certezza e impossibilità 129.2 Probabilità e improbabilità 129.3 Possibilità Obblighi e proibizioni Rimprovero e rammarico Consigli e preferenze 132.1 had better per consigli 132.2 prefer e would rather per preferenze

Summative revision (128-132) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking INVALSI training



464 466 468

470 472 473 474

13 Il futuro (2) 133 Il future continuous 134 Il future perfect 135 Il future perfect continuous 135.1

476 478 480

Future perfect o future perfect continuous?

136 Il futuro nel passato


Summative revision (133-136)



486 487 488

Summative revision (137-139) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking Mappe concettuali B2 First – Mock Papers INVALSI training


498 500 501 502 506 516


15 La costruzione della frase (2) 140 Il passivo (3): tutti i tempi verbali


140.1 La forma passiva dei verbi modali 141 La costruzione passiva personale e impersonale


Summative revision (140-141)


142 I connettivi di tempo e sequenza (2)


142.1 Connettivi di tempo 142.2 Connettivi di sequenza 143 I connettivi di modo, condizione e dubbio 143.1 Connettivi di modo 143.2 Connettivi di condizione 143.3 Connettivi di dubbio 144 I connettivi di scopo e precauzione, causa e conseguenza (2) 144.1 Connettivi di scopo 144.2 Connettivi di precauzione 144.3 Connettivi di causa 144.4 Connettivi di conseguenza 145 I connettivi per aggiungere, esprimere alternativa, contrasto e concessione




Indice 145.1 Connettivi per aggiungere e includere 145.2 Connettivi per escludere e indicare alternativa 145.3 Connettivi di contrasto e concessione 146 I connettivi per strutturare un discorso 534 146.1 Connettivi per iniziare 146.2 Connettivi per introdurre un argomento 146.3 Connettivi per elencare 146.4 Connettivi per generalizzare 146.5 Connettivi per spiegare, precisare e riformulare 146.6 Connettivi per esprimere un’opinione 146.7 Connettivi per riassumere e concludere 146.8 Connettivi per fare esempi

Summative revision (142-146)


147 La frase relativa non determinativa 148 149 150 151 152 153 154

540 147.1 Participi in sostituzione di frasi relative I composti di ever 542 Costruzioni particolari con comparativi 544 149.1 Doppio comparativo (aggettivi e avverbi) 149.2 Comparativo di correlazione: the... the Inversione della frase 546 150.1 Inversione soggetto e ausiliare 150.2 Inversione soggetto e verbo VIDEO Question tags 548 Reply questions e echo questions 550 152.1 Reply questions 152.2 Echo questions Enfasi 552 Cleft sentences 554

Summative revision (147-154)


155 Phrasal verbs (1): verbi intransitivi

558 155.1 Phrasal verbs intransitivi 156 Phrasal verbs (2): verbi transitivi separabili 560 157 Phrasal verbs (3): Verbi transitivi non separabili e verbi seguiti da preposizione 562 157.1 Phrasal verbs transitivi non separabili 157.2 Phrasal verbs seguiti da preposizione

Summative revision (155-157) Grammar for writing Grammar for speaking Mappe concettuali C1 Advanced – Mock Papers INVALSI training

564 566 567 568 572 586

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

My family At home At school Daily routine and housework Feelings and opinions Sports and free-time activities Food and nutrition Clothes and accessories In the city Houses and buildings The natural world On holiday On the road Public transport Weather forecasts Environmental change Body and health Jobs Going out Modern communications

588 590 592 594 596 598 600 602 604 606 608 610 612 614 616 618 620 622 624 626

B2 FIRST vocabulary 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Relationships and important life events Illness and injury Education Law and order Politics Banking and economics Mass media The working world

628 630 632 634 636 638 640 642

Appendice 1 Aggettivi in -ing e -ed 2 Aggettivi, sostantivi e verbi seguiti da preposizione

644 644

3 Formazione delle parole con suffissi e prefissi

4 Verbi irregolari Indice analitico

646 648 650


Grammar A-Z: I termini grammaticali agente (complemento d’) agent

Chi esegue l’azione in una frase passiva. Juliet is loved by Romeo.

congiunzione conjunction

Unisce due parole o due frasi. I study English and French.

aggettivo adjective

Termine che modifica un nome. Sheila is an English student.

connettivi connectives

aggettivo dimostrativo demonstrative adjective

Indica la posizione di una persona o di una cosa rispetto a chi parla. this student, that car, these books, those girls

Connettono una parte di testo alla successiva. I love him because he’s funny. First, I heard a noise. Then…

genitivo genitive

Indica possesso, appartenenza o relazione. Claudia’s book

gerundio gerund/-ing form

Uno dei modi del verbo. Walking is good.

imperativo imperative

Uno dei modi del verbo. Close the door.

infinito infinitive

Uno dei modi del verbo. to be

nome/sostantivo noun

Termine che indica persone o cose. Lisa is English. My shoes are black.

aggettivo (di quantità) indefinito quantifier, indefinite adjective

Indica una quantità non precisa. some fruit, several people, many students, a lot of children

aggettivo interrogativo interrogative adjective

Introduce una domanda sulla qualità, la quantità o l’identità del nome a cui si riferisce. What colour is your hair?

aggettivo possessivo possessive adjective

Indica possesso e appartenenza. my name, your scooter

aggettivo qualificativo qualitative adjective

Indica una qualità del nome. yellow trainers, a new house, a brilliant student

articolo determinativo definite article

Identifica un oggetto o una persona determinata. the moon, the Queen

articolo indeterminativo indefinite article

Identifica un oggetto o una persona indeterminata. a notebook, an adult

avverbio adverb

Modifica un verbo, un aggettivo o un altro avverbio. Walk slowly, please.

comparativo comparative

Stabilisce un confronto tra due o più termini. Jonas is taller than Bill.

complemento complement

Ciò che segue un verbo. I live in a small town. She studies with her friend.


oggetto (complemento) Il termine che riceve/subisce object l'azione del soggetto. I eat a sandwich. participio participle

Uno dei modi del verbo. Si usa nei tempi composti. The lesson has just finished.

passivo passive

Forma verbale in cui soggetto e agente sono diversi. Juliet is loved by Romeo.

periodo ipotetico conditional sentence

Frase che indica un’azione possibile date certe condizioni. If we don’t run we’ll miss the train!

prefisso prefix

Elemento linguistico che viene posto all’inizio di una parola per modificarne il significato. immoral, unfriendly

Grammar A-Z: I termini grammaticali

preposizione preposition

Introduce un complemento. I have breakfast at 7 o’clock. She works in a hospital. I come from Italy.

proposizione principale main clause

La frase più importante di un periodo. I listen to music while I study.

pronome pronoun

Termine che sostituisce un nome. He’s my friend. That pen is mine. Can I have those?

proposizione subordinata subordinate clause

Una frase che dipende da un’altra frase. I listen to music while I study.

pronome indefinito indefinite pronoun

Indica cose e persone senza specificarne con precisione la quantità o la qualità. Little is known about his life. Nobody thinks that.

soggetto subject

Chi compie l’azione. We love sushi. Jackie can ride a motorbike.

suffisso suffix

Elemento linguistico che viene posto alla fine di una parola per modificarne il significato. honesty, foolish, sweeten

superlativo superlative

Indica che la qualità espressa è posseduta al grado massimo. It’s the happiest day of my life.

verbo verb

Indica uno stato o un’azione che un soggetto compie o subisce. I’m happy. She is playing Ruzzle.

verbo ausiliare auxiliary verb

Verbo usato per coniugare un altro verbo. David is sleeping on the sofa.

verbo intransitivo intransitive verb

Verbo che non è seguito da un complemento oggetto e non ha forma passiva. Tim told a joke and Jenny laughed.

verbo riflessivo reflexive verb

Verbo che richiede un pronome riflessivo nella coniugazione. Are you enjoying yourself?

verbo transitivo transitive verb

Verbo che può essere seguito da un complemento oggetto e ha forma passiva. Tim plays the piano. The piano is played by Tim.

pronome interrogativo interrogative pronoun

pronome personale oggetto personal object pronoun

Introduce una domanda relativa al nome a cui fa riferimento. What happened? Who did you invite? È il complemento diretto o indiretto di un verbo o di una preposizione. Tell me what you think. I live with him.

pronome personale soggetto personal subject pronoun

Rappresenta un soggetto o chi compie l’azione, senza ripeterne il nome. They study English. It’s working.

pronome possessivo possessive pronoun

Sostituisce il nome dell’oggetto posseduto di cui si parla. I like your glasses. Do you like mine?

pronome reciproco reciprocal pronoun

pronome relativo relative pronoun

pronome riflessivo reflexive pronoun

Specifica un’azione reciproca fra due persone. We’ve known each other for many years. Mette in relazione frasi diverse. The man who lives upstairs is from Naples. Permette di far ricadere l’azione sul soggetto. Are you enjoying yourself?


I 1

Spelling e pronuncia Guarda il video sui suoni della lingua inglese e rispondi alle domande.

1 What are the vowels? 2 How many sounds do the vowels make? 3 Do you always write words in English the same way as you say them? 4 Read the sentence below. How do you pronounce ‘ough’ in the words underlined? Though I coughed roughly and hiccoughed throughout the lecture, I still thought I could plough on!

L’alfabeto inglese contiene 26 lettere suddivise tra consonanti (21) e vocali (5). Ma la lingua inglese ha ben 44 suoni fonemici!


Ascolta e ripeti l’alfabeto inglese. Scrivi le lettere nella colonna corretta.







































1 2 3 4 5 6


Ascolta il dialogo e rispondi alle domande. Usa la tabella nell’esercizio 2 per aiutarti.

What’s her name? What’s her surname? What’s the name of her school? Where was she born? Which county is that in? Which street does she live in now?

A coppie, rispondete alle domande nell’esercizio 3 con informazioni personali ed esercitatevi a fare lo spelling delle parole. A What's your name? B My name's Carlo.


___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________

A Can you spell that? B C A R L O.

Spelling and pronunciation



Osserva, ascolta e leggi.



iː sheep e bed æ cat p pea f f ly m man




ɪ ship ǝ(r) teacher ʌ up b boat v video n now

ʊ good ɜː bird ɑː park t tea θ think ŋ sing

uː food ɔː door ɒ on d dog ð this h hat


ɪǝ here ʊǝ tourist eǝ hair tʃ cheese s see l love

eɪ wait ɔɪ boy aɪ my dʒ judge z zoo r red

ǝʊ show aʊ cow k car ʃ shall w wet

g go Ʒ television j yes

Ascolta di nuovo e ripeti le parole e i suoni.


• In inglese il numero di lettere in una parola può non corrispondere al numero di suoni. sad: 3 lettere – 3 suoni MA knee: 4 lettere – 2 suoni • In alcuni casi lo stesso suono può corrispondere a combinazioni diverse di lettere, mentre in altri casi la stessa combinazione di lettere può corrispondere a suoni diversi. two /tuː/

too /tuː/

stesso suono MA spelling diverso


read /riːd/

read /red/

stesso spelling MA suono diverso

4 Ascolta e scrivi le parole nel riquadro accanto alla trascrizione fonetica corretta. Usa la tabella nell’esercizio 5 per aiutarti.

chair • father • laugh • love • money • photo • shoes • table • thank • world



numero di lettere

numero di suoni

1 money























Leggi e ascolta di nuovo le parole nell’esercizio 7. Conta le lettere e i suoni in ogni parola e completa la tabella. 4


I 9

Spelling and pronunciation

5 Ascolta queste coppie di parole e scrivi D (different sound) se il loro suono è diverso e S (same sound) se hanno lo stesso suono.

1 2 3 4 5

10 1 2 3 4


ate/eight brake/break court/caught dead/did fool/full 6

a heard a boot a hot a car

S _____ _____ _____ _____

6 7 8 9 10

hit /heat know/now our/hour sweat/sweet which/witch

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Ascolta e sottolinea in ogni gruppo la parola che contiene un suono diverso. b sword b cute b no b far

c third c foot c what c jar

d word d suit d yacht d war

5 6 7 8

a doll a rite a bead a chic

b know b right b dead b like

c roll c riot c red c speak

7 Completa i limericks con le parole mancanti in rima. Leggi gli indizi per aiutarti. Poi ascolta e controlla.

There once was a farmer from Leeds, seeds Who swallowed a packet of (1) _____________.

you grow plants from these

It soon came to pass, He was covered with (2) _____________,

it’s green and you have it in your garden

But has all the tomatoes he needs.

A fellow jumped off a high wall, And had a most terrible (3) _____________.

the act of coming off your feet

He went back to bed, With a bump on his (4) _____________,

part of your body on top of your neck

That’s why you don’t jump off a wall.

I’d rather have fingers than (5) _____________,

you have ten at the end of your feet

I’d rather have ears than a nose. And as for my (6) _____________,

this is on your head

I’m glad it’s all there, I’ll be awfully sad, when it (7) _____________.

another way of saying disappears

A painter, who lived in Great Britain, Interrupted two girls with their (8) _____________,

doing something with wool to make jumpers

He said, with a sigh, That park bench – well (9) _____________, Just painted it, right where you’re sitting.


d soul d write d said d week

first person singular subject pronoun

Spelling and pronunciation


In inglese molte parole contengono lettere che non vengono pronunciate (silent letters). listen: 6 lettere, 5 suoni

12 1 2 3 4



Ascolta le seguenti parole e scrivi le silent letters.

climb Wednesday sign hour 9

b ____ ____ ____

5 6 7 8

know walk psychology island

9 10 11 12

____ ____ ____ ____

often answer scene autumn

____ ____ ____ ____

Scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella colonna corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. bomb • calm • campaign • Christmas • comb • could • debt • design • doubt • foreign gnome • half • listen • sword • talk • wrestle • whistle • wrist • write • wrong

silent B

silent G



silent L


silent T


silent W



Partendo da START e arrivando a FINISH muoviti nel tabellone trovando le parole che hanno lo stesso suono iniziale di quello finale della parola precedente. Puoi spostarti in orizzontale, verticale e diagonale. Poi ascolta e controlla. 10




























Suoni vocalici lunghi e brevi

• I monottonghi sono singoli suoni vocalici. In inglese ci sono 12 monottonghi. I • In inglese i monottonghi si distinguono in suoni lunghi e suoni brevi.

1 1 2 3 4 5 6


Guarda il video e scrivi /ɪ/ o /iː/ dopo ogni frase. It is a short vowel sound. It is a long vowel sound. You form it with your mouth in a smile. You form it with your mouth more closed. You use it to pronounce words spelled with ‘i’. You use it to pronounce words spelled with ‘ea’ or ‘ee’. 11

Ascolta e sottolinea la parola che senti.

1 fill/feel 2 bin/bean

3 1 2 3 4 5


/ɪ/ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

3 ship/sheep 4 bit/beat

5 chip/cheap 6 slip/sleep

Guarda il video sui suoni /ʊ/ e /uː/ e rispondi alle domande. What kind of vowel sound is /ʊ/? What kind of vowel sound is /uː/? What shape do your lips form to make the sound /uː/? Which sound is in the words shoe, music and new? Which sound is in the words full, foot and would? 12

_____________________ short _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella riga corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. book • could • foot • June • look • lose • news • pool • pull • soup • sugar • through

/ʊ/ /uː/



, _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________

_______________, _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________

Guarda il video sui suoni /ɒ/ e /ɔː/ e completa con le informazioni mancanti.

short vowel sound you make with your lips rounded as if you • /ɒ/ is a (1) ___________ were (2) ___________. /ɔː/ is a (3) ___________ vowel sound you make with your lips more rounded, as if (4) ___________. • We use the sound /ɒ/ to pronounce words spelled with ‘o’ and ‘a’, like (5) ___________ and (6) ___________. We use the sound /ɔː/ to pronounce words spelled with ‘a’ in (7) ___________, ‘al’ in talk, ‘au’ in autumn, ‘aw’ in (8) ___________, ‘augh’ in daughter, ‘ough’ in though, ‘ar’ in (9) ___________, ‘or’ in short, ‘oor’ in door, ’ore’ in (10) ___________, and ‘our’ in four.

6 16


Scrivi /ɒ/ o /ɔː/ sopra le parole sottolineate. Poi ascolta e controlla.

/ɒ/ I got bored because the weather was awful, so we bought a ball and kicked it about a lot and I shot a goal.

Long and short vowel sounds


Guarda il video sui suoni /e/, /ǝ/ e /ɜː/ e completa la tabella.

/e/ Lunghezza della vocale Spelling


short _____ _____ _____ _____ _____



____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Che cosa deve comprare Sylvia? Osserva la lista della spesa e scrivi le parole. Poi ascolta e controlla. 14

/egz/ /ˈbʌtǝ(r)/ /ˈʃʊgǝ(r)/ /bred/ /ˈpæstǝ/ /ˈtɜːki ˈbrest/



eggs ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

/tǝˈmɑːtǝʊz/ /ˈletɪs/ /ˌlemən ˈkɜːd/ /ˈtʃɒklət dɪˈzɜːt/

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

ERROR CORRECTION Guarda il video sui suoni /æ/, /ʌ/ e /ɑː/ e correggi le informazioni sbagliate.

short 1 /æ/ and /ʌ/ are long vowel sounds and /ɑː/ is a short vowel sound. 2 /æ/ is the sound you make when you go to the dentist’s and /ʌ/ is like having a hot potato in your mouth. 3 We use the sound /æ/ to pronounce words spelled with ‘a’, like hat, back and jam. 4 We use the sound /ʌ/ to pronounce words spelled with ‘a’, like after or fast; or ‘ar’, as in bar or park. 5 We use the sound /ɑː/ to pronounce words spelled with ‘u’, like bus, but sometimes also ‘o’, like month.



Scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella colonna corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.


bat • bath • but • catch cart • cut • dad • dart done • hat • heart hut • fan • fast • fun






Completa il testo con alcune delle parole nell’esercizio 10. Poi ascolta e controlla.

bat A (1) ____________ flew in through the window and landed on the (2) ____________ next to (3) ____________. We couldn’t (4) ____________ it, (5) ____________ it was (6) ____________ chasing it through the house upstairs to the (7) ____________. My (8) ____________ was beating (9) ____________ when we finally got it outside.


WRITING Scegli uno dei gruppi vocalici in questa unità e scrivi una storia breve usando otto suoni contrastanti. Poi registra la tua voce e controlla la tua pronuncia.




• I dittonghi sono suoni formati da due suoni vocalici in una sillaba. • In inglese ci sono 8 dittonghi.



Guarda il video e completa le frasi con /ɪǝ/, /eǝ/ o /ʊǝ/.

/ɪǝ/ ____ is a long vowel sound combining /ɪ/ and /ǝ/. ____ is a long vowel sound combining /e/ and /ǝ/. ____ is a long vowel sound combining /ʊ/ and /ǝ/. ____ is the pronunciation of the words real, year, beer, here; spelled ea, ear, eer and ere. 5 ____ is the pronunciation of the words care, chair, wear, where, aeroplane; spelled are, air, ear, ere and are. 6 ____ is the pronunciation of the words tourist, poor, jury and sure; spelled our, oo, ur and ure.

1 2 3 4



Watson Holmes Watson Holmes Watson Holmes Watson Holmes





1 2 3 4 5 6


Ascolta e completa il dialogo tra il detective Sherlock Holmes e il suo assistente Dr Watson. So Holmes, are you getting (1) near to solving this case? I (2) ______________ not, Watson! But what are the facts we are (3) ______________ about so far? We are looking for a (4) ______________ man with (5) ______________ skin and (6) ______________. And don’t forget that he has a long (7) ______________ and moustache. Quite so… He could be a (8) ______________, and he is neither rich nor (9)______________. (10) ______________! How do you know that, Holmes? It’s elementary my (11) ______________ Watson! As you will see shortly when our suspect comes (12) ______________.

Scrivi le parole nell’esercizio 2 nella colonna corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.




near, ___________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________

__________________________ __________________________

Ascolta le frasi e scrivi /r/ quando lo senti.

We’re always late for everything! /r/ This is a newer model than the one I had before. ___ The band is on tour at the moment. ___ The air’s very polluted in my city. ___ They visited Spain last year. ___ Where’s Alice? ___

A volte senti il suono /r/ dopo /ɪǝ/, /eǝ/ e /ʊǝ/.



Guarda il video sui suoni /eɪ/, /aɪ/ e /ɔɪ/. Poi rispondi alle domande.

1 2 3 4 5 6


Which words are pronounced /eɪ/? With which letter combinations? Which words are pronounced /aɪ/? With which letter combinations? Which words are pronounced /ɔɪ/? With which letter combinations?

table, ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

20 Scrivi l’infinito dei seguenti verbi. Poi ascolta e controlla.

1 2 3 4 5 6



annoyed bought broke destroyed died drove

annoy __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

7 8 9 10 11 12

employed enjoyed flew played said waited


21 Scrivi l’infinito dei verbi nell’esercizio 6 nella colonna corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.

__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________




Leggi le definizioni e la trascrizione fonetica. Scrivi le parole corrette. Poi ascolta e controlla.


1 Children play with these: toys /tɔɪz/ 2 We take this to fly from one country to another: a ___________ /pleɪn/ 3 It comes after day: the ___________ /naɪt/



4 When it’s wet outside: there’s ___________ /reɪn/ 5 It’s measured in minutes and hours: ___________ /taɪm/

6 We speak using this: our ___________ /vɔɪs/

Guarda il video sui suoni /əʊ/ e /aʊ/ e completa con le informazioni mancanti.

/əʊ/ to pronounce words spelled with • We use the sound (1) _____________ ‘o’, like (2) _____________; ‘ow’, like (3) _____________; ‘oa’, like (4) _____________; and ‘oe’, like (5) _____________. • We use the sound (6) _____________ to pronounce words spelled with ‘ow’, like (7) _____________; and ‘ou’, like (8) _____________.


Scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella colonna corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla. 23

crowd • cow • go • home • hour how • loud • no • oh • show

/əʊ/ go



24 Completa il dialogo con le parole nell’esercizio 10. Poi ascolta e controlla.

A (1) How was the Christmas (2) ___________? Any good? B (3) ___________, it was rubbish! A (4) ___________ dear! B There were just two men dressed up as a (5) ___________! A I bet that didn’t (6) ___________ down well with the (7) ___________! B It didn’t! When we went (8) ___________ after half an (9) ___________ there were (10) ___________ boos!


Consonanti sonore e consonanti sorde


• Sono sonore (voiced) le consonanti il cui suono viene accompagnato dalla vibrazione delle corde vocali. • Sono sorde (unvoiced) le consonanti il cui suono viene articolato senza vibrazione delle corde vocali, ma spingendo l’aria attraverso la bocca.


Guarda il video sui suoni /b/ e /p/. Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Your mouth is in (1) a different/the same position for /b/ and /p/, with your lips (2) closed/open. But /b/ is voiced from the (3) stomach/throat and /p/ is unvoiced and you just push the air (4) in/out through your lips. • We use the sound /b/ to pronounce words like back, but it can be silent in words like (5) comb/rubber. • We use the sound /p/ to pronounce words like pay. But it can be silent in (6) physics/psychology, and it is pronounced /f/ in (7) physics/psychology.



Completa le parole del racconto con “b” o “p”. Poi ascolta e controlla.

Once (1) u p on a time a girl called Goldilocks went into a house in the woods (2) ___ecause she was hungry. Inside, there was a (3) ta___le with three (4) ___owls of (5) ___orridge on it and she tried them all. The (6) ___ig one was too hot, the medium one was too cold, (7) ___ut the little was just right. Then she felt tired, so she went into the (8) ___edroom. There were three (9) ___eds there. One was too hard and (10) lum___y, one was too soft and (11) s___ongy. Finally, there was a little one and it was (12) ___erfect, so she went to (13) slee___. When the three (14) ___ears came (15) ___ack home, they called the (16) ___olice to arrest her for (17) ___reaking into their house!


Guarda il video e completa il riassunto con /d/ o /t/.

/d/ is voiced from the throat and (2) ____ is unvoiced. (1) ____ • We use the sound (3) ____ to pronounce words spelled with ‘d’, like down, made and paid. • We use the sound (4) ____ to pronounce words spelled with ‘t’, like tent, eat and attack. • The vowel sound is usually shorter before (5) ____ than (6) ____, as in wrote and road.



Ascolta la conversazione e sottolinea le parole che senti.

1 send/sent

5 1 2 3 4 5

2 ride/write

4 dine/time

5 dry/try

Guarda il video sui suoni /dʒ/ e /tʃ/. Abbina le due parti delle frasi.

To form the sounds /dʒ/ and /tʃ/ Then move your tongue /dʒ/ is voiced /tʃ/ is an We use the sound /dʒ/ for words spelled 6 We use the sound /tʃ/ for words spelled


3 dummy/tummy

a b

■ ■

with ‘j’, like job, and ‘g’, like general. with ‘ch’ ,like cheese, and ’t’, like future. c ■ unvoiced consonant. 1 place your tongue at the d ■ back of your top teeth. e ■ from the throat. f ■ away to release the air.

6 do/too

Voiced and unvoiced consonants


Leggi la trascrizione fonetica e scrivi le nazionalità corrette. Poi ascolta e controlla.


1 2 3



/ˌtʃaɪˈniːz/ /ˈdʒɜːmən/ /dʌtʃ/

Chinese ___________ ___________

4 5 6

/ˌdʒæpəˈniːz/ ___________ /dʒəˈmeɪkən/ ___________ /ˈtʃɪliən/ ___________

Guarda il video sui suoni /k/ e /ɡ/ e completa con le informazioni mancanti.

/ɡ/ is a (1) voiced consonant and /k/ is an (2) ____________ consonant. When /k/ is at the (3) ____________ of a word it is like an explosion.

• We use the sound /ɡ/ to pronounce words spelled with ‘g’, like gate, (4) ____________ and ago, but not in the word sign, where the ‘g’ is (5) ____________. • We use the sound /k/ to pronounce words spelled with ‘c’, like cook; ‘k’, like king, but not in (6) ____________, where the ‘k’ is silent. We also use the sound /k/ for ‘q’, as in (7) ____________; ‘ch’, as in ache, but not in (8) ____________; ‘ck’, as in black; and ‘cc’, as in soccer.


28 Ascolta e scrivi /k/ o /ɡ/ accanto alle lettere in grassetto. Attenzione, alcune hanno suoni diversi!

/k/ Adam Ellis thought (2) ____ the ghost (3) ____ of a dead child (4) ____ was in his A young man called (1) ____ flat as he kept (5) ____ having scary (6) ____ dreams about him. When he put the story on social (7) ____ media people were intrigued (8) ____ by it. Then Adam started filming his cat (9) ____, who sat looking (10) ____ at his bedroom door each (11) ____ night (12) ____. And in one of the clips (13) ____ he put online, a green (14) ____ jar seemed to move, across (15) ____ his coffee (16) ____ table on its own. After that people signed (17) ____ up for regular (18) ____ updates!


Guarda il video sui suoni /v/ e /f/ e completa con le informazioni mancanti.

Mouth position Voiced consonant Unvoiced consonant Use of /v/ Use of /f/



top (1) teeth on bottom (2) ___________ and push the (3) ___________ through the gap. (4) ___________ (5) ___________ words spelled with ‘v’, like (6) ___________ and (7) ___________, some words with ‘f’, like (8) ___________. words spelled with ‘f’, like (9) ___________; ‘ff’, like (10) ___________, and ‘gh’, like (11) ___________.

Ascolta il notiziario radiofonico e sottolinea le parole che senti.

This is Radio Five (1) Life/Live bringing you a full round-up of today’s news (2) facts/views. First, a flight from (3) Seville/Sheffield had to evacuate today due to a fire. Passengers and crew all got (4) of/off quickly and are (5) safe/saved. Next, (6) a thief/thieves broke into a house thinking it was empty, then threatened a couple with (7) a knife/knives before escaping. And finally, the weather has affected transport today with many trains stopped due to (8) lifts/leaves on the lines. Our next bulletin is at...


IV 11

Voiced and unvoiced consonants Guarda il video e scrivi /ð/ e /θ/ accanto a ogni frase.

1 Place your tongue between your top and bottom teeth and push the air out. 2 It is a voiced consonant from the throat. 3 It is an unvoiced consonant. 4 We use it to pronounce the words they, closes and breathe. 5 We use it to pronounce the words thank, month and maths.


/ð/ and /θ/ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

30 Prova a pronunciare le parole nel riquadro e scrivile nella colonna corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.


/θ/ bath

bath • birthday • clothes • month mother • south • than • they • this thousand • Thursday • with


Guarda il video sui suoni /z/ e /s/ e rispondi alle domande.

1 Where do you put your tongue to make the sounds /z/ and /s/? 2 Which consonant is voiced and which is unvoiced? 3 Which words do you pronounce /z/? 4 Which words do you pronounce /s/?


_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________

31 Scrivi la terza persona singolare dei verbi nel riquadro nella colonna corretta. Poi ascolta e controlla.

arrive • listen study • think • sit try • count • watch miss • hope use • read


Behind your bottom teeth.


/z/ arrives

Guarda il video e completa le frasi con /ʒ/ o /ʃ/.

1 Curve your tongue behind your bottom teeth and move your mouth forward for the voiced consonant /ʒ/. 2 Curve your tongue behind your bottom teeth, but pull your mouth back for unvoiced consonant ____. 3 We use ____ to pronounce words spelled with ‘s’, like television. 4 We use ____ to pronounce words spelled with ‘sh’, like shop, sometimes ‘ti’, like nation, or ‘c’, like ocean.



Voiced and unvoiced consonants




Ascolta e completa il rap con le parole nel riquadro. fashion • imprecision • motion • patience • pleasure • television

I wear leisurewear for (1) pleasure and (2) ______________ for fun I’m full of indecision when if comes to (3) ______________ I’ve no (4) ______________ with pushing or any (5) ______________ I’d like to swim the ocean where sharks swim in slow (6) ______________


WRITING Ora scrivi il tuo rap con le parole nel riquadro. emotion • dish • fish • nation • promotion • wish


Guarda il video sui suoni /m/, /n/ e /ŋ/ e completa la tabella.

suono posizione




press your lips together


(1) more jump swim


press your tongue behind your top teeth

(2) ________

now snow open


(3) ________________

‘ng’ or ‘nk’

(4) ________________

19 A B A B A B A B A



Ascolta e completa il dialogo.

Hey, I (1) rang you yesterday but you didn’t pick up! Sorry, I was (2) __________ a race! Cool! Did you (3) __________? No, I didn’t! It was too (4) __________ and sunny to go fast. I bet you were (5) __________ when you finished! Yes, I ate (6) __________ chocolate and a big bowl of pasta after! Do you think you will do it (7) __________ next year? Maybe, or I (8) __________ do a (9) __________ instead. That’s definitely more my kind of (10) __________!

Guarda il video sui suoni

/h/, /w/ e /j/ e completa con le informazioni mancanti.

(1) /h/, /w/ and /j/ only happen before a vowel sound. • The unvoiced consonant (2) ______________________ is a sound like cleaning glass for words with ‘h’, like hair. • For the voiced consonant (3) ______________________ lips are round and relaxed for words with ‘w’, ‘wh’, ‘o’, and ‘u’. • For the voiced consonant (4) ______________________ the mouth is open and jaw down for words with ‘y’, ‘u’, ‘e’, and ‘i’.



Sottolinea le parole che contengono il suono indicato. Poi ascolta e controlla.

1 /h/ heart • hour • honour 2 /j/ yesterday • yes • slowly 3 /w/ wine • one • only

4 /j/ euro • university • year 5 /w/ quick • sandwich • surfing 6 /h/ who • where • which



Accento tonico

Una sillaba è una parola o parte di una parola che contiene un solo suono vocalico. Per esempio la parola bird ha una sola sillaba, ma la parola monkey ne ha due.


Guarda il video sull’accento tonico e scegli la risposta corretta.

1 What is word stress? A ■ Words working too hard.

✓ Parts of words that are stronger than others. B ■

2 Are all syllables stressed the same in English? A ■ Yes. B ■ No. 3 How many syllables has desk got? A ■ One.



4 Which word has three syllables? A ■ Computer.



5 Which syllable is stressed in pencil? A ■ /pen/.



6 What kind of syllable is the sound /ə/? A ■ Strong and stressed. B

Weak and unstressed.


Let’s go to the movies! Leggi le seguenti parole, decidi quante sillabe contengono e scrivi la trascrizione fonetica per mostrare la sillaba accentata. Poi ascolta e controlla. 35

1 2 3 4


film cartoon director protagonist

1 ____ ____ ____

/ˈfɪlm/ ________ ________ ________

5 6 7 8

blockbuster setting scene documentary

____ ____ ____ ____

________ ________ ________ ________

Sai pronunciare questi titoli di film famosi? Ascolta, ripeti e indica l’accento. La pronuncia è diversa da come normalmente vengono pronunciati questi titoli in italiano? 36

1 'Ghostbusters 2 Trainspotting 3 Interstellar

7 Titanic 8 Halloween 9 Ratatouille

4 Gladiator 5 Casablanca 6 Terminator

Alcune parole sono simili in inglese e in italiano, ma non hanno lo stesso significato e sono false friends. Anche l’accento può cadere su una sillaba diversa.



Indica dove va l’accento e traduci. Poi ascolta e controlla.

italiano edu'cato fabbrica fattoria gentile libreria magazzino sensibile simpatico



polite ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________


'educated fabric factory gentle library magazine sensible sympathetic


istruito ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Word stress



Guarda il video sulle vocali forti e deboli e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

In (1) English/Italian vowels sounds have the same importance. In (2) English/Italian only the stressed syllables and strong vowel sounds have a distinct, specific sound. The other unstressed syllables have short, (3) strong/weak vowel sounds. • In banana, the (4) first/second syllable is stressed, so the ‘a’ is pronounced /ɑː/. The other syllables are weak and the letter ‘a’ is pronounced /ə/, also known as a ‘schwa’. • In tomorrow, the (5) second/third syllable is stressed, so the ‘o’ is pronounced /ɒ/. The other syllables are weak and the letter ‘o’ is pronounced as a ‘schwa’ /ə/ again. • In invite, the second syllable is stressed, so the second ‘i’ is pronounced /aɪ/. The first syllable is (6) weak/stressed and the letter ‘i’ is pronounced as an /ɪ/ this time.


Indica le sillabe forti (●) e deboli (∙). Poi ascolta e controlla.


● 1 summer


3 student

4 protect

5 airport

6 entertainment

Ascolta e completa le parole con le lettere mancanti rappresentate dal suono schwa /ə/.


1 wom/ə/n 2 broth/ə/r 3 inf/ə/mation


2 doctor

e ___ ___

4 meas/ə/ 5 s/ə/vive 6 theat/ə/

___ ___ ___

7 wiz/ə/d 8 democr/ə/cy 9 /ə/ttention

___ ___ ___

Guarda il video sulle parole accentate e non accentate e completa con le informazioni mancanti.

Spoken English is like modern (1) messaging . We only use the words we (2) ______________ so that the other person understands us. We pronounce and hear the (3) ______________ words and don’t pronounce or hear the (4) ______________ words. We guess them from context. So in See you later! we hear only (5) ______________ and late. In What are you doing tonight? we hear What, do and night. And in Sorry, I can’t come because I have to work we (6) ______________ Sorry, can’t, come and work.


Scrivi i seguenti messaggi per esteso. Poi ascolta e controlla.


1 2 3 4 5 6

10 A B A B

See U 8 outside cinema! Want coffee? What u doing? Bored want do something? Time train? Buy milk way home please! 41

See you at eight o’clock outside the cinema! __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Completa il dialogo con parole non accentate. Poi ascolta e controlla.

What’s (1) the time? It’s (2) _________ one. (3) _________ hungry? Yes (4) _________ bit.


Shall we go (5) _________ burger? (6) _________ prefer (7) _________ pizza! (8) _________ on! Last one (9) _________, pays!


Accentazione delle parole e intonazione

VI 1

Guarda il video sull’accentazione delle parole e completa la tabella.

Tipo di parola


Parte del discorso


stressed, (1) content words

comprehension (2) _____________ main verbs (3) _____________ and adverbs question words (4) _____________ grammatical (8) _____________ unstressed, auxiliary verbs (7) _____________ structure (9) _____________ words conjunctions (10) _____________



1 2 3 4 5 6


baby, hotel (5) _____________ new (6) _____________ isn’t, can’t from, at (11) _____________ the, a (12) _____________ me, she

Sottolinea le content words. Poi ascolta e controlla.

We have a real treat for you tonight as the band Nightingales are making their debut on the show. The teams are coming out onto the pitch to warm up before the match. Are you ready to order, or would you like a few more minutes? OK class! Open your books on page twenty-four and start reading. This is the last call for flight BA 1203 – could all passengers go to the gate? Could you please make your way to the checkout as the shop is about to close? 43

Sottolinea le function words. Poi ascolta e controlla.

1 There’s a great new cafe just opened on the high street. 2 We’ve never been to the South of France before. 3 I’ve asked for the menus, but I haven’t ordered yet.


Ascolta il dialogo e scrivi le content words che senti. 44

1 2 3 4 5 6


What / watching / TV ?


4 Is it really going to rain tomorrow? 5 Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the train station, please? 6 Of course you can borrow my text book!

Inserisci le functions words nell’esercizio 4. Poi ascolta di nuovo e controlla. 44

1 What are you watching on TV? 2 3 4 5 6

Guarda il video sull’accento contrastivo e completa le frasi con how, what o why.

(1) What : we stress words or syllables not usually stressed in a sentence. (2) _________: to change the meaning of the sentence. (3) _________: function words are stressed and act like content words.


Sentence stress patterns and intonation


Abbina le frasi al significato corretto. Poi guarda di nuovo il video e controlla.

1 2 3 4 5


I asked you for a cup of coffee. I asked you for a cup of coffee. I asked you for a cup of coffee. I asked you for a cup of coffee. I asked you for a cup of coffee.

a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ 1 e ■

Didn’t you understand? I asked for a cup of coffee. I asked for coffee and not tea! I didn’t ask for a glass or a mug! I didn’t ask anybody else! It was me and not someone else.

45 Leggi e sottolinea la parola accentata per cambiare il significato della frase. Poi ascolta e controlla.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



The old haircut is fine. It’s not my opinion. She might want one, but she doesn’t need one. Her hair is not what she needs to change. She doesn’t need to, other people do. I think the opposite in fact. I don’t think it, I know it. She doesn’t need any haircut, she needs that one.

I don’t think she needs a new haircut. I don’t think she needs a new haircut. I don’t think she needs a new haircut. I don’t think she needs a new haircut. I don’t think she needs a new haircut. I don’t think she needs a new haircut. I don’t think she needs a new haircut. I don’t think she needs a new haircut.

46 Leggi e correggi le frasi basandoti sulle informazioni tra parentesi e sottolinea l’accento contrastivo. Poi ascolta e controlla.

not 1 It’s going to rain all day. (only part of the day) 2 It’s Mary’s birthday on Friday. (on Monday) 3 We’re late for school! (I’m on time, you might be late) 4 They’ve caught the man who did the robberies. (it’s a woman)


5 The politician has won the election. (it’s official) 6 Someone caused trouble at the bus stop. (on the bus)

Guarda il video sull’intonazione ascendente e discendente e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Intonation goes (1) up/down in statements: this is my bag; it goes down in (2) open/yes/no questions: whose bag is this?, but it goes up in (3) open/yes/no questions: Is this your bag? To give new information we use a (4) falling/rising intonation: I’m going to the party, tonight. To confirm information a listener already has we use (5) falling/rising intonation: Tanya’s party? We use rising intonation when we’re (6) interested/not interested: That’s a great idea!

11 1 2 3 4 5 6

Leggi le frasi e indica l’intonazione ascendente (➚) o discendente (➘). Poi ascolta e controlla. 47

We’re really excited about the holiday. You know Sharon, don’t you? Is this seat free? Excuse me, where are the toilets? I’ll meet you after school if you like. It’s really cold today.

➚ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____


Abbina le frasi nell’esercizio 11 agli usi corretti.

a ■ To give new information. b ■ To make a statement. c ■ To ask an open question. d ■ To ask a yes/no question. 1 To show interest or enthusiasm. e ■ f ■ To confirm information.



Clusters fra parole e linking sounds

Guarda il video su clusters e linking sounds e completa con le informazioni mancanti. add • change • cluster • consonants • link • remove

A (1) cluster is a group of (2) ___________ together. Here are some rules about how we pronounce them. • We (3) ___________ the two words in this morning and only pronounce the /s/ once in this summer. • We (4) ___________ /d/ and /t/ if they are between two consonant sounds like good boy and best friends. • We (5) ___________ a /j/ in What did he ask?, a /w/ in I want to eat! and a /r/ in here and there. • We (6) ___________ some sounds like /ɡriːm'pɑːk/ instead of Green Park and /dʒjə/ instead of do you.


48 Ascolta e inserisci un trattino (-) tra le due consonanti che vengono legate quando si pronunciano.

1 The changing room is over-there! 2 What time does your English class start? 3 Promise me you won’t be late!


4 Did you buy the train tickets? 5 He’s got a very old car! 6 Are you still sleeping?

Osserva le immagini, leggi le frasi e sottolinea il suono consonantico che si ripete alla fine di una parola e all’inizio di quella successiva. Fai attenzione: il suono potrebbe corrispondere a lettere diverse. Poi ascolta e controlla. 49

1 There’s not enough fuel in the car!

2 Can you stop playing for a minute, please?

3 Could you call later – I’m a bit busy now!

4 Would you like some more cake?

5 Are black cats lucky or unlucky?

6 Sorry! I had a bad day at work today!


Ripeti ad alta voce le frasi e sottolinea i suoni /t/ o /d/ che non si pronunciano. Poi ascolta e controlla. 50

1 That was a really good night! 2 Look out she can’t swim very well! 3 They heard shouting outside.


4 I got just one card for my birthday! 5 We’d love to see your new house! 6 What’s happening next weekend?

Clusters across words and linking sounds



Ascolta e decidi se i suoni /j/ o /w/ sono presenti tra le lettere in grassetto.


1 2 3 4 5 6

She asked me for a lift. I don’t want to get up early the day after the party. I wanted to ask you a favour. Let’s go over the stuff for the exam again! Do you know anyone with a spare text book I can borrow? I really appreciate you helping me like this!

r 1 My father asked a policeman for help. 2 The car was blue. ____ 3 There were three people in it. ____

1 We’re going on holiday on Monday. 2 They can go now they’ve finished. 3 You can buy it if you like.

10 A B A B A B A B


/m/ _____ _____

do you __________ __________

gimme gotta gonna hafta 56

give me ____________ ____________ ____________

5 6 7 8

kinda lemme wanna whatcha

4 /'dɪʤuː/ finish your homework? 5 /'hauzðə/ meal? 6 The bus /mʌstə'bɪn/ early.

__________ __________ __________

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Nei testi delle canzoni troverai spesso forme contratte informali come wanna, gonna, hafta e kinda.

Ascolta e completa il dialogo con le espressioni nell’esercizio 9.

Can you (1) gimme/give me a lift, please? OK, but we’ve (2) ________________ leave now. Good! I (3) ________________ meet someone in town. Who are you (4) ________________ meet? It’s (5) ________________ personal! Now I really (6) ________________ know! Why? (7) ________________ mean? Nothing! Just (8) ________________ guess who you’re meeting... 57

Ascolta e scrivi le domande. Poi rispondi in modo personale.

1 What’s your name? My name’s... 2 ___________________________ ________________ 3 ___________________________ ________________


4 He scored ten goals this season. _____ 5 Could you move forward a bit, please? _____ 6 Would you like some orange juice? _____

Scrivi la forma estesa delle seguenti forme contratte colloquiali. Poi ascolta e controlla.


1 2 3 4

____ ____ ____

Leggi la trascrizione fonetica e scrivi le parole. Poi ascolta e controlla.


1 Where /dʒjə/ live? 2 He /wɔːk'daʊn/ the corridor. 3 /'dəʊnʧjə/ go to my school?


4 His hair is blond. 5 The bar is open. 6 There aren’t any customers in it.

Ascolta, sottolinea la lettera che cambia e scrivi il suono che senti.



/j/ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Ascolta e scrivi “r” quando senti il suono /r/.




4 ___________________________ ________________ 5 ___________________________ ________________ 6 ___________________________ ________________

Leggi ad alta voce le domande e le risposte nell’esercizio 11 e registra la tua voce. Cerca di utilizzare le tecniche che hai imparato.



Ellissi e pronuncia nel discorso lento e veloce

L’ellissi è l’omissione di parti o intere parole da una frase quando il significato della stessa è chiaro e comprensibile dal contesto.


Guarda il video sull’ellissi. Quale parte del discorso è omessa nelle seguenti frasi? articles • auxiliary verbs • main verb in question tag • noun phrases • part of infinitive possessive adjectives • subject pronouns • words with conjunctions (1) subject pronouns

(2) _______________________ (3) _______________________

(4) _______________________ (5) _______________________ (6) _______________________ (7) _______________________ (8) _______________________





Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea le parole che puoi omettere. Poi ascolta e controlla.

Have you seen my mobile phone? You haven’t lost it, have you? Not exactly! It’s here somewhere... Would you like me to help you find it? Oh yes, could you help me to find it? No problem! The TV show can wait. You’re so kind! Actually I’m kind and I’m helpful!

Leggi ad alta voce le seguenti frasi e registra la tua voce. Sottolinea le parole che puoi omettere. 1 2 3 4 5


(He)’s not ready! (I)’ve got the car. Where’s the bus? (It)’s late. (My) brother’s in France on holiday. (Our) teachers are on strike. (Are) you hungry? (Have) you seen Harry today? (Do you) want to go to the cinema? (You’re) Italian, aren’t you? (You don’t) know him, do you? ‘Can someone help me?’ ‘I’ll ask the boys to (help you).’ ‘Did you pick Sally up from school?’ ‘Sorry I forgot to (pick her up).’ (The) boss isn’t here today. (A) cat came into the garden. The baby can walk but (he) can’t talk yet. A big welcome to all our friends and (our) family! I’ve just finished cooking. Would you like some (dinner)? They went to Oxford (University).

There are boys and there are girls in our school. I’ll be in later tonight if you want to come round. The school is closed on Friday afternoon. I’ve got fish and chips, do you want some of it? Are you looking for somebody?

6 You can speak French, can’t you? 7 ‘Do you deliver?’ ‘I’ll get one of the boys to deliver to you’. 8 Is your dad around? I need to talk to him.

Ellipsis and pronunciation in slow and fast speech





Guarda il video sull’omissione di sillabe e scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella categoria corretta.

Ascolta e controlla le tue risposte all’esercizio 3.

about • careful • dictionary • education • except • family • garden • history • national • personal • police • restaurant 1 Words that lose syllables before the sound /r/: history 2 Words that lose syllables before the sound /l/: _____________ _____________ _____________ 3 Words that lose syllables before the sound /n/: _____________ _____________ _____________ 4 Words that lose their first syllable: _____________ _____________ _____________




Ascolta le frasi e segna (✓) le parole in cui viene omessa una sillaba.


1 ■ behave ✓ favourite 2 ■

3 4

■ ■

5 6

medicine nobody

■ ■



Ascolta di nuovo e sottolinea le sillabe che vengono omesse.



Ascolta e completa con le informazioni mancanti.

4 Did you see that new crime drama on Netflix? You should watch it – It’s epic! ____ 5 Have you heard of deepfake videos? It uses artificial intelligence to find and swap images. ____ 6 Hey! Are you busy? What are you up to? ____

1 I would like to welcome you all to the new S academic year. 2 I’ll meet you in town in the usual place at 3, OK? ____ 3 First download the app on your phone and then set up your account and password. ____

Che cosa useresti in queste situazioni, fast o slow speech?

1 To give directions to somebody on the street. S 2 To plan a future family holiday. ____ 3 To explain the safety procedure in case of a fire. ____



4 A ■


theory vegetables

Leggi e scrivi F (fast speech) o S (slow speech). Poi ascolta e controlla.



■ ■

Fast speech To (5) ______________________ in a casual way. To talk about (6) ______________________. To discuss (7) ______________________. To talk to (8) ______________________.

Slow speech instructions To give (1) . To introduce (2) ______________________. To explain (3) ______________________. To talk to (4) ______________________.


7 8

suppose teacher

Ascolta e abbina le persone (A-F) alle situazioni nell’esercizio 10. B


4 To agree what ingredients you need to buy for a meal. ____ 5 To talk about good places to eat out. ____ 6 To discuss the weather. ____





Ascolta di nuovo e scrivi quello che dice ogni persona.

A So we need to get some tomatoes, some red and green peppers and some cheese.




Elementi di base

Obiettivi • • • • • • • •

Verbi be e have got Articoli Plurale dei sostantivi Can Aggettivi e i pronomi Genitivo sassone Preposizioni Numeri Welcome to this wonderful cruise ship. I’m Captain Fleet and I’m very happy to meet you!

Yes, it’s in my suitcase. It’s eleven o’clock. Let’s have a coffee.

I’m on holiday. We’re on holiday. Let’s have a lovely time!

Are you Captain Fleet? Can I get Wi-Fi in my cabin?


Have you got your diamond necklace?

Elementi di base

My name’s Betty. In the evening, there’s a popular British musical at the theatre. Here’s the entertainment programme.

At one o’clock in the Sunny Café.

I’m hungry, Mum. What time’s lunch?

Yes, Dad. I’ve got my camera but I haven’t got my phone.

Have you got your camera, Lily?

I’m Jane’s friend. Can we swim in the pool now, Betty?


Leggi il fumetto e sottolinea esempi delle seguenti funzioni: a b c d e f


I’m Italian. I can cook Italian food very well. But I can’t cook Chinese food! The restaurant’s on Deck 12!


a Gli aggettivi precedono/seguono i sostantivi. b Gli aggettivi di nazionalità si scrivono con l’iniziale maiuscola/minuscola. c Nelle domande con be – Are you Captain Fleet? – il pronome personale soggetto precede/segue il verbo. d Nelle domande con have got – Have you got your camera? – il pronome personale soggetto precede have/got.

presentarsi esprimere possesso chiedere il permesso parlare di abilità chiedere e dire l’ora dare qualcosa a qualcuno

Trova esempi di: a b c d

preposizioni di tempo preposizioni di luogo aggettivi possessivi aggettivi di nazionalità

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

4 a Rileggi il fumetto e trova un esempio di

false friend. b La frase I’m hungry si traduce con il verbo

“essere” o “avere” in italiano?



I pronomi personali

1.1 Pronomi personali soggetto io tu egli/lui ella/lei esso/a noi voi essi/loro

I you he she it we you they

• In inglese il soggetto deve essere sempre espresso, diversamente dall’italiano in cui spesso può essere sottinteso. Mark è mio amico. (Lui) È britannico.

Mark is my friend. He is British.

• Il pronome soggetto you corrisponde in italiano sia a “tu” e “voi” sia alle forme di cortesia “Lei” e “Voi”. Mr Thompson, are you our new teacher?

Sig. Thompson, lei è il nostro nuovo insegnante?

In inglese il pronome soggetto I si scrive sempre con la lettera maiuscola. Mi chiamo Nicola e sono uno studente.

My name is Nicola and I am a student.

Il pronome soggetto it si usa per riferirsi a cose, piante, animali e concetti astratti. My bike isn’t in the garage, it is in the garden. Look at that tree! It is very tall. There is a cat at the door. It is black.

La mia bici non è in garage, è in giardino. Guarda quell’albero! È molto alto. C’è un gatto alla porta. È nero.

Quando si parla di animali da compagnia è possibile usare il pronome he/she. Verdun è il mio cavallo. È marrone e bianco.

Verdun is my horse. He is brown and white.

Il pronome soggetto it si usa come soggetto impersonale 114.1 per parlare di ora 24 tempo atmosferico e per identificare persone, cose, animali.

e data 25.2 , giorno e

È l’una/il 2 aprile/lunedì/nuvoloso. “Chi è quella donna?” “È Sheila Burns.”

It’s one o’clock/2 April/Monday/cloudy. ‘Who’s that woman?’ ‘It’s Sheila Burns.’

1.2 Pronomi personali complemento me you him her it us you them

me, mi te, ti lui, gli lei, le esso/a, lo/a noi, ci voi, vi loro, li/le

In inglese i pronomi complemento hanno un’unica forma. complemento



I love her. La amo. complemento di termine Give her my phone number. Dalle il mio numero di telefono.

I pronomi complemento si usano dopo un verbo, dopo una preposizione e, nell’inglese colloquiale, dopo it’s. I know him. We play football with them. It’s me/him.


Lo conosco. Giochiamo a calcio con loro. Sono io/È lui.

Mappa p. 424

Personal pronouns



Osserva le immagini e scrivi il pronome personale soggetto corretto.

1 _______________________ they

2 _______________________

3 _______________________

4 _______________________

5 _______________________

6 _______________________

7 _______________________

8 _______________________


Completa le frasi con il pronome personale soggetto corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


It is in the garage.’ ‘Where’s your car?’ ‘______ ‘What’s Sally doing?’ ‘______ is having lunch with her grandmother.’ ‘Are you Mrs Robinson from Scotland?’ ‘No, ______ am from France.’ ‘It’s very late. Is Jack coming to the cinema?’ ‘Yes, ______ is.’ Jane and Penny are going on a cruise ship. ______ are leaving on Monday. ‘What are you two studying?’ ‘______ are working on a history project.’ ‘Where does your cat spend the night?’ ‘Tommy? ______ sleeps in the kitchen!’ ‘Are Peter and Paul at home?’ ‘Yes, ______ are in the garden.’ ‘Can I borrow your computer, Mary?’ ‘I am afraid ______ can’t. ______ need it today.’

Completa le frasi con il pronome personale complemento corretto. 1 2 3 4 5


Martin sits next to me in class. Do you like him ? Hi, Dad. Sandra is at the station. Can you meet _______? We don’t know your number. Can you give it to _______? Hello, John. There’s a problem. Can you help _______? ‘I’m very hungry.’ ‘Can I get _______ some food?’ 64

1 he / him


6 7 8 9 10

I hate horror films. I never watch _______. Where’s Tom? I want to talk to _______. I love this T-shirt. I want to buy _______. Can you help _______? I’ve got a problem. Sam, where are you? We can’t start lunch without _______.

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e sottolinea il pronome che senti pronunciare. 2 she / he

3 he / we

4 they / them

5 I / us

6 me / we

Sottolinea il pronome personale corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This computer game is boring. I don’t want to play her/it. I don’t know where my keys are. Can you help me to look for them/they? Is the manager in the shop? I need to speak to he/him. My grandparents aren’t here, I’m afraid. They/We are playing golf. We are having lunch with our boss today. He is taking us/you to an expensive restaurant. ‘Where’s the head teacher’s office?’ ‘She/It is on the first floor.’ My mother loves tennis but she/her isn’t a good player. ‘Does Michael like Karen?’ ‘I don’t think he/him knows she/her.’



Il verbo be: forma

Forma affermativa intera

Forma affermativa contratta

Forma negativa intera

Forma negativa contratta

I am in Rome. You are in Rome. He/She/It is in Rome. We are in Rome. You are in Rome. They are in Rome.

I’m in Rome. You’re in Rome. He/She/It’s in Rome. We’re in Rome. You’re in Rome. They’re in Rome.

I am not in Rome. You are not in Rome. He/She/It is not in Rome. We are not in Rome. You are not in Rome. They are not in Rome.

I’m not in Rome. You aren’t in Rome. He/She/It isn’t in Rome. We aren’t in Rome. You aren’t in Rome. They aren’t in Rome.

• Nella lingua inglese parlata e nello scritto informale sono più comuni le forme contratte. Per dare maggiore enfasi all’affermazione si usano invece le forme intere. • La forma affermativa contratta di is (’s) si usa anche dopo nomi propri e comuni, ma se la parola termina in -ch, -sh, -s, -x o -z è obbligatorio usare la forma intera. Sue is a nice girl. = Sue’s a nice girl. The match is over. NON The match’s over.

Sue è una ragazza simpatica. La partita è finita.

• La forma affermativa contratta di are (’re) non si usa mai dopo nomi propri e comuni. The keys are on the table. NON The keys’re on the table.

Le chiavi sono sul tavolo.

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

Am I in Rome? Are you in Rome? Is he/she/it in Rome? Are we in Rome? Are you in Rome? Are they in Rome?

più comune Am I not/Aren’t I in Rome? Are you not/Aren’t you in Rome? Is he/she/it not/Isn’t he/she/it in Rome? Are we not/Aren’t we in Rome? Are you not/Aren’t you in Rome? Are they not/Aren’t they in Rome?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t. Yes, we are. / No, we aren’t. Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t. Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

forma intera nelle affermative

forma contratta nelle negative grammaRevolution

In inglese generalmente non si risponde a una domanda solo con yes o no, ma si usano le risposte brevi. ‘Are you from Norway?’

“Vieni dalla Norvegia?”

‘Yes, I am.’ / ‘No, I’m not.’ NON ‘Yes.’/‘No.’


Non si usano le risposte brevi se nella domanda si danno ulteriori informazioni. ‘Is Samuel from Portugal?’

“Samuel viene dal Portogallo?”

‘Yes, he is from Lisbon.’

“Sì, è di Lisbona.”


Mappa p. 425

The verb be: form



Captain Fleet sta facendo il giro della nave. Completa il testo con la forma affermativa intera del verbo be. am Captain Fleet and this (2) ________ my ship. Its name (3) ________ Star ‘Hello. I (1) ________ of the Sea. There are two thousand people on the ship. They (4) ________ all very happy. The weather (5) ________ hot and sunny. Mr and Mrs Sweet (6) ________ in the restaurant, my chef, Bruno, (7) ________ in his kitchen and Harry and Lily (8) ________ in the swimming pool. It (9) ________ eight o’clock and time for dinner. The food (10) ________ very good!’


Riscrivi le frasi usando la forma affermativa contratta del verbo be quando possibile. 1 The weather is beautiful in July. The weather’s beautiful in July.

2 The books are in my bedroom.


Completa le frasi con la forma negativa del verbo be. 1 2 3 4 5


isn’t very warm. It’s a sunny day but it ________ Dan’s my brother, he ________ my cousin. I’m late! It ________ one o’clock – it’s two o’clock! Mr and Mrs Brown are Australian. They ________ British. We’re at work this week. We ________ on holiday.


Are you a teacher at this school? ________ ________ Matt a professional tennis player? ________ you and I both in the school play? ________ the new restaurant very expensive? ________ people interested in the new art gallery?

6 7 8 9 10

________ I in the football team this season? ________ you and Rosie at work today? ________ this your phone? ________ all the students on a school visit today? ________ Lisa on holiday in Sardinia?

Completa le risposte brevi alle domande nell’esercizio 4. 1 2 3 4

Yes, ____________. I am No, ____________. Yes, ____________. No, ____________.

8 No, ____________. 9 Yes, ____________. 10 Yes, ____________.

5 Yes, ____________. 6 Yes, ____________. 7 Yes, ____________.

Riordina le parole per formare frasi corrette. 5 6 7 8

1 city centre / in / is / your house / the / ? Is your house in the city centre? 2 are / London / from / my parents 3 very sunny / isn’t / it / today 4 your brother / a / history teacher / is / ?


very hungry / I’m / today / not are / the / our friends / café / in / at / at / you / moment / are / home / the / ? his dog / in / park / the / Tony / with / is

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e indica in quali frasi viene usata la forma contratta.


✓ 1 n


6 My sister’s history homework is difficult. She ________ very happy. 7 My office is closed today, so I ________ at work. 8 You ________ in my class today, James. You’re in Mrs Brown’s class.

Completa le domande con il verbo be. 1 2 3 4 5


6 They are on the table. 7 Chris is on holiday with friends. 8 We are very hungry!

3 My friends are from Canada. 4 Lily is a good photographer. 5 My parents are at work.











66 GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e scrivi A se la frase è affermativa, N se negativa e I se interrogativa.

I 1 n










n 37


Il verbo be: uso


Si usa il verbo be per: • presentare persone e identificare cose I’m Francesca. This is Federico. It is a book.

Sono Francesca. Questo è Federico. È un libro.

• descrivere persone, animali, cose, luoghi, ecc. con aggettivi My parents are young.

I miei genitori sono giovani.

• descrivere condizioni di salute, fisiche e psicologiche Norma’s stressed. Mike’s very tall. Larry is nervous of speaking in front of the class.

Norma è stressata. Mike è molto alto. Larry è nervoso quando parla davanti alla classe.

• indicare la posizione di persone, oggetti e luoghi Peter’s at home. Your ruler is under the desk. Class 2B is upstairs.

Peter è a casa. Il tuo righello è sotto il banco. La classe 2B è al piano di sopra.

• dire l’età – seguito da numero cardinale 23 The Colosseum is 2,000 years old.

Si può omettere l’espressione year(s) old quando ci si riferisce a persone.

+ l’espressione year(s) old

Il Colosseo ha duemila anni.

My daughter is one (year old). Mia figlia ha un anno.

• indicare la provenienza William is from London.

William è di Londra.

• dire l’ora 24 , la data 25.2 , il giorno (con costruzione impersonale) It’s ten o’clock/23 April/Saturday.

Sono le dieci./È il 23 aprile./È sabato.

• indicare la professione Ruth is a nurse.

Ruth è/fa l’infermiera.

• parlare del tempo atmosferico (con costruzione impersonale) It’s very hot today.

È/Fa molto caldo oggi.

• dire il prezzo 25.1 The red T-shirt is 9 euros.

La maglietta rossa costa 9 euro.

Il verbo be si può rendere in italiano con il verbo “fare” quando si parla di professioni e tempo atmosferico e con il verbo “costare” quando si parla di prezzi. Mappa p. 425


Collega le due parti delle frasi, poi abbina ciascuna frase all’uso corrispondente del verbo be. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


I’m Bill Norman and The gondola ride How old are you? This is Bruno. What’s this, Lily? Jane and Penny Her name’s Betty. Is it cold in Venice today? Helen is very tired. Is your phone on the table?

are friends. She’s from London. He’s a chef. is €50. She works very hard. this is my wife, Vera. It’s my camera. No, it’s in my bag. No, it’s hot and sunny. We’re fourteen.

1 presentare persone a n b n identificare cose c n descrivere persone d n dire l’età e n parlare del tempo atmosferico f n indicare la professione g n dire il prezzo h n indicare la provenienza i n descrivere una condizione fisica j n indicare la posizione

The verb be: usage


Formula domande con il verbo be, poi abbinale alle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Jack / your brother / ? Is Jack your brother? you / from Madrid / ? it / sunny today / ? the people at your school / friendly / ? we / near the restaurant / ? Martha and Tom / British / ? your mother / a teacher / ? I / late / ?

a n No, they’re Irish. b n No, they aren't. c n Yes, I am. d n No, we aren’t. 1 No, he isn’t. e n f n Yes, she is. g n No, you aren’t. h n No, it’s raining.

Amelia ha scritto un tema sulla sua amica, Helen. Completa il testo con la forma corretta del verbo be. is My friend Helen (1) ________ from Birmingham but she (2) ________ there now – she (3) ________ in Brighton. She (4) ________ young, her hair is blonde and her eyes (5) ________ blue. She (6) ________ quite short.

She (7) ________ a film director. Her films (8) ________ very good. They (9) ________ on teen websites. Her camera (10) ________ very expensive. Her friends, Robyn and Lucy, (11) ________ also in Brighton but they (12) ________ directors. Robyn (13) ________ a musician and Lucy (14) ________ an artist. They (15) ________ both very talented. Helen’s hobbies are singing in a choir and learning Spanish. The other people in the choir (16) ________ all from Brighton – except for Helen’s Spanish teacher. She (17) ________ from Brighton, she (18) ________ from Madrid. She (19) ________ very nice. The lessons (20) ________ in a local college at eight o’clock on Thursdays.


WRITING Scrivi un testo su un tuo amico/una tua amica. Usa l’esercizio 3 come modello. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4


Caroline’s bag it’s on the table. is ‘Is that your new car?’ ‘Yes, he is.’ James not at work this week. How old you are?

5 6 7 8

Sam, it’s nine o’clock. Are you late for school! My mum she’s a photographer. Her name’s Amy and she from London. The Smiths're on holiday in Spain.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Paul è un ragazzo molto simpatico (very nice). Fa molto freddo qui. Non sono giovani i tuoi genitori? Sally è un’insegnante di inglese? Mio fratello non ha vent’anni, ne ha ventuno. Siamo in un bar in centro (town centre).

7 Le bici non sono nel garage. 8 “James e Matthew sono di Londra?” “No. Sono di Reading.” 9 Oggi il museo è chiuso. 10 Il libro di inglese costa 20€.



Le espressioni con be

4.1 Espressioni con be Si usa il verbo be nelle seguenti espressioni: be afraid/frightened/scared of be embarrassed be cold/warm/hot be hungry/thirsty be in a hurry be right/wrong be sleepy

avere paura, temere avere vergogna, vergognarsi avere/fare freddo/caldo/molto caldo avere fame/sete avere fretta avere ragione/torto avere sonno

She’s afraid of butterflies. I’m cold. You’re right.

Ha paura delle farfalle. Ho freddo. Hai ragione.

In queste espressioni idiomatiche il verbo be si traduce in italiano con il verbo “avere” o con altri verbi.

ENGLISH USAGE Si usano le espressioni What’s wrong (with...)?/What’s the matter (with...)?/What’s up (with...)?/What’s the problem? per chiedere se c’è qualcosa che non va o se c’è qualche problema. “Che cos’ha (che non va) Sheena?” “Ha sonno.”

‘What’s wrong with Sheena?’ ‘She’s tired.’

Altre espressioni di uso comune con il verbo be sono: be early/late be on time be in time be sorry be well/fine

essere in anticipo/in ritardo essere in orario essere in tempo essere dispiaciuto, dispiacersi stare bene


You are late for the meeting. Sei in ritardo per la riunione. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. Mi dispiace per il malinteso.

4.2 “Ecco (qui/là)” Per rendere l’espressione italiana “ecco (qui/là)” si usa: • Here/There + verbo be + sostantivo Here’s your pencil. There are the magazines!

Ecco (qui) la tua matita. Ecco (là) le riviste!

• Here/There + pronome personale soggetto + verbo be Here she is at last! There he is on the sofa!

Eccola (qui) finalmente! Eccolo là sul divano!

ENGLISH USAGE Spesso si usa l’espressione Here/There you are (“Ecco qui”/“Tieni”) per dire a qualcuno che gli stiamo dando qualcosa. Nella lingua informale e in inglese americano si può usare Here/There you go. ‘Have you got a ruler, Sam?’ ‘Here you are./Here you go.’


“Hai un righello, Sam?” “Tieni.”


Expressions with be


Osserva le immagini e scrivi frasi con le parole nel riquadro. scared • embarrassed • hot • sleepy • thirsty • in a hurry • in time • late

She’s thirsty. 1 _______________________

2 _______________________

3 _______________________

4 _______________________

5 _______________________

6 _______________________

7 _______________________

8 _______________________


Completa le definizioni del cruciverba. 1

Across 4 Are you cold ? Here’s your coat. 5 Harry’s eating a sandwich because he’s very ___________. 7 Lily’s sleeping. She’s ___________ this evening.




Down 1 ‘Are your parents OK?’ ‘Yes, they’re very ___________, thanks.’ 2 The weather forecast is ___________. It’s sunny today, not rainy. 3 ‘Is Sam ___________ of spiders?’ ‘No, he likes them!’ 5 I’m running because I’m in a ___________. 6 This soup is very ___________!









Abbina le frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Where are George and Michael? Can I have a bottle of water, please? Where's your homework? Mrs Smith is very late. Where's Max, your dog? Where are the textbooks?

a n Here you are. b n There they are on the desk. c n Here she is at last. 1 There they are. d n e n Here it is. f n There he is under the bed.



There is/There are

There is/There are corrispondono alle espressioni italiane “c’è/ci sono”.

non si contrae

FORMA Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma Risposte interrogativa-negativa brevi

There is/There’s a park in town. There are two parks in town.

There is not/There isn’t a park in town. There are not/There aren’t two parks in town.

Is there a park in town?

Isn’t there a park in town?

Are there two parks in town?

Aren’t there two parks in town?

Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

Non esiste la forma affermativa contratta di there are. There are three black cats in the garden. NON There’re three black cats in the garden. Ci sono tre gatti neri in giardino.

Nelle frasi con più soggetti si usa there is se il primo sostantivo è singolare, there are se il primo sostantivo è plurale. There’s a sofa and two armchairs in the sitting room. There are two armchairs and a sofa in the sitting room.

Ci sono un divano e due poltrone nel salotto. Ci sono due poltrone e un divano nel salotto.

in italiano plurale in entrambi i casi


There is/There are si usano per dare informazioni sulla presenza di cose o persone in un determinato posto. Si usano insieme all’articolo indeterminativo a/an 9 , ai numerali cardinali 23.1 , agli indefiniti some/any/no 41 e ai quantificatori a lot of/much/many, ecc. 42 . There’s a black cat in the middle of the road. There are 15 students in class 5B. There’s some water on the desk. There aren’t any eggs in the fridge. There are a lot of apricots this year.

C’è un gatto nero in mezzo alla strada. Ci sono 15 studenti nella classe 5B. C’è un po’ d’acqua sulla scrivania. Non ci sono uova nel frigo. Ci sono molte albicocche quest’anno.

• There are + numero + of us/you/them corrisponde in italiano a “siamo/siete/sono in” + numero. There are five of them. There are six of us.

Sono in cinque. Siamo in sei.

• Non si usano Is there...? e Are there...? per chiedere se c’è qualcuno, ma si utilizzano espressioni come in, here, there, at home/school/work. ‘Is Julie in?’ ‘Yes, she is.’ ‘Are Tom and Louise there?’ ‘No, they aren’t.’

“C’è Julie?” “Sì.” “Ci sono Tom e Louise?” “No.”

• There is/There are non si usano con riferimento al tempo atmosferico 3 . It’s sunny. It’s foggy and windy.


C’è il sole. Ci sono nebbia e vento.

Osserva e ascolta.

Nelle espressioni there is/there are, there ha funzione di soggetto e si pronuncia con la forma debole (weak form): /ðǝ(r)/. There isn’t a cloud in the sky.

There are a lot of foreigners in my class.

There come avverbio di luogo (“lì/là”) si pronuncia invece con la forma forte (strong form): /ðɛǝ(r)/. Is your mother there?


Put the coat there.

There is/There are




Leggi i mini-dialoghi e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 ‘Is/Are there any milk in the fridge?’ ‘Yes, there is/there’s.’

3 ‘Is/Are there a lot of exercises in your book?’ ‘Yes, there are/is.’

2 ‘How many students are there/there are in your class?’ ‘There is/There are thirty in my class and twenty in my sister’s.’

4 ‘Why aren’t/isn’t there any people in the town centre today?’ ‘There’s/There are a festival in the park, so everyone’s there.’

Nelle due camere ci sono cinque differenze. Osserva le immagini e scrivi frasi. A


In bedrooom A there’s one jacket,

In bedroom B .



Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. there • there’s • there’s • is • isn’t • are there • are • aren’t Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy


Are we ready for the party, Amy? There’s a lot of food on the table! Yes, we are! (1) ___________ (2) ___________ there any orange juice? No, there (3) ___________, but there (4) ___________ some bottles of water. (5) ___________ any sandwiches? No, there (6) ___________. No problem. (7) ___________ are pizzas and (8) ___________ an enormous chocolate cake!

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


There’s a lot of passengers on the cruise ship and they’re all very happy. There are ‘How many children are there in the Norman family?’ ‘They are two.’ ‘Is there sunny today?’ ‘Yes, the weather’s perfect! There are no clouds.’ When there is another party in the ship’s restaurant? They aren’t many cafés but there’s a restaurant near the ship’s theatre. A table for dinner, please. We are four of us. There are a bed and two chairs in my cabin. How many are there in yours? ‘Is there a fitness centre near your cabin?’ ‘No, isn’t.’

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

Ci sono venti studenti nella mia classe. C’è un bel film alla TV stasera? “C’è la signora Smith a casa?” “Sì.” Ci sono tre uova nel frigorifero. Siamo in dieci oggi a scuola.

6 7 8 9

È molto freddo oggi, ma non c’è una nuvola e c’è il sole. Oggi non ci sono gli esami (any exams). Ci sono dieci arance in cucina. Ci sono una stazione e due fermate dell’autobus vicino a casa mia.



Gli interrogativi (1)

6.1 Interrogativi Si usano gli avverbi where, when, how, why e i pronomi interrogativi who, what, which, whose per ottenere informazioni specifiche.

who what

chi che cosa/quale

what + sostantivo which which + sostantivo where when how how + aggettivo 7

di che quale quale dove quando come quanto

why whose (+ sostantivo)

perché di chi

Who is that girl? What is this? What is your favourite subject? What colour is the car? Which is your car? Which class are you in? Where is my wallet? When is your birthday? How is that possible? How old is your mother? How serious is the situation? Why are you tired? Whose dog is it? Whose are these shoes? Whose shoes are these?

Gli interrogativi vanno sempre all’inizio della domanda. Where is the gym?

Dov’è la palestra?

Chi è quella ragazza? Che cos’è? Qual è la tua materia preferita? Di che colore è l’auto? Qual è la tua auto? In quale classe sei? Dov’è il mio portafoglio? Quand’è il tuo compleanno? Com’è possibile? Quanti anni ha tua madre? Quant'è grave la situazione? Perché sei stanco? Di chi è il cane? Di chi sono queste scarpe? due costruzioni possibili con i dimostrativi

Se l’interrogativo è accompagnato da una preposizione, questa generalmente si colloca in fondo alla domanda. Where are they from?

Da dove vengono?

• Diversamente dalle yes/no questions a cui si può rispondere semplicemente con “sì/no” e la risposta breve, alle domande con gli interrogativi bisogna dare l’informazione richiesta. ‘Where are the children?’ ‘They are in the garden.’

“Dove sono i ragazzi?” “Sono in giardino.”

• Si usa what quando sono possibili molte risposte, which quando il numero di alternative è limitato. What is your favourite band? Which colour is your coat, black or orange?

Qual è il tuo gruppo preferito? Di che colore è il tuo cappotto, nero o arancione?

• Quando una domanda è introdotta da why si usa because nella risposta. ‘Why is Teresa worried?’ ‘Because her son is not at home.’

“Perché Teresa è preoccupata?” “Perché suo figlio non è a casa.”

• Alle domande con whose si può rispondere con un pronome possessivo 18.2 o con il nome del possessore + genitivo sassone 19 . ‘Whose is this phone?’ ‘It’s hers/Michelle’s.'

“Di chi è questo telefono?” “È suo/di Michelle.”

ENGLISH USAGE Nella lingua parlata si usa What for? per chiedere il motivo o la ragione di qualcosa. ‘Are there any apples in the fridge?’ ‘What for?’ ‘I want to make an apple pie.’


“Ci sono delle mele in frigo?” ”Per fare cosa?” “Voglio fare una torta di mele.” Mappa p. 424

Wh- question words (1)


6.2 “Come...?” grammaRevolution

Osserva i diversi modi con cui si traduce “come” in inglese. • Si usa how e il verbo be per informarsi sullo stato di salute di una persona. How are you and how are your parents? Come stai e come stanno i tuoi genitori?

• Si usa What ... like? per chiedere informazioni sulla personalità e sulle caratteristiche fisiche di persone, animali o cose 73 e per informarsi sul tempo atmosferico. ‘What’s your brother like?’ ‘He’s bossy.’ “Com’è tuo fratello?” “È prepotente.” ‘What’s your new teacher like?’ ‘She’s tall and thin.’ “Com’è la tua nuova insegnante?” “È alta e magra.” ‘What’s his flat like?’ ‘It’s tiny but cosy.’ “Com’è il suo appartamento?” “È piccolo ma accogliente.” ‘What’s the weather like?’ ‘It’s sunny.’ “Com’è il tempo?” “C’è il sole.”


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 ‘What/Where is your room number?’ ‘It’s 75.’ 2 ‘Which/How coat is yours?’ ‘The black one over there.’ 3 ‘Who/How are you?’ ‘I’m fine thanks.’ 4 ‘Where/Why is Ivy from?’ ‘She’s from Glasgow.’ 5 ‘Who/Whose books are on the table?’ ‘They’re the teacher’s.’


‘What/How type of car have you got?’ ‘A sports car.’ ‘Which/Who is on the phone?’ ‘It’s my sister.’ ‘How/When old is your aunt?’ ‘She’s forty.’ ‘Whose/Which are these crayons?’ ‘My little brother’s.’ 10 ‘Why/What are you happy?’ ‘It’s my mum’s birthday!’

Abbina le domande alle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


6 7 8 9

Who is that man? What is your favourite colour? Which is your house? Where is your phone? When is Chinese New Year? How difficult is the exam? Why are you sad? Whose is this bike? What time is it? How old is your sister?

Completa le frasi con What o Which. 1 ‘___________ What is your favourite rugby team?’ ‘It’s the All Reds.’ 2 ‘___________ make is your car?’ ‘It’s a Fiat.’ 3 ‘___________ level are you in, beginner or intermediate?’ ‘Beginner.’ 4 ‘___________ is your bike?’ ‘The black one over there.’ 5 ‘___________ time is the match kick-off?’ ‘At five o’clock.’

a n 1 b n c n d n e n f n g n h n i n j n


It’s the one with a blue door. He’s my teacher. It’s my friend’s. In February. She’s seven. It’s three o’clock. My dog is not well. It’s green. It’s in my bag. It’s easy!

Completa le frasi con Where o When. 1 ‘___________ Where is your office?’ ‘It’s on the second floor.’ 2 ‘___________ is Easter?’ ’It’s in April this year.’ 3 ‘___________ is my jacket?’ ‘It’s on the chair!’ 4 ‘___________ are you at home?’ ‘This afternoon.’ 5 ‘___________ are your children?’ ‘They’re at the cinema.’


6 5

Wh- question words (1) Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. month • classroom • old • languages • ball • colour • suitcases • time

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


suitcases are these?’ ‘They are Buddy Rubin’s.’ ‘Whose ________________ ‘Which ________________ are you in?’ ‘Number 3 on the first floor.’ ‘What ________________ are your sister’s eyes?’ ‘They’re blue.’ ‘How ________________ is your sister, Lily?’ ‘She’s fourteen.’ ‘What ________________ is it in China now?’ ‘It’s ten o’clock in the evening.’ ‘Whose ________________ is this?’ ‘It’s my dog’s!’ ‘Which ________________ is your birthday?’ ‘It’s in January.’ ‘Which ________________ do you speak?’ ‘English and French.’

Completa le frasi con gli interrogativi nel riquadro. which • why • when • where • what • whose • who • how 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Where is the swimming pool?’ ‘It’s next to the gym.’ ‘___________ ‘___________ are you excited?’ ‘My team are in the final!’ ‘___________ is the match?’ ‘It’s on Saturday at three o’clock.’ ‘___________ is this football shirt?’ ‘It’s the goalkeeper’s.’ ‘___________ bad is the news?’ ‘I’m sorry but it’s very serious.’ ‘___________ is Roger Federer?’ ‘He’s a brilliant tennis player.’ ‘___________ is for breakfast today?’ ‘Bacon and eggs with toast and marmalade!’ ’___________ flat is Jack’s?’ ‘It’s the one on the first floor.’

Completa i mini-dialoghi tra Jane e Penny con gli interrogativi corretti. Where are we?’ ‘We’re near the dining 1 ‘___________ room.’ 2 ‘___________ is that man?’ ‘He’s the chef, Bruno.’ 3 ‘___________ is Bruno angry?’ ‘Because the sous-chef is late!’


Riordina le parole per formulare domande, poi abbinale alle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Where is the bus stop? is / stop / bus / where / the / ? ________________________________ colour / what / parents’ car / your / is / ? ________________________________ London / last train / is / when / to / the / ? ________________________________ these / clothes / whose / are / ? ________________________________ serious / how / is / her illness / ? ________________________________ cabin / which / you / in / are / ? ________________________________ upset / you / why / are / ? ________________________________ actor / who / is / that / ? ________________________________



a b


4 ‘___________ is the captain’s cabin?’ ‘It’s on the top deck, next to the bridge.’ 5 ‘___________ is your meeting with the captain?’ ‘At eleven o’clock.’ 6 ‘___________ camera is that?’ ‘It’s Lily’s.’

n n



It’s Owen Wilson. He’s in an excellent new film. 1 b n It’s opposite the cinema. c n I can’t find my necklace. d n It’s orange! e n Number seventy-nine on the top deck. f n It’s at midnight. g n She’s got only a cold. h n They’re my baby sister’s.

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta le domande e abbinale alle risposte.

It’s at home. It’s Thursday.

1 They are my friends. c n d n A secret agent.

e f

n n

They are very well, thank you. The new one.

Wh- question words (1)

10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 1 2 3 4 5 6



Leggi le risposte, osserva le parole in grassetto e scrivi le domande. ___________________________________________________ What’s your favourite film? ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

My favourite film is Joker. My sister’s 1m 55cm tall. My grandfather’s birthday is on 26th July. It’s my mum’s jacket. Buddy Rubin is an actor. Well, this week’s test is very hard! My friend’s eyes are blue. The cinema is in North Street. They’re my shoes. I’m nervous because I have an important exam.

Completa le domande con l’interrogativo corretto, poi rispondi in modo personale. ___________ What’s your first name? ___________ old are you? ___________ are you from? ___________ is your favourite subject at school? ___________ school year are you in? ___________ is your best friend?

It’s _______________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

WRITING Scrivi cinque frasi sul tuo migliore amico. Usa le domande nell’esercizio 11 come aiuto. My best friend’s name is... __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

14 1 2 3 4

Sara è in vacanza a Londra. Leggi le risposte che dà alla sua amica Brenda. Formula domande con gli interrogativi corretti riordinando le parole date. you / now / are / ? museum / in / you / are / ? big / it / is / ? are / there / you / ? with / you / are / ? weather / like / the / is / ? hotel / you / in / are / ? is / old / it / ?

‘Where are you now?’ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

‘I’m in London in one of the museums.’ ‘The British Museum.’ ‘It’s absolutely enormous!’ ‘Because I’m on holiday.’ ‘I’m with my grandparents.’ ‘It’s warm and sunny!’ ‘YHA London St Paul’s.’ ‘It’s a hundred years old.’

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. Chi c’è a casa? Come stai oggi? Perché ti interessa (interested in) la storia? Di chi è questo cappotto?

5 6 7 8

In quale classe è Angelica? Dov’è la stazione del treno? Quando è Pasqua? Qual è il tuo film preferito?



How + aggettivi/avverbi how much + sost. quanto non numerabili

How much cheese is there in the fridge?

Quanto formaggio c’è in frigo?

how many + sost. numerabili


How many students are there in your class?

Quanti studenti ci sono nella tua classe?

how much 42.3


How much are these boots? How much is it?

Quanto costano questi stivali? Quanto costa?

how big/large

quanto grande

How big is your room?

Quanto è grande la tua stanza?

how wide

quanto largo

How wide is the Suez Canal?

Quanto è largo il Canale di Suez?

how long

quanto lungo

How long is the River Tiber?

Quanto è lungo il fiume Tevere?

how deep

quanto profondo

How deep is the Mediterranean Sea?

Quanto è profondo il Mar Mediterraneo?

how thick

quanto spesso

How thick is this layer?

Quanto è spesso questo strato?


how far

quanto lontano

How far is the bus stop?

Quanto dista la fermata dell’autobus?


how fast

quanto veloce

How fast is your motorbike?

Quanto va veloce la tua motocicletta?


how heavy

quanto pesante

How heavy is this box?

Quanto pesa questa scatola?

quanto alto

How high is the Golden Gate Bridge? How high is Mount Blanc?

Quanto è alto il Golden Gate? Quanto è alto il Monte Bianco?

How tall are you? How tall is the Freedom Tower?

Quanto sei alto? Quanto è alta la Freedom Tower?




altezza (di cose alte e larghe ed elementi naturali)


how high

altezza (di persone, cose alte e strette ed edifici)

how tall

quanto alto


how long

quanto tempo

How long is the bus ride to Rome?

Quanto dura la corsa in autobus per Roma?


how often

quanto spesso/ ogni quanto

How often are you with him?

Ogni quanto sei con lui?


how old

quanti anni

How old is your sister?

Quanti anni ha tua sorella?

Nelle risposte alle domande introdotte da how wide/long/deep/thick/high/tall/long/old l’aggettivo va in fondo alla frase o viene omesso. ‘How tall is the Gherkin in London?’ ‘It’s 180 metres (tall).’ “Quanto è alto il Cetriolo di Londra?” “È alto 180 metri.”


How + adjectives/adverbs



Completa le domande con le parole nel riquadro. much • fast • many • long • heavy • often • thick • tall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


tall is a giraffe?’ ‘About 5 to 6 metres.’ ‘How ___________ ‘How ___________ is the River Nile in Egypt?’ ‘6,650 kilometres.’ ‘How ___________ is afternoon tea at the Ritz Hotel in London?’ ‘£60!’ ‘How ___________ people live in Hong Kong?’ ‘Over 7 million.’ ‘How ___________ is the bus from Nice to Monte Carlo?’ ‘Every 10 minutes.’ ‘How ___________ is the bullet train in Japan?’ ‘Over 200 kilometres per hour.’ ‘How ___________ is the ice at the North Pole?’ ‘Up to 20 metres.’ ‘How ___________ is an elephant?’ ‘Between 2.5 to 7 tonnes.’

Riordina le parole per formulare domande con How. 1 2 3 4 5 6


How heavy is a diplodocus? _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

a diplodocus / heavy / is / ? Paris / tall / in / is / the Eiffel Tower / ? Wembley Stadium / seats / many / are / in / there / ? pyramids / Egypt / in / old / are / the / ? the Pacific Ocean / in / the Mariana Trench / is / deep / ? The Great Gatsby / long / is / the book / ?

Riordina le parole per formulare domande con How, poi rispondi in modo personale. 1 2 3 4 5 6


____________________________ How old are you? ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

you / old / are / ? are / you / tall / ? in / students / many / your class / there / are / ? your lessons / long / are / ? your bedroom / is / big / ? is / much / a / of / small bottle / water / ?

______________________ I’m... ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Leggi le informazioni sulla nave da crociera Oasis of the Seas e formula domande. ‘____________________________?’ ‘It’s 361 metres long.’ How long is it ‘____________________________?’ ‘It’s 225.282 tonnes.’ ‘____________________________?’ ‘It’s 72 metres high.’ ‘____________________________?’ ‘There are five swimming pools.’ 5 ‘____________________________ a round-the-world ticket?’ ‘About €8,000.’ 6 ‘____________________________ on the ship?’ ‘There are 2,234 crew members.’ 1 2 3 4


TRANSLATION Traduci le domande in inglese. 1 2 3 4

Quanto pane c’è nella credenza? Quanto costa una tazzina di caffè? Quanti anni ha tua nonna? Quanto sono difficili le lezioni di storia?

5 6 7 8

Quanto è veloce un aereo A380? Quanto è lungo il libro War and Peace? Quanto dista Parigi da Roma? Quanto è alto lo Shard a Londra?


1-7 Summative revision 1

Completa le frasi con i pronomi personali soggetto e complemento nel riquadro. I / me • we / us • it / it • they / them (x 2) • she / her • he / her • you / me / you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Completa le frasi con i pronomi personali soggetto o complemento. Aggiungi la forma corretta del verbo be quando necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


me please? Hi, John. _______’m at home now. Can you phone _______, I Jane isn’t in the office today. _______’s on holiday. Please call _______ on Monday. ‘Where are Jerry and Margot?’ ‘_______’re on the train. Can you meet _______ at the station?’ Tom, where are _______? Send _______ a text. _______’re late for the meeting. Where’s my watch? I know _______’s in the car but I can’t find _______. ‘Who are George and Charlotte?’ ‘_______ live next to me. I see _______ every day.’ ‘Jill and Simon! What’s the matter?’ ‘_______’re late, Dad. Can you drive _______ to school?’ ‘Are Will and Alice friends?’ ‘Yes! _______ likes _______ very much.’

he isn’t ‘Is David in the office today?’ ‘No, __________.’ Have you got Paula’s mobile number? I need to call ________. ‘How often do you see your grandparents?’ ‘I see ________ every Sunday.’ I like those shoes. Can I try ________ on? We are looking for the train station. Can you tell ________ how to get there? ‘Is John one of your friends?’ ‘No, I don’t know ________.’ I’m Lily and this is my brother, Harry. ________ ________ twins. There’s a James Bond film on. Do you want to watch ________? George and Charlotte start a new school today. ________ ________ in the same class.

Completa il testo con la forma corretta del verbo be. is Jane. I (2) ________ a detective. My friend My name (1) ________ (3) ________ with me. Her name (4) ________ Penny. Where (5) ________ we now? We (6) ________ on a cruise ship. It (7) ________ big and very beautiful. The swimming pool (8) ________ on the top deck. Today we (9) ________ in the pool. The weather (10) ________ very good. It’s raining! The passengers (11) ________ very friendly. We want to meet them. There (12) ________ a party tonight. It (13) ________ in the dining room. Penny (14) ________ very happy. She likes parties! What time (15) ________ the party? It (16) ________ at 7 o’clock.


Completa le frasi con un’espressione con il verbo be. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


‘How are you?’ ‘I ____________, ’m fine thanks.’ ‘Edinburgh is the capital of England.’ ‘You ______________________________. London is.’ There are spiders in the garden. ______________________________ (you) them? ‘You’re late for the meeting.’ ‘I know. I ______________________________.’ I can’t talk to you now. I ______________________________. The temperature’s over 35 degrees. I ______________________________. He ______________________________. He needs to rest. Please give her a drink of cold water. She ______________________________.

Summative revision



Completa la descrizione della British Airways i360 con le espressioni nel riquadro. 4

there’s (x 2) • there are (x 2) • it’s (x 5) • they’re

i360 The i360 is a tall tower on the seafront in Brighton, UK. (1) It’s 162 metres high. The architects are David and Julia Barfield. (2) ______________ also the creators of the London Eye, the big wheel on the River Thames. Visitors travel in a pod to the top of the tower. (3) ________________ a twenty-five minute journey to go up and down. (4) ______________ a 360 degree view of the sea and the city. (5) ________________ a café in the pod where you can buy drinks. (6) _________________ very expensive. (7) ________________ open every day from 11.00 to 4.30 in the afternoon. In the summer (8) ________________ also sunset trips. The tickets aren’t cheap but (9) ________________ special offers. In February, children can go on it for only £1. (10) ________________ an enjoyable way to get good views of the area.


Abbina le domande alle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Where are you? How old’s your aunt? How many students are here? Whose car is this? Why are you tired? What is it? When is your birthday? Who’s that?

n n n n n 1 n n n

Because I can’t sleep. In February. There are twenty in class. It’s my new portable amplifier. She’s forty. I’m in the park. It’s my sister’s. She’s my new girlfriend.

Completa il dialogo con gli interrogativi e la forma corretta del verbo be. Holly Hi, Rosemary. What a surprise to see you in Brighton with a dog! (1) ________ How ________ are you? Rosemary I (2) ________ fine, thanks. And you? Holly Very well, thanks. (3) ________ dog (4) ________ that? Rosemary It (5) ________ my dog. We live in Brighton now. Holly That’s wonderful. I live in Brighton, too. (6) ________ ________ your house? Rosemary It (7) ________ on the seafront in Kemptown. Holly (8) ________ ________ you here? Rosemary Because I (9) ________ at the university.


a b c d e f g h

Holly (10) ________ university (11) ________ you at? Rosemary Sussex University, not Brighton. Holly (12) ________ ________ your degree in? Rosemary Mathematics. Holly That sounds difficult! (13) ________ ________ your professor? Rosemary Professor Jane Turing. She’s brilliant. Oh no, I can’t be late for her class! Sorry, I have to go. Holly (14) ________ ________ it? Rosemary In about 10 minutes. Holly (15) ________ about the dog? Rosemary It’s no problem. Professor Turing loves dogs!

Completa le domande e abbinale alle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

How __________ much money is in your bag? How __________ passengers are on the ship? How __________ is the basketball player James LeBron? How __________ is the bus ride from London to Edinburgh? How __________ is your bedroom? How __________ is your teacher? How __________ is a Formula 1 car?

a n About 300 kilometres per hour. b n About 8 hours. c n She’s 27. d n 2 metres 3 centimetres. e n 450 passengers. f n It’s very small. 1 £20. g n



Il verbo have got

FORMA Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

I/You/We/They have got/’ve got a fast car.

I/You/We/They have not got/ haven’t got a fast car.

He/She/It has got/’s got a fast car.

He/She/It has not got/hasn’t got a fast car. ‘This client has got very strong opinions.’

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

Have I/you/we/they got a fast car?

Haven’t I/you/we/they got a fast car?

Yes, I/you/we/they have. No, I/you/we/they haven’t.

Has he/she/it got a fast car?

Hasn’t he/she/it got a fast car?

Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.

• Dopo gli interrogativi who e what e i nomi propri e comuni si può usare la forma affermativa contratta di has (’s, da non confondere con la forma contratta di is o con il genitivo sassone 19 ), ma non la forma contratta di have (’ve). Lucy has got a new boyfriend. = Lucy’s got a new boyfriend. That flat has got two bedrooms. = That flat’s got two bedrooms. Who's got a huge villa? The Smiths have got three children. NON The Smiths’ve got three children.

Lucy ha un nuovo fidanzato. Quell’appartamento ha due camere da letto. Chi ha una villa immensa? Gli Smith hanno tre figli.

• Nelle risposte brevi non si usa il rafforzativo got. • Nelle risposte brevi affermative non si usa la forma contratta.


Osserva e ascolta.

Nelle frasi affermative e negative have e has si pronunciano con la forma debole /həv/ e /həz/. She has got a new dress.

They haven’t got a pet.

Nelle frasi interrogative, interrogative-negative e nelle risposte brevi have e has si pronunciano con la forma forte /hæv/ e /hæz/. Have you got a sister?


‘Haven’t you got a phone?’ ‘Yes, I have.’

USO Il verbo have got si usa per: • esprimere possesso We have got a small house in the Alps. Abbiamo una piccola casa sulle Alpi.

• indicare parentela e legami I have got a sister.

Ho una sorella.

• descrivere l’aspetto fisico Brian’s got a black beard.

Brian ha la barba nera.

• parlare di malattie e disturbi fisici Michelle’s got a terrible cold.


Michelle ha un terribile raffreddore.

Mappa p. 425

The verb have got


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 The teacher’s got/have got thirty students in her class. 2 My sister and I have got/has got the same teacher for English. 3 We’ve got/’s got maths and history this afternoon. 4 You has got/have got my textbook. Can I have it back? 5 Some students have got/’ve got flu. They aren’t at school today.



6 Jack has got/have got a lot of homework to do. 7 Our new science teacher’s got/’ve got very long hair! 8 I can’t go to school today. I’ve got/has got very bad toothache. 9 All the teachers have got/has got laptop computers.

Completa le frasi con haven’t got o hasn’t got. 1 My parents haven’t got a television! 2 We ______________ any pets. 3 My sister and I ______________ large bedrooms. 4 Our house ______________ a garden. 5 Our neighbours ______________ a big house.

6 My big brother Jack lives at home. He ______________ any money. 7 My best friend’s flat ______________ a balcony. 8 You ______________ your front door key. 9 I can relax this evening. I ______________ any homework.

Riscrivi le frasi usando la forma contratta di have got quando possibile. 1 Jane has got a black cat. Jane’s got a black cat. 2 Mr and Mrs Sweet have got a big house. 3 You have got an automatic camera. 4 I have not got my computer with me.



5 6 7 8 9

Harry has got a twin sister. We have got tickets to see the afternoon show. The ship has got five swimming pools. Betty has got the keys to the gym. The Captain has not got any time to see you.

Decidi se ’s è la forma contratta di is o has. Michael’s (1 _____) is student at my school. He’s (2 _____) also got a part-time job. He’s (3 _____) a waiter in a good restaurant. He’s (4 _____) very hard-working. His girlfriend’s (5 _____) over there. She’s (6 _____) got long blonde hair. Her name’s (7 _____) Laura. She’s (8 _____) good at shopping! She’s (9 _____) got a lot of beautiful clothes. She’s (10 _____) very popular. She’s (11 _____) got a lot of friends. Michael’s (12 _____) happy that Laura’s (13 _____) with him.


Volgi le frasi alla forma interrogativa. 1 Steve and Jane have got two cats. Have Steve and Jane got two cats? 2 My grandmother has got a computer. 3 This train hasn’t got Wi-Fi. 4 London has got a lot of amazing museums.


5 6 7 8 9

Tony and Diana haven’t got a car. We have got a lot of work to do. You’ve got a younger sister. They have got the same colour eyes. The holiday flat’s got a dishwasher.

Completa le domande e scrivi risposte brevi affermative (✓) o negative (✗). Has Mrs Sweet got a diamond necklace? (✓) 1 _________ Yes, she has. 2 _________ you got a camera, Lily? (✓) 3 _________ Jane and Penny got a dog? (✗) 4 _________ Buddy Rubin got a small cabin? (✗) 5 _________ the ship got a swimming pool? (✓)

6 _________ the Captain got your name on the list? (✗) 7 _________ Bruno got a good pasta recipe? (✓) 8 _________ your cabins got a bath? (✗) 9 _________ Penny got a big sun hat? (✓) 10 _________ Mr and Mrs Norman got two children? (✓)


8 7

The verb have got Completa le frasi con has got/hasn’t got, have got/haven’t got.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


I can go to the cinema this evening because I ______________________ any homework. haven’t got ‘______________________ (you) the time, please?’ ‘Yes, it’s half past seven.’ Sally can’t get online. She ______________________ the Wi-Fi code. You don’t look very well. ______________________ (you) a temperature? My sisters ______________________ the same colour hair. ‘What ______________________ (we) for lunch today?’ ‘Fish and chips.’ Amy ______________________ over 300 followers on social media. ‘Has Ellie got any brothers and sisters?’ ‘Yes, she ______________________ two brothers and two sisters!’ London ______________________ a lot of art galleries. Most of them have free admission. Hurry up! We ______________________ a lot of time.

Riordina le parole per formare frasi affermative, negative o interrogative. 1 has / Terry / car / got / a / ? Has Terry got a car? 2 he / got / three sports cars / has 3 right time / the / you / got / have / ? 4 I / not / have / watch / a / got 5 many public parks / got / has / London


Scrivi frasi affermative (✓), negative (✗) o interrogative (?) usando le parole date. 1 she / a lot of followers on social media (?) Has she got a lot of followers on social media? 2 I / any of her albums (✗) 3 she / two brothers (✓) 4 they / a house in New York (✓)


11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

5 6 7 8 9

we / their mobile phone numbers (✗) you / time to meet them today (?) her younger brother / a sailing boat (✓) it / a large engine (✗) you / any milk (?)

Formula domande usando le parole date e rispondi in modo personale.

1 you / a motorbike / ? ‘Have you got a motorbike?’ ‘Yes, I have.’/’No, I haven’t.’ 2 your family / a holiday home / ?


6 got / answer key / has / my textbook / not / the 7 got / have / we / not / time / film / the / to see 8 she / long hair / got / has 9 have / phone / you / got / what / ? 10 got / they / a big garage / have / ?

3 4 5 6

your house / garden / ? you / any pets / ? your English teacher / dark hair / ? your town / a big shopping centre / ?

Leggi le frasi sulla famiglia di Sue e completale con ’s o ’s got. My mum ’s quite short. She ’s got green eyes. My father ______ a small restaurant and mum ______ a secretary. My father ______ French, he ______ from Lyon. My sister Linda ______ tall and slim. She ______ long straight hair. She ______ a good job, but her job ______ in New York. It ______ Saturday, but she ______ at work because she ______ an important project. My sister ______ a boyfriend. His name ______ Mike. He ______ a teacher.

The verb have got


Completa il testo con la forma corretta di have got o be.

Do you like cool clothes? (1) Are you adventurous? (2) ________ a few hours to spend shopping? Answer these questions with a ‘yes’ and Camden Market in North London (3) ________ the place for you. It (4) ________ over 1,000 small independent shops selling everything you need. Let’s explore what these shops (5) ________ for you to buy. People who (6) ________ a lot of money head for Everything 5 Pounds. That’s right. The shop (7) ________ anything in it for more than a fiver!



There are lots of bargains. The shop (8) ________ clothes, sunglasses, shoes and bags just right for you. Shoppers who (9) ________ a bit of money to spend go to Studio Collection. It (10) ________ a range of international fashion and lifestyle products. It looks like an art gallery more than a shop. Mr Jack’s Shirt Factory (11) ________ a lot of shirts on display. It (12) ________ other items, too, such as bow ties, bags and belts. We know shopping (13) ________ tiring. Camden Market (14) ________ restaurants from all over

the world. It (15) ________ Vietnamese food, middle eastern restaurants and a place serving gluten-free pasta. Enjoy!

Nicola farà un corso di lingua nel Regno Unito. Leggi l’email che Doris gli scrive e completala con la forma corretta di have got o be.

Dear Nicola, I (1) ’m very happy to hear you’re coming to stay with us while you’re studying English in Torquay. I just want to give you some useful information before you arrive. We live in a bungalow. It (2) ________ on one floor, so it (3) ________ any stairs! We (4) ________ another student staying with us at the same time. His name (5) ________ Patrice. Don’t worry. He (6) ________ his own bedroom. We live in a village called Kingskerswell. It (7) ________ quite small but it (8) ________ a post office and a small supermarket. It (9) ________ a train station. However, there’s a bus to Torquay every twenty minutes. We (10) ________ a large TV in the sitting room that you (11) ________ free to watch in the evening. Unfortunately, in this area we (12) ________ a high speed broadband connection. It takes a long time to download a film. I hope you don’t want to spend all your time indoors! This area (13) ________ beautiful scenery and some lovely sandy beaches. We (14) ________ a large garden where you can relax and enjoy the sunny evenings. We are looking forward to seeing you at the end of June. Very best wishes Doris


15 1 2 3 4

WRITING Uno studente britannico alloggerà a casa tua durante le vacanze. Scrivigli un’email con informazioni sulla tua famiglia, la casa e la città/area in cui vivi. Usa l’esercizio 13 come modello. TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese.

Mio fratello ha una moto molto veloce (very fast). Hai una sorella? Mia zia ha tre figli. Abbiamo una casa per le vacanze (holiday home) in Sardegna. 5 Non ha la barba (a beard) ora.

6 7 8 9 10

Hai una app per il fitness sul tuo cellulare? Ho un raffreddore molto brutto (very bad). Non hai un televisore nella tua camera da letto? La tua scuola non ha una palestra? Hai un profilo (account) Instagram?



L’articolo indeterminativo a/an (1)

FORMA L’articolo indeterminativo a/an corrisponde all’italiano “un/uno/una”


e si usa con i sostantivi numerabili singolari, ma non con i sostantivi non numerabili 36 . Si usa a davanti ai nomi che iniziano per: • consonante (a car) • “h” aspirata (a house) • i suoni /jʊ/ e /juː/ (a European country, a university student) e /w/ (a one-bedroom flat)

suoni consonantici

Si usa an davanti ai nomi che iniziano per: • vocale (an ice cream) • “h” muta e derivati (an hour, an honest man, an honour, an heir) 70

Ascolta la pronuncia di questi esempi.

A/An è invariabile rispetto al genere (maschile, femminile e neutro). There is a boy, a girl and a dog.

Ci sono un ragazzo, una ragazza e un cane.

USO L’articolo a/an si usa per: • indicare persone/cose non specificate There’s an accident on the motorway.

C’è un incidente in autostrada.

• parlare di ruoli o professioni My mother is a doctor.

Mia madre fa il dottore.

• parlare di disturbi fisici e malattie He has got a headache/a temperature/ a cold/a cough/a sore throat.

Ha mal di testa/la febbre/ il raffreddore/la tosse/il mal di gola.

• parlare di oggetti personali She has got a guitar.

Ha la chitarra.

In questi casi a/an si traduce spesso in italiano con l’articolo determinativo.

• per indicare “uno” a dozen a hundred years a thousand euros


una dozzina cent’anni mille euro

Completa il testo con a o an. a university student. She has got (2) _____ apartment near the centre Our daughter is (1) ___ of the city. It isn’t (3) _____ huge place but it’s in (4) _____ old part of the city where there are lots of cafés and (5) _____ open-air theatre. It’s (6) _____ one-bedroom apartment with (7) _____ sitting room and (8) _____ useful kitchen with lots of cupboards. It’s about (9) _____ hundred metres from (10) _____ bus stop and there’s (11) _____ bus to the university every half (12) _____ hour. The bus fare is (13) _____ euro, so it isn’t expensive.


Mappa p. 424

The indefinite article a/an (1)



Osserva la camera di Lily e completa le frasi con a o an e le parole nel riquadro. camera • fish • identity • lights • photographer • student • tennis • TV 1 She’s got ___ tank. a _____________ fish 2 She’s ___ _____________. 3 She’s got ___ expensive _____________. 4 She’s ___ _____________. 5 She’s got ___ _____________ card. 6 She’s ___ _____________ player. 7 She’s got ___ string of _____________. 8 She’s got ___ _____________.


Osserva le immagini. Formula domande e risposte usando le informazioni date.

1 2 3 4 5 6



café cinema train station / bus stop school / library airport swimming pool / park

Yes, there is Is there a café ‘______________________?’ ‘__________________________________________________.’ ‘______________________?’ ‘__________________________________________________.’ ‘______________________?’ ‘_______________________ but ______________________.’ ‘______________________?’ ‘_______________________ and _____________________.’ ‘______________________?’ ‘__________________________________________________.’ ‘______________________?’ ‘_______________________ but ______________________.’

ERROR CORRECTION Inserisci a o an quando necessario.

a Café Latina is small café in quiet area of the city. Adelia is the owner. She’s excellent chef. Adelia is Portuguese. She’s from small town in the centre of Portugal. Her café is very popular, because there’s delicious food there every day. Helen’s in Café Latina every weekend with her friend Rosie. Rosie is I.T. student. She’s Portuguese, too and comes from beautiful city on the Portuguese coast. She and Helen want to go on holiday there soon!

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Non mi sento bene oggi. Ho un brutto raffreddore. 2 Hai un passaporto europeo? 3 Nostra (Our) sorella è un’insegnante di inglese e nostro (our) fratello è un insegnante di francese. 4 C’è un problema con il sistema informatico (computer system).

5 C’è un supermercato o un centro commerciale qui? 6 Michele ha una nuova fidanzata. 7 È una serata orribile. Ecco un ombrello. 8 “Quanto costa la giacca rossa?” “Costa 100 euro.”



L’articolo determinativo the (1)

FORMA L’articolo determinativo the ha una sola forma e corrisponde in italiano agli articoli “il/lo/la/i/gli/le”. L’articolo the è invariabile rispetto al genere (maschile, femminile e neutro) e al numero (singolare e plurale). The boy, the girl and the dog are in the park. The teacher is in the classroom, but the students are in the canteen.


Il ragazzo, la ragazza e il cane sono nel parco. L’insegnante è in classe, ma gli studenti sono a mensa.

Osserva e ascolta.

L’articolo the si pronuncia in modi diversi: • davanti a parole che iniziano con consonante, “h” aspirata e il suono /juː/ l’articolo the si pronuncia con la forma debole /ðǝ/ the car, the house, the university

• davanti a parole che iniziano con vocale e “h” muta si pronuncia con la forma forte /ðiː/ the English language, the hour

USO L’articolo the si usa per: • indicare persone/cose specifiche Give me the blue cap.

Dammi il cappello blu.

• parlare di persone/cose nominate in precedenza Noemi works in an office. The office is in central London.

Noemi lavora in un ufficio. L’ufficio è nel centro di Londra.

• indicare persone/cose uniche The Empire State Building is in New York.

L’Empire State Building è a New York.

Non si usa l’articolo the: • davanti a sostantivi usati in senso generico My sister likes carrots. I love rap music.

A mia sorella piacciono le carote. Adoro la musica rap.

• davanti alla maggior parte dei nomi di paesi Ulrich is from Germany, Yves is from France. MA: Jim is from the USA and Charles from the UK.

Ulrich viene dalla Germania, Yves viene dalla Francia. Jim viene dagli Stati Uniti e Charles dal Regno Unito. Mappa p. 424


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


Is there a/the post office near here? Do you like a/the people in your office? We never have a/the big breakfast. What do you usually do at a/the weekend? I often go to a/the cinema on Saturdays.

6 I love drinking the/- cold water. 7 ‘What does James do?’ ‘He’s a/the photographer.’ 8 ‘Is Luke from the/- UK?’ ‘No, he is from the/France.’

The definite article the (1)


ERROR CORRECTION Elimina the quando non è necessario. 1 a My favourite colours are the blue and green. b The blue shirt looks lovely on you. 2 a I think the cars cost a lot of money these days. b The cars in our town centre are a big problem. 3 a John lives in the United States. b Rome is the capital city of the Italy. 4 a We usually have the dinner at about seven o’clock. b In this restaurant, the dinner menu is quite cheap.


5 a I can do the exercise on this page because it’s easy. b My doctor says the exercise is very important. 6 a Robin’s best school subject is the history. b You can read about the history of Europe in this book. 7 a Sophie plays the football for her local team. b Where’s the football for this afternoon’s match? 8 a The food they serve in the school canteen isn’t very good. b I don’t like the spicy food very much.

Completa il dialogo usando a, an o the. Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy



Hi, Amy. Nice to see you! How are you? I’m fine, thanks. I’ve got (1) _____ a new flat! That’s great! Is the flat in (2) _____ town centre? No, it isn’t, but there’s (3) _____ supermarket in my road. Is it easy to get to (4) _____ studio? Yes, I catch (5) _____ bus to work now. Is there (6) _____ bus stop? Yes, (7) _____ bus stop is in Preston Road and there’s (8) _____ airport at Gatwick. (9) _____ airport? Well, I like holidays!

ERROR CORRECTION Inserisci a, an o the quando necessario. the Mr and Mrs Sweet are on holiday on Mediterranean Sea. They’re having lovely time on cruise ship. It’s called Star of the Sea. It’s enormous ship with cafés, theatre and swimming pool. Some of passengers are in swimming pool now because it’s lovely day and weather is hot and sunny. There’s excellent chef called Bruno. He makes different cake every day. Mrs Sweet really enjoys food in restaurant.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Abbiamo una grande casa nel centro della città. 2 Avete un tavolo per due, per favore? 3 “Nicholas viene dall’Irlanda?” “No. Viene dal Regno Unito.” 4 Emma ha un portatile nuovo. Il portatile è bianco e grigio. 5 Oggi gli studenti sono molto chiassosi.

6 Il nuovo appartamento ha due camere da letto. 7 Adoro (love) la storia, è una materia molto interessante. 8 C’è un muro per arrampicarsi (climbing wall) nel parco vicino alla mia scuola. 9 Ho un buon amico a Richmond, negli Stati Uniti. 10 C’è una borsa sul pavimento.



Il plurale dei sostantivi (1)


Il plurale dei sostantivi si forma, normalmente, aggiungendo -s al singolare. teacher ➝ teachers

girl ➝ girls

pen ➝ pens

car ➝ cars

VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE Sostantivi che terminano in Plurale -ch, -o, -s, -sh, -ss, -x, -z

aggiungono -es

consonante + -y

si cambia y in -ies


si cambia f/fe in -ves

watch ➝ watches potato ➝ potatoes bus ➝ buses dish ➝ dishes baby ➝ babies family ➝ families leaf ➝ leaves shelf ➝ shelves thief ➝ thieves half ➝ halves wolf ➝ wolves

kiss ➝ kisses fox ➝ foxes quiz ➝ quizzes possibility ➝ possibilities country ➝ countries loaf ➝ loaves calf ➝ calves wife ➝ wives life ➝ lives knife ➝ knives

Formano il plurale aggiungendo -s: • i sostantivi abbreviati o di origine straniera che terminano in -o kilo ➝ kilos

photo ➝ photos

radio ➝ radios

euro ➝ euros

• i sostantivi che terminano in -y preceduta da vocale boy ➝ boys

key ➝ keys

play ➝ plays

• alcuni sostantivi che terminano in -f chief ➝ chiefs


cliff ➝ cliffs

roof ➝ roofs

Osserva e ascolta.

Il suffisso -s/-es si pronuncia in modi diversi. • /s/ • /ɪz/ • /z/

dopo i suoni /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/, /θ/ dopo i suoni /s/, /z/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /ks/ dopo tutti gli altri suoni

giraffes, books, stamps, coats, paths processes, quizzes, ages, fridges, crashes, sandwiches, taxes potatoes, controls, plays Mappa p. 424


Scrivi il plurale dei sostantivi nel riquadro nella categoria corretta. Una parola va in due categorie. coffee cup • car park • strawberry • bank • cheese sandwich • post office • library tomato • lorry • cinema • dictionary • class • shopping centre • desk • laboratory At school ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________


In town centres ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________

In cafés coffee cups ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________


Plural nouns (1)


Leggi le definizioni e completa il cruciverba. Across 5 Children play with these. Dolls and teddy bears are examples. 6 We make chips with these vegetables. 7 These are big musical instruments with black and white keys. Down 1 These animals are popular pets. People take them for a walk. 2 People wear these to tell the time. 3 We look at these to see our reflection. 4 Lots of people like these but they’re bad for our teeth! They’re small and made of sugar.


1 2 3

4 5







Completa le domande con il plurale delle parole nel riquadro. Poi abbinale alle risposte corrette. dress • kilo • bus • sister • copy • country • city • postcard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


countries Which __________________ in South America haven’t got a coast? What colour are the __________________ in London? How much are the __________________ in that new shop? How many __________________ of the story book have you got? What are the capital __________________ of Spain and Portugal? How many __________________ is this suitcase? It’s very heavy! Which shop sells books and __________________? How old are your two __________________? 73

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e scrivi i sostantivi nella colonna corretta.




a n They’re both fifteen. b n It’s about twenty-two. c n Madrid and Lisbon. d n A bookshop. 1 Bolivia and Paraguay. e n f n They’re very expensive. g n They’re red. h n I’ve only got one.



Riordina le parole per formare frasi e completale con il plurale delle parole nel riquadro. beach • lunch • pony • swimmer • knife • leaf 1 are / beautiful / here / near / blue sea / some / There / with There are some beautiful beaches near here with blue sea. 2 enjoy watching / fish / in / The / the / clean water 3 and / dinner / for / some forks / Please / put / table / the / on 4 cousin / got / grey / has / My / on her farm / two 5 This Indian / day / delicious / every / of / restaurant / serves / the / week 6 autumn / are / brown / in / on / The / this apple tree



Il plurale dei sostantivi (2)


12.1 Plurali irregolari Alcuni sostantivi formano il plurale in modo irregolare. Nell’inglese giuridico è possibile usare anche il plurale persons.

uomo/uomini donna/e bambino/i persona/persone, gente topo/i oca/oche bue/buoi piede/piedi dente/i

man* ➝ men woman* ➝ women child ➝ children person ➝ people mouse ➝ mice goose ➝ geese ox ➝ oxen foot ➝ feet tooth ➝ teeth

Osserva e ascolta la pronuncia di questi sostantivi. 74

man /mæn/ woman /wʊmǝn/ goose /ɡuːs/

men /men/ women /wɪmɪn/ geese /ɡiːs/

* e i loro composti: fireman, policewoman, ecc.

12.2 Sostantivi invariabili Alcuni sostantivi hanno la stessa forma al singolare e al plurale. Fra i più comuni: pesce/i pecora/e mezzo/i specie

fish ➝ fish sheep ➝ sheep means ➝ means species ➝ species

‘Perhaps your true talents are not in catching fish!’

12.3 Particolarità Osserva le seguenti particolarità.

• Quando il cognome indica l’intera famiglia si usa la forma plurale aggiungendo -s/-es/-ies al cognome secondo le regole generali. I Sullivan sono in vacanza in Messico. Gli Evans hanno un gatto nero.

The Sullivans are on holiday in Mexico. The Evanses have got a black cat.

• Le sigle, i giorni della settimana, gli anni e le lettere dell’alfabeto formano il plurale aggiungendo -s. Those DVDs are old. She’s free on Mondays. This song dates back to the 60s. There are three Ms in the word ‘mummy’.

Quei DVD sono vecchi. È libera il lunedì. (tutti i lunedì) Questa canzone risale agli anni ’60. Ci sono tre emme nella parola mummy.

• I sostantivi di origine greca o latina mantengono il plurale della lingua d’origine. analysis ➝ analyses crisis ➝ crises

parenthesis ➝ parentheses stimulus ➝ stimuli

basis ➝ bases criterion ➝ criteria

phenomenom ➝ phenomena thesis ➝ theses

• Non hanno il plurale alcuni nomi indicanti discipline, giochi e malattie che terminano in -s. politics billiards


economics bowls

mathematics measles

physics mumps


Mappa p. 424

Plural nouns (2)



Completa i titoli di queste fiabe e leggende sugli animali.

1 Three oxen and a lion


2 The ______________ on the Capitoline Hill

3 The cat and the ______________

4 The ______________ in the forest

Completa le frasi con il plurale dei sostantivi nel riquadro. tooth • witch • diary • mouse • woman • person 1 2 3 4 5 6


Teeth White ______________ is a novel by Zadie Smith. Three Blind ______________ is a nursery rhyme. The ______________ is a popular children’s novel by Roald Dahl. The Princess ______________ is an American teenage comedy film. Abraham Lincoln wanted a government for the ______________. Little ______________ is a film starring Emma Watson.

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e scrivi i sostantivi nella colonna corretta. Poi sottolinea le lettere corrispondenti ai suoni indicati. 75







Scrivi il plurale dei sostantivi nel riquadro nella colonna corretta. thesis • stimulus • alumnus • phenomenon • crisis • analysis • criterion • nucleus






Completa le domande con un sostantivo al plurale. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

children have you got?’ ‘We’ve got a boy and a girl.’ ‘How many _______________ ‘How often do you brush your _______________?’ ‘My dentist always tells me to brush three times a day.’ ‘Do you watch _______________?’ ‘Yes! I don’t like downloading films.’ ‘Do you listen to music from the _______________?’ ‘I love Bob Dylan. My favourite is Blowin’ in the Wind.’ ‘Do you go to school on _______________?’ ‘No, I go to school from Monday to Friday.’ ‘Why are your _______________ sore?’ ‘I think my shoes are the wrong size.’ ‘You want to book a table for tonight. How many _______________ are coming?’ ‘Fifteen adults and four children.’ ‘How many _______________ are there in ‘accommodation’?’ ‘Two!’


Can per abilità, permessi e possibilità



FORMA Il verbo can (“potere”) è uguale per tutte le persone ed è seguito dalla forma base del verbo che indica l’azione.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

I/You/He/She/It/We/They I/You/He/She/It/We/They Can I/you/he/she/it/we/ can speak English. cannot/can’t they speak English? più speak English. comune

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

Can’t I/you/he/she/it/we/they speak English?

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they can. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they can’t.


‘Doctor, I’m not sure I can trust you.’

Osserva e ascolta.

Nelle frasi affermative il verbo can si pronuncia con la forma debole, /kən/, e l’accento cade sul verbo principale che segue. I can solve this equation.

Nelle frasi interrogative e nelle risposte brevi affermative si pronuncia con la forma forte, /kæn/. ‘Can you solve this equation?’ ‘Yes, I can.’

Nelle frasi negative si pronuncia /kɑːnt/. I can’t solve this equation.

USO Il verbo can si usa per: • esprimere abilità o incapacità; in questo caso si traduce con “sapere” o “essere in grado di” Nick can ride a bike, but he can’t drive a car. Italians can’t speak English well.

• chiedere, dare o negare permessi ‘Can I open the window?’ ‘Sure, you can!’ You can’t watch TV because you haven’t done your homework.

Nick sa andare in bicicletta, ma non sa guidare l’auto. Gli italiani non sanno parlare/non parlano bene l’inglese.

can si può anche

“Posso aprire la finestra?” “Certo che puoi!” NON tradurre Non puoi guardare la TV perché non hai fatto i compiti.

• indicare possibilità o impossibilità She can’t go to Australia because she hasn’t got a visa.

Non può andare in Australia perché non ha il visto.

• fare richieste Can you lend me 10 euros?

Puoi prestarmi 10 euro?

• parlare di azioni specifiche con i verbi di percezione involontaria hear, see, smell, taste e feel e con i verbi understand e remember che indicano attività mentale 34 ; in questo caso si può tradurre con “riuscire a” oppure solo con il verbo che indica l’azione. It’s very foggy. I can’t see anything. She can’t remember the hotel phone number.

C’è molta nebbia. Non riesco a vedere/Non vedo niente. Non riesce a ricordare/Non si ricorda il numero di telefono dell’albergo.

Il verbo can può essere usato sia con riferimento al tempo presente che futuro. Per gli altri tempi si usano altre forme verbali 91 .


Mappa p. 425

Can for ability, permission and possibility


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di can (affermativa, negativa o interrogativa). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


‘_________ Can you ride a motorbike?’ ‘Yes, I _________.’ I _________ understand him because I _________ speak French. ‘_________ you cook paella?’ ‘Yes, I _________. I love Spanish food.’ ‘_________ you hear a strange noise?’ ‘Yes, I _________.’ Karen _________ only speak French, she _________ speak Italian. I _________ type quickly. I _________ type a hundred words per minute. Julian _________ get up early in the morning because he’s very lazy. ‘_________ you start work next week?’ ‘I’m sorry, I _________. I’m very busy at the moment.’

Osserva le immagini e scrivi frasi con can o can’t.

1 Mrs Sweet ______________. can’t swim



2 Captain Fleet ______________.

3 Bruno ______________.

4 Harry and Lily ______________.

5 Mrs Sweet ______________.

Osserva le immagini, abbinale ai suggerimenti dati e formula frasi affermative, negative e interrogative. 5 not read / Chinese a n I can’t read Chinese. b c 1



d e f




n n n n n

answer / crossword clues / ? remember / the number of their house / ? open / the door dance / rock and roll hear / me / ?


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Paola sa parlare inglese molto bene. 2 Riesci a capire le domande di (about) fisica? 3 Matthew è britannico ma non sa cucinare pesce fritto con patatine (fish and chips). 4 “Posso uscire con Roberta stasera? C’è un concerto al Greenwich Pub.” “Sì.” 5 Marta può andare a scuola a piedi. Non è lontano.

6 Il mio migliore (my best) amico non può venire alla mia festa di compleanno. 7 Janet sa fare delle torte deliziose. 8 Mia nonna non può viaggiare in aereo ora. 9 Non riesco a fare i compiti oggi. 10 Non mi ricordo la password del Wi-Fi. Puoi controllare, per favore?




FORMA L’imperativo si costruisce con la forma base del verbo principale e il soggetto non viene espresso.

2 persona singolare/plurale a

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Cross the street!

Do not/Don’t cross the più usato street!

In inglese, diversamente dall’italiano, si usa la stessa forma per la seconda persona singolare e plurale e per la forma di cortesia “Lei”. Stop shouting!

Alla forma negativa anche le espressioni con il verbo be 4 sono precedute dall’ausiliare don’t.

Smetti/Smettete di urlare/ La smetta di urlare!

Don’t be afraid!

USO • per dare ordini, fare richieste e offerte Bevi il latte! Dammi le chiavi. Mettiti a sedere.

• nelle istruzioni Fill in the sentences with the correct verb.

Completa le frasi con il verbo corretto.

• nei divieti Don’t lean out of the window.

Vietato sporgersi dal finestrino.

• per dare indicazioni stradali Turn right, then go straight on.

Gira a destra, poi prosegui dritto.

• per dare avvertimenti e fare raccomandazioni Watch out! Don’t forget to pack your jeans.

Non avere paura!


L’imperativo si usa: Drink your milk! Give me the keys. Have a seat.

‘Now try without a parachute!’

Attento! Non dimenticare di mettere in valigia i jeans.

Spesso si aggiunge la parola please per rendere più cortese l’ordine o la richiesta. Lay the table, please. Apparecchia la tavola, per favore.

Per rendere le espressioni italiane “vai a” e “vieni a” + infinito si usa go/come and + forma base del verbo. In inglese americano spesso si omette la congiunzione and. Go and open the door! Vai ad aprire la porta!

• per esprimere un augurio Have a safe flight!

Come visit me soon! Vieni a trovarmi presto!

Buon volo!

14.1 Imperativo con do Per dare maggior enfasi, alla forma affermativa si può usare do + forma base del verbo. Please, do sit down.

Prego, si sieda.


14.2 Imperativo con let Per dare istruzioni a se stessi o quando ci si offre di fare qualcosa si usa la costruzione let + me + forma base del verbo. Let me check.

In contesti più formali o per fare proposte 96 Let us/Let’s begin the meeting. Let’s go outside tonight. Okay? Let’s not forget to invite Sara to the party.


Controllo./Fammi controllare.

si usa la costruzione let us/let’s + (not) + forma base del verbo. Cominciamo la riunione. Usciamo questa sera. Va bene? Non dimentichiamoci di invitare Sara alla festa. Mappa p. 425

The imperative



Completa le frasi con l’imperativo dei verbi nel riquadro. dive • talk • wash • wear

1 _________ Wash your feet before you swim.


2 _________ loudly!

4 _________ into the water.

Usa le parole date per formulare ordini (✓) e divieti (✗). 1 run / corridor (✗) Don’t run in the corridor. 2 speak / mouth full (✗) 3 do / your homework every day (✓) 4 answer / all the questions in the exam (✓)


3 _________ a cap when you are in the pool.

5 6 7 8 9

forget / to bring / your textbooks (✗) arrive / late / for class (✗) brush / your teeth / twice a day (✓) keep / the classroom / tidy (✓) forget / to pay (✗)

Leggi le frasi e scrivi proposte con let’s o let’s not e le espressioni nel riquadro. sit down • go out this evening • go to the stadium • look for it (I) buy her a present • invite them to the party • go to the cinema 1 The weather is horrible. Let’s not go out this evening. 2 The match starts in an hour. 3 It’s Carol’s birthday on Saturday.


4 5 6 7

Jack’s friends look very nice. I can’t find my mobile phone. I can’t walk any more. There’s a good film on TV tonight.

Completa il testo con la forma corretta dell’imperativo dei verbi nel riquadro. switch off • listen to • read • watch • use • enjoy • fasten • leave • put Welcome aboard Flight 747. Please (1) watch the safety demonstration on your TVs and (2) _________ the information carefully. (3) _________ your seat belt when the plane takes off and lands. (4) _________ the toilets when the red light is on. (5) _________ your mobile phones when the plane is in the air. (6) _________ your suitcases in the lockers or under your seat. (7) _________ the safety card in your seat pocket. (8) _________ your seat when the seatbelt sign is on. (9) _________ the flight.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 È il compleanno di Miriam domani. Compriamole un regalo. 2 Ecco i soldi per la gita. Non dimenticare di pagare. 3 Il frigorifero è vuoto (empty). Andiamo in pizzeria stasera!

4 “Sei libero nel pomeriggio?” “Mmm, fammi pensare...” 5 Attraversa la strada, poi gira a destra. 6 Stai attento! Non correre, è pericoloso!



and, or, but, because, so

And, or, but, because e so sono congiunzioni che uniscono due parti di una frase o due proposizioni in un periodo. And, or, but sono congiunzioni coordinative, because e so subordinative.


e (per aggiungere)

I’m tall and thin. She is in my class and she has got two brothers.

Sono alto e magro. È nella mia classe e ha due fratelli.


o/oppure (per indicare un’alternativa)

Are you hungry or angry? You can watch TV or listen to music.

Hai fame o sei arrabbiato? Puoi guardare la TV oppure ascoltare la musica.


ma (per indicare un contrasto)

They’re tired but happy. You can go to the park but don’t cross the street without looking.

Sono stanchi ma felici. Puoi andare al parco ma non attraversare la strada senza guardare.


perché (per indicare una causa)

Sonya is at home because she’s ill.

Sonya è a casa perché è malata.


così/quindi (per indicare una conseguenza)

The singer has got a sore throat, so he can’t sing.

Il cantante ha mal di gola, quindi non può cantare.

Nelle frasi negative non si usa and ma or. I don’t like football or basketball.


Non mi piacciono il calcio e la pallacanestro.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 a I’m making a sandwich so/because I’m hungry. b I’m hungry, so/because I’m making a sandwich. 2 a Sam loves swimming and/but he goes to the pool every day. b Sam doesn’t like swimming and/but he goes to the pool every day. 3 a ‘Would you like ice cream and/or fruit salad?’ ‘Ice cream, please.’ b ‘Would you like ice cream and/or fruit salad?’ ‘Yes, please!’



4 a Lucy’s a hard-working student, but/so she always gets good marks. b Lucy’s a hard-working student but/so she doesn’t always get good marks. 5 a I can play the guitar and/but I can sing. b I can’t play the guitar and/but I can sing. 6 a It’s Helen’s birthday and/because she wants a new phone. b Helen wants a new phone and/because it’s her birthday.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta e completa le frasi in modo personale. 1 I like vegetables and/but fruit . 2 I don’t like ___________ and/or ___________. 3 My home ___________ near school so/because I ___________ walk there.

4 I have ___________ or/and ___________ for breakfast but not both. 5 Two of my friends are called ___________ and/or ___________.

and, or, but, because, so


Abbina le due parti della conversazione telefonica. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy

Hi, Amy! I’m not happy Why is that It’s very cold here today It’s a lovely warm day here Well, it’s windy There’s a supermarket near your house, They don’t sell shoes Yes, I know, Good idea! I can buy shoes

a b c d e f g h i j

n n 1 n n n n n n n n

so you can go there. and the sun is shining. How are you? and rainy here. because the weather is horrible. a problem? and jeans tomorrow! but they sell chocolate! so I can’t go out. or clothes.

Completa il dialogo con and, or, but, because o so. Do you prefer the idea of a beach party (1) or a house party this weekend? A beach party (2) _________ there’s no cleaning afterwards! Yes, I love parties, (3) _________ I don’t like cleaning. I want to have a party (4) _________ I’ve got a new flat, (5) _________ I haven’t got much furniture. Lucy That’s OK. We can go to the beach, (6) _________ it’s no problem. Amy I can bring sandwiches (7) _________ some juice. Helen I can make a chocolate (8) _________ lemon cake. Which do you prefer? Lucy Well, I like chocolate (9) _________ lemon, (10) _________ you can make both! Helen Lucy Amy Helen


Completa l’email con and, or, but, because o so.

Hi James, I’m excited about your visit next weekend! I want to give you some information before you come (1) because it’s your first visit to my home town. You can either come by train (2) ___________ bus. I think the train is better (3) ___________ it’s fast (4) ___________ the tickets are cheap (5) ___________ you’re a student. I can meet you at the station in my car (6) ___________ there’s a lot of traffic in the town centre (7) ___________ don’t arrive after four o’clock. We can have dinner in a local restaurant on Saturday. Do you prefer Italian, Indian (8) ___________ Chinese food? I like all kinds of food, (9) ___________ I’m happy with everything! See you soon (10) ___________ have a good journey. Caroline x


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sono Marlene e vengo dall’Australia. Mio nonno non sa leggere e scrivere. Non dirlo a John e Mandy. È un segreto. Jack ha l’influenza, quindi è a letto. Hanno un sacco di soldi, ma non hanno una macchina! Non posso lavorare sabato perché è il matrimonio di mia sorella!


8-15 Summative revision 1

Completa il testo con a/an o the. My Aunt Agatha is (1) an artist. She paints pictures of people and places. Some of her work is in (2) _____ Tate Gallery. She is married to Bernard. He is (3) _____ doctor and works in (4) _____ large hospital in London. They have (5) _____ beautiful house by (6) _____ sea in Brighton. Agatha works at home. She has (7) _____ studio at (8) _____ bottom of their garden. Bernard has got (9) _____ flat near (10) _____ hospital and stays there from Monday to Friday. He comes back to Brighton at (11) _____ weekend. They have (12) _____ daughter. She is (13) _____ architect and lives in (14) _____ United States. She now speaks English with (15) _____ American accent!



ERROR CORRECTION Inserisci the quando necessario.

The 1 Empire State Building is in New York. 2 Agatha grows vegetables in her garden. 3 My sister studies biology at Oxford University. 4 Is water in your swimming pool very cold?

5 6 7 8

I drink four cups of coffee every morning. Are you from UK or Ireland? Is Captain on bridge now? Marta has got a beautiful flat in city centre.

Scrivi il plurale delle parole nel riquadro nella colonna corretta. baby • goose • country • chief • half • key • knife • fox • photo • address • tooth • bus • family • life • child











Completa le domande con i soggetti tra parentesi, can e un verbo appropriato. 1 2 3 4 5 6



Can you ride ‘ (you) a motorbike?’ ‘Yes, and I can drive a car, too!’ ‘______________________________________ (Eric) the piano?’ ‘No, only the guitar.’ ‘______________________________________ (you) the hotel phone number?’ ‘Yes. It’s 973049.’ ‘______________________________________ (you) me 50 euros?’ ‘Sorry. I haven’t got any cash.’ ‘______________________________________ (Helen) Spanish?’ ‘Yes – she’s got a good accent.’ ‘My suitcase is heavy. ______________________________________ (you) me a hand?’ ‘Sorry – I’ve got a bad back.’

Completa il dialogo con l’imperativo dei verbi nel riquadro. clean • see • go • not make • do • phone • not worry • look Mum Dad and I are going out, Jenny. Here is a list of things for you to do. First, (1) phone granny to thank her for your birthday present. Jason Can I invite Martha and Lara for lunch? Mum Yes, you can. But (2) ________________ the kitchen after lunch. Jason OK, Mum. (3) ________________. Can I go to the sports centre in the afternoon? Mum Sure. But first (4) ________________ your homework. Jason Of course, Mum. Is there anything else? Mum (5) ______________ me _______________. Your little sister is at home today. (6) _______________ after her, please. Jason Oh no, Mum! Mum Jenny, (7) ________________ a fuss. Mike, are you ready? (8) ________________.


Summative revision




Completa il dialogo con and, or, but, because e so. Tim Where do you want to go in the summer? Spain (1) or Portugal? We can’t go to both. Sally How about Madrid? It’s very hot there in July (2) _______ August, (3) _______ many people don’t want to go. There are lots of empty rooms in hotels (4) _______ it’s easy to get a flight from Gatwick (5) _______ Heathrow Airport. Tim We can save money (6) _______ there aren’t many things to do. Sally Yes, there are! We can go to the museums (7) _______ art galleries in the afternoons. Restaurants stay open very late, (8) _______ we can have dinner at around 10 o’clock. That’s a really good time to eat (9) _______ most of the clubs only open after midnight (10) _______ then close at about 7 o’clock in the morning! Tim I know you love clubbing, (11) _______ we can also think about Lisbon in Portugal. The nightlife is excellent! We can go to the beach as well (12) _______ the city is not far from the sea. It’s got interesting places to visit (13) _______ excellent restaurants. Sally You’re right. Madrid is a very long way from the coast, (14) _______ we have to find a pool to go swimming. I like the idea of sightseeing in the morning, going to the beach in the afternoon (15) _______ then dancing the night away! Tim I really want to go there (16) _______ I need to make sure we can get a cheap flight!

Scegli l’opzione corretta.

How to get to London By plane: London (1) has got five major airports, linking the capital city to all corners of the globe. Flights to Heathrow and Gatwick are often intercontinental (2) _____________ and scheduled flights from airlines like British Airways, Lufthansa and Alitalia. Heathrow is 23 km from central London and Gatwick is 47.5 km. Charter flights and low-cost flights are usually to Stansted (48 km) or Luton (47 km). There is also City Airport. It is in (3) _____________ centre of London and only 11 km from the City, London’s financial district, (4) _____________ it is very popular with business travellers. Very large aircraft (5) _____________ use this airport (6) _____________ there are noise restrictions and the runway is not very long. Your journey from the airport to the city: You (7) _____________ travel by train and bus from Gatwick, Heathrow, Stansted and Luton to the centre of London. The trains are usually very quick but the tickets can be expensive. (8) _____________ online before you travel and you can save money with advance tickets and special offers. Buses are cheap but the journey is slower. There is (9) _____________ underground station at Heathrow airport so you can also use the Tube to get to the centre, but it is a long journey. Gatwick, Luton and Stansted haven’t got underground stations. You (10) _____________ also take a taxi from all these airports (11) _____________ it is very expensive and it is not a good idea if you are in a hurry. There are also many car rental companies at the airports, but there is always a lot of traffic in London. (12) _____________ remember to drive on the left too!

1 A have got

B has got

C hasn’t got

7 A can

B can’t

C are

2 A flight

B flightes

C flights

8 A Don’t look

B Look

C Let’s look

3 A–

B the


9 A–

B the

C an

4 A but

B so

C because

10 A can

B can’t

C haven’t got

5 A aren’t

B can

C cannot

11 A or

B but

C because

6 A or

B and

C because

12 A Don’t

B Let’s




Gli aggettivi qualificativi

Gli aggettivi qualificativi descrivono persone, cose, piante e animali. Tania is nice. Jim has got a new bike.

In inglese gli aggettivi qualificativi sono invariabili in genere e numero.

Tania è simpatica. Jim ha una bicicletta nuova.

The boy is tired. The girl is tired too. Il ragazzo è stanco. Anche la ragazza è stanca. The boys are tired. The girls are tired too. I ragazzi sono stanchi. Anche le ragazze sono stanche.

Gli aggettivi qualificativi con funzione di attributo precedono il sostantivo a cui si riferiscono, ma con funzione di nome del predicato seguono il verbo be.

attributo Hanno una bella casa in montagna. nome del La casa è grande.

They have got a nice house in the mountains. The house is large.


In inglese è possibile usare un nome (comune o proprio) e sigle di organizzazioni con funzione di aggettivo. Il primo sostantivo qualifica il secondo ed è sempre alla forma singolare. Molti cibi (apple, butter, chicken, ecc.) e materiali (silver, silk, leather, ecc.) vengono usati con funzione di aggettivo. love songs the volleyball team the New York skyline

canzoni d'amore la squadra di pallavolo lo skyline di New York

la politica dell'UE biscotti al burro un anello d'argento

the EU policy butter biscuits a silver ring

Fanno eccezione wool (sostantivo) – woollen (aggettivo) e wood (sostantivo) – wooden (aggettivo).

16.1 Aggettivi di nazionalità Gli aggettivi di nazionalità si formano aggiungendo al nome del paese o del continente i suffissi -an/-ian/-i/-ese/-ch/-sh.

-an/-ian Nazione Aggettivo Popolo


















the Brazilians

the Israelis

the Japanese

the French

the Irish

the Swiss

Gli aggettivi che terminano in -an/-ian/-i prendono la -s del plurale quando indicano l’intero popolo.

Gli aggettivi che indicano la nazionalità si scrivono con l’iniziale maiuscola.

the Italians

They’re Finnish.

the Israelis

Sono finlandesi.

• Per indicare la lingua si usa l’aggettivo di nazionalità corrispondente senza l’articolo. L’articolo è obbligatorio se seguito dalla parola language. L’inglese non è facile. La lingua inglese non è facile.

English is not easy. The English language is not easy.

• Per indicare il popolo si può usare oltre all’aggettivo di nazionalità sostantivato, l’aggettivo di nazionalità + people. the Irish = the Irish people

the French = the French people

the Japanese = the Japanese people

Con gli aggettivi English, Irish, Welsh, Dutch e French si possono usare anche i suffissi -man/-men e -woman/women. an Englishman


Irishwomen Mappa p. 424

Qualifying adjectives



Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi nel riquadro nella posizione corretta. chocolate • delicious • fast • modern • tiring • Japanese • dead • huge 1 2 3 4 5


delicious We always have food in that Italian restaurant. China is a country in Asia. My sister works for a car company. In this forest, there are a number of trees. My aunt lives in a house by the sea.

6 Has your girlfriend got a car? 7 My grandmother always eats biscuits when she has a cup of tea. 8 It’s a journey by bus from New York to Los Angeles.

Scrivi gli aggettivi di nazionalità dei paesi nel riquadro nella colonna corretta della tabella. Due aggettivi NON terminano con i suffissi indicati. Scrivili negli spazi numerati. Canada • Germany • Ireland • Japan • France • Portugal • Spain Poland • Italy • Norway • Vietnam • Sweden • Brazil • China





Canadian ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

1 ____________________ 2 ____________________

Osserva l’agenda di questa settimana di Vicky e completala con gli aggettivi nel riquadro (negli spazi 1-10) e le nazionalità corrette (negli spazi A-L). beautiful • proud • favourite • small • capital • difficult • helpful • typical • final • brilliant

Weekly planner Monday

I’m in Paris. It’s the (1) capital city of France. I’m in a restaurant eating coq au vin. It is (2) _________ (A) French food.


Today it’s Belgium. The (B) _________ capital is Brussels. I want to try their (3) _________ food, mussels and chips! Some (C) _________ people don’t speak French. They speak Flemish.



Friday Saturday Sunday

The Netherlands. I’m in Amsterdam at the Van Gogh Museum. He was a (D) _________ painter. I really like his work. The (E) _________ people are very friendly and (4) _________. Copenhagen in Denmark is a (5) _________ city. There’s a song about it: Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen. The well-known (F) _________ author Hans Christian Andersen was from here. The (G) _________ language is (6) _________ to learn. I’m now in Barcelona in Spain. They have a (7) _________ football team which is now top of the (H) _________ league. The (I) _________ language is similar to Italian. Lisbon: the capital of Portugal. I really like the old (J) _________ buildings, such as Torre de Belem. The (K) _________ people are very (8) _________ of their history. My (9) _________ stop is in Cork, a (10) _________ city in the south of Ireland. The people are very friendly but I don’t like the (L) _________ weather when it rains!



Gli aggettivi e i pronomi dimostrativi

FORMA Singolare










I dimostrativi sono invariabili in genere, ma non in numero. That girl is nice, but that boy is really rude. That woman has a gorgeous red dress, but those girls in blue are beautiful.

‘Tell me this isn’t celery.’

Quella ragazza è carina, ma quel ragazzo è proprio maleducato. Quella signora ha uno splendido vestito rosso, ma quelle ragazze in blu sono bellissime.

This/These e that/those hanno funzione di aggettivo e pronome. Osserva la tabella.



This dish is tasty.

Questo piatto è gustoso.

This is a tasty dish.

These shoes are comfortable.

Queste scarpe sono comode.

These are comfortable Queste sono scarpe shoes. comode.

That TV series is boring.

Quella serie TV è noiosa.

That is a boring TV series.

Those boys are nasty. Quei ragazzi sono fastidiosi.

Questo è un piatto gustoso.

Quella è una serie TV noiosa.

Those are nasty boys. Quelli sono ragazzi fastidiosi.

That è l’unico dimostrativo che ammette la forma affermativa contratta del verbo be. This is my brother and that’s my little sister. Questo è mio fratello e quella è la mia sorellina.

USO I dimostrativi this/these si usano per riferirsi a persone e cose vicine a chi parla, mentre that/those per indicare persone e cose lontane da chi parla. This car is incredibly slow. That car is extremely fast!

Questa macchina è incredibilmente lenta. Quell’auto è molto veloce!

Inoltre si usano: • this e these per presentare qualcuno Robert, these are my grandparents.

Attenzione: Robert, questi sono/ti presento i miei nonni.

• this e that nelle conversazioni telefoniche per dire e chiedere chi parla ‘Hello, this is Mrs Grimes.’

• con one/ones 53

“Pronto, sono la signora Grimes.”

per non ripetere un sostantivo già nominato

This is my bag, not that one.

Mum, this is Alessia. NON Mum, she's Alessia. Hello, is that Mike? NON Hello, are you Mike?

Questa è la mia borsa, non quella.

ENGLISH USAGE Si usa that per riferirsi a qualcosa che è stato menzionato in precedenza. That’s fine for/by me. That’s why I like him. I think that’s it for now.


Per me va bene. Ecco perché mi piace. Penso che sia tutto per ora. Mappa p. 424



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


This/These jeans are new. They’re from this/that new shop in town. This/These is my coffee and that/these is your tea. Have you got that/those photos of those/that wonderful summer holiday? Look at this/these picture of Jaden Smith! You can read this/these news story online. Can I have this/these comics and that/these magazine with Bradley Cooper on the cover, please?

Osserva le immagini e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Poi abbina le due parti delle frasi.

1 These/Those shoes

2 These/Those children

3 This/That book

a n are my cousins. 1 are lovely but expensive. b n c n are all extremely talented.


d e

4 This/That café

n n

5 These/Those musicians

is open every day. is long but very interesting.

Completa il dialogo con this, that, these o those. Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy



So, do you prefer (1) this flat or (2) ______ other one in Preston Road? I’m not sure. I like (3) ______ one because it’s near the town centre and it’s got (4) ______ nice balcony. Yes, but the flat in Preston Road is near (5) ______ really nice cafés and (6) ______ huge supermarket. I think (7) ______ windows are lovely because they’re really big. I know (8) ______ kitchen is a bit small but (9) ______ bedrooms are OK. True, but I like the other kitchen because it was quite big, so I can have a table and four chairs in the middle. OK, let’s go and have another look at (10) ______ flat.

Completa il testo con this, that, these o those. Welcome to our language school. I want to give you some information before you start your course. We’re now in Room 3 and (1) this is the students’ coffee room. The kitchen is (2) _____ room over there. Please make your coffee using (3) _____ machine in the kitchen, not the one in the teachers’ room, and use (4) _____ blue cups on the kitchen table. There are information books about the school on (5) _____ table here. You can read about your lessons and your social programme in (6) _____ books. Some students are on our Extra Programmes. Extra Programmes are popular because (7) _____ courses prepare students for exams. There are twenty students on our exam course (8) _____ month and (9) _____ students are very happy with their progress. Enjoy your course!


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Pronto, sono Amanda. Posso parlare con Harry? 2 Questa è una torta tradizionale e questi sono biscotti speciali. 3 Mamma, queste sono le mie nuove amiche.

4 Posso avere quei panini e questa bottiglia di succo, per favore? 5 Chi sono quelle persone con Jack nel bar? 6 Questo esercizio non è facile.



Gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi

Si usano gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi per esprimere possesso e relazioni.

18.1 Aggettivi possessivi • In inglese gli aggettivi possessivi sono invariabili in genere e numero.

Pronomi Aggettivi possessivi personali soggetto I you he she it

my your his her its

we you they

our your their

mio/mia, miei/mie tuo/tua, tuoi/tue suo/sua, suoi/sue (di lui) suo/sua, suoi/sue (di lei) suo/sua, suoi/sue (di un oggetto o un animale) nostro/nostra, nostri/nostre vostro/vostra, vostri/vostre loro

Her sons are nice, but her daughter is not! I suoi figli sono carini, ma sua figlia no!

• Gli aggettivi possessivi concordano con il possessore e non con la cosa posseduta. Luisa has got a DVD player. Luisa ha un lettore DVD. Her DVD player is broken. Il suo (di lei) lettore DVD è rotto.

• Gli aggettivi possessivi non sono mai preceduti dagli articoli the, a/an. The My mobile phone is new. Il mio cellulare è nuovo. It’s a your idea. È una tua idea.

Non confondere l’aggettivo possessivo its con la forma contratta di is o has. It’s a good watchdog. It’s got a small mouth but its teeth are sharp!

È un buon cane da guardia. Ha la bocca piccola ma i suoi denti sono affilati!

POSIZIONE E USO Gli aggettivi possessivi precedono sempre il sostantivo a cui si riferiscono. That tall man is my father.

L’uomo alto è mio padre.

Si usano gli aggettivi possessivi per riferirsi a parti del corpo e capi di abbigliamento. Laura si è rotta il braccio. È freddo fuori. Mettetevi il cappello.

Laura has broken her arm. It’s cold outside. Put your hats on.

18.2 Pronomi possessivi


Aggettivi Pronomi possessivi possessivi my your his her its our your their

mine yours his hers — ours yours theirs

il mio/la mia, i miei/le mie il tuo/la tua, i tuoi/le tue il suo/la sua, i suoi/le sue (di lui) il suo/la sua, i suoi/le sue (di lei) — (si usa solo l’aggettivo) il nostro/la nostra, i nostri/le nostre il vostro/la vostra, i vostri/le vostre il/la loro, i/le loro

Come gli aggettivi possessivi, anche i pronomi possessivi sono invariabili in genere e numero, concordano con il possessore e non con la cosa posseduta, e non sono mai preceduti dall’articolo. Laura and Mark have got many music CDs: hers are rock, his are jazz. Laura e Mark hanno molti CD di musica: i suoi (di lei) sono rock, i suoi (di lui) sono jazz.

USO I pronomi possessivi precisano a chi appartengono la persona, l’animale o la cosa indicati dal nome che sostituiscono. That’s my pen. Yours is on the desk.


Quella è la mia penna. La tua è sulla scrivania. Mappa p. 424




Completa il testo di Laura con gli aggettivi possessivi corretti.

Hilda is (1) my best friend. We see each other every day. She lives with (2) _______ family in a large house in Wimbledon. (3) _______ father is an accountant. He works in (4) _______ office in the centre of the town. (5) _______ mother is a teacher at the same school where Hilda and I are students. The school is very large with (6) _______ own swimming pool and an amazing science laboratory. Hilda has got two lovely dogs. (7) _______ names are Bonny and Clyde. After school, we take them for a walk in the park and meet (8) _______ school friends in a café by the lake.




Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con il pronome possessivo corretto.

1 Is this your cabin? No, it’s theirs.

2 Is this your jacket? Yes, it’s ________.

3 Is that your camera? No, it’s ________.

4 Are these your books? No, they’re ________.

5 Are these your hats? Yes, they’re ________.

6 Is this my food? Yes, it’s ________.

7 Is this your suitcase? No, it’s ________.

8 Are these our bats? Yes, they’re ________.

Completa le frasi con l’aggettivo o il pronome possessivo corretto. 1 Harry and his wife live in London. 2 I’m sorry but that’s not your suitcase. It’s ________. 3 A turtle can live to a great age. ________ lifespan can be up to 150 years. 4 I live at home with ________ parents and younger sister.

5 ‘Are these Helen’s clothes?’ ‘Yes, they’re ________.’ 6 We are identical twins. ________ names are Bill and Ben. 7 Who are those people over there? I can’t remember ________ names. 8 We are very surprised that Dan’s house is smaller than ________.

Leggi l’email di Lesley e Polly e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Hi Sammy! (1) Your/Yours favourite cousins are now in the UK! We are here to improve (2) our/ours English at a language school in Torquay. We’re staying with a nice family. (3) Their/Theirs house is big. Another student is staying here. (4) His/Its name’s Ivan and he is from Athens. His bedroom is smaller than (5) our/ours. He’s got a British girlfriend! (6) Her/Your name’s Sandra. We have classes every morning. (7) Our/Your teacher is very good. (8) Her/Their lessons are interesting and we’re learning a lot. Our new friends are Chris and Richard. (9) Their/Hers family business is the same as (10) yours/your. Give our love to everyone and see you in a couple of weeks. Lesley and Polly



Il genitivo sassone

FORMA Il genitivo sassone (possessive ’s) si usa per indicare una relazione di possesso o appartenenza. Si costruisce mettendo il possessore (persona o animale) prima della cosa posseduta e aggiungendo ’s al possessore. Mike’s book the dog’s food

il libro di Mike il cibo del cane

Non si usa mai l’articolo prima della cosa posseduta.

Si può omettere il nome della cosa posseduta: • quando è ovvio di cosa si sta parlando

Lucy’s garden NON the Lucy’s garden

‘Here is your book.’ ‘No, it isn’t mine. It’s Sandra’s.’

il giardino di Lucy

“Ecco il tuo libro.” “No, non è il mio. È di Sandra.”

• con alcune espressioni dove solitamente si sottintedono parole come cathedral, church, hospital, house/place, restaurant, school, college, shop She goes to St Mary’s (church) on Sundays.

Va alla chiesa di St Mary la domenica.

VARIAZIONI ORTOGRAFICHE sostantivo plurale regolare (che termina in -s) sostantivo plurale irregolare più di un possessore e cosa posseduta condivisa più di un possessore ma cosa posseduta non condivisa

si aggiunge solo ’ our daughters’ school the Sullivans’ car

la scuola delle nostre figlie la macchina dei Sullivan

si aggiunge ’s

the children’s books

i libri dei bambini

si aggiunge ’s solo all’ultimo possessore si aggiunge ’s a tutti i possessori

Martin and Martha’s house

la casa di Martin e Martha

Martin’s and Martha’s le case di Martin houses e di Martha

Ai sostantivi singolari che terminano in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -z, -x si aggiunge regolarmente ’s. the actress’s agent l'agente dell’attrice

USO Oltre che per indicare possesso, il genitivo sassone si usa anche: • per indicare parentela e relazioni di appartenenza a gruppi di persone (organizzazioni, associazioni, ecc.) i genitori di Jim l’AD dell’azienda

Jim’s parents the company’s CEO

• per indicare che qualcosa è destinato a una determinata categoria di persone abbigliamento da uomo

men’s clothes

• con alcune espressioni geografiche in alternativa all’aggettivo di nazionalità i laghi italiani

Italy’s lakes (= Italian lakes)

• con alcune espressioni di tempo e distanza in alternativa alla forma con of o a quella aggettivale 76.2 yesterday’s match (= the match of yesterday) a ten minutes’ bus ride (= a ten-minute bus ride) a mile’s walk (= a mile walk)

la partita di ieri un tragitto in autobus di dieci minuti una passeggiata di un miglio

Non si usa il genitivo sassone: • per esprimere una relazione tra cose; in questi casi si usa la preposizione of oppure il sostantivo con funzione di aggettivo 16 the back of the chair

lo schienale della sedia

the car key

la chiave della macchina

• quando la relazione specificata è fra persone e luoghi; in questi casi si usa la preposizione of the Queen of England


la Regina d’Inghilterra

Possessive ’s


Completa le espressioni con la forma possessiva corretta: ’s o ’. 1 2 3 4 5



Captain Fleet ’s uniform Harry’s and Lily___ phones the Sweets___ cabin Bruno___ kitchen Betty___ water bottle

6 7 8 9 10

Jane___ book Charles___ wife the twins___ parents the waitress___ computer our nephews___ dog

Osserva le immagini e completa con le parole nel riquadro. biscuits • web • beef Wellington • toys • chair • novels • walk • painting


1 a spider ’s web

2 children _________

3 the back _________

4 a six-mile _________

5 John Green _________

6 Van Gogh _________

7 Gordon Ramsey _______

8 my dog _________

Formula frasi con il genitivo sassone basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 news / today / is very positive Today’s news is very positive. 2 we always sit at the class / back 3 the sea is a bus ride / ten minutes from our flat 4 grandparents / Harry / are going around the world


5 match / today / is very important for both teams 6 have you got my keys / car? 7 King and Queen / Spain have a house in Mallorca 8 house / our neighbours / is very untidy

Leggi l’email di Lesley e Polly e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

More news from Torquay! We want to tell you about how we spend our time. We catch the (1) school bus/bus of the school which stops at the (2) end of the road/road end. It is (3) a twentyminute ride/a ride of twenty minutes. (4) The girlfriend of Ivan/Ivan’s girlfriend sits with us at (5) the back of the bus/ bus’s back. Ivan likes to sit behind the (6) bus’s driver/bus driver! We don’t know why! Our lessons start at 9:30 and finish at 12:30. Our (7) teacher’s/teachers’ names are Simon and Mary. They are both very nice. We have lunch in the (8) school/school’s canteen. They always have a new (9) dish of the day/day’s dish. Take care! Lesley and Polly



Il doppio genitivo


Prima del genitivo sassone e degli aggettivi possessivi non si usano: gli articoli (a/an, the) 9, 10 gli aggettivi dimostrativi (this/these, that/those) 17 gli aggettivi indefiniti 41 gli aggettivi e le espressioni di quantità 42, 43 gli aggettivi numerali 23.1

• • • • •

Per tradurre in inglese espressioni come “una commedia dell’autore” o “una mia borsa”, si usa la costruzione del doppio genitivo che prevede due forme. Osserva la tabella.



articolo indeterminativo

a book of my husband’s

one of my husband’s books

un libro di mio marito

a book of ours

one of our books

un nostro libro


this friend of Peter’s

questo amico di Peter

that aunt of theirs

quella loro zia

some rings of Laura’s

some of Laura’s rings

alcuni anelli di Laura

some ideas of theirs

some of their ideas

alcune loro idee

many of Tom’s relatives

molti parenti di Tom

a lot of my books

molti miei libri

two of Mike’s pens

due penne di Mike

eight of her CDs

otto suoi CD

of + genitivo sassone/ pronome possessivo


many relatives of Tom’s aggettivi ed espressioni di quantità a lot of books of mine two pens of Mike’s numerali eight CDs of hers

quantificatore + of + genitivo sassone/ aggettivo possessivo + sostantivo plurale

Con i numerali è possibile anche la costruzione con il genitivo sassone, ma il significato è diverso. Osserva. My daughter’s three teachers are English. Three of my daughter’s teachers are English.


I tre insegnanti di mia figlia sono inglesi. Tre degli insegnanti di mia figlia sono inglesi.

4 Two cousins of mine are English teachers. Two of ____________________________________. 5 Some of his poems are beautiful. Some poems ___________________________________. 6 There are a lot of old comics of mine in the attic. There are ___________________________________.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Many friends of her/hers live in London. 2 Some ideas of their/theirs are very strange! 3 One of my brother’s/brother football coaches is Italian. 4 Two of the ship’s/ships passengers are not happy.


una parte

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 One of Helen’s friends is an architect. A friend of Helen’s is an architect . 2 Many friends of his study in Milan. Many of ___________________________________. 3 A painting of hers is in the Tate Modern. One of ___________________________________.



5 Several books of Agatha/Agatha’s are available online. 6 A lot of friends mine/of mine want to travel around Europe. 7 I’ve got two of your/yours CDs at home.

Double genitive



Completa la presentazione con i pronomi possessivi nel riquadro. mine • yours • his • ours • theirs Good evening. My name is Pablo and this is my wife Dora. Thanks for coming to the exhibition at this wonderful gallery of (1) ours . It’s an important job of (2) ________ to give you information about this special day. Let’s start with the artists. Thank you very much for these brilliant paintings of (3) ________. Many patrons of our gallery are here. The actor, Buddy Rubin, buys original art work for a home of (4) ________ in Los Angeles and Mr and Mrs Sweet have lots of valuable paintings in houses of (5) ________. Enjoy the evening!


Abbina ogni frase al significato corretto. 1 I have got a lovely photo of my mum. 2 I have got a lovely photo of my mum’s. 3 Four of my neighbours are British. 4 My four neighbours are British.


2 n


1 n n


5 A manager of Gemma’s is also a manager of mine. 6 Gemma’s manager is also my manager.

a b

n n n

7 There are many books of Jane’s on this shelf. 8 Jane’s books are on this bookshelf.




n n n


9 Sid’s brother works in that café. 10 A brother of Sid’s works in that café.


a b

The photo belongs to my mum. (It isn’t necessarily a photo of her.) My mum looks lovely in the photo. Not all of my neighbours are British – only four of them. I‘ve only got four neighbours. They are all British. Gemma and I each have more than one manager. Gemma and I both have one and the same manager. Jane owns or is the author of all the books on the bookshelf. The books may not all be Jane’s books. Sid has got more than one brother. Sid has got one brother.

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi.

yours 1 There are lots of clothes of you in the bedroom. 2 He’s good friend of mine. 3 Two of hers colleagues work in the finance department. 4 ‘Is this a suitcase of ours?’ ‘No, it’s one of their.’ 5 One my daughter’s friends is an artist.


6 This dog of your’s isn’t wearing a lead. Please don’t take it to the park. 7 Mr and Mrs Norman have got two children. One child’s of theirs likes photography. 8 ‘Is this Mrs Norman’s camera?’ ‘No, it’s a camera of Harry.’

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Questo tuo nuovo cellulare ha una fotocamera veramente potente (powerful)! Quegli orecchini di Susie sono molto costosi. Quelle scarpe da ginnastica di Pamela sembrano (look) comode. Due amici di Lucy lavorano (work) a Parigi. Quel nuovo amico di Helen è molto simpatico. Alcune delle sue (di lei) foto sono molto artistiche. Molti tuoi post su quel blog sono terribili! Due dei miei studenti abitano (live) vicino a un mio amico.


16-20 Summative revision 1

Completa le frasi inserendo gli aggettivi nel riquadro nella posizione corretta. rainy • cotton • car • hot • French • history • tomato • wooden

1 2 3 4


5 6 7 8

I like sauce or mayonnaise on my chips. Can you open the window? It’s hot in here. I’d like a drink, please. Helen wants to buy a table for her new kitchen.

Abbina le frasi nelle due colonne. Completa le frasi a-f con il pronome possessivo corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6


cotton I wear that dress on hot days. Marie-Pierre is a student from Nice. Have you got your book or is it at home? We can’t go out for a walk in this weather.

Mrs Sweet wears lots of jewellery. Buddy drives to the studio in London. We like beautiful flowers. I love my pets. My two cousins enjoy sport. You’re a very good artist.

a n This football is _______. 1 These earrings are hers . b n c n Those dogs are _______. d n That expensive car is _______. e n These paints are _______. f n This garden is _______.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi nel riquadro. her • his • mine • ours • their • your • yours 1 2 3 4 5 6


Is this my coffee? Where’s Tim’s car? Why is Mrs Sweet frowning? Is this table free? Are your cousins at home this weekend? I think this is my phone.

a n No, they’re staying at ___________ friends’ house. b n That’s ___________ bike outside. He doesn’t drive. c n No, sorry. It’s ___________. There’s another table there. 1 Yes, it’s yours . There’s no sugar in it. d n e n Because she doesn’t like ___________ cabin on the cruise ship. f n No, it isn’t. It’s ___________. It’s the same colour as ___________ phone.

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 This is a very interesting story. This story is very interesting . 2 Yannick Noah is a tennis player from France. Yannick Noah is ___________________ tennis player. 3 Is this English book yours? Is ___________________ English book?


Formula frasi con la forma possessiva corretta: ’s, ’, of o -. 1 shoes / my mum / high-heeled / are My mum’s shoes are high-heeled. 2 door / front / open 3 paragraph / at / the top / page / read 4 beaches / Italy / beautiful / are 5 here / your / book / recipes / is


4 Two of Tom’s students are Japanese. Two students ___________________. 5 A cousin of hers is a famous football player. One of ___________________. 6 These are my holiday photos. These holiday ___________________.

6 7 8 9

I / to / house / Giulia / tonight / can’t come where / keys / car / are / ? we / bikes / Maria / Carlotta / can’t find she / photo / with / Duchess / Cambridge / has got 10 is / in my bag / the teacher / book

Summative revision



Leggi l’email di Jake sulla festa a sorpresa per il compleanno di Caroline. Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Hi Sam, (1) That/This is Jake, a friend of Caroline’s. It’s (2) her/hers birthday on Saturday so please come to the surprise (3) birthday party/party birthday! (4) The house of Caroline/Caroline’s house is in Arch Road, in Battersea. You can take the train to (5) the station of Bennet Street/Bennet Street station and it’s a (6) five-minutes/five-minute walk. (7) The Caroline’s/Caroline’s friends are musicians and artists. I’m a chef and my speciality is (8) vegetarian food/ food vegetarian. A friend of (9) my/mine makes a wonderful (10) cake lemon/lemon cake. He’s (11) a chef Spanish/Spanish chef from Barcelona and (12) his/its name is Daniel. One of Daniel’s (13) friends/friend is a talented artist and (14) the birthday present of Caroline/Caroline’s birthday present is a (15) painting special/special painting. See you at the party on Saturday, Jake


Leggi l’articolo e scegli l’opzione corretta. (1) This is Tapas, a new (2) ___________ in the centre of our (3) ___________. It’s (4) ___________ restaurant with tables for twenty people. The chef’s from Madrid and (5) ___________ name’s Laura. The restaurant is (6) ___________ and (7) ___________ family’s. There are two other people in the restaurant. Manuel serves the customers (8) ___________ food and Cristina, (9) ___________ sister, works in the kitchen with Laura. Laura cooks food from different parts of (10) ___________. There are a lot of 1 A This B These C Those 2 A Spain restaurant B Spanish restaurant C restaurant Spanish 3 A busy little town B town little busy C busy town little 4 A friendly B the friendly C a friendly 5 A she B she’s C her 6 A her B hers C of her 7 A her B hers C she


8 9 10 11 12 13

A his B their C theirs A his B he C her A Spanish B Spain C the Spain A these B that C this A restaurant B restaurant’s C restaurants A place favourite B favourite place C favourite places 14 A our B ours C of ours

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 The Italian is a language very beautiful. Italian is a very beautiful language. 2 Two friends of her live in Cardiff. 3 Hello. Here is Jane. Is that Steve? 4 Can I use yours phone because mine is at home? 5 Please give me the house’s keys.


international students in this part of town and (11) ___________ people love the (12) ___________ delicious lunch menus. Elena from Portugal says, ‘This is my (13) ___________ to eat. All my friends are here, so the restaurant is (14) ___________!’

6 Who is these new student in your class? 7 The school is in Exeter. It’s a twenty-minutes drive from here. 8 He has got a problem with its homework. 9 A colleague of Tom is Swedish. 10 Can you give me that Bob’s jacket, please?

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4

Uno dei suoi fratelli è un insegnante di inglese. Domani abbiamo un esame di due ore di storia. I miei genitori hanno una piccola casa moderna. Due amici di scuola delle loro figlie sono cinesi.

5 Mi piace quella borsa di Giulia. È una borsa di pelle. 6 Quel negozio di scarpe in High Street è molto (very) costoso.



Le preposizioni di luogo (1): in, at, on, to, from

21.1 Preposizioni di stato in luogo: in, at, on Le principali preposizioni di stato in luogo sono in, at e on. Esse indicano il luogo dove si svolge l’azione o la posizione occupata da persone, cose o animali. Osserva come si usano.

per indicare l’interno di un luogo Patricia is in the living room. chiuso o circoscritto e un edificio The kids are in the garden. senza riferimento alla sua funzione There is a nice cafeteria in the library.


Patricia è in soggiorno. I ragazzi sono in giardino. C'è un bar carino nella biblioteca.

con nomi di continenti, paesi, città e strade (senza numero civico)

Sheila lives in Scotland. Sheila vive in Scozia. The University of Virginia is in Charlottesville. L’università della Virginia è a Charlottesville.

con grandi isole, arcipelaghi e catene montuose

In Sardinia it is boiling hot. Winters are very cold in the Alps.

In Sardegna è caldissimo. Gli inverni sono molto freddi sulle Alpi.

con i punti cardinali

Venice is in the north-east of Italy.

Venezia si trova nel nord-est dell’Italia.

con libri, riviste, giornali

There are always interesting articles in the National Geographic.

Ci sono sempre articoli interessanti nel National Geographic.

per indicare un punto preciso

Her office is at the corner of Fulham Road and Old Church Street.

Il suo ufficio è all’angolo di Fulham Road e Old Church Street.

He works at the town hospital.

Lavora all’ospedale cittadino.

They live at 105 Burton Street.

Vivono al numero 105 di Burton Street.

Open your books at page 9.

Aprite il libro a pagina 9.

per indicare un luogo con at riferimento alla sua funzione con nomi di strade e piazze (con numero civico) con i numeri di pagina

per indicare su o sopra con contatto The book is on the sofa. per indicare un luogo lungo una

Il libro è sul divano.

Can you see the boats on the Hudson River? Riesci a vedere le barche sul fiume Hudson?

on linea (costa, fiume) con piccole isole e montagne

There are beautiful beaches on the island of Pantelleria.

ENGLISH USAGE in bed in the centre in prison in the cold/heat/dark/sun in the shade in the open air in the rain

at home/school/work at the beginning/end at the top/bottom at a concert/conference/ party/theatre in mare aperto/ at sea in alto mare at seaside

Ci sono spiagge bellissime sull’isola di Pantelleria. on holiday on the right/left on the ground/first floor on (the) TV/the radio/the phone on the wall = in saldo MA for sale = in vendita on sale on a website/the Internet

21.2 Preposizioni di moto: to, from Le principali preposizioni di moto sono to e from: • to indica la direzione verso cui si dirige qualcuno o qualcosa Robert goes to the cinema every Saturday.

Robert va al cinema ogni sabato.

• from indica origine o provenienza Sue is from England.


Sue viene dall’Inghilterra.

Prepositions of place (1): in, at, on, to, from


• Le preposizioni di moto si usano insieme ai verbi di movimento come come, drive, fly, go, run, travel, walk, ecc. Il verbo arrive, pur essendo un verbo di movimento, è seguito dalle preposizioni di luogo in + città/paese/continente e at + luogo circoscritto. Sono arrivato in Italia un anno fa. Non è ancora arrivata all’aeroporto!

I arrived in Italy one month ago. She still hasn’t arrived at the airport!

• Con home solitamente non si usa la preposizione to. Sto andando a/uscendo di casa.

I’m going/leaving home.


Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con in, at, on, to o from. 1 2 3 4 5


Careful! There’s very hot tea in This packet of coffee’s ______ Amy’s waiting ______ We’re going ______ Laura is speaking ______

a b c d e

n 1 n n n n

the phone. this cup. Colombia. the bus stop. the park.

Leggi la cartolina e sottolinea la preposizione di luogo corretta.

Hi, Jackie and Di! We’re (1) in/on/at holiday (2) in/on/at the lively city of Hong Kong (3) in/on/at south east Asia. Our hotel is (4) in/on/at Hong Kong Island (5) in/on/at an interesting area. The hotel is (6) in/on/at the corner of two busy streets. Our room is (7) in/on/at the top floor of the building and we can see all the boats and cruise ships (8) in/on/at the harbour. You can see a picture of the harbour (9) in/on/at this postcard. We sometimes have dinner (10) in/on/at the hotel restaurant or (11) in/on/at other areas of Hong Kong. There are also lots of excellent restaurants (12) in/on/at the local fish markets. See you soon!


Completa il depliant con in, at, on, to o from. You can park in the car park (2) ______ the side of this building.

Brighton Hotel Welcome (1) to Brighton! Here is some information about our hotel.


There are six floors (3) ______ the hotel and there is a lift (4) ______ all floors. You can get the Wi-Fi code (5) ______ reception. There is a shower and bath (6) ______ all bathrooms. The hotel restaurant is (7) ______ the ground floor.

We aren’t (8) ______ the city centre but we’re (9) ______ a good bus route, and the beach is a ten-minute journey (10) ______ the hotel. The bus stop is (11) ______ the end of the street with buses (12) ______ the town centre and the beach.

Enjoy your stay!

Numera il dialogo nell’ordine corretto, poi completa le frasi con in, at, on, to o from. 1 n

n n n n n

I’m from the Tourist Information Office. Can I ask you some questions? I work _______ a language school. How do they get _______ the language school every morning? Let’s start. Where do you live? They’re _______ lots of different countries. It’s _______ the south-west.

n n n n n n n

They walk or get a bus _______ home. Well, thanks for your time. Goodbye. Where is that? Well, I haven’t got much time but, yes, OK. Where are your students _______? I live _______ a village called Kerswell. OK. Next question. Where do you work?



Le preposizioni di tempo (1): in, at, on

Le preposizioni di tempo specificano il momento o il periodo in cui avviene l’azione. Le principali preposizioni di tempo sono in, at e on. Osserva come si usano.




con le parti del giorno (senza il nome del giorno della settimana)

in the morning

con i mesi

in January

con gli anni

in 1860

con i secoli

in the twenty-first century

con i periodi storici

in the Renaissance, in the Middle Ages

con le stagioni

in spring

con le ore

at half past four (at) about/around six

con momenti precisi

at the weekend/at weekends, at this time, at midday, at noon, at dawn più generico

con night

at night, at midnight

con i pasti

at breakfast, at lunchtime

con periodi indicanti festività

at Christmas

con l’età

at (the age of) twenty

con i giorni della settimana

on Monday

con le parti del giorno precedute dal nome del giorno

on Sunday afternoon

con le date

on 31st August

con giorni particolari e festività

on my birthday, on Easter Day


Non si usano le preposizioni in, at, on se l’espressione di tempo è preceduta da every (“ogni”), this e last/next (“l’ultimo”/“il prossimo”). I have a karate lesson every Tuesday. Ho lezione di karate ogni martedì. We’re visiting our grandparents this afternoon. Andiamo a far visita ai nonni questo pomeriggio. The conference is next Monday. La conferenza è lunedì prossimo.

In inglese americano si usa l’espressione on the weekend.

ENGLISH USAGE Nota le differenze fra le seguenti espressioni: • on time (“in orario”) – in time (“in tempo”) She is never on time, but always in time for the beginning of the performance!

Non è mai in orario, ma sempre in tempo per l’inizio dello spettacolo!

• at the end (“alla fine”) – in the end (“infine, alla fine”) At the end of the story she accepts his marriage proposal and in the end, they get married.


Alla fine della storia lei accetta la sua proposta di matrimonio e infine si sposano.

Prepositions of time (1): in, at, on


Completa la tabella con le parole e le espressioni nel riquadro. the weekend • Friday • dinner time 2020 • night • January • my birthday six o’clock • summer • Christmas Christmas Day • 7th September the school holidays • the morning Tuesday morning • the middle of the night the end of the week • New Year’s Eve


My birthday is in/on/at 9th January. We always go on holiday in/on/at spring. School finishes in/on/at the end of July. The half-term holiday is in/on/at the middle of February.


Friday ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________


the weekend ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

5 She’s a doctor so she often works in/on/at night. 6 We have got an English test in/on/at the first day of every month.

Leggi il programma di una gita a Londra e rispondi alle domande basandoti sulle informazioni e usando le preposizioni di tempo corrette.

TRIP TO LONDON! Saturday, 2nd March

Train from Brighton: 09:48 London at 10:55 Morning tour of the Tate Modern 13:00 – café in Covent Garden Bus tour: 14:30 (one hour) Globe Theatre: 19:30 – 21:00 Train from London: 00:30



2020 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Sottolinea la preposizione di tempo corretta. 1 2 3 4



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

What day is the trip to London? It’s on Saturday. What date is it? What time is the train to London? What’s the arrival time? What part of the day is the tour of the Tate Modern? What time and where is lunch? What time is the bus tour? What part of day is the performance? What day is the train back to Brighton?

Completa l’articolo con le preposizioni di tempo corrette. My name’s Emily and I’m a student, but (1) in the summer holidays I work at the zoo. It’s hard work and long hours but I love my job. I work all week and my day off is (2) ______ Sunday. I get up (3) ______ 4.30 (4) ______ the morning, have breakfast and catch a bus to work. My bus leaves (5) ______ 5.15 from the end of my street. I arrive (6) ______ work early so that I can feed the animals (7) ______ breakfast time. I’m very busy (8) ______ the morning because I clean many of the animals’ enclosures with another zookeeper. We have lots of visitors: (9) ______ Saturday we’re having a special children’s day when families can help feed some of the small animals at lunchtime. I finish work (10) ______ 5.00, so (11) ______ the end of my working day I go home tired but happy.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Il compleanno del mio amico è a luglio. 2 Nella storia lui è felice con lei e alla fine hanno un bambino. 3 Non vado a scuola il fine settimana. 4 C’è un autobus alle 8.15 di mattina. 5 Puoi venire al mio appartamento sabato?

6 È la casa gialla alla fine di River Street. 7 “Siamo in tempo per il pranzo?” “Mi dispiace, la cucina è già (already) chiusa.” 8 Il compleanno di Mary è il 31 agosto. 9 La prossima settimana ho un esame importante. 10 Il concerto inizia alle nove. Per favore, sii puntuale.



I numeri

23.1 Numeri cardinali 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty

21 22 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

twenty-one twenty-two thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a/one hundred

101 200 1,000 1,001 2,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000,000

a hundred and one two hundred a/one thousand a thousand and one two thousand ten thousand a/one hundred thousand a/one million two million a/one billion

In inglese il carattere separatore fra le unità e i decimali è il punto fermo (.), mentre il carattere separatore fra le migliaia e le centinaia e fra i milioni e le migliaia è la virgola (,). 1.15 (one point one five) NON fifteen 2,300 (two thousand three hundred)

1,15 (uno virgola quindici) 2.300 (duemilatrecento)

• I numeri da 21 a 99 si scrivono inserendo un trattino (-) tra le decine e le unità. 33 (thirty-three)

59 (fifty-nine)

• Hundred e thousand sono uniti alle decine e alle unità dalla congiunzione and.

In inglese americano è senza and.

243 (two hundred and forty-three) 3,505 (three thousand five hundred and five)

• All’inizio di un numero si usa a o one davanti a hundred, thousand e million, negli altri casi si usa one. 132 (a/one hundred and thirty-two)

3,123 (three thousand, one hundred and twenty-three)

• Le parole hundred, thousand, million e billion sono invariabili se precedute da un numero e sono seguite sempre dal verbo al plurale, tranne quando si parla di prezzi. Quando indicano centinaia, migliaia, milioni e miliardi si usa la forma plurale. Three thousand (demonstrators) are at Trafalgar Square. Tremila (manifestanti) sono a Trafalgar Square. Two hundred euros is a really good price for a Gucci bag. Duecento euro è un ottimo prezzo per una borsa di Gucci. Millions of deaths are caused by famine every year. Milioni di morti sono causati dalla carestia ogni anno.

ENGLISH USAGE Il numero 0 si rende con: • zero quando indica temperature, nei testi scientifici e nel conto alla rovescia Today in Moscow it’s 13° below 0 (zero).

Oggi a Mosca sono 13° sotto zero.

• oh /əʊ/ in date, numeri telefonici, codici postali, numeri civici di indirizzi composti da minimo tre cifre Martin lives at 105 (one oh five) Columbus Circle.

Martin abita al 105 di Columbus Circle.

• nil nei risultati di eventi sportivi; ma nel tennis si usa la parola love Barcelona – Milan: five – nil Murray – Federer: forty – love

Barcellona – Milan: cinque a zero Murray – Federer: quaranta – zero

• nought nei numeri decimali 0.23 (nought point two three)


0,23 (zero virgola ventitrè)

In inglese americano si usa zero.



23.2 Numeri ordinali I numeri ordinali si formano aggiungendo il suffisso -th al numero cardinale, con le variazioni ortografiche evidenziate nella tabella. La forma abbreviata è formata dal numero cardinale seguito dalle ultime due lettere della parola scritta.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th


first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth

11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th

eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth

21st 22nd 23rd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th

twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth

Scrivi i numeri in grassetto in lettere. Women’s world athletic records 1 100 metres 10.49 seconds ten point four nine 2 200 metres 21.34 seconds 3 400 metres 47.60 seconds 4 800 metres 1 minute 53.28 seconds 5 1,500 metres 3 minutes 50.07 seconds 6 High jump 2.09 metres 7 Pole vault 5.06 metres 8 Long jump 7.52 metres


100th 1,000th 1,000,000th

one hundredth one thousandth one millionth

I numeri ordinali sono sempre preceduti dall’articolo the, che deve essere espresso anche quando non è scritto. Elizabeth II si legge Elizabeth the second.


Completa i numeri ordinali con le lettere mancanti. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 9th 12th

fi r s t seco__ __ th__ __d f__ __ rth fi__ __h ni__ __h twel__ __h

8 20th twent__ __th 9 50th fif__ __eth 10 100th hundre__ __h

Completa le frasi con un numero ordinale. Usa i numeri cardinali nel riquadro come aiuto. 3 • 9 • 1000 • 2 • 19 • 50 • 8 • 44 1 Beethoven’s Ninth is ‘The Choral symphony’. 2 Autumn is the _____________ concerto in Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons. 3 Karol Wojtyla was Pope John Paul _____________. 4 Edward _____________ was King of the United Kingdom from January to December 1936.


5 Jane Austen was a writer in the _____________ century. 6 A centimetre is _____________ of a kilometre. 7 Couples celebrate their Golden Wedding on their _____________ anniversary of their marriage. 8 Barak Obama is the _____________ president of the United States.

Scrivi i numeri in grassetto in lettere. 1 The body temperature of a healthy person is 98.6 degrees in Fahrenheit and 37 degrees in Celsius. ninety-eight point six, thirty seven 2 Thanksgiving Day in the USA is on the 4th Thursday in November. 3 This year it is the 50th anniversary of Concorde’s maiden flight. 4 The speed of sound at 15 degrees Celsius is 761.2 miles per hour or 1,225 kilometres per hour. 5 Mount Everest in the Himalayas has a height of 8,848 metres or 29,029 feet. 6 The Shard is a very tall building in London. On the 69th floor you can get a 360 degree view of the city. 7 King Henry 8th had six wives. His 4th wife was Anne of Cleves. She was born on 22nd of September, 1515. 8 Roger Federer won his first Wimbledon tennis final in 2003. It was the 117th Wimbledon Championship.





In inglese l’ora si esprime con i numeri cardinali. Nella lingua parlata si usano i numeri da 1 a 12. Per distinguere le ore antimeridiane da quelle pomeridiane si usano le espressioni a.m. (ante meridiem) e p.m. (post meridiem) oppure le espressioni in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening e at night. The meeting is at 3 p.m./3 in the afternoon. La riunione è alle 3 del pomeriggio.

• In inglese per chiedere e dire l’ora si usa sempre la terza persona singolare, mentre in italiano è più comune l’uso del plurale.

• Quando si chiede o si dice l’ora, il soggetto it deve essere sempre espresso. ‘What time is it?/What’s the time?’ ‘It’s 4 o’clock.’ “Che ore sono?” “Sono le 4.”

• Per indicare l’ora piena si usa l’espressione o’clock, che può anche essere omessa. Sono le quattro.

It’s four (o’clock).

• Per indicare la mezz’ora si usa l’espressione half past seguita dall’ora oppure l’ora seguita dai minuti. It’s half past three./It’s three thirty.

• In inglese l’ora non è mai preceduta dall’articolo. Con o’clock, half, a quarter past/to non si usano le abbreviazioni a.m. e p.m.

Sono le tre e mezzo.

• Per indicare il quarto d’ora si usa l’espressione (a) quarter past seguita dall’ora oppure l’ora seguita dai minuti. It’s (a) quarter past seven./It’s seven fifteen. Sono le sette e un quarto.

In inglese americano si usa anche after al posto di past e of al posto di to.

• Per indicare il quarto d’ora che precede l’ora successiva si usa l’espressione (a) quarter to seguita dall’ora successiva oppure l’ora precedente seguita dai minuti. It’s (a) quarter to two./It’s one forty-five. Sono le due meno un quarto./È l’una e tre quarti.

• Per indicare i minuti dopo l’ora si usa l’espressione past. Sono le cinque e venti.

It’s twenty past five.

• Per indicare i minuti prima dell’ora successiva si usa l’espressione to. Sono le otto meno dieci.

It’s ten to eight.

• Quando i minuti non sono un multiplo di 5, si preferisce aggiungere la parola minutes prima di past/to. Sono le dieci e dodici (minuti).

It’s twelve minutes past ten.

• Per indicare un orario approssimativo si usano about o around. The dinner is (at) about eight. dopo AT

o da solo

La cena è circa alle 8.

• Si usano i numeri da 1 a 24 per indicare gli orari di mezzi di trasporto, programmi e annunci ufficiali. The train for London leaves at 17.25 (seventeen twenty-five).

Il treno per Londra parte alle 17.25.

• Per indicare l’ora piena nel formato 1-24 si possono usare le centinaia. le diciannove

19.00 (nineteen hundred hours)

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI midday/noon/twelve (noon) 12 p.m. midnight 12 a.m. a quarter of an hour an hour and a quarter two hours and a quarter half an hour an hour and a half two hours and a half/ two and a half hours


mezzogiorno mezzanotte un quarto d’ora un’ora e un quarto due ore e un quarto mezz’ora un’ora e mezzo due ore e mezzo

My watch says My watch is right/wrong My watch is (5 minutes) fast/slow by my watch

Il mio orologio segna/fa Il mio orologio va bene/male Il mio orologio va/è (5 minuti) avanti/indietro al mio orologio

The time





Osserva gli orologi e completa le frasi con to o past. 1

It’s twenty past one.


It’s ten _______ six.


It’s five _______ twelve.


It’s twenty-five _______ three.


It’s a quarter _______ eight.


It’s five _______ nine.


It’s twenty _______ five.


It’s a quarter _______ twelve.

Scrivi che ore sono. 1 5:30 It’s half past five. 2 7:11 ________________________ 3 9:04 ________________________

4 3:00 ________________________ 5 1:45 ________________________ 6 8:25 ________________________

7 12:18 _______________________ 8 1:59 ________________________ 9 5:15 ________________________

Osserva il tabellone delle partenze all’aeroporto di Heathrow e scrivi gli orari con le espressioni di tempo. What time do the flights leave Heathrow for these cities? DEPARTURES Destination


1 Paris


Gate number







New York



San Francisco









ten to ten in the morning

2 Rome 3 New York 4 San Francisco 5 Madrid 6 Dubai

Osserva la routine quotidiana di Bruno e completa le frasi con le ore e le espressioni di tempo.

1 At six o’clock in the morning Bruno’s in his cabin.

2 ____________________________________ _______________ he’s in the kitchen.

3 ____________________________________ ______ he’s in the captain’s cabin.

4 ____________________________________ __________________ he’s in the gym.

5 ____________________________________ __________ he’s in the dining room.

6 And he’s having a walk on the top deck ___________________________.



Prezzi, data e frazioni

25.1 Prezzi Scritto


50 p

fifty p./pence

cinquanta pence

50 c

fifty cents

cinquanta centesimi


two pounds fifty

due sterline e cinquanta


ten euros fifty

dieci euro e cinquanta


fifty dollars

cinquanta dollari

• Non si usa and tra pound/euro/dollar e pence/cents. These jeans are £30.50. (thirty pounds fifty)

Questi jeans costano £30,50. (30 sterline e 50)

• In inglese per dire il prezzo totale si usa la terza persona singolare. Sono £10,20.

It is £10.20.

Per esprimere le espressioni distributive come “al chilo” o “al litro” si usa l’articolo indeterminativo a/an. The apples are £1.75 a kilo.

Le mele costano £1.75 al chilo.

REMEMBER Per chiedere il prezzo si usa how much seguito dal verbo be. 7 Quanto costa questo cappello? Quanto costano quegli occhiali da sole?

How much is this hat? How much are those sunglasses?

25.2 Data Quando si riporta una data in inglese si usano i numeri cardinali per indicare i mesi e gli anni, e i numeri ordinali per indicare i giorni del mese. iniziale maiuscola nei mesi Per chiedere la data Scritto Orale si usano le espressioni What’s the date today?/ 30.09.20 – 30th September 2020 the thirtieth of September two thousand and twenty What date is it today?

09/30/20 – September 30th, 2020

September the thirtieth two thousand and twenty

Gli anni fra il 1000 e il 1999 si pronunciano a coppie; mentre per gli anni dopo il 2000 si usa la parola thousand seguita dalla congiunzione and. 1825 (eighteen twenty-five) MA 2008 (two thousand and eight)

Per indicare gli anni “avanti/dopo Cristo” si usano le espressioni BC (Before Christ) e AD (Anno Domini). Cesare morì nel 44 a.C.

Caesar died in 44 BC.

25.3 Frazioni Per esprimere le frazioni si usano i numeri cardinali al numeratore e i numeri ordinali al denominatore. 1 2

⁄3 a/one third ⁄3 two thirds

al plurale

un terzo due terzi

Le frazioni 1⁄2, 1⁄4, 3⁄4 fanno eccezione e si eprimono con half e quarter. 1

⁄2 ⁄2 1 ⁄4 5 ⁄4 3


a/one half three halves a/one quarter five quarters

un mezzo tre mezzi un quarto cinque quarti

Dal 2010 la lettura degli anni a coppie è diventata di uso comune. 2021 (twenty twenty-one)

Se la frazione si riferisce a quantità si usa il verbo al singolare, se si riferisce a persone o cose si usa il verbo al plurale. Three quarters of twelve tons is nine tons. A fourth of the students are from abroad. Half of the glasses are broken.


Prices, dates, fractions


Formula frasi come nell’esempio. 3 4 5 6

1 jeans / £60.99 The jeans are sixty pounds ninety-nine. 2 perfume / $50.55





Osserva il calendario e rispondi alle domande.

January February







’s N4ew Y5ears6 Day



2 1 March Part 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (D1avidy2 3 4 5 6 7 8 April ) 1 2 3 4 5 May 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 June Summer 1 2 7 8 July 3 4 5 6 holiday (Norman 1 2 3 4 7 8 August 5 6 family) End of September 1 sc2hool3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 October day 7 8 November 1 2 3 4 5 B6irth (Helen) December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1












































10 11 E9nglis h e9xam10 11




























tiva 25 23fes24





















Summer l














End o f ter 30 and 31m birth d ay 29 (Ela30 ine)






Birthday 14(Carolin 15 e) 16


















































































school 11 12 term




(James 16 17 ) 18


















































9 New 10 9



1 ‘When’s the Norman family’s summer holiday?’ ‘It’s on 5th August.’ 2 ‘Is Helen’s birthday in November?’ ‘Yes, it’s on _________________.’ 3 ‘When’s the end of the school year?’ ‘It’s _________________.’ 4 ‘Is David’s party on Christmas Eve?’ ‘No, it’s _________________.’ 5 ‘I want to go to the Summer Festival. What date is it this year?’ ‘It’s _________________.’ 6 I’ve got an English exam on _________________.


sunglasses / €14,40 candy / 50 c pencil / 90 p phone / €199,90

Osserva le immagini e formula domande e risposte.

1 ‘How much is 2 the T-shirt ?’ ‘It’s fourteen pounds.’


7 8 9 10

oranges / €2,20 book / £12.70 shoes / $80.99 bag / £17.30


Christm 25 26as 27 Eve



7 Joe’s birthday is the same date as New Year’s Day. It’s _________________. 8 ‘Is Caroline’s birthday the same date as your birthday, James?’ ‘No, hers is _________________.’ 9 ‘So, when’s your birthday?’ ‘It’s _________________.’ 10 ‘It’s the end of term on Friday and it’s Elaine’s birthday! What date is that?’ ‘It’s _________________.’ 11 ‘When’s the new school term this year?’ ‘It’s _________________.’ 12 ‘Which is your favourite day?’ ‘Christmas Eve! It’s _________________.’

Scrivi le frazioni in lettere. 1 Go straight on for 1 1⁄2 kilometres. one and a half 2 3⁄4 of the people in this café are tourists. 3 1⁄8 of teenagers help their parents with housework.

4 About 1⁄3 of the Earth’s land is desert. 5 This cake is delicious because 3⁄5 of it is chocolate! 6 2⁄3 of the farms here produce coffee.


21-25 Summative revision 1

Osserva alcune statistiche sugli studenti negli Stati Uniti. Scrivi i numeri in lettere. 1 85% of students think their teachers enjoy teaching. eighty-five per cent 2 ½ of the students own a dog. 3 of the students watch TV cooking shows.


4 ¼ of students like shopping online. 5 37% of students go clothes shopping more than three times a month. 6 50,000 students read a newspaper every day.

Completa il blog di un ragazzo di Hong Kong. Scrivi i numeri sottolineati in cifre.

Frederick’s blog Welcome to my blog. My name’s Frederick. I’m from the UK but I now live in Hong Kong. I love living here and want to tell you more about the place I call home. There are (1) 7.5 seven point five million people who live here but it has an area of only (2) _______ four hundred and twenty-seven square miles. In (3) _______ forty per cent of

the territory there are no buildings. There are country parks and nature reserves. (4) _______ Two thirds of Hongkongers say that hiking is their favourite hobby. It has got three areas: Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories that is close to the border with the People’s Republic of China. There are (5) _______ two hundred and sixty-two other islands. Many of them are small and people do not live on them.

It has got the world’s longest escalator to take people up the hills on Hong Kong Island. It is over (6) _______ half a mile long. On Lantau Island there is a famous Hong Kong landmark called the Big Buddha. It is over (7) _______ thirtyfour metres high. Hong Kong International Airport is also on Lantau. It is the size of (8) _______ twenty football fields. Hong Kong is sixth in the list of countries with the largest number of billionaires. There are (9) _______ sixty-seven residents who have more than (10) _______ one billion US dollars. There are over (11) _______ eight thousand very tall buildings or skyscrapers. The International Commerce Centre is over (12) _______ five hundred metres high. There is a swimming pool on the (13) _______ hundred and eighteenth floor! From May to September there are tropical storms or typhoons where the wind speed can be as high as (14) _______ a hundred and eighty kilometres per hour. The summer is hot and humid with an average daytime temperature of (15) _______ twenty-nine degrees Celsius. In November and December there is a dry season where the average rainfall is less than (16) _______ fifty millimetres per month.

In my next post I want to tell you all about the wonderful food and how and where you can eat dim sum!


Completa l’email di Lesley e Polly con le preposizioni di luogo (on, at, in) e di moto (to, from).

Hi Mum and Dad, We are now (1) at our host family’s home in Kingskerswell. It’s a small village (2) _____ the countryside but the house is (3) _____ a main road that goes (4) _____ Torquay where the language school is. We can get a number 12 bus (5) _____ here to the town centre and then it’s a five-minute walk (6) _____ the school. Our classroom is (7) _____ the top floor of the building. We can see the sea (8) _____ the windows. This evening we are going to a welcome party (9) _____ the students’ lounge where we can meet the teachers and students. Many of the new students come (10) _____ China and we want to find out what life is like (11) _____ their country. We hope all is well with you. Speak soon! Love Lesley and Polly


Summative revision



Osserva gli scontrini che ha Marianne e rispondi alle domande. Scrivi i numeri in lettere.

1 How much is the food? It’s seven pounds eighty.

2 What is the cost of Marianne’s bus ticket?

3 What is the address and post code of the Westminster Bank?

4 When is Marianne in the bag shop?

5 What is the phone number of the café?

6 How long is the zip wire ride?


Scegli l’opzione corretta. New Orleans is (1) in the state of Louisiana USA. The city is (2) _____ the Mississippi River. It’s famous for its food, jazz clubs and the festival of Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday. This is the day before Ash Wednesday (3) _____ the western Christian calendar where people choose to go without some food in the 40-day period leading up to Easter. The date of Mardi Gras is not fixed. It is not difficult to find out what it is. Here’s the way to do it. Easter is always (4) _____ the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring equinox (5) _____ 20th March. That is the day when the hours of light and darkness are exactly the same. So, the date of Easter can range from 23rd March to 25th April. Ash Wednesday is 46 days before Easter and Mardi Gras is the day before that. The people of New Orleans start preparing the celebrations on 6th January or (6) _____ Night. They plan the parades that take place (7) _____ the week before and of course (8) _____ the big day. The groups organising the parades are called krewes. The major parades start (9) _____ the Uptown district and go (10) _____ Charles Avenue (11) _____ Canal Street in the French Quarter of the city.

1 A on

B in

C at

2 A on

B at

C in

3 A at

B in

C on

4 A on

B in

C at

5 A at

B in

C on

6 A Twelves B Twelve C Twelfth 7 A in

B on

C at

8 A on

B at

C in

9 A at

B on

C in

10 A to

B from

C at

11 A at

B to

C on

12 A to

B from


Thousands of tourists visit New Orleans every year to watch the amazing sights. The streets are very crowded and there is a lot of noise. Visitors usually have a wonderful time and have an unforgettable experience. They go (12) _____ home feeling very happy.


Grammar for writing Writing an introductory informal email • • • •


Per scrivere un’email di presentazione: adotta un tono informale con formule appropriate di apertura e chiusura puoi utilizzare le forme contratte dei verbi e le abbreviazioni ricorda che il destinatario dell’email non ti conosce, quindi cerca di rendere il contenuto interessante dai più informazioni possibili, facendo anche delle domande per mostrare il tuo interesse

Leggi l’email che una studentessa californiana ha ricevuto. Poi rispondi alle domande.


Hi Saskia, My name is Ana. I’m from Mexico City. It’s a big and busy place! I’m 16 and I’m in grade 10 at high school. My favourite subjects are music and English. What are yours? I’ve got a little brother. His name’s Diego and he’s 13. I’ve also got a dog and its name’s Perro – that’s ‘dog’ in Spanish! Have you got any brothers or sisters or a pet? My favourite singer is Stormzy! He’s cool! What about you? Who is your favourite singer or band? Write soon! Ana Reply

1 Who is the letter from? The letter is from Ana. 2 Where is she from? 3 How old is she? 4 What are her favourite subjects?


5 Has she got any brothers or sisters? 6 Has she got any pets? 7 Who is her favourite singer? 8 What are her questions to Saskia?

Hi / Hello!


My name’s / I’m...

Family I’ve got... / Have you got...? Interests My favourite (subjects) are... / What are yours? / My favourite (singer/group) is... / Who is your favourite (singer/band)? Ending

Write soon! / Bye for now!

WRITING Immagina di essere Alex. Scrivi un’email di presentazione basandoti sulle informazioni date. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto. PROFILE School




Description It’s a big and busy/ small and quiet place. / He’s cool!

Completa l’email di Shaun con una parola in ogni spazio.

Hi Alex, My name is Shaun. I (2) ___________ from Vancouver in Canada. (1) (3) ___________’s a great city! I’m (4) ___________ student in grade 10 and I’m 15. (5) ___________ old are you? My favourite subjects (6) ___________ PE and IT. How about you? I’ve got a big family: twin sisters and a brother. (7) ___________ you got any brothers or sisters? My favourite sport (8) ___________ ice hockey. What’s yours? Bye for now, Shaun



Alex Jones

Age Location Favourite subjects Family Pet(s) Favourite artist

secondary school student, year 10 15 Bristol, UK History and Art big sister a cat Banksy

WRITING TIPS • • • • •

Utilizza formule di apertura appropriate. Adotta uno stile informale, sii conciso e cerca di rendere il contenuto interessante. Fai domande per mostrare il tuo interesse. Utilizza formule di chiusura appropriate. Rileggi l’email e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura.

Grammar for speaking Greeting and exchanging personal information 1

Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi abbina le domande alle risposte.


Alex Richard Alex Richard Zara Richard Alex Richard Alex Zara Richard Alex Zara Richard



Hi! How’s it going? Good, thanks. I’m Alex and this is Zara. Nice to meet you! My name’s Richard. Are you English? No, I’m from Glasgow. I’m Scottish. Hey, what’s Glasgow like? It’s big and busy and very cold in winter. Where are you guys from? We’re from Madrid. It’s big and busy and very hot in summer! Are you free for a coffee now? No, I’m not. I’ve got a class. OK, see you later. Nice talking to you! FUNCTIONS You too! Bye! Greetings Hi! / Hello! / Hey! 1 Are you English? a n Good, thanks. How’s it going? / How are you? / 2 Are you free for a coffee? b n It’s big and busy. Nice to meet you! 3 Hi! How’s it going? c n Nice to meet you! Introducing My name’s / I’m... 4 I’m Alex and this is Zara. d n Nice talking to you! yourself 1 No, I’m from Glasgow. 5 See you later. e n 6 What’s Glasgow like? f n No, I’ve got a class. Exchanging I’m Scottish. / I’m from Glasgow. / personal I’m 16. / This is... / His/Her name’s... 78 Completa il dialogo. Scrivi una parola in ogni information What’s your name? / Where are spazio. Poi ascolta e controlla. you from? / What’s Glasgow like? Richard Hi Zara, (1) how are you? Are you free? / No, I’m not, I’ve got a class. Zara Hey, Richard! I (2) __________ good and the class? Richard Not bad! Where (3) __________ Alex? Saying Nice talking to you! / You too! goodbye Zara Oh, he’s (4) __________ class now! Bye! / See you later! Richard (5) __________ you free for a coffee? Zara No, (6) __________ class is in five minutes! Richard OK, see (7) __________ later. Zara (8) __________!

ROLE PLAY Immagina di incontrare un nuovo amico, Jake. Ascolta, leggi e completa il dialogo seguendo la traccia. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. 79

Jake You Jake You Jake You Jake You



Hi, I’m Jake. How’s it going?


What’s your name?


Are you American?

Rispondi e chiedi da dove viene.

I’m from Manchester, in the north of London.

Chiedi com’è Manchester.

Jake You Jake You Jake You Jake You

It’s a really cool city! What about your hometown?

Di’ com’è la tua città.

Are you free for a coffee?

Rifiuta e spiega che hai lezione.

No worries! What’s your number? I’ll text you later.

Di’ il tuo numero di telefono.

See you later then.


Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple choice questions

1 Read the text about the simple rules of owning a smartphone, then choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Only one answer is correct.

Smartphone Rules Here are some simple rules about how to stay safe, happy and healthy on your smartphone.

Don’t let your smartphone own you – you own it!

The problem Today many people can’t live without their phones. They are in the ‘cyber world’ more than the real world. This isn’t a very healthy way to be. The answer Take a break! Put your phone down and do a fun activity outside with your friends or family. You can use your phone for important messages and to keep in touch, but it’s important to live in the here and now.

Stay safe!

The problem The information on your phone isn’t always

safe. People can change, use or steal things from your phone. The answer Keep your passwords secret and update your software often. Don’t trust disappearing photos and messages, as people can save them.

Set limits!

The problem You can’t stop yourself from checking the alerts and messages you have from your phone night and day. The answer For a good night’s sleep away from your phone, set it in night mode without blue lights and messages before bed. Don’t be tempted to look at it during the night – you can check in the morning.

Don’t follow the crowd!

The problem Your friends have all the new apps, games and filters on their phones, but you don’t. The answer It really doesn’t matter if you haven’t got the same things on your phone as your friends have. It is your phone and it is unique to your needs and interests.

Be kind!

The problem People aren’t always clever or kind online. They can do and say stupid things and they can feel sorry about it straight after. The answer Don’t do or say things online you don’t do or say in real life – be kind! They can stay with you for ever. If you get stupid comments or pictures on your phone from other people – block them or report them straight away!

1 It is a good idea to use your smartphone A n all the time. B n for important communication. C n when you are out and about. D n when you are with friends and family.

4 Your phone should have A n all the new apps, games and filters. B n the same things as other people your age. C n your friends’ needs and interests. D n your personal needs and interests.

2 It’s important to keep A n passwords private. B n people away from your phone. C n photos and messages on your phone. D n your phone in a secret place.

5 Which of these is a good rule? A n Don’t be kind to people online. B n Don’t do things online you don’t do in real life. C n Don’t try to be clever in your messages online. D n Don’t send photos from your phone.

3 You can’t sleep because of A n alarms on your phone. B n bad messages on your phone. C n blue lights on your phone. D n videos on your phone.

B1 Listening – Multiple matching 2

81 Listen to someone talking about vlogging. Select the correct answer (A-I) to match the questions (0-6). There are two extra answers. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6


Where is this new generation of celebrities? What is vlogging? Which different types of vlog are there? How many hours of YouTube video can people watch? How many channels have over 1 million subscribers? Why do people vlog? Who are some of the most successful vloggers?

A n Child vloggers. B n Four thousand. C n For different reasons. D n Gamers and make-up artists. E n In different languages around the world. F n One billion. 0 On YouTube. G n H n ‘Talking-head’ or ‘follow me around.’ I n Talking on film in front of a camera.


Il presente


Obiettivi • • • •

Present simple Verbo have ed espressioni idiomatiche Present continuous Verbi di stato



Leggi il tweet e sottolinea esempi di:


1 present simple _____________________________________ 2 present continuous _____________________________________



Trova esempi di: 1 routine e azioni abituali _____________________________________ 2 situazioni in evoluzione _____________________________________ 3 azioni in corso nel momento cui si parla _____________________________________


Abbina i verbi di stato alla categoria corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


be have love need see think

a b c d e f

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Hi, I’m Belinda. I usually live in London, but I’m writing from Cornwall. My grandparents have a house here. They love it because it’s pollution-free! I see the sea from my window every morning. My parents are moving here because we #needfreshair.

attività mentale gradimento modo d’essere percezione possesso volontà

Leggi la regola sui verbi di stato e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Di solito i verbi di stato ammettono/non ammettono la forma progressiva. Ma ci sono delle eccezioni, come il verbo think con il significato di considerare/pensare.


Il present simple: forma affermativa e uso


Forma affermativa I/You/We/They play in the garden. He/She/It plays in the garden.

La forma affermativa del present simple corrisponde alla forma base del verbo. Alla terza persona singolare si aggiunge -s alla forma base.


Variazione ortografica

-ch, -o, -s, -sh, -ss, -x, -z, -zz

si aggiunge -es

watch ➝ watches, go ➝ goes, kiss ➝ kisses, mix ➝ mixes

consonante + -y

la y cade e si aggiunge -ies

study ➝ studies, fly ➝ flies, apply ➝ applies

vocale + -y

si aggiunge -s

say ➝ says, play ➝ plays, buy ➝ buys


Osserva e ascolta.

Il suffisso -s/-es si pronuncia in modi diversi. • /s/ • /iz/ • /z/

dopo i suoni /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/, /θ/ dopo i suoni /s/, /z/, /ʒ/, /dʒ/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/, /ks/ dopo tutti gli altri suoni

coughs, looks, slaps, fights, breathes faces, buzzes, changes, nudges, abolishes, catches, fixes controls, plays, says

USO Il present simple si usa: • per affermazioni di carattere generale (fatti sempre veri, leggi della natura e fatti scientifici) Her mother speaks Spanish. The sun sets in the west.

Sua madre parla spagnolo. Il sole tramonta a ovest.

• per parlare di azioni abituali e routine, spesso con avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza 29 We always go to Spain on holiday.

Andiamo sempre in Spagna in vacanza.

• nei titoli di giornale e nelle cronache sportive The Prime Minister Resigns from His Office

Il primo ministro rassegna le dimissioni

• per raccontare barzellette e storie con funzione di presente narrativo The book is about a scientist who discovers a formula...

Il libro parla di uno scienziato che scopre una formula...

• per dare istruzioni al posto dell’imperativo First you wash the strawberries, then you cut them.

Prima lavi le fragole, poi le tagli.

• per descrivere procedure This button starts the computer.

Questo tasto avvia il computer.

• per parlare di orari e programmi prestabiliti The MTV Movie Awards air at 8.00 p.m. in the UK. Gli MTV Movie Awards vanno in onda alle 8 di sera nel Regno Unito.

In questo caso il present simple può essere reso in italiano anche con un futuro semplice. 87

• con i verbi di percezione (see, hear, smell), volontà (want, wish, prefer, need), sentimento (like, love, hate) e possesso (have got, belong, own) 34

Our train leaves at 10 a.m. Il nostro treno parte/partirà alle 10 di mattina.

Sara loves Mattia.


Sara ama Mattia. Mappa p. 426

Present simple: affirmative form and usage


Abbina le frasi agli usi corrispondenti del present simple. 1 2 3 4 5 6

I like fantasy films. They usually visit their grandparents on Sunday. The sun rises in the east. Arsenal Beats Liverpool in the Cup Final! The story is about a boy who finds a wallet. First you break the eggs into a bowl and then you whisk them with a fork. 7 This dial adjusts the temperature in the room. 8 The airport bus leaves the hotel at 6 a.m. tomorrow.



a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ e ■ f ■ g ■ 1 h ■

parlare di orari e programmi prestabiliti dare istruzioni al posto dell’imperativo affermazioni di carattere generale descrivere procedure azioni abituali e di routine titoli di giornale e cronache sportive raccontare storie con i verbi di percezione, volontà, sentimento e possesso

83 GRAMMAR SOUNDS Scrivi la terza persona singolare dei seguenti verbi, poi ascolta e scrivi /s/, /iz/ o /z/ in base alla pronuncia della -s finale.

plays /z/ 1 play 2 kiss ________ ______ 3 speak ________ ______


7 wash 8 start 9 do

4 study ________ ______ 5 buy ________ ______ 6 say ________ ______

________ ______ ________ ______ ________ ______

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4


Jane usually goes (go) to work by car. Mr and Mrs Smith ___________ (live) in a large house. Water ___________ (boil) at 100 degrees centigrade. The government ___________ (cut) the tax on petrol.

5 6 7 8

You ___________ (like) rock music. She ___________ (work) extremely hard. Betty ___________ (watch) television a lot. We ___________ (finish) our class early on Friday.

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. walk • go • eat • study • catch • cough • play 1 2 3 4


I study maths at university. The Robshaws only ___________ gluten-free pasta. Jane ___________ tennis every Saturday. My boss ___________ on holiday three times a year.

5 The patient ___________ a lot at night. 6 Dora always ___________ the bus at that stop on the corner. 7 You ___________ straight down this road.

Completa il testo con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. be 2(x3) • catch • chop • cook • eat • enjoy • leave • fry • go • learn • live • love • start • teach • work

Popular Cookery Teacher who Prefers Eating out! is Lola (1) from France and now (2) _______________ in Italy. She has a small flat near a beach and she (3) _______________ her life there. ‘I think it’s wonderful here!’ Lola (4) _______________ from Monday to Friday and (5) _______________ a bus at 07.30 every morning. She (6) _______________ cookery at a school. Her lesson (7) ______________ at 09.00. Lola’s students (8) _______________ cooking very much

and they always (9) _______________ a different dish in every lesson. It’s 09.30. Lola (10) ______________ with her students. ‘For this recipe, you (11) _______________ the onions and garlic, then (12) _______________ everything in olive oil. It (13) _______________ the correct temperature at 200ºC.’ Lola (14) _______________ school at the end of the afternoon and (15) _______________ home, but she

rarely (16) _______________ dinner. She usually (17) _______________ at a local restaurant with her friends after a day’s cooking at school!


Il present simple: forme negativa e interrogativa, risposte brevi



Le forme negativa, interrogativa e interrogativa-negativa del present simple si costruiscono con l’ausiliare do (does per la terza persona singolare) seguito dalla forma base del verbo. Nelle risposte brevi si usa solo l’ausiliare do/does.

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

I/You/We/They do not/don’t play in the garden.

Do I/you/we/they play in the garden?

He/She/It does not/doesn’t play in the garden.

Does he/she/it play in the garden?

Forma interrogativa-negativa Risposte brevi Don’t I/you/we/they play in the garden?

Yes, I/you/we/they do. / No, I/you/we/they don’t.

Doesn’t he/she/it play in the garden? Yes, he/she/it does. / No, he/she/it doesn’t. 84

‘Excuse me, do I go to your local market and steal all the snacks?’

Osserva e ascolta.

L’intonazione nelle yes/no questions è ascendente, mentre nelle risposte brevi è discendente. Do you like dogs? Doesn’t she study?


No, I don't. Yes, she does.

Oltre alla funzione di ausiliare, il verbo do ha un suo significato autonomo di “fare”.

verbo fare

Jim doesn’t do his homework on Sundays.

Jim non fa i compiti la domenica.

Do you do the shopping at the market?

Fai la spesa al mercato?


verbo fare

Mappa p. 426


Completa il testo con don’t o doesn’t. My new neighbours, Janet and Michael, are quite unusual. They (1) don’t own a television and they (2) _______ drive a car. They have two children, but they (3) _______ go to school. In their garden, there are no plants and the kids (4) _______ play outside. Janet (5) _______ eat fruit and vegetables, and Michael (6) _______ any meat. Their cat (7) _______ eat fish and it (8) _______ sleep in the house. Also, they (9) _______ invite people to visit them. They’re very weird. I (10) _______ like them very much!


Riscrivi le frasi alla forma negativa. 1 Our friends Harry and Emily speak English. Our friends Harry and Emily don’t speak English. 2 I visit my friend Sally in London on Saturdays. 3 Lisa stays in Paris in August. 4 Colin works in a large factory. 5 Matt and Alex eat fish and chips every day.


6 7 8 9

My parents want to live in another city. The train to Paris leaves from Victoria Station. Mia wants to visit the museum of modern art. The President of France lives in the Palace of Versailles. 10 The 10-euro note shows a picture of Marie Antoinette on it.

Present simple: negative and interrogative forms, short answers



Completa le domande del quiz, poi rispondi con risposte brevi. 1 2 3 4

Does the USA have more tornadoes than any other country? (✓) Yes, it does. _________ penguins live in the Arctic Circle? (✗) _________ whales sing to each other? (✓) _________ the gas helium float in the air? (✓)


5 _________ light from the Earth take 1.2 minutes to reach the moon? (✗) 6 _________ scientists measure an electric current in volts? (✗) 7 _________ red and blue make purple? (✓) 8 _________ water cover around 85% of the Earth’s surface? (✗)

Formula frasi con la forma negativa o interrogativa basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 2 3 4

dogs / eat / grass (?) Do dogs eat grass? dolphins / enjoy / swimming / in groups (?) gorillas / eat / meat (✗) cats / live / for more than 20 years (✗)


5 6 7 8

sharks / make / sounds (✗) a frog / drink / water (✗) a male giraffe / weigh / 1400 kilograms (?) elephants / live / in Africa and Asia (?)

Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma interrogativa-negativa dei verbi nel riquadro. want • like • go • know • close • speak 1 ‘Why don’t you go to that new Brazilian restaurant?’ ‘I’m vegetarian. I don’t eat meat.’ 2 ‘I don’t want to see Pet Sematary at the cinema.’ ‘Why? _____________ horror films?’ 3 ‘Lee can’t understand the characters on these instructions.’ ‘Why? _____________ Chinese?’ 4 ‘Why doesn’t your girlfriend want to play Monopoly? _____________ the rules?’


5 ‘We can go to Harrods after work. I love that department store.’ ‘_________ it __________ at 5.30 p.m.?’ ‘It’s open to 10 p.m. On Thursdays there’s latenight shopping.’ 6 Why _________ (your boyfriend) _________ to come to the cinema?

Completa l’intervista televisiva con il cantante JJS con la forma negativa, interrogativa o interrogativa-negativa dei verbi nel riquadro. stream • listen • come • like • cook • play (x 2) • own • spend • take • go • rain (x 2) • eat Louise JJS Louise JJS Louise JJS Louise

JJS Louise JJS Louise JJS Louise JJS Louise

It’s a great pleasure to have one of our favourite Eurovision singers in the studio. Welcome JJS. Thank you. It’s good to be here. (1) Do you come (you) to London very often? No, I don’t. This is my first visit. I love it here. Is there anything about London you don’t like? Only the weather. It’s cold and windy today. (2) _______________ (it) here every day? No, it (3) _______________ every day! We have some questions for you from our viewers. Orla in Oxford wants to know: (4) _______________ (you) a lot of exercise? She (5) _______________ exercise and she (6) _______________ any sport. Well, (7) I _______________ to the gym and I (8) _______________ any sport but I (9) _______________ a car so I walk everywhere! Here’s a question from Etta in Eastbourne: What’s your favourite food? Well, Etta. I’m vegan, so I (10) _______________ anything from an animal but I love fresh fruit and vegetables. Another question on the same theme from Delia: (11) _______________ (you) a lot of time in the kitchen? No, I (12) _______________ food at all. I only eat in restaurants. Lucky you! One final question. What music (13) _______________ (you) on your phone? I (14) _______________ to electronic music but I have a lot of jazz, hip hop and indie bands on my phone. Thanks for your time. Let’s play you out with music from Of Monsters and Men, an indie band from Iceland!



Gli interrogativi (2)

Nelle domande gli interrogativi 6

precedono l’ausiliare do/does.


Osserva e ascolta.

‘Who do you love?’ ‘I love Marianna.’

“Chi ami?” “Amo Marianna.”

‘What doesn’t your father like?’ ‘He doesn’t like queuing.’

“Cosa non piace a tuo padre?” “Non gli piace stare in coda.”

‘Where does he live?’ ‘He lives in Bologna.’

“Dove abita?” “Abita a Bologna.”

‘When do you usually go on holiday?’ ‘I usually go on holiday in August.’

“Quando vai in vacanza di solito?” “Di solito vado in vacanza ad agosto.”

‘How often do you go to the theatre?’ ‘I go to the theatre once a month.’

“Ogni quanto vai a teatro?” “Vado a teatro una volta al mese.”

‘Which of these bags do you like?’ ‘I like that one.’

“Quale di queste borse ti piace?” “Mi piace quella.”

‘Whose dress do you like best, Susan’s or Jill’s?’ ‘Jill’s.’

“Il vestito di chi ti piace di più, di Susan o di Jill?” “Di Jill.”

‘Why don’t you eat meat?’ ‘Because I’m a vegetarian.’

“Perché non mangi carne?” “Perché sono vegetariana.”

L’intonazione nelle wh- questions è discendente. Where do you go? What time is it?

Quando gli interrogativi who, what, which e whose hanno funzione di soggetto non si usano gli ausiliari do/does e si mette il verbo alla terza persona singolare 115 . Who speaks English? What happens if you push this button? There are two extra pages. Which goes first?

Chi parla inglese? Cosa succede se premi questo tasto? Ci sono due pagine extra. Quale va prima?

REMEMBER Se l’interrogativo è accompagnato da una preposizione, questa va in fondo alla frase. ‘Where does she come from?’ ‘Who do you usually play tennis with?’

“Da dove viene?” “Con chi giochi a tennis di solito?” Mappa p. 426


Completa il dialogo con gli interrogativi nel riquadro. when • how often • why • who • which • what I play tennis a lot. (1) How often do you play? I play every day. (2) _______________ do you play so often? I’m preparing for the school tennis tournament. (3) _______________ do you do to get ready for the matches? I work with my coach. I have to improve my serve. (4) _______________ does the tournament start? In two weeks’ time. (5) _______________ hand do you play tennis with? My left hand. And you? I’m right-handed like my hero, Roger Federer. (6) _______________ do you like? Serena I really like Simona Halep. She has got a brilliant serve! Andy Serena Andy Serena Andy Serena Andy Serena Andy Serena Andy


Wh- question words (2)



Leggi le domande su un film di fantascienza e decidi se gli interrogativi hanno funzione di soggetto (S) o oggetto (O). 1 2 3 4


Who transports the aliens to planet Earth? S Who do they meet when they land on Earth? Which organisation do the aliens join? Whose house do they choose to live in?

5 6 7 8

Which alien makes friends with a family? Who falls in love with an alien? What do the aliens do to get back to their planet? What happens when they land on their planet?

Completa il dialogo con gli interrogativi corretti e le parole tra parentesi. Anita Georgia Anita Georgia Anita Georgia Anita Georgia Anita Georgia Anita Georgia Anita Georgia Anita Georgia Anita Georgia Anita


Good morning. We are interviewing many people today. (1) Who are you (be)? I’m Georgia. (2) _______________________________________ (come from)? I come from Poland. (3) _______________________________________ ( job / want to do) in the art gallery? I want to be a guide. (4) _______________________________________ (want to be) an art gallery guide? I love art and I like talking to people about it. (5) _______________________________________ (can work) at the weekend? I can work every weekend. (6) _______________________________________ (paintings / be) in this gallery? There are a lot of paintings by Pre-Raphaelite artists like Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Holman Hunt. (7) _______________________________________ (artists / like)? My favourite artist is Andy Warhol. I love pop art. (8) _______________________________________ (want to start) working in our gallery? I want to start as soon as possible. (9) _______________________________________ (number / want) me to call you on? Please call me on my mobile number: 76438211. Thank you for coming in to see me.

Leggi l’intervista a una stilista di moda e completala con le domande appropriate. Gerry Paula Gerry Paula Gerry Paula Gerry Paula Gerry Paula Gerry Paula


Where do you work? (1) I work in a very large office in central London. (2) I start work at six o’clock in the morning. (3) I wear my own designs. I like to look smart. (4) A lot of people work for me! I have a staff of two hundred. (5) Because I like designing clothes for different people. (6) I never go on holiday!

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

A chi piace la pizza vegana? Che cosa fa tua zia? Ogni quanto vai in palestra? Cosa succede alla fine della trilogia di Star Wars? Quale attore impersona (play) Doctor Strange?

6 7 8 9 10

Quale di queste sciarpe ti piace di più? “Con chi vive Tom?” “Vive con suo fratello.” Dove pranzi (have lunch)? Perché vuoi studiare ingegneria? Ai figli di chi insegna tua madre?



Gli avverbi e le espressioni di frequenza

29.1 Avverbi di frequenza Gli avverbi di frequenza indicano la frequenza con cui accade un’azione.



Never e hardly ever sono avverbi di negazione: a differenza dell’italiano si usano con il verbo alla forma affermativa.




di solito






qualche volta


ogni tanto



hardly ever

quasi mai



She never listens to me! He hardly ever reads the newspaper.

Non mi ascolta mai! Non legge quasi mai il giornale.

L’avverbio ever non ha valore negativo e si usa solitamente in frasi interrogative o nelle frasi con if. Do you ever go to school on foot? Vai mai a scuola a piedi? If you’re ever in Rome, give me a call. Se mai capitassi a Roma, chiamami.


Gli avverbi di frequenza precedono il verbo che indica l’azione ma seguono il verbo be, gli ausiliari e i modali. I often go to bed late, but I’m always the first to get up. I don’t usually sleep more than five hours.

Vado spesso a letto tardi, ma sono sempre la prima ad alzarmi. Di solito non dormo più di cinque ore.

Gli avverbi di frequenza usually, occasionally, generally, normally e sometimes possono essere collocati anche all’inizio o alla fine della frase. Occasionally they go to a concert.

Ogni tanto vanno a un concerto.

29.2 Espressioni di frequenza e di tempo Per indicare la frequenza con cui avviene un’azione si possono usare anche le seguenti espressioni di frequenza, poste solitamente alla fine della frase. every day/week/month/winter once a day/week/month/year twice a day/week/month/year three/four… times a day/week/month/year Luigi goes running twice a week.

ogni giorno/settimana/mese/inverno una volta al giorno/alla settimana/al mese/all’anno due volte al giorno/alla settimana/al mese/all’anno tre/quattro… volte al giorno/alla settimana/al mese/all’anno Luigi va a correre due volte alla settimana.

Per indicare invece il momento in cui avviene solitamente un’azione si possono usare le seguenti espressioni di tempo, poste all’inizio o alla fine della frase. in the morning/afternoon/evening at night on Mondays/Tuesdays…/weekdays We get up at 7 o’clock on weekdays.

la mattina/il pomeriggio/la sera di notte il lunedì/martedì…/i giorni feriali Nei giorni feriali ci alziamo alle sette.

Per fare domande sulla frequenza si usa How often...?; per fare domande su quando avviene l’azione When...? ‘How often do you play tennis?’ ‘I play tennis twice a week.’

“Quante volte giochi a tennis?” “Gioco a tennis due volte alla settimana.”

‘When do you play tennis?’ ‘I play tennis on Mondays and Fridays.’

“Quando giochi a tennis?” “Gioco a tennis il lunedì e il venerdì.”


Mappa p. 426

Frequency adverbs and expressions



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Helen is a film-maker in Brighton. She works in a studio with two friends. She is (1) never/usually in the studio, but she (2) always/sometimes works from home. She and her friends live in a flat near the beach. They (3) never/often have time to relax at the beach during the week because they’re (4) always/rarely at work. There’s a café next to the studio called Latina, so they (5) usually/hardly ever have a coffee and some breakfast there before work. Helen (6) always/hardly ever goes to Spanish lessons on Thursdays. Latina is a Spanish café, so Helen (7) rarely/always practises her Spanish with Adelia, the café owner. Helen and her friends (8) often/never have dinner at home because they like cooking, but they (9) sometimes/never have dinner at their local café because it isn’t expensive and the food is excellent.


Riordina le lettere per formare sostantivi, poi abbinali alle frasi appropriate inserendo nella posizione corretta gli avverbi di frequenza nel riquadro. always • never • sometimes • often • rarely • usually 1 2 3 4 5 6


aaeeginrstV Eghilns aceehrst denSsttu Cefhs aeFmrrs aiTx deirrsv

Vegetarians _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________

a ■ help their students with new vocabulary and grammar. b ■ are in the kitchen all day. c ■ are in an office. d ■ drive long distances. e ■ have a weekend and holiday job. never 1 eat meat or fish. f ■

Completa le domande di Jane con i verbi nel riquadro. Poi rispondi basandoti sulle informazioni date. phone • play • go • sleep • buy • cook Harry, do you ever... 1 go on holiday with friends? Yes / go / every / summer Yes, I go on holiday with friends every summer. 2 __________ dinner for your family? Yes / sometimes / on / Saturdays 3 __________ clothes online? No / never 4 __________ football for a local team? Yes / twice / week 5 __________ at your friends’ house? Yes / occasionally / at / weekends 6 __________ your friends after dinner? Yes / often / evening


Completa le domande con i verbi nel riquadro. Poi rispondi in modo personale. speak • buy • sleep • cook • download • go • phone • catch • play • ride How often do you… ? 1 go to the park? I never/sometimes go to the park. / I go to the park on Sunday afternoons. 2 ________________ a bike to school? 3 ________________ music or films? 4 ________________ new shoes online?

5 6 7 8 9 10

________________ another language? ________________ a train on weekdays? ________________ on the sofa? ________________ dinner for your parents? ________________ video games? ________________ your grandmother?


Il verbo have e le espressioni idiomatiche

30 30.1 have FORMA

Diversamente da have got che ha una declinazione propria 8 , il present simple del verbo have necessita dell’ausiliare do/does per costruire le forme negativa, interrogativa e le risposte brevi.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

I/You/We/They have dark hair.

I/You/We/They do not have/don’t have dark hair.

He/She/It has dark hair.

He/She/It does not have/doesn’t have dark hair.

Forma interrogativa Forma Risposte brevi interrogativa-negativa Do I/you/we/they have dark hair?

Don’t I/you/we/they have dark hair?

Yes, I/you/we/they do. / No, I/you/we/they don’t.

Does he/she/it have dark hair?

Doesn’t he/she/it have dark hair?

Yes, he/she/it does. / No, he/she/it doesn’t.

Il verbo have non ha la forma contratta alla forma affermativa. John has two sisters. NON John's two sisters. They have a new car. NON They’ve a new car.

La forma con have got è comune nell’inglese britannico; nell’inglese americano si preferisce usare have con l’ausiliare do/does.

USO Si può usare sia have got che have per: • esprimere possesso Sue ha un vestito blu?

Has Sue got/Does Sue have a blue dress?

• parlare di parentele e legami Non ho un ragazzo.

I haven’t got/don’t have a boyfriend.

• descrivere l’aspetto fisico I gemelli hanno gli occhi marroni.

The twins have got/have brown eyes.

• parlare di malattie e disturbi fisici Lea ha una brutta tosse.

Lea has got/has a terrible cough.

30.2 Espressioni idiomatiche con have Il verbo have assume un significato diverso da “avere” e “possedere” nelle seguenti espressioni: have breakfast/lunch have dinner/supper have a snack have a drink have a shower/a bath* have a break* have a nap* have a rest* have a dream

fare colazione/pranzare cenare fare uno spuntino bere qualcosa fare la doccia/il bagno fare una pausa fare un sonnellino riposarsi fare un sogno

have a walk* have a swim* have fun have a good/bad time have a party have a holiday have a drive have a ride on a horse/ bicycle/scooter

fare una passeggiata fare una nuotata divertirsi divertirsi/non divertirsi fare/dare una festa fare una vacanza fare un giro in auto andare a cavallo/in bicicletta/ sullo scooter

Nelle espressioni con l’asterisco (*) in inglese americano si può usare take al posto di have. My mother always takes a nap after lunch.


Mia madre fa sempre un sonnellino dopo pranzo.

The verb have and idiomatic expressions


Formula frasi alla forma negativa usando i pronomi personali soggetto e le parole tra parentesi. 1 My husband and I have lunch at home. (in a restaurant) We don’t have lunch in a restaurant. 2 James has a coffee on the train to work. (a snack) 3 Caroline has a shower in the morning. (bath) 4 Harry and Lily have a holiday in the summer. (autumn) 5 You have long blonde hair. (brown)



Formula domande con have basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 you / a long walk / at the weekend Do you have a long walk at the weekend? 2 your sister / a swim / at lunchtime 3 your children / a rest / in the afternoon 4 you / a good time / at your friend’s house 5 Mary / fun / at parties 6 the students / a packed lunch / at your school 7 this art gallery / paintings / by famous artists 8 you / a break / from your computer / in the afternoon

Completa i mini-dialoghi con do, does, has, have, don’t have o doesn’t have. 1 A B A B

do What colour eyes (1) Orla and Amelia have ? They both (2) _____________ beautiful blue eyes. (3) _____________ they both _____________ blonde hair? Yes, they (4) _____________. Orla (5) _____________ long hair but Amelia (6) _____________ long hair. She (7) _____________ short hair.

2 A B A B

Excuse me, (8) _____________ you _____________ these shoes in size 39 in blue? Sorry, I (9) _____________ them in blue but I (10) _____________ them in green. (11) _____________ you _____________ them in my size in blue? I’m very surprised! No, sorry, I (12) _____________. I (13) _____________ them in size 38 and 40.

3 A B A B

I (14) _____________ a bad cold, Mum. I can’t go to school. (15) _____________ you _____________ a high temperature? Let’s check. I (16) _____________ a thermometer here. Well, I (17) _____________ a high temperature but I (18) _____________ a red nose. Yes – and you and your friends (19) _____________ an English exam today! Go to school!

Collega le tre parti delle frasi. 1 Helen’s sixteen on Saturday. Let’s 2 My dog, Teddy, is thirsty in this warm weather. He wants to 3 The children want to go to the beach and 4 I don’t want to cook this evening. I want to 5 Every year we go to a nice hotel and 6 After their football training, the players 7 My Aunty Doreen switches off her phone after lunch so she can 8 People go to the countryside in sunny weather to




have a bike


have a birthday

in a restaurant.

have a cool

in the sea.

have dinner


have a drink


have an hour's


have a swim


have a summer

of water.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Ci divertiamo sempre in vacanza. 2 Di solito al bar prendo un panino e un caffè per pranzo. 3 Sei stanca, Lily. Fai una pausa dal computer. 4 A volte la domenica Mr e Mrs Norman fanno un giro in auto in campagna.

5 Hai compiti di matematica stasera, Harry? 6 A che ora vuoi cenare? 7 Mia madre fa sempre un sonnellino il sabato pomeriggio. 8 Che bella giornata! Facciamo una passeggiata!


26-30 Summative revision 1

86 GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta il quiz Are you smart? e completa le domande e le risposte delle due squadre.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




Does water boil (water) at 100 degrees Celsius? ______________________ (spiders) four legs? ______________________ (planet Venus) rings? ______________________ (astronomers) Pluto a dwarf planet? ______________________ (oil and water), under normal conditions? ______________________ (hydrogen) an atomic number of 1? ______________________ (natural gas) a smell? ______________________ (gorillas) other animals? ______________________ (tigers)?

Yes, it does. __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Back in Time è un podcast dove si torna indietro nel tempo e si immagina di parlare con un personaggio famoso del passato. Questa settimana Max parlerà con Francis Scott Fitzgerald. Formula domande con gli interrogativi e le informazioni date. Max

Thank you for talking to me. You have an unusual name. (1) What do I call you? (I / call you)


Please call me Scott.


(2) ______________________________________________ (you / live), Scott?


I’m from the United States of America but now I live in Paris.


(3) ______________________________________________ (you / go back home)?


I usually try to get back three times a year to see my family and friends.


(4) ______________________________________________ (you / do)?


I’m a writer.


(5) ______________________________________________ (sort of books / you / write)?


I write novels.


(6) ______________________________________________ (the title of your latest book / be)?


I want to call it Trimalchio in the West Egg but my publisher doesn’t like it.


(7) ______________________________________________ (you / want to use) the name Trimalchio?


That’s a good question. Trimalchio is a character in the Satyricon by Petronius. He is a former slave who becomes wealthy but not in a good way. There are similar themes in my novel.


(8) ______________________________________________ (your publisher / want to call) the book?


The Great Gatsby. The name of the main character is Jay Gatsby.


(9) ______________________________________________ (you / like to read)?


I love poetry and I read John Keats a lot.


(10) _____________________________________________ (you / like) John Keats?


Because he is a romantic and writes beautifully.


That’s an excellent way to end our conversation. Thank you so much.

Summative revision


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Alice is vegetarian, so she doesn’t eat meat or fish. (eat) Let’s go for a swim! The sea __________________ lovely and warm today. (be) I always __________________ my homework after school before dinner. (do) My grandparents __________________ in a big house. Their house is quite small. (live) Harry and Lily both __________________ to the same school. (go) Mrs Norman __________________ to work because her office is near home. (drive) The Wi-Fi __________________ very good here. I can’t get a signal. (be) We __________________ weekends with our cousins because we always have a good time. (enjoy)

Roy si trova al Sea Life London Aquarium. Completa la sua conversazione telefonica con Carla. Carla Hey Roy. Where are you now? Roy

I’m in the amazing Sea Life Centre. Come and join me. Carla (1) How do I get there? I’m at Victoria Station. Roy

It’s easy. Take the Underground to Embankment and then walk across the bridge. It’s next to the London Eye and Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament are on the other side of the river.

Carla (2) ____________________ the trains go from Victoria to Embankment? Roy

Every two minutes, at this time of day.

Carla OK. (3) ____________________ cost to get in? Roy

It’s £40. I know it’s a bit expensive but I promise you it’s worth the money and part of the money is for conservation.

Carla (4) ____________________ want me to see? Roy

The penguins feeding time.

Carla (5) ____________________ that start? Roy

It’s at 2.30. I really want you to see that. You have plenty of time to get here. It’s only one o’clock now. There’s also the Rainforest Adventure with lots of creepy-crawly insects and snakes.

Carla (6) ____________________ close? Roy

At six o’clock. There’s so much to see.

Carla Okay. I’m on my way!


Scrivi frasi vere su di te usando le parole date e gli avverbi di frequenza nel riquadro. never • rarely • occasionally • sometimes • often • usually • always • hardly ever 1 2 3 4


5 breakfast on Sunday 6 dinner on Monday 7 swim in April 8 rest in the afternoon I occasionally have breakfast at my grandmother’s

birthday party dream about the sea holiday in February a good time house on Sunday.

Rispondi alle domande in modo personale. How often do you... 6 1 have English lessons? 7 2 go to the gym? 8 3 check messages on your phone? 9 4 stream music? 10 5 visit relatives? I usually have English lessons three times a week.

go to the cinema? have a holiday? brush your teeth? do homework? drink tea?


La forma in -ing e i verbi di gradimento (1)


31.1 Forma in -ing FORMA La forma in -ing si ottiene aggiungendo -ing alla forma base del verbo che indica l’azione. work ➝ working

sleep ➝ sleeping

go ➝ going

eat ➝ eating

play ➝ playing

La forma negativa si ottiene mettendo not prima del verbo alla forma in -ing. not working

not sleeping

not going

not eating

not playing



terminanti in -e

la e cade

like ➝ liking, make ➝ making, take ➝ taking MA: be ➝ being

monosillabici terminanti con una si raddoppia la consonante sola consonante preceduta da una finale sola vocale

set ➝ setting, stop ➝ stopping, swim ➝ swimming MA i verbi terminanti in -j, -w e -x: bow ➝ bowing, mix ➝ mixing

bisillabici terminanti con una sola si raddoppia la consonante consonante preceduta da una sola finale se l’accento è sull’ultima vocale sillaba

begin ➝ beginning, prefer ➝ preferring, refer ➝ referring MA: offer ➝ offering, suffer ➝ suffering

terminanti in -l preceduta da una sola vocale

si raddoppia la l

cancel ➝ cancelling, travel ➝ travelling MA ANCHE: dial ➝ dialling, fuel ➝ fuelling

terminanti in -ie

si cambia la ie in -y

lie ➝ lying, die ➝ dying

terminanti in -c

si aggiunge -k

traffic ➝ trafficking , panic ➝ panicking


In italiano questi tre esempi corrispondono rispettivamente all’infinito sostantivato con funzione di soggetto o complemento, al participio presente con funzione di aggettivo e al gerundio. 108

La forma in -ing può avere funzione di sostantivo, aggettivo o verbo. Not eating sweets is good for your teeth. An increasing number of students leaves school. Looking at the sea, she remembered the day…

31.2 Verbi di gradimento

Non mangiare dolci fa bene ai denti. Un numero crescente di studenti abbandona la scuola. Guardando il mare, si ricordò del giorno... VIDEO

Per indicare gusti e preferenze si usano i seguenti verbi di gradimento, seguiti solitamente da un sostantivo o da un verbo alla forma in -ing.









love amare, adorare

enjoy piacere, apprezzare

like piacere

prefer preferire

don’t mind non dispiacere

dislike non piacere, non gradire

can’t stand non sopportare

hate/detest odiare, detestare

She hates maths. I love dancing in the dark.


Odia la matematica. Adoro ballare al buio. Mappa p. 427

-ing form and verbs of preference (1)



Trasforma i verbi nel riquadro alla forma in -ing e inseriscili nella colonna corretta. phone • chat • live • write • go • switch • send • run • bite • forget • walk • transfer

sleep ➝ sleeping

make ➝ making

phoning ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________


get ➝ getting ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi scrivi se hanno funzione di soggetto (S), aggettivo (A) o verbo (V). park • garden • wait • speak • excite • play 1 Gardening is a popular hobby in Britain. S 2 Who is that boy ________________ to Matilda? 3 ________________ video games is very relaxing for some people.


4 I spend a lot of time ________________ for buses! 5 There aren’t many ________________ spaces in the city centre so don’t take the car! 6 That was a very ________________ football match.

Completa le frasi con i verbi di gradimento e la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro. read • shop • go • listen • watch • meet 1 2 3 4 5 6


enjoy meeting I friends at the park. It is my favourite weekend activity. ss I __________________________ to music with headphones. It is very relaxing. s I __________________________ really difficult school books. It is very boring. ff I __________________________ online because I don’t have time to go to town. n I __________________________ horror films. They are frightening! fff I __________________________ on holiday with my family in the summer. It is wonderful! sss

Completa le frasi basandoti sulle informazioni date. Poi scrivi il nome delle persone nella posizione corretta della scala di gradimento. Helen Lucy Amy Rosie Sam James Caroline Orla




I / not like / eat / apple pie (1) I don’t like eating apple pie because I don’t like cooked fruit. I / not stand / meet / rude people (2) __________________________, like that woman on TV this evening. I / love / take / my dog, Oscar, / for a walk (3) ___________________________. He’s gorgeous. I / not mind / play / that type of music (4) __________________________ – it’s OK, but it isn’t my favourite. I / absolutely / hate / listen to (5) __________________________ all types of classical music. I / like / use / this camera (6) ___________________________, but it’s quite expensive. I / enjoy / work / in London / and have / free time (7) _________________________________________________. I / prefer / cook / healthy food (8) ___________________________ to buying fast food.















WRITING Ti sei iscritto al sito web Pen Friend per migliorare il tuo inglese. Scrivi una breve email e racconta le tue preferenze. Usa le espressioni nel riquadro e i verbi di gradimento. go out with friends • play tennis/football • go swimming/horse riding • watch films • cook play online games • go to concerts/festivals • learn new languages • travel • shopping online I enjoy learning English at school.



Il present continuous


FORMA Il present continuous si costruisce con il verbo be seguito dalla forma in -ing 31

del verbo che indica l’azione.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

I am/’m playing.

I am not/’m not playing.

Am I playing?

He/She/It is/’s playing.

He/She/It is not/isn’t playing.

Is he/she/it playing?

You/We/They are/’re playing.

You/We/They are not/aren’t playing.

Are you/we/they playing?

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

Aren’t I playing?

Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

Isn’t he/she/it playing?

Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/it isn’t.

Aren’t you/we/they playing?

Yes, you/we/they are. / No, you/we/they aren’t.

USO Il present continuous è una forma progressiva che si usa generalmente con i verbi d’azione per:

‘Excuse me, are you kidding me?

• descrivere azioni che si stanno svolgendo nel momento in cui si parla Now Mum is writing an email.

• descrivere situazioni temporanee o ripetute che si svolgono nel periodo in cui si parla, anche se non esattamente nel momento in cui si parla She’s learning German at the moment. Sta studiando tedesco in questo periodo.

Ora la mamma sta scrivendo una mail.

In questi casi, il present continuous è spesso accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come now, at the moment, at present, these days, this week/year, ecc.

I’m travelling a lot this period. Sto viaggiando molto in questo periodo.

• descrivere situazioni in evoluzione The weather is turning bad. Il tempo sta diventando brutto.

• descrivere illustrazioni e fotografie In this picture I’m playing the drums. In questa foto sto suonando la batteria.

Il present continuous si può rendere in italiano con il verbo “stare” seguito dal gerundio oppure con il presente del verbo che indica l’azione. She’s speaking on the phone.

Sta parlando/Parla al telefono.

ENGLISH USAGE • Si usa il present continuous con always per esprimere un’azione ripetuta, specialmente se irritante. Chiara is always complaining about her job.

Chiara non fa che lamentarsi del suo lavoro.

• Si usano How is it going? e How are you getting on/doing? per chiedere a qualcuno come sta con riferimento a un momento specifico, specialmente dopo un evento negativo. 'How are you getting on?' 'Not too bad, thanks.'


"Come te la passi?" "Non male, grazie." Mappa p. 427

Present continuous


Osserva le immagini, sottolinea l’alternativa corretta e completa le frasi.

2 The baby (smile/ 1 The little girl is cry) _________ (stand/sit) standing on a box. ____________.


3 People (walk/run) 4 The girl (listen to/ 5 She (make/ take) _________ hear) _________ ________ ___________ ____________ a selfie. _____________ music. in the street.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 5 The birds in our garden are singing/singing a lovely song! 6 Which film you are/are you downloading? 7 Aren't we/We aren’t going in the right direction for the tennis courts. 8 I’m not/I not enjoying this coffee. It’s cold.

1 James not is/isn’t working today because he’s on holiday. 2 The people at the stadium is/are watching an important match. 3 Is Lucy/Lucy is writing a new book? 4 I’ve got a lot of homework, so I’m not watching/I’m watching not television.


Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa o negativa del present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



We are staying (stay) in San Francisco for the summer. Gemma ________________ (work) as a computer programmer at the moment. I ________________ (get) ready for Etta’s party. Helen ________________ (not / film) at the studio this month. The students ________________ (not / go) on a school trip today. Bruno ________________ (cook) a special birthday dinner for Penny. Amy ________________ (not / drive) to work this week. Sophie ________________ (play) football for the local team.

Che cosa stanno facendo ora i ragazzi in questi paesi? Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro e le informazioni date. sleep • study • leave • watch • go • have


1 In Italy, it’s now seven o’clock in the morning. They’re leaving home to go to school.




in the afternoon. at school.

in the morning.

in the afternoon. in bed.

home from school.




6 in the afternoon.

in the evening. lunch.





32 5

Completa le frasi con il present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi abbina le due parti delle frasi. eat • (not) enjoy • (not) feel • laugh • practise • study • wear • work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Present continuous

I am laughing Tom ____________ well today, We ____________ T-shirts Rosie ____________ a sandwich Those musicians ____________ I ____________ this film, Helen ____________ Spanish, We ____________ hard

1 because this is a very funny book. a ■ b ■ and drinking fresh orange juice. c ■ so he’s staying at home. d ■ and getting good exam results. e ■ because it’s very hot today. f ■ so I’m switching off the TV. g ■ for a big concert. h ■ so she can travel around Spain.

Formula domande e risposte al present continuous basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 ‘what / you / do / this week?’ ‘I / make / plans for my holiday’ ‘What are you doing this week?’ ‘I’m making plans for my holiday.’ 2 ‘where / Harry and Lily / spend / the summer holidays?’ ‘they / have / a great time on a Mediterranean cruise’ 3 ‘you / download / music?’ ‘no / I / upload / some photos’ 4 ‘what / Bruno / make / for Penny’s birthday dinner?’ ‘he / cook / something very special’ 5 ‘which exam / the students / take / at the moment?’ ‘they / take / an important English exam’ 6 ‘Caroline / work / at home today?’ ‘no / she / work / in the office ‘ 7 ‘where / your friends / stay / in London / this week?’ ‘they / stay / in a B&B in Mayfair’ 8 ‘why / you / use / your old phone?’ ‘because / my new one / not work’


Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta del present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. take • train • live • have • play • run • make • swim • work • do • write • record • travel are Hi, Jane. How are you? What (1) you doing here? I (2) ________________ for a recording company, Penny. So, (3) ________________ you ________________ songs? I (4) ________________ in a band during the summer and this week we (5) ________________ a new album. What about you? Penny I (6) ________________ in this year’s marathon, so I (7) ________________ this month. Jane (8) ________________ you ________________ in Brighton? Penny Yes, but I (9) ________________ films now, so I (10) ________________ for work. Jane Where’s James today? (11) ________________ he ________________ photos? Penny No, not today. He (12) ________________. We (13) ________________ lunch at one thirty. Come with us! Penny Jane Penny Jane


Completa l’articolo con la forma corretta del present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. ask • contact • cover • eat • help • increase • look at • produce • talk • use • visit • work

How (1) is your school helping the environment? Green Magazine (2) _____________ local schools for their opinions. Today, we (3) _____________ Bank School. I (4) _____________ to Annie, a student at the school. ‘Annie, you and your friends (5) _____________ a TV documentary for schools about the environment. Can you tell me about it?’ ‘Yes, we (6) _____________ the problem of plastic in the countryside and the oceans. Plastic (7) _____________ our beaches and the fish in the oceans (8) _____________ it. This problem (9) _____________. We (10) _____________ other schools to exchange information. We (11) _____________ social media so people can see the problems.’ ‘Thank you, Annie. I can see that you (12) _____________ very hard on this project.’


Present continuous



Completa i mini-dialoghi basandoti sulle informazioni date. Usa la forma affermativa, negativa o interrogativa del present continuous. 1 A this week we / have lunch / one clock (1) This week we’re having lunch at one clock . Is that fine? B Yes, one o’clock is fine. I / study / for an exam (2) ___________________________________________, so I’m hungry! 2 A I / not eat / at home (3) ___________________________________________ today. What about you? B I / stay / here (4) ___________________________________________ too. 3 A B A B A

the café / not serve / food today (5) ___________________________________________. Oh! they / have / a day off work (6) ___________________________________________? No, they / paint / all the walls (7) ___________________________________________. they / put / in / new furniture (8) ___________________________________________? No, / they / not change / the furniture (9) ___________________________________________.

4 A where / you / go (10) ___________________________________________? B I / go / to the new music shop (11) ___________________________________________. it / offer / students a 20% discount this week (12) ___________________________________________. Come with me! A Sorry, I can’t. I / go / to my piano lesson (13) ___________________________________________. Too bad!


Completa l’email con la forma corretta del present continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. cook • go • have • improve • learn • make • wash • relax • sunbathe • work

Hi Sam, Are you OK? How (1) ’s your summer going ? I (2) ___________ a really good summer here in Spain. I (3) ___________ on a huge campsite on the coast. It’s hard work but I’m happy because I (4) ___________ my Spanish. The people here are really friendly. This week I’m in the café, so I (5) ___________ to make a good cup of coffee! I (6) ___________ lunch today so there’s Spanish food on the menu! I think a healthy dessert’s a good idea, so I (7) ___________ a fresh fruit salad and I (8) ___________ some lovely strawberries. Delicious! Don’t worry, it isn’t all work! Some of my friends are on the beach now, because it’s their day off work, so they (9) ___________ and (10) ___________. See you soon, Helen



WRITING Immagina di essere Sam. Rispondi all’email di Helen e raccontale della tua

Hi Helen,



Present simple e present continuous a confronto Present simple

Present continuous azioni in corso e ripetute nel momento in cui si parla (spesso con espressioni di tempo come now, at the moment, ecc.)

She is having lunch with her friends now.

Sta pranzando con le sue amiche ora.

She is studying hard this week.

Sta studiando tanto questa settimana.

L’interprete traduce da una lingua straniera nella sua lingua madre.

situazioni temporanee (spesso con espressioni di tempo come at present, these days, ecc.)

Stefania is translating a book by Jonathan Harper at present.

Stefania sta traducendo un libro di Jonathan Harper in questo periodo.

Two plus two makes four.

Due più due fa quattro.

situazioni in evoluzione

Internet sta The Internet is making the world rendendo il mondo più smaller. piccolo.

azioni ripetute (con always)

She always interrupts the teacher.

Interrompe sempre l’insegnante.

azioni irritanti e ripetute (con always)

She is always interrupting the teacher!

Non fa altro che interrompere l’insegnante!

descrivere trame di film, libri, ecc.

In the film, the main character works on a farm in Australia...

Nel film il personaggio principale lavora in una fattoria in Australia...

descrivere foto e immagini

In this picture, Lorna is working at his first invention.

In questa foto, Lorna sta lavorando alla sua prima invenzione.

routine e azioni abituali (spesso con avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza)

She usually has lunch at school.

fatti sempre veri

An interpreter translates from a foreign language into his/her mother tongue.

leggi della natura e fatti scientifici

Di solito pranza a scuola.

Espressioni di tempo con il present simple

con il present continuous

in the morning/afternoon/ evening at night on Mondays/Tuesdays… on weekdays

now at the moment at present these days this week/month/year



Present simple vs present continuous


Abbina le frasi agli usi corrispondenti del present simple e del present continuous. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Helen usually works in her studio. This week, she’s working in London. London is a busy capital city. Helen always leaves home early in the morning. The London train is always arriving late. Transport problems are becoming more common. It’s now lunchtime so she’s having a break.

a ■ azione ripetuta b ■ situazione temporanea c ■ azione irritante e ripetuta d ■ situazione in evoluzione e ■ affermazione di carattere generale 1 azione abituale f ■ g ■ azione in corso nel momento in cui si parla

Completa le frasi con il present simple o continuous basandoti sulle informazioni date. (salsa / be) Salsa is a Latin American dance. (it / get) It’s getting very popular here. (we / take) ______________ dance classes at the moment. (we / like) ______________ the teacher. What (you / do) ______________? (I / practise) ______________ for the salsa competition. (she / always / send) ______________ messages in class time. Her phone (always / be) ______________ on. (I / download) ______________ this app because (it / be) ______________ free. Harry and Lily (live) ______________ in a city, but this weekend (they / stay) ______________ at the seaside with their cousins. 7 That’s strange. Sam (usually / work) ______________ on Saturdays but (he / not work) ______________ today. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Leggi l’annuncio di lavoro e l’email di candidatura di Sam. Completa con la forma corretta del present simple o continuous dei verbi tra parentesi.

We (1) are offering (offer) holiday jobs for students at our holiday centre for this summer. Students (2) ______________ (get) free meals and (3) _____________ (receive) tickets for sports events and concerts.

Dear Mr Green, I (4) ______________ (write) to you because I want to help at your summer camp this summer. I (5) ______________ (be) a student and I (6) ______________ (take) my end-of-year exams this week. My interests (7) ______________ (include) swimming and tennis. I (8) ______________ (be) a member of my school swimming team and I (9) ______________ (play) tennis at my local tennis club on Saturdays. Best wishes, Sam Brown



Completa le frasi in modo appropriato. Usa il present simple o continuous e le parole tra parentesi. 1 We usually have lunch at my grandparents’ house on Sunday but today we are having lunch at the restaurant . (restaurant) 2 My sister usually watches TV, but this evening ________________________. (tennis) 3 I usually have to do homework after school but this evening ________________________. (film) 4 My aunt and uncle usually go skiing in February but this year ________________________. (at home) 5 My boyfriend usually dresses very casually but today ________________________. (suit) 6 My mother is having a cup of tea with her breakfast. She usually ________________________. (coffee) 7 Jim is driving a car to work today. He usually ________________________. (bike) 8 Miranda usually gets up at 8 a.m. This morning ________________________. (in bed)



I verbi di stato

Si chiamano verbi di stato i verbi di percezione involontaria e i verbi che esprimono sentimenti, attività mentale, gradimento 31.2 , volontà, possesso e modo d’essere. Osserva le tabelle con i più comuni verbi di stato.

Percezione feel hear see smell sound taste

Attività mentale avere la sensazione sentire/udire vedere odorare suonare avere sapore/gusto

Volontà need want wish

Gradimento credere sapere dimenticare rendersi conto ricordare supporre credere capire

believe know forget realise remember suppose think understand/see

Possesso avere bisogno volere desiderare

detestare non piacere apprezzare odiare/detestare piacere amare/adorare dispiacere preferire

detest dislike enjoy hate like love mind prefer

Modo d’essere appartenere avere/possedere possedere

belong to have own

essere sembrare sembrare

be look seem

I verbi di stato non ammettono la forma progressiva. I want a glass of water. NON I’m wanting a glass of water. I love you. NON I’m loving you. She looks tired. NON She’s looking tired. I see what you mean. NON I’m seeing what you mean.

Voglio un bicchiere d’acqua. Ti amo. Sembra stanca. Capisco cosa intendi.

Fanno eccezione i seguenti casi: • be nel significato di “comportarsi”, “agire” You are being very silly!

Ti stai comportando proprio da sciocco! (ora)

• have con le espressioni idiomatiche Is she having a good time?

Si sta divertendo?

• enjoy con il significato di “godersi” Are you enjoying the film?

REMEMBER Con i verbi di stato si può usare can/can’t per indicare che momentaneamente si è o non si è in grado di fare una determinata attività. I don’t remember her phone number. Non ricordo il suo numero di telefono. (azione abituale) I can’t remember his address. Non riesco a ricordare il suo indirizzo. (azione momentanea)

Ti sta piacendo il film?

• feel con il significato di “sentirsi” I’m not feeling well.

Non mi sento bene.

• look nel significato di “guardare” Why are you looking at me like that?

Perché mi guardi in quel modo?

• see nel significato di “frequentare”, “incontrare”, “uscire” We’re seeing Luigi and Alessia these days.

Usciamo con Luigi e Alessia in questo periodo.

• smell come azione volontaria Why are you smelling the meat?

Perché stai annusando la carne?

• taste con il significato di “assaggiare”, “degustare” Cristina is tasting a glass of red wine.

Cristina sta degustando un bicchiere di vino rosso.

• think nel significato di “riflettere”, “considerare” I’m thinking about it.


Ci sto pensando.

State verbs



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta per completare l’email di Amy.

Hi Lucy! Thanks for your email. I’m glad (1) you’re enjoying/you enjoy your holiday. I (2) know/’m knowing you (3) don’t watch/aren’t watching the TV series The Street at the moment because you (4) don’t have/aren’t having time, so (5) I want/I’m wanting to tell you about this week’s episode! (6) Are you remembering/Do you remember the new family in the last episode? The children (7) look/are looking happy now because they (8) are having/have friends. The big dog (9) is belonging/belongs to them and he (10) likes/is liking walking in the park with the children. Now the other children at school (11) want/ are wanting to talk to them because they (12) are loving/love the dog! They are helping/help them take the dog for walks after school and are inviting/invite them to birthday parties at weekends. See you soon, Amy


Completa le frasi basandoti sulle informazioni date. Usa il present simple o continuous. 1 a It isn’t easy to work with her now because (she / always / forget) she’s always forgetting things. b (I / not forget) ________________________ important dates because they’re on my phone. 2 a This food (taste) ________________________ very salty. b (I / taste) ________________________ this food because I think it needs salt. 3 a Harry and Lily (enjoy) ________________________ their holiday in the Mediterranean. b Lily (enjoy) ________________________ taking pictures of animals. 4 a Penny (think) ________________________ about writing a book. b I (think) ________________________ this new book of hers is excellent. 5 a My students (be) ________________________ excellent because they always work hard. b The students (be) ________________________ difficult this week. They aren’t doing their homework.


Completa l’articolo con il present simple o continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. choose • appear • talk about • like • trend • prefer • enjoy • wear • want • look for • buy • change

(1) Do you enjoy (you) reading online magazines or (2) ____________ (you) to buy a magazine from a shop? The magazine market (3) ____________. Teenagers sometimes (4) ____________ magazines from shops, but nowadays, they (5) ____________ to download apps to get instant information about music, fashion and news about their favourite celebrities. These musicians, actors and TV


and sports personalities (6) ____________ (always) in the news and on teenage websites. Teenagers (7) ____________ (always) information on what they (8) ____________ this week and the topics they (9) ____________. They (10) ____________ to know what (11) ____________ on various websites, such as YouTube. People also (12) ____________ articles about fitness centres, cosmetics, music festivals and other activities.

WRITING Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta e completa le frasi in modo personale. 1 I usually look/I am usually looking for _____________________ in a magazine. 2 This week, I read/I’m reading articles about _____________________. 3 I prefer/I am preferring (name of magazine) _____________________ because it has/it is having information about _____________________.


31-34 Summative revision 1

Completa la conversazione con la forma in -ing dei verbi tra parentesi. Teacher Good morning everyone. Today is 20th March. It is the United Nations International Day of Happiness. We are going to talk about what makes us happy. Let me see. Laura’s smiling so let’s start with her and go around the class. Laura, what makes you happy? Laura I love (1) travelling (travel). I really enjoy (2) __________________ (fly) to faraway places. Peter I’m in a band. I like (3) __________________ (write) and (4) __________________ (sing) songs. Jane I’m a bit lazy so I love (5) __________________ (lie) on the sofa and (6) __________________ (watch) TV. David I’ve got an amazing bike. (7) __________________ (cycle) makes me happy. I really enjoy (8) __________________ (take) part in races and competitions. Sandra (9) __________________ (cook) food makes me happy. I like (10) __________________ (bake) cakes. Eric I can’t stand (11) __________________ (listen) to classical music that my granny has on the radio. I love (12) __________________ (switch) it off when she goes out and (13) __________________ (tune) in to my favourite rock music stations! Teacher Thank you very much for your ideas. Now it’s my turn! This may surprise you but I really enjoy (14) __________________ (teach) you!


Completa i testi con la forma corretta del present continuous dei verbi nei riquadri. cheer • not rain • look forward to • watch • come out • get into • wait Welcome to World of Sport. We (1) are watching the start of the semi-final of the knock-out competition. The teams (2) ________________ onto the pitch. The crowd (3) ________________. The managers (4) ________________ position. The referee (5) ________________ to start the game and up here in the commentary box we (6) ________________ a really exciting game. The weather is beautiful. We're all happy that it (7) ________________ today!

not let • hold • make • not blow • look • play • keep The referee (8) ________________ at his watch. He (9) ________________ his whistle yet. There are two more minutes. The goalkeeper (10) ________________ for time. He (11) ________________ the ball for as long as he can. He (12) ________________ it go. The supporters (13) ________________ a lot of noise. The score is 2-2. We (14) ________________ our breath to see what happens next!

not feel • sit • wait • worry • hope • start The film awards ceremony (15) ________________. The stars of the screen (16) ________________ in this beautiful theatre. They (17) ________________ patiently for the opening speeches. Some of them (18) ________________ very confident. Who (19) ________________ to get an award? (20) ________________ (any of the actors) that tonight’s not their night? Let’s find out!

feel • stand • carry • wear • look • walk I (21) ________________ outside the main entrance of the theatre. The winner of the best picture award (22) ________________ towards me now. (23) ________________ happy? Yes, she is! She (24) ________________ a beautiful green dress and she (25) ________________ a bunch of red roses. I wonder how she (26) ________________! I can’t wait to find out.


Summative revision




Completa il dialogo con il present simple o continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Laura What (1) do you do (do)? Mary I’m a student. I (2) ______________ (study) fashion design at the Royal College of Art at the moment. Laura (3) ______________ (enjoy) your course? Mary Yes, (4) ______________. I (5) ______________ (write) a thesis on Sir Paul Smith. Laura Who is he? I (6) ______________ (know) much about him. Mary He’s a British fashion designer. I (7) ______________ (like) his clothes very much. Laura (8) ______________ (work) in London? Mary Yes, (9) ______________. He (10) ______________ (come) from Nottingham in the North of England but now he (11) ______________ (have) a studio in London. Laura Why (12) ______________ (want) to write about him? Mary He (13) ______________ (make) beautiful clothes for both women and men. He (14) ______________ (use) good quality materials that are colourful and very well cut. He (15) ______________ (give) lectures at the college this week and I hope I can ask him a few questions soon. Laura Good luck with your studies.

Completa le email con il present simple o continuous dei verbi nei riquadri.

have • hope shine • drink feel • not want love • wait

Hi Jackie, I (1) hope you are well. I (2) _____________ a brilliant time with Marilyn in New York. Right now, we (3) _____________ coffee at an open air café in Central Park next to the lake. The sun (4) _____________ and we (5) _____________ very relaxed. We (6) _____________ here to hire a rowing boat and go out on the water. We (7) _____________ this city and (8) _____________ to leave! Are you at uni today? Speak soon. John

adore • wish find • envy study • want not understand

Hi John, Thanks for the email. I (9) _____________ you in that wonderful city!! I (10) _____________ New York, too. I’m not at the university today. I (11) _____________ at home. I (12) _____________ to finish that assignment on marketing strategy. I (13) _____________ it quite difficult because I (14) _____________ some of the concepts. I (15) _____________ you were here to help me! Have fun in the Big Apple. Jackie

remember taste • take have • eat

Hi again Jackie, Sorry you (16) _____________ a bit of trouble with that marketing assignment. I (17) _____________ the lectures quite well and can send you some ideas. Don’t get jealous but we (18) _____________ a huge pizza in Little Italy in Downtown Manhattan. It (19) _____________ absolutely delicious. I (20) _____________ a photo now to send you! We are off to Broadway next. Check your email later. John

want • need enjoy • have send • realise

Hi John, Thanks so much for (21) _____________ me your ideas and the pizza picture!! I now (22) _____________ that I (23) _____________ to listen more carefully to our professors! I (24) _____________ to finish this assignment as soon as possible and (25) _____________ the beautiful weather we (26) _____________ today! Say hi to Marilyn and have a great time on Broadway. Jackie


Grammar for writing Writing social media posts • • • •


Per scrivere un post sui social media: correda le foto con didascalie concise e descrittive aggiungi dati e informazioni extra, non presenti nelle immagini usa hashtag (#) con le parole chiave appropriate puoi omettere strutture grammaticali come nella lingua parlata (pronomi, articoli, verbi ausiliari, ecc.)

Scrivi gli hashtag nel riquadro sotto le foto corrette. Arsenal F.C Victory • Climate March • Exam time • Prom ball







Ora abbina questi post alle immagini corrette. A ■ Hate waiting to turn over the paper – Feeling so stressed! 1 Protesting with thousands of people in London – Great banners! Love them! B ■ C ■ Looking forward to a fantastic night partying with gang! D ■ We win as usual, but heart still beating fast!


Leggi di nuovo i post e aggiungi le strutture grammaticali mancanti. 1 We’re/I’m protesting with thousands of people in London – They are/There are great banners! I love them!


WRITING Osserva le immagini e scrivi hashtag e post appropriati. Usa i Writing tips come aiuto.


2 • • • •




Scrivi una parola o un’espressione chiave come hashtag. Osserva l’immagine e aggiungi dettagli o descrivi quello che non si vede (luogo, atmosfera, persone, scritte). Sii conciso, coinvolgente, interessante o divertente. Utilizza un linguaggio informale e ricorri ad abbreviazioni. Puoi omettere strutture grammaticali. Non essere offensivo o maleducato.

Grammar for speaking Vlogging about fashion 1


Ascolta e leggi il vlog sulla moda. Poi decidi se le frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

Hi, I’m Julie Winters. Welcome to my weekly fashion vlog! If you are a regular follower of my vlog, you probably know that I often shop online, try things on at home, and send them back if they don’t suit me. But that’s not really a very green way to shop, so today’s vlog is about buying preloved or second-hand clothes. I really enjoy browsing in charity and vintage shops and I particularly like finding a bargain. If it’s good for the planet too – then everyone’s a winner! So here goes... Today I’m looking for a black jacket – because the colour goes with everything. I like this jacket – let’s try it on – Yes... it fits me too. Now, I’d like to find some jeans... I don’t mind buying used clothes, but it’s not always easy to find good quality second-hand jeans, because people wear them so often! These look good though... but let’s go and try them on in the changing room... Awesome! I’ve got a new jacket and a pair of jeans for just £15! 1 2 3 4 5 6


Julie does a fashion vlog once a week. Today she’s shopping online. She likes looking for second-hand clothes. The black jacket doesn’t fit her. There are lots of good-quality jeans in charity shops. She spends £15 on two items of clothes.

T ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 I like wearing (wear) bright colours. 2 Pink _____________ (not suit) me. 3 I love _____________ (browse) online before I go shopping in town. 4 I usually prefer _____________ (try) things on before I buy them. 5 I never _____________ (buy) clothes just to follow fashion. 6 My favourite items of clothing are my biker boots. I (love) _____________ them.


Rispondi alle domande in modo personale. 1 2 3 4

FUNCTIONS Talking I never/don’t often/ about habits sometimes/often/usually/ always shop/go/do/spend/ buy... I go shopping/look for things once/twice a month/week/every month. Expressing I like/don’t mind shopping preferences at/going to/finding/ buying/browsing... I enjoy/prefer wearing jeans. I hate/love it/them. It/They suit(s) me. / It/They don’t/doesn’t suit me. It/They go/goes with... / It/They doesn’t/don’t/go with... It/They fit(s). / It/They doesn’t/don’t fit...

How often do you go shopping? Where do you usually shop? What style of clothes do you prefer wearing? Expressing intentions How do you choose your clothes (by price, what’s in fashion, what suits you)? 5 What are you wearing now? 6 What item of clothing are you interested in buying at the moment?


I (really) want/I’m looking for/I’d like to find...

ROLE PLAY Usa le tue risposte nell’esercizio 3 e il Functions box per preparare un vlog sulla moda. Esercitati a presentare il tuo vlog, poi registra la tua voce o fai una presentazione a un altro studente.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple matching: gap filling

1 Read the text about Christmas in London. Parts of the text have been removed. Choose the correct part (A-G) for each gap (1-5). There is one extra part that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

This Christmas in London Are you spending Christmas in London? Great news! There are plenty G of things (0) . Hyde Park Winter Wonderland is free to enter and you can take a ride (1) ______________, watch the circus, go ice skating, visit the pop-up bars and restaurants, or browse the Christmas stalls. If it’s shopping you like, there are plenty of Christmas fairs and markets in London. Try the Southbank Centre Winter Market on the River Thames. It has lovely handmade Christmas gifts. After shopping, you can watch a pantomime, (2) ______________ at the Arts Centre. This year they are performing the children’s story Black Beauty. But there are many other pantos to choose from right across London. Alternatively, head to Maltby Street Christmas Night Market, set under Bermondsey’s Victorian railway arches. It feels like you are walking into A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, so you have (3) ______________. A B C D

■ ■ ■ ■

You can’t spend Christmas in London without visiting its famous department stores Harrods and Selfridges. Even if you can’t afford to shop, you can check out their beautiful Christmas decorations, sample some free food, visit their incredible toy departments, or just take in the atmosphere. Christmas lights in London are spectacular and (4) ______________. You can find the best ones on Oxford Street, Carnaby Street, or Covent Garden and do some bargain shopping at the same time. Or you can go out of the city centre to Kew Gardens. Every year, they light up the iconic buildings and a milelong path for you to follow through the beautiful botanical gardens. If you like shows, why not watch one of the annual seasonal ballets such

a traditional British Christmas show go swimming in the freezing cold water more importantly free to see on the giant observational wheel

as Swan Lake or the Snowman, with the snow falling on stage, just in case there is no real snow outside on the streets? Or if you are more of a sporty type, then take part in the Covent Garden Christmas Pudding Race or (5) ______________ of the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park. Or maybe just watch other people doing it – as the temperatures can be around 5°C or even below 0°C! Whatever you are doing – have fun!

E ■ the full London literary experience too F ■ it’s a really magical experience 0 to see and do at Christmas in London G ■

B1 Listening – Short answer questions 2

88 Listen to someone talking about dance and dyslexia. Answer questions (1-7) with no more than four words or numbers. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


How many people have dyslexia in the UK? What can dyslexia affect? How does the speaker feel when she dances? What is dance good for? Why doesn’t she like telling people she’s dyslexic? What helps her remember words and information? How do dyslexic dancers start learning choreography? Which non-verbal communication does she mention?

One in ten people.

Sostantivi, quantificatori, pronomi



Obiettivi • Sostantivi • Quantificatori • Pronomi



Leggi l’email e trova esempi di: 1 articoli ________________________ 2 quantificatori ________________________

3 pronomi relativi ________________________ 4 pronomi composti ________________________

Scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella colonna corretta. entertainment • guest • information • money • music • need obligation • occasion • parking • question • server • service




_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________

Thank you for your booking enquiry for venue hire. Please answer some questions that give us a little more information, no obligation, to help us find somewhere which suits you. • What is the purpose of venue hire (a party, an anniversary, any other occasion)? • How many guests do you expect? • How much do you want to spend per guest? • Are there any guests who have special dietary needs (vegetarian, vegan, lactose-/gluten-free)? • Would you prefer the full package with lots of servers or the light package with little service, very few or not many members of staff? • Is there anything else you require (parking, entertainment, music, etc.)?

Leggi le regole e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Si usa a/an prima di una vocale. 2 Di solito si usa some in frasi affermative/negative e interrogative. 3 Si usa any/no in frasi affermative con significato negativo. 4 Si usano much e many per parlare di grandi/piccole quantità. 5 Si usa a little/few per parlare di piccole quantità con sostantivi non numerabili. 6 Si usa lots of/not many per parlare di quantità elevate con sostantivi numerabili.


I sostantivi composti e i sostantivi collettivi


35.1 Sostantivi composti I sostantivi composti sono formati da due o più parti. Di queste, di solito almeno una è un sostantivo.

sostantivo + sostantivo

wallpaper, volleyball

carta da parati, pallavolo

aggettivo + sostantivo

whiteboard, software

lavagna, software

sostantivo + verbo

haircut, sunrise

taglio (di capelli), alba

preposizione + sostantivo underground, overview metropolitana, panoramica

FORMAZIONE DEL PLURALE Generalmente si aggiunge il suffisso del plurale 11

all’ultima parola.

La prima parola invece ha funzione di aggettivo ed è invariabile. one housewife ➝ five housewives

Osserva le seguenti particolarità.

I sostantivi composti possono essere scritti come una parola unica (schoolbook, birthday), come due parole separate (tennis court, bus stop), oppure possono essere uniti dal trattino (mother-in-law, make-up).

a school test ➝ two school tests

più formale


sostantivo + aggettivo

courts martial/court martials

corti marziali

sostantivo + preposizione

sisters-in-law, passers-by

cognate, passanti

verbo + preposizione

grown-ups, take-offs

adulti, decolli

i composti con plurali irregolari 12.1

men workers, women managers

lavoratori uomini, donne manager

35.2 Sostantivi collettivi I più comuni sostantivi collettivi sono: army audience/public cattle class company crew crowd

esercito pubblico bestiame classe compagnia equipaggio folla

family government orchestra people police staff team

famiglia governo orchestra gente polizia personale squadra

I sostantivi collettivi sono accompagnati dal verbo al singolare quando indicano il gruppo nel suo insieme oppure dal plurale se si considerano i singoli elementi dell’insieme. The London Orchestra is on tour in the United States. The crew are getting ready for take-off.

La London Orchestra è in tournée negli Stati Uniti. L’equipaggio si sta preparando per il decollo.

Fanno eccezione i sostantivi cattle, people e police che richiedono verbo, pronomi e dimostrativi al plurale. The police are investigating the murder. Look at those people dancing in the street!

La polizia sta indagando sull’omicidio. Guarda quella gente che balla in strada!

In inglese americano i sostantivi collettivi sono seguiti solitamente dal verbo al singolare.


Mappa p. 428


Compound and collective nouns


Forma sostantivi composti con le parole nel riquadro. room • time • news • back • key • hand




bed living bath



shake bag writing




ground up ache


ring board hole

Completa il cruciverba.


Across 1 Saturday and Sunday are the days in the weekend . 4 We buy food from this shop. 6 There are eleven players in this team. 7 This is another word for an adult. Down 2 We wash dishes in this. 3 People catch planes from here. 4 People do this to relax in the sun on the beach. 5 This is between the morning and the evening.

w e







bed day summer



agent letter paper









Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 The passers-by/passer-bys are watching the street entertainer. 2 Do your sister-in-laws/sisters-in-law all work in the city centre? 3 Orla’s greats-grandparents/great-grandparents are famous artists.



4 Caroline’s mum and dad enjoy being babiessitters/babysitters for their children. 5 My cousins always have very cool haircuts/ hairscut. 6 Grown-ups/Growns-up don’t always understand young people.

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 The staff at the phone shop enjoy (enjoy) their work. 2 These people __________ (be) very happy because they’re all on holiday. 3 The jazz band __________ (be) getting ready for a performance.

4 There __________ (be) a big crowd in the town centre today. 5 The local police __________ (be) looking for the bank robbers. 6 The family __________ (be) very important in Italy.


I sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili


Sono numerabili (countable) i sostantivi che indicano cose che si possono contare: chair, table, house; sono non numerabili (uncountable) i sostantivi che si riferiscono a cose che non si possono contare (sostanze e materiali, concetti astratti, attività espresse alla forma in -ing, lingue straniere): sugar, gold, love, surfing, Spanish. Osserva le principali caratteristiche dei sostantivi numerabili e non numerabili.

Numerabili hanno la forma singolare e plurale possono essere preceduti da a/an, the 9-10 possono essere preceduti da un numerale 23.1 al plurale possono essere preceduti da some, any, no 41 con verbo al plurale

Non numerabili hanno solo la forma singolare

door ➝ doors CD ➝ CDs a car the buses three apples

possono essere preceduti da the, ma non da a/an non possono essere preceduti da un numerale possono essere preceduti da some, any, no con verbo al singolare

There are some pears and some apples, but no oranges.

water music the ham NON a butter NON four butter There is some juice in the fridge, but no milk.

Per specificare la quantità di una sostanza o di un materiale si possono usare:

espressioni che fanno riferimento all’unità di misura a kilo of bread two litres of milk four metres of ribbon three ounces of gold

un chilo di pane due litri di latte quattro metri di nastro tre once d’oro

espressioni che fanno riferimento al contenitore a jar of coffee two tins of tuna a carton of juice a bottle of beer a tube of toothpaste two cans of cola three cups of tea

un barattolo di caffè due scatolette di tonno un cartone di succo una bottiglia di birra un tubetto di dentifricio due lattine di cola tre tazze di tè

espressioni che fanno riferimento alla quantità un pezzo di formaggio quattro fette four slices of di pane bread a bar of chocolate una barretta di cioccolato un po’ di zucchero a bit of sugar un foglio di carta a sheet of paper a piece of cheese

Alcuni sostantivi non numerabili in inglese sono numerabili in italiano. Ecco un elenco dei più comuni: accommodation advice behaviour equipment evidence fruit furniture hair

alloggio/i consiglio/i comportamento/i attrezzatura/e prova/e frutta/i mobilio/i capelli

homework housework information knowledge laughter lightning luggage/baggage money

MA fruits of the forest = frutti di bosco

compito/i lavori domestici informazione/i conoscenza risata/e fulmine/i bagaglio/i denaro/soldi

moustache news progress shopping spaghetti stuff thunder wealth

baffi notizia/e progresso/i spesa/e spaghetti roba, cosa/e tuono/i ricchezza

In inglese questi sostantivi richiedono il verbo al singolare. Your advice is always valuable to me.

I tuoi consigli sono sempre preziosi per me.

Con i sostantivi advice, equipment, evidence, furniture, information, luggage, news si può usare l’espressione a piece of per specificare la quantità. You can’t travel with five pieces of luggage!


Non puoi viaggiare con cinque bagagli! Mappa p. 428

Countable and uncountable nouns



Sottolinea il sostantivo non numerabile in ogni gruppo di parole. 1 2 3 4


music • song • note • tune journey • trip • travel • holiday contract • job • work • salary battery • screen • wire • electricity

5 6 7 8

luggage • bag • suitcase • backpack table • furniture • sofa • wardrobe traffic • car • lorry • motorbike exercise • yoga • position • movement

Scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella lista della spesa corretta. chocolate • soap • cake • chocolates • toothpaste • matches • cola • juice cheese • tomatoes • milk • crisps • yogurt • flour • butter • instant soup

Betty’s list contains two bars and two boxes

Caroline’s list contains three cartons and a can

A bar of chocolate and a bar of soap,

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________


Tina’s list contains a tin and a tube

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Completa le frasi con un’espressione di quantità appropriata. 1 2 3 4


We’ve got a litre of water in the fridge. I want a ___________ of onions for the soup. Do you want a ___________ of my bar of chocolate? I’m cutting a ___________ of ribbon for this present.

5 Have you got any ___________ of tuna to make sandwiches? 6 Sorry, we have no tuna, but we’ve got some ___________ of ham.

Sottolinea l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


Patti’s list contains four packets and two pieces

Has Oscar got furniture/furnitures/a furniture in his flat? Gino’s making a spaghetti/spaghettis/spaghetti with seafood for dinner. I’m tired because I’m carrying heavy luggage/heavy luggages/a heavy luggage. A fruit/The fruit/Fruits they sell in the market is always so fresh. This gallery is exhibiting some interesting art/interesting arts/an interesting art this month.

Leggi l’email di Mary e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Hi Isabel, How are you? I’m writing to tell you my (1) new/news. I’ve got (2) a/the new job in Aldabra. (3) A/The work is really interesting. Let me explain a bit more. Aldabra is one of the two UNESCO World Heritage sites in the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. I am working for an organisation which is here to protect (4) a/the wildlife. I’m not earning (5) money/moneys but the organisation provides (6) accommodation/accommodations and (7) a/all food. The accommodation (8) is/are basic but it’s fine. I’m staying in a house with other people in the team. It’s very clean because we all share the (9) housework/houseworks! One person I work with knows Aldabra well. She gives us (10) advice/advices about where to go. There are hundreds of beautiful animals to see. There is (11) coral/corals in the lagoons and (12) evidence/evidences of an increase in the number of endangered species, including turtles, birds and various types of fish. We write magazine articles and send (13) the information/informations to our publishers, so we have a lot of ‘homework’ every day! Please write soon, Mary



Particolarità dei sostantivi non numerabili

37.1 Sostantivi non numerabili sempre plurali Alcuni sostantivi non numerabili hanno solo la forma plurale e richiedono il plurale di verbi, pronomi e dimostrativi. Tra i più comuni vi sono: armi apparecchio ortodontico belongings beni personali clothes vestiti arms braces

contents customs earnings goods groceries

indice dogana guadagni merce/i spesa

The outskirts of Mumbai are very poor.

outskirts remains savings stairs

periferia resti, rovine risparmi scala/e

surroundings dintorni tropics tropici wages paga

La periferia di Mumbai è molto povera.

Alcuni sostantivi indicano oggetti composti da due parti inseparabili, perciò sono sempre plurali. Possono essere usati al singolare aggiungendo l’espressione a pair of e volgendo al singolare verbo, pronome e dimostrativi. I più comuni sono: binoculars binocolo pyjamas pigiama shorts pantaloncini glasses/spectacles occhiali scissors forbici trousers pantaloni Sorry, sir. This pair of trousers is not in the sales, Mi dispiace signore. Questo paio di pantaloni non è in saldo, but those trousers over there are. ma lo sono quei pantaloni laggiù.

37.2 Sostantivi non numerabili con variazione di significato se usati

come numerabili

Alcuni sostantivi non numerabili possono anche essere numerabili e quindi avere la forma plurale, ma cambiano di significato. Tra questi vi sono: business (affari) ➝ business/es (azienda/e) change (resto) ➝ change/s (cambiamento/i) cloth (stoffa) ➝ cloth/s (straccio/i) coffee (caffè) ➝ coffee/s (tazza/e di caffè) company (compagnia) ➝ company/ies (impresa/e) fruit (frutta) ➝ fruit/s (risultato/i) glass (vetro) ➝ glass/es (bicchiere/i)

hair (capelli) ➝ hair/s (pelo/i) iron (ferro) ➝ iron/s (ferro/i da stiro) light (luce) ➝ light/s (lampada/e) paper (carta) ➝ paper/s (giornale/i) room (spazio) ➝ room/s (stanza/e) wood (legna) ➝ wood/s (bosco/schi) work (lavoro) ➝ work/s (opera/e)

37.3 Sostantivi non numerabili con corrispondenti numerabili

dal significato più specifico

Alcuni sostantivi non numerabili hanno corrispondenti numerabili con significato più specifico. Tra questi vi sono: accommodation (alloggio) ➝ a hotel (un albergo) bread (pane) ➝ a loaf (una pagnotta) clothes/clothing (abbigliamento) ➝ a suit/dress (un abito) cutlery (posate) ➝ a fork (una forchetta), a knife (un coltello), a spoon (un cucchiaio) food (cibo) ➝ a dish (un piatto), a meal (un pasto) goods (merce) ➝ an item (un articolo), a thing (una cosa) jewellery (gioielli) ➝ a necklace (una collana), a ring (un anello) luggage/baggage (bagaglio) ➝ a bag (una borsa), a suitcase (una valigia)


money (soldi) ➝ a banknote (una banconota), a coin (una moneta) parking (parcheggio) ➝ a car park (un parcheggio) permission (permesso) ➝ a permit (un permesso) poetry (poesia, genere letterario) ➝ a poem (una poesia), a sonnet (un sonetto) travel (viaggio) ➝ a journey (viaggio, tragitto), a trip (un viaggio, una gita) work (lavoro) ➝ a job (un mestiere), a profession (una professione)

Mappa p. 428

Uncountable nouns


Sottolinea in ogni gruppo di parole il sostantivo che ha solo la forma plurale. 1 wages • companies • jobs • professions • offices 2 coins • notes • earnings • pounds • dollars 3 shoes • clothes • jackets • shirts • suits


4 poems • journeys • manners • places • trips 5 houses • meals • spoons • plates • stairs 6 towns • cities • hotels • outskirts • industries

Aggiungi una s quando necessario per formare la parola corretta.

s 1 Please could you lend me a pair of scissor? 2 My sister lives on the outskirt of Newcastle. 3 The remain of the palace of Knossos are near Heraklion in Crete.


4 5 6 7

I like watching birds with my binocular. City Bank gives me 2% interest on my saving. The stair up to the attic are very steep. The children’s manner are terrible.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


This pair of glasses cost/costs £100. These trousers is/are very fashionable. This food is/are absolutely delicious. This business make/makes a huge profit. Are/Is your clothes in the wardrobe over there?

6 The outskirts of this city has/have a large number of high-rise buildings. 7 Your money earn/earns interest in a savings account. 8 The cat’s hairs is/are all over my jacket.

Scrivi il sostantivo non numerabile generico accanto ai sostantivi numerabili. 1 2 3 4


knife, fork hotel, B&B journey, trip banana, apple


5 6 7 8

suitcase, rucksack ring, necklace banknote, coin job, profession

Completa le frasi con un sostantivo non numerabile. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



‘Do you enjoy poetry ?’ ‘Yes, I’m reading some beautiful poems by Christina Rossetti.’ ‘What _____________ have you got for your holiday?’ ‘We are staying in a four-bedroom villa.’ ‘What _____________ do you want me to put on the table?’ ‘Only forks. We don’t need knives.’ ‘What _____________ are you checking in?’ ‘Two suitcases, a laptop bag and a rucksack.’ ‘How much _____________ have you got on you?’ ‘A ten-pound note and a couple of pound coins.’ ‘Has your uncle got some _____________ now?’ ‘Yes. He’s got a part-time job in the local supermarket.’ ‘What _____________ do you want me to pack for you?’ ‘Just a couple of T-shirts and a pair of shorts.’ ‘Is there any _____________ in the fridge?’ ‘Yes. There’s a chicken, some frozen vegetables and a carton of ice cream.’

ERROR CORRECTION Leggi l’email e trova altri sei errori.

Hi Beate, accommodation I’ve finally got the accommodations I want! I’m using all my saving to pay for it. It’s a small house with the kitchen and living room on the ground floor. On the first floor, there’s a bedroom with a huge wardrobe where I can hang my cloths and store my other belonging! There are very narrow stair to go up to the attic where there is a beautiful view of the park. The house is on the outskirt of London. Unfortunately, there isn’t a park on my street. However, the station is only a short walk and I can catch the underground into the city. The travel only takes twenty minutes. Please come round for a coffee soon. I can’t wait for you to see it! All the best Ros


35-37 Summative revision 1

Completa le frasi con uno dei sostantivi composti nel riquadro. offspring • understudy • underside • overcoat onset • outrage • overview • outhouse 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


It is important to regularly paint the underside of a boat to protect it from the salt in seawater. The evenings are still a bit chilly, so don’t forget to wear an _______________ when you go out. We keep all our tools and pots in an _______________ at the bottom of the garden. One of the leading actors in the play is unwell, so an _______________ is taking over the role this evening. It’s an _______________ that governments around the world are not doing more to combat climate change. I can give you an _______________ of the current situation to help you to come to a decision. Their _______________ are grown-ups now and they no longer live at home. Make sure you take vitamin C at the _______________ of a cold to help your recovery.

Scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella categoria corretta. wallpaper • softball • payoff • afterthought • mouthwash • makeover weekend • kickback • outbuilding • basketball • blackbird • sunset • chairperson lampstand • redwood • daybreak • underpayment • set-up • hardware • outskirts

sostantivo + sostantivo





aggettivo + sostantivo





sostantivo + verbo





preposizione + sostantivo





verbo + preposizione






Completa l’email con la forma corretta del verbo be.

Hi, Mum and Dad! I’m having a wonderful time in Bath. It is an amazing city about 200 kilometres west of London. There (1) are some beautiful old buildings in the Royal Crescent. The architecture (2) _________ from the eighteenth century. There (3) _________ also the remains of earlier settlements. The Roman Baths (4) _________ the most famous. The water (5) _________ from the springs which rise at the site. Unfortunately, my accommodation (6) _________ on the outskirts which (7) _________ not as beautiful! The hostel (8) _________ quite small but the other people staying here (9) _________ very welcoming. The food (10) _________ good. There (11) _________ many international restaurants. This evening, I’m going to the Thai restaurant! My friends tell me that the fried rice (12) _________ delicious! My job at the museum (13) _________ interesting and the wages (14) _________ good! Thank you for helping me to get here. I’m really enjoying my time in beautiful Bath. Love Jane


Summative revision



Maria Cristina si sta imbarcando all’aeroporto ma viene fermata per un controllo alla dogana. Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Customs Officer Good morning. This is a random (1) custom/customs check. Are these your (2) suitcases/ luggage? Maria Cristina Yes. They are. Customs Officer Please unlock your backpack. I need to see what is inside. Maria Cristina Of course. Customs Officer Thank you. Ah, these are (3) a pair of scissors/scissors. Maria Cristina I only use them to trim my (4) hair/hairs. They are not dangerous! Customs Officer I’m sorry you cannot take them onto the aircraft. I need to look at your other (5) belonging/belongings. What is in the velvet box? Maria Cristina I keep my (6) jewelleries/jewellery in there. Customs Officer Are those gold (7) bracelet/bracelets? Maria Cristina No, they are not valuable! They come from a guy who sells cheap (8) good/goods on the beach. Customs Officer OK. Thank you. I only need to check your (9) clothes/cloths now. Maria Cristina I try not to pack too much when I go on my (10) trip/trips. Customs Officer I can see that! You have only got some T-shirts, shorts and a pair of (11) flipflop/flipflops! Maria Cristina I don’t want to pay for extra (12) baggage/baggages! Customs Officer I understand! Sorry to delay you. Please let me have that pair of (13) scissors/scissor and you are free to go. Maria Cristina Here you are. Thank you. Have a good day.


Leggi il depliant pubblicitario del complesso turistico Sunny Bay. Metti le parole sottolineate al plurale quando necessario.

• Sunny Bay •

Sunny Bay holiday complex welcomes (1) visitor visitors from all over the world. There is a wide range of (2) accommodation from a budget hostel to luxury villas.


Our aim is to make sure you have the most wonderful (3) time here. The (4) entertainment we can offer you is truly sensational. There are indoor and outdoor (5) pool, a spectacular water park with slides, tunnels and an amazing water spout. We serve mouth-watering (6) food in our five restaurants. You can choose anything from a burger bar, fish-andchip shop to fine (7) dining with a celebrity chef. We are an all-inclusive resort. This means you pay for almost everything in advance so that when you are here you don’t need to carry much (8) cash. There are no hidden (9) extra. We

always make sure you get (10) value for money. Sunny Bay does not belong to any multi-national (11) corporation. We are a family-run business. My grandparents started it and they still keep an eye on what is going on. Our (12) aim is to make our wonderful guests feel at (13) home at all (14) time.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to

• Sunny Bay •

TRANSLATION Traduci il testo in inglese. La ricetta per la torta al cioccolato di mia nonna è fantastica. Fa sempre questa torta per il mio compleanno. Utilizza zucchero, uova, farina, un pacchetto di burro e due barrette di cioccolato, perciò è deliziosa. La cattiva notizia è che tutta la mia famiglia l’adora e non posso mai mangiarne due fette!



L’articolo indeterminativo a/an (2)

Oltre agli usi già visti 9

si usa l’articolo indeterminativo a/an per indicare:

persone e cose in senso generico You need the help of a young man. con sostantivi numerabili I can see a star in the sky. singolari un’intera categoria

A songwriter writes the words or the music for songs.

Hai bisogno dell’aiuto di un uomo giovane. Vedo una stella in cielo. Un compositore scrive le parole o la musica delle canzoni.

Per indicare un’intera categoria, oltre a a/an, si può usare anche the o il sostantivo plurale senza articolo. A/The dog is a friendly animal. = Dogs are friendly animals.

persone e cose nominate per la prima volta

They’ve got a new art teacher.

Hanno un nuovo insegnante d’arte.

professioni e ruoli

I’m a carpenter.

Faccio il/Sono un falegname.

malattie e disturbi fisici

I’ve got a sprained ankle.

Ho una caviglia slogata.

parti del corpo al singolare

Tom has got a moustache.

Tom ha i baffi.

oggetti personali

Frank has got a new tablet.

Frank ha un tablet nuovo.

fede religiosa e politica

He’s a Muslim.

È musulmano.

condizione sociale e titoli

Carla is an heiress/countess.

Carla è un’ereditiera/una contessa.

mezzi di telecomunicazione

She is talking on the phone.

Sta parlando al telefono.

unità di misura 25.1

Courgettes cost £5.25 a kilo.

Le zucchine costano 5,25 sterline al chilo.

frazioni (con 1 al numeratore)

A fourth is smaller than a third.

Un quarto è più piccolo di un terzo.

davanti ai numeri 100 e 1000

This skirt costs a thousand dollars!

Questa gonna costa mille dollari!

frequenza 29.2

He visits his parents twice a year.

Fa visita ai suoi genitori due volte l’anno.

esclamazioni con what e such

What a great idea! He’s such a good boy!

Che bella idea! È un così bravo ragazzo!



ESPRESSIONI IDIOMATICHE Ecco alcune espressioni idiomatiche in cui si usa a/an: il segreto di Pulcinella essere un gioco da ragazzi essere di fretta essere in disordine, essere in un guaio break a leg buona fortuna cost an arm and a leg costare un occhio della testa do someone an injustice trattare ingiustamente qualcuno

an open secret be a piece of cake be in a hurry be in a mess


make a career take a seat take a break for a start in a loud/low voice in a minute/moment in a while in a way/sense on an empty stomach

fare carriera sedersi fare una pausa tanto per cominciare a voce alta/bassa fra un minuto/attimo fra poco in un certo senso a stomaco vuoto

The indefinite article a/an (2)


Abbina le domande alle risposte. Poi completa le risposte con a/an quando necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



a ■ I’ve got cold. b ■ I’m chef at the Grand Hotel. an 1 It’s orange. c ■ d ■ No, he’s got brother and sister. e ■ It’s orange. f ■ I get a new one once year. g ■ I’m Head Chef at the Grand Hotel. h ■ It’s 2 euros litre.

What’s this in your shopping bag? What colour’s your new dress? What do you do? What’s your job title? What’s the matter with you? How much is this juice? Has Paul got a brother? How often do you change your phone?

Completa le ricette con a/an quando necessario.

Recipe 1

an ✱ Mix the yellow part of egg (the yolk)

with sugar. ✱ Add carton of mascarpone to the

eggs and sugar. ✱ Cover third of a large packet of

biscuits with black coffee. It’s good idea to make the coffee strong but not very sweet. This is such lovely recipe for a dinner party! This recipe is from Bruno’s cookery book – he’s famous chef!


Recipe 2

Recipe 3 ✱ Mix half dozen eggs with

✱ Put garlic in pan and fry it with

red or green peppers. ✱ Add tube of tomato paste. ✱ Serve with spaghetti. ✱ Cook spaghetti in boiling water

with pinch of salt. Then add spaghetti to the sauce and serve hot. My friend is vegetarian and she loves this recipe!

a fork. Add spoonful of water. ✱ Add salt, pepper,

parmesan cheese and potato (in small pieces). ✱ Fry onion in olive oil and

butter. You need to invite good friend to help you eat this!

Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. a seat • an arm and a leg • an empty stomach • in a hurry • a piece of cake • a small problem a little bit of sugar • a minute • a bite to eat • a bit of a mess • have a break • for a start Jane Penny Jane Penny Jane Penny Jane Penny Jane Penny Jane Penny Jane Penny Jane Penny Jane

Hi, Penny! How are you? This is a surprise! Have you got (1) a minute , Jane? Of course. Take (2) ________________. Sorry, are you (3) ________________ to go out? No, don’t worry. It’s good to (4) ________________. Coffee? Lovely. White with (5) ________________. Here you are. It’s lunchtime. Do you want (6) ________________? No, thanks, Jane. Listen, I have (7) ________________. Well, a problem isn’t easy on (8) ________________. Food isn’t helping! I’m in (9) ________________. Oh? What’s the matter? (10) ________________, I want that new blue dress for the party. So, why is that a problem? Well, it costs (11) ________________. I can’t really afford it. I’ve got a plan! The new bakery needs temporary staff. It’s a good idea, but I’m not really a baker. Don’t worry, it’s easy. In fact, it’s (12) ________________!



L’articolo determinativo the (2)

Oltre agli usi già visti 10

si usa l’articolo the con:

sostantivi numerabili singolari indicanti categorie di cose e animali nomi di giornali e riviste periodi ed eventi storici

The pine is an evergreen tree. Il pino è un albero sempreverde. The polar bear lives in the North Pole. L’orso polare vive al Polo Nord. Tom reads the Daily Mirror.

Tom legge il Daily Mirror.

The First World War began in 1914.

La prima guerra mondiale iniziò nel 1914.

strumenti musicali gruppi politici e religiosi, categorie di persone titoli non seguiti da nome proprio e cognomi al plurale

They play the violin.

Suonano il violino.

The Queen is in Canada. The Moores are in Spain.

La Regina è in Canada. I Moore sono in Spagna.

parti del giorno 22 nomi di popoli terminanti in -ch, -sh e -ese lingue straniere con language

I do my homework in the afternoon.

Faccio i compiti nel pomeriggio.

(The) Italians and the French are Latin people.

Gli italiani e i francesi sono popoli latini.

Ted wants to learn the Italian language.

Ted vuole imparare la lingua italiana.

concetti astratti materie scolastiche, sport, giochi, pasti, colori

May peace reign on Earth.

Possa la pace regnare sulla Terra.

Sylvia hates science and loves volleyball. Her favourite colour is white.

Sylvia odia le scienze e adora la pallavolo. Il suo colore preferito è il bianco.

numeri cardinali e percentuali

Her lucky number is three. Il suo numero fortunato è il tre. Unemployment has decreased by 15%. La disoccupazione è diminuita del 15%.

parti del corpo al plurale nomi propri, cognomi e titoli seguiti da nome proprio

He’s got beautiful blue eyes.

Ha dei bellissimi occhi azzurri.

Miss Marple is a nice old lady. Prince Charles has married twice.

Miss Marple è una simpatica vecchietta. Il Principe Carlo si è sposato due volte.

festività, giorni della settimana, mesi e anni, ore mezzi di trasporto

Tuesday is my lucky day. She’ll start school in October.

Il martedì è il mio giorno fortunato. Inizierà la scuola a ottobre.

I go to school by bus/car/train.

Vado a scuola in autobus/macchina/ treno.

lingue straniere senza language alcune malattie

Chinese is very difficult.

Il cinese è molto difficile.

Ted is in hospital with pneumonia.

Ted è all’ospedale con la polmonite.

The Labourists have got a new leader. I laburisti hanno un nuovo leader. the rich and the poor i ricchi e i poveri

Non si usa l’articolo the con:

Si può usare oppure omettere l’articolo the: • con alcuni nomi di malattie come flu (“influenza”), measles (“morbillo”), chickenpox (“varicella”) e mumps (“orecchioni”) • con le stagioni, ma quando ci si riferisce a una stagione in particolare si preferisce usare the I hate (the) autumn. I’m moving to London in the summer.


Detesto l’autunno. Mi trasferisco a Londra in estate.

The definite article the (2)


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 The people/People in Flat 30 are very friendly. 2 Seven/The seven is my lucky number. 3 Don’t add the pepper/pepper to the soup. It’s very spicy. 4 English/The English is our first language. 5 Helen usually works in the evening/evening.



6 The weather/Weather in this region is hot and humid. 7 Italy is a popular holiday destination with the British/British. 8 Sam is the man wearing the red T-shirt/ red T-shirt.

ERROR CORRECTION Completa il dialogo aggiungendo the quando necessario. Lucy Helen Lucy Helen Lucy Helen Lucy Helen

So, how’s your new flat, Helen? the I love flat but I want to change kitchen. Why, what’s problem? It looks like something from 1960s. Look at Home website at kitchen section. OK, thanks. Oh, my neighbour is famous. He’s owner of Tang. Seriously? Furniture in Tang is gorgeous! He’s in an article in Times today, talking about recycling. I love Chinese furniture, but I think modern look you have in your place is gorgeous. Lucy Where’s flat? Helen It’s in Preston Road, near new café. Lucy Let’s go there for lunch, then look at retro kitchen!


Riordina le parole per formulare frasi corrette e aggiungi the. 1 building / home / is / King / official / of / this This building is the official home of the King. 2 does / play / sister / violin / your / ? 3 a / bad / for / I’m / medicine / taking / sore throat


4 always / for / Green / Party / she / votes 5 century / chair / from / is / this / 18th 6 in / language / local / many / region / people / speak / this

Leggi l’articolo sul Pier 39 a San Francisco e completalo con le frasi (a-h). Aggiungi the quando necessario.

San Francisco’s Pier 39

the As you walk towards Pier 39, San Francisco, noise (1) of the sea lions is in the air . They come to San Francisco Bay because there is plenty of food, especially (2) __________________. Their natural predators, including white sharks, do (3) __________________. The wooden structures (docks) where sea lions sleep (4) __________________. People clean wooden docks to make sure (5) __________________. Hundreds of sea lions are there from (6) __________________. In June and July, the majority of them go to Channel Islands in southern a ■ during winter months b ■ smell of the sea lions isn’t strong the 1 of the sea lions is in air c ■ d ■ to north

e f g h

■ ■ ■ ■

California. In late July, many sea lions return (7) ____________________. Some go back to San Francisco and some go further north, including Canada. It is illegal to feed or harm wild marine animals, including sea lions. One of the main dangers to sea lions today (8) ____________________. The Marine Mammal Center rescues and looks after injured sea lions. not usually look for food in bay late summer to middle of May is plastic rubbish in water are easy to climb onto



L’articolo determinativo the con i luoghi

Si usa the con:

nomi di arcipelaghi, catene montuose e deserti

I love the Maldives. I love the Alps. I’m travelling in the Negev Desert.

Adoro le Maldive. Amo le Alpi. Sto viaggiando nel deserto del Negev.

nomi di paesi al plurale o che contengono le parole republic, union, kingdom, states o isle

She is from the Netherlands. The United States is a federal country. The Isle of Man is a British Crown dependency.

Viene dai Paesi Bassi. Gli Stati Uniti sono un paese federale. L’Isola di Man è una dipendenza della Corona britannica.

nomi di oceani, mari e fiumi

Morocco overlooks the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. The Danube is a river in Central Europe.

Il Marocco si affaccia sull’oceano Atlantico e sul mar Mediterraneo. Il Danubio è un fiume dell'Europa centrale.

aree geografiche e punti cardinali

Japan is in the Far East. She lives in the north of London.

Il Giappone si trova in Estremo Oriente. Vive nel nord di Londra.

La Scala è conosciuta in tutto il mondo. Visitiamo la National Gallery! We’re staying at the New Yorker Hotel. Alloggiamo all’albergo New Yorker.

The Scala is renowned all over the nomi propri di luoghi e locali pubblici (cinema e teatri, musei, world. Let’s visit the National Gallery! hotel, ecc.)

negozi, stanze e parti della casa I’m going to the baker's.

Vado al forno. Lia è nel seminterrato.

luoghi (bed, school, university, Stop jumping on the bed! college, hospital, church, prison) Derna goes to the hospital every day. The prison is near the church. con riferimento all’edificio

Smettila di saltare sul letto! Derna va all’ospedale tutti i giorni. La prigione è vicino alla chiesa.

Lia is in the basement.

Non si usa the con:

nomi di isole, montagne e laghi

My cousin lives in Sardinia. George Clooney has a villa on Lake Como.

Mia cugina abita in Sardegna. George Clooney ha una villa sul lago di Como.

nomi di continenti, paesi e città Africa is called the dark continent.

L’Africa è chiamata il continente nero. L’Italia è un paese di origine latina e Roma ne è la capitale.

punti cardinali per determinare She lives north of London. la posizione rispetto a un luogo

Vive a nord di Londra.

Italy is a country of Latin origin and Rome is its capital.

nomi di strade e piazze, parchi, stazioni e aeroporti, palazzi e chiese accompagnati da nome proprio

Her office is in Trafalgar Square. I usually jog in Hyde Park. Thousands of flights depart from and arrive at Gatwick Airport daily. I want to visit St Paul’s Cathedral.

Il suo ufficio è a Trafalgar Square. Di solito faccio jogging a Hyde Park. Migliaia di voli partono e arrivano all’aeroporto di Gatwick ogni giorno. Voglio visitare la cattedrale di St Paul.

luoghi (bed, school, university, college, hospital, church, prison) con riferimento alla funzione svolta nel luogo

Mark is still in bed. She’s at university. There are too many people in prison. The kids aren’t at home. Mary is at work.

Mark è ancora a letto. Studia all’università. Ci sono troppe persone in prigione. I ragazzi non sono a casa. Mary è al lavoro.


The definite article the – places



Scrivi le parole nel riquadro nella colonna corretta. Aggiungi the dove necessario. France • Dolomites • Amalfi Coast • Czech Republic • Crete • Mount Everest • Colosseum • Ibiza Portugal • Nile • Channel Islands • Oxford Street • Atlantic Ocean • Lake Michigan • Andes



Mountains and mountain ranges

Public places / Places of interest

Bodies of water

Czech Republic



Aggiungi the quando necessario.

the 1 The Tate Modern is south of River Thames. 2 AC Milano’s home stadium is in San Siro district of Milan. 3 Lisa lives in Far East in Hong Kong. 4 Is Mary working at home or at university today?

Riordina le parole per formulare frasi corrette e aggiungi the. 1 British / but / doesn’t / in / is / live / she / Terry / UK Terry is British but she doesn’t live in the UK. 2 at / Bond / Odeon cinema / film / is / new / on / the


5 Our new flat is in centre of Rome. 6 Do flights leave Gatwick Airport after midnight? 7 My friend is from Philippines but she lives in Australia. 8 Madrid is in centre of Spain and it’s capital city.

3 do / Hall / is / know / Town / where / you / ? 4 his / in / is / of / one / paintings / Tate Modern 5 destination / favourite / France / holiday / is / my / of / south 6 doesn’t / to go / Kate / college / to / want

ERROR CORRECTION Qual è la tua vacanza ideale? Completa l’articolo su diversi tipi di vacanza aggiungendo the quando necessario. What type ofthe holiday do you prefer – a relaxing time on beach sleeping under stars or a city break, discovering galleries and nightlife in one of exciting capitals? Perhaps you like idea of a yoga retreat in Bali, relaxing in peaceful atmosphere of Balinese mountains. For adventurous climbers, a mountaineering holiday in Himalayas is perfect choice.

Are you thinking about an extended trip – a few weeks away in summer or a gap year between school and university? Get a good backpack and a

student rail card then plan journey with a friend. Enjoy freedom of open road and opportunity to meet other people on their gap year. What about going somewhere special to see local wildlife? A safari may be for you, or a trip to a wildlife centre where people help to look after centre’s animals in exchange for food and somewhere to sleep. Is your ideal holiday nonstop relaxation by a pool with all your meals ready on time every day? Consider idea of a cruise around Mediterranean, Caribbean – or world!


38-40 Summative revision 1

Sottolinea l’opzione corretta nelle regole grammaticali. Poi abbina le regole alle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Si usa a/the/- per parlare di persone/cose nominate per la prima volta. Si usa a/the/- per parlare di persone/cose già nominate in precedenza. Si usa a/the/- per parlare di oggetti personali. Si usa a/the/- per parlare di unità di misura, frazioni o frequenza. Si usa a/the/- con i nomi di fiumi, mari e catene montuose. Si usa a/the/- per parlare di luoghi con riferimento all’edificio. Si usa a/the/- per parlare di luoghi con riferimento alla funzione che vi si svolge.

a ■ Mr and Mrs Norman go on holiday twice a year. b ■ I’m going to bed. 1 There is a computer in my sister’s room. c ■ d ■ The Thames is a river which flows through London. e ■ Rob isn’t working at the hospital this week. f ■ Lily has a new camera. g ■ The computer is my dad’s old computer.


ERROR CORRECTION Leggi la presentazione del Sunny Holidays Resort ed elimina the quando necessario.


About Us


• Dream Holidays Resort •


• Dream Holidays Resort • Across the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Mexico, families looking for the adventure, action and the good times together enjoy the dream breaks in our fabulous holiday resorts. Mexico and the Dominican Republic are also popular for couples on the honeymoon or celebrating their wedding anniversary. Our Teen Clubs are open daily and during the evening – the parents are not invited! Activities include dancing to loud music, the camping on the beach and watching the films under the night sky. There are the swimming pools at all our hotels. The sea is usually a five-minute walk from the hotel if you like the sunbathing on sandy beaches. Local cafés serve the delicious food.


Abbina le due parti delle frasi e aggiungi l’articolo corretto (a/an o the) quando necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


See you soon!

James is at the He’s studying He thinks He takes He lives in He’s got He’s He’s climbing in

a ■ state-of-the-art camera. b ■ Media and Photography. c ■ course is very good. d ■ Alps this week. e ■ student house in Brighton. f ■ photos on the beach. 1 University of East Sussex. g ■ h ■ very adventurous traveller.

Summative revision


Formula frasi basandoti sulle informazioni date e usando gli articoli a/an o the quando necessario. 1 Tate Modern / famous / art gallery The Tate Modern is a famous art gallery. 2 Corinne / amazing / singer 3 Joe / always / at / work / in / afternoon


4 annual / competition / in / May 5 people / in / that / flat / Portuguese 6 tennis / competitive sport

ERROR CORRECTION Correggi le parti sottolineate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




Willem-Alexander is a king of The Netherlands. How much is the litre of milk? My favourite colour is the green. Tom goes to the university and Tim works for the bank in London. Helen’s learning the Spanish on the Thursday evenings. She goes to a Globe Language Centre in Hill Road. This website gives the people information about a local library. We live the kilometre from a south of a capital.

Completa i mini-dialoghi con le parole nel riquadro e gli articoli a/an o the. the

centre • restaurant • leg • journey • food • village • job • fashion • bank

1 A Hi, I’m from USA. Where aare you from? B I’m from Italy, but I live in small village the in UK.

5 A Jane works at Gatwick Airport. It’s interesting ___________. B Does she live near airport? A Well, it’s thirty-minute train ___________.

2 A Is there ___________ near here? B Yes, it’s on Bridge Street.

6 A How’s your son? Is he at home today? B No, he’s at hospital. A Oh, no. What’s problem? B He’s visiting friend in hospital with broken ___________.

3 A What’s your sister studying at university? B French and French ___________ industry. 4 A Do you like Chinese ___________? B Yes. There’s great ___________ in town ___________.


Rispondi alle seguenti domande in modo personale. Usa le strutture a week/a day/a kilo, ecc. 1 How much homework do you do? I do about two hours a day. 2 How often do you check your Facebook page? 3 How much does bread cost?


4 How much sleep do you usually get? 5 How often does your family eat together? 6 What’s the speed limit on the motorway in Italy?

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Chris è un’insegnante d’inglese nel Regno Unito. 2 Sophie gioca a cricket per la squadra nazionale. 3 Non mi piacciono i film di fantascienza. Preferisco la serie di James Bond. 4 Meri lavora in un bar nel sud della Spagna. 5 Andiamo in vacanza tre volte l’anno. 6 Il 20% delle persone qui sono turisti.

7 San Francisco è a nord di Santa Barbara in California. 8 Amy va al nuovo centro commerciale il sabato mattina. 9 Di solito non mi piace l’azzurro, ma le pareti azzurre in camera tua sono deliziose. 10 Le tre persone nell’appartamento 20 sono studenti universitari.



some, any, no e none


FORMA Si usano some e any per indicare una quantità indefinita, e no e none per dire che qualcosa non è presente. Sono invariabili in genere e numero e corrispondono in italiano agli articoli partitivi “del/dello/della/dei/degli/delle” e agli indefiniti “un po’/qualche/alcuni/nessuno”. Osserva le seguenti particolarità: • some e any hanno funzione di aggettivo e pronome “Hai fatto un po’ di compiti oggi?” “Sì, ne ho fatti un po’.”/“No, non li ho fatti.”

‘Have you done any homework today?’ ‘Yes, I’ve done some.’/‘No, I haven’t done any.’

• no è solo aggettivo; il pronome corrispondente è none Non hai nessuna buona idea. Nessuna è realizzabile.

You have no good ideas. None is feasible.

• some, any e no, in funzione di aggettivo, sono seguiti da sostantivi numerabili plurali e sostantivi non numerabili 36 Ci sono delle idee interessanti nel suo tema. Per favore signore. Mi dia dei soldi, ho fame.

There are some interesting ideas in his essay. Please, sir. Give me some money, I’m hungry.

USO some

frasi affermative

Here are your tests. Some are really good.

Ecco i vostri compiti. Alcuni sono davvero buoni.

frasi interrogative per offerte e richieste

Would you like some olives? Can I have some water?

Vuole delle olive? Posso avere dell’acqua?

Have you done some ironing?

Guarda quelle ciliegie. Compriamone un po’! Invitiamo degli amici? Hai stirato? (immagino di sì)

frasi negative con il verbo alla forma negativa

There aren’t any stars in the sky.

Non ci sono stelle nel cielo.

frasi negative con never

She never has any chance to show Non ha mai la possibilità di her talent. mostrare il suo talento.

frasi interrogative

Have we got any milk in the fridge?

frasi dubitative

Mi servono burro e uova per I need butter and eggs for the cake, but I don’t know if we’ve got la torta, ma non so se ne abbiamo. any.

frasi negative con il verbo alla forma affermativa

There are no mistakes in your test, Non ci sono errori nel tuo or rather none is serious. compito, o per meglio dire nessuno è grave.

frasi affermative e interrogative per Look at those cherries. Let’s buy proposte, e frasi interrogative se ci si some! Shall we invite some friends? aspetta una risposta positiva



Abbiamo del latte in frigo?

• Some/any/none possono essere seguiti da of + the/aggettivo possessivo/dimostrativo + sostantivo plurale, oppure dal solo pronome complemento. Some e any sono seguiti dal verbo al plurale; none può essere seguito dal verbo al plurale (informale) o singolare (formale). Some of my summer camp mates are from Rome. None of you are/is going on the school trip.

Alcuni dei miei compagni di campo estivo sono di Roma. Nessuno di voi andrà in gita scolastica.

• No e none si possono usare a inizio di frase, diversamente da not... any. No dogs are allowed in the swimming pool. None of them are coming to the party.


I cani non sono ammessi in piscina. Nessuno di loro viene alla festa.

Mappa pp. 429, 430

some, any, no and none


ENGLISH USAGE • Some si può usare: - seguito da un sostantivo singolare con il significato di “un qualche” Some colleague has just called.

Un (qualche) collega ha appena chiamato.


seguito da un numerale con il significato di “circa”


in frasi negative con il significato di “alcuni, ma non tutti”

He spent some 2,000 euros for the party. She doesn’t watch some TV programmes.

Ha speso circa 2.000 euro per la festa. Non guarda alcuni programmi televisivi.

• Any si può usare in frasi affermative seguito da un sostantivo singolare con il significato di “uno qualsiasi”. I’m cold. Give me a sweater, any sweater, please.

Ho freddo. Dammi un maglione, un maglione qualsiasi, per favore.

• Any e no possono essere seguiti da good/use + forma in -ing per rendere l'espressione “(non) servire a nulla”. It is no use replying now.

Non serve a niente rispondere ora.

• Si usa some, any e none + left per rendere l’espressione italiana “rimasto”, “avanzato”. ‘Have we got any potatoes?’ ‘Yes, there are some left.’ ‘Is there any coffee left?’ ‘No, there isn’t any left.’ / ‘No, there is none left.’

“Abbiamo delle patate?” “Sì, ne sono rimaste alcune.” “È avanzato del caffè?” “No, non ne è avanzato.”

• Si usa some e any + more per rendere l’espressione italiana “ancora”, “altro”. No more rende l’italiano “non... più”. I need some more flour. ‘Have we got any more mint?’ ‘No, there is no more mint.’


Ho bisogno di altra farina. “Abbiamo ancora della menta?” “No, non ce n’è più.”

Volgi le frasi alla forma interrogativa e negativa. 1 There is some mud on your shoes. Is there any mud on your shoes? There isn’t any mud on your shoes. 2 This plant needs some water. 3 The team has some chance of winning the league.


4 There are some mistakes on this application form. 5 There are some good programmes on TV tonight. 6 Jane has some money in the bank. 7 She wants some ice cream.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 ‘Is there any/some fresh fruit?’ ‘Yes, there’s any/ some on the table.’ 2 There isn’t some/any coffee in the pot. 3 Can I have any/some more pasta, please?


4 There is any/some milk in the fridge. 5 ‘We’ve got some/any ice cream.’ ‘Can I have any/some?’ 6 Are there some/any green areas in your town?

Completa le frasi con some o any. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I’m sorry but you can’t have any more time to do the test. Please put down your pens now. We are not well-off but we have got _________ money we can lend you. Can you drink coffee? I’m afraid we haven’t got _________ tea. Do you want _________ sugar in your tea? Good morning. I’d like _________ advice on the best way to travel into central London. There are _________ good travel apps you can access on your phone. We can put _________ of those strawberries on the birthday cake. There isn’t _________ ice cream to go with the cake.


41 4

some, any, no and none Completa il dialogo con a/an, some o any.

I’ve got (1) some excellent Rwandan coffee. Do you want (2) ________ cup? Yes. I’d love to try (3) ________ but have you got (4) ________ sugar? I like it sweet. I think there’s (5) ________ bag in the cupboard. Here you are. It tastes delicious. Have you got (6) ________ information on where they grow the coffee in Rwanda? These coffee beans come from Maraba. It’s (7) ________ area in the south of the country. I think it tastes better when you drink it in (8) ________ glass. Diana Yes. I agree. It has (9) ________ very delicate flavour. I want to buy (10) ________. Where do you get it? Mike From (11) ________ shop called Lucky Coffee in the High Street. They also have (12) ________ very nice Kenyan blend I like. Diana Great. I’ll give it (13) ________ try. Thanks. Mike Diana Mike Diana Mike


Completa l’email con any, no o none.

Dear Aunt Pauline, I usually have (1) no time to write to you, but I haven’t got (2) _________ homework tonight! I’m enjoying the summer school in York. (3) _________ of the other students here is Italian. I have to speak to everyone in English! We have three one-hour lessons in the morning with a break at around 11. The afternoon class is two hours with (4) _________ break. It is long but the teachers are good. I live with a nice host family. They have a lovely dog called Millie but (5) _________ children. Mrs Smith is a vegetarian, so at the moment I don’t eat (6) _________ meat! Their house is in a village and (7) _________ of the shops stays open after 5 p.m. and there is only one café. It is very quiet. At the weekend, I meet my friends in the city centre but on Sunday there aren’t (8) _________ buses back to the village after 7 p.m. in the evening. Mr Smith is very kind and he always collects me when there are (9) _________ buses. I have (10) _________ complaints!! See you when I get back. Love, Pat


Completa le frasi con no, some, any e le parole nel riquadro. brand • time • milk • money • neighbours • people • clothes • colleagues • bananas • articles 1 The island is uninhabited. There are no people on the island. 2 She keeps her savings in the bank. She has ________________ in the bank. 3 The referee is blowing his whistle and the match is over. There is ________________ left to equalise. 4 The people who live next door are very friendly. We have ___________ nice ___________. 5 Peter only buys shirts and jackets occasionally. Peter has ___________ new ___________ but not many.


6 One or two people in my office are not easy to work with. ___________ of my ___________ can be difficult. 7 The shop has run out of fruit. We can’t buy ________________ here. 8 I really enjoy reading this magazine. This magazine has ___________ interesting ___________. 9 Oh no. I can’t drink black coffee. There’s ________________ left in the fridge. 10 I only like this make of toothpaste. I don’t want to buy ________________ of toothpaste.

some, any, no and none



Completa l’email di Chris con some, any, no o none.

Hi Tim, Thanks for your message. I’m OK and working hard at the moment. There’s (1) no time for a break during the day so I’m always tired! There are (2) ________ really nice people here. There aren’t (3) ________ places nearby to go to in the evenings, so (4) ________ of us goes out much. We stay at the campsite, cook some food and because there is usually (5) ________ signal, we sit and talk instead of looking at our screens all night! The work’s easy but (6) ________ of it is boring. There aren’t (7) ________ jobs I really dislike but (8) ________ of the things we have to do in the restaurant is enjoyable. I really don’t like washing dishes, but I help prepare (9) ________ of the meals now. That’s OK. Write again soon, Chris


Completa il dialogo con some, any o no e le parole nel riquadro. effort • children • problem • difficulty • days • satisfaction • idea • doubt • credit • time Alice Are you enjoying your job? Olivia Yes I am. I’m always busy but I still have (1) some time to spend with my family. Alice I haven’t got (2) _____________, so I’ve (3) _____________ what’s it like to balance work and family. How do you do it? Olivia My boss understands that I always put my home life first and she has (4) _____________ with that. I never have (5) _____________ getting time off when a member of my family is unwell. Alice That’s amazing! Olivia It doesn’t happen very often and I try not to have (6) _____________ away from the office when we are very busy. Alice You really think about your colleagues. Olivia Thank you. I don’t get (7) _____________ when I can’t do my job properly but with (8) _____________ I can usually finish what I want to do. Alice I hope you get (9) _____________ for all your hard work. Olivia I certainly do. I work for a wonderful organisation that appreciates all their employees. Alice I have (10) _____________ that’s the reason why they are so successful.


Completa il dialogo con some/any/no more. Aggiungi left quando necessario. Jack Mum Jack Mum Jack Mum Jack Mum

10 Alex Bella Alex Bella

left Are there (1) any more sandwiches ? I’m starving. Sorry. There aren’t (2) _______________. Go and buy (3) _______________ food from the shop. Have you got any change from that £20 note? Yes. Here you are. I think I need (4) _______________ money. Sorry, I’ve got (5) _______________ cash on me. Can I use your card? OK. But only spend £10. I haven’t got (6) _______________ credit.

TRANSLATION Traduci il dialogo in inglese. Vuoi altro succo? Sì, grazie. Hai dei biscotti avanzati? Sto morendo di fame. Mi dispiace. Non ci sono più biscotti ma penso che ci sia della torta avanzata dalla festa. Posso averne un po’? Grazie.



a lot of/lots of, much/many, How much/How many

Per indicare una quantità elevata ma imprecisata si usano a lot of/lots of e much e many. Corrispondono in italiano a “molto/a/i/e”.

42.1 a lot of/lots of A lot of/Lots of si usano in frasi affermative. Lots of è più comune nella lingua parlata. A lot of/Lots of possono essere seguiti sia da sostantivi non numerabili che da sostantivi numerabili plurali. Italians spend a lot of/lots of money on electronic devices. Gli italiani spendono molti soldi in apparecchi elettronici. There are a lot of/lots of interesting articles in this magazine. Ci sono molti articoli interessanti in questa rivista.

• Nella lingua parlata a lot of/lots of si usano anche in frasi negative e interrogative. Non compra molti vestiti.

She doesn’t buy a lot of clothes.

• A lot of/Lots of richiedono il verbo al singolare se sono seguiti da un sostantivo non numerabile singolare, e al plurale se sono seguiti da un sostantivo plurale. Molte informazioni sono disponibili su Internet. Molti italiani vanno in vacanza in Croazia.

A lot of information is available on the Internet. Lots of Italians go on holiday to Croatia.

• Si può usare a lot senza of in funzione di pronome. Sam hasn't got any homework today, but I have got a lot. Sam non ha compiti oggi, ma io ne ho molti.

Si usa such a lot of per rendere il concetto di “(così/talmente) tanto”. 116 You’ve got such a lot of ideas!

Hai (così) tante idee!

A lot può essere usato come avverbio, solitamente in frasi affermative. I like him a lot.

Mi piace un sacco.

42.2 much/many Much e many possono essere aggettivi o pronomi e si usano in frasi negative e interrogative. In funzione di aggettivo, much è seguito da sostantivi non numerabili, many da sostantivi numerabili plurali. ‘Has she got much patience with the kids?’ ‘I’m afraid she hasn’t got much.’ ‘Has your sister got many friends on Facebook?’ ‘No, she hasn’t got many.’

“Ha molta pazienza con i ragazzi?” “Temo che non ne abbia molta.” “Tua sorella ha molti amici su Facebook?” “No, non ne ha molti.”

Nel linguaggio formale è possibile usare much/many anche in frasi affermative. Many students have failed the exam.

Molti studenti non hanno superato l’esame.

ENGLISH USAGE Spesso not much/many assumono il significato di “poco/pochi” nella lingua parlata. 43.1 George hasn’t got much hair. You know a lot of English words, but I don’t know many.

George ha pochi capelli. Tu conosci molte parole inglesi, ma io ne conosco poche.

Si usano so much/so many per rendere l’espressione italiana “(così/talmente) tanto”. 116 You’re wasting so much time! Well done, Luke! There aren’t so many mistakes in your test.


Stai sprecando (così) tanto tempo! Bravo, Luke! Non ci sono tanti errori nella tua verifica. Mappa p. 430

a lot of/lots of, much/many, How much/How many


ENGLISH USAGE In alternativa a a lot of/lots of, much/many si possono usare plenty of + sostantivo singolare/plurale, a great deal of + sostantivo non numerabile e a large number of + sostantivo numerabile plurale. She has got plenty of time/friends. She has got a great deal of money. She has got a large number of clothes.

Ha parecchio tempo/parecchi amici. Ha un sacco di soldi. Ha molti vestiti.

Much ha funzione di avverbio dopo un verbo in frasi interrogative e negative. Per rafforzare il significato di much si può usare very much in qualsiasi tipo di frase. 44.3 Does she eat much? Mangia molto? Mike doesn’t know much about me. Mike non sa molto di me. I like you very much. Mi piaci moltissimo.

42.3 How much/How many

Dopo i verbi study, work, try e rain si usa hard. He’s studying hard.

Sta studiando tanto.


Per fare domande sulla quantità si usano how much con i sostantivi non numerabili e how many con i sostantivi numerabili plurali; in italiano corrispondono a “quanto/i”. How much chocolate do you need for the Sachertorte? How many girls are there at your school?


Di quanto cioccolato hai bisogno per la torta Sacher? Quante ragazze ci sono nella tua scuola?

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Buddy Rubin spends a lot/lots of on his clothes because he likes to look good. You’re always in the bookshop! Do you read a lot/lots of books? Tourists like this town a lot/lots of because it’s such a friendly place. There’s a lot/lots of new technology to stop cybercrime. We go swimming a lot/lots of because the sea is warm here. This restaurant has a lot/lots of excellent reviews because it’s really good. A lot/Lots of rain falls here in January. There are a lot/lots of people in the park today for the summer festival. The teacher is angry because students are making lot/lots of noise. There are a lot of/a lot participants at the march against the war.

Completa le frasi con a lot o a lot of e le parole nel riquadro alla forma corretta. music • information • travel • snow • bus stop • fruit • chilli • equipment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

music a lot James has expensive speakers because he listens to . This region is popular with skiers because it ________________________ here in the winter. Please don’t add ________________________ to the soup because I don’t like very spicy food. We often go to the open market. We like ________________________. Helen buys ________________________ because she makes films. It’s easy to get into town from here because there are ________________________. Gemma is rarely at home because she ________________________. There’s ________________________ about this subject online.


42 3

a lot of/lots of, much/many, How much/How many Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 There aren’t much/many shops open because it’s Sunday. 2 How much/many of your friends live in your street? 3 ‘How much/many annual holiday do employees in this company get?’ ‘Four weeks a year.’ 4 Is there much/many traffic here after six o’clock?


Abbina le domande alle risposte e completale con much o many. 1 How much fried food do you eat a week?


There isn’t ________ here, but there are big problems in the cities.


■ ■

No, not ________. There are lots of old people.

2 Do ________ teenagers live in this village? 3 Good morning. How ________ suitcases are your checking in?


4 Is there ________ pollution in this part of the country?


5 I don’t like much/many of these shoes. Let’s go to another shop. 6 There isn’t much/many of a choice on this menu. 7 We like this part of Italy very much/many. 8 I don’t think much/many people know about the special offer.

Thirty – but we don’t have ________ chocolate or vanilla today.

1 Not much . It isn’t very healthy. d ■

5 How ________ different flavours of ice cream do you sell?


Yes, but not ________ have vacancies this week because of the music festival.

6 Are there ________ hotels in this town?


Only one. I don’t want to take ________ clothing on holiday.

Completa le domande del quiz con How much o How many e le parole nel riquadro. Poi abbina le domande alle risposte. cost • South • year • flowers • musicians • baby • bottle


1 2 3 4 5 6 7



How many countries in South America don’t have a coast – two, four or six? ________________ juice is there normally in a ________________ or carton? ________________ do ten cakes ________________ at £2.50 each? ________________ times a ________________ is the Venice Film Festival? ________________ ________________ are there in a quartet? ________________ does a one-day old ________________ elephant weigh? ________________ ________________ are there in a bouquet of a dozen roses?


About 100 kilos.


One litre.





1 Not many – only two. e ■ f

It’s once a year.



Completa le frasi con so much o so many. 1 I don’t like this cake because there’s so much sugar in it. 2 There are ____________ places I want to go to. 3 Why do you spend ____________ time on your phone? 4 There aren’t ____________ people here today.

5 My cousin has ____________ lovely clothes! 6 ____________ of this information is out-of-date. 7 It’s shocking that ____________ pollution goes into the oceans. 8 Why are there ____________ packets of vegetables in your freezer?

a lot of/lots of, much/many, How much/How many



Riordina le parole per formulare frasi corrette. 1 2 3 4 5 6

I don’t like the taste of coffee very much. coffee / don’t / I / like / much / of / taste / the / very are / class / how / in / many / students / your / there / ? a / during / he / his / lot / practises / Spanish / summer / the a / bus / check / lot / messages / of / on / people / the / their day / every / many / my / photos / sends / sister / so / ! and / do / family / go / holiday / much / on / you / your / very / ?


Completa le frasi con much, many, a lot of/lots of e le parole nel riquadro. sales • people • things • teenagers • phone • music • clothes • fast food • congestion • milk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


many sales There are so on this month in all the shops. The prices are really low. There is so ____________________________ in their diet. ____________________________ go to yoga classes to help them exercise and relax. James has so ____________________________ on his phone. He listens to it all the time! Caroline has so ____________________________ in her wardrobe! So ____________________________ follow their favourite celebrities on social media. Penny doesn’t like driving home at five because there is so ____________________________ on the roads. I don’t like ____________________________ in my coffee. It’s easy to choose a new phone here because there are so ____________________________ shops. We like this city a lot because there are so ____________________________ to do.

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi.

A lot 1 ‘How many pairs of shoes do you have?’ ‘A lot of!’ 2 There isn’t many news about the football match. 3 A lot people are shopping today because it’s the weekend. 4 Do you have much tourists in your town? 5 Helen likes her new flat lot. 6 There is so many fruit in the fridge!


7 I think a lot programmes on TV are so boring. 8 The city centre is polluted because there are so much buses. 9 This article says teenagers don’t go to the cinema a lot of because it’s expensive. 10 The sports centre doesn’t have many new equipment.

TRANSLATION Traduci i mini-dialoghi in inglese.

1 A Quanti giornali leggi a settimana? B Non molti. Leggo molte notizie online. 2 A B A A

Voglio fare qualcosa per cena ma non ho molto cibo. Hai la pasta? I tuoi spaghetti mi piacciono molto! OK. Quanti pomodori vuoi nel sugo? Molti per favore! Ci sono così tanti pomodori in frigo!

3 A B A B

Ciao Amy. Perché stai comprando così tante magliette bianche? Non ho molto da mettermi (wear) per la (mia) vacanza. Hai tante magliette. Sì, ma non molte in bianco.

4 A Quanti studenti nella tua scuola stanno imparando il francese? B Non molti, ma tanti stanno imparando l’inglese e lo spagnolo. 5 A Hai tante stanze nella tua nuova casa? B Sì, ma non c’è molto spazio nella mia camera da letto. A È perché hai così tanti vestiti?



a little/a few, little/few, enough

43.1 a little/a few, little/few Si usano a little e a few per dire che qualcosa è presente in quantità limitata ma sufficiente. Corrispondono in italiano a “un po’/qualche/alcuni”. Little e few indicano invece che qualcosa è presente in quantità limitata ma non sufficiente; corrispondono a “poco/pochi” in italiano. A little/a few e little/few si usano in qualsiasi tipo di frase e possono essere aggettivi o pronomi. In funzione di aggettivo si usano a little/little con i sostantivi non numerabili, e a few/few con i sostantivi numerabili plurali. I have little money. Zack, have you got a little to lend me? My niece buys a few books every year, but she reads few of them.

Ho pochi soldi. Zack, ne hai un po’ da prestarmi? Mia nipote compra un po’ di libri ogni anno, ma ne legge pochi.

ENGLISH USAGE Little e few sono piuttosti formali. Nella lingua parlata è più comune usare not much/many. 42.2 Si usano very little/very few per rendere l’idea di “molto poco”. 44.3 Suo figlio ha fatto molti pochi progressi finora. Molti pochi italiani parlano inglese fluentemente.

Your son has made very little progress so far. Very few Italians can speak English fluently.

Si usano so little/so few per esprimere il concetto di “(così/talmente) poco”. 116 È rimasta così poca speranza. È un bravo ragazzo, ma ha così pochi interessi!

There is so little hope left. He’s a nice boy, but he has got so few interests!

Si usano just/only a little/a few per esprimere l’idea di “solo poco/pochi”. Ho solo pochi compiti per domani. Solo pochi studenti partecipano ai giochi sportivi nazionali.

I’ve got only a little homework for tomorrow. Just a few students are participating in the national sports games.

A little/Little usati da soli possono avere funzione di avverbio; in italiano corrispondono rispettivamente a “un po’” e a “poco”. 79.1 La mamma è un po’ seccata con me. Si ricorda poco della sua infanzia.

Mum is a little annoyed with me. She can remember little of her childhood.

43.2 enough Si usa enough per dire che qualcosa è presente in quantità sufficiente; corrisponde a “abbastanza/a sufficienza/ sufficientemente” in italiano.

enough + sostantivo

Have you got enough money? There are not enough PCs at my school.

Hai abbastanza denaro? Non ci sono abbastanza PC nella mia scuola.

(not) + aggettivo/ avverbio + enough

Sabrina works fast enough. She’s not careful enough.

Sabrina lavora abbastanza velocemente. Non è abbastanza attenta.

verbo + (complemento) + enough

Sam trains enough every day. They don’t study English enough.

Sam si allena a sufficienza ogni giorno. Non studiano l’inglese a sufficienza.

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI That’s enough. Enough said.


Ora basta. È stato detto abbastanza.

I have had enough. As if that were not enough.

Ne ho avuto abbastanza. Come se non fosse abbastanza.

Mappa p. 430

a little/a few, little/few, enough


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 There are very little/few jobs in my town. 2 We have got a little/a few time to get to the station. 3 There is little/few water in the reservoir because of the drought. 4 You only need to pack a few/a little clothes because it’s hot and sunny now. 5 I want a little/a few fresh air before I continue with this meeting.


6 There are a few/a little things I want to tell you about the history of this building. 7 Students have little/few money to spend on luxuries these days. 8 There are a little/a few books in this library that are extremely rare. 9 The police have little/few information about the robbery. 10 Can I give you a little/a few advice?

Completa i mini-dialoghi con a little o a few. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



‘I think your mum’s a little annoyed with you.’ ‘I know! My exam results aren’t very good.’ ‘How’s Paula feeling?’ ‘She’s got __________ problems at the moment but she’s OK, thanks.’ ‘Grandad, I’m really hungry.’ ‘There are __________ biscuits in the tin on the kitchen table.’ ‘What’s it like living in the countryside?’ ‘I get __________ lonely sometimes because I haven’t got any neighbours.’ ‘Can we check in now?’ ‘You’re __________ early and your room isn’t ready. Please have a seat in the lobby.’ ‘Do you speak any other languages?’ ‘No. I know __________ characters in Chinese, that’s all!’ ‘Are you busy now?’ ‘I’ve got time to have __________ fun before I start work again!’ ‘Is the concert sold out?’ ‘You’re in luck. There are __________ tickets left in the standing area.’

Completa le frasi usando little, a little, few, a few e le parole nel riquadro. players • experience • advice • sugar • spectators • lessons • money • meat • English • time 1 We’ve got less than two minutes to catch the train. We have got little time to catch the train. 2 I always put a sachet of sweetener into my tea. I always put _______________ in my tea. 3 I like to give my students some tips on how to revise for the exams. I like to give my students _______________ on how to revise for the exams. 4 I can give you a couple of euros to buy an orange juice. I can give you _______________ to buy an orange juice. 5 She can’t get a job in the UK because she only speaks one or two words of the language. She can’t get a job in the UK because she speaks _______________. 6 This computer game is complex and it is extremely difficult to reach the top level. The computer game is complex and _______________ reach the top level. 7 I work in a call centre three days a week so I know something of customer service. I work in a call centre three days a week so I have _______________ of customer service. 8 I’m a vegetarian most of the time but I have steak occasionally. I’m a vegetarian most of the time but I eat _______________. 9 Your serve is weak but after working with our tennis coach you can improve. Your serve is weak but after _______________ with our tennis coach you can improve. 10 Because of the awful weather not many people are in the stadium to see the match. Because of the awful weather _______________ are in the stadium to see the match.


43 4

a little/a few, little/few, enough Abbina le due parti delle frasi.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


My great aunt Agatha is a recluse. I’m now in my second week at university. Jane’s new job is very demanding. Come to my office. After the heavy storm, the police are advising people not to drive. It’s after the rush hour now. The drought this year is terrible. Please don’t have a bath now as I need to do the washing up. My uncle now reads everything online. There is a charity collection today.

a ■ She has little free time even at the weekend. b ■ There is little traffic on the road. c ■ There is little water in the reservoirs. 1 She lives on her own and has few friends. d ■ e ■ There is still a little traffic but no major delays. f ■ There is only a little hot water. g ■ He has few books on his shelves. h ■ I think I’ve got a few books I can donate. i ■ I have a little time now to answer your questions. j ■ I’ve now got a few friends and don’t feel lonely anymore.

Completa i mini-dialoghi con so few/so little. 1 ‘Why are there so few supporters in the stadium?’ ‘The home team is bottom of the league!’ 2 ‘When’s the referee going to blow the final whistle?’ ‘We are in the last minute now. I think we’re going to win as ___________ time is left for Arsenal to equalise.’ 3 ‘How does the doctor relax?’ ‘I don’t know. He has ___________ interests outside his work.’ 4 ‘How do you want to spend the last day of the holiday?’ ‘Sitting on the beach! We can’t go anywhere as we have ___________ money.’ 5 ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Reading my book. I want to finish it now as there are ___________ pages left.’ 6 ‘What’s the matter?’ ‘Nothing. I just want to be on my own for half an hour. I get ___________ peace and quiet when the children are on holiday!’


Leggi le domande e completa le risposte con only a few/only a little e le parole nel riquadro. appointments • minutes • fruit • questions • sugar • luggage • English • friends 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


‘Do you want your coffee sweet?’ ‘No, thanks. I want only a little sugar .’ ‘Do I have to wait long to see you?’ ‘No, I have _______________________ this morning.’ ‘How can we help these people?’ ‘Give them a hot meal as they have _______________________ to eat.’ ‘Have you got anything to check in?’ ‘No, I have _______________________, which I can take onto the aircraft.’ ‘Please leave the train. This is the end of the line.’ ‘Sorry, I don’t understand. I speak _______________________.’ ‘Are you having a big birthday party?’ ‘All of my family are coming but _______________________.’ ‘Can I buy a sandwich for the journey?’ ‘Yes, but hurry up. There are _______________________ before the train leaves.’ ‘How long does the survey take to complete?’ ‘Not long. There are _______________________.’

Completa le frasi con enough e le parole nel riquadro. loud • votes • energy • money • tall • patience • time • space • fast 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


This hotel is very expensive. We haven’t got enough money to stay here. The government has got _________________ to pass the law in parliament. Is the music _________________ for you to hear? The train is _________________ to get from London to Brighton in under an hour. I’m not _________________ to reach the top shelves in the supermarket. Make sure you give yourself _________________ to answer all the questions in the exam. There isn’t _________________ to put my suitcase in the overhead locker. Let’s stay at home. I haven’t got _________________ to go to the gym. I don’t think my sister has got _________________ to teach very young children.

a little/a few, little/few, enough



Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro e enough. pay • study • complain • eat • visit 1 2 3 4 5


Julia doesn’t study enough to pass the exams. Does your employer _________________ for you to rent a flat in London? Jack is very thin. I don’t think he _________________. My grandmother always tells me off that I don’t _________________ her _________________. When people _________________, hotels and restaurants improve their service.

Leggi le domande e completa le risposte con a little, little, a few, few o enough e le parole nel riquadro. loaves • money • bread • time • space • demand • coins • cars • snow • patience 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


‘Can I make a sandwich?’ ‘Yes. There’s a little bread in the cupboard.’ ‘Is there any bread left?’ ‘Yes, there are _________________ on the shelf at the back of the shop.’ ‘Do you save much?’ ‘Yes. I always have _________________ in my account at the end of the month.’ ‘Have you got any money to buy us drinks from the machine?’ ‘Yes. I’ve got _________________ in my pocket.’ ‘You always seem to be busy.’ ‘I know. I never have _________________ to do everything I want.’ ‘What’s the weather like today in San Francisco?’ ‘Surprisingly it’s snowing, but there is _________________ that is settling on the roofs.’ ‘Do you sell DVDs?’ ‘I’m sorry we don’t. There’s _________________ for them these days.’ ‘What’s the problem, Madam?’ ‘I can’t get my suitcase into the overhead locker. There isn’t _________________.’ ‘Do you want to work with young children?’ ‘Absolutely not! I haven’t got _________________!’ ‘Why is it so quiet?’ ‘Most people are watching the cup final so there are _________________ on the road.’

Completa il blog di viaggio di Miriam con few, a few, little, a little e le parole nel riquadro. tea • minutes • currency • things • time • clothes • people • patience • advice • staff

Miriam’s Blog

Here I am at Heathrow airport checking in for my flight to Málaga. There are (1) a few people in front of me but the queue is not that long. Great. It’s moving quickly now so there is (2) _________________ before I check in. I only have a small piece of hand luggage as I pack (3) _________________ when I go to Spain. On my blog I like to give my readers (4) _________________. Here’s my first tip for today. Always travel light. OK – check-in complete. Now I’m off to the money exchange. Here’s my second tip of the day. Keep (5) _________________ in a safe place for emergencies. Oh no – now I’m in the security area and there are only (6) _________________ on duty. I think I’m in for a long wait. This is taking a long time. The man in front of me has (7) _________________ and is getting more and more upset. My third tip is: Keep calm when you are waiting. The security guards can stop passengers getting on a flight when they behave badly. Finally – I’m airside. The plane does not take off for an hour so I have (8) _________________ to do some shopping and buy (9) _________________ for the trip. I always buy (10) _________________ – English Breakfast, of course! I’m now boarding – Málaga here I come! Final tip: Enjoy the flight.



too, too much/too many, too little/too few, very

44.1 too, too much/too many Si usano too, too much/too many per indicare che qualcosa è presente in quantità eccessiva; corrispondono in italiano a “troppo”. Osserva la tabella. She always arrives too late at school.

I nostri vicini sono troppo rumorosi. Arriva sempre troppo tardi a scuola.

Salvatore usually eats too much.

Salvatore di solito mangia troppo.

Don’t drink too much lemonade at the party.

Non bere troppa limonata alla festa.

We can’t park today! There are too many cars!

Non riusciamo a parcheggiare oggi! Ci sono troppe macchine!

too + aggettivo/avverbio Our neighbours are too noisy. verbo + too much too much + sostantivi non numerabili too many + sostantivi numerabili plurali ENGLISH USAGE

Per indicare che qualcosa è presente in quantità eccessiva, si possono usare le seguenti espressioni: far too (formale), much too (comune) e way too (colloquiale) + aggettivo. That's far/much/way too expensive.

È troppo costoso.

44.2 too little/too few Per dire che qualcosa è presente in quantità eccessivamente ridotta si usano too little con i sostantivi non numerabili e too few con i sostantivi numerabili plurali. C’è troppo poco latte. Troppe poche persone leggono libri.

There’s too little milk. Too few people read books.

44.3 very Very precede un aggettivo o un avverbio e ne rafforza il significato; corrisponde a “molto” in italiano. My dad is very strict. Viola is working very carefully on her project.

Mio padre è molto severo. Viola lavora molto attentamente alla sua ricerca.

Very traduce anche il superlativo assoluto italiano. Cats are very quick.

I gatti sono velocissimi.

A differenza di much 42.2 , l’avverbio very much si usa in tutti i tipi di frase, affermativa, negativa e interrogativa. I’m eating very much today. They don’t talk together very much. Do you like her very much?

Mangio molto oggi. Non parlano molto tra di loro. Ti piace molto? Mappa p. 430


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 My lunch is delicious, but there’s too many/too much food on my plate! 2 There are too many/too much clouds in the sky today for a picnic in the park. 3 Don’t order too many/too much take-away pizzas. 4 People spend too many/too much time on their phones.


5 My sister sleeps too much/too many. 6 I don’t want to go sales shopping because there are too many/too much people in town. 7 It’s too many/too noisy here. Be quiet! 8 There’s too many/too much pollution in this city because there are too many/too much factories. 9 Sarah talks too many/too much.

too, too much/too many, too little/too few, very



Abbina le due parti delle frasi e aggiungi too, too much o too many. 1 2 3 4 5 6


I don’t want to go to Lucy’s by car because I’m Our sea life is in danger because there’s He has problems with his computer because there are You are talking I don’t want to switch on the TV because there are Let’s eat at home. The restaurants are all

a ■ ______________ plastic in the oceans. b ■ ______________ viruses in it. c ■ ______________ busy this evening. too 1 d ■ tired to drive this evening. e ■ ______________ sad stories on the news. f ■ ______________ fast. I can’t understand you!

Completa il dialogo con too, too much/too many e le parole nel riquadro. busy • complicated • demanding • ingredients • late • things • traffic • work Amy Lucy Amy

Lucy Amy


Hi, Lucy. I know it’s probably (1) too late to ask but have you got any free time today? Hi, Amy. Sorry, I’m so stressed today. I’ve got (2) __________________ to do at work and not enough time. My boss is sometimes (3) __________________. Oh, I’m sorry. Are you (4) __________________ to meet up at the weekend? I want to make a cake and there are (5) __________________ in this recipe! It’s (6) __________________! No problem! There’s never (7) __________________ when a friend wants help to make a cake! Thank you. Come to my flat by bus because there’s (8) __________________ around to drive here on Saturdays.

Completa la seconda frase con too little o too few in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 There aren’t enough tomatoes in this salad. There are too few tomatoes in this salad . 2 There isn’t enough information on the news. There’s ___________________________________________. 3 We haven’t got enough dining chairs for everyone. There are ___________________________________________.


4 You don’t eat enough fresh fruit. You eat __________________________________________. 5 I haven’t got enough power on my phone. There’s ___________________________________________. 6 There aren’t enough musicians at this concert. There are ________________________________________.

Riordina le parole per formulare frasi e aggiungi very o too. 1 2 3 4 5 6


I’m not hungry. Buy your phone online. That’s a lovely jacket! I’m training for a marathon. Watch this film! I don’t really like this sofa.

eating / I’m / much / not / today I’m not eating very much today. cost / in / much / phones / shop / the / this good / it / on / looks / you food / for / here / me / is / the / unhealthy café / funny / in / is / scene / the / the big / flat / for / it’s / my

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

little There’s too few milk and too few bottles of water in the fridge. Etta usually wins the marathon because she runs too fast. I don’t want too much chips, thanks. This computer costs too many money. James speaks a little French but too good German. There’s a No Swimming sign at the beach because it’s very much dangerous to swim today. We don’t have many news about our end-of-term exams. I like this painting too much.


41-44 Summative revision 1

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 5 Are there any/some jeans in my size, please? 6 Helen needs any/some furniture for her new flat. 7 Rosie wants to buy some shoes but there are any/ none in her size. 8 Have you got any/no new music on your phone?

1 We haven’t got any/some cream in the fridge. 2 I want to phone Lucy but there’s any/no signal here. 3 No/None of the students in my class plays football. 4 There’s any/no traffic in the town centre today.


La professoressa Smith ha preparato un questionario per gli studenti. Completa le domande con much or many. Poi abbinale alle risposte corrette. 1 How much time do you spend sending messages to your friends? 2 How _________ photos do you send a day? 3 How _________ friends do you have on social media? 4 How _________ do you spend a month on clothes? 5 How _________ phone calls do you make a day? 6 How _________ time do you spend with your friends at the weekend?


the sky. Guests eat a healthy breakfast of fruit, yogurt and fresh juice. There aren’t (8) some/any shops near the villa so Lola spends (9) a little/little time every morning picking fruit from her trees so it’s always fresh, then she spends (10) lots of/many time preparing food and giving people a lovely holiday.

too There’s too much sugar in this coffee. It’s too much sweet. We want to play football but there are a few players here today. Sorry, I’m not enough tall to reach the tin from this cupboard. There are too few strawberries here. Let’s make strawberry ice cream. These children aren’t old to watch this film.

Completa la seconda frase usando le parole tra parentesi in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 I can’t afford to go on holiday this year. (expensive) It’s too expensive to go on holiday this year . 2 It’s too rainy to go out for a walk. (rain) There’s ______________________________________________. 3 There are too few sports programmes on TV this week. (enough) There ______________________________________________.


We meet for about five or six hours in town. Twenty or thirty. They’re usually pictures of my friends – and my food! c ■ Not much – I usually get things when the sales are on. 1 About an hour a day – maybe more. d ■ e ■ Not many. I usually text people. f ■ I don’t know the exact number of people.

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5


■ ■

Leggi l’articolo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Lola has a spa holiday business in the south of France. People stay at her beautiful villa for (1) a few/ few days to enjoy the sun and her wonderful cooking. (2) Many/Much of her guests want to escape from their busy lives, where they have (3) little/a little time to relax. They want to do (4) some/any of the things they don’t normally have time for. (5) Lots of/Much people have such a wonderful time at the villa. There is so (6) much/many sun and very (7) few/a few clouds in


a b

4 I want to text Sam but I have no charge on my phone. (any) I want to text Sam but I don’t ______________________ ________________________. 5 There isn’t enough sun here to grow oranges. (little) There’s ______________________________________________.

Summative revision


È l’ultimo giorno di vacanza per Alana e Maria. Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Alana Maria Alana Maria Alana Maria Alana Maria Alana



It’s the last day of the holidays! I’ve got (1) lots of/lot of photos! I’ve got (2) a little/a few photos, too – about five hundred! I want to go to that special fish restaurant this evening but it’s (3) too much/too far to walk. Sorry, but there are (4) any/no places I like near the hotel. I know. (5) None/No of these local places is ideal. It’s all fast food. There’s very (6) little/a little choice of local food in this area. Well, we haven’t got (7) too much/much time now before we go home but that’s (8) no/any problem. I’m sure we can find somewhere. That’s true. There are (9) a lot/very nice cafés around here and not (10) much/many fast food places! So, are you (11) enough hungry/hungry enough to eat now? Let’s go for it!

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con le parole nei riquadri. too many • enough • a few • no • lots of • very much screensavers • document • printer • film • expert • equipment 1 2 3 4 5 6


There isn’t enough space on this device Sorry – I have __________ idea how to connect I don’t know __________ about You have __________ similar files, There are __________ really good sites I have __________ photos on my phone,

a ■ with cheap sports __________. b ■ the laptop to the __________. c ■ so I use them as __________. 1 to download another film . d ■ e ■ technology but my friend is an __________! f ■ so save this __________ under a new filename.

Completa l’articolo con le parole nel riquadro. enough • lot • lots • many (x 3) • much • some • very • a few

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is in two main areas in the Pacific Ocean, near Japan and between California and Hawaii, where a (1) lot of marine rubbish covers the surface of the water. 70% of it sinks to the bottom of the ocean where the sea floor is ‘home’ to (2) _________________ types of rubbish. There are (3) _________________ of tiny pieces of plastic called micro plastics and (4) _________________ of these pieces are so small that it is (5) _________________ difficult to see them. They make the water look like thick soup with bigger objects, such as tennis shoes and fishing nets floating in the cloudy water. There are (6) _________________ new fossil fuel plastics which are biodegradable, but most plastics are not, so they do not decompose or disappear completely.

They reduce in size to billions of tiny pieces. There is too (7) _________________ rubbish to clean up in parts of the Pacific now, too (8) _________________ shops selling products in plastic packaging and too (9) _________________ cafés serving drinks with plastic straws, cups and spoons. At the moment, there aren’t (10) _________________ people complaining about the use of plastic or recycling it responsively. Find out what you and your friends can do to stop this destruction.



all e whole

45.1 all All può essere aggettivo o pronome e corrisponde a “tutto/i”.

all + sostantivo (senza the) per parlare di persone, cose in senso generale all + (of) + the/agg. possessivo/ dimostrativo + sostantivo per parlare di persone, cose specifiche

All travellers must have a valid ticket.

Tutti i viaggiatori devono avere un biglietto valido.

All (of) the shops are closed in our village in August. You have to buy all (of) those books.

Tutti i negozi sono chiusi nel nostro paese in agosto. Devi comprare tutti quei libri.

Quando all è seguito da un pronome personale complemento, non si può omettere of. Marta sta mentendo a tutti noi.

Marta is lying to all of us.

We all go to the seaside in the summer. Andiamo tutti al mare in estate.

soggetto + all + verbo

Nota la posizione di all dopo il verbo be, i modali e gli ausiliari nei tempi composti. We are all in bed with the flu. You can all go to the cinema. The kids are all swimming in the lake.

Siamo tutti a letto con l’influenza. Potete andare tutti al cinema. I ragazzi stanno nuotando tutti nel lago.

All come pronome può tradurre anche l’espressione “tutto ciò che”. L’amore è tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno.

All you need is love.


Osserva e ascolta.

all /ɔːl/

45.2 whole

whole /həʊl/

Whole è un aggettivo e corrisponde in italiano a “intero”, “tutto”.

the/a/aggettivo possessivo + whole + sostantivo singolare

The whole story is nonsense. He’s staying with me for a whole year. He’s never worked in his whole life.

Tutta la storia non ha senso. Starà con me per un anno intero. Non ha mai lavorato in tutta la vita.

• Con i sostantivi non numerabili si preferisce usare all (of). We’re changing all (of) the office furniture.

Stiamo cambiando tutti i mobili dell’ufficio.

• In questa costruzione whole e all hanno lo stesso significato e sono intercambiabili, tranne che con l’articolo indeterminativo a con il quale non si usa all. She spent her whole/all her childhood in the countryside. Ha trascorso tutta la sua infanzia in campagna. I drink a whole bottle of water every day. (NON all a bottle) Bevo una bottiglia intera d’acqua ogni giorno.

• In alternativa a the whole è possibile usare the whole of. Questa costruzione è obbligatoria con i nomi propri e i pronomi. The whole of the town doesn't have any electricity. The whole of Beijing is polluted.

whole + sostantivo plurale

Tutta la città non ha elettricità. Tutta Pechino è inquinata.

Whole families have economic difficulties because of the crisis.

Intere famiglie hanno difficoltà economiche a causa della crisi.

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI all day all over the world above all after all not at all that's all right


tutto il giorno in tutto il mondo soprattutto dopotutto prego/di niente va bene

a whole lot a whole new world as a whole on the whole the whole day out of a whole cloth

molto/un sacco un’esperienza del tutto nuova nell'insieme in generale il giorno intero del tutto inventato

all and whole


Inserisci of nelle frasi solo quando è necessario. 1 ‘Do you want any fruit?’ ‘No, thanks. You can of have all it.’ 2 I want to invite all my friends to my birthday party. 3 A rental company owns all the flats in this block. 4 ‘How many members of staff in this restaurant are from Spain?’ ‘All them!’ 5 Who owns all these books?


6 ‘Who is taking the exam today?’ ‘All us.’ 7 ‘How many rooms in this hotel have free Wi-Fi?’ ‘All them.’ 8 ‘How much of the land around the house do you own?’ ‘All it!’ 9 All passengers need to go to their lifeboat stations now. 10 All the shops close early.

Riscrivi le frasi cambiando la posizione di all in modo che le frasi abbiano lo stesso significato. 1 All the students here learn Chinese. The students here all learn Chinese. 2 They must all take an exam at the end of the course. 3 All the teachers come from London.


4 5 6 7 8

They can all speak good English. All of us enjoy learning a new language. All our classes start at 8 a.m. The classrooms have all got internet access. The students are all happy with their teachers.

Completa il resoconto giornalistico con all, all of o the whole of.

I’m standing on the banks of the River Seine in Paris looking at Notre-Dame de Paris. (1) The whole of the cathedral is on fire. It’s very shocking. The police are now stopping (2) ___________ the traffic from coming into the centre. People are watching this awful event on television in (3) ___________ the world. Everyone is hoping (4) ___________ the firefighters here can save the building. Politicians and important people are arriving (5) ___________ the time to see what they can do. We are staying with this story for (6) ___________ this news bulletin because we know that this is an historic occasion that (7) ___________ our viewers feel deeply about. Later in the broadcast we want to bring you reactions from (8) ___________ our international reporters. I think we are (9) ___________ going to remember watching the spire of the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris collapse for (10) ___________ our lives.



News flash

Completa il testo con a whole, the whole of o all. I love my cat. She drinks (1) a whole glass of milk every day. She also eats (2) ___________ fish every evening for her dinner! She sleeps on my bed (3) ___________ afternoon and then spends (4) ___________ the night out in the garden. In the morning (5) ___________ her body has grass on it. I don’t know what she does! She’s my cat but my family (6) ___________ take care of her. (7) ___________ of us are very happy to have her. I hope she can live with us for (8) ___________ her life.


TRANSLATION Traduci il dialogo in inglese. Frank Sophia Frank Sophia Frank Sophia Frank Sophia Frank

Vuoi vedere tutto il film ora? Sì. Abbiamo tutta la sera per vederlo. Che cosa sai del film? Secondo le recensioni tutta la trama è un’assurdità (nonsense) ma la recitazione è brillante. Gli attori sono tutti italiani? Non tutti! Petra Capaldi è britannica. Vero! È nata a Londra, ma ora vive a Roma tutto il tempo. Anche la colonna sonora del film è molto bella. Quale musica usano? The whole of the Moon degli Waterboys e All you need is love dei Beatles. Sono un po’ vecchie ma mi piacciono!



each e every

Each e every hanno un significato simile (“ogni”, “ciascuno”) e spesso sono interscambiabili. Ogni adulto sopra i 65 anni ha uno sconto del 50% sul biglietto.

Each/Every senior citizen above 65 gets a 50% discount on the ticket.

Si preferisce tuttavia usare each per riferirsi a ogni singolo elemento di un insieme, every quando ci si riferisce a tutti gli elementi di un insieme.

46.1 each Each può essere aggettivo o pronome e si usa per parlare di due elementi o comunque di elementi in quantità limitata. Quando each ha funzione di aggettivo, è seguito da sostantivi singolari e verbo al singolare. Ha molti tatuaggi su ogni braccio. Ogni bambino sotto gli 11 anni viaggia gratis. Ci sono due porte in questa casa. Ognuna è protetta dal sistema d’allarme.

She has lots of tattoos on each arm. Each child under 11 travels free. There are two doors in this house. Each is protected by an alarm system.

Each con funzione di pronome può essere seguito da of + sostantivo plurale/pronome complemento plurale + verbo al singolare. Each of the students receives a sheet of paper. There are three guest families next week. Send a confirmation email to each (of them).

Ciascuno studente riceve un foglio. Ci sono tre famiglie ospiti la prossima settimana. Manda una email di conferma a ciascuna (di loro).

Each può anche avere funzione di avverbio. Those organic strawberries cost 40 cents each.

Quelle fragole biologiche costano 40 centesimi l’una.

Si può trovare each anche dopo il soggetto, in questo caso il verbo è al plurale. They each drive a sport car.

Ciascuno di loro guida una macchina sportiva.

46.2 every Every è solo aggettivo. In italiano si può tradurre con “ogni” come each, oppure con “tutti” quando ci si riferisce a tutti gli elementi di un insieme. È seguito da sostantivi numerabili singolari e verbo al singolare. You can carry out every step of the procedure with the touchscreen. Every hotel in town is fully booked.

Si può eseguire ogni passo della procedura con il touchscreen. Ogni albergo in città è al completo.

= tutti gli alberghi

• Si usa every e non each nelle espressioni di frequenza 29.2 . Every può essere seguito da un sostantivo plurale in espressioni che indicano un intervallo temporale, spaziale, ecc.: every day/every two days, every twenty kilometres, every twelve children. • Si usa all e non every con i sostantivi plurali e non numerabili. Every può essere seguito da one of + the/aggettivo possessivo/dimostrativo + sostantivo plurale, oppure dal solo pronome complemento. Il verbo rimane sempre al singolare. Every one of those trees is a hundred years old. The premiere is tonight and the actors are very excited. Every one of them is rehearsing. The exam is tomorrow. Every one of us is revising.


si può omettere

Ognuno di quegli alberi ha cento anni. La prima è stasera e gli attori sono molto emozionati. Ciascuno di loro sta provando. L’esame è domani. Ciascuno di noi sta ripassando.

each and every



Inserisci each nella posizione corretta nelle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5


each ‘How much are these oranges?’ ‘They’re 20 pence or 6 for a £1.’ ‘How do we start the game?’ ‘Deal player a card. The person with the highest card starts.’ ‘Can Ellie and I have something to eat now?’ ‘There are two bananas in the bowl so you can have one.’ ‘What’s the special offer you are advertising?’ ‘You get a can of hi-energy drink with ticket you buy.’ ‘What is so unusual about those stamps?’ ‘They look the same but one is different, when you look closely.’

Completa le frasi con every e le parole nel riquadro. day • reason • page • resident • mile • room • student • time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


There is now a flight from Gatwick Airport to Hong Kong each/every two days. The twins look identical. They are each/every wearing the same clothes. My sister is a big fan of Game of Thrones. She has tattoos of the characters on each/every arm. The service in this restaurant is terrible. You have each/every right to complain. Will and Alice have three children and each/every one has blue eyes. In this school each/every student wears a uniform.

Completa le frasi con each o every. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


My grandparents go to the gym every day . Boris is really good at chess. He beats me _______________ we play. Please read the contract and put your initials at the top of _______________ to show your agreement. The hotel has excellent facilities. There is a coffee machine in _______________. The detectives have _______________ to arrest her but I still think she’s innocent. On the motorway, there is an emergency telephone _______________. In London, _______________ over the age of 65 can travel on the buses for free. The school is very hi-tech and _______________ has a tablet.

every I love shopping in London. I go to Oxford Street Sunday, except Easter Day. Please make sure that ______________ of you has a valid ticket to travel on this train. There are two entrances to the museum. You can use ______________ of them today. In this huge forest, ______________ tree is over a hundred years old. There are general elections in India ______________ five years. Now the exams are over, you have ______________ reason to enjoy yourself. Come here, you two. You can ______________ have £3 to buy any ice cream you want! The flats are very spacious. They ______________ have three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

TRANSLATION Traduci il testo in inglese. Il mercato è aperto tutti i sabati e le domeniche in estate. Ciascun negozio vende un tipo diverso di prodotto. C’è una bella atmosfera ogni volta che ci vado. Mi piace cercare buone occasioni (bargains). Quando compro una cassetta di arance, costano solo 10 pence l’una. C’è un ingresso sul davanti e sul retro. Si possono usare ciascuno di loro per entrare. Tutti i miei amici si divertono quando andiamo. Ci piace il negozio che vende cappelli e ci divertiamo molto a provare ognuno di loro. Ci sono parecchi bar. Ognuno vende cibo da un paese diverso.



either e neither

Either e neither possono essere aggettivi o pronomi. Either corrisponde a “l’uno e/o l’altro”, neither “né l’uno né l’altro”. In funzione di aggettivo, either e neither sono seguiti da sostantivi singolari e richiedono il verbo alla forma affermativa singolare. Puoi parlare inglese o italiano con lei. È fluente nell’una e nell’altra lingua. Né l’uno né l’altro computer funzionano. “Preferite tacchino o pollo?” “L’uno o l’altro vanno bene per me.” / “Mi dispiace, né l’uno né l’altro per me. Sono vegetariano.”

You can speak English or Italian with her. She’s fluent in either language. Neither computer is working. ‘Do you prefer turkey or chicken?’ ‘Either is fine by me.’ / ‘Sorry, neither for me. I’m vegetarian.’

Not... either ha lo stesso significato di neither. You can’t catch either train because they don’t stop in Rovereto. = You can catch neither train because they don’t stop in Rovereto.

Non puoi prendere né l’uno né l’altro treno perché non fermano a Rovereto.

In funzione di pronome, either e neither possono essere seguiti da of + the/aggettivo possessivo/dimostrativo + sostantivo plurale o dal solo pronome complemento plurale. Neither of the/those/your trousers is tight. These two pairs of shoes are gorgeous. Either of them is perfect for the wedding.


Né l’uno né l’altro dei/di quei/dei tuoi pantaloni è stretto. Queste due paia di scarpe sono stupende. L’una e l’altra sono perfette per il matrimonio.

In uno stile formale il verbo rimane al singolare, ma nella lingua parlata si può usare anche il verbo al plurale. Neither of my nieces have tattoos.

Né l’una né l’altra delle mie nipoti ha tatuaggi.

Si usa either... or per indicare due possibilità (“o... o”), neither... nor per negare due alternative (“né... né”). Either... or e neither... nor possono collegare sostantivi, aggettivi, avverbi e verbi. Either può essere omesso. You can have (either) cola or orange juice, but neither wine nor beer. Sarah is neither pretty nor friendly. She drives neither slowly nor carefully. You can (either) study or work.

Puoi avere (o) cola o succo d’arancia, ma né vino né birra. Sarah non è né carina né simpatica. Non guida né piano né con prudenza. Puoi studiare o lavorare.

Con neither... nor il verbo è sempre alla forma affermativa. Either... or e neither… nor sono solitamente seguiti dal verbo al singolare o al plurale nell'inglese informale. Se il secondo soggetto è un plurale si preferisce usare la forma plurale del verbo. Is either Paul or John at home? Neither Lisa nor Will works on Monday. Either Susan or her parents are at home. Neither Mia nor her friends are going to the concert.


Ci sono o Paul o John a casa? Né Lisa né Will lavorano il lunedì. O Susan o i suoi genitori sono a casa. Né Mia né i suoi amici vanno al concerto.

In inglese britannico either e neither si possono pronunciare sia /aiðə(r)/ e /naiðə(r)/ che

/iːðə(r)/ e /niːðə(r)/. In inglese americano si pronunciano /iːðə(r)/ e /niːðə(r)/.


either and neither


Completa le frasi con either o neither. 1 2 3 4 5 6



I don’t like Matisse or Picasso. I collect neither . There are two versions of the book with only minor differences. You can study ____________. My sister is vegan so please don’t serve her eggs or cheese. She eats ____________. The District Line and the Bakerloo Line go to Paddington Station. You can take ____________. We accept cash or credit cards. You can pay with ____________. I can’t connect with my laptop or my phone. ____________ device is working.

Completa le frasi con either of o neither of. I don’t want an appointment at 11.00 a.m. or 4.00 p.m. Neither of these times is convenient. There are two good films on at the cinema. I can watch ______________ them, so you choose. I’m sorry but ______________ the daytime flights is available. They are fully booked. I’m afraid the manager and her deputy are in a meeting. ______________ them can come to the phone at the moment. 5 Peter and Dudley are excellent employees. ______________ them is suitable for promotion and it’s difficult to choose between them. 1 2 3 4


Completa il dialogo con either, neither o or. Gary Stella Gary Stella Gary Stella Gary Stella Gary Stella


Good afternoon. I’m Gary, your server today. The lunchtime special has two courses with (1) either a coffee or a soft drink. What do you want to have? (2) ____________, thank you. Just bring me a glass of water with my main course. OK – for your main you can (3) ____________ have grilled chicken, lasagne (4) ____________ a salad. Is there beef in the lasagne? Yes, there is. I don’t eat meat so I can’t have (5) ____________ of those dishes. What salads have you got? You can (6) ____________ have a Greek salad with cheese (7) ____________ a Waldorf salad with apple. Oh no. I eat (8) ____________ dairy products nor fruit. What else can you offer me? How about a sandwich? We have (9) ____________ tuna (10) ____________ cucumber and tomato. All our other sandwiches have (11) ____________ meat (12) ____________ cheese in them. Bring me the tuna sandwich and don’t forget my glass of water!

Riscrivi le frasi usando le parole tra parentesi. 1 My desktop and laptop have no Wi-Fi at the moment. (neither, nor) Neither my desktop nor my laptop has Wi-Fi at the moment. 2 We have beef and chicken curry. Which one do you want? (either, or) 3 My grandmother and my grandfather can’t use a computer. (neither of) 4 There are two films on: a horror movie and a thriller. They are not suitable for children. (neither, nor) 5 We don’t have these shoes in red and they are also not available in green. (either, or) 6 Monday 1st and Monday 8th are fine for me. (either of)


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

Per favore, parli in francese o inglese. Non capisco né lo spagnolo né l’italiano. Puoi venire in ufficio alle 11 o alle 4. Sono disponibile nell’uno e nell’altro di questi orari. Nessuna di queste macchinette per i biglietti funziona. Può aspettare in coda o ritornare più tardi. I miei genitori sono impegnati. Né l’uno né l’altro può venire al telefono al momento. Non serviamo alcolici ma può prendere acqua minerale o succo di frutta.



both e most

48.1 both Both può essere aggettivo o pronome; in italiano corrisponde a “entrambi”. È seguito da un sostantivo plurale e richiede il verbo alla forma plurale. I like both films of that young film-maker. Emma and Pia are sisters. Both have long hair.

Mi piacciono entrambi i film di quel giovane regista. Emma e Pia sono sorelle. Entrambe hanno i capelli lunghi.

Se il sostantivo è preceduto da the/aggettivo possessivo/dimostrativo, si possono usare sia both che both of senza variazione di significato. Both (of) the flats have good and bad points. Both (of) my dogs sleep on the sofa. Both (of) those shops are expensive.

Entrambi gli appartamenti hanno pregi e difetti. Entrambi i miei cani dormono sul divano. Entrambi quei negozi sono costosi.

Quando both è seguito da un pronome personale complemento, non si omette of. Both of them are red-haired.

Entrambi hanno i capelli rossi.

Both precede il verbo principale ma segue il verbo be, i modali e gli ausiliari nei tempi composti. We both want to go out. Carl and Steve are both in a hurry. You can both watch TV. They have both eaten a sandwich.

Vogliamo andare fuori entrambi. Carl e Steve sono entrambi di fretta. Potete guardare entrambi la TV. Hanno mangiato entrambi un panino.

Both... and può collegare due sostantivi, aggettivi, avverbi e verbi; si rende con l’espressione “sia... sia/che” in italiano. Lola is taking both karate and judo lessons. Jim is both charming and clever. She works both hard and carefully. You can’t both study and work.

Lola prende lezioni sia di karate sia di judo. Jim è sia affascinante che intelligente. Lavora sia sodo che con attenzione. Non puoi studiare e lavorare.

48.2 most Most può essere aggettivo o pronome; traduce l’espressione italiana “la maggior parte”. Quando si parla in senso generico most può essere seguito da un sostantivo non numerabile con il verbo al singolare o da un sostantivo plurale con il verbo al plurale. Most meat is imported from Argentina.

La maggior parte della carne è importata dall’Argentina.

NON There are few teachers at school. Most are Ci sono pochi insegnanti a scuola. La maggior si mette on strike. parte è in sciopero. the prima Si usa most of quando il sostantivo è preceduto da of + the/aggettivo possessivo/dimostrativo oppure in presenza del di most solo pronome personale complemento.

I don’t like most of the TV programmes. Most of your/those pictures are really good. Most of you failed the exam.

Non mi piace la maggior parte dei programmi televisivi. La maggior parte delle tue/di quelle fotografie sono davvero belle. La maggior parte di voi non ha superato l’esame.

Quando most è seguito da un sostantivo plurale è possibile usare in alternativa the majority of con il verbo al plurale. The majority of Americans drive within the speed limit.


La maggior parte degli americani rispetta il limite di velocità.

both and most


Completa le frasi con both o both of. 1 ‘Do you prefer the green or the blue dress?’ ‘I like them both .’ 2 There are two new students in my class. ____________ them are British. 3 ____________ Spain and Italy are popular holiday destinations.




4 Adelia speaks ____________ Portuguese and Spanish. 5 Those phones are ____________ new models. 6 Here you are, Harry and Lily – this TV is for ____________ you.

Osserva le immagini di queste cinque amiche e completa le frasi. 1 The majority of the girls are wearing jeans. 2 Amy and Robyn are ____________ wearing ____________ T-shirts. 3 Helen and Robyn ____________ have long blonde ____________. 4 ____________ of the girls are wearing white ____________. 5 ____________ Helen and Lucy are wearing green ____________. 6 ____________ of the girls are ____________. 7 Amy and Rosie ____________ have ____________ eyes.

Leggi l’email di Sam su due campeggi e completala con most, most of, both o both of.

Hi, James. Thanks for your text. Yes, I have some information about the two campsites. They’re (1) both near my home and (2) __________ them are really nice. Green Tree campsite is very big and (3) __________ campers are groups of students. Sunny Beach campsite is near the coast and (4) __________ the people there are families with young children. (5) __________ sites have two or three cafés and (6) __________ them have a swimming pool. Green Tree has two shops: one sells take-away pizzas and chips, because (7) __________ campers don’t want to spend (8) __________ their time cooking! Sunny Beach has (9) __________ an indoor and an outdoor pool and (10) __________ pools have a lifeguard. The campsites are busy (11) __________ the time during the summer. Let me know what you decide to do. Sam


Leggi i risultati di un sondaggio online. Completa le frasi su sei gruppi di persone. Usa both, most of e the majority of e le informazioni nella tabella.

Free time Food Music Films Clothes

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6










ice cream





















1 Groups 1 and 3 both play tennis in their free time. 2 __________ people’s favourite food is __________. 3 __________ the music people listen to is __________ or rock.

4 __________ Groups 1 and 5 prefer __________ films. 5 __________ people like shopping for __________ when they buy clothes.



I composti di some, any, no, every

FORMA Osserva come si formano i composti di some, any, no 41


e every 46 .




-body/-one (persone)

somebody/someone (qualcuno)

anybody/anyone (qualcuno)

nobody/no one (nessuno)

everybody/everyone (tutti)

-thing (cose)

something (qualcosa)

anything (qualcosa)

nothing (niente)

everything (tutto)

-where (luoghi)

somewhere (da qualche parte)

anywhere (da qualche parte)

nowhere (da nessuna parte)

everywhere (dappertutto)

Non c’è differenza di significato fra i suffissi -body e -one. I composti di some, any, no e every sono seguiti dal verbo al singolare, ma si usa la forma plurale di pronomi personali (they e them) e aggettivi possessivi (their). Nobody is at home because they’re not answering the phone. ‘There’s somebody for you on the phone.’ ‘Tell them I’m busy’. Somebody left their jacket on the bus.

Non c’è nessuno a casa perché nessuno risponde al telefono. “C’è qualcuno per te al telefono.” “Digli che sono occupato.” Qualcuno ha lasciato la sua giacca nell’autobus.

• I composti di some, any e no seguiti da aggettivo non richiedono la preposizione of. There isn’t anything interesting on TV. Nothing good will come out of this.

Non c’è niente di interessante alla televisione. Non ne sortirà niente di buono.

• Somewhere, anywhere e nowhere possono essere preceduti solo dalle preposizioni di moto da luogo from e out of (non da in e to). They’re from somewhere in the States. He appeared out of nowhere. MA: The keys are nowhere.

Vengono da qualche parte degli Stati Uniti. È apparso dal nulla. Le chiavi non sono da nessuna parte.

senza preposizione

USO I composti di some, any, no e every si usano per indicare persone, cose e luoghi non definiti e seguono le stesse regole d’uso di some, any e no.

composti di some


frasi affermative

He’s seeing someone, but I don’t know who. David is somewhere in Australia.

Si vede con qualcuno, ma non so chi. David è da qualche parte in Australia.

frasi interrogative per Would you like something to eat? Can I have something to drink? offerte e richieste

Vuoi qualcosa da mangiare? Posso avere qualcosa da bere?

frasi affermative o interrogative per proposte

Andiamo da qualche parte. Perché non andiamo da qualche parte?

Let’s go somewhere. Why don’t we go somewhere?

Compounds of some, any, no, every composti di any


frasi interrogative

Is there anybody out there? Are you going anywhere on holiday?

C’è qualcuno là fuori? Vai da qualche parte in vacanza?

frasi negative con il verbo alla forma negativa

Leo doesn’t eat anything at breakfast.

Leo non mangia niente a colazione.

frasi negative con never

She never goes anywhere without her teddy bear.

Non va da nessuna parte senza il suo orsetto.

frasi dubitative

I don’t know if he needs anything.

Non so se ha bisogno di qualcosa.

I composti di any possono assumere il significato di “chiunque”, “qualsiasi cosa”, “qualsiasi luogo” in frasi affermative. This problem is easy. Anyone can solve it. Anything she says is nonsense. Ted goes anywhere with his skateboard.

composti di no

frasi negative con il verbo alla forma affermativa

Questo problema è facile. Chiunque può risolverlo. Qualsiasi cosa dica è un’assurdità. Ted va in qualsiasi luogo con il suo skate.

Non andiamo da nessuna parte questa estate. There’s absolutely nothing in the fridge. Non c’è assolutamente niente in frigo. We’re going nowhere this summer.

All’inizio di una frase di significato negativo si possono usare i composti di no, ma non quelli di not... any. Non va bene niente.

Nothing is going well.

composti di every


in frasi affermative, interrogative e negative

You can tell everyone. Can you tell everyone? I can’t tell everyone.

Puoi dirlo a tutti. Puoi dirlo a tutti? Non posso dirlo a tutti.

Completa il dialogo con i composti di no. Mum Danny Mum Danny Mum Danny

What are you doing in your bedroom, Danny? (1) Nothing , Mum. I can hear voices. Who are you talking to? (2) __________________. It’s the television. Come downstairs for lunch. What do you want to eat? (3) __________________, Mum. I’m not hungry. I’m going out soon. Mum Where are you going? Danny (4) __________________ special. I just want some fresh air. Mum Who are you going with? Danny (5) __________________. I want to be on my own.


Completa la seconda parte del dialogo con i composti di any. any Mum I don’t understand Danny at the moment. He’s not doing (1) anything . He’s not eating (2) __________________ and he’s not going (3) __________________. He’s not seeing (4) __________________. Dad Don’t worry. He’s just a teenager! I don’t think he’s doing (5) __________________ wrong. Mum He doesn’t go (6) __________________ after school. He just comes home and looks at his phone.


49 3

Compounds of some, any, no, every Abbina le domande alle risposte. Poi completa le risposte con i composti di some, any o no.

1 Is there a dress code for the party? 2 Who do I ask for information about train times? 3 Are there any shops that sell gluten-free products? 4 Please open your suitcase so I can check it. 5 Do you have to be over 18 to enter the competition?


a b c d e

There’s _____one on the desk over there who can help you. ■ No. _____body can play. ■ Sorry. There’s _____where in this town that has food like that. ■ I have got _____thing to declare. 1 You can wear anything that’s fashionable! ■

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Is there anything/anyone I can do to help you? I’m bored. There’s nowhere/somewhere to go at this campsite and nothing/something to do. I want to invite everyone/no one I know to my party. I hope they all can come. At the moment there’s no one/nothing willing to stand for president of the students’ council. This year we aren’t going somewhere/anywhere at Christmas. We’re staying at home. Please don’t try to deliver the parcel today. There isn’t anyone/everyone in the flat who can receive it. You’re very quiet. Say something/anything. Can someone/everyone answer the phone, please? I’m busy. 91

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e scrivi A se la frase è affermativa, N se negativa e

I se interrogativa. I 1 _______ 2 _______


3 _______ 4 _______

5 _______ 6 _______

7 _______ 8 _______

Completa le frasi con un composto di some, any o no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Completa le frasi con un composto di some, any, no o every. Is there anything special you want for dinner? There’s ________________ exciting to go in this town. I want to have ________________ to do with him. He’s no longer a friend on social media. You look a bit upset. Is there ________________ you can call to talk about the problem? There are plates and glasses ________________. Please help me to tidy the kitchen before my parents get home. 6 She never goes ________________ without her laptop and phone. 7 I’m so happy. I want to tell ________________ about our engagement. 8 ‘I want to go ________________ exotic for my holiday this year.’ ‘How about going to Bali or Tahiti?’

1 2 3 4 5


Is there anything I can get you to drink? I want to check the sound levels. Please say ________________ into the microphone. I don’t want to go ________________ on holiday this year. Do these bags belong to ________________ here? I’m starving and there’s ________________ in the fridge to eat. Let’s go out. The town is very quiet in the winter. There’s ________________ to go to have a good time. Can ________________ tell me the answer? Put your hand up. You upset your sister. Have you got ________________ to say to her? It’s easier to come by bus. There’s ________________ to park near the cinema. She’s always doing crazy things. ________________ surprises me now!

Compounds of some, any, no, every



Completa il dialogo con something, anything, nothing, someone, anyone, somewhere, anywhere o nowhere. Is there (1) anything I can help you with? I want to buy (2) _____________ a present. Is it for (3) _____________ special? Yes. It’s for my mum. I want to buy her (4) _____________ nice for her birthday but I can’t think of (5) _____________ to get her. There’s (6) _____________ she really needs at the moment. Shop assistant Is there (7) _____________ you can ask to help you? Danny There’s my dad but I think he’s going (8) _____________ this afternoon so I can’t contact him. Shop assistant OK. Have a look on those shelves. I’m sure there’s (9) _____________ there your mum likes. Danny Thanks. I don’t want to go home without buying her (10) _____________. Shop assistant I’m sure you can find (11) _____________ in this shop. Keep looking!

Shop assistant Danny Shop assistant Danny


Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. nobody • everyone • anyone • anything • nothing • anywhere


Nobody flies you better Belle Air is an airline with a difference. We have flights to destinations all over the world. You can go almost (1) anywhere you choose. (2) ____________ is welcome on our planes. Our prices are so low that (3) ____________ can fly with us. We provide an excellent service from the moment you book to the time you land. Our helpline provides information on (4) ____________ you need to know about departure times, luggage allowances, safety procedures and the food we serve in the air. (5) ____________ is too much trouble for us and (6) ____________ can match our prices. Just pay and you can fly today!


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese.

1 Vai da qualche parte di interessante il prossimo fine settimana? 2 Tutti in classe amano il nuovo insegnante. 3 Non voglio andare da nessuna parte questa sera. Restiamo a casa. 4 Non c’è niente che voglio vedere al cinema. 5 C’è qualcuno qui che parla giapponese? 6 Mi dispiace ma non so niente dell’incidente.

7 C’è una stazione di servizio (petrol station) da qualche parte qui vicino. 8 Posso avere qualcosa da bere, per favore? Ho molta sete. 9 Nessuno dell’organizzazione è disponibile per (to) rispondere alle sue domande. 10 C’è uno strano rumore che viene dalla nostra mansarda. C’è qualcuno nella stanza?


45-49 Summative revision 1

Completa la prima parte delle frasi con all, both, each, most, the majority o neither. Poi abbina le due parti delle frasi.


Most of the students are sending text

2 ________________ Matthew and Lisa are taking

a ■ different types of music. 1 messages. b ■ c ■ games.


3 ________________ person is listening to d e

4 ________________ of the girls is on

■ ■

5 ________________ the children are playing

photos. the phone.

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 The students all have a grammar book. Each of the students has a grammar book . 2 We only have half an hour to finish the test. All _________________________________________________________. 3 Most museums in this city are free. The majority _________________________________________________________. 4 These cameras are both the same price. Both _________________________________________________________. 5 The classrooms all have smartboards. Every _________________________________________________________. 6 All the people in the theatre are enjoying the concert. Everyone _________________________________________________________.


Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. Poi riscrivi la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima usando le parole tra parentesi. weekend • team • change • cases • musicians • Sundays • TV 1 There’s no instant solution to the problem of climate change . (not an) There isn’t an instant solution to the problem of climate change. 2 There isn’t anything I want to watch on ______________. (nothing) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Most people head to the beach at the ______________. (majority) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 I don’t like either of those phone ______________. (neither) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 There isn’t anyone in my class in the football ______________. (no one) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 All of the town centre is full of cafés and street ______________. (whole) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 There’s nowhere to park on ______________. (anywhere) __________________________________________________________________________________________


Summative revision


Leggi l’articolo sul sistema solare e scegli l’opzione corretta.

The (1) majority of the stars in the sky are not visible during the day. Our own star, the Sun is there, of course, but (2) ______________ else, apart from the Moon, is difficult to see in daylight. (3) ______________ stars appear clearly after sunset, but (4) ______________ aren’t very clear because they’re so far

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



A majority of A anything A Whole A some A both A everyone A everywhere A both A both A anybody

away. Not (5) ______________ bright object in the sky is a star. There are eight planets in our Solar System and they (6) ______________ appear at different times and different positions in the sky during the year. Look up at the sky and you know that they are (7) ______________ up there. Our Moon

B most B nothing B All B neither B all B both B somewhere B neither B majority B somebody

Leggi la comunicazione dello Student Holiday Centre e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Welcome to the Student Holiday Centre! We want (1) everybody/all of you to have a very happy two weeks here. Everybody has a room (2) either/or on this floor (3) either/or the first floor and (4) each/both floor has a bathroom. Please don’t go (5) nowhere/anywhere with ‘Private’ on the door. There is always (6) anybody/somebody to help you, so please ask. There is Wi-Fi (7) everywhere/anywhere in the building and we have (8) some/any phone chargers in the office. The activities are (9) all/some on the notice board in the dining room. There is a kitchen at the end of (10) each/both floors with a cooker and fridge for (11) everybody/somebody to use. There are fire alarms in (12) every/most room and the (13) whole/all building has access to fire escapes. Have a great time (14) nobody/everybody!

is very close to us at 384,400 kilometres from Earth. The Moon is neither a star (8) ______________ a planet – it’s a satellite. The (9) ______________ of people are interested in the possibility that there is another ‘Earth’. Perhaps there is (10) ______________ out there in space who wants to visit Earth one day?

C all C everything C Every C either C every C all C nowhere C nor C most C everybody


D every D something D Most D both D either D neither D anywhere D either D whole D nobody

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Tutti i miei amici sono in vacanza questa settimana. 2 Ogni casa in questa strada è di un colore diverso. 3 Sam fa un esame di francese o spagnolo oggi. Non ne sono sicura. 4 Harry e Lily vanno entrambi alla stessa scuola. 5 Ti serve qualcosa dal supermercato? 6 Non c’è nessuno a casa al momento. 7 Voglio preparare qualcosa di buono da mangiare per cena. 8 Non c’è niente di speciale alla TV al momento.



I pronomi riflessivi e reciproci

50.1 Pronomi riflessivi



I pronomi rif lessivi concordano con il soggetto a cui si riferiscono.

Pronomi soggetto Pronomi riflessivi I you he she it we you they

Oneself è la forma impersonale, raramente usata nella lingua parlata; nei dizionari indica l’infinito di un verbo riflessivo.

myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

to hurt oneself farsi male

USO I pronomi rif lessivi si usano: • quando il soggetto e il destinatario dell’azione coincidono My husband makes himself a drink when he gets back from work. I’ll buy a car for myself.

Mio marito si prepara qualcosa da bere quando torna dal lavoro. Mi compro un’auto.

• con i verbi rif lessivi o che ammettono la forma riflessiva Don’t climb the tree or you’ll hurt yourself. We don’t enjoy ourselves at concerts.

Non salire sull’albero o ti farai male. Non ci divertiamo ai concerti.

• per enfatizzare che l’azione viene svolta dal soggetto o per mettere in evidenza il soggetto

subito dopo il soggetto

Vuole finirlo lui stesso. Zoe in persona/stessa sta parlando con il preside.

He wants to finish it himself. Zoe herself is talking to the headmaster.

• preceduti da by per esprimere il concetto di “da solo/i” o “senza nessun aiuto” I live by myself. This cake is delicious! Marta made it by herself.

Vivo da solo. Questa torta è deliziosa! Marta l’ha fatta da sola.

In inglese i pronomi riflessivi sono meno frequenti che in italiano. Non si usano i pronomi riflessivi: • con le parti del corpo e i capi di abbigliamento; in questi casi si usa l’aggettivo possessivo Clean your teeth before going to bed. My hands are cold. I’ll put my gloves on.

Lavati i denti prima di andare a letto. Ho le mani fredde. Mi metto i guanti.

• con alcuni verbi che sono riflessivi in italiano, ma non in inglese apologise behave change complain congratulate dress fall asleep

scusarsi comportarsi cambiarsi lamentarsi congratularsi vestirsi addormentarsi

fall ill fall in love feel forget get up meet relax

ammalarsi innamorarsi sentirsi dimenticarsi alzarsi incontrarsi rilassarsi

remember sit down stand up stop wake up wash worry

ricordarsi sedersi alzarsi fermarsi svegliarsi lavarsi preoccuparsi

• con alcuni verbi che indicano cambiamento; in questi casi si usa get seguito da aggettivo o participio passato get angry get bored get dirty get dressed


arrabbiarsi annoiarsi sporcarsi vestirsi

get ill get lost get married get ready

ammalarsi perdersi sposarsi prepararsi

get tired get upset get used (to) get wet

stancarsi agitarsi abituarsi (a) bagnarsi Mappa p. 431

Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns


ENGLISH USAGE • Per rendere l’espressione “tutto/a per me/te”, ecc. si usa (all) to + pronome riflessivo. Tuo fratello si trasferirà a Milano. Avrai la camera tutta per te.

Your brother will move to Milan. You’ll have your room (all) to yourself.

• Alcuni verbi cambiano di significato se seguiti da pronome riflessivo: behave yourself

comportarsi bene

help yourself servirsi

find yourself ritrovarsi

50.2 Pronomi reciproci Each other e one another sono pronomi reciproci; si usano per indicare la reciprocità di un’azione. Corrispondono in italiano alle espressioni “a vicenda”, “l’un l’altro”. Each other e one another possono essere usati indifferentemente, ma si preferisce utilizzare each other con riferimento a due elementi e one another con riferimento a più elementi. Giulia e Lucrezia parlano sempre l’una con l’altra durante l’intervallo. Le persone in città non si conoscono.

Giulia and Lucrezia are always talking to each other during the school break. People in town don’t know one another.

Sia each other che one another ammettono la forma possessiva each other’s e one another’s. Sara e Jane stanno bene in compagnia l’una dell’altra.

Sara and Jane enjoy each other’s company.

Non confondere each other e one another con i pronomi riflessivi ourselves, yourselves e themselves. Si amano profondamente. Amano solo se stessi!

They love each other deeply. They love only themselves!


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 I don’t like fixing my computer myself/herself. 2 Annie is an old lady but she always drives herself/himself to the supermarket. 3 My alarm clock switches itself/himself on at the same time every morning. 4 Please make yourself/itself a coffee.


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con il pronome riflessivo corretto.








5 Let’s take a picture of ourselves/themselves in front of this statue. 6 Lucy and Laurie are painting their house themselves/ ourselves. 7 Don’t hurt yourselves/themselves in the playground! 8 My sister and I go to school by myself/ourselves by bus.


1 She’s giving herself a manicure. 2 He’s picking __________ an apple. 3 The bird’s washing __________ in the bird bath. 4 We’re protecting __________ from the rain. 5 I’m making __________ a sandwich. 6 They’re keeping __________ cool.

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 yourself/yourselves 2 yourself/yourselves

3 themselves/herself 4 himself/itself

5 myself/itself 6 herself/themselves



Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns


Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completa la seconda parte con i pronomi riflessivi nel riquadro. myself • yourself • herself • himself • itself • ourselves • yourselves • themselves 1 Why don’t you buy cakes? 2 My sister is in the swimming pool. 3 Orla, Etta and their mum are in the kitchen. 4 I don’t have time to do my bedroom now, Mum! 5 James books all his flights online. 6 I want to buy you a dress for your birthday, Jane. 7 This is your room, Mr and Mrs Norman. 8 Do you want a picnic on the beach, Lily?


■ ■

Please make _____________ at home. He does it _____________, so he gets a good seat on the plane. c ■ Good idea! Let’s make the food _____________, Harry. d ■ Choose it _____________, so you get the right size. 1 I prefer to make them myself . e ■ f ■ Well, it doesn’t tidy _____________! g ■ She’s teaching _____________ to swim. h ■ They’re making _____________ a pizza.

Completa le frasi con il pronome riflessivo corretto e inserisci by prima del pronome quando necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


a b

I play guitar in a band but often practise by myself . We design the posters for our concerts _________________. When their parents go out, Harry and Lily sometimes stay at home _________________. Do you go on holiday _________________ or do you go with your family? My niece and nephew choose their clothes _________________. Etta always goes to school with her sister. She never goes _________________. My niece is only three, but she dresses _________________ every morning. Sam is very kind and always thinks about other people. He never puts _________________ first.

Lucy andrà in un centro vacanze per il fine settimana. Completa i consigli con la traduzione dei verbi nel riquadro. stancarsi • alzarsi • rilassarsi • ricordarsi • preoccuparsi

Enjoy the activity weekend!

☞ ☞ ☞ ☞ ☞


Please (1) remember to bring sports clothes and a swimming costume. Don’t (2) _____________ on the first evening because Day Two is busy! Try to (3) _____________ at 7 for breakfast in the dining room – the food’s good! Don’t (4) _____________ about making new friends – you can meet lots of new people here. Just (5) _____________ and have a wonderful time!

ERROR CORRECTION Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono corrette (✓) o sbagliate (✗). Poi correggi quelle sbagliate. 1 We feel ourselves nervous about all the exams. ✗ 2 Helen’s taking Spanish classes in a group. She doesn’t want to study herself. 3 Do Bruno and his team make all the meals on the ship themselves? 4 We usually meet ourselves at Aldo's café.


5 I don’t understand why my mum wakes up herself so early! 6 Are you concentrating yourselves on the test? 7 We’re making by ourselves some sandwiches. 8 We always enjoy ourselves on holiday.

Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns



Abbina le due parti delle frasi, poi completa la seconda parte con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. get up • get used to • get tired • get bored • get ready 1 2 3 4 5


It snows here every year, but It takes me 15 minutes Helen works very long hours, These children are on their phones all the time I’m setting my alarm for six o’clock

a ■ so she ___________ before dinner. 1 it’s hard to get used to the cold weather. b ■ c ■ because I want to ___________ early tomorrow. d ■ and ___________ when they switch them off. e ■ to ___________ on a school morning.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6

10 1 2 3 4 5 6


I hope you all enjoy yourselves/each other on holiday. Rosie and I visit ourselves/each other every month. The students serve themselves/each other food at the school canteen. After an hour in front of the computer screen, give yourself/each other a break. Thanks for your help, but we can carry our luggage ourselves/each other. They’re very good friends and always tell themselves/each other their problems.

Completa le frasi con one another, themselves o ourselves. We always buy one another something special on our birthdays. Let’s drive _______________ to the airport to save money on the taxi. The children never go to the park by _______________. They go with their parents. I’ve got lots of food, so let’s make _______________ something to eat. These families go to the same campsite every year, so they all know _______________. The children design the school magazine _______________.

WRITING TRANSLATION Rispondi alle domande del sondaggio in modo personale, poi traduci le domande e le risposte in italiano.

1 Do you prefer to buy yourself clothes online or from shops? I usually prefer to buy my clothes online but I always buy shoes from shops. Preferisci comprarti i vestiti online o nei negozi? Preferisco… 2 How do you and your friends enjoy yourselves at the weekend? 3 Which activities do you get involved in during the holidays? 4 How do you relax after a stressful day? 5 Which activities, such as sports, arts or musical instruments, do you teach yourself? 6 When you’re hungry, what do you make yourself to eat?


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese.

1 Ricordati di portarti il pranzo al sacco (packed lunch) per la gita scolastica, Harry. 2 Non dimenticarti di alzarti presto domani. 3 Voglio cambiarmi i vestiti prima della festa. 4 Ti stai addormentando sul divano. Vai a letto! 5 Non preoccuparti per la tua torta. Sembra proprio (absolutely) deliziosa! 6 Non voglio perdermi quando sono da solo, quindi uso sempre il GPS.

7 Ottimo! Vogliamo congratularci con te per i risultati del tuo esame! 8 Le persone al lavoro non parlano l’una con l’altra. 9 Incontriamoci al bar per parlare del nostro progetto scolastico. 10 Helen e Lucy si messaggiano (text) sempre a lavoro.


I pronomi relativi who, who(m), which, that


51.1 Pronomi relativi I pronomi relativi collegano una proposizione, reggente, a un’altra proposizione subordinata relativa: il pronome relativo sostituisce il soggetto, il complemento oggetto o un complemento indiretto. I pronomi relativi in inglese sono who, who(m), which, that (più informale); sono invariabili in genere e numero e corrispondono in italiano ai pronomi relativi “che”, “il/la quale”, “i/le quali”. Osserva la tabella.

who/that (soggetto) who(m)/that (complemento) which/that (soggetto) which/that (complemento)



The girl who/that is in love with Matthew has got two brothers.

La ragazza che è innamorata di Matthew ha due fratelli.

The students who(m)/that I’m calling will redo the test.

Gli studenti che sto chiamando rifaranno la verifica.

The cat which/that is scratching its claws on our tree lives next door.

Il gatto che si sta facendo le unghie sul nostro albero vive nella casa accanto.

The book which/that I’m reading is very boring.

Il libro che sto leggendo è molto noioso.

Whom è usato nella lingua formale, ma nella lingua parlata è più comune who.

51.2 Frase relativa determinativa

In inglese americano that è più comune di which o who.


Si definisce frase relativa determinativa (defining relative clause) la frase relativa necessaria per comprendere di chi o di che cosa si sta parlando; senza di essa l’intero periodo perde di significato. La frase relativa determinativa segue immediatamente il sostantivo a cui si riferisce e non è separata dalla reggente da virgole. 147 The shop assistant who works at the Apple Store is nice. Do you like the handbag that Joan is designing?

Il commesso che lavora all’Apple Store è carino. Ti piace la borsa che Joan sta disegnando?

Il pronome relativo in funzione di soggetto deve essere sempre espresso, mentre si può omettere se ha funzione di complemento. soggetto I can’t stand people who smoke. I don’t like the TV programme (which/that) you are watching. complemento

Non sopporto le persone che fumano. Non mi piace il programma televisivo che stai guardando.

Quando il pronome relativo è accompagnato da una preposizione, nell’inglese corrente si mette la preposizione dopo il verbo, l’aggettivo o il nome a cui è collegata e si omette il pronome relativo. The boy with whom I’m chatting is a football player. The boy (who/that) I’m chatting with is a football player.

Il ragazzo con cui sto chattando è un giocatore di calcio.

Nell’inglese formale dopo una preposizione si può usare which e whom, ma non that. Let me thank my wife to whom I owe everything.


Vorrei ringraziare mia moglie alla quale devo tutto. Mappa p. 431

Relative pronouns: who, who(m), which, that


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. A volte entrambe sono possibili. 1 This is the app who/that helps you find good online games. 2 Is Mrs Mitchell the lady who/which teaches English? 3 Don’t use the computer who/which is broken. 4 Where’s the student which/who wants to play in the school team?



5 That’s the phone who/which Ivy wants for her birthday. 6 Lime is the restaurant that/which makes delicious Thai food. 7 This is my cousin who/that lives in Spain. 8 Tell me who/which dates you’re planning to visit me.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. Completa la prima parte con someone who o something which, e la seconda parte con le parole nel riquadro. choose • contact • home • music • sweets • wear 1 2 3 4 5 6


a ■ people make for their friends to ___________. b ■ people use to ___________ each other. c ■ helps people to ___________ items to buy. 1 directs the lights at music festivals. d ■ e ■ makes ___________ and chocolates. f ■ gives people the opportunity to buy things at ___________.

ERROR CORRECTION Inserisci which o who nelle frasi solo quando necessario.

who 1 Students want to borrow books need a library card. 2 The girl Nick is going out with is from Spain. 3 The book we use for English grammar is very helpful.


4 There is a school canteen on the first floor sells sandwiches and fruit. 5 Mr Browning is the person teaches sports. 6 This room is for the sports equipment our teams use for school matches.

Riscrivi le frasi come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


A visual technician is someone who Text messaging is _____________________ Online shopping is _____________________ A personal shopper is _____________________ A confectioner is _____________________ A friendship bracelet is _____________________

The woman to whom I’m talking is Jackie. The person for whom I’m buying this card is Marta. The people to whom we always write are our grandparents. The village in which Jane and Steve live is called Newton. Jim is the teacher with whom I’m learning to dance. The Norman family are the people next to whom Sam’s living. My new armchair is the one on which my cat is sitting.

Jackie is the woman I’m talking to.

Metti le parole nell’ordine corretto e aggiungi who o which in ogni frase. 1 anyone / do / football / know / plays / professional / you / ? Do you know anyone who plays professional football? 2 a / every / has / market / name / of / park / Saturday / the / the / what’s / ? 3 book / fiction / good / I’m / is / reading / science / the / very 4 city / drone / flying / is / is / over / photos / taking / the / the 5 a / centre / friend / have / I / in / lives / London / of / the 6 a / countries / different / in / is / James / photographer / works



I pronomi relativi what e whose e gli avverbi relativi

52.1 Pronomi relativi: what e whose Si usa what in sostituzione di sostantivo + pronome relativo nel significato di “le cose/quello/ciò che”. Può avere funzione di soggetto, oggetto o complemento. SOGGETTO

What I don’t understand is why he is so angry. OGGETTO

I don’t know what she wants. COMPLEMENTO

Can you pay attention to what I’m saying?

Ciò che non capisco è perché sia così arrabbiato. Non so quello che lei vuole. Puoi fare attenzione a ciò che dico?

Whose, oltre ad essere usato come pronome interrogativo 6 , può essere usato come pronome relativo per indicare possesso. Si usa per persone, paesi, organizzazioni e animali ma non per cose; corrisponde in italiano a “il/ la/i/le cui” o “del/della/dei/delle quale/i”. Whose non si può mai omettere. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s the man whose ideas have changed our country. I know a woman whose daughter studies in that school. That’s the dog whose owner is Mark’s friend.

Signore e signori, ecco l’uomo le cui idee hanno cambiato il nostro paese. Conosco una donna la cui figlia studia in quella scuola. Quello è il cane il cui padrone è amico di Mark.

52.2 Avverbi relativi Si possono usare gli avverbi relativi where, when, why e how per esprimere un complemento di luogo, tempo, causa e modo, in alternativa al pronome relativo which preceduto da preposizioni. This is the studio where (in which) the Red Hot Chilli Peppers are recording their new album. I can’t forget the moment when (in which) John proposed. This is the reason why (for which) I detest him. I don’t understand how (the way in which) this machine works.

Questo è lo studio dove i Red Hot Chilli Peppers stanno registrando il loro nuovo album. Non posso dimenticare il momento in cui John si è dichiarato. Questa è la ragione per cui lo detesto. Non capisco come funziona questa macchina. Mappa p. 431


Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. what I’m thinking • what I’m wondering • what you’re doing • what he’s doing • what she’s helping Helen So, this is my new flat. I’m in the middle of decorating. Sam It’s really nice, Helen. (1) What I’m wondering is, where’s your new sofa? Helen It’s in the bedroom at the moment! (2) _________________________________ about first is painting the sitting room. Sam Is there someone who’s helping you with the painting? Helen Yes – my cousin, James. (3) _________________________________ is decorating the bedroom. Sam What about Lucy? Is she doing anything? Helen Definitely. (4) _________________________________ me with is the kitchen design. Sam OK. What about me? I want to help, too! Helen Well, (5) _________________________________ is having a coffee with me and giving me a break from work!


Relative pronouns what and whose and relative adverbs



Osserva le immagini e scrivi frasi usando i suggerimenti, whose, is o has e le parole nel riquadro. actor • artist • cat • motorbike • restaurant • vet


1 This is Amy / brother This is Amy whose brother has a restaurant.

2 This is Ben / cousin

3 This is Caroline / mum

4 This is Diana / sister

5 This is Eli / friend

6 This is Faye / friend

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. Completa la prima parte con in which, for which o the way in which, e la seconda parte con le parole nel riquadro. Poi riscrivi le frasi con how, when, where, which o why. café • chocolate • cold • gallery • holiday • morning • traffic • music 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The place in which we usually go for lunch The reason ___________ Orla isn’t at school today August is the month ___________ I’ve got no idea of ___________ Tell me the name of the shop ___________ Ask Etta the reason ___________ she doesn’t want Five-thirty is the time ___________ there are I don’t know the reason ___________ you get up

a ■ ___________ jams in the city centre. b ■ is that she’s got a bad ___________. c ■ so early every ___________. 1 is a café next to the market. d ■ e ■ to enter the ___________ competition. f ■ we always go on ___________. g ■ you buy this wonderful ___________ cake! h ■ to get to the art ___________ from here.

1 The place where we usually go for lunch is a café next to the market.


Completa l’articolo con where, how, when, what o why.

It’s sometimes difficult to decide (1) how to choose the ideal holiday destination. (2) _______ we think certain places are not suitable is usually because of the cost or (3) _______ the whole family wants. Teenagers often want to go to the places (4) _______ they can escape from their parents. On the other hand, parents are happy to have a break from their teenage children if they know that (5) _______ they are doing is safe and they are within the hotel or holiday complex. The time (6) _______ families book trips is during the school breaks, so this is the reason (7) _______ hotels are full at the same time. Destinations (8) _______ there is plenty for young people to

do are in many different countries. Resorts (9) _______ families take part in water sports, such as scuba-diving and paddle-boarding, are ideal for teenagers (10) _______ they want to enjoy being in the sea. They learn (11) _______ to use diving equipment in places (12) _______ there are photo opportunities.




FORMA I pronomi one/ones sostituiscono un sostantivo nominato in precedenza.


One è usato in sostituzione di un sostantivo singolare, ones di uno plurale. One/Ones si usano solo in riferimento a sostantivi numerabili. Sara’s car is the blue one. My twins are the ones on the swing.

La macchina di Sara è quella blu. I miei gemelli sono quelli sull’altalena.

USO One/Ones si possono trovare con: • the (+ aggettivo) Take the next train, the (fast) one going to Rome.

Prenda il prossimo treno, quello (veloce) per Roma.

• this/these, that/those + aggettivo This red one is really gorgeous.

Questo rosso è proprio favoloso.

• gli aggettivi I love cats, especially black ones.

Adoro i gatti, specialmente quelli neri.

• nelle frasi interrogative con which Make up your mind! Which (one/ones) do you want?

Deciditi! Quale/Quali vuoi?

Si può omettere one/ones dopo this/these e that/those in mancanza di aggettivo e dopo which. I prefer that (one).

Preferisco quello.

USI PARTICOLARI • Si usa one dopo a/an + aggettivo. Se non c’è l’aggettivo si omette a/an. Lia is looking for a flat. A small one with a balcony. MA One with a balcony.

Lia sta cercando un appartamento. Uno piccolo con balcone. Uno con balcone.

• Si usa one/ones dopo gli aggettivi possessivi, some, e gli aggettivi numerali solo se seguiti da aggettivo; in mancanza di aggettivo one/ones si omettono. You can take my new one. MA You can take mine. ‘Have we got any chicken wings?’ ‘Yes, there are some frozen ones in the freezer.’ MA Yes, there are some in the freezer. I need new pens. Please, give me three red ones. MA Please, give me three.

Puoi prendere il mio nuovo. Puoi prendere il mio. “Abbiamo delle ali di pollo?” “Sì, ce ne sono alcune surgelate in congelatore.” Sì, ce ne sono alcune in congelatore. Ho bisogno di penne nuove. Per favore, me ne dia tre rosse. Per favore, me ne dia tre.

• One/Ones non si usano solitamente dopo il genitivo sassone. In alternativa, si omettono one/ones o si usa la costruzione con that/those of. Her clothes are trendier than her sister’s. NON Her clothes are trendier than her sister’s ones. Her clothes are trendier than those of her sister. NON Her clothes are trendier than the ones of her sister.


I suoi vestiti sono più alla moda di quelli di sua sorella. Mappa p. 431



Riscrivi le frasi sostituendo le parole sottolineate con one o ones. 1 2 3 4 5 6


‘I’m getting a T-shirt from this shop.’ ‘The blue T-shirt or the black T-shirt?’ ‘The blue one or the black one?’ ‘I haven’t got any jeans for my holiday.’ ‘Where are your old jeans?’ There are some oranges on the table. Take the oranges which are in the wooden bowl. Is that your car or is it this car? My jacket is the jacket on the back of the chair. These flats are nice but the flats on the top floor are very small.

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con one o ones.









1 ‘Which sandals do you like – the black or the red ones ?’ ‘I like them both, but I prefer the red ones .’ 2 ‘Those cakes look yummy! Do you prefer the chocolate or the lemon ___________?’ ‘Let’s have the ___________.’ 3 ‘I’ve got some yogurts. Which ___________ do you want?’ ‘The ___________, please. 4 ‘Which children are your cousins?’ ‘The ___________ sitting under the ___________.’ 5 ‘Is this bag yours – the white ___________?’ ‘No, mine’s the ___________.’ 6 ‘These are Amy’s dogs.’ ‘The brown and white ___________?’ ‘No, hers are the ___________ with the long tails.’

Helen sta preparando il prossimo numero del giornalino scolastico. Metti le battute del dialogo nell’ordine corretto e completale con one o ones quando necessario.

Helen I’m not sure if an article on parties is right for this month’s issue. What about ______ which describes the local effects of climate change? ■ James I enjoy the ______ which you write! They’re always good! 1 Helen Thanks for helping me with the magazine article, James. ■ ■ James It’s a good ______ to include. The other possible topic is festivals. ■ Helen So which ______ do you enjoy? ■ James You’re welcome. I don’t often have time to write for the magazine, so I’m glad to help with this ______. Have you got any ideas? ■ Helen Yes, good idea – like local festivals and the ______ which are more famous. ■ James OK, let’s see. This ______ looks interesting – the ______ about parties. ■ Helen Yes, I’ve got a few ideas for articles here. The ______ which I think are OK are the first six on the list. ■ James Yes, music events are always popular, but students have lots of interests and read different topics. The ______ which they choose to read are usually interesting, informative or entertaining.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Quello è il computer che voglio – quello rosso. 2 Queste torte sono fresche, ma quelle sul tavolo non sono molto buone. 3 “In quale scuola vai?” “Quella di fronte l’ufficio postale.”

4 “Qual è la tua casa?” “È quella sulla destra.” 5 “Di chi è questo telefono?” “Be’, questo è mio e quello sulla sedia è di Lucy.” 6 Adoro mangiare i biscotti. Specialmente quelli al cioccolato.


50-53 Summative revision 1

Completa il dialogo con i pronomi riflessivi o i pronomi reciproci corretti. Good morning, Marta. Welcome to Globe Language School. Let me introduce (1) myself . I’m Joe, your English teacher. Marta Hello, Joe. Nice to meet you. Joe Can you tell me something about (2) ____________? Marta Well, I’m from Barcelona. I live with my parents and my brother and sister. My dad works for (3) ____________. He has a clothes shop. My mum also works for (4) ____________. She and my aunt make furniture which they design (5) ____________. Joe That’s very interesting, Marta. OK, this is Laura. She’s in your class. You can sit next to (6) ____________. Please get (7) ____________ a textbook from the library before the next lesson. See you later. Marta Thanks, Joe. Let’s get (8) ____________ a coffee first, Laura.



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con who, which o where. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Yoga is an activity which La Tomatina is a festival ________ An athlete is someone ________ GoTo is an app ________ A studio is a place ________ A conductor is a musician ________

a ■ takes place in Spain. b ■ is a useful map on my phone. c ■ is often a professional sportsperson. 1 people do to help them relax. d ■ e ■ directs an orchestra. f ■ people make films or record music.

ERROR CORRECTION Completa le frasi con who o whose nella posizione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


The lady who/which lives in Flat 30 is my art teacher. The building in which/where there’s a design exhibition is in Oxford Street. Is this the new car who/which is driverless? Anna is the student whose/who’s uncle teaches at her school. City Event is the company which/who organises music events. Which is the street where/that Harry and Lily live? The people with whom/who I play football all go to my school. Look at the message who/which is on Meg’s Instagram!

whose who This is Amy has a house in London and dog is called Oscar. Pablo, paintings are famous, knows my cousin works in Paris. Harry is a student is always on his phone in lessons. Mrs Norman, daughter loves taking photos, is also a good photographer. Jess is someone loves city life and friends share her interests. Is that Jon, office is in this building, or is it Jack works from home?

Completa il dialogo con le parole nel riquadro. whose • himself • why • themselves • each other (x 2) Rosie Do you know the reason (1) why James isn’t at the studio this week? Lucy I’m not sure. Is he working for (2) ___________ now? Sam I don’t think so. He’s on holiday with Alex at the moment, so he isn’t working this week. They know (3) ___________ from school. Rosie Oh, yes. I know Alex. He’s a photographer, too. He’s James’s friend (4) ___________ flat is near the studio. Sam He has a similar job to James so they help (5) ___________ with projects. Lucy It’s nice to know they’re enjoying (6) ___________ in the sun!


Summative revision



Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro, poi riscrivile con il pronome relativo corretto (which, who, where, when o whose). band • children • colour • festival • holiday • station 1 That’s the main train station . Trains go to Rome from there. That’s the main train station from where trains go to Rome. 2 My T-shirt is turquoise. It’s my favourite ___________. 3 The Grand is a five-star hotel. Sam is on ___________ there. 4 The first Saturday in May is an important date. Everyone goes to the music ___________. 5 Jodie is a singer. She sings with a local ___________. 6 This is my friend, James. His sister has two ___________.



Completa il dialogo con le seguenti espressioni. 1 who’s a detective e ■ f ■ where Penny’s husband works g ■ who writes books about

a b c d

■ ■ ■ ■


Do you know Jane? Is she your friend (1) who’s a detective and a writer? Yes. She’s the detective (2) __________________________ crimes. Really? Are they crimes (3) __________________________ herself? That’s right. She usually works (4) __________________________. So, is Jane the woman (5) __________________________ Penny? Yes. She’s the person (6) __________________________ Jane. They live (7) __________________________. I remember now. That new cruise ship is (8) __________________________ as a chef. Gino and Penny have an Italian restaurant (9) __________________________. It’s in the city centre. Let’s phone Jane and all go there for dinner!

on her own which she solves whose friend is near each other

h i

■ ■

who sometimes helps which they’re managing themselves

Leggi la recensione di un albergo scritta da un cliente arrabbiato e sottolinea l’opzione corretta.



 GUEST #1


It says on your website that The Grand is ‘very near the beach’ and ‘hotel guests can walk to the beach (1) which/who/where there is clean sand and an ocean (2) where/which/whom is beautiful and blue.’ (3) How/That/What I do not understand is why you say ‘near’ and ‘clean’. The beach (4) where/which/what is a ten-minute bus ride from the hotel is full of rubbish and the ocean is cold and grey. The hotel restaurant does not look like the (5) ones/one on your website. There are no waiters, so we have to get our food (6) themselves/yourselves/ourselves. I usually make (7) ourselves/oneself/myself a coffee but it is difficult because I do not really understand (8) why/how/where the coffee machine works. Your Guest Relations Manager tells people to book (9) themselves/yourselves/herself a taxi to the beach if they do not want to walk. I do not think that this person, (10) who/whose/his job is to look after the guests, is doing his job properly. Please (11) remember yourself/remember you/remember that hotel guests talk to (12) each other/them/ourselves and compare experiences. Look at the comments page on your website! An angry guest

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 The city where is we live is by the sea. 2 There’s the actor lives next door to us. 3 Please stop yourselves playing games on your phones!

4 ‘Are there any biscuits?’ ‘Yes, there are some chocolate one in the cupboard.’ 5 Let us introduce us. We’re Jane and Steve. 6 I’m planning a trip to Lisbon, so I’m teaching me Portuguese.


Grammar for writing Writing an email asking for information Per scrivere un’email per chiedere informazioni: • adotta un tono formale con formule appropriate di apertura e chiusura • indica l’oggetto dell’email nell’apertura • non utilizzare le forme contratte ed evita le abbreviazioni


• fai domande specifiche, chiedendo più informazioni possibili • ringrazia in anticipo per l’aiuto

Leggi l’email a un venditore online. Poi rispondi alle domande.

Dear seller, I’d like to ask a few questions about some of the features of your new Let’s go fitness tracker. First, how much is it? I do a lot of sport, but I don’t want to spend too much money. Second, how many activities does it track? I go running, play tennis and do a little swimming. Finally, does it track heartbeat and calories too? Thank you for any information you can give me. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Lisa Jarvis

1 Does Lisa know the seller? No, she doesn’t. 2 What is the email about? 3 What does Lisa want information about?

4 What does she say about herself? 5 What does she do before ending the email? 6 How does she end the email?

LANGUAGE Opening Introduction Listing points Conjunctions Questions

Thanks Ending


Dear... I’m writing for information about... / I’d like to ask a few questions about... First / Second / Third / Finally... and / but / because / so How much is it/is the postage? / How many activities/kilometres/metres/litres? / Does it track calories/distances/heartbeat? / (How long) does it stay dry/cold/charged? Thank you for... I look forward to hearing from you / Yours sincerely / Kind regards

WRITING TIPS • • • • • • • •

Utilizza formule di apertura appropriate. Spiega il motivo per cui scrivi. Fai domande chiare e concise. Adotta uno stile formale e sii cortese. Dai tutte le informazioni necessarie. Ricordati di ringraziare. Utilizza formule di chiusura appropriate. Rileggi l’email e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura.

WRITING Osserva le immagini di tre articoli venduti online. Scegline uno e scrivi tre domande per il venditore. Poi scrivi un’email per richiedere informazioni. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto.

cool water bottle 1 How much _____________________?


bikenav device 2 How many _____________________?

underwater watch 3 Does it _____________________?

Grammar for speaking Talking about food preferences at a restaurant 1


Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi rispondi alle domande.

Server Ted Server Ted Server

Hi, can I help you? Are there any free tables? For how many people? Two please. There’s a little wait I’m afraid because there are a lot of people in. Jane Fine by me... Server Great! Here are your menus. Can I get you any drinks while you wait? 1 For how many people do the customers want a table? Two people. 2 Why aren’t there any free tables?



■ ■ ■ ■ ■


Just some mineral water please. Jane Is there anything you fancy on the menu? Ted I’d like something spicy. Do you want to share a starter? Jane Maybe... Ted I’d like the house special starter. It has a little taster of everything! 3 What do they order to drink? 4 What type of food does Ted want? 5 What does the house special starter offer?

Leggi e metti nell’ordine corretto la seconda parte del dialogo. Poi ascolta e controlla.

Ted And I’ll have some chicken with salad. Server Can I get you anything else? Jane Me too! I’d like some fish with a few vegetables. Ted Mine! Ours! We’re sharing! Jane No, nothing else. We’re fine thanks!

■ 1 ■

Server No problem. Are you ready to order mains now? Server OK, I’ve got the house special starter here. Whose is it? Ted Yes, I want something light for my main course after this big starter.

FUNCTIONS Finding a table

Hi/Hello, can I help you? Are there any free tables? / For how many people? There’s a little wait. / There are a lot of people in. / I/We don’t mind waiting.


Can I get you any drinks? / Just some mineral water please. Are you ready to order? / I’d like... / I’ll have... Is there anything you fancy? / I’d like something spicy. / Do you want to share a starter? / The fish sounds good. / It has a little taster of...

Expressing preferences


ROLE PLAY Immagina di essere al ristorante. Ascolta e completa il dialogo seguendo la traccia. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. 95

Friend You Friend You Friend You Friend You



What do you want to drink?


Good idea! Can you see anything you fancy?

Di’ qualche piatto che ti sembra buono.

I think I’ll have the steak and chips.

Rispondi che è troppo pesante per pranzo.

Do you want a starter?

Chiedi al tuo amico se vuole condividere qualcosa.

Friend How about some nachos or some garlic bread? You Di’ che preferisci del pane all’aglio. Friend So my main is definitely steak and chips. What about yours? You Di’ il piatto principale che hai scelto. Friend Are you ready to order then? You Rispondi di sì e chiama il cameriere al


Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple matching: matching headings

1 Read the text about youth trends and choose the correct heading (A-H) for each paragraph (1-6) There is one extra heading that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 H Generation Z, people born between 1995 and 2015, are also called Generation Sensible, because fewer of them drink alcohol or take recreational drugs than in the past. In fact, in answer to the question ‘How much alcohol do you drink?’, 25% of 16-24s say they don’t drink any alcohol at all, and only 30% drink some alcohol every week.

1 Many young people also rank education, health and their career above socialising, hobbies and dating. Does this mean there are no students skipping lectures and going to parties anymore?

2 Generation Z are digital natives because they grow up using technology. And in answer to the question ‘How many of you use a voice

Youth Trends assistant?’, most of them, 82%, admit to trying one, but only 42% use one at least once a week. This is because many don’t feel comfortable talking to inanimate objects, or are suspicious of the security risks attached to this technology.

3 Sometimes called the snowflake generation because they often take offence and they are not very resilient, in actual fact 16-24s know how to look after both their minds and their bodies. They do exercise, meditate, practice mindfulness and more of them follow a plant-based diet.

4 However only 2% eat vegan food all the time, but 17% experiment with it. Similarly, only 11% are always vegetarian but 29% sometimes follow

a no-meat diet. Despite this, fast-food restaurants continue to be the most popular places to eat out for 16-24s in the UK and the US. So many fast food brands are now adopting vegetarian and vegan options.

5 Generation Z grow up in a streaming era, where they download, but never buy music. This means that their musical tastes vary a lot compared to previous generations and new types of fusion music is emerging.

6 In the near future there may be less traffic on the roads too as fewer young people are taking their driving test. Most choose instead to use cheap Uber taxis or public transport, both of which are better for the planet.

Source: 2019 report by Voxburner, youth insights consultancy company

A Youth power B Their priorities C Technophobic?

D Health and wellbeing E Getting around F Fair food or fast food?

G Changing tastes H A sober generation

B1 Listening – Multiple choice questions 2

Listen to a conversation about gaming disorder. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6. The first one (0) has been done for you. You will hear the recording twice. 97

0 What is gaming disorder? A ■ a state of mind B ■ a type of game ✓ an illness C ■ D ■ the name of a game 1 Why is it a real problem? A ■ It’s anti-social. B ■ It’s bad for your health. C ■ It’s expensive. D ■ It takes time. 2 Which of these are true for people with gaming disorder? A ■ They can’t stop. B ■ They don’t want to play. C ■ They play every weekend. D ■ They think the game is real.


3 What can become of little importance for people with the disorder? A ■ washing C ■ eating B ■ going out D ■ all of these things 4 What does the doctor look for before giving a diagnosis? A ■ 12 months of all the symptoms B ■ 12 months of any symptoms C ■ all the symptoms for any amount of time D ■ it depends on the doctor 5 In which country is gaming disorder a real problem? A ■ America C ■ Japan B ■ China D ■ North Korea 6 What solutions are there in the UK? A ■ ban on gaming B ■ boot-camps C ■ counselling D ■ prison



Il passato Obiettivi • Past simple • Past continuous




• Present perfect • Past perfect

Leggi il testo e trovi esempi di: 1 past simple ________________________ 2 past continuous ________________________ 3 present perfect simple ________________________

4 present perfect continuous ________________________ 5 past perfect ________________________ 6 past perfect continuous ________________________

Abbina i tempi verbali nell’esercizio 1 all’uso corretto. a




e f

■ ■

Parlare di azioni verificatesi in un tempo passato non specificato. Indicare un’azione passata appena conclusa rispetto al momento passato di cui si sta parlando. Descrivere un’azione iniziata nel passato che si è appena conclusa o che è ancora in corso. Parlare di azioni o eventi avvenuti in un tempo passato e definitivamente trascorso. Descrivere azioni in corso di svolgimento nel passato. Parlare di un’azione avvenuta prima di un’altra azione passata.

Melissa andrà a New York con la madre? Abbina le due parti delle frasi per scoprirlo. 1 Three days later 2 I felt nervous as 3 I had been watching an in-flight movie 4 We have now crossed the Atlantic 5 If you have been using electronic devices, 6 Thank you for flying with us, we hope

a b c

■ ■ ■




when the captain spoke. we were flying to New York. that you have had a pleasant trip! please switch them off and store them safely. I hadn’t been on a long flight before. and are in North American airspace.’


inally, the last day of term arrived, and it felt like I had been waiting a long

time for it. I was just thinking about how to spend the summer, when Mum came into my room. ‘Sit down, Melissa,’ she said. ‘I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while.’ ‘What’s happened?’ I asked. She was beginning to worry me now. ‘My company has offered me a job in New York, starting next week.’ I had not expected that…



Il past simple di be

FORMA Il past simple del verbo be ha solo due forme: was per la prima e la terza persona singolare, were per le altre persone.

Forma affermativa Forma negativa I was in Rome. You were in Rome. He/She/It was in Rome. We were in Rome. You were in Rome. They were in Rome.

Forma interrogativa

I was not/wasn’t in Rome. You were not/weren’t in Rome. He/She/It was not/wasn’t in Rome. We were not/weren’t in Rome. You were not/weren’t in Rome. They were not/weren’t in Rome.

Was I in Rome? Were you in Rome? Was he/she/it in Rome? Were we in Rome? Were you in Rome? Were they in Rome?

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

Wasn’t I in Rome? Weren’t you in Rome? Wasn’t he/she/it in Rome? Weren’t we in Rome? Weren’t you in Rome? Weren’t they in Rome?

Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. Yes, you were. / No, you weren’t. Yes, he/she/it was. / No, he/she/it wasn’t. Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t. Yes, you were. / No, you weren’t. Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.

• Non esiste la forma affermativa contratta. • La forma negativa intera (was/were not) è poco usata e nella lingua parlata si preferisce utilizzare le forme contratte.

‘Was the interview too early for you?’

USO Si usa il past simple per parlare di azioni o eventi avvenuti in un tempo passato e definitivamente trascorso. I wasn’t at work yesterday, I was at home. The party was a complete disaster.

Non ero al lavoro ieri, sono stato a casa. La festa fu un disastro totale.

Il past simple viene reso in italiano con tre tempi verbali: passato prossimo, imperfetto e passato remoto. Si usa il past simple del verbo be born per parlare del luogo e della data di nascita. She was born in Egypt. ‘When were you born?’ ‘I was born in 2005.’

È nata in Egitto. “Quando sei nato?” “Sono nato nel 2005.”

ESPRESSIONI DI TEMPO PASSATO yesterday yesterday morning/afternoon/evening (one) week(s)/month(s)/year(s) ago last night/week/spring last month/year/winter in November/2019 They were in Jamaica two years ago. Sheila wasn’t at school last week. There was a terrible storm last night.


ieri ieri mattina/pomeriggio/sera (una) settimana(e)/mese(i)/anno(i) fa la scorsa notte/settimana/primavera lo scorso mese/anno/inverno a novembre/nel 2019 Sono stati in Giamaica due anni fa. Sheila non era a scuola la scorsa settimana. C’è stato un terribile temporale la notte scorsa.

Mappa p. 432

Past simple of be


Completa le espressioni di tempo con le parole nel riquadro. Poi numerale iniziando da quella più recente. ago (x 3) • last (x12) • yesterday • in (x 2) • on Today is 9th January, 2019. ■ four days ________ ■ ________ 2006 1 last night ■



■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■

________ evening six months ________ ________ year

________ 1st January, 2019 ________ December, 2018 a week ________

Completa le domande con gli interrogativi nel riquadro e was o were. Poi abbinale alle risposte e completale. what • which • when • where (x 2) • who 1 2 3 4 5 6

Who was Edmund Hillary? _____________ the first video game? _____________ the first dinosaurs? _____________ the first Olympic Games? _____________ the Apollo 11 moon landing? _____________ you born?

a b c

1 d ■ e f


■ ■ ■

■ ■

It _____________ on 20th July, 1969. I _____________ born in Rome. Two of them _____________ plateosaurus and sauropods. He was the first person to climb Mount Everest. They _____________ in Greece. It _____________ an electronic tennis game.

Leggi il messaggio di Caroline e completa le domande con was o were. Poi rispondi.

Hi, Helen! I’m in Australia this week for work. The weather is hot but it’s rainy. I’m in a big hotel in Sydney. The food is delicious and everyone is friendly. There aren’t many shops near my hotel, but there’s a food market opposite it. There’s a loud noise in the street because it’s a special festival here this week. See you soon, Caroline xx


1 Where was Caroline last week? She was in Australia. 2 Why __________ she there? 3 __________ her hotel small? 4 __________ the food good? 5 __________ the people nice? 6 __________ there lots of shops near the hotel? 7 __________ there a cinema opposite the hotel? 8 Why __________ there a loud noise in the street?

TRANSLATION Traduci il dialogo in inglese. Sam James Sam James Sam James Sam James Sam

Tutti i tuoi amici erano alla tua festa di compleanno lo scorso sabato? No. Oh, perché non c’erano? Be’, un amico non c’era. Era al lavoro. Chi era? Era Chris? Eri tu, Sam! Tu non c’eri alla mia festa! Mi dispiace, James. È vero, ero al lavoro lo scorso fine settimana. Lo so. Non preoccuparti. La mia festa non era lo scorso sabato perché eri impegnato! È domani! È fantastico!


Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari (1)


Il past simple è la seconda voce del paradigma dei verbi. I verbi regolari formano il past simple aggiungendo -ed alla forma base. open ➝ opened

start ➝ started

talk ➝ talked

work ➝ worked

I verbi irregolari hanno una forma propria al past simple che deve essere imparata a memoria. come ➝ came

cut ➝ cut

go ➝ went

see ➝ saw

Appendice – 4

FORMA AFFERMATIVA Alla forma affermativa il past simple ha una sola forma per tutte le persone.

Forma affermativa I/You/He/She/It/We/They worked in a cafeteria. I/You/He/She/It/We/They went to the cinema yesterday.

Il verbo irregolare have non è mai accompagnato da got al past simple. I had long hair.

Avevo i capelli lunghi.


Past simple

terminanti in -e

si aggiunge -d

arrive ➝ arrived, hope ➝ hoped, type ➝ typed

terminanti in consonante + -y

la y cade e si aggiunge -ied

study ➝ studied, cry ➝ cried, apply ➝ applied MA ai verbi che terminano in vocale + -y si aggiunge solo -ed enjoy ➝ enjoyed, play ➝ played, stay ➝ stayed

monosillabici che terminano con si raddoppia la consonante una sola vocale seguita da una finale sola consonante

plan ➝ planned, stop ➝ stopped, tap ➝ tapped MA i verbi che terminano in -w, -x o con due vocali seguite da una consonante non raddoppiano la consonante finale bow ➝ bowed, tax ➝ taxed, clean ➝ cleaned

bisillabici che terminano con consonante preceduta da una vocale accentata

si raddoppia la consonante finale

admit ➝ admitted, commit ➝ committed, prefer ➝ preferred

terminanti in -l preceduti da una sola vocale

si raddoppia la l in inglese britannico

control ➝ controlled, signal ➝ signalled, travel ➝ travelled

terminanti in -c

la c diventa ck e si aggiunge -ed

panic ➝ panicked, picnic ➝ picnicked, traffic ➝ trafficked


In inglese americano si raddoppia la l solo se l’accento è sull’ultima sillaba. control ➝ controlled, MA signal ➝ signaled, travel ➝ traveled

Osserva e ascolta.

Il suffisso -ed si pronuncia in modi diversi. • /id/ dopo i suoni /t/, /d/

admit ➝ admitted, decide ➝ decided

• /t/

dopo i suoni /f/, /k/, /p/, /s/, /ʃ/, /tʃ/

cough ➝ coughed, lock ➝ locked, stop ➝ stopped, miss ➝ missed, diminish ➝ diminished, approach ➝ approached

• /d/

dopo tutti gli altri suoni

control ➝ controlled, play ➝ played, rob ➝ robbed


Mappa p. 432

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs (1)




GRAMMAR SOUNDS Completa le frasi con il past simple dei verbi nel riquadro e scrivi

/t/, /d/ o /id/ alla fine di ogni frase in base alla pronuncia dei verbi inseriti. Poi ascolta e controlla. start • appear • love • panick • watch • enjoy • wait • solve • switch • try • cry • land • finish • like • explain

1 The teachers waited to meet their new students in Arrivals and fortunately the plane landed on time at 9 o’clock. /id/, /id/ 2 Jack really cares about his job. Today, he __________ work at 5.30 a.m. and __________ after midnight! ___, ___ 3 My sister _________ Game of Thrones. She _________ the complete box set of the final series in one sitting! ___, ___ 4 I really _________ the TV interview with George Clooney. He _________ why he appreciates coming to Venice. ___, ___ 5 Jane __________ seeing Love Story. She really __________ not to, but I’m sure she __________ at the end! ___, ___, ___ 6 My Grandma __________ when she __________ on her computer and an error message __________. She was happy when I __________ the problem! ___, ___, ___, ___


Completa il testo su Greta Thunberg con il past simple dei verbi nel riquadro. teach • begin • say • know • make • become • go • take • understand • speak • give

Greta Thunberg was born on 3rd January 2003. She is from Sweden. When she was 15, she (1) began protesting about the need to take immediate action to stop the effects of climate change. She (2) _________ that she had to do something before it was too late. She (3) _________ the spokesperson for the school’s climate change movement (Skolstrejk for Klimatet). She (4) _________ to the Swedish Parliament and


then to the United Nations to raise awareness. In March 2019 about 1.4 million students in 112 countries (5) _________ part in strikes and demonstrations. Greta (6) _________ to thousands of people and they really (7) _________ her message. Many people also (8) _________ money to support the movement. She (9) _________ a huge impact. As one of the protesters (10) _________, ‘She (11) _________

me a lot about how dangerous the situation is. Because of her, I’m optimistic that change can come.’

WRITING Osserva le immagini e scrivi la storia del volo 1549 della Airways Flight basandoti sulle informazioni date.

✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ ✱ ✱

15th January 2009 / US Airways Flight 1549 / take off from La Guardia Airport New York a few minutes later / a flock of Canada geese / strike the plane plane immediately / lose engine power pilot / glide plane onto the Hudson river in midtown Manhattan boats / be on the river / rescue all 155 passengers pilot and flight attendants / receive medals to recognise their heroic and unique aviation achievement

On 15th January 2009, US Airways Flight 1549 took off from…



Il past simple dei verbi regolari e irregolari (2)



Nelle forme negativa e interrogativa e nelle risposte brevi si usa l’ausiliare did e la forma base del verbo.

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

I/You/He/She/It/We/They did not/didn’t play yesterday. I/You/He/She/It/We/They did not/didn’t eat out last night.

Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they play yesterday? Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they eat out last night?

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

Didn’t I/you/he/she/it/we/they play yesterday? Didn’t I/you/he/she/it/we/they eat out last night?

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they did. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they didn’t. ‘I played in the front yard. Then I played in the back yard. What did you do today?’

L’ausiliare did è uguale per tutte le persone.

REMEMBER • Se nella domanda c’è un interrogativo, questo va sempre all’inizio della domanda, ma se who e what hanno funzione di soggetto non si usa l’ausiliare did. Where did you put the diary? Who bought you this sports car?

Dove hai messo il diario? Chi ti ha comprato questa macchina sportiva?

• Il verbo have non richiede l’uso di got al past simple e si comporta come tutti gli altri verbi. ‘Did you have enough money?’ ‘Yes, I did.’

“Avevi abbastanza soldi?” “Sì.”


Oltre che per descrivere azioni avvenute in un tempo passato e definitivamente concluso, il past simple si usa per: • parlare di situazioni passate che hanno avuto una durata e si sono concluse; in questo caso è accompagnato da espressioni di durata con for e in italiano si rende con il passato prossimo My father worked in Germany for three years.

Mio padre ha lavorato in Germania per tre anni.

• indicare situazioni ripetute nel passato; in questo caso è accompagnato da espressioni di frequenza 29.2 e in italiano si rende con l’imperfetto My grandfather went to school on foot every day.

Mio nonno andava a scuola a piedi ogni giorno.

• narrare un fatto storico o di fantasia o una serie di eventi; in questo caso è accompagnato da espressioni di tempo passato 54 e in italiano si traduce con il passato remoto WWII broke out in 1939. Yesterday morning she parked in front of the building, got out of the car and ran inside.


La Seconda guerra mondiale scoppiò nel 1939. Ieri mattina parcheggiò davanti all’edificio, scese dall’auto e corse dentro. Mappa p. 432

È lunedì. La zia di Lily le chiede che cosa ha fatto il fine settimana. Completa le domande con le parole tra parentesi, poi scrivi risposte brevi affermative (✓) o negative (✗). Usa il past simple. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Did you have (you / have) a nice weekend? (✓) ____________________________ (you and your mum / go) shopping? (✓) ____________________________ (your brother / stay) at home with dad? (✓) ____________________________ (they / watch) football on TV? (✗) ____________________________ (you / buy) anything in town? (✗) ____________________________ (your mum / get) a new coat? (✓)

Yes, I did. _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs (2)



Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Mrs Mitchell Orla Etta Orla Mrs Mitchell Etta

(1) Did you enjoy/Did you enjoyed the trip to the adventure park? Yes thanks, Mrs Mitchell. (2) We enjoyed/did. We (3) went/did go on all the rides! No, we (4) didn’t went/didn’t go on ALL the rides! There (5) were/was hundreds of them! (6) Didn’t you visit/Didn’t you visited the Sea Life Centre? Yes, we (7) saw/see some beautiful fish there. We (8) didn’t see/don’t see everything because it’s so big. Orla Etta (9) take/took some photos in the park, but I didn’t because I (10) didn’t have/didn’t had my phone with me. Mrs Mitchell So, where (11) had you/did you have lunch? Etta We (12) sit/sat in the outdoor café and (13) ate/did eat our packed lunch. Mrs Mitchell (14) Didn’t you buy/Didn’t you bought anything from the café? Orla Yes! We (15) got/get two ice creams!


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con la forma affermativa e negativa dei verbi tra parentesi. Usa il past simple. 1 Caroline didn’t buy blue shoes last week. She bought a blue dress. (buy) 2 Mr and Mrs Jones _____________ on a skiing holiday. They __________ on a city tour. (go)




3 Yesterday evening, we _____________ dinner in a restaurant. We __________ dinner at home. (have) 4 We _____________ to Milan last Saturday. We __________ to Rome. (drive) 5 Lucy _____________ a picture of a flower. She __________ a tree. (draw)





6 Rosie _____________ a cake for the party. She __________ sandwiches. (make)

Scrivi il dialogo basandoti sui suggerimenti dati. Scrivi frasi affermative (✓), negative (✗) o interrogative (?) al past simple. Jack Emi Jack Emi Jack Emi Jack Emi Jack Emi

you / go / to school last week (?) No, because it / be / half-term (✓) What / you / do (?) I / visit / my cousin in London (✓) you / go / to the cinema (?) No, we / want / to watch any films (✗) My cousin / have / some theatre tickets (✓) What / you / see / at the theatre (?) We / see / a / really long play (✓) you / like / it (?) No, we / like / it (✗) It / be boring so we / go to sleep! (✓, ✓)

Did you go to school last week?


56 5

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs (2) Formula domande usando i suggerimenti e i verbi nel riquadro. arrive • buy • choose • land • find • finish • go

1 you / Sam’s party / on Saturday? Did you go to Sam’s party on Saturday? 2 what time / your parents’ / train / yesterday? 3 who / you / my / phone?


4 5 6 7

when / Mrs Norman / her car? you / all the juice / at breakfast? which / book / you / from the library? when / their flight?

Completa le domande alla forma interrogativa-negativa e rispondi. Usa i suggerimenti tra parentesi. 1 (Charles Babbage / invent) the mobile phone in 1873? (Martin Cooper / 1973) ‘Didn’t Charles Babbage invent the mobile phone in 1873?’ ‘No, Martin Cooper invented it in 1973.’ 2 (Giorgio Armani / design) the ‘Little Black Dress’ in the 1970s? (Coco Chanel / 1920s) 3 (Caravaggio / paint) the Mona Lisa in the 15th century? (Leonardo da Vinci / 16th century) 4 (Ray-Ban / produce) the first sunglasses in 1959? (Sam Foster / 1929) 5 (Manchester United / win) the Champions League in 2018? (Liverpool / 2019) 6 (Apollo 10 / land) on the Moon in 1968? (Apollo 11 / 1969)


Abbina le domande alle risposte. Completa le domande con gli interrogativi nel riquadro e le risposte con la forma affermativa del past simple dei verbi sottolineati. where • what time • how • how long • what • who 1 2 3 4 5 6


Where did you go last Monday? __________ did you get there? __________ did you arrive? __________ did you meet? __________ did you talk about? __________ did you stay there?

a ■ We __________ about my school holidays. b ■ I __________ my cousin at the station. 1 I went to Milan. c ■ d ■ I __________ for about three hours. e ■ I __________ at half past ten. f ■ I __________ there by train.

Leggi le risposte e scrivi domande al past simple usando i suggerimenti tra parentesi. 1 (Amy’s party / yesterday) ‘No, I didn’t. I went to Lucy’s.’ ‘Did you go to Amy’s house yesterday?’ 2 (which film / last night) ‘I can’t remember the title.’ 3 (what / James / for dinner / last Saturday) ‘He cooked a delicious pasta dish with seafood.’ 4 (you / good time / at the party last weekend) ‘Yes, I had a wonderful time, thanks.’ 5 (what / for / the art competition / last week) ‘I drew a picture of my best friend.’ 6 (lots of photos / on the school trip / yesterday) ‘Yes, I took about thirty.’


Leggi le risposte e formula domande su Dame Anita Roddick, la fondatrice di The Body Shop. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Who was Anita Roddick ? Anita Roddick was a British environmental campaigner. _________________________________________? She studied to be a teacher. _________________________________________? She spent her holidays travelling to different countries. _________________________________________? She learned a lot about different cultures. _________________________________________? In 1976, she opened The Body Shop. _________________________________________? The Body Shop sold environmentally-friendly cosmetic products. _________________________________________? She bought her second shop six months later. _________________________________________? In 1991, she had over 700 shops.

Past simple: regular and irregular verbs (2)


Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Usa il past simple.


Formula domande sulla tua ultima vacanza.


Caroline Hi, James. (1) Did you have (have) a good summer holiday? James It (2) _______________ (be) a very interesting one. I (3) _______________ (promise) to tell you about it before I (4) _______________ (go), so here I am! Actually, I (5) _______________ (have) a wonderful time. Caroline What (6) _______________ (do)? James As you know, I (7) _______________ (think) about an unusual holiday in a new place. Caroline Where (8) _______________ (decide) to go? James I (9) _______________ (go) to northern Scandinavia. Caroline How (10) _______________ (get) there? James My friend and I (11) _______________ (fly) from London to Oslo and then (12) _______________ (get) on a cruise ship which (13) _______________ (take) us up the Norwegian coast through the fjords. Caroline How long (14) _______________ (be) the cruise? James After a couple of days, we (15) _______________ (reach) the north. Caroline Where (16) _______________ (stay)? James We stayed in an ice hotel! Caroline (17) _______________ it (be) very cold? James Well, the rooms (18) _______________ (be) very comfortable and they (19) _______________ (not / be) too cold. Caroline What (20) _______________ (see)? James We (21) _______________ (see) some wonderful wildlife, including reindeer. The first night we were there, we (22) _______________ (go) outside and (23) _______________ (see) the most beautiful sight. Bright greens and blues (24) _______________ (fill) the sky – the Northern Lights! I hope you enjoy looking at my photos! Caroline I want to go there, too!

1 where / go? Where did you go for your last holiday? 2 how / travel? 3 who / go with? 4 where / stay?


5 6 7 8

what / eat and drink? what / be / best part of the holiday? what kind of weather / have? how long / stay?

WRITING Ora descrivi la tua ultima vacanza.

On my last holiday I went to…_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. Quando hai comprato il tuo telefono nuovo, Rosie? Quanto hai aspettato l’autobus ieri sera? Tu e Amy avete fatto qualcosa di speciale lo scorso venerdì? Harry e Lily si sono divertiti tanto la scorsa estate. Non siamo andati al nuovo ristorante lo scorso giovedì perché era chiuso. Siamo stati a scuola tutto il giorno, poi siamo andati al cinema. Non sei andato a New York per una settimana lo scorso maggio? “È piovuto ieri?” “No. C’era il sole.”


Abitudini nel passato: used to e would


100 Osserva e ascolta.

• used to /ˈjuːst tə/ • prima di una vocale o in posizione finale /ˈjuːst tu/

57.1 used to


Used to è seguito dalla forma base del verbo. Nelle forme negativa, interrogativa, interrogativa-negativa e nelle risposte brevi si usa l’ausiliare did.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

They used to go to the theatre.

They didn’t use to go/ used not to go to the theatre.

Did they use to go to the theatre?

Didn’t they use to go to the theatre?

Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.



Si usa used to per parlare di situazioni e abitudini passate. In italiano used to si traduce con l’imperfetto delle espressioni “essere solito”, “avere l’abitudine di” oppure con l’imperfetto del verbo che indica l’azione. There used to be a playground here. We used to wake up late in the morning.

C’era un parco giochi qui. (situazione passata) Eravamo soliti alzarci tardi la mattina. (abitudine passata)

Rispetto al past simple, l’uso di questa forma indica che la situazione o l’abitudine è cambiata e non è più vera nel presente. Rob used to be a heavy smoker. I didn't listen to jazz music when I was young.

ora non fuma più Rob era un fumatore incallito. Non ascoltavo il jazz da giovane.

non si sa se ora la ascolta


57.2 would

Osserva e ascolta.

would /wʊd/


Would è seguito dalla forma base del verbo. La forma contratta di would è ’d e si usa solo dopo i pronomi. She would/’d drink a coffee first thing in the morning.

Come prima cosa la mattina beveva un caffè.


Oltre a used to, si può usare would per parlare di abitudini o comportamenti ripetuti e prevedibili nel passato. In italiano si traduce con l’imperfetto del verbo. In the afternoon Grandpa would sit in the porch.

Nel pomeriggio il nonno sedeva in veranda.

Per descrivere stati o situazioni passate non si usa would ma used to. Confronta gli esempi:

He used to have a Harley-Davidson. He used to/would wash it every Sunday morning. She used to sing in the church choir. She used to play a lot of volleyball.

Aveva una Harley-Davidson. stato La lavava ogni domenica mattina. abitudine Cantava nel coro della chiesa. situazione passata Giocava molto a pallavolo. comportamento abituale

• A differenza di used to, would non si usa con i verbi di stato. There used to be a field of poppies here.

C’era un campo di papaveri qui.

• Non si usa la forma negativa di would per parlare di abitudini nel passato, ma si preferisce usare never. We would never play video games after 10 p.m.

Non giocavamo mai con i videogiochi dopo le 10.

ENGLISH USAGE • Si può usare would per criticare il comportamento di qualcuno. When in bad mood, she would answer rudely to anyone. Quando era di cattivo umore, rispondeva male a tutti.

• Si usa wouldn’t per indicare un rifiuto nel passato in un momento particolare. I asked her many times but she wouldn’t tell me.


Gliel’ho chiesto molte volte ma non me l’ha voluto dire.

used to and would




Completa le frasi con used to (✓), didn’t use to (✗) o did... use to (?). 1 Jane used to drive to work. (✓) 2 She ____________ live in a small town. (✗) 3 ____________ (you) live near me? (?)

4 5 6 7

Lisa speaks French because she ____________ study in Paris. (✓) I love olives now, but I ____________ like them. (✗) ____________ (Mr and Mrs Sweet) own a jewellery shop? (?) He ____________ be good at playing the guitar. (✓)

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di used to e le parole nel riquadro. florist • pilot • singer • vet 1 Kelvin used to work outside with animals. He didn’t use to work inside very often. ‘ Did he use to work at a zoo?’ ‘No, he used to be a vet .’ 2 Donna ______________ be at home every day. She ______________ travel abroad for her job. ‘______________ fly a lot?’ ‘Yes, she ______________ be a ______________.’ 3 Tony ______________ work in a studio. He ______________ finish work until late. ‘______________ be a musician?’ ‘Yes, he ______________ be a ______________.’ 4 Florence ______________ have a shop in town. She ______________ sell lots of her products on special days. She ______________ sell chocolates but she sold flowers. She was a ______________.


Martha ha cambiato vita. Osserva le foto e completa il testo con used to, didn’t use to e did... use to e i verbi nel riquadro. arrive • be • carry • eat • feel • get • go • grow • have • ring • see • work • wear This is Martha. She (1) used to go to work in an office every day. She (2) _____________ fruit and vegetables. She was single. She (3) _____________ married to Tom. When she worked in the city, she (4) _____________ a heavy case to work. ‘Martha, (5) _____________ (you) tired travelling to and from work?’ ‘Yes, I (6) _____________ exhausted at the end of the day. The phone (7) _____________ all the time. I (8) _____________ home until very late. I (9) _____________ a suit or dress to work – I never wore jeans!’ ‘(10) _____________ (you) Tom at work?’ ‘Yes, we were managers with the same company, but he (11) _____________ in a different department. We decided to get out of our stressful jobs and be self-sufficient – grow all our own fruit and vegetables. We (12) _____________ such healthy food before and I (13) _____________ a lovely family! I’m so happy now.’


Immagina di essere nell’anno 2120. La tua insegnante di storia tiene una lezione sul 21° secolo. Completa il testo con would o didn’t use to. Life in 2020 was very different from now. People (1) didn’t use to go to the Moon or Mars at the weekend, but they (2) _____________ visit their families here on Earth. People (3) _____________ use things called mobile phones to talk to each other. They (4) _____________ download things called apps and they (5) _____________ use their phones to take photos. Teenagers (6) _____________ like any technology which was out-of-date, so they (7) _____________ often change their electronic devices, such as computers and tablets. People (8) _____________ meet their friends in cafés and go to the cinema where they (9) _____________ watch films. They (10) _____________ live in pollution-free cities, like we have today, but people (11) _____________ try to improve the air quality.



Il past continuous


FORMA Il past continuous si costruisce con il past simple del verbo be (ausiliare) seguito dalla forma in -ing 31.1 del verbo che indica l’azione.

Forma affermativa I/He/She/It was eating.

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

I/He/She/It was not/ wasn’t eating.

Was I/he/she/it eating?

You/We/They were eating. You/We/They were not/ weren’t eating.

Forma interrogativa-negativa


Were you/we/they eating?

Risposte brevi

Wasn’t I/he/she/it eating?

Yes, I/he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasn’t.

Weren’t you/we/they eating?

Yes, you/we/they were. No, you/we/they weren’t.

USO Il past continuous si usa per descrivere: • azioni temporanee in corso di svolgimento nel passato; solitamente è accompagnato da un’espressione di tempo passato che specifica il momento dell’azione Steve was having a shower at 6 a.m. yesterday morning.

Steve stava facendo la doccia alle 6 ieri mattina.

• due o più azioni che si svolgono contemporaneamente nel passato Mum was ironing, Dad was cooking lunch and the kids were doing their homework.

La mamma stava stirando, il papà stava preparando il pranzo e i bambini facevano i compiti.

• azioni ripetute e irritanti nel passato con always He was always teasing his little sister.

Dava sempre noia alla sua sorellina.

Il past continuous si può tradurre in italiano con l’imperfetto del verbo “stare” seguito dal gerundio oppure con l’imperfetto del verbo che indica l’azione.

• l’ambientazione di una storia It was pouring down with rain...

Stava piovendo a dirotto...

Come il present continuous 32 , anche il past continuous è una forma progressiva e si usa con i verbi d’azione, ma non di stato. 34 Con i verbi di stato si usa could/couldn’t + forma base del verbo. I couldn’t see anything because of the fog. Non riuscivo a vedere/Non vedevo niente a causa della nebbia. Mappa p. 433


Scrivi domande e risposte al past continuous basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 Jane / shop / in a supermarket? (department store) ‘Was Jane shopping in a supermarket?’ ‘Jane wasn’t shopping in a supermarket. She was shopping in a department store.’ 2 flight / go / Málaga? (Madrid) 3 Gerald and Sara / swim / in the sea? (swimming pool)


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

John / eat / shellfish? (steak) Nicole / have / shower? (bath) Roger / play / badminton? (tennis) Judy / talk about / a film? (a play) Tom / study / science? (literature) Dora / feed / cats? (birds) Vincent and Vera / argue about / Brexit? (National Health Service)

Past continuous



Osserva la tabella e completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. do • get up • have • play • read • ride • run • send • sit • watch







running in the park

texting a friend

reading a magazine

riding a bike

doing homework


getting up in the morning

having breakfast

playing tennis

sitting in a café

watching television


Completa la storia dei ladri Howard e Hilda con il past continuous delle coppie di verbi nel riquadro. meet / watch • hide / read • sell / drink • drive / have • steal / feed • climb / play

1 1 2 3 4 5 6


What were Paul and Sophie doing yesterday? 1 At six o’clock, Paul was running in the park and Sophie ________________. 2 At eight o’clock, Sophie ________________ breakfast and Paul ________________ a text. 3 At twelve o’clock, Paul ________________ a magazine and Sophie ________________ tennis. 4 At three o’clock, Sophie ________________ in a café and Paul ________________ his bike. 5 At seven o’clock, Paul ________________ his homework and Sophie ________________ television.





At 1 o’clock, Howard was driving his car to the museum. He wasn’t having lunch in a restaurant. At 3.30, Hilda _____________ a friend at the museum. She _____________ a film in the cinema. At 7.00, Howard and Hilda _____________ the wall of the museum. They _____________ tennis in the park. At 9.00, Howard _____________ in the museum. He _____________ a book in his kitchen. At 11.00, Hilda _____________ a painting from the museum. She _____________ the cats in the garden. At 12.30, Howard and Hilda _____________ the painting to a collector. They _____________ tea in their sitting room.

La detective Jane sta interrogando i passeggeri della nave. Scrivi il dialogo con il past continuous basandoti sulle informazioni date. Jane what / do / 6 o’clock / yesterday evening? What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday evening? Harry and Lily swim / pool Mr and Mrs Sweet play / cards / cabin



Bruno Penny Betty Buddy

cook / spaghetti / kitchen write / email / café do / exercises / gym sunbathe / top deck

Sue sta chiedendo al suo amico Leo come ha trascorso il fine settimana. Leggi le risposte e completa le domande usando le parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

‘ Were you visiting (you / visit) your grandparents last Saturday?’ ‘No, I was at a football match.’ ‘____________________________ (teams / play)?’ ‘Arsenal and Chelsea.’ ‘____________________________ (you / sit) behind the goal?’ ‘No, opposite the centre circle.’ ‘____________________________ (Arsenal / wear) red shirts?’ ‘No, they were in yellow.’ ‘____________________________ (it / rain)?’ ‘No, it was sunny.’ ‘____________________________ (Chelsea / win) at half-time?’ ‘No, it was a draw.’ ‘____________________________ (fans / celebrate) at the end of the game?’ ‘The Arsenal fans!’



Past simple e past continuous a confronto

Si possono usare il past continuous e il past simple nella stessa frase per indicare che durante lo svolgimento di un’azione ne è intervenuta un’altra. L’azione in corso di svolgimento (azione lunga) viene espressa con il past continuous, l’azione che interviene (azione breve) con il past simple. They were studying for the art test when they heard a big bang.

Stavano studiando per la verifica di arte quando sentirono una forte esplosione.

Osserva le seguenti differenze: • l’azione “lunga” può essere introdotta da when/while/as seguiti dal verbo al past continuous: in questo caso when, while e as hanno significato di “mentre”. Le frasi introdotte da when/while possono andare prima o dopo la frase principale, mentre quelle introdotte da as solitamente precedono la principale Someone rang at the door when/while they were watching a spy film.

Qualcuno suonò alla porta mentre guardavano un film di spionaggio.

As they were sleeping upstairs, someone broke into their house.

Mentre dormivano al piano di sopra, qualcuno è entrato in casa loro.

• l’azione “breve” può essere introdotta solo da when con significato di “quando” seguito dal verbo al past simple The kids were having a party when I got home.

I ragazzi stavano facendo una festa quando arrivai a casa.

Se la frase inizia con when/while/as, le due proposizioni sono separate dalla virgola. When/While/As the train was passing, we turned off the car.

Mentre il treno passava, spegnemmo la macchina.

Osserva i diversi usi del past simple e del past continuous.

Past simple

Past continuous

azione conclusa

She helped her little brother with his homework yesterday.

Ieri aiutò il suo fratellino a fare i compiti.

azioni in sequenza

They took the bus to London, got off at Kensington and went shopping.

azione con durata conclusasi nel passato eventi di una storia


She was helping her little brother with his homework after lunch.

Stava aiutando il suo fratellino a fare i compiti dopo pranzo.

Presero l’autobus azioni per Londra, scesero contemporanee a Kensington e andarono a fare acquisti.

I was shopping at Macy’s and David and Jill were visiting the MoMA.

Io facevo acquisti da Macy’s e David e Jill stavano visitando il MoMA.

She studied Spanish for three months.

Ha studiato spagnolo per tre mesi.

azione in corso interrotta da un’altra azione

Matt was shaving when Sophia knocked on his door.

Matt si stava radendo quando Sophia bussò alla porta.

He heard light footsteps. He didn’t turn, but knew she was there.

Sentì dei passi leggeri. Non si girò, ma sapeva che lei era lì.

ambientazione di una storia

The moon was shining in the sky. The crickets were singing and a wolf was howling in the distance.

La luna splendeva nel cielo. I grilli cantavano e un lupo ululava in lontananza.

azione in corso

Mappa p. 433

Past simple vs past continuous



Leggi la storia e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. It (1) was raining/rained when Simon and Mary (2) was arriving/arrived at their new house. The door (3) was making/made a strange noise when Simon (4) opened/was opening it. Mary (5) looked/was looking for the light switch when she (6) was seeing/saw a piece of paper on the table. There was a message: ‘Find the box.’ They were curious about the message and (7) were starting/started looking around the house. Mary (8) was going/went upstairs while Simon (9) was checking/checked the cupboards in the kitchen. Mary (10) was discovering/discovered the box when she (11) was searching/searched under the beds. She (12) was asking/asked Simon to open the box. She (13) was feeling/felt nervous when he (14) was lifting/ lifted the lid of the box. She was very happy when she (15) was realising/realised what was inside the box. They (16) were finding/found a card and a big box of chocolates. ‘Surprise! Welcome to your new home! Have a wonderful time here – Jack (the previous owner)’



Completa le frasi con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. bought 1 John (buy) a computer when he was shopping (shop) in Oxford Street. 2 I ____________________ (finish) my homework while I ____________________ (wait) for the bus. 3 While the teacher ____________________ (write) on the whiteboard, Dick ____________________ (read) his phone messages. 4 Natalie ____________________ (feel) nervous before the rollercoaster ride ____________________ (start). 5 The waves ____________________ (crash) into the sea wall, the trees ____________________ (bend) in the wind and the dogs ____________ (bark). 6 I ____________________ (leave) my passport on the desk when I ____________________ (check) in my luggage. 7 When we ____________________ (go) to Barcelona, we ____________________ (walk) down La Rambla, ____________________ (visit) La Sagrada Familia and ____________________ (buy) saffron in La Boqueria market. 8 When the Titanic ____________________ (hit) the iceberg, the orchestra ____________________ (play) in the ship’s ballroom. 9 When Selma Halep ____________________ (serve) in the final, a spectator ____________________ (shout) her name and she ____________ (lose) a vital point. 10 A guard of honour ____________________ (wait) for the president when she ____________________ (land) at the airport.

Lea sta raccontando come ha conosciuto il suo futuro marito. Completa la storia con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. move • meet • return • shop • fall • study • buy • see • sail read • go • rain • propose • introduce • feel • have • get • stay I (1) met my boyfriend when we (2) were studying at London University. I first (3) _____________ him when he (4) _____________ a book in the library. We (5) _____________ dinner in Leicester Square when he (6) _____________ to me. I (7) _____________ very nervous when he (8) _____________ me to his parents for the first time. It (9) _____________ heavily when we (10) _____________ married in the church. We (11) _____________ to Italy for our honeymoon and (12) _____________ in some beautiful hotels. When we (13) _____________ on Lake Como, he (14) _____________ into the lake! When we (15) _____________ in Milan, I (16) _____________ a vintage designer handbag. We (17) _____________ into our flat in Oxford two weeks after we (18) _____________ from Italy.


54-59 Summative revision 1

Completa il testo su Louisa May Alcott con la forma corretta del past simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Louisa May Alcott (1) was (be) an American author who (2) ___________ (write) Little Women, a well-known novel, in 1868. Little Women is the story of four sisters: Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy. Louisa (3) ___________ (get) the ideas for the story and characters from her own family life. Her family (4) ___________ (spend) time in several different places before they (5) ___________ (buy) a house in Concord, Massachusetts. They (6) ___________ (call) the house Hillside, but then (7) ___________ (move) many more times until they (8) ___________ (return) to Concord where they (9) ___________ (live) in another house. Only her youngest sister (10) ___________ (go) to school and Louisa and her other sisters (11) ___________ (have) home-schooling from various teachers. Louisa May Alcott (12) ___________ (stay) single all her life.


Orchard House, Concord

102 GRAMMAR SOUNDS Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro basandoti sul suono finale, /t/, /d/ o /id/. Poi ascolta e controlla.

arrived • messaged • watched • listened packed • connected • chatted • entered 1 Harry and Lily packed (/t/) their cases and messaged (/d/) their friends before leaving for their holiday. 2 When they ______________ (/d/) at the hotel, there was no Internet, but they ______________ (/d/) the correct password and soon ______________ (/id/) to Wi-Fi. 3 Harry ______________ (/d/) to music while Lily took photos. 4 In the evening, they ______________ (/t/) TV and ______________ (/id/) with their friends at home.


Amy è stata a un festival del cinema. Scegli l’alternativa corretta per completare il dialogo. Lucy Amy Lucy Amy

Lucy Amy Lucy Amy


Hi, Amy. What (1) were you doing/did you do when I (2) was seeing/saw you outside the station yesterday? I (3) waited/was waiting to buy a ticket. Why (4) weren’t you phoning/didn’t you phone me? Sorry, I (5) wasn’t having/didn’t have my phone with me. I (6) was driving/drove past on my way to my cousin’s when I (7) noticed/was noticing you. I (8) wasn’t doing/didn’t do anything special yesterday and my brother (9) wanted/was wanting to go to the film festival, so I (10) was going/went with him. We (11) took/were taking the fast train so we (12) arrived/were arriving before lunchtime. (13) Did you see/were you seeing any famous faces at the festival? Well, while we (14) were having/had lunch, two well-known actors (15) arrived/were arriving and then (16) were sitting/sat down at the table next to us. (17) Were you getting/Did you get a photo of them? No, I (18) didn’t want/wasn’t wanting to take photos in the restaurant, but after lunch, they (19) were taking/took a photo of us! They (20) thought/were thinking WE were famous!

Summative revision



Completa le frasi con il past simple o il past continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. We were looking (look) for somewhere to stay when the car __________________ (break) down. When Hannah __________________ (live) in London, she __________________ (go) out every night. My brother and I __________________ (always / pretend) to be pirates when we __________________ (be) little. People __________________ (not have) mobile phones 20 years ago. Suddenly we __________________ (hear) a strange noise behind us, we __________________ (turn) and __________________ (see) a man standing there. 6 Luckily, I __________________ (not sleep) very soundly, so I __________________ (wake up) quickly. 1 2 3 4 5


Completa il testo con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. answer • give • get • improve • leave • make • ring • say • go • write • not use to would • be leaving • be looking • be thinking • be working • be writing left When Jane (1) university in the 1970s, she (2) _____________ for something interesting to do for several weeks, then she (3) _____________ a job in France. As she (4) _____________, her best friend, Rosa, (5) _____________ her a present: writing paper, envelopes and a pen. ‘Please keep in touch,’ she (6) _____________. In the 1970s, people (7) _____________ often write letters, so Jane and Rosa (8) _____________ to each other every week. While Jane (9) _____________ in France, she (10) _____________ some new friends and (11) _____________ her French. One day, Jane (12) _____________ to Rosa to invite her to stay when the phone (13) _____________. People (14) _____________ have mobiles in those days, so Jane (15) _____________ into the next room and (16) _____________ the phone. ‘Jane, it’s me – Rosa. I (17) _____________ about coming to see you. Is that OK?’


ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


used Look, there’s Sam. He use to live near me. We were walking through the village when we were meeting some friends. Did you anything special for your birthday? Why you didn’t finish your homework before watching TV? A hundred years ago, families would to entertain themselves at home. Harry and Lily didn’t used to go to this school before they moved here. I waited for a friend in the park when it suddenly began to rain. How Sam got to London when the trains weren’t running?

WRITING Che cosa facevi da bambino? Scrivi frasi personali usando le parole tra parentesi. When I was a young child... • (favourite TV programme / be / because) my favourite TV programme was (name of a TV programme) because it was (funny/interesting). • (like playing / name of a game sport / because) • (used to live in / name of a place) • (meet / my best friend / when)


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Che cosa stava facendo tua zia quando i primi uomini sono atterrati sulla Luna? Hai visto Sam al festival della musica sabato? “Pensavo che stessi lavorando.” “No, stavo leggendo una rivista.” I miei nonni non avevano un’auto, quindi andavano da ogni parte in autobus. A che ora tu e Rosie siete andati alla festa ieri sera? Chris lavorava in un bar la scorsa estate. Gli piaceva, ma iniziava a lavorare presto ogni giorno.



Il present perfect simple (1)


FORMA Il present perfect simple si costruisce con il present simple del verbo have (ausiliare) seguito dal participio passato (past participle) del verbo che indica l’azione. Il past participle corrisponde alla terza voce del paradigma verbale. I verbi regolari formano il past participle aggiungendo -ed alla forma base; è quindi uguale al past simple e segue le stesse regole ortografiche e di pronuncia. 55 I verbi irregolari hanno una forma propria al past participle che non sempre corrisponde al past simple e che deve essere imparata a memoria. Appendice – 4

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

I/You/We/They have/’ve lived in Milan.

I/You/We/They have not/ Have I/you/we/they lived haven’t lived in Milan. in Milan?

He/She/It has/’s lived in Milan.

He/She/It has not/hasn’t Has he/she/it lived in lived in Milan. Milan?

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

Haven’t I/you/we/they lived in Milan? Yes, I/you/we/they have. No, I/you/we/they haven’t. Hasn’t he/she/it lived in Milan?

Yes, he/she/it has. / No, he/she/it hasn’t.

L’ausiliare have si usa con tutti i verbi, anche con i verbi come be e gli intransitivi che in italiano richiedono il verbo “essere”. There has been a flood in Chile. C’è stata un’alluvione in Cile. Grandma has come to babysit the kids. La nonna è venuta per badare ai bambini.

USO Il present perfect simple si usa per parlare di: • azioni avvenute in un tempo passato più o meno lontano non precisato. In questo caso è spesso usato senza espressioni di tempo Leo ha scritto un libro.

Leo has written a book.

• azioni ed esperienze di vita che si sono ripetute in un tempo passato non specificato. In questo caso può essere usato

con avverbi di frequenza 29.1 – si mettono prima del participio passato

in tutti i tipi di frase: always, often, rarely/seldom, ecc.

I’ve always run fast.

Ho sempre corso veloce.

in frasi interrogative: ever

Have you ever been here?

Sei mai stato qui?

in frasi affermative: never

I've never told a lie.

Non ho mai detto una bugia.

con espressioni di frequenza in tutti i tipi di frase: once, 29.2 – si mettono alla fine twice, four/many/several della frase times

L'ho incontrato una volta. I have met him once. Have you been there many Ci sei stato tante volte? times?

Il present perfect simple si traduce spesso in italiano con il passato prossimo, ma non è sempre vero il contrario. Infatti in italiano si usa il passato prossimo per indicare azioni concluse nel passato che invece in inglese si rendono con il past simple. Osserva la differenza. We have stayed in that hotel. We stayed in that hotel last summer.


Abbiamo alloggiato in quell’albergo. (tempo non specificato ➝ present perfect simple) Abbiamo alloggiato in quell’albergo la scorsa estate. (tempo definito e concluso ➝ past simple) Mappa p. 434


Present perfect simple (1)

• azioni avvenute in un tempo non ancora concluso. In questo caso si possono usare le seguenti espressioni di tempo

today, this morning/ afternoon/evening/week/ month/year/century

in tutti i tipi di frase – si mettono all’inizio o alla fine della frase

Oggi ha scritto due lettere.

Today she has written two letters. Mary has read five books this month.

Mary ha letto cinque libri questo mese.

Today/This morning/afternoon, ecc. possono indicare sia un tempo non concluso che un tempo concluso. This morning I’ve had a large breakfast.

Questa mattina ho fatto una colazione abbondante. (tempo non concluso, è sempre mattina ➝ present perfect simple)

This morning I had a large breakfast.

Questa mattina ho fatto una colazione abbondante. (tempo concluso, è pomeriggio/sera ➝ past simple)

so far/up to now/until in tutti i tipi di frase – si mettono now (finora), before (in all’inizio o alla fine della frase precedenza), in the last few days (negli ultimi giorni), over the last few weeks (nelle ultime settimane)

So far they haven’t travelled very much. Have you met him before?

Finora non hanno viaggiato molto. Lo hai incontrato in precedenza?

lately (ultimamente)

in tutti i tipi di frase – si mette alla We haven’t seen him lately. fine della frase

Non lo abbiamo visto ultimamente.

recently (di recente)

in frasi affermative – si mette prima del participio passato

Hanno venduto la loro casa di recente.

They have recently sold their house.

Sei andato a trovare Lorna di recente?

in frasi negative e interrogative – Have you visited Lorna recently? si mette alla fine della frase it’s the only/first/second… time

It’s the second time she has gone on holiday on her own.

È la seconda volta che va in vacanza da sola.

it’s + superlativo (+ ever)

It's the best concert I have ever seen.

È il miglior concerto che abbia mai visto.

presente in italiano

Fai attenzione alla differenza di significato fra have been e have gone: have been significa “andato e tornato”, mentre have gone “andato e non ancora tornato”. She has been on holiday. She has gone on holiday.


È stata in vacanza. È andata in vacanza.

è stata in vacanza ed è tornata a casa è ancora in vacanza

Scrivi il past simple e il past participle dei seguenti verbi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

make arrive go swim eat study stay

made made _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

run put win buy fall pay think

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

work travel have get speak become see

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


60 2

Present perfect simple (1) 103


GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e segna se il verbo è un past simple, un past participle o











Past simple Past participle Both


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con il present perfect simple dei verbi nel riquadro. arrive • go • put up • swim • fall • take • eat • make

1 Scott, Dora and their dog Elf have gone on holiday.

2 They ______________ at their campsite by the river.

3 Scott ______________ the tent.

4 Dora ______________ in the river.

5 Elf ______________ friends with Max!

6 Dora and Scott ______________ Elf for a walk.

7 Elf ______________ asleep!

8 Dora and Scott ______________ a delicious meal.


Scrivi domande e risposte al present perfect simple basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 he / eat pizza? (pasta) ‘Has he eaten pizza?’ ‘He hasn’t eaten pizza.’ ‘He’s eaten pasta.’ 2 Samantha / make chocolate cake / for the party? (lemon cake) 3 her parents / go on holiday / to France? (Spain)


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Jack / take the train / to London? (bus) Paul and Mary / buy a bungalow? (house) John / live / New York? (San Francisco) Miranda / lose her dog? (cat) Richard / work / China? (Japan) car / break down? (motorbike) you / meet Tom’s parents? (sister)

Present perfect simple (1)



Formula domande con il present perfect simple e ever. Poi rispondi basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 study English / in the UK? (✓ – Brighton College) ‘Have you ever studied English in the UK?’ ‘Yes, I have. I’ve studied English at Brighton College.’ 2 see / Shakespeare play? (✗ – film Romeo & Juliet) 3 visit / Emirates Stadium in London? (✓ – support / always / Arsenal football club) 4 fly / to Los Angeles? (✗ – travel / rarely / by plane) 5 eat / roast beef and Yorkshire pudding? (✗ – eat / never / British food!) 6 go / on holiday without your parents? (✗ – go / always / with them)


Completa le frasi con been o gone. 1 2 3 4 5 6

‘Has Jill gone to work?’ ‘No. She’s been here looking after her grandmother.’ Peter looks tired. He’s ____________ on duty at the police station all night. I’ve never ____________ to the British Museum. I’d love to go. ‘I was hoping to speak to Mrs Smith.’ ‘I’m sorry but she’s now ____________ home.’ ‘Where are Sue and Alan?’ ‘They’ve ____________ on holiday to Prague.’ Your mother was getting worried. Where have you ____________?


Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 2 3 4 5 6


I’ve never been to this restaurant before. This is... the first time I’ve been to this restaurant. She won the marathon last year and now she’s won it again. This is... We’ve never been to Edinburgh before. This is... You have been late with your homework this week on Monday, Wednesday and today. It’s the... I’ve read The Great Gatsby four times and I’m now reading it again. This is... Molly has never eaten a mince pie before. This is...

Formula frasi con il present perfect simple basandoti sulle informazioni date e inserisci le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. 1 ‘The square looks beautiful with the Christmas decorations.’ (lately) ‘Does it? I / not / be / there.’ I haven’t been there lately. 2 ‘We have much warmer winters now.’ (over the last few years) ‘I know. The climate / change / in this region.’ 3 ‘Do you know what your new neighbours are like?’ (so far) ‘Not really. I / meet / them / once.’ 4 ‘Harry looks tired.’ ‘Yes, / he / have / a lot of homework.’ (this week) 5 ‘Where do you want to have dinner?’ (never) ‘What about this place? I / try / Japanese food.’ 6 ‘Is this a good shoe shop?’ (never) ‘I don’t know. I / buy / any shoes / there.’


TRANSLATION Traduci il dialogo in inglese. Bill Ted Bill Ted Bill Ted Bill Ted Bill Ted

Hai fatto qualcosa di interessante ultimamente? Have you done anything interesting lately? Sono stato a San Francisco di recente. Dove sei stato questa settimana? A casa. Ho avuto molto lavoro da fare questo mese dopo il mio viaggio. A proposito (by the way), hai visto mia sorella di recente? No, non l’ho vista. È stata molto impegnata nelle ultime settimane. Su cosa ha lavorato ultimamente? Di recente ha fatto un film su una fotografa che si chiama (call) Cindy Sherman. Ha esposto (exhibit) le sue fotografie alla National Portrait Gallery negli ultimi dieci giorni. Sono stato alla National Portrait Gallery varie volte, ma non ho mai visto nessuna delle sue foto. Questa è la prima volta che ha esposto a Londra.



Il present perfect simple (2)

Il present perfect simple si usa anche per azioni avvenute in un passato recente con effetti sul presente. Guarda! Claire ha appena lavato la macchina! (si vedono i risultati dell’azione passata perché la macchina è scintillante) In questo caso può essere accompagnato dai seguenti avverbi di tempo 80.2 : Look! Claire has just washed her car!

Hanno già prenotato il volo per Edimburgo.



in frasi affermative e interrogative – si mette prima del participio passato


ancora, già

Non ha ancora visto She hasn’t seen this in frasi negative e questo film. film yet. interrogative – si mette in Ha già letto questo Has she read this book fondo alla frase

They have already booked the flight to Edinburgh.



Nelle frasi interrogative already e yet hanno sfumature diverse di significato: • already indica che l’azione è avvenuta prima del previsto • yet indica che ci si aspetta che l’azione sia avvenuta Have you already done your homework? Have you done your homework yet?



Hai già fatto i compiti? (esprimo sorpresa perché hai già fatto i compiti) Hai già fatto i compiti? (mi aspetto che tu abbia fatto i compiti e ti sto chiedendo conferma) He still hasn’t done in frasi negative – si mette prima dell’ausiliare the ironing.

Non ha ancora stirato.

Nota la differenza di significato fra yet e still: • yet indica che un’azione non si è ancora verificata • still esprime impazienza o irritazione verso l’azione che non si è verificata Dad hasn’t cut the grass in the garden yet. Papà non ha ancora tagliato l’erba in giardino. Dad still hasn’t cut the grass in the garden! Papà non ha ancora tagliato l’erba in giardino!

noto che l’erba non è ancora stata tagliata esprimo irritazione: non è ancora stata tagliata



She has just left. in frasi affermative – si mette prima del participio passato

È appena andata via.



I have almost hit a in frasi affermative – si mette prima del participio new record with the PlayStation! passato

Ho quasi fatto un nuovo record con la PlayStation!

In inglese americano con already, just e yet si preferisce usare il past simple al posto del present perfect simple. She just left.

È appena andata via.

‘Have you done any shopping yet?’


Mappa p. 434

Present perfect simple (2)


Inserisci gli avverbi tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



yet Can you come back in ten minutes? I haven’t finished cleaning your room. (yet) ‘Do you want me to make a reservation?’ ‘No thanks. I’ve booked the flight to Madrid.’ (already) We have reached our destination. Please check you have all your belongings with you. (almost) We have been on the boat for three hours and we haven’t seen any dolphins. (still) Please be patient. I’ve finished writing the email. (nearly) Get ready everyone. The boss has arrived in the building! ( just) Minister, our viewers want to know what your position on Brexit is and you haven’t answered any of my questions. (still)

Mrs Sweet vuole sapere se Mr Sweet ha fatto le seguenti cose prima della loro partenza per la crociera. Formula domande e risposte brevi con il present perfect simple. 1 2 3 4 5

water the garden (✗) pack the computer and tablet (✓) feed the goldfish (✗) clean your shoes (✓) book the taxi (✓)

6 close all the windows (✗) 7 switch off the lights (✗) 8 tell the neighbours we’re going away (✓) 9 lock the door (✓)

‘Have you watered the garden?’ ‘No, I haven’t.’


Formula frasi su Mr Sweet con already e yet basandoti sulle informazioni nell’esercizio 2. He hasn’t watered the garden yet.


Completa le frasi con i verbi tra parentesi e just, already, almost, yet o still. 1 2 3 4 5


‘Do you want any help with your homework?’ ‘No thanks. I’ve already done it.’ (do) ‘Can Jane come to the cinema with us?’ ‘I don’t think so. She ____________________________.’ (finish work) I posted the parcel over a week ago and it ____________________________. (arrive) Their plane ____________________________. I can’t wait to see them. (land) Buy your tickets now before it’s too late. We ____________________________! (sell out)

Completa il dialogo con i verbi e gli avverbi nei riquadri. Usa il present perfect simple. see • finish • arrive • decide • lose • give up • win just • yet • still • already1(2) • almost • nearly John Chrissie John Chrissie John Julian John

Who’s in the final? Nadal and Federer. I (1) have already seen them play each other many times. Who do you think is going to win? I (2) ________________________. I don’t know, but I’m sure it’s going to be a great game. The players (3) ________________________ on court. Here we go! Hi everyone. Sorry, I’m late. What’s the score? They (4) ________________________ the second set. It’s 5-2 to Nadal. He (5) ________________________ the first set 6-3. Chrissie I (6) ________________________ hope that Federer can win this. But he’s such a great player. You never know until the last point of the match! Julian Nadal’s two sets up. He (7) ________________________ a service game _________________! I think it’s all over for Roger!



Il present perfect simple (3): for e since

In inglese per parlare della durata di un’azione si usa il present perfect simple seguito da for o since e un’espressione di tempo. Questa forma (duration form) esprime un’azione/situazione iniziata nel passato e ancora in corso nel momento in cui si parla. I’ve had this car since 2002!

Ho questa macchina dal 2002.

62.1 Present perfect simple con for

La duration form si rende in italiano con l’indicativo presente seguito dalla preposizione “da”.

ce l'ha ancora

Si usa for per dire da quanto tempo dura l’azione. We’ve lived in this house for twelve years. He hasn’t eaten anything for two days.

Abitiamo in questa casa da dodici anni. Non mangia niente da due giorni.

Osserva la differenza di significato: They have been ill for three days. They were ill for three days.

Sono malati da tre giorni. (azione iniziata nel passato e ancora in corso ➝ present perfect simple) Sono stati malati per tre giorni. (azione iniziata e conclusa nel passato ➝ past simple 55, 56 )

Ecco come si rende l’espressione italiana “da molto tempo”:

for a long time (for) long for a long time (for) long

in frasi affermative

We have waited for a long time.

Aspettiamo da molto tempo.

in frasi interrogative

Have you waited (for) long?

Aspettate da tanto?

I haven’t swum for a long time.

Non nuoto da molto tempo.

in frasi negative, ma con significato diverso You haven’t studied (for) long.

è tanto tempo che non nuota

Non studi da molto.

è poco tempo che studia

62.2 Present perfect simple con since Si usa since per indicare il momento in cui è iniziata l’azione. They haven’t visited their grandparents since Non vanno a trovare i loro nonni da Natale. Christmas.

Il momento d’inizio dell’azione può essere espresso anche da una proposizione; in questo caso since ha funzione di congiunzione ed è seguito dal past simple. She hasn’t worked since she won the lottery. Non lavora da quando ha vinto alla lotteria.

62.3 Present perfect simple con How long...? For e since rispondono entrambi alla domanda How long...? (“da quanto tempo”). ‘How long have you known him?’ ‘I’ve known him for two years/since 2012/ since I was eighteen.’

“Da quanto tempo lo conosci?” “Lo conosco da due anni/dal 2012/da quando avevo diciotto anni.”

Con i verbi che indicano un’azione di breve durata (arrive, die, finish, leave, start, stop) non si usa la duration form con for/since. They arrived one week ago.


Sono arrivati una settimana fa./Sono arrivati da una settimana. Mappa p. 434

Present perfect simple (3): for and since



Completa le espressioni di tempo con for o since. 1 since last month 2 ________ a month 3 ________ a long time 4 ________ the last time

5 6 7 8

________ last summer ________ the whole summer ________ three weeks ________ the first week of June

5 6 7 8

Jane has lived (live) in Thirty customers _________________ (buy) bread Marta _________________ (took) two Spanish We left home at eight o’clock, so we _________________ (be) My parents _________________ (own) their house James _________________ (work) as a freelance I _________________ (know) Chrissi This artist _________________ (paint)


at the new bakery ________ it opened this morning. b ■ out ________ three hours. c ■ photographer ________ a long time. d ■ courses ________ she moved to Spain. e ■ in the city ________ about twenty years. f ■ two pictures ________ yesterday morning. 1 France since she left school. g ■ h ■ ________ she was my manager.

4 the new shopping centre / be here? / last March 5 your mum and dad / want to live in Spain? / many years 6 you / hear strange noises next door? / last night

Leggi le situazioni e formula frasi con for a long time o (for) long basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 ‘Do you want to take something for your headache?’ ‘Don’t worry, I / not have / it’ ‘Don’t worry, I haven’t had it (for) long.’ 2 ‘Are you enjoying the concert?’ ‘Oh, yes! I / not listen to / this type of music’ 3 ‘James wants to buy a new car.’ ‘Well, he / have / his old one’


________ July ________ a minute ________ 2016 ________ ages

Formula domande e risposte basandoti sulle informazioni date. Usa how long, for o since. 1 he / teach at this school? / three years ‘How long has he taught English at this school?’ ‘He’s taught here for three years.’ 2 your mum / have her car? / Christmas 3 you both / know each other? / ages


9 10 11 12

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con il present perfect simple dei verbi tra parentesi e for o since. 1 2 3 4



4 ‘What kind of food do Harry and Lily like?’ ‘I’m not sure. I / not know / them’ 5 ‘Does this book have a happy ending?’ ‘I don’t remember, I / not read / it’ 6 ‘Mr and Mrs Sweet are moving to a new house.’ ‘I’m surprised because they / not live / here’

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 “Da quanto tempo sono amiche Lucy e Amy?” “Sono amiche da quando hanno iniziato la scuola.”

5 “Da quanto tempo siete sulla spiaggia oggi?” “Siamo qui da circa due ore.”

2 “Da quanto tempo possiede questo ristorante Paola?” “Lo possiede da molto tempo.”

6 “Da quanto tempo Sam abita in questo appartamento?” “Penso che ci abiti da circa dieci anni.”

3 “Da quanto tempo ha il telefono Helen?” “Solo da una settimana, quindi non ce l’ha da molto.” 4 “Da quanto tempo Gemma usa questo computer?” “Lo usa da molto tempo.”

7 “Da quanto tempo Mr Taylor è un insegnante?” “Da circa 10 mesi.”



Past simple e present perfect simple a confronto Past simple

Present perfect simple Rami Malek ha vinto un Oscar nel 2019.

azioni verificatesi in uno specifico periodo di tempo passato

Rami Malek won an Oscar in 2019.

azioni verificatesi in un tempo passato non specificato

azioni concluse nel passato

I corrected fifteen Ieri ho corretto tests yesterday. quindici verifiche.

azioni passate con nessun legame con il presente

At twenty he dyed his hair purple.

A vent’anni si tinse i capelli di viola.

Per quanto durata di un’azione How long were you a vegetarian? tempo sei stato passata

Rami Malek has won an Oscar.

I’ve corrected azioni avvenute fifteen tests this in un tempo passato non ancora morning. concluso

Rami Malek ha vinto un Oscar.

Ho corretto quindici verifiche stamani.

azioni passate con He’s dyed his hair Si è tinto i capelli di viola. effetti sul presente purple.

vegetariano? I was a vegetarian Sono stato for three months. vegetariano per tre mesi.

durata di un’azione How long have you been a ancora in corso

Da quanto tempo sei vegetariano?

vegetarian? I’ve been a vegetarian for three months.

Sono vegetariano da tre mesi.

Si usa il present perfect per parlare di esperienze passate generiche, e il past simple per parlare di informazioni specifiche. ‘I’ve bought a new car!’ ‘Really? When did you buy it?’

“Ho comprato un’auto nuova!” “Davvero? Quando l’hai comprata?”

Espressioni di tempo con il past simple yesterday two weeks/months/years ago last week/month/year…


always, often, rarely/seldom… once, twice, three/many times today, this afternoon, this summer… recently, lately, so far… already, yet, still, just, almost/nearly

Indica quali espressioni di tempo si usano solitamente con il past simple (PS) e quali con il present perfect (PP). 1 2 3 4


con il present perfect simple

last summer PS since last summer a month ago during this lesson

5 on my birthday 6 at seven-thirty this morning 7 since seven o’clock

8 9 10 11

yesterday evening this year when we were on holiday up to now

Past simple vs present perfect simple


Abbina le frasi agli usi corrispondenti. a ■ azioni ripetute nel passato b ■ durata di un’azione passata c ■ durata di un’azione ancora in corso 1 azioni concluse nel passato d ■ e ■ azioni avvenute in un tempo passato non ancora concluso f ■ azioni passate con effetti sul presente g ■ azioni verificatesi in un tempo passato non specificato h ■ narrare un evento

1 Helen arrived at her studio at nine o’clock yesterday morning. 2 I’ve already seen this film, so I don’t want to see it again. 3 Mr and Mrs Sweet lived here for ten years. 4 We’ve worked together for a year. 5 I’ve just had my third coffee this morning. 6 When we were on holiday, we went swimming every day. 7 They went to the theatre but didn’t enjoy the performance. 8 I’ve lost my glasses.





Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 Did the post arrive this morning? 2 Has the post arrived this morning?

a b

3 Ivy and Steve have gone to Amsterdam. 4 Ivy and Steve have been to Amsterdam.

a b

5 I’ve worked here for six months. 6 I worked here for six months.

a b

7 While Gemma lived in New York, she made new friends. 8 Since Gemma’s lived in New York, she’s made new friends.

a b

9 We haven’t been to Nice yet. 10 We haven’t planned to go to Monaco.

a b

11 Haven’t you finished your homework yet? 12 Have you already finished your homework?

a b

2 ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

It’s still morning. It’s now the afternoon or evening. Now they are back at home. They’re still there. I’m still working here. I no longer work here. She still lives there. She no longer lives there. It isn’t part of our schedule. We plan to go there on this trip. You’re very slow today. That was quick!

Completa le frasi con il past simple o il present perfect simple dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 ‘ Have you bought (you / buy) another phone, Harry?’ ‘Yes, I got (get) it during the sale.’ 2 ‘I ______________ (break) my favourite cup.’ ‘How ______________ (you / do) that?’ ‘My hands ______________ (be) wet, so I ______________ (drop) it.’ 3 ‘______________ (you / ever/ be) on a cruise?’ ‘Yes, we ______________ (go) on a Caribbean cruise in 2017.’ 4 ‘______________ (Rosie / phone) you lately?’ ‘No, but she ______________ (come) to see me last week.’ 5 They ______________ (start) building the hotel four years ago and they ______________ (still / not finish) it. 6 Tom ______________ (apply) for several new jobs since he ______________ (lose) his last one. 7 I ______________ (be) in Melbourne such a long time ago that I ______________ (almost / forget) what it’s like. 8 They ______________ ( just / arrive) at Heathrow Airport. Their flight ______________ (land) a few minutes ago.

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 We have had dinner in Aldo’s restaurant yesterday evening. ✗ had 2 Did Jack already finish his lunch? 3 Has Lily bought a new camera before her holiday? 4 The weather has been beautiful here last week.

5 6 7 8

Did you all have enough to eat? Lucy is in her new house since before Christmas. Who have you seen at the party on Saturday? I have phoned you three times before nine o’clock yesterday.



Il present perfect continuous

FORMA Il present perfect continuous si costruisce con il present simple del verbo have (ausiliare) seguito dal participio passato di be (been) + la forma in -ing del verbo 31.1 che indica l’azione.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

I/You/We/They have/’ve been running.

I/You/We/They have not/haven’t been running.

Have I/you/we/they been running?

Haven’t I/you/we/they been running?

Yes, I/you/we/they have. No, I/you/we/they haven’t.

Has he/she/it been running?

Hasn’t he/she/it been running?

Yes, he/she/it has. No, he/she/it hasn’t.

He/She/It has/’s been He/She/It has not/ running. hasn’t been running.

USO Il present perfect continuous si usa per: • descrivere un’azione iniziata nel passato che si è appena conclusa e i cui effetti sono evidenti nel presente The kitchen is in a terrible mess! Marco has been cooking.

La cucina è un caos! Marco ha cucinato.

• parlare di un’azione che è iniziata nel passato ed è ancora in corso nel presente; spesso è accompagnato da espressioni di tempo come all morning/day, for ages, ecc. che sottolineano la continuità dell’azione He has been typing all day. I can’t stand that noise any longer!

È tutto il giorno che scrive al computer. Non sopporto più quel rumore!

Il present perfect continuous non indica di per sé se un’azione è conclusa o in corso, lo chiarisce il contesto. I’ve been ironing all morning and I’m really tired now. I’ve been ironing all morning and I still haven’t finished!


Ho stirato tutta la mattina e ora sono proprio stanca. conclusa È tutta la mattina che stiro e non ho ancora finito! azione

in corso

• parlare della durata di un’azione con How long...?, since/for How long have they been arguing over the inheritance? We have been waiting for two hours.

Da quanto tempo litigano per l’eredità? Stiamo aspettando da due ore.

• indicare azioni che si sono ripetute nel passato e nel presente He has been asking me out all week.

È tutta la settimana che mi chiede di uscire.

Il present perfect continuous si può tradurre in italiano con il passato prossimo, il presente semplice o il presente di “stare” + gerundio del verbo. • Il present perfect continuous si usa solo con i verbi d’azione e di lunga durata. Con i verbi di stato 34 e con i verbi che indicano un’azione di breve durata (arrive, leave, ecc.) si usa il present perfect simple. ‘What’s the problem with you? You’ve been crying all day.’ ‘Thomas has left me.’

“Cosa c’è che non va? È tutto il giorno che piangi.” “Thomas mi ha lasciato.”

• Alla forma negativa si preferisce usare il present perfect simple. Ma si usa il present perfect continuous per esprimere irritazione e nelle “false negative”, cioè frasi che hanno un significato positivo e possono essere riformulate alla forma affermativa. They haven’t eaten meat for six months. You haven’t been doing anything all day long! I haven’t been ironing for long. = I have been ironing for a short time.


Non mangiano carne da sei mesi. Non hai fatto niente tutto il giorno! Non sto stirando da molto. = Sto stirando da poco tempo.

Mappa p. 435

Present perfect continuous



Osserva le immagini e scrivi frasi con il present perfect continuous dei verbi nel riquadro e le parole date. paint • eat • make • run • watch

1 we / sandwiches We’ve been making sandwiches.


2 I / TV

3 she / her room

4 they / ice cream

5 he / very fast

Completa i mini-dialoghi con il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. ‘You look really well, Laura.’ ‘Thanks. I’ve been going (I / go) to a new fitness centre.’ ‘Why is the kitchen in such a mess?’ ‘___________________ (we / cook) dinner for everyone.’ ‘Helen’s Spanish is really good.’ ‘___________________ (she / take) lessons at a language centre.’ ‘What are you doing at the moment?’ ‘___________________ (I / write) another book.’ ‘Where are Harry and Lily? They’re usually around at the weekend.’ ‘___________________ (they / revise) for their exams.’ 6 ‘My throat is really sore.’ ‘That’s because ___________________ (you / talk) non-stop for an hour!’ 1 2 3 4 5


Riscrivi le frasi usando le parole tra parentesi e il present perfect continuous. 1 Amy started designing bags two years ago. (she / for) She’s been designing bags for two years. 2 Emi went to work in London in 2017. (she / since) 3 James started watching this TV series from episode one. (he / since) 4 Alex and Paula started running their restaurant many years ago. (they / for) 5 We started swimming half an hour ago. (we / for) 6 You started writing that story yesterday. (you / since)


Rispondi alle domande usando le parole tra parentesi e il present perfect simple o continuous. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Why is your coat so wet? (it / rain / all morning) It’s been raining all morning. Why are your eyes red, Penny? (I / read / sad / book) Why are Lily’s shoes all muddy? (she and her dad / garden / this morning) Why are your suitcases still empty? (I / have / not / pack / for my holiday / yet) Why don’t Mr and Mrs Green know many people here? (they / not / live / here / very long) Why are you wearing your boots, Harry? (I / take / Mrs Brown’s dog / for a walk) What happened during the English test yesterday? (I / have / not / listen / to anything)


Present perfect simple e present perfect continuous a confronto


Present perfect simple

Present perfect continuous

azioni concluse in un tempo non specificato – l’attenzione è sul risultato dell’azione

The plumber has repaired the dishwasher. Now it works.

L’idraulico ha riparato la lavastoviglie. Ora funziona.

azioni appena concluse o ancora in corso – l’attenzione è sullo svolgimento dell’azione

The kitchen is in a mess because the plumber has been repairing the dishwasher.

La cucina è in disordine perché l’idraulico ha riparato/sta riparando la lavastoviglie.

azioni iniziate nel passato e ancora in corso, con tutti i verbi – senza enfasi

I’ve studied hard since the beginning of school.

Studio tanto dall’inizio della scuola. (constatazione della durata dell’azione)

azioni iniziate nel passato e ancora in corso, con i verbi d’azione – con enfasi sulla durata dell’azione

I’ve been studying hard since the beginning of school.

È dall’inizio della scuola che studio tanto.

situazioni di lunga durata o permanenti

It has rained a lot this winter.

Ha piovuto molto questo inverno.

situazioni di breve durata o temporanee

It has been raining since 9 in the morning.

Piove dalle 9 di questa mattina.

per evidenziare la quantità o la frequenza

I’ve trained every day.

Mi sono allenato tutti i giorni.

per evidenziare l’azione

I’ve been training Mi sono hard recently. allenato molto ultimamente.

Espressioni di tempo con il present perfect simple avverbi di frequenza (always, often, ecc.) espressioni di frequenza (once, twice, ecc.) espressioni di tempo non concluso (this morning, ecc.) espressioni riferite al presente (so far, up to now, ecc.) lately, recently, ecc. already, yet, still, just, almost, nearly for, since


con il present perfect continuous all morning/day, all my life lately, recently for, since

Completa le frasi con le espressioni di tempo nel riquadro. the first time • never • yet • since • still • all her life 1 2 3 4 5 6


never Judith has been to the Lake District before. She loves it there. This is ___________________ Judith has been to the Lake District. She loves it there. My grandmother has been living in this house ___________________. My grandmother has been living in this house ___________________ she was born. Marta has been to Russia many times but she ___________________ hasn’t learnt any Russian. Marta has been to Russia many times but she hasn’t learnt any Russian ___________________.

Present perfect simple vs present perfect continuous


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


I’m so sorry but I can’t meet you at one o’clock now. I have just been missing/missed the train. Jack has been trying/has tried to complete the puzzle for the last two hours and he still can’t do it. The children have been watching/have watched TV all evening. I think it’s time they went to bed. The runners have been training/have trained hard for the marathon race next week. I have just been hearing/have just heard the news about your engagement. Congratulations! It has been raining/has rained since early morning but the sun may come out later today. My parents have never understood/have never been understanding why I want to be an actor. I’m starving. I haven’t eaten/have been eating anything all day. What have you got in the fridge? I have finally finished/have finally been finishing reading War and Peace. It’s a very long novel. Ellie and Ben have been travelling/have travelled around the world this year. They are now in New Zealand.

Completa le frasi con il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



My grandad has been cleaning (clean) his car all afternoon. I hope he finishes before it starts to rain. Don’t worry, Mum. I _________________ (clean) my teeth. Good night – see you in the morning. Bella _________________ (study) for her PhD for the last two years and expects to graduate next year. Dan _________________ (study) the subject thoroughly and doesn’t need to do any more revision. Arsenal and Chelsea _________________ (play) for 47 minutes. The referee is about to blow his whistle for half time. Arsenal and Chelsea _________________ (play) each other four times this season. Marion _________________ (bake) a delicious fruit cake for Patrick’s birthday. She’s very proud of it. The cakes _________________ (bake) for about an hour but they aren’t ready yet.

Completa i mini-dialoghi con il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 A What (1) have you been doing (do) this afternoon? have finished B I (2) (finish) my homework, so I (3) ________________________ (look) at social media for the last twenty minutes. A (4) ________________________ (you see) anything interesting? B Yes. Someone (5) ________________________ ( just / post) some beautiful pictures of baby giraffes! 2 A (6) ________________________ (you / work) in our other office all day? B No, I (7) ________________________ (see) some clients in their homes. I (8) ________________________ ( just / get back) to my desk. (9) ________________________ (you / have) a good day so far? A I (10) ________________________ (plan) our trip to Boston but I (11) ________________________ (not / book) the hotel yet. B Don’t worry. I (12) ________________________ (find) a really good place in the centre of the city. 3 A (13) ________________________ (you / shop) all afternoon? B Yes. I (14) ________________________ (check out) the new department store that (15) ________________________ ( just / open) in the High Street. A What (16) ________________________? (you buy). Let me see! B Only these shoes. I (17) ________________________ (not / spend) a lot of money! 4 A (18) ________________________ (you / bake) cakes all afternoon, Sam? B Yes, (19) ________________________ (I / just / switch off) the oven. A How many (20) ________________________ (you / make)? B Three – and (21) ________________________ (I / only / try) two of them.


60-65 Summative revision 1

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


There was/There’s been a sale at the phone shop three days ago. I’ve read/I read three of this author’s books since last month. Harry and Lily saw/have seen this film several times. Penny didn’t play/hasn’t played football when she was at school. Did you watch/Have you watched the wildlife programme yesterday? Sam’s contacted/Sam contacted the local newspaper today about the rubbish on the beach. Since we arrived here last June, we never used/we’ve never used the gym opposite our flat. I’ve never appeared/I never appeared on a TV reality show in my life!

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 How long did you stay in San Francisco? 2 How long have you been in San Francisco?

1 We were there for a week. a ■ 2 We’ve been here for a week. b ■

3 Jane has extra work to do this week because 4 Jane isn’t at home this week because

a b

5 Did my parcel arrive this morning? 6 Has my parcel arrived this morning?

a b

7 Aunty Doreen made a birthday cake 8 Aunty Doreen’s made a birthday cake

a b

9 I downloaded this app 10 I’ve just downloaded this app


a b

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

she’s gone on holiday. she’s been on holiday. It’s nearly two o’clock. It’s half past eleven. for me every year. for me last year. so I don’t want to delete it. then I deleted it by mistake.

Meg si è da poco trasferita a Winchester. Completa il dialogo con il past simple o il present perfect simple dei verbi tra parentesi. Katie How long (1) have you had (you / have) your flat in Winchester? Meg I (2) ______________________ (buy) it last month. Katie Where (3) ______________________ (you / be) before that? Meg I (4) ______________________ (live) in London for a few months. Katie Why (5) ______________________ (you / decide) to leave? Meg I (6) ______________________ (leave) because it (7) ______________________ (be) too expensive to live there. The prices of flats (8) ______________________ (go up) during the last year. Katie (9) ______________________ (you / make) friends here? Meg Yes, people (10) ______________________ (be) very friendly, but I (11) ______________________ (not / have) much time to socialise. I (12) ______________________ (move) into my new flat a month ago and I (13) ______________________ (still / not finish) unpacking all the boxes! Katie (14) ______________________ (not / you / have) my text? I (15) ______________________ (send) it at lunchtime. It’s four o’clock now! Meg Sorry, I (16) ______________________ (not / check) my phone because I (17) ______________________ (leave) it at home this morning. What’s the message? Katie It says, ‘Stop unpacking and come to dinner this evening!’


Scrivi frasi basandoti sulle informazioni date. Usa il present perfect simple e for o since. 1 Sam / be / at the train station / an hour Sam’s been at the train station for an hour. 2 We / know / Penny / 2016 3 I / learn / so much / the beginning of this course 4 my parents / own / this house / ten years


5 Amy / hear / loud music / from next door / early this morning 6 we / like / this part of town / ages 7 I / not taste / food like this / my holiday in France 8 you / not look at / your phone / ten minutes

Summative revision


Completa l’articolo con il past simple, il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Harriet (1) ’s recently opened (recently / open) a vintage clothes shop in her town’s indoor market. She (2) ___________________ (sell) clothes which people (3) ___________________ (wear) in the 1950s to the 1980s. Before she (4) ___________________ (decide) to start her own business, Harriet (5) ___________________ (like) retro clothing, so she (6) ___________________ (research) online sources. Since she (7) ___________________ (begin) her search for good sites, she (8) ___________________ (find) a lot



of excellent contacts who (9) ___________________ (supply) her with all kinds of clothes for her shop. Her friends love her shop: they (10) ___________________ (come) into the shop every week and they (11) ___________________ (buy) lots of interesting items since she opened it. Harriet (12) ___________________ (not / experience) any problems so far, but she (13) ___________________ (find) that it is important to look for new things every day. (14) ___________________ (she / have) second thoughts about her business venture? ‘No,

I (15) _______________ (never / regret) my decision. I’m happy. I (16) ___________________ (just / sell) a 1960’s dress which (17) ___________________ (not /cost) my customer very much, so she’s happy, too.’

Lara parla con James del locale che sta per aprire. Completa il dialogo con il past simple, il present perfect simple o il present perfect continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. be (x 3) • buy • (not) change • decide • do • get • import • (not) like live • love • look at • make (x 2) • (not) open • paint • see • think • try (1) Have you seen our new place, James? This is the first time I (2) ________________ here. I (3) ________________ (only) the photos. It (4) ________________ a café before. We (5) ________________ a few changes since we (6) ________________ it. I can see from the photos that you’ (7) ________________ some decorating. I can see it’s nearly finished. The walls (8) ________________ blue and now they’re white. Lara Yes, there’s just one more wall to paint. We (9) ________________ the colour because it (10) ________________ the space very dark. James (11) ________________ (you) new tables and chairs? Lara No, we (12) ________________ the furniture. We (13) ________________ everything a different colour. James (14) ________________ (you) about what kind of café you want? Lara Well, there are lots of places selling coffee here, so we (15) ________________ to open a Chinese tea house – not a café after all! We (16) ________________ in Hong Kong a long time ago and we (17) ________________ the tea houses there. We (18) ________________ tea from China every week to make sure we have enough when the café finally opens. We now have a big selection. James I (19) ________________ (never) green tea. Can I have some now? Lara Sorry, we (20) ________________ yet. Is an instant coffee OK?

Lara James Lara James


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Ieri sera abbiamo cenato a casa di mia cugina. 2 Bruno ha appena fatto una pizza squisita con formaggio e pomodoro. 3 Sono cinque mesi che Helen sta arredando il suo nuovo appartamento!

4 Non siamo andati a scuola la scorsa settimana perché eravamo ancora in vacanza. 5 Da quanto tempo tu e la tua famiglia avete questa casa? 6 Pulisco casa dalle 8 di questa mattina!



Il past perfect simple


FORMA Il past perfect simple si costruisce con l’ausiliare had seguito dal participio passato (past participle) Appendice – 4 del verbo che indica l’azione.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma Risposte brevi interrogativa-negativa

I/You/He/She/It/We/ They had/’d eaten. solo con i pronomi personali

I/You/He/She/It/We/ They had not/hadn’t eaten.

Had I/you/he/she/it/ we/they eaten?

Hadn’t I/you/he/she/it/we/ they eaten?

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/ they had. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/ they hadn’t.

USO Il past perfect simple si usa: • per parlare di un’azione o una situazione che è avvenuta prima di un determinato momento o di un’altra azione passata espressa con il past simple Il past I had managed to catch a taxi before the rush Ero riuscito a prendere un taxi perfect simple si hour. prima dell’ora di punta. rende in italiano Steven arrived at 2 p.m. but his mum hadn’t Steven arrivò alle 2 di pomeriggio cooked lunch. ma sua madre non aveva preparato con il trapassato prossimo. il pranzo. In questo caso il past perfect simple può essere introdotto da espressioni di tempo come as soon as, after, by the time, once e when (con il significato di “una volta che”). After he had finished the cheeseburger, he stood up.

Dopo aver finito il cheeseburger, si alzò.

• nei testi narrativi per indicare l’ordine cronologico degli avvenimenti Mario went into Luisa’s room. She had talked to Stef on the phone.

Mario entrò nella stanza di Luisa. Lei aveva parlato con Stef al telefono.

• con gli stessi avverbi ed espressioni di tempo (come already, ever, for, never, since, just, yet, ecc.) che si usano con il present perfect simple 60-62 She had never thought of studying abroad.

Non aveva mai pensato di studiare all’estero.

Le espressioni di tempo che fanno riferimento al presente come so far, up to now, until now non si usano con il past perfect simple. Al loro posto si usano till then, until that moment/day, ecc. He had won two gold medals till then.

Aveva vinto due medaglie d’oro fino ad allora.

• con how long...?, for, since per parlare della durata di un’azione rispetto a un determinato momento passato; in italiano si traduce con l’imperfetto He hadn’t played tennis since 2015.

Non giocava a tennis dal 2015.

• nel discorso indiretto 122.1 introdotto dal past simple di verbi dichiarativi come say, tell ecc. She told me she had left Mark once and for all.

Mi disse che aveva lasciato Mark una volta per tutte.

• dopo il past simple di verbi come be sure, believe, know, remember, think, understand, ecc. I thought you had left one hour ago.

Credevo che tu fossi andato via un’ora fa.

• dopo le espressioni It was the first/second/third time... It was the first time I had got a bad mark.

Era la prima volta che prendevo un brutto voto.

• dopo un superlativo It was the worst lasagne I had eaten in my life.


Erano le peggiori lasagne che avessi mangiato in vita mia. Mappa p. 436

Past perfect simple




Completa le frasi con il past perfect simple dei verbi tra parentesi. had bought 1 Peter took the shoes back to the shop because he (buy) the wrong size. 2 When we got to the platform, the train _______________________ (leave) and we had to wait an hour for the next one. 3 I knew how the film ended because I _______________________ (read) the book. 4 Dorothea missed an important call because she _______________________ (not switch on) her phone. 5 Jane passed the exam because she _______________________ (revised) very thoroughly. 6 By the time we arrived at the hotel, the restaurant _______________________ (close) and there was nowhere to eat. 7 Jackie was disappointed because she _______________________ (not win) the top prize. 8 The smoke alarm went off after Sam _______________________ (light) the candles on her birthday cake. 9 John forgot where he _______________________ (park) his car and spent ages looking for it. 10 Lisa was excited because she _______________________ (never / visit) New York before.

Completa le frasi con il past perfect simple e un’espressione di tempo appropriata. 1 The play started ten minutes before we arrived at the theatre. had already started When we got to the theatre, the play


2 I felt nervous before boarding the plane. This was my first flight. I felt nervous before boarding the plane because I _____________________________________. 3 The last time I spoke to Shelley was five years ago. She phoned yesterday. Before Shelley phoned yesterday, we _____________________________________. 4 Pat and John finished work. They met their friends immediately after. By the time Pat and John met their friends, they _____________________________________. 5 Jemma learnt Spanish and then went to work in Spain. Before Jemma went to work in Spain, she _____________________________________.


Formula domande e risposte basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 Alison didn’t feed the dog so she was hungry. ‘Had Alison fed the dog?’ ‘No, she hadn’t.’ 2 John did the washing up, so the dishes were clean. 3 Bob passed the test, so he was happy. 4 Laura took the rubbish out, so the bin was empty. 5 Grandad didn’t water the lawn, so the grass was brown.


6 Tom didn’t clean his shoes, so they were dirty. 7 The children set the table, so there were knives and forks on it. 8 Mum didn’t go shopping, so the fridge was empty. 9 Dad didn’t cook breakfast, so the frying pan was clean. 10 Rosie had a bath, so the bathroom was steamy.

Formula frasi con il past simple e il past perfect simple e i connettivi appropriati basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 I / go / to the police station / someone / steal / my phone I went to the police station because someone had stolen my phone. 2 Will and Alice / get married / in 2018 / they / meet at university / in 2013 3 Gordon / do / the washing up / Nigella / cook / a delicious dinner 4 Paul / download / The Four Seasons / he / go / to a Vivaldi concert 5 Faye / not hand in / her assignment / on time / her computer / crash 6 I / open / my front door / I / lose / my keys 7 my grandmother / relax / she / board / the plane 8 they / have / a party / they / finish / their exams



Il past perfect continuous

FORMA Il past perfect continuous si costruisce con had (ausiliare) seguito dal participio passato di be (been) + la forma in -ing del verbo 31.1 che indica l’azione.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativa-negativa

I/You/He/She/It/We/ They had/’d been talking.

I/You/He/She/It/We/ They had not/hadn’t been talking.

Had I/you/he/she/it/ Hadn’t I/you/he/she/it/we/ we/they been talking? they been talking?

Risposte brevi Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/ they had. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/ they hadn’t.

USO Il past perfect continuous si usa per: • indicare un’azione passata appena conclusa rispetto al momento passato di cui si sta parlando I had been driving all the way from Florence to Palermo. I was dead tired.

Avevo guidato per tutto il tragitto da Firenze a Palermo. Ero stanco morto.

• enfatizzare la durata di un’azione passata in corso, prolungata e continuata, quando se ne è verificata un’altra Monica had been coughing for two days, so she went to the doctor.

Monica tossiva da due giorni, così andò dal dottore.

• parlare della durata di un’azione passata con How long...?, since/for How long had he been living in the USA? He had been working non-stop for 48 hours.

Da quanto tempo viveva negli Stati Uniti? Lavorava da 48 ore senza pausa.

Il past perfect continuous si può tradurre in italiano con il trapassato prossimo, l’imperfetto o l’imperfetto di “stare” + gerundio.

67.1 Past perfect simple e past perfect continuous a confronto Past perfect simple azioni concluse prima del verificarsi di un’altra azione

The baby had cried all night when the doctor arrived.

azioni iniziate nel passato The dog had e concluse – senza enfasi barked all afternoon.

Past perfect continuous Il bimbo aveva pianto tutta la notte quando arrivò il dottore.

The baby had azioni appena been crying all concluse o ancora night. in corso in un determinato momento nel passato

Il bimbo aveva pianto tutta la notte.

Il cane aveva abbaiato tutto il pomeriggio.

The dog had been Il cane stava azioni in corso nel barking for more abbaiando da passato, con i verbi più di due ore. d’azione – con enfasi than two hours.

Di solito non si usa il past perfect continuous, ma il past perfect simple: • in frasi negative • in frasi interrogative con How much/many/often • con almost, already, ever, just, still, nearly, never, once, twice, it’s the first time (that)... • con espressioni di frequenza o quantità


Mappa p. 437

Past perfect continuous



Completa le frasi con il past perfect continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. not work • wait • revise • enjoy • practise • not sleep 1 2 3 4 5 6


The bus finally arrived after we had been waiting at the stop for over an hour. Jane __________________________________ right up to the time the exam started. The crowd __________________________________ the tennis match until it started pouring with rain. Jerry __________________________________ his presentation, so he was not worried about doing the webinar. I got up because I __________________________________ very well and didn’t want to lie awake any longer. Amanda __________________________________ very long for the company before she was offered promotion.

Rispondi alle domande basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 Why did Barry go to the doctor yesterday evening? feel unwell / all day Because he had been feeling unwell all day. 2 When did the mountaineers reach the top? climb / mountain / seven hours 3 How did Rebecca get the top mark in the exam? study / every day / three months


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


4 Why were the children’s hands so dirty before lunch? play garden / all morning 5 Why did it take you so long to get to Rome? drive / two hours / get lost 6 How were you able to read the Chinese characters? study Cantonese / three years / before / come / Shanghai

We didn’t get any sleep at all because the next door neighbours’ dog had barked/had been barking all night. After I had parked/had been parking the car in the city centre, we went for a delicious lunch. The passengers had sat/had been sitting in the plane for three hours before it took off. The politicians had negotiated/had been negotiating for over 12 hours before they finally reached an agreement. After the play had finished/had been finishing on the last night, all the actors went to a party. My grandfather had collected/had been collecting over 10,000 vinyl records before he decided to sell them. We had queued/had been queuing for over three hours before we were able to buy our tickets. Angela had graduated/had been graduating in English literature before she became a novelist.

Leigh e Sarah sono in partenza per le vacanze, ma non tutto va come previsto. Completa il testo con il past perfect simple o il past perfect continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. Leigh and Sarah (1) had been feeling (feel) very excited because the day (2) ________________ (arrive) for their trip to Valencia. Leigh (3) ________________ (book) the plane tickets several months before because he (4) ________________ (hope) to get the lowest price. However, before they boarded the plane, they (5) ________________ (speak) to another passenger who (6) ________________ (purchase) her ticket only the day before. She had paid less. After they (7) ________________ (check in), they went to the duty-free shop to buy some sunblock. When they (8) ________________ (pay) for it, they went to the gate to wait for their flight. They (9) ________________ (sit) there for over an hour when their heard an announcement that the airline (10) ________________ (delay) the flight because of air traffic congestion. Thirty minutes later, they were about to board when Sarah realised she (11 ) ________________ (leave) her passport in the duty-free shop. She ran back to find it and luckily it was still on the counter. Although they (12) ________________ (worry) that the plane (13) ________________ (already / take off), they got back in time. When the plane was in the air, they relaxed. They were surprised when they landed in Valencia because it was very wet. It (14) ________________ (rain) for the last twelve hours. Everyone (15) ________________ (tell) them that the sun always shines in Spain!



It’s... since

In alternativa alla forma negativa del present perfect simple, si usa la costruzione it is... since + forma affermativa del past simple per evidenziare nel presente il tempo trascorso da quando un’attività è avvenuta l’ultima volta. Osserva gli esempi: Joe hasn’t called me for one week. = It is one week since Joe called me.

Joe non mi chiama da una settimana. = È una settimana che Joe non mi chiama.

La domanda si formula con How long is it since... + forma affermativa del past simple. How long is it since Joe called you?

Da quanto tempo Joe non ti chiama?

Per chiedere e indicare la durata del tempo trascorso rispetto a un determinato momento nel passato si usano le costruzioni How long was it since... e It was... since + forma affermativa del past perfect simple. How long was it since she had watered the plants? It was two weeks since I had surfed the Internet.

Da quanto tempo non annaffiava le piante? Erano due settimane che non navigavo in internet.

La costruzione it is/was... since si usa anche con i verbi di significato compiuto (arrive, die, finish, leave, ecc.) in alternativa alla costruzione con ago e before. They arrived two days ago. = It’s two days since they arrived. They had left one month before. = It was one month since they had left.

Sono arrivati due giorni fa. = Sono due giorni che sono arrivati. Erano partiti il mese prima. = Era un mese che erano partiti.

Oltre a it is/was... since si può usare anche la costruzione it has/had been... since. It’s ages since we had a holiday. = It has been ages since we had a holiday. It was a long time since I had met Dell. = It had been a long time since I had met Dell.

Sono secoli che non facciamo una vacanza. Era molto tempo che non incontravo Dell.

In inglese americano è più comune la costruzione it has/had been... since.


Riordina le parole per formulare frasi corrette. 1 Jack / since / his new job / started / a week / it’s It’s a week since Jack started his new job. 2 we / went / how long / since / to Amsterdam / is it / ? 3 joined / five years / it’s / Paul / the band / since 4 last read / seven minutes / her emails / Dora / it’s / since 5 Sophie / school / left / since / it’s / two years 6 had eaten / was it / Alice / meat / since / how long / ?


7 my cousins / I saw / three years / it’s / since / in Australia 8 only a month / Dan and Rachel / got married / since / it’s 9 since / we rescued / our dog / it’s / four weeks 10 on holiday / Jack and Linda / was it / since / how long / had gone / ?

Riscrivi le frasi usando It’s/It was... since. 1 We haven’t been to Madrid for ages. It’s ages since we went to Madrid. 2 Jane and Steve went to Boston five years ago. 3 Ellie had visited her grandfather six weeks before. 4 I haven’t had sushi for ages.


5 Terry and Ali hadn’t been to the south of France for three years. 6 Gemma hasn’t checked her social media for five minutes! 7 Rob and Liz hadn’t ridden their bikes for six weeks. 8 Richard hadn’t eaten pasta for two days.

It’s... since



Completa le frasi con It’s... since e le parole tra parentesi. Usa i verbi e le parole nei riquadri. open • see • swim • travel • eat • cut sea • film • plane • Chinese restaurant • grass • book 1 2 3 4 5 6


. . . . . .

Rispondi alle domande usando It’s/It has been... since e le epressioni di tempo tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


it’s two months since I swam in the sea. I love swimming but (two months) Jack enjoys eating dim sum but (a week) Noelia and Rocio are cinema fans but (a month) My grandparents used to love flying but (three years) Jack quite likes reading but (two weeks) Adam loves gardening but (over ten days)

When was the last time you went to the zoo? (for ages) It has been ages since I went to the zoo. Do you often go to the theatre? (no / a very long time) Do you often look at the messages on your phone? (yes / only two minutes!) When was the last time your company gave you a pay rise? (last year) When did Andrea last talk to David? (three weeks) Does it rain here very often? (no / four months)

Completa le domande. 1 Jane How long is it since Mrs Sweet saw her diamond necklace? Penny Mrs Sweet hasn’t seen her diamond necklace since this morning. 2 Jane How long _______________________________________________________________? Penny Harry and Lily were in the dining room twenty minutes ago. 3 Jane How long _______________________________________________________________? Penny Betty left the gym only twenty minutes ago. 4 Jane How long _______________________________________________________________? Penny Bruno started cooking the evening meal an hour ago. 5 Jane How long _______________________________________________________________? Penny Mr Norman hasn’t been in his cabin for over two hours. 6 Jane How long _______________________________________________________________? Penny We found out Mrs Sweet had lost her necklace over two hours ago.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 È più di un mese che Susan ci ha telefonato. 2 Da quanto tempo hai saputo (find out) di aver vinto la gara? 3 Erano due anni da quando lei ha comprato una villa in Francia. 4 Sono secoli che non vediamo un bel film al cinema. 5 Sono due giorni che Mike e Rita si sono fidanzati.

6 Da quanto tempo è che Will è vegano? 7 Sono due ore che manca l’elettricità. 8 Erano due giorni che erano arrivati gli aiuti per le vittime dell’alluvione. 9 Quanto tempo è che hai iniziato a suonare il piano? 10 È molto tempo che non ci piace così tanto un concerto.


66-68 Summative revision 1

Formula domande e risposte basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 ’ ’

Had Arthur fed the cat? ’ Arthur / feed / cat ‘No, he hadn’t. She’s meowing now because she’s hungry.’

2 ’___________________________________________________?’ Marion / clean / flat ’_____________________________. There isn’t a speck of dust anywhere.’ 3 ’___________________________________________________?’ Stephen / wash / car ’_____________________________. It’s covered in mud.’ 4 ’___________________________________________________?’ Alexa / set / the table ’_____________________________. The cutlery is on the table.’ 5 ’___________________________________________________?’ Kevin / do / shopping ’_____________________________. The fridge is almost empty.’ 6 ’___________________________________________________?’ Ray / take out / rubbish ’_____________________________. The bins are completely full.’


Completa le frasi in modo che la seconda frase abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 Ashleigh Barty was ecstatic because she had never won a grand slam tennis tournament before. It was the first time that Ashleigh Barty had won a grand slam tennis tournament and she was ecstatic. 2 It was a long time since Chris had been on a banana boat ride and he was quite nervous about doing it. Chris _________________________________ on a banana boat ride for a long time and he ____________________________ quite nervous about it. 3 The previous owners had left our house two months before we moved in. It was _________________________________ we moved in that the previous owners _________________________________ our house. 4 Richard has just posted a photo of his lunch. This is the first picture on Instagram I’ve had for over twenty minutes! Richard _________________________________ any pictures on Instagram for over twenty minutes before he sent me a photo of his lunch. 5 My aunt emigrated to Australia ten years ago. She came back to the UK recently for a visit. My aunt has recently come back to the UK after she _________________________________ to Australia ten years ago.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 John was late for work because his car had broken down/had been breaking down on the motorway. 2 We were very tired when we finally arrived home as we had walked/had been walking for over three hours. 3 Bill and Ted were able to get tickets for the match because they had bought/had been buying them early online. 4 I was covered in paint because I had painted/had been painting my kitchen all morning. 5 Sandra was very disappointed because she hadn’t won/hadn’t been winning the competition. 6 We had driven/had been driving over a hundred kilometres before we stopped for lunch. 7 How long had the baby cried/had the baby been crying before she fell asleep? 8 Grandad was exhausted because he had watered/had been watering the garden since lunchtime. 9 Doreen was delighted because she had received/had been receiving over fifty birthday cards. 10 Helen went to the police station because she had lost/had been losing her camera.


Summative revision



Scegli l’opzione corretta. Pablo Picasso had come After the Second World War (1) to an end in 1945, the artist Pablo Picasso decided to leave Paris. He (2) ________________ to move to the south of France for a long time. After he (3) ________________ a pottery exhibition in the town of Vallauris in 1947, he met Suzanne and Georges Ramie, the owners of the Madoura pottery. He (4) ________________ their invitation to create some pieces in clay. When he (5) ________________ his house in rue des Grands-Augustins, he moved south permanently and (6) ________________ a studio. For over twenty years he (7) ________________ at the pottery and created thousands of ceramics. These included plates, dishes, vases and sculptures. He (8) ________________ the rules that previous craftsmen (9) ________________ by using his own techniques. Picasso (10) ________________ a love of animals and often painted pictures of owls, bulls, goats and birds onto the clay. Picasso was probably much happier living near to the Mediterranean than he had been in the colder north of France. The work he (11) ________________ expressed his joy of life that he (12) ________________ for a long time. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


A had come A want A had visited A accept A has given up A sat up A worked A had broken A had established A had always had A producing A had not experienced

B had come B has wanted B has visited B accepted B had given up B sit up B had worked B broke B establish B had always B have done B had not done

C had been coming C had been wanting C visit C had been accepting C had been giving up C set up C has worked C broken C establishment C had been always having C had been producing C had not worked

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 Jill and Simon hadn’t been to Morocco since they went there on their honeymoon. It’s the first time Jill and Simon had visited Morocco since they went there on their honeymoon. 2 Grandad only cut the grass last week and it still looks like a jungle! It’s ! 3 We haven’t been skiing for ages and I’m really out of practice. It’s . 4 They had left their jobs two months before the company went bankrupt. It was . 5 John hasn’t been in touch with Heather since she got engaged to Alan a month ago. It’s been .


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4

Ero riuscito a prenotare un tavolo al ristorante prima che diventasse molto affollato. Alice andò in ufficio alle 2 del pomeriggio ma il suo capo non era ancora arrivato. Theresa non aveva mai pensato di studiare all’estero ma decise che era quello il momento per farlo. Da quanto tempo i politici stavano parlando di lasciare l’Unione Europea prima che raggiungessero una decisione? 5 Dopo che il modulo lunare aveva viaggiato nello spazio per oltre 109 ore, Neil Armstrong camminò sulla Luna. 6 Sono più di 60 anni da quando l’Inghilterra ha vinto il Campionato mondiale di calcio.


Grammar for writing Writing a story Per scrivere un racconto: suddividi il testo in paragrafi: introduzione, sviluppo, apice, conclusione utilizza i connettivi per collegare paragrafi e idee utilizza i tempi verbali del passato appropriati utilizza aggettivi e avverbi per rendere la narrazione più interessante e viva

• • • •


Leggi e abbina le parole nel riquadro alle diverse parti del racconto. climax • development • resolution • situation situation When I used to be a student at Manchester University I would always leave it until the very last moment to pack my stuff and drive home at the end of term. 2 _______________ One year I decided to go to a party at a friend’s university on my way home, so I could give her a lift back too. I stuffed all my things into my ancient Austin Allegro car and strapped my bike on the roof and then started the long cross-country journey from Manchester to Aberystwyth. It was dark and late and I soon found myself lost in the middle of winding country roads, as people didn’t use to have helpful satnavs back in those days. 3 _______________ Suddenly, a police car drove up behind me with flashing lights and made me pull over. A police officer got out with a torch and started shining it into the back of the car and asking me lots of questions like: was it my car, was it my bike, where was I going. 4 _______________ The week before I drove through the village there was a series of bike robberies and when someone spotted my Austin Allegro with the bike on top, they decided I was the thief and phoned the police. Luckily, the officer realised I was just a student going to a late-night party at the end of term and nothing more sinister. He told me to get going quickly and not to set out so late the next time! Eventually I got to the party and I had a fantastic story to tell my friend. 1

LANGUAGE Past tenses

I used to be... / People didn’t use to... / I would/wouldn’t always... / I decided to... / I could/couldn’t... / I stuffed/strapped/started/found... / It/There was/wasn’t... / They were/weren’t... / Was it...? / Where was I going? / I was a student going... / A police car drove up... / A police officer made me pull over/got out/started asking/realised... / Someone spotted/decided/phoned...

Linking words when / one year / so / and then / as / suddenly / the week before / luckily / eventually / because / but Descriptions


Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


ancient/ long / cross-country / dark / late / winding / country / helpful / sinister / quickly / fantastic

We were looking for somewhere to stay, When Hannah used to live in London, My brother and I would always pretend to be pirates People didn’t use to have mobile phones Suddenly we heard a strange noise behind us, Luckily, I wasn’t sleeping very soundly

WRITING Scrivi un racconto che inizia con la seguente frase. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto. We were standing on the platform waiting for a train when...


A ■ B ■ C ■ D ■ E ■ 1 F ■

and turned to see a man standing there. when we were little. back then. she went out every night. so I woke up quickly. when the car broke down.

WRITING TIPS • • • • •

Inizia il tuo racconto con un paragrafo che catturi l’attenzione. Struttura il racconto seguendo le quattro fasi narrative. Utilizza paragrafi e connettivi. Utilizza aggettivi e avverbi nelle descrizioni. Rileggi il racconto e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura.

Grammar for speaking Interviewing someone about the past 1


Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi completa le frasi con le parole mancanti.

Mandy Grandad Mandy Grandad Mandy Grandad

Can I interview you for a school project? Sure, what do you want to ask me? When you were young there weren’t any computers or mobile phones, right? No, there weren’t. So how did you use to relax, and how would you arrange to meet up with your friends? Well, when we wanted to meet up we would go down to the local park and everybody would turn up sooner or later, and then we would just hang out together. Mandy But what did you actually do there? Grandad Sometimes we used to kick a football around, or listen to music or just talk. Mandy Is that where you met Grandma? Grandad Yes, I was messing around with my friends pretending to be a football star when one day she came along with her cousin. Mandy And did you guys get on straight away? Grandad Not exactly! She thought I was an idiot and I thought she was a bit of a snob, but soon we were laughing and joking together. She couldn’t resist my charm for long! 1 2 3 4 5 6

There weren’t any computers or mobile phones when Mandy’s Grandad ___________ young. He and his friends ___________ to the local park when they ___________ to meet up. At the park they ___________ football, listen to music or just talk. Mandy’s Grandad ___________ her Grandma when he ___________ to be a football star. They ___________ straight away because she ___________ he was an idiot and he ___________ she was a snob. But soon they ___________ and ___________ together thanks to his charm.

FUNCTIONS Asking about past habits Asking about specifics Asking about past states


How did you use to relax? / What did you use to do? / How would you arrange to meet up? But what did you actually do? / Is that where you met...? / Did you get on straight away? What were you doing? / Where were you going? / Was she visiting...? / Why were you laughing?

105 ROLE PLAY Immagina di intervistare una persona anziana. Ascolta, leggi e completa il dialogo seguendo la traccia. Usa il Functions box come aiuto.

Intvw. You Intvw. You Intvw. You Intvw.

So what do you want to ask me?

Chiedi che cosa faceva da giovane.

I used to be a scientist.

Chiedi dove svolgeva il suo lavoro.

I worked in a nuclear power station.

Chiedi se non era molto pericoloso.

There were risks, but we were always very careful when we were working.

You Chiedi se c’è mai stato un incidente. Intvw. There weren’t any accidents when I was there, but there always used to be lots of protestors.



You Chiedi perché protestavano. Intvw. They were protesting about the risks to the environment and to people’s health. You Chiedi se secondo lui la centrale poteva

causare un rischio all’ambiente e alla salute.

Intvw. Probably yes, but we didn’t know much about nuclear power and waste back then. You Chiedi se gli piaceva il suo lavoro. Intvw. Yes, I loved my work. It was very interesting and very exciting. You Ringrazia.

Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Short answer questions

1 Read the text about Greta Thunberg and answer the questions (1-6) using a maximum of four words. The first one (0) has been done for you.

Greta Thunberg Greta Thunberg is a Swedish climate activist, who started protesting when she was just 15 years old. At first she refused to go to school on Fridays and went on strike outside her country’s parliament. She was planning to do this until Sweden reduced carbon emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. Since then she has spoken at the United Nation’s Climate Talks in Poland. She has sailed on a yacht to New York to address the UN General Assembly with an emotional speech. She has built a following of young climate activists around the world, all striking in protest of the inactivity of the international community in the face of a climate disaster. And she was nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. All this from a young woman who has Asperger’s syndrome, a form

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

of autism which is characterised by having difficulty in social interaction and a tendency to be very literal. Critics have in fact pointed to her Asperger’s as evidence that maybe her parents have manipulated her to become a climate activist. But Greta denies that anybody has manipulated her. In fact she says that she has given her parents a greater understanding of environmental issues. Moreover she says that ‘being different is a gift’, helping her to ‘see things from outside the box’ and not fall easily for people’s lies. This makes her suitable for this role. She is certainly not afraid to speak truth to power, even to US President Trump, a declared climate-sceptic. He tried to play down her importance by retweeting a video of her UN speech with the comment, ‘She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward

Who is Greta Thumberg? What form did her protest take? What did she want the Swedish government to do? Who heard an important speech from her? How does she see her Asperger’s? What isn’t she afraid to do? Who has influenced her?

to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!’ Greta responded confidently by changing her Twitter biography to: ‘A very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future.’ The only influence she has admitted to is that of fellow activist Rosa Parks, an Afro-American woman, who refused to give up her seat to a white passenger in 1955 during the American Civil Rights Movement.

A Swedish climate activist. _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

B1 Listening – Multiple matching 2

107 Listen to an interview about making wildlife documentaries. While you listen, match the interview questions (A-I) with the answers (1-7). There is one extra question that you do not need to use. The first one (0) has been done for you. You will hear the recording twice.



Questions Have you ever felt like you were in real danger? Have the animals ever got too close for comfort? Have there been any funny moments? Have you discovered anything surprising about animals in the wild? Have you had really bad days? What can go wrong? What does it take to get the perfect shot? What major difficulties have you encountered? Would you like to do another job?

Answers F 0 Q1 ____ Q2 ____ Q3 ____ Q4 ____ Q5 ____ Q6 ____ Q7 ____

Preposizioni, connettivi, aggettivi e avverbi Obiettivi • Preposizioni • Connettivi



• Aggettivi • Avverbi

I’m REALLY BORED because it’s raining!

Jay Anybody fancy a kickabout?

NO as it’s raining heavily!

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.


1 2 3 4 5

Gli aggettivi/avverbi descrivono i sostantivi. Really è un avverbio di intensità/modo. Because è un connettivo di causa/tempo. As/To è un connettivo di scopo. Nell’espressione at the station, at è una preposizione di luogo/tempo. 6 In/Into è una preposizione di moto.




Leggi i messaggi della chat e trova esempi di: 1 aggettivi _________________________ 2 avverbi _________________________ 3 connettivi _________________________ 4 preposizioni _________________________


Good point! Shall we go into town?


Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. as • at • good • into • really • to 1 2 3 4

This test is ______________ difficult. I’m not very ______________ at maths. I’m studying ______________ pass the exam. Can you come ______________ my office and shut the door! 5 See you later ______________ football practice! 6 Let’s walk home together ______________ we’re going the same way.

Meet at the station in ten minutes to catch the train?




Le preposizioni di stato in luogo (2)

Le principali preposizioni di stato in luogo sono in, at e on. 21.1 Ecco le altre preposizioni di luogo.


sopra, al di sopra (senza contatto)

The helicopter is flying above the forest.

L’elicottero sta volando sopra la foresta.


al di là, sull’altro lato

The school is across the bridge.

La scuola è sull’altro lato del ponte.


contro (con contatto)

She leaned against the wall and cried.

Si appoggiò alla parete e pianse.


lungo (da un punto all’altro)

There are many colourful huts along the beach.

Ci sono molte cabine colorate lungo la spiaggia.


fra (più elementi)

A hornet is flying among the roses.

Un calabrone sta volando fra le rose.



Look at the girls (a)round him.

Guarda le ragazze intorno a lui.



The cat slept behind the sofa.

Il gatto ha dormito dietro il divano.


sotto (ma non sulla stessa verticale)

The village lies below the Dolomites.

Il paese è situato sotto le Dolomiti.

beside, next to

di fianco, accanto a

The cinema is beside the supermarket.

Il cinema è accanto al supermercato.

Please, sit next to me.

Per favore, siediti accanto a me.


fra (due elementi)

I’m sitting between Mum and Dad.

Sono seduto fra mamma e papà.


oltre, al di là

Tom’s house is beyond that cliff.

La casa di Tom è al di là di quella scogliera.

by, near, close to


There’s a campsite by/near/close to the lake.

C’è un campeggio vicino al lago.

in front of


Don’t stand in front of me!

Non stare davanti a me!

inside, within

dentro, all’interno

It’s dark inside this room.

È buio dentro questa stanza.

The school is within a mile from my house.

La scuola è nel raggio di un miglio da casa mia.


di fronte

The bank is opposite our house.

La banca è di fronte a casa nostra.


fuori, all’esterno

We’re meeting outside the pub.

Ci incontriamo fuori dal pub.


su, sopra

They’ve hung a picture over their bed.

Hanno appeso un quadro sopra il letto.

senza contatto e sulla stessa verticale

con contatto

She put a mask over her face.

Si mise una maschera sulla faccia.

al di là, dall’altra parte di

The church is over the lake.

La chiesa è dall’altra parte del lago.



I peered through the shutters.

Sbirciai attraverso le persiane.


sotto (sulla stessa verticale)

There are dust bunnies under your bed!

Ci sono dei batuffoli di polvere sotto il tuo letto!


stesso significato di across

Prepositions of place (2)


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette.

1 The dogs enjoy running among the trees.

2 The children are sitting ___________ their grandad in the park.

4 Toby was looking at me from __________ my bed.



3 Anna flew a drone ___________ the city centre.

5 James is driving his new car __________ East Street.

6 My school desk is ____________ the wall in our classroom.

Completa l’email di Caroline a Penny usando la mappa e le preposizioni di luogo nel riquadro. Hairdresser’s

above • around behind • below between • beyond in front of • inside near • next to opposite • outside through • across

Peter’s flat

Fruit and Clothes shop vegetables shop

Sam’s flat

Helen’s studio

Post office


Computer shop

Rosie’s flat

Fitness centre

Art gallery

Phone shop


Sports shop


South Street


Hi Penny, Thanks for letting me know your news! I know the town very well, so I can help you find your way (1) around . Take the number 27 bus to South Street. It stops (2) ___________ the computer shop which is (3) ___________ a clothes shop. There’s a good hairdresser’s (4) ___________ the clothes shop, which I always go to. Peter does my hair. In fact, he lives in the flat (5) ___________ the hairdresser’s, (6) ___________ the road from a lovely bookshop, (7) ___________ Rosie’s new flat. There’s a short cut to a very nice park (8) ___________ South Street (9) ___________ the back door of the bookshop. Rosie has a balcony, so she has lovely views of the sea (10) ___________ the park. There’s a new sports shop (11) ___________ the bookshop and the florist’s. The cinema is (12) ___________ the florist’s so we can go there on Saturday. Let’s meet (13) ___________ the café then I can show you Helen’s studio. There’s a menu board (14) ___________ the café so it’s easy to find. See you soon! Caroline



Le preposizioni di moto (2)

Le principali preposizioni di moto sono from e to. 21.2 Ecco le altre preposizioni di moto.


attraverso (da una parte Ben is travelling across Africa. all’altra)

Ben sta viaggiando attraverso l’Africa.


lungo (da un punto all’altro)

I like walking along the beach.

Mi piace camminare lungo la spiaggia.


attorno, per (senza una direzione precisa)

Black clouds are gathering around the Nuvole nere si stanno addensando mountain. intorno alla montagna.

away from

via da

Go away from my room!

Vai via dalla mia stanza!

as far as, up to

fino a

Drive straight as far as/up to the roundabout.

Guida dritto fino alla rotonda.



The ball rolled down the hill.

La palla è rotolata giù dalla collina.


in, dentro

The dog jumped into the puddle.

Il cane saltò dentro la pozzanghera.

onto, up


The cat jumped onto the tree.

Il gatto è saltato sull’albero.

He hiked up the mountain for hours.

Camminò su per la montagna per ore.


(giù) da

The thief jumped off the roof.

Il ladro è saltato (giù) dal tetto.


sopra, al di là di

Why are you jumping over the gate?

Perché scavalchi il cancello?

out of

(fuori) da

They went out of the building.

Uscirono dall’edificio.



Go past the cinema.

Vai oltre il cinema.


intorno (movimento circolare)

The Indians used to dance round the fire.

Gli indiani ballavano intorno al fuoco.



She’s going through the metal detector now.

Sta passando attraverso il metal detector in questo momento.



He ran towards the castle.

Corse verso il castello.

• Si usa il verbo get seguito dalle preposizioni on e off per indicare “salire” e “scendere” da mezzi di trasporto come bus, train, bike, boat, plane. Can you see her? She is getting on the train. Get off my motorbike!

La vedi? Sta salendo sul treno. Scendi dalla mia moto.

• Con i mezzi sui quali è possibile stare in piedi e camminare si può usare get onto. They’ve already got onto the plane.

Sono già saliti sull’aereo.

• Con i mezzi di trasporto sui quali si entra e ci si siede si usano i verbi get in/into (“salire”) e get out of (“scendere”). I got into the taxi while Jack was getting out of the car.


Salii sul taxi mentre Jack stava scendendo dalla macchina.

Prepositions of movement (2)



Completa le frasi con le preposizioni nel riquadro. into • over • around • into • along • down • towards 1 Go along the top deck. 2 Go __________ the corner. 3 Go __________ the swimming pool. 4 Go __________ the bridge.


Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 The ferry went under the bridge. A under B through C over 2 I walked _________ your grandparents’ house yesterday but I don’t think they were in. A across B over C past 3 Please turn _________ me so that I can see your faces and then give me a big smile! A up B towards C around


4 Do not try to get _________ the train until you see the open door sign flashing. A past B into C over 5 Charles Lindbergh was the first person to fly nonstop _________ the Atlantic from New York to Paris. A under B down C across 6 I love walking _________ the beach. A along B over C towards

Completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette. 1 2 3 4 5 6


5 Go __________ the changing room. 6 Go __________ the steps of the swimming pool. 7 Go __________ the water.

The actor walked out of the TV studio when the interviewer started asking questions about her personal life. Walk slowly _________ me and grab my hands as soon as you can. To get to the post office, go _________ the supermarket and take the second turning on the right. Many people have tried to follow in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg and go _________ the world in 80 days. In order to exit the metro station you have to insert your ticket to go _________ the barrier. The children jumped _________ the puddle and splashed their grandparents with muddy rainwater.

Completa il testo sulla maratona di Londra con le preposizioni nel riquadro. along • up • out of • into • around • towards • across • past

1 The competitors go out of Greenwich Park in East London. 1


2 They run _________ the streets of East London. 3 They then go _________ the banks of the River Thames. 4 They run _________ the river at Tower Bridge.



5 They race _________ the Cutty Sark in Greenwich and head back to central London. 6 They go _________ the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.





7 They run down the Mall _________ Buckingham Palace. 8 The winners go _________ the steps to the podium to collect their medals.



Le preposizioni di tempo (2)

Le principali preposizioni di tempo sono in, at e on. 22 Ecco le altre preposizioni di tempo.



She always goes home after school.

Va sempre a casa dopo la scuola.



I met Sylvia two days ago.

Ho incontrato Sylvia due giorni fa.



My grandad left before lunch.

Mio nonno è partito prima di pranzo.

between... and

tra… e

She is usually at the fitness club between 1 and 3 p.m.

Di solito è in palestra tra l’una e le tre del pomeriggio.

by, by the time (+ momento preciso)

entro, per

Kids, give me your papers by the end of the lesson.

Ragazzi, consegnatemi i vostri compiti entro la fine della lezione.

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI CON BY di giorno/notte a quest’ora giorno per giorno pagare all’ora/al giorno

by day/night by now day by day pay by the hour/day



During the summer holidays Paolo studied Greek.

Durante le vacanze estive Paolo ha studiato greco.

for (+ periodo di tempo)

per, da

They went to Scotland for three weeks.

Sono andati in Scozia per tre settimane.

In uno stile informale si può omettere for in espressioni che indicano la durata. They’ve been in India (for) two months.

Sono in India da due mesi.

from… to

da… a

She is always at the fitness club from 1 to 3 p.m.

È sempre in palestra dall’una alle tre del pomeriggio.

in (+ periodo di tempo)

fra, entro

Mum is arriving in half an hour.

La mamma arriva fra mezz’ora.

Per indicare il periodo di tempo è possibile anche la costruzione in... ’s time. I want to graduate from university in three months’ time.

over (con brevi periodi di tempo)


da since (+ momento di inizio)

Voglio laurearmi entro tre mesi.

We usually go to London over the weekend.

Di solito andiamo a Londra per il fine settimana.

She’s learned English since last year.

Studia inglese dallo scorso anno.

till/until/up to (+ momento di conclusione)

fino a

He drove the car until January 2018.

Ha guidato la macchina fino a gennaio 2018.

throughout (+ periodo di tempo)

per/durante tutto

Your pass is valid throughout January.

Il suo abbonamento è valido per tutto gennaio.

within (+ periodo di tempo)

fra, entro (più Please apply within the end of the formale di in) current month.


Si prega di fare domanda entro la fine del mese corrente.

Prepositions of time (2)


Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5



I’ve known Victoria since I was three years old. My grandmother always goes swimming ________ breakfast. I’ve been watching this film ________ the last two hours. Simon worked in Oxford ________ December 2013. David Beckham won 19 major trophies ________ his career as a footballer.

A for A between A during A until A after

B since B within B for B within B until

C during C before C after C by the time C during

Completa il dialogo con le preposizioni nel riquadro.

before • by • to • after (x 2) • in (x1 2) • from • during • until (x 2) • for

Zoe Isabella Zoe Isabella Zoe Isabella Zoe Isabella Zoe Isabella Zoe Isabella Zoe Isabella

Zoe Isabella


In which year was Agatha Christie born? She was born (1) in 1890. What did she do (2) _______ the First World War? She worked as a nurse in a hospital in the south-west of England (3) _______ 1914 (4) _______ 1918. When did she publish her first detective story? In 1920. It introduced the Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. However, (5) _______ that she had had six rejections from publishers, so she was not immediately successful. When did she become very famous? It was not (6) _______ The Murder of Roger Ackroyd which came out in 1926. Did anything unusual happen to her? Yes. (7) _______ she got divorced in 1926, she mysteriously disappeared (8) _______ several days. She stayed in a hotel in the north of England under a different name. Did she marry again? She married an archaeologist, Max Mallowan, (9) _______ 1930. Tell me about The Mousetrap. It’s a play she wrote in 1952. It set a world record for the number of continuous performances (8,862) in one London theatre (10) _______ it moved to another theatre in 1973, twenty one years (11) _______ the first show. How many novels did she write? (12) _______ the time she died in 1976, she had completed over 75 works. They were not all detective stories. She also wrote romantic novels under the name of Mary Westmacott.

Completa il dialogo con le preposizioni corrette. David Maria David Maria David Maria David Maria David Maria David Maria

How long have you been studying English? (1) For about three years. When did you arrive in the UK? I got here two days (2) ________. When are your language classes? The morning lessons are (3) ________ 9.30 (4) ________ 11.00. We then have a break (5) ________ our next lesson that starts at 11.30. What about the afternoons? We have lunch (6) ________ 1.00 (7) ________ 2.00 and then (8) ________ Monday (9) ________ Thursday we have a class which lasts (10) ________ only an hour. We can go home (11) ________ it finishes at 3.00. What do you usually do (12) ________ the evenings (13) ________ the week? Nothing much! (14) ________ the time I’ve finished all my homework I just want to sleep! What about Saturday and Sunday? I usually spend time with my host family (15) ________ the weekend.



Altre preposizioni

about by (+ sostantivo/ forma in -ing del verbo)

di/su (argomento)

This book is about a young girl… Questo libro parla di una ragazza...

con (modo, riferito a un’azione) per mezzo di (mezzo)

He convinced me by explaining his choices.

Mi ha convinto motivando le sue scelte.

I go to school by bus. I enjoy travelling by sea.

Vado a scuola in autobus. Mi piace viaggiare via mare.

Quando è specificato l’orario del mezzo di trasporto si può usare sia by che on. She’s arriving by/on the 8.30 bus.

despite/in spite of nonostante (+ sostantivo/forma (concessione) in -ing del verbo) per (vantaggio) for per (scopo) per (causa) con (compagnia) with with, by means of con, per mezzo di (più formale di with) (strumento)

without (+ sostantivo/forma in -ing del verbo)


con (modo) senza (privazione)

Arriva con l’autobus delle 8.30. Despite the traffic, we got to the Nonostante il traffico, arrivammo airport on time. all’aeroporto puntuali. This is for you.

Questo è per te.

These books are not for sale.

Questi libri non sono in vendita.

She didn’t forgive him for his behaviour.

Non lo ha perdonato per il suo comportamento.

I’m coming with you.

Vengo con te.

I opened the door with a screwdriver.

Ho aperto la porta con un cacciavite.

He acted with authority.

Agì con autorità.

I’m not going without you. You can’t leave without informing the teacher.

Non vado senza di te. Non puoi andare via senza informare l’insegnante.

Completa le frasi con le preposizioni nel riquadro. despite (x 2) • with (x 2) • by (x 2) • about • for (x 2) • without 6 1 Lord of the Flies is a book about children stranded on an island. 2 We always travel _________ bus in the city centre. 7 3 They arrived at the stadium on time 8 _________ the bad weather. 4 UK citizens cannot enter the United States 9 _________ a visa. 5 The pictures in the gallery are on display and 10 not _________ sale.


_________ having a bad cough, Anna got excellent results in the exam. When Eliza went to Las Vegas, her parents came _________ her. I managed to unlock the door _________ the key I found in the drawer. Mia persuaded me to change my mind _________ explaining the effects on the environment. This is _________ you to thank you for all your hard work.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con la preposizione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


You can no longer get into the city centre I have recently seen a documentary The manager decided to employ her We went to a lovely restaurant on the banks of the river I can’t complete this assignment Slice the vegetables into thin strips In this job you can only be successful Alex has obviously done a lot of shopping online: all these deliveries are

a ■ _______ your valuable help. b ■ _______ a sharp knife. by car. 1 c ■ d ■ _______ him. e ■ _______ taking risks. f ■ _______ a new type of meat. g ■ _______ her inexperience. h ■ _______ dinner.

More prepositions



Rispondi alle domande basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 How did your parents travel to Boston? (go / plane) They went by plane. 2 How did Melanie mend the broken plate? (use / superglue) 3 Did you get to the wedding on time? (yes / heavy traffic) 4 How did Richard Branson make his first million pounds? (sell / vinyl records)


5 Who is accompanying Mrs Bennett to the garden party? (go / her daughters) 6 How much do you want for this painting? (sorry / sale) 7 Can the police keep the suspects in prison? (can’t / arrest) 8 How did Lewis come from behind to win the race? (drive / a lot of skill)

Leggi l’articolo su Malala Yousafzai e completalo con le preposizioni nel riquadro. 2

with (x 2) • by • about (x 3) • without • despite (x 3) • for (x 2) Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014, (1) despite being only 17 years of age. The committee gave her the award (2) ________ her work on human rights particularly among young women in Pakistan, where she was born. She grew up in the city of Mingora (3) ________ her two younger brothers. Her father was a teacher and ran several schools. Malala loved learning. Unfortunately, the Taliban rule did not want girls to become educated. They closed all the schools (4) ________ girls. Women were also not allowed to leave home (5) ________ being accompanied by a male relative. Around this time, the BBC heard about Malala and asked her to write a blog (6) ________ her life under the Taliban rule. (7) ________ being worried about the safety of his family, her father agreed. She soon became famous for writing her blog. The Taliban were not happy (8) ________ what she was doing.


On 12 October, 2012 she was travelling to school (9) ________ bus when a man shot her. Her family took her to the UK. She behaved (10) ________ great courage and dignity to overcome her terrible experience. On her 16th birthday, (11) ________ her injuries, she gave a speech to the United Nations (12) ________ giving all girls an education.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Il film è su un famoso stilista. A Scott è piaciuto molto viaggiare in treno attraverso l’Europa. Roberta mi ha aiutato a risparmiare soldi trovando alcune occasioni (bargains) eccezionali. Nonostante il bel tempo non sono andati a nuotare in mare. Questo è per il preside, per ringraziarlo per tutto quello che ha fatto per la scuola. Mi dispiace ma queste sculture non sono più (no longer) in vendita. I miei genitori verranno con me quando andrò all’open day dell’università. Sono riuscita ad aprire la finestra con un cacciavite. Per favore, non cercate di entrare al festival senza un biglietto valido. La polizia ha agito con autorità quando ha disperso (break out) la dimostrazione.



as e like

Le preposizioni as e like vengono generalmente tradotte in italiano con “come” ma con significato diverso. Si usa as per descrivere il ruolo di persone o la funzione di cose e si può tradurre, oltre che con “come”, con “in qualità di”, “nel ruolo di”, “sotto forma di”, ecc. Si usa like per fare paragoni e similitudini e si può rendere con “allo stesso modo di”, “in modo simile a”, ecc. ed è la sorella Gli sta parlando in qualità di sorella. Gli sta parlando come una sorella.

She’s talking to him as a sister. She’s talking to him like a sister.

• As è seguito da sostantivo. She works as a production manager at ABC Channel. My wife uses our dining room as her office.

ma non è la sorella

Lavora come responsabile di produzione all’ABC Channel. Mia moglie usa la nostra sala da pranzo come ufficio.

• Like può essere seguito da sostantivo, pronome o verbo alla forma in -ing. She walks like a model. Your father works at the town council like mine. It’s like fetching water with a basket.

Cammina come una modella. Tuo padre lavora in comune come il mio. È come raccogliere l’acqua con un cestino.

• Per esprimere paragoni e similitudini o in alcune espressioni incidentali si può usare anche la costruzione as + soggetto + verbo; in questo caso as ha funzione di congiunzione. I dropped out of school as my father did. As you know, Emma is working in Africa now.

Ho abbandonato la scuola come ha fatto mio padre. Come sai, Emma sta lavorando in Africa ora.

• Nell’inglese moderno, in uno stile molto informale, e nell’inglese americano anche like può essere usato come congiunzione. Fai come ti dico, non come faccio.

Do like I say, not like I do.

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI CON AS such as as usual as always

ad esempio come al solito come sempre

73.1 Costruzioni con like • What’s he/she/it like? per chiedere informazioni sulla personalità e sulle caratteristiche di persone o cose. ‘What are your new schoolmates like?’ ‘They’re friendly.’

“Come sono i tuoi nuovi compagni di scuola?” “Sono simpatici.”

‘What’s his flat like?’ ‘It’s spacious and it’s got a garden.’

“Com’è il suo appartamento?” “È spazioso e ha il giardino.”

Non si usa like nella risposta.

• What does he/she/it look like? per chiedere dell’aspetto fisico. ‘What does Andy look like?’ ‘He’s tall and thin.’

“Che aspetto ha Andy?” “È alto e magro.”

‘What does your dog look like?’ ‘It’s white with black patches.’

“Che aspetto ha il tuo cane?” “È bianco con delle pezze nere.”

Questa costruzione è possibile anche con i verbi di percezione feel, smell, sound e taste. ‘What does this sauce taste like?’ ‘It’s sweet!’ Your bedroom smells like a dump!


“Che sapore ha questo sugo?” “È dolce!” La tua camera puzza come una discarica.

as and like


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 6 The park was empty so it was as/like our own private garden. 7 As/Like usual, we missed the bus and were late for school. 8 Listening to this music is as/like going back in time!

1 Terry works as/like an English teacher in Portugal. 2 Sophie’s still at school but plays football as/like a professional. 3 As/Like your friend, I want to give you some advice. 4 Helen’s using her flat as/like a studio this week. 5 The sea was so cold it was as/like swimming in ice!




Completa le frasi con as o like. 1 Let’s go out. It looks like a warm sunny day. 2 Martha looks very much ______ her mum. 3 It’s raining so hard that I’m using my bag ______ an umbrella. 4 In August, ______ in July, the beaches are very crowded. 5 Nobody can paint pictures ______ her.

6 I want to help you with your homework, ______ I promised you. 7 James really enjoys working ______ a photographer. 8 Jane sounded ______ she’s very happy in her new job.

Katy sta raccontando ai suoi amici di una sua brutta esperienza lavorativa. Completa il testo con as o like.

Last summer I applied for a job (1)


a waitress, but it didn’t go (2) __________ I had thought!

When my friends asked me what it was (3) __________, I told them it was (4) __________ being in Dante’s hell. I never stopped rushing around and I was always hot. I was doing things that I didn’t think were part of the job such (5) __________ cleaning the toilets and doing the washing-up. Every day after work I smelt (6) __________ French fries. By the end of the first week I felt (7) __________ I’d been hit by a bus. One day we were very busy (8) __________ usual, and by mistake I poured hot coffee on a lady. She started screaming (9) __________ a mad woman. The manager told me he had never seen someone work so incompetently (10) __________ I did and asked me to leave. I gave him my apron and walked out of the restaurant. I’ve never worked in a restaurant since that day!


Completa le domande con i verbi nel riquadro. Poi abbinale alle risposte corrette. feel • look • taste • smell • sound • is • was • were What was your hotel in Spain like? Does Lisa ________ like Lola when she sings? What does your favourite perfume ________ like? What do your little nieces ________ like? What did Rosie’s home-made cake ________ like? ________ your new phone like mine? What ________ the people you stayed with in London like? 8 Did it ________ like the weather was changing when you went out? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

a b c

■ ■ ■

Yes, they both have similar voices. It’s like lovely fresh flowers. They were kind and made me very welcome. d ■ They’re both very pretty with blonde hair. 1 It had a rooftop pool and it was near the e ■ beach. f ■ No, I think it’s a different colour. g ■ It was chocolatey and absolutely wonderful! h ■ Yes, it was warm and sunny after all the rain.



I connettivi (1)

I connettivi sono congiunzioni, avverbi ed espressioni che uniscono fra loro parti di frasi, frasi e periodi. Oltre a and, or, but, because e so 15 , esistono altri connettivi.

74.1 Connettivi di tempo after


He went to bed after his friends left.

Andò a letto dopo che i suoi amici andarono via.


mentre, quando

As she was sipping the tea, she felt a sudden pain in her stomach.

Mentre sorseggiava il tè sentì un dolore improvviso allo stomaco.

man mano

As the exam drew near, Tricia became more irritable.

Man mano che si avvicinava l’esame Tricia era più nervosa.

as soon as

non appena

As soon as she finished her homework, Non appena finì i compiti chiamò la she called her friend on the phone. sua amica al telefono.



Sue went out before her mother came home.

Sue uscì prima che sua madre tornasse a casa.


da quando

She doesn’t drive since she had that terrible accident.

Non guida da quando ha avuto quel terribile incidente.

until, till


Don’t go out until I’m back.

Non uscire finché non torno.

when while


I stay in bed when I’ve got the flu.


I met Luke while I was going to school. Ho incontrato Luke mentre andavo a scuola.

affermativa in inglese

negativa in italiano Sto a letto quando ho l’influenza.

After, before, when e while possono essere seguiti dalla forma in -ing se il soggetto della principale e della subordinata è lo stesso. I usually have a snack before/after training. I never talk on the phone when/while driving.

Di solito faccio uno spuntino prima/dopo l’allenamento. Non parlo mai al telefono quando/mentre guido.

74.2 Connettivi di sequenza first

in primo luogo, per prima cosa

First peel the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.

Per prima cosa pelate i pomodori e tagliateli a dadini.



Then cube the bacon, put it in a pan and let it brown.

Poi tagliate la pancetta a dadini, mettetela in una padella e fate rosolare.



Next add the tomatoes to the bacon and let it cook for 10 minutes.

Successivamente aggiungete i pomodori alla pancetta e cuocete per 10 minuti.

after that, afterwards


After that put the pasta in the pan and let the tomato sauce flavour the pasta.

Dopodiché mettete la pasta nella padella e fate insaporire con la salsa di pomodoro.


in/per ultimo

Last add some fresh cream and stir well.

In ultimo aggiungete della panna fresca e mescolate bene.



Connectives (1)


Completa le frasi con before o after. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Before starting my presentation, I’d like to introduce myself. Please switch off your mobile phones __________ the film starts. She was offered the job immediately __________ she had finished the interview. The roads were extremely wet __________ the thunderstorm. Make sure you have a valid ticket __________ boarding the train. Dora got badly sunburnt __________ spending the day on the beach in the hot weather.

Leggi l’email di un agente di viaggio e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Dear Mrs Smith, Here’s some useful information about how to get around in the airport: (1) After/Before you get to the airport, check in. (2) Until/Before you go through security, remove your computers from your cases and put them in a separate tray. (3) As soon as/Until you finish the security checks, you can look for shops! (4) While/After you wait for your flight, you can buy some last-minute things, such as shampoo or sunblock. Don’t go to the gate (5) after/until they announce the gate number for your flight. (6) Before/When they tell you your gate number, get there as quickly as possible! Have a good flight!


Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Let’s play Fastest Finger. Press the buzzer as soon as you know all the answers to the questions.

A as soon as

B while

C until

2 The children are not allowed to watch television ____________ they are eating a meal.

A since

B while

C until

3 In this café, you need to sign in to its website ____________ you can access the free Wi-Fi.

A when

B before C after

4 Leila hasn’t been home ____________ she started her university course.

A as soon as

B while

C since

5 I just don’t know ____________ I can see you again.

A when

B since

C while

6 Please remain silent ____________ the band plays the national anthem and then you can cheer!

A after

B while

C since


Riordina le istruzioni di installazione della stampante e aggiungi i connettivi di sequenza.

■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ 5

______________, check that you have loaded the printer with paper. First unpack the printer and remove all the packaging. ______________, when the button flashes green, connect the printer to your computer with a USB cable. ______________, print the test page to make sure you have aligned the paper correctly. ______________ plug the printer into a mains socket and press the on/off button.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

Ai miei genitori piace guardare il telegiornale mentre cenano. In Giappone le persone si tolgono sempre le scarpe non appena entrano in casa. I giocatori hanno tenuto una conferenza stampa dopo aver vinto la partita. Alice non beve latte di mucca da quando è diventata vegana. Non aprire i biglietti e i regali finché non è il tuo compleanno.



I connettivi (2)

75.1 Connettivi di scopo per to per, al fine di so as (not) to, in order (not) to (più formale di so as to)

I’m here to help you.

Sono qui per aiutarti.

She is training hard so as to participate in the next national athletics games.

Si allena molto per partecipare ai prossimi giochi nazionali di atletica.

Quando la frase è negativa non si può usare to, ma è obbligatorio usare so as not to/in order not to. He left the party so as not to meet his old girlfriend.

Andò via dalla festa per non incontrare la sua ex-fidanzata.

75.2 Connettivi di causa because


Her eyes were red because she had been crying.

I suoi occhi erano rossi perché aveva pianto.

as, since

dal momento che, poiché

As he didn’t apologise, they didn’t give him another chance.

Dal momento che non si è scusato, non gli hanno dato un’altra possibilità.



He apologised profusely for he knew he was to blame.

Si scusò abbondantemente poiché sapeva di essere colpevole.

As, since e for sono più formali di because. As e since si trovano di solito prima della frase principale, because e for dopo.

because of, due to, owing to (+ sostantivo)

a causa di, per

We stayed at home because of the bad weather.

Rimanemmo a casa per il maltempo.

75.3 Connettivi di conseguenza so

così, quindi

I have to wake up early tomorrow, so I’m going to bed now.

Devo alzarmi presto domani, quindi vado a letto ora.

so... (that)

così... che

It was so foggy (that) I couldn’t see anything.

C’era così tanta nebbia che non riuscivo a vedere niente.

such a/an (+ sost. sing.)/such (+ sost. plur.) (that)

così, tale... che

I’ve had such a busy day (that) I haven’t had time to eat yet.

Ho avuto una giornata così piena che non ho ancora avuto il tempo di mangiare.

75.4 Connettivi di concessione e contrasto although, though (più informale di although) whereas, while


benché, sebbene, nonostante

Although he was very tired, he did the weekly shopping.

Nonostante fosse molto stanco, fece la spesa settimanale.


My twins are different: Tom is hard-working, whereas Tim is lazy.

I miei gemelli sono diversi: Tom è un gran lavoratore, mentre Tim è pigro.

Connectives (2)



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


The race won’t start on time because of/since the bad weather. I accept your apology as/so as to I now understand you did not mean to cause any damage. The owner of the club sacked the manager due to/since the poor results. Passengers received compensation from the train company because/because of the train arrived two hours late. The police closed the road owing to/so as the flooding after the heavy rain. Jimmy was able to get backstage and meet the band since/due to he had an access all areas pass.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e aggiungi i connettivi corretti. 1 2 3 4 5 6


She studied foreign languages Many scientists believe sea temperatures are rising Dan got a place at a top university Mary really enjoyed the film Joseph received an award Lesley and Barry weren’t able to get a table

a ■ _______________ the restaurant was fully booked. b ■ _______________ she preferred the book. c ■ _______________ pollution in the atmosphere. 1 in order to improve her job prospects. d ■ e ■ _______________ his excellent exam results. f ■ _______________ his services to the community.

Riscrivi le frasi con i connettivi di conseguenza in modo che abbiano lo stesso significato. 1 The stadium was so crowded, I didn’t see any celebrities. There was such a crowd in the stadium, I didn’t see any celebrities. 2 There was such a lot of noise in the stadium, I didn’t hear any of the songs. 3 The book was so interesting, I read it in one sitting. 4 The jackets were so cheap, I bought two of them. 5 Olivia is such a safe driver, she has never had an accident.


Scrivi frasi con although basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 restaurant / after midnight / open Although it was after midnight, the restaurant was open. 2 not well known / Ashleigh Barty / win / French Open Championship 2019


3 Miriam / not rich / give / a lot of money to charity 4 Barbara / live / Spain / ten years / not / speak Spanish. 5 Neil / study / very hard / fail / the law exam

Scrivi frasi con whereas basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 The island has many contrasts. north / tourist resorts / south undeveloped The north has tourist resorts whereas the south is undeveloped. 2 My sisters are very different. Penelope / academic / Anna / practical 3 Temperatures vary considerably in the Gobi Desert. days / extremely hot / nights / below freezing


4 The 2016 Brexit referendum in the UK produced some interesting results. urban areas / more people / vote remain / rural areas / more people / vote leave 5 There are two types of panda. giant panda / black and white fur / red panda / reddish fur

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

A causa di un dolore all’anca, Andy Murray non ha giocato in nessun torneo di tennis per oltre sei mesi. Arriveremo in ritardo alla riunione a causa del traffico intenso. Non abbiamo comprato i biglietti per il concerto perché erano tanto costosi. C’era così tanta nebbia che il controllo del traffico aereo ha impedito (stop) a tutti gli aerei di decollare. Gli studenti hanno avuto una giornata così impegnativa che non hanno avuto tempo di fare i compiti. Benché il tempo fosse bello, Paul e Therese andarono al cinema.


69-75 Summative revision 1

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

1 Amy’s flat is above/by a café.

2 The T-shirt’s beyond/ between the dress and the jeans.

3 Claire is opposite/in front of Tim.

4 My photo of Teddy is beside/behind my bed.

5 The swimming pool is against/close to the tennis court.

6 There are beautiful flowers along/through the banks of the river.

7 The new cinema is across/near the road.

8 There are lots of people standing around/among the old statue.


Completa le frasi con le preposizioni nel riquadro. up to • down • past • towards • through • into • onto 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


A big wave came towards me while I was in the sea, so I swam quickly to avoid it. I think we’ve gone _____________ the sports shop. Let’s go back and look for it. ‘Is there a restaurant in this department store?’ ‘Yes, go _____________ the top floor.’ After my holiday, I emptied the clothes in my suitcase _____________ the bed. Lucy met one of her friends when she was walking _____________ the shopping centre. This summer we’re going _____________ to Calabria. Don’t jump _____________ the pool because it’s dangerous for other swimmers.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5


The ferry can’t get I want to find somewhere quiet and get When you go to the town centre, get The traffic’s slow this morning, so let’s get We loved the theme park but I wanted to get

a ■ away from all these crowds. b ■ on the bus in Market Street. c ■ off the roller coaster because it was too fast! 1 across the bay because of the bad weather. d ■ e ■ out of the car and walk the rest of the way.

Summative revision



Leggi il resoconto sul furto di un famoso dipinto e completalo con le preposizioni nel riquadro. after • ago • between... and • by • during • for • from • in • until • over • to • since • within A few years (1) ago , a famous painting disappeared from an art gallery (2) __________ two __________ three o’clock in the afternoon. Nobody noticed what had happened (3) __________ later that day. The gallery was usually open (4) __________ mid-morning (5) __________ five o’clock.


probably disappeared (10) __________ a couple of minutes. However, (11) __________ looking at the CCTV images, the police found the painting (12) __________ a very short time. It is now safely back in the gallery and (13) __________ the theft, there has been a much better alarm system in place to protect the paintings.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


On this occasion, the gallery was open (6) __________ the whole weekend because of a special exhibition. Someone came into the gallery (7) __________ the busy lunchtime and took the painting. The thief was only there (8) __________ about ten minutes but (9) __________ two o’clock the painting had gone. The painting

The film I want to see is on/about a journey through Asia. Our children always go to school by/with bus. We managed to catch our flight despite leaving/leave home late. Their house is for/on sale because they want to move abroad. I don’t drink coffee without add/adding sugar. Martin looks as/like a famous actor, but in fact he works as/like a pharmacist.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. The sun came out (1) as/since we were waiting for our train and (2) as soon as/before it arrived, we got on and found a seat. The sun was still shining (3) until/when we arrived in London. We took the Tube to Baron’s Court station and (4) before/after we left the station, we checked the street plan there. We didn’t need to worry, (5) while/since the Queen’s Club was a five-minute walk from the station. We were there to watch tennis. The men’s singles game began with an excellent serve by a French tennis player soon (6) after/as we sat down. We really enjoyed it and (7) before/while we were watching, we got some excellent pictures with our new camera. We stayed (8) since/until the end of the match. We had a wonderful time and watched the highlights on TV later that evening.


Rileggi il testo nell’esercizio 6 e riordina le frasi. Poi completale con first, then, next, after o last.

■ ■ ■ 8

_________ the tennis match started. _________ we found our seats. _________, we saw parts of the match at home.

1 ■

First , we had a look at a map to locate the tennis club. _________ that we took some photos of the players.

Unisci le due parti delle frasi usando i connettivi tra parentesi. 1 I left work early. I avoided the heavy traffic. (so as to) I left work early so as to avoid the heavy traffic. 2 It was raining hard. They went for a walk along the beach. (although) 3 It’s such a beautiful painting that everyone wants to buy it. (so... that) 4 Helen lives in the city centre. Amy lives in the countryside. (whereas) 5 There were no trains at the weekend. There was a train strike. (because of) 6 We keep our music turned down to avoid disturbing our neighbours. (in order not to)



Gli aggettivi in -ing e -ed; gli aggettivi composti

76.1 Aggettivi in -ing e -ed In inglese molti aggettivi si ottengono aggiungendo alla forma base del verbo il suffisso -ing del participio presente (present participle) e -ed del participio passato (past participle).

amaze (stupire)

amazing (stupefacente) amazed (stupefatto)

exciting (emozionante)

excite (emozionare)

excited (emozionato)

interest (interessare)

interesting (interessante) interested (interessato) Appendice – 1

Gli aggettivi in -ing hanno valore attivo, cioè descrivono una cosa o una persona che causa un sentimento o un’emozione; gli aggettivi in -ed hanno invece valore passivo, cioè descrivono i sentimenti o le emozioni di qualcuno o qualcosa. È stata una giornata noiosa. Daniel sembra molto annoiato.

It has been a boring day. Daniel looks very bored.

76.2 Aggettivi composti Gli aggettivi composti sono formati da due o più elementi, solitamente uniti tra loro da un trattino (hyphen).

sostantivo/aggettivo/avverbio + mouth-watering dessert English-speaking country participio presente

dolce che fa venire l’acquolina in bocca paese di lingua inglese storia infinita

sostantivo/aggettivo/avverbio + wind-powered house cold-blooded animal participio passato

deeply-rooted tradition

casa a energia eolica animale a sangue freddo tradizione profondamente radicata

last-minute deal

offerta dell’ultimo minuto

sugar-free snack

snack senza zucchero

three-page article

articolo di tre pagine

twelve-year-old boy

ragazzo di dodici anni

never-ending story

aggettivo + sostantivo sostantivo + aggettivo numero + sostantivo numero + sostantivo + aggettivo

76.3 Aggettivi non graduabili La maggior parte degli aggettivi qualificativi è graduabile, cioè il loro significato può essere rafforzato o attenuato da avverbi 79 . Sono invece non graduabili gli aggettivi che: • identificano una caratteristica del tutto presente o assente (rectangular, golden, nuclear, pregnant, German/Italian/ British, ecc.) Tax evasion is an Italian issue.

L’evasione fiscale è una questione italiana.

• esprimono di per sé il massimo grado di una qualità (boiling, freezing, excellent, ecc.) You did an excellent job!

Hai fatto un ottimo lavoro!

• indicano una qualità che non ha uguali (impossible, unique, dead, ecc.). This problem is impossible.

Questo problema è impossibile.

Questi aggettivi sono accompagnati dagli avverbi di intensità che ne rafforzano il significato estremo come absolutely, totally, utterly, ecc. 79


Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed; compound adjectives



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


These text messages from Carrie are very confused/confusing. I don’t understand what she means. Emily is getting very exciting/excited about her trip to Amsterdam next month. This is a very worrying/worried time for Sophie as she is waiting to find out about her university application. Jack is really interesting/interested in old buildings and wants to study archaeology. Although Murder Mystery stars Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler it is quite boring/bored to watch. When the novel 1984 by George Orwell first came out, readers were shocking/shocked. The cup final was disappointing/disappointed because it ended in a draw. Many regular viewers of one of the UK’s most popular programmes, EastEnders, were horrifying/horrified when Bradley Branning fell off the roof.

Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi composti nel riquadro. never-ending • three-volume • sugar-free • left-handed • mouth-watering wind-powered • last-minute • seventeen-year-old • deeply-rooted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


The food in our favourite Italian restaurant, Maria’s, is so mouth-watering , we go there every week. My mum always buys __________________ biscuits because she wants us to look after our teeth. Many famous artists have been __________________ including Raoul Dufy and M.C. Escher. Fossil fuels will generate less electricity than __________________ energy in the next twenty years. Many hotel websites are offering some amazing __________________ deals this summer. A __________________ woman, Malala Yousafzai, has become the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Bob Dylan is playing in Hyde Park London this summer as part of his _______________ tour which started in 1988. Mardi Gras celebrations are a __________________ tradition in New Orleans. I have just read a __________________ biography about the French sculptor Auguste Rodin.

Identifica gli aggettivi che possono essere accompagnati dall’avverbio di intensità absolutely. 1 ■ angry ✓ impossible 2 ■ 3 ■ unique 4 ■ freezing


5 6 7 8

■ ■ ■ ■

filthy furious appalling big

9 10 11 12

■ ■ ■ ■

enormous good correct tired

13 14 15 16

■ ■ ■ ■

exhausted large perfect amazing

Sostituisci gli aggettivi sottolineati con quelli nel riquadro. freezing • excellent • filthy • furious • appalling 1 2 3 4 5


Their clothes are dirty after camping for three days in the pouring rain. Please can you turn up the heating as it’s cold in here? Congratulations. Your exam results are good. The passengers were angry when the train stopped for two hours. Although Raquel tells bad jokes, she still makes me laugh.

filthy ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi.

fascinating 1 A This website about student travel deals is absolutely fascinated. B I know. It gives loads of advice about problems-free trips abroad.

2 A Lucia and Paul look so tiring these days. They never stop yawning! B I’m not surprised. They’ve got twin two-months-old babies who are awake most of the night! 3 A Who is the blue-eyes girl talking to Mrs Mitchell? Is that Lucy? B No, Lucy’s the brown-hair girl next to the window. 4 A Are you happy with your new solar-power heating system? B Not really. It doesn’t work very well, so it’s a bit disappointed.



Ordine degli aggettivi

Quando un sostantivo è preceduto da due o tre aggettivi, che hanno cioè funzione di attributo, questi non sono solitamente separati da virgola né uniti da and. Ma se due aggettivi hanno funzione di nome del predicato sono uniti da and. attributi Abita in un delizioso piccolo appartamento. Il suo appartamento è delizioso e piccolo.

He lives in a lovely tiny flat. His flat is lovely and tiny.

nomi del predicato

Quando un sostantivo è accompagnato da più aggettivi qualificativi, questi vengono espressi seguendo un ordine fisso. Solitamente non si usano più di tre aggettivi consecutivi per uno stesso sostantivo.







materiale caratteristica sostantivo

a practical









a lovely









• Si usa solitamente la virgola se ci sono due aggettivi appartenenti allo stesso gruppo. Se gli aggettivi sono tre, si mette and prima dell’ultimo aggettivo. Un vestito bello e di grande effetto. Una gonna di pelle, lino e seta.

A beautiful, impressive dress. A leather, linen and silk skirt.

• Si mette and se i due aggettivi appartenenti alla stesso gruppo sono colori o materiali. Un divano blu e rosso. Una giacca di lana e pelle.

A blue and red sofa. A woollen and leather jacket.

• Si può variare l’ordine degli aggettivi per sottolineare una determinata caratteristica. In questo caso si usa la virgola per separare gli aggettivi. A new , revolutionary approach to English teaching.

enfasi su new

Un nuovo, rivoluzionario approccio all’insegnamento dell’inglese.

Se un sostantivo è preceduto da un aggettivo possessivo, dimostrativo o numerale, questo occupa la prima posizione. My new English teacher lived in South Africa for many years. Where did you buy those beautiful red shoes? Two little birds are singing on the balcony.

La mia nuova insegnante d’inglese ha vissuto in Sud Africa per molti anni. Dove hai comprato quelle bellissime scarpe rosse? Due uccellini stanno cantando sul balcone.

Gli aggettivi possessivi e i dimostrativi precedono gli aggettivi numerali. Sheila gave me these two leather jackets.


Sheila mi ha regalato queste due giacche di pelle.

ERROR CORRECTION Inserisci una virgola o and dove necessario.

and 1 Their flat is modern very stylish. 2 I love the black white photos Henri Cartier-Bresson took of Paris. 3 Are you going to wear your beautiful new red shoes? 4 The forecast for the next few days is hot thundery weather. 5 Those wood metal bookshelves will look good in the hall.


6 Unfortunately, the train journey was long boring. 7 We always feed the little green yellow birds that come to our balcony. 8 My sister wants to bid for the rectangular French wooden chest of drawers at the auction. 9 Jackie has just bought a new top-of-the-range sports car. 10 Uncle Jack keeps his important documents in an old leather metal briefcase.


Adjective word order


Riordina le espressioni sottolineate e scrivile nella colonna corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2

She’s wearing a designer short black exquisite dress to the opening night of the film. I love those Greek delicious green pitted olives. My brother lives in a large Victorian ugly red-brick house in south London. The new owner of the company is a young well-dressed Scottish entrepreneur. I’m afraid these long wet depressing days are forecast to continue until the end of the week. My grandad still wears those multi-coloured cotton sleeveless T-shirts that were fashionable in the 1970s! There’s a beautiful art deco French silver necklace in the window of that antique shop. The film is set on a Pacific tiny uninhabited island in the middle of nowhere.

opinione dimensione età exquisite



colore origine black

materiale caratteristica sostantivo designer


3 4 5 6 7 8


Inserisci gli aggettivi tra parentesi nella posizione corretta.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


curly My cousin’s got long black hair. (curly) My grandmother always sits on her comfortable green sofa in the evening. (leather) Jack’s just bought a fantastic titanium bike. (black) Do you want to try out my multi-functioning coffee machine? (sleek) In Macau, there is a long sandy beach on the island of Coloane. (black) The highly-informative film about the photographer Cindy Sherman is now on at the National Portrait Gallery. (short) I would like to welcome twenty Swedish students to our school. (friendly) We really enjoyed going to the amazing fireworks display on New Year’s Eve. (brightly-coloured) La Boqueria is a crowded old market. (Spanish) Have you read the romantic novel by James Ely? (delightful)

ERROR CORRECTION Leggi la trama del romanzo Rebecca e decidi se gli aggettivi sono nell’ordine corretto (✓) o sbagliato (✗). Correggi le frasi sbagliate. ✓ novel by Daphne du Maurier published in 1938. It tells the story Rebecca is a (1) fascinating gothic ■ of the (2) quiet unmarried ■ heroine who at the start of the book is a travelling companion to Mrs Van Hopper, (3) a wealthy American ■ lady. They visit Monte Carlo, a (4) Mediterranean beautiful ■ city. Mrs Van Hopper recognises a (5) middle-aged handsome ■ man, called Maxim de Winter, who is staying at their hotel. He is the owner of Manderley, a (6) large old ■ house in the south-west of England. The next day Mrs van Hopper is ill and Maxim takes the heroine for a drive along the (7) rocky dramatic ■ coastline. They stop at a place where there is a view of the (8) calm blue ■ sea. The heroine finds out that Maxim was married to Rebecca who died mysteriously. The heroine falls in love with the (9) older wealthier ■ man. After he proposes to her, they leave (10) sunny relaxed ■ Monte Carlo and return to what the heroine soon finds out is the (11) ghostly huge ■ mansion called Manderley.



Gli avverbi di modo

Gli avverbi di modo descrivono il modo in cui avviene un’azione. Possono anche precedere un aggettivo o un altro avverbio per enfatizzarne il significato. Mary mangia velocemente. È insolitamente caldo per questo periodo dell’anno. Sam ha giocato sorprendentemente bene.

Mary eats quickly. It’s unusually hot for this time of the year. Sam played surprisingly well.


Gli avverbi di modo si formano aggiungendo il suffisso -ly all’aggettivo. bad ➝ badly

clear ➝ clearly

quiet ➝ quietly

sudden ➝ suddenly

usual ➝ usually



terminanti in -y

si sostituisce la y con i e si aggiunge -ly

easy ➝ easily, happy ➝ happily, noisy ➝ noisily MA shy ➝ shyly, dry ➝ dryly

terminanti in consonante + -le

la e cade e si aggiunge solo -y

possible ➝ possibly, responsible ➝ responsibly, simple ➝ simply

terminanti in -ic

si aggiunge -ally

automatic ➝ automatically, frantic ➝ frantically, tragic ➝ tragically MA public ➝ publicaly

FORME IRREGOLARI aggettivo = avverbio aggettivo diverso da avverbio aggettivi che terminano in -ly

deep, early, fast, hard, high, late, low, loud, near, straight good ➝ well friendly ➝ in a friendly way, lively ➝ in a lively way

Gli avverbi deep, hard, high, late e near hanno anche la forma in -ly ma il significato è diverso. deep (in profondità) ➝ deeply (profondamente, intensamente) hard (molto, duramente) ➝ hardly (a malapena, appena) high (alto, in alto) ➝ highly (altamente, estremamente) late (tardi) ➝ lately (recentemente) near (vicino) ➝ nearly (quasi)

ENGLISH USAGE Alcuni aggettivi possono essere usati come avverbi nel linguaggio informale. fast/sound asleep play/fight fair talk loud Take it easy! I clean forgot.


completamente addormentato giocare/combattere lealmente parlare ad alta voce Stai tranquillo!/Rilassati! Me ne sono completamente dimenticato.

Gli avverbi di modo di solito seguono il verbo e, se presente, anche il complemento oggetto, ma possono precedere o seguire un complemento introdotto da preposizione. The door closes automatically. He plays the violin wonderfully. She listened (carefully) to her story (carefully).

La porta si chiude automaticamente. Suona benissimo il violino. Ascoltò attentamente la sua storia.

• Si può mettere l’avverbio prima del verbo per dare maggiore rilievo all’avverbio stesso. He quietly drew near her.

Le si avvicinò senza far rumore.

• Se il complemento è formato da più di due parole, l’avverbio può precedere il verbo o il complemento. The president (personally) signed (personally) all the Christmas cards.


Il presidente firmò personalmente tutti i biglietti di Natale.

Adverbs of manner



Completa le frasi con gli avverbi di modo derivati dagli aggettivi nel riquadro. quick • deep • beautiful • clear • kind • dangerous • professional • loud 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Miguel is a baritone opera singer: he always sings deeply . People are working, so please don’t speak __________ on your phone. Our teacher always explains maths __________, so we understand everything. The spectators left the tennis match __________ when it started to rain. My cousin plays the piano __________ in an orchestra. It’s important to look after animals and treat them __________. Be careful when you cross the road here because some people drive __________. Lara always dresses __________ in such gorgeous clothes.

Penny e Tess stanno parlando dell’ultimo libro di Penny. Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Penny Morning, Tess! How are you? Have you been working (1) hard/hardly on your book? Tess Hi, Penny! I’ve certainly been busy! The characters in the book are developing (2) dramatic/ dramatically and I’m pleased with the story so far. Penny I loved your last book. Your characters were nice to each other and worked together (3) friendly/ in a friendly way. Tess Thank you, Penny. I’m writing this story very (4) careful/carefully so I don’t repeat ideas from other books. What was your favourite chapter in the last book? Penny I like the part where the two friends dance (5) slow/slowly in the moonlight. The hero speaks so (6) romantically/romantic. Tess The hero in my new book has a few problems, so he’s talking (7) anxious/anxiously on the phone most of the time! Penny I thought the scientist in your first book was good. He talks about his experiments (8) funny/ in a funny way! Tess That’s true. I wanted him to be a bit different and not to describe things too (9) scientific/scientifically! Penny Well, good luck with the book, Tess. I hope it sells really (10) good/well!


Riordina le parole per formare frasi corrette. Aggiungi gli avverbi di modo nel riquadro nella posizione corretta. badly • energetically • high • skilfully • softly • sweetly 1 are / around / children / running / the The children are running around energetically. 2 always / little / my / nieces / smile / very 3 driver / drove / on / racetrack / the / the


4 avoid / baby / she / spoke / the / to / waking 5 because / lost / our / played / team / they 6 a / athlete / gold / jumped / medal / the / then / won

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Non preoccuparti. Le porte si chiudono sempre automaticamente. Hai scritto questa poesia molto bene, Marta. Cerca di appendere il quadro in modo che sia dritto. Non siamo stati al centro commerciale ultimamente. Lily ha finito il resto della torta con piacere. Quegli uccelli stanno volando alto nel cielo. Consiglio altamente il nuovo ristorante italiano in High Street. Il tassista guidò velocemente verso la stazione.



Gli avverbi di intensità e di affermazione

79.1 Avverbi di intensità Gli avverbi di intensità si usano per rafforzare o attenuare il significato di un verbo o di un aggettivo o di un altro avverbio. The bus is very crowded. You did quite well in the practical test.

PER RAFFORZARE absolutely* completely* dreadfully extremely* fully immensely just really* very

L’autobus è molto affollato. Hai fatto abbastanza bene nella prova pratica.

PER ATTENUARE assolutamente del tutto tremendamente estremamente completamente enormemente precisamente proprio molto

a bit a little almost enough fairly pretty quite* rather slightly

un po’ un po’ quasi sufficientemente abbastanza abbastanza abbastanza abbastanza, piuttosto leggermente

Gli avverbi con l’asterisco (*) possono essere usati con gli aggettivi non graduabili. 76.3

The film was absolutely awful.

Il film è stato proprio terribile.

• Fairly, pretty, quite e rather significano tutti “abbastanza”, ma con gradi e sfumature di significato diverse. - quite: indica un grado superiore rispetto a fairly - rather: esprime un grado superiore rispetto a quite e indica che la qualità è presente in misura maggiore del consueto - pretty: ha la stessa sfumatura di rather ma è più informale ‘I got 7 in the English test.’ ‘That’s rather/pretty good. You usually get 6.’

“Ho preso 7 nel compito di inglese.” “È un voto abbastanza buono. Di solito prendi 6.”

POSIZIONE Gli avverbi di intensità precedono le parole a cui si riferiscono. This TV programme is really interesting. I’ve almost done my homework.

Questo programma televisivo è proprio interessante. Ho quasi finito i compiti.

79.2 Avverbi di affermazione Ecco alcuni comuni avverbi di affermazione.

PER ESPRIMERE CERTEZZA certainly clearly definitely obviously

certamente chiaramente di sicuro ovviamente

PER ESPRIMERE DUBBIO maybe perhaps possibly probably

forse forse forse probabilmente

POSIZIONE Gli avverbi di affermazione solitamente si trovano in posizione intermedia (prima del verbo con i verbi di una sola parola, fra l’ausiliare e il verbo principale, dopo il verbo be); maybe e perhaps vanno invece all’inizio della frase. She certainly forgot our appointment! Maybe I’ll join you later.


Si è sicuramente dimenticata del nostro appuntamento. Forse vi raggiungo più tardi.

Adverbs of degree and affirmation


Fa caldo o freddo? Commenta le temperature usando le parole nei riquadri. Puoi usare alcune parole più di una volta. 1 +40°C 2 3 4 5 6

extremely • very • quite cold • warm • hot


+32°C +20°C +3°C -5°C -25°C

It’s extremely cold.

Segna (✓) gli avverbi che puoi usare in questa frase. I feel _______________ sorry for them. 1 quite ✓ 4 enough ___ 5 very ___ 2 a bit ___ 6 extremely ___ 3 just ___


7 dreadfully ___ 8 really ___ 9 completely ___

10 immensely ___ 11 fully ___ 12 fairly ___

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



There are no tables available this evening, I’m afraid. The restaurant is fully/absolutely booked. Mrs Jones is an absolutely/a very excellent teacher and I have no hesitation in recommending her. Many people were fully/extremely surprised about the result of the general election. The fans were completely/dreadfully upset when their team lost 7-6 in the penalty shoot-out. I’m sorry we’re a bit late for our meeting but the traffic today is quite/almost heavy. The police are now completely/slightly satisfied that the person acted in self-defence. This painting is a quite/an almost unusual example of this artist’s work.

Completa le frasi con gli avverbi nel riquadro. probably • certainly • maybe • definitely • obviously 1 The candidate has got over 50% of all the votes. She’s definitely winning the election. 2 Manchester City are 5 points ahead of their nearest rivals with two games left to play. They are _____________ going to win the premier league but Liverpool can still overtake them. 3 From their appearance, the couple were _____________ proud of their daughter when she graduated. 4 I’m not free at the moment but _____________ I can meet you later. 5 He can _____________ give my grandparents a lift to the station as he is going there anyway.


Completa l’articolo con gli avverbi nel riquadro. slightly • probably • extremely • dreadfully • hardly • profusely • completely • almost • absolutely • rapidly After weeks of (1) extremely high temperatures which averaged over 40 degrees and (2) ____________ any rain, large parts of southern Australia are under a state of emergency because of the (3) ______________ devastating bush fires, spread (4) ______________ by the high winds. The blazes have (5) ______________ destroyed many properties and left thousands of people homeless. Fortunately, the fire services

have intervened (6) ______________ enough to get control of the situation. A government minister who visited one of the areas praised all the officers (7) ______________ and said that he was (8) ______________ sorry about the awful devastation and the effects on people’s lives. There will possibly be (9) ______________ lower temperatures over the weekend and as a result many of the fires can (10) ______________ be put out.



Gli avverbi di luogo e di tempo

80.1 Avverbi di luogo Gli avverbi di luogo indicano il luogo o la direzione dell’azione. Non c’è nessuno qui.

There’s no one here. abroad ahead away back behind downstairs/upstairs forwards/backwards here/there

all’estero avanti via indietro dietro, indietro al piano di sotto/sopra in avanti/all’indietro qui/là

in/out inside/outside left/right near nearby over there sideways straight

in/fuori casa dentro/fuori a sinistra/destra vicino nelle vicinanze laggiù lateralmente dritto

Molte preposizioni (in, out, inside, outside, near, ecc.) hanno anche funzione di avverbio. Sorry, Mum is not in. Mi dispiace, la mamma non c’è.

Nota le seguenti differenze: • out (“via” per parte del giorno o un giorno) − away (“via” per più di un giorno) Franca is out at the moment. She’s gone shopping. Franca è fuori in questo momento. È andata a fare la spesa. Franca is away. She’s on holiday. Franca è via. È in vacanza.

• near (da solo oppure seguito da un altro avverbio) − nearby (da solo) I negozi sono qua vicino. La scuola è nelle vicinanze.

The shops are near here. The school is nearby.

POSIZIONE Gli avverbi di luogo seguono il verbo principale oppure il complemento oggetto. The bedrooms are upstairs. And now let me show you the bedrooms upstairs.

Le camere sono al piano superiore. E ora vi mostro le camere al piano superiore.

80.2 Avverbi di tempo Gli avverbi di tempo (definito e indefinito) descrivono quando si verifica l’azione.

TEMPO DEFINITO now today yesterday tomorrow

ora oggi ieri domani

TEMPO INDEFINITO already just recently long


già appena recentemente a lungo

L’avverbio long si usa in frasi negative e interrogative, mentre alla forma affermativa si usa l’espressione for a long time. 62

POSIZIONE Gli avverbi di tempo definito sono solitamente collocati alla fine della frase, ma possono occupare anche la prima posizione se l’enfasi non è sull’avverbio. (Yesterday) I saw Martin (yesterday).

Ho visto Martin ieri.

Gli avverbi di tempo indefinito si trovano in posizione intermedia oppure in posizione finale. Il bambino sa già camminare! Non è uscita con Martin a lungo.

The baby can already walk! She didn’t date Martin long.

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI CON JUST just a minute/second just about


just as just because

just in case just like that

just now/then just one’s luck

Adverbs of place and time



Completa le frasi con gli avverbi nel riquadro. in • outside • downstairs • back • right • nearby

1 Turn right at the crossroads.

2 We are going in the wrong direction. We need to go _______.

3 ‘Where’s the cellar?’ ‘Go ________ and the door is right in front of you.’

4 Don’t worry. The police station is __________.

5 Come __________. We’ve been expecting you!

6 We’re having lunch __________ because the weather is so lovely.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Open the box and look outside/inside. I hope you like the present! ‘Do you know where the train station is?’ ‘Yes, I can walk there with you as I live away/nearby.’ It’s wonderful to be back home in London after living ahead/abroad in the Far East. I can’t find my umbrella. I think it’s hanging behind/outside. Put the car into reverse gear when you want to go backwards/forwards. Come here/there. I’m a police officer and I want to talk to you. I fed George and Carol’s cat because they went away/outside for the weekend. My grandfather can look behind/back on his career as a lawyer with great pride.

Completa il dialogo con gli avverbi nel riquadro. now • already • tomorrow • just • long • recently Grace Is it possible to see the music teacher? Karen I’m sorry, she has (1) already left. However, I can make an appointment with her for (2) ____________ morning. Can you let me know what you want to see her about? Grace My son has (3) ___________ started learning the violin and I want to find out how I can help him to improve. Karen Is he a beginner? Grace Oh no. He hasn’t been doing it for (4) ___________ but he can (5) ___________ play several pieces. Karen That’s really good you are supporting him. Can you come at around 11 o’clock in the morning? Grace Aargh! I have (6) ___________ realised I’ve got an important meeting then. Can we make it another time?


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Guarda la macchina fotografica di lato così ti fotografo il profilo. 2 Stiamo lavorando all’estero in Vietnam ma siamo a casa per le vacanze estive. 3 La tua lezione di violino è domani. 4 Il gatto sta dormendo sul letto al piano di sopra.

5 Per andare al ristorante gira a sinistra al semaforo e cammina dritto lungo la strada principale. 6 L’aereo è già atterrato e i passeggeri ora stanno aspettando di ritirare i bagagli. 7 Zelda e Scott non vivono a Parigi da molto. 8 Corse giù per le scale e fuori in strada.


76-80 Summative revision 1

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


The views from Adelia’s flat in Sicily are absolutely stunning/stunned. Helen’s installation, which she made for the exhibition, was fascinating/fascinated. We were disappointing/disappointed by the ending of the film. The sound of the sea was so relaxing/relaxed that I fell asleep on the beach. The children thought the monster in the cartoon was terrifying/terrified. I went to the top of the hill and although I was tiring/tired afterwards, I enjoyed the walk. The constant sound of people on their phones in the cinema is extremely irritating/irritated. Lily was very satisfying/satisfied with the new camera she took on holiday.

Abbina le parole per formare aggettivi composti. Poi completa i mini-dialoghi. three eleven sun ice long middle record world



breaking aged famous month-old dried cold distance course

1 A B

I’ve made us a three-course meal. My favourite! Pasta with __________________ tomatoes.

2 A Isn’t that Jake... somebody? Oh, I’ve forgotten his name. He’s __________________. B That’s right! He’s a __________________ runner. I don’t know his name, either. A His last win was __________________. It was a few years ago. He looks __________________ now. 3 A B

Let’s have a drink. I’ve got some hot chocolate. I’m really thirsty. Have you got any __________________ lemonade?

4 A B

What a lovely photo! Yes, this is my sister and her __________________ baby girl.

Inserisci le parole tra parentesi nell’ordine corretto. 1 I used to have an expensive rectangular grey phone with no special features. (phone / grey / rectangular / expensive) 2 My aunty has made a ___________________________________. (multi-coloured / birthday / cake / large / round) 3 My neighbour has bought a very ___________________________________. (small / impractical / sports / car) 4 What happened to ___________________________________ CDs I lent you? (two / those / hip-hop)

Completa le frasi in modo personale basandoti sulle indicazioni date. 1 This is my new _____________ (colour) _____________ (material) _____________ (item of clothing). 2 I live in a _____________ (size) _____________ (age) _____________ (type of building). 3 The ideal present for my friend is _____________ (your opinion) _____________ (purpose) _____________ (item).


Completa le frasi con gli avverbi di modo derivati dagli aggettivi nel riquadro. efficient • patient • suspicious • careful • artistic • helpful 1 2 3 4 5 6


Tom looked at the strange man suspiciously because he didn’t know him. Please open the package _____________________ because there’s a fragile object inside. Lucy has decorated her new house very _____________________ with beautiful designs and colours. The eco system in Lauren’s house heats the rooms _____________________ in the winter. John waited very _____________________ while Jane looked around the clothes shop. Harry and Lily _____________________ tidied the house before their mum and dad’s party.

Summative revision



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. ‘It was great – but (1) extremely/enough exhausting!’ This was how Grace described the bike ride she went on last weekend with her husband, Rob. ‘We began (2) rather/fully prepared for the 8-hour journey. The sky was (3) slightly/almost cloudy but that didn’t worry us. We were wearing clothes which were waterproof and (4) enough/quite light, so they were easy to cycle in. Half an hour after the start of the ride, the weather changed. The rain came down (5) really/a bit heavily and we got (6) completely/ enough wet. Although it was difficult to cycle in the rain, we were (7) rather/very determined to get to the end of the ride. We were (8) dreadfully/immensely proud of our achievement!’


Completa il dialogo con le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. Tina Stef Tina Stef Tina Stef Tina Stef


definitely Have you had Helen’s text about her party? It’s on at the weekend. (definitely) Yes, I’ve got her text! She’s asked me to take some food! (certainly) She wants me to make something sweet. I can make some cupcakes. (probably) Can I borrow a large frying pan? I’m not sure exactly what I want to make but a tortilla is an easy option. (possibly, maybe) I think that we can do all the food in my kitchen. It’s just a suggestion. (perhaps) Thanks, that’s a very good idea. I mean, my kitchen’s not big enough for three people to cook in. (clearly) Three people? That’s right. Leo’s a chef, let’s invite him – then he can do all the cooking! (obviously)

Completa le frasi con gli avverbi nel riquadro. backwards • over there • abroad • downstairs • nearby • forwards • outside • here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Can we have lunch outside ? It’s a beautiful day! ‘You look very brown. Where have you been?’ ‘I’ve been ____________ for a few weeks.’ ‘Where is the nearest chemist?’ ‘Look, it’s ____________ by the bank.’ ‘Hello is anyone at home?’ ‘Yes, I’m ____________, in the kitchen.’ Shhh! Can you hear anyone? I think we’ve got thieves ____________ in the living room! ‘Does it take you long to get to school?’ ‘No, I live ____________.’ My grandmother used to say always look ____________ into the future, never ____________ into the past!

TRANSLATION Traduci l’email in inglese.

Ciao Sam, Oggi ho un po’ più di tempo, quindi voglio proprio dirti le mie novità! Mi sto divertendo molto in vacanza. Siamo arrivati venerdì scorso e sono già stato in alcuni posti assolutamente fantastici. Sono appena tornato da un festival di musica nel parco. Ho tante foto da mandarti ma domani, ora sono molto stanco. So che sei stato qui di recente, quindi conosci il posto abbastanza bene. Non starò qui a lungo quindi voglio tornarci di sicuro. Forse possiamo ritornarci insieme? Lara



Il comparativo di maggioranza


Esistono tre tipi di comparativo: maggioranza, uguaglianza e minoranza. Il comparativo di maggioranza si usa per indicare che un elemento (primo termine di paragone) possiede una determinata qualità in misura maggiore rispetto a un altro (secondo termine di paragone).

FORMA aggettivi monosillabici

Your bedroom is smaller than mine.

La tua camera è più piccola della mia.

The chocolate cake is tastier than the cheesecake.

La torta al cioccolato è più gustosa del cheesecake.

She stayed longer than expected.

È rimasta più a lungo del previsto.

Science is more interesting than maths.

Scienze è più interessante di matematica.

Matt runs more quickly than Sebastian.

Matt corre più velocemente di Sebastian.

more + sostantivo + than

The zoo has got more lions than tigers.

Lo zoo ha più leoni che tigri.

verbo + more + than

You talk more than your mother!

Parli più di tua madre!

forma base dell’aggettivo/ avverbio + -er + than

aggettivi bisillabici terminanti in -e, -er, -le, -ow e -y avverbi con la stessa forma degli aggettivi 78 more + forma base aggettivi bisillabici e dell’aggettivo/avverbio + than polisillabici avverbi in -ly sostantivi verbi

Alcuni aggettivi bisillabici hanno due forme di comparativo di maggioranza, ma la forma con more è più comune. common ➝ commoner/more common

polite ➝ politer/more polite

quiet ➝ quieter/more quiet


si aggiunge solo -r

monosillabici terminanti in consonante si raddoppia la consonante finale e si aggiunge -er preceduta da una sola vocale si cambia la -y in i e si aggiunge -er bisillabici terminanti in -y preceduta da consonante

fine ➝ finer nice ➝ nicer big ➝ bigger thin ➝ thinner happy ➝ happier nasty ➝ nastier

Il secondo termine di paragone è introdotto da than che può essere seguito da sostantivo, pronome personale complemento, pronome possessivo, genitivo sassone o da una proposizione. Chinese is more difficult than Spanish. Rob arrived later than me. o I am nell'inglese formale Her shoes are nicer than mine/Bet’s. London is more expensive than I thought.

Il cinese è più difficile dello spagnolo. Rob arrivò più tardi di me. Le sue scarpe sono più belle delle mie/di quelle di Bet. Londra è più cara di quanto pensassi.

Con i comparativi di origine latina, come superior, inferior, prior, minor, major, interior, exterior, posterior, il secondo termine di paragone è introdotto da to. Remember, my girl, you’re inferior to no one. Your happiness is prior to anything for me.


Ricordati, ragazza mia, tu non sei inferiore a nessuno. La tua felicità viene prima di qualsiasi cosa per me.

Comparatives (1)


Scegli l’opzione corretta per completare le frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Please drive more slowly . I’m a very nervous passenger. She works _______________ than anyone else in her school. The interview took _______________ than I expected. My sister types _______________ than me. Jennifer ran _______________ than Alana and won the race. Can you speak _______________? It’s difficult to hear you.

B slower B harder B longly B faster B more quick B clearer

C more slowly C more hard C more long C fast C quicklier C more clearly

A giraffe is taller than an elephant. (tall) Is climate change making the summers _______________ than twenty years ago? (hot) In London, it’s _______________ to go by tube than to take a taxi. (quick) The garden looks _______________ this year than last year. (pretty) Do you think Art Deco looks _______________ than Art Nouveau? (modern) Are people who live in cold climates _______________ than people who live where it is warm? (happy) Fashion models look _______________ now than a few years ago. (thin) Your dishes are _______________ than the ones we had in the restaurant yesterday. (tasty)

Leggi le informazioni nella tabella e completa le frasi con la forma comparativa corretta dell’aggettivo tra parentesi.



A more slow A hardly A longer A more fast A more quickly A more clear

Completa le frasi con il comparativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




1 Height

1m 50 cm

1m 65 cm

2 Weight

62 kg

57 kg

3 Age



4 High jump

1.76 metres

1.91 metres

5 800 metres

2 min. 12.5 sec.

2 min. 10 sec.

6 Weightlifting

130 kg

110 kg

1 2 3 4 5 6

Jessica is taller than Jackie. (short/tall) Jackie is ______________ Jessica. (thin/heavy) Jackie is ______________ Jessica. (young/old) Jessica can jump ____________ Jackie. (low/high) Jessica can run ______________ Jackie. (slow/fast) Jackie is ______________ Jessica. (weak/strong)

Completa le frasi con la forma comparativa corretta (aggettivo o avverbio) degli aggettivi nel riquadro. hard • careful • tasty • long • clear • efficient • near • confident • fit • quick 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Please choose the language in your public statements more carefully than when you speak in private. Nursing in a hospital is _______________________________ many other jobs. We now use energy _______________________________ ten years ago. Using black ink helps applicants to write _______________________________ using blue ink on this form. After a lot of practice I can now present _______________________________ when I first gave a webinar. People who walk to work are usually _______________________________ those who drive. Fresh fish from the market is _______________________________ frozen fish from the supermarket. Gatwick Airport is _______________________________ we expected. My parents stayed _______________________________ I did at our holiday home. You can buy a train ticket at the weekend _______________________________ during the week.



Il comparativo di uguaglianza

Il comparativo di uguaglianza indica che una determinata qualità è presente in misura uguale o simile in un elemento rispetto a un altro.

FORMA as + aggettivo/avverbio + as

Our house is as beautiful as Elisabeth’s. Jonathan arrived at school as late as me yesterday.

La nostra casa è (tanto) bella quanto quella di Elisabeth. Ieri Jonathan è arrivato (tanto) tardi a scuola quanto me.

Your daughter doesn’t show as much Sua figlia non mostra tanto interesse as much + sostantivo non interest in school as in music! nella scuola quanto nella musica! numerabile + as Ho tanti amici quanto te. as many + sostantivo plurale + as I’ve got as many friends as you.

the same + sostantivo + as

Mick loves the same girl as Keith.

Mick ama la stessa ragazza di Keith.

verbo + as much + as

You should train as much as Paul.

Dovresti allenarti (tanto) quanto Paul.

Osserva le seguenti costruzioni. • In frasi negative si può usare so + aggettivo + as + secondo termine di paragone. Chris is not so good at playing chess as her father.

Chris non è brava a giocare a scacchi quanto suo padre.

• Si possono usare le espressioni half/twice/three... times davanti a as + aggettivo/avverbio + as. Messi is twice as good as all the other footballers. Bolt runs three times as fast as you.

Messi è due volte più bravo di tutti gli altri calciatori. Bolt corre tre volte più veloce di te.

• Si usano le espressioni as much as/as many as + numero per dare enfasi a una quantità. In italiano si traducono con l’espressione “fino a”. You can reduce energy consumption by as much as 50%. Puoi ridurre il consumo di energia fino al 50 percento. He can eat as many as 3 hamburgers in 5 minutes! Riesce a mangiare fino a 3 hamburger in 5 minuti!

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI as black as night as blind as a bat as brave as a lion as clear as crystal as early as possible as hard as nails as little as possible



1 2 3 4 5 6


nero come la pece cieco come una talpa coraggioso come un leone chiarissimo il prima possibile duro come la pietra il meno possibile

as quick as a flash as much as possible as long as as sly as a fox as soon as possible as stubborn as a mule as white as a ghost

veloce come un fulmine il più possibile a patto che furbo come una volpe il più presto possibile testardo come un mulo bianco come un fantasma

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta il dialogo e completa le frasi.

The River Severn isn’t as long as the River Thames. The killer whale isn’t ______________ the blue whale. Tower Bridge isn’t ______________ St Paul’s Cathedral. Brad Pitt isn’t ______________ Leonardo DiCaprio. Mozart wasn’t ______________ Vivaldi. London Heathrow isn’t ______________ Atlanta Airport USA.


Comparatives (2)



Completa le frasi con as... as e gli avverbi nel riquadro. fast • often • carefully • hard • well • soon • quietly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


My grandparents don’t travel abroad as often as they used to. The patient is _______________________ we can expect, after the operation. Answer the questions _______________________ you can to avoid making unnecessary mistakes. We are going to get home _______________________ we can, but there are roadworks that may delay us. We came in _______________________ we could, but mum still woke up. My boss works twice _______________________ all the staff. My brother doesn’t drive nearly _______________________ my younger sister.

Completa le frasi con as much/many + sostantivo + as. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Holly doesn’t earn as much money as Fiona. (money) Patrick doesn’t receive _______________________ Marion does. (emails) My father doesn’t pack _______________________ my mother does when they go on holiday. (suitcases) My history teacher hasn’t got _______________________ my science teacher. (patience) Economy class passengers don’t have _______________________ people who fly in business class. (space) Mark hasn’t seen the Star Wars films _______________________ Luke. (times)

Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. as well as • as quick as • as cheap as • as little as • the same as • as soon as Are these shoes (1) the same as yours? Spencer Yes! They look identical but how much did you pay for them? Mark I can’t remember exactly. Spencer I paid £60. Mark Mine were not nearly (2) _____________ that. I probably spent double! Where did you buy them? Spencer I got them from an online flash sale. I like to pay (3) _____________ possible! Mark Are there many offers like that? Mark


Spencer They have them twice or three times a year. When you see something you want, you have to buy it (4) _____________ you can because they can get out of stock (5) _____________ a flash! Mark Do they only have shoes in the sale? Spencer There’s a whole range of things (6) _____________ shoes. I also bought a wallet and a very smart coat. Mark What’s the website? Spencer It’s Mark I’ll check it out now. Thanks.

Completa le frasi con le espressioni nel riquadro. as pretty as a picture • as brave as a lion • as good as gold • as blind as a bat as hard as nails • as busy as a bee • as clear as crystal • as white as a ghost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

‘Thanks so much for babysitting this evening.’ ‘Not at all. The children were as good as gold .’ I hate wearing glasses but I’m __________________ when I don’t use them. My boss is usually very nice but when she’s negotiating a deal, she’s __________________. ‘Why’s there a real buzz in the office today?’ ‘We’re all __________________ working on an exciting new project!’ I love the photos of the wedding. The bride and groom look __________________. ‘You look __________________. Are you OK?’ ‘I’m a bit shocked as I think I’ve just won a big prize on the lottery!’ I love going diving in the Red Sea. It’s easy to see the fish as the water is __________________. That cut on your knee looks a bit nasty. You’ll have to be __________________ while I disinfect it.



Il comparativo di minoranza

Il comparativo di minoranza si usa per indicare che una determinata qualità è presente in misura minore in un elemento rispetto a un altro.

FORMA less + aggettivo/avverbio + than

Her shoes are less expensive than mine. Marta studies less carefully than me.

Le sue scarpe costano meno delle mie. Marta studia con meno attenzione di me.

less + sostantivo non numerabile + than

This year we’ve spent less money than last year.

Quest’anno abbiamo speso meno soldi dello scorso anno.

fewer + sostantivo plurale + I’ve had fewer presents than my brother. Ho ricevuto meno regali di mio fratello. than verbo + less + than

In the last match I played less than Jackie.

Nell’ultima partita ho giocato meno di Jackie.

ENGLISH USAGE In inglese al posto del comparativo di minoranza si preferisce usare la forma negativa del comparativo di ugualianza oppure il comparativo di maggioranza con significato contrario.


comparativo di maggioranza

He is less tall than his sister. e aggettivo contrario ➝ He is not as tall as his sister. = He is shorter than his sister. comparativo di uguaglianza al negativo È meno alto di sua sorella. ➝ Non è alto quanto sua sorella. = È più basso di sua sorella.

fot oInstagrammar

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI in less than no time less is more the less said, the better more or less no less than still/much less


in men che non si dica (fai/ottieni) di più con meno meno si dice, meglio è più o meno niente meno che ancora meno

Completa le frasi con less o fewer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


The fruit in this supermarket is less expensive than the one down the road. There are ___________ people at the book fair this year than last year. My grandfather is ___________ busy now that he’s retired. Some investors are now ___________ wealthy because of the fall in share prices. During the climate change demonstrations there were ___________ cars on the roads in central London. We use ___________ plastic bags when we go shopping because of the environmental concerns. We spent a bit ___________ money on this year’s holiday than we usually do. Living in a city has ___________ disadvantages than living in the countryside.

Comparatives (3)



Formula frasi con il comparativo di minoranza basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 we / go to the cinema / often now / a couple of years ago We go to the cinema less often now than a couple of years ago. 2 Manchester United / scored / goals / Arsenal / this season 3 this month / Mary / go to the gym / often / last month 4 people / come to his birthday party / he expected 5 a crossbreed dog / is / expensive / a pure-bred one 6 Robert / studies / other boys


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta e completa le frasi con less o fewer. At the Christmas market this year... 1 shoppers are spending less money/dollars. 2 there are _________ stalls/prices. 3 the decorations are _________ attractive/attraction. 4 the queues to see Father Christmas are _________ long/longer. 5 the children are screaming _________ noisy/noisily on the funfair rides. 6 there are _________ customers/foods in the restaurants. 7 the Christmas tree lights are shining _________ bright/brightly.


Ora riscrivi le frasi usando il comparativo di maggioranza (+) o uguaglianza (=). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


(=) Shoppers aren’t spending as much money as last year. (=) (+) (+) (=) (=) (=)

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. Usa la forma corretta degli aggettivi tra parentesi. 1 His trousers are less expensive than mine. (cheap) His trousers are cheaper than mine. 2 Tim is less tall than Anne. (short) 3 The pound is not now as strong a currency as the US dollar. (weak)


4 Our flat is not as big as Lisa’s. (small) 5 Jackie types less quickly than John. (slow) 6 My dad is not as careful a driver as my mum. (careless) 7 The film is less good than the book. (engaging)

Completa le frasi con le espressioni nel riquadro. in less • less is • the less • no less • more or less • or less 1 2 3 4 5 6

Architects such as Mies van de Rohe and Le Corbusier believed that in building design less is more. The bullet train is very fast. It travels from Osaka to Tokyo _____________ than no time. Don’t allow yourself to fall into a trap during your interview. Remember: _____________ said, the better. Although these pictures are not identical, they are more _____________ the same. The tickets at the Glastonbury Festival are _____________ expensive than they were last year. The bus journey to London takes _____________ the same time as the train journey.



Il superlativo


Il superlativo si usa per indicare che una qualità è presente in un elemento di un insieme al massimo (superlativo di maggioranza) o al minimo grado (superlativo di minoranza) rispetto all’insieme stesso a cui appartiene.

84.1 Superlativo di maggioranza FORMA aggettivi monosillabici aggettivi bisillabici terminanti in -e, -er, -le, -ow e -y avverbi con la stessa forma degli aggettivi 78

the + forma base dell’aggettivo + -est + of/in

That’s the smallest house in the world.

È la casa più piccola del mondo.

Sandra is the palest girl of the Sandra è la ragazza più pallida team. della squadra. Both brothers study hard, but Mattia studies the hardest.

aggettivi bisillabici e polisillabici avverbi in -ly

the most + aggettivo/ The Bean Tower is the most modern building in town. avverbio + of/in

sostantivi verbi

Entrambi i fratelli studiano molto, ma Mattia studia di più. La Bean Tower è l’edificio più moderno in città.

Andrea does his homework the most quickly of all.

Andrea fa i compiti più velocemente di tutti.

the most + sostantivo + of/in

This car has the most accessories of all luxury cars.

Quest’auto ha più accessori di tutte le auto di lusso.

verbo + the most + of/in

Julian studies the most of all. Julian studia più di tutti.

L’aggiunta del suffisso -est comporta le stesse variazioni ortografiche dell’aggiunta del suffisso -er. 81 Come per il comparativo, anche il superlativo di alcuni aggettivi bisillabici può avere due forme. common ➝ the commonest/the most common quiet ➝ the quietest/the most quiet

polite ➝ the politest/the most polite simple ➝ the simplest/the most simple

Il secondo termine di paragone è introdotto da: • of/among + sostantivo plurale se il termine di paragone è costituito da un insieme di elementi Jack is the most popular of the boys. This car is the cheapest among compact cars.

Jack è il più apprezzato dei ragazzi. Questa macchina è la più economica tra le utilitarie.

• in + sostantivo singolare se il termine di paragone è espresso da un luogo; ma davanti ai sostantivi earth e island si usa la preposizione on The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. This is the largest room in the house. I think Ragusa is the hottest place on earth. This is the most secluded beach on the island.

Il ghepardo è l’animale più veloce del mondo. Questa è la stanza più grande della casa. Penso che Ragusa sia il posto più caldo della terra. Questa è la spiaggia più appartata dell’isola.

Non confondere the most con most. 48.2 The most important people stay at the Astoria in New York. Most important people stay at the Astoria in New York.


Le persone più importanti alloggiano all’Astoria a New York. La maggior parte delle persone importanti alloggia all’Astoria a New York.



84.2 Superlativo di minoranza FORMA the least + aggettivo/avverbio + of/in

She is the least experienced employee È l’impiegata con meno esperienza dell’azienda. of the company. They danced the least gracefully of all. Hanno ballato con meno grazia di tutti.

the least + sostantivo non numerabile + of/in the fewest + sostantivo plurale + of/in verbo + the least + of/in

Lorenzo pays the least attention of all during the lessons.

Lorenzo presta meno attenzione di tutti durante le lezioni.

Vatican City is the country with the fewest inhabitants in the world.

La Città del Vaticano è il paese con meno abitanti al mondo.

Stefano earns the least of all.

Stefano guadagna meno di tutti.

ENGLISH USAGE Al posto del superlativo di minoranza si preferisce usare il superlativo di maggioranza con significato contrario. He is the least tall of the boys. ➝ He is the shortest of the boys. È il meno alto dei ragazzi. ➝ È il più basso dei ragazzi.

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI at least at the earliest at the latest at the most last but not least least of all not in the least


almeno al più presto al più tardi al più, al massimo ultimo ma non meno importante tanto meno per niente, affatto

‘At least he made eye contact this time.’

109 GRAMMAR SOUNDS World records! Ascolta e completa le frasi con il superlativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi nel riquadro.

long • fast • small • tall • heavy • noisy

1 The giant jellyfish is the longest animal.

2 The chihuahua is ______________ _________________ dog.

3 The blue whale is ______________ ____________ animal.

4 The bee hummingbird is ________________________ bird.

5 The cheetah is _________________ _________________ animal.

6 The giraffe is __________________ _________________ animal.


84 2

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6




This is the most beautiful beach on/among the island. Teaching is one of the most hard/hardest jobs to do. The art gallery is the modernest/most modern building in the town. Sally completed the task the quickliest/most quickly of all the contestants. London has the most/mostest art galleries of any UK city. Brighton is one of the best places to live in/on the south-east of England.

Completa le frasi con il superlativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi tra parentesi. 1 We have had the hottest June weather since records began! (hot) 2 It was ________________ coincidence when I found my new neighbour has the same date of birth as me. (strange) 3 The meal in Disfrutar, Barcelona, was expensive but it was ________________ food we’ve ever tasted. (delicious) 4 The road through the mountain pass is ________________ in the Highlands, so drive carefully. (dangerous) 5 Avengers: Endgame is ________________ Hollywood film. It made $2.8 billion at the box office. (successful) 6 Nigel is ________________ person I know. He never gets out of bed before midday! (lazy)

Completa le frasi con il superlativo degli aggettivi nel riquadro e inserisci la preposizione corretta: in o of. beautiful • long • happy • large • popular • intelligent 1 2 3 4 5 6


Iris is the most intelligent student in our class. I still believe that Venice is ____________________________ city _____ the world. Olivia, Sophia and Lily are ____________________________ girls’ names _____ the UK. My grandparents’ wedding was ____________________________ day _____ their lives. The school has got ____________________________ indoor swimming pool _____ the city. Our class has ____________________________ number _____ international students.

La Gran Bretagna è famosa per i suoi festival della musica. Osserva la tabella e completa le frasi con il superlativo di maggioranza o di minoranza degli aggettivi tra parentesi.

Donningbury Park

Isle of Purbeck

Windygate Farm





Type of music

Heavy metal




2 days

3 days

5 days

Year it started




2 hours

5 hours

Travel time from London 3 hours

Windygate Farm is the most expensive festival. It costs £195 to get in. (expensive) Isle of Purbeck is _______________________. It only costs £80. (expensive) Windygate Farm is _______________________ festival. It goes on for 5 days. (long) Donningbury Park is _______________________. It goes on for 2 days. (short) The Festival at the Isle of Purbeck started in 2010. It is _______________________. (old) Donninbury Park has _______________________ choice of music. (wide) _______________________ journey from Central London is to The Isle of Purbeck. It only takes two hours to get there. (short) 8 _______________________ journey is to Windygate farm. It takes five hours. (long) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7





Abbina ogni aggettivo al suo contrario. Poi completa le frasi con il superlativo delle coppie di aggettivi. noisy • bright • spicy • light • complicated • less • big • wet simple • more • quiet • pale • dry • small • mild • heavy 1 Elaine lives in the noisiest part of town where the sound of traffic never stops, whereas Amy lives next to a peaceful park in the quietest part. 2 My suitcase is ________________ because I never pack too many clothes. Yours is full of shoes, so it’s definitely ________________! 3 Alana had to wear a raincoat every day on holiday because the weather was ________________ it had been for three years. It’s usually ________________ time of the year, so she’d only taken summer clothes. 4 A I’m making a curry for dinner. It isn’t ________________ I’ve cooked, so it isn’t very hot! B Thanks. My curries are usually ________________ on earth, so they don’t have as much flavour as yours! 5 ________________ animal in the world is the blue whale. It can measure up to 30.5 metres. The fairy fly is ________________ insect, it’s only 1∕5th of a millimetre long. 6 That fluorescent lime green T-shirt is ________________ colour I’ve seen you wear! You normally choose ________________ colours in the shop, like grey or cream. 7 Florence only started working here last month, so she has ________________ experience. Grace has ________________ as she’s been here for ten years. 8 The instructions for this TV are ________________ I’ve seen. My phone was much easier to set up. Those instructions were ________________.


Completa il dialogo con il superlativo di maggioranza o minoranza delle parole tra parentesi. Derek Anna, you know the film industry well and get invited to (1) the most exclusive (exclusive) parties and events. You are also one of (2) ___________________ (influential) film critics, so it would be wonderful to hear what you think about the films you have seen. Anna Thanks, Derek. It’s a pleasure to answer your questions. Derek OK. What’s (3) ___________________ (enjoyable) film you have seen? Anna It’s E.T. directed by Steven Spielberg. It had (4) ___________________ (wonderful) cast and at the time he made it the special effects were (5) ___________________ (incredible) I had ever seen. Derek What was (6) ___________________ (funny) film you have watched? Anna That is quite difficult. The film that has made me laugh out loud every time I see it is called Zootopia. It has (7) ___________________ (original) animation I know and creates a world where (8) ___________________ (hilarious) animals do all kinds of crazy things. Derek Last but not least and perhaps (9) ___________________ (difficult) question to answer, can you tell me what is (10) ___________________ (boring) film you have been to? Anna You have left (11) _______________ (tricky) question to last, Derek! The films I really like (12) _________________ (less) are usually the ones where the production company copies ideas from other films. The (13) _______________ (entertaining) film I've recently seen is The Darkest Minds which tried to be like Hunger Games but failed miserably. Derek Thank you very much for sharing your ideas with us.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

Quella è stata la barzelletta più divertente che ho sentito a questo festival comico. Ellie è la ragazza più benvoluta (popular) della nostra classe perché è così gentile e generosa. Questo sentiero su per le montagne è il più pericoloso che gli scalatori possano prendere. Quello fu lo scherzo (practical joke) meno divertente che abbia mai sentito. John ha impiegato meno tempo (di tutti) a ripassare ma ha ottenuto i migliori voti.


85 good well bad badly

Comparativi e superlativi irregolari better

migliore, meglio

the best

il migliore, il meglio


peggiore, peggio

the worst

il peggiore, il peggio

Belinda plays volleyball well, but Laura plays better.

Belinda gioca bene a pallavolo, ma Laura gioca meglio.

Your test was bad, worse than all your previous tests, but Tom’s was the worst.

Il tuo compito era fatto male, peggio di tutti i tuoi compiti precedenti, ma quello di Tom era il peggiore.

Altri aggettivi e avverbi con forme di comparativo e superlativo irregolari sono:

far late near old


più lontano

the farthest/the furthest

il più lontano (in distanze spaziali)


ulteriore, più avanzato

the furthest

l’ulteriore (in distanze spaziali e temporali)


più tardi

the latest

l’ultimo, il più recente

the latter

il secondo (fra due)

the last

l’ultimo (di una serie)


più vicino

the nearest

il più vicino (nello spazio)

the next

il prossimo (nel tempo e nello spazio)


più vecchio, più anziano

the oldest

il più vecchio



the eldest

il maggiore, il più anziano

• Latter si usa per riferirsi a qualcuno/qualcosa che è già stato nominato, spesso in contrapposizione a the former (“il primo”). John and James are British. The former comes from Edinburgh, the latter from Manchester.

John e James sono britannici. Il primo viene da Edimburgo, il secondo da Manchester.

• Elder si usa per indicare la differenza d’età fra due membri di una famiglia. Non è mai seguito da than. My elder sister lives in New York.

Mia sorella maggiore abita a New York.

• La forma eldest si usa per indicare la differenza d’età fra più di due membri di una famiglia. My eldest brother has bought a new boat.

Mio fratello maggiore ha comprato una barca nuova.

i fratelli sono almeno tre

ESPRESSIONI PARTICOLARI all the better all the worse better late than never better left unsaid better safe than sorry better than nothing fate worse than death for better or for worse


tanto meglio tanto peggio meglio tardi che mai meglio non dire la prudenza non è mai troppa meglio di niente destino peggiore della morte nel bene e nel male

go from bad to worse have seen better days have seen worse if worst comes to worst or, to put it better prevention is better than cure worse still

andare di male in peggio avere visto giorni migliori avere visto di peggio nel peggiore dei casi cioè prevenire è meglio che curare peggio ancora


Irregular comparatives and superlatives


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Where’s the nearest/next bus station? Chelsea have lost again. This is their worse/worst ever start in the Premier League. Go to our website to check out the latter/latest fashions in bags and watches. The Tower of London is one of the oldest/eldest buildings in the city. Please email us for farther/further information about the courses we offer in foreign languages. Their eldest/older son is travelling around the world and is now in Cambodia. Maria teaches Spanish in a further/furthest education college in the city centre. I love the latter/latest book by Elena Ferrante. It really brings Naples to life.

Leggi gli appunti di Laura sui due grandi poeti romantici inglesi e scegli l’opzione corretta.

Wordsworth and Keats are both excellent romantic poets but I prefer the work of the (1) latter . Wordsworth was born in Cumberland which is (2) ___________ north than Keats’ birthplace in Enfield. Wordsworth was born in 1770 and was much (3) ___________ than John Keats. In 1795, Wordsworth moved to Somerset to live (4) ___________ to the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Keats wrote Ode to Psyche and Ode on a Grecian Urn. The (5) ___________ is the best known. Joseph Severn painted the (6) ___________ portrait of John Keats before he died at Piazza di Spagna on 26th February 1821.


1 A nearer

B further

C latter

2 A further

B later

C nearer

3 A older

B latter

C elder

4 A nearest

B nearer

C latest

5 A further

B latter

C elder

6 A later

B next

C last

Completa i due testi con la forma corretta del comparativo e del superlativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi. A My cousins, Cara, Lara and Tara, went to a party on Saturday. My (1) eldest (old) cousin, Cara, went first. Tara, then Lara, followed an hour later. The (2) _____________ (late) is (3) _____________ (old) than Tara and she was the (4) _____________ (late) one to arrive at the party. B Mercury is (5) _____________ (near) planet to the Sun and Neptune is (6) _____________ (far). Jupiter is (7) _____________ (old) planet in our Solar System. It’s (8) _____________ (old) than Earth. Mars is (9) _____________ (near) to Earth than Saturn. Neptune is (10) _____________ (far) from Earth than Uranus.


Completa l’articolo con una parola in ogni spazio.

First editions of some books can sell for thousands of pounds and others cost almost nothing. One of the (1) best examples of how this happens is in works by JK Rowling. She is the author of the Harry Potter series but spent many years writing before a publisher recognised her talent. It was (2) _____________ late than never and her first book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone came out in 2007. As she was not well-known the publisher printed only 500 copies. There were (3) _____________ copies than her (4) _____________ books and as a result, first editions of this title are much more valuable. At the (5) _____________ auction of her books in London someone bought a copy for nearly £40,000! The (6) _____________ two books she wrote were Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Harry

Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Surprisingly, some copies of the (7) _____________ title can sell for more money because they contain a mistake. The printers put Joanne on the front cover and not JK. Copies of the (8) _____________ novel in the series Harry Potter and the Cursed Child are not usually as valuable as many more were printed. Her (9) _____________ book connected to Harry Potter is Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. As an investment, buying a first edition of this book is not as good as the earliest titles. For (10) _____________ information on how to invest in first editions look at the website:



Rafforzare i comparativi e i superlativi

Osserva come si possono rafforzare o attenuare i comparativi di maggioranza e minoranza.

a lot (+ aggettivi/ molto avverbi/sostantivi)

He drives a lot slower since he was fined. I made a lot fewer mistakes than you.

Guida molto più piano da quando ha preso la multa. Ho fatto molti meno errori di te.

far (+ aggettivi/ avverbi/sostantivi)

Elena is far taller than her sister. I’ve got far fewer computer games than my friends.

Elena è molto più alta di sua sorella. Ho molti meno videogiochi dei miei amici.

much (+ aggettivi/ avverbi/sostantivi non numerabili) many (+ sostantivi plurali) even (+ aggettivi/ avverbi/sostantivi)


He works much harder than in the past. Lavora molto di più che nel passato. They’ve made much more money than Hanno fatto molti più soldi di Bill Gates. Bill Gates.


Our children have many more possibilities than us.

I nostri figli hanno molte più possibilità di noi.

ancora, perfino

She is behaving even more responsibly than usual. He’s read even fewer books than his little brother.

Si comporta in modo perfino più responsabile del solito. Ha letto perfino meno libri del suo fratellino.

Train fares are rather more expensive piuttosto, rather than last year. alquanto, (+ aggettivi/ She has got rather fewer problems decisamente avverbi/sostantivi)

Le tariffe del treno sono alquanto più care dello scorso anno. Ha decisamente meno problemi di me.

than me.

a little, a bit (+ aggettivi/ avverbi/sostantivi non numerabili) a few (+ sostantivi plurali) slightly (+ aggettivi/ avverbi/sostantivi)

un po’

The show was a bit more boring than I expected. You should exert a little less pressure.

Lo spettacolo è stato un po’ più noioso di quanto mi aspettassi. Dovresti fare un po’ meno pressione.


I need a few more hours to complete the report.

Ho bisogno di qualche altra ora per completare il rapporto.

any, no (+ aggettivi/ avverbi)

non... affatto, She looks like a teenager, but she isn’t any younger than me! per niente

Potresti stare seduto in modo leggermente più composto? She eats slightly fewer chocolates than Mangia un po’ meno cioccolatini di she used to. prima.

leggermente, Could you please sit slightly more properly? un po’

We will get married no sooner than next year.

Sembra una ragazzina, ma non è affatto più giovane di me! Ci sposeremo non prima del prossimo anno.

• Per modificare il comparativo di uguaglianza si può usare l’avverbio nearly (“quasi”). My boyfriend is nearly as beautiful as Brad Pitt! Benicio Del Toro acted nearly as well as Johnny Depp. Flo has got nearly as many followers on Twitter as Neeva.

Il mio fidanzato è quasi tanto bello quanto Brad Pitt. Benicio Del Toro ha recitato quasi tanto bene quanto Johnny Depp. Flo ha quasi tanti follower su Twitter quanto Neeva.

• Per rafforzare i superlativi si possono usare by far e avverbi di grado come quite, almost, nearly. Her house is by far the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen. Pearl died quite the most tragically.

La sua casa è di gran lunga la più bella che abbia mai visto. Pearl è morta proprio nel modo più tragico.

• Per rafforzare un superlativo terminante in -st e i superlativi next e last si usa invece very con il significato di “in assoluto”. She’s the very best writer I’ve ever read.


È in assoluto la migliore scrittrice che abbia mai letto.

Intensifying and weakening comparisons



Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. by far • any • far • even • almost • slightly 1 2 3 4 5 6


Elimina l’opzione sbagliata. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


My sister’s thirteenth birthday is next week. She’s almost a teenager. The risotto I had at Aldo’s was __________ the most delicious I’ve eaten in a long time. It was absolutely superb! This watch is __________ more expensive but I think it’s worth paying a little bit more to get it. I have to catch my flight. I know you are doing your best but can you drive __________ faster? There are __________ more people on the seafront today than I expected. It’s incredibly crowded. I’m sorry but I haven’t got __________ more time to see you today. Can you come first thing tomorrow?

These shoes are quite expensive. Have you got any that are slightly/a bit/less cheaper? Raymond earns over £100,000 a year. His salary is far/more/much higher than mine. My cousin and I were born in the same year but she is a lot/a little/slightly older than me. I’m sorry but my English isn’t very good. Please, can you speak far/much/many more slowly? The temperatures were very high yesterday but it is more/even/a lot hotter today. There were far/many/any more opportunities to study abroad ten years ago than there are now. We need a little/a bit/a few more effort from you to complete this task on time.

Completa le frasi con i rafforzativi nel primo riquadro e il comparativo degli aggettivi nel secondo riquadro. a lot • a bit • no • much • much more • even • far cold • long • quiet • bad • near • expensive • tall It’s quite noisy in here. Can we find somewhere a bit quieter ? The temperature’s dropped by over 10 degrees to below freezing. It’s ________________ now. We’re going around in circles. We’re ________________ the town than when we set out! My niece has grown a lot. She’s now ________________ than her mother. The meal was delicious but it was ________________ than the last time we went. I wonder why the prices have gone up so much. 6 I’m sneezing all the time. I’m sure my hay fever is getting ________________. 7 The journey to Scotland was ________________ than usual because we decided not to go on the motorway. 1 2 3 4 5


Leggi il testo sulle città di Bainsford e Longhampton e rafforza i comparativi e i superlativi sottolineati. Prova a usare un rafforzativo diverso ogni volta.

The Towns of Bainsford and Longhampton

by far Bainsford is (1) the loveliest town in the area and it offers visitors (2) more attractions than Longhampton. It has a museum which has (3) the biggest collection of Anglo-Saxon artefacts in the area and, after the recent renovation, it is (4) better organised. The town hall, built in 1682, is (5) the oldest

building in town, as the church is from the early 17th century. The Golden Duck restaurant is wonderful, probably (6) the best restaurant in town and it isn’t (7) more expensive than the others. Hotels in Bainsford however are (8) more expensive than those in Longhampton.

For this reason, we recommend staying in Longhampton even if it is (9) further from the main tourist attractions. The town has been redeveloped recently so it now offers (10) more places to go in the evening.


81-86 Summative revision 1

Completa i mini-dialoghi con il comparativo degli aggettivi tra parentesi e le espressioni nel riquadro. exercise more than • exterior • him • his • interior • more windows than • prior 1 A You’re slimmer (slim) than you were (1) prior to going to the gym. B That’s because I (2) ______________ I did before. 2 A Be careful in the swimming pool. This end is ______________ (deep) than that one. B I know. It’s much ______________ (shallow) here, so I can touch the bottom of the pool. 3 A The (3) ______________ of the house looks ______________ (attractive) than our house when you look at it from the street. B I don’t like the rooms. We have (4) ______________ this so the (5) ______________ is much ______________ (dark) than our place. 4 A This cooking competition was ______________ (time-consuming) this year. There were too many judges. B I thought the final finished ______________ (early) than usual. It usually goes on most of the evening. A The winner was good, but a couple of the other cakes were better than (6) ______________. B The chocolate one that came second looked ______________ (creamy) than the winning cake. That chef was ______________ (skilled) than (7) ______________.


Completa l’email con le parole nel riquadro. less • fewer • as I had • as many as • as many people as • as much as I did less expensive • as much energy as • as efficient as • twice as much

Hi Lily, I hope everything’s OK. This is a quick catch-up while I’ve got a minute. It’s difficult to find any time because there’s (1) twice as much work at the moment. There are (2) ________________ in my last job and they’re all really helpful, but I don’t think I’m (3) ________________ I was before. I seem to run around (4) ________________ and I have the same tasks (5) ________________ in the other job, but it’s more full-on. I’m sure I have (6) ________________ I’ve always had and the same number of hours in the day, but I sometimes have (7) ________________ a thousand emails in my in-box in the morning! Never mind. I have a job closer to home and the travelling is (8) ________________ now. I certainly do (9) ________________ after work because I’m so tired so I’ve been to (10) ________________ parties lately! Let’s meet soon and go out! Polly


Leggi i mini-dialoghi e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Boy Girl

Can we change channels? This is the (1) least/most interesting programme ever! Well, there isn’t much on tonight. I think this is the (2) least/most boring thing.

2 Boy Sir, I haven’t got my homework because the (3) most fierce/fiercest dog you’ve ever seen chased me and I lost my book. Teacher That’s the (4) most silly/silliest excuse you’ve given me this week and the (5) least/fewest believable! 3 Girl Have you heard the (6) latest/later Coldplay CD? Chris Martin has got (7) the most/most amazing voice. Boy I can’t stand him. He’s one of the (8) most/least boring artists (9) of/in the world. 4 Sister Why has he got more roast potatoes than me? It’s not fair! I always get the (10) fewest/least potatoes on my plate. Brother Stop complaining! Look, you’ve got the (11) least/most broccoli!


Summative revision


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Sorrento is further/the furthest from Milan than Rome. 2 My cousin is two years older/elder than me. 3 What’s the latest/later news on the tennis championship?



4 This is the nearer/nearest shop which sells sports clothes. 5 This is the worse/worst weather we’ve had for ages. 6 This beach is better/the best for swimming than the other one.

Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. seen better days • better late than never • seen worse • all the better • the worst comes to the worst • better than nothing Jane Penny, I haven’t heard from you for ages! I’m (1) all the better for seeing you! Penny Sorry, Jane. I’ve been so busy with the new flat. Jane Don’t worry. (2) __________________! What’s the flat like? Penny Well, it’s (3) __________________. I need to decorate and replace the bathroom. Here are some photos. Jane Oh, it’s fine. I’ve certainly (4) __________________! Penny Thanks. I didn’t have my own flat before, so it’s (5) __________________! I know I’m very lucky to have it. A new bathroom is quite expensive but if (6) __________________, I can keep the old one for a while. Jane I can’t wait to see it.


Leggi il testo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. My school is (1) by far/a few better than any school I’ve previously been to. Our family travels (2) a lot/ a lot more than most people, so my sister and I change schools (3) quite/rather more often than other children. Our current school has (4) even/nearly more students than the last one because it’s an international school. There are (5) no fewer/rather than twelve nationalities – (6) slightly/quite more than at our last school – so we share lessons with people from (7) more/almost as many countries. It was (8) quite/as difficult to settle at first but everyone made us welcome. Fortunately, our family is staying in this city (9) a bit/bit longer than usual, so we plan to leave this school (10) no sooner/sooner than a couple of years. That’s definitely (11) the very best/very best news I’ve had for a long time!



ERROR CORRECTION Leggi il dialogo e identifica altri 10 errori. Correggi.

last A How was your trip to the beach latest weekend? to B It was fine except that the place we’d booked to stay in was definitely inferior the online description. The room was much smaller as the one in the picture and the beach was far from the hotel than it said on the website. A What about the town? I thought it was supposed to be best holiday destination in the south. There were far good reviews than bad ones. B Yes, that’s true. The city was not in least unpleasant but it had the fewer things to do that I’ve ever seen in a seaside town. The place we went to before wasn’t any biggest but it had widest choice of entertainment by more. A Sorry to hear that it wasn’t as well as the advert.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Il deserto del Sahara è il posto più caldo del mondo. Il deserto di Atacama in Sud America è il più secco con solo 1 mm di precipitazioni all’anno. 2 Con 8848 metri l’Everest è la montagna più alta del mondo. Il K2, 8611 metri, è più basso dell’Everest. 3 John ha letto persino più libri di Jane e lei hai letto molto più di me! 4 Questo è di gran lunga il film più piacevole che ho visto. 5 Mi sento leggermente più sicuro per i risultati dell’esame di quanto mi sentivo la scorsa settimana. 6 Harry ha reagito al suo regalo di compleanno in modo ancora più eccitato di sua sorella. Lei è stata un po’ meno chiassosa (noisy)!


Grammar for writing Writing a film review Per scrivere la recensione di un film: inizia con le informazioni principali (titolo, regista, genere, attori, ecc.) descrivi la trama esprimi la tua opinione, evidenziando pregi e/o difetti raccomanda o sconsiglia la visione del film in base alla tua opinione

• • • •


Leggi la recensione del film The Irishman e completa il fact file.

The Irishman is a political crime drama directed by Martin Scorsese and released on Netflix in 2019. It stars Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci, together in the present and in the past, thanks to digital de-ageing technology. The film is about a Philadelphia truck driver, Frank Sheeran, played by De Niro, who becomes involved in organised crime and union politics. When he meets the head of the Bufalino crime family, played by Joe Pesci, he takes up his role as a mob hitman as easily as he did his role as soldier during WWII. Now in his eighties, Frank looks back nostalgically and regretfully on his life. In particular, he considers

his role in the disappearance of his friend, Jimmy Hoffa, played by Al Pacino. The Irishman is as exciting and fast-moving as Scorsese’s other iconic gangster movies, Goodfellas and Gangs of New York, but more melancholic and contemplative. Apart from the clever use of digital technology, the film editing and the carefully-designed costumes help create a convincing sense of time and place as the film flashes back and forward. The soundtrack is also excellent throughout the film. Despite the frequent scenes of violence in this film, I would highly recommend it and expect everyone to enjoy it.


The Irishman

Genre Director Released Cast Plot summary Good points Bad points Recommended

LANGUAGE General info

It is a crime drama/romance/horror film. / It is directed by... / It was released on Netflix/by Warner Brothers in 2019. / It stars...


The film is about... / It tells the story of... / It is set in...


The film is as exciting and fast-moving as... / ... is more/less melancholic/contemplative... / It help(s) create a convincing sense of time and place. / The film/action flashes back and forward. / There are flashbacks and flash-forwards.

Pluses/ Minuses

The soundtrack/editing/special effects/costumes is/are excellent/carefully-designed/clever/ convincing/incredible/terrible/disappointing/predictable/unimaginative/badly-designed.

Conclusion Despite... I would highly recommend it. / Because of... I wouldn’t recommend it.


WRITING Scrivi la recensione di un film che hai visto di recente. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto.


WRITING TIPS • Dai le informazioni principali sul film. • Utilizza paragrafi e connettivi. • Utilizza aggettivi, comparativi, superlativi e avverbi di modo per rendere interessante la descrizione. • Esprimi la tua opinione in modo convincente. • Rileggi la tua recensione e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura.

Grammar for speaking Asking for and giving opinions 1

Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi rispondi alle domande.


Matt Amy Matt Amy Matt Amy Matt Amy Matt Amy Matt Amy Matt Amy Matt Amy

What are you listening to, Amy? Lewis Capaldi. Do you like his stuff? It’s a bit melodic for me. What kind of music are you into then? I prefer more energetic dance music like the Chemical Brothers. Mmm.... Their gigs are lively, but the lyrics are never as good as acoustic artists’. OK then, what about rock bands like Rival Sons or Bones UK? Not really my thing! The beat is too heavy and the music isn’t as relaxing as other genres. I know someone we both like... the grime artist, Stormzy! Now, you’re talking... I saw him at Glastonbury last year and he was the best performer by far! I’d love to see him live. What was he like? He spoke directly to the audience and made you feel like he was singing for you personally. The most original and innovative artist I ever saw live was Lady Gaga. Her gig was awesome! I loved the film she made with Bradley Cooper, but generally I find her a bit too eccentric. She dresses strangely and does controversial things on stage, but she’s a creative genius! Maybe... but I still prefer gentler and more easy-going music!

1 Who likes Lewis Capaldi’s music? 2 Why doesn’t Amy like rock music?

3 Who do they both agree about? 4 What does Matt think of Lady Gaga?

FUNCTIONS Asking for opinions

Do you like his/her stuff/music? / What kind of music are you into? / What about...? / What was he/ she/were they like?

Giving opinions

Their gigs are lively. / The beat is too heavy. / He was the best performer by far! / He made you feel... / ... is the most original and innovative artist. / Her/His gig was awesome! / I loved that song/film... but generally I find her/him... / She dresses strangely. / He/She’s a creative genius.

Disagreeing It’s a bit melodic for me. /... is a better musician. / I prefer... / The music isn’t as relaxing as other genres. / Maybe... but I still prefer gentler and more easy-going music! Agreeing


I know someone we both like... / Now you’re talking! / Yes, he/she is great! / I’d love to see him/her live!

ROLE PLAY Immagina di parlare di musica con un tuo amico/una tua amica. Ascolta, leggi e completa il dialogo seguendo la traccia. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. 111

Friend What bands are you into? You Rispondi. Friend I think the Kaiser Chiefs are better musicians. You Esprimi la tua opinione sul gruppo e

confrontalo con quello che hai nominato prima.

Friend What do you think of rap music? You Rispondi nominando un gruppo che

e di’ che suona molto bene dal vivo.

ti piace

Friend I think that Taylor Swift is the best live performer ever!



You Di’ che la trovi meno originale di altri. Friend Maybe, but she’s more melodic than most. You Chiedi se gli/le piace un determinato tipo di


Friend I know someone we both like – Ed Sheeran! You Rispondi che sei d’accordo e di’ che ti

piacerebbe vederlo dal vivo.

Friend I think he’s the greatest singer-song writer that ever lived! You Rispondi nominando la tua canzone

preferita e di’ perché ti piace tanto.

Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple matching

1 Read the text about the Cryptoqueen and match the first part of the sentences (1-6) to the second part (A-H). There is an extra option. The first one (0) has been done for you.

The Cryptoqueen The Cryptoqueen, also known as Ruja Ignatova, is a GermanBulgarian businesswoman, who founded an International cryptocurrency company called OneCoin. A cryptocurrency is digital money you can use to pay people online, without banks. Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency and it is still the biggest and best-known. People have made a lot of money buying and selling bitcoins. Ruja Ignatova convinced a lot of people to invest their savings in OneCoin and then she disappeared with all their money. Why were people willing to give her all their savings? They admired, trusted and wanted to be like her. Ruja Ignatova was one of the most charismatic and

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

glamorous businesswomen around, always appearing on stage wearing a ball gown, long diamond earrings and bright red lipstick. She seemed to be richer and more successful than everybody else. She owned a luxury yacht, rented a penthouse in London’s exclusive Kensington district and threw expensive parties. She is also extremely intelligent and well-educated. She got a doctorate from Konstanz University in Germany, a Master’s degree in Law from Oxford University in the UK, and worked at the established US management consultancy company McKinsey and Company. Can you be more respectable than that? But things began to change for the Cryptoqueen. Some people suspected that OneCoin was a dishonest scheme. Despite this,

The Cryptoqueen is A cryptocurrency enables People trusted Ruja Ignatova Ruja Ignatova’s Despite some problems Just as the FBI were looking for her Some people believe that she

A ■ B ■ C ■ D ■ E ■ 0 F ■ G ■ H ■

Dr Ruja continued travelling the world looking for new investors. Then in October 2017 she didn’t appear at a OneCoin promotion event in Lisbon. In fact she had disappeared and nobody knew where she was. Many journalists, investors and the American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) were looking for her. In March 2019 the FBI arrested her brother Konstantin and charged him with fraud. They then also charged Ruja Ignatova with fraud, although they didn’t know where she was. Some people think she has changed her identity and maybe even her face with expensive plastic surgery. It’s impossible to be sure. But what is certain is that the people who lost their money to OneCoin are no closer to getting it back.

because of her personality and lifestyle. Dr Ruja didn’t stop growing the OneCoin network. education made her seem respectable. has changed her appearance. the Cryptoqueen disappeared out of sight. the nickname of Ruja Ignatova. there is nothing they can do. you to pay people digitally.

B1 Listening – Short answer questions 2

113 Listen to someone talking about the best places for young people to live in the UK. Answer questions (1-7) with no more than four words or numbers. The first one (0) has been done for you. You will hear the recording twice.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


What age group does the report look at? Which technology factor does the report look at? How is the cost of living in London compared with other parts of the UK? What is so good about public transport in London? What does Bristol have that is the best in the UK? How does unemployment in Glasgow compare to the rest of the UK? What do young people in Cardiff want more of? Why doesn’t low rent in Melton make young people want to stay?

16 to 26 ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________



Il futuro (1) Obiettivi • Present simple • Present continuous

• be going to • will


Leggi la chat della famiglia di Joey e sottolinea gli esempi di forme verbali future.


Leggi le frasi e completa gli usi con i tempi verbali nel riquadro. Poi abbina le frasi agli usi corretti. 1 You’re in the morning traffic and you can see that you’re going to be late for school. 2 You consider what the world will be like in future. 3 You tell the server in a restaurant you’ll have the chicken. 4 You know that the film starts in 15 minutes. 5 You’re staying in a B&B in York for the weekend. 6 You’re going to travel the world on a gap year before university.

Usi: be going to (x 2) • present simple present continuous • will (x 2) a


c d

■ ■



____________ per intenzioni relative a progetti per il futuro ____________ per decisioni spontanee e immediate ____________ per orari e programmi prestabiliti ____________ per previsioni basate su circostanze presenti ____________ per previsioni basate su opinioni personali ____________ per programmi futuri definiti

The Fab Four


Joey! The bus leaves at 6.30 tomorrow – I know you’ll be late as usual! Dad

No worries Dad, I’ll be ready! You are giving me a lift, right? Joey



Grandma and Grandpa are coming to dinner at 7 on Friday. And they’re going to be on time as usual – and so are all of you! Mum xxx

Mum, are you going shopping after work tomorrow? Can I come? Pippa x




Il present simple e il present continuous con valore di futuro; be + infinito

In inglese si possono usare sia il present simple 26, 27 che il present continuous 32 per indicare un’azione futura. Entrambe queste forme verbali possono essere espresse in italiano con il futuro o con il presente.

87.1 Present simple con valore di futuro Si usa il present simple: • per indicare orari e programmi prestabiliti (mezzi di trasporto, spettacoli, eventi, ecc.) What time does the ferry to Croatia leave on Friday? Hurry up! The film starts at 8.20.

A che ora partirà il traghetto per la Croazia venerdì? Sbrigati! Il film comincia alle 8.20.

• nelle frasi subordinate temporali introdotte da when (“quando”), after (“dopo”), before (“prima”), while (“mentre”), as soon as (“non appena”) e until (“fino a”) Non appena finirai i compiti, puoi andare al parco giochi.

As soon as you finish your homework, you can go to the playground.

87.2 Present continuous con valore di futuro Si usa il present continuous per parlare di programmi futuri definiti e stabiliti. In questo caso il present continuous è spesso accompagnato da espressioni di tempo futuro come tomorrow, next Saturday/summer, in March, in one week, ecc. They’re going to the theatre next Saturday. I’m taking Sara and Maria to the cinema tomorrow.

Andranno a teatro il prossimo sabato. Hanno già comprato i biglietti. Porto Sara e Maria al cinema domani. Ho già preso accordi per domani.

Quando il present continuous non è accompagnato da un’espressione di tempo futuro, si riferisce al presente.

She is playing tennis. presente She is playing tennis tomorrow.


Gioca/Sta giocando a tennis. Gioca/Giocherà a tennis domani.

• Il futuro espresso con il present simple indica che l’azione non dipende dalla volontà di chi parla; il futuro con il present continuous evidenzia che l’azione dipende dalla volontà di chi la compie.

87.3 be + infinito Si può usare la costruzione be + infinito per parlare di programmi e comunicazioni ufficiali. The EU ministers of Foreign Affairs are to meet in Paris next Monday.


I ministri degli affari esteri della UE si incontreranno a Parigi il prossimo lunedì. Mappa p. 438

La prof.ssa Mitchell sta illustrando ai suoi studenti il programma della visita che faranno al Natural History Museum di Londra. Completa il testo con il present simple dei verbi nel riquadro. last • arrive • be • get • have • leave • buy • open • return • start • take place Good morning, everyone. Please listen carefully. This term, our school visit (1) takes place in the Natural History Museum. The coach (2) ____________ from the front of the school at nine o’clock. The school canteen (3) ____________ closed that morning. We (4) ____________ in London at ten-thirty and (5) ____________ our travel tickets from the nearest underground station. The museum (6) ____________ early, so our guided tour (7) ____________ at eleven-fifteen. The tour (8) ____________ an hour and then we (9) ____________ lunch. After lunch, we (10) ____________ to the coach and (11) ____________ to school at five o’clock.


Present simple and present continuous for the future; be + infinitive


Osserva le immagini e completa le domande e le risposte. Usa il present simple.

obin didnY R ub Ro in dY nB d i Bu


1 A What time does the Buddy Rubin film start ? B It starts at 19.30 .

National trains


London to Brighton Monday, 1 July

09.50 - 1 0.55

2 A _____________ the train _____________ London on Monday, 1st July? B It _____________ 09.50 and it _____________ in Brighton at 10.55.

2 1

Sta at 1919.30 Starts Buy ti rtsat .30 c kets o

Meeting for all staff

nline Buy tickets online

Mel’s Music 4

3 A __________ Mel’s Music shop ___________ 09.30? B No, it _____________ 09.00. 4 A Where _____________ the meeting tomorrow? B It _____________ Room 10.

Room 10 10.30 tomorrow

Opening hours 09.00 to 18.00 3 Flight 0123 VALENCIA Thursday, 4th July Dep: 11.30 Arrival: 14.30




Last day on Friday!



5 A What _____________ your flight leave for Valencia _____________ Thursday? B It _____________ 11.30. A _____________ it arrive? B It _____________ 14.30. 6 A When ___________ the clothes sale ___________? B It _____________ on Friday.

Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta del present continuous con valore di futuro dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 A Where are you going on holiday this year? (go) B I ________________ anywhere. I ________________ at home. (go, stay) 2 A We ________________ Gemma at that new Italian restaurant later. Do you want to join us? (meet) B Thanks for asking but we ________________ dinner with Penny and Bruno. (have) 3 A ________ Amy ________________ her dog to the beach on Saturday? (bring) B No, it’s too hot for him. She ________________ him at home. (leave) 4 A What time ________ your friends ________________ this evening? (arrive) B I think they ________________ here at about seven. (get) 5 A What ________ you ________________ at the meeting tomorrow? (discuss) B We _____________ about new products and I _____________ a new design I’ve been working on. (talk, present)


Completa il testo con il present simple o il present continuous dei verbi tra parentesi. I (1) ’m working (work) in a restaurant in the city centre next month and (2) ______________ (start) work at 08.00 every day. I (3) ______________ (leave) the house at 07.00 tomorrow. The bus (4) ______________ (go) from the stop near my house every twenty minutes. I (5) ______________ (arrive) a bit earlier on my first day because there’s a staff meeting at 07.45. I (6) ______________ (stay) in the kitchen during the first two weeks and (7) ______________ (learn) about food preparation, then I (8) ______________ (wait) at tables for the next month. The job (9) ______________ (finish) a week before we (10) ______________ (go) back to school.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4

A che ora vai alla festa stasera? Domani il film inizia alle nove e finisce alle undici. Lunedì prendo un treno presto. Harry e Lily trascorreranno l’estate con i nonni.

5 6 7 8

Chi farà le foto al matrimonio di tua cugina? Il loro volo non arriva fino a domani sera tardi. Non appena finisce questo programma, è ora di cena. Il presidente visiterà la Francia il prossimo mese.


be going to; eventi futuri imminenti



88.1 be going to FORMA Il futuro con be going to si costruisce con il presente di be + going to + la forma base del verbo che esprime l’azione.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativanegativa

I am/’m going to buy a new car.

I am not/’m not going to buy a new car.

Am I going to buy a new car?

Aren’t I going to buy Yes, I am. a new car? No, I am not/’m not.

He/She/It is/’s going to buy a new car.

He/She/It is not/isn’t going to buy a new car.

Is he/she/it going to buy a new car?

Isn’t he/she/it going to buy a new car?

You/We/They are/’re going to buy a new car.

Aren’t you/we/they You/We/They are not/ Are you/we/they aren’t going to buy a going to buy a new going to buy a new car? car? new car.


Risposte brevi

Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it is not/ isn’t. Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/they are not/aren’t.

Osserva e ascolta.

Nella lingua parlata going to è spesso pronunciato /ˈɡənə/. Nella lingua scritta, specialmente in inglese americano, going to si può scrivere gonna. Fonetica – VII Are you going to hang out with us at the weekend? I’m going to miss you, baby.

I’m never gonna give you up. You’re gonna get in trouble.

USO Si usa be going to per: • parlare di intenzioni e decisioni relative a progetti per il futuro non ancora pianificate in modo definitivo; in italiano questa forma si rende con il futuro del verbo che indica l’azione oppure con il presente di espressioni come “avere intenzione/deciso di” Giulia is going to work in the summer. I’m going to move to the countryside.

Giulia lavorerà in estate. Ho deciso di trasferirmi in campagna.

• indicare previsioni basate su informazioni disponibili nel momento in cui si parla; in italiano si rende con il futuro del verbo che indica l’azione Sara has twisted her ankle. She’s not going to play tennis for a while. Sara si è slogata la caviglia. Non giocherà a tennis per un po’.

Quando si parla di previsioni riferite a un futuro imminente, l’uso di be going to esprime un avvertimento; in questo caso si traduce in italiano con il presente dell’espressione “stare per”. You’re going to burn the steak. Turn down the flame! Stai per bruciare la bistecca. Abbassa la fiamma!


‘The kids are in college... what are we going to do with ourselves?’ Mappa p. 438

be going to; close future events


88.2 be going to o present continuous? Spesso è possibile usare sia il present continuous che be going to per parlare di programmi e progetti futuri. We are staying/going to stay for another week.

Ci tratterremo per un’altra settimana.

Solitamente si usa be going to per sottolineare l’intenzione o la decisione di fare qualcosa in un futuro, e il present continuous per parlare di un’azione futura programmata. Hurray! My parents are going to increase decisione my weekly pocket money. We are moving into our new house next Monday.


Evviva! I miei genitori mi aumenteranno la paghetta settimanale. Ci trasferiremo nella nostra nuova casa il prossimo lunedì.

• Solitamente non si usa be going to con i verbi go, come e leave, con i quali si preferisce usare il present continuous. Giada is going to a summer camp next August.

Giada andrà a un campo estivo il prossimo agosto.

• Si preferisce usare be going to quando la frase o il contesto non chiariscono se il present continuous ha valore di presente o di futuro. I’m studying for the English test. ➝ I’m going to study for the English test.

ENGLISH USAGE Si possono usare sia il present continuous che be going to per esprimere ordini e rifiuti in modo enfatico. Stop making a fuss! You are going to come on holiday with us. You haven’t even passed one exam! I’m not paying your tuition fees next year.

Smettila di protestare. Verrai in vacanza con noi. Non hai superato neanche un esame! Mi rifiuto di pagarti/Non ti pagherò le tasse universitarie il prossimo anno.

88.3 Eventi futuri imminenti Per indicare che un’azione sta per avvenire in un futuro imminente si possono usare anche le seguenti costruzioni: • be about + infinito The water is about to boil. ‘Did you call Lisa?’ ‘No. I’m just about to.’

L’acqua sta per bollire. “Hai telefonato a Lisa?” “No. Sto proprio per farlo.”

ENGLISH USAGE La forma negativa di be about + infinito esprime l’idea di “non essere disposto a fare qualcosa”. She isn’t about to let him go.

Non è disposta a lasciarlo andar via./Non lo lascerà andare via.

• be on the point of/on the verge of + sostantivo/verbo alla forma in -ing They are on the point of breaking up. The world is on the verge of a major economic crisis.

Sono sul punto di/Stanno per lasciarsi. Il mondo è sull’orlo di una grave crisi economica.


88 1

be going to; close future events

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con la forma corretta di be going to. cook • play • eat • read • sing • swim • put on • watch

1 Mrs Sweet is going to put on her necklace in front of the mirror.

2 Betty ___________________ _________________ in the pool.

3 Buddy __________________ __________ a song in the ballroom.

4 Bruno __________________ ____________ spaghetti in the kitchen.

5 Penny __________________ _________________ a film in the cinema.

6 Jane ____________________ _________________ a book in the café.

7 Captain Fleet __________ _________________________ his dinner in his cabin.

8 Harry and Lily _________ ___________________ a ball game on the top deck.


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di be going to e i verbi nel riquadro. pass • have • prepare • wash • watch • play • swim • stay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


are going to play Judy and Andy tennis on the grass courts. (✓) My sister _______________________________ twins next month. She can’t wait for them to arrive! (✓) My grandad _______________________________ his car. It’s covered in mud. (✓) Susan _______________________________ her driving test! She drove down a one-way street the wrong way! (✗) Lucy and Henry _______________________________ in a beautiful hotel in the south of France. (✓) We _______________________________ in the sea today. The waves are very high. (✗) Delia _______________________________ a delicious salad with organic vegetables. (✓) Jack and Vera _______________________________ a sci-fi film at the cinema. (✓)

Completa le frasi con be going to e il present continuous dei verbi dati. 1 cook 2 wear 3 watch 4 have 5 stay


a ‘What are you cooking for your guests this evening?’ ‘A vegetable casserole.’ b ‘What are you going to cook for your guests this evening?’ ‘I haven’t decided yet.’ a ‘What _______________________ to the party tomorrow night?’ ‘That red dress I bought in Oxford Street.’ b ‘What _______________________ to the party tonight?’ ‘Can you help me to make up my mind?’ a ‘What _______________________ on TV this evening?’ ‘Let’s have a look at the TV Times.’ b ‘What _______________________ on TV this evening?’ ‘A new documentary about cultured meat.’ a ‘What are your plans for Sunday?’ ‘We _______________________ lunch with Stella and Vicky.’ b ‘What are your plans for Sunday?’ ‘I think we _______________________ a barbecue in the garden.’ a ‘_______________________ at home for Christmas?’ ‘We never make plans until the last minute!’ b ‘_______________________ at home for Christmas?’ ‘We never go anywhere over the holiday period!’

be going to; close future events



Riscrivi le frasi in modo che la seconda abbia lo stesso significato della prima usando le parole tra parentesi. 1 The referee is going to blow the whistle for the end of the match. (about) The referee is about to blow the whistle for the end of the match. 2 The restaurant is going to close. I’m sorry but we can’t give you a table. (about) 3 Members of Parliament are going to vote on measures to cut the use of plastic. (point) 4 Can you call back later? My favourite programme is going to start. (about) 5 Jackie is going to resign because she isn’t getting any job satisfaction. (point) 6 The plane is going to take off. Please sit down now! (about)


Che cosa sta per accadere? Descrivi le immagini usando i verbi nel riquadro e i suggerimenti tra parentesi. take off • brush • start • dive • see • rain • walk • run out

1 John is going to dive into the sea. (going to)

2 The Formula 1 race _____ _______________. (about to)

3 It _______________________ _____________. (going to)

4 They ____________________ ___ of petrol. (going to)

5 The helicopter _________ _________________________. (about to)

6 Emily ___________________ ______________ her teeth. (going to)

7 The astronaut __________ _________ on the surface of the moon. (point of)

8 We _____________________ ______________ an eclipse of the sun. (about to)


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Non preoccuparti, mamma. Sto proprio per iniziare a fare i compiti. I miei nonni non hanno intenzione di comprare mobili nuovi quest’anno. Fai attenzione. Stai per bruciare il toast! La squadra di salvataggio (rescuers) sta per rinunciare alla speranza di trovare persone vive nelle grotte. Stiamo per raggiungere la nostra destinazione. Per favore controllate di avere tutti i vostri bagagli con voi. Ci vedremo con Kathy e Dave al parco e poi andremo a mangiare una pizza nel bar vicino al lago. Molti commercianti al dettaglio (retail businesses) nei centri delle città sono sull’orlo del collasso a causa della concorrenza degli outlet online. 8 Sono sicura che mia sorella si divertirà molto a Londra questa estate. 9 Hai intenzione di vedere il nuovo film di James Bond quando uscirà? 10 Non sono sicuro che il cambiamento climatico avrà un notevole impatto sulle vite delle persone.





FORMA Il futuro con will si costruisce con will + forma base del verbo che esprime l’azione. In italiano corrisponde al presente o al futuro.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma Risposte brevi interrogativa-negativa

I/You/He/She/It/We/ They will/’ll buy a new computer.

I/You/He/She/It/ We/They will not/ won’t buy a new computer.

Will I/you/he/she/ Won’t I/you/he/she/ it/we/they buy a new it/we/they buy a computer? new computer?

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/ they will. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/ they won’t.

Alla prima persona singolare e plurale si può usare shall, ma nell’inglese corrente è più comune la forma con will. La forma affermativa contratta di shall è ’ll, quella negativa contratta è shan’t. We shall never surrender.

Non ci arrenderemo mai.

USO Il futuro con will indica azioni o avvenimenti non premeditati. Si usa infatti per: • indicare eventi futuri certi perché avverranno indipendentemente dalla nostra volontà The sun will rise soon. Samuele will be sixteen next month.

Il sole sorgerà presto. Samuele avrà sedici anni il prossimo mese.

• esprimere decisioni prese nel momento in cui si parla It’s sunny. I’ll open the windows. Paola has just had a baby girl. I’ll send her some flowers.

C’è il sole. Apro le finestre. Paola ha appena avuto una bambina. Le manderò dei fiori.

• esprimere previsioni frutto di conoscenze o basate su opinioni personali The development of new vaccines will help save human lives.

Lo sviluppo di nuovi vaccini contribuirà a salvare vite umane.

Si usa will dopo i verbi di opinione come be sure, believe, expect, hope, think, doubt, suppose, ecc.

Mia has got another bad mark in maths. I doubt her mum will let her go to the party.

Mia ha preso un altro brutto voto in matematica. Dubito che sua madre la lascerà andare alla festa.

• Con i verbi di opinione la forma negativa si rende mettendo alla forma negativa il verbo nella principale e non will. I don’t think his parents will buy him a new Non penso che i suoi genitori gli compreranno un mobile phone. cellulare nuovo. NON I think his parents won’t buy him a new mobile phone.

• Per attenuare o rafforzare una previsione si possono usare avverbi come definitely, certainly, perhaps, probably, ecc. Temperatures will definitely rise in the next twenty years.

Le temperature aumenteranno sicuramente nei prossimi venti anni.

REMEMBER Nelle frasi subordinate temporali introdotte da when, after, before, while, as soon as e until, non si usa will ma il present simple 87 , mentre nella frase principale è possibile usare will, be going to 88 , un verbo modale 91 o un imperativo 14 . futuro in italiano As soon as I pass my driving test, daddy will buy me a car. presente in inglese


Non appena passerò l’esame di guida, papà mi comprerà la macchina.



ALTRI USI DI WILL Oltre che per parlare del futuro, si usa will per: • offrirsi o rifiutarsi di fare qualcosa, con la forma contratta ’ll/won’t o con shall alla forma interrogativa 95 ‘I’m exhausted.’ ‘Don’t worry. I’ll do the washing-up.’ Stop asking! I won’t tell you anything. Shall I close the window?

“Sono stanchissima.” “Non preoccuparti. Lavo io i piatti.” Smettila di chiedere! Non ti dirò niente. Chiudo/Devo chiudere la finestra?

• per formulare ordini di tipo impersonale in frasi affermative All athletes will have an anti-doping test.

Tutti gli atleti si sottoporranno al test anti-doping.

• promettere di fare qualcosa I know it’s a secret. I’ll keep it to myself.

• fare richieste 93 Will you turn the light off, please?

So che è un segreto. Lo terrò per me. Puoi spegnere la luce, per favore?

• fissare appuntamenti in contesti formali I’ll meet you in the conference room tomorrow morning.

Ci vediamo nella sala conferenze domani mattina.

89.1 will o be going to? Quando si parla di previsioni spesso sia la forma con will che quella con be going to sono possibili. You won’t/are not going to believe me!

Non mi crederai!

Solitamente si usa be going to per parlare di previsioni basate su circostanze presenti e will per previsioni frutto di conoscenze o ipotesi personali. Osserva la differenza. previsione basata

su circostanze presenti

Slow down! We’re going to bump into that SUV!

Rallenta! Stiamo per tamponare quel SUV!

Camilla bumped into a SUV while she was talking on her mobile. Her father won’t be very happy.

Camilla ha tamponato un SUV mentre parlava al cellulare. Suo padre non sarà affatto contento.

previsione basata su opinioni o ipotesi

Per esprimere decisioni si possono usare sia be going to che will. I won’t/’m not going to tell him.

Non glielo dirò.

Si usa be going to per decisioni premeditate prese prima del momento in cui si parla, mentre si usa will per decisione decisioni spontanee prese nel momento in cui si parla. Osserva la differenza. già presa I’m going to pick up Lisa at school because there’s a bus strike.

Andrò a prendere Lisa a scuola perché c’è lo sciopero degli autobus.

‘Mum, there’s a bus strike tomorrow!’ ‘Don’t worry. I’ll pick you up.’

“Mamma, c’è lo sciopero degli autobus domani!” “Non preoccuparti. Verrò a prenderti.”

decisione spontanea

Non si usa will dopo i verbi di memoria come remember, recall, forget, ecc. In questo caso si usa la forma passata di be going to. 136 I recall that his teacher was going to call his parents. Mi ricordo che la sua insegnante avrebbe chiamato i suoi genitori. NON I recall that his teacher will call his parents. I remember that they were going to arrive today. NON I remember that that they will arrive today. Mappa p. 439

Mi ricordo che sarebbero arrivati oggi.


89 1

will Completa i mini-dialoghi con will/won’t e i verbi nel riquadro. send • eat • check • open • fix • phone • come • speak • be • see

1 ‘It’s quite warm in here now.’ ‘You’re right. I will open the windows.’ 2 ‘Have you heard that Russ and Renata have just had a baby boy?’ ‘Really? We _______________ them some flowers.’ 3 ‘I’ve got a problem with the rear wheel on my bike.’ ‘Don’t worry. I _______________ it later.’ 4 ‘Mr Smith is on the line. Do you want to take the call?’ ‘I _______________ to him now as I’m already late. Tell him that I _______________ in the morning.’ 5 ‘I haven’t got an appointment but I need someone to look at my arm.’ ‘Wait here. The nurse _______________ you as soon as she is available.’


6 ‘Hi Dad. I’ve just missed the last bus.’ ‘I _______________ and pick you up.’ 7 ‘I’m really sorry, but I’ve just hit the garden wall when I was parking the car.’ ‘Oh no. Your father _______________ happy. He’s only just built it.’ 8 ‘I’ve just prepared some ham and cheese sandwiches for your friends.’ ‘I’m afraid they _______________ them. They are all vegans!’ 9 ‘I’ve got to leave the office a bit early today. Can you lock up?’ ‘Of course. I _______________ I’ve shut all the doors before I go.’

Come sarà la vita fra vent’anni? Usa le parole date per formulare domande, poi dai risposte personali. 1 climate / hotter? ‘Will the climate be hotter?’ ‘Yes, it will.’ 2 people / live / on moon 3 most people / work / from home


4 more / vegans / meat eaters 5 shoppers / only buy / goods online 6 more female politicians / male / in Italian parliament?

Completa le frasi con shall o will e i verbi nel riquadro. come • look • leave • stop • close • have • be • watch • pay • arrive 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


‘It’s very cold in here.’ ‘ Shall I close the window?’ Please ______ you ______ talking? There is an important announcement on TV now and I want to hear it. ______ we ______ to your house at about 7.30 this evening? I hope that’s convenient for you. ‘I can’t find my credit card anywhere.’ ‘______ I ______ for it? A fresh pair of eyes can help to find it!’ ______ all passengers ______ the train at this station, please? It’s our final destination. ‘What ______ you ______ to drink with your meal?’ ‘Sparkling water please.’ ‘What film ______ we ______ this evening?’ ‘I want to see The Secret Life of Pets again!’ ‘What ______ the weather ______ like in New York in December?’ ‘Very cold with the chance of snow.’ ‘When ______ the parcel ______?’ ‘Tomorrow. We guarantee next-day delivery.’ ‘Where ______ I ______ for these?’ ‘At the cash desk over there.’

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle coppie di verbi nel riquadro. wait / arrive • text / land • brush / go • finish / watch • discuss / have • meet / finish 1 2 3 4 5 6


I ’ll text you as soon as the plane lands in San Francisco. We ____________ the terms of the contract while we ____________ lunch. I ____________ my teeth before I ____________ to bed. He ____________ at the bus station until you ____________. I ____________ my homework after I ____________ the end of this programme. She ____________ you in the café on the corner as soon as she ____________ work.




Completa le frasi con will o be going to e i verbi tra parentesi. 1 ‘What are you going to do (do) when you leave school?’ ‘I’m planning to spend a year travelling before I decide.’ 2 Tom says he ___________________ (be) here in ten minutes but I doubt it. He’s always late! 3 ‘Who do you think __________________ (win) the Champions League next year?’ ‘I believe Barcelona can do it.’ 4 The sun ____________________ (rise) at 6.05 a.m. tomorrow at the start of a glorious day. 5 A ‘What are your plans for this evening?’ B ‘We ____________________ (have) a delicious dinner at our favourite restaurant.’ A‘What about you?’ B ‘I don’t know. I think I ____________________ (go) home, watch TV and have an early night!’ 6 When you go to Andalucia in August, it ____________________ (be) very hot. Make sure you take plenty of sun cream! 7 We haven’t seen Uncle Bob for nearly ten years. Do you think we ____________________ (recognise) him?


Completa il dialogo con will o be going to e i verbi nel riquadro. find • ask • do • talk • invite • refuse • fall • meet • try George Who (1) are we going to ask to look after our cat when we are on holiday? Rosie I don’t know at the moment but I’m sure we (2) ___________________ someone to come in and feed her. George Hang on. What about our new neighbour, Gemma? Rosie I don’t know but I (3) ___________________ to find out. Umm, I have a plan!! George What (4) ___________________? Rosie I (5) ___________________ her a box of chocolates and a large bunch of flowers to welcome her to the neighbourhood. George And then? Rosie And then, I (6) ___________________ her to come to our flat where she (7) ___________________ the cat! George OK, so far so good. What next? Rosie She (8) ___________________ madly in love with Geraldine and as soon as she finds out we are going on holiday she’ll offer to look after it. George It sounds good but she might not like cats and say no. Rosie I don’t think she (9) ___________________. Geraldine is so adorable.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Non parlerà con la polizia finché non arriverà il suo avvocato. Sono sicura che terrà il segreto per sé. Non appena arriverò a Londra cercherò un lavoro. Andrai a trovare i tuoi nonni il prossimo fine settimana? Ricordo che avrebbero preso il treno questo pomeriggio. Gli insegnanti incontreranno i nuovi studenti nella sala questo pomeriggio e li informeranno (tell) sulle loro classi. L’azienda ti manderà un messaggio non appena avranno spedito il tuo pacchetto. Penso che le temperature saliranno sicuramente nei prossimi vent’anni. Sono sicuro che Nadal non perderà con Kyrgios sul campo centrale questo pomeriggio. Andremo a visitare la National Gallery per vedere la mostra su Van Gogh.



I futuri a confronto

Osserva le diverse forme per esprimere il futuro.

present simple orari e programmi prestabiliti

present continuous The train arrives at 11.25.

Il treno arriverà alle 11.25.

We’re spending a week in Paris at Easter.

be going to Trascorreremo intenzioni relative una settimana a a progetti per il Parigi per Pasqua. futuro


Where are you going to spend your holiday?

Dove trascorrerete le vacanze?

will I’m going to tell him what I think of his behaviour.

Gli dirò quello che penso del suo comportamento.

be going to previsioni basate su dati presenti

Arrivo con il treno delle cinque.

indica la volontà di chi parla

be going to decisioni premeditate

I’m arriving with the 5 o’clock train.

non dipende dalla volontà di chi parla

present continuous programmi futuri definiti

azioni programmate

decisioni spontanee You’ve ruined my new T-shirt. I’ll tell e immediate Mum.

Hai rovinato la mia maglietta nuova. Lo dirò alla mamma.

will He’s running the fastest. He’s going to win the race.

Corre più forte di previsioni basate su I don’t think they’ll tutti. Vincerà la opinioni personali win the match. gara.

Non penso che vinceranno la partita.

Abbina le frasi agli usi corrispondenti. 1 The exhibition doesn’t open until Thursday. 2 I’m going to buy a new phone because I’ve seen some special offers. 3 ‘It’s very warm in here.’ ‘Don’t worry, I’ll open the window.’ 4 We’re having a party at our flat on Saturday. 5 It’s the start of the school holidays next week, so cafés will be busy. 6 Look at that cloud! It’s going to rain. 7 I'm so excited. I'm interviewing Leonardo DiCaprio tomorrow morning. 8 What is he going to do with the money he's won at the lottery?


1 orari e programmi prestabiliti a ■ b

programmi futuri definiti


previsioni personali


decisioni premeditate


previsioni basate su circostanze presenti


decisioni spontanee




azioni programmate

Comparison of future forms




Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Look at the score! They’re going to win the match! A They will win B They win C They’re going to win 2 ‘What are you doing this evening?’ ‘________________________ dinner with some friends.’ A We will have B We have C We’re having 3 ‘Have you decided what to get Jane for her birthday?’ ‘Yes, ________________________ her some earrings.’ A I get B I’m going to get C I’ll get 4 ‘Are you ready to order your lunch?’ ‘I don’t know what to choose. OK, ________________________ the fish.’ A I have B I’ll have C I’m having 5 The shop has had a lot of customers this year, so I think ________________________ more branches soon. A it’ll open B it’s opening C it opens 6 What time ________________________ this evening? A is the Paris flight going to arrive B will the Paris flight arrive C does the Paris flight arrive

I signori Norman stanno parlando delle vacanze estive. Completa il dialogo con la forma futura corretta (will, be going to, present simple o present continuous) dei verbi tra parentesi. Mr Norman I love planning our family holiday! Have you got any ideas for this year? Mrs Norman What about going to... no, it’s too cold there. Or... no, it’s too hot. I know! (1) We’ll go (we / go) on a cruise! Mr Norman Good idea! (2) ______________ (it / be) our first cruise. I think (3) ______________ (I / look) online now. What about this cruise? Mrs Norman Yes, it looks perfect! Harry! Lily! We’ve decided on our summer holiday this year. (4) ______________ (we / book) a Mediterranean cruise! Harry (5) ______________ (we / really / go) on a cruise? Mrs Norman Yes! (6) ______________ (we / spend) two weeks on the Mediterranean. Harry (7) ______________ (it / be) sunny every day! Lily When (8) ______________ (our cruise / leave)? Mr Norman On 1st August, but I’m not sure when (9) ______________ (we / get back). Lily (10) ____________ (I / definitely / take) lots of photos! (11) ____________ (I / probably / get) a new camera before we go. Harry (12) ______________ (we / all / have) a wonderful time!


Completa il post con la forma futura corretta (will, be going to, present simple o present continuous) dei verbi tra parentesi.


It’s almost time for this year’s Summer Moon Festival! The festival (1) is (be) on from mid-morning to late evening: doors (2) ___________ (open) at 10.30 and (3) ___________ (close) at midnight. We (4) ___________ (have) a bigger event this year because we’ve organised a lot more entertainment and activities. We hope that this year there (5) ___________ (be) more local people selling hand-made produce, such as jewellery and clothes. Students (6) ___________ (get) a 10% discount (but only with a valid ID card). We’ve booked some local musicians who (7) ___________ (entertain) everyone with a variety of music from eight till late. We (8) ___________ (set up) a stage for them in the main area. We (9) ___________ (serve) tea, coffee and cold drinks in the refreshment area and some very kind people (10) ___________ (bring) home-made cakes. There (11) ___________ (not be) any parking near the festival this year, so it (12) ___________ (be) easier to leave your car at home or catch a number 12 bus.


87-90 Summative revision 1

Completa il dialogo con le parole tra parentesi. Usa il present simple o il present continuous. A Good morning. Where (1) _____________________ to today? (you / travel) B (2) _____________________ to Portugal. (I / go) A Your flight (3) _____________________ at twelve thirty. (leave) (4) _____________________ your family or friends? (you / visit) B (5) _____________________ with my cousin in Lisbon. (I / stay) A (6) _____________________ alone? (you / travel) B Yes, I am. A (7) _____________________ you at the airport? (your cousin / meet) B Yes, he and my aunty (8) _____________________ there after school. His school (9) _____________________ earlier today for the holidays. (pick / me / up) (finish) A (10) _____________________ in your suitcase? (you / check in) B No, (11) _____________________ it onto the plane. (I / take) A (12) _____________________ money in the UK? (you / change) B Yes. Is there a money exchange before or after security? A Both. There’s one next to the Duty Free shop, but it (13) _____________________ until ten this morning because of staff training. (not / open) B Good. My cousin’s given me his “shopping list”, so (14) _____________________ presents for my family there before the flight! (I / get)


Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. A What (1) are you doing/will you do on Saturday? B I’m not sure. I think (2) I stay/I’ll stay at home and watch telly. A You can’t do that! The weather forecast says (3) it’ll be/it’s being sunny all day. (4) I’m going to spend/I will spend the whole day on the beach! B OK, I’ve changed my mind about the telly. (5) I’m going to join/I join you! (6) Are Lucy and Laurie coming?/ Do Lucy and Laurie come? A I’m not sure. I don’t think (7) they’ll have time/they have time then because (8) they’re moving/they’ll move to their new house at the weekend. B Oh yes, (9) it’s/it will be this weekend. (10) I’ll phone/I’m phoning them later to wish them luck with the move. A (11) I’m taking/I’ll take a picnic to the beach. (12) I’m going to get/I get some water and fruit. What about you? B Let me think... OK, (13) I’ll make/I’m making some Spanish tapas for us. (14) I’m going/I go shopping tomorrow so (15) I’m buying/I’ll buy the ingredients then. A Lovely! (16) I’m going to see/I’ll see you on Saturday!


Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con i verbi nel riquadro alla forma corretta. cook • disappear • fall off • make • phone • step 1 2 3 4 5 6

The Sun is about Harry, please be careful! You’re going The astronaut is on the point It’s Penny’s birthday tomorrow so I’m going The scientists are on the verge I was just about

a ■ b ■ c ■ 1 d ■ e ■ f


__________________ an important discovery. __________________ your skateboard! __________________ her a special meal. to disappear below the horizon. __________________ you and then you phoned me! __________________ onto Mars.

Summative revision



Scegli l’opzione corretta per completare il testo e il dialogo. Tom (1) is about to leave his job in a city bank because it’s boring. (2) __________________ self-sufficient and produce his own food. His friends think this (3) __________________ a risk and they doubt (4) __________________ it easy. He and his wife, Barbara, have a plan and (5) __________________ by planting carrots, onions and cabbages – food they know (6) __________________ themselves. They decided that (7) __________________ they have enough fruit and vegetables (8) __________________ to cafés and restaurants. Yesterday, Tom went to see Mark, a local restaurant owner. Tom (9) __________________ the vegetables you want for your restaurant very soon. (10) __________________ a regular supply. Mark That’s right. (11) __________________ be disappointed with your organic vegetables. Tom (12) __________________ some of our produce? I have some with me. Mark It’s very good quality. (13) __________________ the vegetables every week? Tom (14) __________________. (15) __________________ a new delivery van in a couple of days. Mark My other chef starts work at nine, so (16) __________________ in the kitchen now. Come and meet her. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16


B is about leaving B He’ll be B will be B he’ll find B will start B they’ll eat definitely B soon as B they’re going to sell B We have B I’m suppose you’ll need B I’m sure I won’t B I show you B Will you deliver B We certainly do. B We’ll get B she’ll

C is about to leave C He’s C is being C finding C start C they’ll definitely eat C as soon when C they’re selling C We’ll have C I’ll suppose you need C I’m sure I’m not C Shall I show you C Are you delivering C We certainly will. C Will we get C she’ll be

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene due errori. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


A will leave A He’s going to be A will to be A he’s finding A are going to start A definitely they’ll eat A as soon as A they sell A We’re having A I suppose you’ll need A I’m sure I don’t A Will I show you A You will deliver A We certainly are. A We’re getting A is she

this am having I have dinner at seven today evening. Sorry, I’m late, so I’m seeing you after. The player is on the point to win this match, as soon as he will get another point. Lara will phone you when she’ll arrive home? We staying with our family in Milan while the end of July. I don’t go to school tomorrow because it will be a national holiday.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Il Primo Ministro incontrerà la Regina il prossimo martedì. Farai presto l’esame di inglese? A che ora inizia? Il mio telefono non funziona quindi ne comprerò uno nuovo. Dubito di vederti la prossima settimana perché vado in vacanza. Questa regione è sull’orlo di un grave disastro ambientale. I nostri amici arrivano tra dieci minuti, quindi sto per preparare la cena. Non ti contatterò fino a quando saremo (get to) in albergo, ma ti telefonerò sicuramente non appena arriviamo. Sam ha intenzione di fare un lavoro part-time mentre starà nel sud della Francia.


Grammar for writing Informal invitations and replies Per scrivere un invito informale: • indica luogo, data e ora, tipo di evento • chiedi all’invitato di rispondere, confermando o meno la propria presenza (RSVP) • scrivi in modo chiaro e conciso • utilizza un linguaggio informale per aprire e chiudere l’invito

1 1

Per rispondere a un invito informale: • ringrazia per l’invito • accetta con entusiasmo, porgendo eventuali domande e offrendoti di portare qualcosa • in alternativa, ringrazia e rifiuta l’invito, spiegando il motivo per cui non puoi partecipare, e augura una buona serata

Leggi i due inviti e abbinali alle risposte.


Hello! You’re invited to my birthday party on Friday 16th June at 3.30 at The Boiler House, in Papermill Road, Cardiff. Apart from food and drink and music, there will be a two-hour graffiti workshop where you will be creating art on the walls of the gallery itself. So, please make sure you bring suitable old clothing as you’re probably going to get dirty! RSVP Lucy

A Hey guys,


Thank you for the invite. I’m really sorry, but I’ll be on holiday with my family on the 20th of July. It’s a shame because it sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Anyway enjoy yourselves and let me know if everyone gets out of the room! Karen


Hi! What a great idea for a party! I’d love to come. Apart from the old clothes, do I need to bring anything else? Oh, and what time will the party end? Thanks again for the invitation! Ben

Rileggi gli inviti e le risposte e scrivi T (vero), F (falso) o DS (non lo dice). 1 Guests will escape from rooms at Lucy’s party. F 2 Kevin and Robbie are only inviting six people to the party. ____ 3 Lucy’s party will end at 10.30. ____ 4 They are going to eat pizza at the end of the term party. ____ 5 Ben is going to bring a cake to Lucy’s party. ____ 6 Karen will be on holiday on 20th July. ____


WRITING Scrivi un invito per una festa. Poi rispondi all’invito del tuo compagno/della tua compagna. Usa il Language box come aiuto.


Hi everybody! We’re organising an end-of-term party for the whole class at Escape Rooms, Cardiff. Escape rooms are when you are locked in a room and you work together to resolve the clues and escape. There are several different rooms to choose from, including a Sherlock Holmes room, a zombies room, and an Egyptian tomb. We can have up to six people in each room and we’re thinking of doing it on Saturday 20th July and having a pizza all together in the restaurant there afterwards. RSVP and let us know which room you fancy! Kevin and Robbie


Hey guys! / Hello! / Hi! / Hi everybody!


You’re invited to... on... at... / We’re organizing... at...

Giving details

Apart from..., there will be... / You will be creating... / We can have up to... / We’re thinking of doing it on... and having...

Making requests

Please make sure you bring... / RSVP / Let us know.../ if you can come.

Saying yes What a great idea for a party! I’d love to come. Asking Do I need to bring anything else? / What time will questions the party end? Saying no Thank you for the invite. / I’m really sorry, but I’ll be... / I can’t come because... / It’s a shame because it sounds like it will be a lot of fun. Ending

(I hope you) enjoy yourselves. / Thanks again for the invitation!

Grammar for speaking Planning a trip 1

Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi completa le frasi.


Matt Shall we plan a trip together this summer, girls? Amy Yeah, where do you want to go? Lucy I won’t have a lot of money, so it needs to be a short trip and quite local. Matt Are we thinking of a beach holiday or a city break? Amy Maybe a city break will work better if we are only going away for a long weekend. Lucy How about visiting somewhere none of us knows? Matt Good idea! What about Liverpool? We could do the Beatles tour and visit the Tate Gallery. Amy Can we choose somewhere else? I’ll be living there when I go to uni next year. Chester? There’s plenty to see and they have a theatre festival there every summer. Lucy Yes, and they have great shops there too.

Matt I’m not going away to spend the whole time shopping! Amy We can plan lots of cultural activities like walking around the Roman walls... Lucy Or sightseeing the historic buildings. Amy And you’ll want to have afternoon tea in Chester – it’s famous for it! Matt That’s sound like a great plan! Lucy OK, now all we need to do is find train tickets and a cheap place to stay. Amy I’m going to check out the Airbnbs in Chester... Matt And I’ll look for good value train tickets... Lucy Awesome! We’ll have booked everything in no time!

1 Matt, Amy and Lucy are planning a trip. 2 Lucy ___________________ a lot of money. 3 Amy ___________________ in Liverpool next year.

4 Matt ___________________ away to spend the whole time shopping. 5 Amy ___________________ the Airbnbs in Chester.

FUNCTIONS Making/ Shall we plan a trip together? / Maybe a city break will work better for a long weekend. / Asking for How about visiting...? / What about...? / We could do the Beatles tour and visit... / We can plan... / suggestions You’ll want to have... Where do you want to go? / What do you want to do? / Are we/you thinking of... or...? Expressing It needs to be a short trip and quite local. / Good idea! / Can we choose somewhere else? / There’s plenty preferences to see. / They have great shops there too! / I’m not going away to spend the whole time shopping! Planning next steps



Now all we need to do is... / I’m going to check out... /I’ll look for... / We’ll have booked everything in no time!

ROLE PLAY Stai progettando un breve viaggio con un amico/un’amica. Ascolta, leggi e completa il dialogo seguendo la traccia. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. 116

Friend You Friend You Friend You Friend

Where shall we go?


Spiega che un fine settimana lungo basterebbe.



Won’t that be expensive?

Rispondi di no e spiega perché.

What are we going to do while we are there?

Elenca le attività che ti piacerebbe fare.

That sounds like fun! How long are we planning to stay?

Friend We’re going to need to find somewhere cheap to stay. You Rispondi che chiederai ospitalità a tuo zio

che ha un appartamento lì.

Friend So we won’t be taking too much money with us then. That’s good! You Rispondi con la cifra che pensi che servirà. Friend It’s going to be awesome! You Rispondi che sei d’accordo e che tutto sarà

organizzato in un attimo.

Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple matching: matching headings

1 Read the text about youth trends and choose the correct heading (A-H) for each paragraph (1-6). There is one extra part that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

Holidays of the Future B 0 ■

In future, accommodation will be in digital, interactive spaces. Pillows will massage our necks at night and gently wake us up in the morning. You’ll be able to book hologram personal trainers and the shower will tell you when you are clean enough.


For the traveller who has been everywhere how about a short stay in zero gravity? It will only cost you around $75,000 and is closer to reality than you might imagine. The European Space Agency is currently exploring ways to build structures on the moon with the help of 3-D printers, so you could soon book a trip to the moon if you’ve got the money!


Deep-sea hotels might also be among our accommodation options in the future. But they too are expensive and complicated to build. The first of its kind, the Poseidon

Underwater Resort in Fiji, due to open in 2008, is still not complete. (So don’t hold your breath!)


Unlike other expensive, futuristic

holidays, peer-to-peer travel is already possible and is quite cheap. Within the next decade experts estimate that 5-10% of people will be renting out their homes to travellers. And there will be new tools to help create more authentic, local and personal travel plans, taking Airbnb to another level.



Or you can guarantee the perfect holiday by virtually testing it out before you book. Using VR technology, already available in some travel agents you can check out your resort before you get there.

Future travellers might want to be the first to visit destinations once inaccessible because of conflict or instability, or to be the last to see a habitat or species at risk. So get ready for destinations such as Lebanon, Angola or even Afghanistan. Or take a trip to Antartica before the ice melts away. Although then you will be part of the problem!

A Extreme travel B High-tech hotel rooms C Local travel

D Multi-lingual brain implants E Space travel F Transatlantic trains

B1 Listening – Multiple matching 2


If you are looking for a more environmentally friendly trip, how about travelling by train from London King’s Cross to New York’s Grand Central on one long journey? Although there is no tunnel yet.

G Underwater experiences H Virtual reality destinations

Listen to six young people talking about their future plans and ambitions. Select the correct conversation (1-6) to match the descriptions (A-H). You can use the same number more than once. The first one (0) has been done for you. You will hear the recording twice. 118

4 This person is planning a career in art. 0 ■ A ■ This person doesn’t want any student debt. B ■ This person wants to work with nature. C ■ This person is going to work in the family business. D ■ This person would like to volunteer as a paramedic. E ■ This person is planning to start a business. F ■ This person would like to start a family soon. G ■ This person is going to apply for a technical apprenticeship. H ■ This person is planning on doing an internship.



I modali (1) Obiettivi Modali per: • abilità • possibilità • obblighi • consigli

• Anybody can use a personal digital • necessità e mancanza di necessità • proibizioni e mancanza di permesso

• •


Leggi le istruzioni e sottolinea i verbi modali.


Abbina le funzioni nel riquadro alle frasi. consiglio • mancanza di necessità • necessità proibizione • obbligo • possibilità mancanza di permesso • abilità 1 Anybody can use a personal digital assistant. 2 A PA might answer your questions. 3 You should know that... 4 You don’t have to keep it turned on. 5 By law people can’t access… 6 You need to be careful. 7 You must make sure… 8 You mustn’t share them.



____________ ____________ ____________

• • •

assistant like Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant. A PA might answer your questions and it could even help you with household tasks. You should know that your PA may do things you don’t ask it to. But you don’t have to keep it turned on all the time. By law people can’t access your personal data through your PA, but you need to be careful. You must make sure your passwords are secure and you mustn’t share them with others.

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Leggi le frasi e sottolinea la funzione corretta. 1 You can’t have the same password. abilità/proibizione 2 It may be a dangerous website. consiglio/possibilità 3 You need to download this app. necessità/obbligo 4 We must protect our privacy. obbligo/abilità 5 You shouldn’t leave your laptop open like that. consiglio/mancanza di necessità



can, could e be able to per abilità

91.1 Verbi modali I verbi modali (can, could, may, might, must, should, will, shall, would) precedono un altro verbo e ne modificano il significato aggiungendovi un’idea di capacità, possibilità, volontà, obbligo o necessità. Ecco le principali caratteristiche comuni a tutti i verbi modali: • non hanno la forma base e difettano delle forme derivate come infinito, forma in -ing, participio passato; nei tempi e nelle forme verbali mancanti vengono sostituiti da altri verbi o espressioni verbali; • hanno un’unica forma, uguale per tutte le persone; • sono seguiti dalla forma base del verbo che indica l’azione; • svolgono la funzione di ausiliare: alla forma negativa sono seguiti da not e alla forma interrogativa precedono il soggetto.

91.2 Can, could e be able to per abilità Per esprimere abilità o incapacità si usano i verbi modali can 13 , could e be able to, che possono essere tradotti in italiano con “potere”, “sapere”, “essere in grado/capace di”, “riuscire a”.

COULD: FORMA Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

I/You/He/She/It/ We/They could swim.

I/You/He/She/It/ We/They could not/couldn’t swim.

Could I/you/he/ she/it/we/they swim?

Couldn’t I/you/he/she/it/ we/they swim?

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/ they could. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/ they couldn’t.


Be able to non è un verbo modale, ma un’espressione verbale formata dal verbo be + l’aggettivo able + l’infinito (to + forma base) del verbo che indica l’azione.

Forma affermativa Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma Risposte brevi interrogativa-negativa

I am/’m able to swim.

I am not/’m not able Am I able to to swim. swim?

Aren’t I able to swim?

Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

He/She/It is/’s able to swim.

He/She/It is not/isn’t able to swim.

Isn’t he/she/it able to swim?

Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it isn’t.

Is he/she/it able to swim?

You/We/They are/’re You/We/They are not/ Are you/we/they Aren’t you/we/they able able to swim. aren’t able to swim. able to swim? to swim?

Yes, you/we/they are. No, you/we/they aren’t.

USO can

al presente

She can dance in high-heeled shoes.

Sa ballare con le scarpe con il tacco alto.


al passato

In the past, Ian could speak German.

In passato, Ian sapeva parlare tedesco.

be able to

nei tempi mancanti

I haven’t been able to sell the house so far. Will they be able to join us? I hate not being able to drive.

Non sono riuscito a vendere la casa per ora. Riusciranno a raggiungerci? Odio il fatto di non saper guidare.

Si usa be able to al presente per dare enfasi e sottolineare sorpresa da parte di chi parla. Lara is able to come on her own!


Lara è in grado di venire da sola!

can, could and be able to for ability


In frasi affermative e interrogative è preferibile usare could con riferimento a una abilità/capacità generica e abituale nel passato, e il past simple di be able to (was/were able to) per riferirsi a una abilità/capacità in un momento specifico del passato. Nel primo caso in italiano si usa l’imperfetto, nel secondo caso il passato prossimo o remoto. Confronta gli esempi: At seven I could ski very well. Tess was able to answer the question.

capacità generica A sette anni sapevo sciare molto bene. capacità in un momento Tess è riuscita a rispondere alla domanda. specifico del passato

Can e could si usano anche con i verbi di percezione involontaria (hear, see, smell, taste e feel) e con alcuni verbi che indicano attività mentale (imagine, understand e remember) 34 con il significato di “essere in grado/capace di”, “riuscire a”. She could smell a flowery scent in the air. I can’t understand his behaviour.


Completa le frasi con can/can’t o could/couldn’t. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Sentiva il profumo di fiori nell’aria. Non riesco a capire il suo comportamento.

I’m afraid I can’t read a word of Russian. When Sam first went to Norway, he ___________ ski but now he loves going down black runs. The weather was so foggy when I drove home, I ___________ see anything. We need new members for our orchestra. How well ___________ you play the violin? I’m sorry, I ___________ come to the meeting yesterday. Brenda loves living by the sea but she ___________ swim. I love that song from the 1960s but I ___________ remember the singer’s name. I ___________ remember which floor my car was on in the car park and spent ages looking for it. ___________ you taste the special ingredient I added when I was making your birthday cake? My dad ___________ run fast when he was my age.

Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta di be able to. 1 A ‘Is Mrs Bellamy available for a meeting this afternoon?’ B ‘Let me check her diary. Yes, she’s free at 2.30, so you will be able to see her then.’ 2 A ‘Good afternoon. I’d like to reserve a table for six for tomorrow evening.’ B ‘I’m afraid we are fully booked, so you _________________ come then. However, we’ve got a table for lunch. Is that any good?’ 3 A Excuse me. This menu is all in French, so I _________________ read it. Have you got one in English? B ‘I’m sorry. Here you are. I recommend the salt and pepper squid. It’s delicious.’ 4 A ‘What time _________________ board the flight?’ B ‘They are cleaning the cabin now. We’ll open the gate as soon as they’ve finished.’ 5 A ‘I’m really sorry we _________________ come to class yesterday. We both had university interviews. B ‘Congratulations! I hope it goes well.’ 6 A ‘Great news! I _________________ come to your party. Mum and Dad have delayed the date of our holiday.’ B ‘I’m so pleased. I can’t wait to see you.’ 7 A ‘That’s a beautiful dress. Why don’t you buy it?’ B ‘I _________________ buy any new clothes this month because I've just moved house.’ 8 A ‘Do you think your daughter _________________ come to school on Monday?’ B ‘Yes. She’s feeling a lot better and will have the weekend to fully recover.’


91 3

can, could and be able to for ability Completa le frasi con la forma passata corretta di be able to e i verbi nel riquadro. tell • take • send • buy • find • arrive • go • speak

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


I’m sorry I wasn’t able to take the test but I was very unwell yesterday. I’m so happy you ______________________ that dress online with a 50% discount. Great news. The divers ______________________ the boys who got lost in the caves and rescue them. We ______________________ here on time because there were roadworks on the motorway. After retiring, my aunt and uncle ______________________ on a round-the-world cruise for three months. Mrs Rogers apologises but she ______________________ to you because she was talking to another client. We ______________________ emails in the café because there was no Wi-Fi. I ______________________ the difference between the expensive and the cheap coffee. They both tasted the same. 119

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e completa le frasi.

You can’t get a part-time job until the age of 14 years. You _______________________________________ a child at any age. You _______________________________________ to take part in dangerous performances when you are 12. You _______________________________________ the army and navy without your parents’ consent when you are 16. You _______________________________________ a car on public roads when you are 17. You _______________________________________ a moped at the age of 16. You _______________________________________ in elections in England and Wales at 16.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Lewis Hamilton can/could drive go-karts very fast when he was only six years old. 2 In the future, tourists will be able to/can travel into space and even visit the moon. 3 In the sales, we were able to/could find some good bargains. 4 After climbing for several hours, they were able to/can reach the top of the mountain. 5 I haven’t got my glasses on and I couldn’t/can’t see a thing. 6 I don’t know how he did it, but Bob was able to/could get tickets for the finals next week. 7 Paul McCartney is a brilliant songwriter but he won’t be able to/can’t read a note of music. 8 Helena can’t/couldn’t send me a message because the battery on her phone was dead. 9 After living in Hong Kong for three years, we were able to/can read some Chinese characters. 10 I’m sorry, but you couldn’t/can’t have a table. There’s a private party going on in the restaurant.


Completa il dialogo con le parole nel riquadro.


won’t be able to • not being able to • can (x 2) • can’t • could • are you able to A B A B A B


Can Good afternoon. (1) I speak to the manager, please? I’m afraid the manager (2) _____________________ come to the phone as she’s in a meeting. I was really hoping I (3) _____________________ speak to her about an urgent matter. OK. I’ll try to get hold of her but I (4) _____________________ promise anything. Thank you. It is very important and I feel upset (5) _____________________ speak to her now. (6) _____________________ stay on the line for one moment, please? Thank you for waiting. I (7) _____________________ put you through to her now.

can, could and be able to for ability



Osserva la tabella con i voti di alcuni studenti italiani e i loro propositi per il prossimo anno e completa le seguenti frasi con la forma corretta di can, could e be able to.

Sandra and Emanuela Diego and Emma Mattia Alessia Noemi

last year

this year

English 3 French 3 second year (failed) Italian 4 Maths 5

English 5 go to France third year (✗) Italian 6 Maths 8

next year work in London next summer (✗) take DELF (✓) third year (✓) high school specialising in classics (✗) high school specialising in scientific subjects (✓)

1 Last year Sandra and Emanuela couldn’t speak English. Now they can understand a little English. They probably won’t be able to work in a restaurant in London next summer. 2 Last year Diego and Emma _______________ take DELF. This year they are going on a study holiday to France. Next year they _______________ probably _______________ take the examination. 3 Last year Mattia failed the second year, so this year he _______________ do the third year, but maybe he _______________ go into the third year next year. 4 Alessia studied hard this year and she _______________ pass her Italian class tests. However, next year she probably _______________ go to a high school specialising in classics. 5 Last year Noemi _______________ get a pass mark in Maths, but this year she has considerably improved her marks. Next year she _______________ go to a high school specialising in scientific subjects.


Completa il testo con la forma corretta di can, could o be able to e i verbi nel riquadro. play • imagine • understand • do • appreciate • paint • knock out • hit • checkmate • achieve • initiate • read

Child Prodigies A child prodigy is someone who (1) can do things at a much younger age than most other people. Mozart (2) ___________________ the violin brilliantly at the age of three. Blaise Pascal (3) ___________________ complex phenomena in physics when he was only nine. He went on to create Pascal’s theorem in projective geometry. Jeremy Bentham, the philosopher, (4) ___________________ Latin at the age of three. Pablo Picasso


(5) ___________________ life-like portraits of family members at the age of eight. Bobby Fischer (6) ___________________ chess grand masters. Tiger Woods (7) ___________________ a golf ball very long distances. The 21st century is also producing incredible young people. After protesting on her own outside the Swedish Parliament, Greta Thunberg (8) ___________________ a schools strike for climate change that 1.4 million

students in 112 countries joined. Coco Gauff (9) ___________________ Venus Williams, one of the world’s greatest tennis players, in her first match at Wimbledon, when she was only fifteen. I (10) ___________________ what it is like to (11) ___________________ so much when you are so young. However, I (12) ___________________ all their achievements and the contributions they have made to art, science, music and sport.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Rob ha telefonato ieri ma non ho potuto parlarci perché stavo lavorando. Sei riuscita a capire quello che diceva? Non riesco a trovare la mia carta di credito da nessuna parte. La loro casa era sul mercato da più di un anno, ma non sono riusciti a venderla. Sentiva un profumo delizioso venire dalla cucina. Non riesco a capire perché si è comportata in quel modo. Sono veramente felice di aver saputo rispondere a tutte le domande dell’esaminatore all’orale. Marcia non ha ottenuto un aumento di stipendio, quindi non ha potuto comprare l’auto che voleva. Ken e Deidre non sono potuti andare in vacanza perché il loro cane non stava bene. Heather e Laura stanno giocando molto bene e penso che vinceranno la partita.



can, could, may e might per possibilità

Si possono usare vari verbi modali per parlare di possibilità. La scelta del modale più appropriato dipende dal tipo di possibilità. Può fare freddo a Berlino d’inverno. Possono fare un fine settimana lungo perché il prossimo lunedì è festa.


possibilità concreta al presente o al futuro in base alla situazione presente o a condizioni generali

It can be cold in Berlin in winter. They can enjoy a long weekend because it’s a bank holiday next Monday.


possibilità al passato (indicativo imperfetto)

Americans could travel in Iran safely Gli americani potevano viaggiare before the 1979 Islamic revolution. in Iran in modo sicuro prima della rivoluzione islamica del 1979.

possibilità dubbia al presente o al He could visit his parents when he is Potrebbe andare a trovare i suoi genitori quando si trova a Milano. in Milan. futuro (condizionale presente) You could take a sabbatical leave next year.

Potresti prendere un anno sabbatico il prossimo anno.

They may be late.

Possono essere/Può darsi/ È probabile che siano in ritardo.


possibilità al presente o al futuro


possibilità remota al presente o al She might lose her job. futuro

Potrebbe perdere/Può darsi che perda il lavoro.

Osserva le seguenti particolarità. • Si usa couldn’t solo per indicare abilità al passato 91 ; per esprimere mancanza di possibilità presenti o future si usa may/might not. She might not catch the last train to London tonight. Potrebbe non prendere l’ultimo treno per Londra stasera. NON She couldn’t catch the last train to London tonight.

• May e might non hanno la forma negativa contratta. • Non si usa may alla forma interrogativa per esprimere possibilità.

ENGLISH USAGE Nella lingua parlata si usa can/could + always per rendere il concetto di “se non c’è altro di meglio”. ‘I need to talk with Lavinia, but she isn’t answering my calls.’ ‘You can/could always text her.’


“Ho bisogno di parlare con Lavinia, ma non risponde alle mie telefonate.” “Puoi/Potresti sempre mandarle un messaggio.”

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. Jane... 1 is very late for this meeting. 2 isn’t answering any of my texts or calls. 3 is looking really happy today. 4 isn’t coming with us to the steak restaurant La Pampa this evening. 5 is buying a lot of furniture at the moment. 6 is getting her suitcase off the luggage rack.


a b

■ ■

She could be getting off at the next station. She may not be able to recharge her battery. 1 She might be stuck in a traffic jam. c ■ d ■ She could be a vegetarian. e ■ She might have won a prize on the lottery! f ■ She may be moving into a new flat.

can, could, may and might for possibility



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

It can/could rain later today. I’ll check the weather forecast. It can/could rain here a lot in the spring but this year has been quite dry. We can/may be going to that new Thai restaurant next Tuesday. Do you want to come? In the 1980s students could/may hitchhike across Europe but now it’s probably too dangerous. Our new teacher is very friendly. You can/might always ask her for advice. Sophie could/might not get into the university of her choice but she still has a chance. Do you think they will finish building the hotel opposite our flat soon? The construction company has run out of money, so it can/could be ages before they complete it. 8 I’m worried about school. I haven’t studied hard this year, so I couldn’t/might not pass this year.


Rispondi alle domande usando might e i suggerimenti dati. 1 2 3 4 5 6


What are you going to have for lunch? pasta / pizza I might have some pasta or a pizza. What sport are you going to watch on TV now? the Tour de France / tennis semi-finals Where are you spending the weekend? holiday house / at home What is Chloe going to study at university? history / law What are you going to do after you finish your homework? go swimming / play football What are you going to buy your mother for her birthday? a watch / a handbag

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 There is a possibility of space tourism soon. Tourists may soon travel into space . 2 It is possible to stop the earth’s temperature from rising, according to some scientists. Some scientists believe we ________________________________ the earth’s temperature from rising. 3 There’s a strong possibility that the London Underground won’t be open tomorrow because of a strike. The London Underground ________________________________ tomorrow because of a strike. 4 There’s a slight chance that the government won’t increase university fees next year. The government ________________________________ university fees next year. 5 According to John, there’s a good chance of us getting tickets for next year’s Glastonbury Festival. John thinks we ________________________________ for next year’s Glastonbury Festival. 6 It’s possible to walk to the train station but it’ll take you about an hour. You ________________________________ but it’ll take you about an hour. 7 There’s a small possibility that the Bank of England won’t increase interest rates today. The Bank of England ________________________________ interest rates today. 8 It’s possible for us to get a bus but it’s much easier to go by taxi. We ________________________________ but it’s much easier to go by taxi. 9 There’s a good chance we can see the full moon this evening as there isn’t much cloud cover. We ________________________________ this evening as there isn’t much cloud cover. 10 There’s a small chance someone will find your camera and hand it in to the police. Someone ________________________________ and hand it in to the police.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4

Sandra potrebbe chiamarti stasera, ma dubito che lo farà. “Ieri sera sono rimasta a casa. Ero così annoiata.” “Potevi venire al cinema con me.” La situazione economica è migliorata e l’azienda potrebbe non chiudere. Carlo non è ancora arrivato a scuola. Può darsi che stia ancora a letto!



can/could, will/would, do/would you mind per richieste

In inglese si possono usare vari verbi modali per fare una richiesta. La scelta del modale più appropriato dipende dalla situazione, più o meno formale.




Can you take the dog for a walk?

Puoi portare fuori il cane?


Could I speak to Mr Porter?

Potrei parlare con il signor Porter?


Will you stop shouting, please?

Volete/Potete smettere di urlare, per favore?


Would you sign here, please?

Potrebbe firmare qui, per favore?

do you mind + -ing

Do you mind giving me a lift home?

Ti dispiace darmi un passaggio a casa?

would you mind + -ing

Would you mind closing the window?

Le dispiacerebbe chiudere il finestrino?

Risposte informali

Risposte formali

Yes, OK. Yes, sure.

Sì, va bene. Sì, certo.

Yes, of course. Yes, certainly.

Sì, certo.

Sorry, but…

Mi dispiace, ma…

I’m sorry, but...

Mi dispiace, ma...

• Per rendere più cortese una richiesta si usa please. Puoi aiutarmi, per favore?

Can you help me, please?

• Le risposte negative sono seguite da una motivazione. Mi dispiace, non posso. Ora sto studiando.

Sorry, I can’t. I’m studying now.

ENGLISH USAGE • La costruzione do/would you mind + forma in -ing implica che la richiesta potrebbe arrecare disturbo o disagio. Per rispondere in modo positivo si usa No, of course not. ‘Would you mind lending me your mobile?’ ‘No, of course not.’

“Ti dispiace prestarmi il tuo cellulare?” “Certo che no.” = Certo che te lo presto.

• Nelle richieste in cui chi parla vuole chiedere un permesso si usa do you mind + if seguito dal present simple in situazioni informali, e would you mind + if seguito da past simple in situazioni più formali. Do you mind if I invite her to dinner tonight? Would you mind if I took off my shoes?


Ti dispiace se la invito a cena stasera? Le dispiacerebbe se mi togliessi le scarpe?

Riordina le parole per formare frasi e completale con i verbi nel riquadro. give • have • help • pass • take • use • tidy 1 can / homework / me / my / with / you? Can you help me with my homework? 2 a / can / for / me / message / you? 3 bill / can / I / the / please?


4 5 6 7

can / I / please / phone / your? can / mayonnaise / me / the / you? a / can / lift / me / to / town / you? your / can / room / you?

can/could, will/would, do/would you mind for requests



Osserva le immagini e completa le richieste con could e le parole nel riquadro. camera • computer • dinner • football • seat • table








1 Could I take this seat , please? 2 _________ you both stop playing _________ now? It’s lunchtime. 3 My daughter is a photographer. _________ she look at this _________, please? 4 Your son, Harry, understands technology. _________ he fix my _________ for me, please? 5 _________ we have a _________ for two, please? 6 Bruno and Gino are excellent chefs. _________ they make us a special anniversary _________?

Completa i mini-dialoghi con will o would. Usa le forme contratte quando possibile. 1 A ‘ Will you visit me when I move to my new flat? I don’t know the area.’ B ‘Of course I _______! I know that area very well. _______ you give me your new address?’ 2 A ‘_______ you mind closing the window?’ B ‘No, of course not. _______ you turn up the heating, please?’ 3 A ‘_______ you help me decorate my sitting room, Lucy?’ B ‘I’d love to! _______ you cook dinner for me afterwards?’ 4 A ‘_______ you mind not telling Rosie about the party? It’s a surprise!’ B ‘Of course! I _______ let Amy and Lucy know and I _______ love to make her birthday cake. Is that OK?’ A ‘That’s great – thanks. _______ you also get some drinks?’


Completa le frasi con Do/Would you mind + -ing o Do/Would you mind + if e le parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Would you mind opening (open) the door for me? ___________________________________________ (a friend from school / come) for a sleepover on Saturday? ___________________________________________ (Harry / leave) school early today to go to the dentist? ___________________________________________ (come) with me to choose a new phone? ___________________________________________ (we / eat) at home rather than in a restaurant? ___________________________________________ (take) a photo of us? ___________________________________________ (I / borrow) this book for a couple of days?

Formula richieste per le seguenti situazioni. 1 Ask the person on the next table in a café for salt and pepper. Could/Can you pass the salt and pepper, please? / Would you mind passing the salt and pepper, please? 2 You need more time to do your homework. Ask your teacher. 3 You want to go swimming with a friend on Saturday. Ask your parents. 4 You’re playing loud music. What does your mum say? 5 You’ve cooked a new cake and need someone to taste it. Ask your friend. 6 You and your friends want to go to a music festival. Ask your parents.



can, could, may, might, be allowed to per permessi

Per chiedere e dare un permesso si usano i verbi modali can, could e may. La scelta del modale appropriato dipende dal contesto, più o meno informale, e dal grado di cortesia.

Informale al presente e al futuro


Can I feed the turtle, Posso dar da mangiare alla Mum? tartaruga, mamma? Puoi andare al You can go to concerto il prossimo the concert next sabato. Saturday.

Formale could

al presente e al futuro, solo alla forma interrogativa

Could I take a day off tomorrow, boss?

Potrei prendere una giornata libera domani, capo?

al presente e al futuro

May I ask a few questions later? You may leave your coat here, madam.

Posso farle alcune domande più tardi? Può lasciare il suo cappotto qui, signora.

I wonder if I might drive you home.

Mi chiedo se potrei accompagnarla a casa.



al presente e al futuro, soprattutto in domande indirette 125.2

‘Can we avoid going through the insurance company?’

Risposte informali Yes, you can./Yes, sure. No, you can’t./Sorry, but…

Sì./Sì, certo. No./Mi dispiace, ma…

Risposte formali Yes, of course/ certainly. I’m sorry, but…

Sì, certo. Mi dispiace, ma…

Per parlare di ciò che è permesso fare in generale solitamente si preferisce usare can, could e l’espressione be allowed to. Come be able to, anche be allowed to non è un verbo modale ma un’espressione verbale formata da be + allowed + l’infinito (to + forma base) del verbo che indica l’azione. La forma be allowed to + infinito può essere utilizzata nel significato di “avere il permesso di/essere consentito”. Only disabled passengers will be allowed to get off the train.

Solo ai passeggeri disabili sarà consentito scendere dal treno.

• Si preferisce usare could con riferimento a un permesso abituale nel passato, e il past simple di be allowed to (was/were allowed to) per riferirsi a un permesso concesso in un momento specifico del passato. Nel primo caso in italiano si usa l’imperfetto di “potere”, nel secondo caso il passato prossimo o remoto. Confronta gli esempi: She could go to the club when she was 13! She was allowed to go to the club on her 14th birthday.

Poteva/Aveva il permesso di andare in discoteca permesso abituale quando aveva 13 anni! Le fu permesso di andare in discoteca per il suo quattordicesimo compleanno. permesso in un momento

specifico del passato

• Alla forma negativa si può usare could not per indicare un permesso negato in un momento specifico del passato. Lars couldn’t come on the school trip because of his bad behaviuor.


Lars non ha avuto il permesso di partecipare alla gita scolastica a causa del suo cattivo comportamento.

can, could, may, might, be allowed to for permission


Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 Could I use your mobile? My battery is dead. 2 May I open the window? 3 Can I watch TV now? There’s a really interesting programme on. 4 Can I open your suitcase, please? It beeped when it went through the scanner. 5 May I have your email address so I can send you the receipt and save paper? 6 Could I leave work a bit early today? I need to take the cat to the vet. 7 May I come in now? 8 Could I borrow your bike? I need to get to the post office before it closes.


a ■ 1 b ■ c ■ d ■ e




Of course. Please have a seat. Sorry. I haven’t charged mine either. I’ll do it. Isn’t it warm in here? Finish your homework first. You can always see it later on catchup. Certainly. You may need to change the height of the saddle. Yes. The letters are all lower case and it’s Here’s the key. Sorry. I think I forgot to take out a pair of scissors. As long as you finish that urgent report before you leave.

Che cosa diresti nelle seguenti situazioni? Formula richieste di permesso con le parole tra parentesi. Usa can, could o may. 1 2 3 4 5 6



A waitress wants to help a customer with his coat. (take / coat) You want to invite your friend Liam to dinner. (invite / dinner) A girl wants to use her father’s car. (borrow / car) You are going into your doctor’s office. (come in) You are in class and want to go to the toilet. (go / toilet) At a wedding party a guest wants to eat the last slice of cake. (have / another slice of cake)

May I take your coat, sir?

Completa le frasi con could o con la forma corretta di be allowed to. 1 A Do you think you (1) ’ll be allowed to go to the music festival next week? B It depends on my mum, but I (2) __________________ go last year, so I’m sure she’ll let me. 2 A (3) __________________ I possibly leave school early this afternoon, Mrs Mitchell? B I’m sorry, Lily. Students (4) __________________ leave early without giving their teacher a letter from their parents. 3 A (5) __________________ we go shopping this afternoon, dad? We’ve tidied our rooms. B Yes, you’re both (6) __________________ go because your rooms are so tidy!


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Posso farle alcune domande, per favore? 2 “Posso entrare?” “Aspetti un attimo, per favore.” 3 Ora può sedersi. 4 Potrei avere qualche minuto del suo tempo prezioso? 5 Posso dar da mangiare agli uccelli in giardino? 6 Posso chiudere la finestra? Sento un po’ di freddo.

7 Posso lasciare l’aula d’esame? Non mi sento molto bene. 8 Posso sposare sua figlia? 9 Mi chiedo se potrei scambiare una parola con il direttore. 10 Solo i possessori di biglietto potranno usare questo ingresso.


91-94 Summative revision 1

Abbina le domande alle risposte e completale con le parole nel riquadro. Usa can, could, be able to. book • finish • play • remember • take • speak 1 Can Josie play any musical instruments? 2 _______ Lily ______________ good photos when she was younger? 3 _______ you _______ any other languages when you lived abroad? 4 _______ you ________________ all your homework on time yesterday? 5 _______ you _______ the name of that film which was on last week? 6 _______ your parents _________________ a summer holiday?


Yes, she wanted a camera for her seventh birthday. b ■ No, can you remind me? I only know the name of the cinema we went to! c ■ Almost, but I didn’t have time to do maths. 1 Yes, she’s very good on the electric guitar. d ■ e ■ My Spanish was good because I went to school in Madrid. f ■ Yes! We’re going camping on the south coast.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B



What time does the fitness centre open? I’m sorry, but I haven’t been able to/couldn’t contact them, so I can’t/may not tell you the opening times. What are you doing on Sunday afternoon? I don’t know yet. I might/can go out with my friends. Could Helen/Has Helen been able to drive since she was at university? No, she can’t/couldn’t drive then. We can’t/might not move because we couldn’t/haven’t been able to sell our house yet. Not many people can/were able to sell their house at the moment. Could/Can your grandparents use a computer when they were at school? No, they couldn’t/haven’t been able to but now they can/might do their shopping online.

Completa il dialogo con i modali nel riquadro. 2

could (x 3) • can (x 2) • can’t • might • may Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy


Hi, Lucy. Have you seen Helen recently? No. I was about to ask you the same thing. She (1) could be out shopping. The sales are on! She (2) _________ take a bit of time off work now that her latest project has finished. Do you think she (3) _________ be at Latina? It’s lunchtime. No, they’re closed today. I think she (4) _________ go on holiday for a few days. She likes Barcelona. That’s true, but it (5) _________ be very hot there at this time of year. My phone’s ringing. It (6) _________ be Helen. Hi, Helen! Where are you? Where? You (7) _________ be there! Where is she? In Barcelona. It’s a last-minute work trip, so she (8) _________ be there for a week!

Mrs Willis sta dando ai suoi figli una lista di compiti da fare nel fine settimana quando lei sarà via. Completa le domande con le parole nel riquadro e i modali can/will e would. vacuum • making • tidy • put • cleaning • empty 1 Can/Will you empty the dishwasher? 2 _________ you __________ the dishes away? 3 _________ you mind __________ the kitchen floor?


4 _________ you __________ the sitting room carpet? 5 _________ you please __________ your rooms? 6 _________ you mind __________ a salad for lunch?

Summative revision



Formula richieste per le seguenti situazioni basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 You have the flu. You are in bed. (bring / some water) Can you bring me some water, please? 2 You are watching TV. Your mum is in the kitchen. (make / a cup of tea) 3 You are in your bedroom. The phone is ringing. (answer / phone) 4 You are going on a school trip. You are leaving at 8 o’clock. (wake me up / 7 o’clock) 5 It’s break time at school. Your friend is going to the snack bar. (get me / a ham roll) 6 Your room is untidy. Your duvet is on the floor. What does your mother say? (make / the bed) 7 You are speaking to an English person. They are speaking very fast. (speak more slowly)


Riordina le parole per formulare richieste e abbinale alle risposte. 1 could / go / library / Mrs Mitchell / the / to / we / ? Could we go to the library, Mrs Mitchell? 2 a / biscuit / can / chocolate / have / I / Mum / ? 3 front / go / I / in / may / of / please / you / ? 4 borrow / charger / could / I / phone / your / ? 5 your / from / garden / I / may / pick / roses / some / ? 6 can / Dad / festival / go / the / to / we / ?


Yes, please, help yourself. There are some lovely red ones. b ■ Of course. The queue isn’t very long. c ■ Only if you go with your cousins and phone us when you get there. 1 That’s fine but remember to speak quietly – and d ■ switch off your phones there! e ■ I’m sorry, you can’t. I left it at home this morning. f ■ No, not now. You can have one after dinner.

Sam sta per iniziare un lavoro estivo e il suo capo gli spiega quello che deve fare. Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Anna Sam Anna Sam Anna Sam Anna Sam Anna Sam Anna Sam Anna



Do you have any questions about working here, Sam? Do you want me to work in the restaurant or the kitchen? (1) Could you/Would you mind working in both? No, that’s fine. It’s good experience. (2) Would you mind if I watched/May I watch the chefs preparing the food so I can learn how to do it? Yes, certainly. Some of the dishes are a bit complicated. You (3) could/might start with the easier dishes? Yes, of course. A big part of this job is cleaning and tidying. (4) May/Could you help to wash the dishes? Yes, I don’t mind (5) doing/to do that. (6) Can/Might I wait at the tables? OK, but (7) would you/would you mind do that during lunchtimes when we’re busy? I can work every day. That’s very helpful but you need one day off. (8) Might you take/Could you take Monday off? No, problem! When do you want me to start? How about now? (9) Would you mind/Can you get us both a coffee?

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Il treno era in ritardo quindi non abbiamo potuto prendere il volo. Non sono sicura dove sia James questa settimana. Può darsi che sia a New York. Ti dispiacerebbe aiutarmi con questo tavolo pesante? A Cara non era permesso viaggiare da sola finché non ha compiuto 18 anni. Nella seconda prova di francese, avevamo il permesso di usare il dizionario monolingue. Quando Tom era più giovane sapeva suonare il piano come un musicista professionista.



can, will, shall, could, would like per offerte

Per offrirsi di fare qualcosa per qualcuno si usano i modali can, will, shall, could e would like.

Neutro (informale e formale per offerte spontanee) can will shall

Can I help you?

Posso aiutarti/aiutarla?

I will wash the dog for you.

solo forma affermativa

Ti lavo io il cane./Le lavo io il cane.

Shall I/we help you?

Vuoi che ti aiuti?/Vuole che


solo 1° persona singolare e plurale la aiutiamo?

Formale could

Could I take your jacket, sir?

Posso prenderle la giacca, signore?

would like

Would you like a dessert? Would you like to take a rest? Would you like me to help you prepare the presentation? 106.1

Vuole un dessert? Vuole riposarsi? Vuole che la aiuti a preparare la presentazione?

Nel linguaggio informale si può usare want al posto di would like. Do you want a cup of tea/to have a break/me to load the dishwasher? Vuoi una tazza di tè/fare una pausa/che carichi la lavastoviglie?

Risposte neutre (informale e formale) Yes, please./Thank you. I’d love to.

Sì, grazie./Grazie. Mi piacerebbe.

No, thanks./Thank you, but… No, grazie./Grazie, ma…


Risposte formali Thank you very much. That’s very kind/nice of you.

Grazie mille. Molto gentile.

That’s very kind/nice of you, but…

Molto gentile da parte sua, ma…

Completa le risposte con I’ll e i verbi nel riquadro. take • show • get • carry • open • give • explain • help 1 ‘How do you put this camera into panoramic view?’ ‘Give it here and I’ll show you.’ 2 ‘I can’t buy those shoes because I haven’t got enough money.’ ‘____________ them for you and you can pay me back later.’ 3 ‘I think I’m going to miss my train because the taxi is late.’ ‘____________ you a lift to the station.’ 4 ‘I have got so many things to do before we leave for our holidays.’ ‘____________ you if you like.’


5 ‘These bags are incredibly heavy.’ ‘____________ them for you.’ 6 ‘Someone has locked this door.’ ‘____________ it. I’ve got a master key.’ 7 ‘How do I get to the nearest tube station?’ ‘____________ you there. It isn’t far.’ 8 ‘I don’t understand this maths homework.’ ‘____________ it to you.’

can, will, shall, could, would like for offers



Osserva le immagini e completa le domande con i verbi nel riquadro. Poi abbinale alle risposte corrette. shall / answer • can / carry • shall / add • can / take • shall / put • can / turn up

Can I carry those bags for you?

2 __________________________ your phone?

3 _________________________ the air conditioning for you?

4 __________________________ your necklace in the safe?

5 __________________________ you to the dining room?

6 __________________________ oil to the spaghetti?


a ■ See who it is first. 1 Thank you. This one is quite heavy. b ■ c ■ No. I want to wear it this evening.


d e f

■ ■ ■

That’s very kind of you. No! It’s perfectly seasoned already. Can’t we just open a window?

Formula offerte per le seguenti situazioni con would like e le parole nel riquadro. cook / dinner • find out / times • translate / characters • show / map pick up / bus stop • get tickets / Reading festival • introduce / you 1 I’ve just missed the last bus. Would you like me to pick you up at the bus stop? 2 I don’t understand Chinese writing. 3 I don’t know how to get to the college. 4 I really like going to music events.


5 I’m hungry and very tired. 6 ‘I want to meet the chef. Her food is superb.’ ‘___________________. She’s a good friend of mine.’ 7 ‘How about going to see the new Spiderman film this afternoon?’ ‘Good idea. ______________________.’

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Posso prenderle la giacca? Vuole un caffè o un dolce? “Posso aiutarti a compilare il modulo di domanda?” “È molto gentile da parte tua, ma voglio farlo da solo.” Vuole che dia un passaggio ai suoi nonni all’aeroporto? “Posso aiutarti a risolvere quell’equazione (maths equation)?” “Sì, grazie. Non riesco a risolverla (work out).” “Vuoi prendere in prestito il mio ombrello?” “Grazie. Odio bagnarmi.” “Posso accompagnarti a casa a piedi (walk home)?” “Certo. Mi piace molto parlare con te.” “Vuole che le prenda un appuntamento per vedere l’appartamento?” “Sì grazie, ma solo nel fine settimana perché sto lavorando.” 9 Posso prendere il vostro ordine ora o volete più tempo per decidere? 10 Vuoi che venga con te al colloquio?



shall, let’s e altre espressioni per proposte

Per fare proposte si possono usare le seguenti espressioni. grammaRevolution

Neutro (informale e formale) shall

Shall we go to the cinema?

Andiamo al cinema?

Informale let’s

Let’s have a surprise party for Mum.

Facciamo una festa a sorpresa per la mamma.

why don’t we...?

Why don’t we buy some fruit?

Perché non compriamo della frutta?

How/What about having how/what about + -ing + ? a break now?

Che ne dici/diresti di fare una pausa ora?

do you fancy + Do you fancy going out tonight? -ing + ?

Ti va/andrebbe di uscire stasera?

Risposte neutre (informale e formale) Yes, let’s./That’s a good idea!/Yes, OK/great./Why not?

Sì./Ottima idea!/Sì, okay/bene./Perché no?

No, let’s not./No, I’d (would) rather not./Sorry, I can’t.

No./No, preferirei di no./Mi dispiace, non posso.

Per fare una controproposta si possono usare queste espressioni: I’d rather + verbo alla forma base, I’d prefer + verbo all’infinito oppure le espressioni nella tabella + instead. ‘Let’s have Chinese tonight!’ ‘Let’s have Indian instead.’ ‘I’d rather have Mexican.’ ‘I’d prefer to have a pizza.’


“Mangiamo cinese stasera!” “Mangiamo indiano invece/piuttosto.” “Preferirei mangiare messicano.” “Preferirei mangiare una pizza.”

Gemma e Caroline stanno decidendo dove andare a cena. Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. a good idea • sorry, I can’t • how about • instead I’d prefer • do you fancy • why don’t we • I’d rather Gemma Caroline Gemma Caroline Gemma Caroline Gemma Caroline


Shall we go out for a meal this evening? (1) Sorry, I can’t . I’ve got to go to my Spanish class. Oh yes. I forgot you had that. (2) _________________ Friday when there’s a nice atmosphere in town at the start of the weekend? That’s (3) _________________. What sort of food (4) _________________ having? (5) _________________ try a Brazilian restaurant for a change? (6) _________________ go somewhere that has more vegetarian options. OK. Let’s go to that new Thai place in Kemp Town (7) _________________. Good choice! (8) _________________ to have dinner there. Shall I book a table for around 7.30?

shall, let’s and other expressions for proposals



Steve e Ivy stanno facendo programmi per il fine settimana a Londra. Completa il dialogo con una parola in ogni spazio. Ivy What do you want to do at the weekend? Steve Do you (1) fancy going to London? Ivy Why (2) __________? It’s not so crowded at this time of the year. Steve What (3) __________ we do when we get there? Ivy (4) __________ get tickets for a musical in the West End. Steve A musical? I’d (5) __________ go to the Comedy Club (6) __________.



Alright. I’d (7) __________ to watch Mamma Mia but I know you love stand-up comedians! How (8) __________ having a meal in Soho first? Steve OK. Let’s have lunch at the Golden Dragon in Gerard Street. Their dim sum is delicious. Ivy That’s a good choice!

Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. how about going • shall we go paddle boarding • OK. Why not why don’t we also have a go • I’d rather do that • how about going to • no, let’s not that’s a great idea • why don’t we hire • I’d rather not do • I’d prefer to try Ali Chris Ali Chris Ali Chris Ali Chris Ali Chris Ali Chris


(1) How about going to that new water sports centre on South Beach tomorrow? (2) ______________________. It’s going to be hot and sunny. There’s lots to do. What shall we do first? (3) ______________________ a banana boat? They tow you out in a speed boat and then whizz you round the bay! (4) ______________________ that first. It sounds a bit scary! What do you want to do? (5) ______________________ paddle boarding. It’s a good way to start. (6) ______________________ at kiteboarding? (7) ______________________. Kiteboarding is even more scary than the banana boat and I don’t like being up in the air. (8) ______________________ under the water instead? We can go snorkelling. It’s easy to do and we’ll get to see some beautiful fish. (9) ______________________. Thanks. (10) ______________________ and snorkelling in the morning and then board the banana boat in the afternoon? (11) ______________________. I’ll give it a go but don’t blame me if I fall in!

TRANSLATION Traduci il dialogo in inglese. Nicole Scarlet Nicole Scarlet Nicole Scarlet Nicole Scarlet

Ti va di andare al cinema stasera? Sì, andiamo. Che ne dici di vedere l’ultimo film di Spiderman? OK, ma io preferisco quelli vecchi con Tobey Maguire. Io no! Gli effetti speciali ora sono molto datati. Visto che tu hai deciso il film, perché non decido io che cosa fare dopo? Mi sembra giusto. Che cosa ti andrebbe di fare? Andiamo a cena tardi al nuovo ristorante vegano che si chiama There’s no Planet B. Ottima scelta.



shall, should, ought to e must per consigli e obbligo morale

97.1 Consigli shall

presente del verbo “dovere”

per chiedere consigli con la prima persona singolare e plurale


condizionale per chiedere e dare del verbo consigli “dovere”

Cosa devo dirle? Dobbiamo ridare l’esame?

What shall I tell her? Shall we resit the exam?

Should I stay or should I go? Dovrei restare o andare via? You should read this book. It’s Dovreste leggere questo libro. È molto interessante. really interesting.

per esprimere rimprovero o You shouldn’t waste so much Non dovreste sprecare così tanto cibo. critica (alla forma negativa) food.

ought to

condizionale per chiedere e dare consigli They ought to tell the teacher. del verbo “dovere” per esprimere rimprovero o You ought not to behave so critica (alla forma negativa) childishly.

Osserva le seguenti particolarità. • Ought to è seguito dalla forma base del verbo che indica l’azione. È molto più formale e meno frequente di should.

Dovrebbero dirlo all’insegnante. Non dovresti comportarti in modo così puerile. 120 Osserva e ascolta.

ought to /ˈɔːtə/

• La forma interrogativa con ought to è poco usata; si preferisce usare should. • La risposta breve negativa di ought to non si usa.


presente del verbo “dovere”

per dare consigli e fare raccomandazioni forti anche a se stessi

You must listen to this CD. It’s Devi ascoltare questo CD. È bellissimo. great. Devo andare a letto prima. I must go to bed earlier.

Spesso should e ought to sono preceduti da espressioni come In my opinion/I think.

In my opinion you should/ought to study more. I think you should stop arguing now.

Secondo me dovresti studiare di più. Penso che dovreste smettere di litigare ora.

• Nota che in frasi di senso negativo la negazione viene espressa con I don’t think seguito dalla forma affermativa di should/ought to. I don’t think the dog should/ought to sleep on the child’s bed.

Penso che il cane non dovrebbe dormire sul letto del bambino.

• Per dare consigli in contesti informali si possono usare le espressioni why don’t you + verbo e why not + verbo alla forma in -ing. Why don’t you hire a bike?/Why not hiring a bike?

Perché non noleggi una bici?/Perché non noleggiare una bici?

97.2 Obbligo morale Should e ought to si usano anche per esprimere un obbligo morale e dire cosa è giusto, opportuno o corretto fare. I should/ought to help Mum when Dad is away on business. They should/ought to be more careful with their money. You shouldn’t/ought not to leave late because there’s a lot of traffic.

Dovrei aiutare la mamma quando papà è via per lavoro. Dovrebbero stare più attenti ai soldi. Non dovreste partire tardi perché c’è molto traffico.

Si usa must per indicare un obbligo sentito come tale da chi parla. We must admit our mistakes.

solo alla prima persona singolare e plurale


Dobbiamo ammettere i nostri errori.

shall, should, ought to and must for advice and moral obligation


Come ci si comporta durante un esame orale? Completa i consigli con should o shouldn’t. 1 You should greet the examiner when you come into the room. 2 You __________ make eye contact when you speak to the examiner. 3 You __________ look at the floor when you are speaking. 4 You __________ worry about making mistakes. Everyone does! 5 You __________ reply to questions with oneword answers. 6 You __________ practise with a friend before the exam.




Completa i Dos e i Don’ts che dovrebbero seguire gli studenti universitari con ought (not) to. You ought to be punctual. You ____________ eat in class. You ____________ be late for class. You ____________ come prepared for the class. You ____________ take notes during the lecture. You ____________ interrupt when the lecturer is speaking. 7 You ____________ text or use social media in class. 8 You ____________ ask questions at an appropriate time. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Completa i consigli con should/shouldn’t, must e ought to e i verbi tra parentesi. Top tips for protecting the environment ✱ We (1) should cut down (cut down) on the plastic we use. We (2) ______________________ (accept) plastic bags when we go to the supermarket. Shops (3) ______________________ (offer) only paper bags to shoppers. ✱

We (4) ______________________ (stop drinking) water from plastic bottles that we only use once. It is very damaging to the environment. We (5) ______________________ (make sure) we always put paper, plastic and metals into separate containers. We (6) ______________________ (save) as much water as we can. We (7) ______________________ (leave) the tap on when we brush our teeth. We (8) ______________________ (collect) as much rainwater as we can to water gardens. We (9) ______________________ (travel) on public transport as often as possible. We (10) ______________________ (take) short-haul flights but go by train instead. We (11) ______________________ (appreciate) our environment as much as we can by enjoying the green spaces around us and doing everything we can to conserve them.

Many good things are already happening. Although, we (12) ______________________ (be doing) more!


Leggi i mini-dialoghi e scrivi frasi con think/don’t think + should/ought to. 1 Mark Why don’t you want to meet outside the station? Milly That area can be quite dangerous at night. Milly doesn’t think they should/ought to meet outside the station because it can be quite dangerous there.

4 Dan Those mussels look delicious. Diana It’s not a good idea to have shellfish at this time of year.

2 Peter How can I pass the maths exam? Lucy Study harder!

6 Zara Shall I get my grandmother a silk scarf for her birthday? Mike No. You gave her one for her Christmas present!

3 Scott It’s difficult to get to know French people in Paris. Alice Try to improve your language skills.

5 Roy I love Pop Art. Andy Go to the Museum of Modern Art. It has a brilliant collection.


must/mustn’t, have (got) to, can’t per obblighi e proibizioni



98.1 Obblighi must (forma affermativa)

per esprimere obblighi, Passengers must have a valid ticket. I passeggeri devono essere in possesso di un biglietto valido. doveri, ordini (al presente e al futuro) You must complete the test by the Dovete finire la verifica entro la fine

per esprimere obblighi, have to doveri, ordini (sostituisce must nei tempi (in tutti i tempi) mancanti)

end of the lesson.

della lezione.

They have to sell their car because they can’t pay the loan. Dante had to leave Florence. I will have to tell your father.

Devono vendere la macchina perché non possono restituire il prestito. Dante dovette andare via da Firenze. Dovrò dirlo a tuo padre.

Osserva le seguenti particolarità.


• Si usa must alla forma interrogativa solo per dare enfasi alla domanda. Must I work on Sundays, too?

Devo lavorare anche la domenica?

• Con have to non si usa la forma contratta alla forma affermativa.


Osserva e

have to /ˈhæf tə/

• Nella lingua parlata al presente è comune la forma have got to. In questo caso si possono usare le forme contratte. She’s got to go because the bus is leaving in ten minutes. Deve andare perché l’autobus parte fra dieci minuti.

98.2 must o have to? Alla forma affermativa must e have to hanno significato molto simile, ma si preferisce usare: • must per parlare di obblighi sentiti come tali da chi li impone o parla Ho avuto una discussione con l’insegnante di arte. Devo dirlo alla mamma.

I had an argument with the art teacher. I must tell Mum.

• have to per parlare di obblighi imposti da altri Devo indossare la divisa a scuola.

I have to wear a uniform at school.

Alla forma negativa must e have to hanno un significato completamente diverso. Mentre mustn’t indica un divieto o una proibizione, don’t/doesn’t have to indica mancanza di obbligo o necessità. 99.2

98.3 Proibizioni mustn’t

Gli studenti non devono correre per esprimere proibizioni e divieti assoluti Students mustn’t run in the school hall. divieto nell’atrio della scuola. (al presente e al futuro)


per indicare mancanza di permesso di fare qualcosa (al presente e al futuro)


You can’t go to the negazione Non puoi andare ai giardinetti. playground. di permesso

Completa le regole che i passeggeri devono seguire a bordo degli autobus con must o mustn’t e i verbi nel riquadro. drink • eat • have • hold • listen to • show • pay • talk Bus passengers... 1 mustn’t eat or drink hot or cold items. 2 _________________ the exact fare. 3 _________________ a valid ticket or travel pass. 4 _________________ loud music.


5 _________________ to the bus driver while the bus is moving. 6 _________________ a handle when standing. 7 _________________ their ticket if asked.

must/mustn’t, have (got) to, can’t for obligation and prohibition


Leggi le informazioni e completa le frasi con must, mustn’t, have to o don’t/doesn’t have to.

Office Receptionist position Experience is essential! The successful applicant will receive full computer training.

1 Applicants for this job must have previous experience. 2 They ____________ have an IT qualification.



Swimming pool rules

We are looking for host families who live within a ten-minute walk from our city centre language school.

No children unless they are with an adult

Pool closes at 19.00 – swimming finishes at 18.30

• offering breakfast and dinner (the school has its own café for lunch)

No diving

• a clean, comfortable room

3 Children ____________ swim with an adult. 4 Swimmers ____________ be out of the pool until 18.30. 5 Swimmers ____________ dive.

The host families are responsible for

6 The host families ____________ live in the city centre. 7 They ____________ provide lunch for their students. 8 Students ____________ have good accommodation.

Leggi i consigli per trovare lavoro e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. When people apply for a new job, they (1) have to/can’t think carefully about what to include in their CV. A CV (2) doesn’t have to/mustn’t be too long and there (3) can/can’t be any spelling, grammar or punctuation mistakes. You (4) can/don’t have to mention your technical or language skills, because when you apply, these skills may be exactly what the company is looking for. People who go for an interview (5) mustn’t/don’t have to be late and (6) can/must check the address before leaving home, so they know exactly where to go.


Meri sta per partire per un viaggio via terra che la porterà da Londra fino a Katmandu attraverso l’Europa, la Turchia e l’Asia. Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta di must, can e have to. Meri There’s a lot I don’t know about the various places I’m planning to visit in the next two months. I (1) have to work every weekend before I go because we’re so busy, but that’s fine. I also (2) __________ apply for visas because I (3) __________ go to a couple of places without one. Anyway, you know some of these countries well. Have you got any advice? Alice Well, let’s see. In most places, you (4) __________ go into someone’s home with your shoes on, so take them off before going in. Meri (5) __________ I __________ take a present when I go to someone’s house? Alice No, you (6) __________ give a present but it’s a nice thing to do. However, you (7) __________ give certain things because they’re bad luck. In some places, you (8) __________ avoid taking white or yellow flowers – take another colour instead. In others, you (9) __________ give an even number of flowers – thirteen, rather than twelve, is OK. Travelling is quite cheap in many countries with a student railcard but remember, you (10) __________ travel before nine thirty in the morning because of the card restrictions. If you want to travel earlier, you (11) __________ pay more. Meri Thanks, Alice. I (12) __________ never __________ prepare for such a long trip until now. I (13) __________ organise everything properly next week. I don’t have time this week. Alice Why not? You have a lot to do. Meri I (14) __________ work last Saturday. I didn’t have a choice, so I’m behind with my preparations. Alice Don’t worry! I’ll help you pack!



need to/don’t need to, needn’t, don’t have to per necessità e mancanza di necessità

99.1 need to/don’t need to e needn’t Il verbo need è un verbo semi-modale. Si usa come: • verbo regolare (need – needed – needed) con il significato di “avere bisogno di/dovere”. Può essere seguito dall’infinito del verbo (to + forma base), da un complemento oggetto o da un complemento oggetto + infinito 106.1 Ho bisogno di/Devo comprare una bici nuova. Ha bisogno di un nuovo paio di scarpe. Hai bisogno che ti prenoti/Devo prenotarti il volo?

I need to buy a new bike. She needs a new pair of shoes. Do you need me to book the flight for you?

Con verbi come wash, clean, polish, repair, mend, fix si usa la costruzione need + verbo in -ing con valore passivo. 121.2 I tuoi jeans hanno bisogno di essere lavati!

Your jeans need washing!

• verbo modale con il significato di “essere necessario che”. Ha un’unica forma per tutte le persone ed è seguito solo dal verbo alla forma base. Si usa alla forma interrogativa, ma soprattutto alla forma negativa (needn’t) per esprimere mancanza di necessità Non devi andare in lavanderia.

You needn’t go to the laundry.

Nota che need come verbo regolare si usa per esprimere una necessità/mancanza di necessità sia abituale che momentanea; need come verbo modale si usa solo per indicare una necessità/mancanza di necessità momentanea. necessità abituale They live far away in the country. They need to drive Vivono lontano in campagna. Devono portare their children to school. i bambini a scuola in macchina. I don’t need to/needn’t complete the article today. Non devo finire l’articolo oggi. Lo posso finire domani. I can finish it tomorrow. mancanza di necessità momentanea

ENGLISH USAGE Per esprimere mancanza di necessità si può usare anche l’espressione there’s no need to. In questo caso need è sostantivo, non verbo. Non c’è bisogno di urlare. Non sono sorda!

There’s no need to shout. I’m not deaf!

99.2 don’t need to e don’t have to Per esprimere mancanza di obbligo/necessità, oltre a don’t need to, si può usare don’t have to. University students don’t have to attend non è obbligatorio all the lessons. You don’t have to walk to school, you can take a bus. non è necessario

Gli studenti universitari non devono frequentare tutte le lezioni. Non devi andare a scuola a piedi, puoi prendere l’autobus.

La forma negativa di need (don’t/doesn’t need), needn’t e don’t have to può essere tradotta in italiano, oltre che con la forma negativa del verbo “dovere”, con espressioni come “non è necessario che”, “non c’è bisogno che”, “non occorre che”. You don’t need to/needn’t/don’t have to go to the supermarket.


Non è necessario/Non c’è bisogno/Non occorre che tu vada al supermercato.

need/don’t need to, needn’t, don’t have to for necessity and lack of necessity


Completa le frasi con needn’t/don’t need e le parole tra parentesi. A volte entrambe le forme sono possibili. Aggiungi to quando necessario. 1 I went to the supermarket yesterday, so we have got plenty of food. You don’t need to / needn’t go to the supermarket today. (go) 2 Don’t worry. My teacher said I can hand in my homework next week. I _________________________________ my homework today. (finish) 3 The train station is very near to our flat. We _________________________________ to get to the train station. (much time)



4 Brenda is taking very few clothes when she goes on holiday. Brenda _________________________________ a big suitcase when she goes in holiday. (take) 5 It’s easy to get a table at the restaurant at this time of the day. You _________________________________ a table at this time of day. (book) 6 The museum is free and is open to everyone. You _________________________________ to visit the museum. (ticket)

Completa le frasi con don’t have to e i verbi nel riquadro. be • have (x 2) • join • wear • queue 1 This film is suitable for all ages. You don’t have to be over 15 to watch this film. 2 Entrance to the museum is quicker and easier when you book online. You _____________________ when you book online. 3 There are no border controls between Scotland and England. You _________________________ a passport to travel from Scotland to England.


4 Anyone can play golf at this club. You _________________________ the club to play golf here. 5 Students can come in their own clothes on Friday. Students ___________________ a uniform on Friday. 6 Many people who haven’t been to university work in a government department. You _________________________ a degree to work in a government department.

Roberta andrà nel Regno Unito per studiare l’inglese. Completa l’email con need/don’t need to/don’t have to e i verbi nel riquadro. pack • speak • catch • go • give • worry • use • buy

Dear Roberta, We’re going to be your host family when you come to study here. We’re really looking forward to your stay. Here’s some information we hope will be useful for you. We come and pick you up from the language school when you arrive. You (1) don’t need to worry about how to get to our house when you arrive. We provide breakfast and dinner every day but not lunch. You (2) _____________ your own lunch. The weather in the UK is changeable in August. It can be very hot one day and pour with rain the next! You (3) _____________ a raincoat and sun cream. Remember that the electric sockets are different in the UK! You (4) _____________ an adaptor with your laptop and hairdryer. The language school takes about 20 minutes to get to on the bus. The bus stop is at the end of the road. You (5) _____________ the number 5 bus to get to the school. Please provide your family’s contact details. You (6) _____________ us your family’s contact details in case of an emergency. We don’t know a word of Italian and we want you to improve your language skills when you are with us. You (7) _____________ English when you are in our house. We would like you to spend time with us in the evening and stay up as long as you like. You (8) _____________ to bed early when you are here with us. See you next week. Gloria


95-99 Summative revision 1

Completa le offerte con le espressioni nel riquadro. Poi abbinale alle risposte. would you like • could I • would you like to • can I • would you like me to • shall I 1 2 3 4 5 6


Shall I start making dinner? __________ get you a glass of water? __________ take your coat for you, Mrs Browning? __________ a salad with your main course? __________ watch the tennis match with me? __________ take you to the airport?

Completa i mini-dialoghi con i suggerimenti dati. 1 how about / shall we 2 why don’t we / do you fancy 3 let’s / I’d rather 4 what about / I’d prefer to


a ■ Yes, please! What time does it start? b ■ No, thanks. This is a big portion of pasta. c ■ Yes, please. I’m thirsty. 1 That’s a good idea. It’s already late. d ■ e ■ That’s very kind of you, but I’ve booked a taxi. f ■ No, thank you. I’m a bit cold.


Shall we have a party this weekend? How about having one next weekend for your birthday? __________________ going to the beach tomorrow afternoon? __________________ go in the morning before it gets crowded? __________________ have a cup of coffee. __________________ have a cold drink, thanks. __________________ going camping next week? __________________ stay in a hotel instead.

Sophie è una calciatrice professionista e sta rispondendo alle domande di alcuni studenti. Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Liz

My parents encourage me to play football in my free time, but they’re worried about my future job prospects as a professional player. What (1) shall/ought I tell them to reassure them?

Sophie As long as you’re spending time on your other subjects and getting good exams results, they (2) should/shouldn’t worry. You (3) must/shall organise your week so that you have study time and time to train. When you get home from school, do your homework, have dinner then do some training. Perhaps you (4) oughtn’t to/ought to invite your parents to watch a few of your matches, so they can see how good you are. Alice

Do you think I (5) should/must play football, tennis or both?

Sophie Well, women’s football is a fast-growing world sport, but you (6) shall/should play what you enjoy most. Marta

(7) Can/Should you wear jewellery and make-up when you play football?

Sophie You (8) can/can’t wear make-up, but you mustn’t wear any jewellery. You (9) can/ can’t wear anything in your hair, either. Grace

What (10) shall/mustn’t I do next to be a better football player?

Sophie You (11) must/shall work hard, practise as often as you can and do extra training. OK, (12) shall/must we do some training now? Let’s go and score a few goals!


Summative revision


Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



How about an ice cream? Is it OK for me to use your phone? Talking is not allowed during the exam. Can I help you carry your luggage? It isn’t necessary to buy more food today. Going out in this storm isn’t a good idea. I can cook dinner this evening if you like. Let’s leave soon, so we avoid the traffic.

Would Could You mustn’t Would you like We needn’t We shouldn’t Shall I We ought to

you like an ice cream

? ? . ? . . ? .

Completa i consigli di viaggio con i modali nel riquadro. must • mustn’t • have to • can • can’t • need to • don’t need to • needn’t

Remember that when you want to visit some countries, you (1) have to apply for a visa before you go. Without the correct documents, you (2) ____________ enter another country. To prevent travel sickness, some people (3) ____________ take medication for long journeys but they (4) ____________ for a short journey. You (5) ____________ always try a natural remedy, such as ginger, in tea or a ginger biscuit. You (6) ____________ always be careful with your luggage unattended and never leave it in a public place. Remember, you (7) ____________ take fresh food into other countries, but you (8) ____________ worry – there are shops and markets when you get there!


ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 You shall be upset about your exam result. You shouldn’t be upset about your exam result. 2 I didn’t come to school yesterday because I must go to the dentist. 3 Would you like me cooking dinner tonight? 4 Need you to have a rest before you play the next game? 5 It is a strict school rule that students don’t have to use their phones during lessons. 6 Would you like I help you clean the car? 7 Why we don’t have a pizza for lunch? 8 We needn’t to go to the supermarket today – there’s lots of food in the fridge.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

“Vuole che le porti la valigia?” “Grazie, è molto gentile da parte sua.” “Ti va di andare al parco?” “Penso che preferirei andare a fare shopping.” “Che cosa pensi dovrei fare per migliorare il mio inglese?” “Dovresti fare un corso di lingua.” “Posso prenderti qualcosa al supermercato?” “No, grazie. Non ho bisogno di niente.” “Che ne dici di provare il nuovo bar al centro commerciale?” “È un’ottima idea.” “Che cosa potremmo fare per aiutare mamma e papà questo fine settimana?” “Dovremmo mettere in ordine le nostre camere.” 7 Non penso che il gatto dovrebbe dormire sul tuo letto. 8 Non dovremmo sprecare l’acqua e dovremmo fare tutto quello che possiamo per preservarla.


Grammar for writing A letter of application Per scrivere una lettera di presentazione: • inizia e concludi la lettera utilizzando le formule appropriate di apertura e chiusura • usa un tono formale e cortese


• spiega in modo chiaro il motivo per cui scrivi • personalizza la lettera cercando di adattarla al ruolo al quale ti candidi

Leggi la lettera. Poi rispondi alle domande. 29 Hallam Road Clevedon, Somerset BS16 7SE

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apply for the post of department store assistant, as advertised on your website on June 10th 2020. I have experience of helping in our family gift shop at weekends and during the summer holidays, but I would like the opportunity of working in a bigger retail outlet such as yours. To this end, I am able and willing to carry out any tasks required in the daily running of your department store. I am good at establishing an excellent relationship with customers, and enjoy helping and advising them with their purchases. I work well independently, or as part of a team. I am extremely self-motivated and good at using my own initiative. I can handle cash and card transactions quickly and efficiently, thanks to my past experience. I am able to start work from July 1st after completing my exams, and I would be interested in a full-time position until I go on to study business and marketing at college. Thank you for taking the time to consider this application and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post. Yours faithfully Lou Gunstone 1 Whose address is on the top right-hand corner? It’s Lou Gunstone’s, the applicant for the job. 2 What do the opening and ending of this letter tell you? 3 What job is he applying for? 4 Where and when did he see it advertised?


WRITING Leggi l’annuncio di lavoro e scrivi una lettera di candidatura. Usa il Language box come aiuto.

ZarBazaar, World Banquet & Bar PART-TIME/FULL-TIME WAITING STAFF REQUIRED An exciting all-day dining concept located at Bristol Harbourside, ZarBazaar embodies a spirit of adventure and celebrates different, popular cuisines from the world over, inspired by Asia’s night markets. To match our catering environment we are looking for: • charming and charismatic servers to work with us • previous experience desired but not necessary as training provided • students looking for work are welcome to apply for a part-time/flexible contract • good knowledge of spoken English If you are an enthusiastic, passionate, outgoing, wellpresented team player, with excellent communication skills and experience in a vibrant fast-paced catering environment, send your CV to email below.


5 6 7 8

Why would he like the job? What is he good at and what can he do well? When can he start work? What does he look forward to and what does he enclose with the letter?


Dear Sir/Madam/Human Resource Manager, / Dear Mr/Mrs Black,


I am writing to apply for the post of..., as advertised on...


I have experience of... / I used to work at...

Expectations I would like the opportunity of working in... / To this end, I am able and willing to... / This is another reason I would like to... Skills/ Qualities

I am good at... / I enjoy... / I am extremely selfmotivated. / I can handle..., thanks to my past experience.


I am able to start work from... after... / I would be interested in a full-time/part-time/casual position until I go on to study at college.


Thank you for taking the time to consider this application. / I look forward to hearing from you in the near future/soon. / Please find enclosed my CV in application for the post. / Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely,

Grammar for speaking Making complaints 1


Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi segna (✓) le frasi vere.

Manager Ted Mary Manager Ted Mary Manager Ted Manager

Hello, I’m the manager. I understand you would like to make a complaint. Yes, we would! Your staff are really bad at customer service! We waited 30 minutes to hear that we can’t order from the brunch menu because it’s 12 p.m. I’m sorry to hear you were waiting so long to be served. I’m afraid we’re very busy today. I understand, but I think you’re missing the point. We were here waiting to be served at 11.30! And your staff didn’t apologise for keeping us waiting, nor for being unable to take our orders. Yes, that’s frustrating, but as I explained it’s very busy in here today and we’re short-staffed. But staff that are good at their jobs explain the situation to customers, they don’t ignore them. I hear what you’re saying and I will certainly discuss your complaint with my staff, but unfortunately I can’t serve you from the brunch menu now. Mary So, is that your solution – to do nothing and potentially lose two regular customers? Ted And other customers too, as we’ll leave you a bad review and that can’t be good for business. Manager That’s a shame, but I’m afraid there’s nothing I can do about it right now. It’s a pity you feel like that.

✓ The customers are not happy with the service. 1 ■ 2 ■ They waited 30 minutes for their food. 3 ■ The café is very busy today. 4 ■ The staff apologised to the customers.





The manager refuses to serve them from the brunch menu. The customers are planning to leave a bad review.

ROLE PLAY Fai un reclamo al responsabile di un bar. Usa il Functions box come aiuto.

Manager Hello, I’m the manager. How can I help you? You Rispondi dicendo che il servizio è pessimo. Manager I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the problem? You Di’ che lo staff non riesce né a prendere le

ordinazioni né a servirle ai tavoli.

Manager I’m afraid some of the staff are new, so they are still undergoing training at the moment. You Di’ che capisci, ma che sei un cliente

pagante e quindi ti aspetti un buon livello di servizio.

Manager I’d like to, but the trouble is I need to supervise the new staff. You Di’ che ti piacerebbe continuare a

frequentare il bar, ma non sai se puoi.

Manager It’s a pity you feel like that. It’s frustrating, but I don’t know what else I can do. You Chiedi se quella è la sua unica soluzione al


Manager I’m afraid so. I hear what you’re saying, but there’s nothing I can do about it right now. You Chiedi se magari non potrebbe essere un po’

FUNCTIONS Making complaints

We waited... / I think that... / Your staff didn’t apologise for... / We’ll leave you a bad review.

Making suggestions

Can’t they be...? / Why don’t you... / You could maybe...

Showing I understand you would like to understanding make a complaint. / What’s the problem? / Yes, that’s frustrating, but as I explained... / I hear what you’re saying. / I will certainly discuss your complaint with my staff. / That’s a shame. / It’s a pity you feel like that. Apologising

I’m sorry to hear... / I’m afraid... / I apologise for the delay/mistake.

Disagreeing politely

The trouble is we can’t... / I understand, but I think you’re missing the point. / Unfortunately I can’t... / So is that your (only) solution...?

più flessibile.

Manager It’s a shame, but no, I can’t! You Rispondi che ti dispiace ma



tu non credi che faccia bene il suo lavoro. Saluta e te ne vai.

Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple matching

1 Read the text about common health myths. Parts of the text have been removed. Choose the

correct part (A-G) for each gap (1-5). There is one extra part that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

Health Myths Sitting close to a screen will ruin your eyesight This was true in the 1950s when TV screens emitted 100,000 times more radiation than they do today, but modern TV and computer screens are . They might just feel (0) _____________ D tired if you spend too long in front of a screen, so you should rest them and avoid too much screen time. Eating carrots, rich in vitamin A, is also good for your eyes, but they won’t give you superhero vision! Taking vitamin C can prevent colds It’s true that if you don’t have enough vitamin C from fresh fruit and vegetables, you (1) _____________, but research has shown that people who take vitamin C supplements can get as many colds as those who don’t. The best thing you can do to avoid getting a cold is to wash your hands frequently, to prevent the spreading of bacteria.

You can pick up and eat food within five seconds No, you can’t! Bacteria can contaminate food within milliseconds. And moist foods may be even more dangerous than dry foods, (2) _____________. Hand dryers are more hygienic than paper towels Recent research at the University of Westminster in London actually found that hand dryers can increase the amount of bacteria on users’ hands because (3) _____________. The driers can make the toilets dirtier, too, because they push the germs out further into the air. Paper towels are fine, although they may not be very environmentally friendly.

a myth that we like to believe. Taking a warm bath before bed and lying in a cool, dark room (4) _____________. The body loses 90% of its heat through our heads, so we must cover them in cold weather You can lose body heat through any part of your body that’s uncovered, and your head is more likely to be exposed than other areas. It is simply important that you (5) _____________.

Drinking a glass of warm milk will help you sleep There is no scientific evidence that milk can help you sleep. It is simply

A ■ but if you want to be safe you shouldn’t eat either B ■ can become ill with scurvy, a skin disease that sailors used to get. C ■ might need more time to do this properly 0 much safer and won’t damage your eyes D ■ E ■ dress appropriately for the weather F ■ the air inside the machines might not be very sterile G ■ with no electronic devices will help you sleep better

B1 Listening – Multiple matching 2

125 Listen to an interview about what to do in emergencies. While you listen, match the interview questions (A-H) with the answers (1-6). There is one extra question that you do not need to use. The first one (0) has been done for you. You will hear the recording twice.



Questions How can you stay safe during a terrorist attack? How should you deal with a panic attack? How should you rescue someone from the water? What should you do if you can smell gas? What should you do if a snake bites you? What should you do if you are feeling depressed? What should you do if you burn yourself? What’s the most important thing to do in an emergency?

Answers H 0 Q1 ____ Q2 ____ Q3 ____ Q4 ____ Q5 ____ Q6 ____

Il periodo ipotetico (1)



Obiettivi • Periodo ipotetico di tipo 0 • Periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo • Periodo ipotetico di 2° tipo



Leggi la domanda e la risposta nel blog di consigli e cerca esempi di: periodo ipotetico di tipo 0 ________________ periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo ________________ periodo ipotetico di 2° tipo ________________



Leggi gli usi del periodo ipotetico e scrivi 0, 1 o 2. A



Parlare di ipotesi improbabili o impossibili nel presente e situazioni immaginarie o possibili nel futuro che hanno scarsa possibilità di realizzarsi. Parlare di fatti sempre veri o abituali, procedure e leggi. Parlare di ipotesi reali o possibili nel futuro che hanno un’alta probabilità di verificarsi.

My sister gets annoyed if I wear her clothes without asking her. If I try and explain, she won’t listen. But she’s got so many clothes that she wouldn’t even notice if I borrowed something!

Answer If you can’t ask to borrow her clothes, then you can’t wear them. It’s quite simple! Have you considered that if you talked to her she probably wouldn’t have a problem with you wearing her clothes? For sure the situation will become worse if you don’t explain to her how you feel.

Quale periodo ipotetico useresti in queste situazioni? Scrivi 0, 1 o 2. A Esprimere rammarico per non aver studiato abbastanza per un esame. B Decidere che cosa farai se non trovi un passaggio allo stadio. C Spiegare la procedura di un esperimento scientifico. D Dire che cosa fai in genere quando hai paura. E Dare un consiglio a un amico su che cosa faresti al suo posto. F Mettere in guardia qualcuno sulle conseguenze delle sue azioni.

____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____



Il periodo ipotetico di tipo 0


100.1 Il periodo ipotetico Il periodo ipotetico è formato da una proposizione principale (main clause) e da una proposizione subordinata introdotta da if (if clause). La subordinata con if indica la condizione necessaria affinché si realizzi quanto espresso nella principale. In inglese si distinguono quattro tipi di periodo ipotetico: il periodo ipotetico di tipo 0 (zero conditional), di 1° tipo (first conditional), di 2° tipo (second conditional) e di 3° tipo (third conditional). Ognuno indica un grado diverso di probabilità che la condizione espressa nella subordinata si verifichi.

100.2 Il periodo ipotetico di tipo 0 FORMA Principale

Subordinata con if

present simple

if + present simple

Dad gets angry

if Mum is late.

• La subordinata con if può trovarsi all’inizio o alla fine del periodo ipotetico. Quando si trova all’inizio, le due proposizioni sono separate da una virgola. If there is a power failure, household appliances don’t work.

Se c’è un’interruzione di corrente gli elettrodomestici non funzionano.

• If può essere sostituito da when senza modificare il significato della frase. If/When there is a bus strike, I go to school by bike.

Se/Quando c’è lo sciopero degli autobus, vado a scuola in bicicletta.

USO Il periodo ipotetico di tipo 0 si usa per parlare di fatti sempre veri o abituali, procedure e leggi universali. La condizione espressa nella subordinata con if ha sempre come risultato quanto dichiarato nella principale. If the car runs out of petrol, it doesn’t move. If I drink white wine, I get a stomach ache. Does the file open if you double-click this icon? If the temperature reaches 0°C, water freezes.

Se la macchina rimane senza benzina, non cammina. Se bevo il vino bianco, mi viene il mal di stomaco. Si apre il file se fai doppio clic su questa icona? Se la temperatura raggiunge lo 0, l’acqua congela.

VARIANTI • Sia nella proposizione principale che nella subordinata con if, oltre al present simple, si possono usare i modali, il present continuous e il present perfect simple. If you can’t speak English, you cannot get a work visa for Australia. If I’m having a rest, I don’t answer the phone. If you’ve done your homework, you can go out.

Se non parli inglese, non puoi ottenere un visto per lavorare in Australia. Se sto riposando, non rispondo al telefono. Se hai fatto i compiti, puoi uscire.

• Nella proposizione principale si usa l’imperativo per impartire istruzioni o divieti. Don’t use the elevator if there’s a fire.

Non usare l’ascensore se c’è un incendio.

• Per parlare di fatti veri o abituali nel passato si usa il past simple sia nella subordinata con if che nella principale. If I watched a horror film, I turned all the lights on.


Se guardavo un film dell’orrore, accendevo tutte le luci.

Mappa p. 442

Zero conditional



Abbina le due parti delle frasi su Edna. 1 2 3 4 5


If anyone keeps her waiting, If there is a sale on, If she is watching television, If it is raining, If the sea is rough,

a ■ she doesn’t answer the phone. 1 she gets very impatient. b ■ c ■ she doesn’t go swimming. d ■ she buys lots of clothes. e ■ she doesn’t go out of her house.

Scrivi frasi ipotetiche basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 2 3 4 5 6


water / freeze / air temperature / be / below zero Water freezes if the air temperature is below zero. traffic lights / not operate / there / be / power cut prices of goods / increase / demand for them / be / greater / than supply you / cannot enter / the UK / from France / you / not have / valid passport shoppers / usually pay / less for clothes / they / buy / them online you / not be allowed / to take / a driving test / in the UK / you / be / under 17 years of age

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle coppie di verbi nel riquadro. pay / not let • go / make sure • feel / drink • apply / find out • take / revise 1 2 3 4 5


If you are feeling dehydrated, drink lots of water. If you are ________________ an important exam, ________________ as much as you can. If you are ________________ to the Ed Sheeran concert, ________________ you have a valid ticket. If you are ________________ for a job, ________________ what experience you need to have. If you are ________________ by credit card, ________________ anyone see the pin number you type in.

Leggi l’avviso e completalo con i verbi nel riquadro. deal • have • talk • follow • make • use • feel • lock • wear • respect • forget • listen • call • keep • share

Murray House Hostel Greetings to all students from the team looking after you at Murray House, your home from home for the next 3 months. We make sure you (1) have a wonderful time here if you (2) ___________ our simple rules. Our main priority is your safety. Don’t (3) ___________ the lifts if there is a fire. Take the stairs in an emergency. We (4) ___________ the front doors to the hostel at midnight. If you (5) ___________ your key, please (6) ___________ the night manager. The number is in your information pack. If you (7) ___________ your room with other students, please (8) ___________ their privacy and (9) ___________ the noise down if they are trying to study. If you (10) ___________ to music in the room, (11) ___________ your headphones. Don’t worry if you (12) ___________ homesick. Everyone does when they are away from their families. If you go into the student lounge and talk to people, you can (13) ___________ friends very quickly. If you have a problem, come and (14) ___________ to us about it immediately. It is much easier for us to sort out if we can (15) ___________ with it straight away.

Enjoy your time here!


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

Se non accetti i termini e le condizioni, non puoi accedere al sito web. Se schiacci il pedale dell’acceleratore, aumenti la velocità della macchina. Se vuole candidarsi per il lavoro, può compilare il modulo ora. Non attraversare la strada se la luce è ancora rossa. Se hai perso il biglietto del treno, devi comprarne un altro.



Il periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo


FORMA Principale

Subordinata con if

will + forma base

if + present simple

I’ll wear Mum’s black dress

if she agrees.

In inglese solitamente non si usa il futuro nella subordinata con if, mentre in italiano sono possibili sia il presente sia il futuro semplice. I’ll explain my point of view if you let me speak. Ti spiegherò il mio punto di vista se mi lasci/lascerai parlare.

Al posto di if si può usare: • even if (“anche se”) o if ever (“se mai”) per sottolineare la condizione e renderla più remota I won’t apologise even if it costs me the job. If ever I come to New York, I'll visit you.

Non mi scuserò anche se mi costerà il posto di lavoro. Se mai verrò a New York, verrò a trovarti.

• unless (“a meno che non”) seguito dalla forma affermativa del verbo se la frase subordinata con if è negativa (if... not) The butter will melt unless you put it in the fridge.

= if you don’t put

Il burro si scioglierà a meno che tu non lo metta in frigo. Trattazione completa delle alternative a if, 143.2

USO Il periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo si usa per: • parlare di ipotesi reali o possibili nel presente e nel futuro che hanno un’alta probabilità di verificarsi You’ll get into serious trouble if you don’t stop going out with bad company.

Ti metterai in guai seri se non la smetti di frequentare cattive compagnie.

• fare offerte, proposte e avvertimenti Mum, don’t worry. If I have time, I will help you with the Christmas decorations.

Mamma, non preoccuparti. Se ho tempo ti aiuto con le decorazioni di Natale.

VARIANTI • Nella proposizione principale, oltre a will + forma base, si possono trovare i modali e be going to. Can you pick me up at the airport if there isn't a taxi? You should read this book if you like horror stories. I’m going to cut the grass if it stops raining.

Puoi venirmi a prendere all’aeroporto se non c'è un taxi? Dovresti leggere questo libro se ti piacciono le storie dell’orrore. Taglierò l’erba se smette di piovere.

• Nella proposizione principale si può trovare l’imperativo per impartire istruzioni o divieti ed esprimere auguri. Call me if you have an emergency.

Chiamami se hai un’emergenza.

• Nella proposizione subordinata con if, oltre al present simple, si possono trovare i modali, il present continuous e il present perfect simple. If Leonardo and Mattia can’t go to the match, I won’t go either. If the baby is sleeping, I won’t hoover. If they have gone to the cinema without me, I won’t forgive them.


Se Leonardo e Mattia non possono andare alla partita, non andrò nemmeno io. Se la bambina dorme, non passerò l’aspirapolvere. Se sono andati al cinema senza di me, non li perdono. Mappa p. 442

First conditional



Abbina le due parti delle frasi e aiuta Sam a risolvere il suo problema. Sam is moving from his flat to a nearby house with his pet dog, cat and mouse. He can only take one pet at a time, but there will be problems if he leaves two animals together. How does he move the animals to the new house without upsetting them? 1 2 3 4 5 6

If he takes the dog first, If he takes the cat first, If he takes the mouse first, If he leaves the cat with the mouse, If he leaves the dog with the cat, If he leaves the dog with the mouse,

a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ e ■ 1 f ■

the cat will scare the mouse. the dog will chase the cat. the dog won’t scare the mouse. he’ll have to leave the cat with the dog. he’ll have to leave the dog with the mouse. he’ll have to leave the cat with the mouse.

● He takes the cat to the new house first and leaves the dog and mouse in the flat together. ● He takes the mouse to the new house next but brings the cat back to the flat. ● He takes the dog to the new house next and finally goes back to the flat to collect the cat.


Cara, Lara e Tara stanno programmando le loro vacanze ma vogliono andare in posti diversi: Vietnam, Cuba o Islanda. Completa i testi usando la forma corretta dei verbi nei riquadri. Cara If we (1) go to Vietnam, we (2) ________ rainforests and be • eat • go • see • take • try • travel rice fields and (3) ________ a boat trip up the Mekong River. The weather (4) ________ very hot, especially if we (5) ________ there in March and April. We (6) ________ Pho, a Vietnamese rice noodle dish and spring rolls filled with fish, meat or vegetables if we (7) ________ the local cafés. Lara If we (8) ________ we don’t want to go to Vietnam, avoid • stay • choose • decide • learn • think perhaps we can (9) ________ about going to Cuba. If we (10) ________ March to April, during spring, we can (11) ________ the rainy season. If we (12) ________ with a Cuban family, we (13) ________ about their way of life. Tara


We should go between October and April to see the be • drive • get • go • hire • stay • want Northern Lights if we go to Iceland. If the weather (14) ________ good, we (15) ________ a wonderful view. If we (16) ________ to see lots of places, we should (17) ________ a car and (18) ________ all around the country. June and July are the months of the midnight sun, so if we (19) ________ then, it (20) ________ light at night!

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 A Can you lend/You can lend me your suitcase if I don’t/won’t have time to buy a new one? B Even if you will borrow/borrow it this week, I don’t/won’t get it back in time for my holiday. 2 A The traffic’s really bad. What will happen/What’s happening if we miss/will miss the flight? B I don’t know, but unless we won’t get/get to the airport soon, we’re/we’ll definitely going to miss it. 3 A If we won’t/don’t see you before you leave, have/you’ll have a wonderful holiday. B Thank you. If you’ll plan/you’re planning to stay at home this year, we’ll see/we see you in August. 4 A Will Lily be able to enter the photography competition even if she isn’t/will be here next week? B She should/She’ll send her photos today if she will want/wants to make sure they’re there in time. 5 A Unless Mr and Mrs Sweet will go/go to dinner now, they aren’t/they won’t be able to get a table. B Don’t worry, I’ll find/I find them a table if they’ll arrive/they arrive in the next five minutes.



Il periodo ipotetico di 2° tipo


FORMA Principale

Subordinata con if

would + forma base

if + past simple

You would be with your friends now

if you didn’t spend so much time on the Internet.

La forma affermativa contratta di would è ’d e si usa con i pronomi soggetto ma non con i sostantivi. La forma negativa contratta è wouldn’t. Attenzione a non confondere la forma affermativa contratta di would con quella di had: la prima è seguita dalla forma base del verbo, la seconda dal participio passato. She’d be fitter if she trained harder. He’d bought his wedding suit without consulting his fiancée. past perfect

Sarebbe più in forma se si allenasse di più. Aveva comprato il suo abito da sposo senza consultare la sua fidanzata.

ENGLISH USAGE • Nell’inglese formale nella proposizione subordinata con if si usa la forma were del verbo be per tutte le persone, compresi I e he/she/it; nel linguaggio colloquiale si incontrano anche le forme if I/he/she/it was. If I were interested in your opinion, I would ask you for it. Se fossi interessato alla tua opinione, te la chiederei.

• L’espressione if I were you/him/her/them (“se fossi in te/lui/lei/loro”), che si usa per dare consigli, si costruisce esclusivamente con were. If I were you, I’d go to the dentist.

Se fossi in te, andrei dal dentista.

USO Il periodo ipotetico di 2° tipo si usa per parlare di ipotesi improbabili o impossibili nel presente e situazioni immaginarie o possibili nel futuro che hanno scarsa possibilità di realizzarsi.

presente futuro

If you studied harder, you’d get good marks. If I won the lottery, I’d buy you a diamond ring.

Se studiassi di più, otterresti buoni voti. Se vincessi alla lotteria, ti comprerei un anello con diamante.

VARIANTI • Nella proposizione principale, oltre a would + forma base, si possono trovare i verbi modali could, might e should. You could run faster if only you trained! He might win the competition if he had a faster car. Martin should give her another chance if she asked for it.

Potresti correre più velocemente se solo ti allenassi! Potrebbe vincere la gara se avesse una macchina più veloce. Martin dovrebbe darle un’altra possibilità se lei glielo chiedesse.

• Nella proposizione subordinata con if, oltre al past simple, si possono trovare il past continuous, could e should. L’uso di should sottintende che la condizione è molto improbabile che si realizzi. I wouldn’t ask for your help if you were studying. Mrs Carter, I’d be very grateful if Stella could sleep over at my house on Halloween night. How would you react if he should ask you to marry him?


Non ti chiederei aiuto se stessi studiando. Signora Carter, le sarei molto grato se Stella potesse dormire a casa mia la sera di Halloween. Come reagiresti se dovesse chiederti di sposarlo? Mappa p. 443

Second conditional



Completa le frasi con were, would o wouldn’t. If I were you, I would buy tickets for the London Eye in advance. I ____________ be able to fly so often, if airline tickets ____________ more expensive. If there ____________ fewer cars on the roads, the air ____________ be less polluted. Mary ____________ achieve better results, if she didn’t get so nervous before an exam. If I owned a shop, I ____________ sell beautiful vintage clothes. James ____________ go to the cinema every day, if he had the money to pay for the tickets. 7 Barbara ____________ have to walk to school if she lived nearer to a bus route. 8 If I ____________ on my own, I ____________ go into that part of the city after dark. It can be quite dangerous. 1 2 3 4 5 6


3 4

Completa le domande e formula risposte con i suggerimenti dati. 1 Which country would you visit if you flew on a long-haul flight? visit / Australia I’d visit Australia. 2 Which charity ___________________ to if you had some spare cash? donate / UNICEF 3 Which classic books ___________________ if you had lots of time on holiday? read / Moby Dick and The Great Gatsby 4 Which football team ___________________ if you lived in Spain? support / Barcelona 5 Where ___________________ a house if you decided to live in Italy? buy / house in Puglia

6 Where ___________ if you went to London? have dinner / Locatelli 7 What music ___________________ to if you went on a long car journey? listen / my favourite hip hop bands 8 What ___________________ most if you lived away from home? miss / my mother’s cooking 9 Which famous people ________________ to dinner if you could choose two famous people? invite / Charles Leclerc and Prince Harry 10 Who ___________________ with if you travelled around the world? travel / my parents

WRITING Rispondi alle domande nell’esercizio 2 in modo personale. Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro e formula risposte con i suggerimenti dati. do / lose • see / give • eat / cook • celebrate / pass • buy / have • do / miss 1 What would you do if you lost your suitcase at a train station? go to the / lost property office 2 What film _____________ if someone _____________ you free tickets to the cinema? watch / latest Avengers movie 3 What car _____________ if you _____________ a free choice? get / eco-friendly electric car


4 How _____________ if you _____________ all your exams with top marks? have / party on the beach 5 What _____________ if you _____________ the last bus to your home? phone / my dad 6 What _____________ if your favourite chef _____________ a meal specially for you? have / spaghetti with clams

WRITING Rispondi alle domande nell’esercizio 4 in modo personale.


102 6

Second conditional

Formula frasi con il periodo ipotetico di 2° tipo e il comparativo di maggioranza degli aggettivi e degli avverbi dati. 1 Jack / study / hard do well / at school If Jack studied harder, he would do better at school. 2 Andrea / be / nice make / friends / easily 3 Tom / go / gym / often get fit / quickly 4 Mary / get up / early feel / energetic 5 Simon / think / carefully get / high marks


Leggi le situazioni e dai consigli usando i suggerimenti tra parentesi. 1 Giulia 2 3 4 5 6


Peter Roberta Sandy Dominic Lisa

My boyfriend is very upset and I don’t know why. (ask) If I were you, I’d ask him why he is upset. My last exam results were very bad. (revise more) I want to serve better in tennis matches. (throw the ball higher) It’s my grandmother’s birthday and I don’t know what to get her. (buy a beautiful silk scarf) I want to apply for university but I’m not sure where to go. (look at their websites first) I’m not happy in my job. (apply for other jobs)

Completa i mini-dialoghi con i verbi dati. 1 might / should A What would you do if he should ask to borrow your car? B I might lend it to him if he promised to drive very carefully. 2 could / should A We __________ be late for our meeting if we missed the fast train. B Don’t worry. We __________ get to the station in plenty of time if we left the office now. 3 should / could A I’d be very grateful if your daughter __________ feed our goldfish when we are on holiday. B She __________ be able to do it if you made sure we had a key to your flat. 4 might / should A He __________ pass the exam but only if he revised everything we asked him to. B I agree. However, he __________ also understand that if he failed, he probably wouldn’t get into university.


Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. would (x 2) • wouldn’t • might • could (x 2) • shouldn’t • couldn’t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


I might recognise her if I saw her again but I’m not sure. You ___________ worry if you make a few mistakes in the oral exam. Everybody does! We ___________ go for a picnic if the weather were warmer. I ___________ catch a bus every day if the stop weren’t near my house. Sam ___________ be happier if he worked in the city centre. If John knew the answer, I’m sure he ___________ tell me, but he doesn’t. I ___________ go to that restaurant if I were you. The food is not very good and it’s extremely expensive. My dad ___________ take us to the concert if you came to my house.

Second conditional



Hannah vive da sempre a Londra. È stata intervistata da London Magazine su come trascorrerebbe una giornata perfetta in città. Leggi l’intervista e completala con le espressioni nel riquadro. would you have • I’d ban • would you eat • should buy • could eat • would you visit would you relax • shouldn’t go • I’d catch • shouldn’t miss • would you travel would you do • should try • I’d watch • would you go • I’d take

LM Hannah

LM Hannah

LM Hannah

LM Hannah

LM Hannah

LM Hannah LM Hannah LM Hannah LM Hannah

11 1 2 3 4 5 6

Where (1) would you have breakfast if you could choose anywhere in London? In the hotel on the top of the Shard. The food is delicious and it has one of the best views of the city. You (2) ___________________ Borough Market as well. It is close by and has lots of restaurants. Which art gallery (3) ___________________ if you had plenty of time? The Tate Modern because it’s an amazing building and has a superb art collection. The National Gallery has a wider range of paintings. If you went to the Tate Modern, you (4) ___________________ the opportunity to take a selfie in front of it. Where (5) ___________________ if you wanted to just take it easy? In Hyde Park. It is a beautiful green space in the centre of the city. However, If you walked around it after dark, you (6) ___________________ alone because it can be a bit scary. How (7) ___________________ around London if you were me? (8) ___________________ taxis if I were you. I love the iconic black cabs and you can stop them anywhere. If you wanted to save money, you (9) ___________________ a one-day travel ticket which you can use on the underground and the buses. It’s the best value. What food (10) ___________________ if you wanted something different? You can get food from all over the world in London but I’d probably have something very British like fish and chips! If you wanted to have Chinese food, you (11) ___________________ in Soho where there are some wonderful restaurants. What would you do in the evening if you were in the West End? (12) ___________________ a musical. The ones that look really good are The Lion King and Mamma Mia! How (13) ___________________ sightseeing if you had a limited budget? If the weather were good, (14) ___________________ a river cruiser and go along the Thames where you can see many famous places like the Tower Bridge and Big Ben. What (15) ___________________ if you were the mayor of London for a day? (16) ___________________ cars from the city centre and have a huge street party. Thank you very much for your excellent suggestions. I hope your readers enjoy London as much as I do.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. Se fosse più alta, potrebbe essere una modella. È una bellissima giornata. Se fossi in te, andrei in spiaggia. Dovresti darle consigli, se te li chiedesse. Queste fragole potrebbero avere un sapore migliore se le mangiassi con la panna. Che cosa direbbe la tua famiglia se ti facessi un tatuaggio? Se potessi visitare qualsiasi città del mondo, dove andresti?


100-102 Summative revision 1

Completa le frasi con le parole nei riquadri. Poi abbina le due parti delle frasi. music • sore • busy • blue • fire • high 1 2 3 4 5 6


If you mix blue and yellow paint, If I wear ___________ heels, If there’s a ___________ festival near where we live, If you hear the ___________ alarm, If the roads are really ___________, If I have a cold and ___________ throat,

try • drink • get • hurt • walk • use a ■ I ___________ to work rather than drive. b ■ ___________ the stairs not the lift. c ■ my feet really ___________. 1 you get a shade of green. d ■ e ■ we always ___________ to buy tickets. f ■ I ___________ hot lemon and honey.

Formula frasi con il periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo. 1 you / use / an umbrella / you / not / get wet If you use an umbrella, you won’t get wet. 2 we / take / the 27 bus / we / arrive on time 3 you / add / those / fresh herbs / the sauce / taste / better 4 you / not / charge / your phone / not / be / able to / send messages 5 they / not / buy / a ticket / at the station / they / have to / pay / on the train 6 you / carry / too much stuff / in your bag / you / get / a bad back


Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 If we don’t leave now, we’ll miss the bus. Unless we leave now, we’ll miss the bus . 2 You won’t see the beginning of the match unless you switch on the telly now. If ________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3 People will get a good view of the lunar eclipse if the sky is clear. People _____________________________________________________ unless _____________________________. 4 Unless there’s a sale, I won’t be able to buy a new phone. I’ll ____________________________________________________________ if _________________________________. 5 Her opponent will win the match if she doesn’t win the next game. Unless ___________________________________________________________________________________________. 6 You won’t be able to go to the festival unless you buy a ticket today. If ________________________________________________________________________________________________.


Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Meg Tim Meg Tim Meg

There’s an article here about living on Mars. They’ve been looking for applications from people to live there! (1) Would you live (you / live) on Mars if you could leave Earth? No, I wouldn’t want to live there if they (2) _____________________ (pay) me millions! Even if you (3) _____________________ (have) millions, you (4) _____________________ (not spend) it there! True. If I (5) _____________________ (live) on Mars, I (6) _____________________ (not go) shopping, so I (7) _____________________ (save) money! Tim (8) _____________________ (you / phone) me if I (9) _____________________ (not / come) to Mars with you? Meg How (10) _____________________ (I / able to) phone? I (11) _____________________ (not get) a signal if I (12) _____________________ (try) to phone you! Tim If you (13) _____________________ (stand) outside and (14) _____________________ (hold) your phone in the air, then you (15) _____________________ (get) a signal! Meg If I (16) _____________________ (be) you, I (17) _____________________ (do) some revision before the Physics exam next week!


Summative revision


Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 I won’t go to the party unless I can get a lift home. If I can’t get a lift home, I won’t go to the party . 2 I think you should get a new phone. If I ________________________________________________. 3 There’s a discount for students who buy tickets online. Students get _____________________________________.


Florence Anna

Florence Anna Florence Anna Florence Anna


I’m thinking of starting my own business and (1) I’d/I’ll appreciate your advice. I’m very happy to help! What do you have in mind? If I (2) can find/would find the right place, (3) I like/I’d like to open a large workspace – a big room where self-employed people can work doing their different jobs but sharing the space. If you (4) tell/told me a bit more, I (5)’ll see/see if I can help with ideas. What (6) would your customers get/did your customers get if they (7) decided/will decide to use your business? If I (8) opened/am opening the ideal workspace, there (9) would be/are high-quality, comfortable furniture. (10) Do/Would you open a café in the workspace if you (11) wanted/want to provide coffee? I (12) wouldn’t open/didn’t open a café, but (13) I’d get/I get some good coffee machines if I (14) wanted/want to make the space easy for people to work in. Why (15) would people use/did people use a public workspace if they (16) could stay/stayed at home to work? When people (17) worked/work at home, they (18) get/got lonely and (19) don’t/didn’t talk to other people for days. If they (20) will have/have other people around them, they (21) don’t feel/aren’t feeling so isolated. If I (22) decide/have decided to go ahead and open a workspace, my prices (23) will be/are low and they (24) include/will include the electricity, Wi-Fi and coffee. If you (25) let/will let me know when you open, (26) I’ll be/I’m your first customer!

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


4 Unless you use a Wi-Fi code, you can’t go online. You can’t ________________________________________. 5 You’ll get burnt unless you use sunblock. If you ____________________________________________. 6 We can’t go swimming if the sea isn’t calm. Unless ___________________________________________.

Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Anna



haven’t had We can go out for something to eat if you wouldn’t have time to get anything for dinner. If I’m choosing a new phone, if I always take my time. Do you think we’ll be in time for school if we would leave now? Unless I don’t get some new trainers before Saturday, I won’t be able to run in the marathon. If we’ll go on holiday in August, we’ll stay in a hotel near the beach. Mr and Mrs Norman booked a holiday in September if their children didn’t have to go to school then.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Se c’è il sole, i bambini giocano sempre in cortile. Andrea probabilmente vincerà la partita di tennis se continua ad allenarsi. Non farò un panino per pranzo a meno che non ci sia del pane fresco. Non comprerei un telefono in quel negozio se fossi in te. Pensi che dovremmo andare in biblioteca dopo la scuola se vogliamo fare un po’ di ripasso insieme? Se potessi scegliere una vacanza in qualsiasi parte del mondo, dove andresti? Non aggiungere altro peperoncino se non vuoi che il sugo sia troppo piccante.


Grammar for writing An advice blog Per scrivere un blog di consigli: • offri una o più soluzioni • presenta l’argomento • riassumi il consiglio • identifica il problema


Leggi il blog. Poi completa le frasi.

How to deal with online bullying

If you have an internet connection or mobile phone, you can be the victim of cyberbullying. When someone sends messages, posts things online, or steals your online identity in order to hurt, scare or humiliate you, they are cyberbullies. If they want to, they can do it 24 hours a day and seven days a week, completely anonymously. But however they choose to do it, the effects are the same. If someone threatens or intimidates you, it makes you feel stressed and depressed, you may not want to go to school, and some people will even withdraw from their friends and family altogether. So what should you do if someone is cyberbullying you? First, you should try to ignore them. Easier said than done, I know. If someone tries to bully you, don’t blame yourself. It’s their problem, not yours, and they are probably jealous, insecure people, just looking for attention. Second, focus on doing something positive that makes you feel good about yourself. If you keep thinking about a bully’s words, they will make you feel sad and unhappy. Go out for a walk, play football in the park, or have a laugh with your real friends. If none of these things work, then you will need to take more drastic action. Report the bully to a person in authority, take a screenshot of the messages and forward them to the social media administrator, and take a technology break. Above all, the way to deal with online bullying is to call it out and to refuse to pass on any negative or offensive messages or posts. If everyone did that, there wouldn’t be any more online bullying! 1 If you have an internet connection or mobile phone, you can be the victim of cyberbullying . 2 When someone scares or humiliates you online, … 3 If someone tries to bully you, … 4 If you keep thinking about a bully’s words, … 5 If none of these things work, … 6 If everyone did that, …


WRITING Leggi il post che Julian ha inviato a un blog e rispondi dando dei consigli. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto.

I’m really stressed and not sleeping at the moment. I’m worried what will happen if I don’t pass my exams. The more I study, the less I seem to retain information. It would be easier if I could talk to my parents, but they are really busy and I don’t want to bother them. Julian


LANGUAGE Introducing How to deal with... / Thinking about... an issue Explaining a problem

If you have... / When/If someone... / If they want to, they can... / However they choose to do it, the effects are...

Offering solutions

What should you do if... ? / You should... / If someone’s tries to..., don’t... / It’s their problem, not yours. / They are probably jealous/insecure/ just looking for attention. / Focus on... / If you keep thinking about it/them, it/they will make you feel... / Delete it/them immediately. / Go out for a.../play.../have a...

Suggesting If none of these things work, then you will alternatives need to... / Otherwise you can... Summing up

The way to deal with... is... / If everyone did that, there would/wouldn’t be...

WRITING TIPS • Identifica i diversi aspetti del problema. • Suggerisci alcune soluzioni. Utilizza i connettivi. • Concludi ribadendo i tuoi consigli.

Grammar for speaking Describing and recommending a place 1


Sue Karim Sue Karim

Sue Karim Sue Karim Sue Karim Sue Karim Sue Karim Sue 1 2 3 4

Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi leggi le frasi e scrivi T (vero), F (falso) o DS (non lo dice). Karim, you know Oxford, right? Yes, I was born there. Why? I’m going there for a weekend, what would you recommend I did? I’d definitely do a tour of the University. You’ll get a real feel for the history of the place. And if you’re a Harry Potter fan, you could also go on a locations tour of Hogwarts School. That would be good if I liked Harry Potter, but I don’t really! Mmm… If you’re under 16 the Botanic Gardens are free, otherwise it costs £6 to get in. I don’t think I’d pass for under 16, but £6 isn’t very expensive. Are the gardens worth seeing? They’re amazing! There’s a rainforest house, a cloud forest and a carnivorous plant house too! Any more suggestions? The Pitt Rivers Museum is fascinating and entrance is free too. What will I see if I go? There are over 600,000 objects, photos and manuscripts from all historical periods worldwide. Wow! And if I wanted to do something that isn’t quite as cultural? I would go to the Eagle and Child, the favourite pub of writers like Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. Great! Thanks for the suggestions!

Karim is from Oxford. He went on a tour of the University. Sue is a big Harry Potter fan. Sue will get in free to the Botanic Gardens.

T ____ ____ ____

5 You can see artefacts from all over the world if you visit the Pitt Rivers Museum. ____ 6 If you go into the Eagle and Child pub, you may meet writers Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. ____

FUNCTIONS Asking for suggestions

What would you recommend I did? / Are they/is it worth seeing? / Any more suggestions? / What will I see if I go? / What if I wanted...?

Making suggestions

I’d definitely do/go... / You’ll get a real feel of the place / You could/should go.../ What about taking a cruise/train/walk...? / There’s a... / It’s/They’re amazing! / The... is fascinating and entrance is free.

Responding positively

That sounds cool! /Nice idea! / Great! Thanks for the suggestions!

Responding negatively That would be good if I liked... but I don’t! / That still sounds...



ROLE PLAY Consiglia posti da visitare nella tua città. Usa il Functions box come aiuto.

Friend I’m going to visit your hometown for a weekend. What would you recommend? You Rispondi dando qualche idea. Friend What if I don’t have a lot of money, where can I go? You Consiglia alcune attività gratuite. Friend They sound like interesting things to do. But what about things that aren’t as cultural? You Di’ qualche attività meno culturale e più




Friend And what’s the best way to get around the city if you don’t have a car? You Indica mezzi alternativi – trasporto

pubblico, bici o a piedi.

Friend Is there anywhere you think I should avoid? You Elenca i posti più cari, noiosi o trafficati

della città.

Friend Cool! Any more suggestions? You Dai qualche consiglio su dove

nella tua città.


Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple choice 1 Read the text about what would happen in different situations and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) has been done for you.

What if... What would happen if you opened the door of a plane when it was flying? Firstly, passengers sitting near it would fall out. Then the temperature would fall. After that, the plane would start to break apart and your chance of survival would be almost zero. Luckily, you can’t open a plane door even if you want to because the air pressure inside the plane would stop you. What would happen if an astronaut fired a gun in space? Modern guns and ammunition don’t need oxygen to fire. That means they will work in space.

While in space, what would happen if an astronaut stepped into a black hole? Their body would probably be like toothpaste coming out of a tube because the pull of gravity would be so strong that the body would stretch until it fell into an abyss. According to Einstein’s theory of time dilation, if you look forward you will see objects that have fallen into the black hole in the past; and if you look behind you, you’ll see things that will fall into it in the future. Very confusing! Have you ever wonder what would have happened if a giant asteroid had not killed the remaining dinosaurs

on Earth 65 million years ago? They would probably still dominate Earth and intelligent ‘dinosauroids’ might have evolved in place of humans – a very scary thought! Finally, what would happen if there were no Moon, or if it suddenly disappeared? If there were no Moon only things that could live on a planet with very short days and extreme climate changes would exist. If it disappeared, the movement of the oceans wouldn’t be as strong, days would get gradually longer and new gravity forces would affect our climate. Not good either way!

0 If you opened the door of a plane in flight, A ■ it would get hot. ✓ the plane would fall apart B ■ C ■ you would definitely survive. D ■ you would never fall out.

3 If an astronaut fell into a black hole, he/she would A ■ feel like toothpaste. B ■ go back in time. C ■ go forward in time. D ■ not be able to see.

1 You can’t open the door of a plane in flight because A ■ it is locked. B ■ of the air pressure. C ■ the staff would stop you. D ■ you need a code.

4 How would Earth be different if a giant asteroid hadn’t hit it? A ■ There wouldn’t be continents. B ■ It wouldn’t be different. C ■ Humans would exist. D ■ Dinosaurs would still exist.

2 Modern ammunition and guns A ■ don’t need oxygen to work. B ■ need oxygen to work. C ■ will fire backwards in space. D ■ won’t work in space.

5 Which of the following would happen both if there were no Moon or if the Moon had disappeared? A ■ Days would be shorter. B ■ Days would be longer. C ■ There would be extreme climate changes. D ■ There would be no movement in the seas.

B1 Listening – Multiple matching 129 Listen to a woman talking about her life. While listening, match the beginnings of the 2

sentences (1-5) with the endings (A-H). There are two sentence endings that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 1 2 3 4 5


If I were from Switzerland, If I weren’t so tall, It would like to have If I get into university next year I would carry on doing it If I were braver,

A ■ a sister. B ■ I will be a straight A student. C ■ if I could. 0 I would be able to speak several languages. D ■ E ■ I would go to drama school. F ■ I would be more confident. G ■ I wouldn’t play basketball. H ■ people my own age.


Costruzioni verbali


Obiettivi • Infinito con to • Infinito senza to • Forma in -ing

1 2

Leggi i messaggi e sottolinea esempi di infinito con to, infinito senza to e forma in -ing. Rileggi i messaggi e trova esempi di: 1 infinito senza to dopo i verbi modali _____________________________________________ 2 infinito con to dopo gli interrogativi _____________________________________________ 3 forma in -ing con i verbi come/go seguiti da attività fisiche __________________________ 4 forma in ing come soggetto/oggetto della frase __________________________________ 5 infinito con to dopo gli avverbi too/enough _____________________________________________ 6 infinito senza to dopo verbi di percezione (azione completa) _________________________


Abbina le due parti della frase. 1 I enjoy going 2 I’d rather 3 We want 4 Let us know if you’d like 5 Why don’t we 6 Do you fancy



■ ■ ■



getting a takeaway? to join us. start walking? stay home tonight. to go shopping this afternoon. to the cinema.

It was great to bump into you the other day – I can’t stop thinking about your pink hair!

Rana wants to see a picture as I told her it was too cool to describe!

Speaking of cool things – do you fancy coming bowling with us on Saturday night? Or would you rather get an early night and go surfing on Sunday – any ideas where to go?

Let me know what you think – Bye for now – I heard my mum shout! Kay



L’infinito Forma affermativa

Forma negativa


to + forma base del verbo

not + to + forma base del verbo

‘To be or not to be’, that is the question.

“Essere o non essere”, questo è il problema.

Presente progressivo

to + be + forma in -ing

not + to + be + forma in -ing

It’s lovely to be sitting in the shade.

È piacevole stare seduti all’ombra.


to + have + participio passato del verbo

not + to + have + participio passato del verbo

I’m glad not to have ignored her requests for help.

Sono contento di non aver ignorato le sue rischieste d’aiuto.

Se due infiniti sono uniti da and o or, il secondo infinito non prende il to. They want to buy a new house or renovate their own.

Vogliono comprare una nuova casa o ristrutturare la loro.

La particella to può corrispondere alle preposizioni “di”, “a”, “da” e “per” spesso usate in italiano con l’infinito.

USO L’infinito si usa: • come soggetto di una frase To have internet access on a mobile is a must nowadays. Avere l’accesso a internet sul cellulare è indispensabile oggigiorno.

ENGLISH USAGE Nella lingua parlata si preferisce usare la costruzione impersonale con it oppure la forma in -ing. 31.1, 108 To paint the room blue was a great idea. It was a great idea to paint the room blue. Painting the room blue was a great idea.

Dipingere la stanza di blu è stata una grande idea.

• come complemento oggetto dopo il verbo be My greatest regret is to have left school.

Il mio più grande rimpianto è aver abbandonato la scuola.

• in sostituzione di una frase relativa determinativa 51.2 There are many countries to visit.

• per indicare lo scopo di un’azione

= that we can visit

He called to ask me about Sienna.

Ci sono molti paesi da visitare. Ha telefonato per chiedermi di Sienna.

Per esprimere lo scopo di un’azione si possono usare in alternativa all’infinito: • so that 144.1 spesso seguito da ausiliari come can e will; questa costruzione è obbligatoria quando il soggetto della principale e della subordinata sono diversi I’m going to Swansea next summer so that the kids can enjoy the sea air.

Andrò a Swansea la prossima estate in modo che i ragazzi possano godere dell’aria di mare.

• in order to e so as to + forma base del verbo; 75.1 il loro uso è obbligatorio quando la frase è negativa (in order not to/so as not to) Sally went to bed early in order not to/ so as not to argue with Peter.


Sally andò a letto presto per non litigare con Peter.

Mappa p. 444

The infinitive



Completa le frasi con l’infinito presente dei verbi nel riquadro. Poi indica se l’infinito ha funzione di soggetto (S), complemento oggetto (CO), se sostituisce una relativa (R) o indica lo scopo di un’azione (SC). relax • reduce • look for • ask • sunbathe • help • leave • consider They went to Loch Ness to look for the monster in the lake. SC It is not a good idea ______________ your suitcase unattended. There are many suggestions ______________ before coming to a decision. The only thing I want is ______________ and enjoy the film. She’s going to sell her car and use public transport ______________ her carbon footprint. 6 There are many beaches in this resort ______________ on. 7 Robin phoned Mary ______________ for her advice on what to buy his grandmother. 8 ______________ their students to pass exams is very important for teachers.

1 2 3 4 5


Riscrivi le frasi con it. 1 Going out for a meal yesterday evening was a lovely idea. It was a lovely idea to go out for a meal yesterday evening. 2 Revising thoroughly before the exam is essential. 3 Riding an electric scooter on the pavement is illegal in the UK. 4 Getting to the highest level in this computer game is really difficult. 5 Cooking a delicious meal for my vegan friends was a challenge.


Completa le frasi con l’infinito presente progressivo o passato dei verbi nel riquadro. watch • compete • eat • visit • study • buy • write • look after • overtake • play 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


To be visiting Venice during the film festival is exciting. It is amazing ________________________ in this event with so many incredible athletes. ________________________ with Professor Smith was very fulfilling. It was beyond my wildest dreams ________________________ in a five-star restaurant in Los Angeles. ________________________ a long film in a cinema with no air conditioning is very uncomfortable. Her greatest achievement is ________________________ a best-selling novel. ________________________ in this tournament in front of so many people is fantastic. It is very dangerous ________________________ another car on a bend in the road. ________________________ our grandmother while we were away was a great help. It was an excellent investment ________________________ a house when the prices were so low.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con so that, so as (not) to/in order (not) to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I’m studying hard She switched off the TV My landlady is giving me a key We are visiting our grandmother I sheltered in the doorway My friends are staying up late George is going to Brighton Archie left the cinema early

a ■ ___________ get soaked in the heavy rain. b ■ ___________ see the violent end of the film. c ■ ___________ they can watch ski jumping in Japan. d ■ ___________ visit the Royal Pavilion and the pier. 1 so that I can pass all my exams. e ■ f ■ ___________ I can get into the house at any time. g ■ ___________ celebrate her birthday. h ■ ___________ watch the very depressing news.



Costruzioni con l’infinito

Si usa l’infinito: • dopo aggettivi che indicano stati d’animo come anxious, happy, proud, sad, sorry Mi dispiace informarvi...

I’m sorry to inform you...

• dopo aggettivi che indicano caratteristiche come boring, desirable, difficult, easy, important, interesting, lovely, (un)necessary, nice, (im)possible, ready, terrible It’s unnecessary to turn on the air conditioning.

Non è necessario accendere l’aria condizionata.

• dopo i sostantivi attempt, decision, desire, fool, need, opportunity, place, pleasure, reason, time, wish She has the opportunity to study abroad.

Ha l’opportunità di studiare all’estero.

• nella costruzione soggetto + be + participio passato (doomed, forbidden, obliged, pleased, prohibited, shocked, surprised) È destinato a fallire.

He is doomed to fail.

• dopo i composti di some, any e no Non c’è niente da aggiungere.

There is nothing to add.

• dopo gli interrogativi who, what, where, when e how in frasi subordinate Please, tell me what to wear at the party.

Per favore, dimmi cosa indossare alla festa.

• dopo espressioni come be the first/second/next/last/only, ecc. in sostituzione di una frase relativa determinativa 51.2 Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk who walked on the Moon.

Neil Armstrong è stato il primo uomo a camminare sulla Luna.

• dopo aggettivi al grado superlativo con significato simile a una frase relativa determinativa Gaurika Singh was the youngest athlete to take part in the Olympic Games in Rio.

Gaurika Singh è stata l’atleta più giovane a partecipare ai Giochi olimpici di Rio.

• dopo gli avverbi too 44

e enough 43 You are too young to drive a car. The customs officer was smart enough to identify the smuggler.

Sei troppo piccolo per guidare la macchina. Il funzionario doganale fu abbastanza accorto da individuare il contrabbandiere.

ENGLISH USAGE L’infinito si usa: • in espressioni come to be honest, to begin with, to tell the truth To tell you the truth, I haven’t worked at all today.

A dirti la verità, non ho lavorato per niente oggi.

• dopo only per indicare un esito inaspettato o negativo Mila spent days preparing the application for the scholarship only to realise that the terms had already expired.

Mila impiegò giorni a preparare la domanda per la borsa di studio per poi accorgersi che i termini erano già scaduti. Mappa p. 444


Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi e l’infinito dei verbi nei riquadri. amazed • curious • happy • proud • relieved • shocked • surprised congratulate • find • find out • hear • know • watch • witness 1 2 3 4 5 6


We’re surprised to find out that the sports shop is closing after only a year. Everyone was ___________________ the accident yesterday, but they were ____________________ that nobody was hurt. Harry was very ______________________________________ his phone again after he’d lost it on holiday. My grandparents were ______________________________________ the live moon landing in 1969. I’m ______________________________________ who is going to move into the flat next to ours. We were ______________________________________ our daughter when she won a medal on sports day.

Infinitive patterns



Completa le frasi basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 2 3 4 5 6


We were sorry to hear you were leaving school. (be / sorry / hear) Emma ______________________________________ her parents the truth. (be / always / afraid / tell) They ______________________________________ Davide last Saturday. (not be / happy / see) Andy ______________________________________ when I arrived. (not be / ready / leave) It ______________________________________ a steak! (be / easy / cook) The judges ______________________________________ the winner until the end. (be / careful / not reveal)

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. become • book • buy • do • eat • save • pack • plan • remember • make • revise • take 1 Lily is saving money, so she has the chance 2 Harry _____________ hard, so he’s ready 3 Mr and Mrs Norman _____________ their holiday in advance this year because it’s difficult 4 Bruno _____________ so well in the TV cooking competition that he’s talented enough 5 Jane and Penny _____________ their cases for their Mediterranean cruise, so it’s important for them 6 I _____________ a salad for us, so we have something


a ■ ___________ TV Chef of the Year. b ■ ___________ his exams next week. c ■ ___________ their passports. 1 to buy a good-quality d ■ camera. e ■ ___________ before we go out. f ■ ___________ hotels during the summer.

Completa le frasi con l’infinito dei verbi nel riquadro. ask • discover • get • give • go • have • help • hire • meet • organise • plan • put • see • stay • take (x12) • travel We didn’t think it was necessary (1) to take a lot of stuff when we made the decision (2) ___________ around the world for a year before going to university. It was important (3) ___________ our itinerary carefully, so we discussed what (4) ___________ into our backpacks and where (5) ___________. My cousin is the first person in our family (6) ___________ a gap year before university, so it was good (7) ___________ the opportunity (8) ___________ him how (9) ___________ a successful trip and he was pleased (10) ___________ us. He said that although we were too young (11) ___________ a car, we were young enough (12) ___________ a student railcard. Before we left, we thought it was sensible (13) ___________ our families the addresses of where we planned (14) ___________. We were excited (15) ___________ new places with enough time to learn about new cultures. A few weeks into our trip, we arrived on the other side of the world only (16) ___________ two friends from school – they were just as surprised (17) ___________ us, too!


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Sai quali vestiti portare in vacanza? Alice è stata la persona più giovane in classe mia a passare l’esame di guida. Non è stato abbastanza veloce a prendere un posto a sedere sull’autobus, quindi è dovuto stare in piedi. Amy ha impiegato secoli a scrivere una storia per il compito di italiano per poi dimenticarsela a casa. C’è qualcosa da fare nella tua città in inverno? Potresti dirmi dove andare a comprare un caricatore per il telefono? Penny è stata contenta di scoprire che c’era una svendita nel suo negozio preferito.



Verbi seguiti dall’infinito

105.1 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito con to I principali verbi seguiti dall’infinito sono: afford (permettersi) agree* (essere d’accordo) appear* (apparire) arrange* (organizzarsi) ask (chiedere) attempt (tentare) bear (sopportare) choose (scegliere)

decide* (decidere) demand* (richiedere) deserve (meritare) expect* (aspettarsi) fail (non riuscire, mancare) help (aiutare) hope* (sperare) hurry (affrettarsi)

intend (avere intenzione di) learn* (imparare) manage (riuscire) mean (avere intenzione di) offer (offrire) plan* (progettare) pretend* (fare finta di) promise* (promettere)

refuse (rifiutare) seem* (sembrare) swear* (giurare) teach (insegnare) threaten* (minacciare) wait (aspettare) want (volere) wish* (desiderare)

• I verbi con l’asterisco (*) possono essere seguiti da that + frase. In particolare i verbi agree, arrange, ask, decide e demand possono essere seguiti da that + should/would + frase. I hope to improve my English in London. I hope that I improve my English in London.

Spero di migliorare il mio inglese a Londra.

• Il verbo learn può essere seguito da infinito o da that + frase, ma con significato diverso. She learned to walk at 10 months. We learned from our neighbours that the cinema had closed down.

imparare a

fare qualcosa Ha imparato a camminare a 10 mesi. Apprendemmo dai nostri vicini che il cinema aveva chiuso. apprendere un’informazione/una notizia

L’infinito con to si usa anche: • dopo le espressioni verbali would hate/like/love/prefer Preferirei vivere in una grande città.

I’d prefer to live in a big town.

• dopo be able to, be allowed to, ought to, have to, need to 91, 94, 97, 98.1, 99 Devo andare.

I have to go.

105.2 Infinito senza to Si usa l’infinito senza to dopo i verbi modali 91 , dopo i verbi let e make 107 e dopo le espressioni verbali would rather e had better 132 . Puoi raggiungere grandi risultati. Lasciami andare! Faresti meglio a rompere con lei.

You can achieve great results. Let me go! You’d better break up with her.

Se due infiniti sono uniti da except, but, than, as e like, il secondo infinito spesso non prende il to. Non fai niente tranne che dormire sul divano.

You do nothing but sleep on the sofa!

ENGLISH USAGE L’infinito senza to si usa: • dopo i verbi di percezione 34

quando si è partecipi di tutto lo svolgimento dell’azione

I saw the cat jump onto the tree.

Ho visto il gatto saltare sull’albero.

• dopo why e why not per esprimere sorpresa, rimprovero e suggerimento Why park here? It’s reserved for disabled.


Perché parcheggiare qui? È riservato ai disabili. Mappa p. 444

Verb + infinitive



Completa le frasi con le coppie di verbi nel riquadro. expected / find out • learned / play • hurried / get back • agreed / take planned / visit • threatened / strike • deserved / win • arranged / meet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


My parents planned to visit London last September. Djokovic ______________________________________ the final against Federer. The students ______________________________________ in support of climate change. John and Mary ______________________________________ outside the cinema. We ______________________________________ home before the storm started. Voters ______________________________________ the result of the election before midnight. Jason ______________________________________ the guitar while he was still at school. The employees ______________________________________ a pay cut to protect their jobs.

Riscrivi le frasi modificando le parole sottolineate ma senza cambiarne il significato. 1 Jack and Vera agreed to meet under the clock at Victoria Station. Jack and Vera agreed that they would meet under the clock at Victoria Station. 2 Our teachers decided to take us on a tour of Buckingham Palace. 3 We arranged to see the film together on Thursday evening. 4 The forecasters expected the temperatures to rise above 40 degrees and they were right! 5 My sister hoped to get an apprenticeship with a big engineering company. 6 Rene and Renata promised to keep in touch with each other after the holiday.


Riordina le parole per formare frasi corrette. Aggiungi to quando necessario. 1 love / in New York / I’d / spend / a week I’d love to spend a week in New York. 2 are allowed / on Christmas Eve / late / the children / stay up


3 apologise / for arriving / you had better / to the teacher / late 4 but / all day / you / watch / downloads / do / nothing 5 play / last June / we saw / at Glastonbury / George Ezra

ERROR CORRECTION Jilly ha scritto un’email a Nicole, ma ha fatto alcuni errori. Identifica e correggi altri sette errori.

Hi Nicole! to come I’m in the UK now. I intended coming three months ago but decided waiting to take advantage of the good exchange rate and to saving money on my fees. I decided that I study at a beautiful school in Oxford. It is very close to the river. I learn punt! It’s almost the same technique as the gondoliers using in Venice. I also hope to improving my spoken English a lot while I’m here. The teachers are very helpful and my class has only ten other students. I managed finding a flat close to the school which I share with a student from Brazil. I promise to write again soon. Love, Jilly


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Jack ha deciso di viaggiare per il mondo prima di andare all’università. 2 Speriamo di rivedervi tutti molto presto. 3 Preferirei andare in campeggio piuttosto che stare in un albergo.

4 Non ti ho visto entrare. A che ora sei arrivato? 5 Martha desidererebbe studiare un anno in Francia. 6 Mary ha tentato di copiare (cheat) all’esame, ma l’insegnante l’ha vista.



La costruzione oggettiva

Per rendere la costruzione italiana “volere/ordinare/desiderare” che qualcuno faccia qualcosa in inglese si usa la costruzione oggettiva: verbo + (preposizione) + sostantivo/pronome complemento + infinito. Voglio che tu mangi le verdure. Aspetto che Lisa arrivi.

I want you to eat some vegetables. I’m waiting for Lisa to arrive.

La costruzione oggettiva si usa quando il soggetto della principale è diverso da quello della subordinata con l’infinito. stesso soggetto Vuole smettere di ballare. Vuole che io smetta di ballare.

He wants to give up dancing. He wants me to give up dancing.

soggetto diverso

106.1 Verbo + complemento oggetto + infinito Si usa la costruzione verbo + complemento oggetto (sostantivo/pronome complemento) + infinito con i verbi di volontà. I principali verbi usati con la costruzione oggettiva sono: advise* (consigliare) allow (permettere) ask (chiedere) cause (causare) command* (ordinare) convince (convincere) encourage (incoraggiare) expect* (aspettarsi) forbid (proibire)

request* (chiedere) require* (richiedere) teach (insegnare) tell (dire) want (volere) warn (avvertire) would hate/like/love/prefer (detesterei/vorrei/mi piacerebbe/ preferirei, ecc.)

force (costringere) help (aiutare) invite (invitare) need (avere bisogno di) oblige (obbligare) order* (ordinare) persuade (persuadere) recommend* (consigliare) remind* (ricordare)

The coach requested the team to train. Dad allows me to use his car.

L’allenatore ha chiesto alla squadra di allenarsi. Papà mi lascia usare la sua macchina.

Come in italiano, la negazione si può ottenere volgendo alla forma negativa: • il verbo introduttivo They didn’t ask me to arrive before dinner.

Non mi chiesero di arrivare prima di cena.

• l’infinito I’d like you not to punish him this time.

Vorrei che tu non lo punissi questa volta.

In inglese alcuni verbi come want e would like non sono mai seguiti da that + frase, mentre in italiano sono seguiti da “che” + frase. I want Sandy to apologise for her behaviour. NON I want that Sandy apologises for her behaviour.

Voglio che Sandy si scusi per il suo comportamento.

ENGLISH USAGE I verbi con l’asterisco (*) possono essere seguiti da that + should + frase per sottolineare l’urgenza/importanza dell’azione. The police ordered all the residents to clear the area. The police ordered that all the residents should clear the area.


La polizia ordinò a tutti i residenti di evacuare l’area.

Verb + object + infinitive


REMEMBER Want si traduce in italiano con l’indicativo presente del verbo “volere”; would like si traduce invece con il condizionale presente ed esprime un maggior grado di cortesia rispetto a want. Voglio/Vorrei che tu porti/portassi via la spazzatura.

I want/’d like you to take the rubbish out.

106.2 Verbo/Aggettivo + for + complemento + infinito Si usa la costruzione verbo/aggettivo + for + complemento (sostantivo/pronome complemento) + infinito nei seguenti casi: • dopo i verbi che normalmente reggono la preposizione for come arrange, look, pay e wait, e dopo il verbo take quando ha il significato di “impiegarci/volerci (di tempo)” They arranged for Laura to go on a summer camp. It’s taking too much time for you to decide.

Hanno preso accordi affinché Laura vada a un campo estivo. Ti ci vuole troppo tempo per decidere.

• dopo aggettivi che esprimono uno stato d’animo come anxious, eager, delighted, impatient, willing, reluctant She’s delighted for her daughter to take part in the school ball.

È felice che sua figlia prenda parte al ballo della scuola.

• dopo aggettivi introdotti da it che esprimono possibilità: (im)possible; necessità: (un)necessary; importanza e urgenza: essential, important, vital; giudizi di valore: advisable, difficult, easy, dangerous, strange It seems difficult for her to describe the scene in every detail.

Le è difficile descrivere la scena in ogni dettaglio.

Con questi aggettivi è possibile usare anche la costruzione that + (should) + frase. È impossibile che mi ami ancora.

It is impossible that he should still love me.

• dopo gli avverbi too e enough This sauce is too hot for the baby to eat. There is enough wind for us to go windsurfing. The telephone bell is not loud enough for granny to hear it.

Questo sugo è troppo piccante da mangiare per il bambino. C’è abbastanza vento per andare a fare windsurf. La suoneria del telefono non è alta abbastanza perché la nonna la senta.

106.3 Aggettivo + of + complemento + infinito Si usa la costruzione aggettivo + of + complemento (sostantivo/pronome complemento) + infinito dopo aggettivi che indicano giudizi di merito come clever, cruel, kind, nice, silly, stupid. It was very kind of you to help me.

È stato molto gentile da parte tua aiutarmi. Mappa p. 444


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nei riquadri. advised • helped • persuaded • invited • forced 1 2 3 4 5

come • change • cross • read • open

Jack helped the old lady to cross the road. Betty ___________________ Michael ___________________ to her birthday party. The thieves ___________________ the shop manager ___________________ the safe containing the jewellery. Aldo ___________________ Paula ___________________ their restaurant menu and have a range of vegan meals. The teachers ___________________ the students ___________________ all the listed books during the summer holidays.


106 2

Verb + object + infinitive

Audrey sta parlando con Maria. Riscrivi le frasi usando la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. order • ask • remind • teach • convince • recommend 1 Don’t forget to do your homework, Maria. Audrey reminded Maria to do her homework. 2 Lucky Beach is a really nice restaurant. They serve delicious Thai food in the evening. 3 Get out of the kitchen. I don’t want you to see what I’m cooking. 4 This is how you take photos in panoramic view. 5 Please can you buy me some sparkling water when you go shopping? 6 Of course you should take part in the competition. You are definitely the most talented player.


Che cosa dicono i messaggi? Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 There is turbulence now. Fasten your seat belts immediately. The flight attendant ordered the passengers to fasten their seat belts. A ordered B encouraged C persuaded


2 ‘Lisa, watch the latest Jumanji film. You’ll love it, Jim.’ Jim ______________ Lisa to watch the latest Jumanji film. A reminded B recommended C forced

Milly, meet me in the school car park at 5.30. Please don’t be late! Love, Dad


3 Milly’s father ______________ her to meet him in the school car park at 5.30. A persuaded B caused C expected

4 The Music Society ______________ students who can sing to come to the School Hall for an audition. A taught B warned C invited Bill get to the station as soon as you can. There’s already a big crowd going to the Brighton Festival. Gemma




Music Society

Auditions for our next Talent Show. We want students who can sing to come to the School Hall at 4.00 this Friday. 4 Hope to see you there!

5 Gemma ______________ Bill to get to the station early to avoid the big crowds going to the Brighton Festival. A caused B advised C forbade

Riscrivi le frasi con la costruzione oggettiva. 1 The train announcer advised that passengers should stand behind the yellow line on the platform. The train announcer advised passengers to stand behind the yellow line on the platform. 2 The pilot ordered that the flight crew should take their seats as the plane was landing. 3 The waiter recommended that the diners should have the grilled sea bass. 4 The umpire requested that the spectators should take their seats as the match was about to start. 5 The boss ordered that the staff should work overtime in order to finish the project on time.


Verb + object + infinitive


Leggi i problemi che alcuni genitori hanno con i loro figli adolescenti e scrivi che cosa vogliono che facciano. Usa la costruzione want + pronome complemento + infinito. 1 Dario: his children don’t study. He wants them to study . 2 Rita and Fabrizio: their daughter always comes home late on a week night. They _____________________________________________. 3 Matilda: her son never cleans his bedroom. She ______________________________________________.


4 Marco: his children are always fighting with each other. He ________________________________________________. 5 Nicola: his son doesn’t help around the house. He ________________________________________________. 6 Giacomo and Anna: their two boys are always playing video games. They _____________________________________________.

Completa le frasi basandoti sulle informazioni date e aggiungendo too e enough quando necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6


The film was on too late for them to watch . (watch / them / late) There weren’t ____________________________________. (sit / everyone / chairs) He speaks ____________________________________ him. (quickly / understand / me) Is there ____________________________________ on holiday this year? (go / money / us) There hasn’t been __________________________ in the workshop __________________________ it. (start / interest / us) This puzzle is ____________________________________. (do / a small child / difficult)

Completa le frasi usando i suggerimenti tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5



The guide arranged for the tourists to visit the London Dungeon. (arrange / the tourists / visit) I’m ______________________________________ my beautiful daughter. (delight / you / marry) It seems ______________________________________ what we are saying. (hard / her / understand) It’s ______________________________________ what you want to study. (take a long time / you / decide) It’s ______________________________________ when she is working in Barcelona. (not difficult / her / learn Spanish)

Completa le frasi con la costruzione It was + complemento + infinito. Usa i verbi e gli aggettivi nei riquadri. clever • polite • kind • cruel • stupid 1 Well done, Jim! You got the final clue! It was clever of Jim to finish the crossword puzzle. 2 Thank you for your help. ___________________________ my heavy suitcases. 3 That was a horrible thing Anne said to Michael at the party. ___________________________ in front of his friends.


carry • greet • finish • criticise • cross 4 You don’t think! Why didn’t you wait for the lights to change? ___________________________ that busy main road. 5 We really appreciated that the head teacher said hello to all of us individually. ___________________________ everyone in person.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Il vigile del fuoco ha ordinato a tutti i clienti di lasciare immediatamente il grande magazzino. I miei nonni non si aspettano che io li vada a trovare tutti i fine settimana. La mamma di Jackie vuole che smetta di suonare il violoncello. Il nostro insegnante si è accordato affinché la classe vada all’open day dell’università. Martha ha convinto Nick ad accettare il lavoro a Parigi. Le onde non sono grandi a sufficienza per andare sul surf.



I verbi causativi (1): let, make, have e get

Per rendere l’espressione “far fare qualcosa a qualcuno” specificando chi compie l’azione indicata dall’infinito, si usa la costruzione causativa (causative form) con funzione attiva. In questa costruzione si possono usare i verbi let, make, have e get. La scelta del verbo più appropriato dipende dal significato del verbo “fare”. Osserva la tabella.



+ complemento oggetto (sostantivo/pronome complemento) + forma base del verbo



They let their daughter do whatever she wants. Mum doesn’t let me subscribe to Tik Tok.

Fanno fare a loro figlia quello che le pare. Mia madre non mi fa iscrivere a Tik Tok.


She made him dig the garden. Gli ha fatto zappare il giardino. Don’t blame me! I didn’t make Non dare la colpa a me! Non you do that. te l’ho fatto fare io.

causare una reazione

You made me feel uncomfortable!

Mi hai fatto sentire a disagio!

per esprimere ordini, istruzioni e richieste

The teacher has the students read a book a month. Why did the actors have their agent cancel the press conference?

L’insegnante fa leggere agli studenti un libro al mese. Perché gli attori hanno fatto annullare al loro agente la conferenza stampa?

La costruzione con have ha lo stesso significato di ask someone to do something ma è più comune nell’inglese americano.



have get


convincere qualcuno a fare qualcosa

Peter got his mother to sell their house.

Peter ha convinto sua madre a vendere la casa.

far funzionare qualcosa

Dad is trying to get the lawnmower to work.

Papà sta tentando di far funzionare il tagliaerba.

+ complemento oggetto (sostantivo/pronome complemento) + aggettivo/sostantivo

rendere/fare qualcuno + aggettivo/sostantivo

He’s made her miserable since they got married. Laura, you make me the happiest man in the world.

La rende infelice da quando si sono sposati. Laura, mi rendi l’uomo più felice del mondo.

+ pronome riflessivo + participio passato

farsi + infinito

He made himself heard in the crowd.

Si è fatto sentire nella folla.

far provare/vivere un’esperienza a qualcuno

Dad had us laughing at the president’s speech.

Il papà ci ha fatto ridere al discorso del presidente.

far iniziare qualcuno a fare qualcosa

Please, get her packing her things.

Per favore, falla iniziare a preparare le sue cose.

+ complemento oggetto (sostantivo/pronome complemento) + to + forma base del verbo

+ complemento oggetto (sostantivo/pronome complemento) + verbo alla forma in -ing

Causative verbs (1): let, make, have and get



Abbina le due parti delle frasi e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Keep your camera safe and don’t let/get All that traffic made/let us late for the cinema, The new playground has made/let This warm, sunny weather lets/makes everyone Can you get/make Penny Jane let/got me borrow her car If I can’t make/get this TV to work, Mum won’t let/make us watch this film

a ■ feel better and head for the beach. 1 anyone else to look after it, Lily. b ■ c ■ I’m taking it back to the shop. d ■ to phone me when you next see her? e ■ the local children very happy. f ■ so we missed the start of the film. g ■ because it’s too violent. h ■ while she was away on holiday.

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. Scrivi i verbi alla forma corretta. Mum / get / buy • laugh / make / me • look / her / make • change / make / her Dad / cook / get • go out / make / the lights 1 2 3 4 5 6


I hope I can get Mum to buy me those new trainers. They couldn’t _______________________ her mind. She is so stubborn! His jokes always _______________________. He is so funny! The storm _______________________. We didn’t have electricity for three hours! Mum, ‘I’m going to be late, Ally. _______________________ dinner. I should be home by 8.30.’ Her new hairstyle _______________________ younger.

Completa il dialogo usando la forma corretta di let, have, get o make. Linda Matthew Linda Matthew Linda Matthew Linda Matthew Linda


I’m not sure I can go to Leeds this year. Why not? It’s one of the best music festivals and I can (1) get someone to send us tickets. Well, I’m supposed to be working then and I don’t want to (2) ________ my boss angry. Surely she can’t (3) ________ you work if you want a few days off? It’s a new job, so I don’t think she’ll (4) ________ me take time off. If you aren’t careful, she’ll (5) ________ you work every day of the week. I don’t want to (6) ________ myself unpopular. I’ll try asking her, but I don’t think I’ll (7) ________ myself heard, especially as she’s so busy. Why don’t you talk to her? Perhaps you can try to (8) ________ her to change her mind. I hope so!

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 A Harry’s mum exchanged her old phone for a new one. Harry got his mum to exchange her old phone for a new one. B He chose the best type of phone for her. She ___________________________ the best type of phone for her. 2 A It wasn’t my fault you went to see that terrible film with me! I didn’t ___________________________ to see that terrible film with me! B I know, but I felt awful! I know, but it ___________________________ awful! 3 A We’re so pleased Sara can come and stay with us. We’re so pleased you’ve ___________________________ and stay with us. B Thank you for your invitation. We’d like her to phone us while she’s with you! Thank you for your invitation. Please ___________________________ phone us while she’s with you!


103-107 Summative revision 1

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con l’infinito dei verbi nel riquadro. buy • find out • hear • pass • switch off • get 1 Lily has studied hard, so she is sure 2 Please, can you show me how 3 We don’t want to queue at the theatre for ages only 4 Harry was quick enough 5 We were very happy 6 Is there anything you need



___________ that you’re planning to move to our town. b ■ ___________ his new phone before they’d sold out. 1 to pass all her exams. c ■ d ■ ___________ they’ve sold out of tickets. e ■ ___________ while we’re in the supermarket? f ■ ___________ this phone?

Completa il testo con il tempo dell’infinito corretto (presente, presente progressivo o passato) dei verbi nel riquadro. be • have • find • spend • not be • not cook • not tell (1) To be spending a few days in Barcelona, a Catalan city on the Mediterranean coast, is very welcome after months of hard work. (2) _____________ a change of scene was exactly what I needed. (3) _____________ in front of my computer is a relief because I was at my desk all the time. (4) _____________ a lovely hotel near a metro station and restaurants was lucky at this time of year. (5) _____________ in Barcelona this week is especially enjoyable as there are some great art exhibitions on. (6) _____________ every day is a real treat and the local restaurants are so good, with excellent lunch and dinner menus. (7) _____________ anyone about my city break was good advice from my friends, because no one can contact me here!


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 ‘Why/Why to spend so much on a pair of jeans?’ ‘Don’t worry, I can afford to buy/buy them now that I’ve got a new job.’ 2 ‘Why to/Why drive when we can walk to the beach? It’s only a ten-minute walk.’ ‘Good idea. We never manage to park/that we park there.’ 3 ‘Why/Why not get another pair of shoes? They’re all in the sale.’ ‘Yes, but it’s important that I choose/I’d choose the right colour.’ 4 ‘Why/Why not meet your cousin from the airport tomorrow? You’ll have plenty of time.’ ‘I don’t want to meet/that I meet him then find out that I have to work.’


Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro e i pronomi complemento corretti. advise • encourage • need • persuade • remind • require • warn 1 The Tourist Information Office advised us to buy 2 Rosie ________________ to go shopping 3 Amy’s sister ________________ to get 4 I ________________ to give me 5 Sam’s family ________________ to travel 6 The police ________________ not to walk 7 The company ________________ to show ID


a b

■ ■

when we wanted to hire a car from them. even though I don’t like the town centre when it’s crowded. c ■ a lift this morning but you didn’t answer your phone. 1 a three-day travel card while we were in Amsterdam. d ■ e ■ before starting work after university. f ■ a birthday present for their aunty. g ■ around parts of the city at night while they were there.

Summative revision



Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 You’re taking to long to write that essay. It’s taking too long for you to write that essay. 2 I can’t carry this heavy box. This box is too heavy ______________________________________. 3 We can’t use this phone app because it’s too complicated. This phone app is ______________________________________. 4 It’s important that she does well in the tennis match. It’s important ______________________________________. 5 They’re going on a trip which was arranged by their school. The school has arranged ______________________________________. 6 He couldn’t send a text because there wasn’t enough signal. There wasn’t enough signal ______________________________________.


Maria e Jane hanno frequentato un corso di pittura. Leggi il testo e scegli l’opzione corretta. I recently (1) got my friend, Jane, to go on an art course with me. Our boss (2) _____________ us take Friday off work so that we could do the course. The art teacher, Sue, didn’t (3) _____________ us bring anything to the course: she provided all the paints, brushes and paper we needed. We sat in her garden studio and she soon (4) _____________ us creating our own works of art. She (5) _____________ us feel very relaxed and tried to (6) _____________ us to try different techniques with the paints. She (7) _____________ everyone experiment with the different colours and types of paint. At the end of the course, we all had paintings to take home which Sue had (8) _____________ everyone producing in quite a short time. We’re definitely planning to go back! 1 2 3 4


let made make made


got had get had


get let made let

5 6 7 8


let get make had


got make let let


made let got got

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



to Penny arranged that she would contact her cousin when she arrived. Amy phoned ask me to meet her for coffee. I’m sorry, but I can’t pretend like this food. It tastes awful! Our teacher told to us finish our test and give her our answer sheets. I don’t want that you borrow my car again! It was easy for she to catch a bus home. It took for us a long time to get home yesterday. The film was too long for me watch it.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mamma, posso telefonare a Etta per invitarla a dormire (stay)? Chi è stata la prima persona a sorvolare l’oceano Atlantico? Hanno organizzato di incontrare i loro cugini quando siamo andati a Parigi. Faremmo meglio a fare una bella notte di riposo (night’s sleep) prima dell’esame domani. È stato facile per me andare a una scuola nuova perché tutti sono stati molto amichevoli. Devo convincere Penny a darmi il suo nuovo numero prima che vada in vacanza.



La forma in -ing (2)

FORMA ‘Visualise yourself not falling off the wall.’

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa


forma base del verbo + -ing 31

not + forma base del verbo + -ing

Not cheating is more important than winning.

Non imbrogliare è più importante che vincere.


having + participio passato del verbo

not + having + participio passato del verbo

Having spent a fortune and not having saved a single penny, at 60 he found himself penniless.

Avendo speso una fortuna e non avendo messo da parte un penny, a 60 anni si trovava senza soldi.

USO La forma in -ing si usa: • per costruire i tempi verbali progressivi (continuous tenses) They were sleeping when we arrived.

Stavano dormendo quando arrivammo.

• come soggetto/oggetto di una frase con funzione di infinito sostantivato Queuing at the doctor’s practice gets on my nerves. Her hobby is collecting stamps.

Stare in coda all’ambulatorio medico mi dà sui nervi. Il suo hobby è collezionare francobolli.

• come aggettivo 76.1 Increasing exports are boosting the Chinese economy.

Le crescenti esportazioni stanno spingendo l’economia cinese.

• dopo alcune preposizioni quando il soggetto della principale e della subordinata è lo stesso You can’t improve your English without studying.

Non puoi migliorare il tuo inglese senza studiare.

• dopo la preposizione for per indicare la funzione di un oggetto o di un materiale I need something for cleaning this copper bracelet.

Mi serve qualcosa per pulire questo braccialetto di rame.

• dopo un verbo, un sostantivo o un aggettivo seguito da preposizione She insisted on talking with the head teacher. Ha insistito per parlare con il preside. John was thrilled by the thought of moving to New York. John era elettrizzato al pensiero di trasferirsi a New York. I’m excited about going on holiday. Sono emozionato all’idea di andare in vacanza.

• in sostituzione di una frase relativa determinativa 51.2 con funzione di participio presente The woman wearing the red hat is my aunt.

La donna che indossa il cappello rosso è mia zia.

= who is wearing • dopo le congiunzioni temporali after, before, on, since, when e while se il soggetto della proposizione principale e della subordinata è lo stesso Slow down while crossing the bridge.

Rallentare quando si attraversa il ponte.

Con after e before si può usare il passato della forma in -ing senza modificare il significato della frase. She left before listening/having listened to him.

Se ne andò via prima di averlo ascoltato.

• in espressioni come it’s no good/use, it’s worth, there’s no point It’s worth trying.

Vale la pena provare.

• per indicare un divieto No bathing.

Divieto di balneazione.

• dopo except e but se precedute da una costruzione che richiede la forma in -ing She’s interested in nothing except travelling.


Non è interessata a niente tranne che viaggiare. Mappa p. 445

-ing form (2)



130 GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta e completa le risposte del quiz con la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro.

perform • reach • graduate • invent • walk • star • win • score • fly

Norgay Tensing 1

Reaching the top of Mount Everest.

Katharine Hepburn 5 _____________ the most Oscars.


Tim Berners Lee 2 ______________ the world wide web.

Neil Armstrong 3 _______________ on the Moon.

Ruth Lawrence 6 _____________ from Oxford University at 13.

Shirley Temple 7 _____________ in a film at the age of 3.


Amelia Earhart 4 ____________ solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

Ronaldo 8 _____________ the most goals in the World Cup.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro. queue • talk • tell • have • live 1 2 3 4 5


Talking about your problems with your family ___________ jokes ___________ life to the full ___________ a lot of money ___________ for a long time

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro A e i verbi nel riquadro B alla forma in -ing. A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


a ■ is not the only key to happiness. b ■ is really frustrating. 1 is the first step towards solving them. c ■ d ■ is one way to make people smile. e ■ is the best way to stay healthy.

since • without • before • on • about of • while • after


practise • watch • change • queue become • talk • visit • leave

You can’t improve your speaking skills without practising the language. He has become quite arrogant, ______________________ leader of the party. Buddy insisted ______________________ to the manager about the poor service. Please check you have all your personal belongings ______________________ the train. We’re really excited ______________________ San Francisco and seeing the Golden Gate Bridge. Have you ever thought ______________________ your job and doing something completely different? I always have my dinner ______________________ the evening news. We finally got into the da Vinci exhibition ______________________ for over an hour.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Delia ama cucinare di tutto tranne che fare torte. 2 Jordan è bravo a fare presentazioni. 3 Non avendo studiato molto, venne bocciato all’esame.

4 Non ho mai mangiato una minestra così disgustosa. 5 Chi è l’uomo che sta davanti alla tua porta?



Verbi seguiti dalla forma in -ing

Si usa la forma in -ing dopo i seguenti verbi: admit to* (ammettere) appreciate (apprezzare) avoid* (evitare) be busy (essere occupato) consider (valutare) delay (tardare a)

give up (smettere) imagine* (immaginare) involve (implicare) keep (on) (continuare) mention* (menzionare) miss (mancare)

deny* (negare) enjoy (piacere) escape (sfuggire) feel like (sentirsi) finish (finire) forgive (perdonare)

She is considering resigning from her post of director.

postpone (posticipare) practise (esercitare) put off (rimandare) recommend (consigliare) risk (rischiare) suggest* (suggerire)

Sta valutando di dimettersi dal suo incarico di direttore.

• I verbi con l’asterisco (*) possono essere seguiti da that + frase (per le variazioni dei tempi verbali 123.1 ). He denied meeting the Smiths at the airport. He denied that he had met the Smiths at the airport.

Negò di aver incontrato gli Smith all’aeroporto.

• Il verbo suggest può essere seguito anche da that + should + frase. Paula suggested seeing a doctor. Paula suggested that I should see a doctor.

Paula mi suggerì di andare dal dottore.

La forma in -ing si usa inoltre dopo: • i verbi di gradimento che esprimono sentimenti come love, like, hate 34 Odio stare in coda.

I hate queuing.

• i verbi di percezione come feel, hear, smell 34

quando si è partecipi dell’azione solo parzialmente Li ho sentiti litigare.

I heard them arguing.

• i verbi come e go seguiti da verbi che indicano attività fisiche, sportive o del tempo libero Vieni a ballare con me! Andiamo a nuotare!

Come dancing with me! Let’s go swimming!

• le espressioni con can’t come can’t imagine, can’t stand, can’t bear, can’t stop, can’t help, can’t resist Cara, non posso immaginare di vivere senza di te.

Darling, I can’t imagine living without you.

Se il soggetto della principale è diverso da quello della subordinata, si possono usare le costruzioni: • verbo + complemento oggetto + forma in -ing Mi fa sempre aspettare.

She always keeps me waiting.

• verbo + aggettivo possessivo/genitivo sassone + forma in -ing Sono stufa che lei/Tiara si comporti in modo così sconsiderato.

I’m fed up with her/Tiara’s behaving so inconsiderately.


Mappa p. 444

Scrivi frasi per descrivere quello che ha fatto Mrs Sweet ogni giorno durante la crociera.

1 On Monday 2 Mrs Sweet went swimming.





Verbs + -ing form


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro A e la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro B. A

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


miss • enjoy • risk • avoid • consider practise • involve • imagine


travel • queue • meet • set off play • join • work • have

The Captain really enjoys meeting the new passengers when they board his cruise ship. Jane ____________________ her daughter at home now she is studying at university in a different city. Can you ____________________ into outer space? You must ____________________ the piano more if you want to pass your Grade 6 exam. This exercise ____________________ closely together in teams. You can ____________________ to get into the exhibition if you buy your tickets online. Have you ____________________ the police when you leave school? Please don’t light the candles on the birthday cake. I don’t want to ____________________ the smoke alarm.

In ogni frase un verbo NON può essere seguito dalla forma in -ing. Identificalo e completa le frasi con le due opzioni corrette. 1 The politician denied / admitted to talking to the newspapers about confidential government business. A denied B forgave C admitted to 2 Roberta ____________________ visiting the British Museum when we went to London. A suggested B enjoyed C practised 3 My grandfather ____________________ cutting the grass when he moved to his new accommodation. A involved B gave up C missed



4 I ____________________ living in a penthouse flat. A can’t imagine B appreciate C mention 5 Jane ____________________ interrupting the speaker during her presentation. A escaped B kept on C felt like 6 I ____________________ watching horror films. A can’t bear B avoid C delay 7 I’m ____________________ taking the train to Naples. A considering B avoiding C planning

Le coinquiline di Irene hanno problemi di convivenza e Irene scrive a Janey per chiederle dei consigli. Completa l’email usando la forma corretta delle parole nel riquadro. argue • behave • be • wait • act • meet • swim • move • go to • build • tell • live • them (x 2) • her

Hi Janey, I hope all is well. I need your advice – again! Do you remember (1) meeting my flatmates, Carol and Belinda? You said they were really nice. They are most of the time but last week I heard (2) _________ _________ and they haven’t stopped (3) _________ horrible to each other since then. Carol says she’s fed up with Belinda (4) _________ so inconsiderately like keeping (5) _________ _________ when she wants to use the bathroom. Belinda now says that she’s thinking about (6) _________ out of the flat and (7) _________ live somewhere else. I can’t imagine (8) _________ without them but I feel like (9) _________ _________ to leave to get some peace and quiet! Have you got any ideas about how I can get them to stop (10) _________ like children and start (11) _________ bridges?? I really want them to be friends again! Many thanks. Let’s go (12) _________ in the next couple of days and you can tell me what you think in that nice café near the pool. All the best, Irene



Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o -ing

110.1 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o -ing senza variazione di significato Alcuni verbi possono essere seguiti sia dall’infinito sia dalla forma in -ing senza cambiare di significato. hate (odiare) intend (avere intenzione di) like (piacere) love (amare)

bear (sopportare) begin (cominciare) cease (smettere) continue (continuare)

We’ll begin to record/recording in five minutes.

plan (progettare) prefer (preferire) propose (proporre) start (iniziare)

Inizieremo a registrare fra cinque minuti.

• Quando il verbo introduttivo è alla forma progressiva si preferisce evitare la forma in -ing e utilizzare l’infinito. Tom is continuing to play the drums loudly.

Tom sta continuando a suonare la batteria a volume alto.

• I verbi hate, prefer, like e love sono seguiti dall’infinito del verbo per indicare preferenza o gradimento rispetto a una situazione specifica e dalla forma in -ing rispetto ad una situazione abituale. Osserva la differenza: Their baby girl has got a temperature. They prefer to stay at home tonight. They love staying at home in the evening.

La loro bambina ha la febbre. Preferiscono situazione specifica stare a casa stasera. situazione abituale Amano stare a casa la sera.

• I verbi advise, allow, forbid e permit sono seguiti dall’infinito quando è presente il complemento oggetto, ma dalla forma in -ing in assenza del complemento oggetto. Sean forbids me to use his tablet. The EU has forbidden using child labour.

Sean mi proibisce di usare il suo tablet. La UE ha proibito di usare il lavoro minorile.

110.2 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o -ing con variazione di significato Altri verbi possono reggere sia l’infinito sia la forma in -ing ma con significato diverso.


+ -ing

be sorry for, azione passata forget, I remember giving you regret, your pocket money. remember

azione non ancora compiuta Mi ricordo di averti dato la paghetta.

continuare go on



He went on talking for hours.


I won’t forget to turn off the lights.

Non mi dimenticherò di spegnere le luci.

smettere di fare una cosa per farne un’altra Ha continuato a parlare per ore.

She prepared lunch, then she Preparò il pranzo, poi si went on to do some gardening. mise a fare del giardinaggio.

significare, comportare

avere intenzione di

Accepting that job will mean travelling a lot.

I didn’t mean to hurt you.

Accettare quel lavoro significherà viaggiare molto.

Non volevo ferirti.

smettere di fare qualcosa

fermarsi per fare qualcos’altro

She stopped playing tennis.

I stopped to help the lady cross the street.

Ha smesso di giocare a tennis.

fare un esperimento try

+ infinito

I tried connecting to a different network.

Mi fermai per aiutare la signora ad attraversare la strada.

fare uno sforzo per fare una cosa difficile Ho provato a connettermi a un’altra rete.

Silence, please! I’m trying to explain!

Silenzio, per favore. Sto cercando di spiegare! Mappa p. 444

Verbs + infinitive or -ing form


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. A volte entrambe le alternative sono possibili. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Harry, you’re beginning to annoy/annoying me. Switch off your phone! My parents’ company has ceased to do/doing business with many organisations overseas. We’re planning to travel/travelling around the world next year. If we start to use/using this fitness centre, we can get a student discount. James advised Emma to work/working in Japan for the whole summer. I really can’t bear to watch/watching this film. It’s too violent. I detest to go/going for long walks. I prefer to go/going by car. We stopped to use/using plastic bags because they’re so bad for the environment.

Meg sta partecipando a un sondaggio sull’apertura di un nuovo centro commerciale in città. Completa il dialogo con la forma in -ing o l’infinito dei verbi tra parentesi. A volte entrambe le forme sono possibili. Intvw Good morning, could you possibly stop (1) to answer (answer) some questions? Meg Yes. What do you need (2) __________________ (know)? Intvw What do you think about the idea of another shopping centre in our city? They’re planning (3) __________________ (build) a new centre near the university. Meg Well, I know some students dislike (4) __________________ (have) noisy building work near their university. Intvw Do you intend (5) __________________ (complain) about the noise? Meg Maybe. I dislike (6) __________________ (hear) building noise all the time. Intvw Do you prefer (7) __________________ (keep) shopping in the city centre? Meg Yes, I enjoy (8) __________________ (look) around the shops here. Intvw Would you consider (9) __________________ (shop) in a different city? Meg No, I like it here. Sorry, I have to stop (10) __________________ (answer) questions now. I don’t want (11) __________________ (be) late for my next lesson.


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. catch • have • learn • phone • run • take • talk • work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


When we heard the alarm, we stopped working and went outside. Lily can remember ______________ this lovely photo of her parents on holiday. My cousin has moved, which means ______________ a bus to school. Penny wanted ______________ Italian before she went to Milan. Don’t forget ______________ something to eat before you go out. Sorry, I didn’t mean ______________ you so late. Were you asleep? Although I was tired, I went on ______________ to the end of the marathon. Mrs Mitchell was trying ______________ to her students but there was a lot of noise outside.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Helen ha appena iniziato a lavorare nel suo nuovo studio. Mr e Mrs Norman stanno programmando di comprare una nuova auto. Per favore, non dimenticare di telefonare a James per dirgli della festa. Avevamo fame quindi ci siamo fermati per prendere un panino in un bar. Posso prendere in prestito il tuo telefono? Ho bisogno di mandare un messaggio a mia mamma. Non avevamo intenzione di arrivare così tardi ma il traffico era terribile. Hai già provato a spegnere e riaccendere (switch off and back on) il computer? Preferisco nuotare in mare invece che nuotare in piscina.



Il verbo get; be used/get used to

111.1 get Il verbo get assume significati diversi in base al contesto. Ecco alcuni fra i significati più comuni.

ottenere, ricevere procurarsi, prendere, comprare capire, comprendere, sentire arrivare, giungere andare a prendere (e portare) guadagnare, ricavare

Let’s celebrate! I got a promotion.

Festeggiamo! Ho ottenuto una promozione.

Where can I get the bus ticket?

Dove posso comprare il biglietto dell’autobus?

Sorry, I didn’t get that.

Scusi, non ho capito.

I got to school very late yesterday morning. Sono arrivato a scuola molto tardi ieri mattina. You’re soaking wet. I’ll get you a towel.

Sei bagnato fradicio. Ti vado a prendere un asciugamano.

How much did you get for your old car?

Quanto hai ricavato dalla tua vecchia macchina?

Il verbo get cambia di significato anche in base alla costruzione: • get + aggettivo o participio passato Mi sto arrabbiando. Si innervosì quando sentì la notizia.

I’m getting angry. She got irritated when she heard the news.

get excited (emozionarsi) get fond of (affezionarsi a) get frightened (spaventarsi) get ill (ammalarsi) get involved (partecipare in/a) get irritated (irritarsi) get lost (perdersi) get married (sposarsi) get old (invecchiare)

get angry (arrabbiarsi) get better (migliorare) get bored (annoiarsi) get changed (cambiarsi) get dirty (sporcarsi) get divorced (divorziare) get dressed (vestirsi) get drunk (ubriacarsi) get engaged (fidanzarsi)

get rich (arricchirsi) get ready (prepararsi) get stressed (stressarsi) get tanned (abbronzarsi) get tired (stancarsi) get upset (agitarsi) get washed (lavarsi) get wet (bagnarsi) get worse (peggiorare)

• get + preposizione/avverbio, per formare i phrasal verbs 155 Scendiamo dall’autobus a Union Station. Il progetto non sta andando avanti.

Let’s get off the bus at Union Station. The project is not getting ahead.

• get + complemento oggetto (sostantivo/pronome complemento) + infinito 107 Sheila lo ha persuaso a sposarla.

Sheila got him to marry her.

111.2 be used to e get used to be used to + sostantivo/ pronome complemento/ forma in -ing get used to + sostantivo/ pronome complemento/ forma in -ing

essere abituato a qualcosa (di usuale)

I’m used to his moody behaviour.

abituarsi a qualcosa (di nuovo)

She’s getting used to the new school. Si sta abituando alla nuova scuola. I soon got used to driving on the left. Mi abituai presto a guidare a sinistra.

Robinson was used to living alone.

Non confondere be/get used to con used to. 57.1 • be/get used to: in questa costruzione used ha funzione di aggettivo. • used to: used ha funzione di verbo ed è sempre seguito dall’infinito.


Sono abituato al suo comportamento lunatico. Robinson era abituato a vivere da solo.

The verb get; be used to and get used to


REMEMBER Used to si usa solo al passato per indicare una situazione/abitudine che non è più vera nel presente. I used to live in the countryside and I’m not used to the noise of the city. Now I’ll have to get used to it.


Vivevo in campagna e non sono abituato al rumore della città. Ora mi ci dovrò abituare.

Qual è il significato di get nelle frasi? Sostituisci get con i verbi nel riquadro. buy • catch • prepare • receive • take • travel • understand 1 2 3 4 5 6


‘How does James get / travel to work?’ ‘He gets / ____________ a bus from outside the supermarket.’ Tim told me a joke but I didn’t get / ____________ it. We can’t get / ____________ a signal here, so let’s phone them later. Can you get / ____________ your own lunch today? There’s some salad in the fridge. Bruno always gets / ____________ fruit and vegetables from the market. I have to get / ____________ the children to school.

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. away • into • on • out • rid • up 1 2 3 4 5 6


I don’t feel like going to the concert, so I want to get out of it. Jane and Penny had a good time on holiday because they get ________ really well. Set your alarm, so you get ________ early tomorrow morning. I couldn’t get ________ this book because the story was too complicated. Helen had a lot of things, so she got ________ of most of them to make more room. We need a break, so why don’t we get ________ for the weekend?

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi e i verbi nei riquadri. cold • confused • hungry • impatient • tired 1 I’m getting hungry . When’s dinner? 2 I’m getting ____________. We’ve been waiting here for ages. 3 I’m getting ____________. I think I’ll go to bed. 4 I’m getting ____________. I don’t understand this new phone. 5 I’m getting ____________. Can we sit somewhere else?


explain • help • make • show • switch off a

I’ll get someone to ____________ the air conditioning. b ■ I’ll get someone to ____________ you with the instructions. 1 c ■ I’ll get someone to make you a sandwich. d ■ I’ll get someone to ____________ you to your room. e ■ I’ll get someone to ____________ why there’s a delay.

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Let’s go to the city centre so that you get used to drive in busy traffic. We soon got used the hot weather when we moved to southern Spain. Please don’t cook anything spicy for dinner. The children aren’t used to eat spicy food! Tim used to played tennis here every week until he moved. I’m used to work nights. I’ve done it for years. Phones are not allowed at school, so students are now used to leave them at home.


108-111 Summative revision 1

Completa il dialogo tra un agente di viaggio e un cliente con la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro. discuss • do • explore • find • find out • go • know • make • relax • travel • try • wonder We’re planning a holiday and think that (1) discussing it with an experienced traveller would be very helpful. Some friends have suggested (2) ________________ somewhere we’ve never been to, such as the Maldives or Thailand. Travel agent Well, without (3) ________________ you, I advise you against (4) ________________ a new destination before (5) ________________ if it’s the right place for you. Customer We feel like (6) ________________ an area we’ve never been to, but at the same time, we can’t help (7) ________________ if we’re going to like it. Travel agent Do you want to do anything apart from (8) ________________ around? For example, do you like the idea of (9) ________________ by a pool or on a beach all day? Customer Perhaps before (10) ________________ a decision, we should find out a bit more about the region and decide what we both like (11) ________________. Travel agent (12) ________________ the right holiday destination is very important. Customer


Completa la conversazione telefonica tra Amy e Jessica con la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro. catch up • climb • hear • phone • risk • run • tell • try Jessica Amy Jessica Amy Jessica Amy Jessica Amy Jessica Amy


Let’s try (1) catching up again soon, Amy. That’s a good idea, but before you go, let me finish (2) ________________ you my ‘burglar’ story. Oh, yes. You heard someone (3) ________________ to open the door last night. Before that, I thought I saw someone (4) ________________ over the garden wall. Did you phone 999? Well, I didn’t think it was a good idea (5) ________________ that. Why not? I wanted to avoid someone (6) ________________ me (7) ________________ the police. Then what happened? I felt something (8) ________________ over my foot. It wasn’t a burglar at all. It was Toby, my cat!

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima usando il past simple dei verbi nel riquadro. admit • appreciate • deny • forgive • imagine • recommend 1 ‘Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live near a beautiful beach?’ Jane imagined living near a beautiful beach . 2 ‘I didn’t spill the juice over the kitchen floor, Mum.’ Harry _____________________________________________. 3 ‘Sorry, Mum. I dropped the juice on the floor.’ Lily _______________________________________________.


4 ‘It doesn’t matter about the mess because you cleaned it up.’ Mrs Norman ____________________________________. 5 ‘Try the restaurant on North Street. It has a good lunch menu.’ Paula ____________________________________________. 6 ‘Thank you so much for all your help, Penny.’ Mr Sweet ________________________________________.

Summative revision


Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 This documentary starts in London then goes on 2 This presenter is interesting but he sometimes goes on 3 Would you like 4 We like 5 Lily always remembers 6 I’m sure my blue T-shirt’s here because I don’t remember 7 I stopped 8 I’ve stopped 9 I want to try 10 You should try




a b c

■ ■ ■

staying at this hotel in May. to get home before the trains get crowded. getting a bus rather than a train because it’s quicker. d ■ to take her camera on holiday. 1 to talk about music in New York. e ■ f ■ taking it on holiday. g ■ to look in a shop window at a new phone. h ■ talking too long. i ■ looking in shop windows because it takes up too much time. j ■ to stay for dinner?

Completa le frasi con l’infinito o la forma in -ing dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 Helen loves having a flat in the city and she doesn’t want to have a car any longer. (have) 2 Eddie started _______________ the piano when he was young and now he plans _______________ the violin. (learn) 3 Anna stopped _______________ to me in the street yesterday. I was happy because I thought she’d stopped _______________ to me, but she was really nice. (speak) 4 Jemma needs _______________ for her job, so she doesn’t like _______________ when she isn’t working. (travel) 5 ‘We regret _______________ you that the ten-thirty train to London is cancelled.’ ‘They keep _______________ us about cancellations.’ (tell) 6 I’m determined _______________ this book before I go to bed, but I don’t like _______________ books before I have another one to read. (finish)

Sottolinea l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6



I’ve been trying her number for ages but I can’t go/get/call through. You look very cold. I’ll get/I get/I’ll go you a hot drink. How do Harry and Lily get/go/get to school? Jane isn’t used to/doesn’t used to/isn’t used living in a big city. This used be/used to be/used being such a quiet street until the school opened. Don’t worry, you’ll soon used to/get used/get used to the noise!

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi.

going 1 It isn’t worth to go to the market in the afternoon. 2 I’m excited about travel around South America next year. 3 Let’s go to shopping on Saturday morning.

4 James was tired, so he stopped to drive to have a rest. 5 Helen’s get used to walking to work every day instead of driving.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Non ha senso preoccuparsi dell’esame. 2 Non mi piace alcuna attività fisica a parte il nuoto. 3 Non posso immaginare di vivere da qualche parte dove non ci sia il mare. 4 Preferisco cenare a casa perché ho smesso di uscire la sera.

5 “Non dimenticare di comprare della frutta.” “Ti sei dimenticato di comprare le arance ieri?” 6 “Claire non si è mai abituata a uscire per il lavoro alle sei di mattina.” “Perché usciva alle sei di mattina?” “Lavorava dall’altra parte della città.”


Grammar for writing An article describing a person Per scrivere un articolo su una persona: • presenta la persona e dai qualche dato biografico • riassumi il suo percorso


• valuta i suoi successi • identifica gli aspetti particolari del carattere

Leggi l’articolo. Poi rispondi alle domande.

Romesh Ranganathan Romesh Ranganathan was born to Sri Lankan immigrants to the UK in 1978, and is one of Britain’s most successful TV and stand-up comedians. Romesh grew up in Crawley in West Sussex, and went to private school with his brother, until their father went to prison for fraud and they had to go and live in a council house. He studied mathematics and economics at university, then started working for a company at Gatwick Airport. He hated it, got depressed, and trained to be a maths teacher. He met his wife Leesa, a drama teacher working at the same school. Romesh did his first comedy gig at age 9 in a holiday camp, but he wasn’t

very good. Then in 2011 he became a full-time comedian, when his father died of a heart attack. Suddenly he was a jobless father of one, he had to run the family pub and sort out his father’s finances. He admits that things weren’t easy for a while. But in 2013 he was nominated for Best Newcomer at the 2013 Edinburgh Comedy Awards and started appearing on TV. In 2018 he wrote and starred in his first sitcom, The Reluctant Landlord, and launched a series, Just Another Immigrant, in America. He also published his autobiography Straight Outta Crawley, and reached 1.25 million listens on his podcast, Hip Hop Saved My Life.

1 Where were Romesh’s parents originally from? They were from Sri Lanka. 2 How did Romesh’s life suddenly change? 3 Why did Romesh become a teacher? 4 What happened when he became a full-time comedian? 5 When did he start being successful? 6 Which surprising things led Romesh to become a comedian?


He is vegan and supports Arsenal FC. In his stand-up routines he refers constantly to his lazy-eye and his tendency to put on weight, saying that without these two things he probably wouldn’t be a comedian today. And he used to perform as a freestyle rapper under the name of ‘Ranga’.

LANGUAGE Introduction

He/She was born.../is/comes from...


He/She grew up/went to/studied/worked/got/ trained/met...


He/She started/did/became/was nominated... but/then/suddenly he/she...

Achievements He/She wrote/starred/launched/published/ reached/won... Personality

He/She is/supports/likes/has/refers/says/used to/ was...

WRITING Fai una ricerca su un personaggio famoso e prendi appunti. Poi scrivi il tuo articolo. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto. • Introduction • Background • Pathway • Achievements • Personality


WRITING TIPS • • • • •

Struttura l’articolo in paragrafi in base ai tuoi appunti. Utilizza le congiunzioni per collegare le idee. Rendi la descrizione più viva con aggetti e avverbi. Cerca di trovare/scrivere/presentare informazioni interessanti. Rileggi l’articolo e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura.

Grammar for speaking Talking about abilities and interests 1


Ascolta e leggi il dialogo.

Alex Can you two ski? Holly Not really, but I love snowboarding! Ben No, I can’t ski either, but I’d like to learn. Why do you ask? Alex The PE teacher is organising a skiing trip and is looking for a group of people who want to go. Holly Do you have to be able to ski? Alex I don’t think so, as long as you enjoy doing sports and spending time outdoors. Ben That sounds cool and I guess it would be an opportunity to learn to ski anyway. Holly Or to perfect my snowboarding technique! Alex Are you any good at snowboarding then? Holly Not bad. I think it helps that I can skateboard. Ben So, if I decide to come on the trip, will I be the only one never to have skied before?


Rispondi alle domande con i nomi corretti: Alex, Ben o Holly. 1 2 3 4


Alex No, I went last year and there were other people who couldn’t ski. Holly Anyway, it will make a change to see you doing something you’re not an expert at! Ben What do you mean by that? Holly Only that you’re clever, you’re good at sport, you can sing really well... Alex You even beat me at chess every time we play! Ben So, let me get this right... do you want me to come so as not to look good? Alex I wouldn’t exactly put it like that... Holly Yes, that’s right!

Who can play chess? Who can sing well? Who can ski? Who can skateboard?

Alex, Ben ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

5 6 7 8

Who can’t ski? Who is good at sport? Who is clever? Who loves snowboarding?

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

ROLE PLAY Parla con un amico/un’amica delle cose che sai fare e che ti piacciono. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. 132

Friend Do you like spending time at the beach? You Rispondi in modo affermativo. Friend What do you enjoy doing there? You Dì le diverse attività che ti piace fare in


Friend Can you play beach volleyball? You Rispondi di sì ma aggiungi che

molto bravo.

Friend Are you any good at diving? You Rispondi negativamente e di’

non sei

che ti piacerebbe imparare, ma che hai paura a fare immersioni in profondità.

FUNCTIONS Asking about ability

Can you ski? / Do you have to be able to ski? / Are you any good? / Will I be the only one never to have...?

Answering about ability

Not really! / No, I can’t. / (I’m) not bad! / I/you can... well. / There were people who couldn’t... / You’re clever/ good at... / You even beat me at...

Talking about interests

I/You love/enjoy snowboarding/doing sports/spending time outdoors.

Talking about desires

I’d like to learn... / It would be an opportunity to... / It will make a change to... / Do you want me to come so as to/not to...?

Friend It’s not difficult to learn, you just need to be a bit brave to start. Can you snorkel? You Rispondi che adori fare snorkelling. Friend So, you could start by snorkelling under water so as to become more confident. You Rispondi che ti sembra una buona idea e chiedi se il tuo amico può insegnarti. Friend Yes, of course. I’d love to teach you! You Ringrazia e offriti di insegnargli/le ad andare sul windsurf perché te la cavi bene.



Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Short answer questions 1 Read the text about how our minds and bodies work and answer the questions (1-6) using a maximum of four words. The first one (0) has been done for you.

How our Minds and Bodies Work

Hiccuping is when the muscle that controls our breathing contracts out of rhythm. Nobody knows exactly what causes this, but it could be when we become over-excited. Once you start hiccupping, it’s really hard to stop. American Charles Osborne had hiccups for 68 years, giving him the Guinness Book of Records award for the longest attack. A person with a photographic memory can remember visual information in great detail. They are able to repeat lists, facts, figures, or quotes from a book after reading it just once. Twin brothers Ross and Noris McWhirter, founders of the Guinness

Book of Records, had photographic memories, and were able to provide detailed answers to any questions about the records. Most colour blind people are able to see things as clearly as other people, but they can’t fully ‘see’ red, green or blue light. Only in extremely rare cases are people unable to see any colour at all. More men than women are colour blind because it is a genetic condition. It affects approximately 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women in the world. A super recogniser is a person who never forgets a face, so he or she would make a good spy or police

0 What can cause hiccuping? Becoming over-excited. 1 How long did Charles Osborne hiccup for? 2 What does a photographic memory remember?

3 4 5 6

officer. We all have an innate ability to pick a face out of a crowd, but some of us can memorise thousands of faces after only seeing them briefly on CCTV. Blushing is turning red-faced with embarrassment and is controlled by the same system that activates our fight-or-flight response: the sympathetic nervous system. It is an involuntary action, which happens when your body releases adrenaline and your blood vessels dilate to improve blood flow and oxygen supply. Some people seem to blush more easily than others. This might be because they have lighter complexions.

Who founded the Guinness Book of Records? Why are more men than women colour blind? What jobs could a super recogniser do? Why do you look red when you blush?

B1 Listening – Multiple choice 134 Listen to Patrick talking about how his life has changed. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C 2 or D) for questions 1-6. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 Which of these statements is true about Patrick now? A ■ He hates his job. C ■ He lives abroad. ✓ He drives a bus. B ■ D ■ He’s homeless. 1 Which of the following things didn’t he use to do when he lived on the streets? A ■ break the law B ■ get help C ■ hang out with bad people D ■ take drugs 2 What finally made him change his life? A ■ He became cold and depressed. B ■ He met some kind people. C ■ He was attacked. D ■ He went to prison. 3 What important lesson did he learn? A ■ There are no second chances. B ■ You are not alone. C ■ You should do your best. D ■ You shouldn’t give up.


4 What did he promise when he started his new job? A ■ To greet customers. B ■ To keep his bus clean and tidy. C ■ To stay off the streets. D ■ To stay out of prison. 5 How does he help his passengers? A ■ He carries their shopping. B ■ He takes them wherever they want to go. C ■ He chats about their problems. D ■ He waits for them to sit down. 6 What award did he win this year in London? A ■ best bus driver B ■ happiest bus driver C ■ luckiest bus driver D ■ most helpful bus driver

La costruzione della frase (1) Obiettivi • Costruzione attiva • Costruzione impersonale • Costruzione passiva


Leggi i titoli di giornale e sottolinea esempi di frasi con la costruzione attiva, impersonale e passiva.


Abbina la forma all’uso. 1 La costruzione attiva 2 L’impersonale 3 La costruzione passiva





si usa quando si mette in evidenza un’azione o il suo risultato, piuttosto che chi la compie. si usa quando si mette in evidenza il soggetto che compie un’azione. si usa per presentare o descrivere persone, cose o luoghi in modo formale.



The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were seen driving away from Buckingham Palace today to start a new life in Canada. It is not known yet what their role is going to be. There is much controversy as Big Ben’s bells are rung to mark the UK’s departure from the EU. Citizens from the UK and the EU are uncertain what the future may hold.

Students demonstrated in Extinction Rebellion marches across the UK today, although they were forbidden to take part by their teachers.

Completa la regola sulla forma passiva con le parole nel riquadro. attiva • complemento d’agente complemento oggetto • passiva • soggetto Nella costruzione passiva il (1) _______________ della frase attiva diventa il (2) _______________ di quella (3) _______________, e il soggetto della frase (4) _______________ diventa il (5) _______________.



Ordine delle parole nella frase

112.1 La frase minima In inglese come in italiano la frase minima è formata da soggetto e predicato. Tuttavia in inglese l’ordine delle parole non è f lessibile come in italiano ma segue determinate regole.

Forma affermativa

soggetto + verbo soggetto + ausiliare + verbo

She is Italian. She has met Lukas.

È italiana. Ha incontrato Lukas.

Forma negativa

soggetto + verbo + not soggetto + ausiliare + not + verbo

She isn’t Italian. She hasn’t met Lukas.

Non è italiana. Non ha incontrato Lukas.

Is she Italian? (interrogativo +) verbo + soggetto Where is she from? Forma interrogativa (interrogativo +) ausiliare + soggetto + verbo Has she met Lukas? Who(m) has she met?

È italiana? Di dov’è? Ha incontrato Lukas? Chi ha incontrato?

112.2 Ordine dei complementi I complementi vengono espressi nel seguente ordine: oggetto + modo + luogo + tempo. OGGETTO



Matt shaved his beard at the kitchen sink yesterday. OGGETTO


Matt si è fatto la barba nel lavello della cucina ieri.


Lou threw the book in anger against the wall.

Lou scaraventò il libro con rabbia contro il muro.

Questo ordine si segue anche in mancanza del complemento oggetto. MODO


She has sung beautifully so far.

Ha cantato benissimo finora.

• Il complemento oggetto non può essere separato dal verbo da altri complementi. She opened the letter with trembling hands.

Aprì la lettera con mani tremanti.

• I complementi di moto non possono essere separati dal verbo da altri complementi. I go to school by bike.

Vado a scuola in bicicletta.

REMEMBER • Gli avverbi di frequenza precedono il verbo principale anche in presenza di un ausiliare. They never listen! You’re always disturbing the lesson!

Non ascoltano mai! Non fai altro che disturbare la lezione!

• Le espressioni di frequenza di solito si mettono alla fine della frase. They hold a meeting every month.

Tengono una riunione ogni mese.

• Le espressioni di tempo possono essere collocate all’inizio o alla fine della frase. (Last week) customer service answered nine hundred calls (last week).

La scorsa settimana il servizio clienti ha risposto a novecento chiamate. 29


Mappa p. 446

Sentence word order



Riordina le parole per formulare frasi corrette e inseriscile nella tabella nella posizione corretta. 1 later / Russ and Rosie / are meeting / Helen Russ and Rosie are meeting Helen later. 2 his old school friends / to his birthday party / invited / Simon 3 know / the way / don’t / I / to the train station

Forma affermativa e negativa


4 the phone / didn’t / why / answer / you / ? 5 that beautiful ring / your sister / how long / had / has / ? 6 what / does / in his free time / Jack / do / ?


ausiliare (+ not)


Russ and Rosie






ausiliare (+ not)




compl. oggetto altri complementi

2 3

Forma interrogativa

4 5 6


Inserisci le espressioni tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. tomorrow

1 Can I give it back to you? (tomorrow) 2 I ride my bike in the city. It’s too dangerous. (never) 3 My grandparents go on holiday. (twice a year) 4 We have lunch at La Couple when we are in Paris. (always)


5 Have you been to Cambodia? (ever) 6 The teachers have a staff meeting. (every Friday) 7 Bill sees his friends from university now. (rarely) 8 Don and Martha went to Florida. (last month)

Inserisci le espressioni tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. to school

1 Our children go by bus. (to school) 2 Billie hit the ball hard. (against the wall) 3 Nat washed her hair. (in cold water)


4 The hotel had excellent reviews last week. (on social media) 5 Who have you invited for lunch? (to the restaurant)

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4

Da quanto tempo sei sposato con Sandra? In Spagna le persone cenano tardi la sera. Spesso gioco a tennis al circolo. Mia madre va a fare la spesa al supermercato ogni venerdì. 5 I miei nonni stanno con noi questo fine settimana.

6 Jackie suona il flauto molto bene. 7 Non guardo mai i film dell’orrore. Sono troppo spaventosi! 8 Quante volte hai visto i film di Hunger Games? 9 Robert legge sempre il giornale la domenica. 10 Mio fratello mi accompagna a scuola in macchina ogni lunedì mattina.



Complemento diretto e indiretto

Alcuni verbi come bring, buy, give, offer, pay, promise possono essere seguiti da un complemento diretto (oggetto, generalmente espresso da una cosa) e da un complemento indiretto (termine o vantaggio, generalmente espresso da una persona). Questi verbi ammettono due costruzioni:



compl. indiretto

compl. diretto



her son/him

an adventure book.

La mamma ha dato a suo figlio/gli ha dato un libro d’avventura.



compl. diretto

to/for + compl. indiretto



an adventure book/it

to her son/to him.

a very nice handbag

for me.

La mamma ha dato un libro d’avventura/l’ha dato a suo figlio/a lui. My boyfriend


Il mio ragazzo mi ha comprato una borsa molto carina. Osserva le seguenti particolarità. • Se il complemento diretto è espresso da un pronome o se entrambi i complementi sono pronomi, si usa solo la seconda costruzione. Mum gave it to her son. Mum gave it to him.

La mamma l’ha dato a suo figlio. La mamma gliel’ha dato.

• Se il complemento indiretto è espresso da un pronome, sono possibili entrambe le costruzioni. Mum gave him an adventure book. Mum gave an adventure book to him.

La mamma gli ha dato un libro d’avventura.

• I verbi answer, ask, cost, phone e wish ammettono solo la prima costruzione. She asked me a favour.

Mi ha chiesto un favore.

• I verbi describe, dictate, explain, introduce, reply, repeat, report, say, suggest ammettono solo la seconda costruzione. He said something to me.

Mi ha detto qualcosa.

• Con i verbi ask e tell il pronome personale oggetto it viene omesso. Ask the teacher. NON Ask it the teacher. Don’t tell her. NON Don’t tell it her.

Chiedilo all’insegnante. Non dirglielo. Mappa p. 446


Riordina le parole per formulare frasi corrette. 1 her boyfriend / a / black jacket / bought / Alice Alice bought her boyfriend a black jacket. 2 each of the passengers / gave / the flight attendant / a bottle of water 3 a day off / for their tenth anniversary / the company / their employees / promised 4 told / about the Roman invasion / Tam / an exciting story / his class 5 her / the police / a reward / offered / for her information 6 on the Mediterranean Sea / her / a cruise / promised / he


Verbs with two objects


Riscrivi le frasi nell’esercizio 1 usando la costruzione soggetto + verbo + complemento diretto + to/for + complemento indiretto. 1 Alice bought a black jacket for her boyfriend. 2 3


Anne Can you do (1) me a big favour ? (me / a big favour) Roberta How can I help? Anne Please, can you phone (2) ____________________? (hotel in Madrid / me) Roberta What do you want me to say? Anne I gave (3) ____________________. (the receptionist / my passport) Roberta And you forgot to pick it up?! Anne I’m afraid so. Can you explain (4) _________________? (my problem / them). Roberta OK, don’t worry! I’ll see what I can do.

Completa le frasi con le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The repair to our roof cost us £1,000 . (£1,000 / us) The boss paid ___________________________________. (for / our lunch / the bill) The headteacher introduced ___________________________________. (the students / to / the guest speaker) The captain wished ___________________________________. (an enjoyable cruise / the passengers) Maggie gave ___________________________________. (Peter / her / phone number) The man dictated ___________________________________. (to / the letters / his secretary) Jenny’s grandma read ___________________________________. (a bedtime story / her) The reporter described ___________________________________. (the viewers / to / the event) Dad gave ___________________________________. (a lift / all my friends) Did you buy ___________________________________? (for / the necklace / your girlfriend)

ERROR CORRECTION Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono corrette (✓) o sbagliate (✗). Poi correggi quelle sbagliate. 1 Ask to the examiner for a question in the oral. ✗ 2 She replied the email immediately. 3 My dad gives a lot of his time to our sports club. 4 The delivery driver brought to our house the package.


4 5 6

Completa il dialogo usando i suggerimenti tra parentesi. Aggiungi to o for dove necessario.




5 Can you tell me the time? 6 We wished a safe journey to them when they got on the train. 7 This holiday has cost us a fortune! 8 Buddy brought his owner for a stick from the woods.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Il nostro insegnante ha dettato il testo alla classe. 2 Puoi farmi un favore molto grande? 3 I miei nonni mi danno sempre buoni consigli. 4 Marta si è presentata al resto del gruppo. 5 Non mi dire la risposta! 6 Ti auguriamo un felice compleanno.

7 Mio zio ha comprato questo orologio per me. 8 Mia nonna dà sempre soldi in beneficenza a Natale. 9 Gli abbiamo offerto un passaggio quando la loro auto si è guastata. 10 Ho detto grazie al cuoco dopo il nostro squisito pranzo.



It/There come soggetto della frase

In inglese il soggetto deve essere sempre espresso. In mancanza di soggetto la frase può essere introdotta da it o da there.

114.1 It come soggetto impersonale Si usa it: • per identificare qualcuno o qualcosa, parlare del tempo cronologico e atmosferico 1.1 “Chi è?” “È Mark.” È domenica e c’è il sole.

‘Who’s that?’ ‘It’s Mark.’ It’s Sunday and it’s sunny.

• nelle seguenti costruzioni con be + aggettivo/sostantivo

+ infinito + for + complemento + infinito It + be + agg./sost. + forma in -ing + wh-word/that

It’s a pleasure to meet you.

È un piacere fare la sua conoscenza.

It’s vital for me to get a good mark in the English oral test.

È fondamentale che io prenda un buon voto all’interrogazione di inglese.

It’s a nightmare travelling by train.

È un incubo viaggiare in treno.

It’s depressing that so many students leave school.

È deprimente che così tanti ragazzi abbandonino la scuola.

• con il verbo take quando significa “impiegarci/volerci” riferito al tempo cronologico It takes two hours to get to Milan.

Ci vogliono due ore per andare a Milano.

• con i verbi appear, look, seem e sound spesso seguiti da as if/as though 143.1 It looks as if it’s going to rain.

Sembra che stia per piovere.

• con le espressioni negative - no secret, no surprise, no wonder seguite da that It’s no wonder that Miranda plays badly.

Non c’è da meravigliarsi che Miranda giochi male.

- no use e no good seguite dalla forma in -ing It’s no use cooking all that food. We’re on a diet!

È inutile cucinare tutto quel cibo. Siamo a dieta!

• per introdurre una frase passiva con i verbi believe, know, say, ecc. 141 It is said that the company is going bankrupt.

Si dice che la società stia per andare in bancarotta.

114.2 There come soggetto impersonale Si usa there: • per presentare o descrivere una persona, una cosa o un luogo con il verbo be seguito da articolo indeterminativo/nessun articolo, quantificatori indefiniti come some, any e no, e pronomi indefiniti come somebody, anything, ecc. There are no rules in this house. Is there anything to eat?

Non ci sono regole in questa casa. C’è qualcosa da mangiare?

• con le espressioni wrong e the matter per dire che “qualcosa non va” 4.1 There’s something wrong with him. Is there anything the matter?

C’è qualcosa che non va in lui./(Lui) ha qualcosa che non va. C’è qualcosa che non va?

• con i verbi appear, happen, seem, tend seguiti dall’infinito del verbo be There seems to be a misunderstanding.

Sembra che ci sia un equivoco.

• con le espressioni bound, certain, likely, sure seguiti dall’infinito del verbo be There is likely to be panic among the investors when we announce the news.


È probabile che ci sarà panico fra gli investitori quando annunceremo la notizia.

Introductory subjects: it and there


• con le espressioni negative - no alternative but, no choice but, no need, no reason seguite dall’infinito del verbo There is no need to drive so fast!

Non c’è bisogno di guidare così veloce!

- no problem, no trouble, no point in, no chance of seguite dalla forma in -ing There’s no point in telling them. Non ha senso dirglielo. - no denying, no/any doubt seguite da that There’s no doubt that he is guilty.

Non c’è dubbio che sia colpevole.

• con alcuni verbi di stato e moto come lie, live, follow, stand, ecc. soprattutto nello stile letterario There stood the clock tower in the fog.

La torre dell’orologio si ergeva nella nebbia. Mappa p. 446


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 It’s/There’s midnight. Time for bed! 2 It’s/There’s mum and dad’s wedding anniversary tomorrow. 3 It’s/There’s a new vegan restaurant in Duke Street. Shall we try it?


Abbina le due parti delle frasi e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4

It’s/There’s someone at the door but It’s/There’s something strange about the castle because It’s/There’s lovely to have sunshine again but We should have dinner because it’s/there’s getting late but 5 It’s/There’s bound to be another problem with the trains today, so


4 It’s/There’s said that we’re going to have another referendum. 5 It’s/There’s no point in trying to change her mind. 6 It’s/There’s nothing the matter, I promise.

a ■ it/there looks as if the weather is changing. 1 I’m not sure who it/there is. b ■ c ■ it’s/there’s no use leaving until tomorrow morning. d ■ I don’t know what it/there is in the fridge. e ■ it’s/there’s said to be haunted, but I don’t believe it!

Completa il testo con it o there. (1) It looked as if our team was going to win the match. (2) ______ was only a minute before the final whistle. Then (3) ______ was a misunderstanding between our goalkeeper and the full back and the other team’s striker sneaked in to score. (4) ______ was now two minutes’ extra time. As the teams were still level, (5) ______ was a penalty shoot-out. (6) ______ was our star player Barry Lane who went to the penalty spot first. I noticed (7) ______ was something wrong with him. He had pulled a muscle. (8) ______ was hard for him to get a good kick and the ball crashed into the crossbar and then into the safe hands of their goalkeeper. We lost 5-4. (9) ______ was also no doubt in my mind that it wasn’t Barry Lane’s fault. (10) ______ was depressing that we lost, but that’s football!


Leggi le situazioni e completa le frasi con it o there e le parole nel riquadro. appears likely sounds takes tends

1 I’m sure there will be a lot of people skiing today with all the fresh snow there. There is likely to be a lot of people skiing today. 2 I think Mrs Norman has a problem with her car because she’s trying to push it. ___________________ to be a problem with Mrs Norman’s car. 3 My journey to school is 15 minutes. ___________________ me 15 minutes to get to school. 4 Florence usually has a lot of tourists in the summer. ___________________ to be a lot of tourists in Florence in the summer. 5 I can hear music next door so Harry and Lily must be home from school. ___________________ as if Harry and Lily are home from school.


Gli interrogativi come soggetto e oggetto


Gli interrogativi who, what, which e whose possono avere funzione di soggetto e oggetto. Osserva la tabella.



‘Who speaks French?’ ‘She does.’

“Chi parla francese?” “Lei.”


‘Who(m) did you meet yesterday?’ ‘I met Robert.’

“Chi hai incontrato ieri?” “Ho incontrato Robert.”


‘What polluted the water?’ ‘Industrial waste polluted the water.’

“Che cosa ha inquinato l’acqua?” “Le scorie industriali hanno inquinato l’acqua.”


‘What do you want for dinner?’ ‘I want pizza.’

“Che cosa vuoi per cena?” “Voglio la pizza.”


‘Which horse arrived last?’ ‘The white one arrived last.’

“Quale cavallo è arrivato ultimo?” “Quello bianco è arrivato ultimo.”


‘Which do you prefer?’ ‘I prefer the blue cap.’

“Quale preferisci?” “Preferisco il berretto blu.”


‘Whose car was stolen?’ ‘Fiona’s car was stolen.’

“L’auto di chi è stata rubata?” “È stata rubata l’auto di Fiona.”


‘Whose book did you lose?’ ‘I lost Larry’s book.’

“Di chi è il libro che hai perso?” “Ho perso il libro di Larry.”









REMEMBER • Quando gli interrogativi hanno funzione di soggetto sono seguiti direttamente dal verbo alla terza persona singolare, mentre quando hanno funzione di oggetto necessitano dell’ausiliare. Who studies Latin? Who(m) did the boss fire?

Chi studia latino? Il capo chi ha licenziato?

Nelle frasi interrogative-negative l’ausiliare deve essere espresso anche quando l’interrogativo ha funzione di soggetto. Who doesn't study English at school?

Chi non studia inglese a scuola? Mappa p. 446


Completa le domande con who, what, which o whose. Poi abbina le domande alle risposte. 1 2 3 4 5


Who is Harry’s twin sister? ___________ takes good photos in your family? ___________’s the name of your daughter? ___________ student is that playing tennis? ___________ camera is this?

1 Lily is. a ■ b ■ That’s Lily. c ■ Lily. d ■ It’s Lily’s. e ■ Lily does.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 What means Jack/does Jack mean when he says, ‘That’s a problem’? 2 Which dress do you prefer/prefer you? 3 Who sent you/did send you this lovely birthday card?


4 Whose/Who is this phone? 5 What did you do/did you on holiday? 6 Who did you go/went to the parade with you on Saturday?

Wh- question words as subjects or objects


Completa le domande e le risposte. 1 Who gave flowers to Mrs Norman yesterday? (who / give) Mr Norman gave her flowers.

6 ________________ every morning for school? (which / bus / Orla / catch) She ________________ the number 27.

2 ________________ in a studio every day? (who / work) Helen ________________ in a studio.

7 ________________ the best pizzas here? (which / café / make) Café Paolo ________________ the best pizza.

3 ________________ at the festival last weekend? (who / Sam / see) He ________________ James. 4 ________________ you every morning? (what / wake) My alarm clock ________________ me every morning! 5 ________________ for breakfast? (what / Etta / have) She ________________ cereal and fruit.


9 ________________ to phone me this morning? (whose / phone / you / use) I ________________ Sam’s.


? Buddy Rubin’s photo was taken for the magazine cover.

? 6 ?


? The building work next door is making that noise. 7 ? This café serves the best coffee. 8 ? I met Claire and Simon at the shopping centre.

Laura sta raccontando a Sam delle sue vacanze. Completa le domande con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Sam Laura Sam Laura Sam Laura Sam Laura Sam Laura Sam Laura Sam Laura


8 ________________ the art competition last year? (whose / painting / win) Sue’s painting ________________ the art competition.

Osserva le parole sottolineate e formula domande appropriate. Usa Which, What, Who, Whom o Whose. 1 Whom did you speak to at the bookshop? I spoke to the manager at the bookshop. 2 Sam wants a new watch for his birthday. 3 Out of these two paintings, I prefer the one of the beach. 4 My parents gave me this necklace.



What (1) did you do last summer? (do) I went to Portugal. My family’s there. Who (2) ______________________ with you? (go) I went on my own. Who (3) ______________________ with? (stay) I stayed with my cousin. You have three cousins. Which of your cousins (4) ______________________ there? (live) My youngest cousin lives there. Whose son (5) ______________________ he? (be) He’s my Aunty Adelia’s son. We went to the beach every day by bike. Whose bike (6) ______________________? (borrow) I borrowed my aunty’s. What (7) ______________________ most about the holiday? (like) I liked spending time with my family!

TRANSLATION Traduci le domande in inglese e rispondi in modo personale. 1 Chi ti ha telefonato per primo ieri? 2 Chi ti piace ascoltare sul telefono?

3 Quale materia scolastica ti piace di più? 4 Alla festa di chi sei andato per ultimo?


112-115 Summative revision 1

Inserisci le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta. every

1 We go shopping at the open market weekend. (every) 2 Do you want to come to my house? (later) 3 I don’t know where the new phone shop. (is) 4 Sam doesn’t work at the weekend. (usually)


Riscrivi la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. Aggiungi to o for. 1 Harry gave Lily a camera case. Harry gave a camera case to Lily. 2 Mr Norman sent Mrs Norman flowers. 3 Helen bought Lucy a present. 4 Our teacher told us a story.


Amy Lucy

Amy Lucy Amy Lucy Amy

Hi, Lucy! Is (1) there anything wrong? You look stressed out! Hi, Amy. (2) _______________’s fine, don’t worry. (3) _______________’s just been a nightmare getting here. (4) _______________ normally takes twenty minutes to get here. What’s wrong? Is (5) _______________ a problem with the traffic? I think (6) _______________ is. The traffic was at a standstill on Market Street. I couldn’t see if (7) _______________ was an accident or not. (8) _______________’s ’s really important to improve the traffic conditions here. (9) _______________’s ’s no doubt that it’s getting worse. I don’t think (10) _______________’s another way I can get home, apart from walking. Well, (11) _______________ isn’t any point in worrying about that now. Have some coffee. Thanks. Is (12) _______________ any milk? Sorry, no (13) _______________ isn’t. I couldn’t get to the shops after work because of the traffic!

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4


5 James cleaned his dad’s car. 6 The students handed the teacher their projects. 7 The Tourist Office give tourists free maps. 8 My cousin brought me a box of chocolates.

Il traffico in città può essere molto stressante! Completa il dialogo tra Amy e Lucy con it o there. Amy Lucy


5 We walked the road looking for the bus stop. (along) 6 Helen goes to work. (by bike) 7 She went to work this morning. (early) 8 The ticket office has opened. ( just)

The teacher gave every student a grammar book/a grammar book every student. Is it/there any use in phoning James if he’s in a meeting? Lily’s sent a very funny message to/for me! Who/Whose is the jacket on the chair? Is it yours?

Completa le domande (1-6) con gli interrogativi corretti e riordina le parole (a-f) per formulare risposte. Poi abbina domande e risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Who switched off the TV yesterday evening? ________ was making that terrible noise last night? ________ ringtone do you have on your phone? ________ did you meet in town earlier? ________ fitness centre has the best facilities? ________ did you get Rosie for her birthday?

Marta did, before she went to bed.


a ■ definitely / library / one / opposite / the / the 1 bed / before / did / Marta / she / to / went b ■ c ■ a / bit / but / it’s / loud / one / this d ■ fireworks / I / it / the / think / was e ■ beautiful / flowers / got / her / some / we f ■ friends / from / my / of / school / two


Summative revision



ERROR CORRECTION Leggi il testo e identifica altri nove errori. Correggi.

It There was really windy yesterday and it was in the evening a big storm. It was a power cut and there was at home nobody with me. I didn’t know what to do. There was dark and I couldn’t find in the kitchen the torch. I remembered I had given to my mum a candle for her birthday and there was on a shelf in the living room. So I lit it and waited. Luckily, didn’t take long for the electricity to return.

Leggi i due testi su alcuni lavori inusuali e scegli l’opzione corretta.

Coral Reef Protector

Water slide tester

When Anna went to work in Australia, she found a job which seemed (5) _____________ it was the job of her dreams. She works for the Tourist Board looking after the islands of the Great Barrier Reef and there is no need (6) _____________ why she enjoys it so much. She dives and swims among sea life all the time. Anna doesn’t think (7) _____________ is a better job for her. ‘I can’t think of (8) _____________ else in the world that I want to do. (9) _____________ is as lucky as me?’

Testing water slides in theme parks are part of a day’s work for Joe. He was so bored in his (1) last job, but now he has a great job trying out rides and flumes (2) _____________ in theme parks in places like Florida, California and Hawaii. He gets free travel and stays in the best resort hotels as part of the package. ‘I don’t think the company gave (3) _____________ a hard job. (4) _____________ just one long holiday!’

1 2 3 4



last all days to me It’s


the last every days me Is


before every day I It

5 6 7 8 9


as asking there something What


as if ask it nothing Who


if to ask there’s anything Which

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sei riuscito ad arrivare al lavoro in orario? Da quando sono (join) in questa azienda, ho riunioni ogni mese. Farò a Caroline una torta per il suo compleanno. Sam ha spiegato perché non è potuto venire alla mia festa. Sembra che sarà una giornata di sole. C’erano molte persone in fila, così ci abbiamo messo molto tempo per entrare.



Gli esclamativi: how e what, so e such

Si usano how e what, so e such per esprimere esclamazioni di sorpresa, piacere, disappunto.

how + aggettivo/avverbio

so what a/an such a/an

+ (aggettivo) + sostantivo numerabile singolare

what such

+ (aggettivo) + sostantivo non numerabile/plurale

How funny he is! How quickly Veronica speaks Spanish!

Com’è divertente! Come parla velocemente lo spagnolo Veronica!

You were so brave! Dad cooks so well!

Sei stato così coraggioso! Papà cucina così bene!

What a boring book!

Che libro noioso!

Her speech was such a disaster!

Il suo discorso è stato un tale disastro!

What luck! What terrific shoes!

Che fortuna! Che scarpe fantastiche!

He gave me such valuable information! She’s got such white teeth!

Mi ha dato delle informazioni così preziose! Ha i denti così bianchi!

What, so e such possono essere usati per porre enfasi sulla quantità.

what such

+ a lot of/a large quantity of/ a great deal of + sostantivo non numerabile/plurale

+ much/little + sostantivo non numerabile

so + many/few + sostantivo plurale

What a great deal of money she spends every day!

Quanti soldi spende ogni giorno!

I’ve had such a lot of problems lately!

Ho avuto così tanti problemi ultimamente!

You can’t spend so much money on a hat!

Non puoi spendere così tanti soldi in un cappello!

I’ve received so little help from you in my life.

Ho ricevuto così poco aiuto da te nella mia vita.

So many people haven’t decided for or against the referendum yet.

Così tante persone non hanno ancora deciso a favore o contro il referendum.

So few students attended the art lesson yesterday!

Così pochi studenti hanno partecipato alla lezione di arte ieri!

So e such possono essere seguiti da that + frase per esprimere il risultato o la conseguenza di un’azione/situazione. 75.3 She sang so beautifully (that) I started to cry. Cantò così meravigliosamente che cominciai a piangere. John had such brilliant ideas (that) he got a promotion last month. John ha avuto idee così brillanti che ha ottenuto una promozione lo scorso mese.

‘We are so lactose-intolerant that we arrested the milkman.’



Exclamations with how and what, so and such


Completa le frasi con How o What (a). 1 How dangerous that driver is! 2 ________ nerve you’ve got! 3 ________ way to spend the day! 4 ________ lot of free time they have now!


She’s so/such a brilliant scientist. She’s so/such beautiful. He’s so/such interesting. He’s so/such a handsome actor. Jack spends so/such a lot of time playing computer games. 6 Do you need to spend so/such much time practising the guitar?



________ strange that man is! ________ fantastic shoes! ________ extraordinary the news is! ________ surprise! Thank you so much.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


5 6 7 8

7 Maggie plays golf such/so well. 8 We were such/so disappointed to lose the match. 9 The guide gave us so/such an interesting tour of the castle. 10 There are so/such many people watching the parade.

Completa le frasi con so much, so many, so little o so few. 1 These days, there is so much advice online about what products to buy. 2 We have ____________ time to get to the airport. We can stop and have lunch. 3 The computers that the NASA scientists used for the moon landing in 1969 had ____________ power. It is extraordinary how the astronauts got there. 4 They are making ____________ noise downstairs I can’t sleep. 5 We have got ____________ time to get to the station, we’ll have to get a taxi. 6 I don’t understand why there are ____________ people at the exhibition. I love the artwork on display. 7 There are ____________ cities in the USA that I haven’t visited yet. It’s difficult to decide where to go next. 8 She had ____________ friends and neighbours who came to say goodbye when she moved out of her house. 9 I wonder why ____________ students got a distinction in the music exam. Perhaps the examiner was very strict.

Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 We had such a busy afternoon. 2 When we are on holiday, time passes _________ quickly. 3 Young people now have _________ opportunities to study in other countries. 4 I’m afraid that Mrs Smith doesn’t have _________ time to talk to you now. 5 _________ brilliant idea! We’ll use it as soon as we can. 6 _________ kind of you to help us with our luggage!

A so A such

B what B so

C such C what




so much so many How How

so many what a What a What

such so much Such a Such

Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. how • so • such • such a • what • what a Last summer, Sophie decided to go travelling before starting university. (1) What a wonderful experience it was! She and a friend flew to Bangkok. It was (2) ____________ long flight that they slept most of the way. (3) ____________ fun the trip was going to be! They were (4) ____________ excited about exploring Thailand. (5) ____________ lucky it was that they found a lovely place to stay on a beach. They met (6) ____________ friendly people and had the time of their lives. Now they can’t wait to go back!



Sostituzione ed ellissi

Nella lingua parlata e scritta è possibile sostituire (sostituzione) oppure omettere (ellissi) un sostantivo, un verbo o un’intera frase per evitare ripetizioni inutili, che renderebbero il discorso poco scorrevole, o quando il significato è comunque chiaro e comprensibile.

117.1 Sostituzione di sostantivi Per evitare di ripetere un sostantivo già nominato in precedenza si possono usare: • i pronomi personali 1 Ho incontrato John alla stazione. Stava partendo per Bruxelles.

I met John at the station. He was leaving for Brussels.

• i pronomi dimostrativi this/these e that/those 17

e i pronomi possessivi 18.2

This is your room and that is your sister’s. This is your book. Mine is on the table.

Questa è la tua stanza e quella è di tua sorella. Questo è il tuo libro. Il mio è sul tavolo.

• i quantificatori 41 You’ve got a lot of plans, but some are unrealistic.

Hai molti piani, ma alcuni sono irrealizzabili.

• i pronomi one/ones 53 Please, give me a pen. The red one.

Per favore, dammi la penna. Quella rossa.

117.2 Sostituzione ed ellissi di verbi Nella lingua parlata si sostituisce il verbo con l’ausiliare o si omette il verbo principale quando il significato della frase è facilmente intuibile dal contesto. I’ve never ridden a horse, but my sister did in Texas. (sostituisce: rode a horse) Why don’t you ever wear a skirt? All your friends do! (sostituisce: wear a skirt) Thelma always replies to messages, but today she hasn’t. (omesso: replied) I could study Greek but Sonya couldn’t. (omesso: study Greek)

Non ho mai cavalcato un cavallo, ma mia sorella sì, in Texas. Perché non ti metti mai la gonna? Tutte le tue amiche lo fanno! Thelma risponde sempre ai messaggi ma oggi non l’ha fatto. Sono riuscito a studiare greco ma Sonya no.

L’ellissi avviene anche dopo i verbi che reggono la particella to, come want to, would like/love/hate/prefer to, have to. Bridget doesn’t like working extra hours, but she has to. (omesso: work extra hours) ‘Go and have a shower!’ ‘I don’t want to.’ (omesso: have a shower)

A Bridget non piace fare lo straordinario, ma deve. “Vai a fare la doccia!” “Non voglio.”

117.3 Sostituzione di espressioni verbali con do so/do it Si usano le espressioni do so/do it con i verbi che esprimono attività intenzionali per non ripetere un verbo o una frase. She’s always speaking on the phone and does so even when driving. (sostituisce: speaks on the phone)

Parla sempre al telefono e lo fa anche quando guida.

Si preferisce usare do so quando il soggetto della frase è lo stesso, do it quando il soggetto cambia. Dylan had decided to leave Bristol and did so in the morning. Amalia was about to prepare the sauce, but to her surprise her husband had already done it.


Dylan aveva deciso di lasciare Bristol e lo fece la mattina. Amalia stava per preparare il sugo, ma con sua sorpresa suo marito lo aveva già fatto.

Substitution and ellipsis



Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. that • ones • they • some (x 2) • mine 1 2 3 4 5 6


Please give me the whiteboard pens. The red and blue ones . Will has got a lot of ideas about recycling, but ________ are not practical. My parents’ bedroom is on the second floor and ________ is in the attic. I took my grandparents to the station, so ________ could get a train to London. I think this is Peter’s suitcase and ________ is Jane’s. I’ve got a lot of vinyl records but ________ have a very poor sound.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Sandra did her homework quickly I wanted to see the film She’s promised to phone me My sister’s never ridden a motorbike Martin’s got a lot of ideas on reducing pollution Jill isn’t working tonight

a ■ but my boyfriend didn’t. b ■ but Jack is. c ■ but I know she won’t. d ■ and hopes people will use them. 1 and then caught the bus to the gym. e ■ f ■ but I have.

Completa le risposte con le frasi nel riquadro. I certainly do. • I’d love to. • We hope to. • I don’t think so. • I didn’t mean to. • There’s no need to. 1 ‘Would you like to come to the cinema with us?’ ‘ I'd love to. What time does the film start?’ 2 ‘Do you go to London a lot?’ ‘___________________ I work in an office near Tower Bridge.’ 3 ‘Are you still coming to Dan’s birthday party in Barcelona?’ ‘___________________ As long as we can get a cheap flight.’


4 ‘You jumped the queue.’ ‘I’m sorry. ___________________’ 5 ‘Have you booked the tickets online?’ ‘___________________ We just pay at the door.’ 6 ‘Is it still raining?’ ‘___________________ Let’s go out.’

Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. do • has • wasn’t • isn’t • doesn’t • will • could • didn’t • can’t • is Peter hasn’t been to Rome before but James has . Very few people write with an ink pen but I __________. We drove to the stadium but Millie __________. We were very happy about the election result but Jessie __________. 5 She says she’s going to start an online business, but I know she __________.

1 2 3 4


Completa le frasi con le espressioni nel riquadro.

6 Pat likes getting up early, but John _________. 7 Olivia isn’t from Scotland but Nicola _______. 8 I thought I could see you tomorrow morning but now I __________. 9 Laura believes she won’t pass her driving test but I think she __________. 10 I couldn’t believe the good news when I heard it but my parents __________.

did so • hasn’t • does so • do • done it 1 2 3 4 5

My girlfriend loves texting me and does so even at 4 o’clock in the morning! Bruce had decided to move house and ___________ before Christmas. I was about to empty the dishwasher but my dad had already ___________. We don’t like watching X Factor but all our friends ___________. Freda always replies to my emails but today she ___________. I wonder why.



Sostituzione nelle risposte brevi

118.1 I think/hope so Si usa so dopo verbi come appear, assume, be afraid, believe, expect, guess, hope, suppose, think (in italiano “sembrare/ suppore/temere, ecc. di sì”) per sostituire un’espressione verbale. ‘Is this Sara’s hat?’ ‘I think so.’

so = this is Sara’s hat

“Questo è il cappello di Sara?” “Immagino di sì.”

La forma negativa si costruisce: • verbo alla forma affermativa + not “Mirko viene alla festa?” “Temo di no.”

‘Is Mirko coming to the party?’ ‘I’m afraid not.’

• verbo alla forma negativa + so

not = Mirko is not coming to the party “L’economia italiana crescerà il prossimo anno?” “Non credo.”

‘Will the Italian economy grow next year?’ ‘I don’t suppose so.’

so = Italian economy will grow next year Con i verbi hope e be afraid si usa sempre la costruzione con not, con think è più comune la costruzione con so.

118.2 So am I/Neither am I e risposte brevi Per esprimere accordo rispetto a un’affermazione senza ripetere l’affermazione stessa si usano le seguenti costruzioni con gli ausiliari:

so + ausiliare/ modale + soggetto (sostantivo/pronome soggetto)

accordo rispetto a una frase affermativa

soggetto + ausiliare/ modale + too nor/neither + ausiliare/modale + soggetto (sostantivo/ pronome soggetto) soggetto + ausiliare/ modale + not + either

accordo rispetto a una frase negativa

‘She is allergic to dairy products.’ ‘So is her mother.’

“È allergica ai latticini.” “Anche sua madre.”

‘She could ski very well at seven.’ ‘So could I.’

“Sapeva sciare molto bene a sette anni.” “Anch’io.”

‘Thomas speaks French fluently.’ ‘His wife does too.’

“Thomas parla francese in modo scorrevole.” “Anche sua moglie.”

You must stop shouting, and your father must too!

Devi smettere di urlare, e anche tuo padre!

‘She won’t give up smoking.’ ‘Nor/Neither will her husband.’

“Non smetterà di fumare.” “Neanche suo marito.”

‘I can’t afford a Ferrari.’ ‘Nor/Neither can we.’

“Non posso permettermi una Ferrari.” “Neanche noi.”

‘You don’t understand!’ ‘You don’t either!’

“Non capisci!” “Nemmeno tu!”

‘I can’t study after dinner.’ ‘I can’t either.’

“Non riesco a studiare dopo cena.” “Neanche io.”

ENGLISH USAGE Nel linguaggio informale con la prima persona singolare si possono usare le espressioni: me too (“anch’io”) e me neither (“neanch’io”). ‘I love rock music.’ ‘Me too.’ ‘I can’t cook.’ ‘Me neither.’


“Adoro la musica rock.” “Anch’io.” “Non so cucinare.” “Neanch’io.”

In inglese americano si usa me either al posto di me neither.

Short responses


Per esprimere disaccordo rispetto a un’affermazione, senza ripetere l’affermazione stessa, si usano le seguenti costruzioni con gli ausiliari:

soggetto + disaccordo rispetto a una frase forma negativa affermativa dell’ausiliare

‘Maria bought a new car.’ ‘I didn’t.’

“Maria ha comprato un’auto nuova.” “Io no.”

They can forgive her, but I can’t.

Loro possono perdonarla, ma io no.

soggetto + forma affermativa dell’ausiliare/ modale

Rudy isn’t interested in art, but his sister is.

A Rudy non interessa l’arte, ma a sua sorella sì.

‘I’ve never been to Thailand.’ ‘My friends have.’

“Non sono mai stato in Thailandia.” “I miei amici sì.”


disaccordo rispetto a una frase negativa

Completa i mini-dialoghi con le frasi nel riquadro. I think so. • I’m afraid not. • I expect so. • I don’t think so. • I hope not. 4 ‘Did Leila go to the Festival of Surf in Cornwall?’ ‘I don’t know, but _________________________ They cancelled it at the last minute because of the weather.’ 5 ‘Is there going to be an election soon?’ ‘_________________________ The government has no longer got a majority in parliament.’

1 ‘Can I get a table for 8 o’clock?’ ‘ I’m afraid not. We are fully booked for the whole evening.’ 2 ‘Is it likely to rain tomorrow?’ ‘____________________ The forecast is for showers all day.’ 3 ‘Have we missed our flight?’ ‘____________________ The check-in desk is still open.’


Per ogni frase scrivi una replica usando le parole tra parentesi ed entrambe le costruzioni per esprimere accordo. 4 Lewis can’t drive. (Jason) 5 My parents can’t stand watching reality TV shows. (mine) 6 You don’t listen. (you) 7 Mum often forgets people's names. (Dad)

1 Faye is a vegan. (her mother) So is her mother./Her mother is too. 2 Andrew started learning the piano when he was five. (Tim) 3 Rosie plays snooker very well. (Maria)


Completa le frasi con l’ausiliare corretto alla forma affermativa o negativa. 1 Helen went to London yesterday but I didn’t . 2 Miles can play the trumpet but John ________. 3 He isn’t interested in cubism but Sam ________.


4 Ivy’s never been to Boston but Steve ________. 5 Iris can’t read Chinese characters but Benny ________.

Scegli la risposta corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I always get lost in Venice. My dad can’t speak a word of French. Is it going to be sunny tomorrow? Ali got tickets to see Lady Gaga. I haven’t got a Wi-Fi connection! I love Italian opera. I can’t drink coffee in the evening. I wasn’t listening to the news.


So do I. So can mine. I hope so. So did I. Neither can I. Me too. Nor can I. Neither will I.


I did too. Neither can mine. So it is. So do I. Neither have I. Nor me. So could I. Nor was I.


116-118 Summative revision 1

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con how, what, so o such. 1 2 3 4 5 6


How lucky you are to have such beautiful weather all year round. __________ a surprise it was to see __________ many people at my party! __________ strange that you phoned when I was thinking about you. __________ beautiful shoes you’re wearing. __________ forgetful of me to leave my umbrella at home. __________ a delicious meal you’ve made for us!


You can share mine. I always bring it with me during __________ bad weather. b ■ I was __________ happy that I found your number again after __________ long. 1 c ■ I know, but it can be so hot in August. d ■ The fish looked __________ good in the market that I wanted to cook it for __________ good friends! e ■ There were __________ nice people there who wanted to celebrate your birthday with you. f ■ Thanks, but they’re __________ uncomfortable.

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. one • ones • she • some • they • this • those • yours 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Sottolinea l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


We saw Paula running down the road. I think she was in a hurry. Harry and Lily are going on holiday soon so ________________ are both very excited. ‘Those flowers are absolutely beautiful!’ ‘Do you mean the ________________ in the blue vase?’ We don’t need to get any more coffee. We’ve got ________________ in the cupboard. My phone is in my bag so that must be ________________ on the table. Jane’s cabin is here on the right and ________________ is Penny’s on the left. All the sandwiches on the table are vegetarian except ________________ which are tuna. These phones are all very similar but that ________________ is the best.

Jane wanted us to go out together, but I was working so I can’t/couldn’t/could. Harry doesn’t know much about photography but his sister Lily does/can/did. Our school has a sports day on Friday, but my cousin’s school isn’t/hasn’t/has. People enjoy going to the beach at the weekend, but when it’s very busy, many people doesn’t/don’t/do. I went to Milan a few times last year, but my sister doesn’t/hasn’t/didn’t. The south of France was really hot earlier in the year but the north didn’t/wasn’t/was. If the bus arrives soon, we won’t be late, but if it doesn’t, we won’t/are/will. Carlo can’t cook very well but Bruno is a professional chef, so he is/could/can.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completa la seconda parte con le espressioni nel riquadro. did it • did so • do so • does it • does so • done it 1 You don’t need to cook the pasta because 2 Mr Norman’s always buying flowers for his wife 3 I know that Paula has broken her phone because 4 You should switch off the lights every time we go out 5 Sam loves listening to music 6 Instead of washing his car at the car wash,



and he __________ last week for her birthday. b ■ James __________ himself. 1 I’ve already done it . c ■ d ■ I was there when she __________. e ■ so please __________ as you leave. f ■ and always __________ while he’s working.

Summative revision



Completa i mini-dialoghi con le frasi nel riquadro. I think so. • I don’t think so • I hope so, • I hope not. • I expect so. • I’m afraid not. 1 ‘Do you think our team will win the championship?’ ‘ I hope so, but I’m not sure. 2 ‘Could you give me a lift to the station?’ ‘Sorry, ________________ I’ve got a meeting in five minutes.’ 3 ‘It looks as if it’s going to rain.’ ‘________________ I’m going out for a run.’


4 ‘Is Caroline in?’ ‘________________ because her car isn’t here.’ 5 ‘Is Lucy going to the craft fair this year?’ ‘________________ She usually sells her paintings there.’ 6 ‘Did Sophie do well in her exams?’ ‘________________ She looked very happy this morning.’

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. Completa le frasi (1-6) con il tempo corretto dei verbi tra parentesi e le frasi (a-f) con le espressioni nel riquadro. So can we. • So did I. • So is mine. • Neither could ours. • Neither should I. • We didn’t either. 1 I shouldn’t eat (not eat) this cake, but it’s my favourite! 2 We ________________ (not enjoy) that film last week. 3 My cousin ________________ (stay) with us at the moment. 4 The weather ________________ (be) so bad yesterday that our children couldn’t go outside. 5 Helen ________________ (pass) her driving test the first time she took it. 6 We ________________ (live) near our school, so we can walk there from home.


______________________ They had to play indoors. b ■ ______________________ It was much too long. c ■ ______________________ Let’s all meet up. d ■ ______________________ It’s just down the road from where we live. 1 Neither should I. It’s nearly e ■ lunchtime! f ■ ______________________ I was so nervous.

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. a

1 Lara sent me such thoughtful present. 2 There are such many people in the streets watching the parade. 3 This is Lucy’s juice and here’s your, Sam. 4 ‘Let’s go shopping later.’ ‘No, I don’t want.’



5 ‘We’re going to have a lovely time at the fair.’ ‘I hope it.’ 6 ‘I love that new clothes shop in East Street.’ ‘So I do.’ 7 Helen lives in a quiet street, but we do. 8 Our teacher asked us to finish our projects last week, so we all did it.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Ci sono così tanti bei posti da vedere qui. 2 La mia insegnante parla inglese in modo così chiaro che è facile capirla. 3 Ho quasi finito i miei compiti ma mio fratello no, quindi lo aiuterò.

4 Harry ha una camera grande e lo stesso Lily. 5 Non abbiamo avuto tempo di giocare a tennis e nemmeno nessuno dei miei amici. 6 Orla era così emozionata di andare in vacanza e lo stesso sua sorella.



Il passivo (1): present simple e past simple


FORMA Come in italiano, nella forma passiva il complemento oggetto della frase attiva diventa il soggetto di quella passiva, e il soggetto della frase attiva diventa il complemento d’agente. La forma passiva del verbo si costruisce con l’ausiliare be seguito dal participio passato del verbo che indica l’azione. La forma passiva del present simple si costruisce coniugando be al presente. SOGGETTO PRESENT SIMPLE ATTIVO COMPL. OGGETTO

Custom officers check passports.

I funzionari dell’immigrazione controllano i passaporti.


Passports are checked by custom officers.

I passaporti sono controllati dai funzionari dell’immigrazione.

La forma passiva del past simple si costruisce coniugando be al passato. SOGGETTO PRESENT SIMPLE ATTIVO COMPL. OGGETTO

The referee interrupted the match.

L’arbitro sospese la partita.


The match was interrupted by the referee.

La partita fu sospesa dall’arbitro.

Nota che la forma passiva inglese può esprimere il “si passivante” italiano. English is spoken here.

Qui si parla inglese.

Se alla forma attiva il verbo è seguito da una preposizione, alla forma passiva la preposizione resta e segue il participio passato. My family approved of my choice. My choice was approved of by my family.

La mia famiglia ha approvato la mia scelta. La mia scelta è stata approvata dalla mia famiglia.

In inglese il complemento d’agente, cioè la persona o la cosa che compie l’azione, è introdotto da by. I wasn’t selected for the national maths games by my teacher. He was killed by a heart attack.

Non sono stato selezionato per i giochi nazionali di matematica dal mio insegnante. È stato ucciso da un infarto.

• Il complemento d’agente si omette quando non è noto oppure non è rilevante ai fini dell’azione. Fresh milk is delivered every morning.

Il latte fresco viene consegnato ogni mattina.

• Se il soggetto della frase attiva è un pronome personale (you, we, they) o indefinito (someone, something), nella frase passiva spesso si omette il complemento d’agente. We serve lunch from 12 to 2 o’clock. Lunch is served from 12 to 2 o’clock. Something hit me on the head. I was hit on the head.

Serviamo il pranzo dalle 12 alle 2. Il pranzo è servito dalle 12 alle 2. Qualcosa mi ha colpito alla testa. Sono stato colpito alla testa.

• Nelle domande in forma passiva che iniziano con i pronomi interrogativi who e what con funzione di soggetto 6, 28 si mette by in fondo alla frase e nelle risposte il complemento d’agente non può essere omesso. ‘Who was this song written by?’ ‘It was written by Bob Dylan.’ ‘What was his allergic reaction caused by?’ ‘It was caused by milk.’


“Da chi è stata scritta questa canzone?” “È stata scritta da Bob Dylan.” “Da cosa è stata causata la sua reazione allergica?” “È stata provocata dal latte.”

The passive (1): present simple and past simple


Dopo un verbo passivo si può usare la preposizione with per introdurre il complemento di mezzo, cioè lo strumento con cui l’azione viene eseguita. Questo quadro è stato fatto da mio figlio con la vernice a spruzzo.

This picture was painted by my son with spray paint.

Il complemento di mezzo può essere introdotto da by quando si vuole indicare la casualità di un evento. During the Battle of the Oranges the mayor was hit by a rotten orange.

Durante la battaglia delle arance il sindaco è stato colpito da un’arancia marcia.

USO In inglese come in italiano, la forma passiva mette in evidenza un’azione o il suo risultato, piuttosto che chi la compie. The Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911.

La Monna Lisa è stata rubata nel 1911.

La forma passiva si usa: • quando chi compie l’azione non è conosciuto o è poco importante oppure facilmente deducibile dal contesto Mr Rob was released on bail yesterday.

Il signor Rob è stato rilasciato su cauzione ieri.

• in istruzioni, avvisi e divieti I minori di 16 anni non sono ammessi.

Children under 16 are not admitted.

• per descrivere procedure ed esperimenti scientifici Sugar is added to the mixture.

Lo zucchero viene aggiunto al composto.

ENGLISH USAGE Nell’inglese informale è molto frequente usare get al posto di be per indicare che qualcosa si è verificato in modo fortuito o improvvisamente. What? She got fired?


Cosa? È stata licenziata? Mappa p. 447

Descrivi le immagini basandoti sulle informazioni date. Usa la forma passiva del present simple e i verbi nel riquadro. play • wash • steer • feed • carry • cook

1 pasta / Bruno The pasta is cooked by Bruno.

2 piano / Buddy Rubin

3 suitcases / Mr Sweet

4 fish / Lily and Harry

5 decks / cleaning crew

6 ship / Captain Fleet


119 2

The passive (1): present simple and past simple

Quiz Time! Usa la forma passiva del past simple e i verbi nel riquadro per completare le domande. Poi usa le parole tra parentesi per rispondere. imprison • eat • beat • invent • discover • destroy Simon

Elizabeth Simon Elizabeth Simon Elizabeth Simon Elizabeth Simon Elizabeth Simon Elizabeth Simon



Welcome to Dee Time. I’m your host, Simon Dee. It’s the next round of the quiz and all the questions are to do with history. Our first contestant is Elizabeth. There are six questions to answer. Good luck! First question. The world wide web (1) was invented by which scientist? (2) The world wide web was invented by Tim Berners Lee. (Tim Berners Lee) Which team (3) __________________ by Italy in the 1982 World Cup? (4) _________________________________________________________________________ (West Germany) Which cathedral (5) __________________ in a fire in London in 1666? (6) _________________________________________________________________________ (St Paul’s Cathedral) What (7) __________________ by Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings in 1922? (8) _________________________________________________________________________ (the tomb of Tutankhamun) Which future President (9) __________________ on Robben Island? (10) _________________________________________________________________________ (Nelson Mandela) In the past, what (11) __________________ only on Good Friday in the UK? (12) _________________________________________________________________________ (hot cross buns) Thank you, Elizabeth. I won’t reveal the scores until the end of the round.

Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. Usa la forma passiva del present o del past simple. delay • serve • hurt • cancel • heat • sentence • cook • allow • build • steal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Breakfast is served every day in the Concorde Room from 7-11 a.m. Our train ____________________ by over an hour and we were late for our meeting. A Nativity painting by Caravaggio ____________________ from a church in Palermo in 1969. Potatoes, onions and swede ____________________ with rump steak to make the filling for a Cornish pasty. The bank robber ____________________ to 10 years in prison. Chocolate ____________________ to 25 degrees Celsius so that it melts. Lawrence ____________________ in a motorbike accident on Saturday and is still in hospital. All flights ____________________ yesterday because of the stormy conditions. Do you know when the Tower of London ____________________? Passengers without a valid ticket ____________________ to board the train.

Riscrivi le frasi alla forma passiva. 1 Security staff checked our suitcases at the airport. 2 Artemisia Gentileschi painted Judith and her Maidservant in 1625. 3 My grandfather cooked Christmas dinner last year. 4 Nadal beat Federer in the final. 5 The gardener feeds the birds every day. 6 A thief stole the World Cup trophy in 1966. 7 A dog called Pickles found the cup a week later. 8 Doctors treat over a thousand patients a day in the Accident and Emergency Department.


Our suitcases were checked by security staff at the airport. _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

The passive (1): present simple and past simple



Completa le frasi con la forma passiva del past simple dei verbi nel riquadro e le preposizioni by e with. paint • write • perform • slice • spray • cut down 1 2 3 4 5 6


Come si produce la carta? Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con la forma passiva del present simple dei verbi tra parentesi per scoprirlo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


The Last Supper was painted by Leonardo da Vinci with an undercoat of white lead. The courgettes __________________ _______ the chef _______ a very sharp knife. The trees in the rainforest __________________ _______ lumberjacks _______ huge electric saws. All the lyrics on the compilation album __________________ _______ Bernie Taupin _______ music from Elton John. The walls of the building __________________ _______ red paint _______ climate change protesters. The trick __________________ _______ the magician _______ help from a member of the audience.

Trees The bark The wood The wood pieces Chemicals The pulp Water The dry pulp

a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ e ■ f ■ g ■ 1 h ■

___________________ through a fine mesh. (pour) ___________________ to the boiling water. (add) ___________________ into very small pieces. (chop) ___________________ from the trees. (peel) ___________________ into sheets. (roll) ___________________ out of the pulp. (squeeze) ___________________ in water. (boil) are cut down in the forest. (cut down)

Completa il testo su Stonehenge con la forma passiva corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. lit up • ship • set up • construct • add • drag • visit • lift • use • make Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, a county in the south of England. Archaeologists believe it (1) was constructed at least 4,000 years ago. It (2) _____________________ to the list of UNESCO’s world heritage sites in 1986. The structure (3) _____________________ of enormous stones, some of which weigh as much as an elephant, in the shape of a circle. We now know that many of the stones which (4) _____________________ by the builders came from an area in south Wales that is over 100 kilometres away. How the stones reached Wiltshire from south Wales is still a mystery. The most likely theory is that they (5) _____________________ on rafts along the river before they (6) _____________________ overland. Then, these stones (7) _____________________ to form the circle. Other stones (8) _____________________ on top of these standing stones to create what is known as a lintel. Stonehenge (9) _____________________ by over a million tourists every year. The most popular time is during the summer solstice in June when the circle (10) _____________________ by the rising sun on the longest day of the year.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 “Quando è nato tuo fratello?” “È nato nel 2005, dopo che mio padre fu trasferito per lavoro in Arabia Saudita.” 2 La cena è servita dalle 20 in poi e vengono utilizzati soltanto prodotti biologici locali.

3 In questa fabbrica si riciclano bottiglie di plastica ed esse sono utilizzate per produrre giubbini in pile (fleece). 4 La scena fu descritta attentamente agli attori ma le riprese furono interrotte dal regista perché non era soddisfatto.



Il passivo (2)


120.1 La forma passiva con i verbi seguiti da due complementi I verbi che reggono due complementi come bring, buy, give, offer, pay, promise 113 ammettono due costruzioni anche alla forma passiva. Osserva gli esempi.

Costruzione personale (il soggetto del verbo passivo è una persona) Costruzione regolare (il soggetto del verbo passivo è una cosa)


I gave Sally’s mother the good news. SOGGETTO

Ho dato alla madre di Sally la bella notizia.


Sally’s mother was given the good news. COMPL. DIRETTO COMPL. INDIRETTO

I gave the good news to Sally’s mother. SOGGETTO


The good news was given to Sally’s mother.

Alla madre di Sally è stata data la bella notizia. Ho dato la bella notizia alla madre di Sally. La bella notizia è stata data alla madre di Sally.

La costruzione più comune è quella personale, dove il complemento indiretto della frase attiva diventa il soggetto della frase passiva. Nella costruzione regolare si può omettere la preposizione se il complemento indiretto è un pronome. I sent her a bunch of flowers. A bunch of flowers was sent (to) her.

Le ho mandato un mazzo di fiori. Le è stato mandato un mazzo di fiori.

I verbi come describe, explain, dictate, introduce, repeat, report, suggest che alla forma attiva richiedono la costruzione verbo + complemento diretto + to + complemento indiretto 113 , alla forma passiva ammettono solo la costruzione regolare. She described the scene to the police officer. The scene was described to the police officer.

Descrisse la scena al poliziotto. La scena fu descritta al poliziotto.

120.2 La forma passiva con i verbi seguiti dall’infinito con o senza to I verbi come ask, forbid, instruct, invite, order, request, tell, warn, che alla forma attiva richiedono la costruzione complemento oggetto + infinito con to 106.1 , mantengono la struttura dell’infinito con to anche alla forma passiva. He asked Melissa to repeat the explanation. Melissa was asked to repeat the explanation. They told their daughter not to open the door. Their daughter was told not to open the door.

Chiese a Melissa di ripetere la spiegazione. A Melissa fu chiesto di ripetere la spiegazione. Hanno detto alla figlia di non aprire la porta. Alla figlia fu detto di non aprire la porta.

Il verbo make e i verbi di percezione che alla forma attiva sono seguiti dalla costruzione complemento oggetto + infinito senza to 105.2 , alla forma passiva richiedono l’infinito con to. He made the thief confess. The thief was made to confess. I saw him climb over the wall. He was seen to climb over the wall.

Ha fatto confessare il ladro. Il ladro fu fatto confessare. L’ho visto scavalcare il muro. Fu visto scavalcare il muro.

ENGLISH USAGE Con i verbi come believe, feel, know, think, ecc., che alla forma attiva sono generalmente seguiti da that + frase, alla forma passiva richiedono l’infinito con to. Questa costruzione è particolarmente usata nei resoconti giornalistici. In italiano si rende con il “si passivante”. He is believed to be the most wanted man by the FBI.

Si crede che sia l’uomo più ricercato dall’FBI. 141


Mappa p. 447

The passive (2)


Completa le frasi alla forma passiva. Usa la costruzione personale. 1 They sent Jackie a huge bunch of flowers. Jackie was sent a huge bunch of flowers. 2 The teachers congratulated the students on their exam results. on their exam results. 3 Somebody lied to me. to.


4 They gave me a pay rise. a pay rise. 5 She showed me to my seat in the cinema. to my seat in the cinema. 6 They accepted Deborah’s offer for the flat. .

Completa le frasi alla forma passiva. Usa entrambe le costruzioni. 1 Ellie’s grandparents gave her a cuddly toy. Ellie was given a cuddly toy by her grandparents . A cuddly toy was given to Ellie by her grandparents . 2 Sussex University offered Jack a place to study medicine. Jack . A place to study medicine . 3 To celebrate their first wedding anniversary, Lorna’s husband promised her a holiday in Bali. Lorna . A holiday in Bali .



4 My company pay me overtime rates when I work at the weekend. I Overtime rates 5 The club refused Paula admission because she was under 18. Paula Admission 6 My dog brought me a big stick when we were in the forest. I A big stick

. .

. .

. .

Riordina le parole per formare frasi e completale con la forma passiva dei verbi nel riquadro. introduce • suggest • report • repeat • dictate 1 arrived / when / at the party / the guests / they The guests were introduced when they arrived at the party. 2 the students / line by line / the text / to


3 to the problem / the manager / several solutions / by 4 all the newspapers / by / the strange event 5 at the rally / the demonstrators / by / the slogans

Riscrivi i divieti e le istruzioni usando la forma passiva del present simple e i verbi nel riquadro. not allow • advise • request • warn • order • invite 1 Please come in and have a seat. You are invited to come in and have a seat. 2 Do not jump or dive into the pool. 3 Please have your tickets ready for inspection.


4 Return to the barracks immediately. 5 Only drive during the storm if absolutely essential. 6 It is better to book a table at the weekend.

Riscrivi le frasi alla forma passiva. 1 A cleaner saw a passenger put a packet of seeds into her suitcase. A passenger was seen to put a packet of seeds into her suitcase by a cleaner. 2 A customs officer made her empty her suitcase.

3 A police officer saw a driver jump a red light. 4 The court made the driver pay a fine. 5 A neighbour saw some boys pick flowers in an old lady’s garden. 6 The old lady made them apologise.



I verbi causativi (2); need + forma in -ing

121.1 have/get something done


FORMA Si usa la costruzione have/get + complemento oggetto + participio passato (+ by + complemento d’agente) quando l’oggetto subisce l’azione espressa dal participio passato, che ha infatti significato passivo. Solitamente il complemento d’agente si mette solo se diverso da chi normalmente svolge quell’attività. She has the carpet hoovered every day (by her maid). Fa aspirare il tappeto ogni giorno (dalla domestica).

‘Yes, I know, I should have the roof fixed…’

In questa costruzione il verbo have non ha funzione di ausiliare e necessita degli ausiliari appropriati per essere coniugato. Where do you have your nails done? They look great. Did you have the alarm system tested last week?

Dove ti fai fare le unghie? Sono molto belle. Hai fatto testare il sistema di allarme la settimana scorsa?

USO Si usa questa costruzione per esprimere il concetto di: • fare in modo che qualcosa venga fatto da qualcun altro I’ll have the sink repaired by my husband.

Farò riparare il lavandino da mio marito.

• farsi fare qualcosa She has her hair cut every month.

Va a tagliarsi/Si taglia i capelli una volta al mese.

• subire (un danno, un incidente, ecc.) I had my passport stolen while I was on holiday.

Mi hanno rubato il passaporto mentro ero in vacanza.

ENGLISH USAGE Nell’inglese informale si può usare get al posto di have. Emma is always getting her Latin homework corrected by her father!

Emma si fa sempre correggere i compiti di latino da suo padre!

121.2 need + forma in -ing Il verbo need 99.1 nell’accezione di “avere bisogno di” può essere seguito, oltre che da un infinito passivo, anche dalla forma in -ing. La forma in -ing mantiene comunque un significato passivo. Our Wi-Fi needs to be updated. Our Wi-Fi needs updating.

Il nostro Wi-Fi ha bisogno di essere aggiornato.

Anche i verbi deserve e require possono essere seguiti dalla forma in -ing, mantenendo il significato passivo. Queste forme sono più comuni nell’inglese britannico che americano. The team doesn’t deserve to be promoted. The team doesn’t deserve promoting.

La squadra non merita di essere promossa.

ENGLISH USAGE Nell’inglese informale anche il verbo want può essere seguito dalla forma in -ing quando ha il significato di “avere bisogno di”. My car wants cleaning.


La mia auto ha bisogno di essere lavata.

have/get something done; need + -ing form


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi usando le parole tra parentesi.

1 Grandad is having his hair cut . (hair / cut)



2 Grandma ______________ _________________________. (eyebrows / shape)

3 My sister ______________ _________________________. (fortune / tell)

4 The twins ______________ _________________________. (faces / paint)

Robert è un super robot domestico. Scrivi frasi su quello che potrai far fare a Robert in casa con la costruzione have something done. Usa i verbi e le parole nei riquadri. make • test • walk • polish • cut • do • repair • iron beds • dogs • shoes • shirts • fences • alarms • grass • washing-up Robert is your super assistant. With Robert you will... 1 2 3 4


have your beds made. ___________________________. ___________________________. ___________________________.

5 6 7 8

___________________________. ___________________________. ___________________________. ___________________________.

Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta della costruzione have something done. Usa le parole tra parentesi. Pat Your house looks different. It is much smarter than the last time I saw it. Bob You’re right. I (1) have had the walls painted by a decorator (walls / paint) and (2) _____________________________ (all the windows / repair) by a carpenter. Pat What about inside? Bob Come and have a look. In the kitchen, I (3) _____________________________ (worktops / replace). You will be happy to know that I (4) _____________________________ (state-of-the art dishwasher / install) by a qualified plumber. Pat Have you kept any of the original features? Bob I certainly have! In the sitting room I (5) _____________________________ (old floorboards / restore). Pat It all looks lovely now but the last time I visited I think you had some problems with damp. Bob Well-remembered! I (6) _____________________________ (drainpipes / unblock) by the plumber, so rainwater runs away easily and it has solved that problem. Pat Are there any other major changes? Bob Just a couple. I (7) _____________________________ (the whole house / rewire) and we now have a brilliant sound system in every room. Finally, I (8) _____________________________ (bathroom / tile) using eco-friendly materials. Pat It all sounds wonderful!


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

La tua giacca è coperta di fango e ha bisogno di essere lavata. Queste fragole sono molto mature. Hanno bisogno di essere raccolte ora. Il Wi-Fi deve essere riavviato (reboot) per ripristinare la connessione. Temo che la sua patente di guida non sia più valida e che debba essere sostituita. Questi sandwich devono essere mangiati perché sono quasi oltre la data di scadenza (sell-by date).


119-121 Summative revision 1

Riscrivi le frasi alla forma passiva. 1 Hundreds of people attend the summer festival and they close the streets to traffic. The summer festival is attended by hundreds of people and the streets are closed to traffic. 2 Chop the onions then fry them in olive oil before you add the tomatoes. 3 The manicurist shaped my nails before she painted them red. 4 The cinema does not admit children unless an adult accompanies them. 5 In 1937, the Walt Disney Studios introduced a new form of entertainment when it released its first full-length cartoon film. 6 People collect plastic from beaches, then recycle it to make new items.


Completa le informazioni su una scuola di lingue con la forma passiva del present simple dei verbi nel riquadro. arrange • book • design • find • give • meet • provide • take • teach • test

• • • • • • • • • •


Information about the centre (1) is found online. Our language courses (2) ___________ to suit adult and younger students. Transport from the airport to our school (3) ___________ by us. Accommodation (4) ___________ with local families. Students (5) ___________ by their host families at the station when they arrive. All our students (6) ___________ before their course to find out their level. Books (7) ___________ for everyone to use during their course. Lessons (8) ___________ in the morning from 09.00 to 13.00. Students (9) ___________ on excursions to local places in the afternoon. Everyone (10) ___________ a certificate when they leave.

Leggi il testo sulla vita e le opere di Matisse. Poi completa le frasi con la forma passiva del past simple dei verbi tra parentesi e mettile nell’ordine corretto.

Henri Matisse had painted many pictures, including The Woman in the Hat in 1905, before he produced The Snail. By 1948, he had become too ill to stand for hours painting, so he started to use the technique of collage which uses coloured paper shapes to produce pictures. When he decided to create The Snail, an assistant helped him by cutting paper, which Matisse had previously painted different colours, into various shapes. Matisse told his assistant exactly where to place the shapes before attaching them onto white paper. When he had decided that the shapes were exactly where he wanted them to be, the assistant fixed the pieces without using too much paste. They then moved The Snail to Paris, where the paper shapes were permanently fixed.


a b c

■ ■ ■

The Snail ______________ (take) to Paris. Paper ______________ (paint) different colours. Matisse’s assistant ______________ (tell) where to put the paper shapes. 1 The Woman in the Hat was painted (paint) in 1905. d ■ e ■ Matisse ______________ (prevent) from standing for a long time due to illness. f ■ The pieces of coloured paper ______________ (fix) very lightly to white paper. g ■ Collage ______________ (introduce) to Matisse’s work. h ■ The paper pieces on The Snail ______________ (secure) firmly. i ■ The coloured paper ______________ (cut) into different shapes. j ■ It ______________ (decide) by Matisse to create The Snail. k ■ The final decision ______________ (make) on where to put the paper shapes.

Summative revision



Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. check • cut • deliver • do • paint • service I go to 1 the hairdresser. a ■ b ■ a nail bar. c ■ a supermarket website. d ■ the garage. e ■ a decorator. f ■ the dentist.

When I want to 1 have my hair cut , 2 get my car ____________, 3 have my teeth ____________, 4 get my shopping ____________, 5 have my nails ____________, 6 get my flat ____________,



Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 A Are you having your wedding dress made (you / have / your wedding dress / make) or are you making it yourself? B My aunt’s making it but __________________________ (it / need / take up) because it’s too long. 2 A Our team didn’t deserve to lose the game yesterday. B Maybe some of the team __________________________ (need change). 3 A I’d love __________________________ (have / the kitchen / replace) with something more modern. B I think it looks fine. Maybe __________________________ (it / just / want / paint). 4 A Do the children __________________________ (have / a school photo / take) every year? B Yes, and the school __________________________ (get / several copies / make) for the families. 5 A Could you tell me how I __________________________ (get / my passport / renew) quickly? I’m going on holiday next week. B __________________________ (you / require / provide) the information requested on the website.

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Lily doesn’t have printed her photos in a shop because she has her own printer. Why your flight was delayed yesterday? People wasn’t given any information about the problem at the airport. This dessert is made by lots of fruit and a little sugar. The hotel guests were asked not jump into the swimming pool. Rose House believes to be the oldest building in the village. The plants on the balcony really want be watering. We should have cleaned these windows soon, so we can see outside!

TRANSLATION Traduci i testi in inglese.

Il cioccolato è fatto dai semi di cacao che provengono da un albero da frutto. Si usano 800 semi di cacao per fare un chilo di cioccolato. Circa 2.500 semi vengono prodotti su ogni albero. I produttori di cioccolato fanno pubblicizzare e vendere i loro prodotti in tutto il mondo.

Le patate vengono coltivate nel terreno fino a quando non sono pronte, poi vengono raccolte. Vengono portate in uno stabilimento dove vengono lavate e tagliate a fette. Le patate vengono trasformate in patatine fritte ((potato crisps). Vengono mangiate ogni giorno da milioni di persone.

Il miele è il nettare dei fiori che viene raccolto dalle api. Il suo aroma è influenzato dai tipi di fiore che contiene. Gli apicoltori (beekeepers) spesso fanno trasformare il loro miele in prodotti di bellezza dalle aziende cosmetiche. Il miele è spesso usato per addolcire il cibo e viene aggiunto al limone caldo per fare una bevanda squisita.


Grammar for writing A report Per scrivere una relazione: • scegli un titolo chiaro, conciso ed esplicativo • presenta l’argomento • dividi la relazione in sezioni e paragrafi


• cerca di fare una valutazione obiettiva • dai suggerimenti e raccomandazioni • concludi con osservazioni di carattere generale

Leggi la relazione e scrivi T (vero), F (falso) o DS (non lo dice).

Report on Japanese school visit to Radyr High School Between the 8th and 14th of March students from Sakai City in Japan were welcomed to Radyr High School in Wales. During their visit they were hosted by school students and their families, and were introduced to a wide range of activities. Each morning the usual school timetable was followed, with Japanese students participating in lessons with the British host students, whereas in the afternoons, the Japanese students were taken to see places of local interest. These included: visiting the city centre; an excursion to the open-air St Fagans National History Museum; a trip down the Big Pit, a former working coal mine; and a nature-watching boat trip around Cardiff Bay.

It seems that both the British and Japanese students enjoyed the shared experiences, especially those hosting, or being hosted. In addition, it would appear that volunteers from Radyr High School, not directly involved in the cultural exchange, also viewed the visit positively. The game of Dodgeball frisbee organised by the PE department on Saturday afternoon was particularly popular with everyone as sports always tend to break down communication and cultural barriers. However, a number of improvements could be made to similar future visits. For example, more students and staff should be involved in the Japanese conversation lessons prior to visits, as it is supposed to be a cultural exchange.

1 A group of Japanese students visited the UK. T 2 They stayed with British students but didn’t go to school with them. ____ 3 Big Pit was the favourite visit. ____ 4 Sport can help break down barriers. ____ 5 The students spent too long in lessons. ____ 6 The return visit to Japan will take place at the same time the following year. ____


WRITING Scrivi appunti su una gita scolastica alla quale hai partecipato. Poi scrivi la tua relazione. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto. • • • • •


Title Introduction Evaluation Recommendations Conclusion

In addition to this, changes could be made to the timetabling as a whole morning of lessons was considered too long by some of the students, given the communication difficulties. Overall the visit seems to have been a success and it was great to see how well pupils from different backgrounds and cultures mixed together and enjoyed each other’s company. It was sad to see the Japanese students leave and it will be interesting to see how the visit to Japan next year goes.

LANGUAGE Introduction

Between... and.../In June 2020.../ During.../The aim/purpose is/was...


During.../Each/Every.../In the.../This included...


It seems/would appear that.../...was/ were particularly popular/...tends to...

Recommendations Improvements/changes could be made/ For example.../In addition to this... Conclusion

Overall/To sum up/In conclusion...

WRITING TIPS • Dividi la relazione in paragrafi e utilizza i connettivi per collegarli. • Scrivi la relazione in forma impersonale utilizzando le forme passive. • Introduci le tue valutazioni con espressioni come It seems that.../ It would appear that..., ecc. • Utilizza gli avverbi per dare le tue valutazioni e raccomandazioni. • Concludi in modo chiaro. • Rileggi la relazione e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura.

Grammar for speaking Asking for information 1


Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi completa la scheda informativa.

Agent Visitor Agent Visitor Agent Visitor Agent Visitor Agent Visitor Agent Visitor Agent Visitor

Hello, can I help you? I’d like to visit the gallery. How much are the tickets? Entry to the gallery is free, but tickets for specific exhibitions must be purchased separately. What exhibitions are on at the moment? An exhibition of the Young British Artists is currently being shown in the upper gallery. Who are the artists? A group of artists who were discovered in the 1990s, like Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin. And is the work exhibited just paintings? Not at all. It’s a mixture of painting, sculpture, photography, film and visual installation. Are the tickets incredibly expensive too? Tickets are reasonably priced for an exhibition like this, just £5 each. That seems very fair! Can I buy a ticket, please? Yes, of course! FUNCTIONS About how long should it take to get around Welcoming/ Hello, can I help you? / Here is your the whole exhibition? offering help ticket. / Enjoy the exhibition. Agent The exhibition can be viewed in about an hour Asking for I’d like to visit... / How much are the I’d say. information tickets? / What exhibitions... ? / Who Visitor OK, and what time does the gallery close? are the artists? / What is/is the work...? Agent At six o’clock this evening. Here is your ticket. / Are tickets expensive? / How long Enjoy the exhibition! should it take? / What time does the gallery close? free ✔ Entry to gallery is (1) . ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔


Tickets to exhibitions must be purchased (2) ______________. Current Exhibition: (3) ______________ Location: (4) ______________ Artists exhibiting: (5) ______________ and (6) ______________ Type of work: (7) ______________, sculpture, (8) ______________, film and visual installation Ticket price: (9) ______________ Opening hours: 9 am – (10) ______________

That could be... / That seems... / They would appear to be...

Giving Entry is... but... / An exhibition of... in... information / (they are) a group of... discovered in... / It’s a mixture of ... / It is/They are... / Not at all. / Yes, of course. / It can be viewed in/at...

ROLE PLAY Vuoi visitare un museo e chiedi informazioni a un addetto. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. 136

Agent Welcome to the museum. Can I help you? You Rispondi che vuoi visitare il museo. Agent No problem. Do you just want a ticket to the permanent exhibits or to the special exhibition too? You Chiedi il costo del biglietto e qual è la

mostra speciale in corso al momento.

Agent Entrance is free to the main exhibits, but tickets to the Gormley exhibition is £10. You Chiedi se ci sono biglietti scontati



Giving opinion


Agent There are discounted £5 tickets for students. You Rispondi che sei uno studente e che vuoi

comprare un biglietto.

Agent Here’s your ticket. Enjoy the exhibition. You Chiedi quanto tempo ci vuole per visitare

sia il museo che la mostra.

Agent The museum can be visited in about 2 hours and the exhibition seen in about an hour. You Chiedi a che ora chiude il museo. Agent Opening hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. today. You Ringrazia e saluta.

Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple matching 1 Read the text about global fashion trends and match the first part of the sentences (1-6) to the second part (A-H). There is an extra option. The first one has been done for you.

Global Fashion Trends The white wedding dress was introduced to the UK by Queen Victoria in 1840 when she married German Prince Albert. Before that, wedding dresses tended to be colourful so that they could be re-worn. After Victoria’s wedding, the dress was packed away for posterity. Black eyeliner was inspired in the 1920s by the discovery of ancient artefacts of Egyptians wearing it. The rise in popularity of eye make-up was helped by both male and female film stars, including Charlie Chaplin. Nylon was created in the 1930s at America’s DuPont Chemicals, and it became commercially available in the form of stockings in 1940. The original name was ‘NoRun’ but this was changed to Nylon as it sounded similar to materials such as cotton and rayon.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Two-pieced swimsuits were introduced as a result of fabric rationing during WWII. But the bikini as we know it today was designed by French engineer Louis Réard in 1946. It arrived with a bang, so was named after Bikini Atoll, the site of American nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean. The first pair of Dr Martens was made from a tyre by a German soldier Dr Klaus Maertens. He wanted a comfortable boot for his broken foot. So he combined soft leather and air-cushioned soles. The rights were bought by R Griggs Group in the UK in 1959. The name was changed to the more English Dr Martens, and the first pair were sold on 1 April, 1960.

boutique in London’s King’s Road in 1966. They were inspired by the freedom of movements of tutus in her childhood ballet classes. Love them or hate them, leggings are as popular today as they were back in the 1980s. Although back then they were made of Spandex, worn with leg warmers and off-theshoulder sweatshirts! Nowadays it is even acceptable to replace tights with leggings under dresses or tunics. Who would have thought it!

The miniskirt was designed by Welsh fashion designer Mary Quant. The first ones were sold in her

Queen Victoria was married in white Black eyeliner was worn Nylon was so-called Louis Réard’s two-piece swimsuit Soft leather and air-cushioned soles The miniskirt was inspired Leggings were just as

A ■ because it sounded like other materials. B ■ by a soldier in WWII. C ■ by Charlie Chaplin in the 1920s. D ■ by skirts worn by ballerinas. E ■ popular in the 1980s as they are now. 0 to Prince Albert in 1840. F ■ G ■ was named after an island bombed by the Americans. H ■ were combined to make Dr Martens boots.

B1 Listening – Short answer questions 138 Listen to someone talking about how Wales became popular for Hollywood films. Answer 2

questions 1-7 with no more than four words or numbers. The first one (0) has been done for you. You will hear the recording twice.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


What do actors Michael Sheen and Anthony Hopkins have in common? Why was Cardiff city centre closed for two days? How many people are employed full-time in film in Wales? What did Lin-Manuel Miranda recently film in Wales? Why do filmmakers like the scenery in Wales? What is the film Dream Horse about? What did the Welsh slate quarry provide a dramatic backdrop for? What has been left on a beach in Pembrokeshire?

They’re from Wales.

Il discorso diretto e indiretto Obiettivi • Discorso diretto • Discorso indiretto



Leggi la chat. Sottolinea le frasi al discorso diretto e cerchia quelle al discorso indiretto.


Abbina le frasi al discorso diretto a quelle equivalenti al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘What did your parents say about the party?’ 2 ‘We’ll think about it.’ 3 ‘It can’t be next weekend.’ 4 ‘Are they going to be here for the party?’ 5 ‘Should I stay?’ 6 ‘There’s no need for you to stay, Mum.’ 7 ‘It’ll be awesome!’ 8 ‘We’re going away.’










They said they’d think about it. They told me it couldn’t be the following weekend. Mum asked if she should stay. I told her there was no need. He asked what they said about the party. He asked if they were going to be there for the party. They said they were going away. He said it would be awesome.



What did your parents say about the party? ‘Forget about it’, or something like that?

They said they would think about it but it couldn’t be the following weekend as they were going away.


Are they going to be here for the party?!?

No, Mum asked if she should stay but I told her there was no need!




Oh, I can see you… ‘Thanks for offering Mum but… no.’ It’ll be awesome!

I can’t wait!


Leggi le regole. Quale si riferisce al discorso diretto (D) e quale al discorso indiretto (I)? A


Si usa per riportare le parole esatte pronunciate da una persona ed è racchiuso tra virgolette. Si usa per riferire quello che qualcuno ha detto. La frase viene riferita per mezzo di una proposizione subordinata retta da that e introdotta da verbi dichiarativi come say e tell.



Il discorso diretto e indiretto; say e tell

122.1 Discorso diretto e indiretto


Si usa il discorso diretto (direct speech) per riportare le parole esatte pronunciate da una persona. Il discorso diretto è racchiuso tra virgolette (singole in inglese britannico, doppie in inglese americano) e separato dalla virgola dalla frase introduttiva che può precederlo, seguirlo, oppure essere inserita al suo interno. Sandra said, ‘I’m tired.’ ‘Let’s start the meeting,’ the director said. ‘It’s too expensive,’ Mum said, ‘we can’t afford it.’

Sandra disse: “Sono stanca.” “Iniziamo la riunione,” disse il direttore. “È troppo costoso,” disse la mamma, “non possiamo permettercelo.”

Il discorso diretto può essere separato dal resto del testo anche dal punto esclamativo e interrogativo. ‘Don’t touch me!’ she cried. ‘Will you please stop shouting?’ Tom said.

“Non toccarmi!” gridò. “Volete smettere di urlare, per favore?” disse Tom.

Quando la frase introduttiva segue il discorso diretto, è possibile fare l’inversione fra soggetto e verbo se il soggetto è espresso da un sostantivo, ma non se il soggetto è un pronome. L’inversione soggetto-verbo è comune nella narrazione. ‘I’m sick and tired of this situation,’ Martina said/said Martina. ‘I feel exhausted,’ he said.

NON said he

“Sono stufa di questa situazione,” disse Martina. “Mi sento esausto,” disse.

Si usa il discorso indiretto (indirect/reported speech) per riferire quello che qualcuno ha detto. Nel discorso indiretto cadono le virgolette e la frase viene riferita per mezzo di una proposizione subordinata retta da that e introdotta da verbi dichiarativi come say e tell. Roberta says that her father doesn’t allow her to use his laptop.

Roberta dice che suo padre non le permette di usare il suo portatile.

122.2 say e tell Si usano i verbi say e tell per introdurre sia il discorso diretto sia il discorso indiretto.


DISCORSO DIRETTO seguito o no da to + complemento di termine

DISCORSO INDIRETTO generalmente non seguito da to + complemento di termine

‘There isn’t anybody in there,’ “Non c’è nessuno lì dentro”, she said (to me). (mi) ha detto.

She said that the cake tasted Disse che la torta era delicious. deliziosa.

sempre seguito dal complemento di termine (senza to) tell

‘Call me when you want,’ he told me.

“Chiamami quando vuoi”, mi ha detto.

He told her that he had a temperature.

Le ha detto che aveva la febbre.

• Con il verbo say è possibile anche la costruzione say + complemento oggetto + to + complemento di termine. 113 She said goodbye to her family.

Disse addio alla sua famiglia.

• L’uso di that è facoltativo e spesso viene omesso nell’inglese informale. The vet said (that) the dog was seriously ill.

Il veterinario disse che il cane era gravemente malato.

• A differenza di say, tell può essere anche usato con la costruzione complemento oggetto + infinito. I told them to go home.


Ho detto loro di andare a casa.

Direct and indirect speech; say and tell


Completa le frasi al discorso diretto e inserisci la punteggiatura corretta.

1 Mr Sweet said, ‘This cabin is very small.’


2 Lily and Harry _________ _________________________

‘Please sit down,’ the doctor said/told. Has Betty told/said you about the party tonight? Tell/Say Jack to email me his ideas. They said/told, ‘We’re going to have lunch at the new café.’ 5 I can’t follow what you are saying/telling.


3 Jane ____________________ _________________________

4 The captain ____________ _________________________

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4



6 I don’t think she’s going to tell/say her boyfriend what really happened. 7 She said/told that she hadn’t seen him in the last few days. 8 ‘Hand in your homework on your way out,’ the teacher said/told.

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta di say o tell. 1 Yesterday evening, she told me an amazing story about her childhood. 2 Please, can you _______ us how to get to the railway station? 3 What _______ our teacher _______ at the end of the lesson about the English exam?

4 5 6 7 8

How do you _______ ‘hello’ in Chinese? I can _______ you’re excited! What’s going on? ‘We’ve never been to Boston before,’ Jim _______. You haven’t _______ me your address. Amy didn’t _______ much at dinner. I think she was tired.

Liz e Audrey stanno parlando dei loro amici Emma e Steve. Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta di say o tell. Liz Audrey Liz Audrey Liz Audrey Liz Audrey Liz Audrey Liz Audrey

What did Emma (1) tell you about Steve? I’m sorry Liz but I can’t (2) ________ anything about it at the moment. I promised Emma. You can (3) ________ me. I’m your oldest friend. I won’t (4) ________ a word to anyone else. The secret is safe with me. This is really difficult for me. I don’t want to let Emma down but if you swear not (5) ________ a word to anyone else, I’ll (6) ________ you. So! What (7) ________ (Emma) about Steve that she didn’t want anybody else to know? You’re not going to believe this, but Emma (8) ________ that Steve wants to marry her! Steve – my best friend – wants to marry Emma! Are you sure? He didn’t (9) ________ me and I’m usually the first person to know about his love life! Well, Emma (10) ________ that he didn’t want (11) ________ you because he only broke off his engagement to Toyah three weeks ago. He was worried about what you would (12) ________. He’s right to be worried. I am going (13) ________ him how upset I am. Liz, you promised not (14) ________ anything. Please don’t (15) ________ him how you found out. It will really upset Emma. I won’t (16) ________ how I found out but I will (17) ________ him what I know and that I’m very unhappy! I can tell you’re not really unhappy! You adore Emma and they make a lovely couple. You’re only upset because Steve didn’t (18) ________ you what was happening!



Il discorso indiretto (1)

Nel passaggio dal discorso diretto a quello indiretto è necessario trasformare alcuni elementi della frase: tempi verbali, pronomi, aggettivi, avverbi di luogo e tempo.

123.1 Variazioni dei tempi verbali Osserva come variano i tempi verbali quando il verbo introduttivo è al passato.

DISCORSO DIRETTO present simple ‘The line is busy.’

“La linea è occupata.”

DISCORSO INDIRETTO past simple The operator said (that) the line was busy.

present continuous

past continuous

‘I’m talking on the telephone.’

Mum said (that) she was talking on the telephone.

“Sto parlando al telefono.”

present perfect simple

past perfect simple

‘I’ve just met him on “L’ho appena incontrato sulle the stairs.’ scale.”

Beth said (that) she had just met him on the stairs.

past simple

past perfect simple

‘I wrote the book in Egypt.’

“Ho scritto il libro in Egitto.”

past continuous ‘He was working hard in those days.’

La mamma ha detto che stava parlando al telefono. Beth ha detto che lo aveva appena incontrato sulle scale. La scrittrice ha detto che aveva scritto il libro in Egitto.

past perfect continuous “Lavorava sodo a quel tempo.” They said (that) he had been working hard in those days.

be going to ‘I’m going to rent a flat in town.’

The novelist said (that) she had written the book in Egypt.

Il centralinista ha detto che la linea era occupata.

Dissero che lavorava sodo a quel tempo.

was/were going to “Prenderò un appartamento in affitto in città.”


Luke told me (that) he was going to rent a flat in town.

Luke mi disse che avrebbe preso un appartamento in affitto in città.

would (per un’azione che si è verificata) would have + participio passato (per un’azione che non è avvenuta)

‘I’ll give you a lift.’

“Ti do un passaggio.”

imperativo ‘Don’t touch the pan!’

He said that he would give me a lift. He said that he would have given me a lift.

Disse che mi avrebbe dato un passaggio. Disse che mi avrebbe dato un passaggio. (ma non l’ha fatto)

infinito “Non toccare la padella!”

He told me not to touch the pan.

Mi disse di non toccare la padella.

• Nel passaggio da discorso diretto a indiretto il past simple e il past continuous possono rimanere invariati. ‘I was having lunch when Sara arrived.’ “Stavo pranzando quando arrivò Sara.” She said (that) she was having lunch when Sara arrived. Disse che stava pranzando quando arrivò Sara.

• Il past perfect non subisce mai alcuna variazione. ‘I had warned you!’ She said she had warned me.


“Ti avevo avvisato!” Disse che mi aveva avvisato.

Indirect speech (1)


123.2 Altre variazioni: pronomi, aggettivi e avverbi Come in italiano, nel passaggio al discorso indiretto variano i pronomi personali (soggetto e complemento), gli aggettivi e i pronomi possessivi, gli aggettivi e i pronomi dimostrativi, gli avverbi di luogo e gli avverbi e le espressioni di tempo.

DISCORSO DIRETTO pronomi personali, aggettivi e pronomi possessivi

aggettivi e pronomi dimostrativi avverbi di luogo avverbi ed espressioni di tempo

DISCORSO INDIRETTO he/she, they him/her, them his/her, their his/hers, theirs

I, you, we me, you, us my, your, our mine, yours, ours ‘I’m not going to give you another chance.’

“Non ho intenzione di darti un’altra possibilità.”

She said that she was not going to give him another chance.

Ha detto che non aveva intenzione di dargli un’altra possibilità.

‘Your handwriting is terrible, Tom, but mine is neat.’

“La tua calligrafia è orribile, la mia invece è chiara.”

Jole told Tom that his handwriting was terrible, but hers was neat.

Jole ha detto a Tom che la sua calligrafia era orribile, la sua invece era chiara.

this, these ‘These shoes are very uncomfortable.’

that, those “Queste scarpe sono molto scomode.”

here ‘It’s in here.’

She said that those shoes Ha detto che quelle scarpe were very uncomfortable. erano molto scomode.

there “È qua dentro.”

He said that it was in there.

Disse che era là dentro.

now today tonight tomorrow yesterday the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow a month... ago last week/month/year next week/month/year

then/at that time/at that moment that day that night the following day/the day after/the next day the previous day/the day before two days before in two days’ time a month... before the previous week.../the week... before the following week/month/year

‘We got married two months ago and we are leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow.’

She said that they had got married two months before and that they were leaving for their honeymoon the next day.

“Ci siamo sposati due mesi fa e domani partiamo per la luna di miele.”

Disse che si erano sposati due mesi prima e che il giorno seguente sarebbero partiti per la luna di miele.

Quando il discorso viene riportato all’interno dello stesso giorno o dopo un breve lasso di tempo gli avverbi e le espressioni di tempo non cambiano. ‘I’ll come tomorrow.’ Grandma said she would come tomorrow. Mappa p. 448

“Verrò domani.” La nonna ha detto che verrà domani.


123 1

Indirect speech (1)

Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto usando i tempi verbali corretti. 1 I often see my grandparents at the weekend. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Rosie is studying English at Leeds University. Pete paid the bill for lunch. Jackie has gone to school. We were living in Rome in 2015. I’m going to see the new James Bond film. I’ll give you a lift to the station. Don’t go out in the pouring rain.

She said (that) she often saw her grandparents at the weekend . He said (that) . She said (that) . He said (that) . They said (that) . She said (that) . He said (that) . She told me .

Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘Please meet me at the entrance of Westminster Abbey,’ Barbara said to her students. Barbara told them to meet her at the entrance of Westminster Abbey. 2 ‘We’ve been waiting for you for over an hour,’ Bob said to me. Bob told me ________ had been waiting for ________ for over an hour. 3 ‘This isn’t my phone. Mine is black,’ Jill said. Jill said that ________ wasn’t her phone. ________ was black. 4 ‘Your food is delicious,’ Marilyn said to me. Marilyn told me that ________ food was delicious. 5 ‘Don’t forget to hand in your homework,’ the teacher said to the class. The teacher told the class not to forget to hand in ________ homework. 6 ‘I don’t want to meet your new boyfriend,’ Alice said to me. Alice told me that she didn’t want to meet ________ new boyfriend.


Trasforma le frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘I’m resigning tomorrow,’ the prime minister said at the press conference. The prime minister said at the press conference that he was resigning the next day . 2 ‘Your coach leaves from outside the hotel at 5 o’clock this afternoon,’ the guide said to the tourists. The guide told ______________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3 ‘We will deliver your package between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. tomorrow,’ the text message said. The text message said that ________________________________________________________________________________________. 4 ‘I’m not finishing the assignment tonight because I’m going out to dinner with my boss,’ Maria said to her colleague. Maria told her colleague that _____________________________________________________________________________________. 5 ‘Your ticket is not valid for travel before 9.30 in the morning,’ the train manager said to me. The train manager told me that ___________________________________________________________________________________. 6 ‘The dentist will see you the day after tomorrow,’ the receptionist said to Mrs Jones. The receptionist told Mrs Jones that ______________________________________________________________________________. 7 ‘We are really looking forward to our skiing holiday next month,’ Sally said to her friend. Sally told her friend that ___________________________________________________________________________________________. 8 ‘I want to leave now,’ my dad said to the taxi driver. My dad told the taxi driver that ___________________________________________________________________________________. 9 ‘Colin and Jess were studying at Harvard University last year,’ Bob said to Rick. Bob told Rick that __________________________________________________________________________________________________. 10 ‘I got engaged to Adrian three months ago,’ Nathalie said to me. Nathalie told me that ______________________________________________________________________________________________.


Indirect speech (1)



Trasforma le frasi al discorso diretto. 1 Brad told Leo that this was the first time he had seen the film. ‘This is the first time I’ve seen the film, Leo,' said Brad. 2 My grandma told me that she was going shopping that afternoon. 3 Mr Jones said that he would try to catch the train to London at 6 o’clock that evening. 4 Our teacher told us she wasn’t going to be at school the following morning because she had to go to the dentist. 5 Will told Anna he had seen the film the previous week.


Riscrivi il dialogo tra Jenny e Rita al discorso diretto. Jenny asked Rita what she had been doing since she last saw her.


Rita said that she had been having fun. Three weeks before she had got a new boyfriend.


Jenny asked what he was like.


Rita replied that he was very tall and good looking. His name was Rob and he worked in a flower shop.


Jenny asked her where she had met him.


Rita said she had met him in the shop. He had sold her a bunch of roses and then he had asked her to go out with him.


Rita replied that they had been to the cinema and watched an old film called Love Story.


Jenny asked if they were doing anything exciting that week.


Rita said that they were going to meet his parents the following Saturday. They had invited her to stay at their holiday house for the weekend.



I’ve been having fun. I’ve got a new boyfriend. I met him three weeks ago.


Jenny asked where they had gone on their first date.

Jenny said that she hoped she had a wonderful time.

What have you been doing since I last saw you?


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

L’insegnante ha detto agli studenti che il voto minimo (pass mark) per l’esame il giorno successivo era 60%. “Penso che il voto minimo sia molto alto”, ha detto Jack a Linda. Linda ha risposto che l’anno precedente era solo 50%. Jack ha detto che dovrebbero protestare con l’insegnante per il cambiamento. “Non è responsabilità dell’insegnante”, ha detto Linda. “Il voto minino è stabilito dalla commissione esaminatrice. Non c’è niente che l’insegnante possa fare.” 6 Jack ha detto che avrebbero dovuto ripassare molto quella sera.



Il discorso indiretto (2)

124.1 Discorso indiretto con i modali Anche i verbi modali subiscono delle variazioni nel passaggio al discorso indiretto quando il verbo introduttivo è al passato.



‘You can use the computer.’

“Puoi usare il computer.”

may ‘They may cancel the flight.’

“Potrebbero cancellare il volo.”

She said (that) they might cancel the flight.

Disse che potrebbero cancellare il volo.

would/should “Prenoterò il volo per te.”

must ‘I must go home.’

La mamma ha detto che potevo usare il computer.


will/shall ‘I’ll book the flight for you.’

Mum said (that) I could use the computer.

He said (that) he would book the flight for her.

Disse che avrebbe prenotato il volo per lei.

had to “Devo andare a casa.”

He said (that) he had to go home.

Disse che doveva andare a casa.

Must rimane invariato quando esprime un obbligo permanente 98.1 , un divieto 98.3 o una deduzione logica 129.1 . ‘Exhibitors must register at reception.’ ➝ They said (that) exhibitors must register at reception.

“Gli espositori devono registrarsi alla reception.” ➝ Hanno detto che gli espositori devono registrarsi alla reception.

‘You musn’t download music from the Internet.’ ➝ Dad said that I mustn’t download music from the Internet.

“Non devi scaricare la musica da internet.” ➝ Papà ha detto che non devo scaricare la musica da internet.

‘Wendy must be ill because she is not at school.’ ➝ Monica “Wendy deve essere malata perché non è a scuola.” ➝ said that Wendy must be ill because she was not at school. Monica ha detto che Wendy deve essere malata perché non era a scuola.

Non vi è alcuna variazione con could, might, needn’t, ought to, should e would. ‘I feel so tired that I could spend the rest of the day in bed.’ ➝ She said (that) she felt so tired that she could spend the rest of the day in bed.

“Mi sento così stanca che potrei passare il resto della giornata a letto.” ➝ Disse che si sentiva così stanca che poteva passare il resto della giornata a letto.

Couldn’t rimane invariato quando indica una mancanza di capacità abituale, ma per indicare un’incapacità in un momento specifico si usa hadn’t been able to. I couldn’t ride a bike when I was five. ➝ He said he couldn’t ride a bike when he was five. She couldn’t find a ticket for the music festival. ➝ She said she hadn’t been able to find a ticket for the music festival.

124.2 Discorso indiretto con il periodo ipotetico Nel periodo ipotetico di tipo 0 100.2 non vi è alcuna variazione dei tempi verbali. ‘If I eat chocolate, I get spots all over my body.’ ➝ She said that if she eats chocolate, she gets spots all over her body.


“Se mangio la cioccolata, mi vengono le macchie su tutto il corpo.” ➝ Ha detto che se mangia la cioccolata, le vengono le macchie su tutto il corpo.

Indirect speech (2)


Nel periodo ipotetico di 1° tipo 101 i tempi verbali variano nel passaggio al discorso indiretto, trasformandosi in periodo ipotetico di 2° tipo. ‘If it keeps snowing, the ferry won’t leave.’ ➝ He said (that) if it kept snowing, the ferry wouldn’t leave.

“Se continua a nevicare, il traghetto non partirà.” ➝ Ha detto che se continuava a nevicare, il traghetto non sarebbe partito.

Nel periodo ipotetico di 2° e 3° tipo 102, 137 non vi è invece alcuna variazione. ‘If you worked, I wouldn’t work overtime.’ ➝ He said that if she worked, he wouldn’t work overtime. ‘If he had listened to us, he wouldn’t have lost all his money.’ ➝ They said that if he had listened to them, he wouldn’t have lost all his money.

“Se tu lavorassi, non farei lo straordinario.” ➝ Ha detto che se lei lavorasse, lui non farebbe lo straordinario. “Se ci avesse ascoltato, non avrebbe perso tutti i suoi soldi.” ➝ Dissero che se lui li avesse ascoltati, non avrebbe perso tutti i suoi soldi.

124.3 Nessuna variazione dei tempi verbali Non vi è alcuna variazione del tempo verbale: • quando il verbo introduttivo è al presente, futuro o al present perfect simple ‘I can’t stand him.’ ➝ She says she can’t stand him. ‘I’m studying.’ ➝ I will tell them (that) you are studying. ‘You’ll be better soon.’ ➝ The doctor has said (that) you’ll be better soon.

“Non lo sopporto.” ➝ Dice che non lo sopporta. “Sto studiando.” ➝ Gli dirò che stai studiando. “Presto starai meglio.” ➝ Il dottore ha detto che presto starai meglio.

• quando si riferisce una verità assoluta o una situazione che non è cambiata, anche con il verbo introduttivo al passato ‘The sun rises in the east.’ ➝ The teacher said that the sun rises in the east. ‘You don’t speak Spanish.’ ➝ She said (that) you don’t speak Spanish.

“Il sole sorge a est.” ➝ L’insegnante ha detto che il sole sorge a est. “Non parli spagnolo.” ➝ Ha detto che non parli spagnolo.

• con had better e would rather 132 ‘She’d better find a job.’ ➝ He said she’d better find a job. ‘I’d rather go by train.’ ➝ She said she’d rather go by train.

“Farebbe meglio a trovarsi un lavoro.” ➝ Ha detto che farebbe meglio a trovarsi un lavoro. “Preferirei andare in treno.” ➝ Ha detto che preferirebbe andare in treno.

• con il past simple e il past perfect simple dopo wish 139.1 ‘I wish he were taller.’ ➝ She said she wished he were taller. ‘I wish he hadn’t left.’ ➝ She said she wished he hadn’t left.

“Vorrei che fosse più alto.” ➝ Ha detto che vorrebbe che fosse più alto. “Vorrei che non fosse andato via.” ➝ Ha detto che vorrebbe che non fosse andato via.

ENGLISH USAGE Si cambia invece il tempo verbale: • per sottolineare che chi parla non è d’accordo con quanto detto oppure non è certo che sia vero ‘I always get up early.’ ➝ She said that she always got up early.

“Mi alzo sempre presto.” ➝ Ha detto che si alzava sempre presto.

• nella lingua parlata ‘They are from Glasgow.’ ➝ He said (that) they were from Glasgow.

Mappa p. 449

“Sono di Glasgow.” ➝ Ha detto che erano di Glasgow.


124 1

Indirect speech (2)

Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘I can’t speak French very well.’ He said he couldn’t speak French very well. 2 ‘We may be late.’ She said they . 3 ‘I’ll see you soon.’ John said he .


Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. Usa must o had to. 1 ‘You must be hungry. You haven’t eaten all day.’ He said that I must be hungry because I hadn’t eaten all day . 2 ‘You must board the train immediately as the doors are about to close.’ She said that we . 3 ‘You must check your lottery tickets. You might have won a prize.’ She said that I . 4 ‘I must phone my friend Joy.’ She said that she .


4 ‘You can start writing your answers.’ The teacher said they . 5 ‘We won’t have time to finish all the questions.’ They said that they . 6 ‘I felt so excited I couldn’t sit still.’ She said she .

5 ‘You mustn’t jump or dive into the pool.’ The lifeguard said that we 6 ‘You mustn’t use the flash on your camera because it can damage the pictures in the art gallery.’ She said I 7 ‘You must be tired after your long journey.’ She said I 8 ‘They must return their application forms before the end of the month.’ She said that they

La famiglia Stein sta cercando disperatamente parcheggio. Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘I may be able to find a space in the car park.’ My dad said that he might be able to find a space in the car park . 2 ‘It shouldn’t be difficult at this time of day.’ My mum said that it _____________________________________________. 3 ‘I can’t understand why this car park is so full now.’ My dad said that he _____________________________________________. 4 ‘There must be somewhere to park as there are seven floors.’ My mum said that there _____________________________________________. 5 ‘You must be patient while I drive round this floor again.’ My dad said that we _____________________________________________. 6 ‘You shouldn’t park here because there is a reserved sign in this space.’ I said that he _____________________________________________. 7 ‘I always feel so frustrated when we can’t find anywhere to park.’ My mum said that she _____________________________________________. 8 ‘You needn’t get upset as I’m doing my best to find somewhere.’ My dad said that she _____________________________________________. 9 ‘I can’t believe my eyes. Someone has just pulled out of the space over there.’ I said that I _____________________________________________. 10 ‘You must be quick before anyone else sees it.’ My mum said that he _____________________________________________. 11 ‘You shouldn’t worry so much. I always find a place to park eventually!’ My dad said that she _____________________________________________.



. .


Indirect speech (2)


Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘We’ll go to the beach if the weather is sunny tomorrow.’ She said that they would go to the beach if the weather was sunny the following day . 2 ‘If we sunbathe, we must put on plenty of sunblock.’ She said that if we

4 ‘I’d go swimming if the sea wasn’t so rough.’ He said he 5 ‘I would love to have an ice cream if I could find a kiosk.’ She said that she

3 ‘If it’s too hot, we can sit in the shade.’ He said that if it


. .



6 ‘I would have gone kiteboarding if it had been windier.’ He said that he



Isabella e i suoi amici stanno pensando di fare una vacanza negli Stati Uniti. Trasforma le battute del dialogo al discorso diretto. 1 Isabella said they should go on holiday to the United States next year. ‘We should go on holiday to the United States next year.’ 2 Stewart said that he wished they could go to Los Angeles and go down the Hollywood Walk of Fame. 3 Ellie said that she’d rather go to San Francisco and visit Fisherman’s Wharf. 4 Isabella said that they could go to San Francisco and Los Angeles if they booked a cheap flight. 5 Stewart said he was going to look at some travel websites and find out the best deals. 6 Ellie said that if they hired a car, they could also see the Grand Canyon. 7 Stewart said that they’d better get part-time jobs to earn some money. 8 Isabella told them that her uncle needed people to work in his restaurant. 9 Stewart said that if they worked every weekend, they could easily afford to go. 10 Ellie said that she had better not work every weekend as she had to study hard as well.


Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘I can’t understand why they are behaving like this.’ She says she can’t understand why they are behaving like this . 2 ‘Dad will be home soon.’ My mum says that Dad . 3 ‘You’d better sit down.’ The doctor said I . 4 ‘I’d rather catch the later train.’ My aunt said she . 5 ‘Beauty is truth.’ John Keats wrote that .

6 ‘I wish you were here.’ My boyfriend said he . 7 ‘I wish Michelle hadn’t come.’ David said he . 8 ‘If the weather had been better, we could have gone to the beach.’ Dora said that if . 9 ‘If you listened more carefully, you would understand.’ Dan said that if . 10 ‘They’re from Boston.’ Sandra said that they .


122-124 Summative revision 1

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 5 We told/said them that they were welcome to stay with us. 6 Can you say/tell me when the film starts? 7 The teacher didn’t say/tell us our exam results until yesterday morning. 8 How do I say/tell this word in English?

1 Etta’s mum told to her/her to wash her hands before lunch. 2 Lucy said/said to me that she was going on holiday next week. 3 Tom said/told he had a new job in another city. 4 Sam’s mum told/said him to be home for dinner at seven.


Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. Amy told us it was lovely and sunny there . Lola told me her friend ____________________________. Tom told me he ____________________________________. Lily said Harry _________________________________ day.

1 2 3 4 5

‘It’s lovely and sunny here.’ ‘My friend’s spending this week in New York.’ ‘I’ve never seen such a beautiful house as yours.’ ‘Harry bought these jeans in the sale yesterday.’ ‘I was thinking about applying for a holiday job in this café.’ 6 ‘We’re going to take you all ten-pin bowling tomorrow evening.’ 7 ‘I’ll take you both out for a meal the day after tomorrow.’ 8 ‘Don’t forget to charge your phone.’


Riscrivi le frasi al discorso diretto. 1 The postcard to Harry and Lily’s grandparents said they were having a lovely time and there were lots of things to do on the cruise ship. They said they would see them the following week. 2 The notice told restaurant customers to order their food at the counter, show their student ID for a discount and not to use their phones in the quiet zone. 3 Lucy’s text said that she’d finished her art exhibition three days before and it had been a great success. She had been putting everything away on the last day when she sold her last two paintings! 4 Our teacher said that the school visit to the science museum would be in a weeks’ time and not the following day. She told us not to forget our packed lunch. 5 The film review of Phone Lines said that the story started strangely but actor Harry Lee, who gave a great performance, would be incredibly popular with the audience by the end of the film and he would be a big star soon.


Rosie told me she __________________________________. Mum and Dad said they ____________________________. Jack said he _________________________________________. I told Helen _________________________________________. 1 Dear Grandma and Grandad, We’re having a lovely time and there are lots of things to do on the cruise ship. _____________________________ Love from Harry and Lily xx



• ___________________________ • ___________________________ • ___________________________



Mr and Mrs Norman 4 Round Street Newton UK

3 Hi, _________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

The school visit to the science museum _______ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Phone Lines The story _____________________________________ ______________________________________________

Summative revision


Lara vuole studiare inglese nel Regno Unito per una settimana in estate e alloggiare in famiglia. La sua amica Marta conosce una simpatica famiglia, i Taylor, presso cui Lara può stare. Leggi il messaggio di Lara a Marta e completa il dialogo tra Marta e la signora Taylor. Marta Hello, Mrs Taylor. This is Marta, Lara’s friend. Mrs Taylor Hello, Marta. Thanks for ringing. Is Lara still coming to the UK? Lara Yes. She told me to tell you (1) she was planning to come in July, but (2) _____________ before then because of (3) _____________ exams. Mrs Taylor OK, when are her exams? Marta Well, she said (4) _____________ exam dates first. Mrs Taylor Is she staying for a week? Marta She told me (5) _____________ for two weeks if (6) _____________ alright with you. She also said (7) _____________ back on 17th August for (8) _____________ mum’s birthday. Mrs Taylor No problem. What about transport from the airport? Marta She said (9) _____________ a train and (10) _____________ which flight (11) _____________ on when (12) _____________ it. Mrs Taylor Thanks, Marta. Tell her I’m looking forward to seeing her.


Please contact Mrs Taylor for me and tell her I’m planning to come in July. I can’t book before then because of my exams. It’s better if I check my exam dates first. I may want to stay for two weeks if that’s alright with Mrs Taylor. I must be back on 17th August for my mum’s birthday. I can get a train from the airport. I’ll let you know exactly the flight I’ll be on when I’ve booked it.

Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘If I go sales shopping, I always find a bargain.’ Tina told me that if she goes sales shopping, she always finds a bargain . 2 ‘If I enter this photography competition, I’ll send a picture of my family.’ Lily said that _____________________________________. 3 ‘I would live in Spain even if the weather weren’t so good.’ My uncle told me _______________________________. 4 ‘I love the way of life here.’ He said __________________________________________. 5 ‘I can’t leave the studio because I’m finishing a project.’ Please tell them that Helen _____________________.



6 ‘It’ll be warm in the south and stormy in the west.’ The weather forecast says ______________________. 7 ‘Halley’s Comet is visible from Earth every 7576 years.’ This book explains that _________________________. 8 ‘Amy doesn’t like cooking.’ Penny told me that ______________________________. 9 ‘We’d better not arrive at the theatre too late for the start of the play.’ John told me ____________________________________. 10 ‘I’d rather live in the city than the country.’ Jane always tells me _____________________________.

TRANSLATION Traduci il testo in inglese. Ho detto ai miei amici che fra due giorni sarebbe stato il mio compleanno e loro hanno sorriso ma non hanno detto niente. Ho detto: “Venite a casa mia per la torta.” Hanno solo sorriso. “Forse,” hanno detto. Mia mamma mi ha detto che non potevo fare una festa per il mio compleanno perché era troppo impegnata. “Non preoccuparti, possiamo piuttosto andare a fare compere il fine settimana,” mi ha detto. Mi ha detto di non preoccuparmi e che tutto sarebbe andato bene. Ho detto allora che avrei preferito non andare a fare compere perché i negozi sono sempre così affollati il sabato. Caroline ha telefonato e mi ha detto che voleva vedermi per il mio compleanno ma sarebbe stata a casa di un altro amico. James ha detto che avrebbe voluto essere libero ma aveva programmato un viaggio di lavoro. Sabato, che era il giorno del mio compleanno, mia madre mi ha detto: “Andiamo! Faremo un pranzo di compleanno veloce.” Mi ha detto che se non fossimo andati via subito avremmo fatto tardi. Siamo entrati nel ristorante e c’erano tutti! “Buon compleanno!” Hanno detto che non era stato facile mantenere il segreto ma tutti volevano essere lì per me!



Riportare domande e risposte

125.1 Verbi introduttivi nelle domande indirette Per riportare una domanda in forma indiretta si usa solitamente il verbo ask seguito dal complemento di termine diretto (senza to). Chiesi (a un passante) dov’era il benzinaio.

I asked (a passer-by) where the petrol station was.

Altri verbi comunemente usati per esprimere domande in forma indiretta sono: enquire know

domandare sapere

voler sapere domandarsi/chiedersi

want to know wonder

Voleva sapere se gli Wood avevano venduto la casa.

He wanted to know if the Woods had sold their house. I wonder where she has bought those terrific shoes. Do you know what she told him?

Mi chiedo dove abbia comprato quelle scarpe stupende. Sai cosa gli ha detto?

125.2 Ordine delle parole nelle domande indirette Per riportare una domanda la frase interrogativa diventa affermativa e non si usano gli ausiliari do/does/did. ‘Does he love her?’ ➝ They asked if he loved her.

“Lui la ama?” ➝ Chiesero se lui l’amava.

NON does he love

Osserva la costruzione della frase nella domanda indiretta.

DOMANDA DIRETTA yes/no questions

DOMANDA INDIRETTA if/whether + soggetto + verbo

‘Have you ever been to Switzerland?’

He asked me if/whether I had ever been to Switzerland.

“Sei mai stata in Svizzera?”

Mi chiese se fossi mai stata in Svizzera.

domande con wh- question words

wh- question word + soggetto + verbo

‘What are you doing?’

The teacher asked what they were doing.

“Cosa stai facendo?”

L’insegnante chiese cosa stessero facendo.

125.3 Verbi introduttivi per riportare una risposta Per riportare una risposta si possono usare i verbi answer e reply. Answer e reply possono trovarsi da soli oppure essere seguiti dal complemento di termine; answer richiede il complemento di termine diretto, mentre reply il complemento di termine preceduto da to. The spokesman answered (the journalists) that the opposition had won the elections. We replied (to them) that we had done our best.

Il portavoce rispose (ai giornalisti) che l’opposizione aveva vinto le elezioni. (Gli) Rispondemmo che avevamo fatto del nostro meglio.

Per riportare una domanda o una risposta si seguono le stesse regole del passaggio dal discorso diretto al discorso indiretto (variazione di tempi verbali, pronomi personali, aggettivi e pronomi possessivi, ecc.). 123 ‘Will you lend me your car tomorrow?’ ➝ He wanted to know whether she would lend him her car the day after.


“Mi presterai la tua macchina domani?” ➝ Voleva sapere se il giorno seguente lei gli avrebbe prestato la sua macchina.

Mappa p. 449

Reporting questions and answers



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


I wonder/ask who is going to be our English teacher next term. Did you know/ask that our next-door neighbour has sold her house? I wanted to know/enquired about the part-time jobs that are available in the company. Ken asked/wondered Carla where she was planning to go in the summer holidays. Liz wants/enquires to know if Emma has already applied to study maths at Sussex University.

Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Adam wanted to know A if Lisa had sold her house.

B if Lisa has sold her house.

C if Lisa sold her house.

2 I wonder where she A studies English.

B does study English.

C had studied English.

3 Do you know when the next train to London A has left? B did leave?

C leaves?

4 Lorna asked Peter why he A wants to move to Wales.

B wanted to move to Wales.

C has wanted to move to Wales.

5 Tina enquired whether she A got a student discount.

B couldn’t get a student discount.

C could get a student discount.

6 The interviewer asked Craig why he A did want to join the police. B wanted to join the police.


C did he want to join the police.

Trasforma le domande di Luna al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘Did you go to the cinema yesterday afternoon?’ She asked him if/whether he had gone to the cinema the previous afternoon. 2 ‘What film did you see?’ 3 ‘Were you on your own?’ 4 ‘Who were you watching the film with?’ 5 ‘Who is Tracy?’ 6 ‘Does your girlfriend know you went to the cinema with Tracy?’


7 8 9 10 11 12

‘When did you split up with your girlfriend?’ ‘Why didn’t you tell me that Tracy is your sister?’ ‘Did you enjoy the film?’ ‘Have you seen any other films in the series?’ ‘Would you see the film again?’ ‘Would you like to come to the cinema with me next week?’ 13 ‘What day should we go?’ 14 ‘What film do you want to see?’ 15 ‘Shall we have a pizza before the film starts?’

Trasforma le frasi al discorso diretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

He wanted to know what type of pizza she would like. He asked her where she wanted to sit. He asked her whether she had enjoyed the film. He asked her where she wanted to go then. He wondered why she liked walking by the river. He wanted to know what she was doing the following weekend. He asked her why she couldn’t meet him. He wanted to know why she hadn’t told him that she had a boyfriend. 9 He asked her where her boyfriend was then. 10 He wondered how she was going to tell her boyfriend about them.

‘What type of pizza would you like?’ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________


Riportare ordini, richieste e consigli


Per riferire ordini, richieste e consigli in forma indiretta si usano rispettivamente i verbi tell, ask e advise seguiti dal complemento di termine e dal verbo all’infinito (to + forma base).




richieste cortesi




‘Don’t tease the dog.’ “Non tormentare il cane.”

Dad told me not to tease the dog.

Papà mi ha detto di non tormentare il cane.

‘Could you open your luggage?’

“Le dispiace aprire il suo bagaglio?”

The customs officer asked me to open my luggage.

Il funzionario doganale mi chiese di aprire il mio bagaglio.

‘Why don’t you look in that drawer?’

“Perché non guardi in quel cassetto?”

He advised me to look in that drawer.

Mi suggerì di guardare in quel cassetto.

Altri verbi con la stessa struttura per esprimere ordini, richieste e consigli in forma indiretta sono: command forbid instruct order

comandare proibire dare istruzioni, istruire ordinare

beg implore invite request

supplicare implorare invitare richiedere

recommend warn

raccomandare avvertire, mettere in guardia

‘I begged him to get an e-book reader.’

‘Stop talking, Philip.’ ➝ Mrs Peel ordered Philip to stop talking.

“Smetti di chiacchierare, Philip.” ➝ La signora Peel ordinò a Philip di smettere di chiacchierare.

‘Can you please look up the words you don’t know in the dictionary?’ ➝ The teacher invited us to look up the words we didn’t know in the dictionary.

“Per favore, potete cercare le parole che non conoscete nel dizionario?” ➝ L’insegnante ci invitò a cercare le parole che non conoscevamo nel dizionario.

‘You should avoid copying from the Internet.’ ➝ The teacher recommended not copying from the Internet.

“Dovreste evitare di copiare da internet.” ➝ L’insegnante ci ha raccomandato di non copiare da internet.

REMEMBER • Recommend può essere seguito sia dalla costruzione that + (should) + frase sia dalla forma in -ing. 106.1, 109 • Advise può essere seguito sia dalla costruzione complemento oggetto + infinito 106.1 sia dalla forma in -ing. 110.1 • Per dare consigli si usa anche il verbo suggest seguito dalla forma in -ing o dalla costruzione that + (should) + frase. 109


Reporting orders, requests and advice



Completa le frasi. 1 Mrs Sweet told Mr Sweet to carry those suitcases . 2 Bruno told the sous-chef .




3 Bruno told the sous-chef . 4 Captain Fleet told the passengers . 5 Mr Norman told Harry and Lily . 6 Betty told the passenger




Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto usando la struttura ask + complemento oggetto + infinito. 1 ‘Please cook sausage and mash for lunch.’ 2 3 4 5




‘Please get me an iced green tea.’ ‘Do you mind putting the shopping bags into my car?’ ‘Jim, would you give me a ride on your motorbike?’ 'Please don't come and see us next weekend as we have guests.’

Roy asked his mum to cook sausage and mash for lunch . Betty asked her boyfriend __________________________. My grandmother asked me ________________________. Pete asked Jim ______________________________________. My grandfather asked me __________________________.

Trasforma le frasi alla forma indiretta usando i verbi introduttivi nel riquadro. forbid • implore • invite • recommend • order 1 ‘Please come to my birthday party next Saturday,’ Beth said to her best friends. Beth invited her best friends to come to her birthday party the following Saturday. 2 ‘Don’t tell anyone about your discussions,’ the judge told the jury. 3 ‘I would choose this phone because it has a superb camera,’ the sales assistant said. 4 ‘Don’t enter the building,’ the police officer told the demonstrators. 5 ‘Fight climate change to save the planet,’ the green activist told the crowd.


Completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. 1 ‘Would you like to spend the summer at our holiday house?’ my girlfriend’s parents said to me. My girlfriend’s parents invited me to spend the summer at their holiday house . 2 ‘I would watch the film The Great Gatsby before reading the book,’ our teacher said to us. Our teacher recommended ___________________________________________________. 3 ‘You should go to the marketing conference in Manchester,’ my boss said to me. My boss advised me ___________________________________________________. 4 ‘Go to your lifeboat stations immediately,’ the captain said to the passengers. The captain ordered the passengers ___________________________________________________. 5 ‘Please leave the store now as we are closing in five minutes,’ the manager announced to the shoppers. The manager requested all shoppers ___________________________________________________. 6 ‘You are not allowed to go to Legends club because it has a bad reputation,’ Jill’s mother told her. Jill’s mother forbade her ___________________________________________________.



Altri verbi introduttivi del discorso diretto

Nel linguaggio informale si usano soprattutto i verbi say e tell per introdurre il discorso diretto e indiretto; nel linguaggio formale si usano verbi introduttivi dal significato più specifico.

solo verbo

(dis)agree apologise refuse

(non) essere d’accordo He refused. (He said scusarsi that he didn’t want to.) rifiutarsi

Si rifiutò. (Disse che non voleva.)

esigere offrire proporre rifiutarsi minacciare

They threatened to go on strike.

Minacciarono di fare sciopero.

verbo + infinito

demand offer propose refuse threaten

verbo + (oggetto) + infinito

ask expect want

chiedere aspettarsi volere

She asked (me) to turn the light off.

(Mi) Chiese di spegnere la luce.

verbo + oggetto + infinito

allow encourage persuade urge

permettere incoraggiare convincere sollecitare

The minister of labour urged the EU to take action against unemployment.

Il ministro del lavoro ha sollecitato l’UE a prendere provvedimenti contro la disoccupazione.

verbo + oggetto + (infinito) + complemento

believe declare feel think

credere dichiarare sentire pensare

I believe Ray to be the best surfer I have ever met.

Credo che Ray sia il miglior surfista che abbia mai conosciuto.

ammettere scusarsi negare proporre raccomandare riferire suggerire

Sam denied eating the chocolate cake.

Sam negò di aver mangiato la torta al cioccolato.

verbo + -ing

admit apologise for deny propose recommend report suggest

verbo + oggetto + preposizione + -ing

accuse someone of congratulate someone on thank someone for

accusare qualcuno di congratularsi con qualcuno per ringraziare qualcuno di/per

I want to thank my family for supporting me during the election campaign.

Voglio ringraziare la mia famiglia per avermi sostenuto durante la campagna elettorale.

verbo + that

add confirm declare state think

aggiungere confermare dichiarare affermare pensare

The witness stated that the thief was wearing a black mask.

Il testimone affermò che il ladro indossava una maschera nera.

announce complain explain

annunciare lamentarsi spiegare

The prime minister announced (to the country) that the war was over.

Il primo ministro annunciò (al paese) che la guerra era finita.

advise inform remind warn

consigliare informare ricordare avvertire

The ticket inspector informed the passengers that the bus was late.

Il controllore informò i passeggeri che l’autobus era in ritardo.

verbo (+ complemento di termine con to) + that verbo + complemento di termine senza to + that 418

Other reporting verbs



Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. admit • suggest • apologise • deny • encourage • threaten 1 ‘Let’s go to a Thai restaurant for a change.’ She suggested going to a Thai restaurant for a change. 2 ‘I dropped and broke it.’ James _______________ dropping the vase and breaking it. 3 ‘You can get into Oxford University. You just need to apply before the deadline.’ Rick _______________ Angela to apply for a place at Oxford University.



indiretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


4 ‘I’m so sorry to have kept you all waiting.’ She _______________ for keeping them all waiting. 5 ‘I’ll lock your phone away if you look at it again during lunch.’ Jack’s mum _______________ to lock his mobile phone away if he used it again during lunch. 6 ‘I didn’t go anywhere near the house where the robbery took place.’ Rhoda _______________ going anywhere near the house where the robbery took place.

GRAMMAR SOUNDS Ascolta le frasi al discorso diretto e trasformale al discorso

The Prime Minister announced that he was going to suspend parliament on 13th September . The leader of the opposition responded that The Prime Minister refused The leader of the students’ union encouraged her members The chief of police threatened Professor Curtis accused The Prime Minister denied The President persuaded

. . . . . . .

Leggi alcuni passaggi tratti da A Christmas Carol di Charles Dickens e completa le frasi al discorso indiretto. Scrooge Fred Scrooge Man The ghost of Jacob Marley The Spirits Scrooge (to Marley) Scrooge (to Fred) Scrooge (to Mr Cratchit) Mr Cratchit

I’m not going to spend money on burning coal for a fire to keep you warm, Mr Cratchit. Please come to our Christmas party, Uncle Scrooge. I’m not going to come because I hate Christmas. We would be grateful if you could donate some money to charity. Three Spirits will come to visit you during the night. If you continue to be mean and horrible, terrible things will happen to you. Please help me to become a more generous person. I’m so sorry that I didn’t come to your Christmas party, Fred. Mr Cratchit, my good friend. I’ll give you and your family an enormous turkey and lots of presents every Christmas. Mr Scrooge, we are so grateful for all your generosity and kindness.

Scrooge refused to spend money on burning coal for a fire to keep Mr Cratchit warm. Fred invited… Scrooge declined… A man asked… The ghost of Jacob Marley informed…

The Spirits warned… Scrooge begged… Scrooge apologised… Scrooge promised… Mr Cratchit thanked…


125-127 Summative revision 1

Riordina le parole per formulare domande indirette. 1 like / neighbours / new / our / we / were / what / wondered We wondered what our new neighbours were like. 2 favourite / know / Lisa / our / restaurant / to / wanted / was / where 3 you / do / grandmother / her / bought / know / what / she / ? 4 enquired / flight / how / long / Rosie / the / to / Tokyo / was 5 a / could / day / I / I / next / off / take / was / week / wondering / if / ? 6 asked / birthday / dad / for / Harry’s / he / his / wanted / what / him


Trasforma le domande alla forma indiretta. 1 ‘Have you all done your homework?’ The teacher asked if the students had all done their homework . 2 ‘Which buses can I catch to the town centre?’ Tom enquired _________________________________________________________________. 3 ‘Should I charge my phone before I go out?’ Harry wondered _________________________________________________________________. 4 ‘Do you know if there will be a summer sale next week?’ Lara wanted to know _________________________________________________________________. 5 ‘Who is your favourite actor?’ Marta asked me _________________________________________________________________. 6 ‘Can we stay with you before we go on holiday?’ We asked our friends _________________________________________________________________.


Completa le frasi alla forma indiretta. Usa told, asked o advised e fai tutti i cambiamenti necessari. 1 ‘Don’t forget to take your packed lunch to school.’ Mum told me not to forget to take my packed lunch to school. 2 ‘You should leave soon because the roads are very busy.’ Our friends ___________________ because ___________________ very busy. 3 ‘Can you lend me your hairdryer, please?’ My sister ___________________ my hairdryer.


4 ‘I wouldn’t buy another computer before you’ve seen the new model, James.’ Sam ___________________ the new model. 5 ‘Tidy your room before dinner, Lily.’ Lily’s Mum ___________________ her room before dinner. 6 ‘Please don’t visit me next week. I’m going on holiday.’ My aunt ___________________ because ___________________ on holiday.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Marta said she expected to hear/hearing from you last week. 2 I said it was too cold to go out and Sam agreed/agreeing. 3 Mrs Mitchell reported to see/seeing someone trying to steal a car. 4 We congratulated our friend on/for buying her new flat.


5 Has Penny persuaded you to go/going on holiday with her? 6 Mrs Sweet complained to the waiter that/if her dinner was cold. 7 Harry apologised for not switch off/switching off his phone in the restaurant. 8 Lily offered to help/helping James choose a new camera.

Summative revision


Osserva la pagina del sito web della Marjory School. Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. instruct request invite forbid warn recommend

This website is designed to tell our students more about our school. Click on the links for more information.


• • • •

Please read all the information on this page carefully. Try joining school clubs so that you make new friends. Do not eat your packed lunch in classrooms. Remember that teachers confiscate phones used in lessons. • If you hear the fire alarm, do not run or use the lift. • Please come with your family to the school picnic on the last day of term!

The webpage… 1 requests students to read/reading all the information on the page carefully. 2 ___________________ to join/joining school clubs to make new friends. 3 ___________________ students from eat/eating their packed lunch in classrooms. 4 ___________________ students not to use/using their phones in lessons because teachers confiscate them. 5 ___________________ students not to run/running in the event of a fire. 6 ___________________ students and their families to come/coming to the school picnic.


Leggi i mini-dialoghi, poi scegli l’opzione corretta per completare le frasi alla forma indiretta. A Tara Anna

Would you like to come for lunch on Saturday, Anna? Thanks, I’d love to, but I’m working all weekend.

1 Tara invited Anna to lunch. A proposed B recommended C invited explained 2 Anna why she couldn’t come. A told B explained C informed

B Toby

3 Toby __________ for kicking the ball into Mr Dan’s garden. A stated B announced C apologised 4 At first, Robbie __________ kicking the ball into the garden. A threatened B accused C denied 5 Mr Dan __________ to help him find it. A offered B thought C suggested 6 Robbie finally __________ to kicking the ball into the garden. A declared B believed C admitted

C ‘Ladies and gentlemen, we will soon be arriving in Alicante. Please remember take all your luggage when you leave the plane. The captain has now switched on the seatbelt signs.’

7 The flight attendant __________ that the plane was about to arrive. A suggested B announced C expected 8 She __________ passengers to take their luggage with them. A reminded B remembered C demanded 9 She __________ that the seatbelt signs were switched on. A urged B agreed C added

I’m sorry we kicked our ball into your garden, Mr Dan. Robbie WE? It wasn’t me, Toby. It was you! Mr Dan It’s alright. I’ll help you find your ball. Robbie Sorry. Toby’s right. It was my fault.

D Mum

Lily Harry

I think you should enter the photography competition. You’d have a good chance of winning! I’m not sure, Mum. I don’t think I’m as good as the others. Why don’t you try sending one of your holiday photos, Lily?

10 Mum __________ Lily to enter the competition. A allowed B encouraged C proposed 11 Lily __________ that she wasn’t good enough to enter. A admitted B felt C confirmed 12 Harry __________ sending a holiday photo. A suggested B stated C agreed


Grammar for writing A storyboard for a video Per scrivere uno storyboard: • fai una rappresentazione grafica del racconto • dividi il racconto in scene e per ogni scena identifica azione, personaggi, dialoghi, inquadratura e suoni • presenta in modo visivo con didascalie sotto ogni scena


Osserva le scene e leggi le didascalie. Poi rispondi alle domande. 1







Tom and Natasha are walking home one night when they see a bright light in the sky above them.

While they watch they see a UFO coming into view and landing behind some trees.

As they run through the forest, they can see the door to the UFO opening.

Some aliens start walking towards Tom and Natasha through the trees.

Three aliens stand before them with the light behind them.

Suddenly Tom is sucked up into the UFO.


Natasha: ‘Look, Tom! What do you think that is?’

Tom: ‘I think it’s a UFO, Tash! Let’s go and see!’

[breathless from running] Natasha: ‘Do you think there are aliens in there, Tom?’

Tom: ‘Does that answer your question?’

Natasha: [whispering] ‘Are they friendly?’

Tom: ‘Only one way to find out! Let’s follow them back to the UFO.’ [surprised] ‘Agh!’

Sound effects

Low sound like plane engine running in the distance.

The sound gets louder and louder as it comes closer.

The sound of a door opening and feet running through the forest.

Supernatural music/sounds of alien moving towards them.

Supernatural music/sounds get louder.

Echo in forest of Tom’s scream.

Camera shot

Camera tilts up towards the sky.

Camera zooms in on UFO.

Camera pans as if following T & N towards UFO.

Dolly shot, which seems like they’re moving towards the aliens.

Full shot of aliens head to toe to allow the audience to see them.

Pedestal shot as Tom is lifted.


1 What does Natasha ask Tom when she sees a light in the sky? She asks what he thinks that is. 2 What can they see when Natasha asks Tom if he thinks that there are aliens in the UFO? 3 Why does Tom ask Natasha if that answers her question? 4 How does the camera shot reflect Natasha’s question about whether or not the aliens are friendly? 5 What increases the atmosphere when Tom is lifted into the UFO?


WRITING Completa lo storyboard con altre sei scene, oppure creane uno nuovo. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto.

LANGUAGE Camera shots

tilt up/down/zoom in/out/ pan (across)/pedestal shot/ full/medium/close shot

Sound effects

sound of... engine/feet running/sound getting louder/quieter/music/echo

Stage breathless from running/ directions whispering/surprised/ frightened

WRITING TIPS • Per ogni scena indica: immagine (con disegno), scena (descrizione dell’azione e scenografia), dialogo, effetti sonori e inquadratura/movimento della videocamera. • Descrivi bene tutto ciò che si sente e si vede in ogni scena, utilizzando aggettivi, avverbi e connettivi. • Specifica indicazioni sceniche, effetti sonori e inquadrature in modo da valorizzare ogni scena.


Grammar for speaking A class debate 1


Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi rispondi alle domande.

Teacher Today’s class debate is ‘Should people vote at 16?’ Sally and John will present both arguments. Sally In the UK you can join the army, get married, leave school, work, drive a moped and change your name at 16. So I believe that young people should also be able to vote at 16. John In my opinion most young people are immature and don’t really understand much about politics, so they shouldn’t have the vote. Teacher To sum up, Sally said that young people should be able to vote just as they could do many other things in the UK, and John argued that most 16-year-olds were not mature enough to vote. What do the rest of you think? Sonya I totally agree with John. Young people don’t understand politics so it would be a wasted vote! Kevin I’m not sure I agree. Greta Thunberg started the Climate-Change Movement at 15! I see what you’re saying, but look around you. Aren’t any of your friends political? John No, they aren’t really! Sally That’s just not true! When you said your friends weren’t political, did you forget about me? Hassan Sally’s right about that! Lots of us are political and would be mature enough to vote! Teacher All very good points, so let’s move to a vote: Should people vote at 16, yes or no? 1 How did the teacher introduce the class debate? 2 What did Sally tell the class young people could do in the UK at 16? 3 Why did John say that young people shouldn’t have the vote at 16? 4 Who did Kevin mention as an example of a politically committed young person? 5 What did Sally ask John when he said that his friends weren’t political?


141 ROLE PLAY Partecipi a un dibattito sull’argomento Young people can’t live without their smartphones. Usa il Functions box come aiuto.

Student You Student You Student You Student You Student You

FUNCTIONS Asking for/Giving I believe that... / In my opinion... / your opinion What do you think? Agreeing I (totally) agree with... / He made/’s got... / That’s a good point. / You’re not wrong there... /That’s true. / Sally’s right about that. Disagreeing I’m not sure I agree... / I don’t agree... / That’s not true... / Yes/Maybe/I see what you’re saying/understand what you mean/agree up to a point, but... Summing up All very good points, so...? / In conclusion.../ To sum up...

I think young people’s lives are more virtual than real, so they can’t live without their phones.

Di’ che non sei d’accordo e spiega il perché.

I agree up to a point, but be honest, when did you last take a technology break?

Rispondi indicando l’ultima volta che sei stato senza usare il telefono.

OK, but in an average day how often do you look at your phone?

Di’ che è una giusta osservazione ma secondo te i giovani possano stare senza telefono.

I totally disagree! They couldn’t be without their phones even if they wanted to!

Rispondi che ha ragione ma che è soltanto un’abitudine quella di stare sempre al telefono.

So, what do you think would make young people change their phone habits?

Rispondi con un suggerimento. Volendo, si possono cambiare tutte le cattive abitudini. Dai esempi citando il fumo e la guida senza cintura di sicurezza.

Student That’s a good point, so how would you sum up your idea that young people can be phone-free? You Rispondi riassumendo la tua posizione.



Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


Mappe concettuali indeterminativi: a/an a boat an idea


Si usano solo con i sostantivi numerabili singolari.

determinativi: the the sailor the actors regolari girls

Si usano con tutti i tipi di sostantivi.

singolari girl


irregolari men invariabili sheep


Unità 9, 10, 11, 12


qualificativi I’ve got a good idea. The sailors are brave.

Gli aggettivi precedono il sostantivo a cui si riferiscono.


possessivi my, your, his/her/its, our, your, their My idea is good. Your sailors are brave.

singolare: this, that That idea is good. plurale: these, those These sailors are brave.

Gli aggettivi qualificativi e possessivi sono invariabili in genere e numero.

Gli aggettivi possessivi concordano con il possessore e non sono MAI preceduti dall’articolo. Her car is new.

Gli aggettivi dimostrativi sono invariabili SOLO in genere. Unità 16, 17, 18

personali soggetto

singolare: I, you, he/she/it I am a student. plurale: we, you, they They have got a car. dimostrativi singolare: this, that That is a good idea. plurale: these, those Those are brave sailors. I pronomi dimostrativi sono invariabili SOLO in genere.


PRONOMI I pronomi sostituiscono un sostantivo nominato in precedenza.

possessivi mine, yours, his/hers, ours, theirs That’s my idea, not yours!

I pronomi possessivi sono invariabili in genere e numero, concordano con il possessore e non sono MAI preceduti dall’articolo.

personali complemento singolare: me, you, him/her/it Tom likes her. plurale: us, you, them Marta has got them. interrogativi who Who’s that girl?

what What is your address?

which Which book is yours?

whose Whose car is this? Unità 1, 6, 17, 18

Unità 2, 3, 8, 13, 14

verbi di percezione I can’t hear you.

possibilità/impossibilità They can’t call us.

permessi You can’t go out.

abilità/capacità I can speak English.


professione She’s a nurse.

provenienza I’m from Pisa.

età He’s eleven.

descrizioni John is nice.

presentarsi I’m Laura.


Can you swim? Yes, I can. Can she cook? No, she can’t. Can they sing? Yes, they can.

I can’t swim. She can’t cook. You can’t sing.

I can swim. She can cook. You can sing.


Nelle risposte brevi affermative non si usa la forma contratta.



Don’t go away.

Turn off the TV.


Have I got a sister? Yes, I have. Has she got a pen? No, she hasn’t. Have they got a cold? Yes, they have.

Am I Italian? Yes, I am. Is she French? No, she isn’t. Are they English? Yes, they are. FORMA AFFERMATIVA

I haven’t got a sister. He hasn’t got a pen. They haven’t got a cold.

I’ve got a sister. He’s got a pen. They’ve got a cold.


I’m not Italian. She isn’t French. They aren’t English.

I’m Italian. She’s French. They’re English.



indicazioni stradali Turn left.

divieti Don’t smoke.

richieste/offerte Close the door.

ordini e istruzioni Read the book.


Nelle risposte brevi non si usa got.

malattie You’ve got a cough.

aspetto fisico She’s got long hair.

parentela I’ve got a brother.

possesso She’s got a new pet.


Mappe concettuali


Mappe concettuali

PRESENT SIMPLE FORMA AFFERMATIVA soggetto + forma base del verbo I play tennis. We watch TV. terza persona singolare ➞ forma base + -s It lives in the sea. She speaks English.

Variazioni ortografiche alla terza persona singolare

verbi terminanti in -ch, -o, -s, -sh, -ss, -x, -z: si aggiunge -es does, washes, fixes

verbi terminanti in consonante + -y: si elimina la y e si aggiunge -ies cries, worries, replies

FORMA NEGATIVA soggetto + don’t/doesn’t + forma base del verbo I don’t play tennis. She doesn’t speak Chinese.

con wh- words Wh- word + do/does + soggetto + forma base del verbo + ?


Where do you play tennis?

Do/Does + soggetto + forma base del verbo + ? Do you play tennis? Does she speak Chinese? con who/what/which/whose con funzione di soggetto Wh- word + verbo alla terza persona singolare + ?

RISPOSTE BREVI Yes, soggetto + do/does./No, soggetto + don’t/doesn’t. Yes, I do. / No, she doesn’t.

Who sings Volare?


affermazioni sempre vere Human beings die without water.

con i verbi di stato I hear noises upstairs.

azioni abituali e routine They always go to school on foot.

dare istruzioni You peel the apples and you cut them in cubes.

percezione feel, hear, see, smell, sound, taste

con avverbi di frequenza: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, ever/never I rarely drink coffee.

descrivere procedure When the alarm is on, the green light flashes. orari e programmi prestabiliti The train from Milan arrives at 12.55.

titoli di giornale Murray wins the Rome Cup.

raccontare storie At the end of the book, Anna discovers the truth.


attività mentale forget, know, think

volontà want, need, wish

sentimento (dis)like, hate, love

con espressioni di frequenza: every day, once a week, three times a month, ecc. I drink coffee twice a day. con espressioni di tempo: in the morning/afternoon, on Saturdays, ecc. I drink coffee in the morning.

risponde alla domanda How often…? How often do you drink coffee?

risponde alla domanda When…? When do you drink coffee?

possesso belong, have, own

modo d’essere be, look, seem Unità 26, 27, 28, 29

Mappe concettuali


Forma base del verbo + -ing


Variazioni ortografiche

verbi terminanti in -e: si elimina la e close – closing

monosillabici terminanti in vocale + consonante: si raddoppia la consonante finale get – getting

bisillabici terminanti in vocale + consonante con ultima sillaba accentata: si raddoppia la consonante finale begin – beginning

verbi terminanti in vocale + -l: si raddoppia la l control – controlling

verbi terminanti in -ie: si cambia la ie in y die – dying

sostantivo Eating healthily is a good habit.

aggettivo Look at the shining moon.

verbo Walking in the dark, he stumbled.

dopo i verbi di gradimento love, enjoy, (dis)like, prefer, hate I like listening to him. FORMA AFFERMATIVA soggetto + am/is/are + forma in -ing del verbo


per formare il present continuous


Il present continuous si traduce in italiano con il verbo “stare” + gerundio oppure con il presente semplice del verbo.

I am playing cards.

FORMA NEGATIVA soggetto + am not/isn’t/aren’t + forma in -ing del verbo She isn’t meeting her boyfriend.

FORMA INTERROGATIVA Am/Is/Are + soggetto + forma in -ing del verbo + ?

azioni in corso di svolgimento nel momento in cui si parla She’s sleeping.

situazioni in evoluzione Your English is improving.

Are they starting an English course? RISPOSTE BREVI Yes, soggetto + am/is/are. No, soggetto + ’m not/isn’t/aren’t.

situazioni temporanee che si svolgono nel periodo in cui si parla I’m learning the guitar.

Yes, I am./No, she isn’t. spesso con espressioni di tempo come now, today, at present, at the moment, this week/month/year

Unità 31, 32, 33

descrizione di illustrazioni In this picture you’re crying.

azioni ripetute e irritanti con always Why are you always teasing me?


Mappe concettuali

hanno la forma singolare e plurale pen – pens

sostantivo + sostantivo basketball

possono essere preceduti da a/an, the a pen – the ball

aggettivo + sostantivo hardware COMPOSTI


sostantivo + verbo rainfall

possono essere preceduti da un numerale eight books

preposizione + sostantivo bypass

al plurale possono essere preceduti da some, any, no She’s got some problems.

SOSTANTIVI con verbi e pronomi al singolare per indicare il gruppo nel suo insieme The class is too noisy.

hanno SOLO la forma singolare beer – weather



band cast colony

con verbi e pronomi al plurale per indicare i singoli elementi dell’insieme The class are doing their exam.

ECCEZIONI: cattle, people e police richiedono sempre il plurale di verbi e pronomi. The police have got a clue.


non possono essere preceduti da a/an, ma SOLO da the Can you slice the bread? possono essere preceduti da some, any, no Is there any water in the fridge?

Non possono essere preceduti da un numerale. Per specificare la quantità di sostanze o materiali si usano espressioni riferite a: • unità di misura four kilos of bread

contenitore two bottles of water

quantità three slices of ham

Unità 35, 36, 37

Mappe concettuali



per offerte Do you want some help?

in frasi affermative There are some problems. some con tutti i sostantivi

in frasi interrogative

per proposte Let’s take some pictures.

in frasi interrogative Are there any objections?

per richieste Can I have some bread? per proposte Shall I get you some tea?

any con tutti i sostantivi

in frasi dubitative I wonder if he’s got any news.

enough con tutti i sostantivi in tutti i tipi di frase We haven’t got enough chairs.

Some e any hanno funzione sia di aggettivo che di pronome. Some students are late today, but some are on time. ‘Have you got any good advice for me?’ ‘I’m afraid I haven’t got any.’

Unità 41


Mappe concettuali





con tutti i sostantivi a lot of, lots of con tutti i sostantivi in frasi affermative You’ve got a lot of luggage. She’s got lots of presents. no in frasi affermative We sell no alcohol after 11 p.m.

any in frasi negative I don’t feel any regrets.

No ha SOLO funzione di aggettivo. Il pronome è none. We have no cheese. There is none in the fridge.

much, too much con sostantivi non numerabili in frasi negative e interrogative Has she got much homework? I haven’t got too much time. many, too many con sostantivi numerabili in frasi negative e interrogative Do you drink many fizzy drinks? There aren’t too many guests at the party.

a few, few con sostantivi numerabili in tutti i tipi di frase A few students don’t study. Few girls love war films. a little, little con sostantivi non numerabili in tutti i tipi di frase Is he making a little progress? She’s got little patience.

A little/A few e little/few sono sia aggettivi che pronomi. ‘Have we got a few biscuits?’ ‘Just very few.’


Unità 41, 42, 43, 44

Mappe concettuali





singolare: myself, yourself, himself/herself/itself

each other con due elementi The USA and Russia are always spying on each other.

per sostituire un sostantivo numerabile già nominato

plurale: ourselves, yourselves, themselves


one another con più elementi Students are not allowed to talk to one another during the exam.

con soggetto e destinatario dell’azione coincidenti Let me introduce myself.

con verbi riflessivi o che ammettono la forma riflessiva She isn’t enjoying herself.

con capi di abbigliamento e parti del corpo Wash your hair!

con verbi che indicano cambiamento They’re getting married next week.

Is your bag the orange one? Can I have some biscuits? The chocolate ones, please.


per persone

per cose/animali

who/that soggetto The girl who/ that is dancing on the table is my sister!

which/that soggetto/ complemento The account which/ that you are using is not safe.

who(m)/that complemento Ted is the boy who(m)/that Heidi is seeing these days.

I pronomi relativi in funzione di complemento possono essere omessi. He studies only the subjects (which/that) he likes.


Unità 50, 51, 52, 53


Mappe concettuali

PAST SIMPLE FORMA verbo be 1° e 3° persona singolare: was/wasn't tutte le altre persone: were/weren't I was there. We were at home. She wasn’t at school. They weren’t nice. ‘Was he at the park?’ ‘No, he wasn’t.’ ‘Were you in London?’ ‘Yes, we were.’

• •

Non esiste la forma affermativa contratta. La forma negativa intera è poco usata.

verbi regolari forma base + -ed work – worked

FORMA AFFERMATIVA You worked hard. They left.

Variazioni ortografiche

verbi terminanti in -e: si aggiunge -d arrived

verbi terminanti in consonante + -y: la y cade e si aggiunge -ied studied

monosillabici terminanti in vocale + consonante: si raddoppia la consonante finale stopped

bisillabici terminanti in vocale + consonante: si raddoppia la consonante finale preferred

verbi irregolari forma propria leave – left

FORMA NEGATIVA soggetto + didn’t + forma base del verbo I didn’t sleep last night. FORMA INTERROGATIVA Did + soggetto + forma base del verbo + ? Did she study? RISPOSTE BREVI Yes, soggetto + did. / No, soggetto + didn’t. Yes, I did./No, she didn’t.


azioni avvenute in un tempo passato e concluso I was in Rome last month.

durata di situazioni passate con for She walked for hours in the jungle.

situazioni ripetute con espressioni di frequenza We ate at a different restaurant every day.

sequenza di eventi We turned at the corner and saw Chris standing…

spesso con espressioni di tempo passato come yesterday, (one) week(s)/month(s) ago, last night/year, ecc.


Unità 54, 55, 56

Mappe concettuali

PAST CONTINUOUS FORMA AFFERMATIVA soggetto + was/were + forma in -ing del verbo She was brushing her teeth.

FORMA INTERROGATIVA Was/Were + soggetto + forma in -ing del verbo + ? Were they studying? FORMA

FORMA NEGATIVA soggetto + wasn’t/weren’t + forma in -ing del verbo I wasn’t listening.

RISPOSTE BREVI Yes, soggetto + was/were./ No, soggetto + wasn’t/weren’t. Yes, they were./No, she wasn’t.


azioni in corso di svolgimento nel passato I was sleeping at midnight!

azioni in corso interrotte da un’altra azione: azione lunga ➝ past continuous con when/while When/While we were shopping in Oxford Street, we met Taylor. azione breve ➝ past simple con when When mum arrived, Luca was playing a video game.

Non si usa con i verbi di stato.

due o più azioni contemporanee nel passato I was having a shower and Jim was making breakfast.

Spesso con espressioni di tempo che indicano il momento dell’azione.

Unità 58, 59


Mappe concettuali

PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE FORMA AFFERMATIVA soggetto + have/has + participio passato del verbo I have lost my luggage.

FORMA INTERROGATIVA Have/Has + soggetto + participio passato del verbo + ? Have they left? FORMA

FORMA NEGATIVA soggetto + haven’t/hasn’t + participio passato del verbo She hasn’t returned my call.

L’ausiliare have si usa con tutti i verbi, compreso il verbo be e gli intransitvi.

RISPOSTE BREVI Yes, soggetto + have/has. / No, soggetto + haven’t/hasn’t. Yes, they have./No, she hasn’t.


azioni recenti con effetti sul presente

azioni avvenute in un tempo passato non specificato

azioni avvenute in un tempo non ancora concluso

con already in frasi affermative e interrogative I’ve already had lunch.

senza espressioni di tempo I’ve won a lot of money!

con today, this week/ month/year, ecc. You’ve bought five pairs of shoes this month!

con yet in frasi negative e interrogative Have you met him yet?

con avverbi di frequenza She’s never been abroad.

con so far, before, ecc. I’ve been here before.

con still in frasi negative They still haven’t arrived.

con espressioni di frequenza We’ve seen this film twice.

con lately, recently They’ve recently moved to Boston.

con just in frasi affermative We’ve just found the missing dog.

con almost/nearly in frasi affermative I’ve nearly spent my weekly pocket money.


con it’s the first/second/ third ecc. time It’s the first time I’ve been on a plane.

In italiano queste espressioni sono seguite dal presente.

durata di un’azione

con for per indicare la durata di un’azione I’ve had this coat for ten years! con since per indicare l’inizio di un’azione She hasn’t eaten since last Monday.

con how long per fare domande sulla durata How long have you studied?

In italiano la duration form si rende con il presente.

Unità 60, 61, 62

Mappe concettuali

PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS FORMA AFFERMATIVA soggetto + have/has + been + forma in -ing del verbo They have been waiting for hours.

FORMA INTERROGATIVA Have/Has + soggetto + been + forma in -ing del verbo + ? Have I been speaking to myself? FORMA

FORMA NEGATIVA soggetto + haven’t/hasn’t + been + forma in -ing del verbo We haven’t been travelling a lot.

RISPOSTE BREVI Yes, soggetto + have/has. / No, soggetto + haven’t/hasn’t Yes, you have./No, he hasn’t.

Alla forma negativa si preferisce usare il present perfect simple.


azioni iniziate nel passato e appena concluse What a lovely smell! Have you been baking bread?

azioni iniziate nel passato e ancora in corso She’s been texting all morning.

Unità 64, 65

Non si usa con i verbi di stato.

durata di un’azione They’ve been searching for survivors for days.


Mappe concettuali

PAST PERFECT SIMPLE FORMA AFFERMATIVA soggetto + had + participio passato del verbo I had called her several times.

FORMA INTERROGATIVA Had + soggetto + participio passato del verbo + ? Had they left? FORMA

FORMA NEGATIVA soggetto + hadn’t + participio passato del verbo She hadn’t eaten at lunch.

azioni avvenute prima di:

un momento passato He had eaten too much pasta before the race. un’azione passata espressa con il past simple After they had had lunch, they watched a film.

nel discorso indiretto con il past simple di say, tell, ecc. She said she had been ill. nei testi narrativi It was almost noon and Lukas was sleeping. The day before he had driven from Milan to Palermo…

RISPOSTE BREVI Yes, soggetto + had. / No, soggetto + hadn’t. Yes, they had./No, she hadn’t.


dopo il past simple di be sure, believe, think, ecc. I thought he had made all the arrangements. dopo le espressioni It was the first/second ecc. time It was the first time Lara had seen the sea. con how long…?, for e since per parlare della durata di un’azione passata He had slept for two hours.

con gli avverbi e le espressioni di tempo che si usano con il present perfect simple (already, ever/never, ecc.) We had just landed in Delhi.

Non si usano le espressioni di tempo che afferiscono al presente (so far, up to now, ecc.). Al loro posto si usano till then, till that moment, ecc.


Unità 66

Mappe concettuali

PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS FORMA AFFERMATIVA soggetto + had + been + forma in -ing del verbo I had been walking for two hours.

FORMA INTERROGATIVA Had + soggetto + been + forma in -ing del verbo + ? Had they been arguing? FORMA RISPOSTE BREVI Yes, soggetto + had. / No, soggetto + hadn’t. Yes, they had./No, she hadn’t.

FORMA NEGATIVA soggetto + hadn’t + been + forma in -ing del verbo She hadn’t been sleeping all day.

azioni passate concluse in un momento del passato I had been hiking in the woods. My feet were swollen and aching.

Unità 67


Non si usa con i verbi di stato.

parlare della durata di un’azione passata She had been swimming for one hour.

enfatizzare la durata di un’azione passata I had been studying hard, so I felt ready for the exam.


Mappe concettuali




orari e programmi prestabiliti (mezzi di trasporto, eventi, ecc.) The flight from Moscow lands at 15.10.

frasi subordinate temporali introdotte da when, after, before, whole, as soon as, until I’ll be there before the meeting starts. We’ll leave when mum arrives.



programmi futuri definiti Next week I’m leaving for Brazil.

con il presente Il volo da Mosca atterra alle 15.10. con il futuro Il volo da Mosca atterrerà alle 15.10. dipende dalla congiunzione introduttiva Sarò lì prima che inizi la riunione. Partiremo quando arriverà la mamma. Unità 87 SI TRADUCE con il presente La prossima settimana parto per il Brasile. con il futuro La prossima settimana partirò per il Brasile.

con espressioni di tempo futuro come tomorrow, next week/month, ecc.

USO verbo be (not) + going to + forma base del verbo I am going to meet Peter. She is going to learn Dutch. They are not going to swim in the lake.

intenzioni per il futuro e decisioni prese prima del momento in cui si parla Jill is going to study Law at university. I’m going to buy a new phone.



previsioni basate su dati presenti Rob and Lia are going to break up.

Con i verbi go/come/leave si preferisce usare il present continuous. Gran is coming to visit us.

azioni riferite a un futuro imminente Watch out! You’re going to spill the coffee.

Unità 87

SI TRADUCE con il futuro Jill studierà legge all’università. con “avere intenzione/deciso di” Ho deciso di comprare un telefono nuovo. con il futuro Rob e Lia si lasceranno. con il futuro Fa’ attenzione! Verserai il caffè. con “stare per” + infinito Fa’ attenzione! Stai per versare il caffè. Unità 88


Mappe concettuali

Alla prima persona singolare e plurale si può usare shall. I/We shall come.



eventi futuri certi There will be a lunar eclipse tonight.

con il futuro Ci sarà un’eclisse di luna stanotte.

will/won’t + forma base del verbo I will meet Peter. She will learn Dutch. They won’t swim in the lake.

con il presente Ti porto io in biblioteca.

decisioni prese nel momento in cui si parla I’ll drive you to the library.


con il futuro Ti porterò io in biblioteca.

WILL previsioni frutto di conoscenze, opinioni personali, ecc., spesso con verbi di opinione come think, believe, suppose, ecc. I don’t believe she’ll get her driving licence in July.

con avverbi come certainly, perhaps per rafforzare o attenuare una previsione He will certainly return your call.




promettere di fare qualcosa I’ll study harder.

con il futuro Studierò di più.

fare richieste Will you help me with this translation?

con il presente Mi aiuti con questa traduzione?

offrirsi e rifiutarsi di fare qualcosa I’ll do that. I won’t give you a penny more.

forma interrogativa di shall per offerte Shall I wash the car?

Unità 89

con il futuro Non credo che prenderà la patente a luglio.

con il presente Lo faccio io. Non ti do un penny di più. con il futuro Lo farò io. Non ti darò un penny di più.

con il presente Lavo la macchina? con “dovere” + infinito Devo lavare la macchina?


Mappe concettuali

permesso informale al presente e futuro

abilità al presente abilità nei tempi mancanti be able to I was/will be able to speak Chinese.

She can play the guitar.

abilità generica al passato I could speak at 2 years old.

You can watch TV now.

permesso formale al presente e futuro, solo alla forma interrogativa Could I dance with you?

richiesta informale

possibilità al presente e futuro

Can you slice some bread for the sandwiches?

We can go to the cinema tonight.

richiesta formale

possibilità dubbia al presente e futuro She could be on holiday.


possibilità al passato

Could you explain the rule again, please? offerta neutra

I could afford a Ferrari before the crisis.

Can I get you something to drink?

proibizione/mancanza di permesso

offerta formale

You can’t go to the disco tomorrow.

Could I park your car, madam?

possibilità al presente e futuro

permesso formale al presente e futuro

She may do it now.

Guests may use our spa.

MAY/MIGHT possibilità remota al presente e futuro We might go to Paris next month.


permesso in tutti i tempi be allowed to She is/was/will be allowed to have a sleepover.

permesso formale al presente e futuro, in domande indirette I wonder if I might sit next to you.

Unità 91, 92, 93, 94, 95

Mappe concettuali

richiesta informale

offerta neutra

Will you turn down the volume?

I will do it for you!

richiesta formale


Would you speak more quietly, please?

offerta formale Would you like a glass of wine, sir?

offerta neutra

chiedere e dare consigli

Shall I answer the phone?

We should/ought to study more.

proposta neutra Shall we have a break?


consigli, solo alla forma interrogativa (prima persona singolare e plurale)

obbligo morale


obbligo (tutti i tempi)

You must buy that dress. It suits you perfectly!

He had to give up tennis.

mancanza di obbligo

raccomandazioni forti anche a se stessi

obbligo al presente e futuro

He shouldn’t/ought not to argue with his boss.

I should/ought to wake up earlier.

Shall I cut my hair?

I must stop eating sweets.

rimprovero e critica


You don’t have to do all the problems, just three of them.


Students must do their homework.

I need to go to the bank.

proibizione e divieto

mancanza di necessità

We mustn’t talk during the exam.

Unità 95, 96, 97, 98, 99

She doesn’t have to/needn’t/doesn’t need to work.


Mappe concettuali




fatti sempre veri subordinata con if

You die if you don’t drink.

if/when + present simple

Maria screams if she sees a spider.


fatti abituali present simple

In alternativa al present simple si possono usare: modali, present continuous, present perfect simple, imperativo.

procedure In alternativa al present simple si possono usare: modali, present continuous, present perfect simple.

You can withdraw cash from an atm only if you enter your pin. leggi universali You get orange if you mix red and yellow. Unità 100




subordinata con if

will + forma base

if + present simple

In alternativa a will + forma base si possono usare: modali, be going to, imperativo

In alternativa al present simple si possono usare: modali, present continuous, present perfect simple.

In alternativa a if si può usare: • even if o if ever per rendere la condizione più remota I won’t forgive him even if he comes crawling on his knees. • unless + verbo alla forma affermativa se la subordinata con if è negativa I won’t tell you anything unless you promise not to tell anyone.


ipotesi reali o possibili nel futuro con un’alta probabilità di verificarsi My mum will get angry if I’m late again. You’ll get a cold if you don’t wear hat and gloves in this weather. offerte I will drive you into town if you miss the train. proposte I’ll make a cake if I get home early. avvertimenti I’ll smack you if you don’t let go of her. Unità 101


Mappe concettuali




subordinata con if


ipotesi improbabili o impossibili nel presente She would be happier if she stopped thinking of him.

would + forma base

if + past simple

In alternativa a would + forma base si possono usare: could, might, should.

In alternativa al past simple si possono usare: past continuous, could, should.

I’d apply for that post at the UN if I had a degree and enough experience.

situazioni immaginarie o possibili nel futuro con una scarsa possibilità di realizzarsi I wouldn’t take the school bus if I had a moped. I would be rich and famous if I won X-Factor.

• •

Unità 102

Nella subordinata con if si usa la forma were del verbo be con tutte le persone. I would live in a villa if I were Mrs Clooney. Si usa l’espressione if I were you/him/her/them per dare consigli. If I were her, I would leave Rob. He’s so unreliable.


Mappe concettuali

PRESENTE PROGRESSIVO to + be + forma in -ing del verbo It’s nice to be having a lie-in for a change.

PRESENTE to + forma base del verbo To write a bestseller is not easy.


PASSATO to + have + participio passato del verbo To have forgotten her birthday is unforgivable!

INFINITO USO soggetto/oggetto di una frase

in sostituzione di una relativa

To know you is to love you. To love you is to hate you.

There are many different things to do.

dopo i composti di some/any/no

dopo gli interrogativi who/what/ where, ecc.

I’ve got something to tell you.

dopo verbi come afford, manage, seem

I’m here to apologise. dopo gli avverbi too/enough He’s too proud to admit his mistake.

Ask her where to go.

dopo i verbi di volontà (agree, decide, promise) I refuse to accept her apologies.

per indicare lo scopo di un’azione

dopo i verbi che esprimono desiderio (desire, hope, want, wish) dopo be able, be allowed, ought, have, need

I want to leave now.

I have to go.

dopo espressioni verbali come would hate/like, seem, ecc.

He managed to solve the problem.

dopo i verbi modali Dogs can’t fly. dopo would rather/had better I’d rather stay home.

I would like to help you.




dopo i verbi di volontà (advise, command) She persuaded me to buy those shoes.


dopo i verbi che reggono la preposizione for (look, pay) I’ll wait for her to get ready.


dopo i verbi causativi let, make, have

dopo i verbi di percezione (azione completa)

You make me lose my temper!

I heard the glass in the window crack.

Unità 103, 104, 105, 106

Mappe concettuali

PRESENTE forma base del verbo + -ing Climbing Mont Blanc at sunrise is an amazing experience.

PASSATO having + participio passato del verbo Having bought a house was a mistake.



soggetto/oggetto di una frase


per indicare un divieto

Being on time is easy if you get ready in advance.

A disappointing surprise awaited her at the ball.

No smoking.

No parking.

dopo una preposizione

dopo for per dopo verbi, sostantivi in sostituzione dopo after, before, indicare la funzione e aggettivi seguiti da di una relativa on, ecc. con stesso di un oggetto preposizione soggetto Everyone was surprised What’s the name of the when he left the party Where’s the thing I don’t approve of girl running 10 km in I sleep before doing without telling anyone. for opening cans? smoking at your age. the park every day? my homework.

dopo verbi come admit, appreciate, consider, deny, imagine, ecc.

dopo verbi come finish, give up, keep on, miss, put off, ecc.

She admitted stealing the report.

Keep on trying!

dopo i verbi di gradimento I like skiing.


dopo le espressioni con can’t (can’t imagine/stand, ecc.) She can’t stop talking!

dopo i verbi di percezione (azione parziale)

con i verbi come/go seguiti da attività fisiche/sportive

She saw the tornado approaching.

I’ll go surfing.

senza variazione di significato like, love, start, begin, continue, ecc. I love to camp/camping.

Unità 108, 109, 110


con variazione di significato forget, regret, remember, stop, continue, ecc. I’ll remember to call the plumber. I remember calling the plumber yesterday morning.


Mappe concettuali

frase minima She listened to oggetto the explanation


Il complemento oggetto non può essere separato dal verbo da altri complementi.

modo carefully luogo at school

I complementi di luogo non possono essere separati dal verbo da altri complementi. They went to the ice rink two days ago.

tempo yesterday.

• COSTRUZIONE 1 doppio complemento oggetto I gave my boyfriend another chance.


• •

COSTRUZIONE 2 compl. oggetto e to/for + complemento indiretto The company promised a salary increase to all employees.

it It’s beyond belief what he told me.

• •

Se il complemento diretto è un pronome, si usa la costruzione 2. Se il complemento indiretto è un pronome, si può usare la costruzione 1 e 2. Se entrambi i complementi sono pronomi, si usa la costruzione 2. I verbi ask, cost e wish ammettono solo la costruzione 1. I verbi describe, dictate, explain, ecc. ammettono solo la costruzione 2.

who Who stole my bike? what


there There are quite a few problems with this project.

What caused her reaction? which Which candidate won?

interrogativi in funzione di soggetto


whose Whose dog is this?

Unità 112, 113, 114, 115

Mappe concettuali

IL PASSIVO present simple am/are/is + participio passato del verbo

past simple was/were + participio passato del verbo

The flat tyre is repaired.

The novel was written in 1833.

Il complemento di mezzo (strumento con cui viene eseguita l’azione) è introdotto da with. The door was opened by the burglar with a screwdriver.

Il complemento d’agente (persona o cosa che compie l’azione) è introdotto da by. Any riddle is easily solved by Mike.


COSTRUZIONE REGOLARE soggetto + verbo + complemento indiretto

Zack was promised a new iPhone by his parents on his 14th birthday.

A new iPhone was promised to Zack by his parents on his 14th birthday.


FORMA ATTIVA compl. oggetto + infinito senza to

Her parents forbade her to take part in the student demonstration.

I heard Tobia tell his friends he had cheated during the maths test.

FORMA PASSIVA infinito con to She was forbidden to take part in the student demonstration.

Unità 119, 120

FORMA PASSIVA infinito con to Tobia was heard to tell his friends he had cheated during the maths test.


Mappe concettuali



TEMPI VERBALI variazioni con verbo introduttivo al passato

nessuna variazione con verbo introduttivo al presente, futuro o present perfect simple




personali I me

personali he/she him/her

possessivi my mine

possessivi his/her his/hers

dimostrativi this/these

dimostrativi that/these

di luogo here

di luogo there

di tempo today tomorrow yesterday

di tempo that day the following day the previous day



is/are making

was/were making

has/have made

had made


had made

was/were making

had been making

is/are going to make

was/were going to make

will make

would make

let’s make

to make

don’t make

not to make Unità 122, 123

Mappe concettuali










had to

1° tipo

2° tipo

tipo 0, 2° tipo e 3° tipo

nessuna variazione

yes/no questions

if/whether + soggetto + verbo

wh- questions

wh- question word + soggetto + verbo




Unità 124, 125


B1 Preliminary READING PART 1 1

Questions 1-5 For each question, choose the correct answer. A




■ ■



Appointments with the University Accounts Manager can only be made for Mondays or Wednesdays.


Students will not be seen without an appointment letter and their student ID card.



■ ■



■ ■ ■


• Receptionist required to work in the outskirts of Manchester • Excellent language skills in English and either Italian or French essential • 8 hours per day with occasional weekend work


Hi Jane, Thanks very much for my present! My family took me out to dinner on Friday and we had a birthday cake. Sorry you couldn’t come but let’s meet outside the shopping centre tomorrow and go for lunch. Amy


The successful applicant will work every Saturday and Sunday. The person who is offered this job will be working in the city centre. The receptionist must speak at least one other language.

Jane went to Amy’s birthday celebration. Amy wants to go out for a meal with Jane on Friday. Jane has already given Amy something for her birthday.

Students can see the manager on any day except Mondays and Wednesdays. Proof of identity must be shown with the appointment letter. Appointments usually take ten minutes.

Please arrive at least ten minutes before your appointment.





The Market Place is a new fish restaurant in Fleet Street. The food is fresh and looks appetising, but the prices are high. Lunchtime is the best time to go when they serve a three-course meal which includes a drink.

Mum, Can you lend me £20 so I can get a cake for Alice‛s party? I haven‛t got time to make one myself. I also need to get her a present. I can pay you back on Thursday. Thanks, Marta

The review is about a fish market. The writer of the review thinks the restaurant is expensive. Customers have to pay extra for a drink with their lunch.

Marta wants her mum to give Alice a present. Marta is planning to make a cake. Marta is going to repay her mum on Thursday.

B1 Preliminary


Questions 6-10 For each question, choose the correct answer.

The people below want to go on an activity holiday. Below, there are descriptions of eight holidays. Decide which holiday would be the most suitable for the people below. A Home from home 6


Sophie loves sport, especially cricket and football. Before she starts university, she wants to travel to places where she can enjoy an outdoor life, lots of sun, preferably near the sea.

Sam wants to learn to sail and is interested in going on a boat with a small group of people where he can make friends, visit beautiful places and swim underwater.

Stay with other families in their home, learn their language and way of life. They will teach you how to make a variety of meals in traditional ways, so you can take authentic ideas home with you. You will also have the opportunity to visit a variety of local restaurants.

B Working holiday Students, this is for you! Stay on one of the many farms in France, Spain or Italy where you can have a change of scene for nothing! We have clean, basic places to stay in exchange for fruit-picking. You have to start very early in the morning, but all your meals are provided – especially a big breakfast to start the day well!

C A Big Bite of the Apple Fly to New York and stay in a great, low-cost hotel in the centre of the city that never sleeps. We will take you on a guided tour of the iconic art deco Empire State Building and the Museum of Modern Art where you can see collections from the nineteenth century to the present day.

D Happy camping 8



Penny is very interested in opening her own café serving Mediterranean food and would love a holiday where she could learn to cook more interesting dishes.

James has recently finished a photography course and wants to find out about more techniques in an interesting location. He especially wants to learn to photograph wildlife.

Melissa wants to study art and design at university. She is planning to see as many examples of modern art as she can and would love to spend some time in a vibrant city.

Let us know which sports you love taking part in and we can fly you to places where there are local, often famous, teams for you to meet and compete with! Accommodation is included in our river or beach-side campsites. We have excellent student rates.

E Pure luxury Escape from the pressures of work and city life in our spa. We provide a peaceful environment in our two hundred-year-old house in the countryside. Once you are here, you can choose from a range of spa treatments and enjoy the healthy menus in our two restaurants.

F Cruising around islands If you like the idea of waking up to a different view every day, swimming in clear water with amazing fish and improving your navigation skills, join us for two weeks in August. We take a yacht around Greek islands with six people who all share the cooking, cleaning and good time!

G Family fun time Sunny Side holiday park is the perfect choice for families who want to keep busy all day and have a relaxing night’s sleep in our comfortable caravans. There are swimming pools for children and adults and a variety of fast food restaurants. We have shops and a cinema, so you never need to leave the park!

H Flying over the view Have you ever thought of spending time in a helicopter capturing images of volcanoes or seeing whales from a boat? Hawaii offers tropical landscapes and endless photo opportunities. There are brightly coloured birds and exquisite flowers to see. We will take care of all your transport and hotels.


B1 Preliminary


Questions 11-15 For each question, choose the correct answer.

Ian Fleming Ian Fleming was born in London in 1908. His father, Valentine, worked for a bank and the family was well-off. Ian had an older brother, Peter, and two younger brothers, Michael and Richard. Ian’s father sadly died when he was only nine years old. He went to an expensive private school and then to a military academy. After he left there, he got a job working for a well-known newspaper which probably helped him to develop his writing skills. During the Second World War from 1939-1945, Ian worked for an organisation called the Naval Intelligence Division. After the war, he went back to working for a newspaper and lived for a lot of the time on the West Indian island of Jamaica, where he built a house called Goldeneye, the title of one of his books. He probably enjoyed escaping the cold weather in the UK! He married Anne Charteris in 1952 and they had a son called Caspar. In the same year, he started writing his first book about James Bond called Casino Royale. It was quite a violent book: not my

favourite Bond story. Ian was not happy with it and did not think it would sell many copies. His brother Peter sent it to a publisher and they agreed to print it. It came out in 1953 and was immediately successful. However, the name James Bond comes from the author of a book called Birds of the West Indies. Although his spy novels are extremely popular, people will also remember Ian for his very readable children’s book, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, which was also made into a film. He wrote it for his son, Caspar and it was originally published in three parts. Between 1953 and 1966, Fleming wrote twelve Bond novels including Dr No. Although he did not write this until 1958, after From Russia with Love, it was the first of the books to become a film. It came out in 1962. Since then, films about James Bond have come out regularly and many different actors have played the character. People have their own favourite portrayal of Bond, many preferring the latest ones.

11 Ian Fleming started working for a newspaper A ■ while he was still a student. B ■ during the Second World War. C ■ where he improved his ability to write. D ■ before he went to the military academy.

13 How did Ian Fleming feel about Casino Royale? A ■ He didn’t think that people would buy it. B ■ He thought it would be popular. C ■ He wanted to write it with his brother. D ■ He didn’t want to publish it.

12 After the Second World War, A ■ he was working for an intelligence organisation. B ■ he spent little time in his Jamaican house. C ■ he started writing for a newspaper again. D ■ he wrote his first book called Goldeneye.

14 The first film featuring James Bond A ■ was released in 1958. B ■ was called Dr No. C ■ had different actors playing the character. D ■ was called From Russia with Love.

15 What would be a good introduction to the article? A


Ian Fleming was an author who enjoyed writing spy novels about James Bond. He lived in Jamaica with his wife and son.

The author who created James Bond worked in intelligence himself and lived in several countries, including the UK and Jamaica.



Ian Fleming was an author who is best known for writing novels about a British spy called James Bond. These books are still very popular and have been made into many successful films. D

Ian Fleming’s talent for writing developed when he worked for a newspaper. He then wrote a series of novels about James Bond.

B1 Preliminary


Questions 16-20 For each question, choose the correct answer.

Five sentences have been removed from the text below. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use.

Hong Kong, in south east Asia, is a busy, lively city. 16 In fact, although there are extremely noisy areas and hundreds of high-rise buildings, there are also beautiful beaches and huge areas of countryside with paths where people enjoy walking. 17 They are a very important part of its culture. Chinese New Year, also called the Lunar New Year and the Spring Festival, does not have a fixed date. It depends on when there is a full moon, so it is between the middle of January and the middle of February each year. The New Year holiday usually lasts fifteen to sixteen days. People visit their families: grandparents, parents and children. They eat delicious food and give each other gifts of money in small red envelopes. 18 People buy red paper decorations and lights to put in their houses. In Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, there are fantastic fireworks which thousands of people go to watch. Each new year has a new name. There are twelve and they are all real animals (such as The Year of the Dog), except for The Year of the Dragon. 19 People celebrate Chinese New Year all over the world but one of the most exciting places to experience it is Hong Kong. It is the city’s biggest and most colourful festival! In contrast to this lively festival, people also enjoy walking through country parks. 20 There are often fish restaurants where you can sit near the sea and eat local food and drink Chinese tea. Hong Kong’s markets are very popular, especially the Night Market where tourists like to go to look for things to take home. People often buy tea, T-shirts – or New Year souvenirs!


You can also go by boat to one of the beaches. It’s a very famous shop in the city centre. Red is a very lucky colour in Chinese culture. Shops decorate their windows with pictures of the animals. Beaches are popular on sunny days and easy to reach. Some people think Hong Kong is only full of traffic and very tall buildings. There are hundreds of excellent restaurants in Hong Kong. Hong Kong also has famous and interesting traditions.


B1 Preliminary


Questions 21-26 For each question, choose the correct answer. Over two thousand years ago in Greece, people mixed snow, fruit and honey to make a sweet dessert. Ice cream was also made with fruit by the Persians and the Chinese, who (21) ______________ milk and rice to snow. Approximately five hundred years (22) ______________, the Roman Emperor Nero asked for mountain ice to be mixed with fruit. It was expensive to transport the ice, so only the rich could eat this early dessert. In the sixteenth century, a sweet (23) ______________ of ice and fruit was made in India called ‘kulfi’. It was a popular and refreshing sorbet. Ice cream became well-known throughout the (24) ______________. In 1851, Carlo Gatti travelled to London and started selling ice cream (25) ______________ a station. Before this, people couldn’t eat ice cream unless they were rich and had an ice-house. There weren’t (26) ______________ refrigerators (fridges) in those days!

21 22 23 24 25 26

A put A time A mixture A countries A on A many


word for each gap.

B added B more B ingredients B places B out B much

C took C later C meal C planet C between C lots

Questions 27-32 For each question, write the correct answer. Write ONE

Most people really enjoy parties (27) ______________ they are well-organised and everyone likes each other! There are many ways you can make a party go well. Start by thinking (28) ______________ a venue, date and times for the party and who to invite. People sometimes ask their guests to bring something to eat or drink. A variety of food is (29) ______________ interesting, especially if your friends come from different parts of the world.


D had D late D liquid D world D outside D several

Think about the type of party you want to have. You could have a fancy-dress party where people choose different costumes they can (30) ______________ make or hire. Beach parties are popular, easy to organise and to clean up afterwards. Everyone can prepare a picnic (31) ______________ help take the rubbish away at the end. It’s also lovely to have a swim and sit in the sun. Have a wonderful time (32) ______________ family and friends!

B1 Preliminary


You must answer this question. Write your answer in about 100 words.

Question 1 Read this email from your English-speaking friend Lucy, and the notes you have made. Write your email to Lucy using all the notes.

Hi Sam, I’m so happy I’m coming to stay with you and your family next weekend!

We are too!

Could you tell me the best way to travel to your village? I’m not sure whether to come by train or bus.

Tell her the best way

I’d love to bring a present for your mum’s birthday. Have you got any ideas?

Suggest something

Can we go to the beach on Sunday if it’s sunny?

No, because...

See you soon, Lucy


Choose one of these questions. Write your answer in about 100 words.

Question 2 You see this notice on your school’s English-language webpage. Write your article.


New School Club!

home courses events

Do you think it’s a good idea to open an after-school club for all students? What can you do to make it successful? Please give us your ideas for activities!


click and tell us your ideas

Question 3 Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this sentence.

I had no idea what an exciting day it was going to be as I got off the bus. Write your story.


B1 Preliminary


Questions 1-7


Listen and choose the correct picture.

1 What is Karen’s job?










2 Where is the receipt for the shoes?

A 3 How much did she pay for her rail ticket?

A 4 Which day are they going to meet?


5 Where is Tony meeting his grandparents?








6 How is he getting to school tomorrow?

A 7 Who did he see trying to steal the car?



B1 Preliminary


Questions 8-13


Listen and choose the correct answer.


You will hear a father talking about a decision his daughter Jane made. What does he say about it? Jane didn’t become a musician because she A was lazy. B couldn’t sing well. C wanted a better paid job.

11 You will hear two friends talking about how they are going to spend their day. How does the man feel about the decision they have taken? A surprised B happy C angry


You will hear a customer talking to a shop assistant about a purchase he made. How does he react during the conversation? A He gets angry. B He becomes worried. C He apologises.

12 You will hear two friends talking when they meet unexpectedly in a café. What reason did the man give for being there? A He was waiting for someone. B He wanted to have something to eat. C He needed to check his emails.

10 You will hear two friends talking about a recent event. What is the woman’s attitude towards it? A She’s unhappy. B She’s delighted. C She’s shocked.

13 You will hear a mother talking to her son about the time he got back. What does he promise to do? A communicate better B stay at home C be more punctual


145 You will hear Heidi talking about social activities Questions 14-19 on a summer course. For each question, fill in the missing information.

Summer course social activities • Week 1 Club Night 14 It is on ______________ starting at 7.30. 15 The student lounge is on the ______________ floor. 16 We have to vacate the building before ______________ o’clock.

Day Trip 17 On Saturday we go to a ______________ festival. 18 It takes about ______________ hours to get there by coach. 19 Remember to ______________ before one o’clock on Thursday, if you want to come.


146 You will hear two friends, Kathy and Mark, talking Questions 20-25 about a holiday he has just returned from. Listen and choose the correct answer.

20 How did Mark feel about his holiday? A very satisfied B quite unhappy C a bit angry 21 How long did Mark have to wait to check in at the airport? A forty minutes B an hour C fifteen minutes 22 What did Mark forget to take out of his suitcase? A a book B a shirt C a computer

23 Why wasn’t there anyone sitting next to Mark on the plane? A There were few passengers on the flight. B Some people didn’t get on the plane. C The seats were very expensive. 24 Mark’s holiday accommodation was a A hotel. B house. C tent. 25 How often did Kathy want to go diving? A never B every day C occasionally


INVALSI training B1 Reading – Multiple choice 1 Read the text about the fall of the Berlin Wall and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) has been done for you.

Michaela I was 9 years old in 1989. My parents generally liked the East German government and lived well under it. So they were shocked when it fell. It’s hard to believe now!

The Berlin Wall 30 years on

Philipp In 1989, I was 17 years old. My mother was an opposition activist and my friends and I were very critical of the system. In autumn 1988, I paid a price for that: I was jointly expelled with three other pupils from our high school in East Berlin. But I was one of the lucky ones, I followed my mother into exile in Cambridge, UK and was able to pursue an academic career. Sebastian Our family life suffered greatly because of the wall. My older

sister lived in the western sector of Berlin, because she could not get any professional training in East Germany. In 1961 she spent her summer holiday with us in East Germany. Then she illegally passed the border to return to West Berlin. After that, we could not visit each other anymore. She was allowed back after 13 years for our father’s funeral in 1974. Ferdinand I began working as a journalist in West Berlin in late 1987. I often travelled to East Berlin on the underground and was usually followed by plain-clothes police officers. When I crossed the border to go back to West Berlin, I was put in an interrogation room

for a couple of hours and questioned. They photocopied all my notes. I was always worried about the safety of the East Berliners who risked everything to talk to me. Kerstin I was 22 in 1989. My husband’s cousin, Chris, was one of the last people killed trying to escape over the wall before it came down. When we finally crossed the newly open border I was a bit scared. And I wasn’t ready for the sensory overload. The sights and smells and sounds were all totally new for us. There were things in the shops and big advertising billboards – it was so different to East Berlin.

0 Michaela admitted that her parents were A ■ in prison in East Germany. B ■ pleased when the wall fell. ✓ satisfied with their lives before the wall fell. C ■ D ■ unhappy with the East German government.

3 What does Ferdinand say he was doing in 1987? A ■ Visiting East Berlin as a tourist. B ■ Working as a journalist in East Berlin. C ■ Working with the East German police. D ■ Working as a journalist in West Berlin.

1 Phillip explained that his mother was A ■ an academic. B ■ expelled as a teacher. C ■ forced into exile. D ■ in favour of the Communist system.

4 Who or what did Ferdinand worry about when he was questioned by the East German police? A ■ himself B ■ his family C ■ his informers D ■ his notes

2 Sebastian didn’t see his ______________ for 13 years. A C

■ ■

brother mother


■ ■

father sister

5 How did Kerstin feel when she first crossed to West Berlin? A ■ Afraid it was a mistake. B ■ Confused and unprepared. C ■ Excited to be there. D ■ Resentful of East Berliners.

B1 Listening – Multiple matching 147 Listen to six people talking about how winning the lottery changed their lives. Select the 2 correct conversation (1-6) to match the descriptions (A-H). You can use the same number more than once. The first one (0) has been done for you.

6 This person said life had been one big adventure. 0 ■ A ■ This person confessed that their guilty pleasure was shopping. B ■ This person said they most enjoyed sharing the money with others. C ■ This person revealed that they liked buying sports cars. D ■ This person admitted that their favourite purchase was two dogs. E ■ This person said that they were able to start a business. F ■ This person said that being able to help the community was a fantastic feeling. G ■ This person talked about the experience of staying at the Disneyland Hotel. H ■ This person admitted to being really lucky.



I modali (2) Obiettivi Modali per: • abilità, possibilità e mancanza di necessità al passato • deduzioni e supposizioni • obblighi e proibizioni • rimprovero e rammarico • consigli e preferenze


Leggi il testo e sottolinea esempi di verbi modali.


Abbina le funzioni nel riquadro alle frasi corrette. supposizioni • rimprovero • preferenze • possibilità • obblighi mancanza di necessità • deduzioni • abilità 1 My parents managed to find jobs in France. 2 We could go with them as kids. 3 They needn’t have worried about us learning French. 4 I think I must have been homesick to start. 5 That might have been because my parents were terrible cooks! 6 At school we were supposed to wear little aprons. 7 My parents said I shouldn’t have refused. 8 They decided we’d better go back to the UK.


_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________



hen I was young, my parents managed to find jobs in France and we could go with them as kids. They needn’t have worried about us learning French, as we picked it up quickly. I think I must have been homesick to start as I kept talking about grandma’s cooking, but that might have been because my parents were such terrible cooks! At school we were supposed to wear little aprons, I thought I looked silly and I refused. My parents were angry and said I shouldn’t have refused. After a year they decided we’d better go back to the UK because we all missed it.


Sottolinea l'alternativa corretta. My little brother (1) could/couldn’t talk until he was 2, but we (2) need/needn’t have worried because he (3) must/mustn’t have been learning lots of complicated words given that the first thing he said was ‘refraction’! After that, my parents decided he’d (4) better go/managed to go to nursery where he (5) might/ might not learn some more long words. (6) He should/shouldn’t have been happy, but he wasn’t! He’s always been a free spirit!



Abilità, possibilità e mancanza di necessità al passato

128.1 Abilità could + forma base

abilità generica e abituale nel passato

When I lived in Germany, I could speak German fluently.

Quando abitavo in Germania sapevo parlare il tedesco in modo fluente.

was/were able to + abilità in un momento I went to bed late but was able to Sono andato a letto tardi ma sono riuscito specifico del passato wake up early. ad alzarmi presto. forma base Per indicare mancanza di abilità si può usare couldn’t anche con riferimento a un’occasione specifica. Yesterday Mum couldn’t/wasn’t able to help me with my maths homework.

Ieri la mamma non ha saputo aiutarmi con i compiti di matematica.

REMEMBER Con i verbi di percezione involontaria (hear, see, smell, taste e feel) e con alcuni verbi che indicano attività mentale (imagine, understand e remember) si preferisce usare could/couldn’t invece di was/wasn’t, were/weren’t able to. 91 Ero sorpreso che riuscisse a ricordarsi/si ricordasse il mio nome.

I was surprised he could remember my name.

managed to + forma base succeeded in + -ing could have + participio passato

abilità in situazioni difficili del passato

He managed to find/succeeded in finding a ticket for the concert.

È riuscito a trovare un biglietto per il concerto.

abilità ipotetica passata

I could have answered all the questions.

Avrei saputo rispondere a tutte le domande.

Alla forma negativa could have + participio passato esprime incapacità di fare qualcosa nonostante sforzi o tentativi. She couldn’t have solved the problem, so she left the exam room after 10 minutes.

Non avrebbe saputo risolvere il problema, quindi abbandonò l’aula d’esame dopo 10 minuti.

128.2 Possibilità could + forma base

possibilità generica nel We could swim in the river passato 92 when we were kids.

Potevamo nuotare nel fiume da ragazzi.

may have + participio passato

possibilità bassa che un evento passato si sia verificato

Sue and John may have changed their plans.

Sue e John potrebbero aver cambiato programma.

could have/might have + participio passato

possibilità remota che un evento passato si sia verificato

He might have moved to Paris to follow his girlfriend.

Potrebbe essersi trasferito a Parigi per seguire la sua ragazza.

ma è poco probabile perché di solito non lo fanno ma non credo perché ha un buon lavoro qui

128.3 Mancanza di necessità needn’t have + participio passato didn’t have to + forma base/didn’t need + infinito


azione che si è verificata nel You needn’t have paid passato e che non era necessaria for me.

Non era necessario che tu pagassi per me.

azione non necessaria che non You didn't have to/didn’t Non era necessario si è verificata oppure che non si need to hand in your che tu consegnassi sa se si sia verificata essay today. il saggio oggi.

ma lo hai fatto non si sa se il saggio sia stato consegnato o meno

Mappa pp. 502, 503

Ability, possibility and lack of necessity in the past




Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 I needn’t have bought milk because there was a carton in the fridge . A there was a carton in the fridge B the shops were shut C we hadn’t got any 2 Tom wasn’t able to talk to Lisa _________________________________________________. A and wished her a happy birthday B so he left her a message C so he spoke to her slowly 3 I could have got tickets for the National Theatre production _________________________________________________. A but the box office was shut B and I didn’t like the play C and I had to queue for them 4 Lewis wasn’t able to come to the phone _________________________________________________. A and he could answer all your questions B and enjoyed speaking to you C as he was in a meeting 5 They didn’t need to drive to the station as _________________________________________________. A it was easy to walk there B they caught the train C they haven’t got a car

Completa il testo con i verbi nel riquadro. managed • couldn’t • could have • needn’t have • succeeded in • wasn’t able Petra (1) could have studied the History of Art at university. Unfortunately, she (2) ______________ to take up her place because the tuition fees were too high. She was very upset that she (3) ______________ go there. She (4) ______________ worried as there were many other opportunities. She (5) ______________ getting a job at a famous auction house in London. After six months of hard work, she (6) ______________ to get promoted and is now working as an assistant auctioneer.


Completa le frasi con didn’t need to o needn’t have e la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. run • buy • speak • worry • take 1 He had enough money to purchase a ticket but entrance to the museum is free on Sunday. He didn’t need to buy a ticket to enter the museum on Sunday. 2 I ran all the way to the station to get to the platform on time. I __________________________ all the way to the station because the train arrived late. 3 My Spanish is quite good but in Seville many people speak English. I __________________________ Spanish when I was in Seville. 4 I’m very concerned that Emma’s had an accident on the road. You __________________________ about Emma because she is a very safe driver. 5 Courses at the Open University are available to anyone who wants to study. There are no entry requirements. I have no qualifications but I __________________________ any exams to get into the Open University.


Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 We got to the airport five minutes before our flight, so we couldn’t board. A needn’t B couldn’t C mightn’t 2 I haven’t seen Monica for ages. She _________ moved. A needn’t have B was able to C might have 3 Despite the terrible weather, they _________ getting to their destination on time. A didn’t need to B may have C succeeded in 4 ‘Have you _________ to get in touch with Carla?’ ‘Yes, thank you. I spoke to her today.’ A able B managed C needed 5 Gina _________ the chicken for the dinner party yesterday evening. All the guests were vegan! A didn’t need to cook B could have cooked C needn’t have cooked



Deduzioni e supposizioni

Si possono usare varie forme verbali per esprimere deduzioni e supposizioni. La scelta della forma più appropriata dipende dal grado di certezza/possibilità/probabilità della deduzione/supposizione.

129.1 Certezza e impossibilità must + forma base

situazione presente

She cries day and night. She must be homesick.

Piange sempre. Deve avere nostalgia di casa.

must have + participio passato

situazione passata

They must have left their dog at home. Devono aver lasciato il loro cane a casa.

can’t + forma base

situazione presente

They’re too young. They can’t be Judy’s Sono troppo giovani. Non possono parents. essere i genitori di Judy.

can’t have + participio passato

situazione passata

He can’t have missed the flight. He was Non può aver perso il volo. Era at the airport at check-in opening! all’aeroporto all’apertura del check-in!

• Per fare supposizioni esprimendo un alto grado di certezza si possono usare will/won’t + forma base con riferimento al presente, e will/won’t + have + participio passato con riferimento al passato. Hanno viaggiato tutto il giorno. Saranno stanchi. È quasi mezzanotte. Sarà andato a casa.

They’ve travelled all day. They will be tired. It’s almost midnight. He will have gone home.

• Per esprimere la convinzione che qualcosa avverrà sicuramente in un futuro vicino si usano le espressioni be bound/sure/certain to + forma base del verbo. If you keep going to the same places, you are bound to meet him.

Se continui a frequentare i soliti posti, lo incontrerai sicuramente.

129.2 Probabilità e improbabilità Per fare una supposizione in base a circostanze presenti o passate si usano le seguenti forme:

should/ought to + forma base should have/ought to have + participio passato be (un)likely to + forma base

situazione presente o futura

I haven’t seen him this week. He should/ought to be on holiday.

Non l’ho visto questa settimana. Dovrebbe essere in vacanza.

evento passato

Mum shouldn’t have/ought not La mamma non dovrebbe aver parlato con to have talked to my Latin teacher il mio insegnante di latino perché è andato because he left school early. via da scuola presto.

situazione presente o futura

She’s unlikely to arrive before noon.

È improbabile che arrivi prima di mezzogiorno.

Nella costruzione impersonale introdotta da it, be (un)likely è seguito da that + frase. It is likely that we will change our travel plans.

È probabile che cambieremo i nostri programmi di viaggio.

129.3 Possibilità Per fare una supposizione in base a opinioni personali si usano le seguenti forme:

could/may/might + forma situazione presente base could have/may have/might evento passato have + participio passato

Daniel is not at work. He could/may/might be ill or he could/may/might have taken a day off.

Daniel non è al lavoro oggi. Potrebbe essere malato oppure potrebbe aver preso un giorno libero.

Per esprimere l’idea di possibilità si possono usare in alternativa avverbi come maybe/perhaps (“forse”), possibly (“può darsi”), ecc. che attenuano il significato dell’affermazione. Maybe he forgot the meeting.


Forse si è dimenticato della riunione.

Speculation and expectation


Per esprimere deduzioni e supposizioni riguardo azioni in corso si usano le seguenti costruzioni:

modale + be + -ing

azione in corso nel presente

What a nice smell! She must Che buon profumo! Starà cucinando be cooking a cake. una torta.

modale + have been + -ing

azione in corso nel passato

The lawnmower wasn’t in the shed. Dad should have been cutting the grass.

Il tagliaerba non era nella rimessa. Papà doveva star tagliando l’erba. Mappa pp. 502, 503


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


John didn’t get off that train. He must have/should have missed it. ‘Is Robert talking to Sasha?’ ‘He must be/can’t be. She’s away on holiday this week.’ ‘I can’t find my phone.’ ‘You should have/must have left it in the café.’ The children have been in the swimming pool all day. They’ll be/They’ll have been tired. June’s still looking worried. She shouldn’t have/can’t have heard the wonderful news. Pete’s always very punctual. He’s bound to be/can’t be here soon. Our plane hasn’t taken off yet. We should have got/are unlikely to get to the resort before midnight. Hello! You must be/might be Frida. I’ve heard so much about you. Mary’s got a very good sense of direction. She should have/can’t have got lost. The weather forecast isn’t very good. There must be/could be thunderstorms this afternoon.

Sei un bravo detective? Abbina gli indizi alle deduzioni. 1 Her clothes and shoes are expensive but they need repairing. 2 There was no sign of a break-in at the jeweller's and the lock on the door wasn’t damaged. 3 She doesn’t work but is wearing a very expensive diamond ring. 4 Miranda speaks two languages like she was a native speaker. 5 Alex didn’t know that Carl Fabergé was a Russian jeweller. 6 The professor knows all about art deco jewellery. 7 The suspect went out walking in the pouring rain but her clothes weren’t wet. 8 Miranda’s parents said that she spent the whole evening with them and didn’t go out. 9 There are no fingerprints anywhere in the shop.



Her parents might come from different countries. b ■ She could have won the lottery. c ■ The thief probably had a key. d ■ She can’t have studied the history of jewellery. e ■ She must have taken an umbrella. f ■ She might have been wearing gloves. 1 She might have had a well-paid job g ■ and then lost it. h ■ She couldn’t have been in the shop at 7.30 last night. i ■ She’s bound to know who made the rings.

Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. might • must • can’t • oughtn’t to • should 1 2 3 4 5

What a delicious smell coming from the kitchen! Mum must be baking a cake. I’ve just checked the website and the flight is on time. They ____________ be landing very soon. It’s pouring with rain. It’s far too wet. Dad ____________ be cutting the grass now. Ella’s got her exams next week. She ____________ be playing computer games all evening. Our team hasn’t been playing very well this season. I’m not watching the game at the moment but they ____________ be losing again.



Obblighi e proibizioni

Oltre alle forme analizzate precedentemente 98 , si possono usare le seguenti costruzioni per esprimere obblighi, doveri e proibizioni.

obblighi e proibizioni (significato simile a must)

be + infinito

At the end of the course, all students are Alla fine del corso tutti gli studenti to take an oral exam. devono sostenere un esame orale. You were not to go to the pub yesterday. Non dovevi andare al pub ieri.

Non confondere be + infinito per esprimere obblighi e proibizioni con be + infinito con significato di futuro. 87.3 Immigrants will be expected to speak be expected to + obbligo imposto da altri (significato simile a have to) English. forma base

Gli immigrati dovranno parlare inglese.

Alla forma negativa be expected to indica mancanza di necessità. I’m expected to make my bed, but I’m not expected to do my own washing. Devo rifarmi il letto, ma non devo fare il bucato. obbligo morale in base a leggi e regole (significato be supposed to + simile a should)

forma base

proibizione o divieto alla forma negativa

They were supposed to pay the loan instalment on 10th of the month.

Dovevano pagare la rata del mutuo il 10 del mese.

Students are not supposed to use mobile phones during classes.

Gli studenti non devono usare il cellulare durante le lezioni.

ENGLISH USAGE L’uso di be supposed to + forma base spesso sottintende che l’obbligo o il dovere non vengono rispettati.


Leggi l’avviso e decidi se le frasi sottolineate esprimono un evento futuro (F) o un’istruzione (I).

School Sports Day

Our Sports Day is to take place on Friday (F), so all students are to make sure (__) they are ready so that the day is a success! The day is to begin with a welcome speech from Mrs Mitchell (__). Students are to make sure that your parents know where to go in the school to watch the events (__). Everyone taking part in the field and track events is to be on time for the start of the race (__). There is to be a volleyball match at two-thirty (__) and those of you taking part are to make sure you have the correct shoes (__). Sports Day is to finish at five-thirty (__).


Completa le istruzioni con are (not) to e i verbi nel riquadro. ask • bring • buy • eat • photocopy • put • show • sit • speak • switch off • wait • write 1 At the cinema • you are not to speak loudly. • you ___________________ in the correct seat. • you ___________________ your phone.

3 In a library • you ___________________ in books. • you ___________________ your library card when you borrow books. • you ___________________ pages from books.

2 On a bus • you ___________________ your feet on seats. • you ___________________ or drink. • you ___________________ a ticket from the driver.

4 In a restaurant • you ___________________ your own food. • you ___________________ for a table if the restaurant is busy. • you ___________________ the waiter for the bill.


Obligation and prohibition



Leggi la sezione Staying with a Host Family sul sito di una scuola di lingue nel Regno Unito e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Smart English School Home

Staying with a Host Family

About Us

Our Courses



We recommend that while you are studying English with us, you stay with one of our friendly host families. Here are some guidelines for you to read. • Host families are not (1) expected/supposed to meet students arriving at the station before eight o’clock in the morning or after ten o’clock in the evening. • Students are not (2) expected/supposed to bring a present for their host family. • Host families try to prepare delicious meals, but they are not (3) expected/supposed to know their student’s likes or dislikes, so please tell them your preferences. • Students are not (4) expected/supposed to use the kitchen without asking the family. • Host families are (5) expected/supposed to give their students their phone number in the event of an emergency. • Students are not (6) expected/supposed to invite friends to their host family’s home. • To make the most of their stay, students are (7) expected/supposed to practise their English with their host family.


Leggi i messaggi e completa le frasi con la forma corretta di (not) be expected to o (not) be supposed to.


Part-time work We are looking for people who are sixteen or over to work on Saturdays. Previous experience is not essential.

Swimming pool ✱ Children under 12 cannot swim without an adult ✱ Students are offered a reduced entrance price ✱ No swimmers may dive or jump into the pool

School trip to the Safari Park on Friday • The coach leaves at 09.00 – please be outside school at 08.50. • Lunch is provided in the café as part of the ticket price. • You cannot get out of the coach while we are driving around the Safari Park. There are wild animals everywhere!

I am very angry about the party that the students from your school organised on Saturday night in the school garden (next to my house). The last time this happened, you promised me they would stop playing loud music after twelve and speak quietly rather than shouting. I had to pick up all the rubbish which they’d thrown into my garden, which is not my job. Mrs Sweet

1 Applicants for this job are supposed to be at least sixteen. They _________________ work on Saturdays. They _________________ have previous experience. 2 Adults _________________ supervise children aged 12 or under. Students _________________ pay the full entrance price. Swimmers _________________ dive into the pool. 3 Students _________________ be at school at 08.50. They _________________ bring a packed lunch. They _________________ leave the coach when they’re in the park. 4 The students _________________ turn the music down after midnight. They _________________ shout at each other. Mrs Sweet felt she _________________ throw away other people’s rubbish.



Rimprovero e rammarico

Per esprimere rimprovero e rammarico si possono usare le seguenti costruzioni verbali:

could have/might have + participio passato

critica o rammarico per qualcosa che si aveva la possibilità di fare ma non si è fatto

You could/might have called me.

Avresti potuto telefonarmi.

critica in base a una possibilità teorica che non si è concretizzata nella realtà

You could/might have broken your leg.

Avresti potuto romperti una gamba.

Fai attenzione al contesto della frase per comprenderne il significato e tradurla correttamente in italiano. possibilità

She could/might have called when I was having a shower. Potrebbe aver telefonato mentre stavo facendo la doccia. 128.2 She could/might have called to let us know she was late. Avrebbe potuto telefonare per avvertirci che era in ritardo.

rimprovero o rammarico (anche nei confronti I should have/ought to have di se stessi) per qualcosa che doveva essere should have/ought listened to Mum. to have + participio fatto ma non è stato fatto


rimprovero per l’inadempimento di un dovere o di un obbligo

shouldn’t have/ critica per qualcosa che è avvenuto in ought not to have + passato participio passato Osserva la differenza. Soul should have/ought to have spent the weekend in London. Lucky him! Soul should have/ought to have spent the weekend in London, but he was ill and stayed at home.

critica Avrei dovuto dare ascolto alla mamma.

You should have/ought to have Avresti dovuto informare informed your boss. il tuo superiore. He shouldn’t have/ought not to have phoned Liz.

Non avrebbe dovuto telefonare a Liz.

probabilità Soul dovrebbe aver trascorso il fine settimana a Londra. Fortunato lui! 129.2 rammarico Soul avrebbe dovuto trascorrere il fine settimana a Londra, ma si è ammalato ed è rimasto a casa.

148 Osserva e ascolta.

Quando si esprime una critica o un rammarico l’accento va sul participio passato, quando si indica una possibilità o una probabilità l’accento va sul modale. I could have invited them! I could have invited them.

Avrei potuto invitarli! Potrei averli invitati.

ma non l’ho fatto ma non ricordo di averlo fatto

Mappa pp. 502, 503


Completa le frasi con could have e i verbi nel riquadro. Poi abbina le due parti delle frasi. admit • tell • listen • phone • apologise 1 2 3 4 5

You could have phoned me to say you were going to be late. The government ________________________ that they had got the employment figures wrong. They ________________________ for keeping us waiting for over an hour. You ________________________ the court the truth about where you were that night. You ________________________ more carefully to the information so that you knew exactly what to do.

a ■ Politicians rarely accept that they have made a mistake. b ■ I wasn’t lying when I said that I spent the whole time at home looking after my cat. 1 I’m sorry but my battery was dead and I couldn’t charge my phone. c ■ d ■ I did but there was so much I lost track of what I was supposed to do. e ■ I’m surprised they didn’t. They’re not usually so impolite.




Decidi se le frasi esprimono rammarico/rimprovero o possibilità/probabilità. rammarico/ rimprovero

possibilità/ probabilità

✓ ■

■ ■

■ ■

1 ‘You could have called me to explain.’ ‘I tried but your phone was off all evening.’ 2 ‘She could have called you in the last hour.’ ‘I doubt it because my phone has been switched on all the time.’ 3 ‘Do you know what their address is?’ ‘I’m not sure but I could have put it into contacts on my phone. I’ll have a look.’ 4 ‘I’m really sorry but I can’t remember their address.’ ‘You could have written it down.’ 5 ‘You could have paid the children’s fares to come and visit us.’ ‘Why? They are old enough to pay their own way.’ 6 ‘I could have paid last month’s electricity bill.’ ‘Why don’t you check your bank statement just to make sure?’ 7 ‘Dylan was so prolific he could have written that song.’ ‘Play it again and I’ll check it on my phone app.‘ 8 ‘Dylan could have thanked his loyal fans for coming to the concert.’ ‘He never does. The moment he’s finished playing he leaves the stage.’



Completa i mini-dialoghi con should/shouldn’t have e i verbi nel riquadro. turn • spend • read • speak • give • listen • rely • eat • write • save 1 A Happy birthday, Mum. Did you get my present? B Yes, I did. Thank you so much. The watch is wonderful but you shouldn’t have spent all your money on me. A Why ever not? You deserve it. B You ______________________ the money and put it towards the trip you are planning. 2 A You ______________________ left at the crossroads. B Why? A If we keep going this way, we’ll come to a dead end and have to turn round. B My map app directed me here. A You ______________________ on the app. It can give you the wrong directions!


3 A I think we ______________________ to our teacher more carefully. B Why? A We ______________________ the answers in pencil. In that exam we were supposed to write in pen. 4 A You ______________________ to the waiter like that. B Why? We had to wait over half an hour for him to serve us. A It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t prepare the food. B You’re right. I was hungry. I __________________ him a big tip instead of being rude. 5 A I ______________________ those biscuits. B Why? They looked very tasty. A I’m a vegetarian and they contained animal fat. I ______________________ the ingredients on the packet before tucking in!

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Avresti dovuto informare il tuo insegnante che avevi un appuntamento dal dentista. 2 L’aereo potrebbe essere atterrato prima di quanto ci aspettassimo. 3 I turisti britannici potrebbero non aver capito una parola di quello che ha detto la guida turistica perché parlava solo cantonese. 4 Avrei potuto invitarli alla nostra festa di Natale ma non aveva senso perché ora abitano tanto lontano. 5 Non saremmo dovuti stare così tanto dai nonni perché erano molto stanchi. 6 Non saremmo dovuti andare a vedere quel film perché era così noioso.



Consigli e preferenze

132.1 had better per consigli Per dare consigli, oltre ai modali should e ought to 97.1 , si può usare la costruzione had/ ’d better + (not) + forma base del verbo. La forma è uguale per tutte le persone. In italiano corrisponde alle espressioni “sarebbe bene/ meglio che...”/“farei/faresti ecc. bene/meglio a...”. Sarebbe meglio che preparassi/Faresti meglio a preparare le tue cose. Partiamo fra mezz’ora. Farebbero meglio a non lasciare incustodita la loro valigia. “Non farebbe meglio a lasciarla andare?” “Sarebbe meglio di no.”

You’d better get your things ready. We’re leaving in half an hour. They had better not leave their luggage unattended. ‘Hadn’t he better let her go?’ ‘He’d better not.’

Si usa had better anche per fare raccomandazioni forti a se stessi. Farei meglio a non comprare quelle meravigliose scarpe perché sono troppo costose.

I’d better not buy those gorgeous shoes, they are far too expensive.

Osserva le seguenti particolarità. • Had better si usa solo con riferimento al presente e al futuro, mai per parlare del passato. • Had better, oltre a essere più informale di should e ought to, si usa per dare consigli in casi specifici e non in situazioni generali. Osserva la differenza:

caso generale People shouldn’t smoke in the presence of children and teenagers. You’d better apologise for caso specifico your rudeness.

Non si dovrebbe fumare in presenza di bambini e adolescenti. Faresti meglio a scusarti per la tua maleducazione.

Per dare consigli si può usare anche il verbo advise 106.1, 110.1 e l’espressione it’s advisable. 106.2

132.2 prefer e would rather per preferenze Si usa il verbo prefer per esprimere una preferenza generale con le seguenti costruzioni:

prefer + sost. + to + sost.

She prefers fish to meat.

Preferisce il pesce alla carne.

prefer + -ing + to + -ing

She prefers snowboarding to skiing.

Preferisce lo snowboard allo sci.

prefer + -ing + rather than + -ing prefer + infinito + rather than + forma base/-ing

I prefer reading a book rather than watching TV.

Preferisco leggere un libro piuttosto che guardare la TV.

My mum prefers to do the housework rather than cook/cooking.

Mia madre preferisce fare le faccende domestiche piuttosto che cucinare.

Per indicare una preferenza in un momento specifico si usa l’espressione verbale would/ ’d rather + (not) forma base del verbo se ci si riferisce a una situazione presente o futura, e would/’d rather + (not) have + participio passato se ci si riferisce al passato. Il secondo termine di preferenza è introdotto da than + forma base. In italiano si traduce con il condizionale del verbo “preferire”. I’d rather go by taxi than wait for the bus. They’d rather not have told her the truth.

Preferirei andare in taxi piuttosto che aspettare l’autobus. passato Preferirebbero non averle detto la verità.


In presenza di due soggetti diversi si usa would rather + secondo soggetto + past simple del verbo con riferimento al presente e al futuro, o past perfect simple per riferirsi a un evento passato. She would rather Tom married Pam. I’d rather we hadn’t accepted their offer.


presente/futuro Preferirebbe che Tom sposasse Pam. passato Preferirei che non avessimo accettato la loro offerta.

Advice and preferences


Per esprimere una preferenza specifica si può usare anche would prefer 106.1 con le seguenti costruzioni: • would prefer + (not) + infinito presente/infinito passato quando c’è un solo soggetto I’d prefer not to go/to have gone to the cinema.

Preferirei non andare/essere andato al cinema.

• would prefer + complemento + infinito presente/infinito passato se i soggetti sono diversi I would prefer her to keep/to have kept the secret.


Preferirei che lei mantenesse/avesse mantenuto il segreto.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con had better e i verbi nel riquadro. apologise • pack • hurry • see • revise • book 1 2 3 4 5 6


We ’d better book a table on Saturday They _____________________ to the station You _____________________ phrasal verbs She _____________________ to the teacher He _____________________ lots of T-shirts You _____________________ a dentist

a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ e ■ 1 f ■

as the weather in Malta is very hot. as the train is leaving in two minutes. if your tooth is still aching tomorrow. as they are certain to come up in the exam. for her extremely childish behaviour. as the restaurant is very popular.

Completa le frasi con la forma affermativa o negativa di should o had better e i verbi nel riquadro. wear • buy • walk • compliment • dive • celebrate • drink • take • check • open 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


You shouldn’t dive into the pool as the water isn’t very deep. You ___________________ goggles in the pool to protect your eyes from the chlorine. You ___________________ a bottle of water with you when you are hiking to stop getting dehydrated. You ___________________ the water from the fountain as it isn’t clean. You ___________________ your phone messages during dinner. You ___________________ my mother on her cooking even if you don’t like her food. You ___________________ your birthday with a wonderful party. You ___________________ the present Jack sent you before your birthday. You ___________________ your tickets for the Doge’s Palace online, so you can avoid having to queue. You ___________________ between the pillars in St Mark’s Square as it can bring you bad luck.

Completa le frasi usando le informazioni tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Rachel prefers junk food to healthy vegetables . (healthy vegetables) She prefers staying at home to ________________________. (go work) She prefers to drive her car to the shops rather ________________________. (walk) She prefers doing gymnastics to ________________________. (play football) She’d rather give money to charity ________________________. (buy clothes) She’d rather have lived with her parents ________________________. (rent flat)

Completa le frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6

My grandad prefers to work in his office rather than sit in an armchair and do nothing. He’d rather my sister and I _____________ visited him last weekend because he was ill. He’d prefer not to _____________ driven his car so much as he now thinks that it pollutes the environment. He _____________ reading a book to watching TV. He’d _____________ to live in the centre of the city rather than the suburbs. He’d rather my sister _____________ studied medicine and not education!


128-132 Summative revision 1

Completa i mini-dialoghi con i verbi nel riquadro. 1

could • was able • managed to (x 2) • succeeded • could have • needn’t have • didn’t need 1 A ‘Fortunately, we managed to find some places to eat away from the crowds in London.’ B ‘You ___________ asked me for some recommendations. I know lots of restaurants there!’ 2 A ‘I’m so relieved we ___________ get a taxi to the airport. I didn’t want to miss the flight.’ B ‘We ___________ worried about missing our flight. It’s delayed by two hours!’ 3 A ‘Do you know if James ___________ to get the job he wanted?’ B ‘I think he ___________ in getting a job, but not the one he’d originally applied for.’ 4 A ‘Helen ___________ draw and paint really well when she was at school.’ B ‘Yes, she ___________ to worry about getting good marks in art.’



Abbina le due parti delle frasi. Completale con must, can’t o will e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 It must be/have been cold outside because 2 You ___________ leave/have left your phone at home because 3 All the students ___________ have gone/go on the school trip today because 4 It ___________ have been/be cold last night because 5 Marta ___________ be/have been with her friends now because 6 My phone battery ___________ be/have been flat now because

a ■ I’ve just charged it. b ■ it’s at a theme park. 1 everyone’s wearing warm clothes. c ■ d ■ the lake’s frozen this morning. e ■ you answered it a few minutes ago. f ■ she left home at nine o’clock.

Completa l’email con l’opzione corretta.

Hi, Silvia! I’m so pleased to hear that you’re enjoying your holiday in Venice. You’re (1) bound to have good weather as it’s (2) _________ rain at this time of year. If you go to Giudecca, there (3) _________ somewhere nice to have lunch. Before you left, I (4) _________ you the address of our friend’s café but (5) _________ find it. It’s called Café Giò, but if it’s closed, Marianna (6) _________ on holiday. There’s a new hostel near her café which (7) _________ a good place for you to stay if you decide to stay on Giudecca. I’m sure you (8) _________ a wonderful time, because it’s such a beautiful city. According to the tourist office website, they (9) _________ some special works of art in the Museo Correr this week, so I hope you’ve been able to see them. See you when you get back, Alma

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



bound to have unlikely that should have should give you’re sure to might go could be must have should exhibit


bound have unlikely to should to be should have given you will sure to might gone could must be having should have exhibiting


bound to unlikely should be should gave you sure might have gone could have been must have had should have been exhibiting

Summative revision


Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con (not) be expected/supposed to.

1 Surely I’m not expected to get into the boat from here!


2 You were ___________ be at home at ten o’clock!

3 Students are ___________ run in the corridors!

4 When we go to university, we’ll ___________ do all our own cooking.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6



Marta couldn’t/might have gone to work today. Her car’s still here. Harry, you shouldn’t/ought to have asked for our permission before going out with your friends. Those children should/could have hurt someone while they were riding around the streets on their skateboards. I mightn’t/oughtn’t to have seen you if we hadn’t been in the phone shop at the same time. You needn't/could have let me know that you were coming. I would’ve cooked you a meal. We should/might have arrived an hour ago. There aren’t any parking spaces now.

Jenna e Mike stanno parlando delle vacanze. Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. not being able • I’d rather not • we’d better book • I’d rather you hadn’t • I prefer having I would have preferred • you prefer doing • rather than waiting for • to have waited • I always prefer to wait Jenna Mike Jenna

Mike Jenna Mike


(1) We’d better book our flights soon. It’s busy this time of the year. (2) _____________________ until the last minute to get a better deal. (3) _____________________ do that. (4) _____________________ a wider choice of hotel than (5) _____________________ to find a good place to stay. OK, if (6) _____________________ that (7) _____________________ a lastminute bargain, that’s fine. Well, (8) _____________________ not (9) _____________________ so long last summer. If you remember, we couldn’t get any flights at all. (10) _____________________ reminded me! Let’s book now!

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Penso che Lily possa aver fatto questa nostra foto in vacanza. Non avremmo dovuto preoccuparci di trovare un tavolo perché il ristorante è vuoto. James non avrebbe potuto prendere un giorno libero perché era tanto occupato a lavoro. Se organizziamo una giornata in spiaggia, pioverà sicuramente! Per favore non dimenticate che voi tutti dovete essere qui alle nove per la gita scolastica. Avrebbero potuto darci un passaggio a casa. Ci hanno visto aspettare alla fermata dell’autobus. Lisa preferisce leggere piuttosto che guardare la TV, quindi sarebbe meglio se le prendessimo un romanzo per il suo compleanno. 8 Dovrai lasciare l’aula dopo che hai finito l’esame.


Grammar for writing Asking and giving advice online Per chiedere consigli online: • presenta il problema • aggiungi qualche dettaglio • chiedi l’opinione nel forum


Per dare consigli online: • identifica il problema • esprimi la tua opinione • dai alcuni suggerimenti

Leggi il forum di consigli e abbina le domande alle risposte.

Teen advice forum – Your questions answered Problem


I can’t trust my best friend. Every time I say something to her, she immediately goes and tells all our other friends, even when I specifically ask her not to! I don’t want to stop talking to her because she always gives me excellent advice. What should I do? Adam, 16



I’m diabetic so I have to inject myself with insulin every day to control my blood sugar levels. I’m used to doing this because I was diagnosed when I was a child. But I still hide it from people if I can. My parents think my friends should know in case there’s an emergency – So shall I tell them? Evan, 15



My parents won’t let me go out with my friends in the evenings or at weekends because we live quite far away. I know they worry, but I think they ought to trust me to stay with friends or to get home on my own. How can I get them to change their minds? Laura, 17


WRITING Alice ha scritto al forum per chiedere un consiglio. Leggi il suo messaggio, poi scrivi la tua risposta dandole dei consigli. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto. I find it quite hard to socialise because I am painfully shy. When I walk into a room full of people I don’t know, I often go red in the face or can’t think of anything to say. How can I combat my shyness and become more confident with strangers?



What you need to understand is that parents worry about their kids long after they feel grown up and independent. So you’re just going to have to gain your parents, trust if you want to be able to stay over with your friends or get home on your own. And that’s going to take time and patience.



I think this is a no-brainer. You’ve got a medical condition through no fault of your own and you must do everything you can to make sure you are fit and healthy. If your friends knew about your condition, don’t you think they’d want to help you? So what are you waiting for? You have to tell them because it could save your life one day!



You must be able to trust your friends with your secrets and concerns. I think you ought to explain to your friend that you value her advice but that she shouldn’t betray your confidences to other people without your permission.

LANGUAGE Asking for advice

How can I... ? / (What) shall/should I... ? Could/Can you give me some advice?

Explaining I’m/I can’t/don’t/think/hide/know... / My the problem parents won’t/think... / I/They ought to... Giving advice

You must/need to/ought to/have to/It’s going to/you/he/she should/shouldn’t...

Alice, 16


WRITING Ora scrivi al forum presentando un tuo problema vero o immaginario e chiedi qualche consiglio. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto.


WRITING TIPS • Scrivi in modo chiaro e sintetico sia quando chiedi che dai consigli. • Quando chiedi consigli cerca di esprimere i tuoi sentimenti e spiega bene il contesto. • Quando dai consigli cerca di immedesimarti con l’esperienza dell’altra persona e cerca di essere d’aiuto e incoraggiante.

Grammar for speaking Giving instructions and explaining how to do something 1


Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi completa la ricetta.

Leila Ranga Leila Ranga Leila Ranga Leila Ranga Leila Ranga Leila Ranga Leila Ranga

Can you show me how to make Nasi Goreng? Sure! First you need the basic ingredients: rice, garlic, eggs, chillies, onion and kepac manis. OK. What do I have to do first? You need to boil 200g of rice for about 15 minutes and then let it steam under a cloth. Should the cloth be wet or dry? Just a little wet. Then it’s best if you can leave the rice to chill in the fridge overnight. But you mustn’t put rice in the fridge until it’s totally cool, right? Yes, that’s right! Next you have to blend the other ingredients together to make a paste. And should I use an electric blender or can I make the paste by hand? You can do it either way, but it’s quicker in a blender. Then you should set it aside. Oh, OK. Now for the omelette… Heat the oil in a pan and make a two-egg omelette. Shouldn’t I add the spice paste at this point? That’s the next step. But you mustn’t let it get too hot or it can burn. When it’s ready, you add the rice, breaking up any lumps with a fork. Leila Can I add some more chillies and onions if I want to? Ranga Yes, you can add extra chillies, onions and soy sauce just before you serve the dish. Nasi Goreng

Ingredients ✽ (1) 200g rice ✽ For the (2) _________: garlic, chillies, onions or (3) _________ ✽ For the omelette: some (4) _________ for frying and (5) _________ eggs Method Boil the rice for 15 minutes, leave to (6) _________ under a wet cloth and then to chill in the (7) _________. (8) _________ the paste ingredients together and set aside. Heat the oil in a pan and (9) _________ the omelette. Then add the (10) _________ paste, without burning it. Finally, (11) _________ the rice, breaking it up. Finish with extra chillies, onions or soy sauce and (12) _________.

FUNCTIONS Asking for Can you show me... ? / What instructions should I/do I have to... ? / Should the... ? / Should/ Shouldn’t/Can/Must I/you... ? Giving You need/don’t need to/ought instructions to/have/don’t have to/must/ mustn’t/can/can’t... / It’s best if... / First/Next/Then heat/ cool/chill/make/let...


Pensa a una ricetta che sai fare e scrivi gli ingredienti e il metodo come nell’esempio sopra.


ROLE PLAY Spiega a un tuo amico/una tua amica come fare la ricetta che hai scritto nell’esercizio 2. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. 150

Friend You Friend You Friend You Friend You



Which recipe are you going to explain to me?


What ingredients do I need?

Elenca gli ingredienti.

So, what should we do first?

Spiega i primi passi della ricetta.

OK, and do I need any special equipment?

Suggerisci utensili alternativi.

Friend You Friend You Friend You Friend You

When can I add the other ingredients?

Spiega il procedimento passo per passo.

Is there anything I must be careful about?

Dai alcuni suggerimenti.

How long should it take to cook?

Indica i tempi ideali di cottura.

What do I have to do to serve it?

Spiega come deve essere servito.

Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B2 Reading – Multiple matching: matching headings 1 Read the texts about unusual types of schools. Choose the correct heading (A-I) for each paragraph (1-6). There are two extra headings that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

Unusual Schools D 0 ■ In Bangladesh many children can’t get to school during the rainy season. So teachers have to find alternative places to teach children from isolated communities. Their solution is of course boats. In India too, there are many marginalised and disadvantaged children that should be getting an education, but are not. The solution is to take the school to over 4,000 of them in open-air classrooms on train station platforms, which they can easily reach. 1 ■ Children of a school in rural China have to climb an 800-metre bamboo ladder for 90 minutes to get to school every day. Some of the pupils are only six years old, but they must still climb the rock because there is no alternative. There used to be a lift, but the villagers couldn’t afford to pay for the electricity. Meanwhile in Nepal, children must travel to school across a river in a basket on a zipwire. If that sounds exciting, consider that the basket is open and it gets stuck halfway across the water, so the children have to use their hands to pull themselves along the wire and this can hurt them. Then on the other side of the river they have to walk for 45 minutes to get to school. 2 ■ There is no curriculum at the Brooklyn Free School in New York.



Alternative curriculum Different rhythms Extreme journeys Improvised classrooms No rules

Students can choose any class they want and they don’t have to come to school if they don’t feel like attending. In fact, the pupils themselves make up the school rules, which might be studying alone, playing, wandering around or taking it easy. Clearly there are no tests, homework or grades either. There are no rules and no punishments in London’s Ian Mikardo school either, despite having pupils with very challenging behaviour. Unusually for the UK, students don’t have to wear a uniform, but they must always listen to and show respect to each other. 3 ■ A recent study by the University of Delaware suggests that scheduled siesta times should be timetabled into secondary school days. It could improve teenagers’ ability to reason, spatial memory and attention. The ideal amount of time is between 30 and 60 minutes. This idea is considered controversial in the USA, but in China it is already built into the post-lunch schedule for many adults in work settings and students at schools. 4 ■ You might have heard of forest schools, which take children outdoors for classes. They encourage them to interact with their surroundings, get in touch with nature and build things using materials found in the forest. The theory behind these schools


is that young children in particular should get regular opportunities to play and develop an experiential learning style. You will find an even less traditional style of curriculum in Salem, Massachusetts in the USA, where students learn about magic and witchcraft, which they can do online or in class. 5 ■ A high school in Copenhagen, Denmark, is built in a glass cube, so there is natural light all day long. And there is just one giant classroom for 358 students. The open spaces have large, comfortable areas known as ‘drums’, where learning can take place in a more relaxed and healthy environment, while enabling students to continuously interact with different groups. 6 ■ Microsoft have designed a special school in Philadelphia, which accommodates students from diverse backgrounds, who have special ability in technology. They don’t need any books or pens or pencils, as all teachers use interactive Smart boards and all lessons are digital. This might be the first of many similar technological schools.

Open-plan schools One-to-one teaching Schools of the future Travel broadens the mind


Il futuro (2)


Obiettivi • • • •


Future continuous Future perfect Future perfect continuous Futuro nel passato

Leggi il blog di viaggi e trova un esempio per ognuno dei seguenti tempi verbali: 1 2 3 4



Future continuous Future perfect Future perfect continuous Futuro nel passato

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

Abbina gli usi (A-D) ai tempi verbali (1-4). a




Indicare un evento che si sarà concluso entro un determinato momento futuro. Esprimere l’idea di futuro rispetto a un momento passato. Descrivere un’azione che sarà in corso in un determinato momento del futuro. Indicare che un evento sarà ancora in corso nel momento futuro di cui si sta parlando.

Completa il testo con i verbi nel riquadro. were going to leave • will be going away will have been revising • will have finished This time next week I (1) ___________________ my exams. By then I (2) ___________________ for three whole months without a break! We (3) ___________________ on holiday the next day, but we decided we needed time to pack, so we (4) ___________________ three days later!

This time tomorrow I will be landing in Mumbai Airport in India – I’m so excited! I’m going to travel around India with my friend Mike and we plan to visit Jaipur in the New Year. We will have been travelling for a month by then. By the end of January we will have left India and flown on to Thailand, where we are hoping to meet up with our friends. They were going to visit their friends while we were in India. I can’t wait to see them and tell them all about our trip. Got to go now – the plane’s boarding!



Il future continuous

FORMA Il future continuous si forma con will + be + forma in -ing del verbo che indica l’azione. Si traduce in italiano con il futuro del verbo “stare” + il gerundio del verbo o il futuro semplice.

Forma affermativa

Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

I/You/He/She/It/We/They will/’ll be flying to New York in a week’s time.

I/You/He/She/It/We/They Will I/you/he/she/it/we/ will not/won’t be flying to they be flying to New York New York in a week’s time. in a week’s time?

Forma interrogativa-negativa

Risposte brevi

Won’t I/you/he/she/it/we/they be flying to New York in a week’s time?

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/we/they will. No, I/you/he/she/it/we/they won’t.

‘Shortly you will be running for your life. I wouldn't order dessert.’

USO Il future continuous è la forma futura del present continuous e si usa per: • descrivere un’azione che sarà in corso in un determinato momento del futuro I'll be cooking Jane's birthday cake in three hours' time.

Starò cucinando la torta di compleanno di Jane fra tre ore.

• indicare azioni che si verificheranno sicuramente in un preciso momento futuro perché programmate We'll be arriving at Milan Central Station on schedule.

Arriveremo alla stazione centrale di Milano in orario.

• indicare azioni abituali nel futuro We will be doing the housework as usual on Saturday morning.

Sabato mattina faremo i lavori domestici come al solito.

In questi casi il future continuous non ha significato progressivo, e in italiano viene tradotto con il futuro semplice.

• fare supposizioni sulle azioni o sui sentimenti di qualcuno nel presente o nel futuro The shutters are closed. He will be sleeping.

Le persiane sono chiuse. Starà dormendo.

• chiedere informazioni sui programmi di qualcuno in modo formale Will you be staying for the night, sir?

Si trattiene per la notte, signore?

ENGLISH USAGE Per informarsi sulle intenzioni di qualcuno si possono usare sia il future continuous che be going to 88 e will 89 ma con diverse sfumature di significato. voglio solo saperlo Osserva la differenza. Will you be coming home early? Are you going to come home early? Will you come home early?

Verrai a casa presto? sollecito affinché tu decida Hai intenzione di venire a casa presto? è una richiesta e voglio Vieni a casa presto?

che tu venga a casa presto

Il future continuous è spesso accompagnato da espressioni di tempo futuro come in three hours’ time, this time tomorrow, at midday, the day after tomorrow, in a week’s time, ecc.

REMEMBER Trattandosi di una forma progressiva, il future continuous non si usa con i verbi di stato 34 , ma solo con quelli di azione.


Mappa p. 504

Future continuous



Completa le domande con il future continuous dei verbi nel riquadro e i nomi tra parentesi. take • visit • decorate • meet • stay 1 2 3 4 5


‘What room will Anna be decorating ?’ ‘The kitchen.’ (Anna) ‘What exam ____________________________?’ ‘Maths.’ (Jack) ‘Where ____________________________?’ ‘In his holiday house.’ (Ron) ‘Who ____________________________?’ ‘The Mayor.’ (Ken) ‘Which city ____________________________?’ ‘Venice.’ (Claire)

Completa la conversazione con il future continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. sleep • play • sell • protest • travel • sunbathe • have • watch • camp • do Teacher It’s the last day of term and the holidays are about to start. You have all been discussing what you will all be doing this time next week. Beth, can you tell us about your group? Beth Thank you, Mrs Jones. In our group we (1) will be doing a lot of different things this time next week. • Dan (2) ___________________ by train to Paris. He wants to go to all the art galleries. • Kirk (3) ___________________ in a comfortable bed. He always gets up very late during the holidays! • Carla (4) ___________________ next to a beautiful lake. Her parents have got a tent which they use every summer. • Peter (5) ___________________ computer games. He has to practise as he wants to enter a big online competition. • Ross and Maria (6) ___________________ against climate change. They’re looking forward to taking part in the demonstration in London. • Bethany (7) ___________________ on the beach. She wants to get a beautiful summer tan. • Ken (8) ___________________ lunch in a five-star restaurant in London. He’s a real foodie! • Tracey (9) ___________________ baseball. She’s a huge fan of the Boston Red Sox who will be playing an exhibition game at Wembley Stadium. • And I (10) ___________________ ice cream in my parents’ shop. They are very busy during the summer and need me to work there.


Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro A e le preposizioni nel riquadro B. A

arrive • sunbathe • get • set off • retire • not leave


in • at • within • by • until • on

1 I will be sunbathing on the beach in Thailand by the time you get this postcard from Cambodia. 2 We ______________________ your office _______ we get an answer to all our questions. 3 You ______________________ a response from your insurance company about the claim for your damaged camera _______ the next week. 4 They had better get a move on, as _______ exactly ten minutes we ___________________ on our hike without them. 5 _______ 1st December, my grandfather ______________________ after thirty years working for the same company. 6 _______ 4 o’clock, we ______________________ at our destination after a very long drive.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Non andranno in aereo (fly) a Londra la prossima settimana a causa dello sciopero dei piloti. Tra un mese realizzeranno (live) il loro sogno in California! Il prossimo sabato Jane farà una festa per il suo sedicesimo compleanno. Lavorerai da casa il prossimo fine settimana? Non starai alzato fino a tardi per festeggiare il nuovo anno? Domani a quest’ora faremo il nostro esame più difficile.



Il future perfect

FORMA Il future perfect si forma con will + have + participio passato del verbo che indica l’azione. In italiano corrisponde al futuro anteriore.

Forma affermativa Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativa- Risposte brevi negativa

I/You/He/She/It/We/ They will/’ll have landed in New York by midday.

Will I/you/he/she/it/ we/they have landed in New York by midday?

Won’t I/you/he/she/it/ we/they have landed in New York by midday?

I/You/He/She/It/We/ They will not/won’t have landed in New York by midday.

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/ we/they will. No, I/you/he/she/it/ we/they won’t.

USO Il future perfect si usa per: • indicare un evento che si sarà concluso entro un determinato momento futuro o prima di un’altra azione futura; in questo caso l’indicazione temporale può essere espressa da un complemento di tempo formato da by, within, before, in, until/till + sostantivo o da una frase subordinata introdotta da before, by the time, until/till, when By the end of next month she will have had her baby girl. He will have repaired the roof before his wife returns home. They will have landed in New York by the time we have arrived home.

Alla fine del prossimo mese avrà partorito la sua bambina. Avrà riparato il tetto prima che sua moglie torni a casa. Saranno atterrati a New York per quando saremo arrivati a casa.

Solitamente until e till si usano in frasi negative. I bambini non saranno andati a letto fino a mezzanotte.

The children won’t have gone to bed until/till midnight.

In inglese dopo le congiunzioni before, by the time, until/till, when si usa il present simple o il present perfect simple anche con riferimento al futuro; in italiano si usa il futuro semplice o anteriore. By the time the train arrives/has arrived, I will have bought the ticket.

Quando arriverà/sarà arrivato il treno, avrò comprato il biglietto.

• fare supposizioni sul passato 129.1 He didn’t send me a birthday card this year. He’ll have forgotten to send it.

Non mi ha mandato un biglietto di compleanno quest’anno. Si sarà dimenticato di mandarlo.

• indicare la durata di un’azione (con for) o di un evento iniziato nel passato rispetto al momento futuro di cui si sta parlando By next August, we’ll have been married for one year. Il prossimo agosto saremo sposati da un anno.

Il future perfect può essere accompagnato dagli avverbi just, already e yet. By the time Grace is twelve, they will have already moved to Boston. Quando Grace compirà dodici anni, si saranno già trasferiti a Boston.


By the time the next train arrives, we’ll have seen nine seasons of this soap. Mappa p. 505

Future perfect



Completa le risposte con il future perfect dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5


‘I don’t think Tom’s at home.’ ‘He ’ll have gone (go) to work by now.’ ‘I’m surprised they’re late. They should be here by now.’ ‘They ____________________ (get) stuck in a traffic jam.’ ‘This parcel you sent last week has come back.’ ‘I ____________________ (put) the wrong address on it.’ ‘Harry says his phone isn’t working.’ ‘He ____________________ (forget) to charge it.’ ‘Lily’s sharing her textbook with her friend.’ ‘She ____________________ (leave) her own book at home.’

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5


1 by the time she’s twenty. a ■ b ■ when she finally arrives at the restaurant. c ■ before she gets to the cruise terminal. d ■ before checking she is definitely going. e ■ until she knows exactly why Peter is so upset.

I don’t think Maria will have got married They won’t have bought Maria’s train ticket The ship will have arrived in Barcelona I’ll already have finished lunch I know Maria won’t have apologised

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con il future perfect dei verbi nel riquadro. fall • find • finish • leave • read • watch 1 2 3 4 5 6


Until she finds a new job, You’ll be able to borrow this book by Tuesday By the time we’ve arrived at the hotel, Before the shop closes down, As the Normans are on holiday this week, Don’t worry – before your cousin comes to stay,

a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ e ■ 1 f ■

we __________________ redecorating your room. Harry and Lily __________________ TV until late. people __________________ some bargains. the babies __________________ asleep in the car. because I __________________ it by then. Tara won’t have left her old one.

Osserva l’agenda di Lucy per la prossima settimana. Completa le frasi con le informazioni nella tabella e i verbi nel riquadro. Monday Morning Afternoon Evening



coffee with Sam

shopping for a new dress


English exam




in the kitchen – two chocolate cakes!

lunch with parents new film with Rosie

party at Helen’s

be • buy • have make • meet run • take

By Monday evening , Lucy will have taken her English exam. By _____________________________________, she _____________________ a new dress. By _____________________________________, she _____________________ Sam for coffee. By _____________________________________, she _____________________ a marathon and _____________________ lunch with her parents. 5 By the end of _____________________________________, she _____________________ to Helen’s party. 6 By _____________________________________, she _____________________ two chocolate cakes.

1 2 3 4


Formula frasi basandoti sulle informazioni date. 1 by / time / you / in your thirties / finish / university By the time you’re in your thirties, you’ll have finished university. 2 we / already / have / this car / for a year / next June

3 I / hope / it / stop / raining / before / school / finish 4 my cousin / think / people / develop / communities / on / Mars / 2040 5 the children / not switch off / TV / their / favourite / programme / finish



Il future perfect continuous

FORMA Il future perfect continuous si forma con will + have + been + forma in -ing del verbo che indica l’azione.

Forma affermativa Forma negativa

Forma interrogativa

Forma interrogativa- Risposte brevi negativa

By the end of the day I/you/he/she/it/we/ they will/’ll have been travelling for 24 hours.

Will I/you/he/she/it/ we/they have been travelling for 24 hours by the end of the day?

Won’t I/you/he/she/it/ we/they have been travelling for 24 hours by the end of the day?

By the end of the day I/ you/he/she/It/we/they will not/won’t have been travelling for 24 hours.

Yes, I/you/he/she/it/ we/they will. No, I/you/he/she/it/ we/they won’t.

USO Il future perfect continuous si usa per: • indicare che un evento sarà ancora in corso nel momento futuro di cui si sta parlando; in questo caso è spesso accompagnato da espressioni di tempo introdotte da by, next e for By the end of next month she will have been working for our company for 20 years! Next October Sara will have been living in Berlin for three months.

Alla fine del prossimo mese saranno 20 anni che lavora per la nostra azienda! Il prossimo ottobre saranno tre mesi che Sara vive a Berlino.

• enfatizzare una supposizione sul passato Mario finished Tolstoy’s War and Peace in two weeks. He’ll have been reading day and night.

Mario ha finito Guerra e pace di Tolstoj in due settimane. Avrà letto giorno e notte.

135.1 Future perfect o future perfect continuous? Si usa il future perfect per parlare di un’azione che si sarà conclusa nel momento specificato dall’espressione temporale, e il future perfect continuous per dire che un’azione sarà ancora in corso di svolgimento nel momento indicato dall’espressione temporale. By this time tomorrow I’ll have driven to Rome. By this time tomorrow I’ll have been driving for 100 kilometres on the journey to Rome.

Domani a quest’ora sarò andato a Roma in auto. Domani a quest’ora avrò fatto 100 chilometri per andare a Roma.

Si usa il future perfect e non il future perfect continuous: • con i verbi di stato 34 By the beginning of next month we will have known each other for nine months.

All’inizio del prossimo mese saranno nove mesi che ci conosciamo.

• con i verbi che indicano un’azione compiuta come arrive, decide, finish, leave, start, stop, ecc. They will have arrived at the theatre.

Saranno arrivati a teatro.

• alla forma negativa (il future perfect continuous è possibile ma è usato raramente) By midday I won’t have reached the top of Mount Snowdon.

A mezzogiorno non avrò raggiunto la cima del monte Snowdon.

In alternativa si può riformulare la frase alla forma affermativa con il future perfect continuous. By the end of the month Sam won’t have lived in Italy for three years. By the end of the month Sam will have been living abroad for three years.


Alla fine del mese Sam non avrà vissuto in Italia per tre anni. Alla fine del mese Sam avrà vissuto all’estero per tre anni.

Mappa p. 505

Future perfect continuous



Completa le frasi basandoti sulle informazioni tra parentesi. Usa il future perfect continuous. In December, we will have been living in Hong Kong for ten years . (live / Hong Kong / ten years) When Ivy and Steve arrive in New Zealand, ___________________________________________________. (travel / two days) By the end of her speech, the head teacher ___________________________________________________. (talk / over an hour) At the end of May, Betty ___________________________________________________. (work / same company / ten years) At the end of this set, Federer and Nadal ___________________________________________________. (play / each other / over three hours) 6 By the time they leave school, Jack and Vera ______________________________________. (study Spanish / five years) 7 In January, Ella ___________________________________________________. (live / flat / exactly a year) 8 At the end of this programme, I ___________________________________________________. (watch / this box set / eight hours) 1 2 3 4 5


Completa le frasi con il future perfect continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. live • lie • read • run • serve • travel 1 My grandparents will have been travelling across Russia by train for two weeks. 2 I hope Judy put on a lot of sunblock. She _________________________ on the beach for over six hours. 3 War and Peace is incredibly long. By the end of this chapter, I _________________________ it for six weeks and I’m still only halfway through. 4 When the shop closes at midnight, Alice _________________________ customers for almost twelve hours. 5 If Steve finishes the marathon, he _________________________ for nearly five hours! 6 Jay and Daisy want to get married. They _________________________ in different cities for two years.


Future perfect simple o future perfect continuous? Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 By the time this bus finally arrives we will have waited/will have been waiting at the stop in the freezing cold for over an hour. 2 I hope everyone will have left/will have been leaving by midnight so I can get to bed! 3 I’m sure most of the passengers will have checked in/will have been checking in at least two hours before the flight. 4 Jackie’s coat looks expensive. It will have cost/will have been costing her over £200. 5 There are over 300,000 demonstrating against climate change. It will have taken/will have been taking them over 3 hours to reach the Houses of Parliament. 6 Carla and Peter love to chat! By the end of their conversation, they will have talked/will have been talking to each other for most of the evening. 7 The weather has been absolutely awful this spring. At midday, it will have rained/will have been raining non-stop for at least 12 hours. 8 These customers obviously love your food. When they finally finish their meal, they will have eaten/ will have been eating in your restaurant for over four hours.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Sono sicuro che per la fine dell’anno i miei nonni non avranno guardato tutto il cofanetto (box set) di Stranger Things. 2 Alla fine del mese saranno due anni che mia sorella vive a Barcellona. 3 Questo treno va piano. Non avremo raggiunto Victoria Station in tempo per prendere l’ultima coincidenza per Brighton. 4 Alla fine di questo mese saranno cinque anni che Molly e Miranda lavorano insieme. 5 Non abbiamo bisogno di mettere in valigia un impermeabile. Saranno due mesi che non piove in Tunisia!



Il futuro nel passato

In inglese per esprimere l’idea di futuro rispetto a un momento passato si usano le stesse forme verbali che si usano per il futuro ma volgendole al passato. They’re going to visit their grandparents tomorrow. ➝ They were going to visit their grandparents the day after.

Faranno visita ai nonni domani. ➝ Avrebbero fatto visita ai nonni il giorno dopo.

REMEMBER Ecco come cambiano le espressioni di tempo. 123.2 today ➝ that day tomorrow ➝ the next day/the day after/the following day next (week/month/March) ➝ the following (week/month/March) Come per il futuro, la scelta della forma verbale varia in base al concetto che si vuole esprimere: impegno definitivo, intenzione o decisione presa sul momento.

Forma presente/ Forma passata futura He was leaving on the 3.30 train.

‘I knew that ugly tie would come back in style.’

Sarebbe partito/Partiva con il treno delle 3.30. Volevo salutarlo, quindi cominciai a correre giù per la collina.

present continuous

past continuous I wanted to say goodbye, so I started

be going to

was/were going to

He was going to leave on the 3.30 train, Voleva partire con il treno delle 3.30, but when I met him on the stairs, he ma quando lo incontrai sulle scale era was already late. già in ritardo.



He had made his decision: he would leave on the 3.30 train.

running down the hill.

Aveva preso la sua decisione: sarebbe partito con il treno delle 3.30.

Per riportare il futuro con will nel passato si usa il condizionale presente (would + forma base) con riferimento a un’azione che si è verificata, e il condizionale passato (would have + participio passato) per indicare un’azione che non è avvenuta. In italiano si usa in entrambi i casi il condizionale passato. Thanks for the flowers, I knew you wouldn’t forget our wedding anniversary. The prime minister was confident that parliament would have passed the bill by the end of the day, but it didn’t.

be + infinito

was/were + infinito

Grazie per i fiori, sapevo che non avresti dimenticato il nostro anniversario di matrimonio. Il primo ministro era certo che il parlamento avrebbe approvato la proposta di legge entro la fine della giornata, ma non fu così.

The prime minister was to deliver the opening speech to parliament.

Il primo ministro doveva fare il discorso di apertura di fronte al parlamento.

Oltre alla forma was/were + infinito, esiste anche la forma was/were to + have + participio passato, usata per indicare un’azione che non è avvenuta. I was to have interviewed the Queen in June, but she cancelled it at the last moment.

be about + infinito


Avrei dovuto intervistare la Regina a giugno, ma ha disdetto all’ultimo minuto.

Lorenzo was about to leave for the

was/were about summer camp, when he realised he + infinito

hadn’t packed his swimming trunks.

Lorenzo stava per partire per il campo estivo quando si accorse che non aveva messo in valigia il costume da bagno.

Future in the past



Completa le frasi con il futuro nel passato e le espressioni di tempo corrette. 1 ‘My brother is starting university next week. I’m going to help him to move into his accommodation.’ Kelly told me that her brother was starting university the following week . She was going to help him to move into his accommodation. 2 ‘I’m hoping to go to the Burning Man Festival in the Nevada Desert next September.’ John told Kirsten that he ______________ to go to the Burning Man Festival in the Nevada Desert ______________. 3 ‘We’ll leave the campsite very early tomorrow morning to try to avoid the heavy traffic on the road during the bank holiday.’ Billie said that they ______________ the campsite very early ______________ to try to avoid the heavy traffic on the road during the bank holiday. 4 ‘The prime minister is to give a speech at the United Nations summit on climate change tomorrow.’ Keir told me that the prime minister ______________ a speech at the United Nations summit on climate change ______________. 5 ‘I’m reading an excellent novel set in the south of France and I’m sure I’ll finish it today.’ Zelda told me she was reading an excellent novel set in the south of France and she was sure she ______________ it ______________.


Completa il dialogo con una o due parole in ogni spazio. Maria Donna Maria Donna Maria Donna



Is Barry with you? I was (1) to have met him in the café but he didn’t turn up. That’s very surprising. I (2) ____________ forward to seeing him. Have you sent him a text? I (3) ____________ send it but my phone has run out of charge. OK. My phone’s working. I will try and contact him now. Thanks. When I spoke to him yesterday, he told me that he (4) ____________ definitely coming because he really wanted to see the film. I’m sure he (5) ____________ forget about meeting us. It’s just not like him. He (6) ____________ phoned me if he couldn’t come. Let’s wait here for another couple of minutes to see if I get a message.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. The climate change protestors (1) were going/would go to march to Downing Street but the police stopped them. Greta explained to her supporters that she (2) would deliver/ was to deliver a letter to the prime minister on their behalf but she now wasn’t able to. Greta (3) was about


to leave/would leave when a police officer offered to take the letter and give it to a government official in Downing Street. The police officer later told reporters that without her offer the protestors (4) weren’t going/ wouldn’t have gone home as quietly as they did.

Completa il testo con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. be able to • be • read • leave 1 (x 2)

The guide told us that the coach (1) would be leaving to go to Stonehenge at 8 o’clock the following morning. I decided I (2) ________________ a book about the ancient site before we went on the trip. My friend told me she couldn’t come with us because she wasn’t feeling very well. However, she (3) ________________ very interested to hear what I had discovered about the amazing stone circle when we got back. The following day, I got up very early. We (4) ________________ when the coach driver told us that one of the passengers had not boarded and we had to wait. I explained to her that my friend was ill and (5)________________ come with us.


133-136 Summative revision 1

Harry e Lily sono in partenza per andare in vacanza dai loro zii in Grecia. Completa il dialogo con il future continuous dei verbi nel riquadro e when, this, in o at. eat • finish • go • have • land • look forward to • shine • take • take off • text • wait I’m so excited because (1) this time tomorrow we (2) ’ll be taking off ! Do you think the sun (3) _________________ (4) _________________ our flight arrives? Definitely. We (5) _________________ (6) _________________ half past two. We (7) _________________ our lunch (8) _________________ we fly over the Pyrenees. Not me! I (9) _________________ much because I (10) _________________ lots of aerial photos! Aunty Jane and Uncle Tom (11) _________________ for us (12) _________________ we arrive. And then, (13) _________________ straight to their beach house (14) _________________ the afternoon? Yes, I think we will. It’s twelve o’clock now. Our cousins (15) _________________ school for the summer (16) _________________ an hour’s time. Lily They (17) _________________ seeing us! Harry I (18) _________________ them as soon as we arrive tomorrow!

Lily Harry Lily Harry Lily Harry Lily Harry


Osserva le due immagini. Una mostra un’isola tropicale e l’altra i programmi di sviluppo edilizio. Usando i suggerimenti dati e il future perfect completa la descrizione per dire quello che si farà sull’isola in un anno.

By this time next year they (1) will have built a hotel (build / hotel) and they (2) _________________ (open / beach café); hundreds of (3) _________________ (tourists / arrive); (4) _________________ (jet skis / disturb) the sea life.


Scrivi altre due frasi su quello che pensi che sarà successo sull’isola tra dieci anni.


Completa le frasi con il future perfect dei verbi tra parentesi e le parole nel riquadro. by • by the time • within • when • until • before 1 IT companies will have produced (produce) more sophisticated phones by the time I decide to buy a new one. 2 Knowing Helen, she ____________ (not have) dinner ____________ late because she’s working on a new project. 3 Sam’s hoping that he ____________ (move) into his new flat ____________ this time next week. 4 The weather ____________ (change) ____________ the next few days, so we can plan a weekend trip to the beach. 5 Chef Bruno ____________ (prepare) breakfast for the ship’s passengers ____________ they arrive in the restaurant. 6 I’ll phone James to wish him a happy birthday tomorrow morning ____________ I hope he ____________ (receive) my birthday card.


Summative revision


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6



We’ll have lived/been living in our flat for five years by next June and have no plans to move. James will be hungry when he arrives because he won’t have eaten/been eating for hours. If we have to go out now, I’ll leave my phone here because the battery won’t have charged/been charging enough. How long will you have travelled/been travelling by the end of next week? Mrs Mitchell must be tired because she will have taught/been teaching all day. Will the Norman family have left/been leaving for their holiday yet?

Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. was about to • was to • wasn’t going to • would • would have 1 ‘I’ve decided not to apply for a new job.’ Tim told me he wasn’t going to apply for a new job. 2 ‘We wanted to leave earlier but the car wouldn’t start.’ They ____________________ left earlier but the car wouldn’t start. 3 ‘The school concert starts at five o’clock tomorrow.’ The teacher told us that the school concert ____________________ start at five o’clock the next day. 4 ‘I nearly got on the wrong train in London.’ Amy said she ____________________ get on the wrong train in London. 5 ‘I’ll get you some new boots in the sales this afternoon.’ Mrs Norman promised Lily she ____________________ get her some new boots in the sales that afternoon.


ERROR CORRECTION Caroline è una guida turistica. È il suo primo giorno di lavoro e si presenta al gruppo che accompagnerà in visita a Londra, ma fa alcuni errori. Correggi altri 14 errori nella presentazione di Caroline.

We’ll be leaving Good morning, everyone. My name’s Courtney and I’m your tour guide. We’ll have been leaving early tomorrow morning so we won’t have had a very late dinner this evening. We are to have dinner at Lime, a nearby restaurant. That’s now changed so we would be eating at a restaurant called Paul’s. We have a busy day planned for tomorrow. I am about to tell you that we would have been going to the Museum of Modern Art in the morning but that’s now in the afternoon. By time we get there, we have already seen the Natural History Museum, so we’ll be going to walk all morning. I hope you’ll have felt energetic enough for more walking in the afternoon! While we get back to the hotel, we would have been out for several hours. By the time tomorrow, you’ll have been seeing a lot of the city!


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Da quanto tempo sarai stato nella tua scuola alla fine di quest’anno? Per quando tornerai a casa avrò pulito la mia camera. Marta abiterà nella nuova casa tra poche settimane. Abbiamo deciso di andare via dal parco perché stava per iniziare a piovere. La famiglia Norman si starà divertendo in vacanza questa settimana. Sono le quattro, quindi saranno appena arrivati in Italia.


Grammar for writing An opinion essay Per scrivere un saggio d’opinione: • introduci l’argomento del saggio • presenta un aspetto a favore o contro


• esprimi la tua opinione • scrivi le tue conclusioni

Leggi il saggio d’opinione e segna (✓) i concetti menzionati.

Nobody will be driving cars in ten years’ time

People who pass their driving test will have seen how their lives can change overnight. They can get to work or college quickly and in comfort. They have the freedom of going out shopping or meeting friends in the evenings and at weekends. So are we certain that we won’t be using our cars in ten years’ time? And if so, how will we be getting around? Firstly, cars may be fast, convenient and comfortable, but sitting in long traffic jams is often boring, time-consuming and can actually damage your health because of the harmful pollution they emit. In addition to this, people tend to be more physically unfit and overweight if they drive rather than walk, cycle or use public transport. On the other hand, people living in the countryside don’t always have access to good public transport or safe roads that they can cycle or walk along. In fact, for some people living in remoter areas, it is virtually impossible to commute to school or work, go to the doctor's or do any shopping without the use of a car.

✓ Cars provide a quick and easy way to get 1 ■ around. 2 ■ Driverless cars won’t have become available in the next ten years. 3 ■ Driving can be bad for your health. 4 ■ Public transport is always cheaper than driving. 5 ■ Using petrol and diesel cars is not sustainable. 6 ■ We need to find greener ways of accessing services with the help of technology.


WRITING Leggi il titolo del saggio di opinione e scrivi appunti seguendo lo schema. Students won’t be going to school in the future as they will have learnt everything they need from the Internet

• Introduction • One side of argument • Contrasting argument 3 486

• Personal opinion • Conclusions

However, in future we will probably have moved to accessing many health, education and retail services online, without having to leave our homes at all. Furthermore, there will be many more driverless, low-emission vehicles available, so it might be possible to commute to school or work using greener public transport, car shares or taxis. In my opinion we will stop using diesel and petrol cars in the near future, because otherwise we will have destroyed our planet. I am not convinced that this change will be taking place in the next ten years, I believe it will take quite a lot longer to achieve. In conclusion, having a car can give you greater mobility and freedom, but the cost to the environment is too great. Therefore we will have to start switching to greener alternatives in the next ten years and technology will help us do that.

LANGUAGE Giving reasons

One reason... is / Since/Due to... / That is because... / Therefore...

Adding ideas In addition/Moreover/Furthermore/Finally... Contrasting ideas

On the other hand/However/In contrast/ On the contrary...

Expressing opinions

In my opinion/I am convinced that/I believe that...


To sum up/In conclusion...

WRITING TIPS Leggi la domanda con attenzione e riformulala nell’introduzione. Struttura il saggio in modo da mostrare più punti di vista. Dividi le tue idee in paragrafi, utilizzando i connettivi per collegarle. Concludi il saggio con i concetti principali presentati, senza introdurre nuove idee. • Rileggi il saggio e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura. • • • •

WRITING Ora scrivi il tuo saggio. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto.

Grammar for speaking Promoting something 1

Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi rispondi alle domande.


Tutor What’s the idea you want to pitch to us today? Elena I’ve got a great idea for an app for differently-abled people to use. It’s an app that will be transmitting up-do-date access information about sports venues, cinemas, cafés and places they want to visit. Tutor That’s interesting. How will it work? Elena Before creating the app, I will have contacted the venues to get the access information I need. Tutor I see, but how will you know if it’s accurate? Elena I’ll have to rely on the collaboration of the venues and the users to check and verify the data. Tutor Mmm… I understand how users will be benefiting from the app, but what about the venues? Elena Easy! They’ll be increasing their target customers while improving their equality credentials. Tutor That sounds good, but how will you be funding the app? Elena Fingers crossed, I will have got some lottery and college funding to create and launch the app. Tutor I can see you have thought his through, Elena. Great work! Elena Thanks! The first thing I’ll be doing is writing up my proposal and submitting it for funding. Tutor Good luck then and let us know you get on! 1 What is Elena’s idea? It is an idea for an app for differently-abled people to use. 2 Who will Elena be contacting? 3 Why will they get advantages from it? 4 How will she be funding it? 5 What does she hope she will have given her tutor soon?


Pensa a un’idea per un’app che vuoi lanciare. Scrivi appunti seguendo lo schema.



• Why • Who • How • Where • When

Asking for What’s the idea? / What will they be... ? / information Who’s it for? / How will it work/you know/ you be funding it? / What/How about... ? / After that? Showing enthusiasm

That’s interesting/an excellent idea / That sounds good / Great work! / With any luck/ Fingers crossed / Hopefully...

Promoting something

I’ve got / It’s a / I will have/be... / I’m hoping / The first thing...

ROLE PLAY Spiega al tuo tutore l’app a cui hai pensato nell’esercizio 2. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. 153

Tutor What idea would you like to pitch to me today? You Rispondi con una breve descrizione della tua app. Tutor Who will be using it? You Descrivi il tipo di persona che userà la tua app. Tutor What will they need to have done before being able to use the app? You Spiega la procedura che dovranno seguire gli

utenti, dallo scaricare l’app all’eventuale iscrizione.

Tutor I see and how will you be funding this app? You Elenca le fonti di finanziamento per l’app. Tutor Will users be paying for the app and, if so, how much?




You Rispondi. Tutor When do you think you will have designed and tested the app? You Rispondi indicando delle date entro le quali

pensi di riuscire a creare e a testare l’app.

Tutor Is there anything you will be adding to the app later on? You Rispondi dicendo che l’avrai capito dopo la

fase di prova.

Tutor Good luck and let me know how you get on! You Di’ che avrai delle buone notizie molto


Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


INVALSI training B2 Listening – Multiple matching 155 Listen to a travel vlog. While listening, match the beginnings of the sentences (0-8) with 1

the endings (A-K). There are two sentence endings that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Owen wishes he had Even if he had wanted to go away, He was about to leave his flat early this morning This time tomorrow he will In five days’ time he will If only he hadn’t eaten at the airport He thinks it’s time he He really hopes it won’t He wouldn’t have packed his penknife

A ■ as well as having his in-flight meal! B ■ be walking along Koh Samui Beach. C ■ be looking for somewhere else to stay. 0 done this before he had a really good job. D ■ E ■ had a little siesta. F ■ have landed in Bangkok Airport. G ■ he couldn’t have afforded to. H ■ he would have had to wait. I ■ if he thought it could cause problems. J ■ take too long to get through customs. K ■ when he realised he didn’t have his passport!

B2 Listening – Short answer questions 156 Listen to someone talking about one of Britain’s greatest failed robberies. Answer 2

questions 1-9 with no more than 4 words or numbers. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


When did the robbery take place? What did they steal? What evidence didn’t the police find? Where did the burglars not remove the CCTV? What didn’t they switch off which gave them away? Why were they lucky when the guard arrived? What was the worst mistake they made? How did the police use their phone records? What made the robbers doomed to fail? What was their combined age when they were sentenced?

In April 2015. ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Il periodo ipotetico (2)



Obiettivi • Periodo ipotetico di 3° tipo • Periodo ipotetico di tipo misto • wish, if only, hope, it’s time


Leggi l’email di reclamo e sottolinea esempi del periodo ipotetico di 3° tipo e di tipo misto.


Leggi gli usi del periodo ipotetico e scrivi 3° (terzo tipo) o M (misto). A Parlare di situazioni che sarebbero diverse nel presente o futuro se la condizione fosse stata diversa nel passato o viceversa. ____ A Parlare di situazioni passate che avrebbero potuto verificarsi ma non si sono verificate. ____


Rileggi l’email e abbina le frasi (1-4) agli usi (A-D). 1 2 3 4

If only he had checked! I wish you had better systems. It’s time you changed. I hope you will resolve…





Esprimere un desiderio possibile o realizzabile nel futuro. Dire che è il momento di fare qualcosa. Esprimere un desiderio e dare maggiore enfasi alla frase. Esprimere desideri irrealizzabili o rimpianti.

Speedy Deliveries Janet Rees Failed delivery of £1600 laptop computer on April 16 2020

According to your courier, I signed for my parcel at 10.15 this morning. If only he had checked the signature, he might have realised it was not my name. If he had delivered my laptop, I would certainly have received it as I was at home all day. I wish you had better systems for tracking and delivering valuable parcels. If these had been in place, I would now be able to get to work on my new laptop. It’s time you changed! In the meantime I hope you will resolve this matter as quickly as possible. Janet Rees



Il periodo ipotetico di 3° tipo



FORMA Principale

Subordinata con if

would have + participio passato

past perfect simple

They would have come to Bali with us

if they hadn’t bought a new car.

USO Il periodo ipotetico di 3° tipo si usa per: • parlare di situazioni passate che avrebbero potuto realizzarsi se si fossero verificate determinate condizioni I would have come home earlier if you had asked me. Sophia would have gone skiing if she hadn’t been ill.

Sarei tornato a casa prima se me lo avessi chiesto. Sophia sarebbe andata a sciare se non fosse stata malata.

• esprimere una critica nei confronti di terzi If you hadn’t pulled the cat’s tail, it wouldn’t have scratched me.

Se tu non avessi tirato la coda al gatto, non mi avrebbe graffiato.

• esprimere rimpianto o rammarico nei confronti di se stessi If I hadn’t always been so unfriendly to Lisa, she would have invited me to the party.

Se non fossi stata sempre così scortese con Lisa, mi avrebbe invitata alla festa.

ENGLISH USAGE Nella lingua informale si può usare il present simple nella if clause per esprimere ironia o mettere in dubbio qualcosa. You wouldn't have misunderstood the announcement at the station if you speak English fluently.

Non avresti frainteso l'annuncio in stazione se parli l'inglese fluentemente.

avessi parlato

VARIANTI • Nella proposizione principale, oltre a would have + participio passato, si possono trovare could have, might have e should have. If I had attended the Greek course, I could have passed the test. If Marcus hadn’t played so badly, his team could/might have won the match.

Se avessi frequentato il corso di greco, avrei potuto superare la verifica. (abilità 128.1 ) Se Marcus non avesse giocato così male, la sua squadra avrebbe potuto vincere la partita. (possibilità 128.2 )

You shouldn’t have told her the truth if you had understood the gravity of the matter.

Non avresti dovuto dirle la verità se tu avessi compreso la gravità della situazione. (rimprovero 131 )

• Sia nella proposizione principale che nella subordinata con if si possono usare le forme progressive. If I had studied during the school year, I would have been sunbathing on the beach with my friends now. If you hadn’t been sleeping, you would have heard the telephone.


Se avessi studiato durante l’anno scolastico, ora starei prendendo il sole sulla spiaggia con i miei amici. Se non avessi dormito, avresti sentito il telefono.

Third conditional



Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. You wouldn’t have passed all your exams if you hadn’t worked (not work) so hard. You would have remembered her name if you ______________________ (meet) her before. If you hadn’t used the map on your phone, you ______________________ (not find) the way here. She wouldn’t have watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood if she ______________________ (know) it had such a violent ending. 5 If Murray’s doubles partner hadn’t served so well, I’m sure they ______________________ (not win) the match. 6 Eli wouldn’t have eaten that sandwich if she ______________________ (realise) it contained meat. 1 2 3 4


Conosci questi classici della letteratura? Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. 1 Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll) If Alice hadn’t fallen down (fall down) the rabbit hole, 2 The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald) If Daisy _____________________ (drive) Gatsby’s car more slowly, 3 Tess of the D’Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy) If Angel _____________________ (read) Tess’s letter, 4 Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte) If Jane _____________________ (not decide) to take the job as governess at Thornfield Hall, 5 To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee) If Jem and Scout _____________________ (make) friends with Dill, 6 David Copperfield (Charles Dickens) If Mr Micawber’s annual income _____________________ (exceed) his annual expenditure, 7 The Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde) If Miss Prism _____________________ (be) less absent-minded, 8 The Adventures of Pinocchio (Carlo Collodi) If the kind blue fairy ___________________ (not grant) Geppetto his wish,



she wouldn’t have met Mr Rochester.


they wouldn’t have discovered the Radley Place.


he would have been a happy man.


his puppet wouldn’t have come alive.


she wouldn’t have left a baby in a bag at Victoria railway station.


she wouldn’t have killed Myrtle Wilson.

1 she wouldn’t have met the g ■ Queen of Hearts. h

he would have found out about her past life.

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 I didn’t enjoy the play because I had a very uncomfortable seat. If I’d had a more comfortable seat, I would have enjoyed the play. 2 I moved to Oxford because I got a job at the university. 3 I didn’t phone you because I didn’t have your number. 4 I didn’t buy that jacket because it was so expensive. 5 I fell asleep during the TV programme because it was so boring. 6 I met my girlfriend because we sat opposite each other on the train.


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sarebbe andata in Australia, se non avesse così tanta paura degli insetti. Se Harry avesse giocato meglio, la sua squadra avrebbe potuto vincere. Se avessi ripassato di più, avresti potuto superare l’esame di storia. Ce ne saremmo andati (drive away) ora, se il papà non avesse perso le chiavi della macchina. Non le avresti dato le informazioni se avessi saputo le conseguenze. Se fossimo andati a fare shopping il fine settimana, avremmo potuto trovare delle occasioni fantastiche!



Il periodo ipotetico di tipo misto; omissione di if e inversione della frase

138.1 Il periodo ipotetico di tipo misto In inglese si possono usare forme miste di periodi ipotetici (mixed conditionals) quando la proposizione principale e la subordinata appartengono a sfere temporali diverse. • Si usa il condizionale di 2° tipo nella proposizione principale e il condizionale di 3° tipo nella subordinata con if per dire che la situazione presente o futura sarebbe diversa se la condizione fosse stata diversa nel passato.


Subordinata con if

would + forma base

past perfect simple

He wouldn’t play with the Wiener Philharmoniker now

if he hadn’t played the violin for years.

• Si usa il condizionale di 3° tipo nella principale e il condizionale di 2° tipo nella subordinata con if per dire che la situazione passata sarebbe stata diversa se la condizione presente fosse diversa.


Subordinata con if

would have + participio passato

past simple

He would have joined us for dinner yesterday

if he didn’t work the night shift.

138.2 Omissione di if e inversione della frase Nelle frasi subordinate con gli ausiliari were, had e should è possibile omettere if invertendo l’ordine soggetto-verbo. Questa costruzione è usata nel linguaggio formale e letterario. If they weren’t on holiday, we’d invite them to lunch. Were they not on holiday, we’d invite them to lunch. If he had been more careful, he wouldn’t have mixed up the reports. Had he been more careful, he wouldn’t have mixed up the reports. If the situation should get worse, we’d leave the country. Should the situation get worse, we’d leave the country.

Se non fossero in vacanza, li inviteremmo a pranzo.

Se fosse stato più attento, non avrebbe scambiato le relazioni.

Se la situazione dovesse peggiorare, lasceremmo il paese.

REMEMBER L’uso di should nella subordinata con if indica che è altamente improbabile che la condizione si verifichi.


Mixed conditionals; omission of if and inversion


Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6



If the teacher were here, If Delia had gone to university, If Martina had been born in the UK, If she had won the lottery, If Belinda had signed up for the Spanish course, If Jane weren’t always late for school,

a ■ she wouldn’t need a visa to work here. b ■ she wouldn’t have got 8 for behaviour. c ■ she would be rich. d ■ she would have more job opportunities. 1 the students would have been in class now. e ■ f ■ she would be joining us in class now.

Completa il dialogo con i verbi nel riquadro. would • were • should • weren’t • didn’t • would have David

Welcome to the magic circle, the group where you can discuss your hopes, fears and dreams. Who’s going to start us off? Anna. Anna If I (1) were taller, I could have become a top model. I work in fashion now but as a designer. Bill If I (2) __________ have poor eyesight, I would have trained as a pilot. However, I’m really happy to be working as a flight attendant. Ben I’m an actor. I love it but it’s sometimes difficult to get work. If I were better at maths, I (3) __________ studied accountancy because you can always get work! Florence There’s a lot of uncertainty in the country at the moment. If the situation (4) __________ get worse, I think we’ll go and live abroad. Grace If we hadn’t started to recycle plastic, the pollution in our rivers (5) __________ be much worse. I hope that the governments will ban single-use plastic containers very soon. Tam I would have travelled a lot more if I (6) __________ afraid of flying.


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi per formulare frasi con il condizionale di tipo misto. 1 My children would be studying (study) at university if their grandparents had paid the tuition fees. 2 If my sister hadn’t had a 4x4 car, she __________________________ (live) in a remote cottage in the middle of Dartmoor. 3 Martin __________________________ (become) a surgeon if he weren’t afraid of blood. 4 If she didn’t speak Chinese, she __________________________ (apply) for a job in Beijing. 5 The prime minister wouldn’t be so unpopular if he __________________________ (listen) more to what the people really wanted. 6 If I weren't afraid of heights, I __________________________ (go) to the top of the Eiffel Tower yesterday. 7 If Penny __________________________ (pass) her driving test last year, she wouldn't have a car now. 8 Tom __________________________ (buy) a bigger flat when he moved here if he were on a higher salary.


Riscrivi la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. Usa were, had o should. 1 If you should go to the post office this afternoon, can you buy me some stamps? Should you go to the post office this afternoon, can you buy me some stamps? 2 If the post office weren’t open, you could try the supermarket. 3 If you had bought the stamps, I could have sent the letters today. 4 If you hadn’t had the time to do it, you might have told me. 5 If I had known it was going to be difficult for you, I would have asked someone else. 6 If Cara phones while I'm out, could you ask her to phone back later?



wish, if only, hope, it’s time

139.1 wish Il verbo wish, utilizzato soprattutto al present simple e al past simple, può assumere vari significati in base alla costruzione. • Si usa wish + complemento indiretto + complemento diretto con il significato di “augurare”. I wish you a pleasant flight.

Vi auguro un buon volo.

Se il complemento indiretto è seguito da un verbo, si usa hope 139.3 e non wish. I hope Lea has a great weekend in Berlin.

Spero che Lea trascorra un fantastico fine settimana a Berlino.

• Si usa wish + (complemento oggetto) + infinito con il significato di “volere/desiderare”. In questa costruzione wish ha lo stesso significato di want/would like + (complemento oggetto) + infinito 106.1 , ma è più formale. I wish to book a double room. I wish my son to go to university.

Voglio prenotare una camera doppia. Desidero che mio figlio vada all'università.

• Si usano le seguenti costruzioni per esprimere desideri irrealizzabili o rimpianti. In questi casi wish viene tradotto in italiano con il condizionale presente di “volere” (“vorrei”, ecc.).

wish + past simple (desiderio irrealizzabile o insoddisfazione per una situazione attuale)

I wish I had a scooter. Ellen wishes her boyfriend didn’t work in a club.

Vorrei avere uno scooter. ma non ce l’ho Ellen vorrebbe che il suo fidanzato non ma è un DJ lavorasse in discoteca.

Se wish è seguito dal verbo be, si usa la forma were per tutte le persone, anche se nella lingua parlata è comune l’uso di was con la prima e la terza persona singolare. I wish I were/was famous. Fiona wishes William were/was her boyfriend.

Vorrei essere famoso. Fiona vorrebbe che William fosse il suo ragazzo.

wish + could (desiderio riferito a capacità I wish I could skateboard. o possibilità) wish + past continuous (desiderio riferito I wish she weren’t leaving tomorrow. a una situazione futura) wish + would (desiderio che dipende dalla volontà/disponibilità di terzi – insoddisfazione, irritazione o impazienza da parte di chi parla)

I wish they would invite us back. We wish she wouldn’t play the violin in the middle of the night.

Vorrei saper andare sullo skateboard. Vorrei che non andasse via domani. ma non Vorrei che ricambiassero l’invito. lo faranno Vorremmo che non suonasse il violino ma continuerà a farlo nel mezzo della notte.

Si usa wish + would: • solo quando il soggetto di wish e della subordinata non concordano, altrimenti si usa il past simple o could She wishes her little sister would stop wearing her jeans. Vorrebbe che la sua sorellina smettesse di indossare i suoi jeans. She wishes she wore/could wear her sister’s jeans. Vorrebbe indossare/poter indossare i jeans di sua sorella.

• per parlare di comportamenti/azioni, ma non di situazioni/modi di essere I wish she would cook dinner sometimes. I wish she were a better cook.

wish + past perfect simple/past perfect continuous (rammarico/rimpianto per una situazione passata che non si è realizzata) wish + could have (desiderio riferito a capacità/possibilità passate non realizzate) 494

Vorrei che qualche volta preparasse la cena. Vorrei che fosse una cuoca migliore.

I wish I had taken an umbrella. Vorrei aver preso l’ombrello. They wish he hadn’t been spending Vorrebbero che lui non avesse speso all his money on video games. tutti i suoi soldi in videogiochi. I wish she could have come.

Vorrei che fosse potuta venire.


wish, if only, hope, it's time ENGLISH USAGE Osserva la differenza di significato fra: • wish + past simple e wish + would I wish he visited us more often.

Vorrei che venisse a trovarci più spesso.

I wish he would visit us more often.

Vorrei che venisse a trovarci più spesso.

ma non è fattibile perché abita lontano sono irritato perché non lo fa, la cosa dipende da lui e non da circostanze esterne

• wish e would like: wish esprime un desiderio da parte di chi parla, mentre would like la volontà da parte di chi parla che qualcuno faccia qualcosa I wish she sang in a band. Sir, I’d like you to leave immediately.

desiderio Vorrei che cantasse in un gruppo. Signore, vorrei che se ne andasse immediatamente.


139.2 if only Per esprimere un desiderio e dare maggiore enfasi alla frase si può usare if only (“se solo/soltanto…”). I tempi verbali sono gli stessi di quelli che seguono wish. I wish he spoke German. If only he spoke German! I wish I hadn’t sold the farmhouse. If only I hadn’t sold the farmhouse!

Se solo parlasse tedesco! Se soltanto non avessi venduto la fattoria!

‘Those bears were so cute... if only we could have brought them home!’

139.3 hope Per parlare di un desiderio possibile o realizzabile nel futuro si usa il verbo hope + present simple/futuro con will. La forma negativa si costruisce mettendo al negativo il verbo che segue. I hope he recovers/will recover from the flu. I hope you don’t/won’t download the project from the Internet.

Spero si riprenda dall’influenza. Spero che tu non scarichi la ricerca da internet.

139.4 it’s time Si usa l’espressione it’s time + forma affermativa del past simple per dire che è il momento di fare qualcosa e sottolineare che l’azione dovrebbe essere già fatta. Questa costruzione esprime una critica o una lamentela da parte di chi parla. In italiano si rende con l’espressione “è ora” o “sarebbe l’ora”. In questo caso il past simple non ha significato di passato, ma si riferisce a una situazione presente o futura. It’s time you found a job.

È ora che ti trovi un lavoro.

ENGLISH USAGE Per dare maggiore enfasi all’affermazione si usano gli avverbi about o high. It’s about/high time you went to the hairdresser’s. Sarebbe l’ora che tu andassi dal parrucchiere.

Si usa l’espressione it’s time + infinito per dire che è il momento di fare qualcosa e si è in orario per farlo. Per specificare chi deve compiere l’azione si mette for + complemento prima dell’infinito. Confronta: It’s ten o’clock. It’s time (for you) to go to bed, Costanza. It’s eleven o’clock. It’s time you went to bed, Costanza.

Costanza va a letto alle dieci e quindi Sono le dieci. È ora di andare è il momento di andare a dormire a letto, Costanza. Sono le undici. Sarebbe ora che tu andassi dovrebbe essere già a letto a letto, Costanza.


139 1

wish, if only, hope, it's time

Jeremy adora la sua famiglia ma ci sono delle cose che non vorrebbe che facessero. Formula frasi con wish + would/wouldn’t. 1 My father listens to progressive rock music on the radio. I wish my father wouldn’t listen to progressive rock music on the radio. 2 My grandmother knits noisily when we’re watching television. 3 My mother is always complaining about my table manners. 4 My big brother never lets me borrow his electric guitar. 5 My sister is always in the bathroom when I want to use it. 6 My baby brother never sits still. 7 My uncle is always asking me about what I want to study at university. 8 My aunt never helps me with my homework.


Margot ha avuto una brutta giornata. Scrivi frasi per esprimere il suo rammarico usando wished + because. 1 Margot got up late because she forgot to set her alarm. Margot wished she had set her alarm because she got up late. 2 She burnt the toast and set off the smoke alarm. 3 She left her credit card at home and couldn’t pay for her shopping. 4 She didn’t take an umbrella with her and got soaking wet. 5 She didn’t charge up her phone and missed an important call. 6 She drove home very fast and got a speeding ticket. 7 She didn’t check that one of her dinner party guests was vegetarian and served her roast chicken. 8 She fell asleep and missed her favourite TV show.


Completa le frasi. 1 My father advised me to study law at university because it would lead to a well-paid job. I didn’t take his advice and now work in a small bookshop with a low salary. If only I had taken my father’s advice and studied law at university, I wouldn’t now be working in a bookshop on a low salary. 2 I decided not to buy my girlfriend a silk scarf for her birthday and got her a book which she didn’t read because she said it was boring. If only I _________________ my girlfriend a silk scarf instead of a book for her birthday, she _________________ been much happier. 3 Rick got an express train which didn’t stop at the station he wanted. He had to go all the way to London and then catch another train. If only Rick _________________ a regular train, he _________________ had to go all the way to London and catch another train. 4 Petra threw her prize-winning lottery ticket away by mistake. If only Petra _________________ her lottery ticket away, she _________________ won a prize. 5 A computer start-up company offered Martha shares in her company. She didn’t buy them and the shares have now tripled in value. If only Martha _________________ shares in the computer start-up company, she _________________ made a lot of money.


wish, if only, hope, it's time



Gli Smith hanno trascurato la loro casa che ora ha bisogno di interventi urgenti. Formula frasi con la costruzione it’s about/high time e i verbi nel riquadro. upgrade • change • re-plaster • rewire • cut • do • replace • buy 1 The grass in the garden is extremely long. It’s about/high time they cut the grass. 2 They have had the same television for 10 years. 3 The electric plugs in the kitchen are old and quite dangerous.


The carpets are worn and threadbare. Many of the bulbs in the lights do not work. The sheets on the bed are dirty. There are dirty plates and cups in the sink. The outside walls are full of cracks.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


4 5 6 7 8

I wish to speak/have spoken to the manager immediately. I wish I could/will afford to buy that beautiful jacket. We hope you got/get better very soon. If only Theresa took/had taken my advice, she wouldn’t be in such a difficult situation. It’s time we left/have left. Thank you for a wonderful party. Don’t you wish you have lived/could live in a warm climate when the weather is like this? Bella wishes her parents couldn’t/wouldn’t work so hard and start to relax more. If only my grandparents hadn’t sold/couldn’t sell their house in London ten years ago! It’s high time we had gone/went on a lovely winter holiday. If I had known you were waiting outside, I will/would have let you in. I hope we could/can get tickets for the concert next Saturday. Don’t you think it’s high time that politicians stopped/stop attacking each other?

Riscrivi le frasi usando le parole tra parentesi. 1 It’s a pity I don’t speak Spanish as I’m going on holiday to Argentina and Chile. (wish) I wish I spoke Spanish. 2 I regret not getting tickets to see the final at Wimbledon. (wish) 3 I don’t want them to be late for the meeting tomorrow morning. (hope) 4 It’s a pity we didn’t get to know our neighbours better before they moved. (wish) 5 We need to leave for the station as quickly as possible if we want to catch the train at 9.00 a.m. (time) 6 I wish I had bought that amazing flat on the seafront. (if only) 7 You really should stop worrying so much about other people. (high time) 8 I don’t like you working at the weekend. (wish) 9 It’s a pity we didn’t go to the Eden Project when we were in Cornwall. (wish) 10 I wish you wouldn’t check your phone messages when we are having lunch. (like)


TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Ti auguro un piacevole viaggio. 2 Spero che Jack non si perda venendo (on his way) qui. 3 Eleanor vorrebbe che suo padre non lavorasse così tanto. 4 Vorrei essere a Rio ora perché è il periodo di carnevale! 5 Vorrei saper suonare la chitarra elettrica. 6 Vorrei che tu non facessi la tua festa di compleanno sabato prossimo.

7 Vorremmo che non ti rivolgessi (speak) a noi così. 8 Vorrei aver ripassato di più la Rivoluzione francese perché all’esame c’erano domande a cui non ho risposto bene. 9 Vorrei che tu avessi visto la sua (di lei) faccia quando ha scoperto di aver vinto la gara. 10 Se solo non avessi mangiato così tanto a cena, ora non avrei un’indigestione. 11 Sono mezzanotte passate, quindi sarebbe l’ora di andare.


137-139 Summative revision 1

Leggi la storia su Charlie. Poi completa le frasi al third conditional usando a i verbi tra parentesi.

Charlie forgot to switch on his phone before he went to bed, so his alarm didn’t ring the following morning. He woke up at eight o’clock and missed his bus because he was late. He got a taxi because he was going to an important interview. While he was in the taxi, he noticed a wallet on the seat next to him. He looked inside for the owner’s name and found a business card. He arrived at the interview on time because he’d taken a taxi.

‘Good morning, Charlie. Please have a seat.’ ‘Thank you, Mr Brown. Before we start, I’d like to give you your wallet. I found it in my taxi.’ ‘I’m so happy! There’s a special photo of me and my wife on holiday in my wallet! Thank you, Charlie.’ After a successful interview, Charlie got the job.

1 If he hadn’t forgotten (not forget) to switch on his phone, his alarm would have rung (ring) at seven o’clock. 2 If he ________________ (not oversleep), he ________________ (not miss) his bus. 3 He ________________ (catch) a bus if he ________________ (not have) an important interview. 4 If he ________________ (not be) in the taxi, he ________________ (not notice) the wallet. 5 He ________________ (not find) the business card if he ________________ (not look) in the wallet. 6 If he ________________ (not take) a taxi, he ________________ (not be) on time for the interview. 7 Mr Brown ________________ (lose) the holiday photo if Charlie ________________ (not find) the wallet. 8 Mr Brown ________________ (not offer) Charlie the job if his interview ________________ (not go) well.


Scegli l’alternativa corretta per completare il dialogo tra Amy e Lucy. Amy Lucy



Amy Lucy Amy


I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you? Well, you would have (1) seen/been seeing me last week if I’d (2) worked/been working here then. I was in Bordeaux. It (3) could/should have been a tiring week if the sun (4) wouldn’t have/hadn’t been shining every day! Sounds lovely! Would you (5) have/had been working last week if your company (6) hasn’t/hadn’t asked you to go to France? No, I (7) had/should have been staying with my cousin if I (8) haven't/hadn’t had to change my plans. We’d both been looking forward to it. If I’d (9) known/been knowing that you were in Bordeaux, I (10) might have/had joined you! We could (11) have tried/try lots of great restaurants while we were there if (12) you could/you’d been able to take some time of work. Never mind. If (13) we would be/we would have been spending money on eating out last week, we (14) couldn’t/wouldn’t have had as much for our summer holiday!

Summative revision



Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. Usa Had, Should o Were e la forma corretta del verbo nella prima frase. 1 If Sam weren’t working this evening, he’d be able to come to the party. Were Sam not working this evening, he’d be able to come to the party. 2 If I’d known that your train was late, I’d have met you at the station. ________________ I ________________ that your train was late, I’d have met you at the station. 3 We could lend the Normans a suitcase if they need an extra one for their holiday. ________________ the Normans ________________ a suitcase for their holiday, we could lend them one. 4 If you have any problems with the Wi-Fi, please contact Reception. ________________ you ________________ any problems with the Wi-Fi, please contact Reception. 5 If you find your room is too noisy, we’d move you to another part of the hotel. ________________ you ________________ your room is too noisy, we’d move you to another part of the hotel. 6 If she hadn’t done well in her exams, she wouldn’t have got a place at university. ________________ she ________________ well in her exams, she wouldn’t have got a place at university.


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. add • buy • can • change • find • go 1 I wish I hadn’t added so much pepper! 2 If only I __________________ a ticket last week. 3 It’s time I __________________ a job nearer home!


4 It’s high time I __________________ home! 5 If only I __________________ sing like this. 6 It’s time for me __________________ my phone.

Leggi un estratto dell’intervista con Lola Miller, la proprietaria di una catena di negozi di abbigliamento e completala con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. Intvw. Thank you for telling us about how you decided to start your business, Lola. Can we move on to other topics, such as times in your life you would change? Lola That’s an interesting one! To be honest, I don’t think there’s much I’d change, although sometimes I wish I (1) had (have) a time machine! When I talk to my family when I’m away for work, I wish I (2) ________ (be) with them because I miss them a lot. I know they wish that I (3)________ (not attend / always) meetings and (4) ________ (can) spend more time with them. I sometimes wish people (5) ________ (understand) that my family is very important and I have to put them before my job. My husband wishes that everyone would (6) ________ (stop / phone) me at all hours of the day and (7) ________ (start / think) about our needs, rather than business. However, he is very supportive and understanding. Intvw. Thank you very much, Lola. Now, I’d like to have a look around your shop! Lola Of course. If you wish (8) ________ (buy) anything, I’d be happy to offer you a discount!


ERROR CORRECTION Ogni mini-dialogo contiene un errore. Correggi. hadn’t 1 A I wouldn’t have found out about Tim’s new job if you wouldn’t have told me! B Well, if I hadn’t seen Kate yesterday, I wouldn’t have known either. 2 A I wish to you both a wonderful holiday in Japan. B Thank you. We’d like you to come with us next time. 3 A If there hadn’t been a typhoon last year, we have gone for my birthday. B Had you gone then, the flight might have been cancelled. 4 A I wish you’d told us you were closing at five yesterday. I wanted to get some new headphones. B If you’d phoned us, we could stayed open for an extra ten minutes. 5 A Please contact our restaurant manager should you wished to reserve a table for dinner. B I think we’d probably prefer to eat somewhere different this evening.


Grammar for writing A proposal Per scrivere una proposta: • introduci l’argomento • descrivi la situazione attuale • suggerisci come migliorarla

• identifica eventuali problemi • concludi riassumendo i punti salienti

1 Leggi e abbina ogni sezione della proposta al titolo corretto. 1 Introduction ■ Difficulties ■ Conclusion ■ Current situation ■ Recommendations ■ Key needs ■ Helping students with end-of-year exams

1 Introduction This proposal will consider the problems students face when preparing for, and taking exams. In addition, it will present the key needs and recommendations for student assessment. 2 __________________ Following discussions with students of different ages and abilities, it is clear that many of them struggle with stress and depression caused by the pressure of exams. They think that if only they didn’t have just one chance to pass or fail, they might do better at school. 3 __________________ Students feel they require more time to prepare for tests or exams and additional help on how and what to study. They would also like teachers to give them practice exams and tests during the year, with comprehensive feedback sessions and revision tips based on the results. Above all, students would rather have several different types of assessment opportunities.


WRITING Ora leggi la traccia e scrivi la tua proposta seguendo lo schema nell'esercizio 1. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto. Students don’t get enough opportunity or support to practice sport at your school or college

WRITING TIPS • • • • • • • •


Leggi la domanda con attenzione e rispondi a tutti i punti. Inizia con una frase che spieghi lo scopo della proposta. Utilizza una struttura chiara con titoletti per ogni sezione. Adotta uno stile formale e impersonale. Utilizza punti elenco invece di frasi lunghe e complicate. Proponi delle soluzioni ed evidenzia eventuali problemi. Concludi la proposta riassumendo la tua opinione. Rileggi la proposta e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura.

4 __________________ Here are some suggestions about how to change the school assessment policy: • students should be assigned study buddies or mentors to help them prepare for exams; • there should be lessons or workshops on revision, stress-relief and exam techniques; • students should have a list of possible exam topics and question types in advance; • exams would not be in two weeks, but spread out during the year, with several retake windows; • assessment should also take place in class and through course work. 5 __________________ The main difficulties with these alternative forms of student assessment could be extra work for teachers during the school year, but this would be outweighed by the benefits to student well-being. 6 __________________ If these suggestions were implemented, it would lead to increased student confidence and better school results.

LANGUAGE Introduction This proposal will consider/look at.../ is about.../aims to... Presenting Following discussions with/research into/ status quo examination of... / It is clear/evident that... / Most wish (that) it were possible to... / They feel that if only they didn’t have/had... Listing key Students feel (that) they ... / They would like... / Above all they would rather have... needs Making Here are some suggestions... / I/We suggest suggestions that... Expressing The main difficulties/problem with... could/ difficulties would be... Conclusion If these suggestions were implemented, it would lead to...

Grammar for speaking Expressing wishes and regrets 1


George Mum George Mum George Mum

George Mum George Mum George Mum George Mum George Mum 1 2 3 4 5 6


If only you’d told me you and Dad were coming home today, I would have tidied the house! I’d rather you kept the house tidy, so we didn’t have to come home to such a mess! Don’t go on about it all the time! I wouldn’t if you’d act a bit more responsibly and did what I asked you to! So, what are you saying, I can’t have friends over if you aren’t here? No, that’s not what I’m saying! Your friends are always welcome here! All I’m saying is if only you put a bit more thought into things before you do them... Like what? Like I wish you hadn’t left a week’s takeaway boxes lying around, but had put them in the bin. I was going to do it... Like if you reorganise the living room to play on your Xboxes, you’d put it back afterwards. You know we would have done that! And if you spill cola on the carpet, you clean it up immediately before it stains! If only I’d noticed when it happened... I’m really sorry! I know you are, but I still wish I hadn’t had the carpets cleaned last week! I’d rather you got rid of them altogether, so that I don’t have to worry about getting them dirty! That’s actually not a bad idea!

George has been staying in the house alone. T They have come home to an extremely tidy house. ____ George is fed up with his mum repeating the same things. ____ George’s mum doesn’t want his friends to come to the house. ____ George cleared away the takeaway boxes, put the living room back and cleaned the carpet. ____ They both agree it would be better without carpets in the house. ____ 158

Parent You Parent You Parent You Parent You Parent You Parent You Parent You Parent You


Ascolta e leggi il dialogo. Poi decidi se le frasi sono vere (T ) o false (F ) .


ROLE PLAY Parla con un tuo genitore dei lavori di casa. Usa il Functions box come aiuto. Have you been to the shop for me yet?

Rispondi in modo negativo e spiega il perché.

I wish you’d do things when you say you’re going to!

Di’ che le faresti se non ti chiedesse di fare tante cose.

If only I had more your free time, I wouldn’t have to ask you!

Di’ che anche a te piacerebbe che avesse più tempo libero.

I probably wouldn’t know what to do with it if I had it!

Di’ che cosa faresti tu se avessi più tempo libero.

It’s a nice thought but you wouldn’t do much studying!

Rispondi che preferisci studiare anziché fare i lavori di casa.

I’d rather do lots of things than household chores!

FUNCTIONS Expressing If only you/I had... / regret I would have... / I wouldn’t if you... / I wish you/ I hadn’t...but had... Expressing I’d rather you... / I wish wishes you would/wouldn’t... / If only you put... / If you reorganise/spill... / I wish you would/you clean...

Chiedi che cosa gli/le piacerebbe fare.

I wish I could do some sport, go travelling, and maybe start a new hobby.

Rispondi che potrebbe già fare molte di queste cose se solo lo volesse.

Yes, if only I had the money to do them!

Rispondi che ci sono tante cose che si possono fare senza soldi.

Ascolta e controlla se hai risposto in modo adeguato.


Mappe concettuali COULD

abilità in un momento specifico del passato

abilità generica al passato

possibilità generica al passato

supposizione possibile al presente

was/were able to

She could understand Japanese ideograms.

He could go to the party after the exam.

He could move to Milan.

I was able to arrive in time.

Per indicare mancanza di abilità in un momento specifico del passato si può usare could.

critica per qualcosa che sarebbe potuto accadere ma non è accaduto You could have broken the vase.


rammarico per qualcosa che si poteva fare ma non si è fatto I could have told her.

possibilità remota al passato

supposizione possibile al passato

He could have overslept but he woke up early.

He could have dropped his ticket on the bus.




supposizione possibile al presente

possibilità bassa al passato

supposizione possibile al passato

He may/might change job.

He may have gone to university.

He may/might have missed the flight.


possibilità remota al passato She might have met him in the past.

critica per qualcosa che sarebbe potuto accadere ma non è accaduto

rammarico per qualcosa che si poteva fare ma non si è fatto

They might have run over the fox.

I might have studied harder. Unità 128, 129, 131


Mappe concettuali

deduzione affermativa al presente They must be home.

deduzione affermativa al passato He must have behaved very rudely.



deduzione negativa al presente She can’t be your mum!

deduzione negativa al passato You can’t have solved the problem by yourself.

Unità 129

SHOULD/ OUGHT TO supposizione probabile al presente o futuro I should/ought to see Lorna tomorrow.

supposizione probabile al passato They should/ought to have flown to Paris.


critica per qualcosa che non si doveva fare ma si è fatto – forma negativa You shouldn’t/ought not to have spent all the money.

rammarico/rimprovero per qualcosa che si poteva fare ma non si è fatto I should/ought to have visited grandma. Unità 129, 131

mancanza di necessità al passato – azione non necessaria che si è verificata You needn’t have waited for me.


mancanza di necessità al passato – azione non necessaria che non si è verificata They didn’t need/have to take a taxi.

Unità 128


Mappe concettuali

azione in corso in un determinato momento futuro Becky will be giving her presentation this time tomorrow.

azione futura programmata You will be meeting the tour guide in the hotel lobby on your arrival.




azione futura abituale We will be spending Christmas Eve at my grandparents’.

supposizione al presente o futuro It’s Saturday. Sasha will be sleeping.

will/won’t + be + forma in -ing del verbo He will be flying back from India in ten days’ time.

con espressioni di tempo come this time tomorrow, at… the day after tomorrow, in a month’s time, ecc.

In italiano si traduce con il futuro del verbo “stare” + gerundio o con il futuro semplice del verbo.

chiedere informazioni su programmi e intenzioni Will you be leaving early tomorrow, madam?

Essendo una forma progressiva non si usa con i verbi di stato.


Unità 133

Mappe concettuali

azione conclusa entro un determinato momento futuro o prima di un’altra azione futura I will have tidied up the kitchen before my parents come back from the theatre.


con espressioni di tempo introdotte da by, within tomorrow, in + sostantivo o frase subordinata introdotta da before, by the time, when, ecc.

USO supposizione al passato Mrs Smith is sitting on the doorstep of her house. She will have lost her keys again!


until e till solitamente in frasi negative

will/won’t + have + participio passato del verbo They will have surrendered by the end of the day. Unità 134

azione iniziata nel passato e ancora in corso nel momento futuro di cui si parla



Next month she will have been living in Amsterdam for three years, but she still can’t speak Dutch.

con espressioni di tempo introdotte da by, next e for

supposizione con enfasi al passato FORMA

will/won’t + have + been + forma in -ing del verbo Next month they will have been married for 50 years!

I’ve had to cancel the meeting with Clara. I’m so sorry because she will have been waiting for me for hours!

Non si usa con i verbi di stato e con i verbi che indicano un’azione compiuta (arrive, finish, leave, ecc.).

Unità 135



For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Super Thursday The first Thursday in October is (0) B publishers release the largest number of books in the year. It is now called Super Thursday. This year more than 500 books will (1) _______ on the shelves of booksellers. Most of these are the more expensive hardbacks (2) _______ than paperbacks or books that can be read on e-readers. The strength of the sales of hardbacks has (3) _______ many people in publishing. A few years ago, people predicted that e-books would become much more popular than paper books. They were (4) _______ to produce, more environmentally friendly and readers could easily (5) _______ hundreds of titles on an electronic device. Although the number of people owning e-books continues to rise, sales of hardbacks have also gone (6) _______. They account for about 20% of the overall book market. According to Philip Jones, the editor of the magazine The Bookseller, there are several (7) _______ for this: a hardback is a mark of quality and shows that a publisher really believes in the title. They also stand out when on (8) _______ in a bookshop.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

how apply other despised cheaper shop up concepts replay

✓ when B ■ B ■ appear B ■ of B ■ surprised B ■ higher B ■ make B ■ on B ■ returns B ■ display


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

where approach for surpassed longer lose in revisions request


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

why appeal rather inspired wider store by reasons balance

READING AND USE OF ENGLISH PART 2 For questions 9-16, read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). One of the unusual films in the list (0) of box office hits is Isle of Dogs, directed by Wes Anderson. He is known for making films that are very visual but (9) ________ have interesting but uncomplicated stories. My favourite is The Grand Budapest Hotel, which follows the extraordinary adventures of guests and staff (10) ________ occupy the hotel in the 1930s. In contrast, the Isle of Dogs is made (11) ________ stop motion. This is an animated technique (12) ________ objects are moved in very small steps and (13) ________ photographed. When the frames are played back (14) ________ fast speed the objects appear to move independently. The director also used it with great success in his previous film, Fantastic Mr. Fox, based (15) ________ the children’s story by Roald Dahl. Isle of Dogs is set in Japan in the near future. After an outbreak of dog fever, all the canines in Megasaki City are sent away to Trash Island where they have to look after (16) ________.


B2 First


For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Easter Island

Easter Island is in the Pacific Ocean (0) approximately 4,000 kilometres off the coast of Chile. It was given its European name because Dutch (17) ________________ landed there on Easter Day in 1772. They were extremely surprised by what they found. There were hundreds of huge stone statues, called moai that had apparently been built by the (18) ________________. The moai are over 4 metres tall and were probably made to honour the chiefs and other (19) ________________ people. The people who constructed them belonged to a Polynesian culture called Rapa Nui. They travelled from (20) ________________ islands in the Pacific Ocean and developed a distinct (21) ________________ and artistic culture from the tenth to the (22) ________________ century. During this period, there were probably over 12,000 people there. After this date the population decreased (23) ________________. There are a number of theories suggesting what happened. Until fairly recently, the most convincing idea was that the (24) ________________ cut down the trees, possibly to use for building, and in the process destroyed the ecosystem.



For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is an example (0). 0 Only a few people saw those beautiful birds. SEEN The beautiful birds were seen by only a few people. 25 ‘I can give you a lift to the station,’ my sister said to me. OFFER My sister __________________ a lift to the station. 26 We haven’t been to this museum for ages. SINCE __________________ we’ve been to this museum. 27 Jane still went to school, despite not feeling very well. ALTHOUGH Jane still went to school, __________________ very well.

28 Their plane isn’t going to be late when it lands at Heathrow Airport. TIME Their plane is going to land __________________. 29 We are very lucky to have such a lot of good friends. SO We are lucky to have __________________. 30 Do you think the government really wants to cut taxes? FAVOUR Do you think the government really __________________ taxes?


B2 First


You are going to read an extract from a guidebook to London in which Debbie Dodie writes about a well-known shopping destination. For questions 31-36, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Harrods is a name that is familiar to many tourists but surprisingly few people know much about it. Now you can find out. It is a large department store in Knightsbridge, an area in the centre of London. The store has a long history. The founder, Charles Henry Harrod, was born in 1799 in a small town by the sea, which in those days seemed a long way from the capital city. His father was not well off and Charles Henry had to go to work to increase the family’s income. He started out selling tea and groceries in a little shop in London’s East End. His early career suffered a major setback when he was arrested for selling goods that had been stolen. He spent a year in prison. When he was released in 1837, he went back to what he had been doing. The business started to expand and he moved the shop premises to a street close to where the store is today. Charles worked very hard and was successful but grew tired after being there for over twenty-five years and handed over the company to his son. Charles Digby was much more energetic and innovative than his more careful father. However, in 1883, another disaster struck. Just before Christmas, the shop burnt to the ground. Many people believed that this would be the end of Harrods, but Charles Digby thought otherwise. He immediately rented somewhere else and delivered all the orders he had promised his customers. His reputation increased and the business became even more successful. At the end of the century, Charles Digby decided to retire. Although he had eight children, none of them wanted to take over and the business was sold. Today, the store has 330 departments and 23 restaurants which serve a wide range of food, including afternoon tea, which can be enjoyed in the Tea Rooms. It has become a tradition for many of the long-standing customers to escape there after a hard day’s shopping. The meal consists of a number of delicious sandwiches and cakes served on trays with a choice of either Indian or Chinese tea. Despite the high cost, there are long queues of people every day. I, for one, am always prepared to wait to sample the delights. Throughout its long history, Harrods has had an influence on how people dress, what they eat and the way they furnish their homes. However, one of its major innovations was the introduction of moving staircases. The first escalator was introduced in 1898. Many customers were initially terrified of using them and because of that the brave ones who attempted the journey, were given a glass of brandy when they reached the top to steady their nerves. Another surprising thing about the store is that it used to have a pet department. It opened in 1917 and you could buy not only domestic pets but wild animals such as lions, tigers and panthers as well! In fact, the son of the former King of Albania bought an elephant there in 1967 and presented it to the president of the United States, Ronald Reagan. The department stopped selling exotic pets in 1976 but did not finally close until 2014. Harrods attracts a large number of people. In theory, anyone can enter. You do not need to be rich or even make a purchase. However, you should be careful about what you wear. In 1989, the management introduced a dress code. People wearing cycling shorts, flip-flops, beach clothes and more surprisingly, uniforms, except police officers, are denied entry. It applies to everyone. Some very famous people have been turned away and told to wear something different if they want to get in. In the age of online shopping, many large department stores in London are in financial difficulty and find it harder to persuade people not only to come through the doors but also to spend money. Harrods has gone against this trend by offering something that is unique. It has managed to keep the style that made it successful in the past and still satisfy the needs of today’s demanding and diverse shoppers.


B2 First 31 According to the text what do we know about the life of Charles Henry Harrod? A ■ He was born in a large house in central London. B ■ He had a criminal record because he was fraudulent. C ■ He inherited a large sum of money from his family. D ■ He was forced to hand over the business to his son. 32 Charles Digby Harrod decided to sell up in order A ■ to make sure his children could continue to work there. B ■ to open up another store in a different part of London. C ■ to allow another company to run the store. D ■ to pay for the damage that was caused by the fire. 33 What is the writer’s opinion about having afternoon tea in Harrods? A ■ It is not worth waiting in a long queue to enjoy it. B ■ It is a recent innovation that will not attract many customers. C ■ It is too expensive, as the food and beverage menu is very limited. D ■ It is a good place to relax when you are shopping in the store. 34 Shoppers may be stopped from going into the front entrance of Harrods because A ■ they are dressed in clothes that are not appropriate. B ■ they are celebrities who have a special way to get in. C ■ they haven’t got enough money to buy anything. D ■ they don’t know the correct password for the door. 35 In because of that in line 28 that refers to the fact that A ■ most shoppers looked forward to using the escalators. B ■ the escalators were a common sight in many London stores. C ■ the management only wanted a few people to shop on the higher floors. D ■ the experience of going on an escalator was a challenge for shoppers. 36 What is the writer’s opinion about Harrods in the last paragraph? A ■ She believes it hasn’t changed with the times. B ■ She thinks that is now less fashionable than it was. C ■ She predicts that it will not meet the future demands of its customers. D ■ She feels it has adapted well to the changes in the retail market.


B2 First

READING AND USE OF ENGLISH PART 6 You are going to read a newspaper article about a project in the Black Sea. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G the one which fits each gap (37-42). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. A team of archaeologists, marine specialists and scientists have been working on the Black Sea Maritime Archaeological Project (MAP). (37) ■ During their research, they have found over sixty shipwrecks – ships which have sunk and remained on the seabed – in the Black Sea over the past three years. (38) ■ It was found below the surface of the Black Sea off the coast of Bulgaria. When the team of scientists discovered it, they used two underwater robotic explorers to make a 3-D image of the ship and extract a piece of wood which they sent to the University of Southampton, UK to be carbondated. The carbon dating showed that the ship has been there for about two and a half thousand years. This makes it the oldest known discovery of its kind. Ships usually break up when they sink to the bottom of the sea. (39) ■ It has been lying on the ocean

bed about two kilometres from the surface. There is little or no oxygen beyond one hundred and fifty metres down due to a thick covering of salt water over fresh water. At this depth, without oxygen, organic material such as wood stays in good condition, due to unique chemical elements in the water, so parts of the ship’s construction, such as the mast, can be clearly identified. (40) ■ During the three-year project, remote-controlled deep-water camera systems have been used to film the ship to take photographs and measurements. Complete fish bones have been seen on it, showing what people used to eat and there is some rope which has remained in the position it was in when the boat sank.

is the case, the ship possibly contains gold, wine, oil or other precious metals. As it is so deep, the team will need specialist diving equipment before they can return to explore the ship to look for its cargo. (42) ■ This gives a clear illustration of what the ship in the Black Sea would have looked like. The vase, currently on display in the British Museum, is dated 480 BC. Scientists are very excited by the find because they know this will give them much more information on ship-building and sailing in the ancient world. They are interested in what it can tell them about technology, trade and shipping movements in that area.

It is thought that it was a Greek trading ship, used to transport goods to Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast. (41) ■ If this

A The cargo it was carrying could still be inside. B However, this one is in extremely good condition and completely intact. C They have been exploring the sea to examine prehistoric changes in sea levels. D Ancient Roman ships have also been found in this area. E It also means that it is too deep for people to dive to the shipwreck. F A picture of a similar ship appears on a Greek vase called the Siren Vase. G A 23-metre ship has recently been discovered by the team.


B2 First

READING AND USE OF ENGLISH PART 7 You are going to read part of an article about Bob Dylan. For questions 43-52, choose from the sections (A-D). The sections may be chosen more than once.

Bob Dylan – The Artist A Bob Dylan is an internationally renowned singer, songwriter and author. He is held in such high esteem that he won the Nobel prize for literature in October 2016 for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition. He is also a prolific artist and painter. He started by doing drawings for his album covers in the 1960s and in 1974 spent two intensive months studying painting. A book of 92 drawings called Drawn Blank was published in 1994. One of his major exhibitions called Bob Dylan on Canvas was at the Halcyon Gallery in central London. The show opened in October 2008 and it was the first time that Dylan displayed works he had painted using acrylics. The paintings quickly sold out and this inspired him into a burst of creativity using this medium. B He completed 50 paintings which became known as the Brazil Series. These were exhibited at the Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen, Denmark which opened in 2010. Visitors saw how the artist had made preliminary drawings while he was in Brazil with his band. He developed these into richly coloured pictures of what he had seen while he was travelling. These included landscapes of the countryside and cityscapes particularly showing the poorer areas known as favelas. There were also paintings of interesting characters such as musicians, card players and even criminals. The next major landmark in his career was his first show in New York in autumn 2011. The Asia Series depicted the time he spent in China, Japan, Vietnam and Korea. The following year he was awarded the United States Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama.

C His extraordinary creative energy did not diminish and in February 2013, an exhibition of 23 paintings completed in New Orleans went on display at the Palazzo Reale, Milan. Later in the year, in a change of direction he exhibited work, again at the Halycon Gallery, of gates created from iron and bronze. His work in Mondo Scripto features some of his most iconic lyrics which are handwritten by him on pen and paper and accompanied by an original pencil drawing. In this way he has fused together a number of his artistic disciplines. He has changed some of the words in his songs and even completely rewritten one, especially for the exhibition, in order to bring a new perspective to his writing. D Although Dylan is now in his late seventies, he continues to write, paint, draw and give concerts. His singing voice is not as good as it was when he first played in Greenwich Village as a folk singer. At a recent concert he was even booed when he left the stage. However, his artwork continues to inspire people from different generations. A recent display of his work in Shanghai, China called Retrospectrum aims to tell the story of his art rather than focusing on individual pieces. It is difficult to predict what he will come up with for future projects. Throughout his long career his desire to experiment has produced many surprises.

In which section does the writer mention when Dylan suffers a setback? Dylan’s artwork depicting unusual people? the reason why Dylan altered his work? what he created out of metal? how he began his artistic career?

43 44 45 46 47

what his age is? Dylan’s commercial success as an artist? paintings done when he was on tour? an exhibition which looks back on his work? the reason why he won an international award?

48 49 50 51 52


B2 First


appropriate style.


You must answer this question. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an

In your English class you have been talking about sustainable tourism. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay. Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

Some people say that tourism has a negative effect on the environment. Do you agree?

Notes Write about:

1. 2. 3.


whether sustainable tourism is important an example of sustainable tourism ...................................... (your own idea)

B2 First

WRITING PART 2 Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 140-190 words in an appropriate style. 2

You see this poster in your school English-language magazine.

Film Club Magazine Have you watched a fictional film recently which had an interesting story? Write a review of the film, tell us why the story was interesting and whether you would recommend the film to other people. The writer of the best review receives two cinema tickets.

Write your review.


You see this announcement on an English-speaking website.

Articles about our town We want to inform tourists about our wonderful town and we welcome your ideas.

To help attract tourists to the town, write about a local place of interest that you think is special. ✍ Name the place of interest. ✍ Say why you think it’s special. ✍ Tell them the best time of year to visit.

Write your article.


You have received this email from your English-speaking friend, Sam. Message From



Holiday job

I’m interested in getting a holiday job this summer, but I’m not sure what to do. As you know me well, can you suggest a job I would be good at? What do you think I could learn from this job? What’s the best way to travel around in my free time? Reply

Write your email.


B2 First

160 You will hear people talking in eight different situations. LISTENING PART 1 For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1 You hear two people, who have not met for a while, talking. What do they discuss? A ■ How much they earn. B ■ What they do in their free time. C ■ Why they haven’t seen each other. 2 You hear a head teacher’s assistant talking to a parent. What is the parent surprised about? A ■ Where her daughter is. B ■ How long the lessons last. C ■ What the head teacher is doing. 3 You hear a conversation between Kevin, an employee at a TV company, and Rebecca, a customer. What does she do during the conversation? A ■ She says she’s sorry. B ■ She gets annoyed. C ■ She asks for his phone number. 4 You hear a person who works for a cruise ship company talking. What is he doing? A ■ Criticising young people’s behaviour. B ■ Announcing the winners of a competition. C ■ Explaining why changes are being made.


5 You hear a post office worker talking to a customer. During the conversation the customer A ■ gives some information. B ■ asks for advice. C ■ makes an excuse. 6 You hear two people talking about their new neighbour. What is their attitude towards her? A ■ welcoming B ■ indifferent C ■ hostile 7 You hear part of a recorded message. What is the main purpose of the speaker? A ■ to make suggestions B ■ to provide historical information C ■ to give detailed directions 8 You hear a customer and a shop assistant talking. What is the man doing? A ■ giving an apology B ■ describing a product C ■ making a complaint

You will hear a man called Elliot talking about extraterrestrial activity. For questions 9-18, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. 161

Elliot believes that extraterrestrial activity is a (9) _______________________ subject to talk about. Elliot wants his audience to decide whether the Roswell incident is (10) _______________________. The town of Roswell is situated in New Mexico in (11) _______________________ of the United States. William Brazel, who discovered the unusual materials, worked on (12) _______________________. Elliot says that a nurse was (13) _______________________ when she went into the hospital room and saw the three bodies. Immediately after the incident, a government official claimed that what people believed was a flying disk was actually (14) _______________________. The newspaper National Enquirer finally reported that there might have been a cover-up (15) _______________________ after the incident took place. Elliot says that thousands of people visit the site every year even though (16) _______________________ exists to show what happened. Scientists have not been able to find any (17) _____________________ that might have come from an alien landing. Elliot suggests that the US government might not want (18) _______________________ to know what happened at Roswell.


B2 First

162 You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about LISTENING PART 3 their evening at the theatre. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker like most about his/her evening. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.


the way the play was written the age of the actors the length of the play the quality of the acting the incident before the play began the cost of the seats in the theatre the journey to the theatre the style of the stage design

Speaker 1 19 Speaker 2 20 Speaker 3 21 Speaker 4 22 Speaker 5 23

163 You will hear part of a conversation with a woman called Helen and LISTENING PART 4 a man called Tom about an event in outer space. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 What does Tom first say about the landing on Mars? A ■ It was a story from science fiction. B ■ It made him feel quite sad. C ■ It was an extraordinary feat. 25 What most impressed Tom about the NASA spacecraft? A ■ the quality of its cameras B ■ the reduction in its speed C ■ the way it suddenly disappeared 26 What most interests scientists about the inside of Mars? A ■ its composition B ■ its size C ■ its age

29 What does Tom say about the NASA scientists’ behaviour when the spacecraft InSight landed? A ■ They didn’t display much emotion. B ■ They expressed delight in their achievements. C ■ They didn’t believe it had happened. 30 What is Tom’s opinion about the involvement of other countries in the Mars mission? A ■ He thinks it will cause international conflict. B ■ He thinks it will have little scientific benefit. C ■ He thinks it will assist scientific advancement.

27 What does Tom say about marsquakes? A ■ They are a type of food. B ■ They are a type of movement. C ■ They are a type of weather. 28 Why does Tom think it is important to know about Mars? A ■ To help solve problems on Earth. B ■ To enable people to inhabit it. C ■ To find out more about how it developed.


INVALSI training B2 Reading – Short answer questions 1 Read about Robert Harris’ novel Fatherland, then answer the questions (1-9) using a maximum of four words. The first one (0) has been done for you.

Robert Harris’ Fatherland Imagine a world in which the Nazis had won the Second World War and the Greater German Reich stretched from the Low Countries, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, to the Urals in Russia. That is the parallel world in which author Robert Harris set his thriller Fatherland.

Heydrich, in Prague in 1942. He was a high-ranking German SS and police official during the Nazi era and one of the main architects of the Holocaust, which resulted in the murder of six million Jews. (In historical fact, Heydrich, though wounded, seemed to have survived the attack by Czech partisans, but later died in hospital of septicaemia.) In Harris’ plausible alternative, Heydrich was able to become the state’s evil genius, never present in the novel but always behind the plot.

The action takes place in Berlin in 1964, but the alternative history of Europe seems completely believable. Hitler hasn’t killed himself and his companion Eva Braun in a bunker in Berlin, but is supreme ruler of the Greater German Reich. King Edward VIII, as a Nazi-sympathiser, hasn’t abdicated and gone into exile with his divorcee American wife, Wallis Simpson, but is nominally ruling Britain. Hitler’s favourite architect Albert Speer hasn’t been sentenced to 20 years in prison at the Nuremberg Trials, but has instead gone on to rebuild Nazi Berlin, complete with Triumphal Arch and the Great Hall of the Reich, the largest building in the world. And Berlin’s international airport is called the Flughafen Hermann Göring, after the prominent Nazi.

This is similar to how Big Brother is present in George Orwell’s dystopian novel Nineteen EightyFour, which explored the workings of an imaginary totalitarian society in Britain. In Fatherland, as in Nineteen Eighty-Four, the nation is in perpetual war, and everyone is a potential informer. But the world is not as clear-cut in Harris’ novel. Some people listen to American radio, young people grow their hair long and wear hippy clothes, and even the Beatles play a gig in the German city of Hamburg, despite being officially unwelcome.

In the novel we only find out about recent history by accident and flashback. The earliest change made to real events is the failure of the assassination attempt on Reinhard

The main character of Fatherland is different too. Xavier March is a brave and honest policy officer, despite his SS uniform, and he has a young son who eventually reports

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


What kind of novel is Fatherland? When and where is the plot set? What had Hitler not done in this parallel world? Who would have been ruling Britain? What would have happened to Reinhard Heydrich in Prague in 1942? Which other dystopian novel is Fatherland similar to? How is Fatherland different? Who is the main character of Fatherland? What hidden truth does he discover? What obsession makes people like this book so much?

him to the authorities. He is called upon to investigate the murder of an old man who was once an important Nazi bureaucrat. He is helped in his investigations by a young American journalist. But what they discovered is the terrible truth about the Nazi regime that has been hidden from Germans as well as from the rest of the world: what happened to millions of Jews who unaccountably disappeared during the war never to be seen again. The plausible excuse for this cover-up is the need to concentrate their resources on defeating the Soviet Union and preventing the spread of communism on the one hand, and standing up to an ever-powerful USA on the other hand. It is difficult to know whether the very familiar geo-political context, or the fact that we are so obsessed with alternative truths and what might have been, is the reason this book is still so popular and so relevant almost three decades after it was published in 1992. The book has sold over three million copies and has been translated into 40 languages, as well as being made into an award-winning film.

It’s a thriller. ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

La costruzione della frase (2) Obiettivi • Costruzione passiva (3) • Connettivi • Frase relativa non determinativa


frase relativa non determinativa _________________________ question tags _____________________________________________ forma passiva ____________________________________________ phrasal verbs _____________________________________________ connettivi _________________________________________________

Decidi se le regole sono vere (T) o false (F). Poi correggi quelle false. 1 Una frase relativa non determinativa (non-defining relative clause) fornisce informazioni indispensabili per definire la persona o cosa di cui si sta parlando. ___ 2 Le question tags sono domande brevi poste alla fine di una frase per chiedere conferma di un’affermazione. Una frase affermativa è seguita da una question tag negativa e viceversa. ___ 3 I phrasal verbs intransitivi (keep on) sono seguiti da un complemento oggetto e non si può separare il verbo dalla preposizione. ___ 4 I phrasal verbs transitivi (throw away) reggono il complemento oggetto e si può separare il verbo dalla preposizione. ___ 5 In alcuni phrasal verbs la particella avverbiale è seguita da preposizione + complemento (look out for). ___



The impact of trainers

on the environment

Leggi l’articolo e trova esempi di: 1 2 3 4 5


• Question tags • Phrasal verbs


We just can’t resist a new pair of trainers, can we? We buy the latest model from our favourite brand, for fear that we’ll miss out. These trainers, which I am wearing now, are comfortable, fashionable and cool, aren’t they? That’s fine as long as they don’t have a negative impact on the environment. Trainers take energy to make, therefore they contribute to the climate problem. But this can be combatted by upcycling them. What does that mean? You make them look new again, don’t throw them away, and keep on wearing them. Also, look out for trainers that have been made from recyclable materials and are consequently sustainable.

Rileggi l’articolo e completa lo schema con i connettivi in grassetto. 1 2 3 4

connettivi di condizione connettivi di conseguenza connettivi di precauzione connettivi di scopo

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________



Il passivo (3): tutti i tempi verbali

Come il present simple e il past simple 119 , anche gli altri tempi verbali possono essere trasformati alla forma passiva coniugando il verbo be al tempo appropriato e facendolo seguire dal participio passato del verbo che indica l’azione. I tempi passivi si usano allo stesso modo dei rispettivi tempi attivi. Osserva la tabella dei tempi verbali alla forma passiva.


Forma attiva

Forma passiva

present continuous

He’s fixing the door.

The door is being fixed.

present perfect simple

They’ve consulted a famous doctor.

A famous doctor has been consulted.

past continuous

The police were checking my driving licence when they received an emergency call.

My driving licence was being checked by the police when they received an emergency call.

past perfect

The press agent had announced the release of the new CD by Anastasio.

The release of the new CD by Anastasio had been announced by the press agent.

futuro con will

Italians will elect the new members of parliament next week.

The new members of parliament will be elected by Italians next week.

futuro con going to

They are going to install a new alarm system.

A new alarm system is going to be installed.

future perfect

They will have opened the museum by next week.

The museum will have been opened by next week.

present conditional

We would repair the car, but it’s too old.

The car would be repaired, but it’s too old.

past conditional

He would have completed the report.

The report would have been completed.

infinito presente

They want to cancel the concert.

They want the concert to be cancelled.

infinito passato

I’d like them to have approved my proposal.

I’d like my proposal to have been approved.

Anche la forma in -ing può essere usata al passivo. Being welcomed with applause is encouraging. Having been welcomed with boos he decided not to give the talk.

Essere accolto da applausi è incoraggiante. Essendo stato accolto da fischi decise di non tenere il discorso.

140.1 La forma passiva dei verbi modali Anche i verbi modali ammettono la forma passiva. Osserva gli esempi.


Unfortunately your car must be scrapped as it can’t be repaired. The economic measures could be approved by the majority of the members of parliament.

Sfortunatamente la sua auto deve essere rottamata in quanto non può essere riparata. Le misure economiche potrebbero essere approvate dalla maggioranza dei deputati.


The fiscal issue should have been discussed during the meeting. Great results might have been achieved with the help of the international community.

La questione fiscale dovrebbe essere stata discussa durante la riunione. Grandi risultati avrebbero potuto essere raggiunti con l’aiuto della comunità internazionale.


Mappa p. 570

The passive (3): all forms


Trasforma le frasi alla forma passiva. 1 We will deliver your parcel tomorrow. Your parcel will be delivered tomorrow. 2 I’ve just completed my assignment. 3 They are checking your documents to make sure you have filled in all the sections. 4 They are going to install smoke alarms in all of these old flats. 5 By the end of next week we will have closed our wonderful shop because of the competition from discount stores.


6 They would reject your application, if any of the information you gave is incorrect. 7 She would have answered all your questions, if you’d been willing to listen. 8 They want to develop a new version of their video game. 9 I’d like you to have parked your car closer, so we didn’t have to walk so far. 10 She had already sent a message to all the staff about the date of the Christmas party.

Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Your bike is being mended by Grandad. A has being B is being C being 2 The results of the election ____________ announced yet. A hasn’t been B haven’t been C aren’t 3 The budget for this project ________________ confirmed before we start work. A shall have been B to be C will be


4 The police want the march ________________ diverted away from parliament. A being B to go C to be 5 By the end of October all my assignments ________________ completed. A would be B to be C will have been

Completa le frasi con i modali nel riquadro A e la forma passiva dei verbi nel riquadro B. A 1 2 3 4 5



should have • should not • can • must • might


consume • send • delay • obtain • play

Please check your inbox as an email should have been sent confirming the change to your password. If the bad weather continues, flights ___________________ by up to an hour. Although the risk is minimal, fresh sandwiches ___________________ past their sell-by date. A visa ___________________ in person at the embassy to enable you to enter the country. The rules are relatively simple, so the game ___________________ by children as young as five.

Completa l’email con la forma passiva corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. welcome advise accept require will / expect will / assign inform must / pay might / cause can / purchase will / provide receive can / assist must / return will / send

Dear Adriana, I have the greatest pleasure in informing you that your application to study forensic science (1) has been accepted . You (2) ______________ by the regulations of this university to confirm your acceptance by signing the enclosed document which (3) ______________ to us before the end of the month. Once your confirmation (4) ______________, you (5) ______________ all the details of the induction process that takes place in the week before your studies commence. In your first year, you (6) ______________ to live in one of the student hostels on campus. Furniture and cooking equipment (7) ______________ but not bedding, such as sheets and pillowcases. You can either bring your own or they (8) ______________ at a reasonable cost from the university store. Your first term’s rent (9) ______________ in advance. However, if financial hardship (10) ______________ as a result of this, the housing department need (11) ______________ immediately. The university recognises that going to university can initially be very stressful. To minimise this, systems are in place so that undergraduates (12) ______________. You (13) ______________ a member of staff who will act as your mentor in the first year. A departmental party is held at the end of the week where all the forensic science students (14) ______________ by the professors. You (15) ______________ to attend as it is a wonderful opportunity to meet the people you are going to be working with over the next three years. Yours sincerely, Brenda Bruce – Director of Admissions



La costruzione passiva personale e impersonale

Alcuni verbi come believe, consider, expect, know, report, say, think, ecc. ammettono due costruzioni diverse alla forma passiva: una personale (soggetto + verbo passivo + infinito presente/progressivo/passato) e una impersonale (it + verbo passivo + that + dichiarativa). Entrambe traducono le espressioni impersonali italiane “si crede che”, “si dice che”, “si pensa che”, ecc.



Costruzione personale

Costruzione impersonale

evento presente e futuro

Michael is believed to be the new Financial Director of the company.

It is believed that Michael will Si crede che Michael diventerà be the new Financial Director of il nuovo direttore finanziario the company. dell’azienda.

evento in corso

He is thought to be spying on his boss.

It is thought that he is spying on his boss.

Si pensa che stia spiando il suo superiore.

evento passato e concluso

They are said to have won the national lottery last year.

It is said that they won the national lottery last year.

Si dice che abbiano vinto la lotteria nazionale lo scorso anno.

Osserva le seguenti particolarità. • Nella costruzione personale, la forma negativa si ottiene mettendo al negativo l’infinito. Isabel is said not to be a good student.

Si dice che Isabel non sia una brava studentessa.

• Il verbo suppose si usa solo con la costruzione personale be supposed to + forma base. John is supposed to belong to a nationalist movement. This novel is supposed to be his best-selling book.

Si suppone che John appartenga a un movimento indipendentista. Si suppone che questo romanzo sia il suo libro più venduto.

Entrambe le costruzioni possono essere usate al passato.


She was thought to be a good dancer. It was thought that she was a good dancer.

Si pensava che fosse una brava ballerina.

They were believed to be conducting secret experiments. It was believed that they were conducting secret experiments.

Si credeva che stessero conducendo esperimenti segreti.

He was known to have cheated during the contest. It was known that he had cheated during the contest.

Si sapeva che aveva imbrogliato durante la gara. Mappa p. 570

Conosci il film Citizen Kane di Orson Welles? Leggi le informazioni e completa le frasi con la costruzione passiva personale e impersonale. 1 Many people consider that Citizen Kane is the best film ever made. Citizen Kane is considered to be the best film ever made. It is considered that Citizen Kane is the best film ever made. 2 People in the know said that the main character, Charles Foster Kane, was based on the newspaper publisher William Randolph Hearst. 3 They also think that Orson Welles, the director, got the job because of the success of the radio broadcast War of the Worlds. 4 Many radio listeners believed that War of the Worlds was a news broadcast describing a real invasion by Martians. 5 Newspapers reported that the news programme format deceived listeners and caused a public outrage. 6 They said that the episode secured Orson Welles’ fame as a dramatist.


Personal and impersonal passive



Completa il testo sul mostro di Loch Ness basandoti sui suggerimenti tra parentesi. The Loch Ness Monster (1) is said (say) to be a creature that inhabits a large lake in the Highlands of Scotland. (2) _________________ (it / believe / be) huge in size with a long neck and humps that come up above the water in the lake. (3) _________________ (it / suggest) that the creature only came to worldwide attention when an article about a whale-like fish was published in a local newspaper in 1933. The word ‘monster’ was reportedly also first used then. (4) _________________ (it / also / claim) that sightings of the monster increased after a road was built beside the lake bringing tourists to what had previously been an isolated area. The first photograph that was alleged to depict the monster was also taken in 1933. It was slightly blurred and (5) _________________ (it / note) that there was the head of a dog in the picture. (6) _________________ (it / suspect) at that time that the dog belonged to the photographer. (7) _________________ (it / also / suggest) that the photograph depicted an otter or a swan. The first picture showing the creature’s head and neck was taken by a surgeon. He refused to disclose his name which led it to be known as the surgeon’s photograph. Since 1994 (8) _________________ (it / generally / agree) that this photo was a hoax. As a result of recent DNA testing, (9) _________________ (it / now / believe) that the monster is actually a large eel and that there is probably not a giant scaly reptile lurking at the bottom of the lake!


Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi tra parentesi. It is said that cats have (have) nine lives. (situazione presente) It is expected that the government _____________ (not increase) its majority at the next election. (azione futura) It was thought that left-handed people _____________ (be) very strange and awkward! (evento passato) It was reported that several teenagers _____________ (arrest) at the climate change demonstrations. (evento passato) 5 She is reported _____________ (make) excellent progress in her attempt to sail round the world single-handed. (situazione in corso) 6 My great uncle, Charles Sykes, is said _____________ (base) his design of the Rolls Royce mascot on the beautiful Eleanor Thornton. (evento passato)

1 2 3 4


ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


will be appointed It is expected that Miranda to be appoint as head teacher in September. Stonehenge is believed to be built over 5,000 years ago. It is thought that the rapper JJ Arnold is working on a new album which be released next year. They were saying to be withholding important information about the contract. It is now known that Betty was donated large sums of money to her favourite charities and continues to do so. It was reported that a hump-back whale has being sighted in the River Thames, close to Tower Bridge. It is considered that the Sun revolved around the Earth. It was supposed to have a wonderful surprise that we were taking you to Paris for your birthday. How did you find out?

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

Si ritiene che ridurre i livelli di inquinamento dell’aria avrà molti benefici ambientali. Si pensa che lei sia una delle più grandi violiniste della sua generazione. Si sapeva che Anthony Blunt vendeva segreti di stato quando lavorava a Buckingham Palace. Si dice che la nostra squadra giochi il calcio più corretto del campionato. Si afferma che il British Museum sia il museo migliore di Londra.


140-141 Summative revision 1

Completa i tre testi tratti da cronache di attualità con la forma passiva corretta dei verbi nei riquadri. commit • give • take 1


Two paintings were taken from the Central Gallery last night. The crime _________________ at about one o’clock in the morning. The police _________________ (already) information about possible suspects.

open • do • serve 2

drive • notice • steal

Work _________________ to modernise the city centre at the moment. According to the plans, a hundred new shops _________________ by the end of the year, once the building is complete. We hope that a wide range of delicious food _________________ in the huge food court!


People were surprised yesterday evening to see an open-top car that _________________ by someone dressed as a panda. The car _________________ from outside a house where there was a party but the panda _________________ as everyone else was in a costume.

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con could, must o should e la forma passiva corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. finish • make • steal • switch off

f your Please switch of rary. lib phone in the

Daily News Expert thief takes priceless sculpture A sculpture created by the famous local artist Stefano…


1 Phones must be switched off in the library.

3 The sculpture _________________ _________________ by a master criminal.

STUDENT CAFÉ We are continuing to update the café and are hopeful it will reopen next week.

We make all our products from recycled materials.

2 The university thinks that the café ______________ ___________________ by next week. 4 All this company’s products ___________________ ___________________ from recycled materials.

Completa il testo con i verbi nel riquadro. are to be made • are being offered • having been made • will have been opened would be designed • would have been finished The entrance to new theme park (1) will have been opened by this time next month. The stand-up rollercoaster (2) ____________________________ this week, but there were concerns for people’s safety, so further checks (3) ___________________________. With all the other rides (4) ___________________________ ready for all the visitors to the park, there are only a few areas left to complete. The park’s developers said that the rollercoaster (5) ____________________________, so that it was the biggest in the country. Cheaper entrance tickets (6) ____________________________ to families and students, so a visit to the park is affordable. We hope the park will be a huge success!


Summative revision



Completa l’email con la forma passiva corretta dei verbi tra parentesi.

Message Dear Mr Green, It is with regret that we now give you formal notice that your membership of our health club (1) has been withdrawn (withdraw). Membership rules clearly state that membership cards (2) ___________________________ (must / not / lend) to anyone. However, yesterday morning your card (3) ___________________________ (use) by a member of your family. I am aware that you have asked us if your card (4) ___________________________ (could / use) by relatives. (5) ___________________________ (inform) that this was not possible, you still allowed someone to use your card. As you (6) ___________________________ (tell) on several occasions, guest passes (7) ___________________________ (can / provide) by us at a cost. These, however, (8) ___________________________ (never / ask) for. Therefore in accordance with the club’s contract we hereby wish to inform you that you will not be welcomed at our club in the foreseeable future and that we would like your membership card (9) ___________________________ (return) to us immediately. Yours sincerely,

Joe Simmons General Manager



Riscrivi la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 There are believed to be more students attending university this year. It is believed that there are more students attending university this year. 2 It is said that sounds have been detected on Mars by scientists. Scientists ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 3 Europe’s oldest tree is thought to be over a thousand years old. It ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 4 It was expected that a local football team would win the championship. A local football team ______________________________________________________________________________________________. 5 The expedition to the North Pole is reported to have been a success. It ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 6 It is known that the world’s earliest perfumes were made from spices and oils. The world’s earliest perfumes _____________________________________________________________________________________.


TRANSLATION Traduci i mini-dialoghi in inglese. 1 A B 2 A B 3 A B 4 A B 5 A B

Hai sentito di Marta? Potrebbe esserle stata data una posizione senior al lavoro. Davvero? Pensavo che dovesse andare in pensione a breve. Aver ricevuto questa meravigliosa notizia oggi è del tutto inatteso. Pensavo che ti avessero già comunicato i tuoi eccellenti risultati all’esame. Gli affari devono andare male (be slow): il ristorante dovrebbe essere aperto oggi. Essendo stato chiuso per un incendio, il ristorante è ora in ristrutturazione. Quel telefono è considerato uno dei migliori prodotti da questa azienda. Penso che potrebbe essere sostituito presto da un nuovo modello. Questo negozio dovrebbe essere stato chiuso secoli fa. Si dice che i proprietari vogliono che venga rinnovato per dargli un’immagine migliore.



I connettivi di tempo e sequenza (2)

142.1 Connettivi di tempo Oltre ai connettivi di tempo after, as, as soon as, before, since, until/till, when e while 74.1 , vi sono anche:

as long as


Use my car as long as you need it.

Usa la mia auto finché ti serve.

by the time (that)

quando/entro il tempo in cui

The thief had already run away by the time (that) the police arrived.

Il ladro era già scappato via quando arrivò la polizia.

just as

proprio quando

Just as we were gelling as a team, our boss was assigned to another department.

Proprio quando stavamo diventando una squadra, il nostro capo fu trasferito in un altro ufficio.


una volta che

Once you’ve understood the rules, you won’t have any problems.

Una volta che avrai capito le regole, non avrai alcun problema.

the instant/minute/ nell’istante/minuto/ The moment that I looked straight into his eyes, he burst into tears. momento in cui moment (that)

Nel momento in cui lo guardai dritto negli occhi, scoppiò a piangere.

Se il soggetto della principale e della subordinata è lo stesso si può usare in alternativa on + forma in -ing. The moment that I turned on/On turning on the light, I realised that my flat had been burgled.

Nel momento in cui accesi la luce mi resi conto che il mio appartamento era stato svaligiato.

142.2 Connettivi di sequenza Oltre ai connettivi di sequenza first, then, next, after that/afterwards e last 74.2 , vi sono anche:

after a while, some time later

dopo un po’, un po’ di tempo dopo

Some time later they divorced.

Un po’ di tempo dopo divorziarono.

at first

all’inizio/in un primo momento

At first I didn’t like Chinese food, but then I began to appreciate it.

All’inizio non mi piaceva il cibo cinese, ma poi ho iniziato ad apprezzarlo.

Si usa at first e non first per indicare l’inizio di una situazione ed evidenziare un contrasto con gli avvenimenti successivi.

eventually, finally, alla fine, infine in the end

They had been engaged for 10 years but eventually they split up.

Sono stati fidanzati per 10 anni ma alla fine si sono lasciati.

ENGLISH USAGE • Si usa finally per esprimere sollievo per qualcosa che aspettavamo da tempo e si è realizzato. Ha lo stesso significato di at last (“finalmente”), ma si trova prima del verbo o fra l’ausiliare e il verbo. She has finally given up smoking (at last).

Finalmente ha smesso di fumare.

• Finally non si può usare da solo come esclamazione. In questo caso si usa at last.

“Eventualmente” si traduce con if necessary o in case, non eventually.

“Mi sono dichiarato a Fiona.” “Finalmente!”

‘I proposed to Fiona.’ ‘At last!’

• Finally può avere anche il significato di “in conclusione”, “per concludere”. Finally, I’d like to remind you that dinner…

later (on)

in seguito

meanwhile, in the nel frattempo, intanto meantime 524

Per concludere, vorrei ricordarvi che la cena...

Later on he applied for a scholarship.

In seguito fece domanda per una borsa di studio.

Please, get into the car. Meanwhile I’ll check that the door is closed.

Per favore, sali in macchina. Nel frattempo controllo che la porta sia chiusa.

Connectives of time and sequence (2)



Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con i connettivi nel riquadro. as long as • at first • in the end • in the meantime • once • the moment 1 2 3 4 5 6

If your phone freezes and you can’t get it to work, We weren’t used to living in a hot climate I knew he hadn’t passed his driving test I don’t mind you staying here We looked for the new café for ages but Harry looked for a birthday present for his mum and


a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ e ■ 1 f ■

__________________ you like during the holidays. __________________ I saw his face. __________________ we went home for lunch. __________________, but then we began to like it. __________________ Lily made her a cake. once it’s plugged into a charger, it will usually start working again.

Metti la storia nell’ordine cronologico corretto completandola con i connettivi nel riquadro. by the time • finally • at first • after a while • just as

■ ■

__________________, after sitting under our umbrellas for half an hour, we decided to go home. __________________ it started to rain, we were thinking about leaving.


__________________ the sky became cloudy and the temperature dropped. 1 ■ My friends and I went to the beach yesterday. ■ __________________ our bus arrived, the sun came out again! ■ __________________ it was sunny and warm.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta per completare i mini-dialoghi. 1 A B A 2 A B A 3 A

I waited to hear from Sam all day, because he’d promised to phone me finally/later on. Well, I’m glad he eventually/at last got in touch. What did he say? Actually, he didn’t say anything because the second/by the time he phoned, I’d been asleep for an hour! Can we go shopping today, Mum? Once/At first school starts, we won’t have time. OK, we can go this morning as long/just as it isn’t raining. Great! I can have a look for some new jeans at last/in the end! Have you had any news from Penny? I saw her a couple of months ago, then by the time/some time later, I heard she moved. B She moved to a bigger flat and in the meantime/meanwhile she went on a Mediterranean cruise. A The minute/Eventually you see her again, get her to phone me. B I’ve got her number. Let’s text her so we can in the end/finally meet up!


Completa la trama del film Back to the Future con le parole nel riquadro. after a while • as soon as • in the meantime • just as • later on • meanwhile • once • the instant The story starts when, (1) just as Marty McFly goes into his friend Dr Emmett Brown’s home, he gets a phone call from him and agrees to meet him in a car park later that night. (2) ______________, Marty sees his girlfriend, Jennifer, and they arrange to speak later that evening. (3) ______________ that day, Marty goes home to find Biff Tannen, his dad’s boss, is being horrible to his dad. (4) ______________ Marty and Dr Brown meet up in the car park, the doctor shows Marty his time-travelling car. Marty travels back in time to 1955 and (5) ______________, meets his parents who are teenagers. Marty has to go home to 1985, so (6) ______________ he visits Doctor Brown in 1955, they start to plan Marty’s return to the future. Marty remembers that there is a thunderstorm on the night of the school dance, so the doctor makes sure that (7) ______________ the lightning strikes, the electricity will force the time machine back to 1985. Marty finally gets home and (8) ______________, his parents have become successful and Biff Tannen now works for them.



I connettivi di modo, condizione e dubbio

143.1 Connettivi di modo Oltre ai connettivi di modo as e like 73 , vi sono anche:

as if/though + past simple (situazioni non vere al presente)/past perfect simple (situazioni non vere al passato)

She masters Russian as if she were a native. He acted as though his team had won the match.

come se

Padroneggia il russo come ma non è russa se fosse madre lingua. Si comportava come se la sua squadra avesse vinto la partita. ma non ha vinto

As if/As though può essere seguito, oltre che dal past simple o past perfect, anche da altri tempi verbali dopo: • i verbi di percezione come feel, look, smell, sound e taste, sia con costruzione personale che impersonale Sembra che abbia fatto il bagno nell’acqua di rose.

It smells as if she has bathed in rose water.

• verbi per parlare del modo in cui si compie un’azione Parla come se stesse per andare in pensione.

He talks as if he is going to retire.

nel modo in cui, nello stesso modo in cui

(in) the way, (in) the same way as

I boned the fish (in) the way I was shown by chef Touille.

Ho diliscato il pesce nel modo in cui mi è stato mostrato dallo chef Touille.

143.2 Connettivi di condizione Oltre ai connettivi di condizione if, even if e unless 100, 101

vi sono anche:

as/so long as


We’ll accept the faulty T-shirts as long as you give us a discount.

Accetteremo le magliette difettose purché ci concediate uno sconto.

imagine (that)

immagina che

Imagine that you were a Hollywood star. What would you do?

Immagina di essere una star di Hollywood. Che cosa faresti?

In case of fire, use the stairs.

In caso di incendio usare le scale.

a condizione che

She can come with us on condition that her parents agree.

Può venire con noi a condizione che i suoi genitori siano d’accordo.

a patto che

You can have a party tonight provided you clear up the mess.

Puoi fare una festa stasera a patto che tu rimetta a posto.

supponi/ supponendo che

Suppose you won one million euros. Would you tell me?

Supponi di vincere un milione di euro. Me lo diresti?

in case of + sostantivo in caso di on condition (that) provided/providing (that) suppose/supposing (that)

In inglese i connettivi di condizione non sono mai seguiti dal verbo al futuro. You can go on holiday on condition that you pass the exam.

Puoi andare in vacanza se supererai l’esame.

143.3 Connettivi di dubbio if, whether


I wondered whether she was still the same woman I had married.

Mi chiedevo se fosse sempre la stessa donna che avevo sposato.

Quando if esprime dubbio può essere seguito dal futuro. Confronta gli esempi: My parents wonder if I’ll find a good job. My parents will be happy if I find a good job.


hanno dei dubbi ipotetica di I tipo

I miei genitori si chiedono se troverò un buon lavoro. I miei genitori saranno felici se troverò un buon lavoro.

Connectives of comparison, condition and doubt


Si usa whether e non if: dopo una preposizione, prima di un infinito dopo verbi come argue e discuss, per introdurre una frase soggettiva, con whether... or. Her concerns about whether Timmy will pass the test are groundless. I don’t know whether to order Indian or Mexican food. They are discussing whether their son should go to university. Whether Liam P. will star in the new film on the Cuban Revolution is a mystery. Whether you want to or not, you must talk to your father.


Le sue preoccupazioni se Timmy supererà il test sono infondate. Non so se ordinare indiano o messicano. Stanno discutendo se il loro figlio dovrebbe andare all’università. Se Liam P. sarà il protagonista del nuovo film sulla rivoluzione cubana è un mistero. Che tu lo voglia o meno, devi parlare con tuo padre.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con as if e la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. need • be • win • come out • go • complete • not cut • not have 1 She is a beginner but she skis 2 This grubby carpet looks 3 Although the match ended in a draw, she celebrated 4 She looked shattered, 5 This sandwich tastes 6 The lawn looked 7 She behaves 8 The bread smells


a ■ _______ she ______________ a marathon. b ■ _______ she ______________ a care in the world. 1 as if she has been on the slopes all her life. c ■ d ■ _______ it ______________ past its sell-by date. e ■ _______ she ______________ the championship. f ■ _______ it ______________ for months. g ■ _______ it ______________ a thorough clean. h ■ _______ it ______________ of the oven a few minutes ago!

Completa le frasi con i connettivi nel riquadro. whether • in the way • in case of • suppose • as long as 1 2 3 4 5


She cooked the steak in the way it was shown on the TV programme Let’s Cook. You can go to the party _________________ you are back home before midnight. Passengers must go to their lifeboat stations _________________ an emergency on board. _________________ you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? I wondered _________________ the city had changed very much since my last visit five years ago.

ERROR CORRECTION Steve e Tracey sono preoccupati per gli imminenti esami che la loro figlia Amy deve sostenere. Leggi il dialogo e correggi altri sei errori. Steve What are you thinking about? You look as though you are in another world. she’ll get Tracey Amy’s exams are coming up and I was just wondering whether she gets the results she needs to get into her first-choice university. It looks though she’s on track to get excellent marks, but you never know. Steve I’m sure she will, provides she doesn’t panic during the exams. Tracey But what do we do in case a meltdown? On the day of the exams, supposed she has worried so much, she didn’t sleep a wink and arrives at the exam centre absolutely exhausted? She might nod off! Steve Don’t be so negative, Tracey. Your concerns about that she’ll fall asleep in the middle of an exam are absolutely groundless. Tracey You’re right. I think I’m becoming over-concerned. I’m sure she’ll do extremely well as soon as she continues to work hard and we encourage her as much as we can. Steve We also need to make sure she gets a good night’s sleep!



I connettivi di scopo e precauzione, causa e conseguenza (2)

144.1 Connettivi di scopo Oltre ai connettivi di scopo to e so as to/in order to 75.1 , vi sono anche:

so that + soggetto + will/can (presente)/ so that + soggetto + would/could (passato)

affinché, in modo che

I want to improve my Spanish so that I can move to Spain.

Voglio migliorare il mio spagnolo per potermi trasferire in Spagna.

She left the party early so that she wouldn’t miss the last train.

Andò via presto dalla festa per non perdere l’ultimo treno.

In alternativa a so that si può usare in order that, in uno stile formale.

for + complemento + to affinché, perché Speak slowly for him to understand.

Parla lentamente affinché lui capisca.

144.2 Connettivi di precauzione in case + soggetto + present simple/ past simple/might/ should

nel caso in cui, nell’eventualità che

I’ll prepare an extra bed in case Camilla stays for the night.

Preparerò un letto in più nel caso in cui Camilla rimanga a dormire.

She didn’t answer any phone calls in case Paul called.

Non rispose ad alcuna telefonata nell’eventualità che Paul chiamasse.

Alex, take the dog for a walk now in case it might rain later.

Alex, porta fuori il cane ora nel caso in cui dopo piovesse.

In italiano “nel caso in cui” può avere anche il significato di “se”, in inglese in case e if hanno usi diversi. I’ll withdraw some cash in case I run out of money. I’ll withdraw some cash if I run out of money.

for fear that + soggetto + might/ per paura che should (se il soggetto della principale e della secondaria sono diversi) for fear of + -ing (se il soggetto della per paura di principale è lo stesso della secondaria)

Preleverò dei contanti, nel caso in cui rimanga senza soldi. (ho un po’ di soldi, ma faccio un prelievo) Preleverò dei contanti se rimarrò senza soldi. (ho un po’ di soldi, quindi per ora non faccio un prelievo)

She locked the door for fear that her ex-husband might/should come.

Chiuse a chiave la porta per paura che venisse il suo ex marito.

The boy hid in the café for fear of being involved in the riot.

Il ragazzo si nascose nel bar per paura di essere coinvolto nei disordini.

144.3 Connettivi di causa Oltre ai connettivi di causa as/since, for, because, because of/due to, owing to 75.2 , vi sono anche i seguenti connettivi, più formali rispetto ai precedenti:

given + sostantivo


Given the current political situation, Data la situazione politica attuale, ci there are serious economical problems. sono seri problemi economici.

given that + frase

dato che

Given that you are afraid of flying, you’ll have to travel by car.

Dato che hai paura di volare, dovrai viaggiare in auto.

In view of the approaching storm, the island was evacuated.

A causa della tempesta in arrivo l’isola fu evacuata.

in view of + sostantivo/ a causa di, per il fatto che the fact that + frase 528

Connectives of purpose, precaution, reason and result (2)


144.4 Connettivi di conseguenza Oltre ai connettivi di conseguenza so, so/such… that 75.3 , vi sono anche i seguenti connettivi, più formali rispetto ai precedenti:

I haven’t been able to save up this accordingly, as a result, di conseguenza year. As a result I’m not going on as a consequence, holidays. consequently

hence, therefore, thus


quindi, perciò

She was always late for work. Therefore she was fired.

Non sono stato in grado di risparmiare niente quest’anno. Di conseguenza non andrò in vacanza. Era sempre in ritardo al lavoro. Perciò fu licenziata.

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. so that • given that • given • in case • as a result • for fear • in view of An agreement looks almost impossible, given the deadlock in the discussions. He’ll have to extend the deadline, ______________ he has provided a written undertaking. People started to stockpile food and medicines, ______________ the likelihood of shortages. The court refused to allow the prime minister to suspend parliament, ______________ that he might act unconstitutionally. 5 Members of Parliament have been unable to find a solution to the current crisis and ______________, the House of Commons will sit on a Saturday for the first time in over 30 years. 6 A government minister flew back from Brussels ______________ she could vote in Parliament. 7 The government had a new plan ______________ they lost the vote.

1 2 3 4


Completa le frasi con le parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


I want to learn salsa so that I can impress my girlfriend. (so that / impress) She went to the airport early _______________________________________ her flight. (so that / not miss) I’ll cook another steak _______________________________________ to stay for dinner. (in case / Mary / decide) The weather’s fine now but take my umbrella _______________________________________ later. (in case / rain) She tiptoed into her room _______________________________________ her parents. (for fear of / wake) Please walk more slowly _______________________________________ with us. (for them / catch up)

Leggi la sentenza emanata dal giudice Whale e completala con le espressioni nel riquadro. For fear that you might • In view of the public interest • Given that you have failed • In view of the fact that As a consequence of a report • Therefore, you will be able • Accordingly, you will not be (1) Given that you have failed to give a straight answer to any of my questions, I conclude there is evidence of wrongdoing. (2) ______________________________________ you already have a criminal record, I would normally refuse you bail. (3) _________________________________________ from your probation officer that you are in full-time employment and have somewhere to live, I am willing to reconsider this. (4) ______________________________________ remanded in custody. (5) ______________________________________ to continue working under strict supervision. (6) ______________________________________ break the conditions of your bail, you will be expected to report to a police station every Saturday. (7) ______________________________________ in this case, I order that newspapers must not now report any further details that might prejudice the trial.



I connettivi per aggiungere, esprimere alternativa, contrasto e concessione

145.1 Connettivi per aggiungere e includere Oltre ai connettivi and 16 , both… and 48 , vi sono anche:


anche, inoltre

My mum works at the general hospital. She also works for Emergency in her free time.

Mia madre lavora all’ospedale della città. Inoltre lavora per Emergency nel tempo libero.

as well, too


Boston is a historical town and a cultural centre as well.

Boston è una città storica e anche un centro culturale.

Osserva le seguenti particolarità: • also, as well e too hanno tutti lo stesso significato, ma una diversa posizione: also precede il verbo o segue l’ausiliare, as well e too vanno alla fine della frase She had a successful career at MSC, but she also worked hard/but she worked hard as well.

Ha fatto una carriera veloce alla MSC, ma ha anche lavorato sodo.

• too è solitamente preceduto dalla virgola (,) Leo is friendly and good-looking, too.

Leo è simpatico e anche di bell’aspetto.

as well as

oltre che

He is rude as well as unfriendly.

È maleducato oltre che antipatico.

as well as + -ing

oltre a

As well as studying she works in a pub.

Oltre a studiare lavora in un pub.



She is beautiful. Besides, she is intelligent.

È bella. Inoltre è intelligente.

besides + -ing

oltre a

Besides living in the country Oltre a vivere in campagna, they live on the fruit of their own vivono dei frutti della loro terra. land.

in addition (to)


Mattia came home late last night. In addition, he was drunk.

Mattia è rincasato tardi ieri sera. Inoltre era ubriaco.

in addition to + -ing

oltre a

Belinda had her driving licence suspended in addition to being fined.

A Belinda è stata sospesa la patente oltre a essere stata multata.

furthermore, moreover (formale)


Carlo is one of the most prominent Italian scientists. Furthermore, he is involved in many international projects.

Carlo è uno dei più insigni scienziati italiani. Inoltre è coinvolto in molti progetti internazionali.

not only... but also

non solo... ma anche

Angie is not only a good tennis player, but also a good swimmer.

Angie non è solo una brava tennista ma anche una brava nuotatrice.

on top of that, what’s more (informale)

inoltre, per di più

I ran out of petrol and on top of that, the car had a flat tyre.

Sono rimasta senza benzina e per di più la macchina aveva una gomma a terra.

to make matters/things worse (informale)

inoltre, a peggiorare le cose

I’m in such a bad mood today and to make things worse I have to go to the dentist.

Sono di cattivo umore oggi e a peggiorare le cose devo andare dal dentista.


Connectives to add something, express alternative, contrast and concession


145.2 Connettivi per escludere e indicare alternativa Oltre ai connettivi or 15 , either... or/neither… nor 47 , vi sono anche:

neither, nor

né, neanche, neppure

Lucy didn’t come to the party and nor did her boyfriend.

Lucy non è venuta alla festa e neanche il suo fidanzato.

either (alla fine di frasi negative) or else, otherwise

neanche, neppure

Francesco didn’t pass the exam and Daniele didn’t either.

Francesco non ha superato l’esame e Daniele neppure.

altrimenti, oppure

Don’t go to the party without me or else I’ll leave you.

Non andare alla festa senza di me altrimenti ti lascio.

145.3 Connettivi di contrasto e concessione Oltre ai connettivi but 15 , although/though e whereas/while 75

even though

anche se, sebbene

vi sono anche:

Even though I tried hard, I couldn’t solve this equation.

Anche se ci ho provato con tutto me stesso, non sono riuscito a risolvere questa equazione.

Non confondere even though con even if 101 : il primo si usa con riferimento a situazioni concrete, il secondo esprime un’ipotesi. Sandra won the match even though she didn’t feel Sandra ha vinto la partita anche se non si sentiva bene. situazione reale well. Sandra would win the match even if she were Sandra vincerebbe la partita anche se venisse bendata. ipotesi blindfolded.

however, nevertheless, comunque, nonostante ciò, tuttavia nonetheless, even so, (and) yet, (and) still

The bear didn’t seem interested in us. However, I trembled with fear. The town filled up with tourists, but even so, they found a hotel room.

L’orso non sembrava interessato a noi, però io tremavo dalla paura. La città era piena di turisti, ma ciò nonostante trovarono una sistemazione.

... though (a fine frase)

tuttavia, eppure

Simon had slept all night. He felt very tired though.

Simon aveva dormito tutta la notte. Tuttavia si sentiva molto stanco.

in spite of/despite + sostantivo in spite of that, despite that


Despite my efforts, I cannot find a job.

Nonostante i miei sforzi non riesco a trovare lavoro.

nonostante ciò

Mary is overweight. In spite of that, she keeps eating like a horse.

Mary è in sovrappeso. Nonostante ciò continua a mangiare come un lupo.

in spite of the fact that, despite the fact that in spite of/despite + -ing on the contrary

nonostante che

Despite the fact that the book is well written, we are not going to publish it.

Nonostante che il libro sia ben scritto, non lo pubblicheremo.

nonostante che

In spite of taking antibiotics, she has not recovered.

Nonostante (che) prenda gli antibiotici, non è guarita.

al contrario

Miriam is always sulky. On the contrary, her sister is friendly.

Miriam è sempre imbronciata. Al contrario sua sorella è simpatica.

on the other hand (spesso in correlazione con on the one hand)

d’altra parte

On the one hand we’d like to move abroad. On the other hand, it’s not easy to leave your own country.

Da una parte vorremmo trasferirci all’estero. Dall’altra non è semplice lasciare il proprio paese.


145 1

Connectives to add something, express alternative, contrast and concession Riscrivi le frasi usando le parole tra parentesi.

1 My mum works as lawyer for an oil company. She also gives free legal advice to unemployed people. (as well as) As well as working as a lawyer for an oil company, my mum gives free legal advice to unemployed people. 2 The hotel has an open-air swimming pool. In addition, there is a jacuzzi and a sauna. (besides) 3 Bob Dylan is a multi-talented musician. Moreover, he is an excellent artist. (not only – but also) 4 Kathy worked very hard to become the boss but she also had a lot of luck. (as well) 5 Not only is Jemima attractive, she’s also very kind. (what’s more)


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


I won’t sign that letter, even if/even though the court orders me to. We didn’t go to the beach even if/even though the weather was beautiful. Quentin wouldn’t go to see that film even if/even though you paid him! We watched the film until the very end, even if/even though it was really boring. I couldn’t finish the meal even if/even though the food was absolutely delicious.

Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 Boston is a cultural city as well as being home to the Red Sox baseball team. A also B too C as well as 2 They have a holiday home on the Riviera _____________ having a flat in Paris. A in addition B besides C furthermore 3 I was late for work and _____________ I got a parking ticket and had to pay a fine. A on top of that B on the other hand C on the contrary 4 Jack didn’t enjoy the film and _____________ did Jane. A either B otherwise C neither 5 The food tasted awful. _____________, we managed to eat it. A Despite B Or else C Nevertheless 6 Pat’s a doctor. She volunteers for a children’s charity, _____________. A besides B too C but also 7 My manager is very busy now. _____________, she can see you at 9 a.m. tomorrow. A However B Although C Even though 8 _____________ being a strong swimmer, he struggled to go against the tide. A In addition to B In spite of C In spite of the fact


Riscrivi le frasi con i connettivi tra parentesi. 1 Not only was Lord Byron a poet, he was also a politician. Lord Byron was a poet and a politician, too . (too) 2 Byron not only travelled to Italy but also to Greece. Byron travelled to Greece ____________________________________. (as well as) 3 Despite having huge debts, he lived in Venice for six years. He lived in Venice for six years ____________________________________. (in spite of) 4 Besides Venice, he spent time in Ravenna and Pisa. He spent time in Ravenna and Pisa, ____________________________________. (in addition) 5 He fought in the Greek war of independence, in addition to writing poetry. He not only ____________________________________. (but also) 6 As well as speaking Italian and Greek, he also studied Armenian. He spoke Italian and Greek. ____________________________________ (furthermore)


Connectives to add something, express alternative, contrast and concession



Leggi la storia di Ada Lovelace, matematica inglese che nel 1800 ha lavorato alla macchina analitica, e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Ada Lovelace was born in 1815. She was the daughter of the poet Lord Byron. (1) Moreover/ Despite this, she was his only child to have been born legitimately. (2) However/Even though Byron and his wife separated not long after Ada was born and she stayed in England while her father travelled abroad. Her mother was very upset (3) neither/as well and did everything she could to distance her child from her father. (4) On the contrary/Despite this, Ada always felt close to him. (5) Even though/Either she was often very ill, Ada studied very hard. She was (6) what’s more/not only interested in poetry but also science and mathematics. She married the Earl of Lovelace in 1838 and as a result became a member of the aristocracy. (7) Furthermore/In spite of, she had the opportunity to meet many well-known scientists and writers. She got to know the author Charles Dickens (8) as well as/too Michael Faraday, who did research into electromagnetism. (9) But also/In addition to these people she became friendly with Charles Babbage, who later became known as ‘the father of computers’ because of his work on the analytical engine. (10) As well/Besides working with Babbage on the machine, she translated the papers of the Italian engineer Luigi Menabrea. (11) On top of that/Even though she wrote a set of notes that explained in detail how the analytical engine functioned. Ada and Charles Babbage had a number of disagreements about some of its mathematical functions. (12) Otherwise/To make matters worse, Babbage tried to take credit for the work Ada had done. (13) In spite of/On the other hand this falling out, they continued to communicate with each other. She sadly died at the age of only 36. (14) Despite/Nor her comparatively short life she achieved so much. Many people credit her with writing the first algorithm. She has had the computer language ‘Ada’ named after her. (15) Nevertheless/What’s more, there is the ‘Ada Lovelace’ medal awarded annually to a woman for achievements in computing.


Completa l’articolo con i connettivi nel riquadro. to make matters worse • on the one hand • nevertheless • on the other • however • as well • in addition to • despite

Travel broadens the mind

Travelling to other countries is often exciting but it can also be challenging. (1) On the one hand you get to experience another culture, language and way of life. (2) __________________, many things can go wrong and you might find yourself lost and homesick in an intimidating city. (3) __________________, I’m sure the advantages of having a foreign adventure outweigh the disadvantages. You have the chance to visit interesting places, meet new people and eat different food (4) __________________. You learn to be more independent when you have to


find your way around on a transport system you are not familiar with. (5) __________________ having apps that show you where you are, instantly translate menus or help you to find accommodation, you are bound to encounter some unexpected difficulties. You could eat something that makes you feel unwell and then (6) __________________ have to find a doctor to treat you. (7) __________________, most travellers generally have a wonderful time and return home full of stories about what they have done (8) __________________ a bag filled with souvenirs!

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi.

1 2 3 4 5 6

as She speaks French and Spanish as well Russian. My sister has a moped as well as have two mountain bikes! Despite of the sunny weather we stayed at home all weekend. Peter really enjoys his job even although he doesn’t earn very much. I’ve got a terrible toothache. To make matters worst I’m doing my most difficult exam today. There are trains to London twice an hour. Nevertheless, there are plenty of buses that are a lot cheaper.



I connettivi per strutturare un discorso

146.1 Connettivi per iniziare for a start, in the first place, to begin with, to start with

per cominciare, in primo luogo

To begin with I’d like to read this poem by Shelley out loud.

Per cominciare vorrei leggere ad alta voce questa poesia di Shelley.

146.2 Connettivi per introdurre un argomento as for, as to, as regards, regarding per quanto as far as… is/are concerned (formale) with reference to (formale) by the way

riguarda, quanto a, riguardo a

As regards his attitude to life, don’t forget that Leopardi...

Quanto al suo atteggiamento nei confronti della vita, non dimenticate che Leopardi...

As far as foreign politics is concerned, Per quanto riguarda la politica estera, we exclude any commitment of our escludiamo qualsiasi impegno dei soldiers. nostri soldati.

con riferimento a

With reference to your request, we regret to inform you…

Con riferimento alla sua richiesta, siamo spiacenti di informarla…

a proposito

Pat is coming. By the way, she has Pat sta arrivando. A proposito, è a been on a diet for 3 months and hasn’t dieta da 3 mesi e non ha ancora perso lost a kilo yet. un chilo.

146.3 Connettivi per elencare first, firstly, first of all, in the first place, the first thing is second, secondly, in the second place after that, next, then finally, last, lastly

primo, per prima cosa

First of all, don’t be late on your first day at work.

In primo luogo non siate in ritardo il vostro primo giorno di lavoro.

secondo, in secondo luogo

In the second place, dress in an appropriate way.

In secondo luogo vestite in modo appropriato.

poi, dopodiché

Next, don’t ask for a day-off in your first month of work.

Poi non chiedete un giorno libero il vostro primo mese di lavoro.

in ultimo

Last, don’t criticise your previous employer.

In ultimo non parlate male del vostro precedente datore di lavoro.

146.4 Connettivi per generalizzare as a (general) rule, in general altogether, on the whole, by and large broadly speaking, generally speaking to a great/large extent to a certain/some extent 534

di norma, in generale

As a rule, students are not permitted to arrive late.

Di norma agli studenti non è permesso arrivare tardi.

nell’insieme, nel complesso

Altogether, the essay is clear and well written.

Nell’insieme il saggio è chiaro e ben scritto.

a grandi linee, in linea di massima

Generally speaking, the project is fine but it still needs some tuning.

A grandi linee il progetto va bene ma servono ancora aggiustamenti.

in larga misura

To a large extent, I don’t share his ideas.

In larga misura non condivido le sue idee.

entro certi limiti

To a certain extent, I agree with him.

Entro certi limiti sono d’accordo con lui.

Connectives to structure a text


146.5 Connettivi per spiegare, precisare e riformulare actually, in fact, as a matter of fact

effettivamente, in realtà, in effetti

The economic crisis is affecting all EU countries. As a matter of fact, we are now facing a period of recession.

La crisi economica sta colpendo tutti i paesi della UE. In realtà siamo di fronte a un periodo di recessione.

to tell the truth, to be perfectly honest or rather, better

a dire la verità, in tutta sincerità

I’m quite tired. To tell you the truth, I’m really exhausted.

Sono abbastanza stanca. A dir la verità, sono proprio distrutta.

o piuttosto, meglio

I met Thomas on the stairs, or rather I ran into him.

Ho incontrato Thomas per le scale, o meglio mi sono scontrata con lui.

We cannot keep silent while our rights are being violated. In other words, we must stand up for our rights.

Non possiamo rimanere in silenzio mentre i nostri diritti vengono violati. In altre parole, dobbiamo lottare per i nostri diritti.

in altre parole in other words, to put it in another way

146.6 Connettivi per esprimere un’opinione in my/your/his… opinion/view

secondo me/te/lui..., a mio/tuo/suo… avviso

In my opinion, this is the best solution.

Secondo me questa è la soluzione migliore.

from my/your/his... point of view according to

dal mio/tuo/suo… punto di vista

From Lucy’s point of view, I shouldn’t have accepted the job.

Dal punto di vista di Lucy, non avrei dovuto accettare il lavoro.

secondo, stando a

According to him, Mary was very lucky.

Secondo lui, Mary è stata molto fortunata.

to my mind

secondo me

To my mind, he didn’t deserve a promotion.

Secondo me non meritava una promozione.

personally I feel/think/ personalmente sento/ Personally I believe (that) your penso/ritengo che attempt is doomed to fail. believe (that) As far as I’m concerned, I broke as far as I’m concerned per quanto mi as far as I know/I can see

Personalmente ritengo che il tuo tentativo sia destinato a fallire.


up with them.

Per quanto mi riguarda ho chiuso con loro.

per quanto ne so/ posso vedere

As far as I know, the Moores have moved to California.

Per quanto ne so, i Moore si sono trasferiti in California.

146.7 Connettivi per riassumere e concludere in a word, in short, to put it briefly to sum up, in conclusion, to conclude

in breve, in poche parole

In short, this is your chance of a lifetime.

In breve, questa è l’occasione della tua vita.

per concludere, in conclusione

In conclusion, he’s a real pain in the neck.

In conclusione, è un vero e proprio rompiscatole.



Connectives to structure a text

146.8 Connettivi per fare esempi for example/instance

per esempio

Organise your trip in advance. For example book flights and hotels early in the season.

Organizzate il vostro viaggio in anticipo. Per esempio prenotate voli e alberghi all’inizio della stagione.

such as


There is a large variety of shops at shopping malls, such as shoe shops, clothes shops, etc.

C’è una grande varietà di negozi nei centri commerciali come negozi di calzature, abbigliamento, ecc.

namely, that is, that is to say

vale a dire, cioè

‘What happened to the car?’ ‘Someone, namely your son, has had parking problems.’

“Cosa è successo all’auto?” “Qualcuno, vale a dire tuo figlio, ha avuto problemi di parcheggio.”

Osserva le seguenti abbreviazioni latine usate nei testi scritti: e.g. (exempli gratia): for example/instance i.e. (id est): that is/that is to say


viz. (videlicet): namely

Libri di carta o e-book? Completa la discussione di classe con i connettivi nel riquadro. as far as I’m concerned • in my opinion • according to • point of view • a great extent • begin with first of all • be perfectly honest • secondly • as a general rule • finally • to sum up Teacher Good morning class. Our discussion topic this week is all to do with books. Do we prefer to read them in paper form or electronically? To (1) begin with I’d like to read you a quote from the British writer and performer Stephen Fry. He said, ‘Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators.’ (2) ___________________, this means that paper books can exist side by side with e-books in the same way as we continue to use both elevators and stairs. One does not replace the other. Now I want to hear some views on both sides of this argument. I’d like Zadie to begin. She’s going to argue for the benefits of reading paper books. Zadie Thank you. As our teacher said, I want to tell you the reasons why I love to own and read paper books. (3) ___________________, I believe that paper appeals to our senses. We can touch it and smell it. We can also see words on paper much more easily than on a screen. (4) ___________________, we are much less likely to get distracted when we read a paper book. (5) ___________________, we can only read and that really helps our concentration. (6) ___________________, we can possess paper books. They look good on bookshelves and even more importantly we can give them as presents and write messages inside them. They are things of beauty that we should treasure. Teacher You have presented some interesting ideas, Zadie. Now I want to ask Salman to put forward another point of view. Salman Well, to (7) ___________________, I don’t think that any of Zadie’s ideas stand up to scrutiny. (8) ___________________, paper books take up space and are heavy to carry around. I can store hundreds of books on my device which weighs less than a paperback. I can read them wherever and whenever I want. It’s so convenient. Personally, I believe that in only a few years’ time, paper books will only be looked at in musty old libraries. Teacher Thank you, Salman. You have defended your point of view well. Finally. I’d like to ask Donna (9) ___________________ both sides of the argument and then I’ll open the discussion to the rest of the class. Donna Thank you. (10) ___________________ Zadie, paper books are beautiful objects that appeal to our senses and are a pleasure to read. From Salman’s (11) ___________________, e-books are very practical. To (12) ___________________, both sides of this argument have merit, so I’ll be very interested to hear what the rest of the class thinks.


Connectives to structure a text



Tom ha fatto domanda per lavorare in un campeggio in Spagna. Leggi l’email che ha ricevuto e completala con i connettivi nel riquadro. in conclusion • as a matter of fact • as far as • actually • first • generally speaking • by the way • next • finally • such as

Message Dear Tom, Thank you for your application to be an onsite assistant at our camping site in the beautiful region of Almeria, Spain. (1) As far as I can see, you fulfil the criteria needed to meet our exacting standards. However, before we proceed further with the recruitment process, there are a number of points I wish to draw your attention to. (2) ______________, you will be expected to take an oral language test in German and French. Our clients are mainly from Northern Europe and (3) ______________, expect to be assisted in their own language. Most of our applicants (4) ______________ claim to be ‘fluent’ in a foreign language but to be perfectly honest, this word can be interpreted in a number of ways. (5) ______________, a lot of the work is physically demanding. It involves a range of tasks (6) ______________ carrying equipment, erecting tents and disposing of rubbish. You will need to be very fit. (7) ______________, temperatures in southern Spain are very high during the months our camp site is open and you need to be aware of that. (8) ______________, accommodation will be provided, but the company does not pay for your fares to get here. You must meet these costs yourself. (9) ______________, please consider the points I have made carefully. We want to make sure that you are comfortable doing this job. (10) ______________, we lost about 20% of our staff last year and wish to considerably reduce the percentage of people who drop out. Yours sincerely, Beryl Cook – Human Resources Manager Reply


Tom sta parlando al telefono con Rita dell’email che ha ricevuto. Completa il dialogo con i connettivi nel riquadro. to some extent • in the first place • I can see • in my view • to be perfectly honest such as • actually • as far as I’m concerned • to tell you the truth Tom Rita Tom Rita Tom Rita Tom Rita Tom

Rita Tom

After reading that email, I don’t think I want to work on a campsite after all. Why ever not? (1) In the first place , I think I’d probably fail the oral language test. I thought your language ability was good. Only (2) ___________________! I can read and write pretty well but my pronunciation is terrible. Apart from that, what are you worried about? (3) ___________________, lugging heavy equipment around in the Spanish heat is not the best way to spend my summer break. What else can you do? (4) ___________________ you can’t just sit around the house all day. There are loads of things. I have looked at a lot of summer jobs (5) ___________________ being a lifeguard at the swimming pool or come to think of it I don’t mind stacking shelves at the supermarket. (6) ___________________, I’d much prefer to do something like that. (7) ___________________, I believe you are missing a fantastic opportunity and I think you’d be crazy not to take it. (8) ___________________ where you’re coming from but (9) ___________________ I don’t think I’m ready for it.


142-146 Summative revision 1

Completa l’email con i connettivi nel riquadro. as long as • by the time • just as • once • the moment • after a while at first • eventually • in the meantime • in the end


Hi Caroline, How are you? I thought I should write to tell you about our ‘adventure’ trip! (1) At first , everything was going well and (2) ______________ our flight had taken off, we had something to eat and tried to sleep. However, (3) ______________ that I closed my eyes, a baby started crying, so I decided to watch a film. He (4) ______________ stopped crying and (5) ______________ we’d had some more food and watched another film, it was time to land. (6) ______________ the ‘fasten seat belt’ sign went on, the captain made an announcement. ‘We’re sorry to tell you that due to bad weather, we have to land in another airport. (7) ______________, you may unfasten your seatbelts and enjoy the rest of the flight.’ (8) ______________, we were told where we were going to land. (9) ______________, we touched down in the same place where we’d taken off! We were given free flights by the airline in compensation and (10) ______________ we can actually go somewhere else next time, it’ll all be fine! See you soon, James Reply


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Although/In spite of it was expensive, Mr Norman bought the computer. The special effects in the film were fantastic! Despite/However, the acting wasn’t very good. Even though/In spite of I had a lot of homework, I watched TV all evening. Harry and Lily usually get on well, although/despite disagreeing sometimes. Although/However the children were tired after school, they played football in the park for an hour. The sea is really cold today and yet/even if there are lots of people swimming. We often miss our bus in the morning despite/even though we live near the bus stop. However/In spite of feeling nervous about her exams, Marta got excellent marks. In spite of/Even though she is old, my aunty has a very busy life. The theme park will be really busy today. Nevertheless/Despite, we still want to go. The sales were nearly over but even so/though, we managed to find some great clothes.

ERROR CORRECTION Leggi i consigli utili per scrivere un racconto. Identifica altri otto errori e correggi. The first First thing to remember is the introduction that introduces the topic or theme of your story. A general rule, it should clearly let people know what they are going to read about, using interesting and appropriate language. To great extent, the verb tenses you need to use and the nouns and adjectives will help paint a picture for the reader, as well the tone of your language: happy, sad, funny, exciting. The content in the first paragraph should follow your introduction: shortly – identify the situation. After, develop the information from the introduction by giving the reader more information. Write about what may follow on from your story, in another words, what could happen next. Recap on your introduction and make conclusions, so as why has something happened and what can we conclude from the ideas. Final, you could finish your story by leaving a question for the reader or inviting readers to imagine their own ending.



Summative revision


Quali sono i vantaggi e gli svantaggi della comunicazione online e dal vivo? Scegli l’opzione corretta per completare il testo.

What are the pros and cons of online and face-to-face communication?

(1) As far as I’m concerned , there are advantages and disadvantages to both. (2) _______________, let’s identify some and try to suggest solutions to the problems of online and direct communication. (3) _______________, every time I walk down the street, I have to stop to wait for people to pass me to avoid bumping into them while they’re walking towards me because they don’t want to stop reading a text message. (4) _______________ they carry on walking without stopping to look up from their screen while I am stationary, waiting for them to go past. (5) _______________, I can carry on – until I see the next person on their phone! (6) _______________, a simple solution would be for me to stop going out or for people to leave their phones and tablets at home, (7) _______________, they could buy a paper notebook and a pen or pencil: they can write everything down there. (8) _______________, two major problems are that people’s handwriting and eyesight is getting worse. Buying a pen and (paper) notebook and limiting the time spent looking at a screen may help. (9) _______________, there are advantages to these devices. People can keep in touch whenever they like and download apps on any subject. (10) _______________, they have information at the touch of a screen, so it is much easier to find and has made the world more accessible. Incredible new gadgets affect people’s lives (11) _______________ they can learn more and be taught new skills. (12) _______________, while useful and important messages can be written, sent and recorded on screens around the world, mistakes can be made which are then set in stone. (13) _______________, once they’re there and have been sent, they can’t be changed. (14) _______________, if people meet, discuss things and talk about their thoughts, then ideas can be exchanged and agreements can be made. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



As far as I’m concerned The first thing is For example Otherwise After As long as I can see rather than By the way To some extent Otherwise that However Otherwise To make matters worse


On top of that Next Therefore Then What’s more As far as I can see or rather As a general rule In addition On the contrary so that Also Furthermore Supposing


Nonetheless To begin with Given that In addition After that As well as that better than As a matter of fact Though In other words when By the way Nevertheless On the other hand

Leggi le frasi e abbina le parole sottolineate alle espressioni (a-g) con significato simile. 1 We were worried that our cousins had been affected by the terrible weather but actually, they were in another part of the country. 2 As far as I’m concerned, our football team is the best in the country. 3 Lily doesn’t take her camera to the swimming pool for fear she might drop it in the water. 4 This shop has a fantastic sale with 50% off everything and on top of that, there’s an extra discount for students. 5 ‘You have all worked very hard this term. As a result, we’ve organised a school excursion for next Friday.’ 6 On the whole, our sports day was a great success and the weather was lovely. 7 It would be good to have more for young people to do here during the holidays. For example, we could have music events.

a b

■ ■

in case by and large 1 in fact c ■ d ■ what’s more e ■ for instance f ■ from my point of view g ■ therefore



La frase relativa non determinativa

Si definisce frase relativa non determinativa (non-defining relative clause) la frase incidentale che fornisce informazioni sulla persona o sulla cosa di cui si sta parlando che non sono tuttavia indispensabili per definire quella persona o cosa. Per questo motivo la frase relativa non determinativa, che è compresa fra due virgole, può essere omessa senza che la reggente perda di significato. Osserva gli esempi: My father, who works for the Italian government, is always on the phone. Jade stopped in front of the museum, which was closed for maintenance.

Mio padre, che lavora per il governo italiano, è sempre al telefono. Jade si fermò di fronte al museo, che era chiuso per lavori di manutenzione.

A differenza delle frasi determinative 51 : • il pronome relativo non può mai essere omesso The Morgans, who have a beautiful house on Lake Michigan, are spending the summer in town.

I Morgan, che hanno una bellissima casa sul lago Michigan, trascorrono l’estate in città.

• non si usa il pronome relativo that Saul’s flat, which had been renovated recently, was burgled last week.

L’appartamento di Saul, che era stato recentemente ristrutturato, è stato svaligiato la scorsa settimana.

Come nelle frasi determinative, se il pronome relativo è accompagnato da una preposizione sono possibili due costruzioni:


The National Geographic, to which I have been a subscriber for two years, is a monthly magazine.

Il National Geographic, al quale sono abbonato da due anni, è una pronome relativo + soggetto + The National Geographic, which I have been a verbo + preposizione subscriber to for two years, is a monthly magazine. rivista mensile. preposizione + pronome relativo + soggetto + verbo

Si può usare which anche nel significato di “il che” e “la qual cosa” per commentare o riferirsi a un’intera proposizione. They met in June and got married the month after, which left me quite astonished.

Si sono conosciuti a giugno e il mese dopo si sono sposati, il che mi ha lasciato abbastanza sbalordita.

147.1 Participi in sostituzione di frasi relative Quando un pronome relativo ha funzione di soggetto, si può sostituire l’intera frase relativa (pronome + verbo) con: • participio presente (forma in -ing) quando le due azioni sono contemporanee The office dealing with tax payments is on strike.

= which/that deals The guests, staying = who were staying at the hotel, were annoyed for the lack of air conditioning.

L’ufficio che si occupa dei pagamenti delle tasse è in sciopero. Gli ospiti che alloggiavano in albergo erano seccati per la mancanza di aria condizionata.

• participio passato quando il verbo della proposizione relativa è alla forma passiva Indian workers, worn out = who were worn out by the poor working conditions, are organising a protest march.

I lavoratori indiani, provati dalle misere condizioni di lavoro, stanno organizzando una marcia di protesta.

Our teacher doesn’t correct projects copied from the Internet.

La nostra insegnante non corregge le ricerche copiate da internet.

= which/ that are copied


Non-defining relative clause


Decidi se le frasi contengono frasi relative determinative (defining) o non determinative (non-defining) e aggiungi le virgole quando necessario. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Cardiff, which is the capital city, is situated on the south coast of Wales. non-defining My only sister who is a doctor lives in London. Our front door key which was hidden under the plant pot is now in my bag. I can’t remember the name of the singer who recorded Angel of the Morning. Our friend who’s got a flat in Nice wants us to come and stay. My best friend whom I have known since our first day at school is an excellent tennis player. The café on the corner of the street which opened last month serves excellent sea food. The master bedroom which is on the top floor is very spacious. Have the police named the diplomat’s wife who was involved in the accident? Ada Lovelace who was the daughter of Lord Byron may have written the first algorithm.

Elimina le parole che potrebbero essere omesse. 1 2 3 4 5 6


The people who are sitting in the front row of the cinema are very noisy. The documentary which is now recording is about the strange sea creatures. The article which was written by Ivor Storey is an excellent example of investigative journalism. The students who are striking over climate change are not going to be punished. The train which is leaving from Platform 4 is going to London Victoria. The British Museum, which is situated in Bloomsbury, is a popular tourist attraction.

Completa le frasi con i pronomi relativi e le preposizioni corrette. 1 2 3 4 5 6



There’s a talk by Armistead Maupin, which we’re going to at the Dome Theatre. The centre has some amazing modern art, some _____ __________ was painted by Andy Warhol. The hotel was uncomfortable and expensive, __________ many guests complained _____ on its website. The festival showed some amazing old films, the best _____ __________ was directed by Steven Spielberg. The package __________ I stayed in and waited _____ didn’t arrive until the evening. There are a lot of new students arriving at our language school, most _____ __________ have never been to the UK.

Leggi le frasi che riassumono The Great Gatsby e riscrivile usando i pronomi relativi. 1 The Great Gatsby is a novel about the jazz age in 1920’s America. It was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby, which was written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is about the jazz age in 1920’s America. 2 The book was published in April 1925. Its original title was Trimalchio in the West Egg. 3 Jay Gatsby owns a magnificent mansion on Long Island. It is near New York city. 4 Nick Carraway narrates the story. He rents a small house near to Gatsby’s mansion. 5 Nick goes for dinner at the home of Daisy Buchanan and her husband Tom. Daisy is Nick’s cousin. 6 Nick meets Jordan Baker at dinner. She is a golfer and tells Nick that Tom has a lover called Myrtle Wilson. 7 Myrtle lives in an industrial area between Long Island and New York city. It is known as ‘the valley of ashes’. Myrtle is married to George. 8 Gatsby holds extravagant parties at his mansion. Many rich and famous people go to them. 9 Gatsby only has the parties because he wants Daisy to come. He is madly in love with her. 10 Nick and Gatsby become friends. They were in the same regiment in the First World War. 11 Gatsby’s car hits and kills Myrtle Wilson on the way back to Long Island. It was being driven by Daisy. 12 George later fatally shoots Gatsby in his swimming pool. He mistakenly believes that Gatsby was driving the car. 13 Nick organises the funeral. It is only attended by one of the party goers and Gatsby’s father.



I composti di ever

Si usano i pronomi, gli aggettivi e gli avverbi relativi indefiniti composti di ever (whoever, whatever, whichever, wherever, whenever e however) per riferirsi a persone, cose, luoghi, ecc. generici, non definiti.




qualunque cosa

whatever + sostantivo

qualunque + sostantivo



She welcomes whoever comes.

Accoglie chiunque arrivi.

Whatever the company decides, Qualunque cosa decida l’azienda, I promise there will be no redundancies. prometto che non ci saranno esuberi. Whatever country we decide to move to, you’ll come with us.

In qualunque paese decideremo di trasferirci, tu verrai con noi.

Quando è presente il verbo be è possibile omettere il verbo. Qualunque siano le sue idee, deve rispettare le mie!

Whatever her ideas (are), she must respect mine!

ENGLISH USAGE • Si usa whatever dopo any e no per enfatizzare un significato negativo; in italiano si traduce con “affatto”, “per niente/nulla”. Non merita affatto compassione.

She doesn’t deserve any pity whatever.

• Whatsoever è la forma enfatica di whatever e si usa solitamente dopo un’espressione negativa. Sembra che non abbia proprio alcuna ambizione.

He seems to have no ambitions whatsoever.

• Nella lingua parlata si usa whatever per esprimere indifferenza/rassegnazione; in italiano si può rendere con espressioni come “vabbé”, “pazienza”, “come ti pare”, ecc. “La tua camera è in un caos totale.” “Pazienza.”

‘Your room is in a complete mess.’ ‘Whatever.’

I will give my daughter’s hand to whichever of you kills the dragon.

Concederò la mano di mia figlia a chiunque di voi uccida il drago.

Whichever decision you make, I’ll stand by you.

Qualunque decisione tu prenda, sarò al tuo fianco.

Wherever I go, my home is with you.

Dovunque io vada, sei la mia casa.

Whenever you need me, don’t hesitate to call me.

In qualunque momento tu abbia bisogno di me, non esitare a chiamarmi.

tutte le volte che

Whenever I meet her, my heart starts beating fast.

Tutte le volte che la vedo, il cuore inizia a battermi forte.

in qualunque modo modo

However the opposition votes, the law will be passed.

In qualunque modo voti l’opposizione, la legge verrà approvata.

whichever + sostantivo

persone e chiunque, qualunque cosa che cose (scelta limitata a pochi qualunque + elementi) sostantivo






in qualunque momento



Quando however è seguito da un aggettivo o da un avverbio ha valore concessivo e si rende in italiano con “sebbene”, “per quanto”. However fluently he speaks English, he has a strong German accent.

Per quanto parli l’inglese in modo fluente, ha un forte accento tedesco.

ENGLISH USAGE In uno stile informale si possono usare i composti di ever nelle risposte. ‘When/Where shall we go?’ ‘Whenever/Wherever.’


“Quando/Dove andiamo?” “Quando/Dove vuoi.”

Compounds of ever



Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 Wherever/Whenever you decide to move, make sure it’s on a day when we can help you pack your things and wherever/whenever you go, we’ll come and see you. 2 Whichever/Whatever of these dresses you choose is OK, but whichever/whatever you do, get the one which suits you best.


3 However/Whichever you get to the beach it always takes an hour from here however/ whichever way you go. 4 Whoever/Whichever teaches you English at this school you’ll enjoy their lessons because whoever/whichever teacher you have will be really nice.

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 Whatever the cost of getting to Portugal, I still want to go. However much it costs to get to Portugal, I still want to go. 2 Whatever time the exhibition opens, we need to be there half an hour early. _____________ the exhibition opens, we need to be there half an hour early. 3 Wherever we decide to eat, let’s book a table soon. _____________ restaurant we choose, let’s book a table soon. 4 It doesn’t matter what he sings, I still don’t like his voice. _____________ he sings, I still don’t like his voice. 5 We don’t agree with anything this politician says. We don’t agree with this politician _____________. 6 On every corner of this town there’s a café. _____________ you go in this town, there’s a café on every corner. 7 Depending on what time we arrive at the concert, we’ll make our way to the front. _____________ we arrive at the concert, we’ll make our way to the front.


Completa i mini-dialoghi con le parole nel riquadro. whatever (x 2) • whenever • wherever • whoever (x 2) • whatsoever 1 A B 2 A B A

What time would you like us to come for dinner? Whenever . If you’re early, you can give me a hand! Would you like to speak to the manager? ______________. I just want a refund. Would you like the money back on your card or in cash? B ______________. Either is fine. 3 A Do you mind where we go for our holiday? B ______________. We both just need a break.


4 A Mum, can I invite Josh and Tina to my party? B You can invite ______________ you like. It’s your party! 5 A Why haven’t you installed the new printer? B ______________ I do, I can’t make it work. 6 A What are your plans for the weekend? B I have no plans ______________.

TRANSLATION Traduci il dialogo in inglese. A Non mi importa che cosa facciamo il fine settimana, ma qualsiasi cosa facciamo non voglio andare in treno. B Dovunque andremo, dovremo andare in autobus o in treno, e tu odi anche gli autobus! A Sì, ma per quanto non sopporti gli autobus, li preferisco ai treni. Tutte le volte che dobbiamo essere da qualche parte in orario, sono sempre in ritardo. B Ma qualunque mezzo sceglieremo, ci sarà un ritardo. Stiamo a casa. A Come ti pare!



Costruzioni particolari con comparativi

149.1 Doppio comparativo (aggettivi e avverbi) Si usa il doppio comparativo, ovvero due comparativi uniti da and, per indicare una situazione in evoluzione. In italiano corrisponde all’espressione “sempre più”, “sempre meno”. My grandchild is getting taller and taller. Terry was more and more absent-minded. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He behaves more and more childishly. Italy is becoming less and less attractive for financial investors. I realised that she was tired because she walked less and less briskly. There are fewer and fewer job opportunities for young people.

Mio nipote sta diventando sempre più alto. Terry era sempre più assente. Non so cosa c’è che non va in lui. Si comporta in modo sempre più infantile. L’Italia sta diventando sempre meno allettante per gli investitori finanziari. Mi resi conto che era stanca perché camminava sempre meno veloce. Ci sono sempre meno opportunità di lavoro per i giovani.

ESPRESSIONI IDIOMATICHE better and better worse and worse

sempre meglio sempre peggio

I’m feeling better and better every day. As he is not studying, his results are getting worse and worse. She must work more and more. Ollie is eating less and less.

more and more less and less

sempre di più sempre meno

Mi sento ogni giorno sempre meglio. Poichè non studia, i suoi risultati sono sempre peggio. Deve lavorare sempre di più. Ollie mangia sempre meno.

149.2 Comparativo di correlazione: the... the Per parlare di due situazioni fra loro collegate si usano due comparativi preceduti da the e separati da virgola. In italiano corrispondono alle espressioni “più... più”, “più... meno”, “meno... più”, “meno... meno”. The older he gets, the more unreasonable he becomes. The more dangerous the performance is, the more excited the audience is. The more I know Patricia, the less I understand her. The more renewable energy we use, the less the environment is polluted. The less you scream, the more you’ll be understood. The less food you waste, the better I feel. The fewer responsibilities I have, the happier I feel!

Più invecchia, più irragionevole diventa. Più pericolosa è la performance, più emozionato è il pubblico. Più conosco Patricia, meno la capisco. Più energie rinnovabili usiamo, meno inquinato è l’ambiente. Meno urli, più ti farai capire. Meno cibo sprechi, meglio mi sento. Meno responsabilità ho, più sono contento!

ESPRESSIONI IDIOMATICHE The more, the merrier. The earlier, the better. The less said, the better.* * E altre espressioni simili che terminano con the better.


Più siamo, meglio è. Prima è, meglio è. Meno si dice, meglio è.

Particular comparative patterns


Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5



a ■ the more you pay. b ■ the better people seem to like it. 1 the more enjoyable it will be. c ■ d ■ the more frequently we can see each other. e ■ there are fewer and fewer high street shops.

The more we plan our holiday As we are buying more online You’ll get a better phone The louder the music, The nearer you live to us

Completa la storia usando il doppio comparativo degli aggettivi nel riquadro. heavy • high • loud • strong • dark • thick It was the middle of winter. The sky was getting (1) darker and darker and the wind was getting (2) __________________. The moon and stars were covered by clouds which were becoming (3) __________________ as the rain became (4) __________________. Suddenly, a top floor window opened in the old house on the hill where I was staying. It kept opening and closing in the wind. The noise the window was making got (5) __________________ – then it stopped. I decided to go and investigate. I climbed (6) __________________ up the creaky old stairs to the top floor. I walked slowly towards the room, opened the door and… What do you think happened next in the story?


Usa le parole date per formulare frasi. 1 more / friends / we / invite / party next Saturday / more / food / need The more friends we invite to the party next Saturday, the more food we’ll need. 2 faster / I / run / more energy / I / seem / have


nicer / teacher / is / happier / students / are higher / my / heels / more difficult / walk more / I / feed / my cat / more / she / wants Penny / get / cook / better / and / better

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. Usa tra due e cinque parole, compresa quella tra parentesi. 1 If we arrive late, it’ll be harder to get seats. (later) The later we arrive, the harder it’ll be to get seats. 2 Your puppy is beginning to get big. (bigger) Your puppy ______________________________. 3 If you study every day, you’ll get better results. (more) The _____________________________ your results will be. 4 The book was interesting at first, but it became increasingly boring. (more)


3 4 5 6

The book was interesting at first, but it became ______________________________. 5 Tara’s happiness grew each day she was in Italy. (happier) Tara became ______________________________ longer she was in Italy. 6 It’s better if we catch a train before the rush hour. (sooner) The ______________________________ the better.

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Gli studenti stanno usando sempre meno i telefoni a scuola ora che hanno gli esami. 2 Ci sono sempre meno persone che vanno in auto al lavoro al giorno d’oggi.

3 Più persone riducono (cut down on) l’uso dei combustibili fossili, meno inquinamento ci sarà. 4 Più aspettavo per il mio pranzo, più diventavo impaziente.



Inversione della frase

Si fa l’inversione della frase, cioè si cambia l’ordine delle parole, nelle frasi interrogative o nelle frasi affermative se si vuol dare maggiore enfasi all’affermazione.

150.1 Inversione soggetto e ausiliare Si inverte la posizione di soggetto e ausiliare o modale e in loro assenza si ricorre a do/does/did, nei seguenti casi: • dopo un avverbio o un’espressione avverbiale di significato negativo o restrittivo, soprattutto nella lingua formale e letteraria. L’avverbio in questo caso occupa la prima posizione nella frase per dare maggiore enfasi all’affermazione. Ammettono questa costruzione:

not only

non solo

Not only can Tom speak English and French, but he can also speak Japanese.

Non solo Tom sa parlare inglese e francese, ma sa anche parlare giapponese.

not once

nemmeno una volta

Not once has she washed the dishes this week!

Nemmeno una volta ha lavato i piatti questa settimana!

not until


Not until the end of the day did Leo realise Solo alla fine della giornata Leo si accorse di he had lost his wallet. aver perso il portafoglio.

under no in nessun circumstances/ caso condition

Under no circumstances will the bank approve the loan.

In nessun caso la banca approverà il prestito.

at no time

in nessun momento

At no time in my life have I felt so embarrassed.

In nessun momento della mia vita mi sono sentito così imbarazzato.



Never has Liam been honest with her.

Liam non è stato mai sincero con lei.

no sooner


No sooner had I drunk a glass of wine, than I started feeling dizzy.

Appena ebbi bevuto un bicchiere di vino, cominciò a girarmi la testa.

barely, hardly, scarcely

a malapena

Barely had I sat on the sofa, when the door bell rang.

Mi ero seduto a malapena sul divano, quando suonò il campanello di casa.

seldom, rarely


Rarely have I seen her so happy.

Raramente l’ho vista così felice.



Little did I understand her behaviour.

Capivo poco il suo comportamento.

only then

solo allora

Only then did we become good friends.

Solo allora diventammo buoni amici.

only after

solo dopo

Only after recovering from her illness will she go back to work.

Solo dopo essersi ripresa dalla malattia tornerà al lavoro.

• dopo as, soprattutto nello stile letterario I was scared to death, as was Beth.

Ero spaventato a morte, come lo era Beth.

• per esprimere un augurio con may May you have a long and prosperous life!

Possiate avere una vita lunga e felice.

• dopo so, neither e nor per esprimere accordo 118.2 Mark gave up drinking wine. So did I.

Mark ha smesso di bere il vino. Anche io.

• nelle frasi condizionali omettendo if 138.2 Had they left earlier, they wouldn’t have missed the train.


Se fossero partiti prima, non avrebbero perso il treno.



150.2 Inversione soggetto e verbo Nella lingua formale e letteraria si inverte la posizione di soggetto e verbo nei seguenti casi: • dopo avverbi ed espressioni avverbiali di luogo e direzione come in, up, down, off, here, there con soggetto espresso da sostantivo e con i verbi come, go, lie, live, stand Here lie the remains of the most famous English poet.

Qui giacciono le spoglie del più famoso poeta inglese.

• quando la frase dichiarativa segue il discorso diretto e il soggetto è espresso da un sostantivo 122.1 ‘Come here!,’ shouted Mrs Whither.

“Vieni qui!”, urlò la signora Whither.

Se il soggetto è espresso da un pronome personale non si effettua l’inversione. There she stands.


Eccola là in piedi.

“Aiuto!”, urlò.

Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia lo stesso significato della prima. 1 Well-behaved women seldom make history. Seldom do well-behaved women make history. 2 They had barely had time to find their seats before the film started. Barely… 3 The organisation only realised what a valuable employee she was after she had resigned. Only after… 4 You are not to contact me again under any circumstances. Under no circumstances…


5 Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom until they have completed the assignment. Not until… 6 They have not come home before midnight at all this week. Not once… 7 He has not only passed the exam but he also got the top marks. Not only… 8 This door is not to be opened at any time during the experiment. At no time…

Riscrivi le frasi iniziando con le parole sottolineate. The rain came down. Down came the rain. The umbrellas went up. They announced their engagement out of the blue. The manager ran onto the pitch to congratulate the players. 5 We must go back to the drawing board and think again about this project. 1 2 3 4


‘Help!,’ he cried.

6 The fish jumped out of the water and landed on the deck. 7 They worked through the night to beat the deadline. 8 The superhero dived into the raging river to rescue the drowning child.

Sally e Gail parlano dei loro fidanzati. Leggi il dialogo e sottolinea l’opzione corretta. Gail You seem a bit out of sorts today. Whatever’s the matter? Sally Out of sorts I definitely am! The matter is that my relationship with Tim is difficult. (1) Not only/Never/ No sooner does he watch TV all the time, but he also chooses the most awful programmes. (2) Little/Barely/Only after do we get inside the house, before he’s reaching for the remote control. Gail (3) And/Never/So does my boyfriend! He watches it with the sound at full blast. I have to have a real go at him and (4) only then/not until/not once does he turn the volume down. Sally (5) No sooner/Scarcely/Not once this week have I seen a programme I want to watch and (6) only after/ under no circumstances/not only am I going to get another TV. We just can’t afford it. Gail (7) Seldom/Hardly/Little have I seen you so upset. It can’t just be that your tastes in television aren’t compatible. Sally (8) After/At no time/Little do you know about what’s really going on. Gail Tell me. I can’t stand it when you’re being secretive like this. Sally (9) Only after/Not once/At no time you’ve promised not to breathe a word to anyone else. Gail I promise. Cross my heart. There you go. Now spill the beans. Sally (10) At no time/No sooner/Only then in my life have I felt like this but...



Question tags


Le question tags sono domande brevi che seguono la frase principale, da cui sono separate dalla virgola. Si usano soprattutto nella lingua parlata e nella lingua scritta informale per chiedere conferma di un’affermazione; in italiano corrispondono alle espressioni “(è) vero?”, “non è vero?”, “no?”. Le question tags si costruiscono ripetendo nella tag l’ausiliare (be/have) o il modale della frase principale + il pronome soggetto corrispondente; in mancanza dell’ausiliare si mette la forma appropriata di do (do/does/did). You are from Milan, aren’t you? The Smiths have bought a villa, haven’t they? Your father can’t speak English, can he? They went to India last year, didn’t they?

Sei di Milano, non è vero? Gli Smith hanno comprato una villa, non è vero? Tuo padre non parla inglese, vero? Sono andati in India l’anno scorso, non è vero?

Se la frase principale è affermativa, la question tag è negativa. Clive lived in England for two years, didn’t he? The Italian Ambassador is meeting the US President tomorrow, isn’t he?

Clive ha vissuto in Inghilterra per due anni, no? L’ambasciatore italiano incontrerà il presidente americano domani, non è vero?

Se la frase principale è negativa, la question tag è affermativa. The next FIFA World Cup won’t take place in 2021 but in 2022, will it? You haven’t seen much of Matilda lately, have you?

Il prossimo Campionato mondiale di calcio non si svolgerà nel 2021 ma nel 2022, vero? Non hai visto Matilda spesso ultimamente, è vero?

ENGLISH USAGE Per fare un commento ironico o mostrare sorpresa o irritazione si può usare una question tag affermativa dopo una frase affermativa. Your team won the match, did it? He knows the password of your email account, does he?

La tua squadra ha vinto la partita, vero? Conosce la password della tua email, vero?

Osserva le seguenti particolarità. • Se nella frase principale c’è I am nella question tag si mette aren’t I. I’m late, aren’t I?

Sono in ritardo, non è vero?

• Se il soggetto della frase principale è there, anche la question tag ha come soggetto there. There isn’t any bread left, is there?

Non c’è pane, vero?

• Se il soggetto della frase principale è this/that, la question tag ha come soggetto it. That’s Greta’s hat, isn’t it?

È il cappello di Greta, non è vero?

• Se il soggetto della frase principale è nothing o everything, il soggetto della question tag è it. Se invece è nobody, somebody, everybody, no one, ecc. il soggetto della question tag è they. Everything is going wrong, isn’t it? Somebody has stolen Rick’s car, haven’t they?

Sta andando tutto male, non è vero? Qualcuno ha rubato l’auto di Rick, non è vero?

• Se nella frase principale c’è have got (sia per possesso che per dovere) nella question tag si usa have; se invece c’è have si usa l’ausiliare do. She has got fancy clothes, hasn’t she? You have a new neighbour, don’t you?

Ha vestiti stravaganti, non è vero? Hai un nuovo vicino, non è vero?

• Se la frase principale contiene parole di significato negativo o restrittivo (never, no, nobody, nothing, hardly, scarcely, little, ecc.) la question tag è affermativa. We’ve never seen her dancing, have we?

Non l’abbiamo mai vista ballare, vero?

• Se nella frase principale c’è l’imperativo nella question tag si usa will/won’t o shall. In questi casi la question tag rafforza la richiesta, l’ordine o l’invito. Close the window, won’t you? Don’t use my mobile phone, will you? Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?


Chiudi la finestra, ti spiace? Non usare il mio cellulare, va bene? Andiamo al cinema, va bene? Mappa p. 571

Question tags


164 Osserva e ascolta gli esempi:

A seconda di come viene pronunciata, la question tag assume sfumature di significato diverse: • intonazione ascendente: la question tag viene pronunciata come una vera e propria domanda perché non si è sicuri della risposta e si chiede una conferma all’interlocutore You haven’t been texting Steve since you woke up

Non ti stai messaggiando con Steve da quando ti sei

this morning, have you?

alzata questa mattina, vero?

• intonazione discendente: la domanda è retorica perché si conosce già la risposta You haven’t been texting Steve since you woke up Non ti stai messaggiando con Steve da this morning, have you?


Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6



You don’t speak Chinese, You went to Amsterdam, You’ve got a flat in Brighton, You have new neighbours, You’re next to see her, You’ll text me as soon as you arrive,

a ■ won’t you? b ■ didn’t you? c ■ aren’t you? d ■ don’t you? 1 do you? e ■ f ■ haven’t you?

Completa le frasi con le question tags corrette. 1 2 3 4 5


quando ti sei alzata questa mattina, vero?

There isn’t a post office near here, is there ? Everything is ready for the party, ____________? This is a wonderful restaurant, ____________? Nobody’s perfect, ____________? Nothing’s arrived yet, ____________?

6 Somebody will have to accept responsibility, ____________? 7 We’ve never been to this beach before, ____________? 8 I’m the last one to arrive, ____________?

Completa le frasi con il verbo corretto. 1 You haven’t done your homework, have you? 2 You ____________ like seafood, do you? 3 You ____________ forget to phone the plumber, will you?

4 They ____________ enjoy the film, did they? 5 She ____________ a lovely smile, doesn’t she? 6 Let’s ____________ lunch together tomorrow, shall we?

È la prima volta che Anne visita Londra e il suo amico Julian le farà da guida. Completa il dialogo con le question tags corrette. This is your first visit to London, (1) isn’t it ? Yes. I’m so excited to be here. You’ve got time to show me round, (2) _________________? I’ve got all day. You haven’t got a travel card, (3) _________________? Not yet. I can buy one at the tube station, (4) _________________? Yes. They’re good value and easy to use. The travel card is valid on all forms of London transport, (5) _________________? It certainly is. You can even use it on the tram. We won’t be going on a tram today, (6) _________________? No! I want to make the most of our time. Let’s get going, (7) _________________? I want to take you to one of my favourite places in London called Kew Gardens. Anne How exciting. I’ve read about it. There’s a pagoda in the gardens, (8) _________________? Julian There is. You get a wonderful view of London from the top. Off we go!

Julian Anne Julian Anne Julian Anne Julian Anne Julian



Reply questions e echo questions

152.1 Reply questions Le reply questions sono domande brevi di uso comune nella lingua parlata utilizzate in risposta a un’affermazione per indicare l’attenzione o l’interesse di chi ascolta; in italiano corrispondono alle espressioni “davvero?”, “ah sì/no?”. ‘She is a great opera singer.’ ‘Is she?’ ‘We aren’t going on holidays next summer.’ ‘Aren’t you?’

“È una grande cantante d’opera.” “Davvero?” “Non andiamo in vacanza la prossima estate.” “Ah no?”

Come le question tags, anche le reply questions si costruiscono ripetendo nella domanda l’ausiliare o il modale contenuto nell’affermazione seguito dal pronome soggetto corrispondente. In mancanza di ausiliare o modale si usa la forma appropriata di do. Ma a differenza delle question tags: • se l’affermazione è affermativa, la reply question è affermativa ‘My cousin found $100,000 on the train.’ ‘Did he?’

“Mio cugino ha trovato 100.000 dollari sul treno.” “Davvero?”

• se l’affermazione è negativa, la reply question è interrogativa-negativa ‘I didn’t have lunch.’ ‘Didn’t you?’ ‘Sandra has never been to a concert.’ ‘Hasn’t she?’

“Non ho pranzato.” “Ah no?” “Sandra non è mai stata a un concerto.” “Ah no?”

152.2 Echo questions Le echo questions sono domande in cui si ripete tutto o parte di ciò che è stato appena detto per chiederne conferma perché non si è capito/sentito bene o per esprimere sorpresa o incredulità. Nelle echo questions non si fa l’inversione fra soggetto e ausiliare, ma si mette il punto interrogativo alla fine della frase e si pronuncia con un’intonazione ascendente. ‘I’ve left my husband.’ ‘You’ve left your husband?’

“Ho lasciato mio marito.” “Hai lasciato tuo marito?”

‘Mary’ll be 18 next month.’

“Mary compirà 18 il prossimo mese.” “Mary compirà 18 anni il prossimo mese?”

‘Mary’ll be 18 next month?’

anni165 Ascolta

l’intonazione in questi esempi.

Se la echo question si riferisce a una parte di una affermazione, si ripete la frase sostituendo la parte su cui si pone la domanda con la wh- question word corrispondente. Osserva gli esempi. ‘The company fired Phil Morgan.’ ‘The company fired who(m)?’

“L’azienda ha licenziato Phil Morgan.” “L’azienda ha licenziato chi?”

‘We’ve just bought a house.’ ‘You’ve just bought what?’

“Abbiamo appena comprato una casa.” “Avete appena comprato cosa?”

‘The Jareaus built a swimming pool in their garden.’ ‘The Jareaus built a swimming pool where?’

“I Jareau hanno costruito una piscina in giardino.” “I Jareau hanno costruito una piscina dove?”

‘My grandfather was born in 1920.’ ‘Your grandfather was born when?’

“Mio nonno è nato nel 1920.” “Tuo nonno è nato quando?”

‘I’ve got 1,000 friends on Facebook.’ ‘You’ve got how many?’

“Ho 1.000 amici su Facebook.” “Ne hai quanti?”


Mappa p. 571

Reply questions and echo questions



Completa le frasi con le reply questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6


‘She’s an amazing writer.’ ‘ Is she ? What has she published?’ ‘The match has just finished.’ ‘_____________? Who won?’ ‘I ate sea cucumber when I was in China.’ ‘_____________? I bet you had no idea what it was!’ ‘Miranda didn’t get the job.’ ‘_____________? I thought she had an excellent chance.’ ‘We aren’t going to Irene’s birthday party on Saturday.’ ‘_____________? Are you doing something else?’ ‘We’re going on a Mediterranean cruise next winter.’ ‘_____________? The sea can be quite rough at that time of year.’

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con le reply questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6


I haven’t had any breakfast. I’ve just passed my driving test. I can read these Chinese characters. I really wanted to see that film. I’m studying philosophy at university. I can’t meet you this evening, I’m afraid.

a ■ b ■ c ■ d ■ e ■ 1 f ■

_________________ It got terrible reviews. _________________ It’s a fascinating subject. _________________ Let’s arrange another time. _________________ Many congratulations. _________________ What do they say? Haven’t you? Would you like a croissant?

James è appassionato di scooter d’epoca. Leggi il dialogo e completa le echo questions. James Marilyn James Marilyn James

I’ve just bought an amazing Lambretta scooter. (1) You’ve just bought what ? A Lambretta. I only paid £1,000 pounds for it. (2) ________________________________? It wasn’t that expensive given that it’s in excellent condition. I bought it online. Marilyn (3) ________________________________? James On an online auction. I had to bid for it. It’s a collector’s item that was built in 1970. Marilyn (4) ________________________________? James I know it’s quite old but it looks great. It’s painted in turquoise which is an unusual colour. Marilyn (5) ________________________________? James Turquoise. It’s sort of light blue. There’s a little scrape on the footboard but otherwise it’s absolutely fine.


Marilyn (6) ________________________________? James On the left-hand footboard. It’s easily fixed. It’s going to make a great addition to my collection. I’ve now got five scooters that are all different makes. Marilyn (7) ________________________________? James Only five! One of my friends has a lot more than me! The only problem is that I now have to wait three months for it to be delivered. Marilyn ________________________________? James Three months. It’s actually not surprising when it’s coming by sea! Marilyn I just don’t understand the attraction!

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4

“Hanno il bagno in camera da letto.” “Davvero? Molto insolito.” “Quella scultura di Picasso è stata venduta per più di £2 milioni la scorsa settimana.” “Per quanto è stata venduta?” “Si sono sposati a Bali perché pensavano che fosse molto romantico.” “Il loro matrimonio è stato dove?” “A quanto pare oltre il 46% dei follower online di Taylor Swift sono finti.” “Davvero? Sono molto sorpreso.” “Comunque ha una voce bellissima.” “Ah sì? Non l’ho sentita cantare.” 5 “Spendono più di £100 a settimana in cibo per cani e fatture (bills) del veterinario.” “Quanto spendono? Gli deve veramente importare dei loro animali.” 6 “Non sono mai stato a Verona.” “Ah no? È un posto bellissimo e vale la pena visitarla fuori stagione.” 7 “I nostri vicini si prendono cura di sei cani da salvataggio.” “Davvero? Hanno solo un piccolo appartamento, quindi mi chiedo come ci riescano.”




Ci sono vari modi per aggiungere enfasi a una parola, un’espressione o una frase. • Nella lingua scritta si può ricorrere ad accorgimenti grafici come il corsivo, il grassetto, la sottolineatura o l’uso delle lettere maiuscole. Questa è l’ultima volta che ti perdono.

This is the LAST time I forgive you.

• Nella lingua parlata, per dare maggiore importanza a una parola si pone l’accento sulla parola stessa pronunciandola con un tono di voce più alto. Fonetica – VI Carlotta mi ha mandato un messaggio ieri. (Carlotta e non qualcun altro ha mandato un messaggio) Carlotta mi ha mandato un messaggio ieri. (Carlotta ha mandato un messaggio, non ha telefonato) Carlotta mi ha mandato un messaggio ieri. (Carlotta ha mandato un messaggio a me e non a qualcun altro)

Carlotta texted me yesterday. Carlotta texted me yesterday. Carlotta texted me yesterday.

ENGLISH USAGE Spesso si pone l’accento sul verbo modale per dare maggiore enfasi. Devi rispondermi.

You must answer me.

In mancanza dell’ausiliare si aggiunge la forma appropriata di do alla frase. Osserva gli esempi. Sembri molto arrabbiata con lui! (enfasi sul concetto espresso) “Perché non glielo hai detto?” “Glielo ho detto.” (enfasi in contrasto con un’affermazione precedente) Vieni!/Entra! (con un imperativo per renderlo più cortese e invitante)

You do sound very angry with him! ‘Why didn’t you tell him?’ ‘I did tell him.’ Do come in!

• Per dare maggiore enfasi a un’affermazione si possono usare inoltre parole come so e such 116 really, just, ecc. 79 It was such a shocking reaction on his side. I just hate the way he behaves with the kids.

È stata una reazione così scioccante da parte sua. Odio proprio il modo in cui si comporta con i figli.

• Per dare enfasi alle domande esprimendo sorpresa, irritazione o incomprensione si possono usare i composti di ever. 148 In questo caso ever è separato dalla question word: who ever, what ever, where ever, when ever, how ever e why ever. Perché mai sono venuta in campeggio?

Why ever have I come camping?

ENGLISH USAGE Nella lingua colloquiale al posto di ever si possono usare on earth e the hell; in italiano queste espressioni si rendono con “mai”, “diamine” o altre espressioni colloquiali. Che diamine stai dicendo?

What on earth are you saying?

• Si può dare maggiore importanza a un’espressione mettendola in una posizione diversa da quella solita di soggetto + verbo + complemento. Questa costruzione (fronting) è particolarmente usata nella lingua parlata. I’ve already talked about your behaviour with Dad. Ho già parlato del tuo comportamento con papà.

costruzione normale

About your behaviour I’ve already talked with Dad.

Del tuo comportamento ho già parlato con papà.

fronting Il fronting è comune con le espressioni precedute da una wh- question word. Where I’m going I just don’t know.


Dove sto andando non lo so.




Aggiungi le parole tra parentesi nella posizione corretta per dare maggiore enfasi alla frase. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Robyn was pleased with her exam results. (so) Robyn was so pleased with her exam results. I’m sorry that I kept them waiting for so long. (dreadfully) It was a surprise to see you in New York. (such) It’s not fair that some nurses are paid less than supermarket workers. ( just) The pilot was skilful when he landed the plane during an electric storm. (incredibly) Many people were flabbergasted when Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize for literature. (absolutely) Most lawyers agreed with the judgment given by the Supreme Court. (completely) We had a lovely evening when we went ice skating with our best friends. (really)

Formula frasi con le espressioni nei riquadri A, B e C. A

• Who ever are you going • What ever have you done • Who on earth are • Why on earth are you • How ever did she manage • When ever are we going


• to your bedroom? • to reach our destination? • to spend so much money on a pair of shoes? • the couple sitting over there? • to find to replace the general manager? • still up at this time of night?


• This journey has gone on for a lifetime! • We should never have let her resign. • They cost a month’s salary. • I thought you’d gone to bed ages ago. • I didn’t invite them to the party. • It looks completely different.

Why on earth are you still up at this time of night? I thought you’d gone to bed ages ago.


Riscrivi le battute del dialogo con gli ausiliari do, did o must quando appropriato per dare maggiore enfasi. Michael Thank you so much for agreeing to meet me. Please sit down. Thank you so much for agreeing to meet me. Do sit down. Arlene Thank you. There are many outstanding issues that we need to discuss. Unfortunately, I haven’t received one of the important documents I asked you to put in the post. Michael I’m very surprised as I sent it to you by registered mail. As it happens, I have a copy with me. Help yourself to coffee while we are going through the main points. I think we can find a solution before the deadline, but it will be tight. Arlene Really. That’s excellent news. I expected you to find a number of stumbling blocks which would take a lot of time to resolve. Michael I believe that if we put our heads together for the next couple of hours we can crack it. Arlene Sorry. It’s very important that I phone my boss immediately. I’ve just had a text from him. Michael Please use the room next door if you need some privacy. Arlene Thank you. I won’t be long.


Riscrivi le frasi usando la costruzione fronting per dare maggiore enfasi alle parti sottolineate. 1 We have already discussed this question for some considerable time without finding an answer. This question has already been discussed for some considerable time without finding an answer. 2 The small, slimy creature lived inside the dark and gloomy cave. 3 We had a very interesting talk today by the writer Armistead Maupin. 4 The magician memorised the phone numbers of random members of the audience. Nobody knew how he did it. 5 We haven’t a clue where we’ll be this time next year. 6 The manager hasn’t yet come to a decision about your request to move to another branch.



Cleft sentences

Si usano le seguenti costruzioni per sottolineare e dare enfasi a parole ed espressioni: • the person/man/woman/friend who con riferimento a persone, e what/the thing per cose/animali + frase + be + frase Antonio lives in Brasil. ➝ The person who lives in Brasil is Antonio.

Antonio vive in Brasile. ➝ La persona che vive in Brasile è Antonio.

I didn’t like the end of the film. ➝ What I didn’t like about the film was the end.

Non mi è piaciuta la fine del film. ➝ Quello che non mi è piaciuto del film è stata la fine.

She didn’t deserve to be fired. ➝ The thing she didn’t deserve was to be fired.

Non meritava di essere licenziata. ➝ La cosa che non meritava era di essere licenziata.

Si usano le espressioni the place where, the day/time when, the reason why per dare enfasi a complementi di luogo, tempo e causa. The place where she lives is a dump. The day when we met is impressed in my heart. The reason why he dropped out of school is to travel around the world.

Il posto dove vive è una topaia. Il giorno in cui ci siamo conosciuti è impresso nel mio cuore. Il motivo per cui ha abbandonato la scuola è girare il mondo.

• it is/was + that + frase Mio padre non ha perso il lavoro. ➝ Non è stato mio padre a perdere il lavoro!

My father didn’t lose his job. ➝ It wasn’t my father who lost his job!

Quando il soggetto della frase subordinata è espresso da un pronome, sono possibili due costruzioni: it is I/you/he, ecc. who (formale), e it is me/you/him, ecc. that (informale). It is she who baked the cake. It is her that baked the cake.

È lei che ha cotto la torta.

Mappa p. 571


Riscrivi le frasi usando una cleft sentence e le parole nel riquadro. day • person • place • reason • thing • time 1 She didn’t go to university this year because she wanted to travel round the world. The reason why she didn’t go to university this year was she wanted to travel round the world. 2 Their flat is on the 61st floor. 3 You need to speak to the general manager about this. 4 The tennis match finally finished at 11 p.m. 5 They got engaged at Halloween. 6 I missed seeing snow most when I lived in Hong Kong.


Completa le frasi usando la costruzione it +be + frase. 1 2 3 4 5


A rap singer didn’t win the X Factor. The 2008 Olympic Games were held in Beijing. A koala doesn’t eat bamboo. Cow’s milk isn’t drunk by vegans. Thanksgiving is celebrated in November.

It wasn’t a rap singer who won the X Factor. It It It It

. . . .

Cleft sentences



Completa le risposte usando una cleft sentence con it e le parole tra parentesi. 1 ‘I think Dan and Rachel got married in June.’ ‘No, they didn’t. It was in May that Dan and Rachel got married.’ (May) 2 ‘Dave’s car was stolen yesterday.’ ‘No, it wasn’t. ________________________________________________________.’ (motorbike) 3 ‘Jerry and Margot went on holiday to Kenya.’ ‘No, they didn’t. ________________________________________________________.’ (Mauritius) 4 ‘Pat and John live in Manchester.’ ‘No, they don’t. ________________________________________________________.’ (Birmingham) 5 ‘Your parents lent you the money to buy your flat, didn’t they?’ ‘No, they didn’t. ________________________________________________________.’ (grandparents)


Completa la seconda frase in modo che abbia un significato uguale alla prima, usando la parola data. Devi usare fra le due e le cinque parole, compresa la parola data. 4 The reason why he is so popular is his compassion towards others. BECAUSE He is so popular _________________________ towards others. 5 His attitude towards money really annoys me. ANNOYING _________________________ is his attitude towards money. 6 Jason wanted to become a famous boxer. WAS _________________________ to become a famous boxer.

1 I didn’t like the food they served last night. WHAT What I didn’t like was the food they served last night. 2 The poet is famous because of his use of iambic pentameter. IT _________________________ of iambic pentameter that has made the poet famous. 3 You always pretend you can’t hear me when I ask you for some help. WHAT _________________________ pretend you can’t hear me when I ask you for some help.


Riscrivi il testo sulla caratteristica statuetta delle Rolls Royce usando le cleft sentences. The person I’m really looking forward to hearing about is your famous great-uncle. The reason . The place . It . The place . It . The thing . The person

I’m really looking forward to hearing about your famous great-uncle! My great-uncle is famous because he designed the Rolls Royce mascot. He was born in Newcastle in the north-east of England. The mascot, called the Spirit of Ecstasy, was first used in 1911. You can see many of the statues at the National Motor Museum in Beaulieu, Hampshire. Serge Gainsbourg sang a song about the Spirit of Ecstasy. I really like the mascot’s art deco design. Charles Robinson Sykes designed the Rolls Royce mascot.



147-154 Summative revision 1


Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con which, at which, who, to whom o that. 1 The Normans, who live next door to us , are a very happy family. 2 The London Underground, ______________________, is the world’s first underground railway system. 3 Marta Olsen, ______________________, will help you with your enquiry. 4 The company’s head office, ______________________, is based in Rome. 5 Pizza Napoletana, ______________________, is one of the best meals at Mario’s restaurant.

a b c d e

all major meetings are held ■ is my favourite pizza ■ opened in 1863 ■ you should write 1 live next door to us ■

Leggi i mini-dialoghi e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 ‘Don’t forget to phone me whatever/however you do!’ ‘Don’t worry, I’ll phone you whatever/whenever I can, wherever/whoever I am in the world!’ 2 ‘I need to speak to whoever/whatever will be able to help me.’ ‘I’m sorry, but I’ve already explained. There’s no one here whoever/whatsoever. Everyone’s at lunch.’ 3 ‘I don’t care whether we go by bus or train but whichever/whenever way we get to the airport, we must make sure we leave early.’ ‘Well, however/wherever we travel, we need to get the tickets today.’


Completa il dialogo con le espressioni nel riquadro. bigger and bigger • colder and colder • further • hungrier • less and less longer • more (x 2) • more and more • sweeter and sweeter • nearer A B A B A B A B A B A


The (1) further we go, the (2) ______________________ lost we are. Sorry, I’m doing my best. The map is getting (3) ______________________ complicated. I’m so tired. We’re making (4) ______________________ progress. The weather is awful. It’s getting (5) ______________________. Let’s be optimistic. The (6) ______________________ we walk for, the (7) ______________________ we’ll be to home. The (8) ______________________ I think about food, the (9) ______________________ I am. Me too. I’m thinking about a sandwich which is getting (10) ______________________ by the minute! I’m thinking about hot chocolate which is getting (11) ______________________! Look! What’s that? Is it the exit? Yes! How wonderful! We’re finally out of this maze! How long have we been here? Umm… only about ten minutes!

Completa il testo con le espressioni nel riquadro. as were they • did I go • did I realise • no sooner had I • not only had • only after I rarely has there been • so was I • under no circumstances • only then did I (1) Rarely has there been such a strong typhoon in this part of the country. (2) _______________ stepped outside the front door (3) ________________ the strength of the wind. I thought I would be able to walk next door to see if my neighbours were alright. (4) ________________ trees blown down, but I also noticed that a car had overturned. (5) ________________ decide to go back inside because it was too dangerous to go any further. (6) ________________ can you walk around outside safely when the weather is like that, so (7) ________________ could see that it had passed (8) ________________ and see my neighbours. I was still shocked, (9) ________________. They were lucky no harm had come to them – and (10) ________________.


Summative revision



Completa le frasi con le question tags corrette. ‘That’s our new teacher over there, isn’t it ?’ ‘She’s really nice, isn’t she ?’ ‘We’re still going shopping on Saturday, ____________?’ ‘Yes. We can have lunch out, ____________?’ The play doesn’t start until seven o’clock, ____________? It won’t start early, ____________? I’m not late for the lesson, ____________? I’m usually on time, ____________? ‘Everything’s ready for the party, ____________?’ ‘I think so. Everyone will have plenty to eat and drink, ____________?’ 6 ‘Nobody’s been to Martin’s house yet, ____________?’ ‘Well, he’s only just moved in, ____________?’ 1 2 3 4 5


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6



1 2 3 4 5


GRAMMAR SOUNDS Sottolinea le parole dove si pone l’accento. Poi ascolta e controlla.

‘So, everyone has some cake.’ ‘Everyone except me. I haven’t got any cake.’ ‘Has everyone got some cake and a drink?’ ‘I haven’t got any cake but I’ve got a drink.’ ‘Please! Give me some cake!’ ‘Sorry. I haven’t got any cake!’ ‘Why didn’t you offer me any cake?’ ‘I did offer you some cake, but you didn’t want any.’ Helen and Caroline drove to London last Monday – not Helen and Lucy. Helen and Caroline drove to London last Monday – they didn’t go by train. Helen and Caroline drove to London last Monday – they didn’t go to Manchester. Helen and Caroline drove to London last Monday – not last Tuesday.

ERROR CORRECTION Ogni frase contiene un errore. Correggi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


‘We’re moving to Spain next month.’ ‘Are you?/Do you? Which part of Spain?’ ‘My uncle has just bought a helicopter.’ ‘He’s just bought which/what?’ ‘I’m hungry. I haven’t had any breakfast.’ ‘Didn’t you?/Haven’t you?’ ‘My mum paid fifty pounds for this bag.’ ‘She paid how much?/how many?’ ‘The Norman family went on holiday yesterday.’ ‘Did they?/Didn’t they?’ ‘Bruno has decided to buy a restaurant in London.’ ‘He’s decided to buy one when?/where?’

were The art students, who standing in front of their paintings, were very proud of their work. Please let me know whenever time you want me to meet you tomorrow. ‘I’m really not happy with these exam results, Tom.’ ‘However.’ I’m beginning to feel that the more I sleep more tired I am. At no other time in her life she has been so happy. Until we got to the phone shop did we remember it had closed down. Lily’s bought a new camera recently, has she? ‘I’ve just seen a black and white cat in your garden.’ ‘What you saw?’

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 2 3 4 5

Stars, che è il mio negozio preferito, ha appena aperto un altro negozio. Qualsiasi cosa faccia, i miei genitori non sono mai soddisfatti. Più leggo questo libro, più sono interessata all’argomento. Ero arrivata a malapena a casa quando Jane telefonò. “Sam parla molto bene lo spagnolo, non è vero? Lo ha imparato quando viaggiava.” “Davvero? Non ne avevo idea.” 6 Quello che trovo più irritante sono le persone che continuano a controllare il telefono nelle riunioni.



Phrasal verbs (1): verbi intransitivi

I phrasal verbs sono formati da verbo + particella avverbiale (avverbio o preposizione). Il verbo assume significati diversi a seconda della particella che lo accompagna. Il verbo turn, per esempio, significa “girare”, ma turn down può significare sia “abbassare” (il volume) che “rifiutare”, e turn off significa “spegnere”. Le due categorie più comuni di phrasal verbs sono i verbi intransitivi e i verbi transitivi.

155.1 Phrasal verbs intransitivi Sono intransitivi quei phrasal verbs che non sono seguiti da un complemento oggetto. The plane is about to take off. Fasten your seat belt, please. back out (tirarsi indietro) break down (guastarsi, scoppiare a piangere) break in (irrompere) break out (scoppiare) break up (separarsi) calm down (calmarsi) carry on (continuare) check in (fare il check-in/ registrarsi) check out (fare il check-out) cheer up (tirarsi su di morale) clear up (schiarirsi – di tempo atmosferico) come down (scendere – di prezzi o livelli) come out (essere pubblicato)


L’aereo sta per decollare. Allacciate la cintura, per favore.

come round (fare visita) come to (raggiungere, riprendere conoscenza) die away (andare scemando) die out (estinguersi) dress up (vestirsi elegante) drop off (avere un colpo di sonno) fall apart (sgretolarsi) fall through (non andare a buon fine) get by (sopravvivere) give in (arrendersi, cedere) go by (passare) go off (esplodere, andare a male) hang on (attendere per poco) hang up (riattaccare il telefono) keep on (+ -ing) (continuare) look out (fare attenzione)

pass out (svenire) pull in/into (entrare – di veicolo) pull out (uscire – di veicolo) pull up (fermarsi – di veicolo) set off/out (cominciare un viaggio) show off (mettersi in mostra) show up (farsi vedere ad un appuntamento) slow down (ridurre la velocità) stand for (rappresentare) stand out (spiccare) stay in (rimanere a casa) stay up (stare alzati fino a tardi) take off (decollare) turn out (risultare, rivelarsi) turn up (comparire inaspettatamente)

Completa i mini-dialoghi con i phrasal verbs nel riquadro. turn out • carry on • cheer up • clear up • come round • dress up • set off • stay in • turn up 1 Rosie Katie Rosie

When you come round tomorrow, don’t turn up too early because I won’t be ready. We’ll probably __________________ at about six. It takes twenty minutes to get to your house. Do we need to __________________ or are jeans OK? Jeans are fine. See you tomorrow.

2 Mrs Norman Try and __________________ you two. Harry I don’t want the rain to __________________ like this. We’ll have to __________________ today. Lily It might __________________ soon. I can see a bit of blue sky. 3 Sandra Claire


How did the birthday cake __________________? It was a disaster. Nobody liked it!

Phrasal verbs (1)


Abbina le frasi alle immagini. 1 2 3 4 5 6



Don’t fall. Come down slowly. Look out for traffic. You can pull up outside the supermarket. Mr Smith’s pulling into a parking space. Thanks for dropping me off. I’ve broken down. Can you come and help?


Completa gli avvisi con i phrasal verbs corretti. AIR TICKET



d■ 1



Boarding pass

! School ahead!

Passengers are advised to check in at least two hours before their flight.

If you __________________ on the motorway, get out of your car and stand away from the road.

Please ___________________ as you approach the zebra crossing.

Please keep your seat belt on until after we ______________________.





Flight 815 to: London


Completa i dialoghi con la forma corretta dei phrasal verbs nel riquadro. break up • pass out • calm down • break in • give in • stay in • look out • back out stand for • come to • fall apart • hang on • hang up • carry on 1 A B A B 2 A B A B A B A



Marta, what’s the matter? (1) Calm down and tell me. Tom wants to (2) _______________ with me. He told me by text! Oh, I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t (3) _______________ that! Would you like to go out for a meal? It might help. No, thanks. I think I’d prefer to (4) _______________ this evening. When I got home last night, I thought someone had (5) _______________! Why? What was going on? I walked through my front door and there was a light on. I heard someone tell me to (6) _______________ – then I (7) _______________! You’ll never guess what happened next! I have no idea. Sorry, I (8) _______________. What happened? I (9) _______________ and was gently helped to my feet by my cousin! (10) _______________! What was your cousin doing in your hallway? He was putting a new bookshelf up for me because the person who was supposed to come and help me (11) _______________ at the last minute. The shelf (12) _______________ as I was coming in and a heavy book fell on me! So what did you do then? I asked him to (13) _______________ and finish what he was doing! Well, you take care and mind your head in future! Oh, before you (14) _______________, could you ask your cousin to phone me? I’ve got a shelf that needs to be put up in the kitchen!

TRANSLATION Traduci le frasi in inglese. 1 Assicurati di presentarti in orario al colloquio. 2 Il film parla di rapinatori di banca che evadono dalla prigione. 3 Stai attento quando esci dal garage. Non c’è molto spazio.

4 Vedo sempre qualcosa che voglio quando passo da quella vetrina. 5 Gira a sinistra al semaforo e continua su quella strada finché non arrivi al cinema.



Phrasal verbs (2): verbi transitivi separabili

Sono transitivi quei phrasal verbs che reggono il complemento oggetto. Se il complemento oggetto è espresso da un sostantivo, la particella avverbiale può precederlo o seguirlo, ma se il complemento oggetto è espresso da un pronome, questo precede sempre la particella avverbiale. She made up the whole story. She made the whole story up.

Ha inventato tutta la storia.

She made it up.

Se lo è inventato.

break off (staccarsi, mettere fine a) bring about (causare) bring back (richiamare alla memoria) bring out (far spiccare, lanciare sul mercato) bring up (allevare, crescere) call off (annullare) calm down (far calmare) carry out (eseguire) carry through (portare a termine) check out (esaminare) cheer up (tirar su il morale a qln) clear up (mettere in ordine, chiarire un problema) close down (cessare un’attività) cross off (spuntare/eliminare da una lista) cut off (isolare) cut out (tagliare/non includere) cut up (tagliare in piccoli pezzi) do up (rinnovare, allacciare) drink up (bere alla svelta) fill in (riempire – es. un modulo) finish off (finire, mangiare tutto) get across (comunicare/far capire) get down (buttare giù il morale a qln) give away (dare via/regalare, rivelare)


give back (restituire) give up (smettere/rinunciare) hand in (presentare/consegnare) hand out (distribuire) help out (aiutare, dare una mano) hold up (ritardare, rapinare) keep back (tenere da parte) leave out (tralasciare) let down (deludere) let in (far entrare) let off (lasciare andare senza punizione) look up (cercare informazioni) make out (riuscire a vedere/sentire) make up (inventare – es. una storia) pay back (restituire i soldi) pick up (raccogliere, andare a prendere in macchina) pull down (demolire) pull off (portare a termine qualcosa di difficile/in modo inaspettato) put across (trasmettere con successo) put aside (mettere da parte) put away (mettere a posto) put forward (proporre) put off (posticipare) put on (indossare, accendere)

put out (estinguere) put up (dare alloggio) run down (denigrare) run up (accumulare, erigere) save up (risparmiare) see off (dire addio – es. a un luogo) see through (portare a termine) set aside (mettere da parte) set up (avviare – es. un’azienda) sort out (far fronte – es. a un problema) take away (rimuovere) take down (annotare) take on (assumere, accettare) take over (assumere il controllo, sostituire/subentrare) take up (iniziare un hobby, un’attività) tell off (sgridare) throw away/out (buttare via) try on (provare – es. abiti, scarpe, ecc.) turn down (rifiutare un’offerta/una proposta, abbassare il volume) turn up (alzare – il volume, il riscaldamento) work out (trovare una soluzione)

Abbina le due parti delle frasi e completale con le parole nel riquadro. up • down • across • in • aside • away • out • on • back • off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


John and Mary broke their engagement off Please try to cheer your sister _____ Paula let her parents _____ Jenny put her ideas _____ They brought lots of souvenirs _____ Don’t let anyone _____ Let’s put our differences _____ You shouldn’t throw those old chairs _____ The candidates have to work the equations _____ We need to take more workers _____

a ■ during the busy summer period. 1 a week before the wedding. b ■ c ■ as she is sulking in her bedroom. d ■ when she failed all her exams. e ■ very forcefully at the meeting. f ■ and try to solve this problem together. g ■ until we’ve completed the security checks. h ■ because they can be repaired. i ■ from their trip to Australia. j ■ without using their calculators.

Phrasal verbs (2)



Completa le frasi con i verbi nel riquadro. take • save • look • make • pick • cut • bring • turn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Completa le frasi con un verbo appropriato. 1 2 3 4 5


The two sides broke off their talks without reaching any agreement. After the crowd invaded the pitch, the referee _________ off the match to avoid putting the players in danger. Time is up. _________ off the sentence you are writing and hand your paper to me. You need to act now. Don’t _________ off your decision any longer. The teacher _________ off the students who arrived back at the coach late, after their sightseeing trip.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


I want to take up weightlifting to build up my strength. Can you ___________ up the radio, please? We had to ___________ up for three years in order to get the deposit we needed to buy the house. I’ll need to ___________ up that word in the dictionary because I haven’t any idea what it means. Can you ___________ up your mind about what you want to eat? The artist ___________ up pages of newspapers to create the collage. I’ll ___________ up your dry cleaning from the laundry on my way to work. We want to ___________ up our children on a farm so they can have a healthy lifestyle and learn to care for animals.

The leaders tried to get the protesters to calm down/through and demonstrate peacefully. Shops have brought away/out their Christmas stock in October which I think is far too early. The workers put forward/off a lot of good ideas to improve the efficiency of the company. The prime minister put over/out a press statement immediately after she had announced a general election. We set aside/off some money every month to pay for our skiing holiday next January. I can’t make over/out the words on this old document because the writing is very faint. If we don’t leave the beach now, we’ll get cut down/off by the rising tide. Hurry up and finish out/off your work as the lesson ends in five minutes.

Sostituisci i verbi sottolineati con un phrasal verb e un pronome corretto. 1 ‘I have just checked the document carefully and you have omitted some important information.’ ‘Oh sorry, you’re right. I have left it out .’ 2 ‘I hear they have demolished some beautiful historic buildings.’ ‘Yes. They have _________________ in the centre of town.’ 3 ‘The rugby match has been postponed until Monday.’ ‘They must have _________________ because of the typhoon. 4 ‘The landlords retained the tenants’ deposit.’ ‘I know. They _________________ because one of the occupants had ruined a carpet.’ 5 ‘Make sure you return the audio guide to the receptionist.’ ‘Thank you. We’ll _________________ when we leave the museum.’ 6 ‘They renovated the kitchen and bathroom in the house they bought.’ ‘That’s good. I hope they _________________ before they moved into the property.’ 7 ‘I’m afraid that the sellers have rejected your offer.’ ‘That’s bad news. I expect they _________________ because we didn’t offer the full selling price.’ 8 ‘Sir Paul Smith established his clothing company in the early 1970s.’ ‘That’s right. He _________________ when he was still living in Nottingham.’



Phrasal verbs (3): verbi transitivi non separabili e verbi seguiti da preposizione

157.1 Phrasal verbs transitivi non separabili In alcuni phrasal verbs transitivi, la particella avverbiale non può essere mai separata dal verbo e pertanto il complemento (sostantivo/pronome) segue sempre la particella avverbiale. She immediately dealt with the question. break into (scassinare) bump into (incontrare per caso/imbattersi) care for (prendersi cura, avere interesse per qln/qlc) call (in) on (fare un salto da/passare a trovare) come across (imbattersi) cut across (tagliare per una via più breve) deal with (occuparsi di/affrontare - es. un problema) do without (fare a meno) fall for (innamorarsi di, farsi ingannare da) get over (riprendersi – es. da una malattia o un problema) go after (rincorrere/andare dietro) go off (disaffezionarsi/perdere interesse) go over (esaminare – es. un problema) go into (parlare/discutere di qlc) go with (abbinare)

Affrontò immediatamente la questione. hang around (bighellonare/indugiare) live on (vivere di) live through (sopravvivere a) look after (prendersi cura di/badare a) look into (indagare/esaminare a fondo) make for (dirigersi verso) make into (trasformare in qualcos’altro) run into (incontrare/imbattersi – es. in un problema) see about (provvedere) see through (non farsi ingannare/raggirare) set about (cominciare) stand by (stare vicino a qualcuno in un momento difficile) stand for (accettare) take after (somigliare) turn to (rivolgersi – es. per aiuto o consiglio)

157.2 Phrasal verbs seguiti da preposizione In alcuni phrasal verbs la particella avverbiale è seguita da preposizione e complemento. He always comes up with brilliant solutions.

Escogita sempre soluzioni brillanti.

Alcuni di questi verbi possono essere usati senza complemento; in questo caso la preposizione si omette. There’s so much work that I cannot catch up.

catch up with (mettersi in pari) come down with (prendere – una malattia) come up/run up against (imbattersi in un problema) come up with (proporre un’idea/trovare una soluzione) face up to (accettare/affrontare una situazione difficile) get away with (cavarsela) get back to (riprendere un’attività, ricontattare qln per fornirgli informazioni) get down to (cominciare a fare qualcosa in modo serio) get on to (passare a parlare di un altro argomento) get over with (finire di fare qualcosa di necessario) get through to (contattare/riuscire a comunicare con qln) go along with (acconsentire/essere d’accordo con qln) go back on (venir meno a una promessa/un accordo)


C’è così tanto lavoro che non riesco a mettermi in pari.

go back to (tornare) go in for (avere interesse – es. per uno sport/un hobby) go over to (cambiare) keep out of (evitare di coinvolgere/essere coinvolti in qlc) keep up with (stare al passo con) look down on (guardare dall’alto in basso) look forward to (non vedere l’ora di) look out for (fare attenzione a) look up to (guardare con ammirazione) make up for (compensare/rimediare a) put up with (tollerare) run up against (imbattersi in/fronteggiare delle difficoltà) stand up for (difendere un’idea/una persona) watch out for (fare attenzione a)

Phrasal verbs (3)



Completa le frasi con le particelle nel riquadro. after • around • by • into (x 2) • without 1 Which piece of modern technology could you do without ? 2 My brother spends all his time hanging ___________ bars and cafés. 3 Two burglars broke ___________ the building.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


I bumped across/into an old friend I hadn’t seen in ages when we were both crossing Oxford Street. The investigators came through/across some important evidence when they were searching the suspect’s flat. My brother can’t do for/without a double espresso at 11 o’clock every morning. Can you look after/in our beautiful cats while we are away on holiday? There are a lot of fans hanging around/back Leicester Square hoping to see the stars. Despite the poor run of results, the players are standing out/by the manager and do not want him to be sacked. I used to really enjoy eating avocados but now I’ve gone off/away them. The children take after/back their father. Their noses are all the same shape! The police vehicle cut across/over the traffic and did a U-turn in order to follow the stolen car. My grandparents lived on/through some interesting times during the 1960s.

Completa le frasi con le preposizioni corrette. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


4 The neighbours are going to look ___________ our cat while we’re on holiday. 5 His wife stood ___________ him during the trial. 6 The article doesn’t go ___________ the details of the police investigation.

John is very unreliable and often goes back on his word. After all the delay, we need to make up ____________ lost time. You’re running too fast and I can’t keep up ____________ you. I hope the children keep out ____________ trouble when they are staying with their grandparents. They had to put up ____________ swarms of insects, called midges, when they went on a walking holiday to Scotland. Carol is very sweet and looks up ____________ her elder sister, who she thinks can do no wrong! Yet again, he’s not telling the truth and this time he’s not going to get away ____________ it. Look out ____________ the amazing paintings by Goya when you visit the Prado Museum. Let’s get down ____________ business and discuss how we can maximise our profits. At this time of year a lot of people are coming down ____________ flu.

Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con un phrasal verb. 1 Paying us money won’t compensate for the indignity of sleeping on the floor of the airport when all your flights were cancelled. make up for 2 I cannot tolerate your rude behaviour any longer and want you to leave immediately. 3 She often suffered from chest infections when she lived in that damp flat. 4 Many people living in the United States want to return to their roots by visiting the countries where their great grandparents came from. 5 We’ll investigate your complaint and let you have an answer as soon as possible. 6 Armistead Maupin coined the phrase ‘logical family’ in a book about life in San Francisco called Tales of the City. 7 The climbers experienced some awful weather on the way to the summit. 8 Guess who I met by chance in the queue at the post office? 9 Kate is similar to her mother because she is so kind and friendly. 10 For some strange reason I’ve stopped liking bananas and can’t eat them anymore.


155-157 Summative revision 1

Completa i mini-dialoghi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro e le particelle out, off o by. call • come • die • finish • get • show • stand (x 2) • turn • go 1 A B A 2 A B A 3 A B A 4 A B 5 A B A


If you go by the station on your way home, could you pick up a copy of the Evening Standard? I’m leaving work at lunchtime today. What time does it normally ____________? Not until later. Don’t worry, I’ll read it online. I’ve just seen a magazine article about that singer you really like. There’s a picture of her ____________ her engagement ring. What’s her name? I can’t remember. She’s the one who ____________ the engagement last year and now it’s back on again. Over a million people ____________ for the protest march against climate change yesterday. I know. I was there, too. One of the speakers also talked about vast areas of forest which have ____________ and can never be replaced. Some of the people on the march really ____________ in the crowds with their amazing costumes! Mum, I’m really hungry. Can I ____________ that cake? There’s only one slice left. Sorry, Harry, I’ve just thrown it out. Have a sandwich instead. Thank you so much for ____________ me when I lost my job, Jane. That’s what friends are for. I was worried about how you were going to ____________ without an income. Thanks to your help, I’ve managed to get a new job in the city centre.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 She’s cutting out/up a picture of her favourite actor. 2 She’s cutting down/up a photo of her boyfriend. 3 He’s just come up against/with a clever idea. 4 He’s just come up/against a problem. 5 We used to have mains electricity but now we’ve gone for/over to solar energy.


6 James really goes in for/over to indoor climbing. He does it every weekend. 7 I’m looking after/forward to my cousin’s dog this weekend. 8 I’m looking after/forward to my summer holiday next week!

Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 The dense fog held up the traffic and long queues formed on the motorway slip roads. A made up B set up C held up 2 I’m really surprised that Greta ___________ the job because the salary was very good. A turned down B turned up C turned out 3 I’ve just ___________ how much water we save if we turn off the tap when we are brushing our teeth. A made out B worked out C called out 4 Can you check the milk because I think it’s ___________. A gone off B gone away C gone out 5 The teacher ___________ her threat to confiscate phones that students used in class. A crossed out B carried out C threw out 6 The newspaper claimed that the government ___________ young people by refusing their demands on climate change. A let down B closed down C cut down 7 In the 1970s, developers ___________ many Victorian buildings and replaced them with brutalist architecture. A got down B ran down C pulled down 8 This window is very badly made and ___________ a lot of cold air. A breaks in B sets in C lets in


Summative revision



Completa le frasi con le particelle e le preposizioni corrette. My boss has come down with flu and sends her apologies. I fear we are going to run _____________ many more problems before this deal is finally completed. They have to face _____________ the reality that they won’t sell their flat unless they drop the price. A lot of people don’t go _____________ the idea that the effects of climate change are irreversible. My dad went _____________ a lot of water sports when he was younger. I find it very difficult to keep _____________ the new language that is used on social media. The message about the polluting effects of using single-issue plastic bottles is finally getting _____________ businesses and many have now banned their use. 8 Who came _____________ the idea of providing bikes to hire in a city? I think it is brilliant!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Completa il testo su un famoso libraio parigino con la forma corretta dei phrasal verbs nel riquadro. look down on • look forward to • look out for • look up to • put up with • run up against George Whitman, who owned a famous bookshop in Paris, never (1) looked down on anyone. He once said, ‘Be not inhospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise.’ Whitman always (2) _________________ people who arrived at his shop looking hungry and provided them with food and if necessary, somewhere to sleep. He (3) _________________ the English-speaking writers who came to live in Paris during the 1920s such as Hemingway, Fitzgerald and James Baldwin. He always had a stock of their books on the shelves. He didn’t (4) _________________ any kind of intolerance or prejudice and believed that everyone should be treated equally. However, he was not particularly interested in making money and he often (5) _________________ financial difficulties. I always (6) _________________ visiting the bookstore when I’m in Paris. It is now owned by his daughter Sylvia and is called Shakespeare and Company.


ERROR CORRECTION Leggi il testo e correggi altri 18 errori.

Continuing dramas or soap operas, as they are sometimes called, are very popular TV programmes. In order to keep their viewers hooked, the scriptwriters have to come up for intriguing plots. Here are some of them. ● A couple call out their wedding moments before the with ● Wealthy owners suddenly decide to close in their factory marriage ceremony is due to take place. The bride’s making their workers unemployed. The employees then parents blame the groom and get very angry. The best put away a proposal take over the business. The owners man tries to calm them over by telling them to put off eventually let them carry back their plan. Unfortunately, their differences. it doesn’t work around and some of the employees feel very let back by what has happened. ● A mother goes to her children’s school to sort up some issues that have been raised by the teacher. He tries ● The police decide to let forward someone who has to help away by going to their home to talk about the committed a minor crime, who then goes on to carry problems face-to-face with her children. He then falls out a violent robbery. The officer who decided not to through her mother and they have a secret affair. During arrest him promises to track him up. The robber hides the school holidays they all go on together. Later, the in a disused building. He then climbs onto the roof and husband finds up what is going on and sets in trying to threatens to throw himself away. After several hours the get the teacher fired. police officer finally persuades him to come to.


Grammar for writing A book review Per scrivere la recensione di un libro: • scrivi un titolo appropriato • descrivi la trama del libro • offri una lettura diversa del libro, se possibile


• cerca di influenzare il lettore • concludi con una valutazione e/o raccomandazione personale

Leggi la recensione, poi rispondi alle domande.

The Tattooist of Auschwitz is a fictional account of the true story of Lale Sokolov, a Slovakian Jew, forcibly transported to the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau in April 1942. When his captors discover that he speaks several languages, he is put to work as the camp by Heather Morris tattooist. He has relative freedom provided that he permanently marks the other prisoners’ arms ✭✭✭ with their prison numbers. During two and half years of imprisonment, Lale witnesses terrible atrocities, as well as incredible acts of bravery. After a while, he starts using his privileged position to exchange jewels and money from murdered Jews for food to keep his fellow prisoners alive. Then one day in July 1942, Lale tattoos the number 34902 onto the arm of a young woman called Gita. The instant he sees her, he falls in love and decides he must survive the camp so that he can marry her. Just as they are released from Birkenau, they become separated. So Gita shouts out her full name and planned destination for him to look for her after the war. Finally, after several months, Lale encounters Gita on a street in Bratislava and asks her if she will marry him. The narrative structure is interesting, as after the story closes, the author’s voice takes over and provides the readers with an overview of the lives of the two real Holocaust survivors. And it concludes with an afterword written by Gary, their real-life son, which provides a moving firsthand testament to the love between his parents that he saw growing up. One criticism of the book is that it is inconsistent with the facts as documented about life in the concentration camp. But given that this a fictional interpretation of events, it is a vivid, if sometimes upsetting description of love and hope in the face of the darkest possible human conditions. Thus I would thoroughly recommend this book to anybody to read and learn about the human spirit. A book review of

The Tattooist of Auschwitz

1 Where and when is the story set? The story is set in Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in 1942. 2 What is Lale’s role in the concentration camp and how does he get it? 3 Who does he meet in the camp and what effect does this have on him? 4 What happens when the protagonists are released from the concentration camp? 5 How is the narrative structure interesting? 6 Why has there been some criticism about the book and how does the writer defend this?


WRITING Pensa a un libro che hai letto di recente e prendi appunti seguendo lo schema. Poi scrivi la tua recensione. Usa il Language box e i Writing tips come aiuto.

• Title • Author • Setting • Plot summary 566

• Narrative style • Positives/Negatives • Opinion/Recommendation

LANGUAGE Expressing time


Expressing sequence

After a while/several months/ One day/The instant/Just as...

Expressing consequence

Provided (that)/Thus/As...

Expressing motive So (that)/for... Expressing doubt


Expressing cause

Given that...

Adding things

Also/As well as...

WRITING TIPS • Tieni a mente il tipo di lettore a cui ti rivolgi e cerca di rendere la recensione interessante e informativa. • Struttura la recensione in modo chiaro con un nuovo paragrafo per ogni nuovo argomento. • Utilizza i connettivi per esprimere tempo, conseguenza, motivo, ecc. • Esprimi la tua opinione e motivala. • Rileggi la recensione e controlla spelling, grammatica e punteggiatura.

Grammar for speaking Giving a lecture or a talk 1


Ascolta e leggi la presentazione.

I’m going to talk to you about how to give a lecture or a talk and explain each phase of the preparation and delivery. The first thing to do is to choose and research your topic carefully. It should be something you are truly passionate about, for fear of boring your audience. In the same way that it should be something you are interested in, it must also be appropriate for your audience. So you might want to avoid hip-hop for older audiences or quantum mechanics for younger ones! Once you have chosen your audience-appropriate topic and completed your comprehensive research, it’s time to write your talk. As long as it’s clear and well-constructed, you should be OK. First, write your punchy introduction. This has to grab their attention and lead to the main body of your talk. Next, divide each part of the main body into sections, along with relevant examples illustrating each point. Finally, conclude with a summary of your main points and maybe include a call to action or reference for further information, or invitation for questions. Now you are ready to practise your delivery. Supposing you want people to follow and understand you, speak slowly and clearly. Don’t read from your notes or from a powerpoint presentation so that you don’t send them to sleep! It’s not only important to practise your oral delivery but to adopt the right body posture and to avoid making large, distracting gestures with your hands or body. Above all relax, smile and where possible involve your audience. If you are feeling super confident, you can even try out a joke or a personal anecdote as an ice-breaker. However, be prepared for this, to be met by stony silence if they don’t understand it! Always make eye contact, breathe and be yourself! So, to recap: plan your talk carefully; structure the talk into intro, main body and conclusion; practise your delivery; relax and try to be yourself. It’s simple!


Scrivi un riassunto della presentazione seguendo lo schema.


The talk is about how to give a talk. Introduction Main body _______________________________________________________ Conclusion _______________________________________________________


Pensa a un argomento per la tua presentazione e scrivi appunti seguendo lo schema.

• Introduction • Main body • Conclusion

Introductions I’m going to talk about… / This talk is about… / My topic today is… Connecting ideas

First/Next/Finally/Once/ So/Now/As long as/ Supposing/For fear of/ In the same way that…/ Above all/However…


To recap/sum up/ In conclusion…


ROLE PLAY Fai la tua presentazione o registra la tua voce. Usa il Functions box come aiuto.


FEEDBACK Chiedi a un tuo/una tua compagno/a di ascoltare la tua presentazione e di valutarla completando la tabella. Excellent

Very good





Content Delivery Body language





would have + participio passato

situazioni passate che avrebbero potuto verificarsi ma non si sono verificate

Sia nella principale che nella subordinata con if si possono usare le forme progressive.

subordinata con if

If he hadn’t criticised his boss, he wouldn’t have been fired. critica nei confronti di terzi

if + past perfect

If you had kept your mouth shut, mum wouldn’t have known I had spent the night out.

In alternativa a would have + participio passato si possono usare: could have, might have e should have.

rimpianto o rammarico verso se stessi If I had accepted Sam’s invitation to the party, he wouldn’t have asked Pearl. Unità 137



subordinata con if


subordinata con if

would have + participio passato

if + past simple

would + forma base

if + past perfect simple

USO situazioni che sarebbero diverse nel passato se la condizione fosse stata diversa nel presente

situazioni che sarebbero diverse nel presente o futuro se la condizione nel passato fosse stata diversa

The bank would have granted me a loan if I had a job.

I wouldn’t share a bedroom with my little brother if my parents had bought a bigger house. Unità 138


Mappe concettuali

COSTRUZIONI CON WISH “augurare” wish + complemento indiretto + complemento diretto I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

desiderio irrealizzabile o insoddisfazione per una situazione attuale wish + past simple I wish you had better marks at school.

desiderio riferito a capacità o possibilità wish + could She wishes she could buy the new Dolce and Gabbana handbag.

Se il complemento indiretto è seguito da un verbo, si usa hope invece di wish. We hope our daughter has a good time in London.

“volere/desiderare”: wish + complemento oggetto + infinito I didn’t wish my brother to know about the accident.

desiderio riferito a capacità/ possibilità passata non realizzata wish + could have I wish I could have gone to university.

rammarico/rimpianto per una situazione passata che non si è realizzata wish + past perfect simple/ past perfect continuous I wish I hadn’t told Sally. She can’t keep a secret.

desiderio riferito a una situazione futura wish + past continuous

desiderio che dipende dalla volontà/disponibilità di terzi wish + would

I wish they weren’t coming for dinner tomorrow.

We wish our neighbours wouldn’t be so noisy.

Unità 139


Mappe concettuali

PERSONALE soggetto + verbo passivo + infinito


IMPERSONALE it + verbo passivo + that + frase

al presente e futuro He is expected to win the race.

con verbi come know, consider, say, believe, ecc.

al presente e futuro It is expected that he will win the race.

azione in corso She is thought to be lying.

azione in corso It is thought that she is lying.

al passato He is believed to have sold his house.

al passato It is believed that he sold his house.

Unità 140, 141

INVERSIONE DELLA FRASE soggetto e ausiliare/modale

soggetto e verbo

dopo avverbio/espressione avverbiale di significato negativo/ restrittivo Rarely has she been so excited.

dopo avverbio/espressione avverbiale di luogo/direzione Here comes the merry couple.

con may per esprimere un augurio May you be happy.

in frase dichiarativa preceduta da discorso diretto con sostantivo come soggetto ‘Stop it now’, said the teacher.

dopo so/neither/nor per esprimere accordo I drive carefully. So does my brother.

omettendo if nelle frasi condizionali Had you studied harder, you wouldn’t have failed the exam.

dopo as nello stile letterario Phil was angry, as was Jane. Unità 150


Mappe concettuali

frase affermativa, + ausiliare/modale + not + pronome soggetto + ? I told you to wash the dishes, didn’t I?

QUESTION TAGS per chiedere conferma di un’affermazione

frase negativa, + ausiliare/modale + pronome soggetto + ? You haven’t finished your essay, have you?

Unità 151

frase affermativa, + ausiliare/modale + pronome soggetto + ? ‘I met Sam at the mall’. ‘Did you?’

REPLY QUESTIONS per indicare attenzione o interesse da parte di chi ascolta

frase negativa, + ausiliare/modale + not + pronome soggetto + ? ‘She has never had a boyfriend.’ ‘Hasn’t she?’

Unità 152

Si ripete tutto ciò che è stato detto. ‘I bought a new car.’ ‘You bought a new car?’

ECHO QUESTIONS per chiedere conferma, esprimere sorpresa o incredulità

Si ripete parte di ciò che è stato detto sostituendo la parte su cui si pone la domanda con la wh- word corrispondente. ‘She argued with the teacher.’ ‘She argued with who(m)?’

Unità 152

the person, ecc. who/the thing + frase + is/was + frase The friend who told everyone my secret was Darren.

CLEFT SENTENCES per dare enfasi a parole ed espressioni

It is/was + that + frase It was my friend Darren that told everyone my secret.

Unità 154



For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Tourism in Vietnam (3) ___________ to be less crowded and the rainy (4) ___________ has finished. Vietnamese food, of which there is a huge variety, is good (5) ___________ for money. Pho, a rice noodle dish, can be found in cafés and street food markets, (6) ___________ with spring rolls filled with fish, meat or vegetables. The people are very (7) ___________ and do everything they can to make

Vietnam, in south-east Asia, is an (0) ideal choice if you want to explore rainforests and rice (1) ___________, take a boat trip up the Mekong or cross the country by train. There are peaceful fishing villages, (2) ___________ cities and some beautiful beaches. The most enjoyable months to visit the country are probably May, June and September as they 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

straight grounds nosey tend day cost beside hapless pilot


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

common paddies nasty turn time value next hospitable plot


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

visitors feel welcome. However, tourists who are not used to Asian traffic should take extreme care when crossing roads in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh as they are crowded with motorcyclists who are often reluctant to stop at pedestrian crossings. Public transport is difficult to use so the best way to (8) ___________ the cities is to take a registered taxi.

everyday mountains normal lean season amount down clinical navigate

✓ ideal D ■ D ■ meadows D ■ noisy D ■ try D ■ period D ■ charge D ■ along D ■ proven D ■ steer


For questions 9-16, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Is a Green Holiday for You? More people are choosing eco-friendly holidays more (0) than ever before. If you’re wondering how you can enjoy a ‘green’ holiday, start (9) _______________ considering the type of destination which appeals to you most. Is it a hot, sunny beach with golden sand and clear, turquoise water or a humid, tropical rainforest full of exotic plants and wildlife? You may opt (10) _______________ sparkling lakes, mountain


ranges and crisp, fresh air. Wherever you choose to go, (11) _______________ sure you do your research using websites which give accurate, up-todate information about the top environmentally-friendly destinations. Last year, I reduced my carbon footprint by travelling by train and bike, (12) _______________ than flying. I walked or cycled as much as I (13) _______________ while I was sightseeing, choosing

accommodation which recycled materials, (14) _______________ as glass and paper, while avoiding using plastic and saving energy. There are a (15) _______________ of places to stay which appeal to most people, including those on a limited budget. There are some cheap hostels which are good (16) _______________ for money offering clean, comfortable rooms and very reasonablypriced meals.

C1 Advanced


For questions 17-24, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

Dreams and Reality What is the difference between dreams and reality? One (0) definition of a dream is a series of images, sensations and events occurring during sleep. Reality is the (17) ______________ state of things without any imagination or (18) ______________ involved. Dreams have (19) ______________ to be an intriguing subject for scientific study. According to some theories, they help the brain to declutter which prepares it for a fresh (20) ______________ of information. They act like a reset function which enables it to acquire (21) ______________ more storage. Reality is always explained in opposition to mental entities such as (22) ______________ and what we create through our imagination. Anything which is a (23) ______________ of our mind cannot be termed reality. The key question is whether the human mind has the ability to alter reality. Most people accept that this is a complete (24) ______________ but a minority believe that humans can script their reality by believing absolutely in their thoughts and dreams.



For questions 25-30, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. 0 I can’t decide which of these delicious cakes to have. MIND I can’t make up my mind on which of these delicious cakes to have. 25 Is the government really planning to scrap the tax on fuel? AWAY Is the government really planning _________________________________________ with the tax on fuel? 26 Donna still got promoted in spite of her lack of experience. EVEN Donna still got promoted _________________________________________ experience. 27 Shoppers have reduced the number of plastic bags they use. CUT Shoppers _________________________________________ the number of plastic bags they use. 28 The judge decided to give the accused person a suspended sentence because of her previous good behaviour. ACCOUNT The judge _________________________________________ the accused person’s previous good behaviour and gave her a suspended sentence. 29 We regret that the train from London will arrive 10 minutes later than scheduled. DELAYED We regret that the train from London _________________________________________ by 10 minutes. 30 The bosses in this company always treat their workers with respect. DOWN The bosses in this company _________________________________________ on their workers.


C1 Advanced


You are going to read an article about Cubism. For questions 31-36, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.

Cubism Cubism is now regarded as one of the most influential styles of art in the 20th century. The name comes from a comment by an art critic who described cubist paintings as reducing everything to geometric lines or cubes. Painting in this way created new possibilities for the treatment of visual reality in art and enabled many other later abstract styles to develop. In Cubism the artist breaks down objects into distinct areas or planes in order to show different viewpoints at the same time and within the same space and so suggest their three-dimensional form. In doing so they also emphasise the two-dimensional flatness of the canvas instead of creating the impression of depth. This was a complete break from the traditional way of using techniques such as linear perspective to produce the illusion of real space which had been used since the renaissance. Historians have tended to divide cubism into two stages: analytical and synthetic. Analytical cubism describes the early phase which ran from 1908-1912. It consisted of fragmentary images with overlapping frames, like a window pane that has been broken into many pieces with the shards of glass going over each other. The artists also used a narrow range of colours so as not to distract the viewer of the painting from the structure and the density of the image on the


canvas. They painted real objects with identifiable features that become clues to show the idea of the item. George Braque, one of the founders of Cubism, painted the Violin and Palette where the viewer sees the violin depicted from various points of view. A spiral shape represents the neck and short lines show the strings. Synthetic cubism occurred from 1912-14 and differed from analytic cubism mainly because of the different materials used by the artists in collage, invented by Pablo Picasso. Collage is a revolutionary technique where the artwork is assembled from different forms such as cuttings from magazines, pieces of coloured ribbon, boxes and photographs which are glued to a canvas. It was the first time that things had been used in a painting to create an illusion rather than painting images of real objects. This reflected the relationship between life and art. These collages enabled artists to piece together a picture from dissimilar objects which fitted in with the cubist concept of using fractured forms and deconstructed subject matter. An artist who was hugely influenced by the cubist movement was René Magritte. He was born in Belgium in 1898 and developed a style where he painted ordinary objects in unusual situations which challenged the viewer’s perceptions of reality. One of his most famous pictures

is The Treachery of Images which shows a pipe as if it was an advertisement for a tobacco shop. Underneath he wrote: This is not a pipe. It seems a contradiction but of course it is true as it is an image of a pipe and not the pipe itself. It could be said that he challenged the whole idea of representational art and in effect turned it on its head. He pointed out that however naturalistically you paint something, it is still an illusion because it is not the object itself. The artists and art movements I have described in this article provide the foundations for the many of the works we see in modern art galleries today. Artists are using a wider range of materials some of which may surprise and even annoy visitors. Natural sources such as grass, bricks, old clothes and even dried flies have been displayed. Many of them have been bought for high prices. However, the response is often: This is not art because anyone could do it. What is the point of having a pile of bricks on display? I have often had a similar feeling on trips to the Tate Modern in London and other contemporary art museums. On reflection I can put it into a historical context of how artists have tried to depict what is real and the response they want to achieve. I applaud the way they can both shock and stimulate me.

C1 Advanced 31 According to the writer, how does cubism differ from other styles of painting? A ■ the choice of subject matter in the paintings B ■ the way the paintings reflect what is happening in real life C ■ the manner in which the artists express their opinions D ■ the use of a different method to produce a trick of the eye 32 What aspect of analytical cubism does the writer highlight? A ■ the importance of having bright colours to depict the images B ■ the way objects are shown through signs and pointers C ■ the different types of materials used by the artists D ■ the method of using broken glass in the paintings 33 The writer suggests that the collage technique used in synthetic cubism A ■ had no similarities with the techniques developed in analytical cubism. B ■ provided a new way for artists to depict their perception of real life. C ■ attempted to create images that had no connection with reality. D ■ did not represent a breakthrough in modern art. 34 In the fourth paragraph the writer says that Magritte’s paintings A ■ challenged the way that viewers perceived reality. B ■ depicted scenes which had little connection with the real world. C ■ portrayed the pipe to warn people about the dangers of smoking. D ■ showed that he was not naturally gifted as an artist. 35 In the final paragraph the writer considers that A ■ some visitors to modern art galleries think the works are incomprehensible. B ■ art shouldn’t be appreciated because of its historical development. C ■ bricks and dead flies are not materials that are suitable in works of art. D ■ artworks are not likely to create an emotional response in the people who see them. 36 In this article, the main aim of the writer is to A ■ criticise the way in which artists have developed their work. B ■ analyse the influence that cubism has had on artistic techniques. C ■ show disapproval of the values that are placed on modern art. D ■ agree with the way that many visitors to art galleries respond to what they see.


C1 Advanced


You are going to read a review of the film Citizen Kane. For questions 37-40, choose from the reviews A-D. The reviews can be chosen more than once.

Citizen Kane

Four reviewers comment on the film Citizen Kane A

Citizen Kane is more than a film. It is an event. The outline of the story is easy to follow but the way it is presented is complex and the conclusions are ambiguous with shadows of meaning that it is possible to read anything into it. Welles makes his Hollywood debut in such an unconventional way. He breaks cinema tradition in acting, writing and photography and succeeds magnificently. He tells the story of Charles Foster Kane, a publisher who has just acquired the New York Inquirer, but uses flashbacks so the film begins with his death. This technique works extremely well and immediately hooks the viewer. There are many similarities between Kane and the real-life newspaper magnate, William Randolph Hearst. However, this is not a straightforward biopic. Welles plays the part of Kane with great subtlety supported by a cast who are all completely new faces to cinema audiences. This lack of experience does not prevent them from creating characters who are immediately believable. The cameras manage to catch the actors from unusual angles producing effects that have never been seen before. B

One of the major themes in Citizen Kane is that Charles Foster Kane is a man who wants to be loved and goes to extraordinary lengths to get it but appears to be incapable of giving any love back. It starts with the man’s death and looks back to other periods in his life. This immediately draws in the audience. There are many parallels in the story to the career of William Randolph Hearst, a man who also craved to be admired and wanted, but was ruthless with anyone who crossed him. In my view, any resemblance is purely coincidental. Hearst had many more undesirable characteristics than Kane ever did. Welles gets right inside his character and displays the different ages of this life superbly. The supporting actors do not quite live up to these extremely high standards. Some of the parts are overplayed and members of the cast appear amateur at times. The picture is still very exciting and Welles should get most of the credit for this.


C1 Advanced


Citizen Kane is a film directed by Orson Welles in 1941 when he was only 25 years old. He also had the lead role. He is as happy in front of the camera as he is behind it. The picture has recently been released again and to my mind is as fresh and inventive as ever. However many times you see the film, it always has a magical quality. It is there in the way it is directed, in the performances and the complex but very comprehensible storyline. Welles had never worked in the studio system in Hollywood before and in many ways was quite naive. He overcame this through his ambition and talent. He was a pioneer of many film techniques that these days we take for granted. He shot the film in black and white and created images of shadows which always remind me of Caravaggio’s paintings. You know you are watching a masterpiece but one that is also immensely enjoyable. D

In Citizen Kane, Orson Welles reveals the character as a man of great gifts who is immensely rich financially but is poor in his ability to respond to anything emotionally. Being loved proves to be elusive and he seems powerless to make himself seem loveable. Welles, as the director of the film, injects dramatic novelty into the story by shooting the life of the man in reverse starting with his death. The story is told in a series of linked episodes which create a feeling of uncertainty and as a result, the audience may become confused and have difficulty understanding the sequences. Welles may not have been concerned about this because he wants to highlight the contradictory nature of his character rather than merely focus on events. He is the hero and the villain. He creates ugliness within the gorgeous surroundings of his palatial home filled with beautiful works of art. He is a tragic human who has lost his way and seems incapable of finding where to go. As both actor and director, Welles captures the life of this extraordinary person with an intensity that engages the audience right from the start.

Which reviewer shares the same opinion with Reviewer A on the camerawork in the film? has a different opinion from the others on how the plot is developed in the film? expresses a similar view about Charles Foster Kane’s character as Reviewer D? has a different opinion to Reviewer A on the standard of acting in the film?

37 38 39 40


C1 Advanced


You are going to read an extract from a magazine article. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs (A-G) the one that fits each gap (41-46). There is one extra paragraph that you do not need to use.

The Origins of Rock and Pop Music I’m a big fan of rock and pop music and at one time had a big collection of albums which took up a lot of space. These days I can stream almost any music I want, so my records are gathering dust in my attic. I do occasionally look at the covers because I’m also interested in how these musical genres developed and found out from the sleeve notes that rock took its name from an earlier type of music. This is what I learned from reading the backs of my albums. 41 In the earliest rock and roll, the lead instruments were generally the saxophone and the piano. There was a dance rhythm with a strong back beat that was usually played by a snare drum which produces a sharp staccato sound when the head is hit with the stick.

Many of these early rock and roll songs which were played on these instruments can also legitimately be considered rhythm and blues songs. All the different terms can be confusing and I have realised that the origins of this type of music are complex and where the name came from is also a matter of discussion. In 1934, the song Rock and Roll by the Boswell Sisters appeared in a film called Transatlantic Merry-go-round and the term was used in magazines to describe these sorts of upbeat recordings. This type of rock and roll was almost exclusively played as well as enjoyed by African Americans. 42

43 He was also instrumental in popularising the term ‘rock and roll’ as the name of this nascent genre. He later moved to New York, where he was the disc jockey on

a late night radio show called Rock and Roll Party which hugely increased the popularity of this music particularly with white teenagers. The phenomenal success of Elvis ‘The King’ propelled rock and roll to even greater heights of success and popularity. His onstage persona was just as catchy as his tunes, and he became a symbol of the new, inclusive and expansive culture brought about by rock and roll. 45 44

The life and career of Buddy Holly is one of the great ‘What If...’ stories in the history of music. Holly used to open the acts of artists such as Bill Haley and Elvis with his band, Holly and The Crickets. His recording career began in 1957. He sadly was killed in a plane crash in 1959. 46 I’m really pleased to get to know more about where rock and pop music originated from. I have also come to the conclusion that people in each generation think they have created new forms of music. However, when you listen closely to the pop, rock, hip hop and rap of today you can hear influences from the past that probably go back hundreds of years. Holly and The Crickets


C1 Advanced A He played all of the biggest concert venues around the United States, appeared in numerous TV shows, and he made his film debut before being drafted into military service as a private soldier in 1958. At this time in the United States there was still segregation between blacks and whites. He was Caucasian who was brought up in a working class family in Texas. He was one of the first artists to sing together with black singers such as Ray Charles and Little Richard. This appeal to audiences of different colours contributed to his huge success.

B After this terrible tragedy, his music has lived on and had a huge influence on later artists. It was Buddy Holly who inspired John Lennon and Paul McCartney to create the music for The Beatles. As John Lennon said, ‘Buddy Holly was the first one that we were really aware of in England who could play and sing at the same time – not just strum, but actually play the licks.’ It is probably safe to assume that the strummer he was referring to was Elvis Presley who was more a singer than a guitar player.

C Rock and roll or rock‘n‘roll, as you sometimes see it written, is a musical form that developed in the United States during the late 1940s and early 1950s. In turn, it evolved from a wide range of musical styles such as blues, jazz, gospel and country music.

D The migration of this ethnic group to the large cities in the American North led to greater cultural exchanges between white and black musicians. In 1951, this ‘race music’ received a boost when Alan Freed, who worked at a radio station in Cleveland, Ohio, started to give rhythm and blues songs considerable airtime.

E The coastlines and beautiful skies that you find in parts of New England in the United States have inspired me. I love to listen to the sound of the waves crashing into the rocks when I’m walking on the seashore. You can never get the blues when you are there.

F When the electric guitar started to be commercially sold by Rickenbacker, it changed the sound of popular music and led to the creation of the upbeat genres of rhythm and blues and swing music. As a result, many musicians switched from piano and sax to using two electric guitars, rhythm and bass, with a string accompaniment played on a double bass.

G The DJ played music from three of the most influential rock and roll artists in history: Bill Haley, Elvis and Buddy Holly. Bill Haley was the first white musician to achieve success with songs that had been reserved for black musicians until then. His success with his band Bill Haley & His Comets, led to rock and roll being accepted by audiences across the racial divide.


C1 Advanced


You are going to read an article about friendship. For questions 47-56, choose from the sections A-D. The sections may be chosen more than once.

Types of Friendship

Roberta Elgin writes about Aristotle’s views on friendship. A

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath who was born in Stagira nearly 2,500 years ago. Along with his teacher Plato, he has been called the father of western philosophy and has exerted a huge influence on a wide range of our knowledge. One of the subjects he addressed was friendship. In his book Nichomachean Ethics, he describes human beings as extremely social creatures and that is why friendship is the most gratifying way for us to live together. We often look at ancient philosophers as remote fountains of wisdom whose ideas should not be taken too seriously. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although the sage did not have access to the studies of the mysteries of the brain that modern science has given us, he still came to a similar conclusion to what has been identified by recent research: humans need social interaction to develop, survive and be healthy. In his writings, Aristotle identified three types of friendship: self-interested, purely for pleasure and perfect.



The first two types can be also be categorised as accidental. Self-interested friendship is where the relationship is more utilitarian. The two parties are not friends because they have affection for one another but because they receive a mutual benefit. The relationship is temporary and comes to an end when there is no longer any advantage to be had. People who work in an office together or on the same project come into this group. Aristotle observed that this type was most common among older people. The second kind, based on pleasure, is likely to be the most short-lived. The relationship is based on how each person feels at a certain time or when doing the same activity. Think of people in the same sports team who are close when they are playing together but tend to drift apart when they leave the group. The two parties gain enjoyment from a mutual interest in something external but when their tastes and choices change, the friendship inevitably ends. This rapport is most likely to happen between younger people. Most friendships fall into these two accidental groups. Although the philosopher did not say that there was anything wrong with these associations, he described them as lacking in depth.

C1 Advanced


Aristotle’s perfect friendship is based on a mutual appreciation of the virtues that the other person sincerely believes in, rather than self-interest or pleasure. The individuals themselves and the qualities they each have create the incentive to form a bond which is likely to endure rather than being temporary. People who lack empathy and the ability to care about how someone else feels are highly unlikely to be able to develop this kind of connection with another person. Friendships of virtue take trust and time to build. This is much more likely to develop when you have both suffered difficulties or face similar problems in life. The beauty of this is that the friendship not only gives depth and intimacy but is also pleasurable and beneficial. When you respect a person, you gain joy from spending time together. However, this type of relationship takes time and intention but eventually creates a wonderful sense of mutual admiration which can stimulate true happiness.


Aristotle’s considered opinions on friendship have without doubt stood the test of time. His inspiration continues to guide us in the value ethics have in the way we conduct our lives. However, there are some who question his views especially as he argued that friendship is higher than honour. He stated that: In honour, people value being loved rather than loving and as a result people who value honour are more susceptible to flattery. He believed strongly in the perfect friendship. He didn’t dismiss accidental friendships but recognised the immense value of the virtuous connections made with good intentions and based on a mutual appreciation of the goodness in the other person. He felt that this type would only be strengthened over time and if it thrived it would last for life. The ties we have with those that are close to us directly shape the quality of our lives. In other words, life is too short for shallow friendships.

Which section challenges some ideas on moral principles? comments on the philosopher’s views on maintaining long-term friendships? summarises an attitude towards friendship? suggests how age might influence the type of relationship we have? describes a positive consequence of having a hard time? uses a comparison with other investigations to support an idea? explains what effect the absence of compassion can have? comments on an erroneous conclusion not supported by facts? gives a reason why friends go their separate ways? cites a work which considers our behaviour within society?

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56


C1 Advanced


appropriate style.


You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an

Your class has watched a documentary on extra-curricular activities which are provided by similar schools in other regions. You have made the notes below: Which activities should be offered to improve your school?

organic horticulture

making short films

art appreciation

Some opinions expressed after the documentary:

‘Horticulture doesn’t interest everybody!’ ‘Making films teaches different skills.’ ‘Learning about art broadens people’s horizons.’

Write an essay discussing two of the extra-curricular activities in your notes. You should explain which activity it is more important for your school to provide, giving reasons in support of your answer. You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible.


C1 Advanced

WRITING PART 2 Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 2

You have just been given a new project to complete in six months. In preparation for a planning meeting, you have been asked to write a report to your manager. Your report should explain what you intend to do to complete the project successfully, anticipate any problems you may have and suggest any input that would be useful. Write your report.


A sports website has asked you to write a review of a new sports centre you have been to, explaining what kinds of people the centre is likely to appeal to and which aspects of the centre you would most recommend to other people. You should also suggest at least one way in which you feel the centre could be improved. Write your review.


You have received an email from a British company.

Message Thank you for your enquiry about our excellent service. We can certainly organise your company’s conference and provide an international menu in our restaurant. Our accommodation is very comfortable and we have a large conference room. To proceed with your booking, I need to know your company’s line of business, what equipment you would need and how long you would require the conference room. I look forward to hearing from you. James Rawlins Reply

Write your email in reply. You do not need to include email addresses.


C1 Advanced


168 You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions for each extract.

Extract one

You hear two friends discussing the topic of sustainability in the fashion business. Now look at questions 1 and 2. 1 Which aspect of sustainable fashion do the friends disagree about? A ■ How important it is to protect the environment when producing clothes. B ■ Maintaining standards in the production of ethical clothing. C ■ The reasons people are increasingly choosing sustainable clothing. 2 In the woman’s opinion, companies label their clothing ‘sustainable’ A ■ to increase their sales. B ■ because they are environmentally-conscious. C ■ to follow a growing trend. Extract two

You hear a woman telling a friend about her views on entertainment for students in her city. Now look at questions 3 and 4. 3 What is she doing during the conversation? A ■ Suggesting things students could do. B ■ Complaining about the current situation. C ■ Expressing her dislike of students in her city.

4 Why does the man want to talk about the new theatre? A ■ To change the subject completely. B ■ To present a solution to the current situation. C ■ To express a lack of interest in her point of view.

Extract three

You hear two friends talking about ways of getting to work. Now look at questions 5 and 6. 5 What does the man have against using public transport? A ■ He is frequently unable to sit down because there are so many passengers. B ■ The price of fares is too high for people who regularly use public transport. C ■ Public transport pollutes towns and cities. 6 How does the woman respond to her friend’s criticism? A ■ She doesn’t see the lack of space as a problem. B ■ She thinks that public transport is unaffordable for most people. C ■ She disagrees that public transport is the worst urban pollutant.


You will hear Faye Coleman, a radio presenter, talking about alternatives to meat on her programme Food for Thought. For questions 7-14, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14



Faye Coleman explains that rearing cattle can have an effect on land management. According to Faye, tofu can feel soft and ____________________ in the mouth. Faye suggested that you steam tempeh in order to avoid it tasting ____________________. Faye warned her listeners not to eat seitan if they were allergic to ____________________. What word did Faye use to describe the type of soy TVP is made from? ____________________. Faye explained that you could use jackfruit to cook ____________________ or Mexican tacos. Faye told the listeners that she was not ____________________. Faye really enjoyed eating tempeh because of its ____________________ that made it taste like meat.

C1 Advanced

170 You will hear two university lecturers, Felicity Wong and John LISTENING PART 3 Sykes, talking about how they started their careers. For questions 15-20, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.

15 What does Felicity say about why she left school? A ■ She was treated badly by her classmates. B ■ She found it very difficult to learn English. C ■ She wanted to return to Hong Kong. D ■ She had some unfortunate news from her family. 16 Felicity believes that her education in Oxford helped her to A ■ work in a hospital. B ■ improve her language skills. C ■ set up a business. D ■ learn how to relax. 17 What does John suggest is the main reason why he didn’t become a lawyer? A ■ He failed to get a degree. B ■ He thought the job would be boring. C ■ He believed he could help people in other ways. D ■ He wanted to please his parents.

18 John originally started working at a university because he wanted to A ■ supplement his income as a teacher. B ■ find an alternative to working in a primary school. C ■ meet more interesting and intelligent people. D ■ have a chance to get other qualifications. 19 What do Felicity and John have in common? A ■ They lived in Hong Kong at the same time. B ■ They value the importance of education. C ■ They both have qualifications in business. D ■ They don’t really enjoy meeting people. 20 When asked about their chosen career paths, John and Felicity A ■ agree they made the right decision. B ■ regret that they don’t earn more money. C ■ wish they had done something different. D ■ feel the jobs they are doing aren’t fulfilling.

171 You’ll hear five short extracts in which people are talking about LISTENING PART 4 going on holiday. For questions 21-25, choose from the list (A-H) the reason each speaker gives for the type of holiday they decide to go on.


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

protecting the environment staying in luxury accommodation being in good company having freedom of movement saving a lot of money enjoying cultural opportunities keeping a spirit of adventure eating different types of food

Speaker 1


Speaker 2


Speaker 3


Speaker 4


Speaker 5


For questions 26-30, choose from the list A-H what each person chooses not to do when on holiday. A B C D E F G H

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

go sunbathing on the beach purchase souvenirs travel on a budget airline sail across a lake eat in expensive restaurants be on her own go sightseeing wait in a queue

Speaker 1


Speaker 2


Speaker 3


Speaker 4


Speaker 5



INVALSI training B2 Reading – Multiple matching: gap filling 1 Read the text about fake news. Parts of the text have been removed. Choose the correct part

(A-M) for each paragraph (1-10). There are two extra parts that you should not use. The first one (0) has been done for you.

The Problem of Fake News How do you stop misinformation before it even starts to spread? For decades, medicine has provided us with an easy way to prevent diseases: vaccines. Now researchers are working on a type of vaccination that could combat a serious 21st-century problem: fake news. This could work because misinformation behaves like a virus. False news stories spread faster, deeper and farther than true stories, moving across social media, and strangely if G you try to expose it, (0) ____. Experts think that instead of waiting for false information to spread and then laboriously fact-checking and exposing it, you can protect yourself against it before it happens. Here’s how. More than 97% of climate scientists have concluded that humans are responsible for global warming, (1) ____. This is because of sophisticated campaigns aimed at sowing doubt among the public, which is then difficult to remove. The Cambridge team tried to do this with something called the Oregon Petition, (2) ____.They prepared three documents: a ‘truth brief’ explaining that 97% of climate scientists agree that humans are responsible for climate change; a ‘counter-brief’ revealing the flaws in the Oregon Petition, for instance, (3) ____, and that fewer than 1% of the signatories are climate scientists; and the Oregon Petition itself.


They surveyed 2,000 people, asking them how big the scientific consensus on climate change is. Then they divided them into one group that saw the ‘truth brief’ and one group that saw the Oregon Petition, (4) ____. The results were intriguing. When participants were first asked about the scientific consensus on climate change, they calculated it to be around 72%. But they then changed their estimates based on what they read. When the scientists provided a group with the ‘truth brief’, the average rose to 90%. For those who only read the Oregon Petition, the average fell to 63%. When a third group read them both – first the ‘truth brief’ and then the petition – (5) ____. When a group of participants read the ‘truth brief’ and were also told that politically motivated groups could try to mislead the public on topics like climate change, the calculated average rose to almost 80%. Strikingly, this was true even after receiving the Oregon Petition. The ‘counter brief’ detailing how the petition was misleading was more effective. One final group who read it before the petition estimated that 84% of scientists (6) ____. So how and why does this work? Humans usually rely on mental shortcuts to think; the world is full of information and our brain has limited time and capacity to process it. If you see a wrinkled, grey-haired man and

someone tells you he is a senior citizen, your brain accepts that and carries on. People working with misinformation (7) ____. Before believing a piece of new information, most people scrutinise it in at least five ways. We usually want to know if other people believe it, if there is evidence supporting this new claim, if it fits with our previous knowledge on the matter, if the internal argument makes sense and whether the source is credible enough. But at times we rely too much on shortcuts to answer these five questions, (8) ____. The vaccination reverses this trend, but it takes a lot of time and effort to go case by case, inoculating people. So the Cambridge researchers came up with a different idea. This new idea was an online, role-playing game (9) ____, rather than the topics. The game is called Bad News and it takes less than 15 minutes to play. You launch a fake news site, become its editor-inchief, purchase an army of Twitter bots and direct your followers against a well-meaning fact checker. Throughout the game, you learn six different techniques used by fake news tycoons: impersonation, emotional exploitation, polarisation, conspiracy, discredit and trolling. The idea is that the next time someone tries to use the tactics against you on social media, (10) ____.

INVALSI training A ■ B ■ C ■ D ■ E ■ F ■ 0 G ■ H ■ I ■ J ■ K ■ L ■ M■

and those who saw the ‘truth brief’ before the petition agreed that humans were responsible for climate change but large groups of society still have trouble believing it focussing on the strategies of fake news how to tell the difference between them know this and use it to their advantage misinformation sticks with people, according to research at the University of Cambridge so our evaluation is not as thorough that among the Petition’s 31,000 names are people like the Spice Girls the average remained unchanged from participants’ original instincts: 72% which falsely claimed that over 31,000 American scientists rejected human responsibility for climate change with different information at the same time you should recognise them and be able to call them out

B2 Listening – Multiple choice 172 Listen to an expert talking about racism in sport. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) 2 for questions 1-6. The first one (0) has been done for you.

0 In which country was cricketer, Jofra Archer racially abused? A ■ Australia B ■ Barbados C ■ England ✓ New Zealand D ■

4 What does he claim can fuel open forms of prejudice? A ■ mass media B ■ people’s bad behaviour C ■ social media D ■ the tribal nature of sport

1 Who was racially abused in Verona earlier in the month? A ■ Brescia footballer Mario Balotelli B ■ Chelsea F.C. forward Tammy Abraham C ■ the Bulgarian football team D ■ the English football team

5 Which of the following statements is true? A ■ Most of the abuse is online. B ■ There were stronger laws against racism in the 1970s. C ■ This kind of abuse is nothing new. D ■ The situation is getting better.

2 What percentage of the reports relating to hate speech in 2018-19 were racist? A ■ 47% B ■ 51% C ■ 9% D ■ 93%

6 What could be done to make clubs more responsible for their fans’ racist behaviour? A ■ They could be banned. B ■ They could be fined. C ■ They could be educated. D ■ They could be given a warning.

3 According to the expert, why do people behave in a racist way? A ■ all of the following B ■ fear of immigration C ■ to protect their culture D ■ to protect their national identity


Physical descriptions

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


My family grandparents

nipote grandson (di nonni, maschio) granddaughter (di nonni, femmina) nephew (di zii, maschio) niece (di zii, femmina)





Appearance: pretty (carino), good-looking (di bell’aspetto), handsome (bello), beautiful (bella) Body shape: tall (alto), short (basso), thin (magro), slim (slanciato), fat (grasso), plump (paffuto), overweight (sovrappeso) Face/Skin: fair skin (pelle chiara), dark skin (pelle scura), wrinkles (rughe), freckles (lentiggini), beard (barba), moustache (baffi), scar (cicatrice) Hair: blond (m.)/blonde (f.) (biondi), dark (scuri), black (neri), brown (marroni), red (rossi), grey (grigi/bianchi), straight (lisci), curly (ricci), wavy (mossi), long/short/ shoulder length (lunghi/corti/fino alle spalle), fringe (frangetta), ponytail (coda di cavallo)


➞ mother

wife (f)

husband (m) ➞







Dennis son





Personality opposites


Matthew Andrew & Shaggy

ambitious (ambizioso) – unambitious (non ambizioso) brave (coraggioso) – cowardly (codardo) calm (calmo) – anxious (ansioso) cheerful (allegro) – moody (imbronciato) clever/intelligent (intelligente) – stupid (stupido) creative (creativo) – unimaginative (privo di fantasia) easy-going (alla mano) – uptight (teso, nervoso) friendly (socievole) – unfriendly (poco amichevole) funny (divertente) – serious (serio) generous (generoso) – tight (avaro) hard-working (laborioso) – lazy (pigro) helpful (disponibile) – unhelpful (poco disponibile) honest (onesto) – dishonest (disonesto)







Katie & Choppy

interesting (interessante) – uninteresting/boring (noioso) kind (gentile) – unkind (scortese) patient (paziente) – impatient (impaziente) polite (educato) – rude (scortese, maleducato) punctual (puntuale) – unpunctual (ritardatario) quiet (silenzioso) – noisy (rumoroso) selfish (egoista) – unselfish (altruista) sensible (ragionevole) – foolish (imprudente) sensitive (sensibile) – insensitive (insensibile) submissive (remissivo) – bossy (autoritaria, prepotente) talkative (loquace) – shy (timido) tidy (ordinato) – untidy (disordinato) wise (saggio) – silly (sciocco)

My family



to be, genitivo sassone Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


husband Hector is Lilly’s _____________. Amy is Dennis’s _____________. Matthew is Polly’s _____________. Katie is Hector’s _____________. Polly is Andrew’s _____________. Camilla is Andrew’s _____________. Lilly is Kieran’s _____________. Kieran is Hector’s _____________.

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary

grandmother • aunt • granddaughter • sister • nephew • parents • grandchildren uncle • husband • stepbrother • niece • brother • wife • grandson • stepsister Hector is Katie’s _____________. Albert and Camilla are Hector’s _____________. Francis is Andrew’s _____________. Polly is Francis’s _____________. Polly is Albert and Camilla’s _____________. Kieran is Albert and Camilla’s _____________. Francis, Polly, Matthew, Andrew, Kieran and Katie are Albert and Camilla’s _____________.

has got Osserva l’albero genealogico a pagina 588 e completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. glasses • wrinkles • red • bald • scar • curly • short • brown • beard • blond • slim • straight • blue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Scegli il sinonimo corretto dei seguenti aggettivi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


cheerful lazy clever polite noisy sensible


happy selfish creative selfish not quiet sensitive


moody helpful intelligent not helpful boring practical


serious not energetic stupid not rude not talkative selfish

Completa le frasi con gli aggettivi di personalità. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


short red Hector hasn’t got long, black hair; he’s got _____________, _____________hair. Polly has got long, _____________, blonde hair. Andrew hasn’t got green eyes; he’s got _____________ eyes. Matthew has got a _____________ above his right eye. Uncle Dennis has got a _____________. Grandpa Albert is _____________. He’s got lots of _____________ and wears _____________. Kieran has got _____________ eyes and fairly long, wavy, _____________ hair. Auntie Amy is _____________ and has got long, _____________, brown hair and dark skin.

generous Lilly buys a lot of presents for her family. She’s very _____________. Auntie Amy is usually late. She’s not very _____________. Uncle Dennis is never uptight. He’s very _____________. Grandma Camilla never gets anxious. She’s very _____________. Matthew likes to help people. He’s very _____________. Andrew makes people laugh. He’s very _____________. Choppy the cat sleeps a lot. He’s very _____________.

WRITING Ora descrivi la tua famiglia utilizzando il lessico presentato a pagina 588. Scrivi del loro aspetto fisico e della loro personalità (circa 60 parole).



B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


armchair (poltrona), bookshelf (libreria), coffee table (tavolino da salotto), fireplace (caminetto), sofa (divano)

At home

bedside table (comodino), chest of drawers (cassettiera), desk (scrivania), single/double/ bunk/sofa bed(s) (letto/i singolo/matrimoniale/a castello/divano letto), wardrobe (armadio)


chair (sedia), cooker (fornello), cupboard (credenza, dispensa), dishwasher (lavastoviglie), freezer (congelatore), fridge (frigo), grill (griglia), microwave (microonde), oven (forno), sink (lavello), table (tavolo), washing machine (lavatrice)


bath (BE)/bathtub (AE) (vasca da bagno), shower (doccia), tap (rubinetto), toilet (WC), washbasin (lavabo) ceiling Hector & Lilly’s bedroom


Polly’s bedroom

bathroom Matthew & Andrew’s bedroom





sitting room

dining room garden

utility room



blanket (coperta) pillow (cuscino) sheet (lenzuolo)


comb (pettine) sponge (spugna) toilet paper (carta igienica) toothbrush (spazzolino) toothpaste (dentifricio) towel (asciugamano)


front door

Kitchen/Dining room bin (BE)/trash can (AE) (cestino) chopping board (tagliere) coffee pot (caffettiera) fork (forchetta) glass (bicchiere) kettle (bollitore) knife (coltello) jug (BE)/pitcher (AE) (brocca) lid (coperchio)

mug (tazza) pan (padella) plate (piatto) saucepan/pot (pentola) spoon (cucchiaio)

Utility room

broom (scopa) dustpan (paletta) iron (ferro) ironing board (asse da stiro)




bell (campanello) blind (tendina) carpet (moquette) curtain (tenda) cushion (cuscino) lamp (lampada) light bulb (lampadina) mirror (specchio) plug (spina) rug (tappeto) switch (interruttore)

At home

preposizioni di luogo Osserva il disegno della casa di Hector a pagina 590 e completa le frasi con l’opzione corretta.

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



1 Matthew and Andrew’s bedroom is next to ______________________. Polly’s bedroom A the kitchen B the bathroom C Polly’s bedroom 2 The kitchen clock is above ______________________. A the oven B the sink C the fridge 3 The washbasin in the bathroom is ______________________ the window. A in B under C inside 4 Matthew’s keys are ______________________ his desk. A under B on C next to 5 The armchair is in front of ______________________. A the sofa B the TV C the fireplace 6 The photos in the kitchen are ______________________ the wall. A in B on C behind


SPEAKING to be, preposizioni di luogo Osserva di nuovo il disegno a pagina 590 e a coppie formulate domande e risposte su dove si trovano le seguenti cose. coffee table • sink • cupboards • bunk beds • washbasin • chest of drawers • desk ‘Where’s the coffee table?’ ’It’s in the sitting room.’


Abbina le definizioni alle parole nel riquadro. comb • plug • broom • rug • pillow • chopping board • mug • blind • towel • blanket 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


chopping board a flat piece of (usually) wood for cutting food on _____________________: _____________________: a small object that connects an electrical device to the main electricity supply _____________________: a piece of fabric to cover a window for privacy _____________________: a flat piece of metal, plastic or wood to make your hair tidy _____________________: a soft cloth used to dry yourself after a shower/wash _____________________: a soft cushion to put on a bed under your head _____________________: a warm fabric, often made of wool, to put on the bed _____________________: a big cup for drinking tea or coffee _____________________: a small piece of heavy material to put on the floor _____________________: a brush with a long handle for cleaning the floor

there is/there are Completa la descrizione sulla casa di Hector con le parole nel riquadro. downstairs • on • bathroom • kitchen • fireplace • pretty • bedrooms bedrooms and a (2) _______________ upstairs. Hector has got a beautiful house with three (1) _______________ There is a large kitchen, a dining room, a sitting room and a utility room (3) _______________. There is also a (4) _______________ garden outside. There is a big sofa in front of the (5) _______________ in the sitting room and there are lots of photos (6) _______________ the wall in the (7) _______________.


WRITING Ora descrivi la tua casa (circa 60 parole). Prendi a modello la descrizione nell’esercizio 4.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



At school

blackboard (BE)/chalkboard (AE) projector













IWB (interactive whiteboard)


map whiteboard


teacher’s desk pencil case


rubbish bin





highlighter exercise book pencil pencil sharpener

ruler homework diary



canteen (mensa) classroom (aula) computer room (aula informatica) gym (palestra) laboratory (laboratorio scientifico) language lab (laboratorio di lingue) library (biblioteca) music room (aula di musica) staff room (sala professori)




rubber (BE)/eraser (AE)

caretaker (bidello) classmate (compagno di classe) headmaster (m.)/headmistress (f.) (preside) librarian (bibliotecario) pupil (alunno) secretary (segretario) teacher (insegnante) technician (tecnico)

School work


marks (BE)/grades (AE) (voti) school report (pagella) test (verifica, esame) to be good/bad at (andare bene/male in) to make progress (fare progressi) to pass/fail an exam (superare/non superare un esame) to take an exam (sostenere un esame) to take notes (prendere appunti)

At school Osserva l’immagine a pagina 592 e completa le frasi con l’oggetto corretto. 1 2 3 4 5 6


calculator to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. You use a _________________ You keep your pens and pencils in a _________________ in your bag. You use a _________________ to draw and measure lines. The teacher uses a piece of _________________ to write on the blackboard. You make a point on your pencil with a _________________. When the teacher gives you homework, you write a note in your _________________.

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



Abbina le materie agli oggetti. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

geography art literature biology drama I.T. maths P.E. music

a b c d e f g h i 1

computer classical book microscope calculator instrument ball costumes pencil map


Scegli l’opzione corretta.


Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro.

library 1 A librarian works in the _________________. A music room B library C staff room 2 The teachers meet in the _________________ between lessons. A language lab B gym C staff room 3 The students in your class are called _________________. A classmates B secretaries C caretakers 4 The _________________ is responsible for everyone in the school. A technician B pupil C headmaster/headmistress 5 You can watch a film in its original language in the _________________. A language lab B canteen C science laboratory

marks • took • bad at • passed • history • studying • teacher • school report • progress school report this year is quite good. He is good at (2) _________________ and physics Matthew’s (1) __________________ and he isn’t (3) _________________ art and P.E. He has made (4) _________________ in chemistry and got good (5) _________________ in literature because he likes the new (6) _________________ a lot. He (7) _________________ all the exams he (8) _________________ without (9) _________________ too much.


WRITING Ora descrivi qual è il tuo rendimento scolastico (circa 60 parole). Prendi a modello la descrizione nell’esercizio 4.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Daily routine and housework

During the week to go to sleep/ to fall asleep (addormentarsi)

to wake up (svegliarsi)

to get up to get dressed

to brush your teeth (lavarsi i denti) to comb your hair (pettinarsi) to have a shower (fare la doccia) to shave (radersi) to have a break (fare una pausa) to have a snack (fare uno spuntino) to have lunch/dinner (pranzare, cenare) to make some coffee (fare il caffè)

to go to bed early to have a wash to have/make breakfast

At the weekend

to do my homework

to practise (esercitarsi) to study (studiare)

to go to school to go home

to hang out with friends (passare il tempo con gli amici) to have a late night (andare a letto tardi)

to get up late (alzarsi tardi) to lie in/to have a lie-in (stare a letto fino a tardi)

to stay in bed

to have a bath

to go out to relax

to have a rest (riposarsi) to have a nap (fare un pisolino) to chat online (chattare) to laze around (oziare) to rent/watch a DVD (affittare/guardare un DVD)


to stay at home to have a chat

to have brunch

to sweep the floor

to lay the table

to do the washing

to tidy up your room

to clear the table

to hang the washing out

to water the plants

to do the washing-up

to do the ironing

to feed the cat/dog

to load/empty the dishwasher

to take the rubbish out

Daily routine and housework


Completa le frasi con il verbo corretto scegliendo fra quelli a pagina 594. go to bed late during the 1 I don’t usually _________ week. 2 Polly _________ dressed after she has a wash. 3 I like to _________ with friends at the weekend.

Abbina le espressioni simili. 1 2 3 4 5



4 Do you _________ your teeth before or after breakfast? 5 Polly _________ in bed until lunchtime at the weekend. 6 Who _________ breakfast in your house?

to get up late to laze around to have a late night to tidy up to go to sleep

a to do nothing in particular b to go to bed late c to fall asleep d 1 to have a lie-in e to put things away

Scegli l’opzione corretta.

sweep the floor with a broom. 1 You _____________________ 2 You _____________________ in the kitchen sink. 3 You _____________________ the ironing on an ironing board. 4 When you _____________________ the table, you put knives and forks on it.

A water the plants A do the washing

B sweep the floor C comb your hair B do the washing-up C have lunch

A hang

B do

C make

A clear

B brush

C lay

173 Stai per ascoltare una tipica conversazione mattutina a casa di Hector. Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

T 1 2 3 4 5 6


At 7.30 a.m., Lilly is preparing breakfast. At 7.30 a.m., Matthew is getting dressed. Andrew has a wash after breakfast. Matthew is meeting his friends at 9.15. Hector has an appointment at 9.00. Lilly feeds the dog.


congiunzioni Completa il testo sulla routine di Hector con le parole nel riquadro. unless • until • and then • but • while • before • when before breakfast, says goodbye When he works, Hector usually gets up very early. He has a shave (1) _________ to his family (2) _________ goes to work by car. He usually gets to work at about half past seven in the morning (3) _________ he has an appointment in another place. He works until about 1 p.m. (4) _________ he has lunch with his colleagues. He usually gets home at about 4 p.m. and has a nap (5) _________ the children come home at about half five. He sometimes helps Andrew with his homework (6) _________ the others are preparing dinner. He works very hard during the week (7) _________ at the weekend Hector is a very different man!


WRITING Ora descrivi una tua giornata tipica (circa 60 parole). Prendi a modello la descrizione nell’esercizio 5.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Feelings and opinions




I am/feel...

I am/feel...

I am/feel...


amused (divertito) confident (fiducioso) delighted (contentissimo) happy/glad (felice) relaxed (rilassato)

It is...


amazed (stupefatto) curious (curioso) excited (eccitato) surprised (sorpreso)

It is...


depressed (depresso) gloomy (avvilito) lonely (solo) miserable (infelice) sad/unhappy (triste) upset (turbato)

amusing/funny (divertente) relaxing (rilassante) wonderful/marvellous (stupendo)

amazing (sorprendente) exciting (eccitante) surprising (sorprendente) terrific (formidabile)




I am/feel...

I am/feel...

I am/feel...

It is...

It is...

It is...


bored (annoiato) exhausted (esausto) fed up (stufo) tired/sick (stanco) boring (noioso) tiring (stancante)


ashamed (mi vergogno) embarrassed (imbarazzato) guilty (mi sento in colpa) mortified (mortificato) embarrassing (imbarazzante) mortifying (mortificante)

It is...

depressing (deprimente) upsetting (sconvolgente)


anxious (ansioso) confused (confuso) nervous (teso) worried (preoccupato) confusing (confuso) strange (strano)




I am/feel...

I am/feel...

I am/feel...

It is...

It is...


afraid (timoroso) frightened (impaurito) scared (spaventato)

It is...

frightening (terrificante) scary (spaventoso) terrible (terribile, angosciante)

Verbs and expressions


annoyed (infastidito) disappointed (deluso) let down (deluso) sorry (spiacente)

annoying (fastidioso) disappointing (deludente)

to be crazy/wild about (essere pazzo di) to adore (adorare) to love (amare) to be delighted with (essere molto felice di) to be keen on (essere appassionato di) to enjoy/like (piacere)


to be enthusiastic about (essere entusiasta di) to approve of (approvare) to not mind (non avere preferenze) to tolerate/put up with (sopportare) can’t stand (non sopportare)


angry (arrabbiato) cross (seccato) furious (furioso) irritated (infastidito) infuriating (esasperante) irritating (irritante)

to disapprove of (disapprovare) to be against (essere contrario) to dislike (non gradire) to hate (odiare) to detest (detestare)

Feelings and opinions aggettivi in -ing e in -ed Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


My face often goes red when I am embarrassed/embarrassing. Most people feel confusing/nervous before an exam. Do you want to hear a funny/fun story? Today’s lesson was really boring/bored. I am surprised/surprising you remembered my birthday! Aren’t you scary/scared when you watch horror films? He usually feels tiring/tired after football practice. Do you feel depressing/depressed when it rains? If you offend my family, I get very hungry/angry. I feel disappointed/disappointing when I get bad marks.

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



Completa le frasi con i sinonimi nel riquadro. miserable • irritated • exhausted • mortified • furious • worried • delighted • scared 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Nelson Mandela was against/keen on apartheid. Romeo and Juliet were wild about/put up with each other. Dante tolerated/was crazy about Beatrice. Pope Francis doesn’t mind/can’t stand world poverty. Homer Simpson enjoys/dislikes eating lots of food. Pirates approve/disapprove of finding treasure.

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


furious If you feel very angry, you are ____________. If you feel very tired, you are ____________. If you feel very happy, you are ____________. If you feel very sad, you are ____________. If you feel very ashamed, you are ____________. If you feel frightened, you are ____________. If you feel nervous, you are ____________. If you feel annoyed, you are ____________.

delighted when he won a chess trophy. (delight) Kieran was _______________ Shaggy the dog tends to get very _______________ at dinner time. (excitement) The only time Uncle Dennis gets _______________ is when his favourite team Arsenal lose. (crossly) Lilly is _______________ of Hector’s female friends. ( jealousy) Choppy the cat was _______________ of stealing the Christmas chicken last year. (guilt) Polly rarely feels _______________ as she has got lots of good friends. (loneliness) Albert finds old comedy sketches _______________. (amusement) Aunt Amy sometimes gets _______________ when Uncle Dennis comes home very late. (upsetting) Kieran gets _______________ when his little sister breaks his toys. (anger) Francis loves telling jokes. He is usually _______________. (fun)

WRITING Ora scrivi nove frasi che descrivano emozioni e stati d’animo (felicità, entusiasmo, tristezza, stanchezza, imbarazzo, ansia, paura, delusione e rabbia) tuoi personali o di una persona che conosci. Prendi a modello le descrizioni nell’esercizio 4.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Sports and free-time activities



tennis ball

to play

net goal

table tennis








scuba diving



horse riding











martial arts



to go racket

football pitch/ground

tennis court





stick ice-skates ice rink

basketball court


BASEBALL baseball bat


to do

swimming cap (BE)/ swim cap (AE) helmet

swimming costume (BE)/ swimsuit (AE) swimming pool

Free-time activities

to collect things (collezionare cose) to do photography (fare fotografia) to draw (disegnare) to paint (dipingere) to play an instrument (suonare uno strumento) to play chess (giocare a scacchi)

Sporting verbs

to beat (sconfiggere) to bend (over) (piegarsi) to bounce (far rimbalzare)



baseball pitch to catch (afferrare) to dive (tuffarsi) to draw (pareggiare) to hit (colpire) to jump (saltare) to kick (calciare) to lose (perdere) to pass (passare) to score (segnare) to stretch (allungarsi) to tackle (contrastare) to throw (tirare)


to do a team/an extreme/a water sport (fare uno sport di squadra/estremo/d'acqua) to do an outdoor/indoor sport (fare uno sport all’aperto/al chiuso) to get/keep fit (mettersi/tenersi in forma) to have a hobby (avere un hobby) to join a club (iscriversi a un’associazione) to spend time doing sth (passare il tempo facendo qualcosa) to take up a new hobby/sport (iniziare un nuovo hobby/sport)

Sports and free-time activities Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi play, go e do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


can/can’t Decidi se le frasi seguenti sono corrette (✓) o sbagliate (✗). Poi correggi quelle sbagliate. 1 2 3 4 5


plays football every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for his local team. He ____________ They ____________ aerobics once a week. My brother ____________ (not) any exercise. My sister likes to ____________ horse riding but it’s quite expensive. Graham and Michael ____________ skateboarding with their friends after school. Sandra ____________ the guitar in a band with her friends. Roger ____________ karate several times a week. They ____________ (not) rugby but they like watching it on TV.

Competition swimmers can dive well. ✓ He can’t scores goals when he is nervous. Cans she get to the stadium on time? Anybody can learns to go cycling. Hurrah! I can finally do it!

6 7 8 9

They can’t spending a lot of time at the gym! Tom can play the drums very well. Is it true that only artists can draw well? Can you to get me some tickets for the match on Sunday?

Completa le frasi con la forma corretta dei verbi nel riquadro. keen on • beat • bend over • join • stretch • draw • kick • throw 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


kick How far can you ____________ a ball? Yoga is an excellent way to ____________ your body. Sports fans are very ____________ their favourite team. Our team needs to win this match. If they only ____________, we’re out of the championship! A basketball player ____________ the ball into the basket to score. You need to ____________ to touch your toes. A fun way to get fit is to ____________ a gym. Germany ____________ Argentina in the 2014 football World Cup final.

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. What Matthew does in his free time Matthew (1) plays/goes various sports (2) on/in his free time including football and tennis. He is good at running fast, so he (3) plays/does left wing for his local football (4) group/team but unfortunately he doesn’t (5) score/win very many goals! To keep fit, he also (6) does/makes full-contact karate and got the (7) scar/hair over his eye during a training session! He (8) plays/does the bass guitar in a band with three friends, so (9) exercises/practises with them a couple of times a week. He also (10) listens/plays to a lot of music in his room and (11) watches/naps DVDs in the evenings when he can. He would like to (12) make/join the school chess club but doesn’t have any more free time at the moment!


WRITING Ora descrivi quali sport o attività fai nel tempo libero (circa 60 parole). Prendi a modello la descrizione nell’esercizio 4.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Food and nutrition

The eatwell plate

apple FRUIT pasta



orange banana



pineapple mushroom

tomato aubergine


wholemeal biscuit (BE)/ wholewheat cookie (AE)



rice bread


courgette (BE)/ zucchini (AE)


onion celery





sweets (BE)/ candies (AE)


SEAFOOD potato


salmon butter yogurt

nuts MEAT






lollipop sausage

eggs chocolate


to grate (grattugiare) to grill (grigliare) canned food (cibo in scatola) bitter (amaro) clove (spicchio) to mince (macinare) gone off (andato a male) filling/stuffing (ripieno) convenience food (cibo precotto) to mix (mischiare) oily/greasy (unto) pinch (pizzico) fast food (cibo da fast food) to peel (sbucciare) raw (crudo) sauce (salsa) frozen food (cibo surgelato) to pour (versare) rare (al sangue) slice (fetta) junk food (cibo spazzatura) to roast (arrostire) ripe (maturo) tablespoon (cucchiaio) organic food (cibo biologico) to slice (affettare) salty (salato) dressing (condimento) street food (cibo da strada) to spread (spalmare) sour (aspro, acido) whole food (cibo integrale) to squeeze (spremere) a good source of (una buona fonte di) spicy (piccante) to add (aggiungere) sweet (dolce) healthy (salutare) to bake (cuocere al forno) to steam (cuocere al vapore) tasty/savoury (saporito) to boil (bollire) rich in (ricco di) to stir (mescolare) tender (tenero) unhealthy (non salutare) to chop (tritare) to stuff (farcire) tasteless/bland (insipido) to cut (tagliare) vegan diet (dieta vegana) to whisk (frullare) well-done (ben cotto) vegetarian diet (dieta vegetariana) to fry (friggere)

Food and diet


Describing food

Recipe words

Food and nutrition Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


unhealthy Junk food is generally ______________. ______________ food means it is less processed. A ______________ doesn’t eat any meat or dairy products. ______________ food requires less preparation. Street food is ready to ______________. Fish is a good source of ______________. Red meat is rich in ______________. ______________ food is produced without using chemicals.


unhealthy Street vegan Organic eat protein sugar Canned


healthy Canned vegetarian Convenience cook carbohydrate iron Frozen


organic Whole carnivore Whole put in a can vitamin C calcium Organic

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. ripe • spicy • raw • sour • rare • salt 1 2 3 4 5 6


Raw fish in Japanese cuisine is known as sashimi. ___________ Fruit becomes sweet when it is ___________. Freshly squeezed lemons taste ___________. Hot chilli peppers are ___________. Bland food generally needs more ___________. A ___________ steak means that it is only lightly cooked.

Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1 You can peel butter. 2 You can add a pinch of salt. 3 You can’t buy sliced bread in the supermarket. 4 Bread isn’t baked in an oven. 5 You can grate carrots.


F ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

6 7 8 9 10 11

Crisps are made from fried potatoes. You can’t steam cauliflower. A whole garlic is composed of cloves. Yogurt is often spread on toast. You can squeeze an orange. You can chop an onion.

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

imperativo Completa la ricetta con le parole a pagina 600. L’iniziale di ciascuna parola è già data.

Pasta with Courgettes hop the onions and slice the courgettes. 1 C________ 2 F________ the chopped onions in some olive oil in a large frying pan for a couple of minutes. 3 Add the s________ courgettes to the lightly fried onion and cook until both are well done. 4 Start to b________ the water in a pot for the pasta. 5 A________ a handful of salt to the boiling water and then cook the pasta until it is al dente. 6 Put the pasta into the pan with the f________ courgettes and onions. 7 M________ the pasta and sauce together on a high heat for half a minute. 8 Add a p________ of salt and pepper to taste. 9 Serve with g________ cheese if preferred.


WRITING Ora descrivi come si prepara il tuo piatto preferito. Prendi a modello la descrizione nell’esercizio 4.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Clothes and accessories sunglasses shirt

hat blouse jacket tie jumper (BE)/ sweater (AE)



scarf anorak



dress umbrella




sweatshirt tights (BE)/ pantyhose (AE)

jeans shoes

sandals high-heeled shoes


trainers (BE)/ sneakers (AE)



Jewellery (BE)/Jewelry (AE) bracelet (bracciale, braccialetto) earrings (orecchini) necklace (collana) ring (anello)

Describing clothes

bra (reggiseno) pants (m.), knickers (f.) (BE)/ underpants (AE) (mutande) pyjamas (pigiama) socks (calzini)

Parts of clothing

button (bottone) collar (colletto) cuff (polsini) hood (cappuccio) neckline (scollatura) pocket (tasca) sleeve (manica) strap (cinghia, tracolla)


trousers (BE)/ pants (AE)

cotton (cotone) denim ( jeans) leather (pelle) nylon (nylon) silk (seta) velvet (velluto) wool (lana)

baggy (largo) casual (informale, sportivo) checked (a quadretti) comfortable (comodo) elegant/smart (elegante) fashionable (alla moda) flowery (a fiori) long-sleeved (a maniche lunghe) old-fashioned (vecchio stile) patterned (con un disegno/motivo) plain (semplice) scruffy (sciatto)

short-sleeved (a maniche corte) sleeveless (senza maniche) stripy (a righe) tight (stretto, aderente) V-necked (con scollo a V) waterproof (impermeabile) woollen (di lana)


to do up/undo (zip, buttons) (allacciare/ slacciare) to fit (essere della taglia giusta) to fold (piegare/piegarsi) to get dressed/changed/undressed (vestirsi/cambiarsi/svestirsi) to go (well) with/to match (abbinarsi) to put on (indossare) to roll up (arrotolare) to suit you (stare bene, donare) to take off (togliere) to try on (provare) to wear (indossare)

Clothes and accessories Osserva l’immagine a pagina 602 e scegli l’opzione corretta. high-heeled shoes. Polly is wearing ________________ Matthew is wearing a ________________ jumper. Andrew is wearing a ________________ scarf. Andrew is wearing ________________. The female mannequin is wearing ________________. The male mannequin is wearing an olive green ________________. 7 Polly is wearing ________________ tights. 8 The female mannequin is wearing pink ________________.

1 2 3 4 5 6


flat V-necked stripy boots a pink belt

A tie A patterned A boots


high-heeled flowery checked trainers pink sunglasses

B suit B plain B sandals


running wool plain sandals a pink blouse

C shirt C stripy C shoes

Abbina gli opposti. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



baggy elegant plain long-sleeved to take off to get dressed fashionable to clash

a b c d e f g h 1

patterned to put on to match to get undressed scruffy old-fashioned sleeveless tight

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. ring • fit • leather • try on • belt • tie • anorak • scruffy • nylon • sleeves 1 2 3 4 5 6


Nylon is a synthetic material. ___________ Vegans don’t usually wear ___________. An ___________ is a waterproof coat. Men often wear a ___________ with their suit. You wear a ___________ on your finger. You can roll up your ___________ to do the washing-up.

7 You usually ___________ new clothes before buying them. 8 If your clothes are the right size, they ___________ well. 9 It’s not a good idea to wear ___________ clothes to a formal dinner. 10 A ___________ is worn around your waist.

174 Stai per ascoltare la conversazione fra Polly, Matthew e Andrew di fronte alla vetrina del negozio. Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

T 1 2 3 4 5 6


Polly likes the blouse. Matthew doesn’t like the blouse. Polly doesn’t like the sandals. Polly thinks the female mannequin is unattractive. Matthew likes the shoes. The shoes cost £215.


WRITING Ora descrivi quali sono i vestiti che preferisci portare solitamente durante le quattro stagioni (circa 60 parole).


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



In the city

city centre (BE)/city center (AE) (centro della città) industrial zone/park (zona industriale) inner city (quartieri popolari) pedestrian zone (area pedonale) playground (parco giochi) residential area (zona residenziale) square (piazza) (in) the suburbs/(on) the outskirts (in periferia)

sports centre



fire station

post office car park

hospital office building/block museum

police station fountain


café library

traffic lights/ signal

street light/ street lamp


theatre street

park zebra/pedestrian crossing (BE)/ crosswalk (AE) cycle lane town hall monument church tourist information centre


baker’s (BE)/bakeshop (AE) (panetteria) bookshop (libreria) butcher’s (macelleria) chemist’s (BE)/drugstore (AE)/ pharmacy (BE/AE) (farmacia) clothes/shoe shop (negozio di vestiti/ scarpe) delicatessen (gastronomia)


department store (grandi magazzini) DIY shop (BE)/DIY store (AE) (negozio di bricolage) fishmonger’s (pescivendolo) florist’s (fioraio) gift shop (negozio di articoli da regalo) greengrocer’s (fruttivendolo) hairdresser’s (negozio di parrucchiere)

ironmonger’s (ferramenta) jeweller’s (gioielleria) launderette (lavanderia) market/supermarket (mercato/ supermercato) newsagent’s (edicola) stationer’s (cartoleria) travel agency (agenzia di viaggi)

In the city



Dove andresti per avere i seguenti prodotti o servizi?

1 2 3 4 5

You want to wash your clothes. launderette You need to buy some medicine. You want to buy some fresh bread. You want to buy some designer clothes. You want to borrow a book.


Scegli l’opzione corretta.


PRELIMINARY Scegli l’opzione corretta.

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary

department store • town hall • DIY shop • stationer’s • launderette • delicatessen • baker’s • library • chemist’s 6 You want to get married without a religious ceremony. 7 You need materials to paint your room. 8 You want to buy a birthday card. 9 You want to buy some luxury cheese.

you must stop 1 At a red traffic light ______________________. A you must stop B you should stop C you can stop 2 Cars must not drive on ______________________. A a zebra crossing B the pavement C a street 3 Pedestrians can safely cross the road on ______________________. A a pavement B a cycle lane C a zebra crossing 4 Who must not travel on a cycle lane? A pedestrians B bicycles C cars 5 I like reading so I spend lots of money at the ______________________. A bookshop B library C sweet shop

Visit Hay-on Wye!

between England and Wales, but on closer At first sight Hay-on-Wye is a pretty market town on the border (1) ___________ inspection you will find that it is much more than that. There are over thirty (2) __________ in Hay, many specialising in out-of-print or rare books. And every year it hosts an international literary festival, with more (3) __________ 80,000 visitors, called the Hay Festival. Not bad for a small town you can walk (4) __________ in about 20 minutes! It’s not hard to find your way in such a compact place, but if you park your car in the main (5) __________, the Tourist Information Centre is nearby. They will provide you with a section of maps, leaflets and booklets to help you enjoy (6) __________ stay. In addition to bookshops, there are two Norman castles; lots of pubs, cafés and restaurants, where you can find delicious things (7) __________ and drink; independent art galleries and gift shops; as well as hotels 1 A behind B between C on D opposite and guest houses where you can 2 A bookshops B museums C newsagent’s D post offices (8) __________. 3 A as B of C than D that Thursday is (9) __________ day in 4 A around B from C over D to Memorial Square. There you can 5 A car park B cycle path C traffic lights D zebra crossing buy fresh local food and drink, 6 A you B you’re C your D yours clothes, gifts and stationary from 7 A eat B eats C eating D to eat over 40 stalls. Or why not take 8 A stayed B stay C staying D to stay a (10) __________ tour around 9 A market B pedestrian C shop D theatre the town with one of the many 10 A train B coach C foot D walking local guides?


WRITING Ora descrivi una città che conosci (circa 60 parole). Prendi a modello la descrizione nell’esercizio 3.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Houses and buildings

terraced house (BE)/row house (AE)

detached house

semi-detached (BE)/duplex house (AE)


bungalow/ranch house (only AE)

stately home/mansion


flat (BE)/apartment (AE)


Parts of buildings

arch (arco) back door (porta sul retro) basement (seminterrato) beam (trave) column (colonna) doorstep (soglia) drainpipe (grondaia) foundations (fondamenta) French window (porta finestra) front door (ingresso principale) lift (BE)/elevator (AE) (ascensore) path (viottolo) plaster (intonaco) porch (portico) roof tile (tegola) shutter (serranda, persiana)


step (gradino) thatched roof (tetto di paglia) window sill (davanzale) windowpane (finestra)


brick (mattone) cement (cemento) glass (vetro) steel (acciaio) stone (pietra) wood (legno)


to build/construct (costruire) to decorate (decorare) to demolish/pull down (demolire)

to design (progettare) to develop (sviluppare) to erect (erigere) to install (installare) to paint (tinteggiare) to put up (appendere) to repair/fix/mend (riparare) built/designed/decorated by (costruito/ progettato/decorato da) built/made of (fatto di)

Unusual houses

igloo (igloo) lighthouse (faro) log cabin (capanna di tronchi) shelter/hut (rifugio, riparo) tree house (casa sull’albero)

Houses and buildings Scegli l’opzione corretta. one floor 1 A bungalow has ________________. 2 A terraced house has ________________. 3 4 5 6


B horses

C three floors C two direct neighbours C top floor C three rooms C in an industrial zone C aristocrats

A doorstep is found by the front and back door. Rain water flows down a drainpipe. A porch is found inside a house. A basement is situated on the top floor. A path can lead you from the front door to the street. Shutters are placed in front of the foundations. Roofs are covered with either tiles or thatch. You can walk through an open French window.

T ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Osserva le immagini a pagina 606 e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


B two floors B one direct neighbour B first floor B two rooms B in the country

Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


A one floor A no direct neighbours A penthouse is situated on the ________________. A ground floor A bedsit has ________________ plus a bathroom. A one room A cottage is usually found ________________. A in the inner city A stately home was originally built for ________________. A butchers

The ground floor of the detached house is made of brick/stone. The cottage is built of stone/steel. The windowpanes are all made of glass/tile. The cottage roof is made of thatch/tile. The beams in the bedsit are made of wood/log.

passivo Completa la descrizione di questa famosa residenza reale inglese con il passivo dei verbi nel riquadro. complete • use • build (x 2)1• restore • design

was built as an addition to Queen’s House in Greenwich, London, (1) ______________ the Tudor Palace of Greenwich and it is England’s first classical building. It (2) ______________ by Inigo Jones for Henrietta Marian, the Queen of Charles I and it is a late addition to the Palace of Greenwich. It (3) ______________ in 1638 after Jones studied Roman and Renaissance architecture in Italy. Queen’s House (4) ______________ between 1986 and 1999 and today it houses a collection of marine paintings and portraits, and it (5) ______________ for different events, among which the 2012 Olympic Games. The elegant Tulip Stairs is an unusual spiral staircase; based on Andrea Palladio’s work, it (6) ______________ by a very skilled mason and architect called Nicholas Stone.


Tulip Stairs

WRITING Ora descrivi un edificio che conosci bene (circa 80 parole).


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


The animal world

The natural world mountain

sky clouds

evergreen tree

path waterfall

valley stream


lake deciduous tree

wood fruit tree




orchard hedge riverbank meadow

amphibians (anfibi) birds (uccelli) fish (pesci) insects (insetti) livestock (bestiame) living organisms (organismi viventi) mammals (mammiferi) reptiles (rettili) species (specie) wildlife (fauna selvatica) ant (formica) dragonfly (libellula) duck (anatra) eel (anguilla) fly (mosca) goat (capra) goose (oca) hen (gallina) ladybird (coccinella) lizard (lucertola) lobster (aragosta) mosquito (zanzara) octopus (polpo) parrot (pappagallo) scorpion (scorpione) shark (squalo) shrimp (gambero) spider (ragno) swallow (rondine) toad (rospo) tortoise (tartaruga) turtle (tartaruga marina) wasp (vespa)

Parts of a plant river estuary

cliff beach






blossom/bud (bocciolo) branch (ramo) foliage (fogliame) leaf (foglia) petal (petalo) root (radice) stem (stelo) trunk (tronco) twig (ramoscello)


clay (argilla) mud (fango) pebble (ciottolo) rock (roccia) sand (sabbia) soil (suolo)


The natural world Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5 6


a lake Freshwater is only found in ________________. A Christmas tree is an example of ________________ tree. A stream generally flows into ________________. An orchard contains ________________. A hedge forms a boundary between ________________. The very high rocks by the sea are called ________________.


the sea an evergreen a river vegetables bushes farms


a lake a fruit a cliff meat fields waterfalls


the ocean a deciduous an island fruit trees riverbanks cliffs

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. roots • blossom • twigs • trunk • leaves 1 2 3 4 5


twigs Small ________________ are collected to start fires. The ________________ on a deciduous tree change colour and fall in the autumn. The ________________ go down into the ground. The ________________ is the widest part of a tree. The beautiful flowers on fruit trees are known as ________________.

Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1 Pigs like to roll in mud to protect their skin. 2 Sand is used to make glass. 3 Pebbles are very big stones.


T ___ ___ ___

4 Land is 100% water. 5 Cliffs are made of rock. 6 Clay can be baked in a special oven to make pots.

___ ___ ___

PRELIMINARY Leggi il testo sugli effetti del cambiamento climatico e scegli l’opzione corretta.

Climate Change

environmental challenge ever. If the earth warms The World Wildlife Fund say we’re facing the biggest (1) ___________________ by more than 2°C, many ecosystems will disappear leaving animal (2) _____________ in danger of extinction. For example, large mammals like tigers will suffer from the effects of rising (3) _____________ levels and risk of fire in the forests and grasslands where they live, while the snow leopard’s Himalayan (4) _____________ habitat already has fewer plants to feed the sheep and goats that the big cats eat. Climate change is also affecting our (5) _____________. As they absorb large quantities of CO2, temperatures rise and the water becomes more acidic. If we lose the coral reefs under the sea, there will be no food for wildlife and no (6) _____________ for around half a billion people to eat. Trees in (7) _____________ absorb CO2, which helps control the world’s climate. But fires, deforestation and drought cause forests to disappear, affecting the plants, animals and 1 A earth B environment C environmental D natural people that live there. 2 A life B species C stock D world Freshwater lakes and 3 A field B tree C rock D sea (8) _____________ are also under 4 A cliff B hill C mountain D valley attack from flooding and droughts 5 A beaches B estuaries C oceans D waves caused by climate change, putting 6 A fish B insects C mammals D reptiles at risk clean water for drinking, 7 A forests B meadows C orchards D trunks washing and farming. 8 A bushes B falls C paths D rivers


WRITING Descrivi un paesaggio naturale che conosci bene (circa 80 parole).


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



On holiday

travelling (BE)/traveling (AE) (atto di viaggiare) journey (viaggio, tragitto) trip (viaggio per un motivo specifico) tour (gita turistica) flight (viaggio in aereo, volo) voyage (viaggio, di solito per mare)

winter/city/short break – business trip hotel (half/full board)


B & B (bed and breakfast)

budget holiday

youth hostel (self-catering)

guest house (BE)/motel (AE) (single/double rooms)

adventure/ activity holiday


package holiday – honeymoon resort

health spa

holiday village





foreigner (straniero) guest (ospite) host (colui che ospita) interpreter (interprete) tour guide (guida turistica) tourist/holidaymaker (turista) travel agency (agenzia di viaggio) visitor (visitatore) traveller (BE)/traveler (AE) (viaggiatore)

Types of bags

baggage/luggage (bagaglio) case/suitcase (valigia) money belt (cintura portadenaro) rucksack/backpack (zaino)


Verbs and expressions

to book/reserve (prenotare) to explore (esplorare) to get lost (perdersi) to go abroad (andare all’estero) to go away/to leave (partire) to go camping (andare in campeggio) to go on holiday (andare in vacanza) to go sightseeing (andare a fare un giro turistico) to hitchhike (fare l’autostop) to pack (fare i bagagli) to rent (prendere in affitto) to set off (mettersi in viaggio) to stay in a B & B/etc. (alloggiare in un B & B/ecc.) to take photos (fare fotografie) to unpack (disfare le valigie) to visit (visitare)

On holiday



Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro.

1 2 3 4 5


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary

couch-surfing • full board • health spa • youth hostel • caravan health spa Thermal spring baths and massages are a typical feature of a ________________. ________________ offers the opportunity to sleep on someone’s sofa for a few days without paying. A ________________ is just like a small house on wheels. A ________________ is a cheap option for students who don’t mind sharing a room. ________________ in a hotel means the price includes all meals.

forma in -ing Completa le frasi con la forma in -ing dei verbi nel riquadro. go • explore • interest • pack • travel 1 2 3 4 5

going Guests must leave their documents at reception before ________________ up to their rooms. I prefer ________________ my bag before a holiday to unpacking it afterwards! ________________ by bus is usually cheaper than by train. Hitchhiking is potentially dangerous but it’s an ________________ way to travel around. A great way of ________________ a new area is to go on a walking holiday.


Scegli l’opzione corretta.


preposizioni Leggi il racconto di un’avventura in campeggio e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

travel agencies are going out of business as people often book their own holidays online. 1 Many ____________________ A tourists B guests C travel agencies 2 A ____________________ is the person who offers you hospitality. A host B guest C visitor 3 Sven is a good friend of yours and he comes from another country. To you he is ____________________. A a foreigner and a stranger B a foreigner but not a stranger. C neither a foreigner nor a stranger. 4 The ____________________ on the Titanic ended in disaster. A voyage B flight C travel 5 A ____________________ is carried on your shoulders. A suitcase B rucksack C luggage

Last June, my girlfriend and I decided to (1) go/take on a cycling holiday to the South coast of Sardinia. We (2) made/packed our rucksacks and a tent and took the bus from Cagliari to Teulada. We (3) missed/lost the first bus because there wasn’t (4) enough/few room for our bikes on the bus. We also discovered that if you put your bikes in a (5) correct/suitable bag, you don’t have to pay (6) for/by a ticket for the bicycles. Unfortunately, we found out (7) too/much late so we had to pay the extra! The bus took about an hour and a half and we passed (8) over/through some amazing scenery which we would like to explore better another time. When we arrived in Teulada, we (9) unloaded/loaded our bikes from the bus and set (10) by/off for the coast. Obviously, we got completely lost but managed to find the campsite we had booked before dark. We put (11) up/over our tent and unpacked our rucksacks and headed straight (12) from/to the beach for a swim. And what a magnificent white sandy beach it was!


WRITING Ora descrivi una vacanza recente (circa 80 parole). Prendi come modello il testo nell’esercizio 4.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


windscreen (BE)/ windshield (AE)

On the road service/petrol station

steering wheel

rear-view mirror

wing mirror

windscreen wipers (BE)/ windshield wipers (AE)

boot (BE)/ trunk (AE)

bonnet (BE)/ hood (AE) engine roadworks

back seat number plate

front seat tyre headlight

motorway (BE)/ highway (AE)

motorway exit

toll road

the fast lane one-way street

toll booth

speed limit

roundabout the slow lane

dual carriageway

road sign


Types of vehicles

sports car (macchina sportiva) convertible (decappottabile) saloon (BE)/sedan (AE) (berlina) estate (car) (BE)/station wagon (AE) (familiare) van (furgone) lorry (BE)/truck (AE) (camion)

Verbs and expressions

to accelerate (accelerare) to brake (frenare) to cross the border (attraversare il confine) to drive on the left/right (guidare sulla sinistra/destra)


to fasten your seatbelt (allacciarsi la cintura) to fill up with petrol (BE)/gas (AE) (fare benzina) to find your way around (trovare la strada) to get a flat tyre/a puncture (forare) to get on/to get off the motorway (entrare/uscire dall’autostrada) to have a flat battery (avere la batteria scarica) to indicate (mettere la freccia) to pay a toll (pagare il pedaggio) to show your driving licence (BE)/driver’s license (AE) (mostrare la patente) to slow down (rallentare) to stop off (fermarsi brevemente)

On the road Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 When the street is being repaired, roadworks it’s known as ______________. 2 A ______________ has 4 lanes in total. 3 The ______________ is found at the back of a car. 4 A ______________ displays the registration of a vehicle.


a fork dual carriageway bonnet speed limit


roadworks motorway boot road sign

a slow lane one way street steering wheel number plate

to fill up with petrol to brake to fasten your seatbelt to pay

a at the toll booth b before a stop sign c 1 at a petrol station d before driving away

175 Stai per ascoltare Francis che si trova in difficoltà in un’area di servizio. Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F).

T 1 2 3 4 5 6



Abbina le azioni alle situazioni. 1 2 3 4



Francis slept near the motorway service station last night. The petrol station attendant studied mechanics at university. Francis has another meeting with his boss in an hour. Francis noticed something strange with the car this morning. The petrol station attendant thinks the problem isn’t serious. The petrol station attendant learnt to recharge a battery at night school.


PRELIMINARY Scegli l’opzione corretta.

Route 66

motorbike In a new TV series, the Hairy Bikers, two (1) ______________-riding English chefs, fulfilled a long-held ambition. They took the world’s most iconic (2) ____________ trip, Route 66 across the states of America. The ‘Mother Road’ covers (3) ____________ 2,000 miles from Chicago in the East to California in the West. As the bikers (4) ____________ from place to place, they shared their passion for good food and had (5) ____________ incredible experiences which revealed the truth to them about American (6) ____________, culture and lifestyle. The trip took them from one extreme to another. They joined modern day cowboys (7) ____________ cows through the vast open fields of Oklahoma and 1 A bus B car C motor D motorbike felt the incredible heat and beauty of 2 A crossroad B lane C road D street (8) ____________ Mojave Desert and 3 A more B over C past D up Monument Valley. They cooked with 4 A ride B riding C ridden D rode an Amish community, a Christian group 5 A a B an C any D some (9) ____________ live a simple life without 6 A history B histories C story D stories the use of modern technology. They also 7 A drive B driving C driven D drove tasted the latest LA food trends. 8 A that B the C this D these They shared this truly unforgettable 9 A when B where C which D who adventure and gave their viewers an 10 A into B of C out of D to insight (10) ____________ modern-day USA.


WRITING Ora descrivi una tua esperienza durante un viaggio in macchina, moto o bicicletta (circa 80 parole). Prendi come modello il testo nell’esercizio 4.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary




Public transport

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary

railway station (only BE)/railroad (AE)/train station

the Underground (BE)/subway (AE)


arrivals/departures board (tabellone degli arrivi/delle partenze) the Tube (metropolitana di Londra) train driver (macchinista) tram (BE)/streetcar (AE) (tram)


platform train tracks


conductor (bigliettaio) single-decker bus (autobus a un piano solo) driver (conducente) minibus (pulmino) shuttle (navetta)

bus stop

coach (BE)/bus (AE)

double-decker bus


aeroplane tail nose wings landing gear runway

arrivals/departures (arrivi/ partenze) baggage check (controllo bagagli) baggage reclaim (ritiro bagagli) cockpit (cabina di pilotaggio) customs (dogana) duty free (esente da dazio)

flight attendant (assistente di volo) gate (uscita) hand luggage (bagaglio a mano) passport control (controllo passaporti) pilot (pilota) propeller (elica)


boat (barca, battello) cruise ship (nave da crociera) harbour (BE)/harbor (AE) (porto piccolo e turistico) pier (molo) port (porto) sailing ship (veliero)

Verbs and expressions

to board (imbarcarsi) to catch the bus/train (prendere l’autobus/il treno) to get/feel carsick/seasick/airsick (avere il/soffrire di mal d’auto/mare/aria) to get into a car (salire in macchina)





to get on/off a bus/train/boat/plane (salire/scendere su/da autobus/treno/ barca/aereo) to get out of a car (scendere dall’auto) to miss (perdere) to land (atterrare)


to queue (stare in fila) to take a flight (prendere un volo) to take off (decollare) to travel by (viaggiare in) running late/on time (viaggiare in ritardo/in orario)

Public transport



Completa le definizioni con le parole nel riquadro.

1 2 3 4 5 6


A gate is found in A pilot works in Your bags are checked You get a boat from A plane lands on

a the cockpit of a plane. b at customs. c a pier. d 1 an airport. e a runway.

present perfect Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono giuste (✓) o sbagliate (✗). Correggi quelle sbagliate. 1 2 3 4 5


platform is the place where you wait to catch a train. A ________________ A ________________ is the special bus you catch, for example, between a hotel and an airport. A ________________ is the person who checks your tickets on a bus or train. The ________________ are the long pieces of metal that a train travels on. A ________________ bus has two floors. A ________________ is available if you need help on a plane.

Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary

tracks • flight attendant • conductor • double-decker • platform • shuttle

caught Have you ever catched the wrong train? ✗ I haven’t missed a plane yet! The buses has been running late this week. I am never seen such a long queue at check-in! Have the plane taken off yet?

6 7 8 9 10

Have you ever felt seasick? He have been travelling by train for years. Has the president get out of the car yet? I see they haven’t board yet. He hasn’t got on the ferry yet.

PRELIMINARY Scrivi la parola che manca.

Top travel tips!

of ● Register for frequent traveller programs. You can build up a lot (1) _________________ points if you have a credit or debit card that has a partnership with (2) _________________ favourite airline, train line, ferry or bus company. ● Travel with the right luggage, so you don’t (3) _________________ to pay to check in baggage. Decide what is essential for your trip and don’t pack things you’re (4) _________________ going to need. ● Find out (5) _________________ local transport because taxis can be very expensive. Is there a free shuttle or cheap local bus service? Can you park your car in a cheaper car park outside the airport? ● Use public transport to get around — it’s cheaper and more relaxing (6) _________________ driving, and you’ll experience the place like the locals. Alternatively, you can walk or hire bicycles cheaply to get around in many cities. ● Look out for local hosts or tour guides who (7) _________________ happy to show you around their town or city for free in exchange for a little English conversation or a cultural exchange. There are even ones who will run or cycle around (8) _________________ you!


WRITING Ora descrivi una tua esperienza sui mezzi pubblici (circa 80 parole).


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Weather forecasts Fahrenheit








boiling hot hot warm above zero


mild cool




cold foggy/misty freezing cold


cloudy/ overcast

temperature below zero


downpour/ heavy rain sunny


windy sunshine

cloudy frost (gelo) gale (bufera) hail (grandine) hailstone (chicco di grandine) lightning (lampo, fulmine) raindrop (goccia di pioggia) snowfall (nevicata) snowflake (fiocco di neve) thunder (tuono)


strong wind

changeable/unpredictable a grey day (una giornata grigia) a light/strong wind (un vento leggero/forte) a lovely/cool breeze (una brezza piacevole/fresca) a violent/severe/terrible storm (una tempesta violenta/grave/terribile) light/heavy rain (una pioggia lieve/battente) light/heavy/thick snow (una nevicata leggera/ forte/fitta)

to blow (soffiare) to clear (schiarirsi) to drizzle (piovigginare) to flood (inondare, allagare) to get wet (bagnarsi) to pour (piovere a dirotto) to shine (splendere) to turn hot/cold (diventare caldo/freddo)

Weather forecasts Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5



is no sun rain light rain sun wind


are no clouds snow heavy rain lightning strong wind


is no wind no rain sun fog very strong wind

Abbina le condizioni meteorologiche simili. 1 2 3 4 5 6


is no sun An overcast day means there ______________. A dry day means there is ______________. A shower means there is ______________. A thunderstorm includes ______________. A hurricane means there is ______________.

fog gale drizzle breeze downpour flooded 176

a light rain b heavy rain c 1 mist d light wind e full of water f hurricane

Ascolta le previsioni del tempo e completa il testo con le informazioni mancanti.

Good morning and welcome to today’s world weather report. It’s a lovely day here in London; the sun shining it’s (2) __________ °C and the skies are blue. It’s going to (3) __________ this evening is (1) __________, though, so don’t forget your umbrella if you are planning to go out later. It’s quite (4) __________ in New York at the moment; (5) __________ °C but (6) __________ with sunny spells. The (7) __________ are going to clear around 4 o’clock and you’ll have a splendid sunny afternoon later. Tokyo is a little cooler; (8) __________ °C and plenty of sun but (9) __________ winds and rain forecast for this evening. Moscow is a little (10) __________ and changeable at (11) __________ °C with cloud, sun and light (12) __________. The sky is going to clear though and the sun will be out later this afternoon.


past perfect simple/continuous Completa il testo con il past perfect simple o il past perfect continuous dei verbi nel riquadro. walk • stay • move • be • begin • become • get • check

Mountain Adventure

had been walking for a couple of hours in the mountains when it started to drizzle lightly. We (1) ________________________ There (2) __________________ a heavy snowfall the night before but no more snow had been forecast for that day; we (3) __________________ the weather before setting off that morning. We were getting steadily wetter as the rain began to pour down and quickly turned into hail. It (4) __________________ much colder as a strong wind (5) __________________ to blow and it then started to snow really heavily. The snow storm (6) __________________ violent in only a matter of minutes, we were obviously terrified but fortunately we (7) __________________ on the track and could just about make out the lights of a building not far away. We all held hands and very slowly stumbled together through the thick snow towards the lights. We (8) __________________ for a little while when we heard people calling our names in the distance. We were soon back safe and sound inside the hostel. It was an adventure that I don’t want to repeat!


WRITING Ora racconta una giornata che hai vissuto con caratteristiche meteorologiche particolari (circa 80 parole). Prendi come modello il testo nell’esercizio 4.


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary




Environmental change

traffic fumes

factory gases

rubbish (BE)/trash (AE)


acid rain (piogge acide) air/water/soil pollution (inquinamento atmosferico/delle acque/del suolo) climate change (cambiamento climatico) diseases (malattie) drought (siccità) famine (carestia)

toxic waste



global warming/cooling (riscaldamento/ raffreddamento globale) greenhouse effect (effetto serra) hole in the ozone layer (buco dell’ozono) melting ice caps (scioglimento dei ghiacciai) radiation (radiazioni) smog (smog)

renewable energy wind ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


bike sharing

to recycle

to ban (vietare, proibire) to be exposed to (essere esposto a) to contaminate (contaminare) to damage (danneggiare) to destroy (distruggere)


public transport

to reuse



to protect endangered species

to plant trees

to dump (scaricare rifiuti) to harm (nuocere) to leak (fuoriuscire) to pollute (inquinare) to prevent (prevenire)

to reduce your carbon footprint (ridurre la tua impronta ecologica) to release (rilasciare) to save (salvare) to threaten (compromettere)

Environmental change



Abbina le definizioni alle parole nel riquadro.

1 2 3 4 5 6


Soil/Water pollution is when harmful substances remain in the ground. Global cooling/Global warming means that the earth’s temperature is rising. Drought/Smog occurs when no rain falls for a long time. Drought/Famine occurs when there isn’t enough food to eat for a long time. Melting ice caps are a direct result of climate change/smog.

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5


factory gases the dirty smoke emitted from industrial chimneys __________________: __________________: the chasing and killing of wild animals, often only for sport __________________: dangerous chemical and nuclear materials that aren’t needed anymore __________________: so many marine creatures are killed that they can’t reproduce sufficiently __________________: the excessive cutting down of trees so that the land suffers __________________: any material that isn’t needed anymore

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary

rubbish • overfishing • factory gases • hunting • deforestation • toxic waste

banned Many people would like to see vivisection _______________. (ban) Nature reserves help with the _______________ of native wildlife. (protect) The _______________ of the Amazon rainforests is reaching a critical point. (destroy) Illegal rubbish dumping can lead to a _______________ of water supplies. (contaminate) Becoming vegetarian will _______________ your carbon footprint. (reduction)

Leggi l’articolo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. The UK’s first plastic-free country Anglesey, an (1) island/ocean off the northwest coast of Wales, has become the UK’s first ‘plastic-free’ county. The marine (2) conservation/pollution group, Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) awarded this status to the island after it met five set objectives. These included the efforts of individual residents to (3) reduce/recycle their use of plastic, as well as campaigning for new local government laws (4) increasing/limiting and controlling the use of single-use plastic. Companies based on the island agreed to (5) ban/destroy single-use plastic bottles and coffee cups, in order to help combat the problem of plastic (6) effect/waste found in rivers and in the sea. This is particularly relevant to an island which attracts many visitors every year because of its outstanding (7) natural beauty/warming. It is also vital to help (8) harm/save the habitat of the island’s varied wildlife on land and in the sea. Environmental activist, paddle-boarder and islander, Sian Sykes, led the campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of plastic (9) pollution/rain, by becoming the first person to paddle-board around Wales, picking up (10) gases/rubbish as she went.


WRITING Ora descrivi un problema ambientale che vorresti vedere risolto (circa 100 parole). Prendi come modello il testo nell’esercizio 4.


Body and health

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



eye eyebrow (sopracciglio) eyelash (ciglia) eyelid (palpebra) pupil (pupilla) forehead


nose nostril (narice)

nape hand nail (unghia) fingertip (punta del dito) finger (dito della mano) knuckle (nocca) palm (palmo) thumb (pollice)

neck chin




mouth gum (gengiva) lip (labbro) palate (palato) tooth (dente) tongue (lingua)


foot heel (tallone) sole (pianta del piede) toe (dito del piede) toenail (unghia del piede)





arm calf wrist thigh ankle


bone (osso) collarbone (clavicola) femur (femore) hip (anca) jaw (mascella) rib (costola) rib cage (cassa toracica) shin (tibia) skull (cranio) spine (spina dorsale)

Inside the body

artery (arteria) bladder (vescica) blood (sangue) blood vessel (vaso sanguigno) brain (cervello) heart (cuore) intestine (intestino) joint (articolazione) kidney (rene)


liver (fegato) lung (polmone) muscle (muscolo) nerve (nervo) skin (pelle) stomach (stomaco) tendon (tendine) throat (gola) vein (vena)


to beat (battere) to bend (piegare) to bite (mordere) to blink (sbattere gli occhi) to blow (soffiare) to breathe (respirare) to chew (masticare) to digest (digerire) to exhale (espirare) to inhale (inspirare) to lick (leccare)

to nod/shake your head (fare cenno di assenso/dissenso con la testa) to scratch (grattarsi) to smile (sorridere) to sniff (tirare su col naso) to swallow (ingoiare) to wink (strizzare l’occhio) to yawn (sbadigliare)


ache/pain (dolore) backache (mal di schiena) cough (tosse) earache (mal d’orecchio) fever (febbre) flu (influenza) headache (mal di testa) ill/sick (malato) sore throat (mal di gola) stomach ache (mal di stomaco) toothache (mal di denti) to hurt (far male)

Body and health Abbina le parti del corpo che si trovano molto vicine. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


a knee b calf c tongue d foot e 1 hand f eyelash g finger h shoulder

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 You inhale/exhale when you breathe in. 2 When you blink/wink, you briefly close one eye. 3 You tend to yawn/bite when you are tired. 4 It’s natural to bend/sniff when you have a cold. 5 When you’re happy, you smile/lick at people you meet. 6 You nod/shake your head to say yes.

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


wrist neck ankle shin knuckle thigh lip eyelid


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



illness They say depression is a form of _______________. (ill) You must see a doctor if you start to _______________ blood. (coughing) Common symptoms of a fever include _______________ muscles. (ache) He’s got a high _______________. (feverish) If you have a sore throat, you’ll have difficulty _______________. (swallow) Reading in a moving car can make some people feel _______________. (sickness)

Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. bone • chews • lungs • eyes • skin • finger • stomach’s • blood • spine • kidney

Amazing Facts About The Human Body stomach’s digestive acids are strong enough to dissolve zinc. Fortunately for us, the cells in 1 The _______________ the stomach renew so quickly that the acids don’t have time to dissolve it. 2 The _______________ contains over 300,000 million tiny blood vessels. If they were put end to end, they would cover 2,400 km. That’s almost the same distance as London to Moscow! 3 Human _______________ is as strong as granite in supporting weight. A small piece the size of a matchbox can support 9 tonnes – that is four times as strong as concrete. 4 Each _______________ and toe nail takes six months to grow from base to tip. 5 The largest organ in the body is the _______________. In an adult man it covers about 1.9 m2. It constantly flakes away – in a lifetime each person loses a total of about 18 kg. 6 When you sleep, you grow by about 8 mm each night. The next day you shrink back to your former height. The reason is that your cartilage discs in your _______________ are squeezed by the force of gravity when you stand or sit. 7 The average person in the West _______________ 50 tonnes of food and swallows 50,000 litres of liquid during his life. 8 Each _______________ contains 1 million individual filters. They filter an average of around 1.3 litres of blood per minute, and expel up to 1.4 litres a day of urine. 9 The focusing muscles of the _______________ move around 100,000 times a day. To give your leg muscles the same workout, you would need to walk 80 km every day. 10 A single human _______________ cell takes only 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body.


WRITING Ora descrivi come ti senti quando hai l’influenza (circa 100 parole).


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Jobs Public services


dentist (dentista) ottoressa) doctor (dottore/d ) midwife (ostetrica (farmacista) ist m he /c ist ac pharm o) surgeon (chirurg ) io ar rin te vet (ve

dustman/dustwoman (operatore ecologico) forest ranger (guardia forestale) police officer (agente di polizia) postman/postwoman (postino/a) security guard (guardia giurata) soldier (soldato/soldatessa)


barman (m.)/barmaid (f.) (barista) cook (cuoco/a)

waiter (m.)/ waitress (f.)

Work places

assembly line (catena di montaggio) building site (cantiere) company (azienda) factory (fabbrica) laboratory (laboratorio) office (ufficio) studio (studio) surgery (only BE)/clinic (ambulatorio)

baker (fornaio) butcher (macellaio) greengrocer (fruttivendolo) newsagent (giornalaio) salesman/woman (rappresentante) shopkeeper (negoziante) tradesman (commerciante)

shop/sales assistant (BE)/ salesclerk (AE)





boss (capo) colleague (collega) owner (proprietario) staff (personale)


artisan (artigiano) mechanic (meccanico) factory worker


engineer fashion designer



accountant (contabil e) architect (architetto) banker (banchiere) builder (costruttore) businessman/busin esswoman (uomo/ carpenter/joiner (falegname) donna d’affari) electrician (elettricista) buyer (responsabile acquisti) labourer (manovale) consultant (consule nte) painter/decorator (imbianchino) manager (dirig ente) plumber (idraulico) office worker/clerk (impiegato) PA (assistente perso nale)


Fashion and beauty

beautician (estetista) dressmaker (sarto) hairdresser (parrucchiere) model (modello)

Jobs Abbina i mestieri ai luoghi di lavoro. 1 2 3 4 5


Scegli l’opzione corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


midwife specialises in delivering new born babies. A ______________ A ______________ specialises in decorating houses. A ______________ specialises in working with wood. A ______________ specialises in installing and repairing pipes. A ______________ is responsible for taking away our rubbish.


midwife beautician secretary plumber dustman



butcher model joiner vet banker

cook painter PA buyer baker

Elimina la persona che NON lavora nel settore indicato. 1 2 3 4 5


a assembly lines. b a building site. c 1 a laboratory. d a studio. e a surgery.

A scientist works in A vet works in A labourer works on A factory worker works on A fashion designer works in

retail sector catering sector medical sector construction sector public sector


baker waiter banker dressmaker police officer


newsagent barmaid nurse engineer beautician


soldier cook surgeon architect security guard


shopkeeper fireman chemist carpenter postman

Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. solve • routine • generous • lead • unconventional • money • thoughts • practical • repair

How to Find the Perfect Job for Your Personality practical and persistent. They like to work with their hands, build The realistic individual is (1) ________________ and (2) ________________ things. Suitable professions include: farmer, police officer, truck driver, electrician. The investigative type is intellectual, independent and precise by nature. A curious individual, they always try to be more efficient and (3) ________________ problems through experimentation and science. Suitable professions include: chemist, dentist, pharmacist, veterinarian, architect. The artistic type is sensitive, (4) ________________, free-spirited, and emotional. They enjoy working on their own and expressing themselves. Suitable professions include: dancer, clothes designer, disc jockey, literary editor, actor. A social, responsible character is concerned with the well-being of others. They love to share opinions and (5) ________________, and this (6) ________________ personality is the epitome of altruism. Suitable professions include: librarian, counsellor, teacher, social worker, athletic trainer. The enterpriser values (7) ________________ and material things. Being eloquent, they like to persuade and (8) ________________ others. Suitable professions include: salesperson, travel agent, school principal, auctioneer, estate agent. The conventionalist is stable and reliable. They see themselves as a structured person with guidelines who likes to follow a (9) ________________. Suitable professions include: secretary, accountant, postman, office clerk.


WRITING Ora descrivi il lavoro dei tuoi sogni (circa 100 parole).


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


Going out Cinema


director (regista) dubbed (doppiato) ending (finale) film (BE)/movie (AE) (film) plot (trama) producer (produttore) soundtrack (colonna sonora) star (protagonista) subtitles (sottotitoli)




Types of film

action (d’azione) art house (sperimentale) cartoon (cartone animato) comedy (commedia) documentary (documentario) horror (dell’orrore) romantic (romantico) science fiction (di fantascienza) thriller (giallo)


ballet (balletto) cabaret (spettacolo di varietà) happening (evento) improvisation theatre (teatro di improvvisazione) performance (esibizione) play (opera teatrale) poetry reading (lettura di poesie)


street theatre

abstract painting



drawing (disegno) landscape (paesaggio) portrait (ritratto) sketch (schizzo) still life (natura morta) collection (collezione) exhibition (mostra) gallery (galleria) museum (museo)


hilarious/funny/entertaining (divertente) gripping (avvincente) stunning (splendido) exciting (emozionante) great (fantastico) moving (commovente) decent (discreto) predictable (prevedibile) horrifying (terrificante) appalling/awful/dreadful (terribile)



beat/rhythm (ritmo) chord (accordo) gig (concerto di musica pop) lyrics (testo, parole) melody (melodia) tune (motivo) conductor



bowling alley pub

to clap (battere le mani) to learn your lines (studiare la parte) to rehearse (provare)


symphony orchestra

solo artist

role (ruolo) script (copione) stage (palco)

busker (musicista di strada) composer (compositore) lead singer (voce principale) songwriter (autore del testo) birthday party


Going out Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5


Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1 2 3 4 5


A busker plays on the street. A sketch is usually a completed drawing. Lyrics are the words of a song. A composer doesn’t write the music. Still life is the art of drawing moving objects.

T ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5


Do you prefer original language films to be dubbed/directed or to have subtitles? You walk down the seat/the isle in a cinema. It was a wonderful show and the audience clapped/rehearsed enthusiastically at the end. Actors generally perform their part on the stage/script. Who directed/ending the film?

B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



entertaining view of a serious subject. (entertain) Django Unchained was an __________________ I heard that the stage version was absolutely __________________. (gripped) The Bolshoi Ballet put on a __________________ performance of Swan Lake. (stunned) He found Coldplay’s concert __________________ and therefore rather dull. (predict) In the end, his birthday party was __________________ boring. (awful)

Completa la recensione con le parole nel riquadro. actor • characters • director • entertaining • fantasy • great • plot • special effects • stars • version


fantasy film by American writer and (2) ______________ Stephen Gaghan. Dolittle is a 2020 (1) ______________ (3) ______________ Robert Downey Jr. takes the main role as Dolittle, a famous doctor and vet in Victorian England, who finds that he can talk to animals. The cast also has other big-name (4) ______________ such as Antonio Banderas and Michael Sheen. The (5) ______________ follows the adventures of Dr Dolittle as he sails to a mythical island in search of a cure for the young Queen Victoria, who is seriously ill. He is joined by a self-appointed apprentice, and together they encounter a host of unlikely animal (6) ______________. Among these there are an anxious gorilla, voiced by Rami Malek, and a stubborn parrot, voiced by Emma Thompson. The release of this movie coincides with the 100th anniversary of the book (7) ______________ The Story of Doctor Dolittle. You can expect some (8) ______________ performances and some stunning (9) ______________ . I highly recommend this thoroughly (10) ______________ film!


WRITING Ora descrivi un film, concerto, mostra o spettacolo che ti ha colpito (circa 100 parole). Prendi come modello il testo nell’esercizio 4.


Modern communications

20 B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary


games console headset

microphone MP3 player

modem/router USB/memory stick

Emails and the Internet


printer hard drive

docking station


DVD drive scanner

tablet laptop/portable


attachment (allegato) bookmark (segnalibro) inbox (posta in arrivo) message board (bacheca) recipient (destinatario) sender (mittente) spam (email non richiesta) web address/URL (indirizzo internet)

Verbs e-reader

computer case/tower



application/app (applicazione) browser (programma di navigazione) cursor (cursore) firewall (programma di protezione) folder (cartella) icon (icona) interactive (interattivo) operating system (sistema operativo) patch (aggiornamento di riparazione) search engine (motore di ricerca) up to/out of date (aggiornato/non aggiornato) widget (miniapplicazione sempre in funzione)


to attach (allegare) to browse/surf (navigare) to charge (ricaricare) to click on (cliccare su) to crash (bloccarsi) to delete (cancellare) to download/upload (scaricare/caricare dati) to drag (trascinare) to install (installare) to load (caricare) to log in/out (accedere/ uscire) to paste (incollare) to print out (stampare) to run (essere operativo) to save (salvare) to scroll (scorrere) to share (condividere) to sign up (iscriversi) to type (digitare) to upgrade (potenziare)

Modern communications Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4 5

Many computers now have an inbuilt webcam/printer. You can use an external headset/hard drive as extra storage. Using a docking station/USB is an easy way to carry data in your pocket. A smartphone/keyboard allows you to connect to the Internet. You can download books onto a mouse/an e-reader.


Scegli l’opzione corretta.


formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi.

A firewall 1 ______________________ offers your computer some protection against viruses. A A firewall B A cursor C An icon 2 Your files and documents are often organised into ______________________. A operating systems B icons C folders 3 A malfunctioning programme can sometimes be repaired with a downloaded ______________________. A widget B patch C browser 4 If you are using the latest version of a programme, it is ______________________. A out of date B up to date C interactive 5 You open a ______________________ to surf the Internet. A cursor B widget C browser

1 2 3 4 5


B1 PRELIMINARY vocabulary



attachment from a person you don’t know. (attach) Be careful of opening an __________________ My battery is flat. Have you got a __________________ by any chance? (charge) Use the wheel on the mouse to __________________ quickly down the page. (scrolling) This is a new, __________________ version of the same search engine. (upgrade) How many fingers do you __________________ with? (typist)

Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. keyboard • abstract • screen • virtual reality • interact • data glove • virtual environment • manipulate • headset

Using Virtual Reality in the Classroom virtual reality in the classroom: the first involves a traditional desktop system There are two ways of using (1) __________________ with which the student can explore a (2) __________________ using a computer, (3) __________________ and mouse. The second system is a form of full immersion where the student wears a (4) __________________ with a display (5) __________________ and a data glove on his hand in order to (6) __________________ within a virtual environment. For example, a history student could have the opportunity of exploring a historic building or moment in time such as Ancient Greece. They will be able to walk around a Greek city, e.g. Athens, and explore various aspects, often by touch via the (7) __________________. This is a great way of learning about day-to-day life in Ancient Greece and manages to bring a school subject to life in a way that books or online media are unable to. Students can touch and (8) __________________ objects within a virtual environment in order to generate a greater understanding of them. But this doesn’t only apply to objects; students are able to interact with data, complex formulae and (9) __________________ concepts that they may have previously found impossible to understand. For some students, learning by doing is easier than learning by listening.


WRITING Ora descrivi come utilizzi il computer a scuola (circa 100 parole).


B2 FIRST vocabulary


Relationships and important life events Friendship and relations


a blind date (appuntamento al buio) love at first sight (amore a prima vista) to be attracted to sb (essere attratti da qln) to chat sb up (abbordare qln) to exchange glances/long looks (scambiarsi occhiate fugaci/lunghi sguardi) to fall for sb/to fall in love (innamorarsi) to flirt (flirtare)

acquaintance (conoscente) good company (di buona compagnia) partnership (collaborazione) peer pressure (condizionamento dal gruppo)

to get engaged



to socialise with


ancestor (antenato) extended family (famiglia allargata) father/mother/son/daughter/ brother/sister-in-law (suocero/a, genero, nuora, cognato/a) immediate family (parenti stretti) nuclear family (famiglia nucleare) relative (parente) sibling (fratello/sorella) step-father/mother/son/ daughter/brother/sister (patrigno, matrigna, figliastro/a, fratellastro, sorellastra)

to get married




baptism (battesimo) newborn baby (neonato) to give birth (partorire) to have a baby (avere un bambino) to start a family (mettere su famiglia)

Verbs and expressions

to be pregnant

can’t live without sb (non poter vivere senza qln) to count on (fare affidamento su) to get on well/to hit it off (andare d’accordo con) to grow/get to like sb (cominciare ad apprezzare qln) to have sth in common (avere qls in comune)



best man (testimone dello sposo) bridesmaid/page boy (damigella d’onore/ paggetto) honeymoon (luna di miele) reception (ricevimento) stag/hen night (addio al celibato/nubilato) the big day (il gran giorno) wedding anniversary (anniversario di nozze) wedding ceremony (cerimonia di nozze) wedding guests (invitati di nozze) widower/widow (vedovo/a) to get divorced (divorziare) to propose (fare una proposta di matrimonio) to settle down (accasarsi/sistemarsi)

to keep sb company (fare compagnia a qln) to lend a hand (dare una mano) to mix with (frequentare) to treat sb with respect (trattare qln con rispetto) to trust (fidarsi)

Relationships and important life events Sottolinea l’opzione corretta.

1 A sibling/An acquaintance/An ancestor is someone you have met but don’t know particularly well. 2 Peer pressure/Good company/Partnership is felt when you feel obliged to conform to someone else’s point of view. 3 Your brothers and sisters are your extended family/brother and sister-in-law/siblings. 4 You mix/lend a hand/settle down with a partner when you decide to live together. 5 You become a fiancé or fiancée when you get married/pregnant/engaged.


formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


getting Have you ever thought about __________________ married? (get) A __________________ family is generally made up of mother, father and child or children. (nucleus) A __________________ is formed when two or more people decide to create a team together. (partner) How often do you __________________ with people outside of your age group? (social) Have you ever __________________ to someone? (proposal) I couldn’t __________________ without my best friend! (life) I __________________ to like Giorgia since we started working together. (growth) I really don’t __________________ salespeople. (trusting)

Leggi il testo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. I first met Christine at a party thrown by my (1) sister-in-law/sister of law a couple of years ago. As soon as our eyes met, I just knew she would be important to me in some way. We spent the first half an hour exchanging long looks until I finally plucked up the courage to go over and talk to her. We hit it (2) on/off immediately. Then all of a sudden... boom! She dropped the bombshell. ‘Yes, I’ve been happily married for 8 years now and have three kids.’ My face dropped as I tried to cover up my intense embarrassment and feelings of total stupidity. I had (3) fallen/dropped for her hard and felt cheated by her evident (4) flirting/flirt with me. I faked enthusiasm as she told me all about her crazy (5) stag/hen night, the wedding ceremony, the expensive reception afterwards, the antics of her wedding (6) guests/hosts and then her incredible honeymoon in Florida. She and her perfect husband had decided to (7) start/make a family immediately and by this point I was starting to move away and wish I’d never set eyes on her. All of a sudden it started to get interesting again as she beckoned over a person she wanted me to meet. As her sister Charlotte walked towards me, I realised that this could well be love (8) at/by first sight! She grinned at me as Christine introduced us and then left us alone to go and greet someone else. I had never before been so attracted (9) to/from a woman and now two years later, we have just got engaged and Charlotte and I are planning our (10) big day/wedding anniversary for next summer. And what about Christine? Well, she and I have since become great friends and I’ll always feel grateful to her for having introduced me to her sister!


WRITING Ora racconta il primo incontro con una persona che oggi è molto importante per te (circa 130 parole). Prendi come modello il testo nell’esercizio 3.


B2 FIRST vocabulary



B2 FIRST vocabulary


Illness and injury


blocked nose (naso chiuso) coma (coma) concussion (commozione cerebrale) diarrhoea (diarrea) drowsiness (sonnolenza) itch (prurito) nausea (nausea) numbness (insensibilità) pain (dolore acuto ma solitamente di breve durata)/ache (dolore meno acuto ma di lunga durata) pins and needles (formicolio) rash (eruzione cutanea) runny nose (naso che cola) to twist an ankle

to be allergic to

sharp pain (fitta) stiffness (indolenzimento) swelling (gonfiore) tummy ache (mal di pancia) to choke (strozzarsi) to have a cold to feel dizzy (avere giramenti di testa) to feel faint (sentirsi svenire) to feel sick (avere la nausea BE/non sentirsi bene AE) to lose consciousness (perdere conoscenza) to shiver (avere i brividi) to throb (pulsare) to have a temperature to vomit/to throw up (rimettere) to scrape a knee


to get cramp


to have a black eye

A & E (accident and emergency) (BE)/ER (emergency room) (AE) (pronto soccorso) anti-inflammatory (antinfiammatorio) antiseptic (antisettico) convalescence (convalescenza) first-aid box (cassetta di pronto soccorso) intensive care (terapia intensiva) painkiller (antidolorifico) plaster (cerotto) plaster cast (gesso) remedy (cura) side effect (effetto collaterale) ward (reparto, corsia) to diagnose (diagnosticare) to get better/ recover (rimettersi) to have stitches (mettere i punti) to heal (guarire) to prescribe (prescrivere)


bite (morso) blister (vescica, bolla) break (rottura) bruise (livido) burn (scottatura) cut (taglio) fracture (frattura) graze (escoriazione) inflamed (infiammato) lump (bitorzolo, nodulo)

scratch (graffio) sting (puntura) strain (strappo) wound (ferita) to bleed (sanguinare) to limp (zoppicare) to pull/tear a muscle (stirarsi/strapparsi un muscolo)

to take pills/tablets/capsules

a syringe

to have an injection

to put on a bandage/sling

Personal pronouns Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6



a b c d e f 1

a plaster cast. antiseptic. an anti-inflammatory. stitches. a plaster. painkillers.

Scegli l’opzione corretta. limp 1 If you ______________, one foot is placed cautiously on the ground when you walk. 2 A ______________ can be caused by ill-fitting shoes. 3 If you ______________ your ankle, it’s turned sharply in the wrong direction causing pain. 4 A ______________ is when the bone only partially breaks. 5 A single wasp is capable of ______________ you various times.

A limp A graze

B burn B blister

C faint C scratch

A twist A scrape A bleeding

B bruise B lump B stinging

C cramp C fracture C tearing

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5


General pain is reduced with A broken arm is put in A small cut can be covered with You can clean a grazed knee with A deep cut might need A swollen joint can be helped by

drowsy (drowsiness) Some medicines can make you feel ______________. Fortunately he was only slightly ______________ after the accident. (concussion) My skin felt very ______________ when I had that nasty rash. (itch) ______________ can also be caused by neurological problems. (numb) Her knee is still ______________ and swollen from when she fell off her horse. (throb)

Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. snakebite • wounds • choking • bacteria • nosebleed • cough • harm • burn • bleeding

First Aid Myths

harm The most important first step in first aid is to do no further (1) ______________. The following list briefly outlines some of the more common first-aid myths. Never slap a (2) ______________ person on the back – let the person (3) ______________ and the object may dislodge itself. If the person stops coughing or breathing, then perform the Heimlich manoeuvre. Never cut and suck the skin of a person with a (4) ______________. Sucking may introduce (5) ______________ and spread the venom. Don’t put butter or any other type of grease on a (6) ______________; grease can trap heat and lead to infection and scarring. Don’t use hydrogen peroxide to clean (7) ______________, it may kill the body’s defensive cells that are rushing to the wound to take care of invading bacteria. Don’t throw your head back during a (8) ______________ – it will cause blood to run down your throat and you may vomit. Instead, lean forward slightly and pinch your nose for ten full minutes. If you have a piece of broken glass stuck in your skin, you shouldn’t pull it out if the glass is sealing the wound and preventing (9) ______________. Get medical help.


WRITING Ora racconta un episodio di pronto soccorso a cui hai assistito in prima persona o visto in televisione (circa 130 parole).


B2 FIRST vocabulary



B2 FIRST vocabulary


Education nursery/preschool (3-4 years)

Other forms of schooling

academy (accademia) boarding school (collegio) college of further education (BE)/adult education (AE) (istituto parauniversitario) distance learning (istruzione a distanza) overseas study (studio all’estero) university of the third age (università della terza età) primary school (5-11 years) kindergarten (5-6 years) elementary school (6-11 years)

university (18+ years)  degree BA (Bachelor of Arts or Social Science) BSc (Bachelor of Science)/BS (only AE) Master’s degree MA (Master of Arts) MSc (Master of Science)/MS (only AE) Doctorate (PhD) secondary school (11-16 years)  GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education)

junior high/middle school (11-14 years)

sixth form college (16-18 years)  A-levels (Advanced Level)

high school (14-18 years)  High School Diploma

At university

academic (accademico, universitario) entry requirements (requisiti di ammissione) faculty/department (facoltà) field work (ricerca sul campo) finals (esami finali) funding (finanziamento) graduate (laureato BE/diplomato o laureato AE) graduation ceremony (cerimonia di laurea) grant/scholarship (borsa di studio) halls of residence (casa dello studente) laboratory work (lavoro in laboratorio) lecture (lezione universitaria)


obligatory attendance (frequenza obbligatoria) postgraduate (only BE) (specializzando) professor/lecturer (docente universitario) seminar (seminario) term (BE)/semester (AE) (trimestre/semestre) thesis (tesi di laurea) tuition fees (tasse universitarie) tutorial (seminario ristretto) undergraduate (studente universitario) to retake exams (ripetere gli esami) to specialise in (specializzarsi in)




Completa le tabelle.


British Schooling System


American Schooling System




(4) ______________


primary school (1) ______________


(5) ______________


(2) ______________ school


(6) ______________ school


(3) ______________ form


(7) ______________ high school

18 plus

university/further education


(8) ______________ school

18 plus

university/further education


Scegli l’opzione corretta.


Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro.

B2 FIRST vocabulary

secondary • high • elementary • primary • junior • kindergarten • nursery • sixth

boarding school you live at the school during term time. 1 If you attend ______________________, A academy B boarding school C sixth form college 2 You become a graduate after your ______________________. A funding B grant C graduation ceremony 3 Many university students live in ______________________ during the academic year. A halls of residence B the faculty C the scholarship 4 The final paper you write at university is known as your ______________________. A tutorial B thesis C academic 5 ______________________ attends a specialised course after obtaining a degree. A A postgraduate B An undergraduate C A graduate

boarding • comprehensive • private • grades • assessment • terms • fees • compulsory • exams The British School System

compulsory in England for all children between 5 and 16 years of age. Primary schools Schooling is (1) ________________ are for children aged 5 to 11 years. Between the ages of 11 and 16, children attend secondary school, usually (2) ________________ schools where all abilities are taught. State secondary schools must follow the National Curriculum and The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is the principal means of (3) ________________ for 16 year olds. Education for 16 to 18 year olds is usually referred to as sixth form, with the Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth. At the end of the Upper Sixth year, students usually take three A-level (Advanced) (4) ________________. The usual route to university and college depends on the (5) ________________ attained in these examinations. Private or Independent schools are schools that are privately maintained by (6) ________________ paid by parents. Confusingly in Britain these (7) ________________ schools are sometimes known as ‘public schools’. Often these schools offer (8) ________________ facilities for students as well as day school. This means that the school day is longer, and often includes Saturday school but the school holidays are longer. The school year runs from September to July and is divided into three (9) ________________. Each term lasts approximately 12 weeks, and a week’s half-term holiday is given in the middle of each term, usually a week’s duration. Half-term holidays are usually held in October, February and May. The Christmas and Easter holidays are usually 2 weeks and the summer holiday is around 6 weeks long.


WRITING Ora descrivi il sistema scolastico vigente nel tuo paese (circa 130 parole). Prendi come modello il testo nell’esercizio 3.


B2 FIRST vocabulary


Law and order

The crime

arson (incendio doloso) assassination (assassinio) assault (aggressione) attempted murder (tentato omicidio) blackmail (ricatto) bribery/corruption (bustarella/ corruzione) burglary (furto d’appartamento) counterfeit (contraffazione) forgery (falsificazione) fraud (frode) hacking (attacco informatico) hijack (dirottamento) hooliganism (teppismo) kidnapping (rapimento)

looting (saccheggio) manslaughter (omicidio colposo) mugging (aggressione e rapina) murder/killing (omicidio) pickpocketing (borseggio) piracy (pirateria) robbery (rapina) scam (truffa) shoplifting (taccheggio) slander (diffamazione) slaughter (carneficina) tax evasion (evasione fiscale) terrorism (terrorismo) theft (furto) usury (usura) vandalism (vandalismo)

The investigation

alibi (alibi) arrest (arresto) clue (indizio) fingerprint (impronte digitali) offence (BE)/offense (AE) (reato) suspect (sospetto) tip-off (soffiata) victim (vittima) weapon (arma) witness (testimone)

The trial

accused (imputato) appeal (appello) case (causa) defence (difesa) evidence (prova, testimonianza)

The punishment

judge (giudice) jury (giuria) justice (giustizia) magistrate (magistrato) proof (prova) prosecutor (accusa)

a 3-year sentence (pena detentiva di tre anni) behind bars (dietro le sbarre) cell (cella) community service (lavoro socialmente utile) fine (multa) house arrest (arresti domiciliari) imprisonment (reclusione, prigionia) life sentence (ergastolo)


against the law (contro la legge) in cold blood (a sangue freddo) suspicious (sospetto) the scene of the crime (la scena del crimine) to be/get caught (essere preso/beccato) to break the law (violare la legge) to carry out an investigation (effettuare un’indagine) to commit a crime (commettere un crimine) to have a criminal record (avere la fedina penale sporca)

verdict (verdetto) to be acquitted (essere assolto) to be convicted of an offence (essere dichiarato colpevole di un crimine) to be found innocent/guilty (essere giudicato innocente/colpevole) to go to court (andare in tribunale)

prison/custodial sentence (pena detentiva) prisoner (carcerato)

Law and order Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



a falsifies money, documents, art and signatures in particular. b intentionally lights fires that cause damage. c takes hostages usually demanding money for their release. d demands money usually in return for his silence. e 1 robs a bank. f forces the control of a moving plane, boat or vehicle for his own use. g breaks into and steals from a house. h attacks and steals from a person (usually) walking on the street.

A bank robber A burglar A forger A blackmailer A kidnapper A hijacker An arsonist A mugger

B2 FIRST vocabulary



Scegli l’opzione corretta.

fingerprints 1 Police officers will dust the scene of a crime for ______________________. A fingerprints B alibis C suspects 2 A detective follows a series of ______________________ that lead him to solve the case. A victims B arrests C clues 3 A ______________________ is a piece of information, often from an illegal source. A suspicion B tip-off C proof 4 An armed robbery involves ______________________. A weapons B offences C verdicts 5 A ______________________ is a person who was present at the scene of the crime. A jury B witness C magistrate

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5

prove The prosecutor aims to ______________ the accused guilty. (proof) The defence’s job is to ______________ the accused. (defence) Everyone should be considered ______________ unless proved guilty. (innocence) He got a 4-year-______________ and went to prison. (convict) That’s an awful ______________ to make! (accuse)

6 Who passes final ______________ on the case? ( judge)


Leggi il testo e sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. Keys to Solving an Agatha Christie Detective Story There are so many layers to Agatha Christie’s (1) mysteries/crimes, so many complexities, clues and red herrings that very few people manage to arrive at the conclusion before the detective. The key to (2) solving/solution the murder is to determine what is a real clue, and what is a red herring. Quite often, the real (3) jury/murderer is the most unlikely suspect. Often a watertight (4) alibi/reasoning leads the reader to believe that the suspect is completely (5) innocent/innocence, only to have the alibi disproved at the last minute. The (6) mask/disguise is frequently used in Agatha Christie’s mystery stories; she used both characters who altered their physical identity, and those who adopted a completely fake identity. In the Locked Room scenarios, Agatha Christie carefully limits the number of (7) suspects/suspicions by having them confined – such as in a country mansion, train or on an airplane. This way Agatha restricts the number of people who could be the (8) murderer/murder.


WRITING Ora scrivi un racconto giallo con finale a sorpresa (circa 180 parole) che inizia così: The detective slowly turned to face the five remaining people in the room.


B2 FIRST vocabulary


Politics Forms of government

House of Lords (UK)

aristocracy (aristocrazia) democracy (democrazia) dictatorship (dittatura) federation (federazione) monarchy (monarchia) oligarchy (oligarchia) republic (repubblica) technocracy (tecnocrazia) theocracy (teocrazia)

Political parties

alliance/ally (alleanza/alleato) centre (centro) coalition (coalizione) far left/right (estrema sinistra/destra) Labour/Conservative Party (UK) (Partito Laburista/Conservatore) left/right wing (ala sinistra/destra) lobby (lobby, gruppo di pressione) manifesto (manifesto, programma) moderate (moderato) radical/extremist (radicale, estremista)


campaign (campagna) candidate (candidato) electoral register/roll (BE)/poll book (AE) (registro elettorale) electorate (elettorato) local/national election (elezioni locali/nazionali) poll (sondaggio)

Political issues

citizenship (cittadinanza) civil service (amministrazione dello stato) health service (servizio sanitario) human rights (diritti umani) political asylum (asilo politico) refugees (rifugiati) task force (unità di crisi) welfare (stato sociale)


Governmental structure

government (governo) House of Lords/Commons (UK) (Camera dei Lord/Comuni) opposition (opposizione) Parliament (parlamento) president (presidente) prime minister (primo ministro) red tape (burocrazia) reform (riforma)

Political beliefs

anarchy (anarchia) capitalism (capitalismo) communism (comunismo) fascism (fascismo) fundamentalism (fondamentalismo) liberalism (liberalismo) nationalism (nazionalismo) new conservatism (neoconservatorismo) socialism (socialismo)

Republican Party (US)

Democratic Party (US)

proxy vote (voto per delega) representative (rappresentativo) rigged election (broglio elettorale) seat (seggio) spin doctor (manipolatore di notizie) vote of no confidence (voto di sfiducia) voting card (scheda elettorale)





ballot box

boycott (boicottaggio) civil disobedience (disobbedienza civile) direct democracy (democrazia diretta) flyer (volantino) grassroots (la base) hunger strike (sciopero della fame) insurgence/uprising/rebellion/riot (rivolta) march (marcia) peaceful revolution (rivoluzione pacifica) protest (protesta) sit-in (occupazione) strike (sciopero)

Politics Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



a 1 is governed by people with scientific or technical knowledge. b is headed by an individual or group elected by the people of the country. c is ruled by a self-elected individual, usually gained by military force. d is ruled by a very small group of people who hold all the power. e has no form of ruling government. f is ruled by those born in the highest social class. g is a central government presiding over a group of individual states each having control of their own affairs.

Scegli l’opzione corretta.

electoral register 1 In order to vote, you have to be on the ______________________. A electoral register B candidate C parliament 2 ______________________ manipulates potentially unpopular information into favourable news. A A representative B An electorate C A spin doctor 3 A candidate spends a lot of money on his or her political ______________________. A ballot box B campaign C proxy vote 4 A ______________________ is when the votes aren’t counted honestly. A national election B rigged election C vote of no confidence 5 An opinion ______________________ is used to get an idea of public opinion. A poll B seat C representative

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5


A technocracy An aristocracy A dictatorship A democracy An anarchy A federation An oligarchy

citizen has the legal right to belong to a country. (citizenship) A ______________ Refugees often seek ______________ asylum. (politics) A hunger ______________ is a person who refuses food for political reasons. (strike) An illegal ______________ enters a country without permission. (immigration) Amnesty International fights for ______________ rights. (humane)

Completa il testo su Brexit con le parole nel riquadro. Conservative Party • election • immigration • joined • Parliament • political • prime minister • process • reform • voted


political Brexit or British Exit refers to the UK leaving the European Union (EU), an economic and (1) __________________ union of 28 countries. Despite needing some (2) __________________, the EU ensures free trade and free movement of people. The UK (3) __________________ what was then the European Economic Community back in 1973. But in 2016, the British people (4) __________________ 52% to 48% to leave it in a referendum. The UK was due to leave the EU on March 29th 2019, but that didn’t happen. MPs from different parties in the British (5) __________________ rejected a Brexit deal that Theresa May, (6) __________________ at the time, negotiated with the EU. When Boris Johnson took over from Theresa May, becoming the new leader of the (7) __________________ and winning the national (8) __________________, he negotiated a new agreement with the EU. On 31st January 2020, Britain became the first member state to leave the EU. But this is simply the beginning of the Brexit (9) __________________ as Britain and Europe negotiate not only new trade deals, but agreements on many other issues such as security, sharing data, and (10) __________________.


WRITING Ora descrivi il sistema politico del paese in cui vivi (circa 180 parole).


B2 FIRST vocabulary



B2 FIRST vocabulary


Banking and economics

Banking and finance

assets (beni, patrimonio) bankrupt (in bancarotta) bonds (obbligazioni) crash (crollo/crack finanziario) debt (debito) derivatives (derivati) economic bubble (bolla speculativa) exchange rate (tasso di cambio) financial crisis (crisi finanziaria) futures (contratti a termine) gold standard (regime aureo) insider trading (operazioni speculative utilizzando notizie riservate) investment (investimento) loan (prestito)

cashpoint machine (BE)/ATM (AE)

cashpoint card (BE)/ATM card (AE)


black market (mercato nero) capital (capitale) cash (contante) commodity (merce) consumer (consumatore) currency (valuta) default on payments (inadempienza nei pagamenti) deflation (deflazione) demand (domanda) devaluation (svalutazione) direct/indirect taxation (tassazione diretta/indiretta) fair trade (commercio equosolidale) free trade (libero scambio) imports/exports (importazioni/ esportazioni) inflation (inflazione) insurance (assicurazione)


mortgage (ipoteca) offshore account (conto corrente all’estero) savings (risparmi) stock market (borsa valori) stocks/shares (azioni) tax haven (paradiso fiscale) trust fund (fondo fiduciario) to borrow (prendere in prestito) to change money (cambiare valuta) to lend (prestare) to owe (essere in debito) to pay off (saldare) to save (risparmiare) to transfer (trasferire)

Bank account

bank statement (estratto conto) chequebook (libretto degli assegni) credit card (carta di credito) current account (UK)/checking account (US) (conto corrente) debit card (carta di debito) deposit/savings account (conto di deposito)

ECB (European Central Bank)

Federal Reserve Bank

interest (interesse) overdraft (scoperto) prepaid card (carta prepagata) to be in debt (essere in passivo/debito) to pay sth in (UK)/to deposit (US) (versare nel conto corrente) to take/get some money out (ritirare soldi) to withdraw (prelevare)

liberalisation (liberalizzazione) liquidity (liquidità) market (mercato) monopoly (monopolio) profit (guadagno) recession (recessione) speculation (speculazione) tariff (tariffa) tax refund (rimborso fiscale) underground economy (economia sommersa) value (valore) to afford (permettersi economicamente) to charge (addebitare) to earn (guadagnare) to inherit (ereditare) to pay back (restituire) to settle (saldare) to waste money (sprecare soldi)


note (UK)/bill (US)

Banking and economics Abbina le due parti delle frasi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


You can use a bank statement to buy goods. If you withdraw money, you put it in a bank. If you have an overdraft, you are in debt to the bank. You can go overdrawn with a prepaid card. If you pay money in, you put it in a bank. Interest is the extra money you have to pay back on a loan.

F ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5


a to give money, usually to be repaid with interest. b illegal speculation using reserved information. c you are in debt and must repay the lender. d 1 you don’t have enough money to pay your debts. e to take money, usually to be repaid with interest. f the money you borrow from a bank to buy a house.

Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1 2 3 4 5 6


Bankrupt means Insider trading means To lend means To owe means To borrow means A mortgage is

B2 FIRST vocabulary



Imported goods come from another country. (imports) ______________ An ______________ is money or property you receive when someone dies. (inherit) Due to rising house prices, properties in the city centre have become sadly ______________. (afford) How can you ______________ against speculation? (insurance) Tax benefits are related to your ______________. (earn)

Completa il testo con le parole nel riquadro. economic • interest • balance • unaffordable • private • debt • financial • loan

What’s the Problem with Money? financial Our current (1) __________________ system has left us with the highest personal debt in history, (2) __________________ housing, worsening inequality, high unemployment and banks that are subsidised and underwritten with taxpayers’ money. These problems all have a common root: money. Many of the big social and (3) __________________ problems that we’re facing today are connected to money. If we want to solve these problems, we have to change the way that money is created. Most of us learn that only the government can create money, but in reality more than 97% of money is created by (4) __________________ banks – the same banks you see on the high-street every day. The money banks create isn’t the paper money you keep in your wallet. It’s the electronic money that flashes up when you check your (5) __________________ at a cashpoint machine. Banks create this electronic money whenever they make a (6) __________________. That means for every pound in your bank account, someone else must have almost a pound of (7) __________________. The authorities find it very difficult to limit how much money – and debt – banks can create. As a result personal debt is now higher than ever before. Since almost all of our money is ‘on loan’ from banks, someone must pay (8) __________________ on nearly every pound in the UK.


WRITING Ora descrivi qual è il tuo rapporto con i soldi (sei parsimonioso/a o spendaccione/a?) e su che cosa preferisci spendere e/o risparmiare (circa 180 parole).


B2 FIRST vocabulary


Mass media headline



cameraman reporter


broadsheet (giornale) circulation (tiratura) cover story (notizia di copertina) feature (servizio speciale) lead story (notizia di primo piano) magazine (rivista) obituary (necrologio) review (critica) section (sezione, pagina) tabloid (tabloid)




adaptation (adattamento) airtime (spazio televisivo/ radiofonico) breaking news (notizie dell’ultima ora) broadcast (trasmissione) channel (canale) live coverage (diretta)

front page

editorial column


mainstream (generalista) morning/evening edition (edizione mattutina/serale) programme (UK)/program (US) (programma) ratings (indice di ascolto) rolling news (notiziario continuo) studio (studio televisivo) to be on/off air (essere in/fuori onda)

reality show

chat show



video on demand

soap opera



game show

weatherman paparazzo (paparazzo) publisher (editore) whistle-blower (informatore, talpa)


advertisement/commercial (pubblicità) bias (faziosità) censorship (censura) current affairs (vicende d’attualità) independent media (informazione indipendente) investigative journalism (giornalismo d’inchiesta) leak (fuga di notizie)

press conference (conferenza stampa) recording (registrazione) slander/libel (diffamazione) source (fonte) the press (la stampa)

Mass media Decidi se le seguenti frasi sono vere (T) o false (F). 1 2 3 4 5 6



An editor-in-chief is responsible for his or her newspaper. An obituary gives the latest sports news. A lead story is found on the back page of a newspaper. A feature is a special, in-depth report of a news story. A broadsheet is the opposite of a tabloid. A whistle-blower gives secret information to a paper, generally of a political nature.

T ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

B2 FIRST vocabulary



Scegli l’opzione corretta.

A newsreader reads us the news on television. 1 ______________________ A A photographer B A newsreader C An editor 2 ______________________ is the number of minutes a programme is on TV. A Airtime B A channel C Ratings 3 The ______________________ tell us how popular a show is. A rolling news B ratings C weatherman 4 A channel dedicated to ______________________ only shows the latest events from around the world. A ratings B airtime C rolling news 5 A ______________________ follows the daily life of a group of characters. A sitcom B documentary C game show

Completa le frasi con le parole nel riquadro. bias • censorship • leak • libel • current affairs • sources libel Many celebrities have taken newspapers to court for ______________________. Journalists should try their hardest to protect their ______________________. Certain broadcasting channels are known for their political ______________________. ______________________ is when certain material is removed in the belief that it could cause offence or be politically damaging. 5 ______________________ are the most important news stories of the moment. 6 Whistle-blowers ______________________ valuable information to the press. 1 2 3 4


FIRST Stai per ascoltare cinque persone ognuna coinvolta in una forma di mass media. Abbina i ruoli agli speaker. Ci sono tre ruoli in più. 177



A weatherman A newsreader A whistle-blower A speaker on a radio show A paparazzo photographer A journalist recording live An editor-in-chief A publisher

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5

WRITING Ora descrivi qual è il mass media che preferisci (giornale, radio o televisione) e quali sono le sezioni/i programmi che sei solito leggere/ascoltare/vedere (circa 180 parole).


B2 FIRST vocabulary


The working world

Applying for a job

application form (modulo di domanda di lavoro) cover letter (lettera di accompagnamento) CV (curriculum vitae) headhunter (cacciatore di teste) human resources (risorse umane) interviewee (candidato) interviewer (selezionatore) job advertisement (annuncio di lavoro) job centre (ufficio di collocamento) job vacancy (posto vacante) portfolio (portfolio) qualifications (titoli, qualifiche)

references (referenze, raccomandazioni) trainee (tirocinante) trainer (formatore) work experience (esperienza lavorativa) to apply for a job (fare domanda per un lavoro) to be employed/unemployed (essere occupato/ disoccupato) to be offered a job (ricevere una proposta di lavoro) to go for an interview (andare a un colloquio di lavoro) to recruit sb (assumere qln) to train sb (formare qln) to turn sb down (respingere qln)

At work

apprentice (apprendista) apprenticeship (apprendistato) benefits/perks (benefici) bonus (bonus, incentivo) career prospects (prospettive di carriera) challenging/demanding (impegnativo) company car/phone (macchina/ cellulare aziendale) consultant (consulente) crèche facilities (asilo aziendale) employee (dipendente) employer (datore di lavoro) expense account (rimborso spese) fixed-term contract (contratto a tempo determinato)

Finishing/Losing a job

golden handshake (buonuscita) period of notice (preavviso) retirement (pensione) staff cuts (tagli al personale) to be fired/to get the sack (only UK) (essere licenziato)


flexitime (orario flessibile) freelance professional (libero professionista) hot-desking (il non avere una postazione di lavoro fissa) manual labour (UK)/labor (US) (lavoro manuale) maternity leave (congedo per maternità) minimum wage (salario minimo) paid holidays (ferie retribuite) paid overtime (straordinario retribuito) part-time/full-time job (lavoro part-time/a tempo pieno) pay slip (busta paga) pension scheme (fondo pensione)

perks (gratifiche) personnel (personale, dipendenti) private healthcare (assistenza sanitaria privata) salary/wages (stipendio/paga) shift work (turni di lavoro) skilled (specializzato) temporary/seasonal work (lavoro temporaneo/stagionale) wage cut (taglio salariale)

to be laid off (essere messo in esubero) to be on the dole (only UK) (ricevere sussidi statali) to be out of work (essere senza lavoro)

to hand in one’s notice (consegnare le proprie dimissioni) to make sb redundant (mettere qln in esubero) to resign/to quit (only US) (dimettersi) to retire (andare in pensione)

to get a promotion (avere una promozione) to have/get a pay rise (ricevere un aumento di stipendio)

The working world Elimina la parola che NON fa parte del gruppo indicato. 1 2 3 4




cover letter golden handshake human resources trainer


references interviewee accounts headhunter


human resources interviewer marketing trainee


qualifications portfolio overtime experience

Scegli l’opzione corretta. crèche facilities for their workers with very young children. 1 Progressive companies provide on-site ______________________ A crèche facilities B wage cuts C expense accounts 2 A pregnant employee usually gets six months paid ______________________ when she has a baby. A maternity leave B pension scheme C overtime 3 A ______________________ is the official document you receive with your wages. A bonus B pay slip C flexitime 4 The ______________________ of an office job include free stationery and telephone calls. A perks B personnel C apprenticeship 5 Nurses generally work ______________________ of eight hours, either in the morning, afternoon or at night. A turns B shifts C private healthcare

formazione delle parole Completa le frasi con la forma corretta delle parole tra parentesi. 1 2 3 4 5


curriculum vitae the interview company departments training

fired He was ______________ after he was caught fiddling his expense account. (fire) The company was forced to lay off ten ______________ during the recession. (work) He handed in his ______________ after the scandal became public news. (resign) The age of ______________ has been put back to the age of 65. (retire) She was ______________ for nine months before finding a job. (employ)

Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta.

Universal Basic Income Only a (1) few/many countries have an adequate social security system in place. Basic financial (2) secure/security should be a right for all members of society. An alternative proposal that aims to achieve this financial security is Universal Basic Income (UBI), also known as citizens’ income. UBI is a regular and unconditional (3) distribution/distribute of money by the state to every member of society, whether they are doing paid work or not. This basic income is always tax-free and it replaces social welfare (4) payments/wage, child benefit and the state pension as we know them today. Ideally, a basic income would be sufficient for (5) each/all person to have a frugal but decent lifestyle without the need for supplementary (6) earn/income from paid work. Basic income would bring all those not served by the current system into the security net: casual and short-contract workers who get no or limited sick (7) withdrawals/pay, holiday pay or pension rights; self-employed people and business owners as well as those people doing valuable unpaid work such as care work. Basic income would increase everybody’s capacity to cope (8) with/from financial shocks and uncertainties and would improve general quality of life, while supporting (9) much/many different kinds of businesses.


WRITING Ora descrivi quali sono i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di un lavoro flessibile (circa 130 parole).


B2 FIRST vocabulary



Appendice 1

Aggettivi in -ing e in -ed


Aggettivo in -ing

Aggettivo in -ed

amaze (stupire)

amazing (stupefacente)

amazed (stupefatto)

amuse (divertire)

amusing (divertente)

amused (divertito)

annoy (infastidire)

annoying (fastidioso)

annoyed (infastidito)

bore (annoiare)

boring (noioso)

bored (annoiato)

confuse (disorientare)

confusing (disorientante)

confused (disorientato)

convince (convincere)

convincing (convincente)

convinced (convinto)

depress (deprimere)

depressing (deprimente)

depressed (depresso)

disappoint (deludere)

disappointing (deludente)

disappointed (deluso)

disgust (disgustare)

disgusting (disgustoso)

disgusted (disgustato)

embarrass (imbarazzare)

embarrassing (imbarazzante)

embarrassed (imbarazzato)

excite (eccitare)

exciting (eccitante)

excited (eccitato)

exhaust (spossare)

exhausting (estenuante)

exhausted (esausto)

fascinate (affascinare)

fascinating (affascinante)

fascinated (affascinato)

frighten (spaventare)

frightening (spaventoso)

frightened (spaventato)

horrify (far inorridire)

horrifying (raccapricciante)

horrified (raccapricciato)

interest (interessare)

interesting (interessante)

interested (interessato)

relax (rilassare)

relaxing (rilassante)

relaxed (rilassato)

satisfy (soddisfare)

satisfying (soddisfacente)

satisfied (soddisfatto)

surprise (sorprendere)

surprising (sorprendente)

surprised (sorpreso)

tire (stancare)

tiring (stancante)

tired (stanco)

terrify (terrorizzare)

terrifying (terrificante)

terrified (terrorizzato)

worry (preoccupare)

worrying (preoccupante)

worried (preoccupato)


Aggettivi, sostantivi e verbi seguiti da preposizione

2.1 AGGETTIVI SEGUITI DA PREPOSIZIONE accustomed to (abituato a) afraid of (timoroso di) angry about/with (arrabbiato per/con) anxious about/for (ansioso di/ preoccupato per) ashamed of (che si vergogna di) aware of (consapevole di) bad at (che non è bravo a) bored with (annoiato da) capable of (capace di) clever at (abile in) confident of (sicuro di) crazy about (pazzo di) different from/to (diverso da)


disappointed about/at/with (deluso per) excited about/for (emozionato per) fond of (appassionato di) frightened of/by (spaventato di/da) good at (bravo a) interested in (interessato in) keen on (appassionato di) kind to (gentile con) pleased with (soddisfatto di) polite to (educato con) prepared for (preparato a) proud of (orgoglioso di) ready for (pronto per)

reliant on (che fa affidamento su) resentful of (risentito per) responsible for (responsabile di) rude to (scortese con) scared of (terrorizzato da) shocked at (scioccato da/per) similar to (simile a) skilful at (abile in) sorry about/for (dispiaciuto per) surprised at (sorpreso di) terrified of (terrorizzato di) tired of (stanco di) typical of (tipico di) worried about (preoccupato per)


2.2 SOSTANTIVI SEGUITI DA PREPOSIZIONE addiction to (dipendenza da) admiration for (ammirazione per) advice on (consiglio su) agreement about/on (accordo su) allergy to (allergia a) alternative to (alternativa a) anger at/towards (irritazione per/ verso) approach to (approccio a) attack on (attacco su) attempt to (tentativo di) chance of (occasione di) connection with (collegamento con) control over (controllo su) crime against (crimine contro) danger of (pericolo di) damage to (danno a) decision about/on (decisione su)

demand for (richiesta di) desire for (desiderio di) difficulty in/with (difficoltà in/con) discussion about/on (discussione su) effect of/on (effetto di/su) exception to (eccezione a) explanation for (spiegazione di) expert in (esperto in) influence on (influenza su) interest in (interesse in) lack of (mancanza di) link with (legame con) love for (amore per) need for (bisogno di) proof of (prova di) quarrel with (litigio con) reason for (ragione per) reduction in (riduzione di)

relationship with (relazione con) reply to (risposta a) report on (resoconto su) research of/into (ricerca di/nel) respect for (rispetto per) return to (ritorno a) satisfaction with (soddisfazione per) search for (ricerca di) skill at (abilità a/in) solution to (soluzione a) study into (studio nel) success at/in (successo in) survey of (sondaggio di) sympathy for (comprensione per) thought of (pensiero di) threat of (minaccia di) value of (valore di) variety of (varietà di)

2.3 VERBI SEGUITI DA PREPOSIZIONE accuse of (accusare di) agree about/on (concordare su) apologise for (scusarsi per) apply for (fare richiesta di) ask for/about (chiedere per/di) blame for (incolpare di) borrow from (prendere in prestito da) care about (interessarsi di) combine with (combinare con) compare to/with (paragonare a/con) concentrate on (concentrarsi su) congratulate on (congratularsi per)

criticise for (criticare per) die from/of (morire per/di) disagree with/about (non essere d’accordo con/su) divide into (dividere in) explain to (spiegare a) fill with (riempire con) gaze at (fissare, mirare a) hope for (sperare per/di) insist on (insistere su) listen to (ascoltare) look at (guardare)

long for (morire dalla voglia di) object to (obiettare) participate in (partecipare a) pay for (pagare per) prevent from (prevenire da) punish by/for (punire con/per) quarrel about/over/with (litigare su/ con) search for (cercare) share with (dividere con) shout at/to (gridare a) smile at (sorridere a)

2.4 USI IDIOMATICI DELLE PREPOSIZIONI as a surprise (in modo inaspettato) at arm’s length (a dovuta distanza) at first sight (a prima vista) by accident/by chance (involontariamente/per caso) by mistake (per errore) by heart (a memoria) for somebody’s sake (per il bene di) for sale (in vendita) from top to toe (da capo a piedi) in advance (in/con anticipo) in charge of (responsabile) in contact/touch with (in contatto con)

in tears (in lacrime) of its kind (del suo genere) on behalf of (per conto/in nome di) on my own (da solo) on purpose (di proposito) on second thoughts (ripensandoci) on the whole (nel complesso) out of breath (senza fiato) out of sight (fuori dalla visuale) out of order (scorretto/fuori controllo) out of place (fuori posto) out of reach (fuori portata) out of practice (fuori esercizio)

to my knowledge (per quanto ne so) to my surprise (con mia sorpresa) to your advantage (a tuo vantaggio) under control (sotto controllo) under pressure (sotto pressione) under repair (in riparazione) up-to-date (aggiornato/attuale) with all my heart (con tutto il mio cuore) without delay (senza ritardo) without doubt (senza dubbio) without the knowledge of (senza la conoscenza di)




Formazione delle parole con suffissi e prefissi

3.1 SUFFISSI PER FORMARE I SOSTANTIVI condizione o qualità

condizione, dominio, posizione sociale o status fisico/morale


aristocracy (aristocrazia)

bureaucracy (burocrazia)

piracy (pirateria)

-ance/-ence -ancy/-ency

insurance (assicurazione) pliancy (duttilità)

tolerance (tolleranza) stagnancy (stagnazione)

coincidence (coincidenza) coherency (coerenza)

-ity -ty -y

ability (abilità) generosity (generosità) discovery (scoperta)

falsity (falsità) loyalty (fedeltà) honesty (onestà)

obesity (obesità) specialty (specialità) jealousy (gelosia)


drunkenness (ubriachezza)

heaviness (pesantezza)

loneliness (solitudine)

-dom -hood -ship

boredom (noia) brotherhood (fratellanza) chairmanship (presidenza)

martyrdom (martirio) knighthood (cavalierato) dictatorship (dittatura)

wisdom (saggezza) neighbourhood (vicinato) friendship (amicizia)


height (altezza)

depth (profondità)

length (lunghezza)

ideologia, religione, corrente letteraria/artistica


expressionism (espressionismo)

Marxism (marxismo)

Protestantism (protestantesimo)

azione o processo

-age -al

marriage (matrimonio) arrival (arrivo)

package (pacco) dismissal (licenziamento)

pilgrimage (pellegrinaggio) testimonial (tributo)


agreement (accordo)

development (sviluppo)

replacement (sostituzione)

-tion/-ition -ation/-ication -sion

abolition (abolizione) pollution (inquinamento) malnutrition (malnutrizione) colonisation (colonizzazione) exploitation (sfruttamento) identification (identificazione) occasion (occasione) decision (decisione) permission (permesso)


behaviour (comportamento)

attività, abilità


cleaning (le pulizie)

writing (lo scrivere)

swimming (il nuoto)


-(i)an -ant/-ent -ist -ee

historian (storico) attendant (attendente) dentist (dentista) employee (impiegato)

librarian (libraio) president (presidente) journalist (giornalista) refugee (rifugiato)

politician (politico) servant (domestico) sociologist (sociologo)

professione o funzione

-er -or

appetiser (antipasto) actor (attore)

driver (autista) calculator (calcolatrice)

singer (cantante) editor (redattore)



actress (attrice)

lioness (leonessa)

waitress (cameriera)

diminutivo/ vezzeggiativo

-ette -let

kitchenette (cucinotto) booklet (libretto)

launderette (lavanderia) leaflet (volantino)

maisonette (villino) starlet (attricetta)

emigrate (emigrare)

motivate (motivare)

3.2 SUFFISSI PER FORMARE I VERBI causativo (“rendere” o “diventare”)


collaborate (collaborare)


broaden (allargare)

lengthen (allungare)

strengthen (rafforzare)


classify (classificare)

identify (identificare)

purify (purificare)


finalise (finalizzare)

organise (organizzare)

realise (accorgersi)

Mentre in inglese britannico questi verbi si scrivono con il suffisso -ise, in inglese americano si scrivono con -ize: finalize, organize, realize.




-al/-ical -ar -ic

medieval (medievale) triangular (triangolare) electric (elettrico)

regional (regionale) molecular (molecolare) fantastic (fantastico)

practical (pratico) singular (singolare) magic (magico)

capacità di essere

-able -ible

comfortable (confortevole) compatible (compatibile)

drinkable (potabile) edible (commestibile)

reliable (affidabile) tangible (tangibile)

che ha la natura di -ive

creative (creativo)

protective (protettivo)

selective (selettivo)

dotato di una qualità, stato d’animo/ atteggiamento


honorary (onorario)

mandatory (tassativo)

military (militare)


accurate (accurato)

desperate (disperato)

appropriate (appropriato)

-ly -y

friendly (amichevole) creamy (cremoso)

motherly (materno) greedy (avido)

weekly (settimanale) sunny (soleggiato)


beautiful (bello)

peaceful (tranquillo)

useful (utile)

dotato di una qualità (spesso negativa)


childish (infantile)

fiendish (diabolico)

sweetish (dolciastro)

senza una qualità


harmless (innocuo)

sleepless (insonne)

useless (inutile)

caratterizzato da

-ious -ous

ambitious (ambizioso) dangerous (pericoloso)

nutritious (nutriente) portentous (portentoso)

spacious (spazioso) ridiculous (ridicolo)

golden (dorato)

woollen (di lana)

fatto di (materiale) -en


cronologically (cronologicamente) logically (logicamente)

slowly (lentamente)

direzione 79.1


backwards (all’indietro)

eastwards (verso est)

towards (verso)

modo, direzione, posizione


clockwise (in senso orario)

edgewise (di traverso)

likewise (parimenti)



3.5 PREFISSI assenza di qualità a-

amoral (amorale)

asymmetry (asimmetria)

atypical (atipico)


non-smoker (non fumatore)

nonsense (nonsenso)

non-violent (non violento)

contrario della parola da cui deriva


deactivate (disattivare) disarm (disarmare) illegal (illegale) uncertain (incerto)

demotivate (demotivare) disorder (disordine) impure (impuro) undress (spogliarsi)

deodorant (deodorante) distrust (sfiducia) irrationality (irrazionalità) unusual (inusuale)



malfunction (funzionare male) malnutrition (malnutrizione) maltreat (maltrattare) misbehave (comportarsi male) mislead (fuorviare) misunderstand (fraintendere)



counteract (contrastare)

counter-offer (controfferta) counter-revolution (controrivoluzione)

al di fuori, in eccesso out-

outcast (reietto)

outpace (andare più veloce) outstanding (eccezionale)

in eccesso


overcook (cuocere troppo)

overpopulation (sovrappopolazione)

overreact (reagire in modo eccessivo)

non a sufficienza


undercook (cuocere poco)

underdeveloped (sottosviluppato)

underpaid (sottopagato)

in anticipo


foresee (prevedere)

forecast (prevedere)

forewarn (preavvisare)



prearrange (predisporre)

precaution (precauzione)

prepay (pagare in anticipo)



redo (rifare)

renumber (rinumerare)

retrace (rintracciare)




Verbi irregolari

Forma base

Past simple

Past participle

arise awake

arose awoke

arisen awoken

be bear beat become begin bend bet bid bind bite bleed blow break breed bring broadcast

was, were bore beat became began bent bet/betted bid bound bit bled blew broke bred brought broadcast/ broadcasted built burnt/burned burst bought cast caught

been borne/born beaten become begun bent bet/betted bid bound bitten bled blown broken bred brought broadcast/ broadcasted built burnt/burned burst bought cast caught

chose clung came cost crept cut dealt dug did drew dreamt/ dreamed drank drove dwelt/dwelled ate

chosen clung come cost crept cut dealt dug done drawn dreamt/ dreamed drunk driven dwelt/dwelled eaten

build burn burst buy cast catch choose cling come cost creep cut deal dig do draw dream drink drive dwell eat


Traduzione sorgere svegliare/ svegliarsi essere reggere battere diventare iniziare piegare/piegarsi scommettere offrire legare mordere sanguinare soffiare rompere allevare portare trasmettere costruire bruciare scoppiare comprare gettare prendere, afferrare scegliere stringersi venire costare strisciare tagliare trattare scavare fare disegnare sognare bere guidare dimorare mangiare

Forma base

Past simple

Past participle

fall feed feel fight

fell fed felt fought

fallen fed felt fought

find flee fly forbid forecast

found fled flew forbade forecast/ forecasted foresaw forgot forgave forsook froze got gave went ground grew hung/hanged had heard hid hit held hurt kept

found fled flown forbidden forecast/ forecasted foreseen forgotten forgiven forsaken frozen got/gotten given gone ground grown hung/hanged had heard hidden hit held hurt kept


presagire dimenticare perdonare abbandonare gelare ricevere, ottenere dare andare macinare crescere appendere avere sentire, udire nascondere colpire tenere ferire tenere, mantenere knelt/kneeled knelt/kneeled inginocchiarsi knit/knitted knit/knitted lavorare a maglia knew known sapere, conoscere laid laid posare led led condurre leant/leaned leant/leaned appoggiarsi leapt/leaped leapt/leaped saltare learnt/ learnt/ imparare learned learned left left lasciare, partire

lend let

lent let

lent let




foresee forget forgive forsake freeze get give go grind grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep kneel knit know lay lead lean leap learn

Traduzione cadere nutrire sentire, provare combattere, litigare trovare fuggire volare vietare prevedere

prestare permettere, lasciare giacere


Forma base

Past simple

Past participle

light lose make mean

lit/lighted lost made meant

lit/lighted lost made meant









overcome pay put quit

overcame paid put quit/quitted

mown/ mowed overcome paid put quit/quitted

read rid ride ring rise run saw say see seek sell send set sew shake shed shine shoot show

read rid rode rang rose ran sawed said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shed shone shot showed

shrink shut sing

Traduzione accendere perdere fare, fabbricare significare, intendere incontrare, conoscere sbagliare/ sbagliarsi tagliare l’erba superare pagare mettere smettere, lasciare il lavoro leggere sbarazzare cavalcare suonare, squillare sorgere correre segare dire vedere cercare vendere spedire, mandare porre cucire scuotere spargere splendere sparare mostrare

shrank shut

read rid ridden rung risen run sawn/sawed said seen sought sold sent set sewn/sewed shaken shed shone shot shown/ showed shrunk shut

restringersi chiudere








sit slay sleep slide sling

sat slew slept slid slung

sat slain slept slid slung

sedere trucidare dormire scivolare scagliare

Forma base

Past simple

Past participle

smell sow speak speed spell spend

smelt/smelled sowed spoke sped/speeded spelt/spelled spent

smelt/smelled sown/sowed spoken sped/speeded spelt/spelled spent

spill spit split

spilt/spilled spat split

spilt/spilled spat split

spoil spread spring stand steal stick sting stink strike strive swear sweep swell

spoilt/spoiled spread sprang stood stole stuck stung stank struck strove swore swept swelled

swim swing take teach tear tell think throw thrust tread understand undertake wake wear weave weep win wind wring write

swam swung took taught tore told thought threw thrust trod understood undertook woke wore wove wept won wound wrung wrote

spoilt/spoiled spread sprung stood stolen stuck stung stunk struck striven sworn swept swollen/ swelled swum swung taken taught torn told thought thrown thrust trodden understood undertaken woken worn woven wept won wound wrung written

Traduzione odorare seminare parlare accelerare compitare spendere, trascorrere versare sputare dividere/ dividersi viziare spargere saltare, spuntare stare (in piedi) rubare incollare pungere puzzare colpire lottare giurare spazzare gonfiarsi nuotare oscillare prendere insegnare strappare dire, raccontare pensare gettare, buttare conficcare calpestare capire intraprendere svegliarsi indossare tessere piangere vincere avvolgere torcere scrivere


Indice analitico A a/an - espress. idiomatiche 136 - forma 50 - uso 56, 136 a bit 274 a little/a few 152, 256 a lot 274 a lot of/lots of 148 about 240 above 234 accordingly 528 across 234, 236 admit 356, 418 advise 348, 416, 418 afford 346 after 238, 244, 282, 288, 356 - only after 544 - after a while 524 - after that 244, 534 afterwards 244 against 234 aggettivi - comparativi e superlativi, 262, 544 - composti 250 - di nazionalità 72 - dimostrativi 74, 405 - in -ing e -ed 250, 644 - indefiniti 144 - interrogativi 44, 48, 104 - numerali cardinali 88 - numerali ordinali 89 - ordine degli, 252 - posizione degli, 72 - possessivi 76 - qualificativi 72 - seguiti da infinito 349 - seguiti da preposizione 644 - suffissi per formare gli, 631 ago 238 agree 346, 418 ahead 258 all 160 allow 348, 418


- be allowed to 304, 346 almost 210, 256, 268, 274 along 234 already 210, 258 also 530 although 246 always 106, 114 among 234 “anch’io”/ “neanch’io” 384 and 68 answer 414 any 144, 274 - composti di, 168-169 appear 346 appreciate 358 (a)round 234, 236 articolo - determinativo (v. the) - indeterminativo (v. a/an) as 242, 244, 246 as… as 264 as a result/consequence 529 as always 242 as far as 236 as for/to 534 as if/though 526 as long as 524, 526 as much/many… as 264 as regards 534 as soon as 244, 282, 288 as usual 242 as well (as) 530 ask 346, 384, 372, 416, 418 at - prep. di luogo 84 - prep. di tempo 86 at first 524 at no time 544 at the end 86 attempt 346 ausiliari - nelle question tags 548 - nelle reply questions 550 - nelle risposte brevi con sostituzione 384 - nelle short answers 36, 102

- (v. anche singoli tempi verbali) avoid 358 avverbi - comparativo e superlativo 262-272, 544 - di affermazione 256 - di frequenza 106 - di intensità 256 - di luogo 258 - di modo 254 - di quantità 148-160 - di tempo 258 - interrogativi 44, 104 - relativi 180 - suffissi per formare gli, 647 - (v. anche connettivi) away 258 away from 236


back 258 barely 544 be - con here/there 40 - espress. idiomatiche 40 - forma 36, 190 - + infinito 252, 464, 482 - there is/are 42 - uso 36 - verbo di stato 120 be able to 300, 346, 460 be about + infinito 284, 482 be allowed to 308, 346 be expected to 464 be going to 284, 288, 292 - con periodo ipotetico 330 be likely/unlikely to 462 be sorry for 360 be supposed to 464 be used to 362 bear 346 because 68, 246 - because of 246 before 193, 238, 244, 282, 288, 356, 478 beg 416

begin 360 - to begin with 534 behind 234, 258 believe 120, 418, 520 below 234 beside 234 besides 530 (the) best 272 better 272 - had better 346, 468 - or better 535 - better and better 544 between 234 - between… and 238 beyond 234 borrow 645 both 166 bring 392, 645 but 68, 346, 392 buy 372 by 234, 238, 240, 478 by far 252 by means of 226 by the time 478, 526 by the way 534

C can - can’t 300, 462 - forma 64 - nel discorso indiretto 408 - per abilità 64, 300 - per offerte 312 - per permessi 64, 308 - per possibilità 64, 304 - per richieste 306 - pronuncia 64 catch 645 cause 348 “c’è”/“ci sono” 42 choose 346 cleft sentences 554 close to 234 come 358, 645 command 348, 416 comparativo/i - di maggioranza 262

Indice analitico

- di minoranza 266 - di uguaglianza 264 - doppio comparativo 544 - irregolari 272 complemento/i - d’agente 388 - diretto e indiretto 372, 392 - di mezzo 389 - ordine dei, 370 - (v. anche preposizioni) congiunzioni 68, 242 (v. anche connettivi) connettivi 68 - di causa 246, 528 - di concessione 246, 531 - di condizione 526-527 - di conseguenza 246, 529 - di contrasto 246, 531 - di dubbio 526-527 - di modo 526 - di precauzione 528 - di scopo 246, 528 - di sequenza 244, 526 - di tempo 244, 526 - per aggiungere e includere 530 - per escludere e indicare alternativa 531 - per strutturare un discorso 534-536 consequently 529 consider 58, 520 continue 360 convince 348 cost 372 costruzione - oggettiva 348-349 - passiva (v. forma passiva) - passiva personale e impersonale 520 could - dopo wish 492 - forma 300 - nel discorso indiretto 408 - nel periodo ipotetico 332, 488 - per abilità 300, 460

- per offerte 312 - per permessi 308 - per possibilità 304 - per rimprovero e rammarico 466 - per supposizioni 462 countable nouns (v. sostantivi numerabili)


data 92 decide 346 defining/non-defining clauses (v. relativa) delay 358 demand 346, 418 deny 358, 418 describe 372, 392 deserve 394 despite 240, 531 dimostrativi 74 “dire” (say/tell) 402 discorso diretto 402 discorso indiretto - affermazioni nel, 402 - con i modali 408 - con il periodo ipotetico 408 - domande e risposte nel, 414 - nessuna variazione dei tempi verbali nel, 409 - ordini, richieste e consigli nel, 416 - say e tell 402 - variazioni dei tempi verbali nel, 404 - variazioni di pronomi, aggettivi, avverbi nel, 405 - verbi introduttivi del, 418 do 102, 104 - do so/it 382 doppio genitivo 80 due to 246 duration form 200, 210, 224, 476, 478 during 238

E each 168 each other 175 “ecco qui”/”ecco là” 40 echo questions 550 either 164, 384, 402, 531 elder/eldest 272 encourage 348, 418 enfasi 552 enjoy 112, 358 enough 152, 256 - con l’infinito 344, 349 enquire 414 escape 358 esclamativi 380 espressioni - di frequenza 106 - di tempo 106, 118 even 274 - even if 330 - even though 531 - even so 531 eventually 524 ever 106 - composti di, 542 every 106, 168 - composti di, 169 except 346 expect 346, 348, 418, 420 - be expected to 464 explain 372, 392, 418

F fail 346 (do you) fancy 314 far 274 farther/the farthest 272 (for) fear that/of 528 feel 120, 418 - feel like 358 fetch 645 few 144 fewer… than 266 (the) fewest… of/in 269 finally 524, 534 finish 358

first 244, 524, 534 - at first 524 for 212, 224, 238, 246, 528 - verbo/aggettivo + for + compl. + infinito 349 for a long time/for long 212 for fear that/of 528 forbid 348, 392, 416 forget 120, 360 forgive 358 forma in -ing - dopo need 394 - verbi con 358, 360 - forma 112, 114 - uso 112, 114 - variazioni ortografiche 112 forma passiva - con verbi seguiti da due complementi 392 - costruzione personale e impersonale 520 - dei verbi modali 518 - del past simple 388-389 - del present simple 388389 - di tutti i tempi 518 - uso 389 frase - ordine delle parole nella, 370 - inversione della, 490, 546-547 frazioni 92 from 84 fronting 552 - from… to 238 further/the furthest 272 furthermore 530 future continuous 476 future perfect 478 future perfect continuous 480 futuro - con be + infinito 282 - con be about + infinito 285


Indice analitico

- con be going to 284, 289, 292, 482 - con present continuous 282, 285, 292, 482 - con present simple 282, 292 - con will 289, 292 - futuro nel passato 482

G genitivo sassone 78 get 174, 362, 645 - causativo 352, 394 - get used to 362 - get something done 394 give 372, 392 - give up 358, 360 given (that) 528 go 358, 645 - go on 360

H had better 346, 468 hardly 546 - hardly ever 106 hate 106, 120, 360 have - causativo 352, 394 - espress. idiomatiche 108 - forma 108 - uso 108 - verbo di stato 120 have got 52 have to/don’t have to 318, 320, 346, 408 have something done 394 help 346, 348 hence 529 here 42, 258 hope 346 - I hope so 384, 493 how - esclamativo 380 - interrogativo 44, 48, 104 - relativo 180


how about 314 how far 48 how long 48, 212 how much/many 48, 144 how often 48 however 531, 542 hurry 400

I if 328-332, 488, 490, 526 - even if 330 - as if 526 - if only 492 if clause (v. relativa) imagine 358 imperativo - forma 66 - nel periodo ipotetico 328, 330 - uso 66 in 238, 268 - avverbio di luogo 258 - prep. di luogo 84 - prep. di tempo 86, 478 in addition (to) 530 in case 528 - in case of 526 in front of 234 in order to 248, 246 in spite of (that) 240, 531 in the end 86, 524 in time 86 in...’s time 476 in view of 528 indefiniti - aggettivi 144 - composti 168 - pronomi 144 infinito - come complemento oggetto 342 - come soggetto 342 - con to 346, 358 - costruzioni con, 344 - di scopo 342 - forma 342

- in sostituzione frase relativa 342, 540 - nella costruzione oggettiva 348 - senza to 346 - verbi con, 346, 358 - ing form (v. forma in -ing) inside 234 instruct 416 intend 346, 360 interrogativi/e - aggettivi 44, 48, 104 - avverbi 44, 104 - discorso indiretto nelle, 376 - pronomi 44, 104, 376 introduce 372, 392 inversione della frase 490 invite 348, 392, 416 involve 412 ipotetico (v. periodo ipotetico) it (impersonale) 374 it’s time 493 it’s… since 226

J just 210, 256, 552 just as 524

K keep (on) 362 know 120, 414, 520

L last 190, 246, 534 (the) last 272 lastly 534 later on 524 later/the latest 272 (the) latter 272 learn 346 (the) least... of/in 269

lend 645 less… than 266 let 346, 352 let’s 66, 314 “lì/là” 42 like 112, 120, 242, 360 - would like 312, 348 (be) likely/unlikely 462 little 152, 546 long 258 - for (a) long (time) 212 look 120, 374 love 112, 120, 360

M (the) majority of 166 make 346, 352, 392 manage 346 - managed to 460 may - nel discorso indiretto 408 - per permessi 308 - per possibilità 304, 460 - per supposizioni 462 me too/me neither 384 mean 346, 360 (in the) meantime 524 meanwhile 524 mention 362 might - nel discorso indiretto 408 - nel periodo ipotetico 332, 488 - per possibilità 304, 460 - per rimprovero e rammarico 466 - per supposizioni 462 mind 112 - do/would you mind 306 miss 358 modali - caratteristiche generali dei, 300 - forma passiva 518 - nel discorso indiretto 408 - nel periodo ipotetico

Indice analitico

300, 330, 304 - per abilità 300, 460 - per consigli 316, 468 - per deduzioni e supposizioni 462 - per mancanza di necessità 320, 460 - per necessità 320 - per obblighi 318, 464 - per obbligo morale 316 - per offerte 312 - per permessi 308 - per possibilità 304, 460 - per preferenze 468 - per proibizioni 318, 464 - per proposte 314 - per richieste 306 - per rimprovero e rammarico 466 - (v. anche singoli verbi) more… than 262 moreover 530 (the) most… of/in 268 most (of) 166 much/many 148, 274 must - mustn’t 318 - nel discorso indiretto 408 - per deduzioni 462 - per obblighi 318


nazionalità 72 near 234, 258 nearby 258 nearly 210, 274 need - need to/don’t need to 120, 318, 348, 460 - needn’t 318, 460 - need + forma in -ing 394 neither 164, 384, 531 - Neither am I 384 - me neither 384 never 106, 546 nevertheless 531 next 246, 534

next to 234 no 144, 274 - composti di, 168 no need 318 no sooner had 546 none 144 “non è vero?” (v. question tags) nor 384, 531 not once 546 not only 546 not until 546 now 114, 118, 258 numeri - cardinali 88 - data 92 - frazioni 92 - ordinali 89 - prezzi 92


of 268 - aggettivo + of + compl. + infinito 349 off 236 offer 346, 372, 392, 418 often 106 on - prep. di luogo 84 - prep. di tempo 86 - on earth/island 268 on condition (that) 526 on the contrary 531 on the other hand 531 on time 86 once 524 - not once 546 one/ones 182 one another 175 only - only a little/few 152 - not only 546 - only then/after 546 opposite 234 or 68 - or else 531 - or better 535

ora 90 order 348, 392, 416 ordinali 89 ordine - degli aggettivi 252 - delle parole nella frase 370 ought to 316 - per consigli e obbligo morale 316 - per rimprovero e rammarico 466 - per supposizioni 462 out 258 out of 236 outside 234 over 234, 236, 238 owing to 246


passivo (v. forma passiva) past 90, 236 past continuous 200, 202 - dopo wish 492 - nel periodo ipotetico 332 - per futuro nel passato 482 past perfect continuous - a confronto con past perfect simple 224 - dopo wish 492 - forma e uso 224 past perfect simple - a confronto con past perfect continuous 224 - dopo wish 492 - forma 222 - nel periodo ipotetico 488, 490 - uso 222 past simple - a confronto con past continuous 202 - a confronto con present perfect simple 214 - dei verbi irregolari 192, 648-649

- dei verbi regolari 192 - di be 190 - dopo wish 492 - forma affermativa 192 - forma negativa e interrogativa 190, 194 - nel periodo ipotetico 328, 490 - uso 194, 190 pay 372, 392 periodo ipotetico - caratteristiche generali 328 - di primo tipo 330 - di secondo tipo 332 - di terzo tipo 488 - di tipo zero 328 - misto 490 - nel discorso indiretto 408 persuade 348, 418 phrasal verbs 558 - verbi intransitivi 558 - verbi transitivi separabili 560 - verbi transitivi non separabili e verbi seguiti da preposizione 562 plan 346, 360 plurale dei sostantivi - particolarità 62 - plurali irregolari 62 - pronuncia 60 - sostantivi invariabili 62 - variazioni ortografiche 60 possessivi 76 postpone 358 practise 358 prefer 112, 120, 360, 468 - would prefer 314, 348, 468 prefissi 646 preposizione/i 234 - aggettivi seguiti da, 644 - comparative/di paragone 242 - di moto 85, 236 - di stato in luogo 84, 234 - di tempo 86, 238


Indice analitico

- nei phrasal verbs 558 - sostantivi seguiti da, 645 - usi idiomatici delle, 645 - verbi seguiti da, 645 present continuous - a confronto con present simple 118, 426-427 - con valore di futuro 282, 285, 292 - forma 114 nel periodo ipotetico 328, 330 - uso 114 present perfect continuous - a confronto con present perfect simple 218 - forma 216 - uso 216 present perfect simple - a confronto con past simple 214 - a confronto con present perfect continuous 218 - forma 206 - nel periodo ipotetico 328, 330 - uso 206, 210, 212 present simple - a confronto con present continuous 118, 426-427 - con valore di futuro 282, 292 - di be 38 - forma affermativa 100 - forma interrogativa 102 - forma negativa 102 - nel periodo ipotetico 328, 330 - pronuncia 100 - risposte brevi 102 - uso 100 - variazioni ortografiche 100 pretend 346 prezzi 92 promise 346, 372, 392 pronomi - di quantità 148


- dimostrativi 74, 405 - indefiniti 144 - indefiniti composti 168 - interrogativi 441, 104, 376 - one/ones 182 - personali complemento 36, 405 - personali soggetto 36, 405 - possessivi 76, 405 - reciproci 175 - relativi 178 - riflessivi 174 propose 360, 418 proposizione/i - relativa 178 - (v. connettivi) provided/providing (that) 526 put off 358

Q quantità - aggettivi 144 - avverbi 144 - pronomi 144 “quello” (v. that) question tags 548 question words (v. whquestions) “questo” (v. this) quite 256, 274

R rarely 106, 546 rather 256, 274 - or rather 535 - would rather 314, 468469 really 256, 552 reciproci, pronomi 175 recommend 348, 358, 416, 418 refuse 346, 418 regarding 534

regret 360 relativa/i - avverbi 180 - composti di -ever 542 - frase 178, 540 - pronomi 178, 180 remember 120, 360 remind 348, 360, 418 repeat 372, 392 reply 372, 414 reply questions 550 report 372, 392, 418, 520 reported speech (v. discorso indiretto) request 348, 392, 416 require 348, 394 riflessivi, pronomi 174 risk 358


say 372, 402, 520 scarcely 546 see 120 seem 120, 346, 374 seldom 108, 546 shall 288, 312, 314, 316 - nel discorso indiretto 408 should - nel periodo ipotetico 332, 488, 490 - per consigli e obbligo morale 316 - per rimprovero e rammarico 466 - per supposizioni 454, 462 since 212, 238, 244, 246 - it’s since 226 slightly 256, 274 smell 120 so 68, 246, 380, 552 - so am I 384 so as to 246, 343 so far 207 so little/few 152 so much/many 149 so that 343, 528 so… (that) 246

so… as 264 some 144 - composti di, 168 sometimes 106 sostantivi - collettivi 128 - composti 128 - di nazionalità 72 - numerabili e non numerabili 130, 132 - plurale dei, 60, 62 - seguiti da preposizione 645 - sostituzione di, 382 - suffissi per formare i, 646 start 360 - to start with 534 still 210 - and still 531 stop 360 straight 258 subordinate (v. connettivi) succeeded in 460 such a/an 380, 552 such a/an… (that) 246 such as 242, 536 suffissi 646-647 suggest 358, 372, 392, 416, 418 superlativo/i - di maggioranza 268 - di minoranza 269 - irregolari 272 suppose/supposing (that) 526 (be) supposed to 464 swear 346

T take 374, 645 taste 120 teach 346, 348 tell 372, 392, 402, 416 than 262 that - relativo 178

Indice analitico

- that/those 74, 405 - that is (to say) 536 the - forma 58 - pronuncia 58 - the… the 544 - uso 58, 138, 140 then 244, 534 - only then 546 there 40, 42, 258, 374 - there is/are 42 therefore 529 think 120, 418, 520 - I think so 384 - I think/I don’t think 316 this/these 74, 405 though 246, 531 - as though 526 - even though 531 threaten 346, 418 through 234, 236 thus 529 till 224, 238, 478 to 90 - di moto 84 - di scopo 246, 343 too “anche” 530 - me too 384 too 156 - con l’infinito 344, 349 too little/few 156 too much/many 156 towards 336 try 360

U uncountable nouns (v. sostantivi non numerabili) under 234 unless 330 until 207, 238, 244, 282, 288 - not until 546 up to 207, 236 used to 198 usually 106

V verbo/i - per attività mentale 64, 120, 300 - causativi 352, 394 - di gradimento 112, 358 - di stato 120 - introduttivi del discorso indiretto 418 - irregolari 648-649 - modali (v. modali) - per modo d’essere 120 - di percezione 64, 100, 120, 300, 358, 392 - phrasal verbs 558 - di possesso 100, 120 - seguiti da forma in -ing 358, 360 - seguiti da infinito 358, 360 - seguiti da preposizione 645 - di sentimento 100, 120 - sostituzione ed ellissi di, 382 - suffissi per formare i, 646 - tempi verbali (v. singole forme verbali) - di volontà 100 “vero?”/“non è vero?” (v. question tags) very 156, 256, 274 very little/few 152 (in) view of (the fact that) 528

W wait 346 want 120, 348, 418 - want to know 414 warn 348, 392, 416, 418 (in the same) way 530 wh- questions 44, 104, 414 (v. anche aggettivi, avverbi, pronomi interrogativi)

what - esclamativo 380 - interrogativo 44, 104, 376 - relativo 180 what about 314 whatever 542 when - interrogativo 44, 104 - nel periodo ipotetico 328 - relativo 180 - temporale 244, 282, 288, 540 where - interrogativo 44, 104 - relativo 180 whereas 246 wherever 542 whether 526 which - interrogativo 44, 104, 376 - relativo 178 whichever 542 while 244, 246, 282, 288 - after a while 524 who - interrogativo 44, 104, 376 - relativo 178 whoever 542 whole 160 whom - interrogativo 376 - relativo 178 whose - interrogativo 44, 376 - relativo 180 why - interrogativo 44, 104 - relativo 180 - why don’t we 314 will - nel discorso indiretto 408 - nel periodo ipotetico 330 - per futuro 288, 292, 476 - per offerte 312 - per richieste 306 wish 120, 346, 492, 493 with 240

within 238, 478 without 240 wonder 414 worse 272 - worse and worse 544 (the) worst 272 would - dopo wish 492-493 - nel discorso indiretto 408 - nel periodo ipotetico 332, 488, 490 - per abitudine nel passato 198 - per futuro nel passato 482 - per richieste 306 would like 312, 346, 348, 493 would prefer 346, 348, 468 would rather 346, 468

Y yes/no questions 102, 414 yesterday 190, 262 yet 210 - (and) yet 531

Z zero 88


Grammar evolution


Editorial coordination: Simona Franzoni Editorial project: Sabina Cedraro Editors: Sabina Cedraro, Francesca Seracini, Laura Severini Language consultant: Lisa Suett Art director: Marco Mercatali Page design: Sergio Elisei Illustrated by: Giovanni Giorgi Pierfranceschi, Luca Poli, Ivan Zoni Picture editor: Giorgia D’Angelo Production manager: Francesco Capitano Page layout: Sergio Elisei, Enea Ciccarelli, Davide Elisei, Oida per l’editoria (Mariarosa Brizzi e Giacomo Fontani)

The Publisher and the Authors would like to give a special thanks to Francesca Seracini who contributed with endless drive, energy and commitment to the development of the project.

Cover design: Paola Lorenzetti Catrin Elen Morris is the Author of the Fonetica, Grammar for writing, Grammar for speaking and INVALSI Training sections. Jennie Humphries is the Author of the B1 Preliminary and B2 First vocabulary pages. © 2020 ELI S.r.l. P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Segnalazione di errori Produrre un testo scolastico è molto complesso. L’esperienza ci insegna che è quasi impossibile pubblicare un libro senza un errore o una imprecisione, e ci scusiamo con i nostri lettori. Ogni segnalazione che potete inviarci sarà per noi preziosa. Vi ringraziamo se vorrete scriverci al seguente indirizzo: Printed by Tecnostampa – Pigini Group Printing Division Loreto, Trevi – Italia ISBN 978-88-536-2957-9

Very special thanks from the entire editorial team go to Giulia Corbo for her detailed revision of the materials. The Publisher would like to thank the following teachers for the invaluable feedback they provided: Daniela Bogoni, Maria Tiziana Catinari, Daniela Cerroni, Patrizia Cespa, Valentina Chen, Giovanna Davilla, Francesca Ercolani, Pamela Gallio, Stefania Gobbi, Barbara Lombardi, Elena Marini, Carolina Posterivo, Angela Pozzetti, Angelica Rao, Giuliana Sguotti, Anna Vergari, Francesca Zambito. Photo acknowledgement ELI Archives; Marka; Shutterstock No unauthorised photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

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