Does url structure impacts on SEO? Still A Question

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Does Url Structure Impacts On SEO? Still A Question

A debate still goes on URL structure for years in the SEO industry. Many optimization techniques have been implemented to refine the sites’ ranking by SEOs. When overall traffic is considered, the URL structure is helpful or not is the real query. A survey done provides the answer to this query.

Extraneous Character It becomes a confusing task to access the websites that contain extraneous characters like %, &, @ and $. Google suggests the use of dashes over underscores as it affects the way their search engines reads the keywords in the URL.

URL Length Google is the best place where you can check your URL length. 59 characters are the average URL length for a Gmail, 90 characters are the average length of Webmaster Tools and 6 is the average URL length of the Google blog. As per analysis made, the top 100 URLs had a length of 38 characters. Amongst them, top 10 had a length of 37 characters. On an average, the URLs that tend to dominate the search listings have a length of 35 to 40 characters.

Keywords within URLs More emphasis is made on other search factors rather than including keywords in the domain name and URL by Google. Don’t add keywords in your URL until you want it to seem unnatural. Use of keywords in a domain name may show a noticeable decline in the rankings.

Subfolders Many URLs include subfolders in them. When the analysis was done, top URLs had no subfolders while there were up to 12 in others. Well, no such correlation was found between the number of subfolders and the websites that topped the rankings. In a summary, URL must contain the least number of subfolders if possible; however, no such huge impact will be created on rankings.

Direct Traffic It is quite a spread rumor that sites with short URLs have more traffic. Well, it is not such. It is not necessary that short URL sites have more traffic. There are some sites that score a good traffic, in spite of having bit longer URL.

Conclusion You cannot just remove the extraneous characters, add appropriate keywords and use dashes in your URL, and expect an increment in the rankings. These factors have a negligible impact on the rankings. There should not be more focus on the URL structure as the rankings are not much affected by it, rather they are affected by the backlinks and content quality, on which more focus is needed.

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