Fix those Dead Ends On Your Website Development

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Fix those Dead Ends On Your Website Development

Points To Keep Float Business Website  Services  Blogs  Site Search  Sign-up  Newsletters  404 Page

Service Pages Problem: No such tab as calls to action.  No internal links attached. Resolution: To add calls to action on the home page.  Add the internal links to the web page.  Answer for their question & confusion also be in contact.


ď ą Blogger would always trigger a comment or conversation on their blog to get traffic. ď ą Blog should be linked to one of the marketing pages on the website

Site Search

ď ą Easy for the visitors to find what they are looking for. ď ą The companies should use Google analytics to know what should be added to the top searches on your website.

Sign Up

ď ą Allowing them to make a payment as guest will give you good number of sales. ď ą Allow customers to check out as guests for making a purchase and later ask the customers to create an account.

News Letters ď ą A visitors who likes you will subscribe for the newsletter and this is a right page to connect through social media connection. ď ą By adding a social media widget to your face book account or any other social networking account will give visitors a chance to see if their friends are a part of the fans list.

404 Page

ď ą A broken links will take your customer to 404 pages, even if you are careful, people are still landing to 404 page, while they are on the page do give them an option to go to short list of links which goes to some popular posts.

Outsourcing to a website development specialist for building the site will plan the architecture of your business site accordingly and reduce the dead ends.

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