PET Buster

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PET Buster

Editorial Project: Sarah Howell Eli Editorial Dept: Grazia Ancillani Art Director: Marco Mercatali Eli Design Dept: Enea Ciccarelli, Fabrizio Redaelli Picture Researcher: Giorgia D’Angelo Production Manager: Francesco Capitano Cover Design: Paola Lorenzetti

© 2008 ELI S.r.l P.O. Box 6 62019 Recanati Italy Tel. +39 071 750701 Fax. +39 071 977851 The authors would like to thank Annalisa Bianchini and Amando Cello for their collaboration during the recording session. The Publisher would like to thank the writers of Kid and Teen magazines, © ELI s.r.l. No unauthorised photocopying All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of ELI. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. All websites referred to in PET Buster are in public domain and whilst every effort has been made to check that the websites were current at the time of going to press Eli s.r.l disclaims responsibility for their content and/or possible changes. While every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, if any have been inadvertently overlooked the publisher will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Printed by Tecnostampa







978-88-536-1271-7 978-88-536-1270-0

Self Study Edition with Answer Key + 2 Audio CDs Student’s Book without Answer Key + 2 Audio CDs Teacher’s Book PET Practice Tests + 2 Audio CDs

Illustrated by Roberto Battestini, DrowArt Studio Photo: Cambridge/Trinity College (Marka), female student (Masterfile), students and teacher (Masterfile) Photo and artwork acknowledgement Pag. 8: photo 2 Thom Brogan, photo 3 citystreetscene, photo 4 Simone 24, photo 5 Khum; page 9: top Shutterstock, bottom Ziedu Mate; page 10: Stephen Macken; page 11: top Or Adam Congregation, middle Bisse Bowman; pages 12 - 13 Shutterstock; page 14: illustrations 1, 2, 5 TM & © 2007 MARVEL, illustration 4 Winx Club™ © 2003-2008 Rainbow S.p.A. All rights reserved. Series created by Iginio Straffi, photo 5 Marka; page 15 top right Shutterstock; page 16 top, bottom Shutterstock; pages 17 - 18 Shutterstock; page 20 photos 1 - 6 Shutterstock; page 21 ELI archives; page 23 Olycom; page 26 photos 1 - 4 Shutterstock; page 29 left Are you my rik?, right evamay78; page 33 Shutterstock; page 34 photos 1 - 4 Shutterstock; page 36 Stock.xchng; page 37 Steffen Sauerteig; page 40 photos 1 - 7 Shutterstock; page 41 Martin de Witte; page 42 Shutterstock; page 43 Olycom; page 44 Shutterstock; page 46 photos 1, 2, 4, 5 Shutterstock, photo 2 Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; page 47 Bruce Beehler/Conservation International; page 48 Shutterstock; pages 50, 51 Shutterstock; page 52 photo 1 Olympia, photo 2 carinci, photo 4 Evert Odekerken, photo 6 Demosh, photo 7 Oxfam International; page 53 left David Cushing, right Shutterstock; page 55 left Ghulam Nabi Kazi, right Shutterstock; page 56 Shutterstock; from page 61 to page 85 Shutterstock; page 86 photos 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 Shutterstock, photo 2 Peter Emmet; from page 87 to page 118 Shutterstock; pages 142, 143 Shutterstock. Sources KID, TEEN © ELI magazines. Unit 1 - Festival fun! Kid Year XXI – No.6 pp. 4-5 Festival Fun; Kid Year XX – No.5 Insert entitled World Party!; Kid Year XXI – No.3 pp. 4-5 Festival Fun. Unit 2 - Reading time! Kid Year XXIII – No.2 pp. 4-5 Manga Time; Kid Year XXI – No.4 p. 3 Celebrity Authors; Kid Year XX – No.5 p. 3 Books for girls. Unit 3 - Are you a good sport? Kid Year XXII – No.6 pp. 4-5 Teenage Sports Phenomeno. Kid Year XXI – No.2 pp. 4-5 Basketball is best! Unit 4 - Are you receiving me? Kid Year XXI – No.5 pp. 4-5 Are mobile phones safe?; Kid Year XXII – No.5 pp. 6-11 Internet the worldwide web Unit 5 - Healthy eating? Kid Year XXI – No.3 p. 11 Have you got a sweet tooth?; Tapescript adapted from article in Kid Year XXII – No.4 pp. 4-5 School Dinners Unit 6 - Famous faces Kid Year XXII – No.1 pag. 16 Will Smith; Kid Year XXI – No.1 pag. 16 Beyoncé Knowles. Unit 7 - The world we live in Kid Year XXIII – No.4 pp. 6-7 Paradise Lost; Kid Year XX – No.3 pp. 4-5 Don’t waste Christmas!; Exam Buster E-waste in Europe Unit 8 - Peaceful people Kid Year XXI – No.3 pp. 12-13 Bob Geldof; Kid Year XXI – No.4 pp. 12-13 Princess Diana; Exam Buster; Unit 9 - Fashion Kid Year XXIII – No.1 pp.4-5 The Price of Fashion; Kid Year XXIII – No.3 pp. 10-11 BlackSpot: no global shoes; Exam Buster;; Teen Year XXIII – No.5, April 2007. Unit 10 - Music for your ears! Kid Year XXIII – No.4 pp.10-11 Listening to Music: Freedom or Piracy?; Kid Year XXIII – No.5 Insert on music genres. Unit 11 - All ready and packed! Kid Year XXI – No.6 pp. 6-7 Where am I? Unit 12 - The perfect place! Kid XXII – No.2 pp. 12-13 Jamaica; Kid Year XXII – pp. 12-13 Vancouver; Exam Buster Sunrise at Stonehenge Unit 13 - School life Kid Year XXIII – No.5 pp. 4-5 Bullying; Kid Year XX – No.6 pp. 12-13 Exam anxiety! Unit 14 - Forever friends Kid XXII – No.1 pp. 6-7 Friendship; Kid Year XXI No.4 pp. 6-7 Love, love, love. Unit 15 - What’s on tonight? Kid Year XXII – No.2 pp. 4-5 Reality Bites; Exam Buster Turn Off TV Week Kid Year XXIII No.6, July 2007; Teen Year XXVIII No.1, September 2006 MTV Global Music Unit 16 - Spend! Spend! Spend! Kid Year XXII – No.3 pp. 6-7 Shopping Centres; Teen Year XXVII – No.2 pp. 12-13 Winning the Lottery.

Summary of PET There are three Papers in the Cambridge ESOL PET examination: Paper 1: Reading and Writing, Paper 2: Listening and Paper 3: Speaking. Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking are each worth 25% of the total marks. These are added together to determine the final grade: Pass with Merit, Pass, Narrow Fail and Fail.



90 minutes


Number of questions

Part 1

Answering multiple-choice questions about notices, postcards, labels, messages, e-mails, etc.



Matching descriptions of people to short texts describing accommodation, books, holidays, etc.



Answering true/false statements about an authentic adapted long text.



Answering multiple-choice questions about opinion, attitude, purpose and general meaning of an authentic adapted long text.



Choosing multiple-choice words to fill spaces in a short text.




Number of questions


Transforming sentences by adding one to three words to gap without altering the meaning of the sentence above.



Writing a short communicative message (35-45 words) including three specified pieces of information.



Writing either a letter or a story (approx. 100 words) on a given theme.



Part 1 2 3 4


30 minutes*


Number of questions

Answering multiple-choice picture questions about seven short recordings. Answering multiple-choice questions about a monologue or interview with one main speaker. Listening to one speaker giving an informational monologue and completing gaps in a sheet of notes or a form. Answering true/false statements about an informal dialogue between two speakers.

7 6 6 6

* + 6 minutes to transfer answers to answer sheet




10-12 minutes per pair




Responding to Examiner’s questions on personal information.

2-3 minutes


Discuss a situation in pairs on the basis of a picture provided by the Examiner.

2-3 minutes


Describing a colour photograph.

3 minutes


Discussing a topic related to Part 3 with your partner.

3 minutes


Contents map Grammar / Use of English


Unit 1


Exam Buster

Adverbs of Frequency Present Simple Imperatives

Summer Festivals (Comprehension questions) A note

True / False Describing an event

/i/ /i / /ai/

Speaking Part 1

Reading Habits Comics and Books

Present Continuous Present Simple v Present Continuous

Manga Time (True / False) E-mail

Multiple choice Describing characters

/n/ /m/ /ŋ/

Speaking Part 3

Sports Activities

Can / Can't (Ability / Possibility) Can / Can't (Permission)

Teenage Sports Phenomena (Comprehension questions) Letter

Gap filling Negotiating

/ / /ə/ /ɑ /

Listening Part 1

Communication and Technology

Must / Have to Mustn’t / Don't have to

Are mobile phones safe? (Comprehension questions) E-mail

True / False Negotiating

/h v/ /h ftə/

Reading Part 1

Food and Nutrition

Comparatives / Superlatives

Fast Food v Slow Food (True / False) Letter

Gap filling Negotiating

Word Stress

Reading Part 2

Fame and Success

Past Simple

Will Smith (Comprehension Questions) Fact File

Gap filling Describing a photograph

/id/ /t/ /d/

Writing Part 2

Environmental Matters

Present Perfect Past Simple v Present Perfect

Paradise Lost (True / False) E-mail

Matching / Gap filling Describing a photograph

/bin/ /bi n/

Reading Part 3

Social Interaction

Used to

Sir Bob (Multiple-choice cloze) Story

Multiple choice Negotiating

/ju stə/

Writing Part 1


Past Continuous Past Simple v Past Continuous

The Price of Fashion (Comprehension questions) Story

Sentence completion Describing a photograph


Listening Part 2

8 - 13

Reading Time !

Listening / Speaking


Festival Fun!

Unit 2

Reading / Writing

14 - 19

Unit 3 Are you a good sport?

20 - 25

Unit 4 Are you receiving me?

26 - 31 Review Units 1 - 4

32 - 33

Unit 5 Healthy Eating?

34 - 39

Unit 6 Famous Faces

40 - 45

Unit 7 The world we live in

46 - 51

Unit 8 Peaceful People

52 - 57

Review Units 5 - 8

58 - 59

Unit 9 Fashion

60 - 65


Contents map


Unit 10 Music for your ears!

Grammar / Use of English

All ready and packed!


Exam Buster

Past Perfect Past Perfect v Past Simple Review of Tenses

Listening to Music: Freedom or Piracy? (Multiple-choice cloze) Story

Matching / comprehension questions Negotiating

/ei/ /e/

Speaking Part 4

Travel and Holidays

Present Continuous and Present Simple for the Future

Where on Earth am I? (Comprehension questions) E-mail

Matching / comprehension questions Negotiating

Pronounced ‘r’ Silent ‘r’

Reading Part 4


Future Tenses: Going to and Will Let's and Shall

Let’s take a trip to Multiple choice Jamaica, shall we? Decribing a (True / False) photograph Letter

/waυnt/ /wɒnt/

Listening Part 3


Imperatives Make and Let Infinitives and Gerunds

Bullying (Comprehension questions) Letter

Gap filling Decribing a photograph

/ju / / /

Listening Part 4

Relations with other people

Modal Verbs: would / could / should / may / might Question Tags So / Neither Reported Speech

Friendship (Multiple-choice cloze) Note

Multiple choice Negotiating

/t/ /f/

Speaking Part 2

Entertainment and Media

The Passive The Causative

Reality Bites (Comprehension questions) Note

True / False Decribing a photograph

/d / / /

Reading Part 5


Zero, First and Second Conditional

Shopping Centres (True / False) Letter

Multiple choice Negotiating

‘ll – ‘d

Writing Part 3

72 - 77

Unit 12

Listening / Speaking

Music and Technology

66 - 71

Unit 11

Reading / Writing

The Perfect Place!

78 - 83

Review Units 9 - 12

84 - 85

Unit 13 School life

86 - 91

Unit 14 Forever Friends

92 - 97

Unit 15 What’s on tonight?

98 - 103

Unit 16 Spend! Spend! Spend!

104 - 109 Review Units 13 - 16

110 - 111

PET Practice Test

112 - 131

Grammar Reference

132 - 138

Phrasal Verbs

139 - 140


141 - 143

Irregular Verbs


Answer Key and Audio Transcripts 145 - 176



How PET Buster works

Unit 1

Unit 1

Festival Fun!




Alll thesee photoss weree taken n att a festivall in n Britain. Can n you u guesss which h festivall itt is?? Whatt aree the peoplee in n thee photoss during?? How w doo you u thinkk they feel?? Describee thee photoo you u likee mostt too yourr partner.

Each unit offers a warm-up to introduce the theme of the unit with brightly coloured photographs to promote conversation on the topic portrayed.




This is then followed by personalised questions offering the students the opportunity to talk about their own experiences in pairs or small groups.



Now w answerr thesee questions.. Telll yourr partner. a

Do you have a similar festival in your country?


When do you celebrate this festival? What do you do?


Do you dress up or eat special food?


Is there usually a fireworks display at night, too?



Unit 8

Pre-reading questions give the students the chance to anticipate and discuss the topic dealt with in the article.


3 Lookk att thee photoss andd givee yourr opinionn onn charityy events.

Sirr Bob

Bob Geldof (5th October, 1951) is the Irish singer, songwriter, actor and political activist who organized the Live Aid concert. He used to 1________ notorious for his wild lifestyle whereas today he is known as ‘Saint Bob’ because of his compassion and humanitarian efforts. Moved by images of young children in Africa dying 2______ starvation, Bob Geldof organized with Midge Ure Band Aid, a "supergroup" of British musicians and singers which recorded the single "Do They Know It's Christmas". The single was released just before Christmas 1984 and it became the 3_________ selling single in UK history and raised over £8 million worldwide in funds for emergency aid to Ethiopia. But Bob wanted to do more and in the summer of 1985 he and Ure organized a 4______ charity concert: Live Aid. Many stars agreed to take part in the concert and two shows were staged live on 13th July at Wembley Stadium in London and John F. Kennedy Stadium in Philadelphia. Nearly half the people in Britain watched the concert. In total,

Comprehension activities such as questions and true / false statements verify whether the students have grasped the general and specific meaning of the text.

Attractive magazine articles give the students a meaningful reason to read.


Live Aid raised 5______ $100 million for famine relief. Geldof was subsequently knighted, at the age of 34, for his 6_______. On the 31 March 2005, Geldof and Ure announced the Live 8 project with the aim to put pressure on the G8 and raise awareness of the poverty in Africa. He believes that the only 7_____ to help Africa is to cancel the continent’s huge debt. “Africa is the only continent that has grown poorer over the past 25 years and we are helping it to stay poor,” he says. Ten simultaneous concerts were held on 2nd July in different countries and one on 6th July. On 7th July the G8 leaders pledged to increase aid to Africa by US$25 billion 8_____ the year 2010.

4 Readd thee articlee andd choosee thee correctt wordd for

5 Lookk throughh thee articlee andd underlinee thee words

each h space.

which h match h thee followingg definitions.

1 A is

B are

C be

D being

2 A of

B to

C from

D at

3 A slower

B faster

C slowest

D fastest

b concerned with or seeking to promote human welfare.

a sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings of others.

4 A wide

B huge

C big

D grand

c suffer or die from hunger.

5 A over

B up

C more

D much

d a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

6 A strengths B efforts

C tries

D helps

7 A habit

B manner

C way

D action

e an organization set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.

8 A from

B of

C enter

D by



Students are offered a Reading Tip which they can put into practice while carrying out the activity.


Reading Tip

Matching activities introduce and revise lexis.

extreme scarcity of food.

If you don’t know which option to choose, try saying each word out loud to see if it sounds right in the gap.



Unit 6




6 Workk inn pairs.. Telll yourr partnerr whatt youu cann seee inn yourr photograph..

Students are invited to describe photos or carry out problemsolving activities such as those found in the PET examination.

Grammar Past Simple

7 Cann youu rememberr thee pastt simplee off thesee verbs?? Iff you’ree nott sure,, checkk thee articlee aboutt Willl Smiithh onn pagee 41! started ____________





become ____________




















start get

8 Lookk att thee comicc andd writee a captionn forr eachh picture.. 1

Students are offered a Speaking Tip which they can put into practice while carrying out the activity.


verbb in n brackets.



Din ask ____you______(ask) him for his autograph?


Mr and Mrs Black _______(go) to the film premier.


John __________(not put) his camera away and it was confiscated.


She _____(win) an Oscar at the academy awards.


I _______(not read) the manuscript before the rehearsal.


____James ______(get) the role he auditioned for?


I ________(think) she was an exceptional actress.

10 Makee sentencess inn thee pastt simplee withh thee promptss below..





9 Completee thee sentencess withh thee correctt formm off the


One morning, Tom looked out of his bedroom window and saw the snow. So he decided to phone Jenny.

____________ ____________

Speaking Tip


you / go / concert / on / Saturday ? Did you go to the concert on saturday? _______________________________________


I / not / know / she / be / so / famous.


How much / tickets / cost ?


We / sit / in / front / row / under / stage.


He / not / have / very / good / part / in / film.


Use the following words to describe different areas of the picture: in the bottom right-hand corner, top left-hand corner, background, foreground, middle of the picture.

The grammar offered is that covered by the PET syllabus. Revision through practical activities is provided and the students are given the possibility to read up on the rules in the Grammar Reference if they should feel the need to do so.

Introduction Listening

Pronunciation Unit 14

The students are introduced to the topic dealt within the listening activity via a pre-listening task.

Each listening activity is followed by an activity on pronunciation which aims to improve the students’ intonation and fluency at PET level.


11 Howw doo youu thinkk attitudess too lovee andd marriagee havee changedd overr thee ages?? Discusss yourr ideass withh a partner. 12 Noww listenn too ann extractt fromm a radioo programmee entitledd A historyy off love.. Forr eachh question,, putt a tickk ( )) inn thee correctt box.



1 Thee conceptt off courtlyy lovee wass developedd by: A B C

h knights and muses. h noblemen and poets. h acts of strength and bravery.

2 Whatt wass marriagee basedd onn duringg thee Renaissance?

The listening texts are made up of authentic adapted material and are of the same level and length as those found in the PET examination.


h Love. h Money. h Age.

3 Whatt weree thee Puritanss like? A B C

h Realistic and not very romantic h They didn’t believe in marriage. h They believed in love and marriage.

4 Duringg thee Agee off Reasonn peoplee hadd to A B C

h hide their feelings. h show their feelings. h pretend not to have any feelings.

5 Whyy didd romanticc lovee returnn duringg Victoriann times? A B C

Most of the activities follow the format of the PET examination, thus providing the students with liberal examination practice.

Pronunciation T2.38



They thought they caught a cough.

b Writee thee wordss inn thee correctt column.. Thenn listenn andd check.. thought - enough - fight - tough - caught rough - height - cough


h People gave less importance to romantic love. h Equality was woman’s only goal. h People started dating more.

c Pronunciationn Practicee Tryy thiss tonguee twister!

13 a Listenn andd repeat..


Exam Buster



I might go out with John on Saturday. You shouldn’t laugh at people.

The students are provided with a Listening Tip to put into practice while carrying out the activity.

6 Whatt happenedd inn thee twentiethh century?

h Because of the Industrial Revolution. h Because more time was spent together at work. h Because people had more money to spend.

laugh /f/

might /t/

.............. .............. .............. ..............

.............. .............. .............. ..............


Writee a notee too yourr friend..

In your note, you should • apologise for falling out. • invite your friend to the cinema. • arrange a time and place to meet.

If the three options confuse you, consider how you would answer the question in your own words and choose the option which best matches your own answer.

Listening Tip

Each unit ends on a writing task in which the students are asked to write a text comprising the structures and lexis featured within the unit. The style of each task strictly adheres to the PET writing format.

14 Youu havee fallenn outt withh a friendd off yours..


Exam Buster 3

Exam Buster 3 4 Readd thee questionn andd describee thee differencess inn the

You can learn a lot by listening!


In Let’s have a try! the students are then given the opportunity to put all the strategies together and try them out on a realistic Part of a PET Paper!

Let’ss have e a try!


Listening g Partt 1

1 Which sport is the girl good at?

Questionss 1-7 There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick in the box below it.

Each unit is followed by an Exam Buster which focuses on an individual Part of each Paper.

1 What can they rent at the sports shop?

Paper 2 Listening: Part 1







Theree aree fourr partss too Paperr 2 Listening.. Partt 1 assessess yourr abilityy too identifyy specificc information..































2 What does the man want to do this evening?

Pointer 1 Listenn too thee instructions. It is always important to know exactly what to do. T2.38

1 Listenn too thee instructionss andd filll inn thee gaps.. A

In Part 1 of the Listening test, there are 1 ________ pictures and a short recording. You 3 ______ each

a In picture A the girl _____________________.

end of the test, you have 7 ______ minutes to copy

b In picture B the girl _____________________.

your 8 __________ on to the answer sheet.

Listen attentively, especially to the verb tenses, adverbs of frequency, numbers, dates, etc.

b How many pictures are there for each question? ____ How many times do you hear each recording? ____ T2.38

Pointer 2 Readd thee question..

whatt you u thinkk the 3 Readd thee questionn andd tickk I

recordingg iss about. When is the basketball match?


What does the boy do in his free time?

1 where the basketball is 2 the time the basketball match starts

5 Listenn too thesee numbers,, dates,, pricess andd times.. a I 10/06

b I 20/12 c I 2,012 d I 1066

e I 11.40

f I £212

g I £22

h I 6.10

in n boxx A,, B, Pointer 5 Listenn againn andd putt a tickk I orr C..







The students are then provided with an activity in order to put that strategy into practice.

6 What’s the date of the girl’s birthday party?

6 Listenn too thee recordingg forr Ex.. 4.. Choosee thee correct picturee andd putt a tickk inn boxx A,, B,, orr C..

1 what the boy’s doing now 2 what the boy’s hobbies are


5 Which comic books does the boy receive?

Putt them m inn thee orderr youu hearr them.

Before listening to the recording, read the question. It tells you what to listen for.



Pointer 4 Listenn carefullyy too thee text.

a How many questions are there in Part 1? ____ c


4 How much are tickets to the concert selling for?

c In picture C the girl _______________________.

2 Answerr thee questions.

The Pointer indicates the strategy the students need to apply in order to succeed in that particular Part.


3 When does the basketball match start?

questions. For each question there are 2 ________ recording 4 _______. Choose the correct 5 _______ in the box below it. At the and put a 6 _______ I



7 How are they getting to school?

Pointer 6 Markk yourr answerr sheett carefully.. After the last recording, you have 6 minutes to transfer your answers to your answer sheet and shade the correct lozenge carefully.

Pointer 3 Lookk att thee pictures.. After reading the question, look at the three pictures and note the differences.


0 A B C






PET Practice Test

At the end of every four units the students can check their progress by completing the vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, writing and speaking activities provided in the two page Review.

At the end of the book there is a PET Practice Test for the students to do in order to see if they are ready for the exam!


4 Rearrangee thee wordss inn thee rightt order.. Thee firstt word

1 Completee thee sentencess withh thee wordss inn thee box. festival

Practice Tests

Units 1-4


hosts Thanksgiving charity Easter floats relatives

Thanksgiving ? a How do you celebrate ____________ Oh, our family always gather together and I have a big dinner with my ________! b ______ Sunday doesn’t have a precise date. It usually falls in March or April, though. c Our local kite _______ for children takes place on the first Saturday in June. d What I like most about Carnival is watching the ______ in the streets. e This musical event ______ the best artists from a lot of different countries. f Join our festival! You can help support our ______.

2 Completee thee sentencess withh thee missingg words.. Theree aree letterss too helpp you. erformance at 9 tonight. a The rock band is giving a p__________ b All the events in a film or a novel form a s__________e . c Who is your favourite sports s_____r ? d How much t_______g is necessary to become a champion?

c Do / books / you / to / Italian / for / many / course / read / the / have _______________________________________ _______________________________________

Markk thee correctt letterr A,, B orr C. 1

m (Present 3 Completee thee textt withh thee correctt form Simplee orr Presentt Continuous)) off thee followingg verbbs.

Paco is my best friend. His father is American but his comes mother 1_________ from Mexico, so he can speak Spanish very well. We 2_________ to the same school but he isn’t in my class. He usually 3_________ his free time with me; we watch DVDs, 4_________ to pop music and play football together. This Saturday our football team 5_________ a very important match! At the moment I 6_________ him an sms message because I 7_________ his help.


For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.


A Day in San Francisco

d e


g Yvonne / train / to / doesn’t / to / doesn’t / have / she / want / today / if _______________________________________ _______________________________________

5 Lookk att thee textt inn eachh question.. Whatt doess itt say?



e This / than / skirt / cost / ten / can’t / euros / more _______________________________________ _______________________________________ f The / February / 23rd / festival / on / place / takes _______________________________________ _______________________________________


Partt 3 T2.38

Questionss 14-19 You will hear a woman talking to a tour group.


d You / aren’t / competition / part / if / the / in / you / can’t / take / fit _______________________________________ _______________________________________


spend play need send come go listen do

a A B C

b You / school / mobile / use / at / phone / your / mustn’t _______________________________________ _______________________________________

f My mobile phone battery is flat. Can you c_____e it up for me, please?


Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use no more than three words.

a She / the / wear / parade / for / Carnival / colourful / some / clothes / can She can wear some colourful clothes for _______________________________________ the Carnival parade. _______________________________________

e Can you t_____t or call me soon? I need an answer!

g You’re always t_______g on the phone!


iss in bold too helpp you..

Work with a partner. In turns, ask and answer questions about the photograph. Use the prompts below.



You will hear a trainer in a sports centre talking to some young people about courses. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

Be sure to bring or buy warm (14) ......................................... Things to do during the day:


A If you are young, you mustn’t sit in the front. B You don’t have to sit in the front. C Old people can’t sit in the front.


(15) ............................... shopping at Fisherman’s Wharf

Tours to Alcatraz Island: Adult tickets cost (16) $ ...............................

Chinatown: Lunch at House of Nanking

The Mission District: Take a walk down (17) ............................... Street

3 2

BREAK GLASS ONLY IN CASE OF DANGER A You may be in danger if you break the glass. B You can break the glass only for emergency use. C You mustn’t panic if the glass breaks.

Things to do at night:

4 5

South of Market for (18) ...............................

North Beach: famous for (19) ............................... restaurants and bars


I 8_________ my Spanish homework!




Unit 1

Unit 1

Festival Fun! Warm-up


All these photos were taken at a festival in Britain. Can you guess which festival it is? What are the people in the photos doing? How do you think they feel? Describe the photo you like most to your partner.







Now answer these questions. Tell your partner. a

Do you have a similar festival in your country?


When do you celebrate this festival? What do you do?


Do you dress up or eat special food?


Is there usually a fireworks display at night, too?


Unit 1 Reading

3 Look at the headings. Have you heard of any of these festivals? Summer time is a time for festivals in Britain. Join us as we go to three fab festivals! Notting Hill Carnival The Notting Hill Carnival takes place in the Notting Hill area of London on the last weekend in August. It is a huge multicultural arts festival and is the largest street festival in Europe. Groups come from all over the world to take part. There’s music, dancing, street theatre and decorated floats. Up to 1.5 million people come to the festival and there’s something for everyone to see and do.

Glastonbury Festival In June Glastonbury hosts a huge contemporary music event. Glastonbury Festival is the largest ‘greenfield’ festival in the world (past performers have included Coldplay, Radiohead, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Franz Ferdinand). As well as having some of the best contemporary pop, rock, folk and jazz music, Glastonbury also supports charities such as Oxfam, Fairtrade, WaterAid and Greenpeace. There are also talks on alternative medicine and displays of environmentally friendly products and techniques.


4 Read the article and answer the following

5 Read the article again and match the words below


to their definitions.


When does the Notting Hill Carnival take place?

1 choir

a fabulous


How many people usually attend this festival?

2 display

b long clothes


When does Glastonbury host its music event?

3 druid

c group of singers (usually in a church)


Which charities does this festival support?

4 floats

d a table showing different things


What is Eisteddfod?

5 greenfield

e pagan priest


Are the events at Eisteddfod in English?

6 robes

f decorated lorries in parades

7 fab

g in the open countryside



Eisteddfod, a celebration of Welsh music and poetry, is the biggest cultural event in Wales and it takes place in the first week of August. There are competitions for all the best singers, choirs and poets. The Gorsedd of the Bards, an association of the best poets, writers, musicians and artists in Wales, selects the winners. The members of the Gorsedd are called druids and they wear long colourful robes. All the events are in Welsh, but there are headphones with English-language translations for anyone who doesn’t understand Welsh!

Reading Tip

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

If you can’t find an answer, leave it and come back to it later. You may find it when you’re reading the text (scanning) for a different answer.


Unit 1

9 Read about the Festival of the Tuareg in Libya.



6 Work in pairs. Describe the festivals on page 9. A: It’s an arts festival and it takes place in London. It’s the largest in Europe with up to 1.5 million people taking part. B: I know! It’s Notting Hill Carnival!

Fill the gaps with a word in the box using the Present Simple. sing

take place






takes place The Festival of the Tuareg 1______________in Ghadames, in the Libyan desert, every October. It is a three day long festival full of music, dance and traditions. The men 2__________ traditional turbans

Grammar Adverbs of Frequency See Grammar Reference page 132

7 Read each sentence and insert the adverbs of frequency in the correct place. a

always takes place in The Notting Hill Carnival ________ August. (always)


Up to 1.5 million people come to the festival. (sometimes)


There are talks on alternative medicines at Glastonbury Festival. (often)


The events at Eisteddfod are in English. (never)


The competitors don’t wear long colourful robes. (usually)

around their heads and faces with only their eyes free. The women 3__________ on bright, colourful clothes of purple, blue, green or silver. They 4_________ traditional songs, 5______ and 6________ the imzad, a type of violin, or drums. On the last day of the festival everyone 7_________to the Great Dune to see a parade of decorated white camels.

Present Simple See Grammar Reference page 132

8 Read the article again and write the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the Present Simple. a b c


Groups ________ (come) from all over the world to take part in this carnival. The Notting Hill Carnival _________ (take place) in June. It’s in August.


What ________ the druids at Eisteddfod _____ (wear)?


What kind of competitions ______ (be) there?


It ________(be) a huge multicultural arts festival.



hosts (host) some of the Glastonbury Festival ______ best contemporary pop music.

An association in Wales ______(select) the winners.

Speaking Tip

Imperatives See Grammar Reference page 132

10 Complete the sentences with the imperative form of the words in brackets. Don’t park (no park) your car on the grass! a ___________ b ___________ (book) your tickets early! c ___________ (bring) an umbrella just in case it rains! d ___________ (no stare)! It’s rude! e ___________ (queue) here for free drinks! f ___________ (close) the gate after you! g ___________ (throw) your litter in the bin!

Give your partner as much information as you can, eg: type of festival, where it takes place, when, etc.


Unit 1 Listening

are true (T) or false (F).

11 Listen to three teenagers talking about different celebrations. Number the photos according to the information you hear and write the name of the corresponding festival:


Kwanzaa Chinese New Year Hanukkah



Kwanzaa is an Afro-American festival.


It starts on 25th December.


It means ‘first fruits’ and celebrates harvest.


People reflect on the past and future.


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Chinese New Year A

Chinese New Year is always in January.


People paint their doors and windows red for good luck.


On New Year’s Day they set off fireworks and firecrackers.


They give their neighbours presents.

a ................................................................................................................... ■

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Hanukkah A Hanukkah is the Festival of Lights. B

It lasts for a week.


People light a candle every morning.


The Menorah is a special candlestick with nine candles.

■ ■ ■ ■

■ ■ ■ ■

Pronunciation - /i/ /i / /ai/ CD 1 2

13 a Listen and repeat the examples. /i/

/i /





.......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... b ................................................................................................................... ■

.......... CD 1 3



b Write these words in the correct column in the chart above. Then listen and check. with - people - might - hill - buy - street - time mean - million - think - I - week - typical - my - see


14 Write a note to a friend telling him or her about one of the festivals in this unit.

c ................................................................................................................... ■


CD 1 1

12 Listen again and decide if the following statements

Listening Tip

Say • when and where the festival is • what people do at the festival • why you would like to go there.

Read the sentences carefully before you listen! First listening: listen for general meaning and decide if the statements are true or false. Second listening: listen for more detailed meaning and check your answers.


Exam Buster 1

Paper 3 Speaking: Part 1 PET is easy! Stay cool and follow the exam pointers!

There are four parts to Paper 3 Speaking. Part 1 assesses your ability to interact in a simple conversation. (Time 2-3 minutes.)


Pointer 1 Know yourself. In Part 1 the Examiner asks you questions about your personal life, your school / profession, your likes and dislikes, etc. Remember, don’t give one word answers; try to add some extra information!

2 Underline the extra information in Carlotta’s responses to the Examiner’s question in Ex. 1.

Pointer 2 Know the English alphabet. The Examiner asks you how to spell your name or surname. It is important you know how to say the letters of the English alphabet. CD 1 4

1 Complete the conversation between the Examiner

3 Answer the following questions.

and Carlotta. Listen and check your answers. a





what / name? what’s your name? A: Now, ____________________________ B: It’s Carlotta. and / surname? A: _________________________________ B: It’s Lopez



How many letters are there in the alphabet of your language?

CD 1 5

4 Complete the alphabet with the missing letters. Listen, check and repeat.

__ B __ D __ F G __ I __ K L M N __ P __ R S T __ V W __ Y __ CD 1 6

5 Listen and fill in the gaps. a

what kind / like? A: _________________________________ B: I love contemporary pop and jazz music.

How do you ________ your name? __ __ __ __ __ __

ever / go / to any music festivals? A: _________________________________ B: Yes, I do. I usually to the Benicassim Festival. It takes place in a small town on the east coast of Spain in July. It’s… similar to the Glastonbury Festival.


How many letters are there in the English alphabet? ________________________________________


where / come from? A: _________________________________ B: I’m from Madrid, the capital city of Spain. what / do? A: _________________________________ B: I’m a student. I study music at university.



______ do you write your ________ name? __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

6 Think of a famous English pop singer. Spell his / her name and ask your partner to write it down. ___________________ ____________________

Exam Buster 1 Pointer 3 Always listen carefully. It is important to listen carefully to the Examiner’s questions. When you don’t understand something, ask the examiner to repeat it. CD 1 7

7 Fill in the gaps. Listen and check. a

____ us about the type of music you listen to.


Sorry, I _____ understand. Could ____ repeat that, _______?


Yes. _____ kind __music do you ______ to?

8 In pairs, ask and give personal answers for all the questions in Ex. 1 and 5.

L e t ’s have a try!

Speaking Part 1 Work with your partner and do Part 1 of the Speaking test; one is the Examiner and one is the Candidate. Ask questions and give personal answers. Change roles.

Good morning / afternoon.

1 What’s your first name?


Where do you go to school?

2 How do you spell it?


How do you get to school?

3 What’s your family name?

10 Tell us something about your favourite subject.

4 How do you spell it?

11 What kind of music do you like?

5 Where do you come from?

12 Tell us about your favourite sport.

6 Where do you live?

13 Have you got any pets?

7 Do you work or are you a student?

14 What do you do in your spare time?

Thank you.


Unit 1

Unit 2

Reading Time! Warm-up


Look at the pictures. Do you recognise these comic characters? What do they look like? Which do you like and why?






Now answer these questions. Tell your partner. a

Do you enjoy reading?


What do you usually read?


Are you reading anything at the moment? If so, what? 5


Unit 2 Reading

3 What do you know about Manga? Read the article and find out.

MANGA TIME What is Manga? Manga is the Japanese word for comics or print cartoons, but outside Japan it usually refers to comics only. The storylines cover every genre: romance, comedy, gothic, horror and historic fiction. Most Manga are in black and white, although there are exceptions, for example, the cover or first few pages might be in colour. The word Manga means ‘random pictures’. Animated cartoons such as Full Metal Alchemist, on the other hand, are known as ‘anime’.

Its origins Manga took its current form shortly after World War II when Japanese artists were increasingly exposed to western art. However, as far back as the 12th century Japanese art often used simple graphics – and artists are still using this technique today. It is a common feature of today’s Manga.

Osamu Tezuka

4 Now decide if the following statements are True (T) or False (F). a Manga comics are only in black and white. b A common feature of manga is simple graphics. c Osamu Tezuka, the founder of manga, was also a doctor. d Japanese comics are more popular in the United States. e It takes a Japanese person about 20 minutes to read a 300 page manga.

Reading Tip

The facts • The Japanese language does not have singular or plural nouns so Manga can refer to just one comic or to many comics. • Weekly sales of comics in Japan are increasing day by day. They are now greater than the complete annual output of the American comic industry. • More and more people are going to Manga cafés where you buy a drink and read Manga. • Japanese readers can read a 300 page Manga in about 20 minutes.

5 Read the definitions below. Can you find the words in the article?




Osamu Tezuka, who originally trained as a doctor, is widely considered to be the founder of modern Manga. His most famous Manga in

the West is Astro Boy, which tells the dramatic story of a grieving scientist who is trying to recreate a copy of his dead son. It was Osamu Tezuka who introduced characters with large eyes.


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■


a style or category of art, music or literature (paragraph 1)


things that don’t follow a rule (paragraph 1)


an illustrated story (paragraph 1)


happening now, at present (paragraph 2)


a distinctive characteristic (paragraph 2)


a person who establishes something (paragraph 3)


tragic (paragraph 3)


every week (paragraph 4)


becoming bigger in amount (paragraph 4)

Read the sentences and underline any keywords. Find similar words in the text and read the information. Then decide if the statements are true or false.



Unit 2 Speaking

Present Continuous v Present Simple

6 Describe one of the comic characters on pages 14

See Grammar Reference page 132

and 15. Can your partner guess who it is? A: She has got a yellow face and funny blond hair. She’s wearing an orange dress.

9 Read the article below and write the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

Celebrity Authors

B: I know! It’s Lisa Simpson!

Writing children’s books is becoming 1_______________(become)


more and more fashionable.

Present Continuous

Nowadays everyone writes (write) books 2___________

See Grammar Reference page 132

7 Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form of

singers. One famous author 3______(be) Madonna.


Astro Boy is the story of a scientist who is trying ___________(try) to create a copy of his dead son.

Madonna has published five children’s books already,


Weekly sales of comics in Japan ______________(increase) day by day.

kids she 5_____________ (create) her stories for


More and more people _________(go) to Manga cafés to buy a drink and read Manga.

celebrity author 7_________(have to) rely on her writing


The mainstream Manga style _________ (influence) many international artists.


Artists _________(use) simple graphics even today.

Continuous. a

what / you / read / at the moment? What are you reading at the moment? _______________________________________


why / you / not / do / your homework? _______________________________________





the story of a Ukrainian folk tale. The only problem is the 6_________(not know) that the author is famous. So our talents to make it in the world of children’s literature. She 8__________(work) on a new short story at the moment.

10 Read what Paul says about Celebrity Authors and fill the gaps with a word from the box in the correct form of the Present Simple or Present Continuous. put write know have need

your brother / watch / cartoons on TV now?

“Writing is an art. You must have a decent story and know how to tell it. 1________


Madonna 2____________ quite a lot of success

your sister / train / to become a journalist?

with her children’s books. I really admire these

_______________________________________ f

including Mr Peabody’s Apples, which 4_______ (retell)

you / listen / to / me? _______________________________________


actors to directors and artists to

the Present Continuous. Then check your answers in the article.

8 Use the prompts below to make question in the Present


for younger readers: from

John / not / come / to the cinema tonight?

celebrities who 3___________ themselves to the test all the time. It isn’t easy; you 4________ lots of imagination!


I wonder what she 5___________ now.

what time / leave / we / on Saturday?

It might be a bestseller!”


Paul, Switzerland

Speaking Tip

Try and describe the characters as fully as possible. Say what they look like, what they are wearing and what they are doing.

Unit 2 Listening

11 What is the connection between the photos?



12 Listen to a reporter interviewing two girls about The Women’s Library and for each question put a tick (✓) in the correct box.

CD 1 8


2 1

The Women’s Library is a


book shop. cultural centre. history museum.


The Library has over


600,000 books. 60,000 books. 6,000 books.


The Library hosts


famous artists. large parties. various exhibitions.


An award-winning journalist is


giving a talk there. attending a talk there. reporting on a talk there.


Lisa approves of the Library because


women today are underestimated. it’s easy for her to get to. she gets on well with the staff.


Joanna thinks the Women’s Library


is a sign of today’s equality. goes against equality. is in a small building.

Listening Tip

■ ■ ■

Pronunciation - /n/ /m/ /ŋ/ CD 1 9

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ CD 1 10

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

13 a Listen and repeat the examples. /n/






...................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................

...................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................

...................... ....................... ....................... ........................ ........................

b Write these words in the correct column in the chart above. Then listen and check. centre - documents - hosting - theme - exhibition visiting - influential - dumb - anything - Britain enjoying - most - giving - journalist - come


14 Write an e-mail to a friend telling him or her about the things you read. Say • what you read and how often • if you are reading anything at the moment and what • who your favourite character is and why.

Read the options before you listen. First listening: tick the boxes in pencil. Second listening: confirm your ideas.


Exam Buster 2

Paper 3 Speaking: Part 3 A picture is worth

In Part 3 the Examiner shows you a photograph, tells you what the people are doing and asks you to describe it. This part assesses your range of vocabulary and your ability to organise language. (Time 2-3 minutes.)

a 1000 words !!!

Pointer 1 Expand your vocabulary. A good way to expand your vocabulary is to make mind maps or spidergrammes.

1 Complete the spidergrammes.


3 Look at the photograph and write as many words as you can to describe it.


dress clothes

children people

at home

at a train station / on the platform place: ______________________________________ time of day / season: __________________________ weather: ___________________________________ people: ____________________________________ clothes / shoes / accessories: ____________________ ___________________________________________ f activity: ____________________________________ a b c d e

Pointer 2 Describe what you don’t know.


When you don’t know how to say a word in English, try to describe what it means.

writing activities

4 Write the English word / expression for: a my mother’s mother __________________________________________ b not in colour __________________________________________ c a person who writes for a newspaper __________________________________________

2 Compare your spidergramme with your partner’s. 18

d posters that advertise a product __________________________________________

Exam Buster 2 Pointer 5 Get organised.

5 Describe in a few words the following objects / people:

Good communication is always clear and logical. Before you describe your photograph, take a few seconds to organise your ideas and information.

a paperback book ___________________________ ________________________________________ b author ___________________________________ ________________________________________

CD 1 11

8 The description below of the photo in Ex. 3 is not

c folktale __________________________________ ________________________________________

organised very well. Put the sentences in logical order. Then listen to Carlotta and check.

d library __________________________________ ________________________________________

a Sorry, but I don’t know the word in English for a book with… er…with a soft cover.

Pointer 3 Know how to say where things are. It is important to identify where things are when you are describing your photo.

b And it’s definitely not winter because she’s wearing a sleeveless top, a black skirt and low heeled sandals without stockings. The weather looks quite

6 Look at the photo in Ex. 3 and match the people /

warm and sunny so perhaps it’s spring or even

objects to where they are in the photo. a a train

1 in the foreground

b a young woman reading

2 in the right hand corner

c train tracks

3 in the background

■ ■


c The young woman is at a train station because on the right side of the photo I can see train tracks

and in the background there is a train. There aren’t any other people in the photo so it’s definitely not

Pointer 4 Include facts and opinions.

rush hour…. It could be midday or early afternoon.

Don’t only talk about what you see. Include your personal opinions and ideas, and use: perhaps, probably, may, might, could, etc. d In this picture I can see a young woman in her

7 Look at the photo in Ex. 3. Discuss in class your

twenties and she is reading a book … er … not a

opinions and ideas about why the young woman is at the train station. I think she’s at the train station because she’s going on holiday.

book with a hard cover but….

e I don’t think she looks very angry that her train is late. In fact, she seems very interested in what she is reading.

Yes, and her train might be late, so that’s why she’s reading.


I think the young woman is probably going on holiday as she has a suitcase. And maybe she is sitting on it and reading because the train is late.

5 ■

L e t ’s have a try! Speaking Part 3

Work in pairs. Go to page 142. Student A describe photo 1A for about one minute. Student B describe photo 1B.


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