Next Challenge Grammar - sample

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Il piacere di apprendere

Contents Unit 1 I pronomi personali soggetto ...............................................................................................................................................................

Unit 2 be: il Present simple ........................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 3 L’ora e le parti della giornata ...............................................................................................................................................................



Unit 4 I numeri ordinali ...............................................................................................................................................................................................


Unit 6 Il plurale dei nomi ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


Unit 8 Gli aggettivi possessivi ................................................................................................................................................................................


Unit 5 a, an ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 7 Le parole interrogative ...............................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 9 there is, there are .............................................................................................................................................................................................

12 15


Progress Check Units 1-9 ........................................................................................................................................................................................


Mind Map 1 – Il verbo be .........................................................................................................................................................................................


Unit 10 have got: il Present simple ....................................................................................................................................................................


Mind Map 2 – Il verbo have ...................................................................................................................................................................................


Unit 12 the ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Unit 11 Il genitivo sassone (possessive ’s) .................................................................................................................................................

Unit 13 this, that, these, those .............................................................................................................................................................................. Unit 14 Il Present simple .............................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 15 Le preposizioni di tempo ........................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 16 Le preposizioni di luogo .......................................................................................................................................................................... Progress Check Units 10-16 ..................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 17 I verbi di gradimento .................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 18 I pronomi personali complemento ................................................................................................................................................

Unit 19 L’imperativo .......................................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 20 Gli avverbi di frequenza ..........................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 21 some, any, no, every ....................................................................................................................................................................................

26 29 30


33 35


39 40



Mind Map 3 – some, any, no, every ..............................................................................................................................................................


Unit 23 Verbi seguiti dall’infinito o dalla forma in -ing .................................................................................................................


Unit 22 How much…?, How many…? ................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 24 I nomi numerabili e non numerabili ............................................................................................................................................

Unit 25 be: il Past simple .............................................................................................................................................................................................

Progress Check Units 17-25 ..................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 26 can, can’t ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 27 could, couldn’t ..................................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 28 Gli avverbi di modo ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Unit 29 Il Present continuous ................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 30 Present simple o Present continuous? .......................................................................................................................................

Mind Map 4 – Present simple e Present continuous ...................................................................................................................

Progress Check Units 26-30 ..................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 31 Il Past simple dei verbi regolari .......................................................................................................................................................

Unit 32 Il Past simple dei verbi irregolari ...................................................................................................................................................

Unit 33 who, where, which, that ..........................................................................................................................................................................




49 50 53


57 58 60


65 66


70 72

Unit 34 may, might ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................


Unit 36 much, many, a lot of ...........................................................................................................................................................................


Unit 35 I comparativi e i superlativi .............................................................................................................................................................

Unit 37 little, few, a little, a few ........................................................................................................................................................................

Mind Map 5 – much, many, a lot of, a few, a little .....................................................................................................................

Progress Check Units 31-37 ................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 38 I connettori temporali ............................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 39 one, ones ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 40 I pronomi possessivi .................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 41 How long does it take…? .......................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 42 have to, must ....................................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 43 be going to ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 44 Il Future simple: will .................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 45 will o be going to? ........................................................................................................................................................................................

Mind Map 6 – will e be going to ................................................................................................................................................................. Progress Check Units 38-45 ................................................................................................................................................................................

Unit 46 should, shall ......................................................................................................................................................................................................
















Unit 47 Il Present perfect ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 101 Unit 48 Il Present perfect con for e since ................................................................................................................................................. 104 Unit 49 Il Present perfect con just, already, still, yet ................................................................................................................... 105

Unit 50 Present perfect o Past simple? ......................................................................................................................................................... 106 Mind Map 7 – Present perfect e Past simple .................................................................................................................................... 108

Progress Check Units 46-50 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 109 Unit 51 Zero e First conditional .......................................................................................................................................................................... 111

Unit 52 Il Second conditional ................................................................................................................................................................................ 113

Mind Map 8 – Conditionals .................................................................................................................................................................................. 115

Unit 53 Il Past continuous ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 116 Unit 54 Past simple o Past continuous? ...................................................................................................................................................... 119

Progress Check Units 51-54 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 121 Unit 55 I composti di some, any, no, every .............................................................................................................................................. 123

Unit 56 Il verbo need .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 125

Unit 57 Il passivo ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 126

Unit 58 Il discorso indiretto .................................................................................................................................................................................. 129

Unit 59 Question tags .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 131

Unit 60 Modal verbs – Ripasso ............................................................................................................................................................................. 133

Mind Map 9 – Modal verbs .................................................................................................................................................................................... 136

Progress Check Units 55-60 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 137 Irregular Verbs ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 139

Tavole verbali ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 140 UK and Northern Ireland Map ........................................................................................................................................................................ 143

English-speaking Countries Map .................................................................................................................................................................. 144 5

Grammar A-Z: I termini grammaticali aggettivo adjective

Termine che modifica un nome. Sheila is an English student.

aggettivo dimostrativo demonstrative adjective

Indica la posizione di una persona o di una cosa rispetto a chi parla. this student, that car, these books, those girls

aggettivo (di quantità) indefinito quantifier, indefinite adjective

Indica una quantità non precisa. some fruit, several people, many students, a lot of children

aggettivo possessivo possessive adjective

Indica possesso e appartenenza. my name, your scooter

aggettivo qualificativo qualitative adjective

Indica una qualità del nome. yellow trainers, a new house, a brilliant student

articolo determinativo definite article

Identifica un oggetto o una persona determinata. the moon, the Queen

articolo indeterminativo Identifica un oggetto o una indefinite article persona indeterminata. a notebook, an adult avverbio adverb

Modifica un verbo, un aggettivo o un altro avverbio. Walk slowly, please.

comparativo comparative

Stabilisce un confronto tra due o più termini. Jonas is taller than Bill.

complemento complement

Ciò che segue un verbo. I live in a small town. She studies with her friend.

genitivo genitive

Indica possesso, appartenenza o relazione. Claudia’s book

gerundio gerund/-ing form

Uno dei modi del verbo. Walking is good.

imperativo imperative

Uno dei modi del verbo. Close the door.

infinito infinitive

Uno dei modi del verbo. to be

nome/sostantivo noun

Termine che indica persone o cose. Lisa is English. My shoes are black.

oggetto (complemento) Il termine che riceve/subisce object l'azione del soggetto. I eat a sandwich. participio participle


Uno dei modi del verbo. Si usa nei tempi composti. The lesson has just finished.

passivo passive

Forma verbale in cui soggetto e agente sono diversi. Juliet is loved by Romeo.

periodo ipotetico conditional sentence

Frase che indica un’azione possibile date certe condizioni. If we don’t run we’ll miss the train!

preposizione preposition

Introduce un complemento. I have breakfast at 7 c’clock. I come from Italy.

pronome pronoun

Termine che sostituisce un nome. He’s my friend. That pen is mine. Can I have those?

pronome indefinito indefinite pronoun

Indica cose e persone senza specificarne con precisione la quantità o la qualità. Little is known about his life. Nobody thinks that.

pronome personale oggetto personal subject pronoun

È il complemento diretto o indiretto di un verbo o di una preposizione. Tell me what you think. I live with him.

pronome personale soggetto personal subject pronoun

Indica il soggetto o chi compie l’azione, senza ripeterne il nome. They study English. It’s working.

pronome possessivo possessive pronoun

Sostituisce il nome dell’oggetto posseduto di cui si parla. I like your bag. Do you like mine?

pronome relativo relative pronoun

Mette in relazione frasi diverse. The man who lives upstairs is from Naples.

proposizione principale main clause

La frase più importante di un periodo. I listen to music while I study.

proposizione subordinata Frase dipendente da un’altra. I listen to music while I study. subordinate clause soggetto subject

Chi compie l’azione. We love sushi. Jackie can ride a motorbike.

superlativo superlative

Indica che la qualità espressa è posseduta al grado massimo. It’s the happiest day of my life.

verbo verb

Indica uno stato o un’azione che un soggetto compie o subisce. I’m happy. She is playing Ruzzle.

verbo ausiliare auxiliary verb

Verbo usato per coniugare un altro verbo. David is sleeping on the sofa.

I pronomi personali soggetto I





egli, lui


ella, lei


esso, essa






essi, esse, loro

In inglese, a differenza dell’italiano, il soggetto deve essere sempre espresso, non può mai essere omesso.



I pronomi personali soggetto vanno sempre prima del verbo: He is my cousin. = È mio cugino. • Il pronome di prima persona singolare I si scrive sempre con la maiuscola: I’m Tim and I’m a student. = Sono Tim e sono uno studente. • Il pronome you corrisponde ai pronomi italiani “tu” e “voi”, e viene usato anche per il “Lei”: How are you, Mr Tanner? = Come sta, signor Tanner? • Dei pronomi alla terza persona singolare, he si usa per le persone di sesso maschile, she per le persone di sesso femminile, it per le cose e gli animali: He’s a teacher. = Lui è un insegnante. She is a cyclist. = Lei è una ciclista. It’s a sunny day. = È una giornata soleggiata. It’s my dog. = È il mio cane.

Osserva le immagini e scrivi il pronome personale soggetto corrispondente.

1 ______________________ 2 ______________________ 3 ______________________

I ______________________

2 1 2 3 4


4 ______________________ 5 ______________________ 6 ______________________

Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con il pronome personale soggetto corrispondente, come nell’esempio. Sarah is English. She is from London. Andy and Martin are musicians.______________ play in a band. Julio is Spanish.____________ is from Barcelona. I have a bike. ____________ is red. Rob and Ann love running. ____________ are good runners.

5 Rome is a very big city. ____________ is in Italy. 6 You and I are students. ____________ are in the same class. 7 This is Toby. ____________ is my dog. 8 Your eyes are beautiful. ____________ are blue.

Scrivi 8 frasi a piacere utilizzando i pronomi personali soggetto. 7


be : il Present simple Forma affermativa

Forma negativa



I am you are he / she / it is we are you are they are

I’m you’re he’s / she’s / it’s we’re you’re they’re

Forma interrogativa Am I... ? Are you... ? Is he / she / it... ? Are we... ? Are you... ? Are they... ?

Estesa I am not you are not he / she / it is not we are not you are not they are not

Contratta I’m not you aren’t he / she / it isn’t we aren’t you aren’t they aren’t

Risposte brevi Affermative Yes, you are. Yes, I am. Yes, he / she / it is. Yes, we are. Yes, you are. Yes, they are.

Negative No, you aren’t. No, I am not. No, he / she / it isn’t. No, we aren’t. No, you aren’t. No, they aren’t.

Il Present simple del verbo be ha tre voci alla forma affermativa: am, is, are. I am a girl. =Io sono una ragazza. La forma negativa si ottiene aggiungendo not dopo il verbo: You are not American. = Tu non sei americano. La forma interrogativa si ottiene invertendo soggetto e verbo. Le risposte non sono mai un semplice “Sì” o “No”, ma sono invece: Yes / No + il pronome personale soggetto + be: ‘Are you English?’ ‘Yes, I am.’ = “Sei inglese?” “Sì, lo sono.” La forma contratta viene di solito utilizzata nell’inglese parlato e in quello scritto informale. Ricorda che: Nelle risposte brevi le forme contratte si utilizzano solo alla forma negativa, mai a quella affermativa. Il verbo be si usa: • per presentarsi: I’m Andy. = Sono Andy. • per chiedere e dire da dove si viene: ‘Where are you from?’ ‘I’m from Milan.’ = “Da dove vieni?” “Vengo da Milano.” • per chiedere e dire l’età: ‘How old are you?’ ‘I’m 14 years old.’ = “Quanti anni hai?” “Ho 14 anni.” • per chiedere e dire come stiamo: ‘How are you?’ ‘I’m fine.’ = “Come stai?” “Sto bene.” • per indicare una condizione: Today it’s very hot. = Oggi fa molto caldo. Espressioni idiomatiche con il verbo be Alcune espressioni italiane che utilizzano il verbo avere per indicare uno stato d’animo o una condizione sono rese in inglese con una costruzione con il verbo be + aggettivo: • be right / wrong = avere ragione / torto: Stella is right / wrong. = Stella ha ragione / torto. • be cold / hot = avere freddo / caldo: She’s really cold. = Ha molto freddo. • be afraid = aver paura: I’m afraid of snakes. = Ho paura dei serpenti. • be sleepy = avere sonno: The cat is very sleepy today. = Il gatto ha molto sonno oggi. 8

2 1

Sottolinea la forma corretta del verbo be. They are / am happy. 1 I are / am thirsty. 2 We are / am in the class. 3 Tom are/ is busy.


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta, come negli esempi. Leo Messi is / isn’t Brazilian. The earth is / isn’t round. 1 We are / aren’t in New Zealand. 2 Elephants are / aren’t big. 3 I’m / I’m not a rock star.


4 The sea is / isn’t blue. 5 You are / aren’t from Moscow. 6 Penguins are / aren’t small animals.

Abbina le domande alle risposte corrette. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Are Julie and Ross friends? Is your bag red? Are the boys ready? Is your sister ten? Are you thirsty? Are you tennis players?

a b c d e f

■ No, it isn’t: it is green. ■ No, she isn’t: she’s nine. 1 Yes, they are: they are in the same class. ■ ■ No, we aren’t: we play volleyball. ■ Yes, they are: let’s go. ■ Yes, I am: a glass of water, please!

Rispondi con risposte brevi che siano vere per te. 1 2 3 4


4 They is / are from Norway. 5 You and I am / are old friends. 6 My book is /are on the table.

Are you in an English class? Yes, I am. Are you American? _______________ Is your school big? _______________ Are your classes long? _______________ Are you sporty? _______________

5 6 7 8

Is rugby your favourite sport? _______________ Are you and your friends clever? _______________ Are you an only child? _______________ Are your parents Italian? _______________

Completa le frasi utilizzando la forma corretta del verbo be e le parole nel riquadro. interested • wrong • thirsty • sleepy • right • happy • hungry • dirty • cold • tired • afraid

1 2 3 4 5

A Why are you on the sofa? B Because I am tired. It’s lunchtime. __________ you _____________? Sarah is in bed because she __________________. Wash your hands! They __________________! Pass me the water, please. I _________________. A Madrid is in Argentina. B No, you _________________.

6 My feet ___________________ in winter 7 They ___________________ in history. 8 We ______________ because we’ve passed our exam. 9 Helen _____________________________ of spiders. 10 A 5 plus 5 is 10. B Yes, you ______________________! 9

L’ora e le parti della giornata


Per chiedere che ore sono e per rispondere a questa domanda si usa il verbo be alla terza persona singolare: ‘What time is it?’ ‘It’s three o’clock.’ = “Che ore sono?” “Sono le tre.” Ricorda che: L’espressione o’clock indica l’ora precisa: It’s eight o’clock. = Sono le otto in punto. Per indicare le ore da mezzanotte a mezzogiorno si aggiunge a.m. (ante meridiem, prima di mezzogiorno) dopo l’indicazione dell’ora. Per indicare invece le ore da mezzogiorno a mezzanotte si aggiunge p.m. (post meridiem, dopo mezzogiorno): It’s ten a.m. = Sono le dieci di mattina. It’s five p.m. = Sono le cinque di pomeriggio. Per dire quanto tempo è passato dopo l’ora esatta si usa past: It’s ten past five.= Sono le cinque e dieci. Per dire invece quanto manca allo scoccare dell’ora esatta si usa to: It’s twenty-five to three. = Mancano venticinque minuti alle tre. It’s a quarter past eleven in the morning.


It’s a quarter to eight in the evening.

Che ore sono? Scrivi l’orario indicato accanto a ciascun orologio.


3.15 ____________________

2 ___________________

4 ___________________

1 ____________________

3 ___________________

5 ___________________

Che ore sono? Scrivi le ore in lettere, specificando se è mattina, pomeriggio o sera. 1 2 3 4


6.00 It’s six o’clock in the morning. 10.45 _______________________________________ 12.15 _______________________________________ 17.30 _______________________________________ 22.00 _______________________________________ 1

1 2 3 4 5 10

It’s half past four in the afternoon.

5 13.10 _______________________________________ 6 19.55 _______________________________________ 7 2.10 _______________________________________ 8 11.05 _______________________________________

Ascolta e scrivi gli orari.

It’s 2.20 p.m. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

6 ______________________________________________ 7 ______________________________________________ 8 ______________________________________________ 9 ______________________________________________ 10 ______________________________________________

I numeri ordinali 1st

































































I numeri ordinali indicano la posizione in un insieme: January is the first month of the year. = Gennaio è il primo mese dell’anno. Chelsea FC are third in the Premier League. = Il Chelsea è terzo nella Premier League. I numeri ordinali si usano anche per indicare la data: Today is the sixth of October. = Oggi è il sei ottobre.


Scrivi i numeri ordinali in lettere. 2nd 1 11th 2 15th 3 20th


______________________ 4 1st ___________________________ 7 57th _________________________ ______________________ 5 29th _________________________ 8 12th _________________________ ______________________ 6 41th _________________________ 9 55th _________________________

Completa le frasi con gli ordinali dei numeri indicati. 1 2 3 4 5 6



May is the fifth (5) month of the year. Mary and John live on the _________________________ (3) floor. She is the _________________________ (14) on the list. There are ten people before me: I am the _________________________ (11). My house is the _________________________ (7) on the right. Tomorrow is the _________________________ (19) of March. The _________________________ (1) of September is my _________________________ (15) birthday. 2

Ascolta e scrivi le date di nascita in cifre.

1 ___________________ 2 ___________________


3 ___________________ 4 ___________________

5 ___________________ 6 ___________________

7 ___________________ 8 ___________________

Rispondi alle domande scrivendo le date in lettere. 1 When is your birthday?


4 When is Valentine’s Day?


2 When is Christmas Day?

5 When is your best friend’s birthday?.

3 When is New Year’s Day?

6 When is Labour Day?

__________________________________________________. __________________________________________________.

. . 11

a, an


L’articolo indeterminativo a / an corrisponde agli articoli italiani “un, uno, una”. L’articolo a si usa davanti alle parole che iniziano per consonante: a child, a year, a window, a jelly. L’articolo an si usa davanti alle parole che iniziano per vocale e h muta (honest, honour, hour): an apple, n idea, an English man, an hour. Ricorda che: h, j, w e y sono consonanti!


Scrivi l’articolo indeterminativo corretto, come nell’esempio. 1 2 3 4


an umbrella

____________________ yacht ____________________ wall

____________________ hospital ____________________ address

5 6 7 8

____________________ cat

____________________ jumper ____________________ hour

____________________ tablet

9 ____________________ curtain 10 ____________________ jet 11 ____________________ hit 12 ____________________ yard

Completa le frasi con le espressioni nel riquadro aggiungendo a / an dove necessario. happy birthday • actor • apartment in Brighton • clothes shop • huge cake hotel • hairdresser • American singer • book • fruit juice • hour


1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

Indica (✓) le frasi giuste e correggi quelle con gli articoli sbagliati.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12

Taylor Swift is an American singer. My mum is _____________________________________________________. For my birthday I want _______________________________________. Before going to bed I always read ____________________________. For breakfast I have __________________________________________. Jack Black is ___________________________________________________. My friend Beth lives in ________________________________________. I wish you _____________________________________________________. The film lasts about __________________________________________. He works as a receptionist in _________________________________. We stay in an hotel when we go on holiday. a My new car is a jeep. ✓ I eat an enormous bowl of cereal for breakfast in the morning. __________ My grandparents’ house has got two floors and a attic. __________ For our birthday me and my sister get an present from the club. __________ I love reading science fiction books.__________ ‘Let’s watch film tonight!’ ‘Great idea! Star Wars is on now.’__________ I’m thirsty. Can I have a coke, please?__________ There is a yummy cake in the fridge. __________ An year is a very long time. __________ My house has got two rooms and a hall. __________

Il plurale dei nomi


Generalmente il plurale dei nomi si ottiene aggiungendo -s al nome singolare: book → books. Se il nome termina in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o, -z, gli si aggiunge -es: bus → buses; box → boxes. Ricorda che: Alcuni nomi che terminano in -o aggiungono solo la -s: photos, discos, pianos, videos, radios. Se il nome termina con -y preceduta da una consonante, si toglie la -y e si aggiunge -ies: country → countries; se la -y è preceduta da una vocale, si aggiunge semplicemente la -s: boy → boys. Se il nome termina con -fe o -f, questi si tolgono e si aggiunge -ves: life → lives; shelf → shelves. apple word month campus boss bush peach mix tomato

+ -es

toy birthday

+ -s

butterfly lady

- y + -ies

knife elf

- f + -ves


Alcuni plurali sono irregolari, cioè cambiano, tutta o in parte, la forma del singolare: Singolare

Plurale children men teeth people women feet mice

child man tooth person woman foot mouse

Ricorda che: In alcuni casi il singolare e il plurale hanno la stessa forma: one fish → two fish one sheep → two sheep

Scrivi il plurale o il singolare dei seguenti nomi. 1 2 3 4 5 6


+ -s

apples words months campuses bosses bushes peaches mixes tomatoes toys birthdays butterflies ladies knives elves



kiss office apple tomato books kilos

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

7 8 9 10 11 12



cities wolves toy party box wife

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

13 14 15 16 17 18

sandwich people potatoes feet dishes days

________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Riscrivi le frasi volgendo al plurale le parole sottolineate, e facendo tutti i cambiamenti necessari. The toy is in the box. The toys are in the boxes. 1 The thief is on the roof. 3 ______________________________________________. 2 My key is in my bag. 4 ______________________________________________.

The book is about the life of fish.


My foot is cold.



6 3

Osserva le immagini e completa le frasi con il plurale dei nomi.

Sheep eat grass.

1 I’ve got two

2 Olivia brushes her


5 _____________________ _____________________ love cheese. at the bus stop.



1 2 3 4



a a a a

■ ■ ■ ■



6 The ________________ are at a birthday party.

7 Babies have got very small _________

twice a day.

4 There are two

3 In autumn the fall from the trees.

Ascolta e indica (✓) la parola che senti.

shelf child toe knife

b b b b

■ ✓ ■ ■ ■

shelves children toes knives

5 6 7 8

a a a a

■ ■ ■ ■

church woman country man

b b b b

■ ■ ■ ■

churches women countries men

Descrivi cosa vedi in ogni immagine, come nell’esempio.

There are 4 children and a dog in the park.

1 _________________________________________

2 _________________________________________

3 _________________________________________

Le parole interrogative Who ...? What ...? Where ...? When ...? How ...? Which ...? Why ...?


Chi ...? Che cosa ...? / Quale ...? Dove ...? Quando ...? Come ...? / Quanto ...? Quale ...? Perché ...?

Le parole interrogative, o question words, si trovano sempre all’inizio della frase: Who is your teacher? = Chi è il tuo / vostro insegnante? What’s your name? = Qual è il tuo nome? / Come ti chiami? When is your birthday? = Quand’è il tuo compleanno? How are you? = Come stai? How old are you? = Quanti anni hai? Ricorda che: Se ci sono delle preposizioni, queste vanno alla fine della frase: Where are you from? = Di dove sei? What e Which possono entrambi significare “quale”, ma which si usa soltanto per indicare una scelta tra due o più opzioni: What are your favourite subjects? = Quali sono le tue materie preferite? (scelta generica) Which is your first language, English or Italian? = Qual è la tua prima lingua, l’inglese o l’italiano? (scelta fra le opzioni date) In inglese, la parola italiana “perché” si traduce con why nelle domande e because nelle risposte: ‘Why are you running?’ ‘Because I’m late!’ = ‘Perché corri?’ ‘Perché sono in ritardo!’


Scrivi la question word corretta.

1 2 3 4 5 6


A B A B A B A B A B A B A B 4

What’s your favourite colour? It’s yellow. ___________________ old are you? I’m 19. ___________________ are you from? I’m from Bath. ___________________ tall are you? I’m 1.70 m. ___________________’s your name? My name’s Audrey. ___________________ is Paul? He’s in the kitchen. ___________________ is that man with the black hat? That’s Simon.

7 A ___________________ are you? B Fine, thanks. 8 A ___________________’s your job? B I’m a vet. 9 A ___________________is the party? B It’s tonight! 10 A ___________________ is he sad? B He’s got a headache. 11 A ___________________ are they? B They’re my cousins. 12 A ___________________ is dinner ready? B In half an hour.

Ascolta e controlla. 15

7 3

Abbina le domande nel riquadro alle risposte date. Where is Jim? • What time is the football match? • Where is your flat? • When is the family dinner? Why is she nervous? • How do you go to school? • How old is your brother? What’s your favourite colour? • What’s this? • When is your birthday? • Who are those boys? How high is that mountain? • How is your granny?

What’s this? It’s my new smartphone.

1 ________________________________________________ Tomorrow evening. 2 _______________________________________________ Purple. 3 _______________________________________________ They are my new classmates. 4 _______________________________________________ By bus. 5 _______________________________________________ She’s very well, thanks. 6 _______________________________________________ It’s at 7 p.m.


7 _______________________________________________ It’s about 1,300 metres high. 8 _______________________________________________ It’s on Saturday. Come to my party! 9 _______________________________________________ It’s near the town concert hall. 10 _______________________________________________ He’s twenty-five. 11 _______________________________________________ Because there’s a maths test today. 12 _______________________________________________ He’s in the garden.

Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande, come nell’esempio. mum and dad / your / are / where A Where are your mum and dad? B They are in Rome. 1 girl / who’s / that A ___________________________________________? B She’s my sister.

5 is / TV / favourite / what / series / your ___________________________________________? A B It’s Sherlock.

2 number / what’s / your / phone A ___________________________________________? B It’s 813 5992738.

6 is / English / your / when / lesson A ___________________________________________? B It’s now.

3 Gianni / who / and / Anna / are A ___________________________________________? B They are my grandparents. 4 old / puppy / your / how / is A ___________________________________________? B It’s six months old.


Gli aggettivi possessivi Pronomi soggetto I you he she it we you they


Aggettivi possessivi my your his her its our your their

il mio, la mia, i miei, le mie il tuo, la tua, i tuoi, le tue il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di lui) il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di lei) il suo, la sua, i suoi, le sue (di cosa, animale etc.) il nostro, la nostra, i nostri, le nostre il vostro, la vostra, i vostri, le vostre il loro, la loro, i loro, le loro

Gli aggettivi possessivi si usano davanti a un nome per indicare appartenenza o relazione: My computer is new. = Il mio computer è nuovo. In inglese hanno una sola forma per il maschile e il femminile, il singolare e il plurale, e concordano sempre con il possessore, non con la cosa posseduta: He is Bob: his bike is red. = Lui è Bob: la sua bicicletta è rossa. She’s Helen, her dad is a doctor. = Lei è Helen, suo padre è un dottore. Their house is in the next street. = La loro casa è nella prossima strada. Their parents are English. = I loro genitori sono inglesi. Ricorda che: Gli aggettivi possessivi non sono mai preceduti dall’articolo the. La forma di cortesia italiana “suo / sua” si traduce con your: What’s your email, Mrs Smith? = Qual è la sua email, signora Smith?


Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. 1 2 3 4


He’s my brother. His / Her name is Brian. My sister and our / her friend Liz are tall and blonde. Charlotte brushes his / her teeth every morning. What’s your / its surname, madam? Josh and Craig are German. Their / Our father is from Berlin.

5 Is this its / my T-shirt? 6 Lucy has a cat. Your / Its name is Snowy. 7 We are Jason and Chris. We live with our / her parents. 8 Thomas, Daniel! Where are your / his schoolbags?

Sostituisci le parole sottolineate con l’aggettivo possessivo corrispondente. My sister name is Chloe. Her name is Chloe. 1 Tom and Janet trousers are black. _____________________ trousers are black. 2 Tricia and my bikes are in the garage. _________________ bikes are in the garage. 3 Are you going to John and Julie party? Are you going to _________________ party?

4 Which is Paul house? Which is _________________ house? 5 You are eating the dog food! You are eating _________________ food! 6 Is that Sophie and your mum over there? Is that _________________ mum over there? 17

8 3

Completa le frasi sulle vacanze della famiglia di Ben scegliendo l’opzione corretta (a, b o c). Every year _________ mum and dad don’t know where to go on holiday.

1 2 3

4 5 6 7


Completa le frasi con l’aggettivo possessivo corretto.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


a ■ b ■ their c ■ your ✓ my Mum wants us to go away with _________ sister’s family. a ■ her b ■ his c ■ our But Dad prefers a quiet holiday on _________ own, just the four of us. a ■ your b ■ their c ■ our Then Grandma and Grandpa decide to plan _________ summer visit to us just when we want to go away. a ■ our b ■ their c ■ theirs And my brother Sam says he doesn’t want to go anywhere without _________ girlfriend! a ■ her b ■ his c ■ its So I say I don’t want to leave the cat on _________ own! a ■ her b ■ their c ■ its _________ holidays are always so complicated! a ■ our b ■ their c ■ your I hope _________ family is better at organising holidays! b ■ their c ■ your a ■ my My parents open their shop at 10 o’clock. Joseph wants to be a pilot, and ________________ sister wants to be an astronaut. Mum, can John stay at ________________ house for the weekend, please? Samantha and I have ________________ cooking class on Wednesday evening. I have to take ________________ dog to the vet: ________________ leg is broken. Thomas and Jennifer went to Bahamas for ________________ honeymoon. Juliet, please, finish ________________ soup before it gets cold. I can’t use ________________ mobile: ________________ battery is low! Kids, here are ________________ new schoolmates!

Completa l’email che Sarah scrive alla sua amica Molly con gli aggettivi possessivi.

Hi Molly, your Thanks for ______________ email and the photos of 1______________ family: they are very nice! And 2______________ dog too: 3____________ puppies are so cute! I promise to send you the pics of 4______________ pets! I’ve got some news: next week I’m going on holiday with 5______________ friends Julia and Carla and 6 ____________ family! Carla and 7______________ sister are very lovely, and 8______________ little brother Alan too: he always takes 9_______________ teddy bear with him! Bye, talk to you soon! Sarah 18

there is, there are


There is corrisponde all’italiano “c’è”. There are corrisponde all’italiano “ci sono”. There is a cat in the garden. = C’è un gatto in giardino. There are two books on the shelf. = Ci sono due libri sullo scaffale. La forma contratta di there is è there’s: There’s a pen on the table. = C’è una penna sul tavolo. Ricorda che: Non esiste una forma contratta per there are. Per ottenere la forma negativa si aggiunge not dopo il verbo essere: There aren’t (are not) cars on the street. = Non ci sono macchine in strada. Per la forma interrogativa is / are vanno prima di there, e le risposte brevi sono: Yes, there + is / are; No, there + isn’t / aren’t: ‘Is there a mirror in your room?’ ‘Yes, there is’.= “C’è uno specchio nella tua stanza?” “Sì, c’è.” ‘Are there biscuits in the jar?’ ‘No, there aren’t.’ = “Ci sono biscotti nel barattolo?” “No, non ce ne sono.”


Completa le frasi con There is, There are, It’s o They’re. 1 2 3 4 5


They’re my favourite books. 6 _____________ an interesting story. 7 _____________ two apples and some oranges in the fridge. 8 _____________lots of clothes shops in town.

Completa le frasi usando There’s, There are, It’s / He’s / She’s o They’re. 1 2 3 4 5


There is a cat in the garden. _____________ two cinemas in town. _____________ a chair in the corner. _____________ children on the street. _____________ something in my eye. _____________ nice people.

He’s a very clever student. _____________ a fox in the park. _____________ two pairs of socks and a T-shirt on the floor. _____________ an excellent actress. _____________ two men playing cards. _____________ an adorable dog.

It’s a beautiful day: there’s a shining sun! 6 _____________ many good restaurants in my town but _____________ all expensive. 7 _____________ my grandmother. 8 _____________ a great film on TV tonight. 9 _____________ someone at the door. 10 Her name is Sarah. _____________English.

Formula delle domande con le parole date e rispondi con delle short answers che siano vere per te. many theatres / your town ‘Are there many theatres in your town?’ ‘Yes, there are. / No, there aren’t’. 1 many flats / your building 3 ten students / in your English class ___________________________________________? ___________________________________________? ___________________________________________. ___________________________________________. 2 a computer / in your house 4 an airport / in your town ___________________________________________? ___________________________________________? ___________________________________________. ___________________________________________. 19

Progress Check 1

Units 1-9

Riscrivi le frasi utilizzando i pronomi personali adatti. 1 Me and my friend Jess are at the park. __________ are at the park. 2 Tom rides a red bike. __________ rides a red bike. 3 My smartphone is new. __________ is new.


Completa il dialogo con la forma corretta del verbo be. Mary Peter Mary Peter Mary Peter Mary Peter Mary Peter


4 My dog is an Irish setter. __________ is an Irish setter. 5 Ms Anderson is my yoga teacher. __________ is my yoga teacher. 6 Your kittens are very cute. __________ are very cute.

Hello. My name 1__________ Mary. What 2__________ your name? Peter. How 3__________ you? I 4__________ fine. And you? I 5__________ OK. Where 6__________ you from? I 7__________ from Ireland. My parents 8__________ Irish. Where 9__________ that girl from? She 10__________ from Japan. How old 11__________ she? She 12__________ fifteen. We 13__________ in the same class. Really? It 14__________ amazing!

Formula delle domande con le parole date, e poi rispondi secondo quanto suggerito tra parentesi. 1 we / late (early) 5 your clothes / dirty (clean) _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 2 you / thirsty (hungry) 6 your trainers / new (old) _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 3 you / cold (hot) 7 this computer / expensive (cheap) _________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 4 he / wrong (right) 8 the weather / nice today (terrible) _________________________________________ ___________________________________________


Rispondi alle domande con risposte che siano vere per te. 1 What time do you get up in the morning? I get up at _____________________________. 2 What time do you go to school? I go to school at ________________________. 3 What time do you have a break? I have a break at _______________________.



Ascolta e scrivi i numeri ordinali che senti.

1 _________________ 2 _________________ 20

4 What time do you come back home? I come back home at _____________________. 5 What time do you have dinner? I have dinner at __________________________. 6 What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at ____________________________.

3 _________________ 4 _________________

5 _________________ 6 _________________

7 _________________ 8 _________________

Progress Check 6

Aggiungi l’articolo a / an per ogni nome singolare, poi volgilo al plurale. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


_______ leaf _______ toe _______ lady _______ elf _______juice _______ peach _______echo _______ dress _______ loaf

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

name / ’s / what / your is / he / old / how you / are / how she / is / from / where surname / his / ’s / what what / ’s / this who / she / ’s here / is / why / man / that

_____ umbrella _____ child _____ sheep _____ hammer _____ island _____ horse _____ entry _____ sandwich _____ yacht

_________________________________? _________________________________? _________________________________? _________________________________? _________________________________? _________________________________? _________________________________? _________________________________?

_______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________

a b c d e f g h

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

I don’t know. She’s from France. She’s Brooke. It’s Jones. I’m Mark. I’m fine, thanks. It’s a smartphone. He’s twelve.

Completa le frasi con l’aggettivo possessivo corretto. 1 I wash _________ hands before dinner. 2 Mary has long hair and _________ eyes are blue. 3 I have a beautiful Siamese cat; _________ fur is beige and very soft. 4 British people love _________ pets very much!


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Riordina le parole e scrivi le domande. Poi abbina le risposte. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Units 1-9

5 We always park _________ car in the garage. 6 Tom and _________ sister Katy are twins. 7 Children! Where are _________ schoolbooks? 8 Here’s my key! Where’s _________ key, dad?

Guarda attentamente la vetrina del negozio e scrivi cosa c’è o non c’è, usando There is / There are. Aiutati con le parole nel riquadro. bag • T-shirt • jeans • umbrella • tie • sandals • coat • skirt • hat

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

_______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. _______________________________________. 21


have got : il Present simple Forma affermativa Estesa I have got you have got he / she / it has got we have got you have got they have got

Forma negativa

Contratta I’ve got you’ve got he’s / she’s / it’s got we’ve got you’ve got they’ve got

Estesa I have not got you have not got he / she / it has not got we have not got you have not got they have not got

I haven’t got you haven’t got he / she / it hasn’t got we haven’t got you haven’t got they haven’t got

Risposte brevi

Forma interrogativa Have I got…? Have you got... ? Has he / she / it got... ? Have we got... ? Have you got... ? Have they got... ?


Affermative Yes, you have. Yes, I have. Yes, he / she / it has. Yes, we have. Yes, you have. Yes, they have.

Negative No, you haven’t. No, I haven’t. No, he / she / it hasn’t. No, we haven’t. No, you haven’t. No, they haven’t.

Gli usi del verbo have got Il verbo have got si usa per parlare di possesso, aspetto fisico e famiglia: I’ve got a football. = Io ho un pallone. She’s got green eyes. = Lei ha gli occhi verdi. We’ve got one child. = Abbiamo un solo figlio. Ricorda che: Nelle risposte brevi non si usa mai got: ‘Have you got red hair?’ ‘Yes, I have.’ = “Hai i capelli rossi?” “Sì.” ‘Has he got a brother?’ ‘No, he hasn’t.’ = “Ha un fratello?” “No.” La forma contratta viene di solito utilizzata nell’inglese parlato e nell’inglese scritto informale. Ricorda che: Nelle risposte brevi le forme contratte si utilizzano solo alla forma negativa, mai a quella affermativa.

Espressioni idiomatiche con il verbo have Il verbo have viene usato in alcune espressioni in cui non è seguito da got: • have breakfast / lunch / dinner = fare colazione / pranzare / cenare • have a shower / a bath = fare una doccia / un bagno • have a party = fare una festa • have a chat = fare una chiacchierata • have fun = divertirsi • have a walk / swim / holiday = fare una passeggiata / nuotata / vacanza In questi casi il verbo have segue le stesse regole degli altri verbi al Present simple (→ Unit 14). 22

10 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Completa le frasi con has got, have got, haven’t got o hasn’t got. Lucy and I have got two brothers. Chris _____________________ blond hair and blue eyes. My friend Mark _____________________ a big black dog. Thomas _____________________ a toothache. Daniel _____________________ a car. He’s got a bicycle. Tom wants to go to the concert but he _____________________ a ticket. I ______________________ a new MP3 player. We don’t like TV. We _____________________ a television. I see you _____________________ a new games console! Completa le frasi con have e le espressioni nel riquadro. a snack • a walk in the park • a chat • a rest • fun • good journey • a surprise party • a drink• a shower

A I’m really tired. B Have a rest. 1 A I feel a bit stressed. B ______________________________________! 2 A Our flight leaves at 10.00 a.m. I can’t wait! B ______________________________________! 3 A I am so dirty! B ______________________________________! 4 A Susan feels a bit lonely. B Well, ________________________ with her.


There’s a party at Sally’s house tonight. ______________________________________! Shall we ____________________________? No, I’m not hungry. I’m really thirsty. ______________________________________! Shall we ______________________________ for Angela’s birthday? B Yes, of course!

Completa le frasi e i dialoghi, scegliendo l’opzione corretta (a o b). A Have you got a new bike? B Yes, __________________. a ■ I have got b ■ ✓ I have 1 Tim __________________ a new video game. a ■ have got b ■ has got 2 I __________________ a red coat. I’ve got a blue coat. a ■ haven’t got b ■ not have 3 __________________ curly hair? a ■ Has Susan got b ■ Has got Susan


5 A B 6 A B 7 A B 8 A

4 Those children _________________ three pets. a ■ has got b ■ have got 5 A Has Eric got a fast car? B No, ______________. He’s got a motorbike. a ■ he hasn’t b ■ he’s got 6 A Have you got dark hair? B No, ________________. I’ve got ginger hair. a ■ I haven’t b ■ I haven’t got

Scrivi delle domande che abbiano come risposta le frasi dell’esercizio 1, come nell’esempio. Have you and Lucy got two brothers? 23

Mind Map 1 Il verbo be They are happy. It is a book.


They aren’t happy.It isn’t a book.

Are they happy? Is it a book?

Yes, they are. No, it isn’t.


risposte brevi






I am Sarah. This is my sister Lola.


chiedere e dire l’età



She’s tall. You are blond. It’s old.

How old are you? I’m fifteen.

Tom is from Dublin. You are from France.

John is a doctor. We are students.

espressioni idiomatiche con il verbo be to be right/wrong I’m right, you’re wrong.


to be cold/hot We are hot. Today is cold.

to be afraid (of) He’s afraid of snakes.

to be sleepy/ hungry/thirsty We are hungry. She is thirsty. It is sleepy.  Unit 2

Mind Map 2

Il verbo have You have got a bike. She has got a dog.

You haven’t got a bike. She hasn’t got a dog.



Have you got a bike? Has she got a dog?


Yes, you have. No, she hasn’t.

risposte brevi


have got



I have got a car. He has got a new phone. They haven’t got a TV.


aspetto fisico

Dana has got two brothers. We have got a greatgrandfather.

We’ve got blue eyes. She’s got short hair.


Karim has got a cold. The kids have got the flu.

espressioni idiomatiche con il verbo have have breakfast / lunch / dinner I have tea for breakfast. Susan has dinner with her friend.  Unit 10

have a shower / a bath We have a bath in the bathtub.

have a party They have a party at Christmas.

have a chat Danny has a chat with his friend.

have a walk / swim / holiday She always has a walk in the evening. We have a swim every Saturday. 25

Il genitivo sassone (possessive ’s)


In inglese il possesso o il rapporto tra persone si esprime con il genitivo sassone. Si forma con il nome del possessore + ’s + nome della cosa o della persona, senza l’articolo: It’s Sue’s purse. = È la borsetta di Sue. She’s David’s mum. = È la mamma di David. It is Sue’s purse. È la borsetta di Sue.

She’s David’s mum. È la mamma di David.

Ricorda che: Quando due persone possiedono qualcosa insieme si aggiunge ’s alla seconda persona: This is Ann and Jamie’s house. = Questa è la casa di Ann e Jamie. Ai nomi che terminano in -s e ai plurali regolari si aggiunge solo l’apostrofo: Ben is James’ friend. = Ben è l’amico di James. Andrew is the girls’ brother. = Andrew è il fratello delle ragazze. Ricorda che: ’s può essere: • is, terza persona singolare di be: Anne’s happy. = Anne è felice. • has, terza persona singolare di have got: Anne’s got two sisters. = Anne ha due sorelle. • ’s che esprime possesso: This is Anne’s mobile phone. = Questo è il cellulare di Anne.

whose Per chiedere a chi appartiene qualcosa si usa whose, che può essere usato: • come aggettivo: Whose tablet is it? = Di chi è questo tablet? • come pronome: Whose is the yellow T-shirt? = Di chi è la maglietta gialla?


Riscrivi le frasi secondo l’esempio dato. 1 2 3 4


It’s their bedroom. (the kids) ______________ It’s her house. (my grandma) ______________ It’s their suitcase. (my parents) ___________ They’re his teachers. (Andy) __________

Scrivi accanto a ogni frase a cosa corrisponde ’s: is, has, o genitivo sassone. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


It’s her book. (Gloria) It’s Gloria’s book. They’re his trainers. (Jeff) ________________ 5 It’s his laptop. (Ross) ________________ 6 They’re her CDs. (Amanda) ________________ 7 It’s their puppy. (Anna and Rob) ___________ 8 He’s a doctor. is Bob’s got a red jumper.___________ Tara’s from India. ___________ Clara’s sister is my new classmate. ___________ She’s very happy. ___________ Buddy is my grandfather’s dog. ___________ James’ bike is brand new. ___________ This is my friend’s desk. ___________ Sheila’s got a new mobile phone. ___________

11 3

Usa le parole date per formare delle frasi con il genitivo sassone.

1 2 3 4


daughter / the Smiths The Smiths’ daughter lives in Paris. job / Benny What’s _________________________________? toys / the children Are these _______________________________? clothes / your sister I love __________________________________. birthday / my best friend It’s __________________________ tomorrow.

5 dog / my neighbours That is __________________________________ 6 Beth and Tess / birthday party Today is _________________________________ 7 blog / John _______________________ is very interesting. 8 answer / Arthur ____________________________is not correct.

Usa le parole date per fare delle domande con whose, e poi rispondi, come nell’esempio. this bike / Alan Whose bike is this? It’s Alan’s bike.

1 red scarf / Janine __________________________________________? __________________________________________.

4 pencils / Mary __________________________________________? __________________________________________.

2 that backpack / Tom __________________________________________? __________________________________________.

5 purple socks / Martin __________________________________________? __________________________________________.

3 new car / my dad __________________________________________? __________________________________________.

6 black cat / my my sister __________________________________________? __________________________________________. 27

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