Nazionali Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado
Inglese I l volume ha lo scopo di allenare i ragazzi alla prova nazionale INVALSI di Inglese, attraverso una prima sezione di quesiti ufficiali guidati con proposta di metodo, seguita da 8 Test con attività di Reading e Listening di livello QCER A1 e A2. e attività proposte nei Test sono conformi agli esempi di Task di Reading e Listening pubblicati L dall’INVALSI.
F. Basile • J. D’Andria Ursoleo • C. Moore
U na sezione extra presenta numerose attività di Language in Use per rendere più completa la preparazione, mentre l’appendice finale con Grammar Reference e Verb Tables rende il volume uno strumento unico e completo per il consolidamento della lingua inglese in ogni momento dell’anno scolastico.
utti i Test sono forniti in duplice versione, cartacea e digitale. Attraverso il codice personale T allegato al volume, lo studente potrà svolgere tutte le prove presenti nel libro in modalità interattiva computer based (CB). Didattica digitale integrata: ulteriori prove di allenamento e materiali di approfondimento con attività sono disponibili online.
Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado
Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado
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Euro 6,90
Prove Nazionali • Inglese
I l nuovo inserto Exam Trainer presenta esempi di tutte le prove e letture in chiave CLIL con collegamenti alle altre materie, per arrivare preparati alla prova scritta e orale di Inglese prevista nell’Esame di Stato a conclusione della Scuola Secondaria di I Grado.
Francesca Basile • Jacopo D’Andria Ursoleo • Claire Moore
Materiale digitale adatto per la didattica a distanza DIDATTICA DIGITALE INTEGRATA
Sezione speciale Esame di Stato
LIBRO DIGITALE E ACCESSO ALLE SIMULAZIONI DI PROVE INVALSI Collegati al sito seleziona il tuo volume e utilizza il codice riportato sotto per svolgere gli esercizi presenti nel libro in versione interattiva e autocorrettiva e allenarti con le prove Invalsi interattive.
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Francesca Basile • Jacopo D’Andria Ursoleo • Claire Moore
Nazionali Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado
Indice La nostra proposta ........................................................................... 3 Test 5 Istruzioni Reading Comprehension ........................................................... 4 Listening Comprehension ......................................................... 8
Section 1 – Reading Comprehension ........................ 95 Section 2 – Listening Comprehension ................... 104 Self-evaluation .............................................................................. 110
La nuova prova Invalsi ......................................................... 10
Test 6
Test 1
Section 1 – Reading Comprehension ..................... 111 Section 2 – Listening Comprehension ................... 120 Self-evaluation .............................................................................. 126
Section 1 – Reading Comprehension ........................ 31 Section 2 – Listening Comprehension ...................... 40 Self-evaluation ................................................................................. 46 Test 2 Section 1 – Reading Comprehension ........................ 47 Section 2 – Listening Comprehension ...................... 56 Self-evaluation ................................................................................. 62 Test 3 Section 1 – Reading Comprehension ........................ 63 Section 2 – Listening Comprehension ...................... 72 Self-evaluation ................................................................................. 78 Test 4 Section 1 – Reading Comprehension ........................ 79 Section 2 – Listening Comprehension ...................... 88 Self-evaluation ................................................................................. 94
Francesca Basile, Jacopo D’Andria Ursoleo, Claire Moore PROVE NAZIONALI INGLESE Responsabile editoriale: Beatrice Loreti Redazione: Kate Gralton Art director: Marco Mercatali Responsabile di produzione: Francesco Capitano Progetto grafico e impaginazione: Serafina D’Urzo Foto: Shutterstock, archivio Eli-La Spiga Edizioni Illustrazioni: Gianluca Martini e Marcello Carriero Copertina: Curvilinee © 2020 Eli – La Spiga Edizioni Via Brecce 100 – Loreto
2 two
Test 7 Section 1 – Reading Comprehension ..................... 127 Section 2 – Listening Comprehension ................... 136 Self-evaluation .............................................................................. 142 Test 8 Section 1 – Reading Comprehension ..................... 143 Section 2 – Listening Comprehension ................... 152 Self-evaluation .............................................................................. 158 Extra section ................................................................................ 159 Language in use Exam Training ............................................................................. 163 Grammar Reference and Verb Tables .............. 179 Stampato in Italia presso Tecnostampa Pigini Group Printing Division, Loreto - Trevi 20.83.304.0 ISBN 978-88-468-4149-0 Le fotocopie non autorizzate sono illegali. Tutti i diritti riservati. È vietata la riproduzione totale o parziale così come la sua trasmissione sotto qualsiasi forma o con qualunque mezzo senza previa autorizzazione scritta da parte dell’editore.
La nostra proposta INTRODUZIONE L’opera si propone di preparare gli studenti del triennio della Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado alla Prova nazionale di Inglese, introdotta a partire dall’A.S. 2017/2018 dall’Istituto INVALSI in versione Computer Based (CB). È strutturata in due volumi, uno per i docenti e uno per gli studenti. Il volume per gli studenti è composto da: n una prima sezione (La nuova prova INVALSI) con gli esempi ufficiali commentati e corredati di strategie per risolverli, al fine di permettere allo studente di familiarizzare con le diverse tipologie di quesiti che potrebbero comporre la prova ufficiale e di comprendere quale sia la strategia risolutiva più efficace per trovare le risposte esatte ad ogni quesito. n Otto prove propedeutiche (Test), aggiornate in base alle più recenti indicazioni ufficiali provenienti dall’INVALSI, che avvicineranno l’alunno alle diverse tipologie testuali previste, facendo prendere confidenza con i linguaggi e le caratteristiche di ognuna di esse. n Una Extra Section interamente dedicata all’abilità di Language in Use che, nel prossimo futuro, entrerà a far parte della prova INVALSI ufficiale. n Una sezione speciale intitolata Grammar Reference e Verb Tables che guiderà gli studenti a conoscere e a ripassare gli argomenti di grammatica del triennio presenti nelle prove INVALSI. n Un nuovo inserto finale, l’Exam Training, con esempi di tutte le prove e letture in chiave CLIL con collegamenti alle altre materie, per arrivare preparati alla prova scritta e orale di Inglese prevista nell’Esame di Stato a conclusione della Scuola Secondaria di I Grado. Le prove proposte nel volume sono state pensate e realizzate a partire da un’attenta analisi degli Esempi Ufficiali di Prove pubblicati sul sito web dell’INVALSI, nonché da una scrupolosa disamina delle indicazioni operative ufficiali fornite dall’Istituto stesso, nel tentativo di fornire a studenti e insegnanti dei materiali il più fedele possibile al format ufficiale delle Prove, consentendoci di offrire uno strumento di preparazione alla nuova Prova nazionale di Inglese completo e aggiornato. Al termine di ogni prova, una tabella di Self-evaluation consente agli alunni di registrare i loro risultati al fine di riconoscere e individuare il livello di preparazione raggiunto e di autovalutarsi. I brani audio delle attività di Listening si possono ascoltare tramite la App ELI LINK oppure scaricare dal sito. Infine, per consentire a studenti e insegnanti di familiarizzare con le nuove prove in versione Computer Based (CB), tutte le prove presenti in questo volume sono disponibili anche nel libro digitale in formato interattivo. Riportiamo a tal proposito le Istruzioni fornite dall’INVALSI per lo svolgimento della prova in versione CB (pp. 4-9). Didattica digitale integrata: una sezione online contiene ulteriori prove simulate e i file audio delle attività di Listening. Il volume per i docenti contiene le soluzioni delle varie prove, corredate da indicazioni didattiche e dalle trascrizioni delle tracce audio relative a tutte le attività di Listening. Buon lavoro, quindi, a insegnanti e studenti! Gli Autori
Francesca Jacopo Claire three
Test 1 Istruzioni
Reading Comprehension La prova di Inglese che stai per svolgere è composta da alcuni testi per la verifica della comprensione di lettura. Le istruzioni prima di ogni domanda ti diranno come rispondere. Leggile dunque con molta attenzione. La prima domanda è sempre un esempio. Hai a disposizione quarantacinque minuti per rispondere a tutte le domande. L’insegnante ti dirà quando cominciare a lavorare. Quando il tempo a disposizione sarà finito la prova si interromperà automaticamente. Durante la prova, puoi costantemente controllare il tempo ancora disponibile nella barra che troverai in alto a destra. Se finisci prima, puoi cliccare con il mouse sul bottone di fine test . In questo caso il sistema ti invierà un messaggio che ti ricorderà che una volta confermata l’uscita dal test non sarà più possibile rientrare. Puoi quindi confermare e aspettare lo scadere del tempo, oppure rifiutare e controllare le risposte che hai dato e/o completare quelle che hai lasciato in sospeso. Alcune domande a cui dovrai rispondere hanno quattro possibili risposte, ma una sola è quella giusta. Per rispondere, devi cliccare con il mouse nel tondino accanto alla risposta (una sola) che ritieni giusta, come nell’Esempio 1. Esempio 1
Se ti accorgi di aver sbagliato, puoi correggere cliccando con il mouse nel tondino accanto alla risposta che ritieni corretta. Per rispondere ad alcune domande dovrai scegliere l’alternativa corretta tra TRUE, quando l’affermazione è vera rispetto al testo, FALSE, quando invece è falsa rispetto al testo oppure NOT GIVEN quando non è data nel testo (Esempio 2). Esempio 2
4 four
In altri casi dovrai digitare tu la risposta che ritieni corretta nell’apposito spazio sotto la domanda come nell’Esempio 3. Esempio 3
Alcune domande richiedono di ordinare una serie di eventi presentati nel testo seguendo la successione cronologica dei fatti. Per rispondere devi cliccare con il mouse ciascuno di essi inserendoli, nell’ordine che ritieni opportuno, nel riquadro vuoto a destra (Esempio 4). Esempio 4
Una volta completato l’inserimento se vuoi modificare l’ordine, in senso crescente o decrescente di uno o più eventi, puoi cliccare su ciascuno di essi e utilizzare le frecce che compaiono accanto alla colonna (Esempio 5): Esempio 5
Alcune domande richiedono di inserire in un testo parti mancanti, al posto delle quali è stato messo uno spazio. Per farlo, devi cliccare sulla parte di testo che trovi nella lista disponibile e poi nello spazio corrispondente (Esempio 6). In alternativa, puoi trascinare la parte di testo che ritieni adatta nello spazio corrispondente. Esempio 6
Alcune domande richiedono di fare degli abbinamenti di diverso tipo scegliendo l’opzione corretta (una sola) tra quelle inserite in un elenco a tendina. Per rispondere devi cliccare nello spazio bianco e scegliere, cliccando l’opzione che ritieni opportuna. L’Esempio 7 illustra uno dei possibili tipi di abbinamento. Esempio 7
6 six
Istruzioni Se ti occorre puoi ingrandire la visualizzazione dello schermo utilizzando i tasti che si trovano in basso alla schermata. Durante lo svolgimento della prova hai la possibilità di: a) saltare le domande alle quali preferisci rispondere in un momento successivo; b) dare una risposta ma riservarti la possibilità di riflettere successivamente sulla risposta che hai dato, prima di terminare il test. In entrambi i casi puoi cliccare sul pulsante “Segna per la revisione” in basso alla schermata in cui compare ciascuna domanda (Figura 1).
Figura 1
Figura 2
Puoi avere sempre informazioni sullo stato della prova nella barra che trovi a sinistra della schermata. Nella Figura 2 è riportato un esempio. Con questa barra, in ogni momento puoi conoscere: il numero di domande che hai visualizzato indipendentemente se hai risposto ad esse, il numero di domande a cui hai già risposto, il numero di domande a cui non hai risposto ed il numero di domande che hai contrassegnato per la revisione nei casi a) oppure b) precedentemente descritti come puoi vedere in Figura 2. Nella barra puoi inoltre controllare, in modo più dettagliato, lo stato di tutte le domande durante la prova cliccando sul tasto “Tutto”. Per avere informazioni limitatamente al numero di domande a cui non hai ancora risposto puoi cliccare sul simbolo Infine per tornare solo sulle domande che hai lasciato in sospeso e/o per le quali hai fornito una risposta ma vuoi rifletterci ancora, puoi cliccare sul simbolo Se preferisci non visualizzare la barra fin dall’inizio o durante lo svolgimento della prova puoi cliccare sul pulsante Nascondi Revisione. Puoi navigare all’interno della prova utilizzando i bottoni in basso a destra per andare avanti puoi cliccare su mentre per tornare ad una domanda precedente puoi cliccare su
Listening Comprehension La prova di Inglese che stai per svolgere è composta da alcune domande per la verifica della comprensione di ascolto. All’inizio di ogni compito (task) una voce leggerà il brano relativo alle domande che vedi e a cui dovrai rispondere. Ti ricordiamo che: • non potrai tornare indietro nell’ascolto del brano. • il brano non potrà essere messo in pausa. • se decidi di non rispondere a una domanda dovrai comunque attendere che il tempo prefissato per quel compito (task) trascorra; solo in quel momento ti verrà presentato il compito (task) successivo. Le istruzioni prima di ogni domanda ti presenteranno il compito (task) e ti diranno come rispondere. Leggile dunque con molta attenzione. La prima domanda è sempre un esempio. Hai a disposizione circa trenta minuti per rispondere a tutte le domande. L’insegnante ti dirà quando cominciare a lavorare. Quando il tempo a disposizione sarà finito la prova si interromperà automaticamente. Durante lo svolgimento di ogni compito (task) puoi costantemente controllare il tempo ancora disponibile nella barra che troverai in alto a destra. Se ti occorre puoi ingrandire la visualizzazione dello schermo utilizzando i tasti che si trovano in basso alla schermata. Alcune domande a cui dovrai rispondere hanno quattro possibili risposte, ma una sola è quella giusta. Per rispondere, devi cliccare con il mouse nel tondino accanto alla risposta (una sola) che ritieni giusta, come nell’Esempio 1. Esempio 1
Se ti accorgi di aver sbagliato, puoi correggere cliccando con il mouse nel tondino accanto alla risposta che ritieni corretta. In alcuni casi dovrai digitare tu la risposta che ritieni corretta nell’apposito spazio sotto la domanda, come nell’Esempio 2.
8 eight
Esempio 2
In altri casi le domande ti chiedono di fare degli abbinamenti. Per rispondere clicca prima sull’oggetto che vuoi inserire e poi sullo spazio in cui lo vuoi posizionare, come nell’Esempio 3. Per modificare la tua risposta procedi nello stesso modo. Esempio 3
La nuova prova INVALSI
Reading Comprehension A1
tratto da
Task 1 | Missing information
Birthday Invitation Read the invitation card. Answer the questions (1-6). Use a maximum of 4 words. Birthday Invitation Birthday Invitation Write your answers in the boxes.
nvitation Read the invitation card. Answer the questions (1-6). Use a maximum of 4 nvitation nvitation vitationThe first one (0) is an example. Read the invitation card. Answer the questions (1-6). Use a maximum of 4 w nvitation answers in the boxes. nvitation answers ina the boxes. of 4 words. Write your itation card. Answer the questions (1-6). Use maximum nvitation itation card. Answer the questions (1-6). Use a maximum of words. Write your itation tation card. card.Answer Answerthe thequestions questions(1-6). (1-6).Use Useaamaximum maximumof of44 4words. words.Write Writeyour your
itation card. Answer the questions (1-6). maximum 4 words. Write your he boxes. TheUse firstaaone (0) is anof he boxes. itation card. Answer the questions (1-6). Use maximum ofexample. 4 words. Write your he he boxes. boxes. The first one (0) is an example. he boxes. Exam itation card. Answer thecompetences questions (1-6). Use a maximum of 4 words. Write your he boxes. (0) is an example. he boxes. In questo esercizio devi leggere un breve testo (in genere un invito, una scheda, un avviso) e alcune domande di com(0) is an example. (0) (0) is is an an example. (0) is an example. example. prensione, cui dovrai rispondere usando da una a quattro parole per ciascuna risposta. Per risolvere questo esercizio, (0) is an example. segui questi semplici passaggi: (0) is an example. Race over to
Birthday Invitation
1) Per prima cosa, leggi le domande per capire quali informazioniRace cercare nel testo, e individua le parole chiave. over to 2) Leggi ora il testo con attenzione e cerca di individuare la frase o il paragrafo in cui si trova la risposta a ciascuna to nvitation Race domanda. over Race over to Race over to to Read invitation card. Answer questions Use a ritorna maximum 3) Race Se non saiover rispondere domanda, non preoccuparti! Passa athe quella successiva e,(1-6). solo alla fine, sulla Race over toa unathe Race over to domanda lasciata in answers sospeso. in the itation card. Race Answer the questions (1-6). Useboxes. a maximum of 4 words. Write your over to errori 4) Verifica di non aver fatto di ortografia nelle risposte che hai fornito. he boxes. 5) Prima di passare all’esercizio successivo, verifica che le risposte fornite siano corrette.
e (0) is an
of 4 wo
The first one (0) is an example.
Cerca di svolgere questo esercizio in non più 7 minuti. example.
Race over to
Ethan’s Ethan’s Ethan’s Ethan’s Ethan’s Tenth Birthday Party! Ethan’s Tenth Birthday Party! Tenth Tenth Birthday Party! Ethan’s Tenth Birthday Birthday Party! Party! Tenth Birthday Party! Tenth Birthday Party!
Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew Matthew
Invitation for: Invitation for: Invitation Invitation for: Invitation for: for: Invitation for: Invitation for:and join in the fun Please come Please come and join in the fun Please Please come come and and join in in the fun Please come and join joinparty. in the the fun fun at a pizza sleepover at a pizza sleepover party. Please come and join in the fun at at a a pizza pizza sleepover sleepover party. party. at a pizza sleepover Please come and joinparty. in the fun Ethan’s at a pizza sleepover party. at a pizza sleepover party. bag. Don’ tt forget your sleeping Tenth Birthday Party! Don’ forget your sleeping bag. Don’ Don’ t t forget forget your your sleeping sleeping bag. Don’ t forget your sleeping bag. bag. Don’ t forget your sleeping bag. Don’ t Saturday, forget your sleeping bag. Date: August 15 Date: Saturday, August 15 Date: Date: Saturday, Saturday, August August 15 15 Invitation for: Date: Saturday, August 15 Time: 5:00 pm Time: 5:00 pm Date: Saturday, August 15 Time: Time: 5:00 5:00 pm pm Time: 5:00 pm August 15 Date: Saturday, Time: 5:00 pm Please5:00 come and join in the fun Time: pm Place: 4263 Farmer Road, Place: 4263 Farmer Road, Place: Place: 4263 4263 Farmer Farmer Road, Road, at a pizza sleepover party. Place: 4263 Farmer Road, Salem Salem Place: 4263 Salem Farmer Road, Salem Salem Road, Place: 4263 Farmer Salem Don’ t forgetSalem your sleeping bag. 531-553-1324 531-553-1324 531-553-1324 531-553-1324 10 ten 531-553-1324 Date: Saturday, August 15 531-553-1324
Race over to
Ethan’s Ethan’s
TenthBirthday BirthdayParty! Party! Tenth
Matthew Matthew
Invitation for: Invitation for:
Please come and join in the fun Please come and join in the fun at a pizza sleepover party. at a pizza sleepover party. Don’ t forget your sleeping bag.
Don’ t forget your sleeping bag. Ethan’s
Tenth Birthday Party! Date: Saturday, August 15 Date: Saturday, August 15 Time: 5:00 pm Time: 5:00 pm
Invitation for:
Place: 4263 Farmer Road, Place: 4263 Farmer Road, Salem Salem Please come and join in the fun
at a pizza sleepover party. 531-553-1324 531-553-1324
Don’ t forget your sleeping bag. Date: Saturday, August 15
La nuova prova INVALSI
0 Who Whoisishaving havingaabirthday birthdayparty? party?
Ethan ……....... …...….............…......... ……....... …...….............….........
Howold oldwill willthe theboy boybe beon onhis hisbirthday? birthday? 1.1. How
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
Whoisisthe theinvitation invitationfor? for? 2.2. Who
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
Whatkind kindofofbirthday birthdayparty partyisisit? it? 3.3. What
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
Whenisisthe theparty? party? 4.4. When
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
Whendoes doesthe theparty partystart? start? 5.5. When
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
Whereisisthe theparty? party? 6.6. Where
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………
La nuova prova INVALSI
A1 Task 2 | Matching opinions with sentences What our visitors think Read some visitors’ opinions (1-5) about York Castle Museum and match them with the sentences (A-G). There is one sentence you do not need. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi abbinare delle opinioni a una serie di brevi frasi che ne riassumono il significato. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi: 1) Per prima cosa, leggi le opinioni riportate. 2) Leggi ora le frasi e, prima di abbinarle alle opinioni, sottolinea le parole chiave. 3) Leggi un’altra volta le opinioni e, per ciascuna di esse, cerca di individuare la frase che ne riassume meglio il significato. 4) SeRead un abbinamento non ti convince, non preoccuparti! Passa agli abbinamenti successivi and e, solomatch alla fine,them ritorna with the some visitors’ opinions (1-5) about York Castle Museum sull’abbinamento lasciato in sospeso. sentences There is onerileggi sentence you doche not Write your in the boxes. 5) Prima di passare(A-G). all’esercizio successivo, gli abbinamenti haineed. fatto, assicurandoti cheanswers siano corretti.
What our visitors think
Cerca di svolgere questo esercizio in non più 6 minuti.
The first one (0) is an example.
12 t welve
“… a really interesting trip back in time.” A..Lehmann.–..Bremen, Germany
E …………….
“… beautiful city, wonderful museum, great value.” Mr & Mrs Ishikawa – California, USA
“… the kids really enjoyed the toy collection.” Mrs C. Hall – West Yorkshire, England
“… best museum we have ever visited, very good value.” The Biggin family – Norwich, England
“… so much to see, we’ll definitely come back.” Mr P. Stephens – Gloucester, England
“… we didn’t want to leave, had a great visit.” Z. Howes – Bundoora, Australia
They have never seen a better museum.
“… we didn’t want to leave, had a great visit.” Z. Howes – Bundoora, Australia
They have never seen a better museum.
They enjoyed the museum and the city.
They visited the museum with their children.
They didn’t have to pay for their tickets.
They liked the historical things in the museum.
They wanted to stay in the museum.
They want to visit the museum again.
La nuova prova INVALSI
thir teen
La nuova prova INVALSI
A1 Task 3 | Matching sentences with tickets Museum Tickets Match the tickets (A-E) with the sentences (1-6). You can use a ticket more than once. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi abbinare dei brevi messaggi (cartelli, avvisi, post-it, email) a una serie di frasi che ne riassumono il significato. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi: 1) Per prima cosa, leggi i messaggi proposti e pensa a dove potresti trovarli: in un negozio? Al bar? Davanti all’ingresso di una scuola? In cucina? 2) Individua le parole chiave presenti in ciascun breve messaggio. 3) Leggi ora le frasi e, prima di abbinarle ai messaggi, individua anche qui le parole chiave. Museum 4) Leggi un’altra voltaTickets i brevi messaggi e, per ciascuno di essi, cerca di individuare la frase che ne riassume meglio il significato. 5) Se un abbinamento non ti (A-E) convince, non sentences preoccuparti! Passa abbinamenti successivi e, soloWrite alla fine, Match the tickets with the (1-6). You agli can use a ticket more than once. yourritorna sull’abbinamento lasciato in sospeso. answers in the boxes. 6) Prima di passare all’esercizio successivo, rileggi gli abbinamenti che hai fatto, assicurandoti che siano corretti.
The first one (0) is an example.
Cerca di svolgere questo esercizio in non più 6 minuti.
C 14 four teen
La nuova prova INVALSI
This ticket was for the 16th October.
D …………….
1. This ticket was for a child in a group.
2. This ticket cost more than eight pounds.
3. This ticket was for a day in June.
4. This ticket was for the Tower of London.
5. This ticket was for a child and cost nothing.
6. This ticket was for a man or a woman on 15th October.
f if teen
La nuova prova INVALSI
A1 Task 4 | Four-option multiple choice Fun Facts for Kids about Hippos Read the text about hippos. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-5. Put a cross (8) in the correct box. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi leggere un testo (come un breve racconto, un articolo di giornale o di una rivista) e rispondere ad alcune domande a scelta multipla, scegliendo l’opzione giusta tra le quattro proposte. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi: 1) Per prima cosa, leggi le domande di comprensione proposte, e individua le parole chiave presenti in ciascuna di esse. 2) Leggi ora il testo velocemente, cercando di coglierne il significato generale. 3) Leggi il testo una seconda volta. Questa volta, però, fai una lettura attenta e puntuale, volta a cogliere i punti Fun Facts fornarrazione, Kids about Hippos principali della invece del significato generale. 4) Sottolinea le parole chiave del brano e cerca di capire in quale frase o paragrafo sono contenute le risposte alle domande di comprensione. Read the text about hippos. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 5) Se hai un dubbio sulla risposta a una domanda, non preoccuparti! Passa alla domanda successiva e, solo alla fine, in theincorrect 1-5. Putsulla a cross ()lasciata ritorna domanda Only one answer is correct. 6) Prima di passare all’esercizio successivo, rileggi le risposte che hai dato, assicurandoti che siano corrette.
The first one (0) is an example.
Cerca di svolgere questo esercizio in non più 8 minuti.
Where are hippos born? A hippo baby (called a “calf”) is born on land or in water. It is protected by the mother, not only from crocodiles and lions but from hippo bulls that may try to attack them in the water. What do hippos love? Hippos love water and they spend most of the day in it to stay cool. The hippo can even breathe, see, and hear while its body is under water because its nose, ears, and eyes are on the top of its head. Do hippos swim better than people? Yes, they are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for five minutes. Hippos can walk under water along the bottoms of rivers and lakes. Hungry hippos Hippos are vegetarians. At night, they come out of the water and feed off the grass. Are hippos dangerous? Although hippos are vegetarians, they are still one of the most dangerous animals in the world. Once on land, hippos can run very fast, much faster than people normally can. When a hippo yawns it is not tired but shows its teeth to frighten other animals. 16 sixteen 0.
A calf is
hippo yawning
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ A. □ always when they tired. bornare in water. B. B. □ nose is on the top of its head. B. □ to keep themselves warm. X born on land or in water. C. C. □ nose and ears are under water. C. □ to keep themselves cool. D. born onare land. D. □ never eyes and ears on the top of its head. D. □ when they are hungry. Under water a hippo can... The mother protects the calf... A hippo can protects see and hear when its body is under water because its... The the A. mother □ hold its breath for 10 minutes. The mother protects the calf... calf... A. □ from hippo bulls. The mother protects the calf... A. □ from eyes hippo and ears are under water. bulls. A. A. movehippo alongbulls. the bottom. B. □ from hippocrocodiles. bulls. A. B. □ from only from □ nose is on the top of its head. B. B. from crocodiles. C. □ only run very B. only fromfast. crocodiles. B. fromfrom othercrocodiles. hippo mothers. C. □ only C. □ nose and ears are under water. □ from other mothers. C. hear than on land. D. C. from better other hippo hippo mothers. C. □ only fromfrom otherlions. hippo mothers. D. D. □ eyes and ears are on the top of its head. When a hippo opens mouth it... only from D. only fromitslions. lions. D. □ Hippos stay in the water... D. □ only from lions. Under water a hippo can... A. □ is tired of swimming. Hippos Hippos stay stay in in the the water... water... they are tired. A. Hippos in theits water... A. □ □staywhen hold breath for 10 minutes. □ when they are tired. A. B. wants to be really friendly. when they are tired. A. they are A. B. to keep themselves warm. □ when move along thetired. bottom. B. □ is bored of eating grass. C. B. □ to keep themselves B. to keep themselves warm. warm. B. to warm. C. cool. C. □ □ runkeep verythemselves fast. to C. D. scare othercool. animals. C. □ wants to keep keeptothemselves themselves cool. C. □ to keep themselves cool. when they are hungry. D. D. □ hear better than on land. D. D. □ when when they they are are hungry. hungry. A hippo can see and hear when its D. □ when they hungry. When a hippo opens itsare mouth it...body is under water because its... A A hippo hippo can can see see and and hear hear when when its its body body is is under under water water because because its... its... □ eyes and ears are under water. A. A hippo can see and hear when its body is under water because its... A. □ is tired of swimming. A. A. □ eyes eyes and and ears ears are are under under water. water. A. □ eyes and ears are under water. B. nose is on the top of its head. B. □ wants to be really friendly. B. □ nose is on the top of its head. nose is on the top of its head. B. B. nose is onof the top under of its head. C. and ears are water. C. □ □ is bored eating grass. C. C. □ nose nose and and ears ears are are under under water. water. C. □ nose and ears are under water. D. eyes and ears are on the top of its head. D. □ wants to scare other animals. D. D. □ eyes eyes and and ears ears are are on on the the top top of of its its head. head. Under watereyes a hippo D. □ andcan... ears are on the top of its head. Under Under water water aa hippo hippo can... can... A. □ its breath Under waterhold a hippo can... for 10 minutes. □ hold its breath A. A. hold its breath for for 10 10 minutes. minutes. A. breath 10 minutes. B. □ hold moveitsalong thefor bottom. B. move along along the the bottom. bottom. B. □ move B. □ move along C. run very fast.the bottom. C. C. □ run run very very fast. fast. C. □ hear run very fast. D. better than on land.
fromcan hippo Once, hippos runbulls. very fast, much B. to keep themselves warm. faster than people normally can. When a hippo La nuova only crocodiles. hippo yawning prova INVALSI yawns not tired butfrom shows its teeth to to keep themselves cool. frightenC.other animals. C. from other hippo mothers. D. when they are hungry. 0. AD.calf is only from lions. 3. A hippo can see and hear when its body is under water because its... A. born on land. 2. Hippos stayalways in the water... eyes and ears are under water. A.
4. 1. 3. 1. 1. 1.
5. 2. 4. 2. 2. 2.
3. 5. 3. 3. 3.
4. 4. 4. 4.
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
eyes water. A. B. nose and is onears the are top under of its head. only from crocodiles. B. La nuova prova B. INVALSI nose onears the are top under of its head. nose is and water. C. C. from other hippo mothers. nose and and ears ears are are on under C. D. eyes the water. top of its head. D. only from lions. D. andcan... ears are on the top of its head. 4. Under watereyes a hippo 2. Hippos stay in the water... 4. Under waterhold a hippo can... for 10 minutes. A. its breath A. when they are tired. A. hold breath 10 minutes. B. moveitsalong thefor bottom. B. to keep themselves warm. move along B. C. run very fast.the bottom. C. to keep themselves cool. C. run fast. D. hearvery better than on land. D. when they are hungry. D. hear better than onit... land. 5. When a hippo opens its mouth 3. A hippo can see and hear when its body is under water because its... 5. When a hippo opensofits mouth it... A. is tired swimming. A. eyes and ears are under water. A. is tiredto ofbe swimming. B. wants really friendly. nose is on the top of its head. B. B. wants toof beeating really grass. friendly. C. is bored C. nose and ears are under water. is bored eating grass. C. wants toof scare other animals. D. eyes and ears are on the top of its head. D. D. wants to scare other animals. 4. Under water a hippo can... A. B. C. D. 5.
hold its breath for 10 minutes. move along the bottom. run very fast. hear better than on land.
When a hippo opens its mouth it... A. B. C. D.
18 eighteen
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
is tired of swimming. wants to be really friendly. is bored of eating grass. wants to scare other animals.
La nuova prova INVALSI
A1 Task 5 | True / False / Not given questions Read the text about William Shakespeare. Are the sentences 1-7 true, false or not given? Put a cross (8) in the correct box. The first one (0) is an example.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi leggere un testo non continuo (associato, ad esempio, a una tabella, un grafico o un’immagine) e rispondere a una serie di domande di comprensione a scelta multipla con tre possibili opzioni: devi decidere se, alla luce del testo che hai letto, le affermazioni sono vere (True), false (False) oppure non vi sono informazioni sufficienti per rispondere alla domanda (Not given). Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi: 1) Dopo aver letto le domande che fanno seguito al testo, individua le parole chiave presenti in ciascuna di esse. 2) Leggi velocemente il testo assieme alla relativa tabella (o grafico) associata, per coglierne il senso generale. 3) Leggi ora un’altra volta il testo e la relativa tabella (o grafico) associata. Questa volta, però, fai una lettura attenta e puntuale, volta a cogliere i punti principali della narrazione, invece del significato generale. 4) Individua le parole chiave del brano, e cerca di capire in quale paragrafo del testo (o in che parte della tabella o del grafico) sono contenute le risposte alle domande di comprensione. 5) Se hai un text dubbio sulla risposta a una domanda, non Are preoccuparti! Passa alla1-7 domanda e, solo alla fine, Read the about William Shakespeare. the sentences true,successiva false or not given? ritorna sulla domanda lasciata in sospeso. Put a cross (X) in the correct box. 6) Prima di passare all’esercizio successivo, rileggi le risposte che hai dato, assicurandoti che siano corrette.
The first one (0) is an example.
Cerca di svolgere questo esercizio in non più 9 minuti.
Will was born in a house which still stands in the small market town of Stratfordupon-Avon. His father John was a glovemaker and his mother, Mary Arden, the daughter of a farmer. Will was the oldest of six (though one of his sisters died when she was only eight). True
nineteen 19 Not given
wasINVALSI born in a house which still stands in the small market town of StratfordLa nuova Will prova upon-Avon. His father John was a glovemaker and his mother, Mary Arden, the daughter of a farmer. Will was the oldest of six (though one of his sisters died when she was only eight).
William Shakespeare was born in London. Will had the same name as his 1. Will had the same name as his grandfather. grandfather. 0
William Shakespeare was born in London.
Will had the same as his grandfather. 2. Will's Will’s father wasaname afarmer farmer. father was
3. His His mother’s mother’s name name was was Mary. 4. His His father, father, John, John, had had two sisters. sisters. Will was was older hishis brothers and and Will olderthan than brothers 5. sisters. sisters. 6. Juliet Julietwas was one one of of Will’s Will’s sisters. sisters. One of of Will’s Will’s sisters sisters died One died when whenshe shewas was 7. a child. a child.
20 t we nt y
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
X □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
Not given
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
La nuova prova INVALSI
Listening Comprehension A1
Task 1 | Matching names with pictures Miss Elliot’s students
Listen to Miss Elliot describing a picture. Write the people’s names in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi ascoltare la descrizione di un’immagine proposta e scrivere negli appositi spazi i nomi delle persone descritte. Talvolta anche trovare Write un’immagine con alcuni oggetti in questo caso, ti verrà richiesto Listen to Miss Elliot potresti describing a picture. the people’s names in thee, boxes. di scrivere il nome del proprietario di ciascun oggetto nell’apposito spazio. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi The first one (0) is an example. semplici passaggi: 1) PerYou prima osserva con molta attenzione l’immagine proposta: che cosa rappresenta? Quali sono i tratti will cosa, hear the recording twice. distintivi di ciascuna delle persone (o degli oggetti) rappresentati? 2) Durante il primo ascolto, cerca di rispondere a qualche domanda. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. 3) Se hai un dubbio sul nome da scrivere in uno spazio, non preoccuparti! Passa allo spazio successivo e, solo alla fine, ritorna sullo have spazio20lasciato in sospeso. You now seconds to look at the task. 4) Sfrutta il secondo ascolto per verificare la correttezza degli abbinamenti che hai già fatto e per fare gli abbinamenti mancanti. 5) Prima di passare all’esercizio successivo, rileggi le risposte che hai dato, assicurandoti che siano corrette. Non occorre fare attenzione al tempo, perché ti verranno date tutte le istruzioni Missdurante Elliot’sl’ascolto students per svolgere in tempo l’esercizio.
2............................. 2.
3............................. 3.
4.4............................. 1............................. 1.
Miss Elliot 00............................
Vai al sito per ascoltare l’audio relativo a questo e agli altri esercizi di Listening comprehension.
t went y-one
La nuova prova INVALSI
A1 Task 2 | Multiple matching with pictures
Children’s Jobs Listen to some children talking about how they get some extra money. While listening, match the pictures (A-H) with the children’s names (1-5). Write your answers in the boxes. There are two pictures that you do not need. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi ascoltare alcune persone che parlano di sé e abbinare a ciascuna persona l’elemento giusto tra quelli raffigurati. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi: 1) Osserva con molta attenzione i disegni o le immagini proposte: che cosa rappresentano? Qual è l’argomento trattato? Fai attenzione: ci sono due immagini in più, che non avrai bisogno di utilizzare. 2) Leggi ora i nomi delle persone nella tabella che fa seguito alle immagini, e presta attenzione all’abbinamento svolto (0) per capire come procedere con gli altri abbinamenti. 3) Durante il primo ascolto, cerca di fare quanti più abbinamenti possibile. 4) Se un abbinamento non ti convince, non preoccuparti! Passa agli abbinamenti successivi e, solo durante il secondo ascolto, ritorna sull’abbinamento lasciato in sospeso. 5) Sfrutta il secondo ascolto per verificare la correttezza degli abbinamenti che hai già fatto e per fare gli abbinamenti mancanti. 6) Prima di passare all’esercizio successivo, rileggi gli abbinamenti che hai fatto, assicurandoti che siano corretti. Non occorre fare attenzione al tempo, perché durante l’ascolto ti verranno date tutte le istruzioni per svolgere in tempo l’esercizio.
22 t went y-t wo
0 John
1. Mary
2. Paul
3. Susan
La nuova prova INVALSI
4. Sarah
5. Lucy
A ............... ............... ............... ............... ............... ...............
t went y-three
La nuova prova INVALSI
A1 Task 3 | Four-option multiple choice
Pet Discussion Listen to the conversation between a father and his daughter. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6. Put a cross (8) in the correct box. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example.
Pet Discussion
You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. Listen to the conversation between a father and his daughter. While listening, choose the You nowanswer have 20(A, seconds at the task. correct B, C orto D)look for questions 1-6. Put a cross () in the correct box. Only one
answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example.
You will hear the recording twice. competences You willExam have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now esercizio have 20devi seconds touna look at the task. In questo ascoltare conversazione (in cui si parlerà di argomenti di interesse personale e di eventi tipici della quotidianità) fra due persone, per poi rispondere ad alcune domande, scegliendo la risposta esatta tra
quattro opzioni possibili. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi: Pet Discussion 0. In the morning the girl was…
1) Per prima cosa, leggi le domande per capire meglio l’argomento della conversazione, e individua le parole chiave per ciascuna domanda. Listen to conversation between a father and daughter. While listening, choose the 2) Durante il primo ascolto, di rispondere a quante più his domande possibile. A.the at thecerca zoo 3) Se la risposta che hai dato a una domanda non ti convince, non preoccuparti! Passa domanda successiva e, solo correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6. Put a cross () in thealla correct box. Only one durante il secondo ascolto, ritorna sulla domanda lasciata in sospeso. answer The firstper one (0) is an example. correct. a park 4) Sfrutta il secondoinascolto verificare la correttezza delle risposte alle domande che hai già fornito e per rispondere alle domande mancanti. 5) di passare You Prima will hear the all’esercizio recordingsuccessivo, twice. rileggi le risposte che hai dato, assicurandoti che siano corrette.
□ □ C. □ at school You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now □20 seconds in town to look at the task. D.have Non occorre fare attenzione al tempo, perché durante l’ascolto ti verranno date tutte le istruzioni per svolgere in tempo l’esercizio.
0. 1.
In the morning girlfriend was… is… The name of thethe girl´s A. B. B. C. C. D. D.
1. 2.
X □ □ □ □
Pam at the zoo in a park Sam at school Ken in town Dan
The girl name of the girl´sa…friend is… The wants to have A. B. C. D. D.
□ □ □ □ □
Pam horse Sam dog budgie Ken rabbit Dan
24 t3. went y-four Her pettohas got… 2. The friend´s girl wants have a…
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
at zoo A. B. in athe park A. at the zoo Sam B. Listen to B.the conversation in a parkbetween a father and his daughter. While listening, choose the B. aCpark Only one correct C. answer (A,in or D) for questions 1-6. Put a cross () in the Lacorrect nuovabox. prova INVALSI atB,school B. in a park Ken answerC. is correct. The first one (0) is an example. C. at school C. at school D. in town at school D. Dan You willC. D.hear the recording in town twice. D.have in the town You 20 seconds at the end is… of the second recording to complete your answers. 1. willThe name of girl´s friend D. in town 2. The girl wants to have You have 20 of seconds toa… look at is… the task. 1. now The name the girl´s friend 1. The name of the girl´s friend is… A. Pam A. the horse 1. The name of the girl´s friend is… 0. In morning A. Pamthe girl was… A. Pam B. Sam A. Pam B. dog at the zoo A. B. Sam B. Sam C. Ken C. budgie Sam B. B. in a park Ken C. Ken C. Dan D. D. rabbit C. Ken C. at school D. Dan D. girl wants Dan 2. The have a… 3. Her friend´sDan pettohas got… D. in town D. 2. The girl wants to have a… 2. The girl wants to have a… horse A. A. two babies 2. The girl wants to have 1. The the girl´sa… friend is… A. name of horse horse A. B. dog four babies B. horse A. A. Pam dog B. B. dog budgie C. six C. B. dogbabies B. Sam C. budgie budgie C. D. rabbit D. eight C. budgiebabies D. rabbit Ken C. D. friend´srabbit 3. Her pet has got… rabbit D. 3. Her friend´s pet has got… D. 3. Her pet has got… two babies A. friend´sDan 3. Her pet has got… A. friend´s two 2. The girl wants tobabies have a… A. two babies B. four babies A. two babies B. four babies horse A. B. four babies C. six babies four babies B. C. six babies B. dog C. six babies D. eight babies C. six babies D. eight budgiebabies C. D. eight babies D. eight babies D. rabbit 3. 4.
Her friend´s pet has got… Their house is too… A. two babies A. small B. four babies B. low C. six babies C. high eight babies D. D. big
One problem with cats is that they…
□ □ □ □ □ □ □ □
A. B.
□ □
live too long eat too much
t went y-f ive
□□ small low Sam La nuovaB.prova INVALSI C. □ low high C. □ Ken C. D. □ high big D. □ Dan D. □ bigwith cats is that they… 5. One problem 2. The girl wants to have a… 5. One □ livewithtoocatslongis that they… A. problem A. □ horse A. too much long B. □ live eat too B. □ dog B. C. □ eat run too aftermuch mice C. □ budgie C. D. □ run run after after mice dogs D. □ rabbit D. □ run after dogs 6. Hamsters… 3. Her friend´s pet has got… 6. Hamsters… A. □ are black A. □ two babies A. black climb trees B. □ are B. □ four babies B. C. □ climb need atrees lot of food C. □ six babies of food C. D. □ need live inaalot cage D. □ eight babies D. □ live in a cage A. B. B.
26 t went y-six
La nuova prova INVALSI
A2 Task 4 | Four-option multiple choice
Plans for the day Listen to two children talking about their plans for the day. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-5. Put a cross (8) in the correct box. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi ascoltare un dialogo fra due persone per poi rispondere a una serie di domande, scegliendo l’immagine corretta tra le quattro proposte. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi: Plans 1) Per for primathe cosa,day leggi le domande per capire l’argomento della conversazione, e osserva con attenzione ciascuna Plans for theimmagini day proposte. delle quattro Plans fortwo day 2) Durante ilthe primo ascolto, cerca di rispondere a quante più domande possibile. Listen to children talking about their plans for the day. While listening, choose the correct 3) Se la risposta che hai datotalking a una domanda ti convince, non Passa alla domanda choose successiva e, solo Listen to two children aboutnon their plans for preoccuparti! the While listening, correct in the correct box. Only onethe answer is answer (A,il secondo B, C orascolto, D) forritorna questions 1-5. Put a cross ()day. durante sulla domanda lasciata in sospeso. Listen to two children talking about their plans for the day. While listening, choose the correct thedomande correctche box. one eanswer is answer (A, C or D)(0)forisper questions 1-5. Put a cross () in alle 4) Sfrutta il B, secondo ascolto la correttezza delle risposte hai Only già fornito per correct. The first one anverificare example. answer (A, first B, or D)(0)for questions 1-5. Put a cross () in the correct box. Only one answer is correct. The one is an example. rispondere alleCdomande mancanti. correct. first one (0) is an example. 5) Prima The di passare all’esercizio successivo, rileggi le risposte che hai dato, assicurandoti che siano corrette.
You will hear the recording twice. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds attwice. the end of the second recording to complete your answers. Non occorre fare recording attenzione al tempo, perché durante l’ascolto ti verranno date tutte le istruzioni You will hear the You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. per svolgere l’esercizio. You have in 20tempo seconds to look Younow will have endatofthe thetask. second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 20 seconds secondsattothe look at the task. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task. 0 Who is answering the phone? 0 Who is answering the phone?
0 0 Who Whoisisanswering answering the the phone? phone?
Toni Toni Toni A. A. A.A.
□ □ □ c
Tim Tim Tim B. B. B. B.
Werner Werner Werner
Wendy Wendy Wendy
□ □ □
D. D. D. D. c
□ □□
D.D.c D. D.
c X □ □
C. C. C. C.
□ □□
C.C. c C. C.
□ □ □
1. Where do they want to go? Wheredo dothey they want want to go? 1.1.Where
A.A. A.A.
□ □ □ c
B. B. c B. B.
2.2.How to get get there? there? Howdo do they they want want to
□ □□
t went y-seven
La nuova prova INVALSI
□ □
A. A.
B. B.
C. C.
2. How do they want to get there? 2. How do they want to get there?
A. A.A.
B. B. c B.
C. c C.C.
D.D.D. c
3. When will they meet? 3.3.When meet? Whenwill will they they meet? 3. When will they meet? 3. When will they meet?
1 p.m. 111p.m. p.m. p.m.
2 p.m.
p.m. p.m. 22 2 p.m. 2 p.m.
1 p.m.
A. A. A. A. A. A.
□ □ □
B. B. B. B. B. B.
□□ □ □ c
3 p.m.
3 p.m. p.m. 33 p.m. 3 p.m.
□□ □ □
c C. C. C. C. C. C.
4 p.m.
p.m.4 p.m. 44 p.m. 4 p.m.
D. D. D. D.
□D.D. □ □ □ c
4.4.What bringwith withher? her? Whatwill will the the girl girl bring bring What will the girl 4.4.What will the girl bringwith withher? her? 4. What will the girl bring with her?
□ □ □
A.A. A. A. A. A.
B. B. B. B. B.B.
□□ □□ c
□□ □□
D.D. c D. D. D. D.
□ □□
D. D. D. D.
C. C. C.c C. C. C.
□ □ □ □
5. What should the girl not forget?
Whatshould should the the girl 5.5.What girlnot notforget? forget? Whatshould should the the girl 5.5.What girlnot notforget? forget?
A. A. A. A. A.
28 t went y-eight
□ □ □
□ c
B. B. B.B. B.
□ □□
C. C. C. C.c C.
□ □D. □ D. □ c
La nuova prova INVALSI
A2 Task 5 | Matching
City News Listen to the city news items. While listening, choose the headline (A-H) for each news item (1-5). Write your answers in the boxes. There are two headlines that you do not need. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi ascoltare una conversazione (più lunga e informale della precedente) in cui si parlerà di argoNews CityCity News menti di interesse personale e di eventi tipici della quotidianità, per poi abbinare azioni o oggetti alle persone appropriate. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi:
1) to Perthe prima cosa, leggi i items. nomiitems. delle persone (o listening, cose) e degli elementi abbinare, per capire l’argomento principale Listen to the city news While choose headline (A-H) for each news Listen city news While listening, choose thedathe headline (A-H) for each news itemitem della conversazione. Fai attenzione: ci sono due elementi in più, che non avrai bisogno di utilizzare. (1-5). Write your answers in the boxes. two headlines do not need. (1-5). your answers in the boxes. There are are twopossibile. headlines thatthat youyou do not need. 2) Write Durante il primo ascolto, cerca di fare quanti più There abbinamenti first one (0)anis example. an example. 3) Se un abbinamento non ti convince, non preoccuparti! Passa agli abbinamenti successivi e, solo durante il secondo TheThe first one (0) is ascolto, ritorna sull’abbinamento lasciato in sospeso. 4) Sfrutta il secondo ascolto per verificare la correttezza degli abbinamenti che hai già fatto e per fare gli abbinamenti will recording twice. YouYou willmancanti. hearhear the the recording twice. 5) di passare successivo, gli abbinamenti che hai to fatto, assicurandoti che sianoanswers. corretti. will have 20all’esercizio seconds at the of the second recording to complete your YouYou willPrima have 20 seconds at the endend ofrileggi the second recording complete your answers.
have 20 seconds to look at the task. YouYou nownow have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Non occorre fare attenzione al tempo, perché durante l’ascolto ti verranno date tutte le istruzioni per svolgere in tempo l’esercizio.
News News itemitem 0
C …………… ……………
Headline Headline Coffee is winner A. A. Coffee is winner No more snow today B. B. No more snow today
1. 1.
…………… ……………
2. 2.
…………… ……………
Everybody wants a holiday – orange D. D. Everybody wants a holiday – orange juicejuice soldsold out out
3. 3.
…………… ……………
Expensive school project started E. E. Expensive school project started
4. 4.
…………… ……………
5. 5.
…………… ……………
Award finest school C. C. Award for for finest school
Write more messages F. F. Write more texttext messages Tomorrow’s weather G. G. Tomorrow’s weather Snow H. H. Snow hitshits citycity t went y-nine
La nuova prova INVALSI
A2 Task 6 | Gap-fill (monologue or dialogue)
Holidays Listen to a girl talking about her holidays. While listening answer the questions below. Use a maximum of 4 words. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example. You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Exam competences In questo esercizio devi ascoltare con attenzione un monologo o un dialogo per ricavare le informazioni che ti serviranno per rispondere ad alcune domande di comprensione, usando da una a quattro parole per ciascuna risposta. Per risolvere questo esercizio, segui questi semplici passaggi: Holidays 1) Per prima cosa, leggi le domande proposte e cerca di capire l’argomento dell’ascolto. 2) Durante il primo ascolto, cerca di individuare che cosa ti viene chiesto di preciso nelle domande di comprensione Listen eto a girl talking about her holidays. While listening answer the questions below. Use di rispondere ad alcune di esse. Holidays 3) Se haiof un 4dubbio sullaWrite risposta a unaanswers domanda,in non preoccuparti! Passa allaone domanda e, solo alla fine, maximum words. your the boxes. The first (0) issuccessiva an example. ritorna sulla domanda lasciata in sospeso. Listen to a girl talking about her holidays. While questions below. Use 4) Sfrutta il secondo ascolto per verificare la correttezza dellelistening risposte cheanswer hai fornitothe e per rispondere alle domande You will hear recording lasciate sospeso. maximum ofin4the words. Writetwice. your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example. Rileggi le risposte che haiat dato, siano corrette. You5) will have 20 seconds theassicurandoti end of theche second recording to complete your answers.
You will nowhear havethe 20 recording seconds totwice. look at the task. Non occorre fare attenzione al tempo, perché durante l’ascolto ti verranno date tutte le istruzioni You will 20 inseconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. perhave svolgere tempo l’esercizio. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
When did the girl go on holiday?
n winter ……………………………………………
Whenwent did the girlher goand on holiday? Who with her parents?
1. 2.
Who did went her get andtoher parents? How thewith family Austria?
2. 3.
did the get to take? Austria? How long didfamily the journey
3. 4.
How long journey take? What wasdid thethe weather like? (Give two answers) What was the weather like? (Give two answers) What sport did the girl do?
What sport did the girl do?
30 thir t y
a) …………………………………………… b) a) …………………………………………… …………………………………………… b) …………………………………………… ……………………………………………
a a
Section 1 - Reading Comprehension A1
Task 1 | Missing information (one to four words)
Read the following poster for a lost dog. For questions 1-7, write the missing information. Use a maximum of 4 words. The first one (0) is an example.
A dog
What did the person lose?
What’s the dog’s name?
How old is the dog?
Where did the person lose the dog?
When did the person lose the dog?
What does the person offer?
What’s the person’s name?
What’s the person’s telephone number? thirty-one
Test 1 A1
Task 2 | Matching opinions with sentences Read some opinions (8-12) on a famous novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone and match them with the sentences (A-G). There is one sentence you do not need. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example.
“… very complex plot in the form of a great and entertaining thriller.” Sally Sunderland – UK
“… very well-written first novel enriched by the author’s fantastic imagination.” Sarah Gray – Germany
“… this is a story full of surprises and jokes!” Dolores Depées – Portugal
“… I would recommend this to anyone who really likes creative stories.” Beatrice White – Ireland
“… a really interesting trip back in time thanks to the detailed historical references.” Simon Dubois – France
“… fabulous novel, but the price of the book was quite high.” Francisca Ungaros – Spain
They found the book’s plot very complicated.
They found the book funny and entertaining.
They liked the book’s location very much.
They think that the book was full of precise references to the past.
They found the book suitable for anybody who loves fantasy stories.
They think that the book was a little expensive.
They found the author’s imagination fantastic.
32 thirty-two
Test 1 A1
Task 3 | Reordering sentences Read the instructions (A-H) to change the wallpaper of a mobile phone, then put them in the right order (13-18). There is one instruction you do not need. The first one (0) is an example.
Look at the default wallpapers.
Scroll down the settings until you reach the Display item.
Select the image you want to set as wallpaper.
Click on Display and then search for Wallpaper.
From the Main Menu, choose Personal Settings.
Press the Home screen until the Main Menu appears.
Insert the SIM card.
Touch the Save button to confirm your selection.
Glossary to scroll (v) scorrere
Test 1 A2
Task 4 | Gap-fill (with pool) Read the text about a man’s adventure. Match the missing parts in the pool with the gaps (19-27). There is one part you do not need. The first one (0) is an example.
who managed to walk – was fundamental to – in the countries they visit – an adventure to escape from – let the world know – use their travel experiences – felt weak and hungry – in the Andes mountains – or visiting Antarctica? – to guide him through – never lie
adventures of a lifetime!
34 thirty-four
an adventure to escape from What is better than (0)......................................................... your daily routine? Have you dreamt, for example, of climbing Mount Everest (19) .................................. If so, you’re not the only one! Every year, many people try to climb the world’s highest mountains or walk across continents.Voyagers (20) .................................................... to tell the world about climate change and help people (21) ......................................... Let’s have a look at one of the 21st century’s most memorable adventure.
Ed Stafford is a forty-year old man from the UK and is the first person (22) ......................... ................................. the length of the Amazon River. He started from a small river (23) .......................................................of Peru and arrived at the mouth of the river in Brazil, twenty-six months later. During his trip, Ed had to get food every single day. Sometimes he had a lot of difficulty finding fruit, nuts and fish and that’s why Ed often (24) ............................................................ . Technology (25) ....................................... Ed’s survival. The radio proved to be very useful for asking local people for food and permission to enter their land. Many of them came to meet him and then spontaneously offered (26) .................................................. the impenetrable rainforest. During his time walking, Ed wrote a blog about his daily experiences. Through his walk Ed helped (27) ....................................................... more about climate change and environmental problems in Brazil and Peru. A2
Test 1 A2
Task 5 | Matching sentences with notices Match the notices (A-E) with the sentences (28-33). You can use a notice more than once. Write your answers in the boxes. The first one (0) is an example.
Store will not open until 10 a.m. on of Thursday because staff training
Mason, Have a fantastic holiday! When you get back give me a ring from the airport and I’ll come and pick you up. Dad
From: Fran To: Colin
I’m having a costume party on Saturday the 5th of February. I know you are travelling home from holiday on that day, but come anyway – it doesn’t matter when. It won’t finish till late.
Library card You can borrow up to 6 items (books, magazines or DVDs) with your library card. You can apply for a new card every day from 3 to 5 p.m. It’s free of charge.
This notice is for library members.
This notice says that the shop will open later than normal.
This notice is from a father to his son.
This notice asks for help.
This notice contains the maximum number of products a customer can choose.
This notice contains the price of a ticket.
This notice contains an invitation. thirty-five
Test 1 A2
Task 6 | Four-option multliple choice Read the following text. For questions 34-39 choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D). Put a cross (8) in the correct box. Only one answer is correct.
Earth Day is the largest environmental manifestation on the planet, the only time when all the citizens of the world come together to celebrate the Earth and promote its preservation. The first Earth Day in 1970 was proposed by US Senator Gaylord Nelson after witnessing the destructive effects of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. He wanted to emphasize the need to conserve the earth’s natural resources. Even earlier in 1963, Nelson encouraged President John Fitzgerald Kennedy to take a conservation trip to the western US to discuss environmental issues. The United Nations celebrates Earth Day every year, a month and two days after the spring equinox, April 22nd, and involves up to one billion people each year in 192 countries around the world. In 1970, millions of Americans demonstrated in the streets, parks and auditoriums in favour of a healthy and sustainable environment. Environmental groups use it as an opportunity to assess the problems of the planet, such as the pollution of air, water and soil, the destruction of ecosystems, the thousands of plants and animal species that are disappearing, and the reduction of non-renewable resources. They insist on solutions to eliminate the negative effects of human activities, including the recycling of materials, the conservation of natural resources such as oil and fossil gas, the prohibition of harmful chemicals and the protection of endangered species.
Glossary spill (n) fuoriuscita
36 thirty-six
Test 1 34. Earth Day:
A. B. C. D.
was established in 1969. wasn’t promoted by an American senator. was set up by a US President. began in the 1970s.
35. Earth Day is celebrated on:
A. B. C. D.
August 22nd April 20th April 22nd August 20th
36. The United Nations celebrates Earth Day:
A. B. C. D.
after the summer solstice. after the spring equinox. after the winter solstice. before the spring equinox.
37. This world movement involves:
A. B. C. D.
192 countries around the world. 1970 countries around the world. 1969 countries around the world. 129 countries around the world.
38. The main issues of Earth day are:
A. B. C. D.
fund-raising to help species in danger. to shape the future of 21st century environmentalism. to eliminate the negative effects of the recycling of materials. to reduce the pollution of air, water and soil and non-renewable resources.
39. 2020 marked the:
A. B. C. D.
30th anniversary of Earth Day. 60th anniversary of Earth Day. 50th anniversary of Earth Day. 20th anniversary of Earth Day.
Test 1 A2
Task 7 | True / False / Not given questions Read the text about the history of chocolate. Are sentences 40-45 True, False or Not given in the text? Put a cross (8) in the correct box. The first one (0) is an example.
Chocolate is perhaps one of the most popular sweets in the world. The history of chocolate dates back to 4,000 years ago. It began in South America, in particular Peru, Mexico and Panama. Few people know that chocolate was actually used as a currency by the ancient Mayan people. Legends said that in these countries there was a tree with special seeds called cocoa that tasted very good. The Spanish captain Hernà n CortÊs discovered them and imported cocoa to Europe for the first time, where it was used as a drink. The taste of chocolate, however, was not available to everyone because it was very expensive. But during the Industrial Revolution it became possible for everyone to taste this extraordinary spice when an English pastry chef created the first chocolate bar in 1830. There are many types of chocolate. Chocolate is generally divided into three main categories: dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate. For some people the best chocolate is the dark, bitter type, which melts in your mouth. Milk chocolate is a bestseller around the world and unlike dark chocolate it is sweeter and less solid. White chocolate is very sweet, and contains the most fat. It is often used in the kitchen to decorate cakes. Eating chocolate can have many health benefits. Chocolate is particularly good for you when it is dark, with a high percentage of cocoa - at least 70% - and a low sugar content. Chocolate is good for your memory, your heart and your mood. Whether you are sad, tired or bored, a bar of chocolate is often all you need to feel better. So, the next time you eat a piece of chocolate, you don’t have to feel so guilty about it!
Glossary to date back (v) risalire seeds (n) semi bitter (adj) amaro
38 thirty-eight
currency (n) moneta spice (n) spezia guilty (adj) in colpa
Test 1 True False 0.
World Chocolate Day is celebrated on July 7th every year.
The history of chocolate began in North America.
Mayan people used chocolate to buy things.
Before the Industrial Revolution, everyone ate chocolate.
The first bar of chocolate was created by a British person.
White chocolate is highly recommended for children.
Chocolate is bad for people’s health.
Not given
Test 1
Section 2 - Listening Comprehension A1
Task 1 | Matching names with pictures Listen to Emma describing a picture. Write the people’s names in the boxes (1-5). The first one (0) is an example. 1
You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
4. 0
2. 3. 5. 1.
40 forty
Test 1 A1
Task 2 | Multiple matching with pictures Listen to some children talking about the sports they do. While listening, match the pictures (A-H) with the children’s names (6-10). Write your answers in the boxes. There are two pictures that you do not need. The first one (0) is an example. 2
You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
0 Fred
6. Jenny
7. Sam
8. Jack
9. Laura
10. Ted
Test 1 A1
Task 3 | Four-option multiple choice Listen to the conversation between two friends about a new cinema. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for sentences 11-15. Put a cross (8) in the correct box. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example. 3
You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Example 0 The cinema is
behind the hospital.
B. 8 next to the park. C.
opposite the school.
next to the hospital.
11. The cinema opened
A. B. C. D.
four weeks ago. three weeks ago. two weeks ago. five weeks ago.
12. The first film the boy saw was
A. B. C. D.
a horror film. a funny comedy. a science fiction film. a romantic film.
13. Yesterday the boy paid
A. B. C. D.
£10.50. £7.50. £6. £8.
14. The speakers are going to the cinema together on
A. B. C. D.
Sunday. Saturday. Friday. Wednesday.
15. On Saturday and Sunday, the cinema opens at
A. B. C. D.
7 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 8 p.m. 6.30 p.m.
42 forty-two
Test 1 A2
Task 4 | Four-option multiple choice You will hear five short conversations. There is one question for each conversation. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 16-20. Put a cross (8) in the correct box. Only one answer is correct. The first one (0) is an example. 4
You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Example 0 What will the speakers buy Jacqueline?
B. 8
16. What does the teacher ask the students to bring on the school trip?
17. What job does the boy want to do in the future?
Test 1
18. What kind of film does the boy like the most?
19. What time are the speakers meeting at the park?
20. What is the boy planning to do at the weekend?
44 forty-four
Test 1 A2
Task 5 | Headline matching Listen to an announcement in a high school. While listening, choose the headline (A-I) for each announcement (21-25). Write your answers in the boxes. There are three headlines that you do not need. The first one (0) is an example. 5
You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
Example 0 C
A. Date announced for the school dance.
B. You won’t believe how high it is.
C. Supporting the school team.
D. A strange way of moving.
E. Some students don’t have to attend all classes.
F. Keep classrooms tidy.
G. A new place for drama and music!
H. Prepare for loud noises in this area!
I. Opportunities for students in difficulty.
Test 1 A2
Task 6 | Gap-fill (monologue or dialogue) Listen to an advertisement on the radio. Use a maximum of 4 words to complete each sentence (26-30). The first one (0) is an example. 6
You will hear the recording twice. You will have 20 seconds at the end of the second recording to complete your answers. You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.
AUTUMN FEST PARTY! This fest celebrates the end of (0) Date: (26)
the 3rd of September.
Time: 10 a.m. - (27) Price: £ (28)
p.m. per each ticket.
Discounts: free entrance for children under the age of (29)
Tickets & Infos: Sunfield Tourist Infopoint, at (30) Rocky Street.
SELF-EVALUATION Section 1 – Reading comprehension Task 1 score
Task 2 score
Total score
Section 2 – Listening comprehension /45
Task 1 score
Task 2 score
Task 3 score
Task 3 score
Task 4 score
Task 4 score
Task 5 score
Task 5 score
Task 6 score
Task 6 score
Task 7 score
Total score
Ho trovato la prova: Difficile
46 forty-six
Più semplice di quanto pensassi
Adeguata alle mie aspettative e capacità