Brani che trattano argomenti coinvolgenti per gli adolescenti, utili all’arricchimento culturale durante il percorso scolastico. Sezioni dedicate allo sviluppo del pensiero critico (Critical Thinking) e delle Life Skills, veicolate da brani musicali (Planet Rock).
Oltre 50 video: la sit-com Darsha & Harry per le funzioni comunicative e la lingua reale, le video maps di grammatica, i video di civiltà da guardare comodamente sul tablet o sul telefono scaricando la APP gratuita ELI LINK.
Ampie sezioni dedicate alla preparazione della prova Invalsi e al nuovo formato del B1 Preliminary delle Cambridge Qualifications.
Fascicolo Citizenship in action con percorsi interdisciplinari di Educazione Civica e i 17 obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030 spiegati in dettaglio.
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Tanti Kahoots grammaticali a scelta multipla creati da ELI Edizioni e accessibili tramite un Browser Web o attraverso l’App Kahoot.
Student’s Book & Workbook 2 + App ELI LINK + FLIP BOOK*
Ready for Planet English for Everyone 3 + App ELI LINK
Ready for Planet English for Everyone 2 + App ELI LINK
* I FLIP BOOK sono scaricabili tramite codice dal sito
TEACHER’S PACK PER IL DOCENTE Agenda dell’insegnante 1 con Tests & Resources + Chiavetta USB con Audio, Teacher’s FLIP BOOK, Programmazione & Lesson plans
Agenda dell’insegnante 2 con Tests & Resources + Chiavetta USB con Audio, Teacher’s FLIP BOOK, Programmazione & Lesson plans
CAMPIONE GRATUITO FUORI COMMERCIO Fuori campo IVA (D. PR. 26 ottobre 1972, n. 633, art. 2, lett. d)
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PER LO STUDENTE Student’s Book & Workbook 1 + App ELI LINK + FLIP BOOK* + Planet Grammar & Preliminary
with Sarah Jane Lewis
Ready for Ready for
Un progetto che punta a coinvolgere e includere tutti gli studenti grazie alla grafica pulita, ai supporti multimediali, alle attività per classi ad abilità mista, alle mappe concettuali, alle tavole lessicali illustrate e a una lettura graduata in alta leggibilità.
Claire Moore
Claire Moore with Sarah Jane Lewis
Ready for
Il piacere di apprendere
Ready for
Presentations & Grammar Starter Unit • Brani o dialoghi introducono il topic della lezione • Ripasso delle strutture di base, livelli pre-A1/A1 • Riquadri grammaticali con rimando al Grammar Bank e alle Video Maps sul FLIP BOOK • Box Watch out! per ricordare le particolarità e le eccezioni • Rimando al Vocabulary Bank illustrato a fine volume • Rimando al Pronunciation Bank sul FLIP BOOK
Presentation 1 • Approccio lessicale • Attività di Reading Comprehension con l’attivazione di lessico e strutture in contesti reali • Tutti i testi registrati • Riquadri grammaticali con rimando al Grammar Bank seguiti da esercizi di semplice applicazione • Attività di Speaking per l’attivazione delle Competenze chiave
Presentation 2
Grammar Lab
• Secondo brano in forma di intervista o articolo giornalistico
• Una pagina dedicata alla pratica delle strutture grammaticali con rimandi al Grammar Bank, alle Mind Map e alle Video Map sul FLIP BOOK
• Attivazione del secondo item grammaticale • Produzione orale mirata allo sviluppo del pensiero critico (Critical Thinking)
Vocabulary & Communication Vocabulary & Listening • Una pagina di approfondimento lessicale con attività mirate alla comprensione e alla memorizzazione • Rimando al Vocabulary Bank illustrato • Rimando al Pronunciation Bank sul FLIP BOOK • Attività di comprensione orale con il lessico contestualizzato 2
Functions & Video • La video sit-com Darsha & Harry per apprendere le principali funzioni comunicative
Skills & Strategies Language Skills
Learn to Learn
• Una doppia pagina di pratica delle quattro abilità linguistiche Reading, Listening, Speaking e Writing
• Strategie per migliorare l’esposizione e la produzione e per acquisire maggior confidenza con la lingua inglese
• Il simbolo CERT indica che l’attività prepara alle certificazioni esterne e alla prova Invalsi
Life Skills & Exams Planet Rock • La musica rock come spunto di riflessione sulle Life Skills • Attività di produzione orale basate sulla personalizzazione
B1 Preliminary & Prove Invalsi • Attività di familiarizzazione con la prova Invalsi e con il B1 Preliminary delle Cambridge Qualifications
Culture & Competences Culture • Lezioni dedicate all’approfondimento di tematiche culturali relative al mondo anglofono • Comprensione e riflessione sull’attualità legate allo sviluppo delle competenze chiave europee • Approfondimenti nei video presenti nelle risorse del FLIP BOOK
Daily News • Un testo giornalistico per riflettere su argomenti di cultura generale mirati allo sviluppo del pensiero critico (Critical Thinking)
Dracula • Una lettura graduata in carattere ad alta leggibilità, con audio e attività di comprensione
Traccia audio ascoltabile sul FLIP BOOK o scaricabile con la app ELI LINK
Video presente nel FLIP BOOK o scaricabile con la app ELI LINK
CERT Attività di preparazione alle certificazioni esterne e alle prove Invalsi Vocabulary Bank Mind Map
Rimando alle tavole lessicali illustrate alla fine delle unità
Rimando alle mappe concettuali di grammatica a fine volume
Grammar Bank
Rimando alle regole grammaticali nel Workbook
Pronunciation Bank
Rimando alle schede di pronuncia con esercizi orali presenti nel FLIP BOOK
Il FLIP BOOK è la versione digitale interattiva del libro di testo, da utilizzare in classe con la lavagna interattiva (LIM) oppure a casa per studiare e ripassare in modo autonomo.
Il FLIP BOOK contiene l’intero volume in formato multimediale e sfogliabile e raccoglie tutte le risorse del corso in un unico ambiente: esercizi interattivi e auto-correttivi, audio e video. Tutti i video sono dotati di sottotitoli.
Esercizi intuitivi e di facile applicazione.
Dalla barra degli strumenti potrai inserire all’interno del tuo libro digitale appunti, documenti, immagini, link e note vocali per esercitare la tua pronuncia. Sarà inoltre possibile costruire delle mappe mentali per la memorizzazione e il ripasso dei concetti chiave.
In ogni audio è attiva la funzione di karaoke.
ALTA LEGGIBILITÀ Accedendo al LIBRO LIQUIDO, potrai scegliere lo sfondo e il carattere del tuo libro digitale, e ascoltare la lettura dell’intero volume. In più, il FLIP BOOK ti offre delle risorse extra: • accesso diretto al sito dedicato online dove troverai schede di approfondimento attinenti ad argomenti del corso • Video map di grammatica • Mappe concettuali di grammatica • Video di civiltà con schede operative • L’intero Vocabulary Bank illustrato con attività interattive • Una tavola interattiva con audio dei simboli fonetici della lingua inglese
Video map di grammatica
The United Kingdom
Contents Starter Unit p. 10 Grammar: Possessive adjectives; to be, subject pronouns, possessive ’s, have got; plurals, articles, there is/there are, prepositions of place, this, that; these, those, can/can’t; object pronouns. Mind Map Starter pp. 133-134
Grammar My Life p. 25
Present simple Prepositions of time Adverbs and expressions of frequency VIDEO MAP
Education p. 35
Present continuous Present simple vs continuous State verbs whose Possessive pronouns
Vocabulary & Listening
Functions & Video
Routine and free-time activities Parts of the day Quality adjectives and their opposites
Telling the time Making friends
School subjects School equipment School people and places
Asking for and giving opinions
Food and drink Menus
Ordering food and drink
Food & Drink p. 45
Countables and uncountables some, any a lot of/lots of, much/many, a few/a little Imperative Verbs of preference VIDEO MAP
B1 Preliminary Training p. 55
Entertainment p. 61
• Summative Revision p. 56
was/were be born Past simple: regular and irregular verbs, affirmative form VIDEO MAP
Travel & Transport p. 71
Past simple: negatives and questions could
• Invalsi Training p. 57 Entertainment and leisure Entertainment and media Music genres
Talking about a past event
Travel and transport Holidays
Giving directions Asking for travel information
Fashion p. 81
Comparative and superlative adjectives too, (not) enough, very, extremely
Fashion Clothes and accessories Money
B1 Preliminary Training p. 91 6
• Summative Revision p. 92
• Invalsi Training p. 93
Making suggestions
Vocabulary: Colours; countries and nationalities; numbers; the family; physical appearance; rooms and furniture; jobs. Functions: Greetings and introductions; giving personal information; describing people; asking and answering where things are.
Language Skills
Life Skills
B1 Preliminary & Invalsi Training
Reading: A typical day in space Listening: A woman and her job Speaking: Talking about routine at work Writing: Describing a routine Learn to Learn Taking notes
Know yourself: • Dealing with stress • Asking for help
Invalsi ex. 2 p. 28, ex. 7 p. 30, ex. 3, 4 p. 33
Reading: The Khan Academy Listening: Learning abroad Speaking: Talking about learning English Writing: A report Learn to Learn Using because in your writing
Respect others: • Be a good classmate
Invalsi ex. 4 p. 36, ex. 2 p. 38, ex. 3 p. 42
Song ‘Wonderful World’, by Sam Cooke
B1 Preliminary ex. 4 p. 36, ex. 8 p. 43
Reading: Listening: Writing: Speaking:
Know yourself • Build your self-esteem
Invalsi ex. 4 p. 46, ex. 3 p. 53, ex. 3 p. 58, ex. 4 p. 59
The Slow Movement An interview A questionnaire Reporting data to the class
Song ‘Space Oddity’, by David Bowie
Song ‘Tom’s Diner’, by Suzanne Vega
Maps, Vocabulary Bank, Pronunciation Mind Map p. 135 Vocabulary Bank 2 Pronunciation: 3rd person -s
B1 Preliminary ex. 5 p. 50, ex. 3 p. 58, ex. 4 p. 59
Mind Map p. 136 Vocabulary Bank 3 Pronunciation: /n/ and /N/ Mind Map pp. 137-138 Vocabulary Bank 4 Pronunciation: /a/, /ø/ and /´U/
Culture A Weird Food Facts p. 58
• Daily News A The Royals p. 60
ntertainment before E social media Listening: E-books Writing: A description of an object Speaking: Describing an object Learn to Learn Organising ideas
Respect others: • Follow the rules in electronic communication • How to cope with change
Reading: London Transport Listening: Four travel stories Writing: The story of black cabs Speaking: Talking about the Tube Learn to Learn Open-ended questions
Get thinking: • Dealing with peer pressure
Invalsi ex. 5 p. 73, ex. 2 p. 74, ex. 6 p. 76, ex. 3, 4 p. 79
Mind Map p. 139
Song ‘Mercedes Benz’, by Janis Joplin
B1 Preliminary ex. 2 p. 74, ex. 6 p. 76, ex. 3, 6 p. 79
Pronunciation: /I/ and /i…/
School skills: • Be careful with money
Invalsi ex. 2 p. 88, ex. 4 p. 89, ex. 3 p. 94
Mind Map p. 140
Song ‘Money’, by Pink Floyd
B1 Preliminary ex. 4 p. 89, ex. 3 p. 92
Reading: Eco-clothing Listening: Vegan shoes Writing: An article about eco-clothing Speaking: Talking about fashion habits Learn to Learn Making vocabulary lists Culture B Counterculture p. 94
Invalsi ex. 2 p. 64, ex. 3 p. 53 B1 Preliminary ex. 7 p. 69
Mind Map p. 139 Vocabulary Bank 5 Pronunciation: 3rd person -ed
Song ‘Video Killed the Radio Star’, by The Buggles
Vocabulary Bank 6
Vocabulary Bank 7
• Daily News B New Generations p. 96 7
Language p. 97
be going to Present simple and Present continuous for the future Future time expressions
Language learning Education Word formation
Asking for and offering help
The weather The natural world The environment
Making predictions
Adjectives for jobs and personality Jobs and professions Verbs and expressions about work
Expressing preferences
Wild Weather p. 107
will/won’t may/might some, no, any, every compounds VIDEO MAP
Work p. 117
Zero conditional First conditional when, unless, as soon as must/mustn’t, have to/don’t have to VIDEO MAP
B1 Preliminary Training p. 127
• Summative Revision p. 128
Grammar Mind Maps
pp. 133-143
Vocabulary Bank
pp. 144-159
The Story - Dracula
pp. 160-179
Workbook Units Starter-9
pp. 180-263
pp. 264-269
Irregular Verbs
pp. 270-271
• Invalsi Training p. 129
text about A endangered languages Listening: A person describing a trip to India Writing: An online research Speaking: A short presentation Learn to Learn Oral presentations
Respect others: • Understand another person’s feelings
Invalsi ex. 4 p. 99, ex. 2 p. 100, ex. 3, 4 p. 105
Song ‘We’re Going to Be Friends, by White Stripes
B1 Preliminary ex. 4 p. 89, ex. 3, 4 p. 105
Reading: O ur polluted world Listening: Sea turtles Writing: A research on environmental organisations Speaking: Talking about how to solve the problem of pollution Learn to Learn Writing a descriptive essay
Get thinking: • Understand what makes people creative
Invalsi ex. 4 p. 109, ex. 2 p. 110, ex. 3, 4 p. 114
text about summer A jobs Listening: Two people discuss their summer jobs Writing: An email to a friend Speaking: Discussing ideas for summer jobs
Career Skills • Networking
Culture C Multiculturalism p. 130
• Daily News C 21st-century Jobs p. 132
Song ‘Truly, Madly, Deeply’, by Savage Garden
Song ‘Happy’, by Pharrell Williams
B1 Preliminary ex. 7 p. 111, ex. 3, 4 p. 105
Mind Map p. 141
Pronunciation: Stressed syllables
Mind Map p. 142
Pronunciation: will, won’t
Invalsi ex. 2 p. 120, ex. 7 p. 122, ex. 3 p. 125, ex. 3 p. 130, ex. 5 p. 131
Mind Map p. 143
B1 Preliminary ex. 7 p. 122, ex. 3 p. 125, ex. 3 p. 128, ex. 3 p. 130, ex. 5 p. 131
Pronunciation: Silent letters
Vocabulary Bank 8
FLIP BOOK Culture Videos London in numbers Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland London public transport London for teens
Grammar Video Maps Subject/Object pronouns to be have got Present Simple Present continuous some/any
Past simple Possessive adjectives/pronouns Comparatives and superlatives Quantifiers must/have to be going to
My flag, my country Vocabulary: Colours 1 Read the names of the colours and match them to the pictures.
E brown 1 n 2 n green 3 n orange
4 5 6 7
n yellow n blue n white n pink
8 9 10
n red n grey n black
Now listen and check.
Hi! I am Steve. I Y flags! What’s your favourite flag? Here are my top 10 favourites from around the world!
Listen and repeat the countries. Write them on the map. 1.02
Mexico America Brazil Italy Spain Britain Poland Turkey China Vietnam
Nationality Mexican _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________
Now write the nationalities in the table in exercise 3. Polish • Chinese • Mexican • British • American Spanish • Vietnamese • Turkish • Italian • Brazilian
1.03 Now listen, check your answers and repeat the nationalities.
Watch out! In English we write the names of countries and nationalities with a capital letter.
World Flags
Countries and nationalities
Vocabulary: 3
D Italy is in Europe. The Italian flag is green, white 1 n
and red.
n Mexico is in Central America. The Mexican flag
n Britain is in Europe. The British flag is red, white
n Turkey is in Europe and Asia. The Turkish flag is
is green, white and red with a brown bird. and blue.
red with a moon and a star. The moon and the star are white. China is in Asia. The Chinese flag is red with five yellow stars.
1.04 Listen and read the text. Match the descriptions 1-10 to the flags A-J.
Read the text again and write true (T) or false (F). 1 2 3 4 5 6
Britain is in North America. The Chinese flag is brown and yellow. Spain and Poland are in Europe. The Italian flag is green, white and orange. Brazil is in Central America. The Vietnamese flag is red with five yellow stars.
Fast Finishers Correct the false statements in exercise 7.
F ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
A 8
Underline the correct alternative. Britain is/are in Europe. I am/are Spanish. Brazil is/are in South America. The star on the Turkish flag is/are white. The British and American flags is/are red, white and blue. 6 The Polish flag is/are red and white. 1 2 3 4 5
n Vietnam is in Asia.
n The United States (America) is in North America.
The Vietnamese flag is red with one yellow star.
The American flag is red, white and blue with stars and stripes. The stars are white. The stripes are red and white. Spain is in Europe. The Spanish flag is red and yellow with a crest. Poland is in Europe. The Polish flag is white and red. Brazil is in South America. The Brazilian flag is green and yellow with a blue circle.
is in North America. 1 Canada _______ 2 The Australian flag is blue with six stars. The stars _______ white. 3 Panama and Guatemala _______ in Central America. 4 The Japanese flag _______ white with a red circle. 5 I _______ Mexican. 6 The Russian flag _______ red, white and blue.
Grammar: Possessive adjectives –
my, your
What’s your favourite flag? Here are my top 10 favourites. Grammar Bank p. 183
10 Answer the questions. 1 What’s your favourite colour? My favourite colour is blue. 2 What’s your favourite name? 3 What’s your favourite number? 4 What’s your favourite country? 5 What’s your favourite flag?
Speaking 11 Describe a flag from the lesson. Can your partner guess the country?
A It’s green and yellow with a blue circle. B Brazil? A Yes!
Writing 12 Design a new flag for your country.
be – Affirmative form
Complete the sentences with am, is or are.
Draw it here, then write a description of it.
I am Steve. The British flag is red, white and blue. The moon and the star are white. Find more examples of is and are in the text. Underline the subject of the verb. Grammar Bank p. 181
Mind Map pp. 133-134
The new flag for my country is… with a… 11
Nice to meet you! 1
Read and listen to the dialogue. Where is Duc from? 1.05
Alejandro Hi, Agata. I’m Alejandro. We’re in the same class! Agata Hi, Alejandro! Are you Spanish? Alejandro No, I’m not Spanish. I’m from Ecatepec. Agata Ecatepec? Oh, you’re Mexican! Alejandro Yes, that’s right. Are you Italian? Agata No, I’m not from Italy, I’m from Warsaw. I’m Polish. Alejandro Cool. This is my friend, Duc. He’s from Saigon. Agata Hi, Duc. Nice to meet you. Is Saigon in China? Duc Hi, Agata. No, it isn’t in China, it’s in the south of Vietnam! Agata Oh, you’re Vietnamese! Are you in our class too, Duc? Duc I’m not sure… Alejandro How old are you? Duc I’m sixteen. Alejandro No, you aren’t in our class. We’re eighteen in class 2A. Agata You’re with Amalia and Osman. They aren’t in our class, they’re in class 1B. Duc Are they sixteen too? Agata Yes. Duc Oh OK, cool. Alejandro See you in class, Agata! Agata OK, bye, Alejandro! Bye Duc. Duc See you.
Complete the student identity cards.
Name Age City Nationality
Name Age City Nationality
Alejandro Martínez 18 (1) ___ Ecatepec (2)____________
Agata Cwalinski (3)____________ (4)____________ Polish
Watch out! We use the verb be to ask and answer about the age. How old is Agata? She’s 18 years old.
Write the names of the students. 1 He’s from Mexico. 2 They’re in the same class. 3 She isn’t Italian. 4 She’s Polish. 5 He’s from Saigon. 6 He isn’t eighteen. 7 They are sixteen. 8 They aren’t in class 2A.
Alejandro _____________ _____________ and _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ and _____________ _____________, _____________ and _____________
_ (5)___________ Pham _____ Age (6)_______ City Saigon )____________ Nationality (7 Name
Fast Finishers Answer the questions about you. 1 How old are you? 2 Are you from China? 3 Are you in class 2A?
B Vocabulary: Numbers 1-20 4 Write the numbers in letters.
Grammar: be – Interrogative and negative forms
three • five • six • twelve • sixteen • nine two • fourteen • seven • eleven • eighteen twenty • one • four • thirteen • seventeen ten • eight • fifteen • nineteen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
one __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
15 16 17 18 19 20
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
1.06 Now listen, check and repeat the numbers.
Count the objects and write the numbers.
fourteen A _______________ B _______________
C _______________
D _______________ E _______________
F _______________
Now listen, check and repeat.
Subject pronouns
I’m Alejandro. You’re Mexican. They’re in class 1B. Find more examples of subject pronouns in the dialogue on page 12. Underline the verb. Grammar Bank p. 181
Underline the correct alternative in the dialogue. Osman Amalia Osman Amalia Osman Adrian Amalia Adrian Amalia
Hi, (1) I/you’m Osman. Are (2) you/he Turkish? Yes, I’m from Istanbul. This is Adrian. (3) He/She’s Mexican. Hi, Adrian. Hi! (4) We/He’re in the same class! How old are you? (5) He/I’m fifteen. Fifteen? You’re in class with Peter and Greta. (6) They/We’re fifteen too.
Mind Map pp. 133-134
Are you Spanish? Is Saigon in China? Are they fourteen too? I’m not Spanish. It isn’t in China. You aren’t in our class. Find more examples of questions and negative answers in the dialogue on page 12. Underline them. Grammar Bank pp. 181-182
Complete the sentences with the correct form of be. Are you fifteen? 1 __________ 2 No, I __________ Peter, I’m Rikki. 3 Katie and Harry __________ from New York, they’re from Los Angeles. 4 __________ Brad in our class? 5 __________ Jesus and Juan Brazilian? 6 You __________ from Istanbul, you’re from Ankara! 7 __________ Joe your friend? 8 You and Kelly __________ in the same class, you’re in class 1B and Kelly is in class 1A.
Greetings and introductions Hi/Hello, I’m Alejandro. This is my friend, Duc. Nice to meet you. See you./Bye.
Speaking 10 In pairs, practise the conversation. Use the model. Change the words in red.
A Hi, Francisco. I’m Juan and this is my friend Lisa. B Hi, Juan! Hi, Lisa. Nice to meet you. A Nice to meet you too. B Are you Brazilian? A No, I’m not Brazilian. I’m from Madrid and she’s from Barcelona. B You’re Spanish! A Yes, that’s right. B How old are you? A I’m sixteen. B Me too! OK, see you Juan. A Bye! 13
Has she got brown eyes? 1
Joe and Lucy are talking about Lucy’s family. Read and listen to the dialogue. Has Lucy got brothers and sisters? 1.08
Joe Have you got brothers and sisters, Lucy? Lucy Yes, I have, I’ve got one brother, his name’s James, and one sister, her name’s Sylvia. And you? Joe I haven’t got brothers or sisters. I’m an only child. Is your sister pretty? Lucy Yes, she’s very pretty! She’s slim with long, curly, brown hair. Joe Has she got brown eyes? Lucy No, she hasn’t. Sylvia’s eyes are green and she’s got freckles. Joe And your brother? Lucy He’s got very curly hair like my dad. But James’s eyes are blue and Dad hasn’t got blue eyes. His eyes are brown. Joe Is James tall? Lucy Yes, he is. He’s quite tall. Joe What colour hair has he got? Lucy He’s got blond hair and he’s got glasses. Joe Is he in year 4? Lucy Yes, he is. Why? Joe You’re kidding! I think he’s in my Spanish class. Lucy No way!
Watch out!
Complete the descriptions of the people. is 1 Sylvia ________ slim with ________, ________, brown hair. Her eyes are ________ and she ________ freckles. 2 James ________ tall with ________, blond hair. He’s got ________ eyes and ________. 3 Lucy’s father has got ________ hair and his eyes ________ brown.
Match the questions to the answers. 1 2 3 4 5
Have you got brothers and sisters? Is your sister pretty? Has she got brown eyes? Is he tall? What colour hair has he got?
n Yes, she’s very pretty! She’s slim with long
curly, brown hair. b n Yes, he is. 1 Yes, I have. c n d n He’s got blond hair. e n No, she hasn’t.
Fast Finishers Now answer the questions in exercise 3 about your family. Write about your brother or your sister.
Where there are two or more types of adjectives, the order is always: size quality colour. She’s slim with long, curly, brown hair.
Pronunciation Bank: /h/
C Vocabulary: Appearance (1) 1.09 Match the pictures to the words. 4
Then listen, check and repeat the words.
Grammar: have got –
Affirmative form
I’ve got one brother. He’s got very curly hair. Find more examples of have got and has got in the dialogue on page 14. Underline the subject of the verb.
Grammar Bank p. 183
7 H blonde hair 1 n 2 n curly hair 3 n glasses 4 n a beard
5 6 7 8
n straight hair n freckles n long hair n blue eyes
’ve got two brothers and one sister. 1 I ____________ 2 My father ____________ a beard. 3 The twins ____________ curly blonde hair and blue eyes. 4 We ____________ an uncle in Florida. 5 Your brother and you ____________ straight hair. 6 Rebecca ____________ a baby sister, Lucy.
Grammar: Possessive ’s Sylvia’s eyes are green. Find one more example of possessive ’s in the dialogue on page 14. Underline it.
Complete the sentences with have got or has got.
Complete the text with the correct form of be or have got.
Grammar Bank p. 184
Write ’s or ’ (apostrophe) in the correct place in the sentences. 1 It’s Tom ’s3Vespa. 2 Susie is Maria sister. 3 We’re in my mother shop. 4 They’re the boys trainers. 5 Jeanette is Luke wife. 6 The twins PlayStation is new.
Vocabulary: The family 1.10 Complete Sophie’s family tree. 6 Then listen and check.
sister • cousin • brother • aunt • grandmother father • mother • grandfather • uncle
Jim Lisa
Sophie (ME!)
Watch out! Remember: there are different meanings of ’s. He’s in my class. He is (verb be) Sally’s got two brothers. Sally has got (verb have got) Frank’s brother is very tall. Frank’s (possessive ’s)
Richard Louise
has got straight, brown hair My aunt Louise (1) __________ and green eyes. My uncle Richard (2) __________ brown hair. My cousins Mark and Joe (3) __________ twins. They (4) __________ both __________ short, straight, red hair and brown eyes. Gemma (5) __________ long, straight, red hair.
Look at the ’s in the sentences and write is, has or possessive ’s.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
My friend’s house is in Devon. Italy’s got 20 regions. My father’s sister has got three children. Helen’s my cousin from Australia. Where’s my bag, Mum? Simon’s got a new smartphone. He’s my cousin’s boyfriend. Sophie’s got a parrot and a dog. Paul’s from Brighton. My uncle Jack’s got a beard. Mind Map pp. 133-134
’s _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 15
Starter Vocabulary: Appearance (2) 10 1.11 Write the words under the pictures. Then listen, check and repeat the words. tall • short • slim • plump • old young • pretty • good-looking
tall 1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________
5 __________ 6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________
11 Write the opposites of these adjectives. 1 big ____________ 2 old ____________ 3 heavy ____________
4 new 5 tall 6 slim
____________ ____________ ____________
Grammar: have got – Negative and
interrogative forms
I haven’t got brothers or sisters. Have you got brothers and sisters? Yes, I have. Has she got brown eyes? No, she hasn’t. Grammar Bank p. 183
12 Use the prompts to write sentences with have got and has got.
1 we / not / mobile phones We haven’t got mobile phones. 2 your teacher / blonde hair / ? 3 Sally / a brother / in class 3A / ? 4 my sister / not / an English lesson / today 5 I / not / a computer / in my room 6 the twins / not / blue eyes
Possessive adjectives
His sister is nice. Our mother is blonde. Her boyfriend is very tall. Their house is big. Its (the dog’s) name is Pan.
13 Complete the sentences with the
possessive adjectives from the box. our • their • its (x 2) • her (x 2) • his • your (x 2)
1 A Are Sarah’s trainers blue or black? Her trainers are blue. B ________ 2 It’s Peter’s dog. ________ name is Patch. 3 David and ________ friend Richard are from Los Angeles. 4 The new students are Spanish. ________ names are Manuel and Filippo. 5 That’s Elena’s phone. ________ phone is pink. 6 A How do you spell ________ name, Julia? B J-U-L-I-A. 7 A Excuse me, where’s ________ table? B ________ table is by the window. 8 This is my cat. ________ name’s Socks.
14 Complete the text with the possessive adjectives from the box.
her • my • his • our • their (x2) My I’ve got a sister and a brother. (1) __________ sister Rachel and I have got long, blonde hair and blue eyes. My mum’s got blonde hair too but she’s got green eyes. (2) __________ name is Lisa. My brother Josh has got straight, black hair and freckles. My dad’s hair is grey and he’s got a beard and glasses. (3) __________ name is Colin. My grandad’s got short, grey hair and my granny’s got straight hair. (4) __________ names are Jim and Margaret. I’ve also got an aunt and an uncle in Toronto in Canada. (5) __________ names are Louise and Richard. They have got three children, Gemma, Mark and Joe. We love playing with (6) __________ cousins.
Grammar: Plural of nouns We add an -s at the end of nouns to form the plural. eye eyes sister sisters Some nouns add -es. potato potatoes bus buses Some nouns have irregular plurals. man men woman women child children tooth teeth fish fish Grammar Bank p. 182
Grammar Bank pp. 183-184
Mind Map pp. 133-134
C 15 Write the plurals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
door __________ window __________ classroom __________ kiss __________ tablet __________ policeman __________ schoolchild __________ firewoman __________
17 Complete the text with a or an. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
flag sheep glass tomato virus phone church chair
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
Watch out! We use the verb be in the following expressions: be afraid (avere paura), be cold/hot (avere freddo/caldo), be hungry/thirsty (avere fame/sete), be in a hurry (avere fretta), be right/wrong (avere ragione/torto), be sleepy (avere sonno)
16 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
sleepy • hot • hurry • hungry • cold • thirsty right • afraid • wrong 1 A Mum, I’m _________________. B Your sandwich is on the table. 2 Are you _________________? Would you like a drink? 3 My little brother is _________________ of the dark. 4 I’m so _________________, can you close the door, please? 5 Please open the window. I’m so _________________! 6 A So, Zurich is the capital of Switzerland. Am I _________________? B No, you’re _________________. It’s Bern. 7 I’ve got no time for breakfast, I’m in a _________________! 8 A Morning Paulie, time for school, wake up! B Oh no please! I’m _________________!
Grammar: Indefinite article a/an We use a with singular nouns beginning with consonant. a beard a sister We use an with singular nouns beginning with vowel. an aunt an uncle Grammar Bank p. 182
My friend Emma is 1 __________ special person. She’s very timid, but has got 2 __________ very strong personality. She’s 3 __________ only child. Her father’s 4 __________ musician, her mother’s 5 __________ architect. They live in 6 __________ big house with a garden in King’s Street. Their house is full of music records and books. It’s amazing! They’ve got 7 __________ cat and 8 __________ hamster, and 9 __________ enormous aquarium. Emma’s dream is to be 10 __________ vet one day.
Describing people Is your sister pretty? Yes, she’s very pretty. She’s slim with long, curly, brown hair. Has she got brown eyes? No, she hasn’t. Her eyes are green.
Speaking 18 Think of two people in your family.
Write their names and describe them. Use the words in the table to help you. Eyes blue brown green
Hair blond(e), red brown, black curly, straight
Other freckles glasses a beard
Isabela: brown eyes; black, curly hair; freckles
19 In pairs, ask and answer questions about people in your family.
Have you got a sister? Yes, I have. Has she got... ? Yes, ...
Writing 20 Write a short presentation of the two people in your family.
My mother’s name is Rita and my father’s name is Tom. My mother has got long, red hair and glasses. My father has got...
At home
Vocabulary: Rooms in a house 1 Match the words to the photos A-F. D living room 1 n C 2 n bedroom 3 n bathroom 4 n kitchen 5 n hall 6 n garden
Now listen, check and repeat the words.
Listen and read the text. Where is Martin’s house?
A Tower House Martin and his family have got a new house. But it’s not a normal house, it’s very special. Their house is in a tower in the Highlands of Scotland.
his is my house. There are five floors and there are two rooms on each floor. On the ground floor there’s a big kitchen with a table and chairs in it and there’s a living room. On the first floor there are two bedrooms, one for my sister Gemma and another room for me. There’s also a small bathroom next to my bedroom. My bedroom isn’t big but I’ve got a bed, a wardrobe, a table, two chairs and some bookcases in it. It’s got a big window too. On the second floor there’s a big bedroom for my parents and a bathroom. There are a lot of unusual things about our house. For example, there are 70 stairs (!!) and the door is 400 years old! My favourite place in the house is on the roof. It’s got an amazing view of the sea and mountains. It’s really beautiful. There isn’t a garden but we have got a forest and there’s a cave under the tower. I love our house!
Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Why is Martin’s house unusual? Because it is in a tower in the Highlands of Scotland. 2 Where is the living room? 3 Is there one bathroom in the house? 4 Who has got a bedroom on the second floor? 5 What are the unusual things in Martin’s house? 6 Where is his favourite place in the house?
Vocabulary Bank 1
Watch out! We use wh- question words to make questions about: people who place where things what reason why time when
Fast Finishers Draw a plan of the first three floors in Martin’s house. Pronunciation Bank: Intonation in questions
D 5
Match questions and answers. 1 Where’s my phone? 2 Who’s that girl? 3 When’s your birthday? 4 What’s your name? 5 Why is the train late?
a b c d e
n My cousin Lola. n Because of an n n n
Vocabulary: Prepositions of place 1.15 Match the prepositions (1-8) to the 8 pictures (A-H). Then listen and check.
accident. Juliet. In September. On the table.
Vocabulary: Furniture (1) 1.14 Look at the picture of Jane’s 6
1 2 3 4
n in n on n under n behind
5 n 6 n 7 n A 8 n
next to between opposite near
bedroom and match the furniture A-H to the words. Then listen, check and repeat the words.
G bookcase 1 n 2 n lamp 3 n table 4 n wardrobe
5 6 7 8
n bed n chair n window n door
Grammar: there is/there are –
Affirmative and negative forms There’s a big kitchen. There are two rooms on each floor. There isn’t a garden. Find more examples of there is and there are in the text on page 18. Grammar Bank p. 184
Underline the correct alternative. 1 2 3 4 5 6
There is/are a small living room in our house. There is/are a girl from Hong Kong in my class. There isn’t/aren’t two books in your bag. There is/are five boys in my family. There is/are a flag on the roof of the tower. There isn’t/aren’t headphones on the table.
Look back at the picture of Jane’s room in exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. 1 2 3 4 5 6
on The lamp is __________ the table. The wardrobe is __________ the bed. The clothes are __________ the wardrobe. The posters are __________ the wall. The bed is __________ the table. The table is __________ the window.
Speaking 10 In pairs, close your books and ask and
answer questions about the things in Jane’s room. Can you remember where the things are?
A Where’s the lamp? B It’s on the table.
Writing 11 Write where things are in your bedroom. Use words from exercise 6 and prepositions.
In my room the bed is next to the window. There’s a lamp on the table…
Is there a bath? 1
Listen and read the dialogue. What has Maria got? 1.16
John Hi, Maria. How are you? Maria I’m great, thanks. I’ve got a room in a flat! John Fantastic! Where is it? Maria It’s in the city centre. It’s a big room and it’s got nice furniture. I’ve got some photos of the flat on my phone, look. This is my room. There’s a bed and a table and chair... John What are these here? Maria They’re lamps. John Are there bookcases E for all your books? Maria Yes, there are. And there’s a big wardrobe for all my clothes too. John It’s lovely, Maria. Is there a living room? Maria Yes, there is. And there’s a kitchen too with a cooker and a fridge. John Is this the bathroom? Is there a bath in it? Maria Yes, the big bathroom is next to the kitchen. It’s got a bath and a shower too. Then there’s another small bathroom next to my bedroom. It’s got a shower but it hasn’t got a bath. John Who’s that in the photo? Maria My flatmate, Candace. She’s American. John She’s very pretty. And the boys? Maria Those are my friends, Mike and Neil. Mike’s Candace’s brother and Neil is my... well… we’re friends... John Maria!
n cooker n chair n fridge n sofa n window n armchair n door
CERT Choose the correct option. big 1 Maria’s room is _________. A big B small C old 2 She’s got some photos of the room _________. A in her bag B on her phone C in her room 3 In the flat there _________. A is a B are two C are no bathroom bathrooms bathrooms 4 The big bathroom has got _________. A a bath B a shower C a bath and a shower 5 The other girl in Maria’s flat is _________. A American B Canadian C blonde 6 Neil is Maria’s _________. A brother B cousin C friend
Read the dialogue again and tick the things that are in Maria’s room (3).
n bookcase n lamp n bath n table n shower n wardrobe n bed 20
Fast Finishers Write words for furniture in exercise 2 in the correct room.
1 2 3 4
living room kitchen bedroom bathroom
sofa, ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Pronunciation Bank: /D/ vs /T/
E Vocabulary: Furniture (2) 1.17 Look at the photos on page 20 and 4 match the furniture A-F to the words. Then listen, check and repeat the words.
B sofa 1 n 2 n bath 3 n shower
4 5 6
n cooker n fridge n armchair
Grammar: there is/there are –
Interrogative form and short answers Is there a living room? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. Are there bookcases for all your books? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t. Grammar Bank p. 184
Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative form, then write short answers for them.
Grammar: Definite article the We use the with singular and plural nouns. the city centre the boys Grammar Bank p. 185
Complete the dialogue with a/an or the. Dan Zoe Dan Zoe
What’s in 1 ________ meeting room? ________ big sofa, two armchairs, 3 ________ table with chairs and 4 ________ TV. Where are all 5 ________ books? They’re in 6 ________ library. There’s 7 ________ old bookcase there. 2
Speaking 8 Look at the plan of the flat. In pairs, ask
and answer questions about where things are.
1 There is a green bag. (3) ‘Is there a green bag?’ ‘Yes, there is.’ 2 There are three boys in the classroom. (7) 3 There is a bedroom next to the living room. (3) 4 There are two armchairs in the living room. (3) 5 There is a table under the window. (7) 6 There is a man in the car. (7)
Grammar: this, these, that, those This is my room. What are these? Who’s that in the photo? Those are my friends, Mike and Neil. Find more examples of this, these, that or those in the dialogue on page 20. Underline them. Grammar Bank p. 184
Complete the dialogue with this, these, that or those. These are my photos from A Hi, Sarah. (1) ________ Spain. Look. B Oh, great! A (2) ________ one is of me and my sister on the beach. B Nice beach! A And (3) ________ two are of a castle in the town. B What is (4) ________ next to the castle? A Oh, it’s not a house. (5) ________’s our hotel. B Wow, it’s really cool! What are (6) ________ on the roof? A They’re flags. It’s a very big international hotel. They’ve got flags for all nationalities.
Mind Map pp. 133-134
A Where’s the cooker? B It’s in the kitchen. It’s next to the fridge.
Writing 9 Write a description of the flat in exercise 8. Talk about the rooms and furniture. Use there is/there are and prepositions of place.
In the flat there are five rooms. There’s a living room... 21
I can drive very well Vocabulary: Jobs 1 Match the words for jobs to the photos. E nurse 1 n 2 n doctor 3 n driver 4 n teacher 5 n architect G 6 n receptionist 7 n journalist 8 n waiter/waitress 9 n businessman/businesswoman 10 n sales assistant 2 3
Now listen, check your answers and repeat the words.
Write the jobs in exercise 1 next to the places. 1 2 3 4 5
hospital office café shop other
nurse, ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________
Watch out! We talk about permanent jobs and temporary jobs in two different ways. I’m a waiter. (permanent job) I work as a waiter. (temporary job)
1.19 Listen and read the information from a jobs website. Write each person’s job.
1 Katie 2 Lorant 3 Chati
_________________ _________________ _________________
CERT Read the text again and choose the correct option. the UK 1 Katie is from ___________. A South Africa B the UK C the USA 2 She can’t speak ___________. A French and Italian B Spanish C German 3 Lorant is a student of ___________. A Architecture B Medicine C Art 4 He’s ___________. A an architect B a waiter C a teacher 5 Chati is a ___________. A student B doctor C teacher 6 He can ___________ very well. A drive B speak C speak English German
Name Age City Job
Katie Brown 19 Johannesburg receptionist
I’m Katie Brown! I live in Johannesburg now but I’m not South African, I’m British. I’m from Newcastle in the north of England. I work in a hotel in Johannesburg, The Red Palace. I’m a receptionist. I work in the mornings and the evenings but I don’t work in the afternoons. I can speak three languages (French, Italian and Spanish). I want to find a receptionist job on a cruise ship. Posted by Katie, 24th March
Fast Finishers Write about the jobs of five people you know. My brother is an architect.
F Grammar: can / can’t for ability I can drive very well. I can’t speak English at all. Can you speak German? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. We use can / can’t to talk about ability. To say how good we are at something we use very well, well, quite well, (not) at all. Grammar Bank p. 185
Write sentences which are true for you. 1 2 3 4 5 6
speak French ride a bicycle ride a scooter cook dinner use an iPad play the guitar
_________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________
Name Age City Job
Lorant Kacsor 21 Warsaw waiter
Object pronouns Subject
I you he she it we you they
me you him her it us you them Grammar Bank p. 181
Name Age City Job
Complete the sentences with an object pronoun. it I’ve got a scooter but I can’t ride __________. These are my parents. I live with __________. She’s my school mate Annie. I study with __________. Jules is so funny! I love __________! Are you free tonight? Come with __________, we are going to the cinema. 6 Can you help __________? I can’t do this exercise. 1 2 3 4 5
Speaking 8 In pairs, take turns to make true and false
statements about the people from the Dream Jobs website. Can your partner remember which information is true or false?
My name is Lorant and I’m a university student in Warsaw in the faculty of Architecture. I work in a café in the city centre. I work late in the evenings and at weekends. I’m a waiter. I’m Polish but I can speak English and German very well. I want to find a job in London but I don’t want to work as a waiter. I want to work as an architect. Posted by Lorant, 25th March
Posted by Chati K, 24th March
Lorant is a student. True! He can speak French very well. True? False! He can speak English and German.
ead the information and use the prompts R below to write correct sentences about Danny.
Chati Kanokwan 25 Bangkok teacher
Hi, I’m Chati. I’m twenty-five years old and I’m from Thailand. I work in a school, I’m a teacher. I teach Maths and Science. This summer I want to find a job as a driver in the UK because I want to learn English. I can’t speak English well but I can drive very well!
Name Age Nationality City Job Languages
1 2 3 4
be / from Australia be / 28 years old live / in Los Angeles be / a doctor
Danny O’Sullivan 28 Australian Los Angeles doctor English, Mandarin Chinese
5 have got a job / Cedars Hospital 6 can speak / two languages
Danny is from Australia. He… He… Mind Map pp. 133-134
A-F 1
Review: Starter
Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives. my friend, Katie. 0 This is __________ 1 Diane and __________ friend Will are from Chicago. 2 That’s Lisa’s comb. __________ comb is pink. 3 A How do you spell __________ names, boys? B F-E-R-G-U-S and E-W-A-N. 4 I love ice cream. It’s __________ favourite food! 5 A Are Sam’s headphones black or white? B __________ headphones are black. 6 The girls are from Venezuela. __________ names are Rihanna and Marianna.
Underline the correct option. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Why/What/When is our English test? Who/What/Why is your new friend? When/Where/What are the students? How/What/Who old are the children? These/This/Those pen is red, it isn’t blue. What/Why/How are their names? Are this/that/these books yours? This/That/Those are my shoes! Is that/these/those girl with red hair new?
Complete the dialogue with the correct form of have got. Have you _______ got a big family, John? Kirsten (0) _______ John No, I (1) ________. It’s quite small. I (2) ________ a sister, Megan, but I (3) ________ a brother. Kirsten Oh, just two children in your family then? John Yes, that’s right. But I (4) ________ six cousins! (5) ________ you ________ brothers and sisters, Kirsten? Kirsten No, I (6) ________. I’m an only child.
Use the prompts to write sentences with the negative or interrogative form of have got. 0 your mother / glasses / ? Has your mother got glasses? 1 I / not / a mobile phone 2 Simon / a friend / in class 3B / ? 3 Jane / not / a chair / in her room 4 the children / not / red hair 5 we / not / an English lesson / today 6 your dog / brown eyes / ?
Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb to be. A Hi, Pablo. I’m Simon. Are you B Hi, Simon! Nice to meet you. (0) ________ British? A No, I (1) ________ British. I’m from Los Angeles. B Oh, you’re American! A Yes, that’s right. This is my friend, Diane. B (2) ________ she American too? A No, she (3) ________ American, she’s Australian. B Oh. (4) ________ you from Sydney, Diane? C No, I (5) ________ from Sydney, I’m from Perth. B Perth? (6) ________ it in the west of Australia? C Yes, that’s right. B How old (7) ________ you, Diane? C Simon and I (8) ________ both seventeen. B Oh, me too!
Complete the email with the words from the box. I haven’t got • I’m in • there are • they’re isn’t from • I’ve got… • I’m
Hi Francesca! I’m from Here is something about me! (0) _____ Birmingham, a big city in the north of England. It isn’t a beautiful city, but (1) _________ a lot of interesting things to do. I live in a flat with my family. (2) _________ two brothers, Derek and Grant. (3) _________ 12 and 17. I’m sorry (4) _________ a sister, but my brothers are OK. My mum (5) _________ Birmingham, she’s Welsh. At school (6) _________ Third Year, it’s not bad. Write soon! Jess
Write the plurals. 0 1 2 3 4 5
tomatoes tomato ____________ child ____________ shoe ____________ foot ____________ baby ____________ policeman ____________
6 7 8 9 10
box ____________ firewoman ____________ notebook ____________ chair ____________ kiss ____________
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
0 The armchair / in front of / is / the window The armchair is in front of the window. 1 next to / My bed / is / the wardrobe 2 The book / the table / is / under 3 The school / next to / the hotel / isn’t 4 a bag / There is / the chair / on 5 There isn’t / the living room / in / a bookcase 6 have got / two windows / my room / in / I 7 can’t / We / in the / sitting room / play 8 They / ride / can / a scooter 9 the iPad / use / My granny / can’t 10 can / Fran’s dad / Chinese / speak
1 Beautiful summer panorama of the Old Town in Helsinki, Finland
My Life Fact According to the World Happiness Report, Finland is the number one country in the world for the level of happiness of its inhabitants.
The Big Question Are you happy with your life? Is there anything you want to change? Why?/Why not?
Unit Objectives Vocabulary & Functions
Language Skills
Life Skills
● Routine and free-time activities ● Parts of the day ● Quality adjectives
● Present simple ● Prepositions of time ● Adverbs and expressions of frequency
Reading: A typical day in space Listening: A woman and her job Speaking: Talking about routine at work Writing: Describing a routine
Know yourself: ● Learn to deal with stress ● Ask for help
Telling the time Making friends
‘Space Oddity’, by David Bowie 25
Presentation 1 Vocabulary: Daily routine activities 1.20 Write the correct verb under each 1 picture. Then listen and check.
do my homework • have lunch • wake up get dressed • go to bed • have a shower catch the bus • get to school
1 ______________________
3 ______________________
5 ______________________
7 ______________________
2 ______________________
4 ______________________
6 ______________________
8 ______________________
Pairwork List other activities that you do every day.
Read and listen to the text. Underline all the verbs of routine you can find. 1.21
My life in the mountains My name’s Helga Fischer and I’m 16 years old. I don’t live in a big city, but in a small village in an area called Styria in the south of Austria. I love it because it’s got lots of mountains, forests and lakes, but my home isn’t very near my school. I go to a very small school in the mountains – it’s only got 49 students! On weekdays, in the morning, I always wake up at 6:30 a.m. I don’t like getting up early, so I stay in bed as late as I can but then mum calls me and I hurry up! I usually have a shower and get dressed very quickly, and I leave home at 7:00 a.m. I don’t have breakfast at home, so I take some bread and fruit with me. I usually meet my friends in the village and we catch the bus together. On the journey to school, I usually chat with my friends, so it isn’t boring. Our school is very high up in the mountains, and we travel along small, winding roads to get to it. We never walk or cycle because the journey is all uphill! In spring and summer it’s quicker than in the winter. That’s because it snows a lot and we have to drive very slowly because of the ice.
1 We usually get to school at about 8:15 a.m. and we start classes at 8:45. We have three classes in the morning and then we have a break. We always have lunch at midday. After that, we have two hours of lessons. I finish classes at 2:30 p.m., and I get home around 3:30. After school I always do my homework (boring!), but I read books and play with my younger brother, too. On Tuesday afternoon I play basketball. In the evening, I sometimes help my mum with the cooking, even though she doesn’t think I’m a great cook! At 8:00 p.m., we have dinner. Finally, I go to bed at about 10:00 p.m.
Grammar: Present simple – Affirmative
and negative forms
Read the examples and complete the table. I start classes at 8:30. I don’t have breakfast at home. My mum calls me. She doesn’t think I’m a great cook.
I start She 1_________________
classes at 8.30.
You don’t catch He 2_________________
the bus in the mornings.
Grammar Bank p. 192
as late as più tardi che uphill in salita quicker than più veloce che slowly lentamente even though sebbene
CERT Read the text again and complete the sentences. 1 Helga likes Styria because _____________________. 2 Her school has only got _______________________. 3 She doesn’t eat breakfast at home because __________________________________________________. 4 The journey to school isn’t boring because she ______________________________________________. 5 The journey to school is slower in the winter because _________________________________________. 6 At 12.00 p.m. the students _____________________. 7 At half past three, Julia _________________________. 8 After school she ________________________________.
Watch out!
Complete the sentences with the Present simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 Lily ___________ (have) breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. 2 I ___________ (not leave) for school before 8 a.m. 3 After school, Max ___________ (relax) on his bed and listens to music. 4 Heather and Emma ___________ (not wake) up early on Sundays. 5 Yvonne ___________ (not do) her homework before school. 6 We ___________ (finish) school at 3:30 p.m. 7 The children ___________ (not have) dinner early at the weekend. 8 John always ___________ (get) to school before his classmates.
Grammar: Prepositions of time I always get up at 6:30 a.m. We have three classes in the morning. On Tuesday afternoon I play basketball. Grammar Bank p. 192
Speaking 7 Pairwork Have a look at Helga’s routine
again. Tell your partner when you do the following activities. get up • have breakfast • have lunch do homework • play (a sport) • go to bed I get up at 7 every morning. I play football on Wednesday afternoon.
We use the verb have (not have got) in a lot of idiomatic phrases, such as have breakfast/lunch/ dinner, have a shower, have a break, have a rest.
Presentation 2
Life at
Boarding School Many children go to boarding school in the UK. This is a school where you also eat and sleep. Today, we speak to Sam Jacobs, 15, who goes to boarding school in the south-west of England. Interviewer Sam Interviewer Sam Interviewer Sam Interviewer Sam Interviewer Sam Interviewer Sam Interviewer Sam
Hi, Sam. So, my first question is do you like boarding school? I do now, yes, but at first, no! I have lots of friends here and we do lots of things. Sam, tell us about your typical day… What time do you get up? Well, I usually get up at 7 a.m. I have a shower and get dressed. We wear a uniform to school every day. Then I have breakfast at 8 a.m. Lessons always start at 9 a.m. And where do you have your lunch? We always have lunch and dinner in the dining hall. It’s a big room where everybody eats together. And what do you do after school? Well, my homework first, that’s called prep. Then I usually do sport. This year I’m in the football and swimming club. Do you have any free time? Oh yes, of course! Before bed at 10 p.m., I watch TV, listen to music or just hang out with my friends. It sounds fun! It is, but I love going home too. And my mum misses me a lot. How often does she come and visit? boarding school collegio She doesn’t come very often, but I go home every hang out passo il tempo weekend.
1.22 Read and listen to the text. Would you like to attend boarding school?
Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6
interrogative form
Do you like boarding school? What time do you get up? Where do you have your lunch? How often does she come and visit? Grammar Bank p. 192
Complete the questions with the Present simple of the verbs from the box. play • have • do • use • go • finish
Does Sam sleep at boarding school? How old is Sam? What does Sam wear to school? What time does Sam have breakfast? Where does he have dinner? What sports does he do?
Grammar: Present simple –
1 2 3 4 5 6
Where ___________ Anna ___________ to school? What time ___________ the lesson ___________? ___________ you ___________ lunch at school? When ___________ you ___________ your homework? ___________ Max ___________ rugby after school? ___________ they ___________ the Science Lab during the Chemistry lesson?
Critical thinking Discuss the following questions with your partner. ● Do you think boarding school is a good idea for all students? ● List three positive and three negative aspects of boarding schools. ● Compare your list with another pair. Are there points in common?
Grammar Lab Present simple
Complete the rules.
Write questions using the Present simple. 1 Jay and Lucy / leave home together in the morning / ? 2 you / do your homework in the evenings / ? 3 Charlie / get dressed before or after breakfast / ? 4 Greg / have lunch at home or at school / ? 5 Martin / always / catch the 7:45 bus ? 6 Sarah / get home before her parents / ?
Prepositions of time
Complete the sentences with the prepositions from the box. in (x 3) • from • at (x 3) • to • on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
We start music class ___________ nine o’clock. They go on holiday ___________ the summer. ___________ Sundays I get up late. The meeting is ___________ seven ___________ nine. I hate the cold ___________ January. I have lunch ___________ midday. What do you do ___________ the weekend? Come and have a coffee ___________ the afternoon.
Mind Map p. 135
Grammar Bank pp. 192-193
Read the examples and underline the correct alternative. I’m often in the library after school. I always wake up at 7 o’clock on weekdays. Do you often play football? I take the bus to school every day. We put adverbs of frequency (1) before / after the verb be and (2) before / after other verbs. We put expressions such as every day/week/month/ year at the (3) beginning / end of the sentence.
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets using the Present simple affirmative or negative. 1 Hannah and Louis _____________________ (go) to school by bus. 2 After school Tom, _____________________ (relax) on the sofa in the living room. 3 My sister _____________________ (not / have) a shower in the morning. 4 We _____________________ (wake up) early on weekdays. 5 Samantha and her brother _____________________ (not have) lunch at school. 6 We _____________________ (not watch) TV before we do our homework.
Adverbs and expressions of frequency
1 To form the Present simple with he/she/it we add _______ at the base form of the verb. 2 To form the negative and to ask questions, we use the auxiliary verb _______ with he/she/it and _______ with I/you/we/they.
Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs and the expressions in brackets. 1 He’s in his bedroom after he comes home from school. (always) 2 When they are ill, they watch TV. (never) 3 We have dinner all together in the evenings. (usually) 4 I wake up early if there’s no school. (never) 5 Before you have dinner, do you help your mum in the kitchen? (every day) 6 Dad works in the garden on Saturdays. (often)
Answer the questions so that they are true for you. 1 2 3 4
How often do you have a shower? How often do you get late to school? How often do you have lunch at home? How often do you go to the cinema?
Round up!
Online interaction Sosuke wants to know about Lenny’s family. Read the email and underline the correct alternative.
Dear Sosuke, My mother is a receptionist in a big hotel. She only (1) work / works in the morning from 8.30 to 12.30. My father is a businessman. He (2) gets / get home (3) at / in the evening before dinner but he (4) does / doesn’t work on Saturday or Sunday. (5) Do / Does your parents work? What do they do? My sister is a student at university. She (6) want / wants to be a vet because she loves animals. She (7) have / has lessons (8) on / in Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and she works in the lab (9) in / on the afternoons. My mother makes dinner and we eat together during the week but we are all free (10) at / in the weekend! She (11) doesn’t / don’t make lunch or dinner (12) in / on Saturdays and Sundays! Write soon! Lennie
Vocabulary & Listening Verbs of routine
The time
Complete the expressions under the pictures with the words from the box.
Listen and write the times in the watches. 1.23
dinner • work (x 3) • Internet breakfast • up • television (TV) • bed
1 get ________
2 have _____________
12.30 • 5.15 • 9.45 • 10.00 • 8.10 • 6.40
3 go to _____________
Adjectives and their opposite 4 start _____________
5 finish _____________
6 make _____________
7 watch _____________
8 surf the _____________
9 go to _____________
1 2 3 4 5 6
late small happy boring quick calm
a b c d e f
n interesting n excited n slow n sad n early n big
Listening 1.24 Listen to a radio programme. 6
What does Rashid do at the weekends?
Free-time activities
Match each adjective to its opposite.
Which of these activities do you do at home? Which do you do outside? Write them in the correct group. swimming • drawing • playing video games reading • listening to music • cooking dancing • playing chess
7 At home
Look at some other expressions for free-time activities. Add them to the diagram in exercise 2. studying • taking the dog for a walk • playing cards surfing the Internet • cleaning the house making lunch/dinner • chatting online
CERT Listen again and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). 1.24
1 Rashid _____ wakes up at 7 o’clock. A often B usually C always 2 He leaves the house at _____. A 8: 00 B 8:15 C 8:45 3 At school, he _____ at 1:30 in the afternoon. A has a break B starts classes C has lunch 4 On _____, he has his favourite lesson at school. A Wednesdays B Thursdays C Fridays 5 He always _____ after school in his bedroom. A watches TV B eats C does his homework 6 He sometimes goes surfing with _____. A his friends B his brother C his sister
Vocabulary Bank 2
Pronunciation Bank: 3rd person -s
Functions & Video Making friends
1.25 Harry meets Darsha. Watch or listen to the video. What’s Harry’s weekend job?
Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha Harry Darsha
Watch or listen again. Answer the questions.
● Ask where your friend lives. ● Ask what he/she does after school.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Great place, isn’t it? Yeah, the coffee is fantastic! Hi, I’m Darsha. Good to meet you, Darsha. I’m Harry. Are you a student? I am, yes, but I’m also a musician in a reggae band. A band? That’s so cool! Do you practise every day? No, we don’t. We play on Thursdays and at the weekends. Useful language Do you play gigs? Sure, sometimes. Music is my life, my future… What do you do, Darsha? Hi, I’m Darsha. I’m an actress. Good to meet you. Really? Are you in films? Are you a student? Do you like… ? No, I’m not. Not yet! I do commercials… I go to the Arts college What do you do? around the corner. Do you live in… ? Me too. Do you live in this part of London? Why don’t we…? Yes, I do, but I’m from Manchester. See you on Thursday. Cool! Darsha, are you free after class on Thursday afternoon? In the afternoon? Yes, I am. Why? Why don’t we go for a coffee before I go to the gig? And listen to my band’s CD? Yes, I’d love to. Thanks. Great! Here at 6? 4 Pairwork You meet a new friend. Follow the Fine by me. steps and practise the dialogue. OK! See you on Thursday, then. Bye. ● Introduce yourself.
Where are Harry and Darsha? Is it the first or the second time they meet? Does Harry play on Saturday? Do you think Harry likes Darsha? Why? Does Darsha want to be a singer? What does Harry want to do on Thursday?
Breaking the ice Great place, isn’t it?
Underline the correct replies. 1 Meet an old friend A Hi Jeremy, how are you? B Great, thanks. / Good to see you. / See you later. 2 Meet a new person A Hi, I’m Matt. B Fine, thanks. / Good to meet you. / Bye. 3 Saying goodbye A See you tomorrow. B Yes. / Thanks. / Bye.
Complete the mind map with the key language for interaction from the dialogue.
Inviting a friend out 4 ____________________
Reacting/Showing interest That’s so cool! 1 ___________________________ 2 ___________________________ 3 ___________________________
Accepting an invitation 5 ____________________
Pairwork In turns, reply to the following situations. 1 Break the ice at a concert. 2 Your friend invites you at the theatre show. Accept. 31
Language Skills
An unusual job Warm up 1 Look at the photos and read the title of
the article. Where are the men? What do you think is unusual about their day?
A Typical Day in Space On a typical day in space astronauts have got a lot of different jobs to do. A work day on the International Space Station isn’t eight hours, it’s twelve hours!
The astronauts get up when it’s morning at Mission Control in Houston, Texas. They haven’t got a bathroom on the Space Station and water is difficult to use because there’s no gravity. The astronauts wash with gel soap and then they put on their clothes. They have breakfast in the ‘kitchen’, then they look at their list of jobs for the day. They talk to Mission Control about any problems they’ve got, and then they start work. The Space Station is the astronauts’ laboratory. It’s also their office and their home. In the afternoon they work on experiments with the scientists at Mission Control. They write about their experiments on their computers, they look at data and they clean the Space Station. It’s very important to keep healthy in space too, so the astronauts also exercise for two hours every day. This helps them prepare for space walks. They put on their special spacesuits and helmets and they practise walking in them. In the evening the astronauts sit down to have dinner and talk about their day. They don’t make dinner, or cook any of their meals, because their food comes in packets. It’s not delicious but it is healthy. They go to bed when it’s night in Houston, but they haven’t got beds, they sleep in special chairs!
1 5 Reading 1.26 Read and listen to the text. Put the events 2 in the astronauts’ day in the correct order.
n talk to Mission Control n have dinner n start work n exercise n go to bed n work on experiments 1 put on their clothes n n clean the Space Station 3
CERT Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Do astronauts work for eight hours a day on the Space Station? 2 What do they do in the morning? 3 What do they do in the afternoon? 4 Why is exercise important in space? 5 Do they make dinner in the evening? 6 Where do they sleep?
Listening 1.27 CERT 4
Listen to the interview. Which photo shows the woman’s job? Tick (3).
1.27 Listen again and write true (T) or false (F). Then correct the false statements.
Stella works with gorillas. She gets up early every day. She makes food for the animals. The gorillas exercise for an hour every week. 5 In the afternoon Stella cleans the gorillas’ homes. 6 Stella doesn’t like her job. 1 2 3 4
Learn to Learn
T ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Writing strategies
Taking notes ● Use a list with bullet points for your notes. ● Write key words and phrases (nouns, verbs, adjectives). ● Don’t write grammar words (pronouns, prepositions, auxiliary verbs, etc.). ● Use abbreviations, don’t write full words.
Speaking 6 Pairwork Look at the photos of the other
two jobs in exercise 4. Choose one of them. Ask and answer questions about the jobs. Use the words in the box and the questions below to help you. Take notes of your partner’s answers. take photographs • watch animals give animals medicine • help animals
n a photographer
1 2 3 4 5 6
work in an office/hospital/hotel? get up early? work in the morning/afternoon/evening? work at weekends? finish work early/late? put on special clothes for your job?
A Do you work in a hospital? B No, I don’t.
n a zoo keeper
Writing 7 Use your notes from exercise 6 to write a paragraph about your partner’s job.
Pablo is a photographer. He doesn’t work in a hospital or in an office. He works outside. He…
n a vet 33
Planet Rock
‘Space Oddity’
Life Skills: Know yourself ● Learn to deal with stress ● Ask for help
Warm up 1 Pairwork What is stress? Try to give a definition together, then compare it with another pair.
When do you ask for help? Make a list of situations. Exchange it with your partner’s list. Find similarities and differences.
(1947-2016) Born David Robert Jones in Brixton, South London, during his career Bowie produces 27 studio albums and hundreds of singles. He also stars in films, theatre shows, and is the voice behind Lord Royal Highness in TV’s Spongebob Squarepants. Innovative, creative and iconic, Bowie constantly changes his musical style, appearance and identity. Famous alter-egos include: astronaut, Major Tom; alien, Ziggy Stardust; and the aristocratic Thin White Duke. A master of self-promotion, he presents Black Star, his final album, on his 69th birthday. Two days later he dies. ‘Look up here: I’m in heaven’, say the lyrics of the song ‘Lazarus’ on that album.
Listen to the song online. Read this extract and answer the questions.
Ground Control to Major Tom Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you hear me, Major Tom? Can you… ‘Here am I floating ’round my tin can Far above the moon Planet Earth is blue And there’s nothing I can do’ ground control base di controllo a terra dead morto (non funziona) floating galleggiando tin can (space ship) scatola di latta (nave spaziale)
1 2 3 4 5 34
Who tries to contact Major Tom? Why can’t Major Tom hear them? Where is Major Tom? What can Major Tom see? What can he do to resolve his problem?
Space Oddity is Bowie’s first chart hit in 1969, the year astronauts land on the moon. Critics see the song’s character, Major Tom, who loses contact with Earth, as a metaphor for Bowie’s own isolation and loss of control. Whatever its true meaning, the song becomes the background to the 1969 Apollo 11 Moon Landing on TV.
Pairwork How does Major Tom feel? Choose adjectives from the box and tell your partner. Give reasons for your choices. lonely • free • desperate • powerful • happy terrified • tired • sad • anxious • nervous worried • excited I think he feels desperate because he’s alone in space.
Talk about it 5 How do you feel in these situations? Tell you partner and give reasons. Use the adjectives from exercise 4.
travelling alone • going on holiday with friends losing a sports competition When I travel alone, I usually feel… because…
2 Students throw their hats during graduation ceremony at Portsmouth University.
Education Fact Around the world, more than 72 million children don’t attend school and 759 million adults are illiterate.
The Big Question Why do you think it is important to get an education? What are the risks for those who do not have one? What are the risks for a country with a high percentage of illiterate people?
Unit Objectives Vocabulary & Functions
Language Skills
Life Skills
● School subjects ● School equipment ● School people and places
● Present continuous: all forms ● Present simple vs Present continuous ● State verbs ● whose ● Possessive pronouns
Reading: The Khan Academy Listening: Learning abroad Speaking: Talking about learning English Writing: A report
Respect others: ● Be a good classmate
Asking for and giving opinions
● ‘Wonderful World’, by Sam Cooke 35
Presentation 1
Year 13 Spanish Exchange Trip Here are some of the photos from this year’s Spanish exchange trip between Redland High School and the Evolis Centro de Formación in Barcelona, Spain. The Spanish students are staying in Bristol this week with our students’ families and they are doing lessons with us here at Redland. In the afternoons they go on trips to visit interesting places in the local area.
The Spanish Exchange is a fantastic experience for all our students! Do you want to visit a Spanish school and then host a Spanish student in your home? Would you like to try studying in Spain for one week? We’re collecting names for next year’s trip now. Register in Mr O’Connor’s classroom, 2F1, in the English department, or click on the link to register online. Exchange trip dates Spanish students’ trip to Bristol – March 11th-18th Redland students’ trip to Barcelona – May 21st-28th
Vocabulary: School subjects
Vocabulary Bank 3
1.28 Match the words in the box to the pictures for school subjects. Then listen and check.
Maths • History • Geography Physical Education • Art • Science • English Information Technology • Drama • Music
1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________
5 __________
6 __________
7 __________
8 __________
9 __________
10 __________
Look at the photos on the pages 36-37. Tick (3) the school subjects mentioned in the photo captions.
n Maths n History n Geography n Physical n 36
Education Music
Read and listen to the information on the school website. Match the photos A-F to the captions 1-6.
CERT Read the text again and choose the correct option.
1 The exchange trip is between a British school and a school in __________. A Mexico B Spain C Argentina 2 This week the Spanish students are in __________. A Barcelona B London C Bristol 3 The Spanish students are staying __________. A in a hotel B in a school C with British families 4 In the mornings the students __________. A go on trips B stay with C do lessons families in the British school 5 The British students’ trip to Spain is __________. A now B in May C in March 6 For next year’s exchange trip students can __________. A register B register in C register in online the library the office
n Science n English n Information
Watch out!
n n
… because she wants to improve her English pronunciation.
Technology Drama Art
We use why to ask the reason or explanation of something. In the answers we use because.
Here we’re chatting in the common room with our Spanish friends before classes start on Monday morning.
Manuela and Simon are working on a project in the Information Technology classroom.
In this photo we’re all playing basketball in the Physical Education class, Spain vs England!
4 n Amalia understands English very well but her pronunciation is not good. Here she is studying in the library. She’s listening to audio tracks because she wants to improve her English pronunciation! 5n
Don’t worry, we aren’t making a bomb, we’re just doing an experiment in the Science class!
6 n In this photo we’re singing old Beatles songs but we aren’t singing in English, we’re singing in Spanish!! Raoul is playing the guitar, Brian is on the trumpet and Francisco is playing host ospitare the tambourine. improve migliorare You’re awesome, You’re awesome Siete fantastici guys!
Grammar: Present continuous –
Affirmative and negative forms
Look at the picture and write what the people are doing. Use the words in the box.
play • study • cook • read • sleep • listen to
The Spanish students are staying in Bristol this week. We aren’t singing in English, we’re singing in Spanish. Grammar Bank p. 200
Watch out! We don’t usually use state verbs such as feel, hear, know, understand, like, want, belong, be in the progressive (continuous) form. Amalia understands English very well.
Complete the sentences with the Present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Tamsin ____________ (do) her homework in the living room. 2 We ____________ (visit) the museum – it’s really interesting. 3 My mum ____________ (cook) chili con carne in the kitchen. 4 Take your umbrella – it ____________ (rain) outside. 5 Ben ____________ (not work) today, he’s on holiday. 6 The children ____________ (not play) in the garden, they’re in their room.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Mr Thompson __________________________________. Mrs ______________________________________________. Sally _____________________________________________. Luke _____________________________________________. The twins _______________________________________. The dog _________________________________________.
Speaking 7 Pairwork What are the people you know doing now? In pairs, talk about your friends and family.
A My dad is working in his office. B My dad isn’t working today. He’s playing tennis with his friend Miguel.
Presentation 2
Let’s do a project together! Today, we’re talking to two students from class 2B, Heidi Jackson and Max Williams, about a special school project. Interviewer Hello Heidi and Max. Thanks for talking to us today. Heidi Thanks for the invitation! Interviewer So Heidi, what type of projects do you usually do at school? Heidi Well, we often do science or English projects. Max Yeah, I really like the science experiments but the English projects are a bit boring. Interviewer So, are you working on a project at the moment? Heidi Yes, we are. Every year we do a sports project, like learning about a new sport or doing a competition, but this year we’re organising a sponsored run for The Wilcox Children’s Hospital. Interviewer That’s amazing! Whose idea is it? Max Mine! We’re planning a 5-mile run around the city on 14th May. Students are registering online and they are adding their sponsors. Interviewer Fantastic! So, how is it going? Heidi Really well! So far, 70 students are planning to do the run… but the deadline is on Saturday so there’s still time to register. We hope to raise £1,000 for the hospital. Interviewer Well good luck! And remember to register so far fino a oggi before Saturday…! deadline scadenza, termine to raise raccogliere
1 2
1.30 Heidi and Max are talking about a school project. Read and listen to the interview.
Read again and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6
What kind of projects does Max not like? What kind of project do they do every year? What are they organizing? When are they planning the event? How much money do they hope to raise? What is the last day to register online?
Grammar: Present continuous –
interrogative form
A Are you working at a project at the moment? B Yes, we are. A How is it going? Grammar Bank p. 200
Write the questions. 1 doing / the / who / is / experiment Who is doing the experiment? 2 Nadya / what / studying / are / Liam / and 3 using / Internet / project / are / for / you / the / your 4 everyone / class / same / doing / in / is / your / the / project 5 you / the / project / History / enjoying / are 6 starting / the / they / when / project / French / are
Speaking 4 Pairwork Discuss the following questions. ● Are you doing a school project at the moment? ● What type of projects do you prefer? ● Do you think school projects are useful? Why?/Why not?
Grammar Lab Present continuous
Present simple and present continuous
Spelling rules
regular verbs
+ -ing
work working
verbs ending in consonant + -e
cut -e + -ing
have having
verbs ending in vowel + consonant
double the consonant + -ing
stop stopping
never • at the weekend • often • today • this month in the afternoon • these days • every year
eat ___________ give ___________ cut ___________ become ___________ meet ___________
6 7 8 9 10
get see talk make study
___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
Complete the sentences with the Present continuous of the verbs from the box.
1 We ______________ Tina’s birthday cake. 2 Dad ______________ a TV programme about cars. 3 I ______________ the window because it’s hot. 4 Sally ______________ the teacher a stupid question. 5 Dad ______________ breakfast in a café. 6 The students ______________ their homework in the library.
Put the words in order to make questions. Then write short answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6
he / is / listening / the / to / teacher / ? (3) going / to / are / they / the museum / ? (7) Sally / wearing / hat / is / a / ? (3) your dad / writing / a book / is / ? (7) a test / students / the / doing / are / ? (3) listening / rap music / my sisters / to / are / ? (3)
Mind Map p. 136
Grammar Bank pp. 200-201
Present continuous
always, usually, 1 _________, sometimes, rarely, 2 _________; every day, every month, 3 _________; in the morning, 4 _________, in the evening; on Monday, on Tuesdays, 5 _________
(right) now; at the moment, at present; 6 _________, this morning, this week, 7 _________, this year; 8 _________
Which of the following are state verbs? Which are action verbs? Write S or A in the space. 1 2 3 4 5 6
understand believe go travel know do
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
7 8 9 10 11 12
want make hate prepare like study
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Possessive pronouns and whose
Write answers using the possessive pronoun. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Use the words in brackets to correct the sentences. 1 Peter’s playing basketball. (tennis) Peter isn’t playing basketball. He’s playing tennis. 2 Joe and Sarah are cooking dinner. (lunch) 3 The baby is sleeping in the car. (in his bed) 4 Denise’s writing an email. (letter) 5 My dad’s driving to the beach. (to the city) 6 They are chatting online. (on the phone)
Present simple
State verbs
ask • do • eat • have • open • watch
Complete the table with the time expressions from the box.
Read the spelling rules and write the -ing form of the verbs. 1 2 3 4 5
Whose project is this? (Shelia) It’s hers. Whose notepads are these? (we) Whose chair is this? (Tim) Whose books are these? (the teachers) Whose phone is that one? (you) Whose jacket is this? (I)
Round up
Online interaction Complete the message with the words from the box. mine • doing • searching • don’t • never training • I’m • are
Hi Pete, I’m 1 _________ Maths but I 2 _________ understand the exercises! 3 _________ you studying now or are you 4 _________ at the gym? I need help! I’ve got a book here, it’s not 5 _________, maybe it’s from the library, I don’t remember! Anyway, 6 _________ reading the rules but I can’t do the exercise. I’m also 7 _________ the Internet for more examples, but I 8 _________ find what I’m looking for! Please call me ASAP!
Vocabulary & Listening 5
School equipment
Complete the words for school equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
gym classroom laboratory headmaster’s office
1 2 3 4
p ___ ___ c ___ ___ c ___ ___ ___ n ___ ___ e ___ ___ o ___ l ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ r ___ ___ b ___ ___ ___ u l ___ ___ ___ a ___ ___ ___ ___ a ___ ___ ___ m ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ n ___ ___ ___
Read the definitions for four of the things in exercise 1 and write the words. 1 It’s for doing Maths problems. 2 It’s for drawing lines. 3 They’re for underlining words and phrases. 4 It’s for putting all your pencils and pens in.
Match the words in the box to the photos. Use a dictionary to help you.
______________ ______________
5 6 7 8
library common room computer room canteen
______________ ______________
Now write definitions for the other four things from exercise 1.
School people and places
Read the text and look at the words in bold. Then match the questions below to the answers.
Hi, my name is Gloria and I’m a student at Pringle High International School. I’m 16 and I’m in my final year. Mr Manson is our school’s headmaster. He is responsible for everything in the school. He’s got four secretaries working for him and they answer the phone and emails, organise events at the school and help us when we have problems. My classmates are from all over the world. Mr Kearney is our laboratory technician. He helps us in the laboratories with our Science and Information Technology projects. Mr Blair is the school cleaner. He cleans the classrooms after school. My favourite thing at school is our mascot – it’s a black cat and his name is Meo. He lives in the school garden! 1 2 3 4 5 6
What is a headmaster’s job? What does a secretary do? What does a teacher do? Where does a technician work? What is a cleaner’s job? What does a classmate do?
a b c d e
n In the science lab and computer room. n He/She teaches the students. n He/She is responsible for the school. n He/She cleans the school. n He/She answers the phone and emails and
f 40
organizes events. He/She sits in the same class as you.
Listening 131 Listen and write the names of the 6
subjects on the correct place in the timetable. Monday
10.00-11.00 break 11.15-12.15 12.15-13.15 lunch 2.00-3.00 3.00-4.00 Vocabulary Bank 3
Pronunciation Bank: /n/ vs /N /
Functions & Video Asking for and giving opinions
1.32 Watch or listen to the video. What is Harry doing?
Darsha Oh! So you can read! That’s incredible Harry! Harry Very funny. I love reading, and you? Darsha Me too, but I never read paperback books, I read on my Kindle. Harry I can’t read ebooks, they’re so… cold. Darsha I don’t agree. I always carry my Kindle in my bag, see? It’s so practical, and light. Books are heavy, and my bag is small! Anyway, books belong in the past: they’re old stuff! Harry How can you say that? Books are living creatures! Here, touch it. Smell it! What do you think? Darsha Yeah… you’re right, it smells like paper. So what? Anyway, what are you reading? Harry Slam, by Nick Hornby. Darsha Oh yes, I know it. It’s also a film. Harry What do you think of it? Darsha The film? It’s nice. I prefer films to books. Harry I don’t. Would you like to read it? You can borrow my book. Darsha Thanks, but on my Kindle it’s only £1.99! Harry Well, I agree it’s cheap but… it doesn’t smell so good. Darsha Yeah… you’re certainly right.
1 Harry is reading an ebook. 2 Darsha has got a big bag. 3 She thinks ebooks are practical and light. 4 Harry likes smelling paper books. 5 He likes the film Slam. 6 Buying the book on the Kindle is cheap.
Watch or listen again. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). 1.32
___ ___ ___
Agreeing 3 ____________. I agree. You’re (certainly) right.
Underline the correct reply. 1 I really like soul music. How can you say that? / Me too. 2 What do you of the new French teacher? I think she’s nice. / Her name’s Mrs Dufour. 3 I prefer Maths to English. I don’t! / And you? 4 London is a beautiful city. I agree, but it’s very expensive. / I don’t.
I love reading, and you? Me too. I don’t agree. How can you say that? What do you think (of it)? I prefer films to books. I agree it’s cheap, but…
Complete the mind map with the key language for conversation from the dialogue. Giving your opinion I love reading. I prefer 1 ____________.
___ ___
Useful language
Asking for people’s opinion What do you think (of it)? What’s your opinion about…? I love (reading). 2 ____________?
Disagreeing How can you say that? I don’t think so. I don’t 4 ____________.
Pairwork Choose a film, a song, a book or a subject you really like. Exchange opinions about them. A I really like the Star Wars saga, I’m a huge fan! B I think it’s really boring! A How can you say that? It’s simply fantastic! 41
The Khan Academy
Language Skills
Education today
Salman Amin Khan (born October 11, 1976) is an American teacher and the founder of the Khan Academy, a free, online education service. The academy started with a YouTube channel in 2004 to teach Maths online to his young cousin. Today the Khan Academy has over 6,500 interactive video lessons on YouTube and around 4 million people around the world use it. Its video lessons teach school and university subjects at different levels, from English and History, to Maths and Science. A lot of successful students are saying they get great exam results because they use the Khan Academy method. Why do users love this digital teaching method?
Warm up 1 Look at the photos below. Where are the students? What are they doing?
Hi I’m Kalinda. I’m revising Maths for my school exams. I’m using the Khan Academy videos on YouTube. I’m watching an interactive lesson now. Salman Khan is writing the problem on the interactive screen. Now he’s explaining the steps we need to do to solve it, and he’s writing the results. I like the Khan Academy videos because I can work at my own speed, I can stop the video when I’m not sure about something and I can play it again and again. Posted by Kalinda, USA
Hello, I’m Peter. I’m studying History on YouTube with Khan Academy. I like this method because it uses pictures and diagrams and small paragraphs of text, so the information is easy to remember. Khan breaks down the topic into small steps and he can explain things very clearly. He makes difficult subjects seem easy! There are also great practice exercises to do after the lessons. You complete them and send them to the Khan Academy and they correct them for you, so you can see where you still have problems. Posted by Peter, Canada
started iniziò
Reading 1.33 Read and listen to the text. Match 2 the three photos A-C to the paragraphs.
CERT Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 What is Salman Khan’s job? 2 What does the Khan method use to teach students? Tick (3). n a television channel n an interactive YouTube channel n books 3 What subjects do the Khan videos teach? 4 What subject is Kalinda studying? 5 Why does she like the method? 6 What subject is Peter studying? 7 Why does he like the method?
Listening 1.34 Listen to the interview. Where is 4 Clint studying now?
Listen again and write true (T) or false (F). 1.34
Clint is studying alone this year. His parents are his teachers. This method doesn’t use books. Clint studies in the morning with his parents. 5 In the afternoon he meets his friends. 6 Clint and his family visit places to see things they are learning about. 1 2 3 4
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Speaking 6 Pairwork Ask and answer questions about our experience of learning English. Ask about where and how you study and your likes/dislikes.
A Where are you studying English now? B I’m studying English at the EnglishFast centre in Rome. A What does your teacher use to teach English? B She uses videos, books, audio CDs... A Do you like it? B Yes, I do./No, I don’t. A Why do you like it? B I like it because...
Learn to Learn
Writing strategies
Using because in your writing We can use because to give a reason for a statement. Because adds information to a short sentence. This makes your writing more fluent. I like the Khan Academy videos because I can work at my own speed. I like this method because it uses pictures and diagrams and small paragraphs of text.
Add information to these sentences. Use because and the expressions in the box. it isn’t cool • I want to study in the USA • it’s difficult he likes Chelsea • it’s interesting • we love films
1 Marcia likes History… Marcia likes History because it’s interesting. 2 Jacob doesn’t like Science… 3 My brother always wears a blue T-shirt… 4 I’m studying English… 5 We often watch DVDs at the weekend… 6 Sam doesn’t listen to classical music…
Writing 8 CERT Write a paragraph about your
experience of studying English. Use your answers from exercise 6 and the text on page 42 to help you. Think about the things below and give reasons for your likes/dislikes.
● Where you are studying now. ● What things you use to study. ● Why you like it/don’t like it. I’m studying English at the Green Park Language School in Tulum at the moment. In our classes we use a Student’s Book and some CDs… 43
Planet Rock
‘Wonderful World’ Life Skills: Respect Others ● Be a good classmate
Warm up 1 Make a list. What makes a good
classmate (qualities and actions)?
Pairwork Compare your list with your partner’s. Choose the top 5 qualities or actions from the two lists. How many of them are true for you now?
‘Wonderful World’ Cooke releases the song in 1960. It is a hit in the US and the UK. On one level, it is a classic love song about Cooke’s high school girlfriend. But on another level, there is a political message about a lack of opportunities for black people. Otis Redding, Bryan Ferry, Michael Bolton and Rod Stewart make cover versions. It is the soundtrack to the films Animal House and Witness, and the Levi’s 501 jeans advert.
Don’t know much about Geography, Don’t know much trigonometry Don’t know much about algebra, Don’t know what a slide rule is for But I do know that one and one is two, And if this one could be with you, What a wonderful world this would be Now, I don’t claim to be an ‘A’ student, But I’m trying to be For maybe by being an ‘A’ student, baby, I can win your love for me
slide rule regolo calcolatore don’t claim non sostengo di
Listen to the song online. Read this extract and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5
Sam Cooke (1931-1964) Born in Mississippi and also known as ‘the inventor of soul music’, Sam Cooke is the son of a church minister. He first sings in his father’s church choir. In the 1930s in Chicago he forms a gospel group – the Singing Children, with his two sisters. In 1950, he joins The Soul Stirrers, a top gospel group, but he doesn’t only want to sing to church audiences. His debut album as a solo artist is in 1957, Songs of Sam Cooke, which combines rhythm and blues, gospel and pop music and sells over 2 million copies. With the single ‘You Send Me’ Cooke tries to break down racial barriers and have black and white fans at his concerts, but this is difficult in 1960s America. As the civil rights movement grows in the USA, Cooke starts earning a lot of money and he plays his own style of music to a wide audience. This includes ‘A Change is Gonna Come’, an important civil rights song, and ‘Shake’, a soul music classic. On December 11, 1964 Bertha Franklin, a motel manager in Los Angeles shoots him, she says in self-defence, and he dies. The case remains a mystery not properly investigated by the police.
Which subjects isn’t he very good at? What does he know? What doesn’t he ‘claim to be’? What would make this a wonderful world? How can he do this?
Pairwork In your opinion, what can help Sam be an ‘A’ student? Put these in order of importance.
n a relaxed atmosphere in class n clear and interesting materials n constructive feedback n different teaching methods n encouragement/praise n help from the teacher/another student n high expectations n interactive lessons n working in pairs/group Talk about it 5 What helps/doesn’t help you do well in class?
A relaxed atmosphere helps me because I get very nervous in tests and exams.
3 Asian street food stall in Camden Market, London
Food & Drink Fact Street food is becoming the new trend. People are always looking for new and exciting food experiences, which is what food stalls offer: tasty, international, informal, easy-to-eat food.
The Big Question TV shows, celebrity chefs, social media posts and pictures, new restaurants opening every day: why are people so obsessed with food?
Unit Objectives Vocabulary & Functions
Language Skills
Life Skills
● Food and drink ● Menus
● Countable and uncountable nouns ● some, any ● a lot/lots of, a little, a few, much, many ● Imperative ● Verbs of preference
Reading: The Slow Movement Listening: An interview Writing: A questionnaire Speaking: Reporting data to the class
Respect others: ● Consider other people’s needs
Ordering food and drink
● ‘Tom’s Diner’, by Suzanne Vega 45
Presentation 1 Vocabulary: Food and drink Vocabulary Bank 4
Match the photos to the words. Then listen and check. 1.35
n water ___ n strawberries ___ n sandwich ___ n salad ___ n cheese ___ n fish ___ n peppers ___ n rice ___ n cake ___
Barbecues are usually in people’s garden and they sometimes make a special place in the garden to cook the barbecue. These are called barbecue pits or ‘barbies’. At the beach and in local parks in the UK, there are often public barbies for people to come and cook their food on. These are free for everyone to use. But what are British people’s favourite barbecue foods? Hamburgers seem to be number one barbecue meat in the UK, followed by sausages and chicken. For those who don’t eat any meat, the alternative is the evergreen corn on the cob, or any other vegetable like tomatoes, aubergines, courgettes or jacket potatoes. You can also grill some fruit on the barbecue, such as bananas and apples with sugar and cinnamon on top.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
n cola n pasta n chicken n bread n lentils n soup n sausage n butter n grapefruit
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Nouns can be countable (= have the plural form) or uncountable (= only have the singular). Look at the list above and write C or U next to each word. Read and listen to the text. What does the title of the article mean? Tick (3). 1.36
n eating good food n eating at home 46
The sun doesn’t always shine in summer in Britain, so British people can’t often eat ‘al fresco’, or outside, but when the weather is good, they love having a picnic, or a barbecue!
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Eating ‘al fresco’
n eating outside n eating healthy
CERT Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Where do British people go to have a picnic? Where do they usually have barbecues? What can you grill on the barbecue? Name three ingredients of the perfect picnic. What is the typical picnic food? What does the Picnic in the Park service offer?
3 Grammar: some, any
You can also grill some fruit on the barbecue. But those who haven’t got any time… Grammar Bank p. 208
Complete the sentences with some or any. Is there _________ milk in the fridge? I need _________ eggs for the cake. We haven’t _________ coffee. For Sunday’s barbecue we’re having _________ hot dogs and _________ pork ribs. 5 There isn’t _________ cheese, I’m afraid. 6 We usually have _________ fish for dinner. 1 2 3 4
Despite the cold, the changing weather and the bees, British people love picnics. 70% of them go on a picnic in the summer. Popular places are at the beach or next to a river. In cities people often have picnics in local parks too, where they can find some tables and benches. But what makes the perfect picnic? The location is very important. Parks with lakes and a playground for children are family’s favourite spots. Then comes the food. Some people buy ingredients at the supermarket and make their own sandwiches and potato salad, or shop at the local deli for typical British food such as Scotch eggs, Cornish pasty and shepherd’s pie. But those who haven’t got any time or don’t want to waste a day cooking can order a gourmet picnic basket already full of delicacies, or call the Picnic in the Park service. In this case, they don’t need to do much. Just show up at the park and a butler will do the rest. The last thing to remember for the perfect picnic is the company. You can be on the best spot with great food, but it can’t be a perfect day without your best friends. evergreen classico, intramontabile corn on the cob pannocchia di granturco cinnamon cannella despite nonostante show up presentarsi butler maggiordomo will do farà
Grammar: Quantifiers countable affirmative
VIDEO MAP uncountable
a lot of/lots of a few
a little
How many…?
How much…?
Grammar Bank pp. 208-209
Complete the sentences with the correct quantifier. 1 Not ____________ people have a big breakfast in the morning. 2 We have ____________ pasta for lunch every day. (a large quantity) 3 ____________ bottles of cola have we got? 4 I want a pizza with ____________ cheese on top. (a small quantity) 5 ____________ sugar do you put in your coffee? 6 We haven’t got ____________ money. Let’s just have a sandwich. 7 There are ____________ people I know at the picnic. (not a lot)
Get ready for a picnic! Write a list of what you put in your basket. sandwiches, a packet of crisps, some fruit…
Speaking 8 Pairwork Talk about your lists and prepare a basket together.
A I’ve got some cheese and tomato sandwiches. What have you got? B I’ve got tuna and tomato sandwiches. A OK. Then I have… 47
Presentation 2
Kitchen work!
In this special interview, we talk to Lucas Graham, head chef at the five-star hotel The Leicester in London.
Interviewer Lucas Interviewer Lucas Interviewer Lucas Interviewer Lucas Interviewer Lucas Interviewer Lucas Interviewer Lucas
Lucas, tell us, why are you a chef? Because I love food! What type of food do you like cooking most? Definitely desserts. I like all sweet things and I just love making new cakes and desserts for my clients. What do you not like about working in a kitchen? Oh, I hate washing up! Oh yes, me too! So, what are your rules for a successful career as a chef? Keep a good routine and be organized. Keep your kitchen tidy and make sure the people working with you are doing their job correctly. How many people work in your kitchen? Well, the kitchen is quite big. So, at the moment there are about 20 chefs in the kitchen. Wow, that’s a big kitchen and a lot of chefs! Yes, but I prefer working on my own because I like a quiet space when I work. Any other hints for someone who wants to become a chef? Yes, be disciplined… work hard and be friendly to your colleagues, of course! washing up lavare i piatti tidy in ordine hints suggerimenti
1.37 Read and listen to the text. What is Lucas’s favourite food?
Read the text again and choose the correct alternative. Lucas works in a five-star hotel / restaurant. He works as a chef because he loves cakes / food. He doesn’t like making desserts / washing up. Routine and organisation are the rules for a successful career / hotel. 5 There are / There aren’t many chefs in The Leicester kitchen. 6 He likes working alone / with 20 chefs. 1 2 3 4
Grammar: Verbs of preference I like sweet things. I love making new cakes. I hate washing up. I prefer working on my own. Verbs of preference can be followed by a noun or by a verb in the -ing form. Grammar Bank p. 209
Write complete sentences. 1 Andrew / like / play / video games 2 Francis and Jack / not like / do / homework / at the weekends 3 My mum / love / go / shopping 4 Carla / hate / cook / fish 5 My cousins / not like / walk / to school 6 Sue / prefer / work / at home
Speaking 4 Pairwork Answer the questions. ● Do you like cooking? What dishes can you cook? ● Do you prefer eating at home or eating out? Why? ● Do you like watching TV programmes about food and chefs? Why?/Why not?
Grammar Lab Verbs of preference
How much? / How many?
Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verbs from the box and the verbs in brackets.
5 6 7 8
I ____________ (love) to the cinema. ____________ you ____________ (like) Minecraft? I ____________ (not like) pudding. ____________ Syd ____________ (prefer) magazines? Peter ____________ (not like) to school. Paul ____________ (hate) experiments. We ____________ (prefer) social networks. She ____________ (love) in the park in the early morning.
Food & Drink Countables
Read the sentences and complete the rule. There’s some butter in the fridge. I need some eggs for the cake. There isn’t any milk. There aren’t any oranges. Have you got any money? We use 1 _________ and 2_________ with uncountable nouns and countable nouns in the plural. We use 3_________ in positive sentences, 4_________ in negatives and questions.
Underline the correct alternative. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Here’s some / any coffee for you, Mum. Have we got some / any cereal for breakfast? My brother doesn’t want some / any salad. There are some / any DVDs on the teacher’s desk. I haven’t got some / any brothers or sisters. Is there some / any fruit?
Mind Map pp. 137-138
some / any with countable and uncountable nouns
Grammar Bank pp. 208-209
Choose the correct alternative. 1 Have you got much / a few homework this week? 2 I haven’t got many / lots of friends. 3 Phil watches a lot of / a little films. 4 I’m not rich, but I’ve got a little / a few money in the bank. 5 There are only many / a few mistakes in my English test. I’m happy! 6 Not many / much people like broccoli.
Complete the table with the words from the box. milk • biscuits • peas • bananas • pasta • oranges coffee • rice • carrots • eggs • fruit juice • butter
_______________ meals do you have each day? _______________ tea do you usually drink? _______________ films do you watch in one week? _______________ porridge do you usually eat? _______________ pens have you got? _______________ money is there in your wallet?
much/many, a lot of/lots of, a little, a few
Countables and uncountables
Complete the sentences with how much / how many. 1 2 3 4 5 6
run • do • use • go • play • read • eat • walk 1 2 3 4
Complete the instructions with the words from the box. don’t talk • listen • use • write • don’t copy complete • don’t use
This is your first English test. Listen carefully. 1_____________ the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 2 _____________ the words in the gaps. 3_____________ only a black pen. 4_____________ during the test. 5 _____________ a dictionary. 6_____________ from your friend.
Round up
Complete the dialogue with some, any, how much and how many. Amy I want to make a cheese omelette. Have we got 1 ______________ eggs? Rob Yes, we have. Amy 2 ______________ are there? Rob Let me check, er… six. Amy Great. And is there 3 ______________ cheese? Rob Yes, there’s 4 ______________ parmesan and 5 ______________ mozzarella. Amy And 6 ______________ olive oil have we got? Rob Ops! There isn’t 7 ______________ olive oil. Amy Look, there’s 8 ______________ butter in the fridge. Let’s start then! 49
Vocabulary & Listening 4
Food and drink
Complete the mind map with at least three words in every capsule.
meat and fish ________________ ________________ ________________
carbohydrates ________________ ________________ ________________
dairy products ________________ ________________ ________________
vegetables ________________ ________________ ________________
sweet food ________________ ________________ ________________
drinks ________________ ________________ ________________
Complete the recipe with the verbs from the box. mix • add (x2) • bake • stir • press • use • give
To make delicious biscuits, you need very simple ingredients: flour, eggs, sugar, butter and vanilla extract. First, 1 ________ 250g of butter and 140g of sugar together in a large bowl with a wooden spoon, then 2 ________ 1 egg yolk (the yellow part) and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. 3 ________ 300g of plain flour and 4 ________ until the mixture is well combined. 5 ________ your hands in the end to 6 ________ everything a good mix. 7 ________ the dough, give the biscuits your favourite shape and 8 ________ in the oven at 180°C.
Listening 1.40 Listen and complete the order at 5 the Park Café for the two people.
fruit ________________ ________________ ________________
(1) cheese sandwich (2) (3) (4)
Containers and quantities
check. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Match the pairs. Then listen and
a carton of a slice of a bag of a can of a bar of a loaf of a bowl of a packet of
a b c d e f g h
n bread n chocolate n milk n cake n cereals n flour n cola n crisps
(5) (6)
Look at the pictures and write what these people are having for breakfast.
Verbs about cooking
Match the verbs to their translation. Then listen and check.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50
mix add bake fry stir pour boil slice roast steam
a b c d e f g h i j
n bollire n fare arrosto n affettare n mescolare n versare n aggiungere n cuocere al vapore n miscelare n friggere n cuocere al forno
Susie orange juice, 1 Marcia’s having some____________________________ 2 Jake_______________________________________________ 3 Susie______________________________________________
Vocabulary Bank 4
Pronunciation Bank: /a/, /ø / and /´u /
Functions & Video Ordering food and drink
1.41 Darsha and Harry are eating out. Watch or listen to the video. Why isn’t Darsha eating meat?
Darsha Hello. Sorry I’m late. Harry Never mind. What are you having? Hamburger? Hot dog? Toast? Darsha No, thanks. I’m not eating much meat these days. Harry Why not? Darsha I’m trying to be a vegetarian. Harry A vegetarian? Really? Not me, I can’t live without meat. Waiter Hi. Are you ready to order? Useful language Harry Yes. I’m having a ham and cheese sandwich with mayonnaise. Waiter Anything else? What are you having? Harry Yes, I’d like a portion of chips and a coke, please. Are you ready to order? Waiter I’m afraid we haven’t got any chips at the moment, how about I’m having… I’d like… some onion rings? And for you? Harry Onion rings are fine, thanks. Anything else? Waiter And for you? Can I pay by credit card? Darsha I’d like a Margherita pizza with a lot of cheese. And an orange juice. Waiter So that’s one Margherita, one ham and cheese sandwich, one portion of onion rings and two cokes. Harry Yes, that’s right! Darsha No, it isn’t. It’s one coke and one orange juice. Waiter OK. Darsha And can I pay by credit card? Waiter Sure. We accept all credit cards. Darsha OK, great thanks. Onion rings? Don’t talk to me after lunch!
Fuji Delight
Watch or listen again. Answer the questions. 1.41
Chicken teriyaki............................................ £7.99
1 Is Harry upset with Darsha because she’s late? 2 Is Darsha having hot dog? 3 What does Harry order to drink? 4 Why is Harry having onion rings? 5 Who is having pizza? 6 Does the restaurant accept credit cards?
Mixed sashimi............................................. £11.49
Role play Student A: you are the customer. You want to order Japanese food. Look at the menu and decide what you want to order. Student B: you are the waiter/ waitress. Perform the dialogue, then swap roles.
Noodle soup.................................................. £4.99
Salmon with sesame seeds.......................... £8.99 Sushi plate................................................... £10.99 Salmon & avocado rolls............................... £4.49 Cucumber & shrimp roll.............................. £3.99 Salad............................................................... £5.99
Language Skills
The Slow Movement
Warm up 1 Look at the people in the photos A-C. Who do you think is stressed? Why?
Reading 1.42 Read and listen to the text. 2
Which of these things are part of the Slow Movement? Tick (3).
n fast-food restaurants n yoga and t’ai chi classes n exams and tests n spending time with your family/friends In the world today we do everything fast. A lot of us are stressed and tired because we work long hours and travel long distances to get to work. We don’t spend time with our families and friends, we never feel relaxed. For people in the Slow Movement, this is crazy. They want to change things.
They want us to slow down and enjoy our lives more. And other people are starting to listen. There are now Slow Movement groups in many cities around the world and people are choosing different lifestyles. Maria from Italy and Nancy from England, are fans…
Maria, Rome – Slow Food Maria is cooking dinner for her family at home. She’s making pasta with fish. She goes out to the market every morning to buy food, then she spends two hours in the evening cooking dinner. Her family always eat together at the table. They chat about their day and they eat Maria’s delicious food. ‘The Slow Movement is about changing the way we live. It helps us to have less stress in our lives,’ says Maria, ‘Slow Food is part of the movement. We think it’s important to cook real food and for families to eat the food together. It takes more time to do this but in my family we never eat in front of the television. We share food and we share conversation. It means we are close in the family.’
3 3
CERT Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 Why are people stressed in the world today? 2 What do people in the Slow Movement want to do about this? 3 What is Maria doing in the photo? 4 Why does she think cooking dinner every day is important? 5 What is Nancy doing in the photo? 6 What sports do people in the Slow Exercise movement do? Why?
Writing 6 Are the people in your class stressed?
How do they relax? Use the prompts below to prepare a questionnaire about their routines and free time.
Listening 1.43 Listen to an interview with David, 4
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
a fan of the Slow Movement. What part of the movement is he talking about? Tick (3).
n Slow Driving n Slow Cities n Slow Food 5
1.43 Listen again and write true (T) or false (F).
1 In a Slow City people choose a slow lifestyle. 2 People in London and New York are relaxed. 3 Ludlow is very noisy. 4 People in Ludlow drive to work in other cities. 5 Offices close at half past 8 in Ludlow. 6 David is having English lessons this month.
1 Do you live in the city?
T ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
live in the city? travel long distance to school / work? study / work long hours? what sports / play? go walking? what free-time activities / do? what / usually / eat? when / cook? eat with your family / friends? what / do / this week / to relax?
Speaking 7 Pairwork Ask and answer the questions from
your questionnaire in exercise 6. Then ask four other people in your class your questions. Make a note of their answers.
Report back to the class about your classmates’ answers. Four people live in the city and one person doesn’t.
Nancy, Bristol – Slow Exercise Nancy, a student from Bristol, is practising t’ai chi in her local park. She’s learning to do slow exercises and meditation to help her to relax. ‘Students’ lives are crazy, we run from Science lectures to English classes, to Music lessons, then to the gym. Often we also have evening jobs!’ she says, ‘In the Slow Exercise Movement we don’t play competitive sports like tennis or football and we don’t go cycling or running. I’m learning to do gentle exercise like yoga, or t’ai chi instead. I do t’ai chi every morning before I go to university. It relaxes me and helps me slow down. I don’t get stressed now and I have more energy.’
Planet Rock
‘Tom’s Diner’ Life Skills: Respect Others ● Consider other people’s needs
Warm up 1 Take the quiz. 1 Do you always offer your food to others? 2 At home, do you wait until everybody has some pudding, or do you eat it all by yourself? 3 Do you ever order a dish and when it arrives you prefer another person’s food? 4 At school, do you often share your snack with a schoolmate?
Pairwork Discuss your answers to the quiz in pairs. Do you think you usually consider other people’s needs? Why/Why not?
Listen to the song online. Read this extract and answer the questions.
I am sitting In the morning At the diner On the corner
And he fills It only halfway And before I even argue
I am waiting At the counter For the man To pour the coffee
He is looking Out the window At somebody Coming in
1 2 3 4 5 54
Suzanne Vega Born in 1959 in New York, she starts writing songs in her teenage years. She also plays the guitar, studies modern dance and English literature. She starts playing music in cafes, festivals and clubs around New York. A Lou Reed concert in 1979 changes her musical style forever. She auditions for the lead role in the film Desperately Seeking Susan in 1985, but Madonna gets it. Her hit album is Solitude Standing in 1987. The lead single ‘Luka’ is a powerful first-person story of child abuse. In 1989, she is the first woman to headline UK’s Glastonbury Festival. In 1999 Vega publishes her first book, The Passionate Eye, a collection of poems, lyrics, essays and articles. She is the first major recording artist to perform live as an avatar online in Second Life in 2006. Today she writes, performs, records music and does a lot of work for charity. She still lives in New York. ‘Tom’s Diner’ Tom’s Diner is a restaurant in New York. Suzanne Vega is a regular customer, she often eats breakfast there. She releases the song in 1984, but it becomes a hit in 1990 when the British group DNA remixes it. Many other artists cover the song and Vega combines them in Tom’s Album. A German computer programmer, Karlheinz Brandenburg, uses ‘Tom’s Diner’ to test the sound quality of the original MP3 technology and Vega is also called the ‘Mother of the MP3’.
Pairwork Imagine you are the woman at the counter. How do you think she feels? useless • abandoned • hilarious • curious intrigued • sad • angry • irritated • lost • lonely embarrassed • ashamed
Talk about it 5 Discuss how you feel in these situations. counter bancone fill riempie halfway a metà argue discuto
Who are the people in the story? What are they doing? Who tells the story? Why does the waiter only fill the cup halfway? What do you think happens next?
● You are talking but nobody listens. ● You go for lunch to a friend’s house but you don’t like the food at all. ● You have a problem but your parents don’t answer the phone. ● You know the answers to a test but you need more time to finish it. When I tell my sister about my day and she continues playing her music, I feel very angry.
B1 Preliminary Training
Reading: Part 1
For each question, choose the correct answer. 1
Cosy Cafe
Ask your servers about today’s specials. Please tell us about your food allergies – our chef is happy to help!
A You can’t have any food not on the menu. B The food on the menu is ok for allergies. C You can have special food not on the menu.
Starters 2 To: All new students From: The school secretary (Mrs Judd) Subject: Personal information form Please complete the personal information form your teacher gives you and return it to me by Friday.
3 Free to a good home: desk, chair, lamp, shelves. Please take any of these things you can use. Thank you :-)
4 Ben, What do you need for your cookery class tomorrow? How much flour and butter? How many eggs, etc.? Please sms me a shopping list so I can go shopping on the way home!
The secretary wants A all students to bring her the personal information form by Friday. B only new students to bring her the personal information form by Friday. C new students to give the personal information form to their teachers by Friday.
The writer of the note A wants a desk, chair, lamp and shelves for their new home. B is selling a desk, chair, lamp and shelves from their home. C is offering a desk, chair, lamp and shelves for no money. Ben’s Mum A doesn’t know what Ben needs for his cookery class. B is leaving Ben a shopping list so he can go shopping on his way home. C is reminding Ben about what he needs to buy.
Love Mum
Writing: Part 1
You must answer this question. Write your answer in about 100 words. Read this email from your English-speaking friend Conrad, and the notes you have made. Yes
Hi, Can you play tennis? I’m looking for a new tennis partner. I usually play on Tuesdays and Fridays. Are you free then? Or are you free on other days? Let me know what you think. Conrad
Great! Free on Tuesday and Thursday, not Friday Ask when you start
Write your email to Conrad using all the notes. 55
1-3 1
Summative Revision Choose the correct option (A, B, C o D).
1 I ___________ up at 7 a.m. on school days. A does C gets B get D goes
Mum Hi, honey! Tell me, 1 ____________ you ____________ (have) a good time? Tim Hi, Mum. I 2 ____________ (have) a great time! Mum What 3 ____________ you ____________ (do)? Tim I 4 ____________ (have breakfast) at the moment. We usually 5 ____________ (eat) in the terrace, but it 6 ____________ (rain) today. Mum But what 7 ____________ you ____________ (do) every day? Tim Well, we usually 8 ____________ (get up) early, then we 9 ____________ (go) for a walk in the countryside. We sometimes 10 ____________ (have lunch) in a pub, but not today. Today Sandy 11 ____________ (cook) a special meal because we 12 ____________ (celebrate) her birthday! Mum That’s great! And what 13 ____________ you usually ____________ (do) in the evenings? Tim I usually 14 ____________ (play) cards with Jonah, while Sandy 15 ____________ (watch) TV. I really 16 ____________ (like) it here!
2 David ___________ go to school on Saturdays. A doesn’t C don’t B isn’t D aren’t 3 ___________ you like History? A Is C Doesn’t B Does D Do 4 Where ___________ Martha live? A do C does B is D are 5 ‘Does your brother go to bed early?’ ‘Yes, he ___________.’ A does C do B don’t D goes 6 I love ___________ letters to friends. A write C writeing B writing D writes 7 ‘Luca, is this your pen?’ ‘No, that’s ___________. ___________ is blue.’ A mine / your C mine / yours B my / yours D yours / mine
Tim is spending a week in Scotland with friends. Complete the phone conversation with the Present simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Complete the text with the words from the box. usually • using • hour • some • mine • afternoon • any following • do • many • moment • never • some • read
8 ___________ she ___________ music? A Is / listen to C Is / listening to B Does / listening to D Is / listening
I like 1 _________ Twitter a lot. I’m 2 _________ on it in the morning for about an 3 _________. Then, in the 4 _________ and in the evening I check it for about five or six times. I follow eighty-two different people. 5 _________ of them are famous actors or singers like Rihanna or Bruno Mars, all the others are friends. What 6 _________ we usually tweet? Our comments and opinions about things in the news, or things other people say. I 7 _________ their messages and I ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ them, using the icons. I 8 _________ post bad comments on other people’s accounts, I don’t think it’s fair. 9 _________ tweeters have got thousands of followers. How 10 _________ followers have I got? About two hundred. I haven’t got 11 _________ celebrity followers. I’m 12 _________ a new rapper at the 13 _________, he does great music and is a good friend of 14 _________.
9 ‘Are they coming? ‘No, ___________.’ A they are C they don’t B they aren’t D they not 10 What ___________ now? A are you doing B you do
C do you do D do you doing
11 ‘I’m hungry!’ ‘___________’ A Have a party! B Have some water!
C Have a snack! D Have fun!
12 How ___________ sugar do we need? A many C any B some D much 13 I don’t like coffee. I ___________ drink it! A often C sometimes B never D always 14 There isn’t ___________ milk in the fridge. A some C any B many D how much 56
Give true answers to the questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6
What do you usually do on Saturday afternoon? Do you often eat out? Where do you usually go? How much money have you got in your pockets? What are you studying at the moment? What is your father doing now? How often do you eat Chinese food?
Invalsi Training
Task type: Reading – Short-answer questions
UK families waste EVERY MONTH!
24 meals
British families waste £60 a month on food they don’t eat, says a new report. We throw away 24 meals a month in the UK, that’s 4.2 million tonnes of food and drink every year! The top three foods that British families usually waste are bread, potatoes and milk. We throw away 22 million slices of bread, 5.8 million potatoes and 5.9 million litres of milk every day. This food is often still good to eat, but it goes into the bin.
Why does this happen?
• A lot of consumers don’t understand the labels on food. They throw away food because the expiry date on the packet is past, but food is usually still e do? good 4 or 5 days after that date. What can w • Some consumers say packets of food in supermarkets are too big. ✗ Don’t throw food away on the date on the packet. For example, bags of salad are It is still good to eat! too big for a family to eat before ✓ Check food looks fresh before you eat it. they go bad. ✗ Don’t buy large packets of bread, fruit and vegetables. • Supermarkets often sell food on ‘special offer’, so we buy 2 or 3 ✓ Buy small quantities and finish it before you buy more. items instead of 1. But we throw ✗ Don’t buy extra food because there is a special offer. away a lot of the extra food we ✓ Buy only the quantity of food you need. buy on special offer!
Read the text about food waste in the UK, then answer the questions (1-6) using a maximum of 4 words. There is one example to help you. 0 How much money a month do British families spend on food they waste? sixty pounds 1 How many meals a month do they throw away? 2 Which are the top three foods they usually waste? 3 What does the figure 22 million refer to? 4 What happens to food 4 or 5 days after expiry date? 5 Who says that packet of foods in supermarkets are too big? 6 What is correct to buy, in terms of quantities?
Task type: Listening – Short-answer questions 1.44 Listen to the dialogue in a restaurant, 2 then answer the questions (1-6) using a maximum of 4 words. There is one example to help you.
0 What is the pasta with? tomatoes 1 What does Helen order? 2 What vegetables does she order? 3 What do they want to drink? 4 Who wants tiramisu? 5 What dessert does John order? 6 What size of dessert does Helen order?
Weird Food Facts Warm up 1 Pairwork Discuss the following questions with your partner.
● What strange food traditions are there in your country? ● Do you like them? Why?/Why not?
Speed Read 2 Read the texts (A-E) and match them with the ingredients (1-5).
1 2 3 4 5
n cheese and pear juice n egg, cheese, leeks and breadcrumbs n fish, pastry, eggs and potatoes n meringues, cream and strawberries n pastry, meat, vegetables and fruit C
Comprehension 3 CERT Read the texts again and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 Bedfordshire clanger is… A from Scotland. B not very filling. C sweet and savoury. D three courses. 2 The expression ‘to drop a clanger’ means… A to have an accident. B to make a mistake. C to save a person’s life. D to smell really bad. 3 Eton Mess is… A aristocratic food. B a dessert. C a game. D dog food. 4 Glamorganshire sausages… A are expensive to make. B are no longer made. C have got meat in them. D haven’t got meat in them. 5 Stinking Bishop is… A a fruit. B a cheese. C a man. D juice. 6 Stargazey pie is… A fish and chips. shortages carenze B life-saving. leeks porri breadcrumbs pan grattato C picnic food. smelly maleodorante D typical of Cornwall. baked cotte al forno
A Recipe for Glamorganshire sausages
Listening 1.45 CERT 4
Listen and complete the recipe for Glamorganshire sausages.
Complete the texts with the words from the box. bowl food • Hyper-local food • mocktails nootropics • vegan • West African food
What’s trending? A lot of people in the UK are drinking 1 ____________ now. These are cocktails with no alcohol. They are healthy and refreshing and have exciting flavours and colours. What’s not to like? Another new trend is 2 ____________. That’s right – food in a bowl! In many countries it’s common to eat soups or salads with lots of ingredients in a bowl. British people love it because you can combine your favourite foods. ______________________ is originally from Scandinavia. But the trend is becoming very popular in the UK too. It’s food from ingredients people make or grow in their local area or seasonal wild foods.
Finely slice one leek and fry in butter until soft. Add garlic and cook for another 1______ ___ _. Mix 2_________ grated cheese, 140g brea dcrumbs, parsley, ½ teaspoon of 3_________ mus tard powder and one beaten egg in a bowl. Add 4___ _______. Make into 5__________, cover and chill in the 6 __________ for 30 minutes. Preheat the oil in a frying pan and 7__________ the balls until browned. Serve immediately with a 8__________.
Move over vegetarian food, here comes 4 ____________ food! Lots of people are choosing plant-based diets for health and ethical reasons. Popular UK fast food chains are also following this trend and offering vegan options on their menus. Super foods are good for your body, but now there are 5 ____________, or brain food! People are improving their power simply by eating eggs, salmon, turmeric, spinach, cocoa and blueberries.
COMPETENCES Cultural awareness Complete a food fact file with dishes from your region.
Always adventurous with food, the recent British culinary trend of 6 ___________________ is no surprise. We love the fragrant and spicy stews, and delicious rice dishes typical of the region. refreshing rinfrescanti trend tendenza brain cervello are improving migliorano
Writing 7 Use your food fact file to write a short text about food in your country.
Speaking 8 Pairwork Compare British food and food
from your country. Tell your partner what you like and don’t like about each. What is your ideal diet/food?
The Royals What the royals actually do British royals don’t usually have normal jobs, but every year they attend 2,000 events, entertain 70,000 guests and answer 100,000 letters between them. They are very busy, but British people pay them about £45 million a year for this. The young royals are popular at home and abroad. Paparazzi often try to take photos of them. Prince William (Wills) is married to Kate Middleton. She’s a commoner – rich, but not royal. They have three young children and they try to give them a normal life. Believe it or not, Kate is giving Prince Louis some of big brother Prince George’s old clothes!
William and Kate also find time to have some fun – they often go skiing, to the cinema, to sports matches and to parties. But the real party animal in the royal family is Prince Harry, William’s brother. There are always lots of photos and stories about him in the papers. And he’s never afraid to give his opinion, especially about his wife, Meghan Markle. She’s a divorced American actor and a feminist. She’s older than him, and the first mixed-race royal. She is also related to writer William Shakespeare and the famous prime minister Winston Churchill.
Rules of being a royal – Don’t use personal social media accounts or websites. – Don’t vote or talk about politics. – Don’t go out without security. – Don’t take selfies or sign autographs for fans. – Don’t allow people to touch entertain intrattengono you in public or give you abroad all’estero personal presents. commoner cittadina
Start thinking Read the newspaper article about the British royal family and answer the questions.
3 Does the writer like the royal family? Why?/Why not?
1 What is the article about? 2 Is the article formal or informal and how do you know?
Critical thinking Imagine you are a royal for one day. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages with your partner. 1 How do you feel about being a royal? 2 Do you like the idea of getting money for entertaining and visiting? 3 What do you think about the rules of being a royal? 4 Which rules are easy/difficult to follow?
comune older più grande (d’età) mixed-race multirazziale related imparentata
Moving on Research other royal families in Europe. ● Which countries have them and which don’t? ● Do they have different roles and duties in different countries? ● Do they cost more or less than the British royal family? ● Do you think it’s right to have a royal family in the 21st century? Why/Why not?