Recent Study Reveals Challenges for Securing Enterprise IoT Devices

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Recent Study Reveals Challenges for Securing Enterprise IoT Devices

Internet of Things (IoT)

Being a crucial technological advancement, the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing business processes in various industries but at the same time it is leading to proliferation of devices and extension of IT attack surfaces. And the bad news is that a new research finding revealed that traditional security tools need to be adapted and scaled to manage and secure organizational IoT devices.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The research was conducted by analyst firm Quocirca and commissioned by ForeScout Technologies and involved interviewing more than 200 IT decision makers from all over UK and Central Europe. It found that 17 percent of the respondents were ‘almost sure’ that their IoT devices are secured whereas 18 percent said they were ‘pretty much’ there.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Majority of the respondents (42 percent) said they were ‘quite confident’ that they can identify and control all the devices in their network, compared to the 14 percent who were ‘a little bit’ confident whereas 9 percent of the respondents confirmed that they were ‘not at all’ confident. The confidence cited by majority (42 percent) of the respondents may be due to their biased view because of the predominance of traditional IT devices (PCs, printers, etc.) on their network which they have been managing efficiently.

Internet of Things (IoT)

As more and more other devices with nontraditional operating systems (TinyOS, Nano-RK, ARM mbed OS, etc.) and firmware to support the unusual requirements of IoT devices are connected to the network, their confidence may decrease. This is because unlike traditional IT devices, IoT devices are permanently on and connected making them prime targets as network ingress points by hackers. Therefore, true level of confidence about knowing and controlling security aspects of these IoT devices can only be showcased when right tools are in place.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Cyber-crimes are becoming technologically sophisticated and targeted more than ever and most often they are detected only after data has been stolen. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for organizations to put in place preventive measures to stop cyber-crime from occurring in the very first place rather than responding after damage has already been done. Hence, in spite of recognizing the opportunities IoT represents most organizations are holding back because of these security concerns which can be overcome only by deploying new advanced security technologies.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Therefore, the research findings suggest that organizations must consult with software development specialists who are conversant with advanced security solutions and also get ready with new strategies for IoT security before they embrace this technology for future developments.

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Internet of Things (IoT)

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