There are high sounds like
There are low sounds like
Listen and complete: write high or low. Then listen and check.
The piccolo plays a ……………….…. sound.
The tuba plays a …………………..… sound. The triangle plays a ………….……... sound. The bass drum plays a………...…… sound. 25
There are loud sounds like
There are soft sounds like
Listen and write. Use the words: long-short, high-low, loud-soft. Then colour. Sound 1
Sound 2
Sound 3
Sound 4
Make sounds visible. Write and colour the sounds you hear.
You need: coloured felt tip pens
In your classroom
At the playground
Listen and complete. Rope skipping is very popular at ………….. , but it is also a …………. . In many countries there are teams and ……….. take part to competitions. Both ……….. and ……….. play on the same teams. The teams have ………..….. like: the Perdue Jumping Bulldogs, the Jumping Frogs, the Kangaroo Kids.
To be a good jumper you need a good rope. rope end
Listen and match. The rope must be of the right size. For single jumping: the ends must reach your armpits. For side-by-side jumping: the ends must reach your armpits. For jumping with a partner: the ends must reach your shoulders.
Listen and learn the rhymes, then have a class competition. A, B, C and vegetable goop. What will I find in my alphabet soup? A, B, C, ………..…..…..
Hickety Pickety Pop, how many times before I stop? 1, 2, 3, ………..…..…..
Cinderella, dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss a fellow, made a mistake, kissed a snake. How many doctors did it take? 2, 4, 6, 8 ………..…..…..
Plan and draw a hopscotch grid and play with your friends. YOU NEED: a piece of chalk and a stone
How to play
Draw a grid on the floor with a piece of chalk.
Throw the stone inside square 1.
Hop into each square, from 1 to 8. Remember: one square, one foot.
Two squares, two feet.
Reach squares 7 and 8 and go back.
Pick up the stone. Then continue playing.
Wordlist Social Skills equipment: attrezzatura fight: combattere helpful: disponibile jungle rings: anelli della giungla kind: gentile litter: sporcare properly: appropriatamente responsible: responsabile
safe: sicuro slides: scivoli stone: sasso, pietra swings: altalene take turns: fare a turni throw: gettare, lanciare wrestle: fare wrestling
Road Safety between: tra due careful: attento distract: distrarre elbow pads: paragomiti far: lontano get off: scendere helmet: casco
knee pads: ginocchiere lead: guinzaglio let: lasciare pavement: marciapiedi roller hockey: hochey su rotelle scooters: monopattini watcher: sorvegliante
Environmental Studies air pollution: inquinamento dell’aria clean: pulito fan: ventilatore flame: fiamma gets very big: diventa molto grande
hot air balloon: mongolfiera pilot: pilota rowing: remare skiing: sciare soccer: calcio switches on: accende water skiing: sci nautico
Health and Safety cause: causare chicken pox: varicella contact: contatto cough: tossire cover: coprire
diseases: malattie flu: influenza germs: germi handle: maneggiare measles: morbillo 31
Health and Safety microscope: microscopio organisms: organismi sneeze: starnutire through: attraverso
throw away: gettare via tissue: fazzoletto di carta viruses: virus
Food and Nutrition beat: battere better: meglio bones: ossa calcium: calcio carry: trasportare heal wounds: guarire ferite heart: cuore infections: infezioni iron: ferro
minerals: minerali muscles: muscoli oxygen: ossigeno palm: palmo potassium: potassio rich: ricco serving: porzione strong: forte vitamins: vitamine
Art acid: acido bitter: amaro shades: sfumature
mussels: cozze tertiary: terziari
Music bass drum: grancassa cymbals: piatti high: alto, acuto loud sound: suono forte
low: basso, grave piccolo: ottavino tambourine: tamburello tuba: tuba
P.E. armpits: ascelle competitions: gare countries: paesi dressed in yellow: vestita di giallo mistake: errore, sbaglio popular: popolare 32
rope jumping: saltare a corda shoulders: spalle take part to: partecipare teams: squadre upstairs: al piano superiore