Voices in Human Sciences

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Voices in Human Sciences








Attività con IA



• What is anthropology?

• The history of anthropology

• Voices in anthropology (1)

• Voices in anthropology (2)

• Human beings, environment and society



• What is sociology?

• The history of sociology

• Human society

• Voices in sociology (1)

• Voices in sociology (2)

• Social structure and personality

• The family as the main social group

• What is psychology?

• The history of psychology

• Voices in psychology

• Cognitive, emotional and social child development

• Human life cycle and ageing

• Identity and relationships

• Religion and myth VIDEO

• Religious conflicts around the world

• Social conflict and inequality

• Modern society, globalisation and multiculturalism

• The public sphere

• The welfare state

• Mass media and information

• Adolescence

• Teens issues

• Individuals, groups and social cognition

• Crime and deviance

4 PEDAGOGY p. 86

5 LAW & ECONOMICS p. 112


• What is pedagogy?

• The history of pedagogy (1)

• The history of pedagogy (2)

• Voices in pedagogy (1)

• Voices in pedagogy (2)

• Voices in pedagogy (3)

• Voices in pedagogy (4)

• The origins of law

• Politics and rights

• Human rights

• Employment rights

• Women’s rights

• The right to integration

• Production and business sectors

• Learning styles

• Teaching styles

• Emotional intelligence

• Learning disabilities and learning difficulties

• Special educational needs: the journey to inclusion

• Economics and the business world

• Banking

• Finance

• Marketing

• Advertising


Body art

• Tattoos Are Nothing New

• Body piercing


Ernest Hemingway: old age and resilience


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The importance of memory


Creating a memory archive about post-war life in your country

The use of AI

• AI Elections

• The use of AI to predict future crime

The impact of climate crisis

• Climate Anxiety

• Positive steps to tackle climate anxiety

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four and fake news


Coded Bias

William Golding: is it easy to be young?


Billy Elliot

Child-centred education

• Does the Montessori Method Work? VIDEO

• Empathy education

Charles Dickens and education


Good Will Hunting

Protect the environment


Making an environmental educational project

iGeneration issues


Creating a social advert

Bring your memories into the future


Creating a time capsule

Marketing & advertising

• Marketing to Millennials and Zoomers

• Debranding

Adrienne Rich: poverty, the greatest injustice


Sorry We Missed You

Business plans


Designing promotional material




• Geography VIDEO

Quick facts

• History

Key moments in the 20th and 21st centuries

• Society and culture


UK population and identity

Food and sport

• Geography VIDEO

Quick facts

• History

Key moments in the 20th and 21st centuries

• Society and culture

US population and identity

Food and sport


• English-speaking countries

The British Empire Colonisation in Africa Ireland VIDEO Canada VIDEO

• Economy

Primary sector

Industry and manufacturing Service sector

Adam Smith

John Keynes

• Economy Primary sector Industry and manufacturing Service sector

21st-century crises

Australia and New Zealand VIDEO

The Caribbean VIDEO

South Africa VIDEO



• International institutions

Key events in the history of the EU

EU institutions


Issues facing the EU

The EU agenda


The EU and young people



The United Nations

UN system

UN Human Rights Council

UNESCO – World Heritage List

The 2030 Agenda

• Politics

The UK political system

The Constitution Devolution

Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

The UK Government and Prime Minister Political Parties

• Politics VIDEO

The US political system Political parties US elections


Women’s rights VIDEO

Gender equality

PODCAST The gender gap


Virginia Woolf and feminism


Made in Dagenham

The digital world VIDEO

Fake news

PODCAST The digital divide

Henry David Thoreau: an experiment in sustainability

FILM CORNER Into the Wild

Sustainable cities and communities around the world VIDEO

PODCAST Improving air quality

Margaret Atwood: the risk of global extinction

FILM CORNER Before the Flood

Climate action VIDEO

Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards

PODCAST Eco-influencers

George Gordon, Lord Byron: a beauty to protect


The Day After Tomorrow

è il nuovo corso in lingua inglese destinato al triennio del Liceo delle Scienze Umane e del Liceo Economico Sociale.

Il volume si articola in 5 moduli dal contenuto settoriale e 4 dossier di civiltà, organizzati in questo modo:


• Testi teorici che affrontano i temi di indirizzo con approfondimenti tratti da fonti, documenti e video autentici.

• Attività per lo sviluppo delle abilità linguistiche, per la preparazione alle certificazioni Cambridge e alla Prova INVALSI.

• Box di approfondimento (LOOK CLOSER e FACT CHECK).

• Attività di personalizzazione attraverso la produzione orale e scritta (YOUR VOICE) e incentrate sulla mediazione, sul debate e sullo sviluppo delle 6C e delle soft skills


• Articoli tratti dalla stampa internazionale con attività in stile INVALSI e Cambridge English Qualifications

• Attività di produzione finale incentrate su mediazione e debate



• Analisi di brani letterari classici e contemporanei collegati ai temi del modulo e del dossier.

• Suggerimento di visione di un film in tema con il brano letterario corredato da attività di comprensione.

Ogni modulo si conclude con la verifica delle abilità e delle competenze attraverso un compito di realtà che consente di mettere in pratica in modo autonomo e all’interno di un contesto autentico simulato quanto appreso.

Puoi scaricare gratuitamente dal sito www.gruppoeli.it i seguenti materiali: materiale didattico supplementare tutti gli audio in formato MP3 | il FLIP BOOK

Punk music and culture Scheda di approfondimento online

The British Isles Video autentici con attività nel FLIP BOOK

PRELIMINARY Attività per la preparazione agli esami & FIRST Cambridge English Qualifications: B1 Preliminary e B2 First

CRITICAL Attività per lo sviluppo delle 6C THINKING e delle soft skills


Attività per un uso consapevole dell’intelligenza artificiale e per lo sviluppo delle competenze digitali


Una sezione dedicata all’orientamento: suggerimenti per individuare i propri punti di forza e consigli pratici per affrontare la ricerca del lavoro e l’ingresso nel mondo professionale, per scegliere il percorso di studi universitario, per scrivere correttamente un CV e per preparasi al meglio per affrontare un colloquio di lavoro e l'esperienza dei PCTO.


La ricca sezione di civiltà offre un approfondimento relativo a geografia, storia, società, economia e istituzioni del Regno Unito e degli Stati Uniti, una presentazione degli altri principali paesi di lingua inglese (ESW) e infine cenni storici e obiettivi dell’Unione Europea e dell’ONU.


In ogni dossier vengono proposti percorsi di Educazione civica e di analisi degli obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030.

Ogni sezione si apre con un video per la flipped classroom e si chiude con un podcast con attività di critical thinking


A conclusione di ogni dossier, un percorso letterario e una clip di un film inerente al tema trattato, come nei moduli.


Al termine della sezione Dossier un momento di autovalutazione con compito di realtà, come nella sezione analoga in chiusura dei moduli.


Prosposte e spunti per alcuni collegamenti interdisciplinari da poter effettuare durante il colloquio d'esame.

Il FLIP BOOK è la versione digitale interattiva del libro di testo. È possibile scaricarlo su computer o tablet utilizzando il codice presente all’interno della copertina.

Inoltre si può utilizzare l’App EliLink per ascoltare gli audio, guardare i video e fare gli esercizi comodamente su smartphone Che cosa c'è nel FLIP BOOK?

• esercizi interattivi e auto-correttivi e audio degli esercizi di ascolto

• diverse tipologie di video con opzione sottotitoli


• libro liquido, dove è possibile modificare lo sfondo e il carattere del libro digitale, e ascoltare la lettura dell’intero volume

• accesso diretto alle schede di approfondimento

• Voices in Human Sciences for everyone



Getting to know:

• what anthropology is

• its history

• its main theories and voices

• human beings and their environment

• issues related to the life cycle


‘The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences.’ Anthropologist Ruth Benedict (1887-1948)

• issues related to identity

• issues related to religion and myth

• issues related to religious conflicts


The meaning of body art and tattos over time and in different cultures


• Ernest Hemingway: old age and resilience

• Film Corner

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Contenuti digitali della sezione


1 VISIBLE THINKING Look at the photo. See

1 What are the people doing? How are they dressed? Think

2 Where do you think they come from? Wonder

3 What would you like to know about them and where they live?


2 British anthropologist Desmond Morris uses the expression ‘the Soccer Tribe’. What does Morris mean by this expression? What is similar about modern football fans and ancient tribes? Do people behave differently when watching their favourite team win or lose? Why?

3 Watch the video about football in Soweto and answer the questions.

1 How many people are at the Soccer City Stadium in Soweto today?

2 Who are the Kaizer Chiefs playing against today?

3 What is the name of the special trumpets fans make a lot of noise with?

4 What does Dan Magness do?

5 What ‘African warm-up’ do children do before the match?

6 Where do people play football and freestyle?

Percorsi interdisciplinari

Scienze Umane

La ricerca etnografica Italiano

Malinowski: il padre della moderna etnografia

Il tema dell’invecchiamento nella letteratura contemporanea

Non è un paese per vecchie di Loredana Lipperini Diritto

Carta europea dei diritti dell’anziano

Scienze Umane / Sociologia

Il ruolo degli anziani nella società contemporanea

Storia dell’arte

Dalla Maddalena di Donatello, passando per il Guercino e Michelangelo, fino al Novecento: come l’arte rappresenta la vecchiaia e la malattia

Narok, Masai Mara: Masai women in traditional dresses


1 Look at the picture and answer the questions. Then read the introduction and check your answers.

• Who can you see in the picture?

• What are the two people doing?

• How does this relate to anthropology?


Archaeology is sometimes considered a type of anthropology. Archeologists study the things that people made or used in the past to understand how they lived. Archeologists often specialise in a specific culture or period of history.


Anthropology studies all humans: past, present and future; not only remote or tribal groups.

1 behaviour: comportamento

2 entertainment: intrattenimento

3 environments: ambienti

4 customs: usanze

5 fieldwork: ricerca sul campo

6 beliefs: credo, convinzioni


What is anthropology?

Anthropology comes from the Greek words ánthrōpos, ‘human’, and logos, ‘word’ or ‘thought’. It is the science of people, society and culture. Anthropology studies the history, lives, behaviour1 and interactions of people all over the world. It examines the physical side of being human: our genetics and what we look like. It also considers the social side of humans: our language, culture, politics, family and religion. Anthropologists help us understand more about ourselves and others by examining what is similar or different about each society, and what makes us think and act the way we do. They work in academic settings, but also in areas like education, health, business and entertainment2

The four main types of anthropology

Cultural or social anthropology studies the behaviour that groups learn in specific environments3. Cultural anthropologists examine how customs4 develop in different cultures through fieldwork5 and observation. They research subjects like technology, politics, religion, health, and social change.

Linguistic anthropology studies how language influences societies, social networks, cultural beliefs6, and our understanding of the world. Linguistic anthropologists interview and record people speaking in their everyday lives. They research topics such as how modern languages have evolved.

Biological or physical anthropology studies the physical evolution of humans. Biological anthropologists look at how physical changes in our skeleton or genes connects to our social and cultural behaviour through history. Research can focus on genetic diseases, or on monkeys, our closest living relatives, analysing how we are similar or different. Psychological anthropology studies people’s beliefs, feelings, and motivations within cultural contexts. Psychological anthropologists research topics such as emotion, memory, sexuality, or trauma; as well as how we develop psychologically in different societies.

2 Read the text about the main types of anthropology and answer the questions with C (cultural anthropology), L (linguistic anthropology), B (biological anthropology), or P (psychological anthropology). Which type of anthropology...

1 interviews and records people talking? L

2 investigates illnesses?


3 Complete the table with the missing words.



3 is interested in religion?

4 learns about customs?


(1) anthropologist

(2) archeologist

Biology (3)

(4) diplomat

Economics (5)

(6) historian


5 looks at our emotional life?

6 studies monkeys?


(8) psychologist


4 CREATIVE THINKING In pairs, discuss which type of anthropology you would like to study and why. I’d like to study cultural anthropology because I am interested in how societies work and…

▲ A traditional Maori greeting between two New Zealander rugby players


5 Read the article about cultural anthropology and complete it with the words in the box.



How Anthropology Shapes the Way We See the World

Anybody can apply cultural anthropology to their life; in finance, business, journalism, or just observing everyday things (1) dogs, face masks, or chocolate. This might sound strange, but for former anthropologist Gillian Tett, who today works as a journalist for the Financial Times in New York, it is not. Anthropology teaches us two key lessons. First, understanding people with different perspectives helps make sense of the world. Second, stepping into another worldview helps people better understand (2) Tett believes that her background in anthropology helped her see things in the world of finance that others might miss. She has attended many investment banking conferences, which reminded her of Tajik weddings. Both are rituals (3) people reaffirm social ties and shared values: at the conference, through PowerPoint presentations, at the wedding, through dancing. But this anthropological perspective is not just for distant places or high finance. It can be applied to everyday life. Take, for instance, dogs. In many Western cultures, it is normal to say that a dog is part of the family. However, in places like Tajikistan, that idea seems bizarre. In most cultures throughout history, animals have been viewed as separate (4) humans. They may be close, but they certainly don’t sleep in the bed! What is different between these contexts isn’t the dog itself, but the idea of family. In the West, people live in a consumer-driven, individualistic society where they customise nearly everything – even their families. If someone wants to include a dog in their family, they can. That flexibility is liberating, but it can also be a bit disturbing.

Another example is cell phones, especially when it comes to teenagers. People often say teenagers are ‘addicted’ to their phones because of technology. However, years ago, teens roamed freely on their bikes or in the streets, exploring the world and pushing boundaries. Today, they (5) more restricted, and the only space where they can roam without anybody watching is online. Their attachment to cell phones is less about addiction and more about a need for independence. Face masks are also cultural objects. In recent years,

we have learned how masks stop germs, but they also signal cultural messages. They show respect for science and communities. Culture changes over time, and things like masks, which people once didn’t even think about, can quickly become part of everyday life.

Finally, (6) consider something as simple as a Kit Kat. Originally a British chocolate-covered biscuit, it was adopted in Japan as a good-luck charm for exams, flavoured with local ingredients like green tea and wasabi. In time, the Japanese Kit Kat was exported back to Britain. It’s a reminder that culture is like a river, always flowing and evolving.

The COVID-19 pandemic gave everyone a chance to experience culture shock – a shock that disrupted what was considered normal. It presented an opportunity to step (7) of our bubbles and see the world through fresh eyes. While this experience was uncomfortable, it also created a chance for us to grow.

So, whether it is looking at dogs, Kit Kats, face masks, or cell phones, Gillian Tett wants people to remember that culture shapes the world. And the beauty of it is that culture is not static. It can change and (8) can we.

Source: www.ted.com/talks

▼ An Indian Sikh wedding


1 What do you know about the Silk Road? Where was it? Who used it and when? Read the text and check your answers.

The history of anthropology

Like many academic subjects, anthropology originated in ancient Greece. In the 5th century BC, the Greek historian Herodotus described the customs of the people he met in the Persian Empire. He probably introduced the concept of white Western cultures as superior to non-white Eastern cultures. Trade routes1 also became important in expanding an interest in different societies and cultures. Chinese diplomat Zhang Qian negotiated trade agreements2 across Central Asia in the 2nd century BC. This led to the Silk Road3, which was a vital link, East to West, for thousands of years.

During the Middle Ages, Christian scholars4 dominated European thinking about human origins and cultural development, promoting the idea that God created all human existence and diversity. In the thirteenth century, Venetian merchant and adventurer Marco Polo travelled and wrote in detail about Central Asia. This increased Western awareness of Asian people and customs, however the observations of the explorers who followed were often superficial and disorganised.

Many people consider the Age of Enlightenment as the start of modern anthropology. Scholars wanted to understand human behaviour and society according to defined principles. Influential Enlightenment thinkers included French natural historian Georges Buffon, who studied humanity as one of many zoological species. Scottish philosopher, historian and economist David Hume, English and French philosophers John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau also based their work on philosophical reason not religion and asked important anthropological questions. For example, Locke questioned whether or not we should remove rulers who fail to protect the life, liberty and property of their citizens, while Rousseau wondered if society corrupts people, who are born good.

1 trade routes: rotte commerciali

2 trade agreements: accordi commerciali

3 Silk Road: Via della seta

4 scholars: studiosi

5 laws: leggi


The nineteenth century saw the establishment of the first anthropology departments at universities such as in Göttingen, Vienna, at Harvard and the Sorbonne. Scholars described indigenous cultures they encountered in colonial territories as primitive or inferior, theories considered racist today. By the twentieth century anthropologists began to observe communities more closely, living with them for a long time, rather than comparing cultures and identifying universal laws5 of behaviour. Contemporary anthropology is able to analyse more complex information about people and cultures with technologies like X-rays, CT scanners, DNA tests and digital reconstruction using AI.

2 Read again and put these key anthropological moments in the correct chronological order (1-8).

A Anthropology departments open at universities

B Establishing trade routes

C Exploration of Asia

D Observing communities more closely from within

E The concept of Western cultures as superior to Eastern cultures

F The idea that God created all human existence and diversity

G Using new technologies as tools for anthropology

H Using reason not religion as a basis for anthropology

The Silk Road was an ancient trade and cultural route, taking silk and Buddhism west and wool, gold, silver and Christianity east. LOOK CLOSER

3 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online one of the anthropologists mentioned in the text, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• where and when the person lived;

• what the person discovered or studied;


• what the person believed;

• what the person wrote;

• why the person was important.

4 INVALSI Read the text about a new type of ancient human. Parts of the text have been removed. Choose the correct part (A-J) for each gap (1-8). There are two extra parts that you should not use.

A New Type of Ancient Human

Researchers working in Israel have identified a previously unknown type of ancient human that lived alongside our species (1) F. They believe the remains uncovered near the city of Ramla represent one of the ‘last survivors’ of a very ancient human group.

The finds consist of a partial skull and jaw from an individual who lived between 140,000 and 120,000 years ago. The team members think the individual descended from an earlier species that may have spread out of the region hundreds of thousands of years ago and given rise to (2)

The scientists have named the newly discovered lineage the ‘Nesher Ramla Homo type’.

Dr Hila May of Tel Aviv University said the discovery reshaped the story of human evolution, particularly our picture of how the Neanderthals emerged. The general picture of Neanderthal evolution had in the past (3)

The team thinks that early members of the Nesher Ramla Homo group were already present in the Near East some 400,000 years ago. The researchers have noticed resemblances between the new finds and ancient ‘pre-Neanderthal’ groups in Europe. There are several human fossils from the caves of Qesem, Zuttiyeh and Tabun that date back to that time that could not be attributed to any (4) . But comparing their shapes to those of the newly uncovered specimen from Nesher Ramla justify their inclusion within the (new human) group.

Dr May suggests that these humans were the ancestors of Neanderthals, saying that ‘the European Neanderthal actually began here in the Levant and migrated to Europe, while interbreeding with other groups of humans.’

Others travelled east to India and China, said Prof Israel

A as this may be dated back to a skull of a similar period

B and Neanderthals in Europe

C been linked closely with Europe

D frequented by prehistoric humans

Hershkovitz, suggesting a connection between East Asian archaic humans (5)

The researchers base their claims on similarities in features between the Israeli fossils and those found in Europe and Asia, though their assertion is controversial. Prof Chris Stringer, from the Natural History Museum in London, UK, (6) . ‘Nesher Ramla is important in confirming yet further that different species coexisted alongside each other in the region at the time and now we have the same story in western Asia,’ he said.

‘However, I think it’s a jump too far at the moment to link some of the older Israeli fossils to Neanderthals. I’m also puzzled at suggestions of any special link between the Nesher Ramla material and fossils in China.’

The Nesher Ramla remains themselves were found in what used to be a sinkhole, located in an area (7) . This may have been an area where they hunted for wild cattle, horses and deer, as indicated by thousands of stone tools and bones of hunted animals.

According to an analysis by Dr Yossi Zaidner at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, these tools were constructed in the same manner that modern humans of the time also made their implements.

This suggests that there were interactions between the two groups as it is only possible to learn how to make the tools through (8) . The findings suggest that human evolution is far from simple and involved many dispersals, contacts and interactions between different species of human.

Source: www.bbc.co.uk/news

E has recently been assessing Chinese human remains

F more than 100,000 years ago

G Neanderthals in Europe and their equivalents in Asia

H specific known group of humans

I visual or oral learning

J very occasionally this kind of link can be verified


1 Tick (3) the theories that you think belong to the field of anthropology. Then read the texts and check your answers.

Cultural relativism








Prominent precursors of the study of anthropology include English philosopher Thomas Hobbes (15881679) who believed that we sacrifice our freedom to authority in order to feel safe. For fellow English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704), humans are more concerned with economics than with society. While Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711-1776) favoured empiricism, experience and experiments over theories. However Swiss-born, French philosopher Jean-Jaques Rousseau (1712-1778) was most famous for his idea of a ‘social contract’, which would give people real freedom in exchange for their obedience to a self-imposed law.

Eugenics is the study of how to improve the human race by carefully choosing parents, who will produce the strongest children. It became widely criticised after the Nazis used it to justify their plan to exterminate entire races during WWII.

Voices in anthropology (1)

1 survive: sopravvivono

2 die out: si estinguono

3 are spread: si trasmettono

4 on its own terms: in base alle proprie caratteristiche

5 kinship: parentela


Evolution is the process of gradual change that takes place over many generations within different species of animals or plants. British naturalist Charles Darwin (1809-1882) described the evolution of the biological organisms existing in the world in his work, On the Origin of Species (1859). British philosopher and sociologist Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) then applied social Darwinism to the development of human societies, classes and individuals. He first referred to the ‘survival of the fittest’ in his book, Principles of Biology, after reading Darwin’s work. This principle, also known as natural selection, describes how some species of plants and animals adapt to their environment, survive1 and reproduce, while others die out2


According to diffusion theory, ideas, customs, or practice are spread3 from one culture to another. British Egyptologist G. E. Smith (1871-1973) and British anthropologist W. J. Perry (1868-1949) suggested that all civilisation originated in Ancient Egypt, and then spread to other parts of the world. German anthropologists like Father Wilhelm Schmidt (1868-1954) agreed that humans borrow information and cultural elements from other cultures, but recognised several different cultural centres, in a theory known as Kulturkreise, or cultural circles. A group of American anthropologists, led by Clark Wissler (1870-1947) and Alfred Kroeber (18761960), believed diffusion always changes the receiving culture.

Particularism and cultural relativism

Particularists believed that each culture and society should be described and understood on its own terms4. German-born, American anthropologist Franz Boas (1858-1942) recognised that each culture is unique and its society develops in its own distinctive way. That is why Boas introduced the concept of ‘cultural relativism’ and invited anthropologists to ignore common ethnocentric views. Cultural relativism is the basis for modern anthropology: the idea that we should try to understand a person’s beliefs and behaviours from the perspective of their culture, not our own.


This is the theory that society’s institutions, positions and laws are interdependent and necessary for its survival. Based on the idea that society is like a living organism, its economic, social, political and religious institutions work together to keep it going. British anthropologist A. R. Radcliffe-Brown (1881-1955) was interested in how kinship5 promotes order and solidarity within societies. Polish-born anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski (1884-1942), on the other hand, insisted on the need to observe culture first-hand in order to understand it.


Culture and personality

This approach applies psychology to anthropology in order to identify different personality types and their importance within a culture. It draws attention to symbols and emotions in anthropology, while also recognising that culture is part of perception, motivation and learning. The work of American anthropologists Ruth Benedict (1887-1948) and Margaret Mead (19011978), both followers of Boas, popularised this method in the 1930s and 1940s. Benedict, for example, compared the personality traits of the Zuni, a traditional, Native American tribe, with people from more modern American cultures. She observed that the Zuni had more contained emotions and were more communityfocused, while other Americans were more expressive and focused on the individual.


This is the theory of examining things not in isolation, but as part of a bigger structure. French anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908-2009) is best-known for his work on ‘structuralism’, reducing a lot of information about cultural systems to the essential relationships between their different elements. For example, he suggested that you cannot only look at a single-unit family consisting of father, mother and children, as it is part of a larger system of grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces and others. To truly understand kinship, you must analyse it in context.


2 INVALSI Read again and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 What theory did Herbert Spencer develop? Social Darwinism.

2 Where did civilisation come from according to Smith and Perry?

3 Why did Boas introduce cultural relativism?

4 How does society work in functionalism?

5 Which approach applies psychology to anthropology?

6 Who said that you should look at families in context?


3 Match the words (1-6) to the definitions (a-f).

1 evolution

2 natural selection

3 ethnocentric

4 diffusion

5 kinship

6 personality type


a a set of characteristics occurring together b based on the idea that one’s own race or nationality is superior c the relationship between members of the same family d the process of gradual change that takes place over time in different species e how only some species adapt to the environment f to spread ideas and customs from one culture to another 1

4 INVALSI Listen to a lecture about structuralism. While listening, complete the sentences (1-8) using no more than four words.

1 Structuralism was influenced by the German schools of

2 The aim of phenomenology was to make philosophy

phenomenology and Gestalt psychology

3 Gestalt psychology focused on the perception of experiences as

4 Between the 1920s and 1930s, Ferdinand de Saussure applied structuralism to

5 He argued that language is made up of rules that speakers know but

6 Lévi-Strauss believed anthropology should focus on patterns of human thought

7 He developed the idea of binary oppositions: hot and cold, male and female,

8 Lévi-Strauss proposed that cultures are also governed by

▲ Claude Lévi-Strauss


Infrastructure is how society serves the basic needs of its people in the local environment.

Structure is a society’s economic, social and political organisation.

Superstructure is a society’s ideology and symbolism.

Voices in anthropology (2)


Emerging after WWII, this theory asserts that cultural evolution and change occur when societies develop and use energy and technology efficiently. The more complex the use of technology, the more complex the cultural development. American anthropologists Leslie A. White (19001975) and Julian H. Steward (1902-1972) were influential in investigating this concept.

Marxist anthropology and cultural materialism

Marxist anthropology developed as a critique of the dominant Euro-American capitalism in the 1960s. It studies social class, conflict, economy, production and distribution, considering material factors as the main cause of social change in any culture or society. Based on the work of nineteenth century German philosophers, Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), it has been criticised for not being particularly interested in culture. Cultural materialism uses Marxist ideas to examine socio-cultural systems. It identifies three interrelated levels: infrastructure, structure and superstructure.

US anthropologist Marvin Harris (1927-2001) popularised this theory in his 1968 work

The Rise of Anthropological Theory. Critics argue that cultural materialism oversimplifies1 the relationship between culture and environment, and fails to see the complexity of human cultures.

Symbolic and interpretative anthropology

This theory analyses how people use established signs and symbols in their behaviour to give meaning to their experiences. Culture does not exist beyond individuals, but in their interpretations of events. It emerged from the work of Victor Turner (1920-1983), Clifford Geertz (1926-2006) and David Schneider (1918-1995) at the University of Chicago. They used tools from psychology, history and literature to analyse symbols in different cultures.

Unconscious bias

Do you think that your judgement, or the decisions you make, are influenced by a person’s gender, race, age, size, height, disability? We are all influenced by who and what we know, but it is vital to understand our own biases and ensure that they don’t affect our decision-making or relationships.

1 oversimplifies: semplifica eccessivamente

2 shape: modellano

3 bias: pregiudizio, preconcetto


Mainly concentrating on language and power, postmodernists think that it is impossible to be objective about another culture because we interpret it through our language, cultural background, and personal experiences. This perspective became popular in the 1980s, in response to the Cold War and a period of social change. French philosopher and anthropologist Michel Foucault (1926-1984) helped to promote the idea that anthropology should focus on the power dynamics of a society – i.e. the relationships between people and organisations and how authority is distributed – and how they shape2 human behaviour.

French anthropologist Marc Augé (1935-2023), trained and influenced by Foucault, is renowned for his concept of ‘non-places’, such as airports, train stations, shopping centres and bus stations, which however elaborate and grandiose, do not give you a sense of place. This reflects the paradox of modern life in big cities, where we are surrounded by many people, but still feeling lonely.

Marco Aime (1956-) is an Italian anthropologist and writer, whose research has covered many areas, countries and cultures with particular interest in the concepts of identity and tourism. He also writes works of fiction that explore the everyday choices that we should make to ensure a fairer world and the survival of our planet.

Feminist anthropology

Concerned with women’s roles in societies around the world, feminist anthropology emerged in the 1970s in response to male prejudice. It often focuses on gender and how this makes us interpret the world. Famous feminist anthropologists include Louise Lamphere (1940-) and Gayle S. Rubin (1949-).


1 Read the texts and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 In neo-evolutionism, the less technology, the more complex the cultural development.

F In neo-evolutionism, the more complex the technology, the more complex the cultural development.

2 Marxist anthropology is criticised for not being interested in culture.

3 Cultural materialism uses Marxist ideas to examine socio-cultural systems.

4 In symbolic and interpretative anthropology, culture goes beyond individuals.

5 Postmodernists think that it is possible to be objective about another culture.

6 Feminist anthropology is a response to male prejudice.


2 Match the words in the box to the definitions (1-6).






cultural evolution • power dynamics • symbols • cultural background • infrastructure • ideology

1 social change cultural evolution

2 a country’s transport, power, communication, etc.

3 a set of beliefs

4 they are typical of or represent society

5 the customs, language, traditions, religion, education, social, and economic factors that form an individual

6 the structure of authority


3 INVALSI Listen and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 How many hours does the typical American use the Internet for every day? Seven hours a day.

2 Where do many people constantly look because of technology?

3 How do we get text claw?

4 What does ‘90-degree elbow’ cause?

5 Why might we have a second eyelid in future?

6 Who is especially vulnerable to this?

7 What can reduce human brain capacity?

8 What else might we be more vulnerable to in the future?


4 CRITICAL THINKING make sure they don’t affect your decision-making or relationships. Use the useful language box to help you.

A I think I’m definitely biased against younger people. I never listen to my little brother and sister if they have something to say. What can I do about it?

B You should...

I think/I’m definitely biased against… because… I try not to be biased, but sometimes I feel… I tend to show bias in favour of/ against… although I know that I shouldn’t.

The best way to ensure good decision-making and relationship is to avoid/think about/put yourself in the situation of…

1 Look at the pictures and list the things that you think helped humans survive on Earth. Read the texts and check your answers.

Human beings, environment and society

Homo sapiens

AUSTRALOPITHECUS 2 and 3 milion years ago

000 years ago


The beginning

To understand human evolution, we need to go back 14 billion years to when the universe began as a tiny, dense, fireball that exploded: the Big Bang. Scientists believe that life began around the volcanoes that rose above the ocean. These acted like chemical reactors, gradually creating proteins, which washed back into the sea and brought Earth alive.

For the first 3.5 billion years, animals developed a way of using the environmental temperature to regulate their body temperature. Cold-blooded amphibians and reptiles still do this. Then around 260 million years ago, warm-blooded animals like mammals1 and birds evolved. They could maintain a constant body temperature, which helped with digestion, moving faster and for longer, looking after young and fighting diseases. They spread all across the world as different species.

The most recent species in a long line of humans, homo sapiens, evolved over the course of 3 million years by learning to stand up, using tools with their hands, and developing larger brains to solve problems.

Our ancestors3 also developed the ability to produce melanin, the pigment that protects us from the sun. It was only after they started migrating from Africa that dark skin became a disadvantage. This is because it limited the sun exposure needed to produce vitamin D, so lighter skin evolved as people moved further away from the Equator

For humans still living in Africa, heat was a big problem, so they developed the ability to sweat4 , which cools the body quickly To make this more efficient, they lost much of their body hair. However, we still have a lot of hair on our heads to protect our sensitive brains from heat and keep them cool.


Humans became excellent hunters-gatherers5, thanks to their long legs and the fact of using their hands. They lived and worked together in large nomadic family groups, travelling long distances to find all the food they needed to survive6

The Hadza people of Tanzania are one of the last groups of huntergatherers to survive today.
Homo sapiens means rational human, the name for the modern species of humans evolving from apes


The first civilisations emerged in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley around 4000 BC. Based on large farming communities, they had food surpluses, that enabled people to work outside of agriculture. These early societies had complex systems of government, religion, and social hierarchy. They started building and trading10 , developed writing systems, and created laws to regulate people’s lives.



Humans started to work the land about 12,000 years ago. Their lives changed dramatically when they could grow enough nutritious food to support large, settled communities. In the Middle East, they cultivated cereals, fruit and pulses7; in China, rice; while in South America, pumpkin, maize8 and potatoes. Gradually people also developed milling9 tools. During this period too, animals such as cows, pigs, goats and sheep became domesticated and people consumed their meat and milk.


Today over 90% of Europeans are lactose-tolerant, thanks to the migration of their farmer-ancestors

North and West 5,000 years ago. In parts of Africa and Asia, where cow’s milk has not been regularly consumed, this percentage can be only about 10% of the population.

1 mammals: mammiferi

2 apes: scimmie antropomorfe

3 ancestors: antenati

4 sweat: sudare

5 hunter-gatherers: cacciatori e raccoglitori

6 survive: sopravvivere

7 pulses: legumi

8 maize: granoturco

9 milling: macinatura

10 trading: commerciare

2 Read again and complete the sentences with facts from the text.

1 The began about 14 billion years ago.


2 Animals became about 260 million years ago.

3 Humans evolved by learning to stand up and use with their

4 The pigment protects human skin from the sun.

5 Humans developed the ability to to cool their bodies quickly.

6 Hunters-gatherers lived in large

7 Agriculture allowed humans to grow enough for big, fixed communities.

8 The first civilisations created to regulate people’s lives.


3 Form collocations with the words from the box, then write sentences with them. Big • cold- • complex • homo • hunter- • Middle • Bang • blooded • East • gatherers • sapiens • systems

1 The Big Bang was a big hot explosion 14 billion years ago when the universe began.


4 COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss what you would like/dislike about the following lifestyles described in the text. Use the useful language box to help you. farming • hunter-gatherer • nomadic

A I like the idea of farming because you don’t have to depend on supermarkets for your food, but it is a hard way of life…

B Yes, I agree. I’d like a nomadic way of life because…



• I like/don’t like/prefer/I’d like the idea of… as you depend/don’t have to depend on…

• It is an easy/hard/interesting a physical/ challenging way of life because…

• Yes, I agree./No, I don’t agree./ Maybe, but…

• What about/How about...?

5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Choose the three most important things about human evolution you learnt in this lesson and prepare a short presentation (3-5 minutes). You can do some additional research online.

▲ Gobeklitepe, Urfa/Turkey: archaeological excavation site – 12,000 years ago
▲ Blue Ishtar Gate of Babylon, Pergamon History Museum, Berlin


1 Put the stages of the human life cycle in order (1-6). Then read the text and check your answers.

old age






In psychology, Jean Piaget identifies four stages of life, relating to how we learn: sensorimotor (birth-two); preoperational (two to seven); concrete operational (seven to eleven); formal operational (twelve and older).

See p. 67

Daniel Levinson instead describes life stages in two types of periods: ‘stable periods’, when we make crucial life choices, or ‘transitional periods’, when one stage ends and another begins. Klaus Riegel tracks four interrelated dimensions of development: internal psychological; internal physical; external cultural-sociological; and external environmental.

1 self-awareness: consapevolezza di sé

2 gain: acquisiscono

3 deal with: affrontano

4 age: invecchiano

5 retire: andiamo in pensione

6 loss: perdita


Human life cycle and ageing

The human life cycle

There are six basic stages in the human life cycle. Life begins as a foetus developing in the mother’s uterus (0-9 months). Although a baby is nearly fully-formed at birth, it continues to grow rapidly and develop its senses and basic functions through infancy (0-2 years).

Childhood is an important period for cognitive and social development (approx. 3-12 years) when we further explore our environment. There is also continued physical growth and an increase in social skills, personal habits and self-awareness1

Adolescence (approx. 13-19) is the stage between childhood and adulthood. This is when children become teenagers and they reach puberty. They gain2 more independence, form their identity and relationships, and deal with3 complex social, educational and emotional changes.

Adulthood (approx. 20-65) is when the body is fully developed and humans usually reproduce and have babies during the first half of this period. During this time, they are establishing careers, forming close relationships, and experiencing gradual physical and psychological changes as they age4

Old age (approx. 65+) is the final stage of the human life cycle before death. We retire5 and adapt to new roles in society and in our families. Some people may face health issues and a loss6 of independence. For many, it is a period in which they can relax and enjoy life.

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Where does a foetus remain for nine months?

2 What does a baby develop up to age two?

3 Why is childhood such an important period?


3 Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 Life starts as a foetus developing / development in its mother’s uterus.

4 When do humans reach puberty?

5 How do adults change with age?

6 Who must adapt to new roles?

2 A baby develops its basic functioning / functions until around two years old.

3 In childhood, there is important developing / development: cognitive and social.

4 Teenagers gain independence / independent and form their identification / identity

5 Reproduction / Reproducing usually occurs in adulthood.

6 Some people have health / healthy issues as they get older.



Average life expectancy is now over 73 years old, although this varies greatly from the poorest to the richest countries in the world. However, generally people are living longer in every country in the world. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2050 there will be 2.1 billion people aged 60 or older, with, 426 million over 80 years old.

Older people are sometimes considered frail7 or a burden8 to society. However, there is no typical older person. As long as they have healthy, longer lives, this can bring opportunities, not only for their families, but for societies too. Older adults often provide financial assistance, care and support to all generations, yet this is not always recognised. A recent study of family roles and relationships across the globe found that two-thirds of those in their 60s and 70s in South Korea, and one-third in India and the Philippines regularly support or care for a member of their family.

In many cultures, older men and women are the primary caregivers9 for grandchildren. This has become particularly significant as poverty, migration and the loss of parents through war or illness have changed family structures and resources in developing countries. Far from being a burden on the local community, older people are providing necessary food, shelter and emotional support to younger generations and their extended families.

Although some variations in older people’s health are genetic, most are due to people’s physical and social environments: their homes, neighbourhoods10, and communities; as well as their sex, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. Globalisation, technology, urbanisation, migration and changing societies are influencing the lives of older people in direct and indirect ways. It is vital to recognise the role they may have in current and future societies and economies. Society should ensure that institutions and structures enable them to fully contribute to their families and communities.



Blue Zones is a term used to describe the geographic areas with the oldest, healthiest populations in the world. They don’t only eat healthy, unprocessed food and do light physical activity, but prioritise family and community, and share a strong sense of purpose and belonging.

4 Read the text and decide if the information is true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

1 People are living longer everywhere. T F NG

2 Most 80-year-olds will be healthier by 2050. T F NG

3 Generally older people are frail. T F NG

4 Genetic factors affecting health cannot be changed. T F NG

5 Socio-economics rarely affect health. T F NG

6 Older people are often the main caregivers in families. T F NG


5 COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss the questions.

• What is the experience of older people in your society?

• Does it make you happy or worried about the future?

• What can you do to help older people in your society?

• How should society treat them and integrate them?

I think most people treat older people well in our society. They are important members of families and communities…

6 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online the Blue Zones. Find out where they are, how people live and what makes it different to other parts of the world. Then present your findings to the class.

7 frail: fragili 8 burden: peso
9 caregivers: persone che si occupano di qualcuno 10 neighbourhoods: quartieri


1 List all the things that make up your identity. Compare your answers in pairs.


Erik Erikson (1902-1994) was a German-born psychoanalyst who studied individual identity and psychosocial development. He was the first person to use the phrase ‘identity crisis’.

Identity and relationships


vs collective


Identity is central to anthropology, as it explains who we are socially, culturally and biologically.

The word comes from the Latin idem, meaning ‘same’, but identity can be both individual and collective.

Erik Erikson believed that humans see their identity as stable and continuous, developing over time, while remaining essentially familiar. However, in times of rapid change, like puberty, humans can suffer from an identity crisis as they are not sure if they are the same person they were before. Criticised as a Western point of view, other societies see humans as part of a group, with shared values and rules.

For most anthropologists, identity is both: individual, differentiating a person from others by birth characteristics; and collective, as we socially construct most of those characteristics.


LGBTQ+ is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (or questioning), plus other sexual and gender identities.

1 markers: indicatori

2 dual citizenship: doppia cittadinanza

3 queer: (qui) non eterosessuale

4 belonging: appartenenza

5 rights: diritti

6 blood ties: legami di sangue

Complex identities

Understanding the identity of a person or a group is complex because of the multiple elements involved. Gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, language, nationality, social class, physical ability, education, occupation and religion are all fundamental identity markers1

Many important identity markers are interrelated and can change, depending on the situation. You might emphasise that you are female, Jewish, Kurdish, or working class to identify with others. While a person cannot be both Italian and American, unless they have dual citizenship2, an Italian can identify as Sardinian, or European, or both.

Not everyone understands these identity categories equally. Outside the UK, people might not recognise the difference between the English, Scottish, or Welsh; or be aware of the religious differences between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland. There is also little understanding of what being gay or queer3 means outside the LGBTQ+ community. Categories must challenge stereotypes to become a significant part of society.

Identity politics

In real life, people cannot choose their identity and sense of belonging4. Others treat them according to a set of categories they are attributed. Identity politics can mean affirming things, or granting rights5 to a specific category. The Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements are examples of this. See p. 191 In 2013, three radical Black activists: Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, created a Black-centred political movement called #BlackLivesMatter in response to the acquittal of George

Zimmerman, the man who shot a 17-year-old African-American in Sanford, Florida. The Black Lives Matter movement gained momentum after the release of a video of a white police officer killing George Floyd, an unarmed black man in Minneapolis on 25 May 2020. George Floyd’s death sparked protest marches in countries around the world, including the UK. The white police officer, Derek Chauvin, was later convicted of murder and sentenced to 22.5 years in prison. The #MeToo was founded in 2006 by survivor and activist Tarana Burke. It gained widespread attention in 2017 following the exposure of numerous sexual abuse allegations against film producer, Harvey Weinstein. It has become a global movement, bringing attention to sexual misconduct and the systemic abuse of power, particularly in workplaces.

Identity politics can also mean homogenising a national identity by excluding difference and diversity. An example of this is nationalism


2 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 Why is identity so important in anthropology?

2 When and why can humans suffer an identity crisis?

3 What are vital identity markers?

4 Who can identify as both Sardinian and European?

5 How can identity categories become meaningful?

6 Which movements are examples of identity politics?

6 religion: VOCABULARY

3 Complete the identity categories with words from the text. Can you add any more?

1 gender: female

2 sexual orientation:

3 ethnicity:

4 nationality:

5 social class:

My best friend is one of the most significant people in my life. She feels like family, but we are not actually related… YOUR VOICE

4 CRITICAL THINKING Read the article, then list the ten most significant people in your life and describe your relationship with them. Tell your partner about them.


Relationships show how we are related to each other biologically, legally or socially. It is a universal concept in human societies, but the rules about it can vary. Two cousins in one culture may not consider themselves related in another culture. While a romantic partner or an adopted child, without genetic relationship, are considered legally and culturally part of a family. Culture, rather than biology, defines our closest relationships and determines rights and obligations to other people. These connections contribute to how a society functions and resolves problems and help us interact with others. In some cultures, family terms like ‘aunty’ or ‘brother’ are used to show respect or for close relationships without any blood ties . Relationships are a socially accepted way of defining our identity. However, by embracing wider factors that contribute to our sense of self, we can build a more inclusive, understanding society.

5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online one of the communities or movements in the box, then prepare a short presentation about it. You should find out:

• when and where it started;

• what triggered (= ha scatenato) it; • what its aims are;

what it has achieved;

what people think of it.


1 Write M (myth), R (religion), or B (both). Then read the text and check your answers. beliefs meditation morals offerings prayers rituals sacrifices sacred secular (secolare, laico) stories



Although spirituality and religion are related, they are not entirely the same thing. You can express spirituality through religion, but it also has a wider sense of connecting to nature and to the universe. Spirituality is generally less rigid than organised religion, although it may also involve rituals such as meditation, mindfulness, yoga, dance, or self-sacrifice. Religion is often more formalised, and religious people typically identify themselves as belonging to a certain faith or having a particular set of beliefs.


Christianity is the world’s most widely practised monotheist religion. There are over two billion followers, who believe in the teachings of God and Jesus Christ, as written in the Bible. Second is Islam with about 1.8 billion followers, who believe in the teachings of God, known as Allah, written in the Quran. Next is Hinduism, one of the world’s oldest and polytheist religions, believing in many gods, with about 1.1 billion followers, mostly in India. This is followed by Buddhism, also polytheist, with about 500 million followers worldwide. Although based on the non-violent teachings of Buddha in India, over half of Buddhists are in China. Other major religions are: Shint , traditionally followed in Japan, by 104 million people. It is both polytheistic and animistic, believing that natural objects and the universe have feelings and intentions; Sikhism is polytheist and mostly followed in India by 25 million people; Judaism is monotheist, founded6 in the Middle East, with 14 million world followers.

Religion and myth

Religion is the beliefs and patterns of behaviour that people adopt to deal with big issues such as the meaning of life, death, suffering and loss, that they cannot understand in any other way. It reduces human anxieties by giving us comfort, explaining the unknown1, and telling us what is right and wrong. All human societies follow some form of religion. In fact, there are over 4,000 religions practiced around the world, each with its own set of stories that help interpret the world. The most widely practiced religions include: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, Shintō, Sikhism and Judaism.

Most cultures have religious specialists such as priests2, imams, gurus or shamans3, who are believed to have the power to mediate between the spiritual and human worlds. Religion presupposes the existence of supernatural beings, and for centuries humans have adopted many different religious rites to demonstrate their devotion to these divinities: prayer4 , meditation, song, dance, offerings and sacrifice.

Mythology is a collection of interconnected stories, told by a specific cultural group to explain the world they live in.

In Ancient Greece, myths could be sacred and secular (i.e. non-religious). In fact, myths often begin as sacred stories that offer supernatural explanations about life, death and the afterlife5 They express a culture’s worldview about our place in nature and the universe, and the limits and workings of the natural and spiritual world. Probably the easiest way to see the relationship between religion and mythology, it is to think of mythology as an element of religion. It is the collection of stories that hold significance and guide us in living a moral and spiritual life.

Religion and myth have become fused into the lives of people over time, forming traditions and customs. You need only consider the importance of religious festivals such as Christmas, Eid, Diwali, Wesak, or Passover; or processions and celebrations such as Carnival, Halloween or St. Patrick’s Day. They are an integral part of modern cultural life in every society.


unknown: ignoto
priests: preti
shamans: sciamani
prayer: preghiera
5 afterlife: vita nell’aldilà
founded: fondato

6 Christianity / Islam is the world’s most widely practiced religion. READING COMPREHENSION

2 Read again and choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 People often turn to religion when they want to resolve everyday / existential problems.

2 There are less / more than 4,000 religions worldwide.

3 Religion is based on the idea of asking natural / supernatural beings for help.

4 Myths can be sacred and / or secular.

5 Myths are stories that have / have no relevance to our religious life.

Practitioners guru Religions Rituals Texts VOCABULARY

3 Put the words from the box in the correct category. Can you add any more?


4 Watch the video An Aboriginal Homecoming and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.


5 CRITICAL THINKING In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

• How religious do you consider yourself on a scale of 0-10? Is this for personal or for family reasons?

• How do you deal with big issues hard to understand? What questions do you ask yourselves? Do you think religion can give exhaustive answers? Or are scientific answers more plausible? Why?

• What do you know about other religions? Do you know people who practise them?

• Which rituals do you think are useful for humans and why?

• Which myths are part of your culture? What purpose do you think they serve?

I consider myself quite religious, about 6 out of 10, but that is mostly because of what my family believes and not me really.


6 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online one of the religions in the text that you know very little about, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• when and where it started;

• where it is mainly practised;

• what the main beliefs are;

• what the main rituals are;

• which text it follows; • how it is similar/different to what you believe.

7 COLLABORATING In small groups, research, write and illustrate a myth from one of the cultures in the box. Try to make sure that it is respectful of the worldview of the culture it belongs to, and explain what moral or spiritual lesson it teaches. Display the myths around the class for everybody to read.

Ancient Greece • Ancient Rome • Arthurian • Celtic • Chinese • Egyptian • Japanese • Native American • Norse • Slavic


1 What do you know about the following conflicts?

Read the text and check your answers.

• The Crusades

• Kashmir Conflict

• Arab-Israeli Conflict

• The Troubles

The main difference between Sunni and Shia Muslims is that Sunnis believe that the Prophet, Muhammad’s companion, Abu Bakr, was rightly chosen as the first caliph (leader), emphasising the community’s role in selecting leaders; whereas Shias believe that leadership should remain within the Prophet’s family, specifically with his cousin and son-in-law, Ali, who they see as the rightful first imam (spiritual leader).

These differences led to distinct religious practices and interpretations of Islamic law. Sunnis form the majority of Muslims worldwide, while Shias are more concentrated in countries like Iran and Iraq. Both groups share fundamental beliefs in the Quran and the Prophet’s teachings, but vary in aspects of theology, ritual practices, and religious hierarchy.

The Arab Spring was a series of prodemocracy uprisings across the Arab world, beginning in late 2010. Triggered by widespread frustration over political repression, corruption, economic hardship, and lack of freedoms, the movement started in Tunisia after a street vendor, Mohamed Bouazizi, set fire to himself in protest against the police. This sparked massive demonstration, which quickly spread to other countries, including Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Yemen.

1 have escalated: si sono intensificati

2 struggles: lotte

3 displacement: trasferimento

4 uprisings: insurrezioni

5 the Troubles: i disordini

Religious conflicts around the world

Over the centuries, many conflicts have started or have escalated in the name of religion, although a closer look often reveals underlying issues of power, resources and land.

As far back as Mediaeval times, the Crusades were a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims over control of the Holy Land, particularly the city of Jerusalem.

In Europe, the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648) saw a major conflict involving Catholic and Protestant states. An estimated 4.5 to 8 million soldiers and civilians died from the effects of battle, famine, or disease. What began as a religious dispute, quickly evolved into broader European power struggles2 across the region. In colonial-era United States (1600s-1700s), there were many conflicts over beliefs and religious practices between various Christian sects, such as the Puritans, the Quakers, and the Catholics. Fast-forward to the end of the British Empire and Indian Partition (1947), the division of British India into Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan led to brutal territorial and religious violence and the displacement3 of an estimated 14 to 16.7 million people. Soon after, a territorial dispute between Hindu-majority India and Muslim-majority Pakistan started, known as the Kashmir Conflict (1947-present) after the Himalayan area where it started. Although primarily a conflict between India and Pakistan, it has since become a wider territorial conflict between China and India in the North East.

The Arab-Israeli Conflict (1948-present) is one of the most intractable conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries. Although primarily a territorial and national identity conflict between Jewish Israelis and Muslim and Christian Palestinians, it has a strong religious element. Tensions intensified in 1947 when the United Nations proposed partitioning Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, a plan accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by Arab leaders, leading to the 1948 ArabIsraeli war and the creation of Israel. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced, marking the beginning of the Palestinian refugee crisis. After decades of violence, uprisings4 (intifadas), and numerous failed peace efforts, it has once more escalated into war. This followed an attack by Hamas, a Palestinian armed group on 7th October 2023 in Israel, which killed about 1,200 people and took more than 250 hostages.

In Africa, the Sudanese Civil Wars (1955-1972, 1983-2005) had a strong religious element as they were between the largely Muslim north and Christian/animist south. They led to South Sudan gaining independence in 2011, but a brutal civil war still continues in the North.

One of the least-aptly named religious conflicts is the Troubles5 of Northern Ireland (1968-1998). This protracted political and sectarian conflict between the Protestant unionists (wanting to remain in the UK) and the Catholic nationalists (seeking unification with the Republic of Ireland) lasted for four decades, before the Good Friday Peace Agreement was signed in 1998. See p. 154


The rise of an Islamic Republic in Iran in 1979 led to the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988). This was in part due to tensions between Iraq’s Sunni-led government and the Shia-Muslim Iran. In northern Nigeria, the rise of extremist group Boko Haram (2009-present) is seeking to impose strict Muslim Sharia law, targeting6 Christians, moderate Muslims, and government institutions. Meanwhile, the rise of Al-Qaeda (1988-present), a militant organisation led by Sunni jihadists, and ISIS (2014-2019), an extremist Sunni group attempting to establish a caliphate, targeting non-Muslims and Shia Muslims, has led to an increase in terrorist attacks across the world, fuelled7 by religious extremism.

The Syrian Civil War (2011-present) is also a complex conflict with sectarian elements, including Sunni-majority opposition groups against the Shia-aligned President Assad regime which collapsed in 2024. This continues to affect regional Sunni-Shia relations. The Yemeni Civil War (2014-present) has its roots in the failure of a political transition supposed to bring stability following an Arab Spring. Alarmed by the rise of the Houthis, an Islamic fundamentalist movement they believed to be backed militarily by regional Shia power Iran, Saudi Arabia and eight other mostly Sunni Arab states began an air campaign aimed at defeating them.

In addition to all these conflicts, there is ongoing persecution of minority religious groups around the world, including: Christians in North Korea, Uighur Muslims in China, and Baha’is, the biggest non-Muslim religious group in Iran.


7 fuelled: alimentati ◀ Taiz, Yemen, 22/08/2014 –Demonstration against the Houthi militia

6 targeting: che hanno come bersaglio

2 MEDIATING TEXTS Read again and summarise the information about the conflicts in the text. The Crusades took place in the Holy Land in Medieval times between Christians and Muslims over control of the Holy Land and Jerusalem.

VOCABULARY animist, attack,

3 Put the words from the box in the correct category. animist • attack • battle • belief • caliphate • civil war • crusade • displacement • dispute • extremist • fundamentalist holy • hostage • peace • persecution • refugee • sectarian • struggle • terrorist • uprising • violence • war



4 CRITICAL THINKING In pairs, look at the lists of words in ex. 3. Did some words fit in both categories? Which ones? What do you think this tells us about the link between conflict and religion?

Persecution fits in both categories. You can be persecuted because of your religion or just because you are on the other side of a conflict. I think this tells us that… YOUR VOICE


5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Choose one of the conflicts you have read about in the text and research it online. Then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• when and where it started;

• who is/was involved;

• the reason(s) for the conflict;

• how it was resolved / why it cannot be resolved;

• what we can learn from this conflict.

Body art

1 Look at the picture. What do you think of tattoos? Do you like them? Why/Why not?


Why people have tattoos

Humans have marked their skin for thousands of years. Around the world, across cultures, tattoos have many different meanings: to protect from evil; to declare love; for status or religious reasons; as decoration and even as punishment. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 32% of people in the United States have at least one tattoo, and many share common motivations: 69% to honour or remember someone or something; 47 % to say something about their beliefs, and 32% say they got tattooed to improve their personal appearance.


For a long time the tattooed mummies from 2000 BC made the ancient Egyptians the first tattoo artists. However, following the more recent discovery of the Iceman and his tattoo patterns from the Italian-Austrian border, researchers realised that tattoos were around 5,200 years old. What is interesting about the Iceman’s tattoos is their position on his spine, knee and ankles – maybe medicinal, to relieve pain.


Tattoos seemed to be an exclusively female practice in ancient Egypt, and it was long assumed that they were the mark of prostitutes, or intended to protect women against sexually transmitted diseases1. Some experts believe that ancient Egyptian women had tattoos as an amulet to protect them

during pregnancy2 and childbirth, because they were on the mummies’ abdomen, thighs and breasts3 .


Archeologist, W. M. F. Petrie discovered a tool with a sharp point and a wooden handle, dated to 3000 BC in Egypt, which was maybe used to create tattoos. Petrie also found a set of small bronze instruments with flat needles4 from 1450 BC at the ancient town site of Gurob. Tied together they could make patterns of multiple dots5, which could become a tattoo. These instruments were also similar to much later tattooing tools used in19th-century Egypt.


Tattooists usually used a dark pigment such as the soot6 which is produced from making a fire. Some cultures, like the Inuits from Canada and Greenland, also used brighter colours like yellow. The female Nubians to the south of Egypt often used blue in their protective tattoos. While their Libyan neighbours had clear, rather than geometrical tattoo marks on their arms and legs. The ancient Britons of high status had tattoos of animals on their bodies. In fact the Romans named one northern tribe Picti, literally ‘the painted people’.

1 diseases: malattie

2 pregnancy: gravidanza

3 thighs and breasts: cosce e seni

4 needles: aghi

5 dots: puntini

6 soot: fuliggine



For the ancient Greeks and Romans, the use of tattoos or stigmata as they were then called, seemed to show you belonged to a religious sect or to a slave7 owner, or even to mark someone as a criminal. Some people used tattoos to show devotion to a god, like the Greek leader of Egypt, Ptolemy IV, who had ivy leaves8 on his body to show his devotion to Dionysus, the Greek god of wine. Many Roman soldiers followed this fashion, and it quickly spread across the Roman Empire.


Modern Japanese tattoos are real works of art, while the highly-skilled tattooists of Samoa continue to create their art as it was carried out in ancient times. Various cultures throughout Africa also use tattoos, including the fine dots on the faces of Berber women in Algeria, the elaborate facial tattoos of Wodaabe men in Niger and the small crosses on the inner forearms which mark Egypt’s Christian Copts. In the Maori culture in New Zealand, where the head is considered the most important part of the body, tattoos show information about their status, family and abilities. It is a form of ID card.

7 slave: schiavo 8 ivy leaves: foglie d’edera


2 INVALSI Read the text about tattoos. Choose the correct heading (A-I) for each paragraph (1-7). There are two extra headings that you should not use.

A Ancient Egyptians tattoos

B Different tattoos in ancient cultures

C How people made tattoos

D Initiation ceremony tattoos

E Messages in tattoos

F Modern tattoos around the world

G Tattoos to show you were part of a group

H The earliest tattoos

I Why people have tattoos

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 What percentage of people have tattoos in the USA?

2 How old is the oldest tattoo in the world?

3 Who had tattoos in ancient Egypt?

4 When did the tattooing tools found in Egypt date back to?

5 Which culture used bright coloured pigments for its tattoos?

6 Why did ancient Greeks and Romans use tattoos?

7 Where are tattoos like an ID card?


4 Listen to an expert talking about body piercing and decide if the information is true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

1 Early piercings were to frighten bad spirits away. T F NG

2 Sailors wore earrings to stop them feeling seasick. T F NG

3 Only female Egyptian royals wore earrings. T F NG

4 The Ancient Romans pierced their tongues. T F NG

5 Central and South America women pierced their lips to look attractive.


6 Elizabethan gentleman had to pierce their ears by law. T F NG

7 Western hippies copied the Indian nose ring. T F NG

8 Australian Aborigines pierce their noses when they reach puberty. T F NG

9 The practice of piercing is beginning to disappear around the world. T F NG


5 DEBATE Prepare to have a class debate about body art. Divide the class in two groups. One group should prepare an argument in favour of body art, the other group against it. A few people on each side should open the debate with reasons for and against. Then everybody has a chance to give their opinion and vote. Use the useful language box to help you.

• I believe that…/In my opinion…

• I disagree…/I think that…

• But what/how about…?

• There is a risk that…/of…

• Do/Don’t you agree?

• What do you think about…?

• People should/shouldn’t…

• In conclusion,…/To sum up,… USEFUL

‘Why do you think so many cultures have marked the human body and did their practices influence one another? Is it right or not in modern world in your opinion?’

1 Look back at pp. 20-21 and describe the ages of human development in your own words. Then read the introduction to Hemingway’s work. What is it about?


Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois, USA. He was a foreign correspondent in several conflicts such as World War I and the Spanish Civil War. He loved hunting, fishing, Spain, Africa and Cuba, where he lived in the final years of his life. After an accident in a plane crash, he started having physical and mental problems, also due to heavy drinking. He committed suicide in 1961.

Ernest Hemingway: old age and resilience

The Old Man and the Sea (1951)

In The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago, an aged Cuban fisherman, seems doomed1 to fail because he can’t catch any fish. He goes out in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Cuba, and catches a giant marlin2. The man and the fish spend three days fighting. When Santiago finally reaches the shore, he finds out that the sharks have eaten the whole marlin and all that is left is just a giant skeleton. It is so impressive that everybody admires the old man for what he managed to do all alone. The book’s protagonists, Santiago the old man and Manolin, the boy that helps him, represent the old and the young. Santiago possesses moral strength, courage and moral certainty despite his old age, which makes him physically weak. He constantly struggles3 against defeat and fights the marlin, and also to be a good role model for Manolin: he wants to prove and show the boy ‘what a man can do’.

He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff 4 in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy’s parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines5 or the gaff and harpoon6 and the sail that was furled7 around the mast8. The sail was patched9 with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat.

(Manolin, the boy that used to go fishing with Santiago, spends some time with the old man and then comes back to bring him some food because he knows that the old man has nothing to eat.)

1 doomed: destinato

2 marlin: marlin (tipo di pesce spada)

3 struggles: lotta

4 skiff: barca (di piccole dimensioni)

5 coiled lines: corde avvolte a spirale

6 gaff and harpoon: gaffa e arpione

7 furled: arrotolata

8 mast: albero maestro

9 patched: rammendata

10 gaunt: macilento

11 blotches: macchie

12 creases: grinze

The old man was thin and gaunt10 with deep wrinkles in the back of his neck. The brown blotches11 of the benevolent skin cancer the sun brings from its reflection on the tropic sea were on his cheeks. The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert.

Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated. […]

When the boy came back, the old man was asleep in the chair and the sun was down. The boy took the old army blanket off the bed and spread it over the back of the chair and over the old man’s shoulders. They were strange shoulders, still powerful although very old, and the neck was still strong too and the creases 12 did not show so much when the old man was asleep and his head fallen forward. His shirt had been patched so many times that it was like the sail and the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun.

The old man’s head was very old though and with his eyes closed there was no life in his face.

2 Read the extract and complete the summary with the words in the box. young • sad • luck • blanket • eyes • fish

The old man has caught no (1) for 84 days, and the boy is not allowed to fish with him because he has no (2) The boy is (3) about leaving the old man, but he has to obey his parents. The old man looks really old, and only his (4) reveal that he is still (5) in spirit. When he falls asleep, the boy covers him with a (6)

3 Underline all the details that reveal that Santiago is old, and those that show that he is poor. Santiago’s old age Santiago’s poverty

4 Answer the questions.

1 Is there any strength and spirit left in the old man?

2 What does the boy feel for the old man? Describe his feelings for Santiago.

3 Is the old man a pitiable figure?

4 Do elderly people in your family (your grandfather, grandmother, or any aged relative) live with you, in their own homes, or in dedicated structures? How important are they for you? Do you see them as role models?

5 Do elderly people play a significant role in today’s society as they used to do in the past? Do a brief survey to see what the condition of elderly people is like today, and present your findings to the class.


The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The 2008 film, a loose adaptation of the 1922 short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, tells the story of a man who is born as an old baby with wrinkles and is doomed to die soon. He survives and ages in reverse, getting younger in body but older in the mind as time passes.

He meets a young girl, Daisy, in the nursing home where he lives among old dying people, and the two ‘children’ become friends. As Daisy grows and Benjamin becomes younger, they fall in love.

He dies as a baby with the mind of an old man in the arms of the woman he loves, Daisy, who takes care of him when he starts forgetting things and who he is.

5 Watch the scene and answer the questions.

1 How does Daisy look when she notices the other young swimmers?

2 What does Benjamin tell her?

3 What does Daisy dislike about herself now?

4 How does he reply to her? What does his answer suggest to you about accepting one’s limits and about aging itself?

5 Benjamin understands what old age is. He was born old and even though he is getting physically younger, he knows that his mind will age. How would you feel if you were in his shoes?

Daisy cries after seeing younger women in the swimming pool where she goes in order to keep fit after the accident that broke her career as a dancer. Benjamin, who is now a wonderful young man, talks to her.

The importance of memory

1 Read this description of a memory archive. What is its purpose? Why is memory so important? What should a memory archive contain?

We keep public records or other historical documents in archives, but a memory archive is the living history of people and communities and how they lived their lives. They enable us to learn and understand people’s true story, told directly from their experiences, words and images.

Memory is important because it is a fundamental biological function that helps us understand the world around us, make sense of the present, and plan for the future. Memories shape our identity, define who we are, inform our decisions and influence our emotions. Memory is also a crucial part of teaching and learning. It helps us process our environment, make sense of the present moment and make predictions about the future. It also gives context and purpose to our lives. Remembering the past helps us be thankful about the present.

A memory archive contains a collection of items from different media, which can be used to stimulate reminiscence and memory. These might be:

writing: letters, diaries, notes, to-do lists, and other written records; photographs: images that show where and how people lived, worked, or played; audiovisual recordings: interviews, tapes, and other audiovisual materials; textiles: objects from the past such as clothes, furniture or accessories; historical posters or postcards: showing images of iconic sites, holiday resorts or events.

COMPITO DI REALTÀ Creating a memory archive about post-war life in your country RESEARCHING

2 In pairs or small groups, research online the following aspects of post-war life in your country in the 1950s and 1960s:

• daily life and routines (for men, women and children);

• historical events;

• traditions and celebrations;

• changes in the local environment (e.g., urban development, nature, technology).


3 Decide what you would like to include in your memory archive and give reasons why in the table.

Circle the items you choose Explain your motivation

Personal items: photos, letters, journals, scrapbooks, and mementos

Community resources: local newspapers, maps, oral histories, and event programs

Multimedia: videos, audio recordings, and digital images

Objects with sentimental or historical significance: tools, clothing, or artwork



4 In your pair or group, write and conduct interviews with people you know (family, friends, neighbours, or local residents) to capture what life used to be like in your town. Use a recording device or take notes to document their stories and experiences.

Interview questions


5 In your group, organise the material into categories based on the themes you chose. Use clear labels for identification purposes. You can ask your Social Science teachers to help you with this task, but here are some labels you can use:

• date of creation;

• people involved;

• location;

• context or significance.

6 Create a display or sharing method. This could be a PowerPoint presentation, a website, blog or social media page to share your memory archive online. You can also have a physical mood board (tavola di stile), a poster, a scrapbook or a memory wall to exhibit your archive. Both can be interactive, so that people can give feedback or explore the memory archive further.



Ask open questions like:

• What was this place like when you were younger?

• Are there any local legends or traditions you remember?

• How has the community changed over the years?


For physical items:

• use acid-free paper, plastic sleeves, and boxes;

• store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

For digital files:

• save in multiple formats (e.g., PDF, JPEG);

• create backups on external drives or cloud services.

7 Invite people from your local community to visit the exhibition of your memory archives. As a class, create an invite and an itinerary for your exhibits.




Getting to know:

• what sociology is

• its history

• human society

‘Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual.’

Aristotle (384-322 BC)

• its main theories and voices

• social structure, personality and the family

• issues related to social conflict and inequality

• issues related to modern society, globalisation and multiculturalism

• issues related to the public sphere and the welfare state

• issues related to communication, mass media and information


The use of artificial intelligence


• George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four and fake news

• Film Corner Coded Bias

Contenuti digitali della sezione

Scienze umane / Sociologia

La società globale multiculturale

La sfida dell’integrazione

Italiano / Educazione civica

Il contrasto al razzismo in favore di una società inclusiva

Il razzismo spiegato a mia figlia di T. B. Jelloun


1 VISIBLE THINKING Look at the photo. See

1 Who are the people in the picture? What are they doing? Think

2 What do you think they are discussing?


3 What would you like to know about them and their epoch?


2 In pairs, discuss the questions. Do developed countries like the UK do enough to welcome refugees? How do you think it feels to have to leave your country of origin and go and live somewhere different? What would be most difficult and challenging? What would help you feel at home?

3 Watch the video about a group of Syrian refugees coming to live in a small town in Ireland and answer the questions.

1 How many refugees are there?

2 Where are they going to live?

3 How do the people of Ballaghaderreen feel about the refugees?

4 Who has left messages on the wall to welcome the refugees?

5 Why has Teresa taken them on a walk around the town?

6 What happens that night in Ballaghaderreen?

Scienze umane / Antropologia e Psicologia

Conoscere e accettare le diversità

Superare la paura dell’Altro


Gli scrittori migranti e il loro sguardo sulla nostra società

Storia dell’arte

I contributi del multiculturalismo e le sue influenze sull’arte contemporanea Regina di fiori e di perle di G. Ghermandi

Il progetto ‘Arte migrante’


MEDIATING CONCEPTS Group work. Research online and find out the main stages of human impact on the environment. Each group chooses a different historical period and prepares a report including information about the most important historical events of that time, what happened from an environmental point of view, what were the causes and effects of human impact along with the environmental policies that were carried out.

School of Athens, ca 1510, by Raphael, Vatican Museums, Italy


1 Which fields does sociology investigate? Make a list. Then read the text and check your answers.


Anthropology vs sociology

• individual behaviour vs the influence of social institutions on groups of people

• understanding different cultures vs solving contemporary social problems

• material evidence vs economics and statistics

• culture vs society

• qualitative data vs quantitative data


Quantitative data is number-based, countable, or measurable information. It tells us how many, how much, or how often in calculations.

Qualitative data is interpretation-based, descriptive information, relating to language. It can help us to understand why, how, or what caused certain behaviours.

1 patterns: schemi

2 spans: abbraccia


What is sociology?

Sociology is essentially the study of people and society. It analyses human societies, social life, social change, institutions and behavioural patterns1. The word ‘sociology’ comes from the Latin socius, meaning ‘companion’, and the Greek suffix ology which means ‘the study of’.

Sociologists investigate the causes of human behaviour including values, relationships, beliefs and organisations, and how people act and react within these contexts. At a micro level, they analyse why individuals interact with others and belong to groups. They consider how those groups work, make decisions, deal with conflict and change. At a macro level, they identify the causes of serious social problems such as neglect, crime, poverty or war. We can apply sociology to our lives in many different ways: from the relationships and problems that affect individuals and small groups, to national societies and even global social networks. Sociology spans2 from small-scale interactions, right up to large-scale, long-term social processes, such as population trends, class conflicts, industrialisation or globalisation. It provides tools to analyse how human actions and beliefs interact with larger social structures and changes. Thus, sociologists might focus on conversations between two friends, a couple, a parent and child, a teacher and student or two colleagues. They may also consider the different roles and dynamics of small groups, like families, classes, workplaces or sports teams; and the function of larger local communities, social clubs, or religious congregations.

From a national perspective, there is research into larger ethnic groups, social classes or national organisations, as well as economic, educational, religious, health, and political systems. Wider still, sociologists consider the process by which the entire world is becoming a single interdependent entity: globalisation.

2 Read again and choose the correct option (A, B or C).

1 Which of these does sociology study?

A history B minds C societies

2 What patterns do sociologists investigate?

A behavioural B cultural C wellness

3 At a micro level, sociologists study people’s…

A conversations. B identities. C problems.

4 At a macro level, sociologists study…

A groups. B processes. C tools.

5 Which small groups do sociologists consider?

A congregations B families C social groups

6 What national systems do sociologists study?

A economic B global C work

The history of sociology

The study of sociological subjects has its origins with the ancient Greeks, who distinguished between physis (nature) – everything outside human intervention – and nomos (law or custom) – everything designed by humans to govern their behaviour. In fact, the term ‘norm’ in sociology comes from the Greek nomos

The great Greek philosophers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all debated the concept of the polis (city-state), an ideal human community, and how to resolve the ethical divide between human nature and norms.

However, many years later, it was the French philosopher Auguste Comte who first gave sociology its name in his 1838 essay, Positive Philosophy. Responding to changes in society, following the French Revolution and at the start of the Industrial Revolution, he divided sociology into two complementary areas. The first was social statics, or the study of social order, which studies the conditions necessary for the existence of society. The second, social dynamics, or the study of social change and progress, is the study of evolution, which can only occur when society is in an equilibrium.

Nineteenth-century European sociologists were mainly concerned with theory rather than the practical application of sociology. Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto (1848) explained their belief that society was divided into social classes, whose conflict could only be resolved by revolution. French sociologist Émile Durkheim’s The Rules of Sociological Method (1895) established sociology as an academic subject, focusing on how society shapes individual behaviour. Twentieth-century American researchers developed quantitative and qualitative approaches, with more practical applications. The Chicago School of Sociology, which emerged in the 1920s and 1930s, focused on understanding urban life and social problems in cities. Researchers studied crime, poverty, and immigration, developing research methods such as participant observation. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s also had a big impact on sociology, leading to new studies on race, inequality, social justice, and feminist sociology. With the emergence of postmodernism in the 1980s, sociologists began focusing on the subjective experiences of individuals, developing research methods like narrative analysis. Today, sociological theory is at the forefront of studies into digital technologies, globalisation, environmental change, health, and economic inequalities. There are new possibilities in data collection and analysis, which have revolutionised research methods. As these are delivering results that existing theories can’t explain yet, sociology is about to enter a new revolutionary era.


1 INVALSI Read the text and complete the sentences using no more than four words.

1 Auguste Comte first named the subject of


2 Karl Marx believed that society was

3 Émile Durkheim focused on how


2 Match the words (1-6) to the definitions (a-f).

1 social statics

2 social dynamics

3 quantitative approach

4 qualitative approach

5 participant observation

6 narrative analysis


The theory of class is at the centre of Marx’s social theory. He believed that society develops according to its production (what and how it produces and who produces it), and determines the class system of a society.

The ruling class, or bourgeoisie, controls the production process, as it owns the means of production, while the working class, the proletariat, gets paid to work. Because the pay is much less than the value that it adds through the work, sooner or later it leads to class conflict. Moreover, the dominant class controls not only the production of things, but of ideas too, so it can choose the cultural style and political system of a society. However, as lower classes become more educated and powerful with the advent of technology, they start new political movements, which can overthrow the ruling classes.

4 The Chicago School of Sociology studied the

5 The Civil Rights Movement brought studies on race,

6 Today there are new possibilities in

a interpreting human behaviour by looking at the stories they tell

b participating in a group’s activities while observing it

c relating to different sizes or amounts of things

d relating to the nature or standard of something

e the study of social change and progress

f 1 the study of social order

3 CREATIVE THINKING & COLLABORATION In small groups, write a class survey with one quantitative and one qualitative question per each group. Use the look closer box on p. 36 and the examples below to help you.

Quantitative: How many social media friends do you have?

Qualitative: How do you feel after you have been on social media? YOUR VOICE


4 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Ask your questions to the class and report your results in a short presentation. Use the useful language box to help you.

• Our questions were: …

• We asked…

• Our results show…

• We can conclude that… / It is possible to conclude that...

• It is/is not clear if… USEFUL LANGUAGE

Human society


1 What is human society? In pairs, compare your ideas. Then read the text and check your answers.


For over a decade, China had a one-child policy, which ended in 2016. This policy aimed to reduce the growth rate of China’s enormous population. Whereas in 2015, the Hungarian government announced a new policy to increase the population, giving married couples subsidies to buy or build new homes, based on the number of children they had.

1 growth: crescita

2 policies: (linee) politiche

3 linked: legate

4 interconnected: interconnessa


Human society is how we organise our lives into different social groups: nomadic tribes, villages, cities, countries, etc. We work, trade, play, reproduce, and interact within and between these groups. Unlike other animal species, we combine socialisation with intentional changes in social behaviour and organisation over time. The patterns of human society change from place to place (e.g. developed and developing countries), from period to period (e.g. pre and post-industrialisation) and across cultures (East and West). This makes our social world a very complex and dynamic environment.

Societies, like species, evolve in directions that are open or constrained in part by previous generations. This means we don’t have to keep learning the same things over and over, but on the other hand, we need to deal with new problems such as poverty, inequality, and climate change. Many factors influence changes in human society. Geography and culture influence the size, concentration and growth1 of human populations. Governments try to achieve social change through laws and policies, but external factors such as war, migration, disease, colonisation, technology, and natural disasters can also shape how each society evolves. As a result, governments may adopt policies2 aimed at either reducing or increasing populations, according to their economic situation, as for example with the one-child policy in China. In turn, a population’s size influences human society. Larger populations need new institutions and experts to govern them and distribute resources. In addition, as the size of a social group increases, so does its influence on society, which can lead to conflict. See p. 48 Nations and cultures are increasingly linked3 by shared interests, problems and systems of communication. Human society has become so interconnected4 that changes in one part of the world have effects on other parts. This is called globalisation. See p. 50

2 Read again and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones.

1 All species combine socialisation with intentional changes in social behaviour. T F

2 Previous generations allow us or stop us from doing things. T F

3 Governments make laws to try to change societies. T F

4 Conflict and illness can change the way societies develop over time. T F

5 All social groups have the same power in society. T F

6 Social groups around the world still have few interests and problems in common. T F


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box.

colonise • communicate • concentrate • globalise • socialise • organise

1 is how trade and technology have made the world into a more connected and interdependent place.

2 is when people take control of a foreign country.

3 The of a society is the way in which its different parts are arranged or relate to each other.

4 is how humans interact with one another.

5 is the act of exchanging information, ideas or feelings.

6 A of something is a large amount of it in a small area.


4 INVALSI Listen to an expert talking about the Sami, a group of nomadic people of Northern Scandinavia and Russia. Complete the sentences using no more than four words.

1 They are a nomadic people best-known for their

2 They have adapted their lifestyle to the

3 Reindeer herding connects the Sami to the

4 Sami herders guide their reindeer between forests in the winter and

5 Reindeer are essential to the Sami economy and culture as they provide

6 One of the biggest threats to the Sami today is

7 The Sami adapt by using technology like

8 The Sami’s sustainable way of life also offers lessons about


5 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, read the look closer box on p. 38 and discuss population policies in China and Hungary. Do you think something similar is necessary in your society? Use the useful language box to help you.



Research online alternative human societies around the world, for example people living in communes or not living in one place (nomadic). Then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• where it is;

• how long it has existed;

• why it is alternative;

• what you like/dislike about its organisation;

• what we could learn from it.


7 DIGITAL COMPETENCES Use Copilot or another similar AI software to recreate a map of the movements and itineraries of the nomadic community you have chosen in ex. 6 in each season.

Compare with your classmates’ maps.

• I was (not) surprised to read that…

• I (don’t) think/believe…

• … is a good/bad/fair/unfair policy…

• The problem is… / The benefits are…

• I don’t think the one-child policy is fair because…

reindeer herding
▲ Salekhard, Russia, nomadic camp of reindeer herders in the Priuralsky district of Yamal


1 Do you know the names of any famous sociologists?

Read the texts and check your answers.


There are three perspectives, or ways of viewing the world, which lead to different sociology theories:

• the symbolic interactionist perspective, which focuses on how people communicate their thoughts and feelings;

• the structural functionalist perspective, which focuses on the relationships between different parts of society, and how they function together;

• the conflict perspective, which focuses on questions of power, who wins and who loses based on how society is organised.

Voices in sociology (1)

Functionalist theory sees society as a system of interconnected parts that work together to maintain stability and order. Each part, or social institution (such as family, government, economy, education, or religion) benefits the whole of society. Key functionalists include French sociologist Émile Durkheim (1858-1917), who noticed an absence of social and moral standards in individuals and society, known as anomie. He believed that societies with technology and specialist workers demonstrated less solidarity than those without. American sociologist Talcott Parsons (1902-1979) focused instead on how society achieves social stability, identifying four sub-systems: economic, political, family and cultural, which need to work in harmony for society to function effectively. He also developed a functional fit theory of the family, according to which the type of family that fits a society’s structure, and the functions it performs, change as societies evolve.

1 empowerment: emancipazione

2 doubly exploited: doppiamente sfruttate

3 proponent: sostenitore

According to Marxist theory, societies are divided along social class lines: the bourgeoisie (ruling class) who have money and power, and control social institutions; and the proletariat (working class) who lack these resources, and must work to survive. The ruling class exploits the working class to such an extent that revolution is inevitable. Following The Communist Manifesto, a critique of capitalism by German philosopher Karl Marx (18181883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) proposed humanistic Marxism, with an emphasis on human dignity and empowerment1. Gramsci also introduced the concept of cultural hegemony to describe how the ruling class imposes its beliefs, values and perceptions on everyone else in society.

Feminist theory is one of the major contemporary sociological theories. Its aim is to understand and challenge gender inequalities and power dynamics within society, as well as recognising the social, economic, and political disadvantages experienced by women, and eliminating the patriarchal structures that cause them.

There are four main types of Feminist theory:

• radical feminism, which focuses on the problem of men dominating every area of society. American feminist philosopher Rosemarie Tong (1949-) has studied the implications of the primarily female role of caregiving;

• Marxist feminism, which sees women as doubly exploited2 as both workers and women. Japanese sociologist Chizuko Ueno (1948-) is a key proponent3 who researches capitalism, feminism and semiotics (the relationship between signs and their meaning);

▼ Émile Durkheim
▲ Antonio Gramsci
▲ Chizuko Ueno

• liberal feminism focuses on how to legally ensure that women have equal opportunities to men. British sociologist Ann Oakley (1944-) researches issue like women and housework, the family, and the concepts of sex and gender;

• difference/postmodern feminism does not see women as a single homogenous group, and is concerned with language and the relationship between power and knowledge. American philosopher Judith Butler (1956-) is a key figure in third-wave feminism and author of the groundbreaking4 1990 book Gender Trouble

Postmodern theory is based on the idea that knowledge is socially constructed and influenced by power dynamics, language, and cultural contexts. It is characterised by globalisation, secularisation, population growth, and the cultural impacts of media and technology. For postmodernists there is no objective truth or universal meaning, but rather multiple interpretations and perspectives. French sociologists

Jean Francois Lyotard (1924-1998) and Jean Baudriallard (1929-2007) were key postmodernist thinkers. Lyotard believed that it was good to abandon the search for universal truth in an age of greater diversity and freedom, as it only led to terror and oppression in the past. Baudrillard is best-known for analysing technology, media and a concept he called hyperreality – the idea of things beyond the real, which substitute for or cancel reality itself.


2 Read again and complete the sentences with words from the texts.


Sex refers to ‘the different biological and physiological characteristics of males and females, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, hormones, etc.’ Gender refers to ‘the socially constructed characteristics of women and men – such as norms, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men’. It varies from society to society and can be changed. The concept of gender includes five important elements: relational, hierarchical , historical, contextual and institutional. When individuals or groups do not ‘fit’ established gender norms, they often face stigma, discriminatory practices or social exclusion.

Source: The World Health Organization

4 groundbreaking: rivoluzionario

5 hierarchical: gerarchici

1 views society as a system of social institutions working together.

Functionalist theory

2 sees families and their functions alter with societies.

3 divides societies along social class lines.

4 prioritises human dignity and empowerment.

5 aims to eliminate patriarchal structures that cause gender inequality.

6 has four main types: radical; Marxist; liberal and difference.

7 rejects universal truths.


3 Match the words (1-6) to the definitions (a-f).

1 anomie

2 cultural hegemony

3 semiotics

4 socially constructed

5 universal truth

6 hyperreality


a an idea created and accepted by people

b 1 an absence of social and moral standards in individuals and society

c the imposition of beliefs, values and perceptions on society by the ruling class

d the relationship of constructed language and other signs to their meanings

e things beyond real, which take its place

f something everyone believes

4 Ask an AI chatbot you know and/or use to be one of the great sociologists of the past you have studied so far. Give precise prompts to your AI assistant – including that of speaking in the first person – and prepare an interview with some questions you would like to ask the chosen sociologists.

Download and record the interview and prepare to share it with the class.

▼ Jean Baudriallard


The central feature of labelling theory is the self-fulfilling prophecy, in which the person conforms to that label through their criminal behaviour. In other words, it is the process by which your expectations of a person can lead them to behave in the way you expected (well/badly). Another variation of a self-fulfilling prophecy is the placebo effect, when a patient feels better after taking what he/she believes is an effective drug, but is in fact an ineffective placebo.


The self is the individual person, from his or her own perspective. Self-awareness is your capacity for introspection and to see yourself as separate from the environment and other people.

Socialisation is the process of learning about one’s culture and how to live within it.

Voices in sociology (2)

Critical theory challenges the status quo and uncovers the hidden power dynamics and social inequalities within society. It examines how social, political, and economic systems help marginalise and subjugate some groups, while other groups prosper. It aims to create a fairer and more inclusive society. Based on the work of Karl Marx

see p. 37 , critical theory was further developed by Jewish-German philosopher and sociologist, Max Horkheimer (1895-1973), and German philosopher, and social theorist, Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969). Their work was influenced by the rise of National Socialism in Germany, the experience of exile and return to Germany after WWII.

Labelling theory is essential for understanding deviant and criminal behaviour. See p. 78 Its basic premise is that no act is intrinsically criminal: people in power are those who establish definitions of criminality. The theory focuses on how these definitions can have real-life consequences, and highlights the ability of powerful institutions (the police, court and prison services) to impose such definitions on powerless people (working class, youths, people from ethnic minorities). It was derived from symbolic interactionism and the ideas of American philosopher George Hebert Mead (1863-1931).

See p. 44 The most prominent labelling theorist, American Howard Becker (1928-2023), published a groundbreaking work, Outsiders, in 1963, which viewed deviance as the cultural product of interaction between people who committed crimes and caught criminals.

Social learning theory attempts to explain socialisation and its effect on the development of the self. The theory suggests that learning occurs as people observe the consequences of other people’s behaviours. Social learning theory is commonly used by sociologists to explain deviance and crime. American criminologist Ronald L. Akers (1939-2024) developed a theory of social learning of crime in which he argues that criminal behaviour is the product of normal learning and social interactions with other people. He based his theory on the work of American psychologist Albert Bandura See p. 67

Strain theory is based on the idea that pressure from social factors like lack of education or poverty, makes people commit crimes. The theory originates from the influential work of American sociologist Robert K. Merton (1910-2003) and American criminologist Albert Cohen (1918-2014), focusing on crime as a consequence of the challenges faced by disadvantaged groups to achieve their goals. Later, American criminologist Robert Agnew (1953-) considered the different social pressures leading to crime amongst the middle-classes in his general strain theory

▼ Max Horkheimer
▲ Howard Becker
▲ Albert Bondura

Rational choice theory is based on the concept that human behaviour is driven1 by an individual’s calculations of costs and benefits, particularly in relation to self-interest and economic incentives. This theory suggests that people make rational decisions by carefully considering the potential gains2 and losses associated with different actions. The origins of this theory lie in the work of Scottish philosopher and economist, Adam Smith (17231790) on the economic forces in markets. See p. 162 During the 1950s and 1960s, American sociologists George C. Homans (1910-1989), Peter Blau (19182002) and James Coleman (1926-1995), used the theory to understand why people enter into or end individual and group relationships.

Game theory examines human social interaction as if it were a game with strategies, winners and losers, rewards3 and punishments, profit and cost. It was originally developed as an economic and mathematical theory to study the behaviour of companies, markets and consumers. It was later expanded to describe and model human behaviour by American sociologists Gerald Marwell (1937-2013) and Phillip Bonacich (1940-).


1 Read the texts and decide which theory…

American mathematician and Nobel Prize for Economics winner, John Nash (1928-2015), whose life story is told in the film A Beautiful Mind, is one of the inventors of game theory LOOK CLOSER

1 driven: guidato

2 gains: benefici, vantaggi

3 rewards: ricompense

1 examines how individuals learn, develop and are influenced by society. social learning theory 2 highlights the ability of powerful people to decide what is and isn’t crime.

3 has wins, loses, rewards and punishments.

4 is based on self-interest and economic incentives.

5 looks at how social, political, and economic systems marginalise some groups and not others.

6 thinks social factors like lack of education or poverty make people commit crimes.


2 Form collocations with the words from the boxes, then write sentences with them. challenge • real-life • commit • catch • lack disadvantaged • economic consequences • crimes • criminals • groups incentives • of education • the status quo

Many sociology theories challenge the status quo.


3 CRITICAL THINKING In pairs, discuss one of the theories or concepts you read about and how it can apply to your life. I think slimming companies use placebos to make people believe they are losing weight by just taking a tablet or eating a superfood.


4 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online one of the sociologists you read about, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• where they are from/they work;

• what they researched;

• what they wrote;

• which theory they developed;

• why they are important.

▲ Adam Smith


1 In pairs, discuss these questions. Then read the text and check your answers.

1 Give some examples of social structure.

2 What is personality in sociology?

3 What is the relationship between the two?

In psychology personality is what determines a person’s motives, emotions, knowledge, intelligence, expression, action, self-control and awareness. LOOK CLOSER


Personality is…

• both structural and dynamic;

• neither good nor bad;

• unique in every person;

• an expression of consistency and regularity;

• acquired and influenced by social interaction;

• defined in terms of behaviour.

1 undertake: impegnarsi a fare

2 relate: si relazionano

3 affect: influenzare

4 achievements: risultati, traguardi

5 dictates: impone

6 refocus: rinnovata attenzione


Social structure and personality

To be able to live in a society, every individual must undertake1 a series of commitments, which regulate his or her relationship with others. This relationship is mediated by different social groups, organisations and institutions. Family members, school friends, teachers, doctors, and all the people we come into contact with, relate2 to us through a specific context. Thus families, hospitals, schools and workplaces form social structures, or structured forms of social life. Social structure can affect3 an individual’s health, values, achievements4, and sense of belonging in society. This is because we have expectations about how people should behave according to their role (teachers, parents, etc.).

In sociology, personality is the result of an individual’s participation in group life, institutions and traditions. Roles are influenced by the individual’s personality and by the behaviour that society dictates5 to them. Each role is also determined by our personal interpretation of it and vice versa, so much so that we sometimes identify so closely with a role that it affects our and other people’s behaviour – take for example a doctor who feels like a doctor, whether at work or not.

For many decades, researchers have studied the relationship between social structure and personality across sociology, psychology, and anthropology. During the 1930s and ’40s, they developed field theory, to study the competition within markets; role theory, to look at the organisation of social roles, such as women as homemakers and men in paid work; and interactionism, for example examining how a student acts in certain ways towards their teacher because of social expectations. Concepts like the significant other, an influential figure in selfimage, role-taking, where one is seen differently based on context (e.g. as a child, parent or student), and socialisation, like teaching a child to ask before taking, also emerged during this time. In the 1950s, research focused on studies of national character, considering the relationship between social class and personality, particular when raising children. By the 1960s, research had expanded significantly to cover diverse areas: sociology of medicine, to study the relationships between healthcare and social factors like class or gender; social stratification, for example according to how much you earn; and small group dynamics, examining communication and care-taking within a group. There was also a refocus6 on studying some aspects of societies in relation to some aspects of individuals. This continued through to the 1990s.

More recently research on SSP (Social Structure and Personality) has formed the basis of social psychology See p. 76

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Who relates to us through a specific context?

2 Which roles do we have expectations about?

3 How can a role be influenced?


4 What is an example of interactionism?

5 When did researchers start focusing on national character when raising children?

6 Why did the 1960s change research into SSP?

3 Match the expressions in the box to the definitions (1-8). field theory • interactionism • role-taking • role theory • significant other • socialisation • social stratification • small group dynamics

1 how everyday activity acts out socially defined categories role theory

2 how individuals construct social fields or competition environments, and how they are affected by them

3 how a few people interact and behave together

4 any person with a strong influence on another person

5 a way of describing the system of social standing

6 a focus on humans as social actors rather than just focusing on the role of society

7 the process of assuming the role of another person to understand their point of view

8 how the young learn the values, ideas and practices and roles of a society

The family as the main social group

One of the first social groups we encounter is the family. It is humanity’s oldest social group. For centuries most families have been patriarchal, though there are many examples of matriarchal societies around the world.

In ancient Egypt, women had the same legal rights as men. They could buy and sell property, and pass it from mother to daughter. They could also adopt children in their own names. Women in ancient Greece had far fewer rights. They were unable to vote, own land, or inherit1 property or money. A woman’s place was in the home and her purpose in life was raising children. Ancient Roman families placed everyone within a household under the authority of the father. However, children born outside marriage could not inherit the father’s property or name. They belonged instead to the social group and family of their mothers. Although the spread of Christianity popularised marriage, it was the state not the church that governed marriage until around 800 AD.

Sociologists believe that the family plays a crucial role in stabilising society. Family members take on roles and perform certain functions that help society develop and prosper.

A family is two or more people linked by birth, marriage, cohabitation or adoption, but nowadays it can take many different forms:

• a nuclear family, consisting of two parents and their dependent children;

• an extended family, involving at least three generations of family living under the same roof;

• a reconstituted, blended2 or step family3, i.e. the joining of two families after one or both partners separate from previous relationships;

• a lone-parent family, with just one parent bringing up one or more children;

• a same-sex family, made up of a same-sex couple with children;

• a childless family, a couple who either choose not to have or are unable to have children;

• a family by choice, who adopt adult children, also known as soul-children4, into their family. Whatever its form, we first learn to live with others and develop a sense of self in our families. They are microcosms of society and our place in it depends largely on our relationships with our family members.


1 Read the text and choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 The first human social group is marriage / the family

2 Traditionally families have been matriarchal / patriarchal

3 Societies where power passes from mother to daughter are matriarchal / patriarchal

4 In ancient Egypt / Greece, women had the same legal rights as men.

5 Children born outside marriage in Rome inherited the father’s / mother’s family name.


Patriarchal families give all power and authority to the father. The first evidence of this appears around 5,000 years ago in ancient Mesopotamia, now Iraq, Syria and Turkey, and it was replicated throughout time, cultures and religions. However anthropologists have identified at least 160 existing examples of societies based on matriarchal families, where power passes from mother to daughter. For example, Mosuo men in southwestern China can help raise their sisters’ children rather than their own. While Ghana’s Asante communities are led jointly by the queen mother and a male chief, who she helps select.

1 inherit: ereditare

2 blended family: famiglia allargata

3 step family: famiglia acquisita

4 soul-children: figli dell’anima

6 A family with at least three generations of family living together is blended / extended

7 A lone-parent / same-sex family is just one parent bringing up one or more children.

8 A childless family / family by choice adopts adult children.

2 DEBATE & CRITICAL THINKING Work in groups of four. Two of you should prepare to argue in favour of the traditional family and two of you in favour of the non-traditional family. Consider the following points: economic and social security, support, empathy, and any other ideas of your choice.


3 CHARACTER Write an article about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a family, alone or in a household of friends. Use the expressions in the useful language box to help you.


• You can choose/don’t choose your … family…

• A … family offers more/less security/support/empathy.

• You could feel misunderstood/understood in a … family.

• There is greater economic security in a … family.

• There is more social insecurity in a … family.

• … families can be violent/abusive/fun/rewarding.


• Firstly, … Secondly, …

• On the one hand, … On the other hand, …

• One advantage/disadvantage… / Another advantage/disadvantage…

• Also, … / In addition, …

• However, … / Despite that, …

• In conclusion, … / To sum up, …


1 In pairs, read the title. What do you think the article is about? Then read the article and check your answers.

It Is Only a Matter of Love

Last week my friend went to the funeral of someone who wasn’t a blood relative, or a friend, or even an important colleague. She went to show her love, but a kind of love that can be hard to explain. The funeral was for a significant other in her life: her father’s first wife, to be precise. Unlike a cousin or a step-parent1, there is no official word for their relationship. Yet she was family, as mother of my friend’s older half-sisters, constantly in her life, although they had

never all lived together under one roof. As often happens, she was there for the love of the living rather than for the dead. Families are complicated, not easy to put into tidy boxes, or describe with one-word explanations. They are those sometimes complicated relationships that make us what we are. What is important is that your family makes you feel loved, supported and confident; not that it fits into a narrow, approved definition of what a family should be.

1 step-parent: genitore acquisito, patrigno o matrigna


2 PRELIMINARY Read again and choose the correct option (A, B, C or D).

1 Whose funeral did the writer’s friend attend?

A a close friend

B a person she didn’t know

C an extended family member

D someone from work

2 Why did she go?

A Her father asked her to.

B She felt she had to.

C She wanted to support her sisters.

D To show respect for the dead person.

3 Which children are likely to do well at school?

A children with a lot of money

B children with good family relations

C children with brothers and sisters

D children with two parents at home

4 How are UK families changing?

A They are decreasing in size.

B They are growing in size.

C They are more blended.

D They are more complicated.

5 Who is often described as family in the Family Review?

A teachers

B parents

C neighbours

D important people

6 What might the report recommend that the government should do?

A Consider only blood relatives as important in a child’s life.

B Find new words for members of unconventional families.

C Identify every important person in a child’s life.

D Recognise that good families come in many forms.

A recent UK Children’s Commissioner’s Family Review stated that we haven’t paid enough attention to important things like ‘relationships, trust in one another, love, and time together’. In fact, there is a correlation between well-being, money and success. Children aged 13 who get on well with either of their parents earn more at 25 than those who don’t. Good exam grades are also linked to close family relationships. Research shows that UK households2 are changing. The nuclear family with 2.4 children is no longer the norm. Families are getting smaller. About 25% of families with children are living in lone-parent households; and 44% of children will not spend their whole childhood living with both parents. According to the Family Review, we should be looking at why some families seem to survive conflict, change and crisis better than others. Although ‘blended’ second families aren’t always easy, they can and do often emerge as emotionally rich and happy. In fact, children and adults interviewed for the Family Review often talked about close friends and other formative figures in their lives as family. The problem is that more unconventional families aren’t easy to capture in government statistics. Not everyone has a mum, dad or

grown-up children to look after them. Government needs to embrace a sometimes messy, but realistic concept of family if it is going to help people in our modern society. What does ‘close family’ mean? Mum, dad, children? Well, it is not like that for a lot of people. If the traditional family is dying, then long live the happy family, whatever shape it takes. After all, it is only a matter of love. Or at least it should be.

Source: www.theguardian.com


3 PRELIMINARY Read the ad and write an article for an English magazine. Write about 100 words.

Write an article telling us what family means to you.

– Who are the significant others in your life?

– Are they blood relatives?

– Why are they so important to you?


2 households: famiglie, ambienti domestici

1 In pairs, explain what conflict is and give some examples from your experience. Then read the text and check your answers.

Social conflict and inequality

Conflict is an inherent part of human experience; a dynamic force that shapes our interactions, relationships, and societies. It is an ever-present aspect of our lives, manifesting in various forms and contexts. Conflict has different definitions, but generally it can be defined as a clash1 or disagreement between individuals or groups, characterised by opposing interests, goals, or viewpoints. It is often a fight for power or resources, which occurs when there is inequality in society. The people with more power and resources try to keep them, sometimes by repressing2 those with less power and fewer resources.

Conflict theory can be traced back to the work of philosopher Karl Marx and sociologist Max Weber. Marx focused on class struggle in capitalist societies, arguing that social structures and relationships are largely shaped by the unequal distribution of economic resources. On the other side, Weber expanded conflict theory to include power struggles that extend beyond economic class. He looked at how power dynamics are influenced by social identity markers such as race, gender, and social status. Both greatly influenced the understanding of social conflict and inequality in modern society.

1 clash: scontro

2 repressing: reprimendo

3 misunderstandings: fraintendimenti

4 miscommunications: comunicazioni errate

5 goals: obiettivi

6 triggers: cause scatenanti


Interpersonal conflict occurs between individuals, due to a clash of values, communication style or competition for resources. Often caused by different expectations, misunderstandings3 or miscommunications4, they can quickly make something trivial become a big issue. Examples include: family arguments, falling-out with friends, or workplace disputes. To develop good relationships with others, we need to learn to deal with interpersonal conflict in a constructive way.

Organisational conflict is any disagreement within formal structures like workplaces, educational institutions, or other organised settings. Often caused by incompatible goals5, resource allocation, power dynamics, or the organisational culture, these conflicts are inherent to complex institutions. Such conflicts take many forms: disagreements between employees, disputes over policies, or power struggles within the organisation. If left unresolved, they can lead to low morale, lack of innovation and efficiency.

Structural conflict is caused by disparities in access to resources, opportunities, and rights. These are closely linked to systemic inequalities and power imbalances in society. Structural conflicts based on class, poverty, gender or race discrimination, often lead to social movements and groups fighting for social change.

Triggers6 for social conflict include:

• economic inequality, leading to protests, strikes and social movements;

• cultural and religious differences, giving rise to discrimination, or escalating into violent conflict over land and power;

• power imbalances, leading to polarisation, lack of political representation, corruption or authoritarianism;

• social identity (sexuality, race, ethnicity) causing prejudice or social division, as a perceived threat to the status quo;

• environmental sustainability, where competition for land or resources can cause conflict between communities, governments and companies;

• collective trauma from colonialism, genocide, slavery, or ethnic cleansing preventing reconciliation, or perpetuating cycles of violence.

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Who is conflict generally between?

2 Why is it important to deal with interpersonal conflict?

3 Where can organisational conflict occur?

4 What do structural conflicts often lead to?

5 Which type of inequality can lead to strikes?

6 How can environmental sustainability trigger conflict?



3 Form collocations with the words from the boxes, then match them to the definitions (1-6).

ethnic • environmental • low • power • social • workplace cleansing • disputes • dynamics • identity • morale • sustainability

1 disagreement with colleagues workplace disputes

2 the relationship between people in an organisation

3 when a team feels negatively about their work and the organisation

4 the feeling of belonging to a certain group

5 responsible management of natural resources

6 forcing particular groups of people out of an area with violence


4 INVALSI Listen to a radio news report about a businessman in Lancashire, in the North of England, working to reduce poverty and inequality. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.

1 Dave Fishwick runs a…

A community bank.

B food bank.

C food shop.

D regular bank.

2 His story recently became a…

A book.

B film.

C play.

D TV show.

3 He told reporters that parents are struggling to buy … for their children.

A clothes

B food

C medicine

D toys


4 The cheapest baby formula brands have increased by … in two years.

A 4 %

B 15 %

C 40 %

D 45 %

5 Fishwick criticised…

A bankers.

B food producers.

C high street shops.

D supermarkets.

Based on the true-life experiences of Dave Fishwick, ‘Bank of Dave’ tells the story of how a working-class man and self-made millionaire fought to set up a community bank. LOOK CLOSER

6 His company is already funding initiatives like…

A an after-school club.

B a nursery school.

C a breakfast club.

D a lunchtimes club.

5 COMMUNICATION In pairs, tell your partner about an interpersonal conflict you were involved with. Include the following information:

• Who was it with?

• What was it about?

I had an argument with my brother about…

• Why was it triggered?

• What do you think caused it?

• How did it escalate?

• How was it resolved?

6 CRITICAL THINKING After you have heard your partner telling you about an interpersonal conflict, suggest how they could behave differently to avoid things escalating in future.

I think you could listen first before getting angry and saying…


7 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online a well-known structural conflict caused by one of the six triggers listed on p. 48, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• When it happened?

• Where it happened?

• Who was involved in the conflict?

• What was the trigger?

In the box there are some conflicts you can consider researching.

• How did it escalate?

• Was it solved? How?

Just Stop Oil • Israel-Palestine • Northern Ireland • The Miss World Protest • The Miner’s Strike • Anti-Apartheid Section 28 • Tiananmen Square • The Arab Spring • Fridays for Future • Greenham Common • The Fall of the Berlin Wall


1 Tick (3) the things that characterise a modern society. Then read the text and check your answers. agriculture change cities countryside ideas industry resistance technology trade traditions


Modernisation theory, popularised in the 1950s and ‘60s, maintains that as a society becomes more modernised, educated and rich, its political institutions become more liberal and democratic.

The melting pot theory of multiculturalism assumes that various immigrant groups will tend to ‘melt 6 together’, abandoning their individual cultures and eventually becoming fully assimilated into the predominant society. The USA is often called a melting pot. The salad bowl theory of multiculturalism describes a heterogeneous society in which people coexist but retain at least some of the unique characteristics of their traditional culture. An example might be Chinatown in New York.

Modern society, globalisation and multiculturalism

Modern society

In sociology, the process of modernisation is the transformation from a traditional, rural, agricultural society to a secular, urban, industrial society. To create a modern society, industrialisation is essential, which means not just technology, but economic, social, political and cultural changes.

There is often resistance to these changes initially, later overcome1. Further into the process there can be discontent due to the increased expectations and demands of different groups that feel they have been left behind2. This may lead to stress and conflict and a lot of new problems, which nation-states can’t easily resolve. For example, while the Industrial Revolution, which started in the 18th century, created economic growth and offered new opportunities to the middle classes in Britain, it also brought squalid living conditions for workers moving to the cities to take up new jobs in industry, dangerous workplaces, and an increase in child labour. All of which proved intractable3 problems for the State during the Victorian era.


1 overcome: superata

2 left behind: lasciati in dietro

3 intractable: irrisolvibili




Modernisation and its successes and challenges quickly spread4 globally. Globalisation is the word we use to describe how connected and interdependent the world is, economically and socially. Thanks to trade, exploration, revolutions and the digital age, people, money, goods, ideas, illness, war and disasters have travelled and travel across the world in real time.

Globalisation has brought us greater choices for example in food and drink; it has given us opportunities to experience different languages and cultures; and has opened our access to news and information from the whole world.

Globalisation has also spread diseases such as SARS, Ebola and COVID-19; it has contributed to processes such as the collapse of international financial markets and increased energy prices. For good or for bad, we have a sense of being part of one global community. However, the fact that we can buy the same brand5 of shoes, or eat the same food anywhere in the world should not mean that we don’t want to celebrate our own unique cultures.

UNESCO Declaration for Culture was unanimously adopted in 2022, affirming that culture is a ‘global public good’ and calling for it to be integrated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It defines a set of cultural rights to be included in public policies, such as: artistic freedom, the right of indigenous communities to protect ancestral knowledge, and the protection and promotion of cultural and natural heritage.


In sociology, multiculturalism is when people from diverse cultures and backgrounds come together to form a society in which each one feels valued and respected because of their individual identity: more like a salad bowl than a melting pot of cultures.

Multiculturalism exists because the majority of modern societies are heterogeneous, with people of different cultures, languages, customs and practices. It also exists to ensure the inclusion of minority cultural groups, who may have experienced discrimination or exclusion in the past.


2 Read again and answer the questions with M (modernisation), G (globalisation) or MC (multiculturalism).

1 What exists because of trade, exploration, revolutions and the digital age? G

2 What exists to make up for past mistakes?

3 What might lead to people feeling excluded?

4 What should make each individual feel valued and respected?

5 What shouldn’t be confused with feeling like we are all the same?

6 What turns a traditional, rural society into an urban, industrial society?


3 Put the words in the box in the correct column. agricultural • conflict • digital age • disaster • discrimination • exclusion • exploration • goods • ideas • illness • industrial modern • money • people • respected • revolution • rural • secular • stress • trade • traditional • urban • valued • war Positive Neutral Negative ideas agricultural conflict


4 CITIZENSHIP & CHARACTER In pairs, use the words in ex. 3 to talk about the society you live in. What do you think is good or bad about it?

We definitely live in a digital age, which brings good and bad things. We are more connected to each other online, which is good, but we are also disconnected from the natural world around us...

5 CITIZENSHIP & CHARACTER Read about the UNESCO Declaration for Culture on p. 50. What cultural rights do you think should be included in policies in your country? Use the words in the box to help you.

cultural heritage sites • dialects • culinary traditions • national costumes • religious practices • sports • traditional art forms

I think that dialects should be protected in our country and have the same respect as the official national language because they are part of our cultural heritage and…


6 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online an example of a melting pot or a salad bowl, then prepare a short presentation about it. You should find out:

• where it is;

• how long it has been there;

• why it is a melting pot or a salad bowl;

• what is good/bad about it;

• how other communities could learn from it.


1 Label the words with PU (public) or PR (private). Then read the text and check your answers. economy education family government home marketplace media religion social media state town hall work


The lines between public opinion and private lives have become blurred

In summer 2024 British TV personality, Kirstie Allsopp, posted on Instagram that her 15-year-old son had just returned from an inspiring trip inter-railing with friends across Europe. She was shocked to find somebody reported her to social services after child protection concerns were raised.


According to Industrialised Disinformation, a report last published by the University of Oxford in 2020, ‘the manipulation of public opinion over social media remains a critical threat to democracy’

• 81 countries used computational propaganda (the use of algorithms, automation, and human curation to purposefully distribute misleading information over social media networks).

• 14 countries used hacked , stolen or impersonation accounts.

• 59 countries use state-sponsored trolling to target political opponents, activists or journalists.

1 salons: salotti

2 literate: alfabetizzati

3 mainstream: (cultura/pensiero) dominante

4 blurred: poco chiare

5 human curation: contenuti scelti da esseri umani

6 hacked: piratati (a livello informatico)

7 trolling: troll

The public sphere

In sociology, public and private spheres represent two separate areas where people function on a daily basis.

The private sphere is the smaller, contained area of family and home life, and in a wider sense everything outside the interference of public opinion. It is usually free of the influence of government and other social institutions. This aspect can vary from country to country, but the private sphere generally includes the personal freedoms in the home, of correspondence and of movement.

The public sphere is the larger area, open to everyone, where free discussion and debate of ideas occur. It can be a specific place where citizens gather, like a town hall; but it can also be a communication infrastructure through which citizens send and receive information and opinions, such as a social media platform.

One of the earliest concepts of the public sphere was the Ancient Greek agora, or marketplace in city-states, where citizens held meetings to discuss current issues. This idea was replicated in the forum, or public square in Ancient Rome, where people met to discuss business and politics. Tribal gatherings and assemblies of religious congregations have also been at the heart of the public debate in communities worldwide over the centuries. Participation was reduced to a less democratic form in the royal courts of Europe in medieval times, as only the nobility was permitted. This expanded to members of the middle classes, who met to discuss art and politics in the fashionable salons1 of the 17th and early 18th centuries. The development of technology capable of producing and distributing newspapers during the 19th century created the first mass medium, accessible to all literate2 individuals. Today, the public sphere is strongly tied to and defined by its relation to mass media

The Internet and social media provide forums to exchange ideas and opinions for people from all backgrounds: minority and mainstream3. This can bring fresh opportunities, as well as challenges and threats to the public sphere.


2 Read again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 The private sphere is influenced by government.

It is usually free of the influence of government and other social institutions.

2 The public sphere can be in a physical or virtual place.

3 The ancient Greeks and Romans discussed important issues in the same way. T F

4 The public sphere became more democratic in medieval times. T F

5 The first mass media started in the 20th century.

6 The public sphere is linked to its relation to mass media today. T F

The welfare state

In the UK and other countries, the welfare state7 is a system in which the government provides free social services, like health and education; as well as giving money to people who are unable to work due to age, disability or sickness. The welfare state evolved in response to changes in people’s economic, demographic, and social conditions, with the aim of fighting poverty and inequality.

In post-war UK, the welfare state expanded following from the 1942 Beveridge Report, which identified the need for a state system of national insurance to eliminate ‘five giants’: want8 (caused by poverty); idleness9 (caused by the lack of jobs or the inability to find work); squalor (caused by poor housing); disease (caused by inadequate healthcare provision); and ignorance (caused by lack of education).

The result was a system of free welfare services paid for by taxation, which included the National Health Service (NHS), social security benefits, social services and improving compulsory state education (introduced with the 1870 Education Act).


1 Read the text and complete the table with the words from the box.

agora • assembly • citizens • congregation • court • debate • discussion • exchange • opinions forum • gathering • meeting • salon


town hall

Physical places

Groups of people

Interactions agora


2 CRITICAL THINKING & CITIZENSHIP In pairs, read the text and discuss the following questions about the 2030 Agenda.

• Why do you think it is important?

• Who do you think is responsible for achieving it?

• Which of the 17 SDGs is most urgent and why?

• Which SDG is most difficult to achieve and why?

• What can you do personally to help achieve the goals by 2030?

I think that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is really important because…


• when and why it started;

• what form it takes;

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared plan for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. It is based on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include ending poverty, improving health and education, reducing inequality, while tackling climate change and preserving our oceans and forests.

3 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS In small groups, research online the welfare state in your country. Then write a report about it. Include the following information:

• who it helps;

• what is good about it;

• what needs to change; • how you would change it.

welfare state: stato sociale
want: miseria
idleness: pigrizia


1 List all the things you can get through mass media. Then read the text and check your answers.

To identify fake news ask yourself:

• Who wrote it and why?

• When and where was it written?

• Can you find the information elsewhere ?

• Does it use strange, sensationalist language?

• Are there grammar or spelling mistakes?

To identify bots ask yourself:

• Does the social media profile seem real? (Look for no photo, no followers, accounts recently opened, and mistakes in the bio.)

• How often do they post? (Lots of posts in a short time suggest they could be automated.)

• What do they usually post about? (If it is always the same thing, it could be a bot.)

How to beat the algorithms:

• start following accounts you don’t agree with;

• visit a greater variety of trusted websites;

• talk to real people, don’t believe everything you read online.

Social Media Challenge

2 Watch the video and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

1 print: stampa

2 fee: commissione

3 made-up: inventati

4 headlines: titoli

5 misleading: fuorvianti

6 elsewhere: altrove


Mass media and information

When it comes to creating a relationship with any member of society, it is very important to use a proper form of communication. Nowadays, there are many advanced and diverse mediums (texting, social media, etc.). Distracted by electronic gadgets instead of engaging in an intellectual dialogue, as a result many people have lost the skill to engage in a proper form of communication. In the era of digital information, mass media too are facing an increasing number of risks. Mass media is how information, opinion, education, support, propaganda, marketing, advertising, artwork, news and entertainment are communicated to a large audience that the sender often doesn’t know.

Mass media can include print1, radio, television, film, video and audio recordings, the Internet and social media. The term is also used to refer collectively to types of public or private organisations that produce or disseminate particular information in this way.

In the past, it was possible to identify mass communication because it was unlike any another form: usually impersonal, not immediate and one way; it required a medium of communication such as a TV, printer, or computer; it communicated with lots of people in different places at the same time; it had a price (a subscription, fee2 or licence).

Technology has made it virtually impossible to determine if communication is one-to-one, one-to-many, manipulated, or with a machine and not a person.

Fake news refers to false or misleading information, presented as real news. It can be made-up3 headlines4 or misleading5 stories and information. When shared on social media, it can generate misinformation. This leads to poor communication, people believing things that are not true, and others not trusting or believing in news or mass media at all.

An Internet bot, short for robot, is a computer program that operates as an agent for a user or another program, or to simulate human activity. An organisation or individual can use a bot to replace a repetitive task that a human performs. However, bots are often used to spread false news on social media. Although some news stories can seem to appear from nowhere, certain information is too sensational or scary to be true. Nevertheless, many people believe them, because online spaces are actively being manipulated by bad bots.

Algorithms are the part of computer programs, that determine which posts appear in your social media feed. They usually give priority to more popular posts, so the more you like and share fake news, the more you can expect these stories to appear on your feed.

Since we tend to follow people’s social media accounts whose interests are the same as ours, it is easy to see why we only see a very small and specific view of the world. This is called a filter bubble. Fake news can spread really quickly as everyone in a filter bubble shares the same viewpoint. It is easier to believe a fake story when other accounts you like and follow are sharing and agreeing with it too.

3 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Who often doesn’t know the audience for a piece of mass media information?

2 Which direction did mass communication usually take in the past?

3 Why is it hard to identify the type of communication now?

4 What does fake news lead to?

5 Why should you question some news that spread quickly?

6 What do algorithms prioritise and how does this affect fake news?

4 Complete the definitions with the words from the box.

Algorithms • Bots • Fake news • Filter bubbles • Mass media • Misinformation

1 are computer programs that do tasks that people can do.

2 is incorrect facts given to someone, to make them believe something.

3 are a set of instructions used by a computer program to complete a specific task.

4 the people you are connected to on social media, who often share the same interests and opinions as you.

5 is the way you get information and news to lots of people.

6 is information reported in the media which is not true.

I am quite careful about fake news, ever since the pandemic because… YOUR VOICE

5 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss your experience of fake news, bots and algorithms. What do you do to protect yourself from them? How do you feel about the risks of artificial intelligence? Can you recognise when news, stories, photos or videos are authentic? If so, how?


6 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online a recent fake news story, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• when and where it started;

• what it was about;

• why you think people believed it;

• how you discovered it was fake;

7 Read the review of three books about how to talk to strangers and answer the questions.

• what you did about it.

The Vital Art of Talking to Strangers

There are three new books which explore the importance of connecting with strangers and why it is a skill at risk of being lost. All three authors agree that talking to strangers is vital yet increasingly difficult in a world marked by polarisation and isolation. The pandemic, in particular, has left many people out of practice.

In Hello, Stranger, Will Buckingham shares how even brief encounters, often during his travels to remote places like Myanmar, provided comfort to him after losing his partner. These brief moments of connection, he argues, can leave lasting impressions.

Joe Keohane’s The Power of Strangers emphasises the transformative potential of meaningful conversations, offering tips to improve communication and recounting workshops where divided groups, even political ones like

Which book...

1 draws attention to social differences in communication?

2 helped the writer after his partner died?

3 highlights how talking has the power to change people?

4 shows how even political rivals can communicate?

the Republicans and Democrats, learned to see each other as individuals.

Jon Yates’ Fractured shifts the focus to social barriers that keep people apart: class, race, religion, and politics. He argues that these divisions, particularly in Britain and America, erode opportunities for connection and offers solutions like youth programs to bridge these gaps.

These books highlight how spontaneous conversations can foster personal growth, mend social divides, and remind us of the joy and humanity in engaging with the unfamiliar.

Source: The Economist

5 suggests youth programmes to improve communications between different groups?

6 was inspired by conversations with fellow-travellers?

The use of artificial intelligence

1 Look at the picture. What message is it trying to convey?


From AI-generated deepfakes, to large language models, to recommendation algorithms powering social media: it is easy to get lost in the jargon of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential power. Everyone knew 2024 was the year of the elections, with around 1.5 billion people (1) B to the polls in more than 50 countries around the world. So behind the rise of this emerging technology, there were election officials, civil society groups and fact-checking organisations trying to prevent potential AI election abuses while using the technology to improve elections worldwide.

This is not an easy task (2) . But for developing countries, where technology has changed the fastest, with fragile democratic institutions, limited technical capacity and minimal contact with tech giants, it is virtually impossible.

In May, South Africa’s Independent Election Commission (3) to oversee ballot paper counting, election monitoring and other technical tasks, while dealing with the rise of artificial intelligence, deepfakes, and political attacks on social media. (4) all of these concerns, the election went ahead freely and fairly. Social media generally provided correct information to the public. Surprise results saw the ruling ANC party forced to seek a coalition partner for the first time in 30 years.

In Pakistan in February, the (5) cricket player, now politician, Imran Khan did particularly well in the national election, despite being in prison at the time for charges that he denied. This is partly thanks to his use of AI, which sent AI-powered videos, speeches and audio messages to (6) before the election, urging them to vote for him. It is the first time in history that generative AI has directly affected an election result. However, both Khan’s candidates and their opponents also flooded social media with deepfakes, making many false claims.

In North and South America too, there was a series of elections in 2024. Argentinian Laura Zommer’s fact-checking organisation Factchequeado, used AI technology to (7) Spanish fake news throughout the region. Her team created a tool called The Monitor, to find connections between disinformation campaigns. Deepfake audio is particularly targeted as Latinos rely (8) on messaging platform WhatsApp for news, which is difficult to monitor and fact-check because conversations are encrypted. Spanishlanguage deepfakes are not yet as sophisticated as those generated in English, but it is only a matter of time until they are.


2 PRELIMINARY Read the text about the use of artificial intelligence in elections. Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) to fill in the blanks (1-8).

1 A go B going C was D went

2 A anywhere B everywhere C nowhere D somewhere

3 A had B has C have D having

4 A Although B Despite C However D Moreover

5 A form B formed C former D forming

6 A support B supports C supporters D supported

7 A expand B explore C export D expose

8 A heavy B heavier C heaviest D heavily

3 INVALSI Read again and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 How many countries had elections in 2024? Over 50.

2 What positive use of AI technology did countries hope for?

3 Who is this more difficult for?

4 Where did social media have mostly a positive impact on the election?

5 Why did Imran Khan need to use AI technology in his campaign?

6 Which group of voters prefer to use WhatsApp for news?


4 Listen to a news item about the use of AI to predict future crime. While listening, answer the questions using no more than four words or a number.

1 What have experts warned this threatens? Citizen’s rights.

2 What will analyse historical crime data to predict future crimes?

3 Who will police identify with facial recognition software?

4 What will they detect using real-time security camera footage?

5 Who is extremely worried about these policies?

6 What do new laws already limit?

7 What will happen to parents who bring their children to marches?

8 How many people disappeared under the country’s dictatorship?


5 DEBATE Read the statement below and prepare to have a class debate about AI. Divide the class in two groups. One group should prepare an argument in favour of AI, the other group against it. A few people on each side should open the debate with reasons for and against. Then everybody has a chance to give their opinion and vote. Use the useful language box to help you.

‘Should we be worried about how governments will use AI to influence, change and control our lives?’


Putting forward an argument

• First of all, you need to consider all the good/bad things that…

• What if it was possible to…?

• How do you feel about…?

• We must/can…

• The point is…

Countering an argument

• The problem with that argument is…

• The counter argument is…

• Don’t you agree that the only way to…/there is no way to…?

• We mustn’t/can’t…

• Another point/factor is that…


• Finally, … / Overall, …

1 Look back at pp. 54-55. What is the role of digital information today? What do you think it will be like in 50 years from now?


George Orwell (1903-1950)

George Orwell, whose real name was Eric Blair, was born in India; he studied in England before returning to Burma as a police officer in 1922, but he resigned and left India in 1928. He fought with the forces of the left-wing Republican Government against General Franco during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). Back in England, he contributed regularly to several English newspapers on political and social issues; he was strongly critical of any form of totalitarianism. He died at the age of 46 from tuberculosis.

George Orwell: Nineteen EightyFour and fake news

Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)

Nineteen Eighty-Four depicts the perfect totalitarian state whose aim is the abolition of the idea of the individual, and the pursuit of power as an end in itself by the Party1, the only group allowed to hold power. The novel describes a dystopian world divided into three blocks, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, continuously at war.

The protagonist, Winston Smith, lives in Oceania under the tyranny of the Party, which controls all aspects of people’s lives and the past itself. He hates Big Brother, the mysterious leader of the Party, and commits thought crime (independent thinking) while duly complying with his duties as an employee of the Ministry of Truth. His job is to ‘rectify’ (that is to falsify) information as instructed by the Party itself. In the end, he is arrested with his lover, Julia, and after being tortured, he surrenders to the Party intellectually and emotionally. He now loves Big Brother.

A fake individual

Winston is at work before2 his ‘speakwrite’, a sort of dictating machine he uses to rewrite past documents, in his cubicle in the Ministry of Truth. He has received a message from his ‘speakwrite’ about Withers, a man who has fallen into disgrace with the Party: now he is an ‘unperson’, and Winston has to make him vanish. He decides not simply to wipe him out of any documents and so of existence itself, but to create a fake individual, Comrade Ogilvy, in his place.

He unrolled3 the message that he had set aside earlier. It ran4:

times 3.12.83 reporting bb dayorder doubleplusungood refs unpersons rewrite fullwise upsub antefiling

In Oldspeak (or standard English) this might be rendered:

The reporting of Big Brother’s Order for the Day in ‘The Times’ of December 3rd 1983 is extremely unsatisfactory and makes references to non-existent persons. Rewrite it in full and submit your draft5 to higher authority before filing. […]

1 Party: Partito (l'unico partito esistente)

2 before: davanti a

3 unrolled: srotolò

4 ran: diceva

5 draft: versione

6 rank-and-file: ordinario

Winston did not know why Withers had been disgraced. […] Withers, however, was already an UNPERSON. He did not exist: he had never existed. Winston decided that it would not be enough simply to reverse the tendency of Big Brother’s speech. […] What was needed was a piece of pure fantasy. Suddenly there sprang into his mind, readymade as it were, the image of a certain Comrade Ogilvy, who had recently died in battle, in heroic circumstances. There were occasions when Big Brother devoted his Order for the Day to commemorating some humble, rank-and-file6 Party member whose life and death he held up as an example worthy to be followed. Today he should commemorate Comrade Ogilvy. It was true that there was no such person as Comrade Ogilvy, but a few lines of print and a couple of faked photographs would soon bring him into existence.

Winston thought for a moment, then pulled the speakwrite towards him and began dictating in Big Brother’s familiar style: a style at once military and pedantic, and, because of a trick of asking questions and then promptly answering them (‘What lessons

The message is written in Newspeak, the simplified language the Party has created to control minds and thoughts.

do we learn from this fact, comrades? The lesson – which is also one of the fundamental principles of Ingsoc – that,’ etc., etc.), easy to imitate. At the age of three Comrade Ogilvy had refused all toys except a drum, a submachine gun, and a model helicopter. At six – a year early, by a special relaxation of the rules – he had joined the Spies, at nine he had been a troop leader. At eleven he had denounced his uncle to the Thought Police after overhearing a conversation which appeared to him to have criminal tendencies. At seventeen he had been a district organizer of the Junior Anti-Sex League. At nineteen he had designed a hand-grenade which had been adopted by the Ministry of Peace and which, at its first trial, had killed thirty-one Eurasian prisoners in one burst. At twenty-three he had perished7 in action. Pursued by enemy jet planes while flying over the Indian Ocean with important dispatches8, he had weighted9 his body with his machine gun and leapt10 out of the helicopter into deep water, despatches and all –an end, said Big Brother, which it was impossible to contemplate without feelings of envy. Big Brother added a few remarks on the purity and single-mindedness11 of Comrade Ogilvy’s life. […] Comrade Ogilvy, who had never existed in the present, now existed in the past, and when once the act of forgery was forgotten, he would exist just as authentically, and upon the same evidence, as Charlemagne or Julius Caesar.


2 Read the extract and complete the summary with the words in the box.

7 had perished: era morto

8 dispatches: dispacci

9 weighted: appesantito

10 leapt: era saltato

11 single-mindedness: determinazione

story • celebration • past • demands • dictating • invent • death • disgrace • imitates • virtues

Winston Smith reads the message, which (1) a rewriting of a report of Big Brother’s Order of the Day concerning an unperson, Withers, who has fallen into (2) with the Party for reasons that Winston doesn't know. He decides to (3) a new person, Comrade Ogilvy, to whose (4) the Order of the Day will be dedicated in Winston’s rewriting. He (5) Big Brother’s style. He starts (6) the main events of Ogilvy’s life and (7) into the speakwrite, with a final comment on the comrade’s moral (8) . In the end, Winston realises that thanks to his (9) Comrade Ogilvy has become real in the (10)

3 Answer the questions.

1 What kind of toys did Comrade Ogilvy want as a baby?

2 Was he killed in battle by the enemies, or did he suffer a different destiny?

3 What was his only interest in life?

Coded Bias

Coded Bias (2020) is an American documentary, directed by Shalini Kantayya, which looks at the biases that can be embedded into artificial intelligence (AI).

Joy Buolamwini, a researcher at MIT, found that many facial recognition systems did not recognise her face so she started to investigate how AI can affect minorities and violate human rights by discriminating in areas like education, career opportunities, credit applications and healthcare.

4 What makes him a role model for Winston’s world?

5 Like countless other clerks in the Ministry of Truth, Winston ‘rectifies’ documents all day: how similar is this process to today’s fake news on the web in your opinion?

4 Watch the trailer and answer the questions.

What and who actually creates and rules the Internet and its infinite information?

1 What problem did Joy Buolamwini have with the computer vision software? What did she have to do to solve it?

2 What did this situation make her start investigating?

3 What is the problem that comes from rapidly adopting facial recognition technology?

4 What does Joy Buolamwini ask for at the end of the trailer?

Protect the environment

1 Read the article. What is the climate crisis and how is it affecting society? What are some of the solutions available to us? How can nowadays communication media and digital tools help creating networks and sharing good practices to save our planet? Give some examples.

The growing climate crisis and environmental degradation are presenting significant challenges for societies worldwide. Rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss are direct consequences of greenhouse gas emissions. Overconsumption of natural resources, particularly in urban areas, leaves us fighting over clean air, water, land and food. Added to which, pollution from industrial activity, transport and waste mismanagement disproportionately impact the most vulnerable communities.

These challenges not only harm ecosystems but also bring profound consequences. At a social level, they lead to inequality and the marginalisation of certain groups or individuals, as well as a loss of community cohesion in our towns and cities.

There are also anthropological impacts, such as cultural shifts leading to traditional lifestyles and indigenous knowledge being lost. Tensions arise too between different groups and cultures due to climate-induced displacement.

Above all, there are the psychological consequences like eco-anxiety, as younger people in particular become aware of the possible effects of the climate crisis to their lives. This is exacerbated by urban stresses and a lack of natural environments, which increasingly lead to depression and burnout.

There are however some solutions emerging in the form of rooftop gardens, vertical farms, and community plots. These offer not only fresh produce but also foster social interaction and reconnect city dwellers with nature, whilst addressing the problems of food security and reducing transport emissions.

Shared living spaces too emphasise resource efficiency and community-building. Co-housing developments in Europe and the USA integrate sustainable architecture, shared amenities, and renewable energy systems to lower carbon footprints and strengthen communities.

Reducing car ownership through car-sharing programmes and improved public transport systems also cuts emissions and eases urban congestion. European cities like Copenhagen and Amsterdam lead by example with bike-friendly policies and integrated transit networks. Expanding green spaces, urban forests, and eco-corridors mitigates pollution, improves biodiversity, and enhances mental well-being. These initiatives also provide natural solutions for managing urban heat and flooding in areas at risk.

Lastly, circular economy practices encourage recycling, reusing, and repairing things rather than throwing them into landfill waste. Companies and individuals are being encouraged to adopt sustainable consumption habits, from using second-hand goods to supporting zero-waste initiatives. These solutions will only work by fostering collaboration, investing in green infrastructure, and prioritising social equality, in a sustainable and inclusive way.


2 In pairs or small groups, research online an environmental educational project in Italy, the UK and in one other European country. Make notes about:

• what the project is;

• where it is;

• when it started;

• who is involved;

• how it is funded;

• what the results of the project are so far.

3 Write a report comparing and contrasting the three projects you researched. In your report, include the following information:

• data and statistics;

• images;

• infographics;

• graphical representations (pie charts, bar graphs, tables, etc.).

4 In your pair or group, write an email to one of the schools you found that are involved in an environmental education project. In your email you should ask:

• why they chose that project;

• about their local environmental context;

• which challenges and opportunities have come from the project;

• how they motivated others to become involved it the project;

• what advice they would give you about starting your own project.

5 In your pair or group, create your own environmental education project, considering the challenges and solutions you read about in exercise 1. Think about:

• what the project will do;

• when and where it will take place;

• who will be involved;

• how you will achieve your targets;

• how you will evaluate this.

6 Write an email to the school you already contacted in ex. 4, sharing your ideas and good environmental practices. If possible, set up a meeting with the other school on Teams or Zoom to share the lessons learnt.




Getting to know:

• what psychology is

• its history

‘We are what we are because we have been what we have been, and what is needed for solving the problems of human life and motives is not moral estimates but more knowledge.’

• its main theories and voices

• issues related to childhood

• issues related to adolescence

• issues related to individual and groups

• issues related to crime and deviance

NEWS Issues related to climate change and climate anxiety


• William Golding: is it easy to be young?

• Film Corner Billy Elliot

Contenuti digitali della sezione
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)



1 VISIBLE THINKING Look at the photo. See

1 What does this picture show? Think

2 What do you think the quote from Sigmund Freud means? Wonder

3 What more would you like to know about motivation?


2 Answer the questions. Do you know anybody that stutters? Did you know that actor Emily Blunt, musician Ed Sheeran and former US President Joe Biden, all stuttered at some time in their lives? How do you think stuttering affects people’s lives? How does society treat people who stutter?

3 Watch the video about Michael and answer the questions.

1 When did Michael first talk to Danny about stuttering?

2 Who else stutters in Michael’s family?

3 What characteristics does he compare the genes linked to stuttering to?

4 Where is the DNA of other people who stutter contained?

5 Why did Michael think the experience of stuttering was worth it?

6 How does he feel about stuttering now?

Percorsi interdisciplinari

Scienze umane / Psicologia

La formazione del sé e l’identità negli adolescenti

L’inconscio collettivo di Jung

Scienze umane / Sociologia

Identità individuale e collettiva

Rischi di devianza e comportamenti criminali nel gruppo

Italiano / Educazione civica

Educazione alla legalità

Contrasto di ogni forma di violenza, bullismo, devianza e crimine


Lo sviluppo dei principi etici e morali dalle origini a Kant

MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Group work. Research online and find statistics related to the main concerns and issues British and Italian teenagers are worried about. Are there any common issues? Do you find these statistics mirror your personal concerns? Prepare a brief report. CLIL – PSYCHOLOGY

Storia dell’arte

I contributi del multiculturalismo e le sue influenze sull’arte contemporanea


1 What is psychology? Which areas can you apply it to? How is it useful? Read the text and check your answers.


In Greek and Roman mythology, Psyche was such a beautiful girl that she made the goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite (Venus), jealous, while her son, Eros (Cupid), fell in love with her.

After completing a series of difficult tasks to be with Eros, the gods made her immortal and goddess of the soul.


Psychologist vs psychiatrist

Both work with mental health, but their training and approaches are different.

• Psychologists have a degree in psychology, provide psychotherapy, conduct research, and do psychological tests.

• Psychiatrists are specialist medical doctors, who can prescribe medication to manage more complex mental health conditions.

What is psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and all forms of human and animal behaviour

The word comes from the Greek, psyche, meaning ‘mind’, ‘soul1’ or ‘spirit’ and logos, ‘word’ or ‘thought’.

Psychologists are interested in understanding why people think, behave and feel the way they do, or how processes like memory work. They use surveys, observations, experiments and case studies to collect and analyse information, identify patterns and relationships, and then draw conclusions2 about them.

Psychology can also help in everyday life by improving communication skills and relationships, or managing stress and addiction3. It can also enable better decision-making, improve mental health and general well-being. Psychology is also used to investigate crimes, teach children, support individuals with emotional, psychological, behavioural and neurological conditions; it is even used to develop artificial intelligence.

Important areas of psychology include:

• clinical psychology, which evaluates and treats mental illnesses, psychological disorders, learning disabilities4, or relationship difficulties;

• educational psychology, which uses the principles of psychology to develop and improve learning for children, schools, and wider communities;

• occupational psychology, which focuses on improving the workplace by looking after and helping employees5 to develop their skills;

• forensic psychology, which examines the impact of crime on individuals and society;

• sports psychology, which focuses on supporting teams and individual athletes, in all aspects of their personal development and professional performance;

• counselling psychology, which can help with complex emotional challenges and involves clinical research and study.

1 soul: anima

2 draw conclusions: trarre conclusioni


2 INVALSI Read again and choose the correct option (A, B, C or D).

1 Which of these is psychology interested in?


2 What do psychologists do? A calculate



3 What type of conditions do psychologists treat?

A environmental


4 Which area of psychology focuses on the workplace?

A clinical


5 Whose performance is improved in sports psychology? A schools


6 What is involved in counselling psychology? A experiments


3 addiction: dipendenza

4 learning disabilities: disturbi dell’apprendimento






5 employees: dipendenti





3 INVALSI Listen to someone talking about educational psychology and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 Whose emotional well-being do educational psychologists support? Young people’s.

2 Which complex area do they deal with?

3 What do they offer to teachers, parents, the wider community and young people?

4 How old are the children and young people they work with?

5 Where do they work?

6 What do they use when working with people who know little abut psychology?

The history of psychology

Like other social sciences, the origins of psychology can be traced back to ancient Greece Philosophers such as Plato, Socrates and Aristotle discussed many topics which are studied in modern psychology: memory, free will vs determinism, and nature vs nurture1

The Greek physician Hippocrates, influenced by the science of his time, classified human temperaments into humours, each associated with specific characteristics.

In the 17th century, French philosopher René Descartes’ dualism distinguished the mind (the thinking self) from the body (the physical self) thus laying the foundations2 for later discussions about the mind-body relationship in psychology.

The Enlightenment also brought a focus on empiricism, with philosophers such as John Locke (1632-1704) emphasising the importance of sensory experience and observation to attain knowledge.

In 1879, Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), a German physiologist often regarded as the founder of experimental psychology, opened the world’s first psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig. One of his students, Edward B. Titchener (1867-1927), founded one of psychology’s major schools of thought, structuralism, whose aim was to analyse the structure of consciousness3, and focused on identifying and describing basic elements of thought. Meanwhile, in the USA, philosopher William James (1842-1910) described psychology as the science of mental life and a separate and distinct scientific discipline. He became the founder of another new school of thought: functionalism – studying mental processes in terms of how they help us adapt and survive.

While structuralism and functionalism emphasised human consciousness, psychodynamic psychology, introduced by Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud, emphasised the importance of the unconscious mind and its influence on human behaviour. Freud’s theories also revolutionised the world of art, literature, and popular culture.

Behaviourism, on the contrary, rejected the focus on the conscious and unconscious mind, and attempted to make psychology more scientific. Greatly influenced by Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), and popularised by American psychologists J. B. Watson (1878-1958) and B. F. Skinner (1904-1990), it suggested that behaviours can be learned through psychological conditioning, training people to behave in a certain way.

In the 1960s, parallels between the human brain and computers gave rise to a school of psychology which studied mental processes: cognitive psychology. American psychologist George A. Miller (1920-2012) and German-American psychologist Ulric Neisser (1928-2012) researched topics such as memory, perception, problem-solving, and language. During the same period, humanistic psychology, led by A. Maslow (1908-1970) and C. Rogers (1902-1987), highlighted human potential and personal growth, in contrast with more behaviour-focused theories of the time.


Hippocrates believed that human beings consisted of a soul and a body and that illness resulted from an imbalance in bodily fluids. Blood was thought to influence a sanguine personality: happy and optimistic but also manic and unable to achieve goals. Yellow bile was linked to a choleric personality: energetic and ambitious, but often angry and badtempered. Black bile was connected to a melancholic personality: kind and considerate, but with a tendency to become obsessive and depressed. Phlegm4 was associated with a phlegmatic personality: self-content and kind, but sometimes lazy and resistant to change.


Psycholinguistics combines psychology and linguistics to gain an understanding of human language. From psychology, it adopts experimental methodologies and knowledge into the processes of perception, memory, attention, learning, and problem-solving. From linguistics, it takes detailed descriptions of specific languages, grammar and syntax. Psycholinguistics involves – among other aspects – the study of language acquisition in children, the mental processes of adult language production, and language disorders.

Analytic Language Processing is the typical way children learn a language, a single word at a time, then combining them into different phrases and sentences.

Gestalt Language Processing (GLP) begins with a child imitating phrases previously heard, then breaking down the phrase to learn the meaning of the individual words, before using them to build other new phrases and sentences to communicate.



Social and cultural psychology has been particularly influential on modern psychology and focused on the influence of social interactions, group dynamics, and cultural factors on human behaviour and identity. It developed from the work of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotskij (18961934), who believed that learning is based on interacting with other people.

More recently, biological and evolutionary psychology has attempted to understand how human behaviour and cognition are shaped by evolutionary processes; and cognitive-behavioural approaches have emphasised the role of thoughts, beliefs, and conditioning in shaping behaviour and emotions.

1 INVALSI Read the text and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 Which Greek philosophers discussed modern psychology topics? Plato, Socrates and Aristotle.

2 How many personality types did Hippocrates propose?

3 What was the relationship between the mind and the body according to Descartes?

4 Where and when was the world’s first psychology laboratory opened?

5 Which school of psychology focused on the unconscious mind?

6 Whose work was based on the idea that we learn by interacting with other people?


2 Match the words (1-11) to the words (a-k) to form collocations, then write sentences with them.

1 case

2 sensory

3 mental

4 well-

5 human

6 learning

7 work

8 bad-

9 self10 problem-



3 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, talk about the different areas of psychology. Which are you interested in?

I’m interested in forensic psychology because I’m fascinated by what makes someone commit a crime.


Psychologists use case studies to test theories.

4 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online one of the big schools of thought in psychology, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• where and when it started;

• who started it;

• what it is based on;

• why it is important.

Voices in psychology

Behavioural theories

Classical conditioning theory, formulated by Russian physician Ivan Pavlov, is a foundational behaviourist theory, which explains how associations between stimuli can lead to learned responses. In Pavlov’s famous experiment, he trained a hungry dog to salivate at the sound of a bell1, previously associated with the sight2 of food. This theory has implications for various fields, including education, marketing, and therapy.

American psychologist B. F. Skinner developed another behaviourist theory, operant conditioning. It focuses on how consequences shape behaviour and suggests that people are more likely to repeat behaviours that are followed by rewards rather than behaviours followed by punishments. This theory is crucial in understanding how people learn and modify behaviours. It has been influential in fields like education and behaviour therapy.

Cognitive theories

Canadian-American psychologist Albert Bandura’s (1925-2021) social cognitive theory stresses3 the role of observation and modelling in learning. It suggests that individuals learn by observing others’ behaviours, outcomes4, and consequences. Bandura’s 1961 Bobo doll experiment highlighted how children imitate aggressive behaviours they observe, and the impact of social context on learning.

Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget’s (1896-1980) cognitive development theory emphasises knowledge acquisition. It focuses on how children’s intelligence grows as they interact with their environment. He identifies four key stages of development.

• In the sensorimotor stage (0-2), children become aware of the objects around them.

• In the pre-operational stage (2-7), children learn to think and talk about the world.

• In the concrete operational stage (7-12), children classify and understand time/numbers.

• In the formal operational stage (12+), children learn logic, abstract ideas, and hypotheses.

Sociocultural theory explores how social interaction and cultural beliefs and attitudes influence how we develop, think, feel, and behave. The theory is rooted in the work of Russian psychologist Lev Vygotskij, who believed that parents, caregivers5, peers6, and the culture we live in determine how the brain’s high-level functions develop. He also introduced the idea of a zone of proximal development, which is the difference between what we can do and what we could do with guidance.


1 In pairs, have you ever heard about ‘the Bobo doll’, ‘Pavlov’s dogs’ or ‘Maslow’s pyramid’? What do you know about them? Read the texts and check your answers.


1 bell: campanella

2 sight: vista

3 stresses: sottolinea

4 outcomes: esiti

5 caregivers: assistenti (infermieri, badanti, ecc.)

6 peers: pari

When a team of researchers attacked a doll (Bobo doll experiment) in front of young children, they copied the adults’ behaviour, treating the doll in the same way.
▼ Lev Vygotskij


Humanistic theories

American psychologist, Abraham Maslow’s (1908-1970) hierarchy of needs theory sets out a pyramid of human needs. The idea is that people try to meet their basic or physiological needs (food, water, sleep, etc.), before attempting to achieve higher-level, self-actualisation goals (creativity, morality, etc.). This has implications for motivation, personal growth, and well-being.

American psychologist, Carl Rogers (1902-1987) was a humanistic psychologist best-known for developing client-centred therapy, later re-named personcentred therapy. This non-directive therapy was different to psychodynamic and behavioural approaches, as it encouraged people to focus on their current situation, not on unconscious motive or someone else’s interpretations.

Psychoanalytical theories




Things we are unaware of and can not become aware of. Thoughts Perceptions Memories Stored knowledge

Developmental theories


Unacceptable desires Violent motives Irrational wishes

Immoral urges Selfish needs

Shameful experiences Traumatic experiences

In attachment theory, British psychologist and psychiatrist, John Bowlby (1907-1990) explores the emotional bonds9 formed between infants and their caregivers. He suggests that these early attachments influence later emotional and social development. Secure attachments lead to healthy relationships, while insecure attachments can make it hard to trust10 or have intimate relationships.

In his theory of psychosocial development, German-born, American psychoanalyst Erik Erikson (1902-1994) illustrates how personality develops from childhood to old age in a series of eight stages, each with its own challenges. Successful completion of each stage results in a healthy personality and the acquisition of key virtues or strengths to deal with subsequent crises. Failure can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages, a more unhealthy personality and a weaker sense of self.


◀ Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

morality, creativity, spontaneity, acceptance, experience, purpose, meaning and inner potential

confidence, achievement, respect of others, the need to be a unique individual


friendship, family, intimacy, sense of connection SELF-ESTEEM


health, employment, property, family and social ability

PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS breathing, food, water, shelter, clothing, sleep

Austrian physician, Sigmund Freud developed psychoanalysis to examine the influence of the unconscious mind on behaviour. Freud believed that unconscious7 desires, conflicts, and motivations drive our behaviour and psychological experiences. In his iceberg theory, he suggested that we are aware of only a small part of the conscious mind and need psychoanalysis to explore the rest.

Jungian psychotherapy, also called analytical psychology by its creator, Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), is a practical therapy based on the idea that the whole of the individual’s experience should be respected and included, even aggressive, envious8 or destructive qualities. Jung believed in a process called individuation, through which individuals can reach full potential by understanding who they are.

Stage Basic conflict Virtue Description

Infancy 0-1 year

Early childhood 1-3 years

Play-age 3-6 years

School age 7-11 years

Adolescence 12-18 years

Early adulthood 19-29 years

Middle age 30-64 years

Old age 65 onward

Trust vs mistrust Hope Trust (or mistrust) that basic needs, such as nourishment and affection, will be met

Autonomy vs shame/doubt Will Develop a sense of independence in many tasks

Initiative vs guilt Purpose Take initiative on some activities – may develop guilt when unsuccessful or boundaries overstepped

Industry vs inferiority Competence Develop self-confidence in abilities when competent or sense of inferiority when not

Identity vs confusion Fidelity Experiment with and develop identity roles

Intimacy vs isolation Love Establish intimacy and relationships with others

Generativity vs stagnation Care Contribute to society and be part of a family

Integrity vs despair Wisdom Assess and make sense of life and meaning of contributions

In social identity theory (which belongs to social psychology theories), Polish-born British, social psychologist Henri Tajfel (1919-1982) suggests that individuals get part of their sense of self from their membership in social groups. According to the theory, social identity groups can give you a sense of belonging, purpose, self-worth11 and identity; but they can also lead to prejudice, bias, and discrimination.

Russian-born, American psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917-2005) is best-known for developing human ecology theory. It emphasises how individuals are connected to their environment, and identifies multiple systems which influence development and behaviour. These range from immediate family12 to broader13 cultural and social contexts, such as school, neighbourhood and society.

11 self-worth: autostima


12 immediate family: parenti stretti

2 Read again and decide which theory/therapy…

1 allows you to focus on issues you have now. Person-centred therapy.

2 can vary with the culture you grow up in.

3 explores how children learn by observing.

3 Complete the sentences with words from the texts.

13 broader: più ampi

4 proposes four stages in child development.

5 shows the relationship between stimuli and learned responses.

6 suggests rewards are better than punishment.

1 emphasises how connected we are to our environment.

Human ecology theory

2 is based on the idea that the whole of the individual’s experience should be respected and included in therapy.

3 has eight stages from childhood to old age.

4 examines the influence of the unconscious mind on our behaviour.

5 suggests that individuals get a sense of self from social identity groups.

6 explores the emotional ties between children and their caregivers.


4 Match the words (1-6) to the definitions (a-f).

1 conditioning

2 modelling

3 self-actualisation

4 non-directive

5 hypothesis

6 zone of proximal development

a when an observer imitates or produces a specific behaviour b the process of reaching your full potential c the process of gaining understanding of your own feelings, values, and behaviour d the difference between what learners can do independently and what they can do with help e 1 learning where stimulus is associated with a response f an idea which is a possible, but unproven explanation for a particular situation

5 Put the words in the box in the correct category. bias • belonging • aggressive • identity • connected • desire • destructive • discrimination • envious healthy • insecure • motivation • prejudice • purpose • secure • self-worth • unhealthy Negative Neutral Positive bias desire belonging


6 DIGITAL COMPETENCES Choose a great psychologist from the past and use an AI chatbot to interview him/her. Remember to give precise prompts to your AI assistant, with information on the psychologist you want it to be. Ask your AI assistant to speak in the first person. Prepare your questions and take notes of the interviewee’s answers. Prepare a short report for the class.


1 List all the things you think children need to develop.

Then read the text and check your answers.


Cognitive development red flags

• lack of interest in playtime

• disinterest in the environment

• slow to respond

• lack of curiosity

Social-emotional development red flags

• social awkwardness

• inability or difficulty to initiate conversation

• difficulty in coping with situations

• prolonged temper tantrums5 or outbursts

Cognitive, emotional and social child development

Child development is greatly influenced both by caregivers (i.e. all the people caring for the baby from his/her birth onwards) and by biological genes. This can lead to different personalities, strengths and weaknesses. However, the environment children grow up in – the neighbourhood, culture, wider family, school, media and policy-makers – all contribute to formative development

Although experts believe that a child’s personality and intelligence are ‘locked in1’ by age three, there is no deadline2 for human social or cognitive development, as the brain continues to evolve throughout one’s life. However, the first five years of life are critical. During this period, children begin to explore their environment, develop verbal and reasoning skills, socialise with others, and gradually move towards independence from their families.

1 locked-in: fissati, stabiliti

2 deadline: scadenza

3 domains: ambiti, sfere

4 accomplish: portare a termine

5 temper tantrums: scatti d’ira


A child’s development occurs in different domains3: physical, cognitive, linguistic, and social-emotional Children often experience a significant and obvious change in one domain at a time. If a child is focusing on learning to walk (physical domain), there might not be much language development until they achieve that goal. In reality, change is occurring in the other domains as well, but maybe more gradually and less prominently.

The cognitive domain includes intellectual development and creativity. Children gradually learn to process thoughts, pay attention, develop memories, understand their surroundings, express creativity, make, implement, and accomplish4 plans.

The social-emotional domain centres on self-knowledge, learning how they identify with different groups and developing their true temperament through their relationships. This includes a child’s growing understanding and control of their emotions; identifying what others are feeling; developing the ability to cooperate, show empathy, and use moral reasoning. This domain also includes developing attachments to others and learning how to interact with them. For very young children this means learning how to share, take turns, accept differences in others. They also develop many different types of relationships, from parents and siblings to peers, teachers, coaches, and others in the community.

2 Read again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 Where you live, your education and relations can affect your early development. T F

2 By age three, your brain is fully-formed. T F

3 In the first five years of life, a child usually learns to talk, think and interact with others. T F

4 A child develops in all domains at the same speed.

5 The cognitive domain focuses on knowing yourself.

6 Young children socialise by learning to share, take turns and accept differences.




3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. care • dead • dis • out • play • policy- • self-

1 Parents or guardians are caregivers.

2 makers are the people who make laws in a country.

3 A line is the time you must complete a task by.

4 knowledge is understanding your own mind and emotions.

5 time is the period of the day when children have fun.

6 interest is a lack of interest in a person or thing.

7 An burst is a sudden, strong expression of anger.


4 INVALSI Listen to a psychologist explaining how you should talk to babies to aid development and choose the correct option (A, B, C or D).

1 ‘Parentese’ is the special…

A face people use to speak to babies.

B language people use to speak to babies.

C voice people use to speak to babies.

D words people use to speak to babies.

2 Research shows that babies prefer hearing a…

A fast, lower pitch sing-song voice.

B fast, higher pitch sing-song voice.

C slow, higher pitch sing-song voice.

D slow, lower pitch sing-song voice.

3 Scientists have shown this by…

A doing experiments.

B making recordings.

C playing songs.

D using brain scans.


5 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss what skills you think children learn by doing the following activities.

blocks and jigsaws • drawing and painting • dressing-up playing ‘hide and seek’ • playing ‘make believe’ playing ‘follow the leader’ • singing and dancing

I think that blocks and jigsaws help their cognitive development, as they have to recognise size and shape and colours.


6 DIGITAL COMPETENCES Ask an AI software program to make a list of the things children learn by doing the activities in ex. 5. Compare the AI answers to yours and prepare a brief report for the class.

7 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Work in small groups. Research online the cognitive development of children at various stages of their lives. Then make a poster illustrating the different milestones in a child’s life. ONLINE RESEARCH

4 You should start the experiment by talking for one minute…

A without pausing.

B in a normal voice.

C exaggerating your words.

D about everyday things.

5 During this time, count up how many seconds your baby actually…

A watches you.

B tries to talk to you.

C turns around.

D looks away.

6 When talking in ‘parentese’, you can also…

A use pictures.

B make no sounds.

C do movements.

D add contact.


1 How do you feel about being an adolescent?

How do you see your relationship with your parents, teachers and friends? How do you experience the world around you? Compare you answers in pairs, then read the text and check your answers.

Ways of promoting good mental health

• adopting healthy sleep patterns

• exercising regularly

• developing good coping5 , problem-solving, and interpersonal skills

• learning to manage emotions

• fostering6 supportive environments at home, at school and in the wider community


The use of the word adolescence emerged in the 15th century, from the Latin word adolescere, meaning ‘to grow up’. However, it was first used in 1904 to describe a new phase in human development by American psychologist G. Stanley Hall (18441924) in his work Adolescence

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines young people aged 10-19 years as adolescents. The WHO recognises that they experience rapid physical, cognitive and psychosocial changes, affecting how they feel, think, make decisions, and interact with the world.

During this phase, adolescents establish patterns of behaviour: if they are physically active or not; when they start having sexual relations and with whom; what they eat and drink, whether or not they use or abuse illegal substances1. This behaviour can protect their health and that of those around them, if they make good life choices, or put them at risk if they make bad life choices. Although widely considered a healthy stage of life, when individuals are strong, fit, healthy and in their prime physically and mentally, a small number of adolescents will inevitably become ill, get hurt2 or die through poor life choices. Fortunately, most cases are preventable3 or treatable4 To grow up in a healthy way, adolescents need to develop life skills, access age-appropriate information, and live in safe and supportive environments.

Adolescent psychology is the study and delivery of psychological services to adolescents, which focuses on their unique mental health needs. American psychologist and professor of human development, B. Bradford Brown, identifies four main psychological changes or tasks that adolescents must overcome:

• stand out, develop an identity and pursue autonomy;

• fit in, find a comfortable peer group and gain peer-acceptance;

1 use/abuse illegal substances: usano/abusano di sostanze illegali

2 get hurt: si faranno del male

3 preventable: evitabili, prevenibili

4 treatable: curabili

5 coping skills: capacità di adattamento

6 fostering: promuovere


• measure up, develop competence and find ways to achieve;

• take hold, make commitments to particular goals, activities, and beliefs. These tasks can lead to increased stress for adolescents in what is probably the most challenging period of their lives. However, by talking to parents, teachers and other significant adults, by not forgetting who we are, by developing critical thinking about what is right and wrong, and never forgetting that we are unique and much-loved individuals, we can reach our full potential.

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 When was adolescence first mentioned in a work of psychology?

2 What kind of changes do adolescents experience?

3 Where do adolescents establish patterns of behaviour?

4 Why do adolescents need life skills, age-appropriate information, and safe environments?

5 Who identifies four main tasks that adolescents must overcome?

6 Which task requires young people to become independent?



3 Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 Not all children grow out / up in a supportive environment.

2 Substance abuse can put a young person at / in risk.

3 Youth counsellors help adolescents focus at / on their mental health issues.

4 We all want to stand out / up for our unique qualities in life.

5 It can feel almost impossible to fit in / up when you are an adolescent.

6 How can you measure in / up to your parents‘ expectations in life?


4 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss the information in the look closer box on p. 72.

• Which tips are easier/harder to follow?

• Which tips work/don’t really work?

• Which risk factors are more/less common?

• How does your school help young people?

• What could your school do better?

I think adopting healthy sleep patterns is really hard when you have to be in school at 8 am and your body needs to sleep until 10 am…


5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online some common mental health issues experienced by young people and create an information poster about it. You should include information about the issue, risk factors and ideas about dealing with it.


6 INVALSI Read the article about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. Choose the correct heading (A-H) for each paragraph (1-6). There are two extra headings that you should not use.

DofE: Youth Without Limits

1 The origins

Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, first considered the idea of a national programme to support young people’s development in 1954 at the request of his inspiring former headmaster, Kurt Hahn.

The DofE (Duke of Edinburgh’s Award) evolved over decades, and in 1980 it was extended so that any young person aged 14 to 24 could take part.


There are now over 130 countries and territories offering DofE programmes. In 2020, young people played an important role supporting communities across the UK during the coronavirus pandemic. A remarkable 330,000 young people continued with their DofE activities, volunteering for 1.8 million hours to local communities at a time when they needed it most.


The DofE is a globally recognised youth development programme aimed at fostering personal growth, resilience, and skills at three progressive levels: Bronze, Silver, and

A Access and support

B Famous alumni

C Future value

Gold. Participants complete challenges in: volunteering, physical activity, skills development, and an adventurous expedition.


The DofE gives young people the chance to develop teamwork and leadership skills, and make a positive impact on their community. Participants grow in confidence, discovering inner strength and hidden talents, learning a new language, hiking through rugged terrains, or volunteering locally.


The programme is available through schools, colleges, youth groups, and open centres worldwide. It’s simple to register and DofE leaders mentor participants along their volunteering journey.


The DofE is valued by universities and employers alike, as it shows commitment, determination, and ability to balance diverse challenges. It can lead to scholarships, networking opportunities, and career advancements, while creating memories and fostering friendships that last a lifetime.

Source: www.dofe.org

D How it works

E The aims of the DofE

F The origins

G Volunteering during lockdown

H Who is eligible


1 SEL Tick (3) all the things that may make it hard to be a teenager. Are there any other issues to be added? Compare your answers in pairs. anxiety being talked down to bullying emotional changes feeling like you belong getting up early too many rules peer pressure school tests working out who you are relationship with parents love issues

Teens issues

There are many risky issues adolescents may be exposed to, and they are sometimes not ready to face them. Here are some possible risk factors for their mental health:

• exposure1 to adversity, trauma and loss2;

• peer and media pressure to conform;

• exploring identity;

• policy-making and gender norms3;

• quality of home life;


• loneliness and isolation;

• violence and bullying;

• socio-economic problems;

• stigma, discrimination or exclusion;

• chronic illness, disability or neurodiversity.

The Truth about Adolescent Brains

Watching a child transform into an adolescent can seem shocking. There are mood swings, identity crises, the need for social approval, a taste for risk and adventure, and an inability to think about future consequences.


• Globally, one in seven 10-19-year-olds experiences a mental disorder.

• One in four people may suffer with depression before the age of 19.

• Depression, anxiety and behavioural disorders are among the leading causes of illness and disability among adolescents.

• Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds (WHO).

1 exposure: entrare in contatto

2 loss: perdita

3 gender norms: regole sull’identità sessuale

4 MRI scans: risonanze magnetiche

At that precise time, we are constantly academically testing adolescents. (1) G

The emotional ups and downs of those years can make it hard for them to reach their full potential.

Our traditional explanations for unwanted adolescent behaviours are ignorance, immaturity, or hormones.

Since MRI scans4 have made it possible for scientists to look inside our brain, experts now argue that we need to pay closer attention to the adolescent experience of social challenges. (2) This can make adolescents feel alien to themselves.

Many areas of the brain stabilise long before adolescence, like those involved in sensory processing. This makes it harder to learn a language or music after childhood. However, other parts of the brain continue to change throughout puberty and into adulthood. (3)

This means that adolescents are still very sensitive to intellectual stimulation with a huge capacity for learning. Unfortunately, such changes may sometimes feel too much,

which explains some of the disruptive behaviours at school and at home.

Teenagers are famous for their love of risk, which can also make them open to positive new experiences. (4) Compared to both adults and younger children, adolescents have greater activity in areas associated with pleasure and curiosity. This might allow teens to test lots of different experiences, which may help their personal decisions as an adult. This may be frustrating for adults in everyday life, but gives them the fearless energy needed to deal with climate change or other global issues.

Teens are also experiencing increased activity in the brain areas involved in processing and responding to other people. (5) However, it may mean that they are very sensitive to signs of hostility, increasing their tendency for social anxiety. It may also be useful to know that when teens appear too melodramatic, they’re simply learning to navigate the complexities of their emotional world by themselves. These skills will be essential in later life.

Finally, teenage body clocks are naturally different. (6) Then they are tired in the early morning, when adults may have already been up for hours. All of these findings should be of serious interest for caregivers and teachers hoping to guide adolescents through life’s challenges. Source: www.bbc.com


2 FIRST Read the article. Five sentences have been removed. Choose the correct sentence (A-G) for the gaps (1-6). There is one extra sentence that you should not use.

A Brain imaging shows that the regions of the brain associated with reward generally develop more quickly than those associated with inhibition and self-control.

B This ability to understand social interactions and networks is incredibly important in the formation of teen friendships.

C It is not socially acceptable to make fun of other sectors of society, but it is, strangely, acceptable to do it to teenagers.

D They feel alert and active when adults are ready for bed.

E Some of these are important for controlling emotions, paying attention, problem-solving and abstract reasoning.

F That includes recognising embarrassment about physical changes to the body, and the new social expectations on them.

G While nobody’s future is decided at 18, good results at school can certainly help.


3 FIRST Listen to an interview with an expert talking about social media challenges and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 Which social media challenge can be fun and positive?

A the Benadryl challenge

B the ice bucket challenge

2 Why are teens drawn in by social media challenges?

A Because they are stupid.

3 What do teens have difficulty in doing?

A Acting independently.

B Because they have to.

B Being serious.

4 How many teens reported a negative impact from taking part in online challenges in 2021?

A 11 percent.

5 How can we help?

A By talking about it calmly.

B 21 percent.

B By stopping the online challenges.

6 What should you say someone thinking of taking part in an online challenge to do?

A Be careful about trusting online comments.


B Consider the worst outcome.

C the one-chip challenge

C Because social media rewards them.

C Thinking about consequences.

C 31 precent.

C By banning the use of TikTok.

C Get advise from an expert.

4 FIRST In your English class you have been talking about online dangers. Now your English teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework. Do you agree with the statement below? Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

‘Teenagers are not capable of recognising online dangers.’


• The teenage brain

• Social media


1 How do you behave in a group? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Do you behave differently in some situations? If so, how and why? Read the text and compare your answers in pairs.

Individualistic cultures, often found in the West, prioritise the needs of the individual over the group. They are characterised by independence, autonomy, self-reliance, uniqueness, personal achievements, self-direction, and individual freedoms and rights. Collectivist cultures, often found in Southeast Asia, prioritise the needs of the group over the individual. They are characterised by indirect communication, compromise, collaboration, supporting others, loyalty, common goals, and the rights of families and communities over individual ones.

Social cognition is the study of how people process, store and apply information about other people and social situations. It allows us to make inferences about what is going on inside other people’s minds: their intentions, feelings, and thoughts. Some developmental disorders such as autism, or conditions such as bipolar disorder can disrupt social cognition, and may require treatment in extreme cases. However, we should not ignore the fact that cultural differences can vary how people interpret and behave in social situations. In the past, individuals were sometimes incorrectly diagnosed because they came from different backgrounds or cultures.

Individuals, groups and social cognition

Studying individuals and groups is central to social psychology. It helps us understand how people interact, what influences behaviour, and why personality can change or affect other members of a group.

Individual behaviour is a person’s response to external or internal stimuli, such as their reaction in an emergency, a dramatic situation, or how they make decisions. It is influenced by factors such as age, gender, culture, education and mental health. Psychologists explore how individual behaviour reflects personality and mental state.

Group behaviour includes actions, thoughts, or feelings of a collection of people or individuals within a group (two or more people who interact and share a common identity, belief, purpose, or morals). It is often guided by a set of rules or regulations that individuals within that group may not always follow. When psychologists study group behaviour, they examine how a group thinks, functions, completes tasks, achieves goals, and interacts with outsiders.

Here are some of the ways in which an individual’s behaviour changes in a group or around others.

Actor-based bias: we explain our own behaviour by blaming1 it on external or situational factors, while we attribute another person’s behaviour as their own responsibility.

Conformity: we change our behaviour to match those of groups we belong to, want to belong to, or whose approval we want.

Fundamental attribution error: we overemphasise personal characteristics and ignore external factors in judging others’ behaviour. We believe people do bad things because they are bad, not because of the situation they find themselves in.

Just-world hypothesis: we believe that the world is fair so we get what we deserve2 in life, whether good or bad.

Self-serving bias: we attribute positive events and successes to our own character or actions, but blame negative outcomes on external factors unrelated to our character.

How groups influence individual behaviour

1 blaming: dando la colpa

2 deserve: meritiamo

Social facilitation is the theory that someone’s performance of a task improves in the presence of others (audience, competitor, co-actor) compared to when alone. It was first identified by American psychologist Norman Triplett (1861-1934) in 1898, when he observed that the performance of cyclists improved when training as a group.


Social loafing3 is the theory that individuals make less effort in a group task than when working alone, because they feel less need for accountability4 as there is shared responsibility. It was first identified by French agricultural engineer Max Ringelmann (1861-1931) in his rope-pulling experiments. He found that participants made less effort working in a group than when working individually. Deindividuation is the theory according to which individuals become so immersed in a group that they lose their sense of identity and personal responsibility. French polymath5 Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931) was the first to suggest how individuals’ behaviour changed in a crowd.


2 Read again and decide if the statements are true (T) of false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 Individual behaviour doesn’t change with age.

F Individual behaviour is influenced by factors such as age.

2 Groups are more than one person with beliefs, aims and characteristics in common. T F

3 Actor-based bias is copying the behaviour of people in groups we want to belong to.


4 We believe that people get what they deserve in just-world hypothesis. T F

5 Social cognition makes it possible for us to understand other people.

6 Social cognition is the same for people of all cultures.




3 loafing: oziare

4 accountability: obbligo a rispondere

5 polymath: eclettico

3 Put the words in the box in the correct column. accountability • approval • autonomy • belief • bias • blame • collaboration • communication • compromise • different • disorder disrupt • independence • loaf • loyalty • morals • responsibility • rules • self-direction • self-reliance • social • uniqueness

Negative Neutral Positive bias communication independence

4 SEL & SELF-AWARENESS Think about several different groups that you belong to: friends, sport teams, after school club, volunteering, scouts, religious group. Write a short text about your behaviour: is it the same or does it change in each group? Analyse the reasons why it is different using the information in this lesson.

I belong to several different groups: a friendship group, a football team, a debating club, and a volunteer environmental group. I think I behave in the most natural way with my close friendship group. However, if someone new joins the group, we all start showing off a bit.

For example…

5 DIGITAL COMPETENCES With the help of an AI chatbot, revise the topics you have studied in this module for a class assessment. Take a photo of the topic list, or input the topics to your AI assistant. Then get it to test you as if it were your teacher. AI ACTIVITY

Individuals, groups and social cognition

1 In pairs, can you tell the difference between crime and deviance? Read the text and check your answers.


Before 2005 smoking in public places was allowed in Italy.

The 2003 Sirchia Act – effective since 10th January 2005 – prohibited smoking in all public places.

Crime and deviance

Deviance is rule-breaking behaviour that fails to conform to the norms and expectations of a particular society or social group. It is closely related to crime, which is law-breaking behaviour. Behaviours become crimes through a process of social construction, created and accepted by the people in a society. However, while a behaviour may be considered criminal in one society, it may not in another; and while criminal behaviour is usually deviant, not all deviant behaviour is criminal.


2 Read again and complete the sentences with crime or deviance.

In fact, psychologists differentiate between two types of deviance: societal deviance, behaviours that most members of a society regard as deviant because they share similar ideas about unapproved behaviour (murder, rape, child abuse); and situational deviance, behaviours which depend on the context or location in which they occur.

To give some practical examples, cigarette smoking used to be socially acceptable, but now it is illegal to smoke in most public places in Europe. Nudity is often seen as deviant in public, though it is not usually considered criminal. Playing loud music might be deviant in public, but not in a nightclub, concert or music festival.

1 is rule-breaking behaviour.


2 is law-breaking behaviour.

3 Behaviours become through a process of social construction.

4 is usually deviant, but not all is a crime.

5 It is a to smoke cigarettes in most public places in Europe.

6 Public nudity is often seen as , though it is not usually a


3 INVALSI Listen to a number of speakers talking about things that used to be illegal and are now legal in the UK and vice versa. While listening, match the speakers (1-7) to the statements (A-H). There is one extra statement that you should not use.

Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

Speaker 6

Speaker 7

H Sunday trading became legal in the UK in 1994. C

A Abortion became legal in the UK in 1967, but not until 2019 in Northern Ireland.

B Fox hunting with dogs only became illegal in 2004.

C Homosexual relationships for men only became legal in 1967.

D It became illegal for teachers to hit students in state school in 1987 and in private schools in 1998.

E It only became a legal requirement to wear a seat belt in a car in 1983.

F It was possible to get a divorce without proving who was to blame from 1969.

G Smoking in enclosed public spaces finally became illegal in 2007.

Why Young People Riot

During the summer of 2024, three young girls were murdered in Southport in the North of England, leading to online misinformation about it being a racial and religious attack. This quickly sparked violent riots across the country, which lasted for several days. Gangs attacked hotels housing migrants, tried to burn down buildings and pulled people from their cars. As a result, the police arrested over 700 people, including 145 young people aged 10 to 17. They have so far charged 302 of them, including 58 youths, as part of the new Labour government’s ‘swift and robust’ response to the worst civil unrest in England since 2011. The Director of Public Prosecutions said it was ‘deeply disturbing’ that so many young people were involved in the riots and warned they would face ‘lifelong consequences’, including a criminal conviction and a marker on the Police National Database. The police say that they are trying to balance their duty to

respond appropriately to serious disorder, with a desire to avoid the unnecessary criminalisation of young people. The Chief Executive of the Youth Justice Board, admitted that she was ‘appalled’ by the violent scenes, adding that social factors such as ‘poverty, alienation from both school and police, and a lack of trust in policing’ were at play for the young people involved.

Experts agree that these young people are part of a generation experiencing alarming levels of anxiety after the COVID pandemic. We need to learn the lessons from what has happened, and our approach needs to be distinct and focused on young people taking their perspective into account.


As many as 485 young people were prosecuted for taking part in the 2011 riots, following the fatal police shooting of a black man in North London. One study later showed that as many as two-thirds of those in court had some form of special educational needs.

Source: www.theguardian.com


4 Read the article and answer the questions.

1 Where and why did the riots take place?

2 How many young people did the police arrest of what age range?

3 Who was deeply disturbed by the involvement of so many young people?

4 What were the police trying to balance?

5 Which factors might be responsible for youths taking part in the 2024 riots?

5 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss the behaviours in the box. Are they illegal now? Were they illegal in the past? Are they deviant behaviours? Why/Why not?

drinking and driving • online trolling • driving a moped/motorbike without a helmet • smacking a child • hate speech sexual or racial discrimination • corporal punishment in schools • slavery • football hooliganism • bullying

Drinking and driving is illegal now, I don't know about the past, although it is something you should always avoid because you could hurt or kill someone. YOUR VOICE


6 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online the laws in your country about one of the behaviours in the box above, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out: • when and why it became law; • the legal and moral consequences; • the arguments for or against it becoming law.

The impact of climate crisis

1 Look at the picture. What can you see? How do you feel about it? What questions do you have about it?

Climate change and the state of nature affects the mental health of people around the world. Every day we face the difficult reality of our changing world (1) H Communities around the world are already experiencing the first-hand impacts of the climate crisis, and this is having an overwhelming impact on our emotions and the way we feel. It is nothing new to say the world is experiencing a humancaused climate crisis or that we’re facing unprecedented levels of biodiversity loss (2) . Watching our natural world change, combined with feelings of personal guilt or witnessing climate indifference amongst our elected leaders, can evoke a variety of emotions, from anger and frustration to fear, powerlessness and hopelessness. It can be uncomfortable, overwhelming and paralysing.

This phenomenon is known as climate anxiety, defined as a sense of (3) linked to climate change and its consequences if the world does not take action to stop it in time. Climate anxiety affects people of all ages, but particularly those experiencing climate impacts first-hand and those who have (4) . Young people globally are experiencing high levels of climate anxiety, as they see the window to fix the planet’s emergency closing, but often feel powerless to do anything meaningful to change it.

Youth non-profit organisation Force of Nature finds that over 70% of young people feel hopeless in the face of the climate crisis, and as many as 56% believe humanity is condemned. But only 26% feel that they know (5)

Not everybody experiences climate anxiety in the same way.

For those living on the frontlines of climate-related disasters, facing (6) , for example, the distress is amplified. A study of

10,000 people aged 16-25 revealed 92% in the Philippines feel that the future is frightening, compared to 56% in Finland. There is also an overwhelming sense of frustration and betrayal1 among Generation Z at perceived inaction by politicians. Almost 60% of those that feel affected by climate anxiety on a daily basis attribute those feelings (7) Climate anxiety is our ‘internal alarm bell’ telling us something is wrong. A response like this to the possibility of a sixth mass extinction event is more than reasonable. While climate anxiety is not considered a diagnosable condition, mental health experts recognise that climate change can (8) . The long-term effects of this anxiety are not known, but potentially add to the many ways climate change impacts our health. We also do not yet know the true levels of climate anxiety, though research suggests that around 45% of young people feel climate-related anxiety and distress affects their daily lives and ability to function normally.

According to Force of Nature, contrary to what many people might think, you should not try to detach yourself from your anxieties about climate change in order to make a difference. In fact, recognising your discomfort is a key step to (9) Sacha Wright, research and curriculum coordinator at Force of Nature, explains that ‘anxiety is in fact one of our greatest tools for mobilising mindsets to deal with2 climate change.’ Climate anxiety is a rational response to the current state of our world, but it is important that, like with other anxieties and emotions, it should be navigated with great care.

1 betrayal: tradimento

2 deal with: affrontare

Source: www.nhm.ac.uk


2 INVALSI Read the article about climate anxiety. Parts of the text have been removed. Choose the correct part (A-J) for each gap (1-9). There is one extra part that you should not use.

A being able to take sustainable action

B due to human actions

C extreme floods, wildfires and drought

D fear, worry, or tension

E how to contribute to solving the problem

F is how powerless we feel in the face of it

G the most to lose in the face of environmental catastrophe

H through reports of the latest scientific data

I to their national governments

J trigger a psychological response

3 INVALSI Read again and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 Who is already experiencing the first-hand impacts of the climate crisis? Communities around the world.

2 What are we facing at unprecedented levels?

3 Whose indifference towards the climate are we witnessing?

4 How do young people feel about their ability to do anything to stop climate change?

5 What percentage of young people feels hopeless in the face of the climate crisis?

6 Where do 92% of young people feel that the future is frightening?

7 How does climate anxiety warn us that something is wrong?

8 How many young people feel climate-related anxiety and distress affects their daily lives?

9 How should you navigate climate anxiety?



4 INVALSI Listen to an expert talking about positive steps to tackle climate anxiety. Fill in the missing information (1-9) with one word or number.

Here are (1) practical ways to channel climate anxiety into meaningful climate activism.

• Engage in positive discussions: join (2) focused on climate action and solutions. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are passionate about making a difference.

• Take small (3) : start with manageable changes in your daily life. Reduce waste, conserve energy, if you can, cycle or walk to nearby destinations, and choose environmentally conscious products. Small actions can accumulate and make a significant impact over (4)

• Support more sustainable practices: support businesses and initiatives that prioritise sustainability. By choosing these products and services, you send a (5) to the market that sustainability matters.

• Get involved: consider (6) for environmental organisations or participating in local clean-up efforts. Active involvement can provide a sense of purpose and empowerment.

• Advocate for change: write to your local (7) , attend town hall meetings, or participate in climate marches to voice your concerns and advocate for policy changes.

• Educate others: share your knowledge and passion for climate action with friends and family. (8) them to take small steps toward a greener lifestyle as well.

• Practise (9) : remember to take care of your mental and emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and don’t forget to connect with nature.

Source: www.planetmark.com

5 DEBATE Prepare to have a class debate about climate action. Divide the class in two groups. One group should prepare an argument in favour of climate action, the other group against it. A few people on each side should open the debate with reasons for and against. Then everybody has a chance to give their opinion and vote. Use the fact check box to help you.

‘Should climate action be decriminalised because it is essentially working to save our planet? Can impeding emergency services or people getting to work or school ever be justified or effective in preventing climate change?’


Climate action is vital for the survival of our planet.

Climate action will improve our health by providing cleaner air/energy, healthier food, sustainable and active transportation for future generations.

Climate action will help ensure more walkable/ inclusive/liveable cities and communities.

Cutting emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants is critical to slow the rate of global warming, achieve the 2°C target set by the Paris Agreement.

Climate action is no more criminal than the actions of the suffragettes/civil rights movement.


Climate action is illegal/deviant/ encouraging mass protests.

Climate action is not our responsibility. Somebody else caused and should solve this problem.

Why should young people get criminal records for something they didn’t cause?

It doesn’t target the politicians or the energy giants.

It disproportionally affects the lives of working families.

Violence never solves anything; people should use petitions.


The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change It was adopted by 196 Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, France, in 2015. Its goal is to hold ‘the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels’ and ‘to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels’. In 2024, COP29 brought together 200 countries in Baku, Azerbaijan, and reached agreements on increasing climate finance to developing countries and transparent climate reporting and adaptation.

1 Look back at pp. 74-79. How influential can groups and gangs be on a young person’s choices concerning what is good and bad?


William Golding (1911-1993)

William Golding was born in Cornwall. At school he first chose Science, but then he specialised in English literature. Apart from the short time spent in the Royal Navy during the WWII years, he was a teacher and a writer. Success came with his first published novel, Lord of the Flies, in 1954. The Nobel Prize in Literature 1983 was awarded to William Golding ‘for his novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity and universality of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world of today’.

William Golding: is it easy to be young?

Lord of the Flies (1954)

1 shot down: abbattuto

2 conch: conchiglia

3 hunters: cacciatori

4 shrill: acuto

5 sagged: diminuì

6 lever: leva

7 was yelling: stava urlando

8 spear: lancia

In the novel, a plane with a group of English schoolboys, aged between six and twelve, is shot down1 over a desert island in the Pacific during a nuclear war. At first, the children enjoy the unexpected freedom, and their leader Ralph establishes rules for their life together; they use a conch2, symbol of authority and democracy, to take turns to speak in their assembly. For a while the adolescents seem able to build a society as if they were fully grown individuals. Jack, Ralph’s antagonist, commands the hunters3 for food, and his violent character makes him and his group barbarous and cruel. Most of the children, with the exception of Ralph and Piggy, the ‘intellectual’ of the group, are not in control of their impulses; they gradually revert to a state of savagery, and make their Lost Eden into a burning hell. The little ones do nothing but play, and the hunters paint their faces and go wild. Piggy is murdered, the island is set on fire. A ship sees the smoke, and a British officer arrives in time to save Ralph from death at the hands of the other schoolboys.

Kids gone wild

Jack and other boys have gone wild; they have painted their bodies, killed Simon, one of the boys. Ralph and Piggy take the conch with them, but the tribe doesn’t listen.

Piggy’s voice penetrated to Ralph. ‘Let me speak.’ He was standing in the dust of the fight, and as the tribe saw his intention the shrill4 cheer changed to a steady booing. Piggy held up the conch and the booing sagged5 a little, then came up again to strength. ‘I got the conch!’ He shouted. ‘I tell you, I got the conch!’ Surprisingly, there was silence now; the tribe were curious to hear what amusing thing he might have to say.

Silence and pause; but in the silence a curious air-noise, close by Ralph’s head. He gave it half his attention – and there it was again; a faint ‘Zup!’ Someone was throwing stones: Roger was dropping them, his one hand still on the lever6. Below him, Ralph was a shock of hair and Piggy a bag of fat.

‘I got this to say. You’re acting like a crowd of kids.’ The booing rose and died again as Piggy lifted the white, magic shell.

‘Which is better – to be a pack of painted Indians like you are, or to be sensible like Ralph is?’ A great clamour rose among the savages. Piggy shouted again. ‘Which is better – to have rules and agree, or to hunt and kill?’

Again the clamour and again – ‘Zup!’

Ralph shouted against the noise. ‘Which is better, law and rescue, or hunting and breaking things up?’

Now Jack was yelling7 too and Ralph could no longer make himself heard. Jack had backed right against the tribe. The intention of a charge was forming among them; they were working up to it and the neck would be swept clear. Ralph stood facing them, a little to one side, his spear8 ready. By him stood Piggy still holding out the talisman, the fragile, shining beauty of the shell.

The storm of sound beat at them, an incantation of hatred. High overhead, Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever.

Ralph heard the great rock before he saw it. He was aware of a jolt in the earth that came

to him through the soles of his feet, and the breaking sound of stones at the top of the cliff. Then the monstrous red thing bounded across the neck and he flung himself flat while the tribe shrieked. The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist. Piggy, saying nothing, with no time for even a grunt, travelled through the air sideways from the rock, turning over as he went. The rock bounded twice and was lost in the forest. Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his back across the square red rock in the sea. His head opened and stuff came out and turned red.

Piggy’s arms and legs twitched9 a bit, like a pigs’ after it has been killed. Then the sea breathed again in a long, slow sigh, the water boiled white and pink over the rock; and when it went, sucking back10 again, the body of Piggy was gone.

(Abridged from Chapter 11)


2 Read the extract and complete the summary with the words in the box.

choose • corpse • conch • dropping • aiming • falls savages • hits

Piggy and Ralph are standing under a rock, and they try to speak to the (1) with Piggy holding the conch. Piggy and Ralph want the tribe to think about what they are doing, and (2) what is best, but the boys won’t listen, and Ralph has to shout to make himself heard. Roger is (3) stones from above, (4) at Ralph and Piggy, and finally pushes the lever he is holding. A great rock falls down and (5) Piggy. The (6) is shattered and Piggy’s brains are spewed out. His body (7) into the water; the ocean turns red with his blood and then carries the (8) away.

3 Fill in the table with the questions that Piggy and Ralph repeat each time and the alternatives they offer to the tribe.

Piggy and Ralph’s questions Order and organisation Chaos and destruction

4 Answer the questions.

1 How does the tribe respond to Ralph and Piggy’s alternatives, and what does their response mean?

2 The rules that the boys have freely chosen disappear, most of the boys turn into savages and learn to kill. What may have caused this transformation? Discuss the question in groups; you can use the following suggestions and/or add others of your own:

• the island, not a paradise but a place of fear;

• the influence that Jack has gained over the other boys;

• the age of the boys;

• the difficulty of following rules.

Billy Elliot

The 2000 film is about Jackie, a working-class boy who has a passion for ballet. At first his father objects to this, and wants Jackie to learn boxing, but then he realises that his son has a true talent for dancing. He finds the money to take Jackie to London to an audition at the Royal Ballet School. The boy is accepted and years later his father is overcome with emotion when he sees his son performing as the Swan in The Swan Lake

5 Watch the scene and answer the questions.

1 What do the members of the board tell Billy about the result of his audition?

2 Do Billy and his father look hopeful as they leave?

3 What final question is Billy asked? 4 What does he answer first?

5 How does he describe his passion for dancing then?

6 The board is clearly impressed by the passion that Billy’s words reveal despite his young age. How important is it to pursue one’s interests and passions even when this may be hard and demanding?

twitched: si contrassero
sucking back: risucchiata
Billy has auditioned for the Royal Ballet school; he sits with his father before the examining board.

iGeneration issues

1 Read the text about generational profiling. How closely do you and your friends fit the iGeneration? What particular issues and problems does your generation face? How are they similar or different to other generations?

Generational profiling is a sociological framework that categorises people based on shared experiences, cultural shifts, and defining historical events. Research by ISTAT (the Italian National Institute of Statistics) provides valuable insights into how these generational groupings were shaped, reflecting the societal transformations and challenges of their times.

Generation Historical events

Reconstruction (1926-1945) war, rationing, political and cultural change, the radio, sound movies

Baby Boomers (1946-1965) births and economic growth, TV, space race, civil rights

Transition (1965-1980) the Cold War, political turbulence, PCs, globalised economy

Millennials (1981-1995) digital technology, globalisation, work-life balance, social justice

iGeneration (1996-2014) hyper-connected world, climate anxiety, social activism

Alpha (2015-2025) digital natives, adaptability, sustainability, creativity, pandemics


The iGeneration, or Generation Z, is the first to grow up entirely in a digital, hyper-connected world. While technology provides access to information and opportunities, it also contributes to a new set of challenges that demand resilience and adaptability.

Alienation and isolation

Despite being more connected than ever, many Gen Z individuals feel isolated. Social media facilitates communication, but often creates superficial connections that don’t satisfy deeper emotional needs. The pressure to curate a ‘perfect’ online persona can lead to feelings of inadequacy and loneliness.

Online dating, social media, and a decline in face-to-face interaction have redefined relationships for Gen Z. Many find it difficult to build authentic, lasting connections and to trust people in a culture of instant gratification.

Eating disorders and body dysmorphia

The constant exposure to idealised beauty standards on social media platforms has fuelled body dysmorphia and contributed to a rise in eating disorders. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have also amplified the pressure to conform to certain appearances.

Bullying and cyberbullying

Bullying has taken on new forms in the digital age. Cyberbullying, or bullying via social media, messaging apps, and other online platforms, can be inescapable, as the abuse extends beyond physical spaces into private lives. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.


For Gen Z this extends beyond substance abuse to include digital and behavioural dependencies. Smartphone addiction, gaming, and compulsive social media use are common issues. The constant need for validation through likes and comments can lead to various complex mental health issues.

Transition to adulthood

Along with all the problems related to technology and an ‘always-on’ culture, Gen Z are also facing economic instability, rising living costs, and high student debt. These issues make the future feel uncertain, amplifying stress during this critical period of life.

Possible solutions

While Gen Z is resilient, their struggles highlight the need for systemic change. Promoting mental health resources, fostering genuine connections, and creating supportive educational and workplace environments are essential steps toward alleviating these challenges. By addressing these issues as a society, we can better equip Gen Z to thrive in an increasingly complex world.


2 In pairs or small groups, research online the possible solutions to one of the problem most concerning people your age. You should include the following information:

• the issue addressed;

• how it is addressed;

• what and who it involves ;

• how effective it is;

• how you could adapt it to your life.



Social awareness advertising, also called a public service announcement (PSA), is a separate category of advertising, usually made by government agencies or non-profit organisations. Their aim is to raise awareness and offer help, for example through websites and helplines, on issues like drunk driving, smoking, drug use, bullying and violence against women. They often use shocking and dramatic images or statistics to get their message across.

3 In your pair or group, prepare a social advert giving information and advice to address the issue you researched in ex. 2. Look at the tips about how to do successful social advertising.


• Decide what you want to achieve.

• Decide who your audience is.

• Create a powerful message (look at social adverts and campaigns on line).

• Choose the right platform (e.g. Instagram for visuals, TikTok for short videos, LinkedIn for professional campaigns, etc.) and format (videos, images, stories, etc. ).

• Be creative and catch your audience’s attention (use colours, images, animations, logo, tone, etc.).

• Test and refine your social advert.

◀ A striking UN social campaign against prejudices, biases and women discrimination and in favour of gender equality. ‘Women should have the right to make their own decisions.’ https://www.unwomen.org/en

4 Test your social advert in class and give and get constructive feedback from your friends.



Getting to know:

• what pedagogy is

• its history

• its main theories and voices

• issues related to learning styles

• issues related to teaching styles

‘Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.’ Benjamin Franklin, diplomat, writer, scientist and Founding Father of the USA

• emotional intelligence

• issues related to learning disabilities and learning difficulties

• the journey to inclusion NEWS Child-centred


• Charles Dickens and education

• Film Corner Good Will Hunting

Contenuti digitali della sezione

Scienze Umane / Pedagogia

Educare bambini e adolescenti alla cittadinanza attiva

Pedagogia della Costituzione

Italiano / Educazione civica

Educare ai valori della Costituzione

Educazione alla cittadinanza globale e democratica



1 VISIBLE THINKING Look at the photo. See

1 Who are the people in the picture? What is their relationship? Think

2 What do you think they are doing? Wonder

3 How might you learn differently if you were more involved in the learning process?


2 Read and discuss what the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Book Aid International, says about the power of books. To what extent do you agree? What examples can you think of from your own experience?

• books help people thrive

• books create opportunities

• books restore hope

• books inspire confidence

3 Watch the video about the Horseback Library and answer the questions.

1 What does Khairuidin do and where is he?

2 How can Ridwan’s library reach children in remote villages?

3 Why are some places in Java so hard to get to?

4 Who is especially pleased to see Ridwan and his library and why?

5 What does she love?

6 How does this make Ridwan feel?

Percorsi interdisciplinari


Educazione ai diritti umani

I diritti dei bambini ieri e oggi


I diritti violati dei bambini nei due conflitti mondiali del 1900

I diritti violati dei bambini nei conflitti contemporanei

Storia dell’arte

I bambini e la guerra: foto di bambini in zone di guerra di ieri e di oggi

La guerra vista dai bambini: immagini e disegni

MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Group work. Research online and find the main voluntary activities/organisations British teenagers are involved in. What voluntary organisations are there in your area? Have you ever taken part in one of them? Prepare a list and share it with your classmates. Have you ever heard about the European Voluntary Service? Go to https://youth.europa.eu/go-abroad/volunteering/opportunities_en and find out about the voluntary programmes you could join.


1 Read these two sayings and, in pairs, discuss what you think pedagogy is.

‘Love what you teach, but love who you teach more.’ (Dr Brad Johnson)

‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ (Nelson Mandela)


The Steiner method focuses on integrating lots of creativity into the curriculum. Teachers inspire a child’s creative thinking and deep learning through storytelling, visual arts, poetry, games, etc.

Individualisation is a personalised approach to learning, led by the teacher, who provides instruction and tasks or activities to accommodate the needs of each pupil. This can include the use of digital technology, additional time to complete tasks, and pupils’ involvement in their own learning. Mantle of the expert is an education approach that uses imaginary contexts to generate purposeful and engaging activities for learning. The teacher creates a made-up context where the students take on the responsibilities of an expert team.

1 assessments: valutazioni

2 outcomes: esiti

3 blend: mix

4 speech: linguaggio, discorso


What is pedagogy?

Pedagogy is the science of teaching. It encompasses everything involved in the method and practice of teaching including aims, theories and approaches; as well as strategies to facilitate learning, give feedback and do assessments1. The pedagogical approach a teacher adopts influences every aspect of teaching, from lesson planning to classroom management and even how teachers assess and provide feedback to students. It is important to consider context when selecting a pedagogical approach. Young learners usually respond better to practical, experiential learning, while older students engage more deeply with abstract concepts and critical thinking exercises.

The four main approaches to pedagogy

Behaviourism is the traditional, teacher-centred and mostly lecture-based classroom. Activities are generally visible, structured and led by the teacher. These include lecturing, modelling and demonstration, choral repetition and memorisation, but may shift to pupil-centred activities when students are ready to demonstrate their learning.

Constructivism is a progressive teaching style based on the theory that people learn through experiences and reflection. It is pupil-centred learning, often aligned with methods like the Steiner method, or inquiry-based learning. It is based on Piaget’s ideas see p. 67 that learners come ready to learn and the teacher must create activities to facilitate learning. Lessons might include individualisation, a slower pace, hidden outcomes2, the mantle of the expert strategy and less teacher talk. It also often involves being outdoors and engaging with nature.

Social constructivism is a blend3 of teacher-guided and pupil-centred learning. Building on Piaget’s work, but arguing against his belief that learning can only happen in the social context of a pupil being guided by someone more knowledgeable, cognitive psychologists like Vygotskij see p. 66 developed this approach. It is a collaborative process between pupil and teacher. In class, teachers use group work with smaller groups, and limit the choice of topics. The teacher might also use teacher modelling, questioning, and a mixture of individual, pair and whole-class teaching.

Liberationism is a critical pedagogy developed by Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (1921-1997). He developed it in order to teach illiterate adults to read in just 45 days, by focusing on removing two key barriers to learning: poverty and hunger. This approach is pupil-centred and considers the classroom as a democratic environment. Value is placed on the teacher being positioned as a learner, and the class discovering subjects together. Lessons can include examples of literature that contain non-standard language such as hip-hop or graffiti. Students may take on the role of the teacher and choose lesson topics, while the teacher provides space and opportunities for them to show what they have learnt, perhaps through performance, speech4 or dance.

2 Read the text about the main types of pedagogy and answer the questions with B (Behaviourism), C (Constructivism), S (Social constructivism) or L (Liberationism). Which approach to pedagogy…

1 is a collaboration between pupils and teachers? S

2 is more traditional, teacher-centred?

3 is progressive and pupil-centred?


4 might see pupils deciding what to learn?

5 might take place outside or in nature?

6 was developed to help adults learning to read and write?

3 Match the words and expressions in the box to the definitions (1-8). choral repetition • curriculum • demonstration • experiential learning • inquiry-based learning • lecturing • memorising • modelling

1 the course or courses of study curriculum

2 a talk showing someone what to do

3 learning something so you can remember it exactly

4 copying something that a teacher says and saying it as a group to learn it

5 a talk to teach someone about a particular subject

6 learning something by doing it

7 showing how to do something so that pupils can do the same

8 learning by exploring and asking questions

The history of pedagogy (1)

The word ‘pedagogy’ comes from the Greek paidagōgía, meaning ‘the office of a child’s tutor’. In fact, the concept of pedagogy emerged from the thinking of the great ancient Greek philosophers

Socrates encouraged critical thinking, Plato’s academy aimed to develop the students’ ability to think, and Aristotle emphasised empirical learning, based on experience and observation. In Greek society, pedagogues were typically enslaved1 foreigners, and didáskalos, subject teachers. Pedagogues accompanied the children of the rich, giving them moral, physical and educational guidance. The same practice continued in ancient Rome

In Medieval Europe, education was largely controlled by the Church and focused on religious instruction. Monasteries became the centres of learning, preserving classical texts. Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologica (1273) combined the idea of teaching faith and reasoning2 The Renaissance period saw a return to classical learning, with a focus on humanism. Educators like Erasmus emphasised individual development and the moral responsibility of education. This was also a time when universities expanded, giving more access to non-religious subjects. During the Enlightenment, Locke and Rousseau redefined pedagogy. Locke’s tabula rasa theory viewed children as blank slates3, shaped by experience; while Rousseau’s Emile (1762) promoted childcentred education, focusing on learning through nature and experience rather than rigid structures.

The 19th and 20th centuries saw the emergence of formal education systems across Europe and the USA. This was influenced by educators like Swiss Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), German Friedrich Fröbel (1782-1852), who started kindergartens, and American John Dewey (1859-1952). Pestalozzi and Fröbel emphasised the importance of early childhood education, whereas Dewey promoted experiential learning and democracy in education.

Modern pedagogy continues to evolve with technological advancements and educational research, reflecting diverse philosophies and adapting to global challenges in education. Today, the focus is on creating inclusive, student-centred environments that prepare learners for an ever-changing world.


2 Match the people (1-8) to the approaches (a-h).

1 Socrates

2 Plato

3 Aristotle

4 Thomas Aquinas

5 Erasmus

6 Locke and Rousseau

7 Pestalozzi and Fröbel

8 Dewey



1 Where does the term ‘pedagogy’ come from and what does it mean?

Read the text and check your answers.


Thomas Aquinas, or Tommaso d’Aquino, was an Italian Dominican friar who created the Summa Theologica to help new theology students. His text is very structured, and is divided into questions, discussed through a series of objections, followed by answers to the questions and answers to each objection. It represented a big change in the study of Catholicism.

Friedrich Fröbel opened the first kindergarten – a German term meaning children’s garden – in Blankenburg, Germany, in 1837. During the 1830s and 1840s, he developed his vision for kindergarten based on the ideas of the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau and later Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.

1 enslaved: in schiavitù

2 reasoning: capacità di ragionare

3 blank slates: pagine ancora da scrivere

a combining faith and reasoning

b 1 critical thinking

c developing the students’ ability to think

d early childhood education

e empirical learning

f experiential learning

g individual development

h redefinition of pedagogy

3 INVALSI Listen to someone talking about non-Western pedagogy and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 Which contexts shape non-Western pedagogy? Cultural, philosophical and spiritual.

2 What connection does a holistic approach emphasise?

3 Where did Confucianism influence education?

4 How did the traditional Indian Gurukul system create a close teacher-student relationship?

5 Why did young people in indigenous education in Africa learn practical skills and knowledge?

6 What is the strong emphasis in indigenous American and Pacific cultures?

7 What do Western traditions prioritise in education?

8 What has stopped many of the traditional non-Western pedagogical practices?


1 What reforms do you think happened in schools between the 19th and the 20th centuries? Read the text and check your answers.

In the UK, state schools are funded by the government and are free to all children aged 5 to 18. They follow the national curriculum, a set of subjects with standard objectives that pupils must reach. Academies are funded by the government and are free. They have more autonomy and don’t have to follow the national curriculum. Free schools are funded by the government, but are not run by local authorities.

Faith schools have to follow the national curriculum, but they can choose what they teach in religious studies. Most are funded by the government and free to attend.

Grammar schools are a type of selective, state-funded secondary school in the UK, which means that students have to pass an exam to attend. Private schools, or independent schools, do not receive money from the government. Pupils pay tuition fees to attend these schools and they don’t have to follow the national curriculum.

Public schools in the UK are not state schools. They are the most prestigious private schools. Students pay tuition fees, and these schools tend to be more selective, like Eton and Harrow.

Father Ferrante Aporti (1791-1858), an Italian Roman Catholic priest and educator, established Italy’s first infant school in Cremona in 1829 and devised a holistic educational plan for young children.

The history of pedagogy (2)

Reform and new schools

From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, educational systems were reformed in Europe and in the USA to address urgent social problems. There was a reimagining of the learning environment, teaching resources and educational models which aimed at bringing pedagogy in line with society, and prioritising practice over theory.

In America this resulted in the Progressive Education movement, which saw school as a laboratory with the child at the centre and promoted learning through doing. In Europe, the equivalent was the New Education movement, also known as the New School British educational reformer Cecil Reddie (1858-1932) was educated in Germany, where he experienced such progressive educational theories. In 1889, he applied these theories to the first new school, a private boarding school, which he opened in Abbotsholme, England. His aim was to give pupils a wider and more balanced education, by combining the traditional public school with innovations designed to encourage personal development. The curriculum combined intensive academic study and personal tutoring, with physical exercise, recreation and the arts. Many schools like Abbotsholme were opened throughout Europe.

Baden-Powell and scouting

In 1908, former British army officer, Robert Baden-Powell (1857-1941) theorised a form of youth organisation, the Boy Scouts, literally meaning the young explorers. In 1910, he co-founded a parallel organisation for girls, known first as the Girl Guides, and later as the Girl Scouts

These organisations offered an extra-curricular educational path, characterised by exploration, contact with nature, and group life. Their aim was to socialise young people, develop their sense of belonging, leadership, responsibility and service to their community. They adopted an active and holistic teaching method known as Adventure Pedagogy

Despite his incredible legacy, Baden-Powell has been a controversial figure. Accused of racism, homophobia and of being a Nazi sympathiser, his statue in Poole in Dorset was recently removed following protests. Nevertheless, today there are over 50 million Scouts across 216 countries worldwide.

New schools in Italy

At the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century, Italy was a newly unified nation with a predominantly rural economy, shaped by Catholic tradition.

In this context, Italian sisters Rosa and Carolina Agazzi conceived the idea of the Italian nursery school, scuola materna, in 1892. It blended the infant school of Aporti with Fröbel’s kindergarten

The first nursery school was established in Mompiano, Brescia in 1895. The Agazzi pedagogy emphasised a child-centred environment with a friendly, family atmosphere. The nursery school ensured continuity between school and family life, created flexible activities for the children, that promoted independence, while replicating their everyday domestic lives.

Italian teacher Giuseppina Pizzigoni (1870-1947) had to work within the constraints of ministerial directives. Nevertheless, Pizzigoni’s Rinnovata was an outdoor school with spaces used for play and work, representing an opening onto the world. Pupils were taken around the city to workplaces, and on educational trips. From their surroundings, they could draw stimuli to learn. Pizzigoni’s pedagogy focused on activity and holistic education, allowing ample space for play, aesthetic education, as well as nutrition, health, physical activity, and music education.


2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 In which country did the Progressive Education movement develop?

2 How did Cecil Reddie get his ideas for a new school in England?

3 What were Baden-Powell’s aims in starting the scouting movement?

4 Why does he have a mixed legacy?

5 Whose ideas did the Agazzi sisters’ nursery school combine?

6 Where did Pizzigoni’s Rinnovata school pupils learn?


Voices in pedagogy (1)

Learning by doing 1

American philosopher and educational reformer, John Dewey (1859-1952) profoundly influenced 20th-century education. With his theories of experiential learning and progressive education, he argued that education should be based on real-world experiences and practical problem-solving, emphasising the so-called learning-by-doing approach. His theories were the origin of life skills classes offered today. Dewey believed that schools should focus on preparing students to participate in society by encouraging critical thinking, creativity, and social responsibility. His approach was centred on learners interacting with their environment, rather than passively absorbing information. In experiential learning, education is a process of continual growth and inquiry, adapting to the needs and interests of students.



Swiss developmental psychologist Jean Piaget (1896-1980) is widely recognised for his theory of cognitive development, which describes how children’s thinking evolves in stages as they grow. Piaget’s theory suggested that learning is an active process, where children construct knowledge based on their experiences, rather than passively receiving information. His work influenced educational practices that are developmentally1 appropriate, which consider a child’s cognitive abilities at different ages. His insights laid the foundation for constructivist learning theories, which stress the active role of learners in shaping their understanding of the world.

See p. 67

Russian psychologist Lev Vygotskij (1896-1934) developed the concept of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which represents the range of tasks that a learner can perform with guidance, but not yet independently. According to Vygotskij, effective teaching occurs when educators provide scaffolding2, supporting learners as they move through the ZPD until they are able to perform tasks on their own. Unlike Piaget, who emphasised individual discovery, Vygotskij believed that learning is inherently a social process, deeply embedded3 in cultural contexts. His work influenced guided learning and collaborative teaching methodologies. See p. 67


1 What do you know about Dewey, Piaget, Vygotskij, Montessori, Freire or Claparède? Read the texts and check your answers. WARM UP

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), life skills are ‘competences and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathise with others, and cope with and manage their lives in a healthy and productive manner’. In simpler words, they are skills that make everyday life easier: cooking, budgeting, communicating with others, health, well-being and managing emotions.

Italy’s first female doctor, Maria Montessori founded the Montessori schools in 1907 to educate poor Italian children. As of 2023 there are 15,763 Montessori schools worldwide, that adopt the Montessori method. In the UK, they mostly provide pre-school and early years education, although there are some Montessori junior schools and a few senior schools too.

Maria Montessori (1870-1952), an Italian doctor and educator, developed the Montessori method, an educational approach that focuses on the child’s natural desire to learn. She believed that children learn best when given the freedom to explore in a prepared environment, with teachers acting as guides rather than traditional instructors. Her method stresses the importance of respecting children’s individuality and the pace4 of learning according to their developmental stages. It is an experiential, child-centred, self-directed learning approach that fosters independence and autonomy. Maria Montessori called her first school, founded in Rome in 1907, Casa dei Bambini. This name, Children’s House, was a deliberate choice, as Montessori was suggesting that the space in which children spend their days learning should be designed with their needs in mind, not the adults’ needs. Consequently, every official Montessori school campus caters to the social, emotional, physical, and academic needs of its children. The classrooms are quiet, minimal, and designed to appeal to a young child’s sense of order, while giving them freedom to explore safely. They all have outdoor spaces, where children learn how to play, exercise, garden and grow plants.

1 developmentally: dal punto di vista dello sviluppo

2 scaffolding: sostegno, aiuto

3 embedded: incorporato

4 pace: velocità, ritmo

The history of pedagogy (2) – Voices in pedagogy (1)

◀ Maria Montessori
▲ Jean Piaget


The International Bureau of Education was created in Geneva in 1925 as a private non-governmental organisation with the particular help of leading Swiss psychologists and pedagogues Pierre Bovet, Edouard Claparède, and Adolphe Ferrière. The IBE’s founders adhered to the ideas of the New Education movement, for which Geneva was an important centre. In 1969 it became an integral part of UNESCO, as an international centre of comparative education, doing research, and maintaining educational documentation and information services.

5 peasants: contadini

6 hierarchies: gerarchie

7 empowerment: emancipazione


Brazilian educator Paulo Freire (1921-1997), is best known for his work on critical pedagogy, which focuses on education as a means of social change. He developed his ideas from his experience teaching Brazil’s peasants5 to read. His interactive methods encouraged students to question the teacher, and often led to them becoming literate in just 30 hours. His seminal work, Pedagogy of the Oppressed (1970), argues that traditional education often reinforces social hierarchies6 and oppression, rather than promoting critical thinking and empowerment7. He rejected the concept that students are treated as passive recipients of knowledge, and instead promoted an approach that encourages learners to question and transform their world.


Swiss psychologist and pedagogue Édouard Claparède (1873-1940) was one the founders of scientific psychology and a pioneer of the new education movement. In 1912, he founded the School of Educational Sciences in Geneva, a private institute named after Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Its aim was to advance child psychology and its application to education. Claparède believed that education must be developed to meet the needs of the child. The institute soon attracted students from all over the world and became part of the University of Geneva in the 1930s. Claparède’s work was continued by Jean Piaget, who was director of research at the Institute Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

2 INVALSI Read again and choose the correct heading (A-H) for each paragraph (1-6). There are two extra headings that you should not use.

A Children as scientists

B Culture and learning

C Dialogic approach

D Forest school learning

E Learning by doing

F Pedagogy of hope

G School made-to-measure

H Work and play

3 Answer the questions with C (Claparède), D (Dewey), F (Freire), P (Piaget), M (Montessori) or V (Vygotskij).

1 Who applied child psychology to education? C

2 Who emphasises the active role of learners?

3 Who has almost 16,000 schools with their method all over the world today?


4 Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 Many students are more engaged in learning in real / true -world contexts.

2 If you want to learn issue / problem -solving, you should try escape rooms.

3 If you have a kinaesthetic learning style, you prefer learning-bydoing / making


4 Whose approach provides different levels of support for students as they learn?

5 Who taught adults to read quickly?

6 Whose theories were the origin of life skills classes today?

4 Life / World skills are fundamental competences to help you live better.

5 Good mental health is crucial for a child’s healthy / well -being.

6 These days more pedagogical methods are child- centred / circled

7 The teacher gave students self- directed / directing learning to do during the holidays.

8 Post / Pre -school pupils focus on learning through play.

5 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss which form of pedagogy you think would be best for the following groups of students.

adult learners without any qualifications • adults with learning disabilities • children who have already attended pre-school children with learning difficulties • group-learning contexts like the scouts • young children starting pre-school

I think that Paulo Freire’s critical pedagogy would work best with adults without qualifications because…


6 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online life skills, adult literacy or the Montessori teaching method and write an article about it. Include the following information: • who it is for; • what it is; • how it evolved; • why it is successful; • what you like/don’t like about it.

Voices in pedagogy (2)

The educational movement of activism emerged in North America at the end of the 19th century, challenging traditional models by prioritising child-centred learning. This movement soon spread across Europe, where educators adapted its principles to local contexts, creating unique approaches to experiential and democratic education. They focused on hands-on1 learning, social interaction, and egalitarian values. They established schools that went beyond academic instruction to foster community engagement and citizenship, which continue to influence modern pedagogical approaches.

In Germany, educational reformer Georg Kerschensteiner (1854-1932) and pedagogue

Peter Petersen (1884-1952) became prominent advocates of activist principles. Kerschensteiner emphasised vocational training, integrating practical activities into the curriculum to make education relevant and hands-on. He believed that schools should prepare students to take part in civil life by engaging them in community-focused projects and experiential learning. Petersen, known for his Jenaplan schools, furthered2 these ideas by introducing flexible, mixed-age classrooms. This approach fostered a sense of community and emphasised learning through cooperation, making education a holistic experience.

In France, the Activist movement found proponents in educators Roger Cousinet (1881-1973), and Célestin Freinet (1896-1966), both of whom prioritised collaborative learning and student autonomy. Cousinet’s methods encouraged group work and peer3 interaction, allowing students to explore topics together which promoted social skills alongside academic knowledge. Freinet took a practical approach, introducing techniques like printing presses4 and cooperative school work. His schools aimed to be democratic spaces where children actively participated in their learning, a concept that mirrored the democratic ideals of activism.

In Switzerland, educational reformers

Maria Boschetti Alberti (1879-1951) and Robert Dottrens (1893-1984) embraced and expanded activist ideals. They focused on the integration of education with natural and social environments. Boschetti Alberti emphasised outdoor education and connected learning to nature, aligning5 with the activist belief that meaningful knowledge arises from interaction with one’s surroundings. Meanwhile, Dottrens developed social and civic studies curricula that engaged students with their communities, promoting a sense of citizenship and civic responsibility.

2 Read again and complete the sentences in your own words based on the text.

1 The educational movement of Activism emerged in

2 It focused on , and fairness.


1 What do you know about the pedagogy of activism? Read the text and check your answers.

In Jenaplan schools, learning is an ongoing process guided by teachers, based on the individual and developmental needs of each child. They have 20 basic principles: five about people, five about society and ten about schools. The curriculum is organised around four core activities: conversation, play, work, and celebration. Instead of grades, schools focus on personal growth and self-assessment, aiming to cultivate a sense of respect, curiosity, and active participation in students. Jenaplan schools are still popular today in Germany, the Netherlands, and other parts of Europe.

According to the UN, Global Citizenship Education provides the understanding, skills and values students need to cooperate in resolving the interconnected challenges of the 21st century, including climate change, conflict, poverty, hunger, and issues of equity and sustainability. These same educational outcomes prepare students to be successful in the workplace of the 21st century as well.

1 hands-on: partecipativo

2 furthered: portò avanti

3 peer: fra pari

4 printing presses: macchine da stampa

5 aligning: allineandosi

3 Petersen created classrooms to foster a sense of cooperation and community.

4 Cousinet encouraged students to learn things by

5 The aim of Freinet’s schools was to be where children actively participated in their learning.

6 Dottrens promoted a sense of in students.

▲ Georg Kerschensteiner


1 Look at the four images. What do they show? Read the texts and check your answers.

1 outcomes: esiti

2 meaningful: significativi

3 social reformer: riformatore sociale

Voices in pedagogy (3)

Spiral curriculum

American educator and psychologist, Jerome Bruner (1915-2016) introduced the idea of the spiral curriculum. Complex topics are taught over time, revisiting them at increasingly sophisticated levels. He argued that learners build their own understanding of the world through experience and reflection, and emphasised the importance of discovery learning, where students are active participants.



Imagine – Design – Plan


Prioritise – Rate – Justify


Compare – Explain – Categorise


Illustrate – Complete – Solve


Outline – Explain – Predict


Describe – Relate – Tell – Find

Bloom’s taxonomy of learning

American educational psychologist Benjamin Samuel Bloom (1913-1999) helped develop three hierarchical models used to classify educational learning objectives into levels of complexity and specificity, known as Bloom’s taxonomies of learning They guide students and teachers from basic knowledge and comprehension to advanced evaluation and creation. The models refer to: cognitive (thinking skills), affective (emotional responses) and sensory (physical skills) areas. They have been influencing educational systems since the 1960s and are still used by teachers today to help create and evaluate effective learning outcomes1 and assessments, plan lessons and design meaningful2 tasks and resources.

Holistic development

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was an Austrian philosopher and social reformer3. He developed the Waldorf education model, also known as the Steiner method See p. 88 It focuses on the holistic development of the child. Intellectual, artistic, and practical skills are equally important. Steiner believed that education should cultivate imagination and creativity, particularly in early childhood. Central to Steiner is the idea that education should prepare individuals to live as free, self-directed, and socially responsible human beings. His work continues to influence alternative education movements worldwide.

Scientific pedagogy

Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841) was a German philosopher and educator. He is considered the founder of the scientific pedagogy, developing a method of instruction with five formal steps: preparation, presentation, association, generalisation, and application. This approach, focused on structured teaching and moral education, still influences modern lesson planning today.


• Entails what is about to be learned

• Capturing learners’ interest

• Connecting new knowledge to previous


• Real teaching

• Differentiated learning

• Modelling

• Demonstration

2 Read again and answer these questions about each model.

1 Who developed it?

2 What is it called?

3 How does it work?

3 Match the words with the same meaning.


• Instructional scaffolding

• Acting as a facilitator

• Support and guidance


• Opportunity to practice learning

• Performing tasks individually

• Self-regulated


• Short review of key ideas

• Summary of the lesson

• Replicating what occurred


American developmental psychologist, Howard Gardner (1943-) is best known for his theory of multiple intelligences See p. 98 He challenged the traditional view of intelligence as a single, general ability measurable by IQ tests, proposing instead that humans have a variety of intelligences, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic intelligences. His work has had a profound influence on educational theory and practice, encouraging schools to recognise and nurture diverse talents and learning styles in students.

4 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss the four models. Which do you think is the most useful for teachers and why? I think the scientific pedagogy model is the most useful for teachers as it helps structure a lesson plan in five steps, so you are certain of… YOUR VOICE

5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online other pedagogical models and present your findings to the class. You should find out:

• what the model is called;

• who developed it;

• how it works;

• when and where it can be used.


1 In pairs, discuss what each heading means. Then read the texts and check your answers.

Voices in pedagogy (4)

Deschooling, education beyond school and lifelong learning

In his landmark work Deschooling Society, Austrian Catholic priest and philosopher Ivan Illch (1926-2002) challenged the traditional school system. He advocated learning environments that transcend institutional boundaries, arguing that authentic education arises from informal, voluntary interactions rather than the rigid structures of conventional schools.

This idea of education beyond school found resonance in Italy’s own rich tradition of alternative education, championed by figures like Aldo Capitini, Lorenzo Milani, and Danilo Dolci. Aldo Capitini (1899-1968), an Italian philosopher and educator, promoted education for non-violence as a means of fostering social responsibility and empathy. His vision encouraged the creation of learning communities grounded in mutual respect, inclusivity, and peace, aligned with the values of active citizenship. He promoted the rights of everyone to an education and defended the freedom of instruction.

Educator, sociologist and activist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997) further expanded these ideas with his ‘dialogic education’. Inspired by Paulo Freire, Dolci’s methods emphasised learning through dialogue and active participation, encouraging communities to address their social challenges collectively. His approach underscored the value of reciprocal learning, where students and teachers engage as equals in a process of shared discovery.

Priest and educator, Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967) focused on empowering marginalised communities through education, most famously documented in Letter to a Teacher, written collectively by students at his school in Barbiana, Tuscany. The letter criticised a school system that neglected working-class students, instead calling for an education that serves the people, provides social mobility, and fosters critical thinking. Milani’s approach promoted education as a tool for social justice, giving voice to those traditionally excluded from formal learning.

According to the 2023 UK government census3 data, there were approximately 92,000 children in home education in England. The figure has risen by 22% in 2024. While the common reason for moving to home education was philosophical beliefs, mental health was the biggest factor in the recent rise.

1 lacking: carenti

2 credited: attribuito

3 census: censimento


American writer and educator John C. Holt (1923-1985) was a pioneer of homeschooling. He believed that traditional schools stopped children’s natural curiosity and learning potential. Holt’s work promoted a child-led approach to education, allowing children to learn everything starting from their interests in a less structured environment. The number of families choosing homeschooling as an alternative to more formal education has grown, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Special educational needs

American Margaret Bancroft (1854-1912) was a teacher and a pioneer in special education, focusing on the needs of children with developmental disabilities. Finding educational services lacking1, she opened the first private boarding school for students with special needs. She campaigned for their educational rights and developed specialised programmes that could be adapted to each student’s needs. Bancroft’s work informed future programmes for special needs children and adults.


German educator Friedrich Fröbel (1782-1852) is credited2 with creating the concept of kindergarten See p. 89 He believed that children learn best through play and creative activity, viewing both as natural and vital components of early childhood education. Fröbel’s kindergarten model emphasised the development of social, motor, and intellectual skills through structured activities. He also considered that the environment, including the people and things in it, is fundamental to understanding children’s behaviour.

▲ Don Lorenzo Milani with some of his students

Adult learning theory

American adult educator Malcolm Knowles (1913-1997) is well-known for his theory of andragogy, which focuses on how adults learn differently from children. He proposed that adult learners are self-directed, bring life experiences to their learning, and seek education that is relevant and problem-solving in nature. Knowles’ work has been highly influential in adult education and training programmes around the world.

Democratic teaching and discipline

Austrian-born, American psychiatrist and educator, Rudolf Dreikurs (1897-1972) based his theories on the work of psychologist Alfred Adler (1870-1937) to develop the theory of democratic teaching and discipline. He believed that children often misbehave as a result of their unmet4 need to belong. His idea was that discipline should focus on fostering cooperation, respect, and responsibility, rather than punishment: a common approach in schools today.


4 unmet: insoddisfatto

5 self-concept: immagine di sé

2 Read again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 Illch thought that real education came from formal, imposed and rigid structures like schools.

Illch thought that authentic education arises from informal, voluntary interactions.

2 Capitini promoted education based on respect, inclusivity, and peace.

3 Dolci’s methods opposed Freire’s emphasis on learning through dialogue and active participation.

Developed by Knowles in 1968, andragogy is based on five key assumptions about adult leaners:

1 self-concept5: they are more independent and self-directed in their learning;

2 experience: they have more life experiences, a valuable resource for learning;

3 readiness to learn: they are more willing to learn things that are relevant to their lives;

4 orientation to learning: their focus moves from subjects to solving reallife problems;

5 motivation to learn: this comes from within. LOOK

21st-century skills refer to a set of abilities and competences that are essential for success in the modern world, especially in a rapidly changing, technology-driven society. These skills go beyond traditional learning, extending into real-life situations.

4 Letter to a Teacher was written by Milani’s students, criticising a school system that ignored working-class students.

5 Holt believed that traditional schools helped children’s natural curiosity and learning potential.

6 The number of families choosing homeschooling has increased since the pandemic.

7 Bancroft opened the first private boarding school for students with special needs.

8 Fröbel viewed play as something missing in early childhood education.

9 Knowles thought that adults want education that is relevant to their lives.

10 Dreikurs believed that children often misbehave for no good reason.


3 Write the correct English words or phrases for the 21st-century skills.

1 creatività creativity

2 comunicazione

3 risoluzione di problemi

4 pensiero critico

5 flessibilità


6 curiosità

7 capacità di comando

8 collaborazione con gli altri

9 iniziativa

10 consapevolezza sociale e culturale

4 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss which 21st-century skill or quality you think is most important and why. I think that adaptability is the most important quality because if you are not able to adapt to situations, you won’t know what to do when you meet new people or have new experiences.



1 What different learning styles can people have?

Read the texts and check your answers.

Learning styles

No two students are the same, and nor do they learn in the same way. An educator’s teaching style, therefore, can greatly impact a student’s ability to understand and learn. This is why knowledge of different learning styles is essential to train teachers, and inform caregivers and administrators about best practices for all learners, but particularly those who struggle1 with conventional education methods used in classrooms. Here are some of the main theories on learning styles.

LINGUISTIC finding the right words to express what you mean

INTERPERSONAL sensing people’s feelings and motives

NATURALIST understanding, living things and reading nature

MUSICAL discerning sounds, their pitch, tone, rhythm, and timbre

The Vark model


visualising the world in 3D

BODILY-KINAESTHETIC coordinating your mind with your body

LOGICALMATHEMATICAL quantifying things, making hypotheses and proving them

INTRA-PERSONAL understanding yourself, what you feel, and what you want

The theory of multiple intelligences

American developmental psychologist Howard Gardner (1943-) suggests that people are not born with all of the intelligence they go on to develop. He introduced eight different types of intelligence, noting that linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligences are often the most valued in schools and society. The implication of the theory of multiple intelligences is that you cannot teach and assess all students in the same way. People are stronger in different areas and can demonstrate their knowledge and abilities in different ways. For teachers, understanding such distinctions can help them connect with individual students.

VA simplified version of multiple intelligences, the Vark model was developed by New Zealand educationalist, Neil Fleming (1939-2022) in the late 1980s. One of the most recognised frameworks for learning styles, it is based on the belief that individuals have distinct modes in which they best absorb information. This model classifies learners into four primary categories:

• visual;

• auditory;

• read & write;

• kinaesthetic.

AUDITORY learn by hearing

• podcasts

• verbal instructions • discussions • recordings

VISUAL learn by seeing

• charts & graphs • infographics • outlines • visual aids

• slide deck PPTs


KINAESTHETIC learn by doing

• role playing

• scenario training • hands-on

READ & WRITE learn by reading & writing

• books


• dictionaries

• note-taking

• assessments

• case studies

1 struggle: fanno fatica

Kolb’s learning style theory

Developed by American educationalist David Kolb (1939-), this is a model with four distinct learning styles based on a cyclic learning process. According to this theory, individuals have a dominant learning style, while also using elements from other styles. The learning process, according to Kolb, involves a cycle of experiencing, reflecting, conceptualising, and experimenting.

The four learning styles in Kolb’s model are:

Concrete Experience (CE): learners engage best through direct experiences and involvement in real-life situations. Reflective Observation (RO): learners observe and reflect on their experiences from different perspectives.

Abstract Conceptualisation (AC): learners enjoy conceptualising ideas, analysing theories and making connections.

Active Experimentation (AE): learners apply their knowledge and theories in practical settings, engaging in hands-on activities.

Gregorc’s mind styles model

American lecturer and researcher, Anthony Gregorc developed his Mind Styles model in the1970s. Unlike2 other learning style models that emphasise input methods (like seeing or hearing), Gregorc’s model is about the cognitive processes that individuals use. He identified four main styles:

Concrete Sequential (CS): this kind of learner likes clear instructions, step-by-step processes, and hands-on tasks. They prefer structure, routine and details.

Abstract Sequential (AS): these learners like theories, concepts, and ideas. They are good at logic, detailed analysis, and structured thinking. They like reading, writing and research tasks.

Concrete Random (CR): this style of learner uses intuition to find innovative solutions to challenges. They like hands-on learning, but experiment, take risks, and explore different routes.

Abstract Random (AR): these learners are holistic thinkers. They read emotions, relationships, and interpersonal dynamics. They learn best through personal connections, stories, and discussions.

2 unlike: a differenza di


2 INVALSI Read again and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 What do people with different learning styles often struggle with? Conventional education methods.

2 Which of Gardner’s multiple learning styles are often most valued in schools and society?

3 How many categories is the Vark model based on?

3 Put the words in the box in the correct column.

4 What is the cycle of the learning process, according to Kolb?

5 How is Gregorc’s mind styles model different to other models?

6 Which of Grecorc’s styles suits people who learn through personal connections, stories, and discussions?

4 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION Look at each learning style model. In pairs, discuss which one you think is most useful, and within it, which learning style you think you have. Have you always had one dominant learning style? Have you found particular strategies to help you learn based on your learning style?

In my opinion the multiple intelligences model is most useful because… I think I must have a musical learning style because I always recognise rhythms and remember tunes. I can’t…


1 What different teaching styles are there? Read the text and check your answers.


Pluralisation is the idea that topics and skills should be presented through a variety of activities and approaches. This helps reach all students, whatever their learning style, while activating an individual’s multiple intelligences.

Teaching styles

Like learning styles, there are many different teaching styles depending on a teacher’s own preferences, the needs of the students, the desired learning outcomes, and aims of the curriculum. Common teaching styles include: lecture-based: this traditional method often used in universities, involves the teacher delivering information to students from the front of the class or lecture theatre, often using notes, with students participating through questions and answers. facilitator: the teacher acts as a guide, encouraging students to explore topics on their own. This style promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration, allowing learners to take an active role in their own education. demonstrator: the teachers show students how to do something by modelling or demonstrating. It is often used in subjects requiring practical skills like science or art, where students learn by observing and imitating the teacher’s actions. inquiry-based: the teacher gives guidance while students explore topics, engage in experiments, and reach their own conclusions. This style promotes deep understanding and analytical skills, as well as fostering curiosity and the ability to do research. It is commonly used with older students. delegator: in this project-work style, students often collaborate in groups on projects or assignments. The teacher’s role is to provide support and resources, fostering independence, creativity, and leadership.


2 Read again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 Universities generally use a lecture-based teaching style. T F

2 Students guide the lessons in the facilitator style. T F

3 Subjects like science or art often use the demonstrator style of teaching. T F


4 Inquiry-based teaching is typically used for young students. T F

5 The delegator style is effective for collaborative projects. T F

6 Pluralisation is presenting topics and skills to lots of people in the same way.


3 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In small groups, discuss which teaching approach you would choose for the following activities.

• learning to swim as an adult

• learning a language when you are a teenager

• creating an app as a young adult

• learning to cook your first dish as a student away from home

• making a video as an adult who didn’t grow up with new technologies

• looking after a pet for the first time as a young child

• starting an online newspaper in secondary school

• learning about volcanoes in primary school

I think that the demonstrator style would work well for learning to swim because…

Emotional intelligence

Socio-emotional learning (SEL), a key concept in modern teaching and learning approaches, is the process of developing five main areas of emotional intelligence: self-awareness, emotional control, self-motivation, empathy, and relationships skills. These are vital skills that we develop at school, which can help us in future life, as they lead to good communication with others, improve learning, friendships, academic success and employment opportunities. People with strong socialemotional skills are better able to cope with the ever-more complex daily challenges of life. From effective problem-solving to self-discipline, from impulse control to emotion management, SEL provides a foundation for positive, long-term benefits for children, adults, and wider communities.

Calling Emotions by Their Names

Popularised in the mid-90s by journalist Daniel Goleman’s book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, many experts disagree that emotional intelligence is more important than IQ (intelligence quotient), but agree that it influences academic achievement. Here’s how.

Active listening is vital to create two-way communication, and it is about more than just paying attention. It involves following a conversation and responding to others using your own body language, then being able to show you have understood by summarising the key messages. This is important when giving students feedback in class. A recent study found that 38% of feedback interventions do more harm than good. This may be because people misinterpret it as being a personal attack and not listening properly to the feedback. Researcher also shows that students improve their interpersonal skills if they have better emotion vocabulary. Encouraging students to understand the difference between ‘sad’, ‘disappointed’ and ‘upset’ helps them to develop appropriate strategies for each. In short, every emotion word you learn is a new tool for future emotional intelligence. A simple way to do this in class is to see how many different emotions you can find for each letter of the alphabet and then discuss the differences between each emotion and how to respond to it.

When we have low self-awareness, we risk not realising how we seem to others, and letting our self-image distort our behaviour and social interactions. A well-known study once saw researchers ask students how they thought they did in a test, and then compared their perceptions with their actual results. They found that most students overestimated


1 Read the introduction and the article and answer the questions.

1 What are the five main areas of emotional intelligence?

2 Why are they important skills?

3 Where does the concept come from?

4 How should you listen when you are practising active listening?

5 Which activity can you do in class to increase emotion vocabulary?

6 When do we risk distorting our behaviour and social interactions?

7 Whose perspective should you reflect through empathy?

8 Who is self-regulation most important for and why?

9 Can you always recognise and respond to your own feelings?

their ability, with this most likely to be the case in students who had done poorly. This is known as the DunningKruger effect and is one of the most common thinking biases in education. They also found that a strategy to help students improve their self-awareness is that of encouraging them to ask self-reflective questions such as ‘What could I have done differently?’ Or use a communication selfevaluation questionnaire, which can help students begin to understand their interpersonal skills.

Empathy is the ability to see the point of view of another person without judging them. Reflecting back the other person’s perspective helps to make the other person feel understood, which in turn increases collaboration and support. Children generally develop empathy through observing how others show it. Using phrases such as ‘I realise/can see’ can help show students how understanding of other perspective can be expressed. Evidence suggests that reading is also a great way to develop this skill.

Finally self-regulation, or the ability to manage thoughts and feelings, is one of the most effective ways to support students. This is especially true in secondary schools because teenagers are more impulsive and find it harder to hide their emotions due to hormonal changes. Athletes use mind-control techniques such as seeing events as an opportunity not a threat and helpful self-talk, using kind and positive voice to talk to yourself in your head. Tell your students that they can learn to manage their emotions, but that it takes effort and patience from both the student and the teacher, as it is often a gradual process over a long period of time.

Source: www.theguardian.com


The Dunning-Kruger effect in psychology is a cognitive bias. It occurs when a person’s lack of knowledge and skill in a certain area causes them to overestimate their own competence. The psychologists it is named after, David Dunning and Justin Kruger, explain that the ability to recognise deficiencies in one’s own knowledge or competence requires a minimum level of the same kind of knowledge or competence, which those who exhibit the effect do not have.

10 Are there times when you learn more, for example if you are in a happy environment with your classmates?


1 Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences. Then read the text and check your answers.

1 A learning difficulty / disability reduces your ability to understand and do everyday things like chores, socialising and managing money.

2 A learning difficulty / disability reduces your ability for a specific form of learning.


In the UK, there are laws protecting the rights of children and the families of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Local authorities, health bodies6, schools and colleges have a duty to provide services to them. This includes support in: communication and interaction; cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health; sensory and/or physical needs.

1 chores: lavori domestici

2 neurodevelopment: neurosviluppo

3 neurological conditions: patologie neurologiche

4 seizures: attacchi

5 cerebral palsy: paralasi celebrale

6 health bodies: enti sanitari


Learning disabilities and learning difficulties

A learning disability is not a physical disability, but it is caused by factors that affect the development of the brain before, during or soon after birth. It reduces a person’s ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills, or perform everyday activities like chores1, socialising and managing money. There are lots of different types and levels of disability, which affect people for their whole lives. People with a learning disability tend to take longer to learn and may need support to develop new skills, understand complicated information and interact with other people.

A learning difficulty is a reduced ability in a specific area of learning and includes conditions such as dyslexia (reading), dyspraxia (affecting physical coordination), dyscalculia (maths) and dysgraphia (writing). Some people also confuse neurodevelopment2 or neurological conditions3, like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that affects people’s behaviour making them impulsive and unable to concentrate, with a learning difficulty or a learning disability, but they are not the same.

A person with a learning disability may also have one or more learning difficulties. There are also several conditions and neurological disorders that can involve or cause some type of learning disability. These include:

• Down syndrome, a genetic condition that leads to physical differences and learning disabilities;

• autism, a developmental disorder that can lead to difficulties with communication and relating to people;

• meningitis, an infection of the brain and spinal cord, which, if not treated quickly, can lead to hearing, vision and memory loss, as well as problems with movement and coordination;

• epilepsy, a common condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures4, or sudden electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affects how it works;

• cerebral palsy5, a group of lifelong conditions that affect movement and coordination, caused by a problem with the brain that develops before, during or soon after birth.

2 INVALSI Read again and complete the sentences using no more than four words.

development of the brain

1 The cause of a learning disability is something that affects the before, during or soon after birth.

2 There are lots of different of learning disability, affecting people all their lives.

3 People with learning disabilities take and may need support.

4 Conditions like dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia or dysgraphia cause

5 is a neurodevelopment disorder.

6 A person with may also have one or more learning difficulties.

3 Match the words in the box to the definitions (1-10). ADHD • autism • cerebral palsy • Down syndrome • dyscalculia • dysgraphia • dyslexia • dyspraxia • epilepsy • meningitis

1 A condition people are born with, which leads to physical differences and learning difficulties. Down syndrome

2 Difficulty with reading because of a minor brain disorder.

3 A brain condition which affects somebody’s movement or coordination.

4 A serious illness, affecting your brain and spinal cord.

5 A developmental disorder that can cause difficulty in communicating.

6 Difficulty in doing simple maths calculations due to injury or brain disease.

7 A brain condition which leads to suddenly losing consciousness or having fits.

8 An inability to write correctly, caused by disease of part of the brain.

9 A brain condition which leads to weak muscles and uncontrolled movements.

10 A condition where people, especially children, are very active and can’t concentrate.


4 INVALSI Listen to an interview with an expert about effective pedagogy for students with Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLDs). Answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 What approach to reading should you have for students with SpLDs? Deep reading approach.

2 Which skills can all students develop thanks to this approach?

3 What aspect of participation in class discussions is challenging for students with SpLds?

4 How is pair and group work helpful in building confidence?

5 What should you avoid in PowerPoint slides?

6 Which kind of text font is best?

7 What can technology make more difficult for students with SpLds?

8 What allows students to work at their own pace?

9 Which other barriers do students with learning difficulties often also have?

10 What is the ideal classroom to help students with SpLDs to succeed?


5 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION Work in pairs. Imagine you are teachers of a primary school pupil with one of the conditions in the box of ex. 3. Discuss which teaching approach and learning support you would give them to help them overcome possible barriers to their education. Use the words and expressions in the box to help you. adjustable fonts • accessible classroom • group work

more time

inclusive classroom • intensive reading technology & special software • time out • off-white paper • practical/hands-on activities • lots of shorter tasks

So for a student with ADHD I would definitely give them time out and try to make activities more hands-on and inclusive. Maybe…


6 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online one of the conditions in ex. 3 and prepare a short presentation. You should find out:

• what the condition is;

• what causes it;

• what the symptoms are;

• what support someone might need;

• what additional skills they might have (memory, creativity, humour, etc.).

That’s Me Mum!

Special educational needs: the journey to inclusion


1 What do you think the journey to inclusion means? Read the text and check your answers.


A Personalised Learning Plan (PLP), previously known as an Independent Education Plan (IEP), is a document that details a pupil’s strengths and areas for development, outlines specific goals, special resources and teaching strategies to enable them to succeed academically and socially. It is written with the help of parents, teachers and the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo). PLPs allow students to progress at their own pace.

Support teachers or classroom assistant work alongside regular classroom teachers. These professionals provide targeted assistance to students with SEND, ensuring that they receive the guidance and support necessary to access the curriculum. They also help bridge the gap between different learning styles, fostering a more inclusive classroom environment. They are coordinated by the SENCo.

Assistive technology such as textto-speech software, screen readers, and specialised educational apps help students with various disabilities to engage with the curriculum in ways that suit their learning styles. This not only promotes inclusion but also empowers students to become more independent learners.

1 laid the groundwork: hanno gettato le basi

2 advocacy: sostegno

3 took over: assunsero

4 boarding schools: collegi

5 regardless: a prescindere

Education for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in the UK has evolved gradually. In the 18th century, special schools opened offering vocational training to blind and deaf children. Although basic, they laid the groundwork1 for further developments. The Forster Education Act of 1870 established school boards responsible for elementary education, but without explicit provision for children with disabilities. However, the principle of universal elementary education together with the growing advocacy2 for disabled children’s rights to education, eventually led to more reforms.

In 1902, the Education Act abolished school boards and introduced local education authorities (LEAs), which took over3 responsibility for special education. The Act also gave county councils the power to provide secondary education for various categories of disabled children.

The unfortunately named Elementary Education (Defective and Epileptic) Act of 1914 made it a duty to educate children with SEND. The Education Act of 1918 extended this to include children with physical disabilities. In fact, this period up until the end of WWII, saw the emergence of open-air schools, day and boarding schools4 for physically handicapped children, and schools within hospitals and convalescent homes.

During the same period, the equally badly named Mental Deficiency Act of 1913 was the first UK law specifically relating to people with learning disabilities. Under this act, local education authorities became responsible for certifying ‘mentally defective’ children up to 16 years old. It also became possible to institutionalise them indefinitely, without a formal diagnosis.

Post WWII saw more positive changes in the law. The Education Act of 1944 marked a key moment in the evolution of SEND. Local education authorities finally addressed the special educational needs of children within the primary and secondary school system. Pupils with less complex needs were able to receive education in regular schools, not limited to special classes. However, children with more complex needs were still educated in special schools, where possible. The Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act of 1953 further expanded these options to include independent schools, and established the right of every child considered capable of education to attend school. The act also recognised the importance of parents and experts in deciding the right education for children.

The mid-20th century marked a significant shift in the perception of students with special educational needs. Reforms and the emergence of disability rights movements began to challenge the stigmatisation of these students. In the 1970s and 1980s, the concept of ‘special education’ evolved, with the goal that all children, regardless5 of ability, should access quality education. Special Educational Needs (SEN) statements were introduced in 1978. These are legal documents which set out a child’s educational needs and outline how the Education Authority (EA) will meet those needs in an educational setting. At the same time, parents of children with disabilities were given the right to appeal decisions made by local authorities about their child’s education. The 1981 Education Act moreover stated that children should be taught in mainstream schools when possible.

One of the most transformative developments was the introduction of the concept of inclusion in the UK education system with the 1993 Education Act. Instead of segregating students with

SEND into separate schools or classrooms, the goal was to integrate them into mainstream classes with their peers. The 2014 Children and Families Act further identifies these rights and duties.

Research shows that inclusive education positively impacts academic achievement for all students. Inclusion is essential for social and emotional development as fosters a sense of belonging, helping students build friendships and develop social skills. It also promotes empathy, understanding, and diversity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are vital in today’s globalised world.

2 Read again and complete the table with information from the text.

A Personalised Learning Plan is a document that enables a student to succeed (10) READING COMPREHENSION

Act What it did for SEND

The Education Act of 1902 gave LEAs responsibility for (1)

The Elementary Education (Defective and Epileptic) Act made it a duty to educate (2)

The Education Act of 1918 included children with (3)

The Mental Deficiency Act of 1913 institutionalised pupils with SEND (4)

After the Education Act of 1944, LEAs addressed SEND within the (5)

The Education (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act of 1953 recognised the importance of (6) in choosing the right education for children.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) statements were legal documents about a (7) and how to meet them in school.

The 1981 Education Act established that children should be taught in (8)

The 1993 Education Act introduced the concept of (9)

3 Match the words (1-10) to the words (a-j) to form new words and expressions, then write sentences with them.

1 assistive


1 Students often use assistive technology to help them with learning nowadays.

I think that most state schools are very inclusive, more inclusive than society in fact. All the classes have students of different abilities, ethnic and cultural origin… YOUR VOICE

4 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION Work in pairs. What is your experience of inclusion? Are all students included equally in learning, regardless of disabilities, ethnic origin, or other social or cultural barriers to education?

5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online the development of SEND in your own country and prepare a brief report. Include the following points.

• What was it like in the past? Were there specific laws?

• How and when did it change?

• What is it like now? Are there any new laws?

• Are there any support teachers or personalised learning plans in schools in your country?

• Is there inclusion in your schools? Why/Why not?

Child-centred education

Does the Montessori Method Work?

When considering the lives of the rich and famous, it is tempting to look for the secrets of their successes. So, what do the cook Julia Child, the novelist Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the singer Taylor Swift, and Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin all have in common? The answer is that they all attended Montessori schools as young children. But does the method actually work? It is more than a century since the Italian doctor and educator Maria Montessori designed her famous principles which encouraged children to develop autonomy from a young age. According to some estimates, there are now at least 60,000 schools across the world using the Montessori method. Remarkably, however, the benefits of a Montessori education remain a matter of debate. Montessori was born in the small Italian municipality of Chiaravalle in 1870 to progressive parents, who frequently mixed with the country’s leading thinkers. This enlightened family environment provided Montessori with many advantages over other young girls of the time. Her parents’ support also proved to be essential for her decision to study medicine, a field that was dominated by men. Soon after graduating, in 1896, Montessori began work as a voluntary assistant in a psychiatric clinic at the University of Rome, where she cared for children with learning difficulties. The rooms were empty, with just a few pieces of furniture. One day, when she found children enthusiastically playing with crumbs that had dropped on the floor, it occurred to her that the origin of some intellectual disabilities could be related to poverty. With the right learning materials, these and other young minds could be nurtured, Montessori concluded. The observation would lead Montessori to develop a new method of education that focused on providing the optimum stimulation during the sensitive periods of childhood. At its centre was the principle that all the learning materials should be child-sized and designed to appeal to all the senses. In addition, each child should also be allowed to move and act freely, and use their

creativity and problem-solving skills. Teachers took the role of guides, supporting the children without controlling them.

Montessori opened her first Casa dei Bambini – Children’s House – in 1907, and it soon led to many more. Perhaps surprisingly, when the Fascists first came into power in Italy in 1922, they initially embraced her movement. But they soon came to oppose the emphasis on the children’s freedom of expression. When the Fascist regime tried to influence the schools’ educational content, in 1934, Montessori and her son decided to leave Italy. She did not return to her homeland until 1947, but she continued to write about and develop her method until her death in 1952, at the age of 81.

Today there are many different kinds of Montessori schools, but certain fundamental principles have remained the same. One is the idea of teachers as guides, gently encouraging the children to complete the activities with as little adult interference as possible. Children of different ages are taught in the same classroom, so that the six-yearolds, for example, can help the three-year-olds. The method encourages independence, but also collaboration. There are no tests or grades to avoid competition between pupils. Each session is three hours long to allow the children to immerse themselves in what they are doing. The learning materials are designed for being handled and explored through all the senses.

As cheerful and sensible as this concept may sound, does it bring about any tangible benefits, beyond those seen in a typical classroom? Research suggests there may be benefits to specific aspects of a Montessori education – but it is very difficult to prove. Certainly, some studies appear to show benefits for children’s development, but we can’t be sure if it’s a result of the Montessori method or whether it’s simply due to their privileged background – there are often fees for Montessori schools.


1 Do you know these famous people? What do/did they do? What do you think they may have in common? Read the article and check your answers.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez • Julia Child

Larry Page • Sergey Brin • Taylor Swift

There is some recent evidence that providing children with unstructured time, in which they are allowed to do their own activities without too much interference from an adult, does lead to greater independence and self-direction – and this approach is at the very heart of the Montessori method. Might the success of Montessori alumni reflect this?

Whatever the true benefits of the method, there is certainly something appealing about the central idea – and its proponents have made a huge success of marketing its message of a liberated, self-directed childhood free from the tyranny of conventional education. Maria Montessori was tireless in the promotion of her method and her successors have continued spreading the word. The name Montessori is now associated with a high-quality standard of education, and even a life philosophy, that has attracted many parents. Ironically, however, many schools today have Maria Montessori’s name, while only loosely following her methods. This is because the word is not trademarked. While there are official Montessori institutions in different countries providing teacher training and accreditation, this is not necessary for schools to use the term in their advertising. This lack of consistency may explain why there is variability in measuring the benefits of the Montessori method, including failure to note any advantages over other educational systems.

Whatever your conclusion, it is a testament to Montessori’s work that, more than 100 years after she opened her first school, educators are still discussing her theory, and it continues to inspire serious research.

Source: www.bbc.com


2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 Which tech giants went to a Montessori school? Google’s founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

2 How many Montessori schools are there today?

3 When did Maria first think of her method?

4 What did she decide that children needed?

5 Why did the Fascists turn against Montessori method?

6 How did having children of different ages in the same class help?

7 What has research proved?

8 What is the problem with the Montessori name?


3 Watch the trailer of the movie La novuelle femme (2024). What can you understand about Maria Montessori from these few scenes?


4 INVALSI Listen to an interview with a specialist in empathy education. Answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 How many pupils did the study involve? About 900 pupils.

2 What kind of course did the students complete?

3 Who rated the students on an empathy-scale of 1-10?

4 Apart from empathy, what else improved in the students?

5 What do the films the students watch focus on?

6 What understanding do the films enhance in students (one answer)?

7 What does celebrating difference recognise and value?

8 Why is empathy in society so important in the current climate?

9 What would a programme like this need to work in more schools?

10 How would it help students develop?


5 DEBATE Prepare to have a class debate about what you should learn at school. Divide the class in two groups. One group should prepare an argument in favour of learning traditional school subjects, the other group in favour of learning life skills. A few people on each side should open the debate, giving reasons for their position. Then everybody has a chance to give their opinion and vote.

‘What do you think is more important to learn at school: traditional subjects or life skills?’

1 Look back at pp. 91-97. What different educational theories and methods have you learnt about? Which one did you find most innovative?


Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

When Dickens’ father was imprisoned for debts, young Charles was forced to work in a shoe polish factory for a few months, and this experience had profound psychological effects on him. From 1830, he worked as a reporter and later he became a full-time writer of some the finest novels of the Victorian age, such as Oliver Twist and Hard Times

Charles Dickens and education

Hard Times (1854)

Charles Dickens’ social novels throw a revealing light on some of the miseries of the Victorian age. Hard Times focuses on the living conditions of the working classes during the Industrial Revolution and on education which was, for the first time, also provided to their children. Utilitarianism dominated, and it reduced all education to ‘facts’, with no room for creativity. The tyranny of facts as what is measurable and quantifiable makes people blind to reality around them, as Dickens ironically illustrates this when he presents Mr Gradgrind’s educational theory in practice at his private school in Coketown, the imaginary town where the novel is set.

Teaching what a horse is Dickens opens the novel with the vision of a pedagogy of ‘facts’ at the expense of anything else.

Thomas Gradgrind, sir. A man of realities. A man of facts and calculations. A man who proceeds upon the principle that two and two are four, and nothing over […]

With a rule and a pair of scales, and the multiplication table always in his pocket, sir, ready to weigh and measure any parcel of human nature, and tell you exactly what it comes to. It is a mere question of figures, a case of simple arithmetic. […]

‘Girl number twenty,’ said Mr Gradgrind, squarely1 pointing with his square forefinger, ‘I don’t know that girl. Who is that girl?’

‘Sissy Jupe, sir,’ explained number twenty, blushing, standing up, and curtseying2 .

Cecilia (Sissy) Jupe is the daughter of a tamer and veterinary surgeon of the equestrian circus, therefore she knows horses very well, but she doesn’t know the exact definition.

A government officer helping Mr Gradgring explains to the children that only facts matter

1 squarely: direttamente

2 curtseying: facendo un inchino

3 behoof: beneficio

4 pitchers: caraffe (gli studenti sono caraffe da ‘riempire’ di informazioni)

5 grinders: molari

6 eye-teeth: canini superiori

7 sheds coat: cambia il pelo

8 hoofs: zoccoli

9 stragglers: ritardatari

‘Sissy is not a name,’ said Mr Gradgrind. ‘Don’t call yourself Sissy. Call yourself Cecilia.’ […] Give me your definition of a horse.’

[Sissy Jupe thrown into the greatest alarm by this demand*.]

‘Girl number twenty unable to define a horse!’ said Mr. Gradgrind, for the general behoof 3 of all the little pitchers4. ‘Girl number twenty possessed of no facts, in reference to one of the commonest of animals! Some boy’s definition of a horse. Bitzer, yours.’

‘Quadruped. Graminivorous. Forty teeth, namely twenty-four grinders5, four eye-teeth6 , and twelve incisive. Sheds coat7 in the spring; in marshy countries, sheds hoofs8, too. Hoofs hard, but requiring to be shod with iron. Age known by marks in mouth.’ Thus (and muchmore) Bitzer.

‘Now girl number twenty,’ said Mr. Gradgrind. ‘You know what a page horse is.’ […] Thomas Gradgrind nodded his approbation. ‘This is a new principle, a discovery, a great discovery,’ said the gentleman. ‘Now, I’ll try you again. Suppose you were going to carpet a room. Would you use a carpet having a representation of flowers upon it?’ There being a general conviction by this time that ‘No, sir!’ was always the right answer to this gentleman, the chorus of NO was very strong. Only a few feeble stragglers9 said yes: among them Sissy Jupe.

‘Girl number twenty,’ said the gentleman, smiling in the calm strength of knowledge. Sissy blushed, and stood up. ‘So you would carpet your room – or your husband’s room, if you were a grown woman, and had a husband – with representations of page flowers, would you?’ said the gentleman. ‘Why would you?’

‘If you please, sir, I am very fond of flowers,’ returned the girl.

‘And is that why you would put tables and chairs upon them, and have people walking over them with heavy boots?’

‘It wouldn’t hurt them, sir. They wouldn’t crush and wither10, if you please, sir. They would be the pictures of what was very pretty and pleasant, and I would fancy –’ ‘Ay, ay, ay! But you mustn’t fancy,’ cried the gentleman, quite elated by coming so happily to his point. ‘That’s it! You are never to fancy.’ ‘You are not, Cecilia Jupe,’ Thomas Gradgrind solemnly repeated, ‘to do anything of that kind.’ ‘Fact, fact, fact!’ said the gentleman. And ‘Fact, fact, fact!’ repeated Thomas Gradgrind.

(Abridged from Chapter 1)


2 Read the extract and put the events into the correct order.

Mr Gradgrind talks to a girl addressing her as ‘number twenty’.

Bitzer, one of the pupils, provides a definition of a horse.

The girl tells Mr Gradgrind her name.

Mr Gradgrind agrees with the government officer’s proclamation of the supremacy of facts.

The government officer asks the class if a room can have a carpet with flowers on it.

3 Answer the questions.

1 What is Bitzer’s definition of a horse?

2 What kind of questions do the educators ask about carpets? Real or rhetorical?

3 What characterises the educational process in this school? Give evidence.

Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting (1997) is the story of Will Hunting, a self-taught Maths genius who works as a janitor (= bidello, addetto alle pulizie) at MIT, Boston. He usually spends his time drinking with his friends but deliberately sabotages all other interpersonal relationships of his life. He falls in love with Skylar but leaves her to avoid emotional pain; he refuses to develop his potential. Dr Sean Maguire, a psychologist, starts having sessions with the boy and manages to create a special bond with him. Each one helps the other to move on with their emotional lives. Will accepts his own gifts as a genius but most importantly he reunites with Skylar, the woman he loves.

10 wouldn’t … wither: non si schiaccerebbero e non appassirebbero

The class gives two different answers to the government officer’s question about the flowers on the carpet.

1 Mr Gradgrind introduces himself as a man of facts.

Mr Gradgrind corrects the girl about her name.

Mr Gradgrind asks the class what a horse is.

4 What is the nature of education according to Mr Grandgrind? Does the educator-pupil dialogue confirm or contradict this vision?

5 How effective is Dickens’ critique of utilitarianism in your opinion?

6 What pedagogical approach do you prefer among those you have studied?

4 Watch the scene and answer the questions.

1 What does Will want to know?

2 What does he tell the doctor about himself?

3 What does Sean tell him about that?

4 What does Sean repeat to Will?

5 How does the boy react?

6 What do you feel watching this scene? Do you like the way the doctor connects to his patient?

In this moving scene, Sean and Will are talking about their past history of child abuse from their fathers. Will admits that he deliberately provoked his father so that he would beat only him and not his mother, and the doctor helps Will to open up and connect with his feelings of pain.

Bring your memories into the future

1 Read the description of a time capsule. What is its purpose? What is the process? What should it contain?

A time capsule is a container holding documents and things which represent the world you live in, which you bury in the earth to be found by people in the future. Creating a time capsule is a fun and meaningful way to preserve memories, artefacts, and messages for the future. Whether for personal reflection, family legacy, or a community project, follow these steps to make a time capsule that will stand the test of time.

Step 1 Choose your goal and your audience. Why are you making the capsule? To capture a specific moment in time, commemorate an event, or to share something with future generations? Who will open it? You, future generations of your family or school, or the wider community?

Step 2 Decide when it will be opened – in 5, 10, 25, or 50 years from now. Write this date clearly on the capsule and in any associated documents.

Step 3 Choose a suitable container. It must last and be able to withstand environmental conditions, so choose something waterproof and airtight, maybe made of stainless steel or high-quality plastic.

Step 4 Select the contents. Depending on your goal and audience, these could be photos and letters, everyday items, mementos, personal reflections, digital media (avoid perishables or fragile items).

Step 5 Prepare and protect the items. You should label everything with names, dates and descriptions of items for clarity. Wrap items in acid-free paper, airtight bags, or plastic to prevent damage.

Step 6 Choose a safe location for your time capsule and mark it with a map or coordinates.

Step 7 Document and inform. Write a brief description of the capsule, its contents, and the opening date and tell trusted individuals or institutions about the capsule so it isn’t forgotten.

Step 8 Seal and secure. Pack the items carefully to prevent movement and seal the container tightly and label it with the opening date.

Step 9 Celebrate the process. Host an event with friends, family, your school or the community in creating and sealing the capsule. Take photos or videos to document the creation process.

Step 10 Look forward to the future. A time capsule is a special way to connect with the future, offering a glimpse into the past for those who open it. Make it meaningful, secure, and exciting!


2 In pairs or small groups, research online the type of things you want to include in your time capsule. Think about what you would like to know about the life of a young person of your age from the past or about your own life in the future. Here are some ideas:

• ideas for your future self: letters to your future self, question cards, photos, dreams and aspirations, etc.;

• ideas for other generations: fashion trends, newspaper articles, songs in the charts, new discoveries, latest gadgets, etc.


3 Decide what you would like to include in your time capsule and give reasons why in the following table.

Write the items you choose Explain your motivation



4 In your pair or group, select and describe each item you put into your time capsule. You should include the following information:

• what it is;

• when it is from;

• who it belonged to;

• why it is important;

• how you think it could be important in the future.

5 Now follow the step-by-step instructions to develop your time capsule.


6 Host and document the sealing and burying of your time capsules as a class. You can include photos in your school magazine or on your school website. Don’t forget to log the coordinates or a map of the burial site somewhere safe!

Bring your memories into the future

‘The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.’



Getting to know:

• the origins of law

• politics and rights

• human rights

• employment rights

• women’s rights

• the right to integration

• issues related to production and business sectors

• issues related to economics and the business world

• banking

• finance

• marketing

• advertising


Marketing & advertising:

Marketing to Millennials and Zoomers


• Adrienne Rich: poverty, the greatest injustice

• Film Corner

Sorry We Missed You

Contenuti digitali della sezione
Steve Jobs


1 VISIBLE THINKING Look at the photo. See

1 What are the people doing? What do they look like? Think

2 What is their job in your opinion? Wonder

3 What would you like to know about their jobs?


2 Look at the frame. What can you see? Can you guess what this type of building is made of? Have you ever heard about Earthships?

3 Watch the short film about Earthships and answer the questions.

1 Why are these homes sustainable?

2 How are the walls of the Earthships built?

3 What are they using to make the homes affordable and clean?

4 Who is Michael Reynolds?

5 Which natural environment is the Earthship compared to?

6 What energy capacity does the power system give you?

Percorsi interdisciplinari

Imprenditore e azienda

Caratteristiche giuridiche ed economiche del mercato del lavoro

Caratteristiche del mercato del lavoro Diritto

I diritti dei lavoratori

Emarginazione e povertà nelle grandi opere del verismo

Modelli organizzativi aziendali

La gig economy in Italia e in Europa

Gli articoli della Costituzione che parlano di lavoro

Il realismo inglese e il verismo italiano a confronto

La gig economy nel Regno Unito e negli USA Inglese


1 What are laws? Why do we need them? What would happen if we didn’t have them?

The origins of law

The origins of law date back to the earliest human civilisations. Its concept is rooted1 in the need for societies to establish norms and rules that guide acceptable behaviour, ensuring peace, stability and cooperation among individuals and groups.

The earliest known laws were often tied to religious beliefs and reinforced the idea that laws were more than social agreements, reflecting moral principles.

In Ancient Egypt, around 2925 BC, pharaohs2 served as both political and religious leaders, enacting laws based on the concept of Ma’at, an Egyptian goddess central to Egyptian culture, who represented truth, balance and justice.

One of the earliest known legal codes is the Code of Ur-Nammu, created in Mesopotamia around 2100 BC. It outlined punishments for specific crimes and demonstrated the principle of justice as a public concern.

The Code of Hammurabi (circa 1792-1750 BC), also from Mesopotamia, was another important legal code in history. This set of laws addressed various aspects of society, such as family, trade, work, and property; it introduced the concept of proportional justice, i.e. the idea that a punishment should fit the crime. In fact, the well-known biblical expression ‘an eye for an eye’ originates from the Code of Hammurabi, which predates the Bible. This concept was developed through the ages, and recognised in ancient Greek and Roman law as the idea of corrective justice (justitia vindicativa) and distributive justice (justitia distributiva). During the Enlightenment, proportional justice became linked to the idea of the social contract and was later written in the Magna Carta in 1215. Nowadays, the principle of proportionality in law is the idea that an action should not be more severe than necessary, especially in a war or when punishing someone for a crime.

The term Draconian, meaning very severe, comes from traditional Athenian law code supposedly introduced by Draco in around 621 BC. Draconian laws were said to be written in blood, rather than ink, and death was prescribed for almost all criminal offences. Solon, who was the chief magistrate in 594 BC, later repealed7 Draco’s code and published new laws, retaining only Draco’s homicide statutes.

The Twelve Tables were supposedly written by ten commissioners, to protect plebeians, people from lower social classes, who felt their legal rights were decided by a small group of patricians, people from a high social class. These written tables were placed in the Roman Forum for everyone to see.

1 rooted: radicato

2 pharaohs: faraoni

3 canon law: diritto canonico

4 secular laws: leggi laiche

5 due process: processo equo

6 trial by jury: processo per giuria

7 repealed: abrogò

Ancient Greek leaders Draco and Solon codified laws in the 7th century BC to address social inequalities and promote fairness. While in Rome, the Twelve Tables (450 BC) established a formalised legal system accessible to all free citizens, laying the groundwork for modern Western legal systems.

The Magna Carta

As societies became more complex, laws were adapted to regulate commerce, property, and individual rights. Medieval Europe’s canon law3 , Islamic law, and other religious legal systems blended morality with legal obligations, while secular laws4 evolved alongside them.

The 1215 Magna Carta, or Great Charter, is one of the most significant documents in the history of law and governance. It was signed by King John of England and some of his richest barons at Runnymede in Surrey on June 15, 1215. Its aim was to limit the power of the king and protect the rights of the barons, who were fed up with the king’s heavy taxation, arbitrary justice, and military failure, especially as they had to pay for the wars in France. The Magna Carta contained 63 clauses, including protection from unlawful imprisonment, fair taxation, and inheritance rights for the nobility. It also laid the foundation for wider principles of justice. One of its most famous clauses says, ‘No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions (...) except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land’. This established the right to due process5 and trial by jury6, the basis for modern legal systems. Although Pope Innocent III annulled the Magna Carta soon after, it was reissued and reinterpreted over the centuries, influencing legal traditions beyond England. By the 17th century, it had become a symbol of resistance against absolute monarchy. It inspired English constitutional documents like the Petition of Right (1628), establishing protection for individuals against the state; and the Habeas Corpus Act (1679), which allows a person to challenge their detention or imprisonment.

▲ The Code of Hammurabi
▲ The Magna Carta

Its impact also reached the American colonies, where it inspired the founders as they drafted the Constitution (1789), outlining the rights and duties of the American people, and the subsequent Bill of Rights (1791), embedding ideas of limited government and individual rights. Only a few of its original clauses are part of English law today, but its legacy is the global movement of constitutional governance and human rights, protecting citizens from the abuses of authority.


2 Read the text and complete the table with the missing information.


Laws based on Ma’at

Code of Ur-Nammu


Draco and Solon’s laws


(1) Ancient Egypt


around 2925 BC

Mesopotamia (2)


around 1792-1750 BC

Ancient Greece (4) (5) Ancient Rome

450 BC

Magna Carta (6) 1215 (7) England 1628

Habeas Corpus Act England (8)

The Constitution (9) 1789 (10) America 1791


3 Read the text and complete the sentences with words from the text.

1 justice is the idea that a punishment should fit the crime.


2 In Ancient Egypt, served as both political and religious leaders.

3 laws were very severe.

4 were people from lower social classes, whose legal rights were decided by a small group of , people from a high social class.

5 The Great is one of the most significant documents in the history of law and governance.

6 were a type of English nobility.

7 A is a group of people who decide if someone is guilty or not in a trial.

8 A is the system of laws which formally states people’s rights and duties in a country.


4 CRITICAL THINKING & DEBATE Prepare to have a class debate about having a legal system. Divide the class in two groups. One group should prepare an argument in favour of having a legal system, the other group against having a legal system. A few people on each side should open the debate, giving reasons for their position. Then everybody has a chance to give their opinion and vote. Use the boxes below to help you.

‘Is a legal system necessary for modern, civilised societies?’

We need a legal system because it… maintains order and protects people’s rights. helps people make informed decisions and promotes a stable society. provides a fair way for people to resolve disputes. makes society equal for everybody and prevents discrimination. promotes economic stability and growth.


You don’t need a legal system because it… is run by powerful people who can abuse their position and become corrupt. isn’t fair for everyone – it only works for people with money and power. restricts people’s personal freedom and choice. tends to focus on punishing and not rehabilitating people, so they commit crimes again. discriminates against minority groups in society who might have different value systems.

5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online one of the laws mentioned in the text, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• the name of the law; • where and when it was created; • who created it; • what it stated; • why it was fair or not.


1 What rights should people have in society? Read the text and check your answers.


The Civil Rights Movement was a struggle for social justice that took place, mainly during the 1950s and 1960s, for Black Americans to gain equal rights in the United States.

The American Civil War officially abolished slavery, but it didn’t end discrimination against Black people, who continued to suffer the devastating effects of racism, especially in the South. By the mid-20th century, Black Americans mobilised and began a twodecade fight for equality. Two of the main protagonists of this movement were M. L. King and Rosa Parks

See p. 176

1 accountable: tenuto a rispondere

2 freedom of speech: libertà di parola

3 freedom of assembly: diritto d’assemblea

4 constrained: limitati

5 suppression: repressione

6 freedom of the press: libertà di stampa

Politics and rights

The concept of ‘politics’ includes all the activities of a government in managing a country or a society. Your rights are to be treated in a fair, morally acceptable and legal way, so that everyone can enjoy their fundamental rights (the right to study, work, feel safe in their own home, etc.). Politics and rights are interconnected, as governments play a central role in defining, protecting and sometimes limiting the rights of individuals. In many societies, rights are written as laws, constitutions, and international agreements. The aim of these is to ensure justice, equality, and freedom for all citizens.

In democratic systems, citizens can participate directly in shaping laws and policies that protect their rights through voting, advocacy and public debate. The idea is that political systems should represent the interests of the people and create a government which is accountable1 to them. Fundamental rights, such as freedom of speech2, assembly3, and the right to vote, enable citizens to engage in the political process and demand these things of their politicians. This enables individuals not only to express their opinions but also to change things, pushing for greater protection or new rights as societies evolve. For example, the Civil Rights Movement, successfully fought for justice and equality for African Americans because people could advocate politically for equal rights.

In non-democratic or authoritarian systems rights are often constrained4 by the political elite or ruling authorities, even limiting individuals’ freedom to challenge those in power. Political suppression5 of rights, like freedom of expression and freedom of the press6 often results in a lack of accountability, which leads to abuses of power and repression. International organisations like the United Nations play an essential role in promoting human rights worldwide, setting standards for nations and providing mechanisms to address rights violations when political systems fail.

See pp. 224-227

The relationship between politics and rights is constantly evolving, shaped by the values, beliefs, and historical context of each society. As we face new challenges, such as issues of privacy, digital rights, and social equality, the political sphere must protect and expand our rights to meet these changing needs. Politics and rights remain inseparable, with the balance between them reflecting humanity’s ongoing search for justice, freedom, and respect for human dignity.

2 INVALSI Read again and decide whether the statements (1-6) are true (T) or false (F), then write the first four words of the sentence which supports your decision.

1 Governments decide what rights individuals have in society. T F Politics and rights are

2 Citizens have very little power over governments even in democratic systems. T F

3 Equal rights for African Americans were achieved thanks to the Civil Rights Movement. T F

4 People are prevented from saying or writing what they want in authoritarian states. T F

5 The UN can do little to protect people’s rights in the world. T F

6 We need new privacy, digital and equality rights in our changing society. T F READING COMPREHENSION


3 Listen to a radio programme about human rights and decide if the information is true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

1 Gandhi’s campaign for Indian independence lasted several decades. T F NG

2 The International Labour Organisation focused on adult workers. T F NG

3 Martin Luther King Jr died before there were any changes in the civil rights laws. T F NG

4 Greenpeace’s first campaign was against nuclear testing. T F NG

5 Participants in the 1970s Miss World contest protested about the objectification of women. T F NG

6 Nelson Mandela became president of South Africa while still in prison. T F NG

7 Thirty-six countries have recognised same-sex marriage. T F NG

Human rights

Humanitarian laws and human rights are fundamental frameworks1 developed to protect the dignity, well-being, and freedom of individuals, especially in times of conflict and crisis, but they have a different focus and application.

Humanitarian law, also known as the law of armed conflict or international humanitarian law (IHL), specifically governs conduct during war. It is designed to limit the effects on civilians and protect those who are not actively participating in hostilities, such as prisoners of war, the wounded2 and medical personnel. The Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols, established in the 20th century, are central to humanitarian law, setting rules that combatants and states must follow in order to minimise harm to civilians. Violations of these laws, such as targeting3 civilians, or torturing prisoners, are considered war crimes, and international bodies like the International Criminal Court (ICC) work to prosecute4 such offences5

In contrast, human rights are the basic freedoms and protections that apply to individuals at all times, in peace or conflict. Rights set out in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) include the right to life, freedom from torture, freedom of expression, and the right to a fair trial. These rights are universal, which means they are guaranteed to all individuals, regardless of their background, nationality, or circumstances.

Together, humanitarian law and human rights represent an international commitment to protect human dignity and prevent suffering. Yet as new conflicts and challenges emerge globally, we are reminded of our shared global responsibility to defend and adapt them in a complex world.

1 frameworks: quadri

2 wounded: feriti


3 targeting: prendere di mira

4 prosecute: perseguire

5 offences: violazioni

2 Read again and decide if the information is true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

1 Humanitarian law governs conduct during war.

2 It has protected many civilians in conflicts.

3 Breaking humanitarian laws in wartime is permitted.

4 The ICC has successfully prosecuted many war criminals.

5 Human rights are universals, as they are the same for everybody.

6 Only governments are responsible for protecting humanitarian law and human rights.








1 What are humanitarian laws and human rights? Read the text and check your answers.

The International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutes serious international crimes, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Established in response to the atrocities committed in the 1990s in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, it began work in 2003. LOOK

The Geneva Conventions, adopted in 1949 after World War II, with two additional Protocols in 1977 and 2005, are a set of international laws that establish how civilians and soldiers should be treated during armed conflict.

3 Put the words from the box in the correct category: people, positive things, negative things. civilian • combatant • conflict • crisis • dignity • fair trial • freedom • harm • hostilities medical personnel • prisoner of war • suffering • torture • war • wounded • well-being VOCABULARY people: civilian,


4 Listen to a simplified, short version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and complete the missing information using no more than four words. Then listen again and check.

• We are all born (1) . These rights belong to everybody, whatever our (2)

• Nobody has any right to hurt or torture us or (3)

• The (4) is the same for everyone. It must treat (5)

• We all have the right to go where we want to (6) and to travel abroad as we wish.

• We all have the right to believe in (7) , or to change it if we wish.

• We all have the right to (8) minds, to think what we like, to say what we think.

• We all have the right to (9) . Nobody can make us (10) if we don’t want to.

• We all have the right to enough (11) and healthcare.

• We all have the right to education. We should be able to make use of (12)

• We have a duty to (13) , and we should protect their rights and freedoms.


1 What rights should people who work have? Read the text and check your answers.


One in six people worldwide experience discrimination in some form, with women and people with disabilities disproportionately affected. Promoting diversity, equity and inclusion throughout business operations is an important step in tackling inequality and eliminating discrimination worldwide.

It is estimated that around 5 million people work within what is commonly referred to as the gig economy, a labour market characterised by the prevalence of short-term contracts or freelance work as opposed to permanent jobs. This might be attractive to employers looking to cut or limit staffing costs, but leads to worker insecurity due to a lack of rights, zero-hour contracts, and rights of substitution. Many organisations are currently changing and reviewing such contracts.


Human trafficking is the use of violence, threats or coercion to transport, recruit or hide people to exploit them for prostitution, labour, crime, marriage or organ removal. Forced labour is any work or services people are forced to do against their will, usually under threat of punishment. Debt bondage/Bonded labour is the world’s most widespread form of slavery; people borrow money and are forced to work to pay off their debt. Child slavery is when a child is exploited for someone else’s gain. This can include child trafficking, child soldiers, child marriage and child domestic slavery.

1 trade union: sindacato

2 child labour: lavoro minorile

3 strike: scioperare

4 repealed: abrogò

5 walkout: astensione dal lavoro

6 wage: stipendio

7 gender equality: parità di genere

8 redundancy pay: pagamento della cassa integrazione

9 notice periods: periodi di preavviso

Employment rights

Employment rights in the UK have evolved significantly over time, shaped by a combination of legal reforms, economic need, and social activism. Designed to protect employees from unfair treatment and promote safe working environment, the key areas of employment rights are fair pay, safe working conditions, protection from discrimination, and the right to join a trade union1

The foundation of modern employment rights in the UK began during the Industrial Revolution, when factory workers, including children, faced extremely poor working conditions. Laws like the Factory Acts (1802-1961) began to limit working hours, improve safety, and restrict child labour2

The Trade Disputes Acts (1906-1976) formally recognised the right of workers to strike3 without fear of repercussions. These laws gave significant power to trade unions and signalled important changes to employment rights in the UK, although the government also repealed4 these rights at crucial times in history. Notably this happened in response to the General Strike of 1926, which began on 3rd May 1926 and lasted nine days. It saw a historic walkout5 by British workers, representing the dissatisfaction of millions with poor working conditions and low pay, highlighting the need for change across the country. It also occurred under Margaret Thatcher’s government, following the so-called Winter of Discontent, the name given to a series of strikes in1978-1979 against the Labour government’s wage6 limits.

More recently the controversial Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act, passed in July 2023 by the former Conservative government, introduced minimum service levels (MSLs) for certain public services during strikes. It gave employers in ambulance, fire and rescue and border services new powers to force people to work on strike days by issuing ‘work notices’. However, the law was repealed by the new Labour government in 2024.

Safety and gender equality

Gender equality7 in the workplace was written into law with the Equal Pay Act (1970), which attempted to eliminate wage disparities between men and women doing similar work. The 1970s also saw the introduction of the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), which introduced requirements for employers to ensure safe working conditions.

The Employment Rights Act (1996) is one of the most important pieces of UK employment law, consolidating earlier laws to protect workers from unfair dismissal, guarantee redundancy pay8, and to outline notice periods9

In 1998, the Labour government introduced the National Minimum Wage Act, which established a minimum wage across the UK to combat low pay. It has since been updated to include the National Living Wage for workers over 21, ensuring fairer pay rates. The national minimum wage is the minimum pay per hour almost all workers are entitled to. It does not matter how small the business of an employer is, they still have to pay the correct minimum wage. The national living wage is higher than the national minimum wage, workers get it if they are 21 and over. It is a voluntary standard, based on the cost of living, but it is not a legally enforceable minimum level of pay.

The Equality Act (2010) brought together various anti-discrimination laws, making it illegal to discriminate against employees based on age, race, gender, disability, or sexual orientation, among other protected characteristics. This includes: making hiring practices fair and transparent; treating employees with respect and dignity; removing barriers to employment and enabling flexibility such as working from home (WFH); and actively promoting equality and inclusion.

As part of the European Union, the UK adopted the EU’s Working Time Directive (EWTD) in 1998, which limited working hours, introduced mandatory rest breaks and paid holidays. The EWTD created measures designed to protect the health and safety of workers and to ‘improve health and safety at work’ by introducing the following minimum rules for employees:

• a maximum of 48 hours work a week, including overtime;

• 11 hours continuous rest in every 24-hour period;

• minimum 20-minute break when a shift10 exceeds six hours;

• minimum 24-hour rest every 7 days or a minimum 48-hour rest every 14 days;

• minimum four weeks paid annual leave;

• maximum 8-hour work in 24 hours for night workers.

Although the UK left the EU in 2020, most of these rules remain protected by UK law. This is despite an increased reliance on people with zero-hour contracts and/or working in the gig economy.


Domestic work and domestic servitude can be an important source of income for many people. However, working in another person’s home can make someone vulnerable to abuses, exploitation, and slavery, because they are hidden from sight and don’t have legal protection.

Although we might think that slavery is a thing of the past, there are currently almost 50 million people trapped in modern slavery worldwide. This is when an individual is exploited by others, for personal or commercial gain. They might be because they are tricked or forced into losing their freedom. This includes but is not limited to human trafficking, forced labour and debt bondage. 10 shift: turno di lavoro


2 INVALSI Read again and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 When did modern employment rights start? During the Industrial Revolution.

2 Whose work did the Factory Acts limit?

3 How long did the General Strike last?

4 How did the Equal Pay Act help women?

5 Which act protected workers from unfair dismissal?

6 What are things like age, race, gender, disability categorised as in the Equality Act (2010)?

7 Why might the rules of the EWTD change in the UK?

8 Who are currently being exploited by others for personal or commercial gain?


3 Match the words in the box to the definitions (1-10).

1 people who work for others employees

2 organisations who protect the rights of workers

3 to stop doing your job for a period of time, usually to get better pay or conditions

4 loosing your job through no fault of your own

5 money you get when you lose your job

6 the time you must work before leaving your job

7 the work you do beyond your usual hours

8 a specific period of work for a group of people

9 working short-term contracts or freelance work

10 a contract where the employer does not have to give regular work for the employee


4 LIFE SKILLS – SELF-AWARENESS In pairs, talk about a period of work experience you have done or would like to do.

I did/would like to do a two-week period of work experience in a legal studio, where…


5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online the current employment rights in your country, then give a presentation to the class. You should find out:

• what laws protect workers;

• what flexibility there is in working hours and location;

• if there are trade unions and the right to strike for all occupations;

• which type of jobs are part of the gig economy and if/how it is regulated;

• if there is a minimum wage or a minimum living wage.


1 How are the lives of women in your generation different to those of your mothers or grandmothers? Read the text and check your answers.

Domestic abuse isn’t always physical. Coercive control is an act or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten the victim. Coercive and controlling behaviour is at the heart of most domestic abuse.

In 2006, the ‘me too’ movement was founded by American sexual abuse survivor and activist, Tarana Burke. In 2017, the #MeToo went viral as a way to draw attention to the magnitude of the problem of sexual assault and harassment against women, especially in the workplace.

When Sarah Everard was murdered in 2021 by a serving Metropolitan Police officer, Reclaim These Streets (RTS) was formed to hold a vigil7 for Sarah and all women affected by male violence. The Metropolitan Police told organisers it would be illegal under COVID restrictions and forcibly removed women at the vigil. There followed a report labelling the Metropolitan Police as institutionally racist, sexist and homophobic. It has since initiated training to improve the internal culture regarding sexism and misogyny.

Women’s rights

The journey to female emancipation has been complex and challenging. Women’s struggle for equal rights began centuries ago, with individuals and groups advocating for fundamental freedoms and recognition in social, economic, and political life. Progress has included not only gaining the legal right to vote and work, but also establishing protections in the workplace, securing reproductive rights, and fighting gender-based discrimination. Here is some of the key legislation which has shaped women’s rights in the UK.

The Married Women’s Property Acts (1870, 1882) allowed married women to own and control property in their own names. Previously, all property belonged to their husbands when they married. This was a pivotal step towards legally recognising women as individuals. After years of campaigning by the Suffragettes, women over the age of 30 gained the right to vote through the Representation of the People Act (1918). Between 1903 and 1914, the Suffragette Movement used radical protest tactics and creative publicity campaigns to demand women’s right to vote in the UK. ‘Deeds1 not words’ was their motto, and over 1,300 women went to prison for the cause, many going on hunger strike2 Emmeline Pankhurst was a key figure in the 19061914 militant campaign to secure women the right to vote in Britain. Along with her daughter Christabel, Emmeline founded and then led the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU), whose followers became known as Suffragettes. Emmeline’s powerful speeches converted3 many to the cause, while her and Christabel’s radical tactics transformed women’s struggle for the vote, also known as women’s suffrage4 Emily Wilding Davison is remembered as the suffragette who stepped in front of the King’s horse during an important race known as the Epsom Derby in 1913. It was the last of many efforts to win women the right to vote, as she died from her injuries just days later. A decade later, the Representation of the People (Equal Franchise) Act of 1928 extended voting rights to all women over 21, the same as men.

The Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act (1919) finally allowed women to enter professions from which they had previously been barred5, such as law and the civil service6. It was a step toward gender equality in the workplace and in educational institutions, allowing women to build careers in fields previously closed to them. The Abortion Act (1967) represented a major step for women’s reproductive rights, legalising abortion in the whole of the UK (excluding Northern Ireland, which later implemented abortion laws in 2019). This gave women control over family planning and reproductive health.

1 deeds: fatti

2 hunger strike: sciopero della fame

3 converted: convertirono

4 suffrage: suffragio

5 barred: escluse

6 civil service: amministrazione dello stato

7 vigil: veglia

The Equal Pay Act (1970), as previously mentioned, made it illegal to pay women less than men for the same work. It was inspired by a strike by women workers at the Ford Dagenham plant in 1968, and became a fundamental component of women’s workplace rights. A film called Made in Dagenham (2010) highlighted the struggle behind the legislation. See p. 173 The Sex Discrimination Act (1975) prohibited discrimination on the grounds of sex or marital status in employment, education, and training. It was a significant move to fight inequality and laid the groundwork for many of the rights women have today. More recently, the UK has focused on closing the gender pay gap with the introduction of mandatory gender pay gap reporting for large companies in 2017.

The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004), built on earlier domestic violence legislation, introduced stronger measures to protect women from domestic abuse and to improve victims’ rights. Additionally, the Domestic Abuse Act (2021) strengthened protections against various forms of abuse, including coercive control.

While major advances have been made through a combination of activism and legislative change, challenges remain, particularly in addressing issues such as gender-based violence and pay disparity. The rise of movements such as #MeToo and Reclaim These Streets is testimony to this.


2 Read again and complete the table with the missing information.


Date Change

The Married Women’s Property Act (1870, 1882) (1) allowed married women to own property

The Representation of the People Act (2) granted voting rights for women over 30. (3)

The Equal Franchise Act


The Equal Pay Act

1919 allowed women to enter legal profession and the civil service.

1928 (4)

1967 legalised abortion in the UK, not NI.

1970 (6) (7)

1975 ended discrimination in work, education or training.

The Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (8) protected women from domestic abuse. (9)

The Domestic Abuse Act


3 Read the article and answer the questions.

2017 introduced mandatory reporting for all large companies.

2021 (10)

The BBC’s Gender Pay Gap Scandal

The publication of the BBC’s highest-earning presenters revealed an imbalance between the numbers of men and women at the top of the list.

19 July 2017 – Male TV and radio presenter, Chris Evans, topped the list of best-paid stars earning between £12.2m and £12.25m a year. Meanwhile the highest-paid female celebrity TV and radio presenter, Claudia Winkleman, earned between £450,000 and £500,000. In fact, the report revealed that about two-thirds of stars earning more than £150,000, and all of the top seven earners were male.

20 July 2017 – The BBC warned that the best-paid male presenters could be asked to accept lower wages in an attempt to close the pay gap. The BBC pledged to achieve equality between men and women on air.

23 July 2017 – Some of the BBC’s most high-profile female personalities called on the corporation to ‘act now’ to deal with the gender pay gap.

6 September 2017 – The BBC announced sweeping pay reviews following a report on the gender pay gap among staff and a separate audit covering other aspects of equal pay. In response, female BBC presenters demand ‘real change’ before the end of the year.

4 October 2017 – A report into the corporation’s staff pay found that men working for the BBC earned an average 9.3% more than women. The figure covered all staff, on and off air, and was put down to the fact there are more men in senior jobs.

8 January 2018 – The BBC’s China editor, Carrie Gracie, resigned from her post, citing pay inequality with male colleagues. She said she was dismayed to discover the BBC’s two male international editors earned ‘at least 50% more’ than their two female counterparts.

9 January 2018 – Radio 4’s You and Yours presenter Winifred Robinson was told she couldn’t host a programme about gender pay, a day after posting her views about Carrie Gracie and the BBC. The BBC said it replaced Robinson because of impartiality issues.

1 How much did the highest paid man and woman earn at the BBC?

2 What did the BBC warn might happen?

3 Why do men earn more than women on average at the BBC?

4 How did this compare with the national average?

5 Who resigned from the BBC and why?

9 January 2018 – Culture secretary Matthew Hancock said ‘much more action’ was needed by the BBC to address claims of pay inequality.

9 January 2018 – The Equality and Human Rights Commission said it would consider whether further action was required based on the corporation’s response. Gracie, who has alleged ‘unlawful pay discrimination’, thanked the EHRC for ‘demanding facts on BBC pay’.

12 January 2018 – Two of the BBC’s high-profile male journalists were recorded discussing the gender pay gap. It was reported that before the Today programme on 8th January, presenter John Humphrys asked North America editor Jon Sopel how much money he was prepared to ‘hand over’ to keep Gracie as China editor.

26 January 2018 – Six of the BBC’s leading male presenters agreed to take pay cuts following the revelations about equal salaries.

30 January 2018 – A report published by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) concluded that there was no gender bias regarding pay decisions at the BBC, below senior management level. But the BBC’s approach to setting pay in general ‘has been far from perfect’.

The BBC said it would take action, involving substantial pay cuts for some men, and pay rises for some men and women. It would also accelerate progress towards equal representation of men and women at all levels.

31 January 2018 – Carrie Gracie gave evidence to the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, telling MPs she felt the BBC’s response to her grievance was ‘an insult’. She also said a grievance process over pay concluded that the reason she was paid less than male counterparts was that she had been deemed to be ‘in development’.

That justification was ‘an insult to add to the original injury’, she said, adding: ‘It is unacceptable to talk to your senior women like that’.

29 June 2018 – The BBC said sorry for underpaying Gracie, adding that it ‘has now put this right’ by giving her back pay. She donated the full, undisclosed amount covering several years of backdated pay to the Fawcett Society, a charity that campaigns for gender equality and women’s rights.

Source: www.bbc.co.uk/newsK

6 Why did the BBC not allow Winifred Robinson to host a programme about gender pay?

7 Which organisation was considering action against the BBC?

8 How did Carrie Gracie describe the BBC’s response to her grievance?


1 Where have people migrated from to the United Kingdom? Read the text and check your answers.

The right to integration

Colonialism and decolonisation

Colonialism and immigration are deeply intertwined1 in Britain’s past and present, shaping its social, cultural, and economic aspects. From the height of the British Empire to today’s multicultural society, the legacy of colonial rule2 has left a lasting impact on immigration patterns, national identity, and cultural diversity within the United Kingdom.

1 intertwined: correlati

2 colonial rule: governo coloniale

3 peak: apice

4 descent: discendenza

5 shortages: mancanza

On 20th April 1968, as the Race Relations Bill was working its way through parliament, the Wolverhampton MP Enoch Powell addressed a Conservative Party meeting in Birmingham. The speech used controversial language and violent imagery to strongly oppose mass immigration into Britain, particularly from the Commonwealth, and raised the spectre of a ‘race war’ (in part through his use of the phrase ‘like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood’). As a result of the speech Powell was sacked from the Conservative Shadow Cabinet.

At its peak3 in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the British Empire controlled vast territories across Asia, Africa, Australasia, and the Americas. This expansion brought wealth and resources to Britain, whilst establishing a complex network of relationships with people from colonised countries.

The British Empire began in the late 1500s under Queen Elizabeth I. The aim of it was to gain more money, power and to spread Christianity and the British ways of life. By 1913 the empire had grown to rule over 400 million people, making it the largest empire in history. It was known as ‘the empire on which the sun never sets’. The British government and society benefited economically from the empire, at the expense of the colonised people, who had British laws and customs imposed upon them, lost their ability to govern themselves and were often violently oppressed. The process of decolonisation was gradual and peaceful for some British colonies, but for others with strong nationalist movements, it became extremely violent. See p. 196

The process of decolonisation, marking the end of the British Empire, started when the countries with large white populations of European descent4 were given dominion status and became ‘autonomous communities’. The first was Canada in 1867, then Australia in 1901 and South Africa in 1910. In 1926, the Commonwealth of Nations was established between Britain and all of its dominion states.

This was an agreement that all of the dominion states in the Commonwealth were considered equal. After WWII, as decolonisation gained momentum and Britain gradually withdrew from its colonies, many people from former colonies like the Caribbean, India, and Africa migrated to Britain. They came in search of economic opportunities and security, responding to Britain’s post-war labour shortages5

Immigration, discrimination and integration

The first large wave of migrants, known as the Windrush generation, arrived in the late 1940s and 1950s. The name Windrush comes from the HMT Empire Windrush ship, which brought one of the first large groups of Caribbean people to the UK in 1948. These people arrived in the UK between 1948 and 1973, invited by the government to help rebuild post-war Britain. See p. 204 The British Nationality Act (1948) gave people from the Commonwealth the right to live and work in Britain. Many became manual workers, drivers, cleaners and nurses in the newly established NHS.

Under the Immigration Act (1971), foreign nationals ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK on 1st January 1973 (the date that the act came into force) were given ‘settled status’ and indefinite leave to remain. However, many people were not issued with any documentation confirming this status, and the Home Office did not keep a register. In 2017, it emerged that hundreds of Commonwealth citizens, many from the Windrush generation, were wrongly detained, deported and denied legal rights many years after they came to the UK. In 2018, the government apologised and started a compensation scheme for the ‘Windrush’ generation.

These immigrants brought rich cultural diversity, but faced discrimination, limited housing and job opportunities, and hostility from parts of British society. Political and social tensions emerged, highlighting the difficult relationship between Britain’s colonial past and its modern multicultural reality.

In response to discrimination, Britain introduced anti-racist legislation, beginning with the Race Relations Act in 1965, which banned racial discrimination in public places and made promoting


racial hatred a crime. The 1968 Race Relations Act focused on eradicating discrimination in housing and employment. This was followed by the Race Relations Act of 1976, which extended the definition to include indirect discrimination.

Despite the introduction of these new acts, there was still no law against racial discrimination by the police. In 1999, the Macpherson Report, prompted by the police investigation of the racially motivated murder of a young black man, Stephen Lawrence, concluded that the Metropolitan Police force was ‘institutionally racist’. As a result, the Race Relations (Amendment) Act was passed, which placed a duty on public authorities to actively promote race equality.

Today, British society is increasingly multicultural, with a rich mix of ethnicities, languages, and traditions. The 2016 referendum on British membership of the European Union brought issues of immigration, national identity, and cultural diversity into sharp focus. The resulting Brexit was fuelled6 by concerns about immigration from EU countries, as well as by wider questions about Britain’s identity in a globalised world. Throughout the campaign, rhetoric around ‘taking back control’ of Britain’s borders often intersected7 with nationalist and anti-immigrant sentiments, leading to a rise in reported hate crimes8 and discriminatory incidents.

Non-British EU citizens, many of whom had been living and working in the UK for years, suddenly faced uncertainty about their status. Meanwhile non-European migrants, and British-born ethnic minorities also experienced the effects of this hostile climate, feeling that ‘integration’ was expected on terms that overlook their own cultural identities. The Brexit process has also brought stricter immigration rules, which challenge the concept of integration, as they can be perceived as signals that immigrants and ethnic minorities are not welcome. Brexit has also reignited9 debates around identity, prompting many to question what it means to be British in a multicultural society. The long-term impact of Brexit on Britain will depend on the policies and attitudes that build an inclusive society where diversity is seen as a strength, rather than a point of division.


2 INVALSI Read again and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for questions 1-6.

1 When was the British Empire at its height?

A 1500s


2 Which colony gained some independence first?

A Australia


3 Why did many of the Windrush generation come to the UK?




On 22nd April 1993, 18-year-old Stephen Lawrence was killed by a gang of white men in a racist attack while waiting for a bus with a friend in London. After Stephen’s death, police started to investigate suspects who they believed were responsible for the attack. But Stephen Lawrence’s family felt that not enough was being done to capture Stephen’s killers. Many people believed the police treated Stephen’s case differently because he was black – and that some officers acted in a racist way.

6 fuelled: alimentata

7 intersected: si è incrociata

8 hate crimes: crimini di odio

9 reignited: riacceso


South Africa

A to work in hospitals B to study English C to fight in a war D to escape poverty

4 Which Race Relations Act focused on indirect discrimination?

A 1965


5 What led to a new debate around immigration and integration?


A the Windrush generation B Brexit C Enoch Powell’s speech D the Macpherson Report

6 Who suddenly found they might not be able to stay in the UK?

A British-born ethnic minorities B British nationalists C non-British EU citizens D non-European migrants


3 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION – THINKING ROUTINE In small groups, discuss what you have just read.

• Connect: How are the ideas and information presented connected to what you already knew?

• Extend: What new information pushed your thinking in new directions?

• Challenge: What is still challenging or confusing for you? What questions do you still have?

I already knew a bit about the colonial history of Great Britain and its links to modern integration and racism, but…


4 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online one of the events in the box. Then give a short presentation to the class.

Enoch Powell’s Rivers of blood speech • the controversy around statues in the UK the death of Stephen Lawrence • the end of the British Empire • the Windrush Scandal


1 Write examples of things that you need and things that you want. Then read the introduction to the text and check your answers.

Production and business sectors

Production is the process of creating goods or services to meet the needs and wants of society. In any economy, production converts resources into items that fulfill1 basic needs, like food and shelter; or wants, like luxury goods and entertainment. To do this effectively, production involves various inputs, outputs, transformation processes, resources and sectors that interact to drive economic growth.

At its core2, production aims to satisfy needs, which are essential items people require to survive and are typically universal and constant, such as food, water, and shelter. Production also targets people’s wants, non-essential things which add to quality of life and vary according to personal preferences and social influences, like electronics, vehicles, or forms of entertainment.

1 fulfill: soddisfano

2 at its core: al suo centro

3 raw materials: materie prime

4 entrepreneurship: capacità imprenditoriale

5 milling: macinare

6 refining: affinare

7 harvesting: raccolta

In any production process, inputs refer to the resources and raw materials3 needed to create goods or services. These include natural resources (like wood or minerals), human resources (labour), capital (machinery and equipment), and entrepreneurship4. The output is the final product or service that results from combining these inputs through various processes. For example, in a bakery, inputs include ingredients (flour, water salt and yeast), labour (the bakers), and machinery (ovens). The output would be bread or pastries, ready to meet customers‘ needs and wants.

The transformation process is the series of activities and operations that convert inputs into final outputs. This process varies by industry and production type, but aims to add value by enhancing the product, increasing convenience, or providing essential services:

• physical transformation: changing the physical state or composition of materials, such as milling5 grain into flour or assembling car parts;

• chemical transformation: altering the chemical structure of materials, as seen in industries like pharmaceuticals or food processing;

• information transformation: processing and refining6 data, like in IT services or research institutions;

• time transformation: allowing items to age or mature, like wine production;

• ownership transformation: when the right to use or benefit from a product is transferred, as in retail and trade.

The production process relies on four main factors, working together in unique combinations across different industries to generate outputs efficiently:

• land: all natural resources, including minerals, forests, and water;

• labour: human effort used in production, which includes both physical and intellectual contributions;

• capital: tools, machinery, and buildings used in production. This is not just money but rather the physical assets that enable production;

• enterprise: the initiative to combine these factors, take risks, and innovate to create products and services.

Production is often categorised into four main sectors, which play a role in ensuring that products and services move from raw materials to consumer-ready items in an efficient and interconnected economy:

• primary, which involves the extraction and harvesting7 of natural resources (e.g. agriculture, mining, and fishing);

• secondary, which focuses on manufacturing and construction, turning raw materials into finished goods (e.g. car manufacturing or food processing);

• tertiary, which comprises services that support the economy, like retail, healthcare, and banking;

• quaternary, which involves knowledge-based services, such as information technology, research, and education.

Production processes are complex, requiring a balanced combination of inputs, strategic use of the production and transformation process, which ultimately deliver finished products to meet the diverse needs and wants of society. Understanding these aspects helps businesses and individuals make informed decisions that align with economic goals and societal needs.


2 INVALSI Read the text and decide whether the statements (1-6) are true (T) or false (F), then write the first four words of the sentence which supports your decision.

1 Desires are things we must have to improve the quality of our lives.

Production also targets people’s

2 The input in a bakery are ingredients, people and machines.



3 A chemical transformation process changes the physical state or composition of materials. T F

4 The ageing of wine is an example of time transformation. T F

5 Capital is the money factor in a business.

6 The tertiary sector involves finance, shopping and well-being.

3 MEDIATING TEXTS Complete the table based on your understanding of the text.

Sector Typology

Primary extraction and harvesting








4 Match the words in the box to the definitions (1-8). capital • enterprise • entrepreneurship • input • labour • land • output • transformation

1 the process of converting resources into a finished product or service transformation

2 physical or mental work done by people to produce goods or services

3 the resources and raw materials needed for production

4 the final product or service created through the production process

5 the natural resources used in production, such as minerals, forests, and water

6 tools, machinery, and equipment used in the production process

7 the initiative and risk-taking needed to organise and manage the factors of production

8 the ability to set up business and business deals


5 CRITICAL THINKING – DECISION-MAKING Work in small groups. Imagine you are starting a new business that creates a product or provides a service. Prepare to present your idea to the class. Include the following information:

• the needs and wants your product or service meets;

• the input you will need (materials, resources, and equipment);

• the transformation process (steps required in creating your product or delivering your service) to achieve the output;

• the land, labour, capital, and enterprise you will need in this process.

6 COLLABORATION & COMMUNICATION Present your ideas to the class. Be prepared to answer any questions. At the end of the presentations, vote for the best product/service.

Our idea is to provide a city garden for young people, run by young people to meet the need of a safe, inexpensive place to hang out and…

Economics and the business world

1 What do you know about planned economy, free market economy and mixed economy systems?

Read the text and check your answers. WARM UP

Public sector companies are organisations owned and operated by the government, serving to provide essential goods or services to the public, rather than making profit. These companies are established in sectors crucial to national interests, like healthcare, education, transport, utilities, and defence. Examples include the Royal Mail postal service and the BBC.

The third sector, also known as the voluntary or non-profit sector, comprises organisations that operate independently of the government and private businesses. They focus on social, environmental, cultural, or humanitarian goals rather than profit. Third sector entities include charities like Cancer Research UK, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) like Greenpeace, social enterprises like Fairtrade, and community groups, like sports clubs. They often address societal needs, provide public services, or advocate for social change. Their funding varies, but tends to rely on donations, grants5 , volunteer work, or government funding.

1 allocation: distribuzione

2 supply and demand: domanda

e offerta

3 profit motives: scopi di profitto

4 self-interest: interesse personale

5 grants: sovvenzioni


Economics comes from the Greek word oikonomikós, meaning ‘of a household manager’. It is the study of how money, industry and trade are organised in society; it is concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and how to use resources to meet social and private goals. It is closely linked to other fields such as business, political science, geography, mathematics, sociology and psychology. Business refers to an organisation or enterprise engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. The purpose of a business is to organise some sort of economic production of goods or services. Businesses can be for-profit or non-profit organisations, like charities; and they can be just one person or huge multinational companies.

Economic systems

There are three main types of economic systems: planned economy, free market economy and mixed economy. Each system differs in how it manages resources, production, and distribution, which influences a country’s approach to balancing economic growth with social welfare.

A In a planned or command economy, the government controls all aspects of economic production, including resource allocation1, production levels, and prices. The government typically owns all major industries and decides what goods and services will be produced and how they will be distributed, with the goal of meeting societal needs rather than profit. The theories of Karl Marx see p. 37 were influential in the development of socialist and communist economies of this kind, such as North Korea.

B In a free market economy, decisions on production, investment, and distribution are driven by market forces, with minimal government intervention. Individuals and businesses freely make choices based on supply and demand2 and profit motives3, leading to competition and innovation. Prices are set by the market and fluctuate according to consumer demand and availability of goods and services. Adam Smith see p. 162 advocated for such minimal government intervention, arguing that the ‘invisible hand’ of individual self-interest4 would lead to efficient resource allocation and economic growth, as can be seen in Hong Kong.

C A mixed economy combines elements of both planned and free market systems. While private businesses operate largely in a free market environment, the government steps in to regulate and manage essential industries, provide public goods, and ensure social welfare. This balance allows for economic freedom while addressing social needs and correcting market failures. English economist and philosopher, John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) see p. 163 , argued that free markets could sometimes fail, leading to unemployment and economic downturns, so he proposed that government intervention could stabilise the economy, especially during periods of recession. His ideas shaped the foundation of mixed economies, such as the USA, where the government regulates and provides services alongside private enterprise.

2 INVALSI Read again and decide which text (A-C) mentions...

1 a combination of government intervention and market freedom. C

2 a light touch from governments.

3 that it is particularly effective during periods of economic recession.

4 socialist and communist economic theories.

5 that people and companies decide what to produce, buy and sell.

6 that the government owns and controls the country’s industries.



3 Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.

1 Resource allocation / production is the process of assigning available resources to achieve business objectives.

2 In a planned / free market economy people make choices based on supply and demand.

3 Intervention / Investment is putting money, effort or time into something to make a profit.

4 Prices of goods fluctuate / stabilise according to changes in customer demand.

5 Public goods / Social welfare are services provided by the government to help people.

6 A period of economic growth / recession is when conditions are good for business.

A planned economy is good because it considers people’s social needs and not making a profit, but… YOUR VOICE

4 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In pairs, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different economic systems you read about.


5 Listen to an interview about different types of private companies and fill in the the gaps (1-8) using no more than four words. Then listen again and check.

Private companies

Each type of private sector company has a distinct approach to ownership, liability6, and operations, catering to various goals and market demands.

Sole traders own and run their company as an individual with complete control. It is the most common form of (1) , because it is simple, but it lacks liability protection.

Partnerships7 involve two or more individuals sharing ownership. In unlimited partnerships, partners are jointly responsible for debts, while in limited partnerships, certain partners may have liability limited to their investment. Partnerships are common in professional services like (2) .

Cooperatives are owned and operated by members who share (3) . The focus is on mutual benefit, rather than maximising profit. They are common in agriculture, retail, and finance, allowing members to access goods or services at fair prices.

Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) provide owners with protection from personal liability for the (4) , separating personal assets8 from business risks. They can be private or public (traded on stock exchanges), and range from small businesses to large corporations.

Franchises are businesses where individuals buy rights to operate under an established brand9 and business model, such as (5) . They receive support with training, marketing, and operational guidelines.

Multinationals are (6) operating in multiple countries. They typically have their headquarters in one country, with operations and subsidiaries worldwide. They benefit from economies of scale and access to global markets, but have to navigate (7)

Startups are newly established, innovative companies focused on rapid growth, often in (8) . They are usually founded by entrepreneurs and may seek venture capital to fund their growth, aiming for high returns or eventual public offerings.


6 liability: responsabilità

7 partnerships: società di persone

8 assets: beni

9 established brand: marchio conosciuto small local business

6 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online and write a short report about a company you are interested in. Include the following information:

• which company it is and what business model it follows;

• what it produces/does;

• when and where it started;

• where it operates now;

• how it is funded/run;

• why it is successful.

1 What different types of bank account are there and what services do banks provide? Read the text and check your answers.


Ethical banks are financial institutions that prioritise social, environmental, and ethical goals in addition to profitability. They aim to make a positive impact on society and the planet by aligning their business practices with values such as sustainability, transparency, and social responsibility. Ethical banks often use depositors’ funds to finance projects that promote renewable energy, affordable housing, social welfare, and community development; while avoiding investments in industries like fossil fuels, arms manufacturing, or companies with poor labour practices.


Banking is the business activity of accepting and borrowing money from individuals or companies, then using that money to provide loans or overdrafts1, make investments, and offer various financial services. Banks connect depositors2, people with excess funds, with borrowers3 , people who need funds, facilitating a flow of capital that supports economic activity

Banks provide services like deposits and loans, payment processing, currency exchange4, wealth management5, and financial advice. They promote savings, credit, and investment, which are crucial for economic growth and stability. Banks are regulated to protect people’s money from fraud.

Types of banks

Banks play distinct roles within the financial system and cater to different client needs.

• Building societies are mutual financial institutions, which means that they are owned by their members. In the past their main business was savings accounts and mortgages6, although now most have diversified and offer services similar to commercial banks.

• Central banks like the Bank of England, the US Federal Reserve, or the European Central Bank, are responsible for managing a country’s currency, monetary policy, and interest rates. They regulate the banking industry, oversee inflation control, and can lend money during financial crises.

• Commercial banks are the most common type, providing services to individuals and businesses. They play a crucial role in facilitating day-to-day banking needs and are often referred to as retail banks when serving individuals directly.

• Credit unions are member-owned financial institutions that offer similar services to commercial banks, but often with better rates of interest and lower fees. As non-profit organisations, they reinvest profits to benefit members, who have the same profession, or live in the same region.

• Investment banks focus on capital markets and assist corporations, governments, and other large institutions with financial services such as underwriting mergers7, acquisitions and trading. Investment banks also help raise capital for clients by issuing stocks8 and bonds9

1 overdrafts: scoperti (di conto corrente)

2 depositors: depositanti

3 borrowers: debitori

4 currency exchange: cambiavalute

5 wealth management: gestione patrimoniale

6 mortgages: mutui

7 mergers: fusioni

8 stocks: azioni

9 bonds: obbligazioni

10 branches: filiali


• Islamic banks operate according to Islamic or Sharia law, which prohibits interest. Instead, they use profit-sharing models and other ethical investment principles. Islamic banking is particularly common in countries with large Muslim populations, as well as global financial centres.

• Online banks operate entirely online without physical branches10. They offer digital access to banking services like accounts, loans, and payments, often with lower fees. Examples include online-only banks like Monzo, known for good savings rates and a user-friendly experience.

• Postal savings banks are operated in conjunction with the national postal system of a country. When they were first introduced, they only offered savings accounts, however nowadays most of them offer complete banking services.

• Shadow banks are financial intermediaries that perform bank-like activities but are outside regular banking regulations. These include institutions like hedge funds, money market funds, and private equity firms. They provide credit and investment options but are high risk due to less oversight.

2 Read again and decide which type of bank…

1 aims to make a positive impact on society and the planet. Ethical banks

2 deals in the day-to-day banking needs of individuals and businesses.

3 does activities outside regular banking regulations and are high risk.

4 is owned by members and traditionally focuses on savings accounts and mortgages.

5 is owned by members who live in the same place or have the same job.

6 manages a country’s currency, monetary policy, and interest rates.

7 only offers digital banking services and has no branches.

8 operates ethically, according to sharia law.

9 provides governments and larger companies with financial services.

10 works alongside the national postal system of a country.


A stock exchange is a regulated financial market where securities are bought and sold. The main types of securities traded on the stock market are shares, the equal units into which a company’s capital is divided, which can be owned by many different shareholders; and bonds, instruments of debt, issued by governments and companies. The bond issuer pays a fixed rate of interest to the bond holder until its maturity, when the value of the bond is also repaid.

A stock exchange has various roles which include:

• raising capital for businesses and helping company growth;

• facilitating mergers and acquisitions between companies;

• allowing governments to raise capital;

• creating opportunities for small and large investors;

• improving corporate governance;

• providing an indication on the overall health of the economy.

The financial market is made up of the primary market, which helps companies raise capital by selling shares, for example through an IPO (initial public offering); and the secondary market, which acts as an intermediary for trading between share sellers and share buyers. Trading can only be carried out by members and is conducted through electronic trading platforms, but you can still hear brokers shouting orders and instructions to each other on the trading floor of some exchanges. Share prices go up and down, depending on supply and demand, and other factors like positive or negative industry and company reports and forecasts. Indices show trends in the stock exchange and can provide a quick picture of what is happening. A portfolio of stocks traded on a particular exchange is selected to represent a particular market or investment area. When an index goes up, it basically means that there are more people buying than selling and share prices have risen. The index goes down when people are dumping or selling overvalued shares. The most well-known indices include: Dow Jones; Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 (known as the Footsie); the Nasdaq 100 Index; and S&P 500.


2 INVALSI Read the text and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 What is a stock exchange? A regular financial market.

2 What are the main types of securities traded?

3 Who does the stock exchange create opportunities for?



1 Put these world stock exchanges in order from the biggest 1 to the smallest 10. Then listen and check.


Hong Kong

Japan London NASDAQ



Saudi Shanghai Shenzhen

The spread is the difference between two prices or interest rates. In the stock market, it refers to the gap between the current bid and ask price of a share or other security, also known as bid/ask or bid/offer spread. Bond spread is used when talking about the difference between yields1 of comparable bonds.

1 yields: rendimenti

4 Which market helps companies raise capital by selling shares?

5 Who can trade on the stock exchange?

6 What do indices show on the stock exchange?

3 Listen to someone talking about the London and New York Stock Exchanges and complete the gaps (1-10) using no more than four words. Then listen again and check.

The London Stock Exchange was founded in 1801 although its origins go back to the 17th century. Over the years there have been many changes in how it operates, for example (1) were only admitted in 1973. One of the most important changes was the deregulation of the market known as the (2) in 1986, when it became a private limited company. In 2000, the Exchange became a (3) and in 2007 it merged with Borsa Italiana, creating the London Stock Exchange Group. In 2019, the Exchange formed a (4) and cross-listing mechanism with the Shanghai Stock Exchange. LSE was one of the first exchanges to start a dedicated segment for (5) , and its Green Economy Mark recognises listed companies that have at least 50% of their revenues from environmental solutions.

female members

The New York Stock Exchange is the oldest and largest in the USA and

is located on (6) . The beginnings of the Exchange can be traced back to 1792 when twenty-four brokers met under a tree in Wall Street and signed an agreement establishing the rules for buying and selling (7) . The NYSE is one of the few exchanges in the world that still operates using the traditional open outcry system, that is where the brokers meet face-to face on the (8) , in addition to electronic trading.

The NYSE became public in 2006. Prior to this it was a (9) organisation and it was possible to join only by purchasing one of the existing 1,366 seats. A year later it merged with Euronext, the European combined stock market, and then in 2013 it was acquired by Intercontinental Exchange to create the premier financial markets operator. 2018 saw the nomination of the first (10) of the Exchange, Stacey Cunningham.

1 How and why do companies use marketing?

Read the text and check your answers.

Types of market research

Surveys gather quantitative data through structured questionnaires with specific open or closed questions. They are a cheap way to quickly gather lots of data online from a big group of customers.

Phone/In-person interviews can be done one-on-one or in small groups to get in-depth, qualitative insights into individual experiences, motivations, and feelings about products and services.

Focus groups are used with a small group of selected participants for open discussions about a product or service, guided by a moderator. They provide rich, qualitative data and opinions. Digital tools like website tracking, app usage data, and social media interactions are a convenient and efficient way to gather real-time data, which can be quickly scaled up to reach wider audiences.

Product or concept testing enables customers to test prototypes or concepts in real-life situations and provide feedback on functionality, design, appeal, and overall satisfaction.

USP stands for Unique Selling Points and is what differentiates a company’s products or services from the rest of the competition.

1 target audiences: mercati di riferimento

2 tailor: personalizzare

3 loyalty: fedeltà

4 prompt: indurre

5 purchase: acquisto

6 insights: informazioni utili



Companies use marketing to connect with customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales. Through a range of strategies and channels, marketing helps businesses reach their target audiences1, communicate their values, and encourage people to choose their products or services.

Understanding customer needs 1

Market research, such as surveys, focus groups, and data analysis, allows companies to understand their customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviours. By gathering information about different market segments, companies can tailor2 their offers, ensuring they meet the specific customer needs.


Marketing helps potential customers become aware of a brand, increasing the chances they’ll consider it when making purchasing decisions. Through branding, companies can communicate what makes their products unique and why customers should choose them over competitors.


Engaging content, such as blogs, social media posts or videos, informs and entertains customers, keeping them interested in the brand over time. Loyal customers often bring repeat business and advocate for the brand, which is why many companies use marketing to build long-term customer relationships through loyalty3 programmes, personalised offers, and consistent engagement.


Discounts, limited-time offers, and special deals are used to attract customers and prompt4 them to make a purchase5. By using ads, email marketing, and customer testimonials, companies can encourage people to make buying decisions.


Marketing analytics tools track key metrics (like conversion rates, when interest becomes sales; website traffic, how many people visit the website; and customer engagement, the interaction between the customers and the company) to understand what works and what doesn’t. Based on these insights6, companies adjust their strategies to improve the effectiveness of campaigns, reduce costs, and increase their return on investments.


Marketing enables companies to keep up with or surpass their competitors by showing their unique selling points (USP) and staying relevant to consumers. Companies can quickly respond to changes in consumer trends, competitor actions, or shifts in the economy, keeping them agile in dynamic markets.

2 INVALSI Read again and choose the correct heading (A-H) for each paragraph (1-6). There are two extra headings you should not use.

A Analysing and optimising performance

B Building brand awareness

C Customer engagement and loyalty

D Finding new customers


E Promotions and generating sales

F Staying competitive

G Trend watching

H Understanding customer needs

For a new app I’d use product testing because…


Advertising is perhaps the most important aspect of the marketing mix, used to persuade, inform and remind the customer about a product or service. This is done in four stages: grabbing the customer’s attention, providing information about the product or service, reminding and reinforcing the customer about the company, and getting the potential customer to act, such as clicking ‘purchase’. When creating an advert and defining an advertising campaign, many businesses use an advertising agency, who create the ad, select the advertising media and the length and timing of the campaign. A successful ad should be original and innovative; evoke emotions and humour; include testimonials from well-known people.

The choice of the media for an advertising campaign depends on several factors, including: size, nature and location of the target market; the product or service to be promoted; what proportion of the target audience will be exposed to the ad; the advertising budget.

Printed press adverts in the press are often seen repeatedly and can contain more information or details than a TV ad. Their visual impact is still great even without sound or movement. Depending on the target audience they can be placed in international, national and regional newspapers and general interest or special interest magazines. A full colour ad in a glossy magazine will be expensive but more impactful than a black and white ad at the back of a local newspaper.

TV adverts are still one of the most popular choices given their high impact and wide national reach. They are effective for creating brand awareness and selling consumer products. However, with smart TVs and streaming, many people skip them altogether nowadays and they can be extremely costly. Radio adverts are a cheaper alternative to TV advertising, both to purchase the airtime and to make the ad. They can be national or local but do not reach the same number of people as TV. The creation of the ad needs to be carefully considered as it cannot rely on a visual impact. Outdoor advertising includes billboards, posters, street furniture and electric or digital signs in public places. Using technology such as QR codes and Augmented Reality (AR) can make outdoor advertising a more immersive or physical-digital experience. Ambient marketing is placing visual advertising, which can also be objects, in unusual or unexpected public places outdoors. The idea is to generate surprise and create a buzz so the impact on consumers is greater. Guerrilla marketing has a similar aim to be unpredictable, but is usually low-cost and tactics can include things like street stunts and graffiti. Digital advertising is the most rapidly growing sector as it offers targeted advertising worldwide 24/7, with options ranging from banners and pop-up ads to pay-per-click advertising. Also popular are in-game advertising, social media marketing and re-marketing, where a company, through the tracking of Internet activity, shows targeted ads to returning visitors to their website. Digital advertising is relatively inexpensive and it can use text, image, audio and video to create impact. However these ads are easy to block or ignore while surfing the net.


1 What adverts can you think of and why are they memorable? Read the text and check your answers. WARM UP

Social media advertising is when you pay to reach your target audience on any social media platform. It is a form of digital advertising done on social media. The ad comes up organically in your target audience’s social media feeds as a post or Story. But it has a ‘sponsored’, ‘promoted’, ‘boosted’ or any similar label attached to disclose the post is an ad. Paid social ads help brands achieve specific goals, like increasing awareness, driving traffic, or boosting conversions.

2 INVALSI Read again and decide whether the statements (1-6) are true (T) or false (F), then write the first four words of the sentence which supports your decision.

1 Most companies create their own adverts. T F When creating an advert

2 Newspaper adverts can be effective although there is no sound or movement. T F

3 TV adverts are often ignored by people nowadays.

4 Radio adverts are only effective locally.

5 Outdoor advertising can be a very immersive experience.

6 Online ads can be very expensive.


3 CREATIVE THINKING & COLLABORATION In small groups, create a marketing campaign for a product or service you use. Decide:

• who the target audience is;

• how you are going to market the product;

• when and where you are going to place adverts;

• the USP you are going to promote;

• additional customer loyalty strategies.

Marketing & advertising

Marketing to Millennials and Zoomers

Given that they are the two generations that make up the majority of the world’s population, marketers need to know how to get and maintain Gen Y and Gen Z as their customers, but it’s not as easy as you might think. There’s a saying that ‘All publicity is good publicity’, but that isn’t always true when it comes to millennials and zoomers as they can easily turn against a brand for a number of reasons.

With the hours spent on their phones, seemingly addicted to Instagram or TikTok, it would appear that one of the best ways to grab millennials and zoomers’ attention is through digital means, from online ads to shopping on social media channels. Remember, though, that they’ll turn round and use the same means to check the claims companies make, look up competitors’ prices and swap brands with a simple tap on a screen. And while they do shop online a lot, it’s important not to forget to combine the digital world of shopping with the physical one. Also, trying to be edgy1 and relevant all the time online is like walking a tightrope2. Take trendjacking, for example, where a company capitalises on a current news story, trend or viral topic to gain exposure. The aim is to seize the moment to make the brand relevant, show it’s in touch with

popular culture and create engagement. Done well, it is a great way to make a brand visible; done badly, such as choosing a topic that doesn’t match the brand or target audience well or jumping on the bandwagon too late or in the wrong way, it can make millennials and zoomers cringe and run away quicker than when their parents start dancing or talk to their friends. And that neatly brings us to another thing to avoid –stereotypes. Not all millennials are hipsters, drinking matcha latte and worrying about the environment, and not all zoomers have a screen in one hand and a bubble tea in the other, looking for instant gratification. Perhaps the best thing for a company to do is be true to itself with its marketing and advertising activities. This means avoiding hypocrisy, banal comments and clichés which can easily be exposed and reek of 3 insincerity. Being verbal about supporting a cause is great, but it should be backed up by verifiable actions. And there’s nothing wrong with people knowing that at times it’s all about the money –it’s more honest and likely to be appreciated more.


1 INVALSI Read the article and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 Why are Generation Y and Generation Z important for companies? biggest percentage of population

2 Why is digital promotion a good way to reach this target?

3 What can millennials and zoomers do in response? (Give 2 answers.)

4 What is trendjacking?

5 What are the risks of this technique if not done well?

6 What piece of advice does the article give at the end?


2 INVALSI Listen to a marketing expert talking about debranding and match the beginnings of the sentences (1-6) to the endings (a-h). There are two extra endings you should not use.

1 The idea behind debranding is for a company to

2 The visual identity should

3 Logos are redesigned to

4 These logos have to

5 Examples of redesigns

6 The risks are that company logos may

a loose individuality and recognisability.

b appear less corporate.

c include a clear font and no shading effects.

d use fewer colours.

e be suitable for all forms of media.

f be simpler and more linear.

g work better on digital media.

h create strong feelings of connection and trust.

3 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION In small groups, discuss the questions.

1 Which companies or brands do you feel are avant-garde or on trend with their marketing and advertising campaigns?

2 How difficult do you think it is to predict the next trend or technique in advertising and promotion?

3 Do you think it will become easier or more challenging to keep advertising effective in the future?

4 Are you an advertiser’s dream or nightmare? How easily are you influenced by advertising?

5 Would you be interested in working in the marketing sector? Why/Why not?

6 What job opportunities are there in marketing and advertising in your area?


4 FIRST Write an essay (about 140-190 words) on the statement below. Do you agree? Use all the notes and give reasons for your point of view.

‘Advertising brainwashes people into buying things they do not want or need.’

Write about:

• today’s consumer society;

• advertising aimed at children;

• … (your own idea).

1 Poverty still exists in our modern world, but it is often ignored. What forms of ‘invisible poverty’ can you think of? WARM UP


Adrienne Rich (1929-2012)

Adrienne Rich, one of the best-known American intellectuals, wrote both poetry and prose, exploring themes such as women’s role in society, racism and war, most often in free verse. She voiced both her personal and political positions in her works, giving a vivid outline of the contradictions of the contemporary world.

Adrienne Rich: poverty, the greatest injustice

Ballade of the Poverties

The poem Ballade of the Poverties, from the collection Tonight No Poetry Will Serve (2011), outlines Rich’s commitment to the fight for social equality. The reader is presented with images of poverty in its many forms in everyday life. Its many repetitions recall the form of medieval ballads, some of which were dedicated to social protest.

There’s the poverty of cheap luggage bursted open at immigration

The poverty of the turned head, the averted eyes1

The poverty of bored sex of tormented sex

The poverty of the bounced check2 the poverty of the dumpster dive3

The poverty of the pawned horn4 the poverty of the smashed reading glasses

The poverty pushing the sheeted gurney5 the poverty cleaning up the puke6

The poverty of the pavement artist the poverty passed-out on pavement

Princes of finance you who have not lain there

There are poverties and there are poverties

There is the poverty of hand-to-mouth and door-to-door And the poverty of stories patched-up to sell there

There’s the poverty of the child thumbing the Interstate And the poverty of the bride enlisting for war

There’s the poverty of prescriptions who can afford

And the poverty of how would you ever end it

There is the poverty of stones fisted in pocket

And the poverty of the village bulldozed to rubble

Princes of weaponry who have not ever tasted war

There are poverties and there are poverties

There’s the poverty of wages wired7 for the funeral you

1 averted eyes: sguardi evitati

2 bounced check: assegno protestato/a vuoto

3 dumpster dive: tuffo nel cassonetto

4 pawned horn: tromba data in pegno

5 gurney: barella

6 puke: vomito

7 wages wired: salari versati

8 on the curb: sul marciapiede

9 yard sale scrapings: oggetti scrostati dei mercatini dell’usato (spesso oggetti vecchi venduti per strada o nel cortile di casa)

10 buzzing: ronzando

11 plundered: saccheggiate

Can’t get to the poverty of the salaries cut

There’s the poverty of human labor offered silently on the curb8

The poverty of the no-contact prison visit

There’s the poverty of yard sale scrapings9 spread And rejected the poverty of eviction, wedding bed out on street

Prince let me tell you who will never learn through words

There are poverties and there are poverties

You who travel by private jet like a housefly

Buzzing10 with the other flies of plundered11 poverties

Princes and courtiers who will never learn through words

Here’s a mirror you can look into: take it: it’s yours.

2 Read the poem and answer the questions.

1 What main causes of poverty does the author identify?

2 What does poverty lead to? Find words that match these expressions to describe the effects of poverty.

a the turned head, the averted eyes: b smashed reading glasses: c poverty passed-out on pavement: d eviction:

3 Who does the poet address in the final stanza? Why?

4 What may the mirror be a metaphor for?

5 What is the message of the poem in your opinion?

6 In groups, choose one situation of poverty presented in the extract. What measures may redress the injustice of poverty?

Sorry We Missed You

This 2019 film is one of the many directed by Ken Loach about social issues. The film is highly critical of gig economy see p. 118 , which hires independent workers for short-term commitments with no protection, no rights and usually much lower wages.

After the 2008 crisis, Ricky Turner loses his job and convinces his wife to sell the car she uses for her job (she is a social worker who visits elderly people in their homes) so that they can buy a van.

Ricky hopes that he will make some money as a selfemployed delivery driver, but his job is stressful and not rewarding as he expected.

Once he takes his daughter with him in his deliveries, but his boss warns him not to do that again as he can’t have passengers on the van. All the family suffers because of Ricky’s difficult situation at work. He is even robbed and seriously injured, but his employer shows neither compassion nor interest in his situation; he informs Ricky that he will have to pay for part of the stolen goods. Ricky has no choice but to go back to work in tears while his family tells him not to leave.

3 Watch the scene and answer the questions.

1 What does Ricky hope to do in his new profession as a driver?

2 What happens to Ricky if he is not able to deliver a packet?

3 How does his boss tell him about their work relationship?

4 Is Ricky really his own boss?

5 Do you know anyone working under these conditions?

6 How do you think your family life would be affected if this happened to one of your parents?

7 What does the film title Sorry We Missed You refer to in your opinion?

8 What do you think can and should be done, as an individual and as a government, to prevent people from working in such hard conditions as those presented in the film?

Ricky Turner learns some hard, unpleasant truths about his new job as a self-employed delivery driver.

Business plans

1 Read this description of a business plan. When is it necessary and what is its purpose? What information does a business plan usually contain? Read the text and check your answers.

When setting up a company, as well as when expanding or changing its direction, it is necessary to prepare a business plan. This document explains what the company is, its goals and objectives and the strategies that are needed to achieve them. It can be used as an internal document to ensure that all angles have been considered and researched carefully and that all the business partners know and agree on the fundamental aspects of the business and the direction it needs to go.

A business plan is also necessary if a company wants to get outside investors on board as it provides them with the information necessary to evaluate the business before investing financially.

Each business plan will be slightly different depending on the type of business and whether it is new or not, however it should contain the following elements:

• executive summary: an overview of the business, its mission statement and goals;

• business description: details about the business, for example its history and operations so far, and the products/services offered;

• market analysis: an analysis of the competition and target market;

• sales & marketing plan: an outline of the strategy for promoting the business and products/services;

• operating plan: a description of the physical operation of the business, including aspects like production, facilities, supplies and R&D;

• organisation & management: details of the people involved and their responsibilities;

• financial plan: documents to show the current financial situation and projections for future costs and revenue.

2 Your group has had the idea of setting up a business to sell school merchandise. Have an initial group meeting to discuss the following questions.

1 What type of merchandise do you think would be popular?

2 As well as your school logo/name, what kind of slogan could you use?

3 Apart from current students, who else could potentially be interested in buying the merchandise?

4 How could you promote and advertise the merchandise?

5 What would be the best way to organise buying and selling the merchandise?

3 On the basis of your discussion, complete the table with your final decisions.

Name of business

Merchandise available


Target audience

Promotional and advertising methods

Where/How to sell the merchandise






4 Considering each person’s contribution to the discussion, as well as their skills and personality, decide which part of the business plan each person should be in charge of. Fill in the table, giving reasons for your decisions.

Executive summary

Business description

Market analysis

Sales & Marketing plan

Operating plan

Organisation & Management

Financial plan

5 Write an email to a printing company to ask information about getting the school logo/name and your slogan printed on the products of your choice. You need to find out:

• the minimum order quantity;

• the price and any discounts for large orders;

• the delivery time.

6 You receive this message from the person in charge of your Sales & Marketing plan. Talk to another member of your group about their ideas and say whether you agree or not and why.



I think we should ask the school for permission to have a banner ad on the school website and official social media pages. We should also make a short, fun video that we can send to all the student social media groups.

New message Send

7 Design the promotional material or advert you have decided to use to promote your business:

• consider who your target audience is and decide the best way to get their attention;

• provide information;

• make them remember you and act on what they see or read.

8 Present your merchandise and promotional material/advert, explaining your ideas, and try to convince everyone to choose your business over the competing groups. You have a maximum of five minutes per group. At the end of all the presentations, vote for your favourite.

9 Prepare to have a class debate about the gender pay gap. One half of the class thinks there should be a gender pay gap and the other half thinks there shouldn’t.

‘Should men and women be paid the same amount?’

Arguments against gender pay gap

• Women are often discriminated against at work in a less-than-obvious way, stopping pay increases.

• Women are more likely to work in lowerpaying fields, like education, social work, and healthcare.

• Women tend to take time off to have children, which reduces their career progression.

• Women tend to do unpaid domestic and caregiving responsibilities, which limits their ability to work longer hours or pursue higher positions.

• Fewer women reach executive positions because of biases in recruitment and promotion.

Arguments for a gender pay gap

• Pay differences are often the result of personal career choices rather than discrimination.

• Men are more likely to work longer hours and full-time roles compared to women who have family duties.

• Men are more likely to occupy high-paying roles, particularly in high-risk jobs so they should be paid more.

• Gender pay gap reporting does not account for factors like position, skills and qualifications.

• Men may have longer continuous careers due to fewer breaks, leading to more experience and seniority.

1 What do you know about postgraduate qualifications? Match the abbreviations (1-5) to the qualifications (a-e).


2 MPhil

3 MSc 4 MA 5 PhD

a Master of Science

b Doctor of Philosophy

c Master of Business Administration

d Master of Philosophy

e Master of Arts

Continuing your studies

Once you have finished school, you can decide to continue your studies to get a certification or accreditation in a specific field or to get a university degree. There are many options, both at home and abroad, which will give you access to top-quality education and experiences to get ahead in your chosen field.

Schools of Excellence in Social Sciences

In the UK, the University of Oxford, Social Sciences division is thought to be one of the world’s largest groupings of social scientists. Research is carried out in areas including aid, poverty and development, conflict, justice, climate change and resource management. Perhaps the most famous social sciences degree at the University is PPE (philosophy, politics and economics). A significant number of British prime ministers studied PPE at Oxford. Nobel Peace prize-winner and advocate for women’s education, Malala Yousafzai, also recently graduated from the course. In addition to PPE, undergraduate courses within the social sciences include geography, archaeology and anthropology, law and human sciences.

The University of Cambridge School of the Humanities and Social Sciences is comprised of seven main institutions including history, human, social and political science, and history and philosophy of science among others. The school offers a wide range of social science courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level including human, social and political sciences (HSPS), geography, law, linguistics and many more. In all courses, students are taught different methodologies such as ethnography, quantitative analysis of big data and analysis of material culture and past societies.

In the USA, the School of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University offers social sciences courses in anthropology, communication, economics, political science, psychology and sociology.

The department of anthropology is known for an innovative approach where the subject must be studied in relation to contemporary affairs. Stanford is also home to globally renowned centres and institutes that facilitate social sciences research: the Center for Computational, Evolutionary and Human Genomics, the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences, and the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research.

The School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers a range of undergraduate and graduate courses in anthropology, economics, global languages, history and philosophy. All undergraduate students at MIT take classes in the arts and social sciences and many end up taking joint degrees between the sciences and the social sciences. There are also a number of PhD programmes available, with research in areas such as human health, the health of the planet and social innovation. The faculty currently has four Nobel laureates, seven MacArthur fellows and five Pulitzer prize-winners.


2 Read the profiles and write where you can…

1 find the most prize-winners.

2 learn about ethnography.

3 In pairs, discuss the questions.

3 specialise in gender research.

4 study with future prime ministers.

1 Would you prefer to study in the UK or the USA? Give reasons for your answers.

2 Which course interests you the most?

3 Is there a research area or a particular methodology you would like to pursue?

4 Are there Social Science Schools of Excellence in your country and what courses do they offer?

Choosing a job

Finding a job in social sciences involves combining your academic knowledge with practical skills to address real-world issues. Begin by identifying areas of interest, such as research, policy analysis, community development, or education. What are your strengths: critical thinking, data analysis, or communication? You can choose from many different job opportunities, working in government agencies, non-profits, or private sectors. Here are some jobs you might consider.

Sciences career paths

The police is an obvious choice for criminology students, but there is also an increasing need for specialist skills in psychology and sociology. You could work as a criminal psychologist or community outreach officer, building relationships between the police and the local community.

At the other end of the justice process, rehabilitation workers focus on helping past offenders’ transition into functional members of society, by giving them life skills to prevent them from reoffending.

More and more, companies are turning to in-house psychologists or counsellors to help with their human resource departments. The focus on employee well-being is greater than ever, and businesses want to ensure they keep their workers happy and healthy. Similarly, the use of sports psychologists has also increased as professional teams see the benefits of having players who are not only physically up for the challenge, but are mentally ready as well.

1 Have you already got an idea of what sector you would like to work in? What kind of job might you be interested in doing? WARM UP

In a similar way, social workers help look after the well-being of people in their care, but with a greater focus on the wider community. This varied role combines different aspects of social sciences disciplines. Youth workers fulfil a similar role, but specialise in working with young people specifically, helping them at a critical point of their development towards adulthood. There are roles available in formal educational sections and informal youth groups and charities. There are also many openings as project managers for local government, analysing sociological data and addressing social issues at a policy level. If you are a good communicator, you might also consider community engagement roles, involving local people in projects and fostering greater harmony in communities.

Outside of governmental work, charities or third sector organisations offer a wide range of roles in advocacy, aid work, or as a human rights researcher or consultant. Such roles combine sociological knowledge with a real desire to help people all over the world. Finally, there are a wide range of specialisms open to those who go into postgraduate study, allowing you to further set yourself out from the crowd with niche skills employers won’t find anywhere else. This can then also lead on to teaching and research roles, where you will use your academic knowledge to further expand your understanding of social sciences.


2 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Choose one of the career paths in the text and research online the skills and abilities you would need to do it. Then write a career profile to share with the class.


3 CREATIVE THINKING - SELF-AWARENESS How do you feel about your future at school and beyond? Fill in the spaces on the compass with your thoughts and reflections on your future options.

E What excites you about your future studies or job?

W What worries you about your future studies or work?

N What do you need to know about your possible career or study options for the future?

S What is your current stance or opinion on your future options? Will you work or continue to study when you leave school? Stay in your country or go abroad?

1 In pairs, discuss how you would look for a job after school or college. Then read the text and check your answers. WARM UP


Since the COVID-19 pandemic, people’s working patterns have changed dramatically. Many companies now offer fully remote work or working from home (WFH) or hybrid (a mix of office-based and remote work) options. People can also choose to work flexitime, varying the start and finish time of their day or week, and/or work a 9-day fortnight, working five days one week and four days the following week. Some particularly innovative companies have introduced a four-day week for all employees.

AI is commonly used throughout the recruitment process, in particular to streamline5 and automate processes, saving valuable time for recruiters and companies. AI can help schedule interviews and write detailed job descriptions. It can screen and analyse applications or search for suitable candidates on career social media platforms such as LinkedIn. AI can also help recruiters predict the fit6 of a candidate for a specific role or team of workers.

1 recruitment: reclutamento

2 trade associations: associazioni di settore

3 alerts: avvisi

4 headhunters: cacciatori di teste

5 streamline: ottimizzare

6 fit: idoneita’


Looking for a job

Whether you are looking for a temporary job for the summer or a full-time position after finishing your studies, there are many different ways to find job opportunities, most of which are now online.

General recruitment websites, for example, monster.com and indeed.com, offer a wide range of listings, but there are also platforms specialising in recruitment1 for specific sectors, such as finance, business, or third-sector organisations. Trade associations2 may also provide useful links for job opportunities. You can also look online at the recruitment section of national and international newspapers, where it is often possible to sign up for email alerts3 when new jobs are posted. It is a good idea to check company websites too, especially if there is a specific company you would like to work for. Recruitment ads generally specify information about the position available, including the responsibilities and tasks, the location, the salary and the working patterns (hours, remote working, hybrid working, etc.). They also specify what they are looking for in a candidate, such as experience, skills and qualifications, as well as the application method (CV and cover letter, application form, presentation video, etc.).

You can visit local companies and businesses in person to enquire about any opportunities they may have, or you can contact a recruitment agency that advertises vacancies on behalf of companies. The agency will either forward all the candidates’ CVs to the company for review or make an initial selection to present only a small number of candidates. Headhunters are similar to recruitment agencies, but they generally specialise in executive, high-paying positions where specific skills and extensive experience are required. They often have a list of potential high-profile candidates to propose for positions, and actively search for talented individuals in competitor companies, contacting them directly to offer a career move.

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 How can you look for a job online?

2 Why are email alerts useful?

3 How can you look for a job face-to-face?

4 What do you think the advantages and disadvantages are of these different job search methods?

5 Which is the most common way to look for a job in your country?

3 Read the descriptions of these three job seekers and the five recruitment ads. Match each person (1-3) to the most suitable ad (A-E). There are two extra ads you should not use.

1 Rosie Smart is a recent sociology graduate looking for her first full-time job. She is very ambitious and is looking for a position with career opportunities.

2 Jo Killburn is an experienced researcher who loves working alone. Her current job is very stressful so she is looking for something less demanding. She does not want to work in an office.

3 Harry Williams wants to return to work after a career break looking after his children. He has several years’ experience as a professional social worker. He needs some flexibility in his work.

Full-time public health policy analyst

We are seeking a skilled policy analyst to support our public health initiatives. This is a challenging role, which involves researching health policy trends, conducting data analysis, and producing reports to inform policymakers. Ideal candidates will have a background in social sciences, strong analytical skills, and experience with healthcare policy. Master’s degree in related field preferred. Hybrid work considered. Send your CV and a writing sample

Market analyst

A leading market research company is looking for a fully-remote analyst to join their consumer behaviour team. Responsibilities include designing surveys, analysing data, and delivering insights on market trends and consumer preferences. Strong quantitative skills and knowledge of statistical software (SPSS, R) required. A background in sociology, psychology, or related field is a plus. Email your CV to careers@marketinsights.com or contact us for an informal chat.

Data analyst

Our social enterprise is seeking a data analyst to measure and report on the impact of our social programmes. This role involves collecting and analysing data, creating visualisations, and generating insights to improve programme effectiveness. Ideal candidates have experience in sociology, economics, or a related field, with strong skills using data analysis tools. We offer four-day week or 9-day contract work. Please email your CV to impactjobs@changemakers.org

Community outreach social worker

Wanted to join a non-profit organisation dedicated to community outreach and support services. In this role, you will assist underserved populations, provide counselling and connect individuals to essential resources. Candidates must have excellent interpersonal skills, a degree in social work or sociology, and experience in community programmes. This is a flexible community post. Apply by sending a CV and covering letter to outreach@helpinghands.org

Human rights researcher

Are you passionate about human rights and global issues? We are looking for a junior researcher to work as part of a small team who focus on documenting rights violations, writing reports, and supporting policy advocacy efforts. The ideal candidate has a degree in political science, sociology, or international relations, with excellent research and writing skills. Any experience including voluntary of working with NGOs or human rights organisations is an advantage. The job is hybrid with potential travel. Please submit your CV, a personal statement to careers@globaljustice.org


Keep your CV short, no more than 2 sides.

Proofreadit several times to make sure the grammar, punctuation and spelling are correct

Use formal language and no contracted forms.

Writing a CV

A curriculum vitae, or CV (known as a resume in American English), is a brief summary of your qualifications, work history, skills and experience. It is essential to have a good CV when applying for a job as it provides an opportunity to showcase your abilities and be selected for an interview. Some companies may ask you to fill in an application form instead of, or in addition to your CV.

Example of a CV

Your personal profile, which is located at the beginning of your CV, is your opportunity to highlight your strengths and achievements and state your career objectives.

Jemma Watts

Address 7 High Street, Balham, London SW12 7PT Tel. 011702 986631

Email jemma.watts@virginmail.net

Don’t forget to include your name and all your contact details

Under the heading work history, it is standard practice to list your most recent job first. If you have limited work experience, you can include details of school-work experience programmes or voluntary work. You should highlight the main duties of each role and any achievements or results you obtained.

Only include your interests if they can help show particular abilities or skills which are relevant for the job.

Personal profile

An excellent and dynamic team member, I am capable of working to tight deadlines with high-quality results. I am seeking the chance to progress my career. My goal is to work in team coordination for important associations operating in the social field.


• 2022-2025 – University of Surrey Psychology

First Class BSc (Hons) Degree

• 2020-2022 – Park Road Sixth Form College, York A-levels in Philosophy (B) Spanish (A)

Work history

• September 2025 – Harrison Psychology Group, London Apprentice

• June 2024-September 2024 – Barcelona, Spain Professional Training in team psychology

Skills and competences

Fluent in Spanish, with a good command of Arabic Well-organised with good time management skills

Hobbies and interests

Vice-president of Balham Spanish Club Keen swimmer with lifeguard qualifications


Available on request

1 Read the text and Jemma’s CV. Then, in pairs, discuss the questions.

1 What is the purpose of a CV?

2 How long should it be? Why do you think that is?

3 Why do you think the personal profile is normally at the start of the CV?

4 In what order should you list your qualifications and previous jobs? Why do you think that is?

5 What can you include if you have never had a job before?

List your qualifications in reverse chronological order. Remember to list the date, the organisation/place, the title and level obtained.

Competences can include foreign languages and computer skills, as well as things like organisational and artistic skills, which reflect well on your ability to do the job.

It is normally sufficient to say that references are available on request, but you can list a previous employer or a teacher here if you want.

6 Which of your own interests do you think could be useful to include in your CV? Which would be irrelevant to the jobs you are interested in?

Europass CV

The Europass CV is a document designed to simplify the job application process between EU member states for both employers and applicants. It can be completed online or downloaded, along with examples and instructions on how to fill it in.


2 In pairs, discuss the questions.

• Does this CV follow the tips on p. 142?

• Do you think it is successful?

In addition to the CV, there is the European Skills Passport, which can be attached to the Europass CV to provide comprehensive details of your skills and qualifications, grouping together copies of certificates, degrees and proof of employment. Europass also offers the option of compiling cover letters and gives suggestions for key expressions for each section.

• Why do you think Giulio might need a CV?

3 Write your CV using the Europass or another model if you prefer. Don’t forget to follow the tips on p. 142. WRITING

Other forms of CV

In addition to the traditional CV which is sent to a company in response to a job ad, there are other types of CV which can be used in different circumstances to market yourself.

A mini CV, useful at careers fairs and networking events, is the same size as a business card. On the front it has your name, contact details and job title. On the back there is a list of your key skills and achievements. Its compact size makes it easy to carry around, and with the right information and layout it will get you noticed and remembered.

• Apprentice at Harrison Psychology Group, London

• Professional Training in team psychologyBarcelona, Spain

• Spanish and Arabic speaker

Video CVs are also becoming a popular way for job seekers to promote themselves. It is unlikely that an employer will specifically request a video CV for a job application, but it can be uploaded online for prospective employers to view. The video should be professional and short. It should be filmed in an appropriate setting with a well-prepared script; otherwise you risk leaving a lasting impression, but for all the wrong reasons. You can upload your video CV to your own website and social media accounts.

Most students are probably familiar with using Instagram and TikTok to document all aspects of their personal life, with funny photos, comments, memes and more. However, as you embark on a professional career it is important to recognise the risks of oversharing personal information on social media and the potential damage it can cause. LinkedIn is one of the most popular professional networking platforms, used both by individuals who want to connect with others in the same industry and by recruiters searching for an ideal candidate to fill a position. Your profile includes details of your qualifications, experience, skills and achievements, just like your CV, but it also allows you to connect with other people, make recommendations and receive references.

It is the perfect way to increase your visibility online and to build your personal brand – showcasing your strengths to the world and positioning yourself for success.



4 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 What is a mini CV and when might it be useful?

2 What should you be careful about when making a video CV?

3 What is LinkedIn?

4 What kind of information can you upload to the site?

5 Prepare a mini CV for yourself. WRITING

5 How can it be useful for people looking for a job?

6 What is a personal brand? Do you think it is important?

7 Do you agree that there could be risks to your career when you use social media networks? Why/Why not?

6 Watch this video CV. What kind of experience does the candidate have? Which personal qualities and skills does she highlight? Prepare and film your own video CV and share it in small groups. Give and receive feedback about your video.

7 DIGITAL COMPETENCES Ask an AI chatbot to evalutate your mini CV and underline the mistakes, but not to correct them. Then correct your CV and have it checked by your AI assistant again. Have you amended all the mistakes? If not, ask the chatbot to explain the mistakes you couldn't correct. Prepare a report for the class. AI ACTIVITY

Giulio Tiberi
Human Sciences student Pescara, Italy Italian High School Education

Writing personal profiles and statements

As we have seen, a personal profile is a short statement on your CV aimed at stating your career objectives and highlighting your strengths. You can showcase your strong points and achievements by using positive words and expressions like ‘negotiate’, ‘lead’, ‘in charge of’, ‘conscientious’, ‘competent’, ‘adaptable’ and so on. You need to change this profile for each job you apply for, carefully adapting the information you provide to the key skills or characteristics requested in the recruitment ad.

It is common to be asked to provide a personal statement as part of an application process, particularly for internships, degree programmes, and other courses. This is the opportunity to demonstrate why you are a strong candidate and why you stand out from others. It should complement, rather than repeat, the information provided in the rest of the application. In the look closer box, there are some general points to consider.

‘My primary interest as a language student has always been to explore and understand foreign cultures. Keeping an open mind over the years, I have always tried to learn as much as I could about other civilisations and I have often encountered realities that are greatly different from my own. Although I am at the beginning of my professional career, I know that my goal is to study and work towards a different, better future where every individual is granted the same rights. This is why I believe that the MA in Global Citizenship is an invaluable opportunity for my personal and academic growth: the specific modules, the career opportunities and the academic support form a unique combination that would give me the best possible preparation for my future career.’


1 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 How can you make your personal profile effective?

2 When might a personal statement be necessary?


3 What is its purpose?

• Why this company or course?

Express your enthusiasm for the particular company, course or university by demonstrating your knowledge of it and explaining why it interests you.

• Why are you a good candidate?

Highlight your academic background and any relevant work experience or voluntary work to show you have the right skills and qualifications required.

• What makes you unique and interesting?

Include details, like hobbies, sports or special achievements. Explain the skills and lessons you have gained by doing them, such as teamwork, adaptability, social awareness, or organisational skills.

4 What should a personal statement be like?

2 Complete the sentences from the personal profile section of a CV with the correct option.

1 I am seeking a(n) in the banking sector.

A education

B training C apprenticeship

2 I am highly motivated and well as part of a team.

A perform

B carry out C make

3 I have over three years’ in an insurance company.

A experience

B knowledge

4 My career goal is to assume an upper management in the gaming industry.

A location

B vacancy

5 I am looking for an opportunity to on my keen interest in foreign languages.

A develop B build

6 I have recently completed my A levels, achieving excellent in Business and Maths.

A votes B grades






3 Write a personal profile for yourself (based either on your current situation or for when you leave school) and add it to your CV.

4 Choose one of the following situations and write a personal statement in no more than 150 words: two months’ internship at a local company, an Erasmus+ project in another European country, a degree course at a foreign university to study Pedagogy.



A covering letter should follow the standard business letter format, with the correct opening and closing salutations and the use of formal language. There must be no mistakes with grammar, spelling or punctuation.

Writing a covering letter

There is a lot of competition when you apply for a job, so in addition to a well-presented CV, it is vital to have an excellent covering letter that stands out from the rest. It is your first contact with a potential employer, therefore it makes sense to invest time and effort in writing an effective letter that will get you noticed.

Jemma Watts 7 High Street



SW12 7PT

Head of Human Resources


79-81 Northwestern Avenue



Here, you should mention the advertisement, specify where you saw it and state the position you are applying for.

In the main body of the letter, you should highlight a fact –a particular skill, experience, or responsibility – that shows you are the ideal candidate for the job. Avoid repeating all the details from your CV. Remember that each covering letter should be tailored for the job you are applying for.

Here, you can mention any attachments or enclosures (CV, references, certificates) and state how you plan to follow up on your letter.

Dear Ms Lewis,

Tel. 011702 986631


2nd April 20..

I am writing in response to your advertisement in The Open Psychology Hub and I wish to apply for the post of Team Coordinator with your organisation.

Since graduating with a first-class degree in Psychology from the University of Surrey, I have been working as an apprentice with Harrison Psychology Group in London. Here I have learnt how to deliver excellent results, even when under pressure, and I am consistently considered a reliable and resourceful member of the team.

In addition, my professional training in Barcelona offered me a wide-ranging insight into team psychology and I was able to add practical applications to my theoretical knowledge in this field.

I am confident that my experience will enable me to successfully carry out all the demanding tasks the position entails, contributing to the success of The London Psychology Club.

Please find enclosed my Curriculum Vitae and I would welcome the opportunity to provide further information during an interview.

I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely,



1 Read the text and tips and answer the questions.

1 Why is a covering letter important?

2 What format should it follow?

3 How can you show you are an ideal candidate?

4 Why do you think you should not repeat the details that are on your CV?

5 Why do you think you should write a different covering letter for each job application?

2 Read the covering letter and in pairs, discuss the questions.

1 Does this covering letter follow the tips given above?

2 Do you think it is effective or could it be improved?

3 Which expressions could be used in another covering letter? Underline them.


PCTO (Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e l’orientamento) is a training experience organised by schools with local business and offices in the private and public sector, as well as voluntary associations, where students can get an idea of what the real working world is like. Here are some useful tips and an example to help you prepare your report.

My internship at ELi Publishing Group

For my internship, I had the opportunity to work at ELi Publishing Group S.r.l. for one month, located in Recanati (MC). From the first day to the last, my company tutor was always very helpful and kind. At the very beginning, she showed me around the building and then introduced me to her colleagues. The office was equipped with all the essentials I needed to work, such as a computer and a desk. I shared the room with three colleagues who immediately warmly welcomed me.

ELi Publishing Group S.r.l. is a company specialising in school publications of all types for students attending infant, primary, lower secondary and higher secondary schools. On their website, you can find a range of curricular and extracurricular materials such as language magazines, preparation courses for language certifications, graded readers, and language games.

I was assigned to the editorial department for lower and higher secondary school, handling both foreign languages (English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Chinese) and Italian books.

The department collaborates closely with authors, graphic designers and the photo editing department to ensure books are complete and meaningful in content and graphics. The editorial department also cooperates with the marketing and sales department to help promotion. All departments work together in the creation and publication of books, dictionaries and extracurricular activities such as graded readers and games.

During my internship, I was mostly involved in proofreading and correcting Spanish books as I have been studying Spanish for more than eight years. Therefore, my tutor provided me with lower and higher secondary school books in Spanish to verify any errors or inaccuracies.

I also worked on English coursebooks and Italian fiction books because they wanted to test my skills in English and Italian in this field. Additionally, my tutor assigned me the task of preparing audio scripts and checking digital and multimedia audio. Last but not least, I had the opportunity of working with the iconographic research department, which is responsible for sourcing photos and images for books and magazines from specific sites.

My Spanish and English skills, acquired over the years, were very helpful and practical during my PCTO experience. I worked on the iconographic research for the volume Voices in Human Sciences and I was asked to write a report about my internship. The report will be published in this book. From the very beginning, I noticed the reliability and tenacity of each of my colleagues in completing their work, creating high-quality books for schools and extracurricular activities.

During the 150 hours of my internship, I helped the staff wherever I could with the final polished version of the books I worked on. I am happy that my work was appreciated and that they always treated me like a true employee of ELi Publishing.

To carry out all these activities, the company provided me with drafts or manuscripts when necessary, and actual textbooks. Furthermore, I was able to use the main Windows and Office applications, and whenever I needed some help, my tutor and colleagues were always there to support me.

This experience in publishing was unique because it deepened my knowledge of editing and language, and at the same time I learnt that determination, punctuality, passion and resourcefulness are essential to succeed in the workplace.

1 Talk to a partner about what kind of work placement experience you think would be the most useful and interesting for your future career. WARM UP

Talk about the welcome you received and your first impressions.

Provide information about the company, its history, what it does and its overall ethos.

Add detailed information about the structure and work of the department you worked in.

Explain your role and the tasks you were required to carry out. Talk about the skills you brought to the role.

Evaluate how you dealt with the work and colleagues during your traineeship.

Explain what support you were given from the company.

Give a final evaluation of the experience: what you liked/ didn’t like about it.

2 Read the text and tips and in pairs, discuss the questions. Which aspects of the PCTO experience does the trainee cover in the report? What tone does the report take? How might this report help the trainee and the training organisation? What further relevant information could the trainee have added to the report?

1 In pairs, discuss how you would prepare for an interview. Then read the text and tips and check your answers.

Preparing for an interview

Job interviews can take various formats – from a pre-selection online interview or an initial telephone interview to a full-day interview and selection process. The most common form of interview is probably face-to-face, conducted by a single person, usually the head of Human Resources or the head of the department where the candidate will work. In larger companies and for management positions, it is also possible for the interview to be carried out by a panel composed of various managers from different departments. The interviewer asks questions to learn more about the candidate, verify the information in the CV and assess whether they have the competence for the job and will fit in to the work environment. For school leavers and graduates with little work experience, the questions are more general, while for candidates with more experience there will be questions asking for examples of past experience dealing with particular situations or questions about how they would handle hypothetical situations. Candidates can also ask questions to learn more details about the role, the company and its operations.



• Do your research on the company to learn about its values, structure, areas of operation and so on.

• Use this information, along with the recruitment ad, to prepare questions to ask during the interview.

• Think about examples you can use to answer common interview questions.

• Plan your journey to the interview location – whether by car or public transport – and aim to arrive ten minutes early.

• Organise your outfit in advance – something formal is best. You should appear smart and neat.

• Gather everything you need to take with you, e.g. certificates, a copy of your CV, notes to use during the interview.


• When you arrive at the location, switch off your mobile phone.

• Smile and shake hands firmly with the interviewer. Maintain eye contact.

• Sit down when invited, sit up straight and do not fidget.

• Answer questions as fully as possible, providing relevant examples of your skills and achievements, but do not exaggerate or lie.

• Do not interrupt, swear or criticise your past employers.


• Be positive, confident and show you are interested in the company and the job.

• When you leave, shake hands and thank the interviewer(s) for their time.

• If you are not successful, you can call and ask for feedback on your performance. Use this feedback to help prepare for the next interview.


2 Read again and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 Interviews can be carried out by one or more people.

2 One of the interviewers is always the potential employee’s boss.

3 Interviewers might ask a candidate about what they would do in a hypothetical situation.

4 It is important to research the company before an interview.

5 You may need to take some documentation to an interview.

6 You can sit down as soon as you enter the interview room.

7 It is acceptable to invent some details during an interview.

8 You should ask the interviewer about how well you did at the end of the interview. T F

3 In pairs, discuss the questions.

• Which of the above tips do you think are the most important? Why? • Can you think of any other Dos and Don’ts for an interview?


4 Giulio Tiberi has seen this recruitment ad and wishes to apply for the job of sport activity leader. Use the details of his CV on p. 143 and write his covering letter.

Club Sunshine is looking for club reps and sport activity leaders for the next summer season for our resorts in Spain and Italy. Applicants should be sociable and outgoing, fluent in two European languages and willing to work long hours. Please send your CV and covering letter, stating why you would be a perfect fit for our team, to Mr A. Mulligan at sunshinerecruit@sunshine.com by 20th October.

Phraseology for PCTO | Preparing for an interview

Typical questions

• Could you explain what you mean by…?

• Tell me about yourself.

• Why do you want to work here?

• What makes you the right person for this job?

• What did you learn during your work experience that can help you with this job?

• What extra-curricular activities did you do that you consider useful experience?

• Give me an example of an achievement in your life.

• What are your strengths/weaknesses?

• Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

Example answers

• I am very interested in art and history, so about two years ago, I got involved with Pro Loco, grass-roots organisations in my town and helped produce a new leaflet about the history of our town in English and Italian.

• I strongly believe in the ideals your company represents and I’d like to be part of a team that shares these values.

• I believe that my excellent IT skills, developed during my previous job, make me ideal for this administrative position.

• During my work experience, I worked as part of a small team on a project and this helped me learn to listen and collaborate with others.

• I was part of the Green Society involved in local environmental projects, like cleaning up the local beach, so I am used to hard, physical work.

• I am very proud of the fact that my school implemented my project ideas in the new school website.

• My main strength is how I interact with the public. I have excellent interpersonal skills and can easily develop a rapport with the people I meet. / I think my main weakness is time management. However, I’ve made improvements in this area by using a planner app which I consult every day.

• My current goal is to work for a company where I can develop professionally. Ultimately I’d like to take on more management responsibilities.

To ask for repetition and clarification

• I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question.

• I’m sorry, I didn’t get the last bit of that question.

• I’m sorry, could you repeat the question, please?

• Could you repeat the last bit again, please?

• Could you explain what you mean by…?

• Do you mean…? / When you say... do you mean...?

• Is that…? / In the sense of...?

COMPITO DI REALTÀ Making a video of an interview

To give yourself time to think

• Let me see…

• Let me think about it for a moment… Well…

• May I think about it for a moment?

• That’s an interesting question.

• Thanks for this interesting question.

5 CONFIDENCE & DIGITAL COMPETENCES In pairs or small groups, prepare a video to show how to answer interview questions positively and effectively. First, prepare suitable answers, more than one if you wish, to these interview questions.

1 Tell me about yourself.

2 Why do you want to work here?

3 Tell me something you learnt during your work placement.

4 What makes you the right person for this job?

5 Tell me about a time when you had to use your initiative at school or work.

6 Where do you see yourself in five years’ from now?

Then make your video and show it to the rest of the class. You could make your video more useful and appealing by adding tips or examples of inappropriate answers.




• Geography; History; Society and culture; Economy; Political system

• Citizenship – Women’s rights and gender equality

• Business LIVE Podcast – The gender gap

• Literature – Virginia Woolf and feminism


• The British Empire and colonisation

• Ireland; Canada; Australia and New Zealand; The Caribbean; South Africa; India

• Citizenship – Sustainable cities

• Business LIVE Podcast – Improving air quality

• Literature – M. Atwood and the risk of global extinction


• Geography; History; Society and culture; Economy; Political system

• Citizenship – Digital citizenship and fake news

• Business LIVE Podcast – The digital divide

• Literature – H. D. Thoreau and sustainability


• History of the EU; EU institutions; Issues facing the EU; The EU agenda; The EU and young people

• The role of the UN and its agencies; Human Rights Council and UNESCO

• Citizenship – Climate action

• Business LIVE Podcast – Eco-influencers

• Literature – Lord Byron and the beauty to protect

Contenuti digitali della sezione


Storia della lingua italiana: la diffusione degli anglicismi

Calvino, Un ottimista in America


Il manifesto di Ventotene

Il trattato di Roma

Origine ed evoluzione degli organismi internazionali dal primo dopoguerra


1 VISIBLE THINKING Look at the photo. See

1 What is represented in the picture? Think

2 Which is the most iconic London landmark in your opinion? Wonder

3 What fun facts would you like to know about the place in the picture?


2 Watch the video about London and answer these questions.

1 Which London attraction has more visitors than the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids every year?

2 How fast is the London Eye?

3 How much of London is parks and open spaces?

4 Where can you speak on any subject in London?

5 How many different plant species are there at Kew’s Botanic Gardens?

6 Whose statue is in Trafalgar Square?

7 How many professional football teams are there in London?

8 What is the nickname of the London Underground?

Percorsi interdisciplinari

Scienze Umane / Sociologia

Le società multiculturali dal melting pot alla ‘grande mela’

I nuovi modelli di integrazione dopo la nascita dell’UE


Nascita ed evoluzione dell’Unione Europea

L’organizzazione e le norme dell’Unione Europea

MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Group work. Search online and find out information about The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), its history, when it was created, who founded it and why, its former and present member states, its military interventions, its past and present role and policy. Prepare a report to share in class and a debate on whether or not NATO should still extist today and what should its role be. CLIL – HISTORY AND LAW

Educazione civica

Il diritto alla cittadinanza

La tutela delle minoranze

Sistemi politici a confronto: Italia, UK, USA

The United Kingdom


1 Have you ever been to the UK? Which area did you visit or would you like to visit?


Quick facts


Get the name right!

The United Kingdom (full name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) includes the countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Great Britain (or sometimes just Britain) refers to the largest island which includes the countries of England, Scotland and Wales. The British Isles refers to the entire group of islands including Great Britain, Ireland and all the smaller islands such as the Channel Islands.

1 marshland: regioni paludose

2 fens: paludi

3 reclaimed: bonificate

The British Isles is a group of islands off the north west coast of mainland Europe, covering an area of over 310,000km2. The two main islands are Great Britain and Ireland, and there are thousands of smaller islands, the most well-known being the Isle of Man (in the Irish sea), the Shetland Islands, the Hebrides and the Orkney Islands (off the coast of northern Scotland) and the Channel Islands (in the English Channel).


Its location between the Atlantic Ocean and mainland Europe means the climate in the UK is notoriously variable, but can be classified as temperate. The west is generally the wettest zone, the eastern parts are drier and less windy, while the north is the coldest. Snow can fall almost anywhere, though it is most common in the north of England and in Scotland. The average maximum temperatures in July are 21.1°C (England) and 17.3°C (Scotland); the average minimum temperatures in January are 1.5°C (England) and 0.3°C (Scotland).


The landscape of the UK ranges from marshland1 to forests, from farmland and gentle hills to large lakes and mountains. The highest peak is Ben Nevis (1,345m) in the Grampian Mountains in Scotland, with the second highest mountain in Wales (Snowdon 1,085 m). Although the largest lake is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland, the Lake District in north-west England offers incredible scenery with its many lakes as does Scotland with, for example, the famous Loch Ness The Pennines are the hills which run down the centre of England. The east of England is the flattest region with fens2 and reclaimed3 marshland, while the south is characterised by gentle hills and fertile farmland.

Coast and rivers

The island of Great Britain has over 11,000 miles of coastline. There are high cliffs and rocky headlands, such as the Jurassic Coast in the south west, and long stretches of sandy beaches and dunes, for example on the east coast. The UK has several important fishing, container and ferry ports like Felixstowe, Harwich, Plymouth and Aberdeen. The River Thames, in southern England, flows through important towns like Reading, Oxford and, of course, London. The River Severn starts in mid Wales and flows through central England to the Bristol Channel.

▼ Jurassic Coast
▲ Ben Nevis

2 Read the texts and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 The British Isles are part of mainland Europe. T F

2 Weather conditions are influenced by its position in the Atlantic Ocean. T F

3 Scotland is generally warmer than England in the summer and winter.


4 The most mountainous countries are Scotland and Wales. T F

5 The centre of England is quite flat.

6 The coastline of Britain is very varied.

7 The Thames is a river in the north of England.

8 You can use the terms Great Britain and the United Kingdom interchangeably.

9 English is the only language spoken in the UK.

10 The least populated country in the UK is Northern Ireland.

3 Watch the videos The British Isles and The Giant’s Causeway and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

COMPREHENSION 4 MEDIATING TEXTS & COMMUNICATION Choose one of the four countries of the UK and prepare a short presentation (3-5 minutes), including details about the population, the geography of the area and any important cities or landmarks.

The British Isles
The Giant’s Causeway

1 Read the texts quickly and match them to the correct title.

1 Society and Culture

2 War and Conflict

3 Politics and Economy

Key moments in the 20th and 21st centuries

A• Britain fought in World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945), both of which left the country in serious economic difficulties.

• In April 1982 Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic Ocean. The British government decided to send troops to regain possession of the islands. In June 1982 Argentina surrendered.

• Although the conflict and its reasons date much further back, the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’, regarding the status of Northern Ireland within the UK, cover the period between the riots in 1968 and the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ in 1998. During these three decades, there was much violence and killing from both the unionist community (mainly Protestant, in support of remaining part of the UK) and the nationalist community (mainly Catholic, in favour of a united Ireland).

• British troops were part of the coalition force involved in the Gulf War (1990-1991), after Iraq invaded Kuwait, and in the Iraq War (2003-2011), which toppled Saddam Hussein’s government.

• After the 2001 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, British forces were also involved in military action in Afghanistan against al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden.

• On 7th July 2005, four suicide bombers attacked central London tube stations and buses, killing 52 people.

• In 2017 there were several terrorist attacks in London and one in Manchester, causing many deaths and injuries.


• Between World Wars I and II, there was an economic recession as exports fell and unemployment rose. Trade unions became stronger and there was a 9-day general strike in 1926 over plans to cut wages and increase working hours.

• After World War II, Labour won the general election and the modern welfare state was created, with the foundation of a national health service. The government also nationalised major industries like coal mining and the railways.

• In 1979, Margaret Thatcher, the leader of the Conservative Party, became the country’s first female Prime Minister. Her government’s policy included cuts in government spending and the closure of many industries. This created massive unemployment in the north of England and strikes, such as the coal miners’ strike of 1984-1985. It was also a period of economic boom with the privatisation of state-owned industries and the liberalisation of the stock market.

• After 18 years of Conservative governments, New Labour won the General Election in 1997 and Tony Blair became Prime Minister. Under his government, constitutional reforms were made regarding devolution for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

• The global financial crisis which began in 20072008 had severe effects on the British banking system and economy. It led to a recession and a five-year government austerity programme in an attempt to lower the country’s debt.

• Scotland held a referendum in 2014 about becoming an independent country but 55% of the voters said ‘no’ and, for now, the country remains part of the UK.

• In 2016, the UK held a referendum on the country’s membership of the EU. Those in favour of Brexit won, with 52.5% of the vote, and the UK officially left the EU on 31st January 2020.

▲ March 2019: protesters calling for a public vote on the Brexit deal

• The period during and after World War I saw a big change in the role of women in society. With so many men involved in the war, women started to work in factories and to do jobs for which they had previously been considered unsuitable. In 1918 women over the age of 30 won the right to vote, but it was not until 1928 that all women over 21 were able to vote.

• The ‘Swinging Sixties’ are often considered a liberal and permissive decade. The laws regarding divorce, abortion and homosexuality were liberalised. Fashion had a new look with Mary Quant and the mini-skirt. Groups like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones were changing the music scene. England even won the football World Cup in 1966!

• In 1971, a new decimal currency (100p = £1) was launched in the UK. In 1973, the UK joined the European Economic Community, but it did not adopt the Euro as its currency in 1999 like most other EU member states did.

• The summer Olympics were held in London in 2012.

• In 2014, same-sex marriage became legal in England, Scotland and Wales, and then in Northern Ireland in 2020.

• The Royal Family always makes the news, both at home and in the rest of the world. In 1997 Diana, the Princess of Wales, died in a car crash in Paris. Charles and Camilla got married in 2005, and in 2011 Prince William and Kate Middleton tied the knot1 in London’s Westminster Abbey. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, a former actress, got married in 2018 at Windsor Castle and then, in 2020, announced their decision to step down from being working members of the royal family and to move permanently to the USA. On 9th April 2021 Prince Philip died and on 8th September 2022 the UK’s longest serving monarch Queen Elizabeth II passed away and her son became King Charles III Her funeral was seen by millions of people around the world.

2 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 What international wars or conflicts has the UK been involved in since the start of the 20th century?

2 What were the ‘Troubles’ in Northern Ireland?

3 How has the UK been involved in the war against terrorism?

4 What was the economic situation like between the two World Wars?

5 Who was Margaret Thatcher and what were the positive and negative aspects of her government?

6 What reforms did Tony Blair introduce?

7 What two referendums were held in the last few years and why were they important?

8 How did the role of women change after World War I?

9 What were the 1960s like in the UK?

10 What events have the Royal Family been involved in over the last 25 years?

3 MEDIATING TEXTS & COMPARING CULTURES In pairs, using the information on these pages as a starting point, prepare a timeline of significant events and situations (political, economic, cultural) that have affected the UK in the 21st century. Add similar key moments for Italy. Then write a short report to answer these questions:

1 What key moments or events were both countries involved in?

2 Which events affected the other nation? How and to what extent?

▲ The wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton
▲ King Charles III’s coronation, 6th May 2023
1 tied the knot: si sono uniti in matrimonio


1 How do you think immigration has shaped the population and identity of the UK?


Society and culture

UK population and identity

The population of the UK is getting older, mainly due to increased life expectancy, and 19% of the population is over 65. Of the people living in the UK, 10.3 million were born outside the UK. This is largely accounted for by immigrants from the EU, in particular Romania and Poland, as well as India and Pakistan. Recently there have also been refugees and asylum seekers from countries like Afghanistan, Syria and Ukraine. This, together with earlier immigration from former colonies such as Jamaica, means that a large variety of ethnic groups make up the population. This ethnic diversity has enriched and influenced many aspects of British society although, unfortunately, integration and acceptance still raise many issues.

The Church of England is the UK’s established church with the Monarch as its head, but many other religious faiths are practised from Judaism to Buddhism. Christians (Protestants and Catholics) total 27.5 million, while the second religion is Islam with 3.9 million Muslims. Around a quarter of the population state they follow no religion.

Influenced by factors such as increases in divorce, married couples without children, co-habiting couples and one-person households, the family unit has changed from the traditional nuclear family of a married couple with children. The average household size is 2.36 people.

2 Read the texts and decide if these sentences are T (true) or F (false). Correct the false ones.

1 In the UK, a quarter of the population is older than 65. T F

2 More than 10 million people who live in the UK were not born there. T F


3 The UK no longer has problems related to integration. T F

4 The family unit has remained unchanged over the years. T F

5 The UK does not have an official religion.

3 INVALSI You will hear five short extracts from visitors to the UK. Listen and decide what each speaker thinks about the UK. There are two extra options that you do not need.

a British people are more fun-loving than expected.

b It is difficult to find good food there.

c London tourist attractions are expensive.

d Public transport works well.

e The weather is unpredictable.

f There aren’t many free activities to do in the UK.

g The museums are well-organised and inclusive.


Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

4 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION Work in pairs. Look at the images on this page. Which ones represent ‘Britishness’ to you? Why? What else do you think represents ‘Britishness’?

Food and sport


Traditional food

International food

The period of the British Empire brought about many changes to the food available in the UK, such as spices from India, and immigration has continued to affect the way the country eats. Chicken tikka masala, an adapted Indian dish, is probably more popular than fish and chips nowadays. Curry, sushi, tacos, dim sun, couscous, noodles, kebabs, pasta and pizza are eaten in homes and restaurants across the nation, both in authentic versions and also modified to suit local tastes and ingredients.

Each country and region of the UK also has its traditional dishes. England is famous for its Full English breakfast, with bacon, eggs, sausages, beans and tomatoes, for its many types of cheese, pork pies, Cornish pasties and real ale (a kind of beer); Scotland for its fresh seafood, haggis (a meat dish), and whisky; Northern Ireland for its Irish stew and Ulster Fry – similar to a Full English breakfast but with white and black pudding and soda bread; Wales for its quality lamb and beef.


Britain is where many international sports originated, including most ball games such as rugby, football, cricket and tennis which are widely practised at local, regional and national levels and in schools. Other sports commonly played at schools include hockey, netball and rounders*, as well as activities like swimming and cross-country running.

Rugby gets its name from Rugby public school, where the game mutated from football in the 19th century. It is a very physical game, which requires a lot of strength and tactical ability. The men’s England, Scotland and Wales national rugby union teams, who play in competitions like the Six Nations Championship against Ireland, France and Italy, have had a lot more success in recent years than their football counterparts.

The powerful style of tennis seen today at Wimbledon, the oldest tennis tournament in the world and one of the four Grand Slam tournaments, is a long way from its origins as a tranquil gardenparty game where women wore long dresses and men white flannel suits. Wimbledon, however, still has a strict dress-code which states that players must wear predominantly white.

Football is probably the most passionately supported sport in the UK. The season runs from mid-August to early May, with most Premier League matches played on Saturdays and Sundays. Teams such as Chelsea and Manchester United have huge global fan bases as well as local fans.


1 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 How did the British Empire affect what people ate?

2 Which dish has overtaken fish and chips in popularity?

3 Why are some international dishes made differently in the UK?

4 What’s the difference between a Full English breakfast and Ulster Fry?


Netball is played with two teams of seven players. In many respects it is similar to basketball, but players have to stay on a specific area of the court and can only take one step while holding the ball. Rounders, played with a bat and ball, is very similar to baseball but the rules are much simpler.

▲ England’s women’s national football team, nicknamed the Lionesses, won the UEFA Women’s Euros in 2022 and were runners up in FIFA’s Women’s World Cup in 2023, losing in the finals to Spain.

5 Which sports do students often play at school in the UK?

6 What is the Six Nations Championship?

7 What is Wimbledon and what rule does it impose on players?

8 When are most professional football matches played?

2 Watch the video The University of Cambridge and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.


3 COMMUNICATION & COMPARING CULTURES In pairs, talk about the similarities and differences between popular food and sports in your country and in the UK.

Punk music and culture
The University of Cambridge


Primary sector

Just as in most other countries, the primary sector in the UK has lost its pivotal role in the nation’s economy and represents only a small percentage of overall employment.

Mining and energy

Most of the coal and iron ore mines in Wales, northern England and central Scotland, once fundamental in the country’s Industrial Revolution and subsequent industrial development, are now closed. The use of coal as an energy source has dropped drastically and it now represents only 3% of the country’s total primary energy, with oil and gas providing about 75%. Of the electricity generated in the UK, 40.8% comes from fossil fuels, 41.5% from renewables and 14.7% from nuclear. The biggest source of renewable energy is wind (24.7%), followed by bioenergy with 11% and solar with 4.1%. The government has set targets and announced funding and research into projects like carbon capture and storage, next-generation nuclear power plants and the hydrogen industry as part of its ambitions to be net zero by 2050.

Agriculture, fishing and forestry

These three sectors combined contribute less than 1% to the national economy. Agriculture, which accounts for around 71% of the land use in the UK and employs 292,000 people, is highly mechanised and intensive. The principal products are cereal crops, with wheat representing over 40% of the total, followed by barley, oilseed rape, maize, potatoes and sugar beet. Livestock farming includes dairy cattle (for milk, butter and cheese), beef cattle, sheep and lambs, pigs, and poultry. 13% of the land area in the UK, or around 3.25 million hectares, is forest and the most densely wooded area is Scotland. 33,000 people are employed in the forestry and primary wood processing sectors. There are about 10,000 people employed in the fishing industry, which continues to decline. The main fishing areas are the northern part of the North Sea and the west of Scotland. There are also some important fishing ports in Devon and Cornwall in the south west of the country. The UK is a net importer of fish, like tuna and shrimp, and forest products, such as sawn wood, pulp and paper products.


2 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 How important is the coal industry for the UK today?

2 How does the UK satisfy its electricity needs?

3 What form of renewable energy is the most common?

4 How does the government plan on reaching its target of net zero by 2050?

5 How important is agriculture for the UK economy?

6 Which is the main cereal cultivated in the UK?

7 What is the state of the UK fishing industry?

8 Are the UK’s forestry and fishing industries sufficient to support internal demand?

Britain’s industrial north in the 1980s
1 This pie chart shows UK employment according to sector. Can you label it correctly?

Industry and manufacturing

The heavy industry of the UK’s industrial past – such as shipbuilding and steelmaking – no longer represents the bulk of the country’s industry. Where these industries remain, they are efficient and cost effective, employing fewer people in fewer locations and factories than in the past. However, the UK is still among the top ten largest manufacturing nations in the world. This can be attributed to a more skilled workforce, improved automation and technology, increased investment in R&D and a more integrated global economy. The manufacturing industry employs around 2.5 million people in the UK and is worth around 9.4% of the total economic output of the country.

Some of the biggest sectors are food and beverages, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and aerospace. There are also well-established world class companies in sectors like engineering, electronics, construction, telecommunications, nano-technology and advanced composite materials.

National and international food companies like Associated British Foods (food processing), Kellanova (producer of breakfast cereals and snacks) and Boparan Holdings (food production and restaurant businesses) have large and successful manufacturing facilities based in the UK. The multinational Unilever is a consumer goods company with food products, like baby food, cereals and condiments, as well as beauty and hygiene products. Alongside these giants, there are many smaller enterprises producing specialist products like Scotch whisky, cider, English wine and many types of cheese from Cheddar to Stilton and Wensleydale, using traditional recipes and techniques.

GSK and AstraZeneca are leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, researching and developing new drugs and vaccines. AstraZeneca, an Anglo-Swedish multinational, was involved in developing one of the early COVID-19 vaccines. BAE Systems is at the forefront of the defence and aerospace sector, with many factories in the south of England as well as other parts of the world. There are no longer any British-owned mass car manufacturers as they have all been taken over by overseas companies. However, global car manufacturers like BMW, Nissan and Honda have invested in car manufacturing in the UK, mainly in the West Midlands. While many fashion brands are part of major international groups, Burberry remains a British luxury fashion brand and Mulberry is a luxury leather goods company, specialising in women’s handbags. There are also many smaller, eco-conscious and edgy independent fashion labels like Nobody’s Child and House of Sunny.



1 What famous British industries and products can you think of?

2 MEDIATING TEXTS Read the text and complete the mind map with the examples and information given for each sector.

& manufacturing

1 Can you remember what percentage of the workforce is employed in the service sector in the UK? Why do you think it is so high? Has it always been this way? WARM UP

Service sector

The tertiary sector is the largest in the UK and the economic output of the sector is worth 81% of all UK economic output. Nearly 85% of the workforce is employed by this sector which includes government, healthcare, financial services, banking, retail, education and tourism. Figures for mid-2023 show that 4.5 million people are employed in healthcare and social work; 3.3 in education, 2.7 in public administration, 1.7 million in IT and communication and 1.6 in accommodation and food services.

▼ Tesco has 27.2% of the supermarket market share in the UK.

The retail sector, which contributes just over 10% of the UK’s economic output, has been under severe pressure from the challenging economic conditions, changes in consumer behaviour and the increase in online shopping. The market is dominated by large chain stores, which operate in most sectors like food, clothing and electrical goods. Although in recent years some large chains have been forced to close, meaning significant job losses for the sector, it is still difficult for smaller and independent shops to compete. For example, four supermarket chains – Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons – have around 65% of the market share, with discount chains like Lidl and Aldi slowly increasing their hold on the market.

1.5 million people work in the financial and insurance services sector, which represents 9% of the country’s total economic output. Most employment is located in the City of London, one of the leading international financial and banking centres in the world, but also Edinburgh, Leeds and the North West are significant centres for financial services.

Tourism is also a key part of the UK economy, with London being one of the top tourist city destinations in the world. It was the fastest growing sector in the UK in terms of employment from 2010 to 2020, when it was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The sector is now back on track to beat 2019 levels, with 1 in 10 jobs in tourism and a contribution of 9.5% to the country’s economy.

2 Read the text and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 81% of the UK workforce is employed in the services sector. T F

2 More people work in healthcare than in education. T F

3 10% of the UK’s economic output is from the retail sector.

4 The retail sector has seen a period of increased employment.



5 Small and independent shops have trouble staying competitive.

6 The four major supermarkets have more than two thirds of the market share.

7 Jobs in the financial services sector are only located in London.

8 Tourism’s contribution to the UK economy was set back by the Covid-19 pandemic.

3 MEDIATING TEXTS & ANALYSING DATA Using the information on these pages and up-to-date figures and facts from the Internet, write a short report on the UK economy and the importance of the different sectors, underlining any similarities or differences with Italy.





▲ The Natural History Museum is one of London’s most popular tourist attractions.
▲ The City of London or the ‘Square Mile’

How Productive Are We?

We’re in the middle of the Fourth Industrial revolution. We’ve got all the advantages of computers, the Internet, robotics, the Industrial Internet of things and artificial intelligence in our workplaces and factories. We should be seeing huge increases in productivity. But this is not happening.

Productivity is a measure of economic performance that compares the output (goods and services produced) with the input used (the amount of labour or hours worked). However, even with all this help from technology, productivity in the UK, USA and other Western countries is not increasing. Between the mid-1970s and 2008, the annual rate of productivity in the UK was 2.3%; in the USA between 1995 and 2005 it was 3.1%. But then in both countries, productivity dropped dramatically, lower than 1% per year in the UK, and has stayed low ever since. So why isn’t technology making us work faster and better than before?

Obviously, things like a global financial crisis or high rate of inflation will effect productivity negatively, but some researchers also say that there are two other things in play. Professor Diane Coyle, from the University of Cambridge and an expert in productivity, believes that one issue is the way that data is measured and the statistics available. She uses the example of a company that starts to outsource its computer servers and IT services instead of covering them in house. The company actually has a much more efficient, reliable and cheaper service, but for statistical purposes the company actually seems smaller and shows less economic growth as it appears to be investing less. The second point is that technological revolutions take time. When we look back at the Industrial revolution of the 19th century, for example, it seems that the invention of the steam engine or the electric light bulb led immediately to national rail networks and the electrification of a country, whereas in fact both these things took several decades.

So, it can be said that we are in a similar position today, waiting for the full implementation and potential of this technology we have to hand, and that in the next few years we will see results. The key thing, however, is that we have to learn to use and exploit this technology well and as quickly as possible otherwise, as we progress, there will be more and more differences between industries and businesses. Those that are able to change their processes and use all the big data that they have available are going to be the ones that succeed and win the productivity race.


1 Read the article and match the two parts of the sentences. There are two extra endings that you do not need.

1 It seems that Industry 4.0

2 Productivity is a way to

3 Over recent years, productivity

4 Certain data and statistics

5 19th-century inventions

6 To be productive companies must

a refer to the output and not input.

b took time to become widespread.

c weren’t seen as revolutionary at the time.

d hasn’t helped increase productivity so far.

e has decreased in both the USA and the UK.

f adapt and use new technology quickly.

g evaluate the economic performance of a country.

h don’t always reflect the reality of what is happening.

1 Who are often considered to be some of the most important figures in the history of economic thought? What have you studied about these people?

The expression laissez-faire is French and literally means ‘let them do’. It seems to have originated during a meeting in 1680 when a French finance minister asked how the state could help the merchants promote their commerce and Le Gendre, a businessman, answered ‘Laissez-nous faire’.

Adam Smith


Adam Smith (1723-1790) was born in Scotland and was raised by his mother after his father’s death. He attended Glasgow University when he was 14 and, after graduating, continued his studies at Oxford University. On his return to Scotland, he gave a series of lectures in Edinburgh before being appointed a professor of Logic and then Moral Philosophy at Glasgow University. In 1759 Smith published his first work, The Theory of Moral Sentiments in which he described the principles of human nature. Starting in 1764, as the tutor of a young duke, he spent two years in France and Switzerland. In Paris he had the opportunity to frequent the literary salons of the French Enlightenment, meeting contemporaries such as Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Francois Quesnay. When he returned to London, Smith continued to widen his intellectual circle with people like Edmund Burke and Samuel Johnson. In 1767, he returned to his home town in Scotland to work on An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, usually shortened to The Wealth of Nations, which he had started while in France, and it was finally published in 1776. Smith spent most of his last years in Edinburgh, where he was considered a renowned economist and man of letters. He was appointed Rector of Glasgow University and a Commissioner of Customs for Scotland.

1 pin-making: produzione di spille


Published in five books, The Wealth of Nations is commonly thought to be the first complete, methodical examination of the economic forces in Europe, dealing with the history of European economics as well an analysis of the manufacturing and trade industries at the time Smith was writing. He defined methods of producing national wealth and the circumstances for rapid economic expansion. He discussed the benefits of the division of labour and the need for specialisation. To illustrate this need, Smith used the example of pin-making1. If just one person carried out all the necessary stages to produce a pin, he would not be able to make very many in one day. If, on the other hand, each separate stage were given to a specialised worker, output would increase and the time needed would decrease.

Smith is perhaps most commonly associated with the notion of the invisible hand and the concept of laissez-faire* – that is freedom from the intervention and restrictions of government in the economic process. Smith argues that manufacturers will, as a form of self-interest in order to make a profit, naturally produce goods for which there is the most demand and therefore market forces will ensure the production of the right goods and services. He pointed out that in order for this system to work, there should be no intervention or control by the government to disrupt the natural order of things and, secondly, there must be competition, and not a monopoly, in order to lower prices for the benefit of the consumer.

2 Read the texts and choose the correct alternative.

1 Adam Smith was Scottish / English

2 The Wealth of Nations was his first / second work.

3 He started writing it in France / Scotland

4 It was published in one volume / five volumes

5 For Smith, there were more advantages / disadvantages to having specialised workers.

6 Specialisation leads to lower / higher productivity.

7 He introduced the notion of the visible / invisible hand.

8 He was in favour of / against government control and intervention in the economy.

9 According to Smith, competition increases / decreases prices.

10 He believed a monopoly was negative / positive for consumers.


John Keynes


John Maynard Keynes was born in Cambridge in 1883 and attended Eton and then King’s College, Cambridge, where he graduated in mathematics in 1905. In 1906 he started work for the British government in the India Office and his experience led to his first book, Indian Currency and Finance In 1908 he returned to Cambridge University as a lecturer in the Faculty of Economics, before going to work for the Treasury in 1915.

He had a successful career in the Treasury and was economic advisor to the British prime minister at the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919. However, he resigned from the Treasury as he considered the Treaty of Versailles to be overly burdensome1 for the Germans.

He decided to publish his ideas the same year in the The Economic Consequences of the Peace where he stated that the huge amounts Germany had to pay as reparation to the allies could never be paid and that these demands would create political instability in the country.

In 1923 Keynes wrote Tract on Monetary Reform, followed by Treatise on Money and, in 1936, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, his most famous work. When World War II started, he was again an advisor for the government and he was a principal negotiator at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, where the International Monetary Fund was founded. He died on 21st April 1946.

Intensely aware of the rising unemployment levels in the interwar period, Keynes challenged the traditional laissez-faire theory of the time and investigated the reasons for Britain’s economic problems in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. This became his most famous work and is often considered one of the most influential economics books in history as it revolutionised the way people looked at the economy and the role of government in society.

He introduced the theory of aggregate demand as the total of consumption, investment and government expenditure and stated that the key to reducing unemployment is to increase government spending and to run a budget deficit. When economic activity is depressed, the government should spend more, and when the economy is booming, the government should spend less and pay off the debts accumulated during the slump2. He argued against the classical economic theory that lowering wages would stimulate employment and maintained that lower wages would decrease income, consumption and aggregate demand, counterbalancing any benefits that the lower price of labour might have contributed.

After initial opposition, due also to the fact that balanced budgets were standard practice at the time, Keynesianism began to dominate UK economic policy, as well as those of other countries such as the USA and Sweden. Many governments, perhaps looking for excuses to increase spending, adopted the Keynesian theory but they started not only spending in times of an economic slump, as advocated by Keynes, but also during economic booms.


1 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 Where was Keynes educated?

2 What was his first job and why was it important?

3 Where else was he employed?

4 What was his main theory in The Economic Consequences of the Peace?

5 What work did he do during World War II?

6 Which is his most famous work? Why?


1 burdensome: oneroso 2 slump: recessione

7 What theories did he put forward in it?

8 In what way were they different to the classical laissez-faire theory?

9 Which countries adopted Keynesian economic theory?

10 How did some governments apply Keynes’s theory differently to what he intended?

2 Write a short essay on the contribution of Keynes and Smith to economic theory.


1 Who is the reigning monarch of the UK? Who is the current Prime Minister?


When MPs vote in the Commons they say ‘aye’ or ‘no’. In the Lords, Members vote saying ‘content’ or ‘not content’. MPs are not allowed to speak in the space between two red lines running along the length of the Chamber. It has been claimed that these lines are traditionally two swords’ lengths apart to prevent MPs duelling.


The UK political system

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch This means that a king or queen is the Head of State and a prime minister is the Head of the Government, which is voted into power by the people. The monarch once had absolute power, but this has been reduced to very limited powers and ceremonial duties. The monarch must remain politically impartial.


The business of Parliament takes place in two Houses: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Their work is similar: legislation, scrutiny of the government and debate of current issues. Generally, the decisions made in one House have to be approved by the other. In this way the two-chamber system acts as a check and balance for both Houses.


The Commons is made up of 650 Members of Parliament (MPs) who are elected by the public every five years. They represent many different political parties, although the majority belong to one of the two major parties, Labour or Conservative.

MPs debate the big political issues of the day and proposals for new laws. While most laws have to be approved by both houses, the Commons is solely responsible for decisions regarding financial bills, such as proposed new taxes. Every Wednesday, MPs from all parties can question the Prime Minister on any subject, although they usually focus on the controversial issues of the moment.

Debates are often very lively and dynamic, with MPs interrupting each other to challenge what is being said. However, certain rules must be followed and no ‘unparliamentary’ language is allowed.


The House of Lords is the second chamber of the UK Parliament and it processes and revises legislation (but does not veto laws passed by the Commons), acts as a check on government and provides a forum of independent expertise. Unlike MPs, the numbers of Lords are not fixed (there are currently about 780 members), they are not elected by the public and they are not paid. In the past, hereditary peers (where the title of Lord was passed onto an heir) were automatically allowed to sit and vote in the House of Lords. Now most members are appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the Prime Minister or of the House of Lords Appointments Commission, an independent, public body. 26 of the Lords are Church of England archbishops and bishops. Some Lords support a particular political party, while many others are ‘crossbenchers’, meaning that they are independent.

The Constitution

When thinking about a constitution, most people imagine a document which sets out the structure of the country’s government, the relationship with its citizens and their fundamental rights. The United Kingdom is one of the few nations which does not have a single written document of this kind. Instead, the British Constitution is formed by various sources, both written and unwritten, which have evolved over a long period of time. Written sources include Acts of Parliament (laws passed by parliament), case law made by judges, and international treaties; unwritten sources include parliamentary conventions and royal prerogatives. There has been much debate and also a House of Commons inquiry into whether a written constitution, a single comprehensive document of all the rules and conventions of the country, should be introduced as a way to make democracy and the political system clear and accessible to all UK citizens.


UK devolution created a national Parliament in Scotland, a national Assembly in Wales and a national Assembly in Northern Ireland. This process transferred varying levels of power from the UK Parliament to these countries – but kept authority over the devolved institutions in the UK Parliament itself. The devolved powers include matters like education, culture, environment, transport, justice and health.

The Scottish Parliament (129 elected members) and the National Assembly for Wales (60 elected members) took responsibility for their devolved powers on 1st July 1999. The Northern Ireland Assembly (90 elected members) followed on 2nd December 1999.


Along with the House of Commons and the House of Lords, the Sovereign is an integral part of the institution of Parliament, but the monarch is only really involved on occasions of symbolic significance, such as the State Opening of Parliament. The reigning monarch also has to approve all new laws – by the so-called Royal Assent – but this is just a formality.

2 Read the texts and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 The two parliamentary houses have similar responsibilities. T F

2 MPs are elected by the public.

3 Both the House of Commons and Lords have to approve new financial laws.

4 MPs have a weekly opportunity to put questions to the Prime Minister.




6 Hereditary peers are no longer automatically allowed to be part of the House of Lords.

7 All members of the House of Lords belong to a political party.

9 The UK does not have any kind of constitution.


8 The monarch has an important role in deciding new laws. T F

10 Devolution in the UK took place on two separate dates. T F READING COMPREHENSION

5 Members of the House of Lords are elected. T F


3 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION Discuss these questions in class.

1 Is there any form of devolution in Italy?

2 Do you think it is a positive thing? Why/Why not?

3 Do you think it is strange that the UK does not have a written constitution?

4 In Italy, you are taught about the Italian constitution at school. Do you think this is important? What do you think happens in the UK?

◀ King Charles III
▲ The Magna Carta

Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022)

‘I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service.’

The early years

Lilibet, as her family called her, was born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor on 21st April 1926, in London. She and her little sister Margaret were educated at home and had a happy childhood. She was not expected to become queen until her uncle, King Edward VII, abdicated to marry a divorced American woman called Wallis Simpson. Elizabeth was just ten when her father became King George VI and her life changed forever.

When the Second World War started in 1939 the sisters moved out of central London to Windsor Castle. At eighteen, Princess Elizabeth volunteered as a truck driver with the Auxiliary Territorial Service, and learned driving and mechanical skills. When thousands of people celebrated the end of the war in Europe in 1945, the princesses joined them outside Buckingham Palace, despite the fact that somebody might recognise them. During this period she met and fell in love with Prince Philip of Greece. He was her third cousin and in the Royal Navy. They married at Westminster Abbey in 1947 and had four children: Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward. The couple were happily married for 74 years until he died in 2021, aged 99.

Life as a queen

In January 1952, Elizabeth, aged 25, was on an official tour abroad with Philip, when her father died. She later said ‘My father died much too young, so it was all a very sudden kind of taking on and making the best job you can.’ More than 20 million people watched her coronation on TV in June 1953.

Queen Elizabeth II had to work hard to move with the times. She travelled all over the Commonwealth, meeting people in newly independent countries. The Monarchy became known as the ‘Royal Family’ for the first time. There was even a BBC documentary in 1969 showing the Windsors doing normal family things like having a barbecue, decorating the Christmas tree, and going out for a drive.

Hard times

The 1980s and 1990s were difficult years as three of the Queen’s children got divorced; Prince Charles and Princess Diana talked about their private lives on TV; and there was a huge fire at Windsor Castle. Buckingham Palace opened its doors to visitors to pay for the repairs at Windsor, and the Queen and the Prince of Wales started to pay taxes. However, it was the sudden death of Diana in a car accident in Paris in 1997, which caused the biggest change. People were not happy with the Queen for staying away as crowds came to Buckingham Palace to pay their respects. She returned to London with her two grandsons, William and Harry, and spoke warmly about their mother, Diana, to the British people on TV.

The final years

Through many personal difficulties and huge world events she continued to work for peace and cooperation. She became the first British monarch to make an official visit to the Irish Republic in 2011. She shook hands with the former IRA leader Martin McGuinness, despite an IRA bomb killing her cousin Lord Mountbatten in 1979. She was still working just two days before her death on September 8th 2022 at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.


1 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 When and where was Queen Elizabeth II born?

2 Why did she become queen?

3 What did she do during the war?

4 Who did she marry?

5 Where did she travel?

6 Whose death was a problem for her and why?

7 Which country was she the first monarch to visit officially?

8 How was this so surprising?

▲ The Queen meets the former Prime Minister Truss just two days before her death.
▲ Coronation portrait, June 1953 – London
▲ April 1945

The UK Government and Prime Minister

The political party that wins the most seats1 in a general election forms the government, led by their party leader who becomes Prime Minister. It is officially the monarch who appoints2 the party leader as Prime Minister, asking him/her to form His/Her Majesty’s Government.

The Prime Minister:

• is the head of the UK Government and is ultimately responsible for the policy and decisions of the Government;

• oversees the operation of the Civil Service and government agencies;

• appoints members of the Cabinet;

• is the principal government figure in the House of Commons.

Once a week, the Prime Minister has an audience with the monarch, normally in person but also by telephone if necessary.

The Cabinet is the committee at the centre of the British political system and is the supreme decisionmaking body in government. The Cabinet is formed by the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and the heads of departments, called Secretaries of States*, which are chosen by the Prime Minister.

Every Tuesday they meet, together with some other ministers, in the Cabinet room of Number 10 Downing Street to discuss the issues regarding the government and country. Government Cabinets have actually met in the same room since 1856. The Prime Minister can reorganise the roles of Cabinet ministers and the government to reflect changing priorities and challenges, for example by creating a new department or reallocating responsibilities.

www.gov.uk/government/how-government-works www.number10.gov.uk

The Secretaries of States include the Chancellor of the Exchequer (economy and finance), the Home Secretary, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, Secretary of State for Defence, Secretary of State for Education and so on.

1 seats: seggi

2 appoints: nomina

4 What is the role of the Cabinet? READING COMPREHENSION

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 Who is the Prime Minister and what is his/her role?

2 What role does the monarch have?

3 What is a Secretary of State?

▲ The first Labour government took office in January 1924, under Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.
▲ The first Labour government took office in January 1924, under Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.

The national parties for Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are increasingly playing a more important role within the UK Parliament. The Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru (the party of Wales) are both in favour of independence for their countries, while the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland supports remaining part of the UK. Sinn Féin, on the other hand, wants a united Ireland. Sinn Féin MPs do not actually sit in Parliament because they do not agree with swearing allegiance to the Crown.

Political parties

The UK has a multi-party system which, however, over the last 150 years has been mainly dominated by two political parties: the Labour Party and the Conservative Party.

The Labour Party

was born out of the trade union movement in 1900 with the aim of giving a political voice to the working classes and it was a socialist party. From the mid-1990s under the leadership of Tony Blair and his ‘New Labour’, the party moved away from its previous socialist policies of government intervention in the economy and the redistribution of wealth, and adopted more free market policies and become centre-left. Jeremy Corbyn, who was elected as party leader in 2015, had much more socialist, left-wing views and his policies were strongly criticised. He was replaced by Keir Starmer in 2020. Traditionally, the party is stronger in the north of England.

The Conservative Party

– often called the Tories – is a right-wing or centre-right political party and it was the dominant party in the UK for 18 years, from 1979 to 1997, winning four consecutive general elections. Margaret Thatcher, the nation’s first female Prime Minister, led the country for much of this time, followed by John Major. Traditionally stronger in the south of England, the party supports the ideas of a free market, the promotion of private enterprise and a strong military presence.

In the December 2019 general election, the Conservatives, with Boris Johnson as their leader, were re-elected with a strong majority. During his time as Prime Minister, there were various scandals concerning Johnson, in particular his behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic, and he was forced to resign in July 2022.

His replacement, Liz Truss, was the shortest-serving UK prime minister with only 50 days in office. In October 2022, Rishi Sunak was elected as the party leader and therefore became Prime Minister, the first Asian to hold this position.

Other parties

The Liberal Democrat Party was formed in 1988 with the merger of two existing parties, the Liberal Party, one of the two major parties of UK during the 19th century, and the Social Democratic Party. They are socially progressive and support electoral reform, progressive taxation, human rights laws and economic liberalism.

The Green Party, established in 1990, is a left-wing political group whose primary focus is environmental and ecological issues. It is also committed to social justice and equality, particularly with reference to a living wage for everyone. It generally wins only one or two seats in Parliament.

The UK Independence Party, which has right-wing, nationalist beliefs, was very prominent for several years before and during the Brexit referendum, but has since been in decline.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

6 Which party was very visible during the Brexit referendum? Why do you think that was? READING COMPREHENSION

1 What were the origins of the Labour Party?

2 How has this party changed its political position over the years?

3 What are the political beliefs of the Conservative Party?

4 What has characterised the Conservative Party over the last couple of years?

5 What parties are linked to specific countries of the UK? Which are in favour of independence?


Brexit or Bregret?

Over eight years have passed, and several Conservative prime ministers have come and gone since the Brexit referendum, yet the word is still regularly in the news. It was 2016 when the UK held a referendum on whether the country should remain a member of the European Union. Over the feverish months before 23rd June 2016, ‘leavers’ and ‘remainers’ battled it out in newspapers, on TV programmes, on the side of buses and in family arguments. Leavers argued that Britain’s participation in the EU was a restrictive element for the country: as one of the EU’s main initiatives is free movement within the Union, they focussed on regaining border control and reclaiming business rights, in their opinion too limited by EU red-tape rules. In addition, they said that the high membership fees paid to the EU could be used to benefit the UK instead. Remainers also focussed on the economic issues, such as the benefits of being able to participate in the EU single market system, and the economic and cultural strength that comes from being part of a wider community of nations. The referendum result, with 52% in favour of leaving, set in motion the complicated procedure of the UK exiting the EU, the first country to do so. Official notification to leave was given to the EU on 29th March 2017. This was followed by rounds of negotiations and talks, delays and requests for extensions, prime ministers presenting their withdrawal agreements and promising to ‘get Brexit done’. All in all, it was a period of anger, political turmoil and economic uncertainty. The UK officially left the EU on 31st January 2020, and the nation’s flags were removed from the EU buildings. There were mixed feelings when the European Parliament voted on and accepted the withdrawal agreement. Nigel Farage, a Member of the European parliament at that time and a strong supporter of Brexit, gave a speech in which he said, ‘Once


1 INVALSI Read the article and choose the correct option.

1 The main reasons ‘leavers’ had for Brexit were about…

A too many people entering the UK.

B limiting free circulation of goods.

C European taxes.

D regaining border control and reclaiming business rights.

2 What characterised the period between 2017 and 2020?

A A strong and stable economy.

B Turbulence and unpredictability.

C The continuous presence of one UK prime minister.

D A smooth and constructive negotiation process.

3 What did Brexit-supporting MEPs do on the last day of UK membership?

A They celebrated and broke EU parliament rules.

B They removed the UK flags from the parliament building.

C They celebrated the occasion with all the other MEPs.

D They spoke fondly about their time in the European parliament.

we have left, we are never coming back’. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, was more poetic and used the words of the British poet George Eliot to say ‘To our British friends and many – perhaps not all – but many of our British MEPs here in the room… We will always love you and we will never be far.’ Brexit-supporting MEPs waved UK flags – forbidden under European parliament rules – and then continued celebrating outside. Other MEPs, including those from the UK who were against Brexit, were sombre and emotional, singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’, a traditional Scottish song about old friends, to mark the moment. Since then, Brexit has remained in the news. There has been, for example, the Windsor Framework which is a post-Brexit agreement between the EU and the UK adjusting some details regarding the border situation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, still an EU member. But mainly it seems that Brexit is either used as the reason for any good economic news and growth or it is to blame for everything that is going wrong in the UK economy, from rising inflation to disruptions in food supply. Recent polls seem to suggest that many members of the public who voted leave are now suffering from Bregret – that is remorse over leaving the EU. Politicians, of course, put their own spin on it, using and interpreting data to their own political advantage. In another eight years’ time, will they still be blaming – or thanking – Brexit for the state of the UK economy?

4 What common sentiment was expressed by Ursula von der Leyen and the song ‘Auld Lang Syne’?

A The relationship between love and hate.

B Disagreement with the decision to leave.

C Closeness and friendship.

D The importance of reflecting on past mistakes.

5 Why does Brexit remain in the news so much?

A People are asking for a new referendum.

B It is used as the reason for both positive and negative economic news.

C It has caused a lot of problems between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

D Politicians want to reverse the decision over Brexit.

Women’s rights

Some important figures in the history of women’s rights

One of the earliest feminist philosophers was Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) who published her book A Vindication of the Rights of Women in 1792.

Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910) was the first woman to get a degree in medicine from an American medical school. Elizabeth Garret Anderson (1836-1917) qualified as a doctor in Paris, since she was not allowed to attend medical school in London. Both women were pioneers in opening up the medical profession to women.

Millicent Fawcett (1847-1929) was a campaigner for women’s rights in England, in particular for improved opportunities for women to enter higher education.

Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928), a political activist and leader of the suffragette movement, was fundamental in helping women get the vote in the UK.

Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) was a French existentialist philosopher, best known for her book The Second Sex (1949) about the treatment of women throughout history.

Germaine Greer (born 1939) is an Australian writer and journalist. She published The Female Eunuch (1970) on female sexuality and is considered to be an important voice in late 20th century feminism.

Michelle Bachelet (born 1951) was the first Executive Director of UN Women, the United Nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women, which was established in 2010.

As a child, Malala Yousafzai (born in 1997 in Pakistan) lived under Taliban occupation where girls were prevented from attending school. She survived being shot in the head by a Taliban gunman. She won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 and is an outspoken advocate for female education and gender equality.


1 Before the lesson, go to the FLIP BOOK and watch the video ‘Be one of many’ shared by Mercedes-Benz for International Women’s Day. How does it make you feel?

Do you think ‘Be one of many’ is an effective message?


2 Read the text and complete this table. What are these women known for?

Mary Wollstonecraft feminist philosopher

Blackwell Garret Anderson

Millicent Fawcett

Emmeline Pankhurst

Simone de Beauvoir

Germaine Greer

Michelle Bachelet

Malala Yousafzai

3 PRELIMINARY Listen to this presentation of a book on women’s rights in the UK and choose the correct option.

1 In England in the early 20th century most women...

A became doctors.

B stayed at home to be a wife and mother.

C had a good education.

2 The Women’s Social and Political Union...

A was a military group.

B demonstrated in a peaceful way.

C wanted women to be able to vote.

3 Women in the two World Wars had the chance to...

A travel away from home.

B fight in the army.

C get a job.

4 Women in the UK were able to vote...

A before World War I.

B after World War I.

C only after World War II.

5 What happened in the 1960s and 1970s?

A Women were involved in public demonstrations.

B Women were not allowed to wear high-heeled shoes.

C Women were only interested in feminist literature.

6 What is the presenter’s criticism of the book?

A The statistics only cover up to 1999.

B There could be more statistics.

C The statistics given are incorrect.

▲ Emmeline Pankhurst

Gender equality

The overall aim of Sustainable Development Goal 5 is to end all forms of discrimination against women and girls. This includes eliminating all forms of violence and exploitation, ensuring equal opportunities for leadership in political, economic and public life, and guaranteeing universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights.

Since 2006, the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index analyses the state and evolution of gender parity, looking at Economic Participation and Opportunity, Educational Attainment, Health and Survival, and Political Empowerment.


1 INVALSI Read the text and look at the data, then answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 What is the target of Sustainable Development Goal 5?

2 When did the World Economic Forum first start its Global Gender Gap index?

3 In which area of the world are 4 out of the top 5 countries in the 2023 Global Gender Gap Index?

4 Which region will probably be the first to close the gender gap?

5 How much does the percentage of women employed in STEM change between entry level and C-suite levels?

Voices in Human Sciences Podcast

2 Listen to this episode of The Voices in Human Sciences Podcast and answer the questions.

1 Where does the UK rank in the WEF’s Global Gender Gap Index?

2 In which two areas is the country furthest from gender equality?

3 Which employment sectors have the worst record for unequal pay?

4 Who are Stacey Macken and Samira Ahmed?

5 Why did they take their employers to an employment tribunal?

6 What was the outcome?

3 CRITICAL THINKING What steps can we take as individuals to promote genuine gender equality and empower women?

Target 5 of Sustainable Development Goal 5 refers to ensuring that women have full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership in political, economic and public life. The need to achieve equal pay for work of equal value is part of Target 5 of Sustainable Development Goal 8


1 Look back at pp. 120-121 and 170-171. Is the fight for women’s rights over in today’s world? Do you know of any document(s) that defend gender equality?


Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

Virginia Woold was born in London to a large, intellectual family but as a girl she was not allowed to attend university as her brothers did. After her mother and father’s deaths, she started suffering from mental breakdowns. When she moved to the Bloomsbury area of London, she met intellectuals like Lytton Strachey, Rupert Brooke and Leonard Woolf, whom she married in 1912. Together, they formed the Bloomsbury Group, a group of intellectuals who played a central role in the development of Modernism in the early 20th century. She played a leading role in both the group and the Modernist movement, but her mental conditions remained fragile.

In March 1941, she committed suicide by drowning herself in the river Ouse, near her home.

Virginia Woolf and feminism

A Room of One’s Own (1929)

A Room of One’s Own is considered the first major work in feminist criticism. It is based on two lectures Woolf delivered at Newnham College and Girton College, two women’s colleges at Cambridge University, in October 1928. The writer argues that a woman can fully exploit her natural talents only if she can dedicate herself to them in a ‘room of her own’, a physical and mental space of creativity.

Could we have had a Judith Shakespeare?

Woolf explains why a room of one’s own is needed to make a person capable of writing. She ironically agrees with a bishop’s opinion that a woman could not have written the plays of Shakespeare, and then introduces the case of a genius lost to history because she was not a man, but ‘only’ a woman in the Elizabethan age.

But, you may say, we asked you to speak about women and fiction – what has that got to do with a room of one’s own? I will try to explain. […] A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction; and that, as you will see, leaves the great problem of the true nature of woman and the true nature of fiction unsolved. […] I thought of that old gentleman, who is dead now, but was a bishop, I think, who declared that it was impossible for any woman, past, present, or to come, to have the genius of Shakespeare. He wrote to the papers about it. He also told a lady who applied to him for information that cats do not as a matter of fact go to heaven, though they have, he added, souls of a sort. How much thinking those old gentlemen used to save one! How the borders of ignorance shrank back at their approach! Cats do not go to heaven. Women cannot write the plays of Shakespeare. Be that as it may, I could not help thinking, as I looked at the works of Shakespeare on the shelf, that the bishop was right at least in this; it would have been impossible, completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare.







Let me imagine, since the facts are so hard to come by, what would have happened had Shakespeare had a wonderfully gifted sister, called Judith, let us say. Shakespeare himself went, very probably – his mother was an heiress1 – to the grammar school, where he may have learnt Latin – Ovid, Virgil and Horace – and the elements of grammar and logic. [...] He had, it seemed, a taste for the theatre; he began by holding horses at the stage door. Very soon he got work in the theatre, became a successful actor, and lived at the hub2 of the universe, meeting everybody, knowing everybody, practising his art on the boards, exercising his wits in the streets, and even getting access to the palace of the queen. Meanwhile his extraordinarily gifted sister, let us suppose, remained at home. She was as adventurous, as imaginative, as agog3 to see the world as he was. But she was not sent to school. She had no chance of learning grammar and logic, let alone of reading Horace and Virgil. She picked up a book now and then, one of her brother’s perhaps, and read a few pages. But then her parents came in and told her to mend the stockings or mind the stew and not moon about4 with books and papers. [...] Perhaps she scribbled some pages up in an apple loft on the sly5, but was careful to hide them or set fire to them. Soon, however, before she was out of her teens, she was to be betrothed6 to the son of a neighbouring

wool-stapler. She cried out that marriage was hateful to her, and for that she was severely beaten by her father. Then he ceased to scold her. He begged her instead not to hurt him, not to shame him in this matter of her marriage. [...] She made up a small parcel of her belongings, let herself down by a rope one summer’s night and took the road to London. She was not seventeen. The birds that sang in the hedge were not more musical than she was. She had the quickest fancy, a gift like her brother’s, for the tune of words. Like him, she had a taste for the theatre. She stood at the stage door; she wanted to act, she said. Men laughed in her face. The manager – a fat, loose-lipped man – guffawed7. He bellowed8 something about poodles9 dancing and women acting – no woman, he said, could possibly be an actress. He hinted – you can imagine what. She could get no training in her craft. Could she even seek her dinner in a tavern or roam the streets at midnight? Yet her genius was for fiction and lusted to feed abundantly upon the lives of men and women and the study of their ways. At last – for she was very young, oddly like Shakespeare the poet in her face, with the same grey eyes and rounded brows – at last Nick Greene the actor-manager took pity on her; she found herself with child by that gentleman and so – who shall measure the heat and violence of the poet’s heart when caught and tangled in a woman’s body? – killed herself one winter’s night and lies buried at some crossroads where the omnibuses now stop outside the Elephant and Castle…


2 Read the extract and complete the summary with the words in the box.

act • brother • home • housework • laugh learn • opportunities • unexpressed • ironically run away • school • sister

Woolf (1) agrees with a bishop’s opinion that a woman could not have written the plays of Shakespeare. She invents a fictional character Judith, Shakespeare’s (2) , to illustrate that a woman with Shakespeare’s gifts would have been denied the same (3) to develop them. Judith stays at (4) while William goes to (5) . He is free to (6) and move around; Judith has to do the (7) . Judith’s father wants her to marry and when she refuses, he beats her. She decides to (8) to London, where her (9) has become rich and famous. People, however, (10) at Judith when she wants to (11) in the theatre or write. Her genius remains (12) and she kills herself.

3 Answer the questions.

1 William Shakespeare attended the local grammar school in Stratford-upon-Avon, and studied Latin and the classics. What about Judith’s education?

2 What did her parents think of her attempt at self-education?

3 Did she try to write poems despite her parents’ hostility?

4 William Shakespeare ran away to London to find fame and fortune. What about Judith’s choice?

5 What tragic destiny did she meet?

6 What message do you think the writer wants to convey?

7 Why is physical space important?

8 Woolf focuses on the issue of equal opportunities for women. Do you think that her point is still valid today?

Made in Dagenham

The film (2010) is based on the true story of a group of female sewing machinists who worked at the Ford car manufacturing plant in Dagenham, UK. In 1968, they went on strike to protest against sexual discrimination and to demand fair pay. This action led to the Equal Pay Act of 1970 in the UK.

Back in Shakespeare’s time there were no female actors and female roles were taken by young boys. Acting was forbidden for women who were not allowed to perform in public theatres in England until 1660.

poodles: barboncini

Watch the scene and answer these questions.

This scene is from the end of the film when the Employment Secretary, Barbara Castle, and a group of the strikers, meet the press.

How many machinists were on strike?

When will they return to work?

What pay rise will they get?

How does that compare to what the men earn? 5 What does Ms Castle say the government supports? 6 When will the appropriate legislation be ready?

The United States


Quick facts

1 Have you ever been to the USA? Which area did you visit or would you like to visit?


The United States of America is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean It has borders to the north with Canada and to the south with Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico There are two states which are separated from the rest of the country: Alaska, located to the north west of Canada, and Hawaii, a volcanic archipelago in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


The Appalachian Mountains run along the eastern coast of the country from the border with Canada and down to South Carolina. The Rocky Mountains, running from north to south, form the continental divide of North America: to the east there are the Great Plains, while to the west there are the arid deserts of Utah, Nevada and Arizona. The Pacific Coast is quite mountainous with the Sierra Nevada mountain range in southern California and the Cascade Mountains in the states of Oregon and Washington. Alaska is also mountainous and has the highest peak in the USA (Mount Denali, 6,194m).

Lakes and rivers

In the north, and partly shared with Canada, there are the Great Lakes. They are connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the St Lawrence Seaway. Lake Superior is the largest at over 560km long. The Niagara River, which connects Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, is the location of the world-famous Niagara Falls. The longest river in the USA, the Missouri, starts in Montana in the north and flows into the Mississippi River, the second longest river in the USA, which ends in the Gulf of Mexico near New Orleans. This city, and others near the Mississippi Delta, are at great risk of flooding after hurricanes and tropical storms, which often hit the area in late summer. The Colorado River, which created the spectacular Grand Canyon, starts in the Rocky Mountains and flows through several states before it ends in the Gulf of California.


Due to its size, the USA has a very wide range of climatic conditions, from the tropical and sub-tropical climates of Hawaii and Florida, to the sub-arctic climate of Alaska, where mountains have snow all year. The south west is arid and the north east has cold, snowy winters and hot summers. The Central Plains can be subject to warm humid air from the south or cold air from the north, which means dramatic changes in weather and temperature in the same day. The coastal areas of California have a Mediterranean climate, but San Francisco, for example, has its own microclimate and is often cooler with wind and fog.

▲ Alaska’s Mount Denali
▲ The island of Kauai in Hawaii ▲ Early-morning fog in San Francisco
▲ Niagara Falls

National Park

The Golden Gate Bridge

The federal district is the District of Columbia where the capital city Washington DC is located. The land was donated by the State of Maryland specifically to build the nation’s capital and is not part of any state.

2 Read the texts and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 The USA has land borders with two countries. T F

2 The Rocky Mountains stretch from east to west across the centre of the country. T F

3 The Pacific Coast is quite flat with no mountains. T F

4 The St Lawrence Seaway connects the Great Lakes with the Pacific Ocean. T F

5 The Missouri converges with the Mississippi River. T F

6 Alaska is a mountainous region with areas of permanent snow. T F

7 The Central Plains area has frequent and dramatic changes in weather.

8 San Francisco is hot most of the year with a Mediterranean climate.

9 Washington DC, the capital, is located in the District of Columbia.

10 Approximately a third of Americans are Spanish speakers.






1 Which three events or people on these pages do these quotations come from?

1 ‘Tear down this wall!’

2 ‘Yes, we can.’

3 ‘I have a dream.’


Key moments in the 20th and 21st centuries

Pearl Harbor

On the 7th December 1941 the Japanese attacked the American naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. In the surprise attack, hundreds of Japanese fighter planes destroyed or damaged 18 American naval ships and hundreds of planes. More than 2,000 American Army and Navy personnel died, and many more were injured. There were also many civilian casualties. The following day, US Congress declared war on Japan. Before that, the USA had sent war material to the Allies but was not at war itself. After Germany and Italy declared war on the USA, the US troops also joined the Allies fighting in Europe. Victory in Europe was celebrated on 8th May 1945 with the surrender of Nazi Germany. However, it was only after the USA dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 that the Japanese surrendered and the war ended.

Martin Luther King Jr

In 1955, Martin Luther King Jr, a minister of a Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, was chosen as the head of a new group to support the Montgomery bus boycott – a protest where the town’s black citizens boycotted the bus system for 13 months. This protest ended with the US Supreme Court deciding that segregation on the city’s public buses was unconstitutional. King quickly became a national civil rights leader against racial discrimination and segregation, taking his non-violent protest strategy from Gandhi and combining it with Christian gospel ideas. In 1963 he led the Birmingham campaign, an enormous civil rights protest, with mass meetings, marches and a boycott of city shops. Later the same year, he gave his famous ‘I have a dream’ speech during a civil rights march in Washington. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He was assassinated on 4th April 1968 while he was in Memphis to support a sanitation workers’ strike.

The Cold War

Much of the second half of the 20th century was marked by the Cold War between the world’s superpowers, the USA and the USSR. Although there was no direct military conflict, there was extremely strong political and military tension, and both countries developed an arsenal of nuclear weapons. The Cuban Missile Crisis almost brought the world to a nuclear war in 1962. US President Ronald Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev were fundamental in ending this conflict, as they met at various summits to negotiate the reduction in nuclear arms. The end of the Cold War can be said to be at the Malta Summit in 1989, with an agreement between President George Bush and Gorbachev a few weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall in Germany, a symbol of this East-West divide.

Malcolm X and Rosa Parks
▼ The statue of Martin Luther King Jr in Washington DC, inspired by his quotation ‘Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope’
▼ The atomic bomb over Nagasaki, 1945
▼ Bush and Gorbachev, 1989

The 9/11 attacks

In the early morning of 11th September 2001, al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked1 four passenger airlines to carry out terrorist attacks on the USA. Two planes hit the north and south towers of the World Trade Center in New York, one hit the Pentagon in Washington DC and the last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. There were almost 3,000 victims and thousands more injured in these co-ordinated attacks which prompted the USA and other nations to strengthen their anti-terrorism legislation and declare a global War on Terror. This included the invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban; the invasion of Iraq; the capture and execution of Saddam Hussein and, in 2011, the killing of Osama Bin Laden, leader of al-Qaeda.

Barack Obama, born on 4th August 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii, was the first African-American President of the USA. His first presidential campaign used the slogan ‘Yes, we can’ in order to send a message of hope and change to the nation and in particular to new voters, many of them young and black. During his two terms as President from 2009 to 2017, he introduced a healthcare reform bill, known as Obamacare; ended US combat operations in Iraq; announced the death of al-Qaeda leader Bin Laden and proposed plans for improved diplomatic relations with Cuba. In 2009 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

US Capitol attack

On 6th January 2021 a mob of supporters of Republican President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol. Trump, who had lost the 2020 presidential election to his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, gave a speech in which he encouraged his supporters to march on the Capitol and oppose Congress’s certification of Biden’s victory. More than 2000 rioters, who believed the election result to be a fraud, assaulted police officers and guards, vandalised and looted2 the Capitol building, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office, and several people died or were injured. This attack was regarded as an insurrection and an act of domestic terrorism and the perpetrators were later arrested, tried and sentenced to prison. In November 2024, Trump won the elections against the democratic candidate Kamala Harris.


2 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 What happened at Pearl Harbor?

2 How was America involved in the war until that point?

3 What was the Montgomery bus boycott?

4 What methods of protest did King believe in and use to fight racial discrimination and segregation?

5 Which two countries were involved in the Cold War?

6 Why do you think the word ‘war’ was used even if there was no fighting?

7 What happened on 11th September 2001?

8 What message did Barack Obama give to voters during his first presidential campaign?

9 What events was he involved in during his presidency?

10 Why did Trump supporters storm the Capitol?

▼ Firefighters after the 9/11 attacks
1 hijacked: dirottarono
2 looted: saccheggiarono
Barack Obama

Society and culture

US population and identity

The USA, with its long history of immigrants, is an extremely multiethnic and multicultural society. Estimated figures for 2023 show 13.6% of the population is Black or African American and 6.3% is Asian. 1.3% is American Indian or Alaska Native and 19.1% of the US population is of Hispanic or Latino origin (a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South American, Central American or other Spanish culture). The Hispanic population is the principal driver behind demographic growth in the country, together with the Asian community.

The USA used to be described as a ‘melting pot’ – a metaphor for a society where immigrants from many different backgrounds blend together and assimilate into a cohesive whole, assuming that over time the distinct customs and traditions associated with particular groups would disappear as people assimilated into the larger culture. This has been substituted with ‘mosaic’ (also known as ‘cultural pluralism’ or ‘multiculturalism’). The ‘mosaic’ pattern celebrates the unique cultural heritage of ethnic groups, who represent a variety of cultures, religions, native languages and lifestyles that they want to preserve. In this way, individuals can be Americans and at the same time claim other identities.

The languages spoken in US households reflect the diversity of the population, with over 21% speaking a language that is not English at home. Unsurprisingly, given the large percentage of people of Hispanic origin, Spanish is the most common language spoken at home after English.

There is no official church in the USA and the US Constitution guarantees the right to practise any form of religion. There are no US Census statistics regarding religious beliefs as questions about religion cannot be asked on the national census. However, other surveys show that there are a wide variety of religious beliefs and practices with Christianity being the largest, although in decline.


1 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 What has contributed to making the USA a multiethnic country?

2 What does the term Hispanic refer to and what percentage of the population is of Hispanic origin?


3 What is the difference between the terms 'melting pot' and 'mosaic'?

4 What is the second most spoken language at home?

5 What right is protected by the US Constitution?

2 INVALSI Listen to five people talking about what it means to be American. Match each speaker to what he/she says. There are two extra options you do not need.

a US immigration policy seems to have deteriorated.

b Nothing is impossible in the USA.

c Ethnic diversity is one positive aspect of the USA.

d Immigrants still come to the USA to find the ‘American Dream’.

e Religious freedom is a fundamental part of the USA.

f The USA offers more prospects to its citizens than other countries.

g It is difficult to be successful because there are too many restrictions.


Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5

3 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION Discuss these questions in small groups.

1 Is it possible for people to hold onto their cultural traditions over several generations?

2 How much should an immigrant try to blend into his/her new country?

Food and sport


American cuisine reflects the origins and diversity of its population. You can get hamburgers, hot dogs and other fast food, of course, but each region has its own specialities. Hawaiian food has the influences of East Asia in Chinese five spice powder or Japanese sashimi. In Arizona, New Mexico, California and Texas you can find Mexican food such as burritos, tortillas and tacos. Creole/Cajun cooking influenced by the Spanish, French, Italians, Native Americans and West Africans is characteristic of New Orleans and Louisiana. Chicago is famous for deep-dish pizza, inspired by Italian pizza but actually more like a pie. There are also many dishes introduced by Eastern European Jewish immigrants like soups, stews and dumplings.

Food plays an important role at Thanksgiving, on the fourth Thursday in November, as family and friends gather together to celebrate. Typical dishes include roast turkey, cranberry sauce, potatoes and pumpkin pie. For eating out, there is an enormous variety of restaurants, 24/7 diners, fast-food places, cafés and street trucks to choose from. Service in restaurants is almost always prompt and friendly, and tips of between 15% and 20% of the cost of the meal are expected. The legal age for buying and consuming alcohol is 21 in all US states.


Sport is one of the most unifying and significant parts of the culture of the USA. Games are vehicles for transmitting values such as teamwork, fair play and justice from a young age. For example, you can find Little League baseball programmes all over the States, from small rural areas to inner city districts, which encourage children as young as 4 to take part in a sport. Sports are particularly associated with education in the USA, with most high schools and universities offering organised sports and competitions which are taken very seriously. College basketball and American football games are as popular as professional sports in some parts of the country. As far as watching sports goes, the most popular are certainly American football, baseball and basketball, but tennis, motor sports, ice hockey, wrestling and golf have many fans too.

In spite of the importance of sport and the opportunities to take part, the USA has a serious obesity problem caused, amongst other things, by a sedentary lifestyle, not enough physical activity and bad eating habits with too many high-fat and high-sugar convenience foods. To tackle this problem, there are many initiatives to educate people and promote healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

2 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 Which different countries or regions have influenced American cuisine?

2 What happens at Thanksgiving?

3 What do you have to do if you eat in a restaurant in the USA?

4 What values can people learn from sport?


1 Do you follow any American sports or sports teams?

5 What is Little League baseball?

6 How important is sport in schools and universities?

7 Which sports are the most popular?

8 Why has the USA got an obesity problem?

3 CRITICAL THINKING – COMPARING CULTURES Discuss these questions in pairs.

5 What could governments, organisations and schools do to help tackle the obesity problem? YOUR VOICE

1 What’s your opinion of American food?

2 Have you ever tried any of the dishes mentioned?

3 What other values do you think people can get from playing a sport?

4 Should more importance be given to sport in Italian schools?

1 The pie chart shows the US GDP by sector. Can you label it correctly?


Primary sector

Agriculture, fishing and forestry

Agriculture, forestry and fishing represent approximately 1% of the GDP of the USA and employ around 1.2% of the total workforce: two facts which could seem to imply that they are insignificant in size and production output. On the contrary, the USA is actually one of the largest agricultural producers in the world and exports more farm products than any other country, as well as being able to satisfy its domestic demand. Most of the farms are large, agribusiness operations which are highly mechanised and employ relatively small numbers of workers. Migrant and seasonal workers are common in this sector. The major crops cultivated are corn, soybeans (Midwestern states), wheat (Great Plains), rice, cotton, tobacco (Southern states). Fruit, including grapes for wine, is grown in California, as well as in Washington and Florida. Beef cattle are important in Texas, Iowa and Nebraska while Wisconsin and Minnesota raise cattle for dairy products.

The fishing industry is important in Alaska (salmon), New England (lobsters, oysters), California, Louisiana (shrimps), as well as the Gulf of Mexico in general. Forests account for approximately 3 million sq km of the land, and two thirds of the forests are considered timberlands, that is they can be used for the production of commercial wood products.





The USA is one of the world’s leading producers and consumers of wood and wood products and the industry is predominant in the northwest Pacific coast areas, like Oregon and Washington, and also in Alaska.

Natural resources and energy

The USA is rich in mineral deposits and some of the most important are: oil and natural gas (Alaska, Texas, California and the gulf of Mexico), coal (Appalachian mountains, Wyoming, West Virginia and Kentucky), gold (mostly in Nevada), copper (Arizona and Utah), lead (Missouri) and also silver, aluminium and zinc. These minerals continue to be important for the nation’s industrial sector and for global exports.

The US’s primary energy sources are from fossil fuels – petroleum, natural gas and coal accounted for about 81% of total US primary energy production in 2022. The use of coal has reduced significantly, while petroleum and gas remain high. Nuclear power represents 8% and renewable sources 13% of primary energy production. The major sources of renewable energy are hydroelectric power production, solar and wind, followed by biomass and geothermal. The US has been a net total energy exporter – that is total energy exports have been higher than total energy imports – since 2019.

2 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 How important are agriculture, fishing and forestry for the US economy?

2 What are most of the US farms like?

3 What kind of workers are often employed in this sector?

4 In which states can beef and dairy cattle be found?

5 Which states have an important fishing industry?

6 What percentage of US forests can be used for commercial purposes?

7 What are the main energy sources for the USA?

8 What percentage of primary energy is generated by nuclear power?

9 Which renewable energy sources are the most used?

10 Can the US satisfy its domestic demand for energy?

has a long history of using hydropower and
are about 1500 plants, mainly situated in Washington, California and Oregon. The oldest is in Whiting, Wisconsin, which started operating in 1891; the largest is the Grand Coulee hydro dam on the Columbia River in Washington State.

Industry and manufacturing

The US is one of the world’s leading manufacturing nations and industry represents just under 18% of the nation’s GDP. Employment in the sector has been declining since the 1980s but output has remained relatively constant due to the advances in technology and productivity.

The industrial areas used to be concentrated in the Northeast and Midwest regions, particularly Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Illinois and New York, with steelmaking and automobile manufacturing among the leading industries. However, after the end of World War II, manufacturing industries moved to the south and west of the nation. California and Texas are now the country’s leading manufacturing states: many of the Fortune 500 companies (e.g. Dell, Exxon Mobil, McKesson, Oracle, Tesla) are located in Texas and in California (e.g. Apple, Alphabet, Meta Platforms, Chevron, Intel). California is important for the aerospace industry, as well as for the manufacture of heavy machinery for agriculture, construction, mining, and the oil industry. Since the early 1980s Silicon Valley, the area near San Francisco in northern California, has been associated firstly with electronics, then with silicon chips, computers and other high-tech industries.

It is one of the leading high-tech manufacturing and R&D centres in the USA. In addition to oil companies, Texas is important for aeronautics, defence and military facilities, and in recent years the number of companies operating in the computer technology field has also increased.

In those states with a high percentage of agriculture and livestock farming, food processing is naturally a key industry (e.g. California, Wisconsin, Ohio). Transportation equipment is an important sector and Michigan and Ohio are noted for their automobile production. Ohio is also the biggest state for the rubber and plastics industry. Industrial machinery, chemical, pharmaceutical, printing and publishing industries are also significant contributors to the country’s manufacturing output.


1 Which companies and products do you associate with American industry and manufacturing?

The US economy is dominated by private companies, which have the freedom and flexibility to hire and fire staff and open and close plants and offices. Bureaucracy, regarding launching new products for example, is less than in some other countries. The US government and federal agencies control and regulate certain aspects of industry, such as work and safety conditions or food and drug safety. Given that the state and federal governments are major purchasers of goods and services from the private sector, they have the power to influence certain sectors of the economy and their activities, particularly in areas like aerospace and defence.

2 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 Why has manufacturing output not declined over the years?

2 In which areas of the USA were the main industries situated?

3 When did companies begin to move to other areas?

4 Where is Silicon Valley and why is it important?

5 Which industries are predominant in Texas?

6 Where is food processing an important industry?

7 Which two states are famous for producing cars?

8 Are there more private or government-owned enterprises in the USA?

9 What role do government agencies have in regulating industry?

10 How can the government affect some sectors of the economy?

3 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS – ACCURACY Research a successful American entrepreneur (e.g. Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet) and write a short presentation. Include the following points: • background and education; • business idea/start up; • ups and downs of career; • current situation.

1 Can you remember what percentage of the GDP in the USA derives from the service sector? Why do you think it is so high?

Service sector

During the 20th century, the importance of the services sector to the US economy grew steadily, just like in most other developed countries around the world, from about 50% of the GDP in 1929 to 65% in 1978 and 75% in 1993. Today the percentage is around 78% and the sector employs around 80% of the country’s workforce.

Wholesale and retail trade is the leading business area and, in fact, the USA is probably the world’s leader in the retail industry. It is dominated by large retailers such as Walmart, CostCo, Amazon, Kroger and Target. Walmart is both the biggest retailer in the USA and in the world, where it operates under the Walmart name and through subsidiaries in many countries.

Healthcare is another large sector, destined to grow more as the country’s population ages and health and medical needs rise. It employs just over 20.5 million people, ranging from professional medical positions, social assistants and administrative staff. Advertising, whether creating new TV ads or selling space in magazines and newspapers, is a fast-paced and competitive industry, with the major players in New York and California. The US entertainment industry, recognised as a leader on a global level, is also vital, especially in California. Tourism – both domestic and international – is a significant source of both employment and income, thanks to the wide variety of tourist destinations including National Parks, beaches, cities and monuments. The number of people employed in business and professional services, such as lawyers and consultants, is also large, with over 22.5 million people. Financial services, banking, insurance and real estate remain other key components of the services sector. The New York Stock Exchange is the largest in the world and New York is one of the leading financial capitals of the world. Chicago is the second most important financial centre in the USA.

While much of US industry and business is dominated by huge corporations, many Americans are keen to start their own businesses, whether it be a restaurant, delicatessen, hardware store or cleaning business. This is made easy by the relatively simple procedure to set up a business and by the fact that it is not difficult to start again if a business should fail. Many women and minority groups start their own businesses, stemming perhaps from the idea of the American dream to be free to realise one’s ambitions.

2 Read the texts and complete the sentences.

1 Around 80% of the US workforce is…

2 Companies like CostCo and Target are part of the …

3 The healthcare sector is likely to grow because…

4 Key sectors in California are....


5 The business and professional service sector employs...

6 New York and Chicago are the two…

7 Starting your own business in America is…

8 A lot of small businesses are set up by…

3 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS – PRESENTING Choose one of the companies mentioned on pages 180 or 181 and do some research. Prepare a short presentation to give to the rest of the class. You should include some details on the following aspects:

• type of business, location and size;

• important milestones in the history of the company;

• information about its products/services;

• marteking strategies.

Black Friday Strategies

The American retail industry employs nearly 15.5 million people, that’s 9.4% of the total workforce, and most of those people are extremely busy working on Black Friday. That’s because this day, which is the day after Thanksgiving in November, starts the shopping season in the USA and it’s full of crazy sales, massive discounts and millions of shoppers storming1 brick-and-mortar and online stores. Even most of Europe has caught on to this trend too.

There are, however, retailers that are opting out of this consumer shopping frenzy. The outdoor equipment and clothing company REI has closed its shops, as well as its warehouses and offices, on every Black Friday since 2015, preferring to let staff spend time with their families, and to encourage everyone to be outdoors rather than shopping. Everlane, an online clothing retailer, used to shut its website down for Black Friday. Now it has set up the Everlane Black Friday Fund where, for every $100 spent on its site, it donates money to different causes. In 2023, for example, it was to help create better grazing pastures2 for sheep in New Zealand, sheep which provide the wool they use for their clothes. Ikea has had Green Friday campaigns where people can sell their old Ikea furniture back to the company.

But what are the reasons behind these choices? Is it just to give workers a day off or help a good cause? Sometimes the decision not to participate in this day of over-consumption is taken because it is in line with the company’s corporate values and purpose, such as for any brand that is environmentally and socially conscious. Other times it’s a financial decision, because opting out of Black Friday can actually help a company make money. Back in 2015, when the company REI announced its

decision to close on Black Fridays, it got incredible amounts of press and social media attention which generated so much free advertising for them. Another reason, and this is particularly true for higher-end and luxury stores, is that offering discounts devalues a brand. Furthermore, in these kinds of stores it is unlikely that shoppers impulse buy, and it is this which actually makes Black Friday profitable. Places like department stores, clothes and electronic/electrical appliance shops, which have huge volumes and large distribution networks, offer certain, popular products at extremely low prices to attract customers. Once the customer is inside, they are likely to impulse buy other goods too, even if they have much lower discounts or they’re not even on sale – the shopping frenzy mentioned at the start of this article. In the end, whether open or closed on Black Friday, it is all about making a profit in the way that fits best with a company’s business strategy.

4 INVALSI Read the article and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Write the first four words of the sentence that supports your decision.

1 Black Friday is limited to the retail trade in the USA.

2 Not all retailers take part in Black Friday.

3 Every year the Everlane Black Friday Fund gives money to sheep farmers.

4 The idea of Black Friday might not suit an eco-conscious company’s strategy.

5 Luxury brands don’t want to devalue their image and brand by offering discounts.


6 Black Friday shoppers are careful about only buying goods that have been heavily discounted. T F

5 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Research online information about Black Friday and prepare a short report. You should include the following points:

• what the most sold products are. ONLINE RESEARCH & WRITING

• when and where it started;

• why it is called Black Friday;

• some data on how many people go shopping on this day;

1 storming: che prendono d’assalto 2 grazing pastures: pascoli


1 In pairs, can you think about a recent economic crisis? What was it triggered by? Which countries did it involve? Was it a global crisis? Compare your answers with your classmates’ ones.

S&P Global Ratings (previously Standard & Poor’s) is one of several companies which provide credit ratings on countries, bonds and other investments. The rating AAA is the best credit rating that can be given and it means that the risk of defaulting is miniscule. AA+ is the second best rating this company issues.

21st-century crises

The dot-com bubble

The dot-com bubble of the late 1990s and early 2000 was a period of wild speculation and frenzied growth followed by a dramatic crash. During this period, a lot of new Internetbased companies were founded and there was a lot of market confidence in their future. They went public quickly with incredibly high business valuations in spite of negative earnings. Investments in their shares rose dramatically. It seemed that as long as a company had dot-com after its name, its share price would go through the roof1. There were also a lot of investments from individuals as well as venture capital from companies, without paying much attention to the normal parameters for judging an investment. At their peak, it is estimated that dot-com shares were worth about 8% of the total of the US stock market. However, the bubble burst spectacularly in March 2000 and over the next year many of the dot-com companies failed completely, never having made a profit, and causing private and institutional investors to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars.

2007-2010 financial crisis

1 would go through the roof: sarebbe schizzato alle stelle

2 lax: lassista

3 bail out: salvare

4 curb: frenare


This period of financial crisis is often compared in its severity to the 1929 crisis that led to the Great Depression. The previous years of good economic performance – solid GDP growth, low inflation and low unemployment - in conjunction with a rather lax2 regulatory framework led to a large expansion of credit and to the development of new financial products and financing vehicles. The crisis started with the 2007 sub-prime chaos. Many households had accumulated large amounts of debt in the form of mortgages, with the view that house prices would always increase, but when the US housing bubble collapsed they were left unable to pay back their loans. Financial institutions collapsed and investors suffered huge capital losses. Many people lost their jobs, houses and pensions. Various governments, like those in the USA and the UK, set up rescue packages to bail out3 financial institutions. While this helped financial markets to function normally again, it also increased public debt to incredible levels meaning higher taxes and lower public spending for many years. In 2011, S&P downgraded US debt for the first time from AAA to AA+.

COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a global recession in 2020, characterised by widespread economic downturn and job losses. In the first months of the year, in an attempt to curb4 the spread of the virus, borders were closed, countries implemented stringent lockdowns and all non-essential businesses were shut down. Supply chains were disrupted, consumer spending dropped, unemployment rates surged and many businesses failed. The US government, like many around the world, organised direct relief payments to individuals and stimulus packages to support businesses during the crisis. This pandemic was unique in its suddenness and global scope, with impacts on both developed and developing economies. It highlighted the vulnerability of interconnected global economies to unforeseen shocks and it is thought that many economies will take years to fully recover.

2 Read the texts and say which crisis/crises…

1 was extremely sudden?

2 had long lasting effects?

3 was connected to Internet-based companies?

4 caused financial institutions to collapse?

5 created unemployment?

6 initially saw rapid increase in share prices?

7 saw government intervention and help?

8 was preceded by a very positive climate?


‘It Felt Like Someone Had Just Died a Tragic and Untimely Death.’

As the Lehman share price declined steadily – and sometimes not so steadily – during 2008, we watched on in horror. Still, the vast majority of Lehman’s employees remained confident until the end that management, led by Dick Fuld, were telling us the truth: that we had excellent risk management systems and were deleveraging1 and cutting costs. We felt confident that Fuld was dealing with the situation. After all, he had transformed Lehman from a failing subsidiary of American Express into one of the biggest and most-respected banks in the world. If he couldn’t do it, we thought, no one could. Over time, however, our definition of ‘worst case scenario’ evolved, but few of us even considered the idea of the Fed not bailing Lehman out as a last resort. Fast forward to the morning of September 15, 2008.

Overnight, Lehman Brothers had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. In New York, Fuld was strengthening his personal security team. In London, employees got together to see what could be salvaged of their jobs and salaries, but primarily to say goodbye to their teams and pack up their desks. It felt like someone had just died a tragic and untimely death. Shock was the predominant emotion. Things didn’t feel real that day. Uncertainty surrounded us. Would we be paid for the last month? Would our mobile phones get cut off today? What would we tell the clients who won’t stop calling? What would happen tomorrow? We were hearing rumours that the US side

1 de-leveraging: riducendo la leva finanziaria

was selling itself to Barclays. Soon it was clear that in London we were on our own, and no one had any idea what to do next. Someone saw Lehman T-shirts selling for $40 on eBay. Soon the juniors had taken every Lehman-branded object in sight. The most desirable was a cube-shaped stress toy with Lehman’s operating principles, such as ‘Demonstrating smart risk management’ and ‘Maximising shareholder value’, on it. Had one not sat on my desk for months previously, I would have thought a clever satirist had made it after the bankruptcy. Unfortunately, it appeared our chief executive had not read the cube.

Desperate bankers were enthusiastically discussing ideas with head-hunters that they would have previously laughed at. Relocating families to Bahrain suddenly looked like a wonderful opportunity. Some senior people left that day for new jobs. Others locked themselves in their offices, trying to do the same and juniors conducted job interviews in the open plan space. The ship was sinking and we were furiously scrambling out.

Adapted from The Financial Times

3 Read the account by a junior Lehman banker in London, written one year after the collapse of the bank in 2008, and answer these questions.

1 How did most Lehman employees feel when they saw Lehman share prices dropping in 2008?

2 What position did Dick Fuld have in the company and what did Lehman employees think of him?

3 What did employees believe the Federal Reserve would do?

4 How did Lehman employees feel when they got to work on the morning of 15th September 2008?


5 What had happened?

6 Was there clear communication and information for the employees about their future?

7 Why did some employees take objects with the Lehman logo on them?

8 In what way were the company mottos on the stress toy ironic?

9 What did many employees try to do that day?

4 CRITICAL THINKING An economic proverb states: ‘When the United States sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.’ In small groups, discuss what this means. Do you agree or not? Give examples to support your point of view.

1 Do you recognise the photos of the buildings on these pages? Which city are they in? WARM UP


Impeachment is the formal process in which an official is accused of ‘treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.’ Three presidents have faced impeachment (Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump) but none have been convicted. Richard Nixon avoided impeachment by resigning.

1 misdemeanors: infrazioni, violazioni

2 acquitted: assolto

The US political system

The Constitution

The USA is a constitutional federal republic formed by 50 states. The US Constitution, which was ratified in 1788 and entered into force in 1789, is the framework for the American system of government and it is the world’s oldest national written constitution still in effect. It defines the three separate branches of government (legislative, executive and judicial), their powers and a system of checks and balances. Each branch has some form of power over the others to ensure no single branch can become dominant. The Constitution, as the supreme law of the land, limits the legislative and executive powers of all levels of government. Any law or part of a law that is considered to be in conflict with the Constitution can be invalidated by the Supreme Court. Amendments to the Constitution are possible, but so far only 27 amendments have been made. The first ten amendments to the Constitution, called the Bill of Rights, guarantee important freedoms to every American, including freedom of speech, press, and religion. The other amendments mainly concern the expansion of political and civil liberties such as the abolition of slavery and voting rights.

The US Government

2 Read the introductory text and answer the questions.

1 When did the Constitution come into force?

2 What does it define? 3 What is the Bill of Rights? 4 How many other amendments have been made to the Constitution?



3 Read the information on these pages about the US Government and say which branches/people/institutions the following statements refer to.

1 appoints Supreme Court justices

2 declares laws to be against the Constitution

3 impeaches the President

4 has non-voting members

5 confirms presidential nominations

6 has a limit on the number of terms that can be served

7 controls and checks the executive branch

8 are part of the Cabinet

9 holds the position for life

10 provide special services for the government

4 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS – PRESENTING Choose one of the three branches of the US government and prepare a short presentation (3-5 minutes). Use the above information, as well as additional research, to talk about the structure, functions,  responsibilities and people currently in positions of power within the branch.

State and local government

Each state has its own constitution and republican form of government, which are separate from the federal government. Generally their structure is similar to that of the federal government with executive (headed by an elected governor), legislative (normally consisting of two chambers) and judicial branches (with jurisdiction for matters not covered by federal courts, such as criminal cases against state law). Each state has the power to make and enforce their own laws, charge taxes and carry out their business without intervention from the federal government. However, if there is any disagreement, the Constitution and federal law have precedence over state laws. This is the reason why there are so many differences among the states, with different income tax and sales tax rates, varying education and healthcare systems, and diverse rulings on issues such as capital punishment.


There are around 326 federal Indian Reservations in the USA. These are areas of land reserved for a tribe or tribes under various agreements and treaties and where the federal government holds the land in trust on behalf of the tribes. Some of the reservations are what is left of the tribe’s original territory, while others were created when resettling Indian people who had been relocated by force from their homelands. The largest reservation is the Navajo Nation Reservation in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.

Local governments are structured according to each state’s individual laws, but are usually divided into counties and cities, as well as smaller units. On the basis of the state law, each local government regulates and administers areas such as schools, hospital, police, etc.

American Indian Government

The 574 federally recognised American Indian or Alaska Native tribes are considered sovereign entities within the United States

This sovereign status is protected by treaty, federal law, and court rulings. The approximately 1.9 million American Indians and Alaska Natives are eligible for funding and services from the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Members of tribes are not subject to state or local income, sales, or property taxes, and states have little power to regulate Indians in tribal territories. Tribes have their own rulemaking bodies and judicial systems to settle disputes arising on tribal lands or between tribal members. However, while it is significant, tribal sovereignty is not absolute; Indians are subject to federal taxes and to laws passed by the US Congress.


5 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 What kind of government does an individual state have?

2 What responsibilities does a state judicial branch have?

3 How much freedom do states have to make their own laws?

4 Is there any control over what laws they can introduce?


6 Watch the video about a Powwow and answer the questions.

1 What is a Powwow?

2 Why is Mickela there?

5 Give examples of differences that can exist between states.

6 What are local governments responsible for?

7 What status do American Indian and Alaska Native tribes have?

8 In what ways can these tribes self-govern themselves?

3 How are Northern and Southern style drumming different?

4 How does the woman describe the healing power of the drum beat?

5 Which animal does the young woman tell Mickela she must copy with her arms?

6 What does Mickela particularly like about the Powwow?

▲ Flags of the USA and Texas

Political parties

American politics is dominated by two political parties: the Republicans and the Democrats The Republican Party was founded in 1854. Its nickname is ‘Grand Old Party’ and its symbol is the elephant. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828 and has a donkey as its unofficial party symbol. The Democrats can be said to be centre-left whilst the Republicans are more conservative and represent the centre right, although each party naturally has members which hold different views. Republican supporters tend to be slightly older, in a higher income bracket, with more male than female supporters. The Democrats are in favour of a more active role of government in society, social freedoms and a mixed economy. They believe in investing in government spending, healthcare, education and infrastructure. The Republicans are for a more limited role of government in society, for free markets and the importance of the private sector. They would like to see reduced government spending and a strong military and national defence. Other parties include the Green Party, active since the 1980s and advocating environmentalism, social justice and peace, and the Libertarian Party, founded in 1971 and in favour of laissez-faire markets, strong civil liberties and non-interventionism in foreign policy. The Constitution Party, formerly known as the US Taxpayers’ Party, is a right/far right political group which believes – as the name suggests – in the importance of the US Constitution, American sovereignty and Christian morals and principles.


1 MEDIATING TEXTS Read the text and complete the table on the two major US political parties.

Democratic Party

Republican Party Foundation Political position

Typical supporters

2 CRITICAL THINKING How do you think the Democrats and the Republicans generally stand on the following points? Which would they be in favour of and which against? Why?

• higher tax rates for higher earners

• an increase in minimum wages

• an increase in military spending

• more gun control laws

• the death penalty

• LGBTQ+ rights

• affirmative action*

• abortion

• universal healthcare

• immigration restrictions

• drug liberalisation

There have been 19 Republican Presidents to date. The first was Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865). More recent Republican Presidents include Richard Nixon (1969-1974), Ronald Reagan (1981-1989), George H. W. Bush (1989-1993), his son George W. Bush (2001-2009) and Donald Trump (2017-2021, 2024-).

The first Democratic President was Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) and the last two were Barack Obama (20092017) and Joe Biden (2021-). Other Democratic Presidents were Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945), John F. Kennedy (1961-1963) and Bill Clinton (19932001).

Affirmative action refers to the policies and programmes which are designed to offer equal opportunities, particularly in education and employment, to those minority groups that have suffered historic discrimination in the USA. This includes discrimination for race, colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation and national origin.

In 2023, the Supreme Court ended affirmative action for college admissions and declared that race cannot be a factor in considering which students to accept.

3 Where do the major Italian parties stand on issues like these? And what is your opinion?

4 COMPARING POLITICS Write a short essay comparing the US and Italian political systems. Include the following points:

• the Constitution;

• the branches of government;

• state/regional governments;

• the number of political parties.



1 Who is the current President of the USA and which party does he/she represent?

When were the last elections in the USA?


Some states, the so-called red or blue states, are traditionally Democrat or Republican controlled, while other states change from one party to the other. These are often called purple states. Both parties generally concentrate their campaign efforts – in terms of time and money – on these states, as they want to prevent them going to the other party or they want to try to take the state from the other party.

US elections

Any natural born citizen of the United States who is over 35 years old and has been a permanent resident of the country for at least 14 years is eligible for President. The President and Vice President are elected together every four years. The election is held in November – it is always on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. But the whole process actually starts long before that.

First of all, from about January to June, there are the primaries and caucuses. These are where the Republican and Democrat parties choose the candidate they want to be their presidential candidate. The next step is the party convention, which usually happens around August. At these conventions, the Republicans and Democrats formally nominate their presidential and vicepresidential candidates. The conventions are huge events over several days which are closely followed by the media. They are an opportunity for the party to present its electoral programme and the candidate in the best possible way.

The campaign between the Republican and Democrat candidates then starts for real, with each candidate being followed by a huge team of advisors, fundraisers and campaigners, right up to the election in November. The money spent on election campaigns runs into billions of dollars, with a lot spent on TV advertising. Candidates often look for endorsement from celebrity and political figures which are important for their image.

Famous political speeches


The election results are eagerly awaited as they come in from across the different states and time zones, and the name of the new President is normally known the same night, although official confirmation comes later from the Electoral College and the inauguration doesn’t happen until January the following year.

2 Read the text and complete the sentences.

1 Only resident US citizens who are over can stand for President.

2 Elections are held every in November.

3 Presidential candidates are chosen in the primaries which are held from to

4 Party conventions are often held in

5 The closely follows the party conventions.

6 Party conventions are used to present the party’s and candidate.

7 Political campaigns cost

8 Purple states, which from one party to another, are the most important for candidates.


3 Listen to the explanation of the Electoral College system and choose the correct alternative.

1 Each state has the same / a different number of Electoral College votes.

2 The president is elected directly / indirectly by the people.

3 The presidential candidate needs more / less than half the Electoral College votes to win.

4 It is / is not possible for a candidate to win the popular vote but lose the election.

5 The winning candidate is known in / before December.

6 The inauguration of the President is on 12th / 20th January.

May 25, 2020 was a day when a man unknown to most people around the world suddenly became a hashtag. Millions of horrified people watched a video of a white Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin, pressing his knee into the neck of a black man called George Floyd for 9 minutes, killing him. Just at a time when the world had already changed beyond recognition due to the pandemic, everything was about to change again with Floyd’s death: policing, politics, sports, art, culture, business, education, media and more. The tragedy was a bitter reminder, especially for Black Americans, of the systemic racism underlying black people’s lives. While it was nothing new, it brought about a renewed call for action. George Floyd reminded black people of the history, of the consistency and of the pervasiveness of racism. Soon after Floyd’s death, the support for Black Lives Matter, a


1 INVALSI Read the article and choose the correct option.

1 What were people horrified by on May 25, 2020?

A That a black man was killed and it was caught on camera.

B Nobody stopping the events from happening.

C Racism still existing in the police.

D Watching a video of a white police officer killing a black man.

2 What did it remind black Americans about?

A That racism can affect anyone at any time.

B That racism affected them in all areas of their lives.

C That there was a new type of racism.

D That they couldn’t trust white Americans

3 Which of these happened after George Floyd’s death?

A People wrote books about racism and systems of inequality.

B More Black Americans found employment.

C Support for Black Lives Matter increased among Black people.

D The Black Lives Matter movement started.


movement formed in 2013 to campaign against systemic racism and violence against black people, rose among Black people to 86%. An estimated 20 million people in the USA took part in protests, and books about anti-Black racism and systems of inequality filled bestseller lists throughout that summer. Professional athletes organised mass protests after coming under increasing scrutiny for speaking out against racial inequality. And as the role business had in sustaining inequalities became clear, Black workers challenged their companies, and consumers began to demand more. According to LinkedIn, the professional social media site, the number of postings for chief diversity officers grew by 84% in a year. Fine art institutions started to appoint more Black curators and program directors after years of exclusion. And it seemed that policymakers had started to listen. For example, more than half of states passed police reform laws, such as banning chokeholds1 and restricting the use of force. But this initial wave of policy change regarding police action has not been replicated with other efforts or changes at federal, state and local levels. There have not been the deeper and lasting structural changes that the Black Lives Matter movement and its supporters demand. It’s true that Derek Chauvin is serving a 22 ½ year prison sentence for the murder of George Floyd. He and the other three officers involved were also convicted of violating George Floyd’s civil rights. But now, several years after this event, we still read in the news the names of Black people killed by police brutality; Black people are still subjected to police violence on a regular basis; they are still more than twice as likely to be killed by police as white Americans. It appears, unfortunately, that the saying is true: the more things change, the more they stay the same.

1 chokeholds: presa per il coppino

4 Who protested against black inequality?

A Black actors.

B Black athletes.

C Black curators.

D Black politicians.

5 What has changed since May 25, 2020?

A Some state laws regarding police action.

B Federal anti-racism laws.

C The structure of the Black Lives Matter movement.

D The number of civil rights laws.

6 What hasn’t changed since George Floyd’s murder?

A No convictions for his murder.

B White Americans’ support of Black Lives Matter.

C Police violence and brutality against Black Americans.

D The amount of news reports on George Floyd.

2 CRITICAL THINKING – CIVIC AWARENESS Discuss these questions in small groups or pairs.

1 In which sectors of your society is there racism?

2 How does it manifest itself?

3 What could be done to stop or prevent it?

4 What is the best protest against inequality?


1 Before the lesson, go to the FLIP BOOK and watch Sophie’s vlog about social media and online fame. What are the positive aspects?

Online hate speech is any online communication or expression which encourages or promotes hatred, discrimination or violence, against any person or group, because of their race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity.

Trolling is making inflammatory or insincere posts to provoke emotional responses or to manipulate people.

Online harassment1 is repeated attempts to contact or send unwanted communications to someone.

Baiting2 is to make a person angry by saying or doing something insulting or annoying.

Virtual mobbing is a form of intense cyberbullying when a group of people aggressively target and intimidate a person online.

1 harassment: molestia

2 baiting: istigazione


The digital world

Digital citizenship refers to the ability to use the Internet and all digital environments in a safe and responsible way. This includes things such as communicating with others via email and social media apps, gaming online, buying and selling things, doing research and reading the news. It can be very challenging for young people to make sense of this wealth of information and engage with it effectively and responsibly.

About one in three internet users globally is under 18, mainly using mobile phones to go online. Research shows that children are accessing the Internet at increasingly younger ages. In some countries, children under 15 are as likely to use the Internet as adults over 25, making them the most connected age group worldwide.


▼ Smartphones are sustaining a ‘bedroom culture’, with online access for many children becoming more personal, more private and less supervised.

The benefits of the digital world include access to education, training, and jobs, which can help break cycles of poverty. Access to news and information sources can help protect people’s health, safety, and rights. And being connected to friends and family can be good for people’s mental well-being and offer wider social circles than ever before.


Criminals have more access to young people through unprotected social media profiles and online gaming forums, which has led to increased child sexual abuse and exploitation. Young people are also at risk from sexting, sending or receiving sexually explicit photographs or messages via mobile phones, which can be shared without a person’s permission.

Cyberbullying is how bullies hurt their victims by posting words and images online, which are difficult to delete and aim to embarrass or hurt people.

There is also a lot of concern about the amount of time young people spend using digital technology and the effect on their physical and mental health.

2 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 What is digital citizenship?

2 Why is it important?

3 Who is going online and how?

4 How can the digital world help people’s health and mental well-being?

5 And how could it harm these things?

6 How is the digital world used to harass, manipulate and bully?


3 CHARACTER – EMPATHY One third of young people have encountered hate speech online. Discuss your experience in groups. Have you experienced it? How did/would you feel? How should you behave online?


Fake news

Fake news, or false information, is nothing new, but it has become a hot topic in the last eight to ten years. Traditionally we got our news from newspapers, radio and TV broadcasters that we trusted, as they had to follow strict rules. The internet has changed the way we publish, share and get information and news, as it has very few rules or standards. Many people now get news from social media sites and networks and often it can be difficult to know if these stories are true. Too much information and not understanding how the Internet works, have also contributed to an increase in fake news or made-up stories. Social media in particular shares this type of story very quickly. It also creates something called confirmation bias; a tendency to think that new information we find confirms what we already think or believe.

False information has many different forms. The most obvious are clickbait, invented stories with dramatic headlines to get people to click on links to make money or views for a website, and satire, which consists of made-up stories written as a joke about the news or famous people as a form of entertainment. Propaganda is false facts or stories created to manipulate public opinion, often for political, financial or personal reasons. This misinformation is dangerous as it influences people’s views, pushes political ideas and causes confusion. Furthermore, with the use of deepfake videos and photos, fake news is becoming more believable and increasingly difficult to differentiate from real news stories. There can also be examples of mistakes or bad journalism, when stories are published with unreliable or incorrect information because someone hasn’t checked all the facts properly.

Big tech companies have introduced reporting tools to tackle fake news and media organisations have established fact-checking sites. But this isn’t enough. We need to learn critical thinking so that we can recognise false information and not be tricked by it.


1 INVALSI Read the text and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 What has changed the way we get information?

2 Where is one of the most common places to get news today?

3 What two types of fake news are the easiest to see?

4 Why is propaganda harmful?

5 Why is it getting more difficult to spot fake news?

6 What can we do to protect ourselves against fake news?

Voices in Human Sciences Podcast

2 Listen to this episode of the Voices in Human Sciences Podcast and answer these questions.

1 What is the digital divide?

2 Which areas and people are most affected by this?

3 What do the figures 91% and 35% refer to?

4 What negative effects does the digital divide have?

5 Why is digital literacy training important?

6 What other strategies for closing the digital divide are mentioned?


3 CRITICAL THINKING How does the digital divide impact access to education? What are the consequences of this?

Target 9 of Sustainable Development Goal 9 refers to significantly increasing access to information and communications technology, particularly in least developed countries, and to ensuring that access to the Internet is universal and affordable.


1 Look back at pp. 60-61 and forward at pp. 210-211. What is the concept of sustainability like? How old is it in your opinion?


Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

Henry David Thoreauwas was born in Concord, Massachusetts, USA, where both Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nathaniel Hawthorne, two great Transcendentalist writers, lived. Emerson introduced Thoreau to this philosophy, which celebrated nature, individualism and self-reliance. In 1845, Thoreau built a small home for himself on Walden Pond, a rural property of belonging to his friend Emerson. He spent more than two years there in a cabin in the woods. He died in 1862.

Henry David Thoreau: an experiment in sustainability

Walden (1854)

1 arrowy: aguzzi

2 hickories: noci americani

3 flurries: spruzzate

4 the lark and pewee: l’allodola e il pavoncello (uccello americano di piccola taglia)

5 thawing: sciogliendo

6 for a wedge: come zeppa

7 soak: a mollo

8 groping ... cackling: che brancolava e schiamazzava

Thoreau tried to prove by his Walden Pond experiment in self-sufficiency that an individual could live a richly satisfying life in solitude, supporting himself on what he personally grew. He described his stay in Walden, a book that celebrates nature, the pleasures of a simple life and man’s ability to fully realise himself. His studies of nature earned him the title of ‘father of environmentalism’.

Approached with a sense of wonder, nature provided Thoreau with a means of transcending the distractions of everyday life and focusing on what was important. Solitude leaves a person open to commune with nature, which offers them the sweetest company. It is actually the best way to belong to society, since a real connection with others depends on a real connection with oneself.

Life in the wild

Thoreau introduces the reader to the place he has chosen for his stay, Walden Pond, and the reason for his choice.

Near the end of March, 1845, I borrowed an axe and went down to the woods by Walden Pond, nearest to where I intended to build my house, and began to cut down some tall, arrowy1 white pines, still in their youth, for timber. […] It was a pleasant hillside where I worked, covered with pine woods, through which I looked out on the pond, and a small open field in the woods where pines and hickories2 were springing up. The ice in the pond was not yet dissolved, though there were some open spaces, and it was all dark-colored and saturated with water. There were some slight flurries3 of snow during the days that I worked there; but for the most part when I came out on to the railroad, on my way home, its yellow sand heap stretched away gleaming in the hazy atmosphere, and the rails shone in the spring sun, and I heard the lark and pewee4 and other birds already come to commence another year with us. They were pleasant spring days, in which the winter of man’s discontent was thawing5 as well as the earth, and the life that had lain torpid began to stretch itself. One day, when my axe had come off and I had cut a green hickory for a wedge6, driving it with a stone, and had placed the whole to soak7 in a pond-hole in order to swell the wood, I saw a striped snake run into the water, and he lay on the bottom, apparently without inconvenience, as long as I stayed there, or more than a quarter of an hour; perhaps because he had not yet fairly come out of the torpid state. It appeared to me that for a like reason men remain in their present low and primitive condition; but if they should feel the influence of the spring of springs arousing them, they would of necessity rise to a higher and more ethereal life. I had previously seen the snakes in frosty mornings in my path with portions of their bodies still numb and inflexible, waiting for the sun to thaw them. On the 1st of April it rained and melted the ice, and in the early part of the day, which was very foggy, I heard a stray goose groping about over the pond and cackling8 as if lost, or like the spirit of the fog.

So, I went on for some days cutting and hewing timber, and also studs and rafters, all with my narrow axe, not having many communicable or scholar-like thoughts, singing to

myself. […] There is some of the same fitness in a man’s building his own house that there is in a bird’s building its own nest. Who knows but if men constructed their dwellings with their own hands, and provided food for themselves and families simply and honestly enough, the poetic faculty would be universally developed, as birds universally sing when they are so engaged?

[…] I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow9 of life.

(Abridged from Chapter 1)


2 Read the extract and complete the summary with the words from the box. resignation • axe • woods • full

Thoreau moved to the (1) by Walden Pond at the end of March, 1845. He wanted to build his house out of timber which he would personally cut down with his (2) . His intention in moving was to live life to the (3) , and avoid (4) and passivity.

3 Answer the questions.

1 What animals does Thoreau notice?

2 What elements of rebirth are there in the extract?

3 What is the writer metaphorically building as he builds his new house?

Into the Wild

Into the Wild (2007), the film adaptation of the 1996 book by Jon Krakauer with the same title, tells the story of Christopher McCandless (‘Alexander Supertramp’), a well-to-do young man who gives away all his money, hitchhikes to Alaska and walks alone into the wilderness because he no longer tolerates the falsity of modern life and desires to live in nature. Four months later his decomposed body is found by some hunters. He was starving and ate a poisonous plant that killed him.

4 Thoreau compares the snake lying on the bottom of the pond to man. In what way is man’s condition similar to the snake’s?

5 Thoreau presents his life of solitude in nature as the real life. Would you like to live as he did? For how long? In solitude or in company of one or more people?

4 Watch the scene and answer the questions.

1 Who is Christopher talking to?

2 What does the woman want to know about Christopher?

3 What does he reply?

4 Christopher says that he will paraphrase Thoreau. What are his precise words? Do you agree with him? Do you think nature offers what he is looking for?

5 Cristopher will die in the wild because he is neither adequately trained nor equipped to survive there. Have you ever confronted with the harshness of nature?

Henry David Thoreau: an experiment
9 marrow: midollo
Christopher experiences the wild according to the spirit of Walden's philosophy of nature.


1 Which countries can you think of where English is spoken?

English-speaking countries

The British Empire

The origins of the British Empire go back to the 16th century and Britain’s interest in exploring the world to search for resources and establish new trading posts.

There are many countries in the world where English is the primary or dominant language and others where it is recognised as an official language. Besides the UK, Ireland and the USA, English is the dominant language in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Caribbean islands like Jamaica, Barbados and the Bahamas. English is recognised as an official language in South Africa and several Asian countries like India, Pakistan and the Philippines, and in African countries such as Nigeria, Zimbabwe and Kenya. One of the reasons for the dominance of the English language can be said to be the British Empire and its colonisation of approximately 25% of the land in the world with 25% of the world’s population at its height in the 1920s.

The rise

The first British colonies were established in North America at the beginning of the 17th century. At the same time, Caribbean islands like Jamaica and Barbados were colonised and sugar plantations, which used slave labour, were set up. Because of this slave trade, parts of West Africa like Sierra Leone and Nigeria became economically important to Britain. Britain lost the 13 North American colonies following the Declaration of Independence in 1776 but continued to colonise other parts of the world, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and South Africa. Thanks to its position, South Africa was strategically important for sea travel to Asia and for the same reason, the British took control of the Suez Canal in Egypt. All these countries not only supplied raw materials to Britain, they were also new markets for the export of British products.


The decline

Towards the end of the 19th century, however, the industrial growth of other countries increased competition for Britain and trade began to decrease. Furthermore, people were distancing themselves from the racist ideologies of imperialism. In 1931, Britain agreed to form a Commonwealth of Nations with Canada, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.

After World War II, Britain, facing serious economic difficulties, no longer had the money to maintain an empire. India was the first country to gain independence in 1947. By the end of the 1960s all the African colonies, apart from Rhodesia (renamed Zimbabwe in 1980) were independent, and by the end of the nineties so were the Caribbean islands. The last colony was Hong Kong which was returned to China in 1997.

Britain undoubtedly left its mark on its colonies – for better and for worse – including its language, but the colonies also changed Britain, especially with the widespread immigration from the colonies after World War II.

2 Scan the text and underline all the countries that were once part of the British Empire. Which of these countries were the first and the last to gain independence?

3 Read the text and note down two reasons for: • the rise of the British Empire; • the importance of the colonies to Britain; • the decline of the British Empire.

Most former British colonies are members of the Commonwealth. This is a nonpolitical, voluntary association to promote democracy, human rights and world peace. The British monarch is the Head of the Commonwealth. Apart from the UK, the monarch is also the head of state for 14 members.

Colonisation in Africa

Although the African continent had been exploited by Europeans as early as the 15th century, the colonisation of Africa by European countries – most notably Britain and France – started at the end of the 19th century. The entire continent was colonised in only 25 years (1885-1910) during a wave of activity known as the ‘Scramble1 for Africa’. The main reason why colonisation took place was economic: in the 19th century European countries were industrialising rapidly, they were looking for new sources of raw materials for manufacturing and Africa was an extremely rich source of minerals, agriculture and other natural resources. The British government colonised 19 African countries in every part of the continent.

The largest of these colonies were Egypt and Sudan in the North, Nigeria in the West, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in the East, and Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa in the South. The British interest in these parts of Africa was strategic. They exploited the mineral resources in the South and tried to control the River Nile for trade with India. There was even a plan to link South Africa to the Suez Canal by rail, but it was never completed.

One very clear example of European intervention in Africa can be seen by looking at the borders between the different countries. These borders were created by the Europeans with little or no regard for existing ethno-linguistic groups or political organisations of the time. Furthermore, the borders often shifted according to changes in political agreements between the European countries, leading to a great amount of confusion and conflict among the native people.

Colonisation was also a form of racism, given that the colonists dictated how the countries were governed, often using violence against the African people. In addition, they would often support a particular ethnic group, usually a conservative minority, in order to encourage them to go against the interests of their own countrymen. Nowhere was this more evident than in South Africa under Dutch and British rule. Colonialism started to break down2 in the 1930s in North Africa, where people had greater access to education and a strong awareness of the injustice they were living under. The desire for independence spread quite rapidly across the continent. At the end of World War II, European countries were in great debt, consequently African demands for independence were gradually accepted, and by 1960 colonial occupation of Africa was virtually over


2 PRELIMINARY Read the text and choose the correct option.

1 Which of these statements is true?

‘The ‘Scramble for Africa’…

A ended in the 19th century.

B only concerned the French and the British.

C is another term for colonisation.

D was a short period of intense European activity in Africa.

2 The main reason given for colonisation is…

A the need to industrialise Africa.

B competition between European countries.

C that European countries needed more resources.

D there was not enough agriculture in Europe.


1 What is colonisation? Can you name any countries that have been colonised? Do you think it is a good or a bad thing? Why?

1 scramble: lotta,


3 Which of the following statements is NOT true?

The borders that the Europeans created between African countries...

A sometimes changed.

B reflected differences in language.

C did not consider existing political divisions.

D created tension among the Africans.

4 What does the author say caused the end of colonisation?

A The colonialists could not afford to continue occupying Africa.

B The African countries had too many debts.

C There were lots of educated people in North Africa.

D World War II started.

break down: sfaldarsi, crollare


1 Have you ever been to Ireland? What did you see and do there? If you haven’t been, would you like to visit it?

St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and St Patrick’s Day is celebrated on 17th March, the anniversary of his death. The holiday has evolved into a celebration of Irish culture with parades, special foods, music, dancing, drinking and a whole lot of green. Wearing green clothes, accessories, and shamrocks has become customary both in Ireland and in other countries with a large Irish immigrant population.


The Republic of Ireland (capital Dublin) has been a member of the EU since 1973 and is in the Eurozone. The country has a rich history, with ancient archaeological sites, pagan monuments, early Christian monasteries and incredible scenery from green rolling hills to rugged cliffs. It’s well known for its traditional pubs, music, and the warmth of its people.


Christianity was introduced into Ireland by St Patrick and other Christian missionaries in the early to mid-5th century. There are many legends surrounding St Patrick’s life and actions. The two most popular are that he rid Ireland of all snakes and that he used the shamrock with its three leaves to explain the Holy Trinity. Irish Christian scholars excelled in the study of Latin and Greek, and monasteries were built throughout Ireland. The arts of manuscript writing, metalworking and sculpture flourished and produced such treasures as the Book of Kells, ornate jewellery, and the many carved stone crosses that can still be seen across the country. Today around 70% of the population define themselves as Catholic, down from 88% in 2016.



Area: 68,891km2

Population: 5.2 million

Capital: Dublin

Government: Parliamentary republic Main religion: Christianity (Catholicism) Language: English, Irish

There are about 5.2 million people living in Ireland today, but there were once around 8 million before the Great Potato Famine of 1845-57 decimated the population. Potatoes were the staple food at that time. When blight (a form of plant disease) struck potato crops nationwide in 1845, 1846 and 1847, disaster followed and people began to starve to death. Between 1845 and 1851 one million people died from starvation or disease and one million others were forced to emigrate, mainly to the United States, but also to Australia, Latin America and across the Irish sea to England. This emigration continued for many years, with 6 million leaving between 1841 and 1900.


A major turning point in Ireland’s history was the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin, when two groups of armed rebels, the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army, seized the GPO (General Post Office) in Dublin city centre and proclaimed independence from Britain. Although a failure, this rebellion created a new drive for Irish Independence. The War of Independence followed from 1919 to 1921 and ended with the signing of the Anglo-Irish treaty. Ireland was to be divided into Northern Ireland (6 counties), which remained part of the UK, and the Irish Free State (26 counties), which became a self-governing state independent of UK rule. The treaty came into force in 1922 but it divided Irish public opinion so deeply that a Civil War followed between pro and anti-treaty forces. This was then followed by a period of relative political stability for the Irish Free State. The Republic of Ireland was declared in 1948, breaking all remaining ties with the British Commonwealth.


2 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 Why is St Patrick important for Ireland?

2 What is the major religion in Ireland today?

3 What is the population of Ireland today?

4 What happened during the Great Potato Famine?

5 Where did people emigrate to?

6 Why was the 1916 Easter Rising important for Ireland’s history?

7 When did Ireland become a self-governing state?

8 When is St Patrick’s Day and how do people celebrate?


Exploring Dublin

Dublin, located on the River Liffey, is well known for its cultural and literary history, with authors like Oscar Wilde, James Joyce and George Bernard Shaw born there.

You can visit the James Joyce Centre or take a literary walking tour to see the places that inspired the different authors and their works.

Carrying on the literary theme, you mustn’t miss the Old Library in Trinity College, Ireland’s most prestigious university founded by Queen Elizabeth I in 1592. It houses the Book of Kells, a 9th-century, richly-decorated manuscript of the Four Gospels. In the heart of the city, you can find the architectural masterpieces of Christ Church Cathedral and St Patrick’s Cathedral. Christ Church is famous for its incredible floor tiles and the 12th-century crypt. St Patrick’s, the national cathedral of the Church of Ireland, was built between 1220 and 1260 in

honour of Ireland’s patron saint. As you wander around the city, you are surrounded by examples of Georgian architecture with the tall, elegant townhouses, but for two exceptional examples head for Dublin City Hall, with its rotunda, and the General Post Office (GPO) on O’Connell Street.

No trip to Dublin would be complete without a tour of the Guinness Storehouse, an old factory and now a tourist attraction where you can learn all about the making of this world-famous beer. In the evening, walk across the cast iron Ha’penny Bridge (the name originates with the halfpenny toll that had to be paid to cross it), and then stroll around the Temple Bar district where you can find some of the city’s oldest pubs and great entertainment with traditional Irish music.

And, if you’ve got time, a short drive takes you to one of the world’s most important prehistoric landscapes at Brú na Bóinne. There are three large passage tombs, Knowth, Newgrange and Dowth, which were built 5,000 years ago in the Neolithic or Late Stone Age. Knowth, with one large mound and 18 smaller ones, has excellent examples of Neolithic art, whilst the entrance to Newgrange, a large circular mound with inner passageways and chambers, is aligned with the rising sun of the Winter Solstice.


3 Read the article and complete the table with notes about each place or monument and what you can see or do there.

Trinity College Ireland’s most prestigious university, founded in…

Christ Church Cathedral

Dublin City Hall

Guinness Storehouse

Temple Bar

Brú na Bóinne


4 Listen to this guide talking about Irish culture and folklore and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 Irish music is the same all over the country. T F

2 A bodhrán is a type of drum used in traditional Irish music. T F

3 Stepdance is a type of dance where both the arms and legs have to move. T F


4 The origins of Irish folklore date back to the arrival of Christianity. T F

5 Leprechauns are said to be friendly and happy creatures. T F

6 According to legends, if you catch a leprechaun it must give you its gold. T F

5 Watch the video Ireland and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.


3 Do you think the Irish and Italians have any characteristics in common? YOUR VOICE

1 Is Ireland a popular tourist destination for Italians? Why/Why not?

2 Many students go to Ireland to study English. Why do you think that is?

▲ Knowth
▼ Trinity College Library


1 What do you know about Canada? What languages are spoken there?


Canada is one of the largest countries in the world yet ranked by population it is in 38th position. Much of the country, in fact, has a subarctic and arctic climate, where the ground is permanently covered by ice and permafrost, and the majority of the population live in the south of the country and along the borders with the USA where the climate is more temperate. To the east, the major cities include Ottawa, Montreal and, on the shores of Lake Ontario, Toronto Calgary and Edmonton are in the province of Alberta, part of the Canadian Prairies, while Vancouver is on the west coast.


Area: 9,984,670 km2

A member of the Commonwealth with the British monarch as the Head of State, Canada is a former colony of both France and the UK. In fact, 21.4% of the population, concentrated mainly in Quebec, are French speakers and descendants of the French colonists who settled there in the 17th and 18th centuries. Not surprisingly, there is some opposition from French-speaking Canadians to the fact that their Head of State is the British monarch. However, the national government have been very careful to promote multiculturalism and to ensure that it is also protected by the Constitution. Furthermore, the role of the monarch in Canada is only a symbolic and diplomatic one – with no involvement in internal politics. Although all Commonwealth members have equal status in the organisation, Canada’s role is particularly relevant. It is the second largest financial contributor, and the funds are used to help less developed, poorer member states; it also makes a great contribution in terms of education and it has hosted the Commonwealth Games – a sporting event similar to the Olympics held every four years –no fewer than four times.

2 Read the text and complete these sentences with one or two words.

1 The climate in Canada is , with more areas in the south.

2 Most people live in the of the country and near the USA borders.

3 The capital is in the east of the country and Toronto is by


Population: 40,528,396 (estimated October 2023)

Capital: Ottawa Government: federal parliamentary democracy, under a constitutional monarchy (member of the Commonwealth) Language: English, French

4 There are French speakers in Canada because the country was once a

5 The British monarch does not get involved in Canadian

6 Canada contributes to Commonwealth to help less developed member states.

3 FIRST Listen to these stories about the disagreement over the use of the French and English languages in Quebec and complete these sentences.

1 The Old Navy chain of shops to rename its brand ‘La Vieille Rivière’.

2 The owner of the Indian Restaurant was accused of the law, because he was promoting a British beer.

3 ‘Go Montreal’ was a used by the Party of the Mayor of Montreal.

4 Imperial Oil decided not to keep the name of its gas stations because of

5 Quebec Government offices were criticised because their automated phone system gave in English before French

6 The story about the woman who complained about a monolingual parrot may be an

7 The news story about bilingual dogs in Montreal was

▲ Lake Ontario and Toronto Canada

The Canadian Shield

The area of Canada called the Canadian Shield is a vast treasure house of minerals, including copper, gold, iron, lead, nickel, platinum, silver and uranium, whose mining and processing contributes greatly to the nation’s economy. This huge region covers almost half of the country, extending over eastern, central and northwestern Canada, from the Great Lakes to the Canadian Arctic, and into Greenland. It is made up of very

ancient and very hard rocks and the complex structure speaks of a long history of mountain building and erosion. The Canadian Shield also has many lakes which are the sources of rivers that break into great rapids and waterfalls within and at the edge of the region. These are used to generate electricity and provide power for industries: hydroelectric plants generate 60% of Canada’s electricity. Canada is, in fact, the second-largest producer of hydroelectricity in the world, after China.

Uranium is also a valuable resource for Canada and it is the second largest producer and fourth exporter in the world. Nuclear power generates approximately 14% of Canada’s electricity and they have developed a unique nuclear reactor technology named CANDU (CANada Deuterium Uranium).

Petroleum accounts for 9% of the country’s GDP. 65% of the nation’s oil production comes from oil sands, and it is estimated that 87% of the nation’s oil reserves that are likely to be recovered are located in the oil sands. In spite of the importance of fossil fuels for the economy (Canada also has large natural gas and coal reserves), the government is investing in renewable energy sources and clean power in order to meet global climate goals and its own target of being net-zero by 2050.

Oil sands mining involves the extraction of bitumen, a form of crude oil, from deposits in sand and clay. This can be through surface mining, or extracting the bitumen from deeper deposits through drilling. It is a valuable source of energy and contributes significantly to Canada’s economy, but there are also criticisms regarding its negative environmental impact on habitats and water supplies, as well as the greenhouse gas emissions associated with the extraction and processing methods.


4 INVALSI Read the article and match the two parts of the sentences. There are two extra endings that you do not need.

1 The Canadian Shield has 2 Hydroelectric power is 3 Canada is a 4 Nuclear power provides 5 Canada would like to be 6 Oil sands mining is a

a producer and exporter of uranium.

b significant employer in central Canada.

c important minerals and natural resources.

d less than a fifth of the country’s electricity.

e controversial mining method.

f the biggest source of electricity for the country.

g more renewable energy sources.

h net-zero by the year 2050.

5 CRITICAL THINKING – PRESENTING In small groups, do some research on oil sands mining in Canada. Remember to check the sources of your information carefully, for example websites from the government, the oil industry and environmental organisations, in order to get different viewpoints. Prepare a short presentation to give to the rest of the class, concluding with your own opinions on this mining practice. ONLINE RESEARCH & SPEAKING


6 Watch the video Canada and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

▲ Veins of granite, Georgian Bay, Ontario


1 When you imagine Australia and New Zealand, what are the first five things that you think of? Write them down, and then compare with a partner.


Because both Australia and New Zealand are part of the Commonwealth they have a lot in common with Great Britain – for example, they drive on the left and their head of state is the monarch of the United Kingdom

The Sydney Opera House

2 Watch the video and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

Australia and New Zealand

Australia and New Zealand are the two largest countries in the continent of Oceania in the Southern Hemisphere.


• They are both island states, and are surrounded by the South Pacific Ocean and, in the case of Australia, the Indian Ocean too.


• Both countries were once colonies of the British Empire and are now members of the Commonwealth group of countries – so they are English-speaking countries.

• Australia has 2 cities with a population of around 5 million people – Sydney and Melbourne. However, the capital – Canberra – is only the country’s 8th largest city. Similarly, the largest city in New Zealand is Auckland with a population of 1.5 million while the capital – Wellington – is the third largest city.

• Because they are both in the Southern Hemisphere the seasons are inverted compared to Europe – so Christmas occurs in the middle of summer, and August is a cold month.

• Both countries have indigenous minority populations – known as the Aborigines in Australia and the Maoris in New Zealand.

• It is possible to find animals which cannot be found in the wild in any other place on Earth: Australia is famous for its kangaroos and wallabies, the possum, the koala bear and a wild dog called the dingo. New Zealand has an unusual bird called the kiwi, which has a long beak and cannot fly; and many types of penguins and marine animals that can only be found there.


• Australia is an enormous country – almost as large as the USA and the 6th largest in the world, while New Zealand is only slightly larger than Great Britain.

• Australia has a larger population – about 26.6 million, compared to only 5.2 million in New Zealand.

• About 70% of Australian land is arid. However, the country also has mountains where it snows in winter, and, in the North, which is closer to the Equator, the climate is tropical. Because New Zealand is further south, it has a cooler, wetter, temperate climate.

Despite these differences, Australia and New Zealand have always been economically and politically close. Since 1983, there has been a trade agreement between the two countries known as Anzcerta, which has benefitted them both substantially.

3 Read the text and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 Both Australia and New Zealand are in the Southern Hemisphere.

2 Both countries are islands in the Indian Ocean.

3 At Christmas time it is warm in Australia.

4 You can find kangaroos in New Zealand and Australia.

5 New Zealand has a larger population than Australia.

6 Australia has a varied climate.

7 The climate in New Zealand is cooler because the country is further south.

Uluru or Ayers Rock

In the centre of the Australian desert there is a unique and mysterious land feature, listed as a World Heritage Site, known as Ayers Rock, or Uluru – two official names – one given by the white colonialists and the other by the native Aborigines, the Anangu. It is a large sandstone1 mass standing 348 metres above the surrounding desert plain and 863 metres above sea level. It is located in a dry, flat area, with very little vegetation, and is considered sacred to the indigenous people. Nearly half a million people visit the rock for tourism every year and it is considered particularly beautiful at sunset when it changes colour and becomes red. There are many mysteries connected to Uluru. For the Anangu people it is considered the resting ground of the spirits of the creators of the world itself. The Anangu do not climb to the top of the rock and do not want parts of it to be photographed for spiritual reasons. One other mystery connected to the rock is that nobody should take away any pieces of rock from the site. If they do, they will be cursed2 by evil spirits.

This possibly seems just a superstition, but many people have reported strange incidents after taking rocks away from the site.


The aboriginal Australians have a very original form of spirituality called ‘dreaming’, or ‘dreamtime’. They tell stories about the creation of sacred places, land, people, animals and plants; and they believe that every creature also exists eternally in a dream form – so the soul exists both before and after life. They also use this code to establish laws and customs. Connected to this tradition is the belief in ‘songlines’ – paths of energy which the white man cannot see but Aborigines can sense. These invisible lines help them to find their way when walking long distances in the desert – a practice called ‘walkabout’ which Aboriginal boys have to perform as a ritual to become adults. They are called ‘songlines’ because the Aborigines sing as they walk, to help them recognise the path. Uluru and the surrounding area is crossed by many songlines which is another reason why it is sacred for the Aborigines.


5 Read the texts about Uluru and Dreamtime and answer the questions.

1 Why does Uluru have two names?

2 What is unusual about Uluru at a certain time of day?


On 26th October 2019 a total ban on climbing Uluru came into force. Previously, climbing was not officially banned but tourists were asked to respect the sacred nature of the rock. LOOK CLOSER

An Aboriginal Homecoming

4 Watch the video and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

3 Why do the Anangu people not climb the rock?

4 What apparently happens if you take rocks away from Uluru?

6 PRELIMINARY Listen to this description of the Aborigines and fill in the missing information. The Aborigines

1 The term Aborigine is used to refer to the indigenous or (1) people of Australia.

2 These people once spoke about (2) different languages.

3 One cultural difference was that the Aborigines did not usually wear (3)

4 The Europeans did not treat the Aborigines well because they thought they were (4)

5 The boomerang is used as a (5) by native Australians.

6 Their culture is rich in music, stories and art, but it did not have a (6)


7 MEDIATING TEXTS & CONCEPTS Do some research on one of the following aspects of life in Australia or New Zealand and prepare a short written report.

1 sandstone: arenaria
2 cursed: maledetti


1 Where is the Caribbean? What island nations are there? What are they famous for?

The Caribbean

The islands in and around the Caribbean Sea and North Atlantic Ocean were strategically and economically important for Britain, which colonised many of the islands during the period of the British Empire, including the Bahamas, Bermuda, Grenada, Jamaica and St. Lucia. Most of the islands became independent between the 1960s and 1980s, but Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos remain British Overseas Territories This means they are part of British territory, with the British monarch as their head, but they have their own constitutions and different levels of self-governance. The UK government is responsible for security and defence issues.

During the 17th and 18th centuries, Britain was one of the countries most involved in the transatlantic slave trade, transporting an estimated 3.1 million Africans to the British colonies in the Caribbean, North and South America and other countries. These slaves were forced to work on sugar plantations, particularly in Jamaica, Barbados and Antigua, to satisfy the high demand for this product. In 1833, the Slavery Abolition Act was passed by the British parliament, but it wasn’t until 1838 that slavery was permanently abolished in Britain’s colonies.

Another important part of the history of islands like Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad was the mass migration to the UK, starting a few years after the end of the Second World War. Between 1947 and 1970, nearly half a million people left their homes to go and live in the UK. This Windrush Generation, named after the ship Empire Windrush which took one of the first groups of immigrants to the UK, had British citizenship and the right to settle in the UK. They mainly went in search of better opportunities and to work, encouraged by the UK government to fill the huge labour shortage the country was facing post-war.


2 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 What is a British Overseas Territory?

2 How was Britain involved in the slave trade?

3 Where did the slaves have to work?

4 When did slavery end in the British colonies?

Today, the Caribbean is well known for its tourism: big all-inclusive resorts on sandy beaches; ports and facilities to satisfy the thousands of visitors that arrive by cruise ship; eco-lodges and excursions in rainforests and mountains. Another significant contributor to the islands’ economy is financial services. Islands like the Bahamas and British Virgin Islands, once seen as tax havens and the perfect place to hide money, have developed the offshore banking industry to be a competitive and lucrative industry.

5 Why did so many people leave Jamaica and Trinidad after World War II?

6 Which two sectors are vital for the economy of many Caribbean islands today?

English in the Bahamas

I think that it is time to recognise as a nation that the language we speak in the Bahamas is not English. It is the Bahamian Creole, to be exact, and while it uses English vocabulary as a vehicle, its structure and its rules are fundamentally different.

Bahamians recognise that we have a different flavour to our language, but we don’t recognise the fact that we speak a different language altogether. One reason for this is that the language we speak, which is completely legitimate, was (and still is) categorised as bad or broken English. Another is our national prejudice against our Haitian neighbours, which leads us to associate creole with all the negative connotations we associate with Haiti. Bahamian Creole is the language that was created in the slave societies which founded our modern one. One of the tactics used during slavery was to avoid at all costs placing slaves of the same background together, so many Africans were separated from people who were familiar to them, and they were only able to communicate with one another in the language of their masters. They used a basic language, full of commands and concrete words, but of limited use. Later, that pidgin language expanded to include all areas of life, including abstract and philosophical ones, and it became the creole we speak today. This is why we use English words, but we retain the African grammar that our ancestors brought with them when they came. What is interesting about African languages is that they almost all have certain characteristics in common that make them different from European ones. In African languages nouns and verbs remain the same. To indicate

possession, tense or number, Africans use other words to help, or they simply rely on context. This translates into Bahamian Creole in the following way: you’ve got one DOG, and Mark has two DOG. We know he has more than one because we said it already; he has two. In our language, and in the African ones from which it derives, ‘two dog’ is perfectly correct. The bone Mark owns is MARK BONE. We don’t need to change the noun to show whose it is; the context tells us. And if we want to tell people what Mark did with the bone, we say MARK GIVE the bone to the dog. That remains the same, now, last week or tomorrow; if we want to say when Mark gave the bone to the dog, we just add a time expression.

These three examples are a clear illustration of the African influence on our language, which makes it distinct from English, hence the different name: Bahamian Creole; but not an inferior form of English, just a different one.

Source: www.thenewblackmagazine.com

A pidgin is a simplified version of a language that combines elements of other languages which is used in order to be able to communicate to speakers of other languages.

A creole language, on the other hand, is one that has its origins in two languages and incorporates features of each and is the mother tongue of a community.

The English Language

5 Watch the video and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

3 Read the article and answer the questions.

1 According to the writer, what are the two main differences between English and her Creole?

2 Why do people from the Bahamas consider their language a bad form of English?

3 When did pidgin Bahamian become a creole?

4 What three characteristics of African languages have influenced Bahamian Creole?

5 How does Bahamian Creole indicate possession?

6 How does it indicate time in verbs?

7 Why do you think the writer concludes by saying that her creole is not inferior to English?

4 PRESENTING Find out more about pidgin and creole languages and choose an example to present to the rest of the class. ONLINE RESEARCH & SPEAKING


1 Would you like to visit South Africa? What do you already know about the country?

South Africa

South Africa is a country dramatically scarred by years of apartheid and extreme political and social struggles. Despite this, it is an amazingly beautiful country, and a popular tourist destination for safari and nature lovers. Its history of colonisation, particularly by the Dutch and later the British, their slaves from Southeast Asia, and the later waves of immigration have influenced the country enormously.


The largest proportion of the South African population – 81.4% – is Black African, with 8.2% mixed race, 7.3% white and 2.7% Indian/ Asian. The average household is made up of 3.5 members. The proportion of people over the age of 20 who have completed secondary school is 37.6% and nearly 12% have completed higher education. The percentage of people over 20 who have no schooling at all is 8.6%, a dramatic decrease from 17.9% in 2001, which shows that the government’s commitment and investment in ensuring accessible and equal education has been effective. There have also been significant improvements in the well-being of many South African citizens, such as living conditions. For example, 60% of households have access to piped water in their home, compared to 46.3% in 2011, and nearly 95% now use electricity as the main source of energy for lighting in their homes.

1 poaching: bracconaggio


Wildlife and conservation




1,219,090 km2


62 million


Pretoria (administrative capital); Cape Town (legislative capital); Bloemfontein (judicial capital)


Parliamentary Republic


11 official languages including isiZulu, isiXhosa, Afrikaans and English

The South African landscape ranges from mountains and forests to deserts and beaches, with an abundance of wildlife. There are many national parks, nature and game reserves and conservation areas. One of the most famous is undoubtedly Kruger National Park, where visitors have the chance to see the Big Five – lions, elephants, leopards, buffaloes and rhinos – as well as many smaller mammals, birds and insects. The country’s long coastline means that marine wildlife is abundant, with lots of opportunities to go whale, shark and dolphin spotting. These ecosystems, however, are at risk from climate change and human actions, such as loss of habitat due to agricultural practices and poaching1 This illegal wildlife trade, particularly in ivory, rhino horn and pangolin scales, is often run by transnational organised criminal groups who corrupt local officials and recruit local poachers, giving them the arms to hunt and kill. Wildlife is essential for tourism in South Africa, and tourism is essential for the country’s economy so it is vital to stamp out this illegal trade and protect the country’s wildlife and natural resources.

2 Read the text and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 The British were the only country to colonise South Africa. T F

2 There are fewer white than mixed race people in the country. T F

3 There have been improvements in the educational levels obtained in the country. T F

4 The living conditions of South African households has deteriorated. T F

5 There are no mountainous regions in South Africa. T F

6 The Big Five refers to five species of small mammals and birds you can see. T F

7 Criminal groups are often responsible for the illegal wildlife trade. T F

8 Wildlife, tourism and the economy are not interconnected. T F

From Royal to Revolutionary; Prisoner to President

After being jailed for life in 1964, Nelson Mandela became a worldwide symbol of resistance to apartheid. But his opposition to racism began many years before. Born into an African royal family largely dispossessed by colonisation, his grandfather had been a king and his father was a chief. However Mandela was destined not for royalty but for revolution. He attended a Methodist boarding school and the only black university in South Africa, Fort Hare. However, he began to rebel against authority and was expelled. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 and helped establish its youth league. Together with a group of young, intelligent and highly motivated colleagues, he set about transforming the ANC into a mass political movement. The origins of apartheid went right back to the very beginnings of European rule in Southern Africa, but it was only with the election of the first National Party government in 1948, in a white-only ballot, that racial segregation was thoroughly codified in law. This meant, for example, that marriage between people of different races was prohibited and certain races were forced into living in designated areas.

During the 1950s, Mandela was involved in numerous ANC protests and campaigns of mass civil disobedience against


apartheid. He was also arrested and charged with treason1. As the extreme violence against blacks continued at the hands of the government, he committed to an armed struggle and the ANC started to carry out sabotage attacks. In 1962, Mandela was arrested and then, two years later, imprisoned for life in Robben Island jail. His story could have ended there. Both he and the ANC had been effectively silenced, Western governments continued to support South Africa’s apartheid regime and change seemed as far away as ever. But the rise of the militant Black Consciousness Movement during the 1970s and the death in custody of one of its founders, student activist Steve Biko, renewed interest in Mr Mandela and the ANC.

As the black townships went up in flames, an active worldwide anti-apartheid movement was growing, focusing on the express aim of freeing Nelson Mandela and his fellow prisoners. Sanctions, demonstrations and music concerts were just a few of the many ways that his situation was kept in the public eye. South Africa became more isolated, businesses and banks refused to do business with it and the demand for change increased.

In 1990, the South African government, which had already begun to water down2 some aspects of apartheid legislation, finally agreed to open negotiations, and Nelson Mandela was released. He easily won the election in 1994 and became South Africa’s first black president, by which time apartheid had been dismantled. South Africa’s people were now equal under the law and could vote, and live, as they wished.

1 treason: tradimento 2 water down: alleggerire

3 INVALSI Read the article and answer the questions, using no more than four words.

1 What kind of family was Mandela born into?

2 When did he start to rebel against authority?

3 What happened after the 1948 election?

4 What kind of protests was Mandela involved in? (Give two answers.)

5 When was Mandela sent to prison?

6 What was one reason why international interest in the situation in South Africa started to grow?

7 When was Mandela released from prison?

VIDEO COMPREHENSION Mandela’s Presidential Speech

4 Watch the video and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.


5 Listen to a music journalist talking about the anti-apartheid movement within the music industry during the 1980s and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F).

1 The music industry was the only sector to protest against apartheid.

2 The journalist knew who Mandela was before he heard the song ‘Free Nelson Mandela’.

3 Peter Gabriel’s song was about an anti-apartheid protester who was killed.





4 The artists of the song ‘Sun City’ performed it in Sun City, South Africa. T F

5 People in South Africa were not able to see the Nelson Mandela 70th birthday concert on TV.

6 Only famous musicians took part in the Nelson Mandela 70th birthday concert.

6 CRITICAL THINKING Read this famous quote by Nelson Mandela. What do you think it means in reference to his life and protests? What connections can you make to other famous people or events? How can you connect this to other subjects you have studied?

‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.




1 Write down the first three things that come to mind when you think of India. Then compare your ideas with a partner.


3,287,263 million km2



Capital: New Delhi


Federal Parliamentary Republic


English, Hindi, Bengali, Telugu and others (There are 22 officially recognised languages.)

2 Watch the video and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

India, which occupies a major portion of the south Asian subcontinent, is a peninsula with the Bay of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west, and the Indian Ocean to the south. It is separated from mainland Asia by the Himalayas. It has land borders with Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar and Bangladesh. The terrain includes the mountainous zone of the Himalayas, the desert region in the north-west, the large, fertile area of the Ganges plains, the rocky terrain of the Deccan plateau, and the tropical rainforests along the western coast. Major rivers include the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, both of which originate in the Himalayas and end in the Bay of Bengal.


Since it achieved independence from British rule in 1947, India has developed at an incredible pace in areas such as industry, IT, education and foreign trade. Between 2003 and 2017 it averaged an impressive annual economic growth of about 7%. In terms of billions of dollars, the country’s GDP is one of the largest in the world but, because of its enormous population, in terms of income per capita and GNP it is one of the poorest nations.

The agricultural sector is the biggest employer, with about half of the workforce. Iron, steel and textiles are important industries and, in the services sector, the biggest areas are finance and IT. The country has had significant success in decreasing poverty levels from over 25% in 2015/16 to just under 15% in 2019/2021, with the biggest improvements in rural areas. However, an estimated 91 million people don’t have access to safe water and 746 million lack access to safe household sanitation facilities. In addition, there are huge problems connected with violence and discrimination against women.


Indian cuisine has evolved over thousands of years, absorbing the influences of different places, people and religions to become extremely diverse. As many people in India are strict vegetarians for religious reasons, there are numerous non-meat dishes based on vegetables or pulses. One of the best known is Dhal, a lentil dish, but there are also many meat and fish specialities although many avoid eating beef as cows are traditionally viewed as sacred. These dishes are usually accompanied with rice or different types of bread like roti or naan. Spices such as turmeric, coriander, chilli and cardamom are central to Indian cuisine: no other country in the world produces as many varieties, but not all regions like their food very hot. South Indian cuisine can have extremely spicy dishes, but dishes are often milder in the northern regions.

3 Read the text and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 India borders eight different countries.

2 There are regions with deserts, rainforests and mountains.



▲ Women producing silk fabric, Maharashtra, India
Indian Monkey Thieves

Is Gandhi Still Relevant Today?

When Mahatma Gandhi went to London in 1931, he stayed in the povertystricken East End of the city, then visited struggling cotton mill workers in Lancashire. Now there is a statue of him in London’s Parliament Square, looking out over the Palace of Westminster, designed to pay tribute to a man who lived humbly, loved humanity and practised non-violent struggle against a powerful adversary - the British Empire – and won.

In his day, Gandhi was a thorn in the side of his British rulers before Indian Independence – with his campaigns of civil disobedience and his dangerously powerful charisma. But in present-day Britain, Gandhi is admired by a generation that is embarrassed about its colonial history and admires non-violent methods of effecting change. In India, decades of Indian schoolchildren have learned to call Gandhi ‘the Father of the Nation’ and his face is everywhere, from banknotes to public buildings.

The values he embodied of compassion, forgiveness and courage are certainly ones that we should be remembering and copying today. And, as we face increasing threats of conflict and war, his principles of non-violence are fundamental as a way to resolve international tensions. However, his vision of self-sufficiency for India and a lack of commercialism seem old-fashioned to many in today’s urban, industrialised, hi-tech India. Now, a fast-paced, young generation craves luxury goods and international travel, not the chance to retreat to a village and make cloth.

In the first half of the last century, many in Britain considered themselves economically superior to India. Now, by contrast, India’s GDP is greater than that of the UK, fuelled by key sectors like information technology and manufacturing, with a youthful and skilled workforce and a growing middle class. In the midst of all this growth we should also remember Gandhi’s advocacy for social justice and equality, still severely lacking in Indian society today.


4 INVALSI Read the article and choose the correct option.

1 What is the purpose of this article?

A To describe a statue of Gandhi in London.

B To explain India’s fight for independence.

C To show how attitudes to Gandhi have changed.

D To describe the injustices of British rule in India.

2 What do most British people today think of Gandhi?

A They believe that he was a dangerous man.

B They are embarrassed about what he did.

C They think he is not an important part of history.

D They respect his methods of protest.

3 Which of Gandhi’s visions seem less relevant today?

A non-violent protests

B a self-sufficient India

C a peaceful world

D compassionate and forgiving people

5 CIVIC AWARENESS Look at the photo and read the caption. Describe the photo and say what you think causes the pollution and what problems it creates. How can you connect this to other subjects you have studied? YOUR VOICE

4 How has India changed since Gandhi was alive?

A It has not changed and remains old-fashioned.

B It is economically more powerful.

C It now feels superior to the UK.

D Young people no longer remember Gandhi.

5 Which of these statements best summarises Gandhi’s importance?

A He characterises positive values for all the world.

B He represents a positive period in British history.

C He was fundamental for the economic progress of India.

D He was a violent supporter of India’s independence.

Air pollution in New Delhi. India is home to 63 of the 100 most polluted cities in the world.
▲ Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869. He was the leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule, and was imprisoned several times. He practised nonviolent protest to achieve political and social progress. He was assassinated on 30th January 1948.

1 Before the lesson, go to the FLIP BOOK and watch the video about ways to make cities more sustainable. What three methods are mentioned?

Sustainable cities and communities around the world

Today, more than half the world’s population lives in cities and it is estimated that 7 out of 10 people will live in urban areas by 2050. For this reason, Sustainable Development Goal 11 is focused on making cities and urban areas safe, inclusive and sustainable, with decent infrastructure, affordable housing and plenty of green spaces. Global greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced, air quality improved and inequalities eliminated.

One of the targets of Goal 11 is to support the 1 billion people who live in slums and informal settlements, 85% of whom are in Central and Southern Asia, Eastern and South-Eastern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. With the predicted increase in urban dwellers, also the number of people who live in slums will increase, due to rapid urbanisation, poor planning policies, lack of housing and extreme poverty. Providing adequate and affordable housing is the first step in helping these people escape from poverty and to ensure that no-one is ‘left behind’.

Another problem facing modern cities is the access to safe, efficient and reliable public transport, necessary not only for mobility for educational, recreational and work purposes, but also for reducing traffic and pollution and improving air quality. Furthermore, modern cities must improve access to and increase the number of open-air and green spaces which have been proven to enhance urban life and allow social interactions, so important for our well-being. There must be universal access to all basic services so our cities are safe and inclusive places, and the infrastructure, for issues such as waste management, must be adequate to respond to the growing needs of all urban areas and their residents.

Urban regeneration in Sydney, Australia

George Street in Sydney’s Central Business District was always one of the city’s busiest roads with so much traffic. The urban regeneration project for the area has prioritised pedestrians and bikes over cars, making the space much more open, safer and calmer. The large pedestrianised area has shopping precincts, seating, trees, outdoor dining areas and a light rail transport system to replace all the buses and private cars that used to transit along this route.

Park Connector Network, Singapore

The island of Singapore, surrounded by the ocean, has limited space so it is important to create outdoor space wherever possible within this crowded landscape of concrete and skyscrapers. The Park Connector Network is a network of green corridors across all the island linking parks and other nature areas. This increases accessibility and encourages residents and visitors alike to explore, by bike or on foot, all the natural spaces the island has to offer.

A sustainable city must offer a good quality of life to its inhabitants without jeopardising resources. Sustainable means that it generates the resources it consumes, it does not use more than what it creates and it does not exhaust resources. What should a city offer its inhabitants?

2 Read the texts and statistics on page 210 and complete the sentences with one or two words or a number.

1 By it is likely that 7 out of 10 people will live in cities or urban areas.

2 The aims of Goal 11 are to make cities sustainable, but also and

3 Currently people live in slums and informal settlements.

4 The first priority is to give these people

5 Having access to within cities improves our quality of life.

6 The air that 99% of people living in cities breathe is

7 George Street in Sydney no longer has a problem with

8 Singapore has joined its parks and natural areas together with

3 CRITICAL THINKING When cities are classified by their sustainability, social, environmental and economic indicators are considered. In groups, discuss whether the following characteristics of a city affect these indicators in a positive or negative way. Give reasons for your answers.


1 high housing costs

2 lots of crime

3 investment in education

4 renewable energy in public buildings

5 bike lanes

6 high costs for water and waste management

7 few public parks and green spaces

8 efficient and inexpensive public transport

9 little investment in research and development

10 regeneration of abandoned areas

4 Watch the video Climate Heros and answer the questions in the

Voices in Human Sciences Podcast

5 Listen to this episode of the Voices in Human Sciences Podcast and answer the questions.

1 Which Indian city has one of the biggest problems with air quality?

2 What makes the air quality worse in winter?

3 What is the effect on life expectancy for the city’s inhabitants?

4 What has been done so far to tackle this problem?

5 What is cloud seeding?

6 What other technology for improving air quality is mentioned?

6 CIVIC AWARENESS Do you live in an urban or more rural environment? What is the air quality like? What steps could you take as an individual to improve it? What are your council, local transport companies and businesses doing? YOUR VOICE

Target 6 of Sustainable Development Goal 11 aims to reduce the adverse environmental impact of cities, such as improving air quality by reducing levels of fine particulate matter (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10). Target 9 of Sustainable Development Goal 3 is concerned with substantially reducing the number of deaths and illnesses, including those caused by air pollution.

▼ Cloud seeding

1 What threatens the survival of our planet and of our species with it today?


Margaret Atwood (1939-)

Margaret Atwood is a novelist, poet, literary critic, and environmental activist from Canada. She taught English in various universities in her countries, and was the recipient of many awards. Atwood writes ‘speculative fiction’ and in her works she includes only elements that already exist in the world, such as genetic engineering, rather than purely imaginary realities like time travel or alien creatures. Her MaddAddam Trilogy is set in a post-apocalyptic scenario where genetic modification and medical experimentation have made enormous progress but are threatening human and animal existence. Her novels usually have strong-willed women as protagonists.

Margaret Atwood: the risk of global extinction

The Year of the Flood (2009)

Published after Oryx and Crake (2003), The Year of the Flood is the second book of the MaddAddam Trilogy, followed by MaddAddam (2013). Technology dominates the world and it is used everywhere to manipulate nature and bend it to humanity’s insane wishes. It is seen only as a means to exploit and profit from. God’s Gardeners oppose all this; they are vegetarians, they try to preserve all forms of life and predict what they call ‘the Waterless Flood’, a catastrophic event that will wipe out most of mankind. The event proves to be a global pandemic, which leaves few survivors. Among them there is one of the protagonists of the novel, Toby, a young woman who used to be a God’s Gardener; she locks herself in a spa to survive the pandemic.

A world returned to nature

1 swath: schiera

2 reef: barriera corallina

3 fake-wood benches: panchine di legno finto

4 mounds … sorrel: tumuli sotto l’asclepiade, la pulce e l’acetosella

5 shrubby undergrowth: sottobosco di arbusti

In one of the many flashbacks that characterise the novel, a solitary Toby wanders alone in the derelict city struck by the pandemic and where nature is regaining possession of urban spaces. In the early morning, Toby climbs up to the rooftop to watch the sunrise. She uses a mop handle for balance: the elevator stopped working some time ago and the back stairs are slick with damp, so if she slips and falls there won’t be anyone to pick her up.

As the first heat hits, mist rises from among the swath1 of trees between her and the derelict city. The air smells faintly of burning, a smell of caramel and tar and rancid barbecues, and the ashy but greasy smell of a garbage-dump fire after it’s been raining. The abandoned towers in the distance are like the coral of an ancient reef 2 — bleached and colourless, devoid of life.

There still is life, however. Birds chirp; sparrows, they must be. Their small voices are clear and sharp, nails on glass: there’s no longer any sound of traffic to drown them out. Do they notice that quietness, the absence of motors? If so, are they happier? Toby has no idea. […] Everything is different up close.

The rooftop has some planters, their ornamentals running wild; it has a few fake-wood benches3. It used to have a sun canopy for cocktail hour, but that’s been blown away. Toby sits on one of the benches to survey the grounds. She lifts her binoculars, scanning from left to right. […]

The wide lawns have grown up, tall weeds. There are low irregular mounds beneath the milkweed and fleabane and sorrel4, with here and there a swatch of fabric, a glint of bone. That’s where the people fell, the ones who’d been running or staggering across the lawn. Toby had watched from the roof, crouched behind one of the planters, but she hadn’t watched for long. Some of those people had called for help, as if they’d known she was there. But how could she have helped? […]

She turns to the dark encircling wall of trees and vines and fronds and shrubby undergrowth5, probing it with her binoculars. It’s from there that any danger might come. But what kind of danger? She can’t imagine.

In the night there are the usual noises: the faraway barking of dogs, the tittering of mice, the water-pipe notes of the crickets, the occasional grumph6 of a frog. The blood rushing in her ears: katoush, katoush, katoush. A heavy broom sweeping dry leaves.

‘Go to sleep,’ she says out loud. But she never sleeps well, not since she’s been alone in this building. Sometimes she hears voices — human voices, calling to her in pain. Or the voices of women, the women who used to work here, the anxious women who used to come, for rest and rejuvenation. […]

There must be someone else left, though; she can’t be the only one on the planet. There must be others. But friends or foes7?

(Abridged from Chapter 1)


2 Read the extract and complete the summary with the words in the box.

remembers • pain • rooftop • binoculars

Toby walks up to a (1) by climbing the stairs. From there she can see the landscape. She (2) a tragic event in her past, and she inspects everything with her (3) . She can’t sleep well, and she hears voices of people calling to her in (4)

3 Answer the questions.

1 Why does Toby have to climb the stairs?

2 What can she see?

3 What signs of life are there? Are they human?

4 What does she remember seeing in the past?

Before the Flood

Before the Flood is a 2016 documentary that shows climate change through rising sea levels, deforestation, and other human activities.

It strongly invites world leaders to fight for a more sustainable future and presents viewers with ways in which they can contribute to reduce the effects of climate change.

5 Why is she inspecting the landscape?

6 Nature has invaded urban spaces after the human race has almost disappeared. How would you feel if you were to live in a world like this, with none of the technology we are used to?

4 Watch the trailer and answer the questions.

Leonardo DiCaprio visits various regions of the globe exploring the impact of global warming.

1 Is the concept of climate change a recent one?

2 Is the global situation improving, or getting worse?

3 Is this concept accepted universally?

4 How important is the issue?

5 Have you ever participated in any project whose aim was to fight climate change? How helpful do you think it was?

6 grumph: brontolio 7 foes: nemici

The EU & the UN International institutions


1 Do you know how long Italy has been a member of the European Union (EU)?

European Coal and Steel Community

Key events in the history of the EU

The history of the EU can be traced through its treaties, which establish the rules and relationship between the EU and its member countries. They are usually named after the place where the agreements were signed.

Following a proposal by Robert Schuman, France’s Foreign Minister, to merge the production of European coal and steel, the European Coal and Steel Community was formed between Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and theNetherlands Coal and steel were the raw materials needed for war, so managing their production was a way to prevent one nation from building weapons without the others knowing about it

European Coal and Steel Community

Following a proposal by Robert Schuman, France’s Foreign Minister, to merge the production of European coal and steel, the European Coal and Steel Community was formed between Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Coal and steel were the raw materials needed for war, so managing their production was a way to prevent one nation from building weapons without the others knowing about it.

Treaty of Rome

With this agreement, the cooperation between the six countries was extended to include other economic areas and the European Economic Community was formed.

Schengen Agreement

This agreement allowed the gradual introduction of people being allowed to cross EU borders without having their passports checked. There are 27 countries that form the Schengen area.

Other key moments and events in the history of the EU.


European citizens voted for the first time to elect their representatives in the European Parliament. Since then, the elections have been held every five years.

When did the various countries join the EU?

1957: Belgium, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands

1973: Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom*

1981: Greece – 1986: Portugal, Spain

1995: Finland, Austria, Sweden

2004: Estonia, Lativa, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus

2007: Bulgaria, Romania – 2013: Croatia

Candidates for accession: Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina member of the Eurozone

* The UK withdrew from the EU in 2020.

European flag

The European Union’s institutions began to use the European flag, with its blue background and 12 gold stars.


The Erasmus programme was established to help young Europeans study in another EU country.

Maastricht Treaty

This treaty, signed by 12 nations, formally replaced the EEC and created the European Union

It also started the process for the creation of a central banking system and single European currency. Parliament was given more power in decision making and the governments of EU member states governments could cooperate in more areas.

Treaty of Amsterdam

This made the necessary changes to prepare the EU for enlargement with new member states and to ensure the EU functioned efficiently and democratically, with transparent decision-making.

Treaty of Nice

Again, this treaty was to reform the various institutions so that the EU could function efficiently with the new members.

Treaty of Lisbon

This treaty made the EU even more democratic and more efficient, clarifying the powers which belong to the EU, which to the EU member countries and which are shared. It introduced the formal procedure, Article 50, for a country to leave the EU.

Treaty of stability

This treaty, signed by members of the Eurozone, established the European Stability Mechanism. This organisation replaced earlier EU funding programmes and is designed to act as a permanent source of financial assistance for member states in financial difficulty.

The euro

The euro coins and notes became the legal currency in 12 EU countries. Others followed in later years and 20 countries now use the euro.


The UK’s withdrawal from the EU, the first country to do so, became official (see page 311).


The temporary €750 billion recovery package was set up to support economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic.

2 INVALSI Read the information on these pages and match the dates to the facts.

1 1957

2 1985

3 1992

4 2002

5 2004

6 2020

3 Now answer the questions.

1 Who was Robert Schuman and what did he propose?

2 When did European citizens first get the opportunity to have a say in EU politics?

6 How many countries are interested in joining the EU? READING COMPREHENSION

3 Apart from the creation of the EU, why was the Treaty of Maastricht important?

a the free movement of people started

b ten new countries joined the eu

c the first time a country left the eu

d the creation of the European Union

e 12 countries started using the euro

f the creation of the European Economic Community

4 What importance did the Treaty of Lisbon have for Brexit?

5 What is the main difference in the funding established by the Treaty of Stability and NextGenerationEU?



1 Before the lesson, go to the FLIP BOOK and watch the video about democracy in the EU. How is democracy described?

EU institutions

The 27 EU member states, with over 448 million EU citizens, vary in size, language, cultural identity, traditions, religion and economy. For example, Malta is the smallest in terms of population and size of the country; Germany has the largest population; France is the largest county by size; the GDP per capita is higher in Denmark than it is in Greece. But what unites all these member states are democratic values, the belief in freedom and equality, respect for human dignity and respect for human rights. This is why the motto of the EU is ‘United in diversity’.

The EU is based on the rule of law, with all agreements and treaties democratically approved by all the EU member states, with several institutions and bodies that take decisions and shape EU policies.

The three branches of the EU Legislative

The legislative branch of the European Union is formed by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union. Together they approve new EU laws which have been proposed by the Commission, and decide the EU budget. The European Parliament also has supervisory powers, for example approving the nomination of the members and President of the Commission. It is the only EU institution where the members are elected directly by the public. There are 705 MEPs from the EU member states. Within parliament, the MEPs sit together as political groups – there are currently seven – rather than in groups according to nationality. The Council, on the other hand, is not composed of fixed members as such but each meeting is attended by the national minister from each EU member state for the policy under discussion. This means that if the meeting is discussing, for example, environmental issues, the national ministers for the environment will attend.


The European Commission, based in Brussels and Luxembourg, is the executive branch of the EU and it is made up of one commissioner from each EU member state, who serves a 5-year term. The President of the Commission assigns specific policy areas – such as the environment, education or energy – to each commissioner. The Commission represents the interests of the EU as a whole. It proposes new laws to Parliament and the Council, manages the EU’s budget, enforces EU law and represents the EU internationally, for example, by negotiating agreements with other countries.


The Court of Justice is the judicial branch of the EU. Situated in Luxembourg, it is divided into two courts: the Court of Justice and the General Court. There is one judge for each EU member state, together with eight impartial advocates-general. These are all appointed for a term of six years. The Court of Justice is responsible for making sure EU law is applied in the same way in all member states and that they all comply with the obligations set out in the Treaties. It also reviews the legality of the acts carried out by the various institutions of the European Union.

2 MEDIATING TEXTS Read the texts and fill in the missing information on the table (1-12).


European Parliament Council of the European Union


European Commission Court of Justice of the EU

Brussels Brussels and (6) __________


European Council

European Central Bank Court of Auditors Brussels, Strasbourg, Luxembourg (administrative offices)

(1) __________

MEPs from the Member States, elected by (2) __________ every 5 years

Debate and pass EU laws, with the Council

Scrutinise other EU institutions, particularly the Commission, to make sure they are working democratically

(3) __________ the EU’s budget, with the Council

(4) __________ for the policy under discussion

(5) __________ EU laws and decide the annual EU budget

Coordinate the broad economic policies of EU member countries

Sign agreements between the EU and other countries

Develop the EU’s foreign and defence policies


Luxembourg (13) __________ (15) __________ (17) __________

27 Commissioners, one from each EU state, with a (7) __________ term, appointed by national governments (10) __________ judge per EU country; 8 advocatesgeneral; six-year term

(8) __________ new laws to Parliament and the Council

Manage the EU’s budget and allocate funding

Enforce EU law

Represent the EU (9) __________

Ensure the Member States comply with obligations under the (11) __________

Review the legality of the acts of the (12) __________

Interpret EU law at the request of national courts and tribunals

National (14) __________ or Government President of the Commission

Set the EU’s general political direction and priorities

No legislative functions

Executive Board Governing Council General Council

Implement the EU’s (16) __________ and monetary policy

Keep prices and the financial system stable

1 member from each EU country; (18) __________ term

Improve EU financial management Report on the use of public funds

Present European Parliament and Council with an annual financial report


3 Listen to this presentation of some of the other EU institutions and fill in the remaining gaps (13-18).

4 MEDIATING TEXTS – ORGANISING Do some further research about one of the principal EU institutions. Then write a short essay (about 20 lines), including the following points:

• its composition, including important current members;

• its key functions and responsibilities;

• its decision-making processes;

• any recent controversial issues or decisions. ONLINE


5 Ask an AI software program to check your text from ex. 4, highlighting your mistakes without correcting them. Correct your text and ask your AI assistant to check it again and give you a feedback on how you have amended your mistakes. Are there any mistakes you haven’t been able to correct? Which ones?


1 In pairs. What do you think the main problems the EU has to face are?

Discuss, then read the text and check your answers.


An asylum seeker is a person looking for international protection in another country.

An internally displaced person is forced to leave home, but doesn’t cross international borders.

A migrant is anybody who moves away from their usual residence, for any reason, temporarily or permanently, to any place within a country or across an international border, by choice or not.

A refugee is a person forced to leave their home country and protected by the UNHCR.

Issues facing the EU

One of the aims of the EU is for its member states to work together for peace and prosperity. However there are some issues and problems that have plagued the EU over the last couple of decades.

Between 2004 and 2013, the EU increased in size by 13 countries, many of them former communist nations. And today, there are several countries in various stages of applying for EU membership. Whilst many see this enlargement as positive, others criticise the decision to accept new member states, even if they qualify and satisfy the criteria set by the EU. Supporters see the advantages of these new economic and political alliances to create the world’s largest single market. Opponents feel that many of the new member states could be an economic burden, given their much lower GDP per head, and that the EU decision-making process could become more complicated. They also argue that there would be a huge influx of immigrants, looking for employment opportunities and a better standard of living in established EU member states.

The increase in illegal immigration in the EU, frequently from countries like Syria, Tunisia, Ivory Coast and Guinea, is problematic and the migrant reception centres, like those in Lampedusa and Sicily, are overcrowded and cannot cope with the number of arrivals. Between 2021 and 2022, for example, there was an 18% increase in irregular border crossings, by land and sea. The EU needs to deal more efficiently with this influx of immigrants and, more importantly, it has to stop the human traffickers involved in their transport in order to reduce the tragedies and number of deaths that have been recently registered in the Mediterranean Sea.

The refugee crisis, with hundreds of thousands of arrivals from the Middle East, has put a strain1 on the relations between EU member states. They are finding it increasingly difficult to act unilaterally regarding the influx of refugees and the idea of continuing to allow open borders between member states. This crisis has also given rise to issues regarding the welfare system and labour market; because if a migrant is given citizenship in one EU country, he or she would then be free to move anywhere within the EU, claiming benefits or looking for work in that country. However, questioning this right would mean questioning the key essence of the EU – that of the single market.


The global pandemic of COVID-19 was an enormous issue for the EU and the rest of the world. Although European leaders reacted quickly to protect their citizens through lockdowns and vaccinations, and by implementing furlough2 schemes to help those unable to work, it has led to an unprecedented fall in the economy. The EU’s €750 billion recovery fund has been financed by joint debt for the first time and will be the focus of EU economic policy for some years to come.

There has been a rise in right-wing populist parties across Europe who, with their nationalist, Eurosceptic and anti-immigration views, try to appeal to ordinary people. These parties are winning increasingly large number of seats in national parliaments and also in the European parliament. The far-right Identity and Democracy group, which unites rightwing MEPs from all EU member countries in the European Parliament, aims to become one of the biggest and most important parties and wants to reshape and reform the Union, for example with a tougher approach on immigration and a softer approach to climate policies in order to protect jobs and industry.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created a humanitarian catastrophe. As well as the tragic deaths of thousands of military personnel and civilians, it is thought that at least 14 million people have fled their homes since the beginning of the war. Around 6 million of these refugees have now been recorded across the EU, not only in countries near to the Ukrainian border but in Germany, the Czech Republic and in Italy. Apart from the effects of migration, the war has had severe economic consequences for Europe due to big increases in fuel and food prices

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 How many new countries joined the EU between 2004 and 2013?

2 What is the positive outcome of this expansion?

3 What fears do some people have about new member states joining the EU?

4 Why are illegal border crossings a problem for the EU?

5 What could be the problem with open borders and refugees in the EU?


6 What did EU leaders do well during the pandemic and what is the challenge ahead?

7 What direction do people’s political views seem to be heading?

8 What is the Identity and Democracy group?

9 What are their aims?

10 What are the main consequences for the EU of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? READING COMPREHENSION

3 CRITICAL THINKING & COMMUNICATION Imagine that you are responsible in your country for one of the EU issues highlighted on these pages. What would you do to deal with it? Discuss your ideas in small groups or pairs.

4 DIGITAL COMPETENCES Ask an AI chatbot to give you prompts and suggestions to help you prepare the speaking task in ex. 3.

2 furlough: cassa integrazione



1 In pairs. What do you know about the 2030 Agenda? Are there common issues with the Green Deal? Discuss, this then read the texts on these pages and on pages 228-229 and check your answers.

The EU agenda

The EU is always moving forward and looking to the future to ensure its policies and actions are suited to the challenges ahead, whether that is the entrance of new countries into the Union, an economic crisis, environmental problems or consumer protection issues. Three significant policy areas which are fundamental to the future of the EU are:


With the European Green Deal, launched in December 2019, the EU has committed to becoming climate neutral by 2050 – this means it will produce only the greenhouse gases that the area’s ecosystems can naturally absorb. There is also the additional target for 2030, and that is for the EU to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 55%. The Fit for 55 package is a series of legally binding1 amendments to existing legislation that will reduce emissions and decarbonise the economy. These include changes to the EU Emissions Trading System (a carbon market based on a cap-and-trade2 system for energy-intensive industries, the power generation sector, and the aviation sector), revising the taxation of energy products, boosting the use of renewable energy, making buildings more energyefficient and introducing tougher measures for CO2 emissions from private cars.

Our clothes

2 Watch the video and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

Digital transition

The digital transition is well underway and the EU wants to ensure that everyone has basic digital skills to benefit from the advantages the digital world brings. In particular, the EU is working towards getting more ICT specialists and encouraging women to work in digital fields. Other goals include making all public services available online, the use of digital ID for citizens, and the use of cloud-computing services for most companies. In addition, the EU is paying particular attention to the developments and applications of technology like artificial intelligence. These can pose serious threats to citizens’ rights so the EU is introducing legislation to ensure they are protected.


This is the temporary €750 billion recovery instrument that the EU has put in place to support the economic recovery after the coronavirus pandemic, as well as to support the plans for a greener and more digital future. The Recovery and Resilience Facility offers loans and grants to all member states to carry out the reforms and investments that each country has set out in their National Recovery and Resilience Plans. These plans are specific to each country’s needs, but are formulated around the key pillars of:

1 binding: vincolanti

2 cap-and-trade: limitazioni e scambio


Mission 1

digital transformation

Mission 2 green transition

Mission 3 smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Mission 4 policies for the next generation

Mission 5 social and territorial cohesion

Mission 6 health and economic, social and institutional resilience

3 Read the text and decide if these sentences are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1 By 2050, the EU will not produce any greenhouse gases. T F

2 The changes introduced with the Fit for 55 package are legal obligations. T F

3 All EU citizens should have basic digital skills in the future. T F

4 The developments of artificial intelligence aren’t going to be covered by EU legislation. T F

5 NextGenerationEU is a permanent fund set up to support EU economy and member states.

6 Each member state presented a National Recovery and Resilience Plan.



Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan

The EU has allocated a total of €194.4 billion to Italy, €71.8 in grants and €122.6 in loans, but how is the country spending these sums? Well, there’s a chance that something is happening in your school or a nearby one. School 4.0, in fact, is the title of the initiative for rebuilding and modernising schools, updating school facilities and creating digital learning environments. Over 150 schools are to be rebuilt to create modern, sustainable and inclusive structures; others are going to be subject to interventions to reduce energy consumption and increase their seismic safety. School classrooms are to become flexible and digital learning environments with the integration of new technology and the replacement, where necessary, of obsolete tech like old interactive boards and video projectors. This digitalisation process extends to school administration, other public sector administration and also the private sector in order to boost productivity and competitiveness in international markets. In the area of green transition, the country has planned key investments in energy efficiency in public and residential buildings, waste and water management and sustainable mobility. High-speed railway links, improved public transport

with electric vehicles, cycle paths to connect railway stations and university centres, and charging points for electric vehicles have all been projected. Considerable funds have been allocated to flood risk management and the reduction of hydrogeological risks, as well as the restoration of damaged structures and infrastructure caused by recent flooding disasters. Another area of intervention is urban regeneration in large cities, where the planting of new trees, urban parks and green roofs can help reduce air and noise pollution and improve the health and well-being of the inhabitants. Under the pillar of social cohesion and inclusion, around €500 million has been destined to projects to increase the autonomy of at least 5000 people with disabilities with, for example, home improvements, the provision of ICT devices and training. Furthermore, the inclusion of more women in the labour market and investments in apprenticeship programmes are aimed at making it easier for young people to enter the labour market, reducing gaps in the standard of living and reducing gender inequality.

6 How will young people find it easier to enter the job market? READING COMPREHENSION

4 INVALSI Read the article and answer the questions using no more than four words.

1 What is School 4.0?

2 What will the new schools being built be like?

3 Apart from schools, what other areas are going to be subject to digitalisation? (Give two answers.)

4 What are the benefits of urban regeneration? (Give two answers.)

5 Who will benefit from the projects carried out with the allocation of €500 million?

5 CRITICAL THINKING – CIVIC AWARENESS Discuss these questions in pairs.

1 Are there any projects in your school or local area that are being funded by the NRRP?

2 Did you know about any of the projects and investments mentioned in the article?

3 Which of those mentioned do you think is the most essential for your area, and for Italy in general?

4 In which other areas would you like to see investments and changes?

5 Why is it important for NRRP projects to be accountable and transparent about their activities and spending?


6 MEDIATING TEXTS – PRESENTING Go online to the Italian NRRP website to find out about a project that has been completed or is planned. Prepare a short oral presentation on the project, its aims/results, giving the reasons why you choose that particular project.


The EU and young people

1 Are you an EU citizen? What does that mean to you?

The EU is important for the lives of young EU citizens, whether or not they can already vote in the European Parliament elections, whether or not they know anything about how the EU works, whether or not they are interested in the EU.

Everyday life and travelling

Your everyday life is affected by decisions that have been made in the EU, things like everyone’s new phone has a USB Type-C charging port meaning you need fewer cables, or the protection of your online data, or your rights as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. You can travel freely within the EU with just your national identity card and no border checks within the Schengen countries. When you’re in another EU country, you don’t pay roaming charges for your mobile phone and, if it’s a Eurozone country, you don’t have to exchange money to get a different currency so you can easily compare prices to know how expensive something is.


The EU supports education and training, and currently is focusing energy on encouraging young people, especially girls, to study STEM subjects in order to be prepared for the future. One of the extra-curricular projects or courses you have taken part in at school might have been funded with money from the European Union. You can apply to take part in an Erasmus+ programme while at secondary school or university, which gives the opportunity of a period of academic study or vocational training in another country. It is also possible to complete a degree course in another EU country, under the same conditions as national citizens.


As an EU citizen, you have the right to live and work in another EU country and the EURES (European Employment Services) website contains a lot of information and help, as well as thousands of job opportunities. You can use the Europass CV and other documents to make applying for jobs within Europe easier (see page 275). Grants and loans from NextGenerationEU funds are available for apprenticeships and for young entrepreneurs in order to make a stronger and more resilient Europe.


2 Read the texts and discuss the questions in pairs.

1 Are you old enough to vote in the European parliament elections? Do you think it is important to take part in this way?

2 What examples are there in the text of EU decisions affecting people’s lives? Can you think of other examples?

3 What are the advantages if you want to travel?

4 Have you taken part in an extra-curricular course? What was it about? Do you know where the funding came from?

5 Does your school take part in Erasmus+ projects? Is this something you would be interested in doing in the future?

6 What is the EURES website and how is it useful? Would you consider working short-term or long-term in another EU country? Why/Why not?


3 FIRST Listen to this presentation of two EU youth initiatives and fill in the missing information.

4 PRELIMINARY The young people below all want to do EU youth volunteer. Decide which opportunity (A-H) would be the most suitable for each person (1-5).

1 Julia loves nature and cycling and would love to be involved in an environmental project that leaves the world a better place. She knows a bit about plants and animals as her family are farmers, but she would really like to learn more about the sea.

2 Carlton loves taking things apart, understanding how they work and then putting them back together again. Our modern throw-away culture makes him really angry, because it is a waste of money and it is terrible for the environment.

3 Nikita loves meeting new people and spending time outdoors on her skateboard, but there isn’t anywhere safe and cool for her to hang out with her friends as she lives in a very big city where everybody lives too far away.

4 Serge is very artistic and would love to be involved in a community project maybe with an element of performance in it. His family were refugees from former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, so he would like to work with people in a similar situation.

5 Zoe would really like to volunteer and has lots of creative and practical skills because she sometimes helps out in her family’s graphic design company. For that reason, she would find it difficult to spend any time away from home.

Working youth volunteer opportunities

A Repair café, Estonia

Are you good with your hands and keen to help the planet? Then the repair café might be the volunteering opportunity for you. It aims to show people the negative impact of throwing things away instead of repairing them. People can bring their broken appliances to a community-based open workshop, and using the tools provided, learn how to fix them with volunteers.

B Community Drama, Ireland

Are you good with people and like performing or set designing? Then you might be interested in volunteering for a community drama project. The project was born to help stop asylum seekers in Newbridge in Kildare County from feeling socially excluded. Its aim is to create and implement a theatre program through drama workshops and produce a final performance for the local community.

C Skate park, Belgium

Are you skateboard or BMX crazy? Would you like to meet like-minded young people? Then why not come and help create a park for skateboards and BMX in the local neighbourhood. It will be not only the place to practise sport activities, available for all, but also a place to hang out together and build a sense of community.

D Free shop, Latvia

Have you heard of our ‘free shop’ initiative launched by volunteers in Latvia? It is a shop where people meet once a week and bring all the things that they no longer need and try to find the things that they do need. These can be clothing, books, and household goods. Volunteers are needed to help run the shop, sort and display the goods –no experience needed.

E Animal shelters, Lithuania

Would you like to help build new animal shelters in Klaipeda in Lithuania and promote volunteering in animal shelters at the same time? The project is open to Lithuanian and foreign students interested in animal welfare and keen to get involved in a worthwhile volunteering project. It offers a great first step for people considering working with animals in the future.

F Organic farming, Poland

Are you interested in where food comes from and developing a better relationship with it? This project aims to change the unhealthy eating habits of young people and help people to set up their own organic farms and gardens. As part of the project, you will grow produce in a greenhouse, which will be made available for young locals and visitors to pick and harvest.

G Recovering coastline, Italy

Help raise awareness about environmental protection by creating cycle paths and footpaths, cleaning beaches and replanting native tree species in southern Italy. The main aim of the project is to recover the natural coastal area nearby the urban centres of Trani and Barletta. No experience is necessary, just a love of nature and a willingness to work hard.

H Volunteer online

Do you want to volunteer but can’t really go anywhere? Does your free time fall at odd hours? Then try online volunteering. All you need is a computer, and a good Internet connection. Depending on your skills, you could design flyers, maintain a website, answer emails, translate texts, edit videos, manage social networking activities, give advice, do online research, or write code for software.

5 CRITICAL THINKING – SELF-AWARENESS In pairs, discuss which EU youth volunteer opportunity you would like to do and why.


The United Nations is the world’s only really universal, global organisation, so it leads the way in addressing issues that go beyond national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone. To its initial goals of safeguarding peace, protecting human rights, establishing the framework for international justice and promoting economic and social progress, the UN has added new challenges, such as AIDS, big data and climate change. As well as conflict resolution and peacekeeping, the UN is also engaged in all types of activities to improve people’s lives. These include: disaster relief, education, advancement of women, and peaceful uses of atomic energy. Check out the website for more information.


The United Nations

Quick facts

The United Nations is an international organisation which was founded in 1945, after World War II, by 51 countries. Today nearly every nation in the world is a member of the UN as it counts 193 member countries and, fundamentally, its objectives have remained the same: to keep international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations and promote social progress, better living standards and human rights. It has six main organs:

General assembly

Economic and social council Security council


Trusteeship council

International court of justice

the main forum for debate and the only organ with a representative from each member country

for the maintenance of global peace and security which has five permanent and ten rotating member nations

at the head of the UN’s economic, social, cultural and humanitarian activities

for the day-to-day administration

it was in charge of supervising some territories during their preparation for self-government or independence and now only convenes as necessary

based at UN Headquarters in New York


1 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 How has the membership of the UN changed since its foundation?

2 Which of its objectives have stayed the same since the beginning?

3 What new goals has the UN added?

4 Where are the major UN organs located?

the UN’s main judicial body

located in The Hague in the Netherlands

5 How is the composition of the General Assembly and the Security Council different?


UN system

The United Nations coordinates its work with separate UN system entities, which cooperate with the Organisation to help it achieve its goals. Funds, programmes and specialised agencies have their own area of work, leadership and budget.

A Millions of refugees and (1) _______________ are helped by UNHCR annually.

C Education, healthcare, (5) _______________ and (6) _______________ are fundamental aspects that UNICEF wants to guarantee to children worldwide. One of its operation areas is with (7) _______________, whose number is estimated at 300,000.

E One of UNESCO’s roles is to nominate (10) _______________, which are places considered to be fundamental to our culture.

B The WFP saves lives by getting food to people in emergency situations such as war, civil conflict and (2) _______________. In its goal to stop world hunger, it collaborates with the UN agencies (3) _______________ and (4) _______________.

D UNEP’s primary goal is to look after the environment today for the benefit of (8) ______________. One way it is doing this is by making the UN (9) _______________.

By using well-known personalities, the UN can emphasise (11) _______________ and activities. Goodwill Ambassador is one of the (12) _______________ given to famous people who help UN organisations.


1 Look at the logos of some UN programmes and agencies and match them to their complete title.

1 United Nations Children’s Fund

2 World Food Programme

3 United Nations Environment Programme

4 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

5 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation


There are six official languages used at the UN – Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. UN delegates can speak in any of the official languages, and the speech is interpreted simultaneously into the other official languages. Most UN documents are also in all six official languages.


2 FIRST Listen to more information about these UN agencies and complete the texts using a maximum of three words.

3 CRITICAL THINKING In small groups, discuss how effective it is to use famous people to raise awareness of global issues. YOUR VOICE

1 In pairs. Can you name some rights you have? Read the text and check your answers.

UN Human Rights Council

The Human Rights Council is the body within the United Nations responsible for human rights It has the tasks of strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the world, addressing human rights violations, responding to human rights emergencies and recommending how to improve the implementation of human rights. The Human Rights Council was established in 2006 and replaced the former United Nations Commission on Human Rights, the commission responsible for drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.’ Art. 1

The United Nations Human Rights Commission created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Eleanor Roosevelt, widow of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was the head of the commission and is considered the driving force behind the adoption of the Declaration. There were 17 other commission members from various countries, all with different political, cultural and religious backgrounds.

The Universal Declaration is an international document that states the thirty fundamental rights that form the basis for a democratic society. It is not a treaty, which means it does not directly create legal obligations for the countries. Nevertheless, it is the most universal human rights document in existence and, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, it is the most translated document in the world.

The Universal Declaration includes civil and political rights, like the right to life, liberty, free speech and privacy. It also includes economic, social and cultural rights, like the right to social security, health and education. It declares that human rights are universal – to be enjoyed by all people, no matter who they are or where they live.

The Declaration is a list of 30 articles. These are some of the most important:

• Everyone has a right to life, liberty, and security of their person.

• All people have a right to be protected from discrimination.

• Everyone has a right to have a nationality and change one’s nationality.

• Education is a universal right.

• Everyone has a right to get a job.

• Everyone has a right to vote and take part in the government of one’s own country.

• No person may be tortured, or treated in a cruel way.

• Everyone has the right to ask for and gain asylum from persecution.

• Everyone has a right to speak or write freely and a right to join a peaceful group to express one’s opinion.

The 10th December is Human Rights Day and it is celebrated everywhere in the world.

2 Read again and answer the questions.

1 What is the role of the Human Rights Council?

2 When was the Universal Declaration created?

6 In what way are human rights universal? READING COMPREHENSION

4 How many articles are in the Universal Declaration?

5 Is the Declaration a law?

3 Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?

3 MEDIATING TEXTS – PRESENTING Do some research online to find out about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and prepare a short oral presentation, including the following information:

• when and where it was created;

• what its purpose is;

• which countries signed the Convention;

• when Universal Children’s Day is celebrated and what your country does to celebrate it.


UNESCO – World Heritage List

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity. Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage are both irreplaceable sources of life and inspiration. What makes the concept of World Heritage exceptional is its universal application.

World Heritage Sites belong to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are located.

World Heritage Sites

Places such as the Dolomites, Pompeii and Assisi in Italy have been selected by UNESCO and its member states to be on the World Heritage List for a variety of reasons: they represent a masterpiece of human creative genius; they are an outstanding type of building or architecture which illustrates an important stage in human history; they are an area of exceptional natural beauty with superlative natural phenomena.

These World Heritage Sites are all unique and diverse but, unless protected and preserved, they will disappear or change completely. There are, in fact, 56 places on the List of World Heritage in Danger, such as the ancient city of Aleppo in Syria or the Everglades in Florida, USA. The threats can come from urbanisation, uncontrolled tourist development, natural disasters, war, pollution, climate change, and failure to follow preservation laws. The latest report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) states that climate change is the biggest threat to natural World Heritage, with a third of the sites affected. Examples of the damage caused by climate change include rising sea temperatures leading to coral bleaching and loss of biodiversity; changing weather patterns leading to flooding, storms, severe droughts and wildfires; rising temperatures leading to glaciers melting and an increase in sea levels.


When the World Heritage Committee includes a site on the List of World Heritage in Danger, it alerts the international community of the ascertained or potential threats to the site’s values. The aim is that, with a combined effort from UNESCO and international and local conservation organisations, rapid corrective action can be taken and the site removed from the danger list as soon as possible.


1 Read the texts and answer the questions.

1 What is the importance of the World Heritage List?

2 What factor links all World Heritage Sites?

3 Why is there a need for the List of World Heritage in Danger?

4 What is currently the biggest threat to natural World Heritage Sites?


5 What are some of the effects of this?

6 What goal does UNESCO have when it includes a site on the danger list?

2 CRITICAL THINKING – CIVIC AWARENESS Discuss these questions in small groups.

1 Many people believe that Venice should be added to the list of sites in danger. Why might they think this?

2 What threats does the city face?

3 What is being done to protect it? Do you think this is sufficient?

▲ Aleppo, UNESCO World Heritage Site


1 Can you name some of the 17 goals included in the 2030 Agenda? Read the text and check your answers.

The 2030 Agenda

In 2015 the United Nations (UN) decided that we all must work together to find solutions to the problems of our world. The main aim is to end poverty in all its forms, to create ‘a world of universal respect for human rights and human dignity, the rule of law, justice, equality and nondiscrimination’.

The UN created 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and set a deadline to reach them: the year 2030.

It is very important that all citizens contribute to the Agenda. This Agenda is a plan of action for everybody: countries and individuals. Its common goals aim to end poverty and need through sustainable development. This will involve every part of society: from the private and public sectors, civil society and charities, universities and research centres, people providing services and culture. Acting together in partnership, they will take the urgent steps needed to move the world onto a sustainable and resilient path, leaving nobody behind.


The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 20030 fall into these five P categories:

People – ending poverty and hunger

Planet – protecting the planet from degradation

Prosperity – making sure all human beings can enjoy successful and fulfilling lives

Peace – encouraging peaceful, fair and inclusive societies, free from fear and violence

Partnership – creating the connections needed to implement this Agenda


1 Before the lesson, go to the FLIP BOOK and watch how a teenager protested about climate change. When did he protest? What did he do?

Climate action

As we all know, climate change is real and undisputable and we can already see the devastating

“We need a rapid and deep change in the way we do business, how we generate power, how we build cities, how we move, and how we feed the world. If we don’t urgently change our way of life, we jeopardize life itself.”

Guterres, UN Secretary General

effects on our world, from more tropical storms and flooding to intense heatwaves and melting glaciers. Sustainable Development Goal 13, which is about taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts on our world, includes targets that state climate change measures must be integrated into national policies and strategies, and that education and awareness on the issues must be improved. This means that there needs to be international, national and individual action to achieve these targets.

2 Watch the video and answer the questions in the FLIP BOOK.

An example of international cooperation is the various protocols and agreements signed and ratified by the majority of nations in the world. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is one of the first international treaties on climate change and it was adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. One of the key points that was established is that nations need to have regular meetings to discuss climate change. These meetings are the United Nations Climate Change Conferences, called COP (Conference of Parties), and the most important treaty so far is the Paris Agreement of 2015. With this, countries committed to reducing global greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to 2°C, but preferably 1.5°C, above pre-industrial levels. These meetings, which are held in different cities around the world on a yearly basis, are attended by politicians, diplomats and government representatives, but also delegates from industries and environmental groups. The latter are concerned about the strong presence and power of oil and gas companies at these meetings, as well as the fact that recent COPs have been held in the United Arab Emirates and Azerbaijan, countries with highstakes in fossil fuels.

On an EU level, there is the project ‘100 climateneutral and smart cities by 2030’. The cities, which include capital cities and smaller cities or towns from all of the EU member states, have access to funding, assistance and networking opportunities to help them reach their goals. The climate action plans are not actually legally binding, but do show clear political commitment to becoming climate neutral.

One way that individuals, especially young people, are getting involved is with the Fridays for Future climate strike movement. It started in 2018 with the school strike by Greta Thunberg, then aged 15, in front of the parliament building in Sweden. Now the movement is present all over the world with students and activists who want to put pressure on policymakers to take action to limit global warming.


3 Read the text and answer the questions.

1 What needs to be done to reach the targets of Goal 13?

2 What happened in Rio de Janeiro in 1992?

3 What is the purpose of the COP meetings?

4 What concerns are there regarding these meetings?

5 What could be a problem with the EU project ‘100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030’?

6 How are young people protesting about climate change?

The climate heros

Green Capital and Green Leaf Awards

Through the European Green Capital and Green Leaf awards, the EU is promoting efforts made by cities to combat climate change and highlighting best practice for others to follow in areas such as air quality, waste and circular economy, sustainable urban mobility, green growth and ecoinnovation. The first award is for cities with over 100,000 inhabitants, while the second is for smaller cities and towns. For the 2024 European Green Capital Award, the Sardinian city of Cagliari was the runner up against Valencia. Cagliari, even if not the winner, is rightly proud of the initiatives it has created and the political decisions it has made for a more sustainable future. Many focus on biodiversity and nature in the city area, for example, the reclamation of a lagoon area and a pond which had become hotspots for fly tipping, public parks with a wide variety of trees and plants and a system to use the city’s waste water for irrigation. But combatting climate change means much more than planting a few trees. The city introduced a free app to


monitor and encourage the use of public transport where people get points for every kilometre they travel using sustainable means of transport and which are then transformed into vouchers. The Green Leaf 2025 winner Treviso also aimed at changing local transport with the project Bike To Work, where citizens are rewarded with shopping vouchers for every kilometre they commute by bike. Treviso has also invested in urban parks and the regeneration of a disused site with a wooded area, large solar power plant and rainwater collection system.

▶ The Santa Gilla lagoon, Cagliari

4 INVALSI Read the article and answer the questions, using no more than four words.

1 What is the difference between the Green Capital and Green Leaf awards?

2 Which two cities were contenders for the 2024 award?

3 What were Cagliari’s lagoon and pond areas like before reclamation?

4 How does the city use its waste water?

5 What do the transport initiatives in Cagliari and Treviso have in common?

6 How has the disused site in Treviso been regenerated? (Give two answers.)

Voices in Human Sciences Podcast

5 Listen to this episode of the Voices in Human Sciences Podcast and answer these questions.

1 What is climate anxiety and why should we be concerned about it?

2 What is an eco-influencer?

3 What is the EcoTok Collective?

4 Which area of climate education is Carissa Cabrera interested in?

5 Why is community storytelling important for climate education?

6 What might someone do after seeing a video with an eco hashtag?


6 CRITICAL THINKING Do you think climate anxiety or climate optimism is prevalent in your generation? How useful do you think eco-influencers are for climate education and for making a change?

Achieving significant steps towards Goal 13 will have important results also on Sustainable Development Goal 14 which focuses on the conservation and sustainable use of the seas, oceans and marine resources which are at risk from rising temperatures, acidification, pollution and overfishing, and on Sustainable Development Goal 15 which aims to protect and conserve terrestrial ecosystems in order to stop biodiversity loss and land degradation such as desertification and deforestation.



1 Look back at pp. 230-231. What is your perception of nature, a powerful menacing entity or a fragile beauty that needs to be protected?


George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824)

After being educated at Harrow School and Cambridge University, Byron, who was born a noble man, left for the two-year aristocratic Grand Tour of Mediterranean countries in 1810. The itinerary varied, but the final destination was usually Italy, with the remains of its past civilisations, the many works of art and the beautiful natural landscapes. As a young man Byron led a rather dissolute life; he took up gambling and drinking, and there were rumours concerning his bisexuality and his affair with his half-sister. He lived in Italy for few years. In 1824, he joined the Greek insurgents fighting for their independence against the Ottoman Empire and he died from fever at Missolonghi.

1 Melted ... West: soffuso in un unico vasto arcobaleno

2 Dian’s crest: la cresta di Diana (la luna)

3 blest: beati

George Gordon, Lord Byron: a beauty to protect

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (1812-1818)

Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage is divided into four cantos; the first and the second are related to Byron’s Grand Tour and his travels with friends in search of adventure and beauty, while the third and fourth were written respectively in Switzerland and Italy. Byron frequently praised nature for its beauty and natural imagery is typical of all his artistic production. The two stanzas from Book IV reveal his eye and love for nature in all its forms.

Sunset in Venice

Stanza 27 depicts a sunset in Venice; the poet enriches his description with mythological references, one to Iris, the personification of the rainbow and the messenger of the gods, and the other to Diana, the goddess of hunting, wild animals, fertility, and the Moon.

The Moon is up, and yet it is not night— Sunset divides the sky with her—a sea Of glory streams along the Alpine height Of blue Friuli’s mountains; Heaven is free From clouds, but of all colours seems to be Melted to one vast Iris of the West1 , Where the Day joins the past Eternity; While, on the other hand, meet Dian’s crest2 Floats through the azure air—an island of the blest3!

(From Book IV, Stanza 27)


2 Read the extract and answer the questions.

1 Which celestial bodies are visible?

2 Which other elements of the landscape can you identify?

3 What do the mythological elements add to the scene? Choose all the correct options.

a a sense of grandeur

b more beauty

c a sense of futility

4 How does the poet feel as he looks at the sunset?

To the Ocean Stanza 183 presents the power of the Ocean: it is ‘sublime’ (causing both fear and attraction), and the sign of Divinity itself.

1 Thou: Tu (soggetto)

2 the Almighty: l’Onnipotente

3 breeze ... storm: la brezza, la bufera o l’uragano

4 dark-heaving: dalle onde oscure

5 slime: melma

6 thee: tu (complemento)

3 Read the extract and answer the questions.

1 Who does the poet speak to, and what does he call it?

2 Which parts of the world are reached by the Ocean?

3 Which adjectives are used to describe the Ocean?

The Day After Tomorrow

In this 2004 film, global warming disrupts the North Atlantic Ocean circulation and three super storms hit most of the Northern hemisphere. Jack Hall, a paleoclimatologist, tries to warm the government about the imminent disaster but first they do no listen to him and then all they can do is try and evacuate as many people as possible as south as possible. New York City and anything at the same latitude is going to be struck by the storm, and survival seems impossible. Sam is warned by his father Jack that anyone caught in the storm will be instantly frozen to death. He takes refuge in New York City Library with a few more people just a few seconds before a tsunami hits the city, and then the temperatures start falling rapidly and dramatically. Inside the library, Sam and a few more people warm themselves by burning books, though most try to leave the city and are soon frozen to death. When the storm subsides, Jack reaches his son by walking on what is now just ice. Half of North America and Europe is covered with it, and the new President of the USA delivers his first message to the survivors from Mexico, where the Americans have fled.

Thou1 glorious mirror, where the Almighty’s2 form Glasses itself in tempests; in all time, Calm or convulsed—in breeze, or gale, or storm3 , Icing the pole, or in the torrid clime Dark-heaving4;—boundless, endless, and sublime— The image of Eternity—the throne

Of the Invisible; even from out thy slime5

The monsters of the deep are made; each zone Obeys thee6: thou goest forth, dread, fathomless, alone.

4 What does the Ocean hide?

5 Does the poet admire the Ocean? Why?

6 Byron loves nature, whether it is peaceful or terrible. Do you feel the same?

He apologises for all the mistakes that have brought to the catastrophic events claiming that man will have to learn to respect nature in the future.

4 Watch the scene and answer the questions.

1 What is going to hit New York City?

2 What happens to the Statue of Liberty?

3 How does the water move among the skyscrapers?

4 What is the girl trying to do?

5 What does Sam see coming in the distance, and how does he look?

6 What effects of climate change have you experienced personally? Where? How did you react?

(From Book IV, Stanza 183)
A huge tsunami strikes New York City leaving its inhabitants hardly any chance of survival.

The European Parliament

1 Read this description of the European Parliament and Strasbourg. What part of the parliament building can you visit? What is the Parlamentarium? What else does Strasbourg offer visitors?

The European Parliament building, located in the European Quarter of Strasbourg, is an impressive glass and metal building with an oval tower, formally called the Louise Weiss Building. As well as the Hemicycle – the horseshoe-shaped chamber for parliamentary debates, there are offices and commission rooms for use by the MEPs. It is possible to visit the Hemicycle during a plenary session, where you can watch and listen to the MEPs in action from the visitors’ gallery, as well as at other times outside a plenary session. Visits are always free of charge and you can either have a self-guided tour, using an app, or a guided tour in one of the official EU languages. The Parlamentarium Simone Veil, named after the first president after the elections started in 1979, is a dynamic exhibition which gives insight into the role of the European Parliament and explains the process of law making. There is also the chance to take part in a role-play game, where your group is divided into different political groups and, as Members of the European Parliament, must work together to make decisions on issues like climate change or the implications of advances in technology. The game, which is free of charge, lasts 2-3 hours and must be booked in advance.



2 Discuss in groups the kind of things that students want from a school trip and those that teachers want. Think about the destination, length, purpose, activities and so on. Write your ideas in the Venn diagram. Do any of your ideas overlap?



▲ Strasbourg is not all about the European Parliament, there are plenty of other things to do and see there. Strasbourg Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic art; the picturesque district Petite France has half-timbered houses along the streets and waterways; the Imperial Quarter is a mix of different styles of architecture. It is a youthful and energetic town, with boat trips on the river, festivals, concerts and plenty of restaurants and breweries for relaxing and having fun.


3 Now discuss together what is necessary when planning and organising a school trip. Write your notes on the mind map.

Planning a school trip





type of accomodation, cost, number of rooms needed

4 There is a school trip to the European Parliament and Strasbourg. How interested would you be in taking part in this trip? What are your reasons? Discuss them with a partner.

5 Role-play the following conversation with a classmate.

A You have decided to go on the school trip and now you want to convince your friend to come too.

B You aren’t interested in politics at all, you can’t speak French and you don’t like foreign food so you don’t want to go on the school trip.

6 Your teacher has asked your group for help in organising the trip. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of visiting the European Parliament during a plenary session or at another time, and the pros and cons of a guided tour versus a self-guided tour.

7 Write an email to the visitor centre at the European Parliament to book your visit to the building and the role-play game. In your email, you should include:

• the name of your school;

• the size of your group;


• the date and type of tour required;

• any accessibility requirements.

8 You receive this reply to your email. Write a reply, answering their question and asking for information regarding the possibility to film or take photos in the building.



9 Prepare a slide presentation to present your ideas for your school trip to Strasbourg and the European Parliament.

10 Present your school trip to the rest of the class, highlighting all the points that you know will appeal to your classmates. You have a maximum of five minutes per group. At the end of all the presentations, everyone can ‘sign up’ for the trip they prefer.

HINTS & TIPS Making a slide presentation

• If you use online software, make sure you have a back-up copy in case of connectivity problems.

• Don’t have too much written information on each slide and don’t just read what is on the slides.

• Add some photos or other visual elements, but don’t use too many special effects.

• Don’t look at the screen all the time while you are presenting: you need to engage with your audience.

In sede di Esame di Stato il colloquio partirà da un materiale scelto dalla commissione e gli studenti e le studentesse dovranno dimostrarsi capaci di argomentare riuscendo a collegare le diverse discipline tra di loro. Ecco alcuni spunti e suggerimenti per prepararsi al meglio.

Vi consigliamo di:

• individuare un possibile tema da sviluppare;

• individuare l’ordine con cui esporre i vari argomenti.

All’inizio di ogni modulo e della sezione dossier trovate già dei percorsi interdisciplinari da cui prendere spunto. Qui forniamo ulteriori possibilità di collegamenti utili. L’ESAME


The pros and cons of globalisation

Storia / Educazione civica Nascita e sviluppo del fenomeno "catene"

Scienze Umane / Sociologia

I rischi ambientali e lo sfruttamento minorile nella società globale

La globalizzazione


Pier Paolo Pasolini e gli interventi del 1974


Edward Lorenz e l’effetto farfalla

Scienze naturali

Gli Organismi


Modificati (OGM)

Scienze Umane / Sociologia

Otto von Bismarck e William Beveridge


Welfare State: a British gift to the world; the US New Deal


The British Parliament and the Government

Diritto / Economia

John Stuart Mill

Storia / Educazione civica “L'autunno caldo” italiano del 1969: cause e conseguenze

Il welfare state

Italiano Metello di Vasco Pratolini


J. Stiglitz e J. J. Rousseau

Storia / Educazione civica Il Parlamento dei Savoia e quello di Mussolini


Il discorso di Giacomo Matteotti alla Camera (30/05/1924)


Il Leviatano di Thomas Hobbes

Democrazie a confronto


The Magna Carta and the American Constitution

Storia / Educazione civica

La nascita della Costituzione italiana

Percorsi costituzionali

Diritto / Economia

• I principi fondamentali della Costituzione italiana (art. 1-12)

• G. Zagrebelsky


Gli scrittori e la Costituzione italiana (documenti Rai Cultura/ Educazione Civica)


Students with special needs and inclusion in the UK


Integrazione e didattica inclusiva


Rosso Malpelo di Giovanni Verga

La disabilità


La percezione della disabilità nella società globale


Genesi e attualità della Costituzione italiana (documenti Rai Cultura/Filosofia)

Diritto / Educazione civica

Le norme costituzionali sull’inclusione e le pari opportunità

Storia Il Nazifascismo

Latino Seneca e l’apatia del saggio stoico


La Legge Mancino del 1993


The first generation of Romantic poets and emotions in their works


L’intelligenza emotiva e la sua centralità nella didattica contemporanea

L’espressione delle emozioni


Analisi del brano “Emozioni” di Battisti/Mogol


Se questo è un uomo di Primo Levi, Il diario di Anna Frank, La vita è bella di Benigni


Il concetto di angoscia in Kierkegaard

Storia dell’arte

L’espressione delle emozioni in Van Gogh


La banalità del male di Hannah Arendt

Il razzismo

Storia / Educazione civica Le leggi razziali fasciste


Il concetto di scuola e insegnamento in don Milani e Freire


Le lotte per i diritti universali: da M. L. King al BlackLivesMatter

Responsabile editoriale

Simona Franzoni

Responsabile di progetto e coordinamento

Simona Pisauri

Revisione linguistica

Sushil Penuti


Simona Pisauri, Francesca Seracini

Coordinamento redazionale

Marco Mauri

Art director

Enrica Bologni

Progetto grafico

Marco Mercatali, Enrica Bologni


Davide Elisei


Marco Mercatali, Enrica Bologni

Immagine di copertina

Getty Images

La sezione Literary voices è a cura di Silvia Ballabio.

L’Editore ringrazia:

- il Prof. Giulio Arnolieri per la preziosa e costante consulenza che ha accompagnato ogni fase di lavoro di questo progetto.

- il Prof. Roberto Di Scala e le Prof.sse Simona Bandettini e Arianna Orlandi per il loro prezioso contributo e gli utili consigli.

Si ringraziano infine per la loro consulenza i docenti:

Valentina Chen, Pamela Gallio, Silvia Mignanelli e Febronia Maria Volatile.

Referenze iconografiche

Alamy: pp. 11, 40 (Chizuko Ueno), 42 (Max Horkheimer), 82 (William Golding), 135 (poster), 166 (bottom), 167 (bottom), 197, 204 (middle), 234 (bottom left); ELI Archives: pp, 26 (maps), 31, 58, 59, 67 (right, bottom), 82 (left), 83, 91, 93 (top), 108, 109, 111 (map), 131, 133, 144 (left), 154 (left), 162, 163, 166 (top, middle), 172, 173, 184 (right), 195, 196 (bottom), 212, 213, 221 (bottom), 230 (right), 233, 237 (“L’autunno caldo”, book covers),

238 (video frame, “Rosso Malpelo”, Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità), 239 (“Se questo è un uomo”, Legge Mancino, newspaper, “Lettere”; Gettyimages: pp. 10, 20, 30, 41, 42 (Howard Becker, Albert Bondura), 78 (right), 132, 134 (right), 167 (top right), 176 (bottom right); Istock: p. 24 (bottom); Shutterstock: pp. 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21 (OFF SET); 22, 23, 24 (top), 25, 26 (top), 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 62, 65, 66, 67 (top), 68 (middle), 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78 (left), 79, 80, 84, 86, 87, 93 (bottom), 94, 95, 96 (right), 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 110, 111 (newspapers, smartwatch, Zendaya), 112, 113, 114, 118, 120, 122, 124, 128, 129, 134 (left), 136, 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144 (top, bottom), 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 151, 153, 154 (right), 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 168 (top left), 169, 171 (bottom), 174, 175, 176 (bottom left), 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184 (left), 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 196 (up), 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204 (top, bottom), 205, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211 (top), 212 (top), 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222 (top), 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230 (left), 231 (Santa Gilla lagoon), 232 (bottom), 234 (top left, bottom right), 236, 237 (statue, job centre, J. Stiglitz, Houses of Parliament, Parlamento Subalpino), 238 (We the People, G. Zagrebelsky, Italian Constitution, together, painting kid, Hitler and Mussolini, employee in wheelchair), 239 (Wordsworth Daffodil Garden, statues, Lucio Battisti, “The Starry Night”, emotional intelligence, M. L. King, stamp); © UNESCO/Michel Ravassard: p. 15. Sitography: behance.net (right): p. 85; conservatives.com: p.168 (logo); england.nhs. uk (logo): pp. 53; environment.ec.europa.eu: p. 231 (logo); erasmusplus.it: p. 222 (logo); eso.it: p. 231 (logo); karlspreis.de: p. 222 (logo); labour. org.uk: p. 168 (logo); mef.gov.it: 221 (top); sdgs. un.org (logos): pp. 53, 171, 193, 211, 230, 231; unwomen.org (left): p. 85; weforum.org: p. 171; youth.europa.eu: p. 222.

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