Grammar Trainer 3

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Grammar Trainer 3 is the third in a series of supplementary photocopiable materials designed for young teenage English language learners at Elementary and Pre-Intermediate Level. Grammar Trainer 3 covers all the essential areas of grammar at this level (A2-B1) and offers a wide variety of activity types which are ideal for revising and/or consolidating grammar. The Grammar Trainer 3 worksheets are designed to be used either individually or in pairs and small groups. These self-contained easy to use worksheets are also suitable for self-study and can be given as homework assignments. Grammar Trainer 3 includes:

58 Grammar Worksheets Grammar Tables Answer Key

Level: A2-B1 Other titles in the series are: Grammar Trainer 1 Beginner to Elementary (A1-A2) Grammar Trainer 2 Elementary (A2)

Grammar Trainer 3 by Lisa Kester-Dodgson

ELI Editorial Dept: Maria Cristina Izzo, Gigliola Capodaglio Art Direction: Marco Mercatali Cover Design: Paola Lorenzetti Graphics: Digital Studio ELI Graphics: Sergio Elisei Illustrations: Roberto Battestini, Drowart Studio Production Manager: Francesco Capitano The Publisher would like to thank Claire Moore and Juana Cattunar for the development of part of the material this book is based on. Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa – Recanati ISBN 978-88-536-0508-5 The pages of this book marked: PHOTOCOPIABLE Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI may be photocopied free of charge by the purchasing individual o institution. This permission does not extend to branches or additional schools of an institution. All other copying is subject to permission from the publisher.

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CONTENTS WORKSHEET 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

GRAMMAR ACTIVITY Will / Won’t Will / Won’t Going to vs Will Going to vs Will Past Simple Past Continuous Past Simple vs Past Continuous Be used to / Get used to Used to Be used to vs Used to Present Perfect Present Perfect Present Perfect (How long – For / Since) Present Perfect (How long – For / Since) Present Perfect vs Past Simple Present Perfect vs Past Simple Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Continuous vs Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Past Perfect vs Past Simple Infinitive of Purpose Linkers Quantifiers So / Neither Adjectives + Prepositions + -ing Relative Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns Indefinite Pronouns Look like Wh- Words How + Adjectives Question Tags -ing Form vs to + Infinitive Can / Could Have to / Must Have to / Must Should / Shouldn’t Making Deductions (can’t, must, might, may) Could / Managed to Zero and 1st Conditional 2nd Conditional 1st Conditional vs 2nd Conditional 3rd Conditional If I were Wish + Past Simple The Passive and Who The Passive and Who Present Simple Passive Past Simple Passive Past Simple Passive vs Present Simple Passive Get / Have something done Want someone to do something Reported Speech Reported Speech Reported Speech (Questions) Revision of Present Tenses Revision of Past Tenses Revision of Future Tenses Grammar Tables Answer Key

PAGE 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 72


INTRODUCTION What is Grammar Trainer 3? Grammar Trainer 3 is a rich photocopiable resource book consisting of 58 Grammar Worksheets with Grammar Tables and an Answer Key. It has been designed as supplementary material for young teenage English language learners at Elementary / Pre-intermediate Level (A2-B1). What type of activities does Grammar Trainer 3 offer? The activity types offered in Grammar Trainer 3 are the following: • Identifying The students have to identify the most suitable structure by choosing between several alternatives in multiple-choice, true/false activities. • Matching These activities include matching the beginnings and ends of clauses to make sentences, identifying question and answer combinations and combining words or sentences with pictures. • Completion activities Students have to reply on their knowledge of how the language is structured in order to complete tables, sentences and dialogues with the correct grammatical structure. • Rephrasing The students are requested to rephrase sentences by modifying the grammatical structures therein. • Sequencing These activities require the students to either reorder words to make sentences, rebuild dialogues by putting the sentences in the correct order and reconstruct narratives according to a sequence of pictures. Which grammatical structures does Grammar Trainer 3 cover? Grammar Trainer 3 aims to activate and improve all the essential areas of grammar at Elementary / Preintermediate level (A2-B1) and covers the following areas: • Present tenses (Revision) • Past tenses (Revision) • Future tenses • Conditional tenses • Modal Verbs • The Passive • Reported Speech How can the worksheets in Grammar Trainer 3 be used? The worksheets in Grammar Trainer 3 are designed to be used in pairs or small groups in order to promote interactive classroom practice. They can also be used individually and are suitable for self-study or homework tasks. The Grammar Trainer 3 worksheets are ideal for revising or consolidating grammar, are easy to use and do not require lengthy lesson preparation. They are self-contained and can be used in any order. The contents list on page 3 provides a list of the grammatical areas practised in each individual worksheet.





Will / Won’ t

Circle the correct form: will or won’t.


A It’s hot! B I’ll / won’t open the window. 1 That T shirt is nice. I will / won’t buy it. 2 A What would you like to drink? B I’ll / won’t have coffee. 3 I’m tired. I will / won’t go out. 4 A I can’t do my homework. B I’ll / won’t help you if you want. 5 I’m hungry. I’ll / won’t make a sandwich. 6 I’m tired. I will / won’t go to the cinema. 7 A I can’t understand this exercise. B Don’t worry! I’ll / won’t help you. 8 I’m hungry. I will / won’t make some lunch. 9 A Would you like a drink? B I’ll / won’t have an orange juice, thanks.

Julio is going to live in Australia. Write sentences about how his life will change. Use will (✓) or won’t (✗). speak / English / every day (✓) Julio will speak English every day. speak / Spanish / at school (✗) 1 ____________________________________ see / kangaroos (✓) 2 ____________________________________ miss / Spanish friends (✓) 3 ____________________________________ be / cold / December (✗) 4 ____________________________________ go / new school (✓) 5 ____________________________________ snow / Christmas Day (✗) 6 ____________________________________ miss / grandparents (✓) 7 ____________________________________ live / in a new house (✓) 8 ____________________________________ watch / Australian TV (✓) 9 ____________________________________ eat / Spanish food (✗) 10 ____________________________________

10 This dress is lovely. I think I’ll / won’t buy it.


Complete the sentences with will or won’t. I think I _____ will have a cup of tea. 1 Max is horrible to me! I _________ talk to

Reorder the words and write the sentences. for / have / eggs / I’ll / bacon / breakfast / and / . I’ll have bacon and eggs for breakfast. 1 exam / pass / James / I’m / will / his / sure / .

him again! 2 It’s too cold today, so I _________ go out

________________________________________ 2 don’t / rain / I / think / tomorrow / it’ll / .

for a walk.


3 I _________ ring you later. 4 I _________ have a dessert because I’m getting fat. 5 I’m tired. I don’t think I _________ go to the theatre tonight.


3 plane / time / land / what / Robert’s / will / ? ________________________________________ 4 won’t / today / time / we / Sue / have / meet / to / . ________________________________________ 5 us / stay / will / how / with / they / long / ? ________________________________________

Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI




Will / Won’ t 1

Read the sentences and decide if they are spontaneous decisions (D) or predictions (P). D Cool! I’ll buy this for my mate’s birthday. ■ 1 2 3 4 5


Complete the questions and the answers with the words in the box.

not go

Look! Do you think it’ll rain? ■ Don’t worry. I’ll help you now. ■ I’m tired. I’ll just have a little rest. ■ Today’s a holiday. There won’t be a bus. ■ I think there won’t be videos soon, everyone’s got MP3s. ■



not finish


not like


won’t go to the football match today. I ________ 1 A _____ you _____ late tonight? B No, ______________. 2 I ______________ you later. 3 You ______________ this film!


Use the words to write sentences and then decide if they are spontaneous decisions (D), predictions (P) or future events (E). I / have / a coffee D I’ll have a coffee. ■ David / be / 16 next week.







________________________________ People / buy / online in the future ________________________________ I think / it / rain / at the weekend ________________________________ I / close / the window ________________________________ Janet / have / her / baby / in June ________________________________

Read the sentences and circle the correct alternative. I really don’t think I will / won’t buy it. 1 Do you think Germany won’t / will win the next World Cup? 2 I’ve got so much homework tonight! I won’t / will finish in time to watch the film. 3 Do you think Emma will / won’t help me with the project? 4 Alex doesn’t think his dad will / won’t go to the football match with him. 5 I will / won’t never stop learning English.



4 A _____ you _____ married when you’re older? B Yes, ______________. 5 He ______________ his homework tonight.


Complete the sentences A-F with will or won’t and a verb in the box. Then match them to sentences 1-5. rain

D ■ 1 2 3 4 5

■ ■ ■ ■ ■





have to

There are no clouds in the sky today. Andrew’s very lazy. It’s very cold today. Don’t worry! Harry doesn’t like rice. My plane takes off at 8.15am.

A We ___________ to the park. B I ___________ late for the meeting. C We ___________ Sushi tonight.

won’t rain later. D It __________ E He ___________ his exams. F We ___________ be at the airport by 6.15am.

Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI




Going to vs Will

Reorder the words and write the sentences.


tonight / Maggie / to / the / going / theatre / is. Maggie is going to the theatre tonight.

am going to be a fruit This summer I ___________ picker.

1 never / I / get / ’ll / married / . _____________________________________ 2 are / going / weekend / this / Where / you / ? _____________________________________ 3 day / to / going / a / beautiful / It’s / be / . _____________________________________ 4 going / isn’t / Luke / to / party / to / my / come / . _____________________________________ 5 tonight / She / won’t / go / Jo / thinks / out / . _____________________________________ 6 think / I / win / ’ll / the / I / match / . _____________________________________ 7 you / going / are / this / Where / summer / ? _____________________________________ 8 party / to / going / a / great / It’s / be / . _____________________________________ 9 to / He / won’t / go / Jack / thinks / university / . _____________________________________ 10 going / isn’t / Al / to / the / to / park / come / . _____________________________________


Read the sentences and underline the correct alternative.

Read the sentences and fill the gaps with will, won’t or going to.

1 I don’t think we __________________ live on the moon. 2 I promise I __________________ forget your birthday! 3 He __________________ get married next year. 4 I __________________ have the fish, please. 5 They __________________ study French at university next year. 6 I __________________ have the steak, please.


Read the questions and write short answers. Are you and Sam going to Lucy’s party tonight? (✓) Yes, we are. 1 Will you finish your homework before dinner? (✗)

Look how dark the sky is! There will / is going to be a storm.


1 Are you going to / Will you get me some stamps when you go out? 2 I don’t think the party will / is going to end before midnight. 3 I’m sure David will / is going to do well in his test. 4 Do you know where you will / are going to be this time tomorrow? 5 My daughter is going to / will be eighteen tomorrow at university next year.

2 Is Lucy going to go to university next year? (✗) _____________________________________ 3 Will it be warm and sunny tomorrow? (✓) _____________________________________ 4 Am I going to be late for school? (✗) _____________________________________ 5 Are Mr and Mrs Jones going to adopt a baby? (✓) _____________________________________

Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI




Going to vs Will 1

Match the beginnings with the ends of the sentences.


Read the sentences and circle the correct alternative. Look over there! She ’s going to / will swim in the cold lake.

B The sun is shining already! I think... ■ 1 2 3 4 5

■ ■ ■ ■ ■


James is really clever. I think...

1 What will you / are you going to do tomorrow?

Be quiet! The film...

2 I think I’ll / ‘m going to marry before I am forty.

When I’m older, I...

3 Sshh! The film‘s going to / will start.

This evening we...

4 Your bag looks heavy. I’ll / ‘m going to help you. 5 She’s got an exam soon. She will / isn’t

Do you think computers...

going to come to the party.

A going to travel all over the world! B’ll be hot all day!


Read the sentences and fill the gaps with the correct form of will or going to. I think he_____ ‘ll get married young. 1 Look out! You ______________ fall over. 2 Who do you think ______________ win the next UEFA cup? 3 Tomorrow she ______________ buy a new coat. 4 In May they ______________ go to Malta.


Read Dan’s e-mail and fill the gaps with the correct form of will or going to of the verbs in brackets.

C ...are going to have dinner with Luke. D going to start now. E ...will be cheaper in the future? F ...he will pass all his exams.


Find the ends of the sentences.

1 2 3 4 5

C I promise... ■ ■ This summer... ■ Are you... ■ Diane’s sure... ■ I think... ■ I think it’s...

A ...we’re going to visit L.A. B ...I’ll have a cup of tea. C ..I won’t ring you at 24.00. D ...going to snow. E ...going to study Chemistry? F ...Daniel won’t ask her out.



Hi Jack! How are you? What ____ are you ___________ going to do (do) this weekend? I (1) __________________ (play) football on Saturday morning at ten. If it rains, we (2) __________________ (play) inside the sports centre. On Sunday I (3) __________________ (visit) my grandparents in Brighton. It’s grandpa’s birthday on Sunday. He (4) __________________ (be) 70, I think. We (5) __________________ (have) a big birthday party. Mum’s made a birthday cake in the shape of an aeroplane because grandpa loves flying! Write soon, Dan

Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI




Past Simple Susie went to Paris for the weekend. On Saturday she caught the London to Paris Eurostar train at 6 o’clock in the morning and she ______________________________

Read the brochure and write about Susie’s weekend in Paris.



s! i r a P n i d n e k A wee


2 3 4

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Saturday 4th April




Catch the London to Paris Eurostar train at 6.00 am. Arrive in Paris at the Gare du Nord station at 8.15 am. Take the underground to the Champs Elysées and do some shopping. Have lunch in the Luxembourg Gardens. Visit the Louvre museum and see the Mona Lisa in the afternoon.


Now use the prompts to write questions and answers. Susie / go / Rome? Did Susie go to Rome? No, she didn’t.

2 3 4

1 the journey / take / three hours?



In the evening enjoy a lovely dinner on the river Seine.


2 she / take the underground? ______________________________________ 3 she / have lunch in a park? ______________________________________ 4 she / visit a famous museum? ______________________________________

Sunday 5th April

5 she / enjoy her dinner? ______________________________________ 6 she / leave on Sunday morning?

Walk to the Eiffel Tower and get the lift to the top.


Then go and see the Cathedral of Notre Dame.

7 she / go to the top of the Eiffel Tower? ______________________________________

Have lunch in Île St Louis.

8 she / get to London late at night?

Leave Paris at 5.00 pm and arrive in London at 7.15 pm.


Book now!

Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI




Past Continuous 1



Complete the sentences with the correct form of was or were. The phone ____ was ringing all morning. (✓) 1 John ________ visiting his mother yesterday. (✗) 2 ________ you doing the shopping on Saturday? (?) 3 Lucy ________ planning her summer holiday. (✓) 4 They ________ saving for a new car. (✓) 5 Where ________ that crowd of people running to? (?) 6 Mary and Gary ________ queuing for long. (✗) 7 What ________ the people voting for? (?) 8 The elderly couple ________ waiting for a bus. (✗) 9 We ________ hoping to see you later. (✓) 10 Mum ________ cooking the lunch. (✗) Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets. They ___________ were talking (talk) on the phone for hours. 1 I ________________ (sit) in a traffic jam all afternoon. 2 Jane ________________ (have) a long relaxing bath. 3 We ________________ (not do) the shopping all morning. 4 Tom ________________ (leave) for one week’s holiday. 5 Our friends ________________ (come) over in the evening. 6 Sarah ________________ (not diet) strictly all week. 7 What time ________ you ________ (drive) to work? 8 The children ________________ (play) in the park. 9 Robert ________________ (hurry) to catch his train. 10 ________ Simon ________ (wait) for the alarm to go off?




Use the words to write affirmative and negative sentences. She / try / to pass her driving test. She was trying to pass her driving test. 1 Lucy / not wear / a dress to the party. ______________________________________ 2 He / turn off / his computer. ______________________________________ 3 They / leave / early to catch a plane. ______________________________________ 4 You / not listen / to me. ______________________________________ 5 We / start / our new job on the same day. ______________________________________ 6 Ann / have / a shower late last night. ______________________________________ 7 I / not look / in through the window. ______________________________________ 8 Our neighbours / move / to Canada for one year. ______________________________________ 9 The friends / organise / a surprise birthday party. ______________________________________ 10 They / hope / to get the actor’s autograph. ______________________________________


Read the sentences and write questions about the underlined information. Simon was travelling to Paris yesterday. Where was Simon travelling to yesterday? 1 Brian was playing tennis on Saturday. ______________________________________ 2 Chris was meeting Samantha. ______________________________________ 3 The children were watching a DVD. ______________________________________ 4 The plane was leaving at half past one. ______________________________________ 5 Sue was crying because she lost her teddy. ______________________________________ 6 David was studying in his bedroom. ______________________________________ 7 Gary was driving for at least five hours. ______________________________________ 8 They were doing a Maths Test. ______________________________________

Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI




Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.


We were having / had lunch when the fire

Max was cleaning when the phone rang. (clean / ring)

alarm went / was going off.

1 When my dad ___________________ home I ___________________. (arrive / study)

1 Joanna jogged / was jogging in the park when she was seeing / saw Patrick.

2 Lara ___________________ dinner when Gillian ___________________. (cook / call)

2 Penny and James were watching / watched

3 What _______________ you _____________ when it ___________________ to rain?

TV when the lights were going / went out. 3 I was writing / wrote an e-mail when the

(do / start)

door bell was ringing / rang.

4 Felicity ___________________ Alex about her new job while she ___________________ at the painting. (tell / look)

4 Beth was crying / cried when I was walking / walked into the room.

5 My brother ___________________ to school when he ___________________ the accident.

5 Chris was buying / bought Christmas presents

(walk / have)


Read the sentences and underline the correct alternative.

when someone was stealing / stole his wallet.

Complete this story with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.


Use the words to write questions.

I was walking (walk) to school yesterday

What / you / do / when / bell / ring?

morning with my best friend, William when I

What were you doing when the bell rang?

(1) ___________ (see) two men go into High

1 Who / she / talk / to / when / you / arrive?

Road Bank. They (2) _______________ (wear)


black clothes. They were both about 30. One man (3) ________________ (have) brown hair and blue eyes and the other had blond hair, blue eyes and a moustache. When we (4) ________________ (look) into the window we (5) ________________ (see) the men put their hands into their pockets. I (6) ________________ (scream). I thought they were in trouble. My friend laughed because the men (7) ________________ (get) their documents out of their pockets. I (8) ________________ (feel) so

2 What / students / do / while / teacher / speak? _______________________________________ 3 Michelle / study / when / you / see / her? _______________________________________ 4 The children / play / while / you / make / dinner? _______________________________________ 5 Where / they / go / when / car / break down? _______________________________________


Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - Š ELI




Be used to / Get used to 1


Put the words in the correct order. my / living / used / I / own / on / to / am I am used to living on my own. 1 every / the / going / used / Lucy / day / gym / to / to / is _____________________________________ 2 couldn’t / used / children / our / noisy / we / get / to / neighbour’s _____________________________________ 3 got / getting / they / used / up / soon / to / early _____________________________________ 4 the / to / dad / housework / with / used / helping / isn’t _____________________________________ 5 yet / used / up / from / are / to / the / school / you / children / picking _____________________________________ 6 quickly / really / dogs / the / after / looking / used / got / Steve / to _____________________________________ Read the sentences and decide if they are wrong (✗) or right (✓). Then correct the wrong ones. We are used to move house from year to year. (✗) We are used to moving house from year to year. 1 Sue wasn’t get used to studying every evening. ( ) __________________________________ 2 He couldn’t be used to living in the country. ( ) __________________________________ 3 Are you used to travelling long distances? ( ) __________________________________ 4 I will never got used to driving on the left! ( ) __________________________________ 5 They got used to feeding the horses on the farm. ( ) __________________________________ 6 She isn’t get used to looking after the children. ( ) __________________________________


Read the sentences and fill the gaps with the correct form of be or get.

1 2

3 4 5 6


With my new job I soon got used to travelling. I can’t __________ used to living on my own. Although it took time, we soon __________ used to the sound of the trains. I __________ not used to cooking for so many people. You must __________ used to driving so far to work by now. Her son is always rude so she __________ used to his bad behaviour. They couldn’t __________ used to the hot weather.

Match the beginnings to the ends of the sentences. F Grandmother is used to listening… 1 Jane will soon get used to her new… 2 Steven is used to sleeping during… 3 I will never get used to eating Mexican food… 4

She spent most of her life in a bungalow…

5 6

I have five brothers and sisters so… We haven’t been living in Paris long…

7 8

India is a very hot country and we… I am not used to working for someone…

A because it’s far too spicy for me. B so she isn’t used to living in a house. C aren’t used to living in such a hot climate. D because I’ve always been self-employed. E so we need time to get used to it. F to the radio on Sunday afternoon. G school and make lots of friends in no time. H the day when he works nights. I I am not used to being on my own.




Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI




Used to

Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and one of the verbs in the box. drive






Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and a corresponding verb.


work go eat ____ Did you ___________ use to have a bike? 1 Dan _________________ a moped. It was red. 2 Where ________ you _________ before

used to have Peter _____________ a bicycle.

1 Justine __________ _________________ the piano.

2 Luke ___________ ________________ to school on foot.

3 Samuel and Jacob _______________ basketball.

4 Amy ____________ _________________ vegetables.

5 My mum ________ _________________ a policewoman.

6 My baby sister _________________ _________________ a lot.

7 Tom ____________ _________________ a sports car.

Rome? 3 ______ you _________________ German? 4 She _________________ the piano. Now she’s a singer. 5 I _________________ coffee, but I do now. 6 Where ________ you _________ to school? 7 She _________________ an office. Now she works at home. 8 I _________________ Indian food, but I love it now.


Use the words to write questions and short answers. you / watch TV / a lot? (✗) Did you use to watch TV a lot? No, I didn’t. 1 Harry / ride / a bike? (✓) _______________________________________ 2 Sally / walk / to school? (✗) _______________________________________ 3 Mr and Mrs Bright / live / in that house? (✗) _______________________________________ 4 Sam / go / to work by train? (✓) _______________________________________ 5 Your grandparents / listen / to the radio? (✓) _______________________________________

Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI




Be used to vs Used to 1


Read the sentences and choose the correct option to fill the gap. I am used to looking after my grandson when my daughter is away on business.

looked to look ✓ to looking 1 I __________ hate getting up early and going to school when I was a child. was used to

used to

am used to

2 Sally is walking like that because she __________ wearing high heels. is used to 3

used to

isn’t used to

Alice __________ buy just clothes off a street market, she sometimes bought jewellery too. didn’t use to

didn’t used to

wasn’t use to

4 Mr and Mrs Lawrence __________ having the children stay with them during the school holidays. didn’t use to

used to

are used to

5 Mr Jones used to __________ everywhere by bus and train before he had a car. travelled



6 Mrs Gibbs __________ go to the hairdresser’s every Saturday morning. is used to

used to

isn’t used to

7 Mr Jacobs __________ entertaining those Japanese business clients, but he is now. wasn’t used to 8

didn’t use to

is used to

I’m used __________ my grandson do his homework in the afternoon. help


to help

to helping

Did you __________ a member of the tennis club when you lived near Wimbledon? be used to


used to be

use to be

My daughter __________ have the most terrible nightmares when she was a child. is used to


did use to

used to

Read and complete the sentences with the correct form of used to or be used to. Grandma is used to baking lots of cakes and biscuits for the village fete.


I _______________ living in the country and no longer in the town.


Mary _______________ spend all her holidays in Italy and now she lives there.


Pat _______________ saving up so that she can buy her grandchildren Christmas presents.


Mrs White _______________ live in a Victorian cottage in Oxfordshire.


John _______________ go to speech and drama classes but he never became an actor.


Mrs Porter sends her grandchildren lots of e-mails so I think she _______________ using a computer.


Alan _______________ taking his dogs for long walks in the countryside where he lives.


Sally always _______________ tease her brother when they were little.


Miss Jones has had very little experience and therefore _______________ teaching such young children.



I _______________ get really nervous when I had to take an exam or a test at university.


Grammar Trainer 3 (Elementary to Pre-Intermediate) - © ELI

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