Miriam Jane Hogg
Valentina Rocca
Miriam Jane Hogg
Valentina Rocca
Imagine an alien friend: draw and describe your alien.
This is (name) , my alien friend.
He/She likes (food) and (food) .
He/She doesn’t like (food) or (food) .
He/She has got a (pet) and a (toy) .
He/She has got (family) , (family) and (family) . He/She can (sport) and (activity) .
He/She can’t (sport) or (activity) .
Describe your alien friend’s planet. Then draw.
This is planet AstroLab. It is (big/small) and (colour) .
The weather is (hot/cold) and (rainy/sunny) . There is a magic animal on this planet, it’s a (crocodile/donkey) .
The aliens on this planet like (food) and (food) . They don’t like (food) .
Complete. Then put a tick ✔ or a cross ✘ if you can or can’t do the sport. ride a play play ride a play play do do play
Glue or draw a picture of your favourite sport.
Draw symbols, then complete the chart with weather, days and your favourite activities.
Read and answer for you.
When is your birthday? My birthday is CULTURE • UNIT 1
Complete your dream timetable. Write and draw.
Complete the map.
My favourite subject is My dream subject is
Look at the two timetables and find the six differences. Then complete.
mathsPEgeographyhistoryItalian artgeographyscienceEnglishmaths history
Look and match. Say.
Find the school subjects in the wordsearch.
Look and write, then tick ✔ the things you do every day.
in the EVENING
Look. Ask and answer.
What time does he get up? Does he have breakfast at a quarter past seven? He gets up at seven o’clock. Yes, he does.
Glue a picture of you and write your description.
Choose a person for a TV show. Draw and answer the questions.
• Has he/she got ginger hair?
• Has he/she got straight hair?
• Has he/she got freckles?
• Has he/she got glasses?
Look at the pictures. Draw yourself in front of a magic mirror and write.
In the mirror, I’m...
Complete, then tick ✔ the things you like doing.
painting doing
stories playing the piano singing
Draw and complete for you.
I’m very good at , but I’m not very good at , My talent is .
Mary Tom What do Mary and Tom like doing? Look and complete.
writing stories actingsingingpainting
Mary is very good at but she isn’t very good at Tom
Find the words in the wordsearch. Write.
Look and answer.
• How many crabs can you see?
• Is there a shark?
• Is there a pair of glasses?
• Is there a seagull?
• Are there any boats?
• Is there a dog?
Find the hidden words and write.
Find the five differences and say.
Unit 5
Unit 6
playing the crab painting shark cooking
seagull stories speaking
doing shell skateboarding
Come è andata? Colora una, due o tre stelline per ogni unità.
REAL TASK Research and match the pictures to the right places.
Find three more places you want to visit.
Wendy, John and Michael are asleep in their beds. Nana, the dog, is in her little house in the garden. Mum and dad aren’t there, and the window is open.
Wendy hears a noise and wakes up. She sees a boy in the room, the boy is crying.
– What’s your name? – asks Wendy.
– My name is Peter. Peter Pan. And she is Tinkerbell. – Wendy sees a little fairy with the boy.
– Why are you crying, Peter? – asks Wendy.
– I can’t find my shadow. – says the boy.
– I’ve got your shadow. Look, it’s here. – says Wendy. And she gives the shadow back to Peter.
Peter is very happy, and he invites Wendy to the place where he lives: Neverland.
John and Michael wake up.
– Who are you? – they ask Peter.
– He’s Peter Pan. And she’s Tinkerbell. – says Wendy. – They want to take us to Neverland!
– How do we get there? – asks Michael.
– We can fly to Neverland! – says Peter.
– But Peter… we can’t fly! – says John.
– Oh, yes. You can. Tinkerbell has got a special powder.
Tinkerbell gives some of her special powder to the children: now they can fly!
– Second star to the right, and then straight on till morning! – says Peter. And they all fly out of the window and into the sky.
When they arrive in Neverland they see a big ship.
– What is that? – asks Michael.
– It’s a pirate ship. Captain Hook lives there. He’s my enemy. – says Peter.
– And that’s the crocodile – says Tinkerbell. – He liked the taste of Hook’s hand, now he wants to eat the rest!
– Who are they? – asks John when they arrive at Peter’s house.
– They’re my friends. The Lost Boys. – says Peter. – We live here together and we haven’t got a family.
One day, Peter leaves Neverland for one of his adventures. Captain Hook attacks the Lost Boys and the pirates take Wendy away. He puts poison in a glass of water for Peter. When Peter comes back, he is very angry and wants to save Wendy from the pirates. He is thirsty, so he takes the glass, but he doesn’t know that there is poison inside. Tinkerbell knows about the poison, so she jumps into the glass and drinks all the water. She can die! But there is one way to keep a fairy alive: you have to clap your hands and say “I believe in fairies”.
Please, clap your hands and save Tinkerbell! Oh, thank you! She’s OK now!
When Peter sees what happens to Tinkerbell with the poison, he is even more angry with Captain Hook: he wants Wendy and he wants revenge for Tinkerbell! At night, Peter and the Lost Boys attack the pirates. There is a big, big battle. There are many Lost Boys, but also many pirates. So they fight and fight all night long. In the end, Peter and the Lost Boys win the battle. Captain Hook falls in the water where the crocodile waits. The crocodile is very happy.
Wendy, John and Michael really like Neverland, but they miss their family and want to go home. So one day they decide to fly back to their house. They say goodbye to Peter and the Lost Boys, they say thank you for all the adventures and go home. Peter and the Lost Boys are sad, and every year they go to London to see their friends. Peter is always a kid: you can’t grow up in Neverland.
Read and circle.
Peter Pan
Tinkerbell is a
John and Michael
Captain Hook is a
Peter and Hook are
Look and number.
• Imagine you are Peter Pan: draw and describe your Neverland.
• Draw and write Wendy, John and Michael’s passport to Neverland.
• Invent a new final for the story.
Responsabile editoriale: Mafalda Brancaccio
Responsabile di progetto: Giulia Abbiati
Redazione: Chiara Tricella
Responsabile di produzione: Francesco Capitano
Progetto grafico e impaginazione: Carmen Fragnelli, ABC Zone
Supervisione grafica: Carmen Fragnelli
Illustrazioni: Marta Bianchi
Copertina: A come Ape di Alessia Zucchi
Ricerca iconografica: Paola Rainaldi
Referenze iconografiche: Shutterstock
Stampa: Tecnostampa – Pigini Group Printing Division
Loreto – Trevi
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EquiLibri • Progetto Parità è un percorso intrapreso dal Gruppo Editoriale ELi, in collaborazione con l’Università di Macerata, per promuovere una cultura delle pari opportunità rispettosa delle differenze di genere, della multiculturalità e dell’inclusione. Si tratta di un progetto complesso e in continuo divenire, per questo ringraziamo anticipatamente il corpo docente e coloro che vorranno contribuire con i loro suggerimenti al fine di rendere i nostri testi liberi da pregiudizi e sempre più adeguati alla realtà.
• Personaggi affettivi che accompagnano i bambini e le bambine in un viaggio alla scoperta della lingua inglese di cui saranno i veri protagonisti!
• Tema del viaggio come punto di partenza per esplorare il mondo e la sua ricchezza attraverso la lingua inglese.
• Percorso di educazione socioemotiva (SEL) in tutte le unità del volume.
• Approccio ricorsivo e circolare all’apprendimento della lingua con attenzione al lead-in.
• Numerose attività di speaking, TPR, CLIL, craft.
• Canzoni divertenti e coinvolgenti.
• Cartoni animati delle storie e videopresentazione del lessico.
Classe quarta
Il corso “spaziale” per imparare l’inglese in un contesto aperto alle scoperte e allo stare bene insieme!
• Sezione dedicata alle Festivities.
• Pagine dedicate alla Culture, alla grammatica e al CLIL in tutte le unità.
• Numerosi esercizi in preparazione al test INVALSI.
Il percorso del viaggio si snoda anche attraverso
i Travel Diary, allegati allo Student’s Book, ricchi di attività di approfondimento, giochi, mappe da completare e una sezione di Storytelling.
Il volume Easy Grammar presenta le regole grammaticali in maniera chiara e sistematica, con molti esercizi di consolidamento e approfondimento.
In apertura di volume uno Starter Module consente un ripasso dei principali contenuti affrontati nelle classi prima, seconda e terza.
• KIT DOCENTE comprensivo di guida con la programmazione, risorse didattiche, test, flashcard, poster e tutto il necessario per il Corso.
• LIBRO DIGITALE (scaricalo seguendo le istruzioni all’interno della copertina) con LIBRO LIQUIDO ACCESSIBILE: volumi sfogliabili, esercizi interattivi, audiolibri, tracce audio, canzoni, video animati delle storie.